#idk the thing i think i have finally been able to truly internalize is that these people are literally just people
employee052 · 3 months
ozzies long-ass TSP ramble
For context, a few days ago i was in a thinky mood when i watched this video on Valve catwalks. it mentioned death of the author, and while ive heard of it, I didnt understand what it meant until after the video explained it. So i got thinking. the following was a series of messages I sent to my friends on a discord server im in (with the exception of the last part bc i just thought of it now even tho im sick) that i compiled for yall into sections so its easier to read. these are just my thoughts and could be totally wrong, i just wanted to share aksjdh :P (plus this is my second time im posting this so there might be some inconsistencies)
(ramble under the cut so yall dont get a massive wave of text on your dash)
"smth smth death of the author smth smth reviews smth smth interpretations smth smth skip button"
like idk if this was obvious to everyone else n im just finally getting it or not, but the skip button ending being about the narrator seeing the negative reviews causing him to create the button in order to appease them, which said reviews ended up making him believe he was being preachy and obnoxious and unfunny, but as a result, he ends up believing it and trying to appease those interpretations rather than be more confident of his dialogue and what it means to him(whatever he may believe) and ending up dying at the end bc of it being a kind of literal version a death of an author of sorts
im just thinking about how timekeeper/settings person/432/whatever is really only interested in the player, but not stanley himself. and if the narrator ends up dying (or decaying at least in my interpretation) during the skip button, could the same be said about stanley as a character as well?
like we never see stanleys model as us, we dont see his feet when we look down, and the only time we see him in game is either as a hand during the bucket escape pod ending, the mariella endings, and the not stanley ending. and the last two are cutscenes. for all we know, stanley could have died at some point during the skip button after the narrator did and we would never know bc we cant see him
but since 432's desk being at the end of the epilogue which happens post skip button ending, i would have said that was the first time we ever see him interact with the game internally rather than asking for the time. but i do remember someone suggesting that the timekeeper was the one who removed the door in the skip button in order to kill the narrator off and get stanley/the player away from him in order to talk more
with that thought in mind, that would mean TK had to kill stanley and the narrator off in order to be able to lead the game, push beyond the barriers of a narrator and character and just talk to the player, one on one
it makes me wonder if what the curator said in the museum ending holds more weight
like, she talks to the player as well. both she and TK talk to the player themselves instead of stanley the character. and when she says "When every path you can walk has been created for you long in advance, death becomes meaningless, making life the same. Do you see now? Do you see that Stanley was already dead from the moment he hit start?"
stanley's function is a character in the narrators story, a literary device to propel the game forward. the narrator makes the race track, and stanley drives. without the narrator where would stanley go or do, without stanley who would move the story along?
"Can you see? Can you see how much they need one another? No, perhaps not. Sometimes these things cannot be seen."
and yet, hes dead, just like the curator said. because no matter what, he's never going to be able to truly make his own decisions. the confusion ending lays out how all the endings are scripted despite what the narrator believes and acts, its all predetermined.
and in a sense, the narrators dead too. no matter what stanley tries to do to change the story, or the narrator changes to the game in order for stanley to react to, its been planned long in advance for the eventuality. every word, every event. and with stanley's deaths, it ends up just bringing them back to the beginning again, "What exactly did the Narrator think he was going to accomplish?" if they always come back to the same preplanned paths, to the illusion of free will, it doesnt matter regardless. death doesnt become a statement, it becomes an inconvenience.
"But listen to me, you can still save these two. You can stop the program before they both fail. Push escape, and press quit. There's no other way to beat this game. As long as you move forward, you'll be walking someone else's path. Stop now, and it'll be your only true choice."
The only way to save both Stanley and The Narrator is by not letting the story play out to begin with. To beat the game, which means to let the game end after you win.
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and yet,
the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is neve-
In a game where there is no ending that stops the game in its entirety, where everything will keep on happening again and again and the end is never the end, the only way to beat it is to make a choice as yourself the player, not stanley the character.
because he doesnt get a choice, the narrator doesnt get a choice. they think they do, but they dont. the only way to beat the game is to not play it. (which makes sense given that there are achievements involving not playing the game in both the 2013 HD remaster and 2022 Ultra Deluxe)
both Stanley and The Narrator are two sides of the same coin that make up The Stanley Parable, and the only way to use the coin is to give it away.
maybe thats why the true ending of the game with credits and stuff like that, is the Not Stanley Ending.
You the player have successfully broken the fourth wall from the outside in, even though that ending was planned like all the others (ie, the game allowing you to disconect the phone), you break the illusion of being stanley the character, which the game ends up booting you out of stanley as it cant handle the "narrative contradiction".
maybe thats why the escape pod ending has the sign that reads "both the player and the narrator must be present in order to leave". its not stanley, its the player, us.
maybe thats why that ending is one of the most cruel. the only way to get there is to leave the narrator trapped in the boss' office. there's no way to get him to the escape pod. the end is never the end.
(this part was the new idea i just had today so this might not make sense i appologize)
going back to the beginning of this ramble about the death of the author and such. perhaps there is a way to get the narrator out.
with thoughts about interpretations and with he idea of the "death of the author", all of us have our own interpretations of the TSP characters. whether its design, or relationship wise, or characterization, or what have you. The Narrator in my head is different from you reading this, and that narrator is different from another persons perspective, and definitely our narrators are different to the one that lives in Davey Wreden's head, or Kevan Brighting, or anyone who has even heard of the stanley parable.
and that's not a bad thing! there can be many similarities to the characters that our interpretations share, some more common than others and some that make no sense at all, but for the most part we all have different interpretations of the characters.
I read a book called Book Simulator (The Reader's guide to not reading) by Chris Yee on stream once. The VOD is gone now. But I discovered the book because I heard the guy writing/the narrator of sorts for the book was written like the Stanley Parable Narrator.
It didnt help that Kevan brighting voiced over the commercial for it too askjdh
but back to the book. this will contain somewhat spoilers for it since it brings up a moment at the end of the book so feel free to stop here if you dont want to be spoiled
basically, in Book Simulator, Booksi (The book's instructional narrator on how to fake read at the start of the book) is arguing with The Narrator (no not ours, but the general narrator who speaks in the third person), however, its revealed by The Narrator that Booksi has a plan to take over the world by inhabiting more book simulators and distributing them across the world. But, the reader could kill off the booksi that they have in their hands that they are reading, to quote:
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"Or was he the original Booksi? Maybe not. Maybe the original Booksi had been vanquished long ago, and the reader was now facing one of the many copies roaming the world. Both Booksi and the Narrator knew the answer to this question, but neither would reveal the truth."
Taking from Book Simulator the concept of multiple iterations of one character existing in different copies of the media they originate from, maybe in a way that's how the Narrator may die in the stanley parable, forever stuck to repeat the same endings with the illusion of free will, but he lives on somewhat for everyone that has seen or heard of him in any capacity.
this may sound a bit preachy (oh the irony) but bare with me:
The Original Narrator from The Stanley Parable is dead, dead in the sense that he and Stanley are stuck within the game, given the illusion of free choice, and unable to leave nor do anything to try and escape, is also alive in the sense that we the players perception of The Narrator lives on in our minds.
The Narrator from the game might be stuck, but the Narrator i see in my head, the one i designed and draw and think of is perfectly fine and alive as ever.
and the same goes with you and anyone else who has heard of the narrator. their interpretation is still unique and different to them even if it all comes from the same media. he may not be exactly the same as the original, but hes still there. and in a way, hes free.
(man typing this last segment down makes me feel like a gd priest, and/or someone talking abt the barbie movie akjdhkjasdh so sorry if doesnt make sense at all :P)
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hxney-lemcn · 1 year
The Guardian Angel Pt. 2 — John Ward x gn! angel! reader
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summery: Sometimes, rules are better broken.
tw: uh...being in a mental hospital? Idk.
a/n: Is this chapter even good? I feel like I keep trying to make it deep but I do NOT know how to do that properly lmao.
wc: 0.7k
Master List
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
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I watched John in silence. It hurt, seeing someone you care about treated terribly, but there wasn’t anything I could do. I already broke a rule, even if it was an accident. I felt truly helpless at the moment. 
“Angel?” John called out into the padded cell. “Are you still with me?”
My heart broke. I was tempted to answer, oh so tempted. But for all I knew, if I answered I’d be stripped of my rank, then I wouldn’t be able to help him. Lifting my hand up, I gently stroked his cheek. For him, it would feel like a light breeze, so I hope he understood what it meant. 
John turned his head towards me, and I felt my breath hitch. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that he actually saw me. His eyes, devoid of their usual light, seemed to shine, even if it was just a bit. At that moment, I felt a temptation no human has made me feel before. I just wanted to toss God’s rules out the window and reveal myself, if it brought back that beautiful shine of hope in his eyes. 
“I feel like I’m going crazy,” John spoke out.
I frowned, not sure what to do. I looked around, trying to calm myself down. Looking down at my hands, I finally made my decision. I bit my lip, hoping that I wouldn’t regret my next actions. And I knew I wouldn’t as John looked at me with awe. 
“You’re not,” I whispered, smiling softly in hopes of it being comforting. 
John only stared, and I couldn’t help but chuckle at his reaction. He was…cute. I rested my head on my knees, watching him recollect his thoughts. 
“I…I didn’t believe my own eyes when I last saw you…” John stuttered slightly. “I…still can’t find myself to believe it.”
I looked off to the side, trying to think of a way to comfort him. Looking back at him, I finally replied, “I understand, us angels haven’t been allowed to talk to humans in thousands of years. And with your situation specifically…” I looked around the padded cell.
“Am I an exception?” John asked. 
Once again, I looked away. I can’t lie, but I also don’t want to tell the truth. I don’t want him to feel worse than he already does. I notice John lower his head from the corner of my eye.
“God is merciful,” I said, not sure if I’m trying to comfort John or myself. “I’m sure he’ll understand.” 
This did not seem to comfort him, as he seemed to grow tenser. Maybe this wasn’t the best course of action. I internally berated myself, realizing my actions may have come from a more selfish nature. I pursed my lips, and I knew at that moment that whatever God decided, wouldn’t be as merciful as I thought. For I have chosen a selfish path, and I must atone for breaking God’s trust. 
“I’m sorry,” I apologized. “I have overstepped my boundaries.” I started to hide myself once more, only to be stopped.
“Wait!” John cried out desperately. “Don’t leave me alone…please.” 
My gaze landed back on his face, mapping every detail of it in my memory. If this will be my last moment of being an angel, I wouldn’t want it to end any other way. 
With a bittersweet smile, I agreed to stay, letting him lean against me in the cold white room. I wrapped my arm around him, gently messing with his hair. 
Yes, my actions were selfish, but even angels aren’t perfect. Is it really so wrong to indulge in something so soft? Finally being able to embrace someone was such a pleasant feeling. Like I said before, being an angel was a tough job. There was no time for anything other than your purpose, your job, your mission. Constantly moving from watching person to person. People think so highly of angels…but our job isn’t as glamorous as it seems. Yes, working for God was a beautiful and honorable thing, but it leaves no room for yourself. 
This was what made humans beautiful in my eyes. They had a chance to be an individual, their own being with their own purpose that they could choose. My gaze didn’t stray from John, wrapping one of my wings behind him. This time, I chose my purpose.
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golbrocklovely · 8 months
idk if you’ve seen but kong pham just uploaded a podcast with snc
it was filmed months ago though i’m pretty sure because it seems like it was before colby did chemo?
anyway around 37 minutes in colby talks about how he had a break down and just cried about everything last year and it shocked me i can’t lie… i hope it made him feel better though
yeah it was filmed back in april right before colby went thru chemo. i was a bit confused as to why sam never mentioned kat and him breaking up, and now it makes sense since they didn't announce they broke up until may (even tho they had broken up back in march) lol
and yes, it was really shocking to hear about colby breaking down, but also at the same time…. it makes total sense. a lot of us on here have been saying for a long time that last year was a really rough time for colby. the later half of the year was just a shit storm for so many reasons towards him, he himself even said he wasn't feeling his best at the time, and it makes so much sense that he would have had a break down finally after years of holding everything in.
i might be making a controversial opinion here, but everyone hear me out before you jump down my throat: while snc both get hate for extremely dumb things, colby is the one that takes it the hardest, and also gets it the worse. sam, at the very least, seems like he doesn't let it bother him. i think bc so many ppl give him love and support, he's able to push the negativity away. but colby, whether he'll ever admit to it or not, can't do that - even with all the love he gets. he doesn't let things go as much as sam does.
and it makes total sense to me. colby wants everyone to like him. and i get that. i was the same way for a very long time. it's hard when someone starts to hate you for whatever reason. you want to prove them wrong, and you'll do anything to be in their good graces again, only to realize… did you ever even care that much in the first place. opinions affect colby on a deeper level bc he wants to be seen as a good person. and he is. but when you have other ppl shitting on you, for example, for tweeting out about international women's day or that your facial hair is ugly or literally judging you for every girl you put yourself near, and it's CONSTANT…. you're eventually gonna snap. tbh, i'm surprised colby hasn't completely removed himself from twitter and insta altogether just bc of the hate those sites have given him for the past couple years.
2020-21 were the worst times to be a fan, so i can ONLY IMAGINE how terrible it was for colby, who was getting the brute force of it. i remember the disgusting death threat he got. he left twitter for like over a week, and then never returned to that site the same. that's why the balcony tweets stopped. and then when he lost his journal, one of the only ways he's ever been able to express himself deeply, ppl cheered about it in the replies. and some of those ppl were fans of ppl he was friends with.
sam gets hate, sure. i won't deny that ever. but colby… it is truly unlike anything i've ever seen in all my years of being online. and i swear the ppl that send him mean shit, it's like they know it hurts him and revel in it. he gets called out for every fuck up, even if sam has done the same, bc ppl know he'll actually feel guilty and apologize for it. they want to see him break, i truly believe that.
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fae-iii · 6 months
Mienfoo Postmortem
Real excited about this: I finally got that time lapse thing to work in Aseprite! It turned out to be super easy with the things I learned from the Buizel animation. There's some parts where I was playing with different palettes and the gif goes mostly black and I couldn't figure out how to get those parts to display properly without hand-editing each one of them, but other than that it's pretty cool. Thing for next time, I guess?
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I think I'm getting pretty good at finding a process that works for me. One cool thing I've been able to do recently is, like what I did with the arms, putting little placeholder shapes in so I can visualize where a thing is gonna be and then working towards that. Idk where I started doing that, I guess I just did it a little bit and then more and more on each subsequent piece and I'm starting to get pretty good at it; I think!
You see me do a few things in there like I tried to make the eye in vain before I got a real start with the head, I could do things more efficiently in places like there. Speaking of heads, I'm getting pretty good at these musteline heads! "Sneasel and Mienfoo have two different head types;" they're surprisingly really similar and I feel a lot more appreciative of the pokemon designers skills… at design!
Idk, it's not 100% accurate of a head to the official design and you can see me try to correct that a bit in the timelapse, but what I got feels really nice and has a certain- hmm, idk, je ne sais quoi, lol. It just comes across as a mildly different artstyle, I think.
The left leg kinda looks weird, I think? I didn't really have any idea of where the underlying knee bones are on Mienfoo to really match it up with my reference photo (I was gonna link it; it was on pinterest which I don't really like and the link is now dead, so I guess it's not important anyway). Also the neck band is kinda weird, but it looks OK.
The tail, lol, I kinda panicked because I almost forgot it, I think you even see me put in a little shading before I start on the tail. I struggled with it a bit before my pea-brain made the connection that it was kinda like the ribbon feelers on my Sylveon piece and I just took the end of a ribbon from there and chiseled away and added to it, lmao. I think, on the Sylveon piece, my brain was truly firing on all pistons with those ribbons.
I think the art journals have run their course, I've internalized a lot of the stuff I would've written down in there like, "You can draw lines with the line tool" or "this sucks, but maybe It'll get better :)" so I don't think I'll be doing those that much if at all. But I guess doing a little post-mortem longer than the main post is a fair substitute, lol!
Also, I think this might be the last piece of art I'm sharing this year (maybe making if I don't get my ducks in a row). And what a year it has been! ~47 pieces according to my archive on imgur. That's 47 more pieces than I did last year! I don't think I'm gonna do a recap of this year of art until whenever it was I posted that Gastly art and then, for "accounting purposes," I'll do recaps at the ends of years after that.
Look at me making big, multi-year plans :3. I really wanna stick around and I hope anyone following me wherever does too! Thank you for a- ok, well; it could've been better mental-health-wise and things still feel pretty rough, but I'm getting it figured out- great year! Let's hope for an even better one in the far-flung future of 2014, babey!
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radiovisual · 5 months
are you going to come back?
((I keep telling myself im going to, but im not sure. Im especially unhappy with how this blog was written and how it looks at the moment, bc theres a lot of things id Want to change before getting back into rp here, but I have no energy or motivation to do so 😔 my art block from last year is Still ongoing, im still deeply fixated on other fandoms, and VERY recently I had an epiphany of some kind and haven't been able to stop paying attention to the news, bc anxieties about what's happening in Gaza/the West Bank, Sudan, and Chile, and not to mention this next American presidential election, have me reassessing my priorities in life, ykwim?))
((Im still around technically, i wont be deleting this blog or anything, im just in kind of a tough spot, mentally+emotionally+physically, and that makes it hard to get reinvested in something like this.))
((There's also the factor of... feeling rather restricted in this community. It's not any particular person or group of ppls fault, people are entitled to feel however they want around fictional subjects and themes, but i know that the types of things that i like to write and rp are dark and mature, and this fandom [despite the Nature of the show itself and the topics it covers] tends to attract a lot of very aggressive, very judgemental people -- as im sure youre all aware 😂 i found some friends here, but even still, a lot of the time i know i Can't get into the kind of stuff i ACTUALLY want to write, because most of the ppl in this community would [at least, way back when,] assume that That kind of writing means I'm a bad, dangerous person who wants to engage with those themes in real life 🙃. Which isn't to say anyone is Wrong for avoiding me if darker themes trigger them, by all means PLEASE block me for your sanity if thats what you have to do!! but when most all of those Exact Themes are LITERALLY, graphically present in the show, now, it's like. Idk man whats going on! Why are you here! if sexually abusive relationships bother these fans so much, then Why are they in THIS fandom of all places instead of somewhere tangibly Safer for their sanity, yk???))
(( i don't know. Maybe im just a brat, but ive always felt a little put out by the Hazbin community online. Its extremely self policing and isolating trying to find people i can feel comfortable talk to about my ideas, so ive kind of... given up and moved on, found a nice group of Freaks to be perverted about the Avatar sequel instead lmao))
((So... idk. I guess we'll see. But im very sorry it may have been wishful thinking when i said id come back. I really, truly meant it at the time -- things just changed 💔, both in me And in the community. And maybe theyll change again, idk!but i Do know there's people in this overarching Hazbin Tumblr RP community who don't like me very much (which is Okay), and I don't want to force myself to walk on eggshells anymore -- so I'm won't💪😎))
((I adored my time here while i was active, whuch it why i wont delete it -- i go back to re read threads all the time! -- but unless there's a group of sexual weirdos developing that i could fall in with AND I can find a way to balance this with the rest of my life, im still gonna be on this indefinite hiatus 💀👍 sorry))
((Btw -- Palestinians are in desperate need of e-SIMs to keep in touch with their loved ones and to organize humanitarian aid within the Gaza strip itself -- if any of you have a few spare dollars, please consider getting involved. I know the news is very quiet rn, especially if you're in America like me, but let me make this very clear; We are. kind of sort of Already IN World War Three. Russia and China and the global south are finally starting to hold the west accountable and the west is failing a shitting its pants about it Spectacularly. The world order is literally shifting. There's not one, but SEVERAL major international conflicts brewing right now, as America is sliding into fascism at break neck speed bc Genocide Joe is finally realizing he's probably not going to get re-elected [on account of all the genocide] on TOP of finally seeing the tangible effects of climate change. South America and Australia are on FIRE. Like NEVER before.))
((Never Again is Now. We could be going over the temperature "tipping point" of the planet BY 2030. now is NOT the time to be wallowing in escapism, no matter how much we desperately need/want it. If there is EVER a time to get involved with the real world and to take a step back from the internet and high stress fandom bullshit, it is NOW. No matter what Side of these issues you stand on, EVERYONE needs to be voting, everyone needs to be paying attention.))
(( if you can't afford esims [no shame, i often can't either, money is tight everywhere], then at the very least get This website open in your tabs. It generates revenue with free Daily clicks, the proceeds of which are all sent to UN organizations -- particularly UNRWA, which is VITAL to maintain not only getting aid INTO Gaza, but also retaining Palestinians legal right to return to their land -- without UNRWA, Isreal can begin to LEGALLY, haphazardly "deport" Palestinians, which would take YEARS to reverse through future court proceedings. Do your part, it only takes a few seconds a day 💪🌱))
((Alright, thats all! Sorry if you wanted a short sweet answer, but ive actually been ruminating on all of this, so thank you for this ask, for giving me a chance to talk about it all. Im happy to see this community thriving in the wake of Season 1, even if im not joining in myself -- you all keep up the great work, and keep having fun with it ❤ let it empower you to explore the value of Charlie's message and think of ways to impliment it in your daily life And on the world at large‼))
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miloucomehome · 10 months
(so good!!!)
First, first!!
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The moment where Doram and Nozaki try to get Nogi's Face ID at the restaurant was adorably funny.
Also: The Nozaki-Doram-Genghis teamup later? Love it.
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Onto the next stuff in this episode (there's so much. I'm only just touching upon some things)
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Nozaki being written and treated as a very competent state agent makes me happy. He's not hyper-competent, he has "fun", he's not hyper-serious all the time (that shit-eating-"You won't believe the plan I've cooked up heheheheh"-grin he has is golden--he's smart. He'll mess with people if he needs to and shares only the necessary info he has with those he trusts (at the moment). He also revels in messing with people haha. Plus he uses his jovial nature to get on others' good side, but he's sincere when he means it. I'm positive that prior to all this he truly has taken an interest in Nogi and is going to treat him the same way, but with more subtly poking to figure out what's going on
I love Nozaki (and I truly believe that in light of the reveal this week, he found Nogi endearing, was maybe falling for him or just wanting him to be ok idk, and now has to suspect him and truly learn who he is) but now I'm genuinely worried we will lose someone in the main cast by the finale.
(I have become a Nozaki oshi.)
A theory that had been floated about on twitter by multiple viewers in the VIVANT theories tag actually came to be. Multiple people pointed out that when Nogi was waiting outside the Balka International Bank, he was holding what looked like Ali's phone and something else. At first some wondered if it was a portable charger, but were curious when the switch happened. That was all revealed this week and I can't believe how much theorists were on the point trying to figure out what happened.
Nozaki's true past being discovered was more than I expected though. Amnesia, being sucked into the grim world of human trafficking...is this how Nogi F (or B through E) was born?
Finally: I can't tell if Sam was bad or if the CIA was trying to get Ali as an intelligence asset, BUT NOOOO SAM!!!!! NOGI F HOW THE HELL COULD YOU?! I LIKED OUR LUPIN IIIrd FANBOY CIA AGENT.
(that said, this means he met Sam at the Rongaly Military School then?!)
Jamine being some sort of "miracle child"?! Is Sakurai, Nogi's handler? Who's the head of BEPPAN?!
Now we find out that the character with Nino is Nogi's dad?! That he survived?! Nino is some kind of adopted son?! Or did his wife survive and they had another child?! Ali said he didn't meet her, but had seen the photos...but...still
The amount of silent screaming I was doing during the "execution" scene was obscene. I don't think I could've handled another episode 4 type ending. (That said, I think both Nogi F and Kurosue were willing to go all the way and cut the wires if Ali hadn't cooperated)
And I can't be the only one who is having a hard time telling Nogi A from Nogi F. I feel during the "executions", the apology was delivered by Nogi A. I think that in intense moments like the "executions" they both flip between each other, or even that the true Nogi is the one present. Not one or the other.
Nozaki slowly closing in on the TENT-BEPPAN stuff is wonderful to watch. The fact that Nogi Suguru was an officer with the National Police (and not the Prefectural Police) was surprising. Why did he quit? Why go to Balka? Nozaki being with a federal agency will easily be able to access this information now. What he does with the info he does learn will be interesting because at the moment, with the information viewers have from episode 5, it's that Nogi's father left the NPA(?), went to Balka with his wife and son, something happened, his son was kidnapped and trafficked, he changed his name and somehow he created a terrorist group based in Central Asia using his family's crest as its own symbol? I'm curious how the NPA officer-to-mystery-organization-leader thing happened.
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(help this wink after he says "We're Public Security.". helppp!!)
Masato Sakai is a wonderfully talented actor. Episode 5 was an absolute treat of his talents. (Can he get more menacing roles in the future???)
I'm also noticing NogI F's actions and interrogation methods are reminding of an older Masato Sakai drama from 2010 where he led a "double life" (it's nothing like this level) called JOKER: Yurusarezaru Sousakan. In it, by day he's a law-abiding officer of the law and at night he's a bit of a vigilante ala "You have failed this city". There's more to it, but that's all I remember. I couldn't help but feel that as a much more mature actor, Sakai dipped into that a bit.
Speaking of Nogi F, while I understand that what we know of BEPPAN's mission is apparently for the sake of saving the country from a potential attack, it's currently at the "Cool motive, still murder" stage and deeply morally grey. I'd like to know how he came to be paired with Kurosue and if he knows about Nogi F.
Which, from what the lady at the orphanage mentioned, it sounds like Nogi F (or B, C, D or E) have been around since he was a small child....
Anyway. I'm watching Episode 6 after dinner or shortly. Idk. T_T)
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vinylattes · 1 year
8 shows to get to know me better
thanks for the tag @little-orcs-hurrarrumm !! <33
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my current fave!! i’ve been seeing it a lot both here and in twitter literally the first months it started airing, but i’ve been busy and all that. binged the whole thing recently, and it deserves a long run! story’s well-written, scenes are very wholesome and fun to watch, and what an amazing ensemble of cast and characters!!
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pinoy pride!! tfw when you watch a trailer and you just Know the entire thing’s gonna be good? (and they knew what they were doing with those posters)
i’ve never seen a teleserye i truly love since the killer bride and la vida lena, like, this is the first time i’ve been invested in a filo show so far (there’s just something abt revenge girlboss dramas)
neways, international fans can still watch it thanks to the subtitles in iwanttfc and youtube. but i hope filipinos love and promote it even more.
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i thought i would be Normal abt it, now i’m a changed person. a mutual rb’ed a gifset of memo being insane with the “and if one day he doesn’t, well...”, and i was Intrigued so i binged all three seasons in one day.
i have to confess that i finally tuned in because of taika, but i’ve found reasons to stay: nadja, guillermo, matt, harvey, the characters, the silly plot, have i mentioned nadja and guillermo?
YONDERLAND (2013-2016)
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ult fave! this show just GETS me!! i wasn’t there when it aired, so i’m not really sure if it’s a hit in the uk or us but i don’t think i would’ve discovered this show if i didn’t watch ghosts. deserved a lot of awards and recognition. just a silly goofy show that i didn’t and wouldn’t want to know what’s happening most of the time, and i love and enjoyed every single bit. society needs more shows like this one but this masterpiece will never be replaced imo
BBC GHOSTS (2019-)
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i’m still in denial that this show is ending, but i think it’s their time. i would still definitely watch fillers after fillers as they drag the whole thing, but just like yonderland— that’s not very idiots of them to do so.
nevertheless, it’s a very comforting show! love how they truly understand the characters they write and portray. a found family of a bunch of dead losers, what more could you want!!
THE FLASH (2014-2023)
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arguably the first fandom i’ve been kinda active in after my long hiatus from fandoms i think ? (i was more of an observer than a contributor back then)
the first seasons were so good. i miss westallen so much. eobard was so cunty. harrisco were my first attempts in giffing and editing in general. i still love them, but idk if i’m gonna be able to actually finish the show (i stopped after s7)
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actually a great show, but no longer one of my faves bc the fandom ruined some things for me sorry. it was fun waiting for ep 7 and 8 to air, but i do wish i was there since the beginning when it was still fun and quiet. neways, i miss the brainrot that possessed me to learn giffing.
GOOD OMENS (2019-)
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i was there when this baby was born but didn’t get the chance to be involved until they’re like a toddler. the brainrot was insane when i used up my savings for the funkos, the original books and the script book like !! i miss them so much and i can’t express how excited i am to see them again this summer !!!
tagging @larryrickard @autisticharrywells @spineless-lobster @baynton @bluntbeard @moondogss @fiovske @horuuuuu and anyone who wants to give it a go! <33
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cryiling · 1 year
(ask game from here)
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
ajdhajd so actually I have many wips 😭 I guess the most recent would be the one i am TRYING to write for revalink week but sadly it has literally no worldbuilding so I'm gonna use a more substantial wip..
let's talk abt my modern revalink hip hop au 😊
I've talked about this au quite extensively here and here, but recently I've been thinking more abt it 🫣 I've really considered making a playlist of all the songs I can imagine either revali or link doing a combo to, but I never got around to it SKFJSKF so I'll just talk abt it here
first of all, mr morale by kendrick lamar is definitely a revali song like?? especially that first part with the spoken intro, "it was one of the worst performances I've seen in my life, I couldn't sleep last night" AJDBAJFJ it sounds so mean but then the rest of the song is sort of conveying those emotions and I just feel like revali could really relate to it yk? also the beat goes hard ✋
next is silent hill by kendrick lamar and I think link would really slay this, despite what you might think I am not a kendrick lamar listener AJDBSJFN ok but I'm envisioning a very specific combo to this song that sadly I can't show you guys but it's very isolated and groovy and to the audience it looks laid back but it really takes so much precision and control to hit every beat and I'm just in love with it !!
ok this one is for revali, king's rant by masego, and I just think that honestly revali is a king that has many things to rant about and this song fits him perfectly, plus it gives him that opportunity to be a little more fluid with his movements while still retaining his more aggressive control 🙏
I FINALLY HAVE A VIDEO this one is for link 😊 u guys the attitude?? the control and precision but also in a way that keeps the flow?? the facial expressions?? this is literally how I imagine link would dance like slay 🤞
hm.. I seem to have deviated from the original prompt oops. OK let's get back on track
I just feel like revali is someone who is very passionate about the history of hip hop, like he thinks that people who start doing hip hop just because it's trendy or whatever aren't "real dancers" and he thinks they should be educated in hip hop's origin and stuff like that before they can call themselves a dancer. he's fr like my current dance teacher, ok last year he literally sat my class down and made us watch a documentary on hip hop history and gave us homework questions 😭 so yeah that seems like something revali would do
I've very briefly mentioned this before, but actually hip hop was not revali's first love! it was ballet ;w; AJDBAJBDSKJDKSKDKSK it seems so fucking funny but he just really liked the feeling of being free soaring through the air with his little leaps and twirls (idk can you tell I'm not a ballet person LMAO) and so he did take ballet classes as a kid for a while. but sadly internalized and external toxic masculinity pushed him away from that :( he went into hip hop instead because it's seen as a much more masculine discipline of dance, and luckily he ended up really enjoying it too!! over time he's changed his mindset to not feel like he has to do hip hop to be a "real man" but he just can't see himself doing ballet anymore :/
a lot of the time he places a very strong emphasis in breakdancing in his style, because that's what he forced himself to learn when he was pressured into hip hop. and he's very good at breaking, so he does it most of the time when freestyling or choreographing. however, he truly shines when he gets to be a little more graceful softer with his movements, because he's always been in tune with his body and the way he moves, and he's very skilled at being able to dance in a more fluid way, he just never feels like he can comfortably do it in front of ppl :(
link on the other hand is not afraid to get more sensual/graceful in his moves, however his strengths truly lie in isolation. this bitch has so much precision control over his body like he is out here tutting and locking like ?? but I've also mentioned how he does a little bit of contemporary on the side, which I just think is so *mwah* 😊 I've said it before and I'll say it again, but any given sunday is peak vibes for this au bc like ????? not only is it revalink it's just if link's dance style was put into a song idk how to explain it
ok I will stop talking here bc I feel like nothing I'm saying is making sense anymore 😭 I'm running out of more ideas for this au ngl maybe it's time I start actually writing it lmao
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etxfolkmystic · 16 days
The Call to the Great Cauldron
Let me be really clear upfront, this is a vulnerable post (and possible series) and there’s likely to be some UPG in it (quite a bit probably). This post (and possible series) is also likely to include mentions of a lot of TW/CW worthy material including but not limited to: mental illness & every difficult part of that you can imagine, struggling with addiction, homophobia, evangelical and charismatic upbringing, bdsm, sex, and lord knows what the fuck else. As each post is made (if it’s a series) I’ll try to TW/CW each one as appropriate but this is officially my blanket post to get the things out of my head and Somewhere Else ™️but this post, just tread lightly, eh?
And now, back to things in my brain
Hi. Call me Hildegard, I think. Of All My Names™️ over the course of many many moons, that’s the one I’ve genuinely loved the most. It’s a perfect snapshot of what I aspire to have potentially turned my life into. It conjures undeniable magic, be it of the Sabrina auntie variety of the BadAssSaint©️ variety. Depending on the season of my life, my pronoun preference changes because ~what the fuck is gender even~ but I’ve always been unequivocally queer.
Magically? My practice got its roots in 2007, when I was 14 years old & given a tarot deck by someone who was practically a stranger. So, yes, I did technically get gifted my first tarot deck (but it’s not a requirement and I hate when people say it is). I’ve dabbled in a lot but over the next bit, I’ll disclose the parts that I really dug into and that kept me upright before being six feet under.
There was also a good chunk of a time when all the magic I did was ✨ baneful ✨ and I won’t flinch away from that fact. It taught me a metric fuck ton (give or take) that not many practitioners really can understand unless they undertake the same path. The choice wasn’t done lightly, it was genuinely in an attempt at to understand magic even in its grittiest parts I could understand and attempt.
This last few months, I’ve been spending a lot of time doing deep amounts of energy work for the person I’m going to refer to as D™️. The thing is, in 2017, I finally received my Reiki III attunement, and then got introduced to energy healing in a different format from The Unnamed Path (a tradition for men who love men). Now, I’ve been simultaneously diving into developing the Mediumship©️ skills that I shut off because holy fuck that’s rough as a teen with mental illness and into my early 20s.
But, I’ve stepped into it. And now I’m being forced to face a lot of internal shit I’ve not done the best job handling. I’m grateful for it, but gods be damned if it’s not exhausting.
One thing, it definitely had me moderating my substance use more mindfully, because it takes a lot less to get me a lot further all of a sudden (my tolerance has increased over the last 10 months tbh so it has been shocking). Is this my energy work stuff? Maybe. Is it my brain/body finally getting my attention? Also possible, but I can’t truly know for certain. Though, I am leaning it’s about a 60/40 split on any one day. I’m having to reassess a lot of my understanding of a lot of things, and it’s rough.
However, I’m excited because D™️ views my abilities as legitimate and helps fight the imposter syndrome by forcing me to stretch those muscles in ways that keep me constantly being able to see what was valid and what wasn’t, and even what was too vague. So, maybe time is all it takes. Maybe they’re birth with it, maybe it’s mediumship.
Anyway, expect me to talk about magic, addictions, the 12 steps, and why I think these conversations don’t happen the way they should in our community…I’d say soon but idk tbh
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hareharrison · 3 years
hold me
pairing: george harrison x reader
summary: george is in the process of finishing abbey road, and has been repeatedly coming home frustrated. instead of talking to you about it, he distances himself completely, and only speaks to you in annoyance or anger, and lashes out on you. he doesn’t know how much it affects you and one day comes home to the effects firsthand.
warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, angy geo, neurodivergent reader, invasive thoughts, mental breakdown/panic attack, but it works out in the end
a/n: hayyyy ok so i wrote this as a comfort fic for myself, and i decided to post it cause why not. i struggle with intense fear of abandonment cause of bpd haha fun 😐and wanted to make it from the POV of a neurodivergent reader?? so this is like a comfort fic for ND readers?? idk if i need to put any other potential trigger warnings for this but if i do please lmk and i will fix it
year: 1969
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the flat was quiet without him. to be honest, it was quiet with or without him, lately. as much as you didn’t want to admit it, george had been distant. he was always a quiet person, but he has never dismissed you this much. you knew that his job could be tiring and you tried not to overthink it, but you couldn’t help but feel bad. a voice in your head was planting horrible ideas, saying things like, “you fucked up, he doesn’t like you anymore, you’re annoying.” but still, you pushed on and tried your best to ignore the noise in your brain.
you sigh heavily and slide back into the couch. you had the next two days off of work, and nothing to do. george of course had to work on your days off, which left you alone at home. with your thoughts. it was hard getting through today, your intrusive thoughts were particularly loud... but he would be home any minute now, which brought on a bit of hope; seeing him should rid you of your own jailhoused mind.
the tv played some sitcom in front of you, which you had no interest in. all you could think about was if you ruined things. what if he was thinking of leaving you? it would be your fault... and yet you couldn’t think of a single thing you’ve ever done that might have hurt him.
the door opened gently and let in a cool draft that brushed against your warm skin. you look toward the entrance, seeing your george sigh heavily with exhaustion as he took his shoes and coat off. he looked up to you, his boldly furrowed brows softening.
“hi, love,” he says, walking toward you. you stand and approach him to greet him with a quick kiss. he holds you for a little longer than usual, and you take the opportunity to melt into his arms and breathe in his smell, something you’d been deprived of recently. he rests his chin on top of your head, which laid comfortably on his rising chest. it was moments like this that made all your worries slip away, moments like this that you wished you could cling onto forever and ever.
“how was your day?” you ask, finally leaning back to look up at him. he lets go of you and runs a hand through his long hair.
“not good,” he says, a frown on his perfectly sculpted face. you return his expression at the sight of him being sad. quickly, you remember your dinner ideas. maybe that would cheer him up.
“hey, maybe we can go get something to eat? maybe get your mind off of things?” you suggest, looking up at his brown eyes. he looks down at you, eyes full of regret.
“i’m sorry love, but i’d rather just head to bed already,” he says remorsefully. you smile softly and reassure him that it’s okay and he should get some rest. but part of you breaks inside, knowing he doesn’t want to spend time with you.
he headed upstairs and you followed, the painful ideas returning at full speed.
“you’re so annoying, of course he doesn’t want to spend any time with you. you’re so annoying and clingy,” your brain says and you flinch at the harsh thoughts. through your entire bedtime routine, thoughts flooded your mind and filled your entire being up, and you felt like you were being drowned from the inside out. george stood next to you as you both brushed your teeth, not speaking a single word to you or giving you a single glance. you changed into one of george’s t-shirts and watched as he slid out of his clothes and into his pajamas in seconds. he muttered a monotone, “good night,” before turning on his side, his back facting you.
as much as you didn’t want to, you believed the mean voices and hung your head as you got into bed next to george.
you slept back to back that night.
the sun seeped into your room through your windows, and invaded your bed, waking you rather unpleasantly. you groan lightly as you reached over your bed for george, but only found empty space. his side of the bed was cold, indicating that he’d been up for a while now.
you sit up slowly, rubbing your eyes as the aromas of freshly brewed coffee and morning dew hit your senses. you hear the song of the early birds chirping as your feet hit the cool floor. as you head downstairs, you can hear george on the phone, and you soon see him muttering softly before taking a long drag from his cigarette. you don’t bother him, seeing that there was paperwork on the table and his call must be business related. naturally, you decide to head for the coffee, the smell luring you in like a fish.
you poured the hot, dark liquid into your favorite mug and add in your preferred amounts of cream and sugar. looking out the window, you see water drip gently from the leaves of a tree that george and you had planted a year ago. you sip your coffee and reminisce about the times you used to actually spend time with george. how nice it was, seeing him smile so often.
you suddenly hear george raise his voice at the phone, something unlike him entirely. you jump at the unpleasant sound before peeking through the hallway to see what on earth was happening.
“no, i don’t care! i want the bloody bastard fired, in fact, tell him not to bother showing up today,” he shouts into the phone before slamming it down, placing his head between his knees and groaning in frustration. seeing george this upset and acting out on it was truly a rare sighting, and you thought carefully about what to next.
after careful consideration, you tiptoe into the room and gently rest a hand on his shoulder, the sudden contact making him flinch.
“christ, (y/n) are you trying to give me a bloody heart attack?” he grumbles before lighting another cigarette.
“sorry,” you say softly, “would you like some tea?” you figure it could calm his anger and soothe some of his abnormal irritability.
“what? tea? there’s already coffee made,” he says rudely. you take a step back, saying nothing. you know that you didn’t do anything and that this behavior would pass. george was never like this. your eyes find the time and see that george should have left ten minutes ago.
“george, you’re gonna be late to work,” you say, thinking you could at least do something helpful. his head snaps back at you and his once soft face turned hard with anger.
“what are you implying? you want me gone?” he stands up and angrily grabs all of the papers scattered on the table, shoving them into a folder and the folder into his bag, “fine, i’ll leave. im out the door.”
you look at him in confusion, you’d barely woken up and were just trying to help, “what’s the matter with you?”
“what’s the matter with me,” he repeats, looking away and scoffing. he runs his hand through his hair in frustration, “im sick of this, (y/n)! im sick of life. i come home exhausted and you have half a mind to ask me if i want to talk about it!”
“you always want to go straight to bed,” you defend yourself, hurt that he would even suggest that you don’t care about him. his dark eyes glare into your own for a moment that feels like hours, trying to think of somethig clever to say in response, but he just wasn’t ever much of a fighter. he finally chooses to put his cigarette out on the table’s ashtray and grab his coat. if you wanted him out of the house, he was more than happy to comply.
“george-“ you start.
“no,” he cuts you off, “don’t say anything right now, i can’t even look at you.” and he doesn’t, he ignores your presence entirely as he picks up his bag and walks out the door.
you’re left in the cold house, alone, hurt, and dumbfounded. you couldn’t believe what had just happened. you couldn’t believe that george, your george, had taken his anger out on you, simply for trying to help his morning be less shitty. worse than that, he thought you wanted him gone, when all you wanted was to be with him. is this how it was going to be now? a bitter, loveless relationship? your eyes sting with fresh tears at the thought, and a huge lump in your throat grows painfully. you take a deep breath before heading upstairs. you wanted anything but to cry this early in the morning, and the only reason you got up somewhat early was to see george before he left to work. now that your morning was ruined, you figured heading back to bed was the next best thing.
you climb back into your shared bed, suppressing your emotions with the warmth of your fluffy blankets and soft pillows. the comfort of a bed felt almost like a hug, and you sighed, letting the pain drift away as you fell asleep.
when you opened your eyes, the realization hit you. you’d slept until the sun began to set, completely ignoring your emotions, stuffing them down inside of you like an overflowing trash can. being awake made them fling right back at you; sleeping didn’t change a thing, and was only a temporary pause in your pain.
all of your feelings came back to you at once, and it once again felt like you were drowning internally. only this time, the thoughts weren’t the invasive factor. your emotions were overwhelmingly intense on top of your brain practically screaming horrible things to you. your breathing quickens as you feel tears slide down your face. this time you werent able to swallow the thick lump in your throat, and you began to weep softly.
this was it, george was leaving you. he hates you, he wants nothing to do with you. there was nothing you could do but hug your knees and cry. you choked on a sob and started rocking back and forth in attempts to try to soothe yourself. but you couldn’t stop, it felt like your entire world was falling apart. you soon began to have shortness of breath and struggled with your breathing, feeling your heart beat at an intense rate that you couldn’t control.
your bedroom door opens, revealing george’s early arrival. he immediately rushes to your side, afraid to touch you but wanting so bad to comfort you.
“(y/n)? (y/n), breathe. breathe, baby,” he takes your hand and you look at him. you aren’t sure if him being here is making the situation better or worse. seeing him try to help you stirred all kinds of feelings in your mind. you felt like you weren’t good enough for him, like you didn’t deserve his help.
george begins breathing in through his nose and out of his mouth, gently guiding you and hoping you will try to do the same. he sits in front of you on the bed and holds your face in his gentle hands. you look up into his eyes, the chocolate features of his face soothing you as your breath began to steady.
“that’s it,” he encourages.
“do you hate me?” you cry softly.
“what? no, (y/n), i’d give my life for yours, do you know that? you’re so, very special to me,” he slides over to sit beside you on the bed and wraps his long arms around you.
“why are you so distant?” you look up at him, and tears continue to roll down your flushed cheeks, “you acted so mean to me this morning, i feel like you want nothing to do with me.”
george is hurt by your words. he truly didn’t mean to be distant, and he never wanted to hurt you.
“i’m sorry,” he says, “ive been so overwhelmed i haven’t stopped to think of how you must feel. im really sorry my love i never meant to hurt you like this.” he embraces you tightly and you give into his comforting touch, wrapping your arms around his torso and digging your face into his chest. 
you take a deep breath, “i understand,” you say before looking up to him to whisper, “i miss you. i miss us.”
“i miss you too darling,” he pauses for a moment, “how about i take tomorrow off? we can do whatever you’d like.”
you sniffle, “what about the album? the deadline?” 
“i can fake sick. nothing is more important to me than you,” he says, “i want nothing more than to be with you. i love you so much.”
you smile when he presses a soft kiss to your aching head, “now how about we go have something to eat? i’m starved.”
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eligaxy · 3 years
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☆ℜ𝔢𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔭 : Venti x gn!Reader
☆𝔚𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 : near death experience, you’re confused asf about everything, bad writing cause i suck, spoilers for the we will be reunited quest!! And also for venti’s backstory, venti is serious for once (yes it’s a legitimate warning🤚)
☆𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢 : Some angst, some fluff? Idk bye🤨
☆𝔖𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶 : "It's okay, it's over now" he kneeled to be at your level, his arms still wrapped around you, and you didn't have the energy to fight your urge of nuzzling into him. "I'll always be here for you, wherever there is wind, remember I'm here too. You only need to ask." (2.8k words)
♪𝔑𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔰 : i’m an idiot simp, i did this in one sitting and half asleep, english isnt my first language BLA BLA IM SORRY FOR MY POOR WRITING BUT HAVE THIS
basically you don’t know if you can trust venti or not, head says no, heart screams yes
Also, I was listening to stormterror’s lair ost while writing it, just because its fucking amazing, you might wanna listen to it too
I’m nervous to post this?/&:! This is the second fic i’ve ever finished in my whole life
i love venti and he’s hot in his god outfit i don’t make the rules
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
"Please, anybody... Just help me."
Saying you were exhausted would have been an understatement. After reuniting with your sibling, you had been frantically searching for clues about khaenri'ah and ways to Inazuma. With no luck, you couldn't find any traces of Dainsleif or of your twin. The ruins had been sealed and you had no idea what happened to the inverted statue or the corpse you had found there. Desperately, you clung into every little information you had, you would have turned every rock on this archon damned continent if you had to, which is what led you into those ruins near Guilli plains.
Walking along the destroyed buildings your eyes caught sight of a dandelion and you froze. You missed them so much, why couldn't they go back home with you? All you ever wanted was to be by their side why, why were they running away from you?
You remembered your travels, the moments you shared together, their protectiveness over you, the fondness in their eyes when you smiled at them. You remember the times you got hurt and healed one another with your now missing powers. You remember sleeping by their side and being grateful to the universe to let you keep your ray of sunshine everywhere with you. How ironic.
What had they meant 'once you reach the end of your journey' ? What does that even mean? Stupid twin, if they knew you were here the whole time, why hadn't they come to you? Why were they always leaving just when they were within your grasp? Why? Did they know how much you missed them and how much your heart broke when you finally saw them? Did they?
You only realized you were crying when a small gust of wind had your wet cheek react to the cold, breaking your train of thought. Wind.
The wind is everywhere, you think, free as a bird, always accompanying every citizen of this world, never truly alone. With this in mind, you resumed your exploring, slower this time.
A sigh escaped your mouth. You didn't want to admit it, but the wind did comfort you a little. Almost as if he was here. God of freedom and of the breeze, he was more a singer than a protector and you couldn't bear to think about him. Was it true? What Dain said... Did he destroy this nation? Was he the cause of the scenery that still haunted your nightmares up until 500 years later? Your brain simply couldn't accept that Venti, your Venti, you catch yourself thinking, could have made such an act of wrath. He was the epitome of freedom, why would he take the very thing he based all of his existence on from mere mortals? Barbatos simply couldn't be afraid of being overpowered, he didn't even care about power. All he wanted was freedom and happiness for his people. Surley this couldn't be right?
But then again, who were you to deny the wipe out of an entire nation? The gods did it. They were afraid that Celestia would be overthrown by the pride of humankind, the destruction of khaenri'ah by divine beings was a fact. There was no misunderstanding about this. That was the one thing you were sure of. So why did you feel like crying even more now?
The mere thought of a gentle soul such as Venti committing innocent people to an eternity of suffering didn't sit right with you. Even when his dearest friend Dvalin had turned against him, he didn't try to stop him, didn't even ask the dragon to save him. He healed and helped him, gave him a choice.
'What is freedom if demanded of you by a god?' was the same person that asked this question the same one who committed mass murder? Genocide?
Did the little wine-lover bard you had grown fond of destroy all hopes and light your kin had?
You remember that night when he freed Stanley from his burden, freed his and his friends' spirits. You had marveled at his action, in that instant he was a god, and he definitely hadn't struck you as a murderer. You remember that look of silent pain and grief in his eyes when he sang the tales of the nameless bard he had taken the appearance of. You knew he trusted you enough to share his story, something so personal, you could almost feel the war that took down the tyrant of Mond. Oh how much you cherished that evening, treating him to some well deserved dandelion wine afterwards, his favorite, and asking him to sing you more about the time where was nothing but the spirit of a breeze.
Your heart broke a little, remembering his rosy cheeks and drunk smile, you wish you could talk to him, ask him what happened. What did he do, was he really as dangerous as you had been told? If so, then why did you feel so good around him? Why did you feel like you could give hi-
You stopped walking upon seeing a ruin guard up ahead in the distance. You're so stupid, you think. Feeling this way is not gonna get you anywhere, especially with how the bard had been missing for a few weeks now. Ever since you had last seen your sibling.
Where was he, where was he wandering off to? You walk towards the disabled ruin guard, not really paying any mind to it, still thinking about the god you longed to meet with. If you could see him, what would you even say? Would he even answer your questions? Why did your stomach feel so light and funny when you thought about seeing him, why aren't you angrier?
You're almost at the killing machine's level now, so lost in your thought you don't notice the five other similar robots hidden behind a wall next to it. You notice them only when it's too late and you've already turned them on while thinking about examining them and collecting their serial numbers. When you hear the familiar tick of the mechanism turning on, you internally panic and think about running away only to calm down moments later and think to yourself that you can simply beat it and take what you came here for. Even if you are emotionally and physically tired, you can manage, you think.
That was before hearing five other consecutive ticks right after it, and all around you.
Turning around, your gaze falls upon the small army of field tillers. Fuck.
Paimon wasn't with you today, you had asked for some time alone which she hesitantly accepted, so you couldn't ask her to go fetch help. You would have been worried if you had all your capacities but with the state you were in, you were wondering how you were going to survive this fight. You were alone, none of your companions with you, and deeply weakened by the busy day you had and the few hours of sleep you had managed to steal away from the night. Was it today you would meet your doom, with all your questions and uncertainties unanswered?
You tried your best to fight with the strength you had left, but quickly grew desperate after what felt like hours of efforts to swing your blade and being able to only take one monster down out of the six. It didn't help that you got injured along the way, their blows becoming harder and harder to dodge. After being thrown on the grown for the third time, you understood you had at least two broken ribs and that your shaking legs would soon fail you as well.
Fear crept upon you, you would die here today, alone. Alone. You couldn't talk to your sibling after all, couldn't understand. You didn't even get to talk to him one last time. Him... You would die without the knowledge of the truth about your bard. You would die alone. You didn't want that, you couldn't look death straight in the eye.
"Please, anybody... Just help me."
In Mondstadt, there was a musician, a weird singer everyone had heard about at least once. He lived off of his songs and was mostly known for having a great story-telling and being an alcoholic.
The number of people who knew the true nature of his identity were few and he was perfectly content with that. He didn't wish to be a god anymore, his gnosis had been taken away anyway and it's not like he had any power over the city of wind nowadays. Even if his people still worshipped him as Barbatos, it didn't sit right with him to be called a god anymore. It actually never did, he thinks to himself with a smile, he never really took any responsibilities that came with the divine title which is why he was so weak today. But it didn't matter to him, his smile turns into a soft giggle.
Sitting on a mill that was once born from his steps he looks fondly over the city he founded. Even if they were godless, the citizens were still thriving and free. He cared oh so very deeply about the place even if he rarely, if not never, showed the affection within his heart. He remembers the day he grew strong enough to dispel the storms over his actual Mondstadt, and made the weather gentle enough so that there was no need for fireplaces. Nowadays, he loves watching birds nest into the chimney tops and seeing them found their own home. It gave him a sense of belonging like no other, not above his people, but walking among them and watching them nest into this cocoon he created. He was proud of what happened to his land and would do it all over again if he had to.
Especially since it led to him meeting you. This thought doesn't catch him off guard, you often roamed around in his mind after all, and it's not like he didn't write at least three songs about you and your feat, your smile, your courage...
Ah there he goes again, rambling about you in a whisper. He turns around to the statue of him his people erected in his honor, chuckling at how they never made the connection with his signature braids. His, but not really his, since he had stolen this form from someone who was much more deserving of this power than him. Seeing his friend being honored with the statues of the seven around the land made him happy, he hoped that it was a good enough thank you gift in return for everything that the bard whom he couldn't even remember the name of anymore did for him.
Upon gazing at the statue, he remembered telling you of his long gone friend. It was the first time he had talked about him to someone else, he didn't even mention it to Venessa, she who made him believe in himself again. He could ask himself why, but he simply knew that you had something different, more than meets the eye. Perhaps it was because you weren't from Teyvat, or perhaps it was just you being as simple as your natural self but he was simply and utterly captivated by your being. You inspired him to no end, at first he thought it was because he had never met someone like you and he loved new things! But as time grew and he got to know you, he understood quickly the meaning and depth of his passions. He thought of it with a light chuckle, content with your presence alone. He really did need and want you around.
So why did he purposely avoid you like the plague?
The wind had brought to his ears that you had met with Dainsleif.
And your twin.
His first reaction was to search for you, talk to you, he wanted to be here to know what happened! You had searched so long, he couldn't contain himself, still listening to what the wind told him, he started running with excitement but... But wait, Dainsleif was... He told you what?
So you heard about Khaenri'ah. He had stopped dead in his tracks and turned back, only sending a warm current of wind your way, hugging you from afar.
He wasn't ready to talk about this yet, not ready to face you and absolutely not ready to answer your questions. He was a coward, he thought, running away like that but what else could he do, really. It was only natural for him to be as uncatchable as air.
A sorry excuse to avoid the fact that even if his past had marvelous story like the one of the nameless bard, it also had its share of darkness, something he wasn't ready to dive back into. Especially not now when your arrival has been shaking this world up like it hasn't been since at least 500 years.
But oh, how he longed to see your face or to hear your voice. So he asked a breeze to report to him what you were up to, and where you were. Just in case! he tells himself, what if you needed help ehe? But he knows you're competent and you won't need the help of a weakling coward like him anytime soon. Or so he thought.
Because when the breeze only gives him a few words back, his blood runs cold.
"Please, anybody... Just help me."
As you murmured these words in your desperate state, not really for anyone but yourself as a last resort, a prayer of some sort, you tried to stand by leaning yourself on your sword and failing miserably. You didn't dare look up as you heard the loud footsteps of the metal giants coming your way. It was over, and you barely managed to accept it.
As you rested your forehead against the cold handle of your sword, you closed your eyes, tears starting to make their ways out of your closed eyelids. All you could feel was remorse.
A soft breeze moved your hair slightly and your chest felt like a black hole had taken place where your heart used to be, regretting to not have been able to meet him under the tree at Windrise one last time.
The breeze quickly grew stronger, until it felt unnatural and you looked up from the ground, only to close your eyes again immediately when you realized the wind was too powerful for you to keep them open. If you had struggled to see though, you would have been blinded by the white light that soon illuminated the whole ruins. You didn't have enough time to register the situation when you felt a hand being laid atop your shoulder, snaking around your collarbones and pulling you back into... nothing? Another arm circled your weak form and a voice you immediately recognized said
"I've dealt with things worse than you, now crumble."
You realized that if you couldn't feel a chest behind you while still being embraced by his arms, it was because he was floating above you, and not standing behind you. A look in his direction confirmed your suspicions but what stunned you wasn't the fact that he was flying, but the attire he wore. Barely covering his body, a white set made of materials that seemed like clouds and liquid gold contrasted perfectly with his regular green clothes. His hair was glowing green and his eyes that were focused on the ruin guards up ahead had a marvelous shine that you had never seen before. He had that same aura he did the night he freed Stanley, but there was also something different about the way his hands gripped you a little too tightly or the way his voice sounded.
"Venti.." You muttered his name, relief and affection flooding you all at once, in his presence you felt as if nothing bad could happen to you. How foolish could you be, just a few hours ago you were speculating wether or not he had wiped out an entire civilisation and now here you were, being saved by him and feeling safer than you had in months.
"Close your eyes, I don't want give you a headache" he said, slowly floating legs first towards the ground. His unusually serious voice surprised you (and him) but you did as he told you. Letting go of your sword and leaning back into him, you let him deal with the monsters ahead of you.
"It's okay, it's over now" he kneeled to be at your level, his arms still wrapped around you, and you didn't have the energy to fight your urge of nuzzling into him. "I'll always be here for you, wherever there is wind, remember I'm here too. You only need to ask."
Being protected by a god really didn't feel that bad. Especially when you were in love with said god.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Thank you so much for reading whatever this is until the end :’)
Don’t hesitate to comment or reblog, tysm <3
Ps: venti loves u and so do i do pls take care of urself mwah
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nabrizoya · 3 years
RoW Theories and Things I Want to See
with RoW literally a few weeks away, here’s some theories your way. 
this is Really long. like, really very long; mind you. 
Nikolai might become a disabled character.
It’s just the vibes. If we can take reference from the Too Clever Fox story, there’s a line that says “...and his [Koja’s] fur never quite sat right the same...”, which might hint at it (mostly bc i don’t want him to die). Also if this is indeed possible, it can be used to address ableism if it exists in this universe, especially since Nikolai is someone in the highest position of power. 
Zoya will experiment the shit out of powers. 
Idk why the synopsis says that using her powers might be a great deal, which tbf will be because she is truly the most most powerful atm; but Zoya wouldn’t mind taking the step outside of the old norms and bend the orders until they serve their purpose. That’s the entire goal rly.
But all along, she will consciously keep herself mindful to not hunger or discharge her power in a way that may cause harm. She knows the tyranny of the Darkling and the ways he employed. She knows better. 
More character depth to Zoya. 
Given the excerpts, the book does seem to explore Zoya’s infinite grief. And of course her Suli heritage, which a great part of the fandom consistently wants to shadow what with the talk “white features/ part Ravkan” bs. 
But there’s more. I hope RoW will show Zoya’s dilemma (that was alr hinted in KoS) she has with the power she holds, the responsibility she has with having that power + using it in the way that will not be detrimental to her and the country. It will be a great way to portray her self-awareness and doubt and insecurity. She is a good leader, that much is told in text but not shown. There’s character development from the end of R&R until KoS that makes her evolve from a what she was then to the capable and mature 22 year old she is in KoS. 
Of course all of their capabilities will come to light in RoW but I think Zoya and the agency to her as a character will play an integral part. More so because Zoya is to be the conduit to reversing the current Grisha orders, which runs in parallel with the fact that she needs to go back, go back to the roots of her Grisha knowledge and roots of her i.e. her unending grief and trauma. 
She will need to forgive herself while also dealing with the guilt and anger she may have caused due to her position and power. All of this while dealing with her own complex and contrasting emotions due to her own trauma.
Nikolai is held for treason. 
The word of allying with The Darkling may be out and that is enough reason for the entire country to turn against him. The secret about the monster causes issues more than enough already, and this will plunge the country into deep political turmoil and threats to security. So RoW will be more politically driven. That said...
There’s no overt war. 
By this I mean that there will not be war on the battlefield, both armies or more charging at each others’ enemies and such. Ravka cannot afford one either. The excerpts have already proved that. There will be skirmishes akin to a war scenario, but a complete battle like the last battle in R&R? Like a final battle? That’s not going to be there, I think… What I’m assuming might happen is that the Fjerda and Ravka will take a possible Cold War route, if it isn’t already the case they’re already dealing with atm. 
Ravka’s monarchy will collapse. 
It may become a democracy or any other form of public or majority vote. But the monarchy (as well a possible dictatorship, esp with the Darkling returned) will be eliminated. ...Or so I hope, since it has been alluded to in KoS. 
But that poses many problems. With no one line for the throne, let alone with a crime so dark like a blot on Nikolai’s skill (of taking the Darkling’s help), it is possible that Ravka will shun it, right alongside being torn about it because Nikolai has been, for the best of his ability, a good King. All of this in line with the Resistance rising in West Ravka. 
This ties in with the court matters, especially if I want to hold the further points I make true. The resolution to acquit Nikolai of his charges requires a testification forth a jury which will then make a decision about his motives and future. 
Zoya as the Interim Head. 
After all of this, Zoya’s point about Ravka not accepting a Grisha Queen will be true after all, because there will be no monarchy to welcome such an arrangement. 
But Ravka will need a good and trustworthy leader despite Grisha powers and Zoya is the best person to take care of that. The comment “...becoming a steady leader...” and the “Welcome home, Commander,” were there in KoS for a reason (and this is what I think it will link to). 
That being said, there’s more nuance to this than my summary. Zoya is a character of colour. That—in addition to the already existing threats, objections and possible question of capability in the position—ill play into how she will be able to discharge her responsibility. It’s not going to be convenient.
EDIT: taken from a reblog/addition to the og post:
A smoother/more structured transition
Once after the monarchy collapses and a leader must be chosen, it will not be Nikolai. Nor will it be Zoya, though she might serve as an interim head. What I assume might be possible is that someone older is chosen, someone older and loyal and with the proof of knowledge and service to the country. Possibly by majority vote or elected by a council.
Instead of the sudden change, this can be a smoother (if that can even be said about such a major political scenario change) or more structured. I also say this because a. if Nikolai is indeed charged (and later acquitted), firstly his political career will already hold a blot if the word about using the Darkling as a resource is out and secondly, he’s way too young to serve as the leader (by modern standards, sure, but like, the required age will be set while drafting the constitution? currently its 35+).
Instead, the current cast can become representatives (which Zoya would already be, (mostly the head of the) international committee that safeguards the Grisha all over the world) and the Triumvirate will be dissolved. (it should be, tbh)
And hey, b. after all of this, they can and kind of need to take a step back. Nikolai and Zoya will be able to truly explore their relationship, given how Nikolai mentions how he wouldn’t marry unless he’d have had the chance to court someone and marry someone he barely knows nor knows him. For Zoya’s part, she does know Nikolai but surely probably not the extent of openness that a healthy relationship has, and on Nikolai’s part, he admits he barely knows her beyond as a General except for just little things about her.
They could be able to realize and work on their feelings while alongside being involved with the workings of the country and the constitution.
“One day you will overstep and I will not be so forgiving.” 
Need I say more? Something that Zoya does will cost her Nikolai’s goodwill and we know Zoya knows her practicality and the extent to which she will unapologetically move if there is threat to the country and its King. She will do what was right and required. 
A major part of that line ties in with Magnus Opjer and I think with the confidence in the versatility of her powers, Zoya might as well move w/o any word to the Triumvirate to eliminate the most direct threat to the throne. This will bring splits in Nikolai and Zoya’s relationship. 
How this tension between them will be resolved without compromising either of their values, without playing into fandom stereotypes and others must be carefully handled. All of this while showing the best of their dynamicity, practicality and priority as they carefully pull out just those weak sticks of the jenga without putting the whole country into trouble. And with a war in plain sight, they’d know better than pointlessly argue and would rather see how the two of them are wrong. This ordeal will bring out just how condensed power is in the current scenario, imo. 
Importance on the way women have shaped history. 
Something that KoS has already set precedence for. Zoya being a PoC, Nina taking into account of the sufferings of women she comes across and the consistent ‘Who will remember them?’ will be elaborated on further. As for how it is done and how well it is done, that remains to be seen. 
Baghra is alive but maybe not thriving bc she’s stuck in the Ice Court. 
They entered a chamber where an old woman sat with her hands chained, flanked by guards. Her eyes were vacant. As each prisoner approached, the woman gripped his or her wrist.
A human amplifier. [...] But the Fjerdans used them for a different purpose – to make sure no Grisha breached their walls without being identified.
Kaz watched Nina approach. He could see her trembling as she held out her arm. The woman clamped her fingers around Nina’s wrist. Her eyelids stuttered briefly. Then she dropped Nina’s hand and waved her along.
Had she known and not cared? Or had the paraffin they’d used to encase Nina’s forearms worked?
- Chapter 22. Kaz; Part 4: Trick to Falling, Six of Crows.
Nina will be the one to free her and together they might wage a war from Djerholm together.
This gets even more interesting because we know the anguish and scorn that Baghra feels for her son at the same time; she understands the wrongness that he used to seek and will continue to. Zoya does take Baghra’s name at the Fold when she mourns and rages over how people forget the destruction and most importantly, forget the women. Baghra could be the symbol of the stag as the art piece depicts, or will be shown with relation to the Darkling’s powers.
As for how she will play into the story, perhaps she will be the one to help reverse and find the roots of the orders, in the sense that changes the perception of the Grisha powers for the Grisha as well as the common folk of Ravka. She is the only other person other than Juris and the Darkling to have the age of eras together, knowing Ilya Morozova, and she will be instrumental in giving Ravka an advantage over Fjerda. Either that or she will help in scrubbing the prejudices of Fjerda slowly away with whatever powers she has left. Or both. 
Alina will reappear, but will not contribute to the plot significantly.
Zoya understands that the truth she knows about the Darkling is very minimal not enough to end him for once and for all. It makes sense that she will probably consult Alina for it. So, Malina appearance, possibly at the orphanage. Alina will not directly contribute to this war, but she will play a critical role in defeating the Darkling.
Besides, Alina —and Baghra— are the only ones who know that there has only ever been two Darklings. Zoya did sense, multiple times during KoS, that the Darkling is damn old. Yuri mentions it. And while it is not outright specified, the fact that Zoya thinks that she realizes just how ancient Lizabetha is in context of meeting the Darkling is enough proof for her to seek more information about the age and the older skill of the Darkling. 
And I think it goes without saying that I want to hope that the Darkling and Alina will not meet. Pls, she’s had enough. 
Lada is the lost, other friend that Zoya refuses to bury. 
“She saw her mentor die and her worst enemy resurrected, and she refuses to bury another friend.”
Liliyana is dead, we know. But there’s no other mention of Lada except for the “wondering what happened to the pug faced girl.” Lada is possibly a part of the group of women and a Grisha returning to Ravka from Fjerda, exploited by the parem. She might die being unable to withhold the sheer torment of the parem induction, which will devastate Zoya because Lada was also the closest she’s had to a family with Liliyana. 
Either that or Lada is already dead or dies some other way, and Zoya cannot bring herself bear the grief of losing her. 
Cameos: Inej and Jesper. 
The most likely of the crows to appear in RoW are Inej and Jesper and they’ll play equally important roles in the plotline. Here’s a breakdown of why:
Inej has taken the responsibility of becoming a slave hunter, and it makes sense for Inej to make an appearance in the book, given that there’s going to be a ship taking the Grisha from Fjerda to Ravka. 
The women aboard are vulnerable and require immediate attention, which Inej will immediately zero in on. She will have enough reason to suspect both Leoni and Adrik on the ship, especially when the jurda parem is still a secret. Leoni and Adrik cannot give that information away because they don’t trust Inej (and have no reason to either). Inej won’t trust them either, not until she understands that the reason why the women are being taken to Ravka and for what reasons. 
Which gives her excellent reason to step in, try to analyze the situation and help the women accordingly.
Here’s an exciting thought though. Once after the entire misunderstanding is overcome and Inej understands (esp. if Nina is brought into the conversation and security and secrecy of the conversation is ensured), there may be discussion about how the Grisha might find a safer space in Ravka.
Inej’s appearance might also extend to playing a pivotal role in giving Zoya the confidence to seek her heritage and where she hails from, to embrace the part of her past and forgive herself and others for her mistakes. 
Grisha finding a safer space in Ravka will mean that Inej can pitch Jesper’s case for him to Zoya. Being the highest authority who takes cares of the responsibilities of the Grisha, Zoya will be the best person to talk about this with. 
And so, here comes Jesper. 
For one, I wish Jesper and Leoni interact, talk and just bond like the iconic siblings they would be. <3 But more than that, Jesper plays very integral to the plot for more reasons.
Jesper’s arc will parallel Zoya’s. Both of them are new to their powers in their own individual sense; Zoya is trying to use her new powers in a way that hasn’t been done before, thereby breaking the Grisha orders of powers and Jesper (assuming he has decided that he might want to learn and embrace his Grisha powers) is learning them afresh. 
This journey of them trying to embrace, learn and relearn and reject older norms and experiment really work in tandem.
That will lead us to a further (plot) theories. 
Ties with Novyi Zem 
As of the KoS end, Ravka has no support from anyone atm. Sure the Kerch will provide funds but Ravka has no real allies. Here’s where Novyi Zem and Jesper come in. 
We know Novyi Zem is a new country and also that it is the second safest country for the Grisha in the universe. As of KoS, their agreements are not renewed and they would be since between Kerch and Novyi Zem, Ravka was forced to pick Kerch. Yet Ravka needs their help in acquiring jurda for the antidote. 
So here’s the deal: Ravka will get their jurda but at many conditions that the Novyi Zem will impose on Ravka to not let exploitation get in the way. 
The conditions imposed could be (these are just some at the top of my head but I hope there are more to ensure the safety and security of the Zemeni, in Novyi Zem and in Ravka too) : 
Naval support from Ravka
We know of the Zemeni ships and ofc Nikolai has been hard at work trying to develop plans to use the sea to its fullest advantage. While the news of the izmars’ya isn’t public, Zemeni can place a condition for technical aid from Ravka since Ravka does have the technical knowledge it can dispatch as a condition.
A Grisha School in Novyi Zem
Think about it. Ravka, despite being the safest place for the Grisha, still isn’t entirely safe. Not all Grisha become soldiers in Ravka, they have a choice to abstain but those who are training are still recruited a honed for purpose alike preparing for war, especially the teens and preteens from the time of the Civil War. The training does take a lot of time. Ravka intends to make a home first and then service, but at the moment, while the Grisha are provided safety, it’s not assured in the best sense. Both the facts about a home and service are in precarious positions atm.
TL;DR: Ravka isn’t entirely safe for Grisha therefore the Grisha themselves too are not + Ravka is war torn. 
So what happens? 
One of the conditions as the next best country that serves as home to the Grisha, Novyi Zem may put forth the prospect of building a Little Palace like institution for the Grisha in Novyi Zem. It sounds morally wrong in the sense that the Grisha there will also be trained for war, but the war will end and soon, the Grisha will not be subject to serve for something but engage in economic activities as anybody else with the progression of time.
All of this won’t happen immediately either; learning their powers, honing it in the way that is unocnventional from what it had been pre-RoW and that transition + the building of the establishment in Novyi Zem and laying foundation for the  transnational panel or committee for Grisha that Zoya talks about will all take so much time. 
A few Grisha representatives from Novyi Zem can learn at the Little Palace and by the time the construction of the institution is done in Novyi Zem, these Grisha, along with other willing Grisha who either want to return to the country they were born in (like Leoni) or are offered to teach in a different country can do so too. 
There will be stricter terms so as to not ensure exploitation and possible colonization in these nations. 
Zoya mentions in one of her chapters that eventually there will be a need for the a  transnational panel or committee for Grisha. Jesper can Zoya can make it possible, adding in other countries to the panel slowly as the war recedes. 
Kaz and Wylan? 
Least likely to make an appearance, in my opinion. I think they’ll be mentioned plenty of times or brought up once and given great importance for how they can help in the side plot. 
Shu Support: 
This is more a hope than an actually theory dfbkdhjadfh but Makhi might have to step down from the throne because Ehri will take the place; either as a Queen (no...) or she might oversee the process of strengthening Shu Han and finding a leader (if she doesn’t want to become one herself). 
Ehri is capable, more than capable despite the little we know of her from the last chapter in KoS. All I hope is for an understanding and friendship between Nikolai and Ehri (and the subsequent cancelling of the marriage duH) for this to happen. She has little interest in statecraft but with the time she might spend with Nikolai, she might change her views. Even if not then she still gets the happy ending she deserves with Mayu (which is canon at this point rly).
Emotional Development or Breakdowns
Okay but I really, really, really hope we get to see all the three protagonists lose their shit and deal with their trauma, seek help or trying to stop isolating themselves or anything else they do to cope? Nina, Zoya and Nikolai, all of them cry, all of them get to completely lose it, let themselves be human and healthily cope and learn to rely on the people they trust the most. Like the sheer power and potential to show the myriad of ways to deal with grief, sadness, stress and more and make use of the trio’s backgrounds to show healthy and diverse ways of helping themselves, by letting themselves and others help them is just *combusts* Incredible! 
That being said, can I also ask for moments of fear and desolation from the side characters too? Impending war isn’t small business, it will take its toll on people, and all these reactions just cement their fears and what they value the most so. pls. Humanizing them rly. 
The Saving Each Other 
As much as I mostly kinda hate this trope, there are traces in the KoS that Zoya might be the one to end Nikolai’s affliction. On the other hand, there is talk of Nikolai helping Zoya control her powers which seems counterintuitive when you consider that Zoya knows that there is a line that she must never cross and that she is very, very careful about it and will continue to be. 
They can instead be the ones who motivate each other in times of distress as they always do (as shown with how Nikolai tries to gain control over his monster during the burning thorn ritual in KoS, allowing himself the vulnerability but also knowing that giving up will be unforgivable to both himself and Zoya as well) but I seriously do not wish for each other to be the ones directly ending one another's misery. Or perhaps this is just a fear imo that Leigh wouldn’t even take the route of (in which case, thank fuck).
Stab Stab Stab 
Zoya gets the chance to kill the Darkling with the rest of her friends. After all, Darkling does call them all his old friends. Just Julius Caeser him all the way and put a bow tie on the book. *chef’s kiss* Everybody deserves a second chance... at ending a tyrant when it fails the first time. 
So far, this is it. Rule of Wolves is in less than a few weeks and im- asdfghjkl. not Ready. i’m more Worried than Ready.
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Confused bi anon here.
So I’m a woman. For almost all my life I thought I was straight. I remember back in high school where I’d comment girls outfits and fashion a lot and my friends give me the side eye. But I didn’t know shit about anything at that time and didn’t think much of it.
Skip forward to now, I still do the same. I find myself staring at girls, wishing I had their faces/bodies or just admiring their beauty. Women are so beautiful.
I think I realized I wasn’t completely straight when I started watching lesbian porn and I found that it turned me on a lot. Now it’s the only thing I watch. But back then when I was clueless and googled stuff I found people say “if you watch it or even engage in lesbian sex you can still be straight as long as you don’t feel romantic attraction to women”. Which confused me even more.
When I search what bisexuality is, it says romantic AND sexual attraction regardless of gender. So me being sexually attracted to women definitely makes me bisexual right? I’m not sure about being romantically attracted since tbh I’ve never met a woman that made me feel these emotions. I find a lot of them sexy tho.
Now idk if my lack of romantic attraction stems from internalized homophobia or not. For the past 2 years I’ve tried to unlearn a lot of the homophobic shit I grew up internalizing cuz of heteronormativity and it has been a journey. Especially when I’m surrounded by extremely homophobic and intolerant conversations society.
So idk... I’ve said a lot but I still can’t make a cohesive question lol.. I guess what I’m trying to say is, would me not being romantically attracted to women, yet, and the inability to ever come out to (cuz of it endangering my life) make me less of a bisexual?
Because even tho I tried to not feel these sexual urges but I just can’t control them. Also one last thing, I think now... I’m way more sexually attracted to women than I am to men. 😭
(Sorry English is not my first language, so my point could’ve been lost along this long ass rant lol)
Thank you 🤍
Alright so I want to preface this by saying I'm not an expert, and the only expert on how you feel is you. Also, I have never been in a situation where coming out actually threatened my life, so I don't know what living like that is like.
So first off, separating sexual and romantic attraction does more harm than good. If you are attracted to women as well as men, you're bi. Although that does count only for like real attraction, not compulsory heterosexuality of course. So like even if you haven't met a woman you want to date, if you're attracted to women then you're attracted to women, and that counts. As you said, if you're working through internalised homophobia it can be really difficult to picture yourself actually dating and being in a relationship with somebody of the same gender/sex. I think as you work through that it'll probably become easier to think about being in a relationship with a woman.
Second, staying closeted, especially for safety reasons, does not make you any less bisexual. If your life would be in danger from coming out, then it is 10000% valid and fair and understandable and reasonable to stay closeted. Please don't feel pressured to come out before you're somewhere safe, and you are personally ready to do it. I truly hope that you are someday in a place where you can safely come out and be open about your sexuality.
Finally, please don't feel like you need to rush into figuring out your identity. It sounds like you've got a lot that you're dealing with right now and I think it would probably be good to just take your time and explore your sexuality as safely as you can. That being said, nothing you listed makes you less bisexual. Again I hope that you're able to be somewhere safe someday, and if you have anything else you want to ask please feel free to send another anon.
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Thank you so much @cheri-translates for translating Victor's SAND AND SEA DATE. You're an angel. 🥺🥺🥺
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Now I'm gonna start blabbering since I've many feels about this date LOL~ 🙃
⚠️Warning: There are some spoilers regarding Victor storyline from the main story chapters that haven't been released in EN yet.
From "I won't save you a second time" [CH 1] to "I don’t need you to save me a second time." [The date in discussion]-- LOL as hilarious as this is, the irony.💯
Ngl this date felt like, the writers thinking since, under the context of the theme, the physical pain of time travel & crossing countless of dimensions & timelines is not possible-- let's just nearly kill him by spilling blood & dehydration but still we gotta nearly kill this man cause he wants to be in love.🙃
Idk why I'm getting so emotional LOL but there are so many call-backs I can remember on top of my head right now--
[The lines & moments from the date are indented & in bold letters.]
MC: "Victor, I’m helping you look for a water source. Let go!"
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🌹 The sad broken cup scene from [CH 18-16], MC urging Victor to let go & him stubbornly refusing, until she gives in.
MC sacrificing herself to revive the river, part of it is to save Victor- other part of it is also for the greater good of the people in the city.
🌹 [CH 18-18] MC's monologue- "This time, put everything on my shoulder & let me be your hero one last time."
& sacrificing herself for the peace of the world even though it only made more chaos.
Victor releasing the hand that supported him at the edge & deciding to sacrifice himself with her. & the vow- "No matter what awaits you, I’ll be with you."
MC's monologue: "It turns out that no matter what the ending is, he’s willing to be with me."
[CH 18-28] Victor deciding to use the sundial watch one last time despite knowing that'd kill him for sure & might lead the world to perish as well. Dummy & Selfish in that moment. His final vow before MC disappeared, "No matter where you are, I'll always find you."
[CH 19-6 Dream World Victor route]
MC: "What if this really is a dream. Then what?"
Victor: "Then I'll turn it into reality."
[CH 25 phone call- In the Hospital]
"No matter what you are facing in other space-times...Wait for me."
[CH 36-10, after Victor returns from his 10K years time travel]
Victor: I thought you are never going to be afraid again?
His warm breath moistens my eyes. I inhale through my sore nose. Resisting the urge to bury my face in his chest, I look up, staring straight into his eyes-
MC: I will never be afraid again. Because you really came back. Victor is standing here before me like a treasure once lost and now found. What do I have to be afraid of?
Victor is stunned for a moment. The corners of his lips loosens a bit, while the contours of his face softened a lot. He raises his hand to wipe the wetness from the corner of my eyes.
Victor: It seems that this dummy has grown up a lot during this period. Listen carefully, I will never return to a world where you are not.
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[CH 37 PV line]
"Whatever choice you make, I'll always be here."
[CH 37 karma by-line]
"I will accompany you on the road leading to the future."--
Basically the eternal insistence of him having an internal MC GPS tracker LOL ALWAYS being by her side.
Kidnapping incident.
🌹...[CH 30-7 to 30-10] Agio Street underground gambling den mission- wants to say a hello.🙋‍♀️
Abandoning the honor & glory of leading a comfortable life as a feudal lord to restore the river & to find the fateful couple, probably hoping to find his love too, but won't admit cause even if it's AU, he be like- "I'm still Victor" LOL
[CH 11 karma by-line]
"I won't let go of you & the world."
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The physically-mentally painful exhausting wait & time travelling of 10K years, walking through endless dimensions & timelines, only to start from the very beginning every single time- hoping to find a way to save the world & protect the girl-- wants to say a hello too 🙋‍♀️
MC's monologue: Still, I want to have one more look at Victor… before leaving.
🌹 This specifically reminded me of a [CH 37-5 Victor split route] monologue from MC--
"It didn't matter what was waiting for me. I would face it with my head held high. Even so, I still wanted one last second...just one second. Let me call his name one more time...let me take a good look at him...just one last time..."
Victor: In that case, stay here. Stay by my side.
🌹 He has said the same sentence in different ways under various circumstances but one I can remember right now,
[CH 24-12 Black Cabin reunion]-- "But right now...Just stay by my side."
MC noting down how she always finds herself in his arms whenever she's fainting or getting in trouble. How Victor has been quietly taking care of her & protecting her. How the person before her walks in steady steps with forceful heartbeats.
When she was in her most depressing state [CH 18], he was there like the steady pillar of support, helping her in every way he could. He was pretty much the glue that kept her in one piece.
Again, in winter world, he stood by her side even as a stranger.
Not just these two incident, throughout the entire game, especially in the latter part of the story, they work together like partners, she learns to trust him with pretty much everything & they work through everything they can together.
Those few mentions in the date-- could be referred to how Victor has always been the constant source of warmth, encouragement, strength, support, protection in her life. No matter what world or when, he never really changes. He is still the same man. & His constant state IS choosing MC every single time.
Victor lies on the sand quietly, and it’s as though everything has returned to the beginning when we first met.
🌹 Indication towards how their storyline ALWAYS goes back to square one or comes in a full circle-- from Victor saving her from the car crash as a kid [& this being repeated many times afterwards, even in winter world], to the lightning incident [MC jumping in front of Victor both as a child & an adult], to both being in coma for week, staying in the hospital & taking care the entire time [MC in CH 11, Victor in CH 32], to stabbing each other countless times. [CH 18, CH 36-- & every other times Victor has seen those incidents happening before his eyes while time traveling.] *que tears*
I could possibly make a full blown essay which I already kinda have out of some other specific call-backs I can remember right now. Specifically the theme of the date being star-crossed lovers-
Legend tells of two lovers. Because of the pressures of their nations, they could not be together, and decided to drown themselves in a river for love.
Because of this, the River Goddess was enraged, and she cursed the land nourished by the river which was under her control. Since that day, the Socya River gradually dried up.
The Goddess left an exhortation-when the fateful couple reappears on this land, the river will be surge once again...
& This perfectly echoes the canon theme of Victor x MC storyline--
🌹 As in, Victor being someone who, objectively speaking, seemingly has everything & yet sacrificing practically everything--
[giving up over-seas university offers, staying in the city instead of moving abroad even though his business could be expanded more, relentless search of 17 years, appointing private detective for 6 years, building up Souvenir etc.]
--- to find MC & then in the mission of keeping her safe, even at the cost of his own existence. Trying everything beyond his limits to prevent the destined deaths of MC he has foreseen- from happening & it being doomed to no end every single time.
🌹 Every single time he had to give up the ONE thing he wanted to protect the most or wanted the most.
🌹 Both of them being so willing to put each other in the front line just to give each other happiness.
🌹 Another running theme of their storyline-- both of them keep losing each other countless times & then find each other again.
• Victor losing MC as a kid, finding her as an adult. Victor nearly losing her in CH 10.
• MC losing Victor due to the time rift in CH 14 & finding a way to contact each other through the sundial watch.
• Victor losing MC in CH 18 first-hand. MC leaving Victor behind in CH 19- dream world.
• CH 24 Black Cabin reunion & CH 27 OG timeline reunion
• MC nearly losing Victor in CH 32, due to him going to coma
• MC losing Victor in CH 34 due to Victor going on the time-travel journey of 10K years
• Final reunion in CH 36 [Then we have the journey to S2. But that's a whole new discussion.]
🌹So...both of them being able to truly be with each other is actually-- defying fate & writing their own destiny. *SOBS*
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🌹I wanna end my blabbering with two precious moments from [CH 36- Victor split route] that echoes this theme even more.
MC: "I've always chased after your silhouette and I was never afraid. Because I know you'll always be there waiting for me. Victor, if you really disappear... I will be with you, and we will both be forgotten by the world."
MC's monologue: "Victor, once we have crossed countless dimensions and futures, and returned to each other’s embrace. If everything has to disappear with time, as dust into the wind... Then, I'm glad that we have our final promise."
[She's referring to the promise she made of being forgotten by the world to be with him & the promise Victor made earlier to never leave her again.]
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extasiswings · 3 years
First off all, thank you so much for your post about Eddie and Shannon, i feel like some people in this fandom really need to take a long hard look at themselves and think about why they are so adamant to diminish Eddie’s feelings for his own damn wife.
Also, “Eddie struggles deeply with comphet and internalized notions about what it means to be a man, including heteronormative concepts of family” and “Eddie genuinely and truly loved and was sexually attracted to his wife of almost a decade” are statements that can and do co-exist “ - YES! This! I would even go as far as to argue that Eddie’s aforementioned struggles might have actually played a part in why his relationship with Shannon didn’t work out, ended as bitterly as it did- there’s Eddie’s “desire” to meet that heteronormative standard, to build their family up again, and then there’s the cold hard fact that their relationship never quite worked under such circumstances, that all the love they had for each other wasn’t enough to make it work. That Shannon doesn’t want to, or isn’t capable to make that effort needed to maintain that standard.
Idk, that might just be me, but i can’t help but wonder how this might have ended had they both tried to come at this a bit differently. Had they accepted that they can’t keep up that facade of a picture perfect family, but that there are other ways to live your life.
(Does that make any sense? It’s getting late over here, my brain is fried)
No EXACTLY. One of the things that is so interesting about the different layers to 2x17 is Eddie's conversation with Bobby and his acknowledgement that they were young and in love when they got married but that they weren't necessarily ready for marriage and got married because she got pregnant. And it's implied in S2, but made much more clear in Eddie Begins, that the actual getting married and starting a family piece of things really messed Eddie up in terms of his own internalized shit about masculinity and what it means to be a husband and a father. Basically, from a combination of what's explicit in canon and what can be gleaned from context clues, they were happy and in love, she got pregnant, they got married, and he immediately trapped himself in a teeny tiny box of rigid expectations and gender roles and enlisted (which, see also any of the MANY conversations I've had about the connection between that and his race/class/family background) and things went south for them from there.
Love ISN'T enough! We don't have exact ages for them when they got married, but Eddie does say they were "kids" so I usually default to him/them being around 20/21 and no matter how much you love each other, marriage is work! Parenting is work! And neither of them were able to communicate effectively about any of the challenges they were facing (probably because being as young as they were and this likely being one of if not the first serious relationship for either of them, they had never had to navigate super serious relationship conflicts with life-changing impacts)! Which means that I don't think either of them knew how to communicate effectively or truly understood what the other person needed or where they were coming from. Shannon criticized Eddie for making decisions about what he thought was best and not being there seemingly without trying to understand why he was stuck in that mindset; meanwhile, Eddie was so stuck that he couldn't accept/understand/see that what she needed wasn't for him to be the best provider in the world, but to just be there for her physically and emotionally/to simply be her partner. And all of that frustration and bitterness and hurt feelings and miscommunication just built up for years until he was finally home again and yeah, in the grip of a pretty serious mental health struggle, and I think she probably didn't even notice the difference between Eddie saying "I need time [to think about moving to a different state]" because he was in crisis and Eddie making other decisions earlier in their marriage without talking to her about them because he thought he was right.
[I mean, I still think it's pretty unforgivable to walk out on your marriage and your child and not even call for several years because of issues that, at least at the time, were, in my opinion, still very much fixable, so this should not be taken as a defense of that.]
But, yes, Eddie trying to put himself in a box and stick to very rigid ideas about who he is or should be as a man, as a husband, as a father, has never done anything but hurt him. Eddie Begins was a perfect encapsulation of his journey into true fatherhood: it was all about him learning to step out of the box, committing to being present, rejecting the examples of how to parent that he learned from his own. And now, he is an amazing father. Had Shannon not asked for a divorce and then died, it's entirely possible that through his process of forgiveness and recommitting himself to his marriage, he could have been a much better husband the second time around, but we'll never really know (although IMO she did not seem to be making the same kind of effort that she was demanding from him, so they were probably still doomed regardless). What we do know is that he absolutely IS capable of being an incredible partner...as long as he's not trying to force anything (because, again, he gets himself in trouble when he falls back into that zone of "rigid constructions of masculinity and heteronormativity", see how he is with Buck vs. Ana).
Anyway...something something heteronormativity is a prison, something something if you're stifling pieces of yourself you're never going to be truly free and happy and fully able to have the kinds of relationships you want to have, something something Eddie please go to therapy I'm begging.
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas - Chapter 11
Chapter 11: Leave a Light On
Dad!Mob!Tom x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader, Rosie Holland x Henry Osterfield, Family!Rosie Holland x Family!Harry Holland (idk really how to do pairings because most characters have interactions with everyone)
-Warnings: Hospital scenes, sadness, blood, typos
-Words: 4.1K
Y/M/N = your middle name
Y/L/N = your last name
Y/B/T = your blood type (if you don’t know you can pick a random one, there is O-/+, AB-/+, A+/-, and B-/+)
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A/n: I have a too much fun writing the hospital scenes sorry. And before you at me for a second coma, it isn’t one. Some people just take longer to come out of general anesthesia.
Chapter 11: Leave a Light On
Words: 4K
“Oh my god, she still has a pulse” said one of EMTs in the copter.
“Tell the hospital to have as much Y/B/T on hand when we get there.”
“We got you, Mrs. Holland.”
Everything was a blur. You were taunted by your consciousness ebbing like the tide. One minute you were awake, the other not so much. Noises and smells seemed louder and stronger as your sight was stripped from you. A constant buzzing gave the hint of a helicopter, you were rescued. You wanted to give up at that moment. All your energy had dissipated over the hours of waiting. Giving up would make all the pain go away.
But at what cost? You wanted to see Parker’s and Rosie’s smiling face once more. You wanted to see Tom again. Tell him you loved him because you aren’t so sure he truly believed you the last time. You wanted all these things but it seemed you were meant for a different path.
One without pain, struggle and hurt. One that has only known of peace, bliss, and tranquility. One you ready to say goodbye to and the other hello.
Something beyond yourself was keeping in the position you were in. Struggling to bring oxygen to your lungs, bleeding out liter after liter from your side you were ready and needed to give up. Someone else wasn’t ready.
“Mrs. Holland can you hear me?” A doctor said, shining a light in your eyes to see if you were responsive.
“Mrs. Holland, we are going to take good care of you.”
“Oh, wow... she’s soaked entirely through her bandage. I need all the bags from the blood bank of Y/B/T you can find. She could die of exsanguination any moment.
“Tom,” you whispered.
“What was that? Did you hear that?” Asked the hospital staff, working above you. You reached up weakly, to pull your oxygen mask off for a second.
“Tell Tom I love him, please,” was all you could choke out before a terrifying but familiar sound filled the room. A monotone beep. You were coding.
“I need a crash cart in here. Charging to 200… clear,” called out the doctor. Your body jolted up with the force of 200 joules.
“Charging to 300… clear.”
“Charge to 400, CLEAR,” the doctor screamed.
“Charge to 450—.“
“Doctor we aren’t supposed to give that high of a shock,” informed one of the surgical interns.
“I don’t care, this woman needs to see her kids again… Clear,” The doctor said, delivering a final defibrillation. Your heart rate returned to normal, a steady pulse still weak but there.
“Doctor, she has a pneumothorax (collapsed lung) on her right lung,” said one of the medical personnel using the ultrasound. “Shit, we need to get her to the OR now. Let’s move. I’m not going to let her die on me.” The doctor explained.
A plane ride that was only supposed to be 2 hours and 15 minutes melded into what felt like days. No word from Harry or anyone had come about you and Tom. They all landed and took a car to the hospital. It was enough waiting by then, all they knew is that both of you were found. Neglecting to mention dead or alive.
“I’m here for Tom and Y/N Holland. They were airlifted in. Can we see them?” Nikki asked the person at the front desk.
“No hablo ingles, lo siento,” said the receptionist
“IS THERE ANYBODY HERE WHO SPEAKS ENGLISH?” Dom screamed. “Yes, I do. Did I hear you say you are here for Tom and Y/N Holland?” Asked a man clad in a white lab coat.
“Yes. He’s my son and she’s my daughter-in-law. These are their kids.” Nikki explained gesturing to Parker and Rosie.
“Well ma’am if you’ll follow me. I can tell you in private.” “No, whatever needs to be said, they can hear. They want to hear.” “Still follow me to a private waiting room please, your son is in there. Everyone can come,” the doctor concluded. “Alright then,” Nikki responded, following the doctor to a private waiting room.
“Harry.” Rosie said, seeing her favorite uncle.
“You made it, I’ve been waiting for you guys to hear an update.” Harry was so happy to see the rest of his family. “It’s bad, it was really bad,” Harry explained somberly. “Enough with the dilly dally, just tell me. Is my son dead?” Nikki couldn’t take the waiting anymore.
“They were both brought in barely conscious. Tom had lost some blood due to an open wound on his femur, he has a severe concussion, a few cracked ribs and a small knick on his kidney. He is currently in surgery, they are fixing his kidney. The most he will have is a few stitches but, we are very confident he’ll pull through,” explained the doctor.
“And my mom?” Rosie asked.
“Y/N is currently in surgery, she has protruding wound to the abdomen, a collapsed lung, broken ribs, and a severe concussion. She lost a lot of blood, almost dying of exsanguination. She is in surgery to treat her abdominal wound and her lung. Our biggest concern is sepsis, we are worried an infection caused by the elements will occur.”
“So she’ll be okay, right?” Parker questioned.
“She wasn’t conscious like Tom when they found her. In her case the amount of blood she lost might have stopped bringing oxygen to her brain. If she survives the surgery—“
“If?” Rosie gasped, starting to cry.
“Rosie, let him finish,” Parker snapped.
“If she survives, we don’t know when or if she will wake up. We can only hope for the best. I promise to come back with any further updates.”
“Thank you doctor,” said Nikki.
“I need some tea or coffee or a drink. Anyone else?” Sam said, Dom nodded in response.
“I’ll join you and dad,” Paddy said following Dom and Sam out of the room.
Parker was trying to keep everything inside. He actually appreciated the uncertainty of it all, the longer it went on the longer he didn’t have to hear a definitive answer, that you and Tom were dead.
Parker mainly tried to comfort Rosie but that position was filled once Haz and Henry got to the hospital. It was only 30 mins til another doctor approached them.
“Your son is out of surgery. He is resting in room 302, we are just waiting for him to come out of general anesthesia,” came in another doctor with news.
“Thank you. And my daughter-in-law?”
“She is still in surgery,” informed the doctor.
“Ok, thank you. I’m going to go check on Tom. Parker come with?” Nikki asked, she didn’t want to be alone seeing Tom lie in a hospital bed.
“Sure,” Parker said, following Nikki through the door.
“Harry, you’ll stay here with Rosie,” Nikki called out.
“How you doing, Roo?” Harry asked, moving towards Rosie’s side.
“My mom calls me that,” she said, unmoving towards Harry’s love.
Rosie was still like a statue. But her mind was very active, traveling from place to place. Just waiting for someone to update her on your condition.
“I know. She’ll pull through, Rosie.”
“How can you be so certain?”
“Cause I know your mom. For as long as I can remember she has always been the strongest person in the room.” Harry comforted her, draping an arm over her shoulders. “Your dad is convinced she is indestructible. Sure, she has gotten hurt in the past but she has always bounced back. Hasn’t she?” Harry encouraged.
“Yeah, she has,” Rosie sniffled, wiping her nose with her sweater’s sleeve.
“After everything she has survived, she is still here,” Harry asserted. “When she and your dad first were dating, they’d like to scare each other. Tom must’ve pulled something like 20 guns on her. It was really funny to watch,” Harry grinned.
“Tell me more stories please,” Rosie perked up at the anecdotes.
“Well there was that time when your mom told your dad about being pregnant with both you and Parker.”
“I already know that one.”
“Ok, let me think… oh. One time we pulled a prank on her. All of us, me, your dad, Sam, Paddy and Haz. She was supposed to speak at this benefit promoting something… I want to say a disease… maybe climate change… who cares,” Harry began. “But she is better at it now but she used to be so scared of public speaking. That night at the gala, she had a panic attack and Tom went to comfort her backstage, while the boys and I all went into her purse and switched out her speech for the joke one we made.”
“She went on stage and broke in to a laughing fit. All her nerves dissipated as she stood up there, cracking jokes from left and right. It was really funny because she was so scared she would read whatever was written on the cards. She did end up making a fool out of herself, but it was funny nonetheless. She was so mad at us, she avoided Tom for a week,” Harry finished, reminiscing of that night.
“Wow, that’s mean. Like really mean,” Rosie remarked as his story came to an end.
“No it wasn’t. It was funny, she’ll laugh about it now if you ask her.”
“Was she as mad as she has been lately?” Rosie inquired.
“What do you mean?”
“Mom and dad have been fighting a lot… I’m scared they won’t be able to work it out. I’ve never seem them like this,” Rosie cried, fighting back a fit of sobs.
“Roo, those two? Are you kidding me? They will work it out, they always have.”
“But that isn’t a guarantee.”
“Rosie, your mom and dad have been written in the stars since the beginning. Nothing will ever break them apart. And almost dying really brings people back together. I wouldn’t worry Rosie, they’ll be ok,” Harry consoled her.
Rosie really needed to hear that. Something to get her mind off all the death and sickness that surrounded her. She wasn’t ready to say goodbye. She needed you to hold her once more.
“Mrs. Holland, Y/N is out of surgery now. If you’ll follow me I can take you to her room,” a doctor said to Nikki as she was stroking Tom’s hair, waiting for him to wake up.
“Oh thank god, thank you. Parker do you want to come?” Nikki asked.
“No, I think I’ll stay here with dad. In case he wakes up. I’m not ready to see her like that anyway,” Parker mumbled, needing every excuse to not walk into your room.
Nikki just nodded in response. Nikki was there when Rosie was in her coma and she knew you liked to talk to her as if she was there, so she did the same.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m sorry this happened. The doctors have warned me that you might not wake up and I’m here to tell you that’s not an option. Your kids need you. Tom needs you…. He won’t be able to live without you. None of us will,” Nikki said, holding you hand. As soon as Rosie got word, she was already there. Standing in your doorway peering at your sunken body.
“Mom? It’s Rosie…. It’s your Roo,… why isn’t she waking up?” Rosie came barging in. She’d never seen you in a state like this.
“Mom? Mommy, please,” Rosie said, starting to shake you a bit.
“Rosie, come here,” Nikki said, pulling her into her arms. “She’ll be ok. All we have to do is wait.” Nikki concluded.
In Tom’s room, Parker was still there by his dad’s side. Everything had gotten massively screwed up. He was betraying his own dad and Tom didn’t even know.
“Parker?” Tom croaked out, slightly moving.
“Dad, I’m so glad you are okay,” Parker lunged to hug him.
“Me too, buddy,” Tom said, gritting his teeth to mask the pain.
“How’s mom?” Tom asked, praying you were still alive. It had been a rough night. Images of your half-dead body leaning against him for support plagued his memory.
“Umm… you should see for yourself.”
“What room is she in?” Tom asked, jumping out of bed.
“Dad, I don’t think it’s such a good idea you get up,” Parker exclaimed.
“Parker, don’t you dare stand in my way.”
“Mr. Holland, you’re awake — woah, you can’t get up. Your stitches could rip,” the nurse spoke with a thick Spanish accent.
“I don’t care. Let me see my wife,” Tom yelled.
“You may need to sedate him,” Parker said cheekily.
“Fuck that,” Tom cursed.
“You aren’t doing anything to me till I see her,” Tom asserted, the nurse just nodded in response and brought him a wheel chair.
Parker wheeled him through the hospital. He was about to face his fear as well as Tom. It both being the fact that you were dead and not longer living. They weren’t ready for that.
Tom came into your room and it was like a time machine. All those times he was walked into a room similar to this one with the white walls, white sheets, bright blinding lights and the machines that beep to no end. He was taken back to every time he had seen you lying in a hospital bed.
All the times he knew he hadn’t protected you. All the guilt and anguish came flooding back. Washing over him like a tsunami.
He walked in to see everyone gathered around you. Rosie was sitting on the left side of your bed, clutching your left hand and Henry was next to her keeping an arm around her shoulder. Tom didn’t care about them anymore, all that mattered was you.
“Dad, you’re awake!” Rosie cheered, as she saw Tom in the doorway.
“Yeah baby, I’m okay,” he said, holding Rosie close to his chest.
“I’m scared, dad. I’m scared she won’t wake up,” Rosie cried.
“I know. I am too.” Tom responded, his eyes still fixed to your lifeless figure.
“You know it was just a 5 weeks ago, you were lying a hospital bed just like mom. And she was holding on to your hand just like you are to her. And if you woke up from that, I can promise you she’ll wake up from this,” Tom encouraged.
“You really think so?” Rosie queried.
“I know so.… You know what your mom loves to tell me?”
“No. What?”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“It sounds like her,” Rosie chucked to herself.
“Yeah, it does.” Tom did the same, he was the one keeping you here. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye. 17 years was nothing compared to lifetime he was destined to have with you. Nobody accounts for the times where something so drastic happens that it can change your entire timeline.
Nobody believes they will die tomorrow or get hit by a bus anywhere. People just live in day to day life thinking that they have a 100 years to go.
You’d think by now, he’d gotten used to seeing you in a hospital bed. Maybe grown accustomed to it. On the contrary, every time he’d see you like this he’d go weak at the knees and beg to switch places with you. To be the one lying there, on death’s door, not you
Every time he has made a promise, your life has been put on the line. You are constantly caught in the crossfires. Tom slowly remembered why he hated hospitals so much, especially when they were associated with you.
“We’ll give you two a minute,” Nikki said, motioning for everyone to clear the room so it was just Tom and you.
“Hey, darling. I told you we’d make it. We had two choices either we died together or we made it together.” Tom began, trying not to cry.
“Y/N, I’m standing here and I’m okay. So it’s only a matter of time before I see you again. We promised it would be us together. Don’t you dare go back on that promise from ages ago, I’m supposed to go before you. Ok? It’s supposed to me. You promised me.”
“This one that you have to keep. I know it might be nearly impossible to, love. But there is no but or if, there is only you waking up and seeing me. Seeing your husband who loves you more than life itself. Seeing our two beautiful kids. I know I haven’t been your favorite person lately, so don’t do it for me. Do it for them, Parker and Rosie. They need you, more than they know.”
“Alright princess, it's only a matter of time. I’ll see you soon.” Tom finished, pressing a kiss to your forehead. One of longing, he just wanted to see your smiling face again. He let himself go completely, breaking down the flood gates. Tears started coming and they didn’t stop, they couldn’t.
Haz peered through the open door, to see Tom crying over you, he immediately jumped into best mate mode and went to comfort Tom.
“Hey. It’s ok. You can let it out,” Harrison said, pulling Tom into his arms.
“I was so awful to her Haz. I let her think I cheated on her so she wouldn’t be mad about Rosie and Henry,” Tom cried out.
“Why? What did you do? You know what, that’s not important right now. The point is she will pull through.”
“She could be dying and the last moment I can only remember with her is our fight. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”
“She’s not dying, Tom. Y/N has survived much more than this and promise you, you will say hello again.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Tom said, taking a line from your vernacular.
“Come on, let’s get some coffee… Here, hop on. I’ll push you,” Haz said, grabbing Tom’s wheelchair
“For fucks sake, you aren’t pushing me. I’m not some sick, crippled patient.” Tom exclaimed.
“Well… you did just get out of surgery.”
“I don’t care. I’m not going to let my helicopter crashing be the reason I can’t walk and I am looked at with pity.”
“Alright Tom, I believe we were going to get some coffee.”
“I don’t want to leave her alone,” Tom whispered.
“Rosie will be in here in a moment,” Haz explained.
“Ok.. Roo, can you go sit with your mom while I get your dad some coffee?” Haz asked. Tom still didn’t want to leave you but he knew you would want him to eat something.
“Yes, I’ll keep her safe.”
“I know you will, baby… Hold it. Hey Henry, can I talk to you?” Tom said, holding Henry back from entering the room.
“Dad,” Rosie said, sternly.
“Don’t worry, sweetie,” Tom said pulling Henry to the side.
“I’m sorry Tom.. um I mean Mr. Holland but I love your daughter more than anything,” Henry stammered.
“I just wanted to say thank you for being there for her when.. you know,” Tom admitted.
“Of course, I love her very much. And if the time every comes where I plan on marrying her I will ask for hands in marriage,” Henry promised.
“Woah kid, slow down. This is permission to date. No talking or even thinking about marriage, you understand. Also wear a fucking condom.”
“Yes, sir. Understood… Thanks Tom.”
“You’re a good kid, Henry. She’s in good hands,” Tom grinned, Henry just smiled and returned to Rosie. Returning to his rightful place, in her arms.
“Haz, did you bring me a change of clothes. I need to get out of this fucking gown,” Tom chuckled.
“Are you sure that’s a good ide—“ Haz started but was soon cut off.
“Eh, eh,” Tom interrupted giving him a harsh glare.
“You are not weak, I get it. Yeah, they are in my bag,” Haz concluded.
Tom said, “Thank you,” in return.
The waiting was back and it was killing Tom once again. This time he wasn’t waiting for both your impending deaths, just yours. It was eating him from the inside out.
You didn’t have enough time together. It wasn’t enough. Tom desired more, he needed more. All your favorite moments of you played through his head. Like he was watching a movie of his life with you, his love story.
One specifically, the day he proposed to you. It was hard to top his happiness that day.
All the days leading up to it he was distant and flighty. It worried it you greatly. Was he planning to break up with you? You were consumed with never-ending negative thoughts about your relationship.
It had been a while since you and Tom had a date night. He’d blown you off a few times to plan out the perfect proposal, afraid he’d let the question just slip out somehow. However, that was unknown to you so all you thought was, he’s an ass.
Tom was in his office, planning out how he was going to do it. What he would wear, where he would propose, what would he say. What would you say? He was nervous wreck.
“Haz, I can’t have anyone come in here ok?” Tom ordered. He must’ve practiced it 7 times. Getting down on one knee and declaring his love for you behind closed doors.
“Understood, Tom,” Haz said, giving him a cheeky grin as he closed his door. Not even 10 mins later, you came barging in through the front door. In a fury because Tom hadn’t returned any of your calls.
“Where is he?” You asked Haz. “Y/N?” He said, confused as to why you were here. Well, you did live there.
“Where’s Tom? I have to talk to him,” you asserted. “Why am I asking you? Of course, he is in his study,” you replied to your own question.
“NO, you can’t go in there,” Haz said, following you to Tom’s office.
“And why not?”
“He’s in a meeting.”
“What meeting would he have a 10:30 at night… Unless?” Your heart sank at the possibility of Tom not alone in there.
“Unless what?”
“He has a woman in there doesn’t he?”
“It’s fine. I’ll go. You won’t see me around anymore. He chose her over me,” you said, trying not to cry. But you weren’t going to put up a fight.
“Y/N it’s not like that,” Haz called after you, trying to stop you from walking away.
“Then what is it Haz?”
“I can’t tell you?… Just go in there and see for yourself.”
“I don’t want see them.”
“Just do it,” Haz ordered, you eventually agreed. Opening the door to a very well-dressed Tom down on one knee holding a blue velvet box in his hands.
“People always spoke of soulmates and I didn’t believe them. But then I found you. And I had never been so happy to be proven wrong. Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N you make me want to be a better man. You are my inspiration for everything. I can’t ever imagine living without you. Will you marry me?” Tom said, oblivious to you standing right there.
“Yes,” you said without hesitation.
“No! No, no. You weren’t supposed to see that. Haz I told you to guard the door,” Tom yelled.
“Yes, Tommy. I’ll marry you”, you continued, hoping he’d hear you.
“God, it's ruined now. I’m so sorry. I had this huge plan take you to the London eye,” Tom apologized profusely, running his hands through the curls atop his head in frustration.
“Tom, you're not hearing me. I want to be your wife,” you exclaimed, you couldn’t contain your excitement.
“You do?” Tom surprised at your answer.
“Yes, that’s what I’ve been saying. YES!” You screamed. Tom immediately grabbed you twirling you in the air and kissed you with all the love and passion you deserved. He had been neglecting you so he wouldn’t spoil it.
He put the ring on your finger. It looked as though it was home. You were his and he was yours. Nothing could top that moment.
Thinking about you and the time spent together. It made it that much harder to say goodbye.
Tom was brought out of his trance as you stirred, starting to wake. All heads and eyes turned towards you.
“Y/N. Honey, it’s ok. You were in a helicopter crash. You’re ok. You’re ok. I’m so happy to see you,” Tom whispered, tucking the hair out of your face.
The moment you came to, your eyes widened and a look of panic adorned your face. You were completely lost. Unaware of all your surroundings. You managed to croak out three words. Not an “I love you,” not words of love, quite the opposite.
“Who are you?”
A/n: Alright, Y/N lived. As I promised, there are 17 chapter in this series, 6 more to go. I will start writing the sequel series once all these chapters have been posted, even though I have it already planned out in my head lol. New chapters every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas Masterlist
Taglist: @dummiesshort @thenoddingbunny-blog @adriannauni @bi-lmg @allthisfortommy
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