#idk what they re doing to those babies but they re crying non stop
venusssssssssss · 1 year
two families with small babies moved on our street and ngl all i hear when i open the window is babies crying and it s so annoying
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can you do a hc of the bros and would they help mc feel better. like mc is sad and what would the brothers say and do to make them feel better. idk if this has been done so yeah :)
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Lol, let's see if I remember what being sick is like, haven't caught a single cold since the start of the year, and thank fuck for that too-
Also, once again, one more time, third time actually, it's hard to focus things on the MC as I try to make it possible for many to put themselves in the story (I know I have written one on MC liking insects but that was very self indulgent lol)
I will change things up a bit on the request, but if it was with my own MC, she would be fairly practicle, checking up on the brothers, giving them water and asking if they wanted food, even keeping company if not contagious. It will look like she is just being considerate but it actually pains her to see them sick, it's just that she is used to expressing herself in acts of service.
When Your Seven Demons Get Sick
Warning: a LOT of uncensored swearing
We all know this can go two ways: either this piece of shit refuses to acknowledge that he is coughing like a damn nuclear explosion or he responsably takes his work home and refuses to fully rest because he needs to keep and eye on not only his brothers but also on the man child he works under that he somehow has come to fondly call a best friend.
So, yeah, tomato tomato.
His stress is reaching levels higher than celestial realm and he definetelly has been staring at a piece of document for way too long and not making any progress.
You will have to literally german suplex this man into his bed if you want him to get more than 5 seconds of shut eye.
It will take a while for his brain to process that 'oh yeah he can trust you to keep at least 10% of the house intact while he recovers'.
He may be a bit insufferable as he will attempt to work again, but it is a very adorable sight to have him whining, being way too happy at small gestures, and of course, his squishy cheeks as he sleeps soundly.
As long as he is being dramatic about it, you know he will live.
Though he probably won't realize he even is ferverish until someone points it out that his responses are much slower than normal.
Like, it took him one second too long to screech in terror and start running for his life when he spotted Levi's all nighter dying body crawling out of his bedroom!
And oh yes was he delighted to be deprived of his obligation to go to RAD until he got back to his full health.
Until he was not allowed to not do anything but rest for the entire day that is.
Yes he will be restess and willing to do anything just to be allowed to stand on the front porch for five seconds and yes you will end up threatening to tie him to the bed in a non kinky way and yes you will only be half joking.
Just make sure to keep close attention to his levels of drama so that you can spoil him properly when he truly feels bad.
With him it can also go two ways: either he also doesn't fully realize until someone points it out or he will immediatelly let you a "Oh hell no" the moment he gives out a single cough that feels just a little bit out of the ordinary.
How he will take care of himself, if at all, will depend of the situation.
If there is absolutely nothing to lose from being sick other than the hability to breathe through his nose he would definetelly spent the entire recovering process binge watching slice of life animes while laying confortably on his tub.
If he had plans related to the things he is passionate about though?
I wish you luck because he is definetelly not backing down and will consequently make himself even more sick afterwards.
Although the extremelly satisfied expression we wears even when he can barely laugh without having a coughing fit kind of makes it all worthy in the end.
The most chill sick person you will ever encounter and will always make sure to be responsable and nurture himself back to full health.
The catch though?
This big brained idiot definetelly doesn't know how to judge between what is small cold and straight up dying when it's about his own body.
So yes he is the kind of person who will always take some painkillers, drink water, lay on bed and read a book until he falls asleep no matter what the fuck he actually has.
So much for knowledge is power smh.
First off, he deserves to be vibe checked with the thickest medicine book you can find in the cluttered mess he calls a bedroom.
Second off, he is so much more prone to being pissy when he's sick. It's almost funny how fast he goes from :) to >:( in half a second the moment someone who isn't you steps inside his bedroom.
And last but not least, cat videos. No further explanation needed.
Oh someone have pity on this poor baby. He took so much care to not get himself sick and has managed to avoid even the worst of pandemies for centuries! So why now?!
He is basically so desperate to recover to the point he actually makes it take longer due to him stressing things out.
And he feels so sticky, he will basically want to take 5 showers per day.
Also his voice is basically gone?? And that just makes him want to s c r e a m ????
Locks himself inside his bedroom and throws a pity party.
Many of his posts on the media are something like "Oh no! I think I got sick? I am feeling a bit under the weather right now so, will you nurse me back to health~? Pretty please~ ❤" while in real life he is pretty much sneezing and coughing at the same time every 5 minutes.
If you bring him consolation sweets he might cry. Both because you're making him happy and because he is definetelly going to have to lose those extra calories later.
As much as he wants to cuddle he doesn't let you too close in case it's contagious and damn if he isn't rocking the pale skin, runny nose and swollen eyes.
He doesn't agree.
Big boy is definetelly one of the easiest demons to take care of when sick seeing he will to his most to not feel like a chore to you.
Yes he will lie when he feels unwell so that you don't worry.
And that's when you should vibe check him with a spoon.
Like yes you may be getting out of your way to take care of him but no it's no problem at all because yes you love him a lot and would do anything to see him get better and you know he would to the same if not more for you if switched places.
Happiness is the re ocurring 'aah's as you spoon feed your bed ridden man and watching as he keeps on smiling throughout each bite and eats everything like a good boy.
But you can't tell me he doesn't manage to get drunk on cough syrup though.
He is definetelly not as hungry as usual but damn this cough syrup tastes great.
The results are Beel going on a cursed chain of crypid comments in which he makes sure to whisper them in the strangeat ways you could imagine at the most random times always giving a happy smile once he is done.
He apparently doesn't recall any of it the next day-
How he reacts to being sick completely depends on who is close enough to hear him whine.
Most of the time, whenever he feels anything out of ordinary, he will immediately text Beel in case this is just one more of their cases of twin-powers.
If he is actually sick though?
He will not stop whining, but then he gives a cute smile when he sees you and even makes a motion closely resembling grabby hands with his fingers as he raises one arm in your direction while saying some shit like "I missed you" when you literally were only gone for exactly 2 minutes to go grab him a cup of water and I think you can understand the power this little of shit has.
Be prepared to roll your eyes so much your eyes will probably start hurting.
The good side though? He is the only brother who listens exactly to what you tell him to do without feeling bad about being a burden. Though it's all because he doesn't wants you to worry about him any further than necessary.
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cross-d-a · 3 years
For the give me a character ask 💕 LI CU!!!!!!!
you know every day i ask myself: “li cu can’t be your favourite character, right? like you’d die for iron triangle and you’d kill for xiao bai and you’d give your body and soul to free princess mute, like- it can’t be li cu, right?” and then i look myself in the mirror and go: “stop lying to yourself”
How I feel about this character:
Might possibly be my fav dmbj dumbass. who knows. certainly not me. i just- LOVE HIM?? SO MUCH???? He sucker-punched me from the very beginning with his TEARS and his DESPERATION and his ACCUSATIONS OF KIDNAPPING. and ok he’s also a Dumb Teenage Boy and ok maybe he tries Too Hard to be a Normal Dumb Teenage Boy, like he’s going through the motions and maybe I relate a little ok idk.
And I just- adore that so much of Sha Hai is through his perspective?? Because it is very much Li Cu’s story. He’s an outsider here diving into a world we already know so well and Wu Xie is the catalyst. And really- it’s about seeing a character whom we all adore (Wu Xie) who is Hurting and Desperate and Raw (bc Xiao Ge), and he’s doing his best to fulfill a HUGE storyline but maybe he catches Feelings along the way. Maybe he adopts a son who is also Hurting but for very different reasons. And maybe it’s about seeing these two people who are lost and alone find each other in this chaos, see the good in each other, and help them find the good in themselves.
I already screamed about Li Cu’s character at you last night because I just- have So Many Feelings about him. But I think the core of Li Cu’s character really resonates with me?
It’s all about him finding a reason to live and a reason to love himself and a reason to care about himself. And it’s all about him letting others love and care about him, too.
Li Cu’s been told his whole life that he isn’t worth the air he breathes and he isn’t worth the trouble he causes. He isn’t worthy of love or sacrifice or kindness. And so much about Sha Hai is Li Cu realizing that he is. 
As you pointed out so beautifully, Sierra, Wu Xie is in such an awful place, and yet he still helps Li Cu realize his worth. And, re our conversations about how Li Cu views Pingxie, Wu Xie helps Li Cu realize that that love that can a beautiful, kind thing. Painful sometimes, and so fucking hard. But it’s worth it, if you want it.
And honestly, I think a lot of the Tiger Trio is about this, too: finding a reason to live, getting out of the motions of pretending to be a Normal Teenage Boy, finding a reason to love yourself and realizing it’s okay to let others love and care and fight for you, too. 
They’re already friends, but Sha Hai truly brings them together. Makes them realize they are worth it and there is someone who cares about them and will fight for them and will follow them to the fucking ends of the earth. 
It’s about finding FAMILY and I fucking LOVE THAT for them!!!!
I adore our Ya Li so much I could cry (i do. i do cry)
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
You know, I wrote a little about family and love, and promptly tripped into shipping Jia Kezi/Li Cu so hard I straight up blacked out.
I also am interested in Jia Kezi/Li Cu/Li Jiale 👀👀👀 but have not explored this yet.
I have Feelings about Li Cu/Shen Qiong/Wang Can bc of @traineecryptid’s  AMAZING fic 老牛吃嫩草| old cow eats young grass which I think about Often. I honestly don’t really ship straight up Li Cu/Shen Qiong, but adding Wang Can’s Chaotic Murder Element Does Things to me.
I want to ship Li Cu/Su Wan/Hao Ge but anything past Kissing and Holding Hands makes me cover my face in Embarrassed Despair bc they are my BABIES my SONS i cANT
and you already know about that One Very Specific time travel au where it’s li cu/wu xie/xiao ge i have a LOT of FEELINGS about THAT but only for that Very Specific Circumstance
I actually headcanon Li Cu as demi/bi, leaning more towards ace, bc it just?? Fits so well, in my opinion?? I don’t really wanna imagine him having Sexy Times with anyone, just Sweaty, Embarrassed, Panicky Feelings (except for that Very Specific Time Travel au but we’ve talked about this). Maybe this will change. But for now he is simply My Son and I wish him happiness in whatever form he so chooses.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I also unrepentantly would die for Shen Qiong&Wang Xiaoyuan&Li Cu&Su Wan&Hao Ge&Wang Can BROT6. I- wow. okay. Might actually write a fic about this. They are the Next Generation, learning from the Iron Triangle/HeiHua/Su Nan and they are learning from past mistakes and SURPASSING THEM and everyone is SO PROUD LOOK AT THEM GO!!!!!!!! And okay maybe let’s add some Xiao Bai in there, too, hm?
And- well. not BROTP, but it is our Classic FATHER&SON DUO LI CU & WU XIE. They are my favourite thing about Sha Hai. Full stop. They make me Feel Things and Cry. They’re what really got me into Sha Hai and the greater dmbj universe. :)
My unpopular opinion about this character:
UHHHHH I have no idea I’ve never thought about this before UUHH ARE there unpopular opinions???
OH maybe unpopular opinion is that Li Cu is demi/bi instead of Straight Up Sweaty Gay. he’s just Sweaty bc oH NO HE’S NEVER FELT LIKE THIS BEFORE??? HE L P???
OH also maybe unpopular opinion is that he and the original Shen Qiong actually were good friends and maybe each other’s only friend until Su Wan came along.
And okay maybe this is another unpopular opinion: Li Cu did actually start falling for Shen Qiong but he’s a Confused demi who has a difficult time telling the difference between friendship and romance and also it was a Really Shitty Situation. and he’ll forever wonder if they could have been Something or just Really Good Friends and he’ll never know 🙃
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
MORE SPIRIT SNAKE JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. I want them fighting over control of his body. I want Spirit Snake kicking ASS. I want more of those CRAZY DEAD PEOPLE VISIONS ok i have HEADCANONS about those and I think it was the SPIRIT SNAKE and not whatever the fuck Wu Xie said it was. I want Trauma, I want Reluctant Found Family, I want Li Cu letting the spirit snake take the reins of his body every so often so it can actually Live and maybe get Li Cu’s ears pierced and dress up gnc as FUCK bc the spirit snake don’t need no Stupid Human Gender. and- sierra, as you so eloquently put, Li Cu looking at himself and going “OH?” 👀 bc hELL YEAH THAT’S STUCK IN MY HEAD NOW LET LI CU BE GNC
I’m assuming we’ll get more spirit snake in Sha Hai 2, but if it’s not Leo Wu playing Li Cu I will burst into Actual Tears.
Sierra thank you for letting me cry about My Actual Son Li Cu. \(´;ω;`)/
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slushrottweiler · 4 years
Reactions to Ch. 5 of Andromeda Six
Because I have to do something with my feelings. This is written out as a Live reaction, coz it matched my other post like this. MILD SPOILER WARNING
Ooohh, Another flashback
A lot of shit happens in this hallway
Dayum, Nerissa is looking good for her age.
Like… suspiciously good. Even if we took the smallest age difference imaginable, and assumed the traveller is the canonical age (21), Nerissa would have to be at least 10 yrs older than MC, if not more.
Hmm, so Vexx and my sis are buddies *suspicious eyes*
OK my current guess, Vexx has either always been working with Nerissa and she charged him with infiltrating Zovack’s faction, or Zovack sent him to engraciate himself with Nerissa as well as find entry into the palace.
Omg, imagine if Nerissa was Vexx’s target all along, and MC was even more of a convenient method of infiltration… God the ANGST.
Ok, no more theorising, back to game
Vexx, Don’t WINK at me, my sister is right there.
Ok back to the present, and OOOOHHHHH sparring yasss!!
Pin me to the floor LIs
Now how do I choose the style of fighting imma use. Do I pick based on what I think each of my traveller’s would actually prefer, or so I pick based on which style I think will get me into training with my LI???
Well I’m a Ho so… LI training it is.
I kinda wish you got to choose a level of competency you had to the training. I mean, it kinda lets you, but at least two of my three travellers are quite physically capable, if not legit combat ready. I guess that would have been a TON of extra writing…
Damon: Holy shit you flirty bastard. We’re just throwing subtlety out the window aren’t we. God I’m way too into this jerk
Aya: Lordy, I cannot choose which flirt option is more spicy, but I gotta admit, calling her My Girl got my heart pumping
Calderon: Ummm… excuse me but did the grumpy captain just admit that he wants to fuck me? That’s not subtle holy fuck
Bash: another one where i cannot decide which option to chose. All I know is I want this tin man to RUIN me. I also really like that I gave my Bash-main traveller he/him pronouns. Idk but it makes it better for me.
June: I swear to god, this guy is perfect switch bait. I oscillate wildly between wanting to make him blush ridiculously and wanting him to pin to the closest flat surface.
Vexx: I’m kinda sad I don’t get to have any flirty sparring with my fav carrot boy. I also kinda wish he was at every training group just so he can see how much traveller has grown
NEVERMIND I got my soft Vexx flirt options.
Fuck those are too damn cute for my fav feral traitor boy
I knew they fucked with his head, but I do kinda wish his negative actions were not so explicitly tied to the re-wiring of his brain. Like, he’s turning into a very redeemed good guy
Wait… are we terrorists now?
I think we might be terrorists
Holy shit June
Things got dark REAL Fast
That CG is fucking WICKED.
June bug, you are a literal cinnamon roll of sweetness and sunshine baby let me hold you its gonna be ok
If I every meet your ‘mother’ I’m going to gut her. Just you wait
This is a very light Bash and Aya episode today. I’m kinda hoping they get their time to shine in the next few chapters. But we’ve already been to Bash’s home world, so I do hope he gets a chapter to be the star
And of course Vexx was only working with Zovack for noble reasons…
I was hoping he was out for revenge on the doctor that fucked with his head, or maybe he was looking for notes and documents about what they did to him. Different direction but not bad at all
No, I don’t wanna leave him. It feels so wrong. My June traveller would really have liked to have stayed, even just in the hallway
Wait… did he remember these bombshells before and just kept mum about it, or did he just remember since Ry has been helping him + trauma?
Either way, i need to scoop up this fox and give him pats
That crying sprite is making me FEEL things
Run away run away run away
Lol, I’m with Ry, that was a terrible entrance Damon
YAASSSSS! Traveller Kick some ASS
Oh shit…
I have multiple save files imma chose them all.
omg I called him “the bastard”, we know him so well
My hero, the stabby lad
Yassss battlefield make out
Awww he looks so in love in this CG
I knew he’d be a tease but omg.The dialogue exchange between these two is *chefs kiss*
how is she holding me up
Dayum babe, you’re strong for such a tiny person
Fuck can I kiss her again
Awww, baby, you’re too cute
I wanna scoop her up and spin her I’m so happy
He calls me stowaway <3 <3 <3
He’s so mad at me holy shit
Kiss me you moron!
Wow, that was way smoother than I thought it would be
Pin me to the tree captain!!!
Get lost again, I’ll only get lost in your eyes
Robot BF to the rescue
He looks so worried about me awwww baby boy
Even his Kiss is cute goddamnit bash
How is he so damn cute, yet so damn sexy
This isn’t fair. You’re not fair bash
you are handling this a lot better than I expected June bug, given the amount of shit you’ve been through today
Superstrength is quite handy
Holy… *swoon*
Traveller.exe has stopped working
Once again, I don’t know if I want to ruin you or let you wreck me.
Stop pushing my switch buttons Juni
oh so you remembered you were my bodyguard huh
He’s yelling at me and all i wanna do is kiss his dumb face
So I did and it was AMAZING
The whole crew has got to be so sus about traveller going missing with just Vexx. Like… that’s gotta raise some concerned
Oh no… the CG… its so beautiful
I demand more kisses Vexx. Kiss my broken heart better
I really wanna write this out with my non-canon traveller, just to make it work in my HCs. It’ll be so fun
Big Twist
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jenmyeons · 5 years
Favorite Fics 2019
hi hello it’s me your local mess. ok so this hit me on my way to work the other day and since it’s friday i feel like today is a good day to hopefully make someone’s day/night/weekend a little brighter? 
i love reading fanfics. periodt. there are lots of incredible writers out there on this site and other platforms who take time to write beautiful fics about the real people and characters and their emotional support kpop ladies and gentlemen to show their love and appreciation so i want to dedicate this to my favorite fics of this year. these fanfics are of varying lengths and genres but they all have two things in common 1) they were posted this year 2) i love them.
(most of these are exo but i have some other groups sprinkled in there too)
other favorite fics of mine can be found under my fic recs tag!
A Decade of Midnights by @chogi-wae 
queen of noir! grumpy chenneth! sexy detectives! murder mystery! do i even have to say anything else? oh yes! we also get coroner!baekhyun 
ps: jae has a sequel started for this with two parts already having me at the edge of my seat. i love all of jae’s writing but this one takes the cake
Enough by @yeoldontknow
anything kat touches turns golden and holy mother of everything that is self-love and reflection. this is a fic for all us sexy ladies with a body that doesn’t conform to what society has decided is “beautiful”. i can’t call myself plus size in any way but i do not have a flat tummy or legs for days or perky titties. quite the opposite; i’m a short lady with love handles, saggy tits and stomach rolls (yes we’re going tmi here but it’s important ok). park chanyeol is the opposite of that and he’s the best fucking man ever in this fic. he’s a muscle man but he’s a man with the biggest heart and he says “you have a cute butt” which is enough reason for you to read this. when i feel bad about myself, i think about enough and i become a little happier
Empty Vessels 
another yeoldontknow masterpiece! i stand by the statement that this is the best fic i have ever read. probably read this five times already and i think about it almost daily. junmyeon is a witch from salem and that’s only one of the many reasons for you to check this out and hopefully fall in love with it as much as i have. it’ll rip your heart out and stomp on it. dub me professional empty vessels promoter already kat!! 
Dichotomy by @kyungseokie
dia hurts you in the best possible way with this fic. bawl my eyes out every damn time i read this because fucking hell this is emotional investment and hearts broken and everything hurts and this is not your average love triangle where one guy is obviously worse than the other. NO! this can go either way and you just want everyone to be happy and baekhyun needs a hug!
Teacher’s Pet by @suhoerections
teacher junmyeon getting called daddy “threatening” to bend you over his desk and fuck you hard is a lot for a suhoe stan such as myself to think about but i’m not mad, just jorny.
Clouded by @mayrubyy
uhm yes do you want to cry some more? this is an emotional rollercoaster, you have been warned! this fic has great potential and it’s maya’s child and when the next part is posted you know shit will go down and ashjgff i have no words only love for both the author aka my baby and the fic itself🥺💖
Familiar Stranger by @myforeverforlife
love love love love LOVE familiar stranger! a beautiful story about reader losing all memories of the last five years due to an accident which includes her entire life with fiancé kim jongdae. dae is an angel, we all know that, but he’s somehow even more angelic as the most patient person ever in familiar stranger. this hits right in the feels (can you tell i love to read angst ahjdsf) and it’s not your usual wham bam thank you ma’am all-memories-recovered-in-five-seconds kind of situation either and i’m praying for another update of this because this is not just one of the best fics of this year but one of my favorites period.
Sunny Side Up by @dreaminghaos
i love everything fee writes with a burning passion y’all
this fic is everything everything everything!!! i can’t get enough of this fic and i probably never will get enough of it either because i love this pairing and i’m in love with struggling writer!jeonghan 
Magnetic by @softyexo 
did anyone say ceo!myeon? this is a recent love of mine. i read it just the other day and have been thinking about it non-stop since. absolutely in love with oc’s and junmyeon’s dynamic in this one and it feeds all my lovesickness for this man made of pure husband material. thanks for coming to this ted talk.
Hold on to silence by @dropsofletters
amazing! show stopping! incredibly unique! absolutely astonishing! idiots in love! omg i LOVE this one! yixing as chanhun’s manager is everything i didn’t know i needed and holy crap this is such a lovely story please read it and experience the feels™
Neon Moon by @kyungseokie
they were roleplaying! ROLEPLAYING!
Trauma by @baekwell--tart
dad and secret mafia man!byun falls in love with his babysitter after being an absolute asshole to her and oh my god i am so invested in this masterpiece. whenever bella updates trauma i yell. i’ve re-read this many times already and i continue to find new reasons why i love this story with my whole entire being
Mr. Byun
bella once again proving that she writes the most amazing bbh fics. angst and smut combined i swear i was a whole lot worked up with all the spice in this one and then i cried like a baby when it ended. have i told you that i’m a very emotionally stable person?🤡
Bedazzling Heart of Gold by @baekonsforbreakfast
i love this song! baekhyun gets dumped and falls in love with oc who runs one of the biggest hostess bars in all of sk and holy crap you just love everyone in this fic. even that one character who you feel like you should hate but kind of still empathize with on a deeply emotional level. no? just me? ok then. i love you belle and i hope you know how much i enjoy your writing💗
Mr. Muscles by @chogi-wae
short and sweet drabble about oc biting jun’s bicep. no but for real i’ve read this one countless times and i just love a domestic jun so go ahead and read duality and dyson as well because nobody writes cute domestic fluff like jae ilysm
Money Makes Her Smile by @ninibears-erigom
mrs gom has written one of the dirtiest but also loveliest smut series of 2019. jongdae’s part was posted yesterday and holy fuck i have never read better jongdae smut ever i think
Business Before Pleasure by @pcychedelic
actor minseok! i repeat: actor minseok!
they get down and dirty in like the second chapter and i’m in love. not because of the obvious spiciness but because the amazing portrayal of minseok in this fic. love a strong female character? then you will love oc too!
High Voltage by @skyesins
there’s also the original ofc version on asian fanfics for those who aren’t into reader inserts and it’s just as good! 
Literally every single aesthetic that @kpop-daze has written but some favorites include exo as broken love / exo as ephemeral tenderness /  exo as fleeting heartbreak 
Unfitting by @heechulhamster
no wait... this has real descendants of the sun vibes and i love it so much can i have a soldier!xiu por favor
Fire and Frost by @writing-exo-things
queen of drabbles! i love every single one of them but this one is next level™ i cried like a baby this is truly amazing!!!
Take Care by @omyeol 
 g o d i felt this fic on a deeply spiritual and emotional level 
False Hope by @pastel-kpop
i hate you and i love you for writing this it still hurts reading this like YES MAKE ME HURT AYESHA THEY ARE IDIOTS 
Mocha by @stainandscribble  
the whole café series is lovely but mocha and espresso really stuck out to me i’m so soft for the whole aesthetic of these! 
ever imagined that jackson wang is your date to your brother’s wedding? well @softseunies did and it turned out fucking amazing! what i love the most is that it’s very open for interpretation and of course jackson is always a mood when will he be my date and mayhaps potential bf at the wedding of the brother i don’t have?
little forest by @myforeverforlife
not his to love by @boogerines
can you hear me sobbing? this hurts so much let me go back to crying over this again after i re-read this for the nth time
this blurb right here is adorable @sprinklesofktrash did that!
wild valley by @fairyyeols
wild valley is that bitch™ and that’s all i have to say i live and breathe for this installation of exo customs my favorite, in fact
blossoms in the wind by @marshmallow-phd
don’t @ me but this goblin!au with junmyeon as the goblin and baekhyun as the grim reaper is more intriguing than the drama and that’s saying a lot but i cry with every new chapter ohmygoddddd
wrong number by @yeoldotcom
i’m a hoe for fake texts and zee makes the best ones🥺🥺🥺🥺
also love love love bf!jun in food buddies
break up with me by @exoangst
don’t mind me i’m just crying in a corner as i read this for the millionth time and cry over how well written oc is and how fucking amazing that breakup scene is like has anyone done it like that before? maybe, idk but this is the only one that counts 
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melyaliz · 5 years
Daddy’s girl
Fandom: DC / Batfam
Summary: Dick is in charge of his daughter for a weekend while her mother goes on a conference. 
Pairing: Dad!Dick Grayson with slight Dick x oc 
Notes: Idk, it’s been a rough few months and I just wanted some Daddy Dick Fluff 
I didn’t know how to end this… so it kept going and going.
Will anyone even read this? -shrug- I’m sorry this is what you all get when I come back. I promise requests will be next. 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
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Britney and Jennifer are my OC’s but if you want I can re-write is as a reader OR you can just picture your own Ocs or yourself. 
Giggles and squeals of delight, those beautiful sounds from his nearly one-year-old daughter Britney were the first things that greeted Dick Grayon’s ears as he walked into his fiance’s apartment. 
And the sight that graced him was just as beautiful. Jennifer kneeling on the floor a large teddy bear in her hands making it dance around their young daughter. Britney held out her chubby hands trying to reach the bear giggling and squealing making non-words as if trying to mimic the words her mother was saying to her. A large smile on Jennifer’s face that matched their young daughters as she sang a silly song to go with the dancing bear. Dick tried to remember a time he had seen the love of his life this happy. 
The love of his life. 
He couldn’t believe she was his. Finally his. All this and only his. 
And it was all thanks to that beautiful baby girl that was squealing with joy. 
If you had told Dick Grayson that he would have the woman of his dreams and the most beautiful child that ever lived he would have through they were saying some sick joke. Not even in his wildest dreams had Dick believed this could be his life. 
His future. 
Men like him didn’t have futures let alone futures they could share with people they loved. Men like him -doing his line of work -  they died alone. They didn’t deserve the life he had been given. 
Men like him. 
“So are you going to stand there brooding or come say hello?” Jennifer’s bright turquoise eyes flashed a spark of mischief in them reminding Dick of their childhood when she would come up with crazy adventures. From her seat on the plush carpet, Britney reached out for her father her clubby fingers balling up into fits before opening again as if those short little arms could reach up and pull him down toward her.
“Yes dada,” giggling Jennifer shook her head, “being all mopey standing there and not joining the fun. Typical Nightwing style.”
“As a matter of fact,” Dick said flopping onto the floor in front of his daughter, “I was thinking about how I am the luckiest guy in the world.” 
Giggling Briteny rolled from her sitting position to her knees crawling closer so she could grab her father’s face. Once she had gotten a good fist full of nose she looked up at her mother letting out another squeal of delight. 
“Yes, dada is very silly looking,” Jennifer said kissing Dick on the head as he let out a small whine in protest. Getting up Jennifer headed toward the kitchen. Britney paused from playing with her dad’s face to watch her mother leave, her smile fading. 
“Now I’ll be back around noon Sunday, there are a few jars of food for Britney and there is formula in the cupboard. If you can’t reach me you can always call Alfred.”
“I’ll be fine,” Dick said sitting up gathering his daughter into his arms. The small girl was still watching her mother who was now taking her luggage toward the front door. “Won’t we princess?” 
“Mama” Britney looked worried watching her mother bustle about but it wasn’t until Jennifer grabbed her briefcase that Britney knew what was going on. At the sight of the dark red leather bag the young child burst into tears. Chubby hands reaching out for her mother. “No, Ma, ma mama maaa” 
“Oh no.” Jennifer mumbled bending down scooping up her daughter. “It’s ok baby girl. Mama will only be gone for a little bit.” gently she wiped away the large tears rolling down her daughter’s face. 
“Does she do this every time you leave?” Dick asked getting up walking toward Britney trying to rack his brain for a time he had been around when Jennifer left. Since the birth of their daughter, Jennifer had opted to work more at home wanting to be with Britney as much as she could. Not that Dick blamed her, he found himself missing her if he was away for more than a few hours himself. 
“Yeah, I normally sneak out…” Jennifer muttered, “Don’t worry she does it when you leave too.” 
“How come I miss the big tears?” Dick teased leaning forward giving the small child a wide smile trying to bring out her smile. 
“Because mama has ways of keeping her happy.” Jennifer cooed bouncing Britney kissing her head. Glancing at the clock in the livingroom she frowned, “Ok, I think we are just going to have to rip off this bandaid.”
“Ok princess,” Dick leaned forward getting his hands around his small child. 
“NOOOOO” Britney wailed clinging her to mother in an iron grip that took both her parents to pry her away from. 
“Good god she’s strong” Dick muttered 
“Stubborn,” Jennifer added once she was able to finally get her daughter into Dick’s arms. Leaning over the sobbing girl she quickly kissed her soon to be husband. “Love you and see you in a few days.”
“Don’t have too much fun without me.” 
“No, the fun will happen when I get back.” she winked and for a moment Dick was tempted to drag her back to him. Maybe pitch a fit like their daughter was doing. Two days was too long. 
“I’ll hold you to that.” 
It wasn’t until Jennifer was out the door at their daughter stopped crying. The moment her mother was out of sight the tears instantly dried up and the wailing stopped. Blinking her large blue eyes that were so much like his own Britney looked at the door then at her father. 
“What was that about?” Dick asked his daughter at her sudden shift in mood.
“Ok then.” he chuckled walking her back into the living room. Bending down he tried to place her on the carpet with her toys. However, Britney had other eyes.
“No.” her hands and legs clung to him 
“Oh Princess, I’m not leaving.”
“No” Gently he tried to pry her off him but she wasn’t haven’t it. Clinging harder the tears appears instantly “Nooooooo” 
“Ok, ok” Dick said gently rocking her wrapping his arms around her tightly to let her know he wasn’t letting go, “I’m right here.” 
And that was that. 
No matter how hard he tried, bribed, begged, bargained, she would not let go. 
So there he was, sitting on the couch, trapped under his tiny daughter who clung to him like a koala.
It was 8 pm and Britney had eaten had a diaper change and now watching movies with her dad. Large blue eyes blinking slower and slower as time went deeper into the evening. 
“Ohhh it is bedtime?” 
“No” Britney shook her head rubbing her face into Dick’s white shirt trying hard to stay awake. Her fingers gripping him tightly. 
“You don’t even know what you are saying.” Dick tried not to laugh as he stood up pulling her tightly in his arms. 
Bringing her into the bedroom Britney watched him with somber eyes until she caught sight of her crib.
Her grip got tighter as he tried to put her into the crib. “Dada!” wails filled the apartment once again. Dick sighed, he knew Jennifer wouldn’t be too happy but… how could he say no to his baby girl?
“Ok,” Dick muttered moving her toward the bed laying down with her, “Just until mama gets back and then it’s back to your own bed with you.” 
Letting out a soft sigh of content Britney cuddled closer to him. Dick hummed a tune playing with her dark locks. 
Dick wasn’t sure who fell asleep first, her or him but he awoke to the sound of her babbling to herself, his blue eyes meeting her matching ones as she looking at him.
Kissing her head Dick sat up, “Good morning princess.” he would get this reaction when he would spend long periods of time at the apartment. With his job as a police officer in Bludhaven and his Nightwing duties, the time he spent with his family was limited. Jennifer was in the process of moving closer to Dick’s job but with her own clients in Gotham and the wedding they were planning it had been a bit longer then they had originally planned. 
Dick couldn’t wait until he could wake up every morning (or at least most) to both his beautiful women. 
“Breakfast time?” 
Britney let out a soft laugh reaching for his face before he scooped her up checking her diaper and then heading for the changing table. 
The morning wasn’t too out of the ordinary until Britney realized, something was wrong. 
Looking around the small girl seemed to realize, someone was missing. Dick could tell by the somber expression of his daughter as she took her morning bottle that something was going on in her head. Something she was about to expression. It was calculating, processing. 
“She’ll be home soon”
Tears again. Large bit crocodile tears. This time it took almost 15 minutes for her to calm down. In the end, Dick was doing handstands walking around the kitchen floor while Britney giggled holding her favorite batman teddybear. 
The rest of the day wasn’t much better. While it would seem like Britney had gotten over the pain of her mother missing she would suddenly remember and burst into tears clinging to her dad as if he was going to leave her as well. 
The whole process was a little more than exhausting. 
And then it was during one of these fits that Bruce showed up.
“I won’t be long, I just wanted…” Bruce was cut off by the sound of his granddaughter’s wails the baby screaming no at the top of her lungs while Dick tried to get her to take her teddy bear. 
“Missing Jennifer?” Bruce surveyed the room which was littered with toys, books, and cloths. Dick looked up meeting his mentor’s eyes, large and pleading. Not that Bruce knew what to do. He bearly raised the teenagers that had moved in and out of his home. 
“She keeps remembering mom’s not here and getting upset.”
“I told Jennifer not to spoil her,” Bruce muttered as if he was an expert on child raising as he leaned forward so he was at eye level with his grandchild. Slowly Britney’s cries stopped as she stared at Bruck through large tear filled eyes. 
“There see, she’s fine.” 
“Great hold her for a moment.” Dick said, “I need to fix her bottle and maybe change my shirt,” Quickly he shoved the baby into Bruce’s arms. This wasn’t Bruce’s first time holding the baby girl, being there at the hospital that first day, but he still always felt a slight rush of anxiety holding her. What if something happened? What if he dropped her? 
Looking up Britney reached out patting her hand on her grandfather’s chin. Large eyes looking him over for a moment. 
And then he realized Dick wasn’t in the room.
Dick came rushing back into the living room nearly stumbling over the pants he was trying to button up, a teeshirt between his teeth. At the sight of him, Britney calmed down giggling slightly. 
“That’s the first smile I have gotten all day.” Dick said as he shoved the teeshirt over his head, “Good to know I still have it.” leaning forward he tickled her getting another smile and giggle. 
“She just needed me here,” Bruce said looking down at the small girl who looked up at him smiling again before resting her head on his chest making the dark knight’s heart melt.  
“Sure until I walk out of the room again.” 
“You’re just being dramatic, she’s just a baby Dick. how hard can she really be?” 
Jennifer had planned on coming home Sunday afternoon. After the final talks, meet and greets and other things the conference had planned on their final day. But Saturday night she couldn’t sleep. Her large bed felt so empty without Britney sleeping next to her. Plus there was a handsome dark-haired man waiting for her who she hadn’t seen in a week. 
So shoving all her stuff into her suitcase and sending a quick thank you email to the coordinator of the conference she jumped into her car. It was only a few hour drives back and if she broke a few speeding laws she could be there before the sun rose. 
Jennifer had assumed that she would find Dick fast asleep in the bed with Britney breaking any sort of crib training she had been trying to do. (not that she hadn’t broken those rules one too many nights herself) However, what greeted her as she walked into her apartment was NOTHING she expected. 
Dick was passed out on the couch mouth open hand out with Britney’s hand resting in it. Their small baby girl’s body was resting on Bruce’s lap. The Wayne had his head resting on the couch’s armrest with one hand draped over Britney’s back as she lay wrapped around the two men. 
“Why am I not surprised,” Jennifer said shaking her head as she snuck into the next room getting a blanket. “You probably planned this” she whispered gathering up her daughter before draping a blanket over Bruce.
Leaning forward she kissed Dick who let out a snort of surprise, “J… Jen?” 
“Come smuggle and let Bruce spread out,” Jennifer whispered taking his hand leading him toward the bedroom. Glancing back at Bruce she couldn’t help but smile at the sleeping man,
“I don’t think I have ever seen him sleep” Dick muttered rubbing his eyes.
“She had that effect on people,” Jennifer said kissing her daughter who was sleeping just as peacefully as her grandfather, “total panic and then peace.” 
“What are we going to do with you.” Dick sighed shaking his head looking down at the small girl.
“I don’t know, but I think she does.” Jennifer tried not to laugh at the memory of two of the greatest heroes totally at the mercy of a small baby. “She has you both wrapped around her little finger.” 
“Yeah,” Dick whispered getting under the covers pulling them both closer to him, “You both do.” 
Forever tag: @royslittleharper​​  @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​ @coffee-randomness​​ @0hmydeku @xx3fsxx @daisyboobear​​ @  @jason-redhood​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr @ocelysium @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep  @cdwmtjb8
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smoochews · 6 years
what are your favorite writers and your top favorite works from them?? like a top ten
I saw this ask in the middle of work and I wanted to scream aksldfjalks I’m gonna tell you rn that I got really overwhelmed with the amount of authors that have earned a spot in my top favs that I actually cut this to just the authors that I have most recently visited (this counts as returning multiple times to reread a certain fic… which happens… a lot)
@arckook Ria is one of the first authors I ever read from for k-pop fanfiction. Until Ria, I was just highkey on that Haikyuu volleyball gays/imagines and I’d like to believe that she was one of the main reasons why I began to invest myself heavily into the kpop fandom. I’m always amazed with each piece she releases. Her style is so unique and hypnotizing. There’s a big section in my heart reserved just for Ria that I don’t have enough words to convey. plz support. plz love. she’s the best
- To The Stars (Jungkook, BTS): Zombie Apocalypse AU, Enemies to Lovers AU, series, violence, angst, drama
This read is not for the light hearted. You have been warned. You will sob hysterically. You will feel rage seep into your bones. You will punch a hole in your screen. MC is an entire badass, but so broken and vulnerable; somehow she manages to keep herself together and carry on. Even when she hates Jungkook with every cell in her body, she makes sure to keep him alive, watch his six, just as he does for her. There’s only a handful of works that have kept me as heavily invested and on my toes every step of the way. And that list begins with To The Stars
 @brokeandjetlagged I cannot tell you how many times I’ve made a fool out of myself in public while reading Bailey’s work…. like lord help me I can’t stay in my chair…
- We Take A Shot (Baekhyun, EXO): Office AU, boss!Baekhyun, one-shot, fluff
Even after re-reading it 2-3 times, I cannot help the obnoxious laughter escaping my mouth….sounding something along the lines of a screeching seagull. Dorky Baekhyun trying to be Mr. Businessman really killed me. LIKE PLZ THE HOVER BOARD asdfjsj I’m laughing just thinking about it
- Hurt Me, Heal Me (Yixing, EXO): Hospital AU, nurse!Yixing, one-shot, fluff
Honestly, I would pay to be Baekhyun in that moment. Someone kick me in the face if that meant I could spend some time with nurse Yixing. He’s so adorable and I highly relate to MC being a mess when he thinks that she’s Baek’s girlfriend. Overall, this fic makes my heart go kyuu~
- Bromance .2 (Minseok, EXO) : College AU, frat!Minseok, enemies to lovers AU, series (ish), fluff, smut, drama
enemies to lovers…. honestly I’m not entirely sure of what to say other than that you should read it
@sehun-smut ngl. one of the reasons, besides me passing out, that this rec list took so long to make is bc I stopped to re-read both of these fics…. no ragrats… I don’t think you’ll understand until you read all of their work… so like… you know what to do…
- Business in the Front (Baekhyun,EXO): Restaurant AU (ish), one-shot, smut
Older Baekhyun is a kink okay. I’ve never wanted to call someone daddy more in my life than while reading this fic… and like to begin with it’s hard for me to imagine Baek being zaddy, so that should say A LOT.
- Deceitful (Chanyeol, EXO) - Mafia AU, series, smut, violence
I think this is the first honeytrapper fic I’ve ever read in my life. I mean I was aware of the job description but not the actual title. I must say I’m thoroughly aroused and equally terrified.
 @exhoe-imagines I really adore Ruby and Jewels. Like, they’re so funny and interactive with their followers; and their content is always breath taking. highkey power couple energy
- Can’t Hold Back (Jongdae, EXO): Enemies to Lovers AU, one-shot, smut, drama, slight angst
You already know Jongdae is fucked the minute he sees MC’s bathing suit on the ground while she’s in the pool. You already know that when he went home that evening, his meat was begging for mercy by the end of the night. jfladskjf okay I’m gross, I know, but carrying on– the growth between Jongdae’s and MCs relationship is really heartwarming. Could not have asked for more from this fic
- Lucky (Baekhyun + Chanyeol, EXO): College AU, one-shot, smut
@yehet-me-up I will never not be in love with Sarah. Her Exodus Mall series really takes me back home. Often times when I’m feeling down and sick, I return to Sarah’s page and re-read that series. To say the least, I find home in Sarah’s writing.
- The Problem With Wanting (Kyungsoo, EXO): Mall AU, series, fluff, slight angst, smut
listen to this song and just take it in…. I think this was the first fic I read from the Exodus series and it will always hold a special place in my heart. This fic in particular is what I find myself coming back to again and again, time after time, and I always feel renewed. I feel youthful. More like… you know that feeling you get when you realize you’re falling in love with someone? That’s this. Please read. Please.
- Disqualified (Kyungsoo, EXO): Friends to Lovers AU, one-shot, angst, fluff
Imagine twisting a knife in your gut and slowly removing it through the opposite side of your body. That’s this fic. But like. With love. askdjflksjd I really love the way Sarah portrays Kyungsoo. Her descriptions of his thoughts, mannerisms and quirks make me feel like I’m watching a movie. Everything is so distinct and the atmosphere feels tangible. idk words. I just love Sarah.
@snakescript I don’t know too much about this author but I’m totally and completely enamored with their writings. 
- Make The Devil Cry (Taeyong, NCT) : College AU, one-shot, light angst, smut
I’m weak for the “playboy” tamer… and tbh I feel like this would be Taeyong irl. Hard and complex to the eyes of an observer, but a major softy and sweet pea to the eyes of a listener. I’m upset of how little attention this fic has bc the world is really missing out on a diamond.
- Face Like Thunder (Chanyeol, EXO): Mythology/Greek God AU, one-shot, light angst, fluff
I would like to file a complaint. My heart is crying and my love for Chanyeol is soaring and I’m ACHE FOR THE MAN. Lmao I’m not even a Chanyeol stan but this fic got me thinkin’
@johobi you can always count on Jo to make you cream your pants in the middle of Target (stay away from the baby section kids)
- Bloom / Snared (Yoonji/Yoongi, BTS): Mafia AU, smut
honestly, Yoonji can wipe the floor with my body, in pool of my own blood, and I would thank her. I really really love the way Jo depicts Yoonji here. I can just feel that fem fetal power and that in itself got me ruining my underwear.
- Tooth and Claw (Jungkook, BTS) : Werewolf AU, smut
I’ve never related to furry more in my life than while I read this fic. high key wanna be rawed and torn in half by his king kong schlong … idk how MC survived, but she’s my idol.
- Dig Deep + Interval (Yoongi, BTS): Space AU, smut
I’m ngl. I really went to Pornhub and looked up tentacle porn after reading this. Y’all can @ me, roast me if you like,,,, but you’re a got-damn liar if you say this doesn’t get your blood pumping. p sure I wrote this on my tags but i didn’t even know I liked tentacle porn until then…. I hate myself
 @bread-jinie idk where to start…. there are so many things I can say about Kat…… im tongue-tied…. 
- Wings (Chanyeol, EXO): Friends to Lovers AU, angst, fluff
I think this fic is my favorite work Kat has written so far. It’s like she knows the right words to tug the strings of my heart and play me like a puppet. A heartbroken but hopeful puppet. MC and Chanyeol always looking at each other but never at the same time breaks me; thankfully, the ending patches me back together.
Honorable mentions bc I’ve grown v tired and cannot continue with full details for info regarding everything, in addition to the fact that I’m inpatient and I want to post this ASAP:
@kollectionn GOD SENT. DO NOT PLAY AROUND. YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE. YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. THE WORLD WILL END AS YOU KNOW IT. THEN BE REBORN FROM THE ASHES AS C WILLS IT SO. (sorry for the all caps but I feel INTENSELY about C and her works of art; If I can recall correctly, I believe she said that she would begin to write her own non-fanfic when she finds the time. I think she has the power and ability to write best selling novels that would leave J.K. Rowling quaking in her boots. Plz go and love C. Don’t ask for updates. Just show her all the love she deserves and more; I haven’t been lately and I feel terrible for it; I hope she knows I love her!!!)
@dropsofletters lemme tell you somm’… this author is so talented and diverse in her work that I find myself scattered with the amounts of fandom’s she holds in her clutch. I’m so thankful to have found her page on this godforsaken website bc she caters so much to this world. Talented. Spectacular. Amazing. Blessing to Society. I don’t think I’ve found any multi-fandom writers that has spread out as far as she has. She’s one of those authors that has exactly what you’re looking for, even if you don’t know what it is. An Angel.
@layhyunnie beautiful. ethereal. whimsical. Inspiring. I mean literally inspiring. I wrote a few drabbles after reading Guardian bc I wanted to try and bring to life a world outside of our own, to step outside reality, just like I felt while reading their work. 
- Guardian (Yixing, EXO): Supernatural AU, series, fluff
Again… I’m v tired… so here’s a short list of authors I meant to add here, along with their fics/full details of why I love them:
@knockknocksoosthere / @underthejoon @marshmallow-phd @kpopfanfictrash @yeolology @yeolology @whimsical-ness @remembeo @lofiexo @nochugguk @noona-clock @noonachronicles @oilblotter @soobadnoonecanstopher
((If you would like to know more about my interests in the unfinished authors, or any authors above for that matter, then please leave me an ask!! I will answer them when I am no longer tired akjsjdf I cannot reply via chat as this is only a side blog))
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 6 years
rabbit tour!
i just made a “shelf” so all my stuffed animals weren’t crowded on the windowsill and i used this as an opportunity to take pictures of all the ones i have with me so here we go!
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this is artemis, a majestic and powerful silver rabbit with a very dramatic backstory
basically i was 5 hours away from home on a work trip and i saw her in the window of a shop BUT it hadn’t opened yet so i had to walk away not knowing if I would have time to get back to the shop before it closed, if someone else would buy the rabbit, or if i even had enough money to buy the rabbit in the first place 
the most I was willing to spend was $20, not because I don’t think this rabbit is a priceless artifact of beauty, but bc im a peasant and my job was technically volunteer work and paid less than minimum wage but ANYWAY i go on and on about this fucking rabbit to anyone who will listen, my coworkers are plotting ways to murder me that will look like an accident, but we get back to the store and the rabbits still there AND ITS ExACTLY $20 SO I IMMEDIATELY BUY IT WITH NO REGRETS BEST PURCHASE OF MY LIFE 
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here are some little baby babies i have clipped to my backpack (can you tell i like rabbits???), the yellow one on top is bun might for obvious reasons
 the one in the middle is technically unnamed but i call him sergeant pez bc hes a pez dispenser and he was in one of my dads old military trunks for like a million years until he was cleaning them out and gave him to me 
the light green one is the newest addition, her name is mochi and shes so fucking soft you guys its like petting a delicate cloud 
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these arent rabbits but theyre still valid so shut up, the black cat is named agugu (short for akutagawa) bc i was into bung/ou s/tray d/ogs at the time 
the panda in the middle was a gift from my roommate and her name is monochrome because i have another panda back home thats purple and her name is. purple. so i wanted to stick with the theme here
the white tiger is named at2shi after atsushi (from b/ungou st/ray d/ogs again) who can turn into a white tiger but also i already had ANOTHER non-white tiger that was named atsushi so this one is at2shi 
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more wild thangs that arent rabbits!
the elephant is слон or “sloane”, слон means elephant in russian and it’s kind of pronounced like the name sloane so it’s a very deep complex and intellectual name, clearly. слон is a puppet that shrieks like the souls of the damned when you squeeze him and he was a gift from my high school russian teacher because i would be Blessed with the duty of making слон scream at students who were speaking english in class, he’s a good comrade 
the tiger is atsushi, im sure you can figure out his deal based on at2shi, i got him at the zoo and hes lovely
the red panda with the minnie ears might have had another name at some point but during my regrettable b/s/d phase i started calling him chuuya and it stuck, also now i put my minnie ears on him bc his head’s the perfect size so im more or less using him as a hat rack which is very on brand for chuuya actually
the purple sloth staring into the camera (and your soul) is gasloth leroux and i won him at dave and busters after re-reading phantom of the opera
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(last batch of non-rabbits)
the bear in the snazzy tunic is radar, he was originally my mom’s as a baby and she gave him to me as a baby and since i dont intend on spawning im hoarding him forever #life hack 
yall better know who fucking kermit is 
aannnd we already went over слон in the last picture so! back to the rabbits!
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welcome to the purple corner, friends!
the little all purple one in the back is sukie, and she is just baby, only little creacher, nothing can change that, she was a gift for easter i think two years ago now 
the purple and white rabbit with the pink nose laying next to the cardboard shapes is named violet and her fur is very soft and lovely but she has some kind of hard panel inside (she moves, maybe? idk) so not exactly optimized for cuddling, still shes a good girl
the hulking googly eyed purple yarn monstrosity is roundy blumbo and he was handmade by my terrible but talented sister @rattypants​
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most of these are new arrivals because walgreens has easter rabbits out and some of them were literally only three dollars so yeah but anyway
the grey one with the pink bow is named toshi after all might (i got him about the same time as bun might so b/nha heavily owned my ass at the time) and hes absolutely perfect for cuddling, very soft and long
the blue one is named bluebell the second or “twobell”, when I was younger I had a really tiny blue stuffed rabbit named bluebell that i would take everywhere but one day i dropped it somewhere in or around a ymca and lost it forever and i literally did not stop crying for two whole days because of it, bluebell the second is a spiritual successor who hopefully wont get lost 
the one that looks just like bluebell the second but not blue is marshmallow, bluebell the seconds identical twin brother who was also 3 dollars because literally, THREE DOLLARS
the one with light brown fur and orange ears is named gingersnap carrot cake because I liked both names and couldnt decide and since i bought him around the same time as bluebell the second and marshmallow, he’s their mischievous older brother and together i guess that makes them the rabbit mcelroys 
now the round rabbit next to toshi with the floppy ears and a smaller rabbit with a green dress on its back is rose and bunnia, the larger one is rose, the mother, and bunnia is her daughter, they have a very close relationship as you can see
the small white and brown rabbit next to rose and bunnia is spenser, named after edmund spenser, creator of the spenserian sonnet, bc i bought her at a renn faire and thought she should have an old timey name, shes a literary icon 
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now we’re getting into the old guard! all the rabbits in this picture (aside from carrot cake gingersnap whomst is a SLUT FOR ATTENTION) are all ones i got between the ages of 6-10, so theyre my day ones uwu
the brown rabbit with floppy ears is mocha, she was a christmas present when i was 9 years old and shes probably the most rabbit-shaped rabbit i have 
the rabbit with the bright pink scarf is beatrice (i dont have favorites except actually i do and its beatrice), I got her when i was 7 years old from goodwill and one of her arms was kind of loosely connected and started falling off which Horrified me and i tried to “take care of her” by using a bit of ribbon as a sling, eventually my grandma sewed her arm back on so then i used the ribbon as a scarf and ever since then beatrice has had a scarf of some kind  
the rabbit next to beatrice with the black button eye is wrinkly pinkly, who lost her eye in the warTM (it fell off years later but she claims to have lost it in the war anyway and shes old so everyone just goes along with it), shes very loose and as the name implies, VERY wrinkly which makes her fun to wiggle around 
the bright pink rabbit with the wide head is anna, beatrice’s mom and wrinkly pinkly’s sister, her husband griffy is back home so i dont have a picture of him but their story is very enemies-to-lovers (they were on opposite sides of The War) and shes a very ambitious and powerful figure in rabbitopia despite having hundreds of kids to raise #feminist icon 
the light pink rabbit with the yarn dress is madison, ironically named long before i even remotely knew that madison, wisconsin was a place that exists, and shes beatrice’s younger sister and shes very active and athletic but she also likes being pretty which is why i made her the yarn dress
cottontail (he doesnt actually have a tail) is the town drunk and a constant nuisance, his wife left him so now he’s always hoeing around and causing trouble for everyone (which is also what he did Before his wife left him), one of his legs is more filled than the other so he walks with a limp. his wife took most of the children except
darnell (the long pink rabbit lying down), who inherited her dad’s troublemaking tendencies and loves playing pranks and talking shit 
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(last one, for all the zero people who are still reading at this point)
next to cottontail we have aminta in the green dress, i bought her at the airport and shes a very beautiful and distinguished young rabbit who madison is ABSOLUTELY gay for, she’s very proper and is being brought up by
hera nova (the white rabbit with the pink nose and floppy ears in the back) who is the oldest rabbit i have (Ive had her since i was at least 5, though she didn’t get a name until i was in my greek mythology phase a few years later), shes sort of a grandma to all the other rabbits and could absolutely destroy them all if she wanted to 
karoline (yes with a k, i didnt know the kardashians were a Thing back then) is the yellow rabbit with the basket, she works at rabbitopia’s most popular restaurant, the spinning carrot, and she is one of the three main chefs along with her sister 
bonnie, the pink rabbit with only one ear, she got torn up pretty badly over the years but shes still alive and still spinning those carrots!! (there was a third rabbit that worked with them named fritz who was white and holding an easter egg but i don’t remember what happened to her) 
so there we go! rabbits! lots of them! 
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And so I continue on my epic re-read of that nonsense royalty AU mixed with a teen movie except gayer-- uh, I mean, Misadventures
Chapter 6 here we go
I already remember that when I wrote this chapter I wanted to throw my laptop out of the window because it was impossible, so now I’m scared
Kim actually doing exercise in this fic was me directly calling myself out for lazing around all day
He tries to get out of detention by pulling the “but I’m a prince!” card ashfskdjhkf that won’t work on Lady Mendeleiev!!
Speaking of, I’ve had Ms Bustier called “Lady Caline” in this thing but Mendeleiev’s still referred to by her surname? Can’t remember what I was thinking tbh
Kim you dumb idiot, the nobles aren’t moving out of the way because you’re royalty, they’re moving out of the way because MENDELEIEV IS WITH YOU
Ohhhh my god stop accusing your own classmate of murder, I think Alix would have much more than a detention if she’d fricking killed someone
Sidenote: Alix did not deserve detention. The rules didn’t say anything about rollerskates so she did nothing wrong and this was very unfair
And there’s me showing off how much research on cobras I did lmao
...I’ll be honest, 90% of the reason I wrote this fic was because I wanted Kim to have to walk with a book on his head
goddammit you know when you notice symbolism in your writing that wasn’t there before? this fic is hecking doing it already. striking a BALANCE between being a stupid idiot and being a thoughtful goodbean is legit a running theme in this thing, and,, that’s,, their detention,,,sdskgkjf
I’m the noble who fell off the balancing beam. it’s me
Kim... I’m going to hit you on the head with that book I s2g STOP BEING A JERK
the symbolism gahhh I’m dying, he needs to be more patient and less reckless just like his life skjdhksjd sjdghbsjfhsk laksjflad
How did Mireille end up in detention, you ask? Simple. Aurore framed her. Those two have a real hecked up relationship in this thing and oh boy it’ll take a front seat in the sequel if I ever write it
well dammit now I ship Kim with Mireille I mean they held hands
“If someone doesn’t get over here to help me finish this stupid thing right now, I will throw this book at someone’s face hard enough to send their teeth into the back of their brain.” pls... alix... hit ME with the book I’m begging you
I’m. having an allergic reaction to Kim’s crush on Alix. I know what happens later in the fic and I’m already breaking out in hives
Chapter 7 is called “90% chance of death” which is an accurate statistic to describe the mortality rate of reading it
This reads like a game of Civilization and yet I hadn’t even played it yet at the point when I wrote this part
And Kim stop trying to be tsundere, you’re so bad at it. everyone knows the real tsundere in this fic is Alix,
There’s me showing off about knowledge I learned on wikipedia again
“That would be the coolest way to die. Agonizing death by snake bite. I would love that.” Juleka you can’t just SAY that to Alix oh my god do you even know what happens in chapter 25???
Kim being good at archery is 100% a shoutout to Dark Cupid btw also he’s a sagittarius like me and I’ll fight you on this
Max just got bored and straight-up left the sports day lmaooo that’s the biggest mood
I can’t wait for chapter 60 where the Other sports day happens and it’s like the total inverse of this one
she’s highkey lying. she cannot order someone’s execution, she may be a pharaoh but she really doesn’t have much power lol, she just pretends she does so people will let her do what she wants
only chapter 7 and Kim’s already crying over something dumb (aka the threat of being eaten alive by a venomous cobra)? nice
“I guess me suddenly storming in here and lowkey threatening to kill you may have been overboard” uh yeah, you don’t say?? he kinda deserved it tho lmao
I love how Kim’s all like “ayy there’s plenty of other cute girls at this school for me to fall for!” when the two people at school he falls for next are both BOYS
alright chapter 8 now baby, and yes the title “Chick???” makes perfect sense in context I swear
Oh here’s one of those boys already! Kim’s crush on Adrikins is so damn obvious I love it
The umbrella scene happened except with a parasol
the whole “you four seem to make a good group” thing was me thinking how Marinette/Adrien/Alya/Nino is a god-tier ot4
oh god I want to hug Nath
OKAY OKAY SO. Nath and Alix don’t make friends until like chapter 44 or something, but the reason she knew already that he liked Marinette was because Juleka told her in the snek scene earlier, and then Alix used this knowledge to force people into giving her chocolate
Alya your gaydar is so broken... almost none of the girls in your class are straight
I’m also going to hug Alix, I know what it’s like to be a confused baby aro -- in fact I was at the time I was writing this skdjfhksdjhgkjf
Kim’s homework was just me typing out a bunch of intelligent-sounding words I remember seeing in Crusader Kings II tbh
ohohoho chapter 9 here we go
noooo Alya noooo don’t trust Theo!!! you’ll find out why in like chapter 47 but just!! don’t trust him!!!!!!
Alya I s2g... of course Marinette likes girls, she’s bi af
Chloe and Sabrina are wlw too... please fix your gaydar I’m begging you
same with Rose, good grief, she really does love Juleka omg
I love how I called the kingdom of Couffaine “mysterious” and “distant” because I hadn’t decided where it was yet, because I’ll have you know that for the sequel I’ve decided it’s the non-distant and non-mysterious Orkney Isles
Alya just knocks on Juleka’s door like “YO ARE YOU A LESBIAN?” skdjhkjsdhg I’m sobbing
No Alya, Couffaine isn’t a morbid kingdom, Juleka’s just really goth. Couffaine is just like how Scotland really is lol
Kim wtf you can’t just ditch Max like that good grief...
and there I go teaching the readers about geography, because that’s definitely what normal people talk about in their conversations
Alix’s ringtone is definitely a rickroll by the way
I love that these characters are in fact completely aware that they’re idiots who should not be in charge of a country, what they’re unaware of is all that precious, precious character development heading their way nyehehhehehe >:D
Look... I know I said I was having an allergic reaction but hugs with height differences are Very Important to me so just this once I’ll let it slide
Phew, chapter 10, and then I’ll stop because holy shoot I need time to process the ridiculousness of this mess
oh my god Kim literally burning the letters his parents send him in order to avoid his responsibilities is?? such a mood?? I’m basically doing that myself right now
This is the only time Emperor Gabriel even has any lines until like almost the last chapter lol
btw Chloe’s oracle question was “will I marry Adrien?” and of course the answer was no, so that’s why she was upset lol (idk what Marinette’s question was, I didn’t think of one oops)
more geography lessons!!!
Max being irrationally mad at Alix’s country having a higher GDP than his was inspired by him being mad about losing the gaming tournament to Marinette in the Gamer episode, by the way
Alix... is a reptile scalie I’m gonna regret saying that aren’t I
I love how her oracle question is literally just a stealth “I’m aroace, right?” and that makes the irony of the next bit so much funnier omg, poor Kim lmao I was so so cruel
(also I finally fixed that inconsistency... Fu said he was 186, but technically everyone in this fic is about a year or two older than they are in the show at the beginning, so he should be 187 instead)
Kim has just accepted that he’s going to die young by doing something reckless and stupid, that’s such a gen z mood wow
I’m genuinely losing brain cells because of Kim right now, I’m contracting the bubonic plague as I type, I’ve already lost 3 years off my life and so has Master Fu,,,, ask a sensible question you idiot
No Kim, it won’t be CPR, she really will kiss you, you’ll just know okay... now if you’ll excuse me I need to go bang my head against a brick wall for several hours
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