#idk if you sent this like is this a fic idea I’d be interesting in reading OR what do i think of this scenario
star-mum · 2 years
"comfort for what? HAVING A BODY" you continue to be fucking iconic. like that entire rant had me CLAPPING but that part in particular was just oOOOOMF. that was it so like.... Gar x fat reader where Gar hugs her and his instincts go feral because feeling someone with extra fat on their body ignites his breeding kink?? like his animal brain is like "this is a wife. this is a wife who will bear your children and do it well. this is a plump, healthy body for your children. you're gonna fuck her brains out" and he gets a raging boner in what is supposed to be an innocent hug and has to excuse himself and wants to die of embarrassment and the reader is like INTRIGUED by him from that moment on but then he keeps dodging her and avoiding her because of his personal embarrassment
(set during s2 with a reader who is physically affectionate for no reason and would just give him a random hug)
I had to actually take a break when the words “breeding kink” showed up— LIKE THE GENIUS OF THAT ??? AND ABSOLUTELY HE WOULD AAAAAAAAAAA
Me reading this:
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So,,, uhm things got a bit out of hand skskks and I talked way to much as usual so,,,
OKAY— so yes to everything you just said !! I can just SEE everyone’s in one the common areas (maybe a post training snack or breakfast, let’s say breakfast 🥴) and Gar’s standing with his back to the door talking to the rest of the group as the coffee machine does it’s thing and reader just walks up to them, greets everyone good morning and hugs Gar from the back, maybe rests her head either on his arm/shoulder so she can join the conversation OR on his back cause she’s just so tired and he just MALFUNCTIONS !!!
Everyone is still in pijamas and she’s not really wearing a bra, so he can feel her chest pressed up against him and hOMEBOY’S DOING FUCKING BREATHING EXERCISES IN HIS HEAD TO CALM HIMSELF DOWN !!! Whoever he was talking to — probs Rachel — goes “you,,, okay dude ?? you look,,, very intense in the face” and he freaks out, not thinking on an excuse quick enough and just BOUNCES “what?! 😧 Uhh yeah yeah im good,,, i just have to,,, i have to go now”
Also not to, once again, pull up my brazilian card BUT we have a habit of greeting people with a hug and a kiss on the cheek — it can be a real like kiss on the cheek or that like fake one sksksk where you touch the side of their face with your face and make a kiss noise KSKSKS most common to do that actually — my friends and I see each other every night in college but we still greet each other like that every time and less cause it’s the “polite thing to do” and more cause its a way to show we like each other and we’re close
SO— in my head, reader — who’s me cause,,,, who the hell else would she be sksksks — does that every morning. It’s a habit !! And when she asked the team if it would make them uncomfortable, to greet them like that, they said no !! So everyone’s getting a hug when she sees them, specially like the ones who don’t live in the tower the whole time !
And that’s fun in TWO different ways CAUSE
1. Gar really likes it and gets all weird about it later, cause the more times he gets turned on by her touching, the more innocent touches start making it happen too
2. POSSESSIVE ANIMAL INSTINCT BABY !!!! I hate — not really — to bring them into this BUT i feel like the ones who’d make Gar the more jealous of are -> Jason and Hank (stop rolling your eyes I have a nom biased explanation KSKSKSKS)
Jason is more of a logical jealousy, he’s hot, he’s their age AND he’s a major flirt/fuck boy sksksk even if it’s in jest or a friendly flirting when Reader hugs him or touches him, he’s still gonna say some bullshit like “i know im hot babe, but you really gotta stop touching me like in front of everyone” or “can’t keep your hands off me huh?” I desire him carnally
Hank is more of a — Absolutely One Sided — physical/animal instinct thing for suuuure. Like out of all the guys, he’s definitely an the closest thing we have to a Natural Alpha, he’s big, he’s strong, he’s agressive and dominant (not sexually but how he holds himself around other ppl) and Gar would just FEEL some sort of anger and jealousy when he sees Reader giving Hank any type of attention, even tho he KNOWS nothing’s ever going to happen (cause 1. Hanks not a fucking predator and 2. He’s very clearly with Dawn) — it definitely would NOT help if Reader let slip something about finding Hank hot/attractive, during a forced teens game night maybe? KSSKKSKS
She’d know RIGHT AWAY something’s off with Gar — cause she swears she saw his eyes turn green after a particularly Fuck Boy-ish quip got Jason a little slap on his arm/chest — he’s both avoiding her like the plague but also ALWAYS standing very close to her in social situations — on the off chance she holds onto him — so she’d up the antee completely -> push him til he breaks
And oh boy does he ever 🥵 Breeding Kink Gar is just supreme, I am not sorry
like I have personally a very clear stance about not wanting kids AND not wanting to experience pregnancy BUT IN FICTION ????? GIVE ME THE BREEDING KINK !! GIVE ME THE GETTING MARRIED AND HAVING KIDS !! THERE IS NO CONSEQUENCES TO MY ACTIONS !!!! LETS FUCKING GOOOO
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brighter-by-the-daly · 10 months
Updated: 24/01/23
Here you will find any prompts that have been sent to me. I do not accept requests but I love prompts/ideas/brain storming together and if I like your idea you will find it here. This isn’t a guarantee that it will be written and you’re more than welcome to send your prompt to other people because idk when my brain will want to cooperate with writing these, which is exactly why I don’t take requests; prompts and ideas are a lot less daunting to me 🫶
Rachel daly x Reader ~ angst to fluff where they have an argument and they are both screaming and rachel says something that takes it too far but then a few days later Rachel apologises - @wosoobsessed
Rachel Daly x Reader ~ girlfriend Rach is finally done with her bullshit and is ready to let herself love someone and its for keeps - @hernightsky (in progress - Can’t Keep Up)
Millie x Reader ~ Autistic reader who’s special interest is photographing womans football, Millie notices reader at matches and training and tries to talk to her - @kayls93
Rachel x Reader ~ Could you do one where we are really like tough and dont show emotions or really smile but we are soft for rachel and the lionesses realise that and start to question it
Add on from @woso-scotland ~ R could be a boxer, and they either meet while Rach is at Houston or at Villa through someone like Ruesha on a team game night.
Millie Bright x Reader ~ I hate conflict so much but I’d be getting into fights just for Mills to protect me 😂
Millie Bright x Rachel Daly x Reader ~ Rach and Millie being separated in a meeting for talking and being too loud (in progress - Odd One Out)
Millie Bright x Reader ~ We need possessive Millie with golden retriever gf 🫶🏻
Rachel Daly x Reader ~ You meet while walking your dogs every morning (in progress)
These are sequels that have been requested by readers, I encourage anyone with ideas of how to continue these stories to send them to me otherwise they probs won’t get written 😘
Lucy Bronze - Camera Doesn’t Lie
Maybe they embark on a secret relationship and it’s all fun and games keeping the secret until Lucy gets super jealous and decides she needs to officially stake her claim! - @lostintimeandmusic
Millie Bright - Big Mouth
Lauren Hemp - Crazy for You
Millie Bright - Around if you Need Me
My Ideas
Somewhere to store the ideas I’ve had but are yet to come into fruition ~ feel free to message if you have any further ideas for these!
Reader’s ex calls to ask for free match tickets and is really rude on the phone, overheard by Mills/Rach/Leah who immediately go into protection mode and puts them in their place (in progress - X)
Another player coming on to Rach at a party right in front of reader
Rach x Reader series add on of ‘where are they now’ short stories (in progress)
Your gf won’t buy you a giant squishmallow but someone surprises you (in progress - Cheat You Better)
Beth McCarthy song series addition with her new song ‘idk how to talk to girls’ with ✨someone✨ I haven’t written for yet, maybe Jess Carter or Georgia Stanway 🤷🏻‍♀️
Erin Cuthburt fic because this site needs more Erin - ideas welcome!
Collection of New Years blurbs
Falling in love with Ruesha
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
Hi! I love your work so much
This is my first request ever🤣
It was so difficult finding fics with Skirata’s, Delta’s etc boys! You are a breath of fresh air, truly.
I'm a sucker for Niner🤤 (and Mereel, or Sev🥴)
Idk! I had this idea in my mind like coming back to Kyrimorut, always have been in love with reader “secretly”.
Prompts “I want you. I need you.” with some seasoning like ❝ i think you're probably the only one who understands me. ❞ or ❝ not one person is more important to me than you. ❞
Make what you want really, i love ALL your works😂
Thank you and take care💞
Saludos desde 🇪🇸🫨
Most Important
Summary: A plate of cookies that Niner doesn't want to share, leads to a delightful change of your situation with him.
Pairing: Niner Skirata x F!Reader
Word Count: 1254
Warnings: Smut, cock warming
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Well! I am honored that you chose me to be the first person you sent a request to! I hope you enjoy this! I wasn't able to make the full smut work, so I hope this is okay!
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“Welcome back!” You grin up at Niner as you push away from the wall when he steps off the ship.
Niner pulls his helmet off and flashes you the smallest smile, “This is a surprise, I wasn’t expecting you to be waiting for me.”
You make a face, “No such luck, I’m afraid. I’m waiting for Kal. He has a message from Kamino.” He looks disappointed for a moment, so you favor him with your warmest smile, “But I am happy to see you.”
“Yeah.” You peek around him, “But, um, I have to get back to work, and I’m sure you have things you need to do. I made some cookies, and left them in your locker. I hope you like them.”
“I’m sure they’re…great.” But you’re already gone, hurrying over to Kal to deliver the message to him, and then you’re gone from the hanger, heading back to your office.
Though you do take a moment to wave at Niner before you leave. He is your favorite, after all.
Later that same day, after you’ve handed the comm over to the night shift person (an older woman with a pinched face who cannot stand working with clones, which is why she chose night shift) you retire to your suite.
And you’re pleasantly surprised when you reach your room and you see Niner waiting for you. “Niner, I thought for sure you’d be resting.”
“Well, I have a bunch of cookies and a bunch of asshole brothers, so I thought I’d come and eat them in a place that’s safe and no one will steal them.” Niner replies with a broad grin.
You grin right back at him, and open the door to let him in, “Sorry for the mess.”
“I assure you my bunk is messier,” Niner replies as he follows you into your suite, “Although, I don’t have quite so many…lacy things around my room.” He adds with a wide grin as he picks up a bra that’s hanging off a chair, “I didn’t know you had so many lacy things, honestly.”
You flush, rip the material from his hands, and then fling it across the room. “They can’t go in the dryer! That’s the only reason it’s out.”
Niner is staring at you like he’s trying to puzzle something out, “Do you always wear lace? Are you wearing lace right now?”
Your face burns, “...I might be.”
His lips part for a moment, and he sets the plate of cookies on the table, “Can I see?” He asks, his gaze locked with yours, “I know, it’s kind of a weird request, but…”
“But I want you.” Niner pauses and then laughs at himself, “Want is kind of an understatement, actually. I need you.”
You flush, “You…Niner-”
He takes a step closer to you, and reaches out to brush the back of his fingers against your cheek, “There’s not one person who’s more important to me than you are.”
His fingers trail from your cheek to your neck, and then settles lightly at the base of your throat, just over the top most button of your uniform. “I didn’t think you were interested,” You admit, your voice quiet, “You never indicated one way or the other.”
His deft fingers pop the first button open, and then, when you don’t move to stop him, he nimbly opens the rest, and pushes the material onto the floor. “I’ve wanted you since the day we met.” Niner leans in and hesitantly presses his lips to a spot beneath your ear, “You were wearing your hair in a knot on the top of your head,” He murmurs, “And all I could think about is how you’d look with your neck covered in my marks.”
“That long?” You ask.
He hums in response, and lazily nibbles on that spot under your ear, and then he grins when you moan. “You like that then?” You press your lips against his clothed shoulder, your face burning, and you gasp when he does it again, “Yeah, you like that.” Niner teases.
Your face burns a little hotter, and you avert your gaze.
He pulls away and swiftly tugs your shirt up and off, leaving you in your bra and your pants. Niner tosses your shirt to the side, and his gaze immediately locks on your breasts.
You nervously cross your arms over them, “I know they’re not the biggest-”
Niner catches your hands and lightly pulls them back down to your sides, “They’re perfect, just like you.” Once he’s sure that you’re not going to try and hide from him, he brings his hands up to lightly trace the lace lining the edges of your bra.
Your breath catches and you moan, “Niner-”
“You’re so much softer than I ever imagined.” He breathes out, “Stars, I could just touch you like this for hours.”
You huff out a breath, and you reach up, wrapping your arms around his neck, and you tug him down to crash your lips against his. Niner releases a breathless laugh against your lips, his arm sliding tightly around your waist to hold you tightly. 
“Impatient,” He chides, once he breaks the kiss.
“I’ve been patient.” You counter, your hands sliding under his top, “I’ve been so, so patient. I’m done being patient.” 
He grins, “Alright, cyar’ika. What do you want?”
“I want you naked, and I want you to fuck me so good that I can’t walk tomorrow.” You say as your lips hover over his for a moment, “And if that’s not acceptable for you, I want to ride you until neither of us can think straight.”
Niner groans at your words, and he releases you to take a step back just long enough to rip his clothes off and throw them to the side, “You riding me until neither of us can think straight sounds like a good start,” He says breathlessly, before his lips are against yours again, and he’s tugging you backwards towards the bed. “Clothes off, cyar’ika.”
You stumble a little bit as you peel the rest of your clothing off, tossing everything to the side to be dealt with at another time, and then you’re pressed firmly against him. 
His hands glide across your body with a fever boarding on desperation, and you can totally understand, after all, you never thought you’d get the chance to touch him like this.
Before you can blink, he’s laid out on your bed, and you’re straddling his hips. His hands are on your hips, supporting you, and your hands are sitting on his chest for support. 
Slowly, you ease down his length, and as soon as he’s settled completely inside you, your head tilts back as you adjust to the feeling. Praise falls from Niner’s lips without him really thinking about it, and he gazes up at you in adoration. 
You’re about to start moving, when he drags you down so he’s able to kiss you. “Can we just stay like this, for a bit?” Niner asks, as he holds you still.
“You don’t want-?”
“Oh I do. I do want. More than I can put into words.” Niner reassures, “but I need this, just like this, just for a bit.” His grin is a little crooked, “How long can you hold out, cyare?”
You laugh softly and press your forehead against his, “As long as you want me to.”
And then he’s kissing you again, and for a moment, you think that this is what love must be.
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yujipg · 1 year
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“(name), i want you.”
“i want you too, but i can’t have you.”
▸ PAIRING — park sunghoon x oc ft. reader (both are gen-neutral) ▸ SYNOPSIS — you’ve had feelings for your best friend’s boyfriend for quite some time. of course you felt like a jerk for liking him, but you can’t help but admire him from afar. that is, until your friend breaks up with him due to a misunderstanding, and this new guy – sunghoon – enters the picture.
but things don’t go so well when sunghoon falls for you and you ending up to lose interest in your friend’s ex, resulting in this whole mess.
so, here’s the thing: the day sunghoon confessed, you had two options — and two alone: love him now or love him never. ▸ GENRES — angst (if that was not obvious), written series & very slight smau, reader as the 2nd lead + “the other woman / person” kind of au idk (altho i assure u it’s not cheating i swear i dont know how to explain it but u’ll understand), strangers to ????, friends to more than friends but less than lovers if that made sense...?, i literally do not know atp. ▸ WARNINGS (read carefully.) — cursing, slight toxicity, manipulation, gaslighting, the cast literally deserves better i’m so sorry, i chose violence, romance (but not your typical cute cliche romance fic), comedy from time to time for the shits and giggles, more to be added. ▸NOTES — hey enhablr ☺ it’s jungwonize. missed me and my crazy ideas❔i hope u did! anyways i’m praying this doesn’t flop, it’s the start of yujipg’s era 🙌🏽🙌🏽🤍 ▸ TAGS — #▸ nw.or.nvㅤ #nw.or.nv talks ㅤ#❔— nw.or.nv
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the letters i never sent (just, why am i so in love with you?)
pretty boy coming through!
a battle between me, myself, and i
feelings are fatal
pull bitches? i’d rather pull this damn trigger lol
oh whooo is he
well damn
oh? oh. oh.
you’re kidding, right?
i wanna see the stars (or see the world end in his arms lmfao fucking kill me)
i hope i die
over you
u don’t need me like i need u (by keshi)
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PERM TAGLIST (FOR BOOSTING) ; @luvhyun3 @bibisbestgirl 🌟 taglist is open ! just send me an ask! ☆ © yujipg 2023. do not plagiarize my works! reblogs & feedback are always appreciated. ♡
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randum-famdoms · 26 days
Hello! I'm reading one of your fic's on ao3 and was wondering when it's gonna be updated? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the fic and wanna know how long until we get a new chapter! Love your writing! And I was so happy to see that you gave Mishima such a cool persona! I love the fic so much! I've been ranting to my friends about it nonstop (even though neither of them have ever played the game) but they both sit there and listen nonetheless! (I may even try and convince them to read it! It's a pretty interesting take on the whole game! And the part where Akira is worried that Mishima will have a problem with him being gay and Mishima just like "If I had a problem with it I would've said something back in kamoshida's palace" was amazing! I love everything about it and I can't explain in words just why I love it so much! It's just amazing! If I was better at art I would LOVE to make some fanart of it!!! Again I can't explain just how much I love it! I hope you're doing well and aren't sick!
(How was the dog sitting by the way? Hope it went well!)
Ahshdjdkjfndbdkjdl thank you??????
I just. *scream*
The idea that people can love a silly little thing I write for fun this much is kinda unreal to me. Idk how to respond???? Thanks????
I mean, I’ve reacted like this to fics I have read before but having it turned into myself is trippy. Like this is some weirdly dream or some shit. Idk man. Shit’s wild.
Every time someone tells me how happy they are about the way I’m treating mishima in my fic I am further convinced that everyone who says he’s a bad character is a fucking coward and if more people would just make Mishima positive content then the fandom would be better off. He does not get enough love and appreciation and I will gladly take on the mantle of Mishima Ambassador. He is my blorbo, my boi, and I love him dearly. He deserves better, both in game and in the fandom, so I just did it myself.
Also, I ain’t about to beg you for fanart because you reading my fic is more than enough already and then you sent me this ask and Ann bear gave me a heart attack from joy, but trust me if you think you’re a bad artist I’ve seen worse. Much, much worse. I took an art class in a very sports heavy highschool and 90% of the kids in there were teenage boys who thought it would be an easy A. The first assignment was to draw a realistic hand. You’d think that they were AI with how bad some of them looked. So yeah, any hypothetical art you make is beautiful to me, especially because I’m fairly sure that if anyone made fanart of my fic I’d cry tears of joy <3
I tried really hard to update every week and I failed miserably, so I’ve made the decision to cut back to every other week. I’m like 85% sure that I’ll get the next chapter up this Sunday. I started my summer classes today and one of them (my English class) is cramming a 14 week course into 4 weeks, but I’ve always been pretty good at English/reading/writing so I’m hoping that that won’t ruin my update schedule AGAIN. I swear I can’t go two weeks without something fucking up my writing/editing time. We’ll see how it goes. I am not sick don’t worry, Just like, super fuckin tired cause my sleep schedule is fucked. I’m pretty good otherwise tho!
Dogsitting went well! I actually finished up with that yesterday. The little demon I was taking care of had absolutely no braincells, and was very annoying, and she kept pooping in my bathroom no matter how often I tried to take her outside to shit, but at least she’s small so it was easy to clean up and she was a good size to cuddle. Overall it was a 5/10 experience that was turned into a 9/10 because of the couple hundred dollar paycheck I got for it. The family I was doing it for is uncomfortably rich lol. Pretty sure some of it is blood money because the dad is an ex-cop turned middle school teacher (neither of which make good money) and the mom is a Russian immigrant stay-at-home mom and they somehow own a huge house in a really nice neighborhood and can afford a two week trip to the Caribbean on that income. I ain’t gonna complain tho.
I’m excited to get chapter 11 written and posted, I think it’s gonna be really fun! Lots of good plot and character development is gonna be happening :) the fic is really picking up now that we’ve finally gotten over all the exposition hurdles. Only took 60k words lol (I swear I thought that it would take half as long as it did to get to this point in the fic, at this rate the things gonna end up 800k words long and I’ll be dead before it’s finished)
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its-tea-time-darling · 3 months
Thought I’d send you an ask since you sent me one!!! I’m going to give you a lot but you don’t need to answer all!! 🔎, 🌹, 🔥, 🍋, ❤️, 🧡 and 🎵!! (Of course don’t answer any if you aren’t comfortable!)
yayyy thanks kat, these are so fun 🤩
got a bit long so im putting it under a cut
🔍 what character do you enjoy writing about for the most
ohhh good question! i think i would have to say thomas! i just love putting my little guy into situations
🌹 favorite kinks to write for
hohoohooo. i really like voyeurism / forced voyeurism, anything to do with shame or embarrassment, power dynamics (such as in bdsm or age play), anything that ventures into the mortifying ordeal of wanting & being wanted. i also love three or more-somes but i don't think that counts as a kink, really
❤️‍🔥 what character do you simp for most often
this is interesting, bc i don't think i simp for characters much. i might simp for the idea of a real person feeling some way abt me that a fictional character does abt another fictional character, but i don't find myself simping in the crush sense on characters. ALTHOUGH! oH. haha. hahaha. the exception might be janson bc aiden gillen as a villain (AND IN TURTLENECKS) is just That Good. oh okay. actually. i do simp for pretty villains (snow, the darkling, kylo ren/ben solo etc). (but uh also. understand that this is a fun past time and not like a. literary interpretation standpoint 😂 idk people get so weird about self indulgent villain sexualizing i feel it's best to add that disclaimer 🤣🤣)
🍋 favorite genre to read / watch / write
read (published fiction): young adult or the age group just one above (idr what it's called 😂) (coming of age? im thinking of sally rooney and so on)
read (fic): indulgently dark stuff
watch: rom coms 💘💘
write: a mix of angst and rom-com maybe?
❤️ how tall are you?
taller than most
🧡 what is your sexuality?
bisexual + demisexual
🎵 favorite artists
taylor swift. then a veeeeery big gap and then come: placebo, olivia rodrigo, lana del rey
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maruyaaya · 1 year
Hey Imeda! I am Low! I read your Pandalily fic recently and I adored it! I saw that you haven't had this account long and since I can't peruse/stalk your account to satiate my curiosity I've decided to inquire here :) I hope you don't mind.
Do you have any specific Pandora or Lily headcanons you can share? Do you have any WIPs in the works? Do you have any songs you are listening to on repeat right now? What are the top 5 ships that are giving you the most insistent brain rot currently?
And finally, I am done pestering you and I'm wishing you a day full of wonder <3
OMG HI LOW!! yes absolutely i am always happy to talk about pandalily they are my beloveds <3 yeah i set up this acc relatively recently bc i wanted a fresh start for my ao3 and i haven’t really had the chance to do much on it yet (i am unfortunately a full time university student) but i am so happy you sent an ask bc i am always excited to talk to ppl!! feel free to send more asks or even dm me for whatever reason!!
i’m gonna do the pandalily headcanons last bc i have so many of them, but firstly do i have any wips:
oh i ABSOLUTELY have wips. i actually am the worst at starting wips and never finishing them, but as for main ones i’m working on rn, i have a prongsfoot wip that’s currently around 50k words 75% done, a marauders x daisy jones & the six au, a (you have to hear me out on this one okay bc i know nobody ships this but me BUT HEAR ME OUT) friends with benefits sirius x barty fic that’s about half done, and another pandalily fic that is basically just taking shape but i don’t have much to say about it yet (im actually just the worst multishipper ever and i ship my favourite character, sirius, with every single person who dares to so much as breathe in his direction)
songs on repeat
ok so i am totally willing to just link my spotify, in fact: here and i have a pandalily playlist in the works here, but specifically, i’ve had never love an anchor by the crane wives, three by sleeping at last, and funeral by phoebe bridgers on loop over and over as well as the entire daisy jones & the six album.
top 5 ships giving me brainrot
1. PRONGSFOOT!! prongsfoot is forever in my head as one of my fav ships ever
2. pandalily! i absolutely adore their dynamic and the little version of them that i have created in my head
3. rosekiller. i think this is a relatively unpopular opinion but i am so intrigued by their dynamic and i’m currently in the process of drafting a LONG fic about them but i haven’t done much work on it yet
4. dorlene. UGH MY OG ENEMIES TO LOVERS i am forever obsessed with them and i can’t believe i haven’t written them yet
5. normally i’d have jegulus around here i think but currently i’ve been having intensive brainrot about the idea of a dynamic between barty and sirius. i think they’re two characters who are very similar and yet hate each other and i think it’s really interesting to explore a two sides of the same coin dynamic between them and idk i have a lot of thoughts about them i could absolutely rant for a very long time abt the sirius/barty dynamic i have in my head
bonus bc it isn’t a marauders ship but my favourite ship of ALL TIME is soukoku, aka dazai/chuuya from bungou stray dogs. i like them a Normal amount (i’m crazy abt them)
and now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, here are a few of my pandalily headcanons that i can think of off the top of my head
first of all, my fav pandalily song is trouble by halsey. it’s literally them. that’s their dynamic to me
pandora’s much more open about her oddness and want for Blood while lily is more closed off about it. it’s still there—absolutely still there—but pandora kind of awakens it in her and helps her to realize that it’s okay to show that part of her
they met through james and regulus and often go on double dates with them
they absolutely get matching tattoos. probably ethel cain lyrics or something abt the inherent eroticism of cannibalism idk
my favourite headcanon is that pandora and evan are twins and evan tries to get lily the shovel talk when he meets her for the first time, but actually just ends up half in love with her bc he thinks she’s so cool
speaking of, evan and lily joke that they’re going to run away and elope so that evans name could be evan evans and pandora thinks it’s the funniest thing ever
bonus headcanon that evan is the older twin by a few minutes but pandora tells everyone that she is and he doesn’t correct her
they watched bones and all together and every 5 minutes they would whisper “this is so us” to each other
they absolutely LOVE baking together. they do it at least once a week and they make cookies or cupcakes or something and decorate them like pinterest photos and give them to their friends
they have two shared pinterest boards. one is really cutesy baking ideas and cute room decor inspo and the other is full of quotes abt cannibalism and blood and eating each other whole. they treasure both of these boards equally
lily is the biggest taylor swift fan ever and she makes pandora listen to her songs together. pandora moderately enjoys taylor swift, but will listen to her constantly to please lily. lily’s favourite song is this is me trying and pandora likes cowboy like me
they give each other flowers all the time (notably lilies ofc). pandora can’t stand to watch them die and always presses them and keeps them all in a little notebook with the date they got them
they’re obsessed with biting each other. like not even just during sex, they do it all the time. they’ll be watching a movie and pandora will just reach over and bite lily’s shoulder for fun
their favourite show to watch together is hannibal. they’re crazy about it. they rewatch it all the time to an unhealthy extent
they often say really strange declarations of love to each other in front of other people like “i want to eat you down to the bones” or “i want to rip open your skin and crawl inside your kidneys and sleep in there” and everyone around them just laughs nervously and can’t tell if they’re serious or not
i probably rambled much more than i needed to but i am always very excited to talk!!
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revengesworn · 1 year
WAIT I JUST HAD A FIC IDEA THAT I NEED TO WRITE HOLY SHIT does anyone wanna hear it. too late here you go
basically, the idea is that after the happy ending of tokyo revengers; after takemichi and hina’s marriage... suddenly, everyone is mysteriously killed. mikey and takemichi are both sent back in time to when they were 15, and they’re filled with despair because they were supposed to have fixed everything!! everything was finally going well!!
but nonetheless they vow to save everyone again, no matter what it takes. however... within a few weeks (or months, maybe??) everyone in toman is killed again, this time in the past, and mikey and takemichi are sent back to the start again. in short, it’s a time loop. (the time travel mechanics are working differently this time around, and they don’t know why.)
turns out the true culprit is hanma. see, hanma isn’t who he appears to be. in reality, he’s actually a supernatural agent of sorts who’s role is to enact curses and punishments, and make sure they’re carried out. that’s probably what he was doing in the original series as well, keeping everything on it’s “proper path” so to speak?? 
however... he (or whatever force he’s working for) decided that takemichi and mikey hadn’t truly learned their lessons at the end of the series. and the reason for that is that despite them both having learned to rely on others, and not take on everything alone... they were still trying to protect toman from the past timelines and the trauma they went through by not telling them about what happened in the past.
and because instead of dealing with everything that happened in the series, they instead tried to erase it entirely - but trauma can’t be erased so easily! as a result, he wants to force them to tell the rest of toman about the failed timelines and let them regain their memories of them, making mikey and takemichi actually have to deal with the aftermath of everything while also not just relying solely on themselves.
it’s not so much that he’s punishing them for changing the timeline at all - in the end, this fic will still have a happy ending with everyone still alive, after all. it’s more the fact that they tried to erase everyone’s struggles and take it all on themselves, not realizing that those struggles are part of what makes them who they are, and that they’re not truly relying on others if they’re only trusting in each other.
of course, hanma still has fun with it all, cause like. he’s still a dick. lmao. he’s both trying to teach them a lesson AND having fun with the chaos of it all.
maybe kisaki is the one who actually does all the killing, and he’s roped into working with hanma again after hanma gives him back his memories of the past timelines? but since he also has memories of the good timeline and being friends with everyone, he’s more conflicted, and can ultimately be redeemed in the end. idk.
if you have even a little interest in this fic idea, please let me know and/or talk to me about it because i’d love to hear your thoughts! i’d especially like ideas for what exactly it is hanma’s punishing mikey/takemichi for, and what the lesson they need to learn it, because i have some ideas as outlined here but i feel like that aspect could be better... i think it’d be cool if the fic could reflect and deal with the problems people had with the tr ending as well, so if you didn’t like the ending then i am LISTENING. eyes.
also lmk if you have any problems with this fic concept too or think anything could be improved. because i genuinely do think i’m actually gonna try and write it (for once) and i’d love any possible feedback you all could give me. okay thank youuuuu <3
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
Idk if you simp for Jasper but going off the one season when she kidnaps Garnet and that one masterful sing is performed, imagine being her little pet, traveling space with her as he pretty little lap dog. She was originally going to take you home for some intergalactic zoo but you're so perfect that she has to keep you, you're her perfect little lap pet, perfect for giving her a little lovin on long travels and if you're obeintent enough, she'll even return the favor.
You definitely start off in one of those caged though, fearing and hating everything she stands for, eventually you realize that she never tried to hurt you when you listen, she's just a little too rough and doesn't understand her strength at times. When you did disobey through, you were knocked on your ass by that fucking electric stick thing, I have no idea what it's called but it's like a taser for gems anyways- it's safe to say you didn't do that again.
Overall, you get to try exciting and exotic food, knowing that you're loved and cared for all the time because you know that Jasper would rearrange any and all planets looking for you if you ever left her side
 Simp for Jasper? Oh my god I love her with all my heart!! 😵💖 The first discord server I joined was a SU self-ship/reader-insert one and I was so disgustingly in love with her my friends sent me trigger warning dms for ‘Fragments’ 😂😭 I ended up announcing I’d watch it iirc- and then went crying in the server 😂💖 I have SO much art from back then and I wrote a lot of unpublished fic too... 😤 Aaah, good old times (2020 lol)
tw.kidnapping, yandere, noncon mention, physical abuse, dehumanization, minors dni
Oooh, that thought is... something else 👀 I wonder what would make her keep a human pet like this - we know she goes against Homeworld’s orders (fusing with Lapis etc) when she thinks it could benefit her and her goals, but to outright forget about her hate for everything organic for one silly little human? That’s a really interesting thought- I love it when Jasper has a ridiculously soft spot for reader, because it’s so damn cute but first season Jasper AND a human?? I’ve never thought about it in that way, usually it’s more of a... noncon situation where she beats the crap out of you first and then sticks her whole hand somewhere unsavory to use your body like a sock puppet 🤷‍♀️ But to be fair I think about that no matter what Jasper we’re talking about 😂 But let’s get back to your really cute thoughts. Maybe she likes the fight you’re putting up or maybe your sniveling in your little (human-proof) cell gets on her nerves so much that she decides to let you out for a bit- after all, what can you do? You’re just a weak little human, no match for her. There is absolutely no need to keep you caged all the time (but you’re definitely going back in if you decide to swat at her, she has no time for your tantrums)- and before she knows it she actually likes your company, the power she has over you... I do think she’d hurt you sometimes- You’re definitely getting a good hard slap for being disobedient and even when you’re good you’ll be manhandled constantly. I can’t help but see her as someone with at least a tiny sadistic streak - we know she’s deeply insecure about being a beta and very prideful. You can’t tell me she wouldn’t torture you a little, from time to time. Just to show you how much stronger she is and because your tears are so, so cute... Oooh and what if we apply this to the show’s timeline, especially after she gets stranded on earth 👀 Uh oh, you’re somewhere in the middle of nowhere, trapped by a giant alien who’s definitely strong enough to rip you in two- and you’re dependent on her for survival. That has slowburn potential haha (Or what about Malachite... you think you’re free from her but the moment Jasper gains control again, she’s hunting you down. Oops.) A little end note: With all the asks I’ve been getting and the art that’s suddenly coming out of me I really need pick up my Bellow/Reader and pwp with Jasper again 😭💖 Summer project maybe?? 😂
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lqtraintracks · 2 years
Drarry Tag Game
@kbrick created this meme and tagged me to to it, so thank you! :D
When did you get into Drarry and why? Sometime near the middle/end of 2012. I was a Sirry person at first. Not that I didn’t think I’d like Drarry, but as far as writing, I figured everything with the pairing had probably already been written and so it would be arrogant of me to jump in and start writing them myself. (I had weird ideas idk.) I read a little Drarry here and there that year, but it was beta’ing Shelly’s hd_hols fic, Swish and Flick that first got me interested in reading Drarry.
Which Drarry fic hooked you? ignatiustrout’s ( @6balls ) Here’s the Pencil, Make It Work. It made me want to be a Drarry writer, like for real. It made me want to improve my writing in general and take it more seriously and see what I could do if I put more of myself into it. That fic is fucking amazing.
Top three A LOT favorite Drarry fics: This is an evil question. I need at least four because @bixgirl1 is going to get two spots just for herself. So yes, That Old Black Magic and In the Red (Let it be known that I could name eight more easy.) This is where it gets evil. Can I just name everything written by @shealwaysreads and @the-starryknight ?? And also birdsofshore?? Is that cheating? Can I sneak Modern Love by @tackytigerfic in too? And their one with the mpreg because my heart!!! And The Light More Beautiful by @firethesound ? Written on the Heart by who-la-hoop! dirtynumbangelboy by @magpiefngrl ! God, this is torture. Obviously I can’t answer this question properly and more importantly I refuse to.
Why can’t you quit them? Wrong question, why should I try??
Okay but…
I love exploring the choices we make, the ones that lead us into places of guilt, anguish, hopelessness, and the ones that lead us out of them. I love the idea that these two people can find each other in the worst of circumstances and be changed by one another.
I think @phoebe-delia mentioned about how she’s come to realize her best is enough through Drarry, and I feel similarly sometimes too.
Also enemies-to-lovers is and will always be SO HOT.
Ideal career for Harry? For Draco? Harry: lay-about. Seriously, I just want him to be enough as-is. But when he’s bored with that, how about teacher, or counselor. I’d love Harry as a Mind Healer. Also doing philanthropy. For Draco: Arithmancer, something super smart and magic-y. I also like philanthropist for him though. Or Muggle stuff, so he gains an appreciation for Muggles.
Harry and Draco are being sent to a desert island for a week with plenty of food and water. Each is allowed to bring three additional items (no wands). What do they bring? Harry: a Snitch, a broom, extra biscuits (he’s afraid ‘plenty of food’ did not include biscuits); Draco: a Wireless, a beach umbrella, and yeah, I really like @kbrick ’s lube answer. Definitely lube.
Favorite non-Drarry HP character? My darling boy, Teddy Lupin.
If you had to pick one, enemies to lovers or (enemies to) friends to lovers? Okay but listen: enemies to lovers to friends who are lovers.
Would you rather read a fic that made you laugh or one that made you cry? A lot of laughing, a little bit of crying. More laughing than crying, but give me both, dude.
Three songs that scream Drarry to you (feel free to include the Drarry-est lyrics!): Do I Wanna Know? by the Arctic Monkeys; Every You Every Me by Placebo (which is another Bix fic I could have listed and I stopped myself); Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran; New Divide by Linkin Park; Sway by The Kooks; One More Night by Maroon 5; Dolphin’s Cry by Live and I HAVE TO STOP OMG.
Favorite authors outside of fic? Oh yeah. *rubs hands* Donna freakin’ TARTT! Andrew Sean Greer. Andre Aciman (like 80% of the time). Jhumpa Lahiri. Tamsyn Muir! C.S. Pacat! Audre Lorde. Jeanette Winterson. Chris Kraus. Hanya Yanagihara. Vladimir Nabokov. Lorrie Moore. Annie Proulx. Larry McMurtry. James Baldwin. Dorothy Allison. Louise Erdrich.
Tagging with no pressure, and please feel free to pick and choose the questions you’d like to answer! Everyone who is tagged above is tagged here now too! Also @pennygalleon @sweet-s0rr0w @nv-md @skeptiquewrites @pineau-noir @academicdisasterfic @romaine2424 @julcheninred @writcraft and @slytherco
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breanime · 3 years
Okay, here’s my shot at a Tommy Shelby fic... Let me know what you think, please!
Prompt:  “You think I would do this for just anybody?”
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You weren’t entirely sure what possessed Tommy Shelby—the Tommy Shelby—to assist you, but you decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth and just appreciate it. Ever since he’d overheard you telling Ada about the men who harassed you on the streets, Tommy had taken it upon himself to make sure you always had an escort home.
And for the last five days, that escort had been him.
“Really, Mr. Shelby—” you began, holding your purse in front of you as Tommy locked up the office.
“—Tommy,” he corrected you, a cigarette dangling from his lips.
“Tommy,” you repeated, “you don’t have to keep doing this, really. I can just walk.”
“You live 45 minutes from the office,” he said back, “and that’s not counting having to stop for fucking protests or some pieces of shite trying to pick you up. Then it’s around 56 minutes if it’s raining or snowing,” he went on, “More if it’s doing both at once,” he led you to his car, opening the door for you, “You work hard; you ought to have your boss make sure you get home safe.”
You bit your lip, trying to keep your growing smile in check. Tommy had no way of knowing that—the time it took for you to get home—unless he walked the walk himself. “Well,” you said, climbing into the car, “I really do appreciate it.”
“Yeah, well just appreciate it quietly, eh? Don’t need the other girls thinkin’ they can get a free ride out of me,” he glanced at you, giving you a small smile that made your heart flip in your chest. You watched as he started the car, and he turned to you, “Why do you stay in that neighborhood, anyway?” He asked you. “It’s so far from town, the buildings are old, the landlords are pricks…”
“It’s the only neighborhood that houses Blacks,” you answered, “Or at least it’s the only one that houses us at an affordable price.”
“Hm,” he nodded, looking ahead as he drove, the smoke from his cigarette billowing from his lips, “Am I paying you that poorly?”
You laughed, and you didn’t miss the way his lips twitched upwards as you did. “You pay me well above the usual rate. I’m just saving it up, is all. I can’t have you driving me around forever, Mr. Shelby—”
“—Tommy,” he corrected you.
You rolled your eyes, making him chuckle, “Tommy,” you amended yourself.
“I don’t mind it, you know,” he said, turning the wheel, “driving you. These last few days, it’s been… nice,” he paused, “I don’t get a lot of time for good company or conversation on me own.”
“Oh, so I’m good company, am I?” You said with a grin.
Tommy turned to you, those diamond blue eyes staring right into your soul, “You’re a smart girl,” he replied, “Loyal, Trustworthy. Hard working. And you’re bloody gorgeous so. Yes. You make for good company.”
You felt your cheeks heat up, and your eyes darted down to your lap. You’d heard that Tommy Shelby was a charmer, and that he’d had pretty much every woman who’s worked for him—minus his aunt and his sister-in-law, of course—but you’d never seen him so… forward.
You liked it.
“Have I made you uncomfortable?” He asked casually, as if he was asking about the weather.
“No,” you answered, looking over at him, “You make for good company too.”
He gave a wry smile then. “Fishin’ for a raise, eh?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Either I’m loyal and trustworthy, or I’m bootlicker. Which is it, Tommy?”
He laughed, and the sound made you warm all over. Tommy didn’t laugh nearly as often as he should. “Fair enough,” he nodded, “You’re not a bootlicker, that’s for sure,” he glanced over at you again, “I haven’t figured out what it is you are yet…”
“I’m a girl who isn’t gonna let you fuck her just cause you’ve given me a few rides,” you said back, speaking before you could stop yourself.
He raised his eyebrows, nodding. “Is that what you think is going on here?” He asked. “My driving you home from work? You think I’m doing this for sex?”
You licked your lips, nervous now. “Well, I mean no offense, Mr.—Tommy—but I’ve worked for you for three months now, and I think I know you well enough to know that you never do anything for nothing.”
Tommy smirked. “That’s true,” he stopped the car, letting a mother and her kids pass in front, and looked at you, his eyes staring into yours brazenly, “So, let’s have it. Give me your theories,” he started the car again, glancing back at you as he spoke, “Why, then, do you think that I do this?”
You paused. Maybe you were being presumptuous. Maybe he didn’t want to sleep with you. Just because he called you gorgeous, didn’t mean he wanted to fuck you, after all. Maybe he didn’t mean what he said—although Tommy always meant what he said. Maybe, though, he really was just concerned about your wellbeing. A woman walking home alone at night could be vulnerable to all kinds of dangers, and given the amount of enemies the Shelbys had… You looked over at Tommy. “You do this for everyone,” you surmised.
Tommy turned to you, an eyebrow raised. “You think I would do this for just anybody?”
Again, you paused. “Yes?”
“Well, I don’t,” he said back, “I’ve never driven any of the girls home—except for Lizzie, but that’s only because I fucked her,” he went on, blunt as ever, “This takes up a portion of my time, and I’m not a man who has a lot of time to waste,” he looked over at you, “I like being around you,” he confessed, “I like the way you talk. I like the way you think, and when I think of you alone at night… I can’t sleep. I can never sleep, but still…” He took his cigarette and tossed it, giving a humorless chuckle. “You make me ramble,” he went on, shrugging one shoulder, “I don’t ramble, least not since France...” He paused for a moment. “When I’m busy, and one of the lads takes you home instead, it ruins me night. It irritates me that I missed out on that time with you, and that another man got it instead,” he glanced at you again, “Is that alright to say?”
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. “I prefer it when you drive me,” you admitted, “Not that the others aren’t nice and all—they are—but… I do like this time with you, being alone with you…”
Tommy looked at you, his sky-blue eyes staring into yours, and for a moment, neither of you spoke. Wordlessly, he pulled the car over, turning to face you fully. “Tomorrow is Friday,” he said, and you blinked, confused as to why he was telling you something you already knew, “Pay day. I’d like to take you out to dinner. Maybe see a picture after. Would that be alright?”
You felt your lips spread out in a smile, and Tommy smiled back, chuckling a bit at the excitement in your eyes. “Yes,” you answered, “yes, that’d be alright.”
“But I want to be honest with you,” he went on, “I respect you as an employee, and you’ve been a good friend to me these past months, and regardless of what happens tomorrow night, I will still make sure you have a safe way home after work,” he leaned forward a bit, his voice low and deep, “but I want it known that I very much do want to fuck you.”
His words sent a flush of heat through you, and you had to remind yourself that you were a lady, not a whore…no matter how much Tommy Shelby’s glimmering eyes and sharp jawline made you want to be… Biting your lip, you smiled at him, “I’m not going to open my legs for you on the first date, Tommy.”
He laughed, taking out another cigarette and lighting it, the flame reflecting in his ocean-colored eyes. “Mm, we’ll see,” he murmured, “So it’s a date then?”
“It’s a date.”
The rest of the drive passed quickly—too quickly for your taste. The two of you discussed work and your families and what movie you’d like to see, and before you knew it, he was parked outside of your building.
He opened the door for you and walked you to the front door like a gentleman. And you thanked him—
—with a kiss.
If the kiss took him by surprise, Tommy didn’t show it. As soon as your lips touched his, his arm was wrapped around you, keeping you close. The kiss was soft, but firm, and Tommy’s slender body felt magnificent against yours. You wondered, at the back of your mind, what your neighbors would think, seeing you necking with Tommy fucking Shelby of the Peaky fucking Blinders, but you couldn’t be bothered to care about what the gossips may say.
You were too busy trying to keep yourself from floating off in a haze of bliss.
You pulled back first, and Tommy let you. You couldn’t keep the smile off of your face. “I’m not letting you up, Tommy.”
“I didn’t ask.”
“Like hell you didn’t,” you smirked, making him laugh.
“I’m a patient man,” he said back, taking a step back, “I can wait until tomorrow.”
You laughed at that, but the truth was, you were quite certain that tomorrow night, when Tommy pulled up in front of your apartment, he wouldn’t be driving off until the sun rose.
In fact, you were counting on it.
You watched him drive off from your window, a sigh escaping from deep in your chest, the taste of him—mint and smoke and a hint of whiskey—fresh on your lips. Tommy fucking Shelby…
…what had you gotten yourself into?
Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! You guys know how I get when I write a new character; I always think it’s shit. So if it is, tell me! And if it’s not, tell me why, please! Should I write for him again, or nah? Cause I kind of have an idea for a Part 2, but IDK if anyone would be interested. 
 And if you really enjoyed it and you can send in a tip here, I would greatly appreciate it!
Everything Taglist: @sweetybuzz25​  @mrsjaxtellerfan​  @rhabakoli​  @encounterthepast​ @realduckvader​   @justvnash​ @knowles-morgan​  @ateliefloresdaprimavera @evanlys19​  @nyxxnoxx​ @carlaangel86​  @luminex3 @jigsawlover10  @gollyderek​ @otomefromtheheart​  @lexxierave  @amethyst09 @falsehopesndreams  @a-dorky-book-keeper @witchygagirl @glimmerglittergirl @fvckthisbxtchup  @ben-c-group-therapy​ @felicity-x0 @amirra88 @yourfellowangel @vibranium-soul @xserenax-13  @woahitslucyylu​​  @gemini0410 @ktiz90 @theoceanhathsolace @starrynite7114 @my-rosegold-soul @papa-geralt-of-cirilla​​ @abbiesthings @peaches007 @ifoundmyhappythought @tegggeeee  @bisexual-space-slut @mariaenchanted @thesandbeneathmytoes @sheeshgivemeabreak @queenbeered @sesamepancakes @venusis-inretrograde @shaelivia @breakingnewsin-no-oneasked @yourwonkywriter​​ @fear-less-write-more​​
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adhduskull · 3 years
Bro danny phantom is so cool n stuff, infodump man!!!! Just,, yeet ur feelings about it. I love fanart n stuff of danny so gimy ur thoughts on it!!!
Well, so first off I have a whole sideblog for it @superphlyduskull :3c if ur interested
Second this is straight up like. The most invested I've ever been in a fandom tbh, it's the first time I've posted anything and the first time I've attempted fanfiction!! (tho I haven't finished or posted anything yet) I recently thought up a headcanon that ghosts see more of the light spectrum than we do and that thats also how they become invisible, by only reflecting light humans can't see. I'd like to make a little fic abt it I think! Maybe one where a bunch of bugs follow him around bc I think it'd be cute
I think what really gets me about this fandom is the potential for worldbuilding. The show did close to fuck all in terms of exploring its own lore, but there were hints everywhere of how the world might work, and it's SO FUN to play with!! It leads to so many interpretations that are all equally plausible! Plus the huge amount of AUs inspired just by the source material... the way it lends itself to crossovers super easily as well, considering Clockwork has sent Danny into a different universe in the show (yknow, to stop the timeline where his family and friends and teacher die because he cheated on a test, eventually leading to him destroying the world...... there are some interesting morals in the show)
The angst potential is also insane, and I'm actually interacting with angst a lot more in this fandom than I usually would bc its so beautifully handled a lot of the time. Between identity reveals going wrong and the Guys in White getting a hold of him and Vlad being a shitbag to Danny being the GHOST KING
Ghost King Danny is probably one of my favorite AUs, I think partially bc its really fun to explore how insane it is for poor Danny to be saddled with this huge responsibility, and also to see how much power that gives him? Like on the one hand thats too much for a kid his age to handle and I feel like I might be projecting a bit since I was responsible for more than I would've liked from a young age, but also it reeeally spices up identity reveal scenarios and can save him too much grief in others bc depending on the take, a huge amount of the ghost zone has his back!! Like uhhh No, you are NOT going to mess with our King, [insert possible antagonist here]
It's also super fun to think of what ghost culture might be like, as well as just how ghosts work! We see glimpses in the show, but again, nothing is explored much? I love the universally accepted headcanon that ghosts have a vital organ called a core (though how it works varies greatly from person to person), and the idea that there are multiple ways a ghost forms (like from a being dying, or just forming from ectoplasm and strong emotions or big concepts, or being straight up born??). I've also seen the idea that a lot of ghosts don't really mean harm to Danny and that ghost culture is generally more violent bc they're not as squishy as humans!
Also!! There's gonna be a new graphic novel which is sick as hell! We don't know much more than that, but hopefully Nickolodeon doesn't mess too much with the creative team, because I'm really interested to see where they take it (especially since I think bitch fartman doesn't have any say in decisions? I'm not sure on that tho). Either way it's new content and I'm excited to see where the fandom goes with it too!
I have also realized the reason I don't infodump much is because I'm terrible at explaining things and trip over my words and am hard to follow lmao, particularly in person. You'd think that as an actor I'd be a little better with words but naaah lmao. I need to rehearse them for them to come out right apparently
Anyway idk how coherent that was but if u ever want to hear me ramble about dp feel free to send me more asks! Esp on my sideblog, I'm Always down down yell abt it!! Thank u for sending me that ask btw, it was really nice to do a bit of infodumping!!!💜💜💜
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jemgirl86 · 2 years
For the Behind-The-Scenes fic asks, if you don’t mind?
For Stolen Moments, a fic that forced me to deal with some things and changed my life and this post was supposed to be Anon but you don’t allow that so let’s pretend it’s Anon here. (Goes for anyone else reading this)
1, 2, 5, 7, 21, 22
26. You say some of your fics are heavily influenced by soap operas/soap opera plots but this fic...very real life. The final proof of that was at the end when Steve sent that letter because yes those men never get it, can never see what they did/do wrong.
Thank you!!💜
1. How long did it take you to write this fic?
Ehh I’m not 100% positive, because I started writing it on a legal pad I got out the supply room one day at work because I was bored, lol, and I didn’t date the pages. But going by the date I posted ch. 1, I’m gonna say it took me 8 months to write because I think I started it approx. a month before I posted the first chapter.
2. What program did you use to write the fic? Is that the program you use for all your fics?
Google Docs, and it’s what I always use now
5. Where did you write your fic? Is that your favorite spot to write?
I wrote at LEAST 50% of SM at my desk at work. The office was deserted and work was slow af, and I would write on my phone lol. What I didn’t write at work, I mostly wrote sitting on my bed. My favorite place to write is probably my bed lol
7. What inspired the idea for the plot?
It was like a combination of things. I’ve been watching various soaps (CBS & NBC ) off and on since I was 6, and I always loved a good love triangle and a good super couple that gets together despite a bunch of ridiculous circumstances.
Plus that trope of Person A asking Person B to watch over their significant other then, uh oh, Person B and the SO end up being into each other (a la Pulp Fiction and a dozen other things lol) has always been one of my faves… And I like crime/gangster stuff - pretty sure I’d just finished my yearly rewatch of The Sopranos and The Wire when I began working on this - so I know they inspired it too. And music! Idk it was just a lot of my interests coming together lol.
21. What is something you didn’t expect people to notice or gravitate towards in the fic?
It was the little things, like when someone would comment on the song choice I used for the title of the chapter, or one person commented about Sam’s phone number being the number from a LSG song - I didn’t expect people to really care about the stuff like that, so I always got a real kick out of them mentioning it.
22. Does personal experience ever inspire your fics? What about this particular fic?
Yeah, personal experience definitely inspires my fics. Hmm without giving a long winded answer, I’ll just say that I have the best older sister and the way I wrote Sarah was heavily inspired by her.
Thank you so much for the ask and for reading, and for all the kind words you left on the fic! 💕💕💕
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sukirichi · 3 years
suki’s restaurant is now CLOSED! please read updates after the “keep reading” tab!
thank you for the milestone! it’s really such a huge gift to me since i just started posting jjk content here ten days ago (◕ᴗ◕✿) as a small token of appreciation, all requests are now open and there’s a variety of ingredients you can choose from!
masterlist !
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meal guides:
🥞 breakfast - fics longer than 1k word counts
🍙 lunch (headcanons)
🍷 wine (nsfw content)
🍰 snack (timestamps, imagines & drabbles)
🍌 thirsts (ramble with me about our smexy thoughts!) for the brainrots
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— this event is officially closed. my asks are only open for the previous anons who i’ve asked to do a redo for any mistakes/restrictions in their previous orders.
— new requests will no longer be accepted. or maybe it will because i’m easily swayed with great ideas but it will no longer be part of the milestone event.
— my writing schedule is only during wednesdays, fridays, and the weekends. some works will be written in advance and scheduled to post daily (if possible.)
— please be patient! as you can see, i’ve got a lot of requests, and i really want your meals to be as pleasing and delicious as possible, so please please be patient. i’m training for med school and i’ve got other responsibilities too. if you want to decline a request if you can’t wait for it, that’s fine. 
— i’m human so...my mind can change any minute, and i could no longer be interested in a certain idea. if that happens, i’ll reply to your ask that i won’t be serving your meal anymore even if it’s here on the list below. it sounds kind of rude, but i wouldn’t want to write something i’m not interested in for the sake of pleasing others, because if i write something i don’t enjoy/am not that interested in anymore, then the meal won’t turn out as good had i been passionate for it. it’s going to be done out of forced productivity and the food might taste bad :<
— the last batch of accepted meals will be marked as ✿
— favorites will be marked as ★. because they’re the ideas i find most interesting and the ones i adore the most, they will take longer to be completed. i really want to give my ultimate best on that and just UNLEASH everything i have in me.
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how to order!
✦ choose from the ingredients below
✦ choose your own sugar and spice!
✦ choose from the meal guides above! please specify if you want your request to be
✦ send in your request by dropping it on my ask box!
✦ be as descriptive as you want in your request, i want to make a good meal for you!
✦ example of how to order: 
— breakfast: ingredient 9 + sugar 1 for gojo 
— alternative: 9+1+1+song (optional) + dialogue of choice (optional)
— alternative:  breakfast with wine: ingredient 9 + sugar 1 + spice 1 for gojo
— optional: ingredient 9 + sugar 1 + spice 1 for toji + cookie “starboy by the weeknd” and “you wanna fuck me so bad”
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ingredients : au (max of 2 picks!)
✦ sugar daddy au
✦ arranged marriage au
✦ accidental pregnancy au
✦ high school au
✦ university au
✦ med! student au / doctor! au
✦ lawyer au
✦ detective au
✦ ceo au
✦ sugar mommy au
✦ neighbours au
✦ bed sharing au
✦ roommates au
✦ co-workers au
✦ body swap au
✦ soulmate au
✦ fake dating au 
✦ marriage for convenience au 
✦ bodyguard au
✦ assassin au
✦ married au 
✦ love triangle au
✦ mutual pining au
✦ unrequited love au
✦ meet drunk au
✦ meet cute au
✦ siblings’ friend au
✦ friend’s sibling au
✦ established relationship au
✦ breakup au
✦ barista au / coffee shop au
✦ teacher x student au
✦ royalty au
✦ rentboy au 
✦ camboy/camgirl au
✦ ex au
✦ mistaken identity
✦ fuck buddies au
✦ bartender au
✦ tattoo artist au
✦ apocalypse au
✦ playboy au
✦ stoner au
✦ love at first sight au
✦ hate sex au
✦ sleepover au
✦ worthy opponent au
✦ age gap au
✦ loss of virginity au
✦ gangster au
✦ mafia au
✦ bet au
✦ rebound au
✦ drunk hookup au 
✦ bad boy good girl au
✦ amnesia au
✦ reincarnation au
✦ one of them is famous 
✦ one of them doesn’t know the other exists
✦ one of them is oblivious 
✦ one of them is taken already 
✦ polar opposites au
✦ met at the subway au
✦ library au
✦ football player au
✦ canon au (jjk canon)
✦ send me your own au!
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sugar: tropes (max of 2 picks!)
✦ best friends to lovers
✦ enemies to lovers
✦ lovers to enemies
✦ strangers to lovers
✦ mutual pining 
✦ unrequited love
✦ forbidden relationship
✦ partners in crime
✦ slow burn
✦ send me your own trope!
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spice: (for nsfw requests) (max of 3 picks!)
— here are the kinks/sexual content i’m comfortable writing about. there’s still a lot of kinks idk about so if it’s not here, please feel free to include the spice in the ask!
✦ breeding kink
✦ size kink
✦ stockholm syndrome
✦ age play
✦ agoraphilia (public place kink)
✦ somnophilia (consensual sex where the other is asleep)
✦ breath play
✦ dumbification
✦ cum play
✦ begging kink
✦ praising kink
✦ thigh riding
✦ collaring
✦ face sitting
✦ 34+35
✦ dacryphilia
✦ disciplining
✦ dirty talking
✦ exhibitionism
✦ role playing
✦ gagging
✦ watersports
✦ send me your own kink!
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cherry on top : characters
— characters i can write anything for (nsfw & sfw)
: gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji, choso, noritoshi kamo, ryoumen sukuna, nanami kento, okkotsu yuta
— characters i can only write sfw for
: itadori yuuji, inumaki toge
— characters i want to write for but don’t think i can write well (nsfw & sfw)
: suguru geto, naoya zenin
— characters i’m MOST eager to write simp for
: fushiguro toji, nanami kento, fushiguro megumi, choso, naoya zenin
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additional cookie!
✦ send me a song as a story inspo!
✦ send me your dialogue! (ex. “shut up and kiss me.”)
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restaraunt rules : please read!
— i do not write about yandere, stalker, pregnant! reader (unless it’s still until the early age where the belly is still small), non-con, and heavily canon requests 
— nsfw content i won’t write about: period sex, blood play, temperature play, pegging, male characters dressing up as female, monster fucking (sorry, sukuna won’t be getting four arms if you want nsfw for him), bestiality, incest, hypnosis (non-con related)
— not exactly a restriction, but please keep in mind that y/n is still a character for me as the writer. i may or may not add in features that even though isn’t explicit, could be something not suitable for everyone. phrases like, “he peered down at her” sounds neutral enough, but could still be implied that the reader is shorter than the anime character. it’s difficult to write a 100% neutral fic that won’t imply appearance one way or another. if i’ve written anything offensive/upsetting, feel free to tell me about it. i’ll do my best to keep it neutral.
— the reader will always be female bodied in nsfw content
— please be patient! i want to write fics the requester enjoys so i’m going to take my time in preparing your meal!
— i may or may not cook your meal 100% according to your request. depending on my comfort upon the idea, i may have to tweak a detail or two.
— i can refuse your request if i don’t want to write about it for personal or other reasons. i’ll let you know beforehand.
— wine will take longer to be served!
— i will announce if a trope/au/character is no longer open for requests. i feel like some ingredients will be quite common amongst requesters and i don’t want to write for the same thing over and over again. same goes in the manner that if you have a similar request to another, it’ll be fused into one idea/meal.
— if your request contains offensive/uncomfortable content, i won’t even respond back to you. i’ll immediately delete your ask.
— if you still don’t get or are confused by the guides, send me an ask! i’ll happily guide you!
— this event is now closed. i will temporarily be closing my ask box so i don’t get flooded. i’ll open it again tonight for anyone who has questions or just want to drop a message!
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hmm...i’m still not sure how to order for my meal.
✧ what if the story/scenario i want isn’t included in the choices above?
— as i’ve stated, please feel free to request whatever you want! the choices are there to give people an idea what they’d like to see, but if it’s not there, you can still request for it as stated in the “send me an au/trope/kink you want!”
✧ what if i don’t have any ingredient, spice, or sugar i want but a song inspo anyway?
— that’s also fine, but it would be preferred if you’re descriptive so your meal could be delivered better and faster. in this case though, i’ll just have to get creative!
✧ what if i want more than one character in the request?
— having others included in the request is fine, but as much as possible, i can only write a maximum of two main characters (the reader excluded)
✧ what if i want to request for the ones you want to write for but you don’t think you can pull it off well?
— just a heads up! i would love to write for them, but because i’m not entirely caught up in the manga, the characters mentioned above aren’t ones i know very well yet. 
✧ not exactly regarding the meal, but i’ve sent you requests from last week. would you still be writing them?
— i’ve received several requests when my bio states that requests are closed. however, because the ideas are actually really precious and i know i’d have fun writing them, i’d still write about them. i just cannot guarantee you’ll receive your meal soon since my requests were closed when you sent them. 
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Day One: breeding kink, size kink, thigh riding, married au, best friends to lovers is NO LONGER AVAILABLE.
Day Two: established relationship au, mutual pining, dumbification, and gojo satoru is NO LONGER AVAILABLE. to the asks that were received before this update, you may check on the requests accepted whether you made it to the cut or not. i’ll update this later. the restaurant will also reach out to you if one of your requested ingredients/spice/sugar/cherry on top did not make the cut. my asks are still open, so please tweak your requests a little bit to what is available! 
Day Two Update 2: Restaurant is CLOSED! spice 6 (somnophilia) is also no longer available! Check the requests accepted to see if you’ve made the cut, the latest and last accepted requests will be marked as ✿! 
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requests accepted:
✦ fushiguro megumi
megumi really likes reader and gojo, yuuji, nobara helps him confess
shy megumi who is really flustered and shy around his crush  meals fused into one. read here: not shy
★🥞🍷 40 (tattoo artist au) + 5 (mutual pining) + 2,12,13 (size kink, praise kink, thigh riding) + reader is shorter than megumi and isn’t shy read here: work of art
(★🥞🍷 5 (university au) + 5 (mutual pining) + 12, 3 (praise kink, stockholm syndrome) + virgin megumi) i’ve been outlining this for days but idk...i just can’t seem to form something out of it. i still have it saved but idk if i can still finish, i’ll try my best though.   it’s just challenging to write, sorry :( MEAL UNAVAILABLE
🥞 + 33 (royalty au) + 1 (best friends to lovers)
🍷 + 27 (siblings’ friend au) + 1, 11, 19 (breeding kink, dumbification, dirty talking) + feral megumi (feral megumi supremacy) read here: unstoppable
🥞 + 3, 38 (accidental pregnancy, fuck buddies au) + childhood friends to lovers + baby moments with father! megumi MEAL ORDER 9 & 7 FUSED read here: happy little accidents
★ vampire au + 55 (reincarnation au) + 6 (somnophilia) + vampire markings + blood drinking + nursing megumi...or him nursing you? hmm? (STRUGGLE PAANIK) read here: scarlet
✿ 🍰🍷 23, 38 (mutual pining au, fuck buddies au) might fuse it with request 7  MEAL ORDER 9 & 7 FUSED read here: happy little accidents
✦ nanami kento
jealous nanami with oblivious reader + gojo annoying nanami making nanami confess read here: a little push
comfort & angst fic where reader dates gojo but gojo cheats so she breaks down, leaves him, and nanami comforts reader  it’s too difficult for me to write sorry :(
★🥞 + 33 (royalty au) + 7 (forbidden relationship) read here: violet
🥞🍷 + 21 (married au) +  4 (strangers to lovers) + 2, 12 (size kink, praising kink) MEAL U
🥞🍷 + 23 (mutual pining au) + 1 (best friends to lovers) + 1 (breeding kink) read here: like crashing waves
ingredient 6 (med! student au / doctor! au)  + sugar 7 (forbidden relationship) + spices 12 (praising kink) + dacryphilia read here: overtime
✦ noritoshi kamo
fem!dom reader where nori defends his wife from the elders so she gives him the best night + blowjobs + overstimulation + sub! househusband nori + tit sucking spspss (MEAL UNAVAILABLE)
🍷 + 18 (marriage for convenience au) + 5 (mutual pining) + 18 (disciplining)
🥞 + 21 (married au) + 1,13 (breeding kink, thigh riding) meals fused into one, breeding kink is no longer included | read here: i know
🥞🍷 + 20, 58 (assassin! reader, oblivious! noritoshi) + 13 (thigh riding) + love at first sight + “wait, are you flirting with me?” + “have been since the beginning, thanks for finally noticing.” (BIG BRAIN ENERGY) read here: illusion
✦ gojo satoru
serotonin boost for that lovely anon gojo simp 9487 (i’m going to make this special for you because i love you anon) i was thinking maybe gojo comforts his uni!student s/o? just fluff and some cutesy tootsy to relieve your stress! MEAL FUSED WITH SEVEN
Tokyo by Leat’eq + ice cream shop! au with limited cat themed ice cream, you need to wear cat ears to go order + “nyaa!” read here
🍷 + 44 (hate sex au) + 7 (forbidden relationship) + 12 (praising kink) read here: divine
🥞🍷  + 29 (established relationship au) + 5 (mutual pining) no longer included + 6 (somnophilia) + fused with other request that isn’t listed here read here: sweet angel
✿ 🥞🍷 + 29 (established relationship au) + 12,15 (praising kink, face sitting) + reader runs into awful ex and gets worshipped by gojo like they deserve (queen tingz) + gojo comfort read here: breathless
(✿ 🥞🍷 + 12 (bed sharing au) + 7 (forbidden relationship) + 19 (dirty talk) + magdalena bay : killshot + jujutsu tech goes on a trip, gojo and reader ends up sharing rooms and a twin bed)  i’ve been outlining this for days but idk...i just can’t seem to form something out of it. i still have it saved but idk if i can still finish, i’ll try my best though.   it’s just challenging to write, sorry :( MEAL UNAVAILABLE
★✿ 50,1 (mafia au, sugar daddy au) + spice 8,12 (dumbification, praising kink) wow butterfly anon POPPED OFF | read here: earned it
✿ 33 (royal au) + 5 (mutual pining) + 11 (praising kink) read here: fall from grace
✦ choso my MAN
Tokyo by Leat’eq + ice cream shop! au with limited cat themed ice cream, you need to wear cat ears to go order + “nyaa!” + flustered choso + “onii-chan” read here
★🥞 + 17, 34 (fake dating, rentboy au) + 2 (enemies to lovers) + optional wine read here: easy
soulmate au + forbidden relationship MEAL UNAVAILABLE
✦ inumaki toge
🥞 + 15 (body swap au) + 1 (best friends to lovers) read here: total opposites
🥞 + 10 (sugar mommy au) + 4 (strangers to lovers) BIG BRAIN ENERGY THIS ONE (STRUGGLE PAANIK)  it’s too difficult for me to write sorry :(
★🥞 + 64 (canon au) + 5 (mutual pining) + sensitive first kiss with inumaki, them trapped in a room + yuuji as matchmaker uwu + WALL PIN KISS YES SIR + basically hot af inumaki...debating whether i should turn into wine HMMM read here: delicate
✦ naoya zenin 🙄
naoya putting reader back in their place, LONG SCHLONG CLUB read here: acquainted
✿ deity au + virgin sacrifice for naoya + reader with worship kink (DAMN THIS ONE GOT ME TINGLING, its going to be consensual tho, we all have consent kink in this house) read here: true gift
✦ okkotsu yuta 
🍷 + 53 (bad boy good girl au) + 8,10 (dumbification) read here: good for you
★🥞🍷 + 65 (both are oblivious) + 5,9 (mutual pining, slow burn) + 6,9,16 (somnophilia, cum play, 34+35) MEAL UNAVAILABLE
✿ 🥞🍷 58, 65 (one of them is oblivious, hanahaki disease on reader) + 5,9 (mutual pining, slow burn) + 12 (praising kink + cockwarming) + clumsy first time sex MEAL UNAVAILABLE
✦ itadori yuuji 
🥞 + 21 (married au) + 7 (forbidden relationship) (STRUGGLE PAANIK) it’s too difficult for me to write sorry :( MEAL UNAVAILABLE
✦ toji fushiguro
★✿ toxic toji YES + enemies to greater enemies + toji railing reader in front of someone they’re seeing because he doesn’t want to see you happy but he doesn’t want to “keep” you either (LOL this is so toji, might tweak a little bit) read here: personal disaster
age gap au + size kink, somnophilia read here: shhh
✦ ryoumen sukuna
🥞 + 2 (arranged marriage) + 2 (enemies to lovers) read here: black magic
55 (reincarnation au) + 7 (forbidden relationship) no longer included + unrequited love + home from war inspired read here: home from war: the ending
✿ 🍷 + 38 + master x servant + degrading, edging, begging (oooh degrading aint my kink but let’s see let’s see) MEAL UNAVAILABLE
230 notes · View notes
artzychic27 · 3 years
I’d like us all to take a moment and appreciate these fanfic ideas @andromeda612 sent me
1) Since I'm a sucker for Protective!Nathaniel, and also I got this idea from a character from A wolf with red fur, the boy who is always after Marc despite him being already with Nath sooo, pre relationship, this same boy is always bothering Marc, harassing him, and he is Lila level of bad not just in the way he doesn't gets what no mean but also because he always manages to look innocent in front of the teachers, Marc wouldn't be his first victim, so one day he goes too far and cue Nathaniel gets akumatized and exposes him
2) Also, because I love your Miss Mendeleiev's class and how they are a big chaotic family in which Marc is the darling sunshine baby who must be protected (despite him being capable we know Marc is just so protectable) so using that what about another Lila salt fic? She is after Marc for whatever reason but this time is not Nathaniel or Marc himself the akumas, no, this time is Marc's whole classroom, because let's be honest they love him enough to became villains after Lila's head Bonus points if Marc wears a dress or a skirt while all shot happens
3)Some Chloe Sugar! This came to me after re-reading your fic with no gender conforming Kim, at some point you mention Kim thinking about the class reaction's at his likes, and he thinks about Chloe taking him shopping, now the idea of Marc, Kim and Chloe being shopping buddies won't leave and well... why not getting things a little more interesting adding the asshole of the week targeting Kim and Marc, making the akumatized or probably their boyfriends, either way Chloe goes all Mama Bee with them and the asshole and maybe Ladybug lets her be Queen Bee one more time to save her honeybees, you could even make this another Lila salt fic, idk in which timeline you have the no gender conforming Kim but Lila is not mentioned in the fic, so it could be she was in another "trip" and didn't see the whole thing, so when she "comes back" and sees Kim she is not as supportive, if is her LGBTQ-fobic ass what gets her doon or you also add her lies is up to you, or you could use another asshole, you're the boss
4) This is something that just came to me, because I'm just a sucker of everybody loving Marc and wanting to protect him sooo, this is in the same Universe as Mariquita and Kats, someone hurts Marc and this time is Marinette the one who gets akumatized, I actually come up with something more specific but you have the generic idea if you prefer, anyway, my specific idea is an au of your Love Thief fic, in this Au (whic of course happens after Mari's akumatization as Princess Justice) Marc tells Marinette EVERYTHING of what Lucien did to him, she is the only one who knows, so when Lucien appears she is hella furious and gets akumatized, by now Tikki knows to just take the earrings and find Marc and when Mariquita shows up instead of LB Adrien and Plagg know is Kats' time (since it would be less suspicious if both replacements appear) (I also would think that to not arise suspicion Marc and Nath get to be the heroes a couple of weeks) I think this one also has the nice in the element of Marc having to face Lucien and protecting him since he is the victim, and is awful but being there, with his boyfriend, fighting his akumatized cousin and seeing how Lucien is actually as vulnerable as any other human being might help him to gather courage and face him as Marc Or another approach (the first one is just because I wanted to see Mari akumatized to protect Marc) but this time without Mariakuma, let's say the events of Heart Thief happens while Marinette and Adrien are out of commission, so Marc has to face Lucien while he is a villains, I find it equally poetic since he was a figuratively villain in his life, to fight him as an actual villain might give him what he needs to fight him as civilian too
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mxsmwndr · 3 years
Yes, No, Maybe So
jason todd x singlemom!reader
no a/n, really. jus that i legit LOVE jason x singlemom!readers so if there’s some recs please send them in lmao. (also, i can guarantee there will be more from where this came from so prepare if you can.)
also, enjoy this gif. it’s far from relevant but wicked awesome lmao. lmk what you think of this. i adore jason and there aren’t nearly enough fics for him.
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Maybe being a single parent was hard, and maybe being in Gotham made it harder, but the fact that you can have a child of your own? Well, that alone made it worth everything.
He was named Jay, too. After both his father and Jay Gatsby. And looked like him, as well. His father, I mean. He had the same striking blue eyes and the same jet black hair. However, Jay had your skin tone, but that was one of the few features you shared. It was that and his hair style, which was (curly/straight/wavy). But otherwise, he looked exactly like his father.
Also, it’s not important or anything, but it was actually his middle name that was Jay. His first was (*Pick A Cute Name Because IDK And It Would Be Bowie If It Were Up To Me Oof*).
And that hurt you at first. It hurt you, when you looked at your son, because you could only see his father. In his eyes you could only see the man you loved, the man who was instead of given the break he deserved brutally murdered.
The man who broke your heart in two.
But you can’t dwell on that now, can you? You’ve moved on and even if you haven’t totally you must pretend for now. For Jay if nothing else. For Jason.
“Sweetie,” You said to your son. He turned towards you at the mention of one of his many pet names, and like every other time, your heart melted at his glistening icy eyes. And you melted his the sight of mouth, too, and of course his hair and height and his everything, really, because he looks just like his father.
“Yeah, Mama?” Jay said, eyebrows pulled together and head tilted ever so slightly, barely, but also quizzically.
You shook your head for good measures and pulled yourself together once more. Smiling at your boy, you made something up. Really, you had selfishly just wanted to make him stay. You wanted to tell him that no, that it’s okay if he wants to stay home because he lives in Gotham and Gotham is a terrible place. That he’s always welcome to cancel his plans and instead stay with you. That please, Jay. Please cancel your plans and stay home, here, with you, because you can’t afford to let anything happen to your little one. Not like it did, Jason.
But that’s too selfish. Jay wouldn’t understand, and you didn’t want him to. Instead, you made something up again. Instead, you said, “Just... be careful out there.” Then, “Remember dinner’s at grandpa’s tonight. Try to be home around five, okay?”
“Sure thing, Mama,” Jay said with a smile. It was always Mama. Never Mom, never Mommy, but Mama. You loved it. “I’ll be home soon.”
Jay turned his shoulder, towards you. His dark eyebrows were furrowed once more until he saw you tilt your cheek to him. Then, with a grin mirroring his father’s, he ran to you and kissed your cheek. “Love you, Mama,” He whispered.
“I love you, too, baby. Be careful!”
Come back soon.
The ride to the Wayne Manor was... interesting at best. In a polite way, of course, but also... well, never mind that. You had arrived, hadn't you? Isn't that all that matters?
That, and...
"Alfred!" Jay suddenly cheered. He threw his arms around the man and earned a chuckle.
You bent over, gushing to your son about his manners, until Alfred told you otherwise. Then, with a sudden frown, he informed you that Bruce needed your help. He'd take care of "Young Master Jay", he said. And that "you mustn't worry so much, Miss (Y/n)".
But you were worried.
And so even though you were worried, you walked to the Batcave, where Bruce Wayne was standing, puzzled and intrigued and afraid all at once because if Bruce needed you... well it had to be big, right?
"(Y/n)!" The man said. "Come."
You complied, "Uh, Bruce, what-"
"Wait!" A different voice echoed. You turned, and found the figure running towards you to be Dick, Jason's former brother and Bruce's first adoptive son. "Bruce, are you sure this is a good idea?" He said once he caught up to you two.
He was met with a grunt from the former before continuing, "I mean... her life is really good right now. Really good. Jay's happy, he's in a good place and I'd hate to-"
"She needs to know, Dick," The man said.
Grunt (again).
"Fine. Just... just don't regret this."
"I won't."
"Um..." You said, looking between the two men. "Is something wrong?"
"Not in the way you're thinking," Dick murmured. Bruce, in return, sent him a quick glare and then motioned for you to move closer to him.
"Look here," Bruce said, pointing at a sheet he suddenly held in hand. You blinked, skimming through the data. It read Willis Todd and Shiela Haywood, but...
"What's this from?" You asked.
"Blood samples from the Red Hood, taken a few days ago," Bruce said gruffly. He was staring at you, waiting for a reaction because how would you feel? Even after all these years.... Happy? Sad? Something else? Mad?
Or "what?", maybe. That's probably the best one yet, Bruce figures.
Until, "He's back, (Y/n)," Dick whispered.
"I... no," You said. No, because he can't be back. He died, six years ago, by the hands of the Joker. Tortured and burned and ultimately blown up. People don't just survive that kind of thing.
And also, you were there. Not at his death site but at his funeral, at his grave sight, at the wake and at the lowering of his casket into the grave. You saw his body, it was dead.
Hell, you fucking grieved! You cried endlessly for weeks and weeks and even months! You visited his grave for every anniversary! You came for every birthday, too! With flowers and a goddamned love note in hand, no fail ever!
So why? Why pull this? Why to you and why right now?
Dick pressed his lips together, "I'm so sorry, (Y/n), I-"
"Do you think I'm stupid?"
"What? No, I-"
"Am I joke to you two? I mean, seriously?! If you wanted me gone you could have just said so! I can't bel-"
"(Y/N)!" Bruce yelled, startling you into silence. "I know this is hard to believe, but you need to calm down. Jay might-”
"The fuck you know about Jay! He's mine! My son which I birthed and I raised, okay?! I know him best, and I-"
"LISTEN!" Bruce yelled, stunning you into silence. "I know it's crazy. I get it, really, just... listen to me, okay? Just give me a chance."
"Why should I?" You said. 
"When have I ever lied to you?
"You see?" Bruce breathed, taking his moment because who knows if you'd let him speak to you again.
"The body... at Jason's grave... is a fake. Ra's al Ghul put it there, he... he hired Joker to preform a distraction, and, well, accidentally killed Jason.
"But he also brought him back to life! At least until Jason escaped.... but now he's here, because..." Bruce looked up, into your eyes. "He wants to kill the Joker, (Y/n)," He said.
No - "But that's suicide," You said.
"Exactly. And he won't listen to me, so I need you to come help me."
"Me? But..."
"He knows about Jay," Bruce continued. "But... he doesn't know who's he is."
"He doesn't know that Jay is his," Dick clarified. "He thinks you've moved on."
"But I haven't! I-"
"I know, (Y/n)," Dick said. "I know. I was there... but he wasn't, remember? He died and missed it all.... Which is why we need your help."
You looked back to Bruce. He nodded slightly, and you looked to Dick once more. Then, you said, "Fine. When do we leave?"
[yes, i do realize that this timeline is mad fucked, but do i care? nah. but also, part two maybe??]
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