#if i read something i posted YESTERDAY im going to be sick to my stomach
dayurno · 9 months
there are anonymous dayurno fics out there oh this changes everything…… gonna scour the kevin day tags harder than usual fr
BAHAHA THERE ARE TWO!!!! one is the aforementioned rock and a hard place the other is a kandrew pwp. truly the time i posted both i was just embarrassed about posting any pwp and then later when i got over it i just realized they were not very good and did not particularly want to respond for either. i'm never going to take rock and a hard place out of anon because that fic sucks and i could do better now (And I Might)
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artinandwritin · 2 years
A little writing practise I did yesterday at 11 pm. I wasn't really sure how to put the idea of texting each other down in a way it still feels natural, but doesn't slow down the plot. I kinda think I did a good job for once :)
This is for GusSiri's modern au during the time period where Siri is about a month away from finishing high school and Gustav is just,,, fucking around in college doing who knows what haha. Have fun!
S: I got full marks on my biology test. Mrs. Haddock gave me a sticker because she thinks I worked so hard.
S: Did you know red carnations symbolize affection?
S: I found it online.
S: I thought you would like it, you told me once you like carnations.
S: Can I send you some? I don't know if they'll come through okay with the post, but I'm willing to try!
Siri took a deep breath and put her phone away - this was no use. She had scrolled through her past messages with Gustav Larson for what seemed like hours, and none of them had been answered.
Not a single one.
She didn't know what had happened between the two of them. One moment, he was texting her what felt like every other minute, sending her pictures of his homework, his dog Fanghook, or things in stores he wished he could buy but didn't have the money for - the next moment, nothing. Only unread messages.
Of course, he must be busy, Siri knew he probably was. He was in college, following classes to get a degree in teaching. He was probably making new friends, going out with them, getting drinks and probably not needing her anymore.
After all, she was still in high school, all alone. She had her friend Adelaide Jorgenson, sure, but all her other friends had already left to pursue a carreer. And now, even Gustav had forgotten about her.
She grabbed her phone again, her fingers trembling as she tried again.
S: How's Fanghook? He must be so lonely, now that you're studying so much.
S: To be honest… I feel lonely too.
S: I miss you.
S: Gustav, I miss you. Can you please text me back?
S: It's okay if you can't.
S: I'm sorry if I've done something wrong.
S: Or said.
S: Just please text me back.
Siri's eyes widened as the two marks in the corner of her message turned blue; she leaned back against her pillows as Gustav started typing.
G: Im so sorry! Roommate hid my phone for a joke, couldn't find it for days.
Her heart jumped.
S: It's okay, I was just worried.
G: Can I make it up to you?
S: No, you don't have to, it wasn't your fault.
G: Yeah no, if you miss me I definitely gotta make it up to you. Of course, everyone must miss me so much, I was so legendary in high school.
Siri chuckled, slowly calming down as she typed a response. Oh, how she had missed his little remarks.
S: They don't talk about you anymore :'). But… I do miss you. Quite a lot.
G: Wanna go get ice cream or something when you get outta class tomorrow? I've borrowed this sick scooter from a friend, I'll come pick you up.
Oh. A strange whirl went through Siri's stomach; her heart felt really light.
S: That sounds a bit like a date, Gustav. Isn't that girl you had eyes for gonna be jealous?
G: Nope, turns out she already had a boyfriend. So there is no-one to worry about.
Relieve washed over her; her shoulders relaxed at his message. However, her racing heart kept beating, and her hands suddenly typed on their own.
S: Do you want this to be a date?
G: Um.
G: Maybe a little. Not gonna lie, you're cute. And you've always been nice to me even tho I'm sometimes kinda an idiot ;).
Butterflies, that's what they were. They were twirling in Siri's belly as her gaze was glued to her phone screen. Her hands trembled at every word they texted to each other.
S: I kinda want this to be a date too.
G: You do?
S: Yeah. I think so.
G: So I guess we've got a date ;))). Anywhere you wanna go?
S: The movies? They're showing Titanic again.
G: Sounds good to me. I'm gonna hog the popcorn, be prepared >:). And!! Pleasepleaseplease put on a thin dress or something. I wanna offer you my sweater.
Siri couldn't help but laugh softly, casting a quick glance to her wardrobe. A sundress may be best suited for his little request and oh, how she adored the detail.
S: I will! Can we make dinner at your dorm after the movie?
G: Yep, I'll just bully my roommate out. And afterwards I'll take you home nice and save.
S: I'll see you tomorrow, can't wait :).
G: See ya, can't wait either.
G: And Seer.
G: I miss you too <3.
A smile overtook Siri; there was nothing that could describe that special feeling she felt when he said that.
S: <3.
She closed her phone, putting it down beside her. Her heart racing, she slid further down onto her bed as she started up at the ceiling. Oh, this would be perfect.
This would be absolutely perfect.
@rosiethedragongeek for the tags!! Just a lil smt for funsies <3
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buffenny · 2 years
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i’ve avoided putting anything on here, on my public accounts because i’m not exactly a public griever. i never will be. i originally wasn’t going to put anything here either, but i think this is the next step in this whole grieving thingy for me.
idec if anyone actually reads this, because this is a comfort for me, plus i don’t think i can stomach not saying anything about someone that meant so much to me despite having never met him. he’s got me through so much. so fucking much. 
also before i get into it, i do want to mention that this is very much me rambling and may also come across sort of vent-like. 
things were really rough for me last night (as im sure it was for so many other people). i cried for so so long to the point where i couldn’t breathe and the only thing i could feel was the pressure of my headache that had formed, it wasn’t even one of those pounding headaches, it was just constant. honestly i blame it on being dehydrated, L to me for not drinking water ig. 
at first i thought it was some kinda of sick joke. about 10 seconds into the video i was actively hoping that it was. i don’t know how to fucking process this or how to properly grieve and i cant even imagine how anyone close to him must be feeling right now. but i bet that they’re fucking proud of him. he’s made such a positive impact on so many fucking people. 
he was the first person i watched when i started watching minecrafters again. instantly i grew attached to his content and his personality. the way he interacted with his friends was just so fucking nice to watch. i cant even explain it well because who the fuck actually manages describes complex emotions like this in full?? 
my first art post on my twitter account was him and my first mcyt post on my instagram account was him. i
 remember being fifteen fucking years old, having no friends and no one to even talk to. i remember being the loneliest i had ever been in my entire life, and i remember how much technos content helped me through that. 
yesterday, when the video was uploaded to his channel, i cried the hardest i had ever cried in my entire life. i have never dealt with grief like this. i’ve never experienced death. but yesterday, everything felt wrong. nothing felt real, it didn’t feel real. i straight up, could not fucking believe it. i still cant believe it. because it doesn’t feel real. i cant wrap my head around him actually being gone. 
and when i say that everything felt wrong, i mean that it felt like i couldn’t do anything. everyone was talking about distractions but i couldn’t distract myself because just the action of doing so felt like i was doing him a disservice. and don’t get me wrong, i know that’s not true, but that’s how it felt. i couldn’t listen to fucking music all day yesterday because the noise was just too loud, and the lights on in my room were too bright so i had to shut them off as well. it all felt so wrong. 
today, seeing the rest of the world move on with their lives was so confusing to me. people have been so excited to watch the new stranger things episodes and i just cant. i cant bring myself to do anything like that. anything that i can’t relate back to technoblade i cant distract myself with. 
i played a bit of minecraft, i watched some of his old videos, i watched phil’s stream. 
it was really nice to laugh with my friends though. i’m glad that i was able to do that today. really fucking glad. 
i’ve been spending a lot of time on twitter. right now the whole place is just full of love and support and other people who are grieving just as much as i am and it’s really fucking nice. 
i’m kind of scared to post this because i’m not really one for being public with my emotions, and i don’t have anything like this on any of my accounts. also the fact that i know my friends will probably see this. but like i said, it felt wrong not to post anything. 
it’s true that i could post something significantly shorter, but i think i’d rather post something that feels more me. 
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thefallennightmare · 4 years
Hard to Love [21/21]
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Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader
Words: 1621
Warnings: this story will have mentions of abuse, mental and physical so please read at your own risk. Some swearing, angst, and a good amount of fluff. Maybe some smut if I'm feeling frisky.
Summary: After moving to a new town all on her own, Reader would do anything for a stable job and income. Even if that means housekeeping for one of Boston's eligible bachelors. What she didn't expect was finding herself falling in love with him and finding him out about the past that she was running from.
A/N: I cannot believe the ending is here. I also cannot thank you enough for all the love that you guys have gave this series. I really do appreciate it and love seeing all the comments! Your words of encouragement are what kept me going for this story. I’m so so sad it’s done. 
Lets finish this story with a happy ending! 
Tags: @kelbabyblue @patzammit @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @jennmurawski13 @divadinag @cosmicbreathe @thevelvetseries @capstopavenger @chris-butt @denisemarieangelina @im-a-stranger-thing @jennamarieee623 @introvertedmouse @lharrietg @thejemersoninferno  @breezykpop @instantbasementtimetravel @rodgersteves @michaelscotfield-blog1 @40srogcrs @wonderingshawn @bellaireland1981 @katelyneannxo @lady-x-red @sare-bare93-blog @annmariek8​ @raabrakha​ @stxvercgersslut​
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“Where’s my cutie pie?!” I shouted, entering the home. 
Four feet trotted down the long hallway from the kitchen to the living room where I stood, hanging up my jacket and bag. Bending at the knees, I allowed all of the kisses and whines of happiness, scratching the furry ears. 
“How’s Dodger doing today?” I cooed. 
He followed me into the kitchen as I searched the fridge for something to ease my stomach. Munching on a piece of cheese, I checked my phone and saw a new message from Chris. 
I’ll be home in a few hours. I’m sorry baby, I didn’t think these interviews would take so long. 
Don’t be sorry! I’ll wait up for you xx. 
The last year, I had grown incredibly; putting everything that happened to me in the past, locking it away. The scars still remained on my body but I never let it affect me. Chris would always make sure he showed extra love to them, telling me that he loved the way I look. 
The first time Chris had to leave for work was a couple of months after everything and it was hard to get adjusted to sleeping in the bed alone but Dodger was the best replacement, keeping me safe every night. Chris tried to turn down movie roles but I quickly shot that down. I wouldn’t let him lose out on a possible great job because I missed him. 
I ended up seeing the live video he posted when I was missing and the amount of outpouring coming from his friends and fans also helped me heal. There were a good amount of people who at first weren’t happy that Chris was in a loving relationship but eventually, when he kept posting pictures of us on Instagram, they got used to it. 
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I saw a new message appear from Chris. 
Our weekend starts in less that two hours. I can’t wait to be alone with you. 
I smiled fondly at the message. 
The past couple weeks were filled with either him working almost every day or me continuing my schooling. We had his family and friends over a few times last week as well so we were practically begging the Gods above for some alone time. 
Which is why this weekend we had zero plans, just the two of us in our home. 
And Dodger. 
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“OH COME ON!” Chris yelled at the T.V. 
A giggle erupted from my throat from my spot on the couch, my feet placed in his lap, as we watched the football game. 
Our weekend together was coming to an end, school for me and another press conference for Chris’ upcoming movie tomorrow, meant that reality was about twelve hours away. We spent the weekend in multiple different rooms of the house, our moans vibrating off the walls. 
I’ve had sex more in this weekend than I had in my entire adult life. 
Now, we were exhausted, so we decided to spend the rest of our Sunday in our lazy clothes on the couch; Chris wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweats and I ended up stealing his shirt and a pair of his boxers. 
Even though his eyes were transfixed on the game, he still made an effort to show me attention by rubbing the soles of my feet. I couldn’t stop myself from staring at this man in front of me. He let his beard grow this weekend, too lazy to shave it, which I didn’t complain one bit. The red marks on my thighs from earlier were an indication of that. His hair was short because he decided that he needed to buzz it last night; he was sick of it getting in his face. 
I marveled at the way the muscle in his jaw tightened when I rubbed my feet into his lap, purposely pressing into his soft cock. 
“If you keep that up, I’ll miss the last half of the game,” he threatened in a low voice. 
“But I’m horny!” I whined, lifting my shirt up and over my head. “Please?” 
I pinched my hard nipple between my fingers, hoping that would be enough to get him on top of me. 
It was. 
I yelped when Chris pulled my ankle towards him, his body on top of mine in seconds. His gold chain was dangling in front of my face as I looked up to him, our chest rising with heavy breaths. 
“So naughty,” he muttered against the crook of my neck. 
“Enough small talk and fuck me already, Evans,” I purred into his ear, fingernails digging into his bare back.
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I couldn’t help but gnaw nervously on my bottom lip, tasting a bit of blood, while I paced the floor of our bedroom. Chris was out running errands but with the text I sent him, I knew that he would be on his way home asap. 
Can you come home please? I have to talk to you. 
My hands shook with nerves, feeling my cardigan being weighed down with the pressure that was in the pocket. I couldn’t help but worry about what Chris’ reaction would be. We never talked about this and I didn’t know if this would be what broke our relationship. 
Hearing his voice, I made my way down the stairs and into the living room where he sat with Dodger on the couch. 
“Hey, everything alright?” He asked. 
I nodded and sat across from him. “Yeah, I think so.” 
He knew in the way my knee bounced and sucked in my bottom lip that whatever I had to talk to him about made me nervous as hell. Placing a hand on my knee, he gave me a warm smile. 
“Tell me,” he begged gently. 
Words were so foreign to me, not knowing exactly how to say it, so instead I handed him what was in my pocket. 
“I know we haven’t talked about it much but I couldn't not tell you. I mean you deserve to know. If you’re angry I understand. I’m confused too on how this happened,” I rambled. 
Chris didn’t hear a word I had spouted, his eyes trained hard on the stick in his hand with the two solid pink lines. 
“You’re pregnant?” His mouth twitched. 
I nodded and handed him my phone that held an email from the doctors office, confirming the pregnancy. Yesterday morning while Chris was out with his mom, I secretly had an appointment. 
“The doctor says I’m about six weeks,” I spoke softly. 
I was unsure of what his reaction would be, his gaze still stuck on the pregnancy test in his hand. 
Dodger knew something was different, sniffing the test in Chris’ hand. 
Finally after what felt like forever, Chris looked into my eyes and his mouth curved into a smile. 
“We’re having a baby?” 
The smile he had was a giant one, where you could almost count all of his teeth as he smiled down towards Dodger, showing him the sonogram on my phone as if Dodger could tell what he was looking at. 
The joy in his voice brought tears to my eyes. 
“You’re happy?” I asked. 
His hands snaked around my waist, pulling me into his lap. “I’m fucking ecstatic.” 
Our lips met in a rushed kiss, his hand finding its place on my stomach. His forehead rested against mine and his eyes shone with so much love that my heart leaped into my throat, knowing that his reaction was the complete opposite of what I was prepared for. 
“Stay here,” He mumbled against my lips in another kiss. 
I waited patiently as he rummaged for something in the desk of his office and he returned, hand behind his back. 
“I was saving this for when we went away next month but I don’t think I can wait.” He spoke before handing me a small box. 
A small velvet box. 
I gasped, watching him get down on one knee, and pried open the box. Inside was a gorgeous oval cut diamond on a plain gold band. The sunlight from outside had caught the ring in a warm glow of light. 
“This isn’t the most romantic idea of a proposal but I don’t want to wait any longer to ask you this. I first met you in this room when you came to work for me and in that moment I knew I wanted you; I needed you in my life. Y/N, you know I love you so fucking much. You have changed my life in so many ways and now we’re having a baby. You’re having my baby and somehow I love you even more. Y/N, will you marry me?” The tears welled in his eyes and he blew out a shaky breath. 
“Fuck yes!” I cried, hormones causing my eyes to pour tears down my cheeks. 
After he slid the ring on my finger, he picked me up with ease as he walked us towards our bedroom so we could celebrate the rest of our lives. 
I couldn’t believe how much my life had changed in two years since I first drove up to this house, nervous about what the job was that I had an interview for. I never imagined that I would face my past again, not letting it define who I was anymore. And I definitely never thought I would find someone who would love me with his whole entire heart and soul, knowing how hard to love I was. But he did; Chris vowed to me that night in hushed moans that he loved me then and forever. 
Along with the baby I was growing in my stomach; our baby. 
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hecksee · 4 years
Stained Flowers
Hi this is angsty af but im struggling right now so imma project onto fictional characters
Sorry @lumosinlove I like making Leo suffer
this is my entry for the @hpbrokenhearts ​ contest, i started out writing this when i was struggling, and tbh i still am, but it’s gotten a lot better. 
Much thanks to the wonderful @iswearimnotanaestheticgirl for editing this monstrosity. You wrecked carnage on it, but it helped so much and I love this end result so much. 
Thank you so much to @peggyrose19 and @marauderss-hp for looking this over and giving me suggestions! 
This is probably inaccurate but I don’t know anything about hockey, and this is fanfic so who cares about the accuracy. 
TW suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, its got a TINY bit of spice sprinkled in (i would rate this teen probably, mature if i was being extra safe), major character death, stress, homophobia, one sided pining, hanakhai, vomiting, something thats sort of like a suicide note, and a shit load of angst
Read on A03 here
Leo knew he was screwed the moment he saw Finn O'Hara on the screen for the first time. He knew he was gonna fall hard. It didn't matter that they had never met or that Leo’s attraction was purely physical. He knew that he would want everything with Finn.
But then Leo started to fall deeper and deeper over time, time that was spent mostly spent obsessing over Finn. Only a few weeks after Leo saw Finn for the first time, it started.
Everybody knew about hanahaki. When someone felt unrequited love, a seed sprouted in their lungs. Nobody knew how or why the seed appeared but it was inevitable. 
The victim would start coughing up flower petals, and if their feelings grew, the flowers would grow larger until the victim couldn’t breath because their lungs were filled with nothing but blossoms.
There were only three things someone with hanahaki could do. The main solution was to surgically remove the flowers but have all feelings of love vanish. And some said it was impossible to ever love another person.
So Leo knew exactly what was going on when he started coughing up small yellow petals a few weeks after he first saw Finn on screen. 
But, over the next few months he learned to recognize the signs. The tingling in the back of his throat before he started coughing up the silky yellow petals. The itch in his left lung when people mentioned Finn O'Hara. The stabbing pain toward the left of his chest when his teammates threw around homophobic slurs and comments like beads at Marti Gras is nothing new, but now it's accompanied with a burning sensation in his lungs and bloody daffodils.
The daffodils. The fucking daffodils. He decided to look the meaning of the cheery flowers up one day. Unrequited love. After that Leo laughed humorlessly, and decided that hanahaki had a fucked up sense of humor.
Somehow, Leo made it through a full year while coughing up a mixture of blood and petals. He learned how to hide it, how to excuse himself from a situation, and how to choke the petals back down while playing. He made sure that nothing would impact his career, no matter how much longer he had left.
Leo feared that his time was almost up some days. On those days, he wondered Why was he alive? Why did only the left lung sting? Wouldn't it just be better to end it than to live through the constant pain?
He almost made it through a year keeping his hanahaki a secret. 
Well, almost. His mom walked in on him cleaning the daffodils smeared with red off the floor, and he had promptly broken down in tears.
He had ended up telling her everything, how he was gay, how he hated himself for it, how he sometimes thought it would be better to just end it all instead, who he loved and why.
His mom had made him tell his coach, insisting it was for the best. There had been a major fight between the coach and him. Leo was yelling and crying but standing his ground about how he needed to play. How playing was the only thing he was living for, damn it. Leo had ended up winning, so he kept playing. And just like before, he kept the hanahaki a secret from everyone, especially his team.
But then, he found out why only his left lung stung. Logan Tremblay. The latest player that was drafted to the Lions. He was newly minted, fresh from Harvard university. Short, broad, brunet, green eyed rookie Tremz. 
As soon as Logan stepped out onto the ice for the first time Leo felt that telltale sting. But it was on the right side of his chest for the first time. Fuck, I'm not having unrequited love from one person, but from two?! 
His right lung had irises. Royalty, the Fleur-De-Lis, France. Leo didn’t know how those things related to Logan but he could take a guess. Logan was French Canadian born and raised, that had to mean something. 
Leo’s life went on. Now he had double the work of fighting the flowers down. Two names instead of one. Leo could tell there was something between Fish and Logan. The intense stares they gave each other across the rink meant something. The tension between them one day had just disappeared. Leo saw something as Logan's hot temper reared up whenever Harzy got into a fight or got hurt. 
The signs grew. Rainbow tape on their sticks, posting LGBTQ+ supporting messages on the team Instagram; small things you’d need to look out for, or know exactly what they meant to know the significance. 
The real confirmation was when the official Lions Instagram posted the picture of Logan and Finn kissing at a pride parade, smudged bi flags painted on both of their cheeks. 
The caption read “We are aware of the homophobia in the league, however, two of our players aren’t willing to hide their relationship from the public anymore. Both Tremz and Harzy have our full support.” 
The moment he saw it, the feeling of petals started to itch in the back of Leo’s throat, but he gagged them back as he scrolled through the comments. They were filled with the expected bigotry and homophobia with the occasional biphobic comment. Yet scattered in were the kind comments, full of support, rays of sunshine on a raining day.
Leo started typing out a comment of his own, telling the happy couple how happy he was for them. But the lie was rancid in his head. The flowers Leo had been choking back came up in a wave of blood. 
Before Leo got hanahaki, the few dreams he had were filled with a faceless man. One that would kiss him and fuck him, but now, now there were two men. And they had faces. 
Finn O'Hara and Logan Tremblay haunted Leo's dreams in the best way possible, more nights than not. Sweet soft kisses, hands tangled in auburn or brown hair, gently worshiping the hard planes and angles that came from a lifelong dedication to hockey were commonplace in Leo's dreams. 
In stark contrast, some nights were filled with sloppy, urgent kisses, nails scratching on backs, and a pure need for release. But the dreams would always end, and Leo was left with the burning pain of self loathing building up in his throat before the flowers would make themselves known.
During this dream, Leo had been on fire all night, and it was thanks to him that the team had been led to victory. So here he was with his boyfriends, celebrating. 
Leo leaned up to give Finn a soft kiss before turning onto his side and beginning to kiss Logan's neck. Finn had started to ruin Leo and didn't stop until Leo had hit the peak of his pleasure.
However, the aftermath of Leo's pleasure was slowly but surely turning into pain. Suddenly the metallic tang of blood was clogging his throat and the familiar smooth petals were filling his mouth. 
The flowers and blood were dripping out of his mouth, and seeping into the white bed sheets. Even worse was that Finn and Logan seemed unsurprised.  no, they were almost happy. Their gentle murmurings of praise turned into cold raucous laughter. In between the harsh laughter they told him how stupid he was, how he was a nobody, how they would never love him.
As the flowers only got worse, coming up in waves and mingled with the tears that were rolling down his face, Finn and Logan vanished. Then he was falling, falling, falling. 
He woke with a start, his heart pounding in his chest, lungs gasping for air in between choking sobs; lying in a combination of petals and blood. His face was sticky with tears and warm, wet blood, and a few stray yellow and white-ish purple petals stuck to his skin. The only indicator that Leo's dream wasn't all bad was the stickiness in his underwear. But the worst part was that he was alone, stuck with only fantasies, once again.
The next day, Leo knew that practice would be bad. Even though yesterday his team was idolizing the Lions, they sure as hell wouldn’t be idolizing them right now. Practice was full of his teammates throwing around a myriad of slurs. The locker-room was even worse, where the coach wasn’t there to monitor their comments. 
Leo fidgeted with his bracelet, uncomfortable with the comments that were flying around, with the flowers edging up his throat. He didn’t remember what happened next. 
One minute Leo’s fidgeting with his bracelet, the next he’s yelling. Yelling about how people aren’t judged by their sexuality, how hell, maybe there even was a gay person in the room! To that he was obviously asked if he was the gay one, to which, he responded yes. Leo stormed out of the room to a soundtrack, suppressing the flowers fighting their way up his throat as soundtrack of cruel laughter and biting words rang around the room, just like the ones in his dream. 
The next day he dreaded going to practice. He knows he won’t be welcome on the team anymore, so what’s the point of going?
Leo ended up just texting his old coach that he was resigning. His team broadcasted the fact that he’s gay on their Instagram. Now Leo’s the target of the myriad of hate that Finn and Leo faced. It made him sick to his stomach. Seconds later, he was puking into the toilet. No flowers this time, but still unpleasant. 
He still walked with dragging steps to the rink and practiced, of course. He didn’t want to lose his skills when he attempts to go pro. Trying to ignore the fact that he knows no one will take him now. 
Out of the blue, three days after Leo outed himself, his phone rings shrilly. Marlene McKinnon. The Lions announcer. Why was she calling him?
Marlene asked him to play for the Lions because he had great potential. Leo hesitated. Did she not know that he was gay? He pensively inquired about his sexuality, how would that impact his place on the team? 
To his surprise, Marlene told him it wouldn’t influence anything. Leo was shocked, but in the happy way. Then she asked if he had any health conditions. Just like the thing about his sexuality, Leo hesitated. Eventually he nodded and said yes. 
It’s hanahaki, he told her in a slow voice, but it doesn’t impact my playing.
Fucking lie. 
Marlene was silent for a moment but then put him on hold with some shaky words. 5 minutes later, she agrees to let him play, on the condition that his hanahaki doesn’t get worse, and if it does, he needs to have them removed. Leo agreed, and suddenly, Leo was going professional. 
Sure, Leo was worried about becoming a Lion; his subjects of affection were there and they were in a happy relationship. But over time, and many, many practices filled with words thrown at O’Hara and Tremblay, he had learned to choke back the petals. 
After a few months, the day came where Leo was leaving. With many tears, and a lot of goodbyes, Leo left for Gryffindor. After a couple long flights, and a short taxi ride, Leo stepped out of the car to Hogwarts. 
Inside the rink, he was greeted with the signature smell of a hockey arena, he couldn’t quite describe it, but it was pleasant, and reminded Leo of home. 
In a blink, he was bombarded with maroon and gold, hugs and welcoming words. When he turned his head from the excitement, he saw them. Finn and Logan, standing back with Pascal Dumais, who he was going to move in with. 
After meeting everyone and flipping out while Finn and Logan give him a hug while swallowing down the familiar liquid and petals that up, Leo was informed that he won’t be living with the Dumais’ after all. 
“You’ll be living with Finn and Logan, I hope that’s alright?”
Leo quickly excuses himself to the bathroom to let the mixture of flowers, blood, and bile out. 
But Leo ended up moving in with Fish and Tremz. However over the weeks, he formed a close bond with both Finn and Logan. Of course, he became closer with the rest of the team, Loops especially. Hell, Leo has a feeling that Loops knows what it feels like to love someone who will never love him back. 
But after Sirius and Loops get together, Leo knew that he’s the only one who will never get the privilege of having requited love. 
Leo was glad that he had managed to keep it a secret from the team. Well, there were some people he had to tell. After all, Remus was the team medic. Remus was keeping it a secret from the team and the public. But Remus didn’t know who was triggering Leo’s love. The only people who knew were Leo and his mother. 
Each practice where the two of them do anything lovey dovey, Leo needs to be excused while he chokes back the flowers that are bringing themselves up his throat. But his goalie face hadn't been developed over happy things, so he shoved his feelings back and forced himself to remain calm, pretending to support their relationship; which he did, of course he did, but Leo wished more than anything that he was there with them. Leo wishes he was there in between them, wishes he was the one holding hands with them, and sharing sweet soft kisses with them. 
Hell, more than once in the time when Leo was with the Lions he considered ending it all. The thoughts weren’t new, no, he’d been struggling with them since he had realized he was gay. But now, with the objects of Leo’s affection so close yet so far, he didn’t know if it would be worth living.
But then one day, about three years after the hanahaki had started, Leo woke up with agonizing pain in his chest, like someone was squeezing a palm around his heart. He thought back. The aching had worsened every time he interacted Finn and Logan. Now the flowers were coming up almost every hour of every day. The tingling feeling is now always at the back of his mind. As soon as Leo thought about Finn and Logan he felt flowers coming up. 
The flowers are accompanied with a burning pain instead of a small stab. All of the flowers are full blossoms, a few with stems and leaves. They’d be perfect and prim, beautiful, if they weren’t coated in enough blood to look like a murder scene. 
This was it; this was one of his last days, if not his last. 
With slow robotic steps, Leo stands up, taking some deep breaths. He fished a pen and a notebook from his cabinet, and started to write four letters.
The words to his family tell them how sorry he was at how bad he was at hiding his worsening hanahaki, how much he loves them, and how he wishes he could have said goodbye in person. 
“I’m sorry for causing you pain.”
In the letter towards the team he apologized for hiding his disease and explained how thankful he was to be a part of his dream team. He told them how different the Lions were to his old teams, how they were a family and how they loved each other no matter what, regardless of their differences.
“Thank you for being like a family to me.” 
In the one addressed to Logan and Finn, Leo explained how they were the subjects of his attraction, how much they influenced his life coming out by choice, consequences be damned. Through blood, sweat, tears and flowers, he found himself rattling on and on about how much he loved them, how he fell in love with them, and how much he valued the friendship they had; even if it was just friendship. Leo’s hand lingered as he thought about it. Would this letter cause the two of them to blame themselves? Should he really write it? 
No. He had to. Leo added a note telling them not to. It wasn’t their fault, it was his choice. 
He brushed away the crimson mess. With droplets of blood staining his fingers, Leo starts on the final and most formal letter. 
Leo wrote vaguely in this letter. He told that he did have hanahaki, and how he had dealt with it for years before he joined the Lions. He publicly commends the Lions for being so accepting of him, even though he had hanahaki and he was gay. Finally, he thanked his fans for staying with him through it all. 
Then, with all the letters finished, Leo sealed them in envelopes and wrote to whom they are addressed to. Gingerly, Leo placed them on his nightstand and prepared for his final practice. 
During practice Leo told everyone how much he appreciates them, which wasn’t too unusual, so nobody took much notice. Otherwise, practice was uneventful. Leo blocked some passes as they prepped for their game with Hufflepuff next week. 
Leo was coughing almost nonstop during practice but he chokes back the blood, bile, and flowers. He allowed himself to think that this is the last time he’d have to push it down. The aching pain in his chest doesn’t subside, if anything it only grew worse the longer practice goes on. 
Leo walked into the locker-room, preparing to take a shower and stretch before heading home when the aching in his chest grew. He could hear the blood pumping in his ears and the world around him blurred. He swayed, unsteady on his feet, trying not to cry or scream. His breaths were labored, he was becoming lightheaded and his heart was pounding in his chest. The pain became too much to bear and Leo’s legs failed on him.
The team rushes over with concerned expressions on their faces. On his knees, the flowers, stems, and leaves start to come up, splattering all over the cold ground, no matter what Leo does to try and keep them back. The team became frenzied, calling for Remus. 
It was too late. Leo knew that this was his end. 
Once, when Leo was little, he asked his grandmother why people didn't just get the flowers removed. She smiled at him sadly and told him that, there might be a person you loved so much you couldn't bear the idea of not loving them. Even if you died for it. 
At the time, he brushed it off as stupid but now, now as tears sqeezed through his blurry vision and the feeling of the cold tile floor disappears, he understands exactly what she meant. 
The last thought that went through his mind, before the petals, flowers, and blood came up for the last time, was of his two loves. In an instant, all of his fantasies of Finn and Logan melted into the reality of their friendship and flew past his eyes. With one last satisfied smile, Leo closed his eyes. His grandma was right. 
Some love really was worth dying for.
Just a quick reminder, this is my entry for @hpbrokenhearts so if you liked this fic or it made you cry/broke your heart, please put a broken heart in the comments, either in emoji form or not! Thank you so much for reading!!!
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atlascas · 4 years
(last updated 7/1)
FINALLY. this is like. just a place for me to rec and write excessively abt the fics i've been reading lately. it won't be organized but it WILL be very earnest and i'll keep it updated as i find/remember more. also i have obnoxiously high standards when it comes to fic so these ARE the cream of the crop, if u will. the god tier. the s tier. 
very loosely organized into "newer fic" and "classics." these are subjective categories. do what you will
✨ = new fic on the list
💖 = in my brain rent free!
these are the fics that i’m currently reading! may or may not get recced. usually i read the first couple paragraphs/lines and if i like the writing it gets bookmarked and put on this list.
lazarus needs a robe of scarlet thread by herrosesneverfall, 90k, canonverse au. dean starts getting stigmata. when i was getting back into spn there were a LOT of religious fics flying around bc that was the Hot Topic of Discussion. this was one of them
Three weeks ago, Dean woke up in a pine box. He thought dealing with the nightmares was going to be the most difficult part of his new life after Hell, but at least they were something he could understand. Something he could deal with. Something he deserved.
Then he began having agonizing visions of crucifixion. Wounds appeared on his body out of nowhere. Wounds that refused to heal and coated his skin with the sickly sweet smell of roses.
Stigmata are said to be the marks of saints, but Dean is not a saint and the wounds are only the beginning.
kingdom come by ahurston, 8.7k, coda to 15x18. cas gets to go home. im gathering all the s15 fix-its to my heart and holding them close
Cas wakes up on the coast of Maine. He makes his way home.
hunger by ellispark, 10.8k, s13 au. dean grieves cas, post s12 finale. perfect writing perfect awful heartwrenching characterization so far on dean’s end especially towards jack. nuanced emotional writing
Dean takes his meal and throws it away, plate and all. He's not hungry. How can he even begin to eat, knowing what he kept from Cas — what he kept from both of them?
They could have had something, and now all Dean has is this gaping, empty hole in his stomach, in his chest, and he has to learn to breathe and eat and move around it.
the law of equivalent exchange by awed_frog, 60.8k, canonverse. cas loving dean in all permutations of humanity, throughout time.
“And what’s the point of it?”
“Of love? There isn’t one. Loving is its own purpose.”
“newer” just means “i discovered it in 2020/2021 after coming back to spn fandom” so it very well could have been published before 2015 but really who’s checking. not me that’s for sure.
💖 so says the sword by komodobits, 85k, s4 au. cas guards the michael sword in the beautiful room. this is easily the MOST obvious rec on this entire list but it was the first fic i read when i got back into spn this year and jesus christ it set the bar sky fucking high. the way they create a coherent mythology out of the mess that is spn canon is incredible.
The briefing was simple: ‘Stand guard over the Michael Sword until the battle is ready to commence. Await further instructions.’
Castiel doesn’t mind working security duty; he was briefed shortly after the initial salvation of the Sword from the pit, and again before taking up his position. He knows what to do. However, it’s easy to forget that the green room isn’t real. Time moves differently there, the space ever-changing to make a prison of mountains, cathedrals, salt flats, orchards, and whatever Castiel was led to believe about Heaven’s greatest weapon—Dean Winchester is something entirely unexpected.
assimilation by komodobits, 5.6k, coda to 12x01. mary meets dean and cas and they go to find sam. such good character studies of all three of them. the best mary pov fic i’ve read
Mary always thought you were supposed to be able to tell. That you could just look at someone and know they were – you know. One of that sort. It’s not supposed to happen to her son.
cuckoo and nest by komodobits, 10k, ambiguously canonverse. dean and cas navigate relationship anxiety. cute, in character, and their relationship is realistic and the conflict well-written and emotionally nuanced and really really really good. 
For a long time, Castiel thought that every earthly possession other than the immediately necessary was excess to requirement. But Dean – Dean who named his car, who keeps a photograph of his mother in his wallet, some thirty-plus years after her death, who still has the crumpled ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign with a sleeping pelican emblazoned on it from the Microtel outside of Roanoke where he first kissed Castiel, clumsy and unsure, under the unsteady fluorescence of an exhausted bathroom bulb – is sentimental.
It puzzles Castiel, where Dean draws the line between what is meaningful and what it is worthless.
💖 one white lie by komodobits, 11k, au. cas panics when trying to ask dean out and has to fake being a jehovah’s witness. it’s adorable and hilarious and it’s been ages since i actually got butterflies at a kiss in a fic but this did it. it did it. it felt like someone swaddled my soul in a cashmere blanket and kissed me on the forehead
Castiel takes a deep breath and rings the doorbell. He doesn’t need to run through what he’s going to say – he’s already planned and edited and rehearsed it a thousand times. He is going to ask Dean Winchester out to dinner. If it’s not too forward, he’ll say, perfectly charming. You see, I’ve seen you around the neighbourhood and you always seem so earnest and I’d really like to get to know you bette— The door swings open, and Castiel panics.
He intends to excuse himself. He means to apologise and come back some other time. However, in a moment of blind fear, what comes out of his mouth instead are the words, “Could you spare a moment for Jesus Christ?”
a crash course in someone else’s history by annie d (scaramouche), 11.5k, set during s6. cas comes to as his s4 self without any memories of the past two years and has to figure out what the fuck is going on. it’s kind of like so says the sword. you’ll know it when you get to it.
Castiel is captured inside a trapping circle of holy oil set by Dean and Sam Winchester. The brothers call him "Cas", claiming that he has amnesia and that he is obligated to help them take down Crowley to atone for his betrayal of them. It's the strangest story Castiel's ever heard, and one he doesn't have time for because he's only just raised Dean from Hell and has work to get back to.
💖 cas and dean’s adventures in gardening by ahurston, 19k, post-canon au. a series featuring dean and cas living in the bunker, human. cas is very into plants. i read this yesterday actually and it made me smile SO much it’s just so lovely and sweet. i’m also a sucker for any fic where cas has a garden. he deserves a fucking garden okay
In this post-God world, everything is different. A little quieter, a little softer. Cas grows a garden, Dean cooks, and they take care of each other.
tall grass by aeli_kindara, 57k, post-s12. dean and cas live in the bunker on their own, and cas grows a garden. i did say i love fics where cas has a garden. plus domesticity, plus some good case fic, PLUS dean and cas’ relationship is so gentle and good
“I think we should have a garden,” Cas says.
Dean looks up from his beer. He hasn’t had that much to drink, but Cas still has a vague look of unreality about him, a splash of living color that doesn’t fit in the bunker’s echoing stillness. Dean didn’t hear him coming. A lot of the time, Cas is so unobtrusive it feels like Dean has the bunker to himself, with Sam away.
Dean shakes his head to clear it. “A — garden?” he repeats.
in a week by renrub, 2.3k, post 15x18. cas is in the empty. dean saves him. this is genuinely the best “dean pulls cas out of the empty” fic i’ve read so far like conceptually this entire thing just fucks. when cas is cycling through the barn scene. god. SO well written
Castiel is outside a barn covered in sigils. He frowns. This isn’t right. This has never been something he repented for.
i won’t even wish for snow by annie d (scaramouche), 5.6k, college au. cas goes to the winchesters’ for christmas. honestly scaramouche fics belong in the classics section bc she’s like an og deancas writer but whatever. mistletoe! banter! good in-character au! this fic’s got it all
It’s the third year that Castiel’s spending Christmas with his best friend’s family, and he expects it to be much like the previous two. Then mistletoe happens.
convenient husbands by annie d (scaramouche), 39k, canonverse au. cas is a phoenix, dean is a hunter. they get married and have a sick psychic bond. unexpectedly fluffy considering how the fic starts and i love the banter so much and dean/cas’ relationship gets fleshed out and organically developed it’s very cute
"It's only temporary, right?" Dean says. "Just until you're healed up, and then we'll never have to see each other again. So what do you say, Castiel, do you want to marry me or not?"
cinderwings by bendingsignpost, 181k, cinderella au. cas goes to a masquerade ball to save his people from an eternity trapped in a void. he meets prince dean. i can’t tell u how much this fic drew me in - thru good worldbuilding, but mostly thru cas’ social awkwardness. like it works PERFECTLY to his advantage in this fic and reading how expertly he manipulates social situations w/o any fucking idea what he’s doing is both hilarious and inspiring
Under the cover of a masquerade ball, Castiel has five nights to recover the key to his people's freedom. The world has changed greatly in the six centuries since their banishment into the void, but the task isn't impossible. Unfortunately for Castiel, this is going to involve talking to people - especially the Knight Prince who has taken an interest in Castiel and his "costume" wings.
as the crow flies by bendingsignpost, 3.4k, au. dean and cas go on a roadtrip. cas has wings! it’s so dreamlike and meandering and the slowburn is so good. honestly it reminds me of stevebucky/stevesam post tws era roadtrip fics if ur hip LMAO
Cross country road trips with Cas are the best.
long-term relationship by bendingsignpost, 2.7k, au. dean and cas have a Serious Conversation about their relationship.
Castiel says, budging over to make room for Dean on the couch, “I thought we should have a serious talk about our relationship.”
Reflexively, Dean laughs.
Castiel does not.
“Uh, Cas... you know we’re not dating, right?”
all this and heaven too by ftmsteverogers, 7k, ambiguously canonverse. dean is trans. dean and cas are fucking and lowkey hiding it from sam. perfect character study PERFECT trans dean fic it’s so fucking well-written 
“Hey,” Dean said. “I’m not ashamed of you, okay?”
Cas raised skeptical eyes to meet his.
“I mean it,” Dean insisted.
“I understand you mean it,” Cas said. “But I don’t think it’s any better if you’re only ashamed of yourself.”
💖 the love story of the runner up by margo_kim, 4.7k, ambiguously canonverse. cas tries dating other men. bear with me here. this is an outside pov fic from an oc named miguel who is WONDERFULLY characterized and very endearing like i find outsider/oc pov to be on Thin Fucking Ice bc it always ends up as fandom/author self-insert but miguel is his OWN MAN. he gets his own lil arc and everything. dean and cas are concentrated perfectly crystallized versions of themselves and the little glimpses we get of them are amazing. ALSO i wrote like 9k of an spn vent fic (basically the same premise but w an oc named marcus) back in like. freshman yr of hs. so when i first opened this fic i was like what the fuck someone’s been in my google docs. very weird experience 10/10 regardless
“So you saw a white man in a trench coat pop out in an alley,” Paul says, “and you thought, what, ‘I want to see where this is going’?”
“If you get hung up on details like that,” Miguel says, “it will take a very long time to get through this story.”
For a very weird era in his life, Miguel dates an angel who is in love with another man.
sunshine by northernsparrow, 8k, set during s13. dean and cas have a long conversation about their Profound Bond. the description left me off-balance (it really. really truly says “dean is straight in this fic” like okay bro WEIRD hill to die on) but it pulled through w the relationship study and reassurance and snuggles. a sweet fic
One-shot with a single conversation between Dean and Castiel, set in a late-S13-ish world. Gabriel, Cas, Sam & Dean are all living in the bunker together, Gabe's been cracking certain jokes, Sam's found a certain book, Cas is injured and isn’t healing... and it's all making Dean wonder if his angel friend might have some sort of a "bond" with... somebody? Whatever that means.
Maybe it's time for a talk.
💖 still life by catchclaw, 16.5k, post-s8. cas, newly human, goes to live on his own for a while. he and dean maintain a relationship thru the phone. this is LITERALLY the only first person fic i fucking respect okay like i was skeptical! i really was! but the pov is PERFECT and also my man kevin tran is in this fic and i love him and miss him very much. oh and cas going off to explore humanity on his own..............perfect arc. very much in character we love that for him
Dean'd always thought that falling in love was a capital letter kind of thing, an Important Event you carved into the calendar of your life and never, ever forgot. But with he and Cas, it wasn't that simple.
it’s mostly cowardice, and bad timing by ferritin4, 1.6k, pre-canon. actually this one is just a dean study it’s not deancas but i spent an entire night looking for it and i need someone else to read it too. dean is smart!!! SAY THAT
Dean gets his GED.
a list of reasons the bunker shouldn’t get a sofa by lizbobjones, 5.6k, set during s12. sam and dean and mary and cas haul a sofa back to the bunker. cute domesticity and fluff
Let me count the ways that this is a terrible idea.
no kingdom to come by domesticadventures, 16.8k, canonverse. dean and cas deal with being stuck in quarantine in different ways. this is the one and only quarantine fic i’ve read and it’s really good lmao. dean and cas’ relationship is so organic and tentative in this one
“We should fuck,” Dean says.
Cas looks up from where he sits on his bed, hair still damp from the shower, frowning as he places a finger on the page of his book to mark where he left off.
There are a million things Cas could say here; Dean has rehearsed them. After lunch, his restlessness had given way to a vague panic, a dread that matched his every step and crept along with him from room to room. Eventually, he had returned to his bedroom and spent the rest of the afternoon pacing back and forth, playing out all the possible scenarios. When Cas asks him Why? or Are you being serious? or when he sighs and says, in that way he has, Dean, he knows exactly what he’s going to do. He’s going to shrug casually, like he isn’t invested in the answer, like he isn’t desperate for an outlet, and say, Why not? He’s going to raise an eyebrow and say, What, are you not interested? He’s going to crowd into Cas’ personal space, he’s going to shove himself right up in there and whisper Cas against his ear.
Instead, Cas says, carefully, “Okay.”
till the juice runs by deathbanjo, 8.4k, canonverse. it’s like dean’s being cursed to have bad hookups with men. SUCH a funny fic and the deancas tension is so simple and sweet and GOOD. plus cas is so enjoyably characterized here he’s so human and worn in and experienced in his own unique way. perfect use of rowena too
Apparently whoever drew up the venn diagram of Dean’s sex life decided the circle labelled ‘good sex’ and the one labelled ‘sex with men’ should be kept far apart.
turn of the year by kototyph, 3.9k, canonverse au. sam and dean get stuck out in the middle of nowhere on the winter solstice. what i wouldn’t give for a full 80k of this verse actually. also i went on a kototyph binge after reading shut up put your money where your mouth is and they have a SOLID spn repertoire
Fifteen minutes later, Dean gets back in the car with empty hands and ice in his fucking eyebrows. “Get the map out,” he says through chattering teeth, sticking numb fingers under his arms.
Sam holds up the battered 1995 Rand MacNally they keep in the side pocket, turned to a page of uninterrupted green. “We’re going to die,” he announces.
💖 bullets in the gun by kototyph, 4.9k, canonverse au. cas is a cop (i know. still) who gets kidnapped by dean in an unfortunate turn of events. GOD this fic is SO FUNNY. cas’ canny and strategic escape attempts render him a very active VERY funny pov character plus the hate attraction to dean is PERFECTLY WRITTEN VERY BELIEVABLE. dean’s kindness also shines thru even as he literally holds cas hostage like!!!! PERFECT characterization. both of them are so LIKABLE here. if you read anything on this list read this
“Sorry, sweetheart, but I’m going to need to borrow your car.”
as you will by kototyph, 1.8k, victorian au. cas endures a proposal mishap. it’s cute it’s funny it’s sweet!
"No?" Castiel echoes, dumbly.
and if i was looking too? by kototyph, 2.6k, au. cas is undercover where dean works. this fic is just so cute like. bird angels.................
There are some things Castiel hasn't told Dean, and there are some things he doesn't need to.
the most important thing by northernsparrow, 94.5k, s10 au. amnesiac cas raising claire until he comes across someone familiar. claire is so well characterized here i really loved her arc thruout this fic. she just wants her dad back and u can’t even blame her the author rlly does an amazing job creating realistic and heartbreaking motivations for her. oh and dean and cas (esp cas characterization!) are sweet in this but honestly the highlight IS claire for me
Jimmy Novak remembers nothing of the last six years. Reunited with his troubled daughter Claire, he's struggling to raise her on his own. The most important thing is to make Claire happy. But why does he keep having these dreams of wings, and of two men in a black car? (Canon-divergent from S10E11, when we first met Claire again and Dean was still struggling with the Mark of Cain. Takes places several months later).
there’s only one sure thing that i know by blinkiesays, 20.3k, post-s5. dean goes to help cas out in ohio and they end up building a home together. i love the writing it’s rlly funny and sweet.
Dean doesn't even get halfway through explaining before Bobby starts laughing. When he lets himself think about it for more than five seconds, Dean can almost see Bobby's point: he's faced down demons, witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, angels, and Satan himself and now he's been defeated by the God damn Midwest.
💖 to an angel, love and worship are the same thing by geminisage, 10.3k, post s15 fix it. dean grieves cas - and then cas gets brought back back from the empty. i didn’t have this in my bookmarks so i MISSED it the first time around on this list but this was another one of the fics i came back to spn fandom to. it’s so fucking unique?? it actually reads like spn like i think fic tends to soften dean/cas up and makes them more emotional + emotionally intelligent than is ever shown in the show. here the dialogue/characterization adheres RIGOROUSLY to their communication in canon in that dean’s not overtly emotional, and cas is very reserved. they have to negotiate their relationship exactly like they would in the show. it’s all clipped conversation and anger and hurt and (warning btw) LOTS of internalized homophobia on dean’s end but it’s SO worth it. dean navigating his [GESTURES VAGUELY] everything is compellingly written, emotionally true, and PERFECTLY characterized. cas characterization also amazing like u rlly feel the quiet devoted bittersweet love. ok this was long clearly it’s a good fic go read it now
Just as Dean knew they would, the weeks do stretch into months, and then into a year. Grief never gets easier, Dean knows from experience, but you do get better at it. After all, you can get used to anything.
the violin house by teh_helenables, 8.5k, post-s5. dean and cas build a home after stull. so slow and lovely and sweet and gentle. i need to put this here so that i don’t forget it tbh. it’s very much dean as a war wife cas as the husband away on the front
The Apple Pie Life is a slow process, but Dean and Cas are getting there—until Cas is called for battle and Dean is forced to wait.
💖 muscle memory by komodobits, 18.9k, au. amnesiac cas wakes up three years in the future with dean in his kitchen. komodobits DOES NOT FUCKING MISS!!! i CRIED at the end of this i had NO INTENTION OF CRYING the rest of the fic isn’t even SAD i just had to sit there at the end of it w tears dribbling down my face. INSANE work of art
Dear Castiel,
Hello – it’s Castiel. This must all seem very confusing, and I’m sorry for that. Dean says to tell you that this isn’t some kind of ‘time-travel stunt’, although I’m sure that won’t be your first thought. I know it wasn’t mine. I’ve told Dean to leave now, as this is my notebook and I want everything in it to come from me – or rather, from you. I know you think it's the fifteenth of January, 2010, but it isn't. At the time of my writing this, the date is the fourth of October, 2013. Dean Winchester is your boyfriend of a year and a half, and you no longer work at the library, and in early 2010 you were hit by a car and hospitalised. I’m sorry.
a.k.a the 50 First Dates Dean/Cas AU where Castiel wakes up on a day just like any other, except that three years have passed without his knowing, and Dean Winchester is in the kitchen wanting to marry him.
don’t forget the experience points by annie d (scaramouche), 10.8k, au. cas is sam’s work friend, and he and dean get to know each other. genuinely an adorable fic. i adore cas’ characterization in this it’s snarky AND awkward AND confident in a way that i absolutely believe he would be if he had 30 yrs of human life under his belt
It's because Dean was an awesome brother than he took such an interest in Sam's new friend. No, really. What happened afterwards was mostly an accident.
actus fidei by manic_intent, 5.6k, canonverse au. dean’s a priest, cas is still his angel. i was HOOKED from the description alone like That’s Everything I Love in One Sentence. Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the very first time that Castiel manifests in front of Father Dean Winchester, he gets as far as "Rejoice, for you are blessed-" before Dean shoots him with a salt-loaded shotgun.
not with a bang but a yelp by strange_estrangement, 1.4k, canonverse. team free will leave yelp reviews. this isn’t d/c actually it’s just a crack-ish fic but the formatting is cool and the references are SO funny and so well done
What happens when you visit dozens and dozens of motels every year? You leave Yelp reviews.
the courtship of combat by bendingsignpost, 18.2k, medieval a/b/o au. cas is politically coerced into fighting in a courtship melee for prince dean's hand, and he teams up with two unexpected allies to do it. I KNOW HOW THE ABO THING SOUNDS but i swear it's done well - it's by bendingsignpost so ofc he puts his own spin on the premise. im absurdly into it. PLUS jack is in it!!!!!!! it's technically an unfinished series but the first part is so good just on its own
When pressed upon to mate for a political alliance, Commander Castiel dares to refuse his king. As “I do not wish to mate at all” is clearly the wrong thing to say, Castiel takes the other path and lies. “You must know my affections lie elsewhere, my king.”
King Michael studies Castiel’s face long and hard. Then, with a nod, he snaps his fingers, pointing to Castiel. “The Winchester omega.”
“Yes,” Castiel says with no real recollection of who that is.
The ruse of an unavailable omega works well enough, right up until that omega is no longer unavailable. Then, with what seems to be his entire nation cheering him on toward victory, Castiel must enter the melee to win his mate. Backed by allies, training, and his own natural talents, the only question is how well he can contrive to fail.
four letter word for intercourse by bendingsignpost, 194.7k, au. dean calls a sex hotline. OH BOY solid characterization excellent plot/premise like bendingsignpost is so good at turning absurd premises into realistic, believable fiction. also sex hotline fic is usually a BIG turn-off bc of the power dynamics/one-sidedness of a relationship based on sex work but. BUT. bendingsignpost does it well! it’s not weird at ALL i started reading and was immediately reassured abt its intentions and its plot direction
As a grease monkey turned college freshman, Dean's constantly three seconds away from being stressed out of his mind. It hardly helps that he's finally figuring out his sexuality in his thirties.
What might help with that stress is a little phone number (and a big credit card bill). If he can't figure out how to be bisexual in person, he can at least give it a go over the phone, right?
(It's probably a bad idea, but he really can't help himself.)
the tunnel of love by xylodemon, 21.4k, post-canon. case fic! dean and cas have to kiss on a loveboat to solve a case >:)
"We might," Cas starts slowly, pausing like he's choosing his words. "We might have to kiss."
Dean just stares at him.
when you have a future. by firebog, 17.6k, post-s8. dean and sam and cas learning to be human post-apocalypse. reminds me of robotmango’s writing! it’s kind of eccentric and very very sweet and funny.
Sam closes Hell. Castiel closes Heaven. The heroes save the day. There's no Heaven or Hell waiting to cause the next big disaster. There's no more end of the world. There's only a squirmy feeling in his chest that feels a lot like freedom. So, now what?
(Things I promise you in this fic: dog poetry, rabbits, and fluff)
six inch heels by alitneroon, 2.3k, canonverse. dean does drag! excellent fucking character study. prose is fantastic
Dean does drag on a whim, and ends up in way over his head.
sharing is caring by gateskeeper, 2.5k, canonverse. five times dean and cas shared something and one time they didn’t. look. sometimes u just need some saccharine tropey fluff. it’s VERY well written
Sam knows that Dean and Cas have shared a lot together, but ever since Cas became human permanently, it seems like they've been sharing a lot more. 
Or: five times Dean and Cas shared something special and one time Dean refused to.
💖 empty spaces by schmerzerling, 60k, au. dean has to take care of his dying father, and takes up running to cope. that’s just the beginning. HEAVY trigger warnings for ED (specifically anorexia) and suicidal thoughts. there is a happy ending, but dean has to fight to make it there. god. okay. this is a dark fic. it’s also one of the most well-characterized fics i’ve ever read. dean’s spiral is excruciatingly accurate and written with the kind of wry compassion that comes from either extensive research or extensive experience. it’s also completely immersed in dean’s perspective - dean’s relationship w his dad, dean’s relationship w food scarcity, etc. it’s incredible. it’s kinda scary. it’s deeply sad. cas is explicitly autistic and it’s ALSO incredibly accurate and loving, and makes cas so true to his canon self. ugh. and i burst into TEARS at some of the accompanying art, which is so sparse and lonely and beautiful. 100/10 experience one of the best fics i’ve read this year
Dean is fine. The way he sees it, things are simple. He had a house and a family and food in his stomach, and now he doesn't. And yeah, that's a downer, but he's not going to let that stop him from being fine, because he's in control of the situation. He definitely doesn't need anyone to save him. And it's not like the weird guy with the nice butt from down the road is the knight-in-shining-armor type, anyway.
broken road by thegeminisage, 109.6k, 14x13 au. dean makes a wish and gets more than he bargained for. a lot of “john comes back” fics are kinda short on nuance, which this author has talked about a lot - and oh MAN does this fic deliver on nuance. john’s abuse is absolutely present, but his pov makes him a complex character instead of a flat caricature for dean to reject. and the way this fic resolves really makes it clear that the priority is dean’s emotional well-being over all else!!! this isn’t about dean taking the path fandom thinks he should take w his abuser (killing john, punching john in the face, etc), this is abt dean coming to terms w his abuse and finding his own emotionally satisfying way of resolving it. also dean and cas are in an established relationship and it’s very slow and sweet.
A 14.13 Lebanon rewrite. When Dean uses a wish-granting pearl to try and kill the archangel Michael before he can escape the cage in Dean's head, they instead wind up with a newly-resurrected John Winchester.
It's been more than a decade since John died, and a lot has changed: Mary is alive, Sam and Dean have what passes for a proper home in the Men of Letters Bunker, and they're living with angels. John doesn't know angels are real, he doesn't know about the fragile new relationship between Dean and Castiel, and most of all, he doesn't know that Dean said yes to Michael, or that Dean's plan to defeat Michael would send him to a fate worse than death.
Now Dean must contend with both his father asking questions he can't answer, and his loved ones learning about the darker truths of his childhood, all while constantly battling the archangel trapped inside him. But Dean coming to terms with his history may be the difference between this being the beginning of a journey—or the end. 
home is not a place by imogenbynight, 6.8k, post-s11. human cas struggles with belonging, and dean struggles with their relationship. this reads a lot like komodobits’ cuckoo and nest, but it’s its own sweet little thing. they watch movies!!! very cute 
In which Dean is the oblivious one for a change.
love: a retrospective by xylodemon, 40.7k, post-s12. dean tries to deal w cas’ absence after s12 and reflects on their relationship thru the years. this was written before s13 aired, so - no spoilers - but jack plays a different role than he ends up playing in canon. it’s kinda fun seeing ppl’s theories pre-s13 tbh. makes me VERY glad that they took jack in the direction they did in show. anyway this is THEE definitive “they’ve been fucking all along” fic
Pretending Cas is just his friend has been the only thing keeping Dean's head on straight for years. He never realized how much doing that depended on him making himself scarce in the morning ─ not until Cas came back and moved into the bunker.
✨💖 if it all fell to pieces tomorrow by spocklee, 37k, post-s15 fix-it. cas gets broken out of the empty - and he immediately makes a break for it. new fave fix-it!!!! the writing is so understated and so straightforward - SO in character for cas tbh - that every single emotional beat feels like a PUNCH. and there are so many amazing character moments it made my chest seize the fuck up!!!!! perfect characterization perfect relationship moments perfect cas/jack parenting moments. the yearning over the phone is OFF THE CHARTS and spocklee makes the most of that tension!!!! PLUS old canon characters get to make fun appearances!!!!! i cannot recommend this shit enough
After the Empty, Cas has to spend some time alone. Orpheus tries to convince Eurydice over the phone that it’s okay to turn around now.
✨ before and after breakfast by spocklee, 10.5k, post-canon. dean and sam and cas tackle a monster of the week case with unexpected consequences. perfect pov perfect relationship moments SUCH GOOD TENSION. again this writing style just lets the tension dial up to 1000% every word is meaningful and it makes my chest hurt!!! spocklee SHOULD have blown up during the spn renaissance and i STAND by that
The monster of the week is a ghost who hates meat, alcohol, and feeling yourself. Guess who it is during the commercials.
isn't it cool how every person has diff fics they consider "classics?" anyway these are required fucking reading. if u've been around these will prob be old news.
💖 asunder by rageprufrock, 23k, au. dean and cas go to sam's wedding. i reread this once a year like a religious ritual.
Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Matthew 19:6)
💖 the girlfriend experience by rageprufrock, 15k, set during s5. dean teaches cas how to be human. mostly the sex part. literally the gold fucking standard of s4-5 era deancas fic and for deancas fic in general, personally
While it's not like Dean hasn't had a couple of truly regrettable hit-and-runs in his sexual history, this is probably the saddest fucking thing that has ever happened to him.
okay, cupid. by orange_crushed, 4.5k, au. dean tries to sign up for an ok cupid profile and has a revelation. as soon as i put this entry down i realized this entire fic rec was an exercise in futility, because if i could i'd literally just rec everything orange_crushed/robotmango has ever written. still one of THEE best authors in this fandom. go read all her fics. i’ll put the highlights here
"The dating thing?" Dean frowns. "Online dating is for weirdos. Robots. Dudes hanging out in their basements."
"You hang out in your basement."
"I have an air hockey table down there,” Dean says, icily.
💖 pwp: pie without plot by orange_crushed and majorenglishesquire, 82k, post-s8. sam and dean and cas quit hunting for a little bit to open a bakery. this is my comfort fic. i love it so so much.
he is in the kitchen with flour on his hands and an apron and there is flour on his forehead and cas leans across the counter and wipes it off with his thumb and dean says "thank you" and cas says "you’re welcome" very seriously and later dean makes apple turnovers and he only ruins them a little and sam realizes it’s not a real hunt like four days into it and he lets dean stay undercover for like a week and a half or longer maybe way longer because he is such a good everything
💖 la cucina by orange_crushed, 4k, post-s8. dean gets into cooking for a newly human cas. it's so gentle and loving and kind and makes me tear up every time. YES food is a comfort item and expression of love for dean. no i don't want to talk about it
Dean turns around and Castiel is picking through the jars, turning them over carefully to read the labels, totally engrossed. Dean watches him.
"Is there," Dean says, "uh, anything in there you like?" Castiel looks up at him and then back at the apples, sitting in a basket on the counter in their golden skins, ripe and pretty. Castiel smiles up at Dean.
"I don’t know yet," he says.
today, your barista verse by orange_crushed, 13.6k, coffeeshop au. a series of short sweet lovely fics where cas is a barista and dean is a smitten customer. literally the only coffeeshop au i respect
"Is that-"
"My number," says Dean, because he's a fucking champion, he's cool, he's collected, he's Captain Smooth of the USS Smoothtania, that's right. He is definitely not leaning against the counter for moral support. Cas doesn't looked seduced or impressed, though. He does not look like a dude who just met Captain Smooth and wants to ride the loveboat. He looks puzzled.
fata morgana. by orange_crushed, 6.6k, post-s9. dean is the king of hell. bela and cas team up to find him. bela pov. yeah you fucking heard that right BELA POV. BELA AND CAS!!!!!!!!!! makes me lose my mind i love everyone in this stupid desolate fucking hell wasteland.
The endless asphalt and broken road, the empty land and piles of human garbage, the unwanted ends of life, the cracked toys and broken screens and burning cars and gravel. Dean Winchester is the king of hell.
"Oh," says Bela.
That changes certain things.
💖 gran fury. by orange_crushed, 5k, pacific rim au. sam and cas pair up in a last ditch mission to save the world. permanently damaged me at age 15 and i've never recovered. major fucking angst warning.
They sit in silence and Castiel passes him the bottle. There’s not much left to say. Sam takes a gulp and it burns going down, like the cheap shit it is. He holds the bottle up against the light. He can see the Fury through it, distorted like a funhouse mirror. She’s a tomb but Sam loves her. Loves everything that’s left.
"To the end of the world," he says.
"To the end of the world," says Castiel.
💖 shut up (put your money where your mouth is) by kototyph, 24k, au. dean and cas get drunk married in vegas. dean renovates cas' house. this fic is SO MUCH BETTER than i remembered/expected and the entire series is fucking adorable go read it RIGHT now
Dean's done some pretty stupid things, but getting drunk-hitched in Vegas to a colleague he barely knows might just take the cake. His surprise husband, Castiel, is a little weird but likable despite that, and Dean figures they’ll go back to Boston, get a quiet annulment, and go their separate ways. Six weeks later, he’s still married to one of the strangest, most genuine and definitely most dangerously lov-- likable guys he's ever known. Dean doesn't know why or really even how it’s happening, but it’s getting harder and harder to remember that he has divorce papers to file.
not part of the plan by annie d (scaramouche), 338k, arranged marriage au. cas is slated to marry a noble from the winchester house. things spiral out of control. if you’re looking for an extensive well-developed political au, this is fucking it. i love reading about political machinations so this was FASCINATING to me. 
Castiel's spent most of his adult life keeping his head down and staying out of trouble. This is a deliberate choice on his part, because as a cousin of the King, he'd rather stay unimportant and forgotten. This changes abruptly when King Michael decides that he has a better use for Castiel: he is to be wed to a noble member of the neighboring Republic, as part of an agreement between their two nations.
Castiel knows he has to obey, but that doesn't mean he won't rebel in what small ways he can. Unexpectedly, his actions end up having far-reaching consequences.
💖 all things shining by askance and standbyme, 142k, au. sam and dean and cas go on a hunt that's not really a hunt, and against all odds good things happen. it's beautifully written and has scenes that literally make my heart leap out of my chest with joy and awe it's just WONDERFUL it's a wonderful fic. incredible mythology too omg i found that the authors actually created the myth the entire story is based on - like they don’t pull a random one from history, they made one up THEMSELVES. they even self-published it on amazon if ur curious
Something in the world is waking up.
It isn’t long before it’s brought to the attention of the Winchesters and Castiel: miracles are spreading across the country, the paranormal seems to be shrinking back on itself—and it all has something to do with the missing prayer book of a traveling preacher who died over a century ago.
Dean is convinced it’s all the lead-up to another Apocalypse; Sam and Castiel aren’t so sure. Regardless, it sends them out on a less-than-typical road-trip, following the Mississippi and remnants of a very old story that seems increasingly to call to them. And along the way the trio learn much more about themselves—and the consequences and origins of love—than they’d ever have anticipated.
💖 broadway musical by griftings, 12.4k, crack. romcom where cas is supposed to play matchmaker to dean and jo and well. you know. it actually made me cackle out loud when i read it again so you know it's still good. absolutely one of the funniest fics i’ve read
This is the day that marked the Holy and Blessed Union of Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle.
The merging of prominent bloodlines is always a grand occurrence, but breeding pedigree hunter families like Winchester and Harvelle is something to be rejoiced. It is also something to be meticulously planned, which thankfully the Host is very good at.
Or, the romantic comedy where Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle are destined to get married, Castiel is given the task of playing matchmaker and fails terribly, the entire Heavenly Host becomes a sitcom audience, God warns against male pregnancy, and Jimmy Novak is incredibly unimpressed with angels in general.
the five people you meet in heaven by chevrolangels, 22k, ambiguously canonverse. dean dies and goes to heaven and meets five people from his life. NOT a post-finale fic but still horrifically sad. i remember sobbing hysterically when i first read this so
Heaven is white.
Well. Isn’t that fucking stereotypical.
Dean isn’t really sure how he got here. Or even why he’s here. And hell, for all the times the Winchesters have died, he thinks he ought to know the drill by now. But what he doesn’t know is when most folks go, they find something different.
There’s a system God put in place. That when you’re gone (for good), there are a couple things you gotta do first. There are five people waiting for you.
They are the five people you meet in heaven.
any port in a storm by microcomets, 53k, post-s8. dean and cas go on a haunted cruise for a case. you know what happens next. also the art is by anobviousaside and it's gorgeous
The angels have fallen, leaving Castiel graceless and Dean with, well, more of other people’s problems. When a string of couples goes missing on the east coast, Dean and Cas decide to investigate—and find themselves trapped and hunted on a couples’ counseling cruise. Although battling monsters at sea is dangerous enough, sorting through emotional baggage proves to be far more deadly. (And, in which Cas embarks to find his missing grace and Dean is put out. Not necessarily in that order.)
a turn of the earth by microcomets, 95k, pre-canon au. cas is on the run from the empty and crash lands in dean's life. at one point he punches john in the face. a fucking beautifully written character study of pre-canon dean, honestly.
Dean’s your typical half-orphaned, monster-killing 22-year-old until a trenchcoated stranger crashes into his back windshield one September night, claiming he’s an angel that knows him from the future and that he’s on the run.
Frigging fantastic.
(Or, in which Castiel gets stuck in Dean’s timeline preseries and Dean kind of hates it—until he doesn’t.)
unfinished duet by microcomets, 5.8k, canonverse. sam observes dean and cas throughout the years. i remember this breaking my heart back in 2013!
Sam watches Dean and Cas over the years and notices a few things. (Or, Dean and Cas unscripted.)
💖 ergative/absolutive by glassedplanets, 8k, college au. dean and cas are best friends who meet in an astronomy class. i'm never not thinking about this fic it's so sweet and the friends to lovers is so soft and believable
He really shouldn’t be thinking thoughts like this about his best friend who literally just broke up with his girlfriend, but he knows he’ll blame it on sleepiness in the morning. He always does.
a certain light by flightagain, 24k, au. cas works at the gas n sip. dean is a customer. this author’s writing style is so lonely and heavy but it’s very lovely
Castiel works at the Gas-n-Sip. There are half-price nachos and flickering lights, there are office-workers and werewolves stopping by for snacks. Dean is a frequent customer, and his office might be haunted.
the one thing you can’t lose by majorenglishesquire, 5k, ambiguously canonverse. dean can pull cas around and it’s adorable. character study-ish. very sweet.
You know what I like a lot? The thought that Dean can just tug Cas anywhere at any time and Cas, who can lift tons without effort, who can demolish things with the light of his grace, who has battled and gone to war, has defended and broken, will just let Dean do it.
brother lover by twentysomething, 4k, set during s4/s5. dean’s jealous of sam and cas’ budding relationship. this fic is so tropey but it does it well and it’s funny as fuck
However- and it doesn't happen a lot- they have to invoke 'I saw her first.’
his fucking kids by 8sword, 3k, canonverse au. dean and cas raise claire and emma together. yes, claire novak. yes, emma of 7x13 spice girls fame. this was the first kidfic i read for spn i think. obvs written before jack or claire actually came back into the picture but it was the TEMPLATE of kidfic for me for ages
Jesus, the school should just have a parking spot labeled, “Reserved for the Novak-Winchesters,” because Dean’s getting sick of having to cruise around the parking lot looking for a spot every time he gets a call from the principal about Emma.
💖 what has eight tentacles and isn’t allowed to eat pie? by annie d (scaramouche), 16k, post s8. dean gets turned into an octopus. another fic that was SO MUCH BETTER than i remembered i fucking love when that happens. it isn’t even about dean being an OCTOPUS like NO. NOT EVEN. it’s ACTUALLY about the bunker and building a home and a community and a family and about PHYSICAL COMFORT and you can actually feel the world expanding at the end of this fic like a gusty sigh of relief it’s SO WONDERFUL. kevin is in this fic. ellie is too and i had to look her up but THIS is her!!!! danay garcia u were too hot to stay on this show but i love you and miss u
Dean watched an anime porn about this once, but real life turns out to be way less interesting.
Or, the one where Dean gets turned into an octopus.
💖 a beginner’s guide to communing with the dead by suspiciousflashlight, 77k, canonverse au. dean is a cop who summons a powerful entity to help him solve a cold case. oh my god i can’t believe i didn’t put this on here i love this one so much. the writing bowls me over it’s so confident in its worldbuilding like you’re IMMEDIATELY plunged into dean’s pov (FLAWLESSLY executed throughout the fic btw) and you just learn about the world as you go!! and it’s such a fascinating world!!! i love the magic i love the typical bureaucratic red tape procedures i love normalizing the supernatural. i ESPECIALLY love monsters as normal people in a society. at one point there’s this exchange
“Monsters,” says Cas finally. “Beyond the Wall there are monsters.” “You mean, like, vampires and djinn and stuff?” Cas shakes his head. “Those aren’t monsters, those are just people.”
those lines have stayed with me for years. i think about them every time i rewatch an episode of spn.
Maybe it's the little girl whose disappearance turned into a murder, and whose murder turned into a cold case, and who has now apparently decided to move in with him. Maybe it's the unacceptable hole left in his life when his dumb best friend and partner in (the prevention of) crime decided to go and get himself killed. Maybe it's his brother, whose high-profile career and fantastic girlfriend and first-child-on-the-way are steadily leaving Dean in the dust. Pick one. Pick all of them. The why doesn't matter so much as the what, and the what is this: Dean is pretty sure he's going completely, certifiably insane. Sure, he hasn't started wearing all his clothes inside out, and he still showers on a regular basis (anyways, that's not crazy, just a little eccentric); but there's no getting around the fact that he just threw away his life, his career, and his reputation by dragging out his mom's old necromancy book and summoning a Class A Forbidden Entity to his attic. A cranky one, too. With horrendous bed-head.
dean’s list by almaasi, 3k, canonverse. dean makes a list. short and sweet. i read this so much in 2015 that it literally got engraved into my brain line by line and rereading it caused synapses to fire that havent felt anything in years
Dean writes out a list of men he would go gay for. Sam has a suggestion to make.
💖 the path of fireflies by museaway, 63.7k, post-s8. dean and cas open a charming bed and breakfast in vermont. no, literally. another CLASSIC. i think about the food in this fic all the time...........maple bacon baked french toast......the cinnamon rolls.....it literally sounds so good
After his humanity is restored, Dean wakes up in bed with Castiel, a wedding ring, and no memory of the past twelve years.
long nights in cold months by pyrebi, 2.3k, au. dean’s an insomniac and cas works at walmart. i forgot i had this fic ALSO basically memorized. holy shit. pineapple in the fruit aisle.....................anyway it’s short and sweet and the “plot” resolves in such a satisfying way
When you're an insomniac, you get used to the "what the hell are you doing up, man?" look. Dean just hopes the guy who's stocking the shelves will stop giving it to him long enough to help him find some damn pineapple.
incredibly single & ready to mingle by imogenbynight, 3.6k, au. dean and cas meet on facebook. short cute au!!!!!!
Sam uses Facebook like the social media junkie he is. He's befriended literally every person he's ever had a conversation with since he got an account, which means that approximately—Dean checks—eight hours ago, he shared this horrible photo with something in the vicinity of nine hundred people. The caption below the picture reads “incredibly single & ready to mingle ;)” and roughly half of them have liked it.
Dean has never been so embarrassed in his life.
💖 unknown quantities by xylodemon, 8.5k, post-s8. after a post-case tryst, dean has to figure out his and cas’ relationship. human cas fics hold a special place in my heart. funny AND good dean pov AND a misunderstanding that i actually think works!!!!!
No one ever tells Dean anything.
(or: Dean Winchester and the not-relationship crisis of 2014)
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dirtydobrik · 5 years
you aren’t here to kiss me - d.d.
plot: the reader and David get into an explosive fight on New Year’s Eve, resulting them spending the night (and many of the following days) apart. 
author’s note: hi! this story is inspired by the song “you ain’t here to kiss me” by brett young. it has a bit of angst, but i’m not the best at writing fight scenes because i like when the characters and stories get happy endings, so this is an attempt. i hope you guys enjoy reading my work!
word count: 2.25k
read part two: can’t say goodbye
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"David, I'm not having this fight with you right now," you sighed, throwing clothes into your suitcase. This was the third time you two would have had this fight in the last week, and you couldn’t even count how many times you've had it in the past.
You and Dave had flown to Chicago for Christmas and your friends had landed yesterday to spend New Year's Eve with David's hometown friends.
This fight was one you two had fairly often: his vlog. For months you've been complaining that you feel like he does certain things just for content, and a few days ago you had mentioned that you think the Christmas present he had gotten you was just for him to get a reaction for his vlog. He had gotten you a silver Cartier ring that matched the ones he had, but your ring had an engraving in it, the date you two had started dating and his initials.
"It's a promise ring," Dave grinned as you helped it up and gasped.
"Oh my god, I love it," you said in a whisper. "And you. God, I love you."
"I love you too, babe." he beamed, taking the ring from your hand and sliding it on to your right ring finger. He leaned in planted a kiss on your lips.
As you admired the ring on your finger, you noticed that David's camera was recording, and your stomach dropped a little. Of course he was recording an intimate moment between you two.
"Oh, I almost forgot," David said, pulling you back into reality. "I wanted to get you a little something else, too." He handed you an envelope. Inside were two plane tickets to Aspen. "I know your dream vacation is to go skiing on the Swiss Alps, but since I can't leave the country, I figured Aspen was our best bet," he grinned.
"Dave," you started. You were overwhelmed by the gifts, and you genuinely appreciated them, but part of you couldn't get over the fact that he was filming it. It felt insincere, like he only wanted to get a reaction for his vlog. But it was Christmas, and you didn't want to fight, so you didn't bring it up. "Thank you so much. I love you, bub."
"I love you more," David whispered, snuggling up next to you.
"This makes my present for you seem super lame," you giggled, resting your head on his chest.
"Nothing is ever lame if it comes from the best girlfriend ever," he smiled, kissing your forehead.
You had forgotten that you wanted to talk to David about recording your reaction until he asked you to watch his vlog before he posted it and he had included the clip.
"Do you have to put that in?" you asked quietly, looking down at him.
"Do you not want me to?" he asked, and you knew he would take it out if you told him to.
"It's just," you sighed, trying to figure out what to say. "It was a personal moment between the two of us, bub. And sometimes I think you forget that not everything you do has to be for the vlog." 
"Babe, I didn't put the clip in. What are you mad about?" he argued.
"God, David, that isn't the point!" you shouted, turning to face him. "You never even answered my question. Did you only get me the ring for your vlog?"
David hesitated to answer the question, which you took as a yes, even though he had answered with a no. Your heart shattered.
"Fuck you, and your vlog. We're done!" you shout, pulling the ring from your finger and throwing it onto the floor. You grabbed your phone and purse and sprinted out of the room, David quickly following behind you.
He quickly caught up to you, begging for you to talk to him in the elevator ride down to the lobby. Instead you called an Uber and ignored him.
You stood outside in the freezing cold Chicago winter, realizing you didn't have your jacket. You didn’t have anything with you as a matter of fact aside from your purse. David was still next to you, and he pulled his hoodie off and handed it to you. As much as you didn't want to take it, a small part of you did. You gave him a small smile as you put the sweatshirt on, but still not wanting to talk to him.
"Can you at least tell me where you're going?" he begged.
"Home,"  you answered coldly. He didn’t know if you meant back to LA or to your parents' house, and to be honest, you didn't know either.
When your Uber arrived, you climbed in without saying anything to David. As soon as you shut the door, you started to cry. Looking out the window, you noticed David standing outside sobbing. This felt like the beginning of the end of your relationship, and as mad as you were with him, you weren't ready to say goodbye.
It was just after 9 o'clock when you got to the airport, and you bought a ticket to San Francisco, since that flight would be boarding in 20 minutes. It was also a good distraction, since David most likely assumed you would be going to LA, and you were, you just didn't want to go there right now, in case he came to the airport in search of you.
You quietly boarded your flight, finding your seat. It was a window seat, the rest of the row being empty. The plane was half empty, with couples scattered about, including an annoying one in front of you. They were driving you crazy with all the kissing and cuddling they were doing, but it reminded you so much of you and David whenever you traveled together, and your heart ached for him. 
The flight attendant came around handing out glasses of champagne just before midnight to cheers to the new year, and as you took a boomerang for your Instagram story, you realized that you won't share a new year's kiss with David, and your heart breaks. You posted your boomerang, saying "Flying solo with only this glass of champagne to kiss at midnight." And shortly after you posted, you began getting calls and texts from your friends wondering where you are and why you aren’t in Chicago, but you ignore them. You aren’t in the mood to explain anything, and you most definitely overreacted to the situation. There was no reason you should be sitting on a flight alone instead of sharing a kiss with your boyfriend.
The pilot came on the intercom and did a countdown to the new year, and you wanted to cry. You buried yourself in Dave's hoodie, wishing he was here with his arms wrapped around you. You watched the couples around the plane share sweet kisses with each other, and you downed your glass of champagne. A few minutes later, you asked the flight attendant for something stronger, and she poured you two vodka sodas.
"Going through a break up?" she asked sympathetically, handing over one of the drinks. You weren't sure how to answer that. Technically you and David didn't break up, but this was by far the worst fight you two had ever had. You told her you didn't want to talk about it, and she continued on down the aisle.
When you landed, you booked a flight to LA. That flight didn't leave until 7am, so you have time to kill. You thought about calling David, telling him that you overreacted, but you couldn't. You weren't in the headspace to do that. When you finally landed in LA, you decided to talk to someone.  You called an Uber and sent Natalie a text, asking her to tell David that you were in LA and that you still didn't want to talk to him. She immediately called you.
"What's going on?" she asked. "Dave didn't tell me you left Chicago. He said you weren't feeling well and didn't want to come out, so he stayed in too, but he locked me out of his hotel room. At least, until we saw your Instagram story. He called me as soon as he saw it."
"Are you with him now?" you asked, suddenly afraid that he would be listening to everything you said.
"Yes, but he's in the shower. He bawled like a baby to me earlier, you know. He thinks you left him forever."
"We got into a fight and I overreacted. It was stupid and wrong. I would never leave him, I just couldn't." You were fighting back tears at this point, wanting so badly to just hug David and apologize. "Can you tell him that I'm sorry and that I love him when he wakes up? And that I'll talk to him when he gets back to LA. I don't want to ruin the rest of his trip."
"Yes, I'll tell him, but you should really be the one to tell him. He won't trust it if it's coming from me."
"I know, but I can’t think straight right now. I don't know if I'll be able to say anything."
"Are you sure? He just got out of the shower, I can put him on the phone," she suggested, but you rejected it. "At least send him a text, he needs to hear it from you that you're okay," she said before you two exchanged goodbyes and hung up the phone.
After finishing your phone call with Natalie, you contemplated sending David a text, but you couldn't. You knew you had to be the one to reach out to him first, since you were the one who left him. You knew he was debating with himself about whether or not he should call or text you, and he had most likely decided against it, assuming you didn't want to talk to him. But you so badly wanted to say something to him, so you did: hi bub, i love you and i miss you and im sorry. i just need some space. talk to you soon. 
A few minutes later, you got a screenshot from Natalie of her and David’s text conversation. David said he would be staying in Vernon Hills until the end of the week to give himself time to clear his head. 
The next few days felt endless without having David by your side. He had missed his last upload, posting an instagram story saying he was sick and still at home so he didn’t have time to film anything, and that the next vlog would be up when he was back in LA. You knew David was spending some time away from vlogging and was with his family. The family you had been with just over a week ago. They had welcomed you in with open arms, and now you were responsible for breaking David’s heart.  
Natalie had given you a heads up that David was flying home today. You just wanted to hug him and tell him that you loved him and missed him. 
The next day around 7pm, you headed over to David’s house. You needed to talk to him, and from what your friends were saying, he wasn’t talking to anyone. You had given him a day of being back in LA before ambushing him. You sat in your car for almost thirty minutes before working up the courage to knock on the front door. Standing out on his front steps, you almost turned around after knocking, not entirely sure you were ready to face him. But you swallowed your pride and fiddled with your fingers while you waited for someone to open the door. David walked up to the door, confused as to why you were here. 
“Can we talk?” you asked in a low whisper. 
“Why? You said we were done.” David said, staring blankly at you. His eyes were empty, there wasn’t a flicker of hope in them. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a black hoodie, and it looked like he hadn’t showered or shaved in days.  
“I was angry and upset. I didn’t mean it,” you plead, looking for any sign of remorse from him. 
“You left the fucking state!” he shouted, startling you. David hardly ever raised his voice at you. “You can’t just run away when something goes wrong! Yes, you had every right to be mad at me, but God, you can’t just disappear on me.” 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, tears flowing down your face by now. David’s cold eyes softened, he hated seeing you cry. Without saying anything, David wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in for a hug. You were sobbing at this point, and you knew he was crying too. “I’m so sorry.”
David didn’t know what to say. He was still in love with you, but he wasn’t sure he could be with you. It was his turn to say it. “I love you, I really do. But, I need space. You should go.”
Your arms dropped from around his waist and you stepped backwards. This couldn’t be the end, you wouldn’t let it. But this wasn’t a decision for you to make. You were the one who left, and you were the one who had to walk away until David decided he wanted you back in his life. So that’s exactly what you did. You walked away. 
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rockettransman · 5 years
prelude: i went into this movie pretty jaded and not thinking i was gonna like it. in my head, i got john lennon and elton john confused. i was thinking it was about john lennon. “oh god, they made a movie about that prick?” further, i was already dreading it because they play EJ’s hits on the radio at work all the time, and frankly i was fucking sick of tiny dancer and im still standing. when i watched the trailer i was like “aw geez, elton john sings these? damn, i was hoping i could tolerate him at all.” so. not many high hopes for this movie.
that was until i was on a six hour flight from boston to portland, oregon, and i was delirious with pain and boredom. i was sat in the middle of a father and daughter, and so i really didn’t wanna pull out my laptop and get in their space. reading the subtitles from the office off the airplane tv made me sick. the lights were off and it was 2 am, so no reading. i. was. BORED. and then, i saw someone watching something in the row in front of me. where i was sitting i got a whole view of their screen. oh, they were watching that elton john movie. they didn’t have subtitles on, so i could only take from visual and context clues what was happening. it looked flashy, and oh-- that man just stared lovingly, tenderly into another man’s eyes. oh shit. oh yeah. elton is gay. 
now i’m hooked. if i’m anything, i’m a trans man in a desperate search for a complex queer romance movie. i wanted something that would pull on my heartstrings, that would wreck me emotionally with a high reward. suddenly elton is staring at himself in full garb, putting on and taking off his glasses. smiling then frowning. glasses on. smile. glasses off. scowl. oh he’s in distress. oh, is he snorting coke? okay, cool, tight.
from here on out, i watch the movie with (no audio) the predisposition that elton is in severe distress, dealing with drugs and self-sabotage all because his feelings and attraction towards men are confusing and frustrating and he doesn’t know how to cope with them. is he in denial? does he hate himself for it? does he try to make himself attracted to women? obviously, i was incorrect. elton was pretty secure in the fact that he was gay in his personal life. 
i think about rocketman for days until my flight back to sarasota. i decide to watch rocketman on the plane back instead of renting it. but for some reason, my goblin brain told me to rent it, and i did. but i ended up just watching it on the plane anyway.
i was disappointed. really, kinda bummed about it. every article and review said it was R for a reason. there was plenty sexual content and drugs to do elton’s real life comparison justice. in the movie i watched, i saw none of it. there was some drinking of alcohol, he took pills, it was implied he snorted coke. i saw no kissing, no intimacy, not even a tender hand on a cheek or embrace between elton and another man. this movie was praised for being so groundbreaking! for representing so much of what elton’s life was really like, with drugs and sex and all that. and now that i thought about it, i heard not one curse word. “bloody” was tossed around a lot, but that is used as an inflection. and during the pool scene before he throws himself in, when he meets john at the deck, he spits something about “his secretary shagging him in front of the pool boys.” that had me in utter confusion. there... was no one there with john? he was just sitting there? must’ve been something i missed.
SO IT TURNS OUT THE AIRPLANE’S VERSION OF THE MOVIE WAS HEAVILY CENSORED. i watched the real thing when i got home yesterday and was FLOORED by the differences in the same movie i had just watched. in the scene where elton remarks he’d like to change his name, they completely edited out the character behind him peeing into a glass bottle. they also cut out the scene where elton is staring at the performer, being yelled at to close the door, and the kiss where he’s pinned against the wall. holy fuck. i realized when i saw that, i had missed something MAJOR. this meant i was missing some MORE major explicit, probably important-to-the-plot-and-character-development stuff. oh, now i was excited. 
(we could talk all day about the fact that a single kiss between two men was cut because it was deemed “too explicit”, and in a movie about elton john being the ultimate irony)
the sex scene AND take me to the pilot were completely missing in the airplane version. i had no idea this song existed! oh my god, it was a banger! i cried tears of happiness during the song. holy shit. the tense energy between he and john, standing there silhouetted by the window, and then all of a sudden they’re all over each other, fingers tangled in hair, moaning into each other’s mouths, squirming, trying to get as close to each other as possible. this is what i wanted. this is what i was looking for. not because i was looking for something “hot” or “dirty.”’ i wanted an intense sex scene because then i knew it was real. i wanted the desperation, the nerves, the tender way they cradled each other, and how they went to town on each other. it was elton’s first time being intimate with a man, and it was such a nerve-wracking, intense, lustful, desperate moment. taron and richard absolutely nailed it. The swaying and the leaning into each other, the grabbing and nuzzling and all of a sudden they’re all over each other... it honest to god moved me. not to sound too “grew-up-baptist”, but sex, especially the first time you have it is so special and intimate and personal and important (imo). i know all the times i’ve had sex, it was a very, very special moment to me, and i wholly and completely trusted my partner then. i was so happy elton could find security and love and a heckin good time in bed with another man. it must’ve felt so freeing.
This was between two men! In the smack dab of the AIDS crisis in like 1975 or some shit! If being queer is this fucking tough in 2019, imagine what it was like in 1975!! MILLIONS of people were left to die by eat-shit Raegan who say by and said “aw that’s cute.” MILLIONS of people died for loving who they love!! That’s fucked man!! Seeing a triumphant moment like this in the middle of what was happening and what it could mean for Elton and his career just rly got me ya know
my entire perspective of the movie changed from then on. i was excited to see what else i had missed. in fact, some of the songs weren’t bad. maybe i’d like some of elton’s stuff after all?
i missed the scene in the closet. on the airplane, he followed john into the closet and shut the door. the scene cut. but in the real version, suddenly john pinned him against the wall, mirroring the scene of the first kiss i missed, and elton lamely stutters he wants dinner with him, not a sexual act john was certainly looking for, and in the next moment he was hungrily snapping at his finger. i missed exactly how much coke elton snorted. i missed entire scenes and nuances that provided so much to the story. man, i was angry i missed all this. i was cheated.
when i finished the real version, my perspective on the movie, and elton, and his music, had spun an entire 180. i dug it. i listened to rocket man on repeat during the entirety of my forty minute run. i fell asleep listening to the soundtrack. i woke up today listening to it, and have been through the whole day. i have not been able to get this movie off my mind. im watching it for the third time right now.
if you made it this far, thank you. what i wrote feels so important to me. someone needed to hear it. I WANNA TALK ABOUT THE ENTIRE ROCKETMAN SCENE. I have PTSD with psychotic features. This means that under the right triggers, i hallucinate, visually or auditorily (is that a word), things that aren’t there. sometimes they’re scary, connected to my past trauma, but sometimes, they’re hazy outlines of good people who i think i know. i also deal with all the lovely things that come along with ptsd, including dissociation. pretty much any and everything can trigger me in a specific way. the pool scene was incredibly difficult to watch. seeing a little boy playing piano underwater, him sinking and hovering and singing along, and people slowly descending, dancing in the water until they retrieve him. the vision snaps apart and holy fuck elton is in trouble. (as an aside, that’s one of my favorite affects of film: the protag is under the influence of something, whether it be a hallucination, drugs, in a deep fantasy, or just otherwise a storytelling device, and he is in imminent danger. the audience is aware he is in imminent danger. the protag, however, is cool and chillin and hanging out, not aware or bothered, and maybe this is where a major character arc beat hits. in an instant, they’re pulled out of it, and we--the audience and the characters--are hit with how dire the circumstances really are.)
Suicide is a super sensitive subject to me. when he mumbled “i’m going to fucking kill myself” and plunged into the depths, my throat constricted. it was a difficult few minutes, but i held my breath, gritted my teeth, and paced myself through it. despite the sheer terror and panic that was racing through my brain, the entirety of it was so beautiful. the bright blues, whites, and blacks of the pool lighting and bubbles decorating him, the flow of his--forgive him, i don’t know if there’s a cultural name--outer garment, how curious and confused he looked as he watched his younger self do something he did now, and the people twirling through the water, reaching out, and eventually snatching him up until we’re suddenly in the present--dude, the cinematography of the entire first verse is so, so breathtaking. the scene in the ambulance and getting his stomach pumped was a bit too graphic for me (i could feel a flashback/hallucination creeping on; sometimes i can’t tell them apart.) but it was all done so smoothly. when they lifted him up, spun him around, undressed and dressed him all in one fluid motion, i lost my fuckin mind. i rewound it several times to just watch that sequence. the pain, reluctance, and exhaustion in his face right before he was handed his bat and exuberantly entered the stage was so intense it was palpable. my heart ached for him deeply. it’s allll about putting on a mask of being truly happy and well, when just before that, he had tried to fucking kill himself. how fucking heavy is that shit?
the downward spiral kept me on the edge of my seat. honky cat was funky as hell, and i loved the little tiny moments and gestures towards each other. maybe john and elton truly cared for each other for mere heartbeats before it all went south. he was hurting so bad and ruining everything and in such denial i wanted to throttle him by the shoulders to scream “LOOK WHAT YOU’RE DOING! YOU BIG FUCKING IDIOT!” he was constantly suffering, doing more coke and drugs than i thought a person could keep in his system. the suicide attempt, the fantastic Dodgers show, the night and day between his outward appearance and his actions, all of it was so gripping. the group therapy medium through which the story was told was insanely cool, too. i thought at first it was a bit cheesy, but it worked. i loved that he confronted everyone who had hurt him, and who he had hurt, and reconciled. i loved that as the major plot beats went on, his clothes eventually toned down in loudness, mirroring how the story was going along in real time. he went from having an explosive outburst, to levelly confronting his parents, and firmly insisting they not treat him like that anymore. they didn’t have the right. we could see how he’d grown through several different literary elements. the fact that it was laid out so plainly really helped me, someone who is dumb as fuck and constantly misses nuances like that.
it’s so disheartening to see elton’s first love was someone who was aggressive, non-interested, and who refused to listen to him.
(im at the pinball wizard scene, and holy shit this tune fucks)
at the end of the day, when i had thought the movie fell through so many expectations, i watched the real, authentic version and was so, so happy with how it turned out. it was much more honest than what i had thought it was. when the credits rolled, and it said he and his husband David Furnish had been happily married for 25 years, the tears really started coming. Elton did it. He survived through all the shit he put his body through, all the heartache and loneliness and terrible isolation and suffering, and he won. He got what he always wanted. A man who loved him deeply, purely, passionately, and properly. 
i haven’t shut up about elton john for days. i’m kinda baffled how something gripped me so intensely, when i had written it off as stupid just a day before this. thank you for reading. i’m sure i forgot a lot of things i wanted to express, but hopefully i got something across. let me know if you read this, please. if you made it all the way down here, i owe you like $5. drop me your venmo.
thank you for reading. this movie touched me in a way i didn’t think was possible. thank god for elton john. thank god for his perseverance. thank god for his story, giving me and millions of others hope that happiness will come. recovery is possible. healing is possible. you just need to reach out first. thank you and goodnight.
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jaremish · 6 years
I Want Him Gone - Part 2
Pairing: Sam x teen!reader, Dean x teen!Reader (both plantonic)
Warnings: Blood, lots of panic, torture, angst
Word Count: 1740
Summary: You were kidnapped at the age of 14, having your parents killed right in front of you by a demon. Tortured almost daily for two years, you luckily escape only to run into the Winchesters. They quickly help you, not only physically but also mentally, taking you in almost as a little sister. Though there’s something crawling under your skin… revenge.
A/N: Okay I know, I just posted the first part yesterday, but I couldn’t hold myself.. The next update will be some time later this week. Happy reading y’all!
Part 1 | Series Matserlist | Taglist (or send an ask)
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You were in the state between being asleep and being awake. Not wanting to wake up, you shifted to get into a more comfortable position only to be meet with pain spreading from your left leg. With a small whimper your eyes shoot up looking around the room.
You were left confused and panicked, not knowing where you were or what to do. Maybe this was another set of illusions that the demon had set up. It was one of the first things he did to torture you, making you believe you were with your parents only for them to be killed constantly, breaking you down more and more.
Feeling terrified of what's coming next you shot out of the bed, not caring for the pain and making your way towards the corner. It was something you learned early, having your back free always hurt you. This way you had a clear vision on what was going on in front of you.
Pulling your legs up towards you chest and wrapping your arms around them was the next thing you did. Your leg was bulting, making itself known. The frustration and fear of not knowing what was going on forced fresh tears down your cheeks.
You stayed in the corner, feeling alert and focused for about an hour before you put your head down to rest against your knees. The black t-shirt you had on was not yours. It was really big on you, but it was still warmer than what you usually wore. It felt nice against your skin, it didn’t itch at all.
You kept staring down at the t-shirt, almost admiring it. Too lost in your thoughts about the shirt you didn’t notice the door out of the room open.
“Y/N?” A soft voice said from the door.
The sound made you jump and you turned your head towards the voice. Your whole body was tense until you saw who it was. Sam. The memories from how you literally ran into him, and him bringing you here made it into your head.
Sam spotted you in the corner of the room, shaking. He made his way towards you slowly, not wanting to startle you. When he was close enough he stopped and sat down in front of you.
“You okay?” Sam said.
You didn’t answer. You just kept staring at him, not trusting him at all. Your body was tense, ready in case he attacked. Maybe he worked for the demon? Maybe this was their new way of torturing you.
Leaving the door open for you to have a sense of hope and freedom only to stab you in the back when you started to trust them. But Sam looked like he cared. He didn’t have the same sick smile on his face like the others had…
“Can you tell me what happened?” Sam asked, still trying to make you say something. Quickly giving up on the heavy questions he asked something simple.
“Are you hungry?” He smiled after asking this. He had this calming effect about himself. A little sigh left his lips and he stood up.
“Well you must be, you’ve been sleeping for days kiddo. I’m gonna come back with some food, okay?”
With that he left the room. He came back after a few minutes with a tray in his hands. You had not moved from your spot at the corner. Sam knew you wouldn’t move up to the bed if he asked you, so he sat down in front of you again on the floor.
He put the tray down in between you both. On the tray was a plate with bacon, eggs and some pancakes. There was also a glass of water, a fork and a knife on the tray as well. He made a motion with his hands as if he wanted you to do something.
You shook your head at him, not wanting to eat the food he came with. For all you knew he could have poisoned it. Sam was pretty sure you wouldn’t eat at first glance, so he brought his own fork with him. He took a bite out of the eggs, showing you that it was okay to eat.
You watched him take a bite out of the bacon and the pancakes too before he reached for your fork and gave it to you. Your hand wrapped around the fork carefully. You looked down at the tray and took a small bite out of the eggs. This made Sam smile a little and he incurred you to eat some more.
You avoided the bacon, not liking how the smell reminded you a little of burnt flesh. You ate really slow, always watching Sam’s every move. There was a lot left on the plate when you decided that you were done with it.
You reached for the water, craving the feeling of the cool liquid. Your throat had been pretty sore ever since you woke up. You emptied the glass quickly and put it back on the tray, looking up at Sam.
“You know, you don’t have to sit in the corner. You have a pretty comfy bed in here.” He said after a while.
You made no movement as he scooted the tray away and reached over to the bed. He took the blanket and a pillow and put it next to where you sat.
“At least put this around you, it can be pretty cold on the floor.”
Sam then stood up with the tray to leave the room. He looked back from the door and smiled a little at you before he walked out.
You were all wrapped up in the blanket, ready to take a small nap when you heard voices. Straining your ears to hear what they said you quickly knew it was Sam and Dean talking in hushed tones.
“Did you test her? Was she clear?” The voice belonged to Dean.
“Yeah Dean. She held the silver fork and drank the holy water and nothing. She’s just a small terrified girl.” Sam answered back with a sigh.
“Do you know what happened? Did she talk to you?”
Sam sighed again and you assumed he shook his head or something before he answered.
“No, she’s not talking. She looks so scared, I’m worried something really bad happened to her.”
Their voices started to disappear. They were moving away from the room you were in. Still being tired you gave in and fell asleep on the cold, hard floor.
“Hmm, Y/N, tell me… for how long have you been here?” The demon said.
You were sitting in your usual chair, wrists and ankles bound by leather straps. Your hair and your clothes was sticking to your face and body. Sweat tickled your skin as it slowly ran down your limbs, almost as if it was teasing you.
“Screw you.” Was all you said.
The demon hummed as he came closer to you. He was holding something in his hand that blinded you as it came in contact with the light.
“I believe that’s the wrong answer..” He said.
The thing in his hand turned out to be a scalpel. He ran it down your arm, not putting any pressure, just making sure you knew who was the boss here.
“Let’s try that again, how long have you been here?”
“Go to hell!” You screamed at his face.
The scalpel was pressed against your arm, running down in a long horizontal line, blood seeping out of your arm. Your screams could be heard for miles away. You trashed around, trying to get away from the scalpel and the pain it was causing you.
“For how long have you been here?” He said again in a calm voice.
“One day I’m going to kill you, you better watch out.” You said through gritted teeth.
He laughed. He actually laughed. Then he rammed the scalpel in your stomach. You screamed, coughing out blood. He continued to cut you though your screaming. All you could see was blood everywhere, pouring out of you stomach and all you could do was lay there and scream, wishing you were somewhere else. You felt as if you were on the blink of death when he stopped and leaned down next to your ear.
“I do hope you remember how you should speak to me from now on. A lil tip is to never speak when you don’t have the word as well.” He whispered in your ear.
“I hope I teached you a lesson.” Was the last thing he said as he rammed the scalpel through your leg.
You woke up to your own screaming. Tears running down your cheeks as the memory flooded through your brain. You could almost feel the pain he inflicted on you that day. The door slammed open, making you scream even more.
“Hey, hey, hey, you okay?” Sam said as he ran to your trembling form on the floor.
You were shaking, panic running through your body. Trying to breathe was another challenge seeing as if there were no oxygen left in the room. You started to hyperventilate, feeling even more panicked because you couldn’t breathe. Your heart beat fast and your head started to spin.
Sam was by your side in an instant, picking you up from the cold floor you were laying on. He sat on the bed with your back plastered to his chest.
“You gotta calm down Y/N. Try to match your heart beats to my own. Feel this?” He said as he placed your hand on the sheet. “This is real, you’re here, nothing’s gonna hurt you.”
He continued to give you instructions on how to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, taking deep breaths with you. It was not long before you started to calm down. You still trembled in his arms, not letting go of the memory.
“Shh, just breathe. It’ll be okay. I’m here, nothing bad is going to happen to you.” Sam said camly.
Not long after that you start to relax, feeling his heartbeat was calming you down due to you having something else to focus on. Sam draped the blanket over you and continued to encourage you to take deep breaths. After a while of just breathing you started to fall asleep, leaning against Sam. 5 minutes later and you were out like a light.
Masterlist | Part 3 (coming soon)
@miraxo-xo-supernatrual @bellero @chennyetomlinson @sammywiththegoodhair @im-forever-a-fangirl @whocares006 @sushisecor  @spectaculicious @oliolioxiclean @mrsmichaelclifford1 @ellaorelizabeth @iliketowrite02
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ellay-gee · 6 years
The Important Things
Ayy check it out, I’m figuring Tumblr out.  What a way to spend a sick day.  It was weirdly ominous that i got very ill the night I posted a sickfic. o.O
also, apologies to mobile readers, as the ‘keep reading’ thing apparently does not transfer over, and I just don’t have the energy to mess with it at this time.  damn fever.
Prompto should probably not be left on his own ever, but especially not when he's running a fever and can barely form coherent speech.
Ignis sighed in frustration as he pinched the bridge of his nose, nudging his glasses up a little as he did.  “Prompto, ginger ale is not medication.”
The voice on the other end of the line was closer to gravel than sunshine, and Ignis winced in sympathy for how painful it must’ve been for the blond to speak.  “Sure id is, Ig.  S’tha cure-all fer what ails you.”
Ignis tapped his foot on the marble floor as he checked his watch. It was difficult to tell if Prompto was just laying it on thick, or if he’d actually somehow gotten worse in the two hours since Ignis left that morning.  “I’ll be home in about six hours.  Do you think you’ll be alright till then?  I can probably send Gladio or Iris over—“
A harsh cough interrupted him before his boyfriend’s voice came back, weaker and a little wheezier.  “Dodo, s’ok.  I probbiss. I got…gidger ale. Add oj with the pulp, so, y’dow…healthy.  And that coddedsed soup; also healthy. I’m juss gonda sleep, Ig.  Just.  I’ll be ok, kay?”
“Condensed soup.” Ignis scoffed, but couldn’t keep the soft smile from his voice. “How you ever made it to nineteen is a mystery.”
“I’b tellig you, s’tha gidger ale. Goddds, Iggy. Feels like I’b swallowig glass.  This is not gonda be good for our sex life.”
Ignis clucked his tongue affectionately. “As if I’d touch you in your current state.”
Prompto let out something between a hack and a laugh.  “Y’dow you cad’t resist me. Lubb you, hab a good daaaay.”
Ignis returned the sentiment and hung up.  He had a feeling that he’d have his work cut out for him when he got home.
Somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to mind.
When Ignis next found himself with an extra moment, it was two hours and eleven texts later.
Prompto →  hey wheres canpoter?
Prompto →  canopner*
Prompto →  the thing that opens cans
Prompto →  im hungry and everything is working abaingst me.
Prompto →  nm its a poptop
Prompto →  stove hates me. Everything hates me. All but you ig. U r bust.
Prompto →  best*
Prompto →  fuck it going back to bed.
Prompto →  shit ur at ur meetings. Sorry.  Gods hope ur shit is on slient.
Prompto →  forvige me?
Prompto →  fuuuck. FORGIVE* me???
Me  → Always
Me  → Please do get some rest.  I will be home as soon as I am able
Me  → And the can opener is in the drawer to the left of the sink
Me  → Where it always is
Noctis groaned next to him, rolling his eyes as he read the messages over his adviser’s shoulder.  “Prom’s sick, huh? He’s the living worst when he’s sick.”
Ignis frowned down his charge. “Yes, he can be a bit much.”
Noctis laughed at that, “Yeah, that’s how you know he’s really ok.  It’s when he starts lying and getting quiet that you have to be worried.
“One time he got the flu and refused to admit he was feeling bad. Kept himself going with energy drinks and cough syrup.  He was loopy as hell and fucking bit it on the track during gym; completely blacked out while running pretty fast and basically ended up with road-rash and a concussion.”
Ignis winced in sympathy. “Hmm, yes. I thought I was successfully keeping him under wraps, but yesterday he slipped out before I woke and went to training.  Cor had to call me to come collect him from the men’s room floor.  Apparently he didn’t make formation and the marshal found him ‘vomiting up everything he’d ever eaten’.  He’s been mewling in bed ever since.”
Noctis gave Ignis a sympathetic expression.  “Poor dude.  Just make sure you don’t get it and give it to me.”
“Of course, Highness.  I wouldn’t dream of getting you ill.  You’re a thousand times worse than Prompto.”
The adviser chuckled as the prince seemed to consider this, finally nodding in agreement. “You’re right. I’m definitely worse.”
The second time Ignis was able to pull away from the meeting long enough to glance at his phone, another hour had gone by. In that time, Prompto had managed to send him seven links to songs he’d apparently listened to and wished to share, a rambling text about how much he ‘lurvd’ the adviser, and an article about how ginger ale could, in fact, settle one’s stomach.
Rolling his eyes, Ignis sent off a sweet text, wishing his boyfriend well and promising he’d be home as soon as possible. With real medicine.
By the time Ignis was finally able to go home, it was three hours and zero texts later.  This was a little disconcerting, so he placed a call to Prompto’s phone as he headed for the garage.  Receiving no answer, he waited for the cheery greeting to end and left a message.
“Darling, I am on my way home.  I need to stop by the pharmacy to collect your medications.  I’ll be there soon, though.  Love you.”
He slipped his phone back in his pocket and hurried his step. He didn’t like being away from Prompto for this long when the freckled youth was sick or otherwise incapacitated.  Ignis learned early on in their relationship that Prompto never wanted to ‘be a bother’, and would instead try to soldier on as if nothing were wrong. He could have a high fever and a sprained ankle, and he’d still insist on going on his morning run and completing his chores around their small house.
Ignis loved him endlessly, but there were times in which he would like to throttle the boy. Prompto’s self-deprecating/self-destructive streak could be rather irksome at times.
He stopped at the usual pharmacy and picked up cold medicine and a few other necessities, doing his best not to tap his foot impatiently as he stood in line. It would still be at least thirty minutes before he’d actually get home.
Though he’d been the one to insist that they get a place near the outskirts of the city, he did find himself regretting it from time to time, if only in instances such as this. But, he’d wanted to give Prompto something beautiful. The boy had been raised in the city, and though they could not move outside the Wall due to Ignis’ duties, the adviser could give him new scenery to explore. So, he’d found a small rental property situated on its own acre of land, nestled in among the rolling hills near the wall. Sure, it was a longer commute, but they spent it together most days which made it bearable.
He enjoyed their late afternoons in their little home; Prompto would wander the hills and the thicket of woods at the back of the property, taking photos while Ignis prepared dinner. They were even considering getting a dog, though Ignis himself would prefer a cat.
He was not going for Prompto’s ‘compromise’ of getting both.
As he turned onto the three mile stretch of gravel road that led to their little home, Ignis pressed the button on his dash to connect the Bluetooth, hoping Prompto would pick up this time. He had several bags and was hoping the other man could unlock the door for him.
He breathed a quiet relieved sigh when the phone was answered.  Prompto sounded awful, not even able to make intelligible sounds on his end.
“I’m almost home, darling.” He said when Prompto gave up talking in favor of hacking up a lung.  “I know you’re not feeling well, but could you—“
Prompto gasped into the phone, his voice ragged. “Iggy.  Ig. S’hot.  I dunno—“
Ignis swallowed hard. It sounded like Prompto had only gotten worse in their hours apart. “I know, darling, I know. It’s probably just because of your fever—“’
Prompto hissed through the line, whining little when he couldn’t stop another string of coughs.  “Nooo Iggyyy.  S’hot. I…the sto..the soup…” he trailed off as he wheezed desperately. “S..ss..smoke.”
With that last sibilant word, Ignis pressed his foot firmly on the gas pedal, his tires spinning in the gravel before gaining purchase, spitting rocks as he sped down the road. “Are you saying there’s a fire, Prompto?  Prom? Can you get out of the house?”
But there’s only coughing and a small thump quickly followed by a larger one from the other end, and Ignis’ stomach tightens considerably.  He brakes only slightly when their driveway comes into sight, the end of his town car fishtailing as he swerved into it. He shut the engine off and snatched the keys from the ignition before stumbling from the car and bounding up the porch stairs.
Smoke was indeed beginning to rise from the small building, and his hands shook as he shoved his key into the door, unlocking it and rushing inside.
Luckily for him, the living room was mostly clear of smoke, though it was heavy in the hall leading to the kitchen. Ignis called Prompto’s name before covering his mouth with his shirt and plunging into the haze.
He tried calling Prompto’s name, but quickly gave up as the smoke penetrated his lungs. His first stop was the kitchen, where he could barely make out the fire was licking up the cabinets above the stove and across the counter for all the smoke. Luckily he was able to spot a flash of Prompto’s bright blue pajama pants on the floor behind the dining table before he moved on in his search.  
Of course he would be as close to the fire as he could possibly get. He would not be Prompto, otherwise.
Ignis shoved this thought aside as he lept into action, kicking a flaming chair out of his way as he rushed towards Prompto. He crouched down, gripped Prompto under his arms and dragged him from the room.
Once far enough from the flames, Ignis scooped the boy up in his trembling arms and strode back out into the early evening air.  He laid Prompto in the grass and crouched down again, this time checking his breathing and pulse.
Thankfully, both were there and at near-normal levels, all things considered. He quickly checked the blond over for more injuries, finding some small burns on his arms and hands and a growing lump on his head where it had presumably struck the floor when he fell. The adviser fished his phone from his pocket and quickly dialed for emergency services before planting himself down on the ground next to his lover, pulling the other’s small frame into his lap.
His throat tightened as he gazed up at their perfect little house while it spat flames into the darkening sky. Ignis swallowed down his panic as he pressed gentle kisses to Prompto’s slack brow, running his free hand in circles on the smaller man’s chest as he rocked them both.
“Just stay out of the kitchen, Prompto.” Ignis said from the doorway as the freckled youth headed inside.  It had been three days since the fire, and they were just now being allowed to come back in and collect anything that may be salvageable.
“I know, I know.” Prompto’s voice was still rough; not only from the cold, but also from the smoke inhalation. He stepped lightly through the living room, heading for the hall.
Ignis followed, taking the same path; both men giving the kitchen a wide berth. Prompto was heading towards their bedroom, finding it mostly intact; just light soot stains covering everything. The adviser pulled out a notebook and began making a list of everything they would need to have packed up and delivered to their storage unit while Prompto began gathering the things they needed right then.
It was a short trip; they collected a few bags of clothing and some of Ignis’ important files. Most of the trunk was filled with Prompto’s camera equipment and various other electronics. While the blond carried the last of their things out to the car, Ignis found himself wandering towards the kitchen, though he was careful to remain outside the room.
He couldn’t help the sadness that swept over him. They’d spent so many mornings in this room, talking softly over breakfast. This was actually the first room they’d made love in when they had moved in. Now, the room was riddled with half-burnt debris and there was a clear spot outlined in soot where Prompto had been laying while fire raged all around him.
What remained of the interior was mostly black, but great chunks of the outside wall were missing and daylight shone through in cheerful juxtaposition to the destruction it illuminated. The fire had began due to a faulty light on the stove; it had not come on to indicate that it was heating when Prompto had put the soup on, and in his sickly stupor, he simply gave up--leaving it on as he went back to bed, believing the stove to be broken. After a few hours, the soup had cooked down and began to burn; the inspector reasoned that the curtains above the stove had probably been the first thing to actually catch fire and it had quickly spread from there.
He supposed he’d been lost in his melancholy longer than necessary, for he was startled out of his thoughts by a hesitant arm encircling his waist.
He wrapped his own arm around Prompto’s shoulders, pulling him closer, smiling a little at the warmth that rose in his chest when the smaller man leaned bodily into him.  
“I’m so sorry, Iggy.” Prompto ground out, rubbing his face into Ignis’ side. “Looks like all your stuff is ruined. Kinda unfair that my stuff’s ok, but you couldn’t save anything of yours.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that.” Ignis squeezed Prompto’s shoulder and dropped a kiss into his hair.  “I saved you, didn’t I? You’re all the ‘stuff’ I need.”
Prompto chuckled, poking Ignis in the side playfully. “The only kind of ‘stuff’ I am is hot stuff.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively at the adviser, who groaned and rolled his eyes in response.
“I love you dearly, but please save the puns for me.” He laughed a little louder, a little more freely, as Prompto pulled him towards the door.
“Nuh-uh, you don’t own puns, Igs.” Prompto quelled any further argument by pulling Ignis down into a passionate kiss.
It was a cheap way to win the impending playful exchange, but Ignis couldn’t bring himself to mind.
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fanfiction-for-me · 3 years
Chapter 3: The Island (Dusk)
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When I woke up, the light from the sunset cast an orangey hue in the room. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table. The screen displayed a shit ton of notifications and the time, which read 8:21 P.M. No matter how long I’d been living in the upper hemisphere I never got used to the crazy daylight hours during the summer. I opened the only chat I cared about at the moment and without reading the unread messages I held my thumb on the voice message icon.
“Um hi. Sorry I haven’t been able to get back you, but Im doing alright—just a bit hungover from last night. The girls are keeping me distracted... you could even say I’m enjoying myself—“, I chuckled with no humor. “I’ll keep you posted and tell you more about it when I get back next week... love you guys.”
With a bleep, I sent the recording and locked my phone, throwing it on the mattress. I sat up on the edge of the bed, stretching my body which was still sore. At least the queasiness was gone.
I headed to the shower, turning on the faucet all the way up hoping the hard stream of cool water would drown the dull sound of music coming from the pool area. It was imposible though, and the piece of mind I’d achieved while asleep was once more put to an end by my overthinking.
Was it really the right thing to be hiding out up here in my room instead of joining them? Maybe I was making too much of a deal about it. But it was a big deal—for me. Maybe Marco Reus deserved an explanation... or part of it. Sure, I’d bolted like a crazy person in the morning, but that wasn’t about him. And I didn’t have to explain the reason why I had to leave. I wasn’t even ready to say anything out loud to my band mates who’d witnessed my breakdown at its worst, much less to a one night stand who also happened to be one of my football idols. The only thing I would be willing to explain was the blackout. That should be reassuring enough for him, and then maybe we could have a fun vacation hanging out like normal acquaintances... right?
I groaned, turning the shower off and drying my hair with the towel. Who am I kidding? It’s going to be awkward, but I was going to have to live with it for the next week. Why couldn’t I’ve waited until the last day to screw up?
My stomach grumbled on cue too. Great, I’d forgotten I hadn’t had solid food since yesterday evening. It was a common occurrence these days—to only eat when reminded of by my body. As a former chubby kid and anxious eater, I always thought going through something traumatic would make me gain my weight again. The opposite happened, but it didn’t make me feel better. I dried myself quickly and avoided looking at my naked body on the mirror, tying up my robe on a haste. I guess I still looked good to everyone else, but the weight loss for me was tied to something distressing...
I missed enjoying food. I missed everything that made me excited. I missed him...
I bit my lower lip hard, making it hurt so my brain would focus on that instead of the other pain.
Concentrating on the lyrics to the song which was playing outside, I made my way to the kitchen. I decided I would really try to make a decent meal, something to keep my mind occupied. And then maybe Netflix, and catching up with my emails and deleting stuff from my phone. It was getting scary at this point, considering I wasn’t a normal person who got the normal amount of messages. If my phone hasn’t exploded yet it was bound to in a few days. Though thinking about it, I better let my personal assistant do that for me. After all, there was a reason why I was reluctant to read and delete certain things from my phone— might catch a glimpse of a few heartbreaking memories.
Sighing, I surveyed the fridge for ingredients. It had already been stacked for us, even if no one expected us to cook home meals. After some head scratching I decided on pan frying a quick version of a Tortilla Española, and got to it.
I wasn’t half bad at cooking, and soon the kitchen filled with the luscious aroma of sautéed onions and chorizo— my personal touch for extra flavor. I was so in my zone, cutting the potatoes and listening to the music outside, I didn’t notice I wasn’t alone anymore.
“Smells good”.
I jolted in place, looking up to find none other than Marco Reus standing under the kitchen’s archway. I set the knife down and puffed out a breath. He kept popping up in front of me like some kind of bad jump scare.
Marco coughed out an apologetic laugh. “I’m sorry, I always scare you”.
I could only muster a chuckle. “It’s fine. I’m always up in my head. Thanks, by the way.”
We stood there in silence for a moment. My hands were shaking a bit. What was he doing inside? Was he looking for me? Oh god, I have to tell him.
“Listen—“ “I was looking for—“
We spoke simultaneously. I bit my lip and Marco rubbed the back of his neck.
“Sorry”, he started again, “I was looking for the bathroom?”
I’d assumed wrong after all. I tried to reply as casual as I could: “It’s behind this wall, to the right”.
“Thank you”.
I didn’t look at him but I could feel him watching as he walked past me. He definitely knew I was just about to tell him something. Better now than later then; he won’t take long in there. I turned the burner off. This could be a long conversation and I don’t want anything catching fire in the middle of it.
I leaned against the counter, nibbling on a piece of chorizo. This time he wouldn’t catch me by surprise, I was already waiting for him. It took him two minutes to walk back in the kitchen and I could tell by the way he slowed down as he got near me, he wasn’t heading out yet. I prepared myself to initiate the conversation, but he beat me to it.
“Do you feel better?”
I didn’t expect the question. “Better?”
“Yes, Talia said you were... sick?” For some reason, he hesitated on the last word. Did he already asume I was avoiding him?
“Oh, that. No, I’m not sick, just hungover— you know”, I lowered my gaze, remembering the whole ordeal. “But I slept and took some medicine, and I do feel better now”.
Marco stood with his arms crossed. “Huh. Good”. He narrowed his eyes, the playful dimple on his side smirk distracting me. “I thought you were avoiding me”.
My eyes widened. I didn’t know he was going to be this forward.
“No, not at all!”, I stammered.
He cocked his head to the side. “Are you sure? You run away after I kissed you in the morning”.
Well, shit.
“Yes. True”, I admitted, defeated. ”But I swear it wasn’t because of you! Or the kiss— the kiss was good!”.
The words spilled out and blood rushed to my face. Marco looked pleased with himself for a second, but he kept pressing me.
“Danke. But if it was good as you say, why did you run away? You didn’t like the sex?”
“No—” I responded almost immediately. Marco did a double take. “I mean—I don’t know”, shit, just say it.
He seemed irritated. “You don’t know?”
“Yeah I don’t.... remember.”
He cocked his head again. “I don’t understand.”
“I drank a lot last night. I blacked out.”
He processed my words in silence. The explanation hadn’t gone as smooth as I intended and it was totally my fault. If he’s still cool with me after this, it’ll be an achievement.
“So you don’t remember anything?”, he finally asked.
“But you said to me you wanted to go back to the house— you remember?”
Now that’s a detail. “I did?”
Marco blinked twice. “You don’t remember that part?”
I chewed on my lip, trying to go back to the point were I’d been last aware. “The last thing I remember was sitting at the bar and you coming to get me... but I’m guessing that’s not what happened.”
All of a sudden he was struggling not to smile. “You told me to dance with you.”
“Oh, god...”
“Hey, it’s okay, even drunk you were better than me”, he chuckled. “Very good...”
Marco’s eyes moved down to my cleavage and I was reminded I was still very naked under my robe. My fingers pinched the silky fabric close, as if that were going to do anything.
“Anyways”, I cut in; “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. This has never happened to me.”
“No, no. I’m sorry I didn’t notice. It looked like you liked what we were doing”, he added, smirking at the last sentence. I was blushing again. Maybe I did like it but guess I’ll never know.
I decided to ignore that part but he knew he’d flustered me. “It’s fine, there’s no way you could’ve known.”
“So, are you going to stop avoiding me now?”
I rolled my eyes. “I wasn’t, but yes”, I laughed.
Marco smiled. “Ok. We’re going in the yacht tomorrow... you don’t have to be scared.”
What did he mean by that? “Scared? Why would I be scared?”
He looked at me up and down once more before answering. “I don’t know.”
Before I could wonder what he was talking about, he was in front of me. My breath caught and he leaned down, chin brushing against the side of my neck.
“Bis morgen dann”, he muttered, before pecking me on the cheek and heading back out.
I stood there silent with goosebumps going down my arms.
It was worse than I had anticipated. Telling him didn’t make him settle with the explanation, as I thought it would. He will slowly try to convince me to relive last night, and I will give in, for sure. My body was already having clear responses to his advances. Only I don’t know if I will be able to mentally deal with what this entailed. And I just said I wasn’t going to avoid him anymore, so I was stuck. I gave up trying to eat and ran back to my room, the panic already rising.
I tried to steady my breathing but it was getting hard to catch air, and my vision started to blur. I slipped to the floor as carefully as I could, knocking a few things over in the process. Everything went dark for a moment. When I came to, I was still dizzy but at least it was over now. It took me several minutes to recover and be able to get to my purse and find the sleeping pills. I’d promised the guys I’d stopped using them but I’d never really stopped. They got me through the night without waking or dreaming. Even though I had just woken up, I needed to be asleep again.
I downed two of them at once, getting inside the covers and hoping I could handle myself better tomorrow when the time came to meet Marco and the guys at the yacht.
He wanted to play a game with me. Would I be able to play along? Or will it only make things worse for me if I try?
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#5yrsago RIP, Aaron Swartz
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  To the extent possible under law,       Cory Doctorow   has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to   "RIP, Aaron Swartz."
Update: Go read Lessig: "He was brilliant, and funny. A kid genius. A soul, a conscience, the source of a question I have asked myself a million times: What would Aaron think? That person is gone today, driven to the edge by what a decent society would only call bullying. I get wrong. But I also get proportionality. And if you don’t get both, you don’t deserve to have the power of the United States government behind you."
My friend Aaron Swartz committed suicide yesterday, Jan 11. He was 26. I got woken up with the news about an hour ago. I'm still digesting it -- I suspect I'll be digesting it for a long time -- but I thought it was important to put something public up so that we could talk about it. Aaron was a public guy.
I met Aaron when he was 14 or 15. He was working on XML stuff (he co-wrote the RSS specification when he was 14) and came to San Francisco often, and would stay with Lisa Rein, a friend of mine who was also an XML person and who took care of him and assured his parents he had adult supervision. In so many ways, he was an adult, even then, with a kind of intense, fast intellect that really made me feel like he was part and parcel of the Internet society, like he belonged in the place where your thoughts are what matter, and not who you are or how old you are.  
But he was also unmistakably a kid then, too. He would only eat white food. We'd go to a Chinese restaurant and he'd order steamed rice. I suggested that he might be a supertaster and told him how to check it out, and he did, and decided that he was. We had a good talk about the stomach problems he faced and about how he would need to be careful because supertasters have a tendency to avoid "bitter" vegetables and end up deficient in fibre and vitamins. He immediately researched the hell out of the subject, figured out a strategy for eating better, and sorted it. The next time I saw him (in Chicago, where he lived -- he took the El a long way from the suburbs to sit down and chat with me about distributed hash caching), he had a whole program in place.
I introduced him to Larry Lessig, and he was active in the original Creative Commons technical team, and became very involved in technology-freedom issues. Aaron had powerful, deeply felt ideals, but he was also always an impressionable young man, someone who often found himself moved by new passions. He always seemed somehow in search of mentors, and none of those mentors ever seemed to match the impossible standards he held them (and himself) to.
This was cause for real pain and distress for Aaron, and it was the root of his really unfortunate pattern of making high-profile, public denunciations of his friends and mentors. And it's a testament to Aaron's intellect, heart, and friendship that he was always forgiven for this. Many of us "grown ups" in Aaron's life have, over the years, sat down to talk about this, and about our protective feelings for him, and to check in with one another and make sure that no one was too stung by Aaron's disappointment in us. I think we all knew that, whatever the disappointment that Aaron expressed about us, it also reflected a disappointment in himself and the world.  
Aaron accomplished some incredible things in his life. He was one of the early builders of Reddit (someone always turns up to point out that he was technically not a co-founder, but he was close enough as makes no damn), got bought by Wired/Conde Nast, engineered his own dismissal and got cashed out, and then became a full-time, uncompromising, reckless and delightful shit-disturber.
The post-Reddit era in Aaron's life was really his coming of age. His stunts were breathtaking. At one point, he singlehandedly liberated 20 percent of US law. PACER, the system that gives Americans access to their own (public domain) case-law, charged a fee for each such access. After activists built RECAP (which allowed its users to put any caselaw they paid for into a free/public repository), Aaron spent a small fortune fetching a titanic amount of data and putting it into the public domain. The feds hated this. They smeared him, the FBI investigated him, and for a while, it looked like he'd be on the pointy end of some bad legal stuff, but he escaped it all, and emerged triumphant.
He also founded a group called DemandProgress, which used his technological savvy, money and passion to leverage victories in huge public policy fights. DemandProgress's work was one of the decisive factors in last year's victory over SOPA/PIPA, and that was only the start of his ambition.  
I wrote to Aaron for help with Homeland, the sequel to Little Brother to get his ideas on a next-generation electioneering tool that could be used by committed, passionate candidates who didn't want to end up beholden to monied interests and power-brokers. Here's what he wrote back:  
  First he decides to take over the whole California Senate, so he can do things at scale. He finds a friend in each Senate district to run and plugs them into a web app he's made for managing their campaigns. It has a database of all the local reporters, so there's lots of local coverage for each of their campaign announcements.
Then it's just a vote-finding machine. First it goes through your contacts list (via Facebook, twitter, IM, email, etc.) and lets you go down the list and try to recruit everyone to be a supporter. Every supporter is then asked to do the same thing with their contacts list. Once it's done people you know, it has you go after local activists who are likely to be supportive. Once all those people are recruited, it does donors (grabbing the local campaign donor records). And then it moves on to voters and people you could register to vote. All the while, it's doing massive A/B testing to optimize talking points for all these things. So as more calls are made and more supporters are recruited, it just keeps getting better and better at figuring out what will persuade people to volunteer. Plus the whole thing is built into a larger game/karma/points thing that makes it utterly addictive, with you always trying to stay one step ahead of your friends.
Meanwhile GIS software that knows where every voter is is calculating the optimal places to hold events around the district. The press database is blasting them out -- and the press is coming, because they're actually fun. Instead of sober speeches about random words, they're much more like standup or the Daily Show -- full of great, witty soundbites that work perfectly in an evening newscast or a newspaper story. And because they're so entertaining and always a little different, they bring quite a following; they become events. And a big part of all of them getting the people there to pull out their smartphones and actually do some recruiting in the app, getting more people hooked on the game.
He doesn't talk like a politician -- he knows you're sick of politicians spouting lies and politicians complaining about politicians spouting lies and the whole damn thing. He admits up front you don't trust a word he says -- and you shouldn't! But here's the difference: he's not in the pocket of the big corporations. And you know how you can tell? Because each week he brings out a new whistleblower to tell a story about how a big corporation has mistreated its workers or the environment or its customers -- just the kind of thing the current corruption in Sacramento is trying to cover up and that only he is going to fix.
(Obviously shades of Sinclair here...)
also you have to read http://books.theinfo.org/go/B005HE8ED4
For his TV ads, his volunteer base all take a stab at making an ad for him and the program automatically A/B tests them by asking people in the district to review a new TV show. The ads are then inserted into the commercial breaks and at the end of the show, when you ask the user how they liked it, you also sneak in some political questions. Web ads are tested by getting people to click on ads for a free personality test and then giving them a personality test with your political ad along the side and asking them some political questions. (Ever see ads for a free personality test? That's what they really are. Everybody turns out to have the personality of a sparkle fish, which is nice and pleasant except when it meets someone it doesn't like, ...)  Since it's random, whichever group scores closest to you on the political questions must be most affected by the ad.  Then they're bought at what research shows to be the optimal time before the election, with careful selection of television show to maximize the appropriate voter demographics based on Nielsen data.
anyway, i could go on, but i should actually take a break and do some of this... hope you're well  
This was so perfect that I basically ran it verbatim in the book. Aaron had an unbeatable combination of political insight, technical skill, and intelligence about people and issues. I think he could have revolutionized American (and worldwide) politics. His legacy may still yet do so.
Somewhere in there, Aaron's recklessness put him right in harm's way. Aaron snuck into MIT and planted a laptop in a utility closet, used it to download a lot of journal articles (many in the public domain), and then snuck in and retrieved it. This sort of thing is pretty par for the course around MIT, and though Aaron wasn't an MIT student, he was a fixture in the Cambridge hacker scene, and associated with Harvard, and generally part of that gang, and Aaron hadn't done anything with the articles (yet), so it seemed likely that it would just fizzle out.
Instead, they threw the book at him. Even though MIT and JSTOR (the journal publisher) backed down, the prosecution kept on. I heard lots of theories: the feds who'd tried unsuccessfully to nail him for the PACER/RECAP stunt had a serious hate-on for him; the feds were chasing down all the Cambridge hackers who had any connection to Bradley Manning in the hopes of turning one of them, and other, less credible theories. A couple of lawyers close to the case told me that they thought Aaron would go to jail.
This morning, a lot of people are speculating that Aaron killed himself because he was worried about doing time. That might be so. Imprisonment is one of my most visceral terrors, and it's at least credible that fear of losing his liberty, of being subjected to violence (and perhaps sexual violence) in prison, was what drove Aaron to take this step.
But Aaron was also a person who'd had problems with depression for many years. He'd written about the subject publicly, and talked about it with his friends.  
I don't know if it's productive to speculate about that, but here's a thing that I do wonder about this morning, and that I hope you'll think about, too. I don't know for sure whether Aaron understood that any of us, any of his friends, would have taken a call from him at any hour of the day or night. I don't know if he understood that wherever he was, there were people who cared about him, who admired him, who would get on a plane or a bus or on a video-call and talk to him.  
Because whatever problems Aaron was facing, killing himself didn't solve them. Whatever problems Aaron was facing, they will go unsolved forever. If he was lonely, he will never again be embraced by his friends. If he was despairing of the fight, he will never again rally his comrades with brilliant strategies and leadership. If he was sorrowing, he will never again be lifted from it.
Depression strikes so many of us. I've struggled with it, been so low I couldn't see the sky, and found my way back again, though I never thought I would. Talking to people, doing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, seeking out a counsellor or a Samaritan -- all of these have a chance of bringing you back from those depths. Where there's life, there's hope. Living people can change things, dead people cannot.  
I'm so sorry for Aaron, and sorry about Aaron. My sincere condolences to his parents, whom I never met, but who loved their brilliant, magnificently weird son and made sure he always had chaperonage when he went abroad on his adventures. My condolences to his friends, especially Quinn and Lisa, and the ones I know and the ones I don't, and to his comrades at DemandProgress. To the world: we have all lost someone today who had more work to do, and who made the world a better place when he did it.
Goodbye, Aaron.
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narniaismymaze · 7 years
Middleschool crushes 2/7
Fandom: Teen Wolf.
Pairing: Theo x Liam
Genre: Im gonna skip this in the future I think, cause I have no idea what genre it is haha
Words: 1578
Summary: Theo gets a new friend, and his friendship with Liam and the new boy grows stronger. (Im bad at summaries also haha)
Tag list: @lucifers-embodiment, @aestheticthiam, @rafaela-rafiela, @rainbowthiam, @thiamtrash, @dreadsingingdoctor, @teenshadowhunter01, @sofia1926, @womanofmanyfandoms, @morethanrubies01 (I tagged the people who had liked my post about part two and the one who had added stuff on part one. If you want to continue being in the tag list, or would like to be added, please let me know! Cause im scared that Im bothering you if i tag you haha)
Previous Part | Next part
It was the second day of school and Theo stood at the bus stop waiting impatiently for the bus to arrive. He didn’t feel as nervous as yesterday but he could still feel butterflies in his stomach. He was excited to meet Liam again and when the bus stopped he hopped on straight away and started to scout for Liam. This time when the bus started with a jump he was prepared and only swayed a bit. He met a familiar face on the same place as yesterday and his face lit up when the blue-eyed boy yelled “Hi Theo!”. Theo’s smile faded slightly when he noticed that Liam was sitting next to another boy, with a short buzzcut. “This is Mason” Liam explained happily. “Oh. Hi” Theo said shyly. He started to look around for another place to sit as he felt like he was intruding. “You can sit with us” Liam said just as Theo was about to go to an empty seat. The boys had moved so there was a tiny space next to Liam. “You sure?” Theo said nervously and looked at the two boys. Mason smiled and Liam let out an “Of course!” and Theo sat down. 
It wasn’t much space to sit at and Theo still felt like he intruded on them. Mason and Liam started talking about some new game that had come out and they both put out there phones. It was some sort of driving game. You had to drive a race in as short time as possible, avoiding obstacles. “Have you tried it?” Liam suddenly said directing the attention to Theo. “I.. I don’t.. Have a phone” Theo stuttered discouraged and his cheeks turned a bit red as he felt embarrassed of not having a phone. “Oh” Liam let out, and it sounded concerned. “You can try it on mine!”. It was Mason offering his phone to Theo. Theo looked at the phone in the boy’s hand and then at Mason’s face. “Wow thanks!” Theo said grateful and took the phone. Both Mason and Liam quickly explained how it worked and Theo took in what they said. He wasn’t very good at it but he managed to get a decent time, obviously no high score but it was still good both Liam and Mason exclaimed. The bus came to stop at the school and Theo handed the phone back to Mason. “Thanks for letting me borrow it!” he said with a smile before they all got off the crowded seat and the bus. The boys talked and laughed together at their way to class. When they separated, Liam and Mason going to their class and Theo going to his, Theo felt a lot more at ease. Mason had been really nice too, maybe just slightly more shy than Liam but Theo liked them both.
This went on for a couple of weeks, and the boys grew closer together. Even Mason, who indeed was a bit more shy and reserved against Theo, got to be a good friend of Theo. From time to time Theo felt a little bit left out though since Mason and Liam had been best friends for years, and Theo had only known them for three weeks. When the school day ended and the boys were headed to the bus Liam’s phone dinged and he quickly got it out. Liam let out a loud giggle causing Mason and Theo sharing a look at eachother in confusion and then looked at Liam. “What’s going on?” Mason asked, also excited and curious on what Liam had read. “We got a trampoline!!” Liam shouted. “What? That’s so cool!” Theo and Mason said in unison. “Yeah! Do you guys want to come home with me so we can try it out?” Liam said with glittery eyes. Mason said that unfortunately he couldn’t because it was his mom’s birthday. “I can come” Theo said when Liam looked at him, obviously wanting to know if he could come home with him. Liam let out an excited “Yay!” and added on that Mason had to come next time.
They all got onto the bus and this time Theo didn’t got off at his usual station. Mason left the bus about three stops before Theo and Liam got off. Even if Theo hadn’t really been paying attention as to where they were, he could tell that Liam lived a long way from the school. The bus had been nearly empty when they left. They arrived at Liam’s house and Theo was amazed by how big it was. Well, it wasn’t the biggest house he’d seen but his own house was really tiny. They didn’t bother going inside but instead went straight to the backyard, which was even bigger than the house. Theo couldn’t help but let out a “wow”. He looked around a bit noticing a table with about five chairs around it, a little pond and maybe 4 different fruit trees. “Come on!” Liam suddenly said and had already gotten up on the trampoline. Theo put down his bag next to it before climbing up himself. They both started jumping and laughing.
“Your yard is really big” Theo said. “Yeah, it’s great! And on the summers we usually have a pool over there” Liam pointed to an empty spot where the grass clearly wasn’t as well taken care of then the rest of the garden. “My yard can’t even fit a pool” Theo said. He didn’t know why he felt so sad saying it, but at his old house in Madison they had had a yard almost twice the size as Liam’s. They didn’t say much after that just continued on jumping. Theo felt stupid for having said that but it had just slipped out. “Theo?” Liam suddenly said in a serious voice. “Yeah?” he answered. “Do you miss your old place?”. Theo stopped jumping and so did Liam. “Sometimes” Theo said with a shrug and looked down on his feet. “I mean, we had a bigger house there…” he mumbled. They were quiet for almost a minute before Liam spoke. “Even if you miss your old place I’m happy you moved here” he said causing Theo to look up and meet his blue eyes. Liam shrugged slightly before continuing. “Because otherwise I wouldn’t have met you and we hadn’t become friends” he said and Theo got a big smile on his face, hearing that. “That’s true” he giggled. “You’re a good friend Liam” he said. Liam smiled back and was just about to say something when they were interrupted. “Do you and your friend want to have dinner?” a middleaged woman with the same hair colour as Liam, Theo assuming it was Liam’s mother, poked her head out of the window. “Yes please!” Liam shouted back and turned to Theo. “Do you want to eat here?” he asked which Theo nodded to. “Yes please!” he said and they both ran inside. Liams house was clean and looked nice with a big kitchen and a big living room. Liam showed him his room before they went to the kitchen and sat down at a big wooden table. Liams room had included a bed, a desk, a tv, two closets and one bureau. At the dinner table Theo had been polite and gotten to know Liam’s parents a bit. Well, as much as an 11 year old gets to know someone’s parents. When dinner was done he thanked Mr and Mrs Dunbar for the food and then it was time for him to head home.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” Liam said after having explained to him how he would get home again. It was still kind of clear and light outside so walking home wasn’t scary or anything. When he was almost half way home he realised that he hadn’t told his parents where he’d went after school and he started running to get home faster. They were probably worried sick by now, Theo thought, thinking how it had been around 7 when he left Liams and school had finished at 2. He rushed inside when he arrived and immediately started to explain where he’d been and how sorry he was for not calling or telling them. His parents had barely looked up at him when he’d stormed inside and when he’d finished his explaining his mom had went straight back to her computer. “Well, Theo it’s alright. We didn’t really notice that you were gone” his father said in a calm quiet voice. “There’s some food in the fridge if you’re hungry” his mom added. Theo felt his heart drop to his feet at his parents words and it felt like he swallowed glue. “I ate at Liam’s house” he mumbled dryly before pacing to his room. His room consisted of a bed, a desk and one closet. He sat down at his desk and cupped his head in his hands and slowly the tears started to flow. He cried quietly and had to remove his hair multiple times from his face as it stuck to the tears. He looked at himself in the mirror, suddenly feeling nothing but anger. Quickly he opened the top drawer of the desk and took out a scissor. He started to cut his hair until it was about five centimetres long at most. When he was finished he looked at himself in the mirror again. His hair was a mess but he couldn’t help but smile slightly because he had finally gotten his hair cut.
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lunamoon28 · 5 years
Didn’t fast
So yesterday I forgot to eat only sunflower seeds as a snack, why? Because I went to target at 12 instead and had to take my anti anxiety meds. And? There was a Starbucks. So I was tempted by a caramel salted frappe and my mom said she was going to get a sandwich and I stupidly decided to get a chocolate croissant. I did feel guilty about it. I felt fat and that people were staring and judging and thinking “she’s obese and getting a high calorie and sugar drink and treat”
After the dentist we went Walmart where I bough vegan bagels, vegan mini sliders, 2 vegan yogurts, almond vanilla milk (which is 80 calories and chocolate is 100) maple ginger tea as a low calorie sweet treat, low calorie strawberry icecream thinking it wouldn’t be as good as chocolate so I wouldn’t eat as much (ended up eating the entire mini pint last night 🤦‍♂️) and a fruit smoothie that I ended up drinking the whole thing because it tasted great. So at 2 am I forgot I was tying to not eat at night and made myself 2 large bagels with butter, sugar and cinnamon and a large mug of milk with chocolate syrup that came out of the tube so fast I had about 4 servings. The bagels were too much so I finished the other one 3 hours later.
So I didn’t fast from yesterday 2pm-today 2 pm. I had a frappe, chocolate croissant, mini strawberry pint of icecream, mini slider, a smoothie, 2 full bagels and a mug of chocolate milk. THATS A TYPICAL BINGE EPISODE FOR ME. I don’t eat 6 items in one setting. I eat 6 large meals within an hour of each other for 6 hours. IM SO FUCKING PISSED AT MYSELF. I cut last night at 9. I was that mad.
So...icecream temptation gone, smoothie temptation gone. I plan on having my morning meds with 1 tspn of sunflower seeds for protein and 3/4 cup of milk so I can drink the meds down. And then a yogurt for night meds. I can swallow meds in yogurt, I’m that talented. While not eating from 10am-9pm. 11 hour fast after horrid binging sounds about right. Be hungry as it may be. Have a growing stomach. Have self control and ignore it.
Watch YouTube art tutorials that are 2-3 hours long each. Walk 30 minutes. Clean my room for an hour (Marie Kondo way). watch movies, shows, go on social media, take a shower, day dream about my future (that is a coping skill my new therapist told me about) nap, read the drivers manual again. Basically keep myself busy. I can do this. I even reposted a fasting post!
The thing that pisses me off the most is I didn’t have an anxiety attack or something that made me sad to the point where I binged. I just did out of habit!! Which is stupid and the biggest fail of an excuse ever!! Because there IS NO excuse!! What the fuck is wrong with me? I was doing so good for a week!! Oh you know what it is? I tempted myself by going out. I went past Starbucks WITHOUT bring my own snack. WITHOUT eating my own snack before I left. I wasn’t prepared. So I need to get into the habit of eating before I go out. Take my morning and anxiety meds at home so I won’t need to get a sugar drink when I’m out that will make me gain a pound.
Okay, I feel better after this rant. A haibit is formed after 21 days. I’m trying to make a habit of not binging and restricting to 600 calories a day and night. And if I can NOT eat at night AT ALL I am a goddess with power and self control who deserves to be fucking skinny at a size XS/0 and 80lbs/36kg with a 20” waist (I know a 4ish year old with that size waist so I KNOW how sick I am)
0 notes
buckykingofmemes · 8 years
Closet Softie
Or, How Bucky Barnes Nearly Ruined His Tough-Guy Rep
(On AO3)
The trail mix was gone. 
The nice, expensive trail mix, with twelve kinds of nuts and the big sunflower seeds and dried fruits, the kind Tony only rarely left sitting on the common floors for everyone to get at, was gone. 
Clint had been looking forward to that stuff all morning. 
All the way through a hellish morning “jog” with Steve, all through Nat handing him his ass on the training mats, all through firing the same batch of misweighted arrows over and over so Tony could take scans and fix the design, he’d been thinking, when this is done I get to go upstairs and hang out on the couch and watch Dog Cops and eat the good trail mix, guilt-free. 
And it was gone.
Clint was gonna shoot somebody.
Just as soon as he figured out who’d taken the trail mix.
kingofmemes posted:
yesterday i saw a sad duck in the park who kept getting picked on by the other ducks so today i brought some trail mix and we had a nice lunch together. also i think he might be the duck who pooped on sam last week. if so, he is officially my new best friend. 
Posted at 3:29 PM, 24379 notes
(Read More Below)
Was...was that Barnes? No way was that Barnes. There was zero chance that the huge guy teaching a swarm of kids how to throw a baseball in the park was the Winter Soldier. That was ridiculous. Barnes was probably back in the Tower, brooding or something. Definitely not throwing crazy curveballs while a six year old with a broken arm rode piggyback. There were a dozen or so kids of varying ages clustered around, trying to mimic his throw. And while the big guy did have hair about the same length as Barnes’s, Barnes’s hair definitely wasn’t done up in sloppy child-made braids and topped with a dandelion flower crown. And Barnes would rather loose his right arm than deal with a bunch of kids, right? Even if these grubby little monsters were being remarkably well-behaved. 
Had to be somebody else. Clint kept walking. 
kingofmemes posted:
today i learned that i can throw a baseball hard enough that it will explode on impact. and also that if you do that, you better be prepared to teach a bunch of kids how to do it, because they wont ever leave you alone otherwise
Posted at 4:47 PM, 26658 notes
Clint actually tripped over the package left in front of his door. Avenger he might be, but it had been a long day at the end of a longer week, and he was tired. And usually there wasn’t anything left in the hallway to trip over, what the hell. 
Clint grabbed the box and dragged himself into his apartment. Hopefully it wasn’t a bomb. If it was, he was totally gonna get blown up, because he was too tired to check before he opened it.
It wasn’t. It was a bizarre knit shirt-thing, big enough to fit him and with a hood and hoodie pocket, but without sleeves.The whole thing was made of a soft dark purple yarn, and it seemed unbelievably warm. It was...kinda perfect. He’d just been complaining on the last op about how hard it was to find warm clothes he could wear that didn’t restrict his arms so he couldn’t shoot. 
He pulled it on. It was even warmer than it looked, and softer than Thor’s godly hair. Clint loved it.
But who the hell had given it to him?
kingofmemes posted:
i dont care what anyone says, knitting is a combat-applicable skill, and if you disagree i will fight you. with my knitting needles.
Posted at 3:42 AM, 47292 notes
There were cupcakes on the counter. Beautiful, glorious, still-warm cupcakes on the kitchen counter, and Clint was gonna eat all of them before anyone stopped him.
Well. Maybe he would share with Nat. Otherwise she might make him regret it. Nat was kinda the worst. 
Wait, were these cupcakes for him?? They were lavender. With purple frosting. And the other half were little dark chocolate and red velvet sandwiches. Maybe it was a coincidence? Clint mused it over as he shoved a third lavender cupcake in his mouth. The red-and-black ones had some kind of dark red filling leaking out between the layers. It looked like blood. Nat reached past him and snagged two of them. He’d jump, but he’d gotten used to her sneaking up on him all the time. She was the worst. Clint refrained from commenting by stuffing a fourth cupcake in his face. They were really good. 
Nat made a little muffled moan noise. Clint reached for one of the red cupcakes, and she slapped his hand down. “Those are mine,” she grunted around her mouthful of cake, because she was only ladylike when it suited her. 
“Says who?” Clint asked, even as he took another purple cupcake. 
Nat pointed to the paper plate. Where Clint’s cupcakes had previously sat, there was blocky sharpie lettering: Have fun on your mission & dont die. Below was a little drawing of an arrow and a spider. There was no signature. 
Nat swallowed. “We need to leave now if we don’t want to be late for the pre-op briefing.”
Aw, no, cupcakes. There were still so many left, Clint didn’t want to leave them. They wouldn’t last a day in the Tower. 
“Take the cupcakes with.” Nat ordered, sweeping out of the room. 
Nat was the best. 
kingofmemes posted:
cupcakes are great. you could have one really big cake or 40 tiny cakes, thats so fantastic. im gonna die if i keep making this many cupcakes somebody help me eat all these
Posted at 5:43 PM, 23749 notes
Barnes had a death wish. It was the only logical conclusion. There was literally no other reason for him to suddenly yell “Motherfucker!” during a debriefing, while Nick Fury was talking. 
That was the kinda thing that got you keelhauled. Clint would know, he was a human disaster. Barnes was apparently worse, though he seemed to have balls to match, because he sat still and maintained eye contact as Fury glared him down. Weaker men and some brick walls had crumbled under that glare.
Barnes waited him out, and endured the following dressing-down with respectful yes-sirs no-sirs and sorry-sirs. And then promptly dashed out of the room as soon as the debriefing was over.
kingofmemes posted:
ever get clawed in the stomach by the secret kitten you rescued and stashed in your hoodie pocket? because let me tell you. it 1. hurts and 2. hurts emotionally, because i love her and she hates me
 Posted at 4:47 AM, 37294 notes
Clint staggered into the common room. A bad op gone worse had not at all been helped by a stint in medical, which he hated, and he’d gotten home to discover that Lucky had knocked a houseplant over and somehow gotten dirt through the whole apartment and needed a bath. And Lucky did not like baths. Plus he was still dealing with a nasty cold. So now Clint was tired, injured, sick, wet, and somehow still covered in dirt. 
Aw, life, no.
Barnes was on the couch, watching with raised brows as Clint stood and contemplated the disaster that this week had been. Possibly also he might be judging Clint for being such a human train wreck.
Clint sneezed pathetically. 
Barnes stood up. Clint watched him, too exhausted to be concerned. 
“You look like you could use a hug.” Barnes informed him.
 It took Clint a moment to separate out what he’d expected Barnes to say and what he’d actually said. And then he said, “What?” Because, no way. 
“A hug. Want one?” Barnes repeated, like Clint was slow. Which, to be fair, his brain was basically operating at the pace of a drunk slug.
“I...thought you were a no-hugging friend.” 
“Mostly yes, but I’m in a good headspace today and you look like you could use either a hug or a mercy killing. And I don’t wanna get blood on this knife, I just cleaned it.”
Huh. That was...huh. Should he be touched or terrified? Clint didn’t think he had the emotional energy for both. 
“So. Hug. Want one?”
“...yeah, please.”
Barnes was a weird hugger. He came in slow and careful like he was expecting something to detonate, but once he was there, it was like being wrapped up by the world’s nicest bear. Strong and steady and taller than Clint, damn him, but nice.
“Thanks.” Clint mumbled at his toes.
“Yeah, yeah. Sit on the couch, I’m gonna make you some soup before you pass out.”
Barnes was such a softie, Clint thought, splayed on the sofa, and slipped into sleep.
kingofmemes posted:
it turns out that the best way to cure grumpiness is with hot food and niceness. or maybe it was the murder threat that helped.
whichever. ill keep doing both just to be sure. 
Posted at 4:47 AM, 5392 notes
Mod Hell note: Please note that Bucky did not feed bread to the duck. That is because bread is BAD FOR BIRDS and you should never give it to them, as it can cause serious health problems. Nuts and veggies are good. Google it.
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jiminstagram · 7 years
...scarred (word vomit)
if ppl saw the difference in the content of my twitter and tumblr in the past 24 hours, i dont think ppl would think both accounts are under the same person.
I’ve managed to keep my tumblr free from everything that has happened in the last 24 hours but now i just want to get my own thoughts off my chest about the fire in North Kensington, London. I have too many ppl that I personally know on twitter who would laugh at me writing this so im keeping to tumblr for this post bc not that many ppl know me in person on here. 
Many of you may not know but in the early hours of yesterday there was a HUGE tragedy that has affected hundreds of people living in that tower in West London (just type in Grenfell Tower Fire onto google for the full story). 
I’ve watched some videos of the fire on twitter and it sickened me to know that hundreds were trapped in that building with no way to escape, knowing that the fire/smoke would eventually get up to their floor and kill them. I’ve never really been someone who has cried at these events (i’ve become somewhat to desensitised esp living in London where we’re suffering from terrorist attacks more regularly) but this honestly blew my mind because there was no evil person that directly caused this to happen. It was a fire that travelled all the way from the 2nd floor all the way up to the 23rd/24th floor and had blocked the only escape route. As I was translating the news for my mum, I suddenly realised my eyes were wet whilst listening to shocking survivors accounts - people were jumping, parents threw their children out of the window from various floors in a desperate attempt to save them and others on the top floors were switching their lights on and off for over two hours, to let people know they were still inside and needed to be rescued, only for them to realise that no one was coming to help them. they were going to die, trapped in a 24 storey building. horrific. i feel sick 
I have no connection to this area but I just cant stop thinking about it? Earlier on I felt slightly embarrassed for crying so out of the blue in front of my mum bc I’ve never done that before. My heart actually hurts and I feel sick to my stomach hearing these stories and watching videos of ppl recording their last video before their death and praying to God. I saw a video where a lady was reciting her surahs after realising they couldnt get out so she just locked the door and waited....it was harrowing.  I know its unlikely but I pray that those people are found alive :’( 
I havent been able to get it off my mind for the whole day (apart from a couple of hours where I was at a gender reveal + iftar party) but now Im in bed watching all these videos. I’d like to believe that I’m not an emotional person but I cant stop crying even though i dont know why bc this has nothing to do with me whatsoever. thinking about the fact that whole families (many of them poor/working class) DIED, trapped in their flats in that fire; has been a disgustingly unforgettable thing. imagine all of those ppl living nearby who SAW it happen - saw ppl from their windows yelling for help but they couldnt do ANYTHING apart from just stand there at the bottom of the building and watch. It was heartbreaking for me (someone who wasnt even there) to listen to the children screaming for help in one of the videos.  
The most amazing thing about this is how people all over the country have got together to help the survivors by donating tonnes of water, food, clothes and blankets as well as other things bc these people are now homeless since the entire building went up in flames and is completely destroyed.  
 I want to help but I’ve got work tmrw and after that im going straight to Northampton insha’Allah. 
Also I’ve never done this before but please donate and the point of this post was just for me to get somethings of my chest but to anyone who reads this - if you have the means PLEASE DONATE. even if it’s like £2    - https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/familiesofgrenfelltower 
obv our government have a lot to answer for in regards to why this was much worse than it should have been -
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