#if someone truly has everything to the point where that's the kind of gift you would give them
bruhgender · 11 months
it just occurred to me that middle class kids will never forget their parent's anniversary because they grow up with like. picture frames and cutting boards and christmas ornaments that have their parents wedding date custom-etched into them. And even if they do forget they won't ever have to go on a spy mission to find it out. source: every time I dogsit for a coworker I am literally surrounded by their wedding date
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shootingmorningstar · 6 months
Hiii!!! Would it be ok to request hcs of Lucifer, Husk, Vox with an affectionate s/o please?
Absolutely it is .ᐟ.ᐟ When the gender of the reader isn't specified in a request I default to gn, but if that's not what you were looking for, let me know .ᐟ
He adores it. Absolutely adores you and every single sweet thing you say to him, every touch you give him. However it may be you usually show you affections, put him on the receiving end and he is absolutely melting. He is so, so sweet to the people he loves. Seriously.
Reach out to take his hand while the two of you are out on a date .ᐣ He is swooning -- especially if you're so excited to be spending time with him you swing your hands together.
The first time you gave him a gift simply because it reminded you of him, he really and truly almost teared up. He is the King of Hell -- he could have anything and everything he ever wanted, but most days it feels like he has nothing.
Nothing that really matters, anyway. What's the point of all the power he wields if he can't use it to be happy .ᐣ Of course, Charlie makes him so, so happy, but even after the pair reconcile, Charlie is a grown woman. She has a happy relationship, wonderful friends and perhaps most of all, she has a cause.
She doesn't have all the time in the world to spend cheering up her lonely father. Living in the Hotel helps, but as soon as she leaves, he finds that empty feeling crawling right back up his spine.
That's exactly where you come in -- a rare blessing in his long, long life. His wonderful partner who came home with a gift wrapped especially for him .ᐣ
The gift has him weak in the knees. It doesn't even matter what's in the box, the fact that you love him enough to think of him even when he's not around means more than you could ever know.
All of your gestures are priceless to him. They're one of the things he loves about you the most.
He goes out of his way to return the thought and care every single time. Please let him spoil you. Let him feel like he's finally using all of that power and money for a good cause because to him .ᐣ There is no better cause. Your smile when he gives you an outfit you'd had your eye on and takes you out to your favorite place to eat is all the thanks he'd ever need.
Your affection has been one of the driving forces that gets him to realize the good in his people he'd been too ignorant to look for was right in front of him all along. If someone as wonderful as you can wind up in Hell, perhaps he's judged his realm too harshly.
You could never, ever be too affectionate to Lucifer and he wants you to know it. Be unapologetically yourself, that's when he loves you best. Never feel like you're smothering him with your love. Your kindness is putting the King back together piece by piece.
Similarly to Lucifer, Husk is a character that could really use your affection. He may not be quite as outwardly sappy about it as the King, but that doesn't make him any less appreciative.
Someone sweet and loving makes for a really good partner for Husk, actually, and on a deeper reason than just the timeless grumpy and sunshine dynamic duo. Someone like you would do good to help bring him out of his shell, bring a little light to his life.
Words of affirmation and acts of service hit him particularly hard. Hearing that he matters from his partner and that he's worth something even now would do wonders for his psyche, as would a simple meaningful gesture, even something as small as cleaning the glasses behind the bar for him. Anything to make his work load just a little bit easier.
Overhearing you tell another resident of the Hotel just how much you adore him may just stop him in his tracks. Not only are you incredibly affectionate to him, you're sharing your love for him with others .ᐣ You care about him that much .ᐣ He's whistling behind the bar counter for the rest of the day and nobody can figure out why Husk of all people is in such good spirits.
One of his favorite things about you is the way you comb through his fur. You're so gentle in the way you touch him for no other reason than not wanting to hurt somebody you love. You work through each snag caught on the brush slowly so as to not hurt him and he is so, so grateful.
Ask him to look up something for you and he's surprised to see his own face staring back at him as your lockscreen. Even moreso when he unlocks your phone and finds the homescreen a picture of the pair of you. Even when you're not meaning to, you're still finding a way to knock the air out of his lungs.
Right before leaving the Hotel for the day you like to stock him up with his favorite snacks behind the bar, something non alcoholic to drink and painkillers if he takes it a little too heavy on the booze.
Husk has a lot harder of a time being so outward with his affections and so replicating it is a little difficult for him, but he will never let you think he doesn't appreciate what you do for him. Just be patient with him.
He will, however, always let you know that your emotions are safe with him, that he will never judge you or your love languages and that the two of you have each other no matter what.
To be completely honest .ᐣ I think Vox is a little baffled. How he found himself in a genuine relationship in the first place is still beyond him -- and with someone so loving, at that. Despite the image he tries to sell on social media & television, it's not too hard to figure out that he really isn't that good of a person.
You both are in Hell and most sinners fall for good reason, so despite the fact that making the assumption that a powerful sinner soul being corrupted is easy to make, the large majorities of Hell probably just doesn't have it in them to care.
You're different, though -- you're a shining example of the fact that not all sinners are innately evil, or just too far gone. From the moment Vox had met you, he had seen that you were good.
Why in Hell had you taken a liking to him .ᐣ He's not upset about it per se, just confused. Initially a little frustrated at best. Before you came along, he thought he'd be content, no, happy with the way his life was for eternity.
What didn't he have .ᐣ He had power, he had money, he had allies. What else could he possibly need .ᐣ Relationships were not for him. The strange fling he had going on with Valentino was romance aplenty for him.
That is, of course, until you came along. You had been interested in him from the very start, and you weren't afraid to show it. At first, he saw you as just another sinner to manipulate.
Apparently being kind and loving doesn't equate to a pushover . . . . .ᐣ News to him.
You asked him on a date and were nothing short of wonderful during it, listening to what he had to say with great interest -- but at the same time, you refused to let him speak over you or order you around.
His curiosity is what made him call you back for a second date. And a third, and a fourth.
He's absolutely loathe to admit it, but by the fifth date that excuse grows worn. He's not just curious about you, he's grown used to your presence. Even sort of misses you when you go. How annoying.
Maybe it's refreshing to have someone support him without secondhand motives, or maybe it's an error .ᐣ He usually can't stand being disrespected. Either way, he grows used to having you around, having your support and love.
He will NEVER bring you to the Vee's meetings. Not after he's come to consider you his. He doesn't want to risk Velvette's cocky attitude being contagious and he will absolutely never leave you around Val. He doesn't mind Val being .... the way he is, but to you.ᐣ Absofuckinglutely not.
Having a partner is seeming to do wonderful things for his image, and he comes to love you in his own very Vox-y way, so continue on with your doting and affections. Keep memorizing his favorite drinks and especially don't stop fixing his bowtie and kissing his cheek before he leaves for work.
Congratulations, you've fixed him . . . .ᐣ Kinda sorta .ᐣ Pet trained .ᐣ Who knows. But you're happy and he's happy, and that's all that matters.
I hope these were to your satisfaction .ᐟ I have a hard time imagining any sort of relationship with Vox as being overly healthy because we all saw the kind of person he is. With that in mind, I tried to do my best for a workaround to keep it in line with both the prompt and his character.
Let me know how I did .ᐣ Hearing back from you guys keeps me motivated to write, as always ~ .ᐟ
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poppystheories · 4 months
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Tyki’s reaction to being slapped fascinates me. This guy gets slapped by a helpless exorcist that's fully at his mercy and he kinda likes it. It wasn’t a weak slap either! Despite the state Allen’s in, it left a mark! But Tyki just laughs it off. Settles down to chat. Lights himself a cigarette.
Let’s face it. It’s charming.
I really like the contrast between Allen’s first meeting with Road and his first meeting with Tyki. Road had no intention of killing Allen from the start, and she wasn't really there to destroy any Innocence, but she gets incredibly rough with him: nailing his arm to the wall, stabbing his eye out, making a pincushion out of him with her candles. She fully delights in the bodily harm.
Tyki’s here to kill Allen and destroy his Innocence. That’s already decided. But he doesn’t brutalize him at any point.
Because Tyki's so casual, you keep thinking: hey, Allen’s going to get out of this totally fine. Someone is going to show up and save him. Lenalee should be looking for him. We haven’t seen the others in a while, so they must be on their way. Someone is going to arrive in the nick of time to save Allen, and everything’s going to be fine. We still have to get to Japan, after all.
But no one comes.
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The scene progresses. Tyki keeps talking, he shows off his power a bit, tries to play with Allen like he played with the others. Tries to make him scared, maybe beg a little. He’s fooling around with the prey he’s already caught, like a cat.
But Allen's not scared, and Tyki backs off. The actual physical torture isn't the appeal for him, so if his victim isn't scared there's no reason to get violent.
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So now you're thinking, wow, this guy is gonna regret taking his time when someone finally arrives! What a classic villain fumble; failing your mission because you were too busy monologuing.
But no one comes.
Tyki pulls out the card the Earl gave him. And you find out Tyki’s been searching for Allen. Specifically.
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That’s bad, but it's okay. It'll be fine. Someone is going—
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You turn the page, and Tyki is ripping Allen’s arm off. No warning, no posturing. One second Allen is fine—someone is going to save him, any second now, Tyki hasn’t even hurt him yet—and the next Allen’s fucking Innocence is on the forest floor.
Tyki keeps talking, smiling. Nothing about his demeanor has changed.
He destroys Allen's Innocence. Like it's nothing.
And at this point, you start to realize, maybe no one is coming. Or if they are, it’s already too late.
Tim gets sent away. He can go get help. But, now Allen’s truly alone with the assassin sent to kill him—if anyone’s coming, it has to be now! Where is everyone?!
Right on cue, you finally get to see the other characters.
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And they’re still on the fucking ship.
Then maybe Lenalee—
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No. Lenalee’s also at the ship. Tyki has his hand hovering over Allen’s chest and Lenalee’s at the goddamn ship.
No one is coming, you realize. No one was ever coming.
And just like that, Tyki kills Allen. Intimately, with a smile. He wants it to be slow, but quiet. He wants Allen to feel how helpless he really is.
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Tyki's a serial killer: we've seen him stage his victims before, like leaving Daisya hanging like some kind of grisly ornament. We saw the state he left the General in.
Allen, however, gets more artistic treatment; he's by the far the favorite of Tyki's victims so far, and Tyki doesn't want to disturb the pretty picture he's already made too much, but it needs a little extra flair, doesn't it? A more personal touch.
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So he scatters his own gift to Allen over him: a little something to suit his white hair and black coat and red scars, and the last thing we see is the black crescent of despair. Put there quite deliberately; it is not a typical image to appear on a Joker card.
Volume 6 ends, just like that.
It really is a merciless ending. You can't believe that the protagonist will really die here, but even if he somehow survives, his Innocence has been destroyed. The entire scene is built around your expectations as a reader that the protagonist can't die, so someone will save him, or there will be some other interference.
But no. No one was ever coming to save Allen; not this time.
And that? That has consequences.
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dead-boys-club · 3 months
†  progress : hawks.
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❥ scenario: hawks and his love life ❥ no triggers; not rated. ❥ i don't have any beta readers - you get what you get. ❥ this was a request <3
let me start off by saying i approve of the virgin hawks hc because.. i know everyone seems to think all the cool dudes get laid constantly - but hawks has a brain, things he can't let get compromised, is basically government property and well, probably has better things to do. i find it amusing. ( same with dabi because.. well- we won't go there. )
let's start off with the type of person who is going to catch his attention. he's going to be attracted to someone who's confident and kind because, at the end of the day, he needs someone who is going to be kind to him. someone genuine and possibly doesn't even take much of his hero persona into consideration. happy to be with hawks but proud to be with keigo. he's drawn to someone who seems.. unique? i'm not sure how to word what i'm trying to say but it's someone who just - radiates some type of gentleness that he's probably mesmerized by. he would be even more screwed if she wasn't the type to keep up with heroes and asked who he was.
without being weird about it, he'd start observing her, taking in her likes, dislikes, habits, favorite things.. just information he'd file away for use later on. somehow, finding out those little things would just have him falling more and more. he'd keep things light, though, playful and easy, testing how everything went with her. he would never, at any point, think to rush anything because not only could that ruin things but it could potentially put her in danger.
despite how in his head he is and control of things, he wouldn't even realize how rapidly his feelings were evolving until one night, sitting in the break room and listening to her laugh out in the hall. oh - he was actually falling for some random office worker? he would absolutely struggle with how dangerous that was but god, the way his heart seemed to pick up hearing that sound. he was a lot more invested in things than he realized.
her company would become his favorite thing but he would still be cautious for a while. he would feel himself becoming protective over her, telling himself that the last thing he needs is to have her hurt. was that his place, though? he rationalized that she was still just a citizen.
✧*̥˚ getting her attention *̥˚✧
no one can tell me hawks isn't awful at flirting but the way he says shitty pick up lines still just works out? however, he'd feel defeated when he pulled the 'if you were a hero, you'd be my sidekick for life' and you frowned, asking why you wouldn't be able to be a pro on your own. he really should have seen that coming. maybe pick up lines weren't the best route but he still tossed a few out here and there. he's kind of used to people enjoying him.. in general and that being his charm.
he would be the type to, later on, bring you gifts ( he's a bird. lets be real. ) such as things he knew were your favorite like little snacks and drinks, maybe a book or two. maybe smaller things related to comments or inside jokes. this is absolutely the reason you have a pin with a possum on it. he's not against going big when it's called for, arranging more grand dates and trying to impress you.
he is, any second he gets, there for you. for whatever you need. sick? he's not the best nurse but he tries. upset? his shoulder is there. no motivation? did you know feathers can make great pompoms?
let's get into what i'm sure everyone is waiting for: the moment he feels is right to confess, hawks is dropped and keigo is basically baring his soul to you. the playfulness, the teasing; it's gone in that moment as he takes a deep breath. 'you mean a lot to me, you know? and.. i'd really like to see where this can go.' it wouldn't be a lot of frills and sweet words, it would be serious.. wanting you to know he truly meant it when he was telling you how he felt and how he wants to be with you.
✧*̥˚ first tiny drabble *̥˚✧
the sun was beginning to set, painting the city with golden hues as you pushed your way out of the coffee shop, order in hand and moving quickly. you were late for a meeting, not paying attention and attempting to get your vibrating phone out of your pocket without throwing anything else onto the ground. the lack of attention lead to a collision that sent her coffee tumbling to the ground and time to briefly stop.
'shit, i'm so sorry!' you exclaimed, honestly not sure what to do first, a hand coming up to rub your face. it took a second, but you finally looked at the person in front of you, blond hair and a pair of crimson wings folded in neatly. you blinked a few times.
he waved a hand at you dismissively. 'hey, no harm done,' a charming smile forming as he tilted his head, 'should've been watching where i was going.'
the words almost didn't register to you, gaze slipping to the red feathers occasionally. 'thanks but, uh.. are you, like, cosplaying or something?' it was taking a good bit of self control to not reach out and touch but you reminded yourself that was rude.
he was clearly amused, eyebrow raising slowly. 'cosplaying?'
you gestured to him. 'yeah, like, dressing up as a character? your wings are.. super realistic.' no, it didn't cross your mind that they could be real.
hawks shook his head, laughing softly. 'not cosplay. these are the real deal.' as if to back up his words, he stretched them out a little, careful of those around.
you were confused but also mesmerized; they were so pretty. 'wait wait, are you one of those pro heroes or something?'
'bingo, guilty as charged.' he answered, settling his wings back in and studying you for a moment, finding the display endearing in a way. 'hawks, at your service.'
'like.. the bird..?'
he was having field day with your responses. 'yeah, that's the one.. like the bird.' he mused. 'you really don't know who i am?'
your lips pursed a little before you replied. 'i don't really get into the whole heroes thing, sorry. i've got my own job and life to worry about.' it wasn't meant to sound rude or anything but you had enough on your plate than to worry about who was saving what. 'kind of live under a rock when it comes to those things.'
if he didn't know any better, he could have sworn his heart clenched, being unknown to someone just fed into his little delusions. 'it's refreshing, no need to apologize. most people recognize me immediately, it can get tiring, so it's nice to see someone who doesn't see me as a hero, i guess.'
'well.. i'm y/n,' you introduced, offering up a smile. 'sorry about the coffee thing.'
his shoulders lifted in a shrug. 'how about i make it up to you? there's a place around the corner that's pretty great. we can grab another coffee and you can tell me about living under that rock of yours.'
did the meeting even matter? you were sure someone would take notes. you'll just.. say you got sick while out for a break. you nodded to yourself, as if to confirm the story. 'alright, lead the way.'
offering your shoulder a barely there nudge, he began walking with you at his side. you, on the other hand, were still watching him, glancing to his wings and growing more and more curious. what you didn't expect, was such a chance meeting having the potential to turn your entire world upside down.
✧*̥˚ notes *̥˚✧
it's not nearly as long ; u ; but, i do have another drabble i threw together, if anyone wants it. this is basically just a basis of hawks having feelings, being scared of those feelings then saying fuck it.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 month
ooo how would ce characters react if you started decorating for autumn in august? 🤭
Ya know, right off the bat, I can't think of anyone who's downright against it, but some of them would help and some would just leave you to it. One--take a wild guess--would throw an incredible bitch-fit if he tripped over one gd thing in his way, but otherwise...
Um, there's some language but nothing adult-specific.
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Most Into Autumn Decor--Curtis Everett
Okay, there's a reason I worded it that way, but I was a bit surprised, too. I would not be able to tell you if this somehow wasn't influenced by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork's "Life Is Short So Make It Sweet" series, but I truly believe Curtis would be equally into decorating for fall/autumn with you. He'd be the most active in finding decor, too, whether he's shopping with you there or just finding stuff randomly. He'd take the time to plan out and execute a whole thing in the house, and he would get the most joy out of sitting in the warm glow.
Honorable Mentions to James Mace, Johnny Storm, and Ransom Drysdale.
Mace will get into it but not as much as Curtis and for a shorter period of time. You best believe Johnny digs the campfire-and-s'mores vibes but is wary of shit hanging from the ceiling or dry stuff piled on the floor. Ransom is obviously into dressing for the season but also likes to find the most expensive version of all decor, so those beautiful, blown-glass pumpkins are a staple. Ran is perfectly fine if you want to repaint the damn walls every couple months to match the mood; he's fine with it, but he doesn't expend much effort.
Most Indifferent--Jimmy Dobyne
He doesn't hate the season by any means. He's fine with the colors. He likes when you're happy, so if the house needs to be packed with pumpkins and fairylights and shit, okay. Don't expect him to really participate in it, and don't bring rotting leaves into the house. Real pumpkins are for eating or outside.
The other reason he doesn't really care is that Jimmy spends most days outdoors for work and whatnot. He sorta just...sees autumn the whole time it's autumn, and that is enough for him.
*Most Into Halloween Decor--Jake Jensen
If you were wondering why I didn't mention Jake earlier it's because he is miles above Curtis's enthusiasm for one specific thing: spooky shit.
Jake isn't afraid to go all-out. He will make the entire house, the yard, the gd neighborhood if they let him, into a haunted experience. This is, unfortunately, to the point where you have slipped on fake blood before and bruised your tailbone. Jake is now limited to the week of Halloween itself for the more dangerous accoutrements like liquids and sharp blades. Knives and weapons stay in shadowboxes or cabinets otherwise.
No, he will not be taking questions about why they aren't the fake, safe kinds. Just let him have this.
**I don't have a name for the superlative that Lloyd Hansen wins but he is the most obsessed with curating *his look* seasonally.
Yes, I even mean more so than our sweater boi Ransom...
Lloyd is also the man who flips the fuck out if a room or the yard is littered with stuff to decorate. If it's a mess (even for a little while) he thinks it all looks trashy and can't stand that, so you gotta be kinda stealth or methodical about doing it.
Most Into DIY Decor--Ari Levinson
Project? Did someone say project???? Ari's there, tools ready, let's go.
Ari's the man who has a shed or garage full of stuff for all occasions. Sure, there are a lot of power tools and mechanic things, but he's also kept track of all the art supplies, cleaned up that hot-glue gun and twist-tied the cord nicely, and sorted everything into bins or some of the drawers in his shelves. Nails and screws for all sorts. Wall anchors if necessary. He keeps a stash of those papertowel rolls for kids projects. Tissue paper and bags for gift wrapping. He doesn't go so far as to color-code it or anything, but it's grouped together and neatly stowed away. He is always willing to participate in building something new, even if it's silly little paper things.
Most Into Autumn Activities--Steve Rogers
I don't think Steve has any issue with early sprucing for the season, but he is definitely planning where the apple-picking and pumpkin patches are and when to go. There may be fourteen different hay rides and corn mazes to get through, but don't worry, he's got a schedule! He's rewashed the thermoses for hot cocoa at the ready. He bought another stack of pie tins just in case. He printed off several new recipes to try this year, and the ones from last year have hand-written notes in the margins of what to adjust this time. So, yup, hang onto your butts because it's gonna get real busy in a few weeks...
Thank you for asking!
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Damnit, these are so amazingly fun. Keep 'em coming!!
[Main Masterlist; Who Would...Asks; Ko-Fi]
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farfromstrange · 10 months
New Year's Day | Matt Murdock x Reader
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: You recount your history with Matt and the highs and the lows of your relationship.
Warnings: Fluff, descriptive writing & lack of dialogue, mentions of blood, but this is mostly very tame
Word count: 2.5k
A/n: This One-Shot is dedicated to my bestie, @blackshadowswriter. I'm a bit late, and I'm sorry for that. It took me a bit to finish. I just want to tell you how much I love and appreciate you. I also know you love Taylor, so I thought "why not write a fic and use as many song references as possible? She's going to LOVE that!" You're my favorite person in the world and you deserve this. I love you. I'm all out of words because I'm anxious as hell about showing you this. It took me two days to finish. I wanted it to be as good as I could make it. I'm still not 100% sure, but I never am when it comes to giving gifts. I hope you like it <3 (This is also why I'm not tagging anyone else because this is a gift for my best friend and I intended it as such)
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From the moment you bumped into him on the corner street of your favorite café, you knew that he was the kind of chance that would only come around once in a lifetime.
It wasn’t like you, at least not back then, to buy a stranger a coffee. And it was even less like you to give him your number afterward.
You had never been big on dating at that point in your life. You used to take things exactly the way they came to you, and dating never really seemed to fit into that narrative.
You preferred to lose yourself in your own world, a world where no one could touch or hurt you the way you’ve been hurt so many times in the past by people who claimed to care about you—people who claimed to love you, and in the process, you lost sight of the fact that there are still a handful of good people out there.
No one can blame you for thinking like that though. Your heart has been broken one too many times, and not just by broken relationships. 
Deep down, you craved to find someone capable of understanding all of you, not just the pretty parts. You almost felt pathetic for pretending you didn’t need it and still thinking that way.
But deep down, you craved to find someone who wouldn’t be afraid of sticking around, someone who would never leave you because life tends to get hard.
It seemed nearly impossible to find a person like that without breaking your own heart, so you decided to retreat into your shell. Better to keep your heart safe and protected than put yourself out there and be broken all over again, right?
Those stupid love songs on the radio and the endless romantic stories of your friends’ dating lives, however, fueled your need for the same kind of connection only a few songwriters know how to put into words.
You wanted to fall in love, find the right person, and heal. You wanted to figure out why love wasn’t like the burning red of sex and passion but golden, like daylight. A love living for. A love fighting for.
You felt so stupid, secretly pining for an innocent childhood dream that eventually got crushed after years of heartbreak, but that is what happens when someone becomes chronically lonely. You turned to daydreaming because at least in your head, your life could be perfect. Not just good, not just livable, but filled with love and happiness.
Truth be told, when you’re your own worst enemy and have an inner saboteur set out to destroy everything that could be remotely good for you because you truly believe you don’t deserve it, it’s hard to allow yourself to be open. So perhaps that is why you chose to lock yourself away and live in delusion instead. Not facing reality became standard procedure in your way of life.
You tried blaming it on your past, your broken relationships, and disappointments, and while that played a big part in your trauma, you also slowly started to realize that you might have been hurting yourself so you wouldn’t have to open up ever again.
In an attempt to erase all the problems, you became the problem. You became your worst enemy, someone chasing ghosts that stayed long in the past and only came back to haunt the living shit out of you. But that’s a survivable condition. 
You tried therapy, you tried turning your life around and starting anew, and while that helped you find a job you love, find a nice group of friends, and make peace with what’s been broken, nothing else seemed to change. 
You had barely started putting yourself back together again when you bumped into him. You were late for a meeting, so your focus was on your phone instead of the street before you.
It was your fault. He was just trying to make his way over the sidewalk, his cane tapping in a steady rhythm to make his way forward, and you stepped right in the middle of it. 
You remember him grabbing your arm, catching you before you could fall. He wasn’t even irritated. When you looked up in shame, seeing the red glasses and the came, you begged for the floor to open up and swallow you whole. 
“I’m so sorry,” you said. “I wasn’t looking. Are you okay?”
But before you could go on a rant about your stupidity, he cut you off, and in the silkiest voice possible, he said, “I’m fine. Don’t worry about it. Are you?” 
“Are you okay? You seem in a bit of a rush. Don’t want you to accidentally bump into a car next.” He chuckled, adjusting his glasses. Blood rushed to his cheeks. “That was a bad joke, sorry.”
You just about melted. “It’s okay,” you found yourself chuckling. “And so am I. I was too focused on my phone. That was my fault.”
“Don’t blame yourself. It happens,” he said. He was so calm about it, unlike other New Yorkers you’ve met before.
Maybe the fact that you found him extraordinarily attractive and easy to be around compelled you to ask if you could buy him a cup of coffee to make up for bumping into him, completely abandoning your plans to make it to your work meeting five minutes late.
He introduced himself as Matthew. A lawyer. Not one of those rich defense attorneys who simply do it for the money. No, he does it to help people, and you fell for him right then and there. 
Maybe it was fate, maybe it was destiny, or maybe it was just dumb luck, but that day, when you got home after work, his number in your phone and a stupidly giddy smile on your flushed face, you knew that you’d somehow been enchanted to meet him. 
You never believed in love at first sight until you bumped into Matt Murdock, but the second you did, your life flipped upside down and changed in ways you could have never predicted. 
It is possible that the song playing over the speakers in the café right before you bumped him played a part in how you perceived the interaction. You’ve never been one to believe in coincidences. Nothing is ever accidental, and neither was your meeting. It couldn’t have been. 
You found each other when you needed someone, anyone, both of you, and it stuck. Thankfully, it did. 
Summer that year was cruel with New York drowning in an excruciating heatwave. You’d been meeting up with Matt for a couple of weeks, but you didn’t have it in you to put a label on whatever delicate thing was starting to build between the two of you. You didn’t want to wrap your hand around it and accidentally shatter something you could see growing into something more in the future. 
He was unlike anyone you’d met before, and he treated you in a way that made you believe, finally, that you are worthy of love. Not just giving but receiving because Matt himself struggled to see his worth after years of being disappointed and being there for everyone but himself. 
Love is a fragile thing though, and you have never been quite good with fragile things.
After a night of drinking away your sorrows at a nearby bar, you made your way to his apartment. You took a cab, too wasted to find your way there by yourself. You remember that you were crying; you were miserable and loathing yourself for several reasons that didn’t even make sense to you then.
When you arrived there, you knocked on his door. You didn’t get an answer. Just as you started to turn around and make your way back outside, you could hear a thud from the other side of the door. Panic settled in. You didn’t even hesitate before you opened the door, which was surprisingly unlocked, and made your way into the dark interior of his apartment. 
Finding your blind, catholic not-boyfriend in a pool of his own blood, wearing a leather-clad suit with the horns of the devil had not been on your to-do list until that night. Reality hit you just as fast and knocked sobriety back into your senses as the adrenaline started to take over. 
He let out a grunt. Your name passed his lips. He sounded so weak, so fragile, and you just stood there, your heart pumping too much blood for your body to handle. 
“What the fuck?!” you said. You didn’t yell, you didn’t snap, you simply didn’t know how to process this information. 
You were well aware of the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen parading outside at night, beating up criminals and giving them a good fright—Matt did not fit the picture you had of the guy until you saw him lying there, obviously injured. 
“It’s not what it looks like,” he said hoarsely. He tried to roll over, but the pain turned out to be too severe. 
Needless to say, he passed out on you without a proper explanation, and you somehow had to use what little you could remember from first-aid to help this bleeding mess of a man. You feared that you would lose him that night, and that was when you realized that, on top of falling for him, you didn’t care who he was, you only needed him to live.
When he woke up to you hovering over him, he groaned. “I’m sorry,” was all he said. “I’d understand if–”
“Don’t talk,” you cut him off with a finger on his lips. You wouldn’t let him push you away. Not after everything you’d been through.
He tried to sit up. “I didn’t know how to tell you.”
“It’s not exactly something you lead with on a first date. I get it. What I don’t get…”
“I didn’t lie,” it was his turn to cut you off. You remember looking up at him, and you heard him out. You had to. In your mind, there is an explanation for everything, and you were once again proven right at that moment.
He bared his life story to you, how he survived through tragedies no human should ever have to face. How he turned blind, how his senses heightened, and how he lost the one person he could always count on. When his father died, something changed in Matt. He tried to go straight, to do his father proud, but he couldn’t ignore this desperate need for justice forever. He felt cursed. So, he became someone who could make a difference, and not just as a lawyer.
He expected you to walk out, but you didn’t. You saw him for who he was, and you accepted him.
“I think I’m falling for you, and it scares the hell out of me,” you blurted out that night.
He stared at you, his unfocused eyes bewildered, his lips moving soundlessly as he tried to find an answer.
Just when you thought he would break your heart after putting your trust in him, he let out a shaky sigh and he kissed you.
He wasn’t ready to say it back just yet, but he spoke to you through actions that made you feel confident in what you were growing again.
You somehow already knew back then that Matt Murdock would be the man you one day would marry and spend the rest of your life with. 
The truth is, you two have been through a lot throughout your relationship. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing, but you would be lying if you said that it wasn’t worth it. 
From the moment you met him to the countless dates, sharing coffees over empty takeout containers, kissing in the rain, Daredevil, fighting over the beautiful women in his life that almost broke you, and fighting over his desperate need to push those away who only want what is good for him because he is own worst saboteur.
It all led you down a journey that turned out to be harder than expected and not at all the love story you envisioned, but it still turned out to be the best thing that has ever happened to you. He is the best thing that has ever happened to you. 
You used to run away from happiness out of fear of getting hurt, and Matt did the same. He feared to admit it, but then he met you and he finally realized that running was of no use because you were more than ready to stick around through everything. Through every disaster and heartache—through every broken bone, you stuck around.
You saw something in him from the moment you met that no one can ever take away. You got a taste of heaven from the devil himself, and even though he was darker than the sunshine you wished for in your life, you managed to find a way to bring some light into his life. 
You are sunshine, even on your worst days, and he’s midnight rain. But you love the rain. You love him. 
Your first kiss happened in the rain. He took your hand and asked you to dance, and you did. You danced to the sound of the raindrops pattering against the asphalt beneath your feet, and it was the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen—Matt engulfed in the soft moonlight, his hand in yours, and a big smile on his irresistible lips. 
You want more of those nights. Even the nights you’ve had to patch him up or hold him as he broke down from all the weight he often enough carries on his shoulders, you want more of those. You want all of them.
You want him and all the strings attached to him, no matter how painful because ever since he can remember, people have walked out on Matt and hurt him in ways you can only fathom. You don’t want to be that person. 
He opened up to you. He decided to be vulnerable. He stood with you through everything and fought for you when you thought you two wouldn’t last.
He gave you his best smile and his tears, and he laughed with you every night that you waited up for him to come home safely. He quickly became the moonlight to your sun—it is a different kind of light, but it is a light that sustains you nonetheless. 
You want all of his laughter and never miss it again. You want his smiles. You want his tears. You want to spend every waking second with him. You want to miss him and welcome him back home after an agonizingly long night of worrying. You want to cheer him up in court and be his lucky charm. You want to wear his initial on a chain around your neck, in Braille, because he got it for you on your birthday. 
“I know I don’t own you,” he said to you, “but I love you. And I know you. I want you to carry me close to your heart the same way I’ll always carry you close to mine.”
And his, you are. You’re no one else’s but his, and even if that sounds a bit territorial, you don’t care. You want all of it and more because it’s Matt you’re talking about, no one else. Not a stranger but the man you love so desperately it hurts sometimes.
All the girls he loved before don’t matter because he’s got you now. You forgave him more times than he probably deserved. You held on when he barely had any strength left. In return, he has shown the same kind of devotion to you time and time again. How can you ever say no to any of that when you are so in love? 
All those memories replay in sudden flashing sequences right in front of your inner eye. You love him more than anyone has ever loved him. You pulled him out of a very dark hole. You saved his life. And he saved yours. 
As he’s kneeling in front of you now, your hand in his and clutching the small, velvety box in his other, your life passes by before your eyes. Your life alone and your life together. You recount every memory in a millisecond, too shocked to even comprehend what is happening. But it is happening. 
Matt Murdock is kneeling on the floor before you, the glitter, confetti, and sticky champagne someone spilled earlier most likely leaving a stain on his good dress pants, but he remains unwavering in his decision to open that little box and show you what he’s been hiding for a while. 
It’s a diamond ring, something he probably took months to save up for. It’s small yet elegant, and it’s staring right at you. He’s taken his glasses off to try and do the same. You would marry him with paper rings, that much is true. 
Matt says your name oh-so-softly. “Will you marry me?” Four words that stop your heart and restart it at the same time. 
He sees right through you. You see right through him. Even in your worst times, you were there for each other, and now he’s asking you to spend the rest of your life with him. Together. To give him all of your days and nights and he will give you all of his in return. He is asking you the question you’ve been wondering if he would ever ask it, and he did. 
The fireworks go off in the distance, in your stomach, everywhere. The new year has rounded the corner. People are cheering and celebrating around you, but you don’t pay attention to them. 
The clock strikes midnight and with the softest smile, you say, “Yes.” You don’t need to tell him that you would do it a million times over because he knows. He knows your heartbeat, and he knows that you would never lie to him. 
He doesn’t waste time to pull you into his arms and kiss you softly, passionately, as if both of your lives depend on it. 
It’s a bit cliché, to get proposed to on New Year’s Eve. To start the new year with the man you love and a ring on your finger. But that only means that you will still be together on New Year’s Day, and all the days after that. 
Matt chose you. You chose Matt. You chose a life together that is as unpredictable as they come, but at least you have each other to hold onto. 
And he will never be just the stranger that you bumped into in front of your favorite corner café ever again. You have him now. Maybe that was your plan all along. Maybe you are the mastermind he knows that you are. None of it was accidental. 
And now, Matt Murdock is yours. Forever and always. 
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The Arcana HCs: M6 with an oblivious MC
~ In case you're wondering how I understand this situation so well, it's because I share in MC's level of obliviousness :') For headcanon purposes, MC and M6 do not progress past the "friend" stage until the M6 confess - brainrot ~
Oh goodness, he's never been so genuinely confused in his life. He's absolutely, completely, entirely lost
He knows that he tends to come across a little strong. He knows that he couldn't hide his attractions to people if he tried. He knows that he's a shameless flirt
So HOW on EARTH are you somehow so convinced that he feels nothing more for you than for a friend? Has the sun started rising in the West? Has gravity stopped working?? Is he turning blonde???
Constantly second guessing himself because of it. Maybe this is your way of letting him know that you're not interested
Maybe you find him so completely unattractive that nothing he does can come across as remotely romantic? Is that it???
Everyone who watches this dynamic play out thinks it's the funniest thing they've ever seen (Asra and Mazelinka especially)
The infamously suave Dr Devorak, fumbling and blushing after someone who looks way too innocent to be receiving the comments that he's making
On a more serious note, your obliviousness pushes him to think through his romantic actions, which makes all of his efforts at wooing you much more intentional
Confesses because he doesn't know what else to do and is genuinely surprised when you tell him you feel the same way
So excited once you're together to find out what it's like when you decide to flirt with him. Now that you two are on the same page everything you initiate makes him swoon
The things they've lived through and sacrificed for you were not done with any kind of reward in mind - they genuinely just wanted to give you a second chance
But you're growing stronger every day now, and soon you might be able to handle the truth, and you're somehow so indifferent to him
On the other hand, they're secretly relieved because it means that if they slip up and show you more affection than they intend to you won't notice
Poor Faust tries to step in and help at one point, but she can't use that many words at a time which is useless where you're concerned
Love Master? "Aww, Faust loves you, Asra!" No! Master! Love Friend! "Oh, you meant that you love me, Faust? I love you too!"
Asra watches the whole thing play out in disbelief, hands in his hair, because it's more cuteness than his heart can handle and he wants to be the one you're saying that to so badly it hurts
Eventually assumes that you're playing dumb and confesses to get rid of the elephant in the room, is surprised when you're surprised by it
Doubly shocked and delighted when you say "I love you" right back
They have literal years of pent up emotion to let out and now that all the cards are on the table it's like a dam has burst (be prepared)
He's determined to teach you how to read the signs of seduction so you never run into this situation again
Is this some kind of sick joke? Do you not know that she is not the type of woman to be trifled with?
Almost instantly recognizes that you're truly that oblivious, has absolutely no idea how to get her point across any more obviously
Nothing seems to be working. Not the touches, not the praise, not the gifts, nothing. You keep interpreting them as signs of closeness (which, technically, they are) and don't see any of the romance!
Does briefly wonder if this is your version of gentle rejection
Maybe you're hoping that if you accept the relationship without acknowledging the interest then that's all she'll offer you
But no, she's not stupid
She sees the way you look at her, the way you get flustered around her, the way she makes you fumble. She knows there's some level of attraction there, she just has no idea how to tap into it
She finally confesses once she's as sure as she can be that it won't be unwelcome
Relieved but unsurprised when you tell her you like her back
Will grill you relentlessly afterwards on how you missed the signs
The clothes? What did you think she was doing? The bath? What did you think she was doing? The romantically charged praise? What did you think she meant? She loves you so much, now please explain!
Now that she knows that you know, she has a lot of flirting to catch up on
You're about to be a constantly flustered mess for the next few weeks at least
So relieved, he's thanking his lucky stars that your insightfulness has a blind spot when it comes to his attraction to you
He likes to do things at his own pace. If you're not aware of and responding to his feelings, that gives him space to process them and decide what to do
That said, how is it possible for someone to be this blind?
Morga has noticed and she keeps looking at both of you with increasing levels of pity, concern, disbelief, and annoyance
Don't get him started on how hard Inanna is laughing
And the worst part is - it's still anxiety inducing, because he's never 100% certain that his next slip-up won't be the thing that clues you in to his emotional state
He's living on pins and needles, and he's even tempted to try doing something actually flirtatious just to see how far your blindness goes
He compliments you one time, and nearly buckles with relief when your response is just "Oh, thank you Muriel."
He's not oblivious the same way you are, though, and he can tell that you're interested in him
It's what gives him the courage to confess. That and Inanna's, Morga's and Khamgalai's constant judgemental looks
Very proud of the shocked and delighted reaction he gets from you
He got so comfortable going unnoticed that now he malfunctions every time you notice him adoring you and take that as an invitation to flirt
Is this a challenge? She thinks this just might be a challenge
Or at least, it's her cue to not hold back
She's going to flirt with you relentlessly, obviously, in every genre she knows how to, until she finds out what your obliviousness threshold is
For science, of course, and also because she thinks you're hot
Physical touch? She's putting her arm around your waist to steer you through the crowd. Acts of service? Stand back, that's her forte. Affirmation? She can quote pages of compliments
Quality time? Spend the afternoon in her cottage! Gift giving? Here, she snuck so much food out of the Palace kitchen to share
More delighted than disappointed at your blindness, it's more opportunities for mischief and a good story to look back on
Does her best to see how interested you are in her, just in case. She doesn't want to find out that you were actually ignoring her all this time and that her actions made you feel uncomfortable or disrespected
Orchestrates a few heated moments that tell her the flush on your face is out of interest and not embarrassment
Confesses to you because she got tired of waiting and is impatient to start dating already. Unsurprised when you confess back
Very surprised by what it's like to have you respond in kind when she flirts with you
She used to say way more suggestive things to you, this is all it takes to get a kiss??
Oh no, he is not used to this kind of neutrality at all
Floating around Vesuvia for three years made it pretty clear to him how the people close to him really felt. It was all fawning and flattery to his face and manipulation and politics behind closed doors
Everybody wants something. Everybody will spring at a chance to exploit. Hell, that's how he's used to functioning himself
But you're just ... helping him? Without expecting anything in return?
One moment, you compliment him, so it must mean you adore him
The next moment, you're confronting him about his mistakes, so that must mean you despise him
And now he's flirting with you because you're hot and it's like everything goes in one ear and out the other!
He's so frustrated but he can't even begin to get mad because oh look at that, you're being kind to him again while he's vulnerable
Multiple private freakouts when you keep missing his signals. Watching you snooze on his shoulder was just the beginning of it
He'll never forget it, marveling at the trust you must have to sit next to your enemy while his sword is drawn, fast asleep and oblivious to the way the first human touch in years is making his heart pound
Finally confesses to you out of desperate honesty. He's going to be a new man now, and he's not going to fake it around you
Borderline panics when you say it back
Get ready, he's been craving more of that physical touch and he intends to indulge
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comfortabletextiles · 5 months
I have bought a second hand knitting machine. And it was a PROCESS I tell you.
I bought a yarn subscription for 3 months, to soothe my tired soul, and as a treat for surviving a truly wretched march. Wich will be 3600m in hand and plant dyed yarn. (Below the first of three months and the pattern that started my need for a knitting machine)
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Of course I have to see if the yarns to that well together. But also that is a pattern for a passap knitting machine.
So my hunt for a knitting machine started!
First I found one by "brother" complete with pattern magazines and FUCKING PUNCH CARDS . I wanted that one so bad. But we're talking about 270 bucks and I got scammed before so I asked if I can use PayPal business instead of family and pay a bit more so he doesn't loose any money, because I got scammed before and thats a lot of money. And he was PISSED . How DARE me accuse him of being a scammer, his reviews are STELLAR (well, so where the ones of the scammer?)
So no brother for me.
Then I found a Passap! For FREE! But no shipping (now that I have one I understand, it's a heavy creature, and things could get broken easily if you're not careful)
But she lived way to far away.
WAIT her husband travels a lot because of his work maybe he can bring it some day! BUT we are to far south...
So no free Passap for me.
The I Found TWO machines! One for 250 completely with everything AND prodigal package from 1968! 1h drive from us! Husband already said he'll drive! Parallel I wrote with someone who has a Passap for 80,- in my city! That I could have visited and looked at the machine! I wrote with both, had a lovely Saturday and then had a mental breakdown... So at 2 in the night I wrote both, that I can't buy them, because reasons. I felt very terrible... (Especially because I basically wrote the woman 8h before we came that we won't make it...)
I couldn't stop thinking about the machine though, but felt deeply ashamed how I handled everything ... BUT
I wrote the lady with the 1h drive that I talked to the husband, and that we decluttered, and if she gives me a chance I REALLY like the Passap, for real this time!
And she was absolute incredible and kind 🥹🥹🥹
So, fast forward yesterday evening we got itnto the car, and needed 70 minutes JUST THROUGH THE CITY the whole ride in total should have taken 50min!!!! At this point I truly believed this project cursed!!
BUT. It worked out, I gifted her some chocolate as a thank you for dealing with my sorry ass, she went down with the price a bit, and BEHOLD
A knitting machine
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Took some time to figure out where to place her, and even longer to figure out how to work her... But, we're getting used to each other!
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So there is a happy end!
Bonus story: it's her father's machine, and later in live, before he died, he knitted only socks with her. She had some tears in her eyes when we took her (said my husband) I feel really honored that I'm able to give her a second live :')
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naturaldreamer · 10 months
Cross Headcanons (Some Canon)
I did a bunch of information about Cross in my friend's Discord that I thought I share with you guys! ♥ Also, some of these headcanons are inspired by Wishing Stone's stuff as well. ♥
He’s an early riser due to getting up early in the morning to train for his Royal Guard duties. Good luck in getting this skeleton to sleep in.
He’s also the type to work a lot, such as paperwork and other things that need to be done in the castle or around the multiverse. Cross has a hard time relaxing when he knows that there are things to do. If you truly want him to relax, you’ll get brownie points if you help him out. He’ll definitely be grateful.
I feel like Cross has that boyish/gentlemanly charm to him. When it comes to being around someone he might have feelings for or find attractive, Cross will be somewhat shy around that person, but he still wants to be nearby because this person makes him feel relaxed, though not all the way.
Cross is always on alert due to his Royal Guard training. He’s always on the lookout for danger or anything suspicious that could put himself, the group, or someone that he cares about in trouble.
Show this skeleton genuine kindness or offer him a gift that you think he’ll like. It’ll catch him off guard and there will definitely be a purple blush on his bony cheeks. (For the love of everything, compliment this skeleton more. Please!)
Cross has a lot of knowledge when it comes to weapons and he’s quite proficient in them due to being around others with different weapon types. Also, before he joined the ranks, I feel like he did a lot of reading when it came to that kind of stuff and tried out different weapons with his companions in his AU.
Cross can be quite distrustful of others that he comes across, thus he might be slow to befriend since he’s not always around due to being busy with stuff. Well, that and the fact he doesn’t really like to be near strangers unless he absolutely has to.
I feel like he doesn’t trust Ink at all due to what happened when he was in an empty white void where his home was.
Cross suffers a lot of guilt. Like, a lot. He has a hard time sleeping at night due to the nightmares. This might be another reason why he gets up early because of lack of sleep. At times, anyway. Sometimes, he can sleep like the dead until his internal clock wakes him up to start the day.
His best friend is Epic!Sans.
Cross is afraid of cows.
From what I read in different fanfics, he likes chocolate, so I feel like he’s got a sweet tooth.
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(Look at this sexy man. ♥♥♥♥)
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Yandere Modern Sugar Daddy Aemond
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I would say he is a very protective, kind, and caring sugar daddy. He would want to make sure to lavish you with gifts, flowers, jewelry, and love and affection. He would always be there to protect you from harm and provide for your comfort and happiness. He would want to get to know your interests and be sure to be there for you when you need him. He would want to be the one you go to when you need advice or comfort. He would do his best to give you the world and make sure you feel loved and supported.
He would be sure to be there to listen to whatever problems or frustrations that you might be having. He would want to be someone you could confide in and be open with. He would want to be your shoulder to cry on and to provide comfort and support in your times of need. He would make it his mission to make you feel like the most important person in his world. He would want to treat you like royalty, as you deserve to be treated. He would want to be there to help you through tough times and to be a source of strength and stability in your life.
He would also be a little bit possessive which progresses the longer you two keep seeing each other. He would like to know where you are at all times. He would want to make sure you are safe. He would want you to be close to him, always. He would also want to make sure you are loyal to him, and only him. He would want to be your one and only. In return, he would be the most loyal and dedicated sugar daddy you could ask for regardless if you fully know what you're getting from him or not.
Obviously, he would also be very obsessive. He would be constantly thinking about you and what goes on in your life so much to the point that it starts to become all he thinks about when you're not around him. He would want to know everything about you every like, dislike, childhood story. He would always think about how to please and provide for you when you don't ask for specific things he'll take over so much like student loans, rent, any bills, and new clothes you didn't ask for. He would want to be at your side at all times and he would want you to be at his side at all times. He would be obsessed with you and want you to be obsessed with him. He would want to monopolize your time, attention, and affection.
He's also controlling. He would want to have complete control over you and he would want you to be completely submissive to any and all desires he has. He would want to dictate your every move and control your every decision. He would want to be the one to make all the rules and he would want you to follow his every command. He would want you to be completely devoted to him and he would want to be the only one you cared about.
If he felt you were starting to lose interest in him, and started talking to other people even if innocently, he would be enraged. He would demand that you stop talking to these other people, and to only focus your attention on him. He would become jealous and even more possessive than before, and he would want you to be all his. If you failed to submit to his wants, then he would have to take more extreme measures to ensure that you do in fact stay loyal to him.
On good days when he feels you are truly doing your best and being good for him, he would spoil you with gifts of all kinds. He would shower you with flowers, jewelry, and any other kind of gifts you would appreciate. He would give you anything you wanted, no matter how expensive or how luxurious. He would be sure to always be thoughtful in what he gets for you and he would be sure to always take great care in selecting the perfect gift. He would be devoted to making you happy and he would spoil you with affection and love. He would do his best to make sure you were always happy and never disappointed.
He would and does punish you heavily for disobedience or betraying him. He would have a swift temper and he would not be afraid to use it if you stepped out of line. He would punish you with harsh words and he would not hesitate to use physical punishment as well. He would be very strict and demanding and he would make it clear that you had to obey him at all times and never disobey him. If you did, you would quickly face the consequences. He would not be afraid to use whatever means necessary to ensure you knew your place.
Since he is CEO for example, he would want to bring you with him to share in all of his accomplishments and successes even going as far as having you always sitting down on his lap even during meetings. I suppose the same would apply to any job really. He would want you to be there with him. His right hand, so to speak. He would show you off to his coworkers and they would be envious. You would be his most prized possession. His perfect little partner in all things.
What about work functions? or work galas? He is still getting you all dolled up ready to be on his arm, Of course. He would include you in those things as well. You would attend all work functions together and you would be his perfect date. He would want all of his coworkers to know that there is no one else like you. He would always look for opportunities to show you off to others. You would be a symbol of pride for him.
He would want to show you off whenever possible. He would never want to hide you as if you were a secret. He would want to brag about you to anyone with eyes and ears. He would be by your side everywhere he goes. You would be like a trophy of his that he would be proud to show off to the world.
If you ever wished to leave him, he would not let you. You are his, and you will never leave. He is sure you will never desire something like that, as you will be together forever, in a perfect life. But you would be foolish to think for even a second that it is possible to leave his side or betray him. It will not be tolerated he would never forgive you, nor would he allow you to escape from him. He would hunt you down and you would be brought back to him, kicking and screaming.
His jealousy is a powerful force. You would have his undying loyalty and his undying love. But he can get protective. If anyone should challenge him for your affection or should even think of making any kind of advance you and them would regret it. His temper is not to be trifled with. He would not hesitate for a moment to defend you and your honor.
He would be obsessed with everything about you. Your happiness would be his first priority. He would go to outrageous, possibly even villainous lengths to find what makes you smile. He would do anything to see you happy, any time, any day. He would go to the ends of the earth to provide you with what your heart desires. He would dedicate himself to you, and only to you.
If you ever were to lie to him, if you were to deceive him, or play with his emotions, then the punishment would be most severe. He would never tolerate such disrespect. Your devotion is to be complete and undying. Betraying one another would be a violation of that trust. You would be punished harshly and it would not be pretty.
He would not allow anyone to speak to you in a disrespectful manner. He would want to make sure they knew as much. If you were in trouble, he would do his best to aid you. If you were in danger, he would do whatever he could to get you out of it. He would want you to know that you are always on his mind. That you are precious to him, and he will not tolerate any disrespect directed towards you. And if disrespect is shown, the person guilty of it will rue the day he came into existence.
He would not allow you to go anyplace alone. If you wish to go out, he will accompany you. He would not risk you becoming prey to some predator lurking in the shadows. He would keep you safe. If you ever needed anything, he would be there to provide it. You would get whatever you asked for. No matter what it was, you could have it. He would make sure of it. His only purpose in life would be to please you. He would work to make you smile. Your safety and happiness would be essential to him.
He would want to possess you. He would want your thoughts, your time, your attention. He would want to be your primary concern ahead of everything else. He would want to be always on your mind. But if you could not do that, if such a thing was not possible, he would simply want to be as close as he could. To be a part of everything you do, every thought you have. He would want no distance between you two, no secrets, no lies, nothing. He would want to be your other half.
He would go so far as to eliminate any potential rivals who may threaten his relationship with you. He is capable of resorting to violence and manipulation to ensure that you are, in fact, his and his alone. He is ruthless in achieving his goals, and he will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to protect and possess you. He is a possessive and jealous yandere, and he will stop at nothing to ensure that you remain his.
Sometimes, he just likes to pin you down and watch you squirm. Show you whose boss while having some fun. 
Thigh riding. He loves itso much it’s a really hot way of testing his restraint and letting him get you as hot and bothered as he is.
He’s kind of into voyeurism. He finds the idea of someone being able to catch the two of you at any minute really thrilling, even going as far as to have you in his office making you scream for him. 
He can get a little rough when something’s bothering him, although you can’t say you mind. You can tell that he’s frustrated with something by the tightness of his grip and the force behind his hips. 
He is always horny. Doesn’t matter when, where, or when if you try to initiate something with him he’s about as ready as a rabbit who just popped six Viagra's. 
Honestly, he enjoys having you ride him in general. He gets a very nice view out of it. Plus, he likes being in control of how fast or slow you go as he'll tease you. 
"My love is as eternal as the fire from the dragon's mouth. It is everlasting and undying. It will burn as long as my heart still beats. My affection for you will never waver. Even if the rest of the world has turned its back on you, I will always be there, with open arms and an open heart. The sun might set, but my love for you is like the stars in the sky, always there, always visible, always bright. And my feelings for you are like the flames of the dragon, always there, always burning, always hot."
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museandwriting · 10 months
Ganondorf Fluff Prompts
A - Affection (how do they show affection to their s/o)
Ganondorf’s love languages are listening, time spent together, and gifts.
He may not always have the chance to spend time with his lover, so he sends small gifts when he can’t.
When he does have time, he’s perfectly content to just sit in a room with them, each doing their own thing. Cuddles are always welcome, however.
B - Best Friend (what are they like as a best friend?)
He’s a bit reserved, but always encouraging. Always ready to test your limits and his own, as well as always for adventure.
Surprisingly mischievous.
C - Cuddling (do they like to cuddle? And how would they do it?)
He is a giant, and warm. You could climb into his lap and be swallowed up in his embrace.
He greatly enjoys having his lover in his lap as he reads.
D - Domestic (do they want to settle down? How good are they at cooking and cleaning)
A king he may be, but he’s no slouch.
Cooking and cleaning are vital life skills, and he’s made sure to learn them well.
While his food might not be the fanciest, it’s properly cooked and tastes pretty good.
E - Ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’s blunt and could be mistaken as cruel. But he won’t put it off.
If it must end, let it end.
F - Fiancé (how do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He will settle down and marry, but it will take a while.
While he is a bit more open to polyamory, he’s still possessive of his lover.
Good luck getting into a throuple.
G - Gentle (how gentle they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is a reserved man by nature.
In public he’s more closed off. Polite, even tempered.
In private with his lover, he’s still reserved, but more open. More willing to be physically affectionate, to say sweet words.
Words that he truly means.
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
In public the most you’ll ever get is a pat on the shoulder.
In private, at least with his lover, he’s still not too inclined to hug, but much more willing to.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes Ganondorf a very long time to say the words ‘I love you’.
When it finally does happen, it’s when they’re alone, after a round of passionate lovemaking, whispered reverently.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
He can be jealous, but it takes a while to get there.
Giving too much attention to someone else is a surefire way to make him jealous.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you?)
In public Ganondorf’s kisses are quick and chaste.
Unless he’s making a point, then it can be a full on makeout session.
In private he’s much more passionate, but surprisingly gentle.
He favors the neck, lips, and thighs.
L: Little Ones (How are they with kids?)
He’s good with kids.
Not the most playful, but not strict as hell.
He’s more lenient with kids, and encouraging.
M: Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
His mornings are rarely spent leisurely, he’s a king and he has duties to attend to.
Hygiene, then breakfast, then onto his duties.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Many nights are spent working, but when he finally does come to bed, if his lover is still awake, he’ll spend time with them.
Talking, cuddles, it may lead to lovemaking.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It takes quite a while for Ganondorf to open up.
He’s more private as a person, and has trust issues for obvious reasons.
But be patient, don’t push, and he will open up.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He has an amazing amount of patience, it’s vital as a king.
You can’t be rash.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every detail in passing, or do they kind of forget?)
Amazing memory, you’d be surprised by how much he can recall.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Ganondorf’s favorite moment is just after he says ‘I love you’ for the first time, with his lover sleeping soundly in his arms.
He stays awake a while longer, watching their peaceful face, feeling light and warm.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Ganondorf is very protective.
As the spouse of a king, and Ganondorf specifically, there is always great danger.
He would destroy kingdoms, the world, if it meant keeping you safe.
While it stings his pride, he is tolerant of needing you to protect him.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, and gifts?)
Dates with Ganondorf are extravagant, he goes all out.
Anniversaries are more private but still very lavish.
Gifts range from simple I-thought-of-yous, to insanely expensive.
U: Ugly (What would be a bad habit of theirs?)
He’s the King of Evil. That should explain itself.
But no, seriously.
He is willing to do anything to fulfill his ambitions, and he has a large ego.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He isn’t vain, not really, but he does like to look his best.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
There is a strange sense of emptiness without his lover, once he’s fully accepted that he does truly love them.
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
He has a sweet tooth the size of Texas and prefers tea over coffee.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He is a surprisingly light sleeper and snores like a train.
Prefers to sleep on his back, and somehow his arm will end up thrown over his head during the night.
Usually sleeps naked.
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wexhappyxfew · 2 months
And then “Look at you! You're spilling coffee.” For Brady and Annie >:)
HI POET!!!!!!! thank you so much for sending in a prompt + incredibly sorry it is so SO late for a response!! my summer has been so incredibly busy and i've only just gotten to this now, so i truly hope you enjoy!!! <3 annie and brady are an absolute joy to write and i always love getting to play around in the areas of time we get to see them in - so this is in the early days of getting to know each other and - you guessed it - it involves coffee haha! THANK YOU AGAIN!!! (also hi and hello i am back after an absolutely chaotic af week)!!!!!! <3333
porcelain, silk and starch
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(a/n): ANNIE X BRADY GIRLIES THIS IS FOR YOUUUU!!!! getting back into some 'early days' sorta stuff for these two that i felt were needed for their connection. just those early moments of first meetings and interactions that i wanted to work with a bit! and ofc a cameo from co-pilot francis who is my fav of favs fr! a queen in true form!!! i hope you all (and poet most of all - this was a great prompt THANK YOU) enjoy!!! :D
“Silver Bullets should’ve been put into mass production the day she made the run over Caen,” Francis said, pulling her cigarette from her lip and patting the edge of the wing, the early dawn rays of the sun tickling the edges of the metal, “flies like a fucking angel, I tell ya, Bradshaw.”
Annie looked up at the large berth of wingspan for the B-17 and smiled a bit; it was evident how much Francis cared about the plane, like it was this thing they were caring for day by day, somehow watching it grow. It seemed Francis was coming around - they were actually on a name-to-name basis rather than incredibly formal 'Lieutenant Bradshaw' and 'Lieutenant Montez' callings. It was actually kind of nice. Annie knew Francis still held her bearings about everything, but she was more receptive and open-minded than she had been a few days back.
“So, how’d you get wrapped up in all this?” Francis said turning to Annie, a slightly darkened look in her eyes, “Some stupid bet, couldn’t handle a joke from a sick fucko back home? I’ll do you one better, an old boyfriend who thinks he’s God’s greatest gift-“
"Joined the WAC," Annie said, rather unceremoniously - not like her mother had been pleased, so Annie was just used to the lackluster of it all because of that fact (no one had been excited for such a thing, for someone like her, from where she was from), "started ferrying planes - fuel reloads, supply drops. Seems they liked me in the higher ups. Now I'm here." Francis watched her for a moment, smoke lingering up from the butt of her cigarette. With their uniforms on, they both actually looked half-decent - no pilot gear and uniform looking mangled from a mission, no sweat, burnt pieces of hair, frozen eyebrows and bloodied cheeks. Just like normal people for once.
“You know, I like that for you,” Francis said, “I had some guy tell me I could never pilot a plane. Showed him up.” Annie smirked from behind her aviators at Francis - quite the character, she could hold her own and had no problem telling it how it was. Yeah, Annie was already sold, even if Francis wasn't sold on her.
“So. The WAC. Do tell.” Francis said, pointing at her.
“Well, I did translating for a good period of time before I was wrapped up in flying. Gotta say if the opportunity had been presented, I would've stuck with it.”
“Whatcha translating?”
“German, French…tried to get a handle on Russian. Still trying my best with that.”
“Damn, Bradshaw,” Francis said before pointing a finger at her, “what the hell did that have to do with flying?”
“They said we couldn’t do it.” Annie offered back, crossing her arms and shrugging, "That sorta stuff you listen to, even if you don't want to. And then you do, even if they think you can't."
"Birdie really would've loved you." Francis said, the first real genuine smile growing on her face as she crossed her arms, "Wanna see inside?"
Climbing up into the belly of the plane, the lingering silence hit her like bricks, the feeling inside the fort. What had happened here. What they all knew had happened her; what the women of Silver Bullets had experienced. What had Montez said to let them know their pilot was dead? That she had to take control of the plane and the body was in the front seat? What mind-fuck had they gone through to wrap their minds around that fact?
"Pretty isn't it?" Francis said from behind her, briefly patting the edge of one of the seats as they both moved towards the cockpit.
"She's beautiful." Annie said, adjusting herself in the left side of the cockpit, running her hands along the buttons and the wheel and the edges of the window, "Really, it's a beautiful plane."
Glancing back at Francis, she noticed the woman far-off it seemed, eyes glazed, staring somewhere out to the hazy horizon. Annie slowly brought her focus forward again - Birdie had died here. Right where Annie was sat. It was a wonder Francis could even walk up here again - Annie gave her a lot of credit.
"Well," Francis started, blowing breath from her lips, a quick smile darting onto her lips, "we'll have plenty of time to admire this bucket of bolts in the coming days, for now…we oughta get ourselves to the dining hall. Breakfast. Ain't they say it's the most important meal of the day?"
Francis' voiced trailed off somewhere between her talking about breakfast and saying how she thought the most important meal of the day was actually dessert. Annie stood there for a moment, in the middle of the plane, lingering in the stillness, the plane that had launched that crew up into the sky and came back down without a pilot. Who still stood tall and strong, right here, right now.
Annie tried to clear her mind. She hopped out of the plane, landing beside Francis, rather gracefully, and looked up at the co-pilot in the morning sun, who was grinning like a goose at her.
"How many missions you been on?" Annie asked Francis, genuinely curious. She was trying to connect the dots from the incident to now. Had they been up in the plane after what had happened? With a new replacement that hadn't made the cut? How many had Birdie been on?
"Only two." Francis said with a slightly constrained look, before seeming to shrug it off as they made way towards the dining hall, "They wouldn't allow us to go with any of the replacements until we did a practice run or two. As you can see, those didn't go too well." Annie glanced at Francis and evidently saw the stress running rampage through her. It was evident in her face, in the way she spoke - she wanted something to work, she wanted to get in the sky again, she needed something to go right for the first time.
"If I get the position. Officially, that is," Annie started, looking up at Francis, "I intend to keep Silver Bullets as one of the best B-17s in the air. With the crew we've got, the co-pilot," Francis smiled, "I don't doubt that. Birdie had the crew for a reason." Francis watched her, a bit of sentimental air wafting through them as Francis reached out and squeezed her shoulder.
"You're a good one, Bradshaw," Francis said and Annie quirked out a smile, "c'mon."
Entering the dining hall - Annie realized quickly it was only for officers and high-ranking officials when she saw the likes of Major Cleven and Major Egan at a table together, huddled over some coffee alongside Kidd, Crank and DeMarco.
"Here we go." Francis said, leading Annie towards the center strip of table, covered in a white tablecloth, filled with all sorts of baskets of goods, utensils, coffee and mugs, "Usually, you can just get it served to you. But. Figured you'd want to see the spread, huh?" Annie's eyes widened at the assortment of things as Francis gently gave her shoulder a tap.
"I'll get us a table, get your fill, I'll get the food." Francis said before walking off, giving a wave to a few, fellow officers down a few rows of tables, bee-lining towards the food line.
Annie stood quietly for a moment, her eyes running over the length of the table in slight amusement and wonder. Growing up, she never had the sort of luxury as much as simple things like sugar or cream - even in coffee. Coffee was usually black, and a little watered down (it saved them from having to buy so many coffee grounds, you know?), and usually it was bitter. But you washed it down because it was what you had.
Now - there was sugar, cream, honey, biscuits for dipping, actual cloth napkins, a little spoon just for stirring! Gently, she touched the white tablecloth, the soft texture something so delicate and foreign to her in ways someone shouldn't have to think of.
Tablecloths were rough, scratchy and torn where she came from.
Here - they were soft, cream and stitched.
Annie retracted her hand and instead focused on the coffee.
Sometimes all she wanted day in and day out was coffee.
Reaching forward, she picked up a mug and cradled it in her hands - it was still warm, like it had just been freshly cleaned, straight from the hot water.
Annie had remembered feeling out of place before - plenty of times had she done things in her life where being the odd one out was normal for her. But now - even with just beautiful tablecloths and hot coffee mugs - she felt like being the odd one out was something she had to address. Right now.
Glancing around, officers and officials at the tables weren't looking at her (of course, they wouldn't be, why would they, this is normal for them), but for her, being in a place like this? With things like this? Annie set the mug down and then looked at the pot of steaming coffee. She debated. Did she need the cup of coffee?
"Hey," a voice said from somewhere to her left, causing her to turn away from the coffee pot and towards the voice, finding Lieutenant John Brady there, a smile on his face, as he slowly removed his crusher cap, "Bradshaw, right? New pilot for Silver Bullets?" A smile popped onto Annie's face as she suddenly took in that it was that pilot - from a day or two back - John Brady.
A part of her had been wondering when she'd see him again or even just around. He'd been nice, hospitable, and had a funny sense of humor she could get behind. People like that you wanted in your back pocket. Even if all she knew was his name and that he had a nice face.
"Yes. Annie Bradshaw." she said, unable to help her ever-present mannerisms and held out her hand (as if they hadn't met a few days ago and they'd all but tag-teamed Major Egan), "….uh, Brady?" He grinned - she knew it was him too, she couldn't forget a face like that, but she wanted to test the waters. Give a bit of it back.
"Brady. John Brady." he said, reaching forward to shake her hand, smile growing on his own face, "How's it been going? Hopefully Egan wasn't bearing too hard after your introduction a few days ago." Annie laughed - almost a bit nervously and awkwardly - trying to make impressions was something she was never great with, but things usually weighed in her favor at the end of the day.
"No, no, it was fine, really," Annie said, as she slowly dropped his hand, a slight tinge of warmth pooled in her stomach at the thought of his hand again - and the fact that was the second time she had even touched his hand, "Major Egan is definitely quite the character."
"That he is." Brady said with a laugh, shoving his hands in his pockets, nodding to her aviators in her front pocket, "Busy day?"
"Francis' showed me Silver Bullets," Annie said with a nod and a smile, "she's a beautiful plane." Brady smiled at her and then glanced over Annie's shoulder at Francis, before readjusting his eyes on her.
"That crew's really glad you're here," Brady said, face falling slightly, "after what happened…." Annie nodded to fill in the gapping hole of words.
"I'm giving them my all. After everything." Annie said quietly and Brady nodded, watching her, something in his lingering gaze a comfort in a way she would never make out, "Well, don't let me be in your way-"
"No, no not at all," Brady said quickly with a nod, "coffee drinker?"
"Yeah," she said, reaching up to run her hand along her hot collar a bit - almost like she couldn't get her mind in gear properly, "never did have much of any of these sorts of fixings back home, so….to say the least, I'm pretty stoked to try it out." She looked back to Brady who was watching her with a quiet look on his face, a soft grin riding his cheeks as he reached forward and took his own mug.
"You said you were from Mankato? Minnesota?" he asked her as she reached forward and picked up the pot of coffee and began pouring.
"Yeah," she said, turning to look at him as she poured, "didn't have a whole lot, but…it was home." There was a twinge of pain to that word. Home. Her mind blanked for a moment, before she was hearing a voice in her ear and her hand was burning.
"Look at you! You're spilling coffee. Here, here-" Annie blinked and turned her eyes and found Brady slowly removing the coffee pot from her grasp, the mug overflowing with hot coffee there on the starch table clothes, stained with dark puddles of drying liquid, her heart pounding. She watched frozen as Brady grabbed some napkins to dab at it, before looking to her gaze again.
"You okay there?" he asked her, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Didn't mean to batter you with questions, I swear my folks just raised me like that, questions and all-
""No." Annie said quickly, shaking her head and looking at her hand stained with hot coffee and gave a nervous smile, cheeks turning a bit pink, "I got….distracted. About home and this place. It's…it's all good. Sorry. About the coffee. And now the damn table cloths." Brady chuckled and took his hand off her shoulder and grabbed the empty mug and poured the coffee to a reasonable amount before handing it to her.
"Don't you worry, Little Birdie," he said with a smile, "it's a big place here. Lots to look at, get distracted by. Being so far from home anyway, that is. I'll let the cooks know-"
"Little Birdie?" she said, interrupting his train of thought. Brady grinned.
"You're a lot like Birdie. Captain Faulkner. You remind me of her, ya know? So - Little Birdie." he said with a smile, "Much better than Egan calling you No Name, too." Annie let out a laugh and nodded.
"Yeah, way better." she said and Brady smiled. For a moment, they stared at each other before Annie cleared her throat and looked at the coffee cup and back up at him.
"I'll be-"
"Your hand okay-" The two looked at each other before letting out a few nervous laughs.
"You first." Annie said, "Rank does its duties."
"We're both Lieutenants, Bradshaw."
"You're 1st. I'm 2nd." she said with a smile, "So?" Brady smirked, before the corner of his eyes and lips softened.
"Your hand okay? The coffee was pretty hot." he said softly and she nodded.
"Fine." she said, "Had cuts and bruises worse than this. Climbed trees as a kid." Brady watched her, brow peaked in interest. She smirked. "Also fell out of a lot of trees, too, so….all good." Brady let out a chuckle at her words, watching expectantly as she cleared her throat.
"And yes…..I was just going to be going. Don't want to hold you up." she said and then looked up at him. "I'll see you around?"
"Yeah, of course," Brady said, "probably flying club, right?" Annie raised a brow.
"Flying club?" She really was quite clueless on more than she thought.
"Drinks, dancing, music - get the tension out of your shoulders sorta thing." he said, another grin growing, "So, I'll probably see ya tonight?"
"Right." Annie said with a smile, holding the mug close to her, forgetting about cream or sugar, "Sounds good to me. I'll see you around. Thanks. Sorry again." And with that, she was turning away, slightly mortified at her clear inability to pour coffee efficiently. She hurried towards Francis at a table with their food, slamming her body and the mug of coffee down, meeting Francis' slightly annoyed gaze at the rough presence announced.
"You okay?" Francis asked her, eyeing the coffee and Annie's face again, "You look a little flustered. Hey, you drink black coffee?" Annie looked between the coffee and Francis and then sighed again.
"I meant to grab…." Annie looked over her shoulder and watched as Brady poured some cream into his own coffee cup - the one she had previously overflowed, to her own mortifying realization - and was now wandering away with, sipping it ever so gently, settling into a spot beside DeMarco. A pair of fingers snapped in front of her face and she turned quickly to look at Francis.
"Grab what? The LT's attention or a donut?" Francis said, before chuckling at Annie's slightly flustered expression and chuckled, "I'm just kidding you, c'mon, let's eat up. I think we're doing a practice run, just us girls - maybe with Just-A-Snappin', too." Francis bit into a piece of toast, "Harding wants to see us in the air. 'Longside another crew."
"Alright." Annie said with a nod, "We can make that happen." Francis smiled.
"Good," Francis said, "now, eat up. Don't need my pilot going hungry in the cockpit. Might have to feed you some of Margie's crushed up peanuts she's always carrying around-"
"Oh God." Annie murmured, "Bessie warned me….briefly…"
"Yeah, they're a goddamn curse on that thing, but she swears on it. Superstitious that one is." Annie chuckled at Francis' words and they continued to eat and discuss their day. Annie couldn't help but think of it all though - porcelain, silk and starch.
Everything and all things.
When you came from nothing, things like that were practically gold.
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onskepa · 4 months
Hiii! Could you do a fic where Spider has a na’vi girlfriend that was born with a damaged kuru or no kuru at all. She gets a bit ostracized from the clan because of that. All is fine till one day a couple of boys start to make fun of her and say that the only reason she is with Spider is because she doesnt have any other choices. Spider hears this and thinks its true. And then relationship drama ensues.But it ends well.
Hellooooooooooooo~!! Ok this one is cuuuuuuuuuuute~!! Both her and spider deserve all the love they can get! Hope you enjoy this one!
Disclaimer: No this is ZERO connections with the kelsar fic! The idea is similar but both plots are completely different! They have nothing to do with each other!
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“Oh she is going to love this!” spider says enthusiastically as he runs to find a certain someone. The faster he runs, the more excited he gets. Zeroing on his target, he leaps from a high rock and jumps mid air. 
“NIMAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!” spider screams in joy. 
A na’vi girl turns to see his shadow growing bigger by the second, raising her hands in worry “Spider don't!!” she shouts. 
But her words did not reach him in time. Using his whole body weight, he landed on Nimal and both landed on the ground. A loud boisterous laugh escaped spider and he gets up, looking down at his one and only love. Nimal. 
Nimal looks up at him with a goofy grin. Their eyes meet and twin life sparkle shines in their eyes. 
“You skxawng” she chuckles. Her forehead touching his. 
“Anything to make you smile,” spider says in awe.
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A human boy born on a alien planet. With no way to truly connect to the world like all the na’vi. A na’vi girl born with no kuru, unable to connect with her fellow people. Both unique to their own ways, yet both connect by unable to connect. If it makes any sense at all. 
Spider and Nimal, two of a kind. Born in a beautiful planet where connection is everything. Being one with the world. Yet both do not have that luxury. However that won't bring them down. It is them against the world. 
“Like always, isn't that right nimal?” Spider asks her dearest love as he braids her hair. Nimal closed her eyes, loving the attention she receives, calmly responds, “always us against the world my love” 
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Hand in hand, spider and nimal walk through the village, gleeful smiles imprinted on their faces, chatting about anything that comes to their minds. Yet as they mind their own business, they willfully ignore the many stares among the omatikaya people. 
Stares that are mixed with hate, disgust, fascination, awe, or confusion. That is something that will never cease to pass. Their relationship is not really taboo, just odd in many ways. Of course, no matter what species, but gossip seems to be a common trait. 
Ever since spider and nimal got together, there has been many theories on just why. Why would these two odd people be in a relationship that clearly doesn't work? That is the exciting part for spider and nimal. They like to fight against the odds. A na’vi with no kuru and a human with no way to breathe the air. Yet it works. It works for nimal, and it works for spider. Who cares about the challenges? 
Well, their inner doubts do. 
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“Can I know? How about a little sneak peak?” spider asks, very eager to know whatever little secret his darling nimal is hiding. Unable to contain herself, nimal laughs, stopping spider in his tracks to hug him and give him a kiss on the shoulder. 
“What is the point of a surprise if I tell you what it is ma’yawntu?” nimal couldnt help but blush at spider’s little pout. 
“Not even a small tinie tiny hint?” he pushes. 
“No! Hahaha, believe me, it will be so so worth it” 
Spide sighing, giving up, for the moment, of what nimal’s gift for him is. But that is ok, spider has a little secret too. He is making the best gift ever, so great that whatever nimal has in store, it will outshine! 
“But you know you don't have to give me anything right? Just being with you is the best thing ever” spider says, intertwining his fingers with hers. Nimal giggles, blushing at his comment. This made spider praise her even more. 
“It's true! Being with you is the greatest thing ever! I pray to Eywa every day in thanks for letting me live another day just so I can see you” he goes on. With every praise it just makes nimal become a blushing mess. How can she say anything back with spider praising her with that much affection? 
“Stooooooop!” she tries to speak while trying to not stutter or say something dumb. 
However, despite all that. Nimal appreciates it, appreciates spider for being with her. 
But before spider could say anything further, their little lovey dovey moment was interrupted. 
“Awe~ Look at that, the sky demon kissing ass of an outcast freak!” 
Both nimal and spider groaned, already annoyed by the usual mockery and stupid insults. They were already sick and tired of it since day one of their relationship. 
“Do you have anything better to do than to waste your time on something pointless?” nimal glares at the small group of young na’vi around their age. Yet the snobby teens just laugh it off. A small group of 5, like nimal and spider, were carving their paths to adulthood. Their achievements getting into their heads. 
“Awe~ Does it bother you~? Did you know we tamed our ikrans today? You have to catch up if you want to be an adult, oh wait, you cant connect with one, just like how you cant connect with anything else!” one of the young females cackles along side with others. 
“Hey that's enough!” spider not liking their cruel steps in front of nimal. But the youthful group just laughed even more. One of them, feeling bold, stepped closer to spider with a cocky grin. 
“Or what? Hm? What are you going to do about it, demon? Fight me?” the na’vi boy tempted, pushing spider back roughly. “Thinking you are like the rest of us? Hm? Guess what, you’re not! You and the rest of the demons should just drop dead. You would be doing a great favor to us all-”
A angry fist met his face, making the young na’vi stumble back. 
His friends startled but took a few seconds to take in the moment before laughing. 
“Get up! ARe you going to let some tiny sky demon beat you!?” one of the youngsters shouted. 
“I can beat all of you, come on! Who’s next?!” spider shouted, his anger rising. 
But before things could get worse, spider felt nimal’s hand over his shoulder. Looking behind him, he sees nimal giving him a look, telling him silently to stop. 
“Fighting won't solve anything. We will go” nimal said to the others as she guides spider away. 
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“C’mon! I would have taught them a lesson or two!” spider insisted as he let nimal lead the way, away from those brainless skxawngs.
“No yawntu, I don't want you to get in trouble, or worse, hurt,” nimal said, concerned clearly in her tone. Spider understood, but his need to stand his ground remained. “But they insulted you! Us! Letting them get away with it will only make it worse later on” he tried to reason. But nimal only shook her head.
“You are already in a rocky spot with the tsahik, what would happen if you did fight them? She would banish you without listening to reason, and I don't want that. I don't want to lose you”
Her grip on spider's hand tightened as she thought of the worst.
“I don't want to be alone….”
Placing a hand on her cheek, nimal leans into spider’s warm touch.
“You won't lose me, never”
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Days have passed since the little incident, and things were back to normal. As normal as it can get. With word spreading of a festive occasion coming within a few weeks, spider was on the hunt to find the finest materials the forest can offer. What for? To make the best matching clothing for nimal and himself. He was practicing weaving in all sorts of patterns thanks to his sister from another mister, kiri. 
And it was as if the forest understood his desire, with every spot spider went, he found interesting items he knew he could use. Colorful beads, lushful leaves, strong thin vines, the forest was very giving that day. Spider can't wait to show what he found to nmal. Already he imagines her face shining with glee once he presents her with the materials. Perhaps blushing and giving him lots of hugs and kisses. Just thinking about it already makes him blush. 
Once he thought he gathered enough, quickly he made his way to look for nimal. Knowing her, there is only a handful of places she would go to. Luckily he managed to find her, unlucky….he found her with the youths from the other day. 
“What is going on…?” he thought. Were they messing with her again? Spider wasn't afraid to put them in their place. 
But before spider can make his presence known, something made him stop. 
“You don't love him at all. You are faking it”
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Nimal was surrounded by the same group that wanted to start trouble with her and spider a few days back. Are they that bored? 
“You know you dont have to fake it, '' one of the bullies said.
“Fake what?” she snapped back. Her tail curled in an angry display. 
“Don't act stupid. We all know you just like to hang around with that little sky demon because he makes you feel less pathetic” 
So that was about.
“My bond with him is none of your business” nimal said, in her mind she tries to recall how spider does it when others bother him. Stand tall, don't show a sign of breaking. Be better than your opponent. 
If she were to turn around and leave, they just might follow her, or return with more insults to say. Best to end it all now. 
“Oh stop kidding yourself! You dont have a kuru, you cant make a bond with anything or anyone. So, to feel better you stick with a more pathetic being” one of the young females says, as if it were a fact. 
“Admit it nimal” another gets closer to nimal. 
“You don't love him at all. You are faking it” 
What could she say? What words can she say? 
“You don't see him as your equal. You see him as an emotional leverage. You use his undying love for you to your advantage. Making him feel he is worthy of something when in reality, the dirt we walk on has more value than he could ever be. You know damn well finding a mate will be impossible, that sky demon is all there is. Admit nimal. SAY IT! Say you don't like spider! That he is just some pet to keep around for your sick satisfaction. You are no better than the rest of us” 
“Its true…” nimal says….
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Spider took slow steps back, his mind unable to process what he just heard. Nimal didn't love him like he loves her? Was it all a lie? One big lie? Before spider could hear anymore, he ran. Leaving his findings behind and ran as far as his legs could take him. His heart burned in anger, sadness, and shame. 
It was too good to be true, wasnt it? Was it some sick game to her? 
Perhaps yes. 
“Its true……that I see spider as MY EQUAL. Not someone below me! If anything, he is better than me! I look at him with love not with spite or annoyance! You dont understand it, none of you do! I may not have a kuru but my bond with spider is stronger than anything! I dont need to connect to understand what he feels, what he thinks! So back the hell off before it will be me who will kick your fucking asses!” 
To prove her point, nimal punches the idiot who tried to talk down to her. Making him fly a few yards away. She hisses as a warning and the others scramble off away from her. 
Huffing in anger, she turns to find spider. But in the distance, something caught her eye, something shining. Following it, under a leaf was a basket full of beautiful materials. In awe, she inspected them, they had a lingering scent. Taking a good sniff, she gasped, recognizing the smell. Spider was here. 
OH Eywa, spider was here and heard everything. Or maybe half of it. 
Dread grew as she was quick to gather the basket and run to look for him. Did he leave before he heard her answer? Did he leave after that asshole told lies? If he did, spider would no doubt think of the wrong things. Misconceptions. 
Nimal had to find him quick, before things get worse by terrible miscommunications.
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It took almost all day, but nimal found him at a cliff. Hugging his legs, looking out at the landscape. 
“Spider there you are, I was looking everywhere for you” she said, sitting next to him while reaching out. But spider only slapped her hand away. 
“The hell are you doing?” he asks in anger, glaring at her with hate. This expression was something she never saw from spider. To know it was towards her, nimal felt sad. 
“What do you mean? Looking for you of course, there is something I want to tell you” she says but spider shakes his head. 
“I have heard enough. Why bother? I already know what you really see in me. Just some pet to keep. To make you feel less lonely you attached yourself to someone who is more weak and pathetic than you” 
He really did hear it all wrong. 
Nimal tries to get closer but spider refuses to be even 5 inches close. 
“No yawntu, thats not what I-” 
“Stop calling me that! You don't love me, you never did! To think this was going to work but its not! Fuck, I cant even kiss you without risking my life! I  can't do anything with you like a na'vi can! So why bother huh?! Why bother with a pathetic, fucking loser like me-” 
Nimal had to slap him. Not hard of course. 
“YOU SKXAWNG!” she shouts. Tears rolling down her eyes, whimpers escaping her lips. 
All anger ceased in spider, looking at her in shock. 
“If you think you are pathetic then I am below that! I hate myself, thinking there is no one out there for me! No one is willing to accept this huge flaw of mine. No one is willing to be called mine for life, I can't fly with an ikran, or ride a pali like everyone else. I hated myself for so long, but you spider. You made me feel normal, like I am just like everyone else. That I can be who I am. With you, I feel happy, complete. You complete me spider. I don't care if you are different. I don't care that you can't kiss me, or that you can't do everything like a na’vi can. But what you do better than anyone is be accepting. You dont bully, you don't ridicule, you are good spider. Too good that I often question myself if I even deserve you” 
Nimal rubs her eyes to stop the tears but like a waterfall, it keeps on coming. 
“I love you” 
If spider hated her after this, at least nimal was able to say what she felt. 
“Do you mean it….?” spider asks hesitantly. 
“With all my heart” she answers honestly. 
The next thing she didn't expect was spider taking off his mask to go over to her quickly and give her the deepest, most loving kiss she ever had in her life. The moment felt like a thousand years. Nimal kissed back, loving how warm he is against her lips. That was something she always loved about spider. His radiating warmth. Like the sun. So bright and joyful. 
Pulling back, spider puts back his mask. He sits down in front of her, taking her bigger hands ino his. 
“Im sorry…I cant help but think these things. Thinking that I dont deserve you, or your kindness. My doubts will be there, in the back of my head. I really am a skxawng” spider confesses. 
Nimal hugs him tightly, taking in his forest scent, hint of rain and a familiar flower scent. 
“Can you forgive this skxawng?” he asks, nimal chuckled a bit. 
“I already have” 
Pulling back, they stare into each other's eyes, the moonlight reflecting in their pupils. Smiles grow and a new wave of happiness and love grows in their hearts. 
“Guess next time, I shouldn't run away like some dramatic damsel, I will hear you out. I promise” spider says. 
“Alright, ma’yawntu”
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Okie this one I love! Short but sweet! And I hope you all like it too! Until next time! See ya!
Nimal = Trust with no hesitation
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Happy Birthday
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TW: Fluff. Language. Fluffiness. 
SUMMARY: The Pogues celebrate your birthday as one in particular makes it special…
-So, my birthday is in March, so could you maybe write a birthday fic? (Pope or jj preferably) Idk if you would want to make it fluff smut or both so up to you! Although another plot idea could be he throws a surprise “party” for you but it’s just the pogues who all previously were “busy” so they asked if they could celebrate your birthday a few days later or something. And on your birthday someone asks if you can come over because they need to talk to you and you walk in and it’s the pogues. And maybe he makes your cake and he makes a joke like “I made it all myself” and then you point to the box it came in (that he left out) and he’s like “well I added the stuff and baked it AND put frosting on it”  -💎 
Happy Birthday
By the time the morning of your birthday arrived, you were anything but excited. A previous mental countdown no longer a means of excitement as every single one of your friends slipped away into other obligations. Excuse after excuse having found the screen of your phone as you prepared yourself for the day. 
"Happy birthday, beautiful. Do you mind stopping by The Chateau? Pope is freaking out over some text book he left back. Thx." Sarah texted as you offered yourself a weak smile. Without any other plans, you ventured the small distance without a second thought, all while pouting. 
But the second you stepped foot on the grounds, it erupted with applause. A handmade banner stretched throughout the singular tree set just beside the hot tub, intertwined with the lights. A small table was constructed to hold libations and gifts. And each and every one of your friends that had made excuses were now standing before you now with brilliant smiles. 
"I thought you were all busy…" You confessed, wiping away the tears down your cheeks as you completed your side hug with Sarah.
"You kiddin? He wouldn't let us. He's been bugging us for weeks to make sure everything was perfect- OW!" Pope groaned as Kiara elbowed him while your eyes lifted to a blushing JJ. 
"Happy Birthday." He offered while offering you a full embrace. Of all sets of arms wrapped around you, you would be lying if you said they wouldn't have been your favorite. And the fact you were intertwined a moment too long has informed any uncertain pogue of this as well. 
"So there's games here and drinks, your favorite, of course-" JJ explained with life behind each word, truly excited for your reaction. 
The afternoon was spent with giant Jenga brought by Kie, to which John B lost due to JJ teasing him to ironically "not lose" before it then came time for gifts. A bracelet from Sarah, a book from Pope, a shell frame from John B (with a touch of Sarah again), and a dress from Kiara were all offered before the final gift was presented to you. 
"If you don't like it, I can get you something else…" JJ handed a small black box as you pulled the lid to reveal the most beautiful of necklaces before you. 
"It's a little dipper. Made in it metal shop
.. The first night you were here at The Chateau we stayed up and talked about all the stars…wasn't sure if you remembered or-" You wrapped your arms over his shoulders and allowed your care for him to be known. You didn't care about comments or approval. Not even a potential rejection in the fear you read his kindness as an amorous notion. You just needed to be held by him. But more than this, he needed to be held by you all the same. 
"Okay lovebirds…I need some cake…" Kie teased while leading everyone back into The Chateau. Set on the kitchen table wore a stunning single layer cake. 
"Made it myself." JJ announced proudly, standing like an action hero with his hands on his hips as you smirked. He followed your eyes to the trashcan where the box peeked from the head. 
"Well I put it in the oven myself…even put the icing on and everything." He exclaimed in defense. 
"As long as you didn't actually make it, I'll eat it." Kiara teased as everyone chucked as he lifted his middle fingers before Pope would cut the cake into slices. 
"Hey J?" You asked between bites. "Would you help me put it on?" He nearly threw the plate down as he graciously accepted the excuse to touch you. It was enough to make Kie and Sarah offer a look of knowing to each other as he nodded. Your body chilled to the feeling of his touch as he struggles with the clasp for only a second before it donned your clavicle. 
"Beautiful…" he answered some silent question before then clearing his throat as his cheeks reddened by his confession. 
"We can't forget the annual leap off the dock!" Sarah reminded as she elbowed John B.
"Right! We'll meet you guys out there…" Before you could follow, Sarah caught your arm. 
"You should stay…" she winked as JJ clenched his jaw but smiled once you turned to face him. A nervous hand through his hair as there now developed an awkward silence between you. It was a rarity for JJ to be at a loss for words. Knowing this, you ended the quietude. 
"Did you really do all this?"
He shrugged. "I know your family doesn't really-" he stopped himself when noticing the sadness on your face. 
"What did you uh, wish for?" He asked as you recollected to when you blew out your candle. Your eyes finding him as you bowed over the flame. The wish obvious to those nearby but apparently an enigma to the handsome surfer. 
You hesitated, unsure if you were willing to interrupt your fragile friendship with expressing your feelings. 
"Well you know what they say about telling your wish…it won't come true so maybe you should have a backup wish or something because it's bad luck-" You pressed your hands softly to his shoulders and made up the difference separating you. His eyes widened the moment before your lips collided before both softened to the contact. 
"I like to make my own luck." You offered when pulling back from the kiss to take the risk of his rejection. But he only pulled you closer. His racing heart felt behind his stone torso at the very moment Kie and Sarah peeked through the window and squealed to the sight. 
"About time…" John B teased aloud as you smirked at the narrations heard. 
"Wait…" He pulled back for a moment. "Does this mean you want to get lucky? I can make that happen…" You rolled your eyes and pushed against his chest. 
"I mean do you know a guy?" You taunted back as he caught your wrist just before you joined the other pogues. 
"Happy birthday…" 
"Thank you J…" You looked over your shoulder to ensure your spectators had dissipated before reaching to him again. A soft hand to his cheek guiding him against you. But this time, he pulled you to his body and between him and the wall just beside the door. 
"Jesus…" he breathed down your jaw and to your neck as you fisted whatever fabric weakly covered his torso. Not that you were one to complain about such things…
"This is supposed to be your birthday…"
"You asked what my wish was…" You pulled him back into you, his feet stumbling as he caught himself on the wall behind you. 
"Now you have to tell me…in detail…" he teased that sultry nature before you traced his arms. 
"But then it won't come true…" his confinement now sharpened. 
"But the rules don't say anything about showing you…" You teased his lips before slipping past him and over the threshold where you were caught again. 
"I'm holding you to it, sweetheart."
"I hope so." 
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel@phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916 @belcalis9503 @pankhoeforlife @pankowperfection
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fairycosmos · 6 months
I'm sorry to do this bc I know you get so many ppl venting and you have your own shit to deal with and yet ppl on here constantly implicitly ask you to console them which is incredibly emotionally labour intensive. However all that being said. I found out my cat who is 9 but is very young looking and active and shows no sign of pain or suffering has large cell lymphoma (general prognosis 6-9 months) and I'm literally broken. She's my best friend. I've been through years where I've had no friends but I've always had her and she's everything to me and I've known a lot of cats who live to late teens so I had expected that for her and this has come out of nowhere and is just so soul destroying because she is my whole world and I love her so so much. she's literally saved my life (have been at the point of kms so many times but didn't for her) and now she probably wont be here next year and I don't know how to keep existing without her and I didn't know who else to tell. I really appreciate your kind and honest presence on this site it's very cleansing and healing and ik this is a parasocial thing to say/feel but you are like a friend to so many. so thanks. even just having a space to say this stuff is invaluable. You have helped and comforted and offered love and insight to so many people despite your own suffering. Much love to you, I hope the universe treats you with lots of kindness going forward.
i am so so sorry to hear this - sometimes i honestly can't believe how cruel life can be. i wish there was something tangible i could say that would make a change to what you're feeling but my experience with grief (all types of grief esp preemptive grief like what you're dealing with) has proven to me that words often ring hollow when you're going through it. i do want to offer some understanding and some comfort despite that, i just know it may be hard for you to register right now and that's alright. losing a pet is so so deeply painful and it's completely normal to be devastated and taken aback by this news - anyone would be. at the same time it sounds like your cat is deeply lucky to have you and to be loved so completely by someone. while what you're both going through is horrific, i am so glad she has you to take care of her and that she ended up having a wonderful life with you - the gift you have given her and continue to give her every day just by being her owner is huge and i hope you continue to remind yourself that as you confront there next few months. she is warm and fed and taken care of and she has the best chance of living longer with her condition bc of the care and love you continue to show her. i know this is much much easier said than done but please try to take it one day at a time and make every moment count with her - it's easy to get lost in the idea of losing her but she is still here and you still have time together, albeit not as much time as you both deserve. i can't stand how much of a gamble of luck everything seems to be and how horrible things happen to ppl and animals who truly deserve so much more - that anger, despair and incredulity still hits me day after day and i feel it very hard on your behalf rn. you have every right in the world to process that sense of feeling like your soul has been destroyed on whatever timeline works for you. as long as you continue to move forward, hour to hour or minute to minute despite it all.
are you able to talk to any friends/family about this? i only ask bc pet loss is one of the hardest things in the world to go through and i think having some sort of super system could make the days feel a little more manageable. if not, please feel free to message me and share updates, stories, vents etc about your cat and how you're doing - i lost my childhood dog a few yrs back and i do understand. it's such a heavy feeling to carry around with you all the time. i would also recommend joining a pet loss support group as another option too, bc so so many people sadly completely get what youre going through. i hope your little girl is doing OK today and that you are taking care of yourself as much as you feel able to as you process this news. if you need to break down, go to sleep, scream, punch pillows, be numb - that's alright. there's no wrong way to react to this. i just hope you give yourself some grace as you do. sending so so much love to you both - and thank you so much for the insanely kind words by the way. you didn't have to say that and it really made my night better that you did. so sorry you're in this position. X
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londonfog-chan · 2 years
Malleus Draconia x Encanto!Reader
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You can absolutely thank @thefiasco-onyourblock for constantly posting Twisted Wonderland content enough for me to become intrigued by “Who is that hunk with Maleficent’s horns?”.
While it is absolutely valid for every Latino who watched Encanto to enjoy the happy ending of the toxic ass family actually apologizing, this set of smol headcanons is for the Latino kids who have gone no contact with their family.
I see the Twisted Wonderland Encanto realm is the same, however you aren’t necessarily a Madrigal in name, but your family is Twisted Wonderland’s variant.
Yet you are very much the Mirabel of the story, in that you are the only member of your family who has no gift of magic.
The world you live in exists in this strange realm of being knowledgeable of places like Night Raven College existing, but still largely ignorant of other magical customs and cultures.
But it works out fine for your family. Since they’re the only people of your world with a gift, they enjoy the status.
You were not given a gift, and your life has been hell for it. Abuse and neglect are familiar to you.
Anything goes wrong, often you bear the brunt of things beyond your control.
This is obvious by your reactions in Night Raven College. You will often overreact to the most minor of things, or stress to the point of doing things like pulling out your hair, picking and scratching at blemishes on your skin, or overeating/not eating enough.
Your cousins, the golden grandchildren with gifts, stole the spotlight often. Even the younger ones who showed you kindness once will inevitably be influenced to see you as a pariah for not having a gift. It hurts to see that eventually they’re the ones who actually start rumors of your jealousy when you notice the casita begin to fracture and crack.
It comes to a head one day when you’re the one blamed for trying to help your cousins see past their insecurities and find the goodness and individuality inside. Instead you’re accused of ruining the family and causing the foundations of bonds to fall apart. All this for teaching your cousins that they’re more than their gift.
Wild accusations fly through the air like daggers at your head, your grandmother accusing you of not caring for the family, of wanting to see it’s destruction.
That precise moment is when the casita begins to visibly fracture and break. You leave everything behind, taking nothing with you except the wounds left by your family’s harsh words.
Next you know, you’re being removed from a coffin and have found yourself in a place where it seems everyone has been blessed with a gift. Even this weird cat creature has power you were not aware could be bestowed.
Bitterly, when the mirror declares you empty, you realize that perhaps your cousins would have flourished here in your stead. As usual, you’re the only one without a gift at the table.
However, throughout your interactions at Night Raven, the others wonder aloud if you really do have a gift.
Your ability to bring students together, the life you’ve given to Ramshackle Dorm, it has to be a gift your friends insist.
No one is more convinced than Malleus Draconia. You’ve found a friend, and daresay a new love, in this mysterious fae mage.
For the first time you’ve found someone who recognizes you and the gift you truly are. Malleus never fails to remind you of your worth whenever the scars of your past begin to hurt afresh.
He will be the first to point out when you’ve done something amazing. It could be something as simple as learning a new dish or resolving a conflict with two students with nothing more than a plateful of arepas con queso and a listening ear.
(His favorite dish that you’ve ever made for him is bandeja paisa by the way.)
It’s actually Malleus who proposes to you, making sure to let you know that you are a blessing to have arrived in his life.
“O Child of Man, know that your family asked for a gift of a miracle, yet in their hubris were willfully blind to the truth: the gift is you. Gifts of the fae are not to be abused or taken lightly. Be not afraid, for in my arms I will nurture and assist you in finding your light once more.”
You have to cry. Never has such a kindness been spoken to you before.
Whatever promises he makes, Malleus Draconia keeps his word. He will defend you, nurture your spirit, encourage you, but he will also help you if he notices you going down a path of destructive behavior.
He is always there for you. Even when times are hard and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Malleus is a gift in of himself.
You feel very lucky to have such a gift.
Needless to say, after telling him of the things that have happened in your family, he will never let you set foot there again.
If your guilty conscience takes control, he will reluctantly allow you to see your family again, but rest assured the minute he hears any accusation against you it’s time to leave.
He admittedly is actually satisfied with how your family has seemed to fall apart without you.
For a moment your casita is alive with your visit, and it seems everyone briefly regains their power, but it’s hard to say whether or not they still blame your departure as the cause for the candle going out.
Which in a sense they’re right, but Malleus in true Dark Fairy fashion can’t help but drop the truth bomb.
“Those who should squander a gift of the fae should show no surprise when it is reclaimed.”
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