#idk i felt like it
thursdaylast · 3 months
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manic pixie nightmare guy (shrew)
more hermitcritters --> (x) (x) (x)
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ayububu · 2 years
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Tom Riddle - Animagus
He had researched for months upon months, taking in every bit of information he could from every book he could find, even risking stealing a mandrake leaf from one of the herbology green houses and sealing it to the roof of his mouth for the month required, and every day, twice a day, he spoke the spell required to even begin the slow transformation to become an Animagus 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus'
and when the potion to officially transform him was ready, upon the first lightning storm after the month he had the putrid mandrake leaf in his mouth-he went up to his dorm and took a deep breath, and then took the potion.
it was painful and it felt like he was burning from the inside out, lava pouring from every crevice of his body as his skin and bones changed to what he had meditated for his Animagus form to be.
He expected a serpent of some kind, or hopefully some sort of reptile, worthy of being his Animagus form.
But as he felt his transformation complete, and he shifted around, he didn't feel scales and no legs with a long tail for a body-no, instead, he had four big paws, fluffy fur, and a snout...
He snapped his eyes open, a grumbling whine coming from him as he looked in the mirror.
He was a fucking dog. A big fluffy dog with brown and black fluffy fur and two pointed ears, with a big fluffy tail.
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What kinda sick joke was this?! months and months of planning and research and pain staking waiting, for him to end up as a fucking DOG?!
Tom let out grumbly whines and barks, unable to contain his frustration, leading him to rip up one of the books he had gotten from the library about Animagus and then also his pillows, and his blankets, and even his scarf.
Tom sat pissed in the midst of his dorm, fluff from his pillows and paper everywhere, glaring down at his two big fluffy goofy ass paws. Why a dog? Hell, why a german shepherd? He could've been something scary like a Doberman or a cane corso or even a Belgian shepherd! but noooo he had to be a big goofy fluffy (adorable) german shepherd.
And there were no take backs or no overs, he was stuck with this form.
Great. Just great.
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suuho · 2 years
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DINO weverse magazine, 2021.
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uranium235s · 21 days
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tha main characterz
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Welp, canon glam bonnie just dropped so here's my version that I made 84 years ago
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darlin-collins · 1 year
If you know everything you know now, and went back in time would you stay with quinn?
Canon darlin: maybe
Canon imp darlin: never. My pack ended up hurt and i can't bear that again
Scars that remind: i dont think so
All the things they didn't know: no
Long time no see: nahh, feels useless really
No luck left: no, he harmed my mate and if i can i would kill him again
The truth in your skin:????
You me and the fence post: yes, i would do anything to keep my mother alive and with medicine on her side
Return to the shore: no, i dont need to suffer all of this again
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dolcesuono · 2 years
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carvertwin-archive · 2 years
A little Starter for @kegkinghargrove​
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Knocking on the door she waited for him to open. She really was prepared for most things tonight. Wether that was a booty call , just drinking and getting high or even a movie night. Jill had learned over the years that sometimes the guys that talk a big game pulled out last minute. So just in case that would happen she had made sure to wear something that looked good but was more...comfortable. A baby blue slip dress with a fluffy jacket over it. Out of place for the trailer park but the other asked her over so why not? “ Your Company has arrived” She hums out when he opened. “ I even picked up some extra treats from your neigbour.” She grinned, patting her purse. 
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mausolealdrift · 8 months
its baffling seeing people on here being all shocked about how other ppl didnt have sex or do drugs or drink or go to parties etc etc in high schools like. sorry i was too busy getting bullied to do all of that stuff i guess. why are you surprised that there’s losers on the cringe loser website
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pahishylje · 10 days
The feminine urge to cut your own bangs w/ zero prior experience
7/10 will do again
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clambuoyance · 4 months
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[DC] kon: has one (1) adventure with tim
kon: robin my best friend robin. did i mention we're besties
(+ meme ver)
based on this panel from superboy and the ravers #8. i just think its funny that hes going around telling people this (after only having just met tim in wf3 and he also only just met bart in the prev issue so this is pre-yj), only to struggle to become robins friend in the early yj comics. in his defense, tims like one of the first friends his age he met at the time. also double funny because this is from the "batman and robin are urban myths" era so like. they never believed him in the first place.
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sukunasweetheart · 1 month
idk something about trueform sukuna bothering his angry and weepy wife. hes been making too many teasing remarks for the day and youve had enough. he drags you onto his lap and mockingly asks you "what's wrong, my love? throwing another tantrum?" and your frown gets deeper, and you attempt to push his face away, trying to get that shit eating smirk of his out of your sight, along with his four eyes that narrow at you in amusement, clearly having his fun with your tears and moodiness.
your wrist gets easily bound by his stupidly large hand. stupid! you start squirming, trying to get out of his grasp, and he chuckles, knowing that you can't. not that you truly want him to just let go of you, anyway. you're angry, and yet you can't help but want his attention to be on you.
sukuna watches you eventually stop squirming around, because you know that you'd only tire yourself out. "well, did you get everything out of your system?" the satirical question fires you up again, but you just decide to ignore him, looking away from his eyes.
"you're so annoying..." you chide him, clearly still upset, still angry. you don't want to cry but the tears sting your eyes and you can't stop the ache in your throat. he cradles you and grins like a cheshire cat. "oh, don't look so sullen. acting like a spoiled princess." you hate how he speaks to you condescendingly, knowing that it gets on your nerves.
"i hate you. leave me be," you scowl, fighting off all four arms of his, but they only wrap around you tighter. sukuna smirks with a softer look in his eyes, wishing he could squeeze you harder without hurting you. "hate, hm? just who're you trying to fool?" he croons at you, wiping the tears off your face with one hand.
you start resisting a little less, and he observes those small cracks forming in your defiant attitude with glee. "look at you. becoming pliant with my touch." your anger has been exhausted, and now you're in the mood to be loved... just a little bit. you refuse to smile, but your body relaxes.
"yes... relent yourself to me," sukuna murmurs, before his searing lips reach your jawline.
he likes to bother you, but appeasing you is equally as entertaining.
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meowfountain · 10 months
hyperfixations are so crazy because you never know whether this next thing you like is going to be a short-term interest or if it's going to change your entire life forever
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emeraldsummers · 7 months
Sometimes I remember that the only reason Cas is canonically a weirdo even by angel standards is just because Misha, the first onscreen angel, made the acting choice to portray angels as inhuman and eerie, and then all of the subsequent angel actors just ignored that and portrayed the angels as regular people.
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cannedpeachlover · 2 months
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based on my experience of getting kicked out of every casino on the strip while having arcade follow me around like a child forced to watch their parent go bankrupt
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