#idk what it is but something about me spawns weird behavior from people
Incredibly funny of my boss (who I barely know outside of work) to call me (sick and in significant pain) to spend 10+ minutes complaining about two of my coworkers.
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Request is closed(dead)
RULES + info about me
NEW IMPORTANT RULE: PLEASE TELL ME IF UR A MINOR OR NOT IN YOUR REQUESTS, I DONT WANNA TRUAMATIZE ANOTHER ONE 😭 (bc either I forget to put all warnings/correct tags or put some smut or slightly sus pictures.) ゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
Edit: advanced apologies. I absolutely do not know how to lock my NSFW fics. And I might not have put specific warnings like, I put some bad words in it. I'm really sorry, I'll still try my best, tho.
Edit: Hello! Sorry if you found one of my posts, and it didn't have credit to the pictures. Sorry, sometimes I forgot while writing to put credit, and since every time I post, I delete the pictures. Storage problems 🥲
I'm so very, VERY shitty with my Grammer 💔
Please be very specific with your ask bc I'm a dumb little shi- I mean a bit...behind in my brain. Like what theme: angst, fluff, etc.
I prefer if you ask for part 2 in the requests and saying which writings, but doing in the comments is just fine.
Draft limits: 10.
I usually make the reader doesn't have a gender/specific gender or just do both genders. I also like dom reader so ahem...so like yeah, if you wanna do like (???) x reader and you don't want a dom one then tell me :D
(Again, I do mostly dom reader but can do sub reader <3)
I do some stuff like yandere, obsession behavior, etc. But reminder: I do not support this in real life. Just in fiction. I hope you understand, I'm not like bad or anything 😅
I've seen some people who like a character but they are like younger than 18 and either they don't know it or they look older for their age. So I'll allow it as long as the character isn't too young, like under the 15's, and I'll gladly age them up for any reason, although in some cases , I might decline so I apologize for that.
What Fandom I do
I can do anyone or something. Oh, even manga/manwha/manhua
But the fandom I'm mostly familiar with is:
1. Genshin
2. Obey me
3. Honkai star rail
4. Hazbin hotel
5. Jujutsu kaisen
6. MHA (I'm not actively in it, but I still kinda know most stuff in it, and I'd still do any requests from it).
But again, I can do anything. Well, anything I'm able to do properly.
(Unless you ask me about a character that exists, but I don't know them. Might take a while BUT!! I'll still do it because you guys are my lovely requesters ♡)
What I do not allow
I honestly don't know yet. No one has requested anything I don't allow. (Except for my friends, but I forgot what they said so...)
This is an like idk, a blog that has 18+ things. If you don't feel comfortable, I'm sorry. I have some fluff in here, but uh... yeah- anyway, my super close (and some what hºrny) friends have access to my account, so if there's a post about anything weird or something, I swear it's not me. (I hate to admit it, but they're scary, and if you're reading this, my friend, please stay from me. I have holy water, you demonic, spawn of Satan, and uhhhh scary chihuahua lookin thing. <3)
. . . Anyways I welcome you with open arms.
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
something something about eating dirt when a child and the immune system ig
true!! that’s literally what it is. and it’s very frustrating. oh yeah 100% the worse players are always the toxic ones. whenever the girls did well in a game it was always discredited or people acted really surprised :// not the dream is racist cause of mexican dream take😭😭 I’m a big fan of the industry plant take personally. always makes me chuckle a bit. some anti takes can be so funny. also off topic but I’m watching a vod of someone I’m not subbed to rn and I swear I’m getting like an ad every five minutes this is impossible I swear it didn’t use to be this bad. and there’s like 3 30sexond ads every time too
yeah true!! it’s so interesting. and like you just go from one thing to another to another to another so it’s so fun to research. at least I love going from one thing to another cause like when I look into stuff it’s just on google and there’s so much I don’t know even in the explanations of stuff that I just fall down this rabbit hole. idk if that made sense. also yeah!! what you said about the puzzle stuff is so interesting I love that! I’ve been shitting on animals related bio lately but it’s only cause we’re learning the most boring stuff about it in uni. I’ll change my mind soon enough probably. this always happens. I won’t do biology for a bit and be like oh bio is actually so interesting and then do it like actually in uni and then hate it for a bit then repeat. I actually love blood types!! idk about love, weird word to use I guess, but I find it pretty interesting. hmm actually I think I like blood diseases more but they’re still interesting. I was actually looking into blood types a while back. oh noooo good luck with all that tho !! you’re becoming a vet right? that’s pretty cool. I kinda want to go into research about like diseases and illnesses or astrophysics idk astrophysics seems too hard and research seems more fun.
lmaooo that’s what I was talking about when I said americans have different names for everything so I wasn’t sure. I hate capsicum so much the texture itself is enough to make me want to throw up. literally the worst vegetable to ever have spawned
I haven’t finished the golf stream yet but it’s so fun! great vibes!! no, no you’re 100% right sylvee is 100% the fourth member of the dteam I would read that essay. also I lowkey manifested that dream stream I’m ngl even tho I didn’t think it would happen. one issue tho, he wasn’t even like for an hour!!! he ended at like 54minutes or something!!! what is this smh. fun stream still and his little poppy was cute :)))
I guess I didn’t eat enough dirt might as well start now
The industry plant take is sooo good. You might think that my title is a reference to that but it’s actually a reference to when karl was called an industry plant. Either way top tier but yeah no ads having been getting worse!! It used to be like max 3 ads and know it’s 5 and they can all be like 30 seconds long?? I’ve started noting down brand names who’s ads pop up too much so that I know who to not buy from. While actively thinking about brands might be counterintuitive, I take pride in the fact that I have now cost that company money
Both disease researcher and astrophysicist seem super difficult, but yeah vet! I like the medical and behavioral side of things. While research is fun, I’ve been told by research techs that it can be super draining so watch for that
Hot take: never had a pepper I enjoyed.
I’m a fake dream stan I didn’t watch his 25 mil live but in my defense ranboo sounded like he was close to having a mental breakdown while watching buzzfeed unsolved episodes so I think I made the right decision
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funface2 · 5 years
Friends: 10 Ross Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words – Screen Rant
This September marks 25 years since the iconic sitcom Friends first aired. Everyone who loved it has a special place in their hearts for the characters, whether it’s Monica’s cleanliness, Rachel’s fashion sense, or Joey’s confidence. Monica’s brother Ross Geller has come under fire lately as we become more educated about toxic masculinity, but in terms of character development, his bad behavior is an interesting counterpoint to how funny and caring he can be.
RELATED: Friends: 10 Joey And Chandler Memes That Are Almost Too Funny
With 236 episodes in total, the series has created a vast amount of fodder for memes. Whether you hate Ross or love Ross (Rachel? Rachel Green?) here are ten of the best Ross Geller memes that are still making people laugh.
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10 “Oh, wow!”
Meme by nuttinbutsleep
Stop bragging, okay? We’re over here drinking margaritas and trying to get through our ex-girlfriend and mother of our child dating our much hotter best friend. Let us live.
The episode when Ross tries to be okay with Joey dating Rachel has yielded hilarious meme after hilarious meme based on Drunk Ross. (We’ve got a few more on this list.) His inability to cope with the turn of events is the perfect channel for anyone who has ever been in a situation that makes them feel that weird combination of uncomfortable and jealous. Oh, wow indeed.
9 Feeling Cute…
The “feeling cute challenge” began in 2017, but really hit its peak in early 2019. The goal is to caption a photo–generally a selfie–with “Feeling cute, might x, idk.”
RELATED: 10 Shows to Watch If You Liked Friends
Of course, this is perfect for Ross. One of the ongoing struggles of Ross’s character are his one, then two, then three divorces. They are the source for a lot of jokes in the series, like when Chandler warns Ross:  “If you’re not careful, you might not get married at all this year!” Since each marriage gets shorter, it makes perfect sense that season 10 Ross would be thinking he could meet someone, get engaged, get married, and get divorced by the end of the weekend.
8 The Nicolas Cage Memes
In February 2019, the internet lost its collective mind when someone put Nicolas Cage’s face onto David Schwimmer’s body and made Ross look, well, more like Ross. The Cage/Schwimmer mashup is somehow Ross intensified.
Naturally, this spawned a ton of jokes about Ross doing things that Nic Cage’s characters have done in the past. This one, clearly a National Treasure (2004) reference, seems somehow like something Ross would actually do. The obsessive science buff could probably talk himself into doing something as insane as stealing the Declaration of Independence, which is what makes this version of the meme a national treasure itself. (Sorry, had to.)
7 What is life without love?
Oh my God, are we supposed to answer him? In season ten, Ross has Joey, Rachel, and Charlie over for dinner so they can celebrate their weird romantic switches. It is an awkward but hilarious night. Drunk and slightly crazed Ross may be some of David Schwimmer’s best acting on the show.
RELATED: 10 Best Friends Guest Stars, Ranked
Ross’s long-winded attempt to define the night by the letters L-O-V-E is one of the character’s most iconic moments, and it’s having a second wind on the internet. Unsurprisingly, that speech is constantly mined for meme content, as we see here with @_anushkaadutta_’s version. Ross is right–what is life without love?
6 Marry Me Maybe
Ah yes, the song that jettisoned Carly Rae Jepsen to fame paired with another reference to Ross’s three failed marriages.
The chorus of “Call Me Maybe” is so perfect for Ross. “I just met you and this is crazy…”? If this song had come out ten years earlier, Chandler would have been using it to make fun of Ross mercilessly. We might have even got some version of this meme’s lyrics on the show. Somewhere, Ross Geller is humming it right now. Or maybe he’s singing it to Emma.
5 Breakups Are Hard
No, of course not! But I’m going to make fajitas until I am okay!
RELATED: Friends: 10 Monica Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words
This meme by by @shivaa_mani totally captures the whole mood of Ross’s L-O-V-E speech. Of course Ross isn’t okay! How could he be? He always sort of thought he and Rachel were going to get back together, so even though he’s dating Charlie it’s a weird moment for him. And hey, we’ve all been there. We’ve all broken up with someone that we really thought it would work out with. Sure, you want them to be happy, but until you feel good about it it’s margarita o’clock.
4 We Were On a Break!
Is there a more iconic line from Friends than “We were on a break”? (Well, maybe the next meme’s is!) This repercussions of this moment last through nearly all ten seasons of Friends because Ross never really lets it go. (We were right there with Chandler when he said, “If you say that one more time I’m going to break up with you.”)
You can agree or disagree about whether or not being on a break excuses sleeping with someone else, but I think we can all agree that being on break excuses all kinds of behavior at work. Asleep? We were on a break. Loudly complaining about the copy machine? We were on a break. Walking out? We were on a break.
3 Just Pivot
In season five episode 16, “The One with the Cop,” Ross buys a new couch and refuses to pay the delivery fee. He enlists Rachel’s help, and eventually Chandler’s as well, to try to get it up a narrow and curving staircase. Ross is as determined as he’s ever been to make it work, encouraging his friends to try increasingly difficult physical and acrobatic stunts to try to get the couch upstairs. Which is what makes PIVOT a perfect parody of the Nike “Just Do It” ads.
RELATED: Friends: 10 Jokes That Everyone Completely Missed 
We’re so glad @davin_flanagan made this for us to enjoy. If only we could get it poster sized and on our wall to inspire us every day.
The ‘pivot’ moment with the couch is one of the most rewatchable moments in the entire show’s history. It is so perfectly emblematic of each one of the characters: Ross trying to force something to work that isn’t; Chandler trying to be helpful until he has to make fun of someone; and Rachel trying to move furniture while roasting Ross.
But peak Ross memes might come every hurricane season, when the US East Coast braces for potential impacts from dangerous weather over and over again. When the weather comes on, we’re all pulling a Ross and shouting “PIVOT!” at the screen.
1 What is The Matter With You?
This meme perfectly brings together two of Ross’s funniest moments–when he’s shouting “Pivot!” and when he can’t seem to punch Joey correctly in season nine. It’s true that one of the most frequent questions viewers are asking Ross throughout the series is, “What is the matter with you?” But it’s an even more relevant question when you meet someone who has never seen a single episode. How? Where did you come from? Are you an alien?
This just proves that your closest friends are the ones who can get your Friends reference and build on it.
NEXT: Friends: 7 Reasons Ross and Rachel Really Were On a Break (and 3 Reasons They Weren’t)
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from Funface https://funface.net/funny-memes/friends-10-ross-memes-that-are-too-hilarious-for-words-screen-rant/
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