#if the second one is longer than seven sentences then mind ya business
spaceprincessem · 1 year
seven sentence sunday
hi my lovelies sorry this is so late i’ve been very busy this weekend with like zero writing time but here i am! thank you to everyone who tagged me in all the things this weekend @swiftiediaz @alyxmastershipper @sibylsleaves @buddierights @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @outtoshatter @renecdote @shortsighted-owl @elvensorceress @spotsandsocks 💞 so i figured i would give two seven sentence snippets. one from a wip i recently found re-inspiration for (currently calling it surprise kiss) and one from my hunger games au
surprise kiss
“We haven’t done the picture thing yet,” Eddie says with a smile that reminds Buck of moonlight, soft and ethereal, like it can chase away all the dark shadows that billow between the spaces of Buck’s ribs.
“The what?” Buck asks with a laugh as he begrudgingly lets Eddie go.
He clumsily reaches for his champagne flute to try and fight off the feeling of emptiness that slowly begins to fill the cavity in his chest and nearly spills the rest of it down his front when Eddie’s hand lands comfortably on Buck’s knee, squeezing gently. 
“The photo-booth.” Eddie answers, nodding his head toward the corner of the roof where there’s a small photo-booth people have been ducking into all night to take pictures.
“S—sure we did,” Buck stutters out and he tries to duck his head so Eddie can’t see the blush blooming across his cheeks. 
“Yeah,” Eddie rolls his eyes, “with the team, but not just me and you.”
hunger games au
“So Buck,” Taylor says in a way that makes Eddie’s skin prickle, “handsome boy like you must have a girl back home waiting for you.”
Buck blushes, ducking his head before he says, “Not uh, not a she.” There’s a collective gasp from the audience and Eddie watches with some satisfaction as Taylor frowns. “There’s this boy I’ve had a crush on forever, but I don’t think he really knew who I was until the reaping.”
Eddie pushes his lips to the side as the audience sighs in sympathy. 
“Does he already have someone special?” Taylor asks with genuine curiosity.
“I don’t know,” Buck shrugs, looking a little lost and Eddie almost can’t believe how good he is at selling himself to these people, “a lot of people like him, girls especially.”
Taylor grabs his hand and Eddie thinks if everyone in Panem could do it, they’d be taking Buck’s hand too. “So, here’s what you do,” she says and Eddie almost laughs at how ridiculous it is to listen to Taylor Kelly give Buck dating advice as if he isn’t about to head to the slaughter house tomorrow, “you go out there and you win. And when you go home he won’t be able to turn you down.”
Buck gives her a pained smile and the agonized look in those baby blue eyes looks so fucking real it makes Eddie’s breath hitch in his throat. “I um — I don’t think winning is going to help me.”
“Why not?” Taylor asks in disbelief. 
Buck flutters his lashes, his cheeks the same color as his birthmark as he says, “B—because…because he came here with me.”
It takes nearly a full ten seconds for the world to stop fucking spinning and Eddie to realize that his face is now the one being plastered across every screen in Panem. He can see himself, mouth dropped open in shock and something he doesn’t know how to name. 
Me, Eddie thinks, his blood fizzing and popping like the champagne they drank after the parade around the Capitol, Buck is talking about me.
not tagging anyone since it’s so late but sending all my love ❤️ 
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shelbazoidz · 4 years
This show will be the death of me. I said, I SAID, so many times last year I wouldn’t get involved with this show again but I really just wanted to write Lena getting back together with everyone for the first time again. So fuck it. 
Welcome Back 
Lena does not fidget.
 Well, at least in front of other people. Her fingers picked at the edge of her sweater as she looked down at the text. 
“Want to come over for movie night?” 
Her nerves creep in as she looks at the message. The idea of doing something normal with friends seemed like it was so out of reach months ago. Now here she was debating how to reply to Kara’s texts. She knows Kara wouldn’t have invited her if everyone didn’t want her to come. But she still couldn’t help the nagging feeling that she was going to be intruding. As if she could sense Lena’s hesitance another text popped up. 
“It's me, Nia, Kelly, Alex and Brainy. Nia picked the movie so we're watching Death Becomes Her. Have you seen it? ” Lena’s heart clutches as her eyes scan the text. She quickly types out a response before she can overthink this. 
“I haven’t seen it but I’d love to watch it when you all.” Only a few seconds pass before there’s a reply. 
“Awesome! We’re starting at 7. See ya then!” 
Seven o’clock came so fast, Lena barely had any time to talk herself into not going. The entire ride there her mind was riddled with worse case scenarios. As the thoughts swirled in her head the elevator dinged, the two doors sliding open. Her fingers toyed with the buttons of her jacket as she looked down the brightly lit hallway. It should be easy to just walk in, right? The sounds of hearty laughter float down the hallway and Lena took a steadying breath. 
This was going to be fine.  
Her body eventually moved forward, taking slow steps down the hall until she stopped in front of the familiar door. More happy chatter could be heard as her hand raised for a tentative knock. It died down slightly when the door finally opened, revealing Kara who wore bright smile. 
“Hey you.” Her gentle tone forced away some of the insecurities Lena felt but not completely .  
“Hi.” Her voice was small. Kara’s brows came together as she looked at Lena’s worried expression. She looked back at everyone chatting in the living room before shutting the door behind them. 
“Are you alright?” Kara asked once they were alone. 
“I’m fine. I...just. I don’t know.” Her thoughts were muddled and confusing, she wasn’t sure how to express it. 
“You’re worried.” Kara said while she reached out to take one of Lena’s hands, Lena immediately looked down at the contact. In fear that she had crossed some kind of line, Kara started to let go but Lena held on. 
“I am. I’m scared everyone is going to hate me.” Answering honestly was the right thing to do but the words were difficult to get out. 
“Lena.” Kara’s hands rubbed up her arms, the warmth in her expression made Lena want to burst into tears. “No one hates you. I swear. If there were still problems I wouldn’t have had everyone over today. We’ve apologized so many times to each other. Let’s just have a nice evening with our friends? Alright?”
“Okay. I’d like that.” Lena sniffed, trying to keep it together. 
“And no crying because if you start I will too.” Her hand came up to cup Lena’s cheek, heart fluttering when Lena laughed.  
“I can’t guarantee that but I’ll try.”
“That’s all I ask.” Kara smiled before chewing on her lip as she debated if she was going to ask the next question. She wasn’t sure if they were there yet but she decided to just ask anyways.  “...And maybe if you’re up for it, when everyone's heads out later you can finish telling about that book you were reading? I never got to hear how it ended.”
Lena lit up at the mention of the book she’d been reading a few months ago. Kara was always eager to listen whenever Lena told her about the newest book she was reading. When they had time, Lena used to read a few chapters while Kara listened. She would be enraptured as she absorbed every sentence and the smooth tone of Lena’s voice.  They both desperately missed the little tradition.
“You’re going to be pissed when I tell you how it ends.” Lena grinned. 
“It was that bad?” 
“You’ll have to find out later.” She teased. 
“That’s cruel.” Kara smiled back, feeling Lena’s fingers unconsciously toy with hers as they looked at one another. The door suddenly cracked open, Alex’s head poking out. 
“Hey you two! If you take any longer we’re going to start without you. And Hi, Lena.” She smiled at Lena who gave her a slightly stiff nod in return. 
“Hi, sorry about the wait. We’ll be in in a second.” Lena replied and Alex shook her head before ducking back in the apartment. 
“You ready?” Kara asked, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. 
“Yes, let's do this.” 
All Lena’s thoughts and doubts faded as soon as she entered the apartment. There was no malice or underlying irritation with her presence. Everyone greeted her happily including her in whatever they were chattering about until Nia shushed them all because the movie was starting.
“Let this one be better than the last you picked.” Brainy commented at the opening credits.
“Oh my god! I picked one bad movie and you’ll never let me live it down.” Nia sighed, nudging him with her shoulder. Nia made eye contact with Lena, rolling her eyes in fake annoyance with Brainy. Lena smiled soft back, shaking her head as the movie continued. She sat on the couch next to Kelly with Kara sitting on the floor in front of her. At some point during the movie her hand started playing with one of the long blonde curls. Kara leaned back a little further, enjoying the touch as the movie played. The comments the group made during the film nearly made Lena choke on her wine from laughing on multiple occasions. 
Movie night somehow turned into a partial game night once the film ended. Lena knew they were all competitive when it came to games but it was a little out of control tonight. Somehow a simple game of catch phrase had everyone shouting and screaming at one another. Kelly and Alex were the most terrifying out of the group but it was all good fun.
“I am not being a sore loser.” Brainy grumbled as Kelly grinned at him. 
“I think you are just a little bit.” Kelly teased. Before he could reply Alex stopped them. 
“Okay, before this gets even more out of hand I think we’re going to hit the road.” Alex pulled her slightly tipsy girlfriend off the couch before she and Brainy could keep bickering. 
“Fine fine.” Kelly gave Alex a quick kiss on her cheek before pulling Lena into a hug.
“Are you coming next week too?” She asked, receiving a happy nod from Lena. 
“I wouldn’t miss it.” Lena was surprised at how excited she was at the thought. God she missed this. Both Alex and Nia gave her a tight hug as well before they left, Brainy settling for a slightly awkward handshake. But he was equally happy to have Lena back in their group. The door clicked shut, leaving Kara and Lena alone.   
“So about that book, you gotta tell me now!” Kara gleefully pulled Lena back over to the couch. 
“Okay okay I won’t keep you waiting. In the eighteenth chapter there-” Her sentence was cut off when Kara turned sharply towards the window. “Something wrong?”
“Yeah, there’s an emergency. I can hear it.” Kara sighed. 
“Well go take care of it, it's fine. I can...wait here?” She said unsurely. 
“That’d be great. I shouldn’t be gone long. Just umm-ah..make yourself at home and I’ll be back. You know where everything is and if I’m gone for more than an hour just-” She could feel herself starting to ramble and thankfully Lena stopped her. 
“Go save the city. I’ll be fine. I promise.” She patted Kara’s thigh to get her to calm down. 
“Okay. Well, I’ll be back.” In a flash Kara was in her suit, Lena stared in wonder. It was still amazing how fast she was. With one more wave Kara shot off into the night. 
Lena kept herself busy while Kara was gone, deciding to watch a documentary. She was in the middle of brewing some tea when the windows breezed open again. Kara picked at a few leaves in her hair as she walked over. 
“How’d it go?” Lena asked.
“Fine, just a very upset alien. But we talked it out.” She shrugged casually. Her eyes finally looked to Lena who was staring at her. “What?” 
“Nothing!” Lena replied quickly, feeling her face heat at being caught staring. That damned suit was going to be the death of her. “Tea?” She asked, feeling Kara’s eyes still on her. 
“I’d love some.” In a flash, Kara was back in her comfortable clothes and accepted a mug from Lena’s hands. They made their way back over to the couch, sitting close together as they propped their feet up on the coffee table.
“Now do you want to try this again?” Lena asked as she got comfortable. 
“Yes!” Kara replied eagerly, tossing a blanket over their legs. 
“You’re not going to be happy.” Lena chuckled at the impatient noise Kara made. 
“Stop stalling.” She whined. 
“Alright alright. The eighteenth chapter starts with them finding out their father lied.”
“What!” Kara shouted and Lena laughed harder. 
“I know. I know.” She giggled, meeting Kara’s gaze. 
Kara let out a wistful sight before speaking. “I missed this.” She said softly as she rested her head on Lena’s shoulder. 
“Me too.” She resisted the urge to kiss the top of Kara’s head, although she swore she saw a faint blush on Kara’s cheeks. Ignoring the longing in her soul she continued with the story. “After we find out their father lied, they decide to go deeper into the mansion in investigate.” She held in a laugh as Kara let out another frustrated noise. It was late into the evening by the time Lena finished telling her how the book ended. Kara had turned on one of her comfort shows to make up for the book's terrible ending. The pair stayed cuddled close to one another on the couch as they drifted off, fingers intertwined while they slept. 
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utopianvoices · 6 years
seven things | h.hyunjin
↭ genre: enemies to lovers au (kinda); fluff
↭ word count: 4.27k (i might’ve gone slightly crazy)
↭ a/n: yEs i is back!!!! here’s a hyunjin scenario that i don’t really like to make up for my disappearance from posting works :D i’m writing this on a whim so it might seem like i’m on crack but really it’s just me on a daily basis,, also this turned out way longer than i expected whoOps
ok so
you were waiting outside the cafe that you and hyunjin usually go to
and y’all might be wondering 
why don’t you just go in??
that’s what i’m wondering too
well because
your best friend was late,,, for the 3rd time that week
and to say you were pissed was an understatement
just as you whipped your phone out to message that not so little nuisance, you heard rushed footsteps getting closer and closer
and you turn just in time to get aTTACKEd by this boy
“i’m SO sorry y/n i overslept and like i really tried to come on time but then the bus was late too and-”
“just stfu and never talk to me again”
well then
“noOOoOo y/n don’t say that i’m so sorry. i promise i’ll try my best not to be late from now onwards :(”
and like you really wanted to be mad at him
but he was pouting and your heart was going boom boom
because he just looked really adorable
so you just ended up going “ugh fine”
which was the cOmplete opposite of this whole speech you had planned in your head
about how you were going to stop being friends with him and move to another continent,,,,,,,,,,
yea maybe that wasn’t such a good speech
but you weren’t going to let him go that easily too
so, you being the absolute tease 
“you know i think it was better when we hated each other”
and hyunjin being the drama king he is
decides to go overboard and clutches his chest, staggering around the entrance of the cafe
you just roll your eyes and walk into the cafe,,, ignoring the poor boy outside
as you scan the cafe for seats, you feel a weight on your shoulder
“you know the feeling of hate was never mutual”
and you look up to look at the party responsible for this new burden
and well let’s just say you were about to combust on the spot
because your best friend was one good looking boy
and like all this violent rush of thoughts took you back to when the only “feelings” you had for him was hate
*cue flashback* i suck at transitions im sOrry
so you were just chilling in class,,, minding your own business as you doodle on your book
when the school’s most popular girl decides to spill her salad juice or whatever disgusting green thing she was drinking, all over your papers 
and i mean, accidents happen ofc and you’re TOTALLY willing to let it go
if she had apologised
but she was clearly too popular for petty things like apOlogies 
so you just open your mouth to fire at her when she cuts you right off
“that was my only juice, but i’ll forgive you since i’m so kind”
and you just stare at her like she grew 3 heads bcs
how is one so dUMb
“oH that was juice??? i thought you were drinking vomit, you know since it kinda matches up with your personality?”
oH no one messes with you
and you were trying really hard to hold your laughter in, because you were the sAss master and no one stood a chance against you
but she just whined like a little girl, with no proper comeback to match up to yours
“hyunjin baby!!! aren’t you going to say anything?!”
and you just realised the being standing behind her,,,, hwang hyunjin
soccer team’s star player/captain and pretty much the most popular boy
half the school was drooling whenever he passed by
and i mean,,, it’s not like the girls didn’t have good taste or anything of that sort
because this boy was sculpted by the gOds,,,, and you would be lying if you didn’t let yourself glance at him a little longer than needed when passing by
but like all cliche stories, the most popular girl and the most popular boy were dating
i mean,,, cmOn it’s a given
till this day you were still wondering how in heavens they ended up together,,, one’s a plain bitch and the other,,, well, not so much of an asshole
but all thoughts of him potentially being nice unlike his girlfriend flew out of the window in like a millisecond 
“hey y/n maybe you shouldn’t have left your bag to block the aisles”
bij say whAT
first of all,,, your bag was tucked close to your table, bcs you were a responsible student who cared for the well-being of other students,,, most of the time
second of all,,, how did he know your name?? 
you were pretty sure you never mentioned it
but as these thoughts were running through your head, rendering you silent,,, the bij thought she had “won” and took hyunjin’s hand with a smug face, walking off 
and you were too busy caught up in your own thoughts to notice the apologetic look hyunjin was desperately trying to get across to you,,,, 
but you knew one thing for sure after that small incident
you hated hwang hyunjin
call yourself a niggling bij but that’s just you,,, you gotta deal with what you gotta deal
so since that day, every time you glanced at hyunjin, your glance turned into a glare and you made sure he caught that “glance” before you broke eye contact and stormed off
your petty-meter was seriously off charts,,,,,
and it pains you to admit it but mAyhaps the reason you were so pissed was because you had this teeeeeeeeeny tiny crush on him, just like the rest of the girls in the school
because although he was a jock and dating that evil witch, he seemed nice to enough to smile at anyone who made eye contact with him and like,,,, basically for being the opposite of being a generic athletic jerk
but nAh that one sentence was enough to snap you out of your delulu and go about your own day,,,, ya know, hating hyunjin and stuff
the usual
so this goes on for weeks, you giving hyunjin your famous glare and hyunjin feeling his heart break every time you do it,,,, bcs he’s never had anyone hate him before
one day you were at the library, rushing your assignments bcs dAmn the queen of sass was also a queen of procrastination
like mate, stop procrastinating
you binge-watched your show over the weekends and now you were seated at the library, regretting your life decisions
and you’re so focused like, it’s a miracle that you’re that focused
but some iDIOT just breaks that focus by sitting from across you on YOUR table
who dares
you look, ready to snap at this soul when you realise who it was
“hey y/n,,, can i sit here?”
“funny how you do it and then ask for permission”
at this hyunjin gives you a sheephish smile and goes
“well i had a hunch you wouldn’t have said yes if i had asked first”
“ding ding ding!!!!!! you’ve got the correct answer and earned yourself no shits from me!”
at this, you go back to your work, ignoring the cute pout hyunjin was now sporting because of your ignorance
3 minutes later and you’re disrupted again
“hey y/n,,, i’m sorry for what happened between you and her,,, i really didn’t mean to say that. i just wanted to let you know that i broke it off with her.”
“oh wow congrats”
you hear him sigh, feeling triumphant that you had gotten him to give up talking to you
well spoiler, you wERE WRONG
not even 2 minutes later
“hey, do you have a pen i can borrow? i lost mine,”
“hey do you know what this means”
“omG hyunjin i’m trying to finish my assignment will you just shut up for a while? like literally i’m willing to do anything to get you to shut up”
you furiously look back down at your assignment, wanting to get it over and done
and then you hear it
you hear him clearing his voice,,, indicating that he was about to speak again
just as you were about to cut him off
“what do you mean, anything?”
“you said you’ll do anything to get me to shut up. will you really?”
“ofC not what do you take me for??”
“okay then i guess i’ll just continue talking :>”
that did it for you
you slammed your book shut, and looked up at him, narrowing your eyes suspiciously
“what’s your deal?”
at this, hyunjin looks away, thinking for a while
just as you were starting to get impatient, he speaks up
“okay. okay okay okay. this is the deal. i’ll stop talking for the rest of the day if you promise that we can be friends. and that you won’t hate me anymore.”
well that was unexpeCTED
but you weren’t that easy
nah uh
“wOw you’re asking for a lot huh,,, hmmm let’s see,,,,,,,,,, no.”
and just as you were about to pack your stuff and move to another table, you hear something that stops you from moving
“i’ll help you with your assignment. i’ve already finished mine so it’ll be a piece of cake.”
now THAT was a good offer
“but i only help my friends with their assignments”
this lil sHIT
well played hwang hyunjin, well played *slowly claps*
you watched as he smirked at you, knowing that he had caught your weak spot
you had an internal debate with yourself, and finally came to a decision
will you regret this decision??
but you were desperate
so you stare at him for a few seconds before extending your hand
he breaks out into a grin and grabs your hand, sealing the deal and the start of a new friendship
that night, just as you were about to sleep after that oh so eventful day you had, you hear your phone chime
you groan as you reach out, wanting to make as little movement as possible bcs,,,, you were lazy
you grab your phone by the tips of your fingers and check your messages
hyunjin: hey this is my address! [address]. see ya tmrw bestie <3
you roll your eyes at his attempts and type one letter before throwing your phone to the side and drifting off to dreamland, with a slight smile on your lips
you: k
the next morning,, you are there at hyunjin’s front door, right on time
bUt why aren’t you pressing the doorbell???? 
let’s be real,,, underneath all that sass, you were just a nervous teenage girl
before you could chicken out and leave, you smack yourself and press the doorbell
a few seconds later the door opens,, and you come face to face with a middle-aged woman
“hi dear, what can i do for you?”
“uhm,,, i’m here to work on an assignment with hyunjin??”
“oh! hyunjin didn’t mention anything, but come right in!”
that little piece of uncultured swine
you walk into the house and stand around awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say
when his mother points you to his room, and lets you know that he’s probably still sleeping with a small shake of her head
hmMm looks like him oversleeping happens often
you contemplated if you should go in,,, cause ya know, privacy and shit
but you had to get your revenge??? obviously
so you silently walk in to the room and voila 
there was that sleeping lump, sprawled across a queen sized bed
as you get closer, you can’t help but notice just how good looking he was
i mean sUre you’ve seen him around in school but
with the amount of peace he had on his face,,, he looked almost ethereal
but with that thought, you snapped out of it
bcs exCuse yOu
you’re here for revenge
not to admire the boy
so you carefully lift your leg,,, and muster all the strength in the world
and BAM
you just kicked him off the bed,,, him falling onto the floor with a loud thud
and it did the trick !!!!
he shot right up and looked around, vision hazy and mind still blurred
just as he was starting to come to his senses, his eyes focus on the one girl standing on the other side of the bed,, smirk evident on her face
“that’s what you get for leaving me alone with the adults in the house”
and you walk right out,, leaving him to stare at you speechless 
time skip,,,, 5 hours later, and you’re all done with your assignment
and although you hated to admit it
it turned out pretty fricking amazing
thanks to your brain, your hardwork, a bit of hyunjin, but mostly your perseverance :D
oK but real talk literally you were screwed if he didn’t help so
you kinda owed him big time
“look man, thanks a lot for your help. i would have died without you”
and hyunjin just counters this statement with a smile and shakes his head, letting you know that it was okay
and you kindA felt bad,,,, i mean, you did try and kill him with your glares the past few weeks
and you weren’t thAt mean
“uhm,,, do you think,, maybe,, we could start over? hard feelings forgotten?”
and this takes hyunjin by total surprise,,, like all he ever wanted was just to talk to you after seeing you stare him down the past few weeks
but he’d be lying if he said that his heart wasn’t bursting for joy bcs !!!! yay!!!! you didn’t hate him anymore!!!!! what a baby boy
so y’all start over that very day,,, and as expected, hit it off almost immediately
*end flashback*
sO back to now where you have an amazing best friend
pshhh best friend they say
what no i didn’t say anything
n E ways
oK fine,,, on top of him being your best friend, it was really no surprise that you fell for him
i mean cmon
he’s sweet
and etc
but like bij nAh, you were never planning to confess bcs bij??? that could ruin your friendship????
everybody facepalm with me
so you just keep it a secret and try to live with it
except it was reaaally hard to keep it a secret
bcs you saw him almost every. single. day
he’s always asking you to do something with him
getting ice cream,, watching a movie,, going to the park
you even learned how to play soccer bcs he insisted on teaching you
but despite all this, you were still persistent that he saw you as nothing more than a friend,,, and that he did this with all his close friends
news flash: nO he did not
but since it was too much feelings for you to handle, you spill all of this to your other close friend, jisung
and he’s like 
“oOOoO expected,,, why don’t you just confess??”
and you’re like 
“are you duMB? it’s going to ruin our friendship?? i can’t do that??”
and he’s just like
“you’re the dumb one here sis, but go off, i guess”
bCs literally the whole world knew you two had heart eyes for each other
and by whole world, i mean jisung
and being xTra, he’s like,,, you know what?? i gotta get them together
so he “casually” makes a bet with you
and you’re like ooOoO fun
bcs you love bets
mainly has to do with the reason that you hardly ever lose one :>
so when jisung goes “if i get higher than you on this economics test, you gotta text hyunjin 7 reasons why you like him. no explanations given.”
and you really wanna say no and run away
but like
you were no coward
so you’re like “sUre bij bring it on, i was born ready for thi s”
so the day you get back your results, you’re more nervous for the bet than your grades
like you could fail, for all you care
but as long as you failed higher than jisung,, all’s fine
so when you get back your test with a 86 scribbled at the top, you grin to yourself,, convinced that there was no way he was gonna get any higher than you
but as you turn to show him your score,, your smile slowly fades,,,
bcs on his paper
a big red 92 is written at the top, with an ‘excellent’ scribbled next to it
“so,,, y/n,,, ready for what i’ve planned?”
and he’s just grinning like the cheshire cat, with you staring at him in disbelief, mentally counting down to your doom
the next day, you try to convince your mum that you’re down with a really bad disease, which makes it absolutely impossible for you to go school
but your mum ain’t buying that
so there you were, standing at your locker, looking left and right for any signs of han jisung
just as you thought you were safe, you hear someone calling out your name
your face turns white, as you turn around, expecting to come face to face with jisung
but instead you’re met with a raven-haired boy that made your heart beat unnecessarily fast
“whatcha doing today after school??”
and you’re just like qUick think of an excuse
bcs you were in no position to stay with him any longer than necessary for fear that you may just blurt out what you had formed in your head bcs of the bet
“uhhh i’ve got plans with jisung!! we’re gonna go to,, the market! yea!”
seriously,,,, that’s the best you could come up with??
so hyunjin just gives you a really weird look and draws out a “okay,,,,,,,,”
and you’re just like “yea okay bye!!!”
and you run the heCK away
time skip and it’s the end of school
the time which you were dreading,,, because there stood han jisung, waiting for you to confess to your crush
“jisung,,, i really don’t think i can do this,,, can’t i just like, buy you lunch for a week or something?”
“as tempting as that sounds, nO. you’ve gotta do this for yourself, for humanity, and for my sanity. i swear i can’t hear you talking about him again”
at his, you sigh, knowing that he’s right,,, but still not gaining the guts to do it
“come on y/n,,,, you know that on top of me really wanting you to stop bothering me about him, you really gotta get your feelings out of your system,,, you’re not going to be able to keep everything in.”
and although you just wanted to die and chill in heaven at that moment
jisung had a point,,, which was a rare occurrence 
so you decide to listen to him,,, i mean, what’d you got to lose???
maybe your shame
and your precious friendship
but that’s it
so you whip your phone out and press the top contact on your phone
“ok here i go,,,”
“yEs queen!!! get it!”
you briefly roll your eyes at him, before returning your eyes to the screen
the cursor blinking, almost tauntingly
you breathe out and just take it as a platform to let it all out
i love the way you play soccer
ofc you do,,, i’m the best :P
you feel slight relief at his reply, but at the same time, you couldn’t stop the way slight disappointment filled you at his interpretation of you texts
jisung peeked at your phone from over your shoulder, immediately voicing out objections
“come on y/n!! that’s so lame! that barely counts as a confession!”
you groan out loud, and type on your phone, earning a hum of satisfaction from the nosy boy behind you
i love the way your eyes crinkle when you smile 
why, thank you y/n,,,, but what’s with the sudden compliment spree
“ugh, jisung i’m going crazy,,,”
you actually were,,, moments away from throwing your phone into the lake right beside where you were seated
“you got this love,,, just a few more and you can live with no regrets,”
you knew he was right,,, although it was absolutely embarrassing, you know you would regret not telling him in the future
i love the mole underneath your eye
y/n??? c’mon, what’s wrong? are you pranking me right now??
you take a deep breath, and continue on, with the newly found courage
i love the way you pestered me to talk to you even though i was being a complete ass
hey seriously, tell me what’s happening?
i love the way you always manage to put a smile on my face no matter the circumstance
y/n, please,,, don’t fill me with empty hope,, cut it out if you’re pranking me,,,
,,, empty hope? what’s that supposed to mean??
whatever it meant, it sure did it’s part in speeding up your already dying heart 
you suck it up, butterflies growing stronger as you get closer and closer to your last message
i love how my heart speeds up merely at the mention of your name
tell me that this is what i think it means,,,
you stared at your screen, three simple words written out
but your fingers seemed to be jammed, unable to press the send button
was this all just a mistake?? maybe you could just play it off as a prank by jisung
“you got his honey,,, just do it,, press the button” 
and with this encouragement from jisung, you press the send button without further hesitation, feeling as though your heart physically stopped as you observed how the “delivered” changed to “read”, indicating that he had read your message
i love you.
are you for real???? i’m coming to you now. where are you?
you stare at your phone, unable to comprehend what had happened in the past few minutes, as jisung slowly pries your phone from you
he types your whereabouts, as you continue to space out, heart beating at an unusual pace as you still try to process what you just did
“i’m going to leave now okay? just know that i am really proud of what you did,,,, and don’t worry too much, everything will be fine,”
with this, jisung leaves, leaving you to sit there alone, just wondering how things were going to be between you and hyunjin now
were y’all going to stop being friends??
or maybe you could just completely ignore what had happened and go back to being how y’all used to be,,,,
as you were in your own world, you fail to hear the footsteps that stopped right behind you
you hear someone take a seat beside you and whip your head to the side, almost regretting it immediately
“so,,, your messages,,,,”
and before you could do anything else, words just spill from you mouth with no filter whatsover
“i’m so sorry hyunjin, i really am,,, i know that we’ve been really really close friends and i might have just ruined what we had. i understand if you don’t wanna be friends anymore but i guess i hope we could just forget this and move on? i mean, that’s totally your choice because-”
and you’re cut off, just like that
no warning
and the only thing that stopped you from continuing your rant was the fact that there a pair of lips on yours
hyunjin’s ones to be exact
yes, yes we did
but you certainly got the answer to your worries by that one action
as y’all break apart, you stare at him still dazed by the kiss, as he smiles lovingly at you
“i was so afraid that you were just pranking me,,, because if you had been, i would’ve been so heartbroken cause i really got my hopes really high,,, like, super high,, i guess i never replied you tho,,,, i love you too y/n. more than you can imagine.”
and you just snap out of it and do something you always do when you had to cope with intense situation
you laughed
you laughed and laughed and laughed
were you laughing at the fact that the person you loved, loved you back?
were you laughing at the fact that jisung was right for once?
or were you laughing at the fact that you were being a dumbass all this while when you could’ve manned up sooner?
you never found out
but what you did find out, is that being in love was amazing
especially when the person you were in love with was hwang hyunjin
so since then, you’ve been having a pretty frickin amazing life
good grades, hot boyfriend, the whole package
the news that you both were dating spread like wildfire
half of them were surprised, the other half jealous
but people were mostly surprised bcs of the fact that they thought you and him were already dating,,,
like you both were glued to each other every other day
so with that, everyone slowly got accustomed to the fact the school’s jock was once again taken
your relationship with hyunjin didn’t actually change that much,,, other than the fact that y’all kissed and did all the mushy shit
and also omg imagine 
you going for his soccer games, sporting his extra jersey that had “hwang” on the back of it, together with the number he was playing
and also him giving you flying kisses right before the starting whistle blows
and running over to you to give you a proper kiss once the final whistle had been blown, win or lose
and you couldn’t have been happier
∞ end ∞
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tamago-hoe · 6 years
Hi! Thank you all so much for your support on part one! <3 This one is a  L O N G  chapter and contains mentions of blood, but nothing explicit. Did someone order an extra large helping of Lance in pain? here ya go, (J)Hope you enjoy! :)
Once again, please tell me if I’ve missed and trigger warnings! (3360 words SORRYNOTSORRY^^)
Occasionally, Lance got some sceptical gazes from Hunk and Keith (more like ruminating glares in Keith's case), and Pidge would stare at him without saying anything, then shaking her head.
Lance was strangely chill. Like, excessively. Hunk pointed it out, worried for his friend, but Pidge simply told him to enjoy it while it lasts. They thought it was a phase. Maybe Lance was just a little off his game- or rather more on the game than he had ever been, even helping Allura and Shiro plan Galra base infiltrates. His plans always worked.
"Good job guys!" Shiro congratulated the team as they successfully executed Lance's well-thought-out plan yet again.
"Thank you guys." Lance added, a weird ritual now for him to thank the team for helping him with his plan and for completing it perfectly.
Hunk knew there was something wrong with Lance, his stretched smiles not sitting well with Hunk, his generic thanking-the-team sounding completely fake.
"You know you can talk to me about anything Lance, right?" Lance nodded. "Anything at all."
Lance rested a hand on Hunk's shoulder, instantly calming the male, "Thank you Hunk. I really appreciate it."
A smile broke out on Hunk's features. "No worries buddy! What are friends for?"
"See, I told you so."
Lance sighed, relieved that his voice didn't crack and his calm facade was enough to convince his best friend Hunk. Lance didn't even know who he was anymore, so he's glad Hunk did. Hunk clearly recognised the real Lance. But as usual, didn't say much even though Hunk knew something was up.
But then at least nothing had changed. Hunk shouldn't have to go out of his way to look after Lance.
"You're learning fast Lance. It's paying off." The voice praised. It wasn't as uplifting as he hoped it would be, but Lance was taking what he could get. He should be grateful he's getting to see Hunk and speak to him, even if it was two sentences.
"I was wondering if I could see the team again for a bit?" Lance piped, struggling in the silence that followed. "I promise I won't say anything or do anything!"
"Lance, Lance, Lance. Have we learned nothing these past few weeks?" Lance curled in on himself at the tone of his reflection. He felt like a child being scolded.
"I'm sorry, just forget about it." Lance babbled hurriedly, turning away from the screen, withdrawing to the back of his mind- the darkness very appealing to Lance right now.
"Don't worry Lance, you'll have your time soon. Just a little longer. What I've built is fragile, you are oh-so fragile at the moment. But it will soon be fixed. I will fix you Lance. I just need time." The being called out, stopping Lance for a moment. "Is that okay Lance?"
Lance turned to face the screen a final time with a forced smile. "Need you ask? Of course you can. I'll be in the back if you need me."
"Thank you Lance. It will be worth it, just you wait and see. You'll have them at your feet soon."
"Hey you guys, don't you think something's been up with Lance?" Hunk asked as he entered the kitchen after passing Lance in the corridors, who flashed him another false smile. "Like he's been really quiet."
"Just leave him be Hunk, I'm sure he'll figure it out on his own." Pidge assured, with a mouthful of green goo. "If anything, just enjoy the peace for a while."
"You said that four months ago Pidge." Hunk pointed out, said person freezing for a moment, eyes widening.
"People change I guess." They shrugged, though Hunk could see the sliver of worry behind their glasses.
"But not to the extent Lance has. He hasn't said a single pun or joke in four months. That's like Keith going without training for four months, or me without cooking for four months!"
"What about me not training?" Keith popped in, helping himself to a bowl of goo then leaning on the opposite side of the counter to Hunk.
"We were just discussing Lance's abrupt character change." Pidge informed, Keith humming thoughtfully for a second.
"I don't see a problem. If that's how he wants to be, that's how he wants to be."
"But don't you find it even the slightest bit unusual?" Hunk urged, Keith just not finding it as alarming as Hunk. "You guys haven't argued for four whole months!"
"Isn't that a good thing?"
"Well, yeah, but it's not normal! It's like - It's as if it isn't Lance! Like Lance has disappeared!"
"I'm right here, what do you mean Hunk?" Everyone fell silent at the appearance of the hot topic in the doorway, finally out of training gear.
"You can ask him in person now." Keith pointed at Lance with his spoon, quietly eating his goo.
Hunk began to fiddle with the edge of his shirt, noticing the way Lance's eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly. It made Hunk feel... small? Somewhat... intimidated? "Uh... Well, I was just thinking you've changed... A lot in the past four months..."
"In what way?" Lance asked sharply with a condescending smile.
"W - Well, you haven't told any jokes, or - or flirted with Allura, or fought with Keith for like, ever."
"And why is that a problem? It's not as if you liked my jokes anyway if I remember correctly." Lance cocked a brow, Hunk's eyes widening then falling to stare guiltily at the floor.
"What the hell Lance?!" Pidge stood from their seat, slamming their hands on the table.
"What? Was it something I said?"
Now Keith was beginning to see what Hunk meant, his fists curling. "Yes, of course it was. It always was. What are you trying to achieve Lance?" Keith began to corner Lance, who held Keith's gaze steadily, not moving an inch.
"Keith!" Hunk scolded, knowing that whatever was going on with Lance, this sure as hell wasn't helping. In fact, it would probably push Lance further back, further away from reach.
"It wasn't my intention to upset or aggravate anybody." He spoke calmly, annoying Keith even more.
"Then what is?"
"To end this war then go back. Isn't that what everybody wants?"
That night Blue started to kick up a fuss in the hanger and no one knew why. Keith went straight to Lance, who was on the training deck like usual, burning the night oil.
"Hey. What's up?" Lance greeted, sweat glazing his less than coffee-coloured face.
"Blue's going haywire and no one knows why. The others are trying to get their lions to stop her before she wrecks the castle. Do something about it won't you? Or is the connection with your lion as broke as your personality?" Keith didn't know why he said that, he knew it was a mistake the moment he said it.
"Sure. I'll go see her now." Lance wiped the sweat from his face as he breezed past Keith.
'No... That wasn't what I was meant to say...'
He seemed to hear something snap- that wasn't his temper.
Keith didn't sleep well that night. He bolted up at stupid-o'clock, the adrenaline fresh from his nightmare still pumping through his blood, his heart racing, every time he blinks an image flashing in front of his eyes. Knowing he wouldn't sleep for long, Keith decided to take a walk around the castle, his room suffocating him. He ended up in the hangers, where Blue was now peaceful with Lance at her paw.
"Lance..!" Before Keith could raise his voice to call out to the paladin again, Red and Blue growled softly at him, telling him to shut up. Blue's particle barrier did not fall or even waver as Keith slumped helplessly in front of it.
Keith's nightmare consisted of Lance standing on the edge of a cliff at the crack of dawn, the sun just starting to rise, cold wind blowing his hair as the ocean crashed ferociously against the cliff-face. Lance glanced over his shoulder, smiling softly at him with a single clear thread running down his face.
Keith exploded to life, chasing after Lance with his hand outstretched for the Cuban boy, crying out his name, for crying out loud why won't he turn around! Don't take a step forward! But he fell soundlessly, leaving Keith to grasp at the air where Lance once stood.
Sleeping by the Blue lion, looking blissfully ignorant to the fact the Keith watched him die before him was Lance, alive.
No one mentioned Lance's changes any more after that. If they were upset or missing him at all, they sure as hell didn't show it. And Lance did not show any signs of returning. In fact, day by day he was slowly turning to ice, to the point where no one saw him other than when they had to be together. Lance didn't make the effort to try and reach out to them, so they decided to wait patiently for him to collect himself and come back to them.
(It was more the opposite; the longer they waited, the more Lance hesitated, the more Lance inched away from them to somewhere far beyond their reach collectively. Lance had hidden so far back in his mind, the quintessence strings linking him and Blue were barely graspable. Everyone had tried many times to move a centimetre closer to understanding Lance, but their attempts were futile- it was like trying to solve a puzzle with only half the pieces.)
Technically, there was nothing wrong with Lance- he was functioning fine, as Allura pointed out kindly, it's just certain things felt wrong -said Pidge-, but they couldn't base things on feelings, they had to have concrete evidence. So until then, everyone waited. They respected Lance's privacy enough to know not to mess with his flow, as he wouldn't mess with theirs. They were so busy with Voltron, they barely realised nearly seven months had passed since Lance's reformation.
Up to this point, Lance had been faultless and simply enigmatic. He answered questions straight-forwardly, almost like he was telling the truth, but it felt false, like he was lying. A well rehearsed liar- Lance should've gone into acting.
Once again, the team set out to free another planet from Galra rule, an especially complex case with a plethora of security guarding the single jewel that allowed the Galra to rule the planet. They just had to get past the guards and return the jewel to the rightful owner-- easier said than done. With Lance's help, they managed to formulate a plan to get past the guards and infiltrate the system. Lance was the sniper and could only push forward once the team had gone ahead, Pidge would be guarded by Hunk as they made sure the electronic aspects of the security system was down while Keith and Shiro were to retrieve the jewel , going in to get the jewel. They travelled in pods with the added cloaking feature, courtesy of Pidge, so they could sneak in. By now the team got used to Lance guarding their back knowing he wouldn't miss a shot -he even said so himself, he swore it- so they needn't spare a glance back as they pushed forward. As he promised, Lance never missed his mark while the others disappeared from sight to their set places, leaving Lance on his own. It was okay, he was used to it. It went dark, Pidge and Hunk's job of turning the power off successful, blinking red lights the only thing illuminating the corridors. Lance's breaths were quiet as he listened closely for the sentries' movements and watched for shadows in the brief moment the lights were on, his aim steady in the dark as he eliminated the sentries in his area, forced to hit the warning button on his suit to signal to the others sentries might come their way- he doesn't know if he let any slip through the darkness.
"We've got it! Let's go guys!" Shiro ordered, followed by the grunts of effort from both him and Keith, guns firing and swords clashing.
"Roger! We only have 112 seconds guys!" Pidge added, the rest of the team making sounds of affirmation before each making their own way to where the pods awaited.
Everyone all ended up in the same corridor, sprinting to the pods, not daring to look back in case their were sentries behind them. They each jumped into their assigned pods, leaving with a fleet of fighters on their tail.
"They're fools thinking they've won." The being giggled maniacally. Lance had hesitantly crawled his way back to the light of the screen because something felt wrong. He may not be in charge of his physical body, but he felt something twisting in his stomach- a bad omen. "Hello again, Lance. You're just in time to witness the fall of the great Voltron, all because of you. Isn't it great?! Don't worry about death, the witch will just bring us back again and you will be highly praised."
"Death? The witch?" Lance whispered in confusion, a smirk growing on the being that had over time slowly begun to resemble him in looks. It turned to face him with a malicious grin, Lance falling back in shock. It was him, but with sharp canines -little fangs-, yellow eyes and two Galra marks on his cheeks. How didn't Lance see it before- the being only appeared after he went to the Galra base, so of course it was Galra! He was so stupid! "What the hell?! This wasn't our deal!" Lance yelled, his voice surprisingly intact considering how long it's been since he last spoke.
"Yes it was. To make you great, to make you more chill. We're so nearly there Lance, just stay chill."
"I am not chill! This is not what I wanted!-"
"I thought I taught you better about selfishness." Lance could hear a distant roar of the monster in the back of his head beginning to fight against the restraints the being used to silence it, threatening Lance, who flinched at the bone-rattling screech.
"T - To hell with selfishness! If being great means discarding others- I refuse! If forever being the loser means my friends get to live then I'm happy with that!"
"You're too late Lance." The shackles holding the monster broke at the being's order, and it immediately pounced on Lance, darkness swallowing him. "I'm sorry it turned out this way. But it has to be done."
"At least I can die trying." Lance found some strength left in him, grabbing ahold of the glowing threads of his and Blue's quintessence, pulling himself through the darkness, using the glow of the quintessence to light the way. "I will save them at any cost!" He cried out as he pushed forward towards the light with a final cry, Blue's roars encouraging him.
Light blinded his eyes and it took him a while to adjust, the sounds of his teammates struggling starting to filter in, his surroundings becoming more clear. He was in control again- but he didn't know for how long. Now wasn't the time, but Lance wanted to burst into tears of happiness hearing his friends' voices, feeling things, seeing things. Pushing aside his overflowing emotions, Lance was forced back into fighter mode, gunning down the masses of fighters alongside his team mates.
"You're too late Lance. Everyone will die at our hands." The being cackled.
Lance gritted his teeth in anguish, he wanted to be stronger and save them, but he can't. He hadn't changed at all, he was still weak. The other Lance would be so much better. But the other Lance was working for the Galra, he had been played all along. What could he do?
"You're on your own Lance. You made this decision."
Of course he's on his own. Lance has always been on his own. It isn't anything new.
'Think Lance!' They had to have had a greater plan, what did the being mean by dying and being revived? Lance knew very well that the being meant Lance was to die when carrying out the plan- but how and why? Why was it that Lance dying would be so important?
"Lance! A little cover over here please!" Keith's irritated huff pulled Lance out his thoughts.
"Right. On it." Lance sped towards the red paladin, who was sharing a pod with Shiro, of course.
"Guys, group up! We have to retreat! We can get protection at the castle and get the lions!" Shiro ordered, the others all agreeing and obeying their leader.
"Tick tock! The time is soon Lance! You're only prolonging your death! I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself if you do a good job!"
"Stick together guys!" Shiro continued to bark out to the others, a reliable calmness amongst the panic of the fight.
Then it suddenly hit Lance. Time. A bomb- Lance was a bomb. The other Lance had to be assured that they would trust him and accept him, only to blow it up from the inside, which would cause he rest of Voltron to cave in. Lance was to be the end of Voltron. And no way would he ever let that happen to his team mates.
"Why did you trust me?" Lance laughed wetly, mostly to himself.
"Did you say something Lance?" Pidge asked, Lance shaking his head, not that they could see.
"We keep going no matter what, right Shiro?" Lance checked, Shiro confirming. "Good."
"Lance?" Hunk called quietly, his voice small and afraid.
"I... I'm sorry."
Turning off his comms before the others could erupt into chaos, Lance pulled back from the team, pivoting and speeding full throttle towards the Galra fighter ships. Lance hoped that if he didn't look back, the others wouldn't either. He danced around the lasers fired his way- but he could not evade them all and as expected, he took a hefty amount of damage. Nonetheless, he kept his course forward, praying he was far enough from the others.
"No!" The being shrilled, Lance almost letting go of the controls- but he had to keep going, he had to put as much distance between him and the others as possible, as he had been doing in his mind for the past 7 months. His head felt like it was being smashed in from both sides, as if his head was about to implode, his vision swimming, his body screeching in agony and Lance was sure he was screaming too though only because his throat was burning- he could barely hear anything over the sound of Lance's pounding heart. He braced himself as the pod rattled again, another laser slamming into the side. In the swarm of Galra attackers; Lance was sure he was in the epicentre of it.
Through red vision Lance pressed the button for extra power, forcing his way to the front of the swarm, luring the ships to follow him away from the others. Like wild predators, the ships targeted the lone pod. With tremoring hands, Lance managed to unbuckle himself from the pod and staggered to the eject button. Suddenly Lance was thrown out into space, not close enough to the planet to be pulled down from gravity. Lance could only pray he wouldn't get shot, but he knows he doesn't really have the best of luck.
Lance cried out as he felt a laser scorching his shoulder, then everything went to white and Lance felt an indescribably intense pain in his head as a great force ripped his body (well that's what it felt like), his body shoved forward as the pod behind him burst to great flames. Some time later; Lance remembered falling, wind from his speed whipping all around him, his lungs feeling like they were going to burst and Lance could make out the surface of the planet and a crack in his visor that was probably why Lance couldn't get enough oxygen. How long has he been falling to be able to black out and somewhat come back around? In his dreary state, he somehow manages to briefly switch on his jet-pack, he can vaguely feel it spluttering helplessly to life on his back. He shuts his eyes and focuses on holding the button for three seconds then letting go for three seconds. Time drags on and the three seconds of free falling increases to six.
Then nine.
Lance tiredly cracks an eye open to see a vast sparkling sea of blue below him, tranquil and inviting.
He falls into the world of dreams in which all was blue, fading to black.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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ijuswannawriteright · 6 years
Excerpt from a short story I’m working on
THE NIGEL ROTHMOORE ACCOUNTS                            
Today is a good day. Tonight, is going to be better. Jen from accounting agreed to go out with me. Pulling open a desk drawer, I take out my cell phone to read Jen’s reply one last time before I pick her up. We’ll be going to The Brass Tap, a local bar not far from headquarters, where more than a few of us have drinks after work. This is the first time I’ll be taking a date.
I’m a field agent at the Miami branch of the F.B.I. When I tell people what I do for a living, the first thing they think of is shows like 24, Quantico, or the blacklist. I want to punch dumbasses in the mouth when they make the comparison. There is a lot of legwork involved, but just as much paperwork, and I’d rather have a cold beer in my hand versus a ballpoint.
Yes, Nigel, I’d love to go out for drinks. Pick me up in front of the building after work. See ya soon. J. 😊
Butterflies flutter in my stomach when I think of her. She’s a sexy, intelligent, five-foot-nine, thick in all the right places, brown-skinned beauty, with legs for days. I watched her for about three months before I made my first introduction. She’s the life of the party, and a beast on Karaoke night, but I wanted to know if she was more than that. I feel the electricity from our first handshake even now. Over the last few months, we’ve talked while hanging out with the group, even flirting a little. Still, it took me all this time to ask her out. Tonight, I’ll need my A, B, and C game.
I rock from a swoon. Yes, I know it’s not a masculine gesture, but I’ve been trying to get up the nerve to ask Jen out for so long, I was beginning to think I never would. She has turned down every guy in my division, and a couple of unstable relationships in my past had me a little gun shy.
Why am I surprised she said yes? I have a great deal to offer. I’m employed, I have a master’s in business, did six years in the military, and have no kids. I own five condos downtown, so I have a fallback plan when I’m done at the agency, and I work out two hours every morning before work. I’m six-foot-six, clean shaven, even on my head, and I practice a Vegan lifestyle. I am literally the poster child for tall, dark, and handsome, I just hope Jen thinks so.
Stirring with imaginings of this evening’s possibilities, my mind wanders. Jen’s closed The Tap down a few times, but she always left alone. I never knew if I should feel sorry for her, or jealous of who she might be going home to. If all goes well, the future might have her coming to my place for a nightcap, and then who knows.
I slide my phone back into the drawer and close it. We’re allowed to have cell phones, but we can’t use them during business hours, so I keep it on silent. I work in a high-security branch of the building, and it has its own encrypted satellite phones and intranet. We are told it’s to keep the temptation for espionage to a minimum, but we all text back and forth anyway.
Trying to remember the last date I’d gone on; eight years comes to mind. I prickle a little. One, because it’s been that long, and two because the date had been a disaster. A flash of heat warms me. I’ve gone out in groups during these last few years, yeah, and I’ve socialized with ladies in a workplace setting, but no more one-on-ones since Taliyah.
I’d thought office romance was a bad Idea before I did it, now I know it is. Taliyah and I were getting to be good friends when we went out eight years ago. I made my intentions clear in the beginning, but she wanted more. I didn’t, and I slept with her anyway. It was a terrible mistake, looking back, and I’ve regretted it since. The few times I’ve run into her in the halls or got trapped with her on the elevator have been awkward, but with all my efforts to apologize, she still won’t talk to me.
I swore I’d never go out with anyone from the workplace again, and I haven’t wanted to until now. A chill spiked in my bones. The thought of getting hurt unsettles me, but the dread of hurting someone else scares me more. I don’t want to over analyze it, but it did feel good to be attracted to a fantastic woman like Jen. I can only hope she’ll come to feel the same about me.
Being on my own for so long, I’ve gotten used to it. I find comfort in late work days and solitary nights. Somehow, not wanting to date at work trickled into me not dating at all.
So off in my head, I don’t hear anyone enter my office.
“What a day, huh?" A low voice wafts just inside my doorway.
My eyes bobble. It’s John Chambers, the agency’s top interrogator. He’s the guy that gets viable intel from detainees. He has an impressive 100% success record and is known for using his methods of persuasion on his peers. Getting a confession from a detainee was one thing, using them to take a man’s paycheck in our weekly poker games was another.
I hate him and am taken aback by his stature every time I see him. Wafer thin, his pasty white skin is a contrast to his black, stringy hair. You’d think, for what he does, he’d be larger. With a 197 I.Q., I guess you don’t have to be.
I pick up my pen and begin to sign the last of my documents, not acknowledging John, in hopes he’ll go away. No such luck. John looms, his presence sucking the life from the room. In a contest of strength, John would be no match for me, but he knows how to get into your head. In that aspect, he’s formidable.
I shuffle papers around, fighting the urge to bang my fist on the desk and shoo him like the pest he is. It isn’t only me. John’s ruffled a lot of feathers around here. To make matters worse, he’s our boss.
“Niiiiigel.” John sing-songs.
I ignore him, electing to count the seconds ticking off the clock on my desk. My shift is almost over, and the sound of John’s voice can’t mean good news. The ire in me brews. He wants a favor, I can feel it, and John doesn’t take no for an answer.
“Niiiiigel.” John sing-songs again, this time his voice an octave higher.
I look over at him, now plopped comfortably in the chair on the other side of my desk.
“Jeez, how do you find anything in this swamp?” He asks, lifting corners of file folders with a pen. “Am I safe? Do I need a hazmat suit?”
My organizational skills might be haphazard, but every “i” was dotted, and every “t” was crossed. Not even John’s snide remark can ruin my mood, but a sudden stone sinking feeling says otherwise. Please, don’t let this be some last-minute bullshit assignment. If I say yes, I’ll miss my chance with Jen, If I say no, I’ll be in John’s cross-hairs—more than I already am.
"What do you want?" I ask, signing the last form of the evening.
"Is it that obvious?" John says, looking disappointed.
I pretend to search for some papers so I can get another peek at my cell tucked away in the drawer. I’d left the text open. Jen’s message is still there.
"Hell yeah,” I say, trying to hide the blush of excitement that has nothing to do with John. “I've known you for ten years, worked for you for seven. Every time you want me to do something you don't want to do, you open with a random question followed by huh. What a day huh? How about that weather huh? That was a close one huh?" I mock.
John laughs, "ya got me. Guilty as charged." He makes frantic waving motions with his hands. "I didn't know I had a tell. Thanks for the heads-up, buddy."
Opting not to react to his “buddy” crack, I look at my clock instead. One minute more, and I’m free to leave. Each click of the second hand is like a step closer to the exit door—closer to Jen. I’m no fool, John wants something, and I can’t help the curiosity building in me. Still, no matter what he says, I’m not breaking this date.
The final minute clicked into place, the clock hands pointing the way to freedom.
“Six o’clock, time to go.”
Snatching up my phone, I amble to a coat rack by the door. I slip on my jacket, slide my phone in one pocket, and pull my keys out of another.
"Since you asked,” John says.
“I didn’t ask you anything.”
“Yes, you did,” John playfully spun the chair around, revolving three times before stopping to face me. "When I sat down, you asked what I wanted.”
“I was being polite.”
“Nevertheless, you asked.”
My shoulders slump. Go’dammit! He’s about to pull rank.
“What I want… What I need—" John corrected, "—is for you to go down to interrogation and re-read those witness statements from the bombing this morning."
That’s part of your job ass hat, I screamed, but only in my head. John isn’t the kind of man you want for an enemy. But I can’t bite back the disgusted sigh forcing its way up my throat. Breaking his jaw was my first impulse, but I go with diplomacy instead.
"I'd love to boss, but I'm off as of right now," I check my watch. Shit, five minutes late. “I’d be happy to do it tomorrow.”
"I see," John says, a malevolent note in his tone, "so then I can assume the After-Action Report on today's events is finished? You are the lead investigator...riiight?"
When John feels the need to exert his control, he cuts into you with his beady, bloodshot eyes, and gives a long drawn out, “riiight” at the end of his sentence. As tall as I am, I feel four-and-half feet shorter. There’s no way I’m getting out of this but seeing Jen this evening is enough to make me try.
"I’ll do it in the morning, just like I have for the last seven years."
"Not tonight," John's bouncy demeanor turns professional, "Top brass wants it done before we leave."
“You know I hate writing After Action Reports at the end of my shift. I like to step away, go home, have a drink, relax, and do it the following day.”
A sinister grin blossoms on John’s face.
"I could do it for you,” John says, “if…"
"If I read the witness statements.”
“That’s riiight.”
Spinning my keys around on my finger, I consider his offer. I need a way out—one that doesn’t have me here longer than necessary. I must stay calm, but damn it, if he says that riiight crap one more time... It wrenches me like a wrung-out rag. My face scrunches every time he does it. He must know it bothers me—I guess I have a tell too.
“How about this, let me go, and I’ll do’em both in the morning?”
My elevated voice spills out into the hallway, momentarily pausing a few passer-byes. That was not my intention, but the idea of missing my chance with Jen has me wound up.
John looks at me—calm, sitting one leg crossed over the other.
“I kinda need it done tonight though.” He says, with his eyes drooped and his mouth pouted.
I drop my head, defeated. Being late is bad enough, now I’m going to have to cancel. My brow furrows and lips purse. He has me on the ropes, with my hands down at my sides. I’ll call Jen and see if she is open to a late dinner afterward. Maybe I can spin it on some romantic, moonlight rendezvous, something or another. She should like that.
"Fine John, I'll read the freakin' statements," I jerk my jacket from my body, almost stabbing the hook through the collar as I hung it back on the coat rack. Rumbling to my seat, I flop down hard, with a huff. "But if I do this for you,” I continue, “you're doing that damned A. A. R. for me."
"Deal," John says, voice full of excitement as he catapults from the chair. Scurrying out of my office, he finishes with, "there's only about ninety, to 100 statements."
"Ninety, to 100?" I say, my voice echoing back at me,” that’s going to take all night.”
"Nah… shouldn’t take you more than seven or eight hours tops," John says, his voice trailing off as he makes his way down the hallway, "I’m out of here, see you in the morning."
"Out of here?" Damn near climbing over my desk to get to my office threshold, I topple file folders and knick-knacks to the floor. “You said you needed everything done tonight?” Confusion mixes with my already boiling blood. "What about the A. A. R.?"
"Already done it," John says behind a wave, skipping down the corridor, his back still turned, humming aloud.
That dirty mother—he played me. I step back into my office and begin to pick up the scattered items from the floor. As I do, I try to find the best way to apologize to Jen. A good five minutes passed before I had the perfect plan. It’s worth a shot, I’ll give her a call.
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Legit writing a College AU thing based on Spongebob the Musical if anyone is at all interested in reading it
I have an unedited preview for anyone who’s interested I just wanna make sure everyone’s not totally OOC
EDIT: I’m going to bed so I’m putting the preview under the cut feel free to read and tell me what you think bare in mind these are the very first few snippets of scenes and they aren’t edited at all yet.
The absolute last thing Edward wanted was to move into a three bed dorm. He was having enough difficulty in his two person room. Though, to be fair, a lot of that had to do with his roommate, who he honestly, truly loved until the third day of Frosh week, but that was another matter in and of itself. Long story short: don’t room with your high school boyfriend in college.
Lugging everything he had with him in eight duffle bags, he dragged himself across the floor to his new room. He swore he could still hear William laughing at him with each inch he shuffled away. He hated college. But he couldn’t just up and audition for the Bikini Bottom orchestra and start his career now, he needed that bachelor’s of music. It was the only thing keeping him from dropping out.
Finally, finally, finally, after what felt like decades, he found the dorm. 1698. A far cry from 1617, but as far as he was concerned, the farther away from William the better.
An excruciatingly tired arm reached up to knock on the door. To his surprise, the man on the other side was a good foot shorter than him. “Hiya!” he beamed, big bright blue eyes shining up at the man that was to be his new roommate. “You must be Edward! I’m Bobby, and that’s Patrick!” he thrusted an arm towards the larger fellow sitting on the bottom bunk, eating a bag of potato chips who gave a smile and wave upon hearing his name. Edward opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by the strawberry blonde in the doorway gasping “Oh where are my manners? Look at all those bags! Let me take some for you.”
And he did, before Edward had a chance to protest. Following the shorter man into the room, he listened as Bobby continued to ramble “Our last roommate had the spare bed, and Patrick and I are just so comfortable in the bunks that we figured we’d just stay there and leave the spare to you. I hope that’s alright.”
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Edward replied quietly, almost distantly. Better than fine, actually. He’d expected to be delegated to top bunk. Not having to use the top bunk at all? Well, that he could get used to. “What happened to your last roommate, anyhow?” he asked, in an attempt to make light conversation as he began the unpacking process.
“Dropped out.” The other one….Patrick?...answered curtly.
“Ah.” was Edward’s only response.
Wanting to get to know his new roommate - whom he was sure was going to be his new best friend - Bobby questioned “Are you a first year? What’s your major?”
“Yeah, yeah, first year. Music major.” Edward’s mind was elsewhere, not that Bobby could tell.
“Music?!? What instrument do you play?? Are you part of the pep band?? If we go to the games can we cheer you on?? You know I wanted to be the mascot but they told me I was too short…”
Patrick put his headphones in order to finish watching the next episode of Mermaid Man on Netflix. He loved Bobby, but he was glad that he found someone else to talk to for a minute or two.
The campus only had one restaurant where they allowed students to work, and Eugene Krabs was the first to ever be promoted all the way up to manager. And the pay raised helped, although it did put another strain on his friendship with Sheldon, who’d quit as soon as he heard the news. Sheldon used to be his best friend, but with so much else going on…
...of course, he hadn’t told him what was going on. How could he? Sheldon had been his very best friend in life, but the news had rattled Eugene to his very core. He didn’t need his best friend getting it all second hand. It didn’t effect Sheldon, anyway. (Well, other than his quitting. But he had always been a sore loser.)
But with the new responsibilities that came with being the manager, he’d had to switch from full time student to part time student. Which was fine by him. Less tuition fees, more money for his pocket. And boy oh boy, did he love the sound of having more money is his pocket.
Eugene was shaken out of his thoughts with the happy cry of “Good morning, Mr. Krabs!”
“Bobby, how many time do I have to remind ya? Ya can call me Eugene. I’m only three years older than ya.”
With a defiant shake of his head, he replied “No sir, Mr. Krabs! You’re in a position of authority and deserve to be addressed as such!”
There was no changing this boy’s mind. In an odd way, he sort of respected that about him. “Hurry up and wash your hands, we’re opening soon.”
“Mr. Krabs?” Bobby asked as he turned the faucet on. “Are we still hiring for a new cashier?”
“Aye…” uh oh. He’d met Bobby’s friend Patrick, and as far as he knew, Patrick was just about the boy’s only friend. And he was absolutely not hiring that slob to come work here.
There was a pause as the faucet shut on and sound of paper towel being ripped to dry hands was heard before Bobby’s voice again “Patrick and I got a new roommate, ya see, and he’s really looking for something to do outside of band practice. So I thought, maybe, you could possibly give him an interview?”
Eugene sighed, but found himself nodding his head. At least it wasn’t Patrick. But it would never be Sheldon. Sure, the boy was a bit...off...but he had a better work ethic of anyone he knew. Eugene wondered that if maybe he just told him that he took the manager position because...well...he knocked his girlfriend up, there was a baby on the way...he’d forgive him and come back. But he also knew Sheldon could hold a grudge longer than anyone, no matter what the circumstance.
Tap. Tap. Tap tap tap tap.
The only sound that could be heard from her dorm was her fingers flying across the keyboard. The essay wasn’t due for another two weeks, but she was determined to get it done today. She knew her sources were all cited correctly, at this point all that stood between Karen and the editing stage was her conclusion paragraph.
Her eyes did tear away from the computer screen for a brief moment when she saw another missed call from Sheldon. Alongside 18 unread text messages and the two voicemails he’d left. Couldn’t he tell she was busy?
She went back to typing out the sentence, but only got seven words done before a knock on her door made her jump. “God, don't scare me like that.” she chastised as she opened the door for her boyfriend to come in.
A smirk took over his features as he responded, automatically “I'm actually not a god, but I can see why you were confused.”
“Shut up, Sheldon.” She deadpanned, leaving him in the doorway as she returned to her essay. Just a few more sentences and she'd be done with the construction of the essay.
Normally, constructing a few sentences to close an essay would take her no time at all. That being said, she normally didn't have her boyfriends hands on her shoulders, rubbing them lovingly as he countered “You know, I wouldn't have scared you if you had answered your phone.”
“I’m busy.” Karen replied back in her best monotone, trying to not to let the sensation of his fingers digging into her show any effect. “Working on this essay.”
“Always busy, always working…” he moved, suddenly, she realized, as she could feel the warmth of his lips against her earlobe as he offered “...you need to relax, Karen.”
This was exactly why she didn’t want a relationship. All she wanted was to focus on her studies, graduate top of her class. She didn’t want distractions, which is exactly what he was. A very attractive, very sexy distraction, and a distraction who she could talk at lengths with and not feel bored with the conversation, but a distraction nonetheless. Then again, it wasn’t like she went out in search of a relationship when she’d met Sheldon. He found her. And things were almost too good to be true, as far as college boyfriends go. She would’ve been an idiot to say no.
There was a hiccup in her tense, monotonous exterior as his lips left her ear and began slowly suckling their way down her neck. She could feel his goddamn smirk against her neck as she let out a loud moan. “Fiiiiiiiine, what did you want to to talk about so badly that it couldn’t wait until I was finished?”
38 notes · View notes
sairyn-noc · 7 years
A Fork in the Road
Written for @accol-fics
Harvey didn’t believe in fate. No, he believed in hard work, a strong will, and the balls to do whatever it took to win. That was all the fate he needed. But life has a way of teaching you lessons and proving to you that sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you fight, there are some battles you just can’t win. If someone would have told him that his quick decision to hire some kid off the street seven years ago to be his associate would lead him here, to this, he probably wouldn’t have believed them. Over the years, Harvey battled the various emotions that threatened to consume him when it came to Mike, but it was no use. He still found his way here- watching the man he loved say goodbye.
It wasn’t supposed to happen- not like this. Truth be told, not at all. Love was for fools who didn’t know any better. And Harvey was no fool, at least he didn’t think he was. But that was before. Now, Harvey wasn’t sure. He stared out of the window of his office having slipped out of the party easily, a tumbler in his grasp. The grey skies reflected his mood. In a few hours the city would be covered in snow, the streets empty and cold. Yes, it was a perfect day for clouds. Because soon there would be no sun, no heat, no Mike.
Finish on AO3
Harvey raised the glass to his lips and swallowed greedily, trying to force down the emotions threatening to overload his consciousness. He closed his eyes and willed himself not to go there; not to relive every smile, every laugh, every moment Mike and he spent together. But it was no use. Seven years was a long time, and yet it went by in the blink of an eye. And just like every movie Harvey loved, his mind went back in time to the beginning- the day a very young ‘Rick Sorkin’ dropped a briefcase of weed at his feet. The memory made him chuckle.
Harvey could still recall how much Mike impressed him that day. So much so Harvey did the unspeakable, he hired him. That wasn’t fate; that was just good business. And besides, it worked.
While the first year was an experiment in “what can we get away with”, the second was filled with secrets, compromises and blackmail. It also brought the first inkling that maybe there was something more than just a defiant streak that had him fighting to keep Mike at his side if defying Jessica’s order to fire Mike was any indication. Sure, he had told himself at the time it was because Mike was valuable to the firm, but looking back, he could easily see it was because of something else; something he couldn’t name that made him resist Mike leaving. Little did he know that following year would be the beginning of the end. That was the year he told Rachel the truth.
Oh sure, Harvey was supportive. Why wouldn’t he be? He had plenty of people willing to warm his bed. What did he care if Mike risked everything over Rachel? Apparently, with hindsight being 20-20, he did. How else could he explain the rage over losing Mike to become an investment banker, leaving Harvey’s side? Or better still, the relief of him coming back- where he belonged, his mind ad-libbed. But nothing was more telling than the last year.
It nearly broke Harvey to watch Mike walk through the gates of Danbury- their secret no longer hidden in the shadows. Harvey believed watching Mike get tried, convicted and sentenced to jail, was the lowest point in his life. And then, when he was released, when he was back and tangible and free, Harvey ignored the twist in his gut as he watched him run into Rachel’s arms. It was enough, he told himself; just to have him free was enough. But with each passing day, it got harder. Instead of Mike following him, it was him chasing after Mike. For all of his bluster and confidence, Harvey was a walking, talking, exposed live nerve- and Mike was the spark of electricity. He spent the last year trying to find the solution to his own personal Kobayashi Maru- his very own doomsday scenario. No matter what he did, it didn’t stop his descent into madness, and it definitely didn’t prevent this day from coming. A soft voice interrupted his thoughts.
“I thought I would find you in here.”
Harvey looked to see Donna standing against the door jamb.
“Just needed a break.”
“Hmm, I see, she said walking into the office to stand next to him. “You know if you need company…” Her voice tapered off and Harvey heard the concern or was it fear, beneath the statement.
That was the last thing he wanted. They still hadn’t talked about that damn kiss. Nor did he want too. But apparently, the shit storm that was his life was intent on making another visit.
“Donna can we just not… do this right now?”
“Yeah,” she murmured, disappointment lacing her answer. She headed towards the door.
Shit, he thought. “Donna wait.”
She stopped, her back still to him. He watched her stiffen, bracing herself, before turning around to face him.
“I get it, Harvey,” she said firmly.
“No, you don't” he sighed.
She pegged him with her signature ‘don’t be an idiot’ look. “Yeah, I do. Don’t forget, I know you better than anyone.”
He looked away as if he could prevent her from seeing a truth he hadn’t even acknowledged yet.
“That night I kissed you, I thought that … Well, I had hoped that maybe now, now that…”
Harvey did not want to talk about this. Not. At. All. He gulped the rest of his drink down and slammed his glass on his desk. Balling his hand up into a fist, Harvey did the one thing he knew he did best; disguised his discomfort in anger.
“You thought what, Donna? That after all this time, you would just waltz in here, kiss me and we would fall into some stupid fantasy you’ve been carrying around for years?” His words were biting, and he saw her flinch more than once, but he couldn’t stop.
“What the hell were you thinking? We’ve been friends too long…”
“Yes. Harvey,” she cut in. “Friends. And for years I have watched you run away, ignore and avoid the glaringly obvious truth you seemed incapable of acknowledging. Talk about the elephant in the room! Everyone could see it, everyone except you and possibly…”
“Don’t,” he warned, his voice a controlled whisper.
“Don’t what Harvey? Speak the truth? Well, too bad,” she hissed in return.
Donna stalked closer to him, her finger pointed at his chest.
“I spent years wondering if I made the wrong decision that morning, I kicked you out of my apartment with a smile and a promise that we would never share a bed again. But I got my answer, the night I kissed you. Because even then, despite all that has happened, everything that is happening now, I could tell you were wishing you were kissing someone else.”
She startled at his abrupt outburst, stopping her tirade. They stared at each other silently for a moment, before she schooled her features into a mask of indifference, then turned to walk out. She paused at the door before turning back to face him once again.  
“At least I got my answer,” she said flippantly. “…yours is downstairs, getting ready to leave to go and marry someone else.” With that parting shot, she left.
Harvey released the breath he had been holding and slumped into his chair. He would like to believe that her words didn’t affect him, but he refused to lie to himself. Not anymore and especially not tonight. Harvey was in love. He hadn’t expected it, didn’t want it, in fact, he fought it at every turn. But there was no more denying it. Harvey wanted someone.
Someone he couldn’t have.
Someone who was in love with another.
Someone who was downstairs that very moment.
Someone who was Mike Ross. And Harvey never had the balls to tell him.
But I got my answer. Donna’s words ran through his head on a loop. Harvey thought of all the moments, all the wasted opportunities to say something, anything, but didn’t.  How could he be- when up until recently, he couldn’t even admit it to himself. Him. In love. With a guy. Never saw that coming, he mused silently. That’s not to say, Harvey had never been with a man. Back at Harvard, Harvey was known for being a switch hitter. He just never saw himself entertaining the thought of settling down with another man. But here he was, wanting just that.
Too bad it’s too late, the voice, which sounded suspiciously like Donna’s, rang in his head.
Harvey got up and poured another two fingers, intending on drinking enough to drown away his traitorous thoughts and forget about the man downstairs who soon would be another memory. Sure, Mike had told them that nothing would change. But they both knew it was a lie. Everything would change. How could it not? New life, new wife, before long a family. No. He wouldn’t, he couldn’t stand by and torture himself like that on a daily basis. It was best to cut the tie now. He had his chance- and he didn’t take it. He lifted the glass once again, surprised to find it empty. Harvey was about to refill it when Mike’s voice filtered into the room.
Harvey looked up to see his office door once again occupied. Mike stood there in his crumpled suit pants, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up and eyes a little too bright. Apparently, Harvey wasn’t the only one who may or may not have had a glass or two too many.
“I looked around and you were gone. What ya doing up here?”
“What do you think I’m doing. I’m working,” Harvey answered dismissively.
Of course, Mike didn’t take the cue. “Huh. Really? Cause from where I am standing it looks like you’re avoiding a very good party.”
“Then you’re standing in the wrong spot,” he tried again.
Mike walked across the threshold and grabbed a clean glass- holding it out. Defeated, Harvey poured them both a drink. Mike took a sip and sat on the couch.
“I saw Donna a little bit ago. She was leaving, kept saying something about needing her beauty sleep.”
Harvey stayed silent.
“I take it things aren’t going so well between you two.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Harvey deflected.
“Really. Considering just a few weeks ago she came to me hinting around about taking a chance and needing to find answers. It seemed like you two were finally getting together.”
“Donna and I are friends,” Harvey groaned.
“Friends. I have lots of friends…” Mike began.
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do and don’t interrupt. Like I was saying. I have lots of friends, but I don’t go around kissing them in my office.”
Harvey felt a warm blush creep up his neck. He had no idea that his and Donna’s little ‘tête à tête’ was witnessed by anyone. Especially not Mike.
“Well, then maybe you’re doing it wrong.”
“What? Kissing in my office or kissing my friends?” Mike smirked.
“Both,” Harvey answered, barely suppressing a sigh.
“I’ll keep that in mind for future use. But seriously, Harvey. What is going on with you? Did you guys fight?”
“Mike,” Harvey sighed. “I told you a long time ago, Donna and I had our time. But it wasn’t meant to be. I love her, I will always love her. But not like that.”
Mike took a sip and cocked his head to the side- appearing to mull Harvey’s statement over in his head.
“Meant to be? Does the great Harvey Specter believe in destiny?” he chuckled lightly.
“Harvey Specter believes in Harvey Specter.”
“Yeah, yeah. So, tell me this then, counselor. Why then did I witness the two of you making out.”
“I had no idea you were a voyeur, Mike,” Harvey countered.
The banter felt good, felt right. The ground beneath his feet for the moment was steady, despite the topic.
“Are you going to answer my question?” Mike asked, unwilling to be swayed.
Harvey looked at his once protege. Gone was the shy kid whose off-the-rack suits hung disproportionately off his once-wiry frame. No, the man before him now was confident, polished, and something he never saw coming. There was also something else- a fierce determination even more apparent at his insistence surrounding his question.
“Is this why you left your party? To come try out your interrogation skills with me? Which, I may add, are abysmal,” Harvey fake admonished.
“Hey, my skills are top notch. Louis taught me everything I needed to know.”
“Oh, Louis did, did he? No wonder you suck at it,” Harvey laughed.
“Look Mike, this is your night. Go down there and enjoy your party, enjoy your fiancée, enjoy your life. You don’t need to worry about me. Donna and I just had a misunderstanding. We will be fine. We always are.”
“Are you sending me away, Specter?”
“I could never send you away,” he breathed. If only he could.
The weight of his statement hung between them. Mikes eyes flickered briefly, and Harvey wondered if Mike could somehow read his thoughts and feelings beneath the words.
“Good,” Mike stated before rising. “Because I don’t want to go,” he added. The words were soft as if they slipped out without conscious thought.  
Mike caught Harvey’s eyes briefly and for a moment they blazed with the same heat and intensity as Donna’s had earlier. Then he was walking out of the office into the hall.
Harvey’s heart and brain waged battle in the seconds that ticked by. His brain reminded him that Mike was a taken man; while his heart screamed at him to not waste what could be his last chance.
“Mike,” Harvey called out, jumping up quickly from his chair.
Mike, already in front of the elevators, turned to look at him.
“You free tomorrow? Movie marathon? See if you’ve learned anything over the last seven years.”
“You’re on,” Mike grinned. “Prepared to be slayed, Specter.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Harvey smiled in return.
In the battle between his heart and his brain, Harvey couldn’t tell if either truly won that round. Technically, it wasn’t as if he professed his love to Mike. But it was something- wasn’t it? Either way, Harvey would enjoy tomorrow. Yes, he was avoiding the inevitable, but for one more day, he could pretend it was just the two of them against the world.  
Morning came too soon for Harvey. In fact, when he was awakened by the pounding at his door. He was just in the middle of a dream that had him standing in the middle of nowhere. Three roads fanned out before him. The one to his left was bathed in warm sunset hues. On it stood a group of those people and things long past. His parents, an abandoned baseball field, a younger version of himself when he was Assistant DA, Jessica, Scottie, Zoe, Donna and many more loves and lovers who he had shared his time and or bed. The middle road was bright like the midday sun. He could see occasional clouds and storms in the distance but even those had sun streaks behind them, telling him the storms were passing through. This road looked to be his present life. Images of the firm, with flashes of him in and out of a courtroom, and off to the side was a clear-cut snapshot of the moment he met Mike Ross. Behind that, were snapshots of all their adventures- the good (sneaking into Louis’ office while high), the bad (Mike being caught by Anita) and the mundane.
But it was the third path that bothered him- it was forked. One side was obscured by fog and dark skies with intermittent flashes of lightning. The other was clear, cold and desolate. The path of least resistance…. Harvey began to step towards that one. Harvey was not known for playing it safe, but walking into a storm that he couldn’t see through seemed- unwise. What kind of jackass would do that? He told his dream self. Before Harvey could take a step, the pounding on the door returned.
As his consciousness came back online, the dream faded. A quick glance at the clock told him it was three am. He rolled out of bed and padded over, ready to give a good tongue lashing to whoever was at his door. That threat died when he saw the familiar blonde messy hair through the peephole.
“I thought you had grown out of this,” he mumbled as he opened the door.
“Nope,” Mike replied, popping the ‘p’ like he used to. ” You going to let me in?”
Harvey glanced at Mike scrutinizing him. “Not until you tell me why you are on my doorstep in the middle of the night. I don’t see blood or bone. And you don’t look high or drunk…”
“You said movie marathon,” Mike answered.
“Nowhere in that statement meant at three am.”
“I wanted to get an early start?” Mike held up a six-pack of beer and a bag.
“Uh huh… Get in here.”
Harvey stepped aside so Mike could walk by. After a silent prayer to whoever was listening for strength, he closed the door to face his demons head-on. Harvey meandered to the kitchen where Mike was pulling out a couple of bottles.
“Not that I don’t appreciate the gesture,” Harvey stated as he reached out to still Mike’s hand from opening the first bottle.
“…but how about we start with some coffee, so I can stop seeing two of you, and then you can tell me why you are really here.”
Mike lifted both his hands in a gesture of surrender and headed for the couch. Within minutes, the smell of fresh roast coffee wafted throughout the kitchen. Harvey grabbed two mugs and joined Mike.
“Now you want to let me in on what’s going on?”
Mike took a sip and frowned. “Bitter.”
“I swear,” Harvey sighed, walking back to the kitchen. “When will you learn how to drink coffee like an adult?”
Harvey returned to the couch with the sugar. “Here Peter Pan. Don’t come crying to me when your teeth rot.”
“Who else am I going to come to?”
“How about your soon to be wife?” Harvey answered sarcastically.
“But she won’t treat me like you do,” Mike whined.
“I should hope not,” Harvey chuckled.
Requisite amount of sugar added, Mike took a big gulp of the steaming liquid and smiled.
“Happy now Princess?”
“Yes,” he answered easily.
“Good. Now you want to tell me why you are at my door in the middle of the night?”
Mike looked down for a moment, burying his nose in his cup. Harvey was willing to wait. It only took a moment. With a heavy sigh, Mike put down his mug and turned to face Harvey.
“Maybe I just wanted to do something that was familiar. Something that was all mine. With all of the changes at the firm, my decision to cut back and my wedding in a few weeks, I just wanted a piece of my old life. And when you brought up a movie marathon day, well, I found I wanted that more than anything at the moment.”
“I get that, Harvey replied. “But it still doesn’t answer the question why are you here now?”
“Couldn’t sleep.”
Making the decision to not push any further, Harvey changed direction.
“You want to sleep here, then get started first thing?”
Mike smiled and reached for his bag. “Thought you would never ask.”
Harvey picked up the two mugs and went to the closet to retrieve a pillow and some blankets.
“Here,” he said, throwing and effectively hitting Mike square in the chest. “You know the drill. Whoever wakes first makes pancakes.”
“I’ll take blueberry.”
“What makes you think I’ll wake first?” Harvey asked incredulously.
“In all the years you have known me, have I ever been the first to wake?”
Harvey cocked his head and sighed in fake annoyance. “Fine, blueberry. But don’t think I am letting you sleep all day.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Mike said, spreading the blankets across the length of the couch.
Harvey retreated to his room and attempted to go back to sleep. But all he could do was listen to the soft noises and rustles coming from his living room. It was maddening to know that Mike was so close and yet still a million miles away.
“Shit,” Harvey muttered into his pillow, before turning over and closing his eyes.
When he opened them again, it was to the sight of the sun streaming through his windows and the smell of bacon. He stole a quick glance at the clock- eight am. Harvey couldn’t remember the last time he saw Mike awake and alert this early without the threat of termination. He had to see this.
“I must have an intruder because I know damn well my soon to be ex-associate isn’t awake and in my kitchen making breakfast. Who are you and what have you done with Mike?”
“Funny,” Mike replied. “Have a seat. The coffee is fresh and bitter. Just the way you like it.”
Harvey grabbed a cup and sat at the counter while Mike flipped the bacon.
“So, what’s your pleasure Specter?”
Besides you? His thoughts flashed. “You making pancakes? Or should I order up something simple like eggs?”
“You can order anything you want,” Mike suggested.
And for a second, Harvey’s brain went offline. “How about chef’s choice,” Harvey managed to mumble. “I’m going to cue up today’s movie fest.”
“Sounds good,” Mike replied offhandedly before turning back to his mix.
Harvey couldn’t get a handle on his warring emotions. His brain was too busy trying to decipher and decode Mike’s strange behavior- which only got stranger. After begging to watch the Marvel movies in order, Mike was asleep before they even got to the first Captain America. Not that it mattered- Harvey still had a collection of original comics and the movies did not do them justice, but something was definitely off with his protégé.
“Mike,” Harvey nudged the man currently drooling on his leather couch.
“Hm?” a sleepy voice answered.
“Wake up.”
“I’m awake.”
“Really? Because it looks like you’re sleeping.”
“I’m not sleeping. I can tell you everything that happened.”
“Yes, I am sure you can. With your memory and all,” Harvey chided.
Mike lifted his head and stretched his arms above his head. Harvey did not, repeat, did not, look at the small patch of skin as Mike’s shirt rucked up. Instead, he stopped the film and turned to face him.
“Okay Mike. Let’s have it. What’s going on?”
“I told you, I just wanted a day for me.”
“And you have had one. Now why don’t you tell me why you are avoiding going home.”
Mike sat up and sighed loudly, “I don’t know. I mean, I love Rachel. I proposed, we set a date and then I went to jail.”
“Yes, I was there. But now you are free. You have spent the last year rebuilding your life, the life you want,” Harvey stated blandly.
“Is it?”
“Is what?”
“Is it the life I want?”
And then just like that, Harvey knew the real problem. Mike was having second thoughts. Harvey would be lying if the thought of Mike not getting married didn’t fill him with a certain sense of relief, but his better angels prevailed. So instead of pushing Mike further, he went with reassurance.
“You know Mike. What you’re feeling is normal. A lot of people have second thoughts; it’s called ‘cold feet’. You know you love Rachel and she loves you. There is nothing wrong with being happy. If anyone deserves it, it’s you.”
Mike stayed silent, his hands shuffled back and forth through his hair. Harvey recognized the gesture, Mike often did that when he was struggling with something.
“Mike,” Harvey started again. His voice a little softer. He grabbed Mike’s elbow, stopping Mike’s motion. “Mike, look at me.”
Mike turned. His eyes were wide, trusting, and a little frightened. Harvey’s mouth went dry. Once again, he had to swallow his first instinct to reach out and pull Mike into his arms. But Mike wasn’t his.
“Rookie…,” he started again. “Have I ever steered you wrong?”
“No.” Mike’s voice was small almost childlike.
“Then trust me now. You got this. You and Rachel are going to have a great life together. Promise. Now go home.”
Mike smiled and sighed with relief. Ten minutes later, Mike was packed and walking out of Harvey’s condo. And Harvey? Well, Harvey died a little.
Harvey spent the next few weeks working like a madman. His relationship with Donna was still strained and Mike was spending less and less time at the firm which was fine by Harvey. Really it was. It allowed him to drown himself in his work. Harvey spent his days trying to rebuild the firm that seemed to be on life support at every turn and at night, making sure Mike’s wedding and everything that went along with it, was perfect. That is what you do for someone you love, no matter how much it hurts. It wasn’t until two nights before the wedding that Harvey got another late-night visit.
When the pounding came, Harvey was on the couch, his bed of choice as of late. He didn’t even bother to look. He knew who was on the other side. Opening the door, Harvey watched as Mike sauntered in- eyes bloodshot, and looking a bit thinner than he last remembered.
“You look like hell,” he said as way of greeting.
“Yeah well, tossing and turning every night will do that to you,” Mike grumbled.
“I thought we cured that the last time you showed up at my place in the middle of the night.”
“So did I.”
“Okay, so coffee or alcohol?” Harvey yawned.
“Neither,” Mike countered, and plopped on the couch.
“What?” Harvey responded surprised, his brain going on full alert.
“I just want to hang here for a bit,” Mike said, as way of explaining.
“Okay. Why don’t you pick out a movie and I will put on a pot of coffee for me.”
“Harvey,” Mike huffed. Can I just crash here?”
Alarmed, Harvey sat back down. “Mike, is there something going on? Did you and Rachel have a fight?”
“What? No!” Mike quickly answered. “I just… I guess maybe I am just having another bout of nerves.”
“Nerves. Okay. Tell me then. Do you love Rachel?”
Harvey measured his next words carefully. “Are you in love with Rachel?”
This time, there was a pause before Mike answered.
“Of course.”
Harvey had built his career on reading people. Distinguishing truth from lies. And right now, Harvey knew Mike was lying. But this was not his fight, his truth to reveal; so he continued.
“Then why are you here, instead of at her side?”
Mike dropped his head. “I… I don’t know,” he admitted, his voice low and filled with emotion.
“Shouldn’t you…know?”
“What do you think I’ve been trying to do since the last time I was here?”
“I don’t know, Mike. What have you been doing?”
Mike’s eyes shone then. “Trying to figure out why this is the only place I want to come when my world isn’t right.”
“Well, I can answer that for you easily,” Harvey said trying to lighten the mood.
“You can?”
“Of course, Harvey countered. “I’m awesome.”
Mike chuckled. “And modest too.”
“It’s not bragging…”
“Yes, yes, Harvey I know, ‘if it’s true’,” Mike interrupted.
“Look Mike, I am not trying to tell you what to do. But did you ever stop to think that you are here, because you don’t want to be somewhere else?”
“That’s all I have thought about.”
“Well, don’t you think you might want to figure out what that means? Preferably before you walk down the aisle.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“No matter what, it’s going to be okay. I got your back.”
“Thanks Harvey. I mean it.”
“Anytime. So how about you try and get some sleep. I’m going back to bed.”
“I’m going to head out. I need to do some thinking.”
“You sure? It’s late.”
“I got this Harvey. Thanks.”
Mike closed the door with a thunk and Harvey dragged himself to bed.
He would’ve liked to say he went back to sleep. But every time he closed his eyes, his mind drifted back to the first night Mike had nerves and showed up at his place in the middle of the night. Images from that strange dream flashed behind his closed eyelids. What the hell was going on. Up until a few months ago, everything had been fine in Harvey’s world. Well, as fine as losing his mentor and trying to rebuild the firm and his reputation could allow. That was also before Donna decided to play whack-a-mole with their shared past. Now everything was topsy-turvy with Mike. It was like Harvey went to sleep one night and woke up in some strange alternate reality. What he wouldn’t give to wake up tomorrow and have a do-over. Harvey was supposed to be the man with all the answers. But lying in his bed after hearing Mike unknowingly confess that he wasn’t in love with Rachel left him lost. Maybe it’s a sign, he wondered. Although was it really? Maybe the absence of a sign is the sign. This is ludicrous, he told himself and turned over once again.
The morning of the wedding, Harvey woke to a myriad of texts starting just after five am. The first was from Mike, asking to meet him for breakfast. The others came from the rest of their friends, including a cryptic “WHAT DID YOU DO?”  from Donna. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to determine what had happened.  Harvey sent a quick text to Mike asking him when and where and grabbed a quick shower. An hour later, he walked through the doors of a little hole in the wall sporting a Best Breakfast 2017 award in the window. Mike was sitting in a corner booth, dressed smartly in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt; his winter coat folded (more like wadded up), next to him on the bench. The most telling sight though was the smile he was wearing. It seemed to brighten the entire room. Harvey found himself smiling in return when he caught his eye.
Harvey saw the two roads from his dream in the ten feet walk to where Mike sat. After everything they had been through, all the moments he chose the path of least resistance and kept silence, Harvey was getting one last reprieve. Maybe it was time to choose differently. Maybe there was such a thing as fate or destiny. Harvey took his seat across from Mike and ordered.
“So…” he started.
“Did you know…,” Mike interrupted, “…that the Greeks didn’t write obituaries?”
Harvey, not knowing where this was going, waited for Mike to continue.
“'They only asked one question after a man died, ‘Did he have passion?'”
“Is this what you have been doing while contemplating your future? Brushing up on the death practices of ancient civilizations?”
“Something like that,” Mike chuckled.
Their breakfast arrived shortly after and Harvey took a sip of coffee. “Are you going to tell me what happened? I mean, I can surmise that we will not be going to the church this afternoon, but the details are a little fuzzy.”
“Nothing happened, per se,” Mike began, after shoving another forkful of eggs into his mouth. “It’s just like you said. I wasn’t with Rachel because I wanted to be someplace else.”
“I assume that didn’t go over so well with her.”
Mike placed his fork down and looked at his plate. “No, not particularly. But it was still the right thing to do. I didn’t want to have the wedding only to have this same conversation weeks, months or years down the road. So yeah. She thinks I am a jerk.”
Harvey felt his heart grow with pride. Doing the right thing wasn’t always easy. Sometimes it hurt. He knew that first hand.
“Mike, I don’t think you’re a jerk. I think…” and then he stopped for a moment, the quotes finally falling into place. He wanted to laugh out loud. “I think you look like a jackass.”
Mike’s head snapped up and he smiled brightly. “And I think…you’re the shit!” he exclaimed excitedly.
“Serendipity? Didn’t think that was in your wheelhouse.” Harvey laughed.
“Why not? It’s a classic. Besides, you started it. All that talk about 'maybe you’re here because you don’t want to be somewhere else,'” Mike beamed.
He did have a point, Harvey conceded silently. If someone had told him that on the morning of Mike’s wedding, Harvey would make a life-altering choice, he would’ve laughed out loud. But sitting across from Mike at that moment, it seemed inevitable. Fate, destiny, serendipity, or whatever else was out there, waited for Harvey to make his move. Harvey took a deep breath and chose the unseen path.
“Mike, would you like to get out of here?”
“Sure. Any place you want to go?”
“No. Not really. I just know I would rather spend everyday with you than with anyone else.”
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charbax · 7 years
Recurve (3/??)
sorry for the delay!! Busy with placements and exams, but what better time to procastinate than now lmao. for that have a longer update.
Sha Lin said to dress smart casual, so Lex decides on a simple collared shirt that hides his gun, as well as chinos with pockets big enough for his badge and cuffs, leaving the hair gel sitting on the bathroom counter. ‘I’m not nervous.´ He thought to himself. ‘I’m simply…anticipatory.’
He continues his mantra as he drives to the restaurant, passing by various shops. One flowery sign catches his eye. ‘Surging with flowers’, it reads, and he quickly pulls over. A bell above him tinkles merrily when he pushes the door open. The inside looks more like an overgrown garden, with flowers spilling over shelves and hanging pots, some still planted in rich, dark soil. Despite being close to night-time, the shopkeeper only grins toothily at him, lip piercings and all. “Hi! Can I help ya?”
At first, he opens his mouth to ask where the roses were (for isn’t that what people traditionally gift to their dates?), then Fernando’s face flashes through his mind, stalk clenched in teeth. Maybe not roses, he thinks. “How do I say I love someone, but subtly?” He asks.
The florists disappears in the overgrowth for a moment, then reappears with a pot of red and white flowers blooming on long stems. “Orchids! Very fancy, but very small. Single stem or lots?”
He settles on a singular one, with several blossoms on it, and soon it is wrapped in creamy paper and handed to him with a glossy ribbon. Lex still has no idea if this was Sha Lin’s preferred flowers, or even if he likes flowers at all. That is something Lex hopes to remedy in the future.
He walks briskly into the restaurant ten minutes to seven. He glances around the reception area, taking in the honeyed lights and light chatter from the patrons, none of them being Sha Lin. Cradling the flower in one arm, Lex quickly texts him, I arrived early. Should I wait at the front of the restaurant?
He gets a reply a minute later. i already reserved a table under my name : - ) sit down ill b there soon.
Lex does so, following the waitress to a closed booth and sliding into the seat. He thanks the waitress as she fills the two glasses with water, and she promises to return when his date arrives. He settles into his seat, laying the bouquet on his side so only he can see it. Still, there’s some time before their agreed time, so Lex leans back, content to waiting it out.
Five minutes pass. Sha Lin is not here. Lex tries to keep the frown from his face as he checks his phone. No new messages since his last one. He considers texting Sha Lin, then decides against it, taking a gulp of his water.
His wristwatch strikes ten minutes past seven. His fingers tap a nervous staccato rhythm against the clothed table. The waitress passes, her face carefully set in a polite smile, but her eyes still sweep over the empty seat opposite of Lex.
Finally, when Lex has waited a total of fifteen minutes after their agreed time, Lex risks another text.
It is 7:15. Are you having problems reaching the restaurant?
It sounds a tad formal, but Lex doesn’t want to sound accusatory. He has to wait another five minutes before his phone buzzes.
sorry! ran into some trouble on the way there. will arrive soon in 5 mins tops.
But just as Lex finishes reading it, a scream pierces the air. His and everyone’s heads snaps to the windows, just in time to see people running past. An unnatural quake shake tables and dinnerware, sending some of the patrons diving underneath cover. Lex rushes outside just in time to see an explosion a few blocks away, at the base of an observation tower. It only takes him a moment to decide, then he is pulling out his phone and ringing Sha Lin as he dashes down the road.
After a few rings voice mail greets him. “Hi! This is Sha Lin. Leave your message and I’ll get back you soon.”
“It's Lex. There’s an emergency downtown. I’m afraid I would have to cancel our date.” He says. “Go home. I’ll call you when it’s safe.” He hangs up, racing ever closer to the rubble of the observation tower entrance.
His ‘meddling’ - as put by the instigator of the explosion, a mad scientist that was a fox of all things, really, what has the world come to – leads him to being stranded on top of the observational tower in the revolving restaurant, with the power gone and the criminal of the night escaping on one of his inventions. Lex had already accepted the situation and is sitting down forlornly at one of the tables, unlike the only other individual in the room, who was busy pacing back and forth, all the while glancing where he saw the lab-coat wearing fox was last.
“I can’t believe he got away!” The Desert Wind rages. “Can you believe it? Because I don’t!”
Lex stays quiet, hand on chin as he stares out the window and onto the city lights below. He wonders if Sha Lin is one of those lights, worrying himself sick as he tries again and again to call Lex’s phone, which was unfortunately destroyed in the showdown, much like a majority of the furniture of the revolving restaurant. The power generator, too, is destroyed, leaving them both in the dark, save for the glow of the city.
Luckily, over a radio that was most likely dropped from the security’s belt, his colleagues were quick to assure them that there is still enough oxygen in the room to last until emergency services could clear the gelatinous putty from the emergency stairs, or restore power to the lone elevator, whichever happened first. All they have to do was wait – something which the Desert Wind didn’t seem fond of.
“If only I had the Arrowmobile…” He moans, before Lex finally turns to the superhero.
“There’s not much we can do apart from sit and wait, so, if you please, sit and wait before I make you.”
It’s against his own etiquette speak to civilians and supers as such, but Lex had a long, disappointing day, and there is a migraine forming behind his temples.
The vigilante goes silent, eyebrows rocketing above his mask, then thankfully plants himself into the seat opposite of Lex. The off-duty police officer turns back to the window. A second later however, he hears the scape of cutlery on expensive china.
He whips back just in time to see the Desert Wind shove a forkful of untouched suizoi burrito into his mouth. “…what?” The vigilante asks.
“Seriously?” Lex asks, disbelieving. “How can you eat at a time like this?”
“With a fork?”
Lex holds his head in one hand, the feeling of incredulousness warring with the urge to snort at the joke. The Desert Wind gestures over to the covered plate with his fork. “You should eat something too, to keep your energy up.”
The pang of hunger betrays Lex, but he at least takes a moment to pretend he won’t act so unprofessionally. “I’m not going to potentially disturb the evidence from the crime scene.”
“I am and you’re not telling me off.”
“Don’t act too comfortably, there’s still some scolding in me.” It really is, but there’s no bite to his words. Funny, how fast they seemed to move on from the fact that the mad scientist still escaped by the hair of his tail. “But funnily enough, you seem to be taking this whole situation well.”
The superhero shrugged. “Actually I’m still kind of mad. But we’re stuck here, there’s some food in front of me, and I’m hungry because I was going to eat out tonight. Plus, I could be stuck with worse people.” At the last sentence, he sends a grin at Lex.
He’s right, if Lex is being honest with himself. He could be stuck outside the building instead of inside. Still, his mind keeps returning to his cancelled date, especially now, looking at the vigilante’s masked face but easy-going smile, and he can’t help but wonder what would his night have been like if there was no attack in the first place.
In fact, if the other wasn’t wearing a mask, and the stairs weren’t blocked, this…thing could’ve been easily mistakened for a date, with the food and the sights and the other man who is currently finishing the last of his ‘evidence’. ‘Does this count as a date?’ The thought makes Lex’s eyes narrow.
The superhero only tilts his head confusedly when he notices Lex’s expression, but Lex only mutters, “It’s nothing.” Silence follows his words, and they drink it in.
They stay like that until the lights flicker back on, and the radio crackles to life, informing that it was safe to use the elevators now, effectively breaking the spell.
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Don’t Forget - Sans x Gaster (Human AU)
Chapter Three - Phone Calls
Sans came into the lab at around seven fifty in the morning, much to Gaster's surprise. Early, his first two days? This was beginning to become too good to be true.
"Three sugar, two cream?" Gaster asked when Sans had set the mug of hot coffee on his desk.
"Three sugar, two cream." Sans confirmed. Gaster nodded, sipping his coffee. Sans had made it perfectly, just like yesterday. He could get used to having Sans around. His co worker yawned before going to his desk. "What are we doing today?"
"I'm not sure yet. Asgore usually comes by and tells me what I'm supposed to be doing. I suppose the goal is the same as always, so he saw no use." Gaster replied, setting the mug of coffee down and digging through papers on his messy desk.
"What's the goal?" Sans asked. Gaster looked at his assistant.
"To get to the surface." He answered. "The only way we can do it is if we have seven monster souls, but the King's child is a monster. He would never be able to take the soul of an innocent monster. I- we have to find some other way out."
Sans seemed to make an uncomfortable face. "What if we get there, and it sucks?"
"We have to try." Gaster replied. "No matter what, we have to try."
Sans nodded a little, focusing his attention to his desk. Huh. He had papers on it. Didn't have those yesterday. "I mean, it doesn't appeal to me personally, but okay."
Gaster sipped his coffee, closing his eyes. "Today, we're going to work on a machine I've been working on sporadically."
"What does it do?" Sans asked. Gaster leaned back in his chair.
"It erases any memory you want to forget." Gaster explained. "I've almost finished it. I just need a few more parts."
"Sounds a little too good to be true, dude." Sans replied skeptically.
"Anything is possible with the proper knowledge and materials to make it a reality." Gaster replied. "It has to work."
"What if it doesn't?"
"You ask too many questions." He chuckled.
Once they had started working on it, Sans sat on the sidelines beside the toolbox, passing Gaster whatever he had needed as they talked. "What do you think the surface is like?"
"Spacious, surely. Much better than this cramped little cave we live in, I would assume. Plants, animals... The kinds you've seen in books. And monsters. Probably loads of them."
"How many monster do you think there are?"
"There isn't any real way of knowing, but I'm sure if you measured the diameter of the Earth- I read in a book from the surface that it's seven thousand, nine hundred seventeen and a half miles- and then measure the amount of land there is, you could estimate about how many monsters there are up there. My guess is a few billion."
Sans blinked. "You know too much, dude."
"Screwdriver." The scientist said, holding his hand out. Sans passed him the screwdriver, resting his chin in his hand as he blew hair out of his face. "You need a haircut."
"I like it this way. It hides my face." Sans replied.
"Why would you want to hide your face?" Gaster asked. He was puzzled.
"Because I'm ugly." Sans answered.
"No, you're not." Gaster objected. Sans frowned a bit. "I saw your picture on your ID, your hair is barely covering your face in it. You're not ugly. You look fine."
"I dunno, man. I'm kinda ugly." Sans said. "Doesn't matter what you say, I'm ugly."
The scientist sighed. "Wrench."
Gaster closed the door behind him, leaning against it as he sighed. What a busy day... He loosened his tie, and kicked off his shoes before heading upstairs to his study. He sat at the desk, leaning back in his chair. The only sound in the room was his breathing and the tick of an old grandfather clock. A picture frame that sat on the desk burned holes into his soul. He turned it around. Not today.
Tick, tock, tick, tock. The clock wouldn't shut up, and Gaster was painfully aware of every second that went by. His mind screamed at him to get up. To do something. With haste, he pulled his phone out and scrolled through his contact list.
Asgore Sans Toriel
Really...? He only knew three people...? Oh, well... His finger hesitated over Sans' name, before he pressed it. He held the phone up to his ear, biting his nails. It rang a few times before there was the sound of someone picking up. "Sup?" Sans' voice came over the line. Thank God.
"I, uh..." Gaster swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "Wanted to call to say hi."
"Uh, we just saw each other not even twenty minutes ago, Gast." Sans said. Gaster could basically hear the other male's confusion as to why his boss would call him not even twenty minutes later. "But, hi."
"Hi." Gaster said. And then the call became silent.
"I'm still walking home, would it be okay if I called you back when I start making dinner?"
"Yes, of course, that is fine." Gaster replied. He tried to shove all the anxiousness in his voice down. "I will talk to you later."
"Bye, Gaster."
Click. The call ended almost as soon as it had been started. Gaster checked the call log. He had made more calls to his co worker in the past two days than he had made to Asgore last week. Three calls with Sans verses one with Asgore. The scientist frowned. This was very strange...
He kicked his shoes off (an old pair of sneakers he had pulled out of the closet once he realized wearing slippers to work wasn't all that good of an idea) and flopped onto the couch. He could hear his little brother and Undyne upstairs, probably playing with Pap's action figures and much too busy to realize the man of the house was home.
When he finally stood from the lumpy, uncomfortable couch, he walked into the kitchen. May as well start on dinner... He pulled a box of mac and cheese out of the cupboard. He didn't even need to read the directions to know exactly what he was doing. Once the pasta was in the pot, and the stove was hard at work, bringing the water to a boil, Sans pulled his cell phone out, and called Gaster back. It barely had a chance to do half a ring before the other male picked the phone up. "Hey." Sans said. He leaned against the wall.
"Hello." Gaster replied. Sans couldn't quite place the vibes the slightly older male was giving off, but he could tell his boss wasn't exactly happy, just from the tone of his voice, and the conversations they'd had throughout the day. He chose to ignore it, however. It wasn't his business, and he doubted Gaster was the type to open up like that to people who were basically strangers.
"What's up, dude?" Ah, jeez, had he really just asked one of the most brilliant people in the Underground 'what's up, dude?'? How embarrassing... Little too late to take it back, however, so he bit his tongue as his cheeks flushed pink, and prayed that Gaster wouldn't think he was weird, or something.
Thankfully, Gaster had ignored the informality of that sentence. "I'm just a bit bored, honestly." He didn't sound bored. He sounded borderline upset. Then again, he looked like the type who would attend a wedding wearing all black, or attend a funeral and be envious, wishing it was him who was getting lowered six feet under. "What, uh, what are you up to?"
The fact that his co worker was interested in what he was doing was a bit strange to Sans. They were barely even friends yet, and here they were, talking on the phone as if they had known each other for much longer than they actually had. "I'm making dinner. Mac and cheese."
Gaster felt everything in him scream to end the conversation and hang up, before he embarrassed himself, but, for whatever reason, he continued. "I'm just ordering a pizza. I don't feel like cooking tonight."
"I've never had pizza before." Sans said. The scientist could hear him laugh nervously. "Never really been financially well off enough to have pizza. Is it good?"
Gaster nodded, but then reminded himself that Sans couldn't see him. "Yes, I think so. It is my favourite food."
"You struck me more as a fancy food kind of guy. Pizza isn't all that fancy, I don't think." Sans  replied.
"Why do I strike you as a fancy food kind of guy?" Gaster asked.
"Well, I dunno. You became the Royal Scientist when I was eleven, and you looked really important, and I'd always thought important people liked fancy things." Sans said. "I suppose it's a weird mindset to have now that I'm an adult, but when I met you last week, you still gave me fancy person vibes."
Gaster opened his mouth to rebuttal, but then remembered he had a wine rack in his kitchen, and was probably going to listen to classical music while eating his pizza and drinking a glass of said wine. That felt very... Snobby. He fixed his glasses and thinned his lips into a line. "Yes, I suppose you're right." Gaster said. He heard loud sounds on Sans' end of the phone.
"Papyrus, come back here!" "You'll never catch me alive!!"
"Guys, no running and yelling in the house!" Sans had yelled. "Sorry, my brother and his friend are being loud."
"Children are usually very loud." Gaster said.
... But not quite that loud. "Guys, I'm on the phone! Keep it down!" Sans yelled. "I think I should hang up, she's got him in a head lock, and this usually doesn't end very well." Sans said. The scientist felt... concerned. He didn't know who to be more concerned about; himself, for associating with Sans, Sans, who had to deal with this, his little brother, who he didn't even know, for being in a headlock, or his brother's friend for putting him in said headlock.
"I have to call the pizza place, anyways." Gaster said. "See you at work tomorrow, Sans."
"See ya."
"Get off, get off, get off!!" Papyrus yelled, struggling. Sans came in, and broke it up, holding Undyne back.
"Alright, that's enough. Play nicely, or don't play at all." He scolded. Undyne crossed her arms.
"Well, it's not my fault he isn't tough enough." She said.
"Undyne, play nice with my brother." Sans said. He returned to the kitchen.
The pasta had boiled. He strained the water out with a strainer, put the pasta back in the pot, and added the cheese sauce. He gave a bowl of mac and cheese to his brother and Undyne, before getting a bowl for himself and going up to his room. He sighed before eating. Peace and quiet...
As soon as Gaster's pizza had arrived, he paid the delivery person, and set the box on the table. Maybe he'd skip on the classical music part and just skip to the wine... He was feeling rather self conscious now after that conversation with Sans. As the scientist ate his dinner, he kept wondering what had possessed him to make conversation with his co worker in the first place. He sipped his wine. He supposed... Sans was just very interesting, compared to his boring life. Yes, that must have been it.
((This chapter was kind of challenging to write. I just couldn't find the words for this one. Had to walk away from it a few times.
I'm hoping to update this at least once a week, but if no one reads it, I'm not so sure that would be the best use of my time. I'm working on a few things right now, so we'll see.))
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hoodiejaebum · 8 years
The Clan Chapter One: All In
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Pairing: Multifandom x Reader 
(Monsta X, Exo, Got7, BTS) 
Genre: Werewolf! AU/FIght Club! AU, Action/Angst
Word Count: 2.4k+
A/N: Good luck if you read this, idk what’s gonna happen lmao. Have fun! Masterlist is here. 
Werewolves, known as Children of the Night, have been prevalent in nearly every culture since the 1300s. They are vicious and mindless creatures. Once they latch on to an idea, a place, or a person, they are nearly unshakeable, so focused on the task at hand that they lose sight of everything else. They are single-minded to the point of recklessness, if you will.
You walked into the stadium with Kiera, your best friend, who happened to be too busy with all the testosterone coursing through the atmosphere to pay you any mind. You caught her by the sleeve as she wove her way through the crowd, trying to keep up. “Where are we even going?” you shouted over the noise. She must have heard you, because she turned back to look at you.
“WHAT?!” She shouted back. You shook your head and she continued to your seat. When you finally reached it, you were directly in front of the ring, and you could see the announcer with his microphone, standing off to the side. Peering around, you could just make out the two doors where each competitor would emerge to defend their title.
The lights went down abruptly, and everyone in the arena began to scream with anticipation. On your left, a figure, standing about 5’10”, appeared in a spotlight. He was wearing a hooded blue robe, and as it shone in the light, you could only assume it was made of silk. He walked down the aisle with his fists in the air, and the crowd went nuts. There was screaming and hooting coming from all directions, and you strained to hear as the announcer introduced him.
“Ladies and gentlemen, in the left corner, weighing in at 143 pounds and standing 5’10”, reigning MMA champion Lee Jooheon!” He pushed the hood back from his head and turned to face the audience. You could’ve sworn that—briefly—he made eye contact with you, smirked and then did a lap around the ring, his fire-engine-red hair blowing in the breeze.
“And in the right corner…” the announcer began as a spotlight drifted to the right door, and the crowd surged, “weighing in at a whopping 163 pounds and standing 5’11”, heavyweight UFC champion Son Hyunwoo!” Hyunwoo came out dressed in a gold robe, paired with gold and black basketball shorts. He pulled the hood back before he reached the stage, his smile dazzling not only you but also every other person in the room. He had short black hair, huge shoulders, and a face that could easily have been carved by angels. “That’s my brother!” your best friend slapped your arm, her face and chest swelling with pride. As Hyunwoo reached the stage, the announcer clapped him hard on the shoulder, and the lights went down. The crowd undulated, all the energy from both sides filling the room. When they came back up, both challengers were shirtless and bouncing on the balls of their feet.
The referee put his arms around both competitors’ necks, pulling them both close. “Now listen, I want a good clean fight. The rules are simple, you fight, one of you hits the floor for longer than ten seconds, your opponent wins. Good luck, gentlemen.” Hyunwoo and Jooheon tapped the gloves of their right hands together, and they took a full step back from each other as the bell dinged.
You watched in awe as Jooheon swung on Hyunwoo. His form was flawless as he turned his whole body into the punch, all the breath leaving him as his glove connected with Hyunwoo’s face. Hyunwoo reacted with a rumbling, wolf-like growl, and landed a right hook to Jooheon’s left eye, and the crowd jumped to its feet. Calls of “Kick his ass!!” and “You got this!!” filled the air around you. Your best friend was clutching her chest, and you turned back to the fight. Jooheon jumped back faster than lightning as Hyunwoo swung. His whole body lurched forward, and Jooheon took his chance. He grabbed Hyunwoo and put him in a headlock, landing three punches to his face as the ref stepped in. Jooheon released him, tossing him through the ropes and into the space between the seats and the ring. Hyunwoo had twenty seconds, you knew, to get back in the ring without being disqualified.
He scrambled back to his feet and slid underneath the ropes into the ring, a look of determination on his face. He was back on his feet in the standard fighting stance, and jabbed Jooheon again from where he stood in the ring. His form was a little sloppy and a tad slower, you noticed, but he didn’t let it keep him from trying. Jooheon landed a right hook straight to Hyunwoo’s face, then a left hook, and finally an uppercut. Hyunwoo fell to the canvas, his mouthpiece flying across the ring.
The referee dropped to Hyunwoo’s level and the crowd began counting backward from ten. Nine, eight, seven! Hyunwoo struggled to rise to his hands and knees, the seconds ticking by faster than you or anyone else could grasp. “Five, four, three,” the crowd yelled, and Hyunwoo moved to the side of the ring, trying to use the ropes to pull himself up. “Two,” the ref whispered to him and he was moving back to the center of the ring, having been reminded that he was to stand on his own or not at all. “One,” he was still struggling to find his footing. The referee tapped the floor, and helped Hyunwoo to his feet, then raised Jooheon’s hand over his head, announcing the winner of the match.
Jooheon had won in the first round, when everyone had doubted him. Even you had to admit, you weren’t expecting that from him, especially in the first round. He was outweighed and relatively inexperienced, compared to Hyunwoo. He shook hands with his competitor and let himself be congratulated by the announcer and his trainer, and he leaned over the ropes of the ring. His trainer poured water over his face and into his mouth, and he did a victory lap around the ring, stopping to lean over the ropes on the other side to yell at Kiera. You were now moving toward the ring, only a few feet from it.
“Kiera-yah, who’s your friend?” He pointed to you.
“This is Y/N” Kiera said, “Y/N, this is Jooheon.” You raised your hand in a little wave, and he smirked.
“Nice to meet ya,” he said, waving back. He looked over his shoulder to where Hyunwoo was being fussed over. “Shownu put up a hell of a fight. I’m honestly surprised I beat him. What are you guys doing after?”
Kiera glanced from you to Jooheon. “We were just gonna go eat and then I was gonna drop her off at home. Why?”
“We’re having a party, you guys should come. Bring your beautiful selves and pitch a five for booze.” Jooheon snuck a wink at you at the end of his sentence. You blushed and he smiled, taking off his gloves. 
 “We’ll be there,” Kiera grinned.
The music pumped through the whole house, blaring in your ears as you passed the kitchen with Kiera. You’d searched all the bedrooms, the bathrooms and the closets, and come up empty-handed so far. Kiera led the parade, you trailing behind her like a lost puppy. “I know he’s here somewhere!” she yelled over the music as you followed her through the back door and slammed straight into a broad chest that smelled wonderful.
“Uh, sorry—” you both began, and when you looked up, your jaw dropped. In front of you stood a blonde, muscular man, standing about 5’9” and wearing one of the biggest smiles you’d ever seen. “Oh, shit. My bad,” he said, putting his hand out to steady you and taking a step back. Kiera appeared at his elbow, grinning at you. 
“Jackson, I see you’ve met my best friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Jackson Wang. He’s kind of a tool.” She teased, and he clutched his chest dramatically.
“A tool? You wound me. I prefer the term gym rat, thank you.” He grinned, turning to you. “She’s exaggerating. I’m great.” 
“Uh-huh, so great.” Kiera rolled her eyes. “Have you seen my brother?”
“Yeah, he’s out there.” He jerked a thumb back over his shoulder. He looked kinda busy with a little blonde thing, though, if I remember right,” he said, a coy smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. “Look, I’d love to stay and chat, but I promised Namjoon I’d do another beer run. Ladies,” he nodded at you and kissed Kiera on the cheek, and was on his way. You walked out onto the patio, and sure as hell, Shownu was making out with a little blonde girl, and it seemed to be getting more intimate by the second.
He pushed her back against the wall and slipped his knee between her legs. She let out a soft moan, and Kiera cleared her throat. She walked right up and tapped him on the shoulder when the former was ineffective. “’Scuse me, Ron Jeremy. I have important shit to talk to you about. Get lost, Tinkerbell.” She jerked her chin toward the door, and Tinkerbell scoffed, walking off.
“What the fuck, Kiera? Couldn’t you see I was busy?” He noticed you behind his sister and immediately went quiet, his face going red. “Sorry you had to see that, Y/N.”
You grinned, and Kiera took over again. “Listen, fuckboy, mom and dad are coming home tonight, and you’d better not be drunk or bringing any of these little bitches home, okay?” 
“Did they say what time?” He asked, his redness deepening.
“I think mom told me midnight. It’s like, ten-thirty now.” She pulled her phone from her pocket, checking to make sure. “Yeah. It’s 10:35.” Make sure you’re home, or they’ll kill both of us.”
She turned and flounced off, her hair damn near hitting you in the face. You waved awkwardly at Shownu and followed her back in. You stopped to talk to the few people you did know and were introduced to ones you didn’t. Jackson was in the kitchen putting the beer in the fridge when you and Kiera found him again. He grinned when he turned and saw you, his eyes lighting up like a kid in a candy store. You smiled back at him, and he waved you over. “Help me put these in here,” he said, and you and Kiera jumped at the chance to help someone so beautiful put away literally anything.
While you were leaning down into the fridge to put the beer away, you heard Shownu’s voice, and turned around to face Jackson’s back. He was shielding Shownu’s view of your ass with his body. “She’s so hot,” he said to Jackson, who was still in a protective stance as you came to stand next to him. You stepped away as you realized that shit was about to get real. 
“Yeah, but you’re not entitled to her body,” Jackson growled. He was in Shownu’s face, their chests almost touching.
“I may not be entitled to her body but I promise you, she wants me,” he rumbled. “There’s no reason she’d want you anyway,” he shoved Jackson into the counter. 
As if on cue, Jooheon appeared out of nowhere, pushing the two boys apart. “Jackson, Shownu’s drunk. And honestly, you have no claim on Y/N anyway, just let it drop.”
“I have no claim on her? Your boy here has no claim on her. I’m done with this,” he said, trying to shoulder his way out of the kitchen.
“Oh no, you don’t,” Jooheon grabbed him by the back of his shirt, pulling him back. “I don’t think you understand what my man here is trying to say,” he was chest to chest with Jackson now, their faces almost touching. “You fucking half breeds are always trying to take our women. Let us have one fucking nice thing, would ya?”
“Women,” he growled, his tone dark, “are not. Fucking. Possessions!” he landed a right hook to Jooheon’s jaw. Jooheon rocked back, almost losing his footing from the force of the punch. The rage coursed through him, his whole body shaking as he regained his head. The next thing you knew, Jooheon launched himself at Jackson, breaking every single glass object on the counter, and slamming Jackson’s head against it with a sickening crack.
Blood sprayed across the kitchen floor, and Jackson regained his upper hand, pinning Jooheon to the floor with his knees and punching furiously with both hands. The sound of bare knuckles cracking against skin filled the air, and made you sick to your stomach. You were bawling, and in that moment, you realized the music had stopped.
Just then, Namjoon came storming in, pulling Jackson off Jooheon.
“Get the fuck off him. Now,” he thundered, and almost like it was mandatory for them both to obey, they broke apart, almost like they were no longer in control of their own bodies. You looked to Kiera for an answer, but she just shrugged, apparently indifferent. “Call an ambulance,” Namjoon said to you, pulling Jackson by the scruff of his shirt to his feet.
“This one,” he gestured to Jackson, “just has a mild concussion. I can take care of that. Your friend here, I’m not so sure about.” You looked at Jooheon lying on the kitchen floor, unconscious, with his lip split open and a gash on his left cheek, a matching one above his right eyebrow.
The world tilting around you, you dialed 911.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
You sobbed into the receiver, “I’m at a house party, someone—someone’s unconscious.”
“Ma’am, I need you to stay calm. Can you tell me the address?”
You took a deep, shaking breath, trying to calm down enough to tell the dispatcher where you were. “I—I think it’s 900 East 360 West,” the tears were streaming down your face and you tried hard not to sob audibly.
“Are they breathing? Is there a pulse?” the dispatcher sounded more concerned than anything else.
You took another long breath, leaning down to take Jooheon’s pulse. As you put your fingers against his neck, you couldn’t feel anything. The tears streamed worse than ever before, and you tried again, pressing harder to his vein. He was warm, that was a good thing, right? “I- I can’t tell,” you managed.
“The ambulance is on its way,” the dispatcher said, “please stay with me, miss.”
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If you’ve been waiting for the first chapter of my Spongebob Musical College AU fic - Merry Christmas
The absolute last thing Edward wanted was to move into a three bed dorm. He was having enough difficulty in his two person room. Though, to be fair, a lot of that had to do with his roommate, who he honestly, truly loved until the third day of Frosh week, but that was another matter in and of itself. Long story short: don’t room with your high school boyfriend in college.
Lugging everything he had with him in eight duffle bags, he dragged himself across the floor to his new room. He swore he could still hear William laughing at him with each inch he shuffled away. He hated college. But he couldn’t just up and audition for the Bikini Bottom orchestra and start his career now, he needed that bachelor’s of music. It was the only thing keeping him from dropping out.
Finally, finally, finally, after what felt like decades, he found the dorm. 1698. A far cry from 1617, but as far as he was concerned, the farther away from William the better.
An excruciatingly tired arm reached up to knock on the door. To his surprise, the man on the other side was a good foot shorter than him. “Hiya!” he beamed, big bright blue eyes shining up at the man that was to be his new roommate. “You must be Edward! I’m Bobby, and that’s Patrick!” he thrusted an arm towards the larger fellow sitting on the bottom bunk, eating a bag of potato chips who gave a smile and wave upon hearing his name. Edward opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by the strawberry blonde in the doorway gasping “Oh where are my manners? Look at all those bags! Let me take some for you.”
And he did, before Edward had a chance to protest. Following the shorter man into the room, he listened as Bobby continued to ramble “Our last roommate had the spare bed, and Patrick and I are just so comfortable in the bunks that we figured we’d just stay there and leave the spare to you. I hope that’s alright.”
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Edward replied quietly, almost distantly. Better than fine, actually. He’d expected to be delegated to top bunk. Not having to use the top bunk at all? Well, that he could get used to. “What happened to your last roommate, anyhow?” he asked, in an attempt to make light conversation as he began the unpacking process.
“Dropped out.” The other one….Patrick?...answered curtly.
“Ah.” was Edward’s only response.
Wanting to get to know his new roommate - whom he was sure was going to be his new best friend - Bobby questioned “Are you a first year? What’s your major?”
“Yeah, yeah, first year. Music major.” Edward’s mind was elsewhere, not that Bobby could tell.
“Music?!? What instrument do you play?? Are you part of the pep band?? If we go to the games can we cheer you on?? You know I wanted to be the mascot but they told me I was too short…”
Patrick put his headphones in order to finish watching the next episode of Mermaid Man on Netflix. He loved Bobby, but he was glad that he found someone else to talk to for a minute or two.
The campus only had one restaurant where they allowed students to work, and Eugene Krabs was the first to ever be promoted all the way up to manager. And the pay raised helped, although it did put another strain on his friendship with Sheldon, who’d quit as soon as he heard the news. Sheldon used to be his best friend, but with so much else going on…
...of course, he hadn’t told him what was going on. How could he? Sheldon had been his very best friend in life, but the news had rattled Eugene to his very core. He didn’t need his best friend getting it all second hand. It didn’t effect Sheldon, anyway. (Well, other than his quitting. But he had always been a sore loser.)
But with the new responsibilities that came with being the manager, he’d had to switch from full time student to part time student. Which was fine by him. Less tuition fees, more money for his pocket. And boy oh boy, did he love the sound of having more money is his pocket.
Eugene was shaken out of his thoughts with the happy cry of “Good morning, Mr. Krabs!”
“Bobby, how many time do I have to remind ya? Ya can call me Eugene. I’m only three years older than ya.”
With a defiant shake of his head, he replied “No sir, Mr. Krabs! You’re in a position of authority and deserve to be addressed as such!”
There was no changing this boy’s mind. In an odd way, he sort of respected that about him. “Hurry up and wash your hands, we’re opening soon.”
“Mr. Krabs?” Bobby asked as he turned the faucet on. “Are we still hiring for a new cashier?”
“Aye…” uh oh. He’d met Bobby’s friend Patrick, and as far as he knew, Patrick was just about the boy’s only friend. And he was absolutely not hiring that slob to come work here.
There was a pause as the faucet shut on and sound of paper towel being ripped to dry hands was heard before Bobby’s voice again “Patrick and I got a new roommate, ya see, and he’s really looking for something to do outside of band practice. So I thought, maybe, you could possibly give him an interview?”
Eugene sighed, but found himself nodding his head. At least it wasn’t Patrick. But it would never be Sheldon. Sure, the boy was a bit...off...but he had a better work ethic of anyone he knew. Eugene wondered that if maybe he just told him that he took the manager position because...well...he knocked his girlfriend up, there was a baby on the way...he’d forgive him and come back. But he also knew Sheldon could hold a grudge longer than anyone, no matter what the circumstance.
Tap. Tap. Tap tap tap tap.
The only sound that could be heard from her dorm was her fingers flying across the keyboard. The essay wasn’t due for another two weeks, but she was determined to get it done today. She knew her sources were all cited correctly, at this point all that stood between Karen and the editing stage was her conclusion paragraph.
Her eyes did tear away from the computer screen for a brief moment when she saw another missed call from Sheldon. Alongside 18 unread text messages and the two voicemails he’d left. Couldn’t he tell she was busy?
She went back to typing out the sentence, but only got seven words done before a knock on her door made her jump. “God, don't scare me like that.” she chastised as she opened the door for her boyfriend to come in.
A smirk took over his features as he responded, automatically “I'm actually not a god, but I can see why you were confused.”
“Shut up, Sheldon.” She deadpanned, leaving him in the doorway as she returned to her essay. Just a few more sentences and she'd be done with the construction of the paper.
Normally, constructing a few sentences to close an essay would take her no time at all. That being said, she normally didn't have her boyfriends hands on her shoulders, rubbing them lovingly as he countered “You know, I wouldn't have scared you if you had answered your phone.”
“I’m busy.” Karen replied back in her best monotone, trying to not to let the sensation of his fingers digging into her show any effect. “Working on this essay.”
“Always busy, always working…” he moved, suddenly, she realized, as she could feel the warmth of his lips against her earlobe as he offered “...you need to relax, Karen.”
This was exactly why she didn’t want a relationship. All she wanted was to focus on her studies, graduate top of her class. She didn’t want distractions, which is exactly what he was. A very attractive, very sexy distraction, and a distraction who she could talk at lengths with and not feel bored with the conversation, but a distraction nonetheless. Then again, it wasn’t like she went out in search of a relationship when she’d met Sheldon. He found her. And things were almost too good to be true, as far as college boyfriends go. She would’ve been an idiot to say no.
There was a hiccup in her tense, monotonous exterior as his lips left her ear and began slowly suckling their way down her neck. She could feel his goddamn smirk against her flesh as she let out a loud moan. “Fiiiiiiiine, what did you want to to talk about so badly that it couldn’t wait until I was finished?”
The longer Edward roomed with them (which was a solid six hours at this point) the more comfortable Patrick became. He stopped trying to keep his laughter in as he binged the latest exploits of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. He didn't even notice the first six glares he received from his new roommate, who was doing a very good job of making his clarinet sound like a dying cat. The seventh glare, however, well, he DID see that one. Removing his headphones from over his ears and allowing them to dangle over his neck, he asked “is everything okay over there? You look a little stressed.”
There was a visible cringe on the taller’s face, though he doubted that Patrick noticed. “Oh really?” Edward feigned obliviousness “do I seem stressed?”
“Well….yeah.” Patrick answered honestly.
“Noooooooo,” the sarcasm rolled of his tongue like butter on a hot country biscuit “I'm not stressed. Why would I be stressed? It's not like I'm trying to rehearse for a huge recital that's worth the majority of my grade for the term but I keep getting interrupted by imbecilic chuckling.”
“Oh good!” Patrick grinned after letting out a sigh of relief. “Just checking.” And with that he lifted his headphones back up over his ears, another light guffaw escaping as Barnacle Boy quoted one of the series’ many in-jokes.
Edward really felt the need to restrain himself from hitting Patrick over the head with his clarinet. It took a lot to just sigh and push forward with his rehearsal. Of all of the atrocities that had gone on while living with William, at least he’d appreciated art. He managed to get out a single E note before the dorm slammed open, causing him to jump. Patrick, he’d noticed, was entirely unphased.
“You guys!” Bobby gasped. “You won’t believe what just happened!”
“An elephant broke into the grocery store and stole all the peanuts?” Patrick guessed.
Bobby shook his head, his voice warm as he dejected “No, but good try.”
Raising an eyebrow, Edward questioned “So what did happen?”
Shifting back and forth between his heels and his tiptoes, hands moving back and forth with his body sway, Bobby beamed “I made a new friend!”
“Oh!” Patrick smiled “that sounds nice!”
“Really?” Edward’s other eyebrow now raised to match the other, voice dripping in skepticism as he questioned “That was the big important news you just had to come share?”
Sandra Jennifer Cheeks was not at all surprised when she got kicked out of her sorority. If anything, she was surprised that she hadn't been kicked out sooner. She'd only been accepted in because she was the daughter of alumni. But she and her mother were two completely women. Sandra liked science and martial arts and the great outdoors. Her mother liked networking and drinking cocktails and hosting charity events. And none of her mother’s pursuits were bad by any means, but they just weren't compatible.
And Sandra hated being called her full name. She much preferred Sandy, but her mother insisted on calling her Sandra at all times. And so did the sorority girls. But she wasn't Sandra, daughter of their former president. She was Sandy, first year engineering student here on a full scholarship. She loved her mother, but she was her own person, and her former sorority sisters just couldn't see that.
Not that it had surprised her. Sandy didn't expect to fit into sorority life. She hadn't fit in anywhere else. She was doomed to a life of sticking out like a sore thumb.
So when she walked into the main dorm building, there was no sulking. She walked in confidently, with her head held high. Sandy Cheeks was not a sob story, she was a forced to be reckoned with.
Although she did soon realize that maybe she shouldn't have held her head quite so high, as she hadn't seen the other student before literally colliding into his body. “Oh sweet creamed corn,” she muttered under her breath, before offering a hand to the body on the floor. “I'm so sorry.”
“Sorry?!?” He asked, blue eyes shining with a bubbly laugh escaping as he cried “that was fun! Like bumper cars, but with people!”
Sandy felt a laugh escape as she commented “well, that certainly is one way to look at it.”
Taking her hand to hoist himself up, the boy decided it best to introduce himself, so he began shaking it. “I’m Bobby, by the way! I don’t think we’ve met.”
“Can’t say we have.” she smiled, shaking his hand in return “I’m Sandy.”
Sheldon James Plankton was an incredibly selfish man. He’d be the first to tell you that. He willingly ruined the lives of people he was close to, people he cared about, if the outcome had some sort of benefit to him. And now, he was about to ruin the life of the only person he ever truly loved, for what he perceived to be the biggest gain of any of his previous life ruining exploits.
There was a brief moment, nibbling now on her neck, that he almost changed his mind. He almost decided that she was too important. That her future was too bright to destroy. That he might actually harvest some guilt over it after the fact. But as she moaned “Fiiiiiiiine, what did you want to to talk about so badly that it couldn’t wait until I was finished?” he knew it was too late to back out.
He eyed the chair, raised his eyebrow, and tilted his head. She knew what that meant. They’d done it too many times to count. She rolled her eyes, and made a very large show of reluctantly climbing out of her chair and allowing him to sit, before seating herself on his lap. He could tell she was trying to not purr as his fingers began running through her hair, her head instinctively tucked into the crook of his neck. “Have you ever met someone who made you question your own moral code?”
“What did Eugene do this time?” Karen mumbled into his neck, her tone very, very bored.
He inhaled, not because of what she said, but because he loved smelling her hair. “It’s not entirely about him. He’s the catalyst, for sure, but he’s not the person I was talking about.”
“Oh?” he swore he could feel her eyebrow raise, but he supposed he just knew that it did because he knew her so well.
His fingers, still running though her hair, slowed in pace, but increased in pressure. “Eugene moved to part time student status. All those plans we made back in high school, graduate and get to opening our restaurant right away, ruined. But then I got to thinking, what if…” he paused now, tilting his head to look Karen in the eyes (as best as he could with only having one eye himself), the particular shade of grey being well committed to his memory. “...what if you were my partner?”
“That makes no sense.” she deadpanned.
“No no no,” his voice began rising with a genuine excitement, “it makes perfect sense! We already work well together, you’ve got the brains to be the business half of the restaurant, and-” This was it. There was no going back now. He was going to ruin her entire life with his selfishness. “people love family run business. It’s foolproof.”
“I have no experience in-”
“Karen.” he interrupted, his tone severe. “That’s not what I’m asking.”
“Then what are you asking?”
Hand pulling the small box out of his pocket, he stated, very clearly. “I’m asking you to marry me.”
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