#idk i feel that's a thing people on here forget about history sometimes
kyber-crystal · 4 months
red thread || jake “hangman” seresin
summary: fate has a funny way of bringing people together, and it’s made no exception for you and hangman. you’ve grown up together; there's not a day that goes by in which you aren't glued to each others' sides. as kids, you promised each other that if you were still single at 30 you'd get married. but when that day finally arrives, you wonder just how much things will change.
words: ~2.3k
warnings: nothing. unless you’re like me and commitment scares you, then yeah lmao. hangman is an absolute gentleman in this though :) biggest TW is my writing...sorry. idk what happened. some slight mentions of angst and injury but nothing graphic :)
a/n: mannn my writing has gone downhill idk how yall other talented writers do it. i wish i could write that well 😭but, i’m proud of this...plotwise, at least! (my fics are doing so bad for some reason while everyone else seems to be blowing up??? idk) btw, the first part of this fic takes place two years before tgm
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It was 1:30 a.m, and you couldn’t fall asleep. 
It seemed that Hangman had the same idea as you as he told you to meet him outside the Hard Deck in five. The coastal air and Jake Seresin was the perfect combination to help you unwind, so of course you said yes. 
“There she is,” he grinned as he offered a helping hand. “My favorite fellow insomniac.”
“Nightmares keep you up, Jake?” you teased. “What’s the matter this time?”
“Same as you. Don’t feel like sleeping yet,” Hangman answered. “Can you believe it? We’re awake, and Fanboy and Payback aren’t.”
“Now that’s a first,” you laughed. “Thought I’d never live to see that day, but here we are.”
“We’re making history day by day.”
“You know…sometimes,” you breathed out as you rested your head on his shoulder, “I wonder what it’d be like if we never met.”
“Didn’t you ask that same question fifteen years ago?”
“We were much younger back then. It’s different now.”
“Well, then…I don’t like to imagine it.”
Your brows furrowed. “Why not?”
“It’d be weird. You’ve always been a big part of my life, so to think you almost could’ve not been in it…it’s weird. Uncomfortable, even.”
“Yeah, it is weird…” your voice trailed off as you lingered on the thought. You’ve always done everything together. How different would your lives be now if you hadn’t become friends; hadn’t stayed in touch through college? “But don’t be sad, because I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.”
Hangman gave you a light punch in the arm. “I’m not complaining.”
“You know, Y/N…there’s one more thing.”
“Uh oh.”
“Hear me out,” he started. “Remember that deal we made when we were kids?”
“The one about helping each other bury a body if needed, or getting married?”
“The second one…I thought the first was a given since the day we met. That’s something all friends are supposed to do for each other, right? Bury bodies, hide their trails…all that good stuff.”
“What about the second one?”
“We’re turning 30 soon,” he recounted. Any and all traces of cockiness were completely wiped off his face. “And we said that if we’re both still single by the time our 30th birthdays roll around, we’d get married.”
You smiled as you revisited the memory: wide-eyed and curious, and so blissfully unaware with the only worry in the world was whether you’d grow up together or not. “You still remembered all that?”
“Of course I did. You still in, or what?”
“I guess so…I mean, what else do I have to lose?”
The two of you fall back into your comfortable silence, and he wraps you up into his arms. 
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As usual, the base is busy and rather chaotic: day after day you’re busy filing reports and training. This causes you to become prone to forgetting the littler things in your life, so you assign Bob to keep track of them for you. He had the best memory of anyone you knew—that man kept mental notes of everything. 
“What do I have to do today, Floyd? Any events…”
“Uhhh…” Bob thought for a moment as you took a long drink of water. “Dinner with Phoenix. Do laundry. Don’t get yelled at by Cyclone for the 19th time (You’re only one point behind Bradshaw, he’s at 20). Grocery shopping. And most importantly…yours’ and Hangman’s birthday.”
“Oh, shit, I completely forgot,” you swore under your breath. “How could I forget…”
“You have some time, so don’t worry. Five days.”
“Only five days?” your eyes widened. “I have to run through four more simulations over the next two. I can’t plan everything in the remaining three.”
“If you pay Garcia in Doordash deliveries, he’ll help out. You know he minored in art.”
“That’s…actually not a bad idea.”
After you finish your final exercise that week, you pass out, but luckily, Hangman’s right there to catch you so you don’t get a concussion. Bless that man—he always seemed to be around wherever you went and you were very grateful for it. 
You were delirious and couldn’t walk straight, so as much as you claimed you were okay, he wouldn’t believe you. 
“I’m taking you home because you’re in no condition to be wandering around by yourself. The birthday planning can wait. You’ve tired yourself out enough as it is and you don’t want to make things worse.” So you let him help you get into his car, then drive you home and lead you inside. Then, he forced you to go upstairs to take a hot shower and relax while he cooked up dinner for you. 
Though Hangman admired your determined spirit, it scared the hell out of him because you wouldn’t know when to stop yourself. 
“I got that from you though! Who’s the one I spend the most time around?” you’d claim in response to that  argument. You weren’t wrong—it was a quality you picked up from him many years ago.
You woke up the next morning to the smell of French toast and jam, which lessens the tension in your shoulders right away. Amidst the early morning light drifting through the windows he stands out like a priceless work of art in a museum. You struggle to tear your eyes off him. 
Rubbing the sleepiness from your eyes, you rested your chin on his shoulder and exhaled. “Hey.”
“Morning. You sleep okay? How’s that headache of yours?”
“I’m alright.” You closed your eyes and inhaled the sweet scent of cinnamon sugar. “This smells nice.”
If Hangman was tired, you couldn’t tell. “Woke up at 6:30 to relearn the recipe for you. It’s been a while, it took three burnt batches to get the hang of things.”
“You woke up an hour early to cook for me?” 
“Why else? Of course I did,” he stated matter-of-factly. 
You sat down at the kitchen island together and ate your breakfast in silence. Something about this moment feels more domestic than all the others you’ve shared in the past, and you can’t help but smile. You wouldn’t mind spending the rest of eternity like this...
“Y/N, there’s some honey on your chin.”
You blinked, trying to find it. “Where?”
“Hold on a sec.” Hangman took his napkin and rubbed gently at the corner of your lip to wipe it off. For a brief moment, you could feel his warm breath fanning across your face. You stayed as still as possible. “There.”
If anyone looked in from the outside, it was another simple day in the life of a longtime couple. But for you and Jake, it’s always been like this. Showing up at each others’ place wasn’t unusual for either of you; if anything, it was quite normal. 
“Yeah. You got any ideas in mind? For the big day.”
“Whatever you want is what I want.”
“Funny enough, that’s what I was about to tell you,” he replied.” 
You locked eyes with each other and laughed. “We’ll figure it out. I’m sure we will.”
Less than three days until everything as you knew it would change forever...if you were being honest, you were absolutely terrified. What if he changed his mind and left you in the dust, all alone? You weren’t ready to face the cold truth. 
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Hangman offered a simple celebration: food and drinks at the Hard Deck with the crew, then some karaoke if you were up for it after. He starts it off by serenading you at the bar, reaching a hand out to you as he sang your favorite Billy Joel track. You let him lead you out to the dance floor and spin you around, and he’s equal parts addicting as he is entertaining. 
Thirty candles, and you agree on blowing out fifteen each—somehow, by some miracle, you manage to do exactly that, and it’s perfect. Then Fanboy yells that he and Rooster want a rematch with you in Just Dance…so you go at it for two hours straight, until sweat is dripping down your face and your sweater grows hot. 
You’re burnt out, and he can see the look in your eyes as you step aside to let Phoenix play. “You want to head out? There’s something I want to show you.”
You nod. “Okay.”
He gives Maverick a look, and the captain shoots him a subtle nod in return. He takes this as his signal to put his hand on the small of your back and lead you out the door. 
You can’t help but laugh a little as you get outside. “Is this Mav’s motorcycle?”
“No…” Hangman shifts from foot to foot, feigning cluelessness. 
“Did you steal it?”
“Of course not.”
“It’s his, isn’t it.”
“Look, he let me borrow it for the night. It’s not stealing if he says it’s okay…besides, he never noticed when I did steal from him last week—”
“What did you—do you even have a motorcycle license?”
“Got it a year ago. I thought, ‘maybe I’ll take my best girl on a ride someday, so who knows if it’ll come in handy’. So here we are now.”
“That’s very sweet.”
“Alright, now come on.” He swung his leg over the side and motioned for you to sit behind him. The cushion was not in fact, cushiony, and you found yourself growing colder by the second.
The bike burst forward without warning. You let out a small yelp and immediately wrapped your arms around Hangman’s waist—which was ridiculously firm…had he been working out more lately?—as you went speeding down the road. 
“If I die, I’m gonna kill you and haunt you in your sleep,” you mumbled into the fabric of his jacket. “Even in death, I’ll stick to you always.”
“That sounds both morbid and weirdly romantic.”
“Shut up.”
Several minutes later you found yourselves by the cliffs, standing high over the ocean, and deja vu hits almost right away. After we go on this make up date, he had said, I’m going to find that guy who messed you up and mess him up. Then we’re going to go home, I’ll let you wear any of my sweatshirts you want, and we’ll watch true crime. One where someone like that jerk dies. Okay? Okay.
You’re miles away from Top Gun, miles away from your jet and your uniform and everything you’ve ever known, but you’ve never felt more at home than now. It’s in this moment in which you realize all you really need in the world is Jake, the sky above you, and the sea below you. 
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed that he’s getting fidgety. He can’t stop stuffing his hands in and out of his pockets or running them through his hair—he’s restless. The action takes you by surprise a bit. 
“Why are you all tensed up?” you questioned. “It’s just me and a nice sunset. We’ve done things like this many times.”
“But it’s not just you and a sunset,” he explained. “I’m supposed to be asking you the most important question of our lives. That’s a big deal, sweetheart.”
Your heart spluttered to a stop. “Are you…”
“Let me finish,” Jake cut in. “If you could be quiet for a few minutes…that would help. I’m nervous.”
“Jake Seresin, nervous?” you teased. “That’s a first.”
He smiled and shook his head. “Give me a break.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll be nice…for now.”
“I haven’t slept at all in the past week. I went to eleven different jewelry stores around San Diego but nothing seemed to scream ‘Y/N’. So, I decided to take a trip out of state.” He cleared his throat, and reached into his jacket pocket. You saw his hand shake as he did so. “Out of the country. That mini mission I went on while you were training? I was in Canada. Victoria, to be specific. Maverick and Rooster came along to help out.”
Now in his hand was a small velvet box, and inside was the most breathtaking ring you’d ever seen. “Diamond and ruby. They don’t sell plain red strings for rings…so I had them design this. The red thread of fate…the one that brought you into my life. We were kids when we promised to spend our lives together, if circumstances permitted. And I know we might’ve been young, but I’d be lying if I said I could imagine myself with someone that wasn’t you. There was a part of me that wished you wouldn’t find anyone before this day came along. It’s you, Y/N. It always has been.
“I’m not going to get down on one knee. I’m not going to give you a long, cheesy speech about divine power and soulmates. But I’m going to tell you this: you’re my forever, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. It’s getting cold out so I’ll cut to the chase: what I’m saying here is that I’m asking you to marry me.”
The world fell silent as you replied with a shaky nod, holding out a trembling hand as Jake slid the golden band onto your ring finger. Neither of you made a sound, and you swore you felt time stop and the ground crack wide open beneath your feet.
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tags, including those who may be interested: @callsignbarb @sarcastic-sourwolf @totomoshi @sebastianstangirl01 @dilfsandtherapy @purelyfiction @yeehawnana @lunamoonbby @hazelgirl355 @multifandom-fangirl4 @paintballkid711 @lyn-lc @spawn0fsatan @milestomaverick @teacactusworld @newlibrary @cherry-waved @ellabellabus07 @criminalyetminimal @whatlovegattado @thisismypointofview @ice-mans-world @burnedbrisket @fangirlinc @knowledgefulbutterfly @levis-butterfingers @lunamooncole @coastingline @chaoticassidy @hbstre @fantasias-creativebubble @light-the-moon @winteryoungie @aie1840 @midnightdevotion @julia-marshal @anya7802 @bittergomez @and-claudia @cosm1cfae @tallrock35 @uwiuwi @elenavampire21 @aerangi @hoedameronsworld @whotfatemywaffles @littlebadariell
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abyssalzones · 5 months
I would love to hear more abt your college pre-egg-breaking fiddauthor thoughts if you'd be open to it
oh BOY would I
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so when I think about college fiddauthor nowadays I mainly think about both my own experiences with ~navigating identity~ and how I would approach a gay FTM relationship from a semi-realistic 1970's angle, where you start to see a lot of what you'd call "milestones" I guess in LGBT history and public awareness. wait okay here's something I said to mer that can set a precedent for what I'm talking about
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when it comes to me and my own journey of self discovery irt sexuality and transness, I feel like those two things are very intertwined, because the concept of identity in my eyes is very socially motivated. I've previously identified as a nonbinary lesbian and a transgender gay man respectively before getting to the point I'm at now, and don't feel like either of those things were incorrect necessarily, just how I felt at the time (and what I wanted out of a relationship, really). I think I literally got an ask ages ago questioning how I went from one to the other but Idk I don't think the gender journey is as simple or "logical" as people coming from a hetero-patriarchal perspective (that's a mouthful) seem to think.
and, And, from a Historical perspective, FTM experiences and butch lesbian experiences have Always been very intertwined, especially back in the early 70's when more people were starting to have some awareness (even in LGBT spaces) of this thing known as the Transgender Lifestyle. I'm flattening things quite a bit here and I know for a fact there's a lot of variation between experiences, especially depending on your social circles, but from what I can glean a lot of the time transgender men weren't very well known and so a lot of the time you would just ID as a butch lesbian and/or present as a man socially, sometimes for safety reasons. and there's a lot of overlap there too that continues into contemporary transmasc spaces today :]
historical justification aside I basically think college would be a major turning point for self-discovery in both of their lives, but more-so for fiddleford than ford? I've always assumed based on everything we've seen that fidds was basically the only friend ford had in college, which definitely would have influenced him in important ways, but other than that I think he invested most of his time in studying and developments in gender were an afterthought. ford's FTM identity starts from a place of "failing to be a woman" and then develops with his pride in being a huge weirdo. in my mind that can only really happen once he's in gravity falls and has basically sacrificed his connections with other people/the world to live as his truest self, whether that's researching anomalies or living as a man.
fiddleford, however, I always think of from the perspective of someone bucking to societal expectations for safety reasons. this is because of a lot of things: ford's possible feelings of abandonment in favor of Normalcy (who can forget "Go back to your doting family and a life of fear and compromise!"), his jumping into a nuclear family immediately out of college, But also packing up and driving to oregon in a matter of days after ford asks for his help... when he has a kid who could be no older than 5 or 6 at home...? I sort of see his presentation as a foil to ford's, trying to mimic cishetero ("hetero") normalcy vs. being the Lone Transsexual Freak. I've gotten horribly off topic from the college thing hang on
basically I imagine them in their uni days like two weird butch gay women that are just, totally socially unapproachable. fiddleford is the more outgoing of the two as he's been voted "most likely to actually have other friends" in my mind, so if anyone was going to gay & lesbian student association meetings it would've been him, but otherwise ford is too busy ignoring his feelings. "I don't care if I'm a man or a woman I'm too busy studying. go away." but of course they find enough solace in eachother's company and their different-but-distinctly-similar weirdness that it forms an unbreakable transgender bond. freak4freak if you will. fidds settles on a bisexual identity without thinking about it too hard because honestly the conclusion here is that it doesn't matter if his roommate is a woman or a man he just knows he needs to do terrible things to him over d&d&md (sorry) (not really that sorry though.)
it's actually funny you bring this up because I'd been workshopping a short comic set in their college era that touches on this stuff a lot. not sure when that will ever get done but I can tell you it's. uhm
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yeah they're kind of weird.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I feel a lot more excluded and isolated in fandom than I used to back when I first joined around 2015.
I know it was actually just luck that I happened to choose to follow a handful of people who made fandom feel this way, but there was this always such an inclusive vibe back then. Fic writers made it a point to kind of, invite their readers to stand on an equal footing with them. I remember the 'popular cool kids cliques' being writers and artists, but also including people who didn't make anything themselves. Very occasionally they'd make original posts but mostly their 'role' in fandom was just to talk to and support the people who made stuff, and they were still in all the inner circles.
Like there was an active effort to spread the message that you can be a part of the community, and your presence is important too, even just as an audience member - if you at least actively participate in the conversations sometimes. And I feel like it's fully turned back around now. Nobody wants mostly lurkers around anymore, public spaces are shrinking in favor of discord, and nobody is interested in trying to make friend with the rando who occasionally drops in to say a lot of nice things about your fics but who isn't good enough with people to try to get a conversation going.
Idk I just keep seeing fandom events or even polls where people will just hang out and chat and it's very clear that even if the event is fully unrelated to writing only writers are welcome and it makes me feel like shit. Making friends is never a walk in the park for me to begin with but now I feel like I have an extra obstacle to clear. I miss the feel I used to have of fandom being less cagey and ashamed and more welcoming.
TL;DR I wish I still had or could make some new fandom friends lol
2015, huh?
The bad news is that making friends was always potentially hard for the entire history of the world and will likely continue to be so aside from pockets of luck. The good news is that nothing has changed so radically since 2015 that you couldn't get lucky again.
I gotta tell you, as someone who gets approached a lot, has almost exclusively fandom friends, and loves people... Being expected to do all the work is a big, big turn off.
I'm always happy to see people who actively participate in conversations. That's not lurking.
I'm terrible with usernames or remembering people online as individuals if I haven't seen their actual face, but I do remember a lot of people who comment regularly here. There's someone I talk to all the time in private now whom I met through comments and who's one of my more treasured online friendships.
But if people truly are "mostly lurkers", I'm going to forget who they are. If someone is bad with people and therefore expects me to get every conversation going… well… that's pretty exhausting.
I think the biggest keys to friendship are finding people you're already naturally compatible with and then consistency. You have to find people who are a good fit, and you have to show up if you want them to know you care.
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hana-bobo-finch · 13 days
fresh new intro post because I cannot make one I am satisfied with for the life of me!
HELLO call me Hana, welcome to my silly goofy blog.
• I use she/her but am ok with they/them, I for the most part prefer she/her but idk and idc. It’s complicated
• I mostly post pikmin related stuff here but will often yap about other things. Those posts being tagged with “not a pikmin post” if you wish to block those out!
• JUMPING IN HERE TO UPDATE THIS: I also post bug fables stuff now! Leif my beloved
• I’m open to doing art trades/requests, provided I have the time! Feel free to send in an ask or DM if you have any art ideas or suggestions, though I will NOT accept NSFW, ship art (most of the time), heavy violence (some is alright) or any sort of inappropriate stuff even if not blatantly nsfw
• I YAP A LOT so here are tags I often use if you need to sort through the nonsense I spew out:
Not a pikmin post. As mentioned before this is generally used for posts that aren’t pikmin related, though I sometimes forget it so it’s not a perfect way to filter things
Art. Straightforward! This is what I use for my art. Pretty broad tag but if you’re just here for the drawings and stuff, best to look through that tag. Reblogs of other people’s art will be tagged under other’s art.
Horn strobe. This is the tag for my long-form pikmin comic! Full thing can be found here (updates are very sporadic)
Oc posting. Once in a blue moon I’ll dump some information about my ocs. Sometimes pikmin ocs, sometimes just regular old ocs. Either way I’ll generally tag it as something related to ocs.
PDBC. ah, pumpkin daddy’s book club. That is of course the name of…something. I am yet to figure out how to explain it
Pikmin hcs. For when I ramble on about Pikmin headcanons.
My goofy writing. For my writing/links to ao3. Speaking of which:
• I have an AO3 account, funleaflingfincg. I’m not terribly active on there but I do post occasionally. I’m also open to writing suggestions or requests though it’s much less likely I’ll get to them sooooo
• other miscellaneous things I like include but are not limited to: gravity falls, paper mario, olivia rodrigo, the hunger games, pokemon, history, veterinary sciences
• I also like making music! I’m not good at it mind you but I still like doing it. Perhaps I’ll post it someday but for now it remains in the void that is my head.
• If I come across as rude or weird I PROMISE I am not trying to, I am just socially incompetent even on the hellsite that is tumblr.com 🔥🔥 I like people I swear, speaketh to me if so desired
oKAY bye
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I think about the excessive g5 hate from adults sometimes and its like....
Listen, I understand the anger. You watched g4 and it was part of you and now it's moved on and you're slightly upset, but something I feel like the g4-stanning fans forget is that....they're not the show's target anymore. When mlp g4 started out, it was for little kids. It was still for little kids when it ended. Nothing is wrong with liking a kids show, but when you start throwing fits and swearing over new designs and demanding they change it when you are not longer the target audience....idk, I just don't understand I suppose. I grew up on g4 and ADORED it, and I like g5 just as much. Ofc I'm not saying people can't dislike g5, I'm just saying it's hard to wrap my head around why people hate it so much. Because you can be in the fanbase of a kids show, but it's not for you, it's for the little kids who will buy the toys and beg their parents to get the services to watch the show. It's for the new generation, heck, the movie was CALLED "A New Generation". I get the frustration, but the fact of the matter is that you've grown up and the show is no longer for you. You can't demand Hasbro to change the plot or designs of g5 just because you don't like it, because you're not their target audience anymore. The younger kids of today are. The most common issue I see is people complaining about Sunny becoming an alicorn "too quickly". The thing is: Sunny became an alicorn because she literally put an end to hatred between the three pony kinds, she made ACTUAL HISTORY, she changed her world forever, and I feel like restoring the peace Twilight once upheld was pretty deserving of alicornhood? Sunny didn't make the races hate each other, that happened long before she was born, she saved her kind and restored magic to ponies everywhere...I feel like that's a pretty deserving thing to become alicorn over. If she went through the exact same long and drawn-out arc Twilight did, it would get boring because we've done this before. We've been here before. G5 put a new spin on the show that honestly was really cool to see. If it went with Twilight's same story people would just hate it for copying g4. I just feel like maybe...agree to disagree? Dislike g5 but stop putting intense and malicious hate in the main tag, stop commenting on posts/tiktoks/whatever talking about how you miss g4 and how stupid you think g5 is...Twilight's entire mission was peace and friendship, she wouldn't hate Sunny for restoring that peace. She was the princess of friendship. I don't get why people think she'd want to kill Sunny for restoring her legacy... In short: Let people enjoy things and try to be at least somewhat polite about it, it's not worth getting red hot heated over the pony cartoon, just leave everyone to their own devices. Shake hands over liking the separate versions (or both!) and call it a day.
*(PLEASE don't fight or argue or come after me in the comments or reblogs, I'm not trying to start discourse, I'm just calmly stating my opinion and expressing my confusion. Once again, I have no issue if people dislike g5. I just don't understand the full-blown all-caps anger coming from adults over this children's media and am expressing those feelings.)
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deadchaoticcosmos · 2 months
what are you looking at?
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anyway salutations, i have finally made an intro post after a year of meaning to.
the beginning or the end, the end or the beginning
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to all the people who have struggled with self harm
especially the ones who don't have the battle scars to prove it
so yeah hi,
some main shit you might want to know,
i am non binary/genderfluid(idk still fighting with my own fucking brain), i am also pansexual and i think i may be demi-sexual, idk ,you dont care about my silly brain not knowing shit about myself.
i am experimenting with the name dorian because my stars does that name have a chokehold on me, so you can refer to me as that or don't i don't mind, really you can refer to me as anything you want as long as it is not offensive and mean.
i am a minor but i am truly an old man, also a very hyper (at times), sophisticated 4 year old.
i am irish, i speak english and *not fluent,but one day* irish and french
personality= INFJ
also not to good with tones so if you could tell me that would be great
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more random things♡
i am fucked in the head, but i am undiagnosed with probably a lot a shit but we love that!
umm idk i guess i am a poet?
i am trying to write a book but transferring it from my brain is a lot harder than expected
i am decent at art
and i like to read
also a big fan of nature and space and stars
oh yea do love school except for the social aspects especially love maths history french and science!
my ao3= DeadRABStar
also i am a slytherin
also big thanks to fan fic writers and just fan artists and fans in general , you mean the world to me and you deserve everything good in life
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okay shit i like time
marauders, this is like my main thing right now and has been for a while
i kin everyone basically because my personality is all over the place and is making its own children somehow and now im making it everyones problem
i kin kinda all of them because i am all over the place with everything and my own personality cant chose shit for the life of it, but regulus the most
i kinda look like remus but with james potter glasses and instead of scars on my face, they are all over my arms and legs
ships♡= i can roll with anything but my preferences/ships i love and are obsessed with are
jegulus, starchaser, sunseeker, pandalily, rosekiller, wolfstar, dorlene, marylily, pete/benjy(reading a fic with that paring and am obsessed) nobleflower, quilkiller, narcissa/lilly, panda/xeno, bartylus, moonwater(idf with thus ship name though but there is no other to call them)plus any other ship really idc how small the ship gets love i shall love it unless i hate it cough princechaser and sometimes snilly and kinda any ship with severus cough, no offence
again no offence don't come at me but i don't like jegulily and i think regulus and lily would be best friends (?) like they are friends in my mind but idk, no hate
platonic ships i love but some i do also like as a couple sometimes, moonwater,prongsfoot, jilly, prongstail, james and remus, regulus and pandora, james and pandora, james with any of the slytherin skittles,pete and mary and any others i may be forgetting right now but give me some poeple and i would love their dynamic
i do have lots of controversial opinions on the black family(i love them your honor)
i feel like lily and petunia's relationship should be talked about more
and some golden trio ships=
drarry, hermine(?)/pansy, seamus/blaise, seamus/dean, ron/hermine, blaise/pansy and luna/ginny
(btw harry and luna are regulus and pandora in the next generation)
also FUCK JKR, i wish i could murder that bitch, we do NOT support her and her 'opinions' here, if you do get out, leave
feel free to talk to me about any of these topics i just listed
im kinda apart of the rioardion, cant spell for shit<3, universe fandom but not really
a little bit of lockwood and co. but i am really just a big fan of the books dont really interact with fandom
a new one but i am kinda already lowkey obsessed, shameless, no comment
i LOVE music, i listen to mainly rock or classical and some pop but really whatever i am in the mood for
some people are=
queen, bowie, tx2,abba, florence and the machine, the beatles, the rolling stones, chappell roan, conan gray, tv girl, girl in red, the smiths, the clash, elvis, elton john, mother mother, hozier, måneskin, blondie, slipknot, korn my brain is fried and can't think of anything right now so i will update this (can you tell how gay i am yet)
some shows and movies=
psych, Princess bride, ferris bullers day off, the breakfast club, gilmore girls, clue, beetlejuice, saw, scream, friday the 13, nightmare on elm street, talk to me, heartstopper, derry girls, how i met your mother, dead poets society, that 70s show, seven brides for seven brothers, perks of being a wallflower, goonies, oceans 8,pretty in pink, room, heathers (winona ryder one), the simpsons, disengagement, shameless and again my brain is fried and can't think of anything right now so i will update this
love musicals but i think wicked is my favourite one, i saw it for the first time when i was really young and it's always kinda just stuck with my and im seeing it again in a couple weeks, however this might change because my feelings towards others are changing so who knows who will my favourite, anyway musicals are amazing
and again, feel free to talk to me about any of these topics i just listed
you are, transphopic, homophobic or do not support lgbtq+, are racist, mean or anything else
we want nice, supportive, chill people here (nice and chill are kinda ekoej because i am neither but you get what i mean i hope)
you can vent to me if you want, i am here for you always, you don't have to be afraid here
that being said this is also kinda a vent account, sometimes i just like typing out my problems and tell you people because i feel like i can't tell anyone in real life, which is true
mental health is important
my Spotify (playlists)
i will update this if i think of any thing else i want to say but feel free to come and chat with my in my asks box and ask about my opinions on certain shit, idfk, and also share your opinions and thoughts because i am a nosy person
my other accounts
@romulusfuckingtraitor (role play, remus)
@romulusfuckyoufuckingtraitor (idfk what this is but i mostly reblog political stuff, and if you scroll to the end the second post are resources to help Palestine 🇵🇸,now pinned)
@sendmetotheasylume (a shameless reblog blog, i did say it was only a reblog blog but i did make one post, do not take my word for shit fuck
@helpmedieplwease (drarry, golden trio era, also a bit of next gen(cursed child)
@begaydotumbler (marauders, mostly jeggy)
last updated 13/09/2024
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dhaaruni · 1 year
is it just me or do white women get blamed a lot more for shit (on the left) than white men do? and i’m saying this as a black woman. i just had to scroll past a video where this white woman was like ‘more and more im starting to understand trump’ (which is, of course, insane and understandably made ppl upset) but then some white dudes in the comments were like ‘white women age terribly’ (which…what the fuck does that have to do with anything the white girl said about trump?) and someone called him out for the misogyny of it all and said ‘white men got critiqued, it’s time white women got critiqued as well’. and the comments were full of ppl (even other white women) being like ‘white women are the worst’, which is like. fine, some white women do deserve critique for their beliefs and values and the way they perpetuate racism, especially from women of color, but i can’t help but side-eye the people that do this all the time as if it’s ONLY white women that do so. like, did we forget that white men are also a problem?
i feel insane for even pointing it out but i even get uncomfortable with the way some moc talk about white women…idk it’s like they think that adding the word ‘white’ in front of women will shield them from misogyny allegations, as if misogyny is acceptable as long as it’s toward the correct target. i keep quiet about it because i don’t wanna get called a pick me or a traitor or anything but goodness! and it’s never done in good faith! i fucking hate seeing smug leftist white men get on their high horses and make videos about ‘the issues with white women’!
No you're completely right, I feel that way sometimes too.
I think that condemning white women for like, aging badly or other factors they can't control is easier than actually calling out racism or misogyny on an institutional level. You aren't doing a feminism by calling women ugly, regardless of their race!
I literally saw someone on Twitter call a Black woman a Karen the other day for side-eying Ron DeSantis like really? Can they hear themselves? It's actually totally justified to side-eye Ron DeSantis showing up at a majority Black event for hurricane disaster relief and espousing platitudes about racism when he personally said slavery was a good thing (even while the actual Florida history curriculum didn't go nearly that far). The word Karen simply has lost all meaning and if someone is using it unironically, I'm just assuming they hate women now because clearly it has nothing to do with racism anymore and is solely about like, unfuckable women existing in public and having opinions, which I'm not here for at all.
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
I share your thoughts and feelings towards Marina... but, honestly, even Igor in certain videos gave me the creeps 😰 especially when he hugged Tess or congratulated her... really bad feelings 😰
(Answering this late too I’m sorry I’m so behind on asks)
-from when we were talking about marina/canton/2014 era
Yeah look. I agree with you. I don’t know how much though bc honestly I really do refrain from even letting myself privately think I know everything about people I really don’t know at all/more opinions based on minimal info- I just don’t have time or the brain space for that.
I had read others opinions here and there that they thought Igor was really lovely with T and doted on her kinda (thinking specifically when ever they came off the ice after skates at YVR), and yeah it seems nice enough but then I watched more of other teams and in comparable moments like that he seems very similar with every girl he coaches..
I’ve never had the biggest opinion of him either way in general- probably more so Marina bc VM have spoken more about her.
I guess if I were to share some kinda vague opinions:
-He seemed to struggle with he’s team’s results after he and Marina spit.. this is just based on going back watching stuff from that era but he had a lot of teams competing at the senior world level and there probably heaps of lower teams/juniors.. idk if it was just the media/FS fans that made this rivalry between he and marina’s teams after the split.. but even just watching kinda 2017/18 I get the slight vibe of a rivalry.. esp with the US teams bc they were kinda “equal”/ switched placements esp domestically for those 3 or so years (16-18).. idk if that’s widely held opinion, but within that 3 way rivalry, HD in Montreal -they had the momentum on the coaching end, SS on the fed end (with it being obvious Marina wouldn’t get a gold or silver at the 2018 olys she was no longer the ‘top coach’) and then CB who I honestly forget about sometimes got at world medal in 2016.. -wasn’t there a whole thing there that people thought WeaPo were under marked and should’ve medaled.. I wonder maybe bc by that point VM announced they were coming back so they (ISU) tried to keep the Canadians off the podium for another year with the very likelyhood of VM coming back and podiuming.. (idk, this sport is so messy who knows what the agenda was and Canada is an frequent victim)
Th whole DS (team nepo) skating to MR in 2022 and Igor being their coach/ choreographing it? is one of the most disgusting/effed up/ lack of respect I’ve seen. Like WTAF bro!!??!?!. Look, I know VM doesn’t OWN that music, but there are just certain things- music you don’t use when it has been made that iconic-attached to one skater/team. In comparison (just to remind everyone what precious maple leaf bbys VM are) they said they would never do bolero bc that “belongs” to T&D. They wouldn’t even do ‘Somewhere in time’ which was Marie and Patch’s 2006 program and that isn’t even famous outside of ID and probably not even a top… 15, 20 most well know ID program.. within the sport. They are just so respectful of their peers that certain music/stories they would not do out of respect. I’m sure I’ve read Igor had recycled VM’s programs/music before like I’m sure I read he had a team do Valse Triste, Farrucas, a version of the WTF lift from Farrucas, there may be more. Like when the Beijing olys were on and I was watching the ID with my mum, I had gotten her up to date on VM and of course she had remembered their FAMOUS MR from 2018, I said when team nepo came on; ‘so this team is doing MR’ (she was like ‘omg wtf why would you do that’), then ‘and their coach is VM’s former coach, not the one that they were with for MR but their former former coach, and he had a history of recycling/ripping off programs bc he’s kinda a hopeless choreographer’. And my mum lost it, she had been in love with VM for all of 2 days and about 0.00000003 percent of the love I have for VM and she was so mad about it..
-as for the creepiness thing.. I’m becoming more aware of that now that I’m not a student anymore and I’m teaching a lot of kids, I’m very aware of my body language and what I say to kids in the studio teaching and vs out of - there’s that different relationship depending on if you’re teaching or not.. and more and more with male coaches/teachers… idk.. I was very lucky growing up the majority of my dance teachers were wonderful and I had some amazing female and male teachers and I never.. like in ballet and esp high level ballet, the teacher has to be physical with you- move your body, touch you in places in order for you to understand the correct way to work. NEVER was I made to feel uncomfortable or violated, in or out of the studio (the company was a very different story). There is obviously crossing a line and things that should not be done, but in generally you have to have be a tough cookie- you might not love some things/ get along with coaches, but you have to be strong bc it’s a very tough industry. Same with skating. I believe with all my heart that T especially (I relate to her being a female in a similar sport/art as me and everything she went though more than S- but I do relate to him in so many other ways) that she was never made to feel uncomfortable, violated, abused.. BECAUSE OF SCOTT. I just believe he protected her with his life. They have since recalled moments in their career- like how T said she felt so uncomfortable around other female skaters judging her and calling her fat bc she was a strong, healthy athlete who could lift and move herself unlike these weak af twigs starving themselves. S never (I just KNOW, ok), never let her feel anything negative about herself, they could put themselves down but never each other. Of course they had arguments and feelings would be hurt, but never on the matter of personal safety. When they say they could have never been singles skaters I think that’s part of it- this duty of protection they have over each other was a lifeline in this industry. I legitimately cried when T mentioned in a podcast interview (it was a terrible one so I haven’t listed to it since) that Scott called her one day out of the blue and said they survived that industry bc of how her mum raised them- to always keep each other safe, know how to detect when/if someone was taking advantage of them, stick up for themselves and never sell their souls (or bodies) for fame and fortune.
I’m sorry this is getting wayyyyy off track (I haven’t been posting enough but I’ve been thinking a lot so im letting heaps out here even if it’s unrelated).
The point is, despite what I think about the people they had around them, they were ok, and they kept each other safe.
I could do a whole other post on how, yes Igor creeped me out a bit, but how much Romain creeps me out even more (legit shivers when I would see him with them, esp next to T- I love them both equally but I feel a super protective instinct towards T and anything I watch where I get bad vibes I’m just like ‘my angel pls be safe😭)
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angeltreasure · 1 year
I hope it’s ok to vent or ask for advice or just be kind of stressed right now but this might be so stupid idk can I be saved with tattoos? I’ve always been really artistic and before I knew Christ I just had a lot of friends who had them and it was just kind of the norm for me for a while so I got some again, mostly because I like designing etc and I have a church that couldn’t care less to be honest but every so often I go onto social media or come into constant with a Christian / Catholic or someone who says it’s disgusting or horrible like I don’t have random times where I HATE myself for it or whatever and ever time I remind myself and know belivers who have them I hear someone speak like this or say it’s a terrible sin etc etc and my heart drops and I want to cry and hide and I feel less than any other person in the church :(
If you want to become a Christian by having a valid baptism, you can have tattoos. Jesus never turned anyone away from sitting at His table. There is also nothing across any denomination that says if you want a valid Baptism you can’t have tattoos. Those people online that are coming at you claiming to be Christians themselves are not truly Christian at all. If someone wants to become a Christian, who are we to judge them, to shun them, and turn them away to the point where you cry and feel what you’re feeling now? Those people should be ashamed of themselves for what they’ve done by twisting the eternal word of our God to mock you. I want to apologize in their place for the way they treated you. It is through Baptism of living water that we are saved. You can be any color, male or female, race, ethnicity, age, disabled or non-disabled, rich or poor, job or no job, no matter what your past beliefs or current beliefs, no matter what clothing you wear or what ink you may have on your skin, etc. I think tattoos have a potential to be beautiful depending on what they are and why it was chosen. I wouldn’t turn you away. You have a place at His table if you want to be saved. I know this has been weighing heavily on your heart these past two days, so I want to be the one to extend my hand in peace to welcome you to knowing God.
— —- —— ——-
The tips I would obviously give and remind you of:
- remember that tattoos are permanent so be very sure on what that image will be. If you have any you regret, you can always cover them up with a new tattoo or laser it off but I hear laser is very painful. If money is an issue, there are other ways to cover up the unwanted tattoos by clothing and make up.
- if you feel a current tattoo may be sinful, bring it to our Lord in prayer. If you become Catholic in the future, you can bring it to Confession. All sins can be forgiven except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. God isn’t going to turn you away or get mad at you, He loves you no matter what and is always by your side.
- absolutely avoid getting any tattoos with Satanic imagery, the occult, sins like lust and pornography, gore, cults, and other imagery like Nazi symbols, etc. you may also want to avoid getting tattoos in foreign languages unless you can absolutely be sure of what it says is correct.
- avoid tattoos of names of your current boyfriend or girlfriend or best friend. These people can come and go (unless you get married of course!).
- people forget that sometimes when you get surgery like my step father did, they actually had to do tiny tattoo dots on his skin.
- I’ve also seen a story of where these Christian women got tattoos in order to avoid being forcely convert them to Islam! Since they stood up for God and their faith, those tattoos literally saved their lives by the grace of God. You can read about that here:
Tumblr media
- we also have evidence of Christian pilgrimages where you could get tattoos the old fashion way along the Holy Land and there is also a rich history! Like what BBC said:
Anddddd remember that I love you and God loves you.
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nieves-de-sugui · 1 year
On Repeat tag game
Tagged by @wanderlust-in-my-soul ❤ Sorry it took me this long to do it 😅 Thank you for the tag!!
The game: Put your Spotify On Repeat (if you don't know where to find it, just search for "on repeat" and voilà, there it is) playlist on shuffle and post the first 10 songs!
I have to say I listen to music and get tired of it very easily, so I'm curious to see what will appear here...
1. Te Regalo by Carlos Baute
I discovered this song thanks to Singstar in my tender youth. And it has always made me feel things. I recently added it to my spotify because I had no more new music to listen to and I felt like going through the classics.
2. Reina by Ruth Lorenzo and Tanxugueiras
I really like the Tanxugueiras, singing in Galician is dope and their songs are super cool. Also a recent add to my list, I particularly like it because of how women positive it is. Like look at the chorus people: Para mirarte a los ojos y decirte, niña mía: ¡Sé fuerte, libre y grita! (To look you in the eyes and tell you, my girl: Be strong, free and scream!)
3. Got Me Started by Troye Sivan
Troye Sivan. Sometimes I like, sometimes I don't. I love what he's been doing recently. The aesthetics and dances of the video are really cool. I probably will get tired of it very quickly though.... I've been listening to it too much
4. Someday by Michael Bubblé ft Meghan Trainor
This is one that is very singable. I really like Meghan Trainor, and I can easily sing her songs. It's kinda surprising to see this one here... But I have a special place for it in my heart cause it's one of the songs that remind me of my little sister. And she used to sing them a lot.
5. Qué Bueno Qué Bueno by Jarabe de Palo ft Jorge Drexler
This one is another one from my early youth. It reminds me of my family and my sisters. All of us singing. Also the lyrics are just beautiful. Jarabe de Palo has wonderful songs that move the heart.
6. Love Cut by CNBlue
CNBlue was one of the first kpop groups I listened to. And I thought they didn't do music anymore. But I came across the music video for this one recently and really liked it. Also, I feel like it's been a while since I properly listened to kpop so I was looking for some new songs to add.
7. Artemisa by Destripando La Historia
This is actually a song made by youtubers. But I think they're singers? Anyway, really cool content creators. They make fun songs based of well known ones about mythology stuff. They tend to be hilarious and great. They recently did a big tour, but I wasn't able to see them. I hope someday I will. This song is about Artemis, but it's not my favorite one. I prefer The History of Valentine's Day
8. El Principio de Algo by La La Love You and Samurai
This is one of the songs that entered my playlist because I was missing spanish songs. And I just liked the rythm. Like, easy to remember, good rythm. Good for forgetting about whatever it is that is worrying you and just vibe to it.
9. J'avance by Christophe Willem
This one was sent to me by @elilmwenseni27 once, and I really liked it. Also, I try to have as many songs in french as possible so I don't forget the language. And again, I just liked the rythm of it :)
10. La Vida Moderna by Veintiuno ft Love of Lesbian
This one is weird for me. It says some things I don't agree with but it sounds so well (like lyrically) that I love it. Idk. I don't think too much about it, but I really enjoy this song. Also I very much relate to the lyrics: "Odio la vida moderna, hoy se me está haciendo bola" (I hate modern life, today I can't stomach it)
This was pretty telling about what I have been listening to recently. Not so much my music tastes. But it has still managed to catch most of that too. This was a fun game! I did not expect that many spanish songs to appear here but it is not entirely surprising either
Tagging some people but feel free to do it if you see this :3 @xagan @elilmwenseni27 @florbexter
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felixantares · 2 years
15 Questions | 15 People
Rules: Answer these 15 Questions, then Tag 15 People 
omg okay so ignore the fact that it's been well over a week and pretend I didn't absolutely forget about this. but thank you for the tag @the-francakes 💚
1. Are you named after anyone? Well originally yes, but since we ignore that name and I'm gonna get it legally changed eventually I'm going to tell you something more interesting. I named myself after a star: Felix means lucky, and Antares is the brightest star in the Scorpius constellation and sometimes known as the "heart of the scorpion". So I loosely named myself after my birth sign and a combo that could be interpreted as "lucky star". (also I just really like the name Felix and have since I was like 15)
2. When was the last time you cried? I can't remember, honestly. probably something small and dumb when I was overly frustrated and the tears definitely weren't actually about the thing I was crying over haha
3. Do you have kids? Lmao absolutely not.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No, not at all.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?  It really depends on the person? Typically clothes/hair but working as a security guard means that I notice a lot really quick just bc I'm trained to.
6. What’s your eye colour? Light brown!
7. Scary movies or happy ending? Oh happy endings for sure - not because I enjoy them more than anything else mind you (I love a good tragedy) but because I can't do scary movies, i'm a big baby - jump scares are a no go for me. I know not all scary movies have jump scares but they stress me out so bad the whole genre just kinda got ruined for me, not worth the risk.
8. Any special talents? Does art count? Idk if it counts as special since I went to uni for it. I also bake and decorate cakes and stuff, which not a lot of people know. I got paid for it a couple times in high school.
9. Where were you born? Canada :)
10. What are your hobbies? oh man, this question is always hard. Because art is my hobby, but also a job and also my education, so like ??? is it a hobby? but it's all I do lmao so I don't have any other answer.
11. Do you have any pets?  Yes!!! The fluffiest, stupidest little cat named coffee bean whom i adore with my whole heart. I would probably do anything for her 🥰
12. What sports do you play/have you played? I haven't played a sport since I was 14 and broke my wrist playing soccer in the rain (though I will say I played the rest of the game with it in a bandage and when I got to the doctor he was like "no it's like SUPER broken you should've come here immediately" and now my left wrist makes a funny little cracking noise every time i roll it in a circle).
13. How tall are you? 5'8″ or 5'9" (i forget)
14. Favourite subject at school? You know, you'd think with the everything about me it'd be something like english, history, or social studies, or maybe even theatre, but it's actually math. I did an AP Calc class just for fun even though I had enough credits to graduate without it.
15. Dream job? I have no dream job, I do not dream of labour. But more seriously, I really want to work in animation! I actually prefer drawing environments over characters (funny given I only draw characters these days) but ideally I'd like to do background/environment design for some type of children's animations like Hilda, Amphibia, and the Owl House.
oh god I definitely don't have 15 people to tag but uhhh @girl-with-goats @gloivy @venom0usbarbie @allalrightagain @soloorganaas (i hope it's okay I tagged you!!! i'm so sorry if not) and @vitaminpops
absolutely feel free to ignore if you've done it already or just don't want to!! 💚
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For me, for me they're a piece of my soul, as the poets says.
I want to talk about my relationship with fandoms and all so, that's my experience and my opinion, feel free to comment ur own, but before we start have some tea from Uncle Iroh 🍵<3
Okay, I have many things to say I think, I never talked about it and put all my thoughts so idk how this is going to end. Also, English is not my first language and this is gonna be large I think, so that's it, whatever errors I have I'm sorry if it hurts ur eyes so much to read (my teacher when I forget to put an accent:)
The first time I entered a fandom LIKE reading fanfics and all was when I was ten I think, I started reading Harmione, Black Widow x Captain America and Adlock fanfics I KNOW I KNOW MY 10yo IT'S NOTHING LIKE ME RIGHT NOW (now I entered to the queer side of fandoms and I'm never leaving it<3)
I read them without a Wattpad account u know? Just searching in internet and then picking on them it was so random and I deleted the historial after everything bc tho I didn't read any mature content (I WAS 10 WTF) I was very ashamed, like let me explain it in another point.
10/11/12yo me was ashamed to say that I was reading fanfics or to think I was part of a fandom, the people that were close to me knowed that I writed but I never shared anything with anyone bc my first WIP's were fanfics.
Also I was ashamed bc I felt like when my friends and I watched a movie or a series or read a cool book in class they were like "oh cool" and I became obsessed with all for like a week (at least), so u know? I used to think something was not okay and that I was alone. Also couldn't talk about it with everyone bc I had to be the perfect girl, like I was (still but no) someone who had the best grades and perfect attitude, I was the perfect child (till I came out) and had to be the best example to my little siblings so that.
At twelve (I think), before starting 1st of ESO (I'm from Spain), my parents got me a phone (I still have the same, like this guy it's still here with me and my silly things) and so they told me it's to communicate with them and friends because I was going to go home alone or met up with friends at the town without parents, so I created a Wattpad account through google (bc I hadn't the guts to download it bc what if— GAIDNS)
So I entered to the marauders fandom (AKA MY HOME❤️‍🩹🫶🏻) through Wolfstar, bc I read them while reading Harmione a little younger and thought that at that time that I was questioning my sexuality it would help a little to read about queer people but at that time I didn't know where to start so I started with fanfics.
And I don't really remember the names of the fanfics that I read in the past because it's been like two/three years almost but I remember reading them and founding comfort and joy, I remember how I compared myself to every single character and to make a space for them in my soul, because they're a part of me, while struggling with sexuality/gender/family/emotional issues they were there all the time, I remember going to the comments and feel how my heart full filed itself slowly, finding a safe place, sometimes bad people were there ofc, but it was like feeling free and loved and I also loved all this people who maybe didn't know they made a someone's day bc of their silly comment, their kind words or their beautiful work❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
As the time passed I now find myself in very lovely fandoms and I love every single one of them you have no idea, they're all so beautiful and always have a piece of my soul, because I just love them so so much and everywhere I go I can find them there and smile. Now I do my personal things and think "Wtf are u doing up at 5am to go exercising, James Potter it's that u?" or find my relationships with people in characters, that helps me to understand and also makes me smile bc I will always thought of you if you're similar to a character<3
Now in my life I have found better people who listen to me and I listen to them, people who sparks with pure joy and enthusiasm as they show me a piece of fanart of a series I didn't watch but I don't care bc they're just so beautiful and lovely and I always try to listen to them because my younger self would loved to be listened🫂💗
So now I'm not ashamed to say that I'm part of a fandom or to throw references here and there bc it's a part of who I am, a part of my soul, and I think it's so beautiful and that nobody deserves to feel ashamed to be part of something so joyful as a good fandom🫶🏻
Thank you for being part of it
Thank you for writing, your words touched someone heart and made them felt listened, your words created a escape from reality for a while and become a home to come when tears roll down my face🩷
Thank you for drawing, your art helped us to smile everyday seeing our lovely ships there in ur amazing style, u are doing great and we thank you for letting us enjoy ur art<3
Thank you for that lovely cosplay, you make me smile so bright (and feel gender envy😭😭 // luv u, u're beautiful)
Thank you for that headcanons that made me go "Xie Lian didn't know wether to laugh or cry" bc u break me but also put all my pieces together
Thank you for that random comment you left in a fanfic that made me want to laugh at the top of my lungs but I had to held my laugh because it was 3am, u made my shit day better💖
Thank you for that beautiful comment that made me feel listened and comprehended, you are a kind soul and I wish you well:3
Thank you for that gorgeous edit (tell me ur secrets I tried and did shit BAJAJAJ), they made me smile and cry, maybe at the same time or depending on the edit:)
Thank you to everyone for being here, I wish you have a really nice day, week and year, sweetheart you deserve great things and people who loves you, until someone else can be there don't forget we are here🫶🏻🫂❤️‍🩹
Thanks for reading<3
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whiskeyswifty · 2 years
I really like your opinions on the whole lavander thing. I wanted to follow you but I'm trying to distance myself from the Taylor things because istg sometimes it feels like everyone in this fandom is insane and it's getting really hard to emotionally keep up with her bait and switch things. Like this was a bit of a slap in the face to me. At this point I just wish she would stop with the queer flagging with things that are historically important to the community. Though I get why she would want to subtly let people know if she is part of it. But idk. Just thanks for being upset too :/
thank you so much! i rattle off my dumb thoughts sometimes, and i know i say this a lot, but i truly am glad that someone understands them and appreciates them and shares in whatever i'm feeling! i totally understand wanting to distance yourself from all of this (and her disgustingly homophobic fanbase in general like... all the lgbts who are still here are braver than any us marine). i also take great pains to curate my online experience to only include people that positively impact my emotional and mental health, so i support you fully and i think it's great that you're doing that! this is a taylor swift blog and i do conduct a lot of gay activity on it so completely understandable if it's somewhere you want to avoid to preserve your sanity haha.
i share your conflicting feelings, 100% i do. it makes me feel insane because i do feel upset, but then i'm made to feel like i'm overreacting, but i KNOW i'm not overreacting. i know they (hets) just want me to shut up so they can take lavender and strip it of all it's meaning and history so they can enjoy it heterosexually and free of the "gross" gayness i'm "forcing" upon it. it's so upsetting. we want to be able to be excited just as much as the rest of everyone else about this album and it definitely feels like a kick to the kneecaps at most, and sours a piece of it at least. she can be straight all she wants but can she JUST SAY PURPLE.
if it helps, it sounds like it's good that you're critical and you're not denying yourself very real feelings. you should always be critical of art, especially artists who seemingly want to do right by others. it can be a particularly prickly facet of engaging with art, but is by far the most important and it keeps culture moving forward rather than settling into the status quo or worse, backsliding because we forget our history. i hope you find your shelter from this shitstorm and get to enjoy her music far away from all the things that upset you. I know i will cuz i have wonderful gay friends and gay internet corners that help turn my ire into laughter. that's what gays have been doing for centuries! you can always trust this blog will be where me and the gay people in my phone can all be unapologetically gay together!
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This is abt ur TSH post on it being not supernatural at all!
I'd always taken it to be a wild animal attack that the Greek class just. Stumbled on and decided to keep fucking up the body while they were out their brain on whatever.
+ I grew up in a place with wild animal attacks and tbh. Sometimes animals do some crazy shit to a body. If I'm not mistaken people HAVE mistaken bodies for having been attacked by a person when it was a hungry animal + them getting bits picked off in the night by other animals (though generally this is after a few days of decomposition). basically it's the 80s, forensic science is not the best and I'm pretty sure the story does specifically use the word mauled once or twice! + Mutilation by the Greek class isn't outside the realm of possibility but it's super unlikely Henry could do that (the human body could not withstand the force of crushing a skull with your bare hand.
Sorry this is messy I took a fuckton of cold medicine LMAO
Aah! Really interesting. It’s an idea that I’m getting pretty convinced about— that it was a mix of the students and a mountain lion. And to be honest, my ENTIRE Secret History experience was sensing one thing, thinking I was wrong or imagining it then forgetting about it only for it to turn out that the gut feeling was right or important. It happened to me several times and idk if it was a me thing, or if Donna Tartt is really that phenomenal at writing that she can manipulate your base instincts about people and places— in situations you’re not even experiencing personally! I did imagine a wild animal when Henry said he hit a yellow thing. Then I assumed it was just the flannel. Duh, that was the point. And the situation was really weird to me but I slowly accepted it despite questioning if there really was nothing supernatural at least twice. And now I’m just reevaluating that initial thought of “something is up here” that I brushed off. I felt that way whenever Henry talked about Bunny too. A lot of it checks out with what we know about Bunny. But certain things don’t ring true. I don’t believe Bunny ever hated Richard the way Henry and Francis said and I don’t believe his reaction to the diary was merely “and I wasn’t in on it??” The note to Julian further implied this too.
I’ve only read this book once (finished a few days ago) and want to listen to the tape in a few months. It has incredible reread value. Even flipping back through it and reading random passages, I have mini epiphanies. What an absolutely high quality story.
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 2 years
Grimm 1x01
*Hank is a confirmed Shutterbug.
*Hank has been married 4 times. I always forget.
*Nick seeing his first woge in the first minute of the episode is a Good Call. Also, my heart at him buying that ring for Juliette. The ring Juliette will never wear.
*Also Nick the profiler. AU where Nick, Audrey, and Will are just cops together and Lucy is the local history professor who gets caught up in their cases.
*"I didn't know you couldn't sing." Their friendship my HEART.
*The Time Wars crossovers are turning into the Big Four of Back in the Day.
*Oooooo the aunt Marie introduction! Played like a villain! Like Ashley! Saving the reveal for later on!
*"Do you have a photo of her?" "Uh, yeah, on my iPhone." Literally Nobody would say it like that.
*.... Nick and Lucy could have met taking Carol and Marie to treatments. .... Except for the whole "different states" thing.
*Marie couldn't move for a week when she saw her first Wesen. We know from later on that she was 11. My HEART.
*Nick killing his first Wesen with the power of "shooting him a whole bunch of times"
*THE KEY. Ohhhh the keys my beloved storyline.
*AU where Meg transfers out of Old City to get a from the Weirdness and ends up working in a Portland hospital. And then her first patient is Aunt Marie.
*Might just let four narratives entwine irrevocably and change each other forever. Idk.
*Renard looking out for Nick... I know he has Ulterior Motives and everything, but to a point, he really does treat his men as his People, under his protection. I think there's some sincerity in that.
*Cannot get over the fact that one of the biggest images from the ads for this-Juliette running through the woods in a red dress-is from a three second dream that has no bearing on the show ever.
*"I think it was just a cat." Juliette, having no idea that a cat will change the course of her life forever.
*Oh, right, Marie was a librarian at one point.
*Hank being the one to figure out that the girl went through the park.... Is very important to me. Nick knows people. But Hank's not just someone who tags along. He's a really good cop.
*R.H. Robin Howell. Red (riding) Hood. I'd forgotten how Specific this show gets sometimes.
*Monroe and Nick's first meeting was so bad, guys. So, so bad. I always forget how truly bad it was. I remember the tackle through the window, but that was the second meeting. The first... Oof.
*"And by the way, you're paying for that window."
*"You people started profiling us over 200 years ago." Given how the show progresses, this has the same mood as that post about Julius Ceasar dying well over 70 years ago. Or was that Abraham Lincoln? Anyway, that.
*"No, I'm here because of the little girl." And "We're not things." . Very similar to Will's "You said you were tracking the boy," and later, Magnus' "I'm not sure how he'd feel about you calling him a thing." Just. Similar.
*Okay but Monroe and Nick's dynamic is made 10x funnier by the fact that Monroe is 10 years older than Nick. Just. Very Tired Guy Does Not Get Paid Enough For This Nonsense. (But yes, obviously he's going to help. Just, for goodness' sake, could you please learn to go to bed at a reasonable time?)
*See, Hank and Joe have very similar roles: The grounded partner to contrast the one who sees the Impossible. The voice of reason to keep the out there one grounded. But whereas Joe is basically a paper cutout designed to look ridiculous while Will looks smart, Hank is a really intelligent man and an excellent cop.
*Wait Adalind really just straight-up tried to kill Marie right in front of Nick? Like, you couldn't have waited until visiting hours were over? You were disguised as a nurse, so it wouldn't have caused you problems.
*"Let's hope she doesn't wake up first." * Immediate cut to Marie opening her eyes* Brilliant episode ending tbh.
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Hey I was wondering if I could get a Band of Brothers male ship? Thanks :)
I have short dark brown hair and brown eyes. I have pearl earrings currently. I am 5'6. I am also ftm and gay. He/him pronouns
I am currently learning German and Ukrainian. I play the cello (I would say that I'm pretty decent at it). I want to join the paratroopers soon and maybe get a doctorate degree in the medical field. I like writing books, reading, and drawing. I am very interested in history, mainly the 20th century. I also know how to cross-country ski and love the winter.
My MBTI type if I remember correctly is INTJ. I love procrastinating and do well under a lot of pressure. I'm also very stubborn and awkward with talking to people so I don't have many close friends. For some reason, I have a sort of knack for doing things well, even if it's the first time I've tried it and that might be because I listen really closely to stuff to make sure I'm doing everything correctly. I need a straightforward path and a list of things I should do to get something done.
I have depression, anxiety and maybe (I say maybe because it's undiagnosed) maladaptive daydreaming, which basically means I daydream too much that it's a problem. Any small words of affection or reassurance sends me through the roof and makes me happy for the rest of the day (idk why). I also get angry very quickly and forget things quickly.
I am converting to Judaism so that’s cool. My sense of clothing style is just me pretending I’m in the military, pleather jackets, heavy jackets that are either camo or dark green, aviator sunglasses, a lot of neutral colours, fancy dress shirts/blouses, combat boots (which I currently do not own so just tennis shoes or winter boots), I have a few BoB pins which I have created on my own :) I like wearing t-shirts in winter under my jacket just because. The t-shirts usually have designs like aeroplanes, space, and museum shirts. I also have a collection of shirts from places I’ve never been cause I think it’s hilarious. I do a lot of things just cuz I think they’re funny.
I keep a lot of stuff in my pockets “just in case”. I impulse buy, which is a big insecurity of mine. People intimidate me easily so I usually wait to get approached to start a conversation. I like watching adventure shows like extinct or alive or expedition unknown.
 I would say that I have a very dark sense of humour and am almost always sarcastic when talking to my friends (also I love irony). I have an interesting music taste, most any song I listen to goes onto my liked songs on Spotify heh. I sometimes slip into a British accent or one that isn’t mine at all. I also tend to get myself injured at least once daily and now it’s a running joke with my friends.
I don’t really know much about romance, but I try. I don’t like that much physical affection but I do like praise, as I said before, and gifts. I love giving gifts to people. <3
Thank you so much for your request! btw you sound so cool like omg let’s be friends bae (Also sorry for the long wait!) 😫💗
I ship you with…
Bull Randleman!
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song recommendation: Melting - Kali Uchis
- Okay bestie so hear me out, you and him would just click to me, i just feel like he’s so patient and loving with you it would be so freakin nice omg, and the way you are thoughtful and gentle to him is just so amazing, like this is my otp right here
- he would probably make the first move, you’d look so good that night you guys met he just couldn’t resist not talking to you, he was probably a little nervous at first, but the thought of making a move before him and getting to talk to you made him impulsive make his way towards you
- when getting to know you, he would think you’re so versatile and so smart, he couldn’t help but bring a smile to his face when he hears you talk about all of your ambitions and goals that you’ve set out for yourself.
- And don’t even get me started on how he would be sooo interested on the fact that you’re a writer and just an artist in general, like he just thinks it’s so cool that you can just write something up and it can be like super good, and when you’re drawing don’t be mad when he’s right behind you watching your every move 🤣 like he just wants to see how you can draw so well, like what the heck??
- He knows you like history (he’s an attentive boi) so he would always bringing up watching something that has to do with history maybe something in the smithsonian channel or just a random movie, (as long as you watch his western movies with him after LOL )
- I could def see you guys watching one of those documentaries or movies on the roaring 20s or something else you you like from the 20th century, just a reminder though, that the whole time you try to watch the movie he’s gonna be trying to initiate (if you’re okay with it ofc) a little make out sess in between the movie 🤣
- speaking of tv, let me tell you how you guys would throwdown on some adventure unknown episodes, like both of you would enjoy watching stuff that like so much, before y’all usually go to bed y’all would probably watch something like that every night LOL
- you guys have a very different sense of humor but both of yours honestly go so well together like when you make a dark joke he’ll just be like 😳 at first then start to laugh about it, the one thing that you guys do have, is some good ass sarcasm, like together you guys can be so funny with it actually, like y’all will be in y’all’s own little world while everybody else is like, “what are they laughing at?”
- most the time he tries to be the best support system for you, not matter what, if you need him he’s there rain or shine, even if he sometimes disagrees with what it is you’re doing (if it is he’ll most likely talk to you in private about it but he will always support and defend you in public no matter what) Also let me mention if someone ever hurts you? literally pray for them bc that man is going to END them, like no one hurts his bae EVER.
- When you get angry, it depends, he will usually give you your space to cool off, then you guys can talk about whatever is bothering you, but if you’re more sad angry, he will just sit there and hold you and tell you everything will be alright, he’s one of those people that are like, “what’s made you mad and what can I do to fix it?” If he mad you mad he will of course say sorry to you and at the end of the day you guys always resolve arguments and stuff like that with each other
- to him, your pockets are like the hat in “Cat In The Hat” 🤣 like there is no telling what the heck is in there or what he might find if he puts his hand in there, but it can also come in handy when he needs some change or something like that
- you’re his clumsy bae and whenever you guys are together, he always tries his best to get you to *not* fall or hurt yourself when he’s around. He honestly thinks it’s a little cute at first, just because you’re always going and going, not being careful at all 😭 “Slow down honey, you’re gonna get hurt!” (momma bull activated LMAO)
- he makes SURE to remind you how much he loves and cares about you, he knows that every day isn’t always guaranteed, so he always will show you and tell you how grateful he is to be yours and yours only🥹 (he’s so soft omg i love him)
- your style is so unique to him, like you clothing choice is SUPERIOR to him don’t even get me started, and it’s so funny when he is just going through your closet (don’t ask me why he is, he just is 🤫) and he sees all of these shirts with cities on them, and he’s just like, “you’ve been here before?” and you’re just like “no?” LOLOLOL
- dude he would find it sooo cool that you can speak multiple languages, like maybe even teach him some because i think he would be really interested in it, and when others ask about all of the languages you can speak he’ll just think to himself like, “yeah that’s right, I have a smart bf 😌”
- Okay okay, imagine, you and him have a shared playlist on spotify, and sometimes you guys will play that playlist and just dance around together lovingly, also it’s so funny bc the playlist consists mostly of songs that you put in it, while he has maybe 1/5 of his song recs on there LOL
- he also loves when you give him gifts, he’ll never admit it bc he doesn’t want to seem greedy, but just the thought of you taking time out of your day to buy him something he likes, just thinking of him like that makes his heart absolutely melt
- he knows you can also forget things quite easily so when you guys are about to go somewhere this man comes PREPARED, like one time you guys were going to go to the bowling alley, and when you got there you realized that you forgot socks, dw tho bc he already had an extra pair of socks bc he knew you’d forget them 😭
- canon: you teach bull how to ski (LOL) as we know, this man does not go skiing like ever, i mean he lives in the south so there’s barely ever any snow in the winters (coming from another southerner) but maybe for a vacay you guys go to a ski resort or something like that, and he’s mostly there bc of the jacuzzis bc he does NOT know how to ski at ALL, but you end up showing him how, it was funny at first though because just imagine him, this strong guy, being nervous to ski for the first time LOL
- During the wintertimes just know this man loves to cuddle up to you like a totally snuggle bug, like just know you won’t be cold at ALL because you know this man will keep you warm all through winter.
- but you guys would be SO good for each other like actually, he takes care of you so well and you do the same exact thing for him, ugh this relationship is too cute
Thank you for your request again hon!! I hope you enjoy! 💛💖
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