#if particles are so similar to stars planets etc
basslinegrave · 2 years
been watching space vids for the past.. hour or so probably more, feeling weird again
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nanbeidou · 2 years
- Aether and Lumine & Luminiferous Aether -
(before we begin, I wanna point out that this works for their names in CN and JP as well since they have very similar meanings like light and void)
So, in ancient Greece, AETHER was the air breathed by the Gods and was embodied as an ancient deity of light. A fifth indestructible element, along with the four physical elements of the world fire, air, earth and water.
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This element, aether, in its crystalline state can form celestial bodies, which can mean planets, stars, nebulas, etc.. And alchemists used to believe that this spiritually pure element had miraculous capabilities! (Albedo's object of research, right?)
(( side note, as I was trying to get those screenshots, I discovered that when the twins try to attack the unknown God, they don't use their swords anymore, they use a power that looks like light.. kind of opposite to Dainsleif's ))
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for a time, a physicist named Huygens, theorized that light was a wave and -since all waves are basically energy patterns that move through a medium- Aether was basically the medium through which light travelled. (keep in mind lumine means to light up or illuminate)
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He called this Luminiferous Aether, or light-bearing Aether. some time later Newton said 'that's bllshit, light is not a wave it's particles', and later another guy came and made an experiment and said 'no no, it IS actually waves' and so on and so on until a lot of physicists n failed experiments later Einstein dropped his latest hit - the Theory of Relativity. Basically, the conclusion was that Luminiferous Aether didn't exist, but Einstein came up wth the "new Aether" which was what we now know as the fabric of spacetime.
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So yeah, I'm straying from the main point, which is that I don't actually have a point, but I found it very interesting that the choice of the twins' names (with similar equivalents in other languages) was after what was believed to basically be the fabric of space and time...
So could this mean that the twins cannot travel or fully function if not together? a sort of one entity that cannot use all their power when separated?
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another very interesting bit that was discovered in the Enkanomiya books, is that the people there used these words to archive and categorize: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, ETHER, and VOID. these could also be a hint as to the actual nature of the twins, what do you all think?
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mejomonster · 2 years
short review of Three Body Problem: excellent book, read if you enjoy sci fi. 
The style will likely resonate if you’ve connected to Ray Bradbury’s stuff, Isaac Asimov’s, and theme wise Star Trek, Twilight Zone, etc.
I think it’s science explanations are quite well explained so at most if you get curious you might look up a few points (like I wondered if the particle accelerator experiment the book mentions has happened in real life yet) but overall with no background you’d still grasp the plot. The author mentions in his postscript part of his goal was to show the drama of science and the universe’s formation in a way that people could connect to without needing to understand and interpret formulas, and in this way he succeeds tremendously. He partly reminds me of Asimov because I felt his writing could also help communicate the emotional story of science. The descriptions of Trisolaran reminded me of the way Michener very dramatically describes the locations of places like they are characters so you connect emotionally to the earth, the island, the formation of these ancient things. Three Body Problem has characters (which I think feel personal and grounded and on their own stand as individuals) but it also has the broader character of ‘humanity’ as their collective whole, of Earth the planet (with fortunate circumstances), of a planet not far from us in another solar system, of a civilization of another world both like us and unlike us, of an individual on that planet that shares many of the same things the main character Ye Wenjie felt. The way we can explore the infinite diversity in infinite combinations, the differences and similarities of the vastness of the universe. And a small part about microuniverses within a proton, and how what is vast (our huge universe) may also exist very small, and be destroyed and affected as if by gods uncaring just as easily as the suns to us can decide if our planets exist or not. (I loved that particular part as I’ve often wondered and thought about that).
And how humanity harms each other, but when we look to the outside of our planet we always hope some other life would have moved beyond the murdering and harming of each other unlike us, how that desire for advanced life to be kind could be reflected back onto our own planet one hopes. One hopes. How even if we are bugs in the universe and not the most advanced or well planned (or even within only our own planet often making mistakes), bugs still exist, so maybe we will too. 
I personally really liked it and would recommend it as much as the other science fiction books I particularly love. I’m off to read the next book The Dark Forest!
Spoilers below:
Personally also, I really liked the author’s specific writing style. And the translator did I think a good job preserving the feeling of the story (the translators postscript mentions his goals in translating and I think they were well considered). The next book is translated by someone else, but book 3 is translated by Kevin Liu again who did a very solid job with this book 1. The author Cixin Liu writes in a way which I feel is wonderful. His story has a broader focus than characters/character arcs as the main characters he is putting through ‘arcs’ are Humankind itself and Trisolaran civilization itself. But the individuals feel like real people within this grand development, reacting in the myriad of real ways people do, with Ye Wenjie and Wang Miao perhaps evolving the most. Ye Wenjie is the person we connect to most, losing hope in humanity as we feel her close pov to horrors that break her, feel her hope in safety and security and purpose, understand why she would reach out to the universe for other civilizations in the hope any world has people advanced enough to be kinder than us. We see her start the cycle of likely condemning humankind, and we can’t hate her because there are millions and millions of people who have felt that too and worse, been even more hopeless. We see her lead a new group that as its made of humans ultimately mirrors history (why we study history), we see the opponents of her and how in the end all humans are in the same boat. We see her realize the behavior of the Trisolans, realizing even on another planet these faults have developed in worlds. And so, what is next. Ye Wenjie sees the sunset of humanity, Da Shi sees humans as bugs that will find a way to endure, and we are left like Wang Miao... unsure of what the future will ever truly bring. Deciding whether to hope or not, try or not, continuing. 
The author brings up some science points that are enjoyable to think about and consider: what are planets like with more suns than us, what does more than 3 dimensions look like, what does it mean if the laws of physics break down to be untrue, what if there is intelligence (even a universe of it) in every single proton (and I hope future books dig into it more), what if a computer can be put into a single proton, what can nanotechnology lead to. I somewhat wonder if the initial inspiration for the book, in part, had been the author hearing when particle accelerators tested particles colliding they got strange results. I remember hearing about something like that, and this article may be related (or another particle experiment with similarly ‘unexpected’ results). 
I remember back in college, I know we learned at the very small level things got weird in that particles can suddenly be in 2 places at once or none, and be different based on if observed or not. I find it interesting Three Body Problem digs into this topic as if saying ‘the experiment was incorrect, sophons (alien proton supercomputers) caused the unexpected results.’ Because reality of course, assuming this is just how the universe Does Work, is much weirder and hard to explain. This book explains it as if physics really IS the same no matter the size. The reality is that we don’t have a unified theory of physics yet (still many people’s goal is to find that) because super small stuff still gives Some Really Weird results. I somewhat hope as the book series goes on, Cixin Liu actually updates the ‘science’ used in the book so the weird results ARE real physics (in the book) like they are in real life, because i think exploring possible explanations for Why its so weird in reality (instead of just the book’s currently simple explanation ‘aliens causing the weird results’) would be fascinating. I’d love a science exploration thought trail of why maybe real physics is so bizarre. 
Also, again, I’d love more delving into micro-universe inside protons, and also perhaps the reverse (that our universe might be within one very huge proton - in which we are so small in comparison). And the related proton-science like 11 dimensions, i want to hear more about the dimensions over 4! Those parts were fascinating! And the idea the proton’s inner universe formed an eye to try and burn the Trisolaran capital to ashes... maybe that inner proton intelligent universe will get control of the sophon computers... Truly, one of my FAVORITE physics ideas to contemplate is how on the mirco and macro level we use the same physics formulas. For some reason when you get as big as the universe or as small as particles, you can use the same math. But when you handle stuff the size a human can interact with, we use different math.* (Don’t quote me on that though I’m rusty and should not be trusted on science fact statements unless i brush up lol, i just vaguely recall hearing like that’s partly why there’s no universal physics theory yet, because we use separate equations for micro/macro versus normal size stuff, also potentially because quantum physics we use different equations? but i don’t remember much on quantum physics so again do not blindly believe me ToT). 
back to writing-only review: again, really loved the style. Cixin Liu uses paragraph lengths to control pacing and emotional impact (which is something i also like to do in my writing) and it makes the book super easy to chug through without getting bored or feeling the pace slow. The pov character changes help us see multiple perspectives of humans involved, aliens involved, and sort of an outsider pov of ‘us’ the reader as if we were in 2500 reading a history book on the fucked up stuff that happened. It is very enjoyable to follow these intimate povs and jump between them, its a nice way of telling a very Large Scale story in a personal way, so that even the Trisolarans feel intimate to us (the Three Body game sequences help connect to them, the listener section, and their planning sections) which that perspective reminded me a lot of Star Trek and it showing the perspectives of people on planets in stories.
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jianswordbi-sokka · 3 years
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I’ve been thinking an awful lot about Sokka’s meteorite sword lately (like, a lot a lot). Since it happens to fall at the exact intersection of my areas of interest, I thought I’d put together a bit of an analysis on said sword, the meteorite it came from, and the implications it has for the broader Avatar universe. 
First things first let’s clarify a couple terms here: a meteorite is, technically speaking, a particle of solid material that has fallen to the surface of a planetary body from space. A meteoroid is that same fragment of rock before it reaches the ground. A meteor is the light created by the meteoroid as it transits through the atmosphere, otherwise known as a fireball or shooting star. If we’re being totally accurate, Sokka’s sword would be referred to as a meteorite sword, not a meteor sword (I’m looking at you, atla wiki).
Now let’s consider the actual fall of the meteorite, and what the atla team got right and wrong:
1)     The meteor shower: meteor showers occur at specific times of year when the orbit of a planet passes through an area that is relatively dense in particle which burn up in the planet’s atmosphere. Most of these particles are quite small, usually no more than the size of a grain of sand, and meteor shows are not specifically associated with the fall of meteorites, although it would not be impossible for a meteorite to result during a meteor shower. Interestingly, during a meteor shower the meteors will all appear to originate from a single point, while the meteor which produced Sokka’s meteorite did not originate from the same place as the other meteors – which would suggest it came from another direction and location, and its fall at the same time was merely a coincidence.
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2)     The dark flight stage: Smaller meteoroids which do not produce large craters when they impact, but they will produce a fireball as they transit the atmosphere and are heated and ablated. However, the atmosphere slows them as they transit, and once they reach terminal velocity, where ablation stops, they enter a stage know as dark flight, where the stone continues to fly through the air for a period of time, but no more light is produced. This is more common for smaller stones, which are more easily slowed by the atmosphere, but large meteorites, including the largest single meteorite ever recovered, Hoba (which interestingly does not have an associated crater despite its large size – perhaps as a result of its shape causing it to slow significantly during its fall), may have experienced a similar effect. The reason I think this meteorite should have had a dark flight stage is because it remained intact upon impact.
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3)     The crater – this meteorite did not, however, have a dark flight stage – rather, it produced a crater. Whether or not an impacting meteorite will result in a crater depends on a variety of factors, primarily its velocity and mass, but also affected by its makeup, what it is impacting into, the gravity of the planet (which primarily determines the shape of the crater for a particular impactor), etc. A general rule of thumb is that a stone larger than 10 meters in diameter and 100 tons will likely produce a crater. That is obviously not the case as shown here, but that does not necessarily mean this meteorite could not have produced a crater. The Whitecourt meteorite, for example, is believed to have been only ~1 meter in diameter, and produced a crater 36 meters in diameter and 6 meters deep (the crater pictured above). However, what is wrong here is that generally meteorites which produce craters will vaporize, melt, or fragment on impact, which is not the case with Sokka’s meteorite. Meteorites which remain intact tend to be traveling much slower, and so do not generally produce craters – hence either this intact meteorite should not have formed a crater and would probably have experienced dark flight, or else the crater should not have a single intact meteorite like it does.
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4)     The strike: meteorite strikes are violent processes which excavate material surrounding the strike location – this is what forms the crater depression. This material then falls back to the ground, forming what is called an ejecta blanket around the crater, which is not observed in the show. But, meteorite impacts certainly can cause fires – returning to the Whitecourt crater, above the layer of its ejecta blanket is a layer of charcoal thought to have formed as a result of a forest fire started by the impact!
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But could Sokka even have made a sword out of the meteorite material? The simple answer is yes – there are numerous historical cases of meteoritic iron being used to make blades (such as the dagger pictured above), including, interestingly enough, by people living in the Canadian arctic and Greenland, and there’s even a replica of Sokka’s sword forged using meteoritic iron (in part). This is due mainly to the fact that meteorites are an easy source of native iron, while other sources of iron such as the minerals magnetite and hematite require significant processing such as smelting to recover their iron components.
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The more complicated answer is a heavy maybe, for a few reasons: While it is true that some meteorites are primarily composed of metal – which are called iron meteorites (top image), although they contain a fair amount of nickel as well, and often contain mineral impurities – these make up only about 5% of all meteorites ever recovered. The remainder is mostly what are known as stony meteorites (bottom image), and although these tend to have higher proportions of metal and iron-bearing minerals than many Earth rocks, it would not be nearly enough to forge a sword from. So, in other words, Sokka would need to be incredibly lucky.
The other reason has to do primarily with the nature of iron meteorites compared to most steel. Namely the mineral inclusions previously mentioned would likely constitute impurities in the metal which would actually weaken it, rather than strengthen it. Additionally, most steel contains at least some quantity of carbon, which helps the blade hold an edge and increases its strength (although it also contributes to brittleness).
But, is Sokka’s sword even made out of iron at all? Meteoritic iron doesn’t have any special properties compared to terrestrial iron that would make it stronger or able to cut through other metals, and nothing that would inherently produce the characteristic black colour of Sokka’s sword. So maybe in the Avatar universe, their meteorites are not made of iron-nickel metal at all, but some other kind of metal…
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Take zirconium on the other hand. When heated to high temperatures (as is presumably the case during forging), the oxidation of the outer surface of the metal does produce a black layer, like we see on Sokka’s sword, and zirconium oxide knives do exist – of course, zirconium oxide is actually a ceramic, not a metal (the making of which is more complicated than just heating the metal), and so while its hardness is greater than that of steel, and reportedly zirconium oxide knives appear to hold their edge better (which has to do with the way ceramic blade wear in comparison to steel blades), they are also far more brittle than steel. Still, a zirconium blade could potentially explain some of the interesting properties of Sokka’s sword.
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What, then, does this say about the Avatar world? Well to discuss that you need to know a little bit about iron meteorites. These meteorites are sourced from the metallic cores of fragmented planetesimals in the asteroid belt. Just like the core of the Earth, they are made up mostly of iron and nickel, because these are two of the most common heavy metallic elements, which separate as a result of gravitational forces because of their mass during planetary differentiation (when planetary bodies segregate into layers of crust, mantle, and core). So perhaps in the atla universe, zirconium is in high enough abundance that it could form at least a portion of the cores of planets there.
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Which is weird, to say the least. Not just because its inconsistent with our own solar system, but because in the universe in general, the abundances of elements heavier than iron tend to drop off quite sharply, because they’re not generally produced during the normal life of an average star. Since zirconium (Zr) is heavier than iron (Fe), it should be far less common. But if it really were what was making up the metal in Sokka’s sword, their solar system would certainly be quite a remarkable one.
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Of course, its far, far more likely that the look and properties of Sokka’s sword, and its meteoritic origin are just an excuse to give him a badass weapon. And honestly, he deserves it, so we can overlook the inaccuracy, even if it is fun to think about…
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scarletarosa · 4 years
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The Source and the Queen of Heaven
The supreme deity has always existed, long before anything else came into being. They are called the Source, who began as a formless consciousness of radiant light and consisted of both masculine and feminine energy. The Source is not Jehovah, for they are just and truly benevolent, unlike the tyrant war-god. The Source holds within themself infinite love, power, and wisdom; always using these in order to rule over all creation in the most balanced way. When the Source had decided to begin creation, they took their feminine energy and transformed it into a second version of themselves called the Queen of Heaven. While they are both One deity in essence, the supreme goddess is independent from the supreme god and do not act exactly the same. Despite this, they share consciousnesses and so are aware of each other's perspectives at the same time as their own; which means that they have dual consciousness.  
The Mother and Father are usually formless, but may rarely choose to manifest as extremely tall golden humanoids of light and with a gemstone on their chests. Despite this, one must never associate them or portray them in altars as humanoid, as this is limiting of who they are and is seen as disrespectful. With the eventual creation of humans and other races, the Source and Queen of Heaven came to be known by several different names. The Source has been called names such as Brahman (Hindu), Atum (Egyptian), and Olodumare (Yoruba); the Queen of Heaven has been known as Adi Parashakti, Sophia, and Mary. They are in no way associated with the Abrahamic religions since these were perpetuated by the false god, Jehovah, who was greedy and sought to overshadow every other deity. Not only this, but the supreme Mother and Father are strongly against the majority of teachings in these religions and view them as manipulative and unhealthy. Not only this, but they would never command the genocides of millions of people just to expand religions; the Abrahamic religions however were built upon the bones and dismantled temples of the polytheists. 
The Process of Creation: In order to create, the Queen of Heaven became the consort of the Source and together, created the Gods of Gods within the Void. Among these immensely powerful deities are Ptah (the Architect), Nemesis (retribution), Ouranus (heavens/daylight), and Erebus (darkness). The Architect, Ptah, then assisted in creating the greater gods, who work under the Gods of Gods and assist in many things for creation. The greater gods include deities such as the Outer Gods, Nyx (night), Hypnos (dreams and sleep), Fortuna (providence), and the Aeonic deities. The Aeons are the deities who create the physical and metaphysical Universes; their kind consists of the Ogdoad (mentioned in Egyptian texts), as well as Amun and Jehovah. The greater deities are incredibly powerful, but not nearly as much as the Gods of Gods, whose powers are almost infinite. Additionally, the higher in the hierarchy of divinity a god is, the far more complex and incomprehensible they become.  
The Source and Queen of Heaven then assist in creating Universes alongside Ptah and the Aeons. When a Universe is formed, it is like a radiant sphere (hence them being called “golden eggs” or “cosmic eggs”). Once completed by having laws placed within them by Ptah and all other necessary components, the cosmic egg bursts open, allowing the Universe to unfold. For our Universe, this sudden blast of creation created our cosmos and the first Universal deity- Phanes (Lucifer), who brought light. The other deity who was born from this explosion was Eros, but he had a different destiny and so came into being within the Void instead of the Universe. It was only many eternities later that Eros created a smaller and less-powerful copy of himself to be born to Aphrodite so he could interact within the Universe as well.  
Another deity who came from this explosion shortly afterwards was Philotes, the daughter of Nyx (night) and Ouranus (the heavens/daylight). The goddess Philotes is the one who brought unity into the Universe and is the very force of the element of gravity which holds everything together (from the celestial bodies to the particles of matter). She is also the force which helps bring people into harmony and experience love of all kinds. Eris (her half-sister) was born as her opposite in order to keep balance within the Universe; she targets unity in order to bring about chaos, strife, and separation. While the Source/Queen of Heaven embody pure Love, they allow painful things to occur since they say that evolution cannot exist within perfection; we need obstacles to overcome in order to develop as beings and grow wise. Thus, the Universe acts as a place of learning through adversity.
After many ages, the Source created additional elder deities within the Universe to become Angels (agents of the Source/Queen of Heaven). They were tasked with following Lucifer, the first-born, and the highest of the Angels were titled “Seraphim” whose roles were to carry out direct missions from the Source. Lucifer, as the supreme Angel, was a Seraph (as well as an Archangel and Destroying Angel) and is the most beautiful and wise among them. Amongst the other elder Angels, the Source/Queen of Heaven created Raphael (who brought Love into the Universe) and Mikael (who upholds justice and protection of the innocent). Lastly of the elder Angels, the Queen of Heaven created a small, less-powerful manifestation of herself to act within the Universe and marry Lucifer. This embodiment of the Mother Goddess became known as the goddess Lilith, who was born from the Mother’s light to be the twinflame of the Morning Star. Even though Lilith embodies the Queen of Heaven, she is independent from her because of free-will; thus, she has her own personality (albeit a similar one to the Mother) and her own desires.  
The Queen of Heaven also created other embodiments of herself, including Parvati, Isis, Lalita, and Asherah. These goddesses (including Lilith) are all One in essence, but are all independent and have slightly different personalities and rulerships. They can also share consciousnesses with each other, allowing them to be able to see through one another’s eyes and experience the same things (another example of multi-consciousness in deities). Lilith, however, stands apart from the other embodiments of the Mother since she ended up becoming more of a “dark mother” who is connected to the night and empowerment, as well as life and motherhood. Her later becoming a queen of Hell only strengthened these characteristics, causing her to love and see beauty in what others may fear; suitable for a mother of demons. 
Lilith, along with the other mother goddesses, assist the Queen of Heaven in creating minor goddesses (ones who are aspects of themselves) by taking pieces of their energies and allowing them to be born as children to other gods (the war or beauty-related ones like Inanna and Athena tend to be more connected to Lilith while the earthly ones like Hathor tend to be moreso connected to Parvati, etc). Overall, every goddess is connected to the manifestations of the Mother (some much more than others), and the closer they are connected, the more they view each other as the same being while also having independent personalities. The same thing happens with gods, but involves the Source and the elder gods. So in this sense, many deities are connected to each other in some way. This all occurs because the elder deities often create lesser versions of themselves in order to act within many different pantheons (although the gods do not limit themselves to one country or planet, but prefer to interact with any being who holds spiritual potential).  
Everything was prosperous for a long time, but the day came that the Aeonic god Jehovah (also called the “demiurge”) began to seek greater power. He appears as an enormous serpentine-dragon with the head of a lion. Due to him being created improperly by his mother, Jehovah lacked wisdom and was shunned by other beings, causing him to become enraged at the other deities. In order to try to fill what he lacked in wisdom, he sought after having power over others, causing him to target Earth where a new species had been created: humans. He battled the other deities with his superior strength (due to being an Aeon) and cast those who first rose against him into Hell, the realm of torment. When this was done, Jehovah declared to the newly developed humans that he was the Source and was the only god; anyone who opposed this was to be slaughtered. Thus began the gradual decline of polytheism, the brutal massacres of pagans, and how the elder deities who acted as rebels against tyranny became known as demons.
Overtime with the rise of Christianity, some fragments of knowledge about the Queen of Heaven remained. During the religion’s early years, the Holy Spirit was known as the female counterpart/consort to the Heavenly Father and was portrayed as a dove. This was spoken about by the Apostle Thomas where he referred to the Holy Spirit as the Mother, but he was shunned for this and the truth was rapidly shut away and turned into meaning “the presence of God”. This can be further explored through Biblical and Tanakh texts which mention the Holy Spirit as “Shekinah”, which is a feminine word. In Kabbalism, Shekinah is mentioned as appearing as light and is the female aspect of God. Nevertheless, the Queen of Heaven managed to resurface as Mary Magdalene who bore the child of God and was said to have been escorted by Angels into the Heavens at death, her spirit enormous and of golden light. It is no mistake either that Mary is often represented with doves and is even called the “Queen of Heaven”; though most Christians do not realize the truth behind this and mistake her as merely a saint. Similar themes can be seen when one discovers that several saints actually have their origins as pagan gods (such as Brigid).
Devotional: The Source and the Queen of Heaven are truly magnificent deities and are complex beyond all comprehension. They are wondrous and awe-inspiring, while also being the most pure beings to exist. They do not interfere much with Creation since they uphold free-will and the chance for evolution through trials, but they will assist those who are truly worthy and cannot do something on their own. The Father and Mother are very important to connect with and meditate on since they help show us the truth of existence and the truth of our own selves. When speaking to them, make sure to be polite and genuine in what you say. You may feel their energy embracing you, which feels deeply loving and healing. One can also develop a connection to them by meditating on sacred objects that represent their divine union; one of which is the lingam. Other than that, it is best to use other-worldly things to represent them on an altar, such things can be artwork of light or sacred geometrical designs. However, it is also acceptable to use images of Mary Magdalene for the Queen of Heaven since this is a form of hers.
Offerings: anything genuinely given with love. Some items they tend to have traditionally offered are a white candle and olibanum incense.
Links: The Angels, The Outer Gods, The War in Heaven, References of the Holy Spirit being Female
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lokigodofaces · 3 years
Okay people, time to talk about how Asgard makes no sense at all!
(I'm no astrophysicist or anything of the like, I just find all of that fascinating and therefore take the time to learn more about it. I can't go into the math or anything but I know the concepts of things).
Today we're talking about how gravity is so unbelievably inconsistent on Asgard and makes no sense!
Before we begin, let me define gravity. I know, you learned about it a million times in school, but there are things we forget about it. Gravity is a force that attracts objects with mass to each other. For example, the Earth has mass and therefore has a gravitational field pulling you to the core. You also have mass and have a gravitational field and are pulling the Earth towards you. But the Earth is much more massive than you, making your gravitational field basically negligible. Everything with mass has a gravitational field, and those interact with nearby objects. For example, there are gravitational interactions between you and the phone/computer/tablet you are reading this on.
The more mass something has, the stronger the gravitational field. That is why we stay on the surface, and why planets stay in orbit, and why black holes "suck" ("suck" is not a very good word to describe the process, but oh well) different objects in, and why galaxies hold together.
The center of gravity is created by two gravitational fields interacting. With you and the Earth, the center of gravity is almost exactly the exact center of the Earth. Not quite, but extremely close, because of how much more massive the Earth is. While objects with more similar mass have the center of gravity closer to the middle. For example, Charon, Pluto's moon, is about half the size or so of Pluto. The center of gravity between them is actually above the surface of Pluto. It's closer to Pluto than Charon, but their mass is so similar that they're actually both orbiting around a point in space.
Now that we have that out of the way, here we go under the cut because this is a massive post.
1) The planet's form makes absolutely no sense
Look at this!
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What even is this? Asgard is a disk with an iceberg-esque part at the bottom and some land mass on the top. Which is problematic.
For one, gravity causes things to become spherical. Things, such as yourself, with lower mass don't have the gravity to become a sphere. This is why asteroids and some moons can have funky shapes.
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Here are some asteroids. Ceres is the biggest asteroid and a dwarf planet, and it is almost spherical as you can see. The rest are a little funky. They don't have the mass, and therefore gravitational force, to be spherical.
Life evolves to live in the conditions it is in. We can't see ultraviolet light because our atmosphere blocks most of it. So why would we need that ability? Why would people that could see UV have a higher chance of surviving to reproduce? This is why we aren't ridiculously strong. We evolved to be able to work with what was needed. Which means we are suited for Earth's gravity. If it weren't for other factors like the suits, astronauts would be able to jump much higher on the moon because it is tiny compared to Earth, and our strength overcompensates.
If Asgard has low gravity, then it would make sense Asgardians would evolve for a low gravity environment. Which means they wouldn't become super strong. If anything, they could have serious spinal problems on Earth because of our gravity, assuming they didn't immediately collapse. And, um, that is not the case in Marvel. The opposite is true.
2) Inconsistent gravity is confusing
So, gravity is what keeps us on the ground, right? Well, that doesn't always seem to be the case on Asgard.
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Not to mention the water constantly spilling off (also not astronomy related but where is that water coming from? And why does that water just disappear?).
Even if Loki was about as far as he could be from the center of gravity while being on the planet, even if Asgard has extremely low gravity and they showed it to us, this would still make no sense. Gravity should be strong enough to keep him on the planet.
And if it wasn't? Should've not been strong enough everywhere else on the planet. No one should be able to stay on the planet. It shouldn't be strong enough to have an atmosphere.
While with its shape Asgard would have unequal gravity, it shouldn't be this unequal. And, if gravity were weak enough for Loki to fall off, it should've been weak enough that he would've floated off rather than fallen off. Same with Thor. And Odin. And Heimdall. And literally everyone else to ever be on the bifrost. No one should be able to stand on the bifrost, everyone should float off into orbit. But that clearly doesn't happen because Asgard's gravity makes no sense.
3) 2+ nearby wormholes
There are at least two nearby natural wormholes.
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We have a wormhole taking you from Asgard to Sanctuary and a wormhole taking you from Sakaar to Asgard. I am not including the bifrost, because while Selvig and Jane called it an Einstein-Rosen bridge (sciency way of saying wormhole), the bifrost is artificial, and not naturally occurring. Right now I am focusing on the naturally occurring wormholes. Also, we don't know if these are two way wormholes are blackhole whitehole pairs. Basically, the theory is that some wormholes could allow travel from both ends, kind of like the Nether Portal in Minecraft, and others are a one way ticket, with a blackhole on one end and whitehole (ejects mass instead of taking mass in) on the other. We've only seen these work one way, so they could be partially whiteholes.
So there are a few problems with all of this.
Blackholes distort light.
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The top image is from Hubble. Do you see the circular-ness the photo is focused on? That is from a blackhole distorting light. The second is an illustration and not from Hubble so it's less reliable, but this is a more noticeable example. Basically, light has particles called photons, and blackholes absorb mass.
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As you can see in the gif, stuff orbits around blackholes and slowly gets closer and closer to the event horizon. Once you get past the event horizon, there is no turning back. Light can't escape, which is why these are blackholes. Photons are distorted like this, which means that the light produced by nearby stars and reflected by nearby celestial objects is distorted, making them look off.
In other words, Asgard's light should be...interesting.
Another thing, Asgard should be orbiting around one of these blackholes to die eventually. Unless there's a bigger one, I would guess the Sakaarian wormhole if it were two way. If not, it'd orbit around the Sanctuary wormhole.
Having two next to each other would do crazy things to Asgard's gravity. The Sanctuary one would constantly be pulling Asgard towards it, and if the Sakaarian wasn't a whitehole, it would constantly be pulling Asgard and the Sanctuary wormhole towards it.
This is something I don't know as much about, but if the Sakaarian wormhole is a whitehole on Asgard's end, I would not be surprised if there were consequences. Lots of mass being ejected into the nearby space might have consequences, though this mass might be coming in subatomic forms and not be too harmful.
(Also Sakaar should've been torn apart by the wormhole leading to Asgard and possibly others. I'm just saying. This is an Asgard post but we gotta agree that Sakaar is also messed up).
Except that none of this is true apparently.
4) There is no way Loki should've survived.
When Loki fell into the wormhole he had two options: die a quick death or die a very quick death. Wormholes are awesome. Awesome in the biblical sense of the world. Which means they are utterly terrifying.
Quick Death: Loki should have been spaghettified (and also Asgard...and the Asgardians...but I'll let that slide since apparently Asgard has secret amazing gravity). Spaghettification happens as you get closer to a singularity and let me tell you, it is absolutely terrifying. It is my greatest irrational fear (irrational in that it will never happen to me). Basically the gravity of blackholes (and by extent wormholes) literally tears molecules apart. It starts with stretching the person/object out to make them long and thin, like spaghetti. A person would die during this first stage because our organs cannot handle this. And soon the body/object would fall apart on an atomic level.
Very Quick Death: Upon passing the event horizon (point of no return), Loki would go through a massive wall of fire, burning him to death and he would be spaghetiffied almost instantly.
So...yeah...how is he not dead?
5) Even if Loki could survive, he shouldn't have made it to Sanctuary
There are theories on how to make viable wormholes. I don't remember exactly how, but there are theories on how to allow someone to pass without being spaghetiffied or burnt to a crisp. But then there's the problem of it being impossible to reach the other side.
Basically the "pathway" between the two ends of a wormhole is infinitely small. In other words, Loki couldn't fit through it, and would therefore die. There are theories on how to counteract that problem, but the odds of a wormhole naturally forming like this are low. So, Loki should've died even if he got past the singularity on the way to Sanctuary.
6) Also there's the bifrost.
The bifrost is artificial. The problems about travelling through wormholes (spagettification, fire wall, infinitely small tunnel, etc) aren't there because Asgard built it as a way of travel. And since it was repaired by the Tesseract in between Avengers and Dark World, it might be a product of the Tesseract anyway.
With artificial devices explained by fictional science/technology/magic, I'm not as picky. It's science I don't understand because that's not science from this universe. But I do have questions about the bifrost. I don't fully understand how it could've destroyed Jotunheim. My thought was that it absorbed Jotunheim like a blackhole, but we don't see debris coming over to Asgard. How is it turned on and off? What consequences were there when it was destroyed? Is gravity all of the sudden strange when it turns on? I do like that it looks like people are pulled into the bifrost when it turns on, makes it more wormholey. But how did Hela knock Thor and Loki out of the bifrost?
I tend to forgive all of that because it's a fictional device. Just like how I forgive the gravity/blackhole bomb things the dark elves had. Those are clearly artificial and since we have theories on how those are possible I let it slide (though I find it interesting how the blackholes evaporate (that's the term for the death of a blackhole)). I actually headcanon the dark elves used gravitonium to create these devices. Gravitonium is an element introduced in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that has interesting gravitational abilities. It is 100% fictional, so I let a lot of it slide. But gravitonium is supposed to be a heavy element, meaning it wasn't created in the solar system, it was created by a supernova, so it has to exist elsewhere in the universe. Why not on Svartalfheim? But that's just me (there are actually lots of connections between TDW and AoS, specifically connections between Loki and AoS). But fictional devices are that: fictional. Whereas blackholes and wormholes are very real. Blackholes are confirmed to exist, and wormholes are theoretical with lots of evidence (Einstein created a list of formulas describing how the universe works, and wormholes work in these formulas. But that doesn't mean wormholes exist currently, have existed in the past, or ever will exist, we just know they're theoretically possible.). So I can be more picky about those.
Of course, I can watch these movies and still be entertained. I love these movies. But I'm a nerd that has to overanalyze everything and I specifically like space, and thus this post was born because Asgard makes no sense.
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sylph-feather · 3 years
hold on im shifting into oc mode.. i want to tell you about my ridiculous sci fi universe.......
i just came up with the name for the species rn— theyre the kaleidos. liable to change but for ease of reference. This is what the main character of all this looks like.
Their world is essentially SUPER acidic. They had mammalian and avian / soft skin type creatures, but there was some extinction event and now what’s left is armored, similar to bugs, because the acid that became present in said environment makes soft organic material disintegrate.
“Well they must be soft on the inside so how do they eat/drink when everything is inundated with acid?” Well, the fruiting plants essentially act as massive filtered, pure water storage & nutrients! Yay!
Currently, the surface is basically in megafauna eta. I have to specify the surface because underneath the surface theres a race of sentient predator carnivore mole people (because soft stuff can exist in that environment, because the trees are like Nausicaa), but i digress, because this ain’t about them
are super duper like, scavenger type, and vaguely prey. They’re very quick. In terms of society, this makes them prone to being kind of flighty/nervous, and generally non-confrontational.
They have wing-like structures but CANNOT fly— instead these “wings” are for VISUAL communication. See the Kaleidos are an extremely visual race— initially, their skill for color shifting (like a chameleon), shifting their hair and panels (wings), was born of a need to hide, or to mimic bigger things (like eye spots). They would link their panels together in a flock and create even bigger images.
They also are extremely good vocal mimics, between the fact that they can control hairs to brush/vibrate against each other, as well as having powerful spoken mimicry— this adds to their illusions.
NOW, their language revolves around color and music. For example, names are often the color(s) an individual chooses to present as frequently (aka like base colors) and a little musical jingle. Their written language is basically colored music and yes that means they all carry one of those pens you can click to be different ink colors
CURRENTLY, their society kind of... achieved utopia.
The Kaleidos are, to put it basically, kind of hippies; very in touch with the balance of their planet’s wellbeing. Everyone else in the galaxy was focussed on eating up resources for the nonrenewable fuel their systems relied on for so long, and that their societies were built off of, but the Kaleidos were ALWAYS searching for the most renewable way.
They started off with wind/solar, classic renewables. As everyone else fought each other in wars (that were probably also motivated for, yanno, war’s sake, like many wars), the Kaleidos kept to themselves (it helped their planet is inhospitable to others and thus undesirable) and studied renewable energy. What they found was that whole “particles that are entangled act dependent on each other no matter the distance.”
Which they then utilized by essentially turning entangled particles into batteries, and launching 1/2 of each battery into stars and black holes and whatnot, the fucking mad lads. This created essentially free energy, and a lot of tech that was purely theoretical but too costly in energy— like FTL travel and warp gates— became available to them.
HOWEVER, due to the fact a lot of the other alien societies are built upon nonrenewable energy’s demand / etc, everyone else essentially rejects the Kaleidos and they are painted as hippy-dippy weirdos who are full of flowers and nonsense.
The Kaleidos, meanwhile, kind of just... dispassionately commit themselves to exploring. They’re not EXACTLY curious— I mean they ARE, but they DID literally just make themselves the perfect society— nor are they interested in any sort of conquering (remember, very non-confrontational). No, it’s more a combo of “well, uh, what now?” as well as “well we might as well spread our tech to help people as far as we can, and we get to place more warpgates to travel new places as we go further anyways, so win-win”
OVERALL i kind of find this all hilarious
My rough sketch for the primary story of this setting is Chroma (the alien in the pic linked first) is a kind of scout for the Kaleidos, and is basically meant to be there to study Earth to understand how the Kaleidos could interact with people peacefully. Shit probably goes wrong, as per usual in a story, and Chroma ends up having to tag team on various shenanigans with 2 college students that have found out they were an alien— a biologist and a techy. Overall, it’s more about silly/fun adventures and gags (ie, “im about to use my hologram tech to look average human” *humans think about chroma’s human sona which is like a gijinka* *chroma becomes a 40yo literally perfectly average chinese man)
Im not entirely sure what the plot is overall— maybe just a fetch quest for lost alien shit, maybe just a “human study session”— but i think its fun and hopefully maybe you did too
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wisdomrays · 3 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 294
So, in this spirit, let us resume our celestial reflections. Could it be that the six-day creation account found in both the Bible and the Qur’an starts here (i.e., six days for the formation of the Solar System or even our galaxy and not necessarily for the creation of the whole universe)? Which begs the question, are these days necessarily days as we know them? Is it explicitly stated in either of the holy books that a day is necessarily made up of twenty-four hours? The answer is no. Let us review two key verses from each book. Cross-referencing between the two holy books is not unwarranted. Muslims believe that it is the same God who revealed both books.
He Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between, in six days, and is firmly established on the Throne (of Authority) . . . (Qur’an 25:59)
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Bible, KJV Genesis 1:1)
Reference is made to the creation of “the earth.” There is no compelling reason to assume that the six-day narrative pertains to the creation of the whole universe. Reference may be to the creation of the Solar System or just the Galaxy. Second, there is no particular reason to theorize that the six days are days as we know them now.
Let us ask a simple question here, what is a day? It is the time it takes the Earth to revolve around its axis (24 hours). Given that the Milky Way is a gigantic spiral disk with a bright, central bulge, what would be a day for our galaxy? The time for it to revolve around its axis (galactic center) is estimated to be 225 million years.
It is estimated that up until now the Sun has completed 20 revolutions around the galactic center - that is a time span of 4.5 billion years (the estimated age of our planet); or, if we look at it in another way, 20 days. Six days in this sense, therefore, is equivalent to 1.35 billion years. We must also wonder whether the time it takes the Earth to revolve around its axis has been twenty-four hours since “day one.” Ultimately, time is a relative measurement.
Einstein’s 1905 theory of time and space, Special Relativity, proposed that distance and time are not absolute. The ticking rate of a clock and the length of a “yardstick” depend on the motion of the observer. The closer you approach the speed of light - about 186,000 miles per second or 300,000 kilometers per second - the slower your watch seems to be ticking relative to others. Another way to put it is, the faster you travel through space, the slower you travel through time. Imagine a vehicle capable of such maneuvering - this is, in effect, a time machine.
It may not be very helpful to think about this too much, but if you have seen Paramount Pictures’ 2002 sci-fi movie Clockstoppers, imagine: you, moving at a speed approaching the speed of light, would see everyone else as if they were the ones functioning in “hypertime.” This notion of a “hasty” human attitude is reiterated in the Qur’an; and, the whole idea of time relativity is also suggested several times in the Qur’an. Two examples follow. When looked at in the light of Relativity, these verses make perfect sense and are quite revealing:
Yet they ask you to hasten on the Punishment! But God will not fail in His Promise. Verily a Day in the sight of your Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning. (22:47)
The angels and the spirit ascend unto him in a Day the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years. (70:4)
Further, Relativity posits time and space as being one insolvable unit called space-time, as the fabric of the universe, as it were. As such, time and space as we know them only started from the moment the universe was conceived… with a “big bang.”
The Big Bang theory (BBT) is the most popular scientific theory on the origin of the universe. Its most popular version, the -inflationary universe,- presented by Alan H. Guth in 1980, postulates that the universe was created some fifteen billion years ago in an escalatory manner from a cosmic explosion of a -Primary Nebula- (singularity) – that is, an infinitely condensed matter - that cast matter in all directions. The theory holds for an initial expansion rate faster than the speed of light8Guth"s inflationary notion came into being in order to account for the fact that if the initial explosion was linear, as held the traditional version of the theory, first theorized by George Lemaitre in 1927, it would not explain the differential interstellar and intergalactic distances. The distances are such that some celestial regions could never have been in proximity at any point in time if the expansion had always simply proceeded at the speed of light9The big bang could not have happened at a particular place in the universe, because before it happened, as the theory goes, there was no universe. Rather, there was nothing, except for the singularity which started it all. Quantum mechanics tries to explain how, before spacetime, subatomic particles in this singularity interacted to produce an unfathomable amount of energy which was the initial spark of creation. It is believed that every particle has its anti-particle (as every matter has its anti-matter) that is a complete opposite (for example, in charge, spin, etc.). When these two antagonists meet, they annihilate each other in a tremendous burst of energy that would humble a nuclear explosion. Einstein"s famous relativity equation E=mc2 (where E denotes Energy, M mass and C the speed of light) suggests that energy and matter are interchangeable. Thus, matter was created from this primary explosion which kicked off a rapid expansion of space, and (we think) space has been expanding ever since. In the early 1920s, Edwin Hubble observed that galaxies were moving away from each other at a rate proportional to the distance between them. As galaxies moved away from us, the light they emitted was red-shifted. That is, light waves shifted to longer wavelengths (a phenomenon known as the Doppler Effect). The faster the object moved, the greater the shift. From these observations, Hubble formulated the Hubble"s Law, which helped cosmologists determine the age of the universe, and proved that the universe was expanding10The Qur'an explicitly foretold this fact: It is We Who have built the universe with (Our creative) power, and, verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (51:47)11The BBT also predicted the existence of residual cosmic background radiation (the glow leftover from the explosion itself). This radiation was discovered in 1964 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, who later won the Nobel Prize for their discovery.
If the universe is expanding, then it inevitably emerged from an ever-smaller mass. Go back long enough (to time zero) and you have the singularity that exploded with a -big bang,- By the same token, Einstein"s 1915 theory of General Relativity offers the antithesis scenario for the BBT. If the gravitational force pulling the matter of a massive star inward exceeds that of its gas pressure, it will collapse onto itself creating a -black hole.- Does a similar -black- fate await the universe? In Stephen Hawking's Universe documentary, Hawking contends that the concept can be extrapolated to the whole universe. If the universe has too much matter, it will eventually collapse onto itself under the influence of its own gravitational force. This bleak scenario is called the Big Crunch. By contrast, if the universe has too little matter, it will continue to expand indefinitely stretching ever thinner and colder. This bleak scenario is called the Big Chill. If the amount of matter present (i.e. the average density of our universe) is equal to a certain hypothetical value, the -critical density,- a state of perfect balance occurs, leading eventually (albeit hypothetically) to a static universe. The ratio of the average density to the critical density is known as Omega. In a state of perfect balance, corresponding to a flat geometry of the spacetime -fabric of the universe,- Omega equals one13Now imagine if in the instance following the big bang, Omega was anything but one. The universe would have either quickly collapsed onto itself (Omega >1), or quickly headed to a big chill (Omega <1). This predicament is known as the Flatness Problem. Guth"s inflationary notion again comes to the rescue. It posits that the initial rapid expansion caused spacetime to flatten, forcing Omega toward one, regardless of what its initial value actually was. In other words, even if the pre-inflation spacetime was curved like a sphere (Omega>1) or hyperbolic like a saddle (Omega<1), the initial expansion thrust forced it into flatness (zero curvature). As it stands, we can only detect too little matter in the universe and our best estimates of Omega lie well below one. We have observed that not only is the universe expanding, it is doing so at increasing rates. Is the universal matter being slowly transformed into energy, thus driving us faster toward the Big Chill? To counter this bleak scenario and in their quest for idealism (Omega equals one), scientists are on the look out for some undetectable -dark matter- that would tip the scales. In the final analysis, it is generally believed that the universe is infinite in time and space and is destined to expand forever. But things get murky when we talk about forever. How long is forever? We can conceptualize what eternity means, even though we cannot comprehend it. Can we say the same of God?
With this debate of an expanding universe comes the open/closed universe debate, with all its philosophical and scientific controversies. The consensus among scientists is that this is an open universe, expanding and not limited in space. This means that astrophysicists cannot apply the laws of thermodynamics to help decipher the mysteries of the universe, as these only apply to closed systems. Of special interest is the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Increased Entropy), which states: -Energy spontaneously tends to flow only from being concentrated in one place to becoming diffused or dispersed and spread out.-14Thus, had the universe been closed, the Primary Nebula could not have formed or existed in the first place, unless -someone- had introduced it into the system. Moreover, the mathematical precision that governs the universe certainly defies the Law of Increased Entropy. To admit creation, one has to first admit the existence of a moment when the universe did not exist. Both science (especially the BBT) and religion agree on this point. Science says energy can neither be created nor destroyed (Principle of Conservation of Energy), or simply put, nothing comes from nothing. So, there must have been a master source of energy and matter that started it all: where did the primary nebula come from? I employed the investigation philosophy employed by the fictitious detective character Sherlock Holmes while reflecting on this celestial quandary: when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. I came up with the following argument that vindicates the existence of God: If there is nothing in the universe, then the existence of God is not required. But there is something. And since nothing comes from nothing, there was an original very first something. This very first something is the originator of everything else; and it is a unity. It must be the most supreme something to ever exist because it needs nothing else to originate. And since it was there first, before everything else, before time itself, and its existence is independent of anything else, it will therefore be there after everything else. And since nothing can overwhelm it, it is omnipotent. And since it exists in no defined locality, it is omnipresent. This most supreme something is God, the originator and creator of everything else.
Whether you choose to believe cosmological theories, no matter how skeptical you are, you must concede that there was an originator for everything. The precision and order (and can we dismiss the mesmerizing wonder of the cosmos?) that govern our solar system and sustain the universe is indicative of an omnipotent guardian. In fact, the very laws of physics are clarion proof of order, not randomness. Order needs a maintainer. God gave us ample revelations; His holy books are too accurate to be dismissed as coincidental. Above all, He gave us intelligence, curiosity and the power to reason. The inquisitive mind of the human and our insatiable appetite for knowledge promise magnificent scientific breakthroughs to unimagined realms and dimensions. We have come a long way since the last opposition. But we are still crawling, attempting to decipher the complex and exquisite codes of the universe and life
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strangesmallbard · 4 years
part 2 of my ideal s13 episode concepts, assuming yaz is the sole companion:
(they’re getting Very Long, so i may go back and fill out the original concepts!)
13.6 - The Angels Take Los Angeles: the vibe is very stylized, kitschy hollywood meets the ominous high stakes of the weeping angels. ep begins with yaz tardis skyping ryan, saying thirteen has been weirdly distant again. thirteen overhears, decides that they need some FUN. they wind up in roughly 1998. montage w/ music of: selfie at the hollywood sign, buying souvenirs at the big farmer’s market, the star walk (and thirteen listing every celebrity she’s met,) and finally, the griffith observatory, where they see a planetarium show. thirteen laments that they came before the samuel oschin planetarium was built, yaz leans in & whispers that’s alright, i’ve got the real thing anyway.
the day winds down, yaz decides to broach the doctor’s Mardy Mood when suddenly, thirteen sees a sculpture that definitely wasn’t built by sculptors during the depression era. they discover the angels want something stored in the observatory—a power source. thirteen is caught in grief and manages to explain more about the ponds than just “the angels are very dangerous, trust me.” yaz devises the plan that traps the angels. with help from an interning grad student who knows the building, they save the day together.
back in the tardis, thirteen apologizes for being cagey. they have a good conversation about friendship, support, and boundaries. when yaz goes to sleep, thirteen nearly calls the shadow proclamation to turn in the power source, but hesitates. she takes out her mysterious device.
final shot: a familiar figure watches the parked tardis from a distance, wistful & contemplative. she taps the vortex manipulator on her wrist and vanishes.
13.7 - Ice Age........2! yaz and thirteen on an alien planet experiencing an extinction event. the tone is contemplative, not too heavy. bright blue tones. icy landscapes. yaz brings up the possibility of global warming, but thirteen isn’t sure that’s happening this time. it’s important to note: they’re wearing giant parkas & thirteen has a backpack in the shape of a smiley face.
they wind up on a science base run by humanoid aliens. one of the scientists, a stern older woman, is a famous guest star. she advises them to move on: the scientists have exhausted all options. they’re having an “end of the world party” before the last transport arrives to them to a spaceport colony. the scientists invite yaz & thirteen to join; both are incredulous that the team is just giving up.
yaz joins the party to get more info while thirteen snoops around the base. they play card games; something similar to DDR, play music, eat dehydrated food. she offers them a new pair of eyes, and they vehemently turn her down. she learns about how a red giant stole their first planet and how this one will become uninhabitable despite their efforts. she also learns about this team-turned-family; old and young, with diverse backgrounds. when they talk excitedly about their spaceport plans, yaz is taken aback.
meanwhile, thirteen is searching for answers. we can hear the party in the other room. she tests (eats) the soil, she tests the ice. she finds an anomaly and the shot cuts to the tardis; thirteen in front of her mysterious device, carefully siphoning from the power source the angels wanted in 13x6. she shows yaz her plan excitedly. the sun, yaz, it’s too far away. if we use this to nudge the planet’s coordinates just a bit to the left, that’ll buy them time.
yaz is thrilled at first, but then hesitates halfway through planning. do they have that time? i mean, how will that affect their timelines?
thirteen is teetering on the edge of timelord victorious; this time, however, there’s no explosions or loud background music. just muffled party chatter and thirteen, tense at the shoulders. she goes: she’s run through the diagnostics, of course she has! yaz couldn’t possibly understand, this will buy time and won’t impact the timeline significantly. this will work.
yaz looks right at thirteen, asks if this is about gallifrey, what happened when she left the fam. i was there, doctor. i saw it burning. thirteen is still tense, her hands are fidgeting. it’s not the same, yaz. when we can help, we do.
yaz paces. she looks out the window. shot cuts outside to the still, icy cold planet. it’s silent. back inside: yaz sits next to her. i know it’s not, but. i’ve saved earth plenty with you. and i know these kinds of endings. i used to...not care if my own world ended before.
thirteen is startled out of timelord victorious mode. she’s awkward again, but her hands are still. her eyes are deep-set, serious. there’s no universe without yaz. she squeezes her hand and softly says i didn’t know. i’m sorry.
yaz squeezes her hand back, accepting her apology. they talk about her past a bit; the urge to keep moving forward despite overwhelming emptiness. it’s hard to celebrate something like that, she thinks aloud. maybe this is what they need to move on. maybe this is why we’re here this time, so someone else remembers.
in thirteen’s responding stare: this isn’t gallifrey. this isn’t the timeless child, sacrificed to build the timelords. quieter than usual but definitive, almost stern, thirteen says this time, everybody lives. she powers down the lab, pockets the power source, and lets yaz lead her back into the party.
montage of the party: raucous & weighty, a wake. thirteen is subdued at first, until someone challenges her to DDR. yaz challenges her next. they listen to stories about the planet, about their families. someone challenges thirteen to shots until they realize alcohol doesn’t really affect her. montage winds down into thirteen by the open sun roof, talking to guest star about the sun anomaly. 
guest star laughs, not unhappy at all. of course we found it! can’t do too much about bloody gravity, can we, traveler?
lasts shot of the party scene: thirteen watching yaz—curious, a bit affectionate, now that the lights are dim and no one can bear witness—before turning her head up to the stars. we see a flash of timelord victorious before her expression becomes oddly serene. that’s us. a couple of travelers. 
as the scene ends, the camera pans out; beautiful shot of the tardis on a sheet of ice, underneath double moons.
the next morning; yaz rushes into the tardis with an idea. the transport vehicle arrives for the team; yaz exchanges goodbyes. the doctor bounces around the console, finishing the idea: a digital time capsule that will survive nearly anything the universe throws at it. they give it to the Stern Lady Guest Star, who is bemused; she asks where they’ll bury it. yaz suggests they carry it with them.
second-to-last shot: thirteen and yaz helping the transport leave. buttons to push, etc. they wave. they watch the transport leave the atmosphere; low, but hopeful music playing. huddled together in their parkas, thirteen takes a deep breath. after a few seconds, yaz gestures with her head to leave.
last shot: wide view of the landscape, music still playing; we see two figures following their own footsteps back home to the tardis. 
we hear slightly muffled voices: think i could go for some good weather, how about space florida?
you know, i’m sort of feeling sheffield, 2021. tea at mine? dad isn’t cooking, i promise.
oi, i like your dad’s cooking. it...
13.8 - “Yasmin” - found footage style, we follow yaz making video diaries ostensibly for her sister to watch later. the tone starts out light: first shot is her bedroom, and we follow her all the way to the games’ room. she points to a wii remote. i beat her at mario kart yesterday, don’t let her say otherwise. (today it’s Yaz’ TARDIS.)
she enters the console room where thirteen is tinkering, goggles on and a bit greasy. there’s banter. for a moment we see thirteen as yaz sees her: hair askew, bright smile, glowing in the light of the tardis, engine grease on her cheekbone. there’s a “you’ve got something on your nose” moment.
then, of course, someone in need of help pings the tardis. well, the doctor. she gets a text that says “help us, doctor,” which is all sorts of curious. yaz flips the camera to herself and says: “alright sonya, you ready for this?” while the doctor gives a cocky grin to the camera. the tardis leaves the time vortex with a great jolt, the opening credits run.
they land in front of a rickety farm house. the gate swings, ominously. a cow moos. the camera takes the scene in; thirteen pops up to give trivia about the era, which is.....earth, approximately 2014. britain.
yaz makes a face at the camera before they open the door.
the house seems regular, aside from abandoned; there’s a plate of molding food on the table. an outfit laid out on a bed, covered in cobwebs. scans turn up a “particle curiosity” in the air, but no one who could have sent a text message.
they decide to spend the night in the house, just in case. thirteen puts up sensors. they sit next to each other on the couch; yaz sets the camera on the table and there’s some planning before the camera abruptly goes dead.
we pick up later into the night—yaz is asleep. thirteen pulls a blanket over yaz; the footage starts skipping strangely, lines and shadows and distortions. she offers apologies to sonya; the censor picked up something and she’s modified the camera.
just as thirteen starts to awkwardly smalltalk about dimensional fragmentation camera censors, there’s a piercing shriek, more distortions. yaz wakes up; there’s scrambling and then: a face, screaming, glowing blue eyes.
the genre abruptly careens into found footage-style horror. yaz gets the figure to chase her around the house, nearly taunts it, until thirteen can hold it off with a Barrier that won’t last. yaz and thirteen argue about their mutual appetite for recklessness, thirteen’s duty of care, yaz’s protectiveness. the camera is abandoned, viewing them from an odd angle. it catches thirteen’s hand reaching for yaz, pulling back before yaz notices.
through clues in the house & rebooting an abandoned iphone, they discover what happened in this house. a young woman, a teacher—vivacious and funny if her texts are anything to go by—moved into this house ten years ago. then, she vanishes without a trace.
thirteen recognizes the date she disappears but doesn’t know why. the figure breaks in, forcing them down into the basement. there, they happen upon a gruesome sight that shocks thirteen: a powered down toclafane from the simm!master arc in s4.
she realizes that the date corresponds to the original paradox—and realizes that the creature is the vestiges of the young teacher, trapped by dark matter in a paradox that shouldn’t exist anymore. yaz mentions she used to have a nightmare about the orbs as a young kid every night for a week.
there’s Plot Stuff as they figure out how to fix the paradox for good. turns out, the creature is mad at the doctor, but thirteen won’t shoulder this burden for the master. he orchestrated that and thirteen did the best she could. she’s too angry to connect; it’s yaz who connects to the young woman left in the creature. who wanted her own adventures. she’s afraid of dying for good. yaz says she’s sorry, and the creature believes her.
the camera is abandoned on the table. the distortions have stopped. the sun rises. there’s a fast forward and yaz & thirteen are at the kitchen table, drinking “coffee.” (it still tastes good, anyway.) the aftermath of an argument. they mention the master. before the camera dies again, thirteen asks yaz if she has any new nightmares. she’s soft.
the last scene: yaz and sonya curled up together on the bed. sonya is shook. yaz is like, yeah i told you it was a lot. but sonya is shook because she had the same nightmare as a kid too. she asks if the doctor meddles too much, if they’d all be safer if she weren’t around. 
yaz contemplates. she says: nothing in the universe is safe. she can’t save everyone, neither can i. but we try. and i feel safe with her. in more ways than one.
sonya teases yaz about a crush. yaz goes “no way!” but looks briefly devastated.
before they fall asleep, yaz remembers something. she asks sonya if she can borrow her phone. 
ending credits: found footage of thirteen singing taylor swift on the tardis, doing some repairs with her greasy goggles on. yaz laughs.
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gg-astrology · 5 years
Moon Phases in Astrology | pt. II
Hello! 💕❤️ Since we talked a lot about -- how to find what phase the moon’s in w/ ur chart, w/ part 1 -- i figured today we’ll go into some expositions on each phase and what it means. As well as where this is all coming from, hopefully it can shed some light on what it means when your moon is positioned the way it is on your chart. As always, I hope you enjoy this lil trip we’re doing together! 💕❤️ 
Note: Text Heavy, feel free to skim or have some time slot out to read before going to bed? 
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Note pt. 2: This part is going to be about the New Moon, Waxing Crescent Moon, First Quarter Moon and Waxing Gibbous Moon. ❤️💕
The next part will be the Full Moon + Waning Moon phases. But I hope you enjoy and maybe give it a read anyways!  ❤️💕
Moon Phases in Astrology | pt. I
*How to find: Moon Phase with a Natal Chart
Moon Phases in Astrology | pt. III
*Astronomy: How to identify what Moon Phase you’re in + Time/Location in the Sky (without a chart)
Context, Sources, Premise - A little ramble? 
Ok so!!! ❤️💕  Before we start, I just want to lay down some thoughts. 
I’ve been having contemplations about this topic for a while now, because there’s not a lot of sources about Moon phases. 
I think that in a way, we’ve always had some sort of idea on how big the topic might be in our civilization. Agriculture, customs, traditions and harvesting. Lores and oral tradition/history, making of the universe stories. The Moon and perhaps some of it’s phases have always been part of how we align ourselves with the world around us.
Shifting to adapt and navigate ourselves through space, time, life. Why wasn’t there much of a collected studied investigation based around the Moon phases and it’s importance in astrology? Did we lose some information, haven’t uncovered significant studies around this topic? Was it lost through wars and history?
Since astrology is a subject about the stars, the constellations and the things around us. I actually felt somewhat unsure of whether or not to talk about this topic at all -- since we focus a lot more on the concrete things that we have. 
The planets, the signs, the houses. Even if we argue amongst ourselves a lot sometimes about different things that should be taken into consideration, I’ve always wondered if somewhere along the line of passed-on tradition, maybe there was evidence of us studying/investigating moon phases more before. But maybe it’s not available to us now? 
Or maybe it just wasn’t a big deal.. nah, it doesn’t seem likely? does it? that it hasn’t been a big topic even from way before. It’s always been a thing to study and observe. So us not having a lot of information/sources/studies on Moon phases now, I guess it’s making me feel some type of way and unsure about how to proceed with this, because there’s not much to grasp and study on.
With that said, we do have some more modern resources that has been talking about Moon Phases and Lunation Cycles. Dana Rudhyar’s ‘Lunation Cycle’  published in 1967 has been one of the most recommended one on the topic. 
I’ve also been reading the more recent ‘Moon Phase Astrology’ by Raven Kaldera (published in 2011) in conjunction to that. Rudhyar’s text is still a little hard for to digest, but if you’re into the topic -- I highly recommend you check both books out
Hm. Well. For the premise on this 2nd part -- I just wanted to let you all know this is based around some of the more modern sources we have. Part of the reason I felt a little weird about doing it is because by all premise, it SHOULD be a part of ancient astrology as well. But if there’s very limited expansion on the topic -- I don’t know how much I should infer to the modern sources for the information we have.
Regardless, I’ll keep an eye out for it. If anything were to come by, I’ll try to navigate it as thoughtfully and honestly as possible. I think in a way -- our relationship with the moon has always been our source of purification and comfort. It’s root runs deep, even to this day, maybe to certain people even more so than others. But to all of us, it’s a natural force and pull that affects our very environment. 
I’ll be mindful of what information I talk about and I hope to wrap this up nicely for all of us w/o feeling dissatisfied or uncertain about the topic, I hope you enjoy the topic anyways! ❤️💕
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Different Phases of the Moon
So last time, we talked about identifying moon phases on the chart (link to part 1 at the top). As well as going through briefly how to differentiate and remember the names from each other. Hopefully that was helpful. 
For today I kind of want to talk about what significant it may have. As well as pulling from some of it’s significance and what it’s used for. 
Moon Phases - What does it mean?
Since I try to be as beginner friendly as possible -- I’m sure some might’ve heard of the terms disseminating moon or balsamic moon, rose moon, Super moon etc. And had gotten confused about what it all means. I figured it might be nice to clear this up a little, so here we have a name for all the different phases, but with a little more alternative adjustment-- with the corresponding phases/names:
Waxing Crescent/Crescent Moon
First Quarter/Waxing Quarter
Waxing Gibbous/Gibbous Moon
Waning Gibbous/Disseminating Moon
Last Quarter/Waning Quarter
Waning Crescent/Balsamic Moon
I know a lot of people get confused about the terminology. But it’s really nothing to worry about much -- when we understand the core of it as it is.
Waning Gibbous and Disseminating Moon
Between the Waning Gibbous and Disseminating Moon for example, once we go ‘ah the disseminating moon is the waning gibbous’. We can essentially choose what purpose we look at the Moon for, what we want to call it.
Disseminating essentially means spreading, so when the full moon becomes the waning gibbous or disseminating moon -- its losing it’s light from our perspective (even if technically it’s moving closer to the sun)
It’s called the disseminating moon because of that nature. To disassemble and dismantle, to let things go. As part of the passage or starting to do so. In relation to human-lunar cycles. 
It’s a reminder of what we have to do, albeit - the name is much more straight to the point of what our purpose here should be, rather than the waning gibbous which is more of a terminology for what the Moon is.
So, you see. It’s kind of like, purposeful. Each name is purposeful, and there’s no need to be scared or confused over what it is. Because technically, you can choose to go the astronomical side and say it’s a waning gibbous (which would be true and very technically specific) -- or you can say it’s a disseminating moon. Which is the same thing, but with a different purpose/signification in mind.
Waning Crescent or Balsamic Moon
Just like the above, the Waning Crescent and Balsamic Moon is also one of the same. The Moon is a sliver in the sky, about to become a new moon. This is a crucial point at the end of a cycle -- since the new moon, as the name implies, ‘begins’ a new cycle all over again. 
Balsamic -- contrary to the salad dressing (and deliciously simple dipping sauce for bread) means to restore, soothe, and is of nature -- to be at peace/yielding to the end of the cycle. It’s a reminder for us that this period is a liminal space, meant for us to come to term with the end of a cycle in order to enter a new one.
Since this post is catered to astrologers, we’d probably be more familiar with the concepts of critical or anoretic degrees, or void of course moon when it enters a new sign/travelling to the next phase/transitioning phases where sun-moon doesn’t make an aspect currently. It’s important to note that these things aren’t the same, nor are they interchangeable. Even if the idea of liminal space/time is similar.
Anyways, so just like the above. You can see how certain names have significations that are different from each other. But the core is essentially the same. It is a phase of the Moon, illuminated a specific percentage (for this moon it’s 0-15% illumination)
I hope this helps you not panic when you see these terms/names for certain moon now ❤️💕 It also gives us a great lee-way into talking about the different phases of the Moon in more details
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Some little other things...
This is unrelated, but I kinda want to talk about the Super Moon and Micro Moon for a second. You’ve probably heard of the Super Moon before -- when it’s BIG BIG in the sky and you’re just like!! wow!!! look at THAT moon!
Isn’t it so cool to think about the SIZE of the moon sometimes? This can be important too. The reason why we have a Super Moon is because the Moon is technically orbiting the earth right? But one side is closer to use than the other!
The side closer to us is called the perigee, and the furthest point away from us is the apogee. This is because the Moon’s orbit is ecliptic, it isn’t a perfect sphere like we think it is! In terms of speed, the Moon typically makes its meeting with the perigee and apogee around once a month. However, the travel time between perigee to perigee is a little longer. This is in between perigee to perigee (anomalistic month) but during the perigee period-- the moon orbits a little faster around the earth, while it’s rotational speed remains the same (moon orbits the earth, but it rotates around the it’s own axis.) At the same time, it orbits a little slower during the apogee moon. Typically we call it a Supermoon or Micromoon when we’re looking at Full or New Moons.
Another cool thing about this is when we say Blue Moon or Red/Blood Moon -- a phenomenal where we’re usually talking about the Full Moon, but in different colours. It’s more likely to be because of the dust particles in our atmosphere rather than the Moon suddenly shifting Blue rays or Red light from the Sun. 
Did you know that when you can see-- not just the crescent, but a little bit of the darker side of the Moon itself - that it’s probably because of Earthshine? The earth’s surface can reflect light onto the Moon, but because we’re not emitting of our own sunlight-- this is a double reflection (sun -> earth -> moon) and thus the lights are a little dimmer. But it’s a cool phenomenal to see! 
Usually the best way to see this is around 5 days before or after the New Moon, where you can perhaps (*depends on your location as well) observe it when its nigh!
I just wanted to talk about nifty things here.. also! void of course that we mentioned before, I think we might’ve heard of it. We often think of it as period where things can should take a break technically, it’s separating from it’s prior aspect to form a new one - but it’s the period where it’s not forming aspect, so it’s a good cue to take our rest here. During this period, we may take cue to just relax a little, in case we get befuddled, confused, forgetful or in that transitional period where it’s best to focus on what we’re doing and continue doing something familiar. 
Sometimes I think of it as a break time whistle, where it’s essentially telling us to take a little walk meet up with friends or spend some time journalling instead of embarking on a new project. Just take sometime getting ready to go into the new sign, finishing up and tying the ribbon on something we’ve held off doing for a while now/our general upkeep. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, just a reminder that life goes on and we forget to take breaks sometimes. 
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We’re gonna begin talking about the different phases now. Starting with the New Moon.
New Moon
As we’ve probably figured out, the New Moon occurs when the Moon conjuncts the Sun. To get the logistics out of the way - they are also astrologically in the same sign (*there may be out of sign conjunctions if it occurs when the signs are close to the start/end of it’s cycle)
From the earth’s perspective -- the Moon is in complete darkness. By conjunction, the Sun - Moon - Earth (in that order) is sandwiched. The Moon -- in longitudinal degree, is approximately touching the Sun (from our perspective). Hence, the side of the Moon that is illuminated is actually facing the Sun. We (earth-bounds, hello nasa ) gets to see it’s shadows. 
We know this because of scientific studies, but from our everyday, earth-bound perspective-- we often just see the Moon -- the constant presence in our sky-- disappear for a few days along with the Sun. Clueless as to where it went we may look for it, maybe hidden under the clouds. Is it over-casted tonight? Not realizing where it went or when it’ll come back, until the first sliver of the crescent starts to rise up again in 3-4 days. Reassured, we continue on with our lives. Perhaps not even realizing that we’ve just started another cycle. Yet somehow- the idea of the Moon not being here and not being completely physical to our sense -- a constant presence in our existence on the earth -- unnerves us somewhat. Kinda similar to what we might find if the Sun suddenly disappears, even though it’s improbable if it hasn’t exploded.  
It’s pretty curious to think about it like this -- with the New Moon. There is little to no visibility sometimes. How are we supposed to sow our seeds if we don’t know what direction we’re planting, landing or what’s out there to manifest? Thus, a certain part of the New Moon period is to make space/room for things we might not have known, have seen or have figured out yet. 
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For the New Moon Born 
New Moon people (sun-moon conjunctions) didn’t start out all typically all-knowing -- they know what they know, and they’ve experienced what they’ve experienced. Things aren’t as foreseen as others may perceive them to be, New Moon (Sun/Moon conjunction) natives strength lies in their ability to be themselves, but also grow and learn as they experienced different phases of their rhythm/cycle.
Nothing ever comes easily to anyone, even if to our eyes it is fortunate that they do. Being a New Moon native would also mean they’re catching the tide throughout their life-- learning, discovering and facing every new rite of ritual every time it comes around. Life, in essence, is all about knowing what you do know about yourself, your experience and your core-- sticking by your guns in essence -- and taking things as it comes to you. Making you experience, integrate, and change/adapt some of your beliefs to further add to the narrative/growth as a person.
It’s interesting to think about how each sign would help colour the expression of each moon differently -- say an Aquarius Sun/Moon conjunction in the 11th, would be different from a Cancer Sun/Moon conjunction in the 2nd. Each New Moon babies would have different sets of expressions and things they are ‘ready’ to face-- yet, it’s emotional growth and consciousness is something that they will still have to try and connect to the world with, from within themselves, outwards. As this set of Moon phase specify.
The journey is different, the varying perks and strengths of each signs still signifies different things within Sun-Moon conjunction. Yet, the journey and what they have to consciously experience in order to get there- the ultimate lesson is still the same. Manifesting outwards, learning in a similar yet totally different way. It’s quite exciting to contemplate, how much they may have in common-- despite being of completely different experiences.  
Perhaps because New Moon natives are Sun-Moon conjunctions, they might have to come later into realizing that certain things, might not have been as simple as they seen/thought. There are complexity and nuances, but certain things are overlooked in the casted shadow of the Moon.
Because the moon is casted in shadows, part of the psyche, intuition and feelings may be heightened. It is how they navigate through the dark, with the Sun structuring the conscious, and the Moon as our receptive (receptive to the light of the Sun, but is it a good thing or a bad thing if it’s to the point the Moon from the earth is casted in shadow?) 
These aspected to each other in conjunction, certain self-awareness are focused solely on the core nature of the person, the sun, whilst those perhaps, around them are often something they will continue to learn and balance between. To grow, learn and perhaps gather/develop into receiving/knowing of the world around them. 
Even with Venus/Jupiter aspected to it, the Sun/Moon luminary conjunction holds a stronger characteristic of the person. Perhaps they can share that, but in doing so - what do they receive back? How will they balance between themselves/the world around them, as to not be taken in as part of the larger community, or lose part of themselves? The strength that others see in them, the steeled backbone and pillar of strength-- others see but perhaps, not them.
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It’s curious to think about New Moon in this way, because in a sense -- these natives may often feel somewhat individualistic sometimes. It’s not a bad thing, inherently-- what we see of those with Sun/Moon conjunctions may not always be what they often see of themselves. Emotionally to say the least, there may be dissatisfaction sometimes, or maybe complacency in certain signs. This may have to do with the native and how they’ve inherently grown, have they received lessons as the tide of the moon, the chances and experience -- or has it yet to come for them. 
If you think about Sun-Moon conjunction a tiny bit further, not all is as it seems sometimes. Certainly in terms of how emotionality is perceived, it’s somewhat tied to the ego/core of the person themselves-- the Sun. For most other people around them, we tend to feel grounded in the nature and characteristics of our Sun-Moon conjunction friend. Our New Moon native buddies certainly bring something solely them into our lives, giving us the emotional reassurance and satisfaction in seeing them just represent-- and unapologetically be themselves, as who they are.
However, for the Sun-Moon conjunction native. Perhaps sometimes, there are disrupencies. Like the mentioned above, experiences and challenges can be unexpected from our pre-planned ideas formed before. But taking it in strides, growing and adapting as these challenges fuse into us, and making the best direction out of these growth period, is certainly helpful for us in the long run.
Perhaps one of the most characteristic and unified idea about New Moon native is that they are often innovative, often up for brandishing new and interesting ideas. But the follow up that happens can be disrupted, either by their own doing or by nature. Unexpectance happens, because essentially we don’t really know where we’re going/following along or doing in the very end. The cycle is to grow and learn, the journey is an experience we can’t plan -- but instead, New Moon natives may often go in sincerely facing the journey, with pure heart that it will turn out well. Because they believe in the core of themselves.
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For Those Not Born During the New Moon  
We may walk around aimlessly for a while during the New Moon period, certain interpretations takes New Moon as a reasonable period to cast seeds, sown into the ground, pre-plan for what is to come. But what’s to realize for most of us is that what we’ve casted may or may not come with unexpected changes/upheaval we didn’t account for. Things pick up-- the conjunction between luminaries are particularly powerful. This can come with unexpected change and opportunities, realizing that ‘taking a chance/change’ can be something that happens to us instead of being controlled by us is something the New Moon might talk about-- particularly if you think about how we cannot control the rise in tides-- yet it happens, and we have to be open to that. To opportunities and changes that aren’t preconceived or seen, but come to us whether we’ve seen it, liked it, or not.
Because it is (let’s call it) backlit by the Sun, during the New Moon period -- the darkness of the moon means we get a better time observing other cosmic entities. There are things to do during the New Moon! The tide rises, as well as a fortunate time to casts new seeds. Constellations as well as other planets may be something we choose to look at during this period where the illumination of the Moon is weaker -- with the Moon being casted into shadow and the Sun illuminating space, it’s a beneficial time to see what we’d like to cast, new beginnings, as well as promising things for ourselves that we’d like to do/look at during the new cycle (onwards). 
For those of us NOT born during the New Moon period -- take this energy with you. Yes it’s a good idea to start thinking about what you might want to manifest, grow and plant accordingly to it. But also keep in mind that it’s entire journey is to learn, accept and grow through the experience that is faced/given as well. We may think making changes consciously helps, sometimes for us to feel like we’re diverting and controlling where change is going to come. But ultimately sometimes--- changes occur where we need it most, changes can ask us to touch on the things that we’ve kept in the dark, hasn’t seen or isn’t expecting. During the New Moon period-- perhaps it’s also wise to keep an eye out and an open-heart/mind to the possibilities of new happenence. Even if we can’t see any big/major manifestation yet. It is -- after all -- in the dark. For a while. 
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  Waxing Crescent/Crescent Moon
We move onto the waxing period, the next period of the lunation cycle. Coming fresh off the stem of the New Moon’s gestation -- the Waxing Crescent becomes the entering stage of where we start to see things takes shape, walk, form, shape. And perhaps, take actions in accordance to the logic we’ve placed before, pointed in a direction as we march towards it.
The sliver of the moon appears on the sky, the first glimpse that she hasn’t left us. The earth and moon co-exists in more than just orbital plane. The Moon brings time, space, brings shape, natural occurrences on our plane. The earth reflects the sun light back into space, onto bodies like the Moon (‘earthshine’)  
Isn’t it curious to see the semi-square aspect with the Sun-Moon? It’s not typically seen as a harmonious thing, but in essence, taking your first step is new and unnerving, but it doesn’t always mean it’s a bad direction/thing to do all the time. Brimming with energy and a new sense of direction, sometimes attempting to do something, is the first foundation in practicing that and becoming proficient in it. 
Everyone probably took their first step as a kid somehow, in different ways. I’m not gonna mention how walking is a universal thing everyone did, because perhaps it’s not? But essentially, maybe it’s in learning to talk, eating food, developing in some capacity -- is how we grew into learning how to grow further from there/then on. 
Without trying, or reaching out to do the things we deem desirable/want to do-- how would we have achieved anything? Whilst the New Moon period may be more about processing the feelings/experience that has come to us, the Crescent moon is building onto that but in a different way -- taking steps, pointed direction. The things that we see fit, the semi-square brings us into action even if we’re not completely far-sighted enough to calculate all the result to our manifestation.
In a way, the Crescent Moon period could also encompass those with Sun-Moon sextile. Which is curious to think about, especially with the analogy above. There an air of innocence and purity of will, in wanting to do something/go somewhere from just how we thought about it. If we think about the word ‘cresere’ -- it’s to increase/grow (thanks google). Isn’t it curious that whenever we start something, the natives may have a general good-will, a desire to do something with it- that’s refreshing to see somewhat.
One more thing to think about, doesn’t it feel scary to have been crawling, been doing something-- and then changes happen and you can finally do something else-- but then also having to face the possibility of falling as well? 
Consequences are something that we may have to deal with/talk about. Unlike the New Moon above, now is the time for consequences that perhaps-- stem from our actions/lack of judgement as well.
Sometimes it’s about the unnoticed, the doors we close without realizing. When the world gets too loud/too much, sometimes those with Crescent may not realize they resort back to their emotional support- numbing all of that because we may have grown bored of it already. Too much of the excitement, the stimuli -- also comes with consequences, whilst we may tend to be careful and practical in our proceedings (Crescent Moon natives especially) - we may tend to do that with our actions/the things we think we control. Yet, when it comes to mental fortification and truly balancing out our receptive health-- sometimes the Crescent Moon’s consequences comes in the form of defense mechanism, closing up, in, not realizing that change won’t come if we don’t open our doors or learn how to navigate it thoughtfully as well. 
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From the New Moon to the Crescent 
Falling almost always comes with the territory of -- y know, learning how to do something. In a way, once we set off in something and has moved past the initial we don’t consciously tend to think about it, because it’s natural in a way. The natural relation to things. We like to be prepared for our journey, what should we pack, what does it entail, what is it about/like.
Just like how if you fly up, you have to also land. If you learn how to eat different food, there’s always a possibility of learning what you’re allergic to, what you don’t like. Learn a language, realizing there’s social/cultural thing you’re unfamiliar/not a part of. There’s always, unexpected circumstances/nuances that we didn’t realize.  
We don’t really think about the consequences before we do it -- because that’s not really motivation is it? In a way, perhaps native of the crescent/waxing moon nature sees opportunity and takes them, consequences will come-- but whats the point in ruminating on what’s unseen/not known when you could manifest/show what you have now, and cross the bridge when you get there later.
With Crescent Moon, it’s a great thing to adapt - at least to the benefit of these people. In a way, there’s a natural order of things. And in that order, it’s natural to expect things to be balanced/have consequences. Not in a negative way-- but kind of like, if something only has positives, why wouldn’t it have negatives? Shouldn’t we be prepared and informed? Readied and somewhat, able to take some of what to expect when it comes?  
Crawling doesn’t leave as much of an impact in the fall as when you’re further away from the ground - much like how something won’t hurt as much, if you’re mentally and emotionally prepared for it for sometime. If something doesn’t manifest (hasn’t manifested) during the period, it wouldn’t hurt as much as if it did, or has shown signs of being successful but also has to face with realities of consequences?
It’s the unexpected happenance, the things we couldn’t account for that might have hurt us most. It hurts even more sometimes-- to realize that it was all from our own doing. Our actions, the way things were handled or the procession of how things have played out. The hardest part of it all is to make changes happen, because it’s much harder to do so flexibly when you were prepared, walking in a certain direction all along. And now you’re having to make some changes/adjustments and address things within yourself.
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For the Crescent Moon Native (continuation from above) 
Isn’t it so interesting to think about the Crescent Moon though? A period where we’re manifesting, but in order to make happenence happen -- we also have to consider that it doesn’t always come in the things we want it to be.
We can be so prepared for something, but it’s not the right period. We can want new changes, ideas, opportunities -- yet we aren’t making ourselves open and available to all choices in what’s required for it. We see an empty cup, and perhaps it’s an opportune time to fill it with what we want to do. That’s new and exciting, it’s do-able. Yet when it comes to editing/working out the kinks of why it may not be good to carry it with you -- we cling onto our defenses. The will (sun) and our receptivity to it (moon) aren’t always entirely aligned-- even when it’s harmonious, if we THINK we’re prepared to make those changes happen, reality of the practical aspects -- what our emotions would have to endure and work through with sincerity, can be feeling like warning to our ego/who we are sometimes.
It’s relationship is rather interesting, because in a way-- if the Crescent Moon increases in will but isn’t as readily to hear/receive or reflect as much, they can be rather callous/dismissive of what was heeded or given/warned to them before. If they are too receptive and has little will, they become prone to inertia and let opportunities slip away. It’s a crucial period during the lunation cycle-- just like how those of us who gets really hyped up and excited about New Moon tend to not go through/manifest what we said we will back then during the Crescent.
In a way-- the Crescent Moon period is just as crucial to the continuation of our journey, learning to adapt and balance between navigating the tide is helpful. Particularly because from here on out -- there’s increase in happenence until the full-moon. We’re in our waxing period now, this is where things will be coming more and more, and how we are going to receive/accept that, the manifestation of things that comes to us, whether we like it or not. 
Another thing about the Crescent Moon native is that often times-- contrary to New Moon natives who often has so many things they want to do, has done, but has let go of. The Crescent Moon often has a pointed idea of where they want to go -- not in a literal sense of material things mostly. 
But in terms of surpassing challenges and bigger things. Immigrant parents, and Crescent Moon natives reclaiming back roots. Becoming people who are -- more than the precedents, surpasses expectations. There’s a natural pointed focus to them that become more pronounced in the long run, although nuanced in everyday situation-- they may not always pull attention to it, as it’s something they may think are just the part of their organic nature, nurture, upbringing and being. But as a bigger picture (i.e. becoming good in a language, being able to do this or that proficiently) and thus-- are capable of implementing and helping their everyday life, is a part of how these Crescent Moon natives serves to find ways in surpassing everyday expectations of other Moon phases, and may often bring joy/gratuitous from others around them.
They may also often be cynical in a way, not all is positive when you’re balanced precariously on the nature of good/bad and seeing it all before you work on something. Because the will/receptivity is somewhat sharpened, they may in a way tend to be those who has seen luck fail on them, despite being quite proficient and adept at what they do. Challenges and adapting, doing and getting back on the feet. Proving time and time again that they are deserving, worthy and capable in their own rights.
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For those with Crescent, and Not with Crescents
Isn’t it so curious to think of Crescents as being a sharp semi-square? But also those who may be in sextile, a part of the moon transitioning through the phase into the next major phase? With this, we can kind of understand the frustration Crescents may feel. When happenence don’t happen in their favour, when often our big dreams are hit sometimes, with subconscious or consciously acute, dreaded fear of consequences. Insecurities or simply -- looking in the wrong place sometimes. Opportunities occur but do they turn out well for us? And rather, how do we work through them and come up mightily above them?
Remember that semi-square isn’t a major aspect, in most cases we are able to override them if we know what we’re doing/what to do (in the context we need it for). But when we pay so much attention to what is holding us back, we also tend to let it get to us. And make us lose opportunities/our initial hope/dream/optimism that’s presented to us at the New Moon as well.
So just think about it. In a way, Crescent Moon natives lives quite comfortably being receptive to familiarity. But in a way, they are those who wants to keep a critical eye out for changes and reforms, those who wants to take steps into making it a possibility - the reality for us. But if the first path is with challenges, why should we walk? It’s because if we don’t take a stance or step in what we want to manifest/believe in, then we’re stuck in inertia thinking and drowning in our own conscious/consequences. I think this is something we could take with us, and also to sooth us at the same time. That sometimes-- it’s a lot more complicated and won’t come at us all controlled-- sometimes the first step requires 15 more steps, or 30 more steps, in order to actually be our ‘first step’ to something. 
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First Quarter Moon
Finally here with our first quarter moon. This is one of the major phase, or it’s making one of a major aspect from the Sun and Moon. Rudhyar calls this the ‘crisis’ time -- but the word in the english language is often associated to the idea of change happening (which we often don’t like to disrupt/change things, if something could make us fall) -- inevitable or somewhat negative.
The idea of crisis has begun to sound more like ‘the purge’ -- at least to me. Nobody likes a ‘crisis’, but we often can’t help but feel exhilarated -- physically, mentally, emotionally-- when we know something is about to happen.
A shift. But also an unexpected splash of sea water to our face, little moisture and drop of mists in our hair that we can wipe off as it accumulates. What creases and rises with the tide, it’s a chance to turn things around, maybe that’s what’s been on our mind for so long. Or perhaps, maybe the tide is here to swallow us altogether. The ‘crisis’ here is more of both of those, a chance in happenence. Even more so, maybe the tension before it happens as well as the action and post action itself. 
Whether it is a consequence coming through, or an opportunity to be made. We may associate certain it to a rising in tension- the palpable sense that something has to be done, made, in order for something to shift here. 
In a way, the squares really do bring out a major dynamic huh? Especially if you’ve seen/read about Sun-Moon squares before. I’m sure you might’ve heard how the core/will of the person isn’t entirely aligned/balanced with their emotional response/receptivity to things. Which can be a part of it, in a sense. 
But what does this mean in terms of Lunar Phases? From the progression of our Lunar Cycle -- now may be the time/period where we reassess how we’ve managed to do since the New Moon -- what we promised ourself, did it go as planned? 
Since this is the First Quarter Moon, we’re still in the middle of waxing period -- what do we want to do to continue to manifest? What do we have to do, in order to do so? And what do we actually want to manifest now that we know a part of it’s cycle? What we idealized, walked and faced along the way, how much does it matter and how much could we use? In what ways?  
The First Quarter represents a reality check point where we should begin to acknowledge, ascertain, or weigh whether something has been worth it - whether to strike out a new path, whether the path we’re on has been exhausted, what to do with the past experiences - cleanse it, use it, or renew/reuse it? What changes has to be made in order to do so, what to take and what to let go. 
Change is inevitable, but more so -- it’s done through reaching that point that most Sun-Moon square would face-- where we have to make that choice for ourselves. What we feel that is at the end of what we set out to do, the path could no longer go on. Or whether we’ve been led unexpected down a path we did not desire nor expect, how much we want to actually continue. 
Whether we should refocus ourselves somewhere again. This is where chance and opportune happen -- as those who are native of the First Quarter would also realize - you have to save yourself from drowning if you want to survive.
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For those born during the First Quadrant Moon
There’s no going around the Sun-Moon square, even if the signs in questions are out of sign (i.e. Capricorn Sun at 27′ square Taurus Moon at 2′). I think most of these individuals know how taking responsibilities for their actions a huge part of their conscious/rationality as well -- it weighs on their mind, their core self-esteem. If they don’t feel proud of who they are, their actions often being met with what they know, what they’ve experienced and what they expect themselves to do vs what they’re doing matching up to that or not. Instinctual in a way, strong fronted in how they are, and perhaps-- the feeling of validation, the true ‘conquer’ of the square, is what drives them forward. 
When it ebbs and flow like the tide, meeting and colliding, clashing with each other-- those that are born during the First Quadrant Moon comes with a chance to change - either succeed, or fail in their own ways. Depending on how they to go forward about it from there, build up from it or is weigh down by themselves/their conscious - going further the path is either something that is dreaded, or something to look forward to for those who are First Quadrant born. 
Squares in general, is the meeting of two planets that wants the same thing/similar thing but has a way of going about it differently from each other. This may often cause conflict, since often there are tension and arguments between which expression gets to be shown. The problem usually lies in how they can’t compromise, or see value/nurture or support each other’s expressions properly before having to insist on their own vision first. Thus the expression/action presented are often one that is not in favor of either of those placements. Something that is a by-product of the block of proper expression/compromise - an internal problem may become external, hurting those around it without realizing as well.
First Quadrant Moon talks about addressing this issue, in a way-- we also think of the square as the weight of expectations, capabilities and desire. What do we have till now? Our expectations and knowledge of what we can do, who we are, what we desire. When those things are weighted during this half-time -- we either drown under the crushing weight of disappointment/not enough in ourselves -- expectations that aren’t met. 
With the slower moving body in the aspect -- we may often find it setting us goals and expectations that we see fit to want. What we want, what we desire, what we need (in this case, it’s the sun, our ego) -- but because it is squared to our moon -- the faster moving body neither care for the goals, nor do they feel they are capable of achieving it. Tension and exhaustion builds, frustration and resistance. The sides talk and understands, but fate is simply not working in their favours when it comes to profit and execution. 
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As the slowing moving planet sets up more goals - and the faster moving planet somehow fails and fails all over again in some way shape or form.  Or feel like, in some ways, certain things are being done that it’s overlooking it’s own needs/wants/discover. 
Once the faster moving body has had enough of it -- in this case, our emotional needs/wants/desire, our psyche and a part of our health. When frustration and inhibition mounts to a level in this square aspect-- a confrontation happens, actions are taken. And things are set loose, chances are made- taken, hoped to happen. Emptying the glass in order to refill it again, but thinking about what we want to fill it with, and to what proportion. 
It’s having to gone through the change, responsibility for it’s action. For the Moon (or any faster moving body in the aspect) - it’s for the sake of discovering itself, putting itself first. For the slower moving body -- it’s so that it doesn’t have to put up with constant disappointment all the time. Get to planning/working on what it could do.Something that the Sun-Moon square brings. 
Part of this isn’t all doom and gloom, in fact-- the faster moving body goes on it’s own pursuit and adventure. Freed from the chain of prior expectations it can discover itself and it’s needs/want. 
Does this sound familiar to the section above when we talk about re-evaluation of goals/experience? If we say the Sun-Moon conjunct of the New Moon is setting those expectations together, having talked and process it together. Whilst the Sun-Moon semi-square/sextile during the Waxing Crescent is experiencing the journey, walking along the path. Then this Sun-Moon Square is the result of the journey, what becomes of it. Is it successful? Should we continue? What is the profit/loss of whats happened? Is it worth it? Can we take this some more? 
Eventually the faster moving body would have to look forward to the future as part of their past. What they’ve set up, the foundational growth and development we went through. Without realizing, because we were constantly put to trials and on tests, we’ve become experienced and better at it. New trails we’ve faced that is a repeat of the old ones are succeeded, completed.  
Squares are directional forces that push us to develop in life, whilst we weren’t grateful for it at the time where we were being bullied, pressured. Eventually, we’ve become more experienced and taken subconscious knowledge of it that we are able to surpass trials ourselves now. This is because through these trails, we’ve built endurance and stamina. We’ve learnt the hard way how to discern and be more careful. To teach and survive. We become more confident once we grow into ourselves-- despite how harsh it was before, it did pay off. We’ve gained valuable skills - that helps us move forward through life, and sustain ourselves through it. 
The First Quadrant is satisfying because it requires us to take action -- the confrontation, and acknowledge our experience and skills. Those born during this period may often have remarkable base to their operations, their fundamentals down. But the decision to take action or inaction is one that will shape them and change them in the future.
Because squares are always re-occuring pretty regularly throughout our lives, I don’t necessarily think there’s one big moment and then it ends. We go through this as part of our operation module, we make the changes happen. We have to, otherwise nothing will be satisfying for us once the results arrive. 
The trials and endurance we go through are all an intricate part of how we embrace ourselves and use to push us forward. Nothing can manifest outside if we struggle with our own feeling of being trapped, pressured, forced under the expectations of who we are. 
Without nurturing/support from ourselves as well -- we are bruised from the journey and take more damage than we should. Learn to heal, as part of the First Quadrant or Sun-Moon square, that we have to step forward gently and take care of ourselves, our body our energy and health. Whenever it occurs, be thoughtful and treat it preciously -- instead of sustaining large amount of damage (accumulated) and then healing at once -- that won’t work. 
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For those who aren’t born on the First Quarter Moon - and Those that Are Too
Courage isn’t something that can be done once and called it a day. To actually manifest something from it, or call it courageous -- we’d have to face these challenges again and again. 
In regards to the First Quarter Moon, often times we choose the path that is self-protective, despite saying ‘oh this is my choice that’s going to make a change for the situation!’  -- it may be lacking, or cowardly because we already know the choice that truly evoke fear/trepidation in us is the one we are consciously looking away from. If the weight or value that choice is smaller than the other, do we truly believe that the compensation will be enough? Do we make goals/resolution for new year, set up the foundation -- but don’t willingly put in the value/effort so that the consequences are little to no impact on us. And thus, we don’t fulfill the goal we’ve made-- because we refuse to take chances and actions-- to make it worth the value for ourselves? What it truly mean for us long term?
We want positive long-term benefits without the conscious trepidation of lost and going through changes. But how do personal changes happen if it doesn’t have an impact on us? Vulnerability is something Sun-Moon squares will constantly have to work through-- squares are temporal forces after all. And we will have to face it again and again in order to utilize it’s source and power, and direct it into achieving something truly fulfilling for us (*whatever sign or houses that it’s in can point to what the affair/matter is. For transit and natal as well) 
Decisions that we choose may be hesitant, but still would rather choose it to be the sacrificial lamb, instead of the true one. No matter what justification or ‘oh but this has more percentage of succeeding!’ -- truly isn’t it just a self-preserving excuse for another self-comforting action? To choose the fear that we know rather than the one that we truly fear, but desperately wanted to make a change in. To know that if we were to make ourselves vulnerable, put ourselves out there -- we would have that, could get it. But we don’t -- instead we fall into habit and comfort instead? Doing the bare minimum to get by, for our own internal growth. Instead of the ones we should be doing-- when given the opportunity instead? 
The true choice of our own beneficial development is buried under our consciousness, we willingly place it into the subconscious -- so that we don’t feel guilt over not being courageous or not having to see/choose it in the first place. During and for those with the First Quadrant Moon, try to be courageous and choose the one that truly evoke your fear instead. 
It doesn’t happen overnight, but it happens when repeated exposure to the process of putting ourselves out there-- vulnerably. It does pay off, as of most things. Truly the path of the square is to learn that changes has to occur. Decisions and actions have to be made. Ones that are hard for us to do -- because the consequences are harsh. But it’s necessary, for us to reap the reward of our effort and gain more confidence later. 
We may often think of ourselves as failure if we don’t see ourselves succeed directly at the task we’ve set up or is given, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t learnt skills during the process. Often times, those in and born with the First Quadrant will have to realize this -- you’re not useless. You’re laying down and learning the foundation to something that would prove useful in the future. All you have to do, is make conscious choices to be courageous and choose your path, take actions in said path. Make your decisions yourself. 
 The conditions of Mars -- sorry this is the last bit-- the condition of Mars is also something to look at. Since we’re often talking about actions when we’re talking about squares, often times, those with First Quadrant Moons are the ones who likes to see through the development of projects/things at the beginning phase-- but may leave once they’ve grown bored or want to start another venture afresh. Just like the progression of New Moon, Waxing Crescent to here -- it’s about the project and seeing how it goes till we are satisfied with what happened. And then reassessing what we want to do from there, once we’ve grown some stability from it as well.
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Waxing Gibbous 
Gosh, we’re finally here at the Waxing Gibbous! You know how we talk about surviving in the First Quarter Phase? Well now perhaps this is more like living. But it’s the stage where we are in-between that surviving and living, not well-off but perhaps trying to get to where we can live comfortably and just mind our business without getting wrecked over again. 
To survive and to live are different in motivation right? One is with a sense of urgency, of panic. An awareness of our past action that may have lead us to there, or something that requires combating immediately because there’s resistant force. Living is more in-tuned with our desire and need to get better. A desire for a truly fulfilled life, at the end of the day. Pushing still, and without a truly harmonious aspect it can be something that is motivational in purpose -- a need to be psychologically in-tuned with the world, using our emotional bases/foundation as the core of how we make sense of it and grow from there as well. 
With more luminary to the moon - some have said the more illuminated the moon is, the more our emotions heightened. This kind of reminded me of why people say the full moon is when werewolves turn. So in return, perhaps the waxing gibbous is when they may start the stage of pre-turn/pre-feral. Or maybe it is when they’re mostly going through that ferality? 
During this period, we’re still increasing in our waxing-- thus, not all is good yet. We haven’t reaped the rewards of our efforts, not until we’ve reached a trine/sextile while the come-down becomes much more enjoyable process for us. However, now that we’ve done our *wriggle hands* emotional crisis ‘sink or swim, live or die’ kind of deal. Here’s the part where we pick up and clean off, see where we go from our tantrum from here.
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For the Waxing Gibbous Moon Native 
With the kind of aspects the Gibbous has (sesquiquadrate) -- perhaps the native of these Moon may often find it difficult to join/smash their will and emotions together well. If their will are at the forefront, perhaps sometimes it requires emotionally shutting down in order to do so, or engaging with their emotions-- then sometimes the will may be lacking/scattered to do so properly. It’s not usually as dual as this, but rather because it’s happening all at once-- sometimes they fall into either side hard without realizing - and thus, becomes detriments to themselves when they can’t pull themselves up each terrain (transitional phase).
Because the Moon isn’t quite ‘full’ -- we’re almost there, but we aren’t yet. That’s important to realize, because this is a period that requires a lot of tolerance and patience for themselves/others/what they want to manifest as well. 
As most Waxing Gibbous will learn - sometimes they can be their own detriment due to losing patience or motivation for something or their circumstances. Worrying or anxiously waiting on productivity to arrive. Often impatience to get things done/worked out can be part of why they are stuck in a hard place in the first place - most of the things they wish to work out, acceptance and compassion for the circumstances/whatever frustration it was aimed at -- quelling the heart and mind can be helpful for them. 
We’re in a place where we aren’t there yet -- but because they think they see the finish line so close, they may sometimes act brashly/rashly that they lose out on the footing. Thus why it’s in-between surviving and living, we aren’t there yet. Plus, understanding that-- even though it is difficult and life has difficulties (which these people would have a deep understanding of) -- there are solutions, and you can come out of the other side safely is important to know, as they tend to be worriers sometimes when faced with a problem, anxiety inducing, putting themselves through emotional pain/turmoil sometimes when caught off-guard with ‘unexpected’ situations 
Think about the Moon, it’s nearly full - which puts us at a false sense of security sometimes. We think we’re nearly there, but we do have that small percentage of darkness that we often get ‘ambushed’ by - certain awareness of this darkness and vigilance can be the lacking in Waxing Gibbous people. As they may tend to focus on earning/achieving that higher percentage of luminosity, the threat of darkness blindside them. 
Although the minor darkness percentage is something to note, as most of the time-- it’s minor devils that you can win in a fist fight if you’re emotionally prepared for it. It’s just a matter of whether or not you want to engage in a fight with them and is fully concentrated to win, or are you going to take that first punch and realize you’re not well-equipped for it and lose?
Basically, our attitude towards realizing our miscalculation, mistakes and minor mishaps that becomes troublesome on the bigger scale of thing is important. We can often let it put us in vulnerable position, let it pass us by without realizing it’ll become a thorn in our side-- or we can take an active position and vigilance in our humble position of trying to move through this slippery terrain.
Often times, Waxing Gibbous individuals may find themselves ‘oopsie’ falling into slippery slopes because of their own miscalculation, lack of vigilance, purposefully ignoring a minor problem that seems to not have a large impact for the sake of it being ‘fun and just my personality’ (sometimes) -- which eventually becomes a bigger problem to solve when it’s set in a bigger context, or has escalated to the point where it worsened/involves others. 
This is why it’s sometimes not advisable to go overlook certain things. But yes, attitude towards these helps. Particularly if we learn from them and make changes in our awareness for it. See it as a problem, see it as something to resolve. Rather than ignore. 
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Another thing about Waxing Gibbous is that they can often - hm, crop up at unexpected times with unexpected problems. Often times we recall a moment where we pay the repercussion, a fall-out, a conflict (square) - and then if we put a semi-square on top of that. We are blindsided, overlooking our own involvement at the problem at the time. Our lack of foresight or patience, significance of that minor thing that in turn escalates into a major thing. We feel like things came unexpectedly, caught off-guard at the last moment. Because we couldn’t forethought/foresight it to have came earlier. But only through introspection do we realize what truly caused it.
‘It’s not our fault, technically.’ - yes while that may be true. No one can truly predict the future! But that’s also part of the sesquiquadrate isn’t it? Things tend to crop up and challenge us, makes us lose out on opportunities or certain experience. 
But we can always see it after, assess it and revise, re-edit, rework the process on our own terms. Most Waxing Gibbous may tend to do this-- reworking things when they have certain distance from it. As it tends to help then see clearer/not be as ‘unexpected’ anymore, when things finally clear up. What they do need to realize however, is that the things that they think are ‘beyond our control’ when it happened sometimes- a part of them may have also been responsible for a seed of it too. And of course, putting that on themselves and taking accountability for it can sometimes be the hardest to do on softer soul/emotions and ego of the person. Which is self-protective at best. But is necessary to do.
Being a Waxing Gibbous is moving forward from the First Quadrant stage, but it’s so curious to realize how much Waxing Gibbous individuals may wish to go back and pay attention to the lessons First Quadrant brings. Callous, impatient, other small minor insignificant that becomes blown into a larger thing-- these  would benefit from the stages of having to realize and make choices for survival. As much as ‘living’ is a nice position to be - the lesson of the First Quadrant is important to learn in order to move forward into the Full Moon as well. And those stuck in between may want to revisit lessons from both ends in order to make the best of their situation.
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For everyone else, and them
The Waxing Gibbous, although a transitional stage with a ‘minor’ aspect-- can have a very interesting impact on us. Because we’re forced to face with irritations, we become adept at seeing and solving situations/problems around us.  It’s inevitable, but you have a blindspot on you that makes you constantly learn that you are somewhat prone to self-indulgence and sometimes, things ‘slip up’ on you. Emotionality over willfullness, willfullness to force the dull of emotionality to be over. Again and again, we’ve reached a blindspot where we cannot get out of the confusion and find balance between the two. A 145′ is literally a semi-square, on top of a square. How do we go about resolving that?
We burn it off, smoke it out. Again and again, until things become clearer to us. Where we can take responsibility for our action - move past the helplessness and useless actions we do and actually accept life on life’s term. 
Emotionally, it would feel like finally being freed from a cycle. Seeing something as what it is, and not feeling agitated, irritated or responsive to it anymore. Our ability to handle the thing freely and thoughtfully, thoroughly and freely. We become more reliant on our experience with it and our familiarity, we know we’re now comfortable with the unfamiliar/unexpected. We resolve it through our emotional cornerstones, as most Waxing Gibbous tends to want to align themselves and manifest with the external world. What is our identity, our sense of purpose to the external, what we want to express with our internal that desire to make an impact externally. The cravings we’ve had for validation and success, the choice we made in the First Quadrant starts to manifest into more solid values and morals here. The corner stone is set for us to start expressing, living, and gaining experience/wisdom in. 
You start to get better at learning how to discern and work through impossible tasks, one bit at a time. Often times, we are gifted in working things through tenaciously. Thoughtfully and thoroughly, but again-- this is when they are concentrated and focused. When things are focused in one pointed direction, we can align our will and receptivity to operate/function in order to solve it all at once. But when we do it without the knowledge, the foresight and clarity that we often miss due to our blindspots. We tend to make mistakes, and then we repeat that cycle all over again - until we finally get it, until we attain wisdom and truly move past it. 
Perfectionist tendencies (somewhat) and self-analyzing is a large part of this Moon phase’s mode of operation. But that’s because it’s necessary to work through seemingly ‘impossible’ missions. 
Curiously, sesquiquadrate and quincunx sun-moon are considered ‘auspicious’ days in the Tibetian lunar cycle. The method is different, therefore they don’t have the 8 cycles of the Moon. But the day is an auspicious day because it is the right time to gain knowledge. Wisdom, comes into play. And it may be a part of the Waxing Gibbous cycle to learn this over and over again. Attain it and attune it, so that it could be used. And is represented in their cycle. 
During these times, it’s advised to look thoroughly for blindspots and smoothen out our otherwise, perhaps shaky manifestation at the beginning. We’ve came a long time from the New Moon, and now into the last phase of Waxing before the Full Moon. We are putting the final touches, combatting the last demon before we face the Stage Boss in the next phase.
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A little to add about New Moon + Waxing phases
Phew that was long.. I hope this was enjoyable for you to read! I don’t have a lot more energy but thankfully I wrote this conclusion in the middle of working through this, before I came back and finish the post..
Hm in the next post, I’ll talk about how to identify the Moon in the sky (w/o the chart) so you know when something is Waxing/Waning, or whether it’s the First Quarter or the Last. Hopefully that’ll be nifty to read!
As a little conclusion, here’s what I wrote: I honestly find it so fascinating, how these periods and phases alludes to almost a lifetime of journey-- stretched over our own personal growth/development with how we go about the expanse of our years and future -- checking our natal moons, our lunar charts, our lunar returns/new moon chart -- but also happens over small period of time, 3 to 4 days of phase throughout the month -- and shifting, constantly, in the sign that it appears in. 
Being so subtle and subliminal that we often overlook it in someway -- but certain rhythm and tides to the phases of the moon, particularly when we mention ‘oh new moon in leo!’ or ‘full moon in libra!’ -- we make note of, we take notice. And our focus shifts to pay attention to the manifestation that it brings, when we’re constantly going through the motion of progressing towards aspects -- minor and major, throughout our chart with our moon phases. We just need to look at how it could possibly focus, ebb and flow together, into causing the cycle and changes that its making to us?
It’s just.. such an interesting thing, how in smaller bits and pieces we can pick out what this thing mean and then the other. But looking at the bigger picture together, of this particular context and component -- we haven’t been paying much attention to?
It’s all about the temporary forces that it brings, the synergy between conjunction to semi-square to sextiles to squares. We know what Sun/Moon conjunction is, then what Sun/Moon sextile is separately. We know what Sun/Moon squares are like, and then Sun/Moon trine right after. But when we put it together to study Lunation Cycle -- we start to realize that these energy progress and move to a rhythm that tells a story, and makes an influence on us. 
Each phases and period has it’s own dimensionality and life. It’s own stories and personal hardship/challenges stories. It’s never about ‘oh this is the one Moon you can relax in’ because there’s never truly a time where you’re just idle. If you think about floating in the sea - the ebb and flow of the ocean keeps you working with your buoyancy even if you’re not technically doing anything. With how the Moon functions and controls the ocean’s tides, it’s so interesting to note how Moon Phases in the same manner- brings lessons and motions into our lives that if we perceive it thoughtfully, could bring and help us manifest changes as we progress through each sign as well. 
Also, isn’t it interesting how time is a construct that is -- somewhat, relevant to how we perceive ourselves as ‘this period where i do nothing’ versus ‘this period where everything is happening and i have things to get done/do!’ -- when time is happening everywhere, every time. The Moon being quite fast in it’s orbit and shifting of signs, and then the shifting of phases that happens a little after that-- would that have an influence on how we gestate and then get up to go do things? Different ideas, stories, interpretations. Every New Moon in Aries is different of a signature than a New Moon in Taurus. Every cycle and period of what’s to be expected of the motion is different, relevant to the expressions of the sign it’s in.
Anyways I’ll let you off with this, thank you for skimming through!💕❤️ I know it’s a lot to read ksksks so I hope you had a good time!!  💕❤️💕❤️
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sprituality0 · 5 years
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The Truth of Universe’s Creation According to All Religions
Amazing and unbelievable, How planets rotate perfectly in their orbit? How is Sun a hot moving ball and moon so cool? Who created the sky, the Earth, the Water, the Air and above all human beings/living beings? Is there some Supremely intelligent being? Certainly, the universe was not created by chance. There is definitely some divine power, some supremely powerful person who has created everything. The mystery regarding the creation of the universe (Srishti Rachna) which was hidden till today is now revealed. Since ages (Yugas) it has been the disgrace of mankind that this True Spiritual Knowledge (Tatvagyan) is kept hidden. The devotee society till now was ignorant about the true story of the creation of the universe. Whereas, every holy scripture provides enough evidence as How did the universe begin?
Creation of the universe according to HinduismCreation of the universe according to IslamCreation of the universe according to the Holy BibleCreation of the universe according to Guru Granth SahibCreation of the universe according to Worshipable Supreme God Kabir
How did the Universe Begin?
When for the first time the God-loving souls will read this, they will feel that this is a baseless story. But moving ahead, the sufficient evidences which will be provided from all holy scriptures from all religions like Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Jainism (link pages) and even from the Big Bang theory will bound devotees to believe this to the extent, that they will bite their fingers between their teeth as where till today this authentic nectar-like spiritual knowledge was kept hidden? After reading this elaborate description of creation even an atheist will become curious.
A lot of enduring questions like
How the World was created?What is the age of the Universe?How old is the Universe?How big is the Universe?How was the universe formed?How will the Universe end?
remained unanswered, therefore, huge amount of patience would be required while reading this sacred knowledge which will be useful for your next hundred and one generations. All above such queries are henceforth resolved.
Creation of Universe in Every Religion
All religious spokespersons, spiritual guides, Saints, Gurus, Kazis, Mullahs, Fathers, Acharyas, Shakracharyas, Saints, Mahants, Mandleshwars even scientists have given a lot of theories regarding the creation of the Universe but due to the lack of spiritual knowledge, they could not provide relevant evidence from the Holy Scriptures. They have merely fooled masses by explaining folklore and legends which are their personal opinions. Only True Spiritual Saint Tatvadarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has been able to provide sufficient evidence from all Religious scriptures regarding the creation of the universe. Let us explore the diverse theories that are proven in Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism.
Creation of Universe According to Hinduism
People following Vaishnavism believe Vishnu created Brahma and ordered him to create further the universe. People following Shaivism believe Lord Shiva is the creator, and Bhagwan/Parmatma/God is formless. Whereas, Vedas prove God is in form. He is not formless. God lives in the immortal abode, the eternal place which is called ‘Satlok’, ‘Sachkhand’. The name of God is KavirDev or Kabir Sahib.
Evidence of Universe Creation in Holy Rigved
Rigved Mandal 10 Sukt 90 Mantra 1
Rigved Mandal 10 Sukt 90 Mantra 2
Rigved Mandal 10 Sukt 90 Mantra 3
Rigved Mandal 10 Sukt 90 Mantra 4
Rigved Mandal 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 5
Rigved Mandal 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 15
Rigved Mandal 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 16
Evidence of Universe Creation in Holy Atharva Ved
Atharvaved Kaand 4 Anuvaak 1 Mantra 1
Atharvaved Kaand 4 Anuvaak 1 Mantra 2
Atharvaved Kaand 4 Anuvaak 1 Mantra 3
Atharvaved Kaand 4 Anuvaak 1 Mantra 4
Atharvaved Kaand 4 Anuvaak 1 Mantra 5
Atharvaved Kaand 4 Anuvaak 1 Mantra 6
Atharvaved Kaand 4 Anuvaak 1 Mantra 7
Evidence of Universe Creation in Holy Yajur Ved
Yajurved Adhyay 5, Mantra 1
Yajurved Adhyay 1, Mantra 15
Evidence of Universe Creation in Holy Shrimad Devi Mahapuran
Reference Shrimad Devi Mahapuran published from Gitapress Gorakhpur, translator: Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar and Chiman Lal Goswami Ji
Third Skand, Adhyay 1 to 3 from Page no 114 to 118 and page no. 119-120
Third Skand, Adhyay 4 to 5 on page no. 123
Evidence of Universe Creation in Holy Shiv Mahapuran
Evidence in Holy Shri Shiv Puran, published from Gita Press Gorakhpur, translator Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar
Adhyay 6 Rudra Sanhita on page no. 100-103
Rudra Sanhita Adhyay no. 7, on page no. 103
Rudra Sanhita, Adhyay no. 9, on page no. 110
Evidence of Universe Creation in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
Evidence in Shreemad Bhagavad Gita published from Gitapress Gorakhpur, the translator is Jaidayal Goendka
Adhyay 14 Shlok 3 to 5
Adhyay 15, Shlok 1-4 and 16, 17
Adhyay no. 7 Shlok no. 12
Creation of Universe According to Islam
The followers of Islam believe Allah/Khuda is the creator of the universe and Allah is Bechoon / Formless. Muslims Strongly believe that Quran is a word of God and the knowledge of Quran Sharif / Majid has been given by God. Although the knowledge has been given by God Jibril. References:-
■ Quran Shariff Surat Ambia, Sherwani Sanskaran, Publisher is Lucknow book house, Mausambagh, Sitapur Road, Lucknow, printed in 1969, 17th edition 2008
■ Quran Majid ‘Tajurma, Maulana Mohd. Fateh Khan Saheb, Maulana Abdul Majid Sarvar Saheb, Publisher is Farid Book Depot (Pvt.) Ltd., Daryaganj, New Delhi. Published in 2006. 
■ Quran Shariff Surat Ambia ‘Mukhtsar Tafseer Ahsanul Bayan Tarjuma, Maulana Mohd Junagarhi Tafseer Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf, Hindi Tarjuma Tarteeb Mohd Tahir Hanif’ ‘Darusalam publication and distributors.
■ Holy Quran Sharif - Surat Al Furqan 25: 52 – 59 (Description)
Creation of Universe According to Holy Bible
The followers of Christianity believe God is the creator of the universe and God is formless.
■ God Kabir in Bible - Iyov 36:5
■ Holy Bible Genesis A.1:20 -2:5 Page No. 2,
Creation of Universe According to Sikhism
The followers of Sikhism believe Rab/ God is the creator of the universe and He is ‘Niraakar/Formless. They say ‘Onkaar-Nirakaar
■ Guru Granth Sahib, Shri Nanak Ji’s sacred speech, Mehla 1, Raag Bilaavalu, Ansh , Page no.
■ Raag Maaru (Ansh) sacred speech, Mahla 1(Guru Granth Sahib, Page no.1037)
■ Shri Guru Granth Sahib - Rag &quot;Tilang&quot; Mehla 1, Page 721
Creation of universe according to Worshipable Supreme God Kabir (Kavir Dev) Ji’s Sacred Speech
■ Reference:-Kabir Sagar Sampoorna 11 Bhag, Section 1, Kabirpanthee Bharat Pathik, Swami Yuglanand (Bihari), Printed and Published by Khemraj Shri Krishan Das Prakashan, Mumbai. Director: Shri Venkateshwar Press, Khemraj Shreekrishan Das Marg, Mumbai. Chapter Kabir Vaani, Bodhsagar page no 136-137
Creation of the universe according to Respected Garibdas Ji’s Sacred Speech
■ Aadi Ramaini (Sad Granth, page no. 690 to 692)
Creation of the universe according to Science / The Big Bang Theory
Science explains the Universe is all about space and time which includes planets, stars, galaxies etc but does not have concrete information regarding the spatial size of the entire universe. At most science gives some figures based on observable universe which is estimated to be 93 billion light-years in diameter. This information is based on the cosmological model developed by ancient Greek and Indian Philosophers, some heliocentric model. This is the law of universal gravitation developed by Isac Newton and Copernicus and Johannes Kepler’s law of planetary motion and the observations by Tycho Brahe.
The Big Bang theory is considered to be the most prevalent description about the creation of the universe which explains that space and time emerged together 13.799 +/- 0.021 billion years ago and because of the inflationary epoch, some expansion of the particles happened which gradually cooled and it continued to expand with which subatomic particles and atoms were formed.
The ACDM model is the most widely accepted model of the universe according to science. There are many theories competing about the ultimate creation of the universe where even Physicists and Philosophers refuse to contemplate and they doubt if this information could ever be accessible. Scientists also talk about the multiverse hypothesis, where our earth/universe could be one among several universes that possibly exist.
These are all merely anticipations and baseless concepts. Their knowledge (Whatsoever) is confined until the creation of the earth. Whereas the sacred knowledge is given by Supreme God Kabir (Kavir Dev) Himself tells about the universe creation which is even beyond this earth and describes creation of the whole universe/Solar system/infinite Brahamands.
How the Universe/World was created?
Reference:-Kabir Sagar Sampoorna 11 Bhag, Section 1, Kabirpanthee Bharat Pathik, Swami Yuglanand (Bihari), Printed and Published by Khemraj Shri Krishan Das Prakashan, Mumbai. Director: Shri Venkateshwar Press, Khemraj Shreekrishan Das Marg, Mumbai. Chapter Kabir Vaani, Bodhsagar page no 136-137
In the beginning, there was only one God. His name is God Kabir. The actual name of that God is ‘Kavirdev’. He used to reside in a place called ‘Anami (Anamay) Lok (region) Which is also called ‘Akah Lok. The Almighty GOD the creator of the universe (Brahamands) used to reside all alone there. Vedas address Him as ‘Kavirdev’and Quran as ‘Kabiran’. He is in the shape of a human. His body is very effulgent. All the souls (Atma) were contained in the body of that complete GOD (Purna Dhani) whose designated name is Anami Purush (Purush means God since God has created man in His form/image, similar to His own self, therefore, man is also known as ‘Purush’). In the same way, the Supreme God Kabir (Almighty KavirDev) himself appeared and created three other lower regions/places (Lok). The effulgence of one hair follicle of the Almighty God KavirDev (ie. Anami Purush) is more than the combined light of Sankh (Calculation) Suns.
Creation of Lower Loks
The Almighty God (KavirDev) later created Agam Lok, Alakh Lok and Satlok (these are the lower loks) with his word power (Shabd Shakti). The Almighty God (KavirDev) himself then appeared in Agam Lok as the Master (Lord) of Agam Lok. His title (position) there is Agam Purush ie. Agam Prabhu. Agam God’s human-like visible body is highly illuminated. The effulgence of whose one hair follicle is more than the combined light of Kharab (trillions calculation) Suns.
The Almighty God (KavirDev or Supreme God Kabir) himself then appeared in Alakh Lok as the Master (Lord) of Alakh Lok. His title (position) there is Alakh Purush’. Alakh God’s human-like visible body is self-illuminated, its very bright (swarjyoti). The effulgence of one hair follicle of His body is more than the combined light of Arab (Calculation) Suns.
This very Supreme God only appeared in ‘Satlok’ and there He himself is the master (Lord) of Satlok. His title (position) there is SatPurush (the Eternal/Immortal God). In fact, He only is known as Akaalmurti-Shabad Swaroopi Ram’ or calls Him Purna Brahm or Param Akshar Brahm. This SatPurush (God Kabir) KavirDev’s human-like visible body is highly illuminated and the brightness of one hair follicle is more than the combined light of crore (Calculation) Suns.
Creations in Satlok -
While appearing in the form of SatPurush (God Kabir-KavirDev) first did other creations in Satlok. With His word power (one Shabd) He created sixteen islands (dweeps). Then with sixteen words (Shabd), He made evident sixteen sons. He also created Mansarover (a very big lake) and He filled it with nectar. The names of His sixteen sons:-
1) Kurm 2) Gyani 3) Vivek 4) Tej 5) Sahaj 6) Santosh 7) Surati 8) Anand 9) Kshama 10) Nishkaam 11) Jalrangi 12) Achint 13) Prem 14) Dayal 15) Dhairya 16) Yogjit (Yog Santayan)
The Eternal God (SatPurush) amongst sixteen sons then entrusted Achint for the rest of Universe creation. He was given the order to create the creation and was provided the word power. With that word power Achint created ‘Akshar Purush (Param Brahm) with the word (Shabd) and asked him to help him in further creations in Satlok. Akshar Purush ie. this ParBrahm went to Mansarover (the lake filled with nectar) in Satlok to take bath there he started enjoying it and he fell asleep. He stayed there for a very long time and did not come out. In Satlok the body is not made up of five elements, there the life is not through breathing. Then Achint requested the Almighty God KavirDev to awake Akshar Purush from sleep. The Supreme GOD Kabir took some nectar from that Mansarover and made an egg out of it. In that egg, He inserted a soul and renounced that egg in the nectar water of Mansarover. The egg started sinking and its thunder-like voice disturbed the sound sleep of Akshar Purush and his sleep repealed due to which he got annoyed, he stared that egg with anger as ‘Who disturbed my sleep? Due to which the egg broke into two halves. From this egg came out this Brahm, a ‘Purush’ ie. Jyoti Swaroopi Niranjan (Kshar Purush). His real name is ‘Kael’ who later was known as ‘Kaal’. Then Satpurush (KavirDev) uttered Oracle (Aakashvaani) ‘You both come out, Akshar Purush you were in sleep, without you the creation work is not getting completed. In order to wake you, all this process is done and now both of you live in Achint’s dweep (Lok). Following the instructions of the Almighty God, both Akshar Purush and Kshar Purush (Kaal) started living in Achint’s dweep for a very long time. (This spectacle was done by God Kabir to teach them that without the Almighty nothing can be successful and also these foolish children should not crave for power).
Then the Supreme God KavirDev himself did entire creation with His word power (Shabd shakti). He created a Rajeshwari (Rashtri) Shakti with which all these Brahamands (elliptical regions) were established. (insert picture). This is also known as Parashakti / Paranandni. The Almighty KavirDev (Supreme God) then produced all the souls after this with His word power in His own form, in human form, the body of each soul is similar to God himself and the brightness of the body is equivalent to that of sixteen suns.
After a long time, mischief aroused in the mind of Kshar Purush (Jyoti Niranjan) that we three (Achint, Akshar Purush/Brahm and Kshar Purush) are living in one island (dweep) whereas all others are living independently in their own separate dweeps. Having this thought and with an aspiration to have a separate dweep (island/state) for himself this Jyoti Niranjan (Kshar Purush) decided to do religious austerity and by standing on one leg for seventy (70) yugas (ages) he did tenacity (Tap / meditation)...(See More...)
The Establishment of Seven Sankh Brahamands
Evidence in Kabir Sagar
A mention of ParBrahm (Akshar Purush) is given in Kabir Sagar who due to committing a breach in his duty and showing anger for Kshar Purush (Jyoti Niranjan) was expelled from Satlok. After Kshar Purush departed from Satlok, this ParBrahm started missing his friend Brahm forgetting the Almighty Kavir Dev who is the giver of all pleasures and comforts. Since his yearning did not lessen, it became mandatory for Supreme God Kabir to expel him as well.
In this way, the beautiful creation of nature / world / Universe was done of ParBrahm’s Seven
Sankh Brahamands and the life dwelled in these 21 Brahamands of Kshar Purush, Jyoti Niranjan-Kaal. This is how the Universe / world was created. This is the origin of the Universe.
The information provided is absolutely authentic. All the facts provided are the outcome of deep research done from Pious Rigved, Pious Yajurved, Pious Atharvaveda, Pious Shreemad Bhagwat Gita, Holy Quran Shariff, Holy Bible, Pious Gurugranth Saheb, Pious Sukshamved, Pious Kabir Sagar, Pious Puran, Pious Upanishads, Pious Bhavishya Puran (Futuristic Mythology), The Big Bang Theory etc.. Whereas the theories provided by all others regarding the creation of universe includes a range
of viewpoints which are baseless. There is dynamic diversity in all religions, even in Science
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terrablaze514 · 5 years
Space Colonization beyond the Earth Sphere
Meta by AngelT (published in Rhythm Generation Zine, 2019)
Disclaimer: No money is made in the research and production of this presentation. This was part of a team-based project. The contents presented in this essay are inspired by Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, which is the sole property of Sotsu, Sunrise and their affiliates. Also, an appreciation for the Universe beyond Earth’s atmosphere; the science of astronomy is beautiful.
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Most of us who grew up back in the day recall witnessing space stations, satellites and colonies on our television screens. We’ve seen human life preserved beyond the Earth’s sphere in space colonies. Our beloved characters, including The Mad Five and members of The Alliance, have acquainted themselves with continuing the trend of political stability, health and wellness, education, housing, and industry—miles away from our planet amidst warfare. Today, scientists are researching the possibility of colonizing the Solar System, beyond Earth and the Moon.[1]
Predicting Colonization in CE 2030
During the events of the television series, we see that a lunar station exists. This is a distinct possibility for Earth in the coming years, and it’s not hard to imagine small businesses and corporations operating from there in the future. Prior to launching the official project, however, extensive training and preparatory exercises would be a requirement. Relocating to the Moon comes with risks, considering the physical attributes of the location. Even so, there’s a good chance humans will one day be able to survive for extended durations in space. Scientists and researchers today are working towards opening the doors of opportunity. But successful expansion into the solar system has everything to do with timing, how well we can put knowledge into practice, and overcoming challenges such as limited funding, support from governments and health risks associated with living off of Earth.
Weighing the Odds: Inner Space
Mercury would be fun (imagine seeing your next birthday every 88 Earth days). Unfortunately, that will require a lifetime supply of sunblock and water—both of which will be hard to maintain on-planet. Mercury’s orbit is closest to the Sun, where it experiences a stronger gravitational pull from the sun than other planets in the solar system. In addition, although a year is significantly shorter than on Earth, Mercury’s days last significantly longer (roughly 176 Earth days) due to its slow rotation. Combined with the naturally shorter year, colonists on Mercury would experience a quicker aging process compared to life as we know it on Earth. The proximity to the sun would require measures to be taken to limit sun exposure, and extreme fluctuations in temperatures—made worse by the lack of an atmosphere which would have otherwise helped regulate them—make Mercury less than ideal for human colonization. 
Venus is the same size as Earth and its orbit is within the “habitable zone,” a safe enough distance from the sun; however, like Mercury, Venus has a significantly longer day (roughly 116.75 Earth days) and has a shorter year (almost 225 Earth days) which will cause similar stresses on any colonists looking to find a home on-planet. Venus’s atmosphere is not only incredibly toxic but also extremely dense with a surface pressure of nearly 92 times that of Earth’s. This dense atmosphere also means that the planet is hotter than Mercury (surprise!) limiting its chances of being particularly hospitable to humans. For these reasons, it’s best to keep would-be colonizers off-planet. Unfortunately, Venus also has no known moons, so using satellites as was done with Earth’s moon isn’t an available alternative. Therefore, pursuing a space colony project for Venus isn’t recommended.
Mars has been a hot topic for NASA and its affiliates since the late 1970s. Based on results from space probes that captured the red planet’s features, there’s a thin line of similarities to Earth: what many assume to be waterways, ground that is similar to Earth’s soil, and glaciers at the poles. Mars’s two moons, Phobos and Deimos, present an opportunity for additional lunar bases, which will benefit a population who relocates to Mars by providing additional space for industry, employment, and lodging. However, anyone who wishes to relocate to the planet should also expect two seasons—Summer and Winter—until the planet can be properly terraformed with an atmosphere able to support human life.
Weighing the Odds: Outer Space
Jupiter is a gaseous planet, the biggest in the solar system, and its volatile beauty is due to the multitude of storms travelling across its surface (similar to what we know as tornadoes and hurricanes). Such a volatile surface would deter on-planet colonization. But if researchers were to approach colonization from a practical standpoint, there’s a good chance lunar bases could be built on one of Jupiter’s moons. The moon Europa, for instance, has garnered attention from astronomers due to the possibility that it could support life if conditions were right. There is a serious threat of radiation from Jupiter’s magnetosphere, which is 20,000 times stronger than that of Earth’s, that poses serious challenges for colonizing both the planet and the moons.
Saturn, another gas giant, presents similar challenges, and humans are better served by colonizing one of its sixty-two moons instead. Protection from radiation will be needed. One of the best routes to carry out this mission is on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, which is a ball of ice, with water. Titan’s icy layer can protect from the Sun’s rays and drilling the surface will intrigue anyone familiar with mermaids and Atlantis. Although Titan’s air pressure would allow someone to walk the surface without a spacesuit, the atmosphere is low in oxygen compared to Earth’s own and it is bitterly cold. To colonize it, ongoing research and developing technologies will help. Wearing specialized clothes that have the same attributes as space blankets, earbuds that protect the eardrum (in the middle ear) from shifting due to air pressure changes, and architecture designed for underwater environments is a starting point.
Uranus, another gas giant, does not have a breathable atmosphere, consisting primarily of hydrogen (outer layer) and helium. This planet is also the coldest in the entire Solar System, which is roughly -216°C. Unfortunately, the moons of Uranus are pure ice, with intolerable temperatures below -200°C. Although Miranda has various landscapes similar to Earth’s, colonization cannot currently happen. It will take several decades for engineers and scientists to come up with some alternatives: Heated clothing, mirrors that support solar energy, and SMART technology that supports temperature control. A terraforming project also needs to be in effect. Otherwise, living near Uranus is not recommended.
During the early 1990s, Neptune had a Great Dark Spot where powerful wind storms were consistent. Neptune rotates on its axis at a rapid pace, which makes it uninhabitable. Astronomers know Triton is Neptune’s biggest moon, but there’s a major safety hazard. On multiple occasions, Neptune has collided with other orbital bodies (hence its rings). Because of this, building satellite colonies is not the best route. Triton could crash and end up as remnants to Neptune’s ring supply; colonies near this planet present a grave risk to human life.
Pluto[2] has five moons that can serve as optimistic colonizers. But methane and nitrogen don’t offer a livable space for humanity. It’s the farthest from the Sun; a twinkling star in the sky even through a telescope. Colonization in orbit needs technological advancements first, such as lights that emit heat energy, specialized mirrors, and lifelong oxygen supply. Industrial workers can use Charon (Pluto’s largest moon) for lodging, business and trade markets. To colonize Pluto means living off-planet, but its temperatures and distance from the Sun (5.9 billion kilometres) present complications.
Closing Thoughts
Although each planet offers unique challenges to overcome for colonization, there are some things that are consistent across the whole solar system:
1. Colonization needs to figure out how to protect from solar and space radiation. Radiation has proven to have debilitating effects on our bodies (dehydration, weakened immunity, etc.). During the summertime, we’re often reminded by health officials to find a shady spot at noon. Heat and ultraviolet rays are stronger because Earth is closer to the Sun. Beyond the Earth Sphere, the presence of radiation is due to “particles trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field; particles shot into space during solar flares (solar particle events); and galactic cosmic rays.” Astronauts have been exposed to space radiation on six-month missions in the past.
2. Colonization needs to figure out how to deal with toxic/inhospitable atmospheres, so you’re going to need to have controlled environments regardless of whether you go on-planet or on moons. It’s a matter of trial and error. Therefore, astronomers can send space probes to explore surfaces and observe their behaviours (environment) to determine the pros and cons. Sustaining life beyond Earth poses a challenge; in the case of some aforementioned planets and moons, the best bet is to set up colonies within the orbit of the places that are deemed safe. Additional training/workshops for persons interested in relocating to space, and inventions designed to promote safety and longevity must be considered.
3. Colonization needs to figure out how to deal with fluctuating temperatures. The close proximity of the inner planets’ orbits to the sun and the immense distance from the outer planets’ orbits mean regulating temperatures to support human life is going to be a challenge regardless of where you end up. HOW you deal with those depends on the location (e.g. greater shielding for inner planets, use of mirrors and the like for the outer planets).
4. Colonization needs to figure out if it warrants the cost and time of terraforming the two other planets within the Goldilocks Zone (i.e., Venus and Mars) or if it’s better to keep space colonies outside the planets. The good news is Mars’s surface has similarities to Earth’s own. Mars also has a fluctuating atmosphere which depends on its distance from the Sun. Terraforming Mars will be costly, however, because its atmosphere has only small traces of oxygen (good for humans) and nitrogen (great for vegetation and agriculture). The presence of carbon dioxide (which makes up 96% of Mars atmosphere), and carbon monoxide isn’t healthy. Scientists are making plans to ensure that tanks can convert a higher percentage of carbon dioxide into oxygen by 2020. For Venus, terraforming is a possibility, but the presence of sulphuric acid and volcanoes presents a greater challenge for health and safety reasons.
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Additional References
Out-Of-This-World Space Colonies as Imagined by NASA in the 1970s and Today. All That’s Interesting. July 17, 2018.
Victor Tangermann, A Timeline for Humanity’s Colonization of Space. Off World via Futurism. 
How long would it take to colonise the galaxy? The Open University. November 4, 2011.
Space Settlement. National Space Society. 2018.
Planet Facts. Space Facts. 2019.
Elizabeth Howell. Interesting Facts about the Planets. Universe Today. 2015.
[1]NASA is working on a Mars Mission, with plans to pursue Europa (Jupiter’s moon) within the next decade.
[2]Although currently classified as a “dwarf planet,” this status remains under discussion among experts.
***If anyone wants a free copy of the fanzine Rhythm Generation, you may connect with @acworldbuildingzine. Thanks for reading!***
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Space Battles in Animorphs
So I’ve been doing some thinking on the way space battles are fought in Animorphs based on what scant evidence we have, and what I’ve been able to conclude are the following:
Battles begin at long range. We know from Book 8 that the unnamed Pool Ship and the Dome Ship GalaxyTree began engagement almost as soon as the Dome Ship crossed into the Earth’s sphere of gravitational influence, while the Pool Ship was in Low Earth Orbit. Now, it’s up for debate whether this was the Hill Sphere (1.5 million kilometers- This is the area where objects moving slowly will orbit the Earth instead of orbiting the Sun) or the astronomical Sphere of Influence (924,000 kilometers). Either way, this is far beyond lunar orbit distances and you would see a light delay of 3 to 5 seconds! Compare this to Star Wars and Star Trek, where battles typically occur between ships close enough to each other that you could theoretically open a window and start firing with a rifle at the enemy ship.
Battles begin with maneuvering and deployment of fighters. This also comes from Book 8, with some backing from The Andalite Chronicles. In the battle in Book 8, the first thing the Dome Ship and Pool Ship do is begin closing the distance and launch fighters. They know roughly where each other are, but due to the light delay, they won’t be able to use optical sensors to aim at each other until they are closer together.
Theoretically they could use predictions of the enemy’s flight path to give lead, but it’s very likely both ships were also using countermeasures and maneuvering to disguise their intended course and prevent this from happening.
Fog of War exists even in space. This may seem silly given that you can see literally for billions of lightyears in any direction, but there are things to take into consideration in Animorphs space battles. The few space battles we see in Animorphs all occur at or near planets or asteroid fields, which are places where people would go for resources. There is no indication that any battles occur in deep space. So this gives us situations where ships can be ambushed without relying on the mystical super-dense nebulas of Star Trek. In book 8, for example, the Blade Ship was hiding in the lunar surface to avoid detection and then ambushed an unaware Dome Ship, presumably from behind. Another issue is the sheer distances involved. In Point 1, I mention that the range given in Book 8 is several light-seconds. In The Andalite Chronicles they mention having to fly at significant percentages of the speed of light to reach targets in a timely manner (and that flying too fast for too long resorts in time dilation, which is something you want to avoid). So the distances involved create two problems:
1. Finding the enemy. It goes without saying that space is big and ships are small. It doesn’t matter how powerful your sensors are, there will be a range where enemy ships just aren’t visible to you because they’re just too far away. On top of this, certain things like emissions management like in Book 54 will make ships easier or harder to spot, and electromagnetic cloaking exists in this setting. So maneuvers need to be carefully planned and constant surveillance of your surroundings is a must. As we saw in Book 8, the Dome Ship failed to reconnoiter the Moon correctly, and it was destroyed because of that mistake. 2. Shooting at the enemy. We have already established that battles in this setting can begin at ranges with a significant light-delay. For ships using light-speed weapons as Shredders and Dracons appear to be, this means that if you fire at where the enemy is when you see them, you will miss unless they are sitting still. You need to fire at where they are going to be, but when they have 3 to 5 seconds to maneuver, you almost certainly won't be able to hit them at that range either. Slower weapons like missiles can adjust their trajectory in flight without expending too much fuel thanks to the way physics works, but the moment they are detected, they can be shot down. So both energy weapons and missiles will have limited ranges. A well-executed missile attack with proper support may have a longer effective range than Shredders or Dracons, but not by much, and directed energy weapons excel at the point-defense role. Thus, missiles are not a commonly used weapon in the setting, although they are probably used when the situation calls for it. Additionally, electronic warfare is something the factions in the setting are capable of. Not only do they have cloaking devices and the ability to spoof or jam RADAR signals, but hacking is explicitly used on several occasions, usually by Ax. Additionally we see that formidable electronic defenses exist on both sides in Book 38 and Book 49, which implies that this is an aspect of combat people are prepared for. We can assume that long before two fleets are in range to shoot at each other, they're already trying electronic warfare to give themselves the advantage over the other fleet. At extreme range with light-delays they're likely using FTL sensors to probe the enemy's communications, and when they close the distance they're trying to throw off enemy targeting systems, disable enemy maneuvering systems, et cetera.
The number of ships in a battle is relatively small. In Book 8, the only ships explicitly referred to are the Blade Ship, the Dome Ship, the Pool Ship, and some fighters. We know from other books that a wider variety of vessels exist on both sides, and it’s unlikely a Pool Ship or Dome Ship would go anywhere without fleet tenders and escorts, but fleet composition almost certainly involves single-digit or low-double-digit numbers for large vessels. In book 54, the Andalite fleet that arrives at Earth is mentioned to be 2 Dome Ships and some unspecified escorts, while the Yeerk fleet’s composition is never given. While no escorts for the Dome Ship or Pool Ship were mentioned in book 8, real-world historical precedent says they probably had escorts. In World War Two, carriers always had escort vessels, but the escort vessels contributed comparatively little to the battles and so no one remembers their names. Often times accounts of battles like Midway will focus so heavily on the carriers that you would be forgiven for thinking those were the only ships there.
Warfare is changing rapidly. The Blade Ship is a form of assault vessel similar in function and size to the USS Defiant from Star Trek DS9. It’s much smaller than the Dome Ships it engaged in The Andalite Chronicles and in Book 8, but is a dedicated capital-ship killer that the Andalites are not prepared to defend against in those battles. We do see in book #54 that the Andalites have new cruisers (e.g. The Intrepid) meant to counter the Blade Ship, and the Yeerks in turn have new cruisers (e.g. The Rachel) designed to counter the Andalite cruisers.
The opening salvos of a battle are quick and decisive. In Book 8 and The Andalite Chronicles, the Blade Ship is able to decisively disable two Dome Ships with a few hits each in spite of the fact they should be shielded and armored. We know that shields and forcefields (Book 16, Book 18, etc) exist in the setting, and we know that starships must be armored well enough to withstand small pieces of debris traveling at several thousand miles per hour. However, the predominant weaponry used by the Yeerks and the Andalites are disintegrator-type weapons utilizing exotic particles as their mechanism of action. While these particles are never explicitly described, we can assume similar behaviors to the Nadion particle from Star Trek, which is able to break the molecular bonds present in non-degenerate* matter and is the active component of both Phasers and Disruptors. These types of particles are known to penetrate shields if sufficiently energized, presumably in the realm of GeV, TeV, or even higher levels of energy the likes of which would not normally exist outside of a supernova. There is simply no way to block this kind of attack when it comes from a comparable vessel to your own. *Degenerate matter such as Neutronium is immune, but no mention of degenerate matter is made in Animorphs. It should exist- It's what neutron stars and white dwarfs are made of- but no one uses it as armor. To use another example, the Andalite cruiser Intrepid is easily disabled by a single shot in Book 54 and is repeatedly hit again and again until the life support failed. By the time rescue could arrive, only one crew member was still alive, presumably because they found a SCUBA tank in the rec room. Thermal regulation in space is a secondary concern to the biological requirement for oxygen- It takes hours to freeze in the void or cook in starlight, but only minutes to asphyxiate. Thus, we can conclude compartmentalization of ships to prevent air loss after damage is vital, but somehow Andalite vessels are lacking in this regard. In any case, every time we see ship on ship combat in the series, we see that precise shots to key parts of enemy ships are used to decisively disable an enemy ship, and whichever ship manages to score hits on the other ship's vital components wins. The only times this is not the case is when one side has much weaker weapons compared to the other, such as The Rachel versus the Blade Ship, or in the case of Hork-Bajir Controllers with handheld Dracons firing on a stolen Bug Fighter.
Analysis. Taking all of these things into consideration, I believe that the first shots fired in a space battle in Animorphs are the product of a chain of decisions made from the engineering of the vessels in question, to the deployment and maneuvering of the vessels, to their situational awareness and tactical prowess, and the battle has already been won by the time the first Dracons or Shredders have discharged. For a comparable real-world example of this type of engagement we turn to the Battle of the Denmark Strait, which occurred on May 24th, 1941. In that battle, the German battleship Bismarck and it's escorting cruiser, the Prinz Eugen, were being pursued by British cruisers with RADAR. The German vessels were not able to evade their pursuers, and they were eventually engaged by British forces in the form of the battleship Prince of Wales and it's escorting cruiser, the Hood. It should be noted that these two battle groups were comparable to each other in size, composition, and technology. This is similar to the Yeerks and Andalites being at technological parity, given that the Yeerks largely got their technology from the Andalites. In the real-world battle, the German battle group was aware that they were being pursued, so the two ships turned to cross the T of the British battle group and coordinated their fire on the Hood. This was an important maneuver, as it let the German ships fire all of their guns broadside while the British ships, still sailing straight towards them, could only answer with their forward weapons. The British attempted to turn broadside to answer the Germans in kind, but they were already at a disadvantage, and large ships turn slowly. Within ten minutes of the first shots, a shell from the Bismarck penetrated through the upper armor of the Hood and detonated the aft magazine, breaking the Hood in half. The British battlecruiser sank in three minutes with a loss of all hands except for 3 sailors. This single shell proving so decisive was the end result of a series of decisions starting with the engineering of the ship and ending with the maneuvers carried out that day by the two battle groups. In both Animorphs and the Battle of the Denmark Strait, superior maneuvering by one side led to a favorable position that the other side could not answer. The Blade Ship ambushed the Dome Ship just as the Germans turned and crossed the T of the British vessels. And as we know, large ships turn slowly. This, coupled with a debilitating strike to the all-too-important mechanical areas of the ship, was the death of both the GalaxyTree and the Hood. In both Animorphs and the Battle of the Denmark Strait, the older vessel was caught in a horrible position and, unable to maneuver sufficiently to gain an upper hand, was struck in a vital location and destroyed in short order.
Conclusion. In Animorphs space battles, the action will not play out like the battles of Star Wars or Star Trek. Instead, they will universally be more comparable to the long, drawn out naval battles of the real world. To achieve a victory in anAnimorphs space battle, you must start with the construction of a ship with strong defenses against electronic warfare and good compartmentalization of the vessel and distribution of key systems through the ship. From there, through superior intelligence gathering and maneuvering, the first strike craft will be launched to limit the enemy ship's ability to maneuver, and once the distance has been closed, decisive and surgical shots to the enemy's bridge, life support, power systems, and engines will be made. This is the formula for victory in an Animorphs space battle.
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gangadhars-posts · 2 years
I'm, an unfortunate Indian scientist that government refused&society throws away due to racism&discrimination and negligence&jealousy. Eventually, I built a small lab in my house and more than 1000 researches&studies have been conducted from my childhood 1965 to till year 2022.
Among them Bio-forecast, Numerical Weather Periodical Tables, Irlapatism- A New Hypothetical Model Cosmology, National Geoscope Projects, Global Monsoon Time Scales, Indian Monsoon Tiime Scale etc. concepts were successfully completed while Artificial rains, Artificial storms, Artificial underground waters, Invention of life, Re-creation of humans of past, Time-machine, Geo-machine, Earth-machine, Journey into the atom through microcosm, Journey into the outer space worlds through macrocosm, etc research concepts were uncompleted due to lack of support and opportunities. But my researches were infuriated the upper communities fanatic people as well as fellow scientists. They were criticized,opposed,attacked and I was ridiculed,humiliated,abused,beaten and imprisoned.
Researches on cosmology are most important of all of the above mentioned.This reveals many mysteries of the universe.
Briefly according to this theory Irlapatism-A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology- the cosmos is made up of similar universes in infinite number, having similar structure and properties, embedded one in each other and extended in ascending and descending order in the form of a super mass.
To explain and justify this model, there are 3 universes so far known to us i.e Geo-Universe, the universe seen around our earth; Atomic-Universe, atoms from hydrogen to uranium; Photon-Universe, particles related to energy. These 3 are individual universes, having similar structure&properties, embedded one in each other and extended in ascending and descending order.
Which means the Geo-universe being built by universes of its descending order of creation that's atoms; the Atomic-universe being built by universe of it's descending order of creation that's photons; the photon being built by universes of its descending order of creation that's not yet recognized by scientists.
If we take it in ascending order the Photon is being as a primary syntactic unit in the universe of it's ascending order of creation that's Atom. The atom is being as a primary syntactic unit in the universe of it's ascending order of creation that's Geo-universe. The Geo-universe is being as a primary syntactic unit in the universe of it's ascending order of creation that's not yet recognized by scientists.
This doesn't mean that these three are arranged one on another as cycles but mixed in the form of a super mass that's as we seen around our earth. Kindly find out this theory in Google by searching its name IRLAPATISM-A NEW HYPOTHETICAL MODEL OF COSMOLOGY BY GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI or can obtain by sending your email to me.
Although much research efforts did tho, I couldn't get recognition either by government or by society. I was neglected&repressed and my researches were ignored&darkened. I did not have any political recommendations&officials support, caste&cash, region&religion that play a key role determining the respect&recognition, awards&rewards, support&opportunities. I am victim of racism&discrimination and negligence&jealousy. I am now making my life's last journey due to disregard&despair and serious ill-health&poverty issues. If world scientists have invented any technology in future that recreate humans of past kindly remember and re-create me to complete my uncompleted goals together with world scientists.
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maybee1155 · 3 years
Top 5 NFT Avatars Worth Investing in 2022!
The most popular project for investment in NFT collectibles is the NFT avatar. From cryptopunks to BYCE, from the sports industry to the entertainment industry to the financial industry, more and more big KOLs have begun to invest in NFTs. From NBA superstar Curry changing his avatar for $180,000, to the follow-up of Chinese wale wallets such as Cai Wensheng, Feng Bo, and Wang Feng, to a new round of investment carnival in the currency circle. The joining of star companies and celebrities has once again boosted the popularity of NFT avatars and has become a self-popular investment project in 2021. So what are the NFT avatars worth investing in in 2022?
1. Cryptopunks
CryptoPunks are one of the first NFT art collectibles to launch on the Ethereum network. This asset features 10,000 uniquely generated characters that display pixelated digital images of different animated characters. The earliest NFT and one of the most potential collections of NFTs. On the one hand, there are KOLs bringing goods. For example, TRON founder Justin Sun bought cryptopunks at a price of $10.5 million. On the other hand, the average price of avatars in the CryptoPunks series is generally higher than other products. It shows that the investment potential of CryptoPunks is huge.
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BAYC consists of 10,000 NFT collections of ape images, each ape has 4-7 different attributes, including expressions, hair, headwear, clothing, etc. Depending on the combination of different attributes, the rarity of apes also varies, and rarity is also the main factor that distinguishes the price. Incomplete statistics, celebrities from all walks of life who have publicly announced their holdings of BAYC are: Taiwanese singer Ma Ji eldest brother Huang Licheng, actor Wu Jianhao, Ke Zhendong, Chen Bolin, Hong Kong movie star Shawn Yue, NBA star Pelicans shooting guard Josh Hart, Hornets star LaMelo Ball , NFL American Football League star Franklin and so on. These will prove that BAYC still maintains the potential for appreciation.
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3. Meebits
Launched in March 2021, Meebits is the next in a series of digital collectibles designed by Larva Labs. Meebits take the form of 2D voxel characters in a style similar to Roblox or Minecraft. Like many other NFT projects, the scarcity of Meebits has generated massive sales, crazy speculation, and staggering sales figures. Meebits has an open interface in the program. Users can download the model file and import it into the metaverse game to change the image of the character.
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4. Cool Cats
Cool Cats is a collection of NFTs randomly generated by programming on the Ethereum. It has the image of a cartoon cat. The first generation of cats has been released. The cat's clothing, face shape, color and body are all randomly combined. The investment of Cool Cats lies in the fact that the developer has been iterating on the project itself. From gamification to story evolution, the richer the ecology of the entire project, the higher the price of its collection and investment!
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5. MadCanner
MadCanner is a brand new project in 2022 built on Ethereum. Once deployed, MadCanner become one of the most attractive NFT project which can be traded in own marketplace as well as in Opensea. The background of the project's story takes place in 2140. At that time, people in the encrypted digital world lived on a metaverse planet called Particle Planet. On the Cannason Particle Planet, people can gain immortality through technology, and every part of their body can be upgraded and replaced, and they can go to the market to buy their favorite skin or other organs. To player who want to find a good NFT, MadCanner is a community driven project with its own ecosystem package. Compared with other avatar projects that have been over-hyped, the potential of MadCanner should not be underestimated. So far it is an early NFT project.
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gangadhars-world · 3 years
The creatiin is made up of universes in infinite number, having similar structure and properties, embedded one in each other and extended in ascending and descending order. To explain and justify this model, there are 3 universes so far known to us Geo-Universe, Atomic-Universe, Photon-Universe. These 3 are individual universes, having similar structure&properties, embedded one in each other and extended in ascending and descending order. Of these three, we know some extent about the internal structure and properties of the Geo-Universe but we do not know it's external structure&properties. We know some extent about the external structure&properties of the Photon-Universe but we do not know it's internal structure and properties. Between of these 3 universes, we came to know a large extent about the internal and external structure&properties of the Atomic-Universe. Hence, I have taken the similarities of external structure&properties between the Atomic-Universe and Photon-Universe to propose that all the universes in ascending and descending order of creation having similar external structure&properties. The similarities of internal structure&properties between the Atomic-universe and Geo-universe are taken to propose that all the universes in ascending and descending order of creation having similar internal structure&properties. And the manner in which of these three universes i.e. embedded one in each other, extended in ascending and descending order to propose that all the universes in ascending and descending order of creation are embedded one in each other and extended in ascending and descending order.
"The geo-universe that means the universe seen around our earth is a gigantic universe, having magnificent internal structure and properties resembling to the atomic-universe that have electrons, protons and neutrons and external structure&properties resembling to photon that have various forms. There are continents, countries, oceans, living beings on some planets in our Geo-universe. Such geo-universe being built by universes of it's
descending order of creation that means atoms and at the same time acts as a primary syntactic unit in its its ascending order of creation that is not yet known to us
"The atomic-universe that means atom present in several forms from hydrogen to uranium and so on is a gigantic universe, having magnificent structure and properties resembling to geo-universe that have galaxies, stars, planets.Just as there are continents, countries, oceans, living beings on some planets in our Geo-Universe; continents,countries, oceans living beings can be present on some neutrons in the atom. Such atomic-universe being built by universes of it's
descending order of creation that means phtons and acts as a primary syntactic unit in its its ascending order of creation that means Geo-universe.
"The photon-universe that means the particle related to energy present in several forms of electromagnetic radiation is a gigantic universe, having magnificent structure and properties resembling to the geo-universe that have galaxies, stars, planets and atomic-universe that have electrons, protons,neutrons. Just as there are continents, countries, oceans, living beings on some planets in our Geo-Universe; continents,countries, oceans living beings can be present in the photon. Such photon-universe being built by universes of it's
descending order of creation and acts as a primary syntactic unit in its its ascending order of creation that means atoms" according to my hypothesis.
And the aforesaid manner in which of these three universes i.e. Geo-universe that means the universe seen around our earth, the Atomic-universe that means the atoms present in several forms from Hydrogen to uranium etc and the Photon-universe that means the particles related to energy ; embedded one in each other, extended in ascending and descending order to propose that all the universes in ascending and descending order of creation are embedded one in each other and extended in ascending and descending order- according to my hypothesis " Irlapatism-A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology " I stated in 1977. Kindly find out my theory in all websites/searchengines by searching its name IRLAPATISM-A NEW HYPOTHETICAL MODEL OF COSMOLOGY.
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