#ie fanfic
soccerpunching · 10 months
I wrote uhh something that takes place in episode 10 of the first season after Kidou asked Kageyama about Fuyukai putting a trap on the bus and Kageyama just told him that what makes a great commander is ensuring the win before the match even starts. This was a little headcanon-ish of mine of what happened after that. A notable thing is this was also a bit after the match with Meito where Gouenji couldn't fight because of his leg injury.
To Those Who Take Flight
Chapter Summary: After Kidou asked the commander regarding Fuyukai's actions, he found himself remembering even more "accidents" that happened in the last year's Football Frontier. His contemplative walk took him to Inazuma General Hospital where he met the man he wanted to talk to the most. Characters: Kidou Yuuto, Gouenji Shuuya, Gouenji Katsuya Relationships: Kidou Yuuto & Gouenji Shuuya; Gouenji Shuuya & Gouenji Katsuya Word Count: 1,523 No Warnings Apply Genre: General, canon compliant, drama, doubts, family drama
Chapter 1: Reason
Kidou dragged his feet around Inazuma Town, a place his body automatically goes to after his responsibilities since his first match against Endou and Gouenji.
He pulled on his red jacket to hold himself together. His brain repeated the commander’s doubts on his team like a mantra… Did he really believe Teikoku Eleven wouldn’t be able to win against Raimon? After all the training they went through?
In all his life following him, this was the first time the commander expressed zero confidence in Kidou winning in anything he had ever worked for. It was one experience that he wouldn’t be comfortable enough to call humbling; it was degrading…
But even more so was the thought that he wouldn’t be able to trust them to win even after they already proved themselves in the nationals last year—!
Kidou’s feet pressed heavily on the ground as he felt his own weight suddenly multiplied.
On the Football Frontier last year… how many people were not able to make it to their match? How many healthy and usually careful players were benched because of an injury that occurred before they arrived at the field?? Kidou’s feet made fast strides without him realizing it; without him even thinking about a place to go.
Different faces flashed in his memories. They were few. Too few, in fact, to be considered to be part of some grand scheme. And with circumstances too mundane to even make a connection from.
But there are faces… and one in particular that Kidou had always felt so much empathy and connection with.
He continued with heavy steps that made him feel so cold despite the enticing warmth of the afternoon. The words in his head fell on top of each other as he revised phrases and sentences that didn't seemingly want to escape his lips. Before he knew it, his feet took him to Inazuma General Hospital guided by the face of the enemy he waited a year to see on the same field.
His sister's room is on the fifth floor—a fact that he only knew after spying it on one of the… files on the commander's desk. It was not exactly a weird detail to be there… perhaps; as it also contained his entire family background. But, simply acquiring all this information didn't really prove anything. Knowing everything about a person was merely… the commander’s way of doing things. 
Kidou broke his stride as he doubted—wondered what he was doing there.
He bit his lip as his chest burned in cold flames.
His heel pressed on the floor, about to turn around when he caught a glimpse of a familiar blonde in front of the elevator he was beelining to earlier.
Kidou felt an electric urge to talk to him.
To tell him something… something that… something that's important. Something—what was he planning to say??
All the words he clumsily mended together fell apart like a few pieces of hair that the wind took from his loosened fingers.
What could there be to talk to him about that could be called a fact? Wouldn't sharing his unproven allegations of his own coach to him just unnecessarily put doubts on Gouenji? Kidou waited so long to resolve their unfinished business; the last thing he wanted is for his opponent to be distracted by Kidou's doubts on his own mentor… by his own personal matters.
The long tribulations Kidou went through in his head was but a few seconds outside, he realized, as he heard Gouenji's unusually weak voice addressing an older man suited as any doctor would in this place.
The familiar man— Gouenji Katsuya, according to the commander's folder— spoke with a sharp chill that reached where Kidou hid just before he made a turn on the hallway.
"...can't even wait before your leg completely heals?" The doctor pointed the paper he was holding to Gouenji's raimon tracksuit as his eyes shifted from his once-broken leg to his face. "What would it take for you to realize that all soccer has ever done is to harm you?"
Guilt stabbed Kidou at the way Gouenji's head bowed slightly; he mumbled in a tone so low and broken that Kidou felt himself an unforgivable voyeur to catch him vulnerable like this. "It was just a minor injury."
Both Kidou and Gouenji felt their breaths stop at the sigh that left Dr. Gouenji's mouth. It was a move that Kidou knew as well.
"Do what you want."
Utter disappointment. No, Kidou figured it's something even lower: 'There is no hope for you.'
Kidou shied his eyes away from Gouenji's battles as more, new thoughts came into his mind. The matter of Yuuka's accident was pushed at the back of his head as he delved into the genius striker's attachment to soccer. Kidou flipped his memories like it was a thick book of condensed data that his thumb turned with amazing speed. 
Did the commander have information about it? When did he start soccer? Why did he start playing?! Was it just because it was something he was exceptional at?!!
The questions flooded and turned so loud that they drowned out Katsuya’s footsteps. In a matter of seconds, Kidou's initial reason for going there was muted by the barrage of infinitely slamming thoughts.
"You’d think someone who has everything would have a better hobby."
Kidou's heart almost leapt out of his chest as a husky voice put him back where he stood. It was a tone with more strength than what he heard from the halls, but was subtly weaker than the usual Gouenji.
Kidou retreated the hand that jumped instinctively to his chest and stood with more dignity as he let his enemy rightfully criticize his character with the deadly blade of his eyes. His gaze held so much unrelenting intensity that Kidou felt like his knees may begin to quiver if he wasn't pouring all of his will into keeping it solid.
Kidou's sentence was cut short with a sigh that sounded almost like the same one they heard earlier; a fact that Kidou had enough heart?— delicacy to never willingly point out.
Gouenji spared a glance before he clicked his tongue and made a turn to leave.
His steps didn't waver.
"I have something to ask you."
He merely halted on his place but he made sure to relay the intention that he would make no move to turn around and face him.
He made a small glance from over his shoulder.
"Your sister, your relationship with your father… After every terrible thing that soccer caused you, how could you continue to play it?"
The surprise on Gouenji's face finally tamed the ferocious anger displayed. He turned sideways as the reflected patches of the rays of the sun outside the glass windows kissed his cheek; he stayed bewildered with the question. "Why?"
Gouenji unconsciously turned his body where Kidou stood as his subtle facial expressions morphed to several ones in a matter of seconds.
Kidou stood speechless at the impressive showcase of how the other athlete thinks outside of what he'd seen from his matches. His eyes glowed with amazing passion as his tanned skin was given more attention by the afternoon light shaded by the bountiful leaves outside; his musings were made obvious by the slight parting of his lips and the way his hand made little twitches of his fingers.
Gouenji opened his mouth to speak but clammed it shut as he seemed to get lost in his world again.
Kidou couldn't find this anything but… aesthetically pleasing. It was one that his brain urged him to paint as soon as he would be able to; all the details and colors visualized and ready to be recreated with little twists of his own.
Even the way Gouenji suddenly glanced at the window to look at the trees was graceful. As did the change in his expression as he pointed at one of the branches.
"?" Kidou silently followed what Gouenji's finger was trying to show him. He finally heard a semblance of the singing of birds as he was made aware of their existence right there. But, Kidou merely opened his mouth in confusion.
"Why does a bird fly?" Gouenji's voice was something between unsure and confident, but it contained his hardened will. "My answer is probably something like that…"
Kidou could only hang his mouth open in answer.
This earned a surprising sympathetic look from the striker. "I’ll be in the match this time… whether you’ll be entirely there or not."
He started walking away; leaving Kidou to stay in his place and watch his back with less uncertainty in him than from when he walked in the hospital.
Continuing to mull the interaction over, Kidou unconsciously sat on one of the chairs on the hallway; one where he could look directly out the window from. He rested there now with his thoughts quieter and a tad bit clearer.
Luckily, he was just in time to see the birds fly away in his brief stay there. He then inevitably pondered, "Why… do they fly?"
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This blog is now open for business!!
Please tag this blog on your fanfictions as soon as you have read everything in the pinned post!
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logstl · 18 days
being apart of every sherlock holmes fandom that’s possible (minus elementary) is a challenge when u don’t see the tags till the end on tumblr. like yeah i can normally Clock victorian age sherlock holmes but with some AUs i get screwed and anything modern (bbc sherlock and sherlock & co mainly) takes me a bit to orientate myself
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emsgwenstan · 5 months
The letter
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FLUFF babes, wholesome happy ending kinda fic, but if u know me there’s always a dash of angst thrown in. LOVE CONFESSION!
Words: 1.5-2k
Warnings: non just anxiety.
You had to do it, it was killing you not to. There you were hands trembling smoothing down your hair and picking the invisible lint of your black v-neck’s long sleeves, your vision almost blurring due to the nerves. The piece of paper that lay on the dressers surface crumpled and worn already, every night you would reread your words over and over as if trying to memorise a script, it’s been a week since you had written the letter and the only thing to come of it was nightmares of how wrong this could go.
The plan of attack is to go find Larissa, preferably in her office confined in privacy and confess the two years of emotions to her, what will happen next is beyond you. Standing from the edge of your bed and stimming your hands as if to shake away the impending panic attack you pace to the mirror to straighten your silver necklace and fix any possible discrepancies with your simple make up.
Larissa and yourself had a great relationship, well friendship. You enrolled as an art and outcast history teacher two years ago and since then the dynamic between the two of you has been nothing short of amazing and domestic, you would go shopping in Burlington once a month and occasionally go out for dinner every Friday, as well as the random night caps that prolonged for longer then they should leading into the early hours of the morning on a school night.
Larissa had been adverse to opening up for the first six months or so, never really wanting to rely or put her trust into someone who could possibly hurt or cause harm to her feelings, understandably of course, the first personal conversation she really initiated was about previous experiences with friendships and or relationships, mortica and Marilyn being just examples. You though, seemed to understand her on a different level, having shared the same kind of difficulties, ranging from friends to past lovers and many otherwise distasteful people. She caught onto how understanding and empathetic your were, the fact that you listened and heard what she was trying to say, but not in the way other staff would listen, you didn’t show any kind of frightened emotion because of her authority, instead you saw her for her, you saw her as Larissa not principal Weems.
Finally with enough courage mustered, you snatch the letter and exit your quarters making the nerve wracking trek to her office. It’s about 6:30 when you leave, having had time to get changed and prepare after dinner and settle in the meantime. You shoved your phone in the back pocket of your navy jeans and keys in the tiny front pocket, the only sounds emanating within the stone halls are the steps of your flats and the deep inhale and exhales of breath.
Once you arrive the gold plaque with her name displayed, almost mockingly showed your reflection as if to say don’t do it, don’t fuck this. But you did it, you knocked. Larissa sat hunched over her desk and rested her elbows on the mahogany rubbing her temples to release the never ending headache when her door rang with three prominent knocks. “Come in?” Who the hell would be needing something from her no- oh. “Hey.” You said slipping through the doors and gently shutting it. “Oh y/n, how are you sweetheart?” She asked straightening up and closing her laptop.
“I’m ok…” you said quietly eyes flicking about the room as an awkward silence lingered in the air. Larissa was the first to speak again. “Is there something I can help you with?…Or?” She asked tiling her head to try catch your gaze. “Yes-no, I..I don’t know.” You stuttered. Her tense shoulders relaxed a little and her mouth involuntarily twitched into a hopefully helpful smile, even though she was confused. “Sorry I’m just…” you began with a sigh trailing to one of the seats in front of her desk and slumping into it whilst shaking your head. “It’s ok, take your time I’m all ears, you know that.” She spoke clasping her hands gracefully upon the wooden surface.
In the palm of your hand rested the yet again scrunched piece of paper, your thumbs rubbed at the corner of the page with a tremble. For the first time since entering the threshold you looked at her, properly, meeting her glittering cerulean eyes and sweet expression. She was breathtaking as always dressed in one of her finest matching cream coat and skirt suits and white silk blouse, her jewellery glistening to polished perfection and hair meticulously crafted, and to top it off the signature red lipstick you were oh so fond of.
“You look wonderful, are you off somewhere?” She asked in a smooth voice. “Hmm? Oh no.” You muttered letting the silence fall yet again. “I um…” deep breath. “I want to say something, but…I would like it if you could let me at least attempt to finish before you respond, if that’s ok.” You said gulping half way through your sentence. “That’s ok, if it’s something you’ve done I’m sure we can work through it, but I must admit your making me worried darling, you’re never this formal.” She confessed.
Abruptly standing, you turned you back to let your eyes close for a moment before continuing, putting a healthy distance between you both, you shakily unravel the paper and look to her. “You know better than anyone that I like to say and do things face to face right?” You asked as a prompt to actually stop procrastinating. “I do.” She confirmed. “And no matter the circumstances I try to face every single confronting situation.” You continue. “Of course, I try to encourage you to do so…” she trailed never taking her eyes off of you. “Ok.” You whisper.
One last look before the potential disaster you’re about to cause. “Dearest Larissa.” You began reading from the page pausing every couple of moments. “For the past two years… you have been my companion, confidant, wingwoman and best friend.” You say taking another breath. “You have listened, you have learned and tolerated much of me over this time… for that I will be infinitely grateful, just as I am for all the time we have spent together.” Your eyes flitted to her for a fraction of a second to see if she was following, she was, hanging off every word.
“Your trust and faith in me is my motivation to get up in the morning and try to succeed in the job you have generously handed to me, it also gives me a sense of pride that I am the one you choose to trust with your most inner thoughts and feelings, about people, about values, about whatever you wish to share, another thing I’m greatfull for.” You pause again to collect your bearings and hold it together. “You are kind, intelligent, sweet, beautiful and all round incredible in every sense of the word. You have a talent to command a crowd to your will and a gentleness that is rare to just the average person. I’ve never once been disappointed in who you are, not once, because it’s you and anyone who meets you in their lifetime should thank themselves lucky for having that privilege.”
Larissa sat wide eyed with her lips slightly parted in anticipation of hearing the rest. “I think I should finally own up to being the one who leaves the random flowers, sticky notes and occasional hot chocolate when you haven’t the time to get them yourself, not that you should have to, I apologise if it was too invasive and if you wish for me to stop I will do so, I believe that you deserve to have something to brighten up your day with something as simple as those, because you do.” You say starting to feel the tears prick in the corners of your eyes and hands unsteadily grasp the paper.
Resuming in a breaking voice. “On that note you deserve so much, someone’s hand to hold or shoulder to cry or collapse on, an unasked for embrace and a warm bed filled with tender care. You have no idea-.” You cut yourself of by sniffing and wiping the free falling droplets rolling down your cheeks. “No idea how much it pains me to know that you feel unseen, overlooked and unappreciated by others, but you have to know how much I see what you do, I see the sleepless nights behind your eyes and the insults scared on your heart.” You said holding back sobs.
“I know that you don’t-.” You bit your lip suppressing the pain just for a while longer. “That you don’t feel what I do… that my feelings are unrequited, but at this moment I wouldn’t want to spend my time doing anything else then making sure that you know.” Tilting the paper down and raising your eyes to meet hers you spoke again. “How loved you are, how much you are loved by me, and that you will always have someone who is proud of you for everything, and is interested in all the things you have to say.” You lifted to paper back to you frame of vision and read the last part of you letter.
“Because you Larissa are cherished and held in the most sacred part of my soul and have a home in my heart. I love you with every fibre of my being my sweet girl and I hope you don’t ever forget it… yours, y/n y/l/n.” The second you finished the tightnesses in your throat felt like your breathing constricted to only the most minuscule of air. Gasping for it you dropped to your knees and held onto your chest as if it would help in some way.
Larissa’s own tears fell as you pressed on, the second you fell to the floor she sprung into action by coming to your side, she knelt on the ground and placed a hand on your shoulder to signal her presence. You looked up at her and instantly reached for her face with one hand and the other still holding onto your chest. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry Larissa, please, please, please don’t hate me I’m sorry, I ruined everything, I just- I…” you mumbled almost incoherently between gasps, and just like that when you truly saw her through stinging tears you yourself asked her if she was ok.
“Oh, no don’t cry! Please, no you’re ok, you’re ok.” You squeaked using your other hand to remove the mascara streaks down her porcelain skin. Larissa was stunned by the way you selflessly still even at this point managed to be more concerned about her then you own breakdown. Larissa had never in her life time experienced something like this, not a single person has ever expressed such concern and care towards her and she doesn’t know how to react. She knows that this isn’t the first time you have told someone you like them, but she also knows you have never told someone you love them, let alone that being her.
“I can go, I’ll- I’ll go and I’ll leave you be, ok? You can forget this ever happened alright?” You said sitting back on your thighs to reach the dropped letter, but Larissa stopped you by grasping your wrist and making you look at her. “Stop. Just stop… you’ll stay.” She said in a groggy tone. “But-.” “No.” She cut in. Coming back full force your body wreaked with more uncontrollable sobs. Larissa guided you into her arms and let you be broken just for a moment to release your pent up adrenaline. She held you and rocked you until you calmed and slowed with the pouring apology’s. Gently she tried to coax you out of your state by quietly shushing and running her palm over the crown of your head to the nape of your neck over and over.
Neither of you knew how long it was that you sat wrapped together, but when it felt right Larissa pulled back and cupped your face in her hand and peered into your swollen and puffy eyes. “Thank you.” She breathed. You stared back at her almost emotionless drained of any and all energy, you were confused as to why she chose to thank instead of ask you to leave in disgust. “I’m sorry that I did this.” You started. “But I’m not sorry that I fell in love with you.” You said picking at the skin around your nails. “Nor am I.” She replied. The crease in your brows deepened at her words.
Slowly Larissa lent her forehead against your own and breathed deeply. “What did I do to be graced with you?.” She whispered. “I’m the one who should be proud of you darling, you said it. You said what I’ve wished to say for a long time, and… I know that must have been very difficult to say, but I’m glad you did.” She said. Your eyes fluttered close to just enjoy this small moment. “Look at you comforting others with the words you wish to hear, y/n…” she retracted just a little. “You are the one who is loved by me. I’m just not as brave as you to say it, but I am now and I don’t know what this means, but I see how much love you have to give, I feel it when ever your around… you told me once you believe that you were only meant to give love and not receive it, but if you will let me, I want to give mine to you.” She smiled.
This isn’t how you pictured this to go, not in the slightest, but who could ever complain. You peered into her eyes so intensely to make sure there was no underlying malice or false intention, but you didn’t find an ounce. You took ahold of Larissa’s right hand and opened her fingertips to lay a palm on your chest. “Rissa…” you started, not being able to find the right words. “I know.” She said pulling her hand with yours on top and cupping your cheek, you leaned into her touch just to relish in her warmth. More tears fell down your cheeks burning from following the same tracks as previous ones. “I’m so tired.” You hummed. “I know.”
Larissa removed her heels tossing them aside before shifting herself to a grounding position on her knees. She held the back of your calves and wrapped them around her waist and moved your arms to brace around her neck. You caught on to what she was doing and almost resisted not wanting her to hurt herself by your weight, instead she leaned back putting one arm around your waist and one under your ass holding you to her as she stood. Larissa guided yourselves through to her quarters adjacent of her office and without letting you go she knelt on the bed and laid down without disturbing the position.
That bed, the same luxurious place the two of you shared so many memories in, watching movies, bickering, watching her remove her make up in the vanity’s reflection, the same place she perched her head in your lap to brush out her hair and loosely braid for her to sleep in. This was the place you knew you loved her, you saw Larissa for everything she was and only you have had the privilege of knowing who and what she really is.
Your head moved from the crook of her neck to the same pillow she occupied and breathed her in, you moved one of your arms to the little space between you and used you fingertip to trace over her face, her cheeks, nose, eyes and lips, Larissa felt peace, she felt whole like a missing part of her returned, she always felt that way when you were around, even the times she would walk past your classroom and though she couldn’t see you her stomach would erupt in butterflies knowing you were close.
“I love you y/n.” She whispered. Your gaze turned upward to her eyes and you smiled, a genuine smile that only she could bring to your face. “I love you more.” You replied. “Larissa?” You asked after a moment’s hesitation. “Mmm?” She hummed. “Would it be selfish of me to ask if I could kiss you…” you said hoping for a yes, but if she still has boundaries-. Larissa didn’t even respond, within two seconds of finishing your question she kissed you, gently but passionately, she swallowed every breath of yours and you hers.
After a while your limbs were together intertwined, soft breaths as well as shuddering ones from the after effects of crying and shy strokings from nimble fingers were what made the pain from many prior months seem to wither away. Larissa and yourself had moved off the bed to change into something to sleep in, she wouldn’t let you leave and for that you were happy because you didn’t want to.
You rested in her clothes in her bed under the sheets curled to her side as she rested against the headboard, eyes fluttering from exhaustion. Larissa played with your hair tracing the shell of your ear before reaching to her bedside table pulling out the small notebook from the draw, she rested it in her lap and opened it flipping through the first couple of pages and she began to read aloud.
“Tuesday 11th. Something wonderful happened today, something I didn’t think I was akin to anymore. It seems I have fallen into love with my best friend, I know history repeating itself, but this is far different to a teenage obsession, I love this woman, I love her far greater than anything else in this world, however I’m afraid she will never know. But I’ve waited this long to feel something like this again I’m ok with it staying like this, for now at least.” She said not stopping her ministrations the whole time of reading.
You looked up at her while she read with a twinkle in your eyes and a sleepy smile plastered to your face. Larissa tore out the page and rested it and the notebook on the table and told you to keep it if she can keep yours, she shuffled down and wrapped herself around you and together you both fell into a blissful sleep. This was the first night of many more to come, your last thought was finally, and hers was exactly the same.
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sp3akfromtheart · 4 months
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stupid gay furries taking over my stupid gay brain
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ender-princee · 27 days
Hello qsmpblr!! I have something for you in these trying times. Obviously, you don't have to want to continue to watch the qsmp if you don't agree with the decisions their making but I have always been an advocate for continuing to create things for our silly little blorbos and continuing their legacy even after it's over, thus I give you
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Qsmp AU Week!!
Qsmp au week is a week at the end of May dedicated to writing or creating fanart or any other medium you'd like for our favorite qsmp characters despite the things that are happening for a little joy in these trying times, but set in AUS for funsies.
May 26th: Vampire AU
May 27th: Murder Mystery AU
May 28th: Wild West AU
May 29th: Stardew Valley AU
May 30th: Soulmate AU
May 31st: Sci-fi / Space AU
June 1st: Royalty Au
Not feeling any of those prompts? Have some alternative prompts!!
Thief / Heist AU
Urban Fantasy AU
Most importantly, remember to have fun. I made this because I got bored and needed something to do, with school years coming to an end, a lot of us are bored. So here we are!! I will be using "#qsmp au week" as my tag, so put that if you'd like and if you want to tag me, I will likely reblog it!
Feel free to do as many or as little of the prompts as you want, there's no wrong way to interpret these, have a great time creating!!
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yarameijer · 3 months
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Kariya helped him write it.
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calypsolemon · 11 months
the reason why zane acts different in the wildbrain seasons is bc he is a fundamentally different person after ice emperor imo and i genuinely like the idea that not all his new personalities quirks are super negative. Sometimes a trauma changes you and the new you is fine, actually.
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lambsouvlaki · 10 months
For the Hell of It - Burning (*)
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Characters: Jason Todd x fem!oc
Rating and warnings: NSFW, explicit oral sex (female receiving).
Word count: 1,920
Summary: Two years into being just very good friends, she kissed him. He kissed her back.
They pulled up in the parking garage below Jason’s apartment on his new motorbike. She sighed happily. 
He had taken her on a day trip to Metropolis, really just as an excuse to ride around without getting rained on. They did the normal tourist things: ate hot dogs in the park, went up to the lookout on one of the classic skyscrapers, watched superman fight a giant robot above the city, heckled him, and then apologised when he flew over to complain that if they were going to judge his punches like a gymnast’s routine, at least make the scoring consistent. 
Jason docked him a point for whinging. 
Superman was a good sport about it. He even recommended a nice local restaurant for them, since they were visiting. 
After an early dinner, and the restaurant really was very good, they took the scenic, sun-soaked route on the drive home along the coast. 
Jason switched off the bike. Behind him she stretched her arms up with a groan. 
He squeezed her thigh. “You getting off, or do we live here now?”
She swung her leg around and hopped off. After curling around him for the hour-long drive home in the blasting wind (Jason was unfamiliar with speed limits) she felt like she’d been contoured around him. She shook her limbs out and took off her helmet. 
He sat sideways on the bike to remove his helmet and gloves. He patted the body of the bike affectionately. 
“I like this one better,” she said. 
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
“The exhaust is further from my leg, and the angle of the backseat is more comfortable. Is it smoother at high speeds or am I just imagining that?” 
“No, that’s on purpose.” He looked pleased with himself. “I didn’t think you’d catch that.”
She rolled her neck, feeling out the stiffness. Her messy helmet hair flopped about her head, the weight of her curls catching on a misaligned pin somewhere. She moved her head and felt it flop back the other way. 
Jason chuckled. “Come here.” 
She stepped up to him and presented her head. Gently, with a rare glove-less hand, he unhooked the rogue curl from the pin it had gotten stuck on. He brushed the rest of her hair back from her face, only to get some other lock caught on a pin. 
“It’s all a mess,” she said, unperturbed. There was nothing to be done about helmet hair, she had made her peace with it.   
He stood and carded his hand gently through, his fingers dragging across her scalp, until he found the three pins at the back of her head holding it all together, and plucked them out. He plopped them in her hand then brushed the loose mass of her hair back again. 
“There. Fixed it,” he said, then moved another lock anyway. 
She gave him a sardonic smile. She knew he just liked running his hands through her hair. And he knew she knew he just liked running his hands through it. 
He smirked and brushed a curl behind her ear. 
With no forethought, she rose up on her toes and pecked him on the lips. 
He chased her lips for a chaste retaliatory kiss, like it was the most natural thing in the world. 
Then they blinked at each other. The only sound was the ticking of the bike’s cooling engine. 
He leaned forward and kissed her again, tentative. 
She opened her mouth to him, and he was no longer tentative. She made a soft, needy sound. His arms wrapped around her waist, stabilising her, and he pushed in deeper. She desperately silenced the fizzy, almost hysterical realisation that two years of trying to deny how badly she wanted him all amounted to nothing. 
Jason kissed her like he expected to be stopped at any moment. As though she was his air and each breath would surely be his last. There was no inch of her he didn’t want, and it made her knees weak. 
She pulled back with a heavy breath eventually. Her hands grasped the lapels of his jacket desperately, and his strong arms were still wrapped around her waist. They were very close, wound together in a tiny little bubble of nothing but themselves. 
“Oh,” she breathed, slightly light headed. “We said we weren’t going to do that.” 
His eyes were like a storm on the horizon, the darkening green hiding something powerful and hungry and promising. 
“What if we did it anyway?” 
She slanted her mouth against his in desperation. 
His hand slid up her back to her neck, and he angled her head as he liked. He swallowed her moan. She pressed her body against his, and he growled low in his throat. 
Need coiled tight in her abdomen.
A car pulled into the garage with a loud shriek of tires of concrete. 
It startled them both, and they pulled apart. She was breathing hard. He looked away for only a moment before all his attention fixed upon her again. It was scorching. 
The other guy got out of his car and briefly looked over. That shook them into moving, and they picked up their things and walked in silence towards the elevator. 
They had to share the carriage with the stranger, and they stood a respectable, tortuous distance apart from each other. 
Jason’s hands opened and closed into tight fists. She tossed her hair back, rearranging it with a nervous flutter in her stomach. 
They remained politely apart even after the other passenger left, and they got out at Jason’s level. He let her into his apartment the same as he had many times before, and she put her helmet and bag on the entryway table. 
Then Jason stood in front of her. He backed her up against the closed door. She could feel her heartbeat picking up. Meeting her eye, he reached behind her to lock the door. 
“Still with me?” he asked, in a low voice. 
“Please kiss me.”
A wicked grin curled at his lips before he was on her. 
Where before he had been opportunistic and desperate, now he was confident and unhurried. His body bracketed hers against the door as he drank from her lips. His large hands snaked over her figure, tracing, squeezing, caressing, and taking his sweet time exploring every little dip and swell. 
He pulled her jacket zip down, then pushed it off her shoulders and discarded it behind himself. She nipped his lips and tried to undo his jacket but he wouldn’t let her. His clever fingers worked at the buttons of her blouse. 
Her head fell back against the door as his lips trailed down her neck and across her collarbone. He trailed down further. She looked down and caught his eye just as he unlatched the front closure of her bra with his teeth.
She groaned at how fucking hot it was. 
He pulled her shirt and bra off and cast them aside too. He sank to his knees, wrapped his hands around both sides of her waist, and kissed his way down her stomach. She cradled the back of his head, running her fingers through his hair. He pulled her forward from the wall enough to slide her jeans and panties down her legs. Her cheeks were flushed and her heart felt like it beat out of time. He was in complete control, and yet so achingly tender with her. 
“I had a dream like this once,” she said. 
“Did you?” He kissed the swell of her thigh. “How did it end?”
“I woke up.” 
He took a little bite of her thigh and looked up at her. “You’re not escaping me that easy.” 
He buried his nose into the soft thatch of curls at her core, and he lifted her leg onto his shoulder. She sighed and curled over him, but he lifted a hand to her abdomen and pushed her back lightly. 
“Lean against the door,” he said. 
She did as instructed, more than happy to be swept along, and he wrapped a strong arm around her other thigh. He lifted her onto his shoulders entirely. She gasped, before he stood up, hoisting her up against the wall. She pressed a hand against the wall to stabilise herself, but she didn’t need it. Strong back muscles flexed against her calves and he straightened up. 
He made it look effortless. 
His eyes glinted between her thighs. 
Her dreams couldn’t begin to compete. 
“So beautiful,” he said, before he put his tongue to better use. 
She felt like a feast laid out before him. One of his hands wrapped around her thigh, while the other pushed inside of her. He set a tortuous slow pace. She moaned and whimpered and whined with abandon. She kept her hand buried in his hair and tried not to strangle him with her thighs.
“Do you want me, sweetheart?” he asked, licking his glistening lips. 
“So badly. I need you.” 
“Good girl.”
She clenched on his fingers. He smiled like a shark and reapplied himself to his work. She arched her back and choked back his name, belatedly finding her shame. 
She was completely naked, suspended halfway up the wall on nothing but her best friend’s broad shoulders, while he, in full leather biker gear, ate her out like he had never tasted anything sweeter. 
Fuck. She didn’t think she had ever been this turned on in her life. She clapped a hand over her mouth, feeling helpless and overwhelmed by how much she liked it. 
“None of that,” he drawled, replacing his tongue with his thumb on her clit. “I want to hear you.” 
He worked her over patiently, relentlessly, driving her higher and higher. 
“There’s nobody here but me, no one will ever know if you scream my name when you cum.”
She wanted to give a cutting reply to his smugness, but there were no words on her lips. The look she gave him was all pleading, no sass.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he said. A soft smile lit up his face. “Wrecked already?”
“It’s been… a very long time.”  
“Mmm, and you’re being such a good girl for me.” He dragged his tongue through her folds. His chin glistened. “You like that, don’t you? You want to be good for me?”
She let out a desperate, mangled cry. 
“Fuck,” he groaned. “The sounds you make. I don’t ever want to stop.” 
She was so close to the edge that tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. Her legs trembled around his head. Her breathing came short and fast now, and the tight coil in her lower belly turned impossibly tighter still. 
He looked at her like she was the most precious thing in the world. 
“Jason,” she managed, “Please–please, Jay–I need–”
“Go on, beautiful. I’ll catch you.” 
Her back arched, her legs tangled around his head, and she fell apart. Sweetest pleasure wracked through her, whiting out her vision. She sobbed his name.
He worked her through it, wringing out every exultant aftershock and whimper. She was floating on a cloud of sensation and only vaguely aware that she was being lowered down. Jason propped her against the wall and rolled his shoulders before he loosely wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned her forehead on his shoulder, utterly boneless. 
“Alright?” he murmured into her ear. 
“Fuck, Jay. I’m going to need a month to recover from that.”
He chuckled, as self satisfied as she’d ever heard him. “I hope not. Because we’re only getting started.” 
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Love the idea of each previous hero's journey being mostly lost to time, such that each time the cycle starts again absolutely no one picks up the very obvious clues that might lead them to the hero.
Oh, you've named your blond haired blue eyed child Link, have you? That's a good name!
Oh, he's found a strange red and white maned horse he's named epona who has utterly bonded with him? How unusual!
Yes, the princess Zelda is the same age, isn't she? What a good omen for the family!
We know he doesn't talk much, but he's the sweetest lad, don't worry!
Don't fret, dearie, his wanderlust will abate when he grows up, I'm sure it won't get him in too much trouble before then.
Prodigious little swordsman, isn't he? He would make a great knight if he wanted to when he's older!
Oh? Rumours about a long forgotten temple in the woods? How strange! Are you sure it's not just the children telling stories?
Look at him in his armoured green outfit! That hat looks lovely on him - where did you find it?
#It's so funny#In just about every Zelda I've played there's been about a hundred signs link is In The Building and no one ever notices#Twilight Princess was the absolute worst everyone just kept bringing up Its The Hero stuff and it just was not clicking#By the time we got to epona I was half tempted to make a bingo card#Heck he even has a tree house!!#Strong oot time genes there XD#There's something about loading up a Zelda game and going 'yup. This is a Zelda game alright' but NO ONE in universe notices#YOU ACTUALLY LIVE THERE YOU GUYS STUDY THIS IN HISTORY CLASS#it also opens up the great trope of link casually knowing stuff from previous lives he absolutely shouldn't and nobody taking it seriously#Until he comes back with the master sword#Some of those games were particularly bonkers and if the specifics never got recorded then there's no way anyone would believe them#A zora princess tried to marry the hero?? Lmao try writing fanfic#Listen I know it says the hero came from the woods but kokiri don't exist he would have just lived in a cottage or something#How dare you besmirch the hero's honour! He would never lower himself to base property damage! Never mind pots!#No hylian can ever wrestle a goron are you insane??#Talking boat.... Sure#But you just KNOW Zelda would get some scholars and they'd hang off his every word#I love fics where link just casually references some world shaking knowledge (ie rito being zora descended and their own squid ancestors)#Or what the divine beasts were named after#Or what time travel feels like#Or that the myths hylians came from the skies are true#Or what one Zelda did when she vanished centuries ago#Or what the giant skeletons were#That kind of thing#Sorry I rambled#long post#legend of zelda#loz#loz zelda#loz link
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soccerpunching · 11 months
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[Image Description: darkmode screenshot of white text that says: Reblog if you are a fanfiction author and would like your readers to put one of your fic titles in your ask + questions about it. End of description.]
Thank you so much for asking about that story!! It's only been for a month and a few weeks in my head but it's already taking over my life. I'm glad you liked it aaaaaaaa I'll make sure to keep writing it afasdsafshdfgsd
To everybody else who has not heard of it before, you can read a brief introduction to it here!!
Sapphic EnGouKidou Magical Girls AU
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2: What scene did you first put down?
I didn't mention this but this fic is originally a canon divergent AU where Kidou won consecutively in the FF and Gouenji and Endou didn't meet in middle school; it's engoukidou back then too. So the original dialogues and scenes have that context first before it was ever a Magical Girls AU. It goes roughly like this (this is still Haruna and Kidou's situation here btw):
Haruna: And since when did I say that?! Kidou: !! Haruna: You think this is what I want?! To live in this... stupidly fancy mansion with a full course buffet everyday?!! Is that what you thought when you... when you chose this stupid trophy!! *shoves it on his chest* when you chose winning over contacting me?!! Kidou: *voice breaking* I didn't-- I thought--!! Haruna: Yeah, exactly!! You thought!! Because you didn't think it was worth listening to me!!
I recreated it here and I still think about this... It turned into a Magical Girls AU because I wanted there to be a way for these three to act where they're away from expectations of the people in their lives and prying eyes. This also includes from each other's (because Gouenji and Kidou have a bad history and Endou initially wants to be liked by and befriend Gouenji and vice versa) and it turns out they like being silly and fighting crimes while wearing skirts (only 2 out of 3 of them likes the skirt actually)!!
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
I have two sets, but it's not written to be posted yet and this story is at the early parts of creation overall so the scenes and dialogues are probably going to change, but it's so funny to me. They're all transformed as magical girls in these scenes. I use the pronouns they currently use for themselves on the narration and since this is right at the start of the story, they mostly use he/him. Kidou also has an army of penguins as his weapon, I will elaborate next time.
Kidou: *takes the small penguin with a similar cape to him, thinking for a while* Call me Hotaru. *extends his hand* Endou: *shakes the beautiful lady's hands vigorously* MAMO--MAM-- MOMOKO!! Kidou: *sweatdrops with a small smile* Did you just come up with that? Endou: N--NO!! Kidou: *scoffs in amusement* of course...
-- Different scene and chapter --
Kidou: I'm Hotaru and that one shouting over there is my partner Momoko Gouenji: *nods* Nice to meet you... *ties the villains even tighter with his fire laso, not really trying to ignore him* Kidou: Kidou: So what's your name? Gouenji: --Huh? Kidou: Your name? Gouenji: *blinks then looks at Kidou then at the villains* Gouenji: I don't want to tell... Kidou: I didn't tell anyone my real name either-- Endou: YOUR NAME'S NOT HOTARU?! Kidou: *hand on hip* You lied to me about yours too. Endou: N-No--How did you find out?!?
It's my favorite lines of dialogues so far since I haven't written much about it unlike my other WIPs. It's my newest one so far as the others already have months in the making. This will change in the future...
11: What do you like best about this fic?
It's so interesting to write or imagine how the break trio (and the other characters) would be if they were given the chance to wear a mask and not care about the people's expectations of them. We all know how both Kidou and Gouenji only bares themselves to very few people and that Endou most often than not wants to be the support that someone needs (in a bit of a people pleasing degree at rare times too).
Even if Kidou is canonically a trauma-dumper, he still put a face (to everyone who isn't Endou) whenever he's interacting bcs he's always aware that all of his actions have consequences for the Kidou Conglomerate. As for Gouenji, he canonically has only told his problems to Endou and have dangerous levels of following people's expectations of him ((his father + his friends expecting a powerful shoot (only what he thinks bcs they just want him to play soccer actually)).
So anyway, I think escapism would bring an interesting layer to their characters and them being an egg in the story is just probably me projecting or that I'm adding another layer to their characters.
Thank you so much for caring about this story and asking about it so much omg 🥺
Sana masarap ulam mo everyday 🥹🥹
Ask about my WIPs here
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This blog is now open for business!!
Please tag this blog on your fanfictions as soon as you have read everything in the pinned post!
Queue will start running in 12 hours!
If you don't want your fanfic to be reblogged here, please kindly tell me by messaging this blog or by sending an ask.
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musicalmelody001 · 11 months
Jesper: If I had a kruge for every time a friend was dramatically revealed to have faked their death and assumed a new name, only to embark on the path of vengeance via an incredibly complex illegal scheme, I would have two kruge.
Jesper: Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.
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emsgwenstan · 3 months
I need you when I sleep.
Larissa Weems x fem reader. (Angst)
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Words: idk like less than 1k? It’s short and sweet.
Warnings: nightmares, mentions of blood and abuse
Note: I really couldn’t be bothered to continue, kinda angsty. (Italics are for the nightmare.)
They were taking her, I don’t know who, I don’t know where, but what I did know is that whoever they are dragged Larissa away and they were going to hurt her. I couldn’t move, practically paralysed, I could only scream out to her, I could only plead for them to take me and let her free, but nothing I did could stop the inevitable.
I don’t understand what they want with her, hasn’t she suffered enough? It feels the same as when I found her lying on the cold stone almost lifeless after laurels attack.
I couldn’t bear to have her taken away from me again, the rage accumulated in my veins seemed to take its toll as I retracted enough to completely rip out of their grasp and one by one I slaughtered every one of them with my bare hands, ripping, pulling, scratching and gouging, yet when I ran to her she wasn’t getting any closer, she was so close but not enough for my reach.
Hoards of people came to drag us further apart and I wasn’t strong enough to fight against them all, so slowly, ever so painfully, I watched as they beat her and ripped at her clothes, I saw the way her blood trickled down her face and blemished her porcelain skin. I screamed and screamed and screamed until my throat was raw and stinging. The light and the string of life was barely hanging on by a thread as I saw her tired body no longer struggling.
Larissa paced back towards her quarters after sneaking down to the staff room to nick a tea bag and make a hot tea for herself, the insomnia finding hilarity in her drowsy state, she sat in the room scrolling through her phone until the cup was empty, then headed back to her quarters.
However the halls weren’t very quiet for 2:30 in the morning. She could hear yelling that became screaming quickly in the span of 30 seconds, she started to walk faster than turned jogging to the noise, she realised that it was coming from my room, she rapidly knocked on the door but with no answer or pause in the distress she pulled out her keys fumbling to find the master that opens all the doors.
Finally she found it slotting it in the key hole and ripping open the door, the room was dimly lit by a singe candle and the red alarm clocks numbers, she could see my thrashing silhouette in the sheets of my bed and ran to sit on the side of my mattress, Larissa grabbed my sheets and pulled them away for better access. “Shhh darling, you’re alright, come on wake up sweetheart.” She said trying to coax me out of the state. She dragged my body to lay in her lap and gently shake me awake. “No don’t!” I yelled. “Wake up honey! Come on.” She demanded. “Don’t hurt her please!” I screamed. “WAKE UP!” She yelled.
A gasp filled my lungs finally being jerked away from the terror, I looked up to see Larissa’s troubled expression, my body was shaking and exhausted. “Rissa, you’re alright…” I hummed my eyelids blinking slowly. “I’m ok? Y/n…?” Larissa curled her knees up, sat on her hip and elbow peering down at me concerned stroking the sweaty hair from my forehead. “Oh thank goodness.” I sniffed, tears rolling down to temples and into my hair. “You can’t leave me again, you can’t die.” I mumbled into her shoulder. “I’m right here I’m not going anywhere, it was just a very bad dream.” She said cupping my cheek.
After a few minutes I had fallen back to sleep, this was Larissa’s queue to carefully hop off the bed and fetch a cool washcloth from my ensuite to pat down my hot sweat ridden face, neck and shoulders. Gently she folded the cloth and wiped carefully until I lulled awake again. “Please don’t leave.” I whispered with my eyes peeling open just a fraction. “I’m not going anywhere darling.” She lowly spoke back, with my eyes closed again and my hand wrapped around her wrist I said. “I love you, Larissa.” Her eyes widen slightly and her movements are relinquished. Before she could respond I was asleep again.
Larissa discarded the cloth, toed off her flats and removed her floor length robe to get in the bed with me. She didn’t care about keeping her propriety, she didn’t even think twice about how inappropriate it is to share a bed with her employee, because that’s not what I was to her, since the day of her near death Larissa vowed to herself that she would not push me or others away to keep her feelings safe, because if she had in fact died that night what would she have to show for it, no family, no lover, just a home and position she’d leave behind.
Comfortably rested in the sheets Larissa pulls my body closer to hers and ever so softly, she lifts my head to remove the hair from my neck tossing it up against the pillow and guide my neck into the inside of her bicep. Her brows are deeply creased due to the concern, but the longer she looks at my sleeping form it softens, her tense muscles relax, her mind slowly coming to ease. “I love you too, my sweet darling girl.” She whispered, hesitantly she placed a light kiss to my cheek, then finally falling asleep herself.
As I rolled over, I noticed that I could feel a dip in the mattress and warmth radiating from right beside me, Larissa. My heart starts racing at the prospect of the woman I love in my bed, asleep in all her glory, my eyes meet her glistening porcelain skin thats illuminated by the streak of sunlight casting over her face from the unclosed curtains. She’s bare of any make up, her usual blood red lips are a soft pink, the scar more evident and more beautiful that wonderfully taints her soft feature, her eyelashes a light blonde completely contrasting to the cobalt blue eyeliner and mascara.
In a moment of confusion I found myself staring at her so intensely that I hadn’t realised she had woken, her eyes fluttering open adjusting to the bright light. “Morning sweetheart.” She said, her voice is deep and laced with sleep, I could feel it vibrate from her chest. “Hi…” I said softly. “Are you feeling alright?” She asked shifting her head out of the sun and onto the pillow I occupied. “I’m fine… what exactly are you doing here?” I asked sheepishly. “You don’t remember?” She asked, her brows furrowing. “I’m afraid not.” I mumbled. Larissa took a big inhale of breath through her nose and stretched her long limbs, as she did so the strap of her silky tan nightgown slipped down her shoulder.
“Early this morning, you were screaming. You had a nightmare and I came in to wake you, it was quite terrifying, I thought you wouldn’t wake… but, you asked me to stay.” She said, her reasons seemed valid, it’s easy to believe the nightmare part especially. “I don’t remember it-… wait.” The memory of the nightmare hit me like a bus, I hadn’t realised I’d been screaming in reality. “Yes, yeah I do actually, it was me and you-… it was awful.” I huffed, I extended my hand and pulled up her strap as if were stoping me from focusing. “I apologise, for the noise, particularly things I might have said… what else did I say?” I asked, pulling the braid from behind her shoulder to trace the pattern in her hair, unconsciously not seeing how intimate this is.
“A few things… you asked for me not to leave you, you were worried I was going to die… tell me, how long have you been having these nightmares?” She asked, tucking the hair in my eyes behind my ear, away from my face. “Since you were attacked. I’ve never been able to get the picture out of my head.” I said. “What do you mean? you saw me?” She asked confused. “Who do you think found you Larissa?” I asked looking directly into her eyes. “I took you to the hospital, I stayed with you every night, every morning, every waking moment of every day, I couldn’t bear for you to be or feel alone.” I said slightly ashamed of how invasive it sounds. “You what?” She asked propping herself on her elbow. “I’m sorry… I was just worried sick, I thought that… never mind.” I said sitting up letting the blanket fall down onto my lap as I covered my face with my hands, rubbing my eyes until I could see kaleidoscopic patterns.
A silence filled the air until it was broken by a whisper. “You said something else last night.” I removed my hand and rapidly blinked for my eyes to readjust. “What?” I asked matching her tone. “You said…” she started, sitting up to be face to face with me. “That you love me… Is that true?” She asked with hopeful eyes. “Yes.” I responded without hesitation. “I thought I would never have been able to tell you that… that I love you, that’s why I was so afraid when you were almost taken away from me… I understand that you don’t feel the same but there’s no sense in denying it, because I do, I love you, so much, and I’m constantly in torment when I sleep because I’m so scared you won’t be with me anymore.” I breathed starting to cry.
Larissa had tears rolling down her cheeks before I finished the statement, she didn’t respond with words, but I knew I was wrong by saying she didn’t feel the same when she took my face in her hands and kissed me gently. “I love you.” She whispered on my lips. “I love you.” She said again. “I need you too.” She said with her lips pressed to mine. Her hands traveled into my hair and my own raised to her neck. Everything felt like it was falling into place.
@sabraaabra @barbarasstar @readingtheentrails
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la-muerta · 28 days
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Title: again and again we look up to the moon // 细算浮生千万绪
Fandoms: 莲花楼 Mysterious Lotus Casebook (TV)
Warnings: Rated E.
Relationships: 笛飞声 Di Feisheng / 李相夷 Li Xiangyi
Summary:  One different decision, and the bicha poison in Li Xiangyi's body flares up just before he is supposed to meet Di Feisheng on the ship in the East Ocean.
Everything unravels.
[Written for @sweetspicybingo's Hurt/Comfort Bingo 2024]
Chapter Two: 处处莲花开 When was the last time he had spoken properly to A-Mian, even when they practically lived under the same roof? He'd have to make it up to her, but with his current situation, that would have to wait. And as if thinking about her had worked some kind of magic, Li Xiangyi suddenly noticed a letter addressed to him in A-Mian's handwriting, a letter he vaguely recalled seeing on his desk a few weeks ago but had apparently gotten lost amongst all the other letters he received every day. "Where are we going, anyway?" Li Xiangyi asked, fishing out the letter from the stack. "To speak to the person who was tasked with conducting a thorough examination of Shan Gudao's body," Di Feisheng replied.
[Read on Ao3; currently 7,408 words]
This chapter covers the square: "do you want to talk about it?" (bingo card under cut)
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comikadraws · 22 days
Was the curse of hatred actually a real thing? or did danzo just demonize the uchiha;s anger? idk, being murderously angry or just angry in general is a reasonable and human response to oppression and genocide.
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An interesting question. The Curse of Hatred looks dumb at first glance but there are also many misconceptions surrounding it.
Since it is such a hot mess to begin with, I will try to focus mostly on the in-universe canon and lore rather than making it even more complicated by bringing in too much real-world logic and criticizing Kishimoto.
There's a bunch of rambling in the tags though.
Kishimoto's Intentions
Whenever we talk about the "Curse of Hatred" the fandom will usually apply terms such as "racism", "bigotry" and "pseudoscience" - particularly in reference to Tobirama.
Again, I don't want to bring too much irl logic into this but I feel like we need to make a clear distinction between intention and interpretation over here. "[insert character] was a racist" and "the Uchiha were justified" is a valid interpretation of the story. But at the same time, I doubt that this was ever intended by Kishimoto.
In the narrative, everything we learn about the Curse of Hatred is framed as exposition rather than propaganda. The lore lines up pretty well with Kishimoto's beliefs and his idea that grudges are responsible for the cycle of war.
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Aside from that, Japan has a fairly homogenous population and, correct me if I'm wrong, is not as sensitized to themes of racism as other countries might be. And let's be real here, Kishimoto himself is not particularly known for having a lot of awareness for such themes either. So it is very unlikely that Kishimoto consciously decided to portray themes of racism.
In other words, the Curse of Hatred is real in canon.
What Is The "Curse of Hatred" Even?
I have to admit, it's been a while since the last time I watched Naruto from start to finish, so I had to use the sources listed by the wiki rather than relying on my own findings and I might be biased. Because of that, I'd prefer everybody to regard my findings as headcanon rather than undisputed fact.
As far as I remember, the exact wording "Curse of Hatred" is only ever used by Obito. While not using the same wording, the curse is also referenced by Itachi, Hagoromo, and Tobirama who each have their own understanding of it. Unfortunately, we have no idea where exactly this wording or concept originated.
Hiruzen, Koharu, Homura, and even Danzo, while potentially influenced by Tobirama's teachings, do not reference the Curse of Hatred at all, at least not in relation to the Uchiha Clan itself.
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Now here's the first one of my findings: The Curse of Hatred is supposed to be some sort of involuntary biological or cultural inclination causing Uchihas to become consumed by hatred but it is also something voluntary - a Nindo. While the former could be considered a "curse" in the traditional sense, the latter is definitely not.
For the Nindo, it is supposed to be some sort of antithesis to the Will of Fire. Because of that, it is not limited to the Uchiha but, according to Tobirama and Obito, closely associated. As explained later on in this post, most Uchihas do not follow this Nindo.
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Core aspects of the Curse of Hatred as a Nindo:
Valuing a precious few above the many
Directing your hatred at those who took away your precious few
Growing stronger from those feelings of hatred (for the Uchiha, reflected in the form of the Sharingan)
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A Biological Inclination?
Now back to Tobirama's theory, due to the narrative framing, we will assume his words to be truthful for the sake of this analysis. However, I will provide links to other people's posts delving into the fantasy racism discussion.
Tobirama is racist and his theories cannot be trusted. Tobirama is not racist and there is validity to his theories.
I myself do not completely agree with either of these, but they might be interesting reads for you. If you do not agree with either of them, please keep it to yourself and do not bother the original creators.
Tobirama's theory goes as follows:
The Uchiha feel love and hate more strongly than other individuals
The strength of the Sharingan and the Uchihas' hatred are correlated
In a fit of hatred, odds are an Uchiha will commit evil
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It is nowhere mentioned that the Uchiha are more likely to feel hate - only that their hatred is worse than the average person's and puts them at risk of being swayed by hateful ideologies.
A Cultural Inclination?
Aside from Tobirama's theory, multiple characters comment on the historical origin behind the Curse of Hatred.
We are talking, of course, about Indra. Obito explains that Indra's values and his hatred (particularly what later became the Nindo of the Curse of Hatred) were passed down to his descendants - the Uchiha clan. Tobirama's exposition implies the same thing.
Tobirama states that there "used to be a thought that [...] the basis of the Uchiha clan's strength was the power of their jutsu". It is very similar to Hagorormo's description of his son.
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If this is correct, that would mean that the importance placed on powerful jutsu by the Uchiha Clan does inadvertently promote hatred due to the close correlation between hatred and the Sharingan.
But then again, in the story, it is shown that many Uchiha were not particularly fond of perpetuating hate and it is also implied that to avoid hatred, they sealed their emotions away. My interpretation is that they recognized the pain that hate could cause and then took steps to avoid it.
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The Reincarnation Cycle
Sticking with Indra, another explanation that is frequently brought up is Indra's and Ashura's reincarnation cycle, which has also been described as curse-like or haunting and neverending. A fate seemingly set in stone.
There is not much more to say, other than that this theory suggests that Indra's reincarnates are just naturally inclined towards lusting for power.
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The True Origin
Now, here's another thing that's constantly being overlooked. Aside from Obito's exposition in chapter 462 on the Curse of Hatred Nindo, Tobirama's exposition in chapter 619 on the Uchiha's tendency to follow said Nindo, and even Hagoromo's exposition on the reincarnation cycle in chapter 670, we get a vital piece of exposition in chapter 681.
Ladies, gentlemen, and anything in between. May I introduce to you...
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...the real Curse of Hatred.
Or at the very least what I believe is the real reason why the "Curse of Hatred" exists in the world of Naruto.
From the very beginning, Zetsu approached Indra to take advantage of his hatred and turn it into a tool for his own purposes. He then did that again and again. He focused on the Uchiha in particular - Either because of the previously mentioned reasons (i.e. the Uchiha / incarnates have a tendency to become obsessed with hatred and power) or because Hagoromo's stone tablet was left in the Uchihas' possession (which became another tool for manipulation).
In order to achieve his goal (awakening a Rinnegan), he had to somehow combine both Indra's and Ashura's power. It is implied that for this purpose, he instigated, perpetuated, and escalated wars and conflicts between Senju and Uchiha by pitting their reincarnates against each other. But unlike the wars he caused, Zetsu went unnoticed by the history books. Basically, he kept haunting the clans like a curse.
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Without a doubt, had Zetsu never been there, 99% of the Uchihas' problems would not exist - regardless of what ideals, genes, or history the Uchiha hold.
You could even think this further. Perhaps Tobirama's, Obito's, Hagoromo's and everybody else's explanations were just desperate attempts to make sense of anything. They didn't know that Zetsu was pulling the strings, so perhaps they tried to explain the Uchiha Clan's history in some other way.
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