#idk why ppl feel the need to talk about how much they hate running
hijackalx · 11 months
ok to start i think when he was a prisoner his hair got rlly long and unkept and he hateddd it so the minute he escaped he chopped that shit off himself and thats why its so unruly lol (*EDIT he always cuts his own hair is what im sayin)
this man is such a taurus like everything about him screams taurus. has a taurus stellium fosho
would listen to superheaven
hes also sooo jenny by studio killers, disco man by remi wolf, happiness by the 1975 coded with Durge 😩😩
with durge hes also giving bf that ur dad hates but like thats canon. i think he likes that hes able to influence durge to the point that they rebel lol. the type of boy u run away with when ur younger
probably BLASTED jet black heart by 5SOS on repeat when Durge disappeared LMFAOO
also i kind of feel like the fearless buff to his clothing is more an insight to his character rather than him needing magic to not be fearful bcz he literally got the shit beat out of him everyday and lived in HELL how can he not be desensitized to everything at that point 😭😭😭 it does not get much worse than that my boy
hes so thique like hes just a big boned dude. tiddies SO fat too EUGH + thick shoulders/arms. he feels so warm and safe i just know it i just KNOW it gurl
also idk if it was supposed to happen but in my latest playthrough during the fight with him he dropped his bow and just started beating the shit out of us 😭😭😭😭 all hands baby like WHAT 😭😭 so i like to think thats his preferred method of fighting idk if thats canon tho i feel like i seen somebody talking abt that before but mightve just been another hc
occasionally does drugs. likes the ones that make him feel really elated (idk what theyre called in bg3 its some kind of dust or something) ALSO HC THAT HE WAS ON SOMETHING WHEN HE WROTE RHAT FUCKED UP NOTE TO FRANC (WAS THAG HIS NAME U GUYS KNOW THE NOTE) HE WAS OBVIOJSLY TRIPPING BALLSSSSS
lots of body hair…… everywhere……. straight and black body hair. that is so sexy to me let me smell the pheromones in your armpits king LMFAO (i think theres something wrong with me)
going off of rhat yes i think he smells good (DIVINE, even) as a woman that is feral and in heat all the time. but to normal ppl he may smell kind of weird. not STINKY stinky but like when u dont shower and ur natural scent starts to mix with the perfume/cologne ur wearing SORRY 😭😭😭 im trying to be realistic here. or maybe like when u wake up and didnt shower the night before and u can still smell the perfume/cologne u put on yesterday. basically what im saying is he might need to shower
hes just so masculine it drives me crazy I LOVE MEN !!!!!!!!!! I LOVE EEENERM. ME E WN
love language:
giving = lowkey getting acts of service vibes here but u didnt hear it from me 🤫🤐 gift giving too. tav is just his widdle babie and he wants to make sure theyre the happiest they can be 🥺😩
receiving = acts of service LMAO give and get back type of shit
relationship wise i think he is the most doting and sweetest person. like tav will never have to worry abt anything ever again bcz he will handle everything. takes care of them cuz they are his king/queen 😌
yeah going off that last hc he is sweet outside the bedroom but a menace in it. its just the way he is. its probably exhausting too 😩 like if u ask him to be gentler/less intense he will try for a while but probably wont enjoy it as much. he doesnt like to hold back.
i WILL say tho ☝🏻🤨 i think when he gets close to finishing he gets a little more soft/loving. he just has to get his badness out first yall its fine
HIGH libido wants to smash all the time. he also (POSSIBLE NONCON MENTION !!!!!!!) thinks that since ur his u should be willing to give it up whenever he wants it. (NONCON MENTION OVER) i think in the bedroom he sees u as a servant even if ur considered his equal normally. like hes a chosen of bane he has to feel like he has control over u in SOME way
can be selfish depending on his mood. sometimes he doesnt see u as anything other than a toy (lowkey hard for me to admit but i NEVA LIE GIRLS !!!!! 🙅🙅🙅) like can be such a fucking asshole about it too
BUT !!! when he is feeling generous he is soooo generous. EUGH like he will make sure u enjoy urself!!!! probably multiple times !!!!!!!!!!!!
dont know why nobody else has said he has a daddy kink. so obvious like call him daddy ms thing he will nut so hard. oh corruption kink too. like can u imagine Durge being so innocent when they first met cuz they were never allowed to get close to anybody and hes just sooo into it HELLO i got to write that fic NEOW
omg breeding kink too give him heirs. will fuck the shitttt out of u in a mating press. probably comes a lot too almost impossible not to get pregnant with him LMAO
likes to pick u up and fuck u. manhandling king. also will do the faerun equivalent to coke and wants u to do it w him then fuck nasty afterwards
i feel like he doesnt last an extremely long time. 15-20 mins is THE MOST youre getting out of him lol he just gets very excited (which is lowkey kind of cute??)
do i even have to say that this man is packing schmeat. heavy dick. heavy balls. allow me to bear some of that weight for u my liege 🤲🏻🧎
mostly nsfw
ok i didnt originally plan to add orin but listen….. gortash is a charismatic guy….. imagine orin was into him too LISTEN ! like shes jealous asf of Durge in that sense too not just bcz of them being bhaal’s fav. like when i think abt them i just am getting a vibe okay. this trio……..
every time she sees gortash and Durge acting close and doing all their yucky lovesick shit she just gets soooo mad. now imagine she shifts into Durge to get gortash to fuck her. yeah… yall seeing the vision? would he ever find out ?? imagine that was why he hates orin so much?? he doesnt want to tell Durge (cuz thats cheating hes not a cheater duh 🙄 plus hes scared theyll be mad at him) and thats why his explanations as to why he hates orin are so vague
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
Babs! We need a fic where older Ponyboy (maybe 18, gonna turn 18, let's just make him 18 for now) is in his senior spring break and honestly had no plans. Curly finds him, tells him he's going back to Haiti to see family and invites him along.
Nothing dramatic, just two excited boyfriends going to one of their home countries, Ponyboy gets to hear new languages, see new sights (he loves laying on the white beaches with Curly, listening to the ocean. They usually say nothing during that time--they don't need to) eat new food and of course meet more Shepard family. They're just as wild as the ones he knows in America, but there's such a sense of love and belonging in that home. They instantly love Ponyboy (there's just something about this white boy that ain't threatening.) They already call him names Ponyboy tells himself are just casual endearing ones. (No they've already adopted him, he's their token white boy) Pony wants to compare Haiti to his home, and it's sort of like that, but in it's own unique way.
Also, he learns of Curly's government name. The second he heard it, he felt Curly stiffen as an auntie came over and kissed both his cheeks and spoke about hos tall he was getting. Ponyboy could pratically feel the rage rattling around in Curly's body.
......Curly has a french name. That's why he hates it so much.
Curly gets another tattoo and re pierces his ear, and Ponyboy get his first tattoo, a small thing on his ankle or on his back (someplace he can hide it from Darry till he's 18 and can run away legally). Ponyboy and Curly walking in the streets at dusk to witness the prettiest sunset Ponyboy has ever seen, sitting on the rooftop balcony smoking weed.
It's the greatest memories they'll ever share with each other.
Pony gets into Harvard with his essay he wrote about his time as a 14 year old and how he grew to love himself with the help of a tough as nails greaser who took him to Haiti.
.......forget a fanfic where's the production team to make this movie?
its been so long since someone called me babs, i actually jumped a lil /pos /lh
idk y im getting more asks involving haitian shepards,,but im REVELING in it, im ABSOLUTELY eating this up like im at the last supper
tim, 𝓹𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮, angela its even funnier bc i hc angela and curly as twins so its like, they whipped out this french ass name for one kid and looked at the other and just went “yea we’ll call her angela”, but i saved curlys entire life n just say his real name is christopher, i cant have my fav be plagued by the french COMPLETELY
(i also said that he hates it tim and angela would probably go “YO PIERRE U WANNA COME OUT HERE🤔🤔🗣️🔥” over and over)
and pony being adopted as the token white boy is SO real, ik they call him “blan” (if u dont know, “blan” is like, the haitian equivalent of gringo, best way i can explain it)
BUT IMAGINE ALL THE THINGS THEY CAN DO!!! they can get ready for kanaval,,,going to the waterfalls,,,,seeing curlys other family that also live in the more country side,,,they can teach pony dances,,,,they can even go into some caves!!!! they can get fresca,,,,get fruits from curlys cousins backyard,,,go on lil walks w curlys cousins to the store for, the possibilities, anon im gonna scream,,
they even have pics to never forget the memories!!! pony also has a scar bc of a lil mishap w a tap tap, but we dont talk about that❤️❤️
and as for curly getting his ears pierced and getting another tattoo ik he was getting looks and lectures from ppl but he did NOT care and honestly, go him
plus everyones speaking in kreyòl and barely knows a lick of english, curly was def the translator the whole time but thats ok, he thought pony looking confused was pretty cute n funny
i will never forget this, anon
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yonemurishiroku · 9 months
Hiya yone! Recently my brain has been infested with bugs that want me to make a Circe Nico AU (Nico is Circe?? Kinda.) You are the glorious fanfic writer who can conjure up anything from anything, so please do your magic.
I'll try my best, however I only know like. 2 stories about Circe at best? So please don't put too much trust in me lol 😅😅
The first one is when Odysseus visits her during his return voyage to Ithaca. I forgot most of it (typical me) except that she turns his crew into animals, which Odysseus managed to convince her to undo and if I'm not mistaken, they live together for a while?? Let's just go with it.
As for this story, I think it would fit best with Jasico? Mainly bc they have that sort of enemies-to-lovers air (Jason distrusted Nico at first). Jason is best fit to be a returning hero, too. Though the Cupid debacle is like heaven and earth with mere convincing on Odysseus' part, I reckon we can work around it with enough maneuver. Why does Nico accept to turn them back? - Maybe he's feeling generous, maybe he's a petulant lonely witch who wants people to stay but never knows how to voice it, and ppl often run at the first sight of him, so he just turns them into animals to keep them by her side.
In the end, Odysseus leaves Circe. This aligns well with the fact that Jason just dropped dead shortly after he and Nico became friends. Which is a funny (and depressing thought) if you put thoughts into it. Which I can't atm lmoa.
Anw. think of it as a piece of quiet Jason has given Nico in the expanse of his loneliness. That, though he was swept away by the natural order of things at the end, Jason did try his best to alleviate Nico's pain. So I reckon there should be a little bit of affection - if not love - in there.
The second story is, well, Circe and Scylla. And the male lover whose name I forget.
This is a classic case of jealousy - so who fits it better than Percy, the canon epitome of every jealous trope in the history of fiction?
sorry that was my pettiness talking. Anywayyyyy, I suppose I don't need to talk about this... I mean it's pretty clear who is who and how the story transpires: Circe is in love with that-something-sea-god, who is in love with Scylla, so Circe turns her into a monster. The only difference between Circe and Nico in this is that he doesn't do anything to Annabeth (even refuses to hate her still. gosh).
But that wouldn't be Percico, is it? So I say just say fuck it and make Percy a sea monster or something Idk. A witch living secluded in an island with his beloved sea monster? I'm in.
Another choice would be to make Annabeth the bad one but I'm in no position to make that propose.
If you still want to keep the story, and if you're any of an unhinged person like me, just make Nico the villain. Well, Circe is the villain in this story, yeah? Embrace it - Nico as the powerful witch, whose loneliness-induced jealousy wreaks havoc on even a sea god. What's left is not love - because love is the last thing Yone needs in fanfics srsly - but an impression of terror, of how disastrous Nico's love can be.
The concepts mix well in this case btw. I remember a painting of Circe pouring a plate filled with poison into the sea. Just imagine it - a blinding blackness spreading rapidly across the lapping water with just a touch of Nico's dainty finger. The shadows overlap with the roaring waves - the black undercurrents raging all the same - and darkness swallows all those whom he call enemies. If Percy's the sea and Nico's the lightless bottom, dark, mysterious, and full of threats.
That's everything I have atm, I guess. Sorry for not being able to help much :(((
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golbrocklovely · 10 months
i'm gonna make the quickest post about this since i got a couple asks about it already and i don't want to answer them all separately.
firstly, yes. i heard that SEG, the youtuber that made the exposing video about snc and seth, plans to do another and interview kristin about the whole thing.
secondly, yes. i've also heard that she is apparently still upset at seth but he didn't imply that she's upset at snc.
thirdly, yes. i also heard that there is apparently "lost footage". whatever that means.
i'm gonna say this in the shortest and quickest way possible, that way you can all know how i'm feeling. idk if it's bc today was weirdly stressful or if it's bc i'm running on like 20 minutes of sleep; nonetheless, i do not care about SEG or his videos or what he plans to ask kristin. unless they have proof of snc kicking a puppy or something terrible like that, there is little to nothing they could have done in that house to make me stop being a fan of them.
first and foremost, if they did something genuinely terrible, it would have been in the first video. most likely he said the "lost footage" comment (idk how he said it bc i didn't watch his video and have no plans to either) just so ppl feel the need to stick around and hear what he's got to say. bc if there was something reprehensible done on camera, he would have put it in his video the first time around. so i don't believe him.
secondly, idk how he can know kristin is still mad at seth when he hasn't even interviewed her yet, but i don't exactly expect him to tell the truth either so… whatever.
third, we all collectively have to stop giving this man our time, energy, and views. he's raking it in and loving it. he's bragging about how much money he's making from ppl watching his content. if you're a fan of snc, don't let curiosity win. block the mother fucker and move on.
bc again, if there was something that bad on the original tapes or whatever, it would have been in his first video AND snc and seth would have been charged with something.
he is trying to milk this for every cent he can get. don't be apart of it.
and also, if kristin is still upset at what seth said, i get it. she's allowed to be. but then i gotta ask… why do a second video for their paid subscription where you were laughing it up and having a grand ol time? bc you could have easily said "get the fuck out of my town and don't come back" but that's not what happened. so…. either you leaked this footage to a hater at PEAK HEAT of snc hate, or this just so happened to leak right as they were getting hate and now you feel the need to say something.
whatever. again. i don't care about this. and i ask everyone not to ask me about this either anymore. unless some majo developments happen, i don't care to hear it. i will gladly talk about anything else. genuinely. ask me random shit. talk to me about snc's love life. i would much rather talk about that than this bc i am OVER IT.
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we're moots lol
okay this is gonna be a lot cuz he's like the main character or whatever
he was born uhh somewhere and he had a sister with a kid but their parents died so he and his sister had to take care of the kid. jean was a tree pruner but it wasn't enough so blud was like "screw it" and tried to steal some bread but was (of course caught and sentenced to 5 years for violent robbery but he was like "hell nah" and tried to escape like three times so he ended up with 19 years total and now the police (cough cough javert) hate him
so anywhizzle he does his 19 years and javerts like "ugh ig we have to let you go on parole or whatever" so jean valjean is like "yippee" and he's like wandering around tryna find a place to stay but ppl are like "nah ur a convict im not fuckin w dat" so now he doesn't have a place to stay but some dudes like "go ask the bishop he's really kind (WHICH THERE IS AN ENTIRE FUCKING SECTION ABOUT IN THE BEGINNING OF THE BOOK)" so jean 👖 goes to talk to the bishop and the bishops like "yeah come stay with us" but the two nuns in there are like "ew he's a convict he's gonna rob us" but the bishop dgaf so 👖 stays the night but he wakes up at midnight-ish and is like paralyzed with the decision of whether or not to rob the bishop cuz bro's got a lotta silver so...
spoiler alert
he robs him
so 👖 is like running around at 3 in the frickin morning and the police catch him and take him to the bishop like "sir this dude just robbed u" and the bishops like "yeah ik also here take the candlesticks and become a better person" so the police let him go and 👖 is like "omg he just like gave me all this free silver and he also said that i need to become a good guy" so 👖 breaks parole (omg lawbreaker 😨) and goes back to his hometown (which is also where fantine lives lol haha coinkydink hahaha) and he sells all the silver (except the candlesticks those are like a reminder of the scene with the bishop) and gets an alias which was like "pere madeleine" or smth idk and we don't see much of him cuz victor chooses to tell us about fantine
when we come back tho, "pere madeleine" has become "monsieur le maire" and he's the mayor of the town and owner of the factory where fantine works. as the mayor he's like a really good guy and he brings the town prosperity!! yippee!! and all the ppl love him but they're kinda sus of him like "who's this dude and why's he so nice" cuz they're a little paranoid ig but anywhizzle he's walking around or smth and he sees fantine being assaulted and stuff and javert taking her in and he's like "hell nah not on my watch" so he heroically bursts in and is like "she did nothing wrong let her go" and he and javert go thru their old man yaoi but fantine is eventually released. javert is NOT happy bout it tho
one day, javert comes into the mayor's office and he's like "bro i messed up i thought u were a former prisoner who broke parole lmaooo anyways we caught the guy and his name is jean valjean (DRAMATIC GASP) and we're holding his court soon anyways have a nice day lolol" but the mayor (COUGH COUGH JEAN VALJEAN) is having this identity crisis about whether or not to go fess up and free the guy but he ends up doing it and there's a buncha detailed chapters about his trek to the town where the court is being held but we don't care abt that
so he shows up and everyone's like "oh that's the mayor or smth ig" they drc and he sits in on this random guy's court session and there's a buncha evidence about how this guys is actually jean valjean but the ACTUAL jean valjean is like "NUH UH BITCH ITS ME" and everyone's like "GASP!??!!??!" and so javert is pissed and tries to get him arrested but 👖 escapes cuz he's gotta get fantines child to her and that's about where i am in the book lol
i hope you enjoyed my rambling about jean valjean and sorry for the long read lol
– ⚜️
this may be even more beautiful that the fantine one
new word alert motherfuckers this is awesome
I feel like maybe you should rewrite the brick once you’ve finished it just your version and see how well it does because damn this shit it great
… @k-is-for-potassium ?
is this you??
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borom1r · 3 months
2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22 for lotr from the violence ask meme 😈
OK i have answered 2 already but lets do this thing fuck yea (thank uuuuuuuuuu!!!!!)
3) screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
look its not really a "take" but the amount of people who just post variations of "I don't like Boromir, he's the worst" IN THE BOROMIR TAG is genuinely insane to me. like have ur (incorrect) opinion but keep it out of the tag worstie
7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
uhhhh no one thank the gods. ive always disliked Denethor Because of canon. but i will say stumbling across the file index of an old LotR fansite + clicking on files w/ no preview only to find graphics thirsting over Denethor did cause massive psychic damage lmao
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
idk 😭 i dont interact w/ the broader fandom really. i do find the way ppl reduce Pippin to Just a joke character in fanon insufferable tho
9) worst part of canon
also ngl i do find the Aragorn/Arwen romance....... Weird. like I'm far from averse to "love at first sight" so long as it comes with the recognition that it's really more infatuation + true love takes work. and there's the fact Aragorn fell head over heels for an image of Lúthien, and Arwen's heart did not turn towards him until Galadriel dressed him up in elven finery. not to mention she was "not yet weary of her days" when Aragorn dies + has to die "whether I will or I nill" like she. wastes away? slowly alone in Lothlórien.
like idk [Aragorn kinnie voice] that's my sister, man but all that aside I do think.. Arwen deserved better? I like that the movies made her more active + I do wish she'd actually been there at Helm's Deep bc it would've been fun to see her and Éowyn bond but yeah. the vibes were off with that whole situation imho
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
huh. does Théodred count? i feel like he's kind of a blank slate so fandom can just kinda run wild with him but i do genuinely enjoy writing him + find that there are solid implications for at least a friendship between him + Boromir (if not more). i mean, Boromir got a Rohirric shield from someone
14) that one thing you see in fics all the time
ok th implication here bein its sth that bothers me which thankfully i pretty much only read Aramir or Faramir/Éomer fics soooo theres not much??
i think the only things that RLLY get to me + they aren't THAT popular trope-wise (or ive been rlly good at avoiding them lmao) are fics that 1) make Boromir overly aggressive or 2) completely woobify Faramir
+ tbh the Faramir one bothers me more actually. that is a grown ass man and captain of the rangers of Ithilien.....................
18) it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
HRM. again idk :3 <- blissfully not interacting w the broader fandom + only interacting w/ ppl w correct takes on Boromir + Rohan
(tentatively i need to start following more ppl i see some of yall in my notes + i shld follow. sorry im like a nervous dog u need to coax out from under the porch lol)
20) part of canon you found tedious or boring
side-eyeing my copies of the Histories. i need to finish those. eventually.............
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ignores?????? nothing i think (thankfully lmao) but i will say there is SO much detail in the films that it makes me INSANE. ik we literally just talked abt this in DMs lmao but i could sit n talk abt LotR costuming for fucking HOURS the films were SO stunning and the clothing alone reveals sooooooo much abt the characters i think its a super underrated vehicle for character analysis :3
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fivveweeks · 1 year
hi its me it's verdante angst anon (angstnon? idk) again
shaking ur hand SHAKING UR HAND you get me you get me you fuciigndnsn get me
"They're a tragedy, the both of them. Dante's fine with that. (They have to be, they have no choice in this) Given enough time a tragedy turns into a comedy. Maybe they'll be able to laugh about this in the end. Maybe it'll even be divine."
you don't undertsysnds how feral i am about these two. i am firm staunch zealous believer in verg not seeing himself being worthy of like anything good not until he has payed for his sins or wtvr he wants that to mean. i think he exercises a lot of self control to make sure he has like an arm and a leg and several bodies worth of space between him and anyone trying to get close to him (xcept Charon ofc). actively turns and runs from that shit bc 1. he doesn't deserve it. 2. he literally does not have the time for that shit
dnate on the other hand— chronic workaholic, to the point they can and will push personal feelings aside for the sake of their job. if u look up the word professionalism you WILL see Dante Limbus Company as a synonym. they keep their feelings in check (under several locks and keys) in the back of their mind aging like fine wine. they're aware they're not a choice and they're okay with it. it's their fault anyway, they're such a silly little fool.
it has always been doomed from the start. do you understand? it has always been hopeless. it was never meant to be.
dante knew/knows/accepts this, they do not have a choice. (but then again when do they ever?)
Tumblr media
YOU HAVE NO IDEA how much of a firm believer i am about Dante being a chronic workaholic. NOBODY FUCKING TALKS ABOUT IT YET BUT literally i do not think they need to sleep/they cannot sleep/gets little to no sleep at all and instead spends all their time up night reviewing battle plans and rewatching past battles on their little PDA. its a combination of anxiety and wanting to step up as a better manager (if we take into account of limbus players dissecting the gameplay meta of EGOs and ids we can literally translate that into Dante pouring over how to better manage the sinners). god forbid them from stepping out of line due to personal feelings bc they a) do not want to piss off vergilius and risk his wrath b) do not want to piss off vergilius bc they respect him (and like him) as a coworker, a boss, a color fixer and their guide too much. they are the EPITOME of professionalism. their work and responsibilities as a manager COMES FIRST
Vergilius too, you put it into words on him as a person. Literally he doesnt think he deserves it AND he doesnt have the time for that shit (for real verg in canon seems to really hate ppl wasting his time over trivial shit). i think even theres some distance between him and charon but he mostly crosses the space bc he's too guilt bound to deny charon some form of connection (bc it is his fault in the first place), so he is soft to her and her only.
it's like watching two parallel lines running along each other and no matter how close they get they will NEVER touch ever. ISNT THAT A TRAGEDY???
but its not all angst, they at least find a little light in the situation. verg would come to appreciate how dante respects him and his circumstances and would be pleased that they are like-minded enough to keep things professional between them, so he is comfortable in confiding in dante on certain topics (in canto 2 where verg and dante stands together by the side to watch the sinners get their ass peeled and verg telling dante why they should experience it for once lives rent free in my head bc he actually bothered to explain to dante wauhgshfh). he admits that dante is the only sinner that he can have a convo with. he fucking told dante to not befriend him after sharing a little history on charon. dante would appreciate the little moments they get to spend with him
just brief pockets of time with each other, despite everything. i like to think they are both the kind of ppl who would accept that things are just not meant to be, so they will take what little they can (what little they're allowed).
in the grand scheme of lcb and the city they are both nothing but a pair of pawns trying to make the best of their situation without getting in the way. they have no choice.
and to come across another who understands this is a rare, rare gem in their crapsack world, so how can we blame them for having a little bit of pining among the acceptance. mutual respect blooming into requited love that is unable to be acted upon. a divine comedy in its own right. im going to kms
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skinnybinnietitties · 1 month
Part 2 to the rant
okayy so anyways eventually she makes me go in her room and strip to my undies and bra off and checks but she only sees cuts on my once safe zone and time skip blah blah blah she asking me a bunch of questions and stuff I end up saying too much about how I am essentially a people pleaser and I'm not satisfied with my life yada yada. And after that later in the day because that happened around 3-4 she tells me I have a therapy session booked for tmrw or the day after at 3 and I'm jst like 😦 how the fuck you already make and find one so fast😭 but yeah and I would say my my emotions were still in shock because I was acting like ain't shit happen and going to make cookie dough and cookie cake with my sister but the next day omg I was mad and rightfully so bc wat the fuck just happened to me (and she gave me back my phone that same night but I made sureto delete stuff so incase she did loon before she gave it back she wouldn't see anything) and I was just saying things like why did I go make those two last shitty cuts if I didn't make those this wouldn't have a happened so a few hours my nerves are still high asf and I'm pissed so I get a stick pen the kind you use for sewing or pinning something in place but not the safety one and scratcy my thighs in the bathroom because I couldn't get caught again and it didn't go deep but I just needed the pain (why does cat scratches and baby's hurt so much like) and it pretty much goes on the day with me in my room or forced to be around ppl when I wanted to choke my neck off and the therapist made it for the next day so the next day comes around and during that day I purge because I ate too much when I wasn't even supposed eat at all😒 and during that ig my mom is getting anxious or what ever because like every motherfucking 3-5 minutes she is knocking on the bathroom door talking about let me in and hurry up it don't take that long to poop😀 so I had to speed it up and wash the purging look off my face and when I come out the bathroom she brings me in her room and says let me see your legs and tell her I obviously haven't cut that would be so stupid right after you get caught but she doesn't listen and make me get in panties and bra (AGAINJDHSG) and she was like asking tm to show her my boobs to make sure it's not there and tryna look at my MOTHEBRFJSIS inner thighs like umm no please what the fuck your not looking there and when she doesn't find anything ofc I ask her straight up what is your problem because this is not it you tryna make me strip every fucking day and when she tells me how she's concerned about what I'm taking so long in the bathroom for and thought I was cutting I say I understand tm your concerns nd shit but I'm not about to be showing you all around the fuckin globe she don't get it and like omfg she ends up saying she will tone it down and when I tell her okay but your not checking my whole body she say "I'll hold you done if I have to" 😐 I don't even know what to say like ik she's my mother and shit but like I feel so violated honestly like why are you tryna see every where when I told you MULTIPLE TIMES that I only cut on my thighs in these two squares so why are you tryna see all in my inner thighs and on the side of my hips and shit like😥😀 but yeah after that I was not left alone till I almost cursed and was about to make a scene in front ofmy sister so she let's me go and later that day I have therapy and she asks me stuff and idk why but she asked me do I hear voices after we start talking about imaginary friends nd talking to my self😭😭 like no bestie I do not💀 but after that it's pretty much my mom done my back not being able to be alone or in the bathroom trying to take an actual shit for once or so my hair and how I keep running to the bathroom like no😭 and her constantly asking how I'm doing and keep touching me nd shot giving me hugs don't get me wrong I live hugs but I hate being pitied so it just feels so fucking annoying and so belittling and she keeps saying I'm going through something. So enough with that situation part 3 next ig....
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mskinkyafro · 2 months
Natasha doesn’t bother me for pursuing Stefan — I do not want that man. But it really irks me that she’s constantly gossiping, both about MC and her relationship w Stefan, and just about everyone in general. Her beef where it was revealed she had all this to say about all the other women rubbed me the wrong way; why are they making that her only personality?
I’m not doing a Natasha route but she’s so pretty and she seems really fun. I just wish the writers would let her expand her topics of conversation from MC/Stefan to literally anything else. Does that make sense?
I’m not trying to diss Natasha. Again, she’s gorgeous and I couldn’t care less who she couples with (I’m flirting with her man Hamish so what can I say about her and Stefan). I think more than anything the writers hate her and are making her kinda gossipy, which feels… icky considering she could be a LI. Idk. I think I’m crazy
1. To answer your point she’s always gossiping, maybe I’m forgetting things or not reading into it enough, but I don’t feel like she gossips a lot. I feel like the part that was capture on the PDA Awards was the bulk of it. And also the moment with Melissa. I feel like her gossip level is similar to everyone in the house bc they have nothing to do BUT interact with each other and “gossip”. You can apply it to literally everyone else. Shit even my man Finn, was desperate for some tea during the kiss during hide n seek between Kat and whoever. Like they all do.
To your credit, I agree with the writers have had her bring up Stefan and Mc relationship too much. Which is annoying. That I wish they would have done better at feeding that to the player without using her as much. I think they needed to a certain activity discuss more about what went wrong in everyone past relationships or instead of paywalling it, airing out what happen in everyone season since some people are in the loop or out of it regarding the other islanders season.
And Natasha shared a season with Mc so even though she constantly bring them up, I see it as her way of trying to discuss or compare their different journeys navigating the same season.
Now this might be my bias coming in, but I feel like her commentary or “gossip” isn’t any different from like mc’s own that typically we see in the thought bubbles or comebacks during challenges. So I guess it just boils to personal preference and how we perceive the writing, but I just see it as no different from Mc commenting or being savage to people’s face. Hers just got aired in the most messy way.
2. I agree and ultimately still blame the writers as a whole from keeping her as our go to lore character. And therefore we hardly get more about her personality. We see that a lot with the entire cast.
Especially when there’s so much more interesting things about her. She’s a dog groomer, is it high end or specialized in certain breeds. She’s really flexible, was she a gymnast star?
Like so many things. I guess for me, I tend to really hone in on those things and run with it to help fill in the gaps. But it’s annoying that as a player I HAVE to do that bc they don’t give them more time to talk about more things.
3. But lastly, You’re not really the demographic target for my rant LOL. I just was annoyed by moreso ppl who don’t even want Stefan or on a non Stefan route pissed off at her when in my eyes , the very qualities they claim that makes her snakey or bad friend is the very same ones Mc can have and typically does. Ones that we later revere.
Or better yet, Kat still gets hate typically but we got some who prefer her over Nat and I’m like, Kat has been the absolute WORST compared to Nat. Like cmon now.
And yes, honestly the writers once again set up the black female character for mistreatment. They know damn well a certain chunk of this fandom can’t resist it. So yknow. It is what it is. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I’m never surprised.
But appreciate your reasonings, nonny. Like I said, you’re not who I’m aiming my critiques to but still. I see where you coming from and appreciate it nonetheless.
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moku-youbi · 2 years
Wangningxian Dream Bunny
I keep having these elaborate dreams lately that make me wanna write fics, but I AM TOO BUSY. So feel free to steal this idea, anyone out there, although there are plenty of ridiculous ~Dream Details that make NO SENSE for these characters, but whatever, enjoy it for what it is! Immortal cultivators au where Nie Huaisang, Jiang Cheng, Wei Ying, Wen Ning, and Lan Zhan have lived at least a few hundred years by now. It is decidedly AU because Wangxian are not a thing, and WWX and JC have a decent enough relationship with one another at this point. JC has stayed basically in Lotus Pier but the rest travel around the world. LZ ended up in the Americas at some point being worshipped as a dream God??
Wei Ying and Lan Zhan are constantly longing from afar. LZ thinks WY loves WN (and, I mean, he does, but neither of them have ever said it or acted on it, because WY can still be oblivious and WN knows WY loves LZ, plus being a corpse and all figures he can't have what he wants). WY and WN travel together and they run into LZ pretty frequently, sorta book-Aziraphale/Crowley-esque. Mostly LZ is polite to WN, but also just kinda ignores him at first, and tries not to think about him because they both love WY, and he thinks he's chosen WN and wants to respect that but also is sad about it. But over the centuries grows to care for WN without really realising how much.
WY and WN come across LZ when he's in the Americas somehow and WY is sorta in lustful disbelief over how much skin his dream God get up shows. And LZ is mostly past his hangups about his body, because that's just how you dress among these ppl. But having WY see him like that??? So he scurries off to cover up and for some reason WN was there (like even tho LZ was the one hanging out with these ppl, they were at WY's place...? Actually, I'm wondering if WY was the sleep god in a different city and the two were brought together for some ceremony or something?? Idk.) And at first, intellectually, LZ is like it's no big deal if WN sees me like this because I barely even notice his existence, right? Except he's getting all ear blushing and hot and uncomfortable and has to lock himself away to get dressed and has this 'oh no I'm into WN' moment.
I forget what happened exactly, except I think at some point the two of them talked about how they both loved WY, but he never responded to their overtures/only wanted them as friends, but they're stupidly devoted to him. And LZ gave him a very small smile, and they hugged? And LZ thought about how good WN felt in his arms.
WY meanwhile has been over the years working on trying to fix WN so that he has more mobility and sensation, can enjoy food and drink, etc. That's why they travel so extensively, seeking out other forms of magic.
Later, LZ ends up back in China to find that WN is in trouble. I don't know why WY wasn't with him, but even though it's been a few hundred years (I wanna say 250-350), because some cultivators lived longer lives, ppl still remember the YP and his Ghost General, and want revenge. JC was actually decent in my dreams, hilarious given how much I hate him, but he kept trying to reason with the ppl. He's respected and wealthy and powerful, but every time he tries to explain about what WY and the Wens went through, all the rich lords were always like omg, we are so sick of hearing your war stories, boomer. 
They're going to put WN on trial and LZ hears about this and starts panicking and JC is unwilling to actually go so far as to fight for WN's life. And LZ can't just hurt all these ppl, plus he thinks anyhow this is still plaguing WN this far down the line and they need to do something to make him safe permanently.
So LZ starts coming up with a plan to like humanise WN in their eyes during the trial. Because all the old stories are about his cold, white, unfeeling and stiff skin, his inhuman black eyes, his scary expressionless face as he tore ppl apart, that he was a weapon in humanoid form. And WY has made a lot of strides, plus LZ came back to China with his own ideas to share with them. He has a medicine or lotion or something that makes WN able to move his facial features more. He visits WN to talk about his plans and walk him through it. They agree not to try to reach WY because he'll go all YP on everyone and reinforce their beliefs and make everything worse. WN tries to tell him if things go wrong, he should just leave, but LZ promises he'll save him no matter what. It gets pretty close to a confession of love tbh, face touching and shuddering breaths, etc.
They're making WN wear these weird robes that I think are meant to be demeaning because they only come just below his knee and they have short sleeves and a scooped neck which show off a lot of skin. But LZ points out that it shows that his flesh has become more naturally colored over the years and looks more supple now especially with the lotion. They've also broken his feet and as much as LZ wants to heal him, he also wants the crowd to see that WN is actually experiencing pain over having to walk like that.
The day of the trial comes and WY has somehow found out and comes rushing into try to do something about it. He comes up short at the door where JC stops him and tells him to just watch and wait. WY is in a panic especially when he notices LZ is at the head of the room like he is somehow part of the trial. Of course WY trusts him at this point but he doesn't realize how close LZ and WN have become over recent years and still thinks that LZ has some sort of weird antagonism towards WN.
Then WN comes in and WY feels sick to see him like this, and at first there are a couple pointed jeers about what he is wearing. However as he starts to make his way across the room and up the stairs on his broken feet, they are starting to hear more and more sympathetic comments about how he looks in pain and how they hadn't expected him to look so normal and so human.
WY notices that LZ looks almost proud of the way WN carries himself, and how WN keeps darting looks at LZ that are sorta sweetly hopeful. And at one point he stumbled and bites his lip but still cries in pain as he's reaching the top of the stairs and the magistrate puts a hand out to stop LZ from going to him. But LZ just gives him one of his murderous glares and goes over to sweep WN up in his arms with his hands around his waist and kind of swings him around and smiles down before settling him carefully in his own seat, and WN smiles up at him showing off the mobility of his face.
And like the people of the town know enough to know who LZ is and that he is one of the most highly venerated Immortal cultivators ever, and they've also seen all of this artwork of him where he never shows any facial expressions, so now they're seeing him smiling and embracing WN, who has now shown pain and emotion, and who is smiling back. And they are thinking if someone like the Great HGJ is looking at the GG like that, then there is no way that all the horrible things they have heard about him can be true. And WY is having his own crisis where it feels like his heart is atrophying in his chest watching them, and seeing they clearly love one another (while WY, my dear oblivious boy, does absolutely not put together the fact that both of them have been looking at him like that for literally hundreds of years.)
The trial got dismissed pretty quickly after that, even though the magistrate was not happy about it. I think there still might have been a few cultivators kicking around at the time even though that practice had mostly fallen out and the emperor was hoping to show that cultivation was clearly a thing of the past and getting rid of WN would be a very loud symbol of that. However between the threat of having four immortals present and not wanting this to happen, and the pressure of the townspeople who were now against this trial, there was no way it could go forward.
WN and LZ see WY trying to sneak out unnoticed and go after him. WY is trying not to look at them, especially with LZ carrying WN around bridal style because of his feet. But he's telling them how happy he is for them and how thankful he is to LZ for taking care of WN when he wasn't around. And also how happy he is to tell them that the reason he wasn't around was because he was researching this thing that would basically allow WN to be able to function mostly like a regular Immortal cultivator even though his body would remain that of a corpse. Meaning he would be able to feel sensation just like they did and taste things just like they did and move around more easily with greater flexibility like an immortal cultivator. And that maybe this can be a wedding gift for them.
And WN reaches out to touch WY's face make him look at them. And he sees how close WN and LZ have gotten to him. They both have these adoring if exasperated expressions on their faces. And WN says that it is an excellent gift for a wedding, and he can't wait to try it out with them both. And WY's eyes get gigantic looking back and forth between LZ's indulgent smile and WN's warm one.
And then there were all these bits with them travelling the world together for thousands of years and never parting again and it was super sweet, and also hot with this one scene using LZ's dream magic, but also just them all being disgusting in love, and always so gently affectionate and ugh.
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delcakoo · 2 years
HI EMSSS IM BACK, WE HAVE CLASSES AGAIN NO😭😭 ISTG I HATE WEEKENDS CAUSE LITERALLY ITS NOT ENOUGH AND THE NEXT THING YOU KNOW IT, YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP AND GO TO SCHOOL. so pissed on why weekends is only a few days. but anyway I badly wanted to request a jungwon!fem scenario where in jungwon notices yn third wheeling to her trio friendship almost everyday and like he notices how distant they are to yn and how they don't include her that much, and that jungwon knows yn is enduring it and not asking help because she's afraid of problems happening because of her and losing the ONLY friends she has. IDK IF THAT MADE SENSE BUT I HOPE IT DID. I put too much details sorry, I have no idea if you reqs are still open so if it isn't that's okay too bb. <33
anyway, so far no ones ruining my day. OH WAIT EMS HOW DO U DROP A FRIEND? LITERALLY I HAVE HAD THIS PROBLEM FOR MORE THAN A YEAR. I JUST CAN'T SEEM TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO KICK A "FRIEND" OUT OF MY LIFE. they said if they really want to talk to you they would, BUT THAT IS JUST COMPLETE BS CAUSE LITERALLY THEIR EXCUSE IS: "Oh we don't have to talk, our friendship is too healthy. so even after a few months and we talk like nothing happened then we're okay!🥰" literally, and guess what. I'm in a trio. haha it's pretty obvious that the request i made is about me hahaha😔😔
JUNGWON AS LIKE A SUPER SOUGHT AFTER JOCK THAT EVERYONE SWOONS OVER BUT HE’S VERY STRICT WITH WHO HES FRIENDS WITH AND ALWAYS JUST POLITELY TURNS PPL DOWN AND AWKWARDLY RUNS OFF AT EVERY CONFESSION. but then one day he begins to notice you around school and how badly you’re third wheeling your two friends (i assume ur friends r dating or smthn?) EITHER WAY LIKE YEAH HE NOTICES HOW THEY’RE KINDA LEAVING YOU OUT (bro doesnt even know your name yet but he feels so bad for you).
so then one day he suddenly goes up to you at your locker and just. “hey, wanna be my girlfriend?” AND YOU JUST CHOKENEJNDKJ THEN HE CHOKES TOO AND HES LIKE. “that came out rlly wrong- okay i meant do you want to fake date to get back at your friends and give them a taste of their own medicine cuz like- it looked like you needed help and stuff but like u totalyl dont have to i sound rlly stupid rn but-”
SO YOURE JUST LIKE. WHO TF R U. okay but this is a great idea and you’re hot as fuck so lets do it THEN THE NEXT DAY UR FRIENDS SEES U TWO TOGTHER AND JUST 😁😃😯😧😱😱😱😱😱 AND SO U KEEP UP THIS FAKE DATING ACT BEING RLLY MUSHY WITH JUNGWON STRAIGHT UP SMOOCHING AND CUDDLING IN FRONT OF THEM but then you slowly begin to realise that YOURE ACTUALLY FALLING FOR HIM AND YOU’RE LIKE fuck this cold mysterious sport boy would never like me back wtf but LITTle do you know jungwons heart is going boom boom TOO and is quietly mourning abiut the fact that the only time he’s allowed to kiss you is in front of THOSE TWO ASSHOLES. ANDHFJFN EVENTUALLY UR FRIEND NOTICES SMTHNS UP AND ASKS WTF IS GOING ON WITH YOU AND YOU JUST BREAK AND TELL HER EVERYHTING AND SO SHE HELPS U COnfesS TO JUNGWON FOR REAL THIS TIME AND THEN HAPPILY EVER AFTR WOOOOOO
i. i jsut came up with all of that on the spot LMFOAOO THATS WHY ITS SO BAD IM SORRYRHFH but i promise moonie if i have time i’ll write this for real JSHDJDN THANK U FOR THE REQ 😭💗💗 💘💜💘
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aynjules · 22 days
i told you everything, i told you so much about you, i learned so much about you, i find myself still talking about you, i get so emotional when i think about us, wishing we were still together, i know that this time it would be different, there’s times where i still have hope, but i can’t just force you to have feelings for me still or to get back with me, i literally had our future planned out, i pictured us living in oregon together because you wanted to live there, i honestly didn’t care where i lived as long as i was with you, all for you mama, all i ever wanted was to be the best for you, for us, my overthinking was such a huge problem, and that’s why i even wanted to start therapy bc i wanted to fix it, i wanted to make sure everything was perfect in order for us to work, i can’t believe you aren’t apart of my life anymore, this is just making me realize that all i have is myself, i feel like ive never ever had MY person, i have friends but i don’t have that friend that i share interests with or anything, im such a to myself person and im also working on that in therapy, i feel like i have no one, i just wanna run away, i wanna be heard and understood but i also don’t want ppl thinking im doing it for attention, i genuinely need help, idk how to explain what i feel without feeling like other ppl will think im crazy, i feel like im broken and i js wanna restart and start off fresh, i hate myself, i don’t find joy in anything anymore, i didn’t go to college, i didn’t find anything interesting, idk what i wanna do with my life, i feel like im bipolar sometimes like some days im straight and other days im miserable, im honestly just tired, i can’t ever just feel relaxed ever, my mind is constantly racing and stressing over everything, im constantly overthinking ever situation, idk anymore i honestly feel so alone and unimportant, ik ppl will tell me they’re here for me and whatever and i appreciate that but i can’t take this any longer, i been feeling like shit for years now and i can’t stop this pain idk what to do, like i don’t wanna kms, im pussy to do that
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
I don’t have a tik tok. What are they saying about our boys 🙄
omg thank you so much for sending in an ask about my post bc… i need to VENT lol
first and foremost, what aren't they saying about the boys on tiktok??? that's the real question.
imma just list the shit i've been either told or saw myself said about snc (but mostly colby).
sam should sue colby for the killing best friend prank (this one was brought to my attention by @xplrvibes like yesterday lol)
colby was molested
colby was sexually assaulted
elton made colby show his self harm scars on camera
colby has a bad relationship with his brother
sam cried being sexualized too much
the fans broke shea and colby up
colby has hated elton from the beginning
snc were talking about elton on the that one video years back (the one where they did the lie detector test on awesomenesstv)
not a SINGLE one of these are true, btw. that's the insane part to me. like…. every single one of these is a lie that i have no clue how they got started or who said them first.
and here, for anyone's benefit (in case you're curious) i will disprove all of these in one go.
sam was IN on the prank and has openly said that himself in the past
didn't happen/colby has never said that this has happened
same thing (granted if you want to make an argument that some fans have almost done this, that's a different story. but that's not what the fans on tiktok are talking about when they mention this)
colby has never self harmed. colby has never had depression, anxiety/has never been diagnosis with any mental illness. he even outright said in a video, EXPOSING THE TRUTH ABOUT COLBY BROCK, when asked if he was emo "depending on your definition of emo, if you say emo is somebody that hurts themselves - no. i'm not emo in that way." not to mention that if this is something that did happen, how come there was not a WORD about it until 2022??? the last time snc collabed with elton was in 2019. there is no WAY this shit could have happened, only to be talked about now with no proof. ALSO colby literally stated multiple times, back on metalife and even in a livestream in 2020/21, that he has never suffered from a mental illness, which is why he doesn't feel comfortable giving advice on it.
literally…. how would anyone know this in the first place? colby doesn't really talk about his family. but if you want to get technical, for a while in the back of his videos in 2020/21, you could see on his record player his brother's bands record. plus he literally went and saw him run a marathon in 2022 so… his relationship with him is fine.
that's literally not a thing at all lmao
shea and colby never dated, as much as shea would like you to believe otherwise. and if the fans are talking about their friendship… they are two grown adults. no one can make them do anything they don't want to do.
snc lived with elton for a full year, and continued to collab with him until 2019. elton didn't even become a hater until late 2020/early 21. so… no. colby didn't hate elton from the beginning just bc he has resting bitch face in some of the videos. if you want to make an argument that elton took some of his pranks too far, sure. but that's not what this is about.
this one is just ppl taking an old clip and trying to make it make sense to nowadays, so i'll give some slack. but again, this wasn't about elton. it was about aaron when they had beef with him for like a week and a half in 2019 lol
there is probably TONS of other shit said on there that i don't remember off the top of my head. but the fact that i've seen tons of these comments and tiktoks saying this shit is true is bonkers to me. idk who is starting these rumors, but like… dear lord above stop.
like i'm literally gonna have to make a snc tiktok account just to dispel rumors bc it annoys me to no end how these fans believe this stuff with literally NO PROOF.
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nerdyfan1 · 4 months
Why I love Tie Dye Blossoms
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Found it so funny how I’ve here for and I never explained my Gumball otp. Especially considering it’s such a niche one too and like never see it anywhere besides one dude on TikTok :,)
I’ve been way too ship negative lately so fuck it talking about a ship I actually like.
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To start out I feel like it important to establish both of these characters and their personal issues cus it the basis of how this came to me.
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Ok first of all I think we can all admit Tobias kind of a mess right? Like his life sounds really complicated and he doesn’t have the best support group. With very few exceptions the other kids to hate him or not really make an attempt to talk on a level he can understand. Meanwhile he lives in a home with a very neglectful family.
His mom encourages really bad behavior in him, his dad and mom seem to be in an unloving marriage where his dad will when given the opportunity will ditch her (can’t imagine Harold treating Tobias any better), he grew attention seeking from constant neglect from them both and his sister is basically a non presence.
Not to mention The Point as an episode is kind of telling. The most obvious being how many of these chore Darwin and Gumball were doing. Keep in mind these chores were given to Tobias by his parents he just telling the brothers to do it so he continue play the computer game.
He’s also very sensitive and masking really hard. Like really hard. To the it’s pretty obvious. The mask has dropped a little and we have seen that emotional before in the show. The best example from the series I think is season 3’s The Move. Sure it’s a joke but, also it’s good to notice how quick he was to start crying over something that normally seems so minuscule. Tobias even tries to change the subject after realizing he’s so clearly crying then runs away afterwards.
This especially is very important to acknowledge. Tobias lacks confidence and is very sensitive however is hiding it all from other ppl. Idk exactly what is causing him to do that but, make an estimated guess it’s probably something he developed from living with dad for so long. His dad is very sexist and probably the type to shaming for his emotional and sensitive said. Tobias may not agree with his dad but, Tobias probably got this one ideal shoved down his throat by Harold.
Something that is easier to believe when you take into account the other kids weren’t already nice to Tobias already. He probably felt pressured into hiding his true self for a long time.
Long spiel I know but, important to establish all the personal issues Tobias as a character has.
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Ok now let’s establish Leslie’s character. Which seems funny cause on surface level they seem pretty well put together. Honestly I will one day make an entire post about Leslie on his own cus I feel like there so much to about her. However for the sake of this post I just gonna talk about one specific I find important. The self image issues.
Going back to The Petals I realized Leslie seems to put a lot of his self worth into how other ppl see him and how pretty he is. There so many lines in it before the brothers try to good the gardening book where he mops about this. It’s technically handling it better but, that’s because he’s hiding his own insecurities from himself. Not willing to address literally any of them.
As soon as he starts looking ugly he goes to the dressing room and cries about it. Apparently for weeks.
So Leslie need to like for how he was past the looks because he saw something in him past it all and help.
Ok now let’s talk about them together
This is such an easy ship to set this up well to. Tobias finally tries to start asking guys out. Mostly cus he started desperate. Look there only so long Tobias can keep going for the same girls in his class. After a while he was gonna realize those kids don’t like him in that way. He goes for a few different guys and gets shut down. Eventually Tobias’ starts getting so desperate that he goes for the guy he never had a chance with. He starts to flirt with Leslie.
Cus of Leslie’s naturally curious and sassy personality he’s the first person to flirt back. And finally starting to feel validated. They slowly grow close after this doing this little routine together. They then start actually dating Tobias actually likes him. Tobias finally was given a chance. Leslie found someone who likes him past his lucks.
Now Leslie has someone who starts to show him to value his thoughts. Tobias sees how happier Leslie is just being himself even if not everyone likes that. And he can finally put an environment where his mask can actually drop all together. Their get the benefit from each other and mutually benefit from each other.
Idk I like this idea so much I think they contrast enough to work dynamically yet sharing similar personal struggles to draw each other together. As a bonus they got a little jock x cheerleader thing going one there.
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Saturday, April 13th, 2024!
8:19pm: Had a quick exchange with him again. Nothing has changed and I don't want to be obsessed with his socials again tbh. I still don't really get the whole "I'm so busy" thing when that was his #1 complaint with me. Like I actually don't understand, being busy is not a flex tbh. Being on your grind is 100% a flex but that goes with work hard play hard. Just saying you're busy makes you sound like an ass 😂 whatever I don't understand anything about him anymore.
I don't want to see his socials anymore because 1) it's all fake af. 2) it makes me wonder why he couldn't change for me, but in REALITY (the real world where I reside) he hasn't changed, his life got 100x easier. No rent, a more basic bitch that doesn't expect anything from him and is weird, and free weed, everyone giving him a ride everywhere (he doesn't even have to drive ever wtf), and everyone just treats him like a spoiled child. Yes..... I'm sure it IS easy to have an emergency fund when you live with your parents for free..... Wtf do you even need an emergency fund for? Wtf kind of emergency are you having, you run out of gas (omg wait he doesn't even drive so what am I talking about) scratch that.... The only emergencies I had living with my parents had to do with my car like..... Jesus I wish that was the fucking case nowadays 💀 Omg why am I even comparing the two of us. I feel like I just snapped back to reality, this guy is still acting like a high schooler. We are literally not able to be compared anymore. I really don't give myself enough credit for doing this shit on my own (really) for 6 months. Let's see your emergency savings after that, dumbass. Stfu. I'm not trying to be mean but we are not the same. I'm about to be done grinding, I've grinded for 7 yrs I'm tired AF. I'll say it again being busy is not a flex.
11:25pm: Ugh he just pisses me off because he's a fucking liar. You can reach me anytime my ass why does he keep saying that when it's not true. What a fuck up. I hate him
2:47am: Well I was on the phone with him for three hours oops probably just fucked up my karma big time. Ugh I need this semester to enddddd. Too much sitting around time, not enough leaving the house to meet new ppl time :/ likeeee I've said a million times and need to remind myself, I don't want to be the reason they break up. Also he said he's planning on moving out with her in 4 months so September? Damn they would've been together a whole year. He said it only feels like it's been a month for him and literally his stuff is still packed up in boxes like wtf. I guess that'll just make it easier to move. Well good for him he sounds like he's really on track for a good life. Idk literally whenever I ask him about her, it's never like super positive. Maybe he just likes that he constantly has something to complain about? I have no idea. He said she's clingy, but sometimes it's too much. And he always says it's ups and downs with them. He sounds like he's really changed, but he says he can't go through breaking another person's heart. Maybe he knows I'm bullshitting him. He also says he is just too embarrassed to get back together with me and have to see my family again, etc. Sounds like he's making the best out of a fucked up situation tbh. During the call, I kept calling him out whenever he would say things that were literally stringing me along, because he didn't know what I was talking about when I mentioned it. He didn't realize how much he was leading me on with the things he's saying until I very clearly pointed it out. All that stuff I texted him must've actually done something too, because it's stuck with him about disrespecting his gf.
Long story short...... I think he's actually gonna change for her if I leave him alone lol. He just gets to live with the fact that he fucked up being with me forever. Making the best of his shit situation. Tbh those antidepressants probably made a huge impact. Glad he got the help he needed. Idk man I guess he's done with me now, he seems pretty done, except for the part where he pulled his dick out again and told me he wanted to stick his dick in my mouth. But whatever.
Actually the part that hurt me the most was when he said she's been his best friend for two years like... The worst part for him was me telling him I let a guy play with my boobs over spring break and one tiny tear rolled down his cheek. Plus I ended up lying since he asked me if someone had been in our bed and I told him no because I could tell that would've really upset him. I think he would've hung up. Also couldn't tell him that yeah someone else had met the cats and pet them. I said what are you gonna do and he .... Clearly isn't going to do anything. Lame.
Longer story short: I need to stop butting in to this mess ig. Makes my stomach hurt tbh. Too much studying today made my brain go crazy. I'm really frazzled tbh. Honestly kinda pissed off all I wanted him to do was help me with the bills and now he's magically able to save $500 a week somehow. Jesus Christ wtf was he spending it on before. I'll never know. Makes me sick to my stomach actually. And it's not magic, it's what he should've been able to do all along, he just wanted to be a little bitch before.
This has stirred up a lot of emotions that I kind of hate. He can't control himself around me fucking bullshit I don't get it. So much of him sounds good but then he does something icky like that. Idk anymore. I'm tired and talking to him has actually just made things worse, not better. End of story.
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Part 11
Damn it’s Been years since my last post I’m 20 now life’s been eventful XD to say the least, HEARTBREAK HEART BRRAK HEARTBREAK, after my ex I met a certain C who was just with me to deal with her ex said she had feelings for me one month then I was just a good fuck the next XDD shit like that, she blocked me and then added me back blocked me again then added me back and now she talks to me? Idk really she confuses me, after her it’s a Jamaican girl (s) she AGAIN was prolly with me for her ex at first she said she liked me but didn’t want a relationship (run if you hear this I’ll show you why) saw each other for a couple months then she started dating some dude she “met at the club” app they just clicked but before that she told me she didn’t see me like that just friends but then after she’s with him she said she did like me just preferred him? NIGGA IF YOU DONT STOP THE CAP deffo her ex or she acc swapped me out for a stranger either that’s her ex or that nigga is rizz incarnate, MY DAHLIA CAME BACK to idk now I kinda think they’re back to haunt and fuck with me one minute they like me and text and call me every 5 mins to now it’s me running them down you know like before when was about to break up tho we ain’t dating said they didn’t want a rele and from that i should of cut cos I do, they’re on dating apps they get with other ppl so idk if they acc like me or if it’s some situation thing going on if we’re fwb if it was that it be fine but they’re the ones that mentioned feelings and that it’s like they wanted to see if they still had me good for you well done you do remember the whole feeling resting dormant thing Yeah it’s still there, is like they know or sumin but what they don’t know is sooner or later hate will win if they keep fuckin with my head I don’t do that to them try confuse em talk and fuck other ppl then say I have feelings for you or I love you allow that you don’t need Take it there, I’m bout to kill any thing I have left tho if this shit stays the same cos I can’t keep chasing why the fuck are you running around me for me being my direct might end bad but I don’t really care to much anymore I just need to know the truth I don’t want to be fucked with and I truly do care about my Dahlia I love that crazy bitch but they clearly don’t love me whether she’s A or they’re E they still confuse me about it they’ve grown and changed tho but some things just don’t seem to how they treat me idk one minute it’s good the next it feels like I’m a bother or I’m just back up or I’m just pestering or I’m whatever I don’t know I don’t even know if they love me like I do I doubt that’s why that feeling gotta die I lost my dad in oct and nobody really cared that shit still fucks with me now so my ex doing this I fake like you shit is gonna do my nut in again I care for em I’d wanna be with my dahlia but they don’t and I’m tired anyway
Lonely sage out my rant done
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