#if that's acting I'll make my own damn movie
emilybeemartin · 7 months
A whopping, like, 2.6 people have expressed interest in my recent adventures in watching Bean films, which is all the encouragement I need to present to you:
An Incomplete Guide to Sean Bean Roles (Investigation Ongoing)
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Our guy has a vast filmography, and I'm not even close to being halfway through it, but I've watched a lot of his significant ones in the past few weeks thanks to a perfect storm of illness, injury, and lapses in client work. Crucially, I have created superlatives for a variety of them and present them here for your benefit. Disclaimer: many of these films are violent! Or have butts and/or tits! Some have dick! Some have dated bits that didn't age well! So, if you have triggers or are watching with young viewers, do your research first! Also, these are just the opinions of one solitary millennial! Nothing is objective! Nothing is real! I care not!
Okay, CYA done, let's begin. I'll get the two most obvious ones out of the way up front, otherwise they'll dominate half the categories:
Greatest Bean: Fellowship of the Ring. I've said it before and I'll say it again, he achieved more pathos with Boromir than a lot of his other roles have allowed for, and every note he hits just sings. No debate.
Best Bean for Your Buck: Sharpe. For the best confluence of quantity, quality, physicality, emotion, humor, and action, you can't beat Richard Sharpe.
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Favorite Dramatic Bean: Time; he earned that BAFTA fr
Softest Bean: The first date scene in Stormy Monday, where Brendan shyly gets to know Kate, slow dances with her, lends her a shirt and strokes her back after she asks if they can just go to sleep instead of have sex.
Most Dashing Bean: Vronsky in Anna Karenina, that uniform cuts, damn
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Swooniest Bean: I know I'm supposed to say Chatterley, and he is undeniably sexy as Mellors, but there are parts where his character is actually kind of off-putting. I'll lay a good chunk of the blame on the weirdly ominous score, the very of-the-time depiction of dubious consent, and Joely Richardson's tendency to look like she's having the worst time of her life while shagging the hot gamekeeper. No, I'm giving this category to Stormy Monday again. He's just so gentle and genuine in this one, without some of the obligatory "heartthrob" overtones of his nineties stuff. He never raises his voice at Kate or manhandles her. He really does feel like some kid who just wants to be sweet to his girlfriend.
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Laddiest Bean: When Saturday Comes, specifically the strip club and bathtub scenes.
Favorite Sad Bean: As a collective, he has some great grief scenes in World on Fire, but! The railroad track scene in When Saturday Comes?! That was RAW.
Favorite Mad Bean: Black Death; there are plenty of movies where he doesn't smile at all, but unlike some others, his grimness and anger felt proportionate to the story, rather than just rage because he's good at rage.
Favorite Bad Bean: There are so many great Bean villains (Goldeneye, obvs), but I think my favorite is Patriot Games. Bonus points for all the different hairstyles he has in this film (long locks-shag-shag ponytail!-buzz-wet spiky buzz). Also HUGH FRASER AAAA
Favorite Dad Bean: Wolfwalkers, where Bill Goodfellowe literally turns his own convictions and beliefs upside-down in order to protect and support his daughter.
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A note on GoT: I haven't watched it. When season one was first coming out, it was during a time where I really couldn't handle watching any kind of sexual assault onscreen, and while I have a higher tolerance now, I just... don't want to. I like seeing gifs of Ned Stark and appreciate that it's one of his great roles, but I just can't make myself take the plunge.
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ilysm you grizzled dead wolf man
Favorite Costumed Bean: Odysseus in Troy: curls, leather, thighs.
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Favorite Un-Costumed Bean: He strips in quite a lot of his films, so let's give it to Lady Chatterley for sheer screentime, exertion, and the bonus of being naked and wearing a flower crown. Honorable mention to When Saturday Comes for the totally not homoerotic amount of butts and also dick in the locker room bathtub scene.
Hurtin'est Bean: Bravo Two Zero. Oof, don't watch this one if you have an aversion to seeing pain, although---you're a Sean Bean fan, and we all know one of his MOs is being GREAT at pain. This one was directed by Tom Clegg, who directed Sharpe. Also lol at the sickle-shaped wound on his shoulder, which is covering his 100% Blade tattoo (he gets a lot of sickle-shaped wounds on his left shoulder).
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Best Inside References: The Frankenstein Chronicles, where he plays a former Peninsular soldier, and every reference to his service is a reference to Sharpe, including shots of his greenjacket, pistol, sword, and flogging scars. Honorable mention to The Martian for the Council of Elrond line.
Most Unsettling Bean: Cleanskin for moral grayness, The Frankenstein Chronicles for body horror
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Most Inefficient Use of Bean: Black Beauty. Despite getting high billing he's only onscreen for about two minutes and I'm convinced the long shots are a body double. Criminal.
Biggest Missed Opportunity: We were robbed of a Sean Bean Odyssey. R o b b e d
Funniest Bean: Deploying Bean for comedy is woefully underused, but he made full use of his ~15 seconds in The Vicar of Dibley ("Spring" episode). He's also hilarious in Wasted, though I haven't watched the show, only the clips he's in on YouTube, where he plays a mock version of himself serving as a spirit guide for a stoner. IMO, though, Sharpe gives him the most room for humor.
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Favorite Character Quirk: In World on Fire, when Douglas is having WWI flashbacks and really coming apart, he kept putting his hand to his mouth. My modern brain first read this as talking into a phantom radio, but of course that wasn't right, and then I realized--he was reaching for a phantom gas mask. CHILLS. AMAZING. (Honorable mentions to the Mouth Rub and the Tongue Thing [pictured above]).
Most Nostalgic Bean: National Treasure. The concept may be utter silliness, but you have to admit, this is a fun movie to watch.
Best Dismount from a Horse: Henry VIII, he goes pshwing out of the saddle
Best Swordplay: You may think there's no possible answer to this, but there is---two moments, specifically: the preparatory sword-spin he does at Balin's tomb just before the goblin attack in Moria, and the four lunges he does at 1:26:22 of Sharpe's Battle. It's just facts.
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Prettiest Bean Film: Wolfwalkers, hands downnnn
Favorite Bean Death: All right, you knew we had to eventually end here. It's Boromir, obviously--- nothing tops that. But if we're looking at other roles, I think Patriot Games is my favorite, followed by Goldeneye.
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So! That concludes this installment of Bean films, though I'll be continuing the labor, and I hope you will, too. What are your favorites?
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sulkingscythe · 1 month
bakugou bf! headcannons
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a.n: fluff!bakugou
pairing: bakugou x gn!reader
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⁂ he for sure was extremely protective of you before you guys were officially together and would always be around you guarding you like a watchdog waiting to kick anyone’s ass who dared to even look at you wrong!! but when you brought this up to him he completely denied it saying that you were the one stalking him.
“i have no idea that your talking about ? did you hit your head ? maybe you have a fever? yep maybe its that haha or maybe its been YOU!! thats been spying on me! ahh i knew it !!!!”
⁂ bakugou is also the type to do small gestures to show his affection!
like buy you your favorite snacks and food when your week has been busy
always covering a desk when you drop your phone under the desk to make sure you don’t hit your head on your way up,
fix your uniform when it’s a mess from waking up late and rushing to class but also scolds you for not getting up on time
"really?? i told you not to pull a allnighter, to binge all of the marvel movies! now look at you, you got detention for not listening to me!!!"
"your just mad i didn't invite you, huh?"
"PFFT AS IF!!! .... yeah i am, but come on!! now i have to watch them alone!"
"i can always rewatch them, and im sorry suki, ill invite you next time now let me make it up to you!! i'll pay for snacks!☆
⁂ extremely loyal!!! this guy does not bat a eye at anyone else !!!, he would also scream to any girls that touch him in away way!!
⁂ he hates it when guys from other classes talk to you especially deku! and would tell to stay away from him saying he’s “bad business” and that all the other guys are not worthly of talking or even being in your presence!
“i dont want you talking to that green broccoli idot! you hear me, he’s just all bad news!!”
“how would you know that!? huh suki? he seems nice”
“i grew up with him remember !?, remember its always the ones that look nice on the outside that are the true villans!”
“uh ok? i mean if it helps you sleep better at night, then ill stop talking to him :b”
“also tell those weak extras from the support course that you won’t be going over there for repairs on your gear anymore. got it, your stronger and better them to be asking for thier help, alright babe? they don’t deserve someone as smart and badass as YOU in their boring dry lives.”
“uhh but how am i supposed to get fast repairs and fix my own gear!!!???”
“ill fix it babe ok?, dont worry about it got it all covered, when you need it fixed just drop it off at my dorm and for payment methods? we could always figure something out. maybe acts of service ;)”
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divider credits to @cafekitsune check her page and her work !!
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leviscolwill · 11 months
good old fashioned lover boy
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pairing: trent alexandrer arnold x reader
summary: trent loves that you and jude get along, but he wants to make sure he still holds the #1 spot in your heart [wc: 1k]
req: request for a fluffy trent fic: jude is always over at trent & reader’s house, eating their food, bringing his friends over, begging to join them on outings etc. and generally acting like their kid. so ofc reader & jude are close, he goes to her advice, they tease trent togeth etc. and trent is jealous that jude gets long w his girl so we’ll but not actually jealous, more in a pouty whiny way, cos he knows jude is like a little bro to her
contents: established relationship, food mention, jealous trent (but it's cute)
note: i tried suppressing my lowercase addiction for this, tell me if you prefer it this way 🫶
now playing: good old fashioned lover boy by queen...
The warmth of your home protected you from October's cold. Trent had planned to spend the day snuggled in bed watching spooky movies and baking Halloween cookies with you.
Well, that was the plan until Jude passed your door. Trent wouldn't be able to say one bad thing about Jude even if he tried, he'd been there for him during tough times. No matter how hard you tried to empathize with Trent, Jude was probably the one friend who could understand his struggles surrounding football the most. Very quickly the pair grew close, almost family-like, and Jude would come over yours, often. You didn't mind, how could you? Jude was nothing short of lovely, he was a funny guy to be around and probably your boyfriend's favourite friend.
But you didn't expect him to crash one of the rare free days you got to spend with Trent. And neither did Trent, from the way his eyes widened when he opened the door to a smiley Jude. Your favourite Disney soundtracks were still blasting in the kitchen while you were mixing your cookie batter.
“Oh, are you cooking these for me?” Jude's voice made you turn around to see him standing in your kitchen with a big smile, your boyfriend trailing behind him.
“Depends, do you have good news to give me?” Trent's face contorted in confusion but Jude totally understood what you meant by the giggle he let out.
“I'll tell you all about it if those cookies are worth it.”
He recently came up to you for advice on how he should ask the girl he liked out. The fact Jude trusted you enough to share this with you made you happy, talking to him was like talking to a younger brother.
Trent knew about the girl his friend fancied of course, but he was absolutely clueless about him asking you for advice. Hearing you two talk so casually, made him feel left out. He knew how stupid this sounded, you were his girlfriend and Jude one of his best mates, but he couldn't help but feel his stomach churn from your closeness.
Trent wasn't jealous. He trusted you and Jude with his life. But he couldn't help feeling his friend was stealing the precious time he could have spend with his girlfriend, and he felt awful about this.
You were your own person, and he was very much aware of that, but he couldn't help spiralling. What if Jude was better company than him? What if he made you laugh in ways he couldn't?
His thoughts came to a halt when you pressed a quick kiss near his lips, “These should be done in 30 minutes, are you alright T? You look a bit off.” The concerned look in your eyes made him forget everything, his hand found yours to press a kiss on it.
“I'm fine baby, don't worry about it.” No matter how much Trent tried to reassure you, you knew something was off with him and made a mental note to ask him about it when you would be alone.
After many Fifa games between Jude and your boyfriend and six chapters of your books read, the cookies were ready. The three of you sat down and you intently watched their reactions to your baking, knowing damn well neither of them would be able to hide their real thoughts.
“These are very good love.” Your boyfriend complimented with his mouth half full while Jude stuck out his thumb up.
“So... Are you gonna tell me what happened with Mia?” A frown appeared on Trent's face again at your words.
“What's even all that about?” He tried his best to hide any animosity in his voice but it didn't work from the way Jude and you looked at him with wide eyes.
“I asked your girl for advice to ask Mia on a date, nothing more mate.” You could tell Jude was being cautious with his words, fearing his friend would get the wrong idea.
Trent ran his hand on his face, “I know. This is stupid, sorry.”
You stayed silent and went to the kitchen telling the boys you had to clean it up to cover the fact you wanted to flee this weird atmosphere.
You stayed a while looking at your phone, and when you looked up you saw Jude and Trent in front of your front door talking together, your boyfriend's hand laying on Jude's shoulder before pulling him in a hug.
The younger boy noticed you staring, and winked at you with both his eyes before whispering something to Trent's ear, something that made him turn around to look at you with a smile. You quickly turned around pretending to be interested in something else to hide the fact you were caught red-handed pretty much spying on them.
When the door finally closed, Trent's hands found your waist and spun you around. You started speaking before he could try to himself. “I'm sorry for not telling you I was speaking with Jude, but I swea-”, Trent's lips on yours cut you off, you felt your shoulders relax from this action.
“No, I am sorry. This was stupid, I just really wanted to spend the day with you, only you, I mean. I actually love the fact that you get along with Jude, but I just don't want you to like his company better than mine y’know.” His words relieved you, your pointer finger booped his nose as he let a giggle escape his lips.
“Trent, don't be silly. I love hanging out with Jude but if I could, I would spend every single minute of my life with you. Now... should we start watching The Prisoner of Azkaban?”
Trent led you to your shared bedroom, fingers intertwined to snuggle under the sheets. The both of you perfectly content and satisfied with each other's company.
taglist: @ceofmercedes <3 @zowanew <3
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houxe · 7 months
Regarding my SBI/DSMP Fics
TW: Abuse, Trauma, and Mentions of Suicide.
With all that has happened, I did want to come out here and make my stance clear. I will always stand with Shelby (Shubble) and all of the victims who are speaking out against Will Gold (Wilbur Soot). If you still support that bastard, unfollow me and leave my blog and whatever small community I made.
I've already stated this is my Discord channel, but I want to put it here too.
For me, c!Wilbur is so far removed from cc!Wilbur that I don't connect the two. The characters are vessels for my own characterizations and stories. It's a bit like writing Supernatural*, Twilight, or Hazbin Hotel fanfics. I don't support the guy, monetarily or otherwise, he does not interact with fanfics, I have plans to be very vocal that I'm on Shelby's side no matter what/make it clear that what Will did is wrong, and I don't use his real life events as plots in my stories. At least, I certainly don't try to. It's why I typically change traits about the characters. (I.e. Tommy is shorter, Phil is taller, Techno is bulky, and Wilbur always has golden/hazel eyes.)
I'm aware that it's a tad different because it's rp and not something like a full on book or an actor in a movie, but DSMP has also been over for over two years and the characterizations I make for SBI are not at all based on the CCs. Real life Techno isn't a literal terrorist, Phil ain't a father married to a goddess, Tommy is not a traumatized child soldier, and Wilbur isn't suicidal and blowing up countries.
I think I'll likely focus more on Techno, Tommy, and Phil for a while, but I'm not gonna let one dude ruin a fandom and things I've made for myself. Nothing I write is ever made for Wilbur, as I've seen people saying. Additionally, Wilbur was not the only writer. Technoblade, Philza, TommyInnit, and so many others made that story what it was. Not him.
However, if any CCs come forward saying they don't want their old characters interacting with his, I will respect that.
Though I do think there is a tendency to take real life events (i.e. Techno's cancer, LJ's music, Tommy's real life parents, etc.) and put them into fiction about DSMP. I, however, don't try to do that and have stated before that I don't feel comfortable doing so. The truth is that we have not gotten any genuine SBI content outside of DSMP for years. The dynamic in real life is very different from what was presented in the DSMP. Did personalities still bleed over? Yes, I'm not going to deny that, but I'm not going to act like they're exactly the same between character and person either. We've had that conversation like in 2021, it's why we have C! and CC!.
The rather sad truth is, SBI is what got me really into writing and it's a comfort for me that nothing can compare to. Obviously, I don't think it's appropriate to be writing certain types of stories right now or to be involving characters made by CCs outside of the DSMP. I think it's up to everyone else to decide on what they want to do, however, rushing it also isn't the way to go either. Give yourself time to heal and think it over first instead of throwing away something that gives you comfort and has not been associated with by the creators for over two years.
Anyways, fuck Will Gold. Fuck the fact that he hurt so many people, and fuck that he lied and manipulated his way around the damn internet. ESPECIALLY fuck the fact that he tried to diminish what he did and not take proper accountability.
Go and support Shelby so so much, she and everyone who spoke out really deserve it. I'm glad silence on these types of issues is not being normalized.
Here is a list of (American) resources for DV help:
Love is respect
The Trevor project
Futures without violence
National domestic violence hotline
Resource on what DV and abuse looks like
*Changed it from Harry Potter to Supernatural because Harry Potter is a significantly worse and more problematic franchise, even just within the content of the books. It'd be better left in the dust. I've talked about it before, but it was the first thing that came to my mind at the time and was a poor comparison on my part, I'm truly sorry for that.
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petew21-blog · 1 month
Finish the scene
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Fan:"So Tyler, is the rumour true that you will be reprising your role in Teen Wolf movie?"
Fans cheering, Tyler smiling
Jeff impatiently waiting for Tyler's answer
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Tyler:"I guess the pack wouldn't be complete without Derek"
Fans loosing their mind over a another announced character in the new Teen Wolf movie
But someone is happier in a different way than all the fans combined. Someone's master plan is becoming real.
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First day of shooting
Jeff:"Tyler, could you come to the set, please. We have to start rolling."
Tyler:"I'm sorry, it's about shooting Superman & Lois again. They want me to cut the hours on shooting Teen Wolf and come to them"
Jeff visibly angry:"Tyler? Could I speak to you for a minute in your trailer?"
Both entering. Tyler sits down on a chair
Tyler:"Look I can tell you're angry and I know I shouldn't have started the fight there, but you gave me no choice."
Jeff:"Oh don't worry about it. I'll make sure we're on the same page."
Jeff murmuring an incantation.
Tyler:"What are you...."
Jeff now waking up inside of Tyler's body.
Jeff:"An upgrade. Good. I have been lusting over this body for so long." Jeff looks to the camera of his phone. "Oh that's what I'm talking about baby"
Tyler:"How are you? What just happened?"
Jeff:"Don't worry about it. You won't remember any of this in a few seconds. You will feel like you have always been Jeff Davis. I'll wait for you to pick up all the memories and start acting as me. Then we'll talk"
Tyler:"I am not Jeff. I am... Jeff Hoech.... Jeff Davis. I am Jeff Davis."
Jeff:"Of course you are. And Jeff, sorry about the tantrum before. Of course I will finish the story with you. Superman can wait. And as an apology, would you be ok if I let you oil me up here for the next scene? I wanna look good and I know how much you like my muscles in action"
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Jeff could see the visible boner his old body had while tracing his muscle lines, the ridges. Carefully placing the oil. Jeff wanted to play more, but the scene couldn't wait. Maybe he'll make his old body his own bitch later on. It's time to be the bad wolf now
And damn, did he now have the perfect body to play one. Maybe after this he should keep the body and continue as Superman. He could definitely get to do some interesting stuff
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Two weeks later
Assistent:"Hey Tyler. So this was your last scene in the movie. I think there is something you should know. We found some sort of an altar in Jeff's trailer with your photos and other personal stuff. I thought you should know before leaving."
Jeff:"Thank you for letting me know"
Jeff to himself:"Fuck, I should have made sure he had no memories of his previous life. His mind is fighting for control through these moments. I can't keep him away from me, I wouldn't have control and he would still find a way. Maybe keeping him close as my personal slave... sorry assistent. Would be easier to manage"
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Jeff:"So what do you think Jeff? Wanna stay close to me?"
Tyler:"Yes please. There is nothing I want more."
Jeff:"Good I need massage and I can tell you are dripping from only looking at my muscles"
Request from Inbox
Would be able to do a story where Jeff Davis steals Tyler Hoechlin’s body? Using Tyler’s agreeing to come back for the Teen Wolf movie to steal his body and life. Having always been jealous of his looks and muscles
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 7 months
Dark Moon | Chapter Four
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Pairing | yandere!Jimin x Reader
Word Count | 1,9k
Warnings | +18, violence, slapping, smut noncon, forced blowjob, abuse, yandere themes, humiliation, explicit and dirty language, forced cum swallowing, spitting, prostitution, Jimin is cruel (yes, it is a warning)
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This fanfiction is yandere, if you don't like the genre, don't read and if you are not of age, don't read.
I don't want to hear any complaints in the comments, thank you.
This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | She just wanted to escape her past, take charge of her life and break out of her steel cage, praying in God for a miracle that could change her life for good.
And her prayers were heard, but it was not the Divine that answered her.
That was certainly the devil in the guise of an angel, she thought as those corrupted and empty eyes searched her soul with extreme voracity.
He turned a sweet, false smile on her, before pushing her into the abyss.
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➢ Author's Note | This chapter is stronger than the others, if you don't read yandere don't go on, it has triggering content.
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie, @dragons-flare, @m00njinnie, @seokjins-luigi, @pjmsneverland, @jimincrystal, @ajkwww, @ungodlyjoon, @hecateslittlewitchling, @namjoonsbuspass
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"I have no problem shooting you right this instant. So I won't say it again, leave what belongs to me and never come back to this brothel."
Minho let go of the grip with which he was forcing the girl to suck him off, she fell back on the bed at dead weight, desperate for air, with tears clouding her eyes she saw Minho hastily compose himself, before Jimin moved to the side to let him out, still with the gun tightly clenched in his fist.
"This is not over, Jimin," threatened the man.
"I think it is."
"We'll see," was the last thing he said, before leaving that bedroom behind.
Y/N could not speak, too shocked by the experience she had just gone through, on her tongue she still felt the overwhelming taste of the bastard, but even more agonizing was the thought that Jimin had used her to anger Minho.
He could have acted that way from the start, but no, he had decided to give the man time to use her, making her feel if possible even more like an object.
She hated him, damn it.
"Are you still alive?" he asked her without a hint of tact, Y/N gritted her teeth inhaling through her nose.
"Does it matter? Dead or alive, things will not change. I'll live as a whore and die as one," she hissed, letting the boy finally have a view of her red and tear-streaked face, "And it's all your fault, you're a fucking monster and god ... you don't even know how much I hate you!"
A backhand hit her full in the face, for a moment she saw everything white, she only had time to feel a shift of air about her before a stabbing pain hit her in the skin, Jimin was gripping her hair with such brute force that her head began to throb and burn, she screamed in despair as she was dragged away.
No one in the hallway came out to help her, why would anyone bother, then?
Jimin was in charge there, it was his right to do whatever he wanted with the girls, especially if it was his first choice.
After minutes that seemed interminable, she was thrown inside a room she recognized as her own, indeed, theirs.
"You hate me for that? Oh no, my angel," he shook his head, slamming the door behind him, "I'll give you more reasons to hate me, good reasons," he concluded, beginning to remove his own clothes.
The more skin was shown, the more Y/N feared what was soon to come, Jimin's otherwise perfect arms were littered with ink weaving into thick sinuous lines, heavy tattoos stared at her menacingly when the man's belt also fell to the ground with a thud.
"What are you going to do?" she asked with a trembling upper lip.
Jimin shot her an unfriendly look, brought his hair back in a neck movement that the girl would have found attractive and manly if they were normal boys in an equally normal setting. Instead, she found it threatening and stifled a cry as the man began to unzip his pants.
No. Not again.
"I'll take what's mine, you whored with another man in front of my eyes, this deserves punishment," he replied with deadly calm, he knew things were not like that, he had given her the order after all, but he enjoyed provoking her, the girl tried to retort but Jimin was quicker, "Do you know why I stopped him before he finished?"
Y/N didn't know what to answer, she just watched fearfully as the boy shed all his clothing, he was completely naked. His cock stood straight and swollen, Jimin ran a thumb over the turgid tip and moved closer and closer to her, who curled in on herself.
"Please, I don't want to do this," she cried, but Jimin did not take pity on her.
"Answer me."
"I don't know... I don't know" she shook her head, the young man grabbed her face hard, blocking her.
"I stopped it because the only cum your pretty little mouth is going to swallow is mine," he said firmly in a statement that went against the Dark Moon's own principles, again trapping her head in his firm grip, "Hate me, Y/N, I want to feel how much you do it while your throat is squeezing me," he chuckled viciously, before thrusting unceremoniously into that delicious hot, wet cavern, he closed his eyes biting his lips, the woman moaned and cried with her mouth tight around his girth, swallowing against her will every single inch of the man, until she touched the tip of her nose to the boy's pubes.
 Jimin let his moans filled with lust and satisfaction wander around the room, with his hips he pushed deep into Y/N's throat, she threatened to choke on her own spit, long rivulets trickled down her chin, going to soak Jimin's belly closer and closer to her face as the speed of his harsh thrusts increased.
"Aaah... you're better than I thought, tell me the truth... you like being my personal whore, mhh if I touched you... you'd be wet, right?" he asked cruelly, Y/N shook her head forcefully, she was tired, her jaw ached and that bastard's cock kept pulsing and swelling without showing any sign of coming, but she felt it that strange sensation snaking up to her lower abdomen, making her legs tighten to her horror.
She really was Jimin's personal whore.
That realization made her feel disgust for herself.
A grip on her hair more fierce than the others caused her to lift her shiny red eyes to those of her "boss."
The man's hard and cold expression did not match the desperate movement of his hips, "You will swallow every single drop of my cum and afterwards you will lick my cock until it is completely clean, because that's how my whores do it," he grunted giving increasingly frantic and violent thrusts, the girl only wished that this torture would end as soon as possible, she was in such a devastated state of mind that she would follow his every single order to get him away from her, so she nodded weakly as she met the first hot spurt, the muscles of her throat contracted around the cock, throwing down every single drop, just as she was ordered to do.
Jimin's chest swelled in satisfied pride, seeing her there, her cheeks swollen with his cum devastated him in a way he would have struggled to admit out loud.
He released her mouth and finally Y/N was able to take a long breath of air, before the man once again crushed her face against his swollen cock, ever more humiliated she stuck out her tongue, beginning to give small licks along his still stiff length, collected seminal fluid mixed with her own saliva, Jimin's ever-deepening sighs intensified, breaking into a moan at the small suction on the soft, veined skin.
The grip on her hair softened and soon Jimin let her go, Y/N abandoned herself in the clean sheets, her vacant gaze fixed on the ceiling.
"Open your legs, sweetheart," he ordered, and in the girl's mind flashed the thought of resisting him, of not giving in to him. But what would that decision bring? Only pain, so much pain both physical and mental.
She opened her legs as ordered, but looked away to prevent herself from seeing that violence.
Jimin grinned, he did not rip off the young woman's underwear as she had imagined, he spat on her belly causing her to shudder in disgust, he pressed his heavy and still hard cock on her moistened skin and began to slide over it with ease, grunting at each savage lunge and at the intense overstimulation he himself was forcing himself to endure.
He squeezed the girl's chin between two fingers, forcing her to watch as he used her body without giving her the same satisfaction, her look filled with anger and disgust was enchanting to the man, who with one last thrust came one more time, soiling both of their bodies with his cum, such was their closeness.
"Are you angry because I didn't smash your tight pussy?" he asked amusedly, sinking his thumb into the woman's lower lip, "I might as well lick your pussy if you would behave well with me, and I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon with such an attitude...think about it, my pleasure could be yours too if you wanted it."
Y/N turned her head abruptly, releasing herself from his grasp with an expression of disgust firmly stamped on her face.
"I couldn't take pleasure with you even if I wanted to, you're a piece of shit," she spat between her teeth, Jimin clenched his jaw before giving her yet another resounding slap that made her swallow the tears she was holding back.
"Careful, I might consider cutting out that bold tongue of yours, you'd be able to suck me off without it anyway," he hissed before abandoning her, just like a whore.
"You put on a show yesterday."
Jin welcomed Jimin into his office in an icy voice.
"Yes? Well, a rat had sneaked into my territory, I couldn't turn a blind eye, I hate rats," he sat confidently across from his friend and business partner.
"Yet Namjoon must have informed you of my intentions regarding that rat."
Jimin clicked his tongue against his teeth, "How long have we been friends, Jin?"
"Jimin, don't take this key with me, it's just business those with-"
"But family is not business!" blurted out the younger man, "I don't care about the whores and new friends you make, because I know you would never screw us over for someone else, which is precisely why I don't understand what went through your mind when you decided to go into business with Choi," he said harshly, Jin maintained a somewhat neutral expression despite the shaking of his clenched fist.
"I meant no disrespect, Jimin," Jin replied more calmly, "Choi Minho is not involved in what happened to you, so I thought it was accessible."
Jimin leaned toward Jin with fury in his eyes, "No Choi from that family is accessible, if you still want me as your business partner, but especially if you still want me as your brother, drop any negotiations with them," he ordered.
Normally Seokjin would not have accepted such a tone from one of his subordinates.
But that was Jimin, one of his closest friends, one of his brothers, and faced with his stormy past with the Choi family, he could only bow his head and look for another way to get into politics.
"I will cut Choi Minho from my list of names," he finally said, Jimin nodded a little more relaxed.
"Thank you, Jin."
"I'm not done," he blocked him before he could get up, "What are you going to do with that girl?"
Jimin glowered at him, "What do you mean?"
"I need to make sure you're not going to cause trouble with other clients, I heard you were quite possessive of her."
"Possessive? Come on, I was just having fun to provoke Minho a little."
Seokjin didn't buy that excuse; Jimin could tease anyone but him.
"If you want her, I'll wrap her up myself with a nice bow and send her home to you, Jimin."
Jimin narrowed his eyes, "And let's hear it, why would you do that?"
"Because you like her."
The pierced boy swallowed, speechless. Yes, he liked her, he had made that clear, but to that extent? Would he have taken Y/N away from the brothel to enjoy her himself?
"You're imagining things, man," he chuckled, Jin raised an eyebrow.
"Is that your last answer?"
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fire-fira · 8 months
I am not sure how much you are into analysis but I want to ask. Do you think raph isn’t as good of a fighter compared to his brothers? because I have a feeling either he’s holding back when sparring with them over fear of harming them or he’s not as good as them.
Anon, you just made my day because this gives me an excuse to nerd out at length. (Though apologies that it took me so long to get this fully written out and posted.)
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Disclaimer before I launch into it in full: to fairly compare Raph to his brothers I'm going to do a brief run-down of the three of them before breaking into the full details on him. A lot of this is built on extrapolation from details in various canons and at times might edge toward headcanon territory, though I'll be trying to stick with what's actually present.
With that out of the way--
Comparing Raph to His Brothers
So to start with, I can only fairly do this deep-dive by briefly touching on each of his brothers before getting to Raph himself. I'll say upfront that I think it's less a question of which one is the "best fighter" and more that they're each different types of fighters, each with their own strengths and weaknesses and which might land any of them in the position of "the best" depending on the circumstances.
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Strengths: This is an extrapolation based on various iterations (2003, 2007, 2012, 2014/2016, ROTTMNT, 2023, Batman vs. TMNT, and a little bit of the IDW comics), but Leo strikes me as a tactician-- as the guy who can extrapolate to fifteen different possibilities for the outcome of a fight and fifteen steps ahead of everyone else on each of those possibilities. At his best he knows how to play to his brothers' strengths, put them where needed, and let them go to do their own thing. He's also persistent and willing to put himself through his paces over and over again until he 'perfects' what he wants to learn how to do. As a "traditional" (romanticized) example of a warrior, he is the golden boy of the family. Rise Leo might be a little less likely to get every step 'just so,' but most iterations of him aim to be as flawless as possible in terms of his combat skills. In his ideal world, he will never have a misplaced swing of a sword or inflict any damage he doesn't intend to. That depth of knowledge and highly-trained skill can be damned terrifying for his enemies if it's taken to its fullest extreme.
Weaknesses: His perfectionism and desire to get things 'just right' is a double-edged sword. In the 2003 series it got wrapped up in his PTSD and the need to never make a critical mistake again (which... didn't work out well for him-- hi, shades of Raph at his worst); in the 2007 movie it led him to think his efforts to learn how to be a better leader weren't "good enough" and kept him away from home for two years; in the 2012 series it led him to ignore critical injuries and try to bully himself into being 'better' (when realistically what he did during the farmhouse arc probably would have permanently destroyed one of his knees); in the 2014/2016 movies it led him to temporarily damage his relationship with his brothers by spilling over the worst of his internal perfectionistic vitriol onto them; and in Rise it at times has turned him into a showoff who'll act without letting the others in on his plan (which can backfire horrendously in a worst-case scenario) because if he does it without telling others what he's going to do, then he gets bragging rights if it works out like he planned. Underlying all this is what could turn into an unmanageable case of anxiety depending on the version of Leo and how personally stable he is, as well as how susceptible he is to ruminating over where he feels he went wrong. To say nothing of how many versions of Leo have a GIANT self-sacrificing streak when it comes to their families. Under the right circumstances-- and if someone really intended to make it hurt-- they could easily play all that against Leo and get him to freeze due to overthinking. (Though getting him to that level would take an extreme case and some severe emotional damage to weaponize his guilt.)
Speed: OKAY. Here's where things get a little more cut-and-dried in my opinion-- if a fight is down to just speed anyway. Leo might be pretty neck-in-neck with Raph in terms of speed, maybe just a touch faster due to (generally) being more lean-built than Raph. Leo's not a tank; yes he can fight in close quarters or mid-range and hold his own, but if he can then he tends to be 'slippery' about it. He's not going to batter away at an enemy if he can spin out of range before darting back in and dodging whatever hits he can. If it's just a matter of speed without any other factors involved, then there's a good chance Leo will win in a fight against Raph. If it's a question of strength and endurance though... Well, I'll expand further on that when I get to Raph.
Adaptability: This is something that is absolutely dependent on which version of Leo we're talking about and how hung up that version is on his plans without taking the general chaos of life into account. 2012 and 2014/2016 Leo both are guilty of getting so hung up on the idea that their approach to a combat situation is the right way that they fail to plan for the fact that their brothers' ways of doing things isn't their way of doing things. Which blows up in their faces spectacularly sometimes. IF it's a version of Leo who's more likely to fail to take into account his brothers' differing styles, then Raph might easily play that against him and deliberately do things Leo would find unpredictable (though probably not as much as Mikey, lbr). For versions of him that are better about knowing that his own approach isn't the only/'best' approach, then Leo would be better able to roll with whatever Raph throws his way, within reason.
Combat Style/Approach: Mid-to-close-range, tactician, and definitely NOT a grappler. Yes, his skills and training have him moving with muscle memory when he needs to, but even so, there's a split-second awareness of what his opponent(s) could do and instinctively reacting based on what he's met with. A lot of that means he has to be free to move and avoid getting held in place, or things might go bad quickly.
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Strengths: No matter which iteration of Donnie you're talking about, you're generally talking about an engineer who's able and willing to casually heft up and carry around a car engine with his bare hands. And considering (with a quick google search) it looks like the average car engine weighs anywhere between 300 to 700 pounds, that alone is proof enough that no one in their right mind would ever want to be punched by Donnie. And considering there are instances where he's able to temporarily support the weight of himself and his brothers (a couple of scenes in the 2003 series are what immediately come to my mind, but that's just my favorite iteration showing itself) it's proof that he has that strength not just in his arms. To give you an idea of just how much weight that implies he can lift, here's a size and weight comparison of some of the largest turtle species currently living.*
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Notice anything? Like how... Oh... I dunno... a 4-foot-long Loggerhead sea turtle can weigh up to 400 pounds? Or a 3-foot-long Leatherback sea turtle can weigh 550 pounds on the light end? (Note: this is not meant to be snarky or condescending, just a simple statement of fact that all signs point to these boys are fucking HEAVY.) And that huge amount of weight relative to their body size seems to be pretty consistent among turtle species from what I've seen with my digging around. Which logically implies that the same holds true for these boys, and if we play fast-and-loose with the idea that we can roughly translate length to height... well... For general weight of the boys, I tend to assume at least 200 pounds, at least for those under and up to about 5-foot-tall. For the 2014/2016 set I might even suggest somewhere between 400-500 pounds-- but roughly comparing weight to size with that table of large turtle species, I'm probably severely underestimating their weight all across the board. Being generous, hypothetically saying all four of the 2003 turtles are about 240, that then means there are moments in the 2003 series where Donnie is temporarily lifting around 960 pounds, including himself. AND THAT MIGHT BE A SEVERE UNDERESTIMATION. Terrifying, right? So yes, Donnie is unquestionably strong as hell and maintains that strength by working on his various projects, and a full-force hit from him would land someone in a hospital-- if they're lucky. The other main thing working for him is that he's a tech genius. No, he's typically not as rigid or disciplined in his training as Leo is, but if he has access to tech and distance then he has a whole host of weapons and traps he can bring to the party (something which Rise Donnie excels at in spades). Raph's a much more physical direct-confrontation fighter, but Donnie has the capacity to turn entire environments against his enemies, depending on the means he has at his disposal.
Weaknesses: For better or worse, Donnie's primary personal strength-- the one he leans on above all else-- is his intellect and being able to puzzle things out. And again, he's an engineer: yes he can lift and move that terrifying amount of weight, but he's usually not doing it at speed. (Because let's be real, moving heavy and potentially very breakable machinery is not something you want to do quickly when you want to be able to use or repurpose said machinery.) He's not a slouch when it comes to his ninjutsu training, but there's a reason why the concept of Donnie pulling the 'I'm too busy to train right now' is a widespread fandom concept. It doesn't necessarily mean that he's not 'as good of a ninja', but more that he's not a 'traditional' ninja and has had to adapt things to his preferred methods. Yes he has a lot of physical strength, but he prefers to keep a distance from his opponent(s) if possible. Doing so, having that distance, gives him more time to plan and respond-- because unlike Leo, a lot of iterations of Donnie don't have that ingrained ability to read the possible actions their opponent(s) might take and respond on a dime (or at least not to the same level). Raph's tendency to brute force things-- something which Donnie technically could do but clearly does not like to-- might be somewhat unpredictable for him, especially because that puts Raph in close and doesn't give Donnie as much time to respond as he would like. All that said, Donnie could technically win a fight against Raph without his tech if he pretty much said to hell with fighting and decided to do an imitation of an octopus. At the very least he could probably hold him in one place if he was quick enough and managed to get Raph's arms pinned. And somehow kept him from walking. (It wouldn't be a dignified win, but it might still technically be a win.)
Speed: I'm gonna be honest, I do not think speed is on Donnie's side in comparison to his brothers. If he really makes an effort (rather than just going his own route and pursuing his interests) he'd probably be able to keep up with the others going at full tilt for a little while, but he'd probably tire out first. A lot of the work he does due to his areas of expertise is fairly sedentary, and frequently he needs to move with slow and deliberate precision. There's a lot of fine muscle control involved in that kind of work (especially if it involves maneuvering something heavy), but being able to consistently do that doesn't automatically translate to being able to do something similar at high speed. But that's okay, because if he has the distance and varied means of attack he needs, then he doesn't have to worry about keeping up with his brothers for an extended period of time-- it just has to be long enough.
Adaptability: If it involves tech or computer systems, Donnie's ability to adapt to a situation is unparalleled. Give him unrestrained access to an unfamiliar and shiny (and incredibly pervasive) system and he'll be able to make it seem like a tech apocalypse is targeting one specific person if he wants to. If it's a head-to-head physical fight though, it really depends on how desperate he is or how much breathing room he has (or both). If he's frazzled and panicky then there's the possibility he'll miss several opportunities or potential tools and, in a worst-case scenario, he might freeze. (An extreme example of this is how Rise Donnie gave up fighting the crab men when his tech failed, after all his brothers had already failed in that fight.) If he has time and space to think then he's practically unstoppable, but if he doesn't have that breathing room then chances are things won't end well for him.
Combat Style/Approach: Distance fighter, brain-over-brawn, could be a grappler if necessary but uncomfortable enough with it that it might work against him, might as well dub him a 'trap master' for the little surprises he might leave in his wake if he's feeling spiteful. He's a schemer, but not a chess master.
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Strengths: If there's one thing that can be said for Mikey it's the fact that most versions of him are innately gifted at picking up kinesthetic knowledge, to say nothing of the fact that he tends to be the most spiritually gifted of the brothers. In fact in several series (2003 and 2012 off the top of my head, though I'm certain it may have popped up in others) it's briefly mentioned that if Mikey really buttoned down and was completely serious about his ninja skills he would outclass Leo-- which means that he can naturally slide into the level of skill Leo has worked for years to achieve without even really thinking about it. If he wants to. And most of the time he doesn't want to. (Too much responsibility being that serious, so who can blame him?) However, his not constantly going at the equivalent of Level 99 in a videogame in fights isn't necessarily a detriment to him, because he has other ways to stay true to himself while giving himself an edge. Like being annoying on purpose. And knowing how to aggravate the hell out of his opponents until he tricks them into getting sloppy. Until he tricks them into giving him easy openings they should REALLY know better than to give him-- and would if he hadn't deliberately torn their nerves to shreds. If it's not obvious, I'm saying versions of Mikey like to play mind-games, and if they really want to they can be vicious about it and make it HURT. (Though again, most versions of Mikey are more invested in goofing off and playing around than being outright vicious or serious.) The point is, if he finds a mental opening that sticks, then how invested he is in winning the fight will dictate how serious he is about exploiting that weakness. To say nothing about how creative he can get when he really wants to be.
Weaknesses: The downfall of a lot of Mikeys is how distractable a lot of them can be. (I won't say this is a universal fact because I'm a big fan of there being variation among different realities, but a lot of Mikeys definitely being ADHD doesn't help. How well said version is able to compensate probably also varies.) So depending on the circumstances and the environment, Raph might be able to play that distractibility against him. (Buuuut that would require Raph to play mind-games, and most Raphs aren't the 'mind-game' type.) Plus, for better or worse, it takes a LOT to get most versions of Mikey to the point where he's ready to say 'Fuck everything' and throw everything he can into ending a fight right that second.
Speed: Mikey is, in my honest opinion (and based off most of the series and movies I've seen), the fastest of the brothers-- bar none. Which means if he tore off at full speed with the intention of skipping a fight entirely and just making Raph chase him, Raph probably would never catch him. Until after he wears down anyway. But if he zipped off and found a good enough hiding spot, then he could probably avoid Raph for a while. In a fight, because of his speed, there's a good chance that Mikey might be able to get in more hits than Raph, but that comes with the risk of getting in close to Raph-- and that can easily work against him in very short order.
Adaptability: Mikey's adaptability is through the roof. Most versions of Mikey, you can throw damn near anything their way and they'll roll with it in such a way that they land on their feet while their brothers are still scrambling for stable footing. There's also the fact that he's a very lateral thinker and able to apply concepts from seemingly unrelated sources to scenarios many others wouldn't even think to combine-- and he does so to his advantage. So yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh, given enough room and space to work with (and not panicking), then there's a good chance Mikey's going to catch Raph off guard with something he'd never expect.
Combat Style/Approach: Close range, flighty, dart in-range to hit and then dart back out of range, mind-games and making his opponents angry to the point of getting sloppy seems to be his preferred tactic. He could be the most terrifying to go up against in a fight if he went absolutely stone serious, but 99.9999% of the time he does not want to and would much rather slip in some fun where he can. (If you don't believe me on that last point, consider that in the 2003 series I'm reasonably sure he has the highest body count of all the brothers, in the 2012 series he killed a kraang and wore the dude's skin on his head multiple times, and in Rise ALL of Dr. Delicate Touch and the frothing maniacal rage he has when angry. 'Nuff said.)
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And here we come to the turtle in question himself, Raph. Hamato Raphael, Raphael Splinterson, Raphie-boy, take your pick.
Strengths: Raph is a TANK. Barring '87, this boy in most iterations pretty much makes it his mission in life to be the strongest of him and his brothers. He's also stubborn as hell and WILL NOT give in if he thinks it's important to stand his ground. Which means he can and will hold his ground and dig in long past when his brothers each have to retreat or fold; he can take the hits they can't and come out the other side still kicking. And what's more, if he feels the need to and is able to get up and be mobile, then he WILL hunt you down for as long as it takes and damned near nothing will stop him-- he is that. damned. STUBBORN. Let's be real, that combination is terrifying. Of course, naturally, this brings up questions of just how physically strong he is. I pointed out up in Donnie's section that Donnie is ridiculously strong, but just how strong is Raph? To answer that question, the infamous scene from 2007:
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Just how much psi does it take to snap a katana? WELL, it turns out that finding out that information is really difficult (at least when I was nosing around and trying to find out). When I was doing my initial searching I found a video on facebook examining an anime scene (at the time-- back in September-- it was literally the only thing that remotely came close to answering my question that popped up) that claimed it would take at least 20,000 psi. Being that the person who posted that video didn't include any sources for reference, I'd take it with a grain of salt (especially since despite my best efforts I'm having a hard time finding that video again), but still. If-- for the sake of argument-- we assume that the 20,000 psi measurement is accurate for what it would take to snap a katana, that would mean that our boy Raph is capable of exerting that much force with each hand. And not just a brief spike of getting there either. No, for him to be capable of the force in that 2007 scene (again, assuming the number is accurate) then he has to maintain that force for longer than a second or two.
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I don't know about you, but that makes this scene just that much more dangerous and intense in my eyes. It's not just that Raph could have killed Leo by stabbing him; it's also the implication that he could have easily torn Leo apart with his bare hands if he wanted to. So yeeeeeaaaahhhh, if Raph is able to get his hands on any of his brothers and is able to hold on, they're probably toast.
Weaknesses: Whoo boy. In most iterations, point blank, his biggest weakness is his temper. If he gets set off too thoroughly or if someone knows how to play it against him, his temper can make him get sloppy and lead to his defeat-- regardless of how ridiculously strong he is. It also means that, unless it's a version of him who has worked his ass off to keep himself in check, there's a good possibility that he might wind up doing things he'll regret when he's angry (and if someone really wants to twist the knife they can play that guilt and self-blame against him). If you go by 2003 and 2012 there's also his bug-phobia which can be played against him. (Even though 2003 Raph covers it with 'KILL IT WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE'.) If you go by Rise, then you DO NOT. EVER. WANT THAT BOY TO BE ALONE. And on a much more brutal note, going back to his stubbornness which is also one of his strengths
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...there's a good chance that this boy might try to push himself past the breaking point if he feels it's necessary.
Speed: I've said before that I think Raph is pretty neck-in-neck with Leo when it comes to how fast he is, Mikey has them both beat in the speed department hands down, and Donnie is most likely to be the slowest moving of the four of them. If Leo has to deal with heavy weights while trying to move at speed however, Raph will have him outclassed due to having more practice in that department. For Raph to have a hope of keeping up with Mikey going full tilt in running away, Mikey would have to be carrying enough to weigh him down considerably. And while Donnie might stand a chance in trying to grapple with Raph, Raph having more experience in moving heavy weights at speed would probably mean Donnie would be better off trying to glom onto Raph like an octopus rather than outright grappling. So Raph's not the fastest, but he's not a slouch either.
Adaptability: As much as I love my boy, Raph is a tank, he's bruiser, he's a bulldozer who freely makes use of sharp and pointy things he can use to stab people with. Adaptability-- barring variation between sneaking in and out versus barreling in as loudly as possible to cause mayhem and destruction as a distraction-- is generally not in his wheelhouse. Given time and learning how to play mind games (and I don't doubt that an adult Raph could pick up and use the skill when he needs to) he'd probably become more flexible, but with where he's portrayed to be at in most iterations he hasn't gotten there yet.
Combat style/approach: Close-range, grappler, brawler, TANK. He WILL hold the line, he WILL dig in and hold his ground, he WILL be the wall and PROTECT with everything he has if he has to. He's also not above being outright brutally destructive when he feels it's warranted. And that "when he feels it's warranted" is key.
Details that affect the outcome:
Raph has a protective streak 500 miles wide. A lot of iterations try to be the wall for his family, the last line of defense when needed. He would sooner see himself hurt than anyone he cares about.
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And it's not just his brothers, father, April, Casey, anyone-he-considers-family that he's protective of either.
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Seriously, if someone pushes the protective button on this boy and his sense of right and wrong kicks in, he WILL get involved.
Raph cares and feels deeply; to him, family is everything.
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how much
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this boy
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or how much he'd tear himself up if he ever seriously hurt any of them. So the chances of him ever actually going all-out against any of his brothers is slim. (And the few instances in various iterations where he's come close it's seriously screwed him up emotionally every time. Like 2003 and the pipe incident, 2007 and the after effects of his fight with Leo, the implied guilt Rise had after he snapped back to his senses after reuniting with his brothers after he'd been alone, etc.) He might fight with his brothers, he might disagree with them from time to time, but overall he comes off as someone who firmly believes you don't ever deliberately hurt someone you should care about if you can help it. Which is backed up by instances of him panicking in various iterations where his decisions might result in his family's deaths, as well as the fact that he only really turns on any of them (think SAINW) if they cross the line of not being there for each other like he feels they should be. Some iterations might threaten to run off a lot, but he never will without a damned good reason because he loves his family too much to ever want to do that to them.
Final Assessments
Raph vs Leo: If it's in close and is just down to strength-- Raph wins. If Leo has the time he needs to scheme and play Raph the way he needs to-- Leo wins.
Raph vs Donnie: If it's in close-- Raph wins unless Donnie pulls off an imitation of an octopus and gets all of Raph's limbs pinned and holds on for dear life. If Donnie has the distance, time to scheme, and the means to set traps to his heart's content-- plus tranqs, no one wins against tranqs-- Donnie wins.
Raph vs Mikey: If Raph can get his hands on Mikey and keep him in one place-- Raph wins. If Mikey plays Raph like a fiddle with his mind games and stays out of reach-- Mikey wins.
Raph vs the three of them together: Well shit, that'd be a losing proposition under the best circumstances unless the goal was to try to out-stubborn them at something. 10/10 if he had to, Raph would keep dragging himself along even if all three of his brothers were hanging on to him to try to keep him from reaching his goal. (And if Raph hasn't exploited that fact during some wild-as-shit game of theirs, then Casey Jones is the queen of England.)
Raph vs his guilt if he actually seriously hurt them: Instantaneous loss that Raph would probably have a hard time ever forgiving himself for.
So do I think Raph is as good a fighter as his brothers? Yes.
Do I think he's holding back so he doesn't hurt them? Also yes.
Do I think anyone he went up against if he didn't hold back would be thoroughly screwed? Emphatically YES.
*The site I got the turtle size table in Donnie's section is [here], if anyone wants further details on sea turtles.
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baronessvonglitter · 3 months
Cherry, Cherry 🍒 Chapter 9 🍒 "First Time for Everything"
pre-outbreak! AU!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Word count: 3,251
Summary: a continuance from Chapter 8 - pizza, movies, and.. dessert 
WARNINGS: 18+ Only! Mature and Explicit, adult language, age gap (reader is 18, Joel is 35), takes place in summer 2003, fluff, idiots in love, secret relationship, underage drinking (reader drinks a beer), horny!Joel, bit of an innocence kink, fingering, oral sex (m & f receiving), reader has some experience w/oral), open conversation about sex & experience, daddy kink, use of nicknames (daddy, babygirl, cumslut), come eating, softDom!Joel, reader's race not mentioned but described as tomboyish, reader has hair long enough for Joel to grab, no use of y/n (if I missed any tags lemme know!)
Author's Note: more smut. but, like, romantic smut. I know there's been a few mentions of underage drinking, I'm just going by my own experiences at that age. If you want to drink, wait until you're 21!
Series Masterlist
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It's late when the rain stops and even then you and Joel are oblivious to it, lost in each other, sweaty, satiated though all you've done is touch and kiss. You could do more, but the park is closing and so you clean up as best you can and get dressed to head back to your car.
On the drive back, you hold hands. Your skin is warm, your heart is singing. You're in love for the first time in your life. No longer shy, you can't help admiring Joel, watching him as he drives, your body humming pleasantly each time he looks at you and gives you that damn smirk. You love him and he loves you. It's too wondrous a possibility to wrap your mind around.
Your car is the only one in the Starbucks parking lot. "You oughta start parkin' underneath the light poles, you'll be safer that way," Joel tells you, his finger stroking your bare thigh.
"But I like parking near the front," you tell him, even as you delight in this little intimate gesture of his.
"Don't be stubborn." His voice holds a hint of authority. You playfully grumble and kiss his cheek. He walks you to your car, holding your hand, ever your knight in t-shirt and jeans. "Is that a Toyota Tercel? You know they stopped makin' these five years ago," he teases you.
"It was my dad's," you say with more solemnity than you realize. He puts his arm around you and you lean into him where it's warm and safe. "I'm surprised no one's broken into it yet. It doesn't lock."
Joel laughs, a deep grumble that always brings a smile to your face. "Jesus, girl. You are a mess."
"Yeah, but you love me."
He kisses you softly on the mouth. "Bet your ass I do. We still on for tonight?"
"Absolutely. And thanks for the ride."
"Which one?"
You give him a confused look until you see him break into a playful grin. Laughing, you hit his arm. "I'll see you at the house in a bit. I'm sure we both need to shower after that ride."
He nods a little sheepishly. "I'll follow you home to make sure you get there safe."
And even though you only live ten minutes away from the cafe, you are moved by his protectiveness.
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You and Joel have agreed to keep your feelings for each other private from Sarah, at least for now, while it's still new for both of you. You have to act normal around him and it feels unnatural because what is natural is wrapping your arms around him and pressing your lips to his neck where you can feel his pulse beneath your kiss.
After pizza, the three of you settle down to watch a movie. You like the feeling of being with family, even if it's not necessarily your own. "What did y'all decide on?"
"I want to watch a horror movie," Sarah answers you with confidence.
"You'll get nightmares," Joel warns her. "Why don't we let our guest choose?"
"I'm a huge horror fan, so I'm sure I'll love whatever you have in mind," you tell Sarah.
"'Nightmare on Elm Street,'" she replies right away and you can see Joel rolling his eyes behind her.
You stifle a smirk. "A classic. Let's get started."
On the sofa, you and Sarah sit on either side of Joel. Sarah leans her head on her dad's shoulder and you take hold of his hand, hiding it between your laps. With the lights down and the movie playing on the TV you have the urge to cuddle up with him, hoping for a moment soon when you can do exactly that.
A particularly scary jump scene startles you and you hide your face in Joel's shoulder before you even realize what you're doing. "Sorry," you whisper, straightening up. Joel give you a soft smile and Sarah giggles at you from the other side of him. Every now and then she takes a glimpse at you and at Joel, unbeknownst to you.
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"Well, I'm not going to sleep anytime soon," you announce when the credits start rolling. "Wanna take a stretch and then watch another?"
Sarah's half-asleep on Joel's shoulder. "I'm ready for a break, Dad.." she mumbles.
You smile. "I can't blame her. We did get a late start on the evening. You think maybe we should call it a night?" But the truth is you're not ready to go home.
Joel laughs. "I swear, this girl loves to try to keep me awake till 2 in the mornin' watchin' movies most of the time. I think I better get her to bed."
You smile. "Of course. I'll be here." With a pang of jealousy you watch as Joel carries Sarah upstairs to her room. When was the last time your father did that for you? You open a couple bottles of beer and hand one to Joel when he comes back downstairs. "You're so good to her.. you're a good dad."
He sits back on the couch with you, taking a swig of beer. "Yeah.. I try my best for her. She's my whole world and I would do anything for her."
"That's how it should be. I wish my own dad had stuck around." You rest your head on Joel's shoulder, which you wish you'd done earlier.
He frowns. "I'm sorry your dad didn't stick around. But I'm here, sweetheart, and I'm not goin' anywhere."
You return his gaze, absorbing the significance of his words. "I know," you tell him, and lean in to kiss him. He holds you close and you taste the beer on his tongue as he explores your mouth. His fingers run through your hair and you moan as quietly as possible, wrapping your arms around him.
Softly breaking the kiss you ask, "What do you think? Should we start another movie?"
He smirks and sets you on his lap crosswise. "Not if it means I have to keep my hands off ya. Let's just.. get comfortable."
"Mm. How comfortable?" You nuzzle his neck, taking in his scent, wanting to extend this pure moment for as long as you can.
He answers you with a kiss, sweeping your hair away from your face before his hand drops down to trace across the top of your breast. You bring his hand beneath your top. "No bra? You naughty thing," he murmurs against your lips.
"You should see what else I'm missing.."
He practically salivates as he delicately reaches past the waistband of your bottoms. "No panties either." His voice is guttural, utterly primal. "Girl, what are you doin' to me?"
You press his hand further down and watch the change of expression on his face: his eyes close and his jaw tightens. The next moment he's tugging off your bottoms for better access to you.
"Wait!" you whisper, halting his progress. "Not with Sarah in the house!"
"She's a deep sleeper," he says quickly, eager to continue, licking his lips.
"Joel" you scold.
"Third step from the top has a creak. We'll hear her if she comes down."
"I mean it!" you insist. "Let's go to my place. It's empty tonight."
The speed with which you both race next door is impressive. In your room, the lights dim, Joel asks you, "Are we doin' this?"
You hesitate. In truth you were just going on pure impulse. "I just want to explore you. And I want you to explore me."
Your admission makes him growl. "Little girl, you have no idea how much I want that. I've been thinkin' about our moment in the truck all night. I barely paid attention to the movie. I was wonderin' what else you would allow me to do to you."
"Joel," you moan, and pull him on top of you on your bed. "I want your hands on me. I want you to make me come again."
It's all he can do to not rip your clothes right off you. He forces himself to go slow, starting with your shirt, pulling it off to reveal those breasts he loves to lavish attention on. He palms each one in his large hands, nibbling and swirling his tongue around your nipples, sending ripples of pleasure straight to your cunt. You're already wet for him, which he discovers when he pulls down your bottoms, revealing yourself to him once more. "Such a pretty little virgin pussy, and it's all for me," he rumbles.
There's something intimidating about being laid bare this way. The hungry look in his eyes is reminiscent of a lion stalking its prey. It's the gentle touch of his fingers at your entrance that snap you out of your apprehension. Crazy to think this man would ever hurt you. One finger presses in, testing your resistance. You give a sharp intake of breath and close your eyes.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
You nod. "More."
He grins. "Patience." He strokes that one finger inside you, exploring. You make a little sighing sound and the look on Joel's face is obvious that he's trying like hell to hold back.
Slowly he inserts another finger. It's slightly uncomfortable but you're growing more wet with each pump of his hand. He swipes the pad of his thumb across your clit and you clench around his digits, eliciting a small gasp and praise from Joel. "Atta girl. Just like that. No need to rush. Oh you're so fuckin' tight.." He dips down to kiss you, his tongue invading your mouth once more as he fingers you. "Do you want to try three?" he rasps into your ear, lightly kissing your neck.
"Yes," you say as your heart jumps and once again you clench around his fingers. You feel that third digit stretching you out. He pumps his hand slowly, treating you with the utmost care. "See? You can take it. And soon you'll be able to take all of me." He presses a kiss to your neck, your collarbone, your chest, both breasts, and down to your stomach. Anticipation surges in your veins. You've had so little experience and Joel keeps surprising you. Each kiss upon your skin is like a lick of fire.
"Sweetheart," he murmurs as his lips move lower. You timidly part your legs and he raises your knees. "You're glistening like ripe fuckin' fruit, baby. And I wanna taste ya." He takes your impatient moan as a green light and dips his head to your cunt using his broad tongue to lick a slow stripe upwards, smiling when your legs shake. His tongue laps across your folds, teasing each little crevice before finally delving inside you. Your fingers find their way through his hair, your senses consumed with desire. "Joel.. yes!" And all other thoughts vacate your brain. Joel gives a muffled groan that vibrates against your cunt. "Oh, sweetheart, you taste so good."
You pick up your head, resting back on your elbows, and your eyes lock with his for a few sweet, burning moments. "Damn, Joel.." This image is going to be something you'll think about years from now, the sight of Joel Miller feasting on your pussy like it's his last fucking meal. His arms are wrapped around your thighs, his biceps protruding as he keeps you where he wants you. His tongue makes small circles against your clit. You whimper something completely unintelligible, grabbing his hair as you lift your hips to give him access to every part of you. Your back arches and you give a deep groan, followed by several staccato, high-pitched gasps. "Joel.. I'm gonna come!" Your nails dig into his shoulders.
"Yes, babygirl, come for me," he growls and suctions his lips around your clit. You cry out as your orgasm uncoils in the pit of your stomach. It grows and grows, radiating outward to your limbs and claims you as you give a long low moan and you press yourself to his eager mouth.
"Jesus, baby, you're makin' a mess on me," he chuckles, and you feel him lick up every last drop. "You're so fuckin' delicious. I want more."
Your mind is a sweet blank nothingness, your body completely satisfied. "I've never ever felt like that before," you whisper, meeting his gaze again. The lovingly playful look in his eyes is like an arrow to your heart. "More? I think if I have any more I'll have a heart attack." But his tongue is back, carefully avoiding your sensitive clit, lapping at each fold and planting kisses on your inner thighs until you beg for release again. Then he's sucking your clit with three fingers inside you, less gentle this time. Joel wrenches another, stronger, sweeter release from you and it's a good thing you're alone because you've never been so loud in your life.
"Damn, babygirl.. I could do this all night.."
You lose track of how long he eats you out and how many times you come, but eventually you need a respite from the onslaught of pleasure he gives you. Trying to catch your breath, Joel rests his head on your belly as you stroke his hair. The glow of the fairy lights on your headboard adds to the dreaminess of your post-orgasm tranquility. "I think I love you even more now," you whisper, and excitement builds up when he moves over you to kiss you. You taste yourself on his mouth, sharing your essence. And you can feel him through his jeans, hard against your thigh. You've been the only one receiving pleasure and you find that unfair. "I want to go down on you," you tell him.
His brows raise and you feel him grow even harder at your thigh. "Really?" He's holding back his excitement. "Only if you want to."
"I do. I like it.. that's as far as I ever went with my ex, Trevor. He wouldn't do me but I'd do him. I'm confident in my ability," you give a saucy grin.
He doesn't even blink when you mention your ex. "What an idiot to pass up on this sweet little pussy," he rumbles. His hand wanders down to the V of your legs and you smirk and remove his hand.
"I said, it's your turn. I want to make you come, and this will suffice until I'm ready for the real thing." You move onto your side, comfortable now with your nakedness because from his eyes you see you have him in thrall. "You're wearing too many clothes."
You laugh when you see just how quickly he sheds his shirt and jeans, as eager as a boy your own age. His erection juts out, tenting his boxers. Biting your lip you pull down the waistband. You commit this moment to memory, as if seeing it in slow motion. You watch in awe as his cock springs to life. "Oh my god," you whisper.
Joel smiles at your reaction. His arms are crossed behind his head. "Let me guess: I'm givin' you more to work with than he ever did?" You wordlessly nod and he puts a hand on your thigh. "Do you want it, babygirl?"
Thick. Long. Your brain can only construct basic descriptions. The base of his cock springs up from a neat nest of short, curly brown hair. A vein bulges out alongside the top, and you follow with your eyes then your hands the slight curve towards the end, the way the top half is almost a rosy pink color, and the large head that is already moist with precum. You swipe your thumb over the top and Joel hisses in pleasure. It's heavy in your hand. You give his cock a few trial pumps, feeling him flex beneath your touch. Fuck, I'm lucky. Mouth watering, you dip your head to taste him. You swirl your tongue around his very sensitive head, holding the base with your hand. Joel gives another intake of breath and you smile. Relaxing your throat you breathe through your nose as you take in the first few inches in your mouth, using your hand on his base to stroke. There's no way you'd be able to take the entirety of him down your throat, but you love the thought of trying. You bring as much of him as you can until you begin to gag, then stroke him with your saliva. As Joel watches you you can see the darkness of his gaze, the expression changing from one of powerfulness to longing to submission. And it's because of you. "I love the way you look, all laid out comfortable for me.. it's so hot." He groans again and gathers your hair back into a makeshift ponytail, gently guiding you up and down as you suck.
Your hair is tousled, eyes shining bright, lips swollen and wet. "I think you're so close, Joel.. let me help you."
"You look so fuckin' beautiful like that. Just tell me where you want it, babygirl. I might not last much longer."
You pause only a moment, wondering what he means. In the past, your ex would typically finish in a Kleenex, so you've never had a guy come in your mouth before. But where else would it go?
"Come wherever you want, daddy.." you tell him.
He stops you mid-suck. His eyes have a look you've never seen before. "What.. what did you call me?"
You realize it too late. "Daddy," you say, caught up in the moment. "Where does daddy want his babygirl to have his cum?"
It's as if you've released the Devil himself. "Down your fuckin' throat. I want to watch my babygirl swallow every drop like a good little cumslut."
You've never talked dirty to someone before, but this first time has you worked up like never before. "Cum in my mouth, daddy, give me my little reward.."
With a groan Joel tenses up, hips bucking up to thrust into your mouth. You feel his cock begin to swell and then it twitches as several jets of his warm jizz hit the back of your throat and tongue. It's thick and salty, but not unpleasant. The hottest thing about it is the way he looks at you as you take in every last drop.
You're laying side by side, breathing hard, both riding a euphoric high. The intensity of your intimacy has brought you closer together, and if you're honest, your love for him has deepened.
"You were amazing, sweetheart.. guess I didn't mean to sound so harsh to you in those last few moments. I apologize," he says.
"Not at all.. I thought it was pretty hot. It made everything more intense between us. I kinda felt like.. I don't know, like a porn star or something."
"Careful, you're gonna get me going again," he warned in a semi-playful manner. "That might've been the best I ever had." He scoffs and rubs his hands over his eyes. "Did I just say that out loud?"
"You did," you snuggle against him, your nakedness against his. "Isn't that a cliche? Don't you tell that to all your women?" you tease him.
"It's never been like this with anyone else," he says, looking into your eyes and kissing your forehead.
You touch his cheek. The roughness of his beard tickles your hand and you're pink between your thighs where his beard scratched you just moments ago. "I guess there's a first time for everything.."
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dividers by @saradika-graphics 👑
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tarjapearce · 1 year
A thought on Miguel
Ya know? Every time I see Miguel I think.
Man, this man needs a hug even if he says that's he's fine cause we know he's just bulshitting himself big time. Like, he's broken, his life was shit and the little thing that actually made him happy disappeared in his hands before his eyes.
Sometimes I think that Gabriela was that inflection point where he just realizes "Maybe  just maybe I can try happiness." (Cause c'mon. In the comics dude is abused emotionally by his own mother. Always comparing him and belittling him. And we know what happened to Gabriel. and his step dad is shit. )
Sometimes I like to think that Gabriela was his redemption to all those terrible bad years prior the incident. She was his purpose. And when he saw the chance, he didn't even hesitated into dive head first into it. His biggest mistake. Although pretty much understandable. None would overlook the chance of being better or happy or do things differently, right?
Sometimes I think He just wanted to be the father he never had. He just wanted to be the role model he never had, be that safe place for someone else that he never got. And that's why I think most of us empathize with him. Mostly for not saying all of us, (Kudos if you don't ♥️) have had situations that resembled Comic Miguel and Movie Miguel's life.
And when he loses Gabi, that's a turning point for the bad to him. His main motivation to be better, happier is gone.
Instead, he kinda twists that purpose Gabi gave him to protect the Multiverse he knows. Not that he doesn't care for the Spider Society members. He knows that all of them are there because they are more capable of handling themselves. They don't need protection, but they do need a role model, someone that guides them into not fucking up like he did.
That's why he is all grumpy, tired, emotionally drained and mentally exhausted. Cause he learned the consequences the hard way, but the rest is just cool about it. (Not cool in the 'I don't care way' but more like Just 'tell me what you need me to do and I'll do it, but my way' sort of thing.)
He didn't have the proper time to actually reflect on his mistakes, not that the multiverse is giving him any break though, He is Spiderman. He just knows that his mistake CANNOT be repeated. That's why he turns even more irritable, angry, fearful, all stemmed from self loathing for failing.
The man is depressed af. And we know, he overworks himself, he berates his own mind by watching over and over the screening videos of him and Gabi, he perpetuates guilt, but he cannot waver, cause he is a role model (A self imposed one) for the rest. He's not yet he is a martyr. He's not because he shares the common goal to keep Multiverse safe, but he is since said need to keep multiverse safe rooted from his big fuck up.
But dude has a savior complex. (I think this one suits better than martyr, dunno.)
And when Miles show up and does his thing, he sees all his convictions, motivations, his purpose, everything that drives him, threatened. And that's why lashed out the way he did on Miles.
That's his breaking point. I do not agree in the things he said to Miles though, we all know that he was just self projecting big time a good chunk of that dialogue. But he just wants to contain Miles at first, but the more Miles fights, the more everything he has worked for crumbles. An act of despair and fear disguised as anger, I like to think.
He is stunned cause damn, the menace to everything he has known and built so far just escaped from his hands before his eyes and again he was unable to stop it. (Another failure for him.)
He's a walking contradiction. Mistakes for him are not an option, but he can't help but make them along the way. Like most of us. And I think that's what makes him the most human among other Spiderman. And hopefully we can see more of him and how does he deals with all of that in the last movie.
But yeah, that's just my take on him.. Might be wrong, might be 🤡 or obvious but yeah. Needed to get that out.
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doubleddenden · 8 months
The topic of Palworld is pretty charged, but often times I see people be shamed for liking it because the CEO tweeted stuff about NFTs and the company using AI art in a separate game. Acting as if that's the most damning thing ever for a gaming company in an industry filled with similar people.
Make no mistake, I dislike both AI art and nfts, but do you realize how many gaming companies have involvement with that?
To begin with, Pokémon used AI art in a promotional piece for Pokémon Go in September, and nobody gave a shit because uwu Pikachu. The Pokémon Company also put a job listing some months back seeking an expert in NFTs. That's not quite damning evidence, but if I were a betting man, no "NFT expert" will willingly say "yeah nfts suck are bad for the environment, man, I'll take my paycheck and fuck off now." There's also a strong argument to be made that Pokémon has stolen ideas from fakemon artists (Finizen and Palafin, Scovillain, Dipplin, etc) and other franchises (kaiju movies, Dragon Quest, Megaman, final fantasy, western cartoons and food mascots, etc), a dubious legal statement that claims they own all fan art from the remixes and fakemon made on youtube to the pikachu your kid drew at breakfast; they have yet to apologize for the state of Scarlet and Violet while charging full price to millions of paying customers for a clearly unfinished and barely functioning game (which i did enjoy, but you can't tell me it was finished baking when it struggles not to shit itself just to run), and a bunch of other things people shit on Palworld for, but A. It's Pokémon so people don't care and think it's fine, and B. That's not the point of this post.
You know who else does NFTs and AI art? (Yes I heard Muscle Man from Regular Show in my head just now, too, moving along)
Square Enix sold several of their IPs for NFTs and claims to have used AI art "a minimum amount" in Foam Stars, yet I see nobody yelling for boycotts of Final Fantasy 14, 16, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Life is Strange, etc etc etc.
Sony has invested in both, they want to implement AI into gaming, and has a patent for nfts to be used in games and consoles, yet there's no movement to throw out your playstations.
Bandai Namco- you know, that company with a hand in pretty much most anime games on the market and popular games such as the Dark Souls games? They have a game called RYU that's essentially a virtual pet game that uses the blockchain, and its AI driven, among other projects. Yet there's no outcry to stop playing the many, MANY games they brand with. This also includes quite a few Nintendo games (btw they just partnered together to form a special studio quite recently) like Smash Wii U/3ds and New Pokémon Snap. Nobody gives a shit though.
Android, Microsoft, Google, Apple- I don't even need to explain those, they have whole teams dedicated to both. Even popular VPN companies accept crypto.
I'm just saying an awful lot of you guys that scream and shit bloody murder about Palworld's company being involved with that shit are either the biggest "It's okay when my favs do it" type of hypocrites, or you're sorely ignorant to just how evil and greedy most corporations are. You'll be hard pressed to find a game company with popular AND fun games that DOESN'T have some interest in either, let alone movie and show studios. That's the awful reality we live in.
You have 2 options
1. You basically stop doing anything involving most modern tech, including throwing out your pc and smart phone. You could probably live a comfortable life with tech circa 2010, but you have to be aware that any thing you buy may go towards a cause you don't like.
2. You accept that people can enjoy a product while not necessarily agreeing with the CEO of said product. Most CEOs tend to be jackasses anyway, that's kind of the shared trait they all have. You can also discourage companies from using them while understanding it is everywhere.
Palworld at the end of the day is just a toy, that's it. From the looks of it, it's not even actually hurting anyone, and it seems like the company at least treats their employees pretty decently- at least according to a few things I've seen here and there that seems rather progressive for a Japanese studio (with room for doubt obviously, it's a company after all and as we've established, they're all evil). At the least its not like when people supported Hogwarts Legacy and directly put money into JKR's wallet so she can openly hurt more Trans women. In fact, the only people seemingly hurt in all of this Palworld drama are obsessed Pokémon stans that can't accept a parody, or the Pokémon Company themselves, who rightly deserve some punching up tbh.
You can just say you dislike the game, that's fine, I totally get that. Even though I personally think The Pokémon Company deserves a few nut shots after the way they've treated fans these last few years with the state of their games (and you know, stealing ideas from fans without credit), I can see why someone would be turned away from a parody that's literally meant to be Pokémon with guns. I can totally understand all of that, personally I'd prefer if the game was MORE like Pokémon with turn based combat.
But if you're going to defend Pokémon because you think its perfectly innocent because of Wooloo or something like that, just be sure you're aware you're defending the World's Richest Franchise and their own attempts at AI and NFTs while calling out an indie company (a real one thats learning as they go, not the fake "We're totally indie" franchise that hasn't been indie since gen 3) for having a ceo that also seems interested in the same stuff. And remember, you don't become number 1 without hurting people somehow (we could dig up receipts about certain partners Pokémon has teamed up with, such as Tencent with Unite, but I'd rather not right now.)
Just saying. I don't think you're an irredeemable person for still liking Pikachu, cuz I do too believe it or not. I've been a life long fan and still have fun with the games despite the clear scummy business practices towards their paying customers. Just maybe extend that courtesy to the millions of players just trying to have fun in this awful, putrid, shithole planet that just keeps getting worse and worse with each passing day.
Plus... you know, think about it. Do you think Pokémon would ever get around to making a gunless Palworld? Probably not. Do you think Palworld would exist if The Pokémon Company and Nintendo were the slightest bit chill about Pokémon fan projects like SEGA is with Sonic? Also probably not. From what I've read, the devs just wanted to make a fun game that happens to mostly be ARK with Pokémon adjacent monsters. That's not really a bad thing, all things considered, and it seems like the worst they've done is reference official Pokémon when making their own models.
Palworld being successful is actually beneficial to Pokémon fans, as well. It'll never really truly compete, but it has outsold Legends Arceus in terms of units sold (not as much financially because Palworld was only $30 plus a sale recently, but still impressive), and it is enough that Game Freak is aware of its existence. Let Palworld light a fire under their ass, and maybe GF will actually finish their next game before releasing it for full price (and no, we're not bringing up the tired imaginary ball and chain game devs, game freak owns 1/3rd lf the franchise and can easily take methods to get more dev time, they just haven't because money). Just saying, at least the Paldevs were honest enough to sell it in early access for half the price.
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katyaromanoffpetrova · 7 months
A lifetime of dates (part 2)
After being together for twenty years, Natasha and Katya have been on many dates in their lifetime. In this series, we see one from every part of their lives.
- Natasha Romanoff x Fem!OC (Katya Petrova from the Forgotten Ghost series) - Wordcount: 2.1k - Warnings: Tony being his usual asshole self (lovingly), suggestive talk, crowds? - We're continuing with the The Avengers movie (post battle of New York) do not repost my work as your own or translate my work Masterlist
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''Hot damn.'' A wolf-whistle echoed in the room. 
Natasha, fiddling with her dangling earring, slowly turned to the culprit, careful not to drop the clutch wedged between her arm and her side. Her eyes narrowed, daring him to continue, but the man clearly held no regard for his life.
''That's what you've been hiding under that suit?''
''Stark,'' Steve scolded him, shaking his head in disappointment.
Week one of living in the Tower. It had been a… challenge to adapt to the new situation. 
For two spies who worked alone, lived alone, and stayed in the shadows all their lives, it was a big change to suddenly be a part of the most famous team in the world. And to live with them. Seven big characters in one building had already led to annoyances.
People—Stark—not cleaning up after himself, Clint hogging the TV, Steve not letting anyone put their feet on the coffee table, Thor accidentally smashing said coffee table by simply putting his hammer down.
Natasha found herself struggling to settle. Change wasn't her favorite thing, especially when things had been so good at SHIELD. But there was one place she ran to when her inner turmoil was strong. Or rather, one person. And now that their floor was decorated, and all their stuff moved in—two bags of clothes, a plant, and some picture frames—she grasped at the opportunity to go on a date, just her and Katya, away from the boys.
Staring Tony down, Natasha marched up to the couch, her heels clicking on the polished floor. From the corner of her eye, she saw Clint cringe, the fury in her eyes a very recognizable one. 
She'd been wanting to say something to the group concerning her relationship. And being two women against five men, she felt she had to act quickly to establish her power and authority.
"I'm only saying this once," she said firmly, pointedly looking the other four men in their eyes. "So get your heads out of your asses so you hear what I have to say.''
Tony's face grew a smirk, very interested in what she had to say. Bruce shrunk, like Clint. Thor just looked confused. Steve paid genuine attention.
"House rules. In case anyone was still wondering, yes, Kat and I are in a relationship. We fuck, we go on dates."
Everyone on the couch—except Tony, who perked up—shifted around and grimaced awkwardly at the mention of sex, but Natasha loved making men uncomfortable.
"Rule number one, no weird staring. We're two women, it's 2012, get over it. Don't ask who 'the man' is in the relationship. There is none, that's the whole point."
They were all silent, listening intently, and Natasha had to suppress the urge to smirk. Since aliens fell from the sky, she hadn't felt as powerful as now.
"Number two, I don't want to be made fun of or hear any ''funny'' lesbian jokes, and I'm looking at you, Stark," she warned, glaring challengingly at him. 
Tony's eyes widened with innocence, his hands raised in mock surrender, but Natasha knew, and all the men around them knew, he'd jump at the first opportunity to make a joke.
''Three." Natasha paused, her voice softening the slightest bit. "We're both in this for life. So spare yourself the trouble of trying to snatch her away from under my nose, because you won't succeed, and it'll be embarrassing for you. If I see any flirting, I won't be responsible for what I'll do to you."
Bruce looked downright terrified at her threat, scared to even look at Katya anymore in fears of upsetting Natasha. Steve just nodded somewhat awkwardly. But they were all quiet, impressed by her words. Natasha saw she hadn't frightened Tony enough, but she had a plan to deal with him later. 
"Oh, and please," she added as an afterthought, "announce yourself before you go onto our floor. It's for your own wellbeing.''
''You mean if we want to avoid a bullet to the head," Steve smiled, thinking he got the joke.
The corner of Natasha's mouth curled up. ''Something like that.''
Everyone turned to look at the hallway when footsteps swelled on. They were fast, rushed, and belonged to Katya, who struggled to clasp her bracelet around her wrist as she hurried into the room.
''Oh, here you are!'' She exclaimed, lighting up when she spotted Natasha. Her black dress was very similar to the one her redheaded girlfriend wore. Short, with thin straps, tight all the way from chest to thighs. A long black blazer had been thrown over it to act as a jacket on these chilly summer evenings.
Natasha's demeanor changed dramatically. Her stern glare faded away like snow under the hot sun, a bright endearing smile lighting up her green eyes as they took in the sight before her. She couldn't look away. Beauty like that had to be admired.
''You look beyond beautiful, as usual.'' She complimented softly, wrapping her arm around Katya's waist to pull her into her side. The men were perplexed at her attitude switch, watching wide-eyed as Natasha's soft side came out.
Katya's gaze slowly traveled over the group before it returned to Natasha. ''Why do they look like they pissed their pants?" She chuckled, knowingly raising her eyebrow. "What did you say to them?''
''Oh, just stating some house rules if we all want to live together harmoniously.'' Natasha shrugged, completely unbothered. 
Katya's eyes narrowed at her face, trying to figure out what that meant. But Natasha just stared at her with that lovesick expression. Slowly, she turned to the group. ''Did she threaten to murder you if you look at me?'' The silence that followed, together with Bruce's pale face, was enough of an answer. Katya sighed. ''Nat…''
''It's important to set the tone from the start, before they think they can walk all over us," Natasha defended herself with a smile. ''Come, we're going to be late.'' 
Katya laughed softly as Natasha took her hand and dragged her towards the elevator, but not before they heard Tony mumble, 
''I find that switch horrifying.''
Soon, they stepped into the elevator that took them down to the ground level, ready for an evening of fine dining. The city was still in ruins from the alien attack, but business mostly went on as usual. A private dinner was the perfect way to rewind.
"I leave you alone for ten minutes and you threaten our teammates." Katya chuckled, shaking her head as the doors closed. "What were the "house rules"?"
But the second the elevator started to move, Natasha pounced on her. The attraction, the lust, was too strong for her to handle. "Not important." She pushed Katya against the wall, her lips finding the underside of her jaw like a starved woman. "What is important is you looking this sexy. Good enough to eat." She mumbled lowly, teasingly biting into Katya's neck.
Katya twitched, a breathy laugh falling from her lips. "Later." She promised, trying and failing to push her girlfriend off her. Natasha wasn't done yet, her hand innocently brushing up the side of Katya's thigh.
"May I remind you that there are cameras in this elevator." A digital voice filled the space. JARVIS.
Natasha hummed, the vibrations tickling against Katya's skin. "No better way to show them you're off limits." She said smugly, only more determined to leave a trail of sloppy kisses up Katya's neck.
Katya laughed, pinching her girlfriend's side. "I'm not making a sex tape and showing it to Tony just so you can get him off my back. I think it may have the opposite effect." Another bite, this one possessive. 
Natasha was more aware than anyone of Katya's attractiveness, so she feared her girlfriend may be right. With a final kiss underneath her ear, she pulled back just as the elevator dinged. "Guess I'll have to keep you close to me then." She smirked.
"No place I'd rather be." Katya grinned, taking her hand. To her surprise, they went the opposite way of the parking garage. "Are we not taking the car?"
"I was hoping we could walk." Natasha smiled softly, their linked hands swinging back and forth. "It's only two blocks and the weather is nice."
But that turned out to be a big mistake. 
See, it had only been a week, so nobody on the team was used to the popularity they'd suddenly gained yet. The second Natasha opened the back door, the one that was supposed to be hidden, a horde of fans swarmed her like moths to a flame. She'd never expected or seen them there. 
Caps, shirts, signs, flags, drawings, everything was covered with her logo, with her face, with her girlfriend's face and her teammates'. It was a sea of red, white, and blue, like a bad Fourth of July parade. It was the weirdest, most pathetic thing she'd ever seen.
Her fight or flight response immediately kicked in, the fans' loud voices making her heart pound in her chest. Quickly, she tried to back Katya up, into the building, but it was too late.
"Ms. Romanoff!"
"Sign my t-shirt!"
"Can we take a picture?"
Natasha squared her shoulders, standing tall. "Yeah, so that was a mistake!" She yelled over the noise, looking over her shoulder at her girlfriend, shielding her from grabby hands or cellphones.
This wasn't their scene. This was Tony's thing. It was loud, and overwhelming, and caused a tightness in her chest. 
"Let's take the car!" Katya yelled back, her grip on Natasha's hand tightening. They both felt bad leaving these fans hanging, but they had a restaurant reservation to get to.
With difficulty, they managed to go back inside and shut the door, cutting off the noise. 
They stood perplexed, staring at each other like they weren't sure that really just happened. Until they burst out laughing. At this situation, at the weirdness their lives had become. Natasha still wasn't sure she liked it, but at least they were going through it together.
"Well, that was something," Katya said, fixing her hair up to compose herself.
"If they're still standing in the street when we drive out, I'm running them over." Natasha joked.
"Nat!" Katya gasped, letting out another laugh. "You do that to the haters, not to our fans!"
Natasha smirked. "I love how you encourage me."
"I'm a supportive girlfriend." Katya shrugged.
They ended up in the restaurant eventually. Even though the server could barely get his words out because he was so starstruck, and the whole restaurant was subtly staring at them until the main course arrived, dinner was nice, like old times. And Natasha clung onto every bit of normalcy she could find, enjoying these quiet moments now more than ever. 
As chaotic as the start of this date was, so peaceful was the end of it. They got home pretty late, getting off on their own floor to avoid Tony or Clint ruining their moods, kicking off their heels for some sweet relief. Natasha poured Katya a drink to end the evening, finding her in front of the huge floor to ceiling windows their living room had. She loved watching the city at night, all the lights.
"Life's fucking crazy at the moment," Katya mumbled absentmindedly as she rested her head on Natasha's shoulder, taking a sip of her drink.
Natasha gently caressed her back, tracing the shape of her spine. The muscles underneath her hand were tenser than usual. She wasn't the only one struggling with all this change. "Good crazy or bad crazy?"
Katya pursed her lips in thought. "I haven't decided yet, but I have a good feeling about this group. Everything happens for a reason."
"You know I don't believe in that," Natasha teased gently.
"You'll see, baby. You'll see," Katya smiled knowingly, downing her drink in one go. She stepped away to put her glass down, planting her hands in her sides. "Now, I believe you were hungry."
Natasha frowned. They had just eaten a five course meal. "Hu—" A sly smile pulled on Katya's lips, making her stop short. "Oh." The scene in the elevator.
Katya's smile widened mischievously as she stepped closer and teasingly toyed with Natasha's necklace, her fingertips brushing over her collarbones. "Maybe if you pull my dress off right here, the fans downstairs can get a glimpse," she spoke innocently, but her actions were far from.
Her motivations were so obvious—rile Natasha up—yet Natasha rarely found herself care enough or strong enough to resist. Why would she be stubborn and drag this out if she could have Katya in her bed sooner?
She yanked Katya closer and whispered hotly in her ear. "Don't tempt me."
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perfectfangirl · 4 months
notes after rewatching fallout s1 ep1
so once again like a crazy person [i've done this with star wars sequels before] i've decided to take three and half pages of notes over the course of an hour. i've been a fan of the games for at least a decade and i'm actually always watching lore content between the installments though so while i do know some minute details, within the show, there was some things i was interested in and curious about that i just decided to jot down. some of this may be things discussed already and some of it might be something i wasn't sure if anyone brought up before but anyways! maybe i'll do the whole season, but here's my ramblings • them titling the episode "the end" was when i knew i'd love the show • ok but i really wonder if cooper can still do those party tricks? he was really good at them and lucy would probably love them too 🥺 • thinking back, the radio in the first scene mentions not knowing where the president is--- beginning to wonder if he was the guy sitting in on the vault tec meeting • just realized they introduced the mr. handy robot in some of the first scenes • ten years of nuclear threat according to anchor but the show is careful not to give away all the cards because why does the weather anchor make it seem like they know when the bomb will drop? idk but birthday boy mother turns off tv real "head in the sand" like • the nat king cole song that's playing though [wondering if the song is mirroring specifically cooper's feelings about barb despite everything hmm] • horse's name is sugarfoot 🥹 • him having to pay alimony... wonder what the prenup? was like... [still think he probably loves barb 😞]
• them calling him a pinko despite him being an architect of vault boy's persona, a quintessential presentation of a "man's man" acting as a cowboy, a real cowboy, a former marine--- wondering if there was a smear campaign after his situation with barb and vault tec, him working children's parties leads me to believe... • did the kid's say the birthday boy's name was boyd? [if so, there's another character in the games with this name and this is also the name of a character walton has played in another series, funny] • weather man show's up again distressed, wondering if we'll get more info about that day • everyone ignoring, cognitive dissonancing their own nuclear annihilation is so prescient if not disturbing and damning
• him teaching janey the thumb thing ☹️ • cooper's voice when he says "let me see if i can't rustle you up a piece" 😩 • janey being the only one to notice the first bomb • the fear in cooper's eyes • cooper being in denial one last time before realization sets in • people becoming animals the moment they realize what's happening--- one guy punches his friend not letting his family into the fallout shelter • people getting into their cars and cooper onto his horse to escape--- wonder how fast they could be since it doesn't seem you could outrun nuclear annihilation
• lucy being raised so well under the circumstances 😔 [hope she never becomes her father] • i haven't trusted steph since episode one • lucy being a teacher [amongst other things] and asking maximus about what happened after the bombs fell makes so much sense [and also much like another person suggested is an interesting juxtaposition to cooper's pre war knowledge] • lucy showing how skilled she is for being a marriage candidate when in reality we are seeing someone fit for the wasteland is crazy on second watch • is lucy not watching a cooper howard movie with her dad? hello??
• them reading "war and peace" in the family book club is rich • lucy [thinking] she's not good at guns, ironic • steph having to step in like a sisterly type because lucy's mom isn't there 😞 • the wedding dress on lucy being ill fitting, tight as symbolism for lucy not truly "fitting in there" and being constrained [foreshadowing] oof • the vault boy sign in the back saying "don't lose your head" lmao • didn't catch the "cousin stuff" until someone mentioned it on tumblr and twitter 💀
• the flashback we see of lucy ending up being almost a false memory, a misrepresentation of her actual memories, that she has been on the surface, in the sun • norm taunting lucy about her future husband being "anybody" and a "cannibal, crammed full of tumours" 😭 unfortunately for ghoulcy, this was some of the heaviest foreshadowing [the raider also could have been one too] • why didn't hank recognize moldaver? • so many things i still don't understand about vaults 31, 32, 33 • the growing realization they are raiders was pretty funny to me lmao
• moldaver having to sit through the disingenuous lies of hank ugh • norm going into vault 32 like they wanted them to know what was up? or is that just how vault doors work? they used lucy's mom's pip boy [that hank lied about burying] • lucy putting norm in a storage vault, she really is so strong • the handed down wedding dress getting messed up • i am curious if the raiders [shady sands survivors?] only mostly harmed vault tec aligners but maybe not • the way hank and steph retaliating a little too well • hank acting like he doesn't know moldaver when everyone really does know moldaver • moldaver telling lucy she looks like her mother is really such a tipoff
• realizing maximus is getting bullied 😭 • dane... might love maximus a little idk • from latrine duty to basically ruling over the brotherhood of steel • they really showed some dude jacking it lmao it's just normal i guess 💀 • maximus being defeated and having a rightful outburst of emotion, poor guy • the poster saying "the outside world can never harm you"--- funny • chet would've died up there 😭 • them not opening the vault back up for her, wondering if the vapourized bodies are from the initial bomb drop or the subsequent shady sands ones • dane almost gets maximus killed three times tbh • maximus joined the brotherhood of steel to get back at what vault tec did, essentially hank's doing, hank has many enemies • knowing the enclave, it makes sense why siggi is hunted • cooper the ghoul's introduction though • the bounty hunter saying his captors dig cooper up every once in a while to cut pieces of flesh off him 😞 no wonder cooper acts the way he does 😔 he's been taken advantage of, no wonder he doesn't trust anybody and is horrible to everyone • "why is this an amish production of "the count of monte cristo" or the weirdest circle jerk i've ever been invited to?" why would he say this 😭 • cooper's... been invited to circle jerks 👀 • does the bounty hunter know the ghoul is cooper howard?
• him not harming the chicken, him healing dogmeat, there's something there, folks • people only digging him up to use him again 😞 • what a coincidence he's dug up just as lucy leaves the vault • "i do this shit for the love of the game" he's a character, he's playing a character, real theatre kid • hence why cooper is introduced as "the ghoul", cooper is long gone • "us cowpokes, we take it as it comes" something about this lineee
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edenhasfeelings · 6 months
The Death of Media Literacy, Religion, Misogyny, and Cognitive Dissonance
Spoilers for Dune Part 1 and 2 and the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
I'll admit, I have not read the Dune books yet, but I am a huge fan of the Dune movies. Not only did Denis Villeneuve just make two incredible, epic movies with a lot of nuance, gorgeous visuals, and an incredible score by Hans Zimmer, but the story itself is really compelling for a lot of reasons. My mother had tried to get me into Dune when I was younger, but at the time it wasn't my thing. I really liked Part 1, but Part 2 was something else entirely. I was gripping my seat the whole time, genuinely enthralled by everything happening. But I came out of the theatre with one definite conclusion: Paul Atredies is not a hero. I shared my thoughts in the car, and while my boyfriend agreed with me and my father had no opinion, my mother adamantly refused. She read the first book in college, and loved the 1984 version of the film (watching that, in my opinion, was like slow cooking your eyeballs over a campfire, but it was cool for the time period I guess). She was insistent he was the hero, and then tried to say that they changed the story to make him seem more like a villain, but he wasn't in the first book.
No hate to my mom, it's been a long while since she read the first book, and me and her are going to actually read the whole series soon. From my understanding and the research I've done, Frank Herbert wrote Dune as a cautionary tale against white saviorism and a commentary about America stealing oil from Middle Eastern countries and their subsequent colonization. I've also heard it was meant to be a standalone originally, but because people were portraying Paul Atredies to be the hero so much, he then wrote Dune Messiah to further drive home the point he was originally trying to make. But even without the knowledge of the books, it was apparent to me that he was not meant to be a hero in the movies. Of course, it isn't spelled out for you, and Timothée Chalamet does have some really epic, badass moments. But one of the biggest clue that you can have to what's going on is Chani, and how she reacts. She loves Paul, and she supports him, but she doesn't support him becoming a religious figure that leads her people because she feels as though that level of fervent religion is dangerous and not right; she says that a born and raised Fremen should be the one to free their people. You also see a huge shift from how Paul acts in the first movie and the first part of the second movie to how he acts after he drinks the Water of Life. In the first movie and first part of the second, he refuses to fulfill any prophecy, and tells them that he is not the one they are looking for. He is only wanting one thing: to avenge his father and his house. He even gets into an argument with his mother, Jessica, and he tells her that the Bene Gesserit were the ones to perpetuate this prophecy for their own gain. He knows it isn't real, and that it isn't divine, and that he was raised by Jessica to fit the qualifications for this prophecy for her own gain and the gain of her order. He knows what will happen if he takes up the mantle of Lisan al-Gaib: holy war spreading across the galaxy in his name. But when he feels like he has no other choice but to drink the Water to rally the Fremen to fight the Harkonnens, things instantly change. He becomes arrogant and demanding and self-confident, completely uncaring of how Chani feels and becoming solely focused on becoming Emperor. The line "lead them to paradise" felt really, really gross upon delivery, partly due to Hans Zimmer's masterful score. It feels damning.
While looking like a white savior story at very simplistic face value, Dune: Part Two is in fact a critique of it, even without the addition of Dune Messiah. The other big thing that the movie critiques is religion, especially blind faith at the cost of your critical thinking skills, religious fanaticism and idolization, and how religion is taken advantage of by people in power or people who want to be in power. Now I've seen a lot of tone deaf critiques of Dune, and a lot of ignorant comments made, usually in regards to the racial and political elements of the story. I have also seen a lot of people who get it and were able to help me expand my reasoning for the feeling of wrongness I got from people thinking Paul is a hero. But nothing compares to the TikTok I saw today. Someone blended the audio of Timothée Chalamet's Wonka character introducing himself, with the scene after Paul drinks the Water and goes to rally the Fremen to fight for his cause. The first image in the slideshow was an image of Wonka with the caption "Being raised in a religious household and calling yourself 'a Christian'." The second slide shows Paul in the midst of his religious fanaticism in the movie, with the caption "After being born again and having your entire worldview change." Absolutely no hate to this creator if you know who I'm talking about, but this video quite honestly had me gagged, for lack of a better term. I was absolutely shocked at not just the usual lack of media literacy that revolves around this movie and so many others, but the fact that they were so far gone from the point of the movie and Paul's character entirely that they thought it was a good idea to post that online in reference to their own faith. Paul Atredies took advantage of a prophecy that he knew was engineered to control the Fremen to do exactly what the Harkonnens wanted to do, just in a different font. His intentions might have been good to start, but ultimately, because of Jessica and the Bene Gesserit (specifically the Reverend Mother, as she talks to him in his visions and pushes him forward), who he realizes he is being manipulated by, he ends up where he is: a religious idol who (Spoiler for Dune Messiah) leads 61 billion souls "to paradise" and causes irreparable damage to the galaxy.
As someone who was raised Christian, I can tell you without a doubt that religion in general, but especially Christianity, can heavily damage your critical thinking skills and media literacy. When you look at everything from the lens of, "Ok but how does this piece of media validate my feelings and beliefs regardless of intention, subtext, or true meaning?" you end up falling into some really dangerous territory. Paul is not meant to be venerated in any way, shape, or form. He's a badass character and Timothée Chalamet did an excellent job portraying him, but you should not be comparing yourself to him, especially in the context of your religious journey. That is incredibly dangerous as you then shut your eyes to the true message of the story: white saviorism is bad, colonialism is bad, exploiting entire peoples for resources of any kind is bad, and spreading and using religion to control people is bad. Of course if you phrased bluntly any of these things to religious people they would (probably) agree that those are bad things. But when you put it into the context of film/literature/music/etc, and then you have no one spelling things out for you like you're used to people doing for you in your religion, and you've already tossed your critical thinking skills out the window in order to avoid doubting your faith, you end up supporting and turning a blind eye to the bad things that you would otherwise disagree with if it was made simple for you. Even if you have no ill intention, even though it was just a silly TikTok, the ease in which people delude themselves by refusing to look any deeper into media causes such mass amounts of complacency and allows history to repeat itself. It is repeating itself right now. When we learn about the Holocaust in school, everyone would say that if they were Germans living in Germany, they would have opposed the genocide of the Jewish, Romani, and queer people during WWII. But here we are, watching the genocide of the Palestinian people live on our phones, and yet people are still sitting in denial and complacency, and often using the Bible and religion as an excuse for why its' ok.
Steering away from the topic of religion, another clear example of media illiteracy recently was The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. I both read the book and saw the movie (full book review posted on my book review blog @385bookreviews). While in the book you get Coriolanus' raw thoughts and it is made more obvious that he is not a good person even without the influence of Dr. Gaul, the movie still does a really good job of showing his decline into the person we see in The Hunger Games trilogy. And yet somehow, even with the context of the first three Hunger Games books (and the four movies), somehow people were still painting Coriolanus as the misunderstood good guy of the story. The latent misogyny that came out of so many people, especially women and girls who claim to be feminists, by saying Lucy Gray was manipulative and everything was her fault, was honestly appalling to watch. There is always room for personal interpretation of media, however that is widely different from purposefully ignoring canon information and editing the text to adhere to your own cognitive dissonance. This can once again come back to religion, as I believe people of every organized religion also practice this habit of picking and choosing whatever they want from their holy texts and then conveniently excusing the rest of it. Media illiteracy is shown in another way with the Hunger Games series fans as well. A lot of people can go to the movies or read the books and root for the rebelling protagonist and recognize perfectly the plot of the story: government bad, so good people rebel and fight for their freedom, and those are our heroes. And yet these same people will then turn around and ignore genocide because "the oppressed people attacked first, they should have stayed peaceful".
While not all media reflects real life, or is meant to be taken as seriously, The Hunger Games and Dune are definitely not two of those series. By ignoring the context and subtext and purely engaging with things as fiction, and then ignoring the real life applications and implications of the work, we are being purposefully and consensually blinded and allowing ourselves to become mindless cogs in a capitalist machine. We all need to learn to think for ourselves, now more than ever, and that starts with our media consumption.
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theic-manic · 2 months
Hellenic polytheism tip: ask Hermes to guide your shopping
Hermes will help you purchase things either for now or later.
Before I devoted myself to Apollo and was still casually worshipping him, I found a shirt at a thrift store that I wouldn't normally buy or wear anywhere but I felt drawn to it.
So I started wearing it initially to attract wealth and abundance, wearing it on warm sunny weekends and this was right before last year's solar eclipse in the northern hemisphere.
(Synchronicity penny just dropped: last weekend I watched a horror movie featuring a Solar Eclipse & Apollo showed me an online shopping page... I'll link below.)
Anyway once I established myself as Apollo's devotee rather than worshipper, I started wearing this shirt on Sundays as a devotional act for him.
The shirt:
(I'm tired so please excuse my face)
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Last year while thrift shopping I found some cute cherub tea light candle holders, which isn't something I typically get either.
This was during a period where Hermes was being his trickster self & larping as Hekate (the spider in my towel head wrap is such an obvious sign looking back) but I was like "odd, this doesn't feel like hekate" so I packed then away.
Recently, while reorganising my bedroom I took them out and had a closer look.
There's a Lyre on each candle holder.
I asked Apollo if he'd like them on his altar.
Another time, while shopping with Hermes I asked Ares if he liked a bag Hermes helped me pick out.
Ares complimented it so then immediately Hermes found me a "War Collection" box for my Ares altar ☺️
So let Hermes guide your shopping (set a boundary that he doesn't send you broke because one weekend he kept showing me a bunch of antiques and I'm like MATE I AM NOT RICH... yet)
E.g. when Hermes had me spend my annual leave buying a bunch of LEDs and a damn Asus Rog Ally hand-held PC for his altar as a thank-you for him gifting me with a year's worth of free coffee + $10k AUD
Hermes altar, the hand-held gaming PC he had me dedicate to him and the smol llama plush that now lives on said altar... (I still think it needs a name other than "Lola")
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The second-hand coral pink Nintendo Switch that Hermes and Apollo had me go and buy my disabled housemate to make their medical appointments easier after the aforementioned winnings + Hermes helping me make $500 profit after calling my phone company out on predatory sales tactics and threatening to drag them to the telecommunications ombudsman.
I included a case I no longer use and some games I no longer play, as well as an LED charging cable.
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Hermes finding me a Hermes-coded bag and a war box for Ares
Apollo being real subtle showing me eclipse mints next to a certain book title after watching a horror movie about a solar eclipse
Hermes is also the God of thievery (I was extremely good at shoplifting during my youth that I once stole a 2L bottle of bourbon while wearing nothing but a bikini and a sarong) and he did once make a shopkeeper forget to charge me for almost $200 worth of thrift store merchandise however Apollo will absolutely drag you for such acts and so if you work with Apollo or other justice inclined gods, steal at your own risk.
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pralinesims · 2 years
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On a fine november night at the cinema 🎬
Start | Next
TRANSCRIPT under the cut:
Pic 1: Luca: "Hey!" Emilio: "Evening..." Vale: "Oh, hey." Aaron: *eyes glued onto the screen*
Pic 2: Aaron: "You're wearing a suit?" Emilio: "Yeah, yeah, good evening to you too."
Pic 3: Emilio: "Anyways, we're late, I'm gonna grab the tickets." "I'll take care of everything, trust me, it's MY big day!" Vale: "Appreciate that!" Luca: "Thank you!" Aaron: "You really don't have to do this!"
Pic 4: Luca: "How come that you two were faster here than Emilio and me, just by walking?" Vale: "Aaron got his ass up for once, solely for some sickly sweet coffee..."
Emilio muttering to himself: "breathe, Emilio, just breathe..."
Ticket Seller: "Good evening! What can I do for-" Emilio: "Good evening, Ms! Well..."
Pic 5: Emilio: "We're 4! 3 tickets please for the movie "Crumbs of Destruction", hello and thank you very much." "3 tickets, okay? A V.I.P. is among us!"
Pic 6: Luca: "You think the movie is actually gonna be good?" Vale: "Might be." Emilio prepared himself and is ready to take over the world.
Pic 7: Ticket Seller: "Oh, I recognize your friend in green." "He'll get a free entry. Thank you for stopping by"! Emilio: "Why is HE the one getting a free ticket?!" Aaron: "..." Ticket Seller: "Sorry, I can't do anything about that. I'm just following the protocol."
Pic 8: Emilio: "HE'S NOT EVEN IN THE MOVIE, I'M THE ONE WHO'S DEBUTING AS AN ACTOR!" Aaron: "Would you quiet down? I can pay for my own ticket..." Luca: "Should we step in?" Vale, muffled sounding: "nu-uh." Emilio (to the ticket seller): "no, no, you're getting that wrong, I'm telling the truth-" Aaron payed for his own ticket meanwhile.
Pic 9: Vale: "You EXACTLY know what happened the last time we tried to intervene." Luca: "pffft, don't remind me." Emilio: "It's time to get going, we've got the tickets."
Pic 10: Aaron: "...my god, that was SO embarassing." Emilio: "Can't you see how embarassing this was for me too?" Aaron: "Christ, YOU were the one making a scene! Why didn't you just shup up and pay?"
Pic 11: Emilio: "You're ALWAYS freeloading with that influencer bullshit." Aaron: "DUDE, I PAYED FOR THAT DAMN TICKET, I'M NOT A FREELOADER!"
Luca walking from the background towards Emilio & Luca: "Ugh... this is going to be a long night."
Emilio: "but I'M in this movie! Why don't I get any kind of compensation?"
Pic 12: Luca: "Yeah, we get you, but you're acting a bit weird today. Is everything okay?" Emilio: "...it must be the nervosity, I'm sorry. I really-" Aaron: "Just stop screaming at me."
Pic 13: Emilio: "BUT I DIDN'T SAY ANY-" Luca: "Aaron, you too. Calm down." Aaron: "Huh?"
Pic 14: Vale: "You know what?" Emilio: "At least someone told him to shut up for once." Luca: "I'm not choosing any sides. You're both insufferable right now." Aaron: "Newsflash: he's FOR REAL the one who's built this whole circus." Vale: "I can't take this anymore, let's go inside." Aaron: "CAN'T YOU EVER BEHAVE LIKE A PERSON?" Emilio: "WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SUCH A SMARTASS?
Pic 15: Vale: "What the hell is wrong with them?" Luca: "...fucking finally- Yo, where did the ticket lady go?" Emilio & Aaron are still arguing in the background.
To be continued...
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Jafar x GenderNeutral!Reader || Excerpt
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Plot: Inspired by This post. Jafar gets insulted by someone insignificant while working a street corner with you, wow-ing passers-by with little spectacles of sorcery for money and its up to you to calm him down. Just something I wrote on my phone while watching the movie ^^
Warnings: Its Jafar so there are some sexual references.
Tags: @asperol-with-izzy , @disney-android-foundation , @lady-love88 , @marinerainbow , @moxiiscool , @ryantryan6969 , and @yesthetrashbin . I hope you are all doing well, and enjoy this small fic! ^^
"I should send him on a picturesque trip down to the depths of the underworld, for that... " Jafar growls, not even seeing you in front of him you don't think. Not even feeling your hands on his chest- too furious, watching after that man that laughed at his 'magic act' and made a spectacle of you both.
"Mhmm, you should," You allow, voice measured and your own temperament relaxed; You've calmed Jafar down a million times before, and this time will be no different. He's wrapped around your little finger... you love him. "but maybe not just this second, hm?... We have a crowd, dear... "
"Damn them all, they all agree. The filthy peasants. They think my sorcery is but trickery. Y/N, I was Sultan. I was the most powerful sorcerer in the world. How did I get here?; Cooking up spells in public for change like a pathetic, needy street urchin. They should all be destroyed, for this. Their absolute insolence! I should- " Finally, he seems to notice the affections you're laying on him, your hands gliding up and down his chest, your soft eyes watching him and listening to him, paying attention to him, looking at him like he's still a king to you. It's enough to make him stop talking, at least, looking back at you and setting his jaw. He just let's out a repressed groan, lips pulled back into a nasty scowl representing the narcissistic entitlement and hurt pride boiling and stewing inside of him. You can almost feel the heat from it all through his clothes and his skin.
Poor sweetheart... such a scoundrel... he deserves all this, really. But you can't help who you love.
"I know... " Voice gentle and comforting, you move in even closer to him, tilting your head to the side. "I know... look, how about we go home now? We've earned enough to make it tonight, and you need your rest." Delicately, you flick the wilting feather on his old Viziers turban up away from his face. ".. besides, after what that man said about us I doubt anyone else around here will give us the time of day."
His eye twitches then and fury still flickers in his deep claret eyes like fire, but his face and his shoulders relax. At least, he's no longer ready to lunge at anyone if you stepped out of the way. "... well you're right about that... disgusting, dirty peasants dont know true power when they see it with their own eyes... "
"Come on... " Now you take his hand, his long spindly fingers curling around yours without a second thought, and move away from him, leading him away from the street corner the pair of you had been working today. The late day sun is hot on your skin and makes you feel lazy, and all you want to do is go back 'home', or to the ill-furnished hole in a wall the two of you now called 'home', and lay affection on him for the rest of the evening. "Let's go home. I promise, I'll make it worth your while."
Here his eyes flicker back to yours again, a different kind of fire flaring in them. Oh, he so, delightfully easy. "Oh really?" A dirty old smirk stretches across his wickedly handsome features and follows your steps more eagerly, now. You've seen this look a million times before, and it still sends a secret, pleased shock through your depths.
"Mhm... I think you deserve it, after the day you've had."
"I agree... " Jafar quips slowly, slightly obnoxious and slightly egomaniacal- just as you want him. "And, ehem, how will you make this worth my while, dear? In detail~... "
Suddenly all the sensuality from before slips away from you and you flash him a cheeky smirk, and a shrug. "... I'm gonna build a fire and brew you a nice, hot cup of tea."
Immediately he scowls again. "You are cruel, my love."
"Well then we must be made for eachother."
Jafar lets go of your hand and, catching up to you with just a couple longer strides, creeps his arm around your waist instead. "Indeed." Then, as you watch him, he gives a mischievous shrug of those broad and regal shoulders. "Besides~ I have my ways of changing your mind, my dear, don't I?~ You'll forget all about tea when we get inside our hovel~ I promise you."
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