#idk. intellectual or spiritual
fluentisonus · 11 months
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i actually really like how the raven king is written, like the ordinaryness of the action 'as a parent who cleans something from a child's face'. it's such a good piece of description work
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mirkwoodest · 10 months
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tagged by @grace-in-the-wilderness to do the thing where you type your name + core into pinterest and post 6 images that come up. Is this really how I find out that the guy who drew the iconic les mis illustration is my name twin?
tagging @colifower @thatiswhy @stedetheestallion @vonlipwig and whoever else feels moved by the spirit.
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shittywriterbrain · 5 months
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pfft this ιδιώτης doesn't even know the difference between greek and latin. παθητικός
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n3xii · 7 months
Random Predictions for the next 2 months
pick the picture you feel most drawn to, keep in mind that this is for fun, come back in 2 months to see if any of it resonates with you!
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Personal Readings
Last PAC i did
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you will get the strength to leave something behind in order to protect your peace
healing, recovering
feeling fullfilled emotionally
political arguments, speaking your truth and your mind despite what people around you think
forming a bond or relationship to someone
idk why but i feel like you will be more inclined to learn religious, spiritual or occult topics, following a guide or tradition because you desire knowledge, some of you may be afraid of negative spirits and will turn to whats comfortable to you for guidance
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advancement and progress when it comes to making your own money
becoming more independent and powerful due to hard work
having good taste
intuition will help you make a very important decision, specifically a descion that you will try to weigh the pros and cons of. going inwards instead of trying to get input from other people will be what helps you make a fair choice
working with a powerful and influential masculine figure who might be able to help you
having hope despite slow and gradual progress with something that you have been working towards
having the foundation and the support to take action beyond your comfort zone
gaining spiritual wisdom
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having the resources to take next steps towards a financial goal, manifesting progress with your career
feeling motivated to work and study
forgiveness in a friendship, friendship with someone improves
exposing or knowing information that gives you the victory in a situation, having the intellectual upperhand
doing inner and outer work that helps assists you in difficult circumstances, think of shadow work and self reflection
persevering through adversity and conflict
alot protection happening for you in the spiritual relams due to a conflict happening externally in your life, but you are being protected in many aspects that helps you stay afloat
recovering from getting sick
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yannaryartside · 6 days
Okay I am gonna add my opinion that nobody asked for to the “is a comedy?” Debate. Is not like I know what reason they used to classify it in awards (and there is some part of me that thought they did that because the Bear is considerably modest in budget in comparison to the most resent winners in the drama category and they wanted a fighting chance).
But there is an outlet for them to be in this category…
The tone
Now, I studied film, there are plenty of definitions for what a comedy is…some of them have to do with duration/format/overall mood. If you go on a count of quantity of jokes or mood the Bear is definitely not that.
For some people, the defining aspect of a comedy is that there is a element of “fantasy” to it, in the sense that nothing that you do will have a logic, real world consequence, like those movies where you can throw a guy from a roof for comedic effect and not suffer real consequences like criminal charges or mortal injuries. The Bear is not like that.
But there is also something called a tragicomedy, a genre that is normally used in theater. Is a gender that explores the absurdity inside tragedy and humor and hope in the face of adversity. Some of this pieces will ridicule suffering and others will have a happy bittersweet ending. At some levels you could say the Bear is like that.
I would have put it in the category of drama because I am more of a “mood overall makes the essence of the story” kind of person. If drama and consequence are more powerful in the mood that the humor (such as s3) you should be a drama. You could say the bear is a drama and a tragicomedy, there is no mutual exclusion in writing.
If you think of “themes” and using the “absurdity/irony of suffering” (how we are our own worst enemy) it technically is comedy and can be judged in that aspect because is not “just a drama”
(and they decided to be judge as a comedy to have a chance imo).
Shameless was also a tragicomedy that made the spectator think they were watching a “suffering porn” kind of show where the struggle and absurdity of situations was the norm. There is precedent, so…
The performances
A little bit of a tangent, this is me and my opinion. Opinions are like asses, to each their own…but I understand why is unfair to some to judge a comedy actor vs a drama actor.
Saying that drama actors have more chances to make “remarkable performances” than comedy actors…I get it. We see this at the Oscar’s every time where they reward the actors that are portraying mentally ill people and historic tragic figures. The darker the character the more “difficult” the performance…to some people. IMO a person that is always happy could be as easy to perform as a person that is always sad. Acting is intellectual, physical and even spiritual. Acting is about bringing to life what is on the page and tone should not had anything to do with it. There is acting that is effective because is subtle and some over the top. And you can find that in any genre.
There are performances in comedy that are very impressive and difficult, not to mention that not everyone can act comedy. Comedies that treat with very deep/philosophical/social issues. Judging an overall performance because of how much time they are portraying “difficult emotions” is…idk, but that seems to be the norm.
I understand that is frustrating to see your fav comedy actor be judged next to someone that had to act drama and comedy and feel like is unfair. You want the actor to be rewarded as a comedy actor and their capacity to make you laught and cry (inside the expected format of a comedy) not a drama actor that sometimes makes jokes in a show with a lot of dark themes. You could also say the format expected from a comedy doesn’t allow for elasticity in character arcs and therefore performances. That is very true in some cases. The comedy that most people are used to has characters that have to remain a certain way for the plot to make sense.
I will also argue the reason the acting in the bear is so acclaimed is because there is a lot of nuance under it. You can see a million hidden details in fishes, I had to watch it 3 times to notice the exact moment where the drugs hit Michael. Jon was portraying a character that was also pretending to be something else. Is very impressive. They have a fighting chance against the other dramas imo but the comedy category was more convenient for the format of the show.
So yeah, is kinda unfair, but is not like they are “cheating” because the element of tragicomedy is the gender/theme that shapes the story.
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years
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🌙Pluto in our charts also can show us how is our Arrogant/Egocentric/Shadow side... So people who have very big egos, we tend to confuse that with high confidence, but arrogance/narcissism/etc could also take you to Big material places (just look Kleopatra, Hitler, Mussolini) but with empty ends, because arrogance/narcissism represents psychological problems that are against our real “nature”, and this type of people are everywhere nowadays: All “Goddesses/gods”, “Kings/Queens”, all people who only see themselves as 10/10, people who identifies too strong with an identity(beliefs), just tyrannic people everywhere generating a numb/superficial/dumb world... AND THAT IS WHAT PLUTO IS TRYING TO SHOW US! Idk why no one is putting these people in their place!? (maybe because the DNA/MEMORY of abuse, slavery, victimization, power over others is in us and we are not as conscious as we think). 🌙Idk if this is with all Scorpio Suns or with People who have South node in 8th house but every time I “try to be happy”, the more naive and dumb I become, but the more I connect with my pains/suffering the more mature, compassionate, grounded and with more integrity I feel (very Scorpionic thing), anyone relate to this?(I read you).
🌙Neptune conjunct Vertex: They attract a lot of different types of people in the range of Wounded or very strong/powerful people, They have powerful imaginations with thoughts that contain very high vibration information, these people are mystics, when you talk to them they can take you to places(states) that transcends the limits of the mind (life/oneness/existence/God/Source/universe/infinite) or to very dreamy places, they can transcend the mind just by reading some book, and I can’t stress enough that these people should meditate or do spiritual practices a lot (This Is heightened when it is in water houses, 4th house/8th house/12th house).
🌙Sun Aries in Scorpio degrees(8, 20): These people balance very well being an extrovert/introvert person, they have a lot of creative energy, S*x is a very intense experience for them so they can stay long periods of time without s*x with no problem, but when they have it, they have a lot(and they want a lot), they usually always have some issues related to anger due to the double martian energy here, they have a lot of drive/energy and willpower, they could look very secretives but with a shinny/intense/passionate personality, they have the power to bring any project to light.
🌙Sun Virgo and Mars Leo combination: They are very stable, with a lot of drive, they don’t know when they are judging someone, and they have a very demanding aura, Very talented people, but due to the inner critic/high standards they have with themselves they don’t show this too much to the world, but they should, powerful intellect, and it could be a bit intimidating talking with them because it is felt like they are criticizing you, prideful AF.
🌙Air Moons: You have a very refined intellect that can understand all emotions intellectually but you have to bleed emotionally to grow as a person/human being, Your mind is afraid to feel your emotions since it thinks that would bring some kind of crisis or suffering, again I emphasize on therapy here or doing practices that connect you with your body(meditating too) to get off that hyperactive mental place that you inhabit a lot, otherwise you could stay quite childish or immature, but you need to feel your emotions and do it consciously, connect with all those parts with which you have lost connection. 🌙Gemini stellium: I adore/love these people, they are very childish and they have a very exquisite playful nature, they have the wisdom of the inner child, radiants, witty/mischievous/very intelligent people, they are the star of the world, just look “AURORA” she is a gemini stellium in 10th house, she is the embodiment of what i’m trying to say, They can be a bit nervous, but that nervousness is usually because they have a lot of energy and are very curious. 🌙Lilith conjunct AC, DC, MC, IC usually gives dark hair to the native. 🌙Mercury in Scorpio: Penetrative minds, very intelligent people, they tend to overthink when they are with other people, very good intuition, my mercury retrograde love these people because we can understand each other without saying too much, they have obsessive minds when it comes to studying something or work matters, they are very secretive, they can hide simple things, they may be supporting something you are saying and you think they're on your side, but they never really revealed what they really thought about it, very good sense of humor, can be silent manipulators. 🌙Moon sextile Lilith: Very persuasive, powerful intuition, they see the psychology of others easily, good placement if you want to be a psychologist, Problems with libido(usually is very high), they can manipulate you easily, natural seductive abilities, usually occult and taboo is part of their vocabulary, hidden talents and gifts, “Dark Academia Aesthetics”, they usually love some chaos. 🌙Sun conjunct Pluto: I find these people very funny, They don’t get scared easily, actually they have rather stoic and calm attitude/presence, everyone I know with this placement everytime I've tried to scare them, their responses were: “there you are, hello” lol (with an unamused face), silent paranoids, and they can be quite daring. 🌙Lilith in Sagittarius: They are one of the most rebellious here, but sometimes they can get caught up in superficial things just for the fun and chaos, they get easily triggered by s*x, since is always behind their minds, For example: If a friend tells them "I dreamed about you the other day” they immediately think "Are you trying to F*ck/seduce me?...No, it's a friend” lol (all this unconsciously), Party harders, rebels without a cause, but when they find it they can become quite enlightened and radiant people/human beings.
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radioactivewisdom · 3 months
Idk if this is silly of me to ask this question, but, what's your take on the relation women have with wealth/money? How come we have such narrow range of women millionaires/billionaires? For one self-made rich woman, there's always more than 3 women who got to the same level through divorce or inheritance.
I read a study that found that 91% males are more likely to invest in stocks than females. Amongst my friends too, it's all the guys getting into trading & investing. Trying to get my (girls)friends interested was futile.
I've found similar ratio of women to men within spiritual spaces too. The guys discuss all sorts of ontological breakdowns possible within the religious-teachings(mostly Buddhist & Vedic), while my friends have got no interest in it.
I don't mean to stereotype/downplay my friends or put the guys on a pedestal, they're both doing what satisfies them, it's just something I've observed.
Not silly, thank you for asking :) When it comes to millionaires and beyond, men are going to be over presented because of their ability to better manipulate physical reality. Motivated by lust, acquiring more resources equals more sex for men. Womens lust, while just as strong, has a different aim. Knowing most men will abandon them as soon as an orgasm is obtained, their focus becomes more singular. Making a bunch of money doesn’t benefit women’s worldly aims, because they’re looking for “love.”
When it comes to investing and being strategic with finances, women are less likely because of wanting to maintain an image. Women who buy into femininity will restrict themselves, and the activities they participate in. Since the slow population believes “woman is opposite of man,” women won’t show as much interest in “masculine” pursuits. Also, the heterosexually inspired mating system is sex in exchange for resources. Being partnered up is as far as many women think in terms of financial planning.
Women overall dumb themselves down because it’s considered more attractive. There are studies on this, they purposely act stupid in the hopes of being deemed desirable by men. This leads to women wasting their lives, harnessing most of their brain power into trying to find effective strategies to make a man stay, and (barely) raising their children.
I don’t agree with the hoarding of resources and think an obsession with material wealth is bad, but self sufficiency is important. Men tend to take this too far, since their aim isn’t just to support themselves. Women veer in the opposite direction, downplaying their need to take care of themselves because they expect someone else to do it. Whether that’s a man, their children, or feminism. Intellectual and spiritual pursuits are important, but can also be motivated by greed and envy.
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ankhmeanswombman · 4 months
That is such a good analysis... Wanted to know your opinion on this- Say, when a person transcends the lizard-brain/lower 3 chakars, what would be their perception towards any sexual activity? I've seen guys and gals around trying to find themselves a 'Tantric Guru' or quote on texts using sexual activities to get enlightened, which to me seems like a rocky boat to be on. I don't know enough about those practices/texts so idk what they're upto, but yeah they hardly agree on giving up sexual stuff for spiritual progression....
Once somebody transcends the lower self, any fear/delusion/survival based activity begins to look disgusting, like the movie They Live, things begin look disgusting when the rose tinted spectacles come off. The true nature of the predator prey duality is revealed for what it really is and the veil is lifted. Sexual people admit themselves that the yuck factor is bypassed by their feelings of lust. Lust devolves the brain and depletes the life force and makes people do things they wouldn’t ordinarily do, it’s like they leave their bodies and sanity and become demonically possessed for a brief moment, which is where all unplanned pregnancies come from, they refuse to even protect their bodies against the consequences of what they are about to engage in, because they reach a point of no return as the lustful mind takes over. There is no higher way to have sex, it all involves the genitals (root chakra), there is no way to have sex non-genitally. It is not an intellectual or creative activity, everything that attempts to show humanity a way to have sex in a technologically advanced way is a farce designed to enslave the person who is at a point of questioning sex or being bored with the genital merry go round.
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nerdyqueerandjewish · 3 months
More thoughts on re-parenting / inner child work …
I was familiar with the concept and sort of applied it before but wow it really helps viewing internal parts as separate and as literal as possible.
I think when I tried it before I was myself conscious self trying to parent my conscious self and it just didn’t work as well. I like to joke that I couldn’t respect my own authority, but maybe that was my problem? I tried just being authoritative with myself instead of giving myself reasons why I should trust myself to make decisions?
The framework I’ve been using breaks things down to basically three parts
Inner critical parent - the part that developed to help you survive abusive/neglectful situations
Inner loving parent - your conscious self who is trying to heal
Inner child - hard to explain in words… the authentic self that was suppressed by the inner critical parent, often shows up as fearful and anxious. A secure and safe feeling inner child is connected to feelings of curiosity, joy, and a sense of peace. If I’m feeling spiritual I’d consider it the divine spark in people.
The idea is eventually your inner loving parent can show the inner child that they are safe to express themselves because they will be kept safe. They can also teach the inner critical parent that we aren’t in a situation where these survival techniques are necessary, the loving parent can be the one driving the bus.
And idk I just intellectualized it too much before I think? Like I would just think through it and not work on actually building the internal relationships. It’s interesting. I expected it to just feel too cheesy, but I can tolerate some cheese if it makes me feel this much more at peace.
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kakiastro · 2 years
Astrology of Zayn Malik
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Using whole sign system
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Chart ruler
Zayn is a Taurus Rising with ruler Venus Pisces 11h.
Obviously he’s a handsome man with him being Venus ruled and his Venus is exalted. There’s an ethereal beauty to him that stands out in the public. Taurus rules over singing and 11h deals with groups. He got his start in One direction. He’s probably stubborn😅Taurus y’all know you are. He tries to see the good in everyone especially his friends but may wear rose colored glasses but lucky for him his cap placements snap him back to reality😅 he loves the Arts, especially music and Taurus rules over music!
A stellium is when you have 3+ planets in the same Sign and House.
Zayn has a Capricorn stellium in the 9h.
His stellium consist of Sun, Mercury , Neptune, Uranus.
Sun 9h - he’s known from all over the world, this indicate mass fame. The sun represents where you shine in the world. I remember his cultural background was a big topic and I know he’s talked about his family roots before. 9h represents different culture and immigration.
With it conj his Neptune; this indicates having creative abilities and being known for it.
Also, it conj his Mc- so this also indicates mass fame and popularity.
Mercury 9h- very straightforward with how he communicates with people, blunt as well, he tell it like it is and that may offend some people. He’s probably has a whole range of topics he loves talking about and may like surrounding himself with intellectuals and creatives.
Uranus 9h- this goes back to what I said earlier about being interested in a variety of different things and he may switch up careers since it conj his MC or his music sound may sound different from his past projects.
Neptune 9h- very creative and I don’t know if he’s religious or spiritual but this can indicate that or at least being around people who are especially elders since it’s in Capricorn. He may love to travel to foreign places or meet people from all walks of life.
-He has his Moon in Virgo 5h. Having your moon in the 5h indicates fame and creative abilities as well.
-Virgo moon are more logical then emotional plus his moon ruler (mercury) is in Capricorn. So his emotions are very logical. He may be a perfectionist and if he his, that probably drove his ex band mates insane 😅 Virgo moons feel emotional stable when things are going there way and when it doesn’t they tend to work themselves until it’s to their liking, which isn’t bad but they can be hard on themselves 😭 with Zayn, it’s probably his creative projects, he puts his all and emotions into it, I just hope he has a good balance so he won’t stress himself out. It also doesn’t help that he has a cap stellium so that work hard energy is strong.
-He has mars cancer 3h.
-Now Mars is not too happy in Cancer. He may not express his emotions in the best way. He may bottle a lot of his emotions up but once he’s fed up, they burst out like a volcano and it shocks people because he has such a cool, calm demeanor with all this earth energy. He probably grew up with strong willed women in his life and he’s protective over his family/loved ones.
He’s about to go through his Mars return here soon once mars leaves Gemini
-I wanted to talk about his Saturn because I realize he’s been going through his first return these last few years! Saturn is changing signs in march.
-His Saturn is in the 10h.
-Ok I know he’s been in the spotlight a lot recently due to him posting clips of him singing. I do think his career is about have some sort of renaissance or resurrection and he may release more of a mature sound; fully leaving his boy band song days behind. Like before, it was relationships woes but now it maybe about idk the things he’s learned about his past relationships ; I hope I’m making sense here😭 or it’s going to be something you wouldn’t expect him to sing, a completely different genre.
Asteroids; Chiron , Fama and Juno
Chiron: wounded healer and teacher. It’s our most painful lessons this lifetime.
-He has Chiron Leo 4h. Anytime you have Chiron in the 4h, you are breaking generational karmic cycles on your mother side. With Leo here, he was the one to create generational wealth for his family. Due to his fame, he’s was able to shed light on his culture, roots, and where he comes from. The wound here maybe due to having pressure to break these cycles due to fame.
-His 4h ruler in the 9h Capricorn. These are old pass life karmic cycles he’s breaking. He may have been royalty in pass lives; he gives me a Royal Prince vibes lol.
Fama 408: means fame or famous.
-Fama is the 5h so music abilities or creative abilities altogether. Also 5h is the fame house lol. It’s conj his moon so popular among the public and women of course. -Anytime this asteroid is aspecting your personal planets, it indicates being widely known.
Juno: ideal marriage life/partner, our devotion and loyalty.
-He has Juno In Cancer 3h. He loves intellectual women. He may end up marrying (if he choose to) to someone that’s from the same background as his family. He may end up with someone who reminds him of his mom, he may meet his future partner through his siblings or close friends It’s loosely conj his mars, so he loves strong willed women or independent women. They could be a writer since it’s ruler moon is in Virgo. We will see I guess lol
North Node
North node is what we are meant to learn in this lifetime.
South Node is the lessons we learned in pass lives and early life.
-SN Gemini 2h so in pass lives, money or material wealth was important to him. He could’ve been a writer or he didn’t listen to the opinions of others 😅 very stubborn energy
- NN Sagittarius 8h so he’s meant to learn to be spontaneous, gain knowledge and travel to gain broad perspective on life.
-since it’s in the 8h, this could mean occult knowledge, spiritual knowledge, sexual knowledge. Being comfortable with one’s inner being and power. This could also indicate healing energy as well maybe with religious trauma(just a one interpretation), I’m not saying he has that by the way
Long term Transits
-He coming out of a Saturn return so I’m interested to see the events following that. He took a break from social and public life for a while. Saturn is restriction.
Pluto Aquarius for 20 years
-well now that Saturn has left his 10h, now here comes Pluto! Saturn taught him lots of lessons but Pluto is really about to some transformations here.
I predict
- his fame is about to get intense and bigger than what it is right now or his public image is about to change someway
-his career is about to go through some changes; like I said earlier, I think his music is about to change up, Aquarius is all about changes and unpredictability
-his overall vision for what he wants to do might even change
I can be wrong about all of this because who knows with aqua energy 😅but just know, some things are about change (hopefully good). So keep an eye out on zayn news.
These next 20 plus years will be interesting for him
Saturn Pisces for 2.5 years
- it will be in the 11h conj his Venus; which is also his chart ruler! He may get serious about what he wants from love.
-he may actually start to get the respect he wants from the mass public. I think he’s gone through a change with himself and he may have grown a lot as a person and I think we are going to start to see that growth.
Lunar Nodes for 18 months
North Node changes to Aries while South Node chances to Libra
- North Node will be in his 12h so this goes back to what I said earlier about new creativity! 12h rules over creativity and Aries is fresh new energy. He will spiritually grow as well whether he knows it on a conscious level or not. He’s meant to learn to go with the Flow
-South Node Libra in his 6h conj his moon and Fama.
His fame may bring up some pass emotional triggers especially dealing with past relationships ,and may bring up some old habites he needs to break away from he’s meant to learn from these things and heal.
I hope you all enjoyed this post and make sure you check out my other celebrity breakdowns in the pinned post on my page.
Thank you!
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brechtian · 6 months
hey so ik you JUST got an ask about the waves but. can i ask about the waves too
okay so virginia woolf is like FAMOUS for her feminist novels and to me it almost seems like the waves is the odd one out. i just reread it (and annotated, and underlined, and highlighted, and tabbed, and pronounced it one of my favorite books because HOW COULD YOU NOT ITS SO WONDERFUL AND THOUGHT-PROVOKINGG AND POETIC) and although i love it the female characters seem to have more stereotypically feminine roles. i checked the introduction of my copy (intro by molly hite) and saw that it said "The Waves did not offer such exemplary female characters or themes: Indeed, it gave its female characters stereotypical feminine persuits, while its male characters were writers and also active in the public sphere."
there wasn't much elaboration in the intro however (i might be wrong about this though, i lowkey hate reading introductions it's my fatal flaw i'm sorry) except that later on feminists re-examined the waves and looked at subtext. (like how rhoda is a lesbian icon now bc of the mrs lambert passage)
but still, susan is housewife and mother, a stereotypically feminine role (i adore susan but analyzing characters sometimes means discarding some emotional connection for me) and jinny is the romantic sensualist. idk i love jinny and susan but yk i'm just thinking about their roles specifically regarding gender roles HELP IDK I'M PROBABLY MAKING A FOOL OUT OF MYSELF RN AND AM MISUNDERSTANDING SMTH REALLY MAJOR IM SORRY
i was just wondering your thoughts on this?? i mean i just stumbled across your tumblr a few days ago from this other (kind of boring but likes-the-waves-too) blog and you seem to have really interesting opinions abt the waves !! no pressure to respond obv
Hi!! I’m about to get on a plane to London so I will see if I’m able to get all my thoughts out in time. I’ll begin by saying that I’ve read a fairly considerable body of scholarship surrounding the waves, but none of that was particularly feminism-focused scholarship (it was primarily formalism, biographical crit, and analyses of spirituality, science, & metaphysics in the novel with some post colonialism thrown in), so most of this is based off of my personal analysis and discussions I’ve had with my Virginia Woolf professor. I actually love the women in The Waves, but I think a pivotal starting point is the understanding that all of the characters in The Waves function as concepts and ideas first and as actual people second. With that said, I think it is notable that there is not a female artistic/scholarly presence in the book beyond the vaguely mentioned, never-named woman writing in her room (often viewed as being Woolf herself). Originally The Waves included a narrator character that was female and felt very much like a stand-in for Woolf, and I wonder if that was meant to sort of be the female writer/intellectual presence in the novel but got cut to make the book cleaner. Regardless, each of the women are functioning both as archetypes and commentary on their archetypes.
Jinny is probably the least obviously a critique, but I think you definitely very clearly still get it in some moments where she links sexuality and sensuality with violence and objectification.
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I also read some criticism that discusses how Jinny as a character can be seen as combatting the solipsism in the book by conveying the possibility and beauty of living physically in one’s own being & that the flesh cannot be ignored, finding a kind of power and importance in the female body (which feels very cixous second wave feminism). Overall, though, I think it’s a discredit to Woolf to not view Jimmy as an explicit examination of her archetype.
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Rhoda & Susan are my girls and my favorite characters in the entire novel. If Susan is not just the most brilliant and breathtaking critique of the wife-mother expectation of women of the time what is. One of the most heartbreaking passages in the entire book to me is when Susan, who found freedom and joy in nature and movement and being one with the outside world (exacerbated by continuous connections between her and animals & nature), is confined to moving exclusively between the rooms of her house. She even immediately evokes the image of the dead mother as she goes. (Additionally, the end of this passage gets into post-colonialist critique, as Susan clearly symbolizes the upper-middle class white women who stayed at home as their husbands colonized India/Africa and directly benefitted from & supported colonization even if they were not actively violently participating)
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Susan also holds so so so much anger, like violent fury, the exact opposite of what one would expect from the perfect housewife, and her motherhood is portrayed really as something more animalistic than anything. I also love that her husband is like completely irrelevant to both her and the book; even though becoming a housewife is a horrible restraint placed upon her I think Woolf is playing with expectations by the husband being a nameless shadow and just a vehicle for Susan to get her child (AND functioning as a commentary on the absence of men’s presence and aid in the domestic sphere). I think knowing about Woolf’s opinion of motherhood (continued horror & fascination by it) and her complex feelings surrounding her sister’s motherhood rly adds to understanding why Susan is Like That and so fierce in her nurturing. I also love the passage early on where Susan talks about crumpling the calendar pages in balls and discarding them, her vengeant war against time itself.
RHODA!!! I’m literally getting a Rhoda tattoo that’s my girl my girl!!!!!!! She is psychosis she is transcendence and isolation and mirrors and the waves itself my god. Rhoda is the moon tarot Rhoda is Inland Empire from disco elysium. There is a very fragile membrane between the characters of the waves and Something Larger (my whole capstone paper was on occult spirituality in the waves and my planned future masters thesis will be on ghosts and souls in Woolf’s work), maybe God or the Universe but symbolized in the novel as the ocean of which the characters function as individual waves, but Rhoda is the one for whom this membrane is the most frayed. I honestly don’t know if I have much to say about Rhoda from a feminist perspective other than I find her fascinating and that while I don’t usually encourage overly biographical readings of Woolf it becomes very very apparent if you know Woolf’s diaries and letters well that Rhoda is a mirror of Woolf’s own periods of poor mental health. I guess it relates in that to me Rhoda is of course a woman because she is the most explicitly connected to Woolf herself (in Hermione Lee’s biography, she presents the reading of each of the characters of the waves as members of the Bloomsbury group and Rhoda is picked out as the Woolf parallel. I don’t agree with this reading but it is significant to me how immediately Rhoda is identifiable with Woolf). Okay I’m about to board my flight but if you want to talk any more about the waves or have more specific questions about anything I said let me know!!!
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skaruresonic · 8 months
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you can just taste the salt pouring from this man lmao. I only dismissed an entire medium as never being able to be art, why are you all whining
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1.) Myst released in 1993, the same year as Sonic CD. Calling it an example of games "from the infancy of the form" following the video game market crash of the '80s is laughable
2.) "I particularly didn't want to play one right now, this moment, on demand" - uwu I just shittalked this entire-ass medium and now people are saying I should try to know what I'm talking about before I talk about it and I don't wannaaaaa
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This is just. Rude? Idk how else to put it. Your friend goes to the trouble of offering to fetch a game and a console for you, installing everything necessary to set it up - even offering to send the console back to Sony when you're done so you don't have to spend a single dime - and your response is to make some excuse as to why you can't do it.
You could have just said "no," Roger.
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yeah it's almost like talking out of your ass "purely on theoretical grounds" without engaging with the thing you're slagging off makes you seem too ignorant to hold a valid view on the thing you're slagging off. or something.
also "This is the gratitude you get for responding to comments at all" lol these salt levels could dry out the Dead Sea
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my man has never heard of video games with linear narratives before
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Billy cracked dick jokes, Ebert. Billy wrote his plays to appeal to the common people's interests, Ebert.
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then why are you talking about video games if you don't want to be told to play one? real "I'm a Sonic fan who hasn't played the games, stop telling me to play the games you're picking on me" energy
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The fuck is up with this weird capitalistic pitting of one art form against another? This isn't some zero-sum game where literature loses if video games win. Gamers read too, Ebert. In fact, many games take inspiration from literature, such as SH2 drawing inspiration from the themes of Crime and Punishment; The Witcher being based on Andrzej Sapkowski's book; and Metro 2033 springing from the self-published book of the same name.
I could name more. I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (Harlan Ellison even voiced AM!). Classic RPG Parasite Eve is a spiritual successor to Hideaki Sena's 1995 sci-fi horror novel. Beev will probably want me to add Castlevania as an example as well, taking the titular character from Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Category:Video games based on novels - Wikipedia
Acting like games and literature are two disparate mediums with no overlap is... frankly, deeply disingenuous. You spoke with fucking Clive Barker, Roger, you should know this. FFS.
Besides, anti-intellectualism runs a lot deeper than New Medium Bad. It has more fascist roots than simply "The kids want to play Fortnite all day and don't want to crack open a book!"
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Roger goes on this tangent about how it's difficult to find a definition of art that would preclude video games. Even the one he settles on, his view that art ought to teach him empathy for other people - which... has its limits and when taken too far, borders on requiring moral didactism in art; my man has never heard of art for art's sake - doesn't necessarily rule out games. Because video games literally require you to step into the player character's shoes.
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you are such a condescending ass, oh my God. could you not?
"I don't personally know how gamers can learn about other human beings despite the entire conceit of the medium requiring you to assume the role of another person, but whatever, I'll give you guys this one because I've run out of things to say. Perhaps one day gamers will learn to have refined tastes like me, the Movie Review Man. anyway y'all losers, I got better things to do despite the fact that I typed out this wall of text poorly defending my position"
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z0mbride · 5 months
ALSO I have to rant about a proselytizing nurse at work today
TO CLARIFY THIS CONVERSATION STARTED BECAUSE we were talking about knitting and crochet and I said one of my favorite memories as a kid was getting a handmade hat every year from the old ladies at church and he asked why I didn’t go to church anymore and wouldn’t accept my answer that emotionally, church has always been the equivalent for me of a book club or scrabble. Like yeah I’d love to go and I’d love to work on this together but im not emotionally invested in anything other than intellectual bonding and social connection.
But what really frustrates me is like people NOT getting it and refusing to even try but they want me to get them and I need to be just like them but they won’t even acknowledge my feelings on something.
Like this nurse was 45 and hounding me about why I didn’t go to church in front of a bunch of other staff, insistent that I must have a deeper meaning than just being indifferent to it, and it made EVERYONE uncomfortable. He has had this issue before too. And im trying to be nice and being like “yknow it’s really not due to anything other than. I’m like not worried about it man”
And it just blows my mind how that response infuriates people trying to convert you even more than a reason of hatred could. Like no, I don’t have a problem with it actually. I just really don’t care. I have no interest right now in finding out if there’s a larger being. I’m just not even worried about it. I’m spiritual in my own way but as of right now, it’s not revolved around a greater being and im perfectly fine with that.
And it’s not that im disinterested in religion, like i love to study it and talk about it and learn from different perspectives, but right now I am currently so unattached from the idea of even CARING if there’s a greater being or an afterlife. I was like yeah tbh I think that Jesus, regardless of whether or not he was real or a messiah, is a great role model when you analyze him. I really admire what he did in the book, props to him! I can see why people follow in his lead.
And he asked me if I would read the gospels with him and I was like yknow what I actually would love to talk about the philosophy with you and he’s like “no like I mean you should pray before and read a chapter every day and open your heart to God” and it was just so weird to me because I feel like he’s not getting it.
I’ve done it before (and to put it how I did to another staff member: “I tried calling but nobody ever answers, I swear”), it just doesn’t happen for me! And it’s not that I don’t believe in anything, in all honesty it makes sense to me that there’s something bigger, but I just am not worried about it, and this man could not process the thought that I am just simply unbothered. If it happens it happens.
I was talking about it to my fiance and I think that tbh this non-attachment to like reveling over this idea actually makes me a better person than if me (only myself personally) was dedicated to a single faith. I’m really empathetic with people of every faith and will talk about any religious text and am a lot more well-versed in a variety of faiths than most people think, and so being unbiased about it (other than I find abrahamic adjacent humor more funny because it’s applicable to the culture I live in) kind of has shaped me to be who I am.
Like I mean yeah probably there is some greater being but like so???? And not in a pessimistic way. I’m just okay about it.im okay with there being one and with there not being one but unless it became a compelling issue in my life, im not out here pursuing greater answers right now. Like I have acknowledged this fact but also acknowledged that im not concerned with learning more about it rn. If it reveals itself to me then okay, but you’re not understanding my “if it happens it happens” or “im living my life like water” approach by trying to force it down my throat. Like just go with the flow man ❤️
idk I guess my insanely bland view on it really irked this man because he was convinced he was going to convert me. Like yeah I will earnestly try what you said but I wish you weren’t so like freaky and pushy about it because I guarantee that if I wasn’t interested in this stuff like I was, you would’ve scared me even further away. If I am convinced by this process, then that’s all the better to me and im sure it will enrich my life in one way or another, but also stop being weird to people. Ultimately I think it’s just a difference in values. I’m not concerned about my afterlife because and not out of a greater worry like bills or anything, I just never have been. I’ve always been more concerned about being a well rounded and compassionate person with a commitment to serving other people and frankly in a way I think that would honestly make me more aligned with a by-the-Gospel person than someone stressing about making it to heaven. Obviously that’s not including the bits of terrorism used in the Bible, but you get what I mean. I think by the book Jesus would get me more than hyper-religious people insisting something is wrong with me. LIKE WHY DO YOU CARE! Why am *I* the one trying to go help a dying old man and *you* are the one trying to get me to listen to your opinion!!!! What happened to what would Jesus do!!!
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kipskiptrip · 1 month
when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) < 3 <3
Awwww, omg aww that's so sweetest omg omg
Uhmm five thing I like about myself? Ok
I'm a surviiivaaaahh 🎸🎵🎸🎵 No but I went through a lot in terms of medically and other stuff and while it's not a conversation I like talking abt casually the fact that I went thru that and I'm (mainly) normal like honestly I think that's really respectable. Even with my disabilities I still find ways to manage symptoms and find the positive in the darkness (even though I'm proud of being disabled it does fucking suck so the fact I'm not moping around and wallowing is a plus in my eyes)
As much as I have problems w my self appearance (transgender night terror) I still generally like how I look. I like my sense of style, and wish to express it more, but nevertheless I think I'm rocking the vibe. I may post more photos on here as well but for now, taking little selfies in the mirror is a form of self-love! I grew a lot with my relationship with my health and body, so to see the fruits of my love? God, it's beautiful and I still got a lot of ways to go! Exciting, yaaaay!
I like how intelligent I could be, idk I don't like seeming conceited but I consider myself an intellectual and I like analyzing the world. My no.1 wish aside from like World Peace and stuff is to know Everything. All the secrets of the universe, every personal detail, every possibility and impossibility and how to achieve them. My quest for knowledge is never satiated and I love to create new ideas and stories and such, and I often talk analytical biz with my greatest friends. Media literacy and comprehension and the ability to think and create beyond what is given to me my beloved. <3
I get a little silly w it! Honestly I'll never forget this tarot card reading I got saying to keep my childlike wonder alive and even if I've grown more mature, I think I still keep it in the small things, and I'll always try to keep that magic alive. I've been getting into forms of spirituality as well which I feel may help, not only in the religious aspect but also divination and ghosthunting! I like to be able to enrich myself in the beauty of the world, and just as much as I love knowledge, I love life as well. I want to be poetic and beautiful just like every life around me.
I like my different hobbies and skills that make up my personality! I looooove to contribute to my community with creating art like music, drawing, and writing. I love the fact that I can use my culture and my experiences to define who I am and express that in the things that I like, it helps to give back to the world that made me. To be able to play my trumpet or perform a little theatric is something that helps to showcase that energy and appreciation I host. Learning guitar keeps me up with my cultural background and my family history, even from far away. Drawing and writing stories keep me in tune with my origins, and teach me humble beginnings make good progress. Every part of what I like has meaning, and to have the chance to give it that meaning? Wow. Just wow. Like. Oh my God!
Aaand that's 5! I'll send out this message to others, but this time off of anon ;) Thank you for having me participate in this game!
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fmet · 2 months
I am trying to rediscover spirituality because I think it’s morally and intellectually good for me (requires me to think through and argue with different ethical statutes and may or may not make me a better person. Idk) but interacting with white Christians is so scary especially ONLINEEEEEE omg. The next tumblr evangelical I have to see use that shitty little font to ctrl v their holy book I’m gonna send audio of my crying
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alyjojo · 7 months
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Thinking of You - March 🥺 2024 - Taurus
Whole of their energy towards Taurus: King of Swords
Feelings: Knight of Swords
Intentions: 7 Cups
Actions: Knight of Pentacles
Ick. It’s ick. I don’t like this person’s energy at all. I’m going to read it as if it’s you that’s the issue, and if it’s switched then by all means. Disturbance came out to describe them, I can’t tell if that’s them or how you affect them. They come up as the TRUTH telling King, both King and Knight are out here, and at the same time they obscure facts and truth to leave you confused? Or they see you as someone that calls them on their bs, but idk how much they actually “get it”. Now it would be one thing if I were seeing some kind of health issues or something, but this person is firing on all cylinders intellectually, soo what’s the confusion?
Either - this person feels betrayed by you and gave up on the connection, they feel “they said what they said” and that’s the end of it…but now they want to talk, and are taking slow, practical steps in order to gain your affection again, get back in your good graces, etc.
Or - you were the one that ended this connection, maybe even told them off, it was possibly painful or unexpected for them, and they still wonder “if there’s a chance”, even if you’ve flat out told them to kick rocks, I don’t think they’re getting the hint. Or you’re not. For some that’s the disturbance, making delusion and confusion out of a swift & clean ending.
It’s also possible this person has hurt you before, Disturbance may be something that’s…wtf levels. Haunting. Trauma. They swear they’re done with the bs, they’ve moved on from whatever it is, and want another chance with you - but they don’t know if that’s possible, I assume you don’t talk. Maybe you don’t know if you want to. In this story, they will try, a little bit every day showing you they mean it, and they won’t rush you into anything. I’m not necessarily getting romance from this, could be anyone. There is love, care, consideration on some level, and then there’s also a side-eye 👀 that hovers in the energy and makes it ick. If you don’t know whether you want another go round with this person, I’m gonna guess this is why, I can…feel it, more than I can describe it, and it makes me cringe 😬 You’d know. Shadow Self came out on your side and cringe came out on theirs. Idk every story isn’t the same, but I don’t like it 💯 There’s a reason.
Their side:
- I need more than you can give.
- I love your MONEY 💰
Your side:
- Shadow Self 😈
- Darker skin tone
Possible signs:
Heavy air ⚔️ Aquarius, Gemini & Virgo
If you’re dealing with:
The High Priestess, whew the whole vibe in the room changed when we got to you. You know the truth about a lot of things, a lot of hidden bs and secrets people have tried to keep quiet. Either due to spiritual things, intuition, you’re in on it maybe, or you just see through the bs. You’re a tough nut 🌰 to crack. Just because you know doesn’t mean you speak it out loud, also High Priestess energy. It could be you have people around you that have secrets, but with The Sun underneath either they’ve come to light or you already know what’s up.
Aries - heartbroken that you’re “winning”, they’re super competitive with you for some reason
Taurus - bitter that it’s over, bitter in general, there’s a big heart under all that bitter though
Gemini - your soulmate 💙 King & Queen of Pentacles, they’re the pb to your jelly
Cancer - a player, they enjoy getting attention from anywhere they can get it, noncommittal
Leo - defensive over/at work, whatever it is you don’t even want to deal with it/them
Virgo - holding grudges because you stabbed them in the back, or switch it
Libra - sneaky & deceptive liar, leave them be
Scorpio - expecting you to sleep with them, trying to get you obsessed…they are 😍
Sagittarius - *not* coming at you all passionately & heated, trying to be fair, because they have deep emotions/love for you 💧
Capricorn - you’re everything to them, living the dream, and talking about all the things you’d like to do next
Aquarius - it’s not easy but they’re not giving up, they’re trying to be romantic but could end up doing something…I’m hearing “faux pas”, something goes wrong, “they’re trying”
Pisces - has been undecided but is now totally sure what they want and where they’re headed, taking action & it could be fast 💨
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