#Really expensive ketchups
almostfini · 5 months
If I had a million dollars we wouldn't have to eat girl dinner
But we would eat girl dinner
Of course we would, we'd just eat more
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lotusmesenpai · 3 months
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I present: the Buns of Steel, toting a triple-barreled condiment cannon mounted on the back to deal with any pesky tailgaters
(I may or may not have dug up my Gaslands rulebook after forgetting about it for like 3 years and found my shoebox of hot wheels soon after)
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bonny-kookoo · 6 months
𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 | Part 23
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You're just so frustrating.
Tags/Warnings: Game Designer!Jungkook, Non Idol AU, established relationship, fluff
Length: 1k Words
There is no taglist for this fic.
Callob with @euphoricfilter !
-> Masterlist
Fuck this.
Jungkook refuses to believe that that was how he proposed to you- he won’t aknowledge it, eating his breakfast cereal with a pout on his face.
„Jungkook, come on.“ You laugh, sitting across from him. „I told you it was perfect-„ you say, though he shakes his head, beginning to talk before he can properly swallow- which makes him choke, and you laugh as he coughs up the stray bits of food that entered the wrong tube.
„I don’t care, it sucked.“ He denies, tears on the edges of his eyes as he drinks some water.
„I mean I did suck you-„ you start, causing him to send a glare your way, but you just sigh. „Jungkook come on. It doesn’t matter to me how you asked me- the fact that you did makes me happy already!“ you tell him, before you tap his bowl. „Now eat your cereal or it’ll get soggy.“
He does- but that still doesn’t lift his mood at all.
He doesn’t really have time to figure out another masterplan like last time, since he’ll have to get back to work soon to not make anybody mad enough to slap some god awful project onto his table to be done before the new year- but maybe he can still come up with something memorable. There’s still some money in the bank, and he’s soon to get his december bonus for the holidays, so maybe a fancy date? Now that he thinks about it, you never went to one together. He doesn’t even really own a suit.
He should get one. And you a pretty dress. But not one that’s too expensive, because he’ll surely break it later back home.
Searching online for a fitting suit and dress for you both during his break, he doesn’t even notice you entering the room- quietly, thinking he might still be working, to put a plate of warm food down for his late lunch, and only now does he notice he’s been working for hours on end again without a proper break. And before he can even thank you properly, you’ve exited his office room again, door clicking into the hinge, as he looks on his plate.
Dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets, and ketchup squirted down in the shape of a heart.
That's it. That's the last straw.
He exits his office with his plate in hand, setting it down on the coffee table next to yours as you were just about to turn on the TV, looking at him all surprised. “Everything ok-“
“You’re doing it again!” He complains, standing there like some upset Sims character, pouting and brows all frowned.
“I’m.. what?” You ask, confused. “..but you love dinosaurs when you’re upset-“
“I do!” He whines out, and you’re halfway expecting him to stomp his leg like a rabbit any second now, as he stands there with his hands clenched to fists. “I really do, and I also love it when you put my ketchup in a little heart there.” He says.
“…okay?” You chuckle, unsure. What’s he getting at?
He sits down next to you, and begins to eat, quietly. You’re not sure what’s wrong with him, but he’s sometimes like this, sometimes he doesn’t make a lot of sense. Or maybe he does, and he just can’t properly explain it well.
“You do-“ he starts, taking a sip of some water to wash down his food, as he shakes his head at his plate. “-You always do so many things for me.” He rants, almost angrily. “like now. You always know how to pick me up when I’m down, or you just-“ he picks one of the dinosaurs up to dip its tail into the ketchup, “-or you just do stuff like this randomly, and it’s the sweetest shit ever!” He exclaims, glaring at his food. “ridiculous.!” He shakes his head again, biting the tail off.
“Yeah cause, I love you?” You giggle, not quite sure what he’s getting at, still.
“Bu’ I ‘ove u ‘oo!” He responds agitated with a whine, before he almost chokes on his unswallowed bite, making you push the glass of water closer that he eagerly takes to help push down his food so he can talk properly. “I love you too, but you’re so good at it, it’s unfair!” He complains, making you laugh.
“How can someone be good at loving someone else?” You snort, pushing his shoulder when he looks at you with his brows wiggling suggestively.
“No but, in all honesty.” He says, sighing as he stares at the last dinosaur waiting to be eaten. “You’re so good at like.. Doing stuff for me. Everything you do is always so special.” He mumbles.
“...so you feel bad now because your proposal wasn’t special enough?” You wonder, and he shrugs, defeated, and nods. “Jungkook, you do know that the way you proposed is literally.. The most uniquely Jungkook-thing you could’ve done? Everyone goes on fancy vacations to propose!” You tell him, and he only hesitantly moves his face to look at you, back arched as he sits with no tension in his body. “Jungkookie, baby, it really doesn’t matter to me.” You press, hand on his thigh-
And it’s then that he notices, and jumps up to run into the bedroom, roaming in one of the drawers for something. “What is it now?” You laugh, as he stubbornly tugs at your hand before he stops.
“Wait which hand goes the ring on again?” He wonders to himself. “And which finger..?” He says, making you giggle, before you tell him where it goes. And the moment it’s on, he stares at it for a good while, just.. Letting it happen.
He’s really doing this. He’s going to marry you.
“We’re gonna have to kind of.. Talk about how we wanna marry.” You say, pulling him from his thoughts.
“Can’t we marry here at home? With bowser?” He wonders, and you laugh at him, pulling him closer to hold his cheeks as you kiss him.
“Like I said.” You giggle, lovestruck. “It really doesn’t matter to me, as long as I’m marrying you.”
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faru-itsok · 4 months
Ok here we go again
This movie has me going through so many emotions!
Well it looks like Kaito most certainly will not be having a great time during this case, I so hope he have a BIG moment where everyone ( the characters in the movie) be like “damn, he is so cool and great and intelligent” because he deserves to have a big moment of admiration.
Can they Please leave this poor little baby’s clothes alone!
Not only does Heiji cut his fucking hat, someone just cut his tie and jacket too?
I feel like Kaito would be fuming later watching 1) His cape stained with ketchup 2) His multiple broken monocles 3) His top hat almost cut in half 4) His tie cut in various pieces 5) His jacket cut from side to side
Do people know how difficult is to patch up/ replace those things? They are expensive for a student!! Did the first Kid ever had to deal with this kind of insanity?!
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Ok that’s about it for today’s “Faru needs therapy” episode
It makes me really happy to share this things with you guys and maybe share some of this energetic feelings towards DCMK
As I said previously my organ/soul selling went well and I’m officially going to Japan in April, so if anyone is going to be there around that time let’s go to the movies together 🤗✨
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Nobody's Fool: Chapter 1
Summary: You have bartended for years after you were forced to drop out of college due to family circumstances. You have dated your fair share of musicians, had your heart broken by one particular one, and have learned they are not be trusted. You have sworn off of them for the rest of your life. Then, one night, a new band plays at the bar, and against your better judgement, you can't help noticing the lead singer and guitar player. Could he possibly be different from the ones who came before him?
Warnings: 18+ Only due to eventual smut and language. There is also a toxic family relationship if that is triggering for you.
So, this is an EddiexOC that I have on my Wattpad and AO3. @mmunson86 recommended that I share some of my longer fics on here too. I know most people don't prefer that so I decided to edit it into a reader fic for here. I would love to know what everyone thinks and if this is something you'd be interested in reading more of. If so, I have quite a few other books I could do this with down the road. If not, I'll just stick to my one shots. 😂😂😂
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28
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“Joey, we need more vodka from the back!” you called out from behind the bar. 
“I’ll get you that vodka, sweetheart, when you finally let me have that date,” Joey countered, leaning across the bar, flashing you a smile and wiggling his eyebrows up and down. 
“In your dreams,” you chortled.
“You got that right. Every single night.”
“Ugh, you’re so disgusting,” you gagged. “Just go get the damn vodka. We have three bands playing tonight and John says we’re going to have quite the crowd. We need to make sure the bar is fully stocked.”
“Okay, okay,” Joey sighed, throwing his hands up in defeat. “You can’t blame a guy for trying.”
“You can when it’s the 100th time and he still fails,” you called over your shoulder as you checked the rest of the liquor. John had been adamant that you be as ready as possible before those doors opened for customers tonight. 
The first of the three bands had just finished sound check and the second was about to come on stage. They'd been alright but not enough to really catch your attention, just your average, mediocre local band. You came out from behind the bar to check all the condiments on the table and top them off if needed. 
“Your vodka, my queen,” Joey announced, making a big show of bowing and presenting two large bottles to you, one mid shelf, one low shelf. “Do you want me to grab the expensive shit or will these work for the night?”
“Those should be fine,” you replied. “I don’t see us getting high end clientele for a bunch of townie bands. Can you fill the condiments on the tables so we don’t have people asking for ketchup all night?”
Joey saluted you before heading off. You headed back behind the bar to clear the beer lines, pouring out a few ounces from each tap. There was nothing worse than having the taps malfunction when you had a bar full of drunks demanding more beer. Things got real rowdy, real fast when that shit happened and you were not in the mood for a bunch of belligerent drunks yelling at you because they couldn't drink until they couldn't see straight.
This job was supposed to be temporary, a stepping stone to something else. It was supposed to be a job that helped pay your way through college, but that's not what happened. Life happened and college fell by the wayside and here you were, four years later, still slinging drinks in this place. 
It wasn’t a bad gig. The tips were great and the regulars loved you. You got to hear some amazing bands play. Free live music was definitely a perk of your job. There was nothing that could turn your mood around faster than good, live music. You never had to rise before the sun, which worked for you because you had always been a creature of the night. Still, you felt a bit like a loser, still tending bar at twenty-five instead of moving on to a real career, as your mother always liked to remind you.
“Everything set?” John asked as he came striding out of his office. 
“As ready as we’re going to be,” you answered. 
The second band had just begun sound check. You weren't paying much attention, not expecting anything special, as you did a last wipe down of the bar and tables. Then you heard the voice come over the mic and you paused mid-swipe, your bar duties abandoned. That voice was incredible, excellent range and pitch. It had this sultry, raspy quality that made you think about sweaty bodies tangled up in one another amid the sheets. But it also had this soothing, pleasant tone that felt like being curled up in your bed on a cold day, the comforter cocooned around you. 
Forgetting all about the tables that needed cleaning, you turned to look at the stage because you had to see who that voice belonged to. Jesus Christ, what metalhead erotica novel did this man step out of? You head tilted, your hand coming up to your chest as your eyes raked over every inch of the beautiful man holding the guitar and singing into the mic. It should be a fucking crime to be that gorgeous.
He was tall, close to six feet with shoulders that filled out his tee quite nicely. He was lean but strong looking. As he shifted, the Iron Maiden tee rose up, revealing a bit of skin along his waist, just enough for you to glimpse the happy trail just above his button on those gloriously fitted ripped jeans and you couldn't help imagining where that trail might lead. Long, beautiful brown waves cascaded past his shoulders, moving around like the choppy waves of a stormy sea as his head rocked along to the strums of his guitar.
You were completely lost in the vision that was this man. You had seen endless musicians take this stage. You couldn’t even give someone a number if you wanted to, far too many to count. You had seen some beautiful men perform, men that could knock your senses loose with a look, but you had never seen anything like him. You didn’t know who he was, but you knew you were going to have to steer clear of him if you were going to stick to your promise to yourself. That one was trouble with a capital ‘T’.
“Hey John,” you said, walking back over to the bar, forcing yourself to turn away from the vision under the stage lights. “Who is the band that’s on stage right now? I’ve never seen them before.”
“Oh, that’s Corroded Coffin,” he said with a chuckle. “I was a bit hesitant when I saw their name. It sounded a bit cheesy, you know? But damn if they aren’t pretty good.”
“Yeah they are,” you agreed. “Why haven’t they ever played here before?”
“They usually play at the Hideout, and a buddy of mine saw them there the other week. He told me I needed to get them to come here because they were being wasted over there. They only gave them the Tuesday night slot, not much of a crowd. Even with a name like that, he swore they were one of the best bands he’s seen around town. So, I figured why the hell not? I like to give people a shot, especially the young ones just trying to find their place. Judging by what I’m hearing, they’ll be invited back.”
“Yeah…” you said, thinking you couldn’t possibly want anything less. It was going to be very hard to behave and avoid him if that guy was here on the regular. 
“Uh-oh,” Joey teased, finished with the condiments. “I know that look. You falling for another rockstar?”
“Shut up,” you snapped. “No, I am definitely not. In case you forgot, I have sworn off all musicians for the rest of my life. They’re all a bunch of douchebags, anyway.”
“Yeah…because I haven’t heard that song and dance before,” he snorted with a chuckle. “I’ve been trying to get you to give me a shot for years now but, sadly for me, I have not a musical bone in my body and you have a thing for musicians, particularly long haired guys who can play guitar.”
He gestured to your shirt and you looked down. You were wearing your Van Halen tee and yes, you did have a thing for Eddie Van Halen, but like, who didn’t? The man was a gorgeous rock god. 
“Actually,” Joey said, looking from your shirt to the stage, “I can see a resemblance there.”
“Oh shut up, there is not,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Eddie Van Halen is rock royalty. He is a guitar prodigy. No one can compare to him.”
“If you say so,” he said with a shrug. “I don’t think I’m exactly the authority on hot rock gods.”
You tossed a rag at him, telling him to finish the tables. You hadn’t noticed that the music had stopped, so focused on trying to think of anything but the one thing you really shouldn’t be thinking about. You absolutely could not let yourself go there again, especially after the last time. You went back behind the bar and bent over to stock beer mugs on the shelf when you heard a whistle from behind you. 
“Well, that’s a lovely view. Hello there sweetheart. Can I get a beer?”
Standing, you spun around to come face to face with that ridiculously gorgeous man who had you paralyzed mere moments ago. If it was possible, he was even more beautiful up close. Those eyes, fuck, they were like melted chocolate, the kind that ran down your fingers on a hot summer day as you tried to eat your s'more as fast as you could. And his lips were so full and luscious, you just wanted to come across the bar, grab onto that shirt, yank him to her and find out what they felt like against hers. Your tongue ran over your bottom lip just imagining how they would taste. 
You quickly shook it off. No, you absolutely were not going there again. This guy may have the face of an angel, but you knew better. All these damn rock stars were the same. You grabbed a mug, filled it from the tap and slid it over to him before turning away to resume your job.
“Damn, that’s quite the cold shoulder,” he said, taking a sip of his beer. “I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure. Trust me, I would remember. So, what could I possibly have done to deserve that?”
“Oh, I’m sure you have a laundry list of offenses that could warrant that. I’m guessing you can handle a little chill. I can’t imagine I’m the first lady who’s given you the same treatment,” you said, keeping your back to him.
“That’s quite an assumption,” he said, sitting down on the stool, drumming his fingers on top of the bar. “You don’t even know me.”
“I know you,” you huffed with a harsh laugh. “I have known dozens of men just like you.”
“And what kind of man is that, exactly?”
“You think you’re a rock star even though you’re only part of a small townie band that plays for the local drunks each week and it makes you think you’re untouchable. Your guitar is just a metaphor for your dick. You have a complex about it and you treat it better than you’ve ever treated any woman. It was probably the only reason you got girls in high school. Hell, it's probably the only reason you get girls now. You play shows and look for some piece of ass to play around with and then the next show you look for a new one. Love them and leave them wanting more, right? If you do keep a girl around, you probably have another already lined up or one you’re already screwing on the side. You can’t stick with just one because it’s not how you’re built. You’re always looking for something more interesting or entertaining. Am I close?”
“Sweetheart, you couldn’t be farther away if you were on the moon,” he said. 
“Sure, of course,” you said, winking at him. “You’re that rare good guy musician.”
“I don’t know if I’d go that far,” he chuckled. “But how about we start with names? I’m Eddie.”
Fuck, this had to be a joke. His name could not be Eddie. You glanced down at your shirt and then back up at him and he smirked. 
“Yeah, like the guy on your shirt, but not named for him,” he said. “I mean, I would be honored as he is one of the sickest guitarists to ever live but he would have been a kid when I was born.” You just stared at him so he raised his eyebrows, holding his hand out. “And this is the part where you tell me your name.”
“Y/N,” you answered flatly. 
“Y/N, beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” Eddie smiled, winking at you. 
Your body was having a fierce internal battle between your brain and your desire. This guy was not only beautiful, but there was something about him, something that was pulling you in like a magnetic field and you were trying hard to repel it. You were telling yourself not to be fooled, but damn if you didn’t want to take your chances and see where this went. Joey was right. You had a problem with long haired guitar players, but this one was something else entirely. What was it about him?  
“So, Y/N, what do you say you let me take you out sometime?” he asked, lifting one eyebrow at you and you gripped the edge of the bar as your legs turned to jelly.
“No, I don’t think so,” you answered, determined to stay strong no matter what your body desired. And oh, it desired, you could feel it's desire pulsing between your legs.
“Why not?”
“”I already told you,” you stated. “I know your type. I’ve dated your type, and I’m not interested.”
“Well, that’s not fair. You don’t even know me. I promise you, I’m not like any guy who’s taken you out before. Sweetheart, I know for a fact you’ve never known anyone like me.”
Oh, you had no doubt of that but he was still a musician. You'd walked this path before and it only ended in heartbreak. You weren't doing it again. 
“Maybe not, but my answer is still no,” you told him firmly. “I am sure you will have your pick of ladies tonight after the show. Your band is really good. Clearly, you know you’re good looking. The girls will be lining up for you boys later. You’ll have no problem finding some fun.”
“What if I don’t want just any lady? What if I want the one standing in front of me?” he asked, leaning on the bar. Did he have any idea what his gaze did to you? He probably did. Guys like him always knew what they were doing and they enjoyed it. 
“Sorry, this one is not available. Now, if you don’t mind, I have to make sure we’re ready for the crowd tonight and don’t you need to get ready for your show?”
“You are going to go out with me,” Eddie said confidently as he rose from the stool. 
“Points for positivity,” you teased, heading to the back. You closed the door to the stockroom, sucking in great gulps of air. Damn, that boy was going to test all your resolve. 
So, I am not a fan of writing the Y/N. I had to here because they were just meeting but I am going to try to keep the pet names from here on out.
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absurdthirst · 2 years
The Election {Max Lord x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 10k
Warnings: People being assholes, comments about physical appearance, politicians, public sex, protected sex, public scandal
Comments: Meeting Senator Max Lord in the diner where you work one night leads to a very unusual arrangement. Sex behind the building. Changing both of your lives in a very real way. 
A/N: Thot based off this filthy gif but is no way representative of the reader. 
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers​
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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You sigh, wiping down the table after the teenagers had effectively thrown every single fry on the floor and squirted ketchup all over the table. You had told them to stop but they just laughed at you before they left. They didn’t leave a tip. You toss the dirty rag into the bowl in the kitchen, leaning against the counter just beside the window that looks out into the diner. “You’ll never guess who just sat down in your section.” Sally says, appearing through the swinging door, and you frown, turning your head to look into your section. 
“Who’s that?” You frown. 
“Senator Maxwell Lord. He’s running for re-election.” Sally declares and you scoff, adjusting your apron. 
“I don’t follow politics.” 
Sally sighs, “you should. He really is dreamy. Single dad too. It’s hot. A powerful man.” 
You snort, “sounds like you should go serve him.” 
Sally shakes her head, “no. Hopefully he tips well. You need it more than me. Go.” She orders and you push on the door to make your way over to your section, approaching the Senator sitting at the table.
Max sighs and looks down at the menu, the selection here a lot better than the greasy spoons he has been visiting while he’s been on the campaign trail. Bypassing the burgers because he didn’t want to have anyone, mainly the man sitting opposite him, commenting about the cholesterol or how unhealthy he was eating. The California grilled chicken sandwich looks good but he damn sure is going to get the fries. “Now we have a campaign stop tomorrow morning and we need to make sure that you make an appearance at the children’s hospital. Kiss a few sick kids, make a donation that is in full view of the cameras.” 
Max rolls his eyes at his campaign manager, shaking his head at how callous he sounds, visiting sick kids for political visibility. “No.” He tells him. “I will donate privately and you can photograph me going into the hospital but if the parents don’t want their kids photos taken, that’s it.” He warns the overeager man. “No persuading them. Those kids are sick and shouldn’t be exploited for votes.” 
You walk over, brushing down your apron, and you pull your notepad out, grabbing the pen from behind your ear. “Good afternoon.” You tell the two men your name before asking what they want to drink. “Diet Coke.” Both men say and you nod, “no problem. I’ll be right back with those and then I’ll take your order.” The dark eyes of the senator focus on you and you find it a little hard to breathe with how handsome he is. Clearly well groomed with his expensive suit and watch that costs more than your car to appear in charge and ready to lead. A true politician.
Watching you walk away, Max ignores the assessing hum of the other man as he admires the curve of your ass. It’s been a long time since he’s really noticed a woman. First he was going through his divorce and then it was lack of availability. Anyone around him was off limits, he wasn’t going to be that kind of politician. No matter what, he didn’t want a sex scandal undermining the kind of change he was trying to bring about.
You bring the drinks back, setting them down and ignoring the appraising look from the man in the blue suit. The kind brown eyes are deceptive considering his career in politics. “What can I get you to eat?” You ask. 
“Are you on the menu?” The blue suit man winks and you offer him a tight smile. 
“No. I am not. Only food available in a diner. I can tell you the specials though.”
He’s already decided what he wants but he smiles at you, the charming one that he uses on the campaign trail set aside for one that is grateful and almost hesitant. “Please.” He just wants to hear you talk, enjoying the way your voice sounds. “Your specials. What you would eat here.”
You are a little taken back, “oh, okay. Um, the specials are a double cheeseburger with bacon and a fried egg served with fries. We also have a meatloaf with mashed potatoes and a red wine jus. I could go with the burger.” You tell the senator with a wink.
He gives you a slow smile, enjoying the butterflies that erupt in his stomach at your playful wink. “Then I’ll have the burger, no mayo please.” He asks, “but I wouldn’t mind extra ketchup.” He winks back at you just as playfully. 
You offer him a soft smile, sensing how charismatic he is, and you write down his order just as his companion says, “I’ll have the grilled chicken salad. Maxwell. You shouldn’t have the burger. You need to watch your weight. Maybe the waitress should too.” His blue eyes look at you, and your jaw drops. 
“Excuse me?” You balk. 
“Just sayin’ you might want to cut out the burgers and maybe get a boob job. Might get you out of this shithole diner.” He shrugs. 
You scoff, “I’ll put your order in and maybe I can find the number of a dick extension doctor. You seem like you need one.” You snort, spinning on your heel to head into the kitchen, absolutely fuming at the audacity of the man.
“Jackson.” Max shakes his head at his campaign manager and frowns. “What the hell are you doing?” He huffs. “That was completely uncalled for, you- you know what?” He leans back and stares at the man. “Go back to the bus and make sure my speech is ready for tomorrow. I’ll get your food to go and bring it back to you.” Jackson huffs and argues with him for a few minutes but Max is adamant and the other man shuffles out of the restaurant. 
You come back with the plates, still annoyed at the prick in the suit. “Where’s your friend? In the bathroom looking at himself in the mirror?” You ask, setting the senator’s burger down in front of him before you slam the chicken salad down on the table.
“He’s - he’s not my friend.” Max shuffles slightly and bites his lip. “I want to apologize for him, he’s my campaign manager and was completely out of line.” He apologizes. “What he said was wrong, you don’t need to lose weight, or a boob job.” He flushes when he realizes what he said and flusters. “I- I mean…You are perfect - perfectly fine just the way you are.” 
You fluster at his words, his dark eyes are kind and you know you’re going to look him up when your shift ends. “Uh, thank you. Ketchup is over there.” You point at the bottle, “and I can pack up the salad for your…campaign manager. I just - I hope you don’t have the same morals as him. Especially if you’re gonna be representing this state.” You tilt your head.
“Well, I’ve already been representing the state, but I hope to continue to do so.” He admits. “But no, I don’t have the same morals as he does. I want to be honest and transparent with what I can do for my constituents and what I hope to accomplish for our state.”
You bite your lip, “I- I don’t really follow politics. I didn’t - I didn’t know who you were until my coworker told me.” Your confession has you glancing around the diner. “I’m just saying you might want a new campaign manager. One who isn’t an asshole.”
Max chuckles and leans back in the booth, throwing his arm along the back as he appraises you, enjoying how you speak your mind. “You know any good ones?” He asks, actually delighted you didn’t know who he was or have ten thousand questions that he needed to carefully answer so he wasn’t misquoted. “I wish we could just skip all the b.s. and just run off our principles.” 
You chuckle, “unfortunately my Rolodex of campaign managers is empty. Surely the world would be a better place if politicians just told the truth? Although I doubt the population wants to hear it. I just don’t get involved in politics, I have too much of my own b.s going on to care.” You tell him honestly, “I’ll let you eat your meal.” You realize he hasn’t touched his burger.
“Again, I’m sorry he was an ass.” He tells you as he reaches for the bottle of ketchup. “The burger looks delicious and I’m sure you are busy enough without taking up more of your time.” He knows you have other tables, he actually enjoys that he isn’t special. Right now he is just a patron eating a burger. 
You nod, walking away from him and you can feel his eyes on you. “Sooo how is the senator? Think he’s gonna leave a big tip?” Sally asks, and you chuckle. 
“No. I- he’s…sweet. Not what I expected. His campaign manager is a dick but he’s nice. He seems like he actually wants to do some good.” You say as you lean against the counter and Sally raises her eyebrows. 
“A politician who seems nice? Alert the media.” She jokes.
It’s rare that he isn’t wolfing down his food or having a working dinner. So it’s honestly a treat to be able to take his time and eat. He can’t help but watch you though. His eyes find you around the diner as he watches you go about your tasks, refilling drinks and serving customers. You are graceful and quite frankly beautiful. It’s been a long time since he’s met a woman so pretty and he’s honestly finding it hard to look away from you. 
You eventually come back around to grab Max’s plate, taking it before you look down at him. “Looks like you enjoyed it.” You tease, glancing at the empty plate. He blushes a little and you think it’s cute. He’s cute. Sally said his wife had divorced him, too focused on her own career to go on the road with him.
“I did.” He nods and looks around. “I will have to bring Alistair here. My son.” He clarifies with a small smile as he thinks about the boy. “He loves a good cheeseburger and I spotted milkshakes on the menu.” He chuckles. “He would want a double chocolate.” 
You smile, “you’ll have to bring him by. Cheeseburger and chocolate shake.” You tap your head, “I’ll try and remember in case you come back. Here’s your check.” You tell him, setting it down. “There’s no rush. Your…campaign managers salad has been wrapped up. I’ll give it to you when you leave.”
The bill is reasonable, and he wants to make sure that he leaves a good tip, especially because you had to deal with Jackson’s bullshit. Max digs out his wallet and slides the bills under the check and stands. Catching your attention with a smile. “I’ll take that box for him, even if he deserves to starve.” He jokes and gives you a tiny wink.
You nod, grabbing the takeout box with the salad from the counter. “Hope he doesn’t choke on the lettuce.” You snort flippantly. 
Max offers you a wry smile, “knowing him he won’t eat it and will have a cigarette instead.” 
You roll your eyes, “of course. Well…good luck Senator Lord.” You offer him a smile and he nods, “thank you.” You watch him leave, biting your lip as you realize how broad he is, and you wonder if he will be back. Shaking your head, you make your way over to the table, grabbing the check and when you cash it out, your eyes widen when you see the fifty dollar tip. “Holy shit.” You curse, eying the money before you put it in your apron, torn on whether to accept it or not. You know he’s gone so you won’t be able to return it. Maybe you can donate it. You need the money but this is a lot. Deciding to figure it out later, you get back to work.
Max thinks about that burger all day, deciding that he’s going to order them back to the diner from yesterday, he walks over to the driver. “I want to go back to the restaurant from last night.” He tells him. “Just me and one of the security guards.”
You look up as the bell rings above the door, your eyes widening slightly when you see Senator Lord walk in with a buff looking man wearing a suit - his security you’re assuming. “Hey. Table for two?” You ask, grabbing a couple of menus.
Shaking his head, Max gives you a smile. “No, Gunther doesn’t like sitting with me.” He tells you. “He’ll sit at the bar and order nothing, just to make himself seem more intimidating.” He jokes, knowing the man will at least order a coffee. But he doesn’t eat while he is out with Max so he can be alert. “I had to come back for another burger.”
You chuckle, setting one menu down before you guide Max to a booth in your section. “Diet Coke?” You ask, and he nods, smiling at you. You love how he blushes a little when you take his menu, his fingers brushing yours. “So you left me way too much money last time.” You say as you set his drink down after submitting his order to the kitchen. You take the money out of your apron and set it down on the table.
Max frowns and looks down at the money before he shakes his head and pushes it back towards you. “I know how much I left. You deserve it.” He murmurs, nodding towards it. “You were a lot more graceful than you should have been to my campaign manager and I know you work hard - like everyone in the service industry.”
Your jaw drops slightly, taken back by his genuine response. You know that most politicians would pull the same act to try and win over another voter but the gesture seems genuine. You pick up the money and tuck it into your apron, tilting your head at him. “You don’t seem like most politicians. You seem…real. Is that genuine or are you just that good an actor?” You ask, deciding to call him out on it.
Laughing at your brazen question, he shakes his head. “Not an actor.” He promises, giving a small shrug. “I grew up poor, very poor. I just know how the little people struggle while everyone else overlooks them.” He explains. “My mother cleaned houses and would cry if her clients would even leave an extra five dollars to tip her. It meant she could eat lunch that week too.”
You are taken back by his answer, figuring he’d been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. You smile at him, “not what I expected but I’m glad to hear you are not one of those upper class assholes looking to make money while pretending to work for his constituency.” He chuckles and you smile again, “I’ll go get your burger when it’s ready.”
Max looks around then diner again, watching a family have their meal while they interact with their two kids. That’s what he wants to work for, a family. The average people who just want to live a good life and raise their kids in a safe world. His own son counted amongst them.
You come back over with his burger, grateful your shift is nearly over with how bad your feet are aching, and you set it down along with the bottle of ketchup, remembering what he said about wanting extra. You look at him for a moment before you fluster, a little lost in his dark gaze, before you walk off to get him another refill on his soda.
When you bring the soda back Max motions to the seat across from him. “Sit down?” He asks, slightly shy but wanting to have you sit with him for a bit. “The diner isn’t very busy and I’m enjoying our banter.” If you say no, he will respect that, but he hopes you don’t. 
You glance around the diner, seeing it’s quiet and your shift is nearly over, so you nod and take a seat. “So…must be lonely on your campaign bus, going from city to city.” You observe, noticing the dark circles under his eyes.
Max nods. “Living in hotels or on the bus for weeks at a time isn’t as glamorous as you would think.” He admits. “I miss the simplicity of just sleeping in the same bed every night.” He chuckles. “It actually makes me miss D.C. when we are in session.” He jokes.
You chuckle, “wow. Must be bad. Guess it’s worse when you don’t have someone traveling with you to share your bed at night.” You are a little forward but you think he’s cute and honestly? It’s been a while for you. Not since your asshole of an ex cheated on you.
“Don’t I know it.” Max groans before he stops himself. He clears his throat and blushes slightly and looks away. “I just- there aren’t a lot of opportunities to meet someone new and I refuse to be another senator to has a fucking sex scandal to take away from the real issues.” He explains, hoping you don’t mind the language that slips out.
You hum in agreement, taking note of his broad shoulders. “What if - what if you were guaranteed that no one would know?” You ask cautiously, waiting for his reaction while you lean forward, offering him a glimpse down your button down dress the owner wants you to wear.
Max’s eyes drift down to your cleavage and then back up to your face. “I’m a red blooded man.” His voice is raspy, thicker than it had been before. “I’m not opposed to sex, but I wasn’t going to take advantage of the women that work on my campaign or my staff.” He clarifies. “I meet a beautiful woman and sex happens…well, hopefully she enjoys herself.”
“And if I say that my shift ends in ten minutes which seems to be enough time for you to eat and perhaps, you could come find me outside after you’ve paid your check?” You ask casually, tilting your head at him. He’s hot, the raspy tone in his voice has your thighs pressed together, and you can’t deny the thrill of fucking him without anyone knowing except the two of you is exhilarating.
Max blows out a breath, cock twitching and he watches your eyes to make sure your offer is genuine. “I would say that I will see you outside in 9 and a half minutes.” He promises, looking down at his food with a grin. “Maybe even nine minutes.”
You grin, “see you in nine minutes Senator.” You wink and stand up, swaying your hips as you walk away from his table without looking back. The next nine minutes drags by and you watch the seconds tick down as he scoffs his burger, eagerly slapping down some cash when he pays. You giggle, walking over to him to grab the bill. “Meet me outside in the alley.” You whisper, leaning closer as you pick up the cash. “Change?” You ask breathlessly. He shakes his head, barely able to breathe, and you smirk as you carry the check over to close it out before you clock out.
Max walks over to his guard and murmurs in his ear. All of the team that surrounds him have NDAs so he doesn’t have to worry about the man talking. The worst he could say was the the senator had sex with a woman in an alley. All consensual, but in public. Still, he needs to be aware of where Max is going. He nods, telling Max that he will be in the car. Swallowing, Max exits the diner and walks around the back, already starting to harden at the mere prospect of touching you.
You shove your apron in your locker and grab your purse, shouting a goodbye to your coworkers before you make your way outside to the alley where Maxwell is waiting. It’s dark outside now, the moon in the sky and it gives an intimate atmosphere to your rendezvous despite being by the dumpsters.
Max looks up from where he was staring at the condom in his hands, watching you walk up to him. “Lucky I had one of these.” He jokes, holding it up and biting his lip as you walk closer. “Fuck, you look pretty.” He groans. “Thought so from the very beginning.”
You stride towards him, loving how sweet he is and the fact that he has a condom in his wallet is endearing. He probably had to check it wasn't expired.  You grip the back of his neck, dragging him towards you. "You're too fucking cute. Want you to fuck me, use me for your frustrations." You order before pressing your lips to his.
Max groans, quickly kissing you back and reaching up to cup the back of your neck to press into you. It’s been years since he’s had sex, as shameful as that is. His ex was the last woman he was with, concentrating on his career and Alistair when he has him. However, his body definitely remembers what to do, quickly pressing you against the wall of the diner and kissing down your throat, his hands sliding under your dress.
You gasp when he nips on the skin between your neck and your shoulder. “Fuck, Max.” You moan, snaking your hand between you to cup his hard cock through his expensive slacks. You whimper when his hands squeeze your ass, pulling you against him. “Want- want your fingers.” You confess, grinding against him.
His fingers dip under the band of your panties, practical cotton, but to him they are sexy. Parting your curls, his thick digits slide through your folds and he moans when he finds your clit and starts rubbing as he kisses down your chest and his teeth graze the top of your cleavage. “God.” He breathes out. “So fucking pretty.” 
Moaning, you grind down onto his fingers, and you unbuckle his fancy belt, flicking the button his pants before you can reach in to grip his cock. “Fuck. You’re so thick.” You moan, pulling him out of his pants. His fingers work your clit and you are breathless at how good it feels already.
Groaning at your hand on his cock, he throbs for you. “Shit.” He hisses. Quickly twisting his wrist so he can sink two fingers into your thankfully wet cunt, he licks the top of your bra, wetting the white material and your skin underneath it.
“Oh God. Max, that- that feels good. Gonna make me cum.” You whine, grinding down onto his fingers and your grip on his cock slackens. It’s been so long since you had something other than your own fingers. “Fuck. Oh shit.” You hiss, trying to keep quiet as you clamp down on his thick digits.
He smothers his own whine against your skin, keeping his fingers pumping and moving in your gasping cunt. “That’s it. That’s it.” He croons quietly. Marveling at how tight you were squeezing them and soaking them with your pleasures. Your top finally opens and he bites down on your nipple over the material of your bra and sucks harshly with a groan as he works you through it.
You squeeze his cock, ready for you and you are now ready for him. “Come on baby. Want you inside of me.” You beg, gently pushing him back before you reach into his jacket pocket for the condom. Ripping it open before you roll it down his length.
Max groans and pushes you back against the wall. He reaches down and grips your leg and lifts it up over his hip. “You want me inside you, baby?” He asks, grasping his cock and starting to guide himself towards your cunt as you move your panties to the side.
You keep your panties to the side, gasping when he pushes into you. “Oh. Oh. Oh fuck.” You hiss, tilting your head back as he fills you up, stretching your walls. “Max. Max, baby. Fuck me.” You plead, gripping his neck.
Shuddering at the feel of your nails digging into the back of his neck. Making him hiss and drag his hips back to snap them forward again, burying his cock back in your heat. “Fuck.” Growling, he leans and presses his lips to yours while starting to thrust in and out of your cunt.
You cling to him, pressed against the wall as he thrusts into you with a hiss. “So good Max. Feel so damn good. I- I want - I want more.” You murmur against his lips. Rocking up onto your tip toes so he can thrust deeper into you with a moan. “God yes. Yes. Right there.” You groan when he hits deep to find a delicious spot inside of you.
One hand holding your legs, the other braced on the wall, Max tries to keep hitting that spot with every jolt of his hips. Moaning and grunting at how you tighten around him. He’s not done anything like this in forever and it feels like fucking Heaven. “Jesus, fuck.” He pants, leaning his forehead against yours while you take his cock again and again.
You reach up to cup his cheeks, bringing his mouth back to yours as you get closer and closer to your orgasm. “Fuck. Fuck. I’m gonna- Max. Maxxxx.” You squeal against his mouth, clamping down on his cock as you cum.
Max pants out your name, nearly whining it as he continues to rock into you, working you through your high. The loud sounds of your fucking practically echoes around the small area you are tucked into. “Shit.” His hips stutter and he can’t only give another four or five thrusts before he is burying himself deep and filling the condom with his seed with a moan of your name.
You caress his neck, loving the way his jaw clenches as he rocks his way through his high before he stills inside of you. "God, that was good." You sigh, kissing his nose, unable to help yourself when you've imagined it far too many times.
“Yes it was.” Max’s breathing starts to slow down as he enjoys the last moments of closeness before he carefully grips the base of the condom and pulls out of you. Putting your leg down and taking it off to tie a knot in it before throwing it in the dumpster. “Going to sleep like a baby tonight.”
You chuckle, "I bet you are. I'm happy to serve the state." You wink at him and reach out to pull him close one last time, pressing your lips to his. "So...uh, I guess you gotta get back?" You murmur, shifting from one foot to the other. It's a little awkward now the lust has been satiated.
Max nods, hating it, but he does have to strategize and call Alistair in the morning before school. “Do you need a ride home?” He asks, wanting to spend a few more minutes with you if he could.
You shake your head, "no. I can get the bus. I'll be fine." You tell him, picking your purse up from the floor and you turn to look at him. 
"You aren't taking the bus." He insists and you shake your head. 
"I- I don't have a car. I can't afford a car." You tell him, biting your lip.
“Then let me take you home.” Max implores. “Please.” He wants to make sure you get home safely and he knows that the public transportation can take forever to get you where you need to go. “Get you home quickly and into a bath with a glass of wine before you would normally be home.” He adds, trying to sweeten the offer.
You stare at him for a moment, unsure if you should accept the ride home and make more of this than it really is: a hook up. You smile and nod, “that sounds wonderful. Yes, I’d like a ride home.” You lean closer to kiss his cheek.
“Good.” Max smiles and puts his hand on your back as the two of you walk down the alley. If Gunther is surprised to see you with Max, he doesn’t show it. Opening the door, Max motions for you to climb into the back seat of the SUV before he climbs in beside you. “I’m glad you let us take you home, it’s getting late.”
You glance out the window before you look back at Maxwell. “I’m used to taking the bus. I- my car broke down and I couldn’t afford to fix it so I had to change to taking the bus. If I end up doing a night shift, I usually just walk home because the bus isn’t running.” You confess, knowing it’s not safe but you don’t have any other options. You tell the driver where to go.
“Jesus.” Max shakes his head, knowing that if he hadn’t insisted on taking you home that you would be walking home. “I- my schedule is tight but I can send the man who works on my cars over to look at it?” He offers, wanting to help however he could. “Otherwise, I would look at it myself.” You give him a startled look and he chuckles. “I worked my way through college working in a mechanics shop.”
You tilt your head, “you did? Wow. You are way more than you appear, Maxwell Lord.” You reach over to take his hand in yours. “Thank you. I- I would really appreciate you doing that. I- I need my car back. Pepper spray only goes so far.” You chuckle awkwardly and squeeze his hand.
Max squeezes your hand back, proud of being able to help you. It’s a good feeling almost as good as the first time he had signed a bill that became law. “We’ll make sure you don’t have to worry about that from now on.” He promises. “He’s a miracle worker with cars.”
You kiss the back of his hand after lifting it to your mouth. “You’re a good man. You’ve got my vote.” You joke, offering him a wink before you give the driver another direction to turn onto your street. Thankfully you didn’t live too far away from the diner.
Max honestly wishes you lived farther away so he could spend more time with you. Instead he feels the car pull to a stop, turning to see the older apartment building. He could tell that it wasn’t newer but hopefully the owners kept up with maintenance. “Well, I take it you are home. I hope you have a good night.” He offers softly.
“You too. I’ll see you around Senator Lord.” You offer him one last wink before his driver opens the door to let you out and you make your way into your builder. 
Gunther meets Max’s eyes in the rear view mirror after the car is rolling down the street. “You know Jackson is gonna kill you for this.” Gunther warns his boss.
Max gives a small shrug, a smile playing on his lips. “Let him try.” He murmurs. “She is exactly what I needed tonight and Jackson needs to remember he works for me, not the other way around.” He looks back towards your building behind him and huffs. “Might be my new favorite place to eat.”
“The diner or the lady?” Gunter jokes, making Max blush and look out the window. He knows he will be back, it’s just a question of when. 
It’s been three weeks since you saw Max and you can’t help but think he got what he wanted and now he’s never coming back. You ignore the questions from your coworkers, all of them guessing he kissed you, none of them daring to assume he fucked you in the alleyway.
You don’t divulge the dirty details, wanting to keep your secret romp with Max just that to preserve his integrity and yours. However, with each day that passes, you can’t help but want to talk to someone about it to get some advice. You don’t have the man’s phone number and even if you did, he’s on the road so much you’d probably go straight to the answer machine.
Max sighs, tired after three weeks on the road. He has been to several diners that reminded him of yours, but his spirits lift when he sees the sign for the little greasy spoon he has come to dream about. More specifically the alleyway behind it and the sexy yet sweet waitress. 
Smiling when the bell rings out when he opens the door, the woman closest to him turns to greet him. “Can I sit in her section?” He asks, nodding to where you are bringing out plates to a table of what looked like truckers. “Please.”
You turn your head to see Max walking towards you and you can't stop the silly smile that appears on your face. You might've been scouring the tv guide and local news for any interviews with him and you had thought about him every time your hand was between your thighs. "Here you go fellas." You tell the truckers, setting their meals down before you walk over to the table Max sat down at. "Hey stranger." You smile, "Diet Coke and a burger?" You guess.
Max’s grin is answering your own, but there is a devilish twinkle in his eyes. He nods, leaning in. “It will have to do for now, since what I want isn’t exactly on the menu.” He murmurs where no one else can hear him. He has been thinking about you probably every day, definitely every time he had his hand wrapped around his cock. ��So I guess I will have to stick with the food.” He winks at you playfully. “How have you been?”
Your stomach twists in anticipation about what he really wants and you bite your lip. "Not too bad. Busy with work as always. Been thinking about this senator...he does this amazing thing with his hips." You whisper with a smirk, writing down his order. "I'll be right back with your soda." You wink, walking away and swaying your hips until you feel his gaze burning into you.
Gunther is at the bar again, sitting there as Max admires your figure. He had immediately told the guard that he wanted to come to the diner over the objections of his campaign manager, but he had just ignored that. He was free from any meet and greets, town hall meetings or campaign trail stops for the next week and he had wanted to see you before he did anything else. Hoping that you weren’t too upset that he hasn’t been in. He had forgotten to give you a number to reach him at. When you bring the Diet Coke back he notices that you don’t seem as tired. “So I heard that my guy was able to get your car back on the road for you.”
You hover near his table, nodding and offering him a smile. "Yes. Yes. He was great. It's so nice to have my car back. I wanted to reach out to you to thank you but I didn't have a number for you." You confess, shifting from one foot to the other and you look into those dark eyes that have haunted you. "Thank you. Really, you - you have no idea how much easier my life is now I don't have to take the bus or walk."
“I should have given you my number.” He’s happy you don’t have to worry about getting home from work now. He had not been thrilled about you walking home alone at night, and it was something he had told his guy when he sent him over there. Get your car on the road no matter what it costs. You didn’t have to worry about the bill, he would have paid it, but luckily it was just a spark plug. Although he had gone through the car to check more than that and did a tune up on it for you. He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a card. “Personal number’s on the back.”
You carefully take the card from him, admiring the gold, and you bite your lip. “I’ve never had the personal number of a senator before.” You tease, tucking the card into your apron. The truckers call you over, asking for more coffee, and you glance back at Max before you go to grab the pot. After satisfying the truckers, you grab Max’s burger and set it down in front of him. “How’s your son?” You ask, wanting to extend your time together.
He grins, thinking about his son. Despite the divorce and his ambitions, he wanted to be a good father to Alistair. He chuckles. “I’m going to go pick him up tonight. Have him spend the night and take him to school tomorrow.” The campaign trail was hard because he spent a lot of time away from him, not wanting to drag him away from his routine, despite what Jackson wanted. His son wasn’t going to be a pawn to get votes. “Pizza and the newest movie he wants to watch is on the menu.”
You grin, “membership card to Blockbuster, huh?” You snort, imagining Max in his pristine suit picking out a movie with his son. “I like that you put your son first. Not many fathers would do what you do and still try to be present for their child. I, uh, I like you. A lot.” You confess, biting your lip as you look towards the table of truckers who are leaving after paying their checks.
“I like you too.” Max answers easily. “A lot.” He sees the money on the table and jerks his chin over to it. “Go pocket your tip.” He urges you. “I’ll be here when you get done. Until you have a break even.” He tells you, voice slipping a bit lower and rougher. He wanted to see you mostly, but now that he’s seen you, he wants to touch you again. 
You shiver at the roughness in his tone, nodding before you make your way over to the now empty table, pocketing your tip before you clean up the plates. Once you’ve finished wiping down the table it’s time for your break and you see Max has finished eating. “Come on baby. Meet me in the alleyway.” You whisper as you walk past, waiting for him to follow you.
Max gets up, making like he is going to go down the hallway and use the bathroom. Gunther sees him of course, smirking to himself and the senator as he walks by. But Max doesn’t pay him any attention, eager to meet you in the alleyway despite it being broad daylight.
You giggle when Max slams the door open and grabs you, pressing you up against the wall, his lips immediately finding yours. You moan into his mouth, gripping the lapels of his expensive jacket, his tongue sliding into your mouth when you gasp. The door to the alleyway swings open and you push Max away when his security guard appears. Maxwell turns his head to look as Gunther lights a cigarette. “Just want to make sure no one watches. Carry on. I am gonna have a smoke.” He says, turning his back.
He waits for you to protest, to tell you that there is no way that you can have sex with him while his security is here. When he doesn’t hear a sound of protest, Max chuckles and leans in to kiss you again. “Thought about you for three weeks.” He groans, biting down your throat again. He has a condom in his pocket again and he presses his hard cock against your hip. “Tell me I can fuck you? Tell me that you’ve been thinking about it.” He begs quietly.
You whine, “yes. Yes, please. You’re all I’ve thought about. I’m wet just thinking about how you felt inside of me.” You confess, reaching down to grab his hand. You slide it under your dress to your panties, showing him how wet you already are.
Max groans, pushing the fabric aside so he can slide his fingers through your slick folds. “Fuck.” He pushes a finger inside you. “You want me to fuck you right here again?” He asks. “Make sure you come back to work feeling good from cumming?”
“Yes. Yes. Want- want you to fuck me. You- you felt so good last time.” You pant, pushing his hand out of your panties so you can push them down, turning around after pulling your dress up. You look over your shoulder at him, “please Max. Fuck me.”
“Fuck.” Max hisses and pulls the condom out of his pocket to put between his teeth, tearing at his belt. His cock is already aching to be buried inside you. A quick glance at Gunther’s back ensures the man is watching for the two of you as he rips open the foil wrapper and quickly rolls the rubber down his length.
You gasp when the head of his cock nudges your clit before he notches the head at your entrance, pushing into you in one thrust. “Fuck. Oh fuck Max. Feels so good. Already. Feels so fucking good.” You moan, trying to grind back onto him as your forearms are scratched by the brick wall.
Gripping your hip, Max moans his agreement. “Fuck.” He hisses, pulling back to surge into you again. “Jerked off thinking about this, about you.” He confesses, grinding deep and loving the way that you clench around him. Your panting moans make him want to cum right now but he wants to make sure you cum before he does.
“Never felt like this before. Always - always faked it but with you - it’s real. You make me feel so good. Fuck my pussy so good.” You lean forward to rest your forehead against the cool brick, spreading your legs a little wider so he can fuck into you. “Yes baby. Yes. Harder. Need more.” You beg and reach back to grip onto his hand on your hip.
Pride rises in his chest, making him give you his cock exactly how you want it. Hard and deep thrusts into your cunt, pushing you into the wall make him start panting. “Y-you feel f-fucking incredible.” He gasps out. “So so tight, h-hot.”
Your cheek scratches against the brick but you don’t care, too obsessed with the way he is grinding into you, fucking you into next week. The sound of his hips hitting your ass echoes in the alleyway but Gunther just continues smoking his cigarette as he keeps watch.
“Fuck.” He hisses, one hand sliding under the bunched up fabric of your dress to reach around you to start rubbing your clit. The audaciousness of it, a senator fucking his waitress in broad daylight in an alley, but he fucking loves it. Loves the way that you are so eager for it, the way that you want him. “Cum for me.” He groans into your ear, nibbling on the shell.
You let out a strangled groan when his fingers rub your clit, making you cry out in pleasure when you clamp down on his cock. He actually makes you cum - something your other lovers couldn’t claim. “Yes yes yes. Max. Oh shit!” You shriek, legs shaking as you soak him.
He pants raggedly in your ear, the hold your body has on him makes his teeth grit. Moaning with you as he rocks into you. Now that he has made you cum, he can cum himself. “Good.” He rasps out. “S-so fucking good.”
When he cums, he bites down on your neck and you love it. Reaching behind you to tangle your fingers in his styled hair, messing it up delights you. "Cum for me Max. Cum." You plead, squeezing his cock.
Max whimpers, letting go of the thin control he has and with one more thrust he bites down on your neck, aware that your co-workers might see the imprint of his teeth and not caring. Grunting and grinding into you as he pushes his release into the condom until he finally stops moving and kisses the spot on your neck while he tries to catch his breath.
You sag against the wall, closing your eyes as the pleasure continues to wash over you. “So damn good. Every time.” You sigh, shifting so his cock slides out of you and you turn to wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your lips to his.  “How about a milkshake to go?” You ask, “for Alistair?”
“That would be perfect.” Max kisses you again. “Thank you.” He murmurs softly, smiling at you before he starts to tuck himself away.
You dispose of the condom and adjust your dress, stepping away from him before you turn towards the back door of the diner. Gunther is still standing with his back to you until Max tells him to turn around. You head back inside, unaware of his teeth marks in your neck until your coworker mentions it. “Just making out with the Senator.” You joke, working on making Alistair’s chocolate milkshake.
Max walks over to pick up the bill and walks over to hand you some money when you turn back and have the milkshake ready. He’s paying you far more than necessary but he wants you to make sure you have a good day today. “Thank you.”
You offer him a wink and a smile, “you’re welcome Senator Lord.” You take the money, eyes widening slightly at how much extra cash he’s given you. Sally eyes the money, glancing between you and Max before he nods and walks out with the milkshake. “Seems like you have an admirer.” Sally comments and you shrug, “he’s just being nice.”
It’s  been nearly two weeks, and Max is practically obsessed with seeing you. He has been to see you every day you work and the two of you always end up behind the diner, wrapped up in each other. The only time he hasn’t had sex with you was the night that he brought Alistair for dinner, promising the boy he would take him to where he got the delicious milkshake from. He had loved how you had interacted with him; making him even more sure that you were someone he wanted in his life. Walking through the door, he nods to the other waitress and moves over to your section to sit down. 
Sally calls out your name, “Senator Lord is here.” She tells you and you can’t help but look in the mirror in the hallway, checking your hair and you stride into the diner, smiling when you see Max sitting in his section. “Hey stranger.” You coo, sliding in to sit opposite him. “Burger?” You ask and he nods. “How’s Alistair?” You inquire, scribbling down his order.
“He’s good. He aced his math test.” Max crows, a proud papa of his son. “My son is bright, already learned the next section of the class, the teacher thinks he needs to be put in an advanced class.” He looks you over with a soft smile, imagining you helping him with homework. “How are you? Anything new going on with your neighbor?”
You shake your head, “no. No. He’s still got the television blaring at all hours of the day despite me telling him to turn it the fuck down. I’m sick of hearing the buzzing noise when the channel goes off air.” You roll your eyes as you reach out to brush your leg against his. “I, uh, I applied to go back to school. Finish up my classes…finally.” You fluster, biting your lip. You’ve saved the money Max gave you, deciding to put it towards something that will get you out of the diner.
“That’s great!” Max grins, proud of you for deciding to do something for you. From the time he has spent with you, learning about you, he’s come to find that it’s rare for you to do something that benefits just you. “Let me know if I can help in any way, you let me know.” He offers, meaning every word of it.
You want to reach for his hand but you can’t. You’ve never really discussed what you are or what it is that you’re doing. All you know is he comes to have a burger and then he fucks you. Probably an amazing deal for most men. You can’t help but want more. A proper date to dress up and eat with him instead of rushing off to get another person’s meal. “Thank you.” You tell him, meaning every word. It’s unusual for you to ever have support like this…not since your mom died. “So…I’ll go put your order in.” You tell him, not noticing the giggles coming from the women on the next table over from Max, the morning newspaper on the table.
Max frowns when the giggling and whispering continues, but he doesn’t pay much attention. Too busy watching you as you check on your customers. You are so sweet and kind to people, even when they are rude. He plans to try to come up with the nerve to ask you out. It’s laughable, he’s able to fuck you, but he can’t ask you out.
You grab the sodas for the table of women after putting in Max’s order, and that’s when you see it. A photo of you and Max in the alleyway. Clearly having sex, your mouth open as he pressed you against the wall with Gunter standing in the background. You squeak, grabbing the paper, and the women look up at you. “Who knew we had the Senator’s whore serving us?” One of them says and you stare at the photos.
Max hears the comment, immediately jumping out of his booth to confront them. He doesn’t understand why they would say that but he quickly understands when he sees the paper in your hands. Striding over to see the picture that has you frozen in horror, he closes his eyes and hisses a curse. “Shit.” He opens his eyes and glares at the women. “Calling a woman a whore isn’t very feminist of you.” He scolds, gently taking your shoulder. “Come on, we need to talk.”
You nod, heart pounding in your chest, and you are worried about what he is going to say, wondering if he is going to  blame you or throw you under the bus. "Max. I-" You choke when you are in the alleyway once more. The paper seems to be burning in your hands from where you still hold it. "I'm - I'm so sorry."
Max shakes his head, hating how mortified you seem. “I am sorry.” He murmurs, taking the paper from you and sighing as he cups your cheek. “This is my fault. I should have known this could happen.” He’s ashamed of how he had never even gotten a hotel room for the two of you or taken you out to dinner. “I’ll protect you from the media as best I can.” He promises.
You shake your head, "no Max. You can't. It will destroy your career. You need to blame this on me. Tell the media I offered myself up. Tell them I - I came onto you and you, being a man, couldn't resist. You'll be the hero. I- I will be branded a slut but they will forget about me. I'll be forgotten after the next scandal comes out. You need to win this re-election for you and for Alistair. Blame it on me." You plead, cupping his cheeks.
“No.” Max is adamant about that. There is no way that he is going to blame this on you. “I should have-“ he breaks off and shakes his head. “I should have done things right. Taken you out on a date or at least gotten a fucking hotel for this.” He gives you a sorrowful work. “I didn’t even have sex with you in bed.”
You chuckle, shaking your head, “no. No. It was - fuck. It was perfect. It was clumsy and messy and just - it was us. No expectations or drama. I liked it. I loved it because…fuck Max. I - I think I’m in love with you.” You finish with a whisper, stomach twisting with nerves.
Max stares at you for a moment, amazed that you aren’t screaming at him for getting splashed across the front page of the paper. Instead you are confessing your feelings for him. “I had planned to ask you out today.” He confesses. “Want to take you out. Have someone wait on you for a change. Would you still want to maybe do that with me?”
You bite your lip, “do you want - you want to be seen with me after that?” You ask, gesturing to the newspaper. “It’s not gonna be easy Max. Are you sure you don’t want to just…blame it on me and say it’s all me? It would be a hell of a lot easier for you.” You sigh, crossing your arms.
Max shakes his head. “I wouldn’t do that. I- Jackson might be pissed but I’m just going to admit that I should not have been in a public setting, but that it was an intimate interlude with the woman I love.” He tells you, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
You inhale sharply at his confession, a silly smile on your lips as you look at him. “Then let’s go to dinner.” You surge forward to press your lips to his, hearing the photographers approaching when they are shouting your way and suddenly you’re engulfed by cameras. “Max?” You choke, clinging to him.
“Shit.” Max wraps his arm around you and curls you towards him, holding up his hand towards the throng of reporters. 
“Senator Lord! You’ve been adamant that you run a clean house, what do you have to say about this scandal? Sex in public.” 
Max shakes his head. “No comment.” More questions are hurled towards the two of you as he shuffles the two of you towards Gunther, who is pushing his way through the cameras and bodies. “No comment at this time.”
You press yourself against Max as Gunther guides you to Max's car through the throng of vultures and you exhale shakily when you are inside the back of his town car. "I- shit." You choke, trying to ignore the way they are banging on the windows as the driver pulls away. "Shit. My purse is in my locker. I haven't finished my shift." You tell Max despite your hands shaking.
“I think your boss will understand.” Max murmurs, hugging you to him and rubbing your arms to calm you down. You are trembling and he hates it. “We will go back to my house. I’m sure Jackson is there, ready to berate me, but I don’t care.” He promises. “I’ll call your boss when we get there, make sure they understand.”
You nod, leaning into him to breathe in his expensive cologne. You close your eyes until you are arriving at Maxwell's house. Somewhere you have never been before. It's big and fancy - not that you expected anything less- and it's overwhelming when you walk inside to see the marble floors and gilded gold. It's a far cry from your shabby little apartment. "Your home is beautiful." You whisper, lost in the extravagant decor.
“Thank you.” Max keeps you close, his hold on you tightening slightly. This wasn’t the way he wanted to bring you over, but there was no changing what happened now. 
“Max!” He frowns and turns his head towards the study door where Jackson is rushing out, his campaign manager obviously aware of what the papers posted by the look on his face.
Jackson looks at you and you prepare for the onslaught of thinly veiled insults. "You - you are fucking fantastic." He tells you, "you are - our poll numbers are through the roof. You wouldn't believe - they love that Max is with a working class woman. They love that he seems...normal. You are a fucking saving grace." Jackson says, holding his hands up towards you.
Max huffs, completely thrown off by this. He had been expecting Jackson to hit the roof, not look at you like the golden goose. “Right.” He chuckles, rolling his eyes and leaning into you. “Of course you are happy with polling numbers.” He clears his throat. “I want the paper to issue an apology for publishing her name though.” He tells Jackson. “They were wrong to do that.”
“I agree, but there’s no such thing as bad news Maxwell. It’s fucking - we will ask for an apology but then you gotta take her out on a proper date, show them you can be a gentleman and it will be a proper Cinderella story. We will make sure that she is all dolled up - designer of course - to show the public she’s more than a quick fuck. She is more than a quick fuck, right?” Jackson asks Max.
He purses his lips, not liking the term ‘Cinderella story’ because he never viewed you like that. “Yes, she’s more than a quick fuck.” He assures his manager. “But I don’t want to doll her up in designer anything unless she wants it.” He turns to you to explain. “I don’t want you to think you aren’t good enough exactly as you are.”
You shake your head, “no. I, uh, I don’t want to be seen as a gold digger. I’ve never asked Max for any money. I’ve always worked hard for what I have and that’s not going to change. I want to go back to school. Get my degree and be on my own two feet.”
Jackson groans with pleasure and shakes his head. “I told you- I told you she was perfect when we met her!” He crows over your answer and completely ignores the fact that he has said quite the opposite. “Just make sure you say it just like that when you sit down with the reporter we are going to get to do a story on you and Max.” He grins. “This is going to be good!” His eyes widened in happiness. “I need to start making calls! Max is going to get re-elected thanks to you!”
“Please welcome Senator Lord and his beautiful new wife.” You squeeze Max’s hand, unable to believe you are at his election party. You had gotten married just before the election, unable to wait since you were impatient to be his wife. You’ve gone back to school, working on finishing your degree and you are an excellent stepmother to Alistair, growing close to him after you and his father were official. 
You have been the talk of the election cycle, giving interviews and photoshoots with Max. It’s been exhausting but after leaving the diner, you are able to focus on what works best for you and Max. You enter the room, loving the cheers of his supporters, and he guides you to the dance floor. 
“Can I have this dance?” He asks softly. 
“Always.” You answer, letting him pull you close. 
“Max. I have something to tell you.” You murmur after he sways you to the music. 
“What hermosa?” He asks. 
“I’m pregnant.” You whisper, a smile on your face.
Max gulps, his face breaking out in a wide smile and he lunges forward to press his lips to yours, much to the delight of his followers and the people who had worked tirelessly to get him elected. 
“I love you.” He promises against your lips. “I love you so much, Mrs. Lord.” 
He can’t help but be absolutely amazed. Stopping in a diner for dinner one night has led to this moment. He’s remarried to a woman that loves him and adores his son. He’s been re-elected to serve his constituents and try to make the world a better place for everyone, including the new baby you are going to gift him with. Life couldn’t be better.
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451 notes · View notes
eds6ngel · 11 months
Hello angel! I was thinking maybe introvert Eddie with an extrovert reader! Like they date and then they’re out at a restaurant and his food is wrong and he doesn’t want to say anything so she does? Just something cute like that with maybe a few other instances as well! Your writing is perfect by the way 💙💙💙
hi sweetheart!! firstly, thank you ever so much for the compliment! this is such an array of emotions, but i think it encapsulates what introverted!eddie would feel like in a relationship <3
warnings: fem!reader. pet names. swearing. food mentions. satanic panic rhetoric. mentions of su*c*de. mentions of eddie being poor. mentions of ab*se (eddie's past). eddie and reader cry together :'). a lil bit of hurt. comfort. tooth-rotting fluff!! [2.3k].
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If there’s one thing that Eddie fails to share with everyone, it’s that he is actually extremely introverted. You already assumed this when you first met him, the boy screaming on top of cafeteria tables about how “conformity is bullshit” and how its “killing the kids” and whatnot.
But, when you started dating, he sure showed that his apparent extrovertedness was seemingly a completely lie.
For your first date, Eddie took you out to Benny’s Burgers. Your friends kept telling you how it was a mistake and how that was no way to show a girl you fancied her, but the location didn’t matter to you. Everyone in Hawkins knew that Eddie lived down at Forest Hills Trailer Park with his uncle, so you assumed money issues played a huge deal in his upbringing. So, as someone a bit more well-off, it wasn’t for you to judge how he spent the little money he had. Although, it didn’t matter to you in the slightest.
As you guys look back now, it’s insane how much you brought him out of his shell over the months. But, reflecting back on your first date will always be one of the funniest moments.
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“So… what you thinking of getting?” Eddie asks shyly, looking up at you from behind the menu, immediately avoiding eye contact the second you look back at him.
Your mom had always taught you that if someone else was offering to pay, you should never go for something expensive, and you took that on, always ordering or purchasing something low in value.
So, you chose the cheapest meal on the menu, “I’ll just take the hamburger and fries, and just a water to go with it. I’m trying to calm down on the caffeine intake,” you softly laugh.
The problem is, Wayne always taught Eddie never to order higher than the girl, saying that it’s a way to make them feel special and as if they’re the main attraction there.
So, Eddie replied, “Yeah… I’ll take the same…” he mumbles, shutting the menu and laying it on top of yours to the side.
But, what Eddie failed to let you know is that he wasn’t the biggest lover of salad in his burgers. The patty, cheese and a bit of ketchup will do him perfectly, perhaps a little bacon if he’s feeling fancy.
So, when the waitress brought you your meals, you began munching into the burger, talking away about how good it was and complimenting Eddie’s choice of diner, trying to lift his moods since he seemed extra nervous. But, after a few minutes of talking, you see Eddie’s plate still completely full, minus a few fries which he had picked up with his fingers and nibbled on. He hadn’t even added any sauces or seasonings to his meal.
“Eddie, is there something wrong with your food?”
He looks up, scratching the back of his head, but quickly retracting it as he realises that is his grease-covered hand, “Um… No, nothing’s wrong at all…”
You lay your knife and fork down, looking into his brown orbs, “You know you can be honest with me, right? I know I may come across as a bit much, but there’s nothing to be scared about.”
Eddie connects his eyes with yours, sighing out, “It’s just… I don’t really salad in my burgers…”
“Oh, that’s fine!” you say, “I’ll just get them to replace it for you!”
“No, no, it’s fine, I’ll just take it out myse—”
But, before Eddie can argue against you, you’re calling over the waiter, explaining to them, “I’m so sorry, my date here forgot to order his burger without the salad. Is there any chance you could replace it for him?”
“Of course!” they smile, taking Eddie’s plate and replying, “I’ll be back in five.”
Eddie sighs, seeping into his chair in embarrassment, “You didn’t have to do that, I could’ve just taken it out myself…”
“Nonsense!” you wave off, “It would’ve been cold by then! Besides, it was no big deal at all. Now you’ll have just as nice of a meal as me.”
And that was just instance number one. Eddie was shocked that you ended that first date with a kiss to the cheek and the planning of date two. He was surprised you liked him that much after the fuss he made with some goddamn salad.
The second time you widely recall is when you introduced him to your friends.
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You weren’t exactly popular at Hawkins High, but people knew of you and treated you with respect, the same as with the rest of your peer group. Sadly, your friends weren’t as open-minded as you were. They were quick to believe rumours and judge people instantly, but after meeting their parents, it was obvious as to why. Indoctrination was a real asshole.
So, when Eddie ditched his Hellfire group and joined you on the other side of the cafeteria for the day, he was anything but happy. Sure, he was excited to meet your friends, the ones who you spoke mostly highly of, but it was the interacting that he was unimpressed with.
“So, Eddie…” Sandy starts, chewing loudly, “What do you like to do? Like, your hobbies and stuff? Apart from playing that weird cult game or whatever.”
You smack her shoulder lightly, “I’ve told you a million times San, those rumours are bullshit. It’s just a bunch of nerdy guys throwing some dice around a table, nothing Satanic about it.”
“I don’t know,” Ellie sings from opposite you, “My mom said that two boys killed themselves because of it.”
“Don’t you think that’s just an unfortunate accident? Like, I’m sure two people who listen to pop music have killed themselves before too. But, you don’t see Cyndi fucking Lauper being banned from every radio station in America,” you roll your eyes, Eddie slowly sinking in his seat at the end of the table next to you, awkwardly nibbling on a pretzel.
You softly touch his arm, “I’m sorry about them baby. Go ahead, answer their question,” you smile.
Eddie coughs, sitting back up straight in his chair, “Um… I like Bon Jovi…” he shyly says, an obvious answer to try and fit in with your peer group.
“They’re okay…” Betty replies, “But, Madonna is way better in my personal opinion.”
“Betts!” you yell at her, “I thought you were here to get to know him, not judge him more!”
“I’m not judging!” she shouts back, “I’m just saying that Madonna is better than Bon Jovi. Besides, he’s obviously lying. He listens to that other Satanic shit, the metal stuff.”
You scrape your chair along the floor, standing up and grabbing Eddie’s hand, dragging him up with you, Sandy yelling out, “Where are you going?”
“Back to his friends that’s where,” you retort back, “I’m not gonna sit here and let you berate my boyfriend like that! Besides,” you smirk, “Metallica is fucking amazing.”
And with that, you spent the remaining twenty minutes of your lunch break with your true friends, your former ones merely a memory of the past.
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The final, most prominent moment was towards the end of your first year of dating. By this time, Eddie had definitely come a lot more out of his shell, not just with you, but in public too. No longer scared to correct people at restaurants, being able to talk to strangers a little more easily, even freely making the phone calls he needed to.
But, there was one thing he hadn’t needed to battle yet. A situation he avoided at all costs.
“Ah, shit,” Wayne swears from behind you in the kitchen, you and Eddie snuggled up on the couch, watching a random sitcom that was airing on the channel you had flipped over to.
“You alright Wayne?” Eddie asks, keeping his gaze upon the small TV in front of him.
“Son, I know you’re hanging out with your girl right now, but my shift starts in less than an hour and the fridge is bare. You wouldn’t mind if I made a quick list to nip over to the store and grab some things would ya?”
Eddie looks down at you, asking with his eyes for a confirmation to which you happily agree, “Sure Wayne, I don’t mind helping out for you guys, if Eddie wants to go now, of course. Yeah, baby?”
Eddie nods, “Sure, best time too. Late at night, the store is practically empty. Much easier to get around.”
But, what both you and Eddie failed to recognise was what time of the year it was. The date was December 22nd, three days before Christmas. So, as Eddie pulls into the grocery store parking lot, there’s a lot more vehicles present than usual.
“Shit,” Eddie mumbles, “It’s fuckin’ Christmas ain’t it?”
You sigh, “Yeah… But, you got this,” you say, rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand where it was perched on the joystick, “You’ve accomplished so much this year in terms of your shyness. We can knock another one out the park tonight, can’t we?”
He parks up in an empty space, turning off the ignition and lets out a sigh, “Yeah… I got this.”
“That’s the spirit!” you exclaim, pressing a kiss to his cheek and jumping out of the passenger side of his van.
However, as you enter the store, both of you grabbing onto the shopping cart, Eddie tenses up at the amount of people wandering around. The aisles are crowded, the sounds of beeping from the scanners flood his ears and the clicking of heels against the tiled floor make him want to crawl out of his own skin.
You put your hand on top of his on the handle, “Baby, deep breaths, okay? You got this.”
He really does try his best, trying to focus on finding the groceries Wayne had written down, but like every other store, they changed their layout, making it impossible to find the required items in a timely manner, further adding to Eddie’s stress.
Once you get to the pet aisle, the atmosphere is a lot quieter, not many people seemingly having pets in Hawkins. You stop moving the cart and turn to Eddie, looking up into his eyes, “You wanna head back to the van, don’t you?”
He sighs, rubbing his hands over your arms, “I really tried, sweetheart, it’s just… It’s so overwhelming in here. There’s so many people, like, why did everyone leave everything so last minute?”
You chuckle lightly at this, “I mean… It’s a bit ironic coming from us, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, but…” Eddie looks down disappointedly, “We’re not getting Christmas food, you know?”
You frown slightly at Eddie’s words. You found out very early on that the Munsons didn’t do a traditional celebration of the popular holiday. Frankly, they were too poor to go all out, the only reminder that Christmas was coming up being the twenty year old faux tree sitting weakly in the corner of the trailer.
You cup his cheeks, his hands immediately moving down to your waist, “Go and wait in the van, my love. I’ll take care of this.”
Eddie sighs, opening up his wallet and passing you the $20 note that Wayne had given to him, “Just… don’t spend more than that, okay? Wayne’ll kill me.”
“Got it. Take a breather, calm down, I’ll be as quick as I can,” you say, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before Eddie walks back out to the entrance of the store.
But, Wayne couldn’t kill Eddie if his budget wasn’t broken, nothing could be done if the limit was exceeded by the money out of your pocket.
So, when Eddie saw you walking towards the van with four bags instead of the usual two, he sits there shocked, you opening up the back of his van and placing them neatly against the side.
“I said don’t go over the limit,” Eddie says, a scared look across his face as he takes in the sheer capacity of food you had purchased for the two men, you jumping in the front with one of the bags in your lap.
“You and Wayne deserve a treat for how hard you two work, so I dipped into my own,” you smile softly, rendering Eddie speechless. “Plus, I thought you could make that classic Christmas meal a reality.”
Eddie looks at you with wide eyes as you place the bag in his lap, him shuffling through to find everything from a turkey, to potatoes, to vegetables, to gravy, everything to make a perfect Christmas dinner.
Eddie mouth opens wide as he stares at you, cupping your cheeks and bringing you in for a loving kiss, a smile being felt as the tears falling from his eyes land on your cheek. He places a few more on your right cheek as he gives you a bone-crushing embrace, the tears spilling onto your shoulder.
“Jesus Christ, I love you. I love you so goddamn much. Thank you sweetheart. My sweet girl, thank you.”
And his words can’t help but let a few tears slip from your eye also, the moment feeling so surreal and intense, so full of love and admiration. You knew of Eddie’s past, of how much he had been through. His memories of Christmas reminded him of getting beaten by his dad or feeling poor as the other kids rambled about their time of giving at school the next semester. So, you wanted to change that for him. You wanted to be the one to finally show him what it was like to feel loved at Christmas.
And when Eddie brought you around the day after Christmas, Wayne wrapped you in his arms, muttering into your shoulder: “Thank you darlin’. We’ll be forever grateful for what you did for us.”
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i literally got emotional writing this towards the end :') i hope you enjoyed <33
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MC uses ketchup and mustard to summon the brothers
repost from my instagram @/simeonsblondepeugot
cw: mild swearing
You found yourself in the predicament of not having any chalk, markers or any decent writing/painting tool at hand, however it was urgent so you grabbed your ketchup and mustard bottles from the kitchen to improvise a pentagram and summon your demon brother of choice.
you have made pacts with SEVEN demons, yet you still chose to summon Lucifer in this situation?
...f, respectfully.
he was just doing very important paperwork for Diavolo, next thing he knew he was standing in front of you, covered in ketchup and mustard from top to bottom
he won't give you any time to run or explain your situation
what kind of flowers would you like on your grave, MC?
"What the- OI MC, what the heck?! Wait, is that ketchup on my designer jacket??!"
complains and bickers the entire time, even after all the ketchup and mustard are off his clothes
will try to help you, but will also try to use the situation to his advantage in order to get a date with you
"Now that ya ruined my expensive designer jacket, ya owe me big time! Ya heard me? Ya owe The Great Mammon, MC!"
insists that his jacket now has a stain (it doesn't)
seeing that you summoned him out of all his brothers gives him a mood boost, he very happy boy~
his first reaction was pure confusion
you interrupted him live-streaming a Devil Kart speedrun
as soon as he realizes what had happened, he's like:
"Oh MC, this is just like the one anime I recently watched where something really similar happened...!"
Levi is now in the process of giving you a passionate oral presentation and in-depth character analysis for seasons 1 to 23 while still being covered in ketchup and mustard
will you ever be able to tell him why you summoned him? nobody knows.
legend says he is still ranting to this day
Satan was just reading a book he borrowed from the Royal Library
said book was among the more rare and valuable ones in the library's inventory
said book now has ketchup and mustard splattered all over its cover and pages
don't worry, the damage can be fixed with a simple spell
he still needs a couple of minutes to adjust to the situation and not lose his temper though
he didn't immediately remember the spell either; the sudden state of the book really caught him off-guard
after that, he will ask you why you summoned him and calmly help you to solve the problem
same as with Lucifer: Why the hell did you summon him out of all the brothers?!
Asmo now has a hysteric meltdown
his hair is a mess (and also sticky) and his new rose cashmere top that he just bought at Majolish yesterday is ruined. good job.
instead of helping you, he's looking for the closest bathroom in a frenzy to fix his appearance
before he hasn't fixed himself to his satisfaction, you won't be able to talk to him properly
unsuprisingly, he is upset at you, even though he knows you had no malicious intent
however, he can't even ignore you for two hours before caving in and wanting to cuddle again <3
HECK YEAH Beel approves
a couple of seconds after he was summoned, every trace of you ruining the floor is gone
the only remaining evidence is some ketchup on your cheek, which Beel removes with your consent
"MC...I'm hungry..." *cue the roaring stomach*
of course he'll help you with your problem! but maybe food first...?
suggestion: maybe use cheeseburgers for the pentagram next time
unsuprisingly, even being summoned didn't wake Belphie up from his nap
he now has a very wonky two-toned mustache
and he's drooling on the floor
why did you summon him? didn't you see this coming?
good luck trying to wake him up
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channiebelly · 7 months
Ooh, maybe a Wonwoo Chan where Wonwoo is already the feedee in the pair and has gotten comfortably big but his habits rub off on Chan who starts to blow up and enjoys the weight that he's putting. Wonwoo notices and starts to encourage and feed Chan so that they both just mutually gain instead of one focusing on the other.
Ooh this is such a good idea! I hope you like this.
Ship: Wonchan
Word count: 1.4k
As Wonwoo has packed on the pounds, getting him enough food has become harder and harder, but this place makes it easier.
Twice a week, Wonwoo and Chan go out to a local burger place. The burgers are massive, and not too expensive, so it's the perfect way to supplement Wonwoo's calorie intake.
They walk into the restaurant and Wonwoo immediately goes to take his seat at one of the tables while Chan goes up to order. They always sit at this same table; Chan sits on the booth side and Wonwoo sits on the other side on a chair that gives his belly pretty of space to expand. They have a routine.
Chan orders a burger for them each, always the same thing. For Wonwoo, it's the works, the largest burger they sell. For Chan, it's the chicken burger, not as big but still impressive. He also orders Wonwoo a large milkshake and himself a soft drink.
Chan comes back to the table and takes his seat. They chat idley as they wait for the food to come out.
The food is quick, and that's when the conversation stops, both of them too focused on eating to talk.
Wonwoo wolfs his down as fast as he can, and then drinks his milkshake. When he's done, he waits for Chan to finish so he can order Wonwoo another one.
Chan finishes his burger. Wonwoo is shocked. The burgers are massive. Truly enormous. Even Chan's smaller one is way bigger than average. When they started coming here five or so months ago Chan could only eat half, maybe two thirds of the burger. But now he's finished the whole thing.
Wonwoo wants to point it out but Chan goes to order Wonwoo's second meal before he can. It's another one of the massive works burgers. But this time there's a change to the routine; when the food comes out, there's a side of fries.
"What are the fries for?" Wonwoo asks.
"Me," Chan says, pulling them towards himself. "Watching you eat makes me hungry, so I had to get myself something too." He takes a big swipe of ketchup on a thick fry and sticks it in his mouth. "Eat your burger."
When did Chan develop the ability to eat so much? Wonwoo has been so focused on how much he eats and packing food into his own stomach, that he hasn't been focused on Chan. The order of fries is definitely a new thing, but how long has Chan been able to finish the burger by himself?
Wonwoo's habits have really been rubbing off on him.
Wonwoo notices something similar the next day. Chan cooks a thick, creamy pasta for dinner. When Wonwoo looks at Chan's portion, he notices for the first time how large it is.
Any portion would look small in comparison to the amount of food piled onto Wonwoo's plate, but when he looks at Chan's in isolation he realises how much Chan has been eating.
He wonders if Chan even notices.
Chan finishes his plate, and even goes back for seconds.
The same thing happens a few days later. Wonwoo is on the couch, stuffing himself with a massive heavy chocolate cake while Chan encourages him. But Chan has a slice of cake too, and in between praising Wonwoo, and encouraging to eat more, he's taking bites.
Usually, when stuffing, Wonwoo loses track of everything except the taste of the food and the satisfying feeling of his belly getting heavier and heavier, but today he forces himself to take notice of Chan.
Chan must eat at least three slices. Wonwoo's a bit miffed; that's food that he could've eaten, but at the same time, he thinks it's incredibly hot.
On Friday night, they go to a buffet. It's their favourite buffet, and they go here every week like clockwork.
Chan will deliver Wonwoo plate after plate and Wonwoo loves the feeling of losing control; of Chan deciding exactly what he has to eat and when.
But this time he pays more attention to what Chan's eating, and notices that every two or three times Chan goes up to refill Wonwoo's plate, he's refilling his own plate too.
By his count, Wonwoo eats eight plates, and Chan eats three. Three plates piled high with food.
Wonwoo's standards for what counts as a lot of food have been a bit destorted since he started consciously gaining, but he can still realise that that's a lot more food than the average person eats in one sitting.
Fuck, he's really rubbed off on Chan.
When they get home, Chan has to help Wonwoo get ready for bed. That amount of food always makes Wonwoo lethargic and clumsy, and Chan has to help him slip off his clothes, get into his pyjamas and brush his teeth. Wonwoo loves it.
Wonwoo has been gaining for around nine months now, and has put on a significant amount of weight. When he started he was around 155 pounds, but now he's more than doubled it. He has an impressive belly that has begun to droop down to cover his waist band, enormous thighs that have forced his walk to become a waddle, two chunky moobs that rest on the shelf of his belly and very chubby cheeks.
He loves the way he looks how, and Chan loves it too. Wonwoo has never felt more sexy than he does at 320 pounds.
Usually, he conks out as soon as his head hits the pillow but today he watches Chan get changed. He's noticed just how much Chan's been eating and wants to know how much his body has changed.
When Chan turns side on, Wonwoo almost gasps. Chan's belly is enormous. It's a taut dome that is impossible to ignore. Chan used to have a flat stomach so this is a massive change.
Wonwoo watches as Chan gingerly presses a finger into his side and it barely moves. He must be completely stuffed. Chan then runs a hand over the curve as he watches himself in the mirror.
Wonwoo wonders if Chan did this on purpose, or whether it was unintentional. He doesn't know which one he finds hotter.
Chan turns around a Wonwoo is given a full view of his backside. Chan has always had a nice butt, but it has definitely grown bigger. Shit, he's so hot.
Wonwoo surveys the rest of Chan's body. The stomach and the butt seem to be the only changes so far.
Chan has definitely noticed his body change, but Wonwoo doesn't know how he feels about it. He vows to bring it up to him tomorrow.
Chan slips into bed and attaches himself to Wonwoo's back. Wonwoo can feel the solid mass of his stomach pressing into his back. It feels good.
The next morning, after breakfast, Wonwoo is sat on the couch. "Chan, can you come here? I want to talk to you about something."
Chan walks over, and Wonwoo stares at his belly. It's extremely obvious through his shirt, which is almost stretched tight around the widest point. How did Wonwoo not notice it before?
Chan sits down next to him. "What's up?" His belly is almost resting on his lap.
"I noticed that you've been eating a lot more, and you've put on quite a bit of weight." Wonwoo reaches out and palms Chan's belly briefly, which even now is surprisingly solid. Chan blushes a deep red. "I just wanted to know how you feel about it?"
"Oh," Chan says. "I think at first, I didn't notice how much I was eating because anything compared to you looks small, but then I noticed this," he points to his belly, "and I actually really liked it. So I just kept eating as much as I felt like."
"I really like your belly too," Wonwoo says. He puts both of his hands back on Chan's belly and rubs small circles into it. Chan stifles a moan.
"I'm sorry for not mentioning it to you. I know you were really into the size difference between us, but it just happened."
"You have nothing to apologise for, sweetheart. It's your body, you can do what you want. And, yes, I was into our size difference, but I am also really into watching you get bigger."
"Really?" Chan asks.
"Definitely. How about this? Tonight, we can go back to the burger place, and you have to order two burgers, just like me. We can't leave until you finish them both."
Chan presses his belly further into Wonwoo's hands. "Okay," he says, breathlessly.
Wonwoo stands up and pulls Chan to his feet so they can kiss. Their bellies press into each other and Wonwoo feels a rush of arousal.
Chan with a belly is perhaps the best thing to ever happen to him.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
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This absolutely stunning creation was made by the lovely and talented @/artbyainna on Instagram. I have been so anxious to share it with you - but waited for @tobias-carrick-appreciation-week. I'm so glad it's here!
In my HC, I built on the canon version of their meeting in A Deli...ghtful Meeting. But I've always wondered about the leadup. The moments when life is about to turn upside down in the most delightful way, but we don't see it coming. The only thing Tobias was willing to commit to was remaining a bachelor. Beautiful, even brilliant women were common in his life, but never captivated him for long. But after a brief meeting with this woman, he could not get her out of his mind. These are the moments before Tobias Carrick's life was turned upside down... and he never saw it coming. This story is told from his POV.
Book: Open Heart Book 2 Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey - eventual) Featuring: Aurora Emery Rating: Teen Words: 1,600 A/N: The original title was not Enchanted, but as I was writing this, my daughter was playing the Taylor Swift song of the same name, and it fit so perfectly that I went with it. Participating in @aprilchallenge - Love is in the Air.
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"Come on, jackass!" The steam was practically pouring out of Tobias's ears as his hand lay on the horn, refusing to lift it until the moron blocking the intersection moved out of the way. The moron finally did… just in time for the light to turn red.
His jaw clenched as he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, reminding himself it wasn't worth becoming this upset over. When his eyes opened, the light turned green, and only two thoughts remained. One: his best friend Kerry was really getting to him with her bullshit relaxation tips, and two, he couldn't be mad at her because they seemed to work.
His attitude improved as he drove off, but the morning traffic didn’t. A woman in a non-descript sedan waved at him as he sat in traffic, her eyes imploring him to wait so she could get out of her tight parking spot. He may have behaved differently a few moments ago, but a small smile tugged at his lips as he waved her on. 
Then he had an idea. A parking spot on the streets of Boston? Unheard of. And that spot just happened to be located a few doors down from his favorite deli? That wasn't a coincidence. No, this was divine intervention telling him to reward himself with a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich from Boston Pocket. Without another thought, he parallel-parked his Santorini black Jaguar into the freshly vacated spot with ease.
It was a cool morning for late August, and he promised himself he'd go for a jog after breakfast. After all, God may have felt Tobias deserved that sandwich, but He wasn’t ensuring his toned abs. Nope, that rested squarely on him.
Bells jingled, and a delightful aroma wafted over Tobias as he opened the door. He inhaled deeply to take it all in. Yep, this would be well worth an extended jog.
"Whose next?" A young man barked from behind the counter. 
Tobias raised a hand. "Bacon, egg, and cheese on a Kaiser roll. Salt and pepper."
"Want ketchup?"
"Do I look like a heathen to you?" Tobias leered, and the young man's grin made it clear that he shared his sentiments.
"Coming right up!"
With nothing to do but wait, he rested his elbow against the counter to take in the sights. Tobias Carrick had an unrivaled ability to look like he belonged anywhere, and this was no exception. So as he blended into the background, he quietly watched everyone who didn't. 
The older woman dripping in diamonds and expensive designer clothes, a little dog resting comfortably in a Louis Vuitton carrier. He couldn't imagine what she was doing here. Of course, she probably knew this dive had the best breakfast in Boston, money be damned. Two high school kids uncrumpled the bills in their hands to find they did have enough to add homefries to their order. Then there was the cute little brunette with her shapely legs well-displayed in a tiny black linen skirt and matching high heels. Her eyes were waiting to meet his as they trailed slowly over her body, and he took the smirk on her cherry-stained lips as an invitation that he was eager to accept. He was about to take a step in her direction when a melodic laugh from the booth behind him created a distraction.
"It sure would!" The beguiling beauty beamed, mindlessly tucking an errant strand of her long, golden locks behind her ear. All at once, Tobis felt compelled to learn what “it” was and what it was going to do?  
With the brunette who had held his attention moments before forgotten, he couldn't peel his eyes off this new vision. He stared, spellbound, as she animatedly waved her hands and joyfully conversed with her companion. Tobias Carrick observed for a living, and he had assessed her in mere moments. He was confident that no one could make a ratty, old Henley and a likely decades-old pair of jeans look that good so effortlessly, and that smile could not be faked. There was something so genuine about her, and he couldn’t look away.
He let out a little chuckle when he noticed her morning beverage of choice: a chocolate milkshake with the whipped cream already scooped off. He wasn't sure if it was revolting or adorable. If attributed to anyone else, the prior may have been the victor, but in this case, the latter undeniably won. His breath hitched when she leaned over and wrapped her lips around the straw. Never in his life was he more jealous of an inanimate object.
That solidified it. He had to work his way into their conversation. He was not leaving without her number, but how? He continued to watch her serendipitously, a pleasant smirk on his lips when he heard a loud crash.
The doctor in him took over, and he rushed toward the man collapsed on the floor, but, to his shock, the object of his affection had beat him to it.
"I’m getting his pulse!” The beauty yelled.
Was she a doctor?
“Sir!” Her companion hollered and pointed directly at him. “I need you to call 911!”
“I’m dialing now.”
He watched carefully, ready to jump in if needed, but he was a physician long enough to know that too many cooks spoil the soup, and the two women had things under control. Well, at least one of them did.
“Thank God you stopped me, Aurora!”
 Thank God, indeed. He thought, then his eyes widened… Aurora? Could that be?
The paramedics barreled through the front door and made a beeline to the patient on the floor. 
“Dr. Emery, what have we got?”
A smug smile came to his lips. It was her.
With the situation well under control, Tobias pulled out his phone and began texting rapidly.
… still want to snag Harper Emery?
… has she been receptive to you?
…. I’ve got an idea…
He looked up from his phone, dismayed to find Harper Emery’s niece and her stunning companion were gone.
“Shit!” he muttered, reminding himself they couldn’t have gone far.
“They were the doctors that just helped that man, right?”
The waiter stood before the abandoned table, holding a tray of food as the server behind the counter nodded.
“At least it wasn’t an eat-and-ditch,” the young man shrugged. “They didn’t eat and only ditched to save a guy's life.”
“Hey,” Tobias jumped in. “Do me a favor. Pack their food up… right away!”
“Were you with them?” the waiter asked.
Tobias pulled a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to the waiter. “Too many questions!” He spat. “Wrap the food and give it to me… quick… oh, and keep the change!”
“I’m on it!” The waiter grinned, handing Tobias a brown paper bag in a flash.
The bells that had greeted him upon entering now heralded his exit as he rushed outside. The two women were half a block away, well within catching distance.
“Doctors! Wait!” he yelled. “You forgot your breakfast!”
He had a definitive purpose now, and he knew what needed to be done. Still, it took all his strength to forget about wooing the young Dr. Emery to Kenmore. Every primal instinct within him was screaming to forget everything except getting this angel’s phone number. But when he stood before them, he handed the bag to Aurora.
“Oh, thanks!” The young Emery smiled. “Can I pay you for this?”
“Don’t mention it,” he said with his signature grin. If there was one thing he knew how to do, it was charm. “I’m more than happy to treat a couple of heroes to breakfast.”
“Oh, we’re not heroes,” Emery replied. He may have been focusing on her, but his peripheral vision was finely tuned in to her friend, and was she ever checking him out.
“You were really something back there,” he continued.
He was impressed with his ability to focus. After all, luring Harper Emery to Kenmore would be a huge feather in his cap, and getting her niece there first could be just the ticket. This would really impress the top brass, and he had reason to want to do that. There was only one Aurora Emery. Pretty women, were a dime a dozen, right? If this one slipped through his fingers, there’d be another… eye on the prize. Then, she had to go and speak.
“She’s one of the best doctors at Edenbrook,” the beauty chimed in.
“I don’t doubt it,” he said with a broadened smile. God, she sounded like an angel. Focus! “It takes a very cool head under pressure to catch a detail like a cyanosis.”
Somehow, he managed to keep the conversation on point, wrapping it up by placing his business card into Aurora’s hands.
“Let me know if you’re ever looking for a change of pace.”
Less than a second after completing his task, the little head regained control of the big one. His eyes slowly raked over the tall beauty at Aurora’s side. He could feel the heat emanating between them, and he knew she felt it, too, when he saw the delicate blush on her cheeks. OK, she was interested. And when their eyes met, he was careful to not look away. He wanted to ask for her name. Her number. Could he buy her a coffee? Any chance she’d ditch her friend and grab breakfast with him? But he thought better of it and offered an enticing smile instead. He had to play this right, but this was not over.
After exchanging goodbyes, he turned and jogged back to the deli. But when he reached the door, he couldn’t help but look back once more. And was he ever happy that he did. He smiled with delight when he saw her staring right back at him. With his ego fully restored, he gave her a little wink before returning inside.
No. This was not over, and this is not where their story ended. If Tobias knew anything, he knew that he would see to that.
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @doriopenheart @fayeswiftie @genevievemd @gryffindordaughterofathena @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @sophxwithers @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @openheartfanart
OH Tags: @alwaysmychoices @annfg8 @binny1985 @coffeeheartaddict2 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @ofmischiefandmedicine @peonierose @youlookappropriate
Tobias Only: @icecoffee90 @kyra75
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mysteryshoptls · 11 months
SR Sebek Zigvolt Lab Coat Personal Story: Part 2
"I will most definitely remove that for you!"
(Part 1) Part 2
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Sebek: Why did you make me change into a lab coat…!? I thought you would simply be showing me the detergent…
Azul: Yes, indeed. However, the detergent in this little glass vial has been specially concocted to be extra strong.
Azul: If, by any chance, you were to spill some on your uniform, it will turn white in less than 5 minutes.
Azul: In addition, it would be dangerous to not protect your eyes, either. This is fairly serious business.
Sebek: Are you sure it will be safe to use such a dangerous detergent!? If something happens to my lord's lab coat…
Azul: It has a strong bleaching capability that is only harmful to skin, but I assure you it will not damage the fabric.
Azul: Jade, Floyd.
Jade: Right. I've prepared here some cloth that has a ketchup stain similar to that lab coat.
Floyd: Wooah~ It's red allll over~
Sebek: Since when were you―!? Or rather, where were you two hiding!?
Azul: Don't fret over trivial details. Now, if we were to put regular detergent on the soiled portion of this fabric… What do you see?
Sebek: Nothing's changed at all… I did not expect ketchup to be this resilient of a stain.
Azul: However, if we were to pour this Octavinelle Deluxe Detergent directly on the stain…
Floyd: Like this~
Sebek: Wh-What!? That horribly stubborn stain is just coming off before my eyes!?
Azul: All that is left to do is rinse it in cold water, and it has returned to its original state.
Azul: It may be somewhat pricy, but this vial holds 20 uses.
Sebek: With just this small amount!?
Sebek: B-But you said it's expensive...?
Azul: Indeed, it will cost roughly 3,000 Madol. [30 Thaumarks]
Sebek: What… That's too much! Even normal detergent is only 500 Madol!! [5 Thaumarks]
Azul: Well, I have good news for you, Sebek-san! In fact, this detergent is currently on sale.
Azul: Right now, we are offering it for only 1,500 Madol! [15 Thaumarks]
Sebek: Half price!? Yes, I shall buy it!
Azul: Thank you for your patronage. That will be 1,500 Madol… And, received.
Sebek: Now, I can immediately pour it onto my liege's lab coat...
Sebek: Woah, it turned white in an instant! Thank goodness… With this, I shall not be a disappointment!
Sebek: I must go and show it to him at once!
Azul: Make sure you read all the instructions before using it! …Well, he sure dashed off with some zeal.
Azul: I had called out to him, hoping to be able to use him as an in to gain some of the noble clientele that reside in Diasomnia, but…
Jade: I wonder how that would fare. Sebek-kun himself seemed to be rather naïve and easy to handle, yes.
Azul: Only, I know there are many others in Diasomnia that can be quite fearsome when angered.
Azul: In the end, I do not believe this simple encounter will be enough.
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[Diasomnia Dorm – Lounge]
Sebek: My liege! I have returned!
Malleus: Ah, welcome back.
Silver: Have you really been trying to clean off the stain from Malleus-sama's lab coat this whole time…?
Lilia: I don't know if I should say you were faster than I expected, or slower than I expected. So, what were your results?
Sebek: Yes, sir! As you can see, the obstinate stain is no more!
Malleus: Oh, well now… This is astounding. It is much whiter than it was before it was stained.
Sebek: M-My lord…! I thank you for your kind words…!
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Sebek: Ah, right, my liege! Please take a look at this detergent. I purchased it from the Octavinelle Dorm Leader, and…
Sebek: Apparently it will turn white any kind of possible stain. If there are any other stains you wish to be free from, please leave it to me!
Silver: You got this from Azul…? Sebek, are you sure you were not taken advantage of?
Lilia: I don't think there's anything to worry about. He may be someone who constantly has ulterior motives…
Lilia: But he wouldn't do anything as reckless as make enemies of us here in Diasomnia.
Silver: That's true…
Sebek: Fufu. My liege, please, try it on!
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Malleus: Alright, alright. Now then…
Silver: Malleus-sama, please don't humor him so. You spoil him.
Silver: And, Sebek. You only did what you had to do to rectify your own mistake, it is not anything praiseworthy.
Sebek: Wha…!! Y-You may be right, but…
Malleus: At any rate, the lab coat has been returned to normal. That is enough.
Sebek: M-My liege…!
Sebek: Thank you very much! If there ever comes a time that your clothes are soiled with stains, please call upon me at any time!
Silver: Even though I think Malleus-sama's magic would be able to instantly remove it…
(Part 1) Part 2
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yermes · 11 months
PAC: 🧸
I was abt to trauma dump all this unnecessary childhood information but it turns out I was just really sad and hungry. BUT because I love all my squishmellow sons, my dino nuggies and ketchup daughters, random obscure void creatures and everyone else I decided to abstain from that. HOWEVER! I am no stranger to toxic relationships and friendships and with how the occult/practitioner community is heres a reading on potential toxicity around you atm.
Pick a meme
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Pick a card
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Wheel of fortune 🎱
Lord of the Forces of Life, Caph, Palm, Ezekiel, Jupiter
Toxicity in fate and destiny. To me this is like being the only one in the group project that does anything. Feeling trapped in circumstances such as a sucky job or class. Theres always that “why don’t you quit” question when the answer Is “I can’t” either you NEED this for a degree or you have to put food on the table the strings of fate have woven kind of a tricky situation for you. THANKFULLY this card is upright which may indicate a turn of the tides in your favor.
Completion 🎡
Venus 3. In Aries, Chesed through Fire, four of wands
If this seems like the wrong card for the reading you are INCORRECT BABE. This card points to some form of toxicity in the physical which is needed for growth in the spiritual. As of NOW you seem to be going through it but god gives his silliest battles to his funniest clowns and you will learn a lesson which will broaden your spiritual horizon. This is showing that the toxicity going on as of now in the physical is needed to bring completion in the non-physical.
Five of wands (reversed) 🪄
Lord of Strife, Geburah, Saturn in Leo 1°–10°, Angels Vahaviah and Yelayel
Its seems like theres a lot of complex emotions with whatever the fuck is going on over there. Lust, desire, and trickery. Your friend group could be the Real Housewives of Weird ass occult discords. The Saturn with leo is straight up just a bad vibe. It seems to me that almost theres a severe power imbalance that someone is either abusing their power over you, or someone is jealous of your power and status within your group and is praying on your downfall. Wth.
Prince of wands 🎟️
21° Cancer to 20° Leo, Vau, Air aspect of fire Aziluth, Tiphareth
Learning without understanding does absolutely nothing. You may be making a toxic situation for yourself which in turn attracts toxic people. Misery does love company after all. You may be becoming destructive and the people around you are just fanning the flames. Its great you have all this energy for magic and this vest for life but you may want to start putting that into more productive ways so you can actually use instead of abusing what you can do. Not saying im anti-hex I love a good hex phase but not and the expense of who you are as a person. We are as above so below people I do agree you can recognize and celebrate primal fury without succumbing to it.
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the-stray-liger · 6 months
didnt think ketchup could improve these fries but I accidentally bought a more expensive ketchup this time and I put ketchup on my fries and long story short Im really enjoying this ketchup with these fries. I will be therefore be putting more of my my budget into good ketchup
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thatbitch151 · 9 months
Just had 2 meltdowns over McDonald’s… yay.
In my defense, I have severe ARFID (picky eating+panic attacks basically) and I CANNOT have onions, pickles, lettuce, or tomatoes on my cheeseburgers. Ordered at McDonald’s and said 2 cheeseburgers, KETCHUP ONLY. They fucked this up in both of them and put onions on both.
This caused meltdown #1 because all day I had been hyper focusing on getting this food and being able to eat it, to the point that I didn’t eat when I was hungry earlier so that I didn’t have the risk of getting full half way through my meal and now I Can’t Eat It. After I calmed down, I went back and talked to the staff about it (Karen, I know, I don’t care at this point).
The manager apologized to me, gave the cook a talking to and got me 2 new cheeseburgers. I even checked one of them to make sure there wasn’t any onions, lettuce, ect. And it didn’t, great! I go home and I open one of the cheeseburgers.
Out of habit I check it (thank god) and what do you know? Onions. Meltdown #2
Now for me specifically, this isn’t really much of an issue, at least for someone else seeing this. But imagine for a second, what if I had an allergy to onions? And because the other cheeseburger was safe and I knew that, I didn’t check the other one, and I ate it. I would either be dead, have huge medical debt from having to be rushed to the hospital, or would’ve had to use an epi-pen, which are expensive as fuck.
Obviously that’s not what happened, but the fact that it could have it horrific.
When I went back after calming down for the second time to tell them, even saying that I didn’t want another one or a refund, just for them to know they messed up, the manager said that she told me to check it and that it was my fault for not checking both, and pointed towards the back saying she’s not the one who made it.
Also during all of this I saw 3 other customers come to complain about their orders being messed up, so it wasn’t even me. No one was happy here today.
What the fuck.
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kindahoping4forever · 9 months
Hi😊 I hope you're doing well and the show wasn't too hard on your health♥️ Would love to hear about your time at the forum if you'd like to tell😊
It's so nice of you to check in like this, thank you! 🥰 Honestly, just about every health issue I have decided to flare in the weeks leading up to the show, so I was fairly nervous going into it, but it all actually went really well! (Of course, my body essentially insisted I go into hibernation the entire week after the show but that was inevitable tbh 😅)
The night started off a little iffy when I was waiting for my brother by a concession stand and a passerby stepped on a stray ketchup packet and it exploded all over my legs and bags. 😃 But after a brief pity party and an emergency purchase of unnecessarily expensive bottled water (crazy long bathroom lines limited my options), I got myself cleaned up enough to appreciate the humor of literally getting sauced at The 5SOS Show. 😌 (Sadly, that particular shirt was already sold out or else I would've got it to commemorate lol)
But except for that unexpected moment, it was a fantastic evening! I won't go into details about the show so that I don't have to spoiler tag this post (🥲) but I had the most amazing time. Even though I've obviously been following the tour online, there's really nothing like experiencing it firsthand and I still found myself floored by certain moments.
I'm always happy to see 5SOS but I suppose because of the uncertainty I felt leading up to this particular show, I just remember feeling so, so grateful to be there. Overwhelming bursts of gratitude and joy to the point of tears a couple times, which is crazy because I am far from a soft girlie. It was just a really beautiful experience and I'm so thankful to have had it! 💙
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daintydoilypon · 1 year
What's your favorite food? Least favorite? Favorite weird food combination?
I really like fettuccine alfredo, which is funny because I'm a bit lactose intolerant //WEEPS But there was this one Italian place in Ballground, GA called Chef Rosario’s which was the BEST, but after one of the owner's died, they closed down and I am still devastated.
Least favorite is literally anything that made me sick, which is Cheetos/Cheese Balls(3X), Chef Boyardee canned ravioli (2X), and Timon and Puma's discontinued Mud 'n Bugs cereal lol.
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As for weird combos, I mix ranch and ketchup together to make Ranch-up to dip my fish sticks into. Haven't done that in awhile though because fish is expensive //WHEEZE
My mom makes peanut butter and mayo sandwiches, and when I tried it, it tasted like...marshmallows??? It was too weird for me.
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