#if yes… then doesn’t it mean salvator
weirdlotiel · 8 months
Another… two things about the new Castlevania series.
One i like second… not so much.
I’m going to begin with the second one.
Am I the only one who’s constantly irritated by Maria? It may be partly because I’m Christian and it kida pains me when I hear people talking bad about the church. And I’m aware it’s not without its faults and that the girl was right this time… but that’s not what actually irritates me. What is annoying here, is the fact she doesn’t even try to stop and think otherwise… she’s just stuck with that one thought that nobles and abbot etc are evil and that’s all. She believes only in revolution and doesn’t see it also hurts innocents. It’s… sad.
The first thing, which I said I like, is the concept of Sekhmet. I remember researching both Vampires and gods of ancient Egypt some time ago for a fanfic and to help a friend with their book. And how Sekhmet, goddess of war, was in some way the first vampire. It’s nice to see that somewhere else than wikipedia or wherever I read about it (I don’t remember it was long time ago). Although it would be nice if it wasn’t Batory again… this one is actually clishe.
Oh, and I do like seeing grandfather-grandson relationship. I don’t see much of them in tv series or films, at least not good relationships. Or maybe I just don’t know where to look. 😂
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charliemwrites · 5 months
Still thinking about Nikto, and that anon ask I answered just a bit ago.
Content: Dissociation/Depersonalization, Unhealthy (not harmful) Coping Mechanisms, Codependence, Trauma/PTSD symptoms, Sexual Themes
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After the hallway incident you’re a bit shaken. A life of a heavy burden, but your shoulders are used to the weight; you’re a medic. But what Nikto offered you in the hallway — no, not offered, but gave, devoted. It makes it hard to breathe.
You’re not sure if what he’s seeking (or perhaps found?) is solace or penance. You don’t think you have much say in the matter really. If God asked His disciples to stop worshipping, would they?
The comparison feels too bold, even in the privacy of your own mind. Smacks of narcissism and ego. You don’t feel powerful. You feel scared. Of what it means to hold this broken, burdened man in the palm of your hand, trying to keep all the pieces together without cutting yourself on them.
Don’t be so careless with your life, you told him.
He’s taken those words as religious creed. He doesn’t storm around corners, guns blazing anymore. Doesn’t drop from heart-stopping heights to stamp-sized targets. Hes not the first one out nor the last one in anymore — though he never lets you get out first or hop in transport last either.
Suppose that shouldn’t be a surprise.
He cares for his wounds now, too. Cleans and changes them regularly, doesn’t over exert them before they’ve healed. You’re so dizzy on pride in him that you kiss the front of his mask one day, telling him “thank you”.
He grunts in something that sounds almost like shock and shakes his head at you. You figure he doesn’t feel he deserves praise for doing as you’ve told him. You do it anyway.
Things start to settle into this new normal.
Until you can’t find him anywhere. He’s become your new shadow, another limb, and suddenly he’s gone like so much smoke. You’re both fresh off a rough, but successful mission. You’ve just finished a stint in the infirmary and your debrief. Usually hed take that time to clean off and change in privacy, back before you could miss him.
Where is he?
You find him bleeding in his room, trying to care for his own wounds. Mask off, shirt gone, a new knife wound added to his macabre collection. You scramble to his side and collapse at his feet, snatching the needle from his shaky, slippery hand.
“Don’t you ever—” you choke on the words, unusual tears welling. You’re a medic; you’re not allowed to cry during treatment. But all you see if Nikto and blood and—
“I am okay,” he says in that low, crackly voice. Gravel in a blender. “It is not bad.”
You swallow and don’t answer, can’t because you’ll start weeping into his wound. Just stitch him up, hands steady even as you sniffle and the rest of you trembles.
When it’s done, you start wiping away the excess, prepping a bandage. He’s so silent you can even hear him breathing, but you feel his eyes like a physical touch. Finally make yourself look up at him meet his piercing eyes.
“You come back to me from now on,” you say. Quiet, firm, fervent. “I don’t care what it is, you return to my side always.”
The silence stretches and stretches, and he just stares with that unfathomable gaze.
“Understand?” you insist.
Those two commandments become that basis of his new existence. Nikto once thought he survived it all because he still had work to do. He was wrong; it was because he still hadn’t found his purpose at all.
He’s found you now though, and you are a demanding god. But not a cruel one
Your first commandment is atonement. This vessel requires so much work. Food and water and rest. Maintenance for every abrasion, upkeep to stay strong enough to stand at your side, to protect you. It is endless, bitter work. He doesn’t care for the labor itself, but it must be done.
It is made bearable with you.
Your second commandment is salvation. Your quiet chatter during meals, the lingering taste of your mouth on his water canteen. Your kind hands mending tears and holes, keeping whatever he is now whole and hale. Your company in the gym, on sparring mats, at his side at the gun range. The smell of your sweat past the mask, your laughter goading him into another round.
You let him sleep in your bed. Let him wake you with nightmares or memories. Keep him warm because this thing he inhabits doesn’t always remember it’s not dying anymore. You are so very alive, the realest thing in any room. Your touch is the only thing he can feel sometimes.
It takes him a long time to realize that his body (because it is a body you tell him, a living one that needs care) reacts to you.
That some mornings the press of you against him is especially sweet. That there’s more than relief and pride when you pin him down. That, at most points of the day, his body wants your touch for more than just grounding.
He’s hard most times that he’s with you, simply for the fact that you are there. And he is with you almost always.
(That it is not actually always grinds at him, niggles in the back of his mind. A sticking point. He wants it to be always, you with him at all times. Like when he used to wear a cross pendant.)
You notice, of course you do, sensitive to your most loyal devotee. He can’t tell if you’re offended, but you haven’t sent him away. Sometimes you flush and he thinks he’s certainly upset you, but for all he’s survived it would kill him to break your second commandment. And so he stays, even if he waits to be told to leave.
You never need to call his name, he is always listening. He likes the sound of it anyway. These syllables and sounds that have a meaning, that you use for him.
“Do you… want to do something about that?” you nod to his crotch. There’s a blatant bulge pressing at his tac pants. At some other time, he would probably would have found it uncomfortable.
“Do what?” he asks.
You shrug. “Get off? I could leave—“
You blink but don’t seem surprised. “Do you want to just ignore it then?”
He shrugs a bit. There’s a flicker of amusement in your eyes. You like when he makes gestures. He tries to remember common ones, and when to do them, and tries them out for you. Though you never seem to mind his stillness either.
“It does not bother me.”
You hum, look like you’re going to go back to your tv show.
“Does it bother you?”
Your eyes dart up, mouth parting in surprise. You didn’t expect him to continue the topic. Neither did he.
“It doesn’t bother me,” you reply, tilting your head. “But if you want to do something about it, we can.”
“If… if you want me to do something… I would.”
He couldn’t ask that of you. Not ever. He’s not allowed to want anything of you when you’ve given him everything.
“No,” he says quietly finally. “Just ignore it.”
“Okay.” You smile at him, touch his hand. It is bare, mangled tattoos on display. He wishes he could feel it more. “Come snuggle in?”
Snuggle in.
Such a quaint turn of a phrase for a creature in your room, wearing a man’s face. He climbs in, shoes gone, mask gone. You wedge yourself against his side and he stares absently at the screen as you continue your show.
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lovelytsunoda · 10 months
i want candy // lando norris
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summary: two podiums in a row for her lover boy. it’s time to celebrate.
pairing: lando norris x female reader
warnings: pure smut, but also giggly and kind of giddy.
“I mean, I stopped counting max’s wins like three races ago so in my books, you’re the big winner.” she laughs, settling across from him on the bed.
“if only the fia saw it that way.” lando laughed, clinking his glass against hers before tilting the champagne to his lips. “but two p2s in a row isn’t too bad, is it?”
“I’m proud of you, lando norris.”
lando smiled, leaning in to kiss her softly. “I’m glad you’re here.”
they crossed their arms over each others, chugging back their glasses. landos thumb rested on her upper thigh, near the hem of her tennis dress as he rubbed gentle circles on her skin. he leaned in, growling playfully as he sucked a hickey onto her neck.
“lando!” she giggled, jumping slightly at the contact against her sensitive skin, dropping the glass and frowning as the champagne worked its way across her skin, dripping onto the hotel bedspread.
“sorry, love.” he laughs, leaning down to lick up the champagne on her thigh.
she moans at the contact, placing the now empty glass on her nightstand before she leans back against the pillows, going up her skirt as lando sucks and kicks his way up her thigh, leaving hickeys and the stick of alcohol in his wake.
“come claim your prize, podium sitter:” she laughs, opening her thighs wider to expose the glittery orange panties she’s wearing. “it’s all for you, pretty boy.”
lando bites his bottom lip, hungry hands reaching to pull down her soaked panties, trying his best not to tear them.”
“lando..” she whined “you’re going too slowly.”
lando giggled, nuzzling his face into her thigh with a kiss. “I forgot how needy champagne makes you.”
“oh fuck off.” she laughs, reaching over to ruffle his hair. “please, lando.”
the driver crept his way up her thigh, blowing cool air over her clit, relishing in watching her drip onto the bedsheets. he leaned in and kissed her sopping core softly, gently teasing her with his tongue.
“you taste just like candy, love. and I want more.”
he kissed her again with even more intensity, slipping his tongue inside of her as she let out a hearty moan, arching her back from the bed before landos large hands pressed her back towards the mattress.
“lando!” she whined “fuck, god, please keep doing that.”
he grinned, witching his focus higher to suck her clit, sneaking a few fingers inside her while he was distracted. she moaned heartily, thighs threatening to close around his head as he rapidly plunged his fingers in and out of her opening, appendages covered in evidence of her arousal.
“try and keep your thighs open, baby. be a good girl for me.” lando cooed, pinching her clit with his free hand.
she screamed his name, bucking against his fingers and fighting the urge to touch her hard nipples underneath her dress. she settled for clutching the sheets, fingers becoming stiff from how hard she clutches the pristine white fabric.
it still astounded her how quickly lando could reduce her to this babbling moaning mess. she doesn’t beg, ever, but somehow lando could get her chanting ‘please’ like it was the only word in the dictionary, like it was a prayer for salvation.
“I can feel you clenching around my fingers, pretty girl.” lando chuckled, picking up the pace he was scissoring his fingers at, changing up the rhythm for better sensations, ones he knew would push her over the edge. “is my good girl going to come for me? come on my fingers, love, don’t be scared. soak my fingers in your come.”
“oh god!” she whines, things finally closing in around her lover as he uses his thumb to draw desperate circles on her clit, her fingers pulling on his curls, a growl leaving his throat. “lando, I’m gonna-“
“that’s it, pretty one. come for me. come, come. I’m the only one who can make you feel this good.”
“yes, god, lando, only you.” she babbled, unable to say much else as she came, walls contracting around landos fingers. “only you.”
he pulled his fingers out, slipping them into his mouth and sucking her juices off them. her eyes rolled back at the sight as lando positioned himself above her, a noticeable tent in his trousers.
“now look what you’ve done, pretty girl.” he chuckled, kissing her softly, allowing her to pull him into his arms. “I think you should take that dress off and let me unwrap the rest of my prize, because there’s no way in hell I’m done with you yet.”
@magnummagnussen @diorleclerc @thatsdemko @sidcrosbyspuck @scuderiamh @scuderiasundays @lorarri @oconso @silverstonesainz @userlando @httpiastri
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tuliptic · 8 months
What Is My Purpose Here On This Land
This is for all, but especially for those with existential crises. We’ve wondered what we are meant to do, do we have a purpose being on this planet, and many more questions continue to feed our brains. 
Close your eyes, meditate on this topic and ask yourself the question: What messages does your weary heart need to hear? Breathe in and out, make sure your mind and heart is calm. Then, open your eyes to see which pile talks to you the most/draws you in the most. Once you’ve found your pile, scroll down to the respective parts to see what are the messages for you.
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Pile 1    -     Pile 2
Pile 3    -     Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever that you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. That aside, I do not consent to my work or here to be used by third parties on this platform or other websites.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck  (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Flower Petals Oracle Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made lyrics deck.
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Pile 1: The Rose
A card to represent you: The Chariot
One funny thing when I was shuffling this deck was that this card came out tumbling. It was like.. Upright, reverse, upright again. I’m taking this as a sign. You like taking the wheel. You’ve been through the ups and downs as you journey ahead, sometimes lacking direction, learning self-discipline throughout the process, learning the importance of strength and will, finding balance, and driving to where you are right now. There’s this determination that you’ve gained from past experience, and you’re still driving ahead. A word of advice is to be aware of your own focus level, and to take a rest when you’re tired. The journey of life ahead is long, and it’s always alright to take a break now and then. For some reason, I also feel some of you may be travelling right now, or intend to travel in the future. Make sure to prepare a proper itinerary and have emergency numbers saved! 
1. What is my role here on earth? - The High Priestess
First word I’m picking up is healing. You’re the person who answers to the cries of help, being the Universe’s hands in providing aid to those who pray for it, to be that gentle beauty without losing your thorns. You’re called to be the healing energy, to be the kindness that people need but may or may not deserve. Not to put a burden on you, but you probably tend to be kind and subconsciously heal or watch over those who need your help, even strangers, and even people who do not deserve those kindness. (There’s this nagging behind my head that reminds me of the people in Gotham who did nothing yet yells for help/salvation, instead of fighting and protecting their “loved” ones.)
2. Have I achieved it? - The Fool
You’re only starting on this journey. Or maybe have yet to start on this journey. You probably realised this uhhh ability of yours very recently, or have only decided to really start doing something on it. See, realising this ability/skill doesn’t mean you have to do something about it. You may realise your skill for art but not continue cultivating that skill. It’s the same. You’ve probably stopped all those questions and try to take out that first step to do it. You’re killing your doubt step by step, betting in yourself and trusting in yourself to do something entirely new. (Yes, ITZY’s Bet On Me is playing as I write this.)
3. How to achieve it? - The Sun
There are so many things embodied in this card: brightness, hope, ray of hope, and more to come. What I’m feeling from this is mainly warmth, asking you to just be this Sun, to shine just as you are. It’s gonna sound weird but imagine healing rays? I’m cringing and having a weird face as I type this out. But yeah, just be who you are, to continue doing what you do. Just know that your presence is like a walking energy-purifier, lifting up the spirits even by smiling to strangers or wishing them a good day. You can attempt to try doing something else, for example, being more active in volunteer work in nursing homes and shelters, playing a part in activist activities, or even taking up counselling courses to help people out. These are only some of the many ways that are available. Most importantly is that you do kindness with kindness, not to have any ulterior motives behind them.
4. Why do I need to do it? - Seven of Wands rx
The world is changing, more and more people are experiencing a feeling of defeat and overwhelmingness, including you. All are called to make a change, and this is your part in the pledge to make a change. We have arrived at a time of change, and actions need to be taken. People have been fighting among themselves, you may even have been having conflicting thoughts and contradicting beliefs. Peace has been taken away, and instead of fighting to get back that same peace, it’s time to recreate a new peace that will work for this new world. A new structure is needed, and you’re one of those first few people who are tasked to build things anew again.
5. What can I learn from it? - King of Pentacles rx
What you’ll be learning is not only based on what you’ve experienced, but from what you’ve observed. You saw the fall of those who have been obsessed with earthly riches, those who have been paying attention to the materialistic realm, and have forgotten to nourish their soul and mental energy. The downfall was harsh and painful, reminding you that balance is needed in every aspect. From there, you’re gonna continue spreading kindness, letting the scars of the past be a reminder of what has happened, and how you’re gonna redirect the course of your energy.
6. How am I supposed to transform from it? - Knight of Pentacles rx
Self-discipline will take you to a lot of places, and will also be able to take you to places that you thought you never would’ve reached. This gift of yours, this purpose of your is not to let you be more spiritual, but to be more down to earth. You’re supposed to be the bridge between the spiritual themes with the practical, existing world we’re living in right now.  From this, you’ll also be able to get connected to your roots, your family, your ancestry, even get connected to your race. I hope I do not get into trouble with how I phrase myself here hshshs. But y’know how colonialism has affected a lot of things, like religion and even language. I don’t quite remember where I heard it, but Tagalog or Filipino, languages of the Philippines, have Spanish influence in it. Or how Christianity kinda replaced the other folk religions with how it’s being brought in. So yeah, you’ll need to do the dissection to find out which was the original, which you wanna connect with. You define your own roots, and you take charge of it.
7. What is the self-fulfilment level? - The Tower
Whilst you dream, you clear your mind of all negativity and your spirit will be refreshed. With that, you’ll charge ahead, doing everything you can until you feel that you’ve changed the world. It sounds really idealistic, but if you need to remember the catastrophic energy that The Tower brings. The change is not gonna be small, and you can’t do it alone. You’ll work ahead, without knowing how long it’ll take. You then make friends on the way, working towards the same goal but with different tasks, slowly but steadily paving and painting a new path. Just like the straw that breaks the camel’s back, your tiniest effort shatters the restrictive and unhelpful rules that were oppressing the people.  That’s what you’re meant to be, that’s what you can achieve. But I need to remind you that this self-fulfilment level differs for everyone. One can feel content by doing small things, while some want the satisfaction that comes with doing great things. They are all valid and powerful acts in their own ways, and no one can deny the effort and effect that comes with it.
Overall energy: The Fool, Ace of Pentacles
Overall, you’re called to take actions to start a new chapter of your life. You’re the main character of your own story, you’re the one who decides how you want to paint your journey. However, whatever that you’re intending to do, remember to not do it alone. A solo trip is fun, but a journey? It’s best to have people joining your cause to support each other. Remember that there are other animals in The Fool, cuz one is  a guide and the other is a guard/support. The energy of rebirth and transformation comes heavily in this pile, and sometimes, it can destroy you in the process. Proceed with caution and with faith. We are praying for you as you travel.
Pile 2: The Mirror
A card to represent you: The Sun
You attempt to be a person to bring warmth to people around you. The Sun shines warm lights, and that’s something you enjoy as well. But sometimes, when anger gets hold of you, you tend to burn people around you, accidentally or on purpose. You don’t really use the reason “I didn’t mean to”, because if you injure people, you totally mean it. It’s probably due to them crossing your boundaries repeatedly, and you didn’t want to hold back any longer. But still, the card wants to remind you of who you wanted to be. Do not let anger cloud the true you. Let out that anger at the right person, and go back to who you are, the warm and accepting you.
1. What is my role here on earth? - Judgement rx
I don’t really wanna use the word here but you’re called to learn the karmic lessons in the past, may it be the current past or your past lives. There are times that you hold on to your values, yet the world continues to challenge you, which may have made you question what is the meaning of you being here, what do you need to do to get out of this cycle of unfairness. Instead of fighting it, it’s time for you to discard the mask of pride that you’ve been wearing, and accept that unfairness is a part of life that you need to go through. Once there's acceptance, you can build a new structure (structure on how you go through problems, or building up new values or habits, or anything else that can help you). Humility is what you need. And stay away from humiliation. These are two very different things. People taking credit over what you do is… Something you need to be aware of. But. If there are people out there who take credit over what you do yet accuse you of copying or shit like that? Fight.
2. Have I achieved it? - Seven of Pentacles
This is something that will take long to achieve it, but you’re still on the way. You probably have noticed this… Thing? That things have been unfair and that it is too tiring to live, and you’re somehow somewhat struggling through life. Sure, there are times that are fun, but you know that fun does not last long and once it’s time, you continue crashing the waves and pressure life gives you.  You feel like you’ve been doing this forever, and things just don’t seem that they are turning better. Have faith that it will. Belief is a skill that comes with birth, you just need to hold on to it, believing that things will resolve in the end. Which it will. The struggles will become lighter eventually, because hard work and effort pays off.
3. How to achieve it? - The Magician rx
There are some other untapped talents in you, and it’s time for you to unlock them. You need to be able to find them and develop them. It’s not something you can easily access to, but it’s something you’ll need to practise and to get good at, and then to use them wisely. This untapped skill of yours may be something spiritually related, with you standing in between humanity and spirituality. You need to be aware to not fall into people’s traps, and to make sure that you do not manipulate others in the process. I feel that this pile may have some talents or skills in manipulation and deception (either you’re aware or not), but you can choose to not do so. Remember, if you choose to do so, there will be more things that you’ll lose. The Magician talks about alchemy, where you use one thing to exchange for another of equal value. 
4. Why do I need to do it? - Nine of Wands
There’s a resilience that you need to learn, encouraging you to pay attention to your rights, believe in yourself and defend your position or property. It is time to gather your experiences and life lessons, to reflect on what life has shown you. There’s this hint of spirituality that you’re also called to evaluate - to see what it has to offer in your life, to see how you can use this to make it another life lesson/asset of yours. You need to remember that the process of learning can be difficult and challenging, but you can also make it fun, make it lighter. Unlike in school, where you learn without passion (for most people), you are now learning new things because you’re interested in it. So yeah, learn through playing and experimenting, celebrate each growth and resilience you’ve unlocked. I hope I’m making sense here.
5. What can I learn from it? - Four of Cups
I doubt that many who pick this pile are happy with meditation, but this is one thing you’ll be learning. There’s a need to reevaluate yourself, and realigning values within you. I’m having some difficulties in forming my words, because it feels like your pile already knows about this, but in some sense, refuse to do this, refuse to acknowledge this. You’ve probably heard a lot of this kinda talk, where you need to do this and that to achieve that enlightenment. You really didn’t like that, and you still don’t like it.  Yet, this is needed. You need to go through a long while of silence, a time of reflection, to make changes and to be reborn again. It’s difficult, you may cry again and again, because you’ve been in darkness for so long, slowly giving up on whatever ways are out there. Know that it can’t be any darker than this, and it’s also a chance for you to recognise light, and to embrace that light.
6. How am I supposed to transform from it? - Five of Cups rx
You have to accept pain has been crucial in your growth, and walk away from it. It’s time for you to move on, and you’ll find yourself to be more… Accepting? Acceptance is a huge theme in your reading, where you acknowledge that this has happened, and you accept it, and then move on with life. As long as you accept something has happened, that weight will be slowly lifted away from your shoulders. You won’t be able to move when you’ve been crushed by all those unhappiness (or even happiness) that you’ve been holding onto. Focus on wholeness, learn how to take things up and put them down, continue on with the journey of letting go.
7. What is the self-fulfilment level? - The Hierophant
The Hierophant is often related to religion, and it being paired with spirituality speaks even more so. I’m not saying that achieving enlightenment (don’t mistake it with the Buddhist term, please) IS fulfilling for you, but it is one step to achieve what you wanted - release. Life’s burdens have been pulling this pile down, and what you want the most is release, release from responsibilities; release from fears; release from expectations; release from this endless cycle that has been trapping you. You’ll need to invite in a new thought to be released from what has been tying you down, and it’s time for you to be reborn again.
Overall energy: The Lovers, Eight of Cups
There are times where you need to make decisions between two choices that were offered to you. Oftentimes, you want to pick neither, but life decides it for you anyways. Either paths will lead you to where you’re meant to go, so why not stand still for now and listen to your life? Looking at it may be distracting, as there are a lot of worries and neon lights around. Make a cup of drink, sit down, put on your earphones and play some soft music. You might be able to hear something.  One thing I have to mention is that there’s a heavy Pluto and karmic energy I’m sensing from here. It’s like… A huge circle, a cycle, where things happen again and again. You’ll need time (and a lot of time) to complete this cycle, only then you can break free from there. Some may feel dejected, but do remember that every step you’re taking right now is bringing you closer to the end. The Mirror is also here for you to reflect, to see who you are, and to see who you are Inside.  Make this promise that you’ll be kind to yourself, appreciate each step that you’re taking and celebrate the small wins.
Pile 3:  The Key
A card to represent you: The World
This pile is giving me a very comforting and secured energy. Paired with this card, those who picked this pile may have completed a project, or have achieved one of their goals in life, or are close to closing an existing project with success. You may also be one of the fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio) or have them in your personal planets.  Another thing I’m picking up is that some of you may be looking out for new projects to start when you haven’t reached the end of the current project. Take a step back, do not rush into things quickly. Sure, an end speaks of a new beginning, but you need time to plan a proper project and to recuperate from the exhaustion of the previous project.
1. What is my role here on earth? - Three of Swords rx
I’m seeing more of a guide here. You have been through difficulties in life, and from those, you’ve gained experiences, insights, knowledge and wisdom. With that, you’re tasked to guide the rest who are going through a hard time this round. It’s difficult because kindness isn’t something everyone is equipped with, and for you, especially, you may find it a lil bitter. This is where you challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone, to try something that you’ve never thought of, or even detest. But you gotta do it as the path you step on is the road to growth and illumination.
2. Have I achieved it? - Knight of Wands
You're charging towards it, albeit a lil reckless. You do have the passion in it, and you’re more than willing to be the change, even wishing that the change is something that can change the world. You can’t wait to experience the storm and thunder, wanting to feel the same scale of impact.  However, you need to remember that passion can dissipate quickly, like how it started. There might be transits in your life, maybe Mars is transiting one of your personal planets right now, which gives you that impulse of wanting to achieve something. You are in control of your response, but the actions of other people and events are not. Do not be dejected when people reject you, but continue ahead without that recklessness.
3. How to achieve it? - Ten of Swords
You will be able to achieve it by going through defeats. You’re one who learns through actual defeats, the pain, remembering the falls of life through your body and soul. From there, only then you can compile those you’ve learnt and observed into a book, for your own and other’s references. At this phase, you may feel pulled between one path or another, and pushed to make a decision. It can be quite tense, but don’t avoid it. These tense situations build your strength, getting you ready to fly. Do not bend; do not submit defeat, continue ahead to chase after your ideals. Let that resolution and will to be your light.
4. Why do I need to do it? - Two of Wands rx
There’s a fear in you, not knowing what you are meant to achieve. This could be a personal goal for you to focus throughout your lifetime, building yourself up, giving you an unnamed courage to find your inner power. I feel that you may have subconsciously (or maybe consciously) compared yourself to people around you, wondering where in life you are, what you’re meant to do. To counter that, you need to set a personal goal, to have some sort of inner alignment, and figure out what you want to achieve. Do you want to appear as a confidant people turn to? Are you keen on sharing thoughts and experiences to make people’s lives a lil bit easier? Try taking a notebook and writing your goals down, and see what you need to do, or what you should stop doing to achieve that. It’s time that you activate a certain switch in you to be that fire (either to warm or to destroy. It’s up to you).
5. What can I learn from it? - The Hierophant, Ace of Pentacles
I feel that you may be even able to start something, maybe a support group or a club, especially in a religious context. There’s some form of finances involved in it, so yeah, maybe a support group where you guide others, and others guide the others, and let the leaves of the tree expand. Finances will be involved in terms that there are donations coming in, which you may use to assist those who are financially needy.  You’ll be able to accept this new side of yours, and be more willing to reach out your hands because you could physically see how this chain of kindness continues on, holding on more hope that things can actually change for the better.
6. How am I supposed to transform from it? - Judgement
It is time for you to reevaluate your life, what meanings you want to fix to your life. There may be a calling to change your life or open your heart to new possibilities, to new responsibilities or a new field of work. The horn in this card symbolises that there may be a wake-up call from the world around you, telling you that it’s time to stop being in your head, to see the world for who it is, and how you’re supposed to make changes, or answer to those changes. Change can refer to something tangible and immediate, or the whole way one sees life. In fact, you may have already changed without realising it.
7. What is the self-fulfilment level? - Five of Cups rx
There’s a release from pain and suffering. The pain and suffering does not necessarily mean something physical, but something that’s more on a spiritual level. Y’know how sometimes one can feel… Empty and blank? That. That is actually suffering on a spiritual level, because you have no direction, no guidance, and sometimes that could feel suffocating. Some out there could just go along with life even though they have no idea what to do, and it’s cuz their direction of life is to go along with what the journey has to offer. What you’re doing right now is just standing there and looking blankly to where your eyes are looking, which increases the weight in your chest and legs.  Through this, you’ll be able to find a proper direction and the awakening that comes with it will elevate you. Walking again after you’ve been standing so long will be uncomfortable at first, but take small and steady steps. You’ll find yourself running again soon.
Overall energy: The Star, Four of Swords
This reading talks about hope and rest, and how they come hand in hand. I felt a weight on my chest as I was typing the self-fulfilment part, because of how heavy the desperation and feeling of loss is. Know that The Star is shining a gentle ray of hope, consoling you that things will be better. The Star may not be visible all the time, especially in the daylight. But know that she is always there, and you can hear her whispers in the night, when you think you’re about to fall. Be kind to yourself and share your beauty as well as knowledge with those around you. But remember to take rests as well. You can’t afford to do much when you’re having a burnout. It’s alright to fall, but remember to rest and stand up again. Your passion is your greatest drive, go for it.
Pile 4: The Word
A card to represent you: The Magician rx
I feel like you’re currently standing in the middle of two different things, two very different and distinct fields (like science vs arts, realism vs spirituality), not knowing where to head to. There’s some sort of pull from both of them and you’re feeling very, very torn.  However, remember that the Magician is someone that has a lot of skills, and has been acting as the bridge between the physical plane and the spiritual realm for a long time. You, also, have the skills to bridge between the various fields/things that are scattered across. As the bridge, you can see the connecting and overlapping points, and you can build out from there. You honour differences and expand.
1. What is my role here on earth? - Two of Swords rx
Your role is to take out the blinds that were covering the people’s eyes, including yours. You are called to stop them from hiding or shying away from the truth, making them see what is the truth, calling them to face reality. For some reason, I feel that you may have not been very liked at home due to this nature. Your parents may think that their reputation or status as parents should not be challenged, but you couldn’t care less about it. What you cared about was that justice and truth be upheld, and you won’t hesitate to rip anyone apart if they tried saying otherwise. This, in turn, has created quite a huge confrontation when you were growing up. But are you stopping there? No. You will continue your role of wake up call, but only once or twice. You’ve understood that there are always people out there who want to run away from the truth, and you’re not gonna waste your effort and time on them.
2. Have I achieved it? - The Chariot rx
You’re currently in a fallback. You took a step back to look at the options available and to reevaluate the situation. You realise that you were having a narrow goal and vision tunnel, which will cost a lot of meaningless sacrifice. You may have thought that it was okay to let your horses run without holding the reins, but now is not the time. You’re now evaluating and weighing the pros and cons, which are the items that you want to invest your time and energy on, finding out where your passion lies. A word of advice: Do not be afraid to try multiple things. Nothing is fixed in stone. Just like you may discover a new favourite dish later, you may also discover a new skill that is useful.
3. How to achieve it? - Page of Cups rx
First of all, you need to kill your doubts and fears. Fear is one main thing that’s stopping you from trying new things in different fields. There are always new things out there waiting for you to try, there are new opportunities that can’t wait to come to you. Being protective of your own energy is important, but you need to get out at times, to talk to people, to learn their ideas and train of thoughts, to see things from their point of view. This way, instead of tearing down the blinds covering their eyes, you’ll be able to verbally convince them to take the blinds down themselves, which is a much gentler way. Be honest and true, even to your fears. Accept them, and they might reward you with something special.
4. Why do I need to do it? - The Fool rx, Knight of Pentacles
I’m seeing some form of heavy responsibility here. You are not tasked to enjoy or to have fun, but to be like a defender, a protector, even a fighter or truth. Unlike The Fool, who goes on new journeys having fun, you are stationed at a place, guarding the gates, making sure those who enter are those who have earned it. This responsibility is not randomly placed on people, but it chooses those who vow to bear witness to the truth. Obligation is a word that’s also relevant here, where you’re also willing to bear this duty. Not sure if you’re doing this because you want the truth to be known or you just wanna spite people by forcing them to look at their wounds. It’s all up to you.
5. What can I learn from it? - Page of Wands
It’s like… A stone egg hatching. You thought that it was a stone, from its rough and hard exterior. But in reality, it’s actually a dragon egg. You learn that miracles happen in various forms, and that one really needs to think of the various possibilities and potentials you hold, even the ones that sound impossible. It’s alright to fail, it’s alright to fall, as long as you continue to climb up and attempt, you’ll be able to see the glory that’s arriving your way. Glory is a huge word but it is what it is. Stop losing focus and get that glory in your hands.
6. How am I supposed to transform from it? - Eight of Pentacles
You can transform into a gem by polishing and honing your skills. If I were to compare and describe, I’d say that you’re a jade as compared to other stones out there. It takes a skilled master to recognize the green under the hard and dusty exterior. Now, you’re that skilled master, and you’re gonna trim and polish the rock to reveal the gentle green in it. It can only be done little by little, and repeating the process until you see that gleam of green. And that’s what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna polish your skills day by day, night by night. Repetition of the task can sound mundane but that’s needed for you to be able to gain precision. This precision can be used in a lot of places, such as knowing the fine line of breaking the truth harshly or choosing to not say a single thing. Sometimes, people have their pride, and that precision will be able to help you to observe which line to cut, where to stop.
7. What is the self-fulfilment level? - Ten of Swords rx
Through this, I’d say that you’ll be able to let go of the past hurt that you have. There is a lot of anger and pain, especially when you recall how you were treated unfairly. You weren’t in the wrong, but you still get attacked. Now, you’ve learnt how to see things from their side and handle them properly, you’re now able to move on from that anger. It’s difficult, but at least, that chapter of your life is ending. You can close that book, and move on to the second book of your trilogy. Life’s a journey, make the rest of it worthwhile.
Overall energy: The Star, Seven of Cups (Strength hidden behind that keeps wanting to show up)
The Word in this picture is Love. Redirect that love to yourself, allow hope to shine on you, and accept that gleam of hope. Opportunities are coming, but you need to learn how to differentiate them from the illusions or wishful thinkings you’ve made. Fret not, you have the strength, the power to discern them according to your inner code of morale. You have what it takes, so practice courage each day. There’s a new you in the future that’s waiting for you. They seem eager, and prepared to take you onto a new journey, to see the new sceneries that come along with it.
Thank you for reading!
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Twenty Years Later: Joel Miller x F!Reader - Chapter Ten
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Chapter Ten: September 26th, 2003
Plot: There are very few tragedies in life that come with warning.
Word Count: 12.8k (longest chapter yet)
Warnings: tlou ep.1 spoilers, language, canon-typical violence, gore, blood, guns, death, loss of a child, injuries, implied smut (16+)
A/N: Well, we’ve arrived at that fateful chapter…this took so long to even be emotionally able to write. There are so many small details that I hope people catch, and plenty of things to remember for future chapters.
As always, this series is 16+ and I will not be adding anyone to the taglist unless your age/range is specified in your bio. Gotta look out for younger eyes 👀
I hope y’all enjoy this one, and thank you so much for all the kind words, theories and general love I receive throughout the week 💞
September 26th, 2003. Austin, Texas.
There are very few tragedies in life that come with warning.
Families of the terminally ill are given a vague timeline of when they’ll lose their loved one.
Soldiers are told before marching into battle that they may lose their life.
But a car crash does not announce itself before causing the collision.
A heart attack doesn’t prepare its victim before it steals their breath.
Nor did Cordyceps feel it owed the world any notice before it arrived.
On the morning of September 26th, Y/n was awoken by strips of sunlight coming through the blinds of Joel’s bedroom window. She was the early riser out of the two and she never minded, it gave her more time to admire the handsome lump weighing her down.
Y/n brushed a strand of hair off her boyfriend’s forehead and pressed a feather light kiss to it. Joel didn’t wake easily, but she liked to say she at least tried the sweet way before having to go nuclear. She gently rubbed his back, running her palm up and down the warm skin, but it only made him settle deeper into her chest. Y/n smiled and shook her head, knowing that in mere seconds….
It truly was miraculous how deep Joel could go into his rest. Y/n rolled her eyes and tried to reach across the pillows to switch off the clock, her fingers wiggling in the air as she strained. With his arms firmly wrapped around Y/n’s body, Joel didn’t even budge.
Finally, salvation came in the form of Sarah banging on the bedroom door, jolting Joel awake.
“Alarm,” the girl called, raising her voice the second time, “Alarm!”
“Thank you,” Y/n called back.
Joel rolled over, barely aware of his surroundings, and switched off the clock. He pushed up on one arm and turned back to his girlfriend, watching him with a smirk.
Y/n shook her head, “You must be great in emergencies.”
Joel rubbed at his eyes, “Maybe I’m a little tired because someone wore me out last night.”
“Oh, don’t blame me for this,” Y/n laughed, “A year and a half and I’ve never seen you wake up when your alarm goes off. Not once.”
Joel looked down at her, squinting from the sunlight, a small smile playing on his lips, “Maybe I hear it, but there’s a more compellin’ reason to ignore it.”
He slipped back down into the sheets, resting his head once again on Y/n’s chest.
“Oh, no, no, no,” Y/n began to shimmy out of his arms, “We gotta get up.”
Joel tightened his hold around her torso, “My birthday, I make the rules.”
“No, it’s your birthday and Sarah and I make the rules,” Y/n corrected. Joel had never been one for celebrating the day, meaning it was up to Sarah and Y/n to make the day special, “What you want actually ranks very low on the list.”
Joel was paying very little attention to his girlfriend’s words, trailing a line of kisses up the chest of his t-shirt she was wearing and across her neck. “Five minutes,” he mumbled against her skin.
“No,” Y/n denied, her pulse speeding up the further his lips travelled.
“Yes,” Joel ignored her protests, making his way up to where her jawline met her ear.
“No,” Y/n laughed, her words not lining up with her reaction as she ran a hand over Joel’s hair.
“Say it again, honey,” Joel whispered against her ear, “And mean it.”
Y/n was teetering on the edge of letting him take what he wanted, but her loyalty to Joel’s daughter won out. “Sarah’s cooking you breakfast,” she said, slipping her hand between their chests, “And I’m not gonna be the one to tell her that her dad missed out on her efforts because he was horny.”
Joel snorted, dropping his head and laughing against Y/n’s chest.
Y/n pulled his face up to hers and laid a kiss on his lips, “Happy Birthday.”
“Just another reminder I’m gettin’ old,” Joel grumbled.
“True,” Y/n smiled, taking his scratchy cheeks into her palms, “But you’re my old man.”
Joel chortled, running his hands over Y/n’s body one last time before reluctantly rolling off of her. Their day had to begin, whether he wanted it to or not…
The two got dressed for work, while Y/n hadn’t officially moved in with the Millers, it was her second home. She kept practically one of everything in Joel’s room because of how often she slept over.
Y/n was the first of them down the stairs, landing in the kitchen where Sarah was already laying strips of bacon in a pan, “Can you take this so I can get the eggs?”
“You got it,” Y/n responded, switching places with the girl.
Sarah opened the fridge doors, getting a whiff of the inside, “When was the last time we cleaned this out?”
“Uh, two weeks ago, I think,” Y/n replied.
“Well, something died in it recently,” Sarah stated, grabbing a bowl to whisk the eggs in.
Sarah and Y/n’s relationship had stayed as steady as her and Joel’s. She’d expected some sort of pushback eventually, Sarah had just hit the teenage years, but it had yet to come. Y/n theorized it was because the young girl was just happy to have a woman in her life, but she felt like that was giving herself too much credit.
With the protein cooking on the stove, Sarah started searching through the cabinets. Joel had just come downstairs, still buckling his belt.
“Where’s the pancake mix?” Sarah asked her dad.
Still groggy, Joel scrunched his brows. “Oh, I was-” he’d forgotten the trip to the store he was supposed to take the night before, “Yeah, I was. Sorry.”
“I was gonna make you birthday pancakes,” his daughter complained, marching to the fridge and muttering to herself, “I swear…”
Joel ignored the smell of the food cooking and headed straight for the coffee pot, “You know, I don’t really like pancakes.”
“I know you don’t,” Sarah replied, pouring a glass of orange juice, “It was for my and Y/n’s benefit.”
“We’ll survive,” Y/n said, working on the eggs while Sarah was away, “Though pancakes are a weird thing to not like.”
Joel bristled at his girlfriend’s remark, turning around and facing Sarah with the glass of juice extended towards him.
“Vitamin C,” she explained.
For as much as Joel took care of his daughter, the roles were beginning to shift the older they both got. Sarah could spot his bad habits and tried to fix them wherever she could, the biggest one being his lack of actual nutrition. The man existed on coffee.
Joel took the glass from her, setting his mug down and humoring Sarah with a sip.
Y/n chuckled as she watched his expression turn sour, “Look more enthusiastic. I dare you.”
Joel grimaced, proceeding to pick up the coffee as soon as Sarah was back at the stove.
“You get your, uh, homework done?” Joel asked Sarah, waiting for her smile when she turned around, “Fractions?”
Sarah laughed, it was fact not only that she was ahead of her classmates, but Y/n was her tutor when it came to math. Joel wanted nothing to do with the subject.
Y/n and Sarah plated the feast and the three of them sat down at the table, as they did most mornings. Between Y/n and Joel’s work schedules and Sarah’s extracurriculars, it was the only guaranteed time they had each day to spend together.
“How old are you again?” Sarah asked her dad.
“Thirty-six,” Joel answered with a mouthful of egg.
“Gonna have to start wearing diapers soon,” Sarah joked, her tone remaining remarkably even.
”Who says I don’t already?” Joel replied, it wasn’t hard to track where Sarah’d gotten her humor from. He proceeded to pick something out of his teeth, looking to his daughter, “Shell.”
“Calcium,” she said, grinning wide with a mouthful of eggs on display.
“Lovely,” Joel muttered, looking over at Y/n as she laughed, “You’re encouragin’ bad table manners.”
Y/n shrugged and held her coffee mug to her lips, ”I see it as supporting a potential future as a comedian.”
The truck engine in the driveway signaled that Tommy was there to pick his brother and Y/n up for the day.
“Is there enough for Uncle Tommy?” Joel asked Sarah.
“There would’ve been,” Sarah grumbled into her plate, still bitter about the lack of pancakes.
“I can whip him up something, if we’ve got time,” Y/n offered.
Joel shook his head, “Nah, we gotta get going.”
Tommy entered through the garage door, the most carefree of them all. “Ay,” he clasped Joel’s shoulder, “You’re still alive, you old fucker.”
“Language,” Y/n chastised, she’d been trying for months to curb Tommy’s soldier’s mouth around Sarah. It wasn’t working.
“Aw,” Sarah cooed to Joel, “He loves you.”
“He’s dependent on me,” Joel watched his brother begin to raid his kitchen, “Not the same.”
Sarah shrugged, “I think it’s the same.”
“It’s definitely the same,” Tommy said, examining the countertops for food, “I thought we was havin’ pancakes.”
“The age started to take his memory last night,” Y/n’s tone turned serious as she pressed a hand to Joel’s bicep, “We’re meeting him where he is.”
Joel’s smirk contradicted the glare he shot his girlfriend, letting her hand stay on his arm through the teasing. “We’ll pick you up somethin’ on the road,” he addressed Tommy, “Concrete guys gonna be there?”
“Yeah, they said maybe,” Tommy replied as he opened up the fridge.
“‘Maybe?’” Joel echoed, “We can’t frame until we pour. We’re not gettin’ paid until we frame.”
Tommy started sniffing through various leftovers, “Well, we could bring someone else on, get the job done faster.”
“No, no,” Joel shook his head and cut up another bite of eggs, “I’m not splittin’ this job, I barely wanna split it with you. We could work a double.”
Sarah and Y/n both turned to him.
“Literally?” Sarah asked, “Today?”
“Joel, come on,” Y/n agreed, “Not today.”
“I know,” Joel was quick to remedy the moment, “I’d be done by nine,” he called to Tommy, “By nine, right?”
Sarah gazed across the table to Y/n, the two of them sharing a disbelieving look.
“I’ll bring back a cake,” Joel looked between the girls, “I promise.”
Y/n sighed, holding her coffee cup to her chest. Joel had been pulling double shifts more and more recently. She’d been meaning to talk to him about it, how she and Sarah had been missing him, but she was in no position to stop him from working. Money was tight and contract work was never a sure thing.
A news broadcast broke up the top 40 station Sarah had turned the radio on to while cooking. “Continued disturbances in Jakarta…” the voice announced, the clinking of silverware against plates breaking it up, “But are advising U.S. citizens-“
“Jakarta?” Joel repeated, “Where is that? Middle East?”
“Doesn’t ring a bell,” Tommy shook his head, holding a coffee cup, “It’s definitely a country. Or maybe a part of Asia?”
Y/n smiled and tilted her head at Sarah, who was already prepared to answer.
“Jakarta isn’t a country,” she interjected, “Being a part of Asia isn’t mutually exclusive with being a country and in fact, it’s the capital of Indonesia.”
“That’s my girl,” Y/n said proudly.
“Shit,” Tommy grinned, “Hope for us yet.”
Joel took a final sip of his coffee before slapping his hand against his bare wrist, still expecting his broken watch to be there. He, instead, dug into his pocket checked the time on his cell phone.
“All right,” he announced to his daughter, collecting his and Y/n’s plates, “Finish up quick. We’ll drop you off.”
“I’m still eating my eggshells,” Sarah said.
“You got seven minutes,” Joel replied, dumping the dishes in the sink for later.
“Your t-shirt’s inside out.”
Joel looked down, deflated at the trip he now had to make back upstairs, “Shit.”
Sarah waited till he was out of the room and cocked a suspicious eyebrow at Y/n.
“Pop that thing down, missy,” Y/n pointed downwards, “Your dad just pays shockingly little attention for someone who works with power tools.”
Tommy smiled over the wings he’d taken for himself, “He’s losin’ it.”
Y/n laughed and nudged Sarah’s leg, “C’mon, finish up.”
Sarah scooped the last bite of egg into her mouth and handed her plate to Y/n, who brushed past Tommy on her way to the sink. She reversed a few steps to get a whiff of the chicken.
“Found the smell,” she called out to Sarah, patting Tommy’s shoulder, “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
“Stomach of steel,” he replied, setting his plate on the edge of the sink and planting a kiss on Y/n’s cheek. The two of them had become as good as siblings.
Y/n climbed up the stairs and down the hall to Joel’s room. He emerged just as she approached, brushing his hand across her hip as they passed one another. As much as they both loved pouring out the fullness of their affection, the casual intimacies were their favorites.
Grabbing her keys and wallet off Joel’s dresser, Y/n peeked out the window and waited till she saw Joel outside with Tommy. “Sarah,” she called down the hall.
Sarah tiptoed her way in, just to be safe, “Good?”
“Yep,” Y/n nodded.
Sarah found the assigned drawer, digging through Joel’s possessions to pull out his broken watch. She’d developed the plan to fix it as a birthday present last month and had gotten Y/n in on it.
“You’ve got the money?” Sarah checked.
Y/n flipped through the bills in her wallet, “Should be enough.”
Sarah thumbed through Joel’s cash and pulled out a few extra, smiling mischievously, “Now we can be sure.”
“Sarah! Y/n!” Joel called from the truck, Tommy was honking the horn.
Slipping the watch into her backpack, Sarah and Y/n quickly left the bedroom and headed down the stairs. Y/n hung back to make sure the coffee pot and stove were off before exiting out the front door. From the porch, she could see Sarah was in conversation with Mr. Adler next door. Or rather, dodging conversation.
“Make ‘em happy,” Joel encouraged, passing Y/n to grab another load of tools.
“I could come by after school, but just for like, a little bit,” Sarah offered.
“She’ll take what you got,” Mr. Adler replied as he fed his elderly mother-in-law, “Y’all can bake or whatever. Speakin’ of,” the man held up a plate, “We got a lotta extra here, y’all want some biscuits?”
“Dad,” Sarah masterfully tossed the ball to Joel, “You love biscuits.”
“I do,” Joel replied cheerily, “But Y/n’s got me on Atkins.”
Y/n snorted, watching the exchange go down from the bed of the truck.
“On what now?” Mr. Adler asked.
“It’s uh-“ Joel stopped himself, “You know, we gotta run but Sarah’ll be by later. She’ll stay as long as you want,” he smiled genuinely to his neighbors and smugly to his daughter, “Tell you all about Atkins.”
“Great, I’ll let Connie know,” Mr. Adler called back as Joel took Y/n’s hand and led her around the truck, “Hey, Y/n, you’re invited too.”
She peeked over the truck’s flatbed, “I’ll be working, but I’ll come grab Sarah on my way home.”
“Thank you,” Sarah smiled at her dad’s girlfriend, glaring at her father himself, “Solid.”
Joel held the door open for them, smirking at Y/n. “Thirty minutes, then you can rescue her,” he instructed.
“I never suggested Atkins,” she replied, sliding into the backseat beside Sarah.
“Can’t tell you how exciting it was listenin’ to that fuckin’ conversation,” Tommy commented, his speech molding around the cigarette between his lips.
“Put that out,” Joel said, a second before Y/n could form the same words.
Tommy flicked the smoke out onto the driveway, “Happy birthday to you.”
The truck pulled out into the cul-de-sac, carrying each of them off to their separate days.
Once Sarah had been dropped off at school and Y/n at the hardware store, Joel and Tommy headed across town to their construction site.
“Y’all got plans for tonight?” Tommy asked as they rode.
“If I don’t bring a cake home, they’re gonna string me up,” Joel answered, “Other than that, nothin’.”
His brother chuckled, “Least they gang up on you together. I got a buddy who just brought his girl home, his kid can’t stand her.”
Joel wasn’t an idiot, he knew how lucky he was that his girlfriend and daughter got along. No, they did better than just get along. They were practically inseparable. He’d take as much shit as they could give him, so long as they did it together.
“When’re you gonna marry that girl?”
It wasn’t the first time Tommy had asked that question. It had been increasing in frequency over the last few months. After they’d passed their one year anniversary, it became a thought consuming more and more space in Joel’s mind. It had taken enough time to sort out his thoughts and fears on the subject of going into marriage again, but it had been something that week that had settled him on the matter.
Monday night, Y/n had dropped by after her shift to help Sarah with homework. Joel had been at work, but when he got home, he expected to see them waiting for him at the kitchen table. Finding only silence, he climbed the stairs and peeked into Sarah’s room. Y/n was sitting against the headboard of Sarah’s bed, the young girl tucked into her shoulder, the math homework spread across their laps.
In the seemingly meaningless display of affection, Joel saw so much more. He saw the rest of his life. He could finally give Sarah a crucial piece of happiness that she’d been deprived of. He could have the love he’d craved and denied himself for so many years. The three of them, a family.
He was going to ask Y/n to marry him that weekend.
“I was gonna head to that place in the mall tomorrow morning,” Joel replied, his fingers rubbing together in anticipation. The last few weeks of working double shifts would pay off if he could find the perfect ring.
“Oh, shit,” Tommy grinned, “You’re actually doin’ it.”
“No reason to wait,” he said, staring ahead as if he could see his bright future.
“Think she’ll say yes?” Tommy asked, practically bleeding from the daggers Joel shot at him. He heartily laughed, “You get Sarah’s blessin’?”
A small smile stretched across Joel’s lips, “I know I already got it. But yeah, I’m gonna show her the ring, ask her officially.”
“Girl’s not gonna say no,” Tommy replied, making a turn onto the street the construction site was on, “She’s as crazy about her as you are.”
Joel couldn’t see any reason why Sarah would reject Y/n, she liked her better than she did Joel half the time. But he’d still never make such a big decision without consulting his daughter.
“You fucker,” Tommy chuckled, smacking Joel’s chest, “Won the damn lottery.”
Joel smiled out the window, he knew it too.
Y/n’s day went by as slow as possible. She kept moving around the hardware store, helping employee and customer alike with anything they needed. All she needed was to stay busy until 3PM when she’d clock out an hour early, pick Sarah up at the house and they’d head downtown to the watch repair shop.
She absentmindedly spinning down one of the aisles, passing Melinda, one of her co-workers.
“Head outta the clouds, kid,” she chuckled.
“I’m on the ground,” Y/n replied, doing another twirl, “I just need this fucking day to end.”
Melinda went back to hanging inventory, “You and Joel got big plans tonight?”
“I was gonna grill us up some steaks,” she shrugged, “Cake. He’ll get squirmy if Sarah and I spoil him too much.”
“I got a question,” Melinda rested her arm on a shelf, “And if it’s too personal, you tell me. I won’t care, but you can tell me.”
Y/n giggled, “Okay.”
“Are you two ever gonna get married?”
Y/n’s movements came to a stop in the middle of the aisle. She’d been thinking more and more about what it might look like to marry Joel. It wasn’t like she was daydreaming about meaningless details like what dress she’d wear or what color roses would serve as centerpieces. She thought about waking up in Joel’s arms every morning, cooking breakfast for Sarah, being there for every moment, big or small. That was what she cared about.
Joel had eventually opened up to her about his ex-wife and what her abandonment had done to both him and Sarah. Y/n knew it was a scar that was as healed as it could be. She would never rush Joel into making a decision about their future, but she’d have been lying if she’d said she didn’t want to eventually wear his ring on her finger.
“I’m not sure,” she answered honestly.
“Well, he needs to lock you down,” Melinda pointed towards Y/n with a hammer, “My cousin, came in last week, got one look at you, he’s been asking me for your number all week.”
Y/n laughed, “Ring or no ring, I’m locked down. This is it for me.”
The women turned their attention down the aisle to a man, taking sloppy steps down the aisle. It was barely two in the afternoon, a little early to already be drunk, but Texas took the rules of happy hour very loosely.
Melinda groaned, “Ugh, you want me to take him?”
“No, I got it,” Y/n put on her cheery voice and walked up to the customer, “Can I help you find any-“
The man spun to face her, snarling, and took a swing at Y/n. She jumped back just in time.
“What the f-“
Growling, he charged towards her again, this time using her shock against her and tackling her to the floor. Y/n screamed, shoving her hands against his chest in an effort to push him off of her.
“Fuck!” Melinda yelled, pulling at the guy’s legs, “Help! We need help!”
Y/n stared into the man’s eyes, they were glazed over entirely, filled with pure, animalistic rage. He snarled and bit at the air before wrapping his hand around her neck. She used all her strength to push him away, her breath stuck in her throat. He lunged to burrow his face where his hand lay, Y/n couldn’t get him off her, but she kept him from getting any closer.
The manager, Don, sprinted down the aisle with a few other guys and pulled the attacker off of Y/n. The man fought back, growling and clawing relentlessly at her. One of the employees dropped him on the ground and sat on him, ensuring he didn’t go anywhere.
Y/n scrambled to her feet, Don came to embrace her.
“You okay?”
She was fighting to catch her breath, “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“I’m callin’ the police,” Melinda announced, rushing off to the phone at the front desk.
“What happened?” Don asked, moving to hold Y/n’s arms.
“I-I don’t know,” she ran a hand through her hair, “He came down the aisle and just lunged at me. I-I just offered to help him.”
With the man still fighting to break out of his hold, making sounds that made him seem possessed, Don pulled Y/n out of the aisle.
“I’m sorry, Don,” Y/n apologized, her voice still trembling.
“You got nothin’ to be sorry for, sweetheart,” he quickly shook his head, “Men gotta learn they can’t go gettin’ rough on a woman just cause they’ve had a bad day.”
The police arrived within ten minutes, running down the aisle and cuffing the monstrous man. Y/n stayed far away from her attacker as he was dragged out of the store, residing between Melinda and Don. She’d been asked if she wanted to press charges, but she declined. She just wanted the whole thing to be over.
“Take off now,” Don offered after the officers left.
“No, I-I’m okay,” Y/n smoothed her apron down with shaking hands.
“Don’t even try,” Don shook his head, “Get on out of here.”
Y/n took the first breath she could actually feel, wasting no time in dashing back to the break room and grabbing her purse out of her locker. She wanted to be as far away from anything about the afternoon as she could. Plus, it would mean she could pick Sarah up straight from school instead of the Adlers.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Y/n bid her co-workers farewell on the way out.
Don rasied a hand alongside Melinda, “See ya tomorrow. Wish Joel a happy birthday from us!”
The mention of his name got a smile out of Y/n, “I will.”
With Joel and Tommy having dropped her off, she had to call a cab to take her back to her apartment. She held in her tears until the front door was locked and she knew she was safe.
Why hadn’t she fought back? Fought harder? She was great with her words, but she’d never been able to physically defend herself. In the world they lived in, it was becoming more and more necessary for a woman to be able to throw a punch. Y/n felt weak for not fighting for her safety with the ferocity that Joel or Tommy would have. It just wasn’t in her nature to be violent, even if her own life was on the line.
She managed to collect herself, drying her tears and heading back down to her car. She was determined to put the incident behind her and not let it ruin her day.
Y/n parked directly outside the front of the school so Sarah couldn’t miss her. She waited against the car door, tapping her heel against the asphalt until a barrage of kids came pouring out of the building. Sarah clocked her just before she headed for the bus.
“I thought you were picking me up at home,” she called across the street.
“My shift ended early,” Y/n explained, excluding the reason why.
Sarah opened the passenger side door and jumped in, “Can we grab ice cream or something after?”
“Nice try,” Y/n started up her car, “I’m dropping you off at the Adler’s after this.”
Sarah let her head fall against her seat, with a small groan.
“Half an hour and then there’ll be some big birthday emergency,” Y/n offered, turning onto the next street over, “Seatbelt.”
It was these small domestic moments that showed just how good of a parent Y/n would make. She still didn’t believe she was doing anything exceptional, but the smallest acts of care meant the most. Making sure Sarah walked on the inside of the street, making sure she’d eaten enough, helping her with homework…all of that equated to Sarah knowing she had someone else looking out for her.
They made it downtown to the jewelry-clock repair shop within minutes. Their part of Austin was small enough that everything was five minutes away.
The owner at the front counter examined Joel’s watch, “Twenty.”
“That’s it?” Sarah asked, surprised.
“Okay,” the man smiled, “Thirty.”
“My little negotiator,” Y/n looked down at Sarah, smirking, “Let’s stick with twenty.”
“It’s a spring,” he explained as Sarah pulled out the twenty she’d taken from Joel, “I’ll do it right now.”
Y/n put an arm around Sarah’s shoulders and tugged her into her side, the two of them absentmindedly hugging as they glanced around the store. Behind them, a line of police cars followed by a fire truck sped down the street. It pulled Y/n back to an hour before.
“All day, I swear,” a woman emerged from the shop’s back room, switching between speaking in English and Arabic, “We’re closing.”
“It’s 3:15,” the owner responded, “We close at 7.”
The woman anxiously stood at the window, staring down the street. She lapsed back into Arabic as she addressed her partner, before putting her hands on Y/n and Sarah’s arms, “I’m very sorry, he cannot finish.”
“I already finished,” the man replied, holding out the boxed watch to his wife.
She pressed the box into Y/n’s hands, “You should go home.”
“W-wait,” Y/n stuttered as the woman rushed them out of the shop, “Wh-“
“Go home,” the woman urged, staring into Y/n’s eyes with a desperation a child could never understand.
She shut the door on Y/n and Sarah, flipping the ‘open’ sign to ‘closed’ after and pulling the blinds.
“That was weird,” Sarah muttered.
“Yeah,” Y/n watched as the woman continued shutting the blinds in the windows.
Successful in their quest, Y/n and Sarah loaded themselves back in the car and headed home. On the way, they passed four more police cars and one more fire engine. Austin had its fair share of crime, especially downtown, but this was out of the ordinary.
“What do you think’s going on?” Sarah asked at one point.
“No idea,” Y/n answered, pulling them into the driveway of Joel’s home and unbuckling, “I’ll check the news. Go be a good person.”
“I’m timing you,” Sarah said firmly.
Y/n smiled, “Go.”
Sarah dragged herself and her backpack out of the car and trudged across the Adler’s lawn. Y/n watched her lovingly, she had the biggest heart of anyone she knew, it was just butting heads with teenage hormones.
Y/n let herself into the Miller’s house, her body relaxing as soon as the door shut. She kicked off her sneakers and headed for the living room, switching on the television. She changed the channel to the local news station, expecting to see a fire or mass shooting. All the anchors said was that there had been reports of heightened violence throughout the day and that citizens should avoid going downtown. That lined up with what Y/n had experienced at the store, apparently the city of Austin was acting like a collective asshole.
Satisfied, Y/n busied herself with laundry and taking care of the dishes from breakfast until she scanned the clock, seeing it was ten past the time she said she’d pick Sarah up at.
She went outside, crossed the shared lawn and knocked on the Adler’s front door. Connie was the one to open it.
“Well, there she is,” the woman exclaimed, “Come in!”
They entered into the hallway, which smelled like cookies and mothballs, and Y/n spotted Sarah sitting in the kitchen, bag packed and a barely concealed frown on her face.
“I’m sendin’ you two home with some cookies,” Connie said, bustling around the kitchen for a Ziploc, “They’re raisin.”
“Oh, yay,” Y/n feigned excitement, following her in and stroking a hand across Sarah’s hair, “Those’re Joel’s favorite.”
Sarah fought the laugh caught in her throat, Joel would’ve rather died than touch anything with raisins in it.
Connie handed Y/n the bag and took her other hand, “You tell him happy birthday from us.”
“We will,” Y/n smiled before they headed down the hall and to the door.
“Wait,” Sarah mumbled just as they were walking out. She stopped to see Mercy, the Adler’s dog, whining at Nana Adler, seated in her chair as usual.
“Dogs are super tuned into their owners,” Y/n explained, “Some studies suggest that they can sense if their person’s in pain.”
Sarah hummed and accepted the answer, exiting out the front door with Y/n. “You were late,” she stated.
“I was doing your laundry,” Y/n replied, dipping her hand along Sarah’s through a lawn sprinkler, “So I’d say we’re even.”
The sun was just setting, a warm pink taking over the sky as night’s opening act. Kids, home from school, were playfully screaming a few houses down. Everything felt perfectly in place.
An overhead thundering encroached on the peaceful scene, drawing Sarah and Y/n’s attention skyward. Three fighter jets in formation blew over their heads, flying in the general direction of downtown.
“Air Force base isn’t too far from here,” Y/n commented, it was the only explanation that made sense.
Sarah didn’t seem too concerned, cutting ahead across the lawn and up to the front porch.
Inside, Y/n busied herself with cooking dinner while Sarah sat at the table finishing up homework. The steaks she’d bought a few days prior had gone bad, and she was searching the fridge for anything she could turn into something special.
Pressing her forehead to the appliance’s cool steel, she admitted defeat.
“You know Dad’s not picky,” Sarah tried to comfort her.
“Yeah, well, I wanted to do something nice for him,” Y/n replied, kicking her foot lightly against the fridge, “But I suppose ordering Chinese is just as special.”
“We could always run by the store,” Sarah suggested.
“Mm-mm,” Y/n shook her head, digging through the takeout menu drawer, “No one’s going anywhere while there’s all those cops on the road.”
They ended up ordering enough for themselves, Joel and Tommy, if he decided to stay for dinner. As the night went on, the food grew cold, and by eight o’clock, Y/n and Sarah grew too hungry to wait and sat on the couch with their cartons.
“If he’s home by nine,” Sarah thought the next part of her sentence over carefully, “I’ll give you a whole week off of helping me with my homework.”
“Doesn’t feel like much of a win,” Y/n shrugged, picking at another piece of orange chicken. They were coming up with bets for when they thought Joel would actually return home, “I don’t mind being on homework duty.”
“Okay, fine, um…” Sarah continued drafting, snapping her chopsticks together, “I’ll do the dishes for a week. Every load.”
Y/n waved a chopstick at the girl, “Done. But if he’s home past nine, I will…get him to learn one of the Halican Drops’ songs,” she tilted her head, “That’s a win for you and will definitely cost me.”
Sarah laughed, “Deal.”
They spent the evening talking and watching tv, the later hours eventually tiring them. Sarah leaned up against Y/n, lost in a magazine while Y/n read a book she’d left on the coffee table. The television played lightly in the background, though they’d stopped paying attention long ago.
Eventually, five after ten, a pair of keys jingled in the front door lock, signaling Sarah had won the bet.
“You locked the door this time,” Joel said, addressing his daughter, “Good job.”
“Yeah,” Sarah switched off the tv and sat up, “Y/n reminded me.”
Y/n scooted over to give Joel a spot on the couch, he flopped down on the cushions, digging his palms into his eyes.
“It’s 10,” Sarah said what they were all thinking.
“I know,” Joel groaned, pulling back up to take off his boots, “They…gave us the wrong size for the headers,” he looked over his girlfriend to Sarah, “That doesn’t mean anything to you, barely means anything to Y/n. I’m sorry.”
Y/n’s fingers walked across Joel’s leg, “And dessert would be…?”
Joel slumped forward, “Shit.”
“Come on, man,” Sarah bemoaned.
“I’ll get us one tomorrow,” Joel promised for the second time that day.
“Swear,” Sarah replied, “Or you don’t get your present.”
Joel turned, brightening up adorably fast. “You got me a present?”
“Swear,” Sarah continued.
Y/n smiled, eyeing her boyfriend with the same loving frustration as Sarah.
“On my life,” Joel swore.
Deeming it an acceptable answer, Sarah rotated and dug behind a pillow. Joel slid his hand over Y/n’s, flattening it down against his knee.
Sarah presented the box, holding it out to her dad.
“Wow,” Joel said, making a theatrical face before opening it. He hadn’t expected what was inside.
“Fixed it for you,” Sarah beamed with reserved pride.
Joel ran a thumb over the watch and held it to his ear, furrowing his brows, “Did you?”
“What?” Sarah reached for his hand.
“I don’t hear anything,” Joel continued.
“It was working four hours ago,” Y/n exclaimed, adjusting herself to sit up and examine it for herself.
The two girls barely had to raise it to their ears before they could hear the strong ticking. Sarah groaned and lightly shoved Joel, who was heartily laughing.
Y/n rolled her eyes, “Screw you, man.”
“That was lame,” Sarah smiled, “You’re lame.”
“Yeah, I know,” Joel chuckled, taking another second to admire his gift, “Where’d you get the money for this?”
“Drugs,” Sarah answered, “I sell hardcore drugs.”
“It’s better than what I do,” Joel slipped the watch onto his wrist.
“It was only $20, which I stole from you.”
“Which I had,” Y/n interjected, “If you’d have given me two seconds...”
“I could have stolen $60, but I put the change back,” Sarah defended herself against Joel’s parental stare, “Because I’m an honest thief. Besides, it’s the thought that counts. And you were never gonna do it for yourself, so…”
Joel, never one to be selfish, looked on lovingly at his daughter and co-conspirator, before turning his head downward. “Thank you.”
Sarah smiled, looking to Y/n victoriously. “Oh, there’s one more,” she dug behind the pillow once again and retrieved a DVD case, “Borrowed it from the Adlers.”
Joel wasted no time in taking it from her, it was Curtis and Viper, the guiltiest of all guilty pleasure movies. “Oh, this is the one with the deleted scenes.”
“Yeah, imagine how bad those have to be,” Sarah commented, “Come on, pop it in, while it’s still your birthday.”
Y/n got up alongside Joel, “I’ll go heat up dinner and brace myself for the cinematic masterpiece I’m about to experience.”
“I showed it to you a while back,” Joel called out to her, “Remember?”
“I remember,” Y/n swung into the kitchen, “And yet I’m still with you.”
Joel smirked to himself, setting the disc in the tray and jogging off to join Y/n. “Chinese?”
“There was going to be something home cooked,” Y/n scooped some food onto a plate for Joel, “But the grocery gods were conspiring against me.”
“Kidding? This is great,” Joel replied, coming to hold Y/n’s hips and move around the kitchen with her. He settled his chin against her head, “Thank you. For all of it.”
Y/n leaned back into Joel’s chest, “I don’t see how crappy Chinese food and aiding your daughter in thievery deserves thanks but,” she twisted her neck to plant a kiss on his cheek, “I’ll take it.”
Joel absentmindedly ran his hands up Y/n’s arms, gazing down at her skin. His eyes drifted to her exposed neck, the glow of the microwave illuminating a purple splotch across her throat.
“What’s this?”
Y/n was watching the timer, “Hm?”
Joel pulled back the rest of her hair and lightly ran a finger over the skin, “Where’d you get this?”
Y/n pulled away, confusedly grabbing a spatchula out of a drawer and relfecting it back on her. Sure enough, there was a large purple bruise developing where the psycho in the hardware store had choked her.
“Hm,” Y/n thought, she hadn’t intended to ruin the levity of the night, “Uh, are we sure you didn’t put that there?”
Joel bristled at the idea, even at his most passionate, he wasn’t rough like that, “I’d never do this to you.”
Y/n sighed, pressing the ‘stop’ button on the microwave before it could beep. She pulled Joel’s food out, set it down and leaned up against the counter.
“A guy attacked me today at work,” she said softly, not wanting Sarah to hear.
Joel’s eyebrows raised two inches, his voice got low, “What?”
“He came down the aisle and just,” Y/n gestured suddenly to herself, “Tackled me to the ground. It took three of the guys, plus Don just to get him off of me.”
Joel surged forward, hovering his hand over Y/n’s neck and examining her, “How bad is it?”
“I’m okay,” Y/n gently took Joel’s hand, bringing it down to his side, “Headache from smacking my head on the floor, little sore, but fine.”
“Please tell me you called the police and pressed charges” Joel asked, fully in protector mode.
Y/n shook her head, “I didn’t wanna drag it out, I just wanted the whole thing to be over. The cops took him, they can deal with it.”
Joel braced himself against the counter to Y/n’s side, halfway-caging her in. “And you weren’t gonna tell me about it?”
“It’s your birthday,” Y/n smiled softly up at her boyfriend, “I just wanted to come home and have a normal evening with you guys. Forget it ever happened.”
Anger swelled in Joel’s stomach for whatever freak had gone after her, but his gaze stayed soft. Her pain was his pain.
“Wanna know what the worst part was?” Y/n asked, looping a finger through Joel’s and smiling sadly, “I could have fought back…but I just laid there. I tried to push him off but…”
There was no need for her to finish the sentence. Joel’s mind flashed back to the night they’d met, when that creep had laid his hand on her and she hadn’t fought back. It was one of his deepest worries, that one day someone would come at her and he wouldn’t be there to protect her.
“Can you please,” he begged, “Enroll in a self-defense class?”
“Yes,” Y/n agreed, saying whatever she could to get the night to return to normal, “I think there’s one down at the community center.”
Joel’s shoulders rose and fell with his sigh, cupping the back of her neck and drawing her into his body. She wrapped her arms around his middle, digging her face into his pec.
“I hate the world sometimes,” Joel said over her shoulder.
Y/n scoffed, “You and me both, bucko.”
They stood in each other’s arms a moment, letting the stress of the day melt away.
“Your daughter’s waiting,” Y/n smiled into Joel’s chest, “And she’s been waiting all night.”
Joel broke from her, stroking a thumb over her cheek. He was looking forward to revealing the reason for his late night hours.
With dinner in hand, Joel and Y/n headed back into the living room, where Sarah was waiting with the remote. Joel settled down in the middle of the couch, giving him room to be surrounded by his two favorite people.
“Don’t fall asleep,” he warned, as Sarah snuggled into his shoulder.
“‘Course I won’t,” she said, “It’s too riveting.”
“I make no such promises,” Y/n replied, hanging one of her legs on Joel’s knee.
Both of them were out cold within an hour.
Joel couldn’t complain even if he tried. With Sarah passed out on his leg Y/n tucked under his arm, it was the happiest he’d been the whole day.
While watching the movie, Joel’s mind kept spinning around proposal ideas. If he got the ring in the morning, he could do it that night. Or did he need to spend more time, crafting some elaborate idea involving doves and roses and all the movie shit? Y/n wasn’t fancy, she probably wouldn’t care if that was missing. All he cared about was that she said ‘yes’ and that the ring was something she could cherish the rest of their lives.
Joel gazed down at his daughter and soon-to-be fiancé, fast asleep on him. A lifetime of that was a thought he could get used to…
The vibration of his cell phone broke Joel out of his daydream. He reached forward, trying not to wake either girl, bur Y/n stirred enough to come to.
“Sorry,” he whispered, picking up the call, “Hello?”
“Joel, it’s me,” Tommy’s voice cut through, Y/n’s head was close enough to hear the call, “Uh, I’m okay.”
“Yeah?” Joel asked.
“But I’m in jail.”
Y/n sat up groggily as Joel arched back into the couch, rubbing his eyes in stress.
“Wasn’t my fault this time,” Tommy was quick to defend himself, “I was at the bar, some guy goes crazy, starts swingin’ at waitresses, I stepped in, knocked him out, cops showed up-”
Joel and Y/n shared an exhausted look, both from true tiredness and Tommy.
“Look, it doesn’t matter,” Tommy hurried, “You gotta bail me out.”
“Now?” Joel hissed.
“It’s Friday,” Tommy said, “You don’t get me out, I’m in here all weekend. It’s a fuckin’ madhouse, Joel. I gotta get out.”
Y/n rubbed the sleep out of her eye, and lowered her voice, “I’ll go get him.”
Joel’s hand shot out across Y/n’s legs, “No,” he switched conversations, “Well, which jail. Travis County?”
“Yeah, on 10th,” his little brother answered.
“Damn it, Tommy,” Joel shook his head.
Tommy took a breath, “I’m sorry…please.”
Joel waited before answering, “Okay,” he hung up his cell, “Fuckin’ idiot.”
“Joel, just let me go,” Y/n offered, gesturing to Sarah using his leg as a pillow, “You got him last time.”
“I don’t want you out this late,” Joel shot down the idea a second time, “Especially in that part of town. I’ll be back, hour tops.”
Carefully, Joel eased Sarah off of him and lifted her into his arms. He carried her upstairs to bed while Y/n stayed on the couch, trying to get her bearings.
Joel came back downstairs, grumbling to himself as he collected his wallet and keys.
“We do all this,” Y/n gestured to the empty dinner plate and gift box, “And Tommy’s still gotta one up us.”
“Yeah, well,” Joel muttered, throwing his cell phone in his pocket, “I shoulda just left him in there.”
Y/n looked up amusedly at her boyfriend, “Yeah, like you’d ever do that.”
Joel’s instinct was to protect, he couldn’t have left his brother to rot for the weekend if he tried.
Y/n got to her feet and slid a hand up Joel’s chest, bringing his restlessness to a halt. She wrapped her other hand around the base of his neck, rubbing at the permanently tense muscles.
“Happy Birthday to you,” she sleepily smiled.
Joel leaned forward to connect his lips to Y/n’s. In an ideal world, he’d carry her upstairs and they’d fall asleep in each other’s arms. But after rescuing Tommy, they’d have the whole weekend for that. Still, he poured as much love as he could into his kiss.
Neither of them knew it would be the last one they shared.
“Be safe,” Y/n told him once they broke apart.
“I will,” Joel replied, heading for the front door, “Go to bed. Be back soon.”
Y/n nodded, her eyes following him till he was out of the house. In her stupor, she wasn’t thinking of how packed the streets had been earlier in the day with cop cars. Or how the news had said there’d been increased violence in the city. Or how the story Tommy had recounted sounded eerily similar to hers. She was just tired enough that all that made sense to her was climbing into Joel’s bed and going back to sleep.
Slowly climbing the staircase, Y/n made her way down the hall. She paused outside of Sarah’s room, poking her head in to make sure she was settled. Joel had thrown a blanket over her and she was rolling over. Satisfied, Y/n pushed off of the door frame to leave.
She froze in her tracks, she’d barely moved out of sight before Sarah had called for…someone. Not her. It couldn’t be her. But who else? She had no memory of her birth mo-
Y/n’s chest fluttered, it could only be her. She hesitated to answer, “Yeah?”
“Where’s Dad?” Sarah asked, her eyes were still scrunched but she was looking to Y/n’s silhouette.
“He had to run by Uncle Tommy’s,” Y/n answered, saving the full answer for the morning, “He’ll be back soon.”
Sarah seemed to accept the response, nodding a little and settling back into her pillow.
“Goodnight,” Y/n wished, her hands awkwardly fidgeting against her chest.
“Night,” Sarah mumbled.
Slipping against the nearest wall, Y/n’s breath trembled with joy, shock…she couldn’t tell. Sarah had made up her mind as to what Y/n was to her…and what she was was a mother.
Feeling like she was floating, Y/n made her way down the hall to the bed that was as good as her own and slid underneath the sheets. Her smile stretched so wide, she thought her cheeks might split. She couldn’t wait to tell Joel when he got home….
First came the sirens.
Then came the choppers.
Then the car alarms.
And the flares.
Y/n was the first to wake, the sound of helicopter blades and the sensation of the house rattling waking her. She reached over in the dark for Joel and grasped air. The clock read 2:15AM, he’d left at 11.
That was enough to wake Y/n the rest of the way up.
She rolled out of bed and went to the window, peeking through the blinds to see flares being shot into the sky. Though her vision was blurred from sleep, she could see the smoke cloud in the distance. It was coming from downtown.
“Dad?” Sarah called down the hall, “Y/n?”
“In here,” Y/n said, still watching the sky as another round of helicopters flew over their neighborhood.
Sarah came through the door, “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” Y/n answered, her stomach twisting in confusion, “Go check if your dad’s downstairs.”
Sarah left, calling for Joel as she descended the staircase. “He’s not here,” she yelled up.
Y/n’s chest sank, anxiety beginning to creep its way up her throat. Was this some kind of invasion? It had barely been two years since 9/11, was something of that scale happening in their backyard?
The urgency in Sarah’s voice got Y/n moving out the bedroom and down the stairs as quick as she could. “What is it?”
Sarah had switched on the tv, the emergency broadcast signal was on every channel, delivering an ominous message to stay indoors and wait for law enforcement.
A thud against the window had Y/n pulling Sarah to her chest, the girl wrapping her hands around Y/n’s wrists. Mercy, the Adler’s dog, had his paws against the window and was trying to get inside.
“Stay here,” Y/n told Sarah, heading to unlock the front door. She crouched down on the porch and the dog leaned against her legs, whining. “Shh, Mercy, shh…”
“Is he okay?” Sarah asked, right behind Y/n.
“I think,” Y/n answered, clueless as Mercy panted furiously under her touch. She looked across the street, finding nothing out of the ordinary visually. Audibly, there were car alarms coming from all directions and the chopper was making another circle around the subdivision. Something felt very, very wrong.
“Stay here,” Y/n told Sarah, “I’m gonna take a look around.”
“No, I’m coming with-“
“No,” Y/n’s tone firmed up, “Take Mercy inside and stay-“
Mercy started barking as if he knew he was being discussed. Y/n knew nothing she said would get Sarah to listen, she was out of options.
“Let’s get him back home,” she said.
Sarah led Mercy by the collar across the lawn and onto the Adler’s driveway. Once he realized he was back at his house, Mercy began to whine and pull away from Sarah.
“C’mon, Mercy, please,” Sarah begged.
Mercy pulled one final time, the collar unclipping and letting him loose. He took off into the night.
“Mercy!” Sarah called, he was too far gone to hear her.
“It’s okay,” Y/n quickly tried to smooth Sarah’s heartbreak over, “We’ll find him. But first, we’re going home and-“
Clanking from inside the Adler’s home drew their attention.
“Mrs. Adler?” Sarah called, receiving no answer, she looked to Y/n to decide their next move.
Y/n was torn between following the noise and running back home to call Joel.
“Stay behind me,” she decided, placing herself in front of Sarah as a barricade.
They crept up the Adler’s porch, letting themselves in through the ajar door. The carpet runner was scrunched up, something the meticulous Connie would have never allowed.
“Connie?” Y/n announced their presence.
“Mrs. Adler?” Sarah repeated, the two of them frozen in the hallway.
Another loud sound from the kitchen, followed by a distant gunshot and chased by a car alarm.
Y/n tried to inhale steadily, but the trembling came anyway. The long stretches of silence broken up by what sounded like war were creating a steady pit of fear in her chest.
She reached backwards, pulling Sarah closer to her body. The girl was already holding onto Y/n’s hips. They took soft steps through the hall and to the kitchen.
“Con-“ Y/n held on to the room divider as she stumbled, looking down to see the slippery substance across the floor.
Sarah and Y/n’s breaths caught in their chests as their eyes followed the trail of crimson through the kitchen…to Mr. Adler, laid against the cabinets.
“Help me,” he whispered, a particularly gory wound to his neck oozing blood down his body.
Y/n moved to help him but was yanked back by Sarah, who already had eyes on the next terror.
Nana Adler was hung over her daughter, her face burrowed into her neck.
Y/n eased Sarah back, making no sudden movements, as the elderly woman slowly looked up to them. There were strands of something springing from her mouth, it was something out of a horror movie.
Nana rose to her feet, her movements choppy and careless, and Sarah wrapped her arms around Y/n’s torso.
The woman, animalistic, shrieked and ran towards them.
Y/n shoved Sarah back towards the door, racing out of the house and onto the lawn. She was pulling the girl toward their house when the roar of a pickup truck came barreling down the street.
Tommy’s truck.
Tommy pulled the truck up onto the curb, Joel jumped out before it had even stopped.
“GET IN THE TRUCK,” he yelled at Y/n and Sarah, “RIGHT NOW!”
With Sarah in her hands, Joel grabbed Y/n and pulled them to the vehicle, “Move!”
Nana Adler came screaming out of the house, Y/n and the Millers watching the bones in her body violently crack under her skin before she fell to the ground. They waited in anticipation until she startled back to life with a gasp, stumbling to her feet and charging towards the family.
“What are we doin’, Joel?” Tommy yelled, his rifle pointed at the grandmother.
Y/n wrapped Sarah in her arms, shielding her body from any harm, but not her eyes.
Joel wasted no time in making the decision, it was either her, or the women he loved. He slashed the wrench he was clutching into Nana’s head, the life leaving her as she dropped.
After, he turned to Y/n and Sarah, their tearful eyes widened in horror. He rushed to them, bending to cup Sarah’s cheek.
“You killed her,” the girl said, unable to form a deeper thought.
Joel pulled his daughter and partner into his arms, “Baby, I’m sorry.”
“Joel, we gotta go,” Tommy warned.
“Joel,” Y/n shook, “What’s going on?”
“Listen to me,” he looked to both his girls, “It’s not just the Adlers,” he took Sarah’s cheeks into his hands, “But we’re gonna be brave, and we’re gonna get out of this.”
A flash of green to their left and Joel was covering them with his arms. The transformer at the end of the block had exploded.
“Hey,” Tommy rounded the truck, “Let’s go. C’mon!”
Joel and Y/n hurried Sarah in front of them, “Get in.”
Y/n stopped before joining her, gripping Joel’s arm, “Joel…”
“I don’t know,” he shook his head, posessing no more answers than she did, “I don’t know.”
Y/n dove into the truck, pulling Sarah into her arms the minute she was seated.
Joel slammed the door shut, his neighbor calling his name out in concern.
“Denise, you get back inside the house,” he yelled, “You lock your doors! Now!”
“C’mon, c’mon, get in,” Tommy urged.
The second Joel’s door shut, Tommy was already pulling them around the cul-de-sac. As he rounded the turn, Mr. and Mrs. Adler came across their lawn and into the street, in the same possessed state as Nana had been.
“Get your seatbelt on,” Joel told Tommy.
“Hold on,” his brother said, accelerating the engine and ramming into the Adlers head on.
Y/n tried to pull Sarah’s head into her shoulder, but the girl was too quick, already looking out the back to see Mrs. Adler on her feet.
“You take 70-“ Joel began to give directions.
“71,” Tommy finished, “I know.”
A line of police cars blew down the opposite lane, speeding towards more chaos they didn’t even understand.
Sarah’s breath had steadied enough where she could speak clearly, “Daddy-“
“We don’t know,” Joel cut her off.
“They’re saying it’s a virus,” Tommy explained, “Some kinda parasite.”
“What parasite does that?” Y/n asked, knowing none of them had an answer.
“Is it from terrorists?” Sarah asked, her voice getting watery.
“We don’t know,” Joel repeated himself, watching his brother as he drove.
“A-are we sick?” Sarah’s panic was growing.
“No, we’re not sick,” Y/n answered immediately.
Joel fiddled with the radio, getting static back in return.
“Why did things blow up?” Sarah asked.
“No cellphone, no radio,” Tommy mused, “Minute ago, newsman wouldn’t shut up.”
“They were broadcasting emergency signals on the tv,” Y/n recalled, as if it made any difference now.
“How do you know?” Sarah kept up her questioning.
“What?” Joel acknowledged her.
Sarah couldn’t hide her tears any more, “How do you know we’re not sick?”
Y/n stroked her hair, offering what little comfort she could while also sharing Sarah’s terror.
“They’re sayin’ it’s mostly people in the city,” Tommy explained, “That’s why they got the highway blocked off.”
Joel craned his head to meet Y/n’s eyes, “This what happened at the store today?”
“Yeah,” Y/n answered, flashing back to 12 hours before. Her attacker hadn’t had the strange strands hanging from his mouth, but he’d had the same animal-like rage.
The car fell silent again as they passed a house, the whole structure consumed by flames.
“It’s Jimmy’s place,” Tommy said as they drove by.
“The Adlers would take Nana into the city,” Sarah continued to try and solve the puzzle, “To the hospital for stuff.”
“That’s right,” Joel agreed, “They would. That’s probably why.”
“But…” Sarah’s brain worked double time, “You’d have to go a lot…right?”
Tommy shook his head slightly, “We’re fine, trust me.”
Through the dashboard mirror, Y/n’s worried eyes met Tommy’s. He was saying a prayer rather than stating a promise.
On the side of the road, a car was pulled over, a family standing outside it waving their hands wildly. “Here! Right here!”
Tommy began to slow down, drawing Joel’s confusion. “What’re you doin’?”
“They got a kid, Joel,” Tommy gestured to the family.
“So do we,” Joel said firmly, “Keep drivin’.”
The father panicked as Tommy followed orders, screaming for them to stop.
“We could put them in the back,” Sarah offered just as they passed them by.
Y/n’s heart sank as the father’s cries echoed in her ears, her eyes drifting to the back of Joel’s head.
“Somebody else’ll come along,” he said to the car, but mostly to himself.
Sarah, trying so hard to remain calm, let her tears fall silently. Whatever shred of reality they could make of the chaos around them was starting to sink in on Y/n too. She pulled Sarah deeper into her arms, feeling the girl’s sadness land on her skin.
Tommy sped down the lane, trying to get on the freeway, and meeting the sea of likeminded cars.
“Fuck,” he exclaimed, “Everyone had the same fuckin’ idea.
Panicked drivers were speeding towards them, the little white lines on the asphalt ceasing to matter.
“I can’t get through this,” Tommy said, dodging the cars.
“All right, all right,” Joel tried to remain calm, “Let’s think it through, we’ll think it through.”
“Tommy!” Y/n cried as another reckless driver nearly clipped them.
“All right, take the field,” Joel directed, “We’ll cut across and pick up on the-the west side.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,” Tommy’s breath shook, “West, west, all right. All right, hang on.”
Sarah held onto Y/n a little tighter, bracing herself as Tommy went off road into the tall grass. The truck dipped and bounced with the land, until they met smooth dirt…giving them a view of the freeway. The military had already set up shop.
“Shit,” Tommy exclaimed, “Fuckin’ army!”
“Isn’t that good?” Sarah asked
“It’s good for them” Tommy said, “But that’s the highway we’re tryin’ to get to.”
Joel’s brain was spinning with roads, “All right, keep movin’. Head north.”
“Could be a lot of people,” Tommy pointed out.
“Well, we can’t go south, we can’t go east, we can’t go west,” Joel replied, “Hell else we supposed to go?”
Tommy hesitated, his hands nervously gripping the wheel.
“Tommy, come on,” Joel yelled, his own anxiety beginning to show itself.
Listening, Tommy turned the truck north, leading them towards the distant light of a small town.
“Yeah. Yeah, I know that place,” Joel said, “This can work.”
“Joel,” Y/n spoke up, “What then? Where are we going?”
He didn’t know, he barely could remember the numbers of the highways. All he knew was he needed to get his family to some sort of safety. “I don’t know, Mexico,” he blurted out, “Just far, far as we can,” he looked to his brother, “How much gas?”
“Three quarter tank,” Tommy answered, it was enough to make it to the border.
“Go through town,” Joel began to list off directions, “Golf course by the river, straight across, we pick up the highway on the other side of the blockade…” he exhaled, “Then we’re out.”
“Maybe it’s everywhere,” Sarah theorized, trying so desperately to make sense of what was happening, “Maybe there’s nowhere to go.”
Joel and Yn’s worried eyes met in the dashboard mirror, they were both wondering the same thing. Illnesses didn’t stay quarantined to just one city in one state, they spread like vines, reaching for any life they could. What if this parasite worked the same way?
A loud roar began to encroach on the truck from above.
“What the fuck?” Tommy exclaimed.
Sarah and Y/n shielded their ears from the noise, looking up through the roof’s glass top to catch a low-flying plane directly above them. There were a line of three more trailing the sky behind them.
“Shit,” Y/n whispered, her facade for Sarah was fading.
Down the road, the red white and blue lights of a police car became a stumbling block. “Son of a bitch,” Tommy complained, “Gotta go around. Grab somethin’!”
Joel reached an arm back, both to brace himself against Tommy’s seat and give Y/n something to hold onto. Sarah held fast to Y/n as Tommy made a hard right down the next street. The town they’d turned into had descended fully into chaos, its residents running wildly through the streets, either screaming for help or attacking one other.
“All right,” Joel talked his brother through the roads, “Keep goin’, keep goin’,” he looked to his left to see a truck barreling towards them, “Shit, Tommy!”
The tire screech had Y/n flipping Sarah’s body over hers, making herself a human shield. Thankfully, the crash never came.
The next street Tommy turned them down was even worse. People were beating each other senselessly in the street, the screams of the wounded piercing their ears.
“Tommy, you can’t stop here,” Joel said as his brother slowed the car.
He gestured to the crowds, “I can’t drive through ‘em.”
“Are you serious?” Joel yelled, “Just keep goin’!”
Up ahead, an explosion shattered the windows of a building, eliciting every person inside to run for their lives, all headed towards the truck.
“Go, go, go,” Joel urged, smacking the dashboard a little harder with each utterance, “Back, back, back, back, back, back, back!”
“I’m tryin’!” Tommy yelled back.
Y/n caught the faces of people as they ran past, the terror, the confusion in their eyes. One woman had blood streaming down her chest, the deep red turning her white blouse deathly crimson.
“Tommy, go faster,” Joel berated, “We gotta go!”
“I’m tryin’, there’s nowhere to fuckin’ go,” Tommy said, maneuvering them backwards.
“Tommy,” Y/n couldn’t stay quiet, “Fuck, anywhere!”
“Find an alley!” Joel added.
“What alley?! There’s people everywhere!”
“Roll the fuck over them,” Joel ordered, “We gotta get off this street.”
Sarah had shifted out of Y/n’s arms and was staring out the back, watching as the humanity was sucked out of her city. In the sky, she could spot bright, blinking lights headed straight for them.
She blindly reached for Y/n’s hand, “Dad?!”
Y/n and Joel both turned, their eyes falling on the same sight. One of the planes was headed straight towards them.
“Fuck,” Y/n uttered breathlessly.
“Move…” Joel managed to say, “Move!”
The plane completed its nosedive into the road behind them, exploding in a fiery inferno. Joel reached back to grab hold of Sarah, Y/n shoved her down into her lap.
None of them saw the piece of debris heading for the truck.
Joel was the first one to wake up. He struggled out of his seatbelt, dropping to the roof of the flipped truck and looking into the back.
Y/n and Sarah were out cold.
Sarah’s leg was elevated, her foot caught in some part of the truck. Y/n lay in a terrifyingly still ball.
“Sarah…Sarah…” Joel weakly called, tugging on her free leg and startling her awake, “Stay right there. Don’t move,” he looked to Y/n, “Y/n, wake up.”
No response.
“Rosebud,” Joel urged, his voice betraying him and turning to a whine, “Honey, get up.”
“Y/n,” Sarah disobeyed her father, fear-stricken, and stretched her arm out to shake Y/n.
Y/n gasped, waking up the same way she’d passed out; panicked.
“Joel,” she cried out, “Sarah?”
“We’re here,” Joel reassured her, a hand to her arm, “We’re here. Tommy? You okay?”
Tommy grunted, trying to free himself, “Yeah, I’m okay.”
With a pounding headache, and the feeling of air hitting small cuts across her face, Y/n struggled to her knees. Nothing felt broken inside her, just weak.
Sarah’s breathing began to pick up, turning her body to stare out the busted window. Twenty feet away, someone was heaving over a body, draining it of blood the same way Nana Adler had.
“Sarah,” Joel moved to the back of the truck, “Don’t look. You look at me or Y/n, okay?”
Y/n was at Joel’s side instantly, gently holding Sarah’s calf so he could free her leg. The girl winced as Joel worked.
“I’m sorry, baby, I know, I know,” he apologized profusely, letting her leg drop into Y/n’s hands.
“Come here,” he urged his daughter, “Put your arms around me. Come here, come here,” he pulled Sarah into his embrace, “I got you.”
Y/n was crawling past, into the driver’s half of the truck, “Tommy?”
Tommy was already out, kneeling down at the window, “Come on, take my hand!”
Straining to reach him, Y/n slapped her palms against his and he dragged her out. She could feel the glass scrape against her skin, trying to hold her cries in for Sarah’s sake.
Tommy and Y/n pulled each other to their feet, Tommy reaching for his rifle after. Joel and Sarah had made it out on the other side. Y/n rushed around the wreckage of the truck to reach them, grabbing them both, “What’s wrong?”
“My ankle,” Sarah strained.
“We gotta get off the street,” Tommy urged, a fast approaching siren sending him diving for the asphalt, “Shit!”
A police van slammed into their truck, creating a fire between the two vehicles. Joel and Y/n shielded Sarah from the flames, “Tommy?”
Y/n wrapped her arms around Sarah, trying to take some of the weight off her ankle and freeing Joel.
“Tommy!” Joel screamed again.
Separated by the two totaled bodies, the brothers found each other.
“Head to the river,” Tommy shouted, “I’ll find a way!”
Joel hesitated to leave his brother behind, regardless of his competency.
“Get ‘em out of here,” Tommy insisted, “Go, Joel!”
It was the mention of Y/n and Sarah that snapped him back, he immediately turned and bent down to Sarah’s eye level.
“We can’t leave him,” she argued.
“Joel-“ Y/n began.
“He’ll be fine,” Joel said, “Can you both run?”
“No,” Sarah said as Y/n nodded.
Joel bent over and swung his daughter into his arms.
“You keep your eyes on us,” Joel half demanded, half begged Sarah, “Okay?”
“Okay,” she breathed.
“And don’t look anywhere else,” he finished, his panicked gaze moving to Y/n, “Don’t let go.”
Y/n locked one arm around Joel’s shoulders, the other under Sarah’s legs, needing one hand on them both.
The three of them rushed through the street, lost as to how to get to the river. Joel stopped in fear when they found a grouping of bodies, groaning, writhing, devouring one another on the ground. He guided Sarah’s head back into his body, but she’d already seen too much.
One of the monsters popped up, eerily fast.
Y/n and Joel’s hearts collectively stopped, anxiety kick starting them to run for the back door of a building. They dove inside, Y/n running ahead to bang on the locked door.
“Move,” Joel cried, kicking down the wood and pulling them through it, “Get ahead!”
Y/n jumped in front of them, racing down the length of the diner. She could hear the frantic footsteps and growls of the monster chasing them.
Slamming her body into the second door, Y/n cleared the path for Joel, the two of them sprinting away from the encroaching death nipping at their heels. The monster snarled as it came after them, too quick for Y/n or Joel even at their fastest-
A shotgun fire silenced the animalistic sounds, Joel spun around to see the creature laid out in the grass, blood spilling from its head.
“It’s okay, baby,” he assured Sarah, “You’re safe.”
Y/n’s hands dropped to Joel’s arm, resting her head against his shoulder in an effort to catch her breath.
“C’mon,” Joel urged, turning around for the way of the river.
A searchlight hit them.
“Don’t move,” a stern voice commanded, through the light, Y/n and Joel could make out it was a soldier.
“My daughter’s hurt,” Joel explained, “Her ankle.”
“Stop right there,” the soldier ordered, they’d barely moved in his direction.
Y/n and Sarah both trembled, in shock at the sight of the rifle pointed at them.
“Okay,” Joel backed down, taking them the slightest step back, “Easy now. We’re not sick!”
The soldier reached for his radio, reporting into it, “I got three civilians by the river, one of ‘em injured,” he waited for a response, “Ankle.”
“What about Uncle Tommy?” Sarah looked up to Joel.
“We’re gonna get you somewhere safe first,” Joel panted, “Then we’ll go back for him, okay?”
“Okay,” Sarah accepted.
Y/n rubbed a hand over Sarah’s uninjured leg. The horror still had yet to be named, but they were so close to asylum from it.
An impatient Joel took a step forward, earning another up and close look at the rifle’s barrel.
“Hey,” the soldier shouted, “No one told you to move.”
Y/n trembled against Joel’s arm as they waited, why was it taking so long?
“Yes sir,” the soldier said into his radio, his voice having shifted and making Y/n and Joel’s stomachs tighten.
The gun came back up.
“We’re not sick,” Joel echoed, knowing what was about to happen.
“W-w-wait,” Y/n’s lips began to shake, she held out a hand to the soldier, “We’re not sick.”
“Sir,” Joel urged again, his voice rising with every second of silence, “We are not sic-“
Bullets rained down on the three of them, the force of the lead sending them rolling down the hill.
Joel pushed himself off his stomach, a harsh light on him drawing him onto his back. The soldier was mere inches from him, his rifle trained on Joel’s chest.
“I’m sorry,” the man said, he almost sounded genuine.
“Please don’t,” Joel begged, raising his hands.
Y/n had rolled farther than Joel, already weak from the crash and now with a pain radiating in her side. One of the bullets had definitely grazed her. She was able to push up onto her arms, dragging her gaze across the dirt and spotting the position her boyfriend was in.
The soldier was thrown forward, a bullet from behind lodging in his chest. Joel looked up to see Tommy, marching forward with his rifle still trained on the dead soldier.
Joel hurried to sit up, running a hand his side, a bullet had scraped across the skin.
Y/n let out a breath as she watched Joel move, her eyes scanning around her for Sarah.
“Oh, God,” Tommy breathed.
Frantic breaths could be heard, closest to Y/n and furthest from Joel.
Y/n froze at the sight.
Then she was rising, racing to the spot.
Joel was right behind her. “No…” he mumbled, “Oh, no.”
Y/n made it to Sarah first, her breath catching in her throat as her eyes ran over her body. Her attempts at breath were wracking through her violently.
“No, no, no,” Joel shushed his daughter, pressing a hand to her neck, “Okay, you’re okay. You’re okay, move your hand, baby.”
“Sarah, move your hand,” Y/n rubbed the girl’s cheek, “We gotta take a look, babe.”
Sarah let her hand drop to her side, revealing the blood that covered her entire lower abdomen.
Joel felt his heart drop into his stomach.
Y/n felt her entire body lock up.
Joel was the first to move, slipping an arm under Sarah’s shoulders. She let out the most heartbreaking cry, pain flooding her body as she reached to push her father away.
“I know, baby, I know,” Joel agreed, “I know, I know, I know. I know it hurts.”
Sarah’s breaths came quicker, groans accompanying them as she strained to take in air.
“Eyes on me,” Y/n urged, taking her face into both palms and rubbing her thumbs across the skin, “Don’t look down. Look at me.”
Sarah struggled to move her lips, barely pressing them together and humming. She was trying to say something.
“Shh, shh,” Y/n tried to keep her calm, “It’s okay.”
“Come on, baby,” Joel soothed as he examined her wound, “You’re okay, you’re okay.”
Another wave of unbearable pain hit Sarah as Joel pressed down on her wound, trying to slow the bleeding.
“I know, I know, I know,” the panic finally reached Joel’s voice, “I know, baby. I know, I know. I know this hurts. You’re gonna be okay.”
Sarah’s breaths grew ragged.
“You’re okay,” Y/n fought back the relentless tears, keeping her hands on Sarah’s cheeks, “You’re okay. I promise. You’re okay.”
“All right, baby, baby, baby,” Joel tried to talk over and in between Sarah’s noises, “Listen to me, I gotta get you up, okay?”
Sarah shook her head, her eyes widened with terror she couldn’t physically put into words.
“Babe, we have to get you up, okay?” Y/n continued, “It’s gonna hurt like hell for a second, but it’ll be alright.”
“All right,” Joel couldn’t wait any longer, “You come on.”
Y/n moved around to help lift Sarah’s back, her and Joel working as a team to raise her. Sarah groaned and wept as they shifted her body.
“I know, baby,” Joel was on the verge of tears as Sarah strained to help herself up, gripping his neck. “I know, I know, I know,” his voice rose in fear, “I know, I know, I know.”
Joel turned to where he’d left his brother, “Tommy, help me!”
Tommy didn’t move, “Joel…”
Sarah’s body stopped shaking under Y/n’s hands, her chest went still.
“Sarah,” Y/n begged, “C’mon, babe.”
“C’mon, baby girl,” Joel whimpered, moving frantically to loop an arm around her, “I gotta get you up. Come on. Come on, we’ll get up.”
Rising on her knees, Y/n hung her head over Sarah’s. The girl’s eyes were blank, her lips were parted.
“Come on,” Joel sobbed, his pleas dropping off as reality began to invade his blind hope, “Come…please…”
It was too late.
Joel took Sarah fully into his arms, wrapping around her so tight, he thought he might be able to physically put her back together.
Any air Y/n still had in her chest left her body, her hands resting in midair as if she was still holding the child.
She crawled to Joel, covered in blood, rocking Sarah’s body and sobbing breathlessly over her shoulder.
It was real.
“Sa-“ Y/n whispered, tears starting to flood down her cheeks. Her voice dropped to a whimper, “Sarah.”
If the universe could grieve a human being, it was Sarah Miller’s passing that brought it to tears. No part of the Earth would be spared from the chaos that had claimed her. No corner of the planet would ever bloom and flourish as it had when she was alive. When she ascended, she took humanity and all of its beauty with her.
And the souls of the two people cradling her corpse, screaming into the night, went with her.
TYL Taglist: @bachiracore @stolenxkissess @kayleezra @the-wistful-reader @allthesesonsofbitches @goth-detectives365 @trippovert @rh1nestonecowg1rl @emiliaserpe @khaleesihavilliard @frietiemeloen @gracie7209 @dorck26 @thegirlnextdoorssister @alanis-altair @mariwinns16 @whosscruffylooking @endofthexline @alexiaricciardo @eonnyx @pedrosmexicangf @scarlettequinn @ao-sleepy @toinfinityandbeyonce2 @deanlovescassie @turmoil-ash @sorrowjunky @kpopslur @xxlilyxx90 @midgetpottermills @presidential-facts @scoopsnini @tubble-wubble @jamesdeerest @burninggracesandbridges @star-wars-lover @lucyhotchner @cococola-cocaine @witheringhqarts @fall-writes @alwaysdjarin @xxmoonn @emilia-the-artist @wand-erer5 @boneyarrd @lizard-zombie @itwasallinmyhead1 @cassidylea123 @paleepeaches @mxltifxnd0m @kettlekatie @ultimate-cinephile @gloryekaterina @caramelkatsukis-bitch @whovianayesha @memeorydotcom @deadunicorn159 @get0ut0fmyr00m @siriuslymooned @emmyeed @superbreadsoul @hellu-people1 @ourautumn86 @inas-thing @noraapple05 @givemylovetoall @luvwanda (tags continued in comments)
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juvenillia · 7 months
Rammstein [headcanon for König]
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a/n: @actuallyhiswife had a post about a Rammstein song fitting König and as a German metalhead who follows this band for a very long time I’m eager to share some of my culture with you guys. Tbh most of those songs are for a quite possessive and masochistic version of König, but tbh I can see that and I can’t wait to write some stalker!masochist!König inspired fics by those songs. I also attached a spotify link for every song.
tw/cw: suggestive content, mentions of cannibalism, smut, sex, piv, noncon, dubcon, possessiveness , power play, masochism, degradation, toxicity, manipulation, pain and more
If you want to know anything more about the specific songs or anything, just comment or message me.🩶
》 Masterpost 《
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Ich tu’ dir weh
This song is about the pleasure of pain mixed with degradation and manipulation. A line translates into: “Your body is already distorted, but it doesn’t matter because everything is permitted that pleases. I’m gonna hurt you.” And, how a person (reader) is obsessed and dependent from another (König) and this person literally doesn’t care about it.  Another line translates into: “You’re completely devoted to me; You love me because I don’t love you. You gonna bleed for my salvation.”
Bück’ dich
This song is literally about submission and degradation. One line literally says: “I don’t care about the face, just bend over.”
I have to add this one for obvious reasons. It’s just a song about having sex. I don’t think I need to really explain it, but I want to translate one of my favorite lines from that song that would fit König way too good. The line says: “Pretty Misses, do you desire more? Let’s have a blitzkrieg with my meaty rifle.”
This song is literally about a toxic and dangerous relationship. A relationship that you can’t cut loose. So you rather destroy yourself with it than leave them. A line for example translates into: “The poison flows slowly into my blood, I start to see white lights and yes, somehow I do like it. There is simply no remedy.”  
Link 2 3 4
Originally this song was a statement to deny the accusations of the Band being part of the right scene in Germany.  But the marching beat (added as irony back then) is something I just find fitting. A line translates into: “They want my heart on the right spot, but then I look below, it beats left there”
Rein Raus
This song is just about having sex and fitting a very huge dick into a tight cunt. Yeah, I don’t need to explain that further. A line to translate: “You moan, I predict you: An elephant into a bottleneck.”
Mein Teil
This is literal song about cannibalism. (Was inspired by the criminal case by the cannibal of Rothenburg.) Won’t go into any further details because the song speaks for itself. A line to translate: “Today I will meet a gentleman; he likes me so much he could eat me up. Soft parts and even hard ones are on the menu”
Waidmanns Heil
A song that totally holds hunter/prey vibes. It's about the thrill during a hunt. About the ecstasy the hunter feels while chasing his prey, and about the power balance/play. A transalate of the very first lines: "I've been in heat for days, so I'm going to hunt myself a doe and I'll sit there until morning, that I can give it a chest hit."
Du hast
It's, as I believe, one of the most known songs outside of Germany because of the simplicity of its text. But we have a big double meaning here, because "Du has(s)t mich" can be translated into "you have me" or into "you hate me". It explores the detriments of marriage, and the developing separation and resentment drawn from a long-term relationship.
Bismarck by Sabaton – Sorry but I won’t argue about it, he does love that one! So I just needed to put it onto the list. If you don't know Sabaton, they make really cool power metal inspired by actual historical war victories, heroes and soldiers.
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arachine · 1 year
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. . . a promise of a new tomorrow .ᐟ
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pairing. neteyam sully x fem!avatar!reader
synopsis. after an eye-opening, close call during one of his raids against the RDA, neteyam falls into a pit of despair. to ease his unsteady heart, he comes home to reader in seek of salvation + very, very, very loosely based on this ask !
genre. mature general tags. smut, angst, fluff content warnings. vaginal penetration, riding, mean-ish sex that turns into soft sex, lots of crying, lots of vulnerability, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of death… word count. 2.5k ! notes. this really isn’t that filthy, i was v sad when writing this and wanted to write smth a little angsty >: but i’m back !!! did y’all miss me? >.< song. i listened to wicked games by chris isaak while i was writing this. and yes, i was thinking of pedro pascal.
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you’ve come for the umpteenth time tonight. neck, chest, and extremities littered in hickies and love bites—a true testament to neteyam’s ever-growing frustration.
this was beginning to become routine. you, with your face pressed down into the slick-sodden sheets, and him, with a mean scowl and a hungry appetite. 
you knew that on the days when he came home like this, it never had anything to do with you. he made sure to tell you that—always apologizing for the scorned hand prints falling from your neck to your ankles, and the limp in your knees. 
sometimes he just needed an outlet. and you were always so willing to provide that for him, welcoming him home with open arms, and open legs. it was his salvation. and after a long, strenuous day of devising battle plans, and ordering men around, he wanted nothing more than to sink his cock into you—inch by fucking inch. 
“what happened today?” you queried inquisitively with a drawn out moan, “was it your father?”
neteyam frowns at this, and instead responds with a piercing thrust. the mean scowl plastered on his face is a silent assurance that he’d prefer your silence—or, at the very least, your interest in another topic that doesn’t involve his dad. 
“d-don’t be mean. just wanna know what’s bothering my baby,” your hand finds transitory solace on the skin of his cheek, and then he removes it, opting to pin it against your back when he flips you over. 
“do not concern yourself with such matters,” he tightens his hold on your arm, “let me focus on you—all of you.” 
neteyam lifts you up by the arm and pulls you tight against his chest, taking advantage of the new angle to relay stroke after deep stroke. 
god, you were so warm, so comforting. he found consolation in knowing that after a long day, he’d be coming home to this, the best pussy on pandora.
it was all he thought about today—well, that and what he was going to do with one of his newest trainees. that’s who was responsible for his current frustration, though, you were kind of on the ball when you guessed his father. but his dad was always annoying. that was nothing new. this kid, though? he was going to be the death of him—if lo’ak didn’t beat him to it. 
the kid was a ticking time bomb. he was impatient, brash, and stupid—but he was strong, and that was valuable. maybe a little too valuable, because even after so many fuck-ups, he still got off scot-free. much to his dismay.
he’s just a kid, his father would say. he’s got talent. yeah, well, he was just a kid once too. a boy that was tasked with responsibilities far too grown for his age, and yet, he didn’t do half of the things this kid was getting away with. no way, not in hell. 
neteyam grimaces when he recalls the last thing his father had said to him before the raid. give him a chance, son. he’s strong, like you.
it was true. the young soldier had many talents, but strength alone could not win a battle—let alone a war. you needed smarts, discipline—strategy. and the kid harbored none of these.
i will try, father. and he did try, he really did. many a times, but to no avail. every approach was met with disobedience. a rude remark. a hiss. and these things ruin a man’s reputation, you know. if he couldn’t control one kid, keep him in line, then who’s to say his men wouldn’t begin to look down on him? question his authority and rank in the clan? 
he wishes he could just tell his father no, that he won’t take him under his wing—but then he’d bear the shame of being unable to tame a soldier. the clan would have no place for a future olo’eyktan who couldn’t complete such a simple task. 
so, yes, the boy was strong, but strength is of no worth if the individual yielding it is a liability. neteyam didn’t know how to help him.
“ten men almost died today.” a beat, then a forceful hand on your shoulder, pressing you down into the makeshift bed. you don’t interrupt…don’t say anything, just look at him through your peripheral, eyes heavy and glossy. 
he withdraws his length from inside of you. holds the weight of his cock in his hand, and rubs it a few times. spits on it. let’s the thick sputum trickle down to the mushroomy head and pushes back into you without warning. 
a high-pitched scream vacates from your throat, causing his ears to perk up, the pointed appendages twitching in response. 
there’s a hesitance when his mouth parts to speak, and you notice it. you think he’ll continue, but he doesn’t. clearly, something heavy is weighing on his heart. 
taking initiation, you push him off of you and settle down onto his lap, reaching a gentle hand behind you to grab his length. he sighs, long and breathy when you lower yourself down, and attempts to rock your hips against him but you grab hold of his wrists. 
“what are you doing? move, baby, please,” he pleads, leaning forward to kiss down the column of your neck. in retaliation, you tilt your neck to create distance, and he frowns. 
“i won’t move until you tell me what’s wrong,” your hands reach to cup his face, thumbs padding soothingly across the scars that now litter his cheeks. war has aged him, you’ve noticed. his face is skinnier, and his eyes droop with fatigue. 
they were lively, once. when you were a girl, and he, just a boy telling you about all of his aspirations of becoming a warrior. they sparkled, then. but now? now they’re dull, void of animation. just tired, amber irises that tell the stories of fallen men. 
you prayed that he wouldn’t become one of them—that he wouldn’t die fighting a battle much older than himself. you prayed to eywa for mercy, for peace—but the claws of war were far too deep into neteyam for her to intervene. 
“clearly something is troubling you,” your voice is gentle, saccharine sweet, “...you said something earlier that was concerning. please, what is it?”
his calloused fingers squeeze the fat of your hips once, and for a split second, you see his face glaze over in fear. he’s tucking his lips between his teeth with a quiver, as if he were fighting down a cry. defeatedly, his head drops forward in your hold, and a saltine dew drop ribbons down the expanse of his cheek. 
“they almost…” his voice has grown quiet, “they almost died because of me!” 
the last bit comes out broken, something real raw and raspy. it physically pains you, to say the least—seeing him like this, in this manner. for all the years you’ve known your husband, you’ve never known him to outwardly express his feelings—to wear his heart on his sleeve. not until this very moment. 
he’d always been tight-lipped and brave. selfless and reliable. he protected those who needed protecting, and often disregarded his own well-being because…he was taught so. to him, his safety and feelings were an afterthought. and after so many years of devotedly trying to uphold his reputation as the ‘exemplary older brother’, he forgot what it felt like to slip. to fall victim to na’vi error. 
you wanted to let him know it was okay to be vulnerable. that this was a safe space and that he could confide in you always—even if nobody else was listening. so, you attempt to help him in the only way you know how. through touch. through sweet, gentle words. 
“i want you to listen to me very carefully.” this is when you move, when his head is buried in the crevice of your neck, and his tears dribble down the valley of your breasts. reluctantly, he lifts his head from where it lays, and begrudgingly flits his eyes up to meet your gaze. 
“you, neteyam,” you raise your hips, “are,” a slam, “just,” another raise, “a man.” again, you repeat it. part your lips all nice and pretty, and whisper it into his ear, his neck, against his lips…anywhere and everywhere. whispering it over, and over, and over until it becomes a mantra—until it sticks. because he needs to hear it, and compartmentalize it, and sit with it, and—
he whimpers into your mouth, looks up at you with glossy eyes and a twinge in his brow line. his features have gone soft, and for a moment, you can feel your heart aching. twisting. has war done such irreparable damage that you’ve forgotten what his face looked like during sex? what it could look like? the face he makes when he’s pleased, and truly feeling, and not just fucking you as a means to conquer his frustration?
you miss this face. 
“you are a leader, a protector, a brother, a son—but you are not a god. you’re my husband, and my confidant, and…” your voice decrescendos. you take a moment before speaking again, and instead rock yourself against him, suddenly developing a proclivity for silence. neteyam kisses up your neck, across the skin of your jaw, and then comes to a halt when he reaches your lips. 
“finish,” he commands, though, it’s less of a command and more of a plea. his breath is soft and hot against your mouth, and his eyes dart frantically between your lips and eyes. he’s intrigued, he wants to hear what you have to say. “say it. say it or i will kiss it out of you.” 
smiling, you lean into him real slow, chest to chest, heart to heart and whisper into his ear, ”...and, the father of my child.” 
neteyam jerks his head back as if he’s misheard you. looks you up and down, tilts his head in disbelief, and then his eyes widen beyond imagination. that’s when he gets it, that’s when it starts to feel real. and so, for a second time, you see that all too familiar face again. the one that you missed seeing so much. 
“are you really with child?” his voice cracks. suddenly, his previous qualms have become insignificant. well, they were still pretty important, but he’d deal with them later. 
“yes, might be my best kept secret yet,” you jest, wrapping your arms around his neck. a tear ribbons down his cheek and he smiles, all bright-eyed and full of warmth. oh, how you want to spend the rest of your days with this man, just smiling. basking in the sweet warmth and love that you know he still has so much to offer. 
“you cruel girl,” now he’s got you flipped on your back. you open your legs again for him to retake residence, and giggle into your shoulder when he scrunches his nose at you. 
“so, so, so cruel…” he glares, feigning faux disdain. the boy shimmies down the length of your body, pressing wet kisses in his wake, and comes to a stop when he reaches the crest of your belly. 
“never,” a kiss, “do,” another, “that” a third, “again.” 
he emphasizes the last one with a loud smack, then licks it, to which you laugh at and push him away. neteyam sighs and settles into a spot beside you, but doesn’t withdraw his hands from your body. he keeps a single arm slung over your stomach, lets his fingers rub the skin there mindlessly while the other is propped up parallel to your head. 
“i’m sorry,” he says, breaking the rather transient moment of silence. at first, you’re not even sure if he’s talking to you—partly because it came out more like a hush (and you weren’t really certain if he said anything at all), but mostly because his eyes have not moved once from your stomach. then, he shifts his body to a position where his eyes can meet your gaze. there’s a sorrowful look in them. 
“i’m sorry, (name). i’ve been so neglectful. my worst fear would be you growing to resent me,” he admits, “i don’t know if i could bear that.” oh, your heart is breaking. how could you ever resent him? how could he not know how much you yearned for him? how much you desire him? and not just sexually, but spiritually, and emotionally? yes, war had taken bits of him that you’d never get back, but in no way, shape, or form could you ever hate him. you’d swallow your own tongue before doing that. 
“‘teyam,” you reach a nimble hand to cup his cheek, “you are the moon of my life. if a day where i’d grow to hate you should ever come, i’d hope the great mother would strike me dead.” you laugh at this but he doesn’t. 
“seriously, i don’t want to hear you say that again. you are enough. you are kind, good, patient, and exactly everything i want in a man who’s going to be the father of my child.” this time, you sit up and take his face into your hands, pull him in real close so that he can take in every word.
“i’m sorry that you were given such heavy responsibilities as a child, and i’m sorry that i cannot take away some of that pain that i know weighs so heavy in your heart…” you start, “but believe me when i say you’re going to be the best father ever, and you’re gonna shower him in so much love, and-”
neteyam sits up, “him?” 
you purse your lips. another cat out of the bag. “i don’t want you to get too excited but, yes, mo’at thinks so. she says his heart is strong.” 
overcome with immense excitement, neteyam quickly scoops you up into a bear hug and rises to his feet. he spins you around in circles, chanting a string of nonsensical things but the most repeated are: ‘i’m gonna be a dad’ and ‘a boy, it’s a boy’. 
a series of giggles vacate from your throat, and you paw at his chest in protest to be put down. but he’s relentless, just shouting and parading you around your tent as if there’s an audience there to actually congratulate you. 
“okay, okay, enough!” you shout, trying to escape his hold. eventually, he begins to settle down and decides to heed your instructions by setting you back down on your feet. before you can slip away back to bed, he pulls you in close. 
“there will never be a day where you’ll have to do this alone,” he whispers, then kneels down to eye level with your stomach, “i swear it.”
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© arachine 2023
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wistfulweaverwoman · 1 year
Could you share your thoughts on Madge?
The screenwriters/director apparently felt she was irrelevant, but she must have a deeper meaning to the series, right?
Oh wow, thank you for the question!!!
So yes, Madge's character sure does have a deeper meaning!
On the most surface level of the story Madge acts, in part, as a characterization for Katniss. As we all know, Katniss is a pretty unreliable narrator. She seems to be under the impression that she's just like Gale but here's a prime example of why she's not. Madge is Katniss's only friend, other than Gale. And she's not just a merchant kid, she's the daughter of the mayor. While Gale has a narrow viewpoint and see things much more in black and white(she claims he understands the socioeconomic differences are just the Capitols way to divide 12, but he has a really tough time extending empathy to people he doesn’t relate to, unlike Katniss who is incredibly empathetic when she takes time to put herself in the shoes of others), Katniss actually has a more nuanced understanding about the Seam/Merchant dynamic which later extends to deeper understanding to the other tributes and even Capitol citizens all really just being victims to their circumstances. With the director ditching (mostly, Gale still has a few choice words about merchants) the whole Seam/Merchant narrative her role is vastly diminished.
The pin that Madge gives to Katniss as a district token (and later the symbol of rebellion) is so much more important in the books because of who it used to belong to, Maysilee Donner, who was Madge's aunt (her mom's twin), Katniss's mothers best friend, and partnered with Haymitch in his games. It's most likely Haymitch's own experience in surviving the arena with Maysilee as a team that gives him the idea to partner Peeta and Katniss. Without Madge most of these connections are lost.
In the metanarrative Madge represents a lot more. She, through the symbolism of her name, offers salvation through sacrifice. She gives Katniss the pin:
"His eyes land on a small, circular pin that adorns her dress. Real gold. Beautifully crafted. It could keep a family in bread for months."
And then she basically risks her life to bring pain medicine for Gale, who hasn't been particularly nice to her:
When she opens it, there’s not a squad of Peacekeepers but a single, snow-caked figure. Madge. She holds out a small, damp cardboard box to me. “Use these for your friend,” she says. I take off the lid of the box, revealing half a dozen vials of clear liquid. “They’re my mother’s. She said I could take them. Use them, please.” She runs back into the storm before we can stop her.
Madge (and Mags) is short for Margaret, which is derived from the Greek word for Pearl (pearl is derived from the Sanskrit word for Pure). Peeta and Katniss are Pearls as well, so I'll expand on the pearl theme beyond just Madge.
Pearls themselves are created through sacrifice, traditionally the life of the oyster is forfeit for the gem. In some asian cultures the pearl represented the journey of the soul or spirit along the path to perfection (The Hunger Games trilogy is a retelling of Dante's Comedies- which represents the souls journey towards Paradise- the pearl symbolically represents Katniss’s inner arc). In ancient burials, mourners placed pearls in the mouths of the deceased. Since pearls apparently contained the principles of life, they hoped they could assist the dead on their journeys beyond. Mourners also decorated burial gifts and clothes with pearls.
Pearls are mentioned a LOT in the books. Here's a few quotes:
‘Well, if you put enough pressure on coal it turns to pearls!’” Effie beams at us so brilliantly that we have no choice but to respond enthusiastically to her cleverness even though it’s wrong.
He unzips the bag, revealing one of the wedding dresses I wore for the photo shoot. Heavy white silk with a low neckline and tight waist and sleeves that fall from my wrists to the floor. And pearls. Everywhere pearls. Stitched into the dress and in ropes at my throat and forming the crown for the veil.
As coal pressured into pearls by our weighty existence. Beauty that arose out of pain. Peeta rinses the pearl off in the water and hands it to me. “For you.” I hold it out on my palm and examine its iridescent surface in the sunlight.
I sit back on my bed cross-legged and find myself rubbing the smooth iridescent surface of the pearl back and forth against my lips. For some reason, it’s soothing. A cool kiss from the giver himself.
Katniss putting the pearl to her lips as both the mourner and the dead. We can actually infer that the pearl is a placeholder for Peeta.
But what exactly does the pearl represent beyond the obvious? There's the biblical symbolism and then there's literary symbolism.
There's a ton of Christian symbolism in these books, probably the most obvious being the Christ-like sacrifices that Peeta makes, he sacrifices his body to provide the life saving bread, and again in the arena which after spends three days in a cave, followed by his resurrection. The trilogy follows the Divine Comedies, Katniss as the heart and caught between Gale (the body) and Peeta (the spirit).
You shall bring from your dwelling places two loaves of bread to be waved, made of two tenths of an ephah. They shall be of fine flour, and they shall be baked with leaven, as firstfruits to the Lord.
Above from the Bible, below from The Hunger Games
It was the boy. In his arms, he carried two large loaves of bread that must have fallen into the fire because the crusts were scorched black.
Below is a quote from the Bible (Revelations) describing the 12 gates of Jerusalem. It could be written off as a coincidence, 12 gates, 12 districts, except that the 8th gate is the Cotton Merchants' Gate, which correlates to District 8, which is the district that manufactures textiles and uniforms.
And the twelve gates of the city were twelve pearls; each single gate was made from one pearl. And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass. 
In literary symbolism Pearl, (the daughter of Hester Prynne in the Scarlet Letter), represents several things. Pearl was the physical manifestation of Hester's sin (adultery), the pregnancy therefore making it apparent she had sinned. At the same time Pearl was a blessing, as without her she would have most likely committed suicide.
 “… Had they taken her away from me (Pearl), I would have willingly gone with thee into the forest, and signed my name in the Black Man’s book too, and that with mine own blood!”
This is similar to Katniss's thinking at the beginning of Mockingjay
Peeta. If I knew for sure that he was dead, I could just disappear into the woods and never look back.
Below is a quote from the end of The Scarlet Letter:
"Pearl kissed his lips. A spell was broken. The great scene of grief, in which the wild infant bore a part, had developed all her sympathies; and as her tears fell upon her father’s cheek, they were the pledge that she would grow up amid human joy and sorrow, nor forever do battle with the world, but be a woman in it. Towards her mother, too, Pearl’s errand as a messenger of anguish was all fulfilled."
And another quote from the near end of Mockingjay:
I lean in and kiss Peeta full on the mouth. His whole body starts shuddering, but I keep my lips pressed to his until I have to come up for air. My hands slide up his wrists to clasp his. “Don’t let him take you from me.” Peeta’s panting hard as he fights the nightmares raging in his head. “No. I don’t want to . . .” I clench his hands to the point of pain. “Stay with me.” His pupils contract to pinpoints, dilate again rapidly, and then return to something resembling normalcy. “Always,” he murmurs.
I delve a bit into the Divine Comedies in this post.
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noelanik-art · 2 years
Tonight, on “how many ways can you experience catharsis through someone else’s D&D campaign”:
“You can hold all the knowledge in the world, but if it dies with you, it doesn’t matter.”
“Do I know that he’s gone?”
“My eye is on you.”
“Don’t touch me”
“I’ve waited so long to do only that”
“No no no no no no no.”
“There is a place among the stars where only your heart can reach, and I’ve known it since I met you.”
“What follows the age of arcanum eventually must be the age of salvation.”
“A love as profound as any that have been on Exandria surrounds you.”
“There is no god that strides this world that I worship more than I worship your heart.”
“I vow this: I bear your name. I bear it on this stone. And one day I will bring you home.”
Revivify and pure ether.
“Hope that you are forgotten.”
“Are your children safe?”
“They are. I hope it was worth the risk.”
“I just cut you off and kiss you.”
“In the kiss, I cast cure wounds on you.”
“I forgive you for anything you think you’ve done, and so does Evandrin.”
“I push the locket into your hand and run away.”
“I cast teleport to Maya, to Cerrit’s children.”
“I think it will be easier for us both to forget, don’t you?”
“And somewhere in the world, someone is holding the work of your life.”
“It’s all on you, smart girl.”
“We’ll all find our way to where we’re going next.”
“Damn the ring of gold, the people of Avalir must survive!”
“The material goods mean nothing anymore, only life. That is what we serve.”
“Avalir comes before any oath I made in a past life.”
“You choose ruin and the world. You choose to cast aside the gift of your court and the right of your kin and all those of the realm of your birth, to remain here in the realm you have chosen.”
“I’m sorry, my lady, I love you, but I love another more.”
“I would rather mine break and yours remain whole”
“Remember the architect arcane, Laerryn, the most beautiful woman in the world.”
“I’ve always chosen the city, and I’m going to choose my son.”
“You will always be five years old to me, no matter how much you grow.”
“What you see on the outside doesn’t matter, my son. Just remember what’s here, and you will always see me for who I really am.”
“Y’all decided to be dads, like what the fuck.” (Aabria and Marisha and I were all on the same page with this).
“Will you marry me?”
“This will work, Avalir be damned.”
“I love you, my family.”
“I would like to ready an action so that, should I fall, I drive my blade into my best friend’s heart.”
“As I go down, I make sure I don’t miss.”
Patia’s final wish.
“Do not leave me. You cannot leave me now.”
“Are you the woman who doomed the world, or are you the woman who saved it?“
“What have you done?”
“My best. Finally.”
“There are many things that you do not see but it would be right for you to know.”
“The last thing you see is a griffin made of stars, called back to its feather, bearing on its back a young boy bearing a journal.”
“Elias leaps into the arms of Evandrin, reunited.”
“I will find the secret of how these worlds were made, and I will come and find you.”
“Do you think anyone will talk about how beautiful your dream was?”
“No, but that’s all right. It was real for us.”
“What matters more? The dream, or the dreamer?”
“There are many more dreams to come.”
“New dreams don’t have to tread the paths of the old.”
“Wingspan, I’m here. They’re both here. They’re both here. Tell me you’re coming.”
“Darling, is this goodbye?”
“No. No. Those children are the best thing we ever did. And it’s going to take a lot more than this to keep me from coming back to them, and you.”
“I’ve been able to become anyone I want my whole life. But I just want to be with you.”
“I can’t believe that the thing I almost broke beyond fixing was us.”
“Meeting you and being loved by you is a miracle, so I know they’re real.”
“I’ll move to the door, and look. My children deserve that.”
“That’s a 31.” Cerrit’s miraculous survival
“The brass ring endures. I want you to know, you gave us a chance.”
“I don’t think you hear anything back, you just feel relief.”
“One day, the people of Exandria will triumph, and the calamity will end.”
“At the end of it all, hope will return, as many times as it needs to.”
“And the fire as brightly as it may burn does not burn as brightly as your love.”
“And on a 31, at the very top of that cloud, the last member of the ring of brass gets to keep his promise to his family.”
“You don’t get to give your kids the world that they deserve, but you get to give your kids the world that they can fight for with you.”
“It did happen, and it did matter. And though the calamity is here, because of you, it will not be here forever.”
Truly an incredible collaboration by every member of the EXU: Calamity cast. I spent so much of this episode experience strong emotions. It’s been a while since I cried during a Critical Role episode, but this one definitely got to me.
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rhondafromhr · 1 month
Lautity shippers I’m working on something for you!!
Not done yet but I wanted to share this snippet of what I have so far <3
(Also content warning: it’s pretty brief but it does deal with homophobia/internalized homophobia)
Summary: When Solomon decides raising her grades isn’t enough to get her phone back and demands Stephanie round out her extracurriculars, she maliciously complies by joining Grace in her anti-homecoming campaign. After all, yelling at her classmates about spunk and trying to get their dance canceled won’t be very good for his precious public image. Grace is glad to have the extra help, but gets more than she bargained for when she starts to develop feelings for Stephanie.
Stephanie’s hands are twitching. Somewhere out there, somebody is certainly posting the worst, most horrendous take known to man on Twitter at this very moment and here she is without her phone, powerless to do anything about it. It’s such bullshit. Her dad said that if she raised her grades to a C average, she could have it back, but at the last minute he decided that wasn’t enough and demanded she start rounding out her currently lackluster list of extracurriculars. In her opinion, spitting cold hard facts and spicy hot takes online totally counts (it’s basically journalism if you think about it), but he emphatically disagreed. She has to do something she can actually put on a college application, which means smoke club is off the table. To make matters worse, she made the mistake of complaining to Stacy and Brenda about her predicament and they’ve decided she just has to join cheer.
“Seriously, just try the new cheer with us and see how you like it! I mean you’re pretty, you’re popular, why aren’t you a cheerleader already?” says Brenda.
“Uh, doesn’t it also require, like, dance skills and athleticism and enthusiasm?” Steph says with a skeptical look.
“Oh, you can learn all that stuff,” Stacy says cheerfully.
“Yeah, that’s great and all, but isn’t it too late to join?” Stephanie replies, increasingly desperate for some way to end this conversation.
“Technically, yeah, but I’m captain! I’m sure I can talk coach into making an exception for you,” Brenda says “seriously, just give it a try and tell us you don’t absolutely love it!”
“Do I really need to try it to tell you I don’t absolutely love it? I’ve never tried, like, squeezing lemon juice into an open wound, either, but I’m pretty confident I don’t like that.”
They both purse their lips in confusion, pausing just long enough for her salvation to arrive - fittingly enough, in the form of Grace. Honestly, the least she can do is help Stephanie out of this jam. Her inability to butt out and let people cheat on tests in peace is the reason Stephanie’s even in this situation in the first place. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she almost made them all complicit in manslaughter with that stupid prank. If Pete dove to catch Max even a fraction of a second later, she doesn’t want to think about what would’ve happened. Then again, Max’s brush with death seems to have humbled him and he’s at least been trying to be less of an asshole, so she supposes she has to give Grace credit for making Hatchetfield High a more tolerable place to be. Besides that, whether she likes it or not, they’re running in the same circles now. Steph’s been spending more time with Pete and Pete hangs out with Ruth and Richie, who hang out with Grace, so they’re stuck together, at least at lunch. To make things even weirder, Max has been joining them and those four have been letting him.
“Hey! Grace!” Stephanie calls with uncharacteristic enthusiasm as Grace rounds the corner, her “Homec*mming: don’t dance with temptation!” sign held high.
“Hi, Stephanie,” she says, eyeing her suspiciously “I assume you haven’t changed your mind about allowing that excuse for sin and debauchery to happen?”
“I, uh, you know what? Yes I have,” says Stephanie. Surprise flashes across Grace’s face before she hands over the pink glitter gel pen attached to her clipboard so Stephanie can sign. There’s something so strangely charming about the fact that she uses a freaking glitter gel pen of all things for this.
“Actually,” Stephanie says as she puts down her signature with a flourish “I was wondering if you needed any help with your campaign.”
It’s brilliant. She can fulfill her father’s extracurricular requirement and simultaneously make him regret ever asking her to do it. He’s constantly hounding her about not doing anything to smear his public image and hurt his chances of reelection. Joining Grace in going around school harassing all of her peers and telling them they’re going to hell for supporting homecoming is going to reflect very, very poorly on him. Not to mention how pissed off everyone will be if they actually succeed in canceling the dance. They won’t, but a girl can dream. What’s more, the Chasitys are fairly powerful members of the community and crossing them by suddenly ditching their daughter when she promised to help her is also going to make him look bad. It’s a lose-lose situation for her father and, therefore, win-win for her. See, she is pretty damn smart, no matter what he says.
Grace eyes her suspiciously. “You want to help? You? Why the sudden change of heart?”
Shit, how is she going to explain it? There’s no way Grace is going to believe she suddenly saw the light and became a prude overnight.
“I, just, uh, realized I wasn’t being very open-minded to your worldview. Think of it as a gesture of goodwill. Besides, we’re friends, right? Comrades. Classmates. Nighthawks. And Nighthawks gotta stick together, so if canceling the dance is really all that important to you, then what the hell- heck! I mean heck! I’ll help you out.”
“Well, it has been pretty lonely trying to do it all by myself,” Grace admits, “alright, I guess you can join.”
Stacy and Brenda have been watching this play out, periodically turning to each other to exchange bewildered looks. They only become more confused when Stephanie asks them to sign the petition, too. Brenda shrugs and accepts the pen, writing down her name in perfectly neat cursive. She’s stoked for the homecoming game and pep rally, but she couldn’t care less about the dance right now. It’s been two weeks since Max almost died or whatever and promised to stop bossing everybody around, meaning there’s nothing stopping Kyle from asking her out. So why hasn’t he? She’s been watching grand, romantic hoco proposals at lunch every single day and slowly losing hope that he has one planned for her. Stacy immediately follows suit. Steph and Brenda signed, so she’s obviously going to. She doesn’t want to be the odd one out.
“Wow, three signatures! That’s more than I’ve gotten the entire time I’ve been doing this! Steph, you’re incredible!” The way Grace’s face lights up is almost endearing and Stephanie has to admit that it’s nice to get some praise and recognition for once.
“Oh, we’re just getting started,” Steph replies with a faint, mischievous smirk.
Before they part ways to head to their next class, Stephanie finds herself agreeing to go to Grace’s after school. Apparently, if she’s serious about this, she needs her own sign to carry around.
“It’ll be fun, Steph,” Grace insists “think of it like arts and crafts!”
“My favorite,” Stephanie says flatly as they load Grace’s pink Schwinn into the backseat of her car.
It turns out that the Chasity household is all the way across town. Grace must be surprisingly athletic if she makes that commute on her bike twice a day. It sits in a cul de sac lined with near-identical two-story houses, complete with perfectly maintained green lawns and white picket fences. It’s exactly how Stephanie would have pictured it. At least it is until they go upstairs to Grace’s bedroom and she sees that the door’s been removed from his hinges.
“I know open floor plans are trendy right now, but this seems like overkill,” she says “why do you just, like, straight up not have a bedroom door?”
“Oh, I’m not allowed to,” Grace says as if it’s the most normal thing in the world “my parents are worried I might get up to some inappropriate activities unsupervised.”
“Inappropriate? You?” Steph says “what, are they afraid you’re gonna stay up until eight forty-five instead of eight thirty doing bible study?”
The joke is lost on Grace.
“No, Steph, really bad stuff! Like…” she pauses and looks around as if to make sure they’re alone, then lowers her voice to a whisper “…reading lewd magazines or touching myself.”
This explains a lot about Grace. Despite herself, Stephanie can’t help but feel bad for her. Along with that comes a slight, unexpected sense of kinship. She knows a thing or two about overly controlling parents. Sure, Solomon ignores her ninety percent of the time, but the ten percent he doesn’t, he’s always on her ass about something she should be doing or shouldn’t be doing or needs to be doing differently.
Grace’s small bedroom is immaculately clean and organized. It consists of a twin-sized bed in the corner with a pastel pink and blue quilt, a small desk and a largely empty bookshelf lined with only a small handful of church-approved reading material. Stephanie’s eyes are drawn to the figure of Jesus on the crucifix hanging on the door.
“What’s with the sweater?” she asks “is that some kind of obscure biblical reference I don’t get?”
“Oh, no,” Grace replies “I just knitted that for him ‘cause I think he needs to cover up. I get that he died for our sins, but he doesn’t need to have his nips out to do it.”
Stephanie stifles a laugh as they settle down on the floor with their posterboard and Grace’s impressive collection of colorful markers and get to work on her sign. To make things more interesting, she challenges herself to come up with the worst possible slogan and get Grace to approve it.
“Oh, I’ve got it,” she says, snapping her fingers “how about ‘homecoming? More like hell going.’”
“I like that,” says Grace “it really gets the point across. You’re pretty smart, Steph.” If her eyes water at that, it’s just allergies. Despite the cleanliness of the room, Grace must have forgotten to dust it recently. Yeah. That’s it.
Stephanie doesn’t get much sleep that night. With no Twitter fights to distract her, she simply stares at the ceiling until two in the morning thinking about the surprising amount of fun she had hanging out with Grace today and the glance she got into Grace’s home life that awakened a new sense of sympathy for the school snitch. Given how ludicrously strict the Chasitys seem to be, her existence is probably totally devoid of typical teenage mischief. She probably hasn’t so much as snuck out for a late-night convenience store run. It’ll take some convincing, but maybe Steph can change that.
God, who is she? Why is she lying here actually thinking about willingly spending time with Grace? The lack of screen time must be messing with her head. She always thought getting off of that cesspool of an app would improve her brain function, but apparently not. She needs her phone back, pronto. She just has to survive the next couple weeks first.
The second she wakes up, Stephanie realizes she’s going to fall asleep in class without the help of caffeine. She stops off at that singing coffee shop and gets her usual, a black americano with seven shots. She’s not sure they’re even legally allowed to serve that much caffeine in one drink, but they always indulge her. Being the mayor’s daughter does have its perks. On a whim, she decides to get an herbal peach tea for Grace. She double checks that it’s caffeine free and watches the barista vigilantly to make sure she doesn’t spit in it as it’s rumored they sometimes do here. It’s not like she wants to, but they agreed to touch base before class and it would be rude not to bring her anything. Solomon may be a shitty dad, but he raised her to have manners, damnit.
Grace is waiting for her on the steps in front of the school and accepts the tea almost cautiously, tentatively taking a sip once Stephanie reassures her that it doesn’t contain what she refers to as a gateway drug. Stephanie actually googled it once to try and prove her wrong and learned that caffeine is, in fact, technically a drug, even if she still doesn’t believe it’s a slippery slope to smoking “the devil’s lettuce” like Grace insists it is. No wonder she gets headaches when she doesn’t drink her seven shot americano. Huh, Grace might almost have a point.
“Oh, that’s really good,” she says brightly “I usually just drink plain hot water, but this is way better. I think it might be my new favorite. Thanks, Steph!”
Stephanie decides not to wonder why she’s so pleased that Grace liked it or why her heart flutters a little at the thought that it’s Grace’s new favorite. Maybe it’ll become her go-to order and she’ll think of Stephanie every time she drinks it.
“Alright, we’ve got like ten minutes before classes start, let’s get this show on the road,” Steph says. She sets her sights on a couple nerds climbing up the steps, engaged in a conversation about some TV show about a time traveling doctor.
“Hey,” she says “Rita! TJ!”
“It’s, uh, it’s Reese and PJ,” the one with the pigtails and the glasses says nervously. They both look a little terrified of her, which makes sense. She does run with the jocks and cheerleaders who were probably picking on them until recently.
“Right,” she says, trying to emulate her father’s constituent charming smile “say, you don’t want your tax dollars funding a school-sanctioned fuckfest, do you?”
“Steph! Language,” Grace scolds her.
“Uh,” Reese replies, clearly distressed and confused.
“We’re high schoolers,” says PJ, equally uncertain “I mean, I have, like, a part-time job at the bookstore, so I guess I’m technically a taxpayer? Look, is this some new type of bullying? Because it’s making me really uncomfortable, I’d honestly rather you just gave me a swirly and got it over with.”
“PJ!” Reese says “speak for yourself! I don’t want a swirly. I’ll take the weird experimental bullying.”
“Oh, perish the thought! It’s not bullying. We’re out here trying to save souls,” Stephanie says dramatically “as a wise woman once said, homecoming is just an excuse to dry hump in the gym. We can’t allow that such depravity and debauchery to take place. Not at our school. Sign this petition to keep the hallways free of sin and the gym floor free of spunk.” She’s actually having a blast hamming it up like this. Maybe she should look into drama club. She turns to look at Grace, who’s positively beaming and giving her two thumbs up.
“If we, uh, if we sign your petition, will you leave us alone?” PJ asks, shrinking back from Stephanie and hiding behind Reese.
“Deal,” Steph says, already handing her the glitter gel pen. She and Reese hastily sign and book it to get away from her.
It gets better from there. She catches Brad Callahan in the hallway and harasses him to sign, too. When he refuses on the grounds that Sarah Peterson agreed to go with him and they’re “totally going to get to third base”, she gets to channel her inner Grace and tell him he’s going to burn in hell. If there is an afterlife similar to what’s posited in the bible, she honestly does believe he will, but for entirely different reasons.
“Have fun letting the devil lick your skin clean off with his sandpaper tongue,” she calls after him. God, that was cathartic.
By the end of the week, half the school is thoroughly annoyed by her and Grace’s proselytizing and the other half have, by some miracle, actually agreed to sign that damn petition. Every day, she comes up with another excuse (reason. They’re valid reasons) to hang out with Grace after school. They have to make new flyers to hand out. They have to make pamphlets to educate people on the safety hazard of bodily fluids on the gym floor. Now that they’re getting serious traction, they have to discuss how to bring the petition to the principal and then, potentially, the school board.
It was only a matter of time before Solomon caught wind of all this and confronted her. She gets home from drafting their proposal for principal Blim to find him waiting up for her in the living room, a scowl on his face. It gives her slight deja vu for the day her precious smartphone was taken from her.
“Well, if it isn’t my October surprise.”
“Oh, hi, Dad. To what do I owe the pleasure?” she says mockingly.
“Don’t get cute with me,” he says “care to explain why I’m getting phone calls from your school about you trying to cancel the homecoming dance and yelling at your classmates about ‘spunk’?”
“You were the one who told me to round out my extracurriculars,” she replies with a smug grin “I’m helping Grace Chasity with her campaign. Haven’t you heard? Homecoming is just a disgusting excuse to dry hump in the gym.”
“Oh, for God’s sake, Stephanie, I meant a real extracurricular. Volleyball! German club! Yearbook! Anything but whatever the hell this is!”
“What’s the big deal?” she says “you were so worried what people would think of my nocturnal activities when that rumor started going around and now it’s not an issue anymore. Everyone knows I’m strictly anti-sex.”
“Well, you’re going to knock it off this instant if you don’t want me to smash your phone with a hammer for real.”
“Okay. Done,” she says, pausing for effect before grinning evilly and adding, “oh, you know what. I just thought of something. The Chasitys are a pretty big deal in the community, huh? Pretty important in the church. They’re not going to be too happy with me if I ditch their daughter and leave her out to dry when I promised I’d help her, are they?”
Solomon throws his hands up and lets out an exasperated groan.
“You’re killing me, Stephanie!” he says “you’re killing me with what you’re doing!”
“If only, Dad. If only,” she says quietly, still smirking as he retreats to his study.
Grace climbs out of bed and stretches, feeling slightly groggy from sleeping in an extra half hour. Steph’s giving her a ride today, meaning she didn’t have to get up quite so early to give herself time to bike to school. She usually doesn’t mind it - she likes getting the fresh air and the way it quiets her usually racing mind - but it’s pouring rain today and she’d much rather be inside a warm, dry car. Steph’s company doesn’t hurt, either. She knows their relationship is strictly business, but she’s been having fun with Steph and she’s starting to think of her as an actual friend. She wonders if Steph feels the same way. She’s never had many friends before, so it’s hard to tell. She gets dressed, brushes her teeth, washes her face and even puts on some of that moisturizer Steph gave her to try when she complained about her dry skin. She goes downstairs and toasts up two blueberry bagels, spreading cream cheese onto them and placing one neatly into a Tupperware container for Steph. She always oversleeps and misses breakfast, so Grace has been trying to bring her something reasonably nutritious every day. It’s the least she can do with how much Steph has helped her recently.
Stephanie pulls up in front of her house and she climbs into the car, immediately relaxed by the feeling of the heat blasting and the sound of soft jazz playing on the stereo.
“I like the music,” Grace comments.
“Yeah, I thought it’d fit the cozy rainy day vibes,” says Steph.
“It is cozy,” Grace agrees.
“So, two hundred signatures, huh?” Steph says “did you ever think you’d get that far?”
“No,” says Grace “not in my wildest dreams. I never could have done it on my own. I’m nowhere near as convincing as you. If you can believe it, a lot of people say I come on a little strong.”
“What? No way!” Stephanie says in a lighthearted, teasing manner. “Maybe you do, but that’s not always a bad thing,” she adds after a moment with a rare fond, sincere smile.
The heat must be turned up a little too high, because Grace can feel her face flushing. They arrive at school and as Stephanie reaches into the backseat to grab her bag, Grace wonders what it would be like to lean in and kiss her. How soft her lips would be and whether she’d taste bitter from all that coffee she slams. Oh, heck. Oh, no.
She shoves that thought deep down into the recesses of her mind where it belongs. She tells Steph they should divide and conquer instead of sticking together today, claiming it’s because they’re running out of time and they need to cover as much ground as possible. She isn’t sure, but she could swear Steph looks a little sad. Despite her efforts, her mind keeps wandering back to that moment in the car as she traverses the hallway trying to collect more signatures at lunch. She’d give anything for some kind of distraction right now. Well, ask and you shall receive, as they say. Max approaches and, as usual, he brightens up when he sees her.
“Hey, Grace,” he says cheerfully, absolutely enraptured by her “what are you doin’?”
“Hi, Max,” she says absently, too wrapped up in her current crisis to scold him for leering at her like that “getting the dance canceled, same as usual.”
“Where are you headed? Maybe I could, uh, carry your books for you? If you want. No pressure. Or we could just walk together,” he says with a bright, hopeful smile.
“Max, if I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times, we’re way too young for that! Besides, if you don’t change your ways, you’re already hellbound. You don’t need to make things worse for yourself by associating with a sinner like me.”
Max furrows his brow in genuine confusion. “What are you talking about? You’re, like, the biggest prude in school.”
She feels tears pricking at her eyes. “That’s really sweet of you to say, Max, but you don’t understand. I think I like someone. Like, like-like them.”
“Is it me?” he asks, a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks. She gives him an incredulous look.
“No,” she says. His face falls slightly, but there’s no time to dwell on his disappointment now. Who the hell is this guy, anyway? He’s going to kick his ass- wait, no. No, he’s not. Grace is her own person and she’s allowed to go out with whoever she wants. It’s not this mystery dude’s fault if she likes him and not Max.
“That’s the thing,” she continues, “that someone’s a girl, too!”
The tears flow freely now and she begins to sob quietly. Max’s eyes go wide and he freezes up like a deer in headlights. He has no idea how to handle this. Until recently, he made people cry on a near daily basis, usually deliberately. Getting them to stop crying, on the other hand, is uncharted territory.
“Aw, Grace, c’mon, don’t cry,” he starts. Unsurprisingly, it doesn’t do much. “I’ll sign your petition! I’ll make everybody sign your petition! How’s that sound? No homecoming! No spunk on the gym floor!” When she doesn’t even respond to that, he knows it’s serious. “Lots of people like girls. I like girls! Who doesn’t? They’re great.”
She sniffles. “Yeah, b-but you’re a boy. You’re supposed to!”
He pauses. “Well, I don’t bring it up a lot, but I like guys, too. See, you’re not alone. We’re, like, uh, what’s the phrase? Like two peas in a pod,” he says, trying to sound gentle and reassuring, which is also uncharted territory for him. She pauses and looks at him for a second.
“Oh, gosh,” she says and starts bawling even harder. He winces and realizes he’s in way over his head. It’s time to message Ruth and Richie for backup.
Grace is crying, plz help
He receives a string of incredibly graphic threats and knife emojis from both of them in response and adds, I swear I didn’t do it!! At least not on purpose!!
Yeah well there’s a difference between intent and impact bitch. Smh have you already forgotten the anti bullying assembly??? Richie replies but yeah meet us in the AV classroom, it’s empty rn
He leads Grace there and Ruth and Richie await them. She sniffles and takes a seat. Ruth hands her a water bottle and Richie gives her a small pack of tissues. He always carries some around to dab the sweat from his forehead. It’s not like they’re very useful for him, anyway. They usually end up disintegrating from becoming so soaked.
“You wanna tell us what’s wrong, Grace?” Richie asks.
She tugs at the sleeve of Max’s letterman, looking at him with red, puffy eyes. His chest tightens. It’s hard to see her like this, so sad and scared and drained. His face forms a puzzled expression as he tries to figure out what she’s trying to communicate until he finally realizes.
“Oh,” he says “you want me to tell ‘em?” She nods, still dabbing at her eyes with the tissues. “She’s sad ‘cause she likes a girl. But there’s nothing wrong with that, right? Who doesn’t like girls?”
“Uh, me,” says Richie.
“Oh, right, sorry, Richie,” Max corrects himself, looking a little sheepish.
“Preach!” says Ruth, raising her hand to high five Max. He enthusiastically returns it. “If girls loving girls is wrong, then I don’t want to be right! See, Grace, you’re not alone. You’re just like me. Two peas in a pod!”
Grace buries her face in her hands and starts bawling again.
He looks at Ruth and Richie with slight indignation.
“See,” he says “it’s not so easy, is it?” His point made, he turns to watch Grace helplessly. Grace, who was the mastermind behind the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for him, even if he did later find out that it was an admittedly well deserved revenge prank. Grace, who didn’t have to be his friend and probably shouldn’t even be giving him the time of day after the way he treated her, but still does anyway. Grace, who’s usually so opinionated and snarky and passionate, always fired up about something and never shy about it, regardless of what other people think.
He’s been learning to accept that he can’t control every little thing. That trying to have power over everything and everybody was deeply unhealthy and all it really accomplished apart from a fleeting power trip was making everybody miserable and secretly resentful of him. It’s hard letting go, but it’s also been liberating. The powerlessness he feels right now is crushing, though. There’s nothing freeing about it. He can’t stand sitting here watching his friend break down because she thinks that some fundamental part of herself is wrong. He wants to fight the people who made her feel this way, but he suspects that particular list is too extensive for him to work his way through. What good would it do now, anyway? Maybe it’s finally time to take the advice of the exhausted, overworked second grade teacher who was definitely not paid enough to put up with all of his shit and use his words instead of hitting. Better late than never, as they say.
“Grace,” he says gently, not even sure where he’s going with this, but unable to stand the silence anymore “we’re, uh, we’re here for you, alright? It’s gonna be okay.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about! No it’s not,” she cries in a strained, hoarse voice “even if it’s true that there’s nothing wrong with liking girls, my parents sure don’t think so! What’s gonna happen to me if they find out? They’ll probably make me go live at abstinence camp with the Jerries for the rest of my life!”
“Well, we’re eighteen, right?” says Ruth “they can’t make you.”
“And if they try, you’ll just come live with me instead,” says Richie “uncle Paul would be more than cool with it. He loves you. He says you’re a good influence because you don’t let me blow off my homework to watch anime and you make me go to bed before three in the morning.”
“Well, you need your eight hours,” she says with a soft and sincere, but tired smile “thanks, guys. That does make me feel a little better.” She tentatively pulls Richie into a hug, not caring about the stench or how damp he is. Ruth, of course, eagerly joins in, not about to miss the opportunity for human contact. Max stays put and looks at them with hesitation, not sure if they want him to join.
“What are you doing, Max?” says Grace “get in here.” Well, that answers his question. He still holds back, watching Ruth and Richie for their reactions.
“It’s only fair,” says Richie with a smirk “you did make her cry.” He scowls, but there’s no real malice behind it. He comes over and wraps his arms around them tight.
With Grace sufficiently cheered up, there’s still one question on everyone’s minds.
“So, who’s the lucky lady?” says Ruth “wait, it’s not me, is it?”
“What? No,” she says, her signature snark finally making a comeback.
“It’s okay, Ruth. I got shot down, too,” says Max “two peas in a pod!” They high five again.
“It’s Steph,” she finally admits.
“Makes sense,” says Richie “she is waifu material.” Ruth nods in agreement.
“Waifu material?” Max asks, furrowing his brow in confusion again. Richie places a hand on each of his shoulders and looks at him with an intense, solemn expression.
“I have much to teach you,” he says “come over after football practice, we’re watching all the classics. We’ll start you off with Ouran, I feel like it’s pretty approachable for a beginner.”
Ruth grabs his arm. “What? No fair, I still haven’t gotten to show him Star Wars. Come over to mine, Max, we’re watching the prequels.”
“The prequels, Ruth? Seriously? As if subjecting him to the trilogy isn’t bad enough.”
“Well, what do you know, you won’t even sit through one episode of Clone Wars with me!”
As they continue to bicker, a warmth blooms in his chest. They actually want to spend time with him to the point of arguing over who gets to. They want to be around him when they don’t have to. They like him. They’re not just sticking around out of fear. They trust him enough to invite him into their homes. To ask him to share in the nerdy interests he used to make fun of them for. He smiles softly and pulls them into another hug.
“We can do both,” he says.
“Ugh, fine,” Richie huffs, but a reluctant smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
“Hey, Grace, you want to join us?” Max asks “oh, we should invite Steph and Pete, too!”
“Oh, I appreciate the invite, but I have my bible study group tonight.” That much is true. She is supposed to meet up with Mary, Gabe and Noah later to study scripture. She’s not sure she can face them after her realization today, but if she skips, her parents are sure to hear about it. Besides that, the alternative of joining them for their movie night and facing Peter is only slightly less daunting. It’s obvious that he like-likes Steph, too. She’s worried it’s going to make things awkward between them. What if Steph likes her and not Peter and he ends up getting hurt? What if Steph likes Peter and not Grace and she has to watch them hold hands and make eyes at each other and stuff down her heartbreak and pretend she never wanted any of those things?
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swervinonalatenight · 8 months
So many have interpreted The Emperor Balduran as a meta commentary on the how the player interacts with game characters and acts as a mirror of how you’re character acts to others. Which is super interesting and props to the writers for it.
But I always see The Emperor, “The Character”, which is its own can of juicy worms.
I should start off by saying this. The Emperor is NOT Balduran.
Ceremorphosis in its final stages destroys the soul of the host and replaces them with a mind flayer that has some of the memories and experiences of the host. They are not a transformed version of the original. (So sorry to pull out the rug on those who want to save Karlach with ceremorphosis, but that’s not Karlach anymore, it’s an ilithid based on Karlach.) They cannot be resurrected, they cannot be recovered. Their fundamental nature has changed from whatever they were, into a new mind flayer.
With this in mind, we can examine The Emperor from the start of your first meeting. The Emperor lies to you. He comes to you in a form of a dream guardian, someone who appeals to whatever you or your characters ideal is. He is everything you would want from the start and promises to protect you if you help them.
When The Emperor does reveal himself as a Mind Flayer, he doesn’t do it willingly, when you have grown to trust him and he you, it’s when he was forced to, when all options of hiding are gone. IIRC he never says anything about revealing it to you, if he could he would have kept lying to you for as long as he needed. He plays off his deceit by saying that he needed you to trust him, that you weren’t ready for the truth, shrouding you in wool of “forces beyond your understanding”.
He catfished you.
Then next you talk he tries to relate, tell you of his exploits as a human. A noble act yes, but again, shrouded in mystery as to who he was. He says he only killed criminals to feed off of, but never what kind of criminals. Were they murderers? Petty thieves? Gang members? Someone who stole bread to feed a starving sister and their son? He never says, just “criminals”. He worked with someone to make the place better, only to have it turn out he mentally controlled her to the point of making her brain dead.
His best friend, most likely lover, saw he was sick and went from heaven to hell to try and get him better, while he said he was fine with how he was, until the point where his lover was unable to accept him being gone and he killed him in self defense. Only, as it turns out, his lover may have actually been trying to stop him from doing something evil.
He says he has a troubled, but understandable past that you should sympathize with.
He then comes to you shirtless, ‘vulnerable’. He says there is a connection between you two that has driven you closer, that you understand him and he you. He gets you, and thinks you should “get to know him”. He seduces you, and he’s happy if you go along, but if you refuse he sounds miffed, like he was banking on it happening. And he says he knows everything about you and what you want.
He uses sex and a perceived attraction as a means of gaining trust, started with a false sense of vulnerability.
When you do as he says, follow his lead and “trust” him, he acts happy, overjoyed that you trust him and that you are following your best chance at salvation. That you see Balduran, not a mind flayer.
When you don’t do as he says, not necessarily distrust and go against him, even just thinking “maybe there’s a better option” he calls you a fool, and idiot, an incompetent who will damn themselves and everyone else because they don’t follow his vision. Even in the end, when you say you trust him but killing s bound and helpless man who he’s enslaved and exploited to get this far is wrong and that freeing him is best. He immediately cuts all ties and goes to a higher form of authority to get back at you. He exploits your desires about you, using the dream guardians as fodder. All your desires are nothing but tools to break you down. He knows you, but since you defied him, he will break you for daring tho think against him at all.
Really, The Emperor is an abusive/manipulative partner. He breaks down natural barriers of trust with his words and charisma of “trying to help you” and that you are the only hope (“I love you so much, you are so much better than me”). But only in so much as you follow his word. (Why are you doing this? Aren’t we partners? Don’t you love me? I’m the only one who can help/love you!) He isolates you from the others by talking to you alone, wraps you in six different kinds of lies to protect your sweet precious mind. (DW, it’s fine you don’t need to think that hard about it baby. I will take care of everything you just listen to me) And the moment you decide any other way than his way may be better, he goes against everything he has ever said to you and joins with the thing that enslaved him before just to get back at you, using everything you gave him against you. (Why don’t you love me!? We shared so much together?! Fine! Hope you love getting harassed and swatted bitch!)
The Emperor never cared about like he said. He’s a mind flayer, you are just, a really important thrall to him. That’s all you ever will be. A mind flayer mind is so alien to the thought of “other races are ok” that the closest they can get is “my favorite slave”.
He cares about you only in so much as you ensure his freedom. Becoming a mind flayer, is his way of gaining total control, as you are now HIS ideal, alone from anyone else that may care about you.
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password-door-lock · 2 months
“Boss,” you approach Unknown, obviously ready to complain to your heart's content. He knows this game very well by now, for all the times you've made him play it. Actually, when Unknown thinks about it, he supposes that you’ve never really been in any position to make him do anything. If he didn’t want to listen to you, then he wouldn’t have to. 
“What?” he spits, humoring you regardless of his disinterest in wherever you think this conversation is going. After all, sometimes your rambling turns out to be quite entertaining, and occasionally, you want to bring his attention to something which is actually relevant to his revenge. 
“I'm bored of working,” you announce, as if that means anything. “Do you wanna see how much I got done?” 
He narrows his eyes, making one final click before he resigns himself to stepping away from his revenge for a moment. It's annoying that you keep on distracting him— Unknown never expected this when he decided to keep you as his assistant. If he'd known you'd be so rowdy, maybe he wouldn't have held onto you this way, but as it is, he's kind of stuck with you. He can't send you back to where he got you from— even though he's fairly certain that you wouldn't intentionally breathe a word about him to anybody, there's always the possibility that those liars could find you and torture the answer out of you. After all, if the benevolent Savior is willing to try something like that on her believers, Unknown shudders to think about what sorts of things might go on in the world of the RFA. He can't cleanse you, either— with your general weakness and anxiety, which he doubts would be eliminated by the elixir of salvation, Unknown gets the feeling that you wouldn't last an hour as a believer. Ultimately, he has no choice but to keep you here.
Strangely, he finds he's more productive now that you force him to take these little breaks, as you call them— probably because he has to work even harder to catch up in between, but more productive is more productive. Unknown would do anything to be able to bring that redhead to ruin faster, though that doesn’t mean he’s pleased to be wasting his time on something so inane as your fragile feelings. 
“You're bored?” He coos, continuing to humor you. Inane or not, those feelings of yours are fun to play with.“Oh, you poor thing. Then come here, and I'll make it better, hm?” Unknown turns to face you now, making sure that you get a good look at his wolfish grin. 
You must know that it's a trap. You're probably not the smartest person in the world, but Unknown is familiar enough with you by now to know that you’re nowhere near as foolish as he initially expected you to be. “Mmm,” you hum, slipping into his embrace and clinging to him like you actually think you're going to get anything out of this. Maybe Unknown should consider revising his assessment of your intelligence, after all. Or maybe... you know it's a trap, but you like it anyway. Strange. “Thank you.” You really sound like you mean that, like you actually think that Unknown is going to let you off the hook so easily. He saved you specifically so that you could help him with his work, and you don’t get to quit on him just because you’re sick of it. 
Now that he has you in close proximity, Unknown leans in to whisper in your ear, “You don't get to be bored of working, cutie. Since you can't do it on your own, I guess you can just help me with my task instead, hm? What a handful you are.” He feels you smile against his chest, and, not for the first time, Unknown wonders whether he is actually the one in control.
“You want me to just look at the screen?” You ask, clearly trying to restrain your excitement. You really are strange, if that’s something you’re looking forward to. 
“Yes,” Unknown replies, “Turn around and look at the screen.” You do as you’re told, and Unknown feels relieved. He’s still the only one in charge here— of course he is, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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teecupangel · 8 months
so I have an idea what if Haytham Kenway is a yandere because of his desire of no longer wanting to lose things precious to him that started after being left by Ziio and goes full on platonic yandere for Ratohnhaké:tön,  when he learns he is his and Ziio’s son and we could also add adewale to the mix of someone he doesn’t want to lose because he is the only living connection left of his father
I feel like we would need a catalyst for this because if he was already a yandere before he met Kaniehtí:io then it wouldn’t make sense that he’ll let Kaniehtí:io go.
So in this case, the catalyst would be the aftermath of saving Jennifer. Not only did he lose one of the few people he actually trusted, Jim Holden. During the funeral, Jennifer hammered in the final coffin and told Haytham that they shouldn’t be stay close and that they were much too broken to become a family once more.
As well as…
“You became one of them, Haytham. The very people who ordered our father’s death and destroyed our family. No matter what kind of man you are underneath that cape of yours, you still choose to remain part of their Order. I cannot…” Jennifer stared at her younger brother…
At the Grand Master of the Templar Order.
“I care for you as my brother but… I also wish I could strangle you…” She placed her hands on Haytham’s neck, “To snuff out the rot of the Kenway name.”
Haytham stayed still, lips curving into a small mirthless smile, as he asked, “Am I truly the rotten one, Jenny?”
“We both are, Haytham.” Jennifer said with a sad smile void of any hope. She dropped her hands and turned away as she said, “Our blood has rot beyond any hope of salvation. Stained by the corruption of the Order and the festering corpse of the Brotherhood.”
“If we truly wish to protect this world…” Jennifer began to walk away as she said, “We would let our blood end with us.”
And the tragedy of it is that Haytham actually believed that Jennifer was right.
The Kenway family was filled with tragedy. Even the happiness he must have had as a child felt like a dying dream.
But, at the same time, he also wanted his life to mean something.
His loyalty to the Order wasn’t because of Birch, it was because he truly did believe in the Order’s ideology.
And he would keep pushing forward…
Until it was time for him to die.
Shay was a tool that needed to be guided to be used effectively.
Or perhaps Haytham was simply pushing such thoughts to keep himself from remembering how the villages refused to let him come even near the forest. He had not seen Ziio at all, could not even ask any of the villagers to deliver his message or to give Ziio the letter he had penned.
Shay was a distraction…
The Colonial Brotherhood was a distraction.
But then…
Adéwalé stayed with them and protected them to the best of his ability.
How cruel his words had been.
“He would be ashamed to see what you have become.”
His father would be ashamed of who he had become… probably.
But his father was dead.
Adéwalé was a part of his father that was still alive.
It was hard to keep him alive. Adéwalé fought knowing it could be his last. Stubborness formed from desperation that left no other choice but to take him down until he was an inch away from death.
Shay had thought he had truly killed Adéwalé.
Haytham let him think that but he kept Adéwalé alive.
Charles didn’t say anything. He was foolishly loyal like that.
And so…
Once Adéwalé was stable, he had him shipped to Jennifer in London.
Jennifer would know what Haytham wanted even if he did not give her any letters at all.
The Colonial Brotherhood was destroyed.
And time marches on.
Haytham still tried.
He tried for so long.
Yet the village remained close to him.
So many times, Haytham had wanted to destroy the village just so it would open its gates.
But Ziio would not want that.
Then again…
Ziio didn’t want to see him at all.
She must hate him.
But Haytham was fine with that.
He was used to being hated.
All he wanted…
… was to have Ziio with him once more.
To hold her in his arms and to protect her.
If she hated him so much, he will build the most beautiful cage for her.
There she will be safe and protected.
That’s when he saw him.
The boy with Achilles.
He looked…
He looked too similar to him to be a coincidence.
Too similar to Ziio.
It had to be…
Why wouldn’t Ziio tell him?
Why would Ziio hide him?
There was no reason to be agitated.
There was no reason to lose all sense of calm.
“Yes, Master Kenway?”
“Capture the child next to Achilles Davenport.” Haytham ordered without looking at their direction. Charles followed him and pretended not to see them, listening as Haytham continued.
“Alive and unharmed. Do I make myself clear, Charles?”
“Of course, Master Kenway.”
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karniss-bg3 · 28 days
A little 'niss brainrot ask for when you feel better, no rush <3 But do you think Kar'niss has been a drider for a while (and perhaps part of the reason his psyche is the way it is) or do you think he's a recent one? I'm thinking a while as in some 10+++ years, and recent as in 1 year or perhaps less. My headcannon is at LEAST a decade, poor 'niss, dealing with voices and pain and the emotional burdens of lolthite bs. I can only imagine the effects of constant pain. Also I can't stop thinking about how he's a drow and Sunlight Sensitive and holding a Very Bright lantern super close to his face. Almost literally blinded by fanaticism, huh? I hope you're feeling better/or will feel better soon! Hope never stops singing. Much love from the brazillian weirdo!
I agree with your point of view. I also believe that Kar’niss was turned sometime ago. The reason I believe this is because of how well he handles the body he now occupies. I imagine when a drow is first turned into a drider they struggle to navigate their strange, new eight-legged vessel and accidents could occur as a result. He seems very comfortable in his own skin, so to speak, and has no trouble climbing steep walls or wandering rough terrain. Kar’niss also has an aura about him that suggests age, even if we’re not talking elder years here. Something about his face speaks volumes, between the scars and the sour expression, this guy has been through it. Kar’niss doesn’t come off as fresh and new, but withered and worn. If he turned to the Absolute willingly it is likely because they convinced him they were his only hope, his only source of salvation. After many years of believing otherwise he opted to cling to the first shred of hope that appeared viable to him.
His psyche is a two-fold issue. Mix one part driderism with one part Absolutist mind breaks and you end up with a bleak mess of a beast. It’s also safe to assume that because he was a male drow he was subjected to untold abuse while in the Underdark, before and after the transformation. While we may never get the full lore behind why he was turned, I think there is a chance he cracked before he was transformed. It would depend on what level of pain and torture he was subjected to in the early years of his life.
Yes, I do think its bizarre that he holds that lantern so close to his face but he suffers from sunlight sensitivity. Even without the debuff, having something that bright close to your eyes would have to be blinding. I do like your take on blinded by fanaticism, it suits in this context! Poor Kar'niss will suffer discomfort if it means he feels protected and safe.
While we’re on the topic I need to bring up how both True Soul Nere and Kar’niss have sunlight sensitivity but the player character drow do not. I get that Larian probably removed the debuff from PC drow because a vast majority of combat takes place outdoors during the day and having a permanent debuff would make the race less appealing to players. But if Astarion’s sunlight issues can be removed by the tadpole, couldn’t the same be said for Nere and Kar’niss alongside PC drow? It’d make sense at least, but it was perhaps just an oversight.
Thank you for the well wishes. Things are settling and I hope that trend continues. I appreciate the ask as I do love discussing our boi. Take care!
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spiderlandry · 10 months
it’s a sad song (but we sing it anyway) — ethan landry
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Description: “Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story.” (Richard Siken)
Or, Ethan tells you his true identity.
Pairing: Ethan Landry x GN!Reader
Warnings/Tags: angst, no happy ending sorry guys (but i dont think it’s that bad tbf), canon typical violence, mentions of death, extra warning for those who have watched psych s7 ep7, unedited but i might edit soon
Word Count: 1.4k
Author’s Note: someone should hold me back from using hadestown lyrics as fic titles .
Ethan is going to hell.
He had never believed in the idea of righteousness or salvation, not even in karma or the rule of reciprocity. But you’ve broken down the walls he has worked years to put up, leaving him vulnerable and wondering how you managed to destroy his years of work in mere seconds. Now he doesn’t know what to believe.
There is no version of this story that goes well for him, he realizes. He has turned it over in his head a million times, and it ends with you—or him—leaving.
He hesitantly steps onto the crime scene. Though nervousness is part of his act, he can’t help but think it’s also because he’s afraid to face you. He ducks under the yellow tape and his eyes flit to your figure sitting at the edge of the curb a few feet away from the others, a blanket around your shoulders. You pull it taut, looking at the ground, shivering, no doubt in shock.
He blinks and then he’s pushed up against a van, his angry roommate demanding answers. Ethan gives his alibi mindlessly. He had practiced it, he doesn’t need to think. It’s not like he can think, because once his gaze lands on you, your eyes widened at Chad’s outburst, his mind clouds with you. Only you.
What’s worse is that once Chad is off him and Ethan is squatting in front of you, you look into his eyes without a hint of fear. Not even betrayal. Because you don’t suspect him. That’s what shakes Ethan—he lies to you, and you believe him without so much as a thought. Isn’t this what he wanted?
Then why doesn’t it feel right?
He reaches out to you, hand hovering over your shoulder, silently asking for permission. You nod.
You’re cold to the touch, even through the blanket he can feel the chill radiating off you. He ends up rubbing your back to help you get warm, and there is a split second where you’re searching his face.
You jump into his arms, and he stumbles onto the ground as you cling to him, not even minding the stares you’re getting.
He relishes in your trust, knowing you won’t be safe with him for much longer. Hell, you were never safe with him. The difference will be that you’ll know.
Shortly after getting checked out by the medics and exploring the abandoned theatre with the rest of the group, Ethan is surprised to hear you ask if you can go to his place for a bit.
Obviously, he says yes. He can’t possibly turn you down. But he has a bad feeling, maybe it’s intuition or something else.
The view is familiar. You’re laying on him, a hand over his heart, feeling its steady beat while he squeezes your side for comfort. If the comfort is for him or you, he doesn’t know.
You’re both supposed to leave in a few hours to meet up with Kirby and the others to hopefully track down ghostface through a phone call.
“You can’t leave my side,” You finally say after a long stretch of silence, palm still smoothed over his chest. If you feel the sudden change in his heartbeat, you don’t mention it.
“I won’t leave you. You know that,” And he means it. He hates that he means it. It’s not him. It’s not who he’s supposed to be. “We’ll get him.” He whispers, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, relieved from the comfortable sigh that you let out. It’s a promise he knows he will break. Kirby’s plan is bound to fail—it’s a heavy stone in his heart, and he keeps it there because he knows he deserves the burden of carrying it.
You get up to take a quick shower, he heads to the kitchen for a drink. His throat is dry.
For the first time in his life, Ethan is clueless.
About ten minutes later, he hears the shower shut off, and you exit the bathroom after a moment, wearing his clothes. He almost smiles, but you’ve got something in your hand. He doesn’t process it just yet.
He never saw it going like this. Not in a million years, not even in the scenarios he ran through in his head.
Your face is devoid of any emotion. Numb, as you throw the dagger at Ethan’s feet.
He stares at the weapon on the floor, a speck of blood on the otherwise shiny surface, a spot he missed. He recalls haphazardly throwing the knife under the sink to move for later, but it is that moment he realizes he’d forgotten.
His head snaps toward you, and it’s then he figures out you’re shaking. But you’re still emotionless—maybe that’s what scares him the most—you’re the easiest to read. He can’t possibly read you now.
“Explain this,” Your voice doesn’t falter, and there’s a brief staring contest between the two of you before Ethan picks up the knife.
His body carries him. He no longer controls himself. You step back, much to his dismay.
You watch while he runs it under the water, unable to look in your eyes.
“Ethan,” you call sternly. “Ethan, are you listening to me?” When your voice breaks—
He breaks, too.
There’s a loud clank that sounds when Ethan slams the weapon into the sink. It makes you flinch.
His jaw clenches upon seeing the tears in your eyes. “Falling in love with you was never part of the plan, okay?”
It’s the confirmation you were looking for. The actual name to his secret is not even uttered, the word never said. It hangs in the air.
“This all started because my brother died,” The venom rolls off his tongue. “But—but then I met you. You’re—you were—” As he struggles to find the right words, he expresses his anger through a shout. “You fucking broke me!”
“What are you talking about?” You stand your ground, to his surprise. “Are you telling me this is all a lie?”
“Please don’t make me answer that,” He whispers.
This whole time, he has carried the guilt of being the reason for the torment you’d experienced. He carried it, thinking it would be worth it, long as you never found out. The goodbye never mattered—long as the image you had of him wasn’t tainted.
But now it is.
Marching toward him, what hurts is that there’s no anger on your face. “Yeah,” you nod, voice finally tapering. “You broke me, too.”
He doesn’t register the slam of the door until seconds later.
This was originally going to be longer, but since I don’t think I’ll write the rest this is how it goes:
Ethan doesn’t tell his dad about you knowing he’s ghostface, he just shows up to the park like everything is normal, half expecting that there’s police waiting for him there but since he’s practically given up he goes anyway
He’s surprised to find that things are normal, you’re just avoiding him. You haven’t turned him in.
You take Mindy’s place on the train, you get stabbed by Quinn and get rushed to the hospital.
Ethan is forced to make the decision of staying at the hospital or going through with the plan. He picks the latter.
It could have gone one of two ways (I didn’t decide):
The plan is successful, the family manages to kill the sisters and the twins and Kirby.
Ethan knows what this means. The mission ends with you. Ethan and Bailey have this standoff where they exchange silent looks, Bailey is practically saying, If you don’t do it, then I will. ‘It’ referring to killing you.
Ethan chooses to kill you at the hospital, not wanting for his father to do it. It reminds him of his first kill—his mother. He lives with it for the rest of his life.
Or, alternatively:
It goes according to canon, Ethan dies. You’re still at the hospital, unconscious, unaware that Ethan died. When you wake up, your friends are at your side, and you’re conflicted on if you’re relieved—then flashbacks ensue of how real your relationship with Ethan felt. You’re alive but you’ll never be the same again.
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wowbright · 6 months
Fic: Recommend
Fandom/pairing: Glee, Kurt/Blaine
Event: December Klaine Fanworks Challenge 2023
Words: ~1500 words                                         
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Although Kurt's faith has changed, he still manages to get his temple recommend renewed.
Notes: This is part of my Mormon!Klaine universe. It takes place after Out of Eden, which I am still in the process of posting to AO3. It’s among the possibilities for their future. Mormonsplaining and mild warnings in tags.
* * *
Kurt and his parents had always planned for him to do Finn's temple work when he got back from his mission. It had seemed the right thing at the time, a fitting way to honor the two young men’s brotherhood and make it even more real.
They hadn't seen its one glaring flaw: they were all assuming Kurt would return from Germany with the same faith he'd taken with him when he’d left.
“I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get my temple recommend renewed when I get back,” Elder St. James said to Kurt on their Lufthansa flight to New York. He was on his third Milka mini chocolate bar snatched from the candy buffet near the bathrooms on the lower deck, and Kurt was on his fourth.
“Why?” Kurt said. “Gluttony’s not against the Word of Wisdom. Besides, if chocolate and cookies are all they're going to offer us between meals and we're growing young men, we kind of have no choice. Besides, that breakfast was hardly a breakfast.”
“European breakfasts never are,” agreed Elder St. James. “But it's not the Word of Wisdom I'm concerned about. It's that question about sustaining all the leaders. I'm not sure I can answer ‘yes’ to that in good conscience. I mean, I voted to sustain them at the last general conference, but since my vote doesn’t actually mean anything since they just ignore the abstentions and opposition votes, am I actually sustaining them?”
“You pray for them, don't you?”
“Of course.”
“Well, I think that's what sustaining means—offering sustenance. With a child, that would mean giving them food and clothing and shelter and support and love. The leaders don't need those first three things from us, but they do need our support and love. And we show that by respecting them and praying for them.”
“Huh.” Elder St. James opened a fourth chocolate bar and took a thoughtful bite. “I suppose that works. I mean, it's not my fault that I can't actually sustain them in the vote sense, and the temple questions are supposed to be about things that are within our own control, so … Thanks, Elder Hummel. That helps.”
Kurt unwrapped his fifth chocolate. But before he could break off a piece, he started wondering if he was eating his feelings, trying not to think about what was actually happening, how he was currently vaulting through the sky at hundreds of miles an hour, every second pulling him farther and farther away from Blaine and closer to a future that he couldn't envision. Hmmm. Maybe he should eat his feelings. It was better than thinking about that. Besides, he felt nowhere near full.
“Do you have any worries?” Elder St. James said.
Kurt had so many worries, he didn't know where to start. Maybe he could mention how he didn't actually understand how planes stayed in the air and it was rather disconcerting to be hovering over the Arctic when he could easily imagine the plane just dropping out of the sky and plunging them into the icy water to their untimely deaths, and while he didn't fear for his own salvation, he did rather like this life they were currently living and also, it would be terrible for his parents to lose two sons in so many years. But before Kurt could think about whether this was an appropriate response, Elder St. James clarified, “About your temple recommend questions?”
Kurt gave his one-time companion a sharp look. “What's that supposed to mean?” The recommend questions included one about the law of chastity, and while Kurt knew he had done nothing wrong, it would be better if rumors didn’t spread. Blaine was still inside the mission.
“Nothing in particular.” The vacant look behind elder St. James's eyes seemed to confirm his sincerity. “I mean, you’re such a Peter Priesthood I figured you wouldn't have trouble with any of them. But maybe I was hoping, just a little, that you were in the same boat as me.”
“What boat is that?” Kurt asked.
Elder St. James popped the rest of his chocolate bar into his mouth and chewed it slowly. He didn't speak again until he had swallowed it all. “I don't know. Not as excited about all this church stuff as I was when we were on the plane out here? I mean, I don't even know if I want to go to the temple again.”
"Well, the temple is –" Kurt looked over your shoulder to make sure no one was listening. He had, perhaps, become a little too used to speaking about the temple freely with Blaine. “–it's a lot different from every day worship. And the sessions are long. But I want to go back. I have work to do for my stepbrother.”
The necessity of that work, Kurt’s obligation to his family—they had nagged at Kurt as he’d weighed the risks of becoming physically intimate with Blaine. It had felt like another unfairness imposed on him by the church, forced to choose between loyalty to the family he came from and commitment to the family he was discovering in Blaine.
But as time passed and Kurt got closer to leaving Germany, denying the gift Blaine was offering him had begun to feel like a sin bigger than any lie Kurt might tell the bishop. And he had discovered just how true that was when they finally slept together: being intimate with Blaine, Kurt had felt for the first time what it must have been like to be one of those legendary first humans, before sin and pain existed, when they felt no shame in their nakedness or the bodies that had been gifted them. Their love was sinless because it grew from that same place without sin.
So it was with a clean conscience, upon returning to Ohio, that Kurt answered yes to his bishop’s question of Do you obey the law of chastity? Kurt’s actions with Blaine had been authentically chaste—reserved for one’s spouse, pure in conduct and intention, free of coercion, seeing the full humanity of the other person and loving them for it. Blaine was his other half in the truest sense, regardless of whether the church or the law recognized it.
Nor did Kurt have any qualms about professing his testimony in God the creator or in Jesus Christ or the restoration of the gospel—his faith in these things was even deeper than before he left on his mission, though in a way he would never have expected.
Even Do you support, affiliate with, or agree with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? was easy to answer the right way, because the only teachings “accepted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” were those that had come before the general conference for a vote of common consent. The Proclamation on the Family wasn't one of those things. And besides, he was pretty sure the question was mainly meant to root out polygamists.
Do you keep the covenants that you made in the temple? and Do you strive to keep the covenants you have made, to attend your sacrament and other meetings, and to keep your life in harmony with the laws and commandments of the gospel? were harder. Kurt wasn't even sure he remembered all the covenants he had made in the temple. But the ones he remembered, and the ones he had honestly agreed to, with full understanding—he strove to keep those. As for keeping his life in harmony with the laws and commandments of the gospel, he was more committed to doing that than he’d ever been, even if his understanding of “the gospel” was probably different than his bishop’s.
“Have there been any sins or misdeeds in your life that should have been resolved with priesthood authorities but have not been?” the bishop asked.
“No,” Kurt answered.
“And finally,” the bishop said, “do you consider yourself worthy to enter the Lord’s house and participate in temple ordinances?”
No more or less than any other of God’s children, Kurt thought to say, but he knew it wasn't the answer the bishop was looking for and would only confuse him. “Yes,” Kurt said.
The bishop signed the recommend and sent Kurt on his way with a smile and a handshake and, “Now, don’t spend all your time at the temple. Your first priority now that you've gotten back from your mission is to find a wife.”
“Thanks for the advice," said Kurt, trying to accept it in the same well-meaning spirit it was given.
Then it was rinse and repeat with the stake president, and Kurt had his recommend. Alone in the car, he turned the card over in his hand, staring at the movement of light over its barcode and lettering. “Finn,” he said, “I hope you’re ready for this.”
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