#if any of its inconsistent
kikker-oma · 11 months
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*dialogue was edited to hopefully fix my lack of cpr knowledge and not make Wind do chest compressions when Time still has a heartbeat hehe*
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buwheal · 24 days
Nosy? I suppose that makes two of us ;)
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I dont think she's a fan of the fried fish..
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sparrowchute · 1 month
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Fetch! (+ a little bonus doodle under the cut!)
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the artblock be hitteth Harder than normal, for tis not normal artblock. woe. Wally be upon ye
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gothcarmelasoprano · 8 months
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rrylies · 10 months
altan isn't a violent person at his core it was just what other people have always seen him as because he's speerly, and for some reason the speerlies have a savage connotation when we have no proof that they were actually animals in the sense that other people keep describing them as. im sure that we only get the savage speerly stereotype because as a people, they were fundamentally different from the nikara and the mugenese. and since they were all (mostly) dead at the start of book one, who was going to negate all of these stereotypes? no one. (i could go on about how altan was slapped with the "last speerly" moniker when in reality he probably remembers very little about his culture and what speer was like before all of the war and the death but that's for another time <3)
even back in his days of sinegard altan isnt depicted as a particularly violent person, though he's placed in violent events. like in the fighting pits at night altan is pitted up against his peers who want to fight him at a chance at victory, to prove that they've won a battle against the last speerly and we have no idea if altan actually wants to fight them or if he's forced to (iirc it's highly suggested that irjah baits him into fighting by promising him opium if he wins, and he will, because he always does) (although that could've just been nezha being a dick) and even though altan shows no signs of violence or aggression (he's always depicted as calm, stoic, etc) he's always painted as something less than human, an animal simply because ??? he wins their fights? as if that's not something he's expected to do in the first place. ("how did he do that? isn't he human?" "he isn't, he's speerly" this quote. ARGHARAGH RABAN ILY BUT SHUT UPPP)
and back to the stereotypes of speerlies and why they're painted as rabid animals even though there's no proof that they are. the main thing i can think of rn is how the federation (+ the mugenese) think of them simultaneously as something divine and to be studied but also as these rabid beasts at the same time. like the federation soldiers are clearly afraid of fire / the speerlies (i have a separate hc that their culture has something to do with this but that is also for another time <3) shiro mentions how precious and important the speerlies are (and yet his people bombed altan's? ://) while taking every opportunity he can to pick altan apart. then people wonder why altan's vicious towards the federation and hates them with every fiber of his being and why he has so much pent-up anger within him and it's like, hello?? they took him captive when he was a child, and sent him to the laboratory with shiro where he would spend half of his life being cut open and dissected, injected with opium time and time again, forced to watch his people die off one by one without the knowledge that he was the last until after he'd been rescued. (this still gets me btw no im not in tears) and then even when he's out, his suffering isn't over, (it's never over lets be real) because he's shipped off to sinegard academy where he'll be surrounded by so many different conflicting stereotypes (the nikara think he's an animal because he's speerly but shiro thought he was amazing because he was speerly, because of his connection to the phoenix) and really, he's not violent, not at his core, but i cant imagine the inner turmoil altan went through his first few years out of the lab + his first year at sinegard where he was the only one who was different (and also fighting an opium addiction at the same time and people belittle him over this when it literally wasn't his fault)
like altan was not violent. he was calm and he had his moments of peace, but ultimately because of everything that had happened to him (cough. shiro u motherfucker), the violence was forced out of him and became all he knew ("chaghan said they trained you like a dog at the academy" ://) and he literally didn't know any better, he was failed by every single person who should have helped him. (never getting over this btw)
yin riga, a man who he trusted, sent him away to shiro. (will never not think of how much little five year old altan trusted riga and then. well.) jiang, who was supposed to help him with his connection to the phoenix, shunned him. irjah, who was his supposed caretaker, who only fed his opium addiction in order to control him, just like how shiro did, just like how the nikara did to the speerlies (parallels. yaaay.)
in the end altan trengsin wasn't a violent person, but it was all anyone wanted to see. it was all anyone would remember him by.
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
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bugza has become my life, there's no turning back anymore
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radiotrophicfungi · 8 months
by the way, are there any disability-specific blinkies anyone would particularly like to see? my inbox is probably going to remain closed for the sake of my own sanity, but you can always drop a reply down below. :-)
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dizzybizz · 6 months
you will never guess but i have another magma compilation
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the discord didn't appreciate my "she hanako on my toilet til im bound" joke 💔
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the only non magma art from the past few days someone drag me away from there
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abnomi · 12 days
Whatever ok whatever .
Heartwarming: 80s transgender parappa trains their middle aged pet homonculus corpse how to love
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alt versions below!!!
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harukapologist · 10 months
rambling about Haruka
As an ND person I just hate how Haruka's character is either completely infantilized or reduced to a selfish, evil murderer, when, to me, he is so much more than that.
Especially the latter; I hate when any MILGRAM character is called evil because what's the point of MILGRAM, then? They're all morally grey! That's how they test us. But Haruka in particular because I feel like it comes from a place of ableism, intentional or not.
I'm not sure if I should put TWs, but well I talk about ableism, murder (obviously lol), childhood trauma and well... it's Haruka
Haruka's outburst in the VD and his implication of killing animals (I know it's basically canon but erm... i can explain why I think it's an implication later) (i just finished writing the post and actually i explained why at the bottom of the post but its not a full explanation so lol) are the reasons I see people calling him either evil or childlike, and while I do think that Haruka is stuck in a childlike state in some aspects, this is emotional dysregulation of an ND and/or traumatized person, to me.
The uglier sides of being ND/traumatized, the ones that get heavily stigmatized and seen as intentional or evil; I think this was a display of one of them. And I really wish to see more people focusing on Haruka's disability in the ways it can affect his communication and day-to-day life skills more than "oh, poor baby, he has a disability that makes him feel unwanted" without actually understanding the details of the disability and, well, the reason why it is a disability.
Like, the emotional dysregulation that comes with being autistic, which is my headcanon for him. The hyperempathy and literal thinking that might make him harder to communicate with, and get people frustrated with him more often.
That and being severely neglected; I think neglect is one of the lesser discussed forms of childhood trauma and the fact that Haruka was shown to be neglected as well as abuse really means a lot to me, because I think some people don't quite understand just how much neglect and isolation fucks you up.
All those factors combined are a recipe for an unstable, impulsive, clingy shell of a human, and him getting called evil for that really saddens me. It's important to remember that these MVs are extracted from the prisoners' own memories and thoughts. It comes from their perception of their surroundings, their murders, and their own selves. The manic look that Haruka has on his face for a lot of AKAA, for example. The makeshift shirt he's wearing, as if he's desperately trying to sew himself together into a normal person, the exhausted, frustrated look when he picks up the necklace, it's important to remember that this is how he sees himself. A monster who has lost control of himself. The line "I'll keep killing to be your good boy" was a shock, but the way he meekly apologized to Es at the end of his VD, I really think that shows that he feels guilty, that he wants to convince himself more than anyone that he was a good person, that he was really trying to be one despite how his unlucky life frustrated him to his breaking point.
As for his infantilization, it has already been addressed by many thoughtful members of the fandom and I'm grateful to see that, but I also want to say it myself since god knows I hate being patronized.
It feels very ableist saying he's just "someone stuck in a childlike mindset/age regressor" Yes, and how does age regression as a coping mechanism develop? Usually through prior trauma that makes you "stuck" at said age, and that can present differently. It can be longing and yearning for a simpler time, for an actual happy childhood, or having flashbacks to a traumatic event that happened at a certain age; it is not uncommon for trauma survivors to be "frozen" at the age their trauma took place.
I think both of these are the case for Haruka. Frozen at that moment, but trying to reduce himself to nothing but a little, unaware child to avoid reliving it again, relishing in the innocence and purity of his good younger times (emphasis on purity--Haruka's murder was by strangulation, yet there's a shot in AKAA where he's covered in blood. I know it's after he killed the animals, but he's in the stitched-together outfit here; I think there's more to this MV than just killing the animals. Since this outfit is... not very likely to be worn in reality, did the animal killing happen at all? Even if it did, I think this shot remains an indicator that he sees himself as impure; guilty. I have a LOT to say about the inconsistencies in Haruka's MVs, but I'll save that for later... Anyway, back on topic) It is NOT "having the mental capacity of a child, so being unable to date etc." Haruka has still lived 17 years, maybe even more, since he isn't too interested in remembering his age. How do you treat actual neurodivergent people if this is how you see him?
When I rewatch the MVs, relisten to the VDs, reread the interrogations and timelines, I see no evil, just an incredibly broken, misunderstood person.
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smartwatermagic · 2 days
Smartwatermagic "I can make you worse" dynamic but it's Al knowing his partners can be one of the biggest threats against Olympus and insistently trying to get them to turn their backs on the gods
Oh Olympus exiled him because he's a corrupting influence? WELL WHAT IF HE ACTUALLY BECOMES ONE, CHECKMATE OLYMPIANS—
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dailybrandonrogers · 6 months
A Summary of Bryce Tankthrust's Timelines within the BRCU
The intention of this post is to review all major events involving/centred on Bryce Tankthrust across the BRCU timelines. Following the conclusion of BRYCE, a lot of considerable changes have been made to the overall nature of the pre-BRYCE Timeline theory that have immense and confusing implications. This will be a hopefully more concise attempt at deciphering the current state of the Timeline by only investigating one character, albiet a very significant and important one, and how her personal life as played out so far to our understandings.
As always, here's my BRCU Timeline reference!
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Before the list commences, there's a few things that need to be explored.
Bryce Tankthrust's Birthday
Utilising her the publication date of the first video she featured in, her fanon birthday has been declared January 12th. Her birth year however, isn't as a clear anymore. The previous widely accepted assumption was 1971. This was initially inferred in Blame the Hero where in Episode 3, Bobby Worst mentions he is 7 years old. Later, there is a jumpcut that informs 40 years have passed, implying he is now 47 years old in the year 2033. However, the 1971 assumption operates under the impression that Bobby is 47 in the 2018, not 2033, throwing another spanner into the works. Otherwise, he'd be born in 1986.
Approaching this from a newer angle, Bryce is at least 10 when she meets Bobby, and 20 when she begins working for CallCo Phones. Utilising this logic, she has to be 20 or older by Episode 3, in which we see a 1990 NYE party being celebrated
The Current Timeline
Late 1960s
Bryce Tankthrust is born.
Bobby Worst is born.
Late 1970s
Bryce Tankthrust begins learning the Double Diva Diversion.
Bryce Tankthrust meets Bobby Worst at school. She cuts out her heart for him, and after a seemingly random and unprecedented interruption by Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler, she grabs a dropped book about dictatorship and decides to run away with Bobby. Initially discarding the heart in a trash can, she retrieves it 20 minutes later.
Bobby Worst becomes an orphan after his father disowns him, and gets thrown into an orphanage.
Late 1980s
Bobby Worst is released from the orphanage at age 18.
Even Later 1980s
Bryce Tankthrust meets Donovan.
Bryce Tankthrust and Donovan begin seeing eachother.
Donovan dies after falling off a cliff.
Tammy Tankthrust is arrested and thrown in jail.
Bryce Tankthrust begins working at CallCo Phones
Bryce Tankthrust's heart (her own, that had been surgically reimplemented at age 10) fails. Gloria transplants an experimental mechanic heart into her; it is successful.
Bryce Tankthrust and Bobby Worst Reunite.
Bryce Tankthrust commissions Gloria to make a robotic reconstruction of Donovan.
After he was fatally injured by X, Bryce Tankthrust gives her heart to Donovan, so that he can perform surgery and give her his murder victim's heart.
Bryce Tankthrust murders the CEO of CallCo and his wife, and assumes his position as CEO of the company, now revamping it into Thankthrust Tellies.
Bryce's heart (the one she got from the Accountant) fails, and she suffers cardiac arrest on New Years Eve.
Bryce Tankthrust moves offices.
Bobby Worst murders Delorio and the majority of Tankthrust Tellies' workforce and harvests their hearts to create a stockpile for Bryce. In the process, he undergoes a metamorphosis of sorts.
1990 - 1995
Bryce meets with the Angel Investment Firm, and declines their offer to take on 50% of her company.
Bryce Tankthrust rekindles with Gloria Goopty.
Bryce Tankthrust meets with the Angel Investment Firm again, and this time signs the contract with them.
Bryce Tankthrust moves offices again.
Tammy Tankthrust is released from prison. Bryce and her mother also rekindle.
1996 - 2016
Bryce Tankthrust kidnaps the son of previous Tankthrust Enterprises employee Donna Phitts, and preserves his youth to make countless clones with hearts readily available for harvesting and utilising.
Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election, and Bryce Tankthrust finishes her tenure as president of the United States of America.
Joe Biden is inaugurated into office, and Bryce Tankthrust undermines the course of the election by initiating a capitol riot on January 6th.
News gets out that Bryce Tankthrust staged the incarceration of Bobby Worst when footage of the two of them conspiring is hacked and released to the public. As a result, all the stocks for her company plummet, and she is rendered bankrupt.
Queen Elizabeth II, who still holds a vendetta against Bryce, kidnaps Bobby Worst knowing it'll cause her significant grief and heartache.
Bryce Tankthrust and Donovan team up with the Mingeworthies to save Donovan, and defeat Queen Elizabeth II.
A heart begins growing inside of Bryce.
Bryce Tankthrust revitalises her company endeavours and continues business as per usual.
Bryce Tankthrust and Bobby Worst get married.
The Angel Investment Firm terminate Bryce's contract upon learning she is no longer heartless. This also entails killing her directly consequently.
Bryce Tankthrust, Tammy Tankthrust, and Gloria Goopty initiate their contingency plan, and murder all the Angel Investors in a scheme involving Bobby Worst and Donovan.
Current Day.
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oakskull · 2 years
Read L -> R
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hanzajesthanza · 3 months
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this looks like a long time but initially it said 1 MONTH 15 days
#i think i will just have to grab cutscene footage from online... im not waiting for that sh... lmao#this has me admitting that i'm not a gamer and left that identity behind some time ago... which is kind of sad but ok#thoughh when witcher 4 drops... 😈#oh my god i typed witcher 34 instead of witcher 4. i think that already exists on the internet LOL#i'm actually not as excited for w4 as i am for the remaster of the first game#i also don't have any saves and i need footage of like some late-quest stuff (just for a mention of lore inconsistencies LOL)#like what do i do go beat tw3 AGAIN just to get a clip of ciri facing the white frost#...................... well........#ok ngl actually a shot of emhyr in the beginning of the game would be better to explain 'lore inconsistencies'#because that's probably more aggravating to me than the 'we changed the white frost so you can fight it' thing#that thing is understandable. that's like basic video game logic. antagonists can be fought...#and though i don't like that messaging that forces of nature can be fought...#i understand this is a AAA game with outcomes that need to be written as endings. it's not an experiential VN#emhyr in tw3 though has just annoyed me and has actually annoyed me ever since i found out his character from the books#after all that you're gonna take him and pretend he just wanted to be a better dad and have a good heir on the throne...#well ok he did want a good heir on the throne. to be fair. just. not ciri but her child ... ahem#tw3 just dropped that pregnancy plot like a hot potato 😭 because it's so uncomfortable#without vilgefortz to decapitate in the end and the lodge actively plotting around i admit it loses its meaning#also to be fair tw3 does not have that throughline about reproduction and destiny that the books do#like the begetting of progeny is a huge huge huge theme in the books and so ciri's storyline is just one of a few ways it comes up#without geralt and yennefer specifically being angsty at the start about children it doesn't really work as a plot for ciri later on#the elbow-high diaries
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