#if she lives past 1st and 2nd level that is
loveemagicpeace · 11 months
💘Ian & Nina Synastry💘
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Ian is sag sun and nina is sag rising -the inner self of the Sun person is very similar to the persona of the ascendant person. The Sun person is also attracted to the ascendant person on a physical level. This is great for long-term compatibility. Her rising conj his neptune- she was attracted to his dreamy nature also his way of playing. It is also possible that she fell in love with his character as a damon.
🌙Nina has aquarius moon and Ian has moon in aries- meaning they are both independent and confident. And that they can be crazy together. Both value individuality in some way. Also both of them have moon in 2nd house- which means both value comfort, music, movies, peace, self-esteem. It can also mean that they are both old souls in a way.
🍓His mars fall in Nina’s 1st house - he saw her as sexually attractive and intense. At the same time as an energetic and spontaneous person. He must have noticed her immediately as a magnetically attractive person. There can also be a healthy dose of playfulness and physicality involved. But it may mean that he has brought out the aggressive side in her.
🌶️Her Moon and Mercury fall in Ian's first house- Nina saw him as an emotional person and a person with whom she felt safe. She felt that she could express herself emotionally and that he accepted her emotional responses. Maybe already when she met him, she felt that she could tell him a lot. Maybe she also saw him as more of a family man. Mercury in the first house indicates that she always had very open communication with him and that she could always express easily to him. His opinion probably meant a lot to her. He understood her easily. The 1st house is energy and it means a lot when you can be open with a person. Her moon also Conjunction his Asc-Both partners are comfortable with revealing their feelings to each other, even those they wouldn't normally express.
🫐Her North Node also fall in Ian’s first house- meaning that a large part of their relationship was a reflection on them and their personalities. It can also mean a karmic connection. It was meant for her to meet him. Perhaps she helped him fulfill his destiny by encouraging him to trust himself and follow his instincts. She probably felt comfortable around him from the start. They probably had a pretty active relationship.
✨Her mars fall into Ian’s 3rd house- They probably had a very intense and energetic way of expressing themselves. Also their scenes in the vampire diaries were more intense, deep, passionate - all their conversations were more impulsive. This can create a strong mental connection between partners. Both partners will likely experience increased motivation and energy to pursue their shared interests and aspirations. The Mars person’s bold communication style might inspire lively conversations and debates within the partnership, providing the opportunity for both partners to challenge each other’s ideas and perspectives.
🌙His moon fall into Nina’s 3rd house- which means that he expressed a lot of his feelings towards her through words. He felt he have to express how he felt. Also he may was fascinated by her mind and how it works and the way in which she tackles her mental problems. He never felt emotional resentment towards her. He always enjoyed her company and had fun with her. She probably thinks a lot about him. They probably worked very well together, which is why they played their roles so well. Some scenes were not planned and they worked very well and that's because they had very good communication.
✨His chiron fall in Nina’s 4th house- Chiron represents how you can heal other person and based on what so when his chiron falls into her 4th house this means that maybe he helped her with something related to her family, her childhood. But he felt at home with her and perhaps finally felt safe enough to begin working on healing his past wounds. House 4 person is given a unique perspective and sympathy from Chiron person.
☁️Her chiron fall in Ian’s 5th house- she was able to help awaken a child and childhood memories in him. Maybe she helped him a lot in acting and discovering the talents he has. She was able to remind him that art can also be healing. She reminded him of his inner child.
🩰Her jupiter fall in Ian’s 4th house- she definitely saw a happy home with him. This placement signifies a strong connection and a shared sense of belonging. This aspect fosters deep emotional bonds and a sense of comfort and support within the relationship. These individuals may find joy and growth through their shared home life and nurturing abilities.
Her Vertex fall in Ian’s 7th house & Ian Vertex fall into her 8th house- The vertex is often associated with fate or destiny, and it is thought to be particularly influential in matters of love and relationships. This can show that the relationship may bring an unexpected partnership between them. In general, they had a very good sexual connection.
🌊His jupiter fall in Nina’s 8th house- many times this means that the person can make you happy through intimacy, emotions, connection. It can also mean that he felt a spiritual connection to her or saw this connection as something positive in his life. At the same time, Jupiter in this house can mean that the person has a strong influence on your emotional growth and a deeper view of life. After this relationship, you can feel like you've experienced profound growth. I think he will always see her as a person who had a positive influence on him.
Her & his lilith both fall into each others 8th house - Both of them find deep and intense attraction in this relationship. Both of them recognize subconscious wounds and instincts amd they are drawn to dark, edgy nature of them.
His saturn & north node fall in Nina’s 9th house- he probably changed her beliefs and taught her a lot. This also mean that the relationship tends to focus on philosophical and spiritual matters. He took her beliefs and faith seriously. Saturn also means respect, which means that he respected her roots and her passion for travel and exploration. He was able to help her a lot in her achievements and support her. NN means that this relationship was meant for him to learn something from it. There is a lot of emphasis on growth, development, learning. He probably learned a lot from her.
His venus & pluto fall in Nina’s 10th house- which means that he respected her love, that he was serious and felt responsible for his relationship with her. Venus here can mean that you appreciate a person's love. This also indicates why the public saw them together so beautifully and cutely. He always showed in public how much he loved her. Venus also represents movies/series. Or that he met her on set. This partnership was productive and profitable for both of them. Pluto represents deep and lasting changes. This series changed his life and so did hers. Which means that they were united by their public status. Many times it represents how strong the two partners can be together, and at the same time it was noticed in the public how strong the connection is between them. This is synastry is sometimes found in the people who become strong supporters, and promoters of their partner.
Her pluto fall in Ian’s 9th house- This is a very strong connection in synastry. Usually the pluto person changes your life and the way you believe in them. Nina was able to bring a lot of meaning to ian's life. They can grow together in the mystery of life. Her pluto also conj his venus- this is very strong aspect. This mean that she felt a deep love for a him and it was intense and unforgettable. Probably they will never really forget each other.
His Uranus fall in Nina’s 11th house & vice versa -they shared many interest groups and friends. This placement can bring excitement, change, and a sense of freedom within the relationship.
Her Venus fall in Ian’s 11th house- love may have started through friendship. From friends to lovers. She saw his love as very unique, different. She felt that he appreciated her freedom. It meant a lot to her how he integrated into society, she admired his sociability. I think that this is also why she was able to remain friends with him because she also felt friendship through him. The attraction here is light and friendly, not necessarily deep and emotional.
His Mercury, Sun & Neptune fall in Nina’s 12th house- okay this house is very spiritual house so this mean that you are always connected somehow with that person. He knew what she was thinking before she said it, or they had the same thoughts many times. Maybe sometimes he could feel like she was telling him everything or he didn't express his opinion as much. He knew what she was thinking before she said it. They may also have many connections regarding relatives or siblings.Sun that fall in her house he know her in the more specific and spiritual way that any other person. And also for what she truly was. because sun in here is something that is hidden from others from. Also she can be some kind of mystery for him. Neptune can create a literal spiritual connection.
Her Saturn, Sun & Neptune fall in Ian’s 12th house- Saturn here can indicate a karmic lesson or a deeper spiritual connection between the individuals. This placement may bring about feelings of confinement and restriction in the relationship. So, in a way, both of them had a lot of growth through the relationship, and saturn in this house also indicates a karmic relationship. She also has the sun and Neptune in the 12th house, which means that she also saw him as a person who is more hidden and mysterious, but at the same time she saw him for what he really is. The 12th house also indicates a part of you that you only show to certain people. Her saturn also sextile his venus which means that she felt something serious and stable with him. Her Neptune sextile his venus- it can also indicate that they played very well together and that the union was magical and different. And it also represents that she fell in love with him while playing. Vampire Diaries actually connected them. They spent a lot of time together on the set.
Overall they had a lot of karmic connections. Maybe their interests or paths didn't align that way and that's why they didn't stay together. But they have many connections that indicate that you meet this person a lot in your life.
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hollowtones · 1 year
final thoughts on zapper?
1st world isn't as bad as I remember, 2nd world is rough, 3rd world feels actively mean, 4th world is mostly kind of boring. If child-me had played past world 2 I think I would actively hate video games today.
Sound design is consistently real weird and unpleasant but sometimes that wraps around to being funny
Level design doesn't usually feel very interesting & if you're trying to get all collectibles it sometimes feels tedious. The best bits are the little self-contained bonus rooms & the levels where things are more puzzle-focused. I don't think it really needed a boss fight at the end but I'm glad there was only one, rather than one for each world / each level.
Individual art assets are okay, but sometimes levels are a little hard to parse visually & paths you are allowed to take aren't very clear. Issues with depth perception. Fixed perspective makes it hard to see details on the models I thought were cute. (At least we have Dolphin free camera...)
Visual theming of levels feels really, really incongruent, outside of the first world. I still don't know if I like this or don't. But it sure is noticeable!
The jump button snaps you in weird directions sometimes & every time it makes me scared for my life. It straight up killed me in some of the moving platform segments. Sometimes the jump lets you get to very high platforms and sometimes it makes you jump over them and go into a pit.
Camera's weird. Zoomed in too close, very easy for things to just get you from off-screen. When you have to deal with moving platforms it feels straight up nauseating (& I basically never get motion sick!! This game got me!!)
Music is good.
This Did Not Need A Lives Mechanic. Getting knocked back to a checkpoint feels fine. Having to redo entire levels from the start because of bullshit getting me made me feel like a ghoul.
A lot of hazards have weird hitboxes. Spikes can kill you after retracting. An object can be fully moved past your location but if you move parallel to its trajectory it'll sometimes kill you anyway. Slow-moving enemies in front of you need the world's widest berth. Moving platforms in combination with hazards is a special hell. A couple times I was killed by a seeming act of god.
Mercifully short.
Zapper as a character is like if someone went "what if Gex didn't talk" and that's real funny to me. Also very funny that they gave a cricket lightning powers instead of, like... sonic / music powers. I guess "a wall of noise so loud it kills slugs and explodes bricks" wasn't cool enough for a radical, sardonic wise-guy.(??)
lol the bird has tits
This is just a Frogger game. It's kind of blatant. You can very clearly see the bones of "Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge" in all of it. (The four screenshots I have seen of that game make it seem like its level design was much more easily readable at a glance, though. Four screenshots do not paint the picture of an entire game, but...) Honestly, I can respect the "we have Frogger at home" angle to it. They clearly wanted to make a game like this again, and good(?) on 'em for doing it, I think.
Didn't like it very much. Had a laugh, at least.
It's no "Claymates". (Future scholars will debate what she meant by this for decades.)
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halinski · 1 year
Tagged by @all-or-nothing-baby 🥰🥰
15 QUESTIONS, 15 (or whatever) TAGS
My mother's hs best friend basically! She lives in Bosnia so i don't know her much but I have met her
Uhh i can't remember but probably like last week or so. I dissociate too much to remember when or why lmao
Not much tbh. Im afraid of being misunderstood too much bc people generally do
Softball mostly!
My gut feeling about them, and if they might understand mental health stuff or not
Scary movies for sure. Irrational happy endings make me angry
Central europe, meh
Nature, reading, writing, sports, chilling with animals, learning stuff
2 cats! And a few past darlings in spirit
I used to always try to come up with some answer to this to please people but i didnt have one past 3rd grade bc i absolutely detested school, the educational systems and academia so fuck no, no favorite subjects. Fuck schools.
(The one good school i went to grade pre till 3rd i enjoyed also had really good pedagogists. In 3rd grade i think i loved math the most bc my teacher designed individual plans for us and my classmate and i raced to finish higher level work, in 2nd i think it was the class where we read and wrote and were creative like think tank and reading dino topia and writing our own magical treehouse, in 1st grade it was science and experementing and the frogs and butterfly class.
On my own time i watched so many animal rescue shows and nation geography and we had so many of their magazines and natyre magazines my mother got that were sorted out from the library. And i read a lot of history books about ancient and pre-historic times and different cultures and that was great. I was also obsessed with animals and read cyclodpedias and had them quickly memorized. But by the time i was 9 i was too depressed and i dont know shit anymore my brain too forgetful
and that's why i'm so mad about the school systems bc i truly loved, loved learning. But even the good school would give me failing grades for my social behavior. And without ranting even further, lets just say math used to be like breathing for me and now i can barely put 48+32 together without a calculater anymore bc my brain is so dead
So much more complicated issues yeah but school still makes me so fucking mad)
somehow i got lucky and i kinda ended up in the field of my dream job: vet tech/nurse
i wish i could save any animal i come across though. Regardless of money, laws, etc. I wish i could save nature. Fix what humanity has done to the earth and to so many animals. Relieve suffering. Give love to every stray. Make sure every living being has a home. Get rid of ownership over land and living beings of any and all kind
If you see this, tag you're it and pls @ me!
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eolewyn1010 · 4 months
Charité, season 4 - episode 4
I'm here to spoiler, and don't say I didn't warn you!
"Two more Paleobacterium deaths" - not Maral's very first patient tho! He will conveniently stay alive until the very end.
Does anyone else think it'll be a depressing blow to Julia to come home and find that, when Maral finally puts in an effort into unpacking boxes to furnish their new home, all she unpacks is her work stuff?
"Extreme heat wave continues" - but we won't show our protagonists sweating! They have to look like models.
It's not that actress' fault, but her facial structure reminds me uncomfortably of season 2's Magda Goebbels. Plus, she's 1st, dressed like she has too much money (and she probably has if she can afford 4 in vitro treatments), and 2nd, remarkably unscathed for someone who has recently been in a car accident that ended fatally for another participant.
Julia. This woman is pregnant and very freshly widowed. Refer her to grief counseling?
Nurse Kachel is only around to literally open doors and talk some platitudes in Berlin dialect, huh?
Nice of Maral to give away a ticket for an event she planned to go visit with her wife. Oughta be good for the marriage.
Also, what do you mean "men's team or women's"? Does that mean sports are still segregated in a way that makes them inaccessible to nonbinary people?
Dylan, just report her. At this point, her trying to treat a patient is illegal. She should not even be in the tract.
With the background that Ferhat probably attempted suicide at some point, it feels hypocritical of him to be opposed to his patient choosing death over a living situation he deems unbearable.
Wait a minute. She's 16 weeks into pregnancy and already knows her baby is gonna be a boy. But Julia's test was the first that turned up the microplastic poisoning? How quickly does that develop / how incompetent was her previous doctor?
Come on, Julia, you can't be surprised that she's desperate to keep the baby.
I'm not entirely sure why they have to plant the child back in at all. If they have artificial (and completely disease-free) wombs at their disposal, wouldn't it be the safest course to keep the fetus in there until maturity?
It's very rude to develop a revolutionary kind of surgery and then not haste to train others to do it when it treats an issue that a ton of people worldwide are likely to have. 1st season at least had a reason for not many doctors knowing a certain kind of surgery - modern medicine was in its baby shoes and worldwide networking was scarce and slow. But with all that technology? Get teaching!
If you're suicidal, try romance! It solves all depressions! ...Honestly, fuck Ferhat. For someone who also gets to do psychotherapeutic treatment, he's so bad at human emotions.
Marlene is one of very few characters this season I give a damn about, and she's being stood up by this dumbass Ferhat. Ugh.
Maral. Wine is not a balanced diet.
"You wanna talk about your work? No, I get to complain about my work now!" Maral, you suck as a wife.
And then, literally just after that, she has the absolute GALL to accuse Julia of not listening to her about her problems! What the actual fuck. Maral, you suck as a wife!
You also have no right to deny Julia information about her son.
"From my perspective, yes." Have you ever talked to your wife in the past weeks, even once? Sheesh.
That telling-off was so overdue. So obviously, the next thing Maral does? Get drunk, be a workaholic, and go to extremes to prove a point! Woo! It's feminism when it's women who make the bad choices! I hope she knows she's on one level with Robert Koch now. And that is so not a compliment.
Discount Daniel Sträßer would seem even shadier if I he weren't surrounded by bad CGI.
Thanks, Nils, for calling Maral the asshole that she is.
Emilia, if you think Charité has to protect its precious reputation, you go and solve the medical mysteries yourself.
Wow. Wow, Ferhat. This episode is titled "Courage", not "Violation Of Your Patient's Bodily Autonomy". wtf, why is this guy a doctor.
Dylan, you should have Maral arrested. She's a walking (ok, lying-down) breach of infection protection law.
Way to go, Julia! And please change your gloves before you operate any further. That's fucking disgusting.
Does anyone else find it sus that Dylan, Maral's declared but male rival at the hospital whom she keeps trashtalking and tyrannizing at work, gets to look so much more affectionate with her than her actual wife?
Thoughts on this season's questionable queer rep aside - my problem is that Maral's behavior doesn't feel as though she wants to save lives. It feels like she wants to prove at any cost that she is right. That is an unsympathetic feature in everyone and a potentially catastrophic one in a doctor. And Ferhat isn't far behind. Are these supposed to be protagonists?
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hotarutranslations · 4 months
That's right, yesterday, Maria, Bought Starbucks for me on the way home
She had a longer conversation with the barista, From the order name, It seemed fun? lol
Maria normally talks about baseball, Since I can't normally reply to her with the same excitement😂😂
Understanding the story, is that the way the conversation expands! It was a refreshing reaction😂😂
But recently, Its not just within the framework of baseball,
If you change the word to, Oshi,
Each member has something to talk about🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️
Its fun 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️fufufu
Today, Homare, said she was able to win in a crane game in 1 try
She gave me a Kudo Shinichi plushie (moreover one that's quite big)🥹🫶🏻
She told me as soon as she won it, I was looking forward to getting it---💛
I was so surprised, I'm bad at crane games……
When I played crane games with Mei,
It was something like, I'm bad, to the level I was fretting over it?
Where I couldn't even been given words like, Ah~~ That's too bad~~ And it was kinda so pathetic I couldn't even laugh about it,
That's the level of bad I am🤔💭
Therefore it was like, Homare got it in one shot!! It was surprisingly like, isn't she too talented!?
Its a super cute Shinichi,
I've left it in the studio, so he can watch over the Budoukan rehearsals lol
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This guys face is cute
To have a plushie watch over the rehearsals, Its not something that is so easy to do~~ Isn't it good~~☺️🫶🏻
But with this, does everyone as well, put things on their work or study desk
🪩We're performing at Nippon Budokan on May 27th (Mon)
It will be live broadcast on Hulu And we're showing it on Live Viewing
Its been decided we're holding this🫶🏻
Lets have fun together, whether we're at the venue or not at the same time🫶🏻
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
April 18th 11:30PM~ A Learning From TSUKUSHI-san Adventure🕺
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" April 13th (Sat) at 10:25AM~ Ishida Ayumi Goes~!
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show ~Seiki~" Fukumura Mizuki Graduation Special YokoAri's 2nd Day With Fukumura-san's Graduation Performance
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show" SPECIAL YokoAri's 1st Day With OG Performances
🪩Spring Tour Is Ongoing Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
⚾️《LIVE DAYS!~Exciting Big Exhibition Match~》 June 2nd(Sun), after the Hokkaido Ham Fighters vs. Yokohama DeNa Baystars match, Morning Musume '24 will be having a special mini live!
🪩Hello! Project Kenshuusei Happyoukai 2024 6gatsu "Lily"
June 9th (Sun) Osaka June 16th (Sun) Tokyo
🪩The MusiQuest 2024 July 21st (Sun) PiaArena MM
We're challenging a new festival stage❤️‍🔥 Absolutely, Definitely, Thank you for your support❤️‍🔥
🍉Sanrio Character Grand Prix Thank you very much for supporting Gaokki🍉
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
Yamazaki Mei's Panda-san Daisuki!! ~Expressing Love Towards My Favorite Panda-san♡ ver.~ in Adventure World
Yamazaki Mei's Panda-san Daisuki!! Mei-chan's Holiday. Adventure World with Oda-san and Ishida-san
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12852956221.html
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my stuff <3
So y'all know what I've been up to basically. I'll put pieces that have a significant amount of progress down here.
Feel free to ask about any of these!
Novellas / Novels:
The Scarletts
The saga of abandoned bookworm Logan Duo, whose idea of making - or rather, collecting - his own family entangles him in the increasingly dangerous baggage of fellow alien orphans Pia and Rue, and the decades-old history of the house of horrors they chose to call a refuge.
The implications of the Guardian's Tower aren't even an afterthought to the newly recruited Guardian, a prodigy bioengineer fresh off the worst mistake of her very short career. Which is perfect for a utopian government that relies on tunnel vision to get by . . . especially when their paradise must be evacuated, leaving the fate of Arorta's most precious treasure - their symbol and son, the pseudo-diety Maximo - in Sylvia Cornerstone's hands. The nature of Maximo's existence isn't quite what it seems, and even if it wasn't a concern before . . . it certainly is now. Because their ancestors never discovered what lies ahead of her in the Deep Woods. 
Aquamarine's Ordeal
Underappreciated monster hunters run into unanticipated danger and social drama on the open seas. Completed, 2020.
I'll Come With You, Friend
A blind girl's unconsenting camping trip brings good luck through adventures with a friend she meets at a spring. Completed, 2020.
Short Stories:
Anita specialized in the cycles of dying planets in college. No one has understood her passion for the subject so far in her career . . . here's hoping this civilization on the brink of being sucked into space can, now that she's tasked with persuading them to evacuate. Now this social orbiter has to endear herself to the mysterious children of the ruling class to stand a chance at saving their lives. Her job is to educate them on their options moving forward and provide assistance. Customer service. Basic, right? 
Orphan Liza's being honored with a party by the residents of her manor home and all their socialite friends! And if she's lucky, this will be the last party they ever get to throw for her. Her wealthy, manipulative guardians have finally found out about her friend Mia's magic, and she needs to leave. Now.
​A flash fiction for class I will expand into a full short story soon.
Do you think birds are tired? Completed, 2023
Save the World
The tale of an executioner who finds himself in the one he’s sent to slay, and takes the killing blow instead - except, the story has yet to end . . .
Inspired by the horror visual novel "Slay the Princess." I have such a great respect for what the video game medium has contributed to the art of storytelling. Truly inspiring. Completed, 2023
Ode to the Queen of My Heart
Inspired by the original characters of a good friend of mine, this sonnet was a gift for him. Completed, 2023
Other I guess:
To Protect A Child
"Animation Screenplay" 
In a strange landmark called the Ravine where the cave systems connect to some of the world's different dimensions, a group of young friends explore the 2nd layer around their town. They find themselves hunted by hungry creatures and, after one of their group is injured, have to rely on strangers with dangerous associations to watch over them until their parents arrive on the 1st level.  
Despite their ages dwarfing that of a young human adult, engaged couple Velvet and Bethie are only on the cusp of early adulthood. Them moving out into their own cottage whole layers away from their folks is truly peculiar until you consider Bethie's nightmarish controlling parents. Bethie's worst fear comes true one afternoon when a stressful day of demanding phone calls is complicated by her lover bringing home stray children, prompting serious conversations about Velvet's past and an "intervention" by the in-laws.
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c0mplex-heroes · 11 months
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// This could be a long one so I'm putting it on read more. I may add more, but for now here is a dump of everything in my head. Also is anyone wants to borrow some lore to create a character/etc let me know (as long as you credit me for the ideas in the first place it's all good).//
Death & the Afterlife
Kimiko's people do believe in a form of afterlife, whether that be a heaven/etc. But they have certain traditions and beliefs. One is that the stars that appear in night sky are windows to heaven, giving loved ones who have passed on a chance to look down and check in on their loved ones from beyond. Another is a lighting of lantern during a funeral, a lantern that is sent up into the sky. It is believed the lantern will help guide their souls to the heavens above. (Ryu helped make one for Brook in Thriller Bark to send up for his lost crew).
There also exists an Abyss that exists between life and death, any who get trapped there are condemned to eternal darkness, isolation and silence. (This is where Kimiko sends Kaito when she faces down the man who killed her parents).
The Forbidden Magics
There is only really three forbidden magics, each at varying levels. 3rd is Time Magic, no-one should meddle with the past or future regardless of intention. There is a natural destiny to things, whether that is certain or can be decided by an individual depends on personal belief. 2nd is Necromancy, no-one should bring back the dead. The natural balance of life and death should never be meddled with. (Kimiko mistakes Brook for a Necromancer when she first meets him). 1st is Curse Magic, magic that eats at all life, destroying it entirely with no hope of survival. It corrupts all who touch and use it.
The Elemental Elders
The Elemental Elders are the ancient and immortal elders, they each live as one within the four natural elements of the world (Fire, Earth, Air & Water). The names are as follows -
Kasai - the Fire Dragon, Male
Asami - the Water Dragon, Female
Sekai - the Earth Dragon, Female
Sora - the Air Dragon, Male
They don't interfere with the world, but they pass down their powers to each generation of the Cosmic Dragons, in particular the Hakuryu family. The powers lie in the brooches that both Kimiko and her uncle, Yoru have. Traditions were originally in place for everyone to receive a brooch, due to the persecution of the Cosmics the brooches were no long forged. With the brooches being passed down through the family instead, Himiko and Yoru receiving their parents, and Kimiko receiving Himiko's. The Elementals aren't revered as gods, but Kimiko and her people respect them greatly. Shrines for them exist, but they are meant as a means for Kimiko & her people to attempt to communicate with them for advice & guidance. But the Elders work in mysterious ways so direct communication is rare. Kimiko learns this as she is only able to reach out to them when she awakens her golden flame abilities.
On rare occasions dragons are born with the abilities of an elder (whether fire, earth, air or water). Like cosmic dragons they can change into a human form as well. They are treated as lords and ladies amongst magical kind, but they are extremely rare. Most of them have been eradicated much like the Cosmic Dragons.
Elemental Dragon shrines also exist in Wano. It's unclear why, but it's believed maybe Wano and the Isle of the Dragons shared aspects of the culture with one another. Many of Wano don't even known what the shrines are for. But Kimiko finds them and realises they are genuine due to matching symbols on her brooch. Perhaps there was some ancient treaties between the two kingdoms in the past.
Not much is known about the Cosmic Dragons, just that they once came down from the stars to share magic with the world. Their history much like the void century, lost to world.
The bearer of the golden flame is seen as the golden warrior. They are believed to one day play a part in liberating the world alongside the warrior of liberation.
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khxleedavid · 23 days
Lee David
last name, first name: lee, david alias: electro realm of birth(if earth, nationality): earth age: 26 date of birth: september 1, 1997 gender: cis-gender male preferred pronouns: he/him, they/them species: cyborg level 1, civilian sexual orientation: questioning
skin color: light tanned eye color: dark brown, blue tint when using eye enhancemets scars: none reported piercings: both ears tattoos: a simple black star on left wrist hair color: black, dyed a variety of colors at times abnormalities: none reported horns/ wings/ etc: none transformed form: none
powers & abilities: enhanced vision, lens screen, vital monitor and data collection, temperature scanning, night vision, light adjustment vision, app synchronization (photo, video recording, downloading) traits: determined, aloof
date of birth: september 1, 1997
date of death: -
crime record: a clean record
david was the 2nd born in his family, to a career solider and a
opera singer. his sister was 1st and her words upon seeing him as a baby was “i’m cuter.”at times he felt neglected given that his sister was getting more attention that him, she was the golden child while he was …david, quiet most of the time but had moments of intense energy. his parents enrolled him a variety of sports which kept him in check. he excelled in martial arts (taekwondo and kumdo) and basketball which was used as leverage to keep in ballet. that was something his mother wanted for both of her children, though he never got a reason why. near the end of elementary school his parent’s divorced and his mother remarried a “rich man”. though he was kind he was very distant to him. his sister however took a liling to increases social status she had.
it was during middle school did david and his sister start to grow apart. sneaking out, skipping class, among other things became his sister’s focus. he had an idea of some things but didn’t speak on them since it would lead to an argument. “boring and straight laced” was what she called him, he and to edge to him. the young boy’s concern was to make in on a national team, it didn’t matter the sport. david used his studies as a shield against the chaos around him, not just at home and school, but the city in general. sometimes it felt like a comic with how crime was almost normalized be it in the background or directly involving you. he kept his circle small and hid most information about himself, his image had to be pure for the scouts and his future career.
given the reputation of his father, david knew military enlistment was the next step college or not. now being in the army was a double edge sword. there wasn’t this pressure to perform like say the marines but he was held to a higher standard. sometimes he was afforded privildges like extra time but also more severe punishments for making the same mistake as others. just going for 2 years wasn’t enough, he was expected to stay for 3. not for his own goals or wants but that of his father. it was during this time did david see that he had lived a rather comfortable life compared to others in his unit, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have any issues. the constant question on his mind was “where do i belong?”.  well the military wasn’t the answer, his discharge date couldn’t come soon enough and when it came, he was already in another system. college.
a bit older and wiser, david could fully focus on his studies (again) something he was happy about and rebuild some parts of his past that he couldn’t while serving. while he is aware his parents expect to major in something like medicine or law, he has no interest in either. his duties to his family and country are complete. it’s for david to live for himself. during his 1st year of college his sister got married much to the joy of his parents. his brother-in-law was “well put together” despite being a little off in his manners. it wasn’t until a few months later did his sister reveal she married a vampire along with hints of her planning to become one. their step-dad was willing to overlook all of his since it met more access to money and power however their mom had reservations. knowing her relationship was rocky with her daughter, she asked david to look after her.
this was 1 of the few times in his life he went against his parents wishes. david had a real chance to be a top athlete and having a gang affiliation wouldn’t help. even if he did have access to money and in some ways protection it was too big of a risk. his sister made her choice to get and stay involved, if she did need help he would but only from her directly. not going through with it put distance between the young man and his mom. maybe it was pressure of college, stress, or still trying to answer the question but david had a chance to “be better” and secretly got an enhancement on his eyes. this afforded him the ability to study in any lighting and pick up on details he would other wise miss. his grade improved greatly but the bigger reward was that his physical fitness was fine tuned to the point he could stay at his peak. with his enhancement he could monitor his calorie intake and vitals, adjust his work out plan so his whole body performing at it’s maximum. this offered him some stability as he had something to thrive for and could take his mind off of the less appealing parts of his life.
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equestrianempire · 7 months
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Remembering Seacookie
William Fox-Pitt and Seacookie TSF at Pau. Photo by Jenni Autry.
Seacookie, one of the past stars of British Olympian William Fox-Pitt, has passed away at the age of 25. The Trakehner gelding was living out his retirement at Catherine Witt’s farm, and she shared the news on social media earlier this week.
OUR HEARTS ARE BROKEN HERE AT ROOKERY..We have said our last goodbyes to our Beloved Seacookie . So thankful that I had…
Posted by Catherine Witt on Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Seacookie (Helikon – Sonnenwende) came to William after being purchased from Ingrid Klimke, who had produced him since his 4-year-old year, finishing 8th in the World Young Horse Breeding Championships at Le Lion as a 7-year-old. With William, Seacookie accumulated multiple strong results at the now-5* level, including six finishes within the top 10 and podium finishes at Pau (1st – 2013), Kentucky (2nd – 2013), and Burghley (2nd – 2010). Seacookie was also 6th in his debut at Kentucky in 2009.
William Fox-Pitt & Seacookie winning Pau CCI4* 2013. Photo by Kate Samuels.
Enjoy a few highlights from a brilliant career. We will remember Seacookie fondly!
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Hello i'm here... after such a long time and not because i didn't have anything to say but i was taking my time to know myself. i still am. i'm still somewhere between my down phase and trying to get up phase. BUt today i thought i wanted to write this down. Some days ago me and two of my friends were drinking out. We came across this subject of career, and each of are in different situation. 1- extremely privileged, lots of money in the fam , 2- mid-level citizen like normal people, good life like average people, 3- me... who doesn't know where she stands, comes from a rich fam( i think, at least one with lots of upper connections like the 1st friend) but still so average like the 2nd friend. WELL anyway the point is 2nd is working, taking the monthly salary, and me and 1st is not working. The argument starts about how 1st wants to work but without getting it on their parent's name, because then their efforts are not noticed and somewhere along the way or in the future they will be pushed down by that name... one name that they are where they are today is because of someone else. And the 2nd one doesn't agree, because as any other average person he can see how good of an opportunity that is, that it should be taken advantage of, and thinks 1st is a fool to let it slip away for a future they haven't seen. My point is... i know what 1st is feeling, but also thinking what 2nd can. so where do i stand? yes i had chances to take advantage of my fam but i didn't, so am i the fool? but then i'm also an example for the 1st person who wants to be me, a person struggling to get somewhere, because they want it to be theirs, the win whatever it shall be or even if it is failure. But i can also see that 1st person is too privileged and thinks that maybe their and mine situation is different. whereas i had to choose to struggle so i don't have to answer anyone, they choose to struggle in the future. we are in the same room but today they still have that cushion even if they don't want it, which is not now but the choice they get in the future. And for me i've already torn mine, taken that future in my hands. so maybe we think similarly but we are at different points in life and see it differently from different levels. The 2nd friend understands that they might be seeing things from a very different persons viewpoint. but they don't seem to understand that they are very different than us both. where they have a worn torn cushion but a cushion indeed. That they can take risks but when they fall, they will have at least a cloth to fall upon. i do not know why did i partake into their conversation that day, and took the 1st friend's side, but i didn't think we were different then. So today i thought about this. maybe i have moved on and im only tormenting myself with the thoughts and memories of the past. i know where i stand i keep doing this to myself, keep myself in a cage, no matter where i go. i don't want to do that anymore and i knew this long time back but i wanted to relish the pain a little more. Anyway, where am i? i know it sounds stupid but i was so angry at the 2nd friend to think if we get a chance we should take it without any hard work, or risks.. but i knew where he was coming from as a average person. but i also knew what it is to take that risk and live with it everyday. and now i'm going to risk it all again, going away for work in a different city and state. So i have myself to depend and count on to work hard. Conclusion of all this is im at a different table than anyone else and everybody is... everyone has their lives to live and different opinions. But at the same time we don't know how that opinion turns out until we take it and make it our own. I do feel a little dumb to even take part in their conversation... Well, anyone who would read this, just know i've rambled on and maybe i make sense maybe i don't. But Ur life, ur risks, ur rewards!!! It all depends on you. So whether you want to take help or go thru mud yourself be ready for success or failure and to reap whatever you get. Xoxo, Love Made.
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vishalmahtani · 1 year
Prasad Karmarkar - A teacher, A Guru or a life changing experience
Prasad Karmarkar - the name alone brings a smile on my face. I don’t think I relate to him as a human, but more as an experience. Yes of course he is a human, but what stays with you every time you are in his presence is the experience of living completely. I met Prasad in 2009 in Dubai where I attended a reiki level 1 with him. I still remember him entering the room in all white clothes and sitting on a seating in front of the room and looking at each of the participants in the eye with a smile. There was an instant connection with him and there was a peace and calm that I felt, knowing I was home. I joined reiki 1 when I was in a very disturbed state after a breakup with my then girlfriend, more so finding out she was cheating on me. I had not been able to sleep for almost 6 days before the seminar, and after the 1st day (of 2 days) I was able to sleep for 4 to 5 hours in that night. By the end of the 2nd day I was so calm and peaceful inside that I was able to move towards normalcy in life. This experience made me move towards prasad and eventually multiple such experiences gave me to courage to say he is my GURU, and the one person who I go to any time I am stuck or just any time I need a shoulder to cry on. I don’t meet him much but his teachings over the years have become embedded in me and as I said its the experience of Prasad that I live in, I now clearly know the difference between right and wrong, and also understand the Karmic implications between taking the choices of right and wrong. I have over the past 15 years done multiple training's with Sir as I call him, and the most life changing is the 3 years LTP which completely transforms you from who you are to who you wish to become, don’t get me wrong I am not saying my life is perfect now, but now every-time a situation comes up, I am extremely ready and aware on how to deal with it. The teachings and life learnings are now a part of my DNA, and my approach or response to any such incident is very different and mature to what I used to be. This helps me avoid conflict and even in the worse of all situations, I end up making friends who stay with me for the longest times. Another thing I want to talk about is the “SILENT INTENSIVE” - this is a 4 day intensive in which you are in complete silence for 4 full days, probably like a Vipasana but again nothing like anything else I have seen or attended. There is a very high level of discipline in every training that Prasad does, and he always reminds us that our smallest actions are a reflection to the BIG work we do out there. A simple example is how we eat. I could go on and on, but as he and his teachings are an experience more then a person, I feel people need to be a part of it, no words can justify them In gratitude to the Universe for giving me a GURU like no other."
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pocketbullfinch · 4 years
Continuation from yesterday evenings character ponderigs, a shadow sorcerer coud be a fun one to play. A bubbly, young changeling, exposed to shadowfell's magics while saving the patrons of her mom's tavern from a weird rift-anomaly opening in the broody corner. A spell gone odd or a just a harmless occurence? Anyway, ever since, she's been both seen as a hero and a freak as no-one normal could've survived without something going wrong in their head.
They don't meet her eyes anymore while placing their orders, afraid of what might look back. 'It's just a matter of time when she will snap and people start disappearing,' they whisper when leaving the tavern.
It is time to leave.
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Saw the event and I wanna say congratulations on 300 followers!!! Your writing is amazing and I hope you keep going in the future ❤🧡💛 May I request number 8. With Ningguang?
Where Ningguang has been distant for months and reader finds out she has been having an affair :0 honestly I'm just feeding tumblr by now when my top recommended tag was "angst no comfort" 😭😭
“Can you just kiss me? One last time? That’s all I ask”
characters: Ningguang x gn!reader
warnings: hurt/no comfort, angst, mentions of adultery
a/n: Sorry that it took more than two weeks for me to write this, I just procrasinated with this one since it's:
1st: Angst
2nd: Hurt/No comfort
and 3rd: Something similar to a fic I had already written before, causing me to somehow dread it even more, since I didn't want to write the exact same thing to what I wrote before.
So I hope it still turned out fine and isn't too similar to the "When was the last time you told me you loved me and meant it", fic thingy.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
During your time as a secretary for Ningguang, you had witnessed her rejecting her suitors first-hand, over and over again, something which made you even more determined to keep your feelings a secret, since even though her rejections were always as polite as possible, not wanting to ruin possible business relations, it was clear for you and everyone, that she was married to her work alone.
So, when you accidentally confessed, being both overwhelmed with positive emotions after finishing a big project and not exactly sober, you were shocked to hear her accept. The first few months of your relationship where the best time of your life and even though Ningguang ordered you to keep it a secret from everyone, you were still happy.
But as time went by, Ningguang grew more and more distant from you, staying at work longer than usual. You didn’t question it at first, assuming it had to do with her trying to rebuild her recently sacrificed Jade-chamber, but when she one day left the house to go to work, you noticed that she forgot a few papers. When you went to grab them from her desk, you noticed a letter she was writing. At first you didn’t look into it, assuming it to be work related, but when your eyes accidentally flew over the words, and you read a sentence which would be unusual to use for business purposes, your curiosity got the better of you and you read through it.
You quickly realised that it was a love letter and at first assumed it to be meant for you, causing you to blush and feel a level of happiness you hadn't experienced for months, only for it all to fall apart when you read a name that wasn’t yours and realised that it was addressed to another person. In your state of denial, you tried convincing yourself that it probably wasn’t written by Ningguang and she had just accidentally picked it up at work, even though the handwriting was clearly hers and it was her stamp used to sign it.
You were in such disarray, that you hadn’t noticed Ningguang coming back home to pick up the papers she had also noticed missing, only to find you with the letter in hand. You started questioning her, tears already threatening to start rolling down your cheeks on mass, hoping that she would just deny it being from her so that you could laugh it off as a stupid misunderstanding and continue to live your life with the woman you loved, but when she instead confirmed it being written by her, you couldn’t stop yourself from collapsing and crying anymore.
“Can you just kiss me? One last time? That’s all I ask”, you managed to form a coherent sentence before looking up to her, your vision still blurry and each breath being more difficult due to your wheeping. But when the only reaction you got from her was the emotion hiding look you had witnessed her using on many others in the past, but never on you, it broke your heart even more than it was already broken.
“Of course not. It was stupid of me to ask”, you muttered to yourself before standing up and trying your best to stop your tears from falling, quickly walking past the Tianquan and to the door. Liyue would certainly still welcome you with open arms, but you were sure that your heart would never heal if you stayed and after all, a former secretary to the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing probably wouldn’t have any problems with finding a new job somewhere else.
“Farewell, Lady Ningguang”, those were your last words before disappearing through the door, hopefully never to see your former boss again.
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Astro Musings No. 10
Prominent Lilith…
in a chart  can be found in people who work in areas like defending the rights of women, refugees, the under-privileged; in international law, in war zones, in women’s refuges. These individuals are gutsy advocates, activists... typically the people who experience the darker side of humanity and as a result, know the truth about it. The truth the general population would like to sweep under the rug. You’ll see this feminine energy surrounding the dishonored, rejected and abused. One who feasts on a never ending sampler of the deepest ends of the emotional spectrum; rage, grief, all forms of toxicity, past-life and trans-generational residues and influences, conception/in-utero/birth traumas. This where the “curse” label comes in, as anyone with strong Lilith positions is a carrier of the same, the accumulation of off all these attributes. She will be a receptor of it as well as a deliverer. She will also use it to her advantage and can become someone quite feared and respected.
Prominent Lilith in a man’s chart will usually indicate that he will act out Lilith’s issues through a partner or project Lilith’s issues onto them. There are likely to be issues with the mother. Very similar to a Moon in Scorpio in a man’s chart or moon in the 8th. He may also attract partners who are very strong in their femininity and the quintessential “man-eater”.
Those with Saturn in Capricorn
Will usually find themselves being the ambitious types-especially regarding school or their career. Saturn is discipline and in its element in Capricorn [ruled by Saturn]. 
12th House Stelliums in Synastry or Composite
Can indicate a spiritual-like connection. A deep emotional connection with a ton of emotional involvement. Very likely two people ill appear in each other’s dreams. May even indicate a telepathic connection with heavy Neptunian house influence. However it can also indicate undoing by either one of the natives to the other. In addition, it can indicate a relationship that has hidden aspects. Often this is seen in relationships that are forbidden or forced to be kept secret in some way. Be careful with unrequited love here as well as deception. Heavy 12th House has this nasty knack for making those with it’s influence feel euphoric and even dreamy but it can be hard to ascertain where things are working for or against you. Asteroid Aphrodite Touching the Moon
Will accentuate a native’s beauty and sensuality. Their emotional expression will be seen as “beautiful” by others. This is a common placement found in actresses and even models. If in the 1st house this will be quite akin to having Venus [Aphrodite’s Roman counterpart] on the ascendant. If in the 5th house, a native might find themselves having frequent casual flings that will be catalyzed by someone being attracted to their physical appearance.
Placement found in “Sex workers” Will often be
Venus or Mars in the 10th, 6th, or 2nd
Pluto or Scorpio on the Midheaven
Uranus in the 2nd 6th or 10th [Uranus equates things that are unconventional and rebellious. It also rules the ‘Avant Garde’. On a career or Money house this can indicate one who makes money or has an unconventional career]
Mars in Aquarius [Pornographic actor James Deen has this placement]
Mars in the 8th
Mars touching Neptune [Neptune can indicate fantasy/illusion/acting + Mars = sex]
MARS IN CAPRICORN [Actress Sasha Gray has this placement]
Venus aspecting Mars Lilith and/or Pluto
Venus in the 8th
Dominant Lilith
Strong Asteroid Eros [433], Nymphe [875], Lust [4386]. or Priapus[H22]
Mars in Scorpio
Those with Mars in Pisces
Are quite passive with their aggression. They do not like conflict and typically hate drama but some can find themselves being subversive in their tactics. If badly aspected this can indicate cowardice or one who resorts to manipulative in order to assert their will.
“Sister Signs”
Such as Taurus and Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius, Aries is opposite to Libra, and Cancer to Capricorn are opposite each other yes but they are considered “Sisters” because of the way in which they balance each other out There is always give and take. Taurus is practical and down to earth while Scorpio is existential, Aries sets things off while Libra diplomatizes, Cancer feels and nurtures while Capricorn executes. Moon in the 8th House can indeed make someone think of sex often. 8th house is ruled by Pluto/Scorpio and the house that rules sex and the Moon is one, if not the most receptive point in the natal horoscope. As a result, a native with this placement may find themselves immersed in 8th house thoughts
Jupiter in the 8th House I’ve mentioned before in a man’s chart can indicate one who is well endowed [BDE]. In a woman’s chart it can be an indicator of one who is OVER sexed. The highest sex drives live here because Jupiter EXPANDS. Mars in this house is also a pretty powerful contender. 
In astrology, despite common misconception isn’t always a Plutonic attribute but a NEPTUNIAN one. Though Pluto is a master tactician and can often probe to the deepest levels of the psyche, Neptune can downright pull the wool over one’s eyes. Neptune rules confusion, illusion, deception and trickery [as can Mercury]. If there is someone in your life that has a nasty habit of this [natally or in synastry] check to see if
Neptune is aspecting Nessus
Neptune squaring/opposing Mars
Neptune squaring/opposing Mercury [Decepion/mind]
Neptune squaring/opposing Moon [Deception/Feelings]
Neptune squaring/Opposing.conjunct Nessus [Deception/abuse]
Neptune squaring/IOpposing Pluto
Neptune squaring/opposing Sado [Deception/perversion/abuse]
Neptune squaring/opposing asteroid Psyche No. 16 [Deception/Mind/innerworld]
Piscean influence or 12th House influence debilitated/afflicted.
Ladies and and Gentlemen, If you find yourself attracting predatory creepers who happen to be in the older age range...
This is likely due to some sort of Capricorn or Saturn placement touching your Venus. Saturn represents the “father figure” and when touching a receptive sexual/feminine planet like Venus, older men may prey on you. This is especially likely if there is a cross aspect to Pluto which adds obsession.
in hard aspect can be an indicator as well.
Priapus touching Venus with Saturn
in the mix can indicate these older men will do anything to fuck you. Priapus is wild sexual abandon and need to merge [but the male version, he’s Lilith’s counterpart].
5th House Stellium with Saturn in the Mix
or a 5th house in Capricorn can indicate feeling restricted in the area of fun. 5th house is naturally ruled by Leo/the Sun and is the are of life that rules leisure, enjoyment, children/childhood, casual relationships [often of the sexual variety]. When Saturn is here, he can restrict or add a touch of maturity to the aforementioned areas. This could be the person who had to grow up faster than everyone else for whatever reason. This can also be the person who feels blocked from innocent expression of love and therefore they can be terrified of committing. They can be socially reserved, shy, awkward and/or naturally distant even if they deeply crave relationships. People can misjudge their temperament for indifference or coldness but in reality they can’t help it. This is not to say that they will never become emotionally/romantically involved, but more so it may take a longer time than others. Having benefics in said house can help combat the effect of Saturn [depending on harmonious or challenging aspects.]
When Jupiter is transiting one of your angles...
This is Usually an indicator of a lucky break and or windfall. Even more so if Uranus is in harmonious aspect to said angle. The luck can come out of the blue.
If aspecting the 10th, this can mean lucky break in the career.
 The 4th, Perhaps a lucky break in family or even a pregnancy. 
The 8th a lucky inheritance from a family member. 
7th, Luck in love.
Malefic Uranus in Natal or Synastry 
can indicate where one feels abandoned. Uranus is about “sudden breaks” so often if it is touching 4th, Sun, or moon it can indicate someone whose family has been plagued with Divorce. I often seen Sun inconjunct or square Uranus in charts of people whose father was absent or split from life right away. Moon in hard aspect to Uranus can be an indicator of an absentee mother. 
Composite Charts with Stelliums
Indicate that the planets and houses will be integral parts of the relationship
1st House stelliums indicate that the couple’s image and personalities will be significantly affected. All 1st house dealings will be accentuated. This will be a karmic relationship.
2nd House stelliums indicate the couple will be very concerned with material values or even quite possessive of each other. They may make money together. Gift giving can be a big factor in the relationship. Careful for neptune here as it can indicate “stealing” of resources.
8th House stelliums indicate the relationship will center around sex/obsession's and/or even marriage since this house is the life/death house. Karmic tie. 
4th House stellium indicate family, security and comfort will be paramount If Jupiter is here, they may have [many] children together.
10th House stellium can indicate a power couple or two people’s relationship that center around their careers. They may be talked about or subject of gossip only because their relationship is akin to celebrity to others.
3rd House Stelliums in Sagittarius 
Will usually be one who is verbose. They have a LOT to say and since the 3rd house is ruled by mercury, planet of communication and Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by expansive Jupiter, one is always seeking to expand their mode of thought. They may have a knack for languages. These are also the people who will do well if they travel abroad for school. The classic “shipping you off to boarding school in Switzerland” aspect. Very Philosophical thinkers here. Akin to having a Mercury in Sagittarius.
Pluto touching the MC in Synastry
Can mean that the Pluto person can transform [for better or worse] the Midheaven person’s public persona, career, or reputation. For example, Brad Pitt’s Pluto is forming a harmonious aspect to Angelina Jolie’s Midheaven and she went from being the bad girl/outcast of Hollywood to gaining Pitt’s social capital the moment they got together. Her popularity increased exponentially because of him. She was more accepted due to her association with him in Hollywood inner-circles than she was before when acting out her aloof, devil-may-care, vile-of-blood sporting days.
Planets in your 1st House
Can influence your appearance just like your rising can. So even if you are a Scorpio rising, your Sun in your 1st house can make you shine despite the dark Plutonic influence on your ascendant. Aries rising’s are typically on the shorter and stockier side but with Jupiter in the 1st it can make one Tall and Muscular. Capricorn risings with Venus in the 1st Can have RBF yes, but with Venusian influence can have a sort of Cold Beauty. Leo Rising’s with Saturn in the 1st can have a regal aura but a very stern or austere appearance. Virgo Risings with Mars in the 1st Can often be very graceful. The structure and detail of Virgo with the athleticism of Mars are working together Ballerina’s/Dancers often have this placement.
Sagittarius on the 7th house/DSC Cusp or Sagittarian influence on Venus or 4th House can indicate marrying someone outside of your culture.
Minor Planet/Asteroid Pallas in the 3rd or touching Mercury can indicate a writer or someone who is quick witted and ambitious regarding intellect.
Positives for Venus in the 12th 
typically a knack for knowing how to love others. One see’s the hidden parts of others that they do not show. These are the people who wind up having complete strangers spill their guts to them because others unconsciously sense that this person is naturally sympathetic and an empath, Strong empathetic ability here. In addition They’ll attract people from all walks of life. Very go with the flow people. Easy to get along with. 
A square Between Saturn and Neptune in Synastry
Often means the Saturn person can restrict the dreaminess and idealism of Neptune. Saturn wants Neptune to come back down to earth and will often call Neptune out without reservation if they catch them being less than honest. Neptune may feel stifled and unable to express their idealistic nature with Saturn’s rigidity involved.
CEO Placements
Strong Cardinal Energy/Dominant Cardinal Modality in the Chart
Leo Midheaven/Strong Leonine Influence in the chart/angles
Taurus Midheaven
Mars/Aries Midheaven [Bill Gates has this Placement]
Capricorn/Saturn Midheaven [Jeff Bezos has this placement]
10th House Stelliums
Capricorn Risings
Scorpio Sun
Saturn in Scorpio
Saturn in Capricorn [Warren Buffet Has this Placement]
Earth Placements on the Angles
North Node influenced by Jupiter
Saturn, Mars, Pluto, or Jupiter as the Most elevated Planet
Hate to Break it To You
But if your North Node or Your Partner’s North node is squaring many Planets in synastry, this indicates a bit of an “uphill battle” regarding the relationship. The life purposes of two people are at odds. Though there can be tons of passion involved, two people can either encourage each other’s bad habits [usually the case with Jupiter] or Commitment may never be solidified [Uranus]. Venus squaring the north Node can indicate pain regarding love or just two people who may never get a chance to tell each other how they really feel. 
Those with Venus in Aries
Can be quite selfish in love. Aries is ruled by Mars, ruler of the 1st house that is all about the “I”. As a result, one’s loving style can be very egoic. These are usually the Takers in the relationship. They may find balance with someone who has Libran placements on their sexual planets but the give and take can feel unequal if Venus in Aries isn’t careful. Adversely, those with Venus in Libra or Mars in Libra need to take care to not be noodle-backs in romance. Love doesn’t always mean self-sacrifice or running yourself dry. It’s natural for those with these placement to appreciate reciprocity in relationships. After all, Libra is the scales. Balance. If you see that you are giving more than you are receiving, don’t be afraid to draw a boundary and set things straight with whomever might be taking advantage.
A positive for Venus in Aries is there decisiveness in romance, however. They know what they want and aren’t afraid to cut the fat if someone is not meeting their expectations. Rarely will you see this person suffering from self-worth issues. These are ferocious flirts. The kind of person who will ask you out first.
Strengths of Mercury as the Most Elevated Planet
Mensa Level IQ
Easy Reading Comprehension
Excellent Writing Capabilities
Fine tuned to detail
Funny [especially if Jupiter is touching]
Nessus in Capricorn
Can mean Dad was abusive or some Dominant parental figure could be/could’ve been a big source of Pain. in the 9th they could have demonstrated this by forcing the native to take up a belief system or secondary education that matched their values as opposed to the natives. Work can also be a source of abuse here or these natives can work themselves to death.
Sado in Gemini
 can mean one who can hurt with their words or can mentally abusive someone.
Those with Mercury in Earth Signs [Cap, Virgo, Taurus]
Find it VERY difficult to accept facts or figures without evidence. These are the skeptics. The ones who need proof. One who has this placement may think your love for conspiracy theories, or belief in ghosts is silly. 
Love Languages for the Signs are:
Physical Touch/Words of affirmation. Mars is Masculine/Yang in nature. Code? Regardless of gender/orientation subscription- they loooooove their ego stroked. They love the fire stoked and are the ultimate Hype Men/Women. In their personal and public lives. The two languages work in tandem with Aries’ basic needs. You know an Aries loves you if they are cheering you on or giving you a headlock hug. They feel appreciated if this is reciprocated.
Taurus- Receiving Gifts. Taurus is ruled by Venus which rules the 2nd house of Money and Values. As a result, buying shit for a Taurus or showering them with expensive gits reaffirms the sentiment of love for them. They’ll often do the same.
Gemini- Words of Affirmation. This Chatty Sign loves to converse. They feel good when they’re able to socialize and exchange ideas. The sapiosexuals of the zodiac. As a result, words of affirmation tend to be their favorite mode of romantic/platonic expression. Giving or receiving. 
Cancer-  Acts of Service. Cancer is the sign of nurturing. Ruled by the moon, the celestial “mother” these natives don’t feel good if they’re not able to care for something or someone [no matter their hard exterior]. 
Leo- Physical Touch/Words of Affirmation. You’re doing it wrong if you’re not physically loving on a Leo or Telling them they’re awesome. Leo’s LOOOOOOVVEEE their ego stroke. It’s a fire sign thing. Plus, being the Lion’s they are, they need to feel that they are being recognized/worshipped. As a result, positive verbal reinforcement followed by a kiss or a hug usually does the trick for these natives.
Virgo- Acts of Service/Words of Affirmation. Virgo is mercury minded. Hence they work quite cerebrally. They need to HEAR you tell them something. Be it feelings, how they’re doing well, etc. However they are an earth sign that’s ruled by the 6th House of work and routine. You’ll find coaches, trainers, med professionals etc., here. Hence, acts of service tends to be a very Virgo-esque expression of love.
Libra- Gift Giving/Receiving/ Acts of service. Libra’s are also ruled by Taurus which rules the material/luxury. Their love of the finer things- often aesthetically pleasing aspects in life can be hit or miss for some, as it can appear superficial at a surface level. However, they, being a more passive sign love demonstrating their love by pleasing others. Keeping things charming, chill and agreeable. Venus also likes indulgence. This is why swag coming in or going out from/to a Libra  is appreciated. 
Scorpio- Physical Touch/Quality Time. Scorpios are ruled by Mars [planet of Sex] and Pluto [Planet of sex] lol. They’re also a water sign that’s honorary fire thanks to being co ruled by mars [Aries’ ruler]. As a result, these hard-shelled arachnids appreciate physical expressions of love. As opposed to intercourse, a Scorpio is satisfied with things as simple as hand holding, to a simple kiss on the cheek. Pluto likes to merge. Scorpio is also a water and 8th house is very binding on a life and death level. The most precious resource is time and Pluto rules resources. As a result, Scorpio’s enjoy receiving quality/giving time to/from the people they care for.
Sagittarius- Quality Time. Though these globetrotting archers have a hard time staying in one place, you know they love you if they are taking the time to be with you/putting their adventures on pause for you. In addition, they love spending time traveling and going places with those they love.
Capricorn- Gift Giving/Receiving/ Quality Time. These Goats live primarily in the material world so the fruits of their hard labor are the key to demonstrating their love to their loved ones. They also appreciate these things being given to them. Saturn is also father time and the ruler of longevity. Spending time with a Capricorn or them spending time with you is a sure-fire way to know that they give AF. 
Aquarius- Words of Affirmation. These are the big thinkers of the zodiac. So when they are working in their service/socially-minded modes, they appreciate being told that what they do makes a difference and is appreciated. They are also air signs so they primarily work through intellect.
Pisces- Quality Time. These Neptune ruled fish are the empaths of the zodiac. They feel everything so at times it’s important to have someone around to be there for them. That is why Quality time is often big on a Pisceans list for primary methods of affection [giving or receiving]. 
Astro Musings No. 1  Astro Musings No. 2  Astro Musings No. 3  Astro Musings No. 4 Astro Musings No. 5  Astro Musings No. 6 Astro Musings No. 7 Astro Musings No. 8 Astro Musings No. 9
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ariesjupiter · 3 years
Mitski Birth Chart Reading
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This is just my interpretation based on Mitski’s birth chart and what I know of her music. Let me know if you have any suggestions of someone I should make a post on next! If you’re interested, I offer natal chart readings, just check my pinned post!
Libra sun: In terms of basic personality and ego, Mitski is focused on creating balanced, harmonic relationships. Intimate, one-on-one relationships are a major part of her identity. Libra is ruled by venus which represents love and beauty. After all, she is known for her lyrics relating to her romantic relationships. The lyric “I love everybody because I love you” is so profoundly Libra to me. She is friendly and charming. She sees herself reflected and other people and people see themselves reflected in her (for better or worse). Venus also rules the arts and Mitski is a natural artist in every sense of the word. Her music sonically is very unique, inventive, and creative as she experiments with mixing different genres. This is influenced by her sun in the 11th house. Sun in the 11th house also indicates an emphasis on friendships and memberships of certain groups and communities. It also indicates an importance of her hopes and dreams. Her sun in 3° explains why she is such a talented writer, communicator, and lyricist. Peak libra sun culture: “Young adult romance is the shit” (a real quote from the queen herself). And let’s not forget her iconic quote from 2016: “I’m a libra so my sexuality is essentially “you can really be any gender as long as you treat me like a princes.” Truer words have never been spoken.
Capricorn moon: Despite how personal her music is, Mitski is a rather private and reserved person, particularly when it comes to expressing her emotions. Also, Capricorn is associated with the father and she has been known to be especially private regarding her dad’s career. She is serious and intense with emotions but can sometimes get detached. The emphasis is on having control over her feelings. She is ambitious and a practical person. Her emotions are connected to her career. Those who do not know her well may see her as cold. In temperament she tends to be melancholic. Emotionally mature and wise beyond her years. Straightforward and honest with her expression. She is dependable, loyal, hard working, & realistic. Emotional fulfillment is often tied to achievement and success. Her moon in the 2nd house and 2° suggests material comforts make her feel safe. With the 2nd house being associated with venus, she is able to express her emotions in an artistic way. Could be protective over material objects. Sentimental. Music has a big impact on her emotions and mood. Peak capricorn moon culture: “I didn’t really feel anything. I’ve stopped feeling things for a long time” - Mitski, The Fader Interview, 2017. In all seriousness, I hope my capricorn moons are doing good.
Virgo mercury: Mitski is practical and detail oriented when it comes to communication and matters of learning. She takes the time to choose the right words to convey her thoughts. She is clear and concise. Mercury is in its sign of rulership here. Her mercury in the 10th house suggests that she will be known for her communication style. Has a lot of thoughts but is also organized. Analytical. Mitski likes making lists. Loves to give advice. Mercury is in 16° (cancer degree) and she has a soft spoken voice. Talks about the past and her roots (cancerian themes).
Virgo venus: In love, Mitski will assume a caretaking role and will gladly help her partner finish mundane tasks and chores. A devoted and faithful lover. Love is about the mundane and routine details of life. Love is about service. Acts of service tend to be virgo venus’ main love language. She wants to help improve her partner’s life. She is patient and observant. Values love that is simple and authentic. Appreciates a partner with whom she can have intellectual conversations. May have a tendency to be too critical on herself when it comes to love. Venus rules aesthetics & style and she tends to have a modest fashion sense. Mitski has voiced her interest in astrology and how she has asked people she’s interested for their birth times lmao. Her venus is in the 11th house, she treats a lover like she would treat a friend. In fact, romantic love probably equates to platonic love in her book. She has her venus in 24° which is a pisces degree, which explains this natural interest in astrology.
Gemini mars: Could be impatient because she moves quickly. Efficient. Has a lot of goals and likes to keep busy. She thrives when she talks to others and exchanged ideas. Likes to multitask. Very versatile. Probably has a flirty, bubbly energy when she’s attracted to someone. Attracted to intellect. Desire to see things from multiple perspectives. Gemini rules the hands so she’s skilled with playing instruments and writing. Likes to try new things. Witty and humorous. Could have nervous energy or fidget often.
Leo jupiter: The planet of luck and expansion in Leo is a big indicator of fame. Her jupiter is also in the 9th house and in 7°. Jupiter in the 9th indicates being born in a different country from where you reside now. Mitski is biracial and has lived in multiple countries growing up. She loves to learn, particularly about other cultures and ways of life. She is open minded, philosophical and values freedom and being independent. She attracts good fortune when she travels (touring!) and also when she focuses on partnerships/intimate relationships (7°). Combining this energy, Mitski attracts luck when she acts dramatically, demonstrates/teaches her knowledge, expresses herself artistically, shows her warm hearted and sometimes stubborn side, & takes chances, shows her bravery, and takes the lead. Be the Cowboy is big leo energy 🤠
Capricorn saturn: Mitski is responsible, practical, goal-oriented, and cautious. With saturn in the 3rd house, she probably had to grow up quickly and become mature at a young age. Capricorn saturn people tend to be very successful people. Strong willed. Tendency to be quiet and is a good listener. Could also be outspoken. With saturn in 18° (virgo degree), she’s very hard working but she may need to learn how to take a break and let herself rest and recharge.
Capricorn uranus: This placement also indicates that she goes after her goals and is efficient and practical in achieving them. Uranus being in the 2nd house shows that she could make money from being unique and groundbreaking. 2nd house also rules the voice! Her values are unique and she could be resistant to change them. Her self esteem could be in a constant state of flux and be tied to money. Her income could rapidly change, like maybe she did not get paid much but then suddenly she starts making a lot of money. Uranus is in 5° which is a fame degree. She’s famous for being authentically herself and very much an individual in the industry that can’t be compared.
Capricorn neptune: Capricorn neptunes are most likely realists. She is skilled at going after her dreams. Her dreams are practical and connected to themes of wealth, power, and control. Neptune in 3rd house shows a dreamy, poetic way of communicating. A very creative placement. Dreamy vibes. Could be elusive in communication, open for interpretation. Neptune is in 11° so this gives aquarian energy. Idealistic with friends and always searching for ways to achieve her dreams.
Scorpio pluto: Her power lies in her ability to analayze human interactions and be introspective with herself since it’s in the 1st house. She is very self aware. Mitski understands that life is about going through changes and she welcomes the ability to grow and rebuild. She has intense, deep emotions but has control over them and how she expresses them. Pluto in 16° adds a cancerian energy. Her strength lies in her ability to nurture and be empathetic.
Scorpio rising: First impressions of Mitski can be that she’s mysterious and secretive. A powerful and intimidating presence. This explains to me why she loves dressing in black. She probably has a strong dislike for anything superficial. She likes to get to know people on a deeper level and connect with them. She likes honesty and is probably very perceptive and intuitive. Privacy is so important to her! She has a lot of layers and wants people to unpack them, but it may take her a while to open up. She is powerful and has endurance. Her presence leaves an impact on people. Loyalty and intimacy is important. She’s not afraid to talk about taboo topics or scary, heavier emotions. Passionate and even a tendency to get fixed on or obsessed with something or someone. Her rising is in 15° (gemini degree) so she’s clever, curious, and thinks quickly. a little more flexible than a regular Scorpio rising would be.
Leo midheaven: People might see her as dramatic or arrogant. In the public eye, she was meant to be a performer. At her concerts she’s known for putting on a good show & includes interpretive dance and choreography. She becomes herself more when she’s on stage. The stage is where she shines. Has a lot of pride connected to her career. Reputation for creatively expressing herself and being brave and taking risks. Wants to be admired, especially regarding her career. Her purpose is to become a leader. Mc in 22° (capricorn degree) shows that she is a very hard worker when it comes to her career. She won’t let anyone stop her when it comes to achievement and success in her field. Another indicator of being at the top of her career and being publicly recognized for it!
TLDR: Mitski is a natural born singer, performer and artist. She is unique, talented, and an introspective writer. Being earth and water dominant, she balances practicality & stability with sentimentality & raw emotion. With all of her Capricorn placements, she is grounded and doesn’t let fame get to her head. Her chart ruler is Scorpio pluto in the 1st which means that major transformations will be a big theme in her life, especially regarding herself & her identity. She is always reflecting and looking at herself on a deep level.
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emersonfreepress · 2 years
As an adult, I look back at my private school past and realize it was a fucking weird system I had grown up in.
Your whole world is your classroom: unlike American school where you move from one class to another, you have only one classroom with a fixed group of people. You grow up with that fixed group. You interact with your other grademates but never with the same level of comfort as you do with your classmates. Oh, and your classrooms become such sacred spaces you can't enter other classrooms without feeling intense discomfort
Your interactions with upper- and underclassmen are almost non-existent. The way my school was designed, each grade had its own floor with teachers patrolling during recess to make sure no one went to the floor they are not supposed to.
If you are a 1st grader, you can't go to 2nd grade floor, and if you are a 2nd grader, you cannot be allowed around 1st graders. Not without an escort and even if you have a legit reason to go, you better get over it fast and go back to your designated space quickly.
At the common spaces like gardens and playgrounds, there would be at least two teachers out to make sure different-aged kids don't get mixed.
I think the goal was to make sure no bullying from older students happened. However, it also made our Big-Little School Programme (meant for middle schoolers to educate elementary schoolers on middle school life) very short-lived because both parties were very uncomfortable around each other and absolutely unwilling to talk.
And because you grew up with that fixed group of people, it becomes a very upsetting event when you are forced to mix up in middle school as preparation for high school. My grade was unfortunately the test group for that method, and we experienced a huge spike up in bullying during middle school because we were all miserable and feeling unsafe around these people we both knew and didn't know. If I remember correctly, it continued until my whole grade graduated.
If you were a private school kid, you are very likely to remain as one until university. But the good news is that you will still get to see your old schoolmates, because they all tend to aim for the same type of high school!
Literally the only reason I didn't recognize a good chunk of my high school grademates while my previous schoolmates did was because I wasn't upper class so I never ran in the same (outside of school) social classes as they did growing up. My mother knew other kids' mothers but her working-class sensibilities didn't mesh well with them so she was rather distant.
Dating is... oh boy. You would be hardpressed to find two kids who grew up going to the same school before high school date. Seriously. Any time I saw one of my classmates date, it would always be with someone they didn't go to the same school with, or someone older or younger than them. Never an old schoolmate, and never a classmate either.
For us, romance did not happen until high school when most of us went to different schools and met other people, and that's besides the cultural differences between us and Americans.
So, yeah. Private school culture, especially if you are rich, is kinda weird and very isolating.
This is fascinating! Wow, thank you so much for this, anon. took me a long minute to get around to reading it all, but I love hearing this perspective. I have thoughts since some of this is so alien and some is so familiar to me!
The Catholic school that I attended for one year of middle school was a bit like that—small enough that each grade was a single class. So all the students had like toddler class photos together and had all been to each other’s (giant) houses and seen each other grown up etc etc. It’s one of only a few social environments I’ve been in where I truly felt there was this permanent, inflexible outsider status stamped onto me. Also it’s just awkward being the new kid with super close classes like that? I was a zombie the whole school year, I couldn’t afford the stuff they did outside of school and barely knew what the heck they were talking about in casual conversation (so I relate to your mom’s distance tbh). I have seen that exact thing you’re talking about from the perspective of the new kid 😅 including that chasm between grades! There were only a handful of exceptions and probably just because some upperclassmen had younger siblings. That’s interesting that they were so strict about different grades fraternizing though… I’ve never heard of that being so strictly enforced in grade school lol
The poor social adjustment and uptick in bullying makes a lot of sense in that situation… My own school system was public and frequently overcrowded—you always met new people, not just every grade but almost every few weeks once you got to middle school. A number of elementary schools get funneled into two middle schools, and then those get funneled into a freshman-only off-campus site of the only high school in town. It was a huge joke in my friend group that we had no idea who half of the people in our graduating class were. Funny because it was true 😂
And the dating! In a school so big, people always end up dating people in their social circles/cliques. Maybe jocks from different social groups date. Maybe classmates with chemistry date. But mostly it’s people having crushes on the cutest whoever in or around the people they already talk to daily. I’ve always found the tropes of fawning over The Most Popular Kid to be so alien and like... made up! Like strictly a movie and TV thing 😆 Even if everyone knew your name we just weren't doing a whole rat race/social hierarchy thing. It was too big a school for that to make sense. No idea what it's like now with shit like clout and TikTok and whatever else the youths bully each other over these days 😅 I imagine it's changed... which makes me sad since that was like the only toxic thing we lacked at that school 😆
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