#idk why i brought the ass-smacking thing up twice...
pilfappreciator · 9 months
floyd with a bold and flirty husb male reader headcanons <333
Mans was literally tortured and almost died. LET HIM HAVE A HUBBY I SAY!!
Floyd x Reader: just an emo and his husband
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Includes: Male! Reader, fluff, slight angst, depictions of marriage/domesticity, LOTS of down bad behavior (mostly on Reader's end), mentioned John Dory
💔 You guys are literally married, so chances are Floyd cares for you deeply. He's been to hell and back in the past few years so finally having someone in his life who so easily helps ease that pain by just... existing in his general area??
💔 But you're not some rabid fan who paid a fortune just to come meet him backstage so he could sign a poster. You're his HUSBAND. The two of you have HISTORY. Like he actually MARRIED your ass... there was a wedding and vows and EVERYTHING!!
💔 He's more grateful than you'll ever know <33
💔 With that being said, this man definitely gets flustered whenever you start putting the moves on him
💔 Not to say he doesn't know how to be suave and charming himself, don't get me wrong! He was in a super popular boy band back in the day, so obviously he's got SOME semblance of game going on (definitely feel like Bruce tried to teach his brothers how to bag hotties when they were younger ajshjakaak—)
💔 So yeah, he's obviously gonna react differently whenever you're the one giving him compliments lol
💔 If you're being more like? Playfully flirty?? Like as in you're coming over and leaning up against the wall beside him, giving him appreciative glances and flirting as if you've never met before???
💔 He's either gonna match your energy and reciprocate, or just sigh and roll his eyes
💔 "Hey sexy, come here often?" *bites lip*
"Please stop blocking the door to the bathroom 🙄"
💔 He'll act like he hates it he does not
💔 But he DOES hate if you smack his ass tho okay DO NOT DO IT!! He'll start having flashbacks from his Brozone days (cough cough John Dory cough cough)
💔 HOWEVER!!! If you're very genuine in your flirting? Like if you're constantly waxing poetic about how he's the most beautiful man to exist, or he catches you staring adoringly when he's trying to have a conversation with you, or he wakes up one morning to find you with the softest look in your eyes as you tell him how lucky you are to have him and how you could never be more grateful to have met????
💔 This man is turning the same shade of his hair VERY QUICKLY ALSDHLKAJDS (he might require medical attention ://)
💔 If you wanna fluster this man even more? Flirt with him in public
💔 NO CUZ LIKE?? He'll tolerate your bad pickup lines and cheesy romantic gestures in the comfort of your shared home no problem, but if you pull ANY of that shit where OTHER TROLLS CAN SEE????
💔 Screw Velvet and Veneer, call him pookie bear around any of his brothers and you're gonna be writing his obituary cuz this man WILL DIE
💔 But if you smack is ass at the farmers market you ARE getting divorced ://
💔 I feel like after the whole "being imprisoned in a diamond prison and regularly getting the life siphoned outta you for who knows how long" situation, Floyd becomes a little touch starved
💔 Maybe not in a strong sense (COUGH COUGH John Dory COUGH COUGH), but any sorta non-harmful touch definitely starts to hit different after you've been tortured for a period of time
💔 As his husband, you have a duty to hug/cuddle/caress this man as much as possible okay THAT IS NON-NEGOTIABLE!! Gently wrap your arms around him from behind as he's washing dishes, nuzzle his face when you're going to bed, rub your thumb against the back of his palm whenever you're holding hands, ANYTHING!!! He will melt <33
AHHHHH MY FAVORITE EMO!! THANK YOU FOR THE PROMPT ANON THIS WAS SO CUTEE!! Floyd literally DIED in the movie okay, he deserves a husband to do troll taxes with 🥺
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Read into Me Chapter 5: Romeo and Juliet
Steve Harrington x Reader
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Words: 2,955
Warnings: Swearing, slut shaming, bullying mention
Tag List: @divinity-deos @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @wolfish-willow​ @scoopsohboi​ @herre-gud-nej​ @clockworkballerina​ @maddie1504​ @i-am-trash-so-much-its-scary​ @banjino-in-the-hole @buckysarge​ @wildcvltre​ @stanleyyelnatsiii​ @unusuallchildd @n3wtscaseofniffler5​ @peterparxour @alwaysstressedout @linkispink1995​ @asharpkniffe​ @a-big-ball-of-idk​ @used-avocado​ @mochminnie​ @sledgy14​ @the-creative-lie​ @yall-wildin-like-siriusly​ @ggclarissa​
After that afternoon, you spent practically every day after school with Steve, either in his bedroom or the library. It was weirdly nice. You didn’t always talk; mostly you worked in silence, Steve answering English questions or doing work for other classes and you doodling. You’d finished the sketch of Steve you’d started in his bedroom the same night you’d started it. You were actually quite proud of it; you’d managed to get the shadows on his face to make his face look hollow and strange, not beautiful like it usually appeared. And yes, you were comfortable with calling him beautiful. You found a lot of your subjects beautiful, they all fit into an easy collection of strong, attractive faces that could be found in Hawkins. Hawkins Most Beautiful: the collections of portraits labelled themselves.
Steve called you fairly often as well; usually on the days when you didn’t meet up he’d call so he’d have someone to keep him company as he worked. He seemed lonely to you. From your conversations, you learned little of his supposed friends, but you learned a fair bit about his family. Both his parents were rarely home. His father worked in the city and kept an apartment there, keeping him as far away from home as possible most of the time. His mother was home more often, but kept her hours in certain places, leaving him home alone most of the time. So it seemed, he was ignored past the age of twelve. You sympathized with that, your own parents weren’t exactly present, albeit for different reasons. He asked you a lot about Samantha, which didn’t bother you; you could talk about her far more than you could yourself.
“I can’t honestly say that I even really know her…” Steve laughed. You were sat in his bedroom one evening, the sun setting in creamy red swirls, ominous strawberry pieces in homemade ice cream. Sweet and yet worrying for reasons beyond you for the time being. You were sat at his desk, leaning back in his desk chair, turning left and right. Steve was sprawled out on his mattress, feet kicking beyond him casually, his papers spread out in front of him.
“Yeah, she doesn’t really associate with some of your friends. Tina isn’t really our biggest fan…” you replied, smiling softly. The memory of Samantha dumping a miniature carton of chocolate milk on her head in the seventh grade flashed through your mind, her shrill screech making you chuckle.
“Oh yeah? What’s up her ass?” Steve asked, turning onto his side to look at you fully. He looked incredibly posed and uncomfortable, his head placed in his palm and his ankles stacked neatly one on top of the other.
“They used to be best friends, before I showed up. Once I was on the scene, Tina decided that I was someone to bully and Samantha decided that she wanted to be my friend. They fell out because of it and Tina started bothering both of us. She stopped once we were in middle school.” You explained, pulling one of your knees to your chest.
“Tina’s a bitch…” Steve muttered, shaking his head solemnly.
“She’s got such a thing for you.” You chuckled, watching as his face coloured. You continued “Vicki too…they want you so bad.”
“How’d you know?” Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. His face was still pink, it was almost adorable.
“Oh my god, they spend every class with their heads so far up your ass!” you linked your fingers together and pulled them under your chin. You batted your lashes at him with wide eyes, starting into an imitation of Tina “Oh…Stevie, tell me more about your basketball game…oh Stevie you’re soooo strong!”
Steve pulled the pillow from the head of his bed, throwing it at your head. “Oh shut up!” he groaned. You caught the pillow, chucking it back at him, smacking him square in the face.
Steve was great to hang out with. But that sort of friendship didn’t seem to transition outside the privacy of his bedroom. In school, the rules of social interaction began again. Steve returned to the arms of Tommy H and Carol, whose attentions flip between him and Billy Hargrove, and Samantha kept you busy with her questions, her arm wrapped tightly around your shoulders, squeezing you tightly into your side. And every time you passed Steve, she cracked a joke in your ear that turned you beet red.
In truth, it was clear that Samantha did not believe you when you told her that nothing was going on between the two of you. She had already decided that the pair of you were in some sort of torrid affair of Shakespearian depths. She seemed to earnestly believe that it was some secret, clandestine romance was happening behind closed doors. You didn’t really understand what she was imagining; it didn’t make sense to you. Steve was far too obviously interested in other people to be doing anything with you. You tried to point out all the girls who hung off his arm whenever she tried to embarrass you about it, but she didn’t see it.
“What you’re missing,” she said through a massive bite of cafeteria shepherd’s pie “Is that all those girls pay attention to him, but he doesn’t pay attention to them.”
“If we were having an affair, don’t you think that I would tell you about it? I tell you everything anyway.” You retorted, rolling your eyes at her.
“You didn’t tell me about Byers until I weaseled it out of you. That’s what I’m doing right now.” Samantha replied with a shrug, mushing her meal together with her plastic fork until it was a disgusting shade of brown, golden corn accenting the pile.
Talking about Jonathan Byers wasn’t fair and she knew it. In short, there was nothing to talk about. You’d had a small, teeny tiny practically nonexistent crush on the boy a year prior, but it was very clear that he didn’t like you back. Samantha had gone to Tina’s party in October, right as your crush was subsiding, and she’d told you that he was all over Nancy Wheeler. You’d had your suspicions about it, but hearing that he’d gone after someone else’s girlfriend and rejected you along the way hurt. Even though you weren’t interested, it still hurt. Samantha was still annoyed that you hadn’t told her about it until it was over, and since it was the only source of knowledge she had on your comatose love life, she brought it up all the time, much to your chagrin.
“All I do with him is sit in his room and help him study. And when I say help him study, I mean literally help him study, we do the chapter studies together and discuss the stupid book.” You said. That wasn’t the whole story; you talked a lot about life and listened to music. You were confident in saying that you were friends by now. You’d almost met his mother twice, both times in passing, and that seemed pretty important to friendships, when their family knew who you were. Still, it didn’t break into school. Steve stayed with his clique and while you tried to stray from yours, Carol or Tina would always scare you off before you spent too much time with Steve. It didn’t take much to scare you, a mere gaze could send you packing, and those two had been mastering the annoyed sneer since the fifth grade.
“Yeah, well you don’t see what I see…” Samantha muttered, turning her attention away from you and onto the loud clique at the centre of the room. Billy Hargrove was show boating, as usual, with Tina and Macy practically drooling onto their lunch trays. Vicki was trying to get Steve’s attention, her thin, spidery fingers gripping onto his wrists, speaking animatedly into his ear. Steve wasn’t facing her though; his whole body was turned away from her, and directly towards your table. Samantha noticed how he watched where you went, it’s why she thoroughly believed that something was going on beyond the surface, something even you might not realize. She knew what a person looked like when they were love struck. Often times, from the outside, it was easier to see when someone was in love with someone else before she could catch onto who actually liked her. She’d watched the women she yearned for fall in love with boring, lame men enough times to have mastered the signs of how men fall for girls. And Steve showed all the non-verbal signs. She couldn’t get a full read on you yet though.
Tommy had caught onto to Steve’s strange behaviour just as fast as Samantha had, although he wasn’t nearly as impressed. You were simply not worth the effort. Not by a long shot. You were fucking lame-never at the parties, never at dances, never at the lake on the weekends. And he knew you had money, you could afford to do all those things, you were just too much of a pussy to show your face. That was fucking pathetic! He knew his friend better than anyone else and a chick who couldn’t hang was not the girl for him. Steve liked fun girls, girls who could turn up for a last minute thing and not be weird about it. Nancy Wheeler was the farthest Steve needed to go on the preppy nerd scale, and that bitch ended up being a massive slut! Like nobody expected that shit. But Tommy knew that you didn’t have any surprises up your sleeves. Despite the fact that you never talked, he knew that you were plain about who you were. Everything was on the surface, and what he saw was not worth his friend’s time.
“Steve, buddy, I’m gonna go get another milk, walk with me.” Tommy motioned him over. Steve followed blindly, if only to get Vicki’s cold, clammy hand off him. Tommy had seen The Godfather one too many times and seemed to believe that he was some sort of small town mob boss, but Steve didn’t really mind following along with him flights of fancy. Usually they were pretty funny.
Tommy wrapped an arm around his taller friend’s shoulders, lowering his voice from the onlooker’s ears. “Listen, buddy, you gotta tell me what’s going up with that Y/N chick I mean you just keep staring at her it’s freaking weird, dude.”
“Y/N? She’s my writing partner for Lawrence’s class, she’s cool…” Steve replied, turning to catch your eye as they passed. He smiled at you, giving a short wave, which you returned with a small smile.
“She’s cool? That all?” Tommy pressed, stepping into the line and grabbing a carton of strawberry milk and the largest chocolate chip cookie in the basket. He unwrapped his arm from his shoulders, letting him go free for the first time in the conversation.
“Yeah, I mean she’s nice, what else do you want me to say?” Steve knew that was being a little defensive, but he didn’t like being questioned for his choices in friends or girls, he never questioned Tommy’s choices and he made the worst decisions most of the time. Carol was no prize and he didn’t say a word about her.
“You fucking her?” if Steve had had anything in his mouth, he would’ve spit it on the floor. Tommy didn’t even turn to look at him, paying the lunch lady in change.
“Jesus, dude, no.” Steve cried, recoiling from his friend. Tommy needed to get hit and while he didn’t have cause to do so yet, he firmly believed someone was going to do it soon.
“Hey, no need to freak out, it’s just a question.” Tommy pulled his friend back in, slapping his friend on the back. Instead of simply heading back to their lunch table, he pulled him to the side, standing next to the hot grab and go table, next to the cartons of fries.
“Now, the way I see it, you have something great going for you.” Tommy began, cracking open his milk and taking a long swig, leaving a milk film on his upper lip. “Vicki Clarke is a fucking babe and she’s begging for it! She’s all over your ass and she’s hot as hell! But you’re blowing it by spending all your time staring at some freak of nature instead. You could have a smoking hot babe at your beck and call, but you’re wasting your chances here, you see what I mean?”
“Not at all, dude.” Steve crossed his arms over his chest, looking over his friend doubtfully.
“Look man, I’m just trying to set you up for success here. Because that girl,” Tommy pointed at you slyly “Is not interested. If she was, she’d be over here, acting like Vicki is. But she’s keeping herself planted at that table with that goth freakazoid.”
Steve had no idea what to say. He opened his mouth to speak, to deny having any feelings for you, but that wouldn’t mean shit if he kept watching you. And Tommy was right, there was a girl there who wanted to listen to whatever he said, who chased him down. Vicki was there and you weren’t. So he swallowed his words and went back to his table.
“Hey, Steve…” Vicki drawled. There was red lipstick on her teeth. Steve didn’t say anything about it. It didn’t make her ugly. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, letting her rest in the crook of his neck. Vicki seemed over the moon by it and it gave him something to focus on other than catching your attention.
Samantha frowned, turning her attention back to you. “What’s Steve’s opinion on Vicki Clarke?” she asked.
“He didn’t like when I told him that she had a thing for him, why?” you retorted, flipping through the college magazine in front of you. You still hadn’t chosen anywhere to apply and applications for the major schools were due in the winter and community colleges needed their applications in for the fall semester in by the end of June at the earliest.
“Well, he doesn’t seem embarrassed now.” Samantha hooked a thumb towards the couple. You looked once, narrowing your eye to scrutinize the pair.
“Eh, that seems about right…” you murmured. You wouldn’t deny that something about it hurt. But you ignored the pain until returning home from school. As always, you called before making any moves. It was the polite thing to do, even though Steve had made the plans to meet up with you after school the night before.
The phone was picked up after three rings. Steve’s car was in the driveway, not his mother’s, so you knew who would answer. “Hello?” his voice sounded anxious and breathy, maybe even annoyed.
“Steve-o, we still studying? You wanna go grab food at Hula Burger?” Steve had introduced you to the burger place in Carmel, a little mom and pop shop with the best Cajun fries in the county, at least in your opinion.
“Oh shit…” Steve muttered “Y/N I’m sorry I-I kind of made plans, can I take a rain check on the burgers?”
“Oh…yeah, sure I guess…some other time…” you said softly. You wouldn’t try to hide the disappointment in your voice. The pain you felt in the pit of your stomach returned with abundance, not exactly sore and angry pain, but more of a black hole opening up there.
“I gotta go, I’ll see you tomorrow, ‘kay?” Steve asked. He was already running late. He was supposed to pick up Vicki in twenty minutes and he still needed to shower. He had genuinely forgotten about his plans with you and he felt like an ass for doing so. He did want to hang out with you, but a date was a good step after being decimated by Nancy. He wasn’t super into Vicki, but it was still exciting to go out with someone new.
“Sure…” you hung up after that. You stood from your bed, dropping your book bag at your feet. You were used to spending afternoons alone, that wasn’t strange to you. Just because you’d spent a few days with a boy didn’t mean that he was yours to hold back from his life. You could’ve pulled a fit and tried to make him hold true to his word, the way your mother used to act towards your father. But those memories made you sick, you didn’t like that behaviour. But you also didn’t like being cancelled on. It wasn’t a feeling you were used to, not from friends at least. Samantha never really cancelled on you, she always made sure to tell you when she was busy and not agree to plans. She’d never cancelled on you for a date, even when she was dating Keith the creep she always put your friendship on a different level than him. Of course, she wasn’t really into Keith, she came out like a week after they started dating and broke up with him after kissing Jessica Klein at a house party, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that Steve had ditched you and it made your heart hurt.
You couldn’t help but watch him run out of his front door and into his car. You watched it pull out of his driveway and out onto the road. It was clear to you now, Steve was more interested in passing English than he was in being your friend. Vicki Clarke was the girl to pay attention, no matter how he acted around you.
So why pretend like he was your friend at all?
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millennial-ring · 3 years
Can we get more info on 5-7?
             5. Dear God
So this one is ANCIENT (2012!!!) and idk why it’s still in my WIPs folder because I do clean it out/reorganize it every few years or so (which is why that unfinished powershipping christmas fic wasn’t on the list, cause I moved it to a different folder). Sadly the title makes it seem more interesting than it actually is - it’s just a few paragraphs and nothing really happens at all. 
Russet eyes were glazed over as they watched the rain pelt the ground, each drop making tiny indents in the dirt, puffs of the still-dry earth floating up with each splash before settling down again, the process repeating over...and over... Rain drummed against the body of a beaten up jeep, the only prominent sound within miles, save to the sound of the rain falling in the grass, and the dirt, and the leather jacket Bakura wore. 
The man blinked as water ran down his face, following the curve of his brow and rolling over the crease of his eyelid, flowing into his eye. The water pooled between his lids, blurring his vision for a few moments until he blinked again, and the water was squeezed out to mingle with the rest on his face, like a single, solitary tear. He inhaled slowly, then let the breath out in a quick huff, turning away from the long stretch of dirt road in front of him. Behind him, another long chunk of drivable desert. He growled under his breath and began to pace, wet sand squishing under his boots, gravel shifting with each step. 
How could be trapped here, in the middle of fucking nowhere, with a flat fucking tire and no spare? 
It was inspired by this Avenged Sevenfold song and I vaguely remember that it was going to be thiefshipping, about the various trials Bakura goes through to get back to Malik after a fight or something but... 🤷
              6. Domestic Disturbance
This one is also super short, more fleshed out in my mind than on paper, and I started writing it after we had to call the cops on our neighbors because they were having a very loud and long argument (like, over an hour of yelling). Inspiration comes from the dumbest places with me, haha, but this is another one of those “why is this still in my wips” documents because I don’t have any intention of finishing it. After writing what I did I kinda had a “maybe these kinds of situations shouldn’t be your inspiration for fanfics, weirdo” moment and I scrapped it. But anyway! 
The story goes that Bakura was playing some Wii game, lost grip on the controller, and accidentally chucked it and broke a vase because he wasn’t wearing the wrist strap. Malik hears the crash and comes around the corner, lecturing him about “how many times have i told you i s2g bakura why are you like this” even as Bakura’s already beginning to clean up the mess. Bakura gruffly tells him to chill out because nothing important was broken anyway, just “that ugly ass vase” and he holds up a piece for Malik to see. The tension thickens immediately and Malik speaks with measured anger instead of the usual screaming, so Bakura knows He Fucked Up. “That was a gift from my sister.” Bakura panics a bit on the inside, but outside he scoffs and he’s all like “even better, tell her she has awful tastes” because ykno. He’s like that. Doesn’t wanna admit he fucked up, doesn’t wanna take responsibility or acknowledge he hurt Malik’s feelings. At this point I’d stopped writing it, but still have the basic outline. The regular bickering becomes a super intense all out screaming match about basically anything and everything, all the tiny little things they’d been burying for as long as they’d lived together finally coming out, start demanding why they ever thought this would work and they’re just about to get to that great crescendo where they're about to break up (”Well then maybe you shouldn’t have brought me back!” “At this point I’m inclined to agree!” Bakura’s shocked. “Well...then is this going where I think it’s going?” “I think it is.” “Then say it.” “...” “Say you want to break up!” “I...Bakura, I...” when someone knocks on the door. Heyo, it’s two cops, saying someone called in a domestic disturbance. Malik snaps that they’re fine, still pissed from the fight, but obviously like no Malik that’s not gonna help. So one officer brings Bakura out into the hall to question him and the other stays with Malik. Cop asks if they’re together, how long, what the fight was about, etc etc, and then if the fight had been physical at all. Bakura recoils in shock and practically screams “No!” “You never hit Malik?” “I would never!” “And Malik wouldn’t hit you?” There’s a few things there, bc I wasn’t sure how I wanted Bakura to respond; make an “only if he asked wink wonk” joke that the cop rolls his eyes at, or stammer that “i mean he’s smacked my head once or twice but it never hurt and i was being super annoying at the time and it was more like playful slapping” but either way the cop asks for a more direct answer or for Bakura to elaborate and Bakura gets pissed, says Malik would cut off his own hand before he hit Bakura because obviously. Cop seems taken aback but nods, and then lectures Bakura a bit about volume, tells him maybe one of them should pack a bag and stay with friends or family for a few days. Their partner comes out soon after and the two cops leave. Bakura goes back inside, where Malik is standing with his arms crossed, looking shaken with red rimmed eyes. They look at each other, feeling awkward, but then they make tea, sit down, and have a calmer “are we really like that?” conversation. they admit a lot of their fights are pointless and stupid and they’re just fighting to fight because it’s Their Thing and aha, aren’t we so cute and quirky, arguing is our foreplay - which it is, but they admit they’ve taken it too far, gotten too used to snapping at each other when something happens, and some of their issues (like Bakura disrespecting Malik’s siblings, and Malik’s control freak attitude) really need to be sat down and talked out, not screamed out. They apologize, foreheads pressed together, and Malik thumbs a tear from Bakura’s cheek. Bakura strokes his fingers through Malik’s hair. Malik makes a “well you know the best part about fighting, right?” and Bakura laughs, and then it ends.
               7. But he came back
So if y’all didn’t know I recently commissioned a(n amazing) fic from @/sitabethel (not properly tagging cause i don’t wanna bother them). In it, Bakura promises Malik he’ll come back after his final showdown with Atem, but ten years pass and Malik gets engaged to Seto. It’s corporate theifshipping and obviously I recommend reading it - but it’s based on an RP I did with a friend of mine years ago. In the RP, Bakura was pissed Malik hadn’t waited for him and does the whole “why did I even bother coming back I literally only came back to be with you?????” and Malik being like “Sorry? But you took a long fucking time and I had to do something to stop the loneliness.” We never finished it, but when we dropped it Bakura was starting to heal and move on and we had plans to end it powershipping and tendershipping - and Bakura catching the bouquet at the wedding and Ryou immediately being like >:) but anyway. The concept stuck with me and I really liked the idea of Bakura coming back to that situation and more so rolling with it - maybe a touch bitter at first, but hey, he’s nothing if not adaptable, and he absolutely invites himself into the relationship in the clunkiest way possible. 
“But he came back” was the start of my own attempt to write something with that kind of plot. When I write a fic, I start with a vague collection of ideas or scenes I want to write, and then when I have enough to work with, I begin organizing them into an outline. This doc is just a very small collection of ideas and dialogue, mixing some things taken from the RP and my own ideas. It’s mostly things like how Malik and Kaiba get to the marriage point, starting with an impromptu kinda tipsy make out session hidden away in the kitchen during a party Yugi’s throwing, and how they navigate each other’s trauma and fumble their way into a genuine romance despite everything. I’ve never managed to sit down and work it out into an outline of any kind, and the way I wanted to explore Malik and Bakura’s relationship before the show down, Malik and Kaiba’s relationship building afterwards, and then the relationship building with all three of them meant 30 chapters, at least (the original rp is over 2,500 pages and again, we had only just started with Bakura wanting to ask Ryou out and going to Malik for advice adjklj, when we dropped it) and well. yall know i’m bad at writing multi fic chapters 
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saiyanblood2 · 4 years
Tarble had planned on leaving Goku Black to Vegeta. After seeing his older brother punch the lowly little Saiyan imposter through a couple buildings and tell him pretty much everything Tarble had wanted to beat into Black's head himself, Tarble figured his brother could pretty much handle it. But then Zamasu, that smug, immortal shitstain, decided to go after Future Trunks. So Tarble stepped into his brother's fight, blindsiding Black with a kick that sent the fucker hurling away from Goku and Zamasu's battlefield, and told his brother to go look after Future Trunks. That was more important, anyway.
His brother agreed, and flew off to go tend to Future Trunks. Goku Black tried to charge back in at Tarble with a punch, but Tarble blocked it, then used Black's own momentum to swing Black around him in a semi-circle and then back the way Black had just attacked Tarble from.
Tarble didn't stop hitting Black until he and Black were well away from the area where Zamasu was. The last thing he needed was that obnoxious green fucker getting in the way of Tarble kicking Black's ass. Besides, Tarble could handle Black. Not as well as his brother- he spent more time dodging and redirecting attacks- but well enough, Tarble thought.
So obviously, Black disagreed. And, because shutting the fuck up was apparently too mortal of a concept for Black, Black decided to let Tarble know just that.
"What's the matter, mortal? Afraid to face a god head on?!" Black sneered.
He kept talking after that, but honestly, Tarble was only half listening.
[Good place to put in that, "Say another word and I will have your tongue" line?]
If the fucker said something that mattered, like mentioning some plan that involved his nephew from the future dying that Tarble was now too far away to stop, then Tarble would give Black his full attention. For now…
It took a feint and some maneuvering, but Tarble finally managed to smack Black into a crater and land a solid hit on him.
Based on the rough gasp of expelled air and the shocked and then enraged expression on Black's face, Tarble guessed that Black hadn't thought that Tarble would use that opportunity for a solid hit to knee Black in the groin, but that was just fine with Tarble. It just made the expression on Black's face when Tarble's knee finally made contact all the sweeter. Especially when Tarble kept the pressure on Black's groin up after the initial hit, while Black was stunned.
Black tried to bring a fist down on Tarble's head in retaliation, but Tarble blocked Black's fist with a miniature ki shield. Tarble then turned the ki shield into a bubble of ki around Black's right fist. It took effort on Tarble's part, but he was able to at least bind Black's right arm, for the moment.
Barely a heartbeat later, Tarble had to grab Black's left fist to keep from getting punches that way, and then to block a kick from Black's right leg. Tarble was able to get his own knee up in time to block Black's kick, but Tarble had to let up his pressure on Black's groin. Tarble wrapped his tail around Black's left leg to keep Black from kicking him again.
The two struggled in mid-air for a bit, until Tarble used Black's own efforts against him again. Tarble swung them both around in a full circle, then brought them both crashing back to earth with Tarble on top. The impact crater they had been struggling in grew bigger and deeper from the impact, but they didn't collapse into an underground section, so Tarble didn't really care.
And Tarble was able to land with his knee still planted firmly (and painfully) on Black's groin, so Tarble counted that as a win. Because if you can't count getting to knee an arrogant, body-stealing "god" in the dick twice in one night as good fortune, then what could you?
Tarble knew his victory wouldn't last long, however. Tarble still had his little bubble of ki holding back Black's right fist, though Tarble could tell he was going to have to add his own hand on that restraint soon, or pour in more ki to keep it from shattering. His tail was wrapped around and restraining Black's left leg, and his right hand holding back Black's left fist, but there was still a chance that Black could overpower him. Tarble was stronger than Black, by a bit. He hadn't spent all that time training for nothing. Adding the Kaioken on top of Blue changed "a bit" to "a lot", but Tarble didn't like the risks that using that technique carried.
[Thoughts on power scaling here? Am I doing it right? How strong do I need to make Tarble? Should I make him stronger?]
Tarble didn't want to lose the advantage he had right now, and he might if he gave Black time to get his thoughts together. Hell, that was why Tarble had had to swing them around in the first place. So Tarble focused on the aura of ki around himself and sent it outward. His brother had a similar move, except Vegeta used it to cause a devastating explosion with himself at the epicenter. Tarble, on the other hand, used it to restrain his enemies.
Tarble already had Black's right arm bound with his ki, so Tarble didn't have to worry too much about that. Black's legs and left arm were another matter. Already having his tail wrapped around one of Black's legs helped make forming the ki shackle for that leg a little easier. Same for Black's left arm. All that really left was Black's other leg and remaining arm.
[Should I keep specifying left and right above, to make things more clear, or is it clear enough as-is?]
The force of Tarble's ki swept out from his body like a wave, pressing Black's arms and legs down in its wake. The bubble of ki Tarble had encased Black's right fist condensed down into a simple band of ki around Black's right wrist, stronger now as Tarble poured more energy into it. Tarble had decided to go with simple ki cuffs first, and then work on encasing the limb from finger-and-toe-tip to the elbows and calves of his opponent. Tarble knew that the comparatively thinner bands of ki he was starting out with could give his enemy more of a chance to maneuver, either by pushing back against Tarble's ki enough with Black's own that Black was able to twist his limbs a bit, or by outright breaking them with brute force, or by Black simply being willing to break his own wrist and arm just to lunge at Tarble and potentially get free… if Black was willing to put the majority of his focus and energy into it.
Which was almost exactly what Black did next. Before his limbs could be fully encased, Black managed to struggle against the knee Tarble still had pressed into his groin and the oncoming current of Tarble's ki enough to turn Tarble's knee to the side, so that Tarble was momentarily off-balance. Black lunged forward to try to bite Tarble, aiming for the other Saiyan's throat.
Black had sacrificed letting his legs and arms be pinned back for putting all of energy into the bite. Tarble had been trying to pin Black's arms beside his head, palms up, but Black managed to twist them around enough so that he could press them into the dirt beneath him, palms down, instead of snapping from a spiral fracture when Black made his final push forward. Black heaved as much of his upper body up and forwards as he could from the waist up, even going so far as to try and use the ki shackles binding his feet as a platform to give himself more leverage. (The shackles were more sturdy than the blasted ground beneath them, Black knew.)
[I meant "blasted" as in like… messed up from the planet slowly getting destroyed over a year and also from Black and Tarble's fight, not as like the slang British curse word. Is that clear here, or should I change it?
Should I go with "cuffs" or "shackles" for these things that Tarble's using. "Cuffs" sounds easier to picture, but "shackles" sound cooler. But also maybe more vague. Idk.]
Despite the danger, Tarble felt a surge of approval for his opponent's determination. He'd expect nothing less from a fellow Saiyan- but from this lowly Saiyan imposter, the stubborn determination and ferocity came as a surprise. Tarble had known the bastard could've tried to bite him, he just wasn't sure if Black actually would. Tarble had thought such an attack would be ~too unrefined~ for the smug little prick, but clearly, Tarble was mistaken. Because Tarble had finally pushed him to where he had to resort to something as primal to a Saiyan as biting as a last line of defense.
The thought made Tarble smile in smug satisfaction with himself, even as he leaned back to avoid getting his throat torn out. Tarble had all his own limbs free, finally, thanks to the ki cuffs he'd put on Black. He was also in a perfect position to straddle Black, thanks to Black moving his knee to the side. So that's exactly what Tarble did. 
The lunge at Tarble's throat had brought Black up into a sitting position- which meant that Tarble had enough room to wrap his legs around Black's waist. After Black's jaws snapped closed over empty air, Tarble put an elbow on Black's throat, to keep Black from snapping at him again. Then, because a move like that wasn't much use while they were both in mid-air and the ground beneath them was about as sturdy to people as strong as them as a layer of Styrofoam, Tarble grabbed a handful of Black's stupid pink hair and used that to keep Black's head back.
At the same time, Tarble wrapped his legs around Black's waist, using his tail to help balance himself. (As much as Tarble needed the help, anyway, when they were floating in midair like this.) Then, using his new grip around Black's waist, and the elbow over Black's throat, and Tarble's grip on Black's hair, Tarble shoved Black down.
Black struggled against Tarble, trying to push his way back up with futile jerks forward of his head and hips, straining against the ki shackles Tarble had around his wrists and legs in a furious surge of ki. Tarble didn't let up, and the resultant waves of clashing ki from the two of them widened the crater they had been lying in again, this time leaving a gap of empty air about six feet deep between the bottom of the crater and where the two were struggling in midair.
[Is it "laying" or "lying"? I can never remember. Also fights in midair are hard to write.
I feel like I should probably mention Black's wrists/hands shifting in the ki restraints again, so the readers don't worry about them snapping. I'm just not sure where to put it without messing up the flow of the action. Any ideas?]
"Stay… DOWN… you insolent motherfucker…!", Tarble spat, struggling with Black over empty air again. Tarble kept his legs wrapped tightly around Black's waist and yanked Black's head back as far as he could.
Tarble hoped he snapped his fucking neck, honestly. Or ripped out a chunk of that obnoxious pink hair. He'd had just about enough of this pretentious, pink-haired bastard for a dozen lifetimes. Tarble focused on the ki restraints again, this time focusing on using them to yank Black's limbs until Black was starfished out in midair with his arms over his head.
"Never!" Black snarled up at him in reply, still trying to thrash around as much as he could and throw Tarble off of him, but to no avail.
Tarble was going to yank his fucking limbs off if Black didn't stop. Assuming Black didn't just yank his own arms out of their sockets first. Again, Tarble felt a surge of approval at his enemy's determination… but Tarble needed to end this quickly.
[Should I add in somewhere above- anywhere above, really- something about Black maybe being distracted?]
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Cheater IV
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A/N: sorry this took so long, it deleted and I was not in the mood to rewrite all of it, but I did. This is more of an Ubbe chapter, so just telling your now. And I might have the next chapter done tonight, we’ll see.
Warnings: smut (but not really, idk, I just am gonna put it Incase someone tells me. . . but really I suck at smut so this is the closest we’ll get to it!)
You could tell the sadness had fallen in your face, "Ivar?"
"The other day, when I kissed you, you ran away, then you came to dinner with Ubbe."
You caressed his cheek, you could tell he was hurt, it was almost like an embarrassment to him, "I didn't run because I was scared, it was because I didn't wish for Ubbe to know. . . I didn't want to disrespect him if I was still with him." You smiled as your thumb graced over his jaw, "that is why I wished to end things with him before we did anything."
"But you still talk to him."
"Because he was my friend before I ever even took him as a lover. I was friends with all the Lothbrok brothers." You used your arms to hold yourself up within the water, it got tiring after kicking your legs just to stay up.
"But he does it on purpose, goes out of his way to see you and talk to you."
You were confused, he acted as though being someone's friend was the worst thing that could happen to you, "and what is wrong about that?"
"Because he still loves you!"
You sighed, this is what he was worried about. You finding your way back to Ubbe just because he talks to you. "Ivar," he could hear the pity laced in your voice.
He smacked the hand that was trying to caress his face away, "just take me back to land." Though you wanted to keep talking, you just nodded your head, hooking his arms with your and swimming him back to a place he could at least touch. When you went to drag him into the sand, he pushed you away, "I do not need your pity!"
You tried remaining calm, "I am trying to help you Ivar."
"Well I don't need your help! Just go!" When you crossed your arms, he only yelled again, "go!"
You shook your head, picking up your dress from the sand, "when you're done being an ass, you can come find me." You began your march through the cold woods. Why was he like this? You only tried to help him get to the land and become safe, why did he have to act like that wasn't something a friend would do. But you realized to him, you weren't a friend, you were a love interest. Even saying those words made you gag a little, just because you were his 'dove' didn't mean you didn't wish to help him.
"Y/N!" You head turned to the body sitting in front of the great hall.
You squinted a little and immediately knew the shadow, "Ubbe? What are you doing out here?"
He shrugged, lifting a bottle to his lips. You watched as he took a deep swig of the liquid, then returning it to rest on his thigh. "What are you doing?" You could see his eyes scan up your sheer white dress. You tightened your grip on your gown, trying to pull at the red fabric in order to create some shield from his eyes.
You looked away from his hungry stare, "I was talking to Ivar."
He nodded his head, then laughed to himself, "talking."
He shrugged, then took another swig, "I didn't think people talked being half naked." His eyes went from your legs to your eyes, "but I guess you don't know people's intentions until they happen."
You sighed, rubbing your forehead, "Ubbe, I didn't have sex with Ivar."
He shook his head, "whatever you say love."
You stood taller, he couldn't just assume that after you broke up with him you would turn into the whore of Kattegat. "Ubbe I didn't have sex with Ivar!"
"I heard you the first time. . . drink?" He pointed the bottle towards you.
Was he really being like this, "gods, all the ragnarsons must be idiots," you began to turn away, but were grabbed at your wrist.
"Y/N," you turned back, armed with another snarky comment, but he was standing in front of you, his height almost making your fall back, and his smile was one made from the hunger of lust, "Come on, I'm kidding."
You grabbed his hand that still had a firm grip on your wrist, "really? Accusing me of sleeping with your brother is just kidding?"
"I didn't say you slept with him."
"But you think it!"
You could feel your chest come in and out with the breaths you were taking. You were mad, mad at everyone. "I," your eyes scanned up and down him waiting for an answer, "I can't help it."
You gave a sarcastic smile, "no, you would rather convince yourself I slept with someone else rather be fine on my own."
He sighed, "Y/N, just come have a drink with me."
You looked down at yourself, you weren't even dressed. You sighed, "Go over there," you pointed back to his original spot.
You rolled your eyes, "I'll share a drink with you, but I wish to be fully dressed for it."
He smiled cockily, "you'll share a drink with me?"
You pushed him away, "just go!"
You tried finding a tree to hide behind, slipping the red fabric over yourself. When you finished tying it secure, you moved back into the light of the small flames lit by the door. You made your way towards Ubbe, sitting on the ground next to him. "Here," he rested the bottle in your hand.
You let the liquid fall down your throat, even if it didn't taste the best, you knew you'd still find your way to drinking it. When you wiped the excess off your chin, you turned your head to his, "you know Ivar will kill you if he finds out about this."
He took the bottle from you, "then let's not let him find out about it." You smiled, leaning your head to rest on his shoulder, "I missed you."
You turned your head immediately to his, shaking it, "oh Ubbe."
"I know," he smiled to himself, "you care for me."
You titled your head with annoyance, "Ubbe."
"It was just an easy answer that is all."
You turned your body to face his, "easy answer?"
He laughed at your sudden seriousness, "yep."
You scoffed, shaking your head, "how was it easy? I literally told you everything you wanted in life and how it didn't line up with mine. How the gods didn't even wish for us to be together."
"Everyone blames it on the gods," he turned his head back to stare straight, "It is annoying."
You stared at him in disbelief, “annoying? annoyin- see Ubbe this is why we wouldn’t have worked.”
“Well then I’m sorry.”
You smiled, “No you’re not! Your actions would speak in greater value then.”
“Well if I did some of my actions you wouldn’t like them.”
“Really? What are your actions then?”
He looked over at you, “you wish to see?” You nodded your head. His hand went your you cheek, pulling you towards him in a light kiss, “see Y/N, some things I wish I could do to you, won’t happen.” You could feel your cheeks burning. When you were dating and got this close, you never had a serious conversation, you didn’t even think twice about it. But now, now that he hasn’t even let you go, maybe Ivar was right. Maybe Ubbe still did love you, or it was the mead in him. You pushed your lips back into his, craving for the feeling of having him to yourself again. You could feel his arms reach around your hips, pulling you to be in his lap. His kisses got sloppier, dragging down your neck as you let out little whimpers, “shall we go to my room then?”
His hands gripping at your skin, craving to touch more and more of you, “Ubbe, you know my views on sex haven’t changed.”
Though he nodded his head, he continued down your neck. You could feel him smile every time you said his name. You knew his kisses were sweet now, but they would leave marks later, even if he had the gentlest touch. Ivar would know, he knows everything, and why would you lie to him. You could blame it on the mead, the temper he had with you, or really just being lonely. You felt your hands run down his hair, tugging at it slightly making him grow under his breathe. You felt yourself subconsciously grind against his hips, begging for some form of friction, “Y/N,” his voice was hoarse which only made you feel warmer inside.
But how was this right? How would explain to Ivar that you sit in his brothers lap, receiving his kiss, moving your hips with his. You knew Ivar could be jealous, it was one of his many traits, but growing up, you blocked out his jealous tendency’s. “Ubbe,” let out another breathless moan, but you knew this wasn’t right. When Ubbe’s hands wrapped around your body, you knew deep down you wished they were Ivars. When you would run your fingers down his hair, you wished it could be Ivars deep brown locks that entangled them. And you knew that even being with Ubbe, you couldn’t block out Ivar. His actions, thoughts, insecurities riddle their way back into your head, until it is too much. You jumped back off him, pushing your hair off your face, “oh gods.”
“Y/N?” You could tell he was confused, a minute ago you called his name and now you sat in his lap petrified.
“I have to go,” you lifted yourself up, trying to collect any form of strength, “I-Ivar, he won’t like this.”
He could see the frown on your face, “Ivar is not here.”
You shook your head, did he not get Ivar was everywhere. If Ivar didn’t see it, he surely had the intel to know you did something wrong. “Just-I. . . Ubbe, I want this to be over and just be able to start over. I don’t want to be brought into your lap in the dead of night, not when Ivar is pissed off at me already.”
He sighed, “Y/N-”
“No, you may wish to sign a death warrant, but I don’t. Just please Ubbe, we can’t do this anymore,” you pushed yourself away and headed in your original destination, your home. There you wouldn’t have to worry about Ivar or Ubbe, you could be alone.
Tags: @ivarslittlebadgirl @naaladareia @tephi101 @cbouvier23
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adapted-batteries · 7 years
Season 1 Things
So I just finished watching season 1 in the written order, and man was that good. While watching, i decided to write down all my comments and things i noticed for my fourth time watching the season, and I caught some things I didn’t notice before. I’ll do a little thing for each ep under a keep reading to not clog dashes...it’s gonna be long.
“And the Crown of King Arthur”
So I never quite realized how intimidating Eve is when we first meet her. I’ve been writing and reading and watching the Guardian Eve more than that first meeting, so it was cool to see just how much she changed, and how much she’s still the same from that first meeting. She’s good at what she did in NATO because she was adaptable, constantly assessing the situation, playing her teams to their strengths. That’s all evident into the whole season, but it fades (when watching in the right order) as time goes on. Not a bad fade, but more she’s less military, but still smart and on her toes when needed.
Side comment, the first time we see the Library, well it’s impressive. If anyone reading this is caught up on critical role, they just went to Ioun’s realm...I pictured the Library for that for sure.
Back to the episode...the way Flynn reacts to Ezekiel’s name, at first it sounds like he’s saying he’s glad he didn’t come in for the interview because he’s still alive...but then there’s an underlying tension, almost like Flynn’s a bit intimidated that Ezekiel could've been him. Later on Flynn does some stuff that makes this scene potentially mean more stuff, I’ll get to that then.
On Cassandra’s first appearance...she totally up and followed him. Course she had a sucky life and I understand her wanting to drop it at the promise of a better one, but she acted like people do to Flynn when he says they’re librarians...that’s an incantation as confirmed in season 3...so did he use magic on her to prevent any resistance?
The only thing I wrote for Ezekiel’s first appearance is that Flynn can’t handle Ezekiel at all, not really sure what I meant by that, but it’s true.
On Stone’s first appearance...well on the comment “ninjas in Oklahoma” I immediately thought that centennially there probably have been ninjas in Oklahoma...in the form of cosplayers at Tokyo in Tulsa...but hey they weren’t specific. Other things i noticed include Stone saying he went to church, which I assumed cuz it’s Oklahoma, but nice confirm, and brings up the question if he still goes, even if it’s less, depending on how deep his faith actually was; Stone itching to infodump on Lamia’s tattoo is both sad but super cute at the same time...any of them infodumping I love to bits; the fact he couldn’t help himself was what got him in trouble...if he hadn’t ever talked to Lamia I don’t think she’d of found him, that is if her method was going to be wait till someone made sense on her tattoo; Stone has a charger...unrelated-ish but Elliot Spencer of Leverage had a mustang I think; on the drive Eve shuts him down on trying to play it off, and the dread on his face made my chest hurt.
That hurt got erased when I saw that face on Eve before they step off the elevator, she clearly can’t wait to see them nerd out and it’s great cuz I couldn’t either. Once they’re in the Annex/office thing cuz it’s not Jenkins’s annex yet, I was curious why Cassandra knew the flight information, of all the things she could know...was she looking to fly to Europe before she got picked up?
Later on in the forest I love the Fleve bonding, and the henge thing...I wonder if she ever went to pay him a comment and called him henge or key just to toy with him. Also when Stone and Cassandra brought up something about their parents, I was just like “guys parents aren’t supposed to be mean and cold...guys...” and wanted to hug them.
When Judson tells Flynn he wants to move on but can’t, at first I always thought it was because of Flynn...but Judson was totally hanging around for Charlene more than anything, and somehow I never picked up on that. And when Cassandra asks how someone becomes a Librarian, she wasn’t asking to find out out of curiosity...she knew Flynn might die from her selling them out.
Gotta mention the Jazekiel scene that started it all...Ezekiel was not scared one bit...very much turned on...and Stone was so working his way to that aggressively turned on state if the ninjas hadn’t shown up...totally could've been that “shut up/make me” thing for sure.
I noticed when Flynn realized Cassandra sold them out, he wasn’t mad at her at all, he knew she wanted to be healed, and they offered her that, and compared to Stone’s reaction, I never noticed just how graceful Flynn was about it, when he should be the one freaking out. Maybe being stabbed helped him get his priorities in order?
And one last note on this ep, when Flynn and Lamia are fighting for Cal, she says “you’re powerful, more than you could ever know” which has been pointed out before, but honestly I love the growing idea that Flynn is Arthur reincarnated, since Lamia needed the crown to wield Cal, but Flynn didn’t.
“And the Sword in the Stone”
I was curious about why Lamia knew so much about the Library...I suppose Dulaque could have told her, but based on the way he ends up killing her in the end, that’s kind of an odd investment in her. Who knows what there relationship was, I mean she said “I loved you” before she died so that’s confusing...more on that later maybe.
The first meeting of Jenkins was great...he’s basically sort of like Flynn in being alone for who knows how long, so he’s being weird. Also he knew to pick them up, so either he kept tabs on the Library...really good tabs, or Charlene called him. Another point...how did Flynn not know about Jenkins? For being Librarian 10 years, he definitely should’ve known, but he seemed clueless. Did Charlene and Judson not want him to know? Or was Jenkins so good at keeping his distance that he didn’t let himself be known? Never realized how odd that was till now. Also loved how Stone was so enamored with the Annex that it takes him five seconds to realize he dropped Flynn, like that child is in heaven.
Dulaque calls the Librarians in plural, which Flynn takes a lot longer to do, I guess Dulaque saw all their abilities and didn’t think about them being fresh.
Jenkins “Who quite frankly I always liked better” comment about Charlene...who knew two seasons later that line actually meant “because I was in love with her.” Also surprised Jenkins didn’t know about the ley line globe map thing, I guess he prefers hard copies?
Ezekiel works lightning fast...I feel like he doesn’t do that as much later on, not like the jewel stealing he did in the tower of London. Also Stone had no room to be sassy saying “all you do is push people around” to Eve...I like the pun...but if I was Eve I would’ve launched him into that case instead of bumping it...just because I could.
To Buckingham Palace...I can never get over Stone’s wiggles...and then Ezekiel’s face after where he has to look away...totally “oh man no Stone’s not being cute nope.” Also think it’s funny when Stone loosens his tie like he’s gonna fight security...like boy...no...and of course him being a nerd again later on was great too.
On to the secret passage...Stone saying “If you drop, we’ll leave ya and move on” was kind of weird...like if it was sarcastic, Christian didn’t play it like that, and Flynn didn’t get it either. It was weirdly blunt, oddly hostile...maybe it was the champagne talking?
Apparently after this my curiosity was piqued about Lamia, considering all the heavy hitters are immortals (being Dulaque, Jenkins, Morgan le Fay, etc.) so is Lamia someone like that? Or maybe could’ve been?
I loved the fact that Cassandra was ready to kill a dude with that rock, and later on she bashes the house spirit with the chair, and smacks that dude in the power station with a wrench...she’s got an arm on her.
I always thought Flynn offering Cal to Cassandra was noble...but then I realized he’s ready to die because he thinks everything is gone...Cassandra healing him got rid of his way out, which I didn’t notice till now. Also seeing Eve already crying, because she’s been in combat, tells me she’s already falling for Flynn hard. And then the “you already saved me” line from Cassandra always makes me tear up cuz it’s so true.
Jenkins mentions the moon colony...please tell me one day there will be an ep that happens...please...I need it...for Ezekiel to sci-fi nerd out at least.
The whole stipend transfer, plane ticket handing out, felt weirdly like Leverage when they depart from the circle the first time, which is a vibe I didn’t get till I watched Leverage this summer (highly recommend it, hit up netflix). Also I’m curious what would happen if they actually left...it was Jenkins’s car and he was in the Annex though so maybe he would’ve been like “so actually not leaving, get out of my car” idk.
Now we wind down the episode, cue the “I can’t trust ya” thing from Stone (I know he’s got trust issues, but doesn’t mean I don’t wanna slap him every time he says it), and the twice before Friday speech, love that, and grandpa Jenkins getting stuck with the kiddos. Also Eve attempting to intimidate Jenkins is hilarious not for her attempt but the LiTs support of her, including Stone’s look at Cassandra after her “she’ll kick your ass” statement too like he didn’t expect her to be capable of saying ass or something. And finally, I need to use “silly mid-western person” when people around here annoy me...though is Oklahoma mid-west? People put us loads of places...central, south, south central, one even had us south west weirdly...idk man.
“And the Horns of a Dilemma”
I love seeing the LiTs being incompetent fighters because it makes savoring that vampire fight scene in season 3 so much better (and the bonus Cassandra’s got a girlfriend, wins all around).
There’s an x-ray in Jenkins’s lab of someone’s rib cage...I wonder whose it is, and if the Annex has an x-ray machine somewhere. I guess it wouldn’t be weird to have imaging equipment but the medical capabilities of the Library (besides artifacts) never get brought up. Also appreciating the fact that the backdoor doesn’t do that flippy door change thing it did the first time Jenkins turned it on, and that weird bubble/film when they step out...that’d get annoying real quick...whoever did cgi is probably happy too.
I didn’t properly take in “office IT nerd Ezekiel Jones” at all...it’s a gift. Also apparently even after Buckingham Palace, Stone is incapable of business attire...seriously even I know not to wear a flannel and jeans to an office boy.
I wrote the comment “Man I love the punching Eve does”...I don’t know what that’s referencing...cuz she does a lot...but regardless yes I do.
Stone keeps bringing up the whole trust thing...at the point in the maze Cassandra was ready to have a smack down if Ezekiel hadn’t stopped them. I’m really glad Stone got over that trust thing cuz it’s super annoying with him bringing it up a bunch.
According to the trivia thing on Amazon video, a ball of twine, such as the one powering the labyrinth, is called a clue, and is where we get our word clue from when Ariadne gave Theseus the twine to get out of the labyrinth. Learning.
“Multi-dimensional hoo ha” Jenkins has some golden lines this season, it’s great.
Nicolas Flamel is mentioned...curiously does harry potter exist in this universe? I mean magic isn’t an issue I guess, could be plausible.
“Back off, I’m doing math” is a great line from Cassandra.
Okay so the Minotaur goes for the people who imprisoned it once the labyrinth fizzles out...does that mean there is now a Minotaur running around Boston?
Stone’s accent always gets thicker when he talks about anything relating to Oklahoma which is amazing. Unironically now that I think about it, I think I do that too, and when talking with people who have a thicker accent, though I don’t know if that’s me imitating them (which I do a lot) or they’re just bringing it out more. Also, that nervous running his hand through his hair when Ezekiel points out Stone basically just got beat up compared to Cassandra and Ezekiel...man I love scenes that play on Jazekiel.
“And the Fables of Doom”
Now in the aired order, “And Santa’s Midnight Run” is next...but in written order...it’s two episodes away from here. Watching it, the behavior and attitudes of them all are much more coherent with them in “And the Horns of a Dilemma.” Thus, Cassandra’s attempt to work with Eve not Stone makes a lot more sense. It also makes Stone’s re-bringing up the trust thing before the mayor runs in naked even more annoying, but the decline in his bringing it up as the season goes on fits soooo much better in the written order, a normal decline, not randomly bringing it up after nothing for two episodes.
The roles each of them take are great. I love the gradual changing each does, but I especially noticed Cassandra’s change this time. At first, with the girl playing Little Red Riding Hood, Cassandra is freaked out and denies getting the girl’s number, and Stone has no clue what’s going on either. Later on, in the bar, Cassandra’s still feeling weird, but is slowly enjoying it, and eventually she’s freely getting free drinks and food from them and marching around. I like to think this episode might be Cassandra’s “oh hey, I’m not straight” realization, of course I could be just projecting the change into prince charming on her. Either way, Cassandra is completely okay with being in that role by the end, she even says “I didn’t mind all those girls buying me drinks” so it’s at least the start of confirming she’s not straight anyway.
Random Stone side note, he knows how to gut the wolf based off him being the huntsman as he says “it feels right” when he’s slicing it open. In reality, being from podunk Oklahoma he’d know how to gut stuff most likely, unless he was a rare non-hunter. Even I know how to clean an animal...arguably more from science class dissections than anything, but even as a boy he’d be hacking away at road kill or something disgusting anyway.
Ezekiel side note...him and kids is my jam...that’s all I wrote, but it’s true. Also the change in expression on his face when Baird’s like “you gotta save everyone” made me think of him in “And the Point of Salvation”...you can see the weight of the situation on him...enough of that for now. And question, but if Ezekiel didn’t change in this ep (nor in “And the Apple of Discord”) brings up the question of Ezekiel being a trickster demigod...which would come with other benefits later on too in season 3.
I always lose it when the sheriff is on the floor eating jello...just they way he’s miserable and confused, the legs out, the obscene amount of jello containers, I always laugh so hard at that scene.
Towards the end...there’s the smirk Stone gives at Ezekiel as he pushes him away...he was totally proud of Ezekiel for both saving the day, and not being snarky at the sheriff.
“And the Heart of Darkness”
In air order, this episode happens after “And the Apple of Discord” which would give a weird read into Cassandra being sort of over protected by Eve like their experience with Evil Cass affected it, but in written order that’s not there at all, it’s mostly Eve delegating her people as she saw best. That being said, I see both sides, and I think Eve having Cassandra be with Katie gave Cassandra both a learning lesson about herself, but also helped her kill Katie in the end. (stuff I touched on in my week 7 shipathon post)
when Eve, Stone, and Ezekiel go upstairs, stone startles everyone by accidentally kicking a broken chair on the floor...based on the startle, I kind of wonder if Christian was supposed to do that, or it just happened and they kept it in. Either way it’s great for that tense scene. Also I like to think that the musician in him made him play the creepy piano...in my experience we (as a musician) tend to do that regardless of if it’s appropriate or not.
Only on this watch did I realize the house was both the Shatterbox and the House of Refuge...because the Shatterbox showed up when Katie’s family got the house.
“We are not a team. You’re the Librarians and I’m the Guardian” Eve says to mainly Cassandra. It’s a weird contrast to the “In the Horns of a Dilemma” when Stone’s like “maybe the term you’re looking for is ‘partners’” which Eve, at the time, seemed to be like “yeah, that works.” I’m not sure if Eve was attempting to say she still had authority, but I think she was trying to say that while they weren’t in a hierarchy, she still knew more in a tactical sense then all three combined and thus should listen to her.
Later on we have Cassandra smacking the house spirit with a chair, which honestly the impact she had suggests she’s got an arm...I love seeing Cassandra take people out.
When Katie loses her story and starts trying to piece her memories together, she says they could make it to Texarkana, but then says they’re in Nevada. I don’t know if those lines were meant to be together in the same sentence, because even from Las Vegas, Texarkana, Texas (the only Texarkana I know of) is 20 hours away, something you can’t do in a night. Just me picking out weird geography things.
Curious if Eve got to be in the dollhouse till they ended up back in the living room...and how they got back there since it just jumps from Cassandra in the room to the rest of them being back.
Also Cassandra had a steady hand on that gun, especially shooting one handed...further confirmation Cassandra is a force to be reckoned with in many ways? And that bit where she talks about the tumor, it being a death sentence in her head she saw every day, man that scene always hits me hard because Cassandra doesn’t act like it bothers her much, but you get that outburst of raw emotion, the real thing in her.
Before they leave Ezekiel says “I’ve never asked for anything in my life,” so if that’s true...does that mean Ezekiel learned asking got him nothing and thus he quit asking and went to taking???? Or am I reading too much into it...
And that closing scene...how does Cassandra listen to that song? Like not only is it annoying, but it’s creepy af...
“And Santa’s Midnight Run”
Okay real life question...how’d the guy get a shotgun...in London...I mean they have working gun laws over there, considering the last two major terrorist attacks had no guns involved.
Also I need more Christmas in the Annex. Cassandra being happy is too cute, and I think everyone enjoys seeing her happy for sure. I want to know what Stone was wrapping though that he didn’t want Ezekiel touching...did he buy people gifts??? Or were they for family?
“Oh shiny balls yes” Jenkins oh man you got the best words. Also the blooper scene involved on him finding a good expletive is hilarious too. And Jenkins is on a first name basis with Mrs. Claus...and her name is Gretchen...interesting...
Okay so when Cassandra asks him what language he doesn’t know, Stone replies with his Urdu being rusty...so there’s no way Stone doesn’t know Spanish...so why did he act like he didn’t know much in the plane in Venezuela??? Even if he wasn’t super experienced, no doubt he studied it in high school because that’s the biggest one in Oklahoma schools to learn, and he picks up stuff like nothing, so he’d at least have that.
Jenkins’s face when they mention Dulaque...right then and there Jenkins was determined to kill him before Santa got it...which I guess in the end, Jenkins at least got to fight him till he winked out of existence somewhere.
“Architecture is just art we live in” preach it Stone you nerd. Also when Santa says he knows both incarnations of Stone, that face is reminiscent of when Eve first shut him down back in Oklahoma.
Ezekiel obviously isn’t in the good book that year...but when we get a Christmas ep in season 4, can Santa say he’s now in the good book??? Can Santa say that so I can bawl at the tv for Ezekiel Jones? Also Christmas!Ezekiel...love it, even if he’s suffering through it. And Jenkins has a frilly apron...it looked like a quality apron.
The whole Nick/Santa and Eve bit is great...you can tell once Nick knows he can use the ho banter to cheer her up, he keeps doing it to help lighten her mood. Gotta love Santa.
The map effect showing their traveling so reminded me of Indiana Jones.
The concept of Dulaque and Lamia riding for who knows how long in Santa’s sleigh, cramped, is a hilarious thing. Dulaque mentions Morgan le Fay...I’m curious what he thinks of her since we only learn Jenkins’s opinion. Also Christmas!Dulaque...that voice inflection, it’s great.
Eve trying to fly the crashing plane makes me weirdly thankful for the years I spent as a kid playing Microsoft Flight Simulator...at least I could theoretically land a plane??? Those goodwill returning scenes are so impactful man.
Jenkins slipped up when talking about Dulaque, I mean we all know now he was a knight but that’s the first hint into Jenkins’s past.
The kiddos giving mom a birthday, yesss. Baird finally got a family and made a huge difference on Christmas, the thing she’d been wanting for years, it makes my heart melt.
“And the Apple of Discord”
They kind of get pissed at Ezekiel ordering pizza...but considering they were all hard at work and all strike me as the ones to get hyper-focused and forget food, Ezekiel was sort of doing them a favor, so in reality he was actually being nice.
Also, how does Flynn open the door from wherever he was? Jenkins doesn’t seem alarmed, but he makes no motion to stop any of them either, so he didn’t set the door...also Cassandra ready to clock the intruder with a book, she’s great.
Jenkins had a hip hop phase??
Eve kept trying to look over the cabinet as Flynn changed...I saw that getting on your tip toes...
When Stone helps Cassandra anchor back to her memory he seems surprised she figured it out...I’m not sure why since according to Eve they’d been working on it.
On to everyone getting the Apple...I love the fact that Stone just becomes Angry Art Historian, Cassandra becomes quite scary, and Eve and Flynn just become horny basically...of course Flynn’s knowledge would make him scary too, but only Cassandra shows she’s an immediate threat in several ways. Also poor Lamia who is so dang confused and in pain...she deserves better...also wish she hadn’t died in the finale...more on that later. Also why does Stone look at her like that like come on Stone keep it in your pants.
Apparently when Dulaque showed up in the Annex I wrote “Dulaque, in my Annex? It’s more likely than you think, Jenkins.”
Ezekiel hitting Jenkins’s cowardice on the head is a great scene, I also like the fact that Ezekiel isn’t running, he’s committed to sticking to it...which is very much character growth from episode 1 for sure.
I wanna know if it took Noah several takes to say “Daddy’s home” while chasing the librarians out of main room...like that whole scene cracks me up. Also his recovery too “pathetic excuses...for bad....because you’re all great.”
Also theory that Jenkins saw Ezekiel with Santa’s hat and was his “best” so he knew that Ezekiel wouldn’t be different and let him go get the apple from Flynn.
Man any time the history is brought up I have questions...I want to know what happened to Merlin, what exactly was the Fall of Camelot, were there other knights that went immortal like Dulaque and Jenkins...
Also Flynn giving Eve the transfer papers is so him asking her to be his girlfriend cuz he was totally a dork when he went about it and he’d totally see it as such.
“And the City of Light”
I wanna know how the other LiTs and Eve didn’t realize Ezekiel was a sci-fi nerd...like he literally went on about the house being a transporter or a tardis...things normal people wouldn’t reference...come on guys.
Also Cassandra’s face when Stone was flirting with Mable was me. Also cue Stone’s accent getting thicker when he’s mimicking people in his hometown.
I want to know why Stone felt the need to break into the archives...like she was more than willing to show him around, it was really necessary. Also when she’s showing him the Paris stuff I wrote down “When you like history so much you fall for a sort of immortal person.” And then after when the plan gets set, you can here the “I’m gonna lose her” in his voice I wanted to reach through and hug him so bad.
When Stone and Mabel talk about why they didn’t leave their hometowns, he kind of lies to her, considering the real reason he didn’t leave was because no one knew why he wanted to, and that then led to him sticking around and taking care of the business and being like the people around him, because he was hiding in that small town mentality. I do like it when he address it though.
When Mable dies...all I wrote was “don’t make me cry Stone.”
That episode always leaves me torn, because I feel Ezekiel’s anger, but ultimately I side with Cassandra, 87 for several thousand is too much of a risk. At least Jenkins can go try it again in a hundred years.
“And the Rule of Three”
Having this episode lead into the season finale makes the whole Morgan Le Fay interaction much more dramatic...like it’s bad if she’s booking it out of there.
I wanna know why Eve’s surprised by mainly Cassandra’s excitement...like you work with a bunch of nerds...how did you not see this coming? Also Cassandra nerding out is the cutest man ugh....
Having made a paper mache volcano for school before...I’m glad it didn’t actually turn into lava.
The whole stage set interrogation scene is great...watching Stone be amused and then be like “Nope no one looks at my Guardian’s ass except Flynn” at the end.
Jenkins being a science nerd is adorable.
With the actress who played Amy coming back, I can’t wait to see how her season 4 appearance is gonna be, cuz she’s my age now, which means either in college...ooor she found Lucy and they’ve been running around finding magic or something great idk that’s what I need at least.
Also having this episode right after “And the City of Light” makes Stone quoting Lord Byron like a sap hurt so much, because it’s definitely fueled from Mable and not random quoting agh my heart.
Amy said the app felt greasy in her head...so is Morgan’s magic black magic? That’s me going off of Jim Butcher’s black magic feeling nasty and greasy.
Morgan calls Jenkins Galeas, and then later Dulaque calls him Galahad...so is his name Galeas Galahad? or is Galeas what Galahad came from?
Also when Stone realizes who’s in front of him (that being Morgan Le Fey) he’s got a kind of in awe look on his face...and then there’s Ezekiel super blatantly admiring her like boys come on...you got a knight with you chill out.
I always wondered where Morgan Le Fey went, and if she’ll come back now the world’s not falling apart.
Ezekiel getting the trophy for Cassandra about made me cry gosh dang it he cares and wants her to be happy aaggghhh. Also i didn’t realize he coined the term “mathemagics” I always thought Cassandra had.
I don’t like Jenkins being mad at Eve...he could’ve dealt with Morgan but he didn’t, he for some reason put that all on Eve and by now he definitely should’ve known she’d save the kids. And yes while Morgan is a threat, she was also going away, so in the end she’s still gone, and those kids are alive.
“And the Loom of Fate”
I didn’t realize Eve’s looking at her bloody fingers was a vision...I always thought it was a “Start with a later scene then go to back for a bit.”
Okay the Fleve going on...they’ve been sexting...yup.
Also Ezekiel being prepared with a handkerchief for Cassandra, love him being caring. And did she do too much math and have a vision like Eve that we just didn’t see? Who knows.
Oookkkaayy who decided they bring in the sarcophagus without opening it? Also Dulaque just totally Trojan horse-ed them...
While someone needed to die to get to the loom, I wish Lamia hadn’t died here. She’s an interesting character, especially when we see her in the other reality as a Guardian too. Also she says “I loved you”...why? what was the context of that? I want mooorreee.
Now on to Librarian alternate universes...Stone is...well...yeah great...and even more nerdy Flynn is obnoxious but I do like that we start seeing him change as he goes on...question though...does that mean Stone has feelings, or at least had the potential to form them for Eve? I always figured he saw Flynn “take” Eve and thus that’s why it never happened.
Mad Scientist Ezekiel is fun, and their world ended up alright which is nice. The reinforcing that Eve was a mom to him is great. It honestly kind of gives me “And the Point of Salvation” vibes in terms of Ezekiel not giving up, being less jokey and battle hardened.
Sorceress Cassandra is by far the most intense world. Also definitely Cassamia going on for sure...and could the “No, not like that” Cassandra responds with to Eve’s question of “don’t tell me I was like a mom” kind of sounds like maybe Ceve was a thing too?? Also she mentioned the healing magic permanently altered her brain...I wonder if it was like her enhanced gift or waayy souped up version of it. I’m also curious what happened to Jenkins in her timeline.
Cassandra pointing out nerd Flynn’s care for Eve just shows how fast he fell for her in Eve’s universe.
Somehow I didn’t realize that Rebecca Romjin’s husband played young Dulaque...it really works.
I really hope after Eve almost dying they learned to keep the healing stuff near the backdoor...like no running through the Library to find stuff like that please.
When Flynn gives Ezekiel his pocket clippings book, he looks at him really...intensely? and weirdly giggles....what’s up with that? Ezekiel’s confused too. And then later when Stone’s like “It’s a pity book” Ezekiel looks like he’s actually contemplating that fact...guys don’t mess up my boy please.
I love the fact that instead of saying fate and history were messed up or whatever...Jenkins is like “waa-waa-waa” like it is an accurate description...but that noise I can’t not crack up laughing when he does it.
Flynn is so awkward...being wordy to get to asking her on a date...honestly it’s great to know that every time I write Flynn being like that...it’s very true to character for sure. Also Flynn...work dates are not dates buddy...
Well there you have it, my experience watching season 1 for the fourth time, in the right order this time. Feel free to message me on anything related to it, and once I finish season 2 again, something similar to this will come out as well.
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lovelydeceitff · 7 years
Chapter 3
we gone do it like it's about to be the end of the world and they're depending on us to make earth shaking love…
It’s Sunday night. One more day of freedom and then classes start Tuesday. I’m so not ready. Training literally drained me this year.. sitting in lectures for hours and then having to jump right back into classes without a small break is kind of stressful. My brain hates me for this torture.
I decided to give myself a short “Me Time” session before Keith gets here. He decided to come back today instead of Friday. He wanted to spend a little more time with his family before coming back to school. He always decides to leave home when the sun is about to set. It’s a 3 hour drive of corn fields about 90% of the way here.. meaning that it’s dark af. I hate when he does this but Keith is very stubborn and I swear sometimes he thinks he’s invincible and can do it all. At the beginning of our relationship I called him super man lol.
My Superman.
I had so many reasons for this. Mainly because he did so much and I couldn’t understand how he made it through his first year. Keith ran track for the school; he had practice from 3 to 6pm. His classes were from 9am to 2pm. He ALSO worked M-F from 4am to 8am so he could pay his $3000/per semester balance from tuition. Basically he was busy from 3am (the time his alarm goes off) to 6pm and if he’s lucky 5pm. Then he’d have to do homework up until his body can’t stay up any longer. Some days he’d decide to skip out on dinner so he can get straight to his homework, I’d have to force him to go to the dining hall sometimes. If not he’d eat a PB&J sandwich or Ramen noodles and call it a night. Chances are he also didn’t have breakfast… he normally eats a fruit and whatever other snack he has, like a honey bun or a giant cookie. He managed to get a 2.7 GPA that year. It might not sound ideally great, but considering everything he had to do -that was great.
He ended up quitting track that year, he was so hurt. I felt horrible for my baby. I remember telling him “even superman has to make sAcrifices”. Keith is super athletic, before college he played football, basketball, and ran track. He was the best on the field in football and went to state twice in track. The only reason he isn’t on scholarships for sports is because his grades weren’t good in HS and with our school, he took too long to decide on the offer. He wasn’t going to come here. Though he struggled freshman year trying to keep up with his schedule, Keith decided to start working two jobs the next year. Smh. Superman, I’m telling you.
Now we’re juniors, Keith got another scholarship over the summer which helped him out greatly so he was able to quit one job, but he decided to keep the overnight one. The 4am to 8am. So when he gets here, he’ll probably be getting ready for bed.
I spent about an hour and a half just doing me stuff. I took a nice hot shower, exfoliated and shaved. I painted my toenails and fingernails. I felt good. Real good. I also haven’t seen my baby in almost 3 weeks so he better think I look real good too cause I need him ASAP. Lucky for me he didn’t take too long to get here after I finished up.
He unpacked his car and brought his things to my room. I was so happy to see him I just about jumped on him when I let him in. I missed his face. I showed him my Fenty slides that he bought me.
“Those are perfect good. I’m happy cause they go with your other gift.” He grabbed a Victoria secret bag from his tote and gave it to me. There was a white and pink kimono style satin inside the bag. I loved it. I’ve been saying I wanted a satin robe for the longest. He also got me a bunch of my favorite candy, Twix.
“Baby I love it, thank you so much. I can’t believe you remembered about the robe!!”
“I told you I pay attention to you, you be thinking I’m bullshitting. But anything for you girl, happy late birthday” he said to me then I gave him a big kiss.
After Keith settled in he took a shower. He told me he was going to work tomorrow so he could only be up for a while, but he does want to watch Netflix with me. That’s our thing. Watching shows on Netflix. Right now we’re stuck on Shameless. It’s almost 9:30 so we’ll probably squeeze in one episode.
I heated up the food I got him earlier and set up Netflix. He got out the shower and yes I had to control myself before I jumped on him again. It’s been 3 weeks since I felt my best friend. I call his penis my best friend. Don’t judge me.
We began watching our show, idk why I thought we’d make it through the entire episode.
Keith rubbed my ass then gave it a good squeeze. “Damn baby you getting thick, I’m liking this” he whispered in my ear.
“I remember when we first started dating, you had no booty haha. Now look at you. I did that baby?” He asked
“Keith, oh my gosh. Yes baby you did that. And so did squats.” I answered.
He smacked my ass, “we’ll keep doing them squats….”
We attempted to watch the episode of Shameless again. About 10 minutes later, I’m sure Keith just said fuck it. He started squeezing and rubbing on my ass and thighs harder. It was time. He was ready and I BEEN ready. I don’t know why I got all nervous when he first got here.
Keith began kissing my neck. I turned around and kissed him softly. I sucked on his bottom lip and then forced my tongue in his mouth. We kissed like we’d never be able to kiss again. He rolled me on top of him as we continued to kiss. I kissed him down to his neck where I sucked and placed small bites. I stopped to take his shirt off and then he took off mine. After that I only had on my panties. He had on his shorts and boxer briefs. I went back and began to softly kiss him from his neck all the way down to his lower stomach. I started to tease him. I pulled down his shorts and boxers and started licked and kissing everything but his dick. I had him in the palm of my hands. He was so ready for this head.
I went back up kissed him once more then returned to his member. I placed a kiss on the tip, licked up his shaft, the put him in my mouth. At first I started slow, then I sped up as I began to deep throat. I was going crazy on him. He was trying his hardest not to yell out, I felt it. Keith isn’t a moaner.
I stopped sucking his dick and began to mount myself on top of him. He rose up and kissed me first. I pulled off my panties, grabbed his dick and put him at my opening. I teased his dick at my opening before sliding down it.
“Uhhhhhhh, oh my god baby” I moaned
“Shit, fuck you so wet” Keith moaned out.
I was slowly grinding as I leaned foreward to tell him how much I missed him.
“I missed you too baby too much. Ride that dick baby, fuck” he said
I bounced and twerked like my life depended on it. He loved when I got on top. I swear I cannot twerk at all. I can only do that shit on his dick. It’s crazy. We switched positions. Face down, ass up. He was smacking the hell out of my ass. I had to play it off like it didn’t hurt. It was good hurt, I guess. He started giving me short fast strokes then he would slow down and give me long slow strokes and it was driving me crazy. I was moaning so loud, I know for a fact my neighbors heard me. He was fucking me so good. I laid flat down as he continued to fuck me from behind. He laid on top of me as his dick continued to thrust in and out of me. All you heard was my screams, our skin slapping, and my wetness.
“Shit Keith, right there. Yes baby. UUUUHHHHHHHH, YESS!”
He was giving me long strokes, fast. Touching my spot. I was about to cum. His dick was going in and out and every time it made me get louder. I started grinding back on him. He sat up on his knees, grabbed my hips and continued to thrust in and out of me.
“KEITH YES FUCKKK. I’m about to cum, don’t stop.” I cried out
“Cum for me baby. Cum all over this dick”
“Ssssssssss, fuck. Ohhhh uhhhhhh baby right there. I’m about to oh my god. IM ABOUT TO– AHHHHHH KEEEITTHH IM CUMMING”
He then began fucked me harder. I thought I was about to explode. He wasn’t letting up. His dick felt so amazing. I was getting wetter and wetter as we came close to climax.
Keith went balls deep as he grinded into my now throbbing center. I was loving it. I was grinding back. I was trying hard not to cum. I just wanted to ride this feeling out forever. I started throwing my ass back.
“Shit, girl!”
I got about 6 more backshots in before we both came. I was stuck. He was stuck. We just wanted to lay there and go to sleep. I had to tell Keith to get up and get a towel before he really fell asleep.
After we cleaned ourselves up, we cuddled until we fell asleep. I was in my favorite place. His arms. It literally felt like forever since I’ve been held by him.
“I love you babe” I said to him
“I love you too” he said groggily
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