#if the mcu cant write women then I will
flowervolcano · 2 years
I know I have seemed anti Antonia Dreykov but it’s not like that at all. I just get mad that she wasn’t a well written and fleshed out character and I hope for some new things for her.
Originally I thought ooh he could be Marvel’s first trans character, have Tony transition to male that way “look he’s a male” and I’d really be down for this idea
But if not, idc we could do a female Taskmaster, just let her have spunk, energy, charisma, let her get her own personality anything that isn’t all drama filled. She deserved better than that.
So I want some things for her, which is; figuring herself out, after years of being silenced I want her to be a mouthy little troll like her comic counterpart, she uses the “my father silenced me my whole life now I’m making it your problem” excuse whenever someone on Thunderbolts gets annoyed with her excessive banter/talking. She has so much she missed out on, she could be like a little socially awkward at first but then really just kicks it off. Maybe she picks up skateboarding randomly just because she saw someone do it. I want her to reclaim some humanity and personality. All things she was dismissed from having. Let her thrive and grow into a real person. I’m afraid they will just keep blandly writing her with no soul and she’s only “I was a weapon” like Bucky, Yelena and Ghost weren’t. (Not all of them are as moody but you get the point)
Then I also really want them to utilize her powers more, explain that the chip in her head is actually just because her father is a control freak and was limiting her to a program. That the powers don’t have to be computer functional. Idk taking away a super hero skill like that sucks imo and that was one of my major complaints when it first came out
The main reason I’m upset with the “reveal” was mainly because Taskmaster’s identity never mattered to him, he was a just a dude who loves his skull mask and refuses to take it off so when she took off the mask in the movie it felt jarring (not because she was a woman btw) but because it felt so not like Taskmaster to do so. I didn’t care who was going to play Taskmaster as long as the actor kept the mask on 90% of the time. It’s kinda not fair to such a great actress though, which added to my distraught feeling. It felt like so many good things and potential was wasted. Because no I feel like her identity is more important than her skull mask (rip) but that’s a simplistic argument
Instead it would have been devious if she wasn’t actually Dreykov’s daughter but staging that to get under Black Widow’s skin (I say this because the timeline makes no sense in 2008 Antonia was around the ages of 7-10 which I would be around the same age as her, and she does NOT pass for 16-20 years old, let me remind y’all that BW was set in the year 2016, so if she was let’s say born in 2000 (like me) by the time it’s 2016 she would only be 16. So that is still making the least amount of sense in direction of writing. If honestly would have been better if instead of trying to connect her in that way, sure go with “victim” but not if the timeline makes no sense. Sorry I’m rambling a little it’s just I take my timelines very seriously and can’t stand when the math ain’t adding up.) ignoring the mess up in the time line I just didn’t like the needing to be related to someone to hurt Black Widow, and having her only exist like a pawn was upsetting for me. And the character as a whole.
Instead she could have just been anyone who was being abused. Maybe Dreykov found her and her unique abilities and abused that to his will and forced her to work for him. She could have been in the explosion but not related to him even, but he uses that event against her. “I saved you and made you what you are, you are in debt to me” or even worse the old “I took you in when you had no one, I’m the only one who would care about you now” obviously he’s a gross manipulative old man who had no regard for women. But there was so much to work with to make him even more evil and disgusting. He never cared who anyone was even his own daughter yikes— while I like the idea to a point it didn’t quite work in the long run and execution. But we can work around that! Let Antonia shit talk him constantly after he’s dead. It would be funny. Let Antonia be lazy too. I think she deserves to kick back and annoy people a little. I just want to see her healing and I’m trying to morph her into the little bastard Tony Masters any way I can.
She can really be an interestingly complex character, she could only be in it for money like Tony usually is, and that works, some people are just like that. Maybe she feels like she has nothing else in life (because she doesn’t) so money is the only thing that makes her happy. Besides this absolutely works for the name change to Toni Masters, who would want to keep the Dreykov surname??
All in all I had much to write about but started ranting and losing my process. What I really think is most important is letting her be a character, a unique one. Just because she’s gone through traumatic events doesn’t mean she has to be a brooding, serious, depressed character, let her be goofy and whatever because she went through a lot and this is how she copes!
Just let her own it and be a fresh take, something free from everyone. She doesn’t need her dad, sympathy, pity, Black Widow, nobody she is her own hero. And she just wants to do some shots at a bar because why not.
Oh and finally, let her date Ghost/Ava. I think they’d have a wonderful chemistry together.
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woolydemon · 2 years
this is gonna sound bad but I'm watching the canon lesbian velma movie and. I kinda hate it 💀
#rando thoughtz#though velma being a lesbian is not the problem thank god#though idk.... the way they handle her crushing on this lady is a lil ehhh but it's. fine i guess#i do however have come go a realization i. hate the current scooby doo art style#not completely though its rlly expressive & fluid (in this movie at least)#and there's some rlly nice use of colors#but bc its trying to mimick the original animation style it also picked up how. flat it was#the compositions are often rlly. eh#it would work fine for a show but for a movie it feels too bland#and God Why Are All the women Drawn like that .#its so off putting to see daphne in comparison to the more recent stylizations that came before bc.#she has a insanely skinny waist & massive hips. its like cement got injected into them#its most obvious on daphne but hints of this is in most women in this including velma#like. the way they animate them feels so objectifying to me ........#especially lesbian love interest lady like My God she makes me uncomfortable#might be how she makes me think of that one lady from road to el dorado#in how a woman with a darker skin color is constantly animated w/ a huge focus on accentuating her promiscuity#idk the way women look in this style rlly doesnt sit right with me#something abt the writing also feels off to me but i cant put my finger on it so i wont comment on it much#idk. ig it has a bit of that mcu irony poisoning or smth like that#i might just be nitpicking a lot and maybe I'd feel different on a second watch#but im a person that likes be cool scooby doo i am p open minded when it comes to this franchise#especially since i mostly dont expect it to be a masterpiece like ever#the closest was the direct to vhs era & we're not ever gonna get back to that#idk man im sorry guys i just have a hard time enjoying this era of scoobt doo as much <////3#it might not be helping that a part of my perception of it is that they feature celebrities like sia & ricky gervais so. not great#the weird al episode i enjoyed though#ok sorry i got into a heated scooby fan moment </3 it might happen again#it almost happened before when i watched the scoob movie#but everybody was lucky i got over my irritation over the things i didnt like abt the movie by the time i thought to type it all out
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noirineverysense · 1 year
Choose violence with 5 and 25? 👀
5. worst discord server and why
honestly ive never been in any truly horrible servers so i'll just ramble here lol. I used to be in an mcu server that was pretty toxic (i hate stuckies), ive been in many servers that make me feel like the only negro in a 2500 mile radius. Also i was in a normie yt server and like whenever mild political stuff got brought up theed be self-described capitalists and free-marketeers whose only solution ever was to cull the poor.
For some positivity i really enjoyed the whump servers i've been in, WWC is really good and i recommend it to whump writers (tho i left it now), and whump a woman is obvs the best.
Also if you dont want to feel like the only negro in the building you can join the whump oasis discord server too!
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Probably white guy is abused by the people around him and deserves better. Said white character doesnt even feel that way and the characters that get called harassers are often woc.
Def sick of lady whump takes, sorry but if you cant understand the misogyny behind women getting hurt makes me feel bad so i'll write men instead i dont know what to tell you :)
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socialfake · 3 years
alright my fandom preferences change all the time and i suck at being active on here but right now im deep down all things marvel and i have an idea for what could turn into a bigger social fake au with chris evans x actress!reader, including some sebastian stan x actress!reader and of course the rest of marvel actors and actresses yk
i was wondering if anyone would even be interested in that? i mean i‘ll probably start working on that and posting that anyway but i felt like asking lol
i can sum up some basic facts about the potential series here:
female reader is slightly younger than chris ( they meet at almost 20 and him 24)
i will try to match some real life aspects of chris into this but some (most) movies from the beginning of his career will not be a thing in this „story“ (its an au after all)
reader is into social media (obviously) and it will be a big part of her life involving all her actor friends and her life as an actress in general
reader will become part of the mcu and play a character that i have yet to come up with lol (feel free to help)
face claims for the reader will most likely be of white women simply because i cant seem to find fitting pictures of poc or other ethnic origin. i might be able to put some posts together that will display black or asian women (or the like) but i just wanna say beforehand that it has nothing to do with any form of intentional discrimination from my side! i am always open for posting about different nationalities/ethnicities etc. and i am open to any kind of cunstructive criticism. please feel free to reach out if you know of accounts on pinterest, insta or weheartit that post pictures that i could use in order to post more diverse edits (or if you feel comfortable to share your own pictures anonymously)
i dont think that there will be any writing as in story writing involved. english is not my first language and i get really insecure and nervous just thinking about actually writing a proper story because i am afraid of being a bad fiction writer 😅 somehow writing captions and comments to imaginary posts is easier and less stressful to me even tho i know i make mistakes there as well…
that‘s about it i guess. like i said, feel free to ask me about my ideas or share your own or say whatever you want about this idea 😂
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ok tumblrinas are u ready. btvs live blog go
LMFAO can’t get over the 90’s ass voice over in the beginning literally making me laugh out loud
heehee intro as a whole …. with the rock like yasss slay
guys the jew representation in this show is off the charts. sarah michelle gellar and the other main character is willow rosenberg? no one ever talks about this. this is a jew show irl
alyson is so cute it’s so funny that they try to make her “nerdy” with a shitty outfit like. what???? she’s still like. so pretty.
meet cute mome with buffy and xander .. classic
also buffy’s first day outfit is soooo cute n so is she. love
xander’s sheer shirt is like boygirl chic supreme. loveee again
free my bitch willow she aint done nothing but be sustainable
love him already (giles) why is he like this
giles is boygirl supreme actually i’ve decided or maybe he’s just british
sometimes joss whedon writes shit and like. u just have to sit and think
did people talk like this in the 90s
i love how buffy is like fuck this shit like yes girl fuck this shit
no bc the way that it must be so hard to hold this secret and have to watch her destroy not just her life but her mom’s and everyone around her’s…
yasss girl live in ur dark cave, chant ominously and give us nothing 😍😍
“hi! im an enormous slut!” pissing myself
if this was me and i was 16 i would not be allowed to go to a club. like? girl do u care abt ur daughter at all?
this dude in his velvet coat….. and being destroyed by buffy instantly… yeah… yeah…
if this is the place to be in sunnydale i think i’d just never leave my house if i lived there
WHEN DOES WILLOW BECOME A LESBIAN 😭😭 i know she does i just can’t wait
ok but jesse literally can’t catch a hint like leave her alone
FREE MY BITCH WILLOW make her a lesbian now so she doesn’t fall for this vampire dick
“what is your childhood trauma” the way i have fully said these words before but in an entirely different context
the vampire makeup is sooo funny tho i think we need to bring back practical effects exclusively so we can have gold like this again
i know by young and fresh they mean virgins and i just don’t know why they don’t just say it
kinda love how they chose this dark ass place to hide the shitty fight choreography and makeup
thinking about how joss whedon went on to write parts of the MCU and u can literally hear the quips starting now LMFAO
love the overarching plot explanation now… we need that structure yasss
wow literally forgot this was a 2 parter but also they put their whole pussy into this shit
the amount of christian mythology here does give it negative points for being a jew show :/
dirty cave back 😍😍 we love to see it… candle lit, large throne, perfect for all
this show is soooo acab like yes the police cant do anything and only come with guns 😍
this show is actually so feminist because the 4 main protagonists are all women
fuck this guy (the principal)
i love her (buffy)
the cross is so ugly but i know they had to make it this big to show up on the shitty fucking quality of the tvs in the 90s
velvet coat guy’s name is angel and it’s like they want u to trip over the plot
sooo true xander i would also skip chem class
when she’s experienced and is willing to cut someone’s head off with an x-acto knife
fuck that guy (cordelia)
i love her (willow)
girlies RUN….
jesse is infinitely more interesting as a vampire and im happy they freed him from being boring
giles in rolled sleeves is strangely attractive to me. actually i think i just think giles is weirdly hot in general. maybe it is because he is british.
phantom of the opera ass score like DUNDUN DUN DUN
who wrote that essay about the inherent sexuality of vampires. yeah… yeah…
“the thtarths themthelveths will hide!” please
i do feel so bad for buffy tho like fr society if she just could be normal
crying over the heads of garlic just there in her supply box. like how would be use those to stop them 😭😭
ok but like. is them going to a club and drinking the drinks there implying that they are always drunk at the bronze at 16 year olds??? it’s so weird
cordelia needs to listen to goodbye earl by the chicks and i think that would fix her
90s censorship laws be like. no blood allowed! but yes to 16 year olds at clubs!
ok maybe i do rly like this show like a lot
buffy should be included in discussions of feminism fr like she walked so y’all could run
giles immediately getting taken down by a vampire is truly the most camp and hilarious thing he could do
the master lying and screaming on the floor no is so me core!
angel shut the fuck up have faith
u averted the apocalypse for now
i love how buffy has friends like :’) yay she’s not alone anymore
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Kid problems (Request)
MCU cast x child!reader, mostly Scarlett Johansson x reader and Mark Ruffalo x reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: Please may I request a mcu cast x child!reader where the kids the daughter of a new female superhero actor (made up) and the cast finds up she’s been verbally/ physically abusive so the kid and confront the lady about it and comfort the kid? You don’t have to if this makes you uncomfortable though!
Warnings: physical and emotional child abuse, language, mean insults, bad mom
(A/N): i thought i wasn’t going to write today but i had a (not so) busy day and i fell asleep for like three hours and now i cant sleep, so here we are! ya’ll i feel like this one kinda sucks but lets not talk about it. not proofread as always
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“Stay quiet and be polite, and for God’s sake, don’t be so clumsy like you always are!” your mother spoke roughly, eyes on the road in front of her. “Knocking things over and ruining everything..”
“I won’t,” you mumbled quietly. 
She had recently made her big break as an actor, landing the role as Abigail Brand in the Marvel universe. As far as you understood, she had met her coworkers a few weeks ago and it had went well. 
Now, she was bringing you to meet them, because apparently they had spoken about how it was cool for kids to see a movie set, and your mom had run out of excuses not to bring you.
You were determined to be quiet and polite and to not be clumsy. All you wanted was to please your mother and make her proud. She just always seemed so angry. But that was your fault.
“Alright, we’re here,” your mother sighed. She exited the car and opened your door, practically dragging you out of the vehicle and into the filming area. You didn’t really understand anything or what anything was, so you just stayed quiet and stayed close to your mother, although avoiding touching her. She was always extra violent after you did so.
“M/n! You’re here, and with this little nugget?” a man with a funny beard and cool sunglasses came up to you. He smiled and then crouched down to your level. Your mom laughed awkwardly. “What’s your name?”
“Uh, Y-Y/n.” 
The man smiled at you and you smiled back cautiously, looking to your mom to see if it was okay. She seemed annoyed like always. 
“She’s shy, huh?” the man joked, and got up again. You watched, anxious to mess up. Maybe this time you could finally satisfy your mother and stop being such a useless child.
“Yeah, she is. I try to tell her to be more talkative, but she’s just naturally like this,” your mom smiled warmly at the man. Now you were even more confused. Did she want you to talk more? No, right?
You were introduced to the rest of them. Their names were Robert, Mark, Chris, Chris (again), Jeremy and Scarlett. They were very nice to you. They were very careful and caring, and it made you wish your mom was like that. 
You mostly just watched them work and talk. Eventually you sat down drawing, because you were bored.
“Can I see that?” Scarlett asked, gesturing to the drawing you were working on. You shyly nodded and stopped drawing, putting the crayons down. “Woow, that’s so pretty!” 
You shook your head, “no, it’s not.” Scarlett looked at you in confusion. 
“Why would you say that?” she asked, caressing your arm carefully. 
“My mama says my drawings are bad,” you mumbled. Scarlett looked up at your mom in confusion. Your mom was already dashing over to you, having heard the conversation.
“She means her nana, I call my mom mama and so she calls her mama.. My mom is not very good around kids,” your mom explained away. You furrowed your brows. You didn’t mean nana? You and mama stopped talking to nana long ago. 
Scarlett, who had previously tensed up, relaxed and let out an understanding laugh, “oh! I got worried there for a second!”
Your mom made a strained smile and then looked down at you. She had that glint in her eyes, although her face was friendly, you could tell she was disappointed. You teared up right then and there, so tired of disappointing her.
“Alright, Y/n, let’s go to the bathroom,” she grabbed your small hand roughly, and pulled you away from the nice adults. Tears rolling down your face, as your mom brought you into the women’s bathroom. 
“You little-” she cut herself off, gritting her teeth and checking if there were people in the stalls. There weren’t and she turned back to you with that angry face. 
“How dare you? Can’t you ever just stay quiet like I tell you to? You useless child! You were a mistake!” she hissed. It hurt you so bad, it felt so bad, and your crying worsened as you attempted to stammer out an apology. 
Your mother slapped you across the face. “Stop crying, you nuisance,” she said and indeed you forced yourself to stop crying. You held it in, trembling. 
Meanwhile Scarlett and Mark had been walking past the bathrooms, when they heard the slap. Of course, to them it could’ve been a lot of things. They exchanged glances, and Scarlett had said that she’d check it out. 
She walked quietly into the echoing bathroom, stopping when she heard the sound of angry and aggressive whispers.
“You’re so stupid and useless. You have no talent. Just stay quiet from now on! Shut the fuck up.” 
Scarlett was shocked to hear your mother’s voice. It took a moment for Scarlett to realize who she was talking to, and the thought drew a very real gasp out of her. Now, not giving two shits, she stepped away from the wall to see your mother crouched down in front of you, an almost animalistic expression on her face.
“M/n! How dare you!” was all she could say. Her instant reaction was to simply walk over to you, and get you away from your mother, but as she tried to your mother grabbed your arm. The both of them tugged at you.
“Get away from my baby!” your mom yelled. The commotion drew Mark to enter the bathroom, bewildered at the situation. Your mom and Scarlett both tugging at you, and you in the middle, red face and puffy eyes, conflicted as ever.
“What’s going on here?”
Mark’s sudden presence startled your mother, and in a moment of surprise, she let go and you fell into Scarlett’s grasp. She picked you up in her arms, and just started walking out of the bathroom.
Mark followed, looking between you and your mother. Scarlett didn’t know where she walking, but far from that witch. 
“M/n was- she was saying these horrible things to Y/n. Like, seriously horrible things,” Scarlett said. Meanwhile she rubbed your back and held you close, something that made you feel so nice inside. Your mother never did that. 
“I think what we heard was- Like, a slap?” Scarlett said, and when she met Mark’s eyes, he too had gotten a serious and worried look in them. He turned to you, resting on Scarlett’s chest.
“N/n, uh, did your mom hurt you, by any chance?” he asked and you stirred from your resting place.
“Like, hit you in any way?” 
“Mhmm,” your simple hum, like it was the most normal thing in the world, made the two adults’ hearts sink. 
“ScarJo, Ruffalo!” Chris (Hemsworth) greeted, but his cheerful welcome, did nothing to cheer up the two shaken adults. 
“Downey, you gotta call the Russos and tell them to get another Abigail Brand,” Mark instructed, while Scarlett put you down on the couch and then looked down the hallway to see if your mom was running after you. Ominously, she was nowhere to be seen. Scarlett couldn’t decide what was worse: if she had run after you, or the fact that she just left you. 
“What? We’re weeks into filming?” Chris (Evans) exclaimed. Him and Jeremy were sitting by a table behind Robert and the other Chris. 
Scarlett gave them knowing look and pulled up the sleeve of your small, purple sweater. Your tiny arm was littered with bruises, now and old. The others’ eyes widened, and there was a moment of silence where everyone looked at each other in confusion, anger and hurt. 
“I’ll go talk to them,” Downey said, smiling to you softly, before disappearing to somewhere else on set. 
“Where is M/n now?” Chris (Evans) asked. Him and the other two, Jeremy and Chris (the other one), seemed much angrier (not that the others weren’t but perhaps a different type of angry).
“I don’t know, I think she left in the opposite direction,” Scarlett murmured and Mark nodded. Without a word, Chris, Chris and Jeremy stood up and started walking down the hallway to find your mom.
You just watched in confusion mostly, as everyone scattered purposefully. Mark and Scarlett then finally turned to you. 
“Where’s mama?” you asked innocently. The two shook their heads.
“Your mom isn’t good for you..” You furrowed your brows. 
“What do you mean? Does she not want to be with me anymore? Can you tell her I’m trying really hard? I don’t why, but I keep messing up,” you said, your lip trembling. You could cry again. Was your mother leaving you, disappointed in your work at being a good daughter? 
“No, no.. Your mom is the one is that wasn’t good enough for you. Moms shouldn’t hit and yell at their kid like that..” Scarlett sighed, holding your hand comfortingly. 
“Oh..” was all you said. Your mom was fired and the proper authorities were called. You didn’t really know what happened, but somehow your entire day-to-day changed. You started talking to a nice lady, who was trying to explain to you why your mom was bad. You still didn’t understand it, but hopefully you would in the future.  
You were adopted by some very nice old people. The adults from that day stayed in touch with them, and sometimes some of them came over with their kids and you played together. 
The day you met them, changed your entire life, and when you did grow up, and you realized why your mom was ‘bad’, you felt eternally grateful to them, for putting your life on a better course. And you made sure to let them know, when you did meet them every once in a while. They were just happy to see that you were seemingly unscathed by this, and that your mom’s evil actions hadn’t ruined you in any way. You were happy and bright and you could thank it all to them. :)
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@hera-the-writer​ @marvel-madness​ @40srogcrs​ @whatthefuckimbisexual​ @ireadfanficforfun
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squidgy-gadget · 2 years
The MCU has not changed at all.
Spoilers for dr strange 2!
Over a month since dr strange 2 came out. i have tried to forget it existed. i have succeeded pretty well i think. the only memorable thing about the movie was when it made me cry for ruining wanda and america.
Now i have recovered from that horrible mess of a movie, i can really think about how the mcu has not changed a bit. first of all, pretty much every female character is a victim of something, and when you have victims, you have saviours, usually white, male, dr strange-shaped saviours.
Now, let me list all the problems with dr strange 2:
Wanda is a victim of grief, too much power, the darkhold, and the ‘emotionally unstable woman’ trope. It also seems that her all-consuming desire which she would be willing to kill america for, is that she basically wants to be a housewife. seriously!??! the all powerful scarlet witch who is destined to destroy the world, and thats what she wants to do!???!??!
America is a plot device who bears almost no resemblance to the no-nonsense, badass we saw in the young avengers. she gets saved by dr strange at least 3 times and is yet another female character with to much power she cant control.
even america’s moms are just victims of america’s power, getting thrown into the multiverse, never to be seen again.
every universe is assumed to have a New York, a new york sanctum and a dr strange, which is pretty boring. why couldn’t they have landed in the cartoon-verse? or the paint-verse? The most imaginative difference they could think of, was switching round traffic light meaning. i mean come on!
christine existed to show that dr strange is all tragic because he is doomed to never get the woman who doesn’t even wanna be with him.
plus, the movie’s plot is really weak. a girl with magic powers gets saved by dr strange and they get chased around the multiverse (2 or 3 universes) while an witch who decides to go evil again after redeeming herself tries to kill her, and the trailer was really misleading.
the whole movie is basically saying that men with power are calm and rational and excusable from anything while women with power are driven mad, uncontrollable, irrational and dangerous.
Marvel can make as many announcements as they want, ’first gay kiss!’, ‘more female characters!’ etc. but its still the same old boring story. if marvel want to tell stories about powerful women, get powerful women to write them! Same goes for stories about lgbtqia+ people and stories about people of colour. Get people from those communities with those experiences to write those stories, that way we get realistic, relatable, interesting and complex stories with diverse protaginists who everyone can relate to.
i love marvel and i love wanda and america and i love the comics and dr strange 2 really made me thinks about what people wanna see in movies and how if people want mindless entertainment then thats what they will get, NOT comic-accurate adaptations which respect the original characters while updating and putting their own spin on them
i think, with the exception of one or two tv shows, i will just give up on the mcu and read young avengers as my emotional support
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Summary: Let me just say I am an American with no idea of how royal hierarchies work. Just made something up.
Governors are basically kings of the states they run with their own armies and mayors are dukes. Women are not allowed to work, only marry.
Dark MCU royal AU [but not really grey at best]
Sam Wilson x reader, dark Thor x reader [not really i don’t think. more like grey Thor]
Warning: attempted suicide, sex
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"She's old Margret" your father huffed.
"Dear no I think you're being harsh" your mother defended.
You sat in the kitchen peeling potatoes for tonight’s dinner as you listened to him complain.
"I most certainly am not! She is old. Way past her prime. Am I supposed to work myself to death to  support her?" He grumbled.
"Her brothers have long sense left this house. Started families of their own. Making their own way about the world."
"Dear they are men. Made to labor. What would you have her do? You refused her education. She has little options"
Women were with few exception not allowed to work. If you were not aiming to be a nurse, maid, or teacher. Most girls stopped their education after they learned to read or their parents stopped paying for tuition.
"Well, I would have assumed she would have been long sense married by now. What would be the point in wasting the money on education?"
He would often complain after doing his monthly expenses. Paying for the loan on the house, paying to feed himself and his wife, but the extra cost of the spare mouth of a daughter drove him up the wall. He actually calculated how much extra money he would have if you were not there draining his savings. As if it would by him a cottage on a beach in the state.
A popper he was not but a frugal bastard he was indeed. Only spending extra if he could come out ahead in the end.
It was like this most days, the only time it wasn't were when your father stayed out to drink. Pouring his sorrows into a pint and from your mothers presumption whores.
"Joseph, from work, told me that the Governor's having a ball. Says that his son told him that they send all the army boys there, most bachelors the lot of them. You know those army folks are quick to wed." He told your mother. He had planned this out thoroughly it would seem. "Lets put some lipstick on this pig and send her off"
"She is not a cow you sell at market!" Your mother was outraged out the notion.
"Well Moo Moo Margret. She is going. If she doesn't find a suitor then she is out on the streets. Have the state worry for her."
"Dear you cant mean that. She is our blood." Your mother would do nothing more than speak of her disapproval.
"It's my mother's fault." He said as he walked to his favorite sitting chair. "She was a bit misshapen. Got her damn jeans from me. Swear if she didn't look like her I would deny her my name" your mother gasped loudly at the insult.
"She tried to marry the Wilson boy and you denied her! Now look at him, second in command of the states army."
"Well, I thought when she...uh" he paused to find the right word to say. "Bloomed she would bring better prospects."
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When you were 14 you fell in love with Sam Wilson and he with you. Children of the same age, same culture and you two had become fast friends. He had always made you laugh and it was not uncommon to be betrothed at such a young age.
One day while playing by the creek he had pushed you against the old oak tree and kissed you. So innocent and sweet, but it only lasted a fraction of a second. You had stared at him with your eyes wide with shock and surprise.
"Y/N I love you. Marry me?" He had no ring just a wild daffodil half ruined from being hid within his pants pocket. You had hugged him so tight he teased that you almost broke his bones. You had loved him for ages and to have your best friend love you back was truly a delight any girl could ask for.
The day felt like a dream as you two lay in the field and talked of your future. How many children, where the house should be, what the wedding would be like. You hadn't even noticed that the sun was setting as the euphoria of your love took over.
Kissing him on the cheek with a promise to meet again tomorrow you rushed home. With a smile that would not falter.
"Mom! Mom!" You burst through the door.
"What is it girl? You're so loud. What is it?"
"Sam! He asked me to be his wife!" Barely able to catch your breath as you retell the events.
Your mother's sweet smile showed of her approval in the union. The excitement of telling your father made the hands on the clock drag. When you saw the cart finally drop him off you exploded through the door and rushed to tell him your joyous news.
But your joy was short lived. Sam's family was not the status that he wanted for you. He gambled that when you were to hit puberty you would attract hire quality suitors. To hedged his bets he pulled you from school and refused you out to see Sam.
The decision crushing you completely, your home had become your prison for over a decade. Only allowing out into the world to join your mother for her weekly shopping.
He broke you back then and thought nothing of it. Unmoved by your constant tears and sorrow. Eventually you cared not for the fancy things in life. Your hair unkept, your clothes unpressed and makeup was as foreign to you as the neighboring states. Your mother would often scold you for not putting out your best as to catch the eyes of a suitor. But what was the point?
You lived only in the fading memories of Sam. Replaying ways to have made things different. Your mother took pity allowing you stationary upon which to write. Sending him love letters, but sadly with no replies.
"Well I buying her a ticket to the governors ball. We have enough for a decent enough dress so get her ready." Plopping down he opened his smoking box to take out his pipe. Lighting it up with long puff signaling to your mother that the final word had been spoken.
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Your mother with your fathers pocket book went all out. When he saw the receipts he almost had a stroke. He swore never again to make that mistake with your mother again.
Your hair, makeup and dress were all done for the affair. When she showed you the results in the mirror before you left with your father you swore someone had bewitched the mirror.
When you two arrived at the Governors estate your father pushed you to mingle. But you had not the heart for music and fun. Walking aimlessly about the crowded event until you spotted him.
It couldn't be could it?
Walking up to the man you presumed to be your long lost love you call out.
It was him, adorn in his formal military uniform.
Your heart felt like it beat for the first time in ages. Swelling with joy tears almost fell from your eyes at the sight of your long lost love.
You hugged him instantly, but it took a moment before his arms reciprocated the gesture.
"I always wondered what happened to you. I even went to your house but I was always turned away"
"It was all my fathers doing. Did you receive my letters? My mother made sure to mail them daily, but I never got word back."
Even through your despair you had never stopped writing. Everyday even when your mind tried to insert logic you still wrote. You could barely spell and your mother was of no use in that matter, but that did not stop you.
"What letters?" He was at a loss and that is when your heart began to hurt a little at the betrayal of you're only ally.
Every shopping day your mother would buy you the most gorgeous letter paper to write to him with, only to never send them. But why?
"I wrote to you every day Sam I swear it" you were in denial. She wouldn't have done that. No never her. Not your mother.
"Honey who is this?" A beautiful woman appeared from his side.
"This is an old friend. Wanda this is Y/N"
She was so striking and much younger than you. "Oh hello he talks much about his youth here in this state, but I'm sorry I don't recall you." You could see her trying to recall a memory and even with the scrunch of her brow she was a sight.
What would you say to her? That you were his first love, first kiss, that he had proposed to you. That you still had the daffodil he gave. Now pressed in the holy book on the page that would have held your vows.
"I.." You looked at him. His smile was for her now. You were nothing, but a ghost playing among the living. "I went to school with him when I was much younger, but never completed." She smiled at you so pure and overflowing with love for him that it made you sick, but you forced yourself to mirror her.
"Well it was nice meeting you, Y/N.." She said through the loud music."but if you will excuse me I would love to dance with my fiancé." Pulling him away. As they departed what was left of your heart felt as if it had rolled in glass.
Every breath brought a pain and as your vision began to blur you saw your father approached with that look. That look that you had not the energy to deal with. So you took off. Walking swiftly through the crowded ballroom zigging and zagging not knowing where to go. You were boiling over, but you didn't want the world to see. For Sam to see.
As you scanned the massive room filled with people you spot a staircase that wrapped along the wall. You don't know why you went to it, but you did. Ascending the stairs as quickly as you could in your full dress. Tripping only twice on the petty coat underneath, but still able to stand up right. There were fewer people on this level, each in their own conversation of this or that. Taking a deep breath you decide to turn left. Passing awkwardly by the smaller groups of people before stopping at the door at the end of the hall.
The massive wooden door was unlocked when you tried the handle. Pushing it open you could see no lights. Entering the darkness of the room, the blackness poured over you then the tears fall before you could close it behind you. With your back pressed to it you slid down the door and on to the floor. The sound of the booming music from the band hiding you're sobbing from the world.
As you cried you felt the cold breeze of the night prickle your skin. Looking you see the sheer curtain dance in the wind the color of the moon light giving it a soft ghostly hue. Standing up you walked to it. Opening the curtain you found the window to actually be a small balcony.
Walking out to the banister at the end you stare up at the moon and the sight of it filled you with loneliness. A small part of you had held out hope that Sam still loved you, would come for you and you two would live out those childhood wishes from long ago. But he wasn't and your father would surely be tossing you out by the morrow.
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You didn't know how, but somehow you had climbed over the railing. Staring at the earth below.
What was the point? You couldn't work, too old to marry. Born to be nothing.
"You shouldn't be here." A voice came out from behind the ghostly veil.
Turning your head you look back to see, but when you spotted him you only stared through him.
Holding on to the steel frame of the balcony you lean forward. Hoping that when you fall and kiss the ground that the pain would be swift. So you let go.
"No you don't"
He was fast. Catching your wrist before you descended. Looking up at him you could see him clearly now. The strain on his face had his veins busting through his flesh as he pulls you back up and over the banister.
He had pulled you so hard that he lost balance and landed on the  floor with you on top of him.
Pushing yourself off his chest you straddled him. Your dress almost swallowing him whole. When he sat up he rubbed the back of his head and hissed. As he straightened himself, his height could not be ignored.
"Are you mad wo.." His words were cut off by the crashing of your lips to his. You just pressed them hard into his, your eyes shut tight as your fingers clasped the fabric of his formal uniform.
His hands came on to your shoulders and pushed you back. "They had told me these events were to be a prudish affair. Had I known women of this state were made of fire we would have united our states long ago." His strange accent had you gawking at him.
Your eyes fell to his uniform, the colors were all wrong. It was not of your state's formal wear, but anothers.
He kissed you this time, his tongue tickled your bottom lip the sudden wetness of it made you gasp and he took that opportunity to invade. Yours sat frozen in your mouth bewildered by the intrusion.
When his hands fell on your hip you yelped in his mouth. "Move for me" he said as his hands guided you back and forth on his lap. The friction of his pants on your bloomers was delightful. Moaning in his mouth your eyes shot open wide. Embarrassed by the foreign noise, but the man only chuckled on your lips.
Your hands released his clothes and wrapped around his neck. When he bit your bottom lip you bit his, when his tongue flicked yours you flicked his in turn. You let him guide you to every move. His hands fell from your hip, but you still kept the pace as the warm fuzziness of the feeling building in your core wanted more.
Placing his arms on your back he pushed you backwards on to the  cold balcony floor while never breaking his kiss. Your heart beat hard in your chest as you felt him press you into the unforgiving floor with your dress the only bit of comfort to it.
He pulled away again making you whimper. His smile looked so devilish as he stared down at you. "Your pure aren't you girl."
Your ears felt hot as his eyes looked upon you. "Yes" it came out almost as a whisper.
He bit his lip almost fighting off a bigger grin. Moving his hands from your back one hand glided atop your dress. Grazing both breasts before hooking his in it. Pulling the fabric down allowing your breast to bounce free in the night air. His warm palm overtaking the circumference of one breast filling your body with more fire.
Bending down you closed your eyes to receive a kiss, but it never came. His wet mouth latched onto your exposed bosom, making you pant. The flicking of his tongue drove you mad with wanting. His soft lips kissed each breast before sucking your nipple into his mouth. "Your flesh is sweeter than any honey I've ever tasted." His rugged voice sent you soaring to the heavens.
Bunching up your dress his hand moved slowly up your thigh. Stopping at your bloomers. "What do you want little dove?" He looked down at you again. Waiting for your answer.
Was this what Sam does to Wanda?
For whatever reason your mind could not picture him this way. So your mind drifted, thinking of the women of the night. The women that lived for the night as you are now. Your mother had spoke often about loose women. Whores she would call them. Good for nothings seen as no more than the corrupters of men souls. That’s why she never blamed your father for his misdeeds. You wanted to be a corrupter of men, to hold a power over them. Seeing as giving them power had brought you no joy in this world.
"I want to be a whore" at your words his smile dropped and a hunger unfamiliar to you grew upon his face.
Hurriedly pulling your bloomers down you could hear a growl from him. As if by the moon he would change into a wolf right before your eyes. His focus strayed from you but for only a brief moment as he fiddled with his own attire.
He lay between your spread legs poking at your muff with a rod harder than the floor that ached your back. "Then my whore you shall be" without another word he forced himself into you.
The pain and discomfort had you screaming into the night. Pushing him off, but he held steadfast deep in you up to his hilt. Tears prickled your eyes as the pain felt unbearable. Lifting your legs onto his shoulder allowed him deeper still and you felt too full.
"Please sir it hurts" you hissed. Your eyes pleading up at him.
"Not for long my dove" His hips slammed against you with such forced that you tried to crawl backwards away. But with his hands on your shoulder he locked you in place. Each time his hips slapped yours it sent jolts throughout your body.
Your mewls mixing with his groans while the music played from the ball down stairs. "It hurts!" Your voice quakes as he continued his punishing thrust. Your breasts jerking harshly from his movements while your legs try and force him off, but he went on undeterred.
"My..dove.. sing for me" and you did with every thrust.
Your back arched off the unforgiving ground as you felt your cunt stretched beyond its limits to receive him. Your nails dragged along his coat sleeves, snagging on badges here and there.
The pain of him faded into a wave of ecstasy. "More please" you panted.
"Does..my..dove..love.. my..cock" he teased as he watched your face transform from pain to pleasure. Hitting your core harder with each word, moaning deeply as he filled you.
"Mmm so-so good." You moaned. The pressure from him electrified your whole body. You could feel every inch of him and you wanted more.
"A whore..only for...me" he groaned. His chest pressed into your legs as his movements grew wilder. Your body felt a buzz, your flower so alive, clenching feverishly around him. His member started twitching, flexing inside of you and filling you with more warmth and wetness.
"Such a good little dove" he praised.
When he stopped he gave your lips one last kiss before falling over to your side. Your legs flopped to the floor landing with a thud shaking like a leaf in the wind. Turning your head to him, you examined the glistening features of his face.
"Who are you?" You panted out half exhausted.
As he began to speak the door creaked open in the distance.
"Y/N!" Your fathers voice shouted out. You sat up with a cold splash of reality hitting you.
When your father came into the room he had only seen the aftermath. A compromising position that sent him into a tizzy. Racing over to you he grabbed your for arm pulling you from your savior.
Pulling up your top and cleaning off your dress you prayed he had not noticed your very bare chest in the confusion.
"What are you doing who is that?" He roared furiously. "Speak"
His slap faded into the nights air. He must be getting older, much more older than you thought him to be. His strikes barely fazed you now, but you held your face as if it still held the same power as they used to have.
"What were you thinking you stupid girl? Your chastity is you're only saving grace." He was furious. "I can't believe my own daughter a whore."
"Ah heeeehhhmmmm" the stranger cleared his throat behind you. His height towering over you and your father.
"Excuse me sir, but in my state we do not take Kindly to the striking of innocent women."
"And who are you to speak to me in such a ways army boy?"
"I'm lieutenant Governor Thor Odinson of the Asgardian state. New allies of your Governor's state."
Your father's eyes widened in shock as did yours.
"We were just admiring the constellations as we are ought to do in my state. Isn't that right milady?"
Your father looked to you to answer while Thor shot you a knowing wink.
"Well if you would excuse her intrusion sir, but she is supposed to be finding a suitor not laying about star gazing" he spoke nervously.
Pulling you out of the room by your arm as Thor faded into the darkness.
"What happened to your face girl you look a sight?" He said annoyed. "Go to the mirror and fix yourself" he pointed to a mirror along the wall right before the entrance to the room. "Had someone else spotted you, you would have been thought a harlot for sure" he huffed.
Hurrying away you rush to the mirror all the while you felt Thor's seed snake down your leg.
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angel-archivist · 3 years
The MCU cant write women, like at all. They just copy paste the same general type of female character over and over again and i think its really funny when you look at media that has the exact opposite problem, like diverse funny interesting female characters thank you????? Oh and everyman is something something immature dipshit whos gotta grow up or smthing 
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steveandbucky · 3 years
I don’t understand if ur serious when u say that you’re anti fatws (esp bucky) lol???? for real?
yeah i think he’s not bucky. OOC. and like, not for stupid shit, but when it comes to stuff that matters. i always thought bucky has a solid moral compass (similar to steves). i mean just from what we’ve seen in canon, idk if this is just my own intrepratations, but anyway, i don’t agree with his actions, i dont agree with him asking sam to put his safety on the line with the ‘you helped steve with the accords i think you should help me’ ok bucky you were taken in as a refugee by an untouchable nation, sam was put into a supermax prison steve had to break him out of, and then was on the run as a fugitive for two years. the absolute NERVE.
and like, the man he breaks out of prison is z*mo? really? that’s his ABUSER. i don’t understand why no one else seems upset by this. that’s not bucky. OOC. if he wanted any help from z*mo, he could have asked for him to help from behind the bars he very much deserves to be behind. if he refused to help, oh well, too bad, buh bye. i dont understand who thought this was a good idea. are we forgetting z*mo intentionally triggered bucky into going into his winter soldier programming, which resulted in bucky killing again? the thing he did not want to do? he literally says, over and over again, ‘i dont do that anymore’ and ‘i dont want to kill anyone’ and ‘(resigned) wheres the fight’.
im not gonna describe *that scene* that triggered me very badly, if you dont know what im talking about im sorry but i cannot physically write the words. but im very very upset at the writers for a throwaway line that implies past sexual abuse* knowing FULL well the majority of their demographic who like bucky/identify with him are in fact women/afab, and like, going by the statistics alone, would find something like this 1. triggering and 2. a slap in the face. just, for why? what purpose did that line serve, actually? was it necessary? for plot progession? (*though, i maintain, z*mo doesnt know shit, he’s being a dick bc thats half his personality, and talking shit bc thats the other half of his personality). but yeah. one of the major reasons i dont like whoever it was that writes bucky in this show.
another thing, the obsession with the shield? putting all that blame onto sam? i mean... i understand he’s upset about being abandoned by his best friend (and arguably only friend, i guess?) but like. shut up about the shield. shut up about the shield!!! where’s the ‘the little guy from brooklyn, im following him’ like bucky never gave a shit about captain america. whats going on through his head actually? bc like.. if there’s things he’s not saying, we won’t fucking know about them, will we?
i honestly dont know what the writers are doing, i don’t know whether they’re completely misunderstanding his characer, or trying to foreshadow bucky going to the dark side, or whats going on. bc at this point he looks more like an antagonist at the very least, if not outright villain.
the only accurate bucky content i have seen so far is like, him and sam acting like a married couple, him making nerdy references, and the flashback scene in wakanda which is the only time i have seen sebastian stan actually acting.
i don’t know who this fool is, but it’s not bucky.
as for the show in general, im not liking what im seeing, and no i dont need to watch it to form an opinion. not gonna put myself through however many hours of mediocre content. i never had high hopes about it, but this half-assed storyline with the flag smashers (clearly a poor attempt at portraying antifas as the enemy), the super soldier serum, the dollar store captain america, z*mo??? why is he even here????
sam not having enough of the spotlight...in his own goddamn show... like. idk. i think he deserved something of his own. a better storyline. something that’s about *him*, his life, his struggles. with bucky as his sidekick. sam, pretending to be too sensible to run into crazy shit, bucky, resigned, being dragged along, being sam’s wingman, his support. *thats* their dynamic. from what i have seen about sam’s scenes, he seems to be more or less in character, imo, but i just... feel like he’s being sidelined. in his own show.
THE THERAPY/THERAPIST. I hate EVERYTHING about it. from her demeanor, attitude towards her client, not addressing him by his preferred name, her judgmental tone/statements, her belittling/dismissing bucky’s pain, her ‘rules’ and just. everything. everything. for ONCE i would like to see an ACCURATE portrayal of therapy in media. because it’s the opposite. the exact opposite of this. there’s a long thread from twitter i reblogged that goes more into detail, but i think like, it’s one of those things that really piss me off. therapy is about creating a safe space, putting your patients comfort first, listening, empathising, not judging, not mocking, not disrespecting, helping your patient open up, help them recover and make progress at their own pace. i mean. its so disgusting to see this. i’ve never had professional psychologist training, not as part of my degree or anything else, and i wrote a fic with steve going to therapy that’s 100% better than this bullshit we’re being served (and at the time i wrote the fic, i had never been to therapy, only counselling, which is very different). how come? why cant they, with their budget and their resources, their ability to conduct extensive research and even hire consultants, not do a better job with this part of the show? disappointing. truly.
maybe i don’t know exactly what’s going on, plotwise, or whatever, but like, if i dont like what i’m seeing, why would i invest more time to find out more about the show? the mcu has been steadily declining since 2016, lets be real. civil war, infinity war, endgame... this was all an absolute shitshow. fatws can only do so much with the canon they are being given to work with, without outright retconning everything, but even so... it’s weak. i always thought the writers wouldnt be able to write anything thats half as good as the stuff fans come up with and... i think i was right.
thanks for the question.
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margokesses · 4 years
Why are white women so obsessed with bucky. Its not the personality because theres no canon personality. He doesnt have a "misunderstood white boy" complex. One girl said "its the ✨trauma✨" (literally written like that) and that they can relate to his trauma but they cant relate to characters of colour?? And they always write him in disgusting situations. Why are they so attracted to him and why are there so many its weird. Its only ever either "he's so romantic perfect boyfriend material" or "poor bby hes so broken and only I can fix him" there is no inbetween. And ironically outside of them no one gives a shit about bucky. I have friends who are casual mcu viewers and they do not care for bucky a single bit. So why the fandom hyperfixation? Is it fetishisation?? Woobifying? Sorry for the long rant im just tired of them inserting bucky everywhere. A clip of steve and tchalla charging at thanos's army like the leaders they are and every single comment is "why isnt bucky there😩😩"
I encourage ranting about characters in my inbox lmao. Especially overrated ones.
I think bucky is popular bc he's played by a conventionally attractive actor and because he has a sad tragic backstory. That's it. Also he's not misunderstood?? Where is that coming from? Is it because he canonically murdered people and others are scared of him?? Honestly I would be too if I barely knew him/his story.
Also he does have trauma and the stuff he went through is had but like... there are way better heroes to like who have trauma? Like valkyrie! And sam! They're stories are essentially about trauma and how they're dealing with it. But noo fandom wants to focus on the white boy.
Also bucky is a bland character who's essentially a plot device. So its no wonder why casual mcu viewers just don't care for him. Anyways stan 616 bucky he's way more interesting...
Send me asks
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noirineverysense · 2 years
Racism in the whump community
I'm a tired black woman and I wanna talk about the kind of racism i see in the whump community. This isnt a callout, but a discussion and its an invite for white people to listen not talk over me.
Whump is when characters get hurt, this can be from fandom or with original characters, so I'll go into each of these starting with fandom.
Fandom racism is well documented, white people will actively ignore or hate on people of colour, especially black women, both the characters and the actors. Black, Latino and Asian characters are consistently hated or ignored, especially in whump. As someone who runs a poc whump blog, I have to make gifs (as someone who doesnt have the talent or energy to do that) for franchises like the fucking MCU, where characters like Sam Wilson or T'Challa, who have massive fanbases outside of tumblr/whumpblr, but here theyre irrelevant. Black stories and pain are irrelevant in whump.
Been in servers where people will talk about a whumpee by showing pictures of a group of people, no one has to mention theyre talking about the white man in the group, we all know ofc whumpees are white men. The poc in the shot are the background, even if theyre the main characters, to a white person eyes, they arent relevant, arent important.
And OC content isnt free from this either. Instead of ignoring people of colour, we are simply not present. And whump is derived from fandom so its clear that these are linked. You dont like it when we're there, and make worlds where we are not. And it's not about intention, maybe youre just worried about writing poc, maybe we just dont come to your mind at all. But the effect, the consequence, is more important on poc in the community than any of that.
And when you do write us, you feminise and fetishise asian men, you make black men hypermasculine or subject them to poilce brutality. You make black women the sassy best friend type, the black mama to serve white people. We're never the centre of the story.
And whiteness is glorified. In its pale innocence, in the beauty of blue eyes or brown hair. The whumpee was made to be white and for white people to project themselves on. Not for poc. This wasn't made for us.
Something that is so innocent, so obvious to a white person can be harmful to a person of colour and the problem isnt an individual, its a structure. Fandoms are structurally white, the whump community is structurally white. Places white people go to turn their brain off, to "escape" always mean that its a space where poc cant escape. Because you let the racism that is in you not get addressed, and where no one is addressing racism, it flourishes.
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wolf-stark · 3 years
You ask I deliver — both tfatws asks in one!
tfatws weekly ask 1
i finally saw ep1!! i wont be able to see ep2 until thursday at the earliest but i already have some Thots on this ep. here are the ones I remember
first is, and i'm so sorry for this, a grammar lesson. an appositive is when you stick an additional phrase in between commas, dashes, or the like. i actually just used one! the "and i'm so sorry for this" in the first sentence of this paragraph is an appositive. thing is, most english speakers don't normally use them when they speak, only in writing. so i'm always on high alert whenever i hear somebody in tv or movies use one. (it's generally a marker of bad screenwriting). anyway there was one right in the beginning of the episode. the white army guy yelling at sam wilson said "first lieutenant Torres, our intel officer, will be helping on the ground." yeah so. the writing of this series started out on the wrong foot for me. but the rest of the episode was obviously tons and tons better (every interview i see with malcolm spellman makes me love him more and more)
the contrast between the opening minutes (falcon action sequence) and the rest of the ep.... i would 100000/10 rather watch a series with just sam and bucky dealing with life. i dont give a single crap about the flag-smashers or any of that. i just want sam, sarah & fam getting their boating business back on the ground & yeeting racist dickwads, bucky going through therapy and making amends, sam and joaquin being bros, sambucky homoerotic tension, etc.
the cinnamontography! wandavision mostly used cinematography to signify era n stuff. tfatws doesn't have wv's premise to go off of, so here's some tricks i noticed:
with sam there's obviously all sorts of shots with the captain america iconography next to his face, but he hasn't totally claimed it. there's the mural of steve rogers in the background; there's sam staring into the shield like it's a spectre of steve's face; there's sam looking into the exhibit, the shield and sam separated by glass and a layer of camera focus. steve is a constant spectre, always there, an idea, a symbol himself. sam's relationship with this iconography is distanced. he is separated by glass exhibit walls. by painting canvases. he doesn't yet feel worthy to take on that iconography. this whole thing was pulled off quite well but also a bit on-the-nose if only in quantity. there's just sooooo much fancy iconography stuff
speaking of the exhibit, there's something that i get real pissy about. it's when like, there's an action going on you're supposed to be paying attention to but the cinematographer is like,,,, hey! check out this location! or this headline! or something! there was a lot of that in the exhibit. the camera was like, you could focus on sam and rhodey's convo (which was fine but could have been so much better with an extra like 10 minutes of deep character study talk) but noooo you want me to look at the symbol for the united nations and read all the text about bucky who hasn't even showed up yet. shut up i know the lore and ill watch the shot-by-shot breakdown yt vids you don't have to make the shot this long jkdsalcjklasejf
my fav trick was with bucky and the therapist. i had seen a clip of the scene with bucky and the therapist beforehand and i thought the cinnamontography was super obnoxious, but then i was like, oh duh. the shots frequently change the distance between the camera and its subject. sometimes it's uncomfortably close and sometimes it's really far. a clear allegory for the duality of therapy, esp for bucky! therapy is an invasive process wherein he is ruthlessly examined, picked apart, and berated for his trauma (this therapist is crap in every way btw, "mean therapist" works for greg house and greg house only). so the camera goes close. it makes the viewer claustrophobic like bucky. but when he's like "no i haven't had any nightmares" the camera suddenly goes really far. we see bucky as this tiny head in the center of the bottom of the frame. we are distanced from him. he has pushed us away. we cannot see him. he lies because he is vulnerable. so yeah, amazing work there. the therapy scene was hard to watch on purpose!
did bucky slip a note to yori inside the dollar bill? bucky stop making me emooooo. the suuper awkward fake smile has me 😭 (veteran trying to adjust!)
mark my worrrrds when sam asks someone y the govt picked john “white bread” walker they’re gonna say “we needed somebody everyone can get behind....someone uncontroversial, someone everyone can see themselves in” like that exact racist dog whistle
tfatws weekly ask 2
just saw ep2 so im taking advantage of the 2 seconds i can be on tumblr without worrying about tfatws spoilers before new episode drops
when isaiah said "your people put me in prison for being a hero" and bucky thought "your people" means hydra. 🤦‍♂️
speaking of racism, the interplay between sam being Black (anti-Black racism) and sam being the Falcon (negrophilia, "can i take a selfie w you as i deny you a loan?") and the intersection between the two (j*hn lichrally called sam "steve's wingman"! he takes the crypto out of crypto-racist in like 2 seconds!) !!!!!!!! a Black celebrity's Black experience, the separation of man and identity!!!! (thinking about vanessa bayer in snl in that skit "beyonce is black" telling her black friend "you're not black, you're...my girl!")
after sam gets racially profiled by cops we see j*hn standing in front of cop cars cinematic parallels turns out j*hn is racist who knew
this therapist sucks major ass but she got bucky and sam together in the same room and ready to collaborate...that's something ig. it was lichrally couple's therapy she said she used her miracle exercise with couples sambucky antis get blended
bucky says "he was wrong about you so maybe he was wrong about me"...that's not how people talk. when therapist asks bucky, the guy who doesn't talk at all about himself, "y do you hate sam", the last thing bucky's gonna do is actually connect his hatred of sam to his own self-worth issues. bucky generally refuses to talk about himself, so why would he talk about himself in the one context that nobody ever links back to their own neuroses: hatred of other people? one thing human beings hate most is admitting we're wrong. admitting you hate someone because of your own issues? that's a major therapeutic step. bucky would absolutely have to be prompted to do that. even like one or two lines of dialogue more would have set up that line better. but in terms of the actual thought? an amazing way to take the sam/bucky relationship. bucky bases his self-worth on steve believing in him, and if steve is wrong bucky has no self-worth, so 1) he has to develop self-worth disassociated from steve's assessment of him and 2) he has to love himself before he can love sam, and 3) he has to realize that sam giving up the shield is a sign of sam's humility not his unworthiness.
conversely, we don't get into why sam hates bucky? yeah sam has the right to hate a guy that has tried to kill him (albeit while brainwashed) multiple times, and now shows up in his life just to bash him but. everything happens so fast i cant follow their relationship
in fact i dont feel like i understood much of anything. like y did bucky and sam go on that mission together? how connected are sam/bucky/joaquin with the government? doesn't bucky just want to retire now? literally what is everyone doing/feeling and why???
if battlestar becomes a knowing commentary on the black best friend stereotype i'm gonna party, but i dont expect much of that
the interplay between man and symbol. captain america is obviously a symbol. the shield is obviously a symbol. but steve rogers? the. man behind the cowl? he too seems to become a symbol. a paragon of a good guy, so good he's unreachable. steve was just a guy stop idolizing him the last thing steve would want is to be idolized
as the resident musician/music nerd on mcublr, 1) that captain america rally music slaps, but 2) re: the song at the end of the ep, if you're just gonna rip off mozart's lacrymosa then at least play mozart's lacrymosa. we wont blame you the lacrymosa slaps (if you dont know what im talking about go on yt and search it up youll recognize it fo sho
look i love enfys nest as much as the next guy but if tfatws is gonna get erin kellyman to play another innocent little gurl blackmailed into the fakeout-villain position (her text seemed to suggest as such) then 😡 like why can't women just....be evil? young, freckly, innocent-looking women? girls are not untouchable pure objects but full of rage and resentment just as much as anyone can be
bonus ep1 comment: bucky says about that senator whose car he hijacked, "she continued to abuse the power i gave her." fictionaldarling on yt say that he says "i" because he can't disassociate himself from his winter soldier persona which begets endless and senseless guilt. like dude. can i not be emo for like 1 second.
OKay. First off, as much I enjoy your sending it to me, what made you decide to send me these??
Don't worry about getting this to me as early as possible. I usually don't watch the episode right away.
1. Cool writing lesson.
2. Everyone wants a comedy show [like Friends] about the MCU superheroes.
3. Cinematography is always a beautiful thing.
4. Sam definitely has to carve his own Captain America status for himself, outside of Steve's ya know everything.
5. They have to do that for people who was just now tuning in because they're in love with Sam Wilson or Sharon Carter.
6. I think the therapist was taking a 'tough love' approach for Bucky, because she likely has some very strong opinions about the literal assassin she's been assigned to give therapy too. She did not choose to talk to him, she was assigned that make that clear in the second episode.
And, Bucky isn't lying when he said it wasn't a nightmare. It wasn't a nightmare, it was a resurfaced memory. So, technically he wasn't lying - and yes, the camera does move away because while he's saying he didn't have a nightmare, he's not expanding on what actually happened - so, he's still pushing the therapist/us away.
7. Bucky, and Steve, have/had a TON to adjust to.
8. Yeah, I agree that will be the bullshit line they give. If they ever actually talk about it.
Yeah, always got to take advantage of avoiding those spoilers lmfaoo.
1. Honestly, that line was double meaning. Both about White people and Hydra [which is made up of mostly white supremacists/nazis] So, the line is gesturing to both White People in general and Hydra assholes together. I think the terminology is “double edge sword”??
2. This whole paragraph structure confused me, ngl - so I'm going to answer it the best I can. I do like that they're not ignoring the fact that Sam being Black is 1000% the reason he's not the Official Captain America - because the gov't is racist as hell.
I also like the little lines about how they point out little things about Sam's Falcon persona, like that kid calling him 'Black Falcon' specifically and Sam's response show the split between Sam and Falcon itself.
John is a dick for calling Sam the wingman of Steve Rogers. Sam was a hero all on his own before Steve asked him to join up again. [Side note, it's lichrally??]
3. Exactly, the parallel of Sam being profiled and surrounded while just on the street and John being surrounded by fans and being able to spring Bucky with apparently only a few sentences shows a Loooooot
4. Honestly, at this point I wonder if she's not actually a therapist and is just an agent assigned to assess Bucky outside of an Official Building. I do know, however, that her 'look at each other and speak' exercise is actually a real therapy practice. It's just a little slower.
5. Actually, I think he would've blurted that out. That whole line. I don't think Bucky hates Sam. I think they could've done the scene better, but I think that had Sam prodded him/the therapist been more annoying Bucky would've lost control of his emotions and blurted out the whole "If he was wrong about you, he was wrong about me" but I feel like the writing for this show is just... not there. Sometimes you blurt shit when you get overemotional and I think that was what Bucky was supposed to be like.
6. I don't think Sam hates Bucky, I think he doesn't trust him though. I do wish they'd talked about that though. The whole 'talk to each other' scene should've been a LOT longer and a LOT slower.
7. Sam and Bucky's relationship is being fast tracked because they don't really know how to work the relationship out, writers-room-wise. Bucky is technically retired, but I feel like he's trying to live up to Steve's expectations and doing what Steve would've done and we all know that if Steve was there, Steve would've jumped on that plane with Sam. It looks like Sam/Bucky/Joaquin are a side-team based from Military services but as Sam says they're all free agents so...?
8. Sadly, They seem to just be propping up to be another stereotype.
9. Captain America is a symbol. Steve Rogers is a man. But now Steve Rogers is an idol because of all the shit he's been through and honestly, it's not a bad thing he's become an idol for people - it's using Steve as a reason to make White Bread Walker the next Captain that makes Steve's idolization so fucked.
10. I don't know anything about music so I have no opinion here, sorry.
11. Enfys?? Also, I think they did the whole Innocent Girl Thing as side commentary for Bucky lowering his guard about seeing a young girl rather than a guy.
12. Bucky is the Winter Solider. The Winter Solider is Bucky. That is how Bucky will always see it because although he was brainwashed, it was still him and he remembers all of it. When you have constant memories of something 'someone else' did, you tend to not be able to pull the two personas out of each other. I want Bucky to take up the title, White Wolf instead of Winter Soldier. Honest.
This is all my opinion, I’m honestly a little disappointed with the writing of TFATWS so far so... I’m not really optimistic about this.
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twas tagged by both @parallelmarvel and @tare8chan. i actually cant believe i was hhaha i’m aiming to be the legit writer worthy of this tag game other writers participated in. think u for thanking of meh 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Author Name: smellycinnamonthundahfudge on tumblr, AND JUST IN, I’M petertheparkerpus_mjmonogram ON AO3 YALLLSSSS. I FINALLY CAME THEEERREEE YYAAAYYYYY
Fandom You Write For: predominantly mcu’s spideychelle. (i also wrote tz stuff back then heh). but, i have also written (but not posted) for hiccstrid, got, darejones, simmosa, incredibles 2, and bughead hahaha.
Where You Post: i started on tumblr, so literally all of the works i wanted to share are on here. buuttt, like i said, I JUST GOT AN AO3 ACCOUNT YALLSSS. i’ve posted my first pj fics on there for now, but i havent posted em all yet so i am now beginning the process of importing em. im excited :’’’)))
Most Popular One-Shot: Take Flight (peter & mj’s flight home from the ffh trip, click for a nervous jelly peter hehehe)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: hhmmm, ok, so i’m not even sure if it classifies as a multi-chapter haha but i think so cus i wrote them as a continuous story in mind haha. i posted the “chapters” separately but i like to imagine it was just one story, Safehouse Sleepovers (consists of Safehouse, Safehouse Singalongs, and Hot chocolate). it’s my only multi-chapter story (not even sure if it classifies as one haha) so de facto most popular one hahaha. oh and it’s essentially a canon compliant post ffh fic bout pj bonding in the parkers’ safehouse hehe. (oh but i guess maybe the newly named airports could also be considered multi-chapter, is 2 chaps enough to call it that? haha so dunno maybe i take back the only mc story thing haha. it’s still the more popular one tho cus airports i wrote before ffh even came out haha)
Favorite Story You Wrote:  oof this is a hard one... ooohhh, i feeelll like i gotta, just gotta go with 5 + 1 gifts and Just Breathe cus they’re just so precious 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 but tbh i luv all of em. just as whole fics, they seem better to me haha
Story You Were Nervous to Post: ALL BRUHHH i mean im just not that confident with my works yet haha. buttt the one i was rlly the most nervous about was Home for the Holidays cus it was my first time writing with an actual person in mind to write it for haha. plus, it was the first fic i wrote after pj month so oof gods was i rusty by the time i wrote it hahaha haaysst. i think it was ok enough tho. plus they said it was good so yay. im just glad i actually did it haha.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: eh just whatevs i feel is catchy and is a good concise nice indicator of the plot heh. hhmm i feel like i usually come up with titles during the brainstorming process for the fic, like before actually writing it or while writing it.
How Many of Your Stories Are:
Complete: if im counting the “chapters” i mentioned earlier as one story each, then probs round 24. i say probs cus there’s some fics i wrote somewhere, where i feel like i finished em but i dont have access to them currently so im not 100 if it’s complete by my standards or nah haha
In-Progress: hhhhmmm im not sure if it’s write to call these in-progress. i’d rather call em unfinished, like i have 16 unfinished stories, or just written out story outlines. im not sure if i should call em in progress cus im not sure if i even still rlly plan to finish em, yknow? haha like they really are genuinely fun interesting n creative story ideas n plans thus far, i feel. but i just- lazy, yknow? haha i have to build up to writing a story for A LOONGG TIME haha
Coming Soon: hehehehe. technically it’s completed already, all i have to do is just make the post on tumblr hehe (as of the moment i wrote this post). im so excited for yalls to read The Bathroom hihihi <333
Upcoming Story You’re Most Excited to Write: oofff im not even sure if im actually gonna wind up writing these buuuut, dancing pj still seems so cute n pure n fun. and also, in addition to the countless other aus my annoying brain came up with on pj month, my brain annoyingly got even more fic ideas rolling around it now:
a moulin rouge au (peter’s the famous singer/dancer known as the spider-man who attracts men and women alike in the famous moulin rouge run by liz toomes with a gallery of other colorful rogues, heroes, villains, and just other sorts of attractive characters based on the comicbooks of old. mj is a young new budding writer looking to gain world experience to write about. she winds up in the moulin rouge, meets the infamous spider-man and gets to know the kind man behind the alluring and mysterious mask. im imagining tom’s lsb, laura’s hollywood, and z’s halloween euphoria ep costume for the aesthetic im going for haha. im still torn on whether to keep the og ending or not hahahaha)
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maybe a friends with benefits fic. where it’s not so angsty or full of drama. and genuinely just keeping it cool and chill til they inevitably just decide to actually get together/stay friends. it’s all up in the air and they’ll figure it out when they figure it out.
producers inspired, roommates au. the kdrama did the trope well and it made me want to see it applied to my two dorks 🥺🥺🥺🥺 
lastly, a first time fic for our two dorky virgins hahaha. i kinda like the idea of them planning out their first time to the most minute of details and just the actual process of figuring out what they want to do n stuff haha just seems real cute to me 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Do You Accept Prompts: hahahhaha look, i’m never one to say no ok? i mean, if i just straight up say no, im possibly saying no to potential ideas that are so inspiring i wind up writing it immediately. so yes, i’d like to say im willing to accept prompts. however, there is absolutely no guaranteed follow up and for that i’m sorry. i can just never know how i’ll react to an idea so there ya go. that’s my honest response haha.
im taggin the fic writers ive read over the years that havent been tagged by the ones that tagged me. hold my juice box. @spideymjlove @jediparkers @itsjacobperalta @thatsnicebutimmarried @bookishandbossy @thefudge @galaxy-parker @spideychelle-romanogers @spiders-n @petty-parker  @smalltreenergy @dead-end-street @softboyholland @mamgt @justanotherfangirlpassingthrough @machiavelien @peterjonesparker @blaisezabini @thegreenwomanswalkman @crazy4dragons @dragonydreams @attachedtomybookshelf @haddocksortails @dyannehs @funkytoes @jenni41 @rebelcaptaindaily @starxdust22​ no presh obvi. just thought dis might peak yalls interest. thanks for all that you’ve writtteeennnn 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (btw some of yalls might have just written hcs for all i know, i literally dunno anymore, but like i said iz nbd. just also wanted to give my thanks since im not entirely sure i was able to do so before)
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shxyerahol · 7 years
joss whedon writing buffy ≠ a feminist
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caddy-crystal-queen · 5 years
GoT fans, we need to talk
Okay so it's been a while since the finale and I think it's okay to go ahead and rant about this. I am in agreement that the finale sucked, immensely. But I think that's where my agreement with you guys ends.
This fandom has become one of the most toxic, racist, and sexist things that I have ever seen, and I've been in many fandoms over the years, including star wars and the SCP Foundation fandom, and I'm personally sick of it. I quit caring about the MCU for the most part for almost the same reason, but it hasnt quite got to that point. Close but not quite.
I'm sick of you guys dragging race and gender into this crap. People complaining about how Dumb and Dumber are two white guys who cant write women/people of color, yeah those kinds of comments dont help your case. Quit. Dragging. Race. Into. Everything! Not everything is about skin color. We are not our skin, just as we are not our sexual orientations, or our genetalia. We are what is supposed to be between our ears, nothing more or less. Start using that.
As for the gender thing, I'm getting sick of that even more. If racism is racism, then sexism is sexism no matter who's doing it or why. Male authors have written female characters in the past and have done it exceedingly well. Off the top of my head I can list Stephen King, Tolkein, Dean Koontz, Christopher Paolini, Timothy Zahn, and many many others. Gender isnt the problem. And if you really want to go that route then women shouldnt write men. That's fair and equal, right? Not that any of you would care about what's fair or equal. If this was the case, then the romance genre of novels would die with the exception of romance novels in the LGBT community, which would be a problem as not everyone is into that. Sure we'd get more representation I guess but it shouldnt be all about that. Story should always come first.
Dan and Dave fucked up, badly. But it wasnt because of their gender or race. Stop thinking and saying that it was. HBO tried to offer them more seasons but they refused because they wanted to hop on the star wars money machine. So they rushed through the last season so they could do that. I dont agree with it but that's what happened. That being said, they did subvert expectations (god I hate that) by making a shitty season. But can we please just drop all this superficial shit like race and gender? I get it, they did all of Team Daenerys dirty, but theres no need to drag race and gender into it as the cause. Cant we just agree that these two cant write themselves out of a paper bag and move on? Theres real life racism and sexism in the world and that is more deserving of your ire than a show that isnt even based in reality (okay it was based on the War of the Roses, but it didnt follow history very well, of course). Thanks for reading
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