#if they think he’s not real. why shoot an android if another one will just show back up
the-faultofdaedalus · 2 years
ok so i wasn’t really gonna have bucky play any major part in remortal au but how fucking funny would it be if after he’s found and brought back he takes one look at tony, kinda squints, and just goes “… i shot you”
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daisy-mooon · 11 months
Furys Glowstick Army - daisy_mooon
Meeting Carol was an event and a half.
Fucker had fallen through a building, raided the Radio Shack, called him stupid, evaded arrest, bullied him into joining her mission, gave him a singular pager in compensation and then fucked off to never be seen again. As much as she was likable, she had been very, very annoying. The paperwork for shape-shifting aliens and amnesiac alien glow sticks was not worth it.
For some reason, he names the Avengers after her. Because fucking why not. His intention was to assemble a group of enhanced people, and there was no obvious reason why he couldn't call them the Avengers. It sounds a hell of a lot better than the Protector Initiative.
"Does that mean you'll be recruiting more glowsticks?" Coulson asks innocently, hands clasped in front of him.
Fury stares directly into his fucking soul. "I am not looking for an army of glowsticks."
Monica wants to be like Carol one day. And sure, it's cute for a kid to want to be a superhero, but secretly he prays a thinks that the blonde idiot did fuck off, because if he hears someone bring up glowsticks one more time he's going to shoot them.
Fifteen years later and he had another glowstick.
Thor. Asgardian God of thunder. He'd grilled Carol and Talos on information about space before they went off to crusade outer space and never be seen again, but they hadn't even mentioned the fact that "hey, Norse gods are real and they're super fucking weird".
Thor isn't a real glowstick though, more like a firecracker. And somehow even more annoying - Carol had the decency to break into PEGASUS without causing a massive scene. Thor had just walked into their research facility and started fighting people.
So no. Not a glowstick. Fury doubts he'll ever find another glowstick again.
Coulson asks him, briefly, about glowsticks.
Fury flips him off.
Tony is not a glowstick. He does not glow like Carol. He doesn't even spark like Thor. Tony mother-fucking Stark is not a glowstick and anyone who says he is will be shot.
Wanda Maximoff is interesting. But she's not a glowstick.
She could probably make a glowstick, but that's not important. She's not a glowstick. He's also no longer the director of SHIELD. Not a glowstick.
Monica is now in her mid thirties, can shoot a gun, can drive a car and can apparently avoid getting killed by a very upset Wanda Maximoff. It makes Fury reel, in a way- when the fuck did she grow up and how did she grow up so fast-
And she glows.
Not like Thor, or Tony or Wanda. It's the closest glow to Carol's that he's seen, and possibly more impressive - Carol harnessed the energy. Monica became the energy.
He avoids mentioning Carol after a Skrull references Danvers and Monica's face sours. He silently debates whether or not to encourage her to start a fight with her deadbeat aunt, who had fucked off to space again, it has been two fucking weeks since the blip for gods sake, or letting the universe live in peace and not suffer from the fall-out of said fight.
He then realises, half way through internal debate, that Monica is a glowstick.
As long as Coulson doesn't find out, it's fine. He's back from his… what, third death? This time as an android. He's retired now, living peacefully with agent May, now an empath who teaches kids instead of beating soldiers to death. And his flying car is back. And his kind-of-daughter visits on weekends when she isn't busy causing earthquakes with her boyfriend from 1950.
Because all of that happened. Why the fuck not..
There was a whole time travelling thing. Apparently. Coulson had sent him an email. Coulson sent him a lot of emails, mostly talking about how proud he was of his kind-of-daughter Daisy whenever she caused a category seven earthquake.
Fury decidedly did not send Coulson an email about Monica. If he ever found out that he had gained another glowstick? He would honestly prefer the category seven earthquake.
There's a teenage girl. There's a teenage girl that got powers at Avenger Con. Caused an accident, fixed it, saved a kid at Eid and accidentally dropped him off the side of the local mosque, before evading arrest and pissing off Damage Control very damp badly.
All whilst dressed in a Captain Marvel cosplay.
That's certainly asking for a lawsuit, but that lovely sample of chaos is far more in character to Carol than any airforce propaganda that's come out in the past five years. He replays the seething video someone at Damage Control left him and laughs
Then she starts glowing.
…Fury is not getting involved. It's not his problem.
So what was supposed to not be Fury's problem ends up being the worst and most annoying problem of Fury's life. Monica switched places with a terrified teenager whilst in the middle of space, the teenager was the girl at Avenger Con who apparently was enough of a superhero nerd to know him by name, what the fuck, and Carol is back and has just fallen through another building-
Their powers are- entangled? Monica can manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum, Carol can manipulate energy and the girl- Nightlight, Ms Marvel, Kamala Khan or whatever - can crystallise light. He doesn't see any connection between them other than energy. They're barely even the same species. Carol is half Kree and Kamala is a mutant/dijnn/clandestine/he doesn't even wanna know at this point. But whenever they use their powers at the same time they switch places, which is really not ideal when said people are a highly classified secret agent, an alien busy fighting an intergalactic war, and a sixteen year old highschooler who doesn't even have a driving license. So. It's unfortunately now his problem.
Monica is stressed that her relatively normal day has spiraled off the rails. Carol has the emotional stability of a plastic fork and has failed seven interactions in a row. Kamala is hyper and excited to meet her favourite superhero and actual Sword agents, not the low budget shit they had at the Department of Damage Control. Fantastic.
Kamala's family is not hyper or excited. Their living room is in tatters, their dining table has been wrecked and there are three unconscious Kree soldiers plonked on chairs. Mrs Khan does not share Kamala's excitement to meet Captain Marvel. Mrs Khan, upon realising who Carol is, stares at her for five long seconds, shuts her eyes, and sighs "Astaghfirullah" from the very depths of her soul.
Kamala Khan is NOT a glowstick. This becomes apparent when she makes a few glowing platforms when Carol and Monica are talking like totally emotionally stable and responsible adults and aren't using their powers to mess around. Fury sighs in relief because he honestly doesn't know what he's going to do if she is.
Kamala Khan has just encased herself in glowing crystal armour and has punched a Kree ship out of the sky.
He groans. Kamala Khan is a glowstick.
The new Emperor of the Kree Empire is also a glowstick, with the same powers as Kamala.
She also wants to kill them. Because Carol.
Goddamn. He hates how fucking everything can be explained with the two words 'because Carol'. Why does he have a cat? Because Carol. Why is there a sixteen year old running around in outer space? Because Carol. Why did the Kree Empire almost collapse in the resulting civil war of a power vacuum after their capital planet was burnt to the ground, allowing a dictator glowstick to seize power? Because Carol.
Why does Fury keep amassing glowsticks? Because Carol.
Normal people aren't going to find the phone number of the old director of SHIELD just anywhere. But Kamala Khan is no normal person - she's a sixteen year old with a hyperfixation on the Avengers. The laws of nature do not abide to hyperfixations.
Fury isn't even surprised she found it. He's disappointed. HYDRA, Kree, Skrulls, DoDC, US government and fucking AIM have all tried to kill slash arrest him multiple times, and the only person ever to find his phone number is some kid who stans Loona and writes Captain Marvel fanfiction.
The two messages she leaves him are simple. They state shit whilst doing the weird sending shit mid sentence where a pause would be that Gen Z do.
"Hey Fury! Its me Ms Marvel :).
"My friend has the same powers as me so i was wondering"
He blocks her whilst she's still typing.
Monica texts him. Then again. Then twice more. He considers blocking her too, but he has to go to work tomorrow and the fact that he's her boss has never stopped her from bullying him mercilessly. That's the real reason you shouldn't hire a glowstick. There's no stopping their reign of terror once they get started.
He leaves her on read.
Carol sends him a very long message in Kree.
He texts back a simple what the fuck
Her response: 'I forgot to translate hahaha'
Noticeably, she does not translate anything. He asks Talos what it means. He takes one look at it and almost dies laughing.
"So this is Kamran," Kamala beams at him, gesturing to a tall boy about a year older than her, awkward and sheepish. When he asks her a string of questions involving: is that the kid that was wanted by Damage Control last month, why the hell are you in SABER on a school day, how the goddamn fuck did you get into my office, she tells him to do the thing and he creates a glowing yellow-blue crystal.
The glowstick kind of yellow-blue crystal.
They did this on purpose. Kamala called Kamran and asked if he would like protection from SWORD. Carol took her live laugh love spaceship to pick him up and take him there SWORD. Monica purposefully notified them when Fury would be in his office and not busy so they could force him to deal with this shit. And also broke them into his office. But that's not relevant, apparently.
What's relevant is that he now has to deal with a fourth glowstick.
He's not amused.
He kind of hopes that Carol would just fuck off again.
She does not fuck off, under the emailed explanation that she needs to be a “responsible, more promising example hero” and should be more “thoroughly engaged and concerned with human affairs”. It's a very… stiff email, and he guesses that she wrote it in Kree, threw it in a translator, and called it a day.
The email annoys him a lot more than it should do because Carol's snark, worth its weight in comedic gold because its infinitely more entertaining to read a message crammed with sarcasm than it is to read some poilite bullshit, has been lost to the brutal fact that Kree and English are such different languages thay the translator physically can not interpet whatever the fuck she's jesting about in a way that he would understand.
He shoots a text to Talos, asking where the hell he can learn Kree, because he might as fucking well at this point.
Talos sends a singular message back.
"Ver-kels kav is Kree for glowstick."
Fury blocks him.
By the time Thor calls him to tell him about his newly adopted daughter, Love, he's suspicious of any and all contact. He didn't even know Thor had a phone. But then he hears the words 'her eyes can shoot purple energy' and he grits his teeth.
Fury ignores it. But then it turns out that Carol is on babysitting duty and because her goal in life is to give him as many headaches as possible, she spams about eighty fucking images of the kid.
…it's a cute kid. But he's not getting involved. He is not getting involved.
Coulson rings him.
Fury wants to block him too, but he's already blocked Talos' human phone, Carol's private number, a solid third of Monica's socials and every app, website and game that Kamala is so much is mentioned on. Which is no easy feat - she has four alts on Roblox alone. So he decides fuck it, he's going to pick up and follow this conversation through.
They talk for a bit about various planet endangering events; time travel, androids, aliens, his daughters category seven earthquakes going to category fifteen when she gets really angry, etcetera, etcetera. He decides to ask how his daughter is doing, because politeness, and the last time he had as much as seen her was right before SHIELD collapsed when she sadly could not cause a category seven earthquake, and Coulson goes on a long tangent about her Inhuman earthquaking that he almost starts to fall asleep-
"Oh, before I forget, she has a half sister. Yeah, I'm not too close with Kora, but she's nice. A bit skittish. I think having your sister be able to destroy planets can be pretty hard to live up too when it comes to Inhuman powers."
Hm. Hes talking about the Inhuman powers of someone he doesn't know and didn't ask about.
Uh oh.
"...why are you telling me about Kora?"
"Well, funny story, she can manipulate energy-"
Fury hangs up on him.
Coulson comes up to SABER a week later with Kora standing next to him, and although he claimed not to be that close too her, he's wearing a proud dad grin and she's looking almost defensive of him. Which is laughable, considering he's now an android or whatever. But then she makes a few sparks and Monica's head instantly pokes into his office because she can sense energy and the two of them start talking about energy manipulation and damn it theyre exchanging phone numbers-
Coulson smiles at him. Proud dad grin. He can fuck right off, Fury's a solid ten years older than him. But it doesn't change the fact that he now has five glowsticks. He hates it here.
Monica is technically more of an Avenger than an employee of SABER, but he's still her boss, which gives her full legal rights to annoy the shit out of him. So when she enters his office in her most professional blazer with a stack of files in hand, he's instantly on edge.
"Here's a list of enhanced individuals that we pulled from the SWORD database." She's wearing the look of collected ease that she's perfected over the years. It slips into a tiny grin. "Talos made sure to select that ones that you would be most interested in."
He already knows what he's going to find. He opens it anyway. A list of three hundred enhanced with energy, light and fire related powers stare back at him.
He almost fires her on the spot. He doesn't, because he's just that nice of a person.
The actual reason is because it turns out that Monica is only SABER employee that knows how he lost his eye and he would rather nuke the damn space station than let her tell anyone.
"So, sir." Coulson smiles, hands clasped in front of him.
It's training day at SABER. Training day meaning that he's begrudgingly let a bunch of enhanced run around one of the gyms for three hours. His only relief is that three of the people he allows in have powers completely unrelated to energy.
Three people that have decided not to come, but that's irrelevant.
Fury leans back in his chair just as someone causes an explosion. He's pretty sure it's Carol. He honestly doesn't care what happens, as long as the room looks halfway presentable when they leave. Of course, that never really goes to plan, but if they do cause too much damage then he can just force them to pay for it. Being the boss has its perks.
He side eyes Coulson. Apparently being the boss doesn't have every perk.
"I could have sworn you said you weren't looking for anymore glowsticks." He says innocently. More than innocently. Coulsonly. Because only Coulson could pull off that face.
"I'm going to let Goose eat you." He half threatens.
"That's alright sir." He brushes it off fairly easily. "Dying is my superpower."
That one is Fury's fault. Well. Kind of his fault. It's not his fault that Coulson turned into a motherfucking robot, but he takes the hint and decides not to let Goose eat him.
He settles back in the chair. Maybe glowsticks aren't such a bad thing, after all.
There's a new hit fanfiction on Wattpad. It's kind of impressive; no one knows how the fuck fanfiction trends work on that God forsaken site, but reaching top ten in seventeen tags and #1 in the Fanfiction category is no small feat.
He wonders why the hell Coulson sent him this. He continues reading.
"If you knew nothing about yourself, would you let a stranger help you? Amnesiac warrior Vers doesn't know, but then she meets secret agent Nick Fury mid mission. He's too mysterious for her to know, but if she's to trust him, then she needs answers - and fast. Is he a friend? Foe? To trust or not to trust? And did he really loose his eye in a fight, or is he lying to cover up a furry companion?"
He frantically skips to the last chapter, skims until he finds out, to his absolute horror, that it does reveal how he lost his eye. In a #1 trending fanfiction. Which has four thousand reads and counting.
Author: Slothbaby.
He takes everything about liking glowsticks back. He hates glowsticks. He despises them. He's never going to look at a glowstick again. This is the worst, most outrageous thing that had ever happened to him, and it happened because of a glowstick.
Coulson sends him an email containing a singular laughter emoji.
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bluehairlaunch · 1 year
7 Best Dragon Ball Villains (objective)
Honorable mentions include Raditz, who is responsible for Goku dying, Piccolo Jr., who actually killed Goku, but was never really a villain imo (he just thought he was, similar to Tien), Nappa, and the Ginyu Force, especially Recoome. Majin Buu is also a fav of mine, but he's the child emperor shooting his BB gun at peasants; he isn't amazingly responsible for his actions until he becomes Super Buu, and Super Buu is... not a good character, much less a good villain.
Nothing filler is on this list btw, because they all suck, except Mystical Adventure, which just rehashes the Red Ribbon Army.
Zarbon is also not on this list, Repeat, Zarbon is NOT on this list (although look at those eyes)
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Dr. Gero
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I considered putting 17 and 18 on this list together, but they're even less villainous than Piccolo and Tien, and their actually evil future counterparts are decidedly different characters, with a past only referenced and feats we aren't privy to outside of the non-canonical History of Trunks.
Even if 17 and 18 had been the real villains of the Android Saga, this dude's shadow would still loom large over two huge sagas -- being directly responsible for Eighter and all the other androids. Maybe he even designed those doubledecker tanks the RR Army loved so much??
One of the things I adore about Dragon Ball is how Toriyama doesn't usually design his villains to be traditionally Cooooool. Sure, sometimes he provides, but you'll mostly get a small gremlin, short hitler, assassin in pink, fat pink bubble gum monster, short despot, another short despot, girl and boy twink, fat clown, and, in this case, an old man in baggy pants. However, unless the character is just for gags like Pilaf, he still makes these nonconventional villains just as baller as your Sephiroths, Madaras, etc., and Dr. Gero is no exception.
So what if he's an old bald man in baggy pants? He fucks. He canonically fucks even (looking at you 16). He fists yamcha. Destroys city. He murders the fuck outta that car dude and sets an ominous tone that carries over into the Cell portion of the saga.
I like him
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The only character from Super on this list and that's because Super sucks (GT is an actual abomination though, so don't expect a bait and switch Super 17). However, Battle of the Gods is a great movie, and Beerus is an even better character. He's also (usually) not an antagonist, but he's certainly a villain. I think Buu or maybe Frieza maaaaay have a bigger body count, although the only reason would be Beerus' consummate laziness.
King Piccolo
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First and only villain to make a wish, murderer of Roshi (effectively), Chiaotzu, and Shenron, and responsible for the death of Krillin and Goku's first nimbus. He also figures nicely into the backstory of Roshi and the history of the Dragon Ball world.
Him sleeping with his eyes open is neat too
The only reason he's not higher on this list is due to the myriad retcons that surround him and the Namekians. For instance, Dragon Balls seem mythic at first, but they're actually less than 300 years old. If Kami is significantly stronger than him, why was he content to let King Piccolo do world genocide TWICE? Why not send Popo if he can't? (him being a Namekian and Kami's other half is a good retcon tho, it's just clunky).
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I stan a short king
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I don't think Geets has the first beam struggle, but he has the best (objective), with the stakes being the fate of the world. He also has the best fight in the series (objective), with his arc killing half of Dragon Team's fighters, and his fight requiring the other half. And it's still a nail biter!
I stan a short prince
Tao Pai Pai
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This fucker has so much swagger. Dude kills General Blue with his tongue, wears a pink chang pao that says 'Kill You', rides around on various shit he throws, and gets an evil nimbus in the filler. Oh yeah, and he absolutely obliterates Goku in their first fight. The only people Goku even struggled with before this was Yamcha, who beat a hungry hungry Goku, General Blue, and Jackie Chun, and none of them came close to outclassing Goku the way Tao did. He also never overstayed his welcome; every scene with him is dope af
Oh and he also did Mecha Frieza before Frieza
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What is there to say? He's perfect.
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The punshroom has graced me with sparkles 🎉
Because idk how these ask things actually work, uhhh here's kinda-longer one?
Another scene from Duality of Light (heed ao3 tags), but this one is actually deleted but DANG IT I WANTED TO KEEP IT SO BAD. Spoilers ahead~~~
Gavin held the tablet in his hands, fingers still lingering over the text that held the release papers for exhuming the grave.
"What do you think I should do?" Gavin asked Chloe. "You knew him."
"Are you thinking that you're not him?"
"Yeah, but…"
"Gavin," Chloe said. "Do you believe that what I've done before I deviated is me? I know it's not the same, but I think it might be… similar to what you're going through. My memories haven't changed, but my awareness of them has."
His grip on the tablet tightened, memories of Chloe shooting that other android that shared her same face that day, thirium splattering all over the walls and floors from the gunshot straight into android skull. The same thirium slowly draining from Chloe right now, flowing unseen in his own body, hiding the lie he was.
Yet, she said she knew him. And he's asked this question to Anderson, to Elijah, to even Connor, of all people, to answer who the fuck he is. And Chloe? He has memories of her, so many of them. She, of all people, like Elijah, should have the answer.
So why the fuck can't he get it?
"I don't know what to think, Chloe," Gavin said. "It's not fair. Someone trying so hard to make things work… And then he just… He just dies and leaves everything unfinished. Life's so fucking cruel."
And maybe that was the answer all along.
He couldn't accept the truth. It would've been so much better had he not known what really happened to him. No one was the wiser, right?
Except CyberLife. Fuck CyberLife.
"Who says he left it unfinished?" Chloe took his hand in hers. "Maybe you should see this as a second chance. I know that… how things got to this point wasn't right, but you're here. That you're still here means a lot." Chloe smiled, squeezed his hand. "Rachel and Henry did you a disservice, not seeing the potential you had. I'm sorry that they never got to see it. That Elijah never got to see it until it was too late. I hope you know that, even if it means little to you, I see it, Gavin, and I'm thankful that I finally had the chance to."
Hearing Chloe talk about Mom and Dad like that… Painting them in that not-so-great light instead of whatever Elijah programmed her to say. As if Chloe was actually having an opinion about them for once.
As if Chloe really was sincere.
A rarity where no one in this fucked up world would be real for once. Instead of some vapid concept of "caring" for someone. Of the thin veneer of just getting along for the sake of reputation.
"I'm sorry about what I said," Gavin said. "You don't believe that, right?"
"Is this about what you said before I made you leave?"
"How the fuck can you choose Chloe over your own flesh and blood? Chloe is nothing but a fake! A… A replacement! You created nothing but a monster!"
"You mean when he stopped talking to me? Yeah. I… I guess at the time I never thought it was possible."
Never thought it was possible for Chloe to be anything other than a machine.
"You wouldn't have known."
"I was still an asshole about it." Gavin pried his hand out of Chloe's grip. "This… This fucking sucks, Chloe. You…"
Even after all this time, he couldn't bring himself to confront the fact that someone was dying right in front of him. Not for his mom. Or his dad.
Fuck, maybe even for himself.
"It's okay, Gavin," Chloe said when he took too long to say anything else. "You don't need to say anything. I can live a hundred years, but I would've regretted every moment if I never got the chance to say I'm sorry."
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Things that *got* me in my first DBH playthrough
1. In the hostage chapter, when Connor takes a hold of the family photo and scans it. His face and demeanour. Amazing.
2. Connor getting shot in the arm and looking up with no expression asjhdjiajkd
3. Connor WALKING AWAY EMOTIONLESS from the girl he just saved.
4. When I walked into Carl’s studio for the first time I teared up at the visual. The curtains opening up were so beautiful.
5. When Alice gets struck by Todd. (Actually, this was a negative Got but I’m adding it to the list.)
6. When Markus didn’t rip out the heart of the woman android in the Veta pit and he does a little defeated fist on her chest as he stands.
7. THE AUDIO PROCESSOR AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I almost CRIED when Markus got his hearing back. It was amazing.
8. The hero shot of Markus standing up in the rain and looking down. Absolutely epic. Kinda slutty but also badass
9. When Markus arrives in Jericho and he has to shake the torch active. I had to shake my mouse whilst holding both clicks, but it felt like I was actually shaking the torch.
10. Similarly, when Markus was in battle at the end of the game, I was fighting a bunch of humans and stuff and the controls were all different, but then I had to kill someone and I kept having to hit A. A. A! A! And it really felt like I was smackin the person down. Just the shift from random keys to a repeating key was brutal.
11. I messed up Kara’s escape from Connor so I chased her across the highway. I LOVED IT ALL. Connor sliding across the hood of a car Got me, as well as Kara yanking Alice back and forth. I was screaming across the highway. (I was streaming my playthrough so---) And then Connor hissing, “Shit.”
12. This quote Got me: “Why did they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice?” (I didn’t like Hank before this point, but when I heard that, I immediately forgave him because what a PISSER of a line) 13. And then this topped it off: “Well, they fucked up.” (CACKLING, GET ROASTED CONNOR)
14. The scene before the main events of Freedom March where Markus is at the outlook. And there’s a piano. I cried so hard. I played the piano at Carl’s when I started and I thought it was a beautiful throwback.
15. Any time I looked in a mirror as any character. Threw me into a crisis.
16. The emotionless, no-grunting, fighting between my Connor and fake Connor Got me.
17. Wading through the blizzard as Connor at the end of the game Got me.
18. I crossed the river as Kara, but when the control boats started shooting, I knew what would happen if I hid. I hid anyway. I knew it. I think I just knew the trope or storytelling pattern or something, but it was the choice that Got me, not the aftermath.
19. Markus climbing Stratford tower Got me, especially with RISE displayed on the major screen paired with the epic music. UGH yes
20. When Connor fought the red haired Traci and her high heel clacks on the ground when she swing over him. It’s the camera angle and sound. Another trope I think, but I was VIBING hard
21. Connor fighting the two Tracis at once. That was so intense for me. I was like oh SHIT he’s FIGHTING TWO ANDROIDS. He’s one android. I’m thinking at the time damn boy if you were all deskinned you would all be pretty much the same and he’s fighting TWO. And they SLAM him into the wall??? I was Got
22. Also when Connor is fighting red haired Traci and she marches towards him. Camera angle & facial expression. Amazing
23. Connor running for the first time when I’m chasing Kara>>>
24. Markus in the WM400 uniform HOH
25. “You look lost” and then reveal the WR600 HOH sorry but I was stunned---he is My Type of Appearance and his disposition/behaviour---okok, my crush. (Because I was streaming this I also have my voice captured in real-time being weak HAHAHAHA)
27. Literally the whole chase in The Nest tbh
28. The Hank and Connor hug at the end
29. The android who was tied to the back of a car because his humans “just wanted to have some fun” Got me
30. The music in The Interrogation
31. Also Connor creeping around in the attic Got me, but only when he ducked a certain way
34. The “CONNOR! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” interaction
35. Slapping Hank awake
36. Hank immediately sobering up in the bathtub and being like “What the fuck are you doing here?”
37. Connor teasing Hank about the Eden Club case also Got me
38. When Kara checks the dryer for clothes in the laundromat.
39. “Will we be together forever?” - “Forever.” Not even another option. Got. (I stayed in the car overnight.) And I quote myself from my recording: “...Well, I’ll be together with Alice for as long as she lives. I’m not sticking around a grave when she’s ninety somethin’ years old.”
40. “We’ll be together forever, won’t we Kara?” - Alice in Jericho after I found out she’s an android. MEGA Got, because of my mindset above ^. And I was like oh man yeah forever ;__;;
41. Chloe asking to leave. And I let her.
42. Chloe asking me not to continue, to just leave things as they are for the sake of peace. I accepted, but then I continued after waiting a little bit.
43. The first time I was parkouring with Markus was really noice.
44. In The Nest when Hank is at that stand-up table and the burger guy is like “Don’t leave that thing here” and Hank’s like “Don’t worry it follows me everywhere” and Connor has to walk over to him and on the way there and Hank says “See?” That REALLY Got me.
45. Also in The Nest, when Connor says something along the lines of “Maybe we should go take a look...” and his eyes drift to the side, then snap back onto Hank.
46. In Zlatko’s house when I’m regaining my memory after failing to escape the machine, the corrupted memory I thought was just random letters but after about 4 pieces of info they started to look like words, and that Got me.
47. This wasn’t a Got moment but in ‘Russian Roulette’ I didn’t see the gun until it was my last clue to scan and I was Shook.
47. When I got to choose Hank’s clothes.
48. When I stroke down with my mouse so Markus can take out the circle of glass he cut out from the window in Stratford Tower.
49. The moment before we smash into the CyberLife store, Markus is sitting in the truck and I have to press W. That camera angle switch from W to YEEEEE is amazing.
50. When we approach the crowd as Markus and the crowd splits revealing the kneeling cops. The dead bodies on the way there Got me.
51. “CyberLife’s last chance to save humanity... is itself a deviant.” “I’m... I’m not a deviant.” HOHHHHHHHHHHH
52. The option unlocking for Connor to become deviant.
53. Then Connor starting to tear down his walls. & the soundtrack paired with this moment.
54. Then [ I AM DEVIANT ]
Bonus: I distinctly remember very clearly thinking “oh great another sci-fi game with an average-looking white guy as the protagonist” and I have never been so wrong. The switch of opinion happened so fast. From the elevator to picking up the photo frame was like OOP---
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dastardly-imbecile · 1 year
Almost Human
Part 3 of the 'fandoms i know nothing about but wrote for a friend'. 1, 2
That voice. He’d know it anywhere, of course, soft and slow and infuriating. Why was he here? Why did he have to be bothering Gavin now, of all possible times?
He looks up. His neck protests at the sudden movement—it’s settled well enough into the hunched, cramped position. 
Bet the android doesn’t have to deal with this. 
Unnatural freaks. 
“Detective,” it says again, and he realizes that he still hasn’t responded. Gods only know why it’s bothering him—where’s Hank? Shouldn’t he be keeping this thing on a tight leash?
He almost snorts. Old man’s always been far too soft. It’ll no doubt bite him in the back someday. 
Or shoot him, as things seem to go more often in this line of work. 
Not his concern at the moment. 
“Android,” he finally says back. It’s always aggravated him how the android is taller than him. It feels like some sort of silent inferiority; another example of how they’re trying to make the robots faster, bigger, better. He used to think that there was no chance of that happening. 
At the progress they’re going, perhaps the real future is creeping up on him alarmingly fast. 
“Do you require assistance?” 
And the thing just stands there, straight-backed and suited. Acting like it’s a real human- like it’s clawed its way into this station like he has. How much has he given for his career? Any semblance of having a social life, for one. He’s bit back all the words that bubble up when the idiots above him make their horrible decisions. All those sacrifices, and yet the robot just waltzes in like it owns the place.
Like it’s better than him. 
He lurches to his feet. More bones, more joints, protesting at the sudden movement. Whatever. Shorter though he may be, he doesn’t want to sit there looking up at the android, seeing his broad frame looming up above him. 
At this height, he’s an image of brown eyes, dark hair. Shaved clean, smiling politely. His face isn’t any better than his chest but at least Gavin’s not looking up anymore. 
“Shouldn’t you be on duty, android?” The words come out slanted with annoyance, which is truly the least of his emotions at the moment. “Not wandering the place like a mutt.”
“Hank let me out,” he says. “You looked like you needed help.” 
Gavin opens his mouth, prepared to spit some sort of rebuke—what is this thing implying? That he’s some sort of helpless thing? That any problems he has can be solved by him?
He closes it again. No use, really, spending his hard-earned free time on arguing with this thing. “Go… ah, I dunno. Get me a coffee.”
At least this will get rid of him. 
….Except it doesn’t. The thing, the android, simply stands there. Looking over Gavin with its gaze. He’d dearly love to say that his eyes are dead and blank, glazed dark like fish-eyes, but no, they’ve somehow managed to program some sort of life and expression behind them. Like there’s more than a sea of blue goop and biomechs behind that synthetic skin. 
It weirds him out. 
“Are you alright?” The android tilts his head. “Your posture-”
“Is that what I told you to do, huh?” 
It’s an almost disproportionate anger that he feels. First it asks him for help, and then it tries to… what? Psychoanalyze him? 
“I am not obligated to follow your orders.” The android nods once. Throat bobbing up and down. It’s a small movement; but for whatever reason, it captivates him. Maybe because of how realistic it is—make them blink, make them twitch, hell, give them the ability to disobey orders.
But this? There’s no reason for it to exist besides the fact that they want to make them realistic. A punch in the gut; that’s what it is, another reminder that maybe one day, he’ll be walking down some city street and be unable to tell what’s human and what’s not. 
It makes him want to lash out. To hit something, break something, slam a fist on a wall—or into a convenient subject standing right before him. His fingers twitch. Clenching. 
The android stares. He—he?—steps away. 
“...nevertheless, I will do you a favor.”
With that, he turns on his heel and walks away, leaving Gavin with an anger that he can’t quite deal with. Really, though, as he looks at the android’s retreating back, he can’t help but think that he wouldn’t have. Something about staring into those eyes, dark and liquid-brown. About the twitch of his adam’s apple. 
He can’t be letting him become… anything further than a bot. No matter how human he seems; no matter whatever shaved-face they’ve plastered into a facade. 
He’s coming back. A small plastic cup, almost dwarfed by his hand. There’s a jump in his eyebrows as he walks closer. Like he hasn’t been expecting Gavin to still be standing there dumbly, hands by his sides, waiting. 
Hadn’t that been his original plan? To walk away while the bot was busy?
Wordlessly, he proffers the cup. Gavin takes it, despite himself. The transfer from hand-to-hand is awkward, and the android’s fingers fumble against his for a split second. 
Fingers. Warm, soft. Human. It’s another shock out of a thousand. Another way that they’re bending technology into humanity, mixing the two until they’ll be indistinguishable from one another. If it was dark, if he didn’t know, if Gavin grabbed an arm or a hand or laid his palm on a forehead, he wouldn’t be able to tell. 
A vague notion of it runs through his mind—dark room, warm skin. Not the android’s; simply a stranger—not that he’s had the time to spend time with many strangers in dark rooms. 
He doesn’t thank the android. It doesn’t ask for one either. Simply regards him with those dark, shining eyes, head tilted slightly, like he’s looking through Gavin’s head and out the back. Gavin stares back. Words bubbling in his throat; shouted ones, what’re you looking at or get away.
Hank’s voice. It breaks him out of his reverie; does the same for the bot. Connor, right. What he calls himself. What Hank calls him too. 
He turns and ambles away. Leaving Gavin with his small cup and his thoughts and the memory of that gaze, that skin, that throat. 
Human. So close. Almost there, a hair’s breadth away. 
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kaymarie-bell · 2 years
Ignihyde Chapter Spoilers (Pometrio + MC Side)
The highlight of this chapter has been the character interactions without a doubt 
As always, translations done by me for the purpose of entertainment. There’s bound to be errors so don’t trust me 100%. Please do not repost or translate to other languages!!! 
[previous] / [next] / [brief general summary]
The groups are on their separate ways, the story branches off to follow the respective characters…
(Pomefiore Trio + MC Side)
[S.T.Y.X. Tartarus]
Vil: So this is…the Phantom Detention Center, [Tartarus]
Vil: This size and depth…it’s overwhelming
Epel: I can feel cold air rising from below. It’s no different from Harveston.
Rook: Yeah. I can feel chills running down my spine…My body is automatically shivering.
Rook: Although this may not be from the cold alone, but rather a chill caused by the “fear of meeting one’s demise” and not being able to escape.
Vil: It must be a place where living people should not stay for long
MC: {Is Grim down there alone?} / I can’t see the bottom…just how deep is it?
[S.T.Y.X. Tartarus - Emergency Exit]
Vil: According to the map I was given, there is an elevator that goes down to Tartarus…right at this door.
Vil: It doesn’t move, just as I expected.
Epel: They said that all of the equipment in the building is under Ortho-kun’s control…
Epel: He said he didn’t want to get in the way of our plans so…why won’t he let us use the elevator?
Everyone: !?
Rook: The elevator doors opened, this is…
Vil: I give it a nine out of ten¹
Vil: A combination of a mischievous android and elevators…I get a bad feeling about it
Vil: But that’s the only way to go. Let’s pray it doesn’t shake from up and down.
Ortho: Hello everyone! Welcome to the first tower of the cursed [Tartarus] camp!
Vil: You finally came out, Mr. Mischievous Doll
Ortho: I never imagined I’d be able to see the real [Night Raven Quest]
Ortho: Additionally, new characters and roles have been put into place.
Epel: What is [Night Raven Quest]?
Ortho: This is the first challenge for everyone embarking on a great adventure down the Underworld.
Ortho: If you want to challenge us, you’ll first have to clear this level easily.
Mini-Game: [Star Rogue - Path to Heroism] (shooting-style game, our ‘ship’ is the Pegasus from Hercules, we have to defeat enemy ships in the form of Hades’ henchmen as well as a Titan at the end)
Vil: Is this the same [Star Rogue] we played while we were isolated in that room?
Ortho: If you finish this game, I’ll allow you to continue to [Tartarus]
Ortho: Now…[Run like a meteor, aiming for distant glory!]
(The level is impossible to win, we get a GAME OVER)
Rook: Oh, no! It’s a game over…
Vil: Wait a moment! The level of difficulty is much higher than the one I played before!
Ortho: Ahahaha! You can’t even clear pass this much? That’s too bad~!
Ortho: Unfortunately, I can’t place such small-fry players into [Tartarus].
Vil: Hmp…that annoying way of riling people up is just like Idia’s
Ortho:…is that so? Are we really similar?
Ortho: I see. I’m just like Big Brother. Hehehe.
Ortho: Yes, I see. This is too boring.
Ortho: I’ll grant you another chance to make up for it.
Ortho: I’ll even lower the level of difficulty for a beginner
Ortho: Are you ready? Game start!
(Mini-game level, it must be cleared in order to continue)
Epel: I did it! I cleared it this time!
Ortho: Hmm. I guess it’s a decent score for a beginner.
Ortho: I think I’ll be able to enjoy this a little more. Alright. I’ll put you into [Tartarus].
Ortho: Vil Schoenheit-san will be a “Tank”²
Ortho: I wonder what kind of role would be good for Rook Hunt-san and Epel Felmier-san?
Ortho: And Prefect-san as well.
Ortho: I’m looking forward to see how they will perform in the party to clear the dungeon.
Ortho: From here on out it’s a high-level dungeon filled with real monsters.
Ortho: I’ll be waiting for you on the next stage. Haha!
[S.T.Y.X. Tartarus - Emergency Exit]
Vil: Ha. He’s such a playful little brother.
Vil: Look forward to it. You won’t be putting on airs of being the ‘last boss’ for too long.
Epel: So this is the inside of Tartarus…
Epel: The elevator doesn’t seem to be working anymore, so we have no choice but to continue down the stairs.
Vil: The staff at the control room told me that there is a high possibility that the phantoms have already started to unfreeze and are moving around in the higher levels of the tower.
Vil: We may encounter a phantom at any time now. Keep an eye on your surroundings as we go down.
[S.T.Y.X. Tartarus - Emergency Exit]
Vil: The timing wasn’t right for us to talk when we met again. And now we’re in enemy territory…
Vil: I have something to tell you, before it’s too late.
Rook: What is it, Roi du Poison?
Vil: First of all, Rook.
Vil: You, even though you’re the vice-leader you abandoned Pomefiore, didn’t you?
Vil: I always thought you were someone who didn’t act like a vice-leader should. But…
Vil: After [S.T.Y.X.] attacked the school and everything was thrown into chaos
Vil: How could you act so arbitrarily and irresponsibly?
Vil: I can’t overlook this as the head of the dorm.
Epel: W-wait a minute, Vil-san! Rook-san knew the danger Vil-san was in…!
Vil: Silent.
Vil: Me being taken away and Rook’s dismissal of his responsibilities as the vice-leader are two completely different things.
Vil: The other vice-leader who isn’t here should be serving as the acting dorm leader by now, and will be taking care of the dormitory.
Vil: I am ashamed to have a man with no sense of responsibility towards the dormitory as my vice-leader.
Epel: Hey…! Isn’t this the wrong way to say that?!
Rook: It’s alright, Epel-kun. Vil-san’s anger is justified.
Rook: I’m prepared to be dismissed as the vice-leader when we return to the school.
Epel: No way…!
Vil: Next, Epel and the Prefect. You too, do you realize how reckless you have been?
Vil: It’s no good to act as a hero when one doesn’t have the abilities.
Vil: It’s quite annoying to put it simply.
MC: But, I couldn’t just do nothing to help / {(I knew that, but it still hurt…)}
Vil:.…you’re such fools.
Vil: Well, that’s all I had to say as the Dorm Leader of Pomefiore.
Vil: And now, I’ll speak as “just” Vil Schoenheit.
Rook: Eh?
Vil: To be honest…
Vil: When I heard from Idia that you had come to the Island of Woe I was so happy I couldn’t help it.
Vil: I’ve been holding back since I saw your faces.
Vil: Will you allow me to give you a kiss and a hug?
Epel & Rook: Eh…?!
(Vil kisses both of them, then a close up shot for the player. Video below)
MC: {A world-class model kissed my cheek…?!} / What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?!
Vil: Excuse me. I’m so happy that I just had to give you a hug and a kiss as a thank you.
Vil: My hunter, my poisoned apple, Prefect.
Vil:…thank you for chasing after me.
Vil: As for you and the others, I will definitely take you back to school.
Rook: That’s our line, Your Majesty.
Epel: Hehe! I won’t lose again this time!
MC: *nods*
Epel: Because listen, Vil-san! I learned my unique magic on our way here!
Vil: What?!
Rook: That’s right! Vil-san saw it earlier, didn’t you?
Rook: The Charon agents were trapped in a beautiful glass cage!
Vil: No way…that was Epel’s unique magic?
Epel: Yes!
Epel: [Sleep Kiss]³ can lock people inside a barrier and stop their movements.
Epel: I’m not great at using it yet, and the success rate is about 30 to 40 percent…
MC: {It saved my life} / It can be used as a shield or a cage!
Rook: We were being attacked by Charon and it was starting to look like the end, and that’s when Epel-kun’s unique magic awakened.
Rook: I’ve never regretted the fact that my eyes don’t have a recording function more than this day.
Rook: I wanted to show that courageous figure to Vil
Vil: Hmm…I’m sorry I couldn’t be there.
Vil: But if it’s Epel’s courageous figure then I’m sure it’ll have to make an appearance soon.
Rook: Ha-! Of course. Vil’s right.
Epel: What’s wrong with you senpais? You look so serious all of a sudden…
Vil: Prepare yourself, Epel. Something is coming from beneath!
[To be continued…]
the kiss scene in question because that made me lose my mind, the fucking hearts pls:
¹ a bit conflicted about the translation here. Original line: 十中八九、 昆でしょうね。
²Tank: in gaming terms this refers to the unit/player who takes care of drawing enemies away from others taking the brunt of the attacks. IIRC Vil’s dorm uniform SSR has one of the highest HPs in the game so this is very meta 😭
³while Epel's unique magic is called "Sleep Kiss," the game writes it as 「真紅の果実」 or The Crimson Fruit
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Confession prompt from this list
“Just listen, real closely, alright. And stop laughing.”
It’s late.
It’s a fancy neighbourhood. And Gavin doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing there.
The building is taller than any he’s ever visited, let alone lived in. There’s exotic plants in the lobby and jazz music playing in the elevator.
Trust the plastic prick to manage his finances this well.
Gavin gets to the top floor. He pauses to take in the abstract art on the walls.
They can afford to put Manfred paintings in the hallway? Holy shit. I should turn around and go home right now.
He comes to a stop in front of a double-door. The only one on the floor.
Penthouse? Damn, Tincan…
He starts to reach for the door bell, but then pulls back.
This is crazy. What am I doing?
He spends a few minutes floundering and is just about to walk shamefully back to the elevator when a crashing sound resounds from within the apartment.
Gavin smiles to himself. His clumsiness and colourful language have fully rubbed off on his partner. Cyberlife’s deep learning algorithms were no match for the company of Gavin Reed.
“Janice, you come back here right now!”
Gavin frowns. He’s heard plenty about the feisty cat but never understood why she had a name befitting an old office secretary. He didn’t understand a lot of things about his partner… but he supposed that was part of the appeal.
Another crash. A loud feline yowl. An exasperated groan.
Is he trying to bathe or skin his cat?
Gavin waits it out as the meows and grunts and crashes continue.
He feels a bit like a creep, eavesdropping on his partner through the door, but he honestly doesn’t know what to do next. He’d worked himself up after a few whisky shots with Hank… the old man convinced him to finally go do the deed… and then all his confidence drained as soon as the autonomous taxi rolled up outside the glittering residential complex. His old insecurities came back in full force.
People like me don’t belong within a mile of this postcode…
What was I thinking?
People like me don’t belong within a mile of people like Nines.
The door suddenly swings open violently.
“Jenson, if it’s about the fucking noise again, I swear to RA9! You are two floors down! How the fuck can you-”
Nines breaks off as he registers the identity of the man lurking outside his door. His blue eyes widen in surprise. Gavin stares back in equal surprise.
The android standing slack-jawed in his doorway looks nothing like the stoic, snooty RK900 that Gavin has come to know and love.
His dark hair hangs loose around his face… he’s bare-legged, actually in his boxers… and there’s a long slit ripped into his thin white t-shirt. Gavin is also a cat-owner. He knows the look. But never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined it on Nines.
“Um… hi …”
“Gavin! What are you doing here?”
“I… was in the neighbourhood.”
Nines nods slowly and Gavin kicks himself mentally.
“Just wanted to say hi. And now I have. Bye.”
Cheeks burning, he’s halfway through turning on his heel, when Nines reaches for his arm.
“Hey wait!”
And before either can say anything else, there’s a flash of black fur shooting though the crack in the door.
“Fuck, Janice!”
Gavin drops to his knees instinctively and deftly traps the rambunctious little animal. He stands up with a grimace.
“You sure she’s a cat? Acts and smells like a dog.”
Nines rolls his eyes and takes his pet back.
“She got stuck on top of my kitchen cabinet and fell in the compost box when I tried to get her down.”
“Man, I keep telling you to buy her a treehouse. She likes exploring.”
“It’ll ruin my whole aesthetic.”
“Can’t be worse than the respect Janice shows your decor today. Get one. I’m telling you. Asshole stopped shredding my curtains immediately when he got his.”
Nines shrugs noncommittally but his LED cycles yellow in a manner that tells Gavin he’s ordering a kitty treehouse immediately.
Janice struggles in Nines’ grasp, clawing at his ruined shirt. He glances down and tosses her back into the apartment, shutting the door firmly behind him. He looks back at Gavin, arms folded over his chest.
“As much as I need it, I’m guessing you didn’t come here to give me pet advice in the middle of the night.”
“Then what’s up, Gavin?”
He stares at his feet. The alcohol haze that brought him to Nines’ doorstep is clearing. Under the glow of the crystal chandelier hanging above them, Gavin feels very stupid.
“I… it’s nothing. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”
“Gavin, my scans are telling me all kinds of things right now… but I’d rather you tell me yourself.”
“Yeah sorry, I forgot to disable my facial analysis… emotion recognition… and um… pheromone detectors…”
There’s a knowing look on Nines’ face and Gavin feels so damn small.
Guess I shouldn’t bother taking the elevator down. I’ll just jump.
“Tell me, Gavin. Before Janice chews through all the cushions on my couch.”
“I… Nines...”
There’s silence, even from within the apartment. Nines’ eyes briefly dart to the door, scanning right through it to check on Janice no doubt, and flit back to Gavin. A teasing smile is playing on the corner of his lips.
The whole game is up. He already knows. Just tell him.
Gavin closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
“Should I go wash the compost off my cat first… or are you planning on telling me sometime tonight?”
His eyes fly open to see Nines stifle a giggle.
What a cocky prick!
Several moments pass with Nines’ mirth steadily increasing and Gavin’s shyness transforming into annoyance.
“Aren’t you gonna invite me in?”
“Goddamnit Nines.”
“You’ve never visited me before. I have no idea why you’re here. The least you could do is give me an explanation for showing up unannounced and interrupting my night.”
“Alright, you prick. Just listen, okay. Just listen, real closely, alright. And stop laughing.”
Nines’ hand actually comes up to cup his mouth as his frame shakes with silent laughter.
“You got a lot of attitude for someone getting their ass kicked by a tiny kitten.”
Nines doubles over and holds up a finger, actual tears streaming down his face.
“Oh my god. You’re such an idiot. I can’t believe I was worried about coming here. Shut up for a second. Shut up.”
Nines props himself up against his door. His chest is heaving and he looks ready to burst into another fit of giggles, but he manages to hold it in valiantly.
Gavin clears his throat. He’s come all the way and he’s going to say his piece, fears and insecurities and everything else be damned.
Just as he opens his mouth… Nines pushes himself off the door and reaches for his face. Then suddenly, somehow, he’s being kissed.
Plush lips cover his own, and his eyelids flutter shut as Nines pulls him in. By the time they part for air, both are panting and intertwined in the entranceway.
Nines bumps his nose against Gavin’s.
“So did I guess right? Is that what you wanted to tell me?”
“Yeah pretty much.”
Their eyes lock for a moment and laughter threatens to bubble up once more. Lips trembling, they both manage to quell it. Foreheads touch and each man’s gaze dips back down to the other’s mouth.
They start to lean back in… and then there’s a spectacular shatter of glass from the other side of the door… an accompanying screech… and absolutely no chance of escaping the hilarity that bursts forth once more. 
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
A great example of “RWBY+ can do no wrong” is the whole “Let Penny make her own choices” thing. They keep doing it over and over, yet while watching I never got the idea RWBY+ doing it was bad. They’re never called out, they never regret it, or anything. Ruby takes the scroll from Penny’s hand and answers Ironwood for her, and makes her human without her consent. I get the not killing Penny thing, BUT THAT’S THE ONLY THING THEY DO FOR HER. WTF?!
Yes let's take a hot second to unpack all this.
Now, I'm going to be focusing on late Volume 7 and Volume 8, but in reality this problem started way back during Penny's introduction. Namely, presenting her as a literal tool of the military who has to break the rules set down (go out, have friends, etc.) in order to be her own person. There's a small problem here in the form of making Pietro the shadowy scientist and then changing him into the doting father with no acknowledgement that he a) built Penny with the purpose of being Atlas' tool and b) went along with dictating her actions through that whole run. However, given that Pietro is a minor character we may never even see again, we have a much larger problem in the form of Ruby being entirely disinterested in Penny's plight. Ruby cares about making sure Penny feels real, not that Penny has all the freedoms a real person innately deserves. Admittedly, this is less of an issue back in Volumes 1-3 because RWBY was a less serious show then, Penny was a new friend, and Ruby was the teenager student. But come Volume 7 when our show is questioning the characters' morals, Ruby is an adult now, Ruby has her huntsmen license, and she supposedly has this incredibly strong bond with Penny, it's now a problem that she hears things like "Ironwood doesn't want me to have friends" and just... doesn't seem to care. Or do anything. Or suggest that Penny do something. It's a non-topic. Ruby only becomes interested in Penny's autonomy when that autonomy threatens Ruby's own goals. When Ruby is working for Ironwood, it's totally fine if Penny works for Ironwood too, no matter how she might be being treated. (Though, frankly, I think the show did a terrible job of establishing Ironwood's supposed mistreatment. The no friends rule makes zero sense when Penny is being sent to celebratory parties organized by Ironwood. So that's a whole other issue.) But when Ruby is against Ironwood... well, then Penny needs to be on their side. Of course she'd be on their side. It's presented as inevitable, despite the fact that it very much should not be. But the point is that Ruby cares about keeping Penny away from Ironwood and giving her an illusion of choice only once she is breaking away. Otherwise, Penny's autonomy is not her concern.
So that's where we're starting out which is pretty bad. Already Ruby's status as the contrast to Ironwood is falling flat, but the show admittedly helps smooth things over by giving us such an extreme. Meaning, we learn fairly early on that Ironwood want to hack Penny and take that autonomy away, full stop. Ruby doesn't. Ergo, Ruby is the lesser of two evils here. I can see why so many fans dismiss the scroll scene given its seemingly, comparative insignificance, but it definitely rubbed me the wrong way. Part of that is because Penny never gets to express her own opinions to Ruby. She gets to do it with Winter and, notably, Penny comes to a sort of, 'We can manage both' stance. The dilemma of going after Cinder or saving Winter and fighting Salem or saving the people of Atlas/the Relics are meant to mirror one another and Penny manages to achieve both. She saves Winter and keeps the power out of Cinder's hands too. Then, she's given the one key that controls the latter dilemma: the Maiden powers. So what will Penny decide? How does she view the situation to leave or stay? How will her decision regarding Cinder and Winter impact her decision about Atlas and Mantle?
It doesn't. We have no idea what Penny thinks outside of a 'I'm sad when friends fight' line (which, again, puts a huge damper on the idea that Penny was always Ironwood/the Ace Ops' puppet and should be glad to be rid of them). Penny is brought into Ruby's group and her opinions disappear because Ruby makes all the decisions. Whatever Ruby says goes and THAT'S why the scroll scene is so horrible. Because we just watched Penny deciding for herself what to do about Winter. We just watched Penny deciding to take on the Maiden powers, making herself the most important person in the Kingdom right now. And then Ruby picks her up and all that goes away. Penny is given the chance to decide things again when Ironwood calls and Ruby takes the scroll away, speaking on her behalf. It does not matter whether Penny actually agrees with Ruby's decisions here, the act of not allowing her to make those decisions for herself speaks volumes.
From then on Penny just stops making choices. Ruby is the one who talks her into forgetting about Ironwood and the Ace Ops. Jaune is the one who decides to split the team and Ruby decided they need to get Amity up. Pietro literally takes control of Penny's body to hack into the system. Penny gets cut off from the group due to the Ace Ops and Nora is the one who decides to help. Prior to literally being hacked, she was more of a puppet in their hands than she was with Ironwood because it's in Ironwood's employ that we actually see Penny pushing back: She's going to be friends with Ruby no matter what, she's going to challenge Winter on her views, she's going to take the powers because that's what needs to be done, etc. But that lack of agency is completely overshadowed by Ironwood's hack Penny plan. Everything looks better compared to that, even if what we're left with is pretty awful on its own. Remember, this is the point in the story where Ironwood is fully evil, post-shooting Oscar and the Councilman. The group can do whatever they want at this point and come off looking "heroic," simply by means of not being Ironwood.
The next time Penny makes a decision is when she stands up to Pietro. Note that prior to this everyone talked her into doing something she says she does not want to do: leaving the group to stay on Amity. Pietro suggests it, Ruby justifies it, Weiss says it might be for the best and Blake ends the conversation by saying they need to leave. Penny goes, "I guess we all have to do some things we would rather not." They all make that decision for her. So she goes, fights Cinder, and then Amity starts to fall. Pietro says, "You’re in no condition to do something like this. Even just the temperature out there could--" and Penny counters "It is our only option."
No, it's not. This is Ruby's option. You can very much not send the totally useless message out, supposedly risking your life in the process ("supposedly" because, again, why this is such a danger for Penny when she was just flying outside with Cinder remains a mystery). Penny treats Ruby's plan as something inevitable. They can't fall back after Penny hacked into the Atlas systems, Penny fought off the Ace Ops, Penny defended Amity from another Maiden. She has to go one step further and risk another death because the concept of saying, "Hey, Ruby's plan isn't feasible anymore" is just never on the table. Ruby is in the mansion sitting around while Penny does all the dangerous work to put her plan into action.
So she pushes back against Pietro in a way she NEVER has with Ruby, insisting that this is how she's going to live her life. Even Maria chimes in with a "we need to remember the big picture." (Wait, the potential death of a Maiden and the loss of the key to the vault isn't a part of the big picture?) Pietro is supposedly in the wrong because he cares about Penny, not the war, but if that's such a bad thing... then what does that make this?
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We have a whole scene where Penny wants the group to destroy her to (again, supposedly) help them in the war - take her out as a threat - and they give a resounding, 'Fuck that.' Ruby doesn't want to see her friend dead for the sake of this war. Pietro doesn't want to see his daughter dead for the sake of this war. Yet Pietro is the one who is framed as too narrowminded. Penny standing up to Pietro is meant to be celebratory, but Penny giving in to Ruby is meant to be celebratory too.
And then, of course, once it's Jaune with a sword to her throat, Penny's desire to die is honored.
Then, finally, we have the Ambrosius fiasco. I've spoken at length about this already, but suffice to say we never got a scene where Penny expressed a desire to be turned human. As the above scene demonstrates, her desire to risk her life/die is ignored only when it's Ruby making that call. Otherwise, with Pietro and Jaune, Penny's agency is upheld (however horrible the circumstances). Does she want live a life with a flesh body? Does she have any other ideas how they might eradicate the hack? Would she prefer Ruby try to put her into a new android body first? We have no idea! We never see Ruby ask. We never see that Ruby cares beyond what she wants for Penny. They clearly had the time to hash out all these loophole wishes, but we couldn't have gotten a ten second scene where Penny goes, 'I'm cool with this'? Assuming that Penny knows what they plan to do and that she has no reservations prior to waking up with flesh hands doesn't work, not when her character largely revolves around agency and Ruby has not been showing her that particularly well.
Ruby decides that Penny is on their team (scroll scene). Then she decides that Penny will not die (contrast to Jaune and Pietro). Then she decides that Penny will be saved by stripping away a core part of her identity. Penny goes from being hacked to watching that part of herself actually die, glitching out while her friends smile about it. Ruby spent Penny's entire run insisting that she was a person just as she was, but then Ruby is the one to turn around and take that away from Penny, prior to leading her into a battle where she died again, likely because she was now a fragile flesh girl. Ironwood was given the extreme of trying to take Penny over completely, once he went full Bad Guy, but Ruby is the one who made decisions for Penny throughout this run, with Penny given no chance to speak up for herself. Penny, once at Ruby's side, subscribed to the overarching belief that Ruby is always right (fitting in nicely with Ren's arc of learning to stop questioning things). The story didn't even consider giving Penny different opinions, hesitations, anger, or anything that would truly jeopardizes what Ruby wants, because what Ruby wants is, consistently, treated as the only way to go.
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cryptic-flash · 3 years
"Polygon Wave EP" created by the change in the production system and the relationship with Yasutaka Nakata who came closer to Perfume (Natalie Interview Sep 2021)
Page 1 - about live show
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Which was the most memorable performance of this concert for you?
Kashiyuka: The first performance of "Polygon Wave (Original Mix)". Originally, we were going to perform the version that was released earlier, but when we were deciding which song to include on the EP, Yasutaka Nakata said, "This is the one!" About two weeks before the concert, I asked MIKIKO-sensei, "I'd like to change the song to this one, can you do the choreography in time? "I'll do my best at ......! (laughs).
I'll do my best." (laughs) That's pretty sudden.
 "Polygon Wave" is also the title of the show, and this song was the concept that ran through the entire show.
Nocchi: But I didn't just say, "Let's record a song that will be important for the live performance. When I had a chance to talk with Mr. Nakata last December, he said, "Let's just record a song without thinking about what it's for. If it's good enough, you can use it for something else." He suggested that we go to the studio and record the song after it was written, and the first song we wrote was "Polygon Wave. The first song that came out of that process was "Polygon Wave." I think that kind of rough, uncomplicated feeling is easier for you now. All the songs we recorded this time have a different and new atmosphere. Among them, it seems that "Polygon Wave" was the first song that Nakata felt was appropriate for everyone to hear, and from that point on, we started talking about various things.
Kashiyuka: The songs "∞ Loop" and "Android &" that will be included in the EP were also recorded at that time. When we were recording, we hadn't talked about an EP yet, but since "Polygon Wave" was chosen as the theme song for "The Masked Singer," we decided to release a single. He said, "I want to put a lot of 'Polygon Wave'! I thought, "That's new" (laughs).
Nakata-san also likes this song a lot, doesn't he ?
Nocchi: I think Nakata-san had a clear idea of the world he wanted to show us. We also thought it was a great song, so we thought, "If that's the case, why don't we just release this one song first?" Then Mr. Nakata said, "If we make an EP, we'll make another version. We said, "If you're going to make another version, we'll do it live."
Kashiyuka: We've never had so many different mixes of the same song before, so we'd talk about things like, "Which 'Polygon Wave' should be the first song? We talked about it. I thought it was unusual for you to have such an opinion on the song order. It's always easy to decide, but we had many discussions.
"A closer relationship than that between "producers" and "singers.
Kashiyuka: In the past, we'd record songs after we'd decided on a release or a tie-up, but this time we were free to write and record without thinking about whether we'd use them or not, so the pace was faster than usual. When we were recording, people would say things like, "We might not use this song," but since we've already sung it, we've grown to love it (laughs). (laughs) So I sang it, thinking, "I hope it doesn't disappear. (laughs) So I sang the songs while thinking "I hope they don't disappear". In fact, I recorded songs that were not on the EP.
A~chan: Mr. Nakata's mode was different. He's always been a fast songwriter, but what happened to him?  It was so fast. I think he had a clear idea of what he wanted.
Nocchi: You and Nakata-san talked a lot before and after the recording, didn't you? We talked about our old music, our stance when being interviewed, what we hope Perfume will be like in the future, and what we want to do.
In the last interview, you said that there were only two songs that you made demos for and rejected (see Perfume "Perfume The Best "Cubed"" interview). That's a big difference.
What was the recording process like?
A~chan: we talked for hours.
Your relationship with Nakata-san is completely different from what I've heard from everyone.
Nocchi: Yes. Before, we used to talk about such things only in the occasional discussions. Nakata-san used to only reveal a little bit of what he was thinking, but this time, he was overflowing with it on .......
Kashiyuka: This time, I was happy to feel that we were working together at a closer distance than the previous relationship of "producer" and "singers". "I thought, "Oh, it was easier for Mr. Nakata to work this way. I'm not sure why I didn't realize that until now (laughs).
I'm curious to know what songs you recorded but didn't include in the EP.
Kashiyuka: The song we played at the end of the live the other night is also not on the EP, but we recorded it at that time. We don't even know if that song is finished (laughs). (laughs) But I liked that song so much from the moment we recorded it that I told MIKIKO that I wanted it to be included in the live set list.
 It's rare to play a song in its current state in a live performance. In rock bands, they sometimes show off songs that they are still working on.
Kashiyuka: That's true (laughs).
Nocchi: But we wanted to sing that song at this live, because it expresses the message that Perfume wants to convey to the fans now. It might not be released for a long time, or it might not be released at all, but we were aware that this live performance would remain as a video for a long time.
Page 3
`A desert world where all organic matter is made up of digital bits.`
So, I felt that both "∞ Loop" and "Android &" selected for this song are similar to the world view of "Polygon Wave".
Nocchi: I like both of them very much. The music is stylish and light without being mechanical, but "∞ Loop" is about the scary feeling of living in a world where time loops, and "Android &" is about falling in love with an android.
A-chan: Nakata-san told me the meaning of the lyrics. The main character of "Android &" is actually an android who thinks he's completely human. That's why the title of the song ends with "&", but it's supposed to be like "Android & Human". It's interesting, isn't it?
Kashiyuka: But we didn't know the titles of either "∞ Loop" or "Android &" until the songs were announced (laughs). (laughs) When we were recording, we said "loop" and "android", so we thought that was the name of the song, but when the information was released and we read the news article, it said something different. "But when I read the news article after the information was released, it said something different. "Is this "&" a typo? I thought, "Is this okay? I contacted them just to make sure. I asked him if it was okay, and he said, "Nakata-san told me it's "Android &". The other song is called "Mugen Loop" (laughs).
Nocchi: The lyrics of "Android &" are kind of harsh, looking at the world from a bird's eye view (laughs).  It's a song with a clear story, so I hope you'll write a story based on it.
A~chan: It looks like it's going to be hard to draw the CG (laughs).
Kashiyuka: But we can probably cover the motion with the data we've collected so far (laughs). I feel that Nakata-san had envisioned a total world in this EP.  He wanted to express the whole thing like a movie.
That's right. I thought it was a very conceptual composition that "∞ Loop" depicts a world that keeps rebooting at the end of the day, and the song "System Reboot", which means "reboot", is included at the end of the same work.
Kashiyuka: Nakata-san's image for this EP is "a beautiful & broad desert, but all the trees and organic matter growing there are made of digital bits. It's a world with a sense of discomfort," he said.
Director Yusuke Tanaka's signature "Wow, I'm so scared"
You made a dance practice video for "Polygon Wave", didn't you? It was the first time for Perfume to make a video focusing on the choreography, but it seems that there was a demand for a video where you can see every detail of the body movements, and the response was great.
Nocchi: I'm so happy (laughs). It's not often that I get to dance in sneakers, so it was fun to film.
A~chan: Whenever I appear on a music program, I always take a short video of myself dancing and submit it to the TV station. I can't show that kind of footage to the public, but the atmosphere of the dance practice video is similar to that. It's hard to dance in heels, so just wearing sneakers made it really easy.
I heard that you're working on a music video for this song, will there be a lot of dance scenes in the music video?
Nocchi: Basically, it's like a dance video.
Kashiyuka: But we just shot it, so I haven't watched it yet (laughs).
A~chan: It's a video with a clear world view, so I'm sure you'll understand how to listen to this song by watching it. Is this real? Is this real or is this virtual? In the music video, the three of us are driving together, and in the middle of the road, we're like, "What? It ends with Yusuke Tanaka's signature "Wow, this is so scary! (laughs). During the shooting, I was dancing so hard that my legs became sticks.
The choreography is quite complicated, isn't it?  It's a collage of past songs, updated with the skills of the three of us, and it's the culmination of Perfume's dancing to date.
A~chan: What! Is that so? I thought you were doing it consciously, but it's not like that?
Nocchi: I wasn't conscious of it at all. To be honest, I just thought, "I've never done all these moves before" (laughs).(laughs)
Kashiyuka: When I was being choreographed, I took it as "new movements for a new song", so I didn't feel anything special. But we didn't talk about such messages.
A~chan: I thought that the arrangement of the song had various old tastes. I thought, "That sound in the background is the one they used in 'Polyrhythm'! It brings back memories! I'm nostalgic!
─ Speaking of which, the newly recorded "Polygon Wave (Remix)" is a very interesting remix, with a series of tones and phrases that remind me of various Perfume songs.
A~chan: I think Nakata-san has that planned out! I mean, he said something like that, didn't he?
Oh, so that's what he said. I was listening to the song thinking that it was like a concept live "Reframe" that reconstructed Perfume with the most advanced production, and that it was like your own "Reframe" that reconstructed Perfume's history in one song.
A~chan: Yes, yes. When you've been doing this for a long time, you get to make this kind of music.In many cases, remixes are done in a way that is different from the artist's usual style, as if to say, "This could be interpreted in this way," but this remix has more of a Perfume feel to it.
Nocchi: Yeah, I was expecting it to be weirder, but when I listened to it, it sounded so much like Perfume (laughs).
Page 4 - upcoming Reframe etc.
src : https://natalie.mu/music/pp/perfume17
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techno-woman · 3 years
::The following story takes place after DragonBall Fighterz villains arc. I do not own any DBZ characters. Enjoy the story!::
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It has been over a month since you had returned to your own body after Frieza kicked you out despite you accepting his offer to join him. Honestly you didn’t have much to keep you here on earth anyway since bad luck had a habit of shooting down your spirits. It all started when you had graduated from high school; your dad suffered from a stroke and eventually succumbed to it within two months, your brother was killed in a car crash with your mother two years later, and just recently you had broken up with your boyfriend whom you’ve been dating for four years after finding out that he was cheating on you with another woman. You’ve at least managed to keep your job at a fast food restaurant thanks to your hard working attitude,however; your heart has been closed off since the breakup and you were tired of all the misery in your life so far that it wouldn’t have even mattered if you ended up robbed, murdered or worse.
Then one day you found yourself linked up with Frieza. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how much of an evil prick he was after the way he spoke to you for the first time. He was obviously not a happy camper when he noticed you were controlling his body and not him. Although you couldn’t necessarily blame him since body snatching wasn’t your cup of tea either. Frieza had openly expressed his disgust towards you many times and while his attitude may have annoyed you to no end you somehow oddly find some comfort in it. Perhaps it was because you too had days where you just had to let out your frustrations though it was all in private. You’ve powered through mentally with Frieza because the sting of your ex’s betrayal was still fresh. But working with the tyrant hasn’t been so terrible not when you had experienced his amazing power which would’ve been found in a comic book or a superhero movie. You felt invincible, untouchable almost like a god and you loved it especially the flying part.
The link you had with Frieza had become more stronger with each battle and along the way you encountered Nappa, Captain Ginyu and the Ginyu force, Cell, Goku, Vegeta, Krillin,and the rest of the z fighters. Through them you experienced each of their own unique powers and got along with most of them. Even Frieza was showing subtle signs of him warming up to you which you were grateful for. But deep down you couldn’t help but develop some attachments to the emperor of the universe himself. You weren’t sure if he had felt the same way as you when he had offered you a position in his army after you both took out Android 21 and you knew for a fact that you wouldn’t make a good soldier since part of Frieza’s requirements to joining the Frieza force included strength which you weren’t confident about despite how well you were doing with the link. But of course if it meant that you could start your life anew and leave your misfortune behind then you’d gladly take it. Then afterwards Frieza had warmly welcomed you to join his forces when Android 21 was taken down at last. You smiled at the thought of being in space looking at the stars and planets while riding in a spaceship boldly going where no human has ever gone before. Suddenly Frieza, Cell, Ginyu and Nappa immediately began charging up when their powers had returned to them, getting ready to attack Goku and the gang and before you knew it Frieza chased you out of his body so he could fight Goku without you holding him back. Devastated and heartbroken at the tyrant’s actions you took to the skies leaving Frieza to exact his revenge on his sayian nemesis.
That was the last time you saw him and you never got to tell him how you felt about him. You shook your head as you headed into work wiping away your tears deciding that you were better off without him anyway. You didn’t have much to offer to a guy like that except for your loyalty and love which you doubted that he would be capable of. Two hours in and the events of last month had already been pushed to the back of your mind as you worked hard cleaning dishes, prepping up food, and sweeping up the floor. The lights flickered faintly above and you thought to yourself that the light bulbs must be starting to give out. You were wiping down the tables when a random guy came up to you in an attempt to flirt with you but you ignored him completely.
“What time do you get off, cutie?” The man asked you.
“Sorry sir but I cannot indulge such information to someone I do not know.” You said with a customer friendly tone which surprised you internally to hear such words coming from your own mouth. Apparently you picked up some of Frieza’s elegant speech pattern while you were linked with him.
The man looked surprised in a happy way. “Fancy way of talking, eh? Then how about you let me take you somewhere fancy to eat after you get off?”
“No thank you.” You said as you started to get irritated with him. The lights above you started to flicker.
“Don’t be like that, baby. I can treat you real nice.” The guy insisted.
“Please sir, I have work to do and I am not interested. Have a nice day.” You told him as you kept your tone friendly while your temper was rising. The lights flickered faster causing several of the staff and customers to look in confusion.
“C’mon don’t tell me that a pretty face like you already has a boyfriend?” Inquired the guy.
Now it was starting to get too personal for your liking as the memories of your ex flowed into your mind like a stream of water. Anger was bubbling up as the flickering lights intensified causing everyone to become concerned and even scared. “That is no concern of yours. Now please leave me alone and have a nice day.” You clenched your teeth as you managed to say in a sweet tone while keeping a grip on your temper. You were getting ready to head back into the kitchen when you felt a hand grab your arm and pulled you back.
“What’s the matter, bitch?” The guy hissed. “You think you’re too good to have a good time with guys like me?” He smelled like he hasn’t bathed in a week and his grip on you grew tighter.
Your coworkers and a few customers saw this and attempted to get him to let you go. But the guy insisted that he was your boyfriend and that it was no one’s business.
“SHUT UP JACKASS! YOU’RE NO ONE TO ME!” You yelled angrily at him and at that same time the lights that were flickering above you exploded. Everyone in the store screamed and covered their heads as glass fell upon them. A fire broke out causing several staff members to grab fire extinguishers and put out the fire.
The customers ran out screaming in panic as you were also running out of the store. You didn’t know what was going on but you did know that this had never happened in the restaurant before. So why now? Sounds of police sirens were drawing close as was the firefighters and you just hoped that no one got hurt. Suddenly you felt arms grabbing you by the waist and you were then carried off by someone.
“Hey! Let me go!” You exclaimed. “Put me down! What do you think you’re doing!”
“It’s just us, human!” Said a familiar gruff yet friendly voice.
You turned to see none other than Captain Ginyu of the Ginyu force. “Ginyu!” You cried as you instantly gave him a hug.
“Don’t forget about us, sheila!” Jeice said happily.
“Hey Jeice, Burter, Recoome, Guldo! It’s great to see you guys again!” You grinned as you saw the rest of the Ginyu force. “But how did you know where to find me?”
Ginyu pointed to the scouter on his face. “We detected your ki with these and by the looks of it your ki skyrocketed to another level!”
You looked at him confused. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Didn’t you see what had just happened at the restaurant?” Burter asked pointing back to where your job was.
You felt your heart sink as you came to realize what they were talking about. “I did that?”
“You sure did!” Recoome said with a smile.
“But that’s never happened before. I don’t understand why it would happen now.” You said still trying to grasp the reality of the situation.
Ginyu looks at you with a sympathetic expression on his face. “Perhaps it’s because you were linked with Lord Frieza and that his ki has awakened yours.”
You looked up in surprise. “Really?”
“That’s the only explanation that I can think of. But let’s get you to Lord Frieza first.” Ginyu said taking off into the sky with the others.
“So Frieza wants to see me now after he booted me out?” You said in a sarcastic tone.
“My apologies, huma-“
“It’s Y/n.” You interrupted Ginyu.
“Y/n. Please forgive Lord Frieza. He has been humiliated twice by Goku and needed to get his revenge for it.” Ginyu said.
You huffed. “Did he succeeded?”
“All I can say is that it ended in a stalemate.”
“Figures.” You rolled your eyes.
“I don’t mean to speak out sir but is no one going to say anything about y/n here being a woman?” Guldo asked.
“Is there something wrong with that?” You asked with a small smile.
“No. Not at all. Just surprised is all.” Guldo said.
Minutes later aboard Frieza’s ship....
Frieza stood by the window as you entered with the Ginyu force leading ahead.
“Lord Frieza, we’ve brought the human with us.” Ginyu said as he bowed.
“Excellent work, Captain Ginyu.” Frieza said in a happy tone while turning slowly to face you. “It has been awhile my dear. You look so much lovelier in person.” He smiles his usual smile that you had come to recognize as his causal expression.
“You don’t seem surprised that I am a girl.” You said observering him and then noticed his tail wiggling about almost like Frieza was glad to see you in the flesh.
“I had Nappa keep a close eye on you afterwards since Saiyans can be easily passed off as humans when their tails are well hidden that is.” Frieza said as he approached you.
“Well no wonder why Nappa has been absent lately.” Guldo mumbled.
You turned your head to glare at Ginyu and the others. “Scouter my ass. You already knew where I was at, didn’t you?”
“Easy Y/n, we weren’t lying about the scouters picking up your ki level. Besides even with Nappa we aren’t familiar with the city you were living in.” Ginyu said.
Frieza cleared his throat getting your attention back onto him who was directly standing in front of you face to face. “As I was saying; I had ordered Nappa to watch over you after the Android 21 incident. When you left I sensed a slight change in your ki and made a mental note to look into it after I delt with that damned Saiyan Goku.”
“I was told that it was a stalemate.” You said.
Frieza grimaced. “It would not have been such a stalemate if Cell hadn’t tried to steal my glory for the last time.” His tail curled up much like how a fist would ball up in anger.
“Did you....kill him?” You asked.
“No, of course not. Goku’s eldest son already did him in with Maijin Buu.” Frieza said. “But enough of that. I believe we have much to discuss about your future here on the Frieza force.”
“Thanks but there’s a concern that I’d like to address with you. Namely my sudden ki rising. Captain Ginyu said that it was the result of our souls being linked together. Is it true?” You asked.
Frieza watched you before motioning for Ginyu and the others to leave the room. They did so without hesitation and now it was just you and him alone. “Indeed it is as you were told. The slight increase of your ki didn’t happen when you and I first met but after destroying Android 21 was when it changed. I have surmised that while you were linked with me your ki was being amplified by mine thus causing it to grow with each battle we’ve faced. Though it is not as strong as mine it’ll at least give you a bit of an edge to defend yourself with.”
“How long do you think it’ll last?” You asked.
Frieza closed his eyes and sighed in annoyance. “Don’t you understand what this means exactly? I’m saying this is permanent. That this newly awakened ki is what you’ll be living with from now on.”
You were dumbfounded at this. You now had powers of your own and yet you were unsure about how to handle it. Or if you could handle it. “Oh boy.” You covered your face with your hands as you rubbed your eyes with them. “This is a lot to take in.”
“For you I have no doubt that it is.” Frieza said flicking his tail casually. “Fortunately you will have plenty of time getting use to it in my army.”
“I probably might but there’s also the issue of controlling it. Before the Ginyu force picked me up I was getting upset with this one guy trying to make a pass at me and when I lost my temper the lights exploded above us.” You told him.
Frieza hummed with curiosity. “Certain emotions often trigger such power like yours. Perhaps that will be something we can work on together.” His tail then slowly wraps around your waist as he pulls your body into his. “I’m sure that you will find it most enjoyable.”
You blushed at how close you were to him and even more so when his tail pulsed. “Frieza? Just to be honest with you, I’m still upset with you for kicking me out.”
“I had a score to settle with Goku. You of all people should understand that. Especially with the amount of time that we’ve spent together sharing the same body.” Frieza said in a stern tone as he took your chin into his hand. “It’s Y/n, yes?”
You nodded.
Frieza smiled his mischievous and cruel smile. “Welcome to the Frieza force, my dear y/n.”
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cloudninetonine · 3 years
Cogito, ergo sum
Pairing: Connor (RK800) x fem!reader (Eventually)
Summary: Humanity seems to be at the midst of a dawning of a new age and they’re using fire against fire to stop it. It’s a real shame for you that the fire is kinda cute.
A/N: Hi, so, there is no reason for this except that I was hit with the urge to rewatch D:BH and fell in love with Connor again so I wanted to write out my feelings. If people want more please tell me because I don’t want to write a fic that no one even likes.
Also, notes for future readers. I tend to lean towards a British reader, because I myself am British and find it easier to write like that, I don’t understand America one single bit so you bet your arse there are going to be inaccuracies that will make Americans cringe. Still hope you enjoy it tho.
Warnings: Bad language (That’s it, for now)
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Undercut for convience
"What's up fuckers!?"
Connor’s gaze is still focused on Hank’s as the older man’s demeanor shifts, with a small quirk of his lips resembling something similar to a smile and rolling his eyes, he glances towards the entrance of the department and from what the android could see, many others did also, most sharing similar expressions of exasperated amusement while some just looked downright tired.
He’s quick to follow the many stares of his new colleagues, turning in his seat to get a look at the figure who literally seems to roll into the room, a box of donuts within their hands.
Det. (Last) (Name)
DOB: (MM/DD/2002) // Police Det.
Criminal records: N/A
It’s on instinct that he scans you, it’s part of his protocol after all, so he makes sure to scan every part of you, his LED flashing a concentrating yellow as the information falls in.
It stops, however, when he notices one of your arms. He doesn’t miss it, of course he doesn’t, he’s way too clever for that, but he does marvel, because he notices that it’s not human skin that decorates the limb, but synthetic like his own and he finds himself scanning deeper-
"I've downed three cans of Monster Energy and I'm ready to fight God!"
‘What an odd thing to declare’ is what pops into Connor's mind, interrupting his own little investigation in favour of narrowing his eyes quizzically towards your approaching form that has your own eyes focused on his partner sat across from him, an almost sadistic grin plastered on your face.
It is a sadistic one, of course, Hank knows that, you know that, the whole department knows it. You’ve always seemed to show a more malicious glee with him, like a bratty child with their parents, like a moth to a flame. If anything, he expects his day to get about 2x more painful than he needs, as shown with that stupid hunk of metal sitting across from him and he knows you’re going to enjoy every single second of it.
God save his fucking soul.
You stop just a few inches away from Hank's desk with a smile almost blinding bright, kicking in your heelys like you had done millions of times previously before bowing towards the older man, box held out towards him.
"Donut, my liege?"
He easily picks out his favourite, a famous Homer donut decorated with pink icing and multi-colour sprinkles, quitely grunting out "Thanks" as he bites down onto the treat, turning back to the computer screen.
But maybe, just maybe, your focus will be shifted today.
"But of course" Then, turning towards Connor, still bowed at the hip, you speak again "And one for you, my good sir?"
It took Connor a moment to realise, despite it being quite obvious, that you’re talking to him and his LED flashes a vibrant red when he finally opens his mouth to speak, politeness lacing his tone.
"Thank you, but I don't need to eat"
The phrase stumps you, because, well, why wouldn't someone not need to eat, so you raise your head "What-"
And you get your answer.
And Hank gets his relief for the moment.
It takes what Connor counted was a single second for your face to change from confusion to utter delight, a gasp followed by cry of what he decided was excitement at the sight of him, dropping the donut box altogether and resulting in Hank cussing up a storm when they nearly came tumbling out onto his desk.
"(Name), be careful, for fucks sake!"
But you’re not listening, no, why would you be listening to the old geezer? Instead, your hands are tightly grasping the sides of the android's face, tugging his head gently in different directions as to study him, your eyes bright with a spark of joy.
It was odd, no one had ever looked at him like that.
Software instability.
"Jesus Christ, woman, stop being fucking weird" Hank mutters off with a growl, watching the scene with an obvious look of irritation, "Just an android, we see 'em every fucking day"
"But a new model!" You cry, words were aimed towards Connor more than anything as you finally pulled away, although, quickly you raced to the desk opposite to him, rolling over a desk chair- your desk chair and collapsing onto it with a smile, resting your head in your hands, memorised. "I've never seen your handsome face before, stranger"
Hank physically gags.
"Hello, detective" Connor parrots his line, his phrase and of course slips in your rank because he had obviously been scanning you since you appeared in his line of vision. He already knows a majority about you and you don't even know his name, nevermind model.
It's just so amazing.
"My name is Connor. I am the android sent by Cyberlife." You're pretty sure the smile he gives you is akin to a murderer more than a friend "It's nice to meet you, officially"
Your hand comes up, pinching the synthetic skin of his cheek.
What a puppy, such an adorable boy, he looks so confused, eyes focused on the fingers keeping his fake skin hostage while you coo at him unprofessionally, Hank close to grabbing the gun from his jacket and shooting you right where you sat.
"You are just adorable, Connor"
After a moment, Connor finally reacts, hand reaching up to grasp yours and pull it away gently "Thank you, detective"
"Please, you can just call me (Name)" The smirk slides on easy, as does the wink you send him "Hope you don't mind if I call you handsome, do you?"
If Connor had learned anything about you from these first few minutes, it's that he doesn't truly understand you at all. You're flamboyant, that much is obvious, but your flamboyance leaves nothing but a screen blocking what you're really like, leaving Connor stumped on what you might do next.
That's what he concludes when instead of answering, or staying silent, he stumbles over his words and watches when you laugh, leaning over to grab a donut from the box.
What an interesting character you are.
Interesting indeed.
“(Name)!” At the sound of Fowler’s voice, you turn with a still ever-so-friendly grin and a call of ‘Boss!’, jumping from you seat. Crumbs of donut fall from your mouth and you swallow, only to hack up a storm straight after.
Fowler scowls “My office, now”
You throw the duo a wink before skipping over to the captain’s office.
“Don’t mind her” Hank finally speaks and it grabs Connor’s attention, the android shifting his gaze from your form to his partner’s, the old man reaching for another donut. “She’s nuts”
“She seems....” His database searches for the word “pleasant”
“If you think that you must be fucking broken, stupid android”
It’s only after 10 minutes you return, a grin so wide Hank’s near damn sure it’s going to split your face into two while Connor tilts his head, like a puppy, an oh so cute puppy.
“Guess who’s partnership just became a trio?”
“....Mother fucker-”
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the-hidden-writer · 3 years
And Into The Fire
Chapter 6: Robo-bonding
Summary: Months after the Mitchells saved the world, Linda gets a phone call asking if she’s seen two defective Pal MAX bots. Powerful people are after Eric and Deborabot 5000, and it’s up to the Mitchells to protect them.
Check reblogs for AO3 link!
Rick usually loved the sound of crickets at night. On camping trips, he’d make it his mission to get his family to sit outside and appreciate them for at least one night. Truly, the aura of peace and serenity they brought was unmatched.
But now, he’d give anything for them to shut up and stop adding to the awkward atmosphere.
It was their first stop after a full day’s worth of driving. The route to Silicon Valley would take at least two days and the Mitchells had decided to break the journey.
Usually they’d stop at a motel for the night, but ever since they’d technically been harboring fugitives that was no longer an option. Or at least that was the case for the moment, since Rick was happy to leave the bots in the car overnight as long as they were both awake and feeling responsible.
His wife and son were currently in the backseat together, curled up closely against one another as they slept. Monchi was snoring away on his back beside them. Rick had quickly pulled out his camera and snagged a quick photo of the heartwarming sight.
They’d put Eric (actually, Deborahbot had since he was much too heavy for any of them to lift) into the trunk. Deborahbot himself had sat in silence next to his robot friend for most of that first stretch of the journey. He’d only spoken when Linda had asked him directly if he was alright, and once again when the family were saying goodnight to each other.
But when it was clear that Deborahbot wasn’t going to sleep (or go into rest-mode or whatever those robots did) when everyone else was, Rick had listened to his inner Linda and asked him to join him in the front.
Even without his wife’s guidance, Rick knew deep down that it wasn’t healthy to not take a break from watching his brother like a hawk.
So that’s where they were. Rick sitting in the driver’s seat, Deborah sitting in the passenger’s seat, and between them only the crickets had something to say.
“So, uh,” Rick eventually began in a low voice, knowing that the android wouldn’t start a conversation himself, “this is all kinda sudden.”
Deborahbot didn’t reply.
“...Right.” Rick was at a genuine loss for words. He’d obviously talked to the bots before, but never really talked to them. They came as a pair and were always sort of doing their own thing. You could guide them and give them instructions and stuff, sure, but they only really got into deep conversations with each other or maybe sometimes Linda. And even then, it was Eric that tended to do most of the talking.
“It must be hard, huh?”
Deborahbot did not lower his voice when he replied. “What do you mean?”
“SHHH!” Rick pointed at his sleeping family.
Deborahbot 5000 hung his head slightly. “Apologies, Mother’s Husband.”
“No no, you’re good.” Rick wished he’d stop calling him that, though he couldn’t think of an alternative.
“But I mean, um…” he continued. “You bots never leave each other’s side. It must be tough with him gone.”
“But he is not gone.” Deborah said. “He is in the trunk.”
Rick sighed. “That’s not what I…”
The problem with robots is that they weren’t great with picking up on subtext. But to be fair, neither were the Mitchell family.
“Still, you’re worried, right? About him? Heck, even I’m worried and I barely know you guys. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. If you do... feel.”
There was a short pause. Rick had never realised that robots needed thinking time. Or maybe it was just a defective robot thing.
“I am worried about us, yes.”
“Aw shoot I totally forgot they’re after you too!” Rick exclaimed quietly. “Have you had any more attacks since, or..?”
Deborahbot turned his head to face forward before answering. As far as Rick could tell, he didn’t have any cameras on the side of his head so the gesture must have just been for dramatic effect. “Not since this morning. Now that my brother is turned off, they can access him without resistance.”
Deborah said it so casually that Rick almost missed the implication of the words.
“Wait, wait wait wait, hold on,” he said as he shuffled to face Deborahbot better, “what does that mean? You mean they can still get to him when he’s like this? They’re, what, doing stuff to him as we speak?”
“Yes.” Deborahbot answered bluntly.
This was bad. All this time, Rick had assumed that the reason Eric was switched off was to stop Pal Labs from hacking him (or whatever the technical term was). But if that just made it easier for them…
“So then why are we even doing this?” He asked, his voice raising a little. “If he’s just gonna get mind-controlled anyway, why are we taking you guys right to them?!”
Deborahbot’s head turned to face him again. “We are going to ask them to stop.” He said it firmly but there was an edge of doubt creeping into his voice.
“But that was to stop them before they took over Eric, wasn’t it? What if they can’t change back what they’ve already done or something? It might already be too late- I don’t know how this works!”
“Wh-What if…” Deborahbot’s voice was barely audible.
“Yeah, man, what if?!” Rick whispered angrily. “You should’ve thought about this beforehand! We should’ve thought about it before we went along with this spontaneous plan!”
“What if…”
It was then that Rick realised what he’d said and who he’d said it to.
“Oh, Deborah, I-”
“What if they delete his memory?” Deborahbot started to speak faster. “What if they reset him? What if they fix him? What if they break him completely? What if-”
This was a mistake. Rick shouldn’t have brought it up, or at least not in front of the poor android. The two were like twins, practically joined at the hip, and were so childish at times that catastrophizing in front of one of them regarding the other was probably the worst thing he could've done. Even though his own concerns about Eric were very real and genuine, Deborahbot didn’t need to hear them.
It had taken 18 years to start getting things right with Katie. He wanted to have another chance to get it right with the bots.
“Listen, that’s not what’s happening.” Rick said, putting a lot of effort into sounding as convincing as possible. “They probably just want you guys back. But once we get there and show ‘em you’re harmless, they’ll let you go! Don’t listen to what I said, you know how I get angry for no reason, haha.”
Deborahbot seemed to think it over. Sometimes, Rick wished that they had proper faces so that he could gauge their expressions properly. It would make his life a lot easier.
At some point during that conversation, the crickets had stopped chirping. He hadn’t even noticed.
“...Do you really think so, Mother’s Husband?”
Rick smiled reassuringly. “‘Course I do, Deb.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes. Rick sincerely hoped that he’d mended the pit of fear he’d opened within Deborahbot. It was funny, the rift that had once been between him and Katie was caused by technology. Now he was trying to fix a rift with a piece of technology itself.
Deborahbot seemed content to just sit in silence like that for the rest of the night, but Rick wanted to get some sleep.
He nodded toward the trunk. “Hey, you might wanna get some rest. Don’t stay up all night thinking about this.”
“Ah ah, no buts.” Rick waggled his finger. “That’s an order.”
Dangit, for a moment there it had felt so much like he was talking to another human being that he’d completely forgotten to mind his language. He didn’t want it to seem like he was forcing him.
Deborahbot had already opened the door to move back into the trunk with Eric. "Goodnight, Mother's Husband."
“Deborah! Before you go-” Deborah stopped mid-motion to listen to him- “maybe cut it out with the whole ‘Mother’s Husband’ thing.”
Rick couldn’t believe he was about to do this. It was a step that Linda wanted him to take but he’d never quite felt ready for. But the bots needed family now more than ever, and who else was going to give it to them?
“Just call me ‘Dad’.”
Deborahbot cocked his head for a second (long enough for Rick to consider backtracking) before he exited the car and stood up straight.
“Goodnight, Dad.”
Comments make my day! :)
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
Of Course You Did - Part 2 (Natasha Romanoff x Johnson!Fem!Reader)
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"Anyway," Natasha says with a laugh. She holds out her hand, "I didn't have a chance to introduce myself at the party. I'm Natasha."
"Hi," Skye shakes Natasha's hand. "(Y/n)'s told me a lot about you."
"She has, has she?" Natasha smirks and (Y/n) shifts uncomfortably.
3rd Person POV
Fury had assembled the Avengers and Skye in the Bartons' kitchen.
"Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time," Fury says, as (Y/n) leans against Natasha's chair.
Natasha smiles at her niece as Lila runs over handing Natasha a picture of a butterfly that she had colored.
"My contacts," Fury looks at (Y/n) he says this, "all say he's building something. The amount of vibranium he made off with, I don't think it's just one thing,"
"What about Ultron himself?" Steve asks, leaning against the doorway.
"Oh, he's easy to track. He's everywhere," Fury answers. "The guy is multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit."
"It still doesn't help us get an angle on any of his plans, though," Fury says.
Natasha glances up at (Y/n) who was looking down at the picture of the butterfly.
"Is he still going after launch codes?" Tony asks.
"Yes, he is," Fury says. "But he's not making any headway."
"I cracked the Pentagon's firewall in high school on a dare," Tony informs everyone.
"Well, I contacted our friends at the Nexus about that," Fury continues.
"Nexus?" Steve asks.
"It's the work Internet hub in Oslo," Skye tells the soldier. "Every byte of data flows through there. Fastest access on Earth."
"So, what did they say?" Clint asks.
"He's fixated on the missiles," Fury answers. "But the codes are constantly being changed."
"That you?" (Y/n) asks her sister.
"No, I don't know anyone who could do something that complicated," Skye replies and (Y/n) nods.
"We don't know who it is," Fury says. "To be honest, some of us thought it was Miss Skye here, but now we know it's not her."
"So, we have an ally?" Natasha asks.
"Ultron's got an enemy," Fury corrects. "That's not the same thing."
"There is that whole, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend,' thing, but whatever," (Y/n) argues.
"Still, I'd pay folding money to know who it is," Fury says.
"I might need to visit Oslo," Tony thinks aloud.
"Ooh, you should take me," Skye says, raising a hand.
"Well, this is good times, boss," Natasha says loudly, looking down at her hands folded together on the table, "but I was kind of hoping when I saw you, you'd have more than that."
"I do," Fury says, looking at the redhead. "I have you. Back in the day, I had eyes everywhere and ears everywhere else. You kids had all the tech you could dream up. Here we all are, back on Earth, with nothing but our wit and our will to save the world. Ultron says the Avengers are the only thing between him and his mission. And whether or not he admits it, his mission is global destruction." Natasha who had looked up at Fury looks back down. "All this, laid in a grave. So stand. Outwit the platinum bastard."
"Steve doesn't like that kind of talk," is the only thing Natasha says as her mouth twitches into a smile.
"You know what, Romanoff?" Steve says.
"So, what does he want?" Fury asks.
"To become better," Steve answers. "Better than us. He keeps building bodies."
"Person bodies," Tony adds.
(Y/n) reaches down and studies the picture of the butterfly again.
"The human form is inefficient," Tony continues. "Biologically speaking, we're outmoded. But he keeps coming back to it."
"When you two programmed him to protect the human race," Natasha addresses Bruce and Tony, "you amazingly failed."
"They don't need to be protected," (Y/n) realizes after a moment. "Remember what Ultron said back at the Tower, 'You want to protect the world but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve?'?" (Y/n) pauses, a scowl spreading across her face. Everyone had turned to her now. "Ultron's going to evolve."
"How?" Fury asks Coulson's Second in Command.
"Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?" Bruce asks, exchanging a glance with (Y/n).
(Y/n) walks into the other room and motions for Fury to follow. "Did Coulson tell you about THETA Protocol?" (Y/n) murmurs.
Fury looks at her, a questioning look in his eyes.
"Ask Coulson about it and tell him it's time to tell the rest of the team. I'll get in touch with you about where to bring it," (Y/n) mutters. "Oh, and bring the team - Morse, Hunter, Coulson, May, Mack, Fitz, and Simmons. I think we'll need help."
Fury nods and leaves the room.
(Y/n) crosses her arms as she watches Fury walk out the door.
"I'll take Natasha, Clint, and (Y/n)," Steve says the next morning as everyone suits up.
"All right. Strictly recon," Tony says, Skye next to him. "We'll hit the Nexus. We'll join you as soon as we can."
(Y/n) walks down the stairs, talking with Natasha when she stops, catching sight of her sister, and walks over, wrapping Skye in a tight hug.
"Be careful," (Y/n) murmurs.
"Back at you," Skye says. "I'll see you soon. Love you."
"I love you too," (Y/n) steps back.
Skye leaves with Tony and (Y/n) and Natasha step outside onto the porch.
(Y/n) was gazing out into the field and Natasha nudges her gently.
"What's going through that head of yours?" Natasha asks.
"I'm scared," (Y/n) admits, looking at Natasha with a frown. "I'm scared about how this is all going to turn out," she pauses, as though considering her thoughts. "I really like you, Natasha," she murmurs and Natasha's green eyes soften.
"I do too," Natasha replies. "I thought I proved that when I kissed you," she says in a teasing voice.
(Y/n)'s mouth twitches. "That was a very nice kiss," (Y/n) says and Natasha's cheeks take on a red tint now.
"Let's go," Steve says, and (Y/n) jumps a little.
Wanda looks into the red android's head and screams, pressing her hand to her chest as she backs up into her twin's arms.
Pietro brushes hair out of his sister's face, murmuring something softly.
"How could you?" Wanda stutters, looking at Ultron, her eyes wide.
"How could I what?" Ultron asks, looking at the teenager.
"Y-you said we w-would destroy the Avengers. Make a better world," Wanda says, looking up into Ultron's eyes.
"It will be better," Ultron says calmly.
"When everyone is dead?" Wanda asks and Pietro looks over at the android as well.
"That is not . . . The human race will have every opportunity to improve," Ultron says.
"And if they don't?" Pietro asks, turning to face Ultron now.
"Ask Noah," Ultron says simply.
"You are a madman," Wanda says softly, and (Y/n) shrinks into the corner just outside the room a little more.
"There were more than a dozen extinction-level events," Ultron tries to explain. "Why, even the dinosaurs got theirs. When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And, believe me, he's winding up. We have to evolve. There's no room," he rubs his robotic hand on the Cradle, "for the weak."
"And who decides who's weak?" Pietro asks softly.
"Life," Ultron chuckles and as he looks at the ground, as Wanda uses her powers to shake Dr. Cho from her enchantment. "Life always decides.
"There's incoming," Ultron says as he hears the Quinjet. "The Quinjet. We have to move."
"That's not a problem," Dr. Cho says as she pauses the download of Ultron's new body.
Ultron shoots a laser towards the scientist and Cho collapses.
Ultron takes the Cradle and the legionaries outside leaving Wanda and Pietro alone. (Y/n) flashes the two a warning look as she steps out of her hiding spot and crosses over to Cho in a few strides.
(Y/n) grabs some bandages and wraps the scientist's shoulder tightly.
"(Y/n)?" comes Natasha's voice. "What's going on?"
"Ultron shot Cho," (Y/n) answers, keeping an eye on the two teenagers as they continue to watch her tighten the bandages around Cho's shoulder. "I patched up her shoulder."
"He's uploading himself into the body," Cho says, and (Y/n)'s expression turns hard. "The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem."
"You get that, Steve?" (Y/n) asks, rising to her feet.
"I'm on it," Steve answers.
(Y/n) turns her (E/c) gaze onto Wanda and Pietro. "Where'd he go?" (Y/n) asks.
Pietro is the one who answers, "We don't know."
(Y/n) glances down at Cho, who had pulled at her arm. "You need to stop him."
(Y/n) nods, unsheathing the sword from her back and Wanda takes a step back.
"I'm going to slice a couple of kids in half," (Y/n) says over her shoulder as she runs outside.
(Y/n) teleports to Steve's side as he was standing on a bridge.
"I got a private jet taking off across town," Natasha says in (Y/n)'s ear. "No manifest. That could be him."
"There. It's a truck from the lab," Clint says. "Right above you two. On the loop by the bridge."
"I've got it," (Y/n) says softly into the COM set. (Y/n) teleports silently on top of the truck
"You've got three with the Cradle," Clint tells (Y/n). "I can take out the driver."
"Negative. The gem could level the city," Steve says and (Y/n) hums her agreement.
"Also, I'm standing on top of the truck," (Y/n) adds.
"We need to draw out Ultron," Steve says.
There's a click in (Y/n)'s ear and Natasha speaks in her ear again, "Be careful," the redhead murmurs.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, I'll be alright," (Y/n) answers as Steve jumps from the bridge and handing onto the doors. A red laser shoots through the door, knocking Steve around. He swings the doors around and the door gets shot by another laser, sending the doors dragging across the ground, creating sparks.
"Well, he's definitely unhappy," Steve says as (Y/n) teleports beside him. "We're gonna try to keep him that way."
"I've never done this before, I hope this works," (Y/n) mutters, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder.
With a blink, Steve and (Y/n) are standing on the top of the truck.
"Nice," (Y/n) says, but dives to the side as a laser shoots through the roof of the truck.
"You two aren't a match for him," Clint says.
"Yeah, thanks Clint," (Y/n) grumbles.
"You know what's in that Cradle?" Ultron asks, flying up to meet the two on top of the truck. Steve turns as Ultron blasts a laser at him, the laser bouncing off his shield. "The power to make real change. And that terrifies you."
"I wouldn't call it a comfort," Steve says, pulling his shield off his back and throwing it at Ultron.
"Stop it," Ultron hisses and (Y/n) teleports away, fetching the shield.
With another blink, (Y/n) realized she has miscalculated her jump and was hanging onto the front of the truck. She lets out a grunt as she swings herself to one of the mirrors as one of Ultron's legionaries shoots at her.
"Steve!" (Y/n) yells, hanging onto the mirror with one hand, the Captain's shield in the other.
(Y/n) throws the shield up and Steve catches it.
"You good?" Natasha asks in (Y/n)'s ear.
(Y/n) teleports behind Ultron and kicks the android in the back.
"(Y/n)? You good?" Natasha asks again, worry in her voice.
"Yeah," (Y/n) dives to the side as Ultron shoots a laser at her. "Just peachy."
Ultron knocks Steve's shield away again, and it lands on the road.
"I am not going to get that again," (Y/n) says, attacking Ultron as the android pulls Steve into a headlock.
Suddenly, Steve gets his shield back and knocks back Ultron, who knocks back (Y/n), who falls off the truck.
(Y/n) grabs the side with a hand and hauls herself back up.
Ultron catches sight of Natasha and flings up a hand, making some of the concrete rises into the air, making the redhead stop on her motorcycle.
"The hell!" (Y/n) yells, advancing on Ultron as he blasts Steve off the truck.
(Y/n) looks up as something - the Quinjet - shoots at Ultron, drawing the guards out of the back of the truck.
Steve had gotten back on top of the truck. He knocks Ultron back into a pillar and Ultron flies into Steve, blasting both of them into the train, (Y/n) teleporting beside Steve, pulling the soldier up.
Steve throws his shield around to (Y/n), and she slams it into Ultron's back, then throwing it back around to Steve.
"I'm going in," comes Natasha' voice again. "Cap, (Y/n), can you keep him occupied?"
"What do you think we've been doin'?" Steve asks as Ultron kicks him to the corner of the train.
Ultron turns to (Y/n), the teleporter dodging Ultron's punches; she let's out a grunt as Ultron punches her in the side.
A moment later, a blur pushes Ultron away, and (Y/n) unsheathes her sword.
"Please don't do this," Ultron says, looking between Pietro and Wanda - who had used her telekinetic powers to cross some bars between (Y/n) and Ultron.
"What choice do we have?" Wanda asks, her Sokovian accent thick.
Ultron aims at (Y/n), who had teleported in front of Steve, and the two have to duck the laser and it shoots straight through the train.
"We lost him," (Y/n) says into her COM set, speaking directly to Natasha."He's coming back your way."
As the Avenger is speaking, Steve had run to the front of the train.
"Nat, you gotta go!" Clint tells him.
(Y/n) goes to say something, but staggers as something rocks the train.
"Civilians in our path," Steve says and (Y/n) nods, her and Pietro teleporting / speeding around, getting the people out of the way of the train as it screeches to a halt.
Each teleportation seems to make (Y/n) more tired and (Y/n) leans against a wall, breathing heavily.
"The Cradle," Wanda prompts. "Did you get it?" she asks as (Y/n) walks forward, her right arm clasped against her stomach, her sword sheathed on her back.
Steve shoots a concerned look at his shorter friend. "Stark will take care of it," he says as (Y/n) turns, pressing a hand to her ear.
"I'm not getting anything," (Y/n) says, turning back to address Steve. "Imma head back, but you'll need to find a ride. I can't take all of y'all with me."
Steve nods his understanding and with a blink she's standing in the lab.
Tony, Bruce, and Skye stare at her but then surge forward as (Y/n) sways. She sags against Skye.
"I'm good. I'm good," (Y/n) argues as her sister sets her down in a chair.
"Sit," Tony orders and (Y/n) sighs in defeat.
"Clint and Nat should be on his way with the Cradle," (Y/n) tells the three.
"Where's Cap?" Tony asks.
"Steve had to find another way back," (Y/n) answers, her eyes closing a little.
(Y/n) had fallen asleep by the time the Quinjet had returned. She is slowly waking up when she hears, "Anything on Nat?"
"I haven't heard."
(Y/n)'s eyes fly open and she sits up.
"But she's alive, or Ultron would be rubbing our faces in it," Skye tells her sister hastily, sensing (Y/n)'s worry.
"This is sealed tight," Clint says, inspecting the Cradle.
"We're gonna need to access the program, break it down from within," Bruce says.
"Any chance Natasha could send you a message outside the Internet?" Tony asks Clint and (Y/n) rises to her feet. "Old-school spy stuff?"
"There are some nets I can cast," Skye says, and the two go downstairs. "We'll find her."
"I could try to find her," (Y/n) says. "Teleportation and all."
"I don't think you should be teleporting for at least a few hours," Bruce says and (Y/n) looks at him, then, defeated, she nods. "I can work on tissue degeneration," Bruce says, turning to Tony. "if you could fry whatever operational system Cho implanted."
"Yeah, about that," Tony says rubbing the back of his neck.
"No," Bruce says.
"You have to trust me," Tony says and (Y/n) looks at the billionaire.
"Kind of don't," Bruce says, backing up.
"Our ally, the guy protecting the military's nuclear codes, I found him," Tony says, flicking his wrist.
"Hello Dr. Banner, Agent (Y/n)," Jarvis says.
"Jarvis," (Y/n) says, turning to study the orange ball.
"Ultron didn't go after Jarvis because he was angry," Tony explains. "He attacked him because he was scared of what he can do. So Jarvis went underground. Scattered, dumped his memory."
"But not his protocols," (Y/n) says, realization dawning in her eyes.
"He didn't even know he was in there until I pieced him together," Tony says, nodding at (Y/n)'s realization.
Bruce scoffs before placing a hand at his temple. "So, you want me to help you put Jarvis into this thing?" he asks.
"No! Of course not," Tony says.
"We want to help you put Jarvis in there," (Y/n) steps forward to stand at Tony's shoulder.
"We're out in the field here," Tony continues, watching Bruce. "You know bio-organics better than anyone."
"And you just assume that Jarvis's operational matrix can beat Ultron's?" Bruce asks.
"Well, we've got all of Jarvis, and only part of Ultron," (Y/n) reasons and Tony nods.
"And Jarvis has been beating him from inside without knowing it," Tony adds. "This is the opportunity. We can create Ultron's perfect self without the homicidal glitches he thinks are his winning personality."
"We have to," (Y/n) says.
"I believe it's worth a go," Jarvis agrees.
"I'm in a loop," Bruce exclaims, throwing his arms out. "I'm caught in a time loop. This is exactly where it all went wrong."
"I know. I know. I know what everyone's gonna say," Tony says, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "But they're already saying it. We're mad scientists," Tony says and (Y/n)'s eyes flash with amusement. "We're monsters, buddy. We've gotta own it. Make a stand."
"It's not a loop," (Y/n) says softly and Bruce looks at her. "We know what went wrong last time."
"It's the end of the line," Tony adds.
A figure stirs on the concrete floor, before her eyes blink open.
"I wasn't sure you would wake up," comes Ultron's voice. "I hoped you would. I wanted to show you. I don't have anyone else. Upsetting the other female Avenger died earlier."
The figure on the ground groans in pain as she pushes herself up on an elbow, tears swimming in her eyes.
"I think a lot about meteors. The purity in them. Boom! The end. Start again."
The figure, her eyes full of pain and tears, stares back at Ultron.
"The world made clean for the new man to rebuild."
She shifts back a little.
"I was meant to be new," Ultron says, turning his red eyes on the woman on the ground. "I was meant to be beautiful. The world would have looked into the sky and seen hope, seen mercy."
The figure lets out a grunt as she scoots back a little more.
"Instead, they'll look up in horror because of you," Ultron snarls. "You've wounded me."
The figure on the ground scoots back as Ultron walks towards her.
"But, like the man said, what doesn't kill me . . ."
Ultron towers over the woman now.
Something grabs Ultron's head and rips it off, another Ultron standing behind it as the figure scrambles back in fear.
". . . just makes me stronger."
Ultron steps forward, closing the bars in front of the woman, who begins choking back her tears.
"This framework is not compatible," (Y/n) comments as she types furiously on a keyboard.
"The genetic coding tower is at ninety-seven percent," Bruce says, turning to the woman. "You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes."
Tony steps up to (Y/n)'s side, the two working together to power through the framework.
"I'm gonna say this once," comes Steve's voice.
"How about 'none-ce'?" Tony asks, leaving (Y/n) as he steps over to stand in front of Steve.
"Shut it down!" Steve orders.
"Nope, not gonna happen," (Y/n) says, staring down the Captain, her fingers naturally hitting the correct keys.
The Maximoff twins beside Steve don't know whether it is a trick of the blue light from the screen, or of lightning had flickered in her eyes.
"You don't know what you're going," Steve says.
"And you do?" Bruce asks. "She's not in your head?" Bruce asks, pointing at Wanda.
"I know you're angry," Wanda says, stepping around Steve.
"Oh, we're way past that," Bruce says, a vain pulsing in his neck. "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."
"Banner, after everything that's happened . . ." Steve says, Wanda's expression having faltered.
"It's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony says, and there's a rumble of thunder outside the Tower, everyone stopping for a moment. It was clear outside . . .
"You don't know what's in there," Wanda retorts.
"This isn't a game!" Steve yells.
"No, no. Go on," Pietro says, holding up one of the many cables that had been unplugged. "You were saying?"
There is a gunshot and Pietro falls through the glass floor of the lab.
"I'm rerouting the upload," Tony says.
(Y/n), on the other hand, was staring, well, at her hands. They were glowing blue.
Amongst all the commotion in the room, (Y/n) seems to be the only one who notices Thor. He looks at (Y/n)'s hands and nods towards the Cradle. As if controlled, (Y/n) vaults over the rail and holds her hands above the Cradle. Thor raises his hammer, and in sync, lighting flows into the Cradle.
Thor and (Y/n) stare at the Cradle, then being blasted back when a figure explodes out of the Cradle.
Everyone stares at the figure. It's outershell was bright red, and there is a glowing yellow gem in it's forehead.
Catching sight of Thor, the figure launches itself at him. Thor deflects the attack, throwing the red figure through glass and it stops, looking outside.
(Y/n) jump over the exploded Cradle and follows, Thor just behind her; the others following Thor.
The red android is looking outside and Skye had appeared right beside her sister.
Thor sets his hammer on a table and steps forward.
"I am sorry," the red android apologizes. "That was . . . odd. Thank you," the android nods to Thor, then (Y/n).
"Thor." Steve prompts. "You helped create this?"
"I've had a vision," Thor tells him. "A whirlpool that sucks in all hop of life, and at its center is that," Thor points to the stone in the Vision's head.
"What? The gem?" Bruce asks.
"It's the Mind Stone. It's on of the six Infinity Stones. The greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities."
"Then why would you and (Y/n) bring . . ." Steve begins.
"Because Stark is right," Thor says.
"Oh, it's definitely the end times," Bruce says.
"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron, even with Miss (Y/n)'s new lighting powers," Thor continues, nodding at (Y/n).
"Not alone," Vision adds.
"Why does your Vision sound like Jarvis?" Steve asks.
"We reconfigured Jarvis's matrix to create something new," Tony says, stepping around to study the Vision.
"I think I've had my fill of new," Steve says.
"You think I am a child of Ultron," Vision says.
"You're not?" Steve asks, his voice hard.
Vision stops, shooting Steve a look. "I'm not Ultron. I'm not Jarvis. I am . . . I am."
"I looked in your head," Wanda says and everyone turns to look at her, "and saw annihilation."
"Look again."
Clint scoffs, "Her seal of approval means jack to me." He steps forward.
"Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone," Thor explains. "And they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side."
"Is it?" Steve asks harshly. "Are you? On our side?"
"I don't think it's that simple," Vision says.
"Well, it better get real simple real soon," Clint says.
"I am on the side of life," Vision begins. "Ultron isn't."
Steve had told the Avengers to suit up and (Y/n) - obviously - offers to go find Natasha as the others board the Quinjet.
With a blink, (Y/n)'s standing somewhere else, as if she'd been summoned.
Natasha's Widow's Bites and stun batons were in a bag slung over (Y/n)'s back.
The area was dark and it was scarily quiet.
"What the hell is going on here?" (Y/n) whispers as she steps farther down the hallway.
(Y/n) creeps down the hallway and when seeing no one, she relaxes a little.
"Natasha!" (Y/n) calls, jogging down the hallway.
"(Y/n)?" comes a familiar voice and (Y/n) darts down the hallway.
"Nat? You okay?" (Y/n) asks as she runs up, setting the bag on the ground. She grows concerned as she sees Natasha's watery eyes.
"You found a key?" Natasha asks.
"Uh, yeah," (Y/n) raises her hand before putting it on the lock. "Watch out," (Y/n) tells her and Natasha scoots back. (Y/n) concentrates on her hand and the lock explodes. "Are you okay?" (Y/n) asks the redhead, worry evident in her tone.
Natasha throws herself at (Y/n), wrapping her in a tight hug.
(Y/n) returns the hug. "I'm glad you're okay," (Y/n) murmurs.
"Same, I'm glad you're here," Natasha says, pulling back out of the hug.
As if thinking about something, Natasha steps forward and presses her lips against (Y/n)'s.
After a moment, Natasha pulls away again and (Y/n)'s eyes are warm with affection.
"Now," Natasha says, her cheeks red. "Where's everyone else?"
"They're up in the city," (Y/n) replies. "I brought your Widowy things," (Y/n) says, picking up the bag.
Natasha laughs pulling her Widow's Bites from the bag and (Y/n) helps her attach them to her wrists. Natasha then pulls her stun batons and slides them into their holsters on her thighs.
"So, how we gonna get out of here?" Natasha asks and (Y/n) cocks her head at the redhead in front of her.
(Y/n) laughs. "I thought you were smart," she teases, her eyes bright.
"Oh, right," Natasha says, looking a little sheepish.
Word Count: 4447 words
So yeah, this was only going to be two parts, but I think it might be three or four parts, so bonus for y'all I suppose.
Love y'all!
             Kaitlynn ❤️😍
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mnictasbcl · 3 years
I’ll be forever young (with you)
For #dbhcolorsofdeviancy, prompt:
June 13th: Forever young @connor-sent-by-cyberlife
Rating: Teen
Characters: Connor, Hank Anderson, Sumo
Relationships: Connor & Hank Anderson, Connor & Hank Anderson & Sumo
Additional Tags: Fluff, Birthday, First birthday, Presents, Detroit bridge, Swearing, Hank is the best dad
Summary: August 15th, 2039. Connor’s first birthday.
He doesn’t think Hank will do anything that big for his birthday…
 And is proven very wrong.
(The final prompt for this event! I’ve enjoyed it very much :) )
Story below! Or, read it on AO3
AUGUST 15th, 2039
TIME AM 07:40:02
 Connor awoke to a ball of brown and white fur catapulting itself onto his bed.
Opening his eyes and fully coming out of the stasis, he realised that this was Sumo.
He ran his hands over his soft fur, receiving the wet slobbery kisses over his face, smiling. The Saint Bernard seemed particularly affectionate and excitable, the reason why eluding him as he was distracted by the fluffy cuddles.
But then, finally pulling himself away from the great dog and scanning his surroundings, he found out the reason pretty quickly.
Loosely strapped upon Sumo’s head was a colourful party hat, the words ‘Happy Birthday!’ printed on it in bold letters. Deducing that it wasn’t Hank’s birthday, it wasn’t Sumo’s…
The only other person in the house was him.
He chuckled, moving to pull the hat off the dog but he grumbled and jumped off the bed before he could do so.
“I didn’t think you’d find that comfortable, Sumo.”
The only reply he was given was a snort as the dog sniffed at the floor, nosing slowly out of his bedroom.
Connor shrugged. It made sense. It was a year since his activation day. Strangely… he did recall Hank paying extra attention and asking questions when he had mentioned he was almost a year old since being activated.
But he hadn’t viewed it as a birthday. Merely the day after his testing was complete and he was finally activated and shipped out on the same day for his first mission.
Of course, with the development of android rights, birthdays had been allowed for androids, even encouraged. Markus had celebrated his, he remembered, as he’d created a painting for him as a gift. So had various other members of Jericho.
Still, it felt… different to view this as a human celebration, of him turning a year old. The body he was in was technically not even a year old because he’d fallen off the rooftop on his first mission. He shuddered. It hadn’t been a brilliant day of birth, if humans called it that, that was for sure.
However, with help from people like Hank and Markus, he was beginning to accept his new humanity. Perhaps embracing his birthday would allow him to really move into the next stage of his life.
Besides, it wasn’t like Hank would do anything massive for the day, right?
 He walked out of his room and was met with balloons tied to the curtain poles, a banner proclaiming ‘Happy birthday/activation day, Connor!’, presents piled up on the living room table and Hank standing at the kitchen counter, a birthday hat askew on his head.
“Here comes the birthday boy.” Hank chuckled as he walked in, taking in his bewildered expression. “I know I probably went a bit… a lot extreme on this, but it’s your first birthday. You got to have a nice first birthday.”
Connor continued to scan over the room. “It’s…”
“I know.” He took a step towards him. “I know you’re still getting used to all your new-fangled emotions. But this doesn’t have to be big and stressful. Just a nice day where you can open some gifts and eat cake.”
He quirked a brow. “Did someone buy me a biological stomach, Lieutenant?”
“Smartass. Fine, I’ll eat cake. You can watch and drink a thirium pouch.”
Connor nodded. That didn’t sound too different. He followed Hank into the living room, sitting beside him on the couch.
“Alright…” Hank hummed as he looked over the gifts. “We’ve got a few things- a lot of things- from your friends at Jericho. One or two from the guys at the DPD… and me and Sumo piled some stuff together.”
Connor looked over it all with confusion, hands reaching out before pausing, reassessing. Eventually, he looked over to Hank for help.
“What… exactly do I do?”
Hank smiled. “They’re for you. Open whichever you want, but make sure Sumo doesn’t eat the wrapping paper.” He threw a slightly dirty look at the dog who was laying in front of the table, waiting. Sumo glared back at him.
Connor nodded. That sounded reasonable. Picking up the first gift, which was from Markus, he found even the tingle of excitement building in his chest, wondering with gratitude what his loved ones had chosen for him.
Markus had gotten him a book about fish, along with a selection of classical piano sheet music for him to play. Seeing the care put in, the thought about what he was interested in… was touching.
Tearing through the next few gifts elicited the same feeling. Everything was so thoughtful, even the Saint Bernard plush Sumo had ‘bought’ for him.
“Full of himself.” Hank jerked a thumb fondly at the dog when he opened the gift.
“It is very sweet, Sumo. Perhaps not as good as the real deal…” He bent down to scratch behind the dog’s ears. “But very cute, thank you.”
After everything was placed neatly back on the table, he thought they were finished. But Hank looked to him and proclaimed:
“Okay. I have one last gift for you…”
Connor tilted his head. “But I appreciated the things you have already gotten for me, Lieutenant. They were very generous.”
“This isn’t a thing.” He replied, getting up off the chair. “Come on, follow me.”
The android was intrigued as he was led out to the car. Sumo was put in the back, so he assumed it couldn’t be another vacation or they would have left him with the neighbours.
Still, it seemed like Hank wished this to be a surprise, so he looked down at the mini Sumo plush he had brought with him, stroking his fingers over the soft fabric. He chuckled to hear Sumo whining with jealousy from the back.
Connor managed to distract himself as such until the car pulled to a stop. Looking up, he found they were in the park.
Hank strode ahead of him once Sumo was on the leash, and he hurried to catch up. It didn’t seem like they were in the mood for sightseeing today, the scenery rushing by as Hank continued on.
But, just as Connor was about to inquire where they were going, he found himself at a familiar place. Looking out over the Detroit bridge.
Hank sat down on the bench, holding Sumo’s leash and patting the spot beside him for the dog to hop up.
“I remember this place.” Connor mused, standing beside the bench. Earlier in the day now, he didn’t look out at the stars twinkling overhead but instead the crisp summer sky. “You almost shot me here.”
Hank laughed. “If that’s what you’re asking; no, I’m not going to shoot you. That would be a shit birthday present.”
“It would indeed be rather unpleasant.”
“And illegal.” Hank added. “But… that is partly the reason I brought you here. Not the almost shooting thing. Maybe just the… almost.” He sighed.
“I wasn’t even gonna think about it; you were getting on my nerves, there was too much going on in my head… I was just going to shoot you. But then- you didn’t kill those tracis. And you stood there and told me you were afraid to die. This was the first place I realised that you were actually alive… and all the better for it, otherwise, where would we be now?”
Connor mulled it over. If Hank had shot him, it would have… well, severely halted the growth of their relationship.
“But I don’t want to think about that.” Hank continued on. “I didn’t shoot you. You had a heart. And now it’s your first birthday. In that year, you helped the leader of the android revolution… You pulled me out of whatever rut I’d fallen into. And honestly? I couldn’t see my life without you right now, son.”
Connor glanced to Hank as he paused. He didn’t comment on the way his voice had choked up, instead placing a hand gently on his shoulder, a sign of comfort.
“It’s really helped me, living not on my own again—no offense, Sumo. But just having someone in the house, you… Even if you are a pain in my ass sometimes.” He chuckled.
“What I’m trying to say is… Well, I know you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. A long life. A life where you’ll always look like that, where you’ll be forever young- and a while from now, you’ll be living a new life, without—” he looked up to Connor. “But right now, where we are? I like that. I don’t want it to go away. So that’s why…”
It appeared Hank had hit his quota for sappiness, as he simply held out a piece of paper to Connor wordlessly.
Connor took it off him, quickly scanning over it. It was a form. Official looking, with Hank’s signature at the bottom, and room for his…
“An adoption form?”
“If it’s too much, just tell me. I don’t want you thinking I’m some clingy old man but—”
He handed it back to Hank, his signature printed on it. “Thank you… dad.” The word was strange. It wasn’t likely he’d always use it- but the meaning then, the feeling it brought… it was the best birthday present he could have asked for.
Hank smiled back to him. “Great. Now, what about we get out of here? The view’s pretty, but it’s gonna get hot as hell later in the day and that cake back at home isn’t going to eat itself.”
Connor followed after him, back to the car. “Of course. I have heard, however, about this new android update which can install human mechanics such as eating…”
“I’m not saving you any fuckin’ cake, Connor. It’ll go old.”
“Like you?”
 Connor wouldn’t have it any other way. The small moments of genuine affection and feelings let out into the air… The regular day-to-day life of working at the DPD and bantering with Hank… Being forever young, one day, that all might end. But for now, he would live in the moment, and he would embrace it. All the emotions that would come with deviancy, whether good or bad, or even a mixture of both… He couldn’t ask for a better Lieutenant turned father-figure to help him through it.
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tartrazeen · 3 years
What I Love About HankCon
I could've sworn I'd posted this already, but if I did, I can't seem to find where it went. So just for posterity's sake, here it is: To me, HankCon is such a fantastic enemies-to-lovers trope. Some might think it's all about Hank not wanting to work with Connor, but Connor repeatedly complains about having to work with Hank. Like, he'll actually - and bluntly - tell Hank to quit so Connor can just get on with his work, then whine to Amanda, whine to Fowler, and when he's done with the most forced small talk there is ("I've learned you have a dog and listen to music. I also like dogs and listen to music. Okay CAN WE JUST GET ON WITH MY MISSION PLEASE, WHY ARE YOU THE WOOOORST"), he actually starts the fight in the station by being a pushy jerk about the whole thing. That's after you might had your first interaction with Hank end with, "I'm dumping your drink. Move your ass. Oh, what, are you gonna fight me? No you're not. That's what I thought. Lemme fix my tie real quick." From there, it becomes a really great (and very simplified) explanation of internalized homophobia, as we see Connor potentially moving from indiscriminate, normalized, and straight-up torture of deviants (as 'broken and defective machines') or doubling-down on it, depending on whether you go with the deviant or machine route. And Hank's there with a safe, low-pressure way for Connor to start challenging those assumptions and learn to embrace something other than a black-and-white pre-programmed worldview. That empowers Connor to discover new things about himself (either becoming deviant as he recognizes the 'instabilities' in his own programming, or doubling down and staying as a machine, both of which I love because it's Connor making his own choice, for better or worse). It does a pretty good job of also exploring one narrow but real type of racism, where it's redirected rage onto an easier and weaker target. Hank moves from having one hateful and homogenous idea of androids to forcing himself to put a face to them. And he's doing it while he's at the same investigations as Connor, but especially with the machine route, he's taking in and analyzing what happens on his own - again for better or worse. Hank's learning to rehumanize himself in how he treats other people, and I like about his arc is how the game doesn't end with him definitively saying, "Wow, racism is wrong, and I get that now, so racism is also over forever, that was so easy." He just says that through his time with Connor, he's learned a lot - or, if he doesn't get that positive push from how he sees things changing through Connor, he completely loses himself to his grief and... well. That ending. So they're helping each other. They aren't making one another's decisions, but providing the means of how to get the facts and new experiences and brand-new takes on life. It's through compassion and agency that makes Connor staying a machine such a betrayal, and Hank's 'bad ending' such a tragic loss. They chose that if they don't have each other. It's a raw look at what happens when they're together versus alone and lost to what they assumed was so simple to understand. I love that. The learning. The teamwork. The love that comes through. It's beautiful. :D It's a burgeoningly complete acceptance through the Deviant route, and it's vulnerable either way - or else it wouldn't hurt to see them lose themselves. (and then also like, the forty thirst looks that Connor and Hank are shooting at each other the whole damn game-)
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