#if u can beat her in a spar then u can kiss the both of them in the lips . if not then elliot will give u a kiss on the cheek </3
majunju · 5 months
I want to kiss both Elliot and his fiance on the mouth
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u may kiss them.... but u must get thru the final boss first
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supercutszns · 5 months
A best friends to lovers between Luke and a Ares reader where some how Ares ends up at Camp-Half-Blood and gets to meet all his kids, and despite his seemingly uninterested demeanor when he meets the 2 best fighters of his cabin (Clarisse and the reader) he’s genuinely impressed but doesn’t show it. Reader ends up feeling like she disappointed Ares due to his lack of emotion despite the days and nights full of intense training she’s put in since being at camp and ends up ranting about it to Luke who ends up confronting Ares despite the intimidation he feels when doing so because he wants reader to know how amazing she truly is and knows that if it comes from the father she looks up to so dearly that she’ll believe it finally. Ares reluctantly ends up talking to the reader and says something along the lines of Luke being a decent boyfriend and that he has some fire for being a child of Hermes. Ares genuinely thought the two were together but shrugged it off when the reader disagreed despite her feelings. After Ares and tiny Ares have their heart to heart, or as close to one of those as u can get with that cabin, reader ends up thanking Luke and confessing her feelings.
Ik that was a lot sry! I’ve just had the idea since the Ares ep came out. Have a great day 😊😊
omfg i am eating this up. u had me at best friends to lovers
ares coming to camp and meeting his kids😭😭 my god that’s so bittersweet especially with clarisse and reader being the best fighters :( luke confronting ares i’m FERALLL U KNOW HE WOULD CONFRONT A GOD FOR HIS GIRL HE DOES NOT GAF (or at least he pretends to. he’s still a little scared)
he’s already angry at the gods and the one that happens to be your father just disregards your strength?? you’re upset and you confide in him about how inadequate you feel and luke’s like oh i need to beat a bitch up
luke gets ares alone the second he can and like tries to be diplomatic but it’s obvious how much he hates ares right off the bat. basically comes in fists ablaze and ares says “no i actually was super impressed by her i just didn’t feel like telling her lol” and luke is like. what is wrong with you
eventually the conversation ends on a somewhat lukewarm note; when luke turns to leave ares says kinda nonchalantly “i see why you two are together, you’ve got a lot of fire for a hermes kid”
luke just goes: huh??????????? and ares is like “you know, you and my daughter” luke just stares at area dumbstruck and he just sighs and is like. jesus fucking christ there’s no way
then he talks to you (a little begrudgingly but only a little; he wonders if some of aphrodite’s matchmaking tendencies have rubbed off on him) and he tells you very sparingly that you’re gifted, then he’s like “please for the love of Me, Ares, the War God tell that boy you like him i think he’s going to set me on fire.”
he ends the conversation at that so obviously you’re dumbstruck (both by the praise and by your father urging you to ask out your best friend) but when luke comes around to ask how it went you know your dad got something right.
you thank him for everything and work up the courage to mention what ares said at the end, and luke laughs a little and is like “that’s so weird he said the same thing to me” so you shrug and say “maybe he has a point.” luke doesn’t get flustered often but he def is now so you take it upon yourself to kiss him to drive the point home <3 after that you confess the full scope of your feelings and he kisses you bc he’s just so eager and he mutters against your lips that this is the only time he’s ever respected a god in the slightest. then you guys go spar together like old times except this time there’s 90% more making out 💗💗
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wherever you want to go with this but i trust you -- prompt: blood
[uh @unicyclehippo & i are writing joan of arc themed lil fics bc … hello ava 👀 & mine is undoubtedly the more deranged of the two but ... here u go lol]
ava comes back gentle; ava comes back covered in blood. 
‘i came back,’ she says, in the middle of the night when neither of you can sleep, after she’d stood in the shower until the water ran cold, scrubbing red from her skin, in the middle of a beautiful valley in france that has crumbling wine caves and a slow river, covered in reeds, currents that remember its history, the rot and death and face-down bodies. 
‘i came back,’ she prays into your skin, her fingers tracing the curve of your ribcage like she’s remembering a church she worshipped at centuries ago, an organ and its pipes; your heart and ventricles and your own blood, faithful. ava touches you like she’s lived a thousand years; maybe she has. her eyes are the same brown as they were when you met, when she’d only been resurrected once, when she had cried at the marvel of the ocean and her own hands, and sometimes you wonder if you’re worthy of a strength like this — worthy of sacredness and consecration and your mother’s voice — i’d rather you take your own life than be gay — and maybe for so long you had taken your own life and shoved it down into the hollow of your throat, into the spaces between the bones of your wrists; you had discarded your want and offered up your slow-beating heart in its place.
ava kneels before you and scrapes her teeth along the inside of your thigh, the skin there pale and soft. it’s dark until she brings her mouth to your center and moans, and then the room glows: gold and blue — ava, ava, ava: life; some kind of god, some kind of — i am begging you to touch me; oh, i’m on fire, oh, i’m on fire; history and elegy are akin; you are my sweetest downfall, i loved you first. the holiness in ava is not of this earth — the metal, the burn — but she is, dirt under her fingernails when she came through the portal, blood coming out of her ears, covering her face. ava’s tongue is soft and she holds your body in the palms of her hands and the room is blue and gold, a room where you get what you want: crosses held before you while you die and eternal salvation and her name like a goddamn hymn and fuck, fuck, baby and your hips grinding down on her mouth and your hands tangled in her hair — hair that you had cut when you had wished for a home amidst the mountains and the tender press of her spine in the morning blue and hair that you had cut again a few days ago, trembling hands both times because she was beautiful, a blade at her neck and curls floating to the floor. she had asked you to, and now she asks you to do something for her again — to come, to come, to come. you hold your breath when you do, consecration.
the holy and the horror — the light comes in the name of the voice — and ava comes back ready to dance with you and laugh and ava comes back with enough power to detonate bombs with her hands. you kiss her and she tucks a flower behind your ear, waiting for your next battle at a convent in the countryside. ava eats without apology, whatever she wants, and drinks wine that stains her lips red, and kisses you in front of everyone; she is hot when you touch her, when her walls flutter and curl around your fingers and you touch her. sometimes you don’t know what to say so you just tell her what you know: primeval forests are so remote that humans don’t belong there, that people die when they go there, that there are wolves and moss and weather so cold humans can’t feel their hands. ‘what do you think our past lives were like?’ she asks, one day as you spar, divine powers aside, and you wonder: were you always her protector? have you always been by her side? have you watched her die, every time? ‘one,’ you say, like you remember it in your hands, ‘we were happy; we lived on a farm and we were poor, but we had milk and eggs and bread you knew how to make. i’d go out in the morning with the dog and you spun wool and it was quiet, and green.’ she sits against you, the halo and the divinium in her back against your front, enough to kill you, and her, many times over. ‘verde, que te quiero verde,’ she says, ‘we grew old. who died first?’
‘does it matter?’
‘no.’ she’s quiet; a ship slowly goes by. ‘we’d wake early, for breakfast and you rested your head in my lap when you were tired.’ 
‘i have loved you a long time.’
she traces a pattern along the lines of your hand, a scar straight across the passes right through them. 
the days move on and ava heals and ava bandages your cuts and bruises and a broken wrist when you don’t, when you are human and frail and strong; ava falls asleep, too wild and small and lonely and beautiful, her spine curled against your chest. she wakes you with coffee and once, after a particularly bad battle, where you can’t move the next morning, a blow to your head too hard, she stays with you all day in bed, reading and running her fingers through your hair. she wears a soft sweater and socks with little dogs on them and says you’re a miracle, you’re such a miracle, i would destroy the world before i lose you and it’s true; it’s scripture it’s sacred it’s heresy it’s a blessing. a promise from a god, while you feel woozy and nauseous and your neck aches — a promise from a god, weighty and beautiful and sighed into your skin in the afternoon rain.
ava comes back in love with you; ava comes back —
there’s an explosion inside the sepulchre and everything is on fire; you have not been scared for so long — forgive us, we lived happily during the war; but on the wild nights who can you call home? only the one who knows your name — and you wonder if ava died staring at a cross; you wonder if you will grieve in this life, as you had before. you wonder if ava knew, if ava has always known, if ava was tired. 
but then ava comes back — again, again — sooty and with torn armor and a gash across her face that hasn’t healed, blood streaming down. she walks through fire, unburnt, a smirk, even, on her face. ava comes back and kisses you and you taste blood and ash and dust to dust and the strawberry chapstick she had put on in the van before the battle, tucked in into her pocket with a wink. you have seen many miracles but this is one of an order you will never understand, one that will stop people from killing each other, one that is catastrophe and heaven.
‘let’s go home, bea,’ ava says, and you search her mouth for a sacrament and find it in the press of her tongue on the backs of your teeth. ‘let’s go home.’
and you do — the ocean, and in bed weeks later, the cut across her face red and shiny and healed, the edges pulled together taught, the burn on the palm of your hand a webbed scar right in the middle —
‘did you know,’ she says, in the moon and the quiet, ‘that joan of arc was put to death for wearing men’s clothing? she was so theologically clever that they could only order an execution if she relapsed into heresy; the guards at the prison she was at only gave her men’s clothes, which they eventually used to convict her.’
you kiss ava’s temple; her skin smells like lavender. she presses her lips to your pulse point. 
‘being a girl,’ she says, her brow furrowed, your bodies stretched and tangled under the sheets. ‘she burned at the stake for being a girl.’
‘do you — do you remember?’
she turns toward you, different than you remember but still the same, still exuberant about the sea and ice cream and books she loves, texting and movie theaters and petting every dog you pass on the street; ‘sometimes.’
’there are days —‘ she laces your fingers together — ‘that i feel a call backward, in my palms, in my knees, in the back of my skull. to understand, to see. there are days when all i know of this life is to love you.’ she presses a kiss to the divinium tattoo on your forearm that glows blue in the dark when she’s near. ‘this is how i know you. you are what i know.’
‘i will never watch you die again.’
‘i’m not sure i can.’
‘well then i’ll join you, wherever we go next.’
‘yeah,’ she says, so sure, prophetic, ‘you will.’
ava comes back for you —
what did the voice tell you when you returned to your room? it told me that i should answer you bravely.
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Heyy u should do some hc's or just a fanfic about Sevika with reader being muscular too. Maybe not as buff as Sev but REALLY mascular and they would like play fighting or sevika would tease reader and yeah idk maybe something like that ig. Anyways, hope u have a good day<33
I kinda got carried away at the end ahbgfb. This is more of a reader in the process of bulking up bc i was trying to :') but i lost all of my progress and motivation <333
Warnings: NSFW, Switch! Sev, naked wrestling, mention of wax play
Arm wrestling with her is scary. She gets so damn determined if you prove to be a challenge. But if you stand no chance she’ll humor you with a smirk, most likely a cigar hanging out of her mouth. Sevika loves the concentration and effort you put into such a silly activity, and how your eyes alight with hope when she gives a little. She’ll let you get her hand down to the table just barely touching and plan on finally putting an end to it by beating you. Maybe you were faking your weakness and saved your effort for when she let herself get close to losing and you slammed her hand on the table. You’d be ecstatic, jumping around and screaming while her cigar fell out of her mouth in shock
Hassling and pestering her until she gets on your back so you can show her how much you can squat. Literally just does it so you’ll shut up and let her get some peace
She will be your biggest supporter in the gym. Your own personal trainer. A little harsh, but she rewards you with a kiss or a slap on the ass after each set and makes sure you don’t overdo it. Forces you to do a warmup up/ cooldown workout when you try to be lazy 
If you’re shorter than her, she’ll set the pull up bar at her height so you can give her a kiss at the top. You two are that obnoxious gym couple
When you’re about to give up, she’s there pushing you, supporting the weight of whatever you’re lifting or squatting to help you. After you finish, if you’re a little upset with yourself she’ll lie and say she was barely lifting it
She does not allow you to beat yourself up if you have an off day or didn’t meet your goal. “No tears in the gym” is her motto (besides those that she spars with) and she’ll hold your face and wipe them away while giving you words of encouragement
I don’t think she’d let you work out with her (while she does). You’re both horn dogs, but you initiate sex/ rile her up on purpose. When she spars with you, you always have that dumb, slutty look on your face when she pins or manhandles you. Sevika’s a sore loser and when you manage to pin her, the buzzkill doesn’t play into your fantasy and instead becomes more motivated to knock you on your ass
She’s not entirely immune, and the sight of your legs shaking with overexertion makes her want to pin your sweaty body to the floor, tired and whining against her and not being able to push her off
You try to compete against her and end up injuring yourself. Sevika is more mature in that regard and does her own thing. She will chew you out for not being careful with your body, really lays into you and threatens to not take you with her anymore
Trying to out-flex each other and you fail. Miserably. But she’ll always show pride for your progress if you’re in the process of bulking up. She’ll caress her way up your arm to your biceps, sensually knead the muscle there with a smirk and compliment you
She’ll randomly put you in headlocks, or wrestle you and laugh while you struggle. It only motivates you to continue your training so you can actually fight back and stand a chance. Sevika is so subtle with her attacks, too. You’ll be just waking up in the morning and feel her arms slide around you in a hug. At the last second you realize what she’s doing and by then you’re already in some kind of hold she just taught you yesterday and she’s ordering you to get out of it
She’s so irritating oml. You say you’re gonna be better than her after a few months at the gym? Then your apartment you share will be a war zone. Nothing is sacred. And she knows that sometimes you have no desire to get out of her hold so she’ll do some gross shit to encourage you, like licking your eyeball or smth
In the bedroom, she’ll notice and comment on your increase in stamina
Some of her training will extend to the bedroom and she’ll be pushing your limits. I.e. Laying back with her arms behind her head, smirking and ordering you to keep riding her strap
Sevika laughing the first time you try to top her. She acts like she’s just humoring you the whole time, but the one time you jokingly called her ‘babygirl’ she blushed. She snarled and insulted you, but she still blushed.
Bratty sub Sevika! Tying her up and going down on her until she gives up that bullshit tough-girl facade and you have her whimpering. I can see her being into wax, especially on those sensitive tits of hers. If you really want to get her to scream that’s the way to go
Using the strap on Sevika and her pinning you to the bed to use you for her pleasure, riding you so hard into the mattress. 
Okay but post-gym shower sex. Watching her above you, grinding against you, sweaty hair, sweat dripping down her abs
Naked wrestling with the strap— really appeals to her feral side and her need to dominate. Holds you down and drills into you, telling you to buck her off and get out of her hold, and laughs at your failed half-assed attempts. "You're supposed to be fighting back, baby"
Keeps you on the ground and fucks you over and over, mocking her lovely prize
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moonlit-imagines · 2 years
Headcanons for dating Maya Lopez
Maya Lopez x reader
warnings: hawkeye ep 5/6 spoilers
a/n: as per usual “~” between dialogue means it’s being signed!
prompt: anonymous: “Can you write head cannons about being Maya Lopez (Echos) girlfriend? Stuff like how they met and when she tells Kazi about the reader and her being in a relationship please? I loved your other ones :)”
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the first time she saw you, she couldn’t take her eyes off of you
it was a fairly normal meeting, no gangs involved, just a nice day in the park
you were sitting on the bench listening to music and she pulled her phone out to type something out
Hi, I’m Maya and I’m deaf, so I have to type this out unless you understand sign. I’m sorry to bother you, but I couldn’t help but notice how pretty you are and I was hoping I could get your number?
she approached you with a wave and you pulled your headphones out to say “hi” with a kind smile that blew her away, then she handed you her phone
you nodded, typed your number and i don’t speak much sign, but i’m down to text! and thank you, i think you’re pretty, too :)
maya and you sat together a while, texting back and forth to get to know each other before she was called in for “work”
and she gushed to kazi as soon as she got a free moment
~their name is y/n and they’re so sweet. we had to talk over text, but i’m fine with that for now. i just…i…i don’t know. this is great!~ -maya
~“so, when do i get to meet them? after all, i still need to approve”~ -kazi, jokingly
~you’ll meet them when i’m ready for you to meet them…i got a date with them next week~ -maya
you spent the week learning basic sign, your ABCs, numbers, common phrases, and compliments!
and she was really surprised when you (slowly but surely) communicated with her when you met up
~“you…look…beautiful”~ -you
maya was so delighted to see you sign to her
and you tried your best to keep up, but you had to do a lot of spelling (worth it)
time went by, you got closer, you met her dad and kazi, who loved you
her dad especially, he thought you were the best thing that ever happened to her
“oh, look, it’s my future child-in-law! you know you’re my favorite, right?” -william (maya’s dad)
“you’ve dropped a few hints” -you
“if you hurt her, i’ll find you” -kazi
“not if i get to you first” -you
eventually, maya told you some about the “family business,” leaving out the dangerous details
BUT she absolutely did not want you involved at all
and would make sure you didn’t get anywhere near it
waiting up for her at night, getting a little worried/suspicious
super nice dinners (her treat)
becoming much more fluent in ASL, kazi, maya, and her dad all tutored
telling maya you love her for the first time in sign language
~i love you~ -you, smiling proudly
~i love you, too~ -maya
her taking you on rides in her various vehicles
all holidays with her family
which is where you met “uncle wilson”
he liked you tons
“you and my maya? well, i can’t find a single problem with that” -kingpin
he was a little intimidating, but it seemed like he genuinely liked you
you and maya spar, which is just playful karate ending with one of you pinned and both of you giggling
maya insists on you playing your music for her so she can feel the vibrations
~“do you like this one?”~ -you
~i do, it’s…it reminds me of you~ -maya
she puts her arm around you in public a lot
u are her s/o and she is very proud of that
and very protective of you, too
even a dirty look will put her on high alert
oh and she loves giving you kisses but the moment you give her a kiss she will completely melt and be at your mercy
she definitely asked you to move in with her
~have i ever mentioned how much i love you?~ -maya
~no, actually, you have not~ -you, sarcastically
~can i have a kiss?~ -maya
~duh~ -you
one of her henchmen threatened you privately to her and she had kazi (gladly) beat him up
~you are so beautiful, maya~ -you
~stop it…no, keep going~ -maya
you helped her through the loss of her dad, where she got much more protective of you, she couldn’t lose any more people she loved
she enjoyed the simplicity that came with dating someone who wasn’t raised in the mob
you made sure that movie nights, homemade dinners, walks, and such were a normalcy
and you definitely picked up on the gang thing, you just chose to ignore it
i mean, she taught you self defense with various weapons, too
~i’ll never let anyone hurt you~ -maya
~i believe that~ -you
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @johnmurphyisqueer // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @brutal-out-here // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @resplendentlady // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @dindjarinsspouse // @werewolf-himbo // @lost-fantasy // @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom // @summersimmerus // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @augustvandyne // @spoodermans // @the-did-i-ask // @glxwingrxse // @scarthefangirl // @cyanide-mustard // @druigmybelovedone // @beth-gallagher22 // @bad4amficideas // @magnificentzombiebasement // @sheridans-dynamos // @seraphinevalentine //
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Love this blog fr, makes my pillow cold at night. Makes my microwave not do that cause it's a croissant (hope you get that reference lmao)
Anywho, thots on team gai? Just in general not sure if you've made a post about them. But like what do others around the village think of em? Love u swag, ur amazing.
Oh honey, you beautiful monster. I haven't mentioned them because I'm Team 10 biased and I think we were robbed of their abilities. Team Gai is different as we can guess based off canon lore.
And Team Gai, darling? Well, they're neutral in the village but that doesn't mean they're not chaotic gremlins. They have Lee and Tenten.
And as with Team 10, this is not organized in any shape or form.
Compared to the Chaotic Evil energy Team 10 exudes, Team Gai gives off quite a bit of Lawful Chaotic energy.
Neji carries a bottle of shochu and sake on him at all times (protected by one of Tenten’s frankly amazing scroll seals) in the even that they need to break out their most feared weapon; Drunk Rock Lee.
(this gave Team 10 an hour long mental confused conversation on the benefits and drawbacks. The rest of the teams are immediately like ‘yup, that checks’ and just leaves Team Gai to whatever fuckery they have planned.)
Tenten is actually a fuinjutsu prodigy. Choji’s mother (head of fuinjutsu department) signed her on as an apprentice during the 2.5 blank period where everyone became chunin and Naruto edited Jiraiya’s nasty pornos.
Team Gai is by far the most responsible team and Neji is instantly the best babysitter for any Chaotic Evil groups (see Team 10).
Hyugas are just rational in general.
Neji hates the Yamanaka Clan with a passion.
Tenten despises the Nara Clan because she can’t beat them at go.
Tenten started the Go club at the Academy.
Lee doesn’t hate anyone but he is creeped out by the Yamanaka heiress who glares at him anytime he’s nearby.
(This isn’t about his fashion sense but because the Lee and Gai clans (subsets of the original clan) evolved to be completely resistant to Genjutsu and mental control. This pisses off the Yamanaka Clan to an almost insane degree because Ino has heard all these stories about losing battles to the fucking clan)
(It also has a little to do with his fashion sense)
Tenten can do tattoo seals. Neji has two, Lee has twenty, and Gai has zero because he’s too old (he claims. He’s just terrified of needles)
One of the tattoos allows for Neji to know if Hinata is hurt. It’s very useful because she’s on a team with Kiba and one of the only people who’s willing to wrestle Akamaru and Kiba at the same time.
Rock Lee killed a giant tiger in the Forest of Death with one kick.
Neji is bisexual and has kissed both Lee and Tenten.
Those two have also kissed.
Neji is allergic to oranges.
Tenten is colourblind and is therefore not allowed to set fires without supervision.
Tenten’s mother died in the Kyuubi attack but her father is a travelling merchant who rarely comes home. She lives with her two aunts, one who is a medical ninja and one who works in T&I.
Tenten is terrified of the Yamanaka Clan because of the horror stories she overheard from her aunt who told her medical ninja aunt about Yamanaka Inoichi and other Yamanakas in the department.
Neji has bitchslapped Ino. He is the only one to still live. (Ino deserved it at the time.)
Lee and Choji regularly spar.
Tenten hates the storage shadow technique Shikamaru created because he’s stabbed her with it.
Neji is the only one who can beat Shikamaru at Shogi. He can’t beat him at actual tactics but shogi is different.
Neji has also strangled Ino.
Rock Lee drinks coffee with a lot of sugar and milk.
Neji drinks very light tea.
Tenten is the only one who can drink straight black coffee.
They live together in an apartment in the Jounin Apartments and they all have jobs. Neji is the shopper, Tenten cooks, and Lee cleans (claims it’s a good workout)
All of them judge Team 7 very harshly. Neji for Sasuke the Missing Ninja, Tenten because Sakura is one of the most frustrating people to talk to, and Lee just judges them because they all lack youth because they’re ‘traumatized’ and ‘angry’.
There is no excuse for Youthfulness and the only people who he will not say that to is Sarutobi Asuma and Team 10.
Tenten is bizarrely adept at barbecuing meat.
Tenten is also a basic field medic (she did train in the medical ninjutsu sector briefly but found her calling in fuinjutsu.)
Tenten and Lee come up with the most bizarre plans and Neji says ‘No’ a lot. This does not mean he doesn’t take pieces and make them into somewhat functional plans.
Tenten isn’t from the Land of Fire. She’s from the western area which I headcanon is a Chinese Empire (if anyone watches Mao dao Zushi, think something like that and mix it with Naruto lore)
Lee can talk to ghosts if he’s in a marked graveyard. It creeps everyone else out.
Tenten likes salads
Neji makes perfect dumplings.
Lee eats more than Tenten and Neji combined. It’s equivalent to the amount Naruto inhales for one meal.
Gai loves sushi. This has not been passed onto his students as Lee can’t eat raw fish.
Tenten, when absorbed in her seal work, forgets to eat, sleep, etc until she collapses (usually with low blood sugar). To fight this, Neji and Lee have made a bucket of candy that she just randomly eats.
Lee becomes a jounin after the war.
Tenten dies in the war. Neji breaks down sobbing in the middle of the battlefield.
Lee is the only one to actively fend off a feral Team 10 and succeed.
Taka fears Team Gai as one fears Team 10. Because they’re Team 10 but organized and Not Insane.
Tenten actively uses old cookware as weapons. This has led to enemies getting smacked around with a frying pan and spatula while Neji and Lee laugh at them.
Gai eats raw onions around them.
He has also eaten a head of garlic straight.
All three of his students fear him because they tried it for a month and they can’t stand the smell of raw onions and garlic. They have them pre chopped by someone they pay.
Tenten has dragged an enemy by the feet to Konoha while he was screaming. Neji and Lee were unconcerned.
Neji loves peanuts. This poses a problem as Tenten actively hates them and will fight one on sight.
This is never explained or elaborated on as everyone has their quirks.
“Neji-nee-san, that isn’t a quirk.”
“Yes it is, Hinata-sama.”
Kiba steals Tenten’s candy and then gets stabbed by a katana.
Lee and Tenten have a move where they swing around an enemy and then just slam into them with as much force as possible. Think of the bloopers from The Greatest Showman, Zendaya and Zac Efron slamming into each other but with someone between them and they’re actively trying to hurt the person in the middle.
Neji usually watches this with unhidden amusement.
Neji meditates. A lot. He has his own garden thing where no one can enter if he’s there so he can calmly meditate.
I don’t know what else to add, feel free to add more if you have your own.
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serafilms · 3 years
Heyy! I’m so sorry about your blog! Last one I had got hacked and I lost most of my stories, it’s really awful but I promise it gets better!
Btw, I had sent a request to your other blog about a Percy x Chaos daughter!reader headcannons, and I completely understand if you don’t feel up to it, but I had to try!
percy jackson x chaos!reader hc’s
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pairing – percy jackson x chaos!reader
genre – headcanons, fluff, gender neutral reader
warnings – none
a/n – sorry this one's a little short! but don't worry about me bub, i'm feeling fine! it was awful at first but i'm kind of glad i got to start over. you're so sweet for your concern though :) hope you like this!
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unlike the name of your godly parent suggests, you're quite calm and collected
percy was in awe of you at first because of the sheer power you held
(ik we don't talk about it, but picture the scene in the movie when he sees annabeth fighting)
chaos children have a lot of powers and some of your strongest ones are creating 'blackholes,' so to speak, to travel through (doctor strange vibes but make it an empty void), and manipulating energy
so when he saw you, you were sparring with a very angry child of ares, creating blackholes to teleport around him and shooting balls of energy at him
cue heart eyes
i believe you two are the power couple of the millenium
like you can literally absorb and create power from thin air and percy can literally create hurricanes and earthquakes
so unstoppable that even monsters are afraid of you both
despite how equally powerful you both are, percy still puts you on a pedestal above him
heart eyes whenever you do anything
he's completely in awe
"look how cool my s/o looks"
"percy, they're literally eating spaghetti"
he literally is your #1 hype man and nobody can ever change that
if someone tries to come after you he'll beat their ass
and it goes both ways
you know better than anyone what percy's been through the last few years and believe that he deserves the world
if anybody ever shit talks him, they'll probably find themselves trapped in a blackhole void struggling to move
sally trusts you to protect her son
and you make sure to keep him out of trouble and snitch on him when necessary
sparring sessions with you two are crazy
like people are genuinely afraid to be anywhere near you two when they happen
playful competitive spirit (out of love)
you two have faith in each other and know the extent of your powers, so while you won't unleash full power, there's no going easy on each other
ofc if either of you get hurt then you stop immediately
and then it's all apology cuddles and kisses
you two love watching superhero movies (marvel and dc *chef's kiss*)
percy always says that wanda (scarlet witch) reminds him of you
and you just call him aquaman all the time
best friends with the seven
literally you will have the craziest adventures with all of them
sometimes it feels like you're babysitting them
you and annabeth joke about being the parents of the group
"y/n, maybe we should get married"
percy is distressed
but like you and annabeth would be goals he can't deny it 😫
but anyways you keep him in check and he lifts you up when you're down
perfect balance
and i reiterate
p o w e r c o u p l e
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psychshalala · 3 years
Hope everyone is having a beautiful and blessed day where ever u are. Please feel free to join me and would absolutely love it. Taking a moment here to appreciate my man Hak, his beautiful heart, his endless patience, his great strength both physical and mental and his wisdom.
Appreciating a man who buried his pain and grief to help the woman he loves but before that his childhood friend. To help carry her grief. To help heal her wounds. To help her grow. Who was literally her hands and legs when she was paralyzed. Her teacher when she needed to be strong. Her source of strength when shes at her lowest. The source of her comfort, the home to her secrets and weakness. Her biggest supporter in both her time of need and her moments of glory.
A man who carries family values. Who sacrificed his reputation, left his home and family to protect them. A general to his tribe yet a older brother and a good friend to his people.
Can we take a moment to respect that mans loyalty. That man loved one girl for 10+ years! No expectation s, absolute respect for her feelings. We are reaching a point in todays Society where loyalty is a  luxury! Makes me respect it even more.
I wanna appreciate his energy, his vibe! That attracts all kind of people. That makes everyone who meets him either fall in love or respect him. His gentleness, his calm, cool side along side his ability to channel his inner child.
His leadership that taught tribes to respect even ur enemy. To not hurt those who mean no harm no matter what side they on. To engage with the intention of creating friendships and not enemies. To put violence aside unless its absolutely necessary. A great opponent/ rival when there is mutual respect. A beast when u try to hurt his loved ones. And a badass 24/7 baby. Periodt!! His awareness and acknowledgment of his weaknesses and fears instead of denying them and his will power and courage to face them instead of running away.
I wanna appreciate his love for martial arts, his love For growth. His dedication and hard work. His Independence be it saving money to buy his dream weapon, doing house work, learning how to take care of his baba, crafting his own additional weapons, survival skills. 
His beautiful heart that when it loves, it loves with all its being. No matter how hurt, it shows kindness. A heart that doesnt forget the beautiful memories nor the friendships. Who forgave the same people who hurt his family and forced him out of his home and helped them protect theirs. I want to appreciate the man that chose to understand and help the person who hurt him most despite his pain. To still care about the person who hurt the love of his life, forced him to leave his family, broke his trust and tainted his reputation by forcing him to carry all the blame for a crime he never committed yet not expecting anything in return. For the sake of the friend he once had. He once considered family. He once looked up to. He once trusted with every shard of that broken heart. In belief that the person he once knew was not a lie, an act, an illusion. In hopes that what they had was real. (Starts Sobbing!)
And now let me take this particular moment to just appreciate his beautiful blue eyes.. (even though its black in manga but we all know its blue! 😂) his beautiful Physique!!! Ansvwisvanam. His rocks, hunks, ousman, dear god please dont break my fast! His peaches 🍑 ... wmsvahnasv. Able To pull off sexy and cute, yes sir.
I appreciate his relationship with the people that are dearest to him and not. His big brother relationship with shinha/ wind babies. His rivalry with kija. His should i kill him?.. nah hes my ride or die relationship with jea ha. The mutual respect between him and zeno (wish they show us more). His big baby hungry/ big brother relationship with yoon. His rebellious ik u love me but boundaries please with baba mundok. His female bff ayame! His sparring buddies plus the special witness of the legendary first kiss the xing lads. His i wanna kill u/ama remind u who beat ur ass next time we meet relationship with kuelbo. His teasing/ur not bad with tae jun along with tae juns respect/gratefulness/jealousy with hak. Even his ik they hate my guts but whatever with joodoh and kye sook. And much more.
Man i dont wanna stop but dont wanna make this too long. Please feel free to add more! Here are some of my fav expressions and hak moments. 😚😚❤️❤️
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D 🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Race to the Edge ✨
Meatlug and Toothless messing around in ep1 when Hiccup and Fishlegs are trying to figure out how to stabilize the island 🥺
I remember when I first watched this I was actually in bio and hearing Ruff and Tuff talk about symbiosis was like " WOW IM LEARNING THAT" 😂😂😂
Symbiotic relationship - symbiosis is the interaction between organisms living in close physical association to the advantage of both
It can lead to -> parasitism - a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species where the parasite benefits at the expense of the host
- Hookfang and Snotlout have a parasitic relationship JAHDHAHSHA
wait I like that instead of calling a relationship toxic now imma be like "this shii is parasitic peace out ✌🏼️"
I like how Barf and Belch are incredibly strong, I feel like it's a fact that's usually ignored about them
Astrid: *talking about Garf* that dragon has a lot of fight in him
Hiccup: *while placing his hand on her shoulder* he's not the only one
I can't ok I love them too much 🥺
Fishlegs licking Astrid's hand is hilariousss nonono it's just that scene in general when Fishlegs is trying to help Astrid find the betrothal gift for Hiccup and she judo-flips him and then sits on him like 🤔
Sandbuster - doesn't like the light. Lives underground.
Astrid riding Toothless to save Hiccup. Just badass.
Hiccup giving Astrid the betrothal necklace and telling her that it's ok that she didn't get him anything bc she's the best gift in the world 🥺
And their hug and the way he moved her out of harm's way whenever Snotlout threw the sword
Still sad abt Shattermaster being replaced by the Triple Stryke
I really liked ep3 whenever they were in Berserker island bc we got to see them actually fighting in battle without their dragons it was pretty cool
The beginning of ep4 is also hilarious I can't with Astrid and Snotlout fighting and then also Astrid beating him up JAHDHAHSHA
- I also always wanted to know what Snotlout said to her 😭😭😭 all of them were just extremely concerned and shocked and Snotlout even had to leave the Edge UGH AHZHZHAG
Atali and the Wingmaidens 👏🏼🤩
"Males would neither understand, nor would they be helpful." Atali is a queen
Vanaheim - the last resting place of all dragons
"Sadness is a matter of perspective. It is how you choose to view something that makes it happy, scary, intriguing, or sad"
Ok so is Stormfly a tracker-class dragon or a sharp-class dragon?
Sentinels - Know all the dragons so they know how to deal with each of their tactics. Run Vanaheim. Have never encountered night furies. Good trackers. Blind. They tend to the island
Hiccstrid kiss count: 3😘
It's the way it's so realistic too, the way he smiles at her, the way he holds her hand and looks at her, the way she puts her hand on his chest and he lightly touches it with his free hand I just can't they're too perfect
Snotlout's excitement to see that Fishlegs was Fishlegs again and not Thor Bonecrusher- I mean the dude went running towards him🥺
I love how Hiccup just knows when Astrid's thinking about something
The way he's just in such a good mood afterwards 🥺
The scene leading up to the moonlight flight in ep7. I love them so much.
Hiccstrid Scene: ep7 min 5:42 -> 7:24
Meatlug's shot was the first to free a Singetail from a dragon flyer
Just realized that Johan not being able to get Hiccup's oil was probably also part of a plan to get them away from the edge to attack
Ok but Snotlout actually taking the initiative to be the leader while Hiccup and Astrid were away
The edge 🥺and when he destroyed his own Hut 🥺 I can't 🥺
I love how Mala and Throk were both trying to put the gang in a better mood
Silicates makes Meatlug drool
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Tuffnut's Spanish is amazing we love to see a bilingual king✋🏼👑
Just realized that Krogan's name is well... Krogan. I never actually paid attention to the dude.
I really like the twins in the Wings of War Episodes, the way they attempt to speak Spanish and start pronouncing the Rrrrrrrrs
Spitelout too lmao the way he helped Hiccup 🤩
It was also Spitelout the one that figured out that the Singetails don't like the altitude
I really love how Hiccup actually found a way to fight the flyers without hurting the Singetails, OMG IT REMINDS ME OF AANG when everyone was telling him to just kill the FIRELORD he found the right way
Tuff has a feet fettish
Stormfly and Garff messing around is too funny I love them sm 😭
Snotlout can be so sad sometimes
The twins singing >>
And that hug between Stormfly and Garff, they're just adorable 🥺🤧
Slitherwings - very poisonous dragons! Even their skin is coated in poison. Like snake appearance. Not much is known about its poison and how it works but there is an antidote -> combination of angel fern root, pine sap and Slitherwing venom. The skin coating protects them from Garff's amber
Stormfly is such a badass omg I love her sm the way she protected Garff
Garff is an excellent shot according to Fishlegs
Fishlegs telling Astrid to look at him is just adorable, the way he wanted her to feel better 😭
Have I mentioned how much I love lil Hiccstrid moments? They dont even have to be romantic but just them? Like he just lightly touched her shoulder and told her to be strong and be there for Stormfly 🥺
Snotlout actually being worried about Astrid 🤧
I will never get over Astrid and Stormfly's relationship and how close they are, they would do anything for each other and Astrid just proved that by going up to the Slitherwing and PUNCHING THE LIL SHIT just to get Stormfly the antidote. AND WHEN SHE STARTED CRYING!!! As Tuffnut said "no one has ever prepared us for something like this"
And the Ruffnut being there for her and protecting her 😭😭😭
Astrid can actually draw
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Still pissed about the fact that Hiccup never knew Astrid got poisoned NOW I NEED TO READ A FANFIC ON IT
That scene in Snuffnut [ep11] where Throk arrives to take Ruffnut as his wife is too funny. The way Astrid is pissed since the beginning and both Hiccup and Fishlegs are like "umm nope" AND WHEN HICCUP TAKES ASTRID OUT OF THE SCENE AND ALL YOU CAN HEAR IS HIM SCREAMING AND THESE RANDOM NOISES 😩😩😩😂
It really bothered me that Astrid had to stay behind in Looking for Oswald... And Chicken [ep12] just to take care of the twins when we could've had some Hiccstrid 😩😭 but it makes sense because Astrid is the only one Hiccup can actually trust on to keep things under control because even though Fishlegs is kinda sane neither the twins nor Snotlout would listen to him and Snotlout would definitely join the twins or just make things worse somehow. I mean they've both proven themselves to be fully capable but well- yk... Astrid is just Astrid
Astrid and Stormfly's faces whenever the twins said they needes a dragon that loves tracking and chicken😭😂😩
Chicken covering her tracks and Snotlout as narrator 😂
Omg Dagur saw Oswald's dead body... He even had to bury him and wow-
Grim Gnashers - hunters that prey on the sick dragons in Vanaheim.
"Please let me hurt him. Please? Just-- just a little?"JAHSHAHAJAJ I LOVE AGGRESSIVE DAGUR
Fishlegs saying that "Snotlout can actually be pretty handy in an air battle" is so true. Like we mostly see Snotlout as this dumb, sarcastic, rebellious dude who doesn't care about anyone but himself and but that's actually not true he's actually caring and will fight for the ones he loves but he won't say that because he cares too much about what others think of him 😭
I really dislike Johan sm u guys don't understand like I used to like him and feel bad whenever ppl cut him short but ughhhhhhh it's the subtle things too like him telling Heather to give them the dragon eye, him screaming in Snotlout's ear, not extending his hand to grab Heather, and him putting his hand out to "grab" the lens but just causing Snotlout to drop it
The way Heather jumped to get Windshear and the way Windshear kept telling her to leave and save herself
Archipelago gold = The clouds of corn = pop corn
I can't believe I'm about to start season 6 this is actually so sad
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froggy-frogz · 4 years
2014!Raph x Reader
Request: How about some fukin uhhhh 2014 raph with a reader he has a crush on? Male reader again w afab or not 👉👈 how boys and reader met can be up to u but the reader gets along well w all of them,, enjoying video games and play fights with them a bit.
A/N: Sorry for the wait @fuck-mcgee !! But here’s your request <3
Warnings: None really, just male pronouns
    You had known Raphael and his brother for a good year now.  It was thanks because of April O'Neil, your good friend from work, where you were interning.  [ It was because April hadn't been to work for a few days, so you went looking for her, and you may or may not have stumbled into the turtles’ lair.]
   Yep, you worked with her on Channel 6.
   When you weren't at work, you were mostly in the lair with the four brothers. You found them sweet, in their own ways, but you found one of them you preferred over the others; Raph.
   This was one of the said times you were at the lair, and you were lounging around, making the best of your afternoon by not moving at all, and by also watching Leo and Mikey spare, because it was sort of entertaining. 
   You were lazily watching, trying not to fall asleep because you haven't moved in a good minute when the couch lurched and an arm was draped across the back of the couch.
   "Hey handsome, didn't know ya were dropping by today." The figure next to you rumbled, making your insides lurch and you were mysteriously wide awake again.
   How you didn't hear Raph approach was a mystery, but now the giant was sitting right next to you.
   Like, right next to you, as in his side was digging into yours. Not like you minded, but your heart was racing.
   It was second nature, but you gently leaned into him and snorted, "Was planning on coming over tomorrow but Mikey texted me and said he wanted someone to watch him beat Leo at sparring so he'd have proof-" 
   Raph cocks an eyebrow as you turn your head to him, "Mikey asked that ya come over? Damn, babe, if you needed an invitation I could have given ya one."
   Your heart swells at his words and, you grin and playfully punch his arm, "I'm going to hold you to that-" You hesitate for a second before grinning at him, "You want to ditch these two and go do something actually interesting?"
   Before Raph can respond, Mikey pauses, "Angelcheeks, don't leave with him," He pouts, "We can do something together, all of us."
   "Mmm? And what's that?" You ask as you try not to snicker at the furious look on his face as Mikey talked.
   "Video games, c'mon please?" He begged, getting up from his spot next to Leo, "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee-"
   When you finally cave after another good minute of on and off whining from Mikey, he cheers and runs off, to 'go get Donnie so we can all play together'.    Once everyone was on the couch and had a controller, you found yourself pressed against Raph, again, as his plastron dug into your arm. Good god, you were sure you would pass away right then and there.
  "Alright, we can start with Mario Cart- and maybe then after that we can play Smash Brothers?" Mikey chirps, and both you and Donnie nod, even though Leo and Raph look less... happy about the current arrangement.
   "Oh come on Raphie, don't you want to play video games with me?" You playfully pout, laying your head on his giant forearm muscle, as you look up with him. 
   He grunts and gives you a questionable look before sighing, "Of course babe, just not with them." He says the last part a little louder, probably so Mikey could hear.
   You could hear Mikey snicker, "What? So you can have some quiet time with [Y/n], it's sort of obvious with how much time you spend with him that you l" 
   Raph sends Mikey a death glare before sharply speaking, "Let's just play the damn game."
   Thankfully, no one said anything else as Mario Cart booted up, though you felt like you could choke on how little air was passing through your lungs. Was Mikey about to say that Raph likes you? It couldn't be... You got along with him, and you two were close, that was all...
   There was no way he could like you the way you liked him. 
   For all you knew, Raph could be straight. There was no way he could like guys.
   "Hey, [Y/n]," Raph rumbles, "Ya alright?"
   He gets closer, ignoring the game for a second to move his face closer to yours, "You're all red, are you feeling sick?"
   You gulp, and shake your head, "No I'm fine... It's just a little stuffy in here."
   That answer seemed to be good with him cause he nods, and turns his attention back to the game, and you have to hold back a sigh.
   Though, after Mikey won game after game, you felt a little woozy, and leaned into Raph, "Raph, can we go to your room? It's... um, too hot in here."
   It was almost automatic that Raph dropped his controller, "Alright babe, let's go-" He rumbles, scooping you up, "I think [Y/n] has come down with something, I'm going to take him into the other room."
   There were protests from Mikey, but they dimmed down the closer you got to Raph's room, and as soon as you two were inside, Raph shuts his door and locks it.
"Ya should nap for a little, you're probably tired." Raph's voice gets quiet, as he sets you on his bed, "So, go nap."
   "Wow, Raphael saying please, wouldn't ever imagine that." You curl up into his blankets, closing your eyes, but a grin tugged at your lips. He didn't get a chance to backtalk as you squint an eye open, "Um, would, you like to cuddle me? Please?"
   Raph snorted, "Me? Cuddle ya? Babe, I'm not the most comfortable to lay on, ya better cuddling a pillow."
   "Please Raphie? For a little bit, and than you can do something else-" You plead, opening both eyes to give him the most pleading look you can give him.
   Raph groans, and slinks into the bed with him, "Fine, but never call me that again..." His voice lowers, "You're lucky I love ya."
   You freeze, every muscle in your body tenses up. "Raph... Could you repeat that? That las... last part?"
   He must not even have realized what he said as he looks to you in what looked like a pure and utter shock. 
  "Shit bab- [Y/n], ya probably don't feel the same-" He mumbles, shifting away from you, hiding his gaze. His usual behavior shifted to one that seemed a lot more, embarrassed. 
   "Raphael, look at me." You say softly, reaching out without thinking to cup his cheek, "Could you repeat the last part?"
   There was a pause, and a sigh, before Raph nods, "Erm, what I said was, 'you're lucky I love ya', but ya probably don't like me like that-"
   You have to let out a suprised laugh before you wrap your arm around his neck and you pull yourself into him, "Raph... I love you too, I was just really scared that... you didn't like me like that."
   He blinks, and his demeanor shifts back to his usual one, and his hands cup your sides, "Well, babe, guess I should of known with how flustered ya been getting recently."
   "Shut up-" You groan, "It's your fault I was that red."
  "Mmm, I think ya will have to shut me up, I like teasing ya." He moves you closer to his chest, to where you two are close together, and you can feel his breath on your lips.
   It takes you a minute to process what he said before you hesitantly lean into him, your lips brushing against his. You weren't going to go any closer because you were unsure on how far to take things so you wouldn't make Raph uncomfortable but he made it obvious that he was very, very comfortable as his hands travel to your shirt collar to yank you deeper into the kiss.
   When you two pull back, you can tell your face is red but, Raph doesn't seem to care, "Will ya be my boyfriend babe?"
   "Mmm, let me think about that-" You tease, pretending to think as you shift in his arms, "Of course Raphie-"
   There was a groan behind the door that's mixed up with a Mikey-sounding cheer, "I knew it! Pay up Leo!"
  Raph's the one to turn red now and, he lets out a growl and pulls you closer to him, "Goddamnit Mikey!"
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jeremiahwasajoker · 3 years
A Pre-Spray Eccomiah SFW Alphabet!
After seeing that SFW Alphabets exist, I decided to delve deeper into Jeremiah and Ecco’s relationship during the Pre-Spray days. All of these answers are based on personal headcanons. (If you’re curious in seeing an expanded version of my headcanons, feel free to check out ‘Jeremiah and His Echo’  on Wattpad and AO3. Without further ado, let’s get started! (An FYI: I will not be doing any NSFW Alphabets due to the fact that they make me uncomfortable. 👍🏻)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Both Jeremiah and Ecco are generally affectionate towards one another. This being said, it’s not to the point where it’s overbearing. As any usual couple would, they kiss, compliment one another, hug, and aren’t afraid to surprise each other with gifts and kind gestures.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Their friendship started at St. Ignatius after Ecco beat up some peers that were hurting Jeremiah. They didn’t know each other at this point, but coincidentally met again when Jeremiah decided to eat lunch in the library (where she was). Over time, they began to open up to one another and became very close. They hang out practically every day from the time they met to working in the bunker. Ecco only opens up and is her true self around Jeremiah, as when she is around other people she’s extremely guarded. Since the foundation of their relationship is their friendship, they are very caring towards one another and love to joke around. At the point they’re at, they can basically communicate without words.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
They do! Usually, Ecco lies her head on Jeremiah’s chest while he holds her close.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I would say that their relationship is 95% domestic in itself. They are pretty much settled down at this point even though they work together. They love hanging out and playing board games during their down time. Ecco willingly cleans and cooks (she gets paid to do it) when she isn’t assigned to do anything in the moment, but if Jeremiah has the time he will join her. Ecco is a great chef whereas Jeremiah’s skills in that department are average.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
They wouldn’t. Jeremiah and Ecco know how careful they have to be in their relationship due to the fact that she works for him and they’re each other’s only friends. It would be disastrous for both of them if they split, so they are very cautious about not screwing anything up. The good thing is that their love runs deeply, so a breakup isn’t even a thought that they have about their future together.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
They are both very committed to one another. Heck, Ecco devoted her life to him! As for marriage, I’d say that whenever the time feels right for them. Maybe after a couple of years of dating and being together in a relationship they’d decide to tie the knot. I’d even argue that if it weren’t for the Insanity Gas, Jeremiah would’ve proposed to Ecco a month or two later than the events that ended up happening.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Both Jeremiah and Ecco are gentle physically and emotionally towards one another. They would never want to hurt one another in any way, shape or form. However, they do spar for a part of Jeremiah’s training. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
They do like to hug one another! I’d say they probably hug at least once a day, usually when Ecco arrives at the bunker or when she leaves. Or whenever they feel like it, lol. Their hugs are warm, very comfortable, and last longer than they should sometimes, lol. 😂
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Due to the fact that they’ve known each other since their days at St. Ignatius, their development of feelings towards one another has evolved naturally and over the course of some time. After first confessing their love to each other, they began dating secretly.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
When it comes to jealousy, Jeremiah has a harder time controlling it than Ecco does. When Ecco is jealous, she keeps a straight face and is judgmental in her head, whereas Jeremiah might narrow his eyes at the person in question and be more possessive of her (but not in a toxic way!!!). However, jealousy is rarely an issue because of the nature of their relationship.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Pretty basic answer here, but the both of them like being kissed on the lips or the cheek. However, there are some instances where they do kiss each other’s neck, buuuuuuut that’s none of my business. 😂 Usually, their kisses are warm and sweet, but there have been times when they were more passionate than usual.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Ecco is kind around children and treats them extra well due to the fact that her childhood was pretty much stripped away from her. Jeremiah doesn’t really come into contact with children due to his status in the bunker, but if he were to he’d be friendly and a little bit awkward.
M = Morning (How are their mornings spent?)
Their mornings vary, but most of the time Ecco comes from her apartment and begins work as soon as she arrives. Jeremiah works out after breakfast and showers afterwards. However, after nights that she sleeps over, they usually cook breakfast and get ready for the day together.
N = Night (How are their nights spent?)
If Ecco decides to sleep over, usually her and Jeremiah watch a movie or some TV before dozing off. However, if a moment becomes romantic, they occasionally do a different type of activity. 👀😂 They always eat dinner together and occasionally play a board game afterwards. Sometimes Jeremiah resumes his work if he’s preoccupied with an idea. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Over the course of their friendship/relationship, Jeremiah and Ecco have been revealing some details about themselves that are more sensitive. For example, after Jerome killed Lila Valeska, Jeremiah revealed his real name to Ecco. Ecco detailed her time at GRU to him during their senior prom at St. Ignatius. There are a lot more instances of this, but when they do open up they usually do tend to reveal everything at once.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
They are both generally patient individuals. Jeremiah is more easily angered than Ecco, but his temper during his Pre-Spray days is MUCH more controlled than after the Insanity Gas.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about each other? Do they remember every little detail mentioned in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Due to the fact that they’ve known each other so long and have a very tight knit bond, they do tend to remember a great deal of information about each other. Even if it’s a throw away detail that shouldn’t necessarily remembered, they both have instances where they have mentioned something small and surprised each other because of it. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in their relationship?)
I’d say the moment that Ecco stated that she wanted to devote her life to Jeremiah. The scene that I’ve headcanoned is much more detailed, but it’s very intimate in terms of interpersonal connection and how a stolen glance at something that shouldn’t have been seen plays out. (See Devotion in ‘Jeremiah and His Echo’ if you’re curious!)
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect each other? How would they like to be protected?)
Due to the fact that she’s his body guard, Ecco is very protective of Jeremiah in a physical and emotional sense. Jeremiah’s type of protection is different, as he sometimes underestimates Ecco’s skill level and isn’t always on board with her doing things that are on the riskier side, but after talking it out he eventually agrees with her.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Dates, anniversaries, and gifts are always done in a way that is sweet and sentimental towards each other. Jeremiah has a tendency to go big (but not too over the top) due to his large salary (for example, the headcanon Birthday Gift) whereas Ecco surprises Jeremiah with kind gestures and presents.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Jeremiah drinks alcohol more often than he should and talks to himself while working. If Ecco is in the office and hears this, she occasionally makes a joke at what he’s saying. Ecco on the other hand tends to fall asleep very easily. If she’s leaning on a desk, she can sometimes be prone to dozing off.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do their looks bother each other?)
Jeremiah and Ecco both value their appearance and dress very neatly/professionally. They are not vain people until after the Insanity Gas, where this aspect is taken way out of proportion. Their looks don’t bother each other in the slightest.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without each other?)
10000000000000000000%. Not only in a professional way, but also in their relationship. They’re basically each other’s only friends, so they need each other to survive.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Once during their workout sessions, Ecco made Jeremiah try aerobics. He was embarrassed, causing her to laugh the whole time. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Jeremiah doesn’t like being late or behind schedule. Ecco isn’t a fan of non-direct answers during conversations and tends to get impatient if this is the case. She also does not like it if someone insults Jeremiah’s work. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
Their sleep habits are pretty normal and stay the same around each other. 
I hope you all enjoyed this!
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justice4harwin · 3 years
Light’s Corruption-Chapter VII
Summary: With few friends at the Little Palace, Alina must work to win the favour of her fellow grisha and their commander, who makes her feel light headed every time she sees him.
After training in Os Alta for two years, the king grows tired of waiting and demands the Sun Summoner joins a western post near the Fjerdan border along with the rest of The Second Army to test her abilities.
Something happens. Suddenly, Alina wants blood to run down the rivers and those who stand in her and The Darkling’s way will be blinded by her light and swallowed by his shadows.
It won’t be pretty.
Pairing: The DarklingxAlina
Rating: 18+ (better safe than sorry, u know)
Anyone fancy a playlist?
As usual, the tags are in the comments; if you no longer want to be in the list or wanna be added, please don’t hesitate to let me know :)
Click here for chapter VI
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Chapter 7: Within the Palace's Walls
 Dear General Kirigan,
Dear General
Dear Kirigan
Dear Darkling
"Ugh!" Alina let her face drop on top of the paper, not caring if the ink got into her face, and groaned, loudly and at length. "Why?!" She asked into the nothingness of her room.
She had no reason to write to him. She knew he must've had frequent reports of the ongoings of the Little Palace, so she had no other excuse except to admit the truth, which was that she craved his attention, even if he was days away.
This was so pathetic of her; letting go of a life-long unrequited love just to fall into the arms of the first man who complimented her, even if she did feel a strange pull towards him.
What she needed was time for herself. Yes. She had finally said goodbye to Mal, falling for someone else so quickly would do her no good.
Oh, but Saints! The way in which he had kissed her, like he'd been waiting for centuries, like she was a treasure, like he truly wanted her. She had kissed people before, but never like that. She had enjoyed it, sure, but always stopped it before the clothes started to disappear. It usually bored people, but Alina didn't mind that much. It wasn't like when Genya was in the room while she bathed, helping her get to whenever she needed to be in time by pulling at the knots in her hair and handing her a towel. Genya was trustworthy, she was her friend and she had never given her one of those looks that had made her uncomfortable during her training at Poliznaya, nor made an unwanted comment or advance on her figure.
But The Darkling… That day, she had felt more than willing to let him have his way with her; nobody had set her body aflame the way The Darkling had done that afternoon a few weeks prior; she dreamt of it at night and woke up sweaty and hot, and it was a real effort to not daydream about it during her day.
General Imbecile Brute,
I write to you on this day to let you know of the first snow at the Little Palace. It makes quite the pretty paint...from the inside.
Also, I cannot stop thinking about you and your kiss, and I've been staring at the rose you gave me for such long amounts of time I fear my eyes will cross and I'll be stuck like that forever.
Please, tell me: do you feel the same? Mark 'yes' or 'no'.
Forever at your service,
Alina Starkov, Sun Summoner, Idiot.
Ps: You're not an imbecile, only a little rude; and you're not a brute, but some of your manners need polishing. Other than that, you're perfect.
Signed again,
Alina Starkov, she who lacks decency.
She looked at the letter, a low, prolonged, pitiful sound parting from her lips that turned into an animalistic groan. She grabbed the piece of paper, scrunched it into a small ball and threw it into her fireplace.
The snow covered the grounds of the Little Palace almost entirely, the lake would soon be completely frozen, and finalize the beautiful picture. Some Grisha were excited over the opportunity to skate. Alina had never done it, but Marie and Nadia promised to teach her.
From her horse, Alina moved uneasily. She still wasn't used to horse-riding, but Nina had invited her along with a few of her friends, who were all of different orders. It was a chance she wouldn't miss.
She tugged her kefta closer and held onto the reigns, advancing slowly along with the group, heading to the edges of the woods that surrounded the place.
A Fabrikator passed her a flask of kvas, and despite her dislike for the strong drink, Alina took it anyways and tried not to grimace as the liquid went down her throat.
If she were honest, she'd rather be inside the warm walls of her room in the Little Palace, chattering the afternoon away with Genya. She hadn't need to ask if the Tailor could join them at the stables; Alina was well aware of how little regard the other Grisha had for her -until they needed something-.
"I heard a few of you have been working on new keftas." she tried to make light conversation with the woman as she handed her her kvas back.
"Yes." she answered politely, "We're making a special fabric that should give us more freedom of movement during battle."
Alina rose her eyebrows. It wouldn't help her much if she didn't improve her fighting skills, but it was an interesting idea.
"How's it coming along?"
The woman tried to hide a grimace.
"It's complicated, but we're making some progress."
Alina smiled.
"Maybe you can tell me more about it during dinner." she suggested. "I, for once, would love a different type of trousers."
The woman smiled starkly, her blond hair getting on her face.
"They are rather stiff, aren't they?"
"I can barely flex my legs as it is."
The woman, whose name was Lada Alina remembered, agreed.
"I know. They're not suitable." she said in a strange tone, to which Alina gave her an odd, sideways look.
"Did you hear Zoya is back?" Fedyor interrupted, marching up to keep up with them.
Alina stared at him, groaned, and rolled her eyes.
"That's great." she said dryly.
Her absence was nice while it lasted.
"Maybe if I get under her skin and she attacks again, The General will send her off for a longer time. Or better yet, I could actually beat her."
Who was she kidding? Zoya was a formidable fighter, and Alina was just starting to win every now and then. Also, she suspected that Nina might have gone easy on her during their first sparring match a few weeks prior. She hadn't won against her ever since.
"Tell me about it." the woman in question said, rolling her eyes. "I don't understand her obsession with being on The General's inner circle."
"Says the one who is in the inner circle." Fedyor pointed out.
"Barely." Nina made a gesture with her hand, as if trying to rest importance to the matter. "Besides, it's not such a big deal. I don't know why everyone makes such a fuss about it."
"Well, the higher we are, the better we can protect other Grisha." Alina said, almost hesitantly. "I mean, if we have The General's ear, more ideas will flow about. I'm sure everyone has something to contribute to the cause."
"You don't need to worry about that, sun bean;" Nina smirked. "You're the Sun Summoner, it's likely he'll listen to you."
Alina's cheeks flushed as everyone in the group turned to stare at her.
"I think it's good to aim high;" Fedyor said, drifting the attention to himself, thanks the Saints. "As long as it's for the better of the Second Army."
Nina looked away and uttered something only Alina heard.
"Oh, yeah, betterment of forced servitude."
The Summoner stiffened on her saddle at the bitter words. Was Nina unhappy at the Little Palace? Why? She was one of the most powerful Grisha there; she lived in the most secured place in all Ravka, and her General held her in high regard.
A part of Alina wished she had never hidden her light. Maybe it would've been for the better to leave Keramzin, to leave Mal behind sooner.
It also made her think of someone who scarcely passed through her mind those days: her own mother.
She shook her head, ridding herself of such thoughts. She was thankful for the commodities and safe life she had at the Little Palace. Even if she was one of a kind, everyone else seemed to be adapting well to her, especially since she began to summon on her own and join in their little games by the lake.
She had been hesitant about it at first, but Genya insisted that going would be a great opportunity to both show her power and make allies.
"Besides, they won't believe you're a snob or a fraud if you show them a little." she had said, lazily lounging on a chair as they shared a nice tea one afternoon, while the queen took an especially long nap the very same day the Duke of Balakirev had arrived at court.
Lately, Alina felt more normal, and she was sure that her latest choices had a lot to do with it. From showcasing her powers, to sitting in different sections on different tables during meals and just talking normally about trivial things -even if those did exhaust her mind- and wearing an Etherealki kefta, she was more approachable, and the other Grisha seemed to slowly start to notice it too.
"It's not enough."
"We surely do deserve some more credit." she spoke, even if she didn't fully believe in the sentiment. The First Army was full of otkazat'sya, and they didn't have the advantages of bullet-proof clothing, private tents, furs for the winter and three decent meals per day.
It was all so difficult for Alina. She had once envied the advantages The Second Army possessed over The First, yet she couldn't deny there were other kinds of dangers for the Grisha, that not everything was perfect inside the walls of Os Alta.
Like the distrust of those who weren't like them, their fear, tamed only by their usefulness due only to the Black Heretic's greed.
All around her, her fellow Grisha nodded their agreements.
She wondered, briefly, what would Grisha life be like in Ravka if The Fold hadn't been created in the first place. What would happen if she ever managed to tear it down?
She didn't want to dwindle in those thoughts further.
With the Winter Fete approaching, everyone at the Little and Grand Palace seemed to buzz with all kinds of different energy. The servants were comprehensively nervous and stressed as they ran from one place to the other. Alina's fellow Grisha were either excited or indifferent, but none the less they all put the same amount of effort into practicing their yearly demonstration.
As for Alina herself, she had received the news that she was expected to showcase her power in front of the royal family and the other nobles of Ravka.
"The king wanted to throw a bigger party; invite diplomats from all continents and such, but General Kirigan insisted that it wasn't necessary yet." Genya said one afternoon, as Alina braided her hair.
She was seated very still, her eyes continuously darting from one side to the other as if trying to peek at her friend's work, concern etched on her face.
"He seems impatient." Alina commented, to which Genya huffed, accommodating her friend's new possessions on her vanity with a precision that seemed borderline obsessive.
"You have no idea. He can't wait to see the mighty Sun Summoner." she said, pouting and trying to imitate his deeper voice.
Alina frowned, said nothing, and continued braiding, her movements slowing but almost precise.
The Darkling
 Miss Starkov,
Due to my sudden absence, I had no time to notify you that I shall oversee your training personally from now on.
Being far away, I do not wish for you to stall, so I leave you some instructions on what to practice and how, and a few reading recommendations fo-
He leaned back in his chair and sighed.
He was being a fool, and he hated it.
Writing to her with instructions on how to practice her summoning was a foolish idea. She was barely starting and needed overseeing, and the only one besides himself who could help her was his mother, who remained bitter at the woman. He really wanted to know what Alina had said to Baghra to make her so upset.
He almost smiled, feeling something wickedly, childishly happy in his chest at the possibilities.
Tossing the letter into the fire, he leaned back in his chair.
Teaching her through letters would only lead to disaster, but how else would he know about her? How else could he earn her trust while being so far away?
"Moi Soverennyi." Ivan presented himself, bowing before further entering his tent. He offered him an envelope. "A letter from the Grand Palace."
The Darkling took it and quickly read it, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Although he had convinced the king that inviting foreign diplomats was not yet a good idea, the stupid man insisted that the Sun Summoner performed alongside the other Grisha. Alina was finally able to summon on her own, but he knew a part of her still feared her gift; putting on a show for an audience was not the best idea.
He…worried? for her?
"We will have to be back in time for the Winter Fete."
Ivan grunted. "I hate that thing."
The Darkling nodded in agreement. After all those centuries, he was more than bored of them. It was always the same waste of time and resources for his army, only to entertain the nobles for a few hours. As if they would not go back to turning their back on them the very next day.
Those fools often seemed to forget that his Grisha could have them for lunch if they so wanted it.
Privileged as The Second Army may seem, people were wary of them, even the nobles who lived in the surrounding areas.
"But they will not attempt anything so long as they need us."
"We have little choice, Ivan."
"We could always host it near The Fold and accidently push the royal family inside it." he said, sardonic as usual.
"Tempting." The Darkling smirked, setting the letter aside with little care.
The Heartrender stepped aside to allow him out, and The Darkling marched towards the river, where a few of his fabrikators were working on a new skiff. It wasn't nearly as grand as the one Alina had boarded that fateful day, but that was due to a different purpose.
There was a strange device being placed underneath it.
"Are you sure this will work?" he asked Petya.
The woman hesitated for the briefest moment, and The Darkling reminded himself internally to summon new graves for his Grisha.
"Such a pity." he thought, sincerely.
"Yes. So long as the Squaller sets a slow pace and nobody exerts themselves too much, they should be able to pass in relative tranquillity."
He had a feeling it would not work. His Grisha had already tried several times to cross through the river, but David Kostyk was sure his new invention would cancel out the soft sounds of the skiff against the water and dwindle the sounds of a heartbeat.
"Do not expect the path to be clear." he said.
"That is exactly why we're going, sir." a Squaller, Igor, approached and bowed. "If this works and we can clear the path, we should be able to make it to the other side eventually."
"Let us hope it does not take too many tries." he said.
Too many Grisha lives, he had wanted to say.
"David is rarely wrong, Moi Soverennyi." Petya said.
That was true. David was one of his best Grisha, which was why The Darkling tried to keep him inside the safety of the Little Palace's walls unless absolutely necessary.
Still, The Darkling though the plan stupid and a waste; but it was either that or forcing Alina into The Fold, and she was far from being ready to make a crossing, even through its thinnest point up north.
As a Squaller, a Heartrender, two Healers and two Inferni boarded the skiff, followed by a few strong otkazat'sya men from the First Army, The Darkling thought of David.
He thought of Alina.
And his thoughts returned to David.
With a sharp nod, he sent off the small team to do their last test and headed back to his tent, where he began to write a letter addressed to Mr. Kostyk.
Click here for chapter 8
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kevinexyqueen · 4 years
An fanfic where Neil starded working for the Hatfords after his mom died but he is already dating Andrew and join the foxes anyway
so, andrew and neil meet in juvie when neil was like 14
he stayed there for 3 or 4months while his mother worked some things out
and there he bonded with andrew, told him some trues (he was 14 he was not thar good at keeping secrets yet) , they make a deal, a lot of drama etc etc
and then he has to break out from the place and andrew is like
" i'm going with you"
"no, you're not"
"yes, i am"
andrew can be fucking stubborn so yeah he goes with neil
(he already knows about aaron is a way to put more distance between them)
mary is pissed off, but andrew knows to much and she was not about to kill him
and she sees the way that andrew protect neil so in the end andrew stays with them
is not like someone will put real effort in looking for a foster kid
so she shows andrew how to use a knife (I think she didn't stop teaching neil, is a too valuable habilit)
and also a gun, and i have a headcanon that Andrew is just awful with it, and neil loves to make fun of him
anyway, they protect each other, kill some people, fall in love, learns russian, spar together, normal teenager stuffs
mary does not know, andrew doesn't like her but he doesn't kill her because he knows she is the only reason neil is still alive
they started dating after a year since they meet, so neil was 15 and andrew 16
idk neils/nathaniels age makes me confuse
also, andrew convinces neil to play exy without she knowing
(btw i forgot to mention neil was stefan when thet meet and alex when seattle happens)
and well like a just said Seattle happens
and after that neil can't just keep running, he won't be responsible for Andrew death as well
sooo, yep he calls stuart
Stuart tells them all the moriyamas bullshit, etc etc
they go to the FBI, neils is officially neil abraam josten, Andrew becames andrew minyard etc
after that andrew goes to live with aaron and Neil goes to england, it was safer that way for both of them
continuing, they keep dating, long distance and all, andrew goes to england every month at least and do little jobs for neil's family
neil only do some translation works and he is pretty good at making deals (the irony) so he deals with a lot of other mobs family's and is like a lot people think he should become head of the family but that's a long history
anyway, all the canon shit with Andrew happens the same way, Tilda, Nicky, he turning down the ravens and he join the foxes
but he has some Hatford people watching over him so he doesn't beat all those man alone and doesn't take his meds (just needs to see a therapist for a couple of years)
even with all the Mafia shit neil still plays exy and he is better than he is in canon since he have been practicing with andrew for a few years (and also he spars with andrew so hr is a wayyyy better fighter and he also uses the knifes cause of andrew insistence and again all the mafia shit)
anyway, the Hatfords know about them but Andrew's family/the foxes (same thing, no?) doesn't
they come with a plan to take down the moriyamas and i have that in my head but don't know how to explain
but neils deals with a lot of mafia family's right? so like if the moriyamas kill him the Hatfords and idk the chinese as well will take revenge, and the moriyamas would loose since they are dealing with a war in japan and kengo is in hospital, nathan is dead etc etc
so, too much trouble to kill neil, so neil makes a peace offer with ichirou that while he is in the eau he won't kill him or the other foxes
so like, if rikos touches them he will be carving his own grave, and thats the whole point, cause Kevin's hand proven that riko's doesn't have any self control so the fucking plan is making riko angry
and we all know how good neil is at this, andrew is not happy
so yeah, neil needs to join some exy team and of course he will join the foxes because his bf right
because like, they are together for years, and not as much hurt as they are in canon, they didn't feel the need to tell anyone but they also doesn't care to hide and yes they hold hand in public and things like this
now neil only come on the same day the upperclassmen return cause there was no need for him to come early
so, like a hour before the reunion in the lounge andrew is like hey everybody in the car now or you're walking
and everyone is like ???? especially when andrew makes kevin go in the backseat
and he goes to the airport and nobody understands nothing, until neil comes
and he just completely ignores everyone im the backseat (yes even Kevin) and looks at andrew >that way< and andrew is a man in love, so he leans and gives neil a quick kiss and neil smiles at him and with a fucking soft voice says "hey baby"
andrew did not blush
anyway they started driving and andrew has his hand on neils leg and aaron, nicky and kevin are just fucking shook, they have no reaction at all, no words nothing because WTF
so when neils turns and says "hey guys, i'm neil" and is meet with three shocked faces staring at him he is trying so hard not to laugh and just goes "are you all okay"
nicky's is the first to recover and well... nicky... "ANDREW, WTF, YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND, WHY DIDN'T U TOLD US, WHAT ABOUT REENE, WHAT"
andrew ignores him and turns on the radio, neil lights a cigarette and they start talking in russian
aaron doesn't say a word
anyway, neils fly was a little late so they're the last ones at the stadium
so when they enter the lounge and andrew is waking with some scary dude (because yeah neil can be pretty and scary) and when they sit in the sofa with thights to shoulders touching everyone is like what the fucking hell
aaron and nicky find some other place to sit, neil does some remark and they start talking in russian and yeah they don't know if they should ignore or no
until dan breaks the spell by asking since when andrew speaking russian and andrew just look at her completely bored until neil answers her
after that wymack (which as always is so fucking done) asks if they have some more languages to show off or if they could start
they both deadpan "yes there is" but are ignored
anyway during the reunion some try to ask questions but wymack stops them and neil and andrew just glare at the person and that's enough to make they shut up
until Aaron makes some shitty remark about both of them in german and neil goes to protective mood and roast aaron in the same language
nicky has to stop aaron from punching Neil (and andrew won the bet he made with Stuart about someone trying to punch neil before neil punches someone
and again wymack is so done
and then they break the news about the ravens coming south
which andrew and neil already know because Hatfords
andrew is still pissed off at kevin
and then neils says (on purpose) something about the moriyamas and everyone is staring at him like????
and the he just smile a little >that smile< and says "you really don't remember me kevin"
he wasn't wearing contacts or anything like that so Kevin's recognizes him
it's caos
but i'm to tired to keep writing sorry
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halcyon-writings · 4 years
favored ii - ichigo/m!reader
requested: yes (anon this is for u <3 )
notes: a technical continuation to ‘favored’ (<--- linked there) but this can be a standalone read as well! jealous berry man 2: the electric boogaloo, this takes place post tybw but before the last timeskip so...spoilers!!
all my other links are in my pinned post for mobile users and linked on my sidebar for desktop users!
if you’d like to support me and my writing, please consider donating to my kofi!
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Ichigo looks at you with admiration in his eyes and his heart skipping a beat.
He knows it, and everyone else knows it (as much as he would rather they not, especially if his father, who looks to the oversized poster of his mother to cry about Ichigo’s happiness, is the one who talks to him about wooing his significant other further). 
But it seems that he isn’t the only one to look at you that way. 
After everything with the Sternritters, Yhwach, repairing everything took precedent. So to hear that he had been elected for help with Hueco Mundo, along with you, definitely had come as a shock.
“Hueco Mundo doesn’t certainly seem like the most survivable of places but-” you said with a small smile that looked far more like a grimace, “But it has it’s charms.”
A scoff beside you two made you jump slightly, hiding behind Ichigo just a tad, relaxing slightly only to see the former espada, running a hand through his blue hair as he once more mumbled under his breath about bringing you two along.
Ichigo of course only responds to the snark in kind. As you settle in between them in order to prevent a brawl. While you hadn’t met Queen Harribel, you didn’t want this to be the first thing she saw. 
As you send Ichigo a small pleading look, he is quick to stick his tongue out at the former Espada before you’re both led to meet with the Queen. 
Tier Harribel is a woman who commands respect with a single look. Her demeanor alone makes it understandable why the denizens of Hueco Mundo chose her.
However Ichigo can’t help the sudden wave of strong deja vu that washes over him when you’re pulled away by one of her Fracciones. A woman with long sleeves, far past her hands, joining the other two. A gentle expression on your face.
She looks on with slight amusement in her eyes, regardless of her passive expression.
“Barely a day in and he already has managed to charm most of my subjects,” She notes, “Commendable.”
Ichigo only rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, before the talks begin.
Yet he can’t help the small pang of jealousy in his chest.
You’ve told him countless times that as his boyfriend, you had no need for anyone else. And he believed you. It was other’s he couldn’t help but mistrust.
So after you finally free yourself from the ladies, promising to reunite when you can. You simply give Ichigo a warm kiss on the lips. Laughing quietly as he sputters, red faced and eyes wide.
He flips Grimmjow off over his shoulder at hearing his laughter. But right now he pays the arrancar no mind.
After all, he can’t complain when at the end of the day he has you in his arms like this.
But when you end up having to pull them apart as they begin another verbal spar that turns physical, he can’t help the way he looks on in admiration.
And also the pure shock on the arrancar’s face when he ends up flat on his back with his boyfriend standing in front of him, another smile on his face, is something Ichigo will treasure for years. Your show of strength also was way more impressive and ingrained in his mind forever now.
But when you ask what he’s so flustered for, Ichigo only shrugs it off. Only to turn more red of course, when you grin at him playfully.
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jasmine-iroh · 4 years
i have so many ideas in my head for fics LMAO and as u know i am obsessed w ur writing hehehe umm lets think can you do a sokka imagine where reader is Piandao’s apprentice as well so she spars with Sokka in his training and always wins, until he beats her one day from like being flirty and distracting her or something?? idk u can ignore this and just do any imagines u like LOL
Ahhhhh I love this idea so much!! Idk why but I have a headcanon that Piandao is lowkey like Batman and just trains abandoned kids and now he has like a tiny army of little white lotus warriors he’s informally adopted over the years.
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This kid is weird.
That was the immediate impression (Y/N) got of Sokka when Master Piandao had introduced him as a new apprentice.
What the hell kind of name is Sokka, anyways?
That was her second thought. It was the kind of name that rolled off her tongue nicely when she was snapping at him to focus during their drills. The shape of it in her mouth made it easy to add a snarl to the front and a growl at the end when he was screwing around in front of Piandao, making them both look bad.
By the end of his first day training with (Y/N) under Piandao’s reserved tutliage, Sokka had been introduced to several intermediate forms. His heavy wooden practice sword had turned his arms to jelly long ago and there were various bruises and scrapes from (Y/N) sneaking past his defenses, but Sokka didn’t mind the aches.
She’s amazing.
That was Sokka’s first impression of (Y/N) as he watched her demonstrate the basic forms he was supposed to learn. He wasn’t focusing on the forms, but rather the warrior waltzing her way through them.
(Y/N) seemed to merge with her abilities. She moved with the ease of someone who spent her time befriending her skills, pouring her soul into singing metal and brutal dance numbers. Her blade was her master as much as Piandao was. She wielded her sentences as tactfully as her steel, every word intentional and aimed to cut to the heart of a matter.
Sokka would wager his last copper piece that her and Suki would get along quite well if they ever met.
He’s good.
That was (Y/N)’s third thought as she watched Sokka breeze through his basic drills.
A tiny part of her sung with pride when Master informed her that she was excelling in her duty of shaping Sokka into a proper swordsman. Sokka was her first real trainee during her time with Piandao. She’d studied under him from the age of six, when she’d turned up on his doorstep after being left behind in the middle of the night by her nomadic family.
She’d seen many hopeful young men turn up on that same doorstep, opening her sanctuary to their arrogant swaggers and second rate weaponry. They had all given her the same look when she guided them through Piandao’s home; a look that held the intrigue of having a girl around to preen for, not knowing that she was the judge, jury, and executioner of their fate.
Piandao might’ve been the one to teach the boys to fight, but (Y/N) was the one to make them honor the battle. They all came boasting to the Master about their accomplishments in their backwater town, lauding their own praises and embellishing their military bloodlines. Most left cursing the girl with forged steel for a personality and the word no sharpened like a blade.
Not Sokka, though.
(Y/N) supposed that maybe that’s what first warmed her up to him, the fact that he’d seen the sword on her belt first and her gender second. His quick wit and ability to bounce back after a defeat didn’t hurt, either.
Sokka’s knuckles were still red and actively bruising from their previous match when Piandao informed the pair that the next would be their last for the day. The compound was bathed in the golden promise of a sunset to come and (Y/N) found herself getting distracted by the way the light pressed gentle kisses to Sokka’s cheeks. The breeze played with his unraveling topknot like a teasing lover, taunting (Y/N) with the idea of what he’d look like with his hair down.
Before her thoughts could settle on the fight in front of her and not the boy, Sokka was making the first move. He went for the obvious strike, even though he should’ve learned by that point that (Y/N) would parry the blow.
Swinging her sword up to block him with ease, (Y/N) found herself shocked by their close proximity, puzzled that Sokka had thrown his first move to get close to her. A coy smirk was crawling along Sokka’s face as he gifted the young warrior with a flirtatious wink, causing her to narrow her own eyes back at him. It seemed that Sokka had seen her distraction and chose to wield his looks as his weapon of choice for this round.
“You can’t fluster me into losing, Sokka,” (Y/N) huffed, a mild bout of surprise bubbling as she realized that she was actually having to try to keep Sokka from getting the upper hand in their fight.
“That doesn’t seem fair, you’ve been flustering me all day.” He replied with a disarming grin, putting her on the defense with a quick, if somewhat unpracticed, set of attacks.
“Cut it out.” She growled, hoping the dark flush on her cheeks could be written off as exertion and not a real blush. Those oceanic eyes stared a hole into (Y/N), the flickering of his pupils to the side being the only consistent indication of his next move.
He was still too close for (Y/N) to ready a true offense, so she blocked and parried his attacks, his ever increasing proximity forcing her a step back with each move. She was trying to distance herself for an attack when the stone wall of the practice arena hit her back, shocking the wind out of her and allowing Sokka to land what would have been a fatal strike in a real fight. Their eyes were still locked as their chests heaved from the effort of the fight, bewildered (Y/E/C) eyes meeting a cunning blue gaze.
“Resourceful use of terrain, Sokka. (Y/N), don’t allow yourself to be crowded by a larger opponent. Use your agility, not your size.” Piandao advised, snapping the pair out of their staring contest. Sokka was still looming over (Y/N), but she wasn’t looking at him, instead forcing herself away from the wall to disappear into the bamboo thicket. She was being melodramatic, she knew, but she was ashamed that she’d let a stupidly charming boy make her look like a fool in front of her Master. The blow to her pride was blistering, raising all of her long buried insecurities to the surface.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sokka’s voice called from the bamboo to (Y/N)’s right. To hear that much concern in the voice of a boy who barely knew her showed his true character, but (Y/N) wished he would reveal an arrogant side. Something, anything, to throw her heart off the scent of a crush.
“Why would you do that?” She snarled, trying to cover the turmoil in her mind with misplaced anger.
“Do what?” His disembodied voice was confused, the rustling of bamboo revealing his position to (Y/N).
“Embarrass me like that in front of everyone! Do you know how hard it is to be taken seriously as a girl doing this?” (Y/N) ranted, her glare already fixed to the spot where Sokka popped out of the foliage into her line of view.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that, I just... I thought we had something going on there for a minute, y’know? You’re the best fighter I’ve ever met, being a girl doesn’t change that.” He told her honestly. He took a tentative step closer, approaching her like he would a scared cat.
“That trick won’t work a second time.” (Y/N) snapped, her eyes spitting fire at him. Once again, she found herself on the defensive with this boy, every careful step he took towards her sending her a step back until her back pressed against a clutter of bamboo.
“Trick? (Y/N), there is no trick. It’s called liking someone, and hoping they like you back.” Sokka exclaimed, frustration trickling into his tone. He wanted to be patient and give her room to puzzle out his intentions, but she was too busy protecting her emotions to see his truth.
A long pause, before, “he’ll replace me if he thinks I’m easily distracted.” It was said so quietly, in such a hopeless voice, that Sokka wouldn’t recognize it as (Y/N) speaking if he wasn’t watching her lips form the words.
“He’s a fool, then. He won’t find another (Y/N).” Sokka told her boldly, feeling wild and fierce in their bamboo haven with her baring her deepest emotions to him.
“Please stop saying nice things. It makes it really hard to be mad.” (Y/N) whispered in that same careful voice, her tone cooling as she folded in on herself. She couldn’t believe she’d shown her soul to a boy she’d known for two days.
“Then don’t be mad, be honest. Do you find me as distracting as I find you?” Sokka matched her tone, speaking quietly as he tried to coax her back out of her shell.
“No. Yes? I don’t know. I’ve never even liked any of the apprentices before you.” She huffed, tilting her head back to groan at the sky in confusion.
“Stop over thinking it. Do I distract you? Yes or no?” Sokka pressed, taking (Y/N)’s battle calloused hands in his own and tugging her attention back to those oceanic eyes.
“Yes.” Her tone was confident, her rough thumbs tracing delicate shapes over Sokka’s bruised knuckles as she accepted his rough palms in her own.
“I’m glad I’m not the only one, then, or this would’ve been awkward.” He admitted, a warm blush crawling up his neck.
“It already was,” (Y/N) giggled quietly, releasing the tension between them. They stood grinning at each other like fools, both trying to stretch this soft, peaceful moment into a lifetime. Sokka leaned down closer to (Y/N) slowly, his eyes flickering between her own and her lips as he gave her the chance to stop him.
Instead of bolting like he half expected her to, she leaned up and pressed a firm kiss to his lips, pulling him closer. The action threw him off balance and sent the pair tumbling through the bamboo, Sokka landing on top of (Y/N) with a squawk of indignation.
The serene atmosphere broken, they stared into each other’s eyes for a shocked moment before bursting into laughter and settling for holding each other close like a cherished possession.
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honestsycrets · 4 years
Alfred the Great | Love Alphabet
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❛ sy’s notes | This one includes a lot of life scenarios of Alfred and his wife. I enjoy how it came out-- and I hope you do too.
A = Affection (PDA, what sort of affection they give)
“Not here,” he bends his head. You stand behind his throne chair, settling your hand on his shoulder. You press a kiss to his rosy cheek, in the presence of the others, as he waves you off.
Alfred has never been someone who was particularly touchy due to the way he was brought up. While small touches were always common, the way you stroke him-- touch him, caress him, out in the open gives him both a sense of delight and shyness when he realizes that others are watching.
B = Babies (Anything you want about babies)
“Perhaps you should show me.”
“Hold him here,” you guide Alfred’s hands. As he kneels beside your bed, a king on his knees, Alfred feels like any other man-- not a king, fumbling for the right hold.
Has no idea what to do with a baby of his own. He has no experience with holding a child and has no idea what to do when you place his in his arms, only finding himself staring down upon the thing, utterly lost. 
C = Cuddles (How they cuddle or are cuddled)
His days are long. As a king, Alfred very rarely spends time in your rooms. He’s busy with putting all his energy into England for England. So, at the end of a long night, when he crawls in beside you, his hand might drape over your waist. He’d set an apologetic kiss to your head and fall asleep.
D = Darling  (Pet names)
Small ones. He prefers to call you more proper names while in public; his wife, his queen, being the chief of them. Behind closed doors then, he might be more lazy with his pet names. 
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E = Enamored (how hard do they fall when in love)
“Who was that girl there--” he points through the crowd. You pick your skirts up, then disappear from where you came, weaving through the crowd here to see the king.
“Where m’lord?” 
“She was just there.”
Admittedly, he has no time to fall in love. His interaction with women outside of his family is limited to chamber maids and the occasional woman during feasts. That is why his marriage was arranged. But if by happenstance he does meet a woman, it’s just that: a sudden pang of surprise.
F = Firsts (A first on anything you pick)
“She won’t know,” you swish around the horse, mounting first, then extending your hand toward him. He takes your hand, despite everything in him saying he shouldn’t, not that day. “Come! Live a little, prince-boy.” 
First fling-- Taking him away from Judith and Aethelwulf is too easy. With everyone’s eye on Aethelred, all you have to do is fool Judith to slip her precious boy away. Alfred is unsure of it-- his mother’s voice beating in his head, where were you! He falls ill when you bring him back.
G = Good Morning (How do they wake you up)
Do forgive me, the parchment reads the day after your wedding. A small golden and pearl necklace sits on top of the crisp paper. I’ve too much to do. I will see you as god allows.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs?)
He does. They’re a small comfort to him when he’s going off to war, but even more so when they are followed up with a kiss, and the command for him to come back safely.
I = In Labor (Labour and Delivery)
“Women have been doing this since the dawn of time, Alfred.” His knuckle taps repeatedly over the parchment. Yes, women have been doing this since the dawn of time-- but not his woman.
He can’t get a lick of work done. He’s too busy thinking of his wife, who labors alone, in her modesty has sent him out. Get something done, he isn’t here yet, you told him. Strong woman. And still he gets nothing done, leaves his chambers, and seeks you out.
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J = Jealousy (Are they jealous? How do they handle it?)
“Do you think the blonde one or the brown one is the bigger brother?” your chamber maids say, giggly amongst the quietly gathered. Before him, the Northman stood. 
“The blond,” you speak up, rarely. You never spoke. “What? He’s a big man.” 
Your chambermaids gasp, looking up. “Ooh,” they squeak-- and regretfully, Alfred’s head snaps over too. 
Watchfully. He’s not admittedly jealous-- but quietly and privately so. He asks many questions, rather than interrogate you about your interests in another, to make sense of what happened earlier. You aren’t jealous, are you? you hush him with a kiss. Of course not, he was simply-- concerned.
K = Kisses (How do they kiss? How often?)
Gently-- at any point that he can. Leaving or coming, he doesn’t spare any kisses. He’s often gentle, and so you might have to push him to be a little more passionate. Shyness won’t get him everything after all. 
L = Loyal (How loyal are they?)
M = Memory (Their favourite memory about you?)
His grandfather’s bath was a tranquil place. You come here, every moment that you can spare apart from seeing the people, caring for the settlement, and doing your duties as queen. You strip away your clothes and fold them, not hearing the door squeak open, nor Alfred come in. The water plips as you shift into it. At the sound of boots you whirl about, holding your chest. 
“Please.” Alfred stands there. His favourite moments of you are your most private moments. The moments when you think you’re all alone, but aren’t. “Go on-- clean yourself.” 
N = Never! (Dealbreakers)
He can’t deal with someone who might whine about his time. His first concern is England and everything else is secondary to the fact. In his mind, his partner must understand where his allegiance must be.
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O = On the Rocks (How do they make up?)
“Why are you here?” you unclipped the earring from the back of your ear, turning to find Alfred waiting by your table where you kept your jewelry box. “Does England not need its king today?” 
“Not if you are still angry,” he raps his knuckles over the table. “I am sorry.”
With his time. It’s so important, and so scarce, that if he knows you are disappointed with him, it’s the one thing he can do to get back into both your good graces and show he’s apologetic about what happened. Or at the least, wants to make amends. 
P = Playtime (Any headcanons on sex)
“Alfred what are you doing?” 
He’ll try almost anything once. At the start of the relationship, you would take the more dominant role by inciting sex. But, after Ubbe came, Alfred seemed to change, putting more effort into chasing you with a strange confidence. The dominance is strange-- but welcome. You wonder how much he told Ubbe about your sex life.
Q = Quiet Time (How do they wind down?)
After his day, if he can sneak away, he likes to cuddle in bed. It’s better than sex to him because he can lace his fingers through yours, and carry off all thoughts of the long day away. 
R = Rapture (What makes them happy?)
He took you that morning to watch him spar with Ubbe. Ubbe was fantastic, you’d admit. A true Northman, strong, witty, quick. But your eye was on Alfred alone, following the way he dodged, the way he moved. You held a cup ready for him when he collapsed beside you. 
“What... do you think?” he heaved between heavy breaths. He could fall into illness, but he didn’t. He was strong, and as he chugged his drink, your hand caressed his chest, coming up behind his neck, kissing him hard and strong. 
“You were perfect.” He admits-- he likes to impress you.
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S = Soulmate (What do they think of soulmates?)
“A soulmate?” he asks you about the concept. He’s not heard of such things-- but it sounds... fitting, he’d say.
T = Together (What do you like to do together?)
Off of the carriage, you walked in the dust. Your maids said you would dirty your dress and yet, you didn’t care, you wanted to be among the children. After his duties, Alfred clopped by on his horse, leaning down in his saddle to hand something toward you. You pluck it from his fingers and realize-- it’s a sweet smelling flower. 
Secretly, Alfred enjoys it when you accompany him on his trips. He often does get sick, so if it has to happen, he would prefer that it happen when you are by his side. 
U = Unyielding (How do they handle interlopers on the relationship?)
The queen’s hands had been over him. Not the queen-- not his queen-- but the queen from another place. You had seen the way he pushed her hands down, cupping them together with a shake of his head. “I have a wife,” he stressed. “And no interests in another.” 
Alfred doesn’t tolerate it. He makes sure to snuff out the concerns of women coming after him where they stand. Similarly, he expects you to do the same, although it he must, he will. 
V = Vulnerable (Are they vulnerable often? How do they handle it?)
Not often. Apart from his family, he might be vulnerable with you. Romance and family life is the one place where he might be vulnerable-- and hopes that you’ll protect that vulnerability.
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W = Wedding (Wedding headcanons)
“I’ll make it up to you,” Alfred says once the doors are finally shut. You roll on your side, over the small stain of blood dribbled over the sheets, yet still sore. He takes initiative to shift on top of you, his forearm balancing himself. 
“That is not the way you wanted to...” he drops off, knowing that it was foolish and silly when you cup his soft cheek. It’s okay, you have to tell him, over and over again.
Being a king, it’s all done according to how it has to be done. While the wedding is luxurious, it could be better. He knows that-- you deserve his affections in private.
X = (E)x (How do they handle exes? What do they do if they see them)
With a semblance of longing but also of respect. If he’s moved on, he’ll gingerly nod his head, go on his way. If he hasn’t, he might wonder to himself-- perhaps he could have done this, or that, better.
Y = Yearning (What do they do when they miss you?)
Alfred held the end of the table, chewing his cheek, the paper was still not done. He has work to do-- but he can’t help wonder, where were you? Were you well? He turns to one of his guards, “Call the queen,” Alfred stands upright, throwing his hand out lightly. “Tell her I want to eat with her.”
He can’t get any work done. So, he does the only thing he can think to do-- he calls you into his quarters and hopes that this blaring need will quell. Or, if his body is so weak, he has to... eat first.
Z = Zzz… (Sleeping headcanons)
When he’s exhausted, he collapses into bed beside you. He doesn’t remember when he falls asleep, only that you’re there beside him.
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