#if only she was more than her fathers daughter if only he was more than his mothers son
asumi2020202 · 1 day
Blessing disguised as a Curse
Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x Targaryen!reader.
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A/N: After the 1st episode of season two I'm currently obsessing over Jacaerys. So, many Jacaerys stories will be uploaded as well as Aemond cuz I Love him too. Thank you for reading this fiction.
Summary: You were Alicent's daughter. Younger than the three, Aegon, Aemond and Helaena but older than Daeron. After returning from Dragonstone, Rhaenyra proposes a marriage pact between her eldest and you. A man your mother had warned you about.
People and gatherings made you nervous. Anxiety coursed through your veins everytime someone started a conversation with you. Solitude was what you preferred. Your comfort was your sister and by some means her bugs as well.
Your mother warned you of the people that were coming back to Kings Landing. She told you to keep distance from them. Though you paid almost no mind to her words which were half controlled by your grandsire, you couldn't help but ponder about those people she talked about.
You knew them from the start before they fled to Dragonstone after taking your precious brother's eye. You had felt hatred towards them but 'what if they change?' You had thought countless of times.
You loved your siblings more than anything. Having a father only by name in the court and a stranger in the halls as he supported your half-sister with everything she had done even if it was killing someone.
You love them. You tried to be there for them through everything. You love Aegon even if was arrogant and misbehaving. You love Aemond even if he wanted revenge. You love Helaena even if she is called weird by others and is obsessed with bugs. You love Daeron even if you have almost no memory of him left.
You were playing with little Jaehaerys and Jaehaera while Helaena was telling you more facts about bugs. She loved that her baby sister also had interest in her bugs and helps her catch them.
"Did you know that butterflies join their bodies together to reproduce?" Helaena asks you meeting your gaze.
"Really? I used to think they flap their wings together." You reply as you played with Jaehaerys while little Jaehaera sat on your lap.
"Hmm. The male butterfly often dies soon after they mate." Helaena spoke as her gaze shifted back on her embroidery.
"So then the female butterfl-" you were going to reply when the doors opened to reveal your mother.
Both you and Helaena looked up at her while the children were escorted away by the maids. " They have landed. Remember what I have told you my sweelings. Be on your best behaviours." Alicent spoke.
"Yes mother we understand " you replied speaking for both you and your sister. Alicent left the room after nodding at you.
After meeting with her daughters, Alicent left their room. A maid informed her that Princess Rhaenyra had wanted to meet with her.
Alicent let the maid guide her to the room where Rhaenyra was present. When they reached the place, the maid opened the door to let the Queen inside.
Alicent was met with Rhaenyra. She could tell just by the looks that Rhaenyra was pregnant.
"It has been too long since we were granted the chance to converse" Alicent spoke, breaking the silence.
"Indeed it has been. I know you were busy with the royal matters at hand, so I asked for you at a time when you would be free." Rhaenyra replied looking into Alicent's eyes.
"Is there any important matter that you wish to discuss with me?" Alicent asked.
"Yes, there is one actually. The rift between us has lived far too long. I propose a marriage pact. My son Jacaerys will inherit the Iron Throne after me. Let my son and your youngest daughter be betrothed together so they shall rule together.
We are one family. And long before that we were close friends." Rhaenyra said and looked at Alicent for an answer.
"I sh-" Alicent was going to speak but Rhaenyra interjected.
"This marriage will help us reconcile with each other." She said.
"I shall think of it and give you your answer after the feast tonight." Alicent replied. "Thank you your grace." Rhaenyra smiled at her.
Alicent had requested an audience with her father after meeting Rhaenyra to discuss about the marriage.
"Father I can't just sacrifice my child." Alicent pleaded. "I know Alicent but this marriage can help us take the throne and make Aegon the king." Otto reasoned.
"Tell Rhaenyra that you agree to this proposal. If y/n is married to her son then it will be easier to control them. When the throne is returned to the rightful heir, it will be easier to prevent war." Otto continued.
Alicent feeling defeated, agreed to her father's request.
You were in your sister's chambers, waiting for her to get finished dressing up so you both could attend the feast together.
Your dress was simple yet the details on it were impressive. It was was a navy blue dress with golden details. It made you look ethereal.
When Helaena was done, the both of you left the chambers together. Holding tightly onto the hands of your sister as the maids escorted you to the feast hall.
All were seated at the table only getting up when Viserys arrived before sitting down again.
You were seated on the right side of Helaena as Aegon sat on her left. Aemond sat at the end of the table. Rhaena and Baela sat on your right. Starting small conversations which you could connect to and laugh with them.
You were trying hard to not feel nervous. You couldn't really face upfront only talking to Rhaena, Baela and Helaena.
Jacaerys had never thought you to be so beautiful over the years. When he first saw you after the years, he hadn't believed it was you. Only five and ten yet you were the most beautiful lady in his eyes. He had seen you accidentally when he was watching Aemond train, you stood in your balcony gazing at the sky. It was he who actually reasoned with his mother to marry you to him.
He couldn't take his eyes off of you during the feast. The way the dress showed your curves. The way you white hair was style. The necklace on your neck. He was in love.
You on the other hand couldn't even meet his gaze after what your mother told you.
'His brother took your brother's eye, who knows if one day he comes and decides to bring harm to us as well.' she had said.
Jace got up, walking upto you. Lending his hand forward, asking for a dance. You looked at your mother who just nodded. After which you had accepted his hand.
He led you to the side. The music had started. As you both started to dance. He didn't seem so bad. He seemed gentle, offering you bright smiles to which you just gave some small ones.
He looked different. Different than how your mother described him. Ruthless, arrogant, selfish and such.
After the feast, when the children went to their designated chambers, Alicent told Rhaenyra that she had accepted the marriage proposal. That she would try to forget the past and reconcile with her.
The two women decided that they shall break the news to the children and the king next morning, bidding each other a good night.
You woke early as usual. Your maids had prepared you for the day. A knock on the door took your attention.
It was Jace.
The one who you felt some type of attachment to after the previous feast. He stood infront of your door as he said "Our mothers have requested an audience with us at the King's chambers. I was asked to inform you and take you to them."
"Very well then my prince, let us leave at once." You replied, getting up from your seat and walking down the corridor with him.
'My prince?' oh how sweet it sounded coming from your mouth. But he didn't want 'my prince', he wanted 'husband'.
He knew why they both were called, his mother told him yesterday night before he fell asleep. That the two would be married soon.
Upon arrival at the King's chambers, you greeted your mother, Rhaenyra and the king.
"Ah you've arrived. Do sit. Your mother and I have agreed on something and we wish for your answer as well." Rhaenyra said giving a smile while holding hands with Alicent like she used to when they were children.
You nodded your head as a sign for her to continue speaking.
"We have decided that you and my son Jace shall be betrothed together for the harmony of our family. Your mother has agreed and so has Jace but I wish for your answer." Rhaenyra finished her saying.
"It is a most judicious proposition. Wouldn't you agree daughter?" King Viserys who was resting in his armchair spoke up.
You looked at your mother, who stared at you and offered a smile and then to Jacaerys who looked around your face to find any kind of rejection.
You looked up at Rhaenyra, anxiety flaring through and spoke "if it can help the family be whole again and please my mother then I shall agree."
Rhaenyra's face brightened as did Jace's. Alicent only nodded.
"Well then. I believe we can start with the preparations right away." Rhaenyra said getting up to hold your hands as you looked up to her.
"You've warned me my entire life about them mother, and now you simply marry me off to him. I don't get you." You spoke to your mother calmly.
"Sweetling, I know it is difficult for you but it is for the greater good. It is to uphold the realm and make peace." Alicent reasoned while placing her hand on your face.
No other word was spoken as you went back to your chambers.
You liked Jacaerys after the events of last night but you couldn't help but worry about what your mother told you. You couldn't help but worry about your siblings, you would have to leave your home and go to Dragonstone with them.
Three days since that day, your wedding was held. You and Jace cut your lips and the your palms. Holding your hands together, you both drank from the same cup with your other hands. The septa reciting the vows the both of you had to take.
Your families bear witness of the event. Of the love that was to blossom.
After the feast that was held, you left for your now shared chambers in the red keep.
Jacaerys came in a moment after you. You felt nervous. It was your first night together. As if a miracle, he sense your nervousness.
"Is something bothering you dear wife? You even left the feast early." He asked softly not to startle you.
Wife. Oh how you knew you will love him just from how that word slipped from his mouth.
"It is nothing lord husband. It's just that I don't fare well in gatherings. I find solace in solitude." You reply back.
"Well I hope that from now on I can be your solace." Jacaerys replied with his bright smile as he came closer to you. Your chest almost touching his lower chest.
He was tall. You had tilt your head up to meet him. You didn't move aside as he cupped your cheeks and looked at your for permission.
As you nodded, he took the sign and kissed you. You both had consummated that night for the first time.
The day came when you had to leave with them to Dragonstone. You would eventually come back when Rhaenyra would be crowned.
You stood before your siblings and parents, kissing the cheeks of your siblings. "Will you come back soon muña?" Aunt.
"Of course my little cuddle bears." You said as you crouched down to meet the level of your nephew and niece.
You climbed on top of your dragon, Moonfyre as they all bid you farewell. You heart saddened as you thought that Helaena would be alone now with Aegon ignoring her. Aemond might not even apply his ointments properly. And your mother.. would be lonely.
Moonfyre sensed your worry and sadness, letting out a low groan. She was as beautiful as the night. A white dragon whose color slowly went from white to grey. Eyes as bright as the moon, earning her name when she hatched.
Viserys was dead. It had been moons since you left. A raven had informed Rhaenyra that her half brother Aegon had usurped the throne.
The weight of the matter forced her to go in labor. Her child was a stillborn. It pained her. You knew it tore her from the inside but she had to focus one the matters at hand.
Ser Eryyk had came with the crown of King Jaehaerys I. Daemon crowned her as the queen as all bowed. Otto came to make peace with them which resulted in rejection straight up in his face.
She sent her sons to earn the favor of other houses.
"Y/n" you heard her call you from the back as stood near the stairs of Dragonstone, gazing at the sea.
"Come walk with me" she told you. As you both went down the stairs to the beach, you both had a gentle conversation.
"Do you wish to switch sides? I would not blame you if you do for they are your family." Rhaenyra spoke.
"All my life, I've seen them being neglected. By both father and mother. I was their and still am their comfort source.
Aegon always told me that he will not sit the iron throne. He told me that being a king will only hold him down in one place, and that he wishes to fly free like a dragon." You pause, looking at her eyes while gently holding her hand before continuing.
"And now they tell me that he has Usurped the throne. That he is now the king and that he now rules. That doesn't seem like the Aegon i know." You told her as she looked at you and nodded her head.
You stood in the middle of Rhaena and Baela as see someone tell Rhaenyra a few words as she broke down.
She turned around, her eyes filled with rage and sorrow.
Lucerys was dead. Vhagar attacked him.
You felt helpless. Did your brother intentionally kill the Heir to Driftmark? You knew he had a deep hatred for Lucerys for taking his eye. But he wouldn't go as far as to kill him.
A raven had been sent to Jacaerys, informing him of the news. You couldn't face the queen. She knew you were innocent but that cannot pardon the sin of your brother.
You had began to open up but now your alone again. The little child seeking solitude. Hiding from people.
A raven had arrived, delivering a letter to you. It was from the Red Keep. It was Aegon.
Dear Sister,
I know what has been done cannot be changed, but Aemond didn't actually wanted to kill Luke. It was grandsire. He got in his head like mother. He lost control over Vhagar.
I don't wish to rule. They told me that inorder for Rhaenyra to rule, she would have to kill us. That she would kill us all to secure the throne for her and her son. Grandsire said the same thing to Mother the other day, I had overheard it.
This war shouldn't happen. It will tear all of us apart. We are not the enemy of the blacks nor are they ours. Our enemy is Otto Hightower. He wants to rule the kingdom indirectly by being the hand.
Tell our half sister that we must work together. That I am willing to lay down my throne. She will be the Protector of the Realm. I know this is a crucial time for you but stay safe.
-Yours truly
You didn't know what to say. You were Alicent's daughter, who would believe you. They might consider you a traitor as well. You clutched the letter to your chest.
You walls finally broke. You broke down on the bed. It was him from the beginning. Otto Hightower. Anger and pain surrounded you. You cried as you brought your knees to your chest and hid your face there.
The door slowly opened which you hadn't noticed. It was Jacaerys. He had a melancholy look in his eyes as well as of guilt and hatred.
He hated seeing you cry. His Lady Wife. He gently put his head on your back. You looked up to meet his gaze with a tearful look.
The way he looked broke your heart. He looked used and betrayed. You got up and met his gaze again never letting go of the letter.
"Lord husband-" you started but he shakes his head as a no.
"Don't. Don't speak." He tried to say it normally but it came out cold as he walked towards the desk in your room to perhaps look for something.
"Please listen to me. He is innocent. I got a ra-" You started again but got cut off.
""Innocent?! He killed my brother! How can you possibly call him innocent?! My brother went as a messager. He vowed not to fight and Your Brother!..... Took advantage of that!" He screamed at you. For the first time. You had never seen him so angry even when your brothers teased him. He looked at you with hatred.
Tears flooded your vision again. He had never raised his voice at you. You knew it was due to the loss of his brother but that didn't hurt any less.
"I understand your pain. But you must listen to me! At least once hus-" you reasoned which angered him further.
"How can you understand My pain?! T'is I who lost my brother not you. And whats there to listen to? That your brother killed him accidentally?!
Tell me. Were you also a part of this? I truly thought you had loved me. But it seems you're the same as well!" He shouted again coming closer to you.
"I truly do love you. Please believe me!" Your tears flowed freely.
"No you don't. Tell me... Was this marriage also a scheme of you and your family?! Shut up, just shut up for once!"
Your eyes went wide. He wanted you to shut up. You were bothering him. He doubted your love for him. His own eyes widened a bit when he realised what he said. He left the chambers in a hurry not wanting to discuss about this further.
Your chest felt tight. You couldn't breathe properly. You had trouble while trying to inhale the air.
As Jacaerys left the chambers, he felt as if his clothes were too tight for his body. He saw Baela and Rhaena bringing your food to your chambers like they have been since the day they received the news of Luke.
They nodded at him as he reciprocated.
As they went inside the chambers, a scream could be heard. Possibly from Baela. It could be heard from all the corners of the castle.
Jace heard it before anyone else as his heart stopped. He rushed straight back to the shared room as he saw Baela cradling your unconscious, small form to her chest while Rhaena panicked and told the maids to call for the maesters.
His breathing stopped as he saw his mother and Princess Rhaenys enter the room along with the maester and maids. His mother looked at him as his eyes filled with tears.
First he lost Lucerys he can't lose you too. He didn't mean anything he said.
Jacaerys paced around the hall infront of your room. He watched as Rhaena guided his little brother Joffery to his room. Joffery was fond of you which warmed Jace's heart.
As the maesters came out both he and Rhaenyra stood up.
"How is she?" He asked them.
"She has a heavy fever. It possibly happened due to excessive stress. She must have bed rest. " The maesters spoke before leaving.
It had been 2 days. You were yet to wake up. Moonfyre's cries and wails could be heard from everywhere. She was uncomfortable. Her bonded sister was not well and she could sense it.
Jace held your hand as he apologized over and over again. His tears wetting the sheets.
Your eyes slowly opened. Adjusting to the bright light. Jace looked up to see you now wide awake, trying to sit up.
"No no lay down. You need rest. The maester said you were stressed." He said. His voice quivering.
"Don't cry. I understand your part. I'm sorry I am not what you wish for. I know you wouldn't want to be with a murderer's sister. Hence I give you full permission to take a second wife." You gently said while looking at him.
"No shut up." He said lowly not believing what you said. "I didn't mean anything I said that day. I am sorry." He spoke.
You looked out the window remembering the last time he had asked you to shut up. Tears again filled your eyes which you blinked away but Jace noticed.
"My love i didn't mean it that way. Please believe me." He pleaded shaking his head as held your hand tight.
News spreads fast in the castle. A maid had informed the rest that you were awake. Daemon was with Caraxes and lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys were somewhere on the beach.
Rhaenyra, Rhaena and Baela came to the your chambers. The sisters came beside you as they held onto your hand.
Even though you were the daughter of their enemy, they loved you. You were different.
Rhaenyra looked at her son before turning her gaze to you. She felt disappointed in her son after she learned about the argument.
You asked Rhaena for the letter kept on your bedside table as your body was too weak to move. You probably need a few more weeks to be healthy again.
You asked her to give it Rhaenyra.
As Rhaenyra opened the letter and read it's contents, she felt clueless. She didn't realise the state of the other side. Her companion was manipulated from the start.
She held your hand and gave you a sad look. She handed the letter to Jace as she thought that he should read it as well.
His heart broke. You tried to tell him everything but he refused to listen. You tried to explain everything but he only badmouthed you.
Rhaenyra promised you that Otto Hightower will be punished and that none of your siblings would be harmed.
"Muña!" "Muñaa" came two bubbly voice as they ran to you. You crouched down and opened your arms. The force of your nephew and niece's weight made you fall flat on your butt.
Jacaerys smiled as he saw the reunion. Infront of him stood your four siblings whom you kissed on the cheeks and hugged after getting up.
It was Rhaenyra's official coronation day. Otto Hightower was beheaded for his schemes against the crown.
Rhaenyra and Alicent were finally together again after Rhaenyra found Daemon with Nettles.
All of the royal family stood as King Jaehaerys' crown was placed upon her head. All gave their respects to their first queen.
Jacaerys held your hand tight as he smiled at you which you reciprocated.
As night fell over kings landing, you and Jace retired to your new shared chambers.
"Husband. Join me in bed." You requested. Your body glowing in your night gown because of the moonlight.
"Of course avy jorrāelan." Jace replied as he climbed on top of the bed and over your body, pinning you down.
He kissed you passionately as one of your hand cupped his face while the other held onto his neck for support.
His naked chest glowed like yours in the moonlight.
"You are most precious thing I have my love." He said as pulled away from your lips.
"And you, my lord husband, came in my life like a blessing disguised as a curse." You said as you both looked at each other and hungrily kissed each other.
The two of slept a long time after consummating the entire night.
He truly did came in your life like a Blessing disguised as a Curse.....
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ninibeingdelulu · 1 day
Calmness ✧
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Plot: Ken and you have a real daughter.
A/N: kinda short :(
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Soft evening light filtered through the den, casting everything in that warm, nostalgic glow you'd come to associate with pure contentment over these past few blissful years together.
Ken's attention remained transfixed on that vintage baseball game rerun flickering across the flatscreen.
Body settled deep into those overstuffed couch cushions with one leg casually crossed over the other in peak middle-aged dad repose.
But it was the tiny, swaddled bundle cradled against his barrel chest that held your rapt fascination from the archway.
Soaking in every precious detail of their serene tableau with an overflow of maternal adoration swelling in your breast.
At just three months old, your newborn daughter remained utterly oblivious to her surroundings - cherubic features smoothed into perfect repose while bronzed lashes fanned over porcelain cheeks.
One little fist tucked up beneath her chin while the other tiny starfish hand rested atop Ken's broad pec, rising and falling with each of his steady rumbles.
Her doting father absently brushed the pad of his thumb in soothing circles over the minuscule knuckles. Never once taking those transfixed mahogany pools off your slumbering miracle's face as if committing every microscopic shift to eternal memory.
That singular worshipful reverie you'd immediately recognized and fallen hopelessly in love with all over again these past few weeks.
The exact same soul-deep look Ken once bestowed solely upon the orphaned kaiju he'd raised before watching her depart for greener pastures - now magnified tenfold through his unbreakable connection to your shared offspring.
A permanent reminder of the family you created together from that cosmic loneliness.
"She's not at all like Emi was , is she?" You murmured, footsteps barely audible across the plush carpet until dropping onto the open cushion space beside him.
Ken responded with only a low rumbling hum from his broad chest while immediately unfurling that sheltering arm around your shoulders.
Cocooning you into his solid, familiar warmth until your cheek smooshed comfortably against the firmness of his shoulder. Close enough to press a wandering caress across your tiny miracle's silken crown.
"No - she's not. She's ours." A meaningful pause preceded Ken's soft, gravelly rasp ghosting across your hairline. "Our daughter...our real baby that you gave me, sweetheart. One I'll guard with my life the same way I do for you always."
Melting into the tender, possessive squeeze encircling your trim waist, you craned your chin up against his collarbone to receive that lingering brush over your puckered lips.
Ken's soulful gaze locked onto yours - swimming depths of protective ferocity tamed only through utter reverence for the two solitary souls anchoring his universe now.
The unspoken mantra of doing anything to safeguard the loves of his life until extinction itself.
"You've already given me more than enough happiness to last a trillion lifetimes, babe. Thank you," he whispered hoarsely against your skin.
"For being everything I could've dreamed during those cold, empty decades..."
You stifled the tiny sniffle by reclaiming his questing mouth in a searing, needful communion - conveying through satin caresses alone just how desperately you treasured this man and the profound sanctuary of family he'd bestowed upon you.
Your Ultraman, protector, partner, and living legacy of insurmountable love all in one. Cradling you both to his gallant hero's heart for eternity.
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 days
Heyo! I've been loving the content! Especially new management, that was a phenomenal read. Was wondering if you had further thoughts or scenes on it or on the Single Dad Au? I think the only story I like better than these two is congratulations, it triplets!
Adore your work! Phenomenal!
Damian did not trust Daniel Fenton.
The man pretended like he wanted nothing from his Father besides his heart—not his wealth, not his influence, not his company, and not even his vast amount of skills.
Even Damian's mother—who was in love with Father for a time—could not conceal the knowledge that marrying Father would elevate her position in Grandfather's eyes. There was a time when Damian believed love—the romantic type—was not real, that it was unnecessary.
Since his arrival at Wayne Manor, he's learned to acknowledge that love does exist, but he still believes it's never unconditional. He knows that Fenton has to be after something. He attempted to find the answer, but as loath as he was to admit it, Damian had not detected any hit of what Fenton was after.
His hours of surveillance on the man only showed him that Fenton enjoyed writing for his silly little book series- a fantasy novelist how quant- but was self-published and did not attempt to get father to fund him
. Fenton also spent much time with his daughter but seemed happy to support her in anything she wanted as long as she put in the effort, so he was not after Father influenced her. Fenton had no interest in Wayne Enterprises, often looking a tad bored whenever Father spoke of it- not dismissive, just lost- which meant he wasn't after the company.
He discovered that Fenton lived modestly despite having a decent amount of funds. He was middle class and seemed rather happy to stay in the middle class.
Damian would have looked deeper into Fenton, but Father had caught on to his surveillance and had forbidden him from scaring away his lover. Knowing that he required backup, Damian had called a sibling meeting.
He was expecting better results than them just speaking about the benefits of Fenton and Father dating. They should focus on how to defend Father's heart once Fenton's true intentions become visible.
It wasn't that Fenton didn't love Father- or getting there- but he would have a darker side to him that Father was unprepared for. Damian was sure of it.
He just needed to find it.
That's why he approached the man's daughter. Indeed, she would open the opportunity to get closer to the man after his father without using his training to follow Fenton. Father could not fault his brilliant walkabout.
Damian was just not prepared for her to be more tolerable than the regular fools in Gotham. She was a fellow artist with a love of nature and travel.
She took him to different parts of Gotham, where they could find animals and wonderful buildings to draw. Dani also always shared her music—he didn't want to listen, but it allowed him to build a profile on her—and he found she also had an application for classical covers of pop music.
Dani also seemed so unbothered by anything. She moved as if she had never been weighed down by any issues. She was weightless but not lost. Seeing someone so at peace with themselves was odd, so Damian sometimes forgot why he was spending time with her.
Sometimes, he just relaxed with her and spoke to her, and really, she was far better than the fools his Father took in.
Dani one day asked if he would go with her to the mall. She wanted some new clothes, and Damian found that her style was rather artistic. This style also caused many stares from those close to their age.
He watched as she walked through the street, owning it with her presence and powerful, unchained personality. Then she acted like she didn't even care, though she definitely knew it.
That is why when she offered to help him buy an outfit, Damian agreed with far too much enthusiasm before she finished. He even wore it out of the store, feeling...like he got close to her unchained freedom. He kept glancing into the reflection of mirrors, a rish of glee at how great he felt in clothes that he would have scoffed at.
He also appreciated how people gawked at them as if they were the most fascinating thing they had ever seen. Damina enjoyed following beside Dani's stride, grinning up at her as she told jokes.
"Dude, it's crazy to think that if our Dads get married, we'll be siblings," she says one day, and Damian startles. She leans over, helping him adjust the beanie she got him, a more blurt red of her own, and Damian's eyes go very wide as she grins at him.
Damian's eyes go very wide.
He hadn't even thought of that.
He races home after she takes him to a slam poetry night, snapping her fingers with that interesting, peaceful, fully in-the-moment-without-stress personality of hers.
Damian kicks the door to Father's office and shouts, "Father, you must marry Daniel Fenton at once!"
He misses that Fenton is also there, sipping from a teacup. He'd never seen Father look that embarrassed before, either. Though Fenton seemed rather pleased, which helped his new quest of making Dani his new, much more enjoyable sister that left him in awe.
She promised to take him to her favorite store for more pastel goth outfits next week, too. Once her father marries in, they might turn it into a weekly thing.
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devoutekuna · 3 days
The first meeting
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He wasn't the best when it came to showing affection or anything emotion really, unless it was something barbaric. So when his daughter came out he was already fighting the nurses to hold her. "Isn't she cute?" Holding your baby in your arms as you checked her out fully, noticing the pink hair standing out against her plush face. She looked just like her father, small dark marks on her face which resembled sukuna's, much to your dismay as you had carried her for 9 months just for her to come out a carbon copy of him. "I guess" he wasn't big on children, he normally ate them. Sat beside you as he watched how you awed over her. "Hold her" ushering for him to take her. "No" he didn't like babies, in fact, he didn't like much people other than you. "Come on Ryo" hands stuck out as you offered her up. Giving in as he knew how you would keep on asking, the small bundle taken into his arms.
Nanami was probably the first one to hold her when she came out, that's how he met her, normally at this time he would be arriving back from work with your favourite food just to give you a massage after missing him for so long. Though, right now he was sat in the hospital cradling his newborn daughter, adjusting her light pink hat so he could see her beautiful face, practically the same as yours. Smiling at the sight of his newborn sleeping, holding himself from grabbing her cheek. "Isn't she cute kento?" Peering down at how low his face was. Nodding in response, normally he'd always use his words unless he was getting emotional, which you had never seen before.
"Isn't she a cute baby?" You were barely awake, eyes fighting to stay open just to watch your husband ramble on about his newborn. Today he wasn't reading the room right now, talking too much when he should have shut up hours ago, just nodding along to whatever the man said. "She looks a lot like you." Smiling at you only to face when he saw how tired you looked. "My bad, get some sleep, I'll take care of her!" Placing her back in the bassinet beside your bed as he kissed your cheek.
"Can he walk Y/N?" Not giving you time to answer as he stared to call for your newborn "come here Satoru JR" motioning for him to walk towards him, normally your husband was smarter than this but as soon as he got to take his newborn home he was in an erratic frenzy, completely loosing any sense of logic. "His name isn't Satoru JR!" You were too tired to even argue with the man. "Shh, it's his nickname" giving you a quick peck on the lips to shut you up. "What can he do then?" Sighing how stupid your husband sounded. "Nothing Satoru." "Really?" A bit shocked that his son couldn't do anything other than, eat, cry and sleep.
"Can I hold her?" "Are you sure she's not too hot?" "What if she has a big appetite and needs more milk?" Normally he'd never care this much about someone, but he did for his newborn daughter, she was barely a day old and he was already fondling all over her. Fingers underneath her nose to check if she was breathing, two fingers under her chin or on her wrist to catch the faintest pulse. He was awake all night staring at her in case something bad happened. Arms wrapped around your body as he laid awake staring at the little girl, noticing any small movement. Eventually he'd fall asleep in the crook of your neck, breath slowing down as he fell asleep, arms tightened around your body when he slept, it always annoyed you as there was no way to escape his grasp unless he woke up.
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janovavalen · 3 days
love story .°୭̥ ❁ ˎˊ˗ jacaerys velaryon x targaryen!reader
summary: jace knew he’d be bond to marry sooner or later, what he didn’t expect was for it to be someone so beautiful such as his sister .
warnings: causal HOD incest, cursing, pregnancy and birth , arranged marriage, sexual intimacy; p in v, oral (m receiving), yearning, jealousy (slight), mentions of miscarriage, slight reader x aemond (one sided)
all show rights of HOUSE OF DRAGON belong to hbo im simply a girl who likes to write ff about the obsessions i have🙈.
word count: 10,236 (ts took days)
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the day had been in the middle of its time. the sun was near to setting and the sky was clearing with a beautiful color of pink and blue filling it.
jace had been woken up by the maids and his mother rushing into his room causing him to be startled to wake.
‘mother?’ he mumbled while sitting up only to be cut off by her rushing voice— ‘jacaerys it is important you rush to get ready, y/n will be on her way very soon—‘ while she rushed to his side to get him up and ready with the maids rushing to his side as well with his clothes to prepare.
‘wait, why is she coming here?’ he asked dumbly while he still tried to fight the previous sleep that consumed his body and mind.
rhaenyra smiling softly before placing her hands on each side of his face soothed down his messy hair and mumbled—‘you are to be betrothed, y/n is a very beautiful girl who has many accomplishments. she is coming back from her travels.’’ she told him.
‘will there be a ball?’ he asked hoping she’d say no only for her to give a small smile before she made exit so she could get the rest of the family up and ready while the maids walked to his side.
groaning a little at the fact the house would be filled with people he tried to ignore it.
y/n? he could only remember her very little. he knows that he's the daughter of daemon who is married to his mother, and birthed by his mother. making the two siblings by half blood.
jacaerys never had a problem with their family costumes. he knew they did it for a very good reason and he didn’t see anything wrong with it by far. the people and maids of the tower however, could strongly disagree.
when he was done and fitted into his clothes, his hair neatly done to show for appeal. making his way out of his chambers and down the great hall that was brightened softly with the fire set on the sides of the wall.
when he finally reached the throne room was when he was sent with the rest of his family all standing and waiting for him and y/n to arrive. the family all dressed to perfection. his mother in a dress, his father with his hair neatly done and brushed back along with his brother who had been neatly put together as well.
‘when will she arrive?’ lucerys asked his mother.
‘she should be here any minute now’ she told him while placing her hand on the back of his head to sooth his hair.
‘i hope so, nobody at this time of night would expect a guest. let alone a gathering for a simple meeting such as this.’ daemon grumbled. he looked as though he had just woken up, causing rhaenyra to smile a bit.
‘she is your daughter—‘
‘i never said she wasn’t welcome, just…this could’ve waited until the morning.’ he says back while looking down at her. rhaenyra on the other hand, had no problem at all. she was beyond happy to get to see her daughter again, especially so soon.
is this marriage went well, she would have to move back into the house with her, and that alone made her happy. y/n had always been a woman of choice, she never stayed in one place and would rather do things a man would do.
but that didn’t mean she didn’t like being a woman, she accepted it more than anything and didn’t let anyone choose the house she was to live because of her sex.
finally, the great doors opened and about ten guards came in on each side, when they were fully into the room with their armor on, they set themselves into the room, positioned perfectly across each other.
and finally the guest of the night, y/n. she came walking in with her long white hair resting behind her perfectly with two braids. some strands fell along her shoulders. her dress that almost resembled ones her mother used to wear but it had a bit more skin to show along her cleavage and arms.
jacaerys was expecting her to look different, but what he wasn’t expecting was her too look as beautiful as she did right now. her skin, soft, glowing under the light of the room, her eyes deep purple; she was the only one in the whole family to receive such, which had its own mysterious beauty. he felt as though his world slowed around him and his face grew warm.
she smiled sweetly while dropping her arms that were held together in formality to hug her mother who hurried to wrap her arms around her form. he watched as she held a mature look her her smile. daemon smiled back at y/n who gave him a more natural greeting.
the two were close but not as close as she was with her mother. jacaerys waited patiently as y/n made her way down the line of her family by hugging lucerys who hugged her back with a smile, his head rested near her chest.
when she finally got to jacaerys, was when he felt his posture straighten up. he held his head as high as she did.
‘y/n’ he mumbled as she rolled her eyes and shook her head softly; going into him for a warm hug as well. he was sure she knew why she was here, he just didn’t know why she seemed to not be phased by the fact she was marrying her slightly older brother.
‘come now, we shall discuss matters elsewhere.’ their mother called them with her hand outstretched and open for y/n to take, daemon close behind the two who talked amongst themselves. jacaerys watched them as lucerys came next to him with a grin.
‘are you happy to be marrying? i’m sure you are, especially to y/n’ he teased but underneath it all was truth. jacaerys inhaled and spoke lowly—‘i’m happy to be marrying a familiar face and not someone i don’t know…you would know how it feels soon’. he told his brother who almost gulped at the fact of getting married.
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when they got to the dining hall, there was food all set out, some being still brought to the table by maids who rushed, making sure they didn’t slip up and get yelled at for taking to long.
sitting at their spots, it was almost a custom to sit by whoever you were betrothed to. y/n taking her seat in a chair close to her mother with jacaerys close behind her as he sat in the chair beside.
lucerys sitting a bit on his own but across from his mother. daemon was the first to begin eating, leaving the rest of the family to follow. y/n has been reaching for things and jacaerys seeing, he grabbed them for her and she smiled sweetly in thanks.
rhaenyra had tried to observe how the two would act with each other before she made her final decision in marrying the two. if she were to marry them, she’d want it to be on pure intentions and not just for marriage. she watched them, y/n saying something leaving him to smile deeply.
she could see a faint pink hue on his cheeks making her smile. she didn’t want to marry them off, but she didn’t want them to be forced into a marriage with someone they didn’t know. she would rather have them together, because she knew they will take care of one another.
while she watched a bit more, she observed how jacaerys poured her a cup of whatever she was having when she was finished, filled her plate with things she was done eating and talked to occasionally in between each bite. daemon could see rhaenyra watching them and it drove him to do the same.
he didn’t have much of a choice, but he was happy with what he was eyeing so far—‘children.’ she began, her three kids looking at her in unison, y/n’s hands that held her fork and knife, let them go slowly to be placed on each side of her plate. jacaerys, looking up at her while he gulped down a bit of his wine and lucerys looking up immediately when he swallowed the last bit of chicken.
‘i’m sure you know why y/n is here…for marriage.’ she added, the two; y/n and jacaerys instinctively straightening their posture together.
‘i have made this decision, for pure intentions, and for the knowledge that you two are in the search for a betrothal. myself, have been thinking . and i chose jacaerys and y/n. i do not wish for you two to be in something that is not pure.’ rhaenyra told them as they listened closely. when she went into further detail, they only nodded in understanding.
y/n hadn’t been bothered by the decision her mother made because she knew she meant well. after a bit more decision and the new knowledge that the marriage would be that very night, along with a ball; was when y/n was thrown off.
‘mother, tonight? why not in the morning? let along a gathering this late?’ what she had asked only further proved how much of her father she has in her. smiling softly before thinking she finally nodded in agreement.
‘fine, i see that it would be a hassle to have everyone and everything ready by then, it will happen sometime soon. for now, y/n, get settled in and feel welcomed as always. this is your home after all.’ rhaenyra told her daughter who smiled at her and her father who grinned at the fact she was able to get her mother to change plans until tomorrow.
for now, the family all sat and ate together in peace. jacaerys still occasionally helping y/n with things she couldn’t reach for it was across the table which she would smile and lean into him as a thanks.
‘lucerys, how has things been for you? smooth?’ y/n swallowed some of her food down with a sip of wine while her focused stayed on her brother. he nodded and began to speak.
‘things have been good, sword fighting is well, and i am to be betrothed’ he smiled a bit when y/n did.
betrothed? to whom?’ she pondered while leaning forward on the the table.
‘to rhaena’ he told. y/n nodded her head knowing that she was her half sister on her fathers side.
‘mm, i see. and how are things going in that area?’ y/n wondered. she hoped it was nothing but good, her wishing came with grace when he smiled softly at his plate.
‘things are all well, nothing bad has happened and we are moving smoothly.’ he told his sister who smiled warmly at this.
‘that is good to know. well, all things aside, i will see you all in the morning. the travel here has made me extremely exhausted.’ as y/n stood up she mumbled a small—‘excuse me’ to jacaerys who went to stand up to take her to her chambers only for her to shake her head slowly and smile at him.
when y/n made her exist, rhaenyra was a bit hesitant, almost getting up to follow her until daemon stopped her from getting up and out of her chair.
‘but—‘ she went to intervene but daemon shook his head again—‘she needs rest. she’s tired, you will see her in the morning.’ he told her.
she sighed heavily with displeasure but smiled when she noticed her sons looking at her. she tried to keep her composure and let it go but the fact that her daughter looked upset when she left didn’t sit right with her at all.
‘i’m sorry, i must go’ was all she said before hurrying to get up and leave the room. daemon sighed, letting her go this time knowing he couldn’t do much about it. lucerys and jacaerys looked at each other with hesitation.
jacaerys deep down feeling a turning in his stomach, his hands closing in on each other to hold one another tightly. was she alright? was the marriage arrangement not to her liking at all? was he not to her liking?
the thoughts running wild in his head making him crave the comfort of his bed.
‘i will, go for rest now.’ he said before he departed. leaving daemon and lucerys alone at the table. lucerys giving him a awkward smile before taking a bite of his food.
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as y/n walked down the hallway, her hand on her stomach, she felt as though she’d pass out right then and there. she was almost clear that she could hear another pair of shoes close behind leaving her to freeze in her spot and turn around.
seeing her mother she let out a sigh of relief—‘mother, what is it? why aren’t you eating—‘ just then rhaenyra tugged at y/n’s arm causing her to stumble close into her mothers arm.
she hadn’t cried in years, and just a simple hug from her mother caused her to do so.
‘oh, tala.’ she sighed heavily, hugging her more tightly leaving y/n to let a soft whimper spill from her throat below. tugging her into her room which was very close by they went to sit down on a nearby spot.
the room holding warmth by the light and the fire close by.
‘you have nothing to fear—‘
‘mother but what if i cannot? what if i…what if i can’t produce again—‘
‘no, no, don't think like that. you will be just fine, you will be strong, and you will get through it all.’ she held y/n’s face in her hands as the tears fell from her face and y/n’s. she shook her head slowly before pulling her daughter into another hug.
y/n’s head buried into her mothers neck.
years ago, when y/n was having more of an experience, she fell pregnant. her mother knew of it when she wrote to her. but the night came when she was expecting her child in arms, only to be met with a stillborn. the night was everlasting, exhausting and filled with pain and tears. y/n hadn’t never cried as much as she did that night.
ever since the lost of her daughter; maera. though she hadn’t had much to see, y/n was haunted by the memory of the faint strands of white hair, before her baby was taken from her by the midwives as they tried their hardest to no account.
y/n had been stuck in her chambers, not eating, sleeping, or moving from her bed. she was stuck in time, frozen. hugging the blood covered blanket that should have held life and the cries of her baby girl.
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in his own chambers, jacaerys had been pacing around and around. in deep thinking of what could be going on with y/n. he knew she either had a bad feeling about the marriage, or a bad feeling about him. he just didn’t know for sure.
sitting down finally in a chair next to the fire that was lit a while ago, he started to pick at his nails whilst his leg bounced with anticipation, unable to stop.
did she not have a liking to him? they grew up together, neatly. if it weren’t for her always leaving they probably would have been closer. did she not trust their mothers judgment? did she not agree? or was she already betrothed—
‘jacaerys’ a rough voice came through his room, knocking him into reality and out of his thoughts. turning to see daemon who held himself high near the door.
‘yes?’ she answered, standing up to show formality. daemon walked over slowly, his gaze mainly trained to the floor before he sat in the chair across from where jacaerys was once sitting
‘sit’ he told him, jacaerys doing exactly as told. they sat in a bit of silence before he began to speak.
‘what is on your mind’ he asked. though he would have preferred his mothers comfort since she was much better at it, he didn’t mind his.
‘i am afraid y/n is already betrothed—‘
‘she is not, we would have known. what’s the real reason?’ daemon cut off his choice of thinking before jacaerys cleared it throat.
‘am i…am i not the right fit for her? was mothers thinking possibly wrong?’ he asked his main questions as daemon looked at him with his attention.
looking into the fire next to the two as he thought of what next to say, daemon looked into his lap before getting more comfortable into his chair, speaking—‘your mother is never wrong. she knows exactly what she is doing and she knows what is best. y/n and you are the perfect fit for each other. your mother thinks so—‘
‘do you as well?’ he asked, his question straight forward as daemon looked down and sighed.
he didn’t disagree nor agree with rhaenyra with marrying y/n to jacaerys, but that was only because she is one of his daughters. he thinks the same with rhaena and baela. but besides that, he doesn’t disagree with anything else.
‘yes’ was all he said before looking at jacaerys who looked him into the eyes before they’re vision focused on the fire next to them.
in the back of his mind, he wondered if y/n thought the same, if she thought they were a perfect match. he wondered if she was okay, or even what she was thinking right now.
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that next morning, the family had been notifying others of the soon wedding that was to be set soon. leaving room and time for y/n and jacaerys to get closer.
as of right now, he had been waiting for her to get done with getting ready but the maids. his outfit was simple, nothing too heavy and nothing too fancy. his hair was neatly combed back.
‘were you waiting for me?’ a soft voice rang through the stone walls of the hall around them. turning with his hands behind his back, he was almost stunned to see y/n’s appearance. she had a long dark dress that was low cut across her chest, enough to show off her jewelry.
her hair half out and half braided.
‘no…no, i mean, yes. i’m waiting for you, i have a day set for us, if you don’t mind joining?’ he asked as she smiled sweetly. once she stood across from him, her hands holding one another in front of her, she nodded.
‘i would be honored.’ she commented before wrapping her arm around jacaerys who was stunned but grew blushed around his face at her touch. the two of them walking through the hall arm in arm, they both looked at each other every now and again.
‘you look handsome this morning, any special reasons as to why?’ she teased while he smiled.
‘well i am to be married and i wanted to impress my soon wife, i hope its working.’ he leaned into her a bit as she let out a soft laugh.
‘it is’ she told him as he smiled warmly.
‘you look absolutely beautiful’ he told her while they made their way outside of the house, the flourishing garden around them, the plants thick, colorful and full to its extent. none of the withering and all of them wonderful.
‘why thank you, i had this put together just for you after all’ she told him leaving him to look down at the dress and her brest that swelled with each inhale she took, then threatening to spill from the enclosure of the darkened cloth around her body.
‘for me?’ he muttered, their body’s close. his hand making its way to her own that she fell previously to her side, now in his grasp. the rings that decorated her fingers fell victim to his fingers as they played with them.
‘yes, this material exactly, used to be your favorite. the color as well, i hope that did not change. you mentioned how the material went with everything. it is rough on the outside, soft on the in.’ she told as he watched her eyes open and close, her eyelashes thick and full.
y/n always was the most beautiful of them all. the town even grew to love her for her bravery, kindness, beauty and loving ways that she showed with anyone and not just her family.
when he heard how she remembered his favorite color and material in clothing he nearly fell weak—‘you remembered?’ he muttered only for her to hum with a tilt of her head and a smile.
he felt a bit out on the spot now, she’d taken the time to put thought into her outfit whilst he just let whatever was put on him by the maids be his outfit.
‘i feel a bit out there now.’ he told her truthfully. pulling her along as they walked away and near the ocean.
‘why is that?’ she asked him, looking up at him.
‘you had thought of me while getting your dress on while i only hoped i was to your appeal.’ he revealed while shamelessly staring at the sand below their shoes.
she smiled warmly before setting herself in front of him making him stop, placing her hands on each side of his face to lift his head to look her in the eyes.
she smiled warmly and shook her head—‘that is nothing to be upset about. i did it because i wanted to, if it makes you feel better, i will wear something else tomorrow.’ she told him to leave him to shake his head.
‘no it is alright, i know what i will wear next time.’ he told her with a smile as she nodded her head and hummed.
he just now, taking the time to study her face more closely. he remembered each mark on her face, even from when he was just a boy. her hair, the way it grew longer over the years. he remembers when she promised her parents that she wouldn’t touch a strand of it.
her skin that was soft to the touch. y/n took the time to observe as well, she looked at how his hair grew, its dark strands thick and curly, his eyes, dark but soft to look at. his face more mature than ever as his face grew more defined and fitted his stature.
she couldn’t help but notice how his shoulders looked more thick as well—had he grown elsewhere?
she was completely aware of how he would look at her lips every now and again, his eyes stuck with small lights that could look like stars from the sun.
‘y/n…may i—‘
‘yes’ was all she said knowing what he would ask. almost immediately he leaned into her body, his lips kissing hers passionately. he held her head in his hands as she let her hands rest along his biceps.
their kisses being nothing but pure and sweet. he was already intoxicated by her just from her touch and her soft hands. as she pulled apart from him, he found himself chasing her lips by slowly leaning in even more only for her to place her hands along his chest, holding him in place.
he gulped the warm spit that grew in a rush in his throat from the kiss they shared, if they had continued it, he was sure that their wedding would have to be that very night.
‘we cannot…not yet jacaerys…we must wait till we are married.’ she told him as she herself struggled to stay away from his lips that were plumper than before. she smiled a bit at his expression leaving him to frown his eyebrows in slight confusion before he smiled with her and soon followed with a laughed.
the two of them holding each other.
later that day the two had been out doing things such as dragon riding, eating small snacks, sitting with each other under the large tree in the garden, he found himself laying in her lap as she rubbed her hand over his hair in comfort.
he grew addicted to her touch, the way she would comb her fingers through his black curls, scratching his head even, sometimes she’d even touch his face to follow the structure of his nose bridge or even his cheeks.
his eyes stayed closed in complete bliss. she had been telling him small stories about her trips and how far she’d gotten. though she missed it, she was over the moon to be home with her family again.
he was pleased to know that she’d been happy to be here with him—and the family too, of course.
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later that night, as jacaerys laid in his chambers he thought hard about how he’d impress y/n with his clothes tomorrow, what was it she liked the most? she adored the color f/c, maybe he could get something with that.
she loved when the material was perfect against her fingertips, she hated when they were rough to the touch. he hoped his description would help the maids tomorrow, he hoped he had something for y/n.
unknowingly, she stayed in her chambers thinking of her clothes for him as well, looking in her chest of dresses that she was gifted, she found the perfect one, the color dark, material soft, and the dress revealing.
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‘y/n, it is morning’ she woke to the soft voice of her lady in waiting. y/n groaned into the pillow, her white hair dismembered and all over the pillow under herself.
‘come on now, prince jacaerys has told me to make sure you get up without a fuss today. the two of you have quite the day planned.’ she smiled warmly, getting a warm bath ready for y/n who was trying her hardest to get up and out of bed for the sake of jacaerys.
once she was finally up, she walked over to the bath, slowly taking her night gown off and sinking into the water that was bubbled over. her lady; getting the sponge to clean her, pouring water into her hair to run it down and applying other things to make her body clean and smell fresh.
‘had he hinted as to where we will be going today?’ she asked with a small smile, leaning forward and resting her arms on the bath rim, her head settled down on them both. her lady smiled softly as she got out her outfit.
instead of the one she had picked out just for him that day, she was met with her dragon back riding outfit that was all black once more, thicker than what she planned. nonetheless, she smiled at the thought of getting to ride d/n.
‘we will be riding today? for how long?’ she asked happily, standing up, the water running down her body as her naked fram gleamed in the light around.
‘he said that you will need this and a dress for later, perhaps you wear the dress you planned?’ her lady asked her with a told of her head. y/n nodded as she made her way out of the bath with a loose towel wrapped around her body.
getting out of the tub and sitting where she could begin to get ready to see her future husband, she never thought it would be him. but she remembered when she was younger she hoped it would be from how sweet and kind he always treated her.
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as jacaerys waiting once more out in the dragon pit, he was very nervous; beyond even. he’d hate for anything to happen, he had recurring imagery of him falling off vermax whilst trying to get on. he’s done it before what was stopping him now?
sighing as he waited a bit longer, he couldn’t get the thought of her soft lips that were once upon his, licking his own softly as if he’d still taste her sweetness setted on them.
she was gentle in the way she spoke, and kissed, and held. she was everything, elegant, beautiful, and lovely.
smiling at the thought of her smile and the way her hands would gentaly touch his own, his heart began to race at the thought only to be dragged out of it when he heard her.
‘sorry for my lateness once again.’ he looked to see her wearing her dragon back clothes, he could practically see the thick material from here, along with the padded shoulders. her hair braided all over to decorate, a glimpse of red gems in her hair.
‘nothing to apologize for. i hope you did not make it a hassle to get out of bed today?’ he jokes as she made her way next to him. rolling her eyes as she shook her head—‘i gotten straight up when my lady mentioned you. wouldn’t want you waiting forever now, hm?’ she fixed his shirt slightly before patting it down and walking away to her dragon.
he touched where she had fixed and smiled before following her down the steps.
‘how is d/n?’ he asked her.
‘she’s is everything, well, healthy and a mother—‘
‘a mother?’ he asked, shocked. y/n nodded happily while she picked up some of her dress to make sure she didn’t trip over it.
‘she had four beautiful eggs, they have yet to hatch but; she did amazing. she was over the moon to be a mother.’ y/n told jacaerys with a smile as she remembered how d/n chippered and had a look of a smile on her face all that evening.
she also remembered how proud she was of her for doing something she was so scared of. but, never did she think she would tell him; she couldn’t. how would he feel if his betrothed told him she wasn’t sure if she would carry a child once again. she didn’t want to think of it; the thought made her sick to the stomach. and ache in her heart.
once they finally arrive to the pit, they heard slight chains and rattling going on, hearing every now and again a faint roar. y/n hated that they were out down here; away from the world and sky where they belong.
but she knows that she couldn’t do anything about it either.
‘how is vermax?’ y/n looked over at jacaerys who looked over at a her.
‘he is well, no children, but well’ he told her with a nod and a smile as she did one back.
‘has d/n gotten any bigger?’ he wondered only leaving y/n who shrug her shoulders while pulling him by the hand.
finally getting to where d/n was, he could hear them moving, the chains dragging against the stone floor, trying to see where they were, he was bet with a gust of wind in his face.
they were standing right in front of him and he couldn’t see it. the noise of grumbling from d/n echoed throughout as he stood still not knowing what to do. y/n however, smiled slightly.
d/n never liked to get close to anyone but y/n. she just wasn’t fond of it, but seeing her get close enough to smell jacaerys made her smile. even as kids; d/n never bothered to even let him feed her.
‘okay, d/n, don’t scare him now’ she spoke while leaning forward and over to the side of her dragon, touching their scaly beard around their neck and leaning into it. d/n hummed softly while pulling back from jacaerys with one final breeze of air moving around him.
‘sorry’ she said while jacaerys shook his head dismissing her apology.
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finally out in the opening but close to the water line, the two rode their dragons throughout the air.
y/n leaning forward a bit, holding onto d/n’s scales—she never felt the need for anything to hold her stay on, she was fine enough with herself and her hands.
‘having fun?’ he yelled over the wind all around them. y/n looked over and nodded her head—‘i am! and you?’ she yelled back leaving him to nod his head.
he couldn’t help but take notice to how beautiful she looked with the wind wrapped around her, her white hair flowing in the wind. he couldn’t help but take note of how her body looked as well, its figure fitted well into her outfit. he cleared it throat and looked away in a hurry before his thoughts could linger.
vermax however seemed to know exactly what was going on and shook his head with a grumble. jacaerys looked down and patted him, smoothing salting his sorry’s.
how long until the marriage night again?
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when they got back into the castle, y/n let d/n ride around freely for that night before putting her back in the dragon pit. jacaerys didn’t see an issue with vermax staying out as well, so he let the two play with each other for the time being.
inside their chambers, y/n took another warm bath along with jacaerys—in his own—to get the smell of dragon back off of them for that night. y/n was excited to say the least.
hurrying to get in and out so she could get her dress on, she was happy to see it still smoothly placed out on her bed, her lady setting it out while she was out that day.
‘how should you wear your hair today, princess?’ she asked her while y/n sat in front her her with her dress and and hair still damp from it’s previous wash.
we can leave it out for tonight. she said while grabbing a piece of it and stroking it smoothly while her lady combed it out. her hair had been her treasure, her gift from her parents. she loved how long it had gotten, even her mother commented about how beautiful it looked.
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sitting in the dining room as the table was set for two, he made sure to include all of her favorite foods, fruits, drinks and sweets. y/n wasn’t much of a eater but she had her favorites and she would eat them over and over again.
he remembers years ago when he caught her in the kitchen eating the lemons off of the lemon cakes before the gathering.
he soon found out she’d gotten that hobby from their mother who had eaten lemons while she was pregnant with y/n and before.
smiling at the thought of her eating them he was interrupted by the sound of shoes hitting the stone flooring around them. looking up to see y/n with her hair out as it fell around her shoulders.
her hair was so long it stopped near her butt and how badly did he want to take his hands and run it though her hair with her laying beside him.
her dress, long and white, around her biceps was a thin layer of for it to slowly fall into a softy and flowy material around her. the things holding up her dress being two straps tied together around and to the back of her neck. seeing more of her body made him crave, starve for her more and more.
blinking slowly as he tried to break the curse she had on him he spoke softly—‘y/n, please?’ he said, outstretched his hand to the chair next to his at the edge of the table. smiling she made her way over to the seat as he pulled it out for her and she sat, her hands in her lap.
pushing her seat in before he walked over to the wine pitcher, he poured her a glass in the metal cup and let her smile before taking it once he was done pouring.
‘thank you, jacaerys.’ she said with her eyes focused on his. he smiled and made his way to his chair not far from hers at all. pouring his own cup before he watched her sip hers before he did for himself.
the two had no clue what to say, what y/n did know what that she was holding herself back from making any sort of move on him whatsoever. he look handsome, and his hair fitting perfectly.
‘i hoped you enjoyed the day i planned, im afraid i am stuck on what to do next—‘
‘don’t worry about that, i enjoyed today and i'm happy you picked that. i was actually feeling quite down about not seeing d/n for some time now, and you helped me, thank you.’ she said while placing her hand on his own.
he inhaled sharply at the touch of her hand and tried to compose himself. smiling at her softly before he muttered—‘i feel we are too far from each other—‘
‘this is fine’ she laughed softly before looking at the table. seeing a small lemon cakes, she looked at him before pulling one onto her plate and picked the lemon off top before etching the actual cake itself.
he stuffed a laugh but didn’t cover it up well enough causing her to look over at him with her eyebrows frowned in confusion.
‘what is it?’ she asked while he covered his mouth.
‘i knew you would eat the lemon first before the cake, you always did when we were children.’ he noted leaving her to look down at the cake and laugh a bit.
nahh is that by the way? you and mother eat the lemons mostly rather than the main treat?’ he asked with interest when or leaning forward into his seat and his arms set on the table as y/n leaned in as well.
‘well, i just always liked them. the sour taste and sometimes sweet if your lucky. mother has main part in it however, eating them as i was still in the womb.’ she jokes with a small laugh as jacaerys laughed.
‘don’t think your all innocent either! you’d eat nothing but bread for dinner after dinner until you finally gave the other goods a chance’ she revealed leaving him to gasp at the knowledge.
‘yeah, you did! as mother’ she laughed as he looked shocked, he knew he would later ask, however as of now he wanted to stay with y/n.
‘is the food to your liking?’ he asked while she chewed some other things that was set out, she nodded cheerfully as she nodded back.
eating at the food on his plate as well he began to think of something to speak before she spoke—‘jacaerys…’ looking up at her. placing his fork and knife down to focus on her completely.
‘yes?’ he muttered.
‘what if the wait till marriage is shorter? why not—‘
‘morning? or evening?’ he asked already had been thinking of this. she smiled warmly while looking at him.
‘whenever is best’ she said. he smiled deeply before leaning forward to pull her in for a kiss, her lips having a sour and sweet aftertaste from the lemon she once ate. he smiled into it as she hummed in delight
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things revolving around y/n and jacaerys were the best they’ve ever been, the outcome of their relationship was just what rhaenyra knew it would be. pure, sweet, and loving and nothing but ecstasy.
the two however found it more and more difficult to keep their hands off one another, especially when they were alone in the night in the garden and moonlight surrounded by them. the only people present had been themselves and the sea.
over the time, rhaenyra had talked on and on with daemon which the two of them realized it was time for the wedding, it was time to send out invites for the wedding.
when y/n had been notified of the wedding going on, she was over the moon, especially jacaerys who’d practically jumped from his seat when he was told by his mother.
the home in dragonstone had been busy the whole day, chefs cooking, maids cleaning and decorating by placing tables into the throne room, the lady’s getting y/n ready as jacaerys got ready as well.
though for y/n it was more of a hassle, with her mother in the room and her judgment at the same time was basically insult after insult on how the dresses didn’t match the meaning of a wedding or how the colors wouldn’t look right on y/n’s skin, on how the jewelry was unfitting it wouldn’t match the energy.
sighing with placing her hand on her head in stress, rhaenyra looked at one dress that hasn’t been looked at yet, she stood up and patted it down with her hand soothing it out.
‘y/n, look at this.’ she softly told her as y/n turned around, ehr face decorated with stress of the moment only for it to relax once seeing the dress.
‘why hasn’t this been shown?’ she asks the lady’s who shrugged only for one to speak.
‘we had thought you wouldn’t want that, princess.’ she told y/n who looked at her, the floor then let her head turn back to the dress in front of her.
she practically felt as if the wind had been taken from her lungs and hung above her to grasp. the dress was beautiful, the white dress being long, flowy with its fabric. she smiled a bit, wondering what jacaerys would think of.
‘this one please.’ she told as they nodded, one grabbing the dress for her to be fitted into and soon later her hair done, twisted, braided and curled up. the rings, necklace and earrings matching her dress.
when she was finished, rhaenyra was stunned, placing a hand on her chest that fell down to hold over her stomach as if y/n was back into her first home. smiling sweetly at her daughter who smiled brightly back.
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as jacaerys paced back and forward, dressed head down with his wedding outfit he’d been thinking over and over, waiting longer and longer to finally get told it was time.
they all needed to wait until the guest had shown first before they had gotten the chance to go into the throne room and sit into the longer table in front of the room.
finally sitting down with his leg bounding up and down in a rush, she had started to bite on his fingers and pick them. for what seemed like forever, he finally got told it was time.
standing up in a rush, he soothed down his clothes before walking out into the large stone hallway, he got to work with his brother and step father, lucerys and daemon dressed in their own formal wear.
he was beyond anxious for y/n and her hands on his. over time he found that she was able to build her own comfort and he found himself stuck in it, desperate for it any moment of any day.
‘you look like your going to puke everywhere’ lucerys teased while laughing only for jacaerys to roll his eyes and daemon smirk.
‘i won’t, if i were i think that would ruin the whole wedding’ he looked at lucerys who snickered and looked forward as they were face to face with the large doors that soon opened to reveal a room filled with people of any and all.
the table where they’d be sitting at, across from them, in front of the room, their dinner and wine cups already set into place.
‘king daemon targaryen, prince lucerys velaryon and prince jacaerys velaryon!’ a voice boomed from somewhere in the room as the crowd clapped for them. walking their way to the seats, jacaerys sitting in the chair on the left of daemon who sat next to empty chairs.
as he sat, his focus trained into the door he was brought with a bit of happiness, his nerves jumping everywhere the more the moment got real.
‘queen rhaenyra targaryen, princess baela targaryen, princess rhaena targaryen!’ the voice called out once more, the doors revealing his mother and cousins as they wore smiles, their hair neatly done and dressed for the occasion.
walking to the table, rhaenyra sat down next to daemon who unknowingly leaned into her with her looking at him for the acknowledgment he craved from her.
not soon after—‘king viserys targaryen, queen alicent hightower, prince aegon targaryen the second; prince aemond targaryen, princess helaena targaryen!’ attention focused to the other family as they wore their colors, alicent wore green along with her father, ser otto hightower.
them walking to the table as well, jacaerys already regretting them being here once aegon grabbed the wine pitcher and cup in front of him, drowning himself in it before the event even began.
and not soon after, the voice was heard once more—‘princess y/n targaryen, heir to the iron throne!’ the voice boomed as jacaerys’ attention turned to the door to see his now; wife. standing their with her hands in front of her form, her hair done beautifully and the dress fitting her perfectly.
he felt like someone just punched him in the chest and deprived him of oxygen. her had practically lit up the room with her presence, her eyes full of innocence and wonder, the reflection of the fire littered along the walls as they were hung in iron pitches.
some in the crowd audibly gasped as they saw her and her dress. smiling a bit when he saw she was nervous but still managed to smile at everyone, although her eyes were trained on him.
he found comfort wherever y/n was. she brought that to him without having to do much or say anything. herself alone was his comfort and his peace.
when she finally got to the point where she and jacaerys were practically next to each other, him sitting but leaving a back a bit for her to place a hand along his back while she walked, her hand leaving a burning sensation that lingered once she was seated next to her mother.
‘let us begin!’ just then chatter amongst everyone wa aloud and laughter boomed along the room. y/n and helaena talked a bit but not much, she had asked if y/n had any kids or had the desire to have any which y/n replied with—
“of course. there’s nothing more innocent in the world than a child made of love.” her sentence making helaena only softly nod and smile.
jacaerys and y/n although had been sneaking glances and smiles at each other, which didn’t go unnoticed by rhaenyra and daemon along with alicent and viserys.
deep down some people in the room wished they’d had something as pure hearted as them.
‘so, married.’ a voice spoke, looking to the side to see her uncle; aemond, looking at her with his eye, one covered with his black eyepatch.
‘yes, and you?’ she asked with a small smile, leaning into the table to get some sort of closeness between the two.
‘no, mother however has tried to find a suitable wife but—‘
‘none seem to know how to put up with you?’ she laughed a bit when he smirked slightly.
the two had a sort of history. they both had a short lived relationship that was mainly focused on lust and mother more—or for one side that is.
unbeknownst to y/n, aemond had wished upon thousands of stars to be betrothed to y/n, but once he found out she already was, he didn’t know how to feel. not in the slightest did he think they’re was someone else that was better paired with y/n than himself.
when he found out about the wedding however, he didn’t know it was even possible. a small ounce of him hopped she’d fallen pregnant that night they slept together, but his wish was fallen onto deaf ears.
seeing her tonight sparked things he thought he’d buried long ago, locked and sealed away for him to not feel again.
her body had matured into itself perfectly, her laugh,her eyes, her hair, her smile. everything came crashing down on him like a stone. as he let his eyes linger into y/n who spoke to her mother with a smile, he was unaware of the stone hard eyes of her now husband ; jacaerys.
he’d noticed the way he looked at her and he’d felt something he never did before. his heart felt uneasy and a sick feeling bubbled into his chest. he wished he could flip the table over or yell out of discomfort at aemond, but he couldn’t do anything.
all he could do was glare at the man starting at his wife.
clearing his throat before he could say anything, music started to play into the room that grabbed y/n’s attention causing her to turn her head and forced aemond to look down at the table so he wouldn’t get caught.
laughter in the room got louder as they gotten up to dance, y/n clapped her hands to the beat of the instruments and she was called by aemond who whispered—‘may i have a dance with the wife of the night?’ he asked her, she happily smiled and let him stand first before he held out a hand for her to take.
standing up with one hand in his and the other holding her dress, rhaenyra immediately looked at her son, jacaerys who’d been watching, his jaw clenching and unclenching over and over so he’d keep his composure.
he’d been letting his hands fiddle with the knife next to his plate. lucerys who’d paid no mind as he spoke to his betrothed; rhaena as they laughed and smiled at each other. alicent watching her son and y/n closely along with her husband.
‘it is alright’ his mother told him in a whisper only for him to pay no mind and focus his attention on his wife who’d been dancing with another man.
not taking any more of it when aemond grabbed her by the waist and picked her up along with the others, he slammed down the knife he’d been fiddling with. walking down the steps and making his way to his wife as she danced with laughter.
grabbing into her soft, bare arm, she looked in a shock only to see her husband—‘prince jacaerys, how may i please you?’ she joked with a smile, his once nerves calmed and he smiled a bit only to look up at aemond who watched the two in anger and slight longing for something he’d kill to have.
‘sorry prince aemond, i’d like to dance with my wife.’ jacaerys muttered with his eyes shooting daggers at aemond who only walked away without a word.
y/n noticed this and knew immediately, grabbing onto her husband hand—‘is my husband jealous?’ she teased as jacaerys scoffed but nodded nonetheless.
‘i was, another man dancing with my wife? how could i stand bye and let it happen?’ he tilted his head as y/n smiled and leaned into him. their body’s holding one another, pulling each other apart as they were put to dance with others, but always finding each other back to one another.
smiles at the two all around the room as they focused on one another and no one else.
‘helaena asked me if i were with child’ she told, letting the conversation begin between the two over the music.
he tilted his head and smiled—‘one day you will be, is that what you want?’ he asked her as she looked at him warmly, her body pressed against his own as his breath slowly began to become staggered.
‘more than anything, with you.’ she told him with her emotions filling. he felt his face grow warm as they held each other. he so badly wanted to kiss her but he didn’t know if it would be formal so he’d have to wait for the night.
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when everyone left and the wedding was official, y/n and jacaerys had found each other entangled in one another’s arms, kissing passionately and roughly while touching places they’ve never touched on each other before.
the crackling of the fire nearby filling the room beside the sounds of the twos lips smacking and slight groans from jacaerys whenever y/n pulled apart from him.
‘what is it we do?’ he asked, mostly unaware of the full steps of actually consuming. y/n found this sweet and placed her hands on his chest.
‘just relax, and let me pleasure you, my valzȳrys’ she told him while pushing him to the large bed behind him. letting him sit down while his gaze stayed focused and trained on her eyes. she smiled as she let the dress around her fall down.
him being met with her full figure with nothing to bond it. he felt his air stagger, his body grew warm and himself hard. his hands automatically finding themselves around her waist to pull her into him.
she let him kiss all over her stomach that will soon hold their children and his heirs to the throne. kissing her as his hand grabbed onto her breasts causing her to whine, her hand weaving into the hands of his hair.
soon she couldn’t take his lips away from hers, leaning down to collapse her lips upon his as he, in a hurrying manner, forced shirt and trousers off his body, to lay bare under her.
the two of the kissing and exploring each other as y/n kissing down his lips to his cheek, to his neck and down. her lips finding its way to his toned stomach and pelvis and soon himself.
he watched her in a daze, his eyes glossed. a small whine came from him when she placed her hand on him and picked it up to lick it slowly over the tip. groaning more loudly while she snuck down onto him he let her work while keeping his hands to sooth over her head.
watching her white hair become dismembered while she held her place—‘y/n…wait—ābrazyrys…please, i will cum—i need to be in you, please’ he whimpered as she smiled and pulled herself away.
moving up to him when he placed his hands immediately onto her cheeks, he took her lips onto his, her hand down onto his cock, lining him with her entrance.
gasping excessively, his chest heaving rapidly as he watched from his spot, himself disappearing into her.
moaning, she let herself sink down onto him, her hands on his chest as he grabbed her arm to pull it away and placing his hand into her own for her to tightly grip it.
‘oh gods…’ she gasped while she began to move slowly, him gasping with her as she let her head fall back. he watched her beautiful form fall up and down slowly onto him, his hands letting go of hers to hold her waist, helping her move it.
his hands squeezing the slight pudge of her sides to let the skin look as though it were to spill out of the gaps in his fingers. their sounds of pleasure getting louder and echoing throughout the room.
her eyes closed as she chased her high, jacaerys himself becoming close as he forced himself to keep his eyes open to watch y/n whoes pace sped up on him.
‘i’m coming, i’m—oh gods—‘ she gasped louder and louder as he did the same, thrusting his hips into her and soon the release they were chasing washed over them in a hurry. jacaerys held her as she fell onto his chest, her arms resting under his arms that soon was wrapped around her body. their chests falling and rising rapidly.
after the silence began to become comfort and y/n didn’t want to move from him she smiled sweetly as her finger traced his chest in random patterns.
‘Avy jorrāelan’ she told him softly as he smiled deeply with the blush returning—‘Avy jorrāelan’ he replied while she looked and kissed him deeply.
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days turned into months and the two were almost entangled with each other at any time of the day. rather it been morning or night. they found themselves in a bed or a room, or in a secret place of the tower filled with ecstasy and pleasure.
gaps, moans, whines and climax’s filled the areas they were in. they were rarely caught but they’d been heard.
and not too soon later y/n fell pregnant. she’d been beyond happy when she found her bleeding didn’t show over time and was looked at to see she was with child.
a few months with her stomach swelling she’d found it difficult to fit into any and most of her dresses she had for herself. her stomach filling every one of them.
rhaenyra was very happy and very proud of the two along with daemon and lucerys. they’d see jacaerys and y/n communicate with his hand lingering on her stomach as she smiled up at him.
‘jacaerys, are you stressed?’ she’d asked worryingly as she’d looked at jacaerys who’d been hovering over the smaller image of the town build onto a table.
his arms stretched and his arms pressed onto the table, looking over to see his very full wife, he smiled and walked over to her.
‘no my love, simply looking. how are you feeling?’ he’d asked her over and over again, shaking her head slowly while her hand soothed her belly along with his hand she groaned a bit.
‘i’m okay, just a bit of pain—‘
‘pain? why are you out bed? you should be resting’ he told her with worry as she smiled with a eye roll.
‘i will be fine’ she told him before letting him grab her hand and walk down and out of the room, down the fall. the sharp pain grew as she groaned once more but with more pain filled, jacaerys stopped and turned in a hurry.
‘what? what is it?’ gasping as she felt the warm liquid run down her legs and onto the stone floor, he heard it hit the ground as she groaned.
‘it’s time, jacaerys it’s time.’ she winced out with another groan of pain as he held her jody in his arms—‘it’s time? oh gods—mother! someone! hurry’ his yell echoed throughout the walls as they were met with y/n struggling to keep herself up.
rhaenyra running to their side along with the wet nurses who’d taken y/n from his arms.
‘jacaerys?’ she’d looked around to see if he was near her which he was—‘i am here! i’m here’ he told her as she gasped and groaned.
getting to a room where they could finally begin the both. y/n laying down on the bed as the wet nurses placed her legs up and ready.
y/n looked around in worry as she sweated heavily and tried to breath—‘it’s going to be okay y/n—it’s going to be okay’ her mother comforted while she held her hand with y/n who gripped it.
‘i’m scared, mother’ y/n cried as rhaenyra who sadly soother her hand over y/n’s white hair that was tossed around the pillows—‘princess i need you to push!’ the wet nurse instructed.
doing as told her jacaerys hurried to grab her hand—‘y/n, i am here’ he reassured as she looked at him and focused on getting the baby out and alive.
groaning and screaming loudly in pain as she cried at the same time, she gripped both her husbands and mothers hand.
finally they heard the cries of their baby. catching her breath and smiling deeply—‘it’s a boy princess.’ a wet nurse told her with a smile as she was handed her baby bundled in a white blanket.
holding and crying as she’d faced and came over her deep fear. rhaenyra was beyond proud of her and jacaerys who’s eyes were filled with adore and love for his own new family.
‘she’d got your eyes, y/n and your hair jacaerys’ rhaenyra told the two as her own tear dropped for them. they smiled brightly as y/n’s was still in pain but mostly love.
‘do you wish to hold him?’ y/n asked her jacaerys who smiled widely. grabbing and holding his son, he looked and observed as he saw his face was filled with nothing but his mother.
her eyes, her lips, her cheeks. he soothed his sons black hair gently.
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the two had a total of four kids, two daughters and two sons.
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madamealys · 2 days
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Imagine Aemond and Aegon Targaryen take you as their wife. (+21)
The king is on the throne room, listening to the babbling of his nobles. Today’s topic concerns the marriage of his sons. Since the queen only delivered him boys, Viserys is not inclined to search for a bride that is not a Targaryen. And despite the strong protests of his wife, there is a good solution for it that might also appeal to his brother, Daemon, as well as that follows the Targaryen tradition: betrothing his daughter to Aegon.
In the meantime this occurs, whilst the solution is agreed between the king and the council, no one can foretell what a simple arrangement might result. And so whilst they are leaving in discussions concerning Aemond’s betrothal, let us take a look at what is happening outside these quarters.
Notwithstanding the fact that you are the daughter of the feared and powerful Daemon Targaryen, who took residence at Dragonstone with his sister-wife Rhaenyra Targaryen, you are everything he is not.
Sweet tempered, gentle, kindhearted and good. Your wit is as sharp as any sword, your tongue, when provoked, cut as hard as any iron. You are patient, often tolerant to others flaws. This makes you a great companion to all.
As the only daughter of Prince Daemon and Princess Rhaenyra, it does surprise to those who know them for a long while that you came up with a different personality. Regardless, they spoil you and only want the best for you. And Daemon knows that by the time of your marriage age, he is not marrying you to anyone. Perhaps your father is aiming higher than you know.
You’ve grown close to your brothers: Jace being close to you in age has always been your twin. But you were also close to Luce, a sort of mother to Joffrey, Viserys and Aegon. Being the only lady amidst these men also meant that you were very protective by them.
Now years went by and you are a well formed women, whose uncle requested you to spend some time at court—probably in ignorance of the plans arranged for you between him and your parents.
Your oldest brother, Jacaerys, is already married to his cousin Baela Velaryon, all the whilst Lucerys is married to her sister, Rhaena. Joffrey is betrothed to Sara Stark, and even Viserys and Aegon are about to be betrothed to some good noble lady. You remain unmarried, though.
This idea does not occupy your thoughts for many times since you prefer to spend your time helping your mother, with whom you are very close, and flying your dragon, Dreamfyre. Due to your introspective and intense nature, it is in the air where you feel mostly… free and wild, a side you like to keep to yourself.
But ever since you’ve been summoned by the king, you suspect your liberty and wilderness are about to be end. Resigned to your sense of duty—for duty means to sacrifice who you are, or part of it anyways—, you speak nothing of the matter.
“Remember, my daughter, who you truly are”, your mother, who is carrying another child in her belly, speaks to you in the day you are departing to King’s Landing next to your father. “A Targaryen, no more, no less. Equal to all.”
You understand that she and the Queen Alicent do not always see eye to eye. The subtle warning is there, but you too have your share of pride. You smile.
“I shall not disappoint you, mother.”
“I know you won’t. You are my daughter, every bit of me is in you.”
That saying, Rhaenyra kisses your forehead and you are finally ready to leave.
Aegon is waiting impatiently for his betrothal. With Aemond by his side, both brothers can only conjecture about the cousin whom they last saw when everyone was a toddler. Both recollect you differently: Aegon judged you as a child who had weird interests; but Aemond understood you as someone who had a very interesting side underneath a gentle demeanor.
“I hope you do your duty well, Aegon”, muses Aemond thoughtfully.
“How else should I do? I am the heir to the Iron Throne. I am not allowed to forget that”, and then Aegon shoots an amusing glance to his younger brother. “What a shame the crown cannot be shared with you, though.”
Aemond limits himself to a roll of eyes, but Aegon knows he agrees with his sarcastic remark. But soon they are distracted of their small talk for the heavy iron doors of the Red Keep are about to open, with the King’s herald announcing your name and your father’s.
Every sound dies before such announcement, but what matters is how you are seen by your betrothed. Aegon looks astonished by the woman you’ve blossomed to. Your silver locks tied in perfectly braid seem to reinforce your heart-shaped face, whose intent lilac eyes mirror innocence.
Your rosy lips open shyly in an inviting smile, and Aegon cannot help wonder what it would be like to kiss you. It doesn’t really help that your black gown reinforces your curves.
Aemond too cannot help lingering his gaze on you. A damsel in every sense of the word, you are like a character of the novels he used to read as a child. Fond memories of the time spent together in this period rush in the back of his mind.
Lovely as always, he thinks to himself, suddenly aching for the idea of never having you. But… he cannot help himself either, can he? Must Aemond be the second in everything, a shadow of his brother?
“Greetings, niece!”, King Viserys smiles down at his brother’a child. He leaves the table to greet you properly, and Daemon is smirking proudly in response. The rogue prince is more than aware of the attentions you caught, specially of two royal princes, which only fuels his ego.
His ambitions will fruit, he knows.
“Your Grace, my uncle”, you dip to a curtsy. “I appreciate your warm welcome.”
“Soon we will be united as one once again. Tradition shall follow like has always been dictated since the days of Old Valyria”, boasts King Viserys. “Y/N is such a pearl, brother. How on earth did you manage to produce a lovely daughter?”
“A question I often ask myself, brother”, says Daemon, proudly. “She is my only girl, very precious to us. We don’t expect a marriage that is below of the prize she is.”
“Father!”, you protest shyly.
“Don’t be too humble, daughter. It’s the true”, he smirks at you, gently ruffling your hair. “We must always be aware of who we are.”
“Then let us celebrate this union. I notice our sister hasn’t come. What happened?”
“Rhaenyra is heavily pregnant, in due time to labor now.”
Whilst they exchange amenities, you are heading to your seat when Aegon comes to greet you. This tall, handsome man, whose looks mirror yours, astonishes you with such a charm that your knees go weak.
It doesn’t really help your case that Aemond is promptly joined by his side. You blush.
“My lords”, you curtsy graciously. “I appreciate the warm welcome.”
“My lady”, greets Aegon, pompously. “How different you look.”
“Forgive my brother”, subtly Aemond meddles in the conversation. “He lacks gallantry when it comes to words. You have grown to a beautiful woman, cousin.”
You detest how the presence of these two men affect you. Worse, that not only your betrothed allures you, but so does his brother.
Aegon flushes, irritated with how poetic Aemond is towards you.
“How could I when a beauty like our dear Y/N stands before us? A mortal could not voice out the most proper form to express such an awe.”
“Oh, please. I am unworthy of these praises though I deeply appreciate them. Shall we enjoy the rest of the evening together? I have missed the company of you both for a while.”
You smile. And soon subtle rivalries dissolve. How could they deny you anything?
It’s been a curious, unspoken agreement that you arranged with Aegon and Aemond. The mornings are spent with the latter and the evenings with the former. The evening you spend by your soon to be mother-in-law, whom you manage to charm.
Today, you are flying with Aemond. You come to figure out how you two have lots in common: the same taste for history, philosophy, art and even politics. Not to mention, dragons, of course.
“You are nothing like your father”, muses the quiet prince, once you two land the dragons somewhere nearby a lake, out of the people’s sight.
“This is something I hear often”, you smile at him, eyeing his handsomeness even though part of you admonishes for desiring a man who is not going to be your husband. “But we have some traits we share. Like the taste for wilderness. We are not easily tamed.”
“I’ve always sensed you had something of the sorts in you, Y/N. You pose as the good lady, but are you?”
“I am dutiful”, you say. “I do my duties. Never claimed or aimed to be perfect.”
“Neither have I, even though my dutiful performances have been somewhat misinterpreted”, he snorts.
Before you know, you take his hand in yours. Unconsciously, fingers are laced.
“I think you’ve been misunderstood for a very long time, dear Aem. And I wish so many of us saw that.”
Silence hangs for a while. You and him share a long gaze. You find yourself wishing he kissed you, but Aemond knows his place. He looks away and withdraws his hand. Never before you felt so cold. So you sigh.
All the whilst you engage in conversations with the Queen, learning queenship from Lady Alicent herself, Aegon finds Aemond in the corner of the court, observing you with a mix of admiration and distrust.
“If this was about to any other man, I’d have him hanged for looking at such a manner to my wife”, says Aegon, amused.
Aemond has the decency of blush and look away.
“Pardon me for prying, brother.”
“What is there to be pardoned? She is a handsome woman, I give you that. Like honey, too sweet to avert the gaze away”, says Aegon, encouraging his brother to share. “Rumour has it that Aegon shared Visenya with his Baratheon brother.”
Aemond scoffs.
“Visenya wouldn’t play this part, surely. You must be mistaking to Rhaenys.”
“Either one, they shared her, didn’t they? And like my namesake, Aegon was no jealous man.”
The one-eyed prince turns his head to his older brother, intrigued by the subtle suggestion.
“What the fuck are you trying to say, Aegon? Straight to the point if you may.”
Aegon smirks at him.
“I think that, since she likes you too, we should both take Y/N as our wife.”
Aegon awaits you this evening in his privy chambers. He’s been anxious for this moment, even though with his mother’s strong presence at court, he didn’t have any moment alone with you aside of public courtship.
A knock of the door is heart, taking away of his thoughts. The prince of Dragonstone stands, concealing his unusual insecurity. When he opens it, he is struck at the thought of you.
So beautiful in the green color, your full breasts almost out of the tight gown you purposely chose to reinforce your curves. The desire alight in Aegon’s eyes makes you dripping wet in your legs, but you know this is the farthest you go to tease him.
“My prince”, you dip to a curtsy as you walk inside the door, shivering when hearing the click that locks it behind you.
“My princess”, he then takes the chair for you to sit and makes sure to pour red wine in your glass before serving you himself.
When earning you a smile, Aegon forgets that he one day was the charmer, never the charmed.
“You look gorgeous, cousin.”
“I could say the same about you, lord. Thank you. I’ve been looking forward to hearing more of you, out of the prickly ears of the court”, you tell him.
“Indeed. Formalities are not my thing, I’m afraid. But at least the king has been noticing me”, Aegon doesn’t usually open himself this way and when noticing what bursted out of his tongue, he prefers to occupy himself with wine.
You do notice, though, and try to captivate him by sharing something about you.
“Despite being close to my family, I was raised to be somebody else’s wife. I know I was not allowed to choose my heart, even if my parents did.”
Aegon reads you, you spot some early distrust despite the mutual attraction. You feel eager to please him, but you hold back yourself. Eventually he settles.
“I do lament that I am your groom and not Aemond.”
You blush, but do not fly away of the subtle accusation.
“Well, I was always closer to Aemond in age and in interests, my dear, but this does not mean I regret that you are the one I will espouse.”
His slander fingers play on top of the table, and you find yourself holding your breath. When does this tension suddenly come up?
The stare he gives you pierces your soul and you know that, if he wanted you to, you’d be on his knees before him, pledging innocence. But why does the mere image of you in this position arouse you?
“I am hard to love”, muses Aegon, resented. “I am by no means jealous of you and Aemond, but…”
And your anxiety takes your best, of course. You rush to his side and take his hands into yours, surprising him by the urge of your usual composed manners.
“My prince, my liege, you are no hard to love. Your smile enchants me, your eyes read my soul like no other. Your jokes bring a smile to my lips, your good manners give me the certainty that I am not marrying a monster.”
“How can you be certain of this?”, Aegon inquires, puzzled.
“We are lights and shadows. I saw both of them in you and I still choose you.”
He knows you speak the truth, so he lifts you and pinning against the wall, Aegon kisses you. You realize you’ve been longing for this kiss, wishing to feel the taste of his mouth, to pair your tongue with his.
Your husband to be is as sinful as you are a saint. And yet you let him have his way with you. Soon, his mouth is on your neck and sounds start to leave yours.
“My beautiful princess”, Aegon works to kiss your chest, almost ripping your gown with his teeth to get into your breasts.
“Calm down, lord. I need to get to my chambers in whole state”, you smirk at him.
And it’s when you are surprised by how easily he slips to his knees, his lustful eyes wiping off your smirk.
“I want to hear you call my name, Y/N”, he lifts the skirts of your gown, caressing your paled thighs. “I want you to sleep thinking of me doing this to you. Rewarding for being such a good princess.”
And he at first inserts his finger in you, getting you aroused. You are surprised to find yourself so wet, as well as he.
“Never before untouched?”, Aegon asks you, sounding too anxious.
“Never”, you moan, eyelashes barely lift as you search support in the wall. Your hips begin to follow his finger, and you get scandalously louder as his finger finds deeper ways to get to your core.
Aegon watches you in awe and lust, ignoring the bone he has for being the reason you are coming undone—and not Aemond. Though he wills to share with his brother, he knows that ultimately the prize of having you like this is his.
“Let me ruin you”, he groans before replacing his fingers with his mouth.
His tongue dives into your womanhood, twirling around your clot before sucking it skillfully. You are breathless, burning, aching for this prince. Your mind goes blank and all you can think is of this blissful experience of being ruined by this man to whom you are expected to marry.
He drinks every juice he can of you, not stopping until you are about to release. And when you think you do, he removes his face away and stands in absolutely composed.
“Aegon!”, you protest, vexed to be left this way.
“You don’t think I’ve noticed how you teased me?”, he smirks, approaching to you. “We will fuck you, my lady. My brother and I. You wait and you will see.”
Never before you got so pink before.
And when Aegon smiles devilish to you, you are surprised by your own thoughts of wishing this to be true.
Aemond is practicing his sword this day when he spots you at a corner, unaccompanied. The one-eyed prince, who happens to be shirtless in this lonely practice, tosses away the sword to greet you in a gentleman like manner.
“My lady Y/N”, he doesn’t mind to get a shirt and dress when you stare at his perfect abs, which makes him smirk. “To what do I get the honor of your presence?”
“Aegon has departed to Citadel to visit Daeron”, you tell him, trying to control your impulses. “The queen forbade me to follow him. She said I’m under your charge, lord.”
Aemond moves from the yard to get to you. You find yourself holding your breath at the proximity of him. Suddenly both arms lock you against the wall.
“Are you now?”, and here he lifts your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Are you playing with us, my lady? Have you been instructed to turn me against my brother?”
Though he sees he’s offended you by the suggestion, Aemond does not take back what he said. And even though you are annoyed by these unflattering words, you don’t run from a fight either.
“You may call me many things, my prince, even though I judged you to know me better than this. But I am no home wrecker.”
And here he pins you against the wall, much to your dismay. He begins to unlace your gown, completely not fearful of being caught. And you barely protest, already dripping wet by how he presses his knee against your womanhood.
“Who am I to judge?”, he lowers his gaze to your mouth, your neck and your breasts. “These are lovely nipples, Y/N.”
You’d have decency covered them, but guessing your moves have Aemond hold your wrists above your head. You are at his mercy and he knows it.
“My brother told me about the gowns you wear, aware of how they reinforce each. But he did let me take a look at them before him.”
A sensible person would have been horrified for being in this position, but you feel aroused by this. To know they wish you like you wish them makes you warm.
As if he reads your mind, Aemond starts to caressing your right nipple, pleased to see you horny.
“Aemond…”, you moan.
Naughty that he is, underneath that dutiful demeanor he puts so well to the public, it’s this prince who speaks dirty to your ear.
“You will be fucked so well, my love, that you shall not have to choose, I promise you. Aegon and I have always shared what we loved the most”, and saying so he bites down your ear. “I will fuck your pussy until you burn and you will feel it with my being. The first born son will be mine, though. I know it.”
And then his indecent tongue paces around your lips only to get to your neck and then…
Like a thirsty prince, he sucks each nipple, biting it, craving it desperately. You want more, you are doomed, you know well. Your pious conscience accuses you of whoring, but nothing is stronger than giving yourself to this prince.
But of course Aemond has to interrupt it.
“We best not get caught”, he whispers, smirking victorious before the protest you shoot him in a gaze. “I thought you liked it, no?”
You pull him for one long kiss, though, and every lust is carefully put aside as Aemond, albeit hesitantly, kisses you back.
Not long after that, the rogue prince realizes that he left more than lust in the taste of your tongue.
The marriage, albeit scandalous, happens. Fortune rises underneath tradition. Some might say this is Aegon and his wives in other forms, back to the flesh in another version… certainly a good omen for those who believe in old stories.
Feasts and tournaments are thrown by the king and his brother to celebrate this unique union, never before seen until the day Aegon espoused his two sister wives.
“I hope that you know what you are doing”, says Rhaenyra at this day of your marriage. “These are wayward boys, one of whom nearly got into a fight with Lucerys.”
“I remember that night well, mother”, you try not to sound so irritating at your mother’s grudge. “This is not the time to speak of what has long been buried in the past. If I recall well, they have amended their relationship and all is well, as it should be.”
“I only worry over you, my daughter.”
You gently place a kiss over your mother’s face and smile at her.
“I aim as high as any Targaryen would in my position.”
“As ambitious as your father”, so chuckles Rhaenyra.
“I am his daughter too, after all.”
And you two smile in confidence.
Later that evening, bedding ceremony begins. You want both of your husbands there in your chamber. And when they show up, you cannot believe your eyes.
“Lady Y/N, you are beautiful”, says Aegon, already partially naked. He’s the one to pull you, making sure you stand between him and Aemond.
You feel Aemond’s cold hands rest in your hips, giving you shivers.
“We have all been longing for this, haven’t we?”, he murmurs in turn.
You turn your head at him, barely blinking as he is about to kiss you but this moment is stolen by Aegon, who plants his lips against yours. It’s a slow kiss, peppering for what’s coming all the whilst Aemond slowly lifts your nightgown, caressing gently your tits before removing it over your head.
“I am too fortunate, I’m afraid”, you whisper before stroking Aegon’s face. “Such handsome men.”
You kiss him back before breaking it to do the same with Aemond. Now Aegon leans to kiss your neck, whilst his brother plays with your tits.
You get hornier and naughtier, moaning softly before these teasings.
“There’s no need to play the good girl anymore, Y/N”, says Aemond, biting down your lip.
“Indeed”, and here Aegon pulls back your hair as his brother inserts his finger in your womanhood. “We will ruin you, won’t we, Aemond?”
You gasp as Aemond fucks you with his finger, trying not to lose control as Aegon kisses your neck and plays with your tits again.
“We will, indeed. But I need a reward for all this waiting…”
“We both need it”, agrees Aegon. “Show us what you are capable of, Y/N.”
So indecently you go down to your knees. Your eyes spark bright when looking at each erected manhood, unsure what to choose first until you start to caress Aemond’s all the whilst giving the privilege to Aegon’s.
You come to agree with both of them. You are hardly a saint, or divine by any means. You lust after each, and you devour these cocks with devotion. Pausing in between, you let them guide you.
It’s indecent, it’s sinful, but you like this. And so do they.
“Let us treat our princess kindly”, says Aegon, leading you to bed. “Not sparing my seed in these red lips…”
And here he uses his two fingers to play with your mouth, which you promptly devour. Only then he inserts them into your womanhood. Oh, how condemned you are. Such is the price for loving these wayward brothers.
“You may go, brother. I will watch”, says Aemond.
His voice purrs something in you and you find yourself a beggar. Where has your pride gone to? Oh, nowhere to be found.
“My lord!”, you push Aegon to your lips, so you kiss him fiercely and passionately. “Please!”
Aegon smiles like a lion, aware that he has the prey he wants under his power. Thus it is he finally makes way to penetrate you, deflowering his beautiful flower after years of repressing his desire for you.
In the meantime you and Aegon consume this flame, Aemond burns alone, touching his manhood before the scene he watches, which in turn wakes in him darkest desires. He wants to possess you, to make you his, to dispute over your flesh, to hear you call his name.
But there is something powerful in delegating this to Aegon, submitting to his brother’s will even here.
As Aegon collapses over you, he doesn’t let his brother to waste his seed. Though your womanhood is sensitive, you ache for more. They know you are as hungry as they are.
Aemond doesn’t need to be summoned. He crawls over your body, and here with no eyepatch to cover his eye, you stare at old wounds, at his taunted gaze covered by a beautiful sapphire.
“Fuck me”, you mewl under his powerful stare. “Aemond…”
He is gentle at first. Slow is his touch over your curves, taking his time in holding your face, drinking on your pleading eyes as he cups your nipples, touching each until they are hardened enough to make you beg. Only then he bends over you, kissing you passionately, prompted to release his fire.
It’s indeed a very wild evening. Soon Aegon comes to dispute you. Suddenly all of the three are sitting in bed, and you are in heaven. Standing in between them, your husbands’ mouth devour your exposed skin, and new levels of pleasure are disclosed as you are under their power.
Neither part dares to stop what’s been doing however until you throw your head back at Aemond’s shoulder and let a cry out.
“The dragon lady has burnt”, so whispers Aegon in your ear, watching as Aemond kisses you softly.
What a night. Oh what a night indeed. And you couldn’t have been happily married, could you?
What has started as a lustful game between the three parts soon results in a successful partnership. You do love each brother and they love you in turn.
To a general astonishment, this works like in Aegon I’s days. You rule court, playing your part well. Welcoming guests with your smile and good manners, much of which you’ve learned from the former Queen, who actually cares for you like a daughter she never had.
All is well. You are Daemon Targaryen’s daughter after all. Peace is established successfully and familial relationships are restored. Soon, your brothers are back to frequent court with their wives whom you delight to call sisters.
In due time, you prove to be as fertile as your lady mother. You produce fifteen children, not many of which come to adulthood. These are:
1. Jaehaerys II, who takes as his wife his sister; had offspring of their own.
2. Rhaenyra, wife of Jaehaerys.
3. Maegor, lord of Harrenhal; he first took as espouse his sister, Daella, but she died in childbirth; then he contracted a new marriage to Minisa Tully.
4. Maekar, lord of Summerhall: took as wife his sister, Rhaena.
5. Rhaegar, died in infancy, known as Prince of Winter.
6. Rhaena, Lady of Summerhall; wife to Maekar.
7. Baela, lady of High Garden.
8. Daeron, became a Maester at Citadel.
9. Aerys, lord Hightower; married lady Gaena Tyrell.
10. Helaena, lady of Winterfell.
11. Mariah, died in infancy.
12. Visenya, lady of Casterly Rock.
13. Daenys, lady Arryn.
14. Viserys, ward of the West.
15. Alys, Viserys’s twin and wife.
“You are still as gorgeous as ever”, whispers Aegon in your ear.
It’s late evening and both of your husbands are found in your arms. You still shiver at how King Aegon speaks to you, how he plays with your tits. You purr lightly.
“Oh Egg, you know not what you speak”, you giggle quietly. “Despite my efforts in looking elegant to you and Aemond, I gave birth to fifteen children.”
He plants a kiss over your forehead, careful in not waking Aemond, who sleeps against your left breast. From certain perspective, you three are engulfed in one another.
“I maintain my word. When did I ever look out of our bed, wife?”, says he, once very familiar amidst brothels before marrying you.
You turn at him with malice in your eyes as you speak.
“No whore does what you taught me to do to you”, you smirk.
Aegon sighs heavily, sinking into your lips again.
“Always restless.”
You chuckle.
“Not always”, you lean against his chest. “But I have been blessed, that is for sure.”
As you stroke Aemond’s hair, you slowly drift to sleep, glad that Aegon is looking after you.
“Haven’t we all?”
Chroniclers maliciously say you’ve married Aegon out of duty and Aemond out of pleasure, but what do men know of a woman’s heart? You love them both, with no difference of affections. And you are more than pleased to know they are not jealous when it’s about you.
It’s how it works. Tradition, power, yes. But love and confidence too.
You sleep this evening like you slept many others in the former twenty moons: as the luckiest woman of the Seven Realms.
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Pietro Maximoff x stark!fem!reader
Summary: You've always hated Pietro for his player tendencies—turns out he's never hated you at all.
Genre: Fluff, hurt and comfort (enemies to lovers)
Warnings: implied fuck-boy!Pietro, reader is Tony Stark's daughter (no physical description), reader hates Pietro in the beginning, mentions of blood and gun wounds, swearing, because Sokovia isn't real- I used Czech as Pietro and Wanda's language (i don't speak Czech so i used translating sites…if it's wrong, pls tell me)
~ thank you to the anon who requested this! this is my very first time writing for Pietro, please tell me what you think! ~
Your father has always been overprotective of you. 
He usually doesn't involve you with his affairs when you're with him and not at Mom's, choosing to have your room as far from any Avengers as he possibly could. At sixteen, you didn't like this—you felt like you deserved to live normally in your own home—so when he asked you to become friends with his newest members, Twins from Sokovia who also happened to be sixteen, and make them feel welcomed, you were more than happy to do so.
You liked Wanda Maximoff from the first moment you met her. She seemed quiet and shy in the beginning, but she also has this fiery side to her that you admire. She never took shit from anyone, including her brother. 
Pietro Maximoff was very different from his sister. You remember standing in your room, your dad by your side, with an unamused Wanda in front of you as a blue blur sparked across the room, occasionally skidding to a stop and knocking over some books or picking up some trinkets and making unnecessarily judgmental and overly excited comments.  
"Pietro," Wanda hissed, "Přestaň (Stop it)."
His sister's warning had only made his grin widen, his silver hair falling over his strikingly blue eyes as he returned next to her, his arms crossed. "Promiňte (Sorry)." You didn't know what he'd said, but it didn't sound like he meant it. 
"Wanda," he pointed to his sister as he introduced her, and then his grin turned into a smile. "Pietro," he said, pointing to himself, and then he outstretched his hand with no awkwardness or hesitation. You looked down and then up at him again, turning to your dad with an unsure expression but when he nodded, you shook Pietro's hand.
"Y/n," you whispered with a smile, and as you shook his hand, what could have been the start of a wonderful friendship, should have started that day. 
Should have.
In the beginning, it was childish teasing—which involved stealing things from your room and hiding them around the tower because it made Pietro laugh, running past you in the halls so quickly you'd almost fall over, or jokingly ruining any chances with any boys at school because he'd stick his nose in business that never involved him. 
Most of the team and your dad found your banter funny—encouraging the same boys will be boys' bullshit that meant that as the years passed, your dislike for Pietro only worsened. 
It especially didn't help when, by seventeen, he'd found out he was pleasant enough to look at and that girls seemed to adore his boyish charm. So, any chance he had, he'd either heavily flirt with girls at school, or find excuses during missions to pick up any pretty girl he came across. 
Of course, this behavior only increased in his twenties and made him all the more annoying—especially since you began working the coms and the computer for when the team was out on missions. Ever since Ultron, your dad now trusted you more than a robot. 
You're curled up in your chair, your headphones on as you watch the multiple screens in front of you. Some have news outlets playing out the scene while others have the biometrics of Iron Man's suit and the others' suits to make sure all is well. You also have every member in your ear as your fingers glide over the keyboard.
"Dad?" you switch the coms and touch the microphone. 
"Yes, Y/n?" Tony Stark's voice echoes in your headphones and you smile. 
"I can try and hack into the network of that bastard's suit if you want?" 
"Actually, Y/n, can you locate Quicksilver for me? He was supposed to evacuate all the civilians but I can't reach him anymore. Could you try? He always answers you,"
Great, Pietro duty—again.
"Can't I do something more useful?"
Tony chuckles, making you glance at one of your computer screens where you can see him hovering in the air, protecting the civilians on the ground from some shit-bag escaped prisoners who had taken over some secret government-type weaponry and causing all kinds of havoc.
Steve and Natasha seem to be handling the situation with some tact, while Wanda looks like she's having fun crunching the weapons in the men's hands with her mind. All in all, the team seems like they're handling things just fine without Pietro around. 
"Quicksilver is useful to me, darling. I know he's not your favorite person right now, Y/n, but he's a valuable member of my team and I need you to find him for me."
You huff. "He was never my favorite person," you whisper roll your chair over to another keyboard, and disconnect Tony from your headphones. You bite your cheek and hit enter. "Pietro? Hello?"
No answer. 
You change the signal. 
"Hello!" Wanda answers and you hear some commotion in the background. 
"Where's your brother?" you ask, "he isn't answering me."
"I don't know," Wanda says and after a moment she adds, "I can feel him though."
"Thanks," you say, although she'd been completely unhelpful. All you'd learned was that Pietro was definitely alive—which wasn't really a concern of yours since you hadn't assumed something happened to him. You just assumed he was missing.
You hear him in your headphones and you quickly change the channel again, pressing your lips closer to your microphone. "Pietro," you say.
"Yeah?" Pietro sounds like he's running, "What's up, Princezna (Princess)?"
"Don't call me that," you say, knowing damn well he'll call you that anyway. He always has. "Tony wants you. Where have you been?"
Pietro laughs. "I got a little distracted, Moje srdce (My heart)." You hear what sounds like another pet name—he calls you that from time to time you just refuse to ask him what it means.
You want to ask him what he means by distracted, but you assume it has something to do with him getting some girl's number so you don't want to know anymore. "I'm on my way back now so no need to worry your pretty head about me."
"I wasn't worried about you," you say instantly, "I was ordered to find you. Very different."
"Sure, Princezna, sure," Pietro says, his voice husky as he stops and takes a breath. "When are you going to fess up and admit you like me, hm? This cat-and-mouse game has been fun and all, but c'mon, what will it take for you to understand? Tady mě zabíjíš (You are killing me here)."
"Understand what?" 
"Understand that I–" Just as he speaks, you hear more familiar voices and shouting in the background and you look to one of the screens from a news outlet where you can see that Pietro is back with the team, only he's not running anymore. No, he looks like he's swaying. You stand to look closer at the screen. 
"Pietro?" you call into the mic, trying to understand what happened until you see him fall to the ground, clutching his side as his blue suit stains red. He must have stopped running for a moment and one of the fucking assholes dressed in machinery must have shot him. You panic and run to an opposite computer and change the channel one last time. 
"Wanda?" you whisper, your voice hoarse and shaky as you look back at the screen and see that Clint has found Pietro, and Wanda is running up to them too. "W-Wanda?" you try once more, watching her on-screen as she tends to her brother and ignores you.
You feel completely powerless.
* * *
When everyone comes home, you feel stupid as you greet them. Most of the Avengers send you sympathetic smiles as Tony walks up to you. Clint, Wanda, and Pietro aren't with them. You look up at your dad, feeling embarrassed that you're worried for someone you claim to hate.
Tony's expression softens as he hugs you stoically, he's not much for this type of affection but he can see you need this as you bury your nose into his shoulder. 
"He's being checked now but nothing serious," your dad sounds calm, "he's fine, darling."
You pull away, forcing a look of nonchalance as you. "I- I know that I- I didn't care either way," you lie shamelessly.  
Tony shakes his head, sounding exhausted when he says, "You're so stubborn, just like your mom." He ruffles your hair and kisses your forehead. "You can see him in a bit, I'm sure. I'll tell Wanda to come find you when he can have visitors."
You nod and spend the next few hours pacing your room, nibbling at the skin around your nails until you taste blood and finally, someone walks into your room—only it isn't Wanda. It's Pietro himself. He's wearing a slightly wrinkled tank top and a pair of slacks hung loosely around his hips. It's almost sinful. He grins cockily and runs a hand in his hair, his shirt riding up to expose his stomach. You stare at him, wide-eyed and your hand drops from your mouth. 
"What are you doing out of bed?!" you say, sounding more worried than you'd intended.
"What are you? My máma?" Pietro laughs and leans against the edge of your vanity. "I heal quick," he shrugs and looks around your room. He hadn't been in here in a while. He smirks. "Still sleep with Teddy, hm?" he hums. 
You feel warmth in your cheeks and you send your poor beaten-up-with-love Teddy-Bear a glare as if it was his fault you still slept with him in your arms at twenty-four. "Ha ha, funny," you mumble and move to stand in front of Pietro so he can't make fun of any more of your belongings. "No– I don't. Can you leave now?"
Pietro crosses his arms and tilts his head, his blue eyes piercing into yours. "Stark said you wanted to see me." 
Of course, he did. 
You narrow your eyes. "Well, I have seen you and I see you're fine so now I've changed my mind," you say with a shrug and point to your door, waiting for him to make the decision and leave. 
"You don't even wanna ask why I was distracted out there?" Pietro says and a smirk curls his lips.
You feel the wind in your hair and in a blink, he's standing much closer to you with a slight pant—as if he'd just run—and he's holding a small bent bouquet of roses in his hands. He holds them out for you and you stare at them in disbelief. 
"What are those?"
You glare at him. "I know that but why?"
"I saw them and thought of you," he says so nonchalantly you almost don't believe him.
"What? When?"    
"When I was helping the civilians," Pietro shrugs and his eyes are intense. He pauses after a moment and raises his hand, his knuckles skimming your cheek. You freeze, warmth spreading all over your cheeks as you panic internally. "Saw them in the park and I wanted to get them for you."
Your eyes widen. "Isn't that illegal?"
Pietro smirks. "Not if it's done in the name of love, Princezna."
"I don't think that's how that works—" Realization dawns on you and you feel like you're spinning. "Wait, wait, what did you just say?" 
Pietro laughs and his hand moves to tuck some hair behind your ear, smiling. Maybe he's excited but you can feel his skin vibrate on yours. Your heart is pounding so heavily and your mind is screaming at you that this is all a trick and this is what he does with girls. He throws around the l-word and expects women to fall at his feet. He's a player.
"What I was trying to tell you before I was rudely shot, is why haven't you caught on and understood that I'm madly in love with you?"
You blink at him and then take a step away from him, shaking your head as you force a laugh. "Pietro, this isn't funny. It isn't funny to mess with me like this. You know how I feel about you playing with my feelings—"
Pietro frowns. "Playing with you?" 
You roll your eyes. "Please, it's just not funny, okay?"
"You think this is a joke, mé srdce (my heart)? Ach, můj drahý (Oh, my dear)," Pietro says in a whisper and moves closer to you again, his hand reaching for yours as he hands you the roses.
"I'm not messing with you. I tease you sometimes, but my feelings are real. I haven't messed around with any women in years—minus that mistletoe kiss—" he rubs his nape, mentioning the time you'd caught him and an office girl kissing at last Christmas party. He didn't mean for that to happen, and even less for you to see him. 
You're really trying to understand him now but nothing is making sense. "You have feelings for me?" You whisper, your eyes wide. You feel like you've entered some alternative reality. "You can't just say things like that now, Pietro. It's not fair."
His expression turns more serious than you've ever seen him. "I'm not saying this lightly, Y/n. I know I've been a jerk to you, but I was a stupid kid who didn't know how to express his feelings and then it was too late because you hated me. But, I have always cared for you, miláček (darling). I really have."
You move back, your eyes round, processing his words. All those years of childish teasing, all those petty arguments you'd had, and all the jealousy you've felt suddenly hit you like a train and you're left broken and bruised. He had feelings for you? You've been pushing him away because you were scared of how you felt about him.
"Why now? Why did you choose to tell me all this now?" you ask, shaking the roses in your hands as your voice trembles.
Pietro exhales. "Because when Wanda mentioned me how worried you were about me, I realized how much I need you in my life. Need you beside me. I didn't want to hide my feelings anymore— and I picked those flowers wanting to confess anyway. I want to be with you, Y/n. No more games, just us."
You feel a mix of relief and fear. Deep down, you've wanted to hear this for so long, but it's as terrifying as you'd imagined. You look up at him, walking in closer and you can hear your heart in your throat when you run a hand in his silver hair, holding him and pulling him down to meet his lips.
You've convinced yourself this would be confirmation. Confirmation that this was a bad fucking idea. Instead, his kiss is intoxicating and it makes your mind go all fuzzy. Of course, he'd be good at this, he'd been quite the whore—your thought is interrupted by Pietro pulling you in closer and deepening the kiss, his hand finding your hip. 
You gasp, leaning up into him as the world as you'd known it crashes around you. 
"Sakra, Princezna (Damn, Princess)," Pietro murmurs into your lips, holding you close. "This is so much better than I imagined."
"You imagined this?" you say, sounding more teasing than you'd anticipated as you're left breathless from his kisses. 
Pietro hums. "All the damn time," he admits and kisses you again.
After more kisses, he finally pulls away. "So, is that a yes? You want be with me too?" he asks hopefully and you look into his eyes, taking in his excitement. You don't dare even think of breaking his heart as anyway, your swells at the mere thought of being his. 
You nod but then smirk and pull him back in for a kiss, your hand fisting his shirt, "Kiss me some more and then I'll tell you."
And he does just that.
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ak-vintage · 3 days
Sweet As
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Pairing: Francisco Morales/f! babysitter reader
Summary: Frankie comes home after a long day at work and learns how you have been keeping cool in the midst of a heat wave.
Prompt: Frankie Morales x Grapes
Tags & Warnings: 18+ MDNI, 6 years post-Triple Frontier, single dad Frankie, flight instructor Frankie, babysitter reader, dual POV, age gap (not specified, but reader is a grad student), minimal descriptors of reader character, no use of y/n, domestic, sweet, mutual pining, food as foreplay, frottage, pussy pronouns, vaginal fingering, oral sex (f! receiving), trying to keep quiet, trying not to get caught, undefined but hopeful ending
Word Count: 7.5K
Written for the @happypedrohours Charcuterie Board Challenge.
Dividers by @saradika-graphics <3
Read on AO3
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You had always been a summer girl, but even you had your limits.
It was week three of the most severe heatwave the south had seen in a decade, and even with the Morales’s air conditioner running at full capacity, you still couldn’t help but park yourself directly under the ceiling fan with a sweating glass of iced tea. Mila, thankfully, hadn’t fought you during bedtime tonight, the six-year-old nearly dead on her feet after a full day of summer activities – a bike ride around the block before the heat of the day had set in, a dance party after lunch, hours in her swimsuit weaving in and out of the sprinkler in the back yard. You had done your best to keep up with her sunscreen, but she still sported a little flush on her round, tan cheeks as she crawled into bed, making little snuffling snores before you had even finished telling her goodnight.
There was a part of you that envied it, the way she could just collapse into sleep, not a care in the world, while you were stuck at the kitchen table late into the night, your laptop and textbooks strewn across its surface. The perils of holding down a full-time babysitting gig while also taking summer classes, you supposed.
It was worth it, though. Mila was a sweet girl, a total social butterfly, full of giggles and sweetness, easily the most fun kid you had ever cared for. And Frankie, her father…
Mr. Morales, you reminded yourself with a quick shake of your head.
Mr. Morales was a dream to work for. Respectful, pleasant, communicative, fair. A great parent to his daughter – a single dad, the only one in your regular client rotation. He paid you well for your time, and he was generous with his recreation budget, always making sure to leave cash in the top kitchen drawer for ice cream treats, trips to the pool, matinee movies. You really couldn’t have asked for a better job for the summer.
It didn’t hurt that he was absurdly handsome, in a rugged, lived-in sort of way. Not that it mattered, of course; he was your boss, more than a decade your senior, and you were, above all else, a professional. Hitting on the kids’ dads? The biggest babysitting faux pas. You liked to think you had more class than that.
However, class or not, you were still just a woman, and Francisco Morales? He was all man.
A blue-collar, ex-military guy in his mid-forties, he was tall and impossibly broad in the shoulders with long, muscular arms, a soft tummy that peaked out over the waistband of his jeans, and a head full of dark brown curls that were constantly just a little squished by a dark, well-worn ballcap bearing the Standard Oil logo. He started out a bit reserved in the beginning, not at all unfriendly but certainly someone who took some time to open up to new people, but in the months since you had started working for him, the two of you had developed a comfortable rapport.
So, if you dragged yourself out of bed an hour early just so you could get to his house in time enough to share a cup of coffee with him before he left for work, well…that was just relationship building with a client, wasn’t it? If you found yourself lingering in the driveway every time he walked you out to your car at the end of the day, extending the conversation more and more, delaying your departure as long as you could manage, that was just…friendship, right? Comradery.
And if, on nights like tonight, you received a series of clunky, unpunctuated texts asking you to stay late on short notice and you agreed without question, that was just going above and beyond. That was you being a good employee.
It definitely wasn’t you genuinely wanting to help out the struggling single father, not because you were being paid to do so, but because he deserved it. And you definitely didn’t take a deep, personal satisfaction in knowing that he trusted you, knowing that he relied on you.
It was all above board. All friendly. All completely and totally normal.
These were the things you told yourself, anyway. It helped you to keep your traitorous heart in check.
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It was nearing 10:00 PM by the time Frankie finally pulled into his driveway, his eyelids heavy, his limbs leaden and slicked with sweat. One of the ‘copters at the flight school where he worked had required some major repairs after a clumsy takeoff by one of the students earlier that afternoon had resulted in damage to the rotor blades, and he had volunteered to stay behind after hours and help with the effort so the thing wouldn’t have to spend the entire next day grounded. He was an instructor these days, but his assistance had still been welcomed. In the years he had spent attempting to earn back his pilot’s license after his…indiscretions, he had spent a fair amount of time working as an aviation mechanic to make ends meet.
Even then, at the lowest point of his life, he hadn’t been able to keep himself away from a hangar.
It had been back-breaking work, and Frankie hated having to ask you to stay late when he knew you had your own life, your own friends, your own dreams outside of babysitting his kid, but the repairs were complete now, which meant that none of the instructors would need to cancel any of their lessons for the following day. And when the flight school’s students were, more often than not, rich old men and their trust fund sons who didn’t take well to being told “no,” the extra effort would not go unnoticed.
Now, however, as he shifted his pickup truck into park next to your beat-up old Ford Focus, all he could think about was getting into the air conditioning, taking off his boots, and sitting down at the kitchen table under the ceiling fan with you.
It was the only advantage, really, of these late nights. Infrequent though they were, Frankie couldn’t deny that there was something special about coming home to find his daughter tucked up in bed, happy and tired and well-fed, and you at the table with your schoolwork strewn out in front of you. There was something peaceful and almost painfully domestic about it, something that had his chest swelling with a feeling that he couldn’t quite identify but that he knew for certain was not something one was meant to feel for one’s babysitter.
It was the same feeling he got when you started accepting his offers of coffee in the mornings before he left for work, or when you noticed that he had started purchasing the sugary-sweet creamer you preferred when he had only ever drunk his coffee black. It was the same feeling he got when he came home on one of the first nights of this fucking wretched heatwave to find you chasing his daughter around the back yard with an armful of water balloons, the both of you soaked to the skin and giggling as you pelted each other relentlessly.
It was the same feeling he got when he walked you out to your car and he watched you grip the driver’s door handle so tight your knuckles turned pale, watched you glance down at his lips one too many times to be proper. Soft mouth parted, long lashes casting shadows across your sun-kissed cheeks, perfect breasts rising and falling with your quickened breath –
Frankie brought the heels of his hands up to his eyes, pressing hard, scrubbing across his face to banish the thought. He had no business thinking of you like that, noticing you like that, and he needed to get it together before he walked through the front door and found you precisely where he had imagined you. This might have been his home, but it was your place of work, and he refused to be one of those skeevy dads who made the babysitter uncomfortable.
Gathering himself, Frankie hopped down out of the truck and jogged up the front porch steps. Slipping his keyring from his front pocket, he opened the door as quietly as he could manage and kicked his well-worn boots off onto the mat inside the entryway.
Before he could announce his arrival, however, your voice called out to him, hushed and warm.
“Welcome home, Mr. Morales,” you said sweetly, glancing up at him from your favorite chair at his table. He could see you there through the kitchen doorway, hair piled haphazardly on top of your head, eyes tired but soft, happy. You had gotten even more sun today, your cheeks, nose, and forehead tinged with pink, and you wore an oversized T-shirt and a pair of almost sinfully short shorts, the kind with the elastic waist that looked soft to the touch. Frankie tried and failed not to trace the length of your legs with his eyes, not to imagine the plush softness of your thighs, the suppleness of your calves.
Dragging his gaze back up to your face, praying that you hadn’t caught the trajectory of his traitor eyes, he was somewhat surprised to find you studying him, as well. Rather intently, as a matter of fact. He squinted down at himself, puzzled, and noticed for the first time what you must be staring at: he was a mess.
He was smudged with grease from head to toe, dark streaks of the oily substance arcing across his jeans, his uniform polo, his bare forearms, the backs of his hands. His skin, where it was visible, shone with sweat in the dim entryway light, and his shirt clung to his upper body like a second skin from the heat (moisture-wicking fabric, his ass). The weather would have been enough to have him in a state, but the late night combined with the manual labor had clearly taken its toll.
He watched the long column of your throat bob as you swallowed thickly.
“Rough day?” you asked after a beat of tense silence, keeping your voice low so as not to wake Mila.
Frankie felt his lips lift at the corner, offering you a fatigued half-smile. “A bit, yeah. But better now.”
You pressed your mouth into a thin line as though smothering a grin. “Glad to hear it.” Gesturing at the chair opposite you, you added, “Why don’t you come have a seat, and I’ll heat up some leftovers for you? You have to be starving.”
Fuck, now that you mentioned it, he was starving. He and the small crew of mechanics had taken a brief snack break while they worked, partaking of whatever hodgepodge of junk they had been able to liberate from the vending machine in the office, but that bag of chips and stale granola bar had left his system hours ago now. Still, even as his stomach growled with hunger, he couldn’t help but protest, “You don’t need to do that, cariño. It’s not your job to cook for me on top of everything else you do around here.”
You waved his words away with a flippant flick of your wrist, already on your feet and heading for the refrigerator. “I’ve told you, it’s not a problem. I cook anyway for me and Mila. Why wouldn’t I make a little extra for you while I’m at it?” You glanced over your shoulder at him. “Now sit down. I’ve got this.”
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As the container of leftover pasta rotated in the pale yellow light of the microwave, you took a moment to gather yourself, to reign in the surge of want that had pulsed through you at the sight of your employer hovering in the entryway.
Miles of golden tan skin shining with sweat, pooling in the little hollow at the base of his neck. His uniform polo unbuttoned as far down as it would go, showing a sliver of gray ribbed undershirt. Grease smudged across one high cheekbone, streaked across his hands. You needed those hands on you, needed him to transfer those dark marks onto your skin, your clothes, to leave a trail across your body so you could remember everywhere he had touched you, so you could see it when you looked in the mirror.
“How was Mila today? She behave herself all right?”
You startled at the sound of his voice, quickly schooling your face into what you hoped was a pleasantly neutral expression before turning back around to face him. “Oh, yeah, she was great. We had a good day today.”
Frankie – Mr. Morales – smiled fondly at that. “Good, that’s good. No more, uh, meltdowns in the afternoon?”
“No, things have been pretty smooth since we started digging through that article I found. ‘30 Activities to Keep Kids Cool in the Summer’ or whatever. It’s been a huge help.” You chuckled wryly. “Once I figured out a way to let her be outside in the afternoons without running the risk of heatstroke, she’s been great.”
“Right, right.” He settled himself in the chair across from yours, running the side of his fingers across his patchy stubble in thought. “That’s what gave you the idea for the water balloons that one day, right?”
The microwave beeped twice, the golden light inside flickering off, and you grabbed the steaming leftover container as you spoke. “Yeah, exactly. And the sprinkler, and turning paint into ice cubes and using it like chalk.” Snagging a fork from the silverware drawer, you handed both to the exhausted man and slid back into your seat.
He tossed you a grateful smile and dug into the meal with gusto, loosing a quiet groan at the first bite. “Shit, that’s good,” he sighed, dark eyes fluttering closed in a way that had your heartrate spiking. “Thank you for this, cariño. You’re a lifesaver.”
Warmth blossomed in your chest, and you fought the urge to reach out and squeeze his shoulder comfortingly. “Of course, it’s my pleasure.”
Shoving a few more bites into his mouth, he asked, “Didn’t you freeze her Barbies one day, too?”
“Yeah, I did!” It had been one of Mila’s favorites so far of the heatwave-proof activities you had planned for her, and the memory of it had you chuckling. “I took a couple of her dolls and a bunch of their accessories, put them in a few of those sand buckets you guys have in the garage, filled those with water, and then froze them overnight. It took her hours to dig them all out, but hey. It kept her busy, and she didn’t overheat in the process, so I’ll take it.”
Mr. Morales grinned at that, plucking a napkin from the holder in the center of the table, scrubbing it across his sauce-stained moustache. “Incredible. You know, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all the extra effort you’ve been going to with her lately. I know it’s a lot, just looking after her eight hours a day, every day. But with this heat, I know she’s going stir-crazy.” He glanced down at his meal, something almost bashful creeping into his expression. “Pretty sure she gets that from me. Never been real good at sitting still, being stuck indoors.”
“It’s really nothing, Mr. Morales,” you insisted, brushing away the praise with a swipe of your hand.
“No. S’not nothing.” His low voice had gone serious now, and when he glanced back up at you, his eyes were wide, dark, and earnest. “The way you take care of her? The way you always seem to just…know what she needs? That’s everything.” You swore you saw his cheeks darken, swore you saw his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard. “And I told you. S’okay if you call me Frankie. That Mr. Morales stuff makes me feel old.”
You drew your lower lip between your teeth, gaze flicking down to your hands as the intensity of the eye contact became too much to handle. “If you’re sure,” you agreed after a moment. “I don’t want to…presume.”
“Not presuming,” he disagreed, shaking his head. “We’re…friends, right, cariño? Friends can call each other by their first names.”
Something in your stomach ached at his words, but he sounded so genuine, so hopeful that you couldn’t bring yourself to deny him. “Suppose that’s true… Frankie.”
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Fucking Christ.
Maybe that hadn’t been the right call, Frankie thought. Maybe he shouldn’t have suggested you call him that, not when your voice sounded so sweet wrapped around his name, not when the hour was so late, the house so silent, like you were the only two people awake in the world. That kind of intimacy, it was going to give him…ideas.
Eager to distract himself from the moment, he plowed onward. “Well, what was the activity today?” he asked, stabbing another selection of pasta and vegetables with his fork.
You appeared to consider the question for a moment before replying, “Actually, it’s more of ‘show’ thing than a ‘tell’ thing, so if you don’t mind holding that thought for a minute, I’ll show you after you’re finished eating.”
Frankie arched an eyebrow at you, intrigued. “Okay, sure. I can wait. Why don’t you tell me what you’re working on then instead? Something for school, I assume?” He gestured at the impressive spread of textbooks, printed articles, and your open laptop taking up most of the surface of the kitchen table.
Immediately, you launched into a detailed explanation of your current project, a research proposal for your graduate program that would serve as the capstone of this session of summer classes. He would freely admit that he only understood bits and pieces of it, his formal education having ended with his high school graduation, but he always enjoyed asking you about your schoolwork. The way you lit up when you talked about the subjects you were passionate about, your animated gestures, your wide, sparkling eyes, all of it was deeply endearing to him. He loved how passionate you were, the way you chased after your goals with fire and focus. It was one of his favorite things about you, and he felt as though that list might be growing longer by the day.
Your monologue about your research proposal gave him the perfect opportunity to finish his meal, so that by the time you had come to the end of your explanation, Frankie was dropping his fork into the now-empty container and leaning back in his chair, pleasantly full and satisfied.
“Oh,” you gasped, seeming to come back to yourself as you took in his relaxed posture, the little smile on his face. “Wow, I really just went on and on there, huh? Sorry about that, I guess I get a little overexcited about my research.”
“Don’t apologize. I like how fired up about it you get, it’s cute.”
The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them, a little too honest, a little too real, and Frankie braced himself for the shift in your demeanor that was sure to follow. The awkwardness, the clear discomfort at the too-personal words from your employer. But it never came. Instead, your cheeks darkened under his gaze, a flush spreading down your neck and disappearing into the neckline of your oversized T-shirt.
“You…you think I’m cute?” you stammered, voice a bit breathless in a way that had him shifting in his seat, and he felt a fresh flush of sweat bead up on his forehead, just under the brim of his ballcap, at the sound.
He needed to blow you off, he knew. He needed to make an excuse for the comment, turn it into something mindless, something shallow and impersonal, if he wanted to point this conversation back in the right direction.
“‘Course, cariño,” he said instead. “Who wouldn’t? Might be an old man these days, but I’m not dead yet.”
What was wrong with him?
You blinked back at him for a moment, eyes wide and glossy, lips parted in surprise at the confession, but then you were smiling, something almost…flirtatious in the curve of your lip as you said, “You’re not an old man, Frankie. You’re…experienced.”
Oh, fuck him.
This was a dangerous path the two of you were walking, and in that moment, Frankie wasn’t sure what frightened him more: the eventual destination or the fact that you seemed more than willing to travel it with him.
If he was ever going to make it back to safety, he needed to switch gears. Now.
“How about that activity?” he said quickly. “You gonna show me what you and Mila got up to all day?”
Drawing back from where you had started to lean toward him across the table, you shook your head a bit, as though the question had brought you back to yourself. He watched as the softness and the want in your eyes dissipated, and though he mourned it, he knew it was for the best. The two of you had come too close to crossing that line tonight. You both needed to regain your footing a bit.
“Sure. Actually, it should make for a good dessert.” Getting to your feet once more, you crossed to the refrigerator and opened the freezer door, pulling three medium-sized plastic containers from its depths. The clear plastic fogged up the moment it hit the outside air, obscuring their contents, but Frankie didn’t have to wait for long to see what was inside. A moment later, you spread the three containers out on the kitchen table in front of him and began removing their lids.
Inside the containers was a selection of perfectly chopped, completely frozen fruit. The two of you had clearly used some creatively-shaped cutters to prepare the fruit, as some of the chunks were shaped like little hearts, others looked like tiny stars, and still others looked as though a cutter in the shape of a bunny head had been used. One container held little hunks of bright red watermelon in a full assortment of unique shapes, another boasted chunks of pineapple, also uniquely prepared, and in the last container, a medley of green and red grapes had been halved down the center for easy eating.
“What tastes better on a hot day than fresh fruit?” you asked cheerily. “We cut it up together out on the patio first thing this morning so it would have time to freeze. Mila wanted me to tell you that she did the watermelon because it’s pink and that’s her favorite.”
Frankie glanced up at you, meeting your eyes over the frosty containers. “That sounds about right,” he chuckled.
“I ended up having to hose down the concrete by the time we were done, but it made a great snack when it got miserable out. She was going back and forth between the sprinkler and her bowl on the patio all afternoon.”
He grinned at the image you painted, thinking of his little girl in her pink bathing suit, wild brown ringlets wet and clinging to her scalp, grass sticking to her feet as she danced through the spray of the sprinkler, darting back to grab a hunk of watermelon or a frozen grape, the juice dripping from her little fingers.
“Help yourself,” you encouraged, sitting back down across from him. “I’ll have some with you.”
He quirked an eyebrow at you. “Shouldn’t I…grab us some forks?”
You shrugged, that fucking grin making its way back onto your face. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”
And with that, you fluttered your fingertips over the container of frozen grapes, plucked one from the pile, and slipped it into your mouth with a satisfied sigh. You might have started chatting then, might have begun asking him if he had any fun plans for the upcoming weekend and offered a summary of yours in return, but Frankie hardly heard a word of it. He was too preoccupied with your…snacking.
The plushness of your lips, the little peek of your slick, pink tongue each time you opened them, the way you seemed to allow the fruit to linger in your mouth as it defrosted. Heart-shaped watermelon had pale pink juice spilling out of the corner of your mouth, making it halfway down your chin before you delicately swiped it away with the tip of your middle finger. A pineapple star had you smiling softly as you enjoyed the burst of tartness over your tastebuds.
And those grapes.
Those goddamn fucking grapes, with their slick, frosty skin and their subtle, gentle sweetness – those you softly, almost absently traced over the seam of your lips before slipping them inside. Like you were savoring the sensation unconsciously, like the cool wetness of them quenched something in you that you weren’t even aware required attention. They made your mouth glisten in the low light, the shine of it so tempting he was certain that he hadn’t looked away from it in several minutes now.
In the back of his mind, he knew he needed to get ahold of himself. There was no way you hadn’t noticed; he had to be making you uncomfortable by now. But he just…couldn’t. God, you looked good enough to eat, with your messy hair and your sun-pinked cheeks and your bright eyes and your soft, bare legs.
A droplet of sweat traveled down the side of his face, streaking down his temple, his jaw, his neck.
Your mouth looked cool, and it looked sweet.
Frankie startled at the sound of his name on your tongue, and his gaze snapped back up to your eyes instantly, a wicked flush blazing up the back of his neck and over his skull in mortification. Shit, you had noticed him staring, this was such a major fuck-up –
“Hm? What’s that, cariño?” His voice came out weak and raspy, like his throat had gone dry, and he cleared it loudly.
“I was saying, you don’t want any of the fruit?” You looked him over with wide, innocent eyes, and for the first time, Frankie realized that he hadn’t taken a single bite.
“Uh. A-Actually, I think I might be too full at the moment,” he stammered, bringing a hand up to pat himself across the belly in excuse.
The little confused quirk of your head told him immediately that you didn’t believe him. Scooting your chair across the hardwood floor, you came to sit directly next to him and gently scolded, “Frankie, you’ve been out working in this heat all night. You need to rehydrate. Here, you have room for a few pieces. Open up, okay?”
One of those slick, dewy grape halves appeared between your thumb and forefinger then, and the next thing he knew, you were holding it out to him. Not to take with his own hand, but to eat. It was a mere hairsbreadth away from his mouth.
Unable to formulate a suitable protest, his brain suddenly feeling rather detached from his body, all Frankie could do was drop his jaw and allow you to slip the fruit inside.
The pads of your fingers touched the soft, sensitive skin of his lower lip, and that was when he was certain that not only had his brain seemingly walked away on its own, it had turned fully off. That was the only explanation he could come up with for why the moment he registered the delicate touch, he immediately seized your wrist in one of his fists, dragging your fingers fully into his mouth.
A loud, feminine gasp met his ears as he swiped his tongue between your fingertips, stealing the frozen fruit from your grasp, pressing it firmly against the roof of his mouth to squash it, and quickly swallowing it down. His tongue returned to your skin, lapping at the frost and the condensation and the delicate, sweet juices coating your fingertips, and he watched as your eyes glazed over at the sensation. Your wrist went limp in his grasp, your fingers pliant, never once attempting to withdraw, and the ball of heat that had been brewing in his gut all night suddenly reached a fever pitch as he realized that you liked this.
Cock twitching in his jeans, he drew your fingers from his mouth. Both his eyes and yours followed the fine trail of saliva that stretched from his lip to the tip of your index finger, and he heard your swallow heavily at the sight.
“Frankie,” you whispered weakly.
And then his restraint abandoned him just as his mind had, and before he could think better of it, his hands were cupping your face and dragging you bodily to meet him in a hard, messy kiss.
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Francisco Morales kissed like he did everything else – with intention, with competence, and with a raw, simmering fire that lingered just below the surface just waiting to be unveiled. To be stoked. To be nurtured.
The presence of that fire had your squirming in your seat, had your neck bending back on your shoulders in submission to the intensity of his assault. His thumbs, long and thick, pressed into your jaw from either side, wrenching you open, and his tongue slipped inside, immediately seeking your own with a desperation that drew a soft, muffled moan from your throat. Your own hands flew to the sweat-damp collar of his polo, and you dug your fingers into the fabric, holding him, keeping him just as fiercely as he kept you. Your heartbeat thundered in your ears, pulsed between your thighs, growing sensitive and tender there when wetness bloomed.
With a low, rasping groan, Frankie broke the kiss and began tracing his prominent nose across your cheek, along the edge of your jaw, down your bare neck.
“You taste so fucking sweet, querida. Cold and…delicious and…perfect.”
Punctuating his words with hot, open-mouthed kisses across your skin, his voice rough and raw and sounding like the confession had been dragged from his chest against his will, it was enough to have sweat breaking out on the back of your neck, behind your knees, at the base of your spine.
“Frankie,” you breathed, threading your grip into his hair, curling his dark brown locks around your fingers, scraping along his scalp. “Please – ”
His hands dropped from your jaw then, sweeping around the width of your hips and hauling you into his lap. Instinctually, your thighs spread to bracket his waist, the weight of you coming to rest on his spread-legged lap, and you couldn’t help but moan at the thick, hard press of him against the softness of your cunt.
“This okay, baby?” he murmured against your skin, nuzzling against the neckline of your shirt, broad palms dragging down over your ass to hold you down, press you to him.
You whimpered and felt your body going soft, warm, and pliant beneath his touch. “Mm hm!” Hips hitching, grinding against him of their own accord, you pulled his face back up to meet yours, smothering your own gasps and whines in his mouth.
It didn’t last long, however. After a few quick licks against your tongue, Frankie pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours and knocking his Standard Oil cap to the floor.
“Uh uh, need to hear the words, cariño. Won’t do anything you don’t want me doing.” Wrapping his fingers around your messy bun, he angled your face down so that your heavy-lidded eyes met his. “I’ll ask you again. You want me touching you? You want me to make you feel good?”
Your eyes drifted shut, your mind gone warm and hazy. God, the things this man did to you. Did he know how long you had wanted this? How hard you had fought against it? He couldn’t know. If he did, he would never ask such a question.
“Yes, please, Frankie,” you gasped, nodding against his hold, brushing the tip of your nose against his.
“Yes, please, what, bebita?” You could hear a smirk in his voice now, and the sound had you flushing down to the tips of your toes, a fresh rush of wetness soaking your panties as you squirmed against him.
Tucking your face against his sweaty neck, you whispered, “Please…please make me feel good.”
Frankie was on his feet in an instant, boosting you into his arms in a move that had your stomach dropping down through your abdomen both in shock and in arousal. He backed you into the table, your hips bumping into the wooden edge, and the snap of pain had a brief flash of clarity flying through your lust-filled brain fog.
“Frankie, my books – ”
The older man swore under his breath – “fuck, right” – before changing course, bringing you instead over to the arm of the peninsula that extended out into the room from the edge of the kitchen. Kicking one of the two barstools out of the way, he dropped you unceremoniously onto the countertop before dragging you down for another kiss.
He ate at your mouth like a man starved, sucking on your lips, dragging his teeth across your skin, licking against the roof of your mouth. It was wet, sloppy, and so hot, his desperation contagious, encouraging you to match him caress for caress. No one had ever kissed you like this, like the kissing was the main event rather than a means to an end. Frankie kissed like that was the entire point, and it had you melting against the counter. You were dripping through your shorts now, you were sure of it.
“Can taste all that fruit on your tongue. Sweetest thing I ever tasted,” he growled, keeping his voice low. “But I can think of at least one other thing that might be even sweeter.”
Jesus fucking Christ. Your boss was going to eat you out on his kitchen counter.
“Lean back, bebita.” The words were spoken against your cheeks, brushed into your skin by the suddenly tender touch of his lips, the rasp of his whiskers, the press of his chin. “Let me take care of you.”
You did as he asked, releasing your hold on his broad shoulders and sinking back onto your elbows. The granite was cool to the touch, sending goosebumps along your arms and down your spine, but the sensation was a welcome one after the oppressive heat of the day, the heat of his body on yours.
His palms snaked beneath the hem of your T-shirt, bunching it up onto your belly to reveal the waistband of your shorts. Hooking his thumbs into the elastic without preamble, he murmured, “Lift your hips a bit for me, baby.” Again, you obeyed without question, and with a few short tugs, Frankie pulled both your shorts and your slick-stained panties down your legs to drop to the hardwood floor.
You felt a fierce blush flare in your cheeks, spreading down your neck and chest with a speed that had you gasping for air. The ceiling fan over the kitchen table – you could feel its breeze from here, the cool rush of air instantly pulling a shiver from you as it hit your wet, swollen pussy. You kept yourself bare in the summer, finding it easier and less stressful whenever you wanted to wear a swimsuit, and laid out like this on display, thighs spread around Frankie’s broad body, the cold fan hitting your most vulnerable skin, you couldn’t help but feel a bit…overexposed. The reality of your situation hit you like a freight train, and you found yourself fighting the urge to snap your legs closed against the eyes of your boss.
It was as though Frankie could read your mind. Not a moment after the thought occurred to you, you felt his big hands clamp onto your thighs and pull them apart even wider.
“Don’t you dare try to hide from me. She’s so fucking beautiful,” he tutted, and you risked a glance at his face only to find him staring intently down at your cunt. “You been walking around my house with a naked pussy like this all summer, baby? Dirty girl.” His dark brown eyes had gone almost black with lust, his irises only a faint ring around his wide pupils, and in a gesture that seemed entirely unconscious, he darted the tip of his tongue out to wet his bottom lip. He looked utterly fascinated. Entranced. Hungry. The sight had your walls clenching around nothing, and you watched him watch that happen with an eagerness that had you moaning aloud.
When he spoke again, he was a man in thrall. “‘M gonna eat this pretty pussy now, querida. Gotta be quiet for me, okay? Don’t wanna wake Mila.”
You nodded, bringing one of your hands up to cover your mouth preemptively. This man was going to have you screaming, you just knew it. Flicking his gaze up to yours for just a moment, he grinned wickedly at the sight.
“That’s a good girl, baby,” he whispered, and then his face was in your cunt, and you felt your every coherent thought fly out the window.
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If Frankie had thought that your mouth tasted sweet, your tongue like candy, then your pussy was fruit on the vine, straight from the vineyard, drenched in sunshine. It was hot, deep, and rich, earthy and tangy and drugging, like a late summer afternoon, like a hazy day in August. This had always been one of his favorite things to do with women, one of his favorite ways to please them, and never – not once – had it ever been like this. From the moment his tongue touched your delicate, dripping folds, he knew – there would be no going back from this. Not for him. He couldn’t experience something like this and not crave it every day for the rest of his life.
He started with soft, light strokes with tip of his tongue, tracing just the very edges of your lips from down near your entrance all the way to the top of your mound. Then again, slowly pressing deeper but never with any more than the faintest pressure. Even so, you responded instantly, a panting, high-pitched whine sounding behind the press of your palm over your mouth. Your hips bucked against his mouth, trying to increase the pressure, to draw him further into you, but he had one of his arms bracketing the span of your hips before you could make much progress.
Driving you firmly into the countertop, he held your knees open with the breadth of his shoulders and boldly dragged the flat of his tongue through your folds. “Keep quiet, now, bebita. I’m gonna take care of you.”
With that, Frankie felt himself begin to disappear, to melt into you from his position between your legs. Your soft thighs bracketing his shoulders, your heels digging into his back, your pussy, so soft, so hot, so sweet as you dissolved beneath his tongue. You were drooling for him, your clenching, grasping hole fluttering against his tongue every time he passed over it, your clit swollen and throbbing under the suction of his lips. You had collapsed back against the countertop now, one hand still pressed firmly over your mouth, the other burying itself in his hair, anchoring him to your body with a strength he found both surprising and wildly attractive. And with every lick, every suck, every vibration of a moan that spilled from his mouth into your flesh, he could feel you drawing higher, tighter, deeper.
He knew what you needed. He knew what would get you there.
Tucking his free hand beneath his chin, Frankie slipped one, then two thick fingers into the tight, velvety clutch of your cunt.
You shot up off the counter, your torso curling around his head, your hand in his hair fisting the strands roughly in your overwhelm. Sharp bolts of pain erupted across his scalp, but it was a welcome sensation, somehow grounding in its intensity. He smirked against your folds, sealing his lips around your puffy clit and rolling the little nub around with his tongue. At the same time, he pressed gently, insistently against the front wall of your cunt, applying steady friction and pressure with both fingertips.
A faint whimper slipped from you at that, muffled by your palm but not silent, and Frankie felt himself preen. God, he loved this. It wouldn’t be long now.
“You gonna come for me? Gonna let me feel her gush around my fingers? On my tongue? Hm?”
The hand on your mouth fell away, joining the one in his hair as you began to tremble beneath him. “Frankie,” you whined. “‘M gonna – you’re gonna make me – ”
“I know, baby, I know.” He kept his fingers right where they were, shallow thrusts, firm pressure right where you needed it most. “Just let it happen. I’ve got you.” Ducking his head back down to your clit, he resumed the combination of gentle suction and firm, long strokes that had driven you wild.
And just like clockwork, your thighs began to shake against his shoulders. Your abdomen clenched beneath his forearm. Your slick, soft walls clamped down around his fingers. A weak, breathless sound – “ah” – burst from your throat, and then you were coming. A rush of your wetness dripped down his fingers, coating his hand, pooling in the cup of his palm as you pulsed and fluttered around him, and Frankie could feel your poor, abused little clit twitching against his tongue. He worked you through it, slowing down a bit but not stopping, prolonging the torment just a bit longer. Only when your two hands buried in his hair started to shove against him, pushing him away, did he relent, and even then, it took him an extra few seconds to be willing to slip his fingers from your body.
Looking up into your face, Frankie felt a wash of joy and contentment pass over him. You were positively glowing – your skin flushed and ever-so-slightly sweaty, your hair wild and mussed, your T-shirt bunched up above your belly button, so much of your perfect softness on display. And you were grinning like a fool, your eyes showing your fatigue but your smile brighter than he had ever seen. You looked at him with a gentleness, an affection that had his heart clenching in his chest, and he was certain that his expression was much the same.
It had been years since he had felt this way about anyone, and even then, he wasn’t certain it could compare.
When you sat up and slipped from the counter, it was a slow and lazy affair, assisted by his firm grip and his steady arms to help keep you upright. The moment your feet hit the floor, you reached for his belt with a question in your eyes, to which Frankie responded, “Not tonight, querida. Tonight was about you.” You seemed somewhat disappointed by that response, but you didn’t push it. Instead, you simply pulled his head down for a kiss, which he gladly obliged. You sighed into his mouth at the taste of yourself on his tongue, and it took every ounce of strength he had in him not to take back what he had just said, to drag your hands back down to his belt buckle and allow you to proceed as you wished.
But no.
It was late. You needed to get home and get to sleep, and he needed to wash off the heat of the day before passing out in his own bed. There would be a little girl busting down his door at 7:00 AM tomorrow whether he was ready for her or not, and you would be back in this very kitchen by 8:00 eager to share a cup of coffee with too-sweet creamer before he left for work.
So, like the gentleman that he wasn’t certain that he was, Frankie helped you slip back into your little shorts, pack your overflowing bookbag, and carry your things out to your car.
You turned to him one last time before you slipped into the driver’s seat, a soft if uncertain smile playing at the corners of your lips. “Mr. Morales – Frankie, I…” You drew your lower lip between your teeth. “Thank you. For tonight.”
His heart melted at your words, the quiet, hesitating way you said them. It was a vulnerability he wasn’t accustomed to from you, you who always seemed to have it all together, you who matched his advances beat for beat, never wavering. “Don’t need to thank me, baby. I wanted to. You take such good care of me, of Mila. You deserved it.” Releasing a deep, trembling breath, he added, “And…I’d like to do it again sometime. If you’ll let me.”
“That depends,” you replied.
“Yeah? On what?”
Your soft, sweet smile morphed into something sharper then, something with more intent. “On if you’ll let me return the favor. It’s like you said…I want to.”
Frankie couldn’t have reigned in the grin that split his face then if he tried. Dropping a kiss to your forehead, he said, “‘Course, cariño. I’m not done with your sweetness just yet.”
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princessbrunette · 2 days
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au catalogue ♡
it has come to my attention that i write a lot on this blog, so sometimes the explanation of the lore behind one of my au’s gets a little lost. in this catalogue, i will detail the basic backstory behind each of my universes.
♡ outlaw!john b:
the two of you met on your land when he’d snuck into your barn to rest after being on the run from the sheriff — being falsely accused of a crime. you allow him to stay, and in return he becomes a part time farmhand and full time boyfriend. overtime, you fall in love. the events of this au are told through my full length fic; hold me kiss me.
♡ dad!john b:
you accidentally fall pregnant with john b due to your shared breeding kink. you end up with one boy one girl!
♡ dbf!john b:
self explanatory. your dads best friend who’s a little younger than your dad — having met down at the local grill. your father trusts him a lot as he is known for his sweet and patient nature, but can’t help but notice you — the desperate and lustful daughter who can’t keep your paws off. he’s constantly scolding you for teasing him and shaking his head at you, but will still pay you a visit when he knows your dads not home.
♡ stepbro!john b
when your mother met big john routledge, she fell in love and decided to leave her world behind to pursue treasure hunting with her new partner in crime— thus dumping you on the chateau doorstep with nothing more than a few suitcases. feeling bad for you, john b tries to take on the big brother role — but a year and a half later the two of you are finding it hard to resist eachother. you are constantly throwing yourself at him, the two of you physically closer than one can imagine which people find odd. he resists you for a long time, but when jj tells john b that he’d be happy to step up and ‘look after you’, your step brother makes a move.
♡ apocalypse!john b
once a leader, always a leader — john b is in charge of patrols, heading outside the gates of your safe zone kitty hawk to find supplies and clear the area of the undead. after the tragic death of sarah cameron, john b is 10x more protective and serious, not allowing you to ever come with them on supply runs. he can always rely on the doting camp-nurse to fuss over him and make him feel better after a long gruelling day beyond the gates. the details to the apocalypse!au can be found here.
♡ toxicex!john b
after the two of you broke up due to you feeling neglected by the boy because of his love for treasure hunting with his friends, you can’t help but want to be around him. as detailed in this post, john b will always be there for you — even if he’s snarky and rude in the process.
♡ firefighter!john b
john b and his best friend jj maybank have joined the firefighting department. excited to save pretty women from buildings and claim their hero titles, they’re disgruntled to find they have been lumped with the ‘newbie’ jobs for a while — meaning they must drive around on patrol for potential fire hazards all day and save cats from trees. as they work their way slowly up the firefighter ladder, they find themselves short for money and looking for a roommate — who ends up being the sunshiney receptionist in their building who sees them as the heroes they are. after spending a lot of time together, john b and jj realise that they’re happy to share more than just their love for firefighting.
♡ jedi!john b
the jedi was seemingly of the purest heart. known for his defensive fighting style (much like obi wan kenobi) john b has always wanted to do the right thing and abide by jedi council rules. when the jedi was a young boy, his father the jedi master disappeared without a trace or even a goodbye. believing he had died in battle all these years, john b went about his life with only the tales of how great his father was. entering his early twenties, he feels in the force that his father is still alive out there — and sets off to find him. during his travels he meets you, damsel in distress in the shape of a naboo princess. more details to the star wars au can be found here.
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♡ outlaw!jj
jj the outlaw is a regular at the saloon you work at, always having been a bit of a brute. he’s constantly on the run from the sheriffs and getting thrown into a cell after minor misconducts and bar fights. he’s always checking out your ass as you bring him his whiskey and will always make some kind of comment regarding whether or not you’d like to wear his hat and ride a cowboy. where this would make you turn your nose up at anyone else, you can’t help but feel special gaining his attention being such a well known outlaw from out of town. sometimes after your shifts you get cozy in a booth with him and he tells you wild, exaggerated tales of his crazy life.
♡ farmhand!jj
the slutty farmhand hired by your father to work on the barn, but spends a lot of his time working on you instead. the two of you are a total secret, loving the thrill of sneaking around — but the boy hopes to marry you one day.
♡ linecook!jj
the story told in this full length fic details how you met jj, the linecook at the restaurant you waitress for. this au is acclaimed to be one of the most husband-material jj’s — many discussions having followed regarding him knocking you up and making you food whenever you please. this au is also considered a classic on this blog as it were one of the first au’s i developed.
♡ campcounselor!jj
you’re the daughter of the campsite owners, the spoiled princess who gets everything she wants and everybody loves her. jj is the class-clown camp counselor hired for the summer because he struggled to find a job. overtime he realises how great he is with the kids, and you realise how badly you wanna fuck him. each night isn’t complete without you inviting the blonde back to your luxury cabin in the woods to sate your needs. he can’t believe his luck but doesn’t dare question it. overtime, the two of you realise you’re starting to fall for eachother.
♡ mascot!jj
in this au, jj heads to university. there he meets you, the pretty and shy cheerleader. taking the job as the school’s mascot, running around in a giant animal costume to hype up the crowd — he realises it’s his chance to get close to you. though all the girls on the team seemingly adore jj due to his smooth, funny and slick mouth — he fears he will always be seen as the sweaty, class clown mascot guy after every game. noticing the star football player rafe has taken an interest in you, he decides to step it up.
♡ bbf!jj
you can’t resist your older brothers best friend, jj maybank. he’s always at your house, playing on the playstation with your sibling downstairs, wandering the halls, or ‘accidentally’ walking into the bathroom whilst you’re showering. though you know it’s wrong, you can’t keep your hands off eachother.
♡ bsf!jj
jj maybank has been your best friend since you were young. the two of you knew everything about eachother, so it should feel like a sibling relationship right? wrong. the two of you have always been very hands on, flirty almost. whether you’re sitting on his lap at a party or curling up next to him in your bed — people can never quite tell if the two of you are a thing. the two of you struggle to distinguish this too, as your urges grow stronger you test the waters, beginning to perform ‘favours’ for eachother. what begins as jj massaging your sore tits late at night when you can’t sleep, becomes you ‘returning the favour’ and giving him head when he asks for it, which then becomes him fingering you in his lap when you’re needy. the lines are blurred, and you try to tell yourself you’re still best friends — scared of ruining things, but will rip away anyone of the opposite gender in a jealous rage.
♡ dealer!jj
jj is your favourite dealer in town. you’re always visiting him to buy your weed, and he always offers to smoke you out for a cheap price or even free. truthfully, he just enjoys the company in his little shack of a house, loving the way you get more touchy and needy the higher you get. the blonde ensures to feed you water to prevent cotton mouth, and even lets you lazily ride his thigh when you get inevitably horny!
♡ apocalypse!jj
never losing his sense of humour, jj is the master at making bombs from scratch and going out on patrols to ensure the safety of kitty hawk. his pretty nurse is always there to patch him up when he gets home. details to the apocalypse au can be found here.
♡ spiderman!jj
your best friend jj is the friendly neighbourhood spiderman… but you don’t know that. being his shy best friend studying to be a nurse, you’re open to your bestie about how much you lust towards the cities superhero, and jj tries his best to keep his mouth shut. inevitably, you figure things out — and then you become the nurse he visits in the middle of the night to get patched up after a particularly rough night. he constantly teases you about your crush on him and the tension only grows.
♡ piercer!jj
working along side tattooartist!pope, jj is the king of giving piercings. knowing him through mutual friends, your crush only grows when you visit him to get your nipples pierced and he totally talks you through it. after you start dating, you’re constantly hounding him about other girls getting their tits pierced by him so he’s gotta eat you out until you think reasonably.
♡ stepbro!jj
luke found the woman of his dreams and decided to finally get his shit together and try to be a better father. with luke’s new woman, comes you her daughter — the bunch of you living under one roof. luke spends a lot of his time in AA and working, and your mother works long shifts too — leaving the two of you alone. you’re as innocent as they come, but with that comes sexual curiosity — and who better to confide in about that than your big step bro? jj is happy to help, so long as you keep it hush.
♡ babydaddy!jj
after knocking you up, jj freaks out about becoming just like his father and leaves — before returning deep into your pregnancy to step it up and be there for you. it’s hard at first to put your pride aside, but you give him a chance after he begs you to let him back into your life. he keeps a respectful distance of course, but picks up extra shifts at work and is at your beck and call whenever you need him. once the baby is born, he’s spending even more time around you — showing up at your doorstep unannounced and finding excuses to come inside to spend time with his family. eventually, he weasels his way into your bed to look after you and help you unwind.
♡ toxic!jj
jj is your toxic boyfriend who lets his fears and insecurities get the best of him, resulting in him being a little mean and manipulative. talking to another guy at a party? he’s making a scene, beating the guy bloody before pulling you away to yell at you. not in the mood to be all over him? he’s accusing you of not wanting to be with him anymore, telling you that he ‘knows’ you’re going to dump him. despite the arguments, the night always ends in two ways — either him drunk, crying into your shoulder and begging you not to leave him — or having you pinned beneath him, fucking you dumb on his cock.
♡ toxicex!jj
the ex boyfriend that you’re still fucking and is obsessed with you. he’s constantly blowing up your phone everytime a guy likes your instagram, asking if you’re fucking him too, and scaring off any guy who dares make a move on you at a party by pulling out his pistol and threatening him.
♡ criminal!jj
jj maybank who got in with the wrong crowd and wound himself up in jail. you’re the sweet thing in little dresses that pouts in his visiting booth, asking when he’s getting out — and he promises you hundreds of dates when he’s released. upon finally getting out, the two of you can’t keep your hands off one another. he’s still shady, hanging out with the wrong kinds of people, and jail hardened him — but you love him all the same.
♡ shittysoundcloudrapper!jj
feeling inspired after one drunken freestyle night at the chateau, jj convinces himself he’s destined to become a rapper. writing, producing, and recording his own stuff — jj truly feels he has a knack for it. his stuff isn’t awful, just cheaply produced and vulgar. he likes to think his inspiration is partynextdoor — taking extra care in recruiting his pretty best friend to pose scantily clad for his single cover, or to moan on the backing track of his songs. he’s willing to do anything to get you on board.
♡ firefighter!jj
john b and his best friend jj maybank have joined the firefighting department. excited to save pretty women from buildings and claim their hero titles, they’re disgruntled to find they have been lumped with the ‘newbie’ jobs for a while — meaning they must drive around on patrol for potential fire hazards all day and save cats from trees. as they work their way slowly up the firefighter ladder, they find themselves short for money and looking for a roommate — who ends up being the sunshiney receptionist in their building who sees them as the heroes they are. after spending a lot of time together, john b and jj realise that they’re happy to share more than just their love for firefighting.
♡ streamer!jj
jj takes up streaming after combining his love for playing games and yapping. discovering he has a knack for it, he doesn’t expect to blow up the way he does. as much as he’s all about the games, he’s pretty oblivious to the fact his audience is mostly female, trying to gain his attention in the chat box or on his fan discord, or by making thirst trap edits of him to r&b tracks on tiktok, sexualising his body language or facial expressions on stream. he doesn’t pay it much mind though, happily in love with you — his supportive girlfriend who occasionally makes an appearance in his streams.
♡ onlyfans!jj
needing a bit of extra cash, jj starts to anonymously sell faceless videos of himself jerking off for money. not realising how successful he’d be, he continues to make videos pleasing himself on his account. after a couple of dates with jj, the two of you really clicking — he casually mentions that it’s something he does for a living, and you shyly suggest helping him out. at first it starts with helping him shoot, getting hot and flushed behind the camera as you pan down on him fisting at his cock — and eventually you decide to star in a few of his premium videos. depending on preference, streamer!jj can be the earlier version of onlyfans!jj if so desired.
♡ jedi!jj
more like anakin skywalker with his offensive fighting style — jj is the more reckless jedi of him and john b. when it’s discovered that bounty hunters are planning to take you, the princess of naboo — jj is hired as your knight to protect you. so nervous about the whole ordeal, you order him to sleep in your bed with you to make sure you’re safe through the night. with this, you can’t help but get physically closer to the jedi, pleading with him to break the council rules and be with you secretly. more details on the star wars au can be found here.
♡ bodyguard!jj
you’re the spoiled kook influencer who has recently gained some stalkers, and jj is the pogue bodyguard hired by your parents to protect you during this time as you continue to attend events to further your career. the lore behind the two of you can be found here.
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♡ boxer!rafe
considered a classic on this blog, boxer!rafe is one of the most beloved au’s i created. a little bit into the future, rafe takes up boxing to work out his rage problems and finds it a great outlet, emotionally settling down and finally finding his own. he goes pro, and meets you — the daughter of the stadium owner at the venue he fights at. you’re sweet, always lingering round the gym or stadium watching him prepare for fights, hanging around the ropes to ask him questions and feed him water when he needs it. he’s obsessed with your soft nature, whisking you out of that place to provide for you, marry you, and fuck babies into you.
♡ bountyhunter!rafe
following the western au, your father winds himself up in some trouble with ward cameron — feared outlaw. for revenge, ward tasks his son, new to the job bounty hunter with kidnapping you to pay your father back for what he did. so rafe sets off, and with some struggle manages to take you away from everything you’ve ever known. he’s rough, mean and perverted — but somehow you find yourself developing stockholm syndrome and falling for him, not able to run away if you tried. think buffalo 66 vibes but western.
♡ prisoner!rafe
your boyfriend finally got locked up, so until he’s released — you do everything in your power to hold him down. dealing with his business outside the walls, you come to visit your man weekly, delivering sexy pictures of yourself to his post room to keep him satisfied and flashing him at the visiting booth. it’s getting harder and harder to be apart from him, especially when prison has physically done him so nicely.
♡ babydaddy!rafe
after breaking up with rafe because he’s too reckless and explosive, you discover that you’re pregnant with his baby. choosing to keep it, rafe decides he’s going to use this to get you to stay with him. he provides you with every penny needed to fund you and your babies life whilst on the side working to get his shit together and become the man he’s always wanted to be. once you’ve had your baby, he’s round for routine visits, occasionally fucking you and spending time with you when you’re tearful and lonely, needing him. convinced he can win you back with this, he’s constantly buying your love, and whisking you away to the bahamas to spend ‘quality family time’ and fuck you during the babies nap times.
♡ dealer!rafe
the grumpy kook is seemingly the life of the party due to his side hustle in dealing coke. working along side barry, rafe starts to pop up at every party you go to, holding lingering eye contact but keeping his distance because he probably shouldn’t bother the sweet innocent girl that stuck to two drinks a night. your friends are boisterous, walking all over you a little and send you to do their dirty work, being buying their coke for them. thinking you’re being a good friend, you seek out rafe and he fixes you up, all whilst telling you stop taking shit from your friends. he gives you discounts because you’re pretty, so your friends continue to send you back to him, where he sweeps you into his criminal lifestyle.
♡ stepbro!rafe
when ward cameron divorces rose and ends up with your mother, you move into tannyhill with your new stepsiblings. whilst you develop and great sister-like relationship with sarah and wheezie — rafe takes a different approach, his brain rotted by porn and makes it his mission to sleep with you. due to your innocent nature, you don’t realise what he’s doing half the time, and can’t deny how good it feels when he touches you. your secret sessions give you a rush, sat at the dinner table each night with no one knowing you just came on his dick upstairs.
♡ dbf!rafe
rafe becomes great friends with your father when they begin to work together, your father being rafe’s boss. he’s older, but still a little younger than your dad — and is careful with how much he pervs on you as he can’t afford to lose his job, being cut off by his own dad. you’re the spoiled kook ex cheerleader daughter who’s used to getting her way, and when you set your eyes on rafe you know you have to have him. constant teasing leads to rafe inevitably losing his temper and fucking you how you want under the condition you promise to keep it a secret.
♡ apocalypse!rafe
after ward cameron got killed in a shootout between them and the pogues to reclaim sarah, rafe is left to be the kingpin of his safe zone. he treats everyone there as his soldiers, ruthlessly commanding them to kill anyone who got in his way. on a hunt for revenge, rafe kidnaps you from kitty hawk camp where your safe zone is and forces you to be his apocalypse wife, telling you that the two of you will have to repopulate the world. more information on the apocalypse au can be found here.
♡ pervyneighbour!rafe
when you move in next door to tanny hill, ward cameron appoints rafe to be a good neighbour and show you around, being similar in age. he quickly discovers you’re rather innocent and decides he can take advantage of that, inviting you round to ‘get you acclimatised’ to the kook life — which means teaching you how to suck him off in his bedroom.
♡ fratboy!rafe
another fan favourite, fratboy rafe is the epitome of the american frat lord. parties, drugs, drinking, and skimming through his classes are what it’s all about. you’re in one of his lectures, quiet and shy at first — and he takes interest in you, getting his notes from the classes he missed from you as means to talk to you. he’s an odd one, rather rude and bully-like in nature, even towards you — but singles you out from everyone else to slide in compliments and check you out. you have a complicated relationship. you start to show up to parties, and he decides he’s gotta get his hands on you. fratboy!rafe is also gooner!rafe depending on preference.
♡ gooner!rafe
still a fratboy, however he spends more of his time in his dorm either watching porn or fucking yoi until you’re sore. stuffed in his closet are fleshlights and even sex torso dolls that he used before you came along to get himself off. when you come along, he treats you the same way he does his sex dolls — groping you constantly and demanding you to be at his beck and call, which you secretly don’t mind. he’s gross, willing to try out any position, fantasy or kink if he’s seen enough porn of it to convince him.
♡ pogue!rafe
a universe where rafe is a pogue, having left his family at a young age to be raised by the older fisherman pogues on the island. he’s 6ft5, mean, and hates everyone — slaving away day in day out at a building site or doing repairs for kooks much to his dismay. he still doesn’t get on with the core pogues, jj maybank in particular grinding his gears. you’re a kook, and rafe is hired by your parents to come and do the renovations on your house for a couple of weeks at a time — soon being trusted as their favourite handyman. he can’t stand kooks, but your parents pay well so he tolerates it. you’re not like the other kooks, sweet and humble — however you don’t know when to take a hint, constantly following him around begging him to hang out with you despite his constant dismissal. don’t get it twisted, he wants to fuck you until you cry — but is it worth getting involved with a kook? maybe you needed teaching a lesson or two in politeness.
♡ harryosbourne!rafe
a less popular au— rafe in the spiderman!jj universe, still rich and snobby, living in a high rise pent house with his father who happens to secretly be the green goblin.
♡ toxicex!rafe
incredibly self-explanatory, rafe your ex boyfriend who is toxic as all hell and won’t leave you alone. he stalks, shows up and beats up new guys you’re interested in, threatens people with guns just to prove to you he can protect you. you can’t help but go back to him and get your fix of dick from time to time.
♡ lord!rafe
this au is designed to be viewed in a creepy, a24 unsettling movie type of way. tannyhill becomes a haven for parties where all sorts of sexual, illegal, drug heavy activities go down. youre sweet and innocent, but get wrapped up into it — soon to be adopted by ‘rafes girls’, a group of women that parade around the home through the day wearing very little, pleasing rafe and his friends. he selects you to be his favourite like a little sacrifice and his women guide you through learning how to please him. more lore on this universe can be found here.
♡ sleepover!rafe
a less known au, but real ones remember this one! this au actually inspired lord!rafe, but it’s more casual and a lot more different. you and your friends often attend rafes parties, and after getting cozy with you — he ‘innocently’ invites you all to attend ‘sleepovers’ at his house. he spends the evening getting climbed all over by giggly girls, and wakes up in the morning to your friends touching all over him, easing you onto his lap and whispering for you to ask him to fuck you. your friends are weird voyeurs, but rafes even weirder.
♡ star wars au bountyhunter!rafe
in a galaxy far far away in the star wars universe, rafe cameron poses as a poster boy for ward cameron’s political party by day, and a bounty hunter by night. after stalking you around senate events, he woo’s the princess of naboo for a few evenings at a time — before later gearing up in his stolen mandalorian gear and kidnapping you for his father. will he keep you for himself? or cash in the bounty? more information on the star wars au can be found here.
♡ basketball!rafe
rich and famous basketball player rafe cameron spoiling his kook it-girl pinterest muse girlfriend and soon to be wife and mother of his children. the lore can be found here.
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♡ kook!pope
probably the most beloved pope au on this blog! pope is a rich university student who is the smartest guy around. he’s invited to every party but still keeps his good morals and stays far away from rafe cameron if he can help it. when he meets you at a party, you stand out to him — and he decides he wants to take you in, tutor you and make you his.
♡ tattooartist!pope
working alongside piercer!jj, pope heyward is the best tattoo artist around. he has steady hands and a calm voice that could talk you through the pain (and other things). outside of work, he’s still kind of a nerd that rambles — just a nerd with sexy tats.
♡ drummer!pope
picture pope with a bandana tied round his head with the sleeves cut off his shirt, playing in a small town band with his friends. you have a little crush on him, and drag your friends to every single show to watch him until they force you to find him after a set and give him your number.
♡ dbf!pope
your dads slightly younger best friend who owns the grill now, still carrying that same soft spoken patience that makes him ever so trust worthy. so trustworthy that your father even convinces him to tutor his sweet college student daughter — unbeknownst to the fact she refuses to be tutored unless she’s sat on his lap, grinding on his dick.
♡ apocalypse!pope
pope works in the control room at kitty hawk, making sure everything is running smoothly, watching for intruders through the cameras he set up, and spending day in day out trying to contact other survivors through the radio channels. he’s been pretty quiet and stoic since the outbreak, struggling with the loss of people he loves and cares about — but you can always get through to him, convincing him to take breaks with you and fall in love with being alive again. the two of you like to smoke weed together in abandoned buildings and you let him pound out his frustrations by bending you over. in return he protects you with his life. more information on the apocalypse au can be found here.
♡ pizzadeliveryboy!pope
think your local pizza delivery boy, paired with a bratty, snooty kook— who is fucking pope after each of his shifts because your stupid cheating boyfriend can’t make you cum. for some reason, his uniform does it for you, and he wastes no time dropping his bike on your yard and running in straight after he clocks out with a pizza box in one hand and a condom in his pocket. he hates feeling used by you, he wants to respect himself more — but the sex is just too good to give up.
♡ drivinginstructor!pope
picking up a driving instructor gig to make some money after college whilst he decides what he wants to do. he doesn’t expect his first client to be you, the pretty kook girl with an insatiable need to fuck in the backseat.
♡ star wars au captain!pope
pope heyward is jj maybanks first in command, the soldier he relies on the most to help him navigate through the war against the separatists. after saving you, the damsel in distress princess of naboo, and spending time talking to him — he realises maybe there’s more to life than his identity as a soldier. more information on the star wars au can be found here.
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♡ bunny!reader
the ditsy, girly girl kook who moved to the obx and instantly attached herself to rafes side. think haley dunphy but kinder, and the house bunny but a little younger. she is typically paired with rafe, but have been in other pairings before. she’s often seen in strictly pink and white, wearing bows, ribbons and skirts that ride up her ass. a lot of the time, she’ll be plugged with a fluffy bunny tail butt plug, put inside of her by her boyfriend to keep her docile. here’s the introductory post for bunny.
♡ kitty!reader
the opposite to bunny in the sense that she’s got tonnes of attitude and spunk, but just as much as a sex addict. she’s most commonly paired with jj, after meeting him in a grocery store and approaching him silently, wide eyed and curious. she’s super prissy, decked out most commonly in black and pink together, and if she’s not biting jj’s arm begging for dick she’s mouthing off, pushing to get put in her place.
♡ puppy!reader
pup is most commonly paired with john b, the sweetest, most hyperactive and slightly ditsy girl in town. she’s incredibly clumsy, mostly because she runs everywhere and you can never predict what she might do next. puppy!reader met john b after falling off her bike near the chateau, arriving on the brunettes doorstep in tears asking for a bandaid and if he knew how to fix bikes (the wheel was comically detached.)
♡ deer!reader
skittish, shy, curious and always following where her nose takes her like a deer. most commonly paired with pope but has been seen to join other popular pairings. she’s an all round good do-er, working at the library and volunteering in her free time — meaning the heywards absolutely adore her. it takes a while for her to warm up to people and be herself, but once she does she truly lets the weirdo out.
♡ mouse!reader
mousey is usually strictly paired in her trio relationship with kook!pope and regular jj. she’s originally a pogue, dating our two boys— pope paying her way through ballet school, and jj keeping her grounded in the pogue world. she’s known for her love of ballet, cheese, and shoplifting (which she always gets told off for by her boys! but never gets caught because she looks so innocent) here’s a drabble that details her more.
♡ lamb!reader
daughter of carla limbrey, lamb!reader is new in town. she’s been raised as strictly catholic her whole life and is learning what it’s like to be a modern girl living in the obx. with the help of the pogues, specifically jj — she navigates what it’s like to feel curious about wanting to fuck. although she’s ‘innocent’, she’s not afraid to lecture you and put you in your place, often sticking her nose in the air. aside from warming to jj, she’s got rafe on her case — always twirling her cross necklace round his finger, desperate to corrupt her ways, which only makes her angrier when her body reacts. if she’s not with the pogues in her little white outfits, she’s driving around in her ‘59 cadillac that was gifted to her on her 16th birthday. here’s a post detailing her more.
♡ spoiledkook!reader
the baddest baddie of them all. paired with any character you’d like — she’s like bunny if bunny was a bitch! popular pairings for her to be apart of — dbf!rafe, bsf!jj, pizzadeliveryboy!pope… the list goes on! this vid is totally her vibes.
♡ sheriffsdaughter!reader
often paired with jj, shoupes daughter pretty much lives at the station. she got a shitty little job there doing paperwork and signing people in and out, but the highlight of her shifts are when jj gets taken in (selfishly) because she gets to flirt with him. her father is oppressive and strict, and got her labelled with being a ‘narc’ for all of her teen years and never invited to parties — so she resents him, throwing herself at jj. think the song 18 by anabor meets please please please by sabrina carpenter. here’s a post inspired by that and an edit to help you see my vision.
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♡ jj x reader x john b
the first ever threeway relationship i brought to this blog! a classic au to the real ones who have been here for aaaages! the two are usually paired with puppy!reader, all being friends until they realised their feelings for reader were stronger than it should be and they didn’t mind sharing! john b is the ‘daddy’, the stern but sweet calming presence that keeps everyone grounded, and jj is the fun playful one that teases you and riles you up.
♡ rafe x kook!reader x jj
another classic au! when jj takes the job mowing lawns for kook families, he spots the prettiest girl he’s even seen sunbathing outside in the tiniest bikini ever. deciding he has to have her, he swoops in and befriends her, using her innocence to take advantage of and take her under his wing. however, rafe cameron had been your neighbour for years. due to the two of you practically growing up together, your parents have always forced you two together — ward instructing rafe to always invite you to every event and gala as his date growing up. as you come into adulthood, the boy realises that he does infact want you, in every way, especially now he’s seen that jj has his eyes on you. the two boys battle it out over you.
♡ jj x mouse!reader x pope
see mouse!reader above!
♡ john b x reader x sarah
sarah and john b have always been chronically horny, and when they spot you working at the local library — they decide to befriend you with the purpose of corrupting you and joining you into their weird little horny relationship. at first you think it’s normal, they’re just a little affectionate — especially sarah, but soon the boundaries get pushed and you can’t help your body reacting to your two closest friends. occasionally jj joins in on the fun too! heres a post detailing their odd relationship.
♡ jj x reader x maggie
maggie is an oc created by me to play a masc-leaning lesbian mechanic in the obx, jj’s best friend at the garage they work at. she has a few face claims, but her most popular one is charlie watson from bumblebee, or kate bishop. the two are usually paired with puppy!reader, both caring for her in their own way — jj being a golden retriever hyper horn dog and maggie being a grumpy black cat.
♡ firefighter!johnb x receptionist!reader x firefighter!jj
see firefighter!johnb/jj above!
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annaesterella · 1 day
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Since almost every good fan of Yan-Batfam or something like that is getting into this (and I'm a fan of that kind of thing) LET'S HAVE A NEGLECTED READER
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀. ☆
But I saw that a lot of people liked the other fic, seriously people, KISSES DIRECTLY FROM ANNA! SERIOUSLY, I FELT LIKE A Celebrity (<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> ehehe) And this was the first time that a fic of mine gained so many views and I'm very excited, thank you to everyone who liked it!
F/reader (sorry guys, I don't know how to write M/reader)
I'll write a part II, bcuz is too long!
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“Don't be silly! I would never be a Wayne.”
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Well, first things first, when did it all started again? Haha not 500 time loops ago, but some years ago.. like the first child, you were from a circus, the difference is that.. well? Your parents were magicians, at least your mother... your father until you were 6 or 7 years old was just another distant memory but sweet, not yours, but your mother's... the incredible magic of the circus “Joie nocturne” a beautiful woman, yet another victim of the charms of the heartthrob, philanthropist, billionaire and owner of Wayne companies, Bruce Wayne. Of course, your mother, like almost all women, never forgot him, having him as her beautiful memory, after all, he gave her everything she needed.. you, her lil bunny! That's what she called you, before she was gone, like him, she turned into your distant but sweet memory, like a magic spell..
You felt so alone, the circus wanted to keep you, after all, you were their family too, but even so, he found out about you, and being a child, You wanted to meet your father. Still, feeling the pain of abandoning what you knew, you went. You had your 10 minutes of affection and then never saw him again. You met your two brothers, half brothers, Dick and Jason, and the buttler, Alfred, You thought your life would be like a funny family sitcom, HAHA, WHAT A JOKE. Of course, the oldest was excited to meet you, you were just like him, from a circus! The youngest was curious about the situation, yet he was kind to you and didn't mistreat you. The oldest gentleman, Even with little time, he treated you like your grandfather treated you, you then created an innocent affection for him, after all, he reminded you of your grandfather! After 1 or 2 weeks, they disappeared. Only you and "grandpa" are left.. Just like your mother, you developed an affection for magic... but just those stupid tricks left you bored... even so, it was affectionate to see Alfred pretending not to know about the tricks, just to see you smiling... soon you realized.. you weren't really a Wayne.. at most a visitor. They didn't have time for you, Alfred was still a buttler at the end of the day.
Time passed and you felt more and more alone, of course, you had Alfred, but... he didn't always have time for you. Soon more people appeared... and others disappeared... Jason was the first to go, and even with the short time, you suffered, he was kind... your brother for such a short time, you wished you had played with him more, and after that the house, which was already abandoned, became even emptier, soon another boy appeared, Tim, from a rich family.. and soon Dick went to another city.. you don't remember when, but now there was also Cassandra, Damian, Duke.. Steph.. you remember Barbara from a long time.. Even though the house was full, it was still empty... and you could only comfort yourself with the magic and the things your mother had left for you. Your little stuffed rabbit and its "magic" materials. Even though If you were his biological daughter too, Damian seemed to have more of Wayne than you,maybe because he was a vigilante, maybe because he was a boy? did not you know of course... so why bother? Soon, you stopped trying, you didn't want that anymore... crawling for affection? At your eighteen You made your choice. You wouldn't be a Wayne, you'd be a joie nocturne again. But would they let you? That night, you went to visit the circus, that was your favorite time of year... Halloween, and circus mixed together? Wonderful! So you saw that... the villainy... and for a split second, you wanted to.. do something.. Playing like a good girl, you approached the large bearded man and tugged on his sleeve, asking what that was all about. Maybe this was your chance to be something. It was funny at first, seeing their despair, your second family, trying to explain themselves, but you soon gave a smile, before stamping your foot on the floor, making a crowbar appear, helping to open it. That was the beginning of everything... you were finally someone... even if on the wrong side. Soon, the decisive moment arrived, when you returned "home", packed your bags, and like a magic spell, you disappeared, leaving only a white rabbit and everything you did in that house, in your room, every magic award, every cheap magic materials.
After a Patrol day, Dick he noticed something unusual in the mansion, perhaps because Alfred was visiting his homeland, but it couldn't be that, after all, Alfred had already done that before... Oh right! Birthday girl, his ittle bunny sister. He ran upstairs, knocking on the bedroom door, before entering and seeing only a stuffed rabbit on the bed, and the various magical things around the room, if not for the empty drawers and things, he would say you still lived there by the decoration and the fact room looks good, everything is well maintained, warm
Dick: Bunny?
He called, looking around the room, before looking around, seeing the various magic prizes, photos, top hats and magic kits. All given by Alfred or someone called "Mr. Joie nocturne" Could he be a friend of yours? What do you mean you had participated in so many contests and won? Why didn't you call? Or did you call? Where were you now? Why was everything empty? You went away. He started walking in circles, until Tim entered the room.
Tim: You will make a hole in the ground. I called you several times, why are you in this room exactly?
Dick: Y/N, she is gone.. and we didn't even notice or whatever, we didn't receive any notification, why didn't she notify us that she was moving, we... damn... we weren't going to help probably because we were on patrol, did we waver? Did she know we were on patrol? Does she know the truth?
Tim: Wait, too much to process.. what does it mean "She is gone" she left? Is that it?
Dick: Yes. Dumbass
And well, we can say after that, what happened was like "Oh shit" and then everyone was like "OH SHIT" while you were home.. happy! Getting ready for her first show, her first real show... too true. You thought as you put on your gloves and applied your lipstick. Then, with slow steps, you walked onto the stage, smiling, while waving to everyone, who murmured and whistled. So you decided to do your first trick for the night, the "bullet trick" The difference? There was no trick behind it, just you and your skills... after all, it was in your blood. Just as the bullet was about to go through your skull, you snapped your fingers, and then the bullet turned into a beautiful, bright purple butterfly, flying through the circus, soon coming back towards you and turning into your bow tie. Okay, a bit of a show on your part for the first trick, but you have to show that you have morals. Funny that meanwhile, his family was desperate, going so far as to call Alfred, who was now just as desperate. Then, the special time came, the circus then closed the lights and when it opened, all the valuable belongings, inside the boxes, Of course, you had to feign shock, some clowns trying to calm the audience, and of course, you were also feigning surprise, making your things "disappear" to join in the fun. You looked at the children, snorting slightly, as you made the toys re-appear, seeing some calm down, while the others widened their eyes in surprise. Soon, the "incredible" Bat-family appeared... seriously, for such an idiotic cause they came...? Soon you saw them walking towards you and everything fell into place.
Nightwing: — Y/N! I mean.. Young Lady.. we were notified of your disappearance, we will ask you to return home.
You frowned, as you looked at the audience. Hearing their screams increase, some of relief that the "Bat-family" was there, others of confusion at the situation.
: — I believe, I'm already eighteen, so there's nothing to worry about, Still, I'm with my family at the moment, so I don't understand why the complaint. Not to mention that we were robbed at that moment, so why specifically did they come to resolve a case like this?
You questioned calmly, while pointing at the audience, smiling, before rushing to disappear with your family, leaving the problem to the bats, after all, they were the "professionals." You could say that the shock was written on their faces.. you were so big, poorly dressed.. those presentation clothes didn't suit a little girl like you.. but still.. what you meant by "your family" Were you referring to those circus freaks? They weren't as good as they were, they were just.. ordinary people! Well.. now they had to solve the problem of theft... but that couldn't end like that, nope.
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marvelsmylife · 1 day
This is everything I’m working on for the next few weeks. I will also be posting more drabbles centering around quotes from Ana Huang books.
Treat you better
Pairing: Azriel x Tamlin’s daughter!Reader
Plot: you are Tamlin’s only daughter who he has locked away in his palace in fear that something bad is going to happen to you. What happens when Mor decides to take you with her when she was sent to bring Feyre back to the Night Court. In a twist of fate, you discover that Azriel is your mate and while your stand off-ish at first (due to past abuse by your father), Azriel slowly gains your trust and falls in love.
The Long Lost Archeron sister chapter one: Life At Basgiath War College
Pairing: Xaden Riorson x Archeron!reader, Azriel x Archeron!reader
Plot: A glimps into your life at Basgiath and your complicated relationship with Xaden Riorson.
Chosen mates
Pairing: Nessian x reader
Plot: even though Nesta is mated to Cassian, she develops feelings for you. Cassian is totally on board with Nesta feelings towards you and wants her to explore those feelings. The only problem is that you’ve vocalized that you want to meet your mate already so you could have your happily ever after. What happens when you come home crying that you’ve finally met your mate but he is a sleazy cheater. Will Nesta decided to confess her feelings to you or bottle up her feelings like she’s used too.
Get your freak on
Pairing: Azriel x reader, Nessian x reader x Azriel
Plot: Nesta has expressed to Cassian that she’s interested of bring someone into their bedroom, Cassian just wasn’t counting on her suggesting his brother and his brothers mate.
Defying orders
Pairing: Brennan Sorrengail x reader
You and Brennan have been secretly hooking up for the past six months and you want to announce it to your friends. Unfortunately, Brennan doesn’t want to do that because he doesn’t want people to think he’s giving you special treatment. Instead he tries to order you around more than other cadets, but you’re not having it and decided to rebel.
I still love you . . . I promise
Pairing: Liam Mairi x reader
Plot: You breaks up with Liam because Xaden ordered him to spend all of his free time protecting Violet. When you reject Liam’s multiple attempts to reconcile, Xaden decides to step in and help. But is he going to make things better, or make things worse for Liam.
Too innocent for your own good part two (title is going to change)
Pairing: Azriel x reader
Plot: it’s the night you officially accepting the mating bond and Azriel wants it to be a night you’ll never forget.
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sansaorgana · 2 days
Could I maybe request a bit of a sequel fic to thrown to the wolves where we kind of see the outside galaxy's perspective on the couple and their son. Like a lady from caladan remembering playing with reader and reconciling it with who she is now or a low ranking guard on Giedi Prime and the few times he's caught glimpses of them reflecting on how great it is that his chances of being randomly killed by the baron have dropped significantly since the Baroness has arrived or a handmaid to Irulan whose heard whispers that even the emperor fears them. IDK I think it could be interesting to see them and see how rumor and truth shape their wider image in the galaxy.
Thank you once again though for the masterpiece that is Thrown To The Wolves!
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AUTHOR’S NOTE — Hi, darling! 💝 Sorry that it took me so long but I was dealing with the end of semester at Uni. 🙄 Thank you for the request because it was interesting to write from other people's perspective. Perhaps the story is not very long but I have one more story about Feyd and our beloved (Na-)Baroness in my inbox to write, so it's not the end... yet! 😁
WORD COUNT — 1,370
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After her arrival, Princess Irulan was told by her servants that her father expected to see her. She nodded her head and freshened herself before taking a walk down the corridor to meet with her father. To her surprise, The Reverend Mother was not there and it was unusual since she often reminded of The Emperor's shadow.
“Welcome back home, child,” her father greeted her and pointed at the chair next to his. Irulan sat there and looked at him, waiting for his questions. “How was the ceremony on Giedi Prime?”
“Splendid,” Irulan answered genuinely. “They have outdone themselves, I have to admit. And The Baroness gave birth to the new na-baron on the same night. The excitement was unbelievable.”
“On the same night?” The Emperor smirked. “That woman plotted it very carefully.”
“Not everything is a result of plotting and scheming, dear father,” Irulan sighed. “Women cannot predict the exact time of birth.”
She was a bit irritated with her father for assuming such a thing – not because she was under The Baroness’ charm or influence but because it was so… typical for a man of him. They had no idea about childbirth but they loved to pretend they knew everything.
“Do not underestimate them, The Harkonnens,” The Emperor tilted his head as he squinted his eyes at his daughter as if he was able to hear her thoughts. “Their technology and medicine advanced us in ways we don't even know about. They know very well that their experiments would not be approved by the other Great Houses so they keep most of them a secret. And do not underestimate The Baroness either. What do people say about her?”
“That she can temper Feyd-Rautha, the new Baron,” Irulan answered. “They hope for that certainly.”
“Tame him? Have you seen her on Arrakis?” The Emperor sneered at that. “Women tend to be more ruthless leaders than men for they truly do believe that their cruelty is justified for the way the society is treating them,” he reminded his daughter. After all, she would inherit after him as well.
If they were lucky. And deep down he knew they would not be. He was old and weak now but not stupid. He knew what The Harkonnens wanted – his throne. Feyd-Rautha himself perhaps would not be a threat that big but the new Baroness was a dangerous new pawn in that game. She had her ruthless husband under control and he was nothing but a loyal dog – he would bite and attack when she asked. And The Emperor knew that she would ask. She was only waiting for the right moment.
“The Harkonnens have gained a new amount of power and influence. A dangerous one,” he thought out loud. “They're so powerful now that I can't take away their privileges because they'd attack and only prove their forces are stronger than the Imperial ones.”
“It's better to keep them as friends,” Irulan nodded as she played nervously with her fingers.
“Let's hope and pray that the new Baroness wants to make friends,” her father smiled sadly.
He was old already, he couldn't care less. But he was worried about his daughter’s future.
“The word soon will spread about their power. We have to make sure all the rumours about them wanting the Imperial Throne will be silenced,” he added.
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The rumour was spreading indeed. But a maid from Caladan who had used to be the new Baroness' personal servant back in the day… She didn't believe the cruel rumours.
As her former Princess was leaving to Giedi Prime, she had promised her to keep visiting her mother's grave. And she was standing above it now as she admired the new stone next to it. The grave of Duke Leto and Lady Jessica was standing right next to his late wife's. Baroness Harkonnen had paid for the transport of their bodies and for the funeral and the stone. She had given all the instructions on what should be written on it. 
Duke Leto Atreides. Lady Jessica – mother of Prince Paul Atreides and the unnamed daughter.
And the maid knew – she had heard the stories – that it was Baroness Harkonnen herself who had murdered Lady Jessica and her child. But the maid also knew that her former Princess could not be as fearsome and cruel as the rumours were saying. She still cared about her father and even made her peace with Lady Jessica in a way, since she allowed her to rest next to her mother. Another rumour said that she had also allowed Prince Paul's Fremen lover to take care of his body and give him a funeral according to their customs.
But the maid was sad as she watched. So many things had changed and she wished they all were still here – Duke Leto, Jady Jessica, young Paul and young (Y/N). 
A cold shiver went down her body at the realisation that only Baroness Harkonnen had survived out of them all. Perhaps the rumours were true after all – she had to be cruel and fearsome if she had been the only survival of her House and family and if she had helped to murder them herself. And the stone she had bought did not mean anything, really. It was just a stone.
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Usually, on other planets, becoming the personal guard of the noble family was a privilege. On Giedi Prime it meant a death sentence. 
The young Baron couldn't care less about human life and he was always first to take it. The lives of slaves, servants and guards meant nothing to him and in the past he had been even killing them just out of boredom.
The young guard assigned to keep an eye on the nursery was tense every time the Baron was nearby. But so far so good, he thought, when he realised that the young na-baron Maxim-Feyd Harkonnen was already six months old and he was still alive. To last half a year nearby the Baron was an achievement for sure.
As he was standing in front of the doors leading to the nursery most of his days, he had an opportunity of witnessing the scary Baron Harkonnen performing activities that would certainly spoil his ruthless image. He was visiting the nursery every day alongside his wife – in fact, The Baroness was visiting a few times a day. But at least once a day The Baron was by her side, looking the guard up and down with contempt but doing nothing more than that.
Apparently, it was his wife's influence – so the people said. She believed that her own servants should not fear them too much because it was influencing their loyalty in a bad way. Whatever she believed in – for all the servants, slaves and guards it was a big relief.
But only the guards working around the nursery and two maids named Astra and Cara could see The Baron Harkonnen being… soft. Soft around his son when he was carrying him around and telling him war stories. He was definitely a very proud father even though he was often scared of hurting his child accidentally. And he tended to forget that children – especially so small – couldn't understand him. He often addressed little Maxim as if he was an adult and then he was getting frustrated that his son didn't understand him.
The Baroness found it funny each time. But even though she was a woman and most likely a reason why the chances of getting randomly killed decreased, it would be foolish to think she was not to be feared.
Not only her one command would make The Baron attack but also all it would take to enrage him was to look at The Baroness the wrong way. She wouldn't have to ask then, The Baron was a guard dog. A rabid animal, barely tamed by a madwoman – you never knew when she'd loosen the leash.
And that was the Galaxy's greatest fear now – and it was not the question of if but a question of when the leash would be loosened and the war for the Imperial Throne starts. And people wondered who was truly more dangerous – the rabid dog or the mad owner?
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bite me(part 6)-Matt Sturniolo
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part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6
summary: matt hates your guts but all of that changes when he wakes up and finds out your his mate.
contains: vampire!matt x reader, highschool au! (18 years old), dark themes, death, smut (not in this part)
A/N- THIS CHAPTER IS KINDA SAD but y'all will be alright, trust. a lot of violence in this chapter so by all means if that is not your thing please don't read. I want everyone that reads this to ENJOY it. love yall, bye!
matts pov.
the drive back to my house was silent. even with my heightened sense of hearing, I could only hear the sound of our breathing and the quiet hum of my engine. two minutes ago, she had been crying and I saw into the darkness that was her life. key word, was. between the protection spell and me, no one is ever going to hurt her again. a dark thought pops into my head, and ,unlike any other time, I welcome it with open arms.
"do you want him dead?" I mutter, letting the thought free. I said It quietly, but it sounded like I might as well have screamed compared to the quiet of my car. it made my skin crawl and judging by the look on her face, it made her's crawl too. "what is that supposed to mean??" she whips her head to me with fear in her eyes. merciful. I added that to a list of chracteristics that y/n had that I subconsciously accumulated in my own head. even though he hurt her in the worst ways, she'd never want anyone to lay a finger on him.
"he's my dad, matt!" she panics taking my lack of response as a promise that I would go back to her house and finish him off. I put one arm up in defense. "I was just asking. you panic too much, someone should go check your blood pressure.Jesus." I scoff, playing it off as if I wouldn't have gotten rid of him the moment she told she wanted me too.
she slumped back in her seat, clearly relieved. its right then that I notice the dark circles under her eyes. she's tired, and humans need rest. "go to sleep, you look like shit." I quip. if she were in her right mind, she probably would have said something back. instead she brings her knees into her chest and puts her head on the window. her eyes close and in a few minutes her breathing and heart rate slow. she's asleep and my eyes stay on the rough, pot - hole infested road. all the way home, I dodge the holes so she sleeps fine.
unreasonable fear hits my chest at my own actions. when did you start to care so much? is the question I ask myself as I gently lift her sleeping form into my arms to bring her into the house.
y/n is in the other room, and I wake up to my phone buzzing incessantly. I pick up my phone to see that nick is calling me. "he disappears off the face of the earth for two days and all of a sudden he wants to chit chat at the crack of dawn", I think to myself before smashing the accept call button in annoyance. "what?" my gruff voice answers in a more than grumpy tone.
"I need you to come to meet me, now! I'll send you my location. do not bring anyone with you, and do not to take your sweet ass time either matt." he says seriously. I can hear in his voice he is fighting to keep himself from sounding panicked. sensing the danger he's in, worry surges through me, and I can't help but wonder what he's gotten himself into. "don't worry nick, im coming." I say back just as seriously before hanging up the phone and rushing out the house.
I drive over as fast as I can to the unknown spot. it's just a clearing of trees and grass where two cars are parked side by side. ones nicks' and the other is someone's I don't recognize. I hop out of the car quick on high alert. nick where are you??
"you think you can just take my daughter and get away with it. I'm sorry son, but you're in for a real treat." says a terrifying voice that-unless god forbid I took another girl to my house tonight- could only be y/n's fathers’. I turn slowly to see him, a tall, burly man. he's holding nick close too him, a knife pressed lightly against the sensitive skin of his neck. regulary, I would look at this and shrug, vampires aren't supposed to be able to die. but nick's neck is bleeding from where the knife lightly grazes him. vampires can make other people bleed, but they themselves can't bleed, at least that's how it's supposed to be. even though the wound wasn't deep enough to be lethal, the wound itself was the problem to begin with. All thoughts aside, I lunge forward to grab nick away from the man but he dodges with unnatural speed. he smells human, but he's quick, too quick, which can only mean one thing.
y/n's dad is a fucking lunatic magic user, and, based on the position he's got me and nick in right now , he's a damn strong one too.
he throws nick to the side right then, and nick flops to the floor gasping for breath and clutching his bleeding throat. I freeze in fear for what's happened to nick. for what is going to happen to me. he waves the same knife he had pressed against nick at me in tauntingly cold, cut motions.
"matt, run" nick says weakly. my feet listen to nick's instructions, and I turn to bolt, only to find the powerful magic user right in front of me in an instant. before I can react, he plunges the knife into my stomach in three quick motions. unbearable pain laces through me and I feel something coming that I never thought I'd ever have to experience. that something is death.
"should of asked for a protection spell yourself." he lets out a cold, hard laugh as I drop to the floor slipping into an abyss of darkness.
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fyodior · 12 hours
pure fluff, a little bit of crack. the baby fever is so bad guys. send help. fem!reader // divider by @adornedwithlight
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only one kid. that’s what you and toji decided long before there were ever rings on your fingers. only one. enough to scratch the itch of procreating, but not so much that you were drowning in nothing but childcare for the rest of your lives. and you were okay with that! both of you loved your sweet, adorable daughter more than anything in the world, and couldn’t imagine loving anything or anyone more than her. she was quite the handful too, especially in the beginning - she really took after her father - so it reinforced the notion of one and done for both of you. having a family of 3 felt more than enough, and you had never desired to change that.
but. but. she was almost 3 now. and that itch, that undeniable itch, began to rear its ugly head again. every time you tried to deny it, tried to convince yourself that you were fine with just one, your mind played rosy red scenarios of two beautiful kids growing up together by your and toji’s side. the yearning for another newborn in your arms was becoming unbearable.
a plan was necessary though - if you just popped the proposal of another baby to toji out of nowhere, the “no” would come at you at supersonic speed. the love and adoration he had for your daughter was immense, but she was enough for him. so, you had to come at it methodically. and for that, you needed to employ the one person in the world toji could never say no to.
you had been coaching her for at least 30 minutes at this point. the plan wasn’t convoluted, but needed preparation. she’d present him with an adorable gift, butter him up, and ask the daunting question. if only she truly understood the task you were putting her up to.
under the ruse of playing outside during a sunny summer day, you helped your daughter pick out a few flowers from the garden before sending her back inside, phase one of the mission in action. you stayed in the kitchen, hidden but still able to listen in.
toddling into the living room where toji was flipping through TV channels on the couch, your wonderfully innocent daughter giggles as she holds out the makeshift bouquet in her hand.
“look what i made for you, da-da,” she grins brightly, presenting the flowers to him with pride.
toji gasps before smiling softly, accepting the bouquet from her little fists and takes a big whiff, making a scene of it to make her giggle.
setting the flowers down, he pulls her into his lap. “these are beautiful, sweetheart, where did you find them?”
“the garden ou’side,” she giggles. “daddy likes them?”
“daddy loves them,” he assures with a fat kiss to her forehead. “where’s mama?”
“still playing,” she responds, mostly as she was instructed to. it’s a bit curt, but still got the point across. “daddy, i have ques-sion.”
“and i might have an answer.”
“when can i have brother or sissy? like my friends at school?” she asks oh-so innocently, referring to the other kids at her daycare.
toji frowns, sighing as he rubs her back. “sweetheart…” he starts, unsure of how to answer. “mommy and daddy only wanted one baby - you are more than enough for us, okay?” he places another soft kiss to her chubby cheek.
she frowns and tugs at his t-shirt. “i wan’ a sister,” she pouts. “so does mommy.”
toji raises a brow. he knows you well enough to quickly put two and two together. “oh? mommy does too? did she put you up to this?” your little minion immediately breaks, breaking out in adorable giggles.
“nuh-uh,” she responds, still trying to remain in character. the smile on your face hurts at this point.
“why doesn’t mommy come out from where she’s hiding, hm?” toji calls, bouncing your daughter on his lap.
meekly, you peek your head around the corner before emerging with palms held up.
“you caught me, you caught me,” you sigh, walking dejectedly towards your little family. plucking your daughter out of his lap, you settle her on your hip.
“we got caught, mama,” your daughter pouts, burying her head in your chest. you just laugh, patting the back of her head.
“you did absolutely wonderfully, my love,” you assure her.
toji rolls his eyes and breathes out before standing up and wrapping an arm around his little family.
“what am i gonna do with you two, hm?” he chuckles. “scheming and plotting like this against me, i’ll never survive.”
you bite your lip. “what if… we made that three?” you offer. “what are you gonna do with us three?” you attempted, grasping at straws at this point.
toji groans softly before laughing, ruffling the soft hair of your daughter. “you really want another, huh?”
for the first time, you offer him a very genuine look. “i do. i really do,” you nod. toji’s heart pangs.
“maybe.” he finds himself saying.
you gasp, making him laugh. “really?”
he coaxes your daughter out from where she still had her to pinch her cheek gently, making her giggle.
“if both my favorite girls want it, i guess i have to, hm?”
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thesunfyre4446 · 22 hours
I remember when the scripts for deleted scenes were being posted and Team Black was praising Daemon as father of the year for awkwardly saying “Let’s have you with us for now” to his daughter he had not seen in years even though he lived like a 1/2 hr - 1 hr fly away.
They are now pissed that this season will explore Baela’s feeling distant toward Daemon and Rhaena feeling resentment that Baela got to live with their Grandmother while she was left alone on Dragonstone with the “Braedy” Bunch. TB built a fantasy in their heads of “Girl Dad” Daemon and of Rhaena being Rhaenyra’s “favorite child” because she gives her handmaid Rhaena hand me down dresses and jewelry.
We’ve seen no evidence of Daemon being a good father or a good stepfather. We have seen Rhaena’s distressed being ignored by him because he can’t be a grown man about her not having a dragon. We have seen him hang back in the shadows and not show any concern towards his daughters who were just in a fight that ended in another child losing an eye. We saw him only step forward to (according to the script) to try and Attack Alicent from behind and to see about Rhaenyra’s wound.
We’ve seen this blood purist hate his nephews and niece who are all dragon riders that look like the picture of Old Valyria because they have a Hightower mom. Yet people believe he actually cares for Rhaenyra’s Strong sons who are more Andal than Valyrian?
While we DO see Aegon’s pride in his children. His subtle acknowledgement of his daughter who he knows enough about that he knows she has an aversion to touch like her Mother. We see him show his son more attention than both his father and his uncle have ever shown their children. We see Daemon help Rhaenyra steal his daughter’s birthright, while he see Aegon show enthusiasm in training his son to be King.
We saw Daemon not come to Rhaenyra’s aid when she was calling for him while painfully delivering a malformed stillborn baby. We never see Daemon grieve this baby, we do however see his fans say that he’s grieving the loss of the baby to excuse him abusing his wife, being a dick to his stepson and plotting the murder of a toddler.
We will however be seeing Aegon’s anguish, grief and pure unrestrained rage over the murder of his son.
yep. that's the thing that gets on my nerves anon
they've just decided that daemon is a good father despite one of his children literally saying "father ignores me", despite him not even bothering to check on his daughters after they were in a fight, despite him making rhaena feel useless because she has no dragon. we see him looking at her in silent judgment and her looking hurt. at least aemond had alicent for support when he didn't have a dragon... poor rhaena.
we never see rhaenyra interact with her stepdaughter, she invites them to join the family at the table in ep 10 - wow! congrats on not excluding your stepdaughters !!!! best mom evehhh!!! we do know, however, that she planned their marriages with rhaenys behind their back, not even bothering to ask for their consent. you'd expect rhaenyra "i do not wish to get married" Targaryen to at least let her stepdaughters know before she marry them off. we have 0 evidence of rhaenyra being a good stepmom.
and yeah, daemon is obsessed with valyrian blood and bloodlines. this man cannot even be bothered with his own children and i'm expected to believe that he gives a fuck about the strongs? he was literally angry at rhaenyra for "neglecting her roles as queen" AKA looking for her son's body.
and as for daemon as a husband... i don't think anyone's claiming he was a good husband to rhae and laena but he's horrible to rhaenyra as well. he ignored her when she was screaming in pain for him, he physically assaulted her !!
so we have daemon who ignores his children when they're bleeding, openly prefers one twin over the other, assaults his wife, ignores her when she's in pain and i'm supposed to think that he's a family man?
BUT when aegon takes his son to the council meeting, gets angry at one of his most powerful allies for snapping at his son (not really i love tyland and that scene was adorable), looks at his son lovingly and proudly, knows his son's fav games, gently taps his daughter's shoulder (idk if she doesn't like touch like hel, she just looked happy minding her own business), immediately can tell his identical twins apart WE'RE wrong for calling him a good dad? as far as westerosi standards go , yeah, i'd say he's a pretty decent dad.
and then they really try to bring up half a sentence from a TGC interview conveniently leaving out the parts where he says that aegon wasn't an absent father & he loves his kids very much lmao
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graciegoeskrazy · 1 day
and too much racket
matty healy + teen!daughter!r (ft. george)
warnings: r does drugs!!!, nothing in graphic detail, mentions of mattys addiction, yelling, crying, shit ending but cute?
a/n: mention of a specific drug that starts with a k that i can’t fully say so inside the street name cuz i don’t want tumblr banning me even do its weird cuz they block my angstyfluffy healy things but there’s litteral prn on thier site anywhooooooo im a lover not a fighter. thx to anon who requested! had to do research cuz ive never done drugs aeha
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The house was quiet. He was anticipating another night alone in the house while you were out with friends. The silence was broken by the sound of a call. He snatched up the phone and answered it immediately. 9 times out of 10 it was just you checking in or saying hi.
“Hi, baby. Everything okay?”
“Mr. Healy?” The voice on the other end was hesitant, unsure. Most importantly, it wasn’t yours.
“Kate? Where’s y/n?” The worry in his voice intensified, his mind racing through all the possible scenarios.
“Mr. Healy, we’re getting ready to drop y/n off. Are you home?”
“Yeah. Why? Is she okay? Is she that drunk?” He laughed a little at the thought. He knew you liked to drink on occasion and sometimes even use weed and he was usually fine with it as long as you were being safe and called when you needed him. He always said he would drop anything in a heartbeat.
“No, she’s not drunk. She’s...high...on something that...isn’t weed.” Kate’s words hung heavily in the air, the gravity of the situation sinking in.
“What? What was it, Kate? You can tell me.” His voice was laced with confusion and urgency.
“I don’t know. She left the room awhile ago, said she was going to the bathroom, but when she came back she was clearly on something. Something a lot stronger.”
“Oh god.” He ran a hand through his hair, his mind spinning.
“Somebody said she had mentioned Ket, but I don't know where she would’ve gotten it? We don’t do that type of stuff—I barely drink!” Kate’s voice cracked, the fear and confusion palpable.
“I know, I know, Kate. It’s gonna be okay. Where is she now?” He forced himself to stay calm. He could tell your friend was starting to panic even more.
“She’s asleep in the car. We just left.” Her voice softened, the exhaustion and worry evident.
“Alright, bring her here. Drive carefully. We’ll figure this out.”
As the call ended he sent frantic texts to the only other people who he knew loved you almost as much as he loved you, begging them to come over. George, residing the closest, knocked on the door not even 10 minutes later, worried about the vague text Matty sent. Ross came in not long after, with Adam, Carly, Charli, and Jamie all trailing from behind. He explained everything he knew, and before they knew it a knock sounded at the door.
Your heart pounded as you stepped out of the car, your breath coming in short, panicked gasps. You couldn't believe Kate had brought you here, to your own house. You barely remembered getting in the car. Now - you were wide awake. "You brought me to my house?!" Your voice shook with disbelief.
Kate, her face a mask of concern, tried to reach out to you. "It’s for your own good, Y/n. We called your dad, he’s gonna help—"
Your eyes widened in horror, and she took a step back in fear. "You called my DAD?!?!"
Kate flinched at the volume, "We were just trying to help, Y/n."
"Well, just stay out of it—" You shot back, voice breaking.
The front door swung open, and Matty stood there, his face set in a grim expression. "Y/N," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Living room. Now."
You felt a surge of defiance but knew better than to argue with your father when he was in this state. "Dad—"
"Now," Matty repeated, his voice stern.
With a final, furious glance at Kate, you stormed past her and into the house.
Kate’s eyes filled with tears as she confronted your father, filled with worry and guilt. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Healy! I should have kept a closer eye on her-”
“It’s not your fault, Kate. We’ll get through this.” He managed a small, reassuring smile before turning his attention back to y/n.
Matty followed her inside, closing the door behind him with a heavy thud.
You were met with most of your aunts and uncles as soon as you walked in, mentally groaning and rolling your eyes. The room is tense. You glance around, taking in the faces of family and friends, all summoned by your father. Their presence only amplifies your frustration. You turned to your father as soon as you heard his familiar footsteps grow closer.
“You called everyone?!” you exclaim.
Matty’s expression is stern, unyielding. “We need help with this one, babe”
“Oh my god— I got high one time. I need some water and Advil, not a fucking intervention,” you retort.
“Sit down,” Matty commands, his voice leaving no room for argument.
Reluctantly, you drop onto the couch, your arms crossed in defiance. Matty takes a deep breath, steadying himself. “Weed and a couple of Trulys are one thing, y/n, but this?!”
You roll your eyes, a gesture that seems to cut through the tension like a knife. It’s a bold move, especially aimed at your father. Even in your age of defiance, you never once dared to act like this in front of your father. He doesn’t flinch, his gaze piercing as he presses on. “Where’d you get it?” You shift uncomfortably, weighing your options. “Tell me. Now,”
You let out a resigned sigh. “A friend—”
“What friend?” Matty interrupts, his patience wearing thin.
“She was prescribed it for her anxiety or something,” you explain, trying to maintain some composure. “Now she’s just been dealing it to people.”
The room remains charged with tension, but a different kind now, more personal, more painful. You sit, feeling the weight of your father’s disappointment. The silence hangs heavily before Matty finally speaks again.
“Those girls were scared, y/n. You should’ve heard Kate; she was terrified! I could hear it in her voice,” Your dad says, his voice strained.
“She’s fine,” you reply dismissively.
Matty’s eyes narrow. “You better pray they forgive you.”
“Oh my god— it’s not that big of a deal!”.
“You scared the shit out of ’em, love!” Matty’s voice rises, echoing through the room.
“You think everything was fine after I quit? I lost friends, y/n. I almost lost every single person in this room, and I probably would’ve if I hadn’t gotten my act together.”
“Well, good for you. You’re doing so great now,” you retort sarcastically, the bitterness evident.
Matty’s expression shifts from anger to confusion. “I just don’t understand what caused you to act out like this?”
“Well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the fucking tree,” you shoot back, your voice trembling with barely contained emotion. He knew what you were referring to. They all did.
“Y/n!” George’s voice breaks the momentary silence, his tone a mix of shock and reprimand.
“Take it back,” Matty demands, his dangerous. “Take it back right now, y/n.”
“You can’t be that surprised, can you?” you challenge, meeting his gaze without a flinch..
“You heard of the things I went through!” Matty’s voice cracks, a raw edge to his words.
“Are you kidding? I fucking saw the things you went through! The things you put me through!” Your voice rises, the anger and pain you’ve held back for so long spilling out. “The nights you chose that shit over me! The weeks and months you left me with George because you were too high or too irresponsible to take care of me! Your daughter!”
The room goes silent. Matty’s face is a mix of guilt and helplessness, but it soon turns to anger. “Go upstairs,” Matty finally says, his voice barely above a whisper.
You stand up, your movements brisk and fast, and head towards the stairs. Each step feels like a mountain, the weight of the confrontation pressing down on you. As you reach your room, the door closes behind you with a soft click, cutting off the world outside.
The next morning, you wake up to an empty house. Your father and George must have left early for the studio, leaving you alone with your thoughts. The silence is heavy, a stark contrast to the tension of the previous night. You sit on the edge of your bed, the events replaying in your mind, and decide to call George.
After a few rings, he picks up, voice chipper. “Well, look who’s up and out of her intoxicated state!”
You roll your eyes, though a small smile tugs at your lips. “I called to ask how your day was going, not to hear about my mistakes.”
“Awe, she cares!” George’s voice is teasing, but there’s warmth in it too.
“I always do,” you reply softly, the sincerity clear in your tone.
There’s a brief pause before George speaks again, his voice a bit more serious. “Your dad misses you. Won’t stop moanin’ and groanin’ about his girl.”
“You sure he’s not talking about another girl?” you ask.
George sighs. “You both said things you regret, babe. Fix it. Whatever is happening right now, it’s not worth it.”
“I know,” you admit, the guilt gnawing at you. “Thanks, George.”
“And if you ever do that tom-fuckery again, I will have your head in an old-fashioned guillotine.”
There’s a moment of silence, and then you muster the courage to say, “I never said thank you for taking care of me then. So…thank you. For everything.”
George smiles a bit. “Just doing my duties as best uncle.”
“Hm.” You smile.
After hanging up, you sit quietly for a moment, absorbing the conversation. George’s words echo in your mind.
Later that day, you hear the familiar sound of the front door opening. Matty’s voice calls out, filled with tentative. “Baby girl? I’m home.”
You rush out from where you’ve been anxiously waiting, tears already streaming down your face. As soon as you see him, you crumble into his arms, mumbling through your sobs. “I’m sorry I mess up and I’m sorry for the things I said and the things I’ve done and I’m sorry you’re stuck with me and I’m sorry that I’m not the perfect kid but I really try to be and try to be that perfect kid for you and for everyone but it all just got a little much and I was trying to make things better and be an adult I guess and I got carried away and I’m sorry Daddy I’m just so sorry.”
He smiles, trying to hide his laugh at your words and ranting. He wraps his arms around you tightly, his voice soothing. “It’s gonna be fine, baby—”
“No it’s not,” you interrupt, your voice cracking with the weight of your guilt. “I messed up, I messed up bad. I made a mistake.”
“A mistake which you will never make again, correct?”
“I promise,” you whisper, your tears soaking into his shirt.
“Good. You’re not perfect, y/n. And thank god you’re not. Do you know how horrible I would feel if I had a perfect child? God, I could never keep up with you. You are smart and funny and so charismatic, and if it weren’t for you being my child, then you might have been perfect…” The tension starts easing. “But I don’t care,” Matty continues, his voice tender. “Because you are mine, and that’s all that matters to me.”
“I love you,” you say, your voice steadying as you look up at him.
“I love you most... but I will throw you in a river if you do that shit again,” Matty replies, a teasing glint in his eyes. Now, maybe, just maybe, healing can begin.
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