#if sidious gets like
voidartisan · 2 years
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syn0vial · 2 months
shout out to the little pre-K girl i met 10 years ago whose favorite toy was a plastic figurine of darth sidious, and who would make adorable crayon drawings of darth sidious playing with her and helping her when she fell down. there is no love on this earth like the love a weird little girl has for her evil horrible blorbo
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forlouren · 3 months
Not to be the first soldier on the frontless of the woobification of Qimir (he is a villain, we know this, and I love him for it), but the lack of nuance, or rather the one-dimensional angle people who don't like his relationship with Osha have taken with him, irks me so bad. I get it. He is Sith, right. Treachery is their way; and what are the darksiders, if not self-serving?
But I feel like the specific phrasing of "the Jedi like you would call me Sith" implies so much about his own unique characterization, and I don't understand why we are glossing over it. It's not a self-identifier. It shows it isn't as much as a title he'd give himself, but a badge he'll wear since in the black/white viewpoint of the Jedi, he is not allowed to be anything more or less. His almost catty, "semantics" hammers in this fact for me, personally.
He strikes me as one who takes what he wants of the Sith code, and disregards the rest. I don't think it's a mistake that even after his reveal, we don't see him with the signature dark side eyes.
I say all this to say; Qimir's ultimate goal is not power, it is FREEDOM. *That* is what he is driven by. He craves to live outside the confines he deems as constrictive/oppressive, and have by his side, someone who wants the same.
So even while disregarding Leslye's interview; I honestly don't know how with what we've been shown in the show so far, aside from him being a sith, makes people think otherwise.
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tennessoui · 8 months
it's been so long since i did a sith obi-wan au so like - how about an au where the sith are almost as established as the jedi (a temple, an order, followers numbering in the hundreds/thousands) but things are a bit more diplomatic in the galaxy (it's definitely tense but not all out war just yet)
so both the sith and jedi orders are alerted to a new rising power in the outer rim.....on tatooine of all places. a slave rebellion, led by shmi skywalker, has toppled the hutts. it's said that this new leader, queen of tatooine, has the Force's favor....but more importantly than that, shmi skywalker is a new galactic player, with a lot of money and a lot of support.....and a son of marriageable age.
cue both the jedi and the sith sending a delegation to tatooine - ostensibly to nurture galactic relations between their orders and the new power, but also to lowkey seduce shmi skywalker's son into marriage/a relationship because everyone knows that a parent's heart follows their children's happiness.
sith!obi-wan aka darth solence is selected to lead the sith seduction attempt. he's pretty confident - after all, he's led hundreds of seduction missions at this point, and he'd suffer a thousand different humiliations for the sake of the order of the sith who took him in after the jedi sent him to the agricorps.
the only problem is that he arrives on tatooine and shmi skywalker's son, anakin, is the most bland, boring, two-dimensional boy to ever breathe. he's completely uninterested in politics, in history, in the Force---he'd rather talk about pod-racing and--and Coruscanti daytime holo shows than anything of actual interest!
good thing the prince's manservant, kitster, is almost always hanging around. he's wrong about many things, obi-wan finds, but he's passionate. passionate and beautiful. oh, he loves pod-racing just as much as the prince, but he's fascinated by the Force and ready to tear obi-wan's eyes out over a passing negative observation on a droid. and did obi-wan mention that he's beautiful? with his golden curls and sky blue eyes and fierce scowl and broad shoulders and prominent eyebrows and even more prominent lips? the sith, as a general rule, appreciate passion, anger. beauty. obi-wan adores them as well.
but kitster the man servant isn't the person obi-wan has been flown to tatooine to seduce--he's duty-bound to seduce prince anakin. even if being around him feels like pulling his teeth out with rusty pliers.
if only obi-wan knew that shmi skywalker is more suspicious about the galaxy than she lets on. more protective of her son, too. if only he knew that her son, anakin, had a best friend growing up named kitster, who owed them both just enough life-debts to convince him to trade places with shmi's son for the length of the delegations' visit.
it's an easy sell after all -- who doesn't want to be a prince for a few weeks, no harm done?
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kagoutiss · 6 days
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green beetle black beetle
#star wars#the original trilogy#boba fett#darth vader#hi. sorry for star war jumpscare. genuinely#i feel like ive kinda been on an art hiatus lately due to health stuff#i got diagnosed with a parathyroid disease recently (wahoo) so now i know why i have been feeling so bad! need more tests though#anyway. in the mean time most of the entertainment my brain can handle has been like. youtube clip compilations of shows and movies#not even the actual shows or movies. literally just sections of them on youtube#i wish i was joking#the only reason i know what happens in succession is because i have watched it in disjointed order in youtube compilations. not joking#anyway so ive learned a lot more about star wars than i ever. thought i would#mostly just the original trilogy and prequels. some of the old comics & books are interesting too#(sick to my stomach) i like darth vader he has like the same personality as ganondorf except he had no good reason for doing anything#when vader/anakin does literally anything weird or unacceptable it like. makes me laugh so hard its like jerma when he sees a car accident#boba fett’s costume design has been rotating in my head a lot too it’s very good#he’s very colorful and like. matte/unpolished compared to vader and it makes them a cool duo visually#those 2 are my favorites. vader why is the space cowboy the only person aside from sidious or tarkin who is allowed to get mad at you#sidious is my 3rd favorite. he sucks so bad as like a person that you just. you have no expectations of him except just being evil#so its just really funny like everything he does is horrible and he’s so happy all the time like good for him#i’m making it sound like ive never seen star wars before. i have i just never really cared about it until i got an endocrine disorder lmao#but yeah idk art may continue to be slow while im figuring out treatment stuff#if anyone reading this also has or has had hyperparathyroidism im wishing the strength & radiance of 1000 beautiful horses upon you
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intermundia · 1 year
rereading the section of revenge of the sith where sidious is actively recruiting anakin and calling the jedi traitors who are about to attempt a coup to destroy the republic, you almost have to hand it to him, he's so fucking smart about playing anakin. he knows just as well as obi-wan does that anakin only cares about personal loyalty of the people he loves, and doesn't have loyalty to communities, governments, or ideals. so he repeats obi-wan's name again and again, framing him as the ringleader of the jedi rebellion, who lied to anakin personally and didn't trust him, and then he redirects anakin's feeling of personal betrayal to extend to the jedi as a whole. he does the same thing with padmé and the republic. he makes it all seem like a conspiracy of the people anakin loves (and wants to keep) the most, and so the blow of a political betrayal is instead deeply personal. he had been laying the groundwork all book, suggesting an alliance between obi-wan and padmé, even an affair, all to increase anakin's sense of paranoia and loneliness, and it works to alienate and infuriate anakin more effectively than anything else possibly could have, and by directing him to point that rage toward the jedi as a whole, sidious was able to get him to commit atrocities on his behalf. he just played anakin perfectly, and anakin let himself get played all because it confirmed all his worst fears about loss and betrayal, and fanned the flames of his offended pride. sidious knew exactly how to make him furious and terrified, which is just a very dangerous thing for anakin skywalker to be.
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radrattradish · 3 months
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Palps x Dumbledoor this is my otp
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hermitw · 4 months
Usually I forgive gege/sukuna for his crimes bc gege gives us so many beautiful images of true form sukuna and it takes me an hour to read a chapter bc I just. Keep looking at him. And he's one of my favorite characters.
But he's in time out rn!! Both sukuna and gege ughhhhh that was........ No.....
It can't be Chosover.
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mann-walter · 9 months
What's up with Palpatine and his T-rex hands?
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accursedvoid · 5 months
Not me listening to ‘No Longer You’ and thinking about how the latter half could parallel Anakin/Vader….
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short-wooloo · 11 months
The spinning blade doublesabers are another way the sith project control over the Inquisitors
The spinning blade lightsaber is a difficult weapon to use, it's a doublesaber and most Jedi (which is the primary recruiting pool for the Inquisitorious) are trained to use single blade sabers, it's hilt is shorter than most doublesabers (and has a large ring around it which makes it awkward to handle), so it can't be used like a bo staff, and the spinning aspect makes it highly unconventional
All of this serves to handicap the Inquisitors, make them weaker fighters than they could be (and since the sith aren't providing a proper education on the dark side, they can't use it to compensate), and thus making sure they can't become a threat to Vader and Sidious
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hannagoldworthy · 11 months
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So. This got photographed, because I finally blocked the IP address (bye Felicia) but I can’t stop laughing at how little this “anon” has bothered to disguise her writing style. Oh, this asker uses the word Kenobist like it’s a clever insult and writes like Sheev Palpatine having a quick fap over his own perceived superiority between meetings, just WhO cOulD iT bE?
(Golly gee whiz, Domina, that “block” didn’t last very long. I’d bet my left buttcheek you don’t know where the block button is, just as you don’t know how to work the tag or content filters.)
But thanks for confirming that you’ve never darkened the doorstep of any university with a decent engineering department, if any university at all. Nor have you ever spoken with an engineer, because if you had, you’d realize that a decent majority of engineers have Big Himbo Energy. The engineering fraternity house at my college looked like the house in Flubber before the dean made them take their little machines down. I briefly dated an engineering student with a 4.1 Honors GPA who bought a shitbox car and souped it up to drive in drag races on weekends; I broke up with him after the first date because he drove the car up to my parents’ house and showed it off to my entire family while it was literally smoking and leaking oil on their driveway. A meteorologist - basically a weather engineer - who worked with my father once ran out, bare-headed, into a storm of golfball-sized hail because, and I quote him verbatim, “HOT DAMN I WAS RIGHT, LEMME GET A SAMPLE!”
And…you’re saying that’s NOT Anakin Skywalker? “Modified the Twilight until it was practically unflyable for anyone but him” Anakin? “Ran face first into a lightning attack because he didn’t think his strategy through” Anakin? “Did not realize his wife was pregnant after regularly SpaceTiming her for months, lifting her up and twirling her, AND full-body hugging her” Anakin? “Had a prophetic dream where Padme was still having labor pains after giving birth to one baby and interpreted that to mean she was dying and not GIVING BIRTH TO THE OTHER TWIN” Anakin? THAT Anakin, from the high canon Lucas movies, which you have most definitely watched front to back?
You underestimate the power of your own blorbo, Domina. Anakin Skywalker can be both a mentally unstable himbo AND an engineering prodigy, and in fact, HE IS. And I would think that his number-one stan would be the first to point out that those two very different facets of his personality lend depth to his character. But, then again, I am talking to the idiot who drags Obi-Wan Kenobi into every conversation, even in other fandoms, and then accuses everyone ELSE of being obsessed, so I suppose I should not expect that very basic level of perception from you.
Oh, and also? Thanks for that extra boost of motivation! Now my plans to get my computer fixed have been moved up, because I intend to write even MORE Himbokin Skywalker, just to spite you! Mission Failed Successfully, HUZZAH!
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tennessoui · 4 months
Saw this and thought you’d enjoy it. I could totally see this happening
(this post about count dooku being decapitated and obi-wan inheriting all his possessions and titles cause he's basically his grandson)
you're right i do enjoy it!!
i think bonus points if like. dooku was pissed off at sidious one day so he changes his will away from giving everything over to sidious' 7th off-shores secret account and instead gives it all to obi-wan who he has always liked so much <3 <3 <3 the only stipulation is that obi-wan cannot spend any of it on anything that would benefit the republic and also that mangy little brat he calls his old padawan. actually if he wanted to help the republic that's fine. he just cannot spend a single cent on anakin fucking skywalker.
(leads to comedic scenario where the war is over because palpatine is revealed to be sidious ALSO in dooku's will, and obi-wan takes all his men out to dinner to celebrate and pays for the check on dooku's dime but anakin has to pay for his own)
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A note- I've read most of the Star Wars books over the years, new & old, recently including Master & Apprentice. I was fascinated by the description of Rael Aveross as having a "heavy Outer Rim accent", and imagined different flavors of it- to me, the Outer Rim sounds like Shmi (swedish actress) or Jango (new zealand drawl) etc etc....
Only, this week at work I finally listened to Dooku: Jedi Lost, and discovered that Rael fucking Aveross is a Texas hoss wrangler.
Being from the South myself, I already despise badly done southern accents, and his was perhaps the worst I have ever heard. I will never recover.
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Kill the notion that Star Wars needs to step away from force users. I don’t know about you, but I love to see space wizards fight with glowy swords. The only thing that needs to change is the good/evil dichotomy of the Light and Dark sides of the Force. Give us a show about a Padawan who tries her hardest to be a great Jedi so she buries her emotions so deep within herself that she loses herself and becomes complacent with Jedi/Senate corruption and turns to the dark side to reconnect with herself and rediscover what made her want to be a Jedi in the first place. Give us the story about a child who’s sibling is taken by the Jedi so they ally with a Sith to break into the Jedi Temple and rescue their sibling. Give us a movie about a Dark Lady of the Sith and her apprentice defending their home planet from being absorbed into a sector of the Republic where their historical oppressors would hold their seat in the Senate.
All those stories could feature epic clashes between Force Wielders without contributing to the perceived stagnation of Star Wars shows featuring Jedi and Sith.
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thechaoticfanartist · 7 months
Character Bingo
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See the thing is I really enjoy Palpatine as a character and he's fun to write, but I don't have many strong emotions about him tbh. He's very interesting though. I should probably read more Legends to understand his story.
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