#idk why the quality is so shit but whatever idc
as-i-watch · 2 years
Straw Hats as Fashion Trends that makes me go insane*
*you can wear whatever want to express yourself or whatever you like idc. What i hate if when brands™ overprice shit bc is "trendy" or set stupid trends like these. Seriously, dont look up the price of some of these
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Enjoy!
Detachable Shorts
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Of course this feature was a need in the trouser world, think about the people with hot knees
I think it would be funny if Luffy wore this and undo the buckles to get into fight mode. The trouser equivalent of putting down the straps in your crocs.
Tits Out. [period]
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Your arms are always cold? Hate vests? Well this is for you!
Still, i think this is so fitting for Zoro, we respect our tits out king and adds a little bit of himbo energy i appreciate.
Oda draws weird shit like this all the time
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Yes this item was for sale and not on etsy. Why? beats me but here we are
I think its a nice refference to pre timeskip Nami outfits, but it actually fits into the post timeskip fanservice theme. I seriously see Nami wearing that.
Cool but why
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Its a cool recycling project but im not even going to talk why brands selling these upset me.
I think i would be a fitting addition to Usopp's funky hats collection. Not only he would pull it off, he would steal the desing and make one himself like the king he is.
Pretty but WHYYY
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I really like the effect and sawing this fabric is hard af but is more of a texture thing for me. Also my little practical self is screaming at this gloves but i see the aesthetic pleasing side i guess
So naturally i gave the gay gloves to Sanji. Tell you you cant picture him wearing these with his WCI white suit, come on do it, lie to me.
A classic we love to hate
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Not you Chopper you are a delight. Im talking about the clear plastic backpacks. In case you missed thia trend, the issues with this are as clear as the bag itself.
So naturally, bc he always carries one, i gave the backpack to Chopper. Hope he fills it with colorful candy
I have vivid memories of this being a thing at some point
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This are more of a pre timeskip item since they are from mis 2000's but yeah. They are useless, impractical and they offend me
Yet, i think Robin could've feature a look in a filler or something with these...anklets? I guess? Not the most far fetched imo
Cut and pin.
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Not an issue of looks but of pricing. This are cute little tops but overpriced af, they just cut it and pin it.
Nevertheless, they scream Franky to me. They even kinda follow Franky's own stiches on his chest lmao
At a lost for words
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I just dont get it. This is not a price thing, just a ok but why? thing.
If someone can do weird shit and get away with it is Brook and i love him for it. He could show up one day at Sunny wearing his coat backward and i wouldnt question it. I imagine him wearing that as a fancy look in a movie. He already wears high heels on the reg, and idk why but i know he has a pair of fishnets.
This fuck me up to this day
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I dont mind the ilusion drawing idea, but seeing a whole rack of these in a sleep deprived state kinda fucks up your mind. I dont think it was a clever trend for clothes tho and im glad it died away.
I dont think Jinbe would wear the shirt, but hear me out. His kimono but in that stile, custom made. One day Usopp, Chopper and Luffy will paint it in and is going to be hilarious to see Jinbe walking around like a Father that let his kids do his hair and nails.
You can find more idiot post like this in my tag #straw hats as i make no promise of quality but i have fun
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rumbleonthemill · 5 months
Nicky's kidnapping makes no sense in the cartoon?!!!!!!
so, Nicky breaks in for the 49234792347832nd time, and finds the red key and gets kidnapped right before opening the basement door.
this is already a red flag for those, who know that in the original HN, Nicky was caught in the basement - when he already figured things out, and saw things. which made sense. he was put back on the porch until he did not get far enough.
Nicky doesn't only get caught before entering the basement and seeing things, while we know Neighbor throws him out in the games each time, he was kidnapped for no reason. yep.
whatever the fuck is going on in the basement, idk idc. something that is beyond the man and his family. something he seemingly cannot do anything about, and while I thought he wants people to figure out, what is he forced to do [he does this in error world], and ask for help while we all know there is no help, this all ended up making no sense (I'm aware that I think way too much into this world class quality plot)
Nicky is given a bag onto his head, which he puts on, when something bad happens. idk why and how he gets to see all of the terror, since in the game, he is put into a small room for two months and given food, but he does.
the kidnapping made no sense, and happened for the sake of happening. there is no reason, and no antecedent, because Nicky breaks in just like before, runs like crazy just like before, tries to open the door just like before. there is no way, that Peterson could only catch him now, no way. him being forced to keep the kid hostage in the game is 10 times underlined, he doesn't do this for hobby.
Nicky witnessing things is unnecessary as shit, it is for the sake of the DRAMA and him going insane.
Peterson suffering from some boo hoo demon thing is still such an unnecessary plot element, it hurts.
tldr; Nicky being caught and held INSIDE the basement is logical, since Peterson doesn't want the police to be called on him, he knows things. but him doing extra work for himself by kidnapping kids when he already has a million problems, is unnecessary and illogical.
reply with your ideas if you wish, I may have skipped something?
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delving-verilly · 2 years
I understand youre mad that eddie won't be back for a second season but calling the duffer bros hacks bc they didn't write a story of salvation seems a bit much lol. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and then they die. Sometimes good people get bad lots in life and they cant overcome that. That HAPPENS. It's not lazy to not save every single character. It's not lazy to have an unhappy ending. Not all stories have to wrap up making you feel good. It doesn't make the storyteller shit at telling stories. Idk so many people seem to feel like the duffer brothers ~don't deserve eddie or whatever just bc they decided he was always destined for tragedy and that seems like a really neutered way to interact with stories. Some people do have tragic lives with no redemption by the end. Telling stories about characters like that isn't lazy or bullshit and it's actually very skillful to make everyone love them and hope for them so fiercly the way stranger things has. I guess idc about the duffer bros specifically but the way everyone shits on the handling of the character just bc there was never any chance for salvation. It just feels like we all need to stop expecting salvation and hope from EVERY character in everything we watch and read. Surely that's boring?
Referring to the Duffer brothers as hacks stretch further back beyond a story of salvation. If anything, I understand why Eddie was killed off regarding the character arc. I find their work grating from many lazy writing decisions that have been made across the show in its entirety. Plus, they seem to write to stereotype.
My issue with the Duffers regarding Eddie was with stating they didn't see a way he would be able to have any semblance of a decent life. The character was not a two-dimensional one, so why expect simplistic outcomes, especially in a show whereby other characters of similar stereotyping have managed to escape that amongst the otherwise confines of the society in which they exist? Then I have an issue where one character is explained basically as a 'bad egg' and pigeonholed that only salvation can come in the form of death. That, more than an issue with writing, is simple issue with stereotyping full stop.
With regards to your comment: "Telling stories about characters" being "...very skillful to make everyone love them and hope for them so fierc(e)ly the way stranger things has." The telling of a story using a screenplay is a multipath street in terms of a television show, film or live production. Words on the page are indeed written by the writers, which the actors and director take and create added dimensions. Like taking a recipe to make a cake. Each actor helps to construct the characters with their understanding of who that person is, what their motivations are and deep diving around why they are who they are. Hand in hand with production who create costumes, hair, make up, effects, scenes and sets, lighting, sound and many other behind the scenes teams and specialty areas all landing under the hand of the director. It is the director who has a vision for what the scene as a microcosm of the larger piece should look like on screen. It's a skilled dance of many. No one, not even the Duffers themselves, anticipated the extent to which Eddie would resonate with people around the world. It happens, and had they someone else in the role, someone else organising costume, someone else handling hair and makeup then perhaps that would not have happened the that would have led to a very different flatter version of the character as written in the screenplays themselves.
If you've not, I highly recommend you take the time to research the actual writing quality in the screenplays. Research 'missed opportunities' you will see many examples that I won't bother retyping to reiterate.
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clonehub · 2 years
Perhaps I am too gracious with anons like that but in general, the reading comprehension of the star wars fandom genpop is in the toilet. Stop taking everything at face value. I do it too sometimes but at least I can correct course when I need to. In what world can you admit that GL and DFs love of M*A*S*H and other military shows and movies influenced their handling of tcw and star wars in general but you can't see how any single bias they may hold could influence how they write people of color. You can see how GLs studying Anthropology in college influenced star wars. I'm telling you now that whatever racist shit he picked up from Anthropology in the fucking SIXTIES made it into star wars. Anthro now is a lot better but still has shit to deal with. It's been fifty something years.
(it's also only just occuring to me that this man probably remembers parts of the civil rights movement or at least its immediate after math since he graduated in 1967 hold on while I lose my mind)
A lot of fans like to pat themselves on the back for coming up with theories and then maybe part of a theory being right, somehow, eventually, and they think that holds the same weight as being able to draw connections between what's presented on screen and how it is influenced by greater sociopolitical happenings and also by Disney being a fucking corporation before anything else. The basics of media analysis is praised as enlightened but the minute you ask someone to examine why in the world someone would want an elite team of genetically enhanced soldiers to be whiter than the people they look down on, they suddenly don't know how to think and noooo fiction doesn't affect reality and nooooo I can tell the difference between fiction and reality nooooo the writers didn't do it on purpose. Which goes to show a further lack of reading comprehension because nobody's ever accused them of doing it on purpose. And whether it's on purpose or an accident, it's still racist.
But you point out something like this and because of a massive level of insecurity surrounding their chosen interest and also an embarrassing amount of intransigence in general they revert so quickly to "yeah I love this show that I've acknowledged has massive issues it's complicated :/" or even worse, "idc it doesn't have to be good 🤪". The latter is a deflection I hardly entertain because again, were talking about racism not narrative quality (altho tbb is in fact. Bad)
Idk it's just getting more and more frustrating especially as star wars media gets more and more tepid (again, bc of status quo + capitalist effects on art bc Disney is a corporation! We are in the mass production stage of media babey!) The themes and morals are right there and people miss them despite claims that So and So character is actually their son/husband/boyfriend/whatever. Star wars is for everyone except if everyone is racist, in which case then ur making up the racism and also how dare you criticize the unbridled yet horrifyingly milquetoast imaginations of a man who named a tech specialist Tech, don't you know he loves star wars :(
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moonshineonme · 2 years
I really do adore Jane Austen and her books but like they just don’t sit well with me… Our main girls are always different and special and not like other girls and all these other female characters get hated on and for what ????
Lets take the girlies from p&p, we have jane, who is sweet and kind and ‘soft-spoken’ and elizabeth has this sort of feeling of superiority over her because she is well-read and will only marry for love ???? Like bestie maybe some girlies dont have a choice (cough Charlotte Lucas cough). Lydia is seen as this irrational and foolish girl but like, i support her !!! Homegirl wanted a husband, girlboss delivered !!! And everyone is hating on her because she is doing whatever the fuck she wants and je m’en fou what society deems what is ok and not ok !! Like thats my heroine right there !!! Elizabeth thinks she is so much better but she is the literal definition of the pick me girl i said what i said she reads books (omg !!!) and she will talk back and she isnt fond of balls and she will make a wealthy man fall in love with her because she is so ✨special✨
What about my girlbosses who like dancing and balls and gossiping about boys and doing silly little things that dont have to shape your personality as someone better than all the other girlbosses ???
Idk i just feel jane austen has this way to always make her mc look way better by criticizing the other girlies but what happened to girls supporting girls ??? Emma will let anyone talk bad about Jane Fairfax but what has homegirl ever done wrong ??? Is it because she plays the pianoforte better than you ?? Why is the only way we can think good of ourselves by taking other girls down ??? And why do we feel we get male validation by making other girls look bad ???
Fuck the male validation if i wanna support jane because shes making some banging tunes then i will support her fuck frank churchill and his idiotic behavior
If darcy is listing all the qualities a woman must have in order to be suitable for him then i will simply say what qualities do you have ??? Money ??? Do you yourself have anything special about you except your money… well if that isnt sad mmmmh too bad idgaf about your money and your list of woman-hating views
I will read the divine trilogy because i damn like it and afterwards i will read the most smutty book ever because idc what is considered good or bad literature and i will go dancing until my feet fall off and i will go buy pretty clothes and makeup because i want to look pretty for myself not for you and when i want to get a husband it will be on my terms not on yours <333 yes i am an oat milk basic bitch and jane austen would have hated me for it but i love being a basic bitch fight me over this
(Besties dont get me wrong i love love loooove these books and i know its from a different time period and shit like that but the moment i start to really analyze it i start hating all this shit)
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aquariusshadow · 3 years
Live!Blogging Legacies s3x11
Helloooooooo friends, how’s our methan legacies deprivation going? Two weeks....two weeks...but it's time for another Legacies Live!Blog! Ngl I did miss doing these ahaha
well then we got some old timey shit going on here, im into it
is this clarke
this better be clarke
i better be remembering properly
that looks like an ascendant
hi clarke
yep ascendant...artifact...whatever
damn, 4hrs of sleep (maybe) and im doin good with the brain thing
awww look at hope reassuring cleo
this is sweet
"just be natural" stares intensely
Jed no
do not introduce time travel in this
kaleb to cleo: a special someone
me: .....hope? (excuse my cleope heart)
landon would be a great history major
Kai parker???
did hope just say kai
i really like how theyre writing handon
"i was worried our days of superhero teamwork would be over"
gdi lizzie
platonic!mizzie only plz
ethan come back
really thats all we're gonna see of josie/hope/landon interaction one look
wade!!!! hiiiiiiii where tf have you been
i can see josie larping actually
"im not here to bust up your bromance" ahaha
im really impressed finch stayed by herself with this werewolf secret for so long
ok lizzie calm down
like a majority of werewolf first-tunes are almost always accidental
i love him ahahahaha
this is amazing
i love him
look at how he's making her laugh
this is so fucking cute
this is what i wanted with handon oh my gooooood
rip necromancer i guess
one of the few reasons why i enjoyed his character was he played gideon in season 3 of reign
any reign fans reading this hmu (seriously hmu lmao)
oh god wtf is that
ew dont eat the
be disgusting idc
oooooooo is this how dark!josie comes back
ok thats clever
josies confronting her inner demons head on
i like this
"head-dive" it has a name now
jesus finch
you really dont know the whole story
oooo kaylee heightened dark!josies voice a little bit
i like that
im getting some katherine pierce vibes??? at least with her mannerisms
maaaaaaan i like how theyre showing us finch's backstory
sigh im really not surprised she yeeted him back into reality
but at least he can help heal her???
landon and josie interaction to save hope??? yes plz
oh god this isnt gonna go well with ethan going alone is it
good lord
idk this is a bit much for her
i get shes trying to look out for josie
but yikes
"special candies"
awwwwww poor finch
this poor girl
my headcanon is that josies gonna become a badass DnD player after this episode
awww kaleb's attempt at flirting is pretty adorable
aka be yourself kaleb thats all
i really am getting katherine v elena vibes with josie and dark!josie (i really hope thats not an insult to katherine lmao)
wade you sweet simple fool you tried
so josie ended up taking her magic back to save hope...imma just leave it at that
cmon wade
be the fairy guardian you were meant to
oh ok
yeaaaaaaaa landon save your girl!!!
finally saw landon saving hope
such handon progression im so happy
awwww kaleb wanted to protect cleo
thats really sweet
idk why im not as into these two as a couple compared to some of the other ships BUT i am liking them more as the episodes go by!
handon communication! handon communication!
hope's starting to trust him yaaaaaay
hope's playing dnd
never thought i'd say this but handon is starting to reach couple goals for me
hey mg...ethan kinda...went off by himself...
so, lizzie supports the methaness going on
thats all im taking away from this scene
this is what i mean when i say i like platonic!mizzie
mg is so sweeeeeeeeeet i love him
hosie convo! i repeat hosie convo! finally
man i really want josie to go play dnd
no........nooooooooo dont tell me landon isnt landon
see heres my thing
if the landon we've been seeing this entire time wasnt landon
then all that handon development we finally got
that being said i do find this incredibly interesting
I swear these episodes are just higher in quality! So, if Landon isn’t Landon, then what does that mean for all the positive Handon progression the past few episodes since Landon’s been back? Also, Methan how I’ve missed you.
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misterbitches · 3 years
Dude yong jie’s character is literally unbearable this is like how not to write a vharacter 101
Our first intro to him is stalking, then PUNCHING someone in the LIVER bc the person he “loves” was fucking drunk and he blames his best friend? Then his mom is like “lmao actually um hes psycho” so anything they try to do retroactively like how they peppered in HIS DAD DIED A BLOO BLOO but previously it was also his OWN MOM going “im afraid he’ll lose his humanity” so not only was there no breathing room then it’s bumrushing him into their lives as best friends and it doesnt work. This dude sucks and he isnt even fun to watch. You know how breaking bad has one of the most abysmal main characters of all time but all of us were fucking ENGROSSED but the show made it clear that every enemy he faces, even the DEA, we want THEM to win (it is also a class analysis but woreva) so i am like wtf they show us literally nothing here. He’s just there. Wasting space and being awful. What is the purpose of his character in ssu’s life? Once you rape someone it is fucking over full stop but he didnt even fucking manage to start off in any compelling fucking way. Absolutely bonkers dude Esp bc theres at least a base moral code ie DONT HARRASS GIRLS UR “INTO” and thats why mei fang the absolute mad lad beaut was like “lmao nah i hate u”
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?????????????????????????????????? WHERE IS THE WRITING HERE? WHAT IS THE SCRIPT? awhat is the PROGRESSION? This is such an insanely fucking dumb plo5 point i rly cannnnjnnntoeiwijshsgsgsgsgsgsgeggwiwowiw GORL
Lets talk abt the good things in the characters (theres none for yong jie hes just there being a little bitch)
Li cheng - himbo dumbass “manly” cutie and the manly stuff is fun cos it gets heaped on and yet every bit of him can be extremely “feminine” and jubilant. Great.
Muren - seems >:O but i rly like that hes actually pretty open in his own way. Side note: he is so thin and willow-y i rly loke tall pretty boys (and all women lmao) and he doesnt do it for me but He suits the character like his body and the way his character is. Also u gotta be weird and he is
Hsinng ssu (girl im never gonna learn how to spell their names it’s too much work cos the eng alphabet andnromanization is terrible) - mild mannered, good son, a homosexual confirmed confirmed g”(awesome!) great friend, good brother (and i guess his reward is being raped, great message!) and someone ppl like
The establishment of the three of them and their distinct personalities happens within minutes and then we meet
Yongjie - what about him? He may have an MI, okay, but we dont know for sure and oh gee that doesnt matter actually bc u have to get urself treated and also not be terrible. Not even psychopaths do the shit he does BC THEY HAVE TO GET HELP. Why the parents didnt get him help and are just realizing their son is terrible? Who knows . His purpose seems yo be “boy obsessed with brother like his actual brother” i dont care id they arent related in that way bc that’s not the fucking crux of incest and it is so insanely Fucked every thing to do with incest is almost always a disgusting powe r issue. WHAT PURPOSE DOES HE SERVE? WHAT DO WE ONOW ABOUT HIM OTHER THAN HE IS A FUCKING JERK AND AN IDIOT AND SUCKS AND I HATE HIM AND THAT HE WANTS TO STALK AND ATTACK THIS REALLY AWESOME FUCKING DUDE OK
There’s no returning point deom rhe line they croased byt theyb set him up for failure. Even in the fight hes a fucking cheater hes a goddamn immature rat they know he fucking sucks but he just sits there and waits for everyone else to move around him. A fucking selfish prick with nor edeeming qualities snd hes also a violent rapist stalker. Really great that thry have no clue how to make this dude actually have any humanity or likeability. Hes the man from 365 days basically except not even that hot and at least he kidnapped her but “WAITED” for “CONSENT” but in that movie’s world nothing mattered and it was bad and the point was to have a horny movie. But this show is for younger ppl and also IT HAS RULES AND IT KNOWS WHAT BAD ACTIONS ARE???? Soooooooooooooo in all these other dumb salacious books there seems to be just a mutual agreement that it’s fucked up but totally normal i their movie’s universee (it isnt and it is still just bad filmmaking)
Also it is up to yong jie to figure put how to get over it and understand that his brother is concerned for him. Bc it is. His brother. There’s a reason that incest is never advisable and thays bc there is no way in that situation that people aren’t somehow being coerced. There has to be a sort of split in the pursuer and the person being pursued bc one person is not thinking that way. (This is why people who find out they are related after the fact and havent grown up together is something thatms really unfortunate. They had no idea and they have to grapple with that but that is another scenario and it happens bc THEY DIDNT GROW UP TOGETHER.) i have experienced this from a (not immediate) fam member and i was the vulnerable one, had less powr, that is how it must go.
Thats why the power imbalance is scary and none of this is acceptable but it begs the question how did they get to this point? But the show doesnt even address that bc they cant bc theyre not original. And power imbalance does not mean automatic absolutely not territory. Theres things we dont like (in my casee i hate age gaps a lot) but i will avoid that.
I havemt seen “right or wrong” and i have no desire but from what ive garnered from ppl i like who liked that episode, the show outlined the moral issues with it. Idk if they did it in a way i would have preferred (again no desire) but at lesst from what ive heard it...tries? Idk i dont see the need for these if they dont give us a reason why these ppl should be together and there’s several lines that cannot be crossed that were. Basically it’s like stockholm syndrome now and there’s no choice for him, it goes beyond power imbalance and “legality” so to speak and now it’s just entrapment.
Theres not even avoiding or enjoying. Even for MODC as stupid as i found the secondary rship and negligent even like ok. Fine. Whatever. His boyfriend is 100 but at least it was semi agreed upon. It is what it is, go forth. I will criticize it but at least it was the story and as stupid and gross as i think it is and they will probs break up (idc what the show says) at least there are set ups that can make us see “why” it works and oh, gee, their whole rship relies on a different fucked up but at least at some point it could possibly be transcended. The foundation of youngjie is “rape entrapment and aw now they are in lvoe” BITCH NOOOO???? Where is the REASON? And why should we root for them? (There is none and when the Thing happens it is now impossible for that not to be absolutely foundational to their rship lmao and that is never something that goes away.)
I would like to say theres nothing romantic int he flashbacks i know thats what theyre trying to twll us but the actor is 30 and that child is like 8.
Im not missing the point bc i see it with my eyes and it sucks. If you cant even write the character well then how do you interest something heavy and work out the links? The only solution is yongjie dying i mean fucking off forever and hsing ssu not letting him into his lifeXni doubt we will get that but at the very least they cannot end up together and that will be their crowning fucking achievement over the waste of time bullshit plot this was. Imagine actual conflict that wasnt so deeply fucking traumatic and, oh, again WHERE ARE THE PARENTS? They fucked up SO FUCKING BADLY. This gives people the wrong idea about how these things work. God he is truly a shitty character and his ass isnt even fat so wtf bitch why am i here!
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quesadillabitch · 4 years
pb's recent (?) issue with character motivation, consistency, and pacing
we've all noticed it tbh. they've all become particularly badly done lately, with prime examples being distant shores, witness, the nanny affair, the royal heir... like here i go rambling again but like?? idc
start with distant shores... issues with pacing, consistency within characters and their motivations. mc's a hot mess, and seeing as they are who we are playing through, this makes it all the more glaring. wtf is this character? they don't seem particularly bright or determined, they just go with whatever current plot the book is telling us to pay attention to. one second they are like 'oh no my crew n boat!' but then five seconds later they can be like 'oh oliver ;)' and like you can't even chalk it up to the half-assed actor background of mc because none of that is referenced in a way that would at least partially justify this bizarrely inconsistent mc (sans any motivation to get home of course).
and then oliver?? tf is this idiotic character introduction? what could have been a fairly interesting romance with the mc fell flat immediately when everything was thrown on the table within hours of meeting them/all within the same chapter. pb now has gotten to a point where it refuses to acknowledge that there can be subtlety and pacing in an mc's relationship with an li - it's all or nothing, no tension or slowburn. same thing goes with witness and the nanny affair and friggin baby bump. pb *tells* you that there is this undeniable attraction between mc and the li a billion times, and then by the end of chapter two they've already made out with each other or hooked up. things can't actually be taken slowly or organically because pb thinks we'll... what? abandon ship (haha) or get bored?? i mean a good example refuting this is mc x ethan... it was what? eight chapters before it let them kiss?? bruh that was some goooooood romance pacing AND character consistency - it made sense with Ethan's character to wait so long and then react the way he did... speaking of character consistency/motivation, back to Oliver...
why lmao? why would he tell mc, a veritable rando in his books, all this stuff about his top secret mission? isn't he supposed to be a highly capable navy officer? And yet?? nothing we've seen has proved this? introducing him the way he was just shows us that he's just highly incompetent and boringly instantly whipped by the mc for no overtly discernible reason (like every li... every book 🙄). his motivation to tell mc instantaneously is... because they're ~dreamy~? he's jeopardizing this entire thing he's been tasked with because mc's cute? hello????
i could harp on distant shores being a massive disappointment for a while but i don't really care so I'll carry on to other stuff. i haven't played the royal heir for weeks because it was starting to hit terminal stupid at that point but I've seen many a post talking about pb completely ruining maxwell's character and somehow dumbing down everything even further so absolutely no one in the book has the brain cells to figure out what is going on...
i think im just mostly tired of he insta-love for mcs and the rushed ass romances with no actual basis for chemistry. it's BORING. we all know nothing about witness makes sense in regard for cassian being in love with the mc... she treats them awfully but cassian is like "YES BAE ANYTHING FOR YOU!!!!"?? or even the nanny affair (which so far i actually generally like), like this shit would be so much more convincing if pb could wait more than two chapters and hold off on the need to smash the mc and li together like two barbie dolls the second they lay eyes on each other. stop telling us about electric touches and lingering stares three clicks in and actually focus on constructing believable chemistry and tension without forcing it. like, again, we've seen this stuff work really well before in past books. we know it works, pb knows it works. it demonstrably does. it's okay to wait five or six chapters before the mc and li kiss. they don't have to be ******* and **** each other within the first chapter lmao
idk i know a lot of this instant gratification stuff and loose pacing and character crap is about money vs. quality but overall it just makes me sad because we know what pb is capable of, how great their stories have been and how great they can be. but the majority is just so... meh now :/
i don't feel like carrying on anymore and i know this is all very rant-y and nonsensical but i at least partially got my thoughts out, even if they are disjointed af lmao but uhhh yeah don't take this too seriously, these just be my opinions and if you love the books that I'm ragging on, that's all well and good ✌🏼✌🏼
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amelmajrii · 4 years
this is just my observation and i don’t mean it in a bad way, again as a reminder it’s only been 2 weeks since her debut. yes i said 2 weeks.
i think casey is doing a bit of shuffling in the lineup trying to figure out who works well together and where. i think tobin has an advantage here, because she can play both wings and the midfield if needed (seems unlikely bc united have a strong midfield but always good to have versatility).
whereas press is a forward. her natural position is a striker, it’s where she’s always played. this has only recently changed in the last few years (esp at utah bc 9 is the only position ARod plays so press didn’t have much of a choice otherwise). press is good at the wing and she’s good as a 9. yes ik she said she likes the wing she also said she’s always played at a 9. so i get why she’s being played there right now, and if you other anons are honest, you do too.
tricky thing for untied is they already had a few really talented wingers in galton and hanson. in comparison, russo seems to be the only true 9 (jane ross maybe but idk?). the obvious choice as a manager is to replace russo for press as she herself stated it’s her natural position.
also psa: idc who you are or how many trophies you’ve won you don’t automatically deserve to be in the starting 11, or displace other teammates (on the wings or elsewhere) who have been performing well just because you’ve won world cups. you earn all starting spots, and that’s my final take on this. you personally are not doing this but i’m seeing a lot of people complain about press not being a starter so i’d again throw out it’s still only been 2 weeks. but i felt the need to say this
i think that press is struggling to get back into form, and that’s fine. she hasn’t been out for long periods before and had to build her body back to game fitness and it’s new to her. and you can still clearly see this is the case, it may even take a few more games. welcome to professional sports guys.
imo she didn’t look fantastic today. i expect someone of her talent to put that goal away when she’s not being properly marked (like seriously you leave press open on the back post lol) and she did. i think the goal helps from a mental standpoint for sure, and honestly i think she was probably surprised she got it too.
you can clearly see her touches are still too heavy and she’s turning the ball over at the halfway line. and from what i’ve seen, when she gets on the pitch she just looks kind of tired and only has bursts of energy/speed, and is almost like waiting for the ball to come to her which is not at all how she usually plays.
i trust stoney. press got 15 mins today because stoney thought that’s what she needed/could contribute to the game.
while coaches and players can say whatever, we don’t actually know what press looks like in training and perhaps she’s not geling as quickly as tobin has (the front 3 today had a killer half) and that’s why stoney isn’t giving her more game minutes. as a coach i would not be trying to gel players when points are on the line. i’d wait to see it in practice first.
if that’s the case, i don’t blame stoney for not giving her much game time. i don’t think press has connected especially well with galton yet and stoney seems to really like having her on the pitch and when she’s having a good game (like today) she provides some quality assists.
so i think what i’m trying to say is that; while yes press needs game minutes to shake off her rust, if she’s not connecting with the other players on the field, then it’s not useful to have her out there. and i think a lot of people are having a hard time swallowing and think that she’s only rusty bc she’s not getting minutes, while i think there’s a lot more at play and acknowledging that sucks because she’s their fav which i get.
i think once she starts connecting better with the team, the rust will also begin to fade and that’s when we’ll see more of her. it’s been 2 weeks, i’d rather wait to see her when she’s at her best than what i’ve been seeing now when she’s coming on and not contributing as much as we all and she knows she could be.
thanks for reading my long ass take on this lmao. you’re one of the few people who actually really understands the technical aspects of football, and i think connection among teammates is very underrated and can ultimately make or break games. and for press it’s just not there yet. people keep complaining that she should be starting and getting like 45 mins and she’s clearly not ready for it yet, but she eventually will.
hope your french babies are well (neymar and veratti is a love story i didn’t know i needed) also love seeing diacre test positive for covid, karma doing her thing once again;)
Hi ! i took my time and read this. and i didn't know many people were complaining because i follow only a few on here.
The main reason like you said it’s because Press has never (thankfully for her) been out on long periods because of injuries and stuff like that so it’s harder to bounce back and get to a team, a new team in that matter. It maybe would have been easier if it was the NT where she has played for a long with the players. Also, Casey needs to find out as well who to play together and who works best with one another. I think the shuffling will go on for a bit with the return of Ona in  defense and Lauren James. The international break will once again give CP and everyone staying time to gel and make connections on the pitch. 
Also, CP is her best critic and then she has T and Casey as a coach to tell what went wrong sometimes. Also, Casey knows her value and wants to play her (im certain of that) but she also has to handle a team which has many attacking players. So its not that easy. I would try not to read too much into that part of her getting only a little minutes even though i want to see CP back to full form asap. I would have been bummed if T didn't play well but then i would not make that issue given the situation and how long they've been off the field. Again repeating this for everyone : They have been playing for 2 weeks ONLY!!!
and like you said, CP will definitely start kicking ass again because she's a talented, skilled and experienced player with a great understanding of the game! 
my french babies are fine unless they do some shit on Tuesday against Man utd and then my morale will take a hit ! 
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So....Black Sails huh? Jack and/or Max for the character ask?👀
Im taking the opportunity to ramble a lot abt max lmao. (tysm sofia btw!! )
do I like them:  YES lmao. as it can be inferred by how much i talked abt her
5 good qualities: i mean smart af; cool-headed, most of her responses when jack or whoever else is losing their cool and she is just trying to bring everybody down to planet earth is just gold; good business-sense; observant; extremely good at reading people (idk why but i saw somebody call her manipulative and its just. no lmao) like sure she knows what people want and how to use that to her advantage. but she doesnt do that with people shes close with; also pragmatic bc shes queen thats why.
3 bad qualities: as with the previous ask. i do think she has “bad“ traits, but i do find them perfectly justified responses to a lot of what happens and i like them so *shrug* imma just say none
favourite episode/etc: i cant remember the specific one but it’s the one where anne is losing her shit bc gender roles and how she fits in that, and also “am i lesbian or not“, and all that, and seeing max talking her through that was great. hopefully i can add in the future smth abt her getting power or smth lmao. shoutout to the moment she sees the gold in s2 finale bc same girl
otp: anne/max
brotp: max/silver; max/jack. i would like for some max/flint, any interaction at all really, but im not sure if thats in the cards. in any case im satisfied with what i have
ot3: jack/anne/max
notp: its not properly a notp, in the sense that idc much abt it, but its more for max as character if it makes sense? so eleonor/max. strictly when they are together tho! like, its just bc eleonor is holding her back. afterwards tho, the push and prodding as exes is very entertaining
best quote (so far. i have expectations lmao): “She's not mad. She is adrift. Alone is the most terrifying way.”  for essentially two reasons, it proves how in tune she is with anne right at that moment; and two it is also a moment of vulnerability bc max knows what that feels like from s1.
headcanon: rather than hc since im no good at those. at all. and since im in the middle of this its more prediction time! like i do think the show is settingher up as an eleonor that makes it. especially now that max has essentially picked up the scraps of whatever is left of eleonor’s activity. i mean i hope its true bc the karmic justice of it, after the events of s1 (specifically how eleonor values her position more than max), it would be great to see a reverse.
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aro-spec awareness week
20th: Questioning - What are some experiences you had when discovering your arospec identity?
*this is long af, but it felt nice to put it out*
*it turned out longer, and angrier than planned*
I used to wish I were aro, in the past couple years, and then berate myself for thinking that bc that's not right, idk what i'm talking abt. I remember reading posts that would detail how wrong it was to say 'oh I wish I was aro' bc that means you romanticize it, you ignore the hardship, but now... I wanna laugh at the memory
I remember how appealing it felt, every single description of aro experience I could find - except I didn't see how I could use that label for myself; I wasn't aro - I was other things but I shouldn't steal that label...
I've always known I was different. I felt that in my bones, it was in my gut, in my blood. Before I had a word I embraced the words like deviant and pervert bc the word queer, or gay wasn't in my vocabulary, and calling myself a perv felt safer than calling myself gay - can you imagine that?
So for a time I called myself gay, quietly, in whispers. I did a limited research based on pitiful books on sex ed and stuff, books that put homosexuality in with deviations, disorders and fetishes. Books that assured readers how homosexuals are weird, but for the most part aren't dangerous - bc clearly that wasn't something obvious. Books that scoffed at the word fetish, and expected the reader to play along and laugh with the author. "Oh, those silly crossdressers, right?"
I came out as a lesbian. And my parents told me I'm too young to know. I was in my last year of high school, I've seen my peers pair off for years, I've watched them crush on each other, I watched them get fucking pregnant and get abortions, but nobody told them they didn't know what they were doing. I mean, clearly, yes, teen sex is not the most experienced or rational or even responsible thing in the world, but that wasn't the point people were making at me. So I tried to defend myself. You know what I said?
"I am not asexual." (Go ahead, you can laugh. I still do.)
And I said some other things abt how hypocritical it was to doubt my ability to know myself at that age. As if age had anything to do with it. I've always known I wasn't like everybody else. It's not a feeling you can fake, it's not even a feeling you want at that age.
Anyways, that was it. I came out to a few people but I only really came out as a lesbian.
Then I questioned my gender, tried a genderqueer label on for size. It felt nice. It felt horrible, in a paradoxical way, it felt oppressive and I can't really disentangle my identity questions at that time from my depression. When I say it felt oppressive I mean not the label itself, I think maybe I could keep that in the long run, but holy fuck the people! It was as if the world was closing in on me and I couldn't breathe.
Then I wasn't anything. No label, no word. I was exhausted. I was just ME, whatever the hell that was. Idc.
Some years later I started to get back into the topic and see if anything was there that I could use. You're probably wondering where's that aro label, when I've ran through all the others (almost).
First I figured I'm ace (ha ha ha). I am asexual, after all, the irony. And I poured everything into that, that was my label, that was my identity. The panromantic was there as an accessory bc I knew I never differentiated but it never occurred to me that it's not bc I'm attracted to everybody - it's bc I'm attracted to NOBODY. I embraced that last year in summer - that's a few months ago. I haven't been using aro label longer than 6 months, I think.
I would have used it sooner but there was one major blockade for me. My childhood and teen crushes. The only reason I didn't dare use that word to describe me. It took me so long to figure out that what I called crushes, was different what people call crushes. I never wanted to have sex with anybody, that was clear for me - so I'm ace. But try to define romance when people say hugs are romantic, that holding hands is romantic, that spending any quality time is romantic - especially if with someone of other gender. I had to readjust my vision. I didn't crush on people - I was starved for meaningful friendships, for trust, for true intimacy - something that as a bullied kid I could never have.
I've been to some psychiatrists over the years - three of them actually - and I noticed that they talk to me as if I'm unaware of my own shit, as if they need to spend hours upon hours pulling the emotional teeth from me, like most people that are scared of what lies in the dark abandoned corner of their psyche. And I want to laugh in their faces. I get it, I appreciate the delicate tugging for what it is, but really - I'm not some hapless cishet, who never had to face the question ‘who am I?’ and ‘why am I like this?’. I am queer. I've spent over 15 years figuring myself inside and out, I had to figure myself out when the world wasn't ready for that (as if I care), I abandoned people that couldn’t accept me even when society at large told me those are the people I can’t live without, I had to accept myself and learn myself by the age most people get out of school, or look for a relationship bc they’ve never learned how to be alone with themselves. But it's hard to be forthcoming to a so called specialist that is there to help you, as their job, when the moment I say what I am I will have to follow that up with a lecture or ask them if they understand the words I'm using - so that ruins the point of me going to a specialist; and boy do I have shit to sort out.
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Jude & Jac
Jude: [sends her the snaps as if she hasn't seen that the fuckboy posted them like obvs she has seen them if you have gal but okay] Jude: ?! Jac: yeah Jac: bit rude he didn't tag us, I guess Jude: he never tags anyone Jude: idk if he knows how Jac: I'm sure I'll still get the ❤s Jude: & the dms Jac: alls well that ends well then Jude: at least your night didn't end in 🚔👮🚨 Jac: the joys of being of age Jac: what party got shutdown then Jude: Amelia's Jude: 🏡👀👵 Jac: No shit Jac: it's like throwing a party in a nursing home Jude: 🤣 it was decent before then though Jude: I'd give it an 8 Jac: @ her Jac: you know how to do them Jude: she ain't gonna take it on board when she's losing points for not enough straight boys Jude: just take it as a 🥇🏆 Jac: what do you expect Jude: 0 expectations Jac: yeah, that's something to shout about Jude: like you've got a leg to stand on there but alright Jac: ?! Jude: you were always going on at me about my rep before & you're not even bothered about yours now Jac: how do you know I'm not bothered Jude: ⬆ Jac: I'm not bothered about talking to you about Amelia's party Jac: that has no interest for me Jude: I only mentioned my 🏃 & my rating Jac: why? Jac: I didn't ask Jude: obvs you're 🤐 Jude: why would I wait for you to ask Jac: heaven forbid we aren't subjected to a never-ending stream of consciousness Jude: my bad for checking in, like Jude: 🙄 Jac: where, where'd you do that Jude: ⬆ Jac: you mean when you talk about yourself again, yeah, cool Jac: where would I be without that kind of care Jude: oh come on Jude: you don't have to @ me if there's owt you wanna say Jac: and clearly there isn't Jac: so don't bother rolling your eyes, you came into my inbox Jac: so you say what you want to say then piss off Jude: what are you so fuming for? Jac: Jesus, you're self-absorbed Jac: why the fuck do you think Jude: I 🤔💭 you know what he's like Jac: blame me then, that's a hot take Jude: nah, you don't do anything without your own 🥇💡 for every way it can play out Jac: and what possible reason would I have for doing this Jude: idk Jac: sherlock you ain't Jude: never said I was Jude: you're the 🧠 Jac: then you're chatting shit Jude: I can be the 🥊 if you want & you are bothered by the shit everyone's gonna chat Jac: I can handle it Jude: alright Jac: people are just jealous Jac: he's the hottest boy still at our school Jude: yeah, that's undeniable Jac: they judge but they all would if they could Jude: no shit Jude: how he gets away with being too thick to @ Jac: not as if I was there to do homework Jude: he has people he 💰 is what I heard Jude: for the homework bit Jac: yeah he's loaded Jac: might go out with him for the presents Jude: like I said 🥇💡 Jac: obviously Jude: I got asked out last night an' all but it was a no Jac: there were some straight boys that weren't our brother then Jac: interesting Jude: mates of mine Jude: or so I 🤔💭 Jac: that's all boys want Jude: it's whatever, I can handle it Jac: sure Jude: ? or ! Jac: . Jac: ... if you really wanna get a sense of my disbelief Jude: 👌 Jac: Cool, you can tell Jesse he's a traitor too Jude: he's not here Jude: hang on 📢🗨 Jude: probs helping her 🧼🧽🧹🗑 before her mum & dad get back Jac: Tragic Jude: bit weird that they're best mates now Jude: she 👻 us for ages after you fell out Jac: it's not weird, just sad, as aforementioned Jude: she loves his new 🎵 that'll do him Jude: 💃 to whatever the 💊 she was on though Jac: if you have to buy your fans with 🧼🧽🧹🗑 you can't be any good Jude: 🤣 Jac: 🙄 Jude: maybe he just can't get his head through her door Jac: yes, playing a party for free is really impressive Jac: especially when the host has no friends Jude: 💔 you're not 📢🗨 to him Jude: be a decent ego check, that Jac: I have no desire to talk to him either Jude: I know Jude: called him a traitor & then dragged him Jac: I'm glad that's clear Jude: 💎 Jac: then I won't have to hit him again Jude: & none of us will have to put up with him 😭 Jude: tah for that Jac: hardly my fault he's a pussy Jude: not getting the 🎻 out Jac: makes a change Jude: he had a go at me for being there Jude: such a dickhead Jac: wants his new best friend to himself Jac: has no one told him she's actually gay Jude: he'd have to be thicker than your new bf not to work it out Jac: probably thinks everyone puts it on like he does Jude: she's never got with a lad has she? Jac: I don't know Jude: it's what everyone says but loads of what they 🗨 is bollocks Jac: makes no odds to the fact everyone will be saying that he clearly fancies her Jude: yeah Jude: do you reckon he does? Jac: why else would he do that for her Jude: she's got no mates, might just reckon she needs one Jac: sure Jude: like when you took Savannah in Jac: not really Jac: she had friends Jude: not proper ones Jac: still, she weren't begging for friends Jac: or approaching the kind of pathetic Amelia is these days Jude: I guess Jac: there's no question Jude: she did seem really 💔😭🎻 Jude: I'd be well chuffed if mum & dad pissed off for the weekend Jac: you know they're weirdly close Jude: I bet her mum has shut down loads of parties she's 👀👂 in everyone's business Jude: bit of karma there or whatever Jac: surprising they've gone away Jac: she's clearly miserable with her life Jude: her house is wild Jude: I'd never been before Jac: if wild meant insanely boring, yeah, sure Jude: nursing home is right Jude: that's what I meant Jac: I know Jude: my mates who don't have 🐶🐱 live in 🏠 that look like they belong on the telly Jude: not that Jac: like I said, her mum has no life Jac: when she's not got her nose in everyone's business, she's making ugly shit for their house Jude: making it? Jude: 🥉 Jac: pinterest Jac: hope Jesse knows the future he's signing up for Jude: not 🤘🎸😎🏆 Jac: 🔪👀 🤯🔫 more like Jude: *🤪👵 Jac: if you think her mum is miserable, imagine how her dad feels Jac: is my point Jude: god yeah Jude: 💀 Jac: no wonder she's dating girls Jude: I wonder if she is going out with anyone Jac: why would you care Jude: if Jess does Jude: he's a dickhead but I don't want him to be 💔 Jac: 🙄 Jude: is dad down there with you? Jac: no clue Jude: is his 🚪🔐? Jac: they never forget now they're obsessed with trying to imprison me Jude: ugh Jac: still, I'm going out Jude: let me out with you, I g2g & mum's being aggro about it Jac: why would I Jude: why not? Jac: because I have no reason to help you Jude: 🤔💭 of a reason then Jude: I'll do it if you help me Jac: there's nothing you could offer me, thanks Jude: come on Jac: why do you think they're any more likely to let me out Jude: cos they do Jude: you're officially off the rails Jac: no, the difference is, I don't care if they say I can or not Jac: that's your problem that you do Jude: I still have things I care about that they can take off me Jac: sucks to be you then Jude: cheers Jude: top quality sisterly advice Jac: I don't care about you Jude: I got that cos you keep saying it over & over Jac: Why are you still here Jude: what else am I gonna do? homework? Jude: not allowed to go nowhere Jac: might be an idea Jude: 💩💡 Jac: you'll live Jude: 🤏 Jac: you're all so pathetic Jude: it's you acting so hard done by Jac: yeah Jac: how'd you work that one out, genius Jude: the whinging happening Jude: just mute me like you have irl Jac: I'm not the one begging to go out Jac: but sure Jude: I asked, once, but alright Jac: and now you're moaning about having to do homework, which you won't do anyway Jac: and this whole time have been talking about things I don't care about ad nausea Jac: but you're SO right Jude: nah, I answered that I'd rather stay here 🗨 than do it since you asked Jac: you're boring, Jude Jude: you can't be bothered to chuck out a decent insult, nowt to do with me Jac: it's just the truth Jac: you wish there was anything more colourful to call you Jac: you just are Jude: you wish I was 💔😭 like Jess when you start on him Jac: if you get it, like you say, then you'd realise I literally don't think about you at all Jude: I get that you want me to piss off rn, it ain't happening Jac: I want you to piss off, that's about your lot Jac: so have at it Jude: yeah yeah Jude: just said that myself Jac: then do it Jude: what you gonna do 🥊 me? Jac: don't start or you'll find out Jude: you start everything Jac: so? Jude: so 🥊 me Jude: idc about that Jude: I'll smack you back Jac: then I'll fucking kill you Jac: leave me alone, I have nothing to say to you, I don't want to hear anything from you Jac: it's as simple as that Jude: but why? Jude: you've never said Jac: I don't like you Jude: it's more than that Jac: What could be more than that Jude: you didn't like me before, we still 🗨 Jac: and what was the point Jude: you're my sister Jac: and Jude: and you used to be bothered about it Jac: not now Jude: what happened? Jac: I got bored of you Jude: alright Jac: great Jude: [no reply I can really give so I'll just leave that there lol]
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sikereviewdotcom · 5 years
strawberry shortcake s2 ep1 - horse of a different color
this one was suggested by someone who couldnt keep their mouth shut and not sing the strawberry shortcake intro theme in the middle of our economy class
no one wanted to hear that, but they  went ahead and then i actually followed up on that train of thoughts i remembered about the fucking cartoons and i knew it pronto: its a must-see shit its like slightly above the level of magical school bus series, but the final rating is for the fin not the beginning so lets begin this horseshit:
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were reviewing “horse of a different color”, it focuses indeed on strawberrys horse, honey pie pony (its her entire damn name, how sweet right? like all of them, i got diabete from this review but its the cost of maintaining this blog anyway, the kids are playing together on a that tree having fun jumping around like chimpanzees hooba hooba but sadly our filly quickly realizes she cant play king kong with them and keep falling on her ass,
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yet since theyre all retarded or young (id say its a fifty-fifty case for them kinda normal ig, i mean they ARE literal 6yo) they try several ways of getting her up on that tree, not thinking how to get her down if they ever were to succeed (good for them: aint happening) its child labor too btw, from an horse still same deal what if honey pie fell down on them? crushing them corpses with her mighty pounds? the findus company would be delighted to hear such news, im sure its some quality (sweet ass) horse meat
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once it all fails she understands a horse isnt meant to climb a tree, too big too fat its four legged, not even entertaining the relationship giraffes have with trees
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but it aint over, then (after a talk with herself) hp hears the laughters of a bunch of kids which catches her attention, it always does who can ignore that sorta noise? although she aint annoyed by it shes just into the idea of riding a bike now, shes even gonna get a go at it oh yea thats it we finally found her human hobby gogdamn shes a backward furry
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of course it fails aswell since she has no hand for the handle and shes heavy so i guess its the reason why she rides into w/e and cant stop? because otherwise she couldve also just.. actually it makes no sense does it? i mean she couldve easily stopped the ride actually how is that kid bike even holding her? ive never tried putting a pony on a bike for 6 y/o but i doubt about its capacity in not being crushed aswell as i doubt in the kids bones not being severely damaged after a visit under honey pies horsy buttcheeks
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but all of that really makes her sad: she cant play with her human friends and shes the only horse around strawberry land or whatever see me tearing it for her, theres so much emotions in this episode especially after that filly trynna get kids to get into some horseplay horseshit like dude theyre only 6, lets go easy on them, might have a problem with the parents of the kids watching this episode no one even thought how fucked up this one part is? sure horseplay isnt only sexual or w/e but it still is the visual of 6yos on all four jumping around and neighing together with their ass a little bit too exposed wow im going on a dangerous road here? aint i? not gonna sue the writers im sure it was their subconscious speaking probably got issues from their childhood, eventually got them sorted out since 2004 what do i know? aside from me not caring
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back on track : after seeing horsey being so sad the kiddos decide to get her a horse friend but where the fuck? they got no idea, they are proud nonetheless and go tell honey the good new until they are like “wait but we have no idea where to find horses!” ofc we get a big reveal, some serious strawberry shortcake lore: actually all the horses, ALL OF THEM FROM THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET are on one (1) single island: ice cream themed to diversify it all they are just chilling over there in ponyland and for some reason this one here got lost or idk guys she took the boat and checked the rest of the world out as an even younger filly, found strawberry and her friends and decided now she was a centaur  slash humanrry furry human, idk you get it but shes their friend and so on to introduce the concept of an AWESOME island full of equestrian activity and ofc ice cream but its kinda lame because who cares? everythings already made out of food, also why isnt the ice cream melting? its one water? nevermind for the introduction as i was saying, hp sings an horrendous sounding song it deteriorated my ear drums they got pierced or something  or maybe im exagerrating? either case horses cant sing:
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so to the ice cream land they go, huh
of course it wouldnt be a big adventure without an almost broken bridge oh no whatever shall we do? could we possibly cross it safely? lets try it out  guys: yay it worked good for us little stress and suspense it was wack how they got honey pie out of the hole her big ass hoove made im mesmerized by the power of friendship and sugar at this point, just in full awe for the rest of the episode probably over dosed on all the ice cream flavoured horseshit, i got some all over my mouth its dripping on my desk i gotta clean that later
next thing we know: horses its all this episode is about (aside from labor) but you see, so far hp would switch between normal human language and neighing well turns out her other fellow equines can only neigh and so they just neigh together while our english well-spoken mammal translates to the moronic kids who just smile smuggly
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of course the animals are having a welcome party then, dancing around while the morons are just bored, harsh one being a cartoon character isnt it guys? w/e theyre gonna ask for honey pie to come back home now, convinced that her natural habit isnt her place and she loves them too much to just leave them and never come back and break any plans they ever had together- oh shit looks like shes leaving forever huh? what a plot twist mark that on the bitch quota for today
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the first one to leave is the little boy btw, important thing to note: hes the biggest pussy he cant even face reality: oh no, no more pony back time before sleep thats quite a bummer, downer and man how are they going to survive now they got no animal to watch over them? jesus theyre soon, on the boat (idk where they got it from idk why suddenly theyre on a boat because then theyre once again gonna cross that bridge but ok) anyway yea theyre having a relationship crisis during that ship trip yada yada ah and the bridge, because (see i do not call them morons for now reasons obviously they deserve this title not only because theyre 6 but also because they are just daft:) they proceed, once in the middle of the bridge all 4 of them, to stop and wonder
“will the bridge be able to hold all of us? wont it break? damn i wonder if it will crack” and they talks without moving until vlam: a tree comes and breaks it (dont ask) so now theyre in trouble:
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back to ponyland: bitch pie realizes how much she misses her actual friends and that she can speak english which her other horse friends cant do so she is special and probably abnormal, shes a big outcat of the pony society and has no other reason but to escape her incoming death sentence for fraternizing with the humans of course none of the second part is true, she just wants to see the kids again so she says asta la vista baby to the neigher team and runs away see, she hasnt taken the boat and yet also arrive to the bridge? why a boat sequence then? i will skip this for now but it WILL play in the rating, imagine im the parent of the youngster watching this crap and i have to endure it
if it sucks this bad and is this illogical i might just get bored and change the channel, idc my progeny aint gonna be watching this in either case, ill make them watch political debates then interrogate them on what they learned after what but it wasnt actual political debates just random furry youtuber venting with their fursona sprites animated and thats how you make your kids retarded, the kick of this joke is that i aint planning on getting any kids but totally gonna make them watch classics too such as the attack of the killer donuts as soon as they reach 6 so they wont be dumb and probably not getting diabete or w/e in their adulthood
then honey pie saves the kids btw all of them, heavy shit
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and they all go back to strawberryland, happily after a big “wow i missed you sm, you are my real friends w/e if you dont look like me i aint speciest guys really!” theyre all vegan too btw so this works for them i havent watched enough strawberry shortcake episodes to know if they ever eat meat but i have doubts seeing how theyre into a very cannibalistic diet which include eating dessert when obviously thats what they are at least half part, this cartoon raises a lot of political questions it may have a deeper value than i first attributed to it
the end: another terrible song plays about horseshit and how tasty it is
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thats all folks
so the rating: big 6/10, so you know 5/10 if its a decent kid show where im highly eager to click on the x and get back making jams but nah
surprisingly enough, i only wanted to stop watching half of the episode and not the entirity of it so credits for thats since im an adult and not a kid, imagining kids enjoyed this sweet childish cartooness or w/e now why +1? its because of how many political questions it raised, how it made me think about our society and cakes yknow its more than kids having a conflict with an horse it talks about veganism, specism, handicap, cannibalism, the management of the limited ressources were exploiting and so on yea really makes you think, its subliminal messages to make kids smarter: they watch their dessert-imbecile counterparts doing bs and then get it right irl: good  ah- it also makes it better for you when youre watching this with your kid, you suddenly transcend to another level of spirituality, existential crisis activated or at least reasoning mode or w/e youre willing to name this the point is you arent bored still despite all of this i rated it quite low for such a serious kid cartoon what couldve possibly made me tic? 1) kids are morons and cant understand all of this, not clear enough for the targeted public 2) projection onto the characters/dialogues from the writers of their childhood traumas (the horse play event didnt go unnoticed, karren brown) 3) my little pony ripoff 4) its controversial, our society, especially in 2004 couldnt understand the depth of this shit and finally 5) i got so much ice cream flavoured horseshit all over my desk god help me this is so filthy what a fucking mess i would totally recommand it to anyone who feels like being blown away by the statements made in this work of art 6/10 but really we all know in the future, itll be a 9/10, some ahead-of-its-time-crap
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tg, out
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tru-bluee · 6 years
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horny-gold · 6 years
Got anymore hornigold headcanons?
 I got a lot of random ones, but I haven’t been in the habit of writing much lately. I’d take them with a grain of salt
Let’s see…
Had no direct descendants but siblings back around King’s Lynn (I prefer that for his hometown between the two AC suggested). His family loved him and he had a decent upbringing around the docks and fishin vessels. Fond memories of cockle gathering in the Wash. Somewhere in the back of his mind he wanted to die a respectable man of some quality, not bring his family (and name) shame.
BenThatch had a heated argument or two over shifting to piracy once the war was over. Ben came around after being a diva
If someone were to enter the animus and explore Ben’s memories they’d have to utilize memories from sibling lines, Kenway, others he knew + his observatory vial. Abstergo had the vials from the Roberts stash in 2014, but claim Assassins destroyed them. Well you know what? Fuck you, Ubi. They didn’t destroy his.
Generally grew unhappy with his life as a pirate. He had highs and lows and eventually became totally disenchanted. Had his personal code of honor and rules that sometimes got in the way of profit (and success as a pirate).
Lost his hat more than once explaining why he never had one in his scenes
I think he is humorous. Some interpretations make him always serious… Kind of wry and biting humor sometimes, but sometimes just genuinely likes to inject humor and poke fun. We see his humor fade as he reaches wit’s end with his predicament. Also with humor, he gets more ridiculous as he continues to drink and smoke. But it can also lead to brooding. Really depends on the mood before he gets drunk (or high). And yeah, he definitely gets high and still got high as a Templar lol
Naval background, but despite what you might think, his career didn’t last very long before he went privateer. There’s no way he’d go back to the navy. He likes the idea of order, but deep down, he can’t live under such rigid command (ideally he’s in charge amirite). Even as a Templar you see he’s doing his own thing as a pirate hunter. 
Hearing Chamberlaine call him scum hit him harder than you’d expect, as it made him recall his naval days. Having a third option (Woodes & Templars) got him.
He genuinely wanted Vane and Rackham to sign the pardon along with the rest. 
Felt abandoned at Nassau and saw no point supporting a Republic no one else would contribute to. Once Thatch, his best and longest ally left, he was pretty much done with the illusion it would function freely.
Ben went along with Thatch’s ‘Blackbeard’ persona up to a point. More or less like: “Sure whatever tickles your fancy, Thatch” while he knocked back a drink. I think he initially gave positive feedback, cause he also was for theatrics before bloodshed. Thatch went too far, though…
Not a huge fan of Blackbeard’s beard, leading to more drama.
Was brassed off about Thatch and his wives, whether or not they were tall tales or truths. He probably interfered with any of that in Nassau
He grew the sideburns out once he started pirating. He looked more like his concept art as a privateer. 
Usually has his hair down when he sleeps on land. At sea, eh might be better to keep it tied back.
His home in Nassau is the one with the Union Jack on the main street in the middle of town leading to the beach
Was actually involved in improving the fort which we didn’t see in the game as well and would pay pirates with booze to move cannons and do repairs with him. 
Ben is a verbal top, powerbottom, or bossy bottom. I think there’s some room for exceptions, depending on the partner…
Wanted Kidd on his ship, and I think he’d have invited Kidd to serve aboard (idk if it happened). I don’t think we ever saw the two exchange a single word, but I like to imagine they were on decent terms before shit happened.
Egocentric to an extent, and that egocentricity gives way to horrible brooding lows when things are looking down. What makes Ben a Templar is he wants control of himself, his life, his ship. Chaos for too long scares the shit out of him. Losing a few ships and command, for example, was a terrible blow to his ego and would increase his drinking. He’d save himself before Nassau in most projections…
Ben genuinely likes passing on the craft, theory, and strategy of the sea to others. He likes teaching but I think he’s done it so much he comes off as a know it all at times. And yeah, being revered as the man who knows how to board ships so well and seeing his methods used does give him an ego boost.
Isn’t above jealousy and was jelly of Jackdaw and Queen Anne’s Revenge. Dick measuring contest stuff. Knows he can sail better than both though!
Ben doesn’t really share much about his personal life and personal problems except to Thatch and a few other veteran sailors like Cockram and Burgess. I think he opened up to them a lot more.
Did all of this shit for adventure and plunder. In his early dreams, he imagined getting rich and retiring with an estate like one of the 17th-century pirate gentlemen. Why when Kenway is talking about it he looks so amused. He’s been there, he knows it’s a lie and not possible in their century. It’s kind of sad to him.
Died on the beach like in the book, the boat crashed also because it was in a hurricane (Ben could navigate that with ease otherwise. This is  BEN.), but has the cutscene with his final words to Kenway from the game. I think he deserved a death in combat; after all, he was one of the ones who taught Kenway to fight
Grieved a lot for Thatch in private but outwardly was ‘I WARNED HIM, the pillock!’ 
Ben doesn’t always respect personal boundaries and is touchy-feely, especially with those he considers friends ‘and such.’ That includes hugs, pokes, bumps, putting an arm around. 
Had circumstances worked out differently in some ‘ideal’ animus projection, would have helped Thatch in Carolina. Aided Kenway had he been told about Templars, granted he could be convinced early on. There’s other woulda coulda, shouldas…idc
The ‘medicines’ were more than just medicines for Nassau and represented Thatch & Hornigold’s rocky relationship and trying to keep Ben’s interest in keeping Nassau a truly ‘free’ pirate republic.
As far as all the ships he’s had, Ben is the most prickly about the Benjamin getting damaged. It’s a real mystery why he’d do that to himself. He has a gut feeling if the Benjamin goes, then he will follow not long after…
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phoenixrisingwoman · 6 years
1-102. You should have known I was gonna do this.
This friendship was a mistake.
1) what’s a song you depict with your childhood? any HSM song brings me back to my childhood & also oldies that my parents used to play in the house like stand by me by Ben E. King, unchained melody by the Righteous Brother,….
2) did you have a memorable childhood pet? I think every one of my pets is memorable. one that specificly comes to mind would have to be our Tervuren. We took him in because his owner didn’t take care of him and was planning on ditching him in the middle of the woods. the poor thing got treated like some kind of monster when he only asked for the bare minimum, to get treated with respect and basic kindness. I still remember how easily he trusted us. We were a family of 5 so to have 5 strangers around you all of a sudden and not get defensive and lash out especially after getting treated so badly by humans is one thing but to completely immediately trust us wow. He was such a gentle and sweet dog and it hurts my heart when I think about how he died. He had cancer. Fucking dogs man i know i say this about all dogs but he really was an angel. What a pure soul.
3) have you ever been drunk? yes
4) have you ever tried drugs? i’ve only eaten space cake and that’s it. but i don’t really have any desire to ever try hard drugs.
5) have you ever completely regretted what you’ve said? 99% of the time I regret what I say because I am dumb and say some real embarrassing shit
6) have you ever made someone cry? I hope not, unless they were happy tears!
7) has someone ever made you cry? most likely yeah i’m just very sensitive and take a lot of things to heart.
8) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it. i've never been in love9) which came first the chicken or the egg? The real question is where does a circle begin and where does it end?
10, 11) already answered
12.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love? read the answer to question 8
13) are you a good cook? i mean i’m not the worst but there’s always room for (a lot of) improvement.
14) already answered
15) what is the last movie you cried during? i can’t remember but hatchiko is a movie that can always make me cry.
16) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any)
It’s such a long list so i’m going to narrow it down to a few: Skillet - Would It matter, DNA - Lia Maria Johnson, you don’t know - Katelyn Tarver, Adam’s song - Blink 182 , 24 floors - The Maine, Sleepless nights - Faber Drive, Just a little bit of your heart - Ariana Grande & I can’t make you love me/ nick of time - Bon Iver. That’s some real sad shit.
17) do you have a middle name? Nope18) have you been out of your country? yes, I’ve been to Italy, England, Turkey, The Netherlands and Germany & this summer i’m going to Spain.19) are you a chocolate fan or not? I am a huge slut for chocolate always20) how many people have you kissed? only one because I have no game21) already answered22) what is your dream car? don’t have a specific one in mind but a range rover looks nice. as long as my car is big enough to take all my dogs with me to the beach, i’m satisfied.23) what is your lucky/favorite number? don’t have one24) what is your favorite flower? i like water lilies a lot25) books or movies, why? Both. Depends. you can get lost in books and imagine the characters/scenery more and the words just stick with me more when i read them? But movies are also nice if a certain character gets played by a good actor and really brings it all to life.26) have you ever been on a blind date? I’d rather not get murdered on my first date. so to answer this question no.27) has one of your friends ever backstabbed you? yeah in my teenager years 28) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends? don’t really see the point in hurting a friend? If a friend betrays my trust i’ll cut them out of my life immediately and never speak a word to them again nor will i waste any more energy on them or be willing to listen to whatever bullshit excuse they want to try. I’m very loyal and loving but if someone takes advantage of that and betrays my trust then I have no problem with cutting them out of my life and continuining as if we were strangers all along. i can take a lot but i don’t fuck with fake people.29) what thing do you symbolize love with? many things really but that’s because i think love comes in many forms. friendship, hobbies, pets, lovers, family,…i think love is all around us really. a tiger playing with her cub, puppies play fighting a lil too rough with an older dog but the older dog allowing them because they still need to learn their boundaries, strangers pulling funny faces at babies or playing along with a game a kid made up, someone giving up their seat and so on. I think all of these acts symbolize love. Once you stop seeing love as this strictly romantic thing i think it’s easy to find it everywhere you look. no matter how small the gesture.30) do you have neat handwriting? It’s not too bad i think. 31) do you have a friend with benefits? nope32) do you want a friend with benefits? I don’t really think i’m cut out for that type of thing. I mean whenever someone holds the door for me i think about it for like days after so I really am not sure if I could trust myself with seeing it as only a friendship with benefits and nothing more.33.) if you could be anything in the world, what would you be? a siren, a wolf, a forest nymph, harry styles’ next gf haha34) have you ever been blackout drunk? yeah35) have you ever met someone famous? no :(36) how many concerts have you been to? uhh i think 13-ish37) which concerts have you been to? first ones were Justin Bieber (don’t judge), 1d, 5sos, ed sheeran, the script, dua lipa, harry styles, lord huron38) do you have a hidden talent? i can go trough 10 different emotions in the span time of an hour39) what do you do when you’re stressed? shut down, cry, get angry or all of the above.40) do you think money can buy love? money can buy things you love and that make you happy so i guess in that sense you can buy ‘happiness’ & ‘love’, but if we’re talking about real, true, genuine feelings then no that kinda love can’t be bought41) how old would you date? the oldest like 24 but for a sugar daddy i am always willing to make an exception42) have you ever done something illegal?  jaywalking is illegal but most of us have done it at some point so like nothing too illegal43) what is your biggest fear? for my loved ones? that they wil never get all the goodness in life that they truly deserve and that life will treat them like shit and inflict pain upon them that i’ll never be able to undo. for myself? i’m scared i’ll never truly feel like I belong and will never truly feel happy and that once I’m close to dying i’ll be faced with the fact I’ve wasted all my time.44) what is an unusual fear you have? having a doppelganger that’s a real piece of shit and people thinking it's me that has done all that nasty shit to them and me eventually being sentenced for it while the real demon is still out there...yea idk 
45) can you drive? no haha i really need to get my license46) do you believe in supernatural creatures? yes but i’m not sure to what extend but I do believe there are certain things living on this earth unbeknownst to us. 47) do you believe in karma? i think what goes around comes around. or so i truly hope.48) what is one quality you need in your partner? above all my partner needs to be kind. no matter what.49) do looks matter? i’m not going to be a hypocrite and say no because there does need to be a certain level of attraction but it’s not like looks are the most important thing about someone.50) does size matter? which size are we talking about here. but no idc if you truly love someone, you take them as they are. not a single cell in your body would even think about changing anything about them because they already are perfect just the way the are.51) who is the last person you forgave? myself for being so dumb52) what is your favorite ice cream flavor? strawberry and chocolate53) already answered 54) ever been on a plane? obviously55) ever been on a boat? yes56) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t? yea a highschool friend that i haven’t heard in years.57) are there any friendships you regret? yes, this one58) are there any friendships you wish you could make? yes @harrystyles if you ever wanna hang out hit me up. i am free almost always so we can hang out whenever you are free too. thanks my dude.59) have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours? no60) have you ever walked outside after 12 am? yes61) have you ever seen a sunrise completely through? no but one day I will!62) are you scared of rollercoasters? yeah and i wish i wasn’t. but i always imagine some final destination type of shit when i’m on it so i tend to avoid rollercoasters and such. I’m a paranoid bitch.63) on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually? 664) do you have any plans this weekend? yes 65) do you miss anyone right now? not really66) who do you wish you were talking to right now? the ghost of Christopher McCandless. I’d like to hear his stories and thoughts. he seemed like a very interesting individual.67) already anwered68) who is your favorite superhero? catwoman? idk i don’t really have a fave superhero69) are you dirty minded? me? an angel? of course not.70) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at the 80’s? this question should be illegal. how am i supposed to choose one? there are so many bops.71) how many kids, if any, do you want? at the moment i don’t want kids but if that ever changes 2 would be enough.72) who is your biggest OTP? don’t have one73) what is your favorite food? lasagna & pizza. other than that cake/chocolate/anything cookie or candy related. I have a sweet tooth okay 74) do you want to be married one day? idk I don’t really feel the need to get married but if someone is willing to marry my annoying ass then I’m grabbing that chance with both hands.
75) dogs or cats? both but unfortunately i’ve only owned dogs till now so i’m hoping that will change soon!                                                                   76) already answered77) have you ever seen a shooting star? nope78) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you? No, unless the aliens are there too. then sign me the fuck up79) how many best friends do you have? 380) when was the last time you cried? 2 weeks ago81) have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself? mind ur own bussiness82) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed? yeah83) if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go? countryside of Ireland, Sweden or Northern Wilderness84) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself? gentle, dreamer, stupid 85) do you consider yourself a loyal person? yes, very loyal until you give me a reason not to. but even then i won’t badmouth you i’ll just erase your whole existence from my memory.86) what is your favorite season and why? summer bc i need that vitamin D to beat the sad bitch in me. but also autumn because SWEATER WEATHER87) have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it? no, i don't easily say i love you to someone 88) do you know how to play any instruments? no :(89) already answered90) what are you allergic to? pineapple. i might have other allergies i’m unaware off.91) already answered92) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be? I’d wanna be Daenerys Targaryen because I want to have dragon friends who will fly me anywhere I wanna go. also talk about an entrance when you arrive with your fucking dragon somewhere.93) if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why? harry styles, niall horan, BØRNS or Maggie rogers because they seem like fun people to be around that will just brighten your day by being in their company.94) are you outgoing? nope, unless you catch me in those rare energetic moods or if i’m drunk then I do shit even I don’t want to know about.95) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to? no96) are you a good flirt? probably not because i always say some weird shit and kill the mood haha97) have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down? nope98) already answered99) are you superstitious? not really100) are you a good listener? i like to think so101) are you a good kisser? who knows102) would you kiss any of your friends? depends how much money is involved
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