#if there's a s4 i do hope we see more of her i wanna see her happy
theaudacitytowrite · 8 months
Stay Awake! - Part 1
Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
A/N: An attempt at a spooky fic:) This is based on a creepy story my siblings used to tell me when we were little and back then it scared the shit out of me. Whether it really is scary is debatable^^
Time wise it starts a day before Halloween.
Also, since I only started watching SPN (on S4 currently) I'm quite sure this might be a bit off timeline wise. For example I needed an animal for the story but I have no idea when/how long Mircale is around in the series.
warnings: dolls, cursing, implied smut, bad horror (Season 1-esque storyline), Canon? What's that?
Golden divider = new day
black dividers = new setting/some time has passed
word count: 5.891
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Dean’s feet lazily dragged over the ground. He groaned and huffed, sometimes a yawn would leave his throat.
„Come on, big boy. Let’s try it here.” you dragged him behind you while holding his hand so he would actually follow you.
You stepped up to the bed and breakfast, a rustic little single-family house. Dean and you were in desperate need of a place to stay the night. You had just finished a gruelling hunt and were beyond exhausted. But so far you hadn’t had any luck. All the motels in the area were booked.
“We can just sleep in Baby,” Dean muttered groggily.
“So you can whine about your sore back for the next couple of days?” you looked over your shoulder to look at him with a raised brow, “No thanks.”
"I wanna go home! My feet hurt, my back aches already and I'm tired! We've been on our feet the past 3 days!" he whined, pouting like a little overtired child.
“I know, my feet hurt just as bad and I’ve been awake just as long as you, you little baby.” you teased, “And I want to go home, too, but I don’t think it would be a good idea to drive another 5 hours to get home, while you nor I can keep our eyes open.” Dean grumbled but seemed to follow you more willingly now as he heard your reasoning.
When you entered the B&B a foul smell made its way to your nose immediately. It was sweet yet sour at the same time. You were surrounded by weird-looking paintings, figurines, and a collection of creepy dolls. It was quite dusty and weirdly gloomy in the house, and something just didn't feel right.
"Since when are bed and breakfasts worse than motels?" Dean muttered into your ear as he tried to not touch anything while walking through the small, crammed foyer to head to the unoccupied front desk.
"I don't know. We rarely visit bed and breakfasts." you shrugged as you let your gaze wander through the odd room. Dean scrunched his nose and almost pressed himself against you as he followed you like a shadow.
"Something wrong?" you glanced at him with an amused look.
"Nah." he shook his head and took a step back, "Just hurry up and ring the bell, so we can leave again."
“Leave again? You don’t think they have any vacant rooms?” you chuckled, “You’re so pessimistic.”
“I hope they have no free rooms.” Dean huffed.
"We have to tell Sam about this cosy little B&B. He'll love it here!" you snickered as your eyes roamed over the décor.
"He sure would…" Dean pressed his lips together, trying to breathe as little as possible. He bumped into you when you suddenly halted your steps, your gaze fixed on the fireplace in the next room.
"Do you see that doll?" you pointed in the direction of the fireplace. On top of it sat a little wooden doll with a rancid-looking dress. What caught your attention was, besides her size of an actual baby, her fluent movements. The doll seemed to wave in your direction, a wide grin plastered on her face.
"You mean that spawn of hell that creepily waves at us?" Dean dryly asked.
“Mhm… unnerving.” you hummed, completely focused on the doll.
„Good evening!“ the warm voice of an elderly woman suddenly chimed up, making you and Dean jump. “Oh dear, I didn’t mean to scare the two of you.”
“All good.” you chuckled, clutching your heart.
“How can I help the two of you?” the woman smiled endearingly.
“We were wondering if you still have a room available for one night. We tried every motel and hotel, but they’re all booked.”
“Yes, my dear. We still have enough rooms.” the woman quickly looked through her little notebook, “We got two with single beds and another free one with a double.”
“I wonder why…” Dean muttered next to you, earning a swift nudge from your elbow into his ribs.
“We would love to take the one with the double bed.” you smiled sweetly at the woman.
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After checking in the old woman led you to your room. To your relief, the room itself was much brighter and less smelly than the foyer. And even the number of dolls was drastically lower and the décor was much more modern.
“Heh… weird.” Dean chuckled as he looked through the room.
“What?” you hummed as you rummaged through your bag.
“Isn’t that the doll that sat on the fireplace downstairs?” Dean inclined his head as he approached the doll that sat on an old commode.
“Maybe she got two?” you shrugged, heading into the bathroom to take a shower.
"Mhm." was Dean's only response as he inspected the doll. It seemed like there were no mechanics at all. Still, her motions were so fluent and lively. Dean carefully picked her up to not break her. He pulled away the crunchy feeling fabric as he searched for the battery pocket but couldn't find one, no matter where he looked.
"Must be some kind of solar thing," he murmured to himself and shrugged. He plucked down the little dress the doll was wearing when an idea popped into his mind, a mischievous grin spreading on his lips.
As you returned from the shower half an hour later and opened the door without suspecting anything bad, you jumped immediately.
“For fucks sake, Dean!” you growled as the doll sat in front of the bathroom door, smiling sympathetically at you as she waved. Dean meanwhile was giggling while lying on the bed, elated that he had scared you successfully.
“Got you!” he cackled triumphantly, making you roll your eyes at him.
“You're lucky I love you.” you grumbled.
“I know.” he smiled sweetly, before heading for a shower himself, pecking your cheek swiftly as he passed you. "Shouldn't have let your guard down..."
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The two of you soon settled down in bed, overripe for a good night’s sleep. Dean was out almost immediately as his head hit the pillow. You on the other hand seemed not so lucky.
You lay wide awake in the bed, not knowing why. All you wanted to do was sleep. Maybe it was the unfamiliar surroundings, maybe it was the rest of the adrenaline from the hunt that still ran through your veins. And it didn’t help that Dean was felling trees right next to you. One day you’d smother him if he wouldn’t get that snore checked out.
You jumped slightly when there was a soft thud echoing through the room. You glanced at the clock that stood on the bedside table. A few minutes past 3a.m. You glanced at Dean who was still fast asleep, completely unbothered by the sound. He really was exhausted.
You sat up in the bed and scanned the room. You chuckled when you realised that your duffle bag had fallen from a chair onto the ground. You lay back down and sigh, trying to give sleep another try. You nuzzled against Dean who quickly encased you in a hug, pulling you against his chest. You hummed contently and finally managed to drift off to sleep.
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The next morning you and Dean woke up early, quickly throwing everything into your bags before you zipped them up and quickly checked out.
The old woman wasn’t too thrilled that you declined her breakfast buffet which consisted of off-colour sausages and weirdly looking eggs. She was appeased when Dean and you at least took a bread roll each before saying your goodbyes and hurrying out of the smelly B&B.
As soon as Baby rounded the corner, you threw out the stale bread rolls in favour of stopping at a drive-in to get a quick breakfast that wouldn’t get stuck in your throat and take you out.
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It was around noon when Dean and you finally arrived back at the bunker, and you quickly started to get your bags out of the car and restock the ammunition and the rest of your weapon arsenal. You'd had a lot to get done, unpacking your dirty clothes to get them washed and repacking the bags for the next hunt as soon as possible. This had been all you've been doing lately, hurrying from one case to another without getting a real break.
When you wandered into the bedroom and opened your duffle bag you almost fainted.
“DEAN! What the fuck!?” you screamed enraged.
“What?” Dean looked at you innocently as he entered your shared room.
“Don’t look at me all innocent!” you scolded him, “You know exactly what you did!”
“As much as I want to take the praise for it, …I don’t.” Dean dryly replied, smiling at you tight-lipped.
“Then please enlighten me how else this freakish thing appeared in my bag!” you pointed into your bag in which the doll from the B&B laid neatly on top of your belongings.
“Dunno.” Dean shrugged, “I swear, Y/N. I didn’t put it in there. It must’ve fallen over when we packed. I mean, I didn’t even touch your bag until you gave it to me to put it in the trunk.”
“Sure.” you glare at him, not believing a single word.
“I swear.” he chuckles, trying to get your good grace back by hugging you tightly from behind, peppering your cheeks with kisses.
“Don’t suck up now.” you giggle.
“But I gotta cheer you up.” he murmured.
“Then be a dear and throw it out. I’m not gonna touch that thing.” you muttered, looking at the doll in disdain.
“Sure thing, my love.” he gave you another peck on your cheek before unravelling his arms from your waist. He picked up the doll, holding it in front of his face. “Bye-bye, Y/N.” he tried to mimic a creepy voice as he walked backwards out of the room.
“You’re such a dork.” you chuckled, shaking your head and continuing to unpack.
It didn’t take long when you heard another shriek resound through the bunker. You quickly hurried to the source of the turmoil, coming to a halt in front of Sam’s room. You were met by Dean who was toppled over in laughter while Sam was sitting on the floor, chest heaving while the doll was sitting on his bed, smiling endearingly as she never ceased to wave.
“Dean, you’re an idiot.” you can’t help but giggle a little.
“I had to, darling.” Dean wipes away a tear he had shed from laughing so hard.
“Did you?!” Sam snarled, scrambling to get back to his feet.
“Oh come on, Sammy. T’was just a joke.” Dean grins triumphantly, shrugging innocently before patting his brother's back teasingly.
“You good, Sam?” you tried so hard to bite back a grin yourself. Sam cleared his throat and nodded.
“Now that I got the two of you here, we could talk about the agenda of the coming days.” Sam changed the topic, earning a groan from Dean.
“How about you let us come back and settle in first.” Dean huffed annoyed.
“Bobby called me repeatedly already. He needs us down at his house. He got a pressing case for us and told me to come down as soon as you two came back.”
“Can we at least have one more day?” Dean bargained, letting his head fall back, “I still need to wash my clothes, else I’ll have to wear my boxers inside out.”
“Gross.” you grimaced.
“If you wanna take the blame for the delay.” Sam hummed, raising his arms in surrender.
“I’ll handle that.” Dean scrunched his nose, “Then it’s settled, we’re going for drinks tonight.” Dean proclaimed with a cheeky grin.
“What? What about your laundry?” Sam narrowed his eyes at Dean.
“What ‘what?’?! Can’t do much while it's in the washer, now can I? Might as well grab a drink then.” Dean smirked smugly. “And I know exactly where we’ll go!” Dean waved a piece of paper around. You swiftly grabbed it from his hand. Sam peeked over your shoulder to get a glance as you read over the flyer.
“ ’Come dressed up - get a free shot’ …?” Sam read out, raising his brow sceptically “Really, Dean?”
“Admit it, you just want to dress up.” you hummed as your eyes drifted from the flyer to Dean. You almost snorted when you saw his eyes sparkle gleefully. He definitely already knew what he’d wear.
“Nonsense.” he protested nonetheless, “I just think a free shot would be neat.”
“Sure, Dean…” Sam shot him an incredulous glance and shook his head.
As you and Dean walked back to your room you could tell that he wanted you to guess what he'd wear. He stared at you expectantly, not watching where he was going.
“Let me guess…” you hummed amused, trying to hold back a laugh. “Cowboy?”
“Cowboy.” he grins giddily, nodding enthusiastically. “What’s your pick?”
“I dunno… I’m not that big on costumes.” you shrugged.
“You can’t tell me you don’t have any costumes.” Dean gasped almost offended, closing the bedroom door behind him.
“Welp… I don’t.” you shrugged, "Unless you count our disguises as a costume."
“And you’re supposed to be my girlfriend…” he tsked and shook his head in feigned disappointment. Suddenly a mischievous grin tugged on the corners of his lips. “I got an idea for the perfect costume though… and we could probably modify some of your clothes for it…”
„If you say sexy nurse, I’ll hit you,” you warn him, shooting him an unamused glare.
“Ok, no sexy nurse then…” he raises his palms in defeat, “But… I’m sure it would suit you perfectly.”
"Of course, you’d think that…“ you shake your head, rolling your eyes at him.
"I‘m being truthful.” he grins, pulling you closer by your waist. “You‘d look irresistible… but then again you look irresistible in everything." Dean purred into your ear.
"Nice try Romeo.“ you push him away gently but firmly, “I will wear something a little less cliché.”
"Was worth the try…" he shrugged, pecking your lips before letting you go to get ready.
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The night at the bar was just what you needed. Dean, Sam and you drank together, bellowing to the music in the bar and indulging in old memories.
Around 3 am Dean and you came back completely hammered. Sam had opted to go home with a girl in a devil costume.
As Dean and you barged into the bunker, you were leaning on each other heavily as you giggled together. You barely made it to your bed when you fell onto the mattress. Dean immediately hugged you close to him, nuzzling into your neck as he took a deep breath. He lazily pressed a few kisses along your neck, making you squirm against him, but his lips stopped just as quickly as they had started. Soft snores resounded from him, his warm breath hitting your skin. But you couldn’t bother, you were already drifting off as well when Miracle suddenly started to growl lowly.
“Mira’ shut up.” you slurred annoyed, but Miracle wouldn’t stop. “Miracle!” you groaned, searching for a pillow around you and throwing it into the darkness.
You heard a dull sound and Miracle fell silent. You could hear him sniff around but soon darkness encased you fully as your drunken mind fell asleep.
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"Y/N?" Dean called through the bunker hoarsely when he had finally fallen out of bed.
"I'm in the library," you replied, cradling your pounding head between your hands as you sat at the table. Even the smell of your coffee in front of you made you slightly nauseous. You regretted the last three shots from last night.
There was a moment of silence in which you could hear him waddle towards the library.
"Did you put that creepy doll in the kitchen?! You scared the shit out of me!" Dean’s face was still pale as he entered the library in his bathrobe. You weren’t sure if it was from the hangover or the shock. “Was that your revenge for yesterday? I swear I didn’t put it in your bag!
"I didn't.“ you mumbled slurred, not even bothering to look at Dean as your eyes were closed, „I wouldn’t have touched that thing for a lame revenge like that. Probably was Sam.” you shrugged, “He came back like an hour ago… probably wanted to pay you back.”
"Sammy!" Dean bellowed, already taking off to Sam’s room. You winced at his loud voice and groaned when you heard the brothers start to bicker.
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After an agonizing hangover that lasted till late in the evening, you finally felt good enough to help Dean pack for the next morning when he'd leave with Sam. You felt extra clingy tonight even though you knew that they would probably be back in two or three days.
But as the tradition dictated, Dean and you cuddled in bed together before going to sleep.
"When do you have to leave again tomorrow?" you murmured against Dean’s skin as you lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"We gonna leave at… like 7.30-ish?" Dean hummed, his hand lazily running up and down your spine.
“That early?” you whined to which Dean chuckled. He softly kissed your forehead, wrapping his arms tighter around you and holding you close.
“The earlier we leave, the earlier we get back,” he mumbled against your neck.
“And how long will you be gone?” you huffed against him.
“A day, maybe two?” Dean hummed, “So you only have a single night without your handsome and wonderful man.” he grinned against your skin, making you chuckle.
“Now that I’m thinking about it, I can probably survive a night without you.” you retorted in feigned annoyance.
“Oh really?” he smirked, starting to tickle your sides.
“Hey! No! Stop!” you started to squirm against him, trying to wriggle away from his attack. Dean grinned triumphantly as he continued to tickle you for a moment before stopping.
“Still think you gonna be fine without me?” he looked at you challengingly.
“More than ever.” you grinned cheekily, biting your lip.
“Don’t be mean now…” Dean murmured, leaning down to capture your lips in a tender kiss.
“Mhm… ok… maybe that’s something I’m gonna miss…” you smiled against his lips.
“Is that so?” Dean smirked smugly, giving you a passionate kiss, “I can remind you of a few more things you gonna miss.” he grinned, swiftly flipping you to lay on the mattress. You yelped in surprise as he towered over you, trailing hungry kisses down your skin, making you gasp in delight.
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You groaned softly when you woke up in the middle of the night without seemingly any reason. At first, you thought it was thanks to Dean’s snoring. As you glanced at your alarm clock it was shortly after 3am… again.
It seemed to become a daily occurrence for you to wake up around that time, you just couldn’t understand why. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a soft shuffling around your bed. You tensed for a moment, glancing around the room. Your eyes landed on the slightly ajar door that you were sure had been closed when Dean and you went to bed.
You rolled your eyes amused at yourself for being scared for a moment when Miracle had probably just pushed open the door to get to his sleeping spot at the foot of your bed.
You nuzzled back into your pillow, closing your eyes to go back to sleep when there suddenly resounded what could only be described as a giggle. Your eyes widened immediately, and your hands tightened on your blanket.
You swallowed hard as you listened into the darkness.
"Dean!" you whispered. No response. You began to shake him slightly, "Dean, wake up!" you whisper-yelled panicked.
"Hmm… what's wrong." Dean groaned sleepily as he began to stir awake.
"Did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"That giggle!" the fear in your voice was apparent.
"Giggle? Go back to sleep Y/N, your imagination is playing tricks on you."
The floorboards softly creaked making you jump.
"Did you hear that!" you almost shouted.
"Yes, I did. It's just the wood settling, telling you to get some sleep. Nothing more." Dean mumbled, pulling you closer to him before he fell right back to sleep. You rolled your eyes at him.
"Thanks, douchebag…" you muttered, pulling your covers up to your nose and staying alert.
Every creak and crack made you scoot even closer to Dean until you were pressed against him completely. You battled with falling asleep as exhaustion seeped into your bones but once the clock struck 6am the bunker fell silent apart from Dean’s snores. Your eyelids became just too heavy to keep open and soon you were fast asleep.
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"Outch!" you cried out, clutching your hip. You were still half asleep when you pottered around in the kitchen. When you had turned around your hip crashed into the open standing cutlery drawer, "For god’s sake Dean! How often do I have to tell you to close these damn drawers!" you hissed in pain at Dean who sat on the table, nursing his coffee. He looked up, startled for a moment.
"I wasn't even near that drawer," he replied groggily, his hand rubbing over his cheek.
"Sure." you grumbled, “That seems to be your standard excuse.”
"No, for real! I only got my coffee. Don’t need cutlery for that." he defended himself and held up his cup. You narrowed your eyes at him.
"Don't give me that look Y/N!" Dean warned you jokingly, "I swear, I'm telling the truth. Maybe you opened it in your delirium and forgot about it."
"Maybe." you grumbled as you took a spoon out of the drawer and closed it, "But you can't blame me. I slept awful."
"Why? Didn’t I tire you out enough?” Dean smirked into his mug, “You seemed really exhausted when we fell asleep…”
“Sometimes I wanna smack your pretty face…” you sighed, shooting Dean an unamused glare, "I woke up in the middle of the night because I thought that I had heard somebody or something shuffling through the house. There was creaking and giggling the whole night."
"Giggling?" Dean drawled amused, raising a brow at you.
" I know it sounds weird but I know what I’ve heard.”
“Maybe it was just the whistling of the wind or something like that." Dean shrugged dismissively, “Maybe Miracle whined in his sleep."
"Cause I can’t tell the difference between a dog whine and a giggling sound?" you scoffed, “Miracle wasn’t even in our room last night cause of certain activities…”
“Maybe you were making up things in your post-blissful haze.” Dean grinned cheekily, immediately receiving a hit against his shoulder, “Ow!” he chuckled, “Why are you being so mean to me lately?”
“I’m not mean! You’re just a dick at the moment.”
“Am not!” Dean protested amused, rubbing his arm, “You’ve been on my case ever since we returned from our hunt.”
“Because you started the war with the doll!”
“I didn’t do that!” Dean laughed, “But maybe that’s why you’re so jumpy. Your subconsciousness still tries to get over that little scare.”
"I’m a hunter, Dean. Spooky shit is my daily bread, so I doubt that a little doll could scare me into hallucinating sounds at night.” you scoffed, “And it's not like I was dreaming. I was wide awake!"
"So, you wanna tell me some creature scampered through the bunker last night?” Dean looked at you sceptically, “I would’ve heard it as well. I mean, I was right next to you… Wait a minute… is that why you tried to wake me up last night? It feels like we talked about this already."
"Yeah… and you jackass fell right back asleep.” you huffed, “You wouldn’t have heard a fire alarm over your snoring!”
“I don’t snore!” Dean scoffed offended.
“Oh trust me, you do.” you huffed dramatically, “And yes, I know, there wasn't anybody scampering around… I just. I don't know, ok? Something just felt… off."
"It was probably the wood settling over the night. The nights are getting colder now, the wood draws together.” Dean reasoned, gently rubbing your arm up and down in a soothing motion.
"Presumably…" you mumbled unconvinced.
"And the most plausible," Dean added with a shit-eating grin.
"Bite me!" you quipped, glaring at him as you shrugged off his hand.
"You know, only in our bedroom!" he called after you with a cheeky grin as you walked out of the kitchen, flipping him off.
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When the boys left the bunker to drive down to Bobby, you left with them through the garage, saying your goodbye to them before heading in the other direction towards the town to get some groceries so you wouldn’t have to get takeout yet again. Sam, Dean, and you had been almost exclusively on the road for the last couple of months, so the pantry looked quite meagre while other chores had piled up around the bunker. You would have to get to them as soon as you came back from grocery shopping and running a few errands as well.
Around noon you finally found yourself back at the bunker, the trunk of your car filled with multiple bags and the dry cleaning you had picked up on your way. Dean and Sam had the bad habit of wearing their suits until they started to reek and would bring almost every suit they owned to the dry cleaning at once. Usually, you refused to bring or pick up the clothes since it was hard to carry the 10+ suits back and forth but you actually had to pick up a coat of your own, so you tried to be a doting girlfriend and friend for once and picked all of the clothes up.
Just as you killed the engine and tried to figure out how you could carry everything inside without having to take too many trips, your phone began to ring.
"Perfect timing, Mister Winchester." you chuckled as you accepted the call.
"Just came home?" his raspy voice resounded from the speakers. He sounded tired.
"Yup, had a busy day already. How’s the trip going? Taking a break?”
"Sammy had to stretch out his freakishly long legs.” Dean hummed and you could hear a muffled ‘Hey!’ in the background.
“But traffic’s ok?”
“So far, it’s been a breeze. We almost passed the halfway mark, we should get to Bobby around 6pm if we’re lucky.” Dean hummed.
“Where are you right now?” you asked curiously, getting out of the car to walk around to the back.
“Somewhere in the middle of Missouri… I think.”
“How’s it there? Any better than in Kansas?” you tried to keep Dean talking, already missing his voice. You pinned your phone between your ear and your shoulder as you opened the trunk and got the first few bags out of it, walking towards the bunker's main entrance.
“Slightly better weather-wise but I'd much rather be with you right now," Dean murmured into your ear.
"Aw, you're sweet. I'd love that too… then I wouldn't have to carry in all these suits that I picked up at the dry-cleaner's and all these groceries on my own." Dean only snickered on the other end of the line, “We really have to get them cleaned in more reasonable batches instead of every single suit you guys have been wearing till they smell.”
"So, what do you have planned for tonight?" Dean tried to change the subject.
"Not much," you said while fishing for your keys in your coat pocket while balancing the grocery bags on your leg, "Maybe do some of my laundry.”
Dean could hear you unlock the front door and suddenly you screamed and there was a thud.
"Y/N?" Dean asked concerned, his brows furrowing as he listened attentively for any sounds.
"Dean what the heck! Was that necessary?" you panted into the speaker as you picked up your phone from the ground.
"Was what necessary?" he asked confused.
"Don't act so innocent. You have to stop with those pranks!" you laughed, your heart still racing, "You scared the shit out of me. Again. Congratulations!"
"…and with what exactly?" Dean chuckled bemused.
"The doll you sat directly behind the door?"
"Ahh… erm… yeah. Got you!" he forced a laugh. Hadn’t he thrown that weird thing out before they went to the bar 2 days ago? Maybe Miracle had found it in the trash outside and dragged it back inside.
"Ok?" you raised an eyebrow and kicked the doll out of your way, "Moving on. Please remember to tell Cas that he has to come by the next couple of days for the translation of the Enochian we found." you carried the bags towards the kitchen.
“Why me?” Dean grumbled.
“Cause Cas only answers your calls…” you hummed amused. Dean sighed exasperated.
"Yes, sweetheart, I will." he groaned.
The rest of the day you busied yourself with the chores. You started a load of your and Dean’s sheets while tidying your shared room, vacuuming, and dusting off every surface. Afterwards, you busied yourself with restocking the pantry and cleaning out the fridge from unidentifiable containers of what arguably had been food at some point in time.
After cooking yourself a late dinner you let yourself fall into a recliner in the Dean cave. Miracle joined you, getting a few bites of your pasta dish as the two of you watched a movie. In the middle of the movie, your phone vibrated, notifying you of a goodnight text from Dean and the info that he and Sam were on their way back to the bunker and should be back around noon. You quickly send back your reply before stashing the phone into the side of the recliner and turning your attention back to the movie.
You didn’t even realise how tired you were until you woke up in the middle of the night to a completely dark room. The TV must’ve shut off a while ago and Miracle was nowhere to be seen.
You sighed as you tried to wake up enough to get up and wander back to your room. That’s when you realised that you had forgotten to put the sheets back onto the bed after you had washed them and put them into the dryer. You groaned and shuffled in the opposite direction to the laundry room. You didn’t bother turning on the lights, hoping you would be able to fall asleep quicker if you didn’t get blinded by the harsh lights of the bunker.
As you gathered all the sheets out of the dryer you hummed in delight as the scent of freshly washed laundry filled your nose. You couldn’t wait to fall asleep while being encased in this heavenly smell. Your thoughts were rudely interrupted when Mircale suddenly started to bark out of nowhere.
“What is it, Miracle?” you called out annoyed. Maybe he was scolding you for not being in your room when he wanted to sleep, “I’ll be there in a sec…”
You were a little confused when his barking turned into growls and snarls.
“Miracle, what’s your deal?” you groaned.
Your heart stopped beating for a moment, your eyes widening as you froze in the doorway. You swallowed hard and tried to pull yourself together. This probably was just a nightmare. Or as Dean would tell you right now, just the wood settling. Very amused Wood being in a giggly mood…
You felt a chill run down your spine when you heard it again.
The giggling.
“H-hello?” you asked into the darkness, thinking that maybe Dean had already talked to Cas who had come by.
But you never got a response. And usually, Miracle wouldn’t snarl at Cas either, nor would Cas sound like a giggling toddler. So, this was more than odd.
Your stomach felt queasy as you crept up towards your room cautiously. Your heart was dancing tango in your chest. Suddenly you heard pitter-patter grow louder behind you and without another thought you booked it to your room, not even looking back. As soon as you reached your room, Miracle scurried in after you and you slammed the bedroom door close.
You panted as adrenaline shot through and your brain was slowly processing what just had happened. You began chuckling and shook your head amused.
“Miracle, you scared me.” you chuckled slightly relieved and a bit amused that you got scared that easily when a sudden slam against the door made your heart sink again.
You quickly locked the door, backing away immediately and stumbling backwards a few steps until the back of your knees hit the mattress. You threw the washed sheets onto the bed, your eyes never leaving the door as you searched for Dean’s emergency blade under the bed. Once you had the knife secured in your hand you searched for your phone in desperation. It slowly dawned on you that you had forgotten your phone on the recliner, so you had no chance of calling the boys for support. But then again, they probably couldn’t help you in your situation right now anyway since they were still thousands of miles away from the bunker. All you could do was wait it out until they came back and stand on guard.
At some point during the night, you gathered the courage to slide a chair under the handle of the door before you sat down on your bed again. You didn’t hear anything anymore outside of the door, but you didn’t trust the silence one bit. You invited Miracle into the bed for emotional support. Dean would kill you if he found out that you had let the dog sleep in bed with you, but you didn’t really care right now.
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Harsh pounding against the door jerked you awake. You had no idea how late it was or when you had fallen asleep. You almost fell to the ground when you scrambled out of bed.
“Darling? Y/N?! Are you in there?” Dean’s worried voice resounded from the other side of the door, the handle turning frantically as he continued to knock against the door.
You quickly scurried to the door and pulled the chair away before you opened the door, trying to act as nonchalant as possible.
“You’re back.” you tried to sound enthusiastic, but the grogginess was quite apparent on your face.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Dean asked worried, grabbing your shoulders as he inspected you, “What happened? Why did you lock yourself in our room? You look pale.”
“N-nothing.” you stammered sheepishly. You didn’t want to tell Dean what had happened. He probably wouldn’t believe you and tell you that you had probably just imagined it again. Or he’d turn it around and tease you about ‘how much you had missed him’ and that ‘your strong, handsome man was back to protect you from bad dreams again’. And you really didn’t need that right now, especially with the lack of proper sleep.
“Look who we brought,” Sam announced suddenly, making you sigh relieved as the conversation was stirred away from you when Sam stepped aside to reveal Cas tagging along behind him.
“You look awful.” Cas greeted you in his monotone voice.
“Hi, Cas… nice to see you, too.”
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Taglist: @hellowgoodbye @fuckyoutommie @loz-3 @whorefordean @kayful00595 @drasticemotions @deans-spinster-witch @tweakingin2 @winharry @jackles010378 @marvelfanfn2187a113
Divider by @talesmaniac89
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Okay so i have NEVER (and i mean NEVER) watched TUA, but my wonderful and amazing friend @aroacebooknerd is a huge fan and quite genuinely 99.9% of what they’ve posted recently has been reblogs of people who are angry about the S4 ending and the character assassination of Five
so here’s basically what I know about season four (and TUA in general):
TUA fans: Oh boy! I can’t wait for the season 4 finale, we’re finally gonna get closure! I’m hoping all the characters will finally be happy and something with marigolds will happen! TUA director (i think): uhm actually no we’re going to give this practically cannon aroace character a love interest and make him a homewrecker! That’s what you guys wanted right? TUA fans: *unintelligible screeching and angry noises*
So heres what i know:
Marigolds?? Those are important for the ending for some reason
a man named Klaus who sets off my gaydar and smth abt him being a stripper? (He’s like my queen Dan wildes, pop off king)
Five (I I still don’t know why he’s named after a number?) is somehow like 75 but also 18
This woman named..uh I forget, but her actors name is Rita I think and apparently she’s like 34 and agreed to cheat on her loving husband (who’s five’s brother) with five. this is so potent with the stench of pedophilia. this is so not okay. you can’t just be like “oh but he’s 18 so he’s legal so it’s okay!” Like NO SIR THATS NOT OKAY
apparently they waited for fives actor to be like 18 before they forced him to kiss Rita or wtv??? like…that is illegal sir? or if it’s not it should be?? Wtf??
I saw a picture of the kiss that happened between them and I started genuinely BURSTING OUT LAUGHING. and not in the “haha that’s hilarious!” Way but in the “HAHA OMFG THIS IS SO NOT FUNNY AND STUPID” way. Like. that kiss looked so uncomfortable. you can TELL that five’s actor is uncomfortable. wtf guys.
the trans guys voice got deeper!! that’s so good for him!! we love seeing representation of trans people and their journeys through transitioning (or not if they don’t choose to, but the emotional journey they partake in)!!
we’re sad abt a woman named Sloan for some reason
S1 Allison and Luther (I have no idea who they are) was uncomfortable
one of the main guys has like a kill count of the entire population of the fucking planet. Apparently his powers are like..out of control and he killed everyone?? …how….i have so many questions and i know that none will be answered
theres like five main characters and they are all apparently siblings. So i guess SOMEONE was getting dicked down good
theres a guy that’s a ghost..i think his power was like Painful As Fuck™️
I think there was a kraken involved at some point?
It’s giving found-family aftg vibes but also not ( nothing could ever compare to my beloved aftg)
i tHink they’re all like assassins?
There’s something about their being normal versions of them, and then Sparrow versions on them? What?
something about a mannequin and how Five really likes said mannequin
fives character was assassinated bc he would always choose his family over himself and that’s not what he did in the finale
they all end up dying in the end, no closure is given, everyone is angry, Obama has packed up his stuff and is NOT there
Yea, thats pretty much all I know
Which is..not much
I am still VERY confused the more i look at this list
Feel free to reblog this or whatever to just rage about the season 4 finale bc from what I understand it was SHIT
I was considering watching the show before but like..do i even want to at this point?
I don’t wanna fall in love with the show knowing that THIS SHIT is gonna happen
I deeply empathize with all the TUA fans. I feel so bad for y’all 😭
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grace-williams-xo · 5 months
There is much discussion on the internet about how many seasons of Bridgerton we’ll get, and how it will be approached. I have a wild theory, if you wanna TLDR and skip the ramblings then scroll down to the bold.
While 8 seems far fetched, a lot of people are thinking 6 but I increasingly don’t even think that will happen (or if it does, it won’t happen well).
Jonny has said he’s committed to Bridgerton, and making whatever he projects he gets work around it, and that he/kanthony will be at all the siblings weddings. His commitment to the show and increasing career is well displayed in s3. He’s only in the first of the four eps (tbd for the second half, let’s hope more!) but he filmed Fellow Travellers at the same time (watch it if you haven’t) and Wicked also at a similar time. I think we can count on him/kanthony making at minimum 1–2 appearances per season, regardless of how long it lasts.
Arguably the other biggest star of the show rn is Nicola, so will be interesting to see what she does in Bridgerton s4. There’s a trend of the lead actor/s taking a back seat in the season following their spotlight, so wouldn’t be surprising if it happened also with Polin/Nicola and Luke Newton.
Now, the core of the issue is the remaining stories. (Preface, I haven’t read any of the books but I know most of the general plots). Consensus is that Benedict will be s4; and (or maybe but) all the s3 Benedict press is talking about him going through changes, evolution and inching toward the marriage mart. One could say this is set up for s4, but that doesn’t feel entirely right to me. The only plot that needs the set up is Polin because of the friends to lovers arc, and we got that in s2. (If there’s more benophie set up that makes sense that I’m not aware of, let me know!)
While I know Francesca is popular with book readers, and her character steps up in s3, we can agree that the next most popular sibling is Eloise. Eloise’s story is also the most hotly debated about how authentic the show should be to the books. I know many book readers want Eloise’s story to stay mostly as it is, and while the more I read about it the more I come around to it, I think that a problem is posed by the fact that Marina’s character is much more significant and invested in the series than the books (so I hear).
On the note of Gregory and Hyacinth, I also think that the viewers are too attached and invested to them as children to want to see them as serious romantic partners with anyone. This isn’t even touching on the fact s8 would be released in (crikey I just did the maths) probably 2030 or 2031 😭
In my head there are three possible options for the future of the show. (Four, three good options).
1. Six seasons: with Benedict, Eloise and Francesca all getting a season. (Approx 2025, 2027 and 2028 release) (I think this would be the best option if the got their act together and made/released the seasons faster, but as the actors get busier I don’t see that happening)
2. Five seasons: with Benedict and Eloise getting a season. (The best (realistic) option imo).
3. Four seasons: Benedict season four, no Eloise. (The worst option imo).
4. Four seasons: Benedict season three AND four, Eloise season four. This is kinda why I made this post. Stay with me, hear me out.
All the indications that Benedict is evolving and stepping into the marriage mart this season make me think that they could be doing a lot more set up/start of the story than necessary for a brother who isn’t the lead yet. Beneloise are such an iconic duo that I think them falling in love together would be so fun. If they followed the book, then Eloise’s love is kinda long distance anyway. If they did do something different with Eloise (contentious, ik, I’m in two minds) and made her queer and/or not get married then it could also work well.
I don’t think this is the best outcome, I just think it might be the best outcome if we only get four seasons. The actors are all increasingly busy, and many (Claudia and Nicola especially) are already playing characters far younger than their characters.
Please let me know your thoughts on this rambling, especially if you’ve read the books. Tell me what will or won’t work!
–GW xo
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thrandilf · 1 year
do you have a guide as to the extra materials for The Dragon Prince? i keep seeing stuff about comics or books but idk where to start
Not on hand but I can make one here! :D
There are two, soon to be three, canon graphic novels.
Through the Moon takes place between seasons 3 and 4, like a little season 3.5 It isn't Necessary to read it before watching S4 but the story is cool and the extra information is neat. It feels like we might get more info regarding what happened to Rayla while she was gone later in the show
Bloodmoon Huntress takes place when Rayla is a child around when her parents leave. Lots of Runaan and Ethari, also introduces Kim'dael who will be in S5. Again, not Required reading but a fun extra story.
Puzzle House is coming out August 1st and is about Claudia and Soren as children, and we also get a look at younger Viren and other people. Harrow's father, King Atticus is still king in this one so interesting Katolis lore, SUPER hyped for when we get to read all of this one. The Scholastic link has a 15 pages preview if you wanna take a peek.
There are novelizations for Dragon Prince Season 1 and Season 2, they add a bit of introspection and small extra details. Viren in particular gets more of his internal thought processes laid out and for me it just Confirmed a lot of things. Season 3's novelization is coming out April 2nd, 2024. I'm sure all 7 seasons will eventually have novelizations.
Tales of Xadia is the ttrpg book and it's gorgeous and is probably the most lore heavy supplemental material as far as world building goes. The system also looks fun! The website has a character builder too for OC making. As a writer, it's been a great help as far as seeing some aspects of the world laid out. The system looks fun and there are videos of some of the cortex(?) team playing ToX official tales/campaigns but I haven't watched them yet. The campaigns are also available to look at online too.
I think that ToX is getting an expansion at some point since the base game doesn't touch much on Ocean or Star magic, I imagine due to spoilers for the seasons we're coming up on.
There's also a tabletop game called Battlecharged which I haven't personally played and I don't think it Adds lore but I've heard it's fun.
Also, it will likely be a long time before we see it, but there's a video game in the works as well that's in alpha testing right now called Project Arcanum. Wonderstorm is pretty busy!
The Free Stuff:
Reflections are official short stories hosted on TDP's website and all of them are excellent and provide little extra scenes. Some of them are quite impactful, and the ones in this second batch are promising an absolutely wild S5. The first batch was released pre S4 and the second batch is being released now pre S5 as we count down to the new season. They aren't Required reading since the most key information from them will be in the show (going by the S4 ones) but I highly HIGHLY rec reading them all. Banger after banger. As of posting this there may be one more coming.
There's also little 4 panel comics called Everyday Xadia that have been also released during countdown mode and they're just fun/cute. Volume One and Volume 2 (still coming out). Sometimes when people say comics they might mean these, or the graphic novels lol.
Thank you for the ask, I'm always happy to share the TDP love and I hope this was helpful to you and anyone else who'd like a ref!
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crowwithacomputer · 1 month
The X Files - S4 - EP20
of course, another silly episode.
but this time we get a really interesting scene known to anybody who has seen the show.
Of course, we see how Scully is technically not opposed to, yk, having something with Mulder, but what got me is the after.
Scully tells Mulder he's not a loser after Eddie tells him he is, but then Mulder says that he's not Eddie either.
Maybe this has been talked about before, maybe I'm pushing too much, but I feel like Mulder doesn't take action because he has this insecurity about the subject. I think he's scared Scully might say no.
Therefore, he doesn't do anything about his feelings, and I think the same thing happens to Scully. They have a professional relationship and that's it (which I'm surprised about, I thought they were such good friends but they love each other that much just by working together, no other interactions).
As we see here, Scully might be a bit weirded out but she's open to talking to him. She's open to hanging out with wine and talking about their childhood, talking about really private stuff and silly stuff too. She's open to a kiss. At least that's what we see.
Leaving out of the conversation how Mulder behaves on a daily basis with Scully, I think he does like her because he said that last thing, that he's not like Eddie. Like it's a bad thing. Like he lacks that charisma (?).
This doesn't happen with all the other girls we've seen him with. I think he knows he's cute and could potentially hook up with someone, of course. But I think he's insecure about his personality, and because Scully knows him and how weird he is, he believes that's why she wouldn't be open to anything with him. Not even a normal friendship. I think he's insecure because of all the comments he receives on a daily basis about his work, his way of thinking, his beliefs... Mostly he doesn't care, but when something about you is repeated to you every day of your life, you end up believing a part of it, at least it affects you in some way. As a plus, I believe Mulder is perceiving by Scully's behaviour that she's just really professional and actively doesn't want anything with him. She's focused on her stuff, and I don't blame him she does look like that.
Scully may think that she's repeating this cycle with this authority figure she talked about in a previous episode. She doesn't wanna get near him that much because of this emotional unavailability. I also have another theory, and it may be that she thinks Mulder is so deep into his own world and his own thoughts that there's no point in going forward with him, because he also may actively not want anything with her.
I don't think these traits that make them "not approachable" to the other are something they don't like. Being that their personality, they both appreciate these things and accept them, but of course it's difficult to start a more intimate relationship with these traits, they're afraid to take the first step because it can actually ruin the relationship they have now and, therefore, their work.
I was talking to my mother while watching this and she said "maybe they feel comfortable in this coworker relationship and that's it", but I think this is deeper, way deeper.
I hope this, in some way, affects their relationship from now on. Some angst, and with it a bit of sincerity, and maybe the beginning of a friendship. Just that at least. I'm not asking for much but I just know that's too much to ask from CC.
I really hope this is not just like "hey remember when you almost hooked up with a guy that looked exactly like me without knowing it wasn't me? haha, funny story"
Of course I don't want no spoilers about this because this is the kind of stuff I wanna find out for myself.
I hope y'all like this stuff 'cause I don't think I'm stopping any time soon 🫡
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hyperactivewhore · 1 year
do you think there was some ... attraction going on between klaus and reb?
Please don't ask me this 😭
No it's a lie I've been waiting all my life for someone to ask me my thoughts about whatever the fuck Klaus and Rebekah had going on.
There was definitely sexual tension in there and some (enormous) weird feelings between both of them as well. I'm aware is because Joseph and Claire fucked, but there's a whole theory about Pl*c having read Flowers on the Attic and being perfectly aware of what she was doing with klebekah. And besides, they didn't have just tension sexual.
It looked like Klaus was fucking in love/obssesed with Rebekah, and she went for the most alike person to him. That only makes it worse.
If I'm honest I don't think they fucked, not even kissed, and I don't wanna think they were in love either. But they were inseparable for a thousand years, Klaus said that they always had been together and Bex said he was the only one who never left her, and that only gets worse when we remember she's his favorite sibling and he may be hers too.
Klaus was already insecure when he was human, that only turned worse when he became a hybrid so his possessive and jealous side over Rebekah just grew worse and worse: he "punished" her for falling in love 24/7, was especially mean to her despite the fact that she stayed with him through everything and never made up for it, giving her the cure was just ooc and bad writing for the show.
Perhaps a part of it was because physically she was the one who ressembled Esther the most, and his mommy issues are awful, so he took it out on his youngest sister because he was seeing the betrayal his mother put him through and the potential "treason" Rebekah may do against him? I wanna think it that way.
Klaus was more protective over Rebekah because after Hope, she was clearly the person he loved the most. And his daughter was born a thousand years after all the abuse he put her through, so during all those centuries his main focus was Bekah. As a result, he killed anyone who looked at her for more than a second and was insanely jealous of any of her love interests, especially Marcel.
Marcel, the person who resembled Klaus the most in the show eyes, the one Rebekah fell in love with and the one she married. And Klaus, fancing a blonde and falling in love with another, both of them really similar to Rebekah They couldn't be together so they went for the closest thing they could get instead??
I don't know, their whole relationship feels so incestuous and the chemistry between Joseph and Claire is insane, they definitely don't portray the relationship their characters have in a platonic way, their eye fucking in that one scene in s4 of The Originals where she told him she knew she was his favorite sibling was so strange.
Anyway. This whole rant didn't come out the way I wanted because my thoughts are a mess right now, but if they were in Game of Thrones they definitely would be fucking 24/7.
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fandoomrants · 2 months
Ok, tua s4, ep4
-Omg, we see them as children again but this time they're teenagers!
-Allison and Klaus!!! I actually started rewatching tua with my mom a couple of days ago. And while in s2 we see the two of them reunite and have a bond, and also obviously now, in the beginning of this season, I also noticed some scenes between them in s1. First, their conversation in the first episode where she confronts him but she sounds fond, and also, in a memory where they're getting their tattoos, he's comforting her! Cute! Also, gives even more meaning on him borrowing her skirt!
-Omg. I'm actually not mad for them using Victor's dead name and please, please, please, don't be guys!
-This is a memory! It's the PAST! And Victor has not transitioned then! If they called him "Victor", it could have been a hint that these memories are somehow affected too!
-Usually when they speak about the past they do say "Victor", even if it's pre-transition so that's showing respect. But memories are another thing.
-....Bet they'll open the container.
-Also, so cool! We actually see a whole mission! It's not just a quick and blurred flashback!
-Is that gonna be the squid??
-Ummmm. I have a weird feeling about this.
-The squid didn't.... Come out of Ben, did it?!? Or him, turn into it?!?
-Do Jennifer and Ben have a connection or is this just her powers??
-Oh, nooo!!!! So Reginald is the one who killed him!? And her?
-Oh, so his wife made the marigold?!
-And Jennifer has this other element?
-Is this why she was on the moon??
-So, are there other children with this element?!
-"That thing Klaus got when he came back from Ibiza" 💀💀
-Reginald saying that whatever the other version of him was probably for a good reason, then lager claiming that it was not him who killed Ben, then trying to do it again...
-Ok, kinda love what Allison did.
-Also, forgot to mention this in the prev one but - KLAUS FLOATING!!!!
-"Don't we all"? 💀💀💀
-I'm kinda still waiting for him to see a ghost.
-And he did!
-Not another ghost getting into him 💀💀💀 For that.
-Diego and Lila make me sad.
-So, like, is Ben becoming unhinged because of Jennifer?
-Five treating his family like children. They are.
-I'm pretty sure Diego stole these from a dead guy....
-Oh! I hope Allison rescues Klaus!
-What a weird password...
-Also, 'Reg', could Gene and Jean have sth to do with Reginald?!
-I like how Allison takes care of Klaus but I don't like how she makes it sound like a big burden.
-That thing with Klaus is actually pretty dark.....
-Yeah, something is definitely going on with G&J and Reginald.
-Ok, so lots of people are somewhat connected...
-Ok, that squid was something else entirely....
-I mean, I can see some weird logic in what Ben is saying about the tentacles and the squid...
-I somewhat think that he is bewitched or something, tho.
-Ok, so Klaus seeing stuff, is this some type of a new power?
-What? That's some weird timeline....
-Phoenix Academy?!? Wait, I wanna know more!
-Not Klaus going to dig the money.
-.... And failed once again.
-Or it did?!
-Oh, noo. Coffin!
-Ok, kinda knew there was gonna be such a scene bc of an interview with RS.
-"A meaningless connection" 😬😬😬
-Aw, Victor protecting his family! (Wait. Was it spelled with 'c' or 'k'?!)
-Oh, no, these two are gonna end the world because of sex....
-Ew, what's going on?!
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etherealforever234 · 1 year
So I did a part 1 but I didn’t include all the ones I wanted since it got too long jsskkskskskdksnxk sooooooo here’s a part 2 of all the fics which absolutely PLAGUE my mind and you NEED to check these out and show them your love!! I have said this before I’ll say it again telling writers you like their writing with just a simple reblog or a good comment MATTERS so much more than you know. So I better see you guys showering writers with love on their fics! While I did make this for myself because I’m building a little ✨collection✨ I hope this helps anyone who’s looking for more fics to read!!!
(Minors this is your cue to not be anywhere around here if I see you interacting I’ll tell yo mama!)
Recs under the cut <3
Amuse and romance me like you do by @heartthrobinsfics - I have re-read this whole fic from start to finish so many times dkksckkxmfkdkckdkf the slow burn was really slow burning and ACCURACY in characterisation Family Video Steve has alllllll my heart
Single thread part 1 part 2 part 3 by @headkiss - Spiderman AU Steve I love you so much it hurts! The slow burn is so fkskfkskfkskdkskxkdkdkkdkckfkfskdkxkfk! And he’s just so 🥺 ahhhhh OBSESSED with this whole Universe! (18+)
Rules are meant to be broken by @funnylittlelad - I read this whole series on AO3 and my GOD this deserves so much more love!!!! The complicated relationships with parents the angst is so delicious I am in LOVE with this.
This blurb by @stevebabey - The way I have NEVER felt more represented as I was here. Being a #losergf is a tough job but someone’s gotta do it
If you loved me, why’d you leave me part 1 part 2 by @1986harrington - I have to say reading the first part actually made me wanna lie down in the rain for like a couple of hours because the ANGST🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 and the SMUT in the second part lordtttt (18+)
how could i say goodbye? by @hawkinsquarry - The way this fic made me WEEP. I love it when people make Steve actually process any of his trauma but him being needy after the events of S4 was so ON POINT. Fuck this hurt. So good!
Beyond part 1 by @abibliophobiaa - The way I start SHAKINH AND SCREAMING AND CRUONH AND YHEOWINH UP when I start thinking about this series sjkdxkdkxkfk fake marriage AU will always have a place near and dear in my heart and with Steve??? DEAD.
Chateau, Careless whispers part 1 part 2 by @kurtie4life96 - Sugar Daddy Steve can be something so incredibly personal to #girlies (me) OBSESSED with thiskdkskfmdkdkdk the smut made the wires in my brain unwire (18+)
Burning by @lis-likes-fics - ABSOLUTELY INSANE actually. CRAZY. MIND DESTROYING. NERVES IMPLODING. KILLED ME. The plot with porn can be so personal to me FUCKING GOD. (18+)
Pray for the night by @upsidedownwithsteve - Call me a whore but I LOOOOOOVE me some “we almost died so let’s fuck each other’s brains out because we’re alive and we want to feel something” 😌😇 (18+)
Pride and Prejudice and Peanut Butter Sundaes by @starryeyedstories - The enemies to lovers of it all kskskskskskdks THE TWIST OF P&P WITH STEVE HARRINGTON REST ASSURE THIS IS CLOSE TO MY HEARTTTTT! This is so freaking goodkskskskskskskx
Meet me at the chateau by @theemporium - I think about this fic so much and it's been MONTHS but I will make it a pOINT to re-read it because this is just absolute perfection ugh sjkskdkskdkksdkjsdjkddk! (18+)
Puppy by @lovebugism - Sub!Steve you’ll always be famous! This made me so dizzy gAWD. Can't believe this isn't my life. So unfair. Looooooooooooove this! (18+)
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echobx · 5 months
these pics and videos spoilers im seeing is making me a bit sad as a jjpope shipper.... seeing jiara fans happy that rudy and madison are filming scenes between both makes jjpopes future look even worse. i was really hoping for s4 to be their season? pics of kiara and jj in same bedroom? i dont feel good at all for whats coming. how can the show ignore jjpope and their potential?
i feel the same anon. but I still have some hope because all we have got to see hasn't been very romantic looking in my eyes. and to the clip of Madison in bedroom next to a guy, that's JD, that's not Rudy. bc that video they screenshotted from was is on Madelyn's Instagram and I'm pretty sure it's JD based on the fact that he commented something on it that is visible on his body in the shot.
also, the fact that they zoomed in on a poster on a wall and then said "this is proof they live together" is just not holding up. bc (1) not just Kie can have this poster and just bc they used it in her room in s3 doesn't mean they didn't just use it to save money on new props (the surfshop of JB and Sarah has the same logo as the one we have already seen in s1&2 so unless they buy that thing, I'm just calling it cheap production and not wanting to create a new logo) (2) there was no confirmation whose house they are at in this clip, and (bc I'm that bitch) when you look out the window in the video, you can clearly see the marina. so they can't be at JJ's bc of the location of the house. I'm calling it and say their at Pope's or Kie has her own house.
on the other hand what still gives me hope, is that everything I have jiara shippers seen talking about (especially on twitter) has still no ground to stand on. tbh hey sound very delulu to me with all they are saying right now. I mean, I have seen more bts clips were Rudy and Madison don't seem as happy to be there, or aren't even in the shots together, than ones where they are.
I do have hope that the writers aren't that dumb and do what they did with KiePope and give us just a little and then let the characters realize that it's not working out.
I'm also super confused about Luke being there, and tbh I hate that they are doing it now bc they wanted to do that last season and then didn't bc bts leaks and jiara. but what I hate more is ppl going "omg luke is gonna throw JJ off Redfield Lighthouse!!" like why? why would they kill off the one character that keeps thousands if not millions of ppl interested in the show. bc if I'm totally honest, if they do kill him off I'm not gonna keep watching. same with Pope. if one of them dies, I'm done with this shitshow and it'll be fanon forever. (it already is bc canon is shit with holes)
ig my main issue with all that jiaras are doing isn't that they are shipping it, ship what you want, but the impact they get to have and the little media literacy they seem to have too. the homophobia and racism of it all
but then again, JJ is still wearing the bandana in the back right pocket. and I do hope for some good changes (for us) bc none of the official promo they gave us yet was in any instance showing anything about jiara. they gave them nothing. and maybe that's why jiaras sound so delulu to me right now, bc if how they say "this is jiara's season" was true, why wouldn't the short clips we got a few months ago have anything in them that gives jiaras genuine hope? no instead we got a group shot where the two are far apart, then the boys, and Sarah looking sad again. no jiara in sight. and maybe that's why I have hope, but that might also just be a marketing strategy idk.
they should let Kie cheat on him with a girl, that's what I wanna see. she should just fuck a girl and then come home and break up with JJ. that's what I want deep in my soul. bc just from the first intro we got into JJ (JB's pilot episode monologue) it's so damn obvious that they will never work, even if they weren't both raging homosexuals.
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h4rringtonsworld · 2 years
i’m not her | steve harrington
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this is part 2 | part 1
steve x (f)reader! , robin x nancy (just a little bit)
summary : you can’t keep competing against nancy for steve’s attention
wc : 2.2k
warnings : friends to lovers, angst!, fluff, cussing, drinking, this story is set in s4 and eddie and chrissy are alive! abit of gun talk as well
a/n : this is my first ever fic so if any information is incorrect or my writing is wonky please be nice lmao, this is for you guys who loved part 1! @yohanabanana @selfdeprecatingnerd
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after dropping robin off, you drove home and changed into comfier clothes. you kept replaying what happened at the party as your head hit your pillows and you soon dozed off.
you woke up with a slight hangover. luckily, you were prepared for something like this so you already had advil and water placed on your nightstand.
steve had a shift at family video and was hoping to see you. he had trouble trying to sleep last night thinking what the hell should he do. was calling an option? should he wait? should he drop by to check in on you?
‘morning dingus’, robin walks in but still no sign of y/n. he just smiled and nooded.
he could not stop his mouth before opening to blurt out, ‘why did y/n drove off like that yesterday? is she okay? why is she not here with you? do you know anything robs?’
robin huffed already dreading this shift, she did not want to be pulled into whatever situation this is.
‘you should ask her yourself, harrington’
‘good god, do i need to tell you everything? you’re a big grown man, you know what to do’, steve rolls his eyes. he was clueless actually knowing he messed up big time.
‘yeah yeah whatever, just help me out with these will you?’ the day seems to be going slower than normal and steve just can’t wait to be done.
you called in sick that day. you didn’t know how many more sick days you can take before steve got suspicious. you spend the day moping around trying to forget what happened.
‘please y/n, come to the party with me.’ its been only a day since the incident and robin is begging for you to come to a party. ‘i do not want to be alone. i need my bestfriend with me’, its been like 20 minutes of robin whining trying to get you to go to some stupid party.
‘eddie and nancy will be there,’ you couldn’t even bring up his name anymore. ‘i really don’t feel like going to a party right now’, you looked to the mountain of tissues on your nighstand. damn you really needed to clean up in here.
somehow, robin convinced you. you did not want her to be alone, you know, knowing nancy will stick to steve and eddie doing his side business. so here you are, in your car picking up robin, tapping your fingers on the steering wheel while humming a tune.
‘lets go y/l/n, we have a party to get to’, robin was weirdly excited clapping her hands, rushing into the car. i mean party’s can be fun i guess but you have never seen her so excited.
‘wait, you didn’t tell me whose party it is. where am i even driving to?’ you tilt your head and looked at robin and she began to look down and playing with her fingers. she looked guilty.
‘umm, i’ll tell you where to go, just start driving’, she’s being really weird right now, more than her usual self. she would not even look at you. ‘robin…’
you huffed in annoyance. you did not want to start a fight so you just followed her instructions. the more you drove, the more you realise how familiar this path is. after about 10 minutes of driving, you see people gathered outside and you hear loud music. this house… this road… oh.my.god.
‘robin buckley! this is steve’s house! what the fuck? there is no way in hell i am going in’, you turn to robin and she looks back with pleading eyes, saying please just give him a chance.
‘y/n, i’m so sorry ok? i didn’t mean to trick you but if i told you from the start you won’t even come with me! please just do it for my sake! i- i wanna talk to nancy…let me see her’, part of why you rarely fought with robin because you could not be angry at her for long when she looks like a lost puppy. you were not prepared to face steve today but you love robin, so, ‘fine. let’s make it quick’
steve knows you need the space and the bags under his eyes tells alot that he has not been sleeping. using this to his advantage, he decided to throw a party. he gets to drink and its a pretty good distraction from everything.
there was a swarm of people. somehow everytime he throws a party, he is reminded of the prime time of king steve, oh how much he hated that name but after everything he went through, meeting dustin and robin, the rest of the little shits, and you, he grew up. he knew better.
‘steve! what’s up my man! great party!’, steve did not even know who that guy was. i guess thats what happens when you’re not a bully anymore. steve did not want to be mean though, thats not who he was, ‘hey thanks man’.
his eyes start scanning, scanning well for you. it was second nature to him, to find you in any room he walked into. it was upsetting knowing that you might not even be here and even if you were, you wouldn’t be looking for him.
‘stevie, y/n and robin are here, would you like to…you know say hi?’, steve was hesitant. eddie was scratching the back of his head, scrunching his face, scared if steve might get angry or tell him off, ‘cmon let’s go and dont call me stevie’.
‘hi buckley! y/n! back for more i see?’, ahh eddie, with his casual flirting and teasing while giving us a side hug. then, he appeard behind eddie. steve. how did he look more handsome than the last time you saw him? a polo tee tucked into his jeans, tighten with a belt. he smiled and you swear your heart fell into your stomach. you blanked out for a second.
‘where’s wheeler? i wanted to talk to her’, thank the lords that robin spoke up because the tension that was in the air could be cut with a knife.
‘she’s talking with chrissy, right in the backyard’, steve pointed to where nancy was laughing holding a red solo cup.
‘i’ll follow you, i’m going to get a drink’, you definitely did not want to be stuck here alone with steve knowing eddie was about to leave too. ‘y/n, can we ta-’ but you already brush past him.
‘man, she would not even look at me. ugh this is so frustrating!’, steve threw his hands up in the hair then rubbing it in his face while groaning. he felt helpless as he stared at you drinking…vodka. he thought you hated vodka, always rather have something less intoxicating but hell what did he know, you were never this upset at him.
‘steve man, you need to chill, you should try to get her alone. she doesn’t hate you man, trust me’, its the opposite actually. ‘how do you know munson?’, steve squints his eyes at eddie.
eddie just shakes his head and pats steve on his shoulders and leaves to do his side business. you had too much to drink, you wanted to drown in your thoughts, to forget steve, nancy, everything. ‘y/n, y/n, y/n… looks like you’re becoming a party girl, may i join in?’, jason fucking carver. you hated him since a long time ago and you hated him more when he started the rumours about eddie. ‘piss off carver, i’m not in the mood’. he did not take the hint as he steps closer. everyone else was too busy chugging something down their mouth, sniffing something up their nose or hands all over one another.
‘carver! hey man, back off! she said to leave her alone’, god steve, playing hero. why did he out of all people have to come to the rescue?
‘fuck off harrington, you don’t know what she wants’, jason and steve were eye to eye now creating a scene. people started watching and chanting things like ‘fight! fight! fight!’
‘steve, stop, you do not want to do this’, eddie came up behind steve and tried to push him away but it was too late when jason threw the first punch. then the second punch came from steve and after that you lost count. steve bled through his nose and jason had a huge cut on his mouth.
you had enough, ‘stop! please, guys just fucking stop!’ you stood in between them and they finally stopped. ‘y/n, im sorry, can i-’ you walked away, you could not stand this right now.
‘y/n, stop! please stop walking away from me’, that made you stop dead in your tracks. you were at the top of the stairs and hung your head low, god you had too much to drink.
‘sweetheart, why, why are you not talking to me?’ god even when you’re ignoring him, he still uses these pet names. he walked up the stairs grabbing a hold of your wrists.
you pulled him off, ‘steve, i’m not ignoring you if thats what you’re concern about’, steve shakes his head in disbelief. ‘its been a day! you know we don’t fight, not like this! you can’t even look me in the eyes right now, don’t lie to me!’ steve was frustrated, running his hands through his hair.
before your mind could stop you from saying something stupid, your mouth spoke, ‘its always nancy! nancy this, nancy that. god, i could barely get a word out to you at the last party! am i so bad?… maybe i am huh?’ you scoffed. before he could say something else you continue, ‘i feel so stupid, of course its always nancy! she’s so much prettier, smarter and hell she can get behind a gun with confidence, i hate myself steve, every single day, i- i just want you to notice me, want you to look at me the way you look at nancy. i’m not your first love steve but i want to be your last’, there you said it. the words that have been trying to get out for months now and you finally said it. people were starting to stare now and you can’t help but tears were spilling out. you were drunk, embarrassed and tired.
‘sweets, i don’t love nancy anymore. not in that way. you have to trust me when i say i don’t have feelings for her anymore’, steve’s eye soften and he walked closer to you. he could not give a single shit that people were watching.
‘don’t lie to me steve. you could not stop talking to her at the last party. you were laughing and you looked so happy’, you laughed bitterly wiping the tears off your cheek.
‘i’m not allowed to laugh y/n? i’m not allowed to talk to people?’ he sighs, ‘the truth is…’, oh here it goes, get ready to get rejected in front of everyone, ‘the truth is…nancy was talking to me about robin, she likes her alot and she didn’t know what to do and wanted to come to me for some support and advice, that is why i was with her all night. i wanted to find you but before i could, she came to me. i’m so sorry my love, i wish i could go back in time and talked to you but i can’t and i’m so fucking sorry’, now it was his turn to let the tears fall.
‘steve, im-’
‘no, i, i have to say this before it’s too late, i was also talking to nancy about you, about how i liked you since your first shift at family video, how i can’t stop thinking about you. how you would scrunch your nose everytime you get embarrassed, how you hate when they added carrots to your meal, how your eyes look when you smile at my stupid jokes and the list goes on. i am so in love with you y/n and i can’t believe i almost lost you. yes you are not nancy but that’s the point, you’re you. i will never make that same mistake again, i don’t ever wanna lose you’, he reached out for your hand again and this time, you let him take it. he pressed a kiss on your forehead. you can’t believe this was actually happening, steve likes, no loves you.
‘steve, i have been dreaming of this moment and i can’t believe its happening at a stupid party’ you chuckled. ‘i am drunk as hell right now so can we just go home?’ you and steve walked down the stairs hand in hand as everyone was still watching you. you looked in the backyard and see robin and nancy holding hands and giggling.
‘finally buckley! i knew she liked you!’ you cheered while clapping your hands. you see both of them blush. eddie whistling as he walk towards you two, ‘guess you two finally stopped being pussies huh? and of course, so happy for buckley and wheeler’ guess eddie knew all along. you all laughed and you and steve waved eddie, robin and nancy goodbye. you took a mental note to apologise to nancy and congratulate robin tomorrow.
‘ready to go home, girlfriend?’, steve put his arm around you trying to support your drunk ass from falling.
‘so ready, boyfriend’, you laughed, finally in the arms of the guy of your dreams.
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Hello again! I hope you don't mind. What's your opinion on Azure Lion, and the Brotherhood? You said they were a toxic group, can you explain how and why? I am very dense. Also have you watched the newest Monkey King movie? What do you think of it? Are there any part of JTTW or Sun Wukong's story you'd like to see be made into a movie that doesn't get much attention? Not LMK verse of course. I'd like to see Ao Lie, the White Dragon Horse's story get expanded on, especially when the group encounter the Dragon family during their journey. What about you? What's your opnion on LBD's host, or Bai He as the fans are calling her? Would you like an interaction between her and SWK? Have a good month!
ok imma save your brotherhood question for last because once i start with them and swk's relationship with them, i will not stop.
no, i haven't seen the new Monkey King movie yet T^T i hope to see it soon when i have free time, but uni's began, so i will be busy with assignments T^T goodbye summer vacation :'(
as for what jttw story i'd like to see more of? hmmmmm, idk, though tbh i am very new with any jttw interpretation (my introduction to this story was through OSP, and after seeing the sun&moon poll i decided to check out lmk), so my personal information is still small compared to the people who grew up with the many stories and variations of Journey to the West and its characters.
however, i kind of wanna say Sha Wujing/Sandy? mostly because he does seem like an interesting character (2nd strongest out of the companions if i'm remembering right), and is fairly clever with his fighting (which might be why he gets along with swk a lot). idk, it would be fun to get some background on how he acquired his skull necklace (pretty sure they were enemies of his???? or something idk) and his own motivations for redemption, not to mention he does become a Bodhisattva just like swk and Tripitaka (pretty Pigsy/Zhu Baije doesn't???), so that would be fun to touch on!
moving on now....i actually do like how the fandom just adopted :BD's host and we all affectionately call her Bai He! it's sweet and i like that we all kind of want to see her own recovery of being possessed for like months (or a year idk lmk timeline is weird and funky and no i am not annoyed-) i am a big fan of the "Macky adopts previously possessed child out of solidarity but also she latched onto him first and wouldn't let go so he's kind of stuck with her now :)" it's very fanon but, eh, i'm a sucker for "reluctant dad to protect the smol" characters (prob another reason why i love Pigsy and swk so much lmao).
ALSO, i think her interactions with swk would be so funny (for me) and awkward (for swk) because she's like "thanks for saving the world and me!" and swk like "MHM! uh yeah, sure, np kiddo" bc he did almost kill her (tho he really did try to find a way to not do that) but also Bai He might not even be mad at him for that. (maybe i want her to attempt to befriend him, but swk is just so nervous and feeling a tad guilty so he avoids her but she's a persistent little fucker, maybe i want to a lot, sue me)
idk what her role is now in the show tbh. she could be sidelined now, and we only get cameos of her (s3 ending & s4 special) for the time being just showing her slow recovery (lmk has been doing a "minor/background character development happening behind the scenes" for awhile (DBK fam) so i wouldn't be surprised if we see that with her). but it's possible that she could grow to have some role in s5 or s6 (maybe she's got some leftover LBD powers bc post-possession symptoms, maybe Mr. Hoodie Man wants to use her too bc she was such a great host for LBD, maybe she saw something plot relevant while possessed concerning MK and wants to warn him or his friend??? WHO KNOWS???)
ok.....Brotherhood™️ what are my thoughts on them......
this post is already long as is, and i have class in 30 minutes, oh boy let's go >:3
sO, let try and summarize my thoughts of them before delving in: i think that narratively, the Brotherhood are a great way for establishing who Sun Wukong was pre-jttw as well as giving us access to his history with Macky (THANK FUCKING GOD I WAS SO DESPERATE FOR THEIR BACKSTORY).
the Brotherhood is also a great way to showcase MK's growing similarities with swk and the narrative parallels the two characters have for each other. we already knew swk was trying to mentor MK is a way that was different from how swk lived his life before because, we he's shown, he really does regret his past actions, and wants MK to be a better version, believes MK can be this better version of him. and you can see him trying, but also he fails to really explain WHY his teaching methods are slow and vague sooooooo, uh oh :)
anyway, character-wise.....the Brotherhood is written to be both sympathetic and dislikable. the sympathetic aspect comes with Azure and his Cause™️ because that shows you that "wait a minute...he really did want to do good, but lost sight of it and the harm he was doing along the way." you're supposed to sympathize with him, you're supposed to feel confused about his shaky relationship with swk because "Azure only wanted to do good, yet swk ruined it" <- this is some excellent unreliable narrator shit i love about this show btw
HOWEVER! Azure is not an archetype character (lmk doesn't really do archetypes. okay, they do, BUT it's more of deconstruction of the archetype than really using an archetype, you feel me?) he is a character who is deeply flawed. he is idealistic and vain (yes, yes he is vain bc have you seen this lion????) Azure built up swk on a pedestal of what a true role model king should look like (nevermind that swk's kingdom was on a island and his subjects were just monkeys, meaning his reign was fairly small compared to Heaven, therefore more manageable BUT I DIGRESS)
basically, Azure placed so much admiration and all his ideal onto swk, who was frankly a lot younger than the celestial lion being that he would have only recently met him post-Havoc & he was only about 500-600 years old by then (maybe????), and saw the monkey more as a perfect weapon to use to defeat the Jade Emperor and start a new, "more compassionate" era.
ok, and this is just me speaking, but, Azure, honey, if you really wanted to help restart Heaven into helping out the poor humans, instead of the very flawed bureaucracy you argued against.....maybe, don't continue on with a monarchy????? idk, maybe it's the Western influence talking but Azure, if you hate the celestial lords and emperor so much, maybe create a system that DOESN'T favor the lords and emperor????? break the whole system apart and create something new???? course you didn't think that far (which was eloquently shown in the special) so i'm honestly not surprised that your mission failed so many times
anyway, the dislikable aspect! Peng is a wonderful character for this section! so, when meeting Azure, you may come to a couple conclusions: wow a pretty lion! is he trustworthy? well, he seems to really want to help out.....damn he's got quite the silvertongue there, very convincing and great orator....you seem very upset about whatever swk did to you, huh? but meeting Peng you get: ooooh pretty bird man! oh, they're kind of a bitch, aren't they? yeah, still a bitch (and depending on the viewer, bitch can be affectionate or derogatory)
but yeah, so Peng, one of Azure's brother trio who worked with him in the Celestial Court and views him as the leader of the Brotherhood rather than swk (actually, none of the brotherhood members even consider swk their leader, except Azure and maybe Macky (but that might be bc Macky does not fucking care about the brotherhood member BUT swk) bc the rest view swk as their prized weapon)
Peng is really the character that starts to make you reconsider Azure's trustworthiness because my god is this bird the most condescending and bitchiest of friends. they are that toxic friend, okay? it was because of Peng that i clocked in "oh, ok, this is high school toxicity 101, got it" lol
anyway, Peng does not really seem to care that much for...the Cause™️ like Azure and Yellow Tusk do. rather, they seem to just stick around mostly because Azure and Yellow Tusk are their brothers and that's it. i guess props for staying loyal??? but still, Peng is the character that gives us the first crack into Azure's worthy crusade because their character will resort to violence first, turns on anyone who slightly disagrees with Azure's methods (*cough cough* Mac *cough cough*) or, hm, let's say....surrenders to the Jade Emperor, is missing for 500 years, then miraculously is freed and is working with a Buddhist monk?
so yeah, uh running out of time but to sum up: Azure and the brotherhood were never really "friends" they were colleagues who though they all had a common goal to defeat Heaven but their loyalty was built on ideals and pedestals and flaky attitudes which was why Mac was never comfortable around them, why DBK stopped interacting with them after the war, and WHY swk was so easily pointed as a traitor and a villain by the Camelhead Trio.
*jazz hands* and there you go, i would say more but i have class!
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spidermasc · 9 days
So I agree that there won't be any adult!tl deaths until s4 for specific reasons
Either shauna or lottie is gonna be the last. Idk what lottie being last would be but for shauna I had this idea of her going down a path of behaviors/decisions that ghost!jackie (who she's seeing more and more of) keeps warning her about and begging her not to do and those leading to her death (also i like the idea of ghost!jackie getting more emotional as shauna gets closer to her death rather then the more aloof version we see bc it's her getting closer to the real jackie who loves shauna rather then her version that lorded(think that's the right word) over her)
Van can't die right away from their cancer bc I think it'll go into remission to show that the sacrifice of nat had an effect on the survivors
Tai has that connection to the eyeless dude precrash and I think they still need to explore it and connect it to the wilderness before she dies
And for misty. Idk honestly. I see her as the one bringing them together and also I 50/50 wanna see the reveal that she broke the box thing before she dies
i wanna be watching with high hopes and think that none of them will die but i fear it's just not possible. or is it.....
if they all DO die, i wonder who will be the last one standing then?? 🤔🤔 or if they all die, how will it end????? THERE'S SO MANY GOOD QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is so fucking cliche as all hell but if they ALL die, i kinda want a scene of them all in the wilderness cause that's where they go to surely?? the wilderness is calling them back???! im gonna eat up lottie's death scene no matter how much i love like sorry. all of their death scenes tbh like i love the angst.
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wheeler-fan · 8 months
Hi ok first of all im seeing alot of negative energy in your asks so i wanna make it clear that im not tryna be negative like genuinely curious about peoples opinions and yk wanting to talk about stuff i find interesting
So how do you feel about the framing in the last shot in season 4 like yk we have jopper and jancy (jopper is endgame im sure but idk abt jancy) and the will and mike in the middle like
The pairing and framing is very specific and odd like it is supposed to stick out to the viewer (cause yk normally people dont stand that far apart from each other in like pairs of two idk 😭) el in the centre alone makes sense though cause yk she’s in the eye of the storm (lol get it) (storm)
But they could’ve kept this framing but with different pairings too (like the wheelers together and the byers together) idk its just very obvious to me that they wanna make it stick out to the audience (not to mention that its the last shot of the season so obviously important)
And it doesn’t necessarily have to foreshadow byler but then what do you think it’s foreshadowing (cause there is something going on and yk the duffers love playing around like that)
ofc! i love getting questions from byler fans about my point of view!! let's just be nice to each other ❤️
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well i see you're asking about this final scene
*jopper- well they're standing together bc they are endgame ofc!🙄🙄 we all know that, but also they were together in s4 in a team- they're an iconic duo fr
*jancy- first thing, they're canonically still together, we know that they have some issues but we're hoping they'll have a happy ending and will be an endgame duh🙄🙏🏻
* eleven - as you just said, she's in the eye of the storm, she's gonna be the main person who's gonna fight vecna, it's gonna be her final fight, her revenge to get a justice for Max and for Hawkins (also why mike is not next to her? not only bc they were kinda separated from each other at the end, but also bc mike can't be in her shadow, he's probably gonna have an important thing to do this season, the same goes with Will)
* byler - well as i said before i think eleven is separated from them so people will pay more attention to them and their role in final season, second thing and you have to agree with me at this point - they were such an iconic duo this season (+ we know that it's canon that Will likes Mike) so yeah, even if we won't focus at romantic stuff here i bet they're gonna be one of the most iconic duo this season!! (let's hope🙏🏻or else👹)
* you said that maybe wheelers and byers could stand together but idk about this one tbh😭 it's probably connected to the fact that- 1)We want jancy to be explained, bc nancy doesn't know why Jonathan was acting so weird and yk we also have a problem with steve and his 6 chicken nuggets....😭. 2) We want byler (some of us romantically, some of us platonically) but still we want things to be explained between them right? Well that's how i see it, hope it helps!❤️
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sunshinerapmonster · 2 months
The Saregeant's Daughter - Chapter 28 Madeline
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"Yes, that's me"
Chicago Med S4 EP20: More Harm Than Good
I looked at the email on my phone with a huge smile an offer to work with the Gang Unit California, I have a week to accept the offer before it's given to someone else.
"What's with the smile on your face?" Maggie asked.
"It's a job offer about joining the Gang Unit in California," I said showing her the email.
Maggie read the email and looked at her with a smile, "So what are you going to do?"
"I don't know--I won't lie that offer sounds tempting but in California I don't wanna leave Jay," I said shutting my phone and putting it in my pocket.
"You two have to talk about this but I will support you with your decision even if that means leaving Chicago," she said placing her hand on my arm and squeezing it.
"Leaving Chicago?" Will said walking over to me.
"It's nothing," I said grabbing the iPad from his hands, "Let's go talk to the patient" and walked towards the room.
"Hi. I'm Dr. Halstead and this is Dr. Sanchez" Will said as we put gloves on.
"Vasiley Qipaqli?" I said reading off the name on the screen "Butchered it, didn't I? I'm sorry about that."
"You got close. Just call him Vee. It's easier. Uh, I'm his cousin, Brandon Wycoff" He said.
"Nice to meet you"
"So Vee, what happened?" Will asked him.
Vee turned to look at Brandon, "He's visiting me from Moldova. He knows like ten words of English"
"Yeah, that's--okay. We can get a translator" I said.
"Well, good luck" Brandon said causing me to stop "Most people there speak Russian or Romanian. He's from the south. He speaks Gagauz. It's just better if I do the talking. Long story short, he fell in the shower."
Will signaled at eyes then at the back of the head, "Look at the back of your head" and looked at the head "Eh, minor head laceration, doesn't even need a stitch" as I removed the ice from his wrist.
"Hey...anything hurt?" I asked looking at him as I moved his wrist a bit, "Pain?"
"Oh, I--I okay"
"Okay, good" I said pulling my pen out and flashed the light towards his eyes "I wanna get an X-ray. But I think the arm is just bruised"
"There's nothing internal?"
"I'm not seeing anything concerning"
"Oh thank god. If he's no-go. I'm screwed"
"Sorry?" I said.
"Oh" he chuckled "That came out wrong. Um...." and removed his jacket showing us his arm "Fistula for dialysis and stage renal disease?"
"Yeah. My only hope is a kidney. Luckily, he's donating me one of his. Love you cuz"
"I just got word your patient's gonna be admitted and moved upstairs to meet with transplant" Maggie whispered to me and Will.
"Mags" Will said turning away from me, "I need you to stall the transfer. I'm waiting on calls from translators"
"Gwen Garrett called me personally on this one" Maggie replied, "I can maybe buy you half an hour"
"That's not gonna do it. Damn it!"
"Will what's going on?" I asked looking at him confused.
"I don't think Vee is actually cousins with Brandon--he doesn't know any basic information about him and and Vee looks scared" Will said, "Mads we gotta help him, I don't think he fully understands what's going on"
I nodded, "Okay, let's get him a head CT"
"Mads" Maggie said.
"I'm just making sure there's not a delayed subdural hematoma that might endanger Vee in surgery"
"This case smells that funky?" Maggie said staring at us.
"It smells illegal" Will said looking at Vee room.
"Okay, I'll order you the CT. You got an hour now. But if I were, I'd find a plan B"
"Yeah, I need Miss Goodwin" Will said and walked away from us.
I followed Will into the room where Vee was in, "I have to ask you. Is Brandon paying for your kidney?" Will said pointing at his side.
Vee looked confused Will pulled his wallet out and pulled an 100 bill "Money, all right? Is Brandon paying you money for your kidney?"
"Nu, uh..no money"
Will put the money away, "it's okay. Just tell us the truth so we can help you"
"Help...uh yes" Vee said and stared looking through his belongings "Ah" and pulled a picture of two little boys "Me...Brandon"
"Brandon sick. I help family"
The door opened up and Brandon walked in, "Dr. Halstead is there a problem?"
"No, just checking on Vee" Will replied "Making sure he's okay"
"Me too" Brandon said walking towards Vee as he showed the picture he was just showing us, "Oh, you gotta be kidding me. Look at us. My mom took me to Moldova when I was eight. She wanted me to experience the homeland. And village after village, I was so bored. But then on the last day, I met Vee. And we couldn't speak to each other but we both knew how to play soccer."
"Football" Vee said, "Football, football. I--football"
I smiled at them as the laughed with each other, "Thank you for what you're doing for me. You're saving my life" Brandon said and turned to look at us "I wish he knew what I was saying"
"I think he does" I said and placed my hand on Will back, "We'll leave you guys alone"
I walked out of the hospital with Will next to me as I explained to him about the job offer I was given.
"Madeline Sanchez?" A male said walking over to us with an orange envelope.
"Yes, thats me" I replied confused.
"These are for you" He said handing me the envelope "Open this in private alone ma'am" and walked away from them.
"What was that about?" Will said as we watched him get into his vehicle and drove off.
"I have no idea" I mumbled looking at the envelope in my hand, "Well I'm going to get going see you tomorrow Will"
"yeah--get home safe" he said bringing me into a side hug.
I smiled at him and walked to my car. Once I was in my car I opened up the orange envelope, I pulled what looked like pictures that were backwards turning them around it was pictures of Jay with another women.
Tears slid down my face as I looked turned the pictures of him and another women, they were kissing, hugging, cuddling, and even in bed together and he looked so happy with her. I put the pictures away back in the envelope and pulled my phone out and went straight to the email that I had gotten this morning and replied that I would be taking the job--I blocked jay on everything without a word and sped home to pack everything. 
Jay Master List
intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Book Two
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The weakes3t link
S3 works like an experiment in a lab, not like an actual show on tv. Storer wanted to experiment with us.
S3 works as a stand-alone, not as part of an ensemble of previously flawless seasons, with the exception of the MPDG, the only cliché flaw we had had to put up with so far, which is debatable because her character's addition to the story could still work.
S3 was nothing but a sleight of hand that no one needed or asked for, even if the whole purpose of it was making the series longer. So many other paths coulda been explored to achieve that goal of prolonging it that it still doesn't justify THIS, what we were served.
I do like it and it grows on me as I keep dissecting it but I still don't want it, not like this. I'm all about putting the characters through hell, I never expected a fairy tale, I'm all about the redemption arcs that are not sugar-coated and based on realism and challenges that the characters don't always conquer, I'm an Austenian animal. What I'm not OK with and never will be is the unnecessary suffering. There were OTHER ways to do this and get to the obvious place Storer is going with Carmy, which is him finding "a cure" to his loneliness, as JAW once said. This will include all the other characters of the show as well, like I said long ago, the structure is Austenian so we know where they are all gonna end up. Why make us, the viewers, suffer, and why gaslighting us? Why not just shut the fuck up and show us how these characters suffer and find a glimpse of hope at the end of the season at least? Just a glimpse that makes us wanna see more of that?
Why not show me how Carmy realizes after letting himself cry for the first time in years that everything he did all season long is wrong and literally shows us he wants to change? I don't need to see the change right this sec, this season, sure, but give me some actual visual sign, please! IK that's what's gonna happen anyway, so... I mean obviously the protagonist of the fucking story will not end up throwing himself under a bus after getting that fucking review, so show me a glimpse of hope that involves the 2 fucking main characters that are literally emotionally broken right now and I will follow you down to hell and back to see how they pull through.
Show me SOMETHING that reassures me. IK that's where this is headed anyway, so why THIS!??! WHY LIKE THIS?!?! WHY THE SADISM?!!
This season was unnecessarily harsh and for the same reason poetic, if you can find beauty in pain, knowing that through that pain, an equal or greater joy will come eventually. But still. It was not supposed to be like this, given the previous 2 seasons that didn't need to be processed as a stand-alone to work.
The show is a whole entity, this season only works as an isolated event that will only make total sense once the show ends and we can look back. It's a season meant to be fully appreciated in perspective not right now, that's a mistake. I shouldn't have to wait a whole year to fucking love it, I certainly didn't have to do that with the other 2.
All the good things it has, and IMO it has many, are totally diminished by the many other things that ruin it.
IK S4 will fix this, I'm positive, or even 3B for that matter if that's even a thing... but we shouldn't need that, The Bear is not, or was not, a show that needed "fixing" till Storer FUCKED UP THIS BAD.
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eddiemunsonw · 2 years
It takes one kiss
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CHAPTER 1 - Stupid party games
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5
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Steddie Fanfic
Summary: Steve hosts a party and ends up suffering through the consequences of humoring Tommy.
Steve Harrington kisses Eddie Munson by accident and that sucked. Right?
CW / Disclaimer: Some mild overlap with S4 scenes (barely) - But (!!) Eddie lives - Mention of F-slur once.
Author’s note: My first Steddie fic! Another first woop. Let's hope you like. It has five parts that I'll be posting both on here and on my ao3: eddiemunsons. Enjoy!
Words: (of current chapter) 3695 / (complete fic) 15381
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Steve’s POV
Would it really be a Saturday night if Steve Harrington wasn’t hosting a party at his parentless house right before break? Exactly. Steve had counted more heads than he could remember and barely recognized half of them. It didn’t matter. He put the breakable stuff away in his parents’ room, locked it. All was good. At least, until Tommy decided everyone had to join in these stupid party games. They played spin the bottle for a while, which Steve gleefully avoided because Tammy Thompson was in the circle and he did not want to kiss her. She had been making eyes at him more and more lately and he was not ready for accidentally dropping wrong clues in her direction. He didn’t care much about the others either, but he wouldn’t mind making out a bit if he was honest.
Apparently, Tommy could read thoughts nowadays, because one minute Steve was enjoying some spiked mixture that Carol had made in his father’s favorite armchair (that still looked good as new considering he never sat in it) and the next he got hauled up by Tommy.
“Who wants their kissing skills rated by King Steve?!”
“Tommy, what—”
“Watch, this is gonna be great. You might get a nice hookup out of this and if not, at least you made out with a bunch of hot chicks. We line ‘em all up and you give them a number one to ten. Easy peasy.”
“No T—”
“Tammy, yeah, I know. Alright, you just stand here, I’m gonna steal someone’s tie for a blindfold. There’s always some fucker walking around like he’s on the way to a funeral.”
Steve stood there, still swaying a bit unsteady as he had just downed the pretty strong drink a little too quickly before Tommy pulled him on his feet. So he was going to kiss a bunch of girls. Alright, whatever. He glanced around and was met with several eager, several nervous faces.
Not much later, Tommy returned with someone’s scarf instead of a tie and wasted no time tying it around Steve’s head.
“Careful for the hair, man. You’re gonna make it look all loopy,” Steve complained softly as Tommy sniggered and tugged the scarf a bit tighter.
“Can you see anything?” If Tommy was waving his hand in front of Steve, which he was pretty sure he was doing right now, Steve couldn’t see.
“Nope. Dark as the night.”
Tommy sounded like he was holding a sales pitch. It probably would have worked for a kissing booth or something, except people were supposed to pay for that, for charity or something. Right now, it felt like Steve was the one giving out charity. He realized a little too late that he actually didn’t feel like making out with people at all. Backing down now, however, meant being questioned. And he was way too drunk and honest for that right now. Which in turn also worried him a little if he was supposed to rate these girls. This was going to be brutal. He had to remind himself to give some decent numbers at least.
“Alright ladies, form a line.” Tommy’s broad hands grasped onto Steve’s shoulders and pulled him to the start of the line. “Do you wanna rate them at the end or in between?” he asked him.
“At the end, otherwise I can’t compare.”
“Makes sense. I thought you were too drunk already to still have some logic inside that pretty little brain of yours,” Tommy said mockingly, laughing as he nudged Steve forward.
“Contestant number one! And for the record everyone, no one gives away who he’s kissing. This has to be fair and square.”
“Right. Uh, hi,” Steve said awkwardly, feeling awfully vulnerable now that the majority of the people in the living room seemed to be watching the spectacle, if the hushed conversations were anything to go by. Someone turned the music up a bit and Steve could feel himself relax a little. He wanted to lift his hands to grab her face but assumed that might be counted as cheating as well, so instead he just leaned in and hoped she would do the same. The first kiss was no more than a lengthy peck on the lips which was fine but a little boring. Tommy moved him to the next girl, who wrestled with his tongue as if she wanted to take it out of his mouth and swallow it whole. Unpleasant. The third was actually kind of nice, with just enough tongue and her lips were soft too. After that, everything seemed to blend together apart from the eighth girl who bit his lip a little too hard. He had no idea how many girls Tommy had rounded up for him to kiss and he lost count after ten. His lips started to become sore when he got to what he later came to realize was his thirteenth kiss.
Eddie’s POV
Harrington’s parties were always the best for selling. Lots of people, often people whose pockets were spilling over with their parent’s gracious allowance and he could easily get his deals done without authorities noticing. That was a little trickier at a high school. After he was done dealing he decided to make use of the free food and drinks that were displayed and spent quite some time outside with a bottle of liquor he had found in the cabinet below the sink. He realized he was probably unfit to drive with the amount of alcohol in his system and decided it might be a good idea to sleep it off near the pool until a couple started stripping off their clothes right next to him.
He jumped up, stumbling forward towards the house as he rested a tired hand on the sliding door until he realized that he was pressing against nothing. How he managed to not completely trip, he had no clue. He also had no idea how he managed to halt in front of a blindfolded Steve Harrington, who suddenly leaned in and kissed him full on the lips.
The faint arguing of Tommy and Tammy right next to him was easily drowned out by the slaughtering beating his heart was getting as he not only felt Harrington’s lips against his, but he felt them move. This was no clumsy stumbling forward action like Eddie had done, this was deliberately kissing him. Eddie gasped unwillingly, his lips parting slightly as he did so. Which was either the best or the worst thing he could have done, because now Harrington was slipping his tongue inside his mouth and Christ it felt good.
All that had ever made sense in his life flew out the window and he focused on what he felt only. Listened to what his body wanted. And man, if there was anything his body wanted right now like a lost man in the desert wanted water, it was kissing Steve Harrington.
With some hesitation he let his own tongue join in on the fun, gliding across the other boy’s. He reveled in the fact that a soft noise escaped Steve’s lips when he nipped at his lip and soothed it with his tongue before diving in again, his head angled slightly to deepen the kiss. If either boy had paid any mind to their surroundings, they would have noticed the silence. People had stopped talking mid sentence to witness what was going on. Even Tammy forgot to argue with Tommy about being pushed aside just as Steve wanted to kiss her. Some watched with curiosity, others with pure disgust. When Tommy finally interrupted them, Steve seemed reluctant to move away, licking his lips in the aftermath. Eddie was brought back to reality as he watched Tommy’s disgusted expression, which matched a lot of other people that were currently staring at him in silence. Eddie quickly backed away towards the kitchen and was ready to leave entirely when Steve spoke up, making him linger. Him and his stupid curiosity.
Steve’s POV
“Am I done now?”
“Y-Yeah man. Here.” Tommy helped Steve with his blindfold and the latter blinked a few times to adjust to the light. Still a little high on the feeling that last kiss had given him, he looked around the room oblivious to the weird stares. Maybe they were just jealous, or something. Or maybe it had been a little too wild. He suppressed a grin by biting down on his lip and looked at Tommy.
“How many girls did I kiss? I lost count.”
Carol giggled drunkenly and opened her mouth but Tommy elbowed her.
“Shit, okay,” he chuckled, trying to recall them separately. It was impossible. Rating them at the end without making notes in between was impossible. So instead, he went for decent ratings. He remembered a few numbers vaguely enough to know what to rate them with. Ultimately he left people with 6’s, 7’s and even one 8. The girl he had scored an 8 happened to be kind of pretty, so that was fortunate.
“So… that leaves the last one,” Steve said, eager to find out who he had been kissing last. He hoped she was pretty. Looks weren’t everything, but they were a pretty fucking great bonus. Steve noticed that the crowd died down again, which was unusual for his parties. It had only been a kiss, so why were they being so weird about it? There hadn’t been any weird silences in between his other kisses. He decided he couldn’t care less. He just wanted to know who it was.
“Number thirteen I rate 9.5 out of 10,” Steve started, hearing a few gasps and giggles as he stated the number. “I would have given her a ten if our kiss wasn’t cut short by Tommy,” he said while glaring at Tommy who wore an expression he couldn’t decipher even if he had been sober. Weird. “So… Who was it?”
Steve looked around the room, silently taking hopeful guesses at a few pretty faces until his eyes landed on Tommy. “Well?”
Carol started giggling again, her eyes nearly closed as she snorted and spilled a bit of her drink on the floor. Nothing new. Steve did wonder what was so funny.
“Steeeeve,” she giggled, then hiccupped and Tommy gave her a worried glance. Again, nothing new, right? Carol was drunk more often than not at parties. Tommy avoided his gaze but Steve didn’t miss a flicker of disgust crossing his eyes. What the fuck was going on? Was she ugly or something?
“Steve,” Carol giggled again, catching his attention once more, “you kissed the freak!”
Cold dread filled him instantly and his eyes snapped up towards the kitchen, following Carol’s gesture, where no other than Eddie Munson had just let his red cup slip from his fingers, staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. Eddie Munson?!
Eddie’s POV
Oh fuck. Oh shit. Shit shit shit. This wasn’t good. This was bad, very bad. He glanced down at his shoes, his laces now soaked with the sticky punch he had filled himself a cup with when Carol had slipped out that it had been him. Steve Harrington, his goonies and basically everyone else at the party were staring at him. And what he did next, truly made him wonder whether he had a death wish or something. Unprovoked, not a thought crossing his mind other than sheer panic, and yet he did it anyway. He looked Steve Harrington straight in the eyes and fucking winked.
He knew he shouldn’t have done that, he did. But what made him really fucking certain that it had been a bad idea was when Harrington charged towards him and grabbed him by his shirt, roughly shaking him up.
“Why did you kiss me?! Wasn’t it obvious what was going on?” Harrington practically yelled at him, startling even himself by the look on his face. Eddie lifted his hands up in defense while his brain worked hard to create sentences in his head.
“First of all, you kissed me. Secondly, I literally stumbled inside because I tripped over your goddamn door sill and happened to land in front of you. I didn’t know what was going on until we were already doing it,” Eddie explained exasperatedly. Feeling Harrington’s rapid breathing teasing his throat was not helping him to think straight. Eddie noticed how the other boy’s eyes quickly darted to the people gaping at their interaction and he lowered his voice a little. 
“You could have stopped it, stepped back or something!”
“I could, but… I didn’t,” Eddie sighed and licked his lips as his eyes accidentally flicked down to Steve’s mouth. What was there to say? They kissed, it wasn’t the end of the world. Clearly, Steve had liked it too. Wait. Steve had liked it too. Shit. Before he knew it, his mouth was running again. 
“Besides… you literally rated me a 9.5. You were clearly enjoying yourself, as much as the reveal of who it was disappointed you.”
Anger, panic and the slightest flicker of disgust flashed in Steve’s eyes and he pushed Eddie backwards with force. The unexpected push caused him to stumble backwards and land his back on the counter painfully, a grunt escaping his lips.
“Just stay the fuck away from me, freak!” Steve seethed, his eyes blazing as he furiously rubbed his mouth on his sleeve.
Okay… dramatic much. Eddie straightened his back, briefly glancing over at the rest of the crowd who all had negative expressions on their faces reserved specifically for him. He couldn’t care less about those, he was used to it. Hell, most of those people had looked at him like that at some point throughout this evening. Never Steve Harrington though. While ‘The King’ never acknowledged him, he at the very least didn’t go out of his way to taunt him. Never stuck up for him either, but that was okay. Eddie knew being a popular kid basically stripped you from being able to act out human decency. However, it still hurt like a bitch when he of all people called him a freak. Tommy had, loads of times. He never let the opportunity slide in fact. Carol too, whenever she wanted to be extra cool around Tommy. But Steve? Never. Not once. It didn’t help that Eddie had a silly little crush on the guy either. He knew it was impossible, but still. This shit hurt.
He knew when to take his leave though. It wouldn’t be the first time he had gotten a beating, but he really wasn’t feeling one tonight. Today had been good overall. It would have continued to be good had he not stumbled right in front of Steve Harrington, who had then kissed him. During the few times he had allowed himself to fantasize about him, their first kiss had never gone like this. He wished he could forget about all of it, but as fucked up as the whole situation was, kissing Steve Harrington had felt fucking amazing. It would be impossible to forget in his lifetime.
All eyes were on him as he quietly made his way through the crowd towards the front door and he received a couple shoves from jocks, the other f-word being slung to his head as well. The front door closed behind him with a bang and he walked to his van without looking back. Listening to the deafening silence around him save from the crunch of his shoes on the asphalt. As soon as he closed the door of his van and drove off, he only felt a little annoyed about the tears spilling on his cheeks.
Steve’s POV
“What are you all looking at? Go party or get lost already,” he grunted as he stepped on a red cup on the ground. After some awkward shuffling, one person had the brains to turn the music back on at a decent volume and slowly everyone continued what they were doing before the whole thing happened. Tommy approached him cautiously and leaned on the kitchen island with his arm, facing him.
“Did you mean it?” he asked, a question way too vague for Steve’s jumbled thoughts at the moment. He reached for the bottle in the cabinet below the sink and found it missing, much to his annoyance. Which person would snoop around the cabinets when there was a table filled of shit? Rude. He could have used some stronger stuff right now.
“Did I mean what?” Steve responded impatiently when Tommy failed to give any context. The other guy awkwardly gestured towards the living room near the spot where Steve had walked away from earlier and shrugged.
“You know. The 9.5 you gave to the freak.”
Steve froze in his movement for only a second before he frowned at his friend. He noticed Tommy looked quite uncomfortable and he hated it. Hated that he had been betrayed so hard by everyone around him. It wasn’t just Munson who had let it happen. It was Tommy, Carol and everyone else too. They had all seen him kiss someone he wasn’t supposed to kiss, and how could he have known? He had been blindfolded! Sure, he had smelled cologne and tasted smoke and they had been the tiniest bit taller than him but… All of that didn’t necessarily scream “guy” or something. It could have just been a slightly taller girl that liked to smoke and used her dads cologne for whatever weird reason. Who cares? But no. Tommy had watched him make out with… him, for god knows how long. It was awful. He had never hated anything more in his life. Steve scoffed.
“Are you kidding me? I was totally joking. I was gonna tell them it was actually a 1.5 and that they should get some more practice. As a joke.” He sincerely hoped his lie was believable enough for Tommy because he sure as hell couldn’t convince himself. Unfortunately, Tommy didn’t buy it.
“Doesn’t really sound like something you would do,” Tommy said quietly, almost accusingly. As if not being a dickhead was the worst thing in the world. He wanted to be the biggest dickhead. Anything was better than being the guy who kissed the freak and rated him a near tenner.
“Yeah? Well. Standing by and letting that freak kiss your friend doesn’t really sound like good old Tommy either. What the actual fuck, dude?! You let me down, man! This was all your idea and look what happened! The fact that you’re even asking me this is really fucked up.”
“Maybe if you hadn’t looked like you were into it that much I wouldn’t have to ask, Steve,” Tommy seethed, visibly angry. “You were literally sucking each other's faces off. I have never seen you kiss Nancy like that. Or any girl for that matter.”
“Sounds like you enjoy watching me kiss a lot. Is that it? Did it awaken something in you?” Steve bit back. Tommy seemed ready to punch him but Steve didn’t care. He wasn’t in the wrong here, Tommy was.
“Are you calling me a fag, dude?” Tommy’s eyes were blazing by now, his fists clenched at his sides as he straightened his back. Steve shrugged carelessly.
“I’m not calling you anything, but if the shoe fits…”
“You take that back. You fucking take that back right now or I’ll—”
Oh, great. More drama. Tommy gave him one last venomous look and then made a run towards Carol, grabbed her hand and left through the back door. Steve watched as people left his house through the windows, heard them jump from the first floor onto the roof before jumping down on the lawn and the most impatient line was starting to form at the front door. His parents were going to love this. 
After humoring Hopper for a little while, he went back inside with a warning and cleaned up most of the mess everyone had left around until he noticed that the sun was coming up. It didn’t matter. He wouldn’t have been able to sleep anyway. Not with that goddamn kiss lingering in his mind, lips tingling from the mere afterthought of it. 
He hated everything about it, but most of all the fact that he had liked it. There was probably a logical explanation for it. He thought he had been kissing a girl after all. Eddie had full lips. Girls often had full lips. Did guys often have full lips? He sure didn’t. And then there was the wink and the staring at his lips that Munson had so carelessly done in front of everyone. He had heard the rumors about Munson being gay but always assumed it was bullshit because he had seen him trying to flirt and fail at it with girls often enough. He didn’t look gay. But being gay didn’t really have to do with looks, did it? Anyone could be gay. Or straight. You weren’t straight by default if you looked like a jock or something. He passed a mirror on the way to his bedroom and halted, taking in his appearance. Peered at himself to see if he could spot telltale signs of any sexuality there.
He had a square jaw, that was manly. But his hair looked better than half the girls in his year. Not so manly? But again, did it really matter if you looked manly or not? What did it even fucking mean? His head hurt from overthinking combined with lack of sleep. This was all way too complicated.
Steve liked girls. Girls liked Steve. Those two statements made sense. He had to hold onto things that just made sense. Right? Yes. And he had to forget about the weird feeling that got sent straight to his groin when Eddie looked down at his lips. Yes. And he also had to forget about how soft his lips were. Yes. And forget about how a kiss had never felt this good before. Yes. He could do this. Steve. Liked. Girls. End of story.
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