#idk man I’m just so sick of nearly every single thing I see
dead-loch · 11 months
I don’t want to derail the original post but I’m really frustrated right now and need to get this out. Happy to be corrected/educated/whatever. I’m going to try not to be aggressive with any of this.
I’m seeing people in the notes of nearly every single post about Palestine that inevitably includes information about how to spot anti-semitism or how people will use this to push anti-semitism, saying things like “this is why I don’t talk about supporting Palestine”. Or they’ll reblog the post and just put “#antisemitism” like there’s not a single other thing the post could possibly be about (you know, the Palestinians whose land and lives are stolen).
Well, it’d be real nice if supporting Palestinians didn’t constantly get derailed by the threat of being called anti-Semitic (here I reference the orgs and people who insist that anti-semitism includes being critical of the state of Israel and its crimes). Can not a single thing be about the people who are actually suffering right now? Millions of them? I don’t understand why every single post needs to play both sides on this issue. Right now, in this moment, in Palestine, IT’S PALESTINIANS who are suffering. So why are everyone else’s feelings being made the priority?
This is such an unbelievably frustrating place to be. Like I have literally seen an Israeli person- so someone living in Israel and benefitting from the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians- say that they don’t usually talk about what their govt is doing but “this time” they just had to speak up. And all the reblogs are treating this person like a saint for— what? Finally saying something?? People, especially those who live in Palestine and the Middle East or have family there, have been begging for help for decades and I’m supposed to not be upset by a person (and let’s be honest, many people) who just decide to keep quiet until it gets, what, worse somehow?
The government of Israel is committing crimes against humanity. In part due to the threat of being seen as anti-Semitic, we, the world, have done nothing while this continues to happen. We’re literally making one person who suffered feel better by allowing that person to harm others. Except on a massive scale.
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icaruspendragon · 2 years
cw: grooming, suicide, mental health
i know a lot of times when we see/hear the word grooming we think of a certain kind of victim of a very particular crime. to help clarify, i’m gonna give a concrete definition for what i’m taking about
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so finding out this is something that’s been happening to me for the past few months sure hasn’t been, ya know, great. and i don’t feel great about it or myself.
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nearly every. single. box. i get to check almost all those boxes. fortunately, the sexual aspect isn’t a facet of what i went through.
idk. i’m just. i’m hurt. i feel violated. i was manipulated and lied to and gaslit and taken advantage of and used. i feel used. and i think the worst part is that i’m still scared to talk about it. because the people involved would make my life even more miserable than they have already if i named names. they’re still finding ways to hurt me even in my silence. and i just. i don’t know what to do. i don’t have the mental fortitude to deal with the fallout that would happen if i said something but i feel an obligation to say something because this exact thing is still happening to others. i feel trapped.
i’ve talked about it in therapy. but i just don’t know how to deal with it. especially because all of the sudden my brain decided it was time for me to start processing my brother’s suicide. and this abuse started to happen literally days after he died. i feel like an emotional live wire. i cannot stress enough how much i’m not having thoughts of harming myself but i feel so used and so empty and so tired. and i can’t even talk about it. not really. not unless i wanna make it worse.
i managed to finally get out and i’m still scared of what they can do to me.
how the fuck do you handle this? what do i do now? because i feel sick to my stomach with fear and anxiety making this post but i can’t have all of this floating around in me anymore. i had to let some of it out. and i’m scared about what’s going to happen to me now.
that’s why i’ve been online less. that’s why the quality of what i have been putting online hasn’t been the best. between finding out i was emotionally and mentally manipulated and abused for months by people i thought were friends and being treated subhuman at work. i’ve had all the life zapped out of me.
that’s part of why i’m pushing patreon so hard right now. so i can at least leave my job and hope that doing so will free up the mental and emotional space to address the fact that at twenty-five-fucking-years-old i got groomed.
something has got to change. i feel like i’m at the end of my rope and that rope is about to snap.
once again, i’m not having any dangerous thoughts. but i feel like i’m on the cusp of a complete and total mental breakdown.
i just wanna catch a fucking break, man. it really does feel like one thing after the other.
so yeah. i’m scared and sad and empty and i feel dirty and used and violated and it’s sucking every ounce of joy out of me. i just wanted to focus on being able to be creative full time. on making people smile and laugh. on helping others. that’s all i want to do and now i barely have the energy to shower.
it’s not fair. after everything i’ve been through i get to add another thing to the list and it’s just. not. fair.
it’s been a really, really hard couple of weeks on top of having and really, really hard past eight months.
anyway. that’s why i’ve been like this recently.
if any of that looked/sounded familiar, here’s the site i got the info from. you should check it out.
and maybe talk to your therapist.
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thewingedwolf · 2 years
i am rewatching shadow & bone bc, once again, i am a parody of myself, and i really am so fond of Mal in the show, i am deeply nervous about how he’ll be written in s2 lol. not as nervous about almost everyone else - i say ALMOST bc i was not impressed with the way Jesper & Nina weren’t shown to be bisexual, like, at all, & while i think it was just clumsy writing & not malice (the same as the clumsy way they wrote Alina’s race), that doesn’t mean it’ll get better lol. also pls understand i spend half my time shitting on the darklng, ben barnes does an excellent job reminding me why i hate that bitch okayyyy
Mal already knows that Alina’s tent with the other cartographers was moved, and knows where it moved. We first see him fighting but seems like he got there, immediately attempted to find Alina, figured out she had been moved and was wandering around, then said fuck it she’ll find me or i’ll find out she got thrown in lock up again, and decided to go beat someone up so he could show off his kruge in front of her lmao
Alina is interested in the grisha. she’s smiling and curious, clearly thinks Zoya looks cool af (she’s right, Zoya is cool af). Mal spends the entire time frowning at them lol. Could be bc a grisha just crashed his party, could be mal’s general dislike of grisha and the upper class. it’s very funny either way that he just Refuses to smile until Alina distracts him
Alina experiencing A Racism but still thinking quick enough so her team can eat makes me emo but also Mal immediately being like “time to commit some crimes” every single time someone is racist to Alina is so great, get u a real man like Mal
Racism is done very messily in the show and i’m hoping it improves bc like - Zoya is insulated from most racism due to her status, but we still get that comment about “YOU from Novokribirsk?” comment from another Grisha, which seemed like a pretty obvious slight at her being Suli. Alina experiences racism everywhere she goes from nearly everyone she meets - random cooks, cartographers, servants, Zoya, and the Darkling himself. Even Genya sort of brushes off the comment about her eyes as like, typical bullying and not something very different & much more insidious. Mal looks uncomfortable at the anti Shu Han propaganda & I think that’s it? Which feels weird bc he doesn’t have the class protection Zoya has, but maybe he doesn’t *look Suli* culturally the way Zoya and Inej clearly do. Or are Mal AND Alina both supposed to be Shu Han? We know from Inej and Nina (and maybe Zoya, idk, i never read king of scars bc i would have to acknowledge Matthias & David’s deaths and I refuse) that the Suli are still mistreated on a legal level in addition to social, but are maybe treated marginally better than the Shu that live in Ravka, bc Ravka is in an active war against Shu Han. Is that the difference in what Mal experienced vs what Alina does? lol or i’m overthinking something that clearly wasn’t thought out very well before they put it in the show. I just like. Do Not think Mal is meant to be a white Ravkan, firstly bc Archie isn’t a white brit, and secondly because - look at him aksjdjd that is not a man that can really pass for white. I hope they handle Alina’s background better, especially since she’ll be interacting with other Shu characters, in s2 but i also want an explanation for Mal’s background!!!
I do think it’s funny that the sickness grisha get if they don’t use their powers is very informed in the show. Mal makes a few comments about Alina being sick all the time but she doesn’t actually look or act sick at any point in the show aksksk
Mal is so strong, like the dude is fuckin ripped, a fucking volcra tries to rip Alina away and he’s just like “yeah i can take this bitch with one hand” aksjsj
I feel bad for that lil blond boy that clearly has a thing for Alina lmao he really tries to stick up for her and she does not even notice a little bit and then he dies bc West Ravka is like “anyways don’t get captured even tho we’re at war with half the world and you have no resources, crew, or family over here” ya, they’re way better than Old Ravka smh (Zlatan is just as big of a bitch as the king and darklng dammit)
Interesting that Zoya only gets shitty with Alina after both the Darklng & Mal clearly choose her over Zoya. Mal she probably doesn’t gaf about, but it definitely stung her pride that she can’t even pull an orphan from Keramzin but Alina can. Before that tho, even if she’s thrown by Alina, she clearly sees Alina as One Of Us. She even looks visibly annoyed when everyone starts laughing at Alina and her “i’m a mapmaker” response & seems to pick up on the implied racism of the “what are you” question. It’s an annoying response that after being rejected, Zoya uses that racism against Alina to put her in her place but like…I guess it’s not wildly ooc? bleh.
Ivan and Fedyor purposefully ignoring the Shu Of It All when talking about power and privilege is 100% why Alina takes so long to trust the grisha, and so easily turns against the Darklng imo. For all they understand the danger of being Grisha, for all Ivan wants to lecture Alina about her privilege at dinner, none of them even bother to understand what it’s like now, right now, for the poor of Ravka. You serve in the army & let the Darklng indoctrinate you with his nonsense, or you flee like the mother in the first episode does, taking your chances with the slavers & the volcra & the Fjerdans. There are no good choices for the grisha, no good choices for the non grisha peasantry, and Alina’s entire existence, from the never ending racism she experiences, to the death and starvation she’s surrounded by, is a constant reminder how few choices that exist no matter if you’re grisha or not.
So like, most of the bad guys have Weird Foreign Accents and I dislike it. All the Ravkans should have Russian accents but it’s only Fedyor & a few mean servants that do. The Fjerdans all have accents. Pekka has an accent. Everyone else is just a brit, including people in Kerch, even tho they don’t even speak the same language as the Ravkans do, they speak Kerch! Why does Kaz not have some country bumpkin accent dammit
“When our closest friend is in trouble, we do foolish things.” Smash cut to Kaz doing the Dumbest shit in an attempt to protect Inej from Heleen l m a o it’s not one whipped bitch in this show it’s two (it’s three actually, Matthias just hasn’t shown up yet lmao)
When Mal & Alina are both envisioning each other & reach out to hold the others’ hand, hundreds of miles away but desperate for comfort, THAT was the moment i fell for them. Archie & Jessie are just so Powerful okay aksjdjd
feels more obvious in retrospect that he’s not trying to train her to do anything but answer to him. he doesn’t even bother preparing her for the king bc he knows he can amplify her powers, so long as she’s not fighting him.
I do not buy Baghra’s insistence that Alina’s feelings for Mal hold her back. She’s able to summon her powers when she’s angry, and Baghra takes that short cut by continuously pissing Alina off. But Alina also uses her powers whenever she thinks of protecting Mal; she protects him on the skiff & when she remembers trying to run away with him for protection, she can summon a bit of her power. It’s Alina’s compassion that gives her abilities, but Baghra has spent so much time nurturing her own bitterness, watching her son nurture his anger, it just never occurs to her that Alina’s strength comes from her desire to protect the people she loves. Alina goes from wanting solely to protect Mal to channeling her power through her anger and rejection & Baghra treats it like a win but it’s just another shortcut that clearly makes her more susceptible to the Darklng whispering in her ear, not less, and if Baghra had any goddamn sense, she would have seen that she was making her son’s job easier. But like, the darklng didn’t just come out of nowhere lmao, and you can clearly see where he gets his defeatist, manipulative, and bleak ass outlook on life from.
As a certified Matthias stan still refusing to acknowledge the end of crooked kingdom, i think it is genuinely so funny that Mal gets chest wound after gut wound after chest wound in s1 and shrugs it off, but Matthias gets shot one (1) time and dies immediately & cannot be saved by the most powerful heartrender that ever lived. leigh PLS
“you are my true north and i can see my way to you now” IM JUST.
Genya has to hurt Alina’s feelings by lying about Mal, then immediately and smoothly changes the subject to something that will make Alina laugh. She knows she has to betray Alina and she tries her hardest to soften the blow, encourages Alina to return to the blue kefta instead of going too hard towards the Darkling so she has the protection of a color and a people, warns her as best as she can to be wary of the Darklng, even while she’s helping isolate Alina from anyone who could help her escape. i’m so depressed about Genya.
Enter David and Genya loses her damn mind ansjsjdjdjd Alina is doing miracle sun summoning and Genya just watches David the whole time, who probably cannot fucking believe his luck that his weird ass boss for ONCE is letting him hang out with the meanest, coolest, smartest person in the palace instead of Ivan & Fedyor, who spend all their time flirting with each other and bullying him
Fjerda is lichrally trying to commit genocide against the grisha & Shu Han does…some jacked up shit to their grisha lol, and i did a whole post about how the Darklng is just more of the same, but so is Baghra. All their talk of looking out for Grisha, but they both treat the peasantry of Ravka as disposable. Nikolai is theeeee only valid ruler specifically bc he does think of the cost to the peasantry & to the grisha before he makes decisions (something his father and his brother also don’t do lol). And both Baghra & Aleksander allow this “us vs them” bs to permeate through their own people - no grisha healers help the first army, and Ivan reads the dead but glosses over the Otkazat'sya deaths to focus on the grisha. but this is on purpose - if you make the grisha other the Otkazat'sya, you can easily turn them against one another. neither baghra nor aleksander ever work towards like, actual freedom for the grisha by building bridges and relationships between the grisha and the Otkazat'sya, they just turn the grisha into weird, insular child soldiers.
Alina realizing she can just swing on the racists now love that for her
Mal tends to deal with his feelings for Alina bubbling to the surface by purposefully breaking the tension; closing his eyes & going to sleep when they’re thrown in the brig, cracking a joke about going to Ketterdam when he steals her food. But their convo in the woods after they’re reunited is the first time he doesn’t try it - you can almost see he wants to, when she says she cheated on the grisha test bc she didn’t want to leave him, his whole brain short circuits at what it could mean, and it’s a moment where he might have purposefully broken the tension but instead he takes a minute to think before he tries to open up abiut his own feelings - only to get derailed & heartbroken by the realization that the stag drawing wasn’t Alina trying to communicate with him, but Aleksander manipulating & isolating her. But he still doesn’t break the tension - he lets Alina hold him, and he holds her in return, & stops running from his feelings for real this time.
I do find it so funny how Aleksander sees David raising his hand to speak, initially starts to tell him to knock it off, and then realizes David will not understand why Ivan and him find it annoying & just decides to choose his battles aksjjdjd.
Also, him going through the five stages of grief when he realizes Mal & Alina are together, and overdramtigcally monologuing about the orphans of Keramzin being reunited to this random dude who has no idea wtf he’s talking about. Perfect, no notes.
Episode 7 is just very well written. All the conversations are tense, all the action is painful, all the acting is amazing. From David half in tears as he helps enslave Alina, all the anger going out of Alina when she realizes the king was raping Genya, Genya’s guilt & shame over her own hand in betraying Alina stopping her from talking even though she’s usually so composed, Mal’s helpless snarl when he says Aleksander will wish he’d killed him, even Aleksander’s inability to look Alina in the eyes because he knows she’s right to hate him it’s just that he thinks she’s a justifiable sacrifice. Meanwhile the Crows are being the most chaotic idiots ALIVE akskdkdk just perfect, excellent writing.
What i think is interesting is that Alina makes the hypocrisy argument to Genya, and it works. Genya appeals to Alina’s compassion when she admits the king has been raping her, but Alina pieces together that Aleksander placed her in front of the king to begin with. Not a soldier, just a pawn. And Genya is so struck by this argument she has no counter; she just leaves in tears. Alina tries this with Aleksander as well, to get him to see the hypocrisy in his actions - of killing the king because the king is a monster, yet using the fold as a weapon. It has the complete opposite effect because whereas Genya is aware on some level that she’s being used, Aleksander is so far removed from his own experiences as a pawn, as a target, he can’t see her point.
“all countries will answer to us. for who would oppose us now?”
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means Something to me that Immediately after that nasty comment from that heartrender, Zoya sees another Suli girl (who, if we remember, someone she is friends with just called Suli trash before getting got by said Suli girl) who is about to be killed, witnesses the destruction of her home and what she will find is the death of the only person who ever loved her as a child, and makes the decision to betray the only stability she’s ever known for the glimmer of hope that Alina can offer her.
It’s also exactly what I mean when I say I hope we get an explanation for Mal’s background. In Inej’s chapters we get the sense that the Suli are a people that draw close together, even outside Ravka. Her curse on Bajan clearly hits him hard; even clearly trying to assimilate into Kerch culture, the thought that his Suli ancestors may forsake him for harming a fellow Suli really gets under his skin. So in the show, what I love is we get a small exploration of this bond that exists between all Suli as outsiders in their home countries - Zoya and Inej instinctively working together, Recognizing that bond in each other, with Inej even attempting to stop Zoya from going back to the ruins of the city, of wanting Zoya to stay with them. And Zoya, despite her pained history with her own people, despite her comments about Alina being [redacted], clearly returns those feelings. She’s so much warmer with Inej, and vice verse, then say, Jesper is with Mal (he’s not cold to Mal, he’s just Typical Jesper). The thing is - maybe you could argue Zoya and Mal kind of take a small interest in each other because they recognize the other is Suli, but Inej and Mal don’t really have that connection in the time they know each other, and Zoya and Mal are much more cordial with each other than Zoya and Inej are. OBVIOUSLY there are other factors at play. But. Whereas we get a hint of Zoya’s own complicated past, and Inej is defined by her ties to her culture, Mal doesn’t really show any of this beyond one single uncomfortable look at a Shu Han propaganda poster, and that’s likely more to do with Alina than his own background. I JUST THINK ITS WEIRD AND CLUMSY OKAY.
idek what to say about Alina’s amazing speech besides HELL YEAH THATS MY WIFE. she’s so fucking cool.
Ivan’s lil bitch ass being like “know your place” RIGHT AFTER Alina gives her “you asked WHAT I am” speech and then Jesper being like “i think the fuck not” and tossing him overboard. absolutely perfect i love that man.
Zoya looks so uncomfortable during the whole conversation by the fire. For the first time, she’s the outsider - the lone splash of color against the browns and blacks of the crows and malina. But when Zoya says she has to go back, Inej shoots up to stop her, and even Kaz attempts to dissuade her from what he thinks is no better than a suicide run. Since her childhood, Zoya has seemed alone, but just as her aunt stepped in to save her then, and the crows attempt to console her now, Zoya is never as alone as she feels.
And neither is Alina! Knowing where their stories end up going, i think it is interesting that both Zoya and Alina are very adaptable and very adept at making very loyal friends. Despite all the odds against them, with them being Suli and Shu, with Zoya being a huge bitch (which I love) and Alina constantly struggling with her own self worth, other people see just how amazing the two of them are and are willing to fight for them, with them, to be near them. Sankta Alina and the Grisha Queen. Wonderful.
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lokiskitten · 3 years
hello i love ur works omg idk if ur still accepting reqs or suggestions regarding ur stepdad! tom imagines but what abt an imagine in which tom attempts to end the secret affair between him and the reader and then the reader is heartbroken so she gets herself a boyfriend which makes tom jealous then smut ?? idk HAHAHA tyyy
Tom Hiddleston | forbidden behavior
Stepdad!Tom Hiddleston x fem!reader
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plot : around a week after your stepfather called it off regarding the bond you two had developed, you are caught hanging out with a couple of friends in a café. Noticing his presence outside of the building, you decide to join him only to receive the most peculiar lecture of your life.
warnings : stepdad!trope, stepdad x stepdaughter intercourse, jealousy, slight physical abuse, kissing, crotch groping, handjob.
A week had passed since your stepfather had decided to end the relationship the two of you had progressively developed behind your mother’s back. You obviously took this as betrayal, an unnecessary decision which easily led you to develop hatred for the older man- especially after he had managed to convince you that the moments you spent together filled him with as much bliss as it did for you. But these times were now over, and your first mission easily became to avoid him as soon as you penetrated inside of your own home. Before your mother, both you and Tom were obviously forced to make an effort in order to keep your secret on the low- scared that any suspicious behavior would lead your past to come flashing under the lights of the projectors.
On a warm Friday evening, you had decided to stop by a café with a couple of your friends in order to celebrate the end of the week. Within this group stood Trystan, a boy you had finally agreed on offering a chance after breaking up with Thomas. He was nice and well educated, a mass of long black hair covering the top of his head as well as his neck. The young man also brought home plenty of nice grades, which could only be a green flag to your high expectations holding self- adding up to how he had offered to help with your mathematics homework after school. Now this was a proposition you jumped on immediately, but which you knew wouldn’t be able to take place within the walls of your house- and that due to your dragon of a stepfather.
Being too busy laughing with your classmate, you hadn’t noticed Tom’s presence outside of the café, his body leant against his car as he watched you fall for someone else. In fact, he had been following you on your way back home from college nearly every day of the week- satisfying the weird obsession he held for your younger self and easing his crippling anxiety and possessive behaviors. Seeing you with another man couldn’t have driven him more upset, his fists clenching out of pure anger within the pockets of the suit he wore for work. Minutes passed by, and the older man remained leant against his car whilst growing more and more impatient regarding the sweet words and touches you appeared to offer the black haired boy. These touches he knew so well were meant to be his, and this overall sight easily led the adult to regret ever breaking it off with you.
When your head finally looked up in order to divert through the open doors of the café, your heart tightened upon witnessing the stern silhouette of your stepfather waiting against his car. Embrassement and fear progressively started to fill your organism, face decomposing whilst your friends continued to laugh with one another. Thankfully, it didn’t take long until Trystan noticed the way your mood had unexpectedly yet drastically changed. “Hey, Y/n?? You’re okay?” He asked on a concerned tone, his empathy leading your stomach to grow a couple of more knots at the thought of your stepdad witnessing such a scene. “Yeah..I’m fine. I think I’ll be going home now.” you responded politely, catching all of your mates off guard though none of them did a thing to hold you back. They could tell you appeared sick and pale.
“Take care.” Lizzie purred out as you swung your bag over your shoulder, the group’s curious eyes following your silhouette which exited through the door of the café only to end up joining an older man who stood nowhere far from here. Swallowing your saliva, you attempted your best to keep a rather proud expression on your face in order to push Tom a bit closer to the edge. You were aware that he absolutely despised it whenever you held an attitude. “Hi.” Your briefly said, not fighting the situation as your feet immediately started to lead you towards the other side of the car. “Who’s that guy you were with?” Tom immediately asked as he got into the driver’s seat, slamming the door shut behind him. You mimicked his gestures, and the two of you were now sat in the front of his vehicle.
“Just a friend. Why is it important anyway?” You answered harshly, leading your stepdad’s anger to rise above the edge. “Right.” He responded coldly, both of his hands firmly holding onto the steering wheel as he began to drive away from the café. Silently, you watched the way his veins popped out of his skin due to the pressure applied onto his palm- the way his jaw clenched easily matching with his overall tensed and aggressive behavior. Without showing any form of weakness, you simply decided to behave as if you were indifferent face to this situation. You couldn’t exactly tell where Tom was taking the two of you, but even after your breakup you still trusted him well enough not to bring any harm to your fragile mind and body.
You felt surprised and confused to watch him park his car in a nearly empty parking lot, the upset male obviously seeking intimacy for the peculiar lecture he was about to give you. But again, he remained unexpectedly silent, his jaw and chest being the only parts of his body which remained in action. He couldn’t appear to find proper words, though was he truly seeking any? Gathering your courage to take the first step, your lips parted shyly, a single word barely getting enough time to come out of your mouth before you were violently cut off by your stepfather. “Tom-“ you began, body jumping due to the man’s unexpected and quite violent reaction. His palm had collided with the steering wheel, as if the only sound of your voice made him remember about what he had seen back at the café. It was the first time you ever saw him behave in such a way. Usually, he was always calm, friendly. Anger wasn’t an emotion he often felt the need to summon.
“What were you thinking?!” He blamed, the accusations penetrating your ears and leaving your poor mind clueless regarding what he was referring to. All you could tell was that his tone carried hatred, and that therefore his overall body was probably full of this exact same wrath. “Tell me, what were you thinking?” He repeated, this time on a slightly softer tone though this unwelcome touch of dominance remained. Pressing his head back against the seat as air escaped his lips, you finally found the strength to step forward and explain yourself. “He’s just a friend from college. He doesn’t stand up next to you.” You promised, the words escaping your lips as if you two had never put an end to your inappropriate relationship in the first place. “I think about you every day. I think of us.” You added, growing hopeful face to how your words appeared to progressively calm him down.
Tom’s head turned towards yours, ocean blue eyes locking with your unique orbs as the empty parking lot made it feel as if the world around you had stopped. The way his chest moved up and down as he breathed led something to rise within your soul- a sensation you hadn’t felt for over a week... ever since he had decided to put an end to your affair. His veiny hand moved up to your cheek, fingers brushing against your cheekbone before he took the initiative to delicately push a bit of your hair behind your ear. “I don’t want you to see this boy again... ever. You’re mine. My property.” He spoke gently though asserted dominance, allowing you to loose yourself in his soothing tone. However, his head was soon to tilt to the left, his upper body moving closer to yours in order to steal a kiss.
You understood the signals and moved forward as well, his hand still on your cheek as your lips collided against one another’s. His jaw roamed air as Tom took the initiative to intensify the kiss, enjoying this moment after he had been craving the taste of your flesh ever since he took the stupid decision that was ending it all between the two of you. Within a matter of weeks, you had managed to make your own stepfather crazy about you and your aura, your body, flaws and qualities. And whilst Tom continued to enjoy the taste of your lips, your nostrils were filled with bliss as they were finally allowed to breath in his cologne again, a smell you had terribly missed. No scent could’ve potentially replaced the infamous perfume that was your stepfather’s and which you had grown used and attached to through your multiple intercourses.
Growing more and more heated, you took the initiative to slide your hand down until his crotch, fingers tightening against the thick material of his suit which allowed you to feel his prominent bulge through his pants. Tom groaned out of satisfaction as you began to massage his flaccid length which had yet to harden through his trousers, hips buckling upwards just so slightly as if his crotch desired to remain stuck to your palm forever- and that through the help of a denser contact. The warmth which emitted from his groin felt delightful under your bare fingers, a sensation which could only make you crave for more. And so did he. Keeping his lips against yours, your stepfather proceeded to slide both his hands down between his thick thighs, digits unbuttoning and unzipping his pants in a rush which finally allowed you to penetrate within his intimacy.
Sliding past the elastic of his briefs, your hand was soon to come in contact with the slightly hardened member which resided down Tom’s pants. This once he moaned, the vibrations penetrating inside of your moist cavity before his tongue slid inside of your mouth. You were soon to hold up a rather satisfying pace, rubbing up and down his shaft and stopping only when you felt the need to offer him some extra pleasure by giving attention to his testicles. The male broke the buccal contact to collide against his seat, eyelids shutting close as you carried on leading his cock towards orgasm. His member had now hardened properly, revealing his true and generous length which had recently been pulled out of his pants. Just like before, Tom found pleasure in thrusting his hips upwards and participating to the intercourse a bit more than he already was.
“That little boy of yours.. is his cock this big?” Your stepdad asked through seethed teeth, having trouble finding his words due to his clenched abdomen and twitching nutsack. “No...” you responded, being slightly out of breath due to the heated kiss you shared earlier. Hearing these satisfying words coming out of your mouth, the older man couldn’t help but raise his shirt in a hurry before white semen began to sprint out of his overly sensitive urethra, his shaft twitching and contracting in order to propel the sperm out of his crotch. You bit down onto your lower lip face to such a delightful sight, hand moving down to his testicles in order to praise them one last time. This move made your stepfather shiver. You two had finally found yourselves, and it wasn’t any time soon that the older man would ever agree to let go of you again.
“And as you can see... I’m not dead”- all jokes but yes, I am alive and giving the people what it wants😭 I’m sorry if it isn’t very good tho🥺 I hope y’all are taking care!
taglist : @theaudacitytowrite @devilsuga @bucky-soldat @winteralpine @fa-me @ineffablefanic @delightfulheartdream @rosie-posie08 @marygut1407 @wildxwidow @tabea3 @lokistoriesreblog @arzennn
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sukirichi · 4 years
jujutsu kaisen characters as students in high school: (non-canon AU)
featuring: itadori yuuji, fushiguro megumi, gojo satoru, getou suguru, & ryoumen sukuna notes: some parts include you as their friend, or even their high school love! (this is unedited/ not proofread)
masterlist ! requests are open 
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he’s not the brightest bulb, but he makes up for it through hardwork and enthusiasm
yuuji is literally that classmate everyone is just friends with
the type who waves with a smile, saying “good morning!” the moment he walks through that door
with that being said, since he’s everyone’s friend, i headcannon that yuuji doesn’t really have a best friend because he’s so open and available to everyone it’s hard to have just a one on one conversation with him
not to say he’s always surrounded by a crowd that you can’t get near him, but everyone likes talking to yuuji
he just fits in so well and understands people 
kind of like how he easily clicked with junpei (please, i miss him, i still can’t believe that he’s...you know...)
whether it’s the guys raving to him about sports
or girls shyly talking about their crush on class or about that new shojo manga
yuuji is open to anything and everyone. this boy wears his heart on his sleeve and he’s honestly such a precious boy, please be kind to him <3
the type of student that gets called to answer in class but isn’t shy to admit he doesn’t know the answer while rubbing the back of his neck
he does pay attention tho
i think it’s canon that yuuji is a dedicated man, like from that time he just watched movies straight and kept his cursed energy controlled so the cursed corpse would stop hitting him
overall, yuuji is a very hard working student! 
he wouldn’t get over the top grades, but he’s really proud of himself (and he should be!)
also that one kid in class that is surprisingly good in sports despite his lanky figure and laid back persona, because all the other sports-craved people are always flexing or challenging other captains 
but plot twist, this boy is ripped and very, beautifully kept in trim
yeah he’s not really into club activities that much
not because he hates them, but he’s just not that into it. he’s more than glad to join in whatever activities though and enjoys them, but if asked what he’d like to do, it wouldn’t be that first thing that came to mind
in conclusion: itadori yuuji is the class sunflower that lights up everyone’s day  🌻
yuuji’s role: the hard worker! 
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hands down, megumi is THAT student
if you’re volunteering in the library, you can sure as hell guarantee you’ll see megumi there
he doesn’t like studying in class because it’s too noisy, so if he’s in school, you’ll always see his name in the library logs
he’s that kid that aces all exams
the type to scowl when he sees a 96% mark because he’s expecting a perfect mark
okay before you come at me, i’m not saying megumi is that annoying smart kid in class that goes, “Oh, I’m so dumb, just a 96?”
no he’s more frustrated at himself because he knows he studied hard and lost sleep over it. he’s just wondering where he went wrong. he has literal note cards and customize flash cards on an app on his phone, waking up every four am and probably taking supplement classes after regular school hours
i headcannon that megumi is someone who always wants to do his best and actually goes through lengths to prove his worth
maybe it stems from having the need to show who he really is and what he’s capable of
but yeah i can totally see him doing that
also that cute student that keeps visiting the cafe every saturday morning, wearing a black hoodie and headphones tucked in, his pretty hands nestling over a book
he looks like a gamer but honestly i don’t think he’s got time for that lmao
would also be that guy people find hard to approach because of his quiet and reserved self
he’s pretty intimidating too
definitely sits beside the window at the back of the class. you can’t fight me on that
just because he’s smart and loves studying, it doesn’t mean he’ll sit on the front row and raise his hand every damn second
the teachers will encourage him to participate in class a little bit more, especially after seeing he’s awkward during group activities, but megumi just really prefers to do things by himself
i also headcannon him eating in the cafeteria like everyone else instead of having his alone time during a rooftop? like idk i can’t picture megumi completely isolating himself like that
he blends in well in a way that you know he’s just like everyone else; a human
but he also stands out in the manner that he’s a lot more introverted and reserved compared to everyone else
surprisingly good during sports and relay games
100% reliable
the type to stay up at midnight to finish a group project, sighing because his groupmates doesn’t care as much as he does, but turns it in anyway the next day
he’d be annoyed at them, but he doesn’t really like confrontation so he doesn’t out them to the teacher like that
but he’s also not someone who lets people walk over him, so he’ll simply say something about his groupmates becoming more responsible and to be serious for once as a “warning”
and yeah, he may be closed off, but once you get really close with him (even better if you have similar interests) you’ll find there’s a lot more to him than what you’ve originally seen and he’s actually a pretty great friend and supportive classmate
would teach you instead of just letting you copy his work or snap pictures of his notes
ugh he’s so responsible and morally right and that’s so attractive help
in conclusion: fushiguro megumi is the hidden gem  💎
megumi’s role: the intellectual outsider!
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man...i don’t know how to start this
i’ve said this about megumi, but gojo is also that student
no, in fact, he’s THE student
everyone loves him. literally everyone
the teachers? smitten
his classmates? in love
the school guard? calls him by his first name
the cleaning lady? turns into a star with the way she lightens up when he’s there
the cafeteria staff? yeah free food because he’s gojo satoru
gojo is what i like to call the “one who has it all” because....well, he kind of does
he’s really smart and talented, which comes as a surprise to everyone in the first day of school when he nearly gets kicked out for falling asleep in class
only for everyone to be shocked that he knows the answer already and the teacher is only discussing chapter 1 lmao
yeah he’d be that kid who always sleeps in class
or is playing games on his phone behind an open textbook
he literally doesn’t listen to what the teacher is saying at all - or at least that’s what he wants you to think
man is a god at multitasking and his seatmate would snicker because he’s crushing his enemies at a phone game, but then gojo coolly corrects the teacher about history or something
he’s pretty laid back tbh
but when he’s got everyone’s attention on him? ofc he’d show off
basketball meats are wild. even students from neighbouring schools would visit just to see gojo play - and he’s not even an official member! the coach just asked him to replace a sick player but boy won that champion shot
but he pretty much excels at everything
except cooking class, gosh, don’t ever bring this man anywhere near a fire. that’s probably the only thing that really got him to detention this time because he always somehow talks himself out of getting that red card with his words and charm
also that kid that would receive lots of confession letters, chocolates, and random gifts in his shoe lockers
he knows he’s handsome and he’s not shy about it. in fact, he’s shameless when it comes to his allure on people
but he also doesn’t really date anyone (it’s canon this man won’t stay loyal to a single woman lmao)
if he and megumi were classmates, they’d be sort of rivals
megumi would always come on top of class, but gojo is just a breath away from the former’s perfect marks. if it only weren’t for megumi’s squeaky clean record and reputation - whereas satoru’s is TAINTED as heck - and the fact that gojo doesn’t really study as much as gumi, then yeah he’d also be top of the class if he wanted to
on a much more serious note,,,gojo acts like nothing really bothers him and he’s simply that effortless
but i feel like he grew up with tutors from a very young age and that’s how his natural intelligence was just further improved and increased with that type of environment in his childhood
and unlike megumi, i don’t think gojo would really have a set goal in mind on who he wants to be or what he wants to do in the future
he’d just be enjoying the moment <3
in conclusion: gojo satoru is the effortless god!
satoru’s role: the lazy king everyone is envious of 
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the playboy
you can’t argue with me on this one
he just is, i feel it deep in my SOUL he just is
moment he walks in, all classy and suave aura and all, you can honestly smell and taste the amount of confidence that drips from him
probably came from a well-off family
probably the mayor’s kid lmao and he’s been used to the attention ever since he was young
much like megumi, he’s not really the type to show off his intelligence
and similar to gojo, people are surprised he’s actually got them brain cells just because everyone is more focused on his appearance first
like who would expect this tall hunk beautiful beast of a man with long hair and piercings actually liked classic novels and could effortlessly recite sonatas and poems in different languages
yeah i headcannon that getou is an intellectual, cultured man
ofc having long hair and piercings isn’t allowed in his school, but because he’s geto and the school knows about his family’s influence, they just let it slide
probably comes late to school too
he eats in the cafeteria, but you don’t really see him indulge much. some days, he’ll have his own fancy bento box prepared by a family chef, but geto is actually pretty simple and humble that he also buys packed bread or canned coffee 
takes the library volunteer by surprise when he drops by one friday after class to borrow an old classic novel that even your professors had a hard time analysing
but geto’s like, “oh this? yeah i last read it when i was thirteen, thought i’d read it again”
IDK WHY but I can see him as sort of breaking the rules when it comes to the school uniform
top three buttons of his shirt open when he’s feeling hot or something
doesn’t really keep his tie that tight too
but overall, geto is a composed and well-put together guy
i just can’t picture him slacking when it comes to his appearance, he’s too fancy and pretty for that
he’s also similar to megumi in a way people find it hard to approach them, but most definitely, geto also receives confessions often 
i can see him dating someone after being interested in someone in school and actually being serious with them unlike gojo
then they would be “that” couple that’re just so couple goals
not the type that goes overboard with pda and pulls off the angry face emoji when they hear someone talking about them and they’re like, “NO HE’S MINE”
okay that’s cringe but i legit witnessed that way too many times in high school yall cant blame me lmao
but they’d be more like the chill laid back couple that supports each other in everything and you can just tell they have a happy, healthy relationship
(oh to be getou’s girlfriend in high school and his first love and all his firsts)
in conclusion: getou suguru is the unpredictable!
getou’s role is: that one classmate you really admire but he’s so far out your league but he’s genuinely a good guy anyway so you’re happy for him no matter what <3
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okay okay hear me out but...the stoner
i really can’t see him any other way guyssss
and if you’re his classmate, you most likely wouldn’t see him that much either
dude is like 2-3 years older than everyone in class and he doesn’t give a shit about it
he’ll come like...once a week, if he’s in the mood enough
teachers don’t even bother scolding him for his tattoos anymore because there’s rumours going around he’s the son of a yakuza leader or that he’s a gangster who sells organs or some creepy dark stuff
ofc he doesn’t do that
he just does drugs and gets drunk at most
sukuna doesn’t really have that much friends either. yeah he parties with people and often gets high with some older kids, but he doesn’t genuinely enjoy their companies either
would totally come to school with his uniform unironed
red-eyed from his high and naps at the back of the class, making the teacher soften their voice in fear of waking him up
also doesn’t have a pen or paper
i mean...he doesn’t even bring a bag
fails the exams all the time, making him repeat year by year, and he’s even known for beating his senpai up for something stupid and sending the guy to a hospital where he stays for two weeks
but on the other hand
he’s also freakishly attractive and surprisingly easy to talk to
you probably bumped into him one time and you profusely apologize, but then he notices something about, something odd like, “did you just cut your hair?”
“uhm yes...you noticed?”
sukuna shrugs lazily, “noticed something was different, but whatever. it looks good on you though.”
he’s just soooo nonchalant most of the time, it’s hard to believe he’s actually pretty violent
but yeah this man has anger issues i’m sorry
but with that speaking, i actually don’t see sukuna as a bully with like a gang of his “followers” or that type of jazz
he’s more like the kid that hides under the bleachers or gets high in a storage room while everyone else is occupied with school festivals
it’s a shock he even came, but sukuna just says “free food is always a gift” but ofc it’s not free food...he just steals from the stalls
now here comes the fun part
so now that we know sukuna pretty much is a hopeless case...suddenly, he isn’t? maybe he meets you, the class volunteer who goes out of their way to visit his shabby apartment just to hand him his class work that he’s missed out on
he obviously disses you at first and ignores you, telling you to get lost
but somehow your kindness and persistence has him breaking
now he starts coming to school often, carrying a pack of gum or mint pops because he smells like weed and he’s slightly conscious of himself
this is supposed to be just them being students in high school, but i could honestly sukuna changing colors once he just gets a better grasp of what would be good for him
or maybe something finally interests him and gives answers to his silent questions
i feel like he’s such a troubled kid and just lacks proper care and attention, but once you become his friend and show him you don’t have bad intentions, he’s actually a loyal and decent guy
and when you two finally get close, you eventually gain enough courage to tutor him. sukuna is actually pretty smart too, he just doesn’t like studying, but when you compliment him, oh man, he melts
“yeah, you actually got that right! i told you you could do this!”
tsk,” he scoffs, “that’s all kindergarten shit.”
“if it is, then why haven’t you graduated?”
“shut the fuck up.”
although he sneers, you and sukuna have gotten close enough that you know both of you don’t mean anything bad behind those words and it’s all light hearted teasing
oh and when you ask him to take a picture with you for “high school memories?”
sukuna is disgusted
“get that thing away from my face - did you just take my photo?”
“yeah, you look pretty cute here! i’m so printing this and putting this in my album.”
sukuna is about to scold you even more, but the thought of you putting your photo together - even when he’s frowning in the picture - in something as sentimental as a photo book really has him softening up
would even try - keyword is try - to study more just so you’d stop frowning when you see his paper covered in red marks all over again
and he’d even try cutting down on his weed for the sake of his “health”
ofc he won’t suddenly - or ever, even - become the amazing student megumi is
he’ll still get into trouble because he’s impulsive and has poor coping skills, also he’s not good with words or dealing with his emotions
but on his good days, he’s a pretty funny guy
it just takes a lot to see that side of him, but it’s worth the time and patience
also i was expecting to write funny scenarios or imagines of stoner! sukuna because he’s too high to even hold a proper conversation sometimes but all i got is him saying weird words like “snail trap” or something when you ask him how his day is
would also have that garbled little laugh when he’s so out of it
sukuna will try to be better though, you just need to be patient him
but my GOSH when he finally graduates
he’s going to hide that little smile because deep down, he’s also pretty proud of himself and how far he’s come <3
lol now this makes me want to writer a high school au lololol
in conclusion: yeah he’s the stoner with a good heart 
which is so not canon...this shouldn’t even be a headcanon we know ryoumen sukuna is PURE EVIL but oh well maybe when I’m down from my sukuna high I’ll write him a lot more canonically
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Random Remy LeBeau Headcanons:
Idk what possessed me to want to make this, but it’s almost midnight and I’m having Many Thoughts about Remy (that and I wanted to make a headcanon post like this for a while so here we go-)
When it comes to looks, Remy is very attractive of course, but he has a lot of imperfections in his appearance:
Remy’s smile is naturally crooked, mostly due to the fact that he had no access to proper dental treatment as a child so his jaw is slightly off-set, and when he is genuinely smiling part of his lip quirks upwards (which also reveals his slightly mis-aligned teeth).
His nose is also crooked from being hit so often on the face and he also has a snaggle tooth also from the amount of times he’s been punched in the teeth.
Despite all of the above, he embraces how he looks because he knows it doesn’t take away from the fact that he still feels pretty and that’s all that matters to him. And people dig the confidence. SPEAKING OF-
In my mind, I see Remy as being less of the handsome man and more of the pretty/beautiful type of man. Like his last name literally means “beautiful” so of course he’s gotta be.
He has beauty marks along the hollow of his hip and on the inside of his thigh.
Remy is sound in his gender and sexuality, of course he played around a lot with it when he was much younger but now he knows for certain who he is and what he likes. As such, he doesn’t mind occasionally looking in a more gender-nonconforming way when the mood strikes.
So of course when Jubilee needs help practicing with make-up he offers right away. Anything for his pseudo-sister.
On the topic of siblings, Remy feels protective over those he cares about (which this isn’t new information) but when it comes to people like Laura and Jubilee, he’s especially more protective. This mostly comes from his experience of being neglected and he doesn’t want his loved ones ever feeling that because of him.
On a more angsty note: Remy tends to hide it whenever he’s hurting, [physically and/or emotionally]. If he feels sick, he still pushes through it just to make sure no one worries about him if he turns up absent even if it takes all his energy just to stay awake. Of course this usually ends with him being forced to take a fucking break while given a slight scolding for not telling anyone.
I know marvel will never address this, but Remy has a lot of built up trauma from all the years of him being hurt to the point of death, abandoned, betrayed, used, etc. and while he never shows it, all that really puts a heavy weight on him at all times. But he’ll never let it on to anyone. Instead he forces a smile and hopes that he can at least make someone’s day go better if his day isn’t.
Contrary to popular belief, Remy is amazing with children. He grew up with a large family, and was the eldest child on top of that, so of course he had to babysit his younger cousins a lot. Of course with infants that’s a different story, but kids just,,like him for some reason?
(Because this couldn’t be avoided) He has a very complex relationship with catholicism as a whole. On one hand he feels attached to it because he was basically raised catholic, but on the other it’s the same group that demonizes him over things he can’t control. He’s more passive with his religion and only really practices it on special occasions (like the holidays, for example).
“Gambit” is the name/persona he associates with all the bad shit he does. He only ever introduces himself as such when he’s either working with the X-Men or facing off against an enemy. “Remy” is saved for those he cares about and keeps the two separated as much as he can.
Remy was (and kinda still is) a habitual smoker, he picked up the habit at a young age and has a hard time letting go of his vice. Of course now it’s not nearly as bad, but when times get tough he’ll reach for his pack of cigs.
It’s not super obvious, but he’s kind of a huge nerd. His room isn’t decorated head-to-toe in merch, but occasionally he’ll find a rare collector’s item for Star Trek and he just has to get his hands on it. Also he definitely played dungeons and dragons and has a whole dice hoard hidden in his room.
He talks with his hands a lot, in fact he just moves around and fidgets often when he’s in a situation where he feels under-stimulated, whether that’s messing with his cards, humming to himself, or tapping on his leg/desk. However when he feels overwhelmed/anxious, his soothing gestures get to the point of hurting him. Like biting the inside of his cheek, picking at his nails, scratching, etc.
He doesn’t show it sometimes, but Remy will have days where he just doesn’t want to look at his reflection. Either because he doesn’t want to see his eyes, but sometimes he just feels alienated from his own body thanks to a lack of agency in the past.
OKAY NSFW BELOW THE CUT: (big warning for mentions of coercion and assault)
He aims to please his partners in the bedroom, so he changes things up as they see fit. So long as it’s enjoyable for everyone, he’s down for whatever.
Remy likes it when his partner messes with his hair, whether it’s just aimlessly petting it, running their fingers through it, pulling on it. He just loves the feeling so much.
His sex drive is kinda crazy sometimes, which is sort of a side-effect of all the energy he has pent up in his body constantly. Although it’s partially an effect of how hedonistic he is (which was a result of trauma and his need to escape it) and how often he feels like he needs to please everyone. Nowadays he has more control over himself, but when he was younger he was borderline hypersexual.
Not gonna get into specifics here, but Remy used to have a hard time saying “no” to people. Sometimes he’d land himself in situations where he wanted to say it but felt like he couldn’t, mostly to keep his reputation in tact but to also make sure that the other person is pleased even if he isn’t all in it.
Okay less angsty shit now. He enjoys being praised and given sweet talk. Of course he won’t say no to a bit of rough handling here and there, but it also feels nice when he’s cherished and told he’s doing good. But also outside of the bedroom praise takes him off guard and half the time he feels like he doesn’t deserve it, there’s far better people than him. And every single time he’s told he absolutely does deserve it.
Okay that’s all I can think of for now but I might add more to this as I come up with more akjdbvkj this isn’t for anything in particular, just wanted to share my random thoughts about him.
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opluffys · 4 years
What We Aren’t- Killer x Reader
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this took me so long cuz i had no motivation to write it... i fucking love killer but i’m so lazy lol. i hate this but there’s not that many fics for him, so enjoy? idk i’ve been unhappy with my writing for a while ughhh. please enjoy even though it’s bad! *please let me know if something looks off in the writing, sometimes it copies weird!!*
You sat perched upon your small, uncomfortable office chair, calmly awaiting a very important call. All you had been doing this entire day was waiting, for that damn transponder snail to ring. How long does it take to read over one single paper and respond back?
Being a member of a Supernova's crew meant a lot of injuries, you were no fool, no. You knew the toll it'd take on you as a surgeon to become Kid's ship doctor. One would take a look at you and assume you had enjoyed the challenge, the thrill of getting a new patient under the operating table each hour with something new wrong with them.
No, that was not the case, not at all.
Goodness, you adored being a surgeon, of course! Holding that scalpel and practically slicing people open always made you giddy. A sadistic surgeon, guess that's what people would pinpoint you as. But those were just simple perks of being the ship doctor on the Victoria Punk.
The real treat was the second in command.
Every time you weren't blinded by the lights in the operating room, you would steal glances at the attractive man. How mysterious he was just did wonders for you...
Over the years that you had stayed, you obviously had made advances. You wouldn't say that Killer always had women throwing themselves at him, they must be blind, though. So of course when you hinted that you wanted him in a more, intimate, manner, he at times accepted.
The two of you were not in a relationship, in fact, the two of you had barely exchanged any words to one another. Even though you always treated his wounds with utmost care, and not a word was said. Just a simple thanks and he was on his way.
You didn't care, though. You were not, by any means, looking for a long term relationship. You did not have the time for that, and you probably never would, if you were to continue your role as a surgeon, that was all you could focus on.
You scribbled notes down messily, crossing names out on the list quickly. While you waited for the transponder snail to ring, you decided to doodle a list. It wasn't important, not in the slightest. But you wanted to see how each crew member had gotten injured and where. It wouldn't help, but it was fun to see such a thing.
You heard the door swing open, being caught just in time in order not to bang against the wall. You were about to yell at whoever burst inside in such a way, but then you saw that familiar mass of fluffy blonde hair.
"Well, hello." You said, settling back into the chair, hearing it give a weak squeak in response to any weight put onto it. You really needed to get a new chair.
Killer grunted in response, and a small sigh left your lips. At times, you would question why he wasn't so talkative like the rest of the crew.
You quickly ripped the list that you had made, tossing it in the nearest trash bin you could find. You figured now would be a time to make an actual list you would use, not one that would bring you petty amusement.
"So, what do you need? You don't look injured, and I only do surgeries. So go over to the others if you have a scratch you need checked." You said, scribbling more unreadable words down.
"Since when do you only do surgeries?" You heard an unfamiliar voice pipe in. In question, you rose your head from the notes over to the voice you heard. After seeing a random lackey holding bandages, you scoffed and gave an eye roll.
"Too many on this ship come to me everyday to go under my operating table. You know that? Imagine if I had to take care of everyone else who came to me with a runny nose crying for dear life. I'd go insane." You said, relaxing your skilled hands in your lap, smiling proudly. Of course you would end up helping anyone who wandered into your office regardless. You knew nobody else could take care of anyone like you.
You shooed the young boy out of the office, who smiled in return to your words, not believing a thing, he knew how soft you were.
You groaned loudly, putting your head against the table. Why couldn't you be a mean pirate like your captain? Refusing any with a small bruise on their arm. It's your own damn fault, being too nice to the crew members, acting like their damn mother.
You then returned to take your notes.
"I need painkillers."
You nearly had a heart attack.
"You're gonna fucking end me..!" You gasped, feeling your heart beat quicken.
You calmed down quickly, your heart still beating quite quickly. Not because of how scared you were, but because of who was in front of you.
"I've been feeling a little sore and tense lately." Killer replied, leaning on the wall.
You laughed, bringing your hand to your mouth. "I can give you painkillers for that, but it can easily go away by a simple massage." You said, kicking your legs up onto the table. Hell, it was disrespectful, but it was your office. You could do whatever the fuck you wanted here.
"And I think I could help you out with that." You added, sounding a little suggestive about a simple favour to a friend, if you could call him such a thing.
"I thought you only did surgeries..?" He said, and you could've swore you heard a slight teasing undertone. Sly bastard...
You didn't bother a reply, you did not want to bicker with the man. Especially at a time where just a look at him paired with the sound of his voice would ignite your entire body on fire.
You sauntered over to him, urging him to take a seat. He did so, and you knew your chair couldn't take his mass of muscles for very long.
"Your shirt." You said from your place behind him. You were sure the both of you knew he didn't really need his shirt off. But ugh, that back of his...
You obviously were not a masseuse, but how hard could it be?
You dipped your fingers into his skin lightly, pushing harder when he didn't say anything to put a stop to you.
After around thirty or so minutes, you could've cooked anything with just the temperature of your skin. You were dying to be under the man in front of you, harsh nail markings sporting his sculpted back.
You leaned in a little closer, pressing your lips against the nape of his neck. He immediately stiffened, not being used to such a loving gesture.
"So? How does it feel now?" You questioned, spinning him around to view you.
You took a seat on his thighs, a much better place to be seated than your chair.
"I hope I made you feel at least a little better. It would hurt my reputation if one of my patients left without being helped, even just a bit." You grinned, hands roaming all over his built chest.
His breath hitched as you began to move your hips against him, feeling his hands attach to you.
"Now?" Killer questioned, not seeming to protest against any of your actions.
"Why not? I've been awaiting a call, but it looks like that idiot forgot about it."
It seems as if that were all the affirmation he needed, because soon after you said that, you were pushed harshly against your own desk, a surprised squeak coming from you.
Your garments were ripped off with haste, a lazy smile spread across your reddened lips.
Within seconds, you were just an utter mess. You always questioned how he always knew what your body had craved from him.      
He quickly pushed your soaked panties aside, sliding his fingers against your slick folds. You bit your lip to try to prevent any unwanted noise from leaving you, but just the sheer skill he had was too much for you.
Your cheek was against the desk, your mouth slightly agape. Such a lewd face you had made, and all he had done was a little teasing.
"So wet already. What have we done that was exciting?"
You whimpered in response, pushing your hips back in hopes of feeling his fingers, or rather, something else, fill your insides.
You felt his presence flush against your back, "Or maybe," he pushed his fingers inside agonizingly slow, nearly causing your death, "this had been on your mind the entire day?"
Fuck, this man was a master at reading people.
Your hands were balled into fists, nails creating marks on your soft palm. You didn't want to give in, you didn't want to beg, but your mind was beginning to disagree with your pride.
"No. That's not the case..." You gasped, feeling his thick fingers curling inside of you, "Hmm, I don't like liars. But, I do like watching you squirm."
"All you have to do is tell me the truth, come on. I know you can do it." Sick bastard. Fuck him. Yeah, you didn't need him, you could finish yourself off, if needed.
"I already told you," You took a deep breath, feeling him move behind you with ill intentions, "all that I've done today was wait for a call. Then, I'd seen you... My thoughts had run for a little, that's all."
Yeah right! Like he'd believe such a thing! This seems like a child who took something they shouldn't. It wasn't your fault, you weren't working properly. Your mind had become wired on feeling Killer inside of you, and that's what you had needed.
You heard shuffling behind you, followed by the removal of his digits. You grumbled unhappily, was he really hellbent on you admitting something that didn't matter? You were both adults, and adults were supposed to get mad behind closed doors. Yup.
While you had been lost in thought, you felt his tip press against your dripping entrance. Finally! About time! You almost broke out in song you were so happy.
You won this little dispute.
Actually, no. You didn't.
He pushed himself inside rather slowly, cock snug against your velvety walls. You expected him to start moving, or at least do anything. But nope.
"Seriously..." You mumbled, trying to move back into him, obviously he didn't allow this, hands stopping any of your ministrations.
This is fine. You were going to be okay like this. You weren't going to give up. You wanted to be a pirate, so you couldn't just rip your pride to shreds.
You knew he couldn't last longer than you. He would crack eventually, and you would triumph. In this case, it was seen as the opposite.
"You really can't admit it, can you?"
No! You couldn't! It wasn't the truth... Mhm, just keep telling yourself that.
You knew he obviously didn't care, he just loved to see you have an internal meltdown. He would use anything and everything he could against you. You could practically hear the 'teehee' come from the bastard.
He took a seat on your tiny chair, bringing you with him while the chair squeaked in discomfort. Now sitting upright on him, oh this wasn't good for you. You could feel him deeper inside of you and you craved more. You craved sweet friction of any kind.
You squeezed around him tightly, trying to ease him into forgetting about this little feud.
You heard his breathing become slightly uneven after that, you grinned, you had an ace up your sleeve.
"What kind of monster takes teasing to such a level?" You politely asked, slightly raising your hips. He wasn't able to stop you in time as you sank onto him slowly.
He was so heavy inside of you, you couldn't take it anymore. You wanted him to fuck you until your mind stopped working. You just got a little taste of what you could have, and you wanted more, you wanted it all.
"How about we take a rain check on this. I think we're both a little needy today." You smiled, you're such a genius. This way, you didn't lose. No, you won. You wanted to tell him to suck it, but you had boundaries.
"Fine. But next time, don't expect me to give in so easily." He sighed, getting a better grip on your hips.
You turned around briefly, seating yourself back onto him. You always secretly enjoyed being so close to him, hearing his heartbeat in an irregular way. Maybe it was because you were so close. Your face heated up a bit, no, that couldn't be it. You placed you hands on his chest gently, "You can move now." You braced yourself for a second, at times, the two of you had gotten a bit rough. You didn't mind, as long as the both of you enjoyed it, you were happy.
He lifted you slightly, you felt a little empty for a moment but sighed blissfully when you felt him back inside.
This was an odd pace... Almost like he was taking how you felt in consideration. Usually you fucked like animals, but this? This was more of a lovers pace. Even the way he held you, it was gentle, for such a large man you hadn't thought he could hold you in such a way.
Maybe he was still teasing, going at a slower pace than you were used to. You could wait a little, at least he was moving now. Your head made contact with his chest, a slightly more comfortable pose for you.
How awkward for him! Your soft hands at his chest lovingly, your face against him while he slowly pumped inside of you... This is what lovers would do, not people who just wanted a quick session... He almost imagined you looking up at him with teary eyes, mumbling an 'I love you'.
He too, felt his face warm. It was such an uncomfortable feeling for someone who didn't welcome such emotions.
A small part of you somewhat enjoyed this, being next to him like this. You wished you could feel his lips plush against your own at this very moment. You smiled while in thought.
He looked down at you through the holes in his mask, he didn't expect such a serene look on you..! You had been liked this, hadn't you? Holding him while you had sighed and whimpered with want.
He took no time to pull out of you, flip you the other way, so you were, once again, facing the desk. He shoved himself inside, pounding into you at a more wanted rate.
All of this has happened very fast. Literally blink of an eye. You had no time to adjust whatsoever, from a slow and leisurely pace, to harsh snapping of the hips.
The expression on your face was priceless, but also very vulgar. The illusion of lovers was wiped away instantly, meaningless pleasure filling its slot.
Your muscles had stopped supporting you, your body nearly becoming lifeless. You silently depended on Killer to keep your body from not falling off of the desk. You laughed imagining this actually happening.
Your eyes screwed shut while your lips had only been able to form, 'yes yes yes!'. You knew his ego was through the roof right now, having a girl under him screaming for more.
And you were right, spot on, actually.
Again, Killer didn't always have women offering themselves to him. You however, would happily flock to him anytime he felt like he needed to relieve some stress.
He looked down at you again, seeing your greedy cunt swallow his cock with urgency put him in a trance. Fuck you took him too good. It was literally as if you were the missing piece to his life.
The way your insides clenched around his length every single time he moved a single muscle, paired with your small and delicate moans... He felt like he'd break you in an instant at such a pace. But he knew you could take it, he wanted you to take all of him every time the two of you do this.
Tears came out of your closed eyes due to the intensity your body was undergoing. It felt fucking phenomenal to be stretched and filled and body bent while being pushed into the uncomfortable wood of the desk. God, you nearly unraveled right there.
Your grip on the desk tightened, knuckled turning a burning white. You couldn't go on forever, you knew that. But with the earlier teasing, you were going to be finished soon.
"Oh fuck yes... Right there fuck yes!!" You screamed, the feeling of pleasure skyrocket when he brushed against that sweet bundle of nerves inside.
"Right here, huh..?" He hummed, large hand caressing the curve of your ass. You panted and whispered something even you didn't know in response. You were just broken at this point.
You were certainly not prepared for when he continued to slam into that desired spot over, and over, and- oh fuck you couldn't handle this shit.
Your orgasm hit you fucking hard, you felt lifeless. Completely and utterly dead.
Seeing you moan and whimper desperately beneath him was, simply, hot as fuck to Killer. The way your body silently begged for more with every thrust, you lightly convulsing and squeezing him when you had gotten close, and the sudden outburst when you had finished... It just kept replaying in his head over, and over, and- oh fuck he couldn't handle this shit.
A deep grunt left him and he pushed deep inside of you again, a quiet whimper coming from you since you were so sensitive. His tip giving a final kiss to your insides, and finally sealing his hot release in you.
You mumbled incoherently while you struggled to get up, trying to pull on your panties.
"Woah, no need to waste." He grinned, pushing a finger into your entrance, keeping his cum inside.
You lightly fell onto his lap, not knowing he'd still stimulate your exhausted nerves. You turned your head into his hard chest and nearly cried.
"Don't be an asshole..." You muttered lowly, looking up at him, "Someone might come in and see."
"So? Maybe it's a kink of yours..." He replied, voice slightly hinting a mischievous undertone.
You snickered, rolling your eyes. When he wasn't so scary, he was quite pleasant to be around.
"Maybe... We might explore some of your kinks too." You giggled, feeling him stiffen at your response. Usually after sex the two of you would go separate ways. You would never bask in the afterglow with him, at least not this long. Talking so casually, too.
You were scared at what the two of you shouldn't become. This was a dangerous life, you couldn't get attached.
And finally the fucking phone rang.
It was as you hadn't just had the best sex of your life, finally this idiot had done what you asked. Who the hell knows why it took him so long.
"Yes? Hello?" You answered, getting off of your comfortable seat, which had been Killer, and leant against the desk.
"What a fucking view..." He mumbled to himself. It seemed that you had forgotten to put your garments on, just how important was this call?
You faked a laugh, this fucker said he went to the wrong island. How. How did that happen..? You would be sure to give him hell when he came back.
"It's okay! It's okay, I'm not mad!" Yeah, you're fucking seething. He was lucky you got remarkable sex out of this.
"Yes, please tell me how much they want for it? Also don't forget to try to swindle them for it, okay? I know you're a shy bastard but you can do it!" You said into the phone. He better get your herbs. You need these stupid little fucking plants or else you couldn't make your medicine.
"Holy shit, that's a lot of money... Well can you try-"
Oh he did not just.
While you were on the phone.
Your assistant constantly asked if you were okay, a shaky answer leaving your red lips.
"Hold on a second sweetie." You said calmly into the phone, acting like you didn't once again, have a huge cock deep inside of you.
"While I'm talking to someone? You couldn't fucking wait?" You whispered, bending slightly. This man had no shame, he wanted you to take it all, clearly.
"Let's see how quiet you can be." He retorted, not even acting like he'd done anything wrong. "Fine, just don't move too much. I don't want anyone on the other line figuring out that we're doing something so scandalous... It's quite rude to do so on the phone." You sighed, removing your hand off of the receiver.
You actually held up quite well, rocking side to side a bit while holding a normal conversation with the shop keeper, haggling about a price. You were so proud of yourself!
“No, put the price lower that’s way too... Too, ah..! Oh fuck..!” You yelled, feeling his large thumb rub harsh circles into your clit. Now everyone knew what you were doing, fucking great.
“Aww, and you were doing so well.” He chuckled, watching you shake under him. You didn’t bother saying anything back to him, too far gone in your own pleasure to care.
How embarrassing... You could try to cover this up, but you don’t know if that would end up well...
“Yes, yes I’m fine... Just stubbed my toe...” You laughed nervously, biting your lip not to let any unwanted noises out.
“How sly.” He smiled, hidden admiration in his voice. You gave him a quick middle finger, cursing at him a couple of times.
“Yeah thanks sweetheart. I’m gonna hang up now okay? Yeah, bye bye.” You spoke, not even hearing anything your assistant had said. You were focused on feeling another great climax, and certainly didn’t care about the price of the plant any longer.
“You’re so fucking wet...”
“Yeah, I wonder why.” Cue the eye roll, “I guess I was right? This is one of your kinks, isn’t it?” He grinned, pushing his cock deeper inside of your warm walls.
“You gonna finish inside of me without warning again?” You muttered, exhaling a shaky breath.
“Only if you want it babe.”
Oh. Oh he had called you babe. Names like those? Oh fuck now you were gonna get attached, and... And...
And maybe that’s okay.
“Fill me up.” You moaned, letting out a gasp of his name that you had chanted like a prayer.
You sure as hell didn’t need to tell him twice.
“Hey,” You looked up at Killer, hugging him under the sheets, “I think I like you.” You sighed, worried for his answer. You had a feeling the worst thing that could happen was a simple no, but hopefully you wouldn’t lose the sex.
He took his warm hands off of you, which you took as a no towards your earlier statement. You felt a tinge of embarrassment, but since you were so tired, you also didn’t care.
He lifted his mask just so his painted lips were shown, he quickly captured your lips in his own and you felt the sparks fly. You initially thought that it was just sexual, but during the day when you had thought of him, goodness, you were oblivious to your own feelings.
“Really now? You’re not just using me for the sex, are you?” He whispered, voice husky and deep in your ear. You reached to scratch his goatee lightly, “Who knows.” You pressed your lips against his once again, sitting upwards and quickly growing hot. Who knew a make out session would be this hot? The mans got mystery, that’s some extra points right there.
“I think I like you too.”
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deniigi · 3 years
I love the fic you showed on Luke, Han, Chewie being kidnapped by the trio- I would love to see more! Is there a chance we might see that fic or sections of it? I hope you are having a great day!
You may see more sections of it! It’s like 30k because I have zero self control sometimes, so idk if I will post the whole thing, but snippets I can do!
I wrote a fuckin’ hilarious bit where Han tells Paz that Luke’s got a crush on Din. Paz thinks about Din’s sexuality for .05 seconds and immediately has an anxiety attack that Din feels like he’s got to hide his queerness.
He brings it up with Din, who promptly astral projects in embarrassment.
This was a reconnaissance mission now. One which Luke was again having fun on. With Djarin refusing to speak to his comrade, Luke wriggled right into the place he’d left behind and started agitating again. He goaded Djarin and Fett that he could shave hours off the current course time. Han and Chewie hung back and strategically did not back up a damn thing he said.
Paz, uncomfortable to be on any ship that was not his own, clutched at his fingers and watched Luke chasing Djarin like an underfoot puppy in concern.
“What does he want from Din?” he asked Han and Chewie quietly.
Han blinked slowly.
“He’s got a crush,” he said.
Paz’s helmet managed to blanch.
“You’re kidding,” he said.
“Yeah, your boy’s ticking every one of Luke’s boxes, I’m afraid,” Han said while Chewie snickered. “He’s already decided on a destination wedding.”
Paz rubbed a few knuckles under the edge of his helmet and looked away.
“I dunno if the Armorer’s gonna be cool with that,” he said.
Han snorted.
“Armor isn’t strong enough for him, he’s got mind powers,” he said.
Paz’s helmet turned slightly back towards him.
“The Armorer is Din’s parent,” he said. “She leads the teachings at our covert.”
AHA. Orthodox. Han had it now. Djarin was a preacher’s son.
“I don’t know what that means,” Paz said.
“Don’t worry, I got you,” Han told him sympathetically. “It’s okay, though. People are more tolerant than you think.”
“I still don’t know what that means,” Paz repeated.
“You will,” Han soothed, “You will.”
 It was an hour before Paz blurted out, “Wait you mean he’s gay?” and Han almost cried, he was laughing so hard.
 This was supposed to be a hostage situation, but Paz was making this trip a pleasure cruise. He’d gotten about fourteen thousand times more awkward around both Luke and Djarin anytime they passed by. Luke had caught onto this with interest.
Han did nothing to stop him. He and Chewie finally had entertainment after hours and hours of torture.
Paz inched away.
“I’m happy for you,” he told Luke. “It’s fine.”
Luke cocked his head at him and got closer.
“No, man. Not me, sorry,” Paz said. “You got—you got Din. He’s—well, honestly the last I saw him he was like, fifteen and sort of scrawny, but you know he’s probably grown a couple muscles by now.”
Luke lit up.
“I know, he picked me up,” he said.
Paz vibrated.
“Mm-hm,” he said.
“Do you think he likes me?” Luke asked him.
Paz vibrated so hard his armor nearly started knocking against itself.
“He’s really into ancient Tusken shit,” he said. “Ask him about ancient Tusken shit.”
Luke’s eyes couldn’t get any wider or rounder. Any more of this and his pupils would start dilating, too.
“Copy that,” he said, then vanished.
Chewie whimpered and wiped tears from his eyes. Han leaned into his side and grinned so wide his face hurt.
 Luke took to flattening himself against the cockpit door and serenading Djarin in the other side with pleas for information about Ancient Tusken culture. Djarin was understandable baffled. He smelled a rat and refused to be forthcoming with any new knowledge.
That made Luke caterwaul louder until Fett had enough of him and locked Djarin out of the cockpit too, with instructions to ‘silence the Jedi before I do permanently.’
Djarin was now stuck out here with the rest of them. He crouched in front of Luke and they had a staring contest for a good two minutes before Djarin got up and sighed.
“You have so much energy,” he said. “No wonder Grogu likes you.”
Luke rocketed up to stand next to him proudly.
“I don’t sleep most nights,” he said.
Djarin studied him.
“I see that,” he said.
“Han and Leia say that I’m a ‘hostile’ bedpartner when I do,” Luke said with finger quotes for Djarin’s benefit.
Djarin, Han swore, was trying to think of a polite way to say, ‘Sir, I think you’re at breaking point.’ But instead he said, ‘do you like tea?’ to which Luke said, ‘absolutely not.’ Djarin told him that he had a great tea for him to try and was thereafter followed into the Falcon’s kitchenette around the corner.
Paz, in the meantime, was absolutely shitting himself. No longer able to avoid this conversation with Djarin.
“I think it’s cute,” Han goaded with Chewie nudging his ribs the whole time.
“The Armorer will not approve,” Paz insisted.
 Djarin had done the impossible: he’d put Luke to sleep. He delicately removed the mug of (possible sleep medication) tea from Luke’s unconscious deathgrip and asked Han where the used dishware went. That was thoughtful. Han told him to just stick it any damn place around the sink and he or Chewie would get to it.
He did and then came back to settle in next to Paz. Paz visibly experienced a rainbow of emotions. Djarin didn’t notice a single one of them. Instead, he crossed his legs and held the orange tips of one hand in the orange tips of the other.
“I wanted to apologize, Paz,” he said. “After what you’ve sacrificed for me and the kid, I should have been more grateful.”
“D—don’t mention it,” Paz stammered. “It’s—it’s the Way.”
“It is the Way,” Djarin agreed. “I think I was afraid of how to face all of you afterwards.”
Han could hear Paz’s internal scream from here.
“Yeah,” he said. “I’ll bet you, uh, did. It—it wasn’t the first time, was it?”
Djarin sat up a little straighter.
“No. How did you know?” he asked.
Paz shivered.
“Just a feeling,” he said. “You know, uh. Din. You don’t have to be ashamed of anything, right? You’re—you’re like my little brother. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you or anyone say anything to you. Okay?”
Djarin looked up into Paz’s visor.
“Are you sick?” he asked.
“What? No. I’m. I’m saying, that if you ever had something you wanted to tell me, or you know, any of us. We’re always here to listen,” Paz said. “And to support you.”
Djarin’s silver helmet tilted worriedly.
“I already did,” he said.
“GREAT,” Paz said. “Perfect. You’re doing amazing.”
Djarin pulled back, officially disturbed.
“Right,” he said slowly. “So I’m gonna—”
“Listen, kid,” Paz said, grabbing the strap between Djarin’s chest and back plates and dragging him back down to sitting. “Think about your parent.” He took Djarin’s hand from where he was actively trying to escape and held it in a firm, masculine grip. “She loves you, you know that.”
“Paz, I’m panicking,” Djarin said outloud.
“And she was so happy for you to have a foundling,” Paz carried on like plough. “So she’s gonna be happy for you, no matter what.”
Djarin could not pull his hand out of Paz’s grip, and boy was he trying. He’d started a cool descent to the floor, he was trying so hard.
“I know,” he grated out.
“But a jedi, Din?”
“He can’t help it, man,” Djarin said, still struggling almost on his back now. “You said it yourself. It’s a born-with-it thing.”
Paz stared forcefully at his knuckles.
“You’re right,” he said, letting out a slow breath. “But if that’s how it gonna be, you really should propose first.”
Djarin’s helmet somehow managed to emote ‘shock’ on the ground there.
“I’m sorry, what?” he asked. “I barely knew her.”
“Her?” Paz asked, then caught himself. “Sorry, sorry. Not my business—”
“It was like, a week at most—”
“Not my business.”
“And yeah, she had a great kid and—”
“Wait, wait, hold up,” Paz said. “Who are you talking about?”
Djarin stared.
“My friend? From Sorgen?” he said. “Who are you talking about?”
Paz went very still.
“You’re fuckin’ some gal on Sorgen?” he asked.
“No?” Djarin said. “I mean. She wanted to, and I thought about it, but it was only a week, and I didn’t want her to feel like I’d used her only for—who are you talking about?”
“The jedi,” Paz said, pointing at Luke’s languid, curled up self on the table’s bench.
“Why would I be fucking the jedi?” Djarin asked. “He’s my son’s teacher, Paz.”
“Because he’s crushing on you?” Paz asked, equally upset and confused. “And you’re gay, so?”
“I’m what?”
“I am??”
Han was crying. Han was sobbing.
These idiots were days of comedy. Look at them go. Look at ‘em spin.
“Din, please. You don’t have to fake it. I support you—”
“I didn’t ask for your support?”
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of—”
“I’m not ashamed.”
“Are you sure? Because I’m picking up some strong feelings. And I don’t want you to think that—”
“Paz, what I want more than anything for you to do right now is to stop thinking. I’m not gay.”
Paz pressed a hand against his helmet like he was in physical pain.
“But the way you always looked at Teyo,” he said.
Djarin had a tiny stroke and slammed his fist into Paz’s arm.
“What the FUCK, brat?”
“Why’re you yellin’ at me now??”
“Why’re you bringing up some childhood shit, haven’t we done enough of that already?”
“Why’re you so mad? I’m tryin’ to be supportive. If you wanna fuck the Jedi, fuck the Jedi. I’m just sayin’ maybe don’t tell the Armorer until after you’ve done it, so she doesn’t think you’re under some kinda mind-trick or somethin’, alright?”
Han no longer needed those helmets. He had these characters down. Djarin was gaping now. In shock and offense.
“Never speak to me again,” he decided.
“Bro,” Paz said.
“Karkin’ hell, Din. What’s your problem?”
“Excuse me, I must drown, where are your facilities?” Djarin asked Han directly.
“Round the corner, on the left,” Han told him.
“No, no, no,” Paz said, grabbing Djarin by the cape and dragging him back. “We gotta talk about this. We gotta process.”
“I’m not processing shit with you,” Djarin said. “I am not fucking the jedi.”
“But you want to,” Paz deduced.
“I—what? Wh—do you want me to have relations with him? Did I miss something?” Djarin asked.
“I want you to feel supported,” Paz said.
“I don’t. I feel targeted,” Djarin said. “Stop targeting me.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll stop.”
“Good. Let go.”
“But if—”
“Paz, I’m going to behead myself.”
“If you do want to have sex with the jedi, later. That’s fine. Or anyone else. That’s fine, too.”
Behold. A breaking point.
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maybedefinitely404 · 4 years
Day 16: Prinxiety
Heeey, look at that, I’m behind! Day 16: When your soulmate listens to music, you hear it in your own head as well. 
Content warnings: assumed death of a soulmate (he’s not dead), depression, general sad vibes.
Word count: 2.6k
Note: the songs referenced in this fic are IDK You Yet by Alexander 23 and Love is Gone by SLANDER. Both of these songs make me cry and were the inspiration for this.
It was at midnight on December 19th when Roman’s soulmark first appeared. He didn’t realize this until 1am.
Granted, he didn’t know it was his soulmark for the first hour.
At first, the almost imperceptible steady beat in his head just seemed like a song that had gotten stuck in there. He didn’t remember ever hearing the song, but it wasn’t unlikely that he’d heard the tune at the store or on the radio and it unconsciously ingrained itself into his memory. He was working on an assignment that was due in the morning, a script analysis for one of his Theatre courses, and had begun to bop his head along to the music when his roommate walked in, eyes bleary and arms laden with books.
“Why aren’t you in bed?” He asked through a yawn, dropping the books on his desk and flopping into the bottom bunk. 
“I could ask you the same question, Pat,” Roman hummed, completing his conclusion paragraph with a dramatic flair of his hands. “Just finished my paper. Going now.”
“Lost track of time at the library,” Patton murmured in response, draping his arms over his eyes. 
Closing his computer, Roman popped his back and climbed up the small ladder into the top bunk, using his cellphone as a flashlight. He assumed Patton was already fast asleep (the man could fall asleep at the drop of a hat) and tried to follow suit, only to sit up in annoyance after several minutes.
Whatever song was stuck in his head was keeping him up. 
He remembered a tip he’d seen on the internet once, that said if you sing the last part of the song, it’s easier to get out of your head. Something about ‘your brain needing to complete it to be satisfied’ or whatever. As hard as he focused, though, he couldn’t for the life of him figure out what song it was, much less the ending. 
The more he concentrated on it, the louder it seemed to get, until it was no longer a hum of bass in the back of his skull, and he could make out the lyrics, the guitar solos, everything. He definitely hadn’t heard this song before. It wasn’t the kind you’d hear playing in public; it was loud, swears thrown in every chorus, just generally the kind of thing you’d hear in a Hot Topic but nowhere else. 
And then it stopped.
For a split second he was pleased, thanking his brain for finally shutting off, and conceded to lie back down. He might be able to get six hours of sleep at this rate. Pretty good, for a college student. 
Except as soon as he closed his eyes, another song started. It was another one he didn’t know, one he would have no way of knowing each word to. The realization hit him hard and his eyes shot open, nearly falling off the ladder in his haste to climb down.
“Roman? Everything okay?” Patton drawled, clearly having been woken up by Roman’s enthusiasm. 
“My soulbond!”
“What?!” That got his attention and he jerked up, narrowly missing whacking his head on the top bunk.
“The music in my head all night, it’s my soulmate! It must be his birthday!”
He was pulling up music on his laptop before he’d even processed it, hands freezing over the keyboard as his brain grasped for something to play. What could he play that would properly introduce himself to his soulmate? A show tune? Something from the 80s? But his mind had gone completely blank, and he couldn’t think of a single one.
“What do I play, Pat?” He gasped, tapping the mousepad in time with the upbeat tempo in his head. 
Patton was suddenly leaning over his shoulder, clacking a name into the search bar before pressing enter. Roman narrowed his eyes 
“Why that one?”
Patton shrugged, “It’s kind of cheesy romantic, like you. And the first line is fitting.”
“A valid point,” Roman announced, closing his eyes to listen for a pause as the music switched. The second the song ended, he slammed the space bar, begging it to play before the next one started. 
How can you miss someone you’ve never met?
Because I need you now but I don’t know you yet,
But can you find me soon, because I’m in my head,
Yeah, I need you now but I don't know you yet.
A little more depressing than he initially would have chosen, but he could see Patton’s point. The music on the other end had been paused and he smiled in accomplishment, knowing that he must have heard. He let the song play to the end of the first chorus before pausing it, waiting with his roommate with baited breath.
The silence was almost unbearably long, Patton watching him intently for some kind of indication that the music was back.
It’s me.
Adele’s soothing melody filled his mind and he absolutely wheezed with laughter. Patton grinned and let him explain through gasps for air, and he let out a giggle in response.
“Okay,” Roman snorted, “What next?”
Patton passed out probably an hour later after helping Roman pick out songs that would adequately encompass him as a person, but the theatre student didn’t sleep last night. Eventually him and his soulmate found a nice rhythm, each playing a song in turn. It didn’t take long for him to assume that his soulmate was emo (a fact that had him blushing furiously), simply due to the overwhelming amount of My Chemical Romance and Green Day played in his head, and he figured it was probably pretty obvious that he was a theatre kid. The second song he played was from Heathers, afterall. 
When his eyes finally started drooping too much to ignore, he knew he had to end this soon. The soulmate’s song ended and he quickly pulled up the first thing he’d thought of, a children’s lullaby, trying to indicate that he had to sleep.
There was quiet on the other end when the song ended, before the beginning trills of Baby Shark started playing and he groaned, quickly muffling the sound with his hand so as to not wake his roommate. He didn’t let it play past one verse, thank Olympus, and then his mind was quiet for the first time in many hours. It seemed like a mutual agreement that ‘now is sleep time’, and Roman went to sleep with a smile on his face.
Their new norm was quickly established in the following weeks. It became obvious almost right away that playing their music at the same time was cacophonous and only caused headaches, so they eventually settled on switching days. Every second morning, Roman would wake up to his alarm and quickly start his morning playlist, a set of rousing, uplifting, exciting songs to get his blood flowing for the day. It was his day to choose the music, so he’d set his walking playlist for class and his study one for the evenings, sometimes playing an adventure podcast or something to spice things up. The other days, he’d be woken by the soft notes of melancholy tunes, starting the day slowly. As the morning progressed, usually by the time he was eating breakfast, the tone would change to something a little more fast paced, as if his soulmate needed to warm up before getting to the main act. As much as the music wasn’t his style, he found himself keeping pace to the beat with his steps, bopping his head along to the melody, humming a harmony to the more commonly played ones. Just knowing that this was his soulmate made it better. 
And then, one day… the music stopped. 
He’d woken up around noon, not a big deal since he didn’t have classes until after lunch anyways, but he knew for a fact that his soulmate was always up by 10, latest. Whether the other had classes or a job that kept his schedule, he didn’t know. It was an oddity for sure that there was no alarm. 
He put it off to the other probably having a sick day, or a free schedule, and he was sleeping in for once. The worry only started creeping in near the evening, when usually at this time, the music would start slowing down again as the sun set. There hadn’t been a peep all day, which was very unlike either of them. Even though the silence bothered him, he wouldn’t dare intrude on the other’s day, so he studied and ate dinner in silence, tapping his pencil against the table. Of course, he put it off to a one day fluke. 
Except, two days after, when it should have been his soulmate’s turn again, there was no music. And the time after that. And the one after that. It was almost two weeks of radio silence on the other end before he called Patton through broken sobs, pleading for him to stop studying and come back to the dorm. Obviously, he made the ten minute walk in five. 
And then Roman admitted the way his anxieties had been spiralling.
“What if- What if our soulbond broke? Did the universe realize we were a mistake? Or… or what if he died?! What if he’s hurt or dying or alone and I’m just-”
Patton shushed him gently, rubbing his back as Roman hiccuped into his shoulder. “When did this start?”
“Two- two weeks ago.”
“Then isn’t it possible that he just isn’t listening to music for a little while? Maybe he’s… somewhere without wifi. Or his phone broke.”
Even though he very much didn’t believe a word Patton was saying, he nodded along messily, clutching Patton’s shirt tighter. He eventually agreed to give him more time, hold on just a little longer, before completely giving up.
It took about a month before he did, and it didn’t get better from there. 
Their consistency had been their norm for almost nine months, over summer break and now into the new school year, and now it was torn away without warning. Roman refused to listen to music on days that weren’t his, even though Patton tried to tell him it was okay, but he wouldn’t. It didn’t feel right. He mourned his soulmate the same way he would mourn a close friend’s death, for he truly believed he was gone for good. The person he’d barely gotten to understand, much less meet, and he was just… gone. He was going to live the rest of his life without a soulmate.
Most nights he just did the bare basics of the homework he had to do, without any of the old flair he’d put into all his work, and curled onto his bed to watch a show or, on his days, listen to music. His old playlists had shifted to the bottom of his rotation, now only bringing sadder memories that Patton had insisted he not indulge in at this point, so it was usually just automated lists he found. Nothing was special about them anymore. 
Today was his day, an uneventful Saturday where the most exciting occurrence was Patton convincing him to come to the cafeteria and eat with other people. It had been tiring and only made him feel more alone, so his daily scheduled moping times had come up a little earlier. Patton had given him a hug and a gentle kiss on the head, telling him he had to go meet some people for a group project, and to call if he needed anything, before grabbing his bag and leaving. Roman didn’t miss the sad look tossed his way before the door shut.
Despite Patton’s advice, he was feeling particularly shitty today, and his fingers, seemingly with a mind of their own, pulled up one of his older playlists. One of the ones that was reminiscent of days when he actually had a soulmate. He clicked shuffle and tossed the phone onto the pillow next to his head, curling that much deeper into his blankets, as if he could somehow refill the void that had been cut out of him. 
How can you miss someone you’ve never met?
Because I need you now but I don’t know you yet,
But can you find me soon, because I’m in my head,
Yeah, I need you now but I don't know you yet.
The first song he’d ever played had become a sort of inside joke between them. Despite the song’s sad melody and somber lyrics, it was a reminder of the first time they’d interacted; an awkward, laughter filled night. At least, it had been on Roman’s night, and he could only hope it had been the same on the other end. 
He didn’t even realize he was crying until the pillow beneath him was tear stained and gross to lay on. Why had the universe chosen him as the target for its cruel irony? Not that he wished this on anyone else… but why couldn’t soulmates be foolproof? Why was there that margin for error, the always-there possibility that everything you’ve ever dreamed of will be ripped out of your hands just as soon as you think you have it? So close, but so far. At least before they’d connected, he’d lived in blissful hope and ignorance. 
The song ended and he pressed pause lethargically, not able to find the emotional strength to listen to more. Maybe Patton had been right. A glance out the window showed that it was well past nightfall, the full moon gleaming into his window, and he decided to just sleep the emptiness away. It hadn’t worked so far, but maybe tonight was the night. He turned off his phone screen and plugged it in to charge, rolling away to face the wall, and waited for the soothing peace of sleep to take over him.
At first, he thought it was just a hallucination, wishful thinking. More than once in the three months since his soulmate disappeared, he’d thought he’d heard music, only for the feeling to disappear as soon as he focused on it. A soulbond only became louder when concentrated on, so he eventually realized he was doing it to himself subconsciously, his mind struggling to fill the emptiness that had once been filled by the other’s music. 
When it disappeared, he figured it was music from someone else’s dorm filtering through the thin walls. But no, this was too clear, too distinct, too ingrained, to be coming from an external source.
He calmed his racing heart before he could jump to conclusions. This music isn’t like what his used to be. It must be your brain, because he’s gone. He’s GONE, Roman.
Much as he tried to push it down, he couldn’t. It was becoming evident that no, something was happening, and it had to do with his soulmate. As he had done for the time he’d known (could it be considered ‘knowing’) the other, he concentrated on the lyrics, because those were the only feeble ways they’d interacted in those times. 
I’m sorry,
Don’t leave me,
I want you here with me, 
I know that your love is gone.
I can’t breathe,
I’m so weak, 
I know this isn’t easy,
Don’t tell me that your love is gone,
That your love is gone.
Patton walked in after his group meeting to see Roman sobbing in his bed and, immediately assuming the worst, he jumped onto the bed and pulled him into his arms. Through gasps for breath, Roman was able to choke out that, “He’s back. He’s playing music. He’s back. He’s back.”
Part 2 HERE
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thweaty · 4 years
tomdaya tea ☕️
ok i have to submit this because it’s just TEW much to explain otherwise. like i said i stan them both so i been here for it all and know ALL the tea. i’ll give you the rundown of their relationship and then the drama that went down when she was dating jacob. there’s a whole tumblr timeline spanning years you can google if you’re interested in seeing it in detail but i’ll give you the basics. this is going to be a literal dissertation sorry in advance but i feel responsible for letting the general public know about the tomdaya agenda since i know so much
so they started dating in like aug/sept 2016 right after they finished filming homecoming. he went to canada right after to film another movie and during the course of filming she went to visit him and he flew to la to visit her, this is when people started getting sus. when he finished filming this movie he made an ig story about how he was going home to london to be with his family and spend the holidays with them, except he lied because he flew to la to see z and spend thanksgiving with her and her family lmao (he actually spent thanksgiving with her family 3 years in a row 2016-2018….more on that later tho 👀) her cousin exposed them when he posted a video on thanksgiving at her house and you could see her and tom cuddling on the couch. so everyone was like they’re 100% dating. like i said he was always flying to see her, he was going to workout classes with her mom and shit, he always stayed at her house in la (there’s multiple sets of photos of him outside her house with luggage). another thing that convinced people was sometime in early 2017 she made a whole snapchat story about how she was super sick and overworked and then after that accidentally posted a snap to her story that said “your sick girlfriend really loves you”. she deleted it quickly because it was obviously an accident and wasn’t meant to be public but people got screenshots. tom was also in nyc visiting z when she was filming the greatest showman and told a fan he met that he was in town visiting his girlfriend because he dumb. 
so at this point we KNOW they’re dating. zendaya is notorious for being extremely private with relationships, the guy she dated before tom she was with for 4 years and called him her best friend all along. she didn’t admit they actually had dated until after they broke up bc he cheated on her. so her being so private with tom and hiding it was expected. all this same shit goes on for the next nearly three years, they’re doing long distance but he flies to see her at least once a month sometimes more, they spend time with each others families, visit each other on set, etc. 
so this is where it gets interesting. tom is photographed on the euphoria set during a night shoot in like early may 2019. this is apparently right around the time they break up. tom’s best friend tuwaine was dating this girl audrey and when they broke up she started spilling tea on tomdaya (tom unfollowed her after this so it was def true). she said they broke up in may because they were fighting more due to long distance AND tom was tired of being so private, he didn’t want to be public but was over being so secretive and wanted to be a little more lax but she wasn’t comfortable with that. they decided to stay friends. the far from home press tour was in june and they were clearly still super close friends, nobody could even tell they were broken up cause they were so chummy (looking back now it’s more obvious cause tom was saying shit about his love life being a disappointment and stuff). they go their separate ways after the premiere but stay friends and continue to interact on social media, even months after the breakup tom met a girl at a con dressed like mj and asked if he could take a photo with her to send to zendaya so they were def still talking and stuff
fast forward to feb 2020. z is dating jacob and they’re being papped like every single day in nyc. pictures come out of them kissing out in the open in nyc. as a fan of z this was VERY weird to me because she’s always so private, but i was like maybe she’s trying something new because being so private caused the downfall with tom. BUT then she started DMing her fan accounts on twitter and ig asking them to take the kissing photos down (so idk what happened, she had to knew they were being papped but maybe she had second thoughts and regretted it)…. her fan accounts do delete the photos, but it’s too late. everyone has already seen them including tom, who is in the middle of a self-proclaimed instagram break. the day after the kissing photos came out, he goes back on ig and unfollowed two of z’s best friends, one being her assistant and basically brother darnell who tom was also good friends with. he posts a photo on his story of him drinking and puts emojis over his eyes and said something like “back for a minute, now i’m gone again.” he was going through it lmao so he literally went onto ig to be petty and unfollow people close to z because he was mad she was kissing her bf of a few months in public when they were together for nearly three years. and obviously he couldn’t unfollow her so he did the next best thing, and fans obviously took notice. a week later he followed darnell back cause i guess he realized how bad it looked but the damage was already done. tom and z from then on do not interact or acknowledge each other for the next SIX MONTHS. idk if they fought or if she was mad he unfollowed darnell or what. but it was MESSY. 
a month later tom starts dating this girl nadia, she moves into his house a few weeks into dating for quarantine. they date throughout those lockdown months. z breaks up with jacob sometime in june. she gets nominated for the emmy at the end of july, and days after she gets nominated her and tom start liking all of each others photos again. the assumption is he reached out to congratulate her and they made up. a few days after they start interacting again, tom posts a photo of his girlfriend on ig, and z likes it. tom and nadia break up like a week later 💀 he was filming uncharted in berlin at this point, him and z continue to interact, he finishes uncharted and flies right to atlanta to start filming spider-man. they’re still in atlanta now and we know they hang out all the time, but a lot of people think they’re back together because they’ve done some very 👀 things. her mom came to atlanta for thanksgiving and you guessed it… tom spent it with them (which we only know cause the celeb chef who cooked for them posted on his story that he made thanksgiving dinner for zendaya and tom holland. he then deleted and deactivated cause he realized he fucked up lmao). they started interacting with each other’s families and friends again. hunter (jules from euphoria) who is z’s best friend drove to atlanta to see her and her and tom followed each other. tom is very selective of who he follows and doesn’t even follow a lot of his costars so people were shook by this, especially because him and hunter met multiple times before but never followed each other. i have no idea if they’re back together, at the very least they’re good friends again, but i wouldn’t be surprised at all if they were. we’ll see what happens when they finish filming 👀👀👀 lmk your thoughts, questions, concerns etc. 
bitch my fave part was zendaya liking that pic and tom and his gf breaking up a week later 😭😭
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
After seeing ur explanation for that anon i really want to see a fic or a hc of ethan as a dad and becca as mom can u please do it??
omg okay ahhh my babys having babies. this is gonna be long and idk if it’ll make sense bc imma jot down everything i know about domestic e&b.  
[just finished and... this is long and broken down into 6 categories........... enjoy!]
Ethan & Becca as Parents
The Pregnancy 
They didn’t plan on having children, it just kind of happened. Becca and Ethan took a day for the news to settle before they jumped into excited, expecting parents mode.
The most exciting part was renovating the condo to make the most perfect nursery and shopping for decorations and mentally planning all the traditions and things they’d love to give to their little family. 
All of the happiness couldn’t mask the struggles of pregnancy. 
Becca hated being pregnant. She was sick and nauseous constantly, and her back and feet always ached. 
Throughout the whole thing Ethan doted on her; holding her hair back and learning how to tie it up in the way she likes, rubbing her back, running out to get whatever she was craving. 
He even made copious amounts of notes about her eating patterns. Enough to keep two of everything in the condo. 
If she was having a restless night, he would too; even if she was restless for non-human-growing reasons. 
They were in this together.
And even when she was huddled over a garbage pail, dribble running down her chin, she never looked more beautiful to him. 
There was just something about all this that made him feel all weird and fuzzy inside. 
When her symptoms barely settled throughout the second trimester she overhauled her entire birthing plan. There was no way she was making it to 42 weeks. She was absolutely miserable. So she made a c-section appointment for 40 weeks. 
She had an entire argument with Ethan one evening (she really was only yelling while he nodded his head). Her main points were:  “It’s my body and the baby will be fine. I was born 6 weeks early and I turned out fantastic!” and  “Once the baby’s out of me I’m still going to have to pee. Omg what if she rips me open!? How am I supposed to use the bathroom without worrying about my stitches?”  
All he kept reiterating was:  “I love you. I trust you and your instincts.” 
Becca felt better as he held her face in his large hands, his calming azure eyes boring into hers and letting her know everything will be alight. 
But deep down she spent the next few weeks since making the appointment wondering if she should have given vaginal birth a try. She didn’t want Ethan to resent her for chickening out of her body’s natural function. 
The Birth 
Becca made it to her c-section appointment. Happily rubbing her large belly and glowing:  “I can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore! Never do this to me again.” 
All Ethan did was chuckle. 
He was happy she was getting color back and that her symptoms finally settled enough for her to spend the last few weeks enjoying their daughters kicks. But oh my god was Ethan Ramsey terrified of being a father. 
He wouldn’t tell Becca though. She was emotional and worried enough as is. Any and all his concerns were saved for the short conversations he had with his father.  “Don’t overthink it, son. The moment you lay eyes on your daughter you’ll know what to do. It’s instinct. Biology. That was your best subject in school, wasn’t it?” Alan would joke.  
The surgery went off without a hitch. 
All of Becca’s hatred for the phenomenon of pregnancy vanished the second the nurse placed their daughter on her chest. 
Rebecca was in awe. She made that! This little person came out of her! This little pink person that looks like a plucked chicken with a tiny tuft of brown hair was here and she was beautiful. The perfect combination of her and Ethan. 
The embodiment of their love.   
Dakota Dolores Ramsey was completely unplanned. Unplanned but not unwanted.  
The first time Ethan Ramsey held his daughter time froze. The universe needed a minute to process the broad grin and full heart thumping rapidly from this stoic and reserved man. 
The earth was about to spin the wrong way but then Dakota opened her eyes.
Everything was the way divinity had planned it.  
At Home
Although Ethan and Becca lived a 10 minutes drive from Edenbrook, nearly a straight run, Becca forced him to drive as slow as possible. 
Dakota was asleep and she needed to keep it that way. 
Due to her stitches, Becca was forced to take things easy. No matter how many times she argued with Ethan that she was capable of menial tasks around the house. 
Ethan would not let her lift a finger. 
If Dakota needed a change he’d happily do it. if Becca was hungry he’d make her favorite. 
“You had her to yourself for nine months. Let me take the next few days.” Becca went to retort, all she wanted was to hold her baby for the rest of eternity. She’d never tire of looking at her scrunched up potato face and watching as her features changed every moment of every day. “I promise to share.” “You better,” she kissed him as he tucked her into bed for a much needed nap.
The only thing he was forced to share with his partner was feeding duty - Becca was adamant on breast feeding. A bottle would not touch their daughters lips for months to come. 
That in itself brought its own challenges. 
Most nights Ethan laid in bed with Becca curled up at his side in one arm and Dakota resting on his bare chest. 
Parenting was weird, but an exhilarating change. 
Ethan couldn’t diagnose what he could have possibly have done right in his life to be this wholly happy. 
The Second
Once Ethan and Becca had one child they were both itching for a second.
“You know what say: ‘if you have one you have to have two’.” “Is that so?”  “You don’t want Dakota to have a sibling?”  “I was an only child and look how I turned out.”  “Emotionally stunted and certified loner?” she teased. 
Truth be told, Ethan wanted another. He’s been thinking of giving his pride and joy a few siblings for weeks now. He just didn’t know how to tell Becca. 
Becca complained frequently about how happy she was to not be pregnant, and often about how her scar healed funnily. 
All of the signs pointed to her not wanting another. And Ethan was okay with that. He never expected to have one child. He’d cherish every moment of what’s been placed right in his fingertips. 
He’ll let his soon-to-be wife choose their path. She’s dictated everything else thus far. Ethan was elated she chose him to be along for the ride. 
After Dakota’s first birthday, when they made the decision to have another, they tried desperately to conceive.
“I really don’t want to have to deal with diapers for five years,” was Becca’s main reason for keeping the kids close in age.  “We can try surrogacy.” Ethan offered, knowing how much she hated pregnancy. He didn’t want to push her into anything.    “No. I have to do it. I’ll do it for our kids. But you owe me big time.”  
And 14 months later Caroline Marie Ramsey made her grand appearance. 
And Becca got her first push present. 
The Last 
It’s fitting that four years later Ethan and Becca were blessed with another surprise. 
Her pregnancy with James Jonah was the smoothest of them all. 
Of course that meant something had to go wrong. 
At 34 weeks Becca went into premature vaginal labor. 
Within six hours their baby boy arrived. 5lbs 2oz and looking like an alien. 
Ethan almost lost them both after the fact. 
Becca lost too much blood with the placenta and JJ was so tiny.  
But the Lao’s were fighters and they pulled through. Ethan cried at her bedside once the harrowing 24 hours were up. 
Becca stayed at the hospital for a week, Ethan and Alan bringing the girls to visit every single day. 
JJ had to stay a few days longer and Becca refused to leave until she could bring her son home. 
She went through her first experience with postpartum depression. Becca didn’t think anything could be worse than the mental toll her abortion had on her years earlier. But she was wrong.
She was so wrong. 
All their friends chipped in to help take care of the kids while Ethan devoted his time to helping his wife. The couple went to therapy, sometimes together, other times Ethan sat in the waiting room as Becca worked through her emotions. 
Months later, the parents were sitting at home. Ethan held their son and their daughters were curled on their laps: He muttered into his wife’s hair, “I’d like to have one more.”  “Not with me you’re not,” she scoffed. “We’re outnumbered as is.” 
JJ began to cry and the girls stirred. Dakota mumbling, “Tell the baby to shut up, I’m sleeping here.” 
They couldn’t help but laugh and pull apart to put their whole world to bed.  
Old and graying and spending more time at home with his kids, Ethan wanted just one more baby. Four was a strong, even number. He could have a whole daycare full of them - each one the best variations of him and Becca. 
Becca had spent a large portion of her 30s childrearing and she’s done. Done with diapers and formula, especially. She loves her children more than anything but they’re exhausting. She can’t wait for them to be in school full time and she can have some more alone time with her husband. It’s been so long since it’s been just them too.  
“Don’t hate me...”  “I could never hate you,” Ethan said as he brushed a few strands of hair from his wife’s face.  She swallowed and confidently said, “I want you to get a vasectomy.” 
He agreed without further consideration. She made a very compelling argument.  
Ethan is the doting helicopter dad and Becca is doctor drill sergeant. The kids get away with nothing under their mother’s watch. 
Ethan is very soft and adores his children. The grumpy attending could have a whole gaggle of them. He spoils his daughters rotten, picking up the newest doll and toy they’re obsessed with, and making them promise not to tell mommy. 
The women in Ethan’s life get away with everything and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
When the girls were born, Ethan stepped back at work letting the better Dr. Ramsey have her career defining moments.
He took half days to pick the girls up from preschool and would bring them to the park or museums. He’d even try to teach them to cook their favorite recipes on cold, rainy days. He’d tire them out so that he and mom could tuck them in after dinner.
Ethan’s afraid of his son. He’s afraid the tot is going to turn out exactly like him - he’s the spitting image, except that his hair curls like his mother’s. 
Instead of putting JJ in fulltime daycare, Ethan chose part time preschool. The girls were in primary school now and he’s taken a bigger step back from the hospital after the baby was born. 
He devotes all his free time to teaching his son about all he knows and learning all he doesn’t.  
Becca complains about the state of her vagina and stomach all the time. Never in front of the children but often enough Ethan knows the look on her face right before she says the same two lines.  
Her favorite activity is building forts and taking the kids to the beach. 
The holidays have never felt more alive with the full house. Ethan even became a Christmas and Valentines Day lover. 
Becca loved watching him change over the years. Every new first they celebrated with each child, every one of their kids passions, Ethan would adopt them all and make it his mission to be a connoisseur of every facet.
Dakota sat her parents down one day with a serious topic of conversation: “Mommy, Daddy. I’m going to be a fashion designer.” “Will you?”  “Yes. And I need to dress myself.” “As long as it’s weather appropriate, consider it done.”  “And we need to get supplies.” 
The conversation went on for 15 minutes with Ethan and Becca asking questions and Dakota making demands. Once they’ve settled on an agreement on how to make their daughter’s dream happen, Ethan retired to his office. He taught himself the basics of sewing.     
Even with all the struggles of raising three children in a suburb of Boston while balancing very demanding medical careers, Ethan and Becca wouldn’t have it any other way. The life they carved out of all their complications was worth it.  
All of this was inevitable. 
And they wouldn’t take a moment for granted.    
Um... this became bigger than intended... If you made it this far, thank you ♥
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emsvegetables · 4 years
“Can I request a Kuroo x manager reader where they decided to leave practice early ( idk maybe they got sick or had hw to do) but comes back like 5 min later and say " a man is following me outside ". idk maybe the teams reaction too?”
Hi anon!!! i presume you want headcanons??? I hope i wrote it okay :-)
* He’s had a crush on you for the LONGEST time.
* Ever since you step foot into the gymnasium, your hair tucked up into a neat ponytail, smiling and introducing yourself as the new manager of Nekoma, he’s in love.
* Yamamoto LOVES YOU. NGL. Like, the FIRST female manager????????? shit SIGN HIM UP.
* There are multiple times where Kuroo had to stop Yamamoto from hitting on you, and every single time you thank him, he shrugs it off and says he needs to stop Yamamoto from annoying you.
* Anyway, one day, in the middle of break, you ask whether you can leave early.
* The whole team’s like??????? Why??????
* Then you say you feel a bit sick, and you don’t feel well.
* And they’re like ???? OH SHIT??????
* Kuroo’s instantly very worried, but he knows he can’t leave practice now!!! He’s the captain!!!
* So he tells you to text the group chat once you reach home, to let them know you’re safe.
* And when you agree, the team relaxes and lets you go on your way.
* But then less than five minutes later, you’re back at the door.
* “(Y/N)-chan! Are you alright? Why are you back?”
* Lev is the first one to notice you at the door, and the moment he says those words, the entire team stops their game and looks at you.
* “There’s a guy following me outside,” you’re heaving your breath because you ran back into the gymnasium,” he’s been following me ever since i left school.”
* “Where is he??????” Yaku is becoming a little angry poodle.
* “Bring me to him! That bastard!” Yamamoto is screaming.
* “Is he still outside?” Inuoka is asking, but for the first time, you see a frown on his face.
* “Are you alright, (Y/N)?” Kenma asks you quietly.
* “Where the hell is he?”
* You blink when you hear the words come out from Kuroo’s mouth, the tone cold and fierce.
* Kuroo just slams the ball down onto the court and a loud SMACK echoes throughout the gymnasium.
* You lock eyes with Kuroo, and his eyes are darkened, and his jaw is clenched.
* Then he’s storming out of the gym, followed by the rest of the team, save for Kai and Kenma, who stay behind to make sure you’re okay.
* “THERE’S THAT BASTARD!!!!!!” you hear Yamamoto’s yell from the distance, while Kai and Kenma help you to a bench and asks if you feel fine.
* You nod your head shakily, and sit down on the bench.
* The team returns after a while, and Kuroo’s eyes are still narrowed, and he’s taking in a deep breath.
* “That bastard managed to slip away!!!!!” Yamamoto angrily growls,” Kuroo-san nearly managed to catch him, too.”
* Kuroo’s striding to you and asking you if you’re alright, and when you nod your head, he’s asking you if you’re okay with staying here until practice ends.
* So of course you stay!!!! Bc you’re scared about that guy.
* When practice ends, Kuroo’s telling you that he’s walking you home!!!!!
* You try to deny his offer, and say it’s alright, but Kuroo insists because you’re sick and he’s worried about you.
* He’s holding all your books and your bag for you on the walk home, and when you try to resist, he just rolls his eyes and moves the stuff out of your reach.
* “Come get it if you want it, (Y/N),” he’s smirking at you as you tiptoe to try and get it.
* When you reach your house, he’s passing the books to you and making sure you get to your door before he leaves.
* “Hey, (Y/N)?” he calls just as you’re about to unlock your door.
* “Yeah?”
* “I’m walking you home tomorrow.”
* “EHHH?????”
* “Just to make sure, yeah?”
* And one day along the walk home, you’re very nervous to do it, because what if you’re reading things wrongly? But you take a deep breath and lace your fingers with him.
* He’s grinning down at you and holding your hands tight.
* “I didn’t expect you to hold my hand first, (Y/N),” he’s saying, smirking at you,” because i wanted to confess to you first.”
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bumbleberrysky · 4 years
alexa, play candyshop (bass boosted) | 01
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pairing: gabriel x reader genre: soulmate au, canon divergent around s13, hurt/comfort, humour, future smut (probs) wc: 3.2k rating: sfw warnings: none except the appearance of battered gabriel fresh out of asmodeus’ hold notes: welcome to my first dive into writing for supernatural! i saw someone say that s13 lit a fire under their ass like nothing else and honestly i don’t think i could have described it better. i binged so much while catching up the past few weeks idk who i am anymore
You knew there was a reason some divine power brought you to the Winchesters all those years ago, but to this day you still have no idea what that reason is. It's something you're destined to find out soon though, especially when you return to the bunker after months away and find not only a new face, but one that belongs to someone who up until that point you'd thought was dead. What does his return have to do with the changes you're suddenly experiencing in yourself? Will you finally find out the reason you'd been brought here in the first place? Maybe...
Chuck works in mysterious ways after all.
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“Honeys, I’m home!”
The bunker has the same light aroma of musty air and metal as you let yourself in through the heavy front door, feet carrying you, out of habit more than anything, to the steel landing that marks the entrance to the fortress. It’s been so long since you were last here that the two men you used to hunt with regularly have likely forgotten they gave you a spare key. Well, they hadn’t exactly given it to you so much as you’d made a copy on the down-low and kept it for occasions such as this.
One hand keeps pressure on your arm, an attempt to stem the bleeding, and the other carries your single carry-on bag. You make it about halfway down the stairs before your gaze swings out over the foyer and you freeze, mid-step.
Sam and Dean, the two figures you expected to find here, are standing stock-still with their guns half-poised (not directed at you) and expressions on their faces that are a combination of shocked, pissed, and extremely confused (mostly directed at you). Following the line of their weapons leads you to the other two occupants in the room, most definitely unexpected and completely unfamiliar.
One is in rags, cowering, and whimpering, unrecognisable underneath filthy tangled hair that covers his face, and the other is in a prim suit marred only by blood and a bit of dirt, barely a single strand of dark hair atop his head out of place.
“Twinkletoes? What the hell are you doing here?!”
It’s Dean’s stupid, old nickname for you that breaks you out of your shock, a glare already falling onto your face with the practised ease of muscle memory.  
“I’ll answer that when you tell me what the hell I just walked in on—” You come the rest of the way down the stairs, slower and more cautious now, with your gaze trained on the two at the other end of the table. It’s when the man in rags finally looks up from where he had been cowering and you catch a glimpse of his face, bloody and bruised but instantly familiar, that your words swell and catch in your throat.
“… Gabriel?”
The brothers in front of you heave a great, unanimous sigh, a look passed between them telling you that you’re about to be on the receiving end of a very ludicrous and typical Winchester story.
x     x     x
The first time you met Gabriel was not long after you’d gone through the biggest plot twist of your entire life. You’d gone to sleep in your bed, in your home, and woken up in a completely different part of the world, like some magician had snapped their fingers and you’d been the punchline of their very next trick. Much to your regret and distaste, some minor investigation revealed that where you’d woken up in the backseat of a car on the side of the road was in some state in the US. You’d sworn to yourself that you would never step foot here in your entire life and then, like God or whoever reigned above was laughing straight in your face, you’d just up and woken up in some random car in a place that made you long to be literally anywhere else.
Preferably somewhere where the occupants didn’t have such easy access to guns.
…like the two men who screamed and pointed theirs at you when you popped up from their backseat after they climbed into the cabin, fast food in their arms.
That was the first time you’d met the infamous hunting brothers, the Winchesters, and the first time of many you’d nearly died in their company.  
It had taken a while for them to trust you, but after you inviting yourself onto a few of their cases and saving their asses a handful of times (ignoring the amount of times they saved yours because you forgot that almost every American slept with a gun beneath their pillow) they’d eventually taken you under their proverbial wing. It helped that you had literally nowhere else to go and nothing but the clothes on your back and a bare handful of belongings to your name. Once they figured out you weren’t hiding anything up your sleeve and that you’re just naturally annoying and a little dumb, they’d happily invited you to become an official-unofficial part of their little hunting gang. This means you’re also familiar with the hilarious angel they have in their back pocket. Castiel is a riot and one of the things you miss most when you go off to hunt on your own.
Having been around during the whole ordeal of Lucifer and Michael going through the motions of continuing their family spat on an apocalyptic scale, you too grew to be familiar with their youngest brother, the archangel Gabriel. Of course, while you’d been there for a fair amount of the angel-turned-trickster’s shenanigans, you weren’t there for the final appearance he made at a hotel in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere. In complete juxtaposition to the fact that you could count on one hand the amount of times you’d interacted properly with Gabriel, the sensations you experienced at the news of his sacrifice, his death, were unlike anything you’d ever felt before. You like to consider yourself much more emotionally healthy and with an emotional range far larger than that of a teaspoon and the Winchesters’, but that… that news was something that it had taken you months to recover from fully.
And even then, apparently your recovery wasn’t as complete as you’d thought, because hearing what the boys have told you now has made your eyes burn and your stomach turn into a nest of manic bees, your insides lined with flowers and pollen. You think, for a moment, that you just might be sick.
You’re sitting in the library, Gabriel having been taken to a room of his own by one Winchester while the other fills you in before they’re both reunited before you, and you’re in the kind of mood where you sort of want to just sit there and dissociate for a few hours, truthfully. You can tell you’re not going to get that opportunity though, so in the wake of the bombshell they’d just dropped on you about all you’d missed in the past few months—that they had apparently forgotten to tell you over the phone when you checked in occasionally— you do the next best thing you can think of for the moment.
Put it on the backburner, baby.
You massage your temple with your fingers as you lean your head into your hand, a sigh escaping through your nose. “See, this is why it feels like I have been brought on as a babysitter—I leave for a few months and you old men manage to dig up another almost-apocalypse and find and raise Lucifer’s kid?”
“Alright, first of all,” Dean whips out a finger to point at you, filling you with glee. You’ve barely been back a few hours and already you’re stepping back into your favourite “stir-the absolute-shit-out-of-Dean” pants. As always, he is almost pitifully quick to rise to the bait. “Old? Who are you calling old? Alright so maybe we have a few years on you but that’s just because you’re a toddler and w—”
“Dean,” Sam places a placating hand on his brother’s shoulder, a look that seems to be a mixture of amusement and exasperation crossing his features. “You’re making it too easy for her.”
The older Winchester pauses, turning to pin you with an accusing look. You smile, not even attempting to appear innocent. After staring at you for several long moments, Dean makes the ‘eyes-on-you’ gesture with his fingers before turning away, rolling the tension from his shoulders as he takes a seat across from you.
“You were gone for almost a year this time, did you have any luck, well, leaving?” Sam brings your attention back to him, the question dragging out a sigh that feels like it’s been dredged from the very depths of your being.
“No,” you answer, sounding somewhat petulant even to your own ears. “Why is it so hard to leave this god-forsaken country! I hate it here. I’m sick of trying to make a run for it and being zapped back into a swamp, or—or a pool at the top of a penthouse suite in the middle of some random city! It sucks balls.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Dean waves his hand, enjoying the dirty look you give him. “So you still haven’t found whatever purpose you’re meant to fulfil while here?”
You huff, shaking your head. “No. It’s been years and I still have no idea why I woke up here that day. Or why I can’t leave.”
Over the time you’ve spent with the Winchesters, a few things became apparent to the three of you about your stay here. One, it was indefinite. You’d discovered quickly that you are, quite literally, unable to leave. Every time you get close to escaping this country you black out and wake up back inside. Sometimes in a helpful place, sometimes…. Not.
Two, the three of you had thrown around and entertained the idea that maybe you’d been brought here for a reason, that like them maybe you’d been divinely allocated a role to play. But you’ve been through a lot with the Winchesters, whether in person or by association, and still…
You’re no closer to being able to leave and return from whence you came.
You have no idea why you’re here!
This is something that has really contributed to your temporary career as a hunter here. That isn’t to say that this profession isn’t something you were involved in before you came here, but you’ve really… you really dove into it, whether as a distraction or as an ongoing investigation as to what on earth was going to set you free of your tie to this place. A part of you thinks that each case you take on, each person or family you save and creature you slay might be the one reason that brought you here, and the one task that with its completion will grant you freedom. You’ve never been a fan of being caged; just because this one spans a grand total of 9.834 million square kilometres doesn’t make it any less of one.
This most recent expedition that led you to part from the Winchesters for such a long time was another of your failed attempts to leave. You think you’ve tried escaping at every possible point along the coastline and border by now, with a definite lack of success.
“Well, if it really is some divine intervention keeping you here, then it’s better if you just sit back and settle down, twinkletoes.” Dean huffs a laugh, leaning back in his chair with an accompanying creak from the wood. “Those divine types have proven to be… kind of assholes.”
You frown, but he isn’t saying anything you haven’t already thought. It’s part of why you’d settled so easily into hunting here, actually. ‘When in Rome…’, as they say. You’re familiar with the hunting grind and there is comfort in familiarity.
“Are you going to stay a while?” Sam asks, opening the first-aid box he’d first brought over when you’d settled down. Ah, right—you’d almost forgotten about the injury on your arm, despite the fact that you are still pressing a palm to it. You listen as he speaks, almost swearing you can detect a hint of hopefulness in his voice. “You still have a room here for you, of course. We haven’t touched anything inside.”
“Yeah, mostly because we didn’t wanna deal with the mess and the booby-trapped doors—” Dean’s under-the-breath mutter is cut off by your coo, a wide smile pulling your lips.
“Oh, you two missed me, didn’t you?” Instantly, you are successful in ruffling Dean’s feathers— Sam might take a bit more work, though. “I know I really light this dark, dingy place up but I didn’t know it was that bad without me! Ah, perhaps I will stay a while. You know, out of charity.”
“Sammy,” Dean says, beseeching. “It’s not too late—you hold her back and I’ll find her key. It’s not too cold, she’ll be alright outside.”
An appalled and affronted look slips onto your face and Sam has to clear his throat so that he doesn’t laugh and add to his brother’s torment.
“I’m not a misbehaving puppy,” you say, holding your arm out for Sam as he comes over and finally freeing your bloody hand. “Wait, unless you want me to be. Been broadening your horizons beyond animated tentacle porn have you, Deanie-bo-beenie?”
On cue, Dean’s face flushes light red, whether from anger or a brief spritz of embarrassment, only God knows. You can see Sam’s face grow tense from the effort of holding back noise in your peripheral as he tends to your arm.
“You know what? I’m better than this. I’m gonna let it go.” Dean rises from his chair, making a show of dusting off your metaphorical drama. His light eyes flick to you, squinting. “I’m tired; I have a date with my memory foam pillow and nice, warm, feather duvet and a good night’s rest, so goodnight. I hope your bed has bed bugs, twinkletoes, and I hope they bite.”
“I hope you sleep well too, Dean!” you call after him, deciding you’ll have to give him a break from the bullying tomorrow  or else he’ll explode before you can have much fun. “Do you want me to come tuck you in?”
“No! Goodnight!”
His yell and disappearance down the hall is followed a few moments later by the familiar sound of a door slamming shut,
“That’s not very fair of you,” Sam announces, sounding strained and very much like he’s trying not to laugh lest Dean has an ear pressed to his door. “He’s too tired to fight back right now.”
“I know,” you answer, wincing as he wipes down the laceration on your bicep and cleans the blood away with an alcohol wipe. It burns, but it’s definitely not the most painful thing you have ever experienced. “I hadn’t seen you guys in so long, though. I couldn’t help myself.”
Sam simply snorts, reaching for the needle and thread to being stitching the skin back together, and you breathe harshly through your nose as you reach for another topic to distract yourself.
“Are the two—sorry, the three of you actually dads now? To… to Lucifer’s half-angel kid? I thought angels getting frisky with humans was, uh… illegal up in heaven.”
You feel rather than see Sam roll his eyes, your own pointedly directed away from your arm where he has begun to get to work. “It’s Lucifer, y/n, I don’t think he cares about what’s illegal up in heaven.”
You purse your lips—he makes a fair point. Honestly, you feel a little silly for questioning it. “Right, and he’s… trapped in some other dimension? An alternate world where the apocalypse really happened.”
“Yep,” Sam says, hitting a particularly painful spot with his needle. You hiss, giving him a glare.
“I wasn’t even gone a year! Just hearing all this shit is stressing me out so much, dude.” You sigh, attempting to adjust your position in the wooden chair without jostling your arm too much. Thankfully, practice has made Sam quick at his job and already he is almost done piecing you back together. He finishes up with a knot, snipping the thread and then placing a large bandage carefully over the wound. He dusts his hands once done, standing from where he was leaning against the table and proceeding to loom over you like a T-Rex.
“You’re blocking my light, bro,” you inform him, narrowly avoiding a subsequent good-natured smack to your good arm. “Damn, what the hell! Didn’t you take an oath or some shit? I’m your patient!”
“I was studying law, not medicine,” Sam retorts dryly. He turns to leave and put the first aid supplies away, his back facing you but not before you see how his lips twitch. “So your annoying ass is free game.”
“Maybe so,” you acquiesce, rising from your seat with a light grunt as you jostle your arm. You consider asking Sam where Castiel is, to see if you can get a hit of the good stuff and skip the healing process, but think better of it. You always feel a bit bad asking him to heal you, though you barely ever have to since he’s like a rabid mother hen the second he sees blood on any of you. “God, I’m beat. I didn’t think I could get any more tired than I was before, but as always catching up with you two has aged me a few years and now I’m just about as tired as you two are all the time.”
Sam doesn’t rise to the ‘old man’ bait you dangle in front of him—never really does, if you’re being honest; that’s mostly Dean’s vice— but he does offer you a smile that is unexpectedly sincere and fond.
“Go to bed, toddler,” he retorts, before continuing in a softer tone, “… It’s good to see you again, y/n. I’m glad you’re here. Dean and Mom are going out on a hunt in the next few days and I think you can really help with, uh… the whole Gabriel thing.”
For a moment, you don’t say anything. You’d sort of been trying to avoid thinking about the elephant in your mind, for the very same reason that makes your eyes burn once more. It hurts, a lot, thinking and imagining what he must have gone through at the hands of Asmodeus. It feels like your heart is going to tear itself to pieces in your chest from the sheer extent of your empathy and how terrible you feel for him. The Gabriel you saw cowering before you earlier is nothing like the confident feathery asshole you used to know.
Even having only seen him once, it’s enough to make you fearful of the possibility that… he might be too far gone to ever return to that last echo of his previous self.
“I’m not sure what I’ll even be able to do to help,” you respond, approaching the doorway to the hall with your bag in tow. You pause to finish what you’re saying, meeting Sam’s puppy-like gaze from across the room. “But I’ll try. It hurts to see him like that, so… I’ll stay a while, to do whatever I can.”
Sam’s answering thankful smile and nod is all you can ask for in response as you turn and head further into the bunker, dragging your bags back to the room you’d come to call your own over the years. Your gaze strays on the way to one of the doors that has a little note taped on saying, ‘please do not open suddenly or loudly’, undoubtedly the room that they have allocated to Gabriel for the time being. Heart heavy in your chest, you continue on down the hall and tear your gaze away.
You’re not sure how much you can do for him, but you hope you can do something.
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nevtelenwriting · 4 years
It’s a Date: Hotch/Foyet
Lots going on personally, I’ve not been in the best headspace, so I wanted to finish up this writing exercise to get my creativity going again with. There’s maybe a follow-up in the works 👀
Hotch/Foyet, threatening flirting and a deal Hotch can’t say no to. 
Rating: T (M? IDK only thing mature is talking of murder and horny language)
It didn’t surprise him when, a week after his escape from prison, Hotch received a phone call. It was to his government cell, which made sense; he gave the number to George in case he needed to talk.
Looked like he needed to talk.
“Agent Hotchner.” Hotch answered automatically, used to unfamiliar numbers all the time.
The familiar sigh had the hairs rising on the back of his neck, though this time, Foyet didn’t bother affecting a voice. It still made his skin prickle, knowing the face to the name. "I want to make a deal."
It was a mimicry of that call in Boston, and Hotch had to grit his teeth to reply. "We've been over this, monsters like you don't get deals."
"You may want to listen to this one."
To match their pattern, Hotch hung up.
The next day, a letter with a Reaper's eye appeared in his mailbox, with pictures of three people Hotch didn’t know captured intimately close to their doorstep, their car, their bus stop. None looked any wiser to the man stalking them. Naturally he took the pictures to Garcia, and to local police, but they all came up dry.
Hotch waited for the phone call.
"What's the deal."
Foyet paused for a moment, probably surprised Hotch didn’t offer a greeting. He answered with, "Why the change in heart?"
"Don't bullshit, what's the deal."
"What if I told you it was Shaughnessy's?"
"I'd call you an idiot for trying it again.” Hotch didn’t bother mincing words. “I already alerted authorities to your targets."
Foyet’s laugh crackled the phone line. "Tell me if you find them. Look, there's no need to be so dramatic. I don't intend to do them any harm."
"Forgive me if I don't believe you."
"Then let's get back to that deal."
Hotch waited rather than answer. Foyet sighed.
"Man of so few words. The deal is, I don't touch a single hair on some inconsequential person's head. Not so long as you do something for me."
"I’m not going to stop hunting you.” Hotch said immediately, ready to end the call again if Foyet continued with this pointless game.
"That's not on the table anyway.” Foyet replied with apparent disinterest. “Actually I'm enjoying our game of cat and mouse. I'm sure you're asking now, who's the cat and who's the mouse?"
Hotch didn’t indulge, done with his strange game as he snapped, "What the hell do you want?"
"Temper temper agent. I just want some quality time with you."
"Quality time."
"What can I say, a man gets lonely, and you look spectacular in those dress pants, do you do squats?"
It took every ounce of Hotch’s will not to hang up again. He didn’t reply either.
"God that stick is wedged up far, how do you sit?"
Apparently Foyet had no intentions of actually offering a deal. This was an easy, effortless tactic to assert dominance and control, Hotch should have known better.
Hotch sighed through his nose, "If you're just here to yank my chain, then this phone call is over."
"What makes you think I'm yanking your chain?"
"Nothing in your profile says that you're gay."
"That's awfully narrow-minded of you, what's Jack gonna think if one day he has to come to you and tell you his girlfriend's actually a boy-"
"You're not gay Foyet."
"I'm genuinely hurt."
Hotch said nothing.
"Alright, you're right, I'm not. But you really think I'm only straight?"
Hotch chewed his tongue, hating that he knew that while Foyet was a sexual sadist, and usually showed preferences to women, it wasn’t always. "No."
"See? Was that so hard? You're a handsome man, Aaron, of course I think you're hot, you should work on that self-esteem."
Foyet really needed to stop fucking around, he didn’t have the time. Hotch was losing what little patience he’d mustered as he said, "What the hell are you getting at with this?"
"Have you traced my call yet?" Foyet asked conversationally, still in no mood to oblige.
Hotch was sure Foyet called him purposefully during work hours, not that it mattered. His cellphone had been tapped since the first call. Unfortunately that didn’t matter either; they had been on the call for over ten minutes but Garcia, prattling into his earpiece, kept expressing her frustrations over pinging cellphone lines in Brazil, Bolivia, several other countries south but none near DC. Foyet was a computer technologist, it isn't a surprise. The fact Garcia was listening to this while she worked—the groans and muttered statements of “gross” filling his earpiece beyond her non-cursing—was knowledge Hotch decided to willfully ignore.
"Get to a damn point."
Foyet sighed again, and Hotch could almost see the head shake. "We need to work on your foreplay."
Hotch was convinced now. He had a stroke, that or contracted malaria; either way he had started hallucinating the world's worst nightmare in his death throes.
"You won't kill anyone... If I let you. Stare at my ass?"
"Oh, Hotchner. More than stare."
Hotch was glad he was on the phone, because even that made his eyes widen. "You're not serious."
"I'm dead serious."
"You want me to prostitute myself to you."
"That's loaded sentence. Especially since I'm not paying you. Think of it as more, vigorous arch enemy fucking that makes me forget how much I wanna hurt you."
"The answer is no."
"Then someone dies. Maybe it's one of those three, maybe someone else. Shit, maybe your wife. I can find her, you know that."
Rather than feel horror at that, or try to convince Foyet not to and waste his breath, Hotch muttered, "Maybe you like men, but I don't."
Foyet scoffed into the phone. "Don't lie to me. I remember how you were. You flirted with me back then."
Hotch felt sick. He felt sicker still knowing that Foyet was right. In another world, another place, when Foyet had just been George, he wouldn't have turned him down.
Foyet’s voice dropped low then. "I know you've thought about it, Aaron. How I might taste. What I'd look like on my knees. I know I have. You sound so good, I bet you're divine when you moan. Remember when I came home from the hospital? God, if you weren't so good and faithful to your wife, we would have done wicked things that night.”
Hotch did remember. Foyet—George—had been unsteady on his feet, fell into Hotch and he had stared at him for too long. The heat emanating from his body where they pressed, lithe muscle under his palms coupled with the cool brush of George's breath on his cheek, the hand on Hotch's jaw had been nearly enough to make him break his vows.
"Come on, what's the harm? You get to keep hunting me, you're guaranteed that as long as we keep this up, I won't go after anyone. No strings attached, just a good clean fuck."
Hotch chewed his cheek, curbing down the heat coiling in his cut at the sound of his low voice purring that into his ear. He couldn’t bring himself to answer, knowing the words would come out strangled.
"I'll give you a day to think about it. And so that you can answer with a few less prying ears."
Foyet hangs up. Hotch's head is on the desk by the time Garcia clears her throat and meekly says she wasn't able to trace the call.
It took a week before Foyet called back. He did so on his personal cell this time, which Hotch had asked not to be traced. When the familiar number popped up, Hotch answered with, "I suppose it's too much to ask that this is a one-time deal."
"…Hello to you too."
Hotch sighed, and Foyet hummed.
"Alright, to business. Think of this as more of a resetting of a countdown clock. The closer I get to zero the closer I get to that itch that just can't be scratched, and this strange desire to fuck you will be overridden by the need to well, kill. But if you keep me satisfied, you will reset that clock. Won't reach zero as long as we keep our deal."
It made sense. It was mostly clean, though Hotch had no reason to believe Foyet would keep his end of the deal beyond knowing Foyet genuinely enjoying a man’s suffering had been enough in the past. This wasn’t like Shaughnessy though, god knows this wasn’t like Shaughnessy. Was his unwillingness and distaste for this truly enough? Knowing he had gotten Hotch to agree? There were other options, ones less out of left field and ones more likely to get a yes from him. Why this, why…
Hotch didn’t know why he asked it, other than trying to find something grounding in what felt only like a cruel dream not yet tumbling towards nightmare.
"Why me?"
Foyet was quiet for a long time, and then, "Why not you?"
Hotch sighed, "No."
"No?" Foyet reiterated, an edge to it that sounded like threat. Hotch didn’t care.
"You heard me. No, I get one real answer from you, then—"
Hotch caught himself too late. Hotch could hear the smile. "Then what?"
There was so many other things Hotch might have said yes to. There were so many reasons why Hotch should say no. There was no way in hell Hotch could tell him yes.
His voice almost faltered on his reply. Hotch barely heard himself when he said it. "Then I'll take the deal."
Foyet chuckled, low against his ear, close enough to shudder through his chest and prickle his skin. "Of all the things to ask me. Are you sure you want it to be 'why you'?"
Hotch could ask a thousand questions. Why he chose to kill, why he played these games. The thing was, Hotch already knew. He knew Foyet lashed out because hurting others was a release after he had been so violently abused. Hotch knew he got off on power and control because he had his own stripped away. Hotch knew his sadism grew when he was a child left to his own devices, cruelty made into a language of love that twisted and warped him into this man they hunted today. Hotch knew all of that. He didn't understand why this.
There were so many games he could play with Hotch, plenty that would invoke the same level of suffering. Foyet could have ambushed and tortured him, even raped him if his end goal was purely carnal. He didn't. If Foyet intended on killing him after their sex—he doubted it, it shortened his suffering—he'd end the long game by getting arrested. If the unwillingness was the goal, then why taunt Hotch with the memory he had been attracted to him? There was a mind game to this Hotch couldn't piece together, some level of interest and infatuation with Hotch himself he didn't understand.
“Yes. Why me. Why bother with this?”
Foyet sighed audibly, almost a groan. "Really, agent? Because you get me hard. You make me feel like a little schoolboy that can't keep himself from pulling your pigtails. Because it’s a little difficult getting your dick wet on the run. So please oh please won't you go to the dance with me?"
As much as Foyet attempted to make the reply as repulsive as possible, Hotch's brows shot up to his hairline. Infatuation he anticipated, but the deflection spoke more of...of an obsession with Hotch himself. Hotch wondered in that moment, just how much control Foyet had over this desire himself. Hotch cleared his throat.
"If you bring a knife into the bedroom I will shoot you."
"Kinky. It's a date."
“So when should I expect you?” Hotch asked, and then added dryly, “Should I bring a corsage?”
Foyet barked out his laugh, “I’ll call you, how’s that? And just so we’re clear. You know what happens if you try to use this to catch me.”
With that Foyet hung up, with no time, place, or expectation of when this would begin.
Fuck. Fuck. What had Hotch gotten himself into?
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throwaninkpot · 4 years
RotT reactions part 2!
costis, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be in roa? shouldn't you be with kamet? costis, where's kamet? what happened to him? tell me!
"who really owns anything?" eugenides, you utter meme.
if tattoos a custom in eddis, does. .....does helen have tattoos? oh my word, please tell me helen has tattoos, she would look so cool.
so, so, so, horrible invasion, giant army, logistics of war. it's very terrible and interesting, but where kamet? where my boy? is he okay? costis just LEFT him behind, bc he had to get word back to attolia, I don't blame him, I love him. but is kamet okay????????????????????
rip to all the cottage fic people probably wrote about the two having a chill time in roa. (idk, I haven't checked.) megan said we can't have nice things.
"find yourselves another king" uhhhhhhh, gen?
gen said no more king, now only Thief and Hot Consort To The Sexy Queen.
awww, sophos gave him a book of poetry for his birthday. I love sophos.
"attolia says she leaves with you" *spends several long minutes clutching at my chest repeatedly as I am Overwhelmed*
you know the quote in koa about a careful dance of shafow and unsubstance but under it all, a real marriage of two people? that's literally this. the queen is surely calculated her possible responses to gen, amd this is either a Pointed Message to gen or to the barons, and I'm still not sure what gen is up to actually, but also. she loves him, guys. they're in love. "she leaves with you". they're in love.
"I asked her to leave with me on our wedding night" of course he did.
"except me, I can do anything I want" :'D
they're too soft. I cannot.
go, costis! save your boy!
..........is this where I formally apologize for rolling my eyes back in 2016 when people shipped teleus/relius? I genuinely did not see this coming.
megan said okay, we've been on our best behavior, it's been 25 years, she will sprinkle in a little canon queerness. and then upended a flour sack of it on us.
"he had to bend to keep his lips on hers until she reached the ground" they're too cute, this is illegal.
oh, now THAT'S some soap opera level nonsense. how awkward was it for gen and helen knowing his father was a spurned lover of her mother
sometimes soldiers. I am eating this stuff up.
they get no apology. h*ck the pents. maybe they should have chosen an ambassador that didn't force himself upon women.
"where sounis's father positively beamed with approval at his son, eddis's minister of war glowered. the high king, slumped in his seat, catching his father's glare, slumped even further." it be like that.
ten to one. oof, oof, oof.
okay, the solution is, one of gen's sisters should beat up cleon and therespides.
gen. you were the one paying him. I don't know why I'm ever surprised by the tangled schemes you wrap yourself up in.
every scene that the four monarchs are together, just having a good time and loving each other and sounding so much like the young people they are, every time, it makes me happy.
the fandom tried to figure out at what age boys left the dorms in Eddis, didn't we? I think we settled on 12 or 13. gen killed someone before he was 13. hachi machi.
he called him "my brother sounis". awww.
"without cheating" is that what we're calling godly visits now
eugenides will give me a heart attack, I swear.
they call it return of the thief bc this is the most like himself gen has acted since the crenellations in KoA.
(fitting that this is the book with a neuroduvergent pov, bc I have never happy stimmed more in my life than during the chase scene.)
when he starts windmilling, now I am afraid. oh please, megan, don't let him be hurt.
thank the gods.
helen wearing an eddisian uniform. heck yeah! gnc helen rights continue!
"it was the last lighthearted moment for a long time" :(
they're leaving the city, and I'm suddenly remember the comment from back in book of pheris 1 about an attack by a tomb. am afraid.
it's loving the magus o' clock. he treats pheris so well.
irenides baby......2!!!!
"I don't understand" you and me both, sophos.
"I think they have to show their worst selves sometimes in order to be sure that even at their worst they are loved" I need a minute.
I love tactics and logistics, but I wish I could picture this my head. the map doesn't actually help me figure out where the forces are in perspective.
megan really wasn't exaggerating when she said eugenides's first reaction to seeing an elephant is "I want to steal one."
"he muscled up his other arm and said he would destroy the Medes single-handed" these books are giving me a stroke. megan, that pun was beautiful.
"I have found Kamet!" I'm going to be sick. he had better be okay. he was supposed to be free of nahuseresh.
nasty man had better be lying. my kamet had better be okay.
oh, costis. okay, okay, alright.
why is cleon's death so sombering. I think it's bc I just reread "Thief!", and met him as a teenager in that. I think it's bc it says he's one of three cousins that died that day, and gen already lost so many cousins during the war in QoA. I loved the country of eddis when I was first reading these books and forever after that, bc it's so full. there's a very communal child-rearing system and gen has these packs of cousins, even if most of them spent their childhood bullying him, I loved the idea of having so much family around you. he's running out of family.
oh. I went back to reading from writing that, and. stenides. oh.
I said I wanted gen's siblings, but not like this.
well, here's some cairns. presumably the tombs pheris's foreshadowed earlier. here we go, something bad is going to happen.
Something Bad Happened.
oh, no, Hilarion. D:
*tiffany haddish voice* NOMENUS??? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS. I PUT YOU ON MY BINGO.
the man at the cairn. the god on the battlefield that megan referenced? but eugenides called him a dead man. so not a god. so, did he recognize him as someone he knew to be dead?
"my cousins know not to trust my tears" once again, gen's hail mary is the fact he's a little snipe.
he says he needs a heavier rain, and the gods deliver.
f in chat for nomenus. he was a snake, but still.
"and by my oath to my god, now and for my life, Thief of Eddis." YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, Philo. :(
rip to Legarus and his Awesome Beauty.
they want to kill gen in The Thief? eddis's council wanted to kill him? I'm reeling from all the backstory this book is revealing.
not quite how I had the apotheosis pictured, and yet. *sufjan steven's ascension plays in the background*
"I say it three times, Fordad. It will be so. It will be so. It will be so." holy heck.
someone get in here and analyze that for biblical symbolism.
narration only calls him eugenides in that scene with the lightning. significant.
"feeling the tremor in it, he opened his arms to catch the king as he fell." he has fallen and been caught by his god and fallen and been caught by his dad.
I think we'll call the interregnum an interlude into the underworld, if not a journey into.
oh, gods, relius.
for a former spymaster, he sure trusted too easily.
he could have had his farm in the gede valley, but he stayed to help irene and gen. oh, relius, relius.
sejanus has a saving grace afterall.
dite and sejanus protecting each other, and pretending to hate each other so that sejanus at least can be on good terms with their father, that all clicks into place when you know about their older brother who they probably loved just as much.
crying crying crying over Sejanus and Pheris.
the minster of war. D:
at least nahuseresh is dead.
gen lay down to sleep by his father's corpse.
the patrimony divided in three. a triangle.
sophos/helen baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love that gen, knowing his cousin and also being a little sneak who notices everything, figured out helen was pregnant before sophos even did.
f for sejanus. he wasn't as bad as he seemed, and not nearly as bad as he almost was.
oh, xenophon died, too. he of the wooden cannons and receiver of the infamous "I love stupid plans" line.
why is everyone dead. :(
"they're at the pickets, both of them" oh, thank you, jesus. TWO PEOPLE WHO AREN'T DEAD. MY BOYS.
she dreams of Eddis empty. there's no words for the relief I feel.
and yet they don't tell us the name!!!!! what was the MoW's name??? what is their son's name??? megan!!!!!!
gen holding his daughter for the first time and offering to pitch her off a roof. I don't even have words.
hector. hector. hector hector hector.
rooftop dance!!!!!!!!!!!
(you couldn't give us one costis and kamet dance? no, it's fine.)
peace. peace. peace.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
"I learned so much more just being out in the world, you know, and a little bit in jail." This quote made me laugh, and now I wonder what kind of headcanons you'd come up with on that theme. (Maybe something with Rick & Shane?) 🌻
I had so much time to think about this whilst sick, my darling sunflower anon and... This is what I came up with. No real appearances of my original character Evie here, btw, so I’m sorry in advance if you were hoping for that? Anyway... This is merely a what if... What if Shane hadn’t gone into law enforcement? What if he’d given into the dark side much much earlier?
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering that, by all means, keep reading.
Is it wrong that I’m tempted to write an AU of walking dead where like... it starts out like this? Maaybe.. But I doubt I do it, lmao.
Heavy on the angst. Mentions of Rick being shot, a bank robbery, several wrong choices in life made by Shane.. Possibly OOC, idk though.. ANGSTY AF.
@rampagewriting - I guess maybe you’d wanna see this idk? @chasingeverybreakingwave - bc I know you like Shane so I thought maybe this would be of interest... @missjennferb - i thought you might like this idk... 
If anyone wants to be tagged, add yourself to my multifandom doc, otherwise I don’t tag.
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Everyone always told them both “You’re going places, kid.” For Rick, it was surprisingly simple. The world, for whatever reason, deemed him as someone who had great things ahead in life. Rick seemed to rise above and beyond everyone’s expectations. Even those of his father, which were astronomical because the old man was nothing if not a perfectionist. A trait which was definitely passed down to Rick in spades...
-- Shane, not so much. Having a rough around the edges drunk burn out former football star for a daddy only means one thing... Either you get out of his footsteps and you do better, you go farther than the old man, or you succumb to all the pressure and the negativity the old man feeds you and you wind up crushed under it’s weight. 
-- At first, it certainly seemed as if Shane Walsh were destined for great things like Rick, his chosen ‘brother’ from another mother. All-Star on their high school’s football team, took them all the way to state two or three years on the team... But even having that damn State Championship ring wasn’t enough. The harder Shane Walsh pushed the world, the harder the world pushed back until that fateful game day senior year when Shane Walsh finally pushed too fucking hard. The end result was an injury that left his football aspirations shattered on the ground. 
-- Rick did everything he could to keep his best friend uplifted. He was at every single procedure and every single therapy session but Shane was really starting to give up. To lose any shred of hope that he ever held. As a result, he started to resent Rick’s success (and the fact that Rick was the one that their coach chose to fill Shane’s spot didn’t help matters any)... Shane’s father didn’t help either, what with the constant remarks about Shane having never been anything but trash, destined for the same life he lead.
-- Rick went on to the police academy after his own injuries put a stop to his dream of playing college ball. His father was more encouraging. Caring... Despite neither man being able to show emotions all that well. Rick knew he had the love and support of his family, this is something that Shane probably never knew the feeling of.
-- I firmly believe that if Evie were an actual character during this whole universe, she would’ve TRIED and fought like hell for Shane but ultimately, Shane would’ve pushed her away just as he did Rick. I know, I know... This is the only mention I intend of putting about Evie in here though. Anyway, yeah...
Shane goes career military. And at first, he’s fine with it. But he’s sent overseas and he’s exposed to nightmarish conditions, he’s forced to choose between his humanity or caving, giving into darkness and corruption even further. Doesn’t help that during this time, a high ranking officer takes the young man under his wing and basically turns him into a glorified killing machine, puts him into situations that will later spell disaster for the young man.
-- Shane goes awol after a mission goes wrong and he’s left with mild PTSD in the days and weeks following. 
-- I know this wouldn’t happen IRL, but.. for whatever reason, the government chooses not to pursue the rogue officer Shane Walsh. Shane goes back home to King County and he’s a changed man... Darker... More cynical.. Angrier. With time, this grows and festers to a point where Shane is now living an almost sub-human life, taunted by the lives he’s taken and seen taken in front of him. He turns to a life of crime.
This, of course, all comes to a head when Shane’s accepted into a group of known thieves. The bank heist nearly goes off without a hitch until Shane is face to face with his old pal Rick... He freezes, which is a stupid.. stupid.. thing to do. He has to choose between shooting a friend that he still very much cares about and losing that last shred of humanity or running for it, knowing Rick will find him and he will take him into custody. 
-- I say he has to choose but it turns out that he doesn’t. See, one of the guys, a guy named One Hand Fred... He makes the choice for SHane. Shoots Rick in the chest. Shane is then torn between leaving with their score and his ‘crew’ or staying to make sure Rick sees safety.
-- Shane chooses to stay. This is how Shane’s story ends, with him taking the fall for the entirety of the bank heist and being sentenced to prison. Rick knows the truth. Rick TRIES to fight for a better deal, a fairer sentence.. Doesn’t work. Rick asks for one last favor from his co-workers, and that’s that he gets to be the one who escorts Shane to prison... On the way in, the two have a long and deep conversation in which your quote comes into play. Rick asks Shane if he’s really learned anything at all about the path he’s taken in life and all Shane can do is throw up those walls again and shrug it off. “Dunno, Grimes. Ask me again in 15 to 25 years, man.”
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