#if I had cared about Call of Duty during my high school years I likely would have thought about attending my graduation with him as well
cerise-on-top · 1 month
Easter with König
It's another holiday, which means I'm going to make my favorite fictional Austrian go through the holidays as well. First was Fasching, now it's Easter! If I have to celebrate it, then so does König, except he gets to have a better time doing it!
I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d meet his family during Easter. It’s a tradition of his to go to his parents’ home during that time for a visit and a chat, he only sees them maybe twice a year, so he can appreciate having a small get together with them. He normally gets along well with his parents, but he’s lost most of the contact he had with them ever since he hit his mid 20’s, but he does look forward to seeing them. Naturally, he’d take you along for the ride, regardless of whether you actually know German or not. He can play interpreter for you, it’s not a problem for him. But if you know German already? All the better, that way his parents and you can just talk to each other with no problems. He does hope that you’ll get along with them, they did play an important part in his life when he was younger.
König genuinely hopes that you will like the traditional Osterjause*, though. He’s loved Easter for that reason, and for the freshly baked lambs, but mostly for the best Brettljause*. In fact, he’s probably called his mother two weeks before his visit to let her know what kind of meat and sausages to get for him and you as well so that there shall be plenty to go around. If you’re not from around, then you likely don’t know what a “Gsöchts”* or “Schweinsbratn”* is, but he will assure you that it’s something delicious. König could rave on and on about that one farmer’s “Hauswiaschtl”. In fact, if he can, he’d love to go to the farmer’s market on Friday with you just so he can get you something to eat. Not above grabbing some Bauernbrot* and Krenn* either while he’s at it. Mans needs his Krenn when eating his Osterjause. Although it will have been a while since he’s seen everyone, he will introduce you to all the farmers there since he knows a good chunk of them growing up.
Naturally, he’ll be drinking a few beers here and there as well. He’s Austrian, it’s in his blood. Will have you try everything off the plate, from the Nuss* to the low-fat Karree*. Loves having you with him and will actively try to involve you in any conversation there may be so that you get to talk as well. Again, it might be a bit awkward if you don’t know any German, especially since he’s not the most reliable translator, but you’ll get by somehow. His parents have been curious about you for a while now anyway and have been wanting to meet you.
Although he claims to be far too old for that sort of thing, he wouldn’t mind looking for an “Osterkerberl”* with you. It’s a nice tradition that he used to love as a child and he wants you to experience Austrian Easter with him, so he likely asked his mother to hide one for you somewhere around the yard so you can go find it. She won’t give you any clues as to where it could be found. It’s childish, but it’s a lot of fun. In fact, if König were to ask her to prepare a Kerberl* for you, then chances are she prepared one for him as well, for old time’s sake. And then the both of you, two fully grown adults, will run around the yard, looking for the basket. Once you found it, you had to admit it was rather cute, filled with a few hand painted eggs, some colorful chocolate, a baked lamb and some crafted chicks and bunnies. Clearly, his mother put in a lot of thought into what goes into such a small basket. In fact, even the “grass” was made of edible paper, it seemed.
König would feel somewhat stupid, looking for a basket of all things during Easter, but it did remind him of his childhood, so he wouldn’t outwardly complain. Besides, you walking up to him, all happy with your little basket, does something to him. The sight was just too adorable, so he’d likely ask you, the master sleuth, to assist him in his hunt. Once you’ve both found them, you’d return back to his parents’ apartment and continue just chatting while occasionally eating a bit of the Jause*.
Osterjause - Food that’s been prepared for Easter. It usually consists of meat, sausage, cheese, tomatoes and horseradish.
Brettljause - Same as Osterjause except it can be eaten at any point during the year.
Gsöchts - Geselchtes - Salted and smoked meat.
Schweinsbratn - Schweinebraten - Specifically prepared roast pork, eaten cold in this context.
Hauswiaschtl - Hauswürstel - A hard sausage.
Bauernbrot - A special type of bread.
Krenn - Horseradish.
Nuss, Karree - Types of meat
Osterkerberl - Osterkörbchen - Easter basket, a basket filled with easter themed food. Sometimes has a gift in it as well, mostly for children.
Kerberl - Körbchen - A basket
Jause - In this context it refers to the Osterjause.
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todostiddies · 4 months
Eren Boyfriend Headcanons pt 2
Modern Eren headcanons for GNreader, a continuation of pt 1
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Texts you goodnight and good morning without fail, but sometimes the good morning texts come at like 12am bruh
He will buckle your seat belt for you
He will open the door for you and if you forget to buckle right away he'll just tell you to scoot over and do it for you before buckling his own
Thinks it's funny to tighten your hood around your face randomly
Absent-mindingly tracing hearts and shapes on you while cuddling
Will call you brat, which he started as a joke to make fun of Levi and now it is unironically a part of his vocabulary much to his dismay
He thinks you being hangry is the adorable even if you're a total demon because of it, in fact, the meaner you get the cuter because he can just poke all the more fun at you when he buys you food and you immediately switch up all sheepishly (which he also loves)
An extra careful driver with you in the car which can then lead to some road rage towards others who aren't, but it never goes past a mean look, the bird, and a couple insults in the privacy of the car. He also deffo does that hot arm hold to you when he brakes too hard and he'll give a little cheeky smile and apology after
Will play Pokemon Go with you and go on Pokemon Go dates where you guys walk the routes and go on hikes or walks around the city to catch pokemon and he always buys you snacks and lunch/dinner during srry but im still in my pokemon go phase
His favorite pokemon is Psyduck
yknow that video where some womans boyfriend/husband was covering the sharp edge of a table while she was on the verge of bumping into it all distracted?? Yeah, that's him. He will cover corners for you and always makes sure you won't clumsily hurt yourself and will watch your step for you depending on how clumsy you are
but at the same time he is constantly trying to trip you and shoves into you with his whole body while walking and tries to push you into puddles like a child
He is fiercely loyal of all of his loved ones and has/will fight anyone on sight for them, as we all know, but he is also very protective of their dreams
He keeps tracks of all his friends and familys most treasured goals/dreams and behind the scenes he is also helping make them come true if he can and/or congratulating them on their progress that no one else may notice and he even will send related things to them like articles or posts
so naturally, things you're really passionate about he will look into and maybe even get into it too
I feel like his mom would have enrolled Eren and Mikasa as junior life guards, she did amazing and really liked it and Eren had fun and was good but didn't care to do it again. Armin went to the wave/beach every day just to hang out with them still, and sometimes Eren abandoned duty or snuck away during a lesson to pick seashells with him
Speaking of, Eren has a mini seashell collection from him and Armin picking them together. He dates each seashell and has given you a couple that he thought you'd like
Because of the whole lifeguard thing, he knows CPR and some basic first aid and the friend group always goes to him if they need extra medical help and he goes straight into his rare mom mode
Him and Mikasa kissed once in a 7 minutes of heaven game in freshmen year of high school, and afterwards decided they were better as friends and never even told Armin until a drunken night of confessions between the three senior year, the night before graduation
He will and has sacrificed himself in little ways for his friends and family, and would do so in bigger ways if the situation ever called for it
He LOVES kissing you
Kisses every morning, before leaving, coming home, when he's bored, when he's excited, when he's sad, all of it. He could be leaving from the dinner table to go to the bathroom and would still kiss you goodbye
He loves making out with you and puts on a romantic playlist he made when you guys hang out and make out in his car he's so cheesy but in a cool way
He thinks you don't realize it's the same playlist but it only has like six songs that just repeat and you have to wrestle him to make you a partner on the playlist so you could add more
When a song you added comes up he'll stop whatever yall are doing just to tell you it was a good choice lmao
He likes flavored Chapstick, but his favorite is vanilla
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!!
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m3talmunson · 11 months
Steve Harrington except his mom comes from old money, his father new. So while Steve's mom took his father's last name (reluctantly. She was doing her best to promise that her son would have a good life ahead of him), she got to choose Steve's first, which just happens not to be Steve.
His name is actually Esteban Eberardo Ortiz Harrington, because by God, Maria Harrington would never let her son have an English name since she had to give up her own to promise her son a decent life.
Somewhere along the way she got lost in it all. She chased Mr. Harrington around to make sure he wasn't sleeping with whatever floozie secretary he had at the moment, and in doing so she forgot to be a mother - as much as somebody can just forget that duty.
So, one day Esteban got dropped off at his grandpa's house and became Steve. Then one day Steve's grandfather died and Steve didn't even see his father at the funeral. His father, the dead man's son, sent Maria with flowers to the funeral. Flowers she didn't have a destination for. So, the moment it was over she dragged Steve and the flowers back to the dust-covered Harrington home. She makes some dinner and has a nice night with her son, but as they curl up on the couch and try to settle for the night, she brings him up.
"Mijo, your father. I have to go back to him tomorrow. I have a plane ride in the morning. I have to go sweetheart." She blinks back the tears in her eyes as she delivers the news.
"It's ok mama! I'm 10 now, double digits." He holds out both of his hands, all of his fingers splayed out. "I can take care of things here." He put on his best brave face, something Grandpa Harrington taught him.
"Grandma is going to visit you as much as she can, but she doesn't live near here. You'll be on your own a lot, my sweet sweet boy." She let the tears run at this point, ignoring the musical she had put on the TV to occupy their thoughts.
"Don't cry mama," He curled up into her side. "Wait, Grandma? But she's been gone for longer than Grandpa?"
"No, no, my mama. She'll be up here every so often for you. My brave boy." She kissed the top of Steve's head, peppered a few more against Steve's complaints of tickling.
"Come on mama, Dolly's singing!" He said, and drew his attention back to the TV like it was nothing. They fell asleep on the couch that night. Mr. Harrington never would have approved, but maybe he just didn't need to know.
And that began the life of Steve being alone. At least, most of the time. His grandma did come up every so often. She taught him how to cook, clean, where the stools were, and which ones were tall enough for him to reach the cookie jar. The same cookie jar that stayed in place just incase his parents did come home and happen to give half a shit about it.
When she couldn't be there, over the phone, she taught her little Esteban Spanish. His father never allowed it in the house, but the moment she insisted she be called Abuelita and not Grandma, she piqued Esteban's interest.
He was interested until he got made fun of for the accent. He continued to learn it, but insisted that he be called Steve, the same way she insisted he call her something else. That set the record straight for him.
During high school, she got too frail for him to visit. The Harrington's put money in the bank for Steve, so he began to visit her. He'd fly down to where she was staying, drive once he could. Steve got his license the very first day he could, just to visit her. He planned her funeral when the day came, just a month before Will Byers went missing. That kept him in contact with quite a few of his cousins that way, checked in on everyone and made the rounds while he tried to remain a normal teenager, have a normal girlfriend, live as King Steve, or Steve "The Hair" Harrington. Anything that kept his life nice and neatly in place.
Then, a stupid nail bat was his lifeline. Screw normal, he couldn't trust anyone or anything anymore. Two years later, he got tortured by Russians and then, maybe he could trust someone.
Somewhere between his fall from grace and saving the world for good, he grew to trust a lot of people. Grew to have people at his house all the time, filling that god awful empty house.
He had Eddie over one night when he got a call from his cousin Mariana, she had just finished her freshman year of college in the US, so her English was getting pretty good, but she greeted him in Spanish so he can only return the favor. Steve guessed it was only a matter of time until Eddie and the others found out about him anyways.
So, he responded to Mariana. He had an entire conversation with her, back to the couch that Eddie was sat on. Last he knew Eddie was flipping through movies, but all the noises stopped. At least Steve could assume that maybe he just picked a movie, and maybe get hurt or yelled at or something after the call. He just had to get through this conversation with Mariana.
He heard the crash of tapes falling and had to end it.
"Sorry Mari, I've got to go." He said abruptly in English, and tried his hardest not to slam the phone back into the receiver.
When he turned around, he didn't expect what he saw. Sure, Eddie's jaw was basically on the floor, but he didn't seem angry, not like Steve had expected.
"You- you speak Spanish, Stevie?" Eddie had almost a shocked rasp to his voice, clutching onto the tape in his hand, the one that managed to not fall.
"Yeah, have for about 8 or 9 years now."
"You, Steve Harrington, are fluent in Spanish?"
"Esteban Eberardo Ortiz Harrington, actually. And yeah, my mom is Mexican."
"Est- Esteban???" Eddie laughed out. "Good God Stevie-"
"I know, I know, I should have told you sooner. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hide it, I just- it's hard walking around Hawkins with a Spanish accent, it's just so-" He interrupted Eddie.
"Steve, Stevie, no." It was Eddie's turn to interrupt. "I'm not mad at you sweetheart. Definitely not mad." Eddie hinted at something else.
"You're not mad? What- I-" Steve raised his eyebrow. "What's that look about then?"
Eddie had been out to Steve for a while, and vice-versa. They hadn't exactly not been flirting, so Eddie didn't feel too crazy saying this next part.
"If I'm being so honest, Stevie," Eddie stepped closer into Steve's personal space, "I wouldn't say completely platonic feelings."
"Oh, that's what does it for you, Munson? Really?" Steve teased. Back with the bravado charm.
"I dunno... want to say some more?"
And, of course, the moment he hears it again -the accent Steve's voice works itself into- he's basically frothing at the mouth. He drops the tape he was holding and swings his arms around Steve's neck, only a little awkward considering the lack of height difference.
"I guess it is, Esteban."
"You don't even know what I said!" Steve pretended to act shocked, or pissed or something, but he really didn't care.
"Tell me later," Eddie cut Steve off with a swift kiss, and maybe Steve would settle for later.
Maybe he'd have a lifetime to tell Eddie that all he said was "I really want to kiss you." He had his wish fulfilled anyway.
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Okay here's a companion piece to my "Jeremy Knox What The Hell Is Up With Your Family Evidence". I wanted to have a bullet point list so it was easier to keep track of everything. I am aware that this is probably excessive lol again if I missed anything feel free to let me know! I tried to keep all of my personal theories out of it and just present the facts but I included a couple explanations 
Jeremy Knox What The Hell Is Up With Your Family The Bullet Point List Edition 
- "The trick to starting Saturdays off in the right foot was to get out of the house as early as possible. He'd realize years ago that he'd never be the first one awake"
- is on very good terms with the butler, William Hunter. William has coffee ready for him when he leaves in the morning, and texts him that his older brother and stepfather are in the sitting room when Jeremy gets home so he can avoid them and opens the front door for him
- is required to stay at the house during the weekday while school is in session. He is allowed to go to Cat and Laila's house on the weekends and over summer break. "Jean didn't miss away Jeremy's gaze slid past him to peer into the distance, or the tight tug at the corner of Cat's mouth. Jeremy was still smiling but the light had gone out in it" when talking about his living situation
Step Family / Mother 
- step grandfather is a congressman 
- "he'd wasted years arguing against such events, as he had absolutely no relation to his stepsfather's father, but his mother refused to budge. If a Congress man needed a picture perfect family for photo ops, the Knox family was duty bound to dress up and smile bright for the exhausting number of cameras"
- His stepfather's last name is Wilshire 
- is stated that he is permanently on his stepfather's bad side 
- told Jean not to call him by his last name, Knox 
- says that he will maybe do frosted tips next year after he's graduated and doesn't have to deal with the fallout and was kicked out of family dinner because of his bleached hair
- Jeremy says " 'I've never been to Europe. Dad's been stationed there a couple times, but....' " The wording makes me feel like his biological father is still alive but they aren't in touch 
- Jeremy's mother picked his therapist
- does not get along with his older brother, Bryson
- Jeremy left the house without his keys in order to avoid a confrontation with Bryson.
Later on he states that he "idly wished he'd been brave enough to get his keys"
- Bryson lives at home during the summer and goes to college on the East Coast
- does not get along with his sister, Annalise
- Annalise "insisted on keeping her own place on the other side of the city year round"
- in the one scene with Annalise she is very hostile to Jeremy:
•"more drama...".   •"Overdue for a new scandal, hm?' she asked. 'End the way you started.' He didn't flinch but it was a near thing. Once upon a time she had gone to all of his high school games, but once upon a time was before the fall banquet that broke their family in half she's gone out of her way to forget everything she knew about Exy since then, and she'd never forgiven him for sticking with it. He'd walk through a hundred hypothetical arguments with his therapist in preparation for the day he finally fought back, but every time the chance came, he watched it slip past and miserable silence." • " sent him an arch look. 'What’s Grandpa think of this investment of yours?' It was obvious bait, but that couldn’t keep the edge out of Jeremy’s fierce, 'He is not our grandfather.' 'Careful,' Annalise warned him as she rummaged for her keys. 'You already destroyed the family. Don’t destroy my future, too. Door.' "
- asks Lucas if he feels safe with his brother and when Lucas says he's my brother Jeremy says that's not what I asked 
- Cat hesitates when telling Jean how many siblings Jeremy has. She says there are three, one sister and two brothers. The older brother is an absolute tool and she nervously pushes her fries around her plate after speaking
- The second brother is never mentioned and seems to have a big part in The Incident. Potentially also played Exy. Is unknown if he is fully related, half sibling, or step sibling. Most likely younger than Jeremy
- Jeremy keeps meticulous track of his receipts and how he spends his money. There are three different times it is pointed out that he keeps the receipt and puts it in his wallet
- "It was always best to have a paper trail when dealing with his mother's bookkeeper"
- gives Cat the remaining money in his wallet to help with groceries and rent even though "Cat was more concerned with how many hoops it took him to pull it together when he was permanently on his stepfather's bad side"
- Jeremy avoids the cops sitting at the park. Says there was little to no chance he'd know them, and no reason they'd recognize him, but Jeremy kept his gaze forward and his mouth shut until they were passed
- Rhemann says he will call the cops on Grayson if Jean wants him to and that he will "send Jeremy away first". Could be because Jean said that he did not want Jeremy in the room while Rhemann was cleaning his injuries and he figured Jean wouldn't want Jeremy there when he was talking to the police or it could have to do with Jeremy hiding his face from the cops at the park
- has specific fun ringtones for everybody except his family. Becomes very tense whenever they contact him
- automatically calls Wayne's suicide an accident and then "grimaced like it wasn't at all the word he wanted to use" perhaps whatever happened, his family calls The Incident an accident instead of what actually happened 
- responds with " 'that isn't a joke,' Jeremy said, with an unexpected ferocity' " when Jean jokes about suicide
- Cat says no judgment when it comes to therapy and the right therapist can be life-changing and to look at Jeremy for proof. Insinuating that The Incident was fairly traumatic
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sydasrev · 2 years
hello!!! could i please request BNHA angst where Aizawa has a daughter but never pays attention to her, even since a young age. Aizawas always worried with school work or with hero duties or with this class. TYSM! <3
the ending could be whatever you wsnt
Thank you for this request!
CW: Angst, depression, Parent Neglect, Self-Harm, etc.
I hope this was good! It was kinda rushed. </3
Angst to fluff
word count: 471
I’ve decided to make this a series, because if I decided to write this whole thing down it would be about 1000+ words, and it would take like a month to write and fix everything up !
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ever since you were a baby, you were passed around. Handed to one person and then the next. You were always applauded for being able to take care of yourself at such a young age. During your elementary years you would be lucky to see him a few times a month, But as the years grew the amount of times you saw your father lessened, you'd usually see him every other month, but your conversations together always ended up in someone arguing. You lived by “yourself” and your cat, Soari. Sometimes you had one of your friends check on you if you needed something, and of course, your dad would drop by every now and then to check up on the house and to see if it was clean. You really tried your best to be the best daughter you could. you’d leave dinner in the fridge for your father to bring to lunch, tell him about your achievements, but he always seemed tired, stressed out or uninterested.
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you were now in High-School, attending Yokosuka High School, a school for people who don’t use their quirks. Your grades are not the best. But who would care? Clearly not your father. You could have good grades if you wanted. But there was no point.
Your father would usually get calls from the school every now and then about punching another student, failing a class, concerning scars on your legs/arms.
MAY 27, 2018.
Today, Mr. Ito, your principal called you into the office. You had no idea what it was about. Probably about  grades or something between those lines.
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“Y/N, I’ve called you here to talk about your grades and how you’re doing at home.” Mr. Ito said with a cheeky smile.  Huh? Why does he want to know about my home life? I’m doing perfectly fine on my own. You thought to yourself.
“So, it seems you’re failing 3 classes out of the 7 you have. What’s going on with that?”  God. This was so embarrassing. You just kept your mouth closed and looked down into your lap.
“Ok, then. Don’t speak if you don’t want to. But I’ve also wanted to tell you if you needed anyone to talk to, you could always talk to Ms. Satori, our counselor. She’s located at B11 on the 2nd floor.”
You looked up
“Is that all?” You asked Mr. Ito with an annoyed tone in your voice.
“oh!” He exclaimed 
“No actually, I forgot to tell you, I’ll be calling your father later to talk about so after school activities to get you more active!”  “uhm.. ok. Goodbye Mr. Ito.” You said.  as you walked out his office you headed straight to the bathroom, you didn’t wanna go to 5th period, nor 7th. You just wanted school to be over.
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reikaryu · 1 year
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“ quiet love ”
— a boo seungkwan x fem!reader one-shot ! it’s been four years since seungkwan developed his crush. maybe one day his love wouldn’t be so hushed.
GENRE. fluff, high school!au
WARNING(S). kissing, pining, supposed one-sided love, written in third person’s view (she/her)
WORD COUNT. 2.0k words
A/N. this fic is finally done and released 😭 I started this last september and I can’t believe I dragged it out into the next year. besides that, seungkwan is so <33 in this fic I’m BLUSHING at my own writing
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Seungkwan was oblivious to the fact that she could feel his stare from the back of her head. She was seated right in front of him, a pen in her hand, neatly scribbling down notes. For years, he had been pining for her silently, thinking up ways to make her swoon over him during the two classes they have together (not that he doesn’t anywhere else): English and Mathematics, the two at the end of the “best to worst subject” line. He would often think that it was fate they were in the same classes for these specific subjects, because she was always the best in English while he was somewhere at the bottom, and he was an expert at Maths while she was constantly racking her brains when doing her homework.
And what became the most surprising thing to both their friends was how well they got along. They’re attached to the hip every moment of the day when they’re not in class, almost always teasing each other. Anyone who knew them, when given the chance to, would describe their relationship as “adorable”. Their interactions are beyond sweet and it was like their friends were watching a really well-filmed romance drama.
But that seemed to be the worst part for Seungkwan, because three months after befriending her, he fell. He fell hard. They’d met when they were thirteen and it has been around four years since. He was getting really good at hiding his feelings, but just as he was about to assure himself it would never slip from his mouth, he would be reminded of the times they spent together and throw himself back to square one. He gave up on himself after he realised his efforts were going to waste, deciding to slowly show his affection and love for her. Maybe she’d realise one day.
It started with the smiles that he would flash to her whenever she asked for his opinion on her outfit, hair, nails or whatever. Then he began getting more intimate with her — she never bothered flinching away or calling him out for the sudden hand-holding or him swinging his arm over her shoulder. He took that as a sign to go on. It escalated to light kisses on the forehead or temple or cheeks. She didn’t care one bit.
Seungkwan thought she didn’t actually like him despite her not swatting his arm away whenever he initiated the interaction, as she did with everyone else who wanted to hug or hold hands with her. But even though he had doubts about the reciprocated feelings, he still continued showcasing his adoration for her, until she decided to accept or reject his silent pleas. He would never stop unless he heard from her directly that she didn’t like it.
The bell started ringing as the teacher wrapped up the lesson, signalling the end of school. The clock at the front of the class read four o’clock, and since he wasn’t on class-cleaning duty that day, he packed his things and waited for her by her table. Unlike him, she was making sure her books were packed nicely into her bag and she had kept everything she needed for self-revision at home. Once she was finally done, he rolled his eyes, saying, “Are you done yet? Can we go now?”
She glared up at him from her seat and stood up, thrusting a textbook lightly into his arms. He caught it swiftly, chuckling under his breath as she walked away. He had no trouble catching up to her, an arm wrapping around her waist by habit.
They reached her locker in no less than a minute, and as she opened it up and took her textbook from his grasp, she said, “Are you going to tell me why you were staring daggers into my head during class? Or do I have to bribe you?” He pretended to ponder for a while, earning a flick to the forehead. He mumbled a little ow and trailed behind her as she left first again.
“I was zoning out,” he admitted, slinging his right arm around her shoulders, playing with the tip of her hair.
“I know you weren’t. Tell me the truth.”
He tried to hide his smile, but he knew that he was failing and she could see it through her peripheral vision. “I’ll tell you tonight, I promise.” He felt her lean into his touch slightly and whisper, “You better keep that promise.”
Night fell in the blink of an eye and Seungkwan found himself waiting in her favourite park on a bench. He wasn’t planning on going anywhere at night, but because of the impromptu promise he made to her earlier in the afternoon, he had to drag himself out of his apartment. He wasn’t one to go back on his promises — especially ones he made to her.
Around five minutes had passed since their agreed meeting time and he was starting to worry about her. That was until she came speed-walking towards him with a stick of cotton candy in one hand. He stood up from his seat and slowly made his way towards her, closing the gap between them.
When they were within distance to be able to hear each other better, she said nonchalantly, “Someone was selling cotton candy on the way here. I couldn’t not get some.” Seungkwan wanted to scold her for making him worry, especially since it was nighttime, but he only forced himself to smile and take some cotton candy for himself.
“Hey,” she started, frowning playfully, “I didn’t say you could have it.” He looked at her with disbelief coating his face while she rolled her eyes and turned her body to start walking away. He caught up to her and swung his arm around her shoulders, like always, grabbing more cotton candy anyway.
They walked together in comfortable silence for a bit, before she spoke up in a soft voice, “Do you remember when we had to walk my cousin’s dog and ended up losing it even though it was huge?” She chuckled at the memory and Seungkwan swore she was going to lean her head on his shoulder.
“Yeah, I remember,” he responded fondly. “And we spent two hours searching for it just for your cousin to call us to say it already went back home.” He laughed quietly, remembering the exhausted state the two of them were in, as well as the absolute shock on her face upon discovering that her efforts were left in vain.
Seungkwan was left dumbfounded when she actually put her entire head’s (not really, maybe about 80%) weight on his shoulder — even more so when she subconsciously offered him some of her cotton candy by moving the hand holding it in front of him. He hesitantly plucked some and fed himself.
The two of them continued walking in this comfortable (?) position, with her initiating more physical contact than he would have expected. It wasn’t that he disliked it — if anything, he loved it! — but this wasn’t her usual self. Ah, there he goes again. Worrying about the littlest details ever known to mankind.
“Oh, right.” She jolted out of his embrace and stopped walking, turning her entire body so that she was facing him. “You haven’t told me the real reason why you were staring at me during class.” The smile on her face was so sweet, Seungkwan almost admitted his feelings to her right then and there.
But it wasn’t the right time. He wanted everything to be perfect before he confessed his undying love to her — the setting couldn’t be in a park, for God’s sake. And she couldn’t be holding half-eaten cotton candy on a stick, while he stood before her in an oversized sweater and jeans. She always seemed to be the more properly-dressed one.
Seungkwan looked nervous as he gazed at her, palms starting to get clammy. He couldn’t think straight as he silently admired the beauty right in front of him.
“You’re not usually like this,” she said, and his mouth went dry. He hadn’t planned a confession yet, and he was worried that he would say something embarrassing and have her reject him on the spot. She noticed him gulp and reached for his hand, caressing it slowly. “You know you can tell me anything.”
But not this, he thought to himself, relishing in the sensation of her hand on his. Why was it so hard just to say “I love you”? He’d thought about it so many times, but when he actually had to say it, the words simply did not want to come out.
It’s not the right place. It’s not the right time. It’s not the right—
Seungkwan, against his better judgement, suddenly pulled her against him, hugging her close as he took in the smell of her shampoo. Her eyes widened in shock as she processed what was going on, her hand holding the cotton candy stick awkwardly sticking out behind his back, but relaxed soon after and leaned against him a little. This hug could have been like any other hug they had, but this one felt different. The feeling it gave the both of them was different.
What was this feeling? Why was it so strong? And why did it feel so right?
“I love you,” he mumbled (at last) into her hair, closing his eyes to gather more courage to continue, “so much. Ever since we were thirteen and immature, pranking our friends every moment we got to. You were so brave whenever we had to get an injection, while I was always afraid of the needle and the pain. You could help me with almost every subject but I could only help you with Maths. You knew the right words to say whenever I couldn’t take it anymore, but all I gave you was a hug and sweet nothings. I don’t deserve you, but I want you so much.”
The silence that followed was comfortable, yet scary. The longer it lasted, the more afraid Seungkwan got. Was she not responding because she felt bad rejecting him, or she just didn’t know what to say to accept his confession, or she was too shocked to even react?
“Friends don’t casually kiss each other on the forehead, as far as I know.”
A weight he didn’t know had been there was lifted off his chest at her response. He felt her head move slightly, no doubt to allow her to continue easily, “We haven’t been just friends for quite some time. I don’t know if you knew, but that fine line has been pretty blurry for the past few months.”
She pushed him off lightly, gazing up into his chocolate-coloured irises. They were shining as bright as the night sky and were filled with utmost joy at the revelation. She could really kiss him right now.
Seungkwan grabbed her free hand, his hand easily swallowing hers whole. “I didn’t plan for this to happen in a park, of all places, but now that we’re here …” he trailed off, pulling her closer and locking his lips onto hers.
He felt as though he’d reached heaven early, from the way her lips fit onto his so perfectly — like two puzzle pieces coming together. She moved at the same pace as he did: slow yet passionate, pouring all her feelings into the kiss. Her hand found its way to the back of his head, where it attempted to bring him impossibly closer.
A minute’s long kiss would have been longer, if it weren’t for the fact that they were breathless and in a public area. Seungkwan leaned his forehead against hers and they laughed softly. He couldn’t believe he’d just kissed his crush and best friend of four years.
“I love you, Seungkwan,” she confessed, pecking the corner of his mouth, where a smile began to form at her honey-like tone. “I have been for some time. I don’t know how you didn’t notice.”
He was too busy pining for her silently.
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reblogs are appreciated ! ♡
taglist — @i520sn @piakae @enhacolor @yourfavoritefreakyhan @f3v3rs @wonwoospartyhat @lesdevoeux @wonuulvr @svtcaratlove
[ gen. masterlist | svt masterlist ]
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the-au-thor · 1 month
Hi, I saw you are accepting requests, and I read A la Velocidad de la Luz, it was amazing! I was thinking about they as parents, maybe reader's dream about having those 6 Nuggets with Steve and traveling to California being real would be great? I mean I'd like to see all the story but with this idea i'll be super happy, only if you like it, of course!
This is a very cute idea! I kinda wanted to add some babysitting munson but I'm still not sure lol, I kept it simple tho. Hope you like this one!
Remember to read this content warning before reading.
First part here and second part here
A la Velocidad de la Luz (at the Speed of light) | Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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"Robin called, said she'll be in Malibu by the time we get there," you said, trying to fix your hair while the trailer was in motion.
"Yeah, did you tell her she'll be the official nanny for the next week?" Steve asked, flipping through radio stations.
You chuckled while starting to braid Alice's long brown hair.
"She's aware. She and Vicki can't wait to babysit and do auntie duties," you expertly finished your daughter's hairdo, and she happily went to her seat behind the trailer to start playing with her twin, Jo.
You and Steve started having babies more than a decade ago. It wasn't exactly planned; you just got tired of the pills. One day, after a year and a half of marriage, you woke up and broke the news to Steve.
"Mmhm," he murmured while sipping coffee from his mug.
Your sexy police officer husband was standing there with his hip against the counter and the paper in his hand.
" I stopped taking the pills, remember? You said whenever I feel ready, I just had to tell you? Well, I'm ready."
He took his eyes away from whatever he was reading and slowly moved to meet yours as he carefully studied you. In silence, he left his mug and newspaper on the counter and took his radio from the center table of your kitchen. He pressed a button without breaking eye contact.
"Central, this is Sergeant Harrington, do you copy? Over."
"Hey, Sarge Stevie, this is Jane Hopper helping out today in Central. Is everything okay? Over."
Steve smiled, and you copied his gesture. Jane started working at the central station during her summers when she graduated high school a couple of years ago. A way for Hopper to teach her the sense of responsibility and set healthy boundaries between her and Mike. It was a pretty good idea, to be honest.
"Hey El, do me a favor, could ya'? Tell your dad I'll be out of duties this morning for personal reasons. Imma explain to him later, over."
"Is everything okay? Over."
Steve combed his hair back and smiled.
"Yeah, honey, just a little thing here I need to take care of. Just tell your dad that, copy."
"Okay, just remember, friends don't lie. I'll tell my father, but he won't be happy, Mom's got him on a new diet, and it's driving him nuts, copy."
Steve laughed.
"I can imagine that. Thanks for the favor. See you soon, copy."
"10-4, have a great morning. Tell your pretty girl I love her. Out."
Then the line was dead, and as soon as the conversation ended, Steve quickly turned off the radio and took a couple of steps to get closer to you. You embraced his neck, standing on your tiptoes while smiling playfully.
"So, I'm guessing I'm the little thing you need to take care of?"
He caressed your back until his hands were on your butt and smiled back.
"Of course, mama, we need to fix this not-being-pregnant-yet situation," he finally said, taking you in his arms while you let out a giggle, and he started walking upstairs.
Nine months later, on March 12th, 1992, your first girl, Emma Chrissy Harrington, came into the world to be the protagonist of her father's worries and cares. She was now sitting in the back of the trailer with her headphones on, reading your old books while moving his feet covered in the combat boots her godfather gave her on her birthday. After one year of having her, you and Steve welcomed your first son James, who was born with his father's beautiful eyes and your hair. Steve often says he's gonna be a charmer, but you think he already is. You and Steve struggled a little to adjust to having two totally different babies in the house, and Steve got promoted to Captain, which was a big responsibility, so you decided to hold off on baby-making for a while. You enjoyed being a mother of two for that time; they were so different, with Emma being chaotic and creative, learning to play the drums before even being potty-trained, courtesy of his uncle Eddie, and James being the calmest and most advanced baby, talking, teething, and walking at a very early stage. He's now into photography and loves his uncle Johnny. When Emma was 4 and James 3, you and Steve welcomed Elizabeth. She was born prematurely and was a very delicate baby until doctors told you she was born with diabetes, so she has to follow a strict treatment. Other than that, she is a smart and strong 7-year-old girl who likes dresses and her piano lessons. By that time, you were a family of 5, and frankly, everything felt easier than with the first two babies. That made you both think that where's five, why can't be six, right? Just that in your next pregnancy, you discovered you were expecting your twins; Alice and Jo-Anne. They're just 5, so they are into bugs, drawing, and dogs.
They were very wild years, with Steve being promoted from Chief Assistant to Chief, with Hopper handing Steve the torch as he always wanted, and you with a little tour on the East Coast to promote your new novel and signing meetings. You couldn't take the vacation of your dreams until this year, once Steve got used to his new job and you just finished your last book so you could be focused more on the family time, he finally bought the camper you both always dreamed about and traveled through the country during the summer.
Uncle Eddie was waiting for you in his big-ass mansion that he was preparing to receive the whole crowd.
"Is he moving?" Steve asked while he moved his hand and placed it over your bump.
You smiled.
"Yep, he will be just like his dad; unstoppable."
He then smiled back.
"Uh?" you hummed starting to open a new book your editor recommended to you.
"Just… you look amazing."
"I'm bigger, Harrington. Bigger and swollen," you reminded him.
He moved his hand, caressing your bump.
"You get prettier with every pregnancy."
You rolled your eyes.
"And you get more delusional," you joked, looking for the right page to start your reading while your other hand took his.
You kept in silence while you could hear the kids playing in the back of the camper.
"Babe?" Steve repeated and let out a relieved laugh.
"Huh?" you replied with the same sound.
"We made it, babe," he said with pride coming through his voice. "The whole plan. You and me, The six nuggets. The camper. We are freaking parents of happy and cool kids. We won."
Yep, you did.
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theemporium · 2 years
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[REQUESTS OPEN—requested by anonymous]
39. “You ramble and it’s adorable.”
42. “Hey, only I can call them that!”
[1.6k] or, in which dustin tries to set up his sister and steve.
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“Oh brilliant, it’s you.”
Your eyes never left Steve as you closed your car door behind you, already making your way towards him as he did the same. It wasn’t that you didn’t like Steve Harrington, not really. You had just never bothered with the likes of him until one day he was all your little brother kept talking about and suddenly your lives were intertwining with a man you had barely shared three words with during school.
You knew the reputation Steve had and he had done very little to prove otherwise. It honestly confused you how sweet little Dustin could worship the guy the way he did.
When you drove him to school, he was talking about Steve. When you picked him up, he was talking about Steve. When he was helping you set the table for dinner, he was talking about Steve.
You couldn’t escape Steve Harrington as much as you tried.
And then Dustin and his friends made it to high school and started joining clubs and making friends, and you weren’t sure how, but now you were sharing pickup duties with Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington.
You would’ve laughed a few years ago at just how bizarre the whole thing was.
“It’s Friday, Henderson, it’s my turn to pick them up,” Steve said as he swung the car keys around his finger, stupid sunglasses perched on his nose as usual.
“And Dustin asked me to pick him up today,” you told him, your hands tucked into the pockets of your jacket as you stopped a few feet away from him. “He said he called you.”
“Well, he didn’t.”
“Well, you know now!” you said to him with a sickly sweet smile on his face. “Bye, Harrington.”
Steve frowned as he stood there, watching as you started making your way towards the entrance of the school before quickly running to catch up.
“I was here first, you can leave,” Steve said to you, his longer legs making it easy to keep up with your fast pace as you made your way towards the room the Hellfire Club was usually held in.
“And now you aren’t needed,” you snapped back, keeping your eyes on the hallway in front of you. You could hear him scoff beside you.
“The others still need a lift back home,” Steve retorted.
“Aw, Mama Harrington really cares about his little nuggets, doesn’t he?” you gave him a mocking pout, hand on your heart and eyes glimmering with mischief when he pulled his sunglasses off, eyes narrowed on you.
“Hey, only I can call them that!” Steve pointed at you before pausing. “And don’t tell them I call them that, either!”  
“Whatever, Harrington,” you sang.
You didn’t think twice about pushing the door open when you reached the Hellfire Club, expecting to see all of them crowded around the table, screaming and yelling at each other in excitement as they were reaching the end of their campaign.
Instead what you found was an empty room.
You blinked.
“What the fuck?”
Steve peered over your shoulder, eyebrows furrowed together when he noticed Eddie and the kids weren’t there. He shouldered past you, ignoring the small huff you let out when he did. He stood in the middle of the room, hands on his hips and a look of contemplation on his face.
“What? Your maternal senses tingling?” you deadpanned as you watched him turn around on the spot, as though the answer would just appear in front of him.
“They aren’t here,” he stated.
“Well done, Sherlock,” you clapped your hands.
“Okay, what is your issue—” But whatever Steve was going to say was quickly cut off when the door slammed shut behind you, both of you snapping your head around to see Dustin’s grinning face in the small window.
“Stop denying your love!”
You blanched. “Dustin, what the hell?”
“I am sick of watching you both run around in circles—” Dustin continued.
“What circles? Who’s running?” Steve muttered.
“—and this is the only way for you both to get your heads out your asses and admit how you feel. I mean, c’mon, everyone knows except you both so—”
“Dustin, let us out of here, right now,” you snapped at him, interrupting whatever monologue he had planned for this.
Dustin’s grin only grew. “No can do, Suzie’s lock cannot be opened before the timer is completed. My girl is a genius like that.”
“And how long does this timer have?” Steve asked, eyes narrowed on the younger Henderson.
“Only like…sixty-ish minutes.”
“See you in an hour!”
You didn’t have a chance to say anything else before you heard his trainers squeaking against the corridor floors as he ran off, now leaving the two of you trapped in the small room with no means of escaping for the next hour.
Letting out a huff, Steve fell back onto the seat near the head of the table—the throne you were pretty sure Dustin always talked about being scared to sit in, fearing what Eddie would do if any of them tried—with his hands behind his head and his legs kicked out.
But you couldn’t sit down.
Both hands wrapped around the handle of the door, you kept tugging as if the thing would suddenly open. You tried barging your shoulder against it a few times, though the movies made it look far easier than it seemed to be. And after you had been going at it for five minutes, Steve finally spoke up.
“Would you please give it a rest?” he let out a groan, leaning his head back as he stared up at the ceiling. “It’s obviously not going to open, what’s the point of trying?”
“A fourteen year old made this, how secure can it really be?” you retorted with a nervous scoff. “I mean sure, Suzie is a child genius and is rarely wrong and has actually proven many times before that she is always right—”
“Henderson,” Steve called out, frowning when you began to pace back and forth.
“—but even geniuses make mistakes, right? Like she can’t be right at everything, she has to slip up somehow. So maybe the lock will slip up, you know? Maybe if you just hit it enough times—”
“Henderson,” Steve tried again, sitting up in his seat as he noticed your hand movements becoming more frantic.
“—because being trapped in this room for longer than an hour is kinda freaking me out. Is it freaking you out? Because it should be freaking you out, like what happens if the door doesn’t even open at all at the end of the hour and we are trapped—”
Your words quickly died down, your chest moving up and down quickly and Steve noticed the small panicked look on your face when you finally turned to him. He was out of his seat less than a second later, making his way over to you and placing his hands on your shoulders to keep you grounded in one spot.
“Hey, hey, look at me,” Steve called out, bowing his head to catch your gaze. “We are gonna be fine, okay? We are gonna get out of here in an hour, nothing is gonna happen.”
You let out a shuddered breath. “But what if—”
“No what if’s, we will get out,” Steve assured you, giving your shoulders a soft squeeze. “And if the lock doesn’t work, then I will personally knock that door down since you were so shit at it.”
You rolled your eyes, but he could see the corners of your lips twitch up.
“You know,” Steve continued, feeling your body was still tense beneath his touch. “I never thought you’d be a rambler.”
Your eyebrows furrowed together. “What?”
“When you’re nervous,” he explained with a small grin. “You ramble and it’s adorable.”
You blinked, not quite expecting those words to leave his mouth. “Did you just call me adorable?”
“Uh,” Steve paused like he was thinking about it. “Yeah, yeah I did, Henderson.”
“I—” you looked up at Steve, the way his eyes were darting around your face and the room, never quite meeting your eyes. The way his tongue poked out to wet his lips, the way his hair was falling in front of his face but he never once moved his hands away from your shoulders to fix it. “Steve, is there some truth to Dustin’s words?”
His eyes snapped back to yours, lips parting a little and you couldn’t help but think how he looked as though he had been caught red-handed. Your heart was thumping in your chest as you waited for him to say something, as you waited for him to do something.
But ironically, time wasn’t on your side that day.
“Okay, small change of plans, we have to go! Like now!” Dustin’s voice sounded from the other side of the door, snapping you and Steve out of whatever trance you seemed to be lost in.
You quickly pulled away from him, turning around to hear a small amount of commotion from the other side of the door before a loud buzzing noise was heard. Seconds later, Dustin was practically tearing the door off the hinges with a frazzled look on his face.
“Why are you both just standing there? Let’s go!” he screamed, clapping his hands together as he started rambling about gates and demo-dogs and lightbulbs smashing but you truthfully couldn’t even bring yourself to listen.
Even as you were running out the school and packing everyone into your, Steve and Eddie’s cars, your mind kept thinking back to Steve and what the fuck he was about to say to you.
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ystrike1 · 1 year
Only Love - By Teng Luo Wei Zhi (6/10)
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An immature yandere is hit or miss on a good day. On a bad day the concept is a snorefest. This is for younger readers. It's edgy, not scary. I don't think comics about possessive guys...specifically aimed at younger readers...are super ethical. I know there's a market for it, and there are worse things to read. No judgement. This is PG13.
Our conflicted, immature yandere is a rich boy with silver hair. His daddy owns a big real estate company. He gets away with...pretty serious crimes and he's a known delinquent. He treats his girlfriends like accessories. He doesn't actually date or kiss them. He literally picks whoever the prettiest girl in school is, and he lets that poor girl beg for the chance to be his future rich wife.
He's...an evil bratty snot who owns a motorcycle.
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His main goal in the story is to seduce our protagonist, Meng. She's a tough nut. She's been through alot. She was actually recently murdered. The plot takes place during her second life. Meng had it pretty hard in her first life. She...was kind of a doormat and she let her adopted sister bully her. Her mom is super dead for real, so she was a good girl always for the sake of her hardworking adopted dad.
Ren falls madly in love with her in both of her lives, which is a problem.
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Meng's adopted sister is an inferiority complex. Her entire character is defined by how inferior she feels. The worst part of this story is...the way the other characters treat her. Lan is an immature, bratty girl. She's not very pretty. She's not very talented, and Meng is good at everything. She's in love with Ren. Ren makes fun of her and he calls her ugly. Then he starts to stalk Meng. The girl Lan is most envious of. I hate to say it but Lan is young. It is not fair that she's stuck as a villain. Based on what I've seen I would go crazy if I was her. Eventually she becomes a stereotypical crazy character, but if I was in high school...and everybody would not shut up about how ugly I am...and how perfect my sister is...ugh.
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Lan murderd Meng in her first life. It was brutal. She was on a cliff looking for their lost little brother. Lan loses it and starts wailing about how Meng stole everything from her and....uh...she kinda did??? Lan's biological father loves Meng more than her. Ren loves Meng, not her. Meng's friends treat her like a nuisance, and on top of that Lan consistently gets bullied for "daring to covet" a handsome rich guy she isn't "worthy of"
Young readers. Please beware messages like this. Plain girls or ugly girls or stupid girls do not have to be villains. Perfection should never be the goal when you're a teenager. Being...not model hot at fifteen isn't a cardinal sin.
Just...be careful.
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When Meng's second life kicks off Ren has a girlfriend...toy. He ignores her and she constantly brags about being chosen by him. Please. Do not date anyone who acts like this. It is an excuse to cheat on you. No girl should be a back up for any guy. I don't care how rich he is.
Shen here viciously bullies Lan, and frankly she's a big reason why Lan develops into a thin skinned envy monster.
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Meng's mom died in a crash, and she was left with severe head trauma. She has to suffer with abysmal vision, and light sensitivity for many years. Eventually she gets better, but she has to wear glasses.
She is the most beautiful girl in school. She's beautiful enough to be a model. She's a dutiful girl who did not deserve to die...but she's an adult in a child's body.
Hard pass.
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Ren's personality is...this...
This sums him up.
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He doesn't know Meng is pretty, but he gets interested anyway. Meng is too calm. Too cold. Unaffected by his cash and his face. He falls for her, but he gets embarrassed about it, because she clearly doesn't like him.
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Also Meng hits him with her walking stick when he tries to touch her.
He does actually start to respect her after this point.
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Ren begins to act unstable. A bunch of his toady friends call Meng ugly. In response he breaks up with his girlfriend and he almost beats up some of his closest friends. He approaches her slowly. Money won't work...and he loves the hunt.
He is a confirmed yandere. In his first life he committed murder, possibly for her sake. He is definitely not sane, but the main couple isn't very likeable here.
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theoddcatlady · 5 months
My Father Survived The Chair of Truth
I was the only one home when my father called me in for his death bed confession.
He wasn’t very old in the grand scheme of things, only fifty-eight, but after a violent mugging that took place about twenty years ago, his physical health hadn’t always been great. It really took a downhill turn last year. Heart failure. And it just wasn’t getting better.
My sister Amber and I were taking care of him as his health deteriorated. Last week though, Amber was running errands for our grandmother, so yeah. I was alone. When dad called for me I thought he might need a drink or help getting to the bathroom.
Instead, he told me to sit down. He told me I needed to know the truth, the truth about the mugging and about what really happened that night.
After all of this, he’d pass in his sleep a few hours later. I can’t ask for any more details. All I can do is relay this story to you… and find out how much truth there really is to it. Below is the confession, word for word.
You know, if your mother and I weren’t in the middle of our first separation, it may have never happened. I wouldn’t have been alone in bed that night. Alone in the house, since she took your older sister with her and you were still two months out from being born. That following morning I was found on the streets, all bloodied up, pockets turned out and missing my shoes. They concluded I had been mugged. I let them maintain that conclusion.
I hadn’t even left my house the night before. It was an early night, I was tired from work. I basically passed out on the couch while the TV was on. I don’t remember if anyone broke in, if I woke up before they abducted me.
The next thing I do remember? Waking up strapped to a chair, dressed in white scrubs with electrodes plastered on my now shaved head and sitting with a circle of people in the exact same condition.
I only recognized three of the other people there, and I only knew two of their names. One of my classmates from back when I was in high school was to my right, I barely recognized Magnolia since most of the blonde hair had been shaved right off. A few patches were still plastered to her scalp, whoever had taken the razor to our heads hadn’t been the most meticulous about it. Perhaps because they had a lot to get done before we woke up.
The other two I recognized was Augusta, an older woman who lived down the street from where I grew up, and the homeless man that I usually saw begging for cash in downtown was to my left. I didn’t know his name, I only recognized him because he’d been there every day.
There were eight of us in total. The woman right across from me had smeared lipstick and a cut on her forehead, maybe the razor had slipped during her head shave. Next to her was another woman with long fake fingernails and a natural scowl that was even there when she was unconscious, like she sucked on lemons in her spare time. The most conscious of us was a middle aged guy with a few more bruises than the rest of us, I imagine he put up a fight, he was a big dude. Finally there was this portly, smaller man who didn’t need his head shaved, since he was already bald as an egg.
Magnolia began breathing faster when she came to full consciousness, glancing around wildly and in full panic. “What the fu- where am I!? What’s going on!?” She yanked at the straps, which didn’t so much as budge. “Get these things off me?! Help! Someone help!”
The burly bruised guy shushed her loudly. “Quiet down. Don’t want to alert the wrong people we’re up,” He craned his neck around to look at the room around us, it was quite bare other than the circle of people strapped to heavy duty chairs- dark brick walls, a cement floor with a drain in the center. The only light was in the center of the ceiling, and that thing was set on to bright as it could go. Everyone looked a little washed out, a little pale, sickly.
The one thing I had missed was the speaker, attached to the wall right behind my head. It crackled to life before shrieking with feedback. This definitely got everyone awake, the portly fellow moaning and bitching the loudest while the woman with smeared lipstick being the only one perfectly quiet. Her eyes I remember the most, dark and careful. She was watching everyone in the room.
“Welcome, everyone.”
Once the feedback died down, the male voice coming from it was perfectly calm, smooth. It would’ve almost been soothing if the situation surrounding it wasn’t so bizarre.
“I am the Judge.”
I flexed against the bindings experimentally. There was no coming loose from them. I was stuck there, here for whatever this ‘Judge’ had planned.
“You sit in them now because you have all committed crimes. Crimes ranging from white lies to ones that may result in… capitol punishment.”
The scowling woman’s jaw dropped. “What do you mean, capitol punishment?”
“This is my court room. Where we are, no one will hear you scream. I advise you don’t cry out unless you can’t avoid it.” The Judge didn’t even take note of the interruption. “These are my Chairs of Truth. When we are finished, you will pay for what you’ve done. If you lie or talk your way around the truth, you will be punished. We will start with you, Connie.”
The scowling woman sputtered. “How dare you! I’m not a criminal! Do you know who I am?”
“Yes. Of course I do, Connie Andrews.” The Judge sounded almost… amused. “I know everything about you. Your first question is this: where do you go every Wednesday afternoon?”
“Are you for real?” Connie looked genuinely baffled.
“We are starting with an easy question. One that has minor effect on your life, legally or illegally. Where do you go every Wednesday afternoon?”
Connie looked relieved. “Um… I get my nails done,” Her fingers tapped on the arm of her chair. “What, is that a crime?”
“We’ll come back to that. Frankie? Can I call you Frankie, Frank Smith?”
The burly guy shifted in his chair. “You can,” He decided.
“Frank, during highschool, what was the extracurricular you and your wife participated in?”
“I was a football player, she was a cheerleader.” Frank cleared his throat. “And who are you?”
The Judge quietly chuckled. “I am not important. I am here only to fulfill judgment, officer,” He cleared his throat, “Onto the next. Augusta Armstrong? How many children do you have?”
My neighbor looked terrified, shaking in her chair like a scared Chihuahua. “I have five, they’re the light of my life. Please, please, let me go,” She whimpered.
“If you answer these questions, we can see about that. Charles Nolan?”
“When I get out of here, I’m going to sue you!” The man snapped, lurching in his chair. It didn’t so much as budge, it had been bolted to the floor.
“Charles, what is your occupation? No need for specifics, you like those, I’m aware.”
“Businessman, I work for-”
Charles suddenly breathed in sharply. I had to crane my neck around the homeless guy to see what had happened. I only caught the glimpse of what looked like a sewing needle exiting Charles’ arm and going back into the chair, a pinpoint of blood beading from his skin.
Fuck. I took a better look at the chair, which I’d only assumed was a heavy duty wooden chair. Now I saw there was holes all in it, some small enough for needles to come out and jab, others thin slats that looked large enough for daggers to come out and slice through us.
“When I say something, I advise you listen,” The judge explained patiently. “Harley Scott?”
The homeless man lifted his head up. I’d never heard his name before then. It was strange, finally putting a name to the face I’d seen so often. “Yes?” He said, barely louder than a whisper.
“Harley, what branch of the military were you in, and what was your rank?”
“A-army,” Harley swallowed, “Private.”
“Edward Adkins.”
I flinched when I heard my name.
“What is the date of your wedding anniversary?”
I actually had to think for a second. My mind was running blank.
“What is the date of your wedding anniversary? Don’t make me ask a third time.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I- it’s June 6,” I managed to get out.
I felt genuine relief when he went on to Magnolia, asking what she did for some extra spending cash, and she responded that she was a babysitter. The final question was asked to the woman with smeared lipstick and careful eyes, and it asked where she lived. I don’t remember the exact address, but I know it was in a rough part of town. Part of town I’d never go, anyway.
The Judge sighed, sounding pleased with our cooperation. “Very good, so far, only one punishment had to be doled out,” He said.
“Oh go fuck yourself!” Charles snapped. This did get the needle jabbing back into his arm, right where the wound had just began to scab over.
“These questions are not going to get any easier. In fact, they will be harder. So learn to cooperate and answer truthfully now. It will save you later.”
I expected him to start going around the circle again. Instead, the voice surprised me.
“What is your occupation, Delilah?”
“Unem-” Delilah cut herself off, sighing. “I bet that’s not what you mean. Fine. Sex worker. Prostitute. Hooker. Whatever you want to call it. That what you wanted to hear?”
“Very well. Charles, how did your friend Rosemary Marshall make so much money from your company’s stock?
Charles shifted. “Good luck?” He tried to lie, so poorly though that no one was convinced.
I didn’t expect to hear the crackle of electricity and Charles’ eyes to bug out of his sockets, his teeth clamping so tight as his body jolted with electric current running through his veins. When he finally did manage to scream, he flopped back against his chair, screeching and howling at the top of his lungs. The room beforehand reeked of antiseptic, now I could detect a faint hint of urine. The rest of us sat in mostly dumb silence, the only sounds being Charles gasping for breath and Augusta crying. I certainly didn’t know how to react.
“Charles? Answer the question correctly.”
“I…” Charles swallowed. “I gave her some information… that helped her out. She’s a single mom, she needed the money!”
“Which you took a cut from. About ten thousand dollars, a high price from the single mom you claim you sympathize with. Edward?”
“How did you pass your final exam in algebra, senior year?”
I actually sighed with relief. That wasn’t nearly so bad as I expected, since I was following up on Charles’ question. “My friend helped me cheat.”
“Your friend’s name?”
“Jordan. Jordan Mills. He was a genius, he knew I needed his help. He gave me the answers.”
The Judge paused for a moment before turning on Magnolia. “And you, Magnolia? How did you pass your SATs with such high scores? Remember, I can see the rest of your grades. They’re… barely mediocre.”
“What!? They’re-” Magnolia glanced over at Charles, who still looked like a mess. “… I cheated too,” She grumbled.
“Both of you, such poor students, in the same graduating year,” The Judge tutted his tongue, “Our future generation is looking so promising already. Frankie, what happened to the cocaine from the raid on the Wolfe home?”
“It’s in evidence,” the answer came out so fast I think ‘Frankie’ didn’t even consider it a lie, and for a second I thought it wasn’t a lie either.
Then the knife came out and sliced clean through the meat of his shoulder. To his credit, Frankie just breathed in sharply, gritted his teeth and took it.
“I presume you want to change your answer?” The judge asked as the knife slid back out, blood now staining Frankie’s white scrubs.
“Mm… mmhmm,” Frankie exhaled slowly, his body shaking as his face went white. “M-me and another officer took some. S-sold it to someone we knew was a dealer.”
“Therefore putting it back on the streets that you swore to take it off of?”
“It’s different!” Frankie swallowed, his eyes fluttering shut as his shoulder continued to bleed. “The original punks were dealing to highschoolers, kids! The dealer we sold to, he only sold it to thugs who have already ruined their lives.”
“… An interesting point of view, for sure,” The Judge said. “Now, Augusta? How did you get your eldest to sleep sometimes?”
“Oh, I’d rock him to sleep,” Augusta bobbed her head up and down, “He was always so fussy, and-”
She didn’t even get a chance to finish her lie. Her whole body seized up and she screeched as the electric crackle filled the room. It wasn’t as long a shock as it was for Charles, but Augusta looked far worse for wear, gasping and coughing as she tried to calm down.
“Augusta. Stop lying.”
Augusta wailed before her head flopped forward. “A… little whiskey in his bottle… never really hurt anyone, honest, how could I ever hurt my own children?” She said.
I was blown away. Magnolia cheated on SATs, a police officer dealing drugs, and now one of the nicest neighbors on my block gave her kids alcohol so they’d sleep. Christ.
It didn’t get better. That first round wasn’t always fair, after all, all I had to answer for was a false grade, and Harley admitted he took part of a military hazing in which the poor victim had to streak across the base naked. Meanwhile Connie confessed to cheating with a married man and convincing him to leave his wife for her, only to completely blow him off once the wife took the sap for all he was worth. He couldn’t spoil her if he was broke, after all.
I only lied once, I learned quickly enough after that. It was over something stupid, about driving drunk and getting into an accident, slammed into a tree. Jordan covered for me that time too, said he was the one driving since I was tanked. I’d never been electrocuted before that day and I never wanted to again. I didn’t judge Charles for wetting his pants after that, you lose all control when you get shocked like that and that’s all I’ll say about it.
It’s amazing how often some of them chose to lie, and which ones chose not to. Delilah never once lied, completely blank faced as she told us how she robbed one of her johns of everything in his wallet because he passed out drunk or how she didn’t tell her boyfriend that she tested positive for gonorrhea, although the Judge was kind enough to inform her that it was likely him that infected her and not vice versa. Harley only lied twice, once about that hazing and another time about how he abandoned his pregnant girlfriend without even a note.
Meanwhile, Charles had to be shocked and stabbed nearly ever other question, and Augusta lied literally every time. The elderly woman I’d thought was the kindest soul admitted to so many shitty things, some things I can’t even say. All I can say is I pity those poor children of hers, with such a nightmare mom that would beat them for shattering a glass or literally calling the police on her second youngest when he brought his black girlfriend home. She had claimed the girl was trying to rob them. Actual sociopath.
We’re all devils, you know. Devils with different sins blackening our hands, tearing up our souls. No one is innocent. And the Judge knew every one of those sins, no matter how some of us tried to hide them. I wish I knew how he knew that Frankie beat a suspect to get a confession, only for it to be revealed that suspect was innocent all along. I can’t even imagine how he found out that Magnolia slashed her ex boyfriend’s tires because she was mad at him for dumping her, especially since he dumped her since she was so goddamn controlling he couldn’t even see his friends.
For that final round, we all looked fucked up. Shocked, stabbed with everything from knitting needles to steak knives, being forced to reveal our darkest secrets around people that were acquaintances at best, and most were just strangers.
“It’s time for your final question. You will only have one chance to answer this properly. We will start with Augusta.”
Augusta definitely looked the worst off. Like I said, she lied every question, sometimes even more than once. I was surprised she was still alive.
“Augusta, how did your eldest two children die?”
Augusta shakily inhaled and my heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach.
“Doctors… don’t know… I don’t either… mystery illness took my babies from me when they were just six and four years old… let me go home,” Augusta whined.
The Judge sighed.
“Augusta, that’s not the truth. And I told you, this time you would only get one chance to answer correctly.”
The door on the far end of the room and the Judge finally walked out. We finally saw his face. He was tall, well built, probably at least a little handsome, but by that time my brain felt like watery pudding so all I could do was blankly stare at him. He pushed in front of him a television connected to a VHS player, tapes stacked on top of the screen.
The Judge plucked the first tape up, showing us all the name ‘AUGUSTA’ written in black sharpie on the front. He placed the tape in the VHS player and stepped back.
It was a recording of medical documents, a lot of them. The camera panned over several paragraphs nice and slow so we could get the general gist. And that general gist? Augusta’s children would get sick for no discernible reason, but would recover at the hospital. Once they got sent back home, they’d just get sick again. And one day, they both got just too sick and passed away.
“Munchhausen’s by proxy,” The Judge said, and I saw true pain in his eyes as he stood by the wall, where eight switches were neatly lined up. Each of them had a name beneath them, our names. “What are your final words, Augusta?”
“I��” Augusta shook her head. “No, I loved my children, I really did…”
She paused to take a breath and that’s when the Judge flipped the switch.
Augusta writhed and her eyes went so wide they looked like they were going to fall out of her head. She wailed one last time before her eyes rolled back and then the only movement from her came from the electric current.
The switch was turned off and the Judge looked back at us. Then he raised his hand and had his fingers ready at Delilah’s switch.
The woman, the truthful one, finally looked up. “Yes?” She asked.
The Judge stared at her. “Your boyfriend. Calvin McLaughlin. Was his murder premeditated?”
“… Yes.” Delilah bowed her head. “… he had friends in the force. He was getting out of jail for nearly killing me, because none of them believed me. So I just waited for him to get home. I waited for him to get drunk. And I wasn’t going to wait for that first punch, so I took a baseball bat and I smashed his head in.”
There was a deathly quiet pause before the judge lowered his hand from Delilah’s switch. The Judge turned his gaze on Frankie, who went pale.
“How did your wife die, Frankie?” He asked.
Frankie, to his credit, did come off as convincing. “Car accident. She went off the road, killed her instantly,” He said.
The Judge did his best to hide any emotion to us, but I did see that look of murderous intent as he grabbed another VHS that had Frankie’s name written on it. He put it in.
Another recording of another document. An autopsy report, about how a Mrs. Nancy Smith had many injuries that were in different phases of healing. How her ribs had been broken multiple times in the past, and this time one of those rib fragments broke free and punctured her heart. Followed by that were reports, doctor’s reports about Nancy’s many visits to the hospital, all for ‘accidents’.
“Was Nancy that clumsy, Frankie?” The Judge asked quietly. “I highly doubt it. Your last words?”
“You don’t understand!” Frankie blurted out. “No one seems to understand how hard our job is, what we see! It takes a toll! It’s not my fault that Nancy didn’t get it-”
I turned away from this electrical death, and when I heard the electrical chair powered down I looked up to see a froth bubbling from the dead cop’s lips, his dead eyes staring at the now flickering light on the ceiling.
“Connie Andrews?”
Connie slowly looked up at the Judge, her face twisted in rage.
“Where did you get the poison for all of the husbands you killed?”
“Fuck you,” She spat at him, saliva landing on his clean white shirt. The Judge simply wiped it off, picked up another tape that no doubt had her name on it, and put in the VHS player.
This time it wasn’t a document, it was a woman exiting a nail salon and heading into a small drug store that happened to be right next door. It was clear the video was taken from someone’s car. Connie exited the store about ten minutes later with a small bag. A newspaper was raised in front of the camera, revealing the date.
“This was two days before your third husband mysteriously passed in his sleep. Your last words?”
Connie went white as The Judge raised his hand for her switch. “No, wait! Don’t do it! I’ll give you whatever you want! I’ll confess! I’ll tell the truth!” She yelped.
Click. The acrid smell of Connie’s fake fingernails melting was so bad it made my head spin.
Magnolia shook her head wildly as The Judge went to her switch next. “I never hurt anyone! What the hell are you doing?!” She screamed, thrashing about so wildly I thought she might actually tear an arm free.
“What did you tell your boyfriend, Zachary Cullen, to do before he shot and killed himself?” The Judge’s stare.
“That… that wasn’t my fault!” Magnolia shook her head again and again, the strap holding her head in place actually coming loose. “How was that my fault?!”
The Judge held up a finger before pulling a voice recorder from his pocket. “This doesn’t need video,” He said simply before he hit play.
The conversation I heard… I can’t repeat it. It was too terrible. Magnolia telling her boyfriend again and again how worthless he was, how he was such a pathetic waste of space, and how she couldn’t wait for him to kill himself because that was the only good thing he’d ever do for himself.
The recording ended with a gunshot. The Judge cocked his head to the side.
“Your last words?”
“How was that my fault!?” Was all she wrote. Being right next to the person being shocked, it’s… it’s so disgusting. I could smell the burning hair and skin, hear every garbled sound that ripped its way out of her throat as she jolted and contorted in horrifying ways.
Charles moaned loudly as The Judge approached the switch. “Don’t. Don’t ask,” He said, even though he knew what would happen.
“Charles? Last month, early morning. Rushing to work because you were late. Did anything happen on that drive?”
Charles didn’t even speak, he just shook his head.
Another tape was taken off the VHS player, the Judge flashing the front to show off Charles’ name.
This was from a traffic cam. A couple was walking across the street, probably the same age your mother and I were at the time. The collision happened so fast, the car slammed into them and sent the man flying over the hood while the woman was crushed under the car. The car stopped for a moment, just a moment, and I recognized the bald head that poked its way out of the window. Just for a second.
And then he zoomed off, leaving the bodies broken and bleeding in the street.
“Mr. Oscar Long was dead on arrival, but Miss Hannah Garcia? She took longer to die, and she suffered for every minute of it. Do I even need to ask for your last words?”
“It was just an accident!” Charles wailed.
I don’t need to describe what happened next. I’m sure you know by now. Another human being electrocuted to death, executed by the expressionless Judge.
Harley sighed shakily as The Judge looked at him. “And?” was all the Judge said.
“… I know what I did was wrong.” Harley admitted, his head bowed before he raised it and looked at The Judge. “So I will not be confessing today, Judge. I know what I deserve.”
The Judge paused and I caught a glimpse of something. Sympathy. “Being apart of the massacre of a village of innocent people and then covering it up. The act of a cowardly soldier. So, I believe this is the bravest thing you’ve ever done.”
“Just end it already,” Harley said, his eyes closing as he prepared for the shock.
“I won’t make you suffer.”
For a moment, I thought the Judge might have an inkling of mercy in him. Instead, he crossed the room of corpses and grabbed Harley’s head. It was so efficient, the twist of his head, the snap of his neck. Harley was dead in less time than it takes to finish a sentence. Perhaps it was mercy in the Judge’s mind. It was certainly quicker than what the others went through, that was for sure.
The only people left that were still alive in that room were me, Delilah, and The Judge. I was the only one left who had a final question. He went to his switches. I knew what he was going to ask.
“Why did you kill Jordan Mills, Edward?”
I took a deep breath.
“Because I was in love with his girlfriend. And she wouldn’t give me a second look as long as Jordan was alive.”
“And the girlfriend?”
“We’re now married. Have a daughter. We have another kid on the way.”
Delilah stared at me, probably shook that someone else confessed their most dirty secret, their most wicked of sins. The Judge nodded.
“And with that, court is adjourned.” The Judge left the room, coming back a moment later with two needles. He jabbed one into Delilah’s neck, the woman’s eyes flickering as she fell unconscious.
“Why did you do this?” I asked as the Judge walked up to me, tilting my head to the side with the hands he’d just used to murder six people.
“So you never do it again,” The Judge hissed before the needle entered my neck.
The next thing I know I’m lying on the street, cops are all around me, asking if I was okay and what happened. I was back in the clothes I’d fallen asleep with, the only sign that anything that had happened was the bruises on my wrists and the memories.
Oh, I know, you never expected me to have taken a life too. I regret it. Jordan was… kind to me. It was a moment of rage, something not at all planned out. I was just lucky no one ever found the body until it was too decomposed to really tell anything. Everyone assumed he fell off the hiking trail and hit his head on the way down, causing his death.
I paid for it my own way, of course. Ever since that night in the Chair of Truth, I’ve practically been a saint. Paid my taxes, watched my words, donated time and money to help others, and even when your mother finally left me for good, I never held it against her.
Why? Well, it’s hard to do anything wrong when you know someone’s gone through your life with a fine tooth comb. The fact someone is still watching me, no matter what I do, and I feel if I ever slipped up again, I’d wake up in the Chair, and next time I’d not get away so easily.
And I hope, my son, that you learn from my mistakes… that no matter how well you hide your sins, you will be found out, whether in the afterlife or this one.
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raisedbythetv89 · 11 months
I’m seeing a post saying “Riley isn’t terrible he’s just a 23 year old guy” and to that I say let’s look at a brief summary of his behavior,
Riley: That girl is weird but everyone around me likes her which is strange to me but I guess I like her?? Literally completely unaware of his feelings then later:
No buffy you’re stupid. Me, who didn’t know my own feelings and couldn’t even approach you without going to your friend for advice and help first, knows you better than you. I don’t care about your past heartbreak you should stop being afraid and try again because I said so without knowing literally anything about it or you
Pulls a gun on angel when literally the only person a gun would hurt is Buffy and just ASSUMES Buffy cheated on him without confirming anything first and starts acting like a lunatic and then instead of taking accountability he blames how strong he feels about buffy as a justifiable reason for behaving erratic and dangerous
Says shit like “I don’t even know if I can take you” when he learns about what an impressive slayer she is. When both spike and angel have said buffy IS STRONGER THAN THEM so no Riley you cannot take her…. Always disregarding her strength and the importance of her calling
Sleeps with Faith/Buffy because he refuses to take Buffy’s warnings about her seriously and so isn’t on high alert for anything that could be off and doesn’t even hesitate when buffy is acting SUPER WEIRD. Make all the excuses you want, her boyfriend should have known something was wrong and waited to be intimate until he figured out what was wrong
Continually victim blames buffy for everything that happens with Dracula and not believing she didn’t secretly want it because of “her history with angel”
Recreates angel trauma of basically threatening suicide and being willing to die in front of her while heavily implying this is her fault because he cannot STAND the idea of being weak around her, making her think he wishes she wasn’t the slayer, adding to her growing insecurities WHILE HER MOTHER IS SICK
Then is shocked and surprised she’s not this super emotional woman always falling apart in his arms when things get hard with her mother when she’s been the strong one for the family and her friend group AND THE WORLD for five years at this point and has literally died - again showing he doesn’t want or understand the slayer. Also why would she ever depend on someone with such a fragile ego who has lost it on SEVERAL occasions during the course of their relationship (how he handled maggie’s attempt on Buffy’s life and discovering spike, threatening the woman in the demon bar while buffy is BEGGING him to calm down, ignoring a fatal health condition for ego, handling the whole angel thing and drac HORRIBLY like if you’re a normal person sure whatever but you fought to date the slayer you gotta be better than this under pressure dude) Riley does not have the mental or physical strength to support her and then is like “why won’t you let me support you??” Like bro bsffr you can’t and you not understanding that is a PROBLEM.
Further proving how unreliable he is while she is dealing with a sick mother, glory, school, and just her general Slayer duties he puts her and her entire family at risk by going to the suck house (could you imagine the harm that could have been done if someone knew he was the slayers bf and turned him) because he needs to feel “needed” when he IS and WAS needed by buffy but just not in the ways he wanted so he had a whole ass tantrum and betrayed buffy in literally the worst way imaginable and being SUCH a hypocrite after he talked sooooo much about buffy having a thing for vampires and then blames her and spike for his own failings and selfish choices!
And then when he should be groveling for forgiveness he’s like you have to talk to me because I’m leaving unless we talk and you forgive me which is SOOOO fucked up. Like I cheated on you and betrayed you and put you and your family at risk but if you don’t forgive me immediately and accept blame for my failures I’m leaving you and going where I’m NEEDED. Because he is an actual child throwing a tantrum
And don’t even get me STARTED on as you were 🤢
He is constantly making buffy feel like she is wrong, bad, too strong, too distant, stupid and when he cheats on her, completely worthless and like everything bad in his life is somehow her responsibility to fix instead of his.
The fans have such a strong reaction to him because he is never called out or properly held accountable/villainized for all the harm he causes to buffy in the show and that lack of accountability causes all of us to feel a very justifiable outrage. So no we aren’t overreacting he has MANY crimes that go far beyond an average man in his 20’s
Basically, man tells woman she doesn’t know what she’s talking about and then is very upset and takes it out on woman over and over again when it turns out she did know what she was talking about. He succcckkkkksssss
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wrenwrights · 7 months
My Konig Headcanons (Konig's Past)
First off, I'd like to thank everyone who read and enjoyed Afterlife. That was my first work on Ao3, and I really appreciate all of the Kudos and Comments. I checked my Ao3 and nearly jumped out of my computer chair, I was proud and excited that people liked my little one-shot. Again, thank you guys so much!
Since I started working on my little project, I've had to develop Konig's character since the fandom has given so little information on him. But, dear reader, that's honestly never stopped me before. So here is the headcanons/backstory I've got for Konig so far. It goes from childhood up to the point of meeting the main character. Now! Onto the headcanons! I'd like to mention first that these headcanons are specifically for the fic that I'm working on, and many are in no way to cannon to the actual lore of Call of Duty.
Konig's life before the military was a normal, caring one; his mother and father loved each other dearly. His sister (Sophia) was Konig's protector, walking him to and from school. His father was his idol, taking him hiking or wood working every Sunday. His mother was Konig's greatest love; she made Konig feel better when his classmates teased him.
And oh, how the other children teased him. At six, Konig was already about as tall as his eleven-year-old sister and weighed almost twice as much. He was just a big, sweet goofball of a child who knew why other kids laughed at him but didn't really understand why. His father used to frown at the sight of Konig's tears, patting his shoulder and saying, "Everything will be okay, buddy." Konig didn't have a lot of friends; actually, Sophia was his only friend, so his father's little pet name for him was like a soothing bandage over his lonely heart.
Then, Konig's father left when he was ten. No notice, no call, no apology; he just didn't come home from work one day. It tore the only life Konig had ever known out from under his feet. His sister shut down, distancing herself from Konig. His mother cried all the time. Konig couldn't believe that his father was just... gone. Not dead, gone. It was a fact he couldn't accept, and he'd ask his mother over and over if his father had called or was even home.
His father never came back, and Konig had to learn that tears solved nothing in life.
The military was where Konig really felt he flourished. He joined at 17, not really knowing what else to do with his life. He found some kind of peace and simplicity even during drills and operations, and he was good at it. Good at carrying out his orders, a good fighter, a good soldier. The military did something to him; it taught him how to deal with his anxiety, how to build up walls to keep everything inside, hidden almost.
He quickly went from a quiet soldier to a cocky and, dare say, arrogant man quickly rising in his ranks. His new mask certainly helped, not only with his own confidence but with his intimidating presence.
He'd tried hard to become a recon sniper, knowing that his sharp eyes and intellect were perfect for the position, but Konig's superiors looked at his size and saw another use for him. They used him as an insertion specialist, essentially a human battering ram that could slam his way through doors and tear through the battlefield. Often, Konig's handiness skills were used in human trafficking situations, breaking prisoners from their cells. It wasn't a job Konig detested, but with every mission, something weighed heavy on him. In many cases, the people he freed were scared of him, refusing to go anywhere near the giant man who had just ripped a door off of its hinges. Not that Konig blamed them. He had done things on the battlefield, seen things, had made decisions that had been detrimental to his team.
At some point, Konig joined KorTac, as a contractor. Taking missions for the highest bidder and leading his team (occasionally Konig took missions from Task Force 141 when they paid high enough). This is where Konig can say he met his first friend, Kim "Horangi" Hong-Jin. They were an unstoppable team. Konig became known for his ability in warfare strategy and his skills on the battlefield. The other operators respected Konig for his skills, his rank.
And this is where Konig meets the main character. I want Konig's romantic headcanons to be a different post, so for now, I'll leave it as is. Thank you, dear reader, for enjoying my Konig headcannons! I'm still working on my little project; every day, I get a little more done with it, and I'm so excited for it to finally be finished I'm shaking.
Until Next Time,
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katierosedreams2 · 1 year
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My mother, Charlotte, is a strong, beautiful, smart, hard-working woman. When she was finishing high school she was one of the top students in her school, even though she worked after school and every weekend helping her mother clean houses. Somehow, she even managed to have a boyfriend during that time too. 
She is incredibly beautiful, and she knew that. As a result, their relationship wasn’t serious. She didn’t want to tie herself down to some guy. She knew what she wanted, that was to marry a very rich man, and live a life of luxury and wealth, never having to work! Her plans were interrupted when she got pregnant. The young man wanted nothing to do with it, and neither did her mother. She was told that by the time she gave birth, she would be out of the house. 
As a girl who had literally turned 18 only days before, this news was devastating. She devoted all of her free time to finding the man she could use to make her dreams come true. She couldn’t find exactly what she was looking for, but when she met Mr Robert Miller, an incredibly wealthy man who liked women more then most anything else, she had hope.
Mr Robert Miller, or Mr Miller, or Master, as he is mostly addressed by my mother and myself, is a man that in most every way represents the tall, wealthy, good-looking playboy who will never seem to run out of money and loves women. When my mother met him he was already on his fourth divorce and had more girlfriends and one-night stands than you could count. He owns a very large property on a hill top overlooking the ocean that resembled that of a modern day fantasy.
Everything about his property, his possessions, and himself reflected the never ending flow of money he possessed. He was well educated, well spoken, and well dressed. He has all he could ever want, and now, thanks to his most recently divorced wife, he has a son. Mr Robert Miller jr, Mr Robert, or Master Robert is what myself and my mother address him by. He was only two years old when my mother first met both of them. 
My mother was delighted when she approached his huge mansion, a symbol of the wealth that this man possessed, and  was interviewed by him for the position. She did not get shy when he started asking her to do inappropriate, sexual, things. He made it very clear that servicing him in all ways was what he required. She was delighted to hear this, she was hoping she could please him well enough and often enough that she could trick him into marriage, and continue on with her dream.   
He offered her a job as his live-in maid for his incredibly large estate, with specific duties. She had to keep the place clean and organized obviously. She also had to keep herself in great physical shape, her makeup, nails, and hair must always be done. She was to wear whatever he commanded as well as perform any other duties he desired, without question. She couldn’t believe she was actually getting this opportunity. She was so excited she was going to get to use this man for his money and make her dreams come true! 
In her excitement she failed to read all of the fine print. Part of the contract stated they could never marry one another. Well, she didn’t find this out till I was almost a year old. She was very mad when she found out, but made sure Master never knew how she felt. Instead, she started to create a plan.  She had me shortly after her employment started. Master was very kind and understanding and expected less of her as she got closer to having me. And even gave her a whole month off to recover.
I was a very small baby, and my mother put on almost no weight when she was pregnant with me. But she didn’t let that stop her. She got into even better shape after having me, working out after her duties and in between taking care of me. Her duties had also become incredibly sexual. He was calling on her to be his slutty maid several times a day. She was to go right back to what she was doing once he was done, required to leave his cum on or in her, until her day was done or instructed otherwise. 
She started to like getting used by Master and whoever he commanded. She was starting to actually enjoy the life of a slutty maid to a wealthy man. He let her live on his large property, in her own place in the back. It was a beautiful little home that was stunning and mimicked the architecture of the larger home. He paid her well enough to buy most of the things she needed, but most of it he would pay for outright. “work expense” he would call it. This included our food, our car, and most of my mother's clothes, shoes, makeovers, makeup and other beauty supplies. Anything he thought she looked good in and he would like to fuck her in, he would pay for it. 
He would also take her, and me, on his trips to tend to his needs. He had his own private jet and two yachts in different parts of the world. But whenever he didn’t need us, our time was our own. Same at home. Each day my mom would wake him up if he requested to be woken at a specific time. She then cleaned his bedroom, and would handle any woman who might still be there from the night before. 
She would make his breakfast, and then clean any part of the large estate that needed cleaning. If master didn’t call on her more, or had no special instructions for later, then she was excused and free to do whatever she pleased. It wasn’t exactly her dream, but it would do for now.
During her time cleaning she was thinking of how she could get his money. Then, one day, she was cleaning up after young Master Robert and the thought struck her, she couldn’t marry Master, but there was nothing that said I couldn’t marry Master Robert and my mother could get her wealth through me. 
I was only around a year old then, and when my mother made up her mind, she went all in. I was no longer referred to as her son, I was her child, or even her daughter. She made sure to never use any male pronouns. I was to grow up being a her, not a him. I would never be a man. A woman or a sissy was my destiny. She even legally changed my name from Oliver to Olivia so it would never be a mistake to myself or anyone else. 
Fortunately for her, master never asked about me, so when she started to reference me as a girl, he didn’t even notice the change. She had no one else in her life to notice the change either. My upbringing was a quiet and strict one. I learned to be very quiet as an infant so mother could watch over me as she worked. I was not allowed to cry or make a lot of noise in the master house. Master didn’t like children and would only tolerate his own son’s noises. 
My mother only had me wear gender neutral clothes, if not something girly. But she made sure it was never anything princess. I wasn’t a princess, I was a servant, I was meant to look pretty and serve. What I was to serve I didn’t know yet, but I would later learn it was men. 
My hair was long and pretty and I was often mistaken as a girl. As I started school, my differences from a normal girl had become obvious. I was a little confused when I was told I had to go to the little boys' room when I had to go potty and that when we separated into boys and girls for activities I had to be with the boys. I looked and acted just like the girls. This caused me to be made fun of, bullied, and humiliated by all of the boys. When I brought this up to my mom, she explained that’s ok, and that they were real boys. Real boys get treat girls like me this way.
So I just let it happen and got used to it. I never got to be that close to any of the girls either. I felt isolated and sad. But when I got home from school, my mom always made me feel loved and pretty. She taught me how to dance and stay in shape. I loved working out with her. She also thought me how to do make-up, hair, nails, and skin care. And our time playing dress up I really cherished and enjoyed. I wasn’t aloud to wear skirts in school, but every day I got home I was to only wear skirts. I had gotten used to them and perfected them to pants.
Mother also taught me how to cook, clean, do laundry, sew, and other womanly duties as she put it. As I got a little older in late elementary, my mother decided to pull me out of school for home schooling. I also went to see a special doctor and was supposed to take special medicine every day. I did online school when my mother worked. I started dressing much more girly then, and eventually all of my gender-neutral clothes were outgrown and not replaced. 
The only child I interacted with was Master Robert. I was to refer to him as that, always. He was superior to me and my mother made sure I knew that, and so did he. He loved to humiliate and make fun of me. Telling me I wasn’t a real boy and would never be a man. That I was a sissy! But he was also nice to me a lot. We were the only ones each other had to be friends. And though all the teasing and abuse, we had a good friendship. 
We would play together and spend a lot of time together. When we all traveled, we did most of the activities together. When my mother was called upon to please Master, Master Robert and I would just play together. He would always boss me around and humiliate me, but I always did what he said without question, just like mother taught me.
When I turned ten, my mom got me a small metal thing as one of my gifts. She said good girls don't touch their clittys, so this will teach me not to. She locked it on my little clitty. It was very tight and uncomfortable at first. When I asked her why I had to wear it, she replied it would make me a better girl. Something I wanted to do. She told me that’s how boys would treat me better. The better and more of a girl I was, the better I would be treated. So I didn’t question my chastity from that moment on. 
Once I started staying home for school, my mother also started to have me “apprentice” as a maid. I was to keep our little home clean. She showed me how to do all of her work. I was to be dressed in the appropriate uniform, from the dress and apron to the heels, stockings, and lingerie. She was strict in her teaching. She did give me time to learn how to do each thing right, but once it was learned, there was no excuse for it to not be done properly. My list of responsibilities grew slowly at home, but they must always be done.
My punishments were very strict as well. She would spank me very hard and for so long I could hardly sit. Or she would make me spend long periods of time wearing heels till I was dying to sit down, but I wasn’t allowed to. A few times she even combined them so it hurt to sit and stand. I was already very obedient by that point in my life, so my mistakes came from forgetfulness instead of a bad attitude. She knew that, but also knew that I must learn. She and I were both glad that I hardly made mistakes. 
And soon the punishment of making me wear heels went away. I have already been required by mother to wear them longer and longer each day, and now I don’t own a single pair of shoes that aren’t heels. Even my slippers have a heel on them! The only time I’m not in my heels is when I’m showering or sleeping. None of mine are as tall or as pretty as mothers, she said those I can wear when I’m older.
As I started puberty, I started having pain in my little clitty cage. It would hurt so bad, and I’d get this funny feeling, like I needed to touch my clitty, but couldn’t. I was getting really distracted by it. It caused me to start making mistakes both at my school work and with my chores. After several mistakes in a short period of time, my mother asked what was going on. 
I was too embarrassed to tell her but she was so stern, I knew I’d be in trouble either way. I cried as I told her about the pain in my little clitty and how I wanted to touch it but couldn’t. She seemed to understand in some way, but reminded me that I was never to touch my clitty. That’s why it was locked up, for my own good. But she said the doctor could help with the pain. 
The doctor had me take two pills a day now, and that helped make the pain go away. But I was still feeling the urge to touch my clitty. Mother sat me down one day and told me I’m growing up and becoming a good sissy girl, but when I get that urge I need to use what girls use. She handed me a box wrapped in pretty pink paper. I opened it up and gasped at what I saw. It was a huge penis shaped thing! I have seen girls use things like this a few times in some of the videos I saw Master watching. I wasn’t supposed to see them, but I liked how pretty the girls were, the way the guys liked them I envied. 
My mother explained that I was to use lots of lube, which was also in the box, and sick it up my butt, and go back and forth with it till I felt relief. But before I was to do that, I had to put it in my mouth as far as I could and have it go in and out for at least twenty minutes before I could go up my bum. That’s how good girls masterbate, she said. I asked if this is what she did, because she was a good girl. She said yes, but hers is much much bigger and that as I get older I’ll get bigger ones too. I was really nervous about this, but I trusted my mother and I had to do as I was told. 
I noticed something else in the box. It looked like my cage, but even smaller. I helped it gently in my painted fingertips, mother explained how, as I get bigger “toys” my cage needs to get smaller.  She then produced the key for mine, and told me I can’t see this happen. I was to stand in place, hold my skirt up, with a blindfold over my eyes. I could feel mother carefully unlocking my old cage. She told me I was being a good girl and that my clitty was looking very good and healthy. She then started to put the new cage on. It hurt so badly and squeezed everything so tight. I started to cry from the pain. Mother locked it up and told me not to move. I heard her walk away, her heels clicking off into the other room.
I stood there for some time, I felt exposed with my skirt up in my heels. I thought about the gift I had just received. I was already excited about trying it out. Mother's heels approached and I was told to pull up my panties, remove my blindfold, straighten my skirt out and get back to my chores. 
As I worked, I noticed it now wasn’t even noticeable under my skirt. And later I peeked under my skirt to see that my panties were almost completely flat. You’d hardly even know there was anything there. 
That was about a year and a half ago now. I’m thirteen and a half and my mother said I can start helping her on the weekend take care of the master house, as well as continuing my chores at home. Today is a very big day. Not only will I start my first real day as a maid, but Master Robert is returning from his time at boarding school. He’s been gone for almost a year. It was noticeably lonelier with him gone. 
I did my hair and makeup just as mother had instructed. I did get to pick out my own uniform. I picked one of my prettiest dresses. My mother got me this one for my birthday. I had to beg her to let me wear some of her fishnet stockings when I saw that’s what she was wearing today. mother's dresses are always pretty, with shiny material, and usually much shorter then mine too. She also wears much taller heels that I wish I could wear, but mother said I have to wait till I’m older. I usually wear sheer stockings, which I do love. Bit I wanted to look like mother as much as I could. She was clearly hesitant, but with a sigh she said she would let me, since I was so excited about it. 
I also picked out my tallest heels I own. I also got them for my birthday, just to try to be more like mother! I had to remove my jewelry, mother said that it is only to be worn if Master approves it. Since I am only a child, and mothers helper, not Masters maid, I am not to wear it. Before we left to walk up to the Master house mother looked me over, smiled, and quietly said, “You look so pretty Olivia.” This warmed my heart. My mother doesn’t complement me often, so it meant so much to me. “Thank you mother, I just hope when I grow up I’ll be as pretty as you are.”  My mother seemed truly complemented by my words, and then she hurried us off to work.
I felt butterflies in my stomach as we walked up to the house, our heels clicking in unison. I reached up and held mother's hand as we walked. It had been quite some time since I had been in the master house, and as it grew closer its huge size became more and more grand. I also knew that somewhere inside it's ginormous structure was Master Robert, I was unsure how our reunion would go. 
I wondered how he had changed, and what he would now think of me? Would he like me? Would he still want to spend time with me? I wasn’t sure, and very nervous about it. As soon as we entered the house, mother sent me straight to work. She had already given me my duties for the day. I headed straight for the billiards room to start dusting the blinds. I worked and did as best of a job as I could, just like mother taught me. I moved from one room to the next, focused on my duties. 
Around lunch time, my mother found me cleaning one of the back bathrooms. She told me we needed to touch up our makeup quickly and then get ready to serve Master and his lady guest by the pool. I then followed my mother to the kitchen where the cook who also lived in the grounds, Nina, had prepared three drinks and had them set on a beautiful silver platter. I hadn’t seen Nina in years. She’s an older lady that Master hired for her cooking, not her looks. She lived on a completely different side of the ground. We hardly ever saw her. My mothers and her relationship was purely professional. They most certainly were not friends. 
“Thank you Nina, was there anything else Master called for?” My mother asked in her smooth, soothing voice. Nina just frowned and shook her head. “Tell him his lunch will be ready in forty-five minutes, and that Master Robert still has yet to inform me of what he wants.” Her voice sounded harsh and bitter compared to my mother. “Of course Nina, I believe Master Robert is with his father at the pool, I will remind him that he should let you know what he wants.”
My mother grabbed the tray and then looked at herself in the mirror. She was making sure everything was perfect. Once she was satisfied, she headed through the back door and to the pool. I followed behind her, admiring the way she walked, swaying her hips in such a mesmerizing way. I did my best to copy her. Her voice interrupted my attempt at mirroring her. “Olivia sweetie, go and get three pool towels from the pool shed and then hurry back to catch up with me. I’ll slow down only a little.” 
I didn’t waste a second, I hurried to the shed trying to move as fast as I could in my heels but still walk like mother did. I grabbed the three towels and hurried back to catch mother. She had moved father then I had thought. Fortunately, the pool was near the back of the property, so it could better overlook the ocean. I almost had to run to catch mother, my heels clicking loudly as I went. Mother turned to look at me, she could hear me coming up. I could tell she was studying my movements. 
Once I caught up to her she immediately started off again. I kept walking to hear what she was to say. “Nicely done sweetie, you did just as I have taught you. A woman never runs in heels, and the very best a dainty trot is allowed. You did very well there, just remember to sway your hips, even then.” She walked so fast as she spoke. “Thank you mother, I will make sure to work on it.” 
As we walked down the final steps to the pool, I could see Master reclined under the awning of the pool house. Next to him was a beautiful woman who looked like a super model. The typical woman master is interested in. She was in a beautiful bikini, her hair and make up perfect, her bright red lips matched her bikini. She looked over at us once she heard us coming from overtop her sunglasses. I could tell she was intrigued as to who and why this young maid was following the beautiful, almost pornographic maid. 
“Roby, our drinks are here.” I could just hardly hear her say. Master, who had seemed to be lost in thought, looking out at the ocean, turned to see us as we approached. He looked so handsome as his tan skin hardly concealed in his very short swim trunks. His large strong frame took up much of the chair he was lying on. A stark contrast to the tall skinny girl by his side. My mother leaned over to display Master's drink on the plater for him to take. Her breasts almost popping out of her dress into his face and her butt sticking up in the air. I could see her panties from under her short skirt. I also noticed the woman next to Master staring at mother as well. A mixture of jealousy, admiration, and I guess arousal in her eyes.
“Thanks Charlotte.” He said softly to my mother in his deep voice as he took his drink. “Of course Master.” My mother replied in a very seductive way. The way she almost always talked to Master. She then walked over to the other woman, her moves just as seductive. She displayed the tray in just the same way to the woman. Something she has learned from years of Masters requirements. The woman gently took the drink from the tray, sipped on the straw in a way to match my mother's seductiveness. This caught Masters' attention.
“Thank you Charlotte.” Replied the woman. “Of course Ms. Jane.” My mother returned, both women speaking in a seductive way. “Will there be anything else I can do for you Master? Ms. Jane?” My mother stood in such a way that made her seem so innocent. Master looked over at me, realizing a child was present. “No, that’s fine Charlotte.” 
This shifted Ms. Janes attention to me as well. She looked me up and down, I could feel her judging me as she did. “And who is this?” She questioned my mother, her seductive tone gone as she noticed Masters now lost interest. “That’s my child, Olivia. She is learning how to be a maid on her weekends. This is her first day working at the Master house and serving Master, his family, and his guests.” She replied, her seductive tone also lost. The way they spoke it was obvious they had met before. Possibly even spent some time together. 
“I hope she’s not doing everything her mother is doing.” She said, staring daggers at my mother, making it very obvious she didn’t approve that I would share my mother's provocative relationship with Master. “That is my child Ms.Jane, I would never subject a child to such a thing.” I could tell she wanted to yell but held her tone well. This seemed to satisfy Ms. Jane on the matter and she moved on as though it had never happened. “How old is she?”
“She is thirteen, which reminds me. Olivia, hunny, go and find Master Robert and tell him Nina wants to know what he likes for lunch. Master, as regards to your lunch, Nina said it would be ready in about thirty minutes from now.” I hurried off to find Master Robert and didn’t hear any more of their conversation. 
I noticed he wasn’t in the pool, so maybe he was in the pool house. I went inside and didn’t see him right away. Master has converted his pool house into his gym, so you can look out on the beautiful view. I did notice that the bathroom light was on, so I assumed Master Robert must be using it. I checked myself in one of the various mirrors. I felt like I looked pretty, but would Master Robert think so?  I wondered what he looked like, how much had he changed?
Just then the door to the bathroom flew open. I jumped,startled, I turned around. There in the doorway he stood, even taller than when I had last seen him. He seemed older, more manly. He was just in his swim trunks and I could see his body had been getting muscular and strong. He just stared at me. I dropped my head, my hands over one another in front of me. I felt so judged and nervous. I sheepishly walked a few steps closer, my heels clicking loudly in the small space. “Hello Master Robert.” I spoke quietly, almost shaking from my nerves. 
“Hey Olivia.” He spoke back, his deep tone seeming empty of emotion, I searched his face, desperate to find a clue as to how he felt about seeing me. “It’s been a while. You look so handsome.” I cut myself off. HOW COULD I HAVE SAID THAT?!? IM SO EMBARRASSED!! “Thanks, I know.” His confidence was obvious, he really did know it. “Still a little sissy girl I see?” His words cut like a knife. “Your a maid now too? When did that start?” He works dripping with how obvious how pathetic he thought I was.
I wanted to cry and run away. I looked down, trying to hide the tears forming in my eyes. “Today is my first day.” I almost whispered. “Sir, today is my first day sir. I’ll let that slide since it’s your first mistake, but not again. Do you understand?” His deep voice stern and dominating. “SIR, yes sir. I’m sorry sir.” I could hardly get out, I felt so small and helpless compared to him. He chuckled a little. “Good! Being a maid fits you little sissy girl!” He thought it was so amusing how pathetic, weak, and submissive I was compared to him. 
“Thank you sir.” My small delicate voice almost getting lost in the room. “Nina would like to know what you would like for lunch sir.” I had almost forgotten my duty. I just wanted to run to my room and cry. For some reason my little clitty was tingling in its tiny cage, begging me to touch it. This, of course, made me want to stick my toy in my mouth and butt. My face turning beet read from the humiliation and conflict of emotions, fortunately Master Robert didn’t notice because he was texting the kitchen so Nina would know what he would like. 
I just stood there, almost frozen in place. He looked up at me, studying my face, then down all the way to my feet, back up to my face. “Olivia, get the door for me will you?”  I walked to the door, my mind fuzzy with all of my jumbled up thoughts and feelings. I felt like I had my heart stomped on. My only friend, and crush, didn’t like me anymore. I opened the door and held it for him. As he walked by, he reached down and gave me a hard slap on my butt. It stung and I jumped slightly. “You know your kind of pretty for a sissy.” He spoke quietly as he walked out. 
My heart skipped a beat. DID HE REALLY JUST CALL ME PRETTY?!?! This just gave me more questions than it did answers. I couldn’t help but smile! HE CALLED ME PRETTY!! I walked out to meet with my mother. She could tell I was trying not to smile, reading me like a book and immediately knew what was going through my head. She smiled, she now knew for sure, her plan was working.
“Olivia sweetie, please help Ms. Jane get ready for lunch. Then return to your chores.” As my mother spoke, she did all she could to hide her joy. “Yes mother.” I spoke, also trying to hide my feelings. I followed Ms. Jane to the changing room by the pool. I stood outside until I heard her call. “Come in”, her pretty voice echoing. I opened the door and saw her standing in just her panties, her bikini and towel on the bench. “Yes ma’m?” I asked, admiring her beautiful body. 
She noticed me staring, looked down at herself and asked, “What do you think?” “You look stunning Ms. Jane. I hope I can look as pretty as you when I’m older.” I truly meant that, and she could tell. “Thank you sweetie, what was your name again?” She spoke sweetly. “Olivia” I meekly replied. She started getting dressed, motioning me to fasten her bra. “Olivia, that’s a pretty name. You like Jr don’t you?”  I almost froze, “h-how, wh-what makes you think that?” I could hardly get that out. 
She smiled as she stepped into her skirt. “I used to be a young girl too. I can tell.” My face red with blush. “Except your not like most girls are you?” Well that took the color right out of my face, how did she know?! “Haha that’s ok hunny, I overheard what Jr said. I never would have known otherwise. You're a very pretty sissy girl.” Her tone soft and comforting. I didn’t know what to say as I zipped up her skirt. “So has your mother been raising you as a girl your whole life?” She started to get her top on. “Yes.” She looked at me, right in my eyes, her mood turning serious “Is this what you want?” I never even considered anything different. “I hadn’t thought about it, but I wouldn’t change it.” 
She smiled, “Well then, be the best sissy girl you can be! Help me with my shoes.” She sat down on the bench and held out her foot. As I worked to get her pretty heels on she continued “You know I have a young nephew, his parents arent interested in him at all. Maybe I’ll make him a sissy girl too. Does Robby know youre a sissy girl?” She spoke as she switched feet. “Yes, but he only refers to me as a girl.” I could tell she was thinking, “Does he know you like his son?” This question made me nervous. “I don’t know, I hope not. I hope Master Robert doesn’t know either! I’d be far too embarrassed.”
“Well, don’t worry, I won’t tell them. That’ll stay just between us girls. I think Jr likes you though.” She spoke with such confidence. “What!? Really!?” I couldn’t tell why she thought that. “Did he treat you badly, make fun of you, and then compliment you?” She smirked. I just nodded my head, how did she know this? “That’s what young boys do when they like a girl. They are all a little silly, to afraid to show how they feel, but their hearts are desperate to show it.” She seemed happy to inform me of this. “Really?!” I couldn’t believe it! 
We both stood up. “Is there anything more I may do for you, Ms. Jane?” I smiled. She smiled back. “No, that’s all Olivia.” I started to leave. “You have a good mom, she is a very beautiful woman and knows how to keep a man very happy. And she’s raised you to be a very good, very beautiful young girl.” Her words seemed sincere. “Thank you Ms. Jane.” I curtsied and walked to the main house to return to my chores. 
As I entered the magnificent house, my mother spotted me from down the hall. “Olivia!” She spoke loudly. I turned to face her. “Olivia, Master Robert has called for you to bring his lunch to his room. Be a good girl and serve him until he dismisses you. Then return to your chores. I’ll come find you if anything more is needed of you. Keep working until I tell you we are done for the evening. OK?” I could tell she was in a hurry. “Yes mother! Ms. Jane said Master Robert might like me!?” 
This made my mother stop in her tracks. She turned and walked to me, her heels clicking loudly in the large house. She bent down so our faces were close. “Do you like him sweetie?” She smiled, she already knew the answer. “Yes mother.” I replied, excited but reserved. 
She smiled even more. Then you’ll be a good girl for him, won’t you!? You’ll do whatever he tells you to do. You’ll accept whatever he says to you, no matter how nice or how mean. And you will only return with kind things about him. Be a good girl, be obedient, be pretty, and maybe you can get him to like you too. I love you my beautiful girl.” She smiled, kissed me gently on the top of the head, and walked off. That was something mother hardly told me. This made me so happy! I'm so glad mother is ok with me liking Master Robert!
I hurried to go get his food so it wouldn’t be cold. I walked as carefully as I could while still rushing to his room. I was so excited! I mean he might actually like me, he even called on me to serve him! I had better do a good job! I stopped by a mirror real quickly to make sure I looked as pretty as I could. Satisfied with my makeup, hair, and outfit, I rushed to his room door and knocked before letting myself in.
His room is so large, at least the size of my house. It is practically a house, except it doesn’t have a kitchen. It even has several rooms and a loft! His door opens to the main room. It has a very tall ceiling with a huge chandelier hanging from the middle. A large library is on the right side. There is a couch and a fireplace there. A large tv sits above that. There is also a coffee table, and then some small seating over by the window. The whole back wall is a huge window that looks out to the gardens, the pool, and then the ocean. The wall to the left has a double door, leading to his bedroom. 
The stairs to the loft are also on the left, right near the main door. His loft is large, and looks over the main rooms. It too shares the same window view as the main room. And from the loft window you can just make out the corner roof of our house. The loft has his computers and desk, as well as a more casual lounge area with his video games. He’s not much of a video game guy, but he does play from time to time.
Back down stairs is his bedroom. A large room with a huge bed in the middle of it. It also has a large window with the same view to the right of the bed. His huge walk-in closet is on the left, and his bathroom door is on the back wall. It, too, is also very large. It has a large sink and mirror, a very fancy toilet that is electronically controlled and has more functions than you could believe. There is a very large shower/ steam room/ sauna with 3 of its walls made out of glass. And then next to the large window is a huge bathtub. And, of course, the window shares the same view as the rest. 
I saw him sitting on one of the chairs by the window in the main room. He was reading, something he does often. He looked up from his book, almost surprised to see me. 
“Hello Master Robert, I have your lunch for you. And I was instructed to serve you however you need until I am dismissed.” I smiled and tried to sound as cheerful about my servicing him as I could. He looked at me, smiled a devious smile and motioned to the small table next to him for me to put his food on. I smiled and tried to place it down like my mother served the drinks earlier that same day. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Master Robert couldn’t stop staring at me as I did it. I have no idea if that’s because I looked pretty or ridiculous. But I was just hoping I looked pretty.
“Thank you Olivia. You can kneel there and wait until I’m ready for you.” he spoke as he looked at his book, his tone flat and disinterested. I was kind of surprised. I didn’t expect that response. I slowly got down to my knees, making sure my skirt flared out pretty and rested my bum against my heels, placing my hands gently in my lap. Hoping so badly that I looked pretty. He kept reading as he ate. Almost ignoring me. I sat there for some time, wondering what was next. Finally, he broke the silence. “So are you MY maid now?” his tone seemed upset.
“I-I’m not sure sir. That’s up to your father, I believe. w-would you like for me to be?” I asked, unable to read his mysterious,  disinterested demeanor. “Hmm, possibly. I guess this will be like an interview for you. Won’t it?” He finally glanced briefly at me. “I guess so sir.” I spoke softly, unsure what he implied by that. “Put your hands behind your back.” He spoke without looking up from his book. Unsure what I may have done wrong, and worried if I would fail his “interview”, I nervously hurried to put my hands behind my back. 
He read for some more, and I just sat there in silence. He finished eating, and kept reading. I must have knelt there for a half hour. Finally, he closed the book and looked up out the window. “You know, boarding school is very different from here. I don’t have the same space. I even have a roommate, Bryan. He's fine, quite, he’s also a reader. His father owns oil or something like that. He’s from Maine. The service there isn’t as good as it is here though. Your mother is a wonderful maid, and a very attractive woman. I see why my father picked her, if I was older....” he trailed off, lost in thought. 
I was so nervous, I knew I wasn’t supposed to speak without reason. But with him talking about new people at school, and my mother, it just blurted out. “are there lots of pretty girls at your school?” It was quiet, but loud enough to catch his attention back. He let out a single chuckle “I wish. I go to an all boys boarding school. For real boys, not sissy girls like you!” His words were harsh, he was trying to hurt my feelings and it worked. “But we do visit the sister school twice a month for some social interaction. It’s an all girls school, naturally. Lots of very pretty girls there. How old are you now?” He truly didn’t seem to know.
“I’m thirteen and a half now sir.” I wasn't feeling better hearing him talk about the other girls, I felt very jealous. “Hmm, only two years younger than me.” His response was more to himself. “Do you have a girlfriend at the other school?” I know I wasn’t supposed to speak again either, but I had to know! He also didn’t seem to mind. After all, we have known each other our whole life. He smiled at my question, clearly reminiscing. “Not exactly. I don’t need to have just one girl in my life. What about you? Do you want a girlfriend, or would you rather date a boy? Do you want a boyfriend?” He tone judge mental and cold.
I hung my head, I knew what he was implying. “Yes sir, I would like a boyfriend.” I felt defeated, but I had to be honest. “Yeah, I thought so.” He sounded prideful and arrogant. “You want to be a real girl don’t you? You want to serve a real man? Be his girlfriend, make him happy, Huh?” He sounded rude and condescending, and for some reason it was making my clitty tingle again. “Yes sir.” I replied, embarrassed.  
 “Ok Olivia, since you want to be a girl and please a real man so badly, don’t move.” He got up and walked to his bedroom, to his walk-in closet. He returned shortly and walked behind me. He bent over and I felt him grab my wrists. Suddenly, there was a SNAP and I felt something cold around my right wrist. Then SNAP and something cold around my left wrist. “These handcuffs I got one year for Halloween. Of course, they are legit police handcuffs. I want to see you clean my room while you're handcuffed. Just for my own amusement.” He spoke stern and seriously. “Yes sir.” I hardly got out. My weak voice sounding so small. My little clitty tingling as to what was happening. I was desperate to get my toy and stick it in my mouth and then in my butt. “Be a good girl and get to work.” His command final, as he sat back down in his chair. 
He enjoyed watching me struggle to get up. My legs had fallen asleep from kneeling for so long, and I couldn’t use my hands to help myself up. I also want to try and seem graceful and pretty as I did. Master Robert even laughed at me when I fell over. “Come on you pathetic sissy girl! I thought you wanted to be a girl! Prove you want to serve a real man. Prove you want to serve me!” His harsh words made me want to cry.
After struggling for a short while, my legs started to wake up and I could finally stand. I looked at him for some direction, but he had returned to reading his book. I looked around and could see the throw pillows on the couch were disarranged, it seemed like a place to start. It was so hard to do anything. I had to reach my arms around one side or the other to grab anything. I then walked around the big room straightening up anything I saw out of place. I looked for dust and dirt. 
As I worked my way around, I walked past Master Robert “Stop.” He commanded. I stopped in place. I faced him with my hands locked tight behind my back. He stood up to the side of me. “Bend over, from the waist.” He seemed emotionless, as though his request was usual. I was so confused, scared, and excited. I did as I was told and slowly bent over, my ankles together, legs and back straight, so my butt stuck straight out. He grabbed my handcuffs and pulled them up my back in between my shoulder blades, making my arms fold. He pushed me down, pinning my chest against that arm of the chair. He was so strong, I couldn’t move. My arms tight against my upper back. The handcuffs were digging into my wrists and my elbows hurt from the strange position. I whimpered slightly in pain. 
And then SLAP!! A sharp sting on my butt from his hard spanking. I tried to jump in pain but I was unable to move. I let out a small sharp girly yelp from the pain. Before I could even process what was happening, SLAP!!! He spanked me again. I let out another small girly yelp. Once again, I tried to jump but couldn’t. And then SLAP!!! SLAP!! SLAP!!SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! 
I tried to escape the brutal spankings he was giving me! But I couldn’t, he was too strong. It was effortless for him to pin me down, so all I could do was wiggle slightly as he slapped my butt over and over and over. Finally, he stopped, keeping me pinned. My butt stung so badly. I knew it must have been bright red from how warm it felt. I had tears in my eyes. Not just from the stinging pain, but I had never felt more helpless, weak, pathetic, submissive, and humiliated in my whole life. He could control me, he could do anything he wanted to me, there was no way I could ever stop him. 
He held me pinned down a while longer, catching his own breath from the spanking he had just delivered. “Don’t move.” He commanded. I wouldn’t dare move, not after his display of dominance. I noticed once he had left, my panties were wet. My little clitty was leaking, like it dose when I use my toy. Oh my god, I liked this!?!? I heard him return. My butt still burning with pain from his spanking. I hoped desperately that it would be over. But I wouldn’t dare upset him, I would just take it if he wanted it to continue.
SNAP,SNAP!! I felt hard cold metal around my ankles now. He handcuffed my ankles together too. “Stand up.” he commanded. I stood immediately, looking straight ahead, avoiding eye contact. “What do you say?” He questioned as a parent does to remind a child to say thank you. You could tell he was upset he even had to. “t-thank you Master Robert.” I whimpered. Treats still in my eyes. “Now go clean my room sissy!” He impatiently commanded.
I did my best to walk off to his room. My legs could not step that far apart, and my butt stung so badly, every movement hurt. And with my arms locked behind my back, I couldn’t balance myself well. I had to take short, careful steps. This seemed to amuse Master Robert. He followed me into his room and watched as I struggled to make his bed. He eventually walked over to me and tucked the back of my skirt into my apron, to display my bright red butt, contrasting against my black panties, as if it was a trophy. 
After I got his bed straightened out, I headed to his bathroom. I did my best to clean the counter off, but it was hard to reach all the spaces. I struggled to get the toilet clean too. I then headed to his closet. Next to his hamper was a small pile of dirty clothes. I started to pick up his pants. Then shirt. I picked up his socks and hesitated to pick up his used underwear. “Pick it up, like a good girl.” I reached down, so humiliated. He laughed, he could see it on my face. I grabbed it by the waist band. “That’s it. Now touch the crotch. Touch that part that was against my penis, sissy girl!” He laughed more. I slowly reached and placed my hand there. Knowing that his penis had touched it both humiliated me and made me more excited. My face turning almost as red as my butt. He laughed more. “You know what sissy, take that home. I want to to sleep with it tonight, right next your head on the bed, so your face can roll in it!” He laughed even harder. “Then hand wash it for me and bring them back tomorrow.”
He thought it was so fun to humiliate me. I was so embarrassed. “Yes sir.” I replied, scared I’d get another spanking if I protested. I walked to the front door to his room and placed them gently down for me to take with me. I then tried to start up to the loft. Each step was scary and I couldn’t hold on to balance myself. Just then I heard the door open. I turned to see mother standing in the doorway. 
She looked at me, seeing my exposed bright red butt, and my cuffed wrists and ankles. And the humiliated, submissive expression on my face. Then to Master Robert standing in the middle of the room. Looking proud of his humiliating display of me. She smiled and said, “It’s so nice to see you two playing so well! Olivia, when Master Robert excuses you from your service to him this evening, you may go home. Master Robert, your father has informed me that he and Ms. Jane will be going out for dinner tonight. You may do what you wish for dinner.” 
“Thank you Charlotte, tell Nina I will order in tonight. I have a meeting soon with some of my friends online.” He spoke as though nothing unusual had happened. I just stood there motionless. “Very well Master Robert, I hope you have a pleasant evening.”  My mother began to close the door, looked at me with a big smile, she knew her plan was working, and said “Be a good girl Olivia, do as you're told.” She closed the door before I could respond.
I looked back at Master Robert, who looked back, waiting for me to continue. I slowly and carefully made my way up the stairs. Once I got up there, I realized how dirty it all was. There are game controls and pillows everywhere. It was all disorganized. It took some time to clean it all up. My butt still stings with every major movement. I heard the main door open and then shut quickly. I looked and saw Master Robert walking back from the door. I don’t think much of it. After I finally finished cleaning, I had to carefully make my way back down the stairs. It was hard and very scary. I felt so vulnerable, I didn’t want to fall. 
Once I got to the bottom, I slowly walked over to Master Robert, who was sitting back in the chair by the window. As I approached, he stood up “Bend over.” He commanded again, motioning to the armrest he had pinned me to earlier when he spanked me. I hesitated slightly, worried I would receive another spanking. I don’t know how much more my butt can take. I bent over, and once again he pinned me down in the same way. “So you want to be a girl?” SLAP!! He spanked me hard again on my butt. Unable to move, and the pain so great I wiggled in desperation. “Yes sir!” I replied, whimpering in pain.
SLAP!! “Tell me!” He’s voice was angry and aggressive. SLAP!! “I want to be a girl!!” I could hardly speak from the pain! SLAP!! "You want to serve real men?!” SLAP!! He continued with his aggression. “yes! i want to serve real men.” I started to cry. SLAP!! “You want real men to use you for their pleaser?!?” SLAP!! He was almost yelling now. “I want real men to use me for their pleaser!!” I was sobbing now. SLAP!!"DO YOU DESERVE PLEASER?" SLAP!! “YOU WANT YOU TO BE MY MAID!?" SLAP!! "YOU WANT TO BE A GIRL FOR ME?" SLAP!! "YOU WANT ME TO USE YOU FOR MY PLEASER?!" SLAP!! "DO YOU WANT TO SERVE ME HOWEVER I LIKE!?” SLAP!! He yelled with such domination. Crying and sobbing like a pathetic weak little girl, I replied. “i don’t deserve pleaser!” SLAP!! “i want to be your maid!” SLAP!! “i want to be a girl for you!” SLAP!! “i want to be used for your pleaser!” SLAP!! “i want to serve you however you please!” SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!!....He continued to spank me as if to slap this into me.
Crying from the pain. Feeling helpless, weak and submissive, and humiliated. I almost felt so horny, my tiny clitty tingling in its small cage leaking and soaking my panties. My butt burning red and stinging even more with pain. I felt desperate for my toy to make me feel so good. My mouth was desperate to also suck on my toy so badly. I could hardly see from the tears in my eyes. I couldn’t tell if I loved or hated this. But I did love him controlling me. 
As soon as he finished spanking me, he stood me up with such strength and speed, all I could do was let him control me like a doll. He grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled me in for a deep kiss!! I was shocked! I couldn’t believe it!! My first kiss was with Master Robert! I thought he hated me!! But he’s kissing me so passionately! I struggled, wanting to hold him back, but I was restrained by the handcuffs. I love it! His lips were so soft. This was so incredible and I felt my clitty tingling, my butt open, ready to be filled. This pushed me over the edge and I felt an orgasm in my head. My panties soaking even more. I moaned in desperation and pleaser as I was used by a real man. My little moans sounding so cute and girly! 
He stopped, pulling me off, and stared into my eyes. He could tell I had came. He could tell I loved this. He then slapped me across my face. Not too hard, but hard enough to hurt. “Get out you stupid sissy!!” He yelled as he avoided eye contact and walked away. He seemed regretful as to what had just happened. What did I do wrong, I thought?? I hung my head, starting to cry again. Not from the pain from my body, but the pain from my heart. I wanted to run away but I couldn’t from the cuffs that bound me.
“Your keys are in the hall, YOU PATHETIC SISSY!!” He yelled, hoping to insult me as he walked to his bedroom and slammed the door. I flinched from the loud sound. Crying softly, I took small steps over to the main door, trying not to fall. It was hard to walk with the pain as well as the cuffs on my ankles. I saw his underwear lying there by the door and remembered my duty. I grabbed it and I opened the door with my head down, trying to hide my tears and looking for the key. 
I then noticed a pair of high heels. I looked up and there was mother. Trying not to show I was crying, I looked down again. She grabbed me by the chin and made me look up at her. She seemed emotionless, studying my face, the tears, the ruined makeup, the red spot on my cheek. I tried to avoid eye contact out of shame and humiliation. “What happened?” She sounded stern, just like when I get in trouble. 
I could hardly speak. “Mother, I-I” I started to cry even more. I looked down, wishing I could hide. I was overfilled with emotions and couldn’t handle it any more. “Lift your skirt young lady!” She demanded. I tried to reach for the bottom of my skirt, but couldn’t. I was stopped by the handcuffs. It was like I had forgotten I had them on. “I can’t” I cried. 
My mother held up the key to my cuffs. I turned around for her to unlock them. But she pushed my shoulders forward, forcing me to stick my butt out a little. She lifted my skirt and examined my deep red butt. She then looked at the underwear in my hands. She turned me around and lifted the front of my skirt, showing my soaking wet panties. 
Without speaking, she knelt down and unlocked my ankles, then stood up and gently kissed me on the top of my head. “It’s ok sweetie.” She spoke softly, the love and understanding clear in her nurturing tone. “I’ll understand. Let’s walk home and you can tell me all about your first day.” She spoke as she guided me forward with her arm over my shoulder. I noticed she didn’t unlock my wrist, but I didn’t question her. We walked slowly down the hall, our heels clicking together and I cried softly and started to tell her what happened.
By the time we entered our house, I had stopped crying, but my butt still hurt so bad from the spanking I received. Mother opened the door for me just as I was finishing up with the part where he yelled at me to leave after he kissed me. My mother seemed very pleased with what had happened. She would only ask me if I liked something, but otherwise just smiled the whole time I talked. When I finished telling her, I asked her about what I did wrong. Why did he tell me to leave once he kissed me? She explained that he really likes me and is having a hard time coming to terms with how he is feeling. He doesn’t know if he should like his maid's beautiful sissy daughter. That’s ok, he’ll come to accept it over time. 
She then told me to go to my room for a little bit, to play with my toy and to think about what happened. Then once I am satisfied, she will unlock my handcuffs and we can relax for the evening. She would make me dinner and help me recover from the intense spanking I received. I was surprised my mother told me to go play with my toy. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to. But as soon as I closed my door and got my toy out, I immediately started to think about today. 
I suctioned it to the wall, got down on my knees and loved sucking on it as I played the day over and over again in my mind. Feeling my hands still restrained behind my back, reminding me of my helplessness. The smooth plastic gliding over my lips as I thought about how superior he was to me, and how passionately he kissed me, causing me to cum just from sucking on it. 
I then lubed it up and put it in my butt, my cheeks still hurting but my hole egar to be stretched. My cheeks burned as they slapped against the wall, reminding me of his spankings. I bent over and held my hands back up where he pinned them, recreating the position I was dominated in. I had three more orgasms as I realized just truly how much I loved today. I placed his underwear on my pillow, excited to return to it when I sleep tonight. 
I wonder what the future for me and Master Robert will be?
-Katierosedreams Og Cap
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the-arcadian-0125 · 2 years
A “brief” summary of the future.
Hello everyone.
I’m sure by now most of you have noticed a slight decline in the quality of the content and artwork I am currently production and posting.
I will be the first to admit that while I still absolutely love Max and Chloe and the original Life Is Strange universe, I have found myself wanting to branch out to something else. Not something someone else has created but something I have created, something I can call my own.
Over the past year an a half I have focused much of my talent and time into a project I created back in 2013 when I was in high school, that I created purely as part of a early online class which quickly fell in love with as an idea for a book and took to spending most of my time writing.
After I graduated in 2015, I fell into the same thing most people did back then (cringing at saying that) and became board quite fast, I missed the routine of class and my ability to have a desk all my own at which I could work on school stuff and misbehaved with creating my new book and it’s universe and so I did what most people did. Turned to call of duty.. just kidding! Actually I found this amazing little Indy game on the Xbox live store called Life is Strange and fell in love with the original teaser trailer and downloaded the game immediately.
At first I played it like any other game (tried to figure out where the shoot button was!) but as I progressed I quickly learned that this game wasn’t something I was use to and I actually had to start over to fully invest my time in exploring and learning and enjoy every time that it had to offer, and so after a year or two of having fun with it and learning how to create 3D artwork in a program called Daz Studio I decided to try to recreate Max and Chloe… and I’m not kidding when I same those first dozen or so renders were absolutely a dumpster fire, and I was scared to even post them but I finally decided on one and posted it to deviant art (Instagram and Facebook groups where far beyond my understanding at the time)
So I did what anyone would do after posting several fanart renders online…. I completely forgot I did it.
Now quick back story about me, HI my name is Nate and two years after finishing high school I did the unthinkable… I went to work for my Dad and became a carpenter. Luckily I was able to work for him during the day and spent way to much time at night playing games and working full force on Life is strange renders in a program I was just scratching the surface of. Over the past 7 years I have helped build over 25 homes and worked on several remodels and consider myself and expert carpenter.
Now for the future stuff. Over a year ago my Dad told me that this next house we were getting ready to build would be his last (he’s been in the business for 40+ years) and at the time I didn’t care, I was sitting on easy street for the most part running a pretty good side hustle that actually hasn’t made me any money and has cost me well over $2,000 in virtual assets but hey I was getting paid good money by him to do the job he taught me and I did it with a passion. It was at this time while vacation, I decided it’s time to bring the book idea back and I did the same thing I did when I got into LIS and went full force into it, not only redoing the characters but also the story of my book in order to bring it to life.
Now for reality. As of July 7 I have been unemployed, my dad and I finished our last house together and managed to sell it for more then he expected. Normally that would be cause for celebration but while he gets to retire I am left with the question of “what’s next for me?” I can’t make a living off of doing LIS content as I don’t want to make money off of someone else’s creation and I’m nowhere near ready to get my book published as I’ve only cemented in the first 3/4 of the story and yet to have an ending that I like and want.
Luckily I have another option, I’m not going to get into the details here but I’ll be starting the next chapter of my career next week Monday. It’s going to be a pretty intense change for me and it’s basically a 100% guarantee it’s going to effect what my abilities to create content for this community going forward. However I will be making more money then I am now and be able to make purchases for things I’ve always wanted like a new computer and upgraded components that I’ve wanted for a very long time that would help me be able to not only bring better LIS content to the table but also content I have created based off the ideas I have created.
With all of this having been said, I’m hopeful for what the future might hold for me. There are many stories and renders I can’t wait to share with you all, and let’s be honest. Max and Chloe’s story isn’t over yet, I have tons of ideas for renders of where their lives might take them following my own idea of events in the first game and I really can’t wait to share them all with you along side my own self inspired content.
Sincerely, The Arcadian 🙂
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izzy-b-hands · 11 months
I think I’ve identified the main issue w/the latest rizzy fic, but fuck me if I can figure out how to fix it.
I don’t know exactly where it’s going.
Normally, this isn’t an issue. I tend to let the story flower as I go, and trim as needed.
But I’m absolutely staggered with this one, where it’s either (major spoilers for this modern AU fic plot here no matter what direction I go with it in the end, but if you don’t mind that/are curious abt the text blocks of info doing my head in, read on lmao):
Version A: Roach (independent food/chef vlogger) gets too into his May 31st project (a crepe cake) and works into June 1st, only to be reminded by Izzy of his extensively planned Pride Month activities/ideas, that Roach had advertised all the month of May as starting IMMEDIATELY on the first (aka he should already have a video of a themed dish up, but he doesn’t bc he’s on Cake Ten of the crepe cake, and their pantry is now fucking empty too.) Fic (tentatively for now) would end with Izzy figuring out how to help him A. finally finish a satisfactory crepe cake (to Roach’s standards, aka Very Fucking High), B. rapid fire choose and film one of his themed ideas for the Pride Month stuff, and C. eventually sleep bc all of this is going down at like. One in the morning.
Version B: All of the above up until Izzy’s part. Instead of figuring it out that night, he gets Roach to bed and does what he can to help before leaving for his own job (PA/Security/Other Duties As Assigned to the combined very rich household of Ed, Stede, Mary, Doug, and the kids (in a huge shared house, so they aren’t in each other’s faces if they don’t wanna be, plus Ed & Stede are implied to own other property they spend time at too.))
The issue with Version B is that I worry the thing is getting too Big:
now I have a subplot started there about Izzy admitting to Mary (when he drops in for the morning to take the kids to school and give both couples of the house one of the reject cakes that Roach has deemed won’t be used at all by him. They have ten fucking cakes in the fridge, getting rid of two barely puts a dent in it tbh)
that his mum passed, in England (implied that everyone else is living in the States or NZ, I’m not exactly sure where I wanna put them yet frankly bc either is fine like I DON’T ACTUALLY CARE BUT I GOTTA IMPLY ONE OR THE OTHER DON’T I) last year, during June.
And he just didn’t tell anyone bc A. everyone was busy w/their own lives, B. Roach was doing his usual Pride Month stuff, and Izzy always helps him film/cook/etc for any bigger projects whenever he can, and he didn’t wanna distract from that, and C. he and his mum had a Complex relationship, so he probably wasn’t going to go visit her before she died anyway (secretly, he wishes he had. Only one who knows anything abt how Izzy and his mum interacted is Ed, who tbh has gotten distracted from any of that stuff since meeting Stede and focusing on helping create the shared family they have w/Mary, Doug, and the kids. Which is absolutely fair, but still. For the sake of their friendship, it will need Addressing of some kind, at some point.)
Like all of this is fine in theory, but it already feels sort of out of control? Bc like I then need to address in a finished version of B:
-Izzy and his mum
-Izzy and Ed
-Izzy and his relationship w/Ed, Stede, Mary, Doug, and the kids. Only bc there’s the implication that while it’s good and fairly easy work for Izzy, he occasionally does feel/get treated like The Help during work hours vs someone they actually know well who happens to work for them, and they sort of. Forget that once his shift is done for the day, he might still hang out just as a friend of the family, and they don’t always remember to turn off that Voice of talking To The Help in those moments (with it being noted that Roach and other crew members have witnessed this, but have leaned on Izzy to sort of give them permission to call it out, which of course he isn’t gonna do for fear of it fucking up their arrangement, and he doesn’t wanna job search in his mid-fifties. Which I think is valid enough lol.)
-Roach and his Pride Month problem (aka he’s got all the research in front of him, in this case the idea that he’ll highlight dishes that were beloved by notable/famous ppl w/in the LGBTQ community, but Actually, that isn’t always info that’s easy to find and some of it is more basic foods which he expected, and it’s fine, except he really wanted to challenge himself and maybe if he just looks a little more he can find something else-cut to two hours later and he’s asleep on his laptop. This isn’t even getting into the actual cooking and videoing of said cooking. He needs a Break.)
-Roach and Izzy addressing their mutual issue of ‘working too goddamn much, but not knowing how to take breaks and not feel Terrible and Useless during them.’ It isn’t necessarily hurting their relationship, but it is making them both more stressed than they need to be, and neither of them knows how to calm their brains down enough to understand that they can, in fact, budget for a small break or a vacation and nothing bad will happen.
-The kids and their implied issue w/mainly Mary and Stede (Ed and Doug hang back and are still doing the ‘I’m a new stepparent and I don’t wanna fuck up and overdo any of this, so I just sort of do what my spouse tells me to do re: the kids’ discipline/scheduling/etc), that they’re forcing them into an obscene amount of extra activities (including night tennis lessons, that require Izzy to also stay/work late, not getting them home until nearly ten at night, and himself then even later.) I don’t think they actually allow night tennis of any kind for kids unless it’s like. a fun now and again event, but to me it sounds exactly like what Mary and Stede would get talked into signing the kids up for. After all, it’ll look good on various school applications, and there’s nearly two whole hours after the after school study groups and other sports they play, surely the kids don’t want to sit and do nothing then? (spoiler alert: they do. they just want to sit and do nothing and be kids, which Mary and Stede do know, but have forgotten in the mess of getting divorced, then watching each other get remarried nearly right away, then realising it would easier/cheaper to try and share a home and keep the kids stable under one roof and moving everyone in together. Not an excuse, just an explanation.)
And that’s. So Much Stuff for one fic. And that’s WITHOUT figuring out what I want the main goal/ending to look like for sure. I won’t lie and say I’m good at multichaptered fics, I’m very much not, but I think that’s the only way Version B could work. And Version B, for what it’s worth, I think could be very satisfying and interesting as a read.
Version A, on the other hand, would be shorter, less dramatic, and would probably involve just Izzy and Roach, whereas Version B eventually would at least be referencing that like. The crew we know and love still work for Ed and Stede and whatever they do in this modern AU (marketing that only involves nautical/maritime/marine life themes maybe? does it matter in the end if it gets mentioned vaguely all of once???)
Even then, we still have the issue of: where in the FUCK is any of this going? What’s the point?
Version A, to me rn, is much more focused on rizzy and the internal dynamic there, focusing hard on the comfort of their life together and tackling problems together. I could probably just pull together something cute abt Izzy trying to fix the latest crepe cake while Roach films his first Pride video. Like my current tentative ending isn’t horrible. Nothing to write home abt, but it’s Fine, ya know?
Version B, to me again dlksajf, is a bigger overall picture that frustratingly, as of yet, doesn’t have a real huge or distinct end goal. It’s less of a ‘here’s a set ending with clear wins and losses’ and more of a ‘life and ppl are messy, no matter how hard anyone tries. Everyone here is doing their best, and learning. Here’s how they’re doing by the end and what they’ve managed to learn/work on, with the implication that they’re gonna keep learning and doing better, but not without fucking up more first bc. Human’
But are either of those actually fucking satsifying???? I wish I knew!!! I was absolutely flying along writing the draft for Version B until all of the above shit knocked on the door of my brain and put up a goddamn roadblock!!!
This is so much info, but if you’ve read this far and have any thoughts/opinions on which of these seems more worth pursuing, please let me know somehow. I’m dying to brainstorm & bounce ideas around w/folks. But even if u just wanna say ‘nah Version A sucks do B’ or vice versa. Pls say it fdksafalk
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gatespage · 2 years
Gates McFadden is back on board the Enterprise
19 Aug 1989 - The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa)
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Transcript below 
Last year, at the end of the first season of “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” Trekkies learned from their newspapers that Gates McFadden (a.k.a.Dr. Beverly Crusher) would not return to the show. Many, pardon the pun, were crushed. And surprised.
And so, says McFadden now, was she. Although the official announcements stated the red-haired actress had left the series to “pursue other career options,” she maintains, “I got a call from my agent saying they had decided to go in another direction with the character. And that was literally all I heard. I was very surprised. And my fellow cast members were also surprised.”
SHE WAS EQUALLY surprised, she says, when she got a call asking her to return for the third season of the hit syndicated show.
“I'm very happy. It’s very nice to be back,” she grins during a break from “Trek” shooting on the Paramount lot in L.A. Dressed in the body-hugging uniform of Enterprise crew members, she adds, “I gave some careful consideration to thedecision (to return), But overall I was very pleased to be asked back, and I had certainly missed working with my fellow cast members.”
She professes no bitterness about the situation. In fact, she says, “If you asked me if I'd change anything about the past year, I'd say ‘no.’"
McFadden, whose primary residence is New York City, returned to Manhattan when her first “Trek” stint ended. She had already committed to perform in a play on the East Coast, and when that ended, she took up her pre-"’Trek” teaching post in acting and improvisation at New York University's Graduate School of the Arts. Despite the fact that she became incredibly busy, she says, "Star Trek” was never completely out of her life.
“I had incredible support from the fans,” she reveals. “When people found out I wasn't going to be on the show, I got tons and tons of letters, They were sending me copies of letters they sent to Paramount, letters they'd written to the producers, even petitions, And they kept it up over the whole year, I even had ‘Trek’ fans who flew hundreds of miles to come see me in my play.”
Like her fans, McFadden is fond of her Dr. Crusher character. "I think it’s a really good choice to have a doctor or high- ranking officer that's also a mother,” she notes. 
“ALSO, BEVERLY CAN be romantic. I like that. Because my own mother was a working mother all my life, and she was able to handle a lot of things at once. And I would hope that by the 24th century (the time frame for “Star Trek") it would be even easier.”
McFadden, who's single, reveals she has a hard time maintaining balance in her life off screen, “It’s hard to have a personal life and such a busy professional life,” she says. “It's very hard. I think that’s something I'm going to have to address more and more in coming years. For instance, I'd love to have children, But up to now, I've traveled a lot, lived in a lot of places.”
McFadden grew up in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, where she trained at an early age to be a dancer. One of her teachers was a ballerina, and the other, she says, had been in the circus, “I grew up thinking most ballerinas knew how to ride the unicycle, tap-dance and do handsprings,” she laughs.
She continued her dance studies when she attended Brandeis University although by this time she had gained an interest in acting as well, After graduating with a B.A. in theater arts, McFadden traveled to Paris, where she studied under Jacques LeCoq, a specialist in acting combined with mime, Commedia dell Arte and improvisation. It was LeCoq, she says, who first recommended her for teaching positions in the U.S. 
SHE HAS SINCE combined teaching and acting duties with additional work as a choreographer and director, "Sometimes I worry that my career is not focused enough,” she smiles, confessing that she still tap-dances in her spare time for relaxation. “On the other hand, I think, the combination is good, After all, that's who I am.”
She'd like to combine a little more of her experiences in her "Star Trek” stint. "I'd love to get in more comedy, to take advantage of my background. I've done all this clown stuff. I would also love to show more of Dr. Crusher's vulnerability. She's a little imperfect in her private life."
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