#if i feel up to it later i would like to vaccuum and figure out our new trash service
intriga-hounds · 2 years
the covid is technically gone but after literally -every- task i have to lie down so can we really say i’m ok
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Do you have any stuffed animals from Build-a-Bear Workshop? >> Yes! I have a stuffed dog named Reese. He was white when we bought him... but you know how that goes, lol. When was the last time that you ate fruit? >> Does an applesauce pouch count? That’s where the majority of my fruit intake comes from, since I’m too paranoid to enjoy fresh fruit. Can you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time? >> Yeah. Do you listen to country music? >> Sure, some. Are you the generic person? >> This is a funny question because it reminds me of my reply to Lane just an hour ago about how I don’t have/do most of the main stuff that surveys ask about, and like he said, without any of that stuff I barely even qualify as a person by survey standards lmao. I guess that means I’m definitely not the generic (which I assume is being used to mean “average” here) person.
Have you ever had your palms read? >> Nope. Do you know what a fuzzy navel is? >> Yeah, some sort of cocktail. Don’t know what-all is in it, though. Do you like peaches? >> Sure. But you’ll never catch me biting into one because paranoia. Do you have in fruit trees in your backyard? >> I don’t have a backyard. When was the last time your lawn was mowed? >> Lawn maintenance hasn’t started up at the apartment complex yet, because the season hasn’t yet changed. So I guess the last time would be October or so. Have you ever been hit in the face really hard? >> Yeah, when I was a teenager. Do you hate anyone? >> No. Do you like fingerpainting? >> I don’t think I would enjoy it, because I don’t like having stuff all over my hands like that. Are you sick? >> I am not. Do you use flashlights when there is a blackout? >> I haven’t experienced a blackout longer than a few minutes in so long that I mostly forget they even exist. We don’t have flashlights, though, so I guess we’d be using our phone flashlights and candles if a blackout were to happen right now (or, rather, tonight, since it’s not a problem in the daytime). Do you like black coffee? >> Yeah. I don’t drink it, though, because of the caffeine. Have you ever stolen from a store before? >> Yes. Do you like the color yellow? >> I like gold, which is in the yellow family, I guess. There are some other yellow hues I like, too. Do you like calm, pretty colors or wild, bright, flashy colors? >> I like both, but I can bear less-saturated colours in greater abundance and for longer than I can bear neons and other hyper-saturated hues. Do you collect coins? >> No. When was the last time you rode a bike? >> It’s been a long time. I got one a couple of years ago but then I realised exactly how out-of-shape I’ve become since moving here and was demoralised. Sometimes I think about those days riding across Brooklyn and through Prospect Park without a care and I’m just. Sad. Have you ever walked on stilts? >> No. Is there anything orange on your computer screen? >> Nope. Do you use Dial-up? >> Well, that dates this survey. Who was the last person that you called? >> --- How many letters are in your middle name? >> Six. Do you collect seashells? >> I’ve done so, in Far Rockaway and such. Have you ever been to New York City? >> As two of the answers I’ve given in this survey so far suggest, I used to live there. Do you like to bake cupcakes? >> No. How old were you 10 years ago? >> 22. Do you age well? >> I mean, I haven’t aged enough to know how well I age. The transition from young adulthood to adulthood did introduce some physical changes that necessitated changes in my lifestyle, but none of those changes were unexpected or particularly negative. I’m hoping I have smooth transitions later on in life, too, but the older one gets, the lower that likelihood. How many lamps are in the room that you are currently in? >> None, it’s daytime. What color is your keyboard? >> The keys are charcoal, the “bed” or whatever is silver. When was the last time that you clipped your fingernails? >> About a week ago, or something. What about your toenails? >> A longer time. I keep putting it off and subsequently forgetting entirely. Have you ever had the chicken pox? >> No. Do you like history? >> Sure, I find it interesting to read about. Do you wear deodorant all the time? >> I mean, as often as I feel is necessary. I reapply it less often in the winter, for example. Do you tend to tangle things up? >> Er, like... wires and stuff? I mean, that just happens regardless of what I do. Can you unknot knots? >> Some. When did you first learn how to tie your shoes? >> I have no idea. How different is the world today, than it was 5 years ago? >> I mean, that sounds like a question for google, not me. What kind of car would you like to have? >> ---
How loud is the volume on your computer? >> It’s muted right now, because no speakers or headphones are connected. Name 5 things that are in your room. >> A bag of chips, an Anubis plushie, an almost-depleted bottle of absinthe, a water bottle, a stepladder. Do you like the number 46? >> I have no associations with it, it doesn’t mean anything to me. Have you ever left your handprint in wet concrete? >> No. Do you vaccuum? >> Yeah. When was the last time that you graduated from a grade? >> 2004. Do you have a nickname? >> Some people still call me Rev, which is cool because it’s still my favourite nickname. People on two Discord servers I’m in call me “Dio” because some form of “Dionysus” is the handle they know me by. Can you wiggle your ears? >> No. Have you ever been in a commercial before? >> No. Have you ever built a castle out of cardboard? >> No. Do you really ever get too old for certain things? >> Well, sure, of course.
Do you like apple juice? >> I do. Can you whistle? >> Sometimes? Like, at some point my mouth just. accidentally figured out how to make the whistling shape properly and sometimes it actually comes out right. Do you celebrate Christmas? >> More or less. Do you have a New Years Resolution? >> No. How thick is your hair? >> It’s quite thick. When it grows out, it becomes very difficult to wash my scalp properly, which is a main reason why I keep it buzzed. Have you ever wanted to grow a beard or mustache? >> Eh, not particularly. I don’t mind having peach fuzz on my chin, though, which is one of my two remaining relics from being on HRT (the other being my voice). Do you use highlighters? >> No. Are you a very traditional person? >> Nope. Do you feel awkward around certain people? >> Well, sure. Do you like bananas? >> Not at all, I hate them. Do you like Febreeze? >> Eh, I get tempted but ultimately I prefer not to use it. How many children do you want? >> Zero will do. How tall are you? >> 5′5″.
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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I am not feeling as horrible. But I am not feeling great still. James accidentally hit me in the face when we were sleeping last night and so I was jarred awake and he was upset and confused and I was very tired and upset. 
I woke up early and I felt not as deepy tired but I was still sick for sure. But I was determined to accomplish some stuff today. James headed to work and I decided to take a shower  because I thought that would help me feel better. And while it did help a little, what really made me feel well enough to do things was the dayquil. Excellent dayquil. 
I just chilled for a little while until it kicked in. But once it did I felt so much better I was able to clean the whole apartment. 
I scrubbed the tub and did all the floors and I was very happy with how eveyrthing looks. Though I want to get something else to clean the tub. But the apartment was clean and that felt good. 
I had some frozen pizza for a late breakfast. And then I worked on my new wooden duck! 
I actually pulled out my bandsaw and got it roughed out. And once I did that I decided to also vaccuum out all the sawdust inside and that was good. I worked on my duck for a while. My blades need to be sharpened but I dont know how to do that so that, so I will have to something I figure out. 
It was really pretty out today. So I had the windows open, and there were birds on the windsill. And then sweetP keeps trying to throw himself into the screen. So I had to move stuff around so he wouldnt injure himself. My neighbor outside was laughing at him and we made eye contact and Im like. He's ridiculous.
But because it was really nice I wanted to get out of the house. Ride the wave of not feelling sick. So I packed myself up and headed out. 
I took a drive with the sunroof open. 
I drove out to the savers and enjoyed walking around the store. I found the silliest giraffe. A pretty skirt. And the comfiest shoes. I wanted round toe flats and was trying a bunch on but they were all just okay. But then I found these and I was like. Omg. Out loud. Super comfy. 
The line was long so I wandered around for a while. Tried on some stuff. And eventually checked out and headed to lunch. 
I got a taco down the street. I had sort of lost my voice for a bit at this part of the day. And when the cashier had to take my order because the touch screen wasnt working, I like, croaked out and sounded dumb. But whatever. 
I left there and stopped at the grocery store. Got all confused trying to get in the parking lot. But I got the couple things to we needed. And then went home. Which was very good because my medicine was losing its effectiveness.
I got home and headed upstairs. I closed the windows and pulled out the one space heater and put a bunch of stuff away. I made lemonade. And chilled on the couch. 
Our neighbor Nick came down to get the keys for their apartment we had for when they were out of town. He asked if I would be at their party downtairs later. And I was like. Maybe. Because I was feeling bad. 
But James let me know he would be home within the hour. And so I was like. Cool. I can be a person until then. 
James got home though and said he did want to go to the party. So I took another dayquil and and he stretched and got a shower. And then we went downtairs. 
I am really glad we went but yeah I was tired. It ended up being so fun because they are all so musical. They are also all hippies and it was very fun aesthetically because of that.  And I am so glad they all found eachother! And we played a game of advant garde opera. Where they say a topic and someone sings a song based on that topic and they all were singing and playing instruments, And someone performed a few songs they had perviously writen. But everything was wonderful?? 
I also got to meet a few really nice people and may have a nanny job or at least a summer camp contact that I am like. Wicked jazzed about. This woman also suggested I start a baby art class. And Im like. Yes but I am not a good buisness person. And she was like. Nonsense I am, so I will help you learn? I hope she follows up because that would be awesome. But even the motivation of that conversation was great. I want to really try some new things and take some new directions this year. 
We headed back upstairs and James made us mac and cheese. And now we are just hanging out and I am very much ready to sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day and while Im sure it will be fine I am still not feeling great. Mostly I feel tired. But I will figure it out. It will be okay. 
I hope you all sleep good tonight. 
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karkatvantasistrans · 5 years
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Everyone heal your epilogue stress with another chapter of my Rosemary fic!!! Even if it is a little...dare I say........sadstuck. You can also read it on ao3 here.
Be Kanaya
When you return for training the next day, no one mentions it. You bump shoulders with Terezi while running from a crash of Time in the air behind you, and the sureness with which she hooks her arm into yours dissolves your weeks away from battle as if they had never taken place.
You wonder if Vriska feels just how erratic her control of Mind has become. You wonder if she encourages the chaos so she can feel in control of something, watching as space spits her aspect outwards, hitting the potential decisions of your allies as Vriska deflects the onslaught, cackles as it overwhelms Dave for a moment, drops him to his knees. You wonder why you bother aiming Mind at a wall at all as Karkat wretches, his matesprit opting to curse out Vriska rather than either source of the attack.
No one questions why this is.
When Dave’s time whips into Terezi’s control, you are in the sphere of influence this time, spiraled backwards into a time as a young grub when you grappled with the feelings you failed to have for a boy who, for all intensive purposes, you should have been the perfect kismesis for. You feel the smallness, the vulnerability rocket through you as you struggle to warp the space between the fraymotifing pair, and this time when Vriska laughs you swear it’s at your prepubescent shame, spilling out of every pore as the waves of purple escape the wall, embrace you instead.
If this is the case, no one mentions it.
Maybe there’s less to mention than you think.
Be Kanaya, one day later.
You would like to tell Rose about this.
Between the thorns of her disapproval, there is a unification of ideals that you crave every time you are left open on the battlefield, emotional wound of a girl as you heave and bleed.
She is not around for three days to ask where the blood comes from.
Maybe you don’t look quite hard enough.
Vriska mourns the loss of structure silently, the threat of your hard fought-for weekend creeping into the edges of her training schedule for the day. She pushes you harder, lights into each of your arms and bodies and torsos with a fresh intensity, delivering the promise of a weekend spent on self-repair.
Freeing you from the burden of unstructured time.
There was an inkling you had, before your coupled departure, that the pressure Vriska put on you all to perform was not uniform. As you watch the blood trickle down Karkat’s forehead, bright red, unnatural saturation running over the hills of his face and through his bared teeth, this is confirmed. Head wounds bleed a lot: it’s something you’re all familiar with. But the intensity of his blood, of his entire approach to battle sets you all silently on edge. It’s different from the unhinged approach Terezi allows her aspect: endangering others is, in some way, part and parcel with your overall goals. But when Karkat fails, or refuses, for the hundredth time to deflect an attack, to focus his energy on himself over adversary, the message in the air is unmistakable.
He won’t let Dave defend him outside of battle.
When they pull their fraymotif together, hot red bursting over the wall in liquid waves, Dave shoots every attack back into history, vaccuums them from the timeline altogether.
These are the only times Karkat will defend himself: under the cloak of Dave, red explosion incomprehensible in their combination.
You all remember the first time Dave came between him and Vriska, the only one who’d allow himself the vulnerability to worry for Karkat out loud. To demand that Vriska stop launching attacks exactly where she knew they would hurt, pull the hot red of shame over the honest slice of agony.
Dave was the only one to begin to put a name to the truth in the air: that Karkat didn’t see himself coming out of this battle alive.
No one named it explicitly: Dave only pressed into Vriska, demanding, finger to her chest as the rest curled into his cape. Why Karkat’s focus was never re-directed to defensive practices; why no one had a problem with how much of the blood on the floor was always Karkat’s.
Vriska only lauded Karkat’s dedication in response, the comfort with his potential demise a tether binding the two of them together.
Dave and Karkat left together that day, returned separately the next.
Dave’s eyewear did little to hide his ire, but it was never brought up again. The only indication left was the hot anger on his face behind his matesprit’s back, the chill of inevitability sitting, fog-like, over the room.
You refuse to auspticize the comfort with Karkat’s death he shares with Vriska.
But you make a silent commitment not to let another boy be destroyed by her.
Be Rose
You haven’t left your room in four days.
Shuffling down the corridor, sleeve sliding along the wall, you text Kanaya as your mind churns with data. There is so much to absorb, you think, to consider in the accumulated mass of troll and human text alike. Your novels are annotated with brusque, splattered strokes in the room you’ve left behind, and you carry the synthesized conclusions with you in the well of your mind on your way to see her. You are excited, you think, to see someone who can be an audience. The inclinations of your heart burble deeper, muted, under the cascading cipher of the rational mind.
-– tentacleTherapist [TT] began pestering grimAuxiliatrix [GA] at 17:01 -–
 TT: So, Kanaya, to what do I owe the pleasure of you summoning me from my lair?
 GA: Oh Its Status Has Been Updated To Lair Since We Last Spoke?
 GA: I’m Anticipating An Excess Of Macabre The Next Time I’m Over.
 GA: At Least As Far As Decor Is Concerned.
 GA: Otherwise A Demotion Back To Block May Be In Order.
 TT: I promise nothing but the most appropriately monikered interior.
 TT: Cultural norms on earth dictate such an abode if I’m to be consorting with a woman of the vampiric persuasion, I’m sure you understand.
 GA: Ah So It Is The Earth Equivalent Of Tidying Up Before Ones Matesprit Arrives.
 TT: Only if you like to adhere to banality, I suppose.
 TT: I’d like to think the supernatural element is a welcome expansion on the concept, however.
 GA: Hmmm.
 GA: Perhaps.
 TT: Anyway, Kanaya, you didn’t answer my question.
 GA: No?
 TT: What do you have planned for our rendezvous tonight?
 GA: Ah, That.
 GA: My Plan For Today Is As Follows:
 TT: Oh my.
 TT: I’ve suddenly found the motivation to hurry.
-– tentacleTherapist[TT] ceased pestering grimAuxiliatrix [GA] at 17:17 -–
– -- grimAuxiliatrix [GA] began pestering tentacleTherapist[TT] at 17:19 –-
 GA: In All Seriousness Though I Did Have Something I Wanted To Run By You
 GA: Also Under The Heading Of A Tactical Omission Until You Arrive
 TT: I look forward to the unveiling of this top secret information, then.
 TT: See you soon, Kanaya.
–- tentacleTherapist [TT] ceased pestering grimAuxiliatrix [GA] at 17:21 –-
     Your hand does not feel like yours when you reach up to knock on her door.
                                                   You are awake in her bed.
Shift of skirt, hair bouncing off of shoulder, you orient yourself: face to wall and arm tucked under stomach. It’s with a bleary brain that you roll your head, unite your eyes in tandem with her figure.
“Welcome back.” It’s delivered dryly, spine to face, and she finishes typing before she turns to see you.
Her screen is filled with cascading geometric patterns you do not recognize. They hum together in time with the focus of her eyes on you: intricate and intense, the illusion of constant motion.
“I didn’t mean to drift off so soon into this visit, Kanaya. I’m sorry.” It’s sincere: it’s damage control.
The shake of her head is slight, but present.
“Is that what it’s called?”
“…Pardon?” A pull of legs under thighs as your body urges you closer to her, upright. “Maybe I’ve got too much sleep between my ears still, Kanaya. Sorry.” You deliver a yawn for emphasis, try and send her a sleepy wink to cement your camaraderie.
“You weren’t sleeping.” A shift of her eyes, her whole body, as she spins back towards her husktop.
Away from you.
“You ended up that way, more or less, but when you came over you were not…present.”
The rip of guilt is hot, like a rope pulled up from your stomach, through your eyes.
“It was trance-like, but otherwise…unobtrusive. That being said,” A click of hesitation pops in her throat as she raises a knuckle to her teeth, swings her eyes back to you for the briefest moment.
“…it would be nice. If you could actually schedule being present when I ask you to come over.”
“Of course,” Reconciliation attempt comes too quick, too eager.
A trance.
“I’m sorry, Kanaya. I’m not always able to predict changes in state like that. Perhaps it would have been prudent to warn you, but…I did want to see you.” For all the rehearsed intimacy of your hand on her cheek, the emotion that claws its way out of you is still genuine.
You can work with a trance.
“This is a normal attribute of human soporofics?”
“Ah - only at certain echelons of consumption. It’s the sort of thing I’d enjoy alone, not necessarily on a day I’m planning to see others,”
This is not normal.
Fidget of fingers, soft disquiet of lost inhibitions beyond your own ability to predict.
This is not normal.
But you are fine, the moment has returned, the underestimation is to be expected from time to time.
Repentance re-adjusts itself, focuses on your girlfriend’s disappointment alone. An unexpected blip, but one whose only consequence is a ruined afternoon.
“Would you like me to leave?”
“No…” Head turning, body with it, finally facing you in full.
“No. It’s alright. I’d like to at least spend some time together before I fall asleep.”
Be Rose, 41 minutes later
Kanaya’s hair is slick with sopor, gathered at her temples and rubbed in thick, decisive lines over her forehead. You can see the streak of her fingertips etched into the green on the back of her neck when she moves to turn off the light.
You have to remind yourself not to play with her hair as you sleep, subtract the buffer between slightly unpleasant nocturnal solemnity and nightmare.
Tucked with one arm to her chest, the other circling her back, you feel the gentle brush of lips and the edges of teeth on your forehead as she starts to drift to sleep. You think of how soft Kanaya’s hair always is when you wake up, sopor-treated silk, and wonder if the gentle frame of dry black on her face in those morning hours is the sign of a nightmare ripping through her mind.
You feel childlike, infantile as her arms circle you into her chest, disgust soaking you lightly until a fluid equally familiar pulls you under entirely.
You never did find out what she wanted to tell you
Be past Rose
Did you forget?
You’re Kanaya Maryam.
You have just finished training with the rest of your friends, and have filtered out with slightly less urgency than the rest of them. Training in a group is more strenuous than you remembered, possibly because of Vriska’s overenthusiastic testing of your independently practiced abilities. Catching your breath at the hallway’s threshold, you turn to see Terezi walking towards you, hands shoved into her pockets.
“Terezi,” you greet, voice uneven with the remnants of exertion. Her face is illuminated as she steps into your your radius, reminds you of the energy brimming from your skin.
“Ah, sorry…” Hum of lambent skin lifts into the corners of her lips, over the hills of her cheeks as your phosphorescence pops, extinguishes. She is lit, now, only by the distant lamps of the hallway, glowing a soft red under her chin.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you something!” Straight to business, no pretense:
“Was this you?”
Your eyes struggle to register, in the dark, what she is pointing to on the right side of her face. Something whips through you as you identify the “what” as bite marks, and you force your eyes back onto hers when you start to recognize the soft pucker of blood pooling around both scars.
You struggle to excuse your proclivity for blood theft.
“I’m afraid so.” Is all you’re able to cough up, dull throb of your face’s light bouncing off of hers in embarrassment. The pinch of teal in your gut Sings, shooting through your system as it begs to be reunited, made whole as you watch the way her blood pools lightly under the healed wound
“I didn’t expect there to be such a physical effect when I woke up, I admit I may have gotten…”
You struggle to find a better word, utterly fail.
She cackles, elated, head thrown back and uniform fangs exposed to the sky.
“That’s great!” She enthuses, and you hear the echo of an “eight” in her pronunciation.
“I didn’t mean to leave a mark,” You’re reassuring yourself, not her. She is positively jubilant over the revelation.
“I wasn’t exactly using every faculty of my think pan when that happened. I’ll admit getting cored left something to be desired in my…proclivity for foresight…” You tap your chin, lightly, a small bounce of light flickering with each collision of your nail.
“I don’t care about that at all!” It’s a dismissal and a reassurance: the Terezi special.
“Nothing wrong with a little battle scarring, Kanaya. But!” You feel the light slap of her cane on your ankle, soft repetitious tap communicating the post-strife excitement still rattling over her bones.
“What’s the story with your new spectrum imbibing lifestyle?”
You pause, hesitant, then surprise yourself by deftly pulling up the lip of your shirt, revealing the writhing mass of your stubbornly healing stomach.
The air is silent between you two for a moment, interrupted only by the wet slither of your churning organs.
“NEAT!” Comes her excited response, and you feel a warmth hit your bloodpusher as you immediately understand your comfort in trusting her with this.
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billvsamerica · 6 years
Christmas in Florida
The white powder lashed the windscreen in huge blobs making it impossible to see. We grinded to a halt as the white spray from above covered the car like a foam. Finally, the area started to heat up and the car was practically completely dry. What kind of voodoo was this? Had I fallen asleep while driving again? No, because I wasn't driving and I also wasn't asleep. A snowstorm in Florida, you might be thinking, no way! And you'd be right. I just made you think it was one through vivid descriptive language. We were actually in a car wash readying the car for seeing Shelby's dad, ex-world champion drag racer, Steve Cohen, or as I like to call him (and he secretly likes, but outwardly dislikes), Stevie C or Big Steve. We were sure to be berated if the car’s cleanliness wasn’t up to his standards. And that's what Christmas is all about. Ho, ho, ho everybody! 
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Their eyes remained on me the whole journey, like I was a sausage in human form
Last year, we spent Christmas apart. This year, to save me from tears, I spent the Christmas with Shelby (Shelby, Shelby...). A very important person was born on Christmas day many years ago. He was Jewish and had very recognizable facial hair. Some call him the savior (of drag racing). And that somebody is Big Steve. He shares his birthday with the big man himself, Ricky Martin and, of course, duh, Lemmy from Motorhead. My own father often complains about his birthday being on January 6th. “Oh, it's too close to Christmas - nobody bothers with it. Oh, I should get a gift for both Christmas and my Birthday. Oh, will you please come and visit me in the home soon, Bill? it gets very lonely in here and I think the nurse is stealing from me.” And to all of those, I simply laugh and say no chance! (He's not really in a home... yet).
It's a strange phenomenon spending Christmas at a destination so close to the equator. Not as weird as spending it within the earth's crust on the actual equator though, which provides me with some solace. We were taking a friend back to her house in Florida, so I volunteered to spend the eight hour journey in the back of the car with a dog with anxiety problems and a weak bladder and a giant dog who thinks he's a chihuahua. Once we arrived, we had thirty minutes to shower off the piss and hair and get ourselves festive for the first family function. 
When I think of Christmas in England, I think of roasting chestnuts on an open fire, long walks on the Malvern Hills in the snow, and stopping for a swift pint of ale in a country pub. We walked into the garage of Shelby's uncle's house where he was pointing a handgun at a boat. He was fitting a new sight to the top of the gun. 
"Doesn't that make it a bit easy?" I said. 
"Not with my shaky hands it doesn't." Shelby's uncle replied.
I queried this in my own head, but thought against arguing. The hosts had kindly accommodated us by preparing a number of vegetarian dishes and the food was delicious. 
"You don't eat fish?"
"No, I'm a vegetarian."
"So, no shrimp then?"
They didn't quite understand the commitment I have made to all living things with my abstinence from scranning their dead bodies. Still, as with Christmas gatherings across the globe, somebody had a Chinese puzzle and we all spent a couple of hours trying to figure it out. Dogs and babies created the rest of the entertainment (the party wasn't a front for some sort of underground dog vs babies fight club though, which in some ways, is a disappointment. Note to self: pitch this idea to Vince McMahon or Dana White, failing that pitch to that dodgy guy you met on a train to Aberystwyth once who said he had invented a spoon crossed with a ladle).
As the evening was coming to an end, we handed Mary, Shelby's 94 year old grandma, her gift. It was an Ancestry DNA kit. One of the family members entered the room and walked up to her.
"I just had to see her face when she opened it," he said.
Not sure why - her face was absolutely baffled by it. 
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The phenomenon that is Mary, the 94-year-old world traveler with a penchant for corgis
For two weeks over Christmas, most people become functioning alcoholics -  rising from their slumber to eat leftovers that soak up the alcohol from the night before, which is what I did the next day. That evening, we were heading to Ralph's in Dade City. I've been to some dive bars where I've felt the atmosphere change as I walk in - an instant feeling of not belonging or a high probability of getting my head kicked in. Mainly in Scotland. But few of these, if any, have left me feeling like I may be abducted and used as some sort of sex slave for a closeted hick with family money. That was, of course, until I got to Ralph's. 
This is the vibe I got from Ralph's, but as soon as I walked through the doors, my mood changed. I was told by Shelby that Ralph's was a bit "Out of business up the front, party in the back," and she was right. There was a band on that night playing some rock and roll classics, a huge fire with various people gathered around, and a giant 21 year old man with bruised knuckles who I befriended named Eric. Eric didn't seem to know anybody. He claimed that he had a party at his house earlier but everybody left, so he had walked to Ralph's to keep drinking before he met his supermodel girlfriend. I like a good character, and Eric was certainly that. Although he kept nudging me in the stomach with his big hand and putting his arm around me, which I didn't like. I volunteered to walk to the shop with him so he could buy a packet of cigarettes, and when it came to pay I half expected him to ask me for some money. Instead, he pulled out a wad of ten 100 dollar bills and counted them. I thought this was probably not a wise thing to do at the Dollar General next to Ralph's in Dade City, Florida, but didn't want to say anything, again, because of the big hands. I was worried that I would have to keep him company all night, but a few minutes later his supermodel girlfriend actually did turn up and I was left confused. After that, I went inside to play pool. Didn't pot a single ball and then potted the black by mistake, which is how I knew it was time for me to make a dash for the exit through the line dancers and sex offenders at Ralph's, where everybody knows your name (because you're probably the owner's cousin).
Christmas day was fast approaching and on Christmas eve we hosted Shelby's friends and their baby. As they walked in, they told us that the baby was sick. Bit annoying, but unlike adults, it's hard to explain to a baby to keep at least three meters away from me at all times or I will invoke the use of force, but I did keep my distance. The last thing I wanted was a baby cold ruining my festive fun. Like the wisemen in the story of Christ, I led them to the door when they decided it was time to head home. Mary and Joseph (not their actual names) used their truck as a makeshift donkey, their headlights as the north star, and their house as the barn to lay the baby down in. Although technically Jesus wouldn't have been born until the next day, but whatever, I'm trying to get into the festive spirit. 
In the morning, we all rose to gather around the tree and exchange gifts. I had already received my main gift, a guitar, from Shelby the month before, but I was stoked to open a leafblower (my first middle aged gift ever) from my in-laws and a number of other treats, including a jar of Branston Pickle. I handed Shelby her main gift. She shook it excitedly and opened it up. I had bought her a robot vaccuum cleaner. Now, granted, she hadn't asked for one, and was a bit surprised less in a "Wow, cool!" way and more in a "What the hell's this?" tone, but I knew she would like it simply for the fact that it could keep the dog company when he was home alone. She lated admitted that she thought I had bought her a pair of Dr Marten boots, which I didn't.
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This photo is blurry and Bagel is staring at something and it creeps me out
That afternoon, we were heading for our second family engagement of the holiday period, with the family I did choose, sort of. While milling about eating little puff pastry things and trying not to look at anybody the wrong way, I bumped into Shelby's step second cousin (possibly that is their relation), a tentative link, but one all the same. He told me that he used to live near where we now live and was actually one of the first employees of the World's Largest Dog-friendly Travel Website, BringFido, where I now work. What are the bloody chances of that? Apparently, he left the company disgrace without telling them he wouldn't be returning. Nice bloke, though.
Outside, I bumped into one of Shelby's cousins, who was wearing his favourite shirt for the occasion. He'd gone all out with this one - It read "Guns, God, Trump, Family" in big letters. I took the word “Trump” to mean the British word, to fart out of one's bum bum, making the shirt much more entertaining. I sat down with the men, most of whom had their t-shirts tucked into their trousers, and immediately fit in - not at all coming across as a lanky, camp, British, randomer... The man next to me sat back in his chair and breathed out heavily.
"I was on a forum online,"
Where was this going, I thought as I considered dialling Dateline. 
"About guns,” I breathed a sigh of relief. 
“And I got into it with these people. I said to them, Do you even like guns unless you own over a hundred?"
I like donuts, but that doesn't mean I - actually, I take that back.
"I mean, I only have 82, and I'd say I was an enthusiast, but the real enthusiasts - they have over 100."
"What guns do you have?” somebody asked.
"Got a grenade launcher."
"What's the practical use of that?" I said, for some reason.
"Scaring birds off your crops"
While literally blowing up everything you've grown in the process and leaving shrapnel in your cabbage, I thought.
"I've got a machine gun, that sort of thing. They're mainly good for the zombie apocalypse."
If I ever become a zombie, remind me not to go to his house. 
My new year's resolution is to update my blog more and release a podcast recounting my adventures in China, mainly because I just got a mic stand and I need to use it. Happy New Year to one and all! (Except those who've wronged me. You know who you are. I hope irritating things happen to you all year round, like flat tires and having to spend a fortune to replace your guttering). 
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An unrelated photo of me and Bagel taken after Christmas
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pinkletterday · 6 years
A Stitch In Time Ch2
Pairing: Oliver Queen/ Barry Allen
Rating: Mature
Tags: canon-typical violence, hurt/comfort, so much angst, some bad jokes, Oliver Queen' trauma conga line, Oliver and Iris friendship, alt Arrow Season 3, untagged plot twist.
Summary:  Oliver hadn't expected his world to come crashing down when he had sent his boyfriend off to  see the Particle Accelerator launch. All he can do now is hold on to faith as Barry sleeps on - until he witnesses a miracle. He should have known that even miracles come at a price. 
Chapter 1
Bonus deleted scene 1
Chapter 2
Read on AO3
Rage was still surging in Slade Wilson's blood as he broke into into STAR Labs. It was laughably easy to tear through the electrified barbed wire and steel doors. Just as their decoy had been insultingly transparent, as though he would believe Queen would trust a CCPD safehouse to protect his beloved.
The towering ediface was reduced to a darkened husk of its former glory, emptied of nearly all its personnel except for a handful of skeleton staff that had left for the night and the pair of scientists keeping vigil over Barry Allen.
His plan to kill Oliver's mother in front of him may have been thwarted (by what he still did not know) but he had promised him a slow, lingering death. As satisfying as it had been to watch Oliver struggle more with each day his lover remained comatose, Slade knew better than anyone how tenaciously the boy could cling to the slightest lifeline. It was time to sever it completely.
He went in alone. Schematics for the building indicated that the most secure part of the facility would be its sub-levels, which meant there would only be one point of entry - or exit, which could be turned to his advantage. He had hoped to coerce one of the scientists to gain him access once he was inside, particularly if Harrison Wells himself was working late, but every winding corridor and room he explored was dark and empty.
Ah well. He had more than one trick up his sleeve to smoke the rats out.
He had pried the service elevator doors open, and was in the process of considering how best to set the C4 charges within the yawning shaft when -
Something exploded into him, slamming him into the opposite wall with a force that would have broken every bone in an ordinary human's body. His vision swam, head ringing like a cow bell for an instant before another burst of red light sent him hurtling down the corridor.
Choking for breath through the burning of broken ribs, he realized the thing that had rescued the Queens in the clearing had returned. He ripped off his helmet, gasping for air and tried to belly-crawl away.
A pair of boots appeared in his eye-line. They followed long grey leather-clad legs extending to a blurry yellow torso and Slade must have knocked his head too hard because the figure appeared to be vibrating.
Glowing red eyes in a yellow mask looked down at him. "It was a mistake to come here, Mr. Wilson," it growled. The voice was clearly modulated with an odd resonance.
"What are you?" Slade demanded hoarsely.
A gloved hand grasped him by the back of his neck, hauling him to his knees. The red eyes bored into his now-bloodied good one. "Something even you, with your primitive chemical enhancements, cannot conceive."
Slade smashed his fist into the thing's mid-section, but fell forward into empty air. A moment later he was slammed facedown from behind, feeling his nose crack on the floor.
"You think Barry Allen but a pawn in your game with Oliver Queen," said the creature, looming over him, "What you do not know, is that it is the Green Arrow who will be a mere footnote in the Flash's legacy."
Slade's hand closed around the knife holstered at his thigh. Whipping around with a snarl, he slashed at the thing's face - only to find it slicing through air once more. Letting the momentum to roll him to his feet, he sheathed his knife and drew his gun, closing his eye against the still-spinning room.
There was a subtle displacement of air, the smell of ozone. Slade fired blind, round after round, anticipating every possible trajectory - until omething jammed his gun. Only his superior reflexes stopped his finger on the trigger, narrowly avoiding it exploding in his hand. Static raised the hair on his body. Slade opened his eye, knowing what he'd find.
One yellow arm ceased blurring to reveal a handful of gleaming bullets.  "Missed," it hissed in amusement.
Slade blinked the blood from his eye and stared it down. "I didn't."
In a split second he drew his back-up and fired at the raised arm. The creature clutched it with a yell, the bullets spilling on the floor. He rammed a knee into its sternum and pistol-whipped it across the jaw.  It staggered back and he pressed his advantage, landing another glancing blow to the back of the head. He fired again as went reeling - but his quarry vanished in a streak of light, leaving only a red afterimage.
He didn't wait around to figure out where it had gone. Dropping the jammed gun, he raced back towards the service elevator, shooting the back-up behind him in a haphazard spray of bullets.
Half-blind and in the open, he had to level the playing field. He dove into dark room off the corridor. What little he could make out seemed a maze of work tables and machinery.
Lobbing a smoke grenade in the middle of the room, he unsheathed his sword and fell into a crouch behind a metal rack full of dismantled electronics.
Laughter echoed around the room. "Well done, Mr. Wilson!" Red Eyes sounded more hungrily excited than angry. "I should have known you would be a worthy adversary. I admit, I have been growing complacent."
Slade said nothing. The hiss of the smoke cannister and the voice resounding off the walls made it almost impossible to pinpoint the tell-tale whir of the creature's vibration.
"However - it is in your best interests to take your petty little squabble with Queen elsewhere," Red eyes continued "Kill him, torture him, I don't care."
There it was, a displacement of air like a mini-vaccuum, a flash of red. Slade flung the grenade in its path. The blast illuminated a figure reeling away. He crashed the rack down on the creature's head, a metal breaking apart in a shower of sparks, katana sweeping a diagonal arc - but it cleaved only air.
His back hit the wall in a bone-rattling crash. Through the starsburst of pain in his skull, he felt a vise grip around his wrist and intercepted the swing just before the blade was forced up to slit his own throat.
Red eyes gleamed gleefully over the sword, both their hands in a death grip around the hilt. "Oh you are good -"
It just evaded Slade's foot smashing into its groin.The momentary lapse let him grab his knife and slash upwards. The move would have bisected the thing from hip to shoulder, but it flashed back, missing only by a hair -
- and then his forearm was wrenched around the wrong way with a sickening crack. White hot pain erupted from his broken elbow, the knife slipping from his hand; but managed to keep his grip on the sword hilt. He jammed it backwards into the creature's gut - and missed again. A rain of lightning-fast blows made him crash to the floor.
Lava-red light seared through his eyelid. He slit his eye open to find himself caged in vortex of lightning, static crackling through him, the pressurized air pinning him into the ground.
Fury flared over the daze that threatened to drag him unconscious. No, he thought, rage burning brighter than his agony, I will not die without my vengeance.
Red Eyes blurred in place in the middle of the lightning storm, its yellow man-shaped outline clear. Slade scrabbled for his katana, fingers again finding the hilt. With a roar, he swung it upwards, battered torso screaming in protest.
Only to see the blade pass as though through a hologram.
The hell-fire engulfed him completely, blood, rage, pain and lightning all one and the same, and now the world was rushing through him, legs locked in place, breath stolen from his lungs.
And then it stopped.
He lay there, stunned, the aftershocks passing through his numb body. It took a moment to realize that the stars swimming across his vision were real. Somehow, the thing had dragged him all the way outside.
"Well, this has been fun," mocked Red Eyes, appearing above him. Slade lunged weakly for its leg and was rewarded with a lightning-fast kick to the head. "You really do not give up do you?" it laughed incredulously.
The creature kneeled down in front of him as he fought shock and nausea, unable to move. It grasped his chin, forcing his head around to face the devil eyes. Even through his own haze of pain, almost blinded with blood, Slade registered that Red Eyes's own breathing was labored, its arm held stiffly at its side.
"It appears that you do deserve your reputation, Mr. Wilson," it said. "And I appreciate the lesson to not underestimate you - or Mr. Queen."
His head was thrown hard back against the ground and a boot crunched down on his broken arm, making him jack-knife up in agony. "But Barry Allen is mine to destroy, and mine alone," he heard uncompehending, fighting not to vomit. "History is waiting to be re-made." The boot lifted and he flopped back, desperately gulping air.
And then he was flying once more, catapaulted high over the mangled gate. He crashed into his own truck like a broken doll, the metal crunching and glass shattering at the force of collision.
"Stay out of my way." The words echoed in Slade's ears before his world went dark.
Oliver woke up to the morning sun streaming golden through the open curtains of his room. It was no sluggish awakening. He all but leapt out of bed, almost vibrating with energy. For how could he waste a second asleep when Barry was going to wake up soon?
He hummed he made himself a proper breakfast of eggs and French toast and dressed in his sharpest business suit. His feet did not seem to touch the ground on the way to work, even stopping to buy a bouquet of flowers, beaming at passers-by. 
"Good morning, Oliver. Wow. You look...happy," Felicity boggled at him as he strode past her into his office. "Is everything all right?"
"Haha," he said sarcastically. "Yes, I am happy. You know why?" he dropped into his chair and spun it around, grinning sunnily at her, "Because Barry's gonna wake up!"
Felicity paused at the door, looking uncertain. "Oliver -""I'm not in denial, Felicity," he leaned back, running a hand over his beard to hide the smile he couldn't stop, "I just - have a good feeling."
"Oliver, the hospital called -," said Digg, appearing at the door.
"Aha!" he jumped to his feet, mouthing I told you at Felicity and grabbed the flowers. "Let's go Digg!"
He saw John and Felicity exchange a concerned look but ignored it, even when Digg kept sending him wary glances in the rearview mirror during the drive. How could Oliver possibly explain how he knew, though? He resigned himself to looking a little bit crazy, but it didn't matter. It wouldn't be long now. His hands were clammy in anticipation, and he brushed them along his trousers, heart beating wildly.
Digg attempted to hold him back when he got out of the car. "Oliver wait! There's something I have to tell you!" he called over the driver's seat, but Oliver had already swung the door shut and the cars behind them started leaning on their horns. He gave him a rueful salute and raced up to Barry's hospital room, expecting to see him sitting up, surrounded by - 
- a somber gathering clustered around the door. The blanket was drawn high over Barry's prone form, the Wests sitting on either side of him. Joe had his face buried in Barry's chest, shaking with sobs, holding Barry's hand. Tears were running down Iris's cheeks as she laid her hand on top of theirs
Her eyes widened as she caught sight of him, stricken. "I'm so sorry, Oliver," she sniffled. "We couldn't wait any longer." 
His stomach dropped. "What do you mean?" 
"Well, you knew we were pulling the plug today," said Iris sympathetically. "I'm sorry you missed saying goodbye."
"What? No!" he exclaimed, shoving his way through the crowd. "You don't understand! He's going to wake up!" He seized Barry by the shoulders, shaking him violently, "Barry! Wake up, Barr!" 
But his lover's head flopped lifeless, face waxen, his body cold to touch.
People pressed around him in a commotion, pulling his hands away, dragging him back. Iris buffered herself between him and her irate father, pushing him backwards. "Is this some kind of joke?" Joe West demanded. 
"No, no! You don't understand!," Oliver shouted futilely over Iris's head as he was shunted out of the room. She laid a calming hand on his arm and he grabbed her shoulders now, willing her to see sense. "Barry's going to wake up!"
"Why do you keep saying that?" cried Iris in frustration. "You've kept saying that all this time but never told us why! How do you know?" "I know because - Barry rescued us that night! He...he time-travelled, he could run faster than sound....," he trailed off in confusion. It all sounded so implausible. Iris's eyes gentled. "It was just a dream, Oliver," she said, taking his hands in hers. "You cant possibly think that was real. It was a dream you had, years ago." 
And suddenly he realized that Iris was, in fact, much older. Her face was still beautiful, but mature. A wedding band gleamed on her hand. Joe West's beard was entirely gray and even his own fingers were wrinkled with age -
"Mommy!" a little girl ran up and grabbed her hand. Iris tucked her into her side, ruffling her dark ringlets.
"We kept waiting because you seemed so sure," said Iris sadly. "But it's time to let go now. It was only a dream."
"No - no," he floundered, certainty ebbing away, "he rescued my mother! Ask Thea, ask my mother!"
"Mom's dead, Oliver." He whirled around to see Thea glaring accusingly at him. She was still young, wearing a black dress and pearls. "Mom's dead and you didn't even come to her funeral!"
Images and memories blurred into each other, a swirl of confusion in his head. The light had rescued them, hadnt it? But that was crazy. He remembered the sword flashing in Slade's hand, and he was almost, almost sure that it had impaled her right through the heart...why couldn't he remember? "No," he stammered. "Mom...Mom's mayor now -" Thea made a noise of disgust and shook her head. "God, look at you. Still delusional. Mom's dead and it was your fault! Go look outside if you dont believe me!"
She flung her hand out at the blinding silver sunshine beyond the large French windows. Oliver ran outside, down the cobbled steps of Queen Manor's garden path, out to where the headstones were. Mourners dressed in black scattered as he shouldered through them, trying to see -
MOIRA DREARDEN QUEEN, declared the tombstone. 
His legs gave way, the ground hitting him hard in the knees. His chest was caving in, driving the breath from his lungs - it couldnt be true, couldnt be true - Barry had been there, with his lightning and his words -
Isabel Rochev laughed down at him. "What? That you could save the city? That you could save yourself?" Her lip curled in a cruel smile. "I dont know what's more unbelievable - you being anything but a fuck up, or a man made of lightning."
Oliver grasped handfuls of grass and earth, the world spinning around him, trying to hold onto the memories...trying to remember what was real. But it was like holding sand in his hands under the tide. "No. No. Barry -,"
Died in the Accelerator explosion. Died today. Died years ago. Never met Oliver. 
Did Barry even exist? Did Oliver? Was the green hood and the mask and the arrowing people from the rooftops a dream too? 
"I'm the Arrow!" he insisted desperately. The mourners meandered around him, unhearing, as the skies greyed above them. "I survived Lian Yu! I came back to right my father's wrongs!" It all seemed so...improbable the more he said it out loud. Raindrops started falling rapidly. There was a storm coming.
"I'M THE MAN IN THE GREEN HOOD!" he screamed, as thunder split the air. "No, Oliver," said Tommy, looking down at him in pity. "You're dead." He looked up at the tombstone again. It read OLIVER JONAS QUEEN. ...
His eyes flew open. He froze, blood pounding in his ears. 
The cavernous ceiling of the foundry greeted him, shrouded in darkness save for the dim blue flourescence of the display case. There was no sound in the stillness save for his own heart beating a painful tattoo against his ribcage. 
The tangled reel of his dreams and memories took a minute to unwind. He was the Arrow. Barry was in a coma. He was going to wake up, because...he had visited from the future with lightning at his heels. 
Terror coiled in his chest. That was absurd. Please let it not be absurd. Was it a memory, or a memory of a dream? 
He shot upright as he realized who would know. Mom. Mom was alive. He had seen her just last night. 
He swung to his feet and grabbed his phone, the air rushing out of him in relief when his recent calls list showed "Mom". She picked up after only a couple of rings. "Oliver?," her voice was thick with sleep, tinged with trepidation and so, infinitely wonderful. "Has something happened?"
It was like hearing her voice in that fishing boat all over again, finally sailing away from the choppy grey North China sea towards home. He fought the urge to cry.
"Oliver?" she sounded alert and afraid now. "Where are you? What's going on?"
"Mom." The knot in his throat choked his words. "I need you to tell me exactly what happened the night Slade kidnapped us."
There was a pause. "He was going to kill us. But lightning struck his sword and knocked him unconscious," she said, reciting well-learned lines. "When we came around, you had convinced one of Slade's men to drive us out of there, in exchange for a reward. You dropped us off at the precinct and went back with him to fulfill your end of the bargain." 
Oliver huffed a laugh through his tears. That was the least convincing Moira Queen sell ever. Lucky she had given such a stellar performance to the actual cops. "I mean the real truth, Mom."
"Oliver, it's four am," she said, exasperation mixed with worry. "what is this about?"
"I just need to hear it, Mom."
Moira sighed. "I thought he was going to kill me," her voice only trembled slightly, "but then, there was this incredible light - and it was like time slowed down but the world sped up. Something was holding me, light all around us - and then we were at the Glades precinct," she trailed off in a whisper. "But we were frantic because you werent with us. You turned up a little later, though it seemed like hours to us. And then you told us to never tell anyone what we really saw."
The relief escaped him in a long sigh, the fearful tenterhooks releasing him into exhaustion. "Yeah. Thanks, Mom. I just...needed to hear that," he said, wiping his eyes. 
"Okay," she said softly. There was a beat of silence. "Are you ever going to tell us what really happened?" The mask Barry made him was lying on the work table in front of him. He picked it up, moulding the polymer fabric over his fingers. "Maybe some day."
NEW TERROR ATTACK EVIDENCE UNVEILED by Vesper Fairchild New evidence has revealed that Alderman Sebastian Blood led a militia cult named The Church of Blood responsible for last week's terror attacks in Starling City. The mayor's office received a video confession two days before Bloo's body was recovered from the Orchid Bay, in which Blood claimed to be the cult's leader known as Brother Blood, in charge of recruiting, brainwashing and administering an experimental steriod serum to its members. He has further claimed to have been acting under the directive of Slade Wilson. Wilson was a benefactor to Moira Queen's mayorial campaign before he allegedly kidnapped her daughter and later the whole Queen family. According to Blood, Moira Queen's murder was to have left the way clear for Blood to take office. Ms. Isabel Rochev, former vice president of acquisitions at Stellmoor International and CEO of Queen Consolidated, is also accused of being a co-conspirator. She gained control of the company recently by outsing Oliver Queen in a hostile takeover, orchestrated in the wake of Thea Queen's kidnapping. All signs point to Blood, Wilson and Rochev to have been working in concert to carry out a mysterious vendetta against the Queen family. Blood appears to have had a change of heart when he discovered the extent of Wilson's planned devastation. The authorities have not yet been able to apprehend Wilson and Rochev, who are now considered fugitives from justice. The public is warned not to approach as they may be armed and dangerous.
MAYOR QUEEN COMMENDED FOR LEADERSHIP by Marcus To Missouri Governor Gillian Bueller has personally called to congratulate Mayor Moira Queen for her competence in managing the city during last week's crisis. Queen, who was sworn into office only twenty-four hours before the attacks commenced, took swift and decisive action in calling the National Guard and co-ordinating with the city's emergency services. "She was adamant that our men - nobody - try to engage these men head-on," said Patrick Finch, Chief of Police. "The reports coming in were crazy, of some kind of superhumans who couldn't be stopped by bullets and could kick through steel doors. A lot of us thought it was just panicked exaggeration but Mayor Queen took it very seriously. I'm very glad of it now although I disagreed with her then. In focusing our energies into evacuation rather than confrontation, we undoubtedly minimized a lot of casualties." Mayor Queen herself thanks the city's Chief of Police, as well as Fire Chief Kevin Donahue and District Attorney Kate Spencer for their trust and co-operation. She also commends Detective Quentin Lance of the SCPD for his brave and bold action in taking charge of the Glades precinct which took the brunt of the attacks. Lance was admitted to hospital with significant though non-critical injuries sustained while leading the surviving officers and civillians to safety. He is stated to now be in recovery. His daughter Laurel Lance, formerly of the CNRI, has been appointed Assistant District Attorney in recognition of her role in investigating and exposing Sebastian Blood. The appointment follows the dismissal in March of her own supervisor Adam Donner, for collaborating with a sting operation outside the auspices of the DA's office.  Speaking at the press conference at City Hall yesterday, Mayor Queen reiterated her faith in and commitment to Starling City. "My city and my children are now one and the same and I will stop at nothing to protect and nurture them. Starling City is strong and its children, my children, do not yield to cowards in masks. Time and again they underestimate the strength, the resilience and perserverance of our communities. We will celebrate its heroes that rose in our hour of need and bring justice to its victims. And we will always rebuild stronger than ever. " 
VIGILANTES INVOLVED IN TERRORIST TAKEDOWN by Nicola Scott The vigilantes known as Arrow and Black Canary are rumoured to have played a crucial role in the takedown of these alledged "super soldiers", now called Brother Blood soldiers. Starling residents claim to have seen a team of masked men and women with bows and arrows and a blond woman weilding a bo staff go head to head with a swarm of cult members at various points in the city. "I was on my way into Starling with a package from Central City for a friend of mine, when this guy comes out of nowhere and hit my car," says Scott Snyder, 23. "Next thing I know, my car was upside down on the side of the highway and I'm trapped in my seat. I just managed to crawl halfway out of the wreck when this huge guy in a ski mask comes in and yanks me out, nearly ripping my leg off. I thought - I knew I was gonna die, I was screaming, but then an arrow came out of nowhere and hit him in the neck. He dropped like a sack of potatoes, right onto my broken leg. I think I passed out, but I remember a guy in a green hood digging me out. The Arrow saved my life, man," he concludes emotionally.  Ray Palmer, 38, CEO of Palmer Technologies is also among the rescued. "My fiancé Anna and I only moved to Starling a few weeks ago. We were coming back from dinner downtown, walking to our car parked in Dixon Street, when these huge men - they just barrelled around the corner, knocking over cars like they were tin cans. People were screaming, running. We just froze. We didn't get out of the way fast enough. And then one of them grabbed Anna," Palmer still appears shaken. "I tried to fight him off but it was like hitting a wall. He was just about to snap Anna's neck when this blond woman in black leather came out of nowhere and smashed a pair of batons in his face. It was incredible," Palmer lights up in wonder. "She was like a whirlwind. Like something out of a comic book. She jammed huge tranq darts in them and they just dropped. She saved our lives. The Canary saved our lives."  Some emergency workers claim that the city police and mayor and DA's offices actively collaborated with the vigilantes to track down the perpetrators and administer a special tranquilizer that negated the effects of the steroids. The vigilantes have also subsequently been sighted assisting search and rescue parties for the past three days. Speculation that the Arrow may be involved in Wilson and Rochev's disappearance is running rampant through the city, even though The Arrow has made no confirmed killings since the earthquake disaster last May, instead apprehending his targets on behalf of the authorities. "While it's a positive sign that the vigilante seems to have de-escalated in violence, the fact remains that this is a clearly a troubled and volatile man," says Dr. Avery Presnall, criminal psychologist and SCPD liason. "His actions being helpful in some instances do not erase the fact that he promotes and inspires vigilantism. The system may not be perfect, but there are very good reasons why one person should not play judge, jury and executioner. Regardless of what Mr. Wilson has done, killing him would be a regression of what seems to be the Arrow's developing values."  Other Starling citizens disagree. "Those bastards killed my son," says Lucia Perez, 49. Her son Sam, 19, was a victim of the first wave of the attacks. The young man died defending his family when Brother Blood soldiers stormed their now-destroyed deli in Crescent Circle. "Them, Wilson and that demon Sebastian Blood. They tricked us, destroyed our livelihoods, our children - when does it end? Who gets justice for us, huh? For my boy? Anyone who says these people don't deserve death can't tell God from Satan. I hope the Arrow killed him," the distraught mother cries "I hope he made it painful."  While their methods and morality still remain controversial, most of the city's emergency workers and residents are only thankful for the vigilantes involvement, especially in the Glades.  "The cops can say whatever the hell they want about the Arrow," says a Glades resident who wished to remain nameless. "Truth is, he's been on our side from the beginning. Sure, we didn't like how trigger happy he was when he started out. Some of those perps were just kids who got mixed up in bad business. But then he been scaring them straight. He was here last year, digging people out of the Glades and he was here this time too, going right in the thick of it, tackling those monsters head-on. Him and the blond lady. The Canary's made it safe for women and working girls to walk the streets.They're heroes," she says firmly. "They're our heroes."
Something made Henry's eyes widen with disbelief when he saw Oliver waiting to see him. He had barely sat down when he grabbed the phone. "Is Barry?" "No, he's still the same," said Oliver apologetically. The older man looked visibly taken aback, slowly deflating. "...You're looking pretty upbeat," he said in a confusion tinged with suspicion. Oliver hadn't realized how much of the small, fierce flame of hope he kept secreted inside him was outwardly apparent. So much for a poker face. "Because he's going to wake up, Henry," He leaned forward, willing his own unfettered belief to reach the man through the thick, grimy glass. "Maybe not for a while, but he will." Henry searched his face curiously for a long moment. "Not that I'm not glad that neither of us are going to stop hoping. But you seem...quite certain." Oliver smiled. "I've learned to believe in miracles." ...
Bonus deleted scenes 2 and 3
Bonus deleted scene 4 and 5
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rajinedgeofdarkness · 7 years
Slow Dance of a Sky Pirate
Eldoron walked down the halls with a plate of freshly cooked veggies and meats. He presses a button near the door letting out a ringing sound stirring Sky from a nap. On the intercom, his voice comes through, ”Sky, are you there?” No answer. “I’m just going to leave this here, you missed dinner again, so I want to make sure you eat. The smell dissipated under the door and throughout the room enticing Skyfyre enough to get up and retrieve it, but Eldoron was long gone. *Sigh* “What’s wrong with me?” Blaze muttered from inside the room “It’s been a week Sky, don’t you think it’s time for you to make the effort to get involved with everyone else, I mean considering we aren’t going to be going anywhere else anytime soon, might as well make the best of it.” Skyfyre has been keeping herself in her room since the day she was rescued and has been practically avoiding outside contact and only talks to Blaze. “I don’t know what to do, is it nervousness, is it just the urge to want to find a way to leave and thus best to avoid getting close to anyone, besides how could I trust them?” Blaze sniffed the plate of goodies. “Are you going to eat that?” “Ugh Blaze, are you even listening to me? “Of course I am, but you barely go out and get food so I barely have anything to eat, what do you expect, not my fault my stomach is speaking louder at the moment.” Blaze grabs onto the lamb shank and snaps the bone as he chews on the fat and muscle grumbling contently. “I don’t know Sky, I mean I understand where you are coming from and I didn’t like this place much either at first, but it’s been long enough and I think they would of hurt you by now if they really wanted. I mean this food has yet to be poisoned” Blaze says acting snarkily “I guess I’m too used to being alone, even with those friends back in that village, I only hung out with them so much and was pretty much alone until you came along and changed everything.” Blaze bows his head disgruntled by the statement “I’m sorry Sky, this bond we have has been a burden on both of us since it occurred, but I chose you for a reason and your growth in magic has proven time and time again the reason why.” Sky looks over to Blaze with a smile……”No….don’t be sorry…..I didn’t mean it in a bad way…made my life a little more interesting anyway….” “You haven’t utilized any of your magic yet since we tried to escape the first time.” Blaze lifts his stiff wings trying to stretch them in the limited ceiling space, “Ugh….I want to go flying while we still have the chance, my wings are getting itchy and I’m starting to get. A little claustrophobic here. Blaze’s body pressing up against the furniture and the bed. He has grown a lot since the possession and is almost 6 feet tall and 10 feet long. Sky thinks back to when he was shorter than her knee a little under 2 months back. Sky remains silent not touching any of the veggies that are now sitting on the plate getting cold. Blaze sighs and puts his head on the bed next to her. “I know what happened back at that building was horrible and painful, trust me I’m never going to get over it even for the next hundred years, but we aren’t there anymore, we are here and they brought you on and kept you here for a reason too.” Letting out a big sigh with a little smoke exiting from his flaring nostrils. “You’re special Sky, you had a gift long before I came along and I sensed it within you from the start before I hatched.” Sky put her hand on his snout. “What should I do than?” Go out there and just talk to them, Eldoron seems to care a lot about you. I mean he’s been worried sick between you being locked up here and barely eating and when he’s in his workshop late at night I hear him muttering to himself through the wall even when you are deep asleep. I think Eldoron has a thing for you, he brings your name up often with the others….”. Skyfyre began to blush, her face turning red……”What!!? You’re crazy and delusional, the guy barely knows me and I…..I………”. Her mind draws a blank....”you what?” “I……it’s not important now, I need to go….”. She opens the door to the hallway and begins to step out, everything was quiet, probably because everyone was still in the dining hall. “Yeah could you get me more of that lamb while you are at it.” “Why don’t you come with me since this whole socializing thing is your idea?” “Okay…..fine”. Blaze’s body dematerializes and absorbs back into Sky feeling his presence in the back of her mind. She walks down the hall first going towards the distant chatter, but than she stopped before taking another step. Eldoron’s voice becomes clear as the crowd silences. “I’m worried about Sky, since she has come aboard, she has been aloof despite all attempts to get her interested in what we have to offer here.” “She’s intimidated by us probably,…” Orion remarked before going back to his book. Jessie gave him a dirty look before proceeding “I don’t think so….she’s new here and it took each of us time to adjust to our new roles and dedication to the mission at hand, which Sky still doesn’t know about.” Ian laid back in his chair putting his feet onto the table picking at his teeth….”Well why don’t we tell her than?” “And scare her away?” Trish interrupted. “It’s not like she can go anywhere for much longer since we are heading out to restock on planet Youndre soon enough and she would just end up dying in the vaccuum of space Ian chuckled. *tail slap to his face* as Trish rolls her eyes and smiles. “You are so nice…..” Ian snarls…..”She used my own weapon against me…..I’m pissed….” Trish says quietly “Whose fault is that,….mister my inventions backfire…..”What did you say!!!, Ian readying to challenge Trish…..Jessie pounds her fist to the table stopping them both and stands up. “Eldoron, what do you suggest we do than because if she’s not interested in tapping further into her potential as a powerful magic user, than why should we force her to be here?” “No” Eldoron sternly points out “we need to try harder, try to show her why we want her here, if she chooses to not want a part of it, than so be it, but at least let’s try to show her why we want her around……*Eldoron pauses before mumbling to himself* “why I want her around….”. Orion puts his book down….”fine…, but how do we proceed?” “A party of course!!!!” Trish shouted…..”I mean we haven’t had one of those in frickin ages!!!” Jessie nods in agreement….”It might help to show her our fun sides, and not the hard working, maybe frightening side of us when focused on our own training and duties here.” “Besides I know the best kind of drinks to make.” “I can help repair the lighting in the lower pod and maybe try my hand at reinstalling the dance floor”. Ian intervenes. “Than I guess it’s settled”. Eldoron concludes the discussion. “Let’s plan for tomorrow night than.” The room collectively agrees and shuffling can be heard as they stand and begin walking out. Sky immediately hides around the corner as everyone casually walks by towards the holoelevator. She than starts to walk back to her room when suddenly Blaze shows up blocking her. “What are you doing.” “The party isn’t until tomorrow night, I’m heading back to my room. “But, you need to talk to Eldoron and besides, there might be some food left and I’m still hungry.” “Are you really going to do this now….?” Blaze turns Sky around with his front claws….”Yes.” Shocked at his strength…. Sky immediately walks forward while looking back at Blaze who is suddenly smiling before bumping straight into something. “Ugh” rubbing the back of her head and looking up recognizing the figure and suddenly crawling backwards towards Blaze…..”Ummmmm, hi…..ugh hello Eldoron..” “There you are! Was wondering when I would finally see your face again!”He reaches his hand out. Sky pauses and looks nervously while staring back at Blaze who is gesturing to her to reciprocate. She slowly reaches out and feels a tight and fast grip followed by a stiff pull putting her back on her feet. “Woah,….man you’re strong,…I mean…..ummmm” Eldoron laughs “It’s fine, I do a lot of heavy lifting on board here so it comes with the territory.” He proceeds to rub the dirt and debris off her back. “There,…where are you heading off to in such a hurry?” Sky quickly looks back towards Blaze again,….he nods his head. “I…..I…..ummmm…..just suddenly felt like exploring, I never really took the time to see this place before at least in it’s entirety.” “Excellent!!! I would be happy to give you a tour, it’s not too late.” “Ugh, sure…..that could be fun.” Her mind touches Blaze’s “Ugh what am I doing?” “You are doing the right thing, now go, have fun”. “Where are you going to be?” “In the kitchen, I told you still hungry….”. “Sigh….guess I’m seeing you later than.” Blaze immediately cuts the mental ties forcing Sky to go and try to have fun while he sneaks into the dining hall in hopes for table scraps. She watches as his tail disappears through the doorway before feeling a sudden tug on her arm… “Come!!!!” Eldoron leads Skyfyre to the holoelevevator on the far end. Skyfyre looks down nervously as the neverending metal chasm meets her eyes. She accidentally backs away from the edge bumping into Eldoron and looks behind at him as he shows a small smile side stepping her and stepping over the edge. “Wait…..stop!!!!” Confused as Eldoron stands in midair. A red grid of lights shines under his boots taking the shape of the entire area. He reaches his hand out encouraging Skyfyre. “See….it’s perfectly safety.” Sky shyly steps on the grid amazed at how solid it feels. The floor stirs pushing the couple upward. They reach the ceiling of the previous floor and past the one above. “Though we should start at the very top.” Eldoron has his hand on her shoulder as he points to the very top of the tower above. Skyfyre feels an odd tingling sensation through her body,…..blushing before her eyes follow his finger. They finally reach the top. The ship remains still and the winds light as Skyfyre finds herself standing on top of the massive flying structure. She squints to try to see where the ship ends and the sky begins. “Wow, it’s huge!!!!! “Yeah, she is, over 500 feet across, the whole top roof as you saw before can be traversed on. Makes for excellent space for outdoor events and practice.” The floor stirs once more slowly bringing them down. They begin to pass the floors along the tower. Skyfyre notices different patterns painted on the ground for each one and some with varying structures and props pinned to the walls and even ceilings. “This whole structure is focused on recreation and outdoor training. Each floor is built around a different game/sport some catering to certain crew members and what they enjoyed from their home world. Sky notices the floor with the newly replaced glass panel. “You are probably semi familiar with this floor, this is where the sick bay is housed.” The floor stops at the top main floor of the ship filled with hallways and random metal doors to who knows where. Eldoron guides Skyfyre from room to room. They look plain on the outside, but inside there can be multiple floors with different uses and functions. There was a gym where Ian was seen lifting weights. He was in a zone and didn’t even notice the two standing at the door. There was also just a huge indoor pool with a diving board and a lounging area above. Giving a brief tour at each room, they find themselves at a completely empty one. “Is this room unfinished?” Without saying a word, Eldoron presses a random button on the console in the corner. Suddenly the room becomes black and than light once more. Skyfyre suddenly finds herself among a forested area. She begins to walk forward trying to avoid touching the surrounding trees, that seemed so real. The scene suddenly changes to under water where a massive sea creature passes just above her head. Lastly the scene switches to a cliff side overlooking a river and a valley. Flying creatures begin to come out of the blue heading straight for her. By instinct, Skyfyre charges a fire ball and shoots them down one by one. Eldoron semi impressed at her accuracy, without warning brings up another challenge. Rocks begin to separate and fall one after another, until ones under her feet, begin to give. Skyfyre immediately jumps over the broken pieces to solid ground near Eldoron. He shuts off the simulation. “What was that?” “A training simulator.” Helps our crew members to practice fighting aspects from magic, to weapon skills, and agility courses. “Coooooool…..”. “Yeah…..you are cool……..Eldoron mumbles to himself…” “What was that?”……ughhhhh…..nothing, let’s get back to the elevator, still a lot to show you. The two head back to the floor with all the living quarters. Skyfyre notices a slight limp in Eldoron’s stride. “I need to head back to my room real quick before we continue to the bottom part of the ship.” Sky tags along to the room next to hers as she waits for Eldoron to return back into the hallway. He exits the door holding a decorated cane. “What’s that for?” Worried she might of offended him……”Childhood injury,”. “My leg has never been quite the same since and it acts up on occasion, I’ll be fine though.” He walks supporting his weight on his cane as he leads Skyfyre back to the elevator. He takes her past the bottom floor to the lower tiered tower area. The elevator stops at the very top of the lower fin. “We have to take smaller elevators down to the the individual levels. This is where smaller passenger ships stored as well as larger inventions that can’t fit anywhere else. Rajin, is too large to land except in a special hangar on Youndre.” They go back onto the bottom floor. Skyfyre notices the open space. This floor behaves as primarily engine room and pod access. “Pods?” “We thought this ship needed some large open ended areas that serve a unique purpose for our lifestyles and make long trips in space a lot more bearable. These two smaller pods are mainly used for storage, but we are currently working on expanding some new ideas to change that. They walk up to a large glass tube filled with all kinds of vegetation like a contained jungle, they walk into the tube, and she can immediately feel the breeze and hear the water. “What’s this?” These two pods help similar a more natural environment as well as house our main garden for growing and processing food. Eldoron leads Skyfyre over to the pod to the right, stopping her before she steps over the edge “careful, no forcefield here,,..”. She looks down to see a cascading waterfall and an entire landscape with variability in topography and plant types, many she couldn’t recognize. Skyfyre stares at his face, taking closer notice at the scar that runs across from the top of his left ear down almost past his cheek on the opposite side. She thinks to herself if those injuries were related, Eldoron must have been through a lot,…..but I guess we both have……”. Eldoron,……”yeah”………”I’m sorry……”for what?”……… Eldoron proceeds to give Sky a tour of the airship,….starting with his workshop, the different glass pods on the bottom floor, the engineering bay,….as well as the living quarters for all the other crew members and workshops and activity centers in the floors above. *Yawns*. “It’s starting to get late.” “I know, just one more room I want to show you…”. It was one of the smaller pods that we missed the first time around. Once the door to it opens, Skyfyre was greeted by loud music and color changing lights. Everyone else was there having a grand old time. “There now you can get to know everyone else.” “I thought you said the party was tomorrow night.” Eldoron hinted that he knew she was ease dropping. “You think Pixel doesn’t know everything that is going on, she’s more paranoid than I am”. “ I knew I had to lie because otherwise you wouldn’t have gone.” Blaze suddenly came out of nowhere landing on the dance floor with a satisfying bang and began trying his hand/talons at dancing, but he was clumsy. “Are you drunk?” Sky questioned Blaze as he slipped all over the place. “Not necessarily though I partook in some of Jessie’s concoctions, I’m also just bad at this, whatever this is.” Sky gives a disgruntled, but amused expression, she never thought she would see such a sight in her life. Eldoron grabbed Sky’s hand and dragged her into the room where other members began coming up to both of them one by one. Trish, being the socialite was the first to engage in conversation….”sooooo, you want to get a drink or something.” “Ughhhh,……” Before answering Trish grabs her free hand and drags her to the upstairs area where Ian and Jessie are hanging out. Sky thinks to herself…..”apparently I’m getting passed around like a hot potato tonight….” Sky proceeded to try to socialize with the others and after having a couple of drinks, felt very relaxed and not as nervous anymore. Drinks were much stronger than she expect……no wonder why Blaze got drunk so easily. The airship’s artificial day and night system was close to resetting and that's when Sky realized she stayed up most of the night. She had her head down on the counter trying to rest her eyes when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Jolting upwards, she notices Eldoron sitting down next to her. “Having fun?” “Yeah, I guess I am, but I’m also exhausted.” Blaze was already snoring up the storm below. “Come, on, just one last thing..” Ian began to switch over to quieter and slower music as Eldoron tried to lift Skyfyre up and bring her down to the dance floor. “What…..what are you doing.” “Relax, we always end these on a nice relaxing note with a slow dance, I normally do this with Jessie.” Sky looks around noticing Orion stepping with Jessie and the same going for Trish and Ian. “Look at me…I won’t bite, I promise.” Sky shyly looks into Eldoron’s eyes, almost getting lost in them. He slowly reaches out to grab her wrists and moves them so her arms are wrapped around his neck and shoulders while placing his hands on her sides. Instinctively, he took a step back and Sky followed his pace and vice versa. “You’re a natural at this”. Eldoron looks up from the floor refocusing on Sky. Her eyes widened and pupils dilate. The two continue to dance in sync losing track of time. Blaze opens his eyes long enough to realize what was going on. Sky could feel his connection come back into play and a tingly warm sensation running down her body followed by chills. “Just relax, you’re doing great.” Blaze reassured her as she continued to side step and get more into the moment. Eldoron leans over towards her. “I hope you consider staying here, you will be a perfect addition to my crew and your potential will make you invaluable.” Sky stops and thinks….”why am I here, why did you rescue me?” Eldoron proceeds to tell her the truth about the major threat at hand and why it’s necessary to have someone with a dragon companion and strong magic skills at a time like this. “I didn’t know I would find you in that building shackled up against your will being tortured by those horrible people, but I did know I could see a gifted woman from the start.” Eldoron worries a little “I hope it doesn’t feel like we are keeping you here either, I…we never want to do anything to make you uncomfortable and we can turn back to Earth. There is still time and you can live the rest of your life there, but I fear it won’t be the same especially with your connection to your dragon.” Skyfyre hangs her head in complete fatigue almost resting it on Eldoron’s collar bone. “Yeah I understand that.” Blaze gets up and moves his head to bear Sky’s weight on his side. Blaze moved out the room dragging Sky’s sleepy self out back to their room. Blaze places Sky onto her bed pulling the blanket over her. She ended up sleeping most of the following day well into the night. When she awoke, she was energized, she assumed everyone was still asleep and Blaze was nowhere to be seen as she could also feel him sleeping in the back of her mind. She got up and walked out into the hallway. There was only one dimly lit room and that was Eldoron’s workshop. She carefully made her way over to it. Eldoron through Pixel, knew she was coming their way, but pretended to not notice when she turned the corner. “Ummmmm, Eldoron, you still up?” Eldoron turned his chair around to face her, his top hat was absent exposing his hair and the silver streak reflected off the glowing ambience brought upon by Pixel. Skyfyre sat down in the empty chair near his desk. Eldoron was quiet. Sky was worried that she did something to upset him. “I’m sorry for the mixed signals last night if there were any”. Eldoron muttered, I hope it didn’t make you feel too uncomfortable. “Nooooo….no….it didn’t at all, just new to everything, honestly…….I’m just scared.” Eldoron tried to speak, but Sky interrupted….”I’m sorry, I’m confused about all of this, I needed time to figure it all out I guess, maybe this is meant to be my life now, maybe my destiny……….*sigh* guess it beats being tested on or being on the streets.” “Does this mean?....”I’m staying!” The biggest smile showed on Eldoron’s face. “I promise you’ll like it here, everyone else has already started taking a liking to you, even Orion who barely really likes anyone. We would have been sad to see you have to go, but next time just talk to me, you are in a safe place.” Eldoron took his gloves off and put his warm hand on top of Sky’s. The dimly lit room helped hide her blushing thankfully. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
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