#if you count the arm i guess
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Draw your squad like this
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braisedhoney · 1 year
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aw c’mon doc, pranks are supposed to be funny.
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captainschaos · 4 months
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smallest-moon · 1 year
here it is the master post for all my soul eater!au ideas (here are posts 1 and 2 + vashwood as souls), where I'll be periodically rebloging it whenever i think of something new! feel free to dm if you wanna talk about it and give me more ideas :) or point out any dumb contradictions but anyways lets go:
vash is the meister and wolfwood is the death scythe
wolfwood's original partner was livio but due to events livio is now presumed dead/missing, leaving wolfwood without a partner for a long time
livio is however very much alive and eventually he'll return with his new weapon who is razlo (how does it work? basically imagine razlo as ragnarok)
wolfwood scythe form is his giant machine gun (still thinking if he should be like tsubaki is able to change forms so that when he finally accepts vash as his partner he changes into vash's gun instead of always being a machine gun..... and can later transform into that wicked weapon vash's angel arm changes into)
vash himself is death (i suppose.. though nobody knows... yet) and he still brings chaos wherever he goes. he has been without a partner for a very very long time
due to walking around without a scythe, he has a lot of scars thanks to the fights he cannot avoid and his immense desire to save everyone
meryl and milly are naturally around and they are meister and weapon
they are currently looking for a chaotic meister that leaves a trail of destruction behind
when vash and wolfwood first start working together as partners, wolfwood makes his scythe self heavier just to see vash struggle as much as possible whenever they arent in combat because really what the fuck is up with this dude hating to kill?? you ARE literally death incarnate grow up
completelyyy unrelated to that is that people hear and tell many different versions of the same story: of a great battle many many many years ago that brought great destruction. despite names changing many times most seem to agree that one of the beings was called knives millions and that his heart only knew destruction. the ending differs for a lot of people, most agree there were no survivors but some believe there was only one because how else would the story exist ("ain't nobody surviving that, its just a story" an old man shook his head "but if someone did survive, they are either death or the devil itself")
so thus far no one has found out that vash is that "one" survivor nor have they found out that knives didnt actually die but instead he is trapped as vash refused to kill him then
but how long will he stay trapped? how long until he breaks free again?
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zkretchy · 1 year
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Hope you like thrill rides
Aka after both the mine cart sections&the final boat ride....my mind went to rollercoaster? The game sure feels like it at times and I love it
quick bonus:
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cal4hysteria · 8 months
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this was so much funnier in my head when I first thought of it
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dragonanne · 10 months
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I miss you
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rawliverandgoronspice · 10 months
Even 6 years after botw, and 3 months after totk's release, I have to admit: They're good games, though lacking in story, but they're honestly not good "Legend of Zelda games." Totk being less so than botw. It's not about the shrines, puzzles or temples, or lack of them; the games are just kinda missing that LoZ feeling. I think an anon had a good take: LoZ refers to Zelda's story from a historians perspective, but is actually the story of Link and his adventure for us players. Botw is missing that, and in totk that's completely gone, with everything focusing on Zelda.
Hey, thank you!
I think I try to stray away from what makes a good Zelda game (or a Zelda game altogether) because I think that there is nothing more Zelda-core than fighting about what makes the essence of Zelda, and everybody being convinced they're extremely right about it (not excluding myself AT ALL btw, it's just... for some reason it's impossible to talk about Zelda and what you care about in the series without taking it to weird absolutes and being semi-toxic about it, which ??? it's so strange that it's a nearly-universal thing, why is it such a thing) and it's ultimately very personal. Obviously they kind of lost me with TotK in terms of player values, but I completely relate to seeing this thing you love drifting away from you.
I think what I miss the most is the bittersweetness, this idea that for any act of bravery to become a legend, you have to part with something meaningful and let it rest behind. At the heart of every single one of your adventures, there is this sacrifice that you have to make: be it a relationship, a sense of innocence, a person, an entire world... I often hear that Zelda only cares for happy endings, and I don't think it's that true? Like of course things are good by the end, the baddie is dead or sealed away, you are triumphant, the world is no longer in disarray... But there's always a cost.
I think it's really the heart of why I failed to connect with TotK's themes at the end of the day, if I try to de-intellectualize and take it in a more emotional way (and then of course it resonates with all of the reasons why I'm bothered with depicting any kingdom as worth preserving as is, without questioning anything about it)
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stargazerlillian · 1 year
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(Don't tag as ship)
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zarvasace · 1 year
:) I couldn’t pick just one word XD
(neither can I!) (heads up, disability AU! Context: Hyrule is mostly blind!)
Hyrule nodded to himself—the spots of dark magic he could feel were all dwindling, save the auras that hovered around Twilight and Four. The monsters had all been taken care of, and it seemed that nobody had been gravely injured this time around. He began to turn his attention to seeking out the other Heroes when a voice interrupted him.
"Hold on, Hyrule," Four all but snapped, making a lot of noise as he rolled over dirt and crunched leaves to get closer. "There's blood all over that sword. Clean it before you put it away."
"I can clean it later. Can't I?" Hyrule asked, pausing in his unconscious motion to sheathe his sword.
Four huffed in exasperation. "It's a wonder that you all have any non-magical swords left, the way you treat them. Here, let me have a look at it."
"You'd better, because I can't."
There was a pause, and then the joke landed. Four snorted, and something in his voice relaxed. "That's awful."
"Thanks." Hyrule smiled brightly in Four's direction.
"Now hand it over."
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thschei · 5 months
Wait hold on
Do we count not regenerating as suicide??? Bc if we do, that means that the master has killed themself out of spite 4 times, 5 if you count the Lumiat as canon (I do), and 2 of those were simm!master and 2 of those were missy, and 4 of them were motivated by the doctor
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despairforme · 2 years
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devotioncrater · 9 months
so. i guess i have to go to urgent care tomorrow. & show the doctor my lab results. & try to get in for a cancer screening that way
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i definitely share the problem many people have of whats in my head vastly outpacing what ive actually written, but i sort of have the opposite problem with other parts of the creative process bc the thing is when i do actually write its never so much bc i sit down to write, more like the ideas that have been pressurizing finally burst forth in a chaotic torrent that drags me into a fuguelike state where there is nothing but feverishly getting the words out with minimal mind to editing or organization and eventually after at least several hours i surface and find myself with like 8k new words of writing to sort through, and hope the spell is broken rather than being only a brief window of lucidity bc it wont properly be done for the next couple days actually, which is what happens sometimes
#these days i am lucky bc i usually have a typing medium at hand and can get the new writing in the form of typed files#in the past i have definitely used all sorts of things that were less than ideal bc the writing frenzy hit in inconvenient circumstances#i have covered paper plates front and back. scribbled in pen on the inside of water bottle wrappers. literally stolen paper from nearby#printers or on a few occasions /ripped blank pages from unattended notebooks belonging to others/ bc thats how bad the Need to write is#obviously at that point i had already run out of room on my hands arms and available sections of my legs so i was desperate#i once had no better writing tool available than green icing so guess what? i used it and later had to transfer the notes worth salvaging#to actual pen and paper once available bc icing attracts ants so it couldnt stay#in drama i covered a piece of scrap wood all over with writing while having a psychotic episode and people called it the board of prophecy#and this is just counting the times it has actually been story/character/worldbuilding notes and scene/dialogue fragments and timelines#yknow actually useful creative stuff? as opposed to just randomly Needing to Write Anything Just To Be Writing And Have Written which#has produced stuff of wildly varying content and quality over the years lmao#anyway under no circumstances be jealous of 'actually being able to get the words out' lmao its losing days of your life to it#its not being able to eat or drink or sleep even when your brain is released from the frenzy enough to remember that those 1) are things#and 2) you need to do them. its missing important events you needed to go to and important things you needed to do#and not being able to explain why without gambling over your continued freedom and autonomy#etc etc anyway guess why im mentioning this? hint it has to do with the new folder in my notes app with a total of ~32k new content in it#most of which is Fun and Fresh but with a dash of Throwing In Some Revitalized Versions of Old Ideas and which holds so much potential as a#new thing to occupy my days with for the next few months at least and which also. crucially. stole several days of my life from me#i only stopped bc i hit cluster headache time and was forcibly jolted from being able to process anything that wasnt overwhelming pain
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necromancy-savant · 5 days
What if they had something like laser tag but with boffer melee weapons
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moruboru · 10 days
answer with snake pupils bottom text
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