#if anyone can find elmo you get a gold star
feyinvestigations · 5 months
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Pt1. // Pt.2 // next
Hood would never want to be verified and would actively hate being verified argue with the wall
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh Season Zero: All Your Friends are Cursed
You know what? It’s been a while, lets revisit Zero.
For those new here, I’ve been also very slowly going through Season Zero alongside the show we are more familiar with, which is not at all the same as the other seasons. If you want to read just the recaps of Zero from the beginning you can do that by clicking on this link right here. I think I’ve only done like 3 or 4 so far.
OK. It’s been...a time since we ventured here to this very weird place, where were we?
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So, first off you may have noticed there was a wee gap in updating, this is mostly because I burned up all my backlog when I got sick for two weeks (and I’m still hella tired) so...I’m playing catch up and this is a hobby, so it takes a back seat. But also, it’s partially because I was like suuuper conflicted with what I should do about that logo. Like, I did feel like I had to blur it just because I don’t want there to be confusion if the images ever get pulled away from this post, but I was seriously considering just repainting every cap because it sure bothered me a whole lot.
It was Illustrator OCD Problems that in the end don’t matter, but you can see my quandary of the right corner in the rest of these. Anyways, thanks Team Millennium for the fandubs so I don’t have to cap over subs. Y’all did a good job, and I get why they need to watermark since like...it’s Youtube so every random bot channel is stealing any other video getting clicks.
Also, this took a while because it’s like over 60 caps long. These Season Zero episodes are just...so much content. They’re so much. And I thought this one handles some interesting themes, so grab yourself a snack, because this is gonna be a little bit of a marathon. I could split it into two but like...I don’t know where to split it, so enjoy. This post is basically a 2 for 1.
Anyway, Shadi’s back. I didn’t really expect for him to be back so soon, but he’s here with a vengeance. He spooks up on Grandpa’s old Egyptologist friend (who’s name I have forgotten) and this guy kind of already knows what’s next.
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In this episode, as you can see from the title, everyone is gonna get cursed. Except Miho, but like, I tend to forget she exists. We start off with Yuugi’s Grandfather’s friend getting tossed out a window, which is sort of strange because you figure that this guy wouldn’t let a girl drown down a well for a rare coin (which was the Shadi metric for if you deserve to be eaten by a chair). But apparently we were wrong and Grandpa’s friend has actually been a jackass this entire time.
"Your friend has actually been a jackass this entire time” is another underlying theme of this episode. What’s wild is that Yuugi and his Grandpa are not at all surprised by this revelation, nor do they seem to mind.
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Shadi says something cryptic, decides he wants a rematch with the alter ego of Yuugi Muto, and then has the weirdest plan of how to do it. The rest of this recap is basically all of Shadi’s master plan and it’s...pretty...something.
(read more under the cut)
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Since we haven’t gotten a Miho episode, I haven’t really gotten a chance to learn what she...is. Right now she just seems like a G rated Cheryl Tunt. Which is probably incorrect, I dunno maybe this girl will end up being their savior but for right now she just kind of uses Tristan for favors and enjoys spooky stuff maybe a little too much. I’m not sure she’s even aware what planet she’s on.
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Shadi’s also looking more and more like a bird this episode with the artistic choice to join the brow to the nose with a deep shadow like this. If there’s deeper historical meaning to that, I have no idea. Went on a little deep dive through Google to see if it matches from art and sarcophagi from Egypt and Greece but like...nah. You do get a strong thin nose on golden sarcophagi that can give it a really cut look since it’s usually covered in reflective gold, so that could be it. But overall, joining the nose to brow is something more modern, I think. Just our own touch to make him a spook.
And honestly Yugioh really does enjoy putting a very heavy shadow between the eyebrows, but usually in the form of lots of lines and not a solid black shape.
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Youknow we’ve never had the chance to enter anyone’s mind space before. I kind of assumed that no one other than Yuugi even had one. So Anzu’s mind, shouldn’t be too ba- oh
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Just take this whole sequence, put some generic lo-fi on it, and you have yourself a youtube channel. It’s amazing how, since the 90′s anime style is back into fashion, this bizarre sequence just hit so many good notes. Those pink and blue flowers matched with a silver metallic tree with weird purple fruit? Not gonna lie, that’s some good inspo material. Maye not the weird bird and terrifying 90′s sun--I don’t know why he’s here--but everything else? Shoot.
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This hasn’t come up before and the only guy with G in his name that I can think of is Gozoboro and he cannot be this guy. Maybe just a reference to some comic book stuff because he does have a Superman shape to that G, but I don’t know comics well enough to know if this was a manga Superman parody.
PS now that we know that Tea’s mind is just a lo-fi channel, we now know that Bakura and Marik have just been hanging out next to a weird silver fruit tree, staring at a horrifying green sun and avoiding eye contact with one single green bird for basically this entire Noah arc. Assuming of course that a piece of Bakura is still in there in Tea’s mind, which he may have decided to vacate at this point because what’s he supposed to do in there? Do barre?
Maybe they both just do barre workouts in the tea mindfort while a parrot awkwardly watches.
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So Shadi has been just hanging out in Tea’s head for how long? Like half a day now?
She really has always been the ghost uber. From the very beginning. Wow.
Also, speaking of vaporwave, the pink to yellow tint on the irises? A+. That could be your lo-fi thumbnail, easy.
Anyway we are blessed with another tiny Yuugi this episode. I think I’ve mentioned it before but I’ll mention it again, I love it when artists have to draw their characters as small as ants because then the characters are given their rawest, purest form. Which in his case is just being very squat and having hair with spikes.
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And then Anzu somehow hides in this closet and tips over a bunch of beams at him. Are these cross country beams? What are these? I did water polo and swim team so I just have no idea what you land people did.
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When beams don’t work out, Shadi sets in play the next step of his super evil and sinister plan. Please remember that this guy is a 5000 year old very scary ghost with crazy OP powers.
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So then Shadi starts his third phase. So far we’ve had a bunch of poles and a basketball, what will be next? Will Anzu come up with two chalkboard erasers and start pounding them together to make a sick chalk cloud? Will Anzu step on the back of Yuugi’s shoe so his foot falls out? Will Anzu unzip his backpack when he’s not looking so all his books fall out? What dick move will Anzu do?
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This is a thing that canonically happened in Yugioh.
It’s like finding out that Big Bird once violently choked out Elmo in Season One but now they’re good and they don’t want to talk about it.
Like...this is a lot and it’s not even discussed in this very episode!
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The one time.
The one time they should have just ditched.
This is the one time you should just find a boat/blimp, smuggle yourself on board, and then play cards for a straight week with an evil psychopath. The one time.
No wonder they go out of their way to avoid this school for the rest of this show. They ditch just to survive their 1st year of High School.
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So they decided to split up which...they’ve made worse choices, and only Yugi finds Tea. What would Shadi’s plan have been if anyone else was up here first?
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Reminder that in the second or third episode of Season 1, Joey and Yugi came up here to reminisce the good ol days. I had no idea at the time that the “good ol days” involved being dangled on the edge of whatever this weird contraption is called.
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Eat your heart out Jeffree Star and Rituel de Fille, Shadi here did black highlighter first. In 1999. And that nose is snatched.
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Appropriately, Honda is still embracing his janitorial duties. Maybe that’s why he’s not a janitor anymore? Because he was getting tooooo into being a janitor? Like if you go janitor while being a zombie that’s toooooo much janitorial.
Another thing Season Zero does that may either be a limitation of their budget or just a limitation of their experience is that, unlike most foreign films, the pacing of the cuts are really quick. Like REALLY frantic. (And yeah I’m generalizing a lot when I say that Western shows and movies have quicker cuts, but lets just say that it’s true about 90% of the time. Not better or worse, just different.)
And like, this was the 90′s, a time period I don’t really remember, but back then we were into bizarre editing. It was a very experimental time in film because suddenly there were a lot of computer and filming tools available for a decent price and people kind of lost their minds. They were getting into doing tons of dutch angles and tons of filters and it was just a real...interesting time in film. It’s gauche by our standards but like...art kind of lives in the time period it’s from and you shouldn’t pull it out and compare it to our current standards too much because--welcome to 90′s Xtreme cuts. Docking something for being too 90′s is like saying that medieval art sucks balls because they didn’t want to use perspective and all their cats look weird. This was the time.
It’s just interesting to me that they decided to attempt to copy this frantic editing style into a cartoon when it’s normally done splicing together live action shots that were done with three+ different cameras. They planned out each cut in a storyboard and drew every frame. It was a lot of work. And it didn’t age well, which is a shame.
And it could have been that because this is a horror show, they decided to experiment. It’s a pretty edge show based on a pretty intense manga. But, it’s...interesting. Can’t exactly cap it, you’ll have to watch it for itself but it’s...interesting. And overall, I honestly feel like I can’t come to any conclusions about the direction that Season Zero editing has taken since I’ve only seen four episodes, so these are just my five cents, don’t quote me on it. I may take back this opinion a few episodes from now.
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Y’all this was never told to us until like Season 2. Season Zero told us this in like episode 4. Would have been really nice to have this information a little earlier.
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So then we introduce the mummy mechanic of this “game.” Anzu’s plank contraption is tied to these baby mummies. Kind of looks like they’re chocolate mummies you get from the Egyptian museum store. In fact, They might actually be museum gift shop chocolate mummies that Shadi shoplifted up after he killed that fat guy.
Not sure how he set any of this up, especially when he totally botched it with the beams and the basketball and the strangling, but somehow, Shadi got this complicated knot system all ready to go. Weird how Marik was the one on the boat when Shadi has like a degree in knots.
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So I said this in the last episode but we get this reoccurring theme in Season Zero where Yugioh is a little boy learning to grow up and be a man, and yet every guy he meets has just a pile of toxic misinformation about how to be a powerful adult. In Shadi’s case, he believes that weakness stems from caring about other people and relying on them for support, hallmarks of mortality. Which is easy for Shadi to say because he’s some 5000 yo undead (I think?) with no friends, unless you count Chair Barney. But Shadi’s pretty sure that attachment to living people will only ultimately hurt you, especially when they’re complete assholes, which most of Yuugi’s friends are. They’re good assholes, though.
It’s a pretty common anime trope and I’m surprised it took us this long to get to the power of friendship. Freakin finally. And there’s nothing wrong with tropes. It’s how stories are made.
Anyways, in case you thought this episode would not address the teachers, they actually did for about 3 seconds.
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Neat that this is the most unsafe school in all of Japan.
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I am a fan of the combo of blue, purple, green, and very large teeth. I will give Chair Barney that much. Anyway, lets see what game Shadi made.
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Oh cool, it’s the game I made to go in my babysitting kit when I was like 11.
Granted, so were playing cards.
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Wow everyone is just assaulting each other this episode, damn!
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Back on the roof, Yugi calmly wins the game without ever flipping a tile.
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Now for some reason I missed the part where he says “two feet” and so I was missing a pair of things and so I listened to this part again and either my sick brain missed it three times (cuz y’all I have had the plague and my recovery has been so sloooow) there were these shapes on the tiles that looked like kidneys and I thought--but it’s not two kidneys, right? and I was like what else is a pair and round and lobby shaped? and then I didn’t really want to go there, and assumed--FEET.
Knowing full well feet are not kidney shaped, but I’m gonna assume he said feet. If he actually said weird monster testicles, you’ll be sure let me know.
And then this happened and it’s pretty legit.
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We have never actually addressed the fact that Yuugi forced his friends to like him. Like it’s a pretty effed up origin story that Jounouchi was like like “I feel like very strongly I should be his friend” but doesn’t really know it’s because he got cursed. Kinda figured the show would just breeze by it, but no, here we are, and Yuugi has to face the fact that maybe the only reason he’s not a loner anymore is because he won Jounouchi as a prize for finishing an accessory.
And whether or not Jounouchi would have been his friend no matter what isn’t really what’s being tested, it’s whether or not Yuugi believes that this friendship is actually real, or a curse. Like Jounouchi did try to defend Yuugi before Yuugi finished the puzzle, but does Yuugi know that? He was passing out at the time. It’s a real insecure spot for Yuugi since before Jounouchi he was just a little punching bag playing board games alone in the homeroom. Jounouchi was introduced as someone who was legitimately bullying Yuugi and tossing that puzzle out a window. There’s going to be the underlying fear that Jounouchi would go back.
In the S1 anime, they basically wrote that plot point out of the show or decided that because this was done in Season Zero they don’t need to retread on old territory. Joey, Tristan, and Tea aren’t cursed to be Yugi’s friends, as far as I know.
But this test between the friendship of Yugi and Joey is recreated again in S2 with Marik when they were both tied to an anchor and one had to choose to kill the other or live. But there’s some pretty major differences. This time, instead of Joey being possessed by Marik and being forced to kill his friend, he’s just Jounouchi sans curse.
Although Jounouchi is still somewhat mind controlled as he is just an illusion. He’s just...not as badly mind controlled as the whole Marik thing. This Jounouchi has more motor control and doesn’t seem to have any inner conflict at all. Because again, this isn’t so much Yuugi vs Jounouchi, this is Yuugi vs Yuugi’s fear of being alone again.
That’s a realllllly different takeaway. And honestly, it’s pretty interesting.
Also, instead of Tea with a shipping container over her head, this time Anzu is walking a plank. Really didn’t expect that Shadi would basically turn into Marik but without the cards. And without the underground bunker lifestyle where he kills his own Dad.
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The game is kind of hard to show in caps but they have to drop the puzzle in the direction they want the other to walk. Mostly it’s just another reason for Jounouchi to steal Yuugi’s puzzle again and relive the trauma.
Remember that time that Jounouchi tried to get Yuugi to punch him and Yuugi broke out in tears because he didn’t like violence? I mean honestly, out of everyone Yuugi knows. Jounouchi was probably the nicest bully he had. Doesn’t mean Yuugi isn’t incredibly insecure about it.
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Instead of fighting back, Yuugi decides to skip his turn. It’s a contrast to the other Joey/Yugi fight because instead of just throwing a fireball in his own face until Joey snaps out of it, Yuugi has decided to rely on trust.
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And, much like Grandpa’s Blue Eyed Dragon that would not perform under Kaiba’s reign to kill Yuugi, neither would Jounouchi under Shadi. They even disappear into the aether with the same smoke effect.
And what I think is the most interesting part of this is that the question of “so would they have been friends without the puzzle?” is mostly left open ended.
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And if the friendship were solid as a rock, then this whole debate Yuugi has with Shadi wouldn’t even be a debate. Shadi is certain that people will betray you because they can, Yuugi is confident that, even though they do walk you to that ledge, they can change although there is a history of hurt. Shadi was convinced Yuugi couldn’t overcome his lonely past, and Yuugi had to prove that the past can’t hurt him anymore, the past being also his best friend.
Like it’s just something never mentioned in the S1-3, that Yuugi has a lot of issues because all of his friends have been his bully at one point. And like, not to get too PSA, but every friendship has to be looked at by a case by case basis. You can’t generalize and say “everyone who betrays you can change.” But the message here isn’t about keeping any relationship that is toxic, it’s about overcoming the pain of the past.
Also Jounouchi is hella cursed so he won’t be back to his old ways anytime soon.
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Kind of hard to tell, but Honda got covered in a layer of white fire extinguisher juice and it’s a look that uhhhh we would never illustrate this way in 2019. Times were more innocent in the 90′s.
Just kidding, they absolutely weren’t, I have no idea who allowed Honda to be drawn this way.
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Reminder that Kaiba is just sitting pretty in one of these classrooms, maybe watching Joey’s ass scrape up against the window while Honda completely covered in mysterious white stuff screams bloody mercy. As the teacher teaching this particular class ignores all of this, Kaiba would just be thinking to himself “Aw. that’s fun.”
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And so ends this really long but honestly, pretty interesting episode. Season Zero has a lot of rough patches, like I’m probably not going to do every episode of it, but when it connects to what we’re watching its neat to compare and contrast the two. Kind of wish we had more of Yugi facing his past in the current anime but instead it’s Kaiba facing his past. So we...kind of get it? Just with a different character?
Shadi picks up his key and walks away unscathed. Mostly because Yuugi does not currently know how to mind-wipe. Seems that that is mostly a Pharaoh thing and as far as I can tell Yuugi is still just one person with an alternate personality.
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Off he goes, that bastard.
Amazing that everyone’s pretty much on good terms with Shadi by the end of S1. Like he’s just kind of a pal that shows up and “accidentally” leads you directly to kill your own Dad when in Season Zero he is...really outwardly evil.
Anyway, that was a hellton of content haha, next week it’s back to Joey dueling a lawyer while Kaiba gets lost in the woods.
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billys-bloodynose · 7 years
another tag game :)
tagged by: @dacremontgomerylover
How old: 14😂😂
what are your nicknames: EVERYONE CALL ME ELMO
where were you born and raised: new york
How is life?: ok i guess
what is your star sign: cancer
what is your sexual orientation: straight af but gay people are just amazing
what was the last thing you bought: subway
what color are your eyes: blue
what’s your best features: my eyes, lips and hair
do you have braces: yes
do you have any piercings: no
do you have any tattoos: no
do you have any pets: yes; 2 bearded dragons, a hairless guinea pig and a chihuahua
are you left handed or right handed: both
Height?: 5’7”
If you had to learn a new language, what would it be? american sign language
Favorite actor? rob lowe, dacre montgomery, joe keery, demi moore and winona ryder
Most overrated celebrity? zac efron
Favorite TV shows?: parks and recreation and stranger things
Favorite movies? the outsiders, it and power rangers
Fictional characters you can relate to? definitely chris traeger and leslie knope from parks and recreation. they just burst with happiness and positivity
ios or android: ios
dogs or cats: dogs
what is your favorite sport: none
when was your first real holiday: hershey park in pennsylvania in like 2009
what was the last concert you went to: train i think
what’s your favorite color: rose gold
what’s your favorite restaurants: zinburger and houlihans (if you find one, please go)
what’s your favorite magazine: lowkey the entertainment weekly
Do you love your country?: no..
what’s your favorite season: summer
who was the last person you messaged: my cousin because she won’t bang human shrek and i got mad
Like anyone?: um idk what that means but yes mostly men that are 10 years older than me
How many kids do you want in the future? If so when?: one so they are spoiled af
do you want to get married one day: ofc but definitely to an australian man
where do you want to live: california or australia
do you believe in God: yes
do you believe in miracles: yes
do you believe in love at first sight: sure
do you believe in ghosts: yes
do you believe in aliens: not really
do you believe in soul mates: yes
do you believe in heaven or hell: yes
do you believe in kissing on the first date?: no
do you believe in yourself: sure i guess
do you sing in the shower: no i have people that live there
where was the last place you traveled: canada
would you go skydiving: heck yes
if you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be: australia or california
can you whistle: no
can you speak another language: i’m learning french
what’s most important in your life: my family,friends and love for animals
have you ever had surgery: no
3 fears that you have: dying, being alone and demonic stuff
tagging: anyone who wants to do it
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dimisimi · 5 years
B O U G I E on a B U D G E T
Have you ever heard of the saying: “You wear the dress, the dress doesn’t wear you”…or something like that? Well, it’s 100% true! An outfit doesn’t have to cost you a million dollars in order for you to look and feel like a million dollars, you just need to know how to put basic pieces together! It can be hard scrolling through Instagram and looking at all these bloggers wearing the latest designer outfits. As a full-time student with a part-time job, purchasing the latest designer items isn’t always the most practical thing to do. However, money should never stop you from expressing yourself! People spend way too much time worrying about money when they should be enjoying life. If you want to be bougie, then guess what? You CAN and you WILL be bougie…but on a budget! Just follow my tips on how to be Bougie on a Budget to achieve your fashion goals!
1.    Less is ALWAYS more.
Now I don’t necessarily mean jeans and a t-shirt. I mean a simple outfit with a statement piece. It can be any part of your outfit: your shoes, purse, dress, etc., but make sure there’s only one. For example, if you wear a bright red dress, bright red shoes, and a bright red purse, you won’t look like you just walked out of Chanel, you’ll look like you just walked off the set of Sesame Street, and guess what? You’re Elmo (at least you’re the star of the show). A pop of colour is always a nice touch to a simple outfit. In the photo below you will see my simple jeans and a white tube top with a pop of hot pink in my shoes (which were only 20 euros!). A simple black dress gives off a very sleek and simple look which makes your outfit look luxurious. A good way to dress up a simple black dress is an expensive looking belt. In my example below I wore a simple black dress from Urban Behaviour ($20) with a gold belt from…Value Village! I originally bought it for a Halloween costume and now look? My $4 really came to use! Talk about bougie on a budget!! Am I right?
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2. Designer Dupes? Why not?!
I can’t help it…I love designer items! From purses, to shoes, to jewellery…I want it all, but obviously being a full-time student working a part-time job, my version of “treating” myself is getting a venti coffee from Starbucks rather than a grande. If a designer item is not in your budget right now, why not go for a designer dupe? There are countless versions of designer stuff out there, especially online. Recently, I have been in love with this very popular Louis Vuitton purse call the Multi Pochette. The only problem is...it’s $2,300...plus...tax. The good thing is that I am a strong believer in the phrase: there’s a solution to everything (well…most things). A few weeks ago I was looking at an online store called Ego Official, and what do I see - a very similar purse for $40! It does not say Louis Vuitton on it obviously but it has a classic Louis Vuitton print without the classic Louis Vuitton price. Naturally, without an if, and, or but, I purchased it and I’ve been wearing it a lot to recreate looks that I have fallen in love with from my favourite fashion bloggers on Instagram (refer to pictures below). For $40 I can’t complain; it does the job! Now, if someone is like “omg I totally love your Louis Vuitton purse”, I’m 100% not embarrassed to tell them it’s not the real deal. I am here to inspire and be inspired, so if I can help someone else make their bougie dreams come true then I will for sure! I am so surprised that I didn’t see anyone else talk about this purse on YouTube or Instagram so if Ego Official is reading this…you’re welcome…ps. I wouldn’t say no to a gift card ;).
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3. Stick to your style and enhance it!
Be inspired but don’t try to be exactly like others – you will feel even more confident and bougie if you feel more like your true, authentic self . Sometimes when I scroll through Instagram I see outfits that I love on certain bloggers but I wouldn’t wear myself. Just because something may be in style or trendy, doesn’t mean you need it to look and feel expensive. However, if you are curious about the trend, take a trip to your local thrift shops to see if you can find something similar for a cheap price and try it out! If you like it then you succeeded - how exciting! If not, then who cares? At least you didn’t spend an arm and a leg on it! Style is all about being yourself and being creative. So if you want to look bougie without spending all your money then you 120% do that, but always remember to not let fashion bloggers pressure you into wearing something you secretly don’t like just because it’s “trendy”.
I will be releasing a YouTube video soon showing and talking about my bougie on a budget items in detail and different ways you can style them. Follow my Instagram @dimisimti and subscribe to me on YouTube @DimitraSimtikidis to keep up to date with my upcoming content (I promise to follow back)! If I can leave you with a few final important thoughts, it would be this: wear what you want to wear, be inspired, and show your creativity, but be true to yourself and don’t go broke!! Remember this: “Fashion is what you buy, style is what you do with it.”
xo – Dimi
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