#if I had a million dollars
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
“If someone handed you a single dollar bill, right now, with no strings attached—what would you do with it?”
For most people, the answer is “nothing”—slip it into their pocket and forget about it. Which is perfectly fine. This leads us to the second question.
“How about if it were a ten dollar bill?”
Often the answer is still some variation on “nothing.” Perhaps a small purchase—a coffee, or the next bus ticket. Nothing that would substantially alter someone’s life… yet.
“How about if it were a hundred dollars? A thousand dollars?”
Each step of the game jumps the amount up tenfold. At this level, most people start to think about their medium-term issues: paying rent, paying bills, socking a little money away, shopping for something you’d already decided you wanted. The next level is where things start to get really interesting.
“What if it were ten thousand dollars?”
A very interesting question. Ten thousand dollars opens up many possibilities that weren’t available in previous tiers. For most people, ten thousand dollars is several months worth of paychecks—yet it’s small enough that it can be blown on a single vacation or big-ticket purchase. So what would you do with it?
“A hundred thousand dollars? One million dollars?”
We’re not at full Richard Branson yet. This sum of money isn’t quite so much that you never need to worry about money again. But we’re getting damn close. If you’re contemplating big-ticket purchases like cars and houses, it can be gobbled up surprisingly quickly. It’s an enormous sum of money, true—but it still has to be considered carefully.
“Ten million dollars? One billion dollars?”
How did Ludacris put it? “Lifestyle so rich and famous / Robin Leach will get jealous”?
Okay, the pie is now well and truly in the sky. (You can turn the dial up to eleven, if you wish, and go to ten billion if you come up with some truly inventive extravagances.) This is the realm of pure wish-fulfillment. If money can buy it, it shall be yours. Where past answers have been ethical and practical in nature, this one is more creative/imaginative. What kind of sick, stupid shit can you dream up? What kind of insane dreams would you follow? What’s left to pursue?
In other words: “What would you do if money were no object?”, the question we were originally too baffled to answer.
Keep reading.
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sinful-roxy · 1 year
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sulkykitty · 6 months
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antique store finds
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xfilesinamajor · 9 months
I wish I had a personal artist to visually bring to life all the crystal-clear scenes and images and characters that I carry around in my head.
But I don’t, so I guess I’ll keep trying to create them with my words instead.
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myimaginaryradio · 1 year
If I Had A Million Dollars - Barenaked Ladies - 1988
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nickchristian86 · 5 months
If I hit it big
Bloganuary writing promptWhat would you do if you won the lottery?View all responses Sooo, missed one yesterday. Prompt streak broken. Still posted (thank you Haiku series and scheduling posts), but kind of got side-tracked. That being said, the first thing I did when I woke up was checked the prompt AND I’ve been thinking about this one ever since. One caveat to how I’m going to answer this:…
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mirqmarq428 · 5 months
if i somehow wind up with a million dollars im extending the house repeatedly in increasingly convoluted ways. Secret passages, spatial illusions, infinity mirrors in the windows. Walls on walls and walls in walls and sideways ceilings and double-state doors.
Legends will tell that once upon a time this castle was but a simple ranch house at the edge of the world - now it hangs off the Edge, taunting it with structural balance and so on, its eaves drooping shrunken and flaccid on the cold windy nights
Or something idk
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almostfini · 5 months
If I had a million dollars we wouldn't have to eat girl dinner
But we would eat girl dinner
Of course we would, we'd just eat more
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annaberunoyume · 5 months
If I Had $1,000,000
My queer dream.
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nirivenova · 9 months
The weight of existence is too great a displacement to justify breathing.
A person:
Those are just your boobs.
I meant what I fucking said.
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nonsensefool · 1 year
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thebibliosphere · 6 months
There’s a house near me that’s a beautiful old Queen Anne that I’d love to share with all of you but can’t because I don’t want to doxx myself, but you’ll just have to trust me when I say it's exterior is gorgeous. Just beautiful ornate gothic latticework. Think gingerbread Addams family house. There you go.
Anyway, I found out it went up for sale the first thing I did was look it up to catch a glimpse of the inside.
Now, this could just be the PMDD talking, but I think if you’re the type of person to gut an 1880 house of all its original features and replace them with faux white marble floors and beige farmhouse chic walls, I’m not saying you should be torn apart by ravenous wolves.
I’m just saying I should be allowed to eat your heart in the marketplace.
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riversebb · 2 years
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myimaginaryradio · 1 year
If I Had A Million Dollars - Barenaked Ladies - 1992
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jklantern · 2 years
If money wasn’t a worry, I think I’d be perfectly content working at a pizza place.  Not even owning one.  Just working in one.  I genuinely enjoy the craft of it.  Just walk over to the nearby pizza place, start making them for people. Like, I know for a place to break even we’d have to make a shitload of pizzas, and the lunch rush would easily be stressful.  But I’ve always enjoyed pizza, how it’s made, the different types.  I dunno, it seems like...I could be content just being in a pizza place, y’know?  Maybe I’d change my mind after having worked in an actual pizza place.  But right now, it just seems...nice. If money was no worry.
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