#if you genuinely want to have a conversation about this then my DMs are open and i promise that i will respond in good faith
topflights · 1 year
i’ve got another 20 mins left in 2022 so i’ll get sappy rq. i’ve really, truly, genuinely enjoyed being on here w y’all this year. i joined wrestling tumblr near the end of 2021, so i’ve had this blog a little over a year now, and i’m really grateful i made it and joined you guys on here. thank you for looking at my silly little posts, thank you for thirsting abt wrestlers w me, thank you for sticking around and being generally welcoming to a new face around here. it’s been a really fun year enjoying wrestling with you guys, and i’m excited to do it more in 2023 💕💕
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gayemoji · 3 months
jesus fucking christ.
#abt wilbur.#abuse#this is largely going to be my rambling immediate largely self centric thoughts so . yknow keep scrollin if you dont want that.#i have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation except watch shelbys vod.#at first i only saw wills tweet bc my brother told me about it#and i thought it was about his EX ex girlfriend or something so i brushed it off like 'oh okay damn a general misunderstanding'#then i searched tumblr saw shubble. found her vod . jesus christ.#hes always poked fun at himself being like 'yeah im shit and manipulative'#so theres always been a nagging. ick . in the back of my head. but never enough to actually. stop myself from liking his content/music.#so yeah. another lesson in 'no no red flags exist for a reaosn. listen to your instincts is a saying for a reason.'#all the love and support to shelby. her candidness & how obviously much she HAS been able to grow past THAT SHIT is genuinely inspirational#not that she needs to be inspirational etc. etc. its just good to know she'll be okay. shes in a good place. thank god.#all the stress for wilburs content friends. whether theyve been manipualteed whether theyve whatever i hope theyre . making good choices.#i say give them time. ik theres a lot of creators immediately coming out. therell be a lot who have to process this shit.#there'll be a lot whove. knowinigly / accidentally been complicit. theyre individuals treat them as such.#personally i just . have not cared about m a n y dsmp era mcyt for a W H I L E . so im happy to detach forever at thsi rate.#i havent been in the mcyt sphere for a hot fucking minute now. i hope youre all doing okay.#this shit hits weird. its okay to feel weird. if you want somewhere to vent my dms the replies on this post the tags are all free and open.#don't stew in it. you dont have to fear feeling selfish or self-centric or shifting the spotlight. you need to let that shit out.#thsis hit sucks !!!! a bunch of his/lvjy songs are comfort songs for me.#idk what the fuck to do about that. my immediate /want/ is to burn it. but thats easier said than done sometimes#if youre gonna 'separate the art from the artist' at least fucking pirate his music. youtube to mp3 that shit.#you can add local 'on your computer' files to spotify.#seperate art from the artist by seperating his monetary gain of YOUR consumption of it as much as possible. /AT LEAST/.#but also good luck separating his largely personal art from him.#im not tryna be condescending im in the same boat.#fucking white whine in a wetherspoons is no. 2 on my panic attacks playlist.#thats not his to take from me anymore. but ik if i listen to it ever again itll make my skin crawl.#ofc its not about me. its not about us the unaware fans. and im glad to know for sure now hes a REAL piece of shit.#m
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misfitgirlwrites · 2 months
Alastor Having A Crush On You/How Would He React?
Since the choice of writing all three won my poll, I'll start with this one because it was in second place! Next is Lucifer!
Here is my first contribution to the Hazbin Hotel fanfic dump, please call me MG, and may we all enjoy our obsession together 🕺🏽
CW: none!
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You could know of Alastor before the appearance of Hazbin Hotel or you could be hearing of him for the first time when you decide to walk through those hotel doors.
He wouldn't pay you any mind at first, just like any other sinner residing in the hotel. After a while though you'd pique his interest a bit. It could be something you said that he overheard, or something you do that he just so happened to catch that day.
It would make him pay more attention to you, but you wouldn't notice right away. It'd always be convenient situations; everyone being in the same room and he decides to stay longer than usual. Joining conversations with you and Charlie would have when talking about the hotel.
You always had unique ideas to try and get the hotel traction, and they amused him.
After a while, he would start talking to you on his own.
This would confuse you at first, since you two haven't really had any real conversation outside of anything hotel-related. It seemed Alastor decided he wanted a bit more than that.
You certainly didn't mind it once you could tell he was genuine with this interest. It started from small conversations as you passed each other to nightly talks at the bar that would last for hours.
Alastor would grow to really enjoy the routine of seeing you everyday. Soon, you wouldn't be seen without him close behind.
He would let you accompany him when he would usually spend the time alone from everyone else.
The first time you initiate physical touch would be when he starts to focus on his feelings for you. One day, you'd ask to hug him, and he'd agree much too quickly for his own liking.
After he hugs you once, please expect more of them. In private, he would 100% just cuddle you close to him but will deny it if you bring it up.
Alastor knows he has some sort of feelings for you but will refuse to acknowledge it for a while.
Because let's be for real? This guy? Having a crush on someone? With Vox attempting (and probably succeeding?) to watch him 25/8? Simple math states that's called a weakness.
Alastor wouldn't have many choices. He could cut interaction altogether, but that certainly wouldn't benefit him that much. He wouldn't have any worries, sure, but he'd miss you, and he knows that.
And he's never denied himself anything before if he wanted something so why start now because of potential bumps in the road? Especially bumps he was sure that he was more than capable of handling.
Alastor still wouldn't openly express any romantic feelings right away but his time spent with you becomes a regular occurrence.
He would so go to Rosie and talk to her about you (they're besties, don't you love it?)
She'd most likely be the one to call him out on his crush and push him to actually do something about it.
THAT is when he'd actually "fuck it" and decide he does in fact want you :)
It wouldn't be anything grand, but the bastard has such a way with words, so it's certainly romantic.
A tad bit possessive but 🤸🏽‍♂️
He simply can't help himself when it comes to you~
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Requests are open! If you'd like to be tagged in future Alastor or Hazbin Hotel content, please let me know! My asks and DMs are open to all! 💚
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juniperskye · 5 months
What are the chances?
Sneak peek: Aaron and you match on Tinder and have been messaging back and forth over the summer…who’d have thought that meet the teacher night would bring him face to face with the woman he’s been sexting.
Aaron Hotchner x Teacher! Reader
Word count: 5335
I have been writing this for weeks and I’m not sure about it – feedback is welcomed (as long as its constructive) Also I am using personal knowledge of teaching (as I work in a school) if it doesn't match your personal experiences I am sorry. Not edited - please be kind.
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, language, sexting, tinder, online dating, explicit description of sexual activity, age gap (legal - Aaron is 45 Reader is 26), unsolicited sexual messages via dm, mentions of Jack, New Girl reference, mentions of school, teaching, insecurities, mentions of cheating, let me know if I missed anything!
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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Your phone buzzing pulled your attention away from the book you’d been reading. The notification illuminating your screen was one that filled you with dread.
You had joined Tinder at the suggestion of your colleague, she claimed that after your last relationship plus the significant amount of time you’ve been single equated to you needing to join the dating app.
This on its own wasn’t what was tying your stomach in knots, that was the fact that since you’d downloaded the god forsaken app you’d received a disturbing amount of unsolicited dick pics. Tonight, however, would bring a positive change. You had swiped right on a particularly handsome man a few days ago and had been silently hoping to match with him ever since. You had honestly given up hope until now.
Swiping over on the notification to launch the app would allow you to remind yourself of how handsome this guy actually was.
“Alright Aaron let’s take another look at this profile” you mumbled to yourself as you slid further down the couch.
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Scrolling through his pictures you couldn’t help but smile. He only had three, but they were good. The first picture was a close up of him in a suit, he wore a subtle smile and his eyes looked so inviting. The second picture was him in a black T-shirt he looked as though he’d been laughing or maybe talking, a big grin on his face. The third photo…this one left your mouth dry. He’d clearly been on a golf course, the photo taken without his knowledge, but his arms…the way they were flexed and the veins that bulged in his forearms and hands. God the thoughts you had about what he could do with those hands.
You shook your head, trying to rid your mind of the vulgar thoughts you were having about this perfect stranger. He was hot, you couldn’t deny it, but his bio drew you in even further, it was to the point but definitely had you wanting to know more.
I’m a single dad and a workaholic. I love the Beatles. Looking for something real.
It felt like someone may have guided him through it, but you could tell the sentiment was genuine. He was a single dad and you loved that he wasn’t hiding that. It wasn’t something that would deter you from getting to know him either. You loved kids, that’s why you’d become a teacher.
You had mentioned that in your bio, it was short and sweet and exactly you.
I’m a 3rd grade teacher, I love music and reading, and yes, “I have touched glitter in the last 24 hours!”.
You’d thought about messaging him right away but ultimately decided against it. Not wanting to seem too eager, you’d give it some time and who knows, maybe he’d even message you first.
It had been an entire week since you’d swiped right and now he was finally messaging you. He’d kept it pretty simple, but it was late and given the previous messages you’d received at this hour, you were feeling pretty weary about opening his message.
A: Hello, I wanted to message you sooner, but I wasn’t sure how to start this conversation.
Y: Hi 😊 and no worries I get it. Online dating doesn’t exactly have the same effect as an in-person conversation.
A: Precisely. How are you?
Y: I’m doing good, tired. You?
A: I’m good, thank you.
A: I’m so sorry, I travel for work and am currently on the west coast, I didn’t even factor in the time difference.
Y: Don’t apologize! I’m the one who is awake at this ungodly hour. I should probably head to sleep though.
A: Yes, get some rest. Could I message you tomorrow and try this again?
Y: Absolutely, I’m looking forward to it! Goodnight Aaron!
A: Goodnight.
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You woke up feeling pretty good, it was nice to not have to wake up at 6:00 am every morning. Once of the perks of being a teacher was the breaks. You were, however, thankful to be at a school that allowed a twelve-month contract which meant your paychecks continued through the summer. You had also made some extra cash by creating and selling assignments through teachers-pay-teachers (TPT) and by holding virtual tutoring sessions for students who were struggling.
Today you were just planning to create a few different anchor charts to upload for sale on your TPT account. You had just finished designing one for homophones vs. homographs and were ready to upload it when your phone buzzed. When you noticed the notification, you couldn’t help but smile.
A: Good morning
Y:  Good morning! How are you?
A: I’m well, glad to be going home. How are you?
Y: Right, you had said you were on the west coast, is that for work?
Y: And I am good, thank you.
A: Yes, I unfortunately have to travel a lot for work. Your bio says you’re a teacher, that’s really incredible, how long have you been teaching?
Y: Travelling for work must take the excitement out of the actual travel.
Y: And thank you! I have been teaching for 5 years now! I love it so much; the kids make all the paperwork and administrative stuff worth it!  
A: It is so great that you have that passion. It seems that it’s becoming increasingly rare.
Y: What about you? I see you’re a federal agent, is that right?
A: Yeah, I am. It’s not as glamorous as it may sound.
Y: I would think it’s busy, and hard work. Especially with you travelling while having kids at home.
A: It is, it’s nice to talk to someone who understands that. I just have one kid, a son, he’s almost 8.
Y: That is a good age!
A: It really is, he’s coming into his own.
A: I just saw the time; I have a plane to go catch. Can we talk again soon?
Y: I would really like that. Have a safe flight Aaron.
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**One Month later**
The two of you had talked nearly every day for the past month. He was everything you could’ve hoped for; kind, funny, charming, he asked you about yourself and your job. You were really enjoying talking to him and he must’ve shared those feelings because he had recently asked you to switch over from Tinder to texting.
Aaron and you hadn’t had the chance to meet in person yet, but you texted frequently. In the time you’ve been talking, he’d been out of town a total of three times. The first was when you’d matched, he was somewhere on the west coast then. He was back for two days from that trip before he left again, that time was a short stint in the Midwest. And the most recent time, which he was just getting back from was a whole week, somewhere nearby, you knew based on the fact that you remained in the same time zone.
Getting to know each other had been going well, you two asked one another deep questions instead of surface level stuff. You’d talked about your dreams and how you hoped to continue teaching for a few more years before moving up into the administration side of things, and Aaron had shared that he used to be a prosecutor and while he couldn’t share much about his current job, he shared what he might do when he was done at the FBI. He informed you that you had inspired him and that he’d been considering teaching classes at the local university.
Connecting with him was easy, so easy in fact that you’d both admitted to having deleted your dating apps. You had told Aaron that you really wanted to meet him, and he had agreed with you, and so you had set up a tentative date for the following Friday, provided work doesn’t call him away.
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Naturally, work did call him away. He’d texted you as soon as he found out. Short but sweet.
Aaron: Hey, I am so sorry, but we got a case. We’re headed to the tarmac now. Raincheck?
You: Oh, no worries! I understand, have a safe flight. Will you let me know when you land?
Aaron: Of course, I’ll talk to you later sweetheart.
You couldn’t help but blush at the name. Aaron and you hadn’t used pet names or even discussed it…hell, you hadn’t really discussed anything about what you were or where you were headed. You had figured that you would have that discussion over dinner, only now that wasn’t happening.
In all honesty you were starting to lose your resolve. Since you had started talking to Aaron, you hadn’t talked to any other men, which meant you hadn’t been intimate with any other men. You were starting to feel pretty restless. You’d thought about texting him, but again, you had no idea what this thing you were doing was. You had tried to push the feeling aside, keeping yourself busy by watching TV and cutting out materials for your classroom.
It was nearly 10 pm when your phone lit up. You looked down to see Aaron’s contact light up your screen, a smile taking form on your lips.
Aaron: Hey sweetheart, how was your day?
You: Hey! It was productive, I got a lot of prep work done for my class. How was your day?
Aaron: It was long, and brutal. I would much rather be there with you.
This was it; he was opening the door; you would just have to see how far he wanted this to go…would he invite you in given the chance?
You: I’d love it if you were here. I’m just lying in bed.
Aaron: You are?
You: Yeah, just here in bed. Thinking about you.
Aaron: I’ve been thinking about you too.
You: Yeah? How so?
Aaron: Sweetheart, I don’t want you to think that this is just some ploy. I like you; I really do, and I want to meet you in person.
You: I like you too Aaron and I know you wouldn’t do that. I’d also really love for you to continue…I really need to know what you’ve been thinking about.
Aaron: God sweetheart. I’ve been thinking about all the things I’d like to do with you.
Aaron: I’d love to start by grabbing your face and kissing those beautiful lips.
You feel a shiver run down your spine as you read Aaron's text. Your heart begins to race, anticipation bubbling up inside you. The words on the screen ignite a flame of desire deep within your core, making it impossible to resist the growing heat between your legs.
You: Mmm, that sounds amazing. I can almost feel your lips on mine already.
Aaron: I want to taste every inch of you. Starting with your mouth, then trailing my kisses down your neck.
The mere thought of Aaron's lips exploring your body sends a surge of wetness between your thighs. You imagine him leaving gentle, lingering kisses along the curve of your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin just below your earlobe.
You: Yes, please. I want to feel your lips everywhere.
Aaron: I'd slowly remove your shirt, teasingly revealing the soft skin underneath until it’s off completely, exposing your beautiful breasts.
You can't help but squirm in bed, the tingling warmth between your legs intensifying with every word. The anticipation builds as you imagine Aaron's hands brushing against your skin, his fingers tracing delicate patterns along the curve of your breasts.
You: Oh God, that sounds incredible. I can’t wait to feel your touch, Aaron.
Aaron: And I can’t wait to give it to you, my sweet girl. I'd worship every inch of your body, my hands guiding my lips and tongue to explore you.
Your breath catches in your throat as the images flood your mind, each one more tantalizing than the last. You can almost feel the soft brush of his lips against your collarbone, the way his tongue would flick against your sensitive flesh.
You: Please, Aaron. I need you now. I can't wait any longer.
Aaron: Patience, sweetheart. We'll meet soon, and when we do, I promise to fulfill your every desire.
As you read Aaron's response, a mix of relief and disappointment washes over you. You understand the need for caution, but the ache within you grows stronger with each passing minute. The desire to feel Aaron's touch, to have him consume you completely, becomes almost unbearable.
You: Okay, Aaron. I trust you.
Aaron: Good girl. Now, close your eyes and imagine my hands tracing circles on your thighs. Slowly inching higher, closer to where you crave me the most.
You follow his command, closing your eyes and allowing your mind to paint vivid images of his touch. The sensation of his warm hands on your thighs sends shivers down your spine as you imagine his fingers inching closer to your pulsating core.
You: Oh yes, Aaron. I can nearly feel your hands on me, the anticipation is almost unbearable. Every nerve ending in my body burns for your touch.
Aaron: That's it, my sweet girl. Imagine my fingers brushing against your wetness, teasingly circling your throbbing clit, driving you to the edge.
Your breath hitches in your throat. The images in your mind become more vivid, your body responding to the phantom touch that you crave with every fiber of your being.
You: Yes, Aaron. I can feel it. My body is on fire for you.
Aaron: I can practically see the uncontrollable desire in your eyes, sweet girl. I bet you look so pretty when you cum.
Your heart races with a mixture of excitement and frustration. The words exchanged between you and Aaron ignite a passionate flame within you, but the distance between you only fuels the longing for his touch. For now, you must find solace in the words that pass between you, allowing your imaginations to create a world where your desires can run wild.
You: I can't wait for the moment when this all becomes reality.
Aaron: It will be worth the wait, my sweet girl. Until then, tell me what you’ve been thinking about. Tell me what you want me to do to you.
You close your eyes, mind racing with a whirlwind of untamed thoughts and secret desires. With each passing moment, the explicit nature of your conversation with Aaron intensifies, leaving you breathless and yearning for more. The electrifying tension between you grows with every tantalizing word exchanged, pushing the boundaries of your imagination further than ever before. You find yourself under Aaron's spell, eager to confess the deepest, darkest corners of your desires.
You: Aaron, I want you to take control. I want to be at your mercy, to feel the weight of your dominance. Do with me as you please.
Aaron: My sweet girl, I will claim you as mine, marking every inch of your body with my touch.
Your body trembles in anticipation of your approaching orgasm. Every nerve ending tingles and pulses, craving the touch of Aaron's hands, his lips, his body against yours. The air is thick with desire as you imagine surrendering yourself to him completely. You slide two fingers into your pulsing heat, slowly thrusting them in and out, imagining Aaron was the one providing you such pleasure.
Aaron: Give yourself over to me. Let go sweetheart. I want to push you to your limits and then pull you back.
Your fingers move faster, matching the rhythm of your racing heart. The room seems to spin as you find yourself on the precipice of ecstasy. One final thrust of your fingers and you are sent hurtling over the edge, your body convulsing with waves of pleasure that crash over you like a tsunami.
As you ride the aftershocks of your orgasm, your breathing begins to steady, and the reality of the moment settles in.
You: Aaron...that was...beyond anything I could have imagined.
Aaron: This is only the beginning. There is so much more for us to explore when we are finally together.
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You were growing more confident in whatever this was with him, but you were also becoming more and more frustrated at the fact that you had still yet to meet up with him. You had facetimed many times at this point. Calling one another regularly, to say good morning, to let you know he had landed safely, to tell him all about your day, and even to get one another off at the end of a long hard week.
He was extremely apologetic, given that his chaotic schedule was to blame for you having yet to meet in person. He had even gone as far as to let you know each day they didn’t have a case to see if you were free, but unfortunately as the new school year was approaching, you had become increasingly busier. You had been attending trainings for curriculum as well as the new program the school would be using to take attendance. You had also been going in to start setting up your classroom for a few hours each day.
When you weren’t at the school working on those things, you were at home writing lesson plans, making assignments, and getting your google classroom setup online. You had felt horrible that you had to decline dates, especially given that he finally had time for them, but Aaron was so sweet, assuring you that it was okay. You told him that once the school year started things would be easier since there wouldn’t be so much to prep anymore and once again Aaron let you know that he understood.  
Time had flown by; Aaron and you had been talking and doing whatever this was for nearly two months. Many things had been exchanged between the two of you, promises of exclusivity (without labels for now), explicit messages, talks of the future, nude photos, hopes and dreams, amongst many other things. Since that night, you and Aaron had shared many explicit conversations that had ultimately led to some of the best orgasms you’d ever given yourself. You we genuinely surprised at how quickly you had felt comfortable with a man you’ve never actually met, but him facetiming you regularly helped, you supposed. It was scary to think you could be falling for this man so early on.
Shaking the thought out of your mind you checked your phone, only to see a missed call from Aaron, as well as a voicemail. It made you smile to yourself, nobody you knew left voicemails anymore, they always followed a missed call with a text.
VM <Aaron>: Hey sweetheart, you must be busy, but I wanted to see if you were free this Saturday. I know you have some stuff going on at the school this week, but I thought since you are off, and I just found out it is a mandatory off day for the team, it might be a good time for us to finally go out.
Aaron’s voicemail made you giddy, because him having a mandatory day off on the weekend was rare (as he previously informed you). They tend to fall in the middle of the week between cases to allow the agents a break. But a Saturday! One of your days off – this meant you could finally go on your date! You quickly clicked your phone app, scrolled to his contact, and hit the call button.
“Hotchner.” Aaron said.
“Hey baby!” You greeted.
“Oh, hi sweetheart! I take it you got my voicemail?”
“I did, and I am totally free on Saturday! Were you thinking dinner?”
“Well Jack is with his grandpa on Saturday, so I thought maybe we could spend the whole day together? I have a feeling once I see you, I’m not going to want to let you out of my sight for a bit.” Aaron explained.
“First of all, same! Second of all, I would love to spend the day with you, maybe we could go to the farmer’s market in the morning? I could get some stuff to make us dinner. What do you think?” You questioned.
“Perfect! Alright, well it is getting late, and I know you have a busy day at the school tomorrow, so I am going to let you go. Have a good night sweet girl.”
“Tomorrow won’t be as bad as Thursday, but you are right it is getting late. Goodnight handsome! Text me when you get up?” You asked, hopeful.
“You are going to do great on Thursday, the parents are going to love you. And I will text you first thing!”
With that, you hung up. Aaron was sweet trying to ease your mind of your anxieties. You knew realistically that your meet the teacher night on Thursday would be fine and that there really was no reason to fret, but alas, here you are letting it eat you up.
The next three days passed in a blur, Aaron had been consulting on a case from the Quantico office, something about it not being enough information to warrant travel. You had been finishing up all your last-minute decorations and lesson prep. You also needed to make your slideshow that you would review during meet the teacher.
It had been chaotic, but you managed to get everything completed on time and Aaron had actually helped that precinct close their case. It had been a successful week, and now you on top of your back-to-school jitters, you also had nerves from your pending date. You told yourself to focus on one thing at a time, it would be easier that way.
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Which leads you to right now…
Meet the teacher night was the most nerve-wracking and exciting night of the year, you wanted to make a good impression for all the parents, but you also needed to show the kids that you were a safe adult that they could trust who has curated an inviting and cozy space for them to express themselves and engage in learning. 
You had spent the last week getting your classroom perfectly decorated and organized for this moment, and here it was finally happening. You waited, anxiously fidgeting with your sleeves as families made their way into your classroom, greeting them all as they entered. A parent had pulled you aside to talk about their child’s multitude of allergies when another family had walked in, presumably the last one if you had your count right. You excused yourself and made your way over to the father of this student and stopped dead in your tracks. You’d recognize him anywhere, you had memorized his face, arms, hands, broad shoulders and here he was in front of you now.
“Hi” it came out as a breath; you were stunned that he was here now.
“Hi, I had no idea you were Jack’s teacher. The email I got must’ve been your last name…” Aaron tried to explain.
“No, don’t worry about it, we hadn’t exchanged full names. I um maybe we should talk about this after.” You’d just remembered that you were in a room full of parents and your soon-to-be students.
“Right, that’s a good idea.” Aaron said as he made his way over to Jack and some woman.
Your stomach dropped as Aaron greeted the woman, clearly someone he was very familiar with. Had this all been a lie, the last two months. You zoned out, completely disassociated as you gave your presentation, welcoming the families, going over pickup/drop-off procedures, discussing how you would communicate with parents and going over the scope and sequence of the curriculum for this year.
As you spoke, you found your eyes drifting back to him. Your stomach dropping every time he meets your gaze. How dare he. How dare he smile at you like nothing is wrong, like he isn’t here with some other woman.
You made it halfway through the powerpoint which was a chance for parents to ask any questions that they had thus far. A few parents had asked about the school lunch program and what after-school activities they could anticipate throughout the year. Another parent asked about one of the board adopted reading curriculums and how it would be implemented – all tame so far. Then his hand went up. You steeled yourself before gesturing to him.
“Mr. Hotchner” You signaled him to ask his question.
“Yes, I wanted to know more about the art program here. Which classes are provided as the kids’ specials?”
“That’s a great question, our school has received a grant from the state for our arts program, it is one of the best in the U.S.. The students will participate in multiple specials throughout the week such as Art, Physical Education, Chorus, Computers, Robotics, Gardening, Band, and Dance. They will have two specials classes on every day of the week, save for Wednesdays, since those are half days.” You explained.
“Wow, that’s amazing, thank you!” Aaron smiled at you again.
You were proud of the fact that your school had the ability to have such a wide variety of electives to offer your students. Your heart swells when talking about it, knowing that you worked tirelessly to help lock in that grant for your school. Aaron’s smiley response, however, makes your stomach churn.  
You continued throughout the last few slides, closed out your presentation and said your goodbyes, answering the few remaining questions while picking up stray crayons and cups scattered around the room. As you threw the last few cups in the trash you turned to see Aaron lingering in the back of the room alone.
There was a nagging feeling eating away at you. He surely didn’t have the audacity to come here with another woman. Not when you had spent the last two months sharing the most intimate parts of yourselves with one another. Granted he didn’t know it would be you, so maybe that was why he was here with her. All you wanted to do was grab your bag and get the hell out of here.
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry. I didn’t expect to see you here tonight.” He started.
“Sooo, should we just ignore the fact that I’ve seen you naked? Just pretend like the last two months never happened. I don’t want to put Jack in an awkward position. And I certainly don’t want to come between you and your girlfriend.” You huffed.
“Woah, sweetheart, hold on. What are you talking about? As far as I am concerned the only person who I would call my girlfriend here is you, but obviously we haven’t discussed that and seeing as we are only just meeting now, I figured we’d go on our date before labeling anything. I don’t want to forget about any of this, I want to keep this going, see where it leads.” Aaron reached for your hand gently.
“Aaron, if you are seeing that woman you came here with then this has to end. I’m not looking to be a third, or to be your mistress. You can’t do that to her. You can’t do that to Jack!” You shook your head and pulled your hand away from his.
“Oh my god. No, that’s Jess, Jack’s aunt. I thought I told you about her. It’s Jack’s mom’s sister. The only person I want to see is you baby.” He reaches for you again.
This time you let him pull you into his embrace. You shake your head, feeling like an idiot for even thinking Aaron was capable of something so awful.
“I’m so stupid. Aaron I am so sorry!”
“Sweetheart it is okay! I can’t even imagine how it must’ve looked.” He pressed his lips to the top of your head.
“I can’t believe you are actually here right now.” You whispered, pressing your face further into his chest.
Aaron squeezed you tighter, rubbing his hands up and down the expanse of your back. You took a deep breath in, savoring the smell of his cologne.
“You know, I could have Jess take Jack home, and maybe we could go grab a bite to eat?” Aaron suggested.
“Really?” You looked to him for confirmation.
Aaron replied with a subtle “mhmm” to which you nodded. He quickly pulled his phone from his pocket and shot a quick text to Jess. He was sure to give her a brief explanation of the situation, this of course caused her to agree to take Jack for the night.
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You should have known you wouldn’t even make it to dinner. Aaron had suggested going back to his place since it would be empty and ordering in. How could you say no, it was a brilliant idea.
The two of you barely made it through the door before your lips met in a fiery kiss, tugging at one another’s clothes. Aaron had picked you up, wrapping your legs around his hips as he carried you the rest of the way to the bedroom.
He gently laid you on the bed, holding his weight up by his elbows on either side of your head. He leans in to kiss you once more before pulling away entirely.
“Sweetheart, I want to make sure you really want this. I can wait and I don’t want you to think this is all I want because trust me I want you. All of you.” Aaron expressed.
“Aaron I want this, all of this with you.” You gently brushed your finger against his jaw.
With that, Aaron dove back in and kissed you with fervor. His hands gripping your plush thighs sliding up to your hips. Your hands reaching to unbutton his dress shirt, unsuccessfully so. Aaron’s hands come up to meet your own, he moves to remove his own shirt which allows you just enough space to remove your own. Garments are strewn about the room as Aaron leans down attaching his lips to the top of your breasts. His hands come up to grope them, your body arching into his touch. He tugs the lace down, exposing your nipple, it immediately perks to the cold air, and he attaches his mouth to it. You can’t help the gasp that releases from your throat. You card your fingers through his hair raking your nails against his scalp.
Aaron presses his hips to yours, allowing you to feel his growing length against your inner thigh. Heat courses through your body as your heart races. He undresses you with a slow, deliberate intent, unhooking your bra and allowing your breasts to bounce free. The vulnerability of it all makes you feel alive, desired, cherished.
Your hands explore his body, his muscles hard and defined under your touch. You run your fingers across the faint lines of scars, evidence of his journey, the stories he's lived. You gently trace them, feeling his rough skin, the warmth emanating from him. You feel like you know him, like you've been waiting for this moment your entire life.
He stands, his eyes locked with yours. He reaches down, unbuckling his jeans and sliding them down his legs. Your eyes follow the movement, taking in every inch of his body, he is standing before you, naked and exposed. You feel a wave of desire wash over you, a fiery need to be closer to him. Your hands reach for him, your fingers brushing against the curve of his hips, the muscles in his thighs, the hard line of his abdomen. You run your fingertips along the slight indent of his navel, and he lets out a low groan.
Your body is alive with desire, every breath you take sharper, every touch more electric. You know this moment will be etched in your memory forever, the beginning of something beautiful. And as you take his hand, pulling him back to the bed, you know that this is where your story will unfold, a story of passion, love, and a bond that will last a lifetime.
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thebestbooksaround · 1 year
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This is a Buddie fic rec list where "one of them isn't a firefighter" That makes me warm and happy every time I read them <3
Part 1 || Part 2
Exploding Coffee Machines by inkinmyheartandonthepage (@inkinmyheartandonthepage) | 9k | General
Buck couldn’t be blamed for falling in love with his neighbour. He was powerless against the Diaz boys and wanted nothing more than to be swept up in their everything. Buck thought that Eddie felt the same, that their feelings of more than just being platonic best friends was mutual. Buck had been hopeful that Eddie inviting him to his boss’s house to meet his friends and co-workers meant that they were taking a step in the right direction.
A step that now Buck was going to be late for OR Buck gets burned at work and worries that he's blown his shot with Eddie when he runs late to meet his friends.
What is Love For $2000? by fayevian 17k | Mature
On the screen, the camera pans down as they introduce the contestants. Mary, on her 3rd day winning streak, is a dowdy teacher type. Center stage is occupied by a graying man with loopy handwriting named Auggie. And all the way to the right is… Evan. Damn. --- One night when Eddie can't sleep, he discovers the hottest Jeopardy contestant of all time (objectively). With the "help" of his team and his fairly good working knowledge of Twitter, they devise a plan to get Evan (from Jeopardy) to slide into Eddie's DMs. It works surprisingly well.
i like you so much (it's kinda gross) by brewrosemilk, stardustbuddie (@gayhoediaz) (@wh0re-behavi0r) | 10k | Explicit
Buck Buckley (@/firefighterbuck): @/eddiediaz I’ll never be able to tug your hair now, huh?
Eddie Diaz (@/eddiediaz): @/firefighterbuck It’s against the rules, anyway. You don’t look like a fighter, though. What situation would we be in that would make you want to tug my hair?
(Or: Eddie is an MMA fighter and Buck thirsts on twitter.)
you make the world taste better by farfromthstars (@buckactuallys) | 11k | Teen
They follow the room numbers down the hallway until the last door on the right. It’s slightly ajar, and when Eddie knocks politely, it opens further.
“Hey,” a cheerful, male voice says. “You guys are early!”
When Eddie spots the source of the voice, he nearly swallows his tongue.
The man is tall, with broad shoulders and huge arms, a sunny smile on his face that looks so genuine Eddie can’t help but smile back. There’s a splash of pink over his one eye, his hair is just the slightest bit curly, and his eyes are startlingly blue. He’s also about 80% legs, and leaning on a cane to walk.
Belatedly, Eddie remembers that he should say something too, not just stare at this guy approaching them.
“Uh,” he starts eloquently. “Sorry. This one was getting impatient at home ~ Newly arrived to LA, Eddie decides to take his son to parent/child cooking classes. The instructor is so much more than he expected
stupid people. by brewrosemilk (@gayhoediaz) | 160k | Explicit
New in Los Angeles, and having recently admitted to himself that he's gay, Eddie figures that hiring a sex worker might be a good way to keep his private life cut off from his job and his son. A way to keep things from becoming too complicated.
It works. For a while.
your dreary mondays by hammersmiths (@henswilsons) | 33k | Teen
“Wait, you need a sitter?” Chimney says. Eddie nods. “Maddie’s brother got back in town a few nights ago, he’s looking for work.”
Eddie frowns. He doesn’t know much about this mysterious brother of Maddie’s – doesn’t even really know much about Maddie, either, aside from being Chimney’s girlfriend – but he’s pretty sure every time he’s been brought up in conversation it’s not been particularly inspiring. “Is this the brother who flunked out of college because he spent all his tuition on a motorcycle?”
Chimney colours a little. “Um. No?”
or, Buck babysits Christopher and Eddie is—fine about it, actually.
one single thread of gold (tied me to you) by heartbeatdiaz (@heartbeatdiaz) | 4k | Teen
Eddie doesn't know much about Chris' science teacher, except that he's his son favorite and apparently knows everything there's to know. ( Those were Christopher's words. )
So when he enters the classroom, expecting an old man dressed nicely but a little old-fashioned as the science teacher, his whole life crashes to a halt.
"Evan?" The man who's leaning against the desk, looking at some papers, suddenly startles and looks up at Eddie with wide blue eyes.
"Holy shit," It's what the man says after spending at least a minute opening and closing his mouth. or; Eddie met Evan when he was a bartender in Peru and Eddie was on vacation with his cousins. They had a one night stand and Eddie woke up the next morning to an empty bed and a disappointed heart. Just for the same guy to end up being Chris' teacher years after.
always glad you came by foxwatson (@eddiediazes) | 5k | Teen
Buck is the incredibly kind but incredibly straight bartender at Eddie's local gay bar. Eddie is trying very, very hard not to be pathetically in love with him, and is failing miserably.
“Hey, you’re back,” Buck had said, greeting him with that sun-bright grin, and Eddie had yet again been reminded why he’d started questioning his sexuality.
“Well, I get one night off a week. And tonight I could really use the drink.”
Buck’s brow had furrowed, and he got Eddie his favorite beer without even asking again what it was. “You need to talk about it? Assuming I read you right and you’re the kind of guy who talks to a bartender instead of a therapist.”
Eddie had winced theatrically. “Ouch. That obvious, huh?”
“Hey, man, you’re the one that told me you started coming here on your coworker’s advice. Feels like something you’d get from a therapist, if you had one.”
see the stars with my morning eyes by trippedandfell (@trippedandfell) | 3k | Teen
“So,” Buck announces, sitting down between Hen and Chimney at the concessions stand. “I think Eddie’s trying to get me to sleep with him and his fiancée.”
or: Eddie calls Lucy his partner. Buck extrapolates.
walking on sunshine by fallingthorns (@fallingthorns) | 5k | Teen
“Shut up,” Buck grumbles at the dog. “It’s not a crush.”
Buck walks out of the room, out the backdoor, and into the yard, trying to ignore his large and judgmental dog following behind him.
“I don’t want to hear it,” Buck tells him as he gets the hose out to start watering his plants. “Keep it to yourself.”
“Who are you talking to?”
Buck startles and drops the hose, doing a quick 180-degree turn and coming face-to-face with Eddie. He’s clearly standing on something, elbows folded over the top of the fence and chin resting on them as he looks at Buck. His expression looks almost fond and it kind of makes Buck want to both preen and die of embarrassment. -- Or, the one where Buck owns a doggy daycare, has a large dog with an attitude, and is hopelessly in love with his new neighbor.
Under Any Roof by moncuries (@moncuries) | 10k | Teen
Eddie Diaz does not need a noisy neighbor on top of all the shit he's trying to work out.
But he does make really good mac and cheese. -- “You know,” And Buck is meeting his eyes now. They’re uncannily blue. Like Kool-Aid or popsicles. “If you want, I could show you what I get up to up there?”
What? WHAT? Eddie feels heat spread from the tips of his ears to his toes. No way had he just gotten propositioned before sunrise in the decrepit hallway of their apartment building. “Um. No.” He backs up until his calves brush the door to 101. “Thank you, really. But no.”
my house of stone, your ivy grows by stayeven (@demieddie) | 7k | Mature
When Eddie resigns himself to buying sex toys in person—despite the popularity of online ordering now—he expects to be embarrassed and overwhelmed. What he doesn't expect is to leave with a crush on the employee with captivating blue eyes.
and we can stay all day by trippedandfell (@trippedandfell) | 3k | Teen
“So let me get this straight,” Hen says, once she’s stopped laughing at him. “Your nerd crush-
“-Evan Buckley,” Eddie miserably interjects.
“Your nerd crush,” Hen repeats, waggling her eyebrows. At the kitchen table beside her, Chimney is grinning like Christmas just came early. “Read your drunk tweet and then sent you animal facts via DM?”
or: Buck's a zoologist. Eddie's pretty sure he's in love.
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elizakai · 1 month
i’ve been feeling the need to make some boundaries when it comes to private messaging…
i’m fairly chill about messaging but there’s a few repeated things i’m just not comfortable with…i don’t expect everyone to see this or anything but. just for anyone who does :))
ASIDE FROM MUTUALS-if you message me privately, please do so with a reason in mind!
what i mean by this is please do not slide into dms just to say hi every day and nothing else… (unless you’re a mutual that’s fine LOL)
it’s honestly uncomfortable and has happened somewhat often, that and an expectation to keep up the void ‘conversations’, it’s just awkward and sometimes frustrating when i ask ‘what’s up! can i help you?’ and i’m met with ‘ :3’
(this isn’t passive aggressive i promise <3 )
i do not mind dms, just please know why you are dming me first ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
(maybe you have a question this isn’t catered for asks, or you want to do something art related for example! :D )
additionally in regards to dm’s…i know this is a harsh sounding one to some, but tumblr has an age minimum of 13 years old, similar to discord.
please please please, all i ask is that you do not message me privately if you are below tumblrs/discords age limit, this has happened too many times and it’s highly uncomfortable. i’m not here to parent/police anyone at all, just don’t PRIVATE MESSAGE me, please :)
im not thinking of anyone in particular when i say this, specifically if you’re a younger person and feel called out for some reason, know i’m not targeting you at all /100% genuine <3
PLEASE dont apologize or anything like that, i beg :,)
if the above things don’t apply, my ask box is always open, it’s more public there🥲 i hope that’s understandable <3
(i may be additionally selective to what i answer as well :,) additionally, sometimes if i answer an ask with no sustenance to the blog i’ll eventually yeet and delete, it just makes me feel tidier LOLL)
A D D I T I O N A L L Y, MUTUALS you can contact me for any reason. if i follow you it means i likely would like to interact with you :0 i’m just shy 🥲
for the record i also like interacting with people i don’t follow in case that’s unclear!!!!!!
if you come into my dm’s or asks with blatant, and unfiltered disrespect, don’t be surprised if i block you.
threats, or pointless insults, don’t be surprised when i block you.
if i see you attacking people, or are causing problems/drama on this blog, don’t be surprised when i block you.
THANK YOU TO ANYONE WHO CARED TO READ THIS💥 rare completely serious moment from me here on tumblr haha, back to our regularly scheduled bs and silliness!!😁😁🌸💫💞🪷⭐️
(i say scheduled as if i’m at all consistent sob-)
Love you all~🌸
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bugsbenefit · 9 months
It’s because some of us can’t stand fanon mike he’s not will or el at the end of the day it’s not our fault the duffers already messed up his character arc long ago. some of us aren’t really interested in mike like that and to be frank I hate how much trauma people are putting on him as if he isn’t a privileged middle class *maybe cis maybe not* kid with insecurities cause he can’t play hero anymore like he used to. Fanon mike is retaliation to whatever we got the last two season from the character and I get it, but why are we keep acting like he’s important to vecna or the plot like that he’s just els boyfriend and wills crush at this point.
You don’t agree with this most likely but idc I’m just here to let this out for those who sympathize with mike. He’s genuinely not a interesting character and if Will wasn’t in love with him I wouldn’t look his way.
Hello? Will solo stan that doesn't get the show in My asks? more likely than you think
i'm sorry but you clearly sent this knowing i wouldn't agree with you and you don't sound like you want a conversation so... why did you send this? was it just to tell me there's people that don't care about Mike? because shockingly, i know that already, the influx in open Mike hate was why everyone doubled down on his character being important and purposeful last week in the first place
i'm genuinely confused on how you're watching the show, though. i mean, at least you're admitting you're only in it for Will so i guess you're aware of your bias and shortcomings?
also lmao sorry but *maybe cis maybe not*?? are you trying to say being queer in the midwest 80s in a small town with a conservative environment wasn't that bad or damaging or worth elaborating on because he's "probably cis" and the family is middle class? hello? newsflash just in, the queers need to stop complaining about how scared they are of coming out and potential consequences of it, if you're cis you're basically getting cishet privileges anyway. i'm really not sure what you meant to say here, you okay? also, aren't All the characters cis??
the vendetta you have against "fanon Mike" is fascinating tbh. what exactly is "fanon Mike" to you, bc the ask suggests it's just Mike with any motivations and 3dimensional writing orrrr? also thank you for telling me that Mike El and Will are separate characters! i almost forgot! i really needed the reminder that these extremely different characters aren't actually the same person or re-skins. thanks for your service, you really showed the evil Mike-sympathizers today o7
but you know what, sure, i'll indulge this a bit, i like talking about the show after all, you don't have to read this ofc, i feel like we're both aware we won't find common ground here
saying that Mike isn't important to the plot is batshit crazy sorry not sorry. not even talking about s5, it's just plain wrong in general and i'm assuming you haven't seen the show in ages
even right from the beginning Mike is established as the first MC and then proceeds to be the main pov for the entirety of s1. in universe Mike is the parties dm unofficial leader and according to Will "heart of the party", out of universe Mike is the only character that has established relationships and evolving conflicts with every single party member and even most adults like Hopper and Joyce. i don't know how you're watching the show to take away that Mike is unimportant and a support character
ST is an ensemble show and Mike is one of the characters, alongside El, Joyce and Will that consistently fills an MC role. (while also being one of the only ones to outright get referred to as one of the mains by actors and writers) where you got the idea from that Mike is a useless character people are stupid to care about is beyond me
if you're genuinely going into s5 hoping for Mike to be as unimportant and off-your-screen as possible i feel like you're setting yourself up for the disappointment of the century. i feel stupid just listing the reasons for why Mike is clearly going to be an important player in s5 because of how obvious they are but oh well
Mike is the first protagonist ever introduced and the final season that wants to go "full circle" Has to finish his arc satisfyingly for it to work
Mike is Will's love interest, a character that's already confirmed to be more of a main on screen again, so focusing on both parties of the ship is necessary to get them together
also Mike is still in a relationship? if he's supposed to go from dating El to suddenly dating a guy that's also his childhood bff you need to elaborate on his feelings. otherwise Will's romance is also going to fall flat and i'm sure you don't want that anon
Mike is part of the people that only came back to town after everything in s4 went down already and part of the group that seems to be the main focus in s5 (see the hill shot)
also just regarding the hill shot, Mike is center stage here (and also between his two "love interests"), totally accidental i'm sure
also the only character Will told about Vecna being alive in s4 and already swore to kill him with Will, also totally not a s5 set up don't worry
and before i go on here, aside from the writers themselves mentioning Mike as a main in multiple interviews David talked about the s5 mains a few days ago and Obviously Mike is up there along with El, Will and Joyce, exactly the people you'd expect
i don't understand how people are trying so hard to claim that there's nothing interesting about Mike to get into, as if even just s4 itself doesn't go out of it's way to set up an excess of potential conflict for s5
obvious relationship drama with El left hanging after an "i love you" monologue which we didn't see a response to yet
feelings for his best friend while he's still dating his gf
the unresolved painting lie
also the sexuality issue that comes with being queer/gay, that's been going back to s1. also made more severe by the show going out of it's way to repeatedly hammer home that the Wheelers are conservative and don't have close relationships with their kids
"you're the heart", speech about leading the party and bringing everyone together. he can't just face into the bg after Will gave him that talk, there needs to be payoff
the whole hellfire thing that's set up with the members names and faces being broadcast as "satanists" and the potential reason for everything that's been going on ON TV, sure that won't have any consequences am i right?
the Vecna plot itself, s4 makes it a point to have Will tell Mike and only Mike about Vecna being alive and the two of them agree to kill him right before the season ends
and that's just the obvious set ups s4 leaves us with, not even touching on the fact that Mike's pov has been withheld for essentially 2 seasons. which is something you can do and ignore, but only if the characters don't have anything going on during that time. Mike meanwhile changes drastically in these two seasons and we never get to learn what actually happened, why he's suddenly so set on growing up and getting gfs in s3, why he's suddenly such an uninterested bf in s4, why he suddenly feels weird about kissing El in the s3 finale after already having made out with her. there's a lot happening and we only see the fall out of it, we don't get Mike's pov. you call it "bad writing" but that's a picture book writing 101 set up, if you don't see that i don't know what to tell you
but i feel like you said everything already, i'm just rambling because i like talking. we probably won't find any common ground here. you only tolerate Mike because you like Will and that's that. not everyone has to care about every aspect of a show, however, i don't get why you're going to other blogs to tell them about your personal preference and about how you don't like one of the MCs. this is an ensemble show, it's not the El-show, and it's not the Will-show either, both of these takes are equally wrong
i don't know what the ideal s5 would look like to you, but if it turned out Will was the only important thing and the only character we focused on it would be absolute ass and horrible writing
Lucas just lost Max and left him with a shit ton of trauma, also Erica's gone through so much too. Max is still lost in a coma. El is distraught over not being able to save Max and now not find her anymore. Dustin just lost Eddie right in front of him too. there's a military presence in Hawkins now, the hellfire club fallout still hasn't happened, and so on and on. (also things like the "Nancy love triangle" still need time to be resolved too)
there's a lot s5 has to focus on to be a good wrap up for all these arcs. and yes, handling Mike's arc well is also part of that, shockingly
also ending this with a: you know people are allowed to like and care about character even if you don't give a shit about that character, right? claiming a central character with a ton of conflict set up isn't interesting is well withing your right and i won't change your mind on that, i'm aware, but going after people for actually caring about the conflicts the show is setting up isn't the move either. not everyone is obligated to share your views, especially when they're this far out there. and i feel like you knew that going in here
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heyhihellowhatsup0 · 2 years
Project Freak - Eddie Munson x Reader (Enemies to Lovers)
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Warnings:  Angsty af...Some smut...probably more if I do a part two?? 18+ Only. (Do not interact if under 18)
Summary:  You’re partnered up with the person you’d never be caught dead with. But the more you work alongside Eddie, the tension continues to build amongst eachother.
A/N: My first Eddie fic! I’m anxious af but if it doesn’t flop maybe I’ll do a part two?? Also I found the .gif on Pinterest so if anyone knows who made it DM me so I can give credit!
You tapped your pen against your desk and tried to ignore the teacher’s request. You pretended you didn’t hear it and like nothing had changed. You acted as if you weren’t just told you had a huge project due in two weeks and the teacher was assigning the partners. You didn’t just suck in a breath when the teacher told you were going to be partnered with Eddie Munson. The one guy who you couldn’t stand. 
And you knew Eddie wasn’t your biggest fan either. He always teased you in your cheerleader uniform when you walked by, you were pretty sure he started a rumor last summer about you when you and your father moved out of the trailer park and into a house, and the few times you did speak to him he gave you the dirtiest looks. It was safe to say the feeling was certainly mutual without any genuine reasoning. And now you were forced to work together.
Jason gave you an apologetic look as the bell rang and you bolted out of your seat and headed towards your locker. But Eddie quickly caught up when you were half way down the hall and tapped your shoulder to get your attention, “Pardon me, princess. A word?” he asked you sarcastically as he leaned up against your locker while you continued to ignore him, “Yeah, okay. You’re not fucking up my grade in this class so you tell me how you want to go about this,” his eyes went to your legs in the cheer skirt and then he quickly reminded himself who he was speaking to.
“That’s cute. This is like what? 14th grade for you?” You snapped at him while you exchanged your books out in your locker. You didn’t even know why you were wasting your breath on him, “How about we just divide the work up and hand it in in two weeks?” you noticed the way Eddie’s brown eyes were on you when you gave him a glare.
“No can do, princess. We have to present in front of the class. It’s half our grade and I’m not getting up there unprepared when you and I both know I’m gonna get the blame for it,” you knew Eddie was right about that. As much as you didn’t care for him, you did always feel bad how people judged and looked at him. Getting the short stick was never easy.
You let out a sigh, “Fine. Let’s meet up after school and get this over with,” you countered with a sharpness to your voice. You just really wanted this conversation to end so you could go about your day and forget you were partnered with him, “Or do you have some clients to tend to?” you sneered as if Jason didn’t buy pot for you from Eddie.
“As long as you don’t have to go cheer for guys throwing balls in laundry baskets, I’m all yours, sweetheart,” Eddie wasn’t afraid to speak back to you. Eddie could care less about your popularity. “Meet at my place at 4. I’d give you directions but I think you know it pretty well?” He knew how you wouldn’t tell a soul you ever lived in a trailer. A part of Eddie wanted to leak that information to Jason and his buddies but he had no energy to do that. So he let you keep your secret between the both of you.
You flipped him off and turned your back to him, “Get away from me, fucking freak,” you shouted loud enough for people walking by could hear as you walked away. Eddie was a prick in your mind and the last person you wanted to be spending your free time with, “Go to hell, Munson…” you mumbled under your breath as you continued your dread for this project.
Eddie watched from the distance as you walked up to the trailer and knocked on the front door. He took his sweet ass time getting up and made his way over to you spitefully. Opening the door with a grin on his face as he welcomed you with a sarcastic cheer, “Welcome home,” he teased as he extended his arm to invite you inside, “Wow, all dressed up for me?” he nodded to your uniform with a playful wink.
He couldn’t stand most of the cheerleaders but what he couldn’t stand most was how he never pegged you for one of them. You had lived in this trailer park for years and even though you barely spoke to Eddie, he didn’t think you were one of them. You would at least smile at him from time to time when you crossed paths or would drop off a casserole you had made for Eddie’s uncle Wayne when you knew he worked late. There was a side of you Eddie once saw he thought was gentle and kind.
And then your dad bought a house in a cul-de-sac and just like that, everything changed. Suddenly, you made the pep squad and were dating all the most popular guys in Hawkins. The trailer park and Eddie never existed in your eyes. You didn’t even think twice when you began rolling your eyes at Eddie in the hallway for no apparent reason. So he did the same in return. 
You pushed past Eddie with a scoff, “Let’s get this over with,” you sighed as you brought your books into the living room. You took a seat on the couch and began to open one up when you noticed Eddie was staring at you, “What is it, freak?” you asked him with a raised eyebrow.
“What’s your fucking problem with me, Y/N? Or am I just a reminder of your former life that may have been better so you project that onto me?” Eddie actually paid attention this year in psychology and he was glad he did because he saw the look on your face when he called you out for it. He was right. He knew it.
“Can we just get to work, please?” you dismissed the question as you turned the page in your book. You weren’t going to let Eddie The Freak Munson speak to you like you were a child. Even if you knew you were acting a bit ridiculous. “You don’t know me or anything about me,” you added with another aggressive page flip.
Eddie looked down at you and licked his lips and reached down for you on the couch. The next thing you knew, you were sitting on Eddie’s lap and straddling his legs and his eyes met yours, “I know you’re a fucking brat who puts way too much energy into hating me,” Eddie’s breath was on yours and your eyes went to his lips for a moment, “Why do you hate me so much, sweetheart…?” his voice was like a raspy whisper that made you tense from the inside.
“Shut up,” you told Eddie as you tried to pull away but you didn’t. You didn’t want to. There was something about the way Eddie was looking at you and how his hands were on your waist that you suddenly found yourself craving. But you were never going to be honest about that, “Why do you hate me?” you retaliated.
Eddie laughed bitterly while his hand traveled to your ass, “Because you’re a holier-than-thou, selfish brat who thinks she’s better than me,” he answered as he squeezed your ass. He smirked when he heard you whimper slightly so he did it again.
“And you’re a fucking freak and a self-righteous prick,” you seethed through your teeth when you looked at him. “Who also thinks he’s better than me,” you added smugly. It took two to play this game and you weren’t going to let Eddie speak to you like that.
“Well, well…aren’t we quite the pair then,” Eddie answered in a snarky tone with a dry laugh. He felt his cock harden up against your leg and neither one of you could ignore it even if you wanted to.
The next thing you knew, your lips crashed against Eddie’s and you were grinding your hips into him. Moaning into a kiss while Eddie’s fingers roamed through your hair. As the kiss grew deeper, so did your neediness for Eddie and your tongue found his with ease as you massaged them together with passion.
How the hell were you making out with Eddie Munson? And why were you liking it? The way Eddie’s hands traveled towards your inner thigh made your core start to ache while you sucked a harsh bruise against his neck. Your hips moved into Eddie’s where you felt his hardened cock and you could tell how big he was which only turned you on more. You haven't felt this way with any other guy. Not Jason. Not Billy. This was…different.
It was better.
“Is it pissing you off I’m making you wet, princess?” Eddie teased as he snaked his fingers into your pants. He could feel the dampness as his fingers brushed against your underwear which made his cock twitch for you, “Knowing I’m clearly the one you want right now?” his lips brushed against yours while he found your clit through the fabric of your underwear.
“Shut the fuck up, Eddie and make me cum…” you didn’t want to play his games. But you did want Eddie. You wanted him to help you reach that high and get you to where you needed. There was something about his touch that you wanted. “Please…” that was as nice as you were going to get and Eddie knew that.
Slipping his fingers inside, Eddie circled your clit tantalizingly slowly but the way you moaned told Eddie more than he needed. Smirking against your lips, he removed his hand from your pants and pecked your lips, “Well…look at the time. You better get going,” he carefully took you off his lip as he adjusted himself with a grin, “Maybe next time, be a bit nicer,” he teased.
“I…what? I said fucking please!” you rolled your eyes at him. You weren’t going to let him know how annoyed you were even though it was written all over your face how horny he had made you. He had just driven you up a wall and now…he was punishing you? “You’re serious?” you took a deep breath as you stood up from the couch.
“Scouts honor, sweetheart,” Eddie threw up his hand like he was taking an oath. He shrugged his shoulders and gave you a look, “But I’m really glad to know I can make you that wet. Guess you have a thing for freaks,” Eddie added before you slammed the door in his face, now pissed off, horny, and craving that release that you both knew only Eddie could get rid of for you.
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lunicho · 2 months
Saw this on another blog and wanted to send it to you too ☺️
Pick any 5 moots and describe them using 3 words! <3
ooh this is so cute, i love when ppl ask me to talk abt my moots cuz i love bragging about them!! the hard part is picking 5 moots to do this with hmm
@adoresol - passionate, honest, and devoted. i have actually been good friends with her for a good like four years now i think omg so there's many words to describe her but i think these are the best ones for now. she feels deeply and is very genuine in her emotions which is something i admire about her. she's also extremely honest, i love this about her because if i ask her something she'll be straight up with me. she's also very devoted bc like why is she still my friend LMAOOO she's so loyal and just like!?!?!?!?!?!??! my pookie wookie bear fr, i've told her so much cheesy corny shit abt how i feel abt our friendship so i'll spare y'all
@kissohee - its so hard to describe her with just three words! but i would say chaotic, lovable, and genuine. i never feel stress when talking to her and we've grown comfortable with one another quite quickly. i think we just have had this connection from the beginning and she just made me so so comfortable. she's also so loveable like im gonna hold her hand fr she's so cute. and she's so genuine, i always feel that she means everything that she says and it makes me even more comfy with her. she's also just like me we're both so random and we both talk a lot so its the perfect pace for me. the convos are always so fast like idk if ppl would be able to keep up with us and how much we switch topics LMAO but yeah! i hope that we just get closer and closer in the future and that she's always happy <3 (also open-minded would be a rlly good one for her but only her and i know why and that's the way its gonna stay LMAO)
@sminiac - saiii!!! i never include her in my moots posts so i wanted to this time :3! i'm gonna say kind, inviting, and adorable. she's literally so so kind, everytime i send smth or interact with her she's like "my dearest bunny!" AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY SO SO HAPPY!! she's always so sweet to me and like idk smth abt her is just so adorable. plus her blog rn is so adorable i love the layout. i do still get anxious to send too much stuff and things like that but ur so so welcoming and inviting that ik im always welcome but im scared to be annoying LMAOGDJ. i hope we can yap more and more abt 8turn tgt and just chat some more!!
@bubblegyu00 - energetic, humorous, and chatty,, our convos are extremely fast paced and go on for the entire day. i'm always laughing at smth or we're always losing it over smth someone did (usually a zb1 member or nicho tbh). she's energetic and keeps up with my pace and i do the same with hers. she also makes me laugh which is why i said she's humorous. we're always going on and on abt the same 3 things yet we never get tired of it like its gonna eat every single time PLS. BUT YEAH she's super fun, her nonnie to friend storyline is very very iconic and i love that for her. can't wait to keep screaming about kyungmin over and over <33
@xhdream - we've started to talk in the dms now and dinna's such a sweet girlie :(. i would describe her as easy-going, charming, and friendly. dinna's sooo so cute and always so sweet to me and she has been since the beginning. talking to her has been so fun so far cuz she's very approachable and she engages in the conversation so so much. our time difference is very big so we have to catch each other at a specific time but it's worth it everytime. there's just something about her that's so fun and so kind and that's why i said she's charming. her and her blog just have this good and sweet energy that i really really enjoy <3
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remidyal · 6 months
Bad Ideas of the Day, part 5, Even Worse Edition
It's time for my monthly-ish roundup of my regular bad ideas of the day from the D20 fanfic discord! Last month's is available here and has links back to all the prior ones because now there's too many for me to be bothered direct linking here!
As usual, these are a mix of fantasy high and other D20 prompts and are open for anyone who wants to do something with them, though I appreciate letting me know because I wanna read it!
Bad idea of the day, class swap (but not like that) edition: Due to a clerical error - namely, their cleric signed them up for it - all of the bad kids have to attend each other's classes for a week, resulting in Fabian sitting through a Worlds Religion lecture, Kristen doing her -3 Dex best to sneak around in rogue classes, Gorgug going to the bard classes that Fig never actually went to, Riz doing his best to remember everything Adaine's ever mentioned about how wizarding works, Fig faking fighting instead of raging for once, and Adaine trying to pass off her furious fist as just being how her anger manifests
Bad idea of the day, abc edition: In the village of Happly, at the harvest festival, Pinnochio enters his infamous bubblegum and whiskey pie and gets himself run out of town by a mob of angry villagers
Bad Idea of the Day, Toxic Masculinity is Undead edition: The adventurers of Solace are well aware of Halloween, because every year on that date the soulless corpses of villains slain in the past year rise again to chase after their killers. Can Fabian keep ahead of both Zombie Penelope Everpetal and Zombie Bill Seacaster?
Bad idea of the day, Figueroth Faeth's Day Off edition: Receiving notification halfway through junior year that one more unexcused absence is going to result in her being expelled, Fig drags her friends into a heist to break into the school, fake her attendance record and show that she's been there the whole time.
Bad Idea of the Day, Drama Edition: It turns out that there's a reason that Aguefort has a theater department. Once every hundred years, a performance must be put on that is quote truly moving unquote lest the school be destroyed, and it turns out that Riz is fated to play the heroine of the most recent attempt. Can the Bad Kids teach him to not botch his lines or hide under the stage?
Bad idea of the day, not all cats are good cats: Puss in Boots must fight off a new contender for children's hearts and minds as the trickster cat du dour. Can he successfully murder this strange cat and his lame rhymes and thing-like minions to keep his throne, or will he be the first to fall to seussian influences?
Bad idea of the day, death stalks you edition: Adaine starts sending out Solstice cards to people who annoy her throughout the year with prophecies of their deaths. Most of them she just makes up, but one or two are genuine every year just to mix things up.
Bad idea of the day, World's Greatest Detective edition: Riz is asked to solve a murder that seems to have all the classic detective tropes he truly loves involved; it's only partway through that he realizes that Fabian, with their friends' help, has staged it because they were all worried about Riz getting bored and spiraling between quests.
Bad idea of the day, I know Halloween was two days ago but I rewatched in the mouth of madness recently edition: The Bad Kids come to realize they are being controlled by mysterious and unknowable forces, and reach a decision: To cut off the flow of evil into the world, they are going to need to find and kill whatever a 'DM' is.
Bad idea of the day, I think we've all learned some valuable lessons here edition: The Dream Team realizes some kind of truly awful existence is sweeping over new york, in which every conversation and conflict ends with everyone having picked up a seemingly valuable but really quite shallow moral to the tale; they eventually figure out that it is in fact an attempt by a powerful sorcerer to turn the world into an after school special on this, a very special episode of The Unsleeping City.
Bad idea of the day, No Really A Starstruck ODYSSEY edition: The crew take a smash and grab job investigating missing people near a remote outpost, and discover a mad scientist conducting strange experiments but also offering great hospitality and food. Can the crew of the Wurst figure everything out before the more foolish of them (gunnie) end up as pigs?
Bad idea of the day, just how sure are you about this new god edition: In the summer before junior year, Fig and the Sig Figs record a music video for their new smash single. Watching it for the first time, Saint Kristen Applebees notices something in the video that noone else seems to be able to see: A familiar tabaxi, hanging out in the crowd watching the concert.
Bad idea of the day, that gum you like is going to come back in style edition: Fig at last discovers Porter's one flaw that makes him a truly intimidating barbarian with an unstoppable rage: Students putting chewed gum onto the bottom of their desks.
Bad idea of the day, ashes to ashes edition: Tired of Fig's chainsmoking cloves, Jawbone and Tracker stage an intervention to maybe at least talk her into some sort of rebellious vice that doesn't stink up the home of two werewolves with strong senses of smell at least
Bad idea of the day, my frog is real and so is magic edition: Adaine grows up without spellcasting ability at all until on the morning she starts at Aguefort, when on her way walking to school she runs across a frog who offers her magical powers she might be able to use to improve her life.
Bad Idea of the Day, You Wouldn't Steal a Car edition: Seeking to impress his father, Fabian gets into Solace's new age of piracy, selling illegal copies of movies, music and apps throughout Elmville. Will the lawsuits catch up to him in the end, or can his amass a horde of treasure suitable for a Seacaster?
Bad idea of the day, unfamiliar edition: At Some Point in the future, Jayhson feels a magical tug from afar and appears due to the whims of one of these 'humans' who has summoned a familiar. Can he kill this whizzered and get back to his family?
Bad idea of the day, I shot the Sheriff edition: Riz wakes up one fine morning in his office to discover Agent Angela Worrel came knocking in the night, and one of the traps his paranoid ass has set up for his office has killed her. Can he cover up this capital offense, or will Worrel finally succeed, posthumously, in getting at least one Bad Kid in jail long term?
Bad idea of the day, foreseeable problems edition: The Hangman gets impounded due to a series of unpaid parking tickets, leading Fabian to argue that the Hangman should count as a pet and not a vehicle. This results in him also getting tickets for having his dog off the leash.
Bad idea of the day, Heaven or Hell edition: Following an unfortunate but hopefully temporary death, Figueroth Faeth finds herself at the center of a dispute between the planes that threatens a war, as Hell wants its archdevil but Rock Heaven insists that they have a claim to everyone who has a rock album go platinum. Will this begin a true battle of the bands?
Bad idea of the day, I admit these are getting weirder edition: The bad kids wake up one morning in the midst of a campaign designed by just the worst kind of a DM, with railroaded sidequests, boring samey npcs, and combat every six feet. Can they figure out what's going on and escape back to Spyre before rocks fall and they all die?
Bad idea of the day, Lost Things and Misfit Toys edition: Irritated as hell at the blue fairy after ending up a puppet again, Pinocchio turns not to his new stepmother for power but instead someone else who dislikes the blue fairy, someone else who believes in the occasional misdirection, someone who is pretending to be the blue fairy's sister…. one "Gwendolyn Thistlehop".
Bad idea of the day, the WORST fusion edition: After she goes on a mission trip to parts unknown, all of the bad kids notice that Kristen is acting… odder than normal. This is because (burrow's end spoiler!) she's being piloted by chipmunks, of course.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 9 months
A polite reminder to check your tone when you're sending asks to others - especially on anon. Also a notice that any hateful messages I receive in my inbox I simply block, so it may be worth thinking twice before you choose to encroach upon my space with the intent to be unkind.
Circling back to my first point, if something in one of my posts or the way that I tag things causes you genuine harm or offense, please reach out to me via DM. I'm not scary, I will have a civil conversation with you. I welcome you to educate me, so that I may know better and do better.
What I won't tolerate are passive aggressive anonymous asks - that indicates to me that you aren't looking to effect any actual change in behaviour, you just want to take a cheap pop shot, in which case you are ignored.
I say this with the utmost respect for everyone reading this, but if another person's actions drive you to want to reach out to them, but you don't feel you are in a position to DM them about it, simply block and move on. There are real people behind every blog on this website, it's not a void you're shouting into when you vent your spite and anger anonymously in someone's asks.
Take a walk, do something else for a bit, look at content you do enjoy. Similarly, if you receive nasty anonymous messages, strip the sender of their power by blocking and reporting - if you don't respond, you're not giving the aggressor what they want, which is your reaction.
I am open to any and all discussion, provided it's civil, and would never be unkind over DMs. Something to bear in mind if you take issue with anything I post, and wish to talk about it with me. Anyway, hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
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morallyinept · 2 months
Hi Jett! It's been so great to see people getting involved in the conversation, and to feel less alone on this hellsite. But I have to say that sometimes, it feels dishonest when we talk about fandom like it's one big family where everyone will 100% be friends.
The truth is we are all human, and like in real life, not everyone will get along with everyone. And I don't know if that's an unpopular opinion, but I think that's ok! There are people who I just don't vibe with, and so I stay away. And I'm sure there are people who don't vibe with me. We're all sensitive souls here and it's for sure hard not to take things personally, but we're also here to be our authentic selves, and we can't expect everyone to like us and vice versa.
The good thing is the fandom is big enough for people to find their crowd. I know I dropped by a lot of inboxes and DMs before I found mine. I hope people looking for friends will reach out to the many people in the comments and reblogs to connect with people they vibe with!
Hey Non! 🖤
You raise a lot of very valid points here. It's a fact of life, yes, that not everyone will like you, no matter how authentic you are. You can be the nicest, kindest soul out there and someone will still find a way to pick a bone with you, or not like your vibe or opinion, even without ever engaging with you. (Believe me!) So yeah, I agree with most of what you've said here.
Yes, the fandom is certainly big enough for people to find their own crowds, I'm certainly not suggesting at all that we will all 100% be one, big happy family, because that's impossible, and I'm not that naive 😄
But not everyone is confident in reaching out to others. Hence why I shared my own experiences and advice today. Which I don't believe is purpetuating any kind of dishonesty. If it helps just one person out, then that's fantastic.
Everyone's experience here is different. I'm well aware that what works for me, might not work for you or someone else. But it genuinely saddens me when people feel like they don't belong here, and being the kind of person I am, of course I'm going to want to offer some advice or help where I can. I've seen numerous people today share similar advice.
And that's why I believe that the majority of this fandom is pretty awesome, in the sense that a lot of people are in fact approachable and want that interaction/engagement/friendship too.
You might feel differently based on your own experiences, of course. But the most people here really are kind and welcoming and open to dialogue etc... sure there are some who aren't, but you get that in any fandom or social circle, but it's a relatively small minority in comparison.
This conversation going around has been good to get people engaging and thinking about their own actions etc... And that can only be a positive thing.
Love you 🖤
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lovelykhaleesiii · 9 months
I was really contemplating on whether I should even make a post on this or not, but I thought I might just to enlighten the few that might actually care.
I’m not feeling great at all with my stance in this fandom anymore… I feel very much an outcast and on the sidelines, which is fine from time to time but now I’ve gotten to a point where I’m just not happy & I straight up feel forgotten.
ontop of this feeling, I am completely burntout with everything. my work as amazing as it can be, is also incredibly stressful, physically and mentally exhausting, on top of personal things I have to deal with.
this fandom used to be a safe haven and a sweet escape from the reality of it all but it no longer feels that way, and it’s crushing.
if you want my genuine answer, I just feel like no one really gives a shit about me unless I post a fic or otherwise. which I mean, at the end of the day I am completely aware that’s my main output on here, but I’m also a person too. it’s a wonderful feeling when people genuinely want to get to know me or show an interest in my fics, but I suppose that’s not the case. & I feel it’s such a rarity for me. my fics are far from perfect, believe me I know…
I may just be going on a tangent into a void out here but this is my way of saying I don’t think I’ll be as interactive anymore. I don’t feel like I’m receiving the same as I have shown & I’m just really come to point where I have nothing more to give and for what? and I am no fool to know that everyone has their own lives also, but this feeling has been pestering me for a while now & I don’t often share my thoughts or life updates regularly, nor am I the best person when it comes to sharing my emotions. but I haven’t been myself lately on here and I feel like no one’s really noticed.
regardless, the fics I post are utmost, for my enjoyment. anyone else that wishes to indulge, can also. I will continue to read fics and show my support to authors/artists, because I wouldn’t wish this feeling onto anyone else & it truly is the small things that make such a difference…
my dm’s were and are always open & my asks also (but I feel what’s the point and might just close it). I won’t be as active as I’ve said so forgive me for it replying quick.
I have nothing more to say other than I am just so… done.
sending my love always to wherever you are, Hel x
a little shoutout to these amazing people - @aemondsmoon @sahvlren @sugarpopss thank you guys for being such a wonderful light during this unfortunate time for me. you have no idea how much our little conversations mean, and am grateful to call you friends 💓
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katchleeifyoucan · 2 months
so, i’ve held off on making a post like this for a while now, but recently i’ve received a couple of asks wondering if my dms are open and i want to explain a little bit more as to why they’re not
some days i wish they were. i really do. but if i can be completely honest with you all, i love my somewhat small little nook in our community right now, and the amount of communication i currently have going with some people in the community is just right for my mental health
i don’t really have any friends in the community anymore. i just have a lot of mutuals who reach out every now and then (and i really do try my best to reach out to them too, but i’ll be the first to admit that i’m really really shit at doing so)
how often we’ll talk depends on the mutual, but the point is: i don’t talk to anyone daily anymore
and it’s honestly amazing
okay i know that sounds shitty, like, “i’m so glad i have no friends” lol. and let me clarify rq— it’s NOT to say that ANY past friendships that i made were awful or draining or regrettable in ANY way. despite them not being made to last, i value the friendships i had in this community, and i cared (and still do care) about those people so fucking much
but building new friendships is already soooo fucking draining. add the online barrier and it honestly just sucks the energy out of my body so quickly. that being said, not opening myself back up to new people and conversations right away ended up being the best decision i could have made for myself. and so even though i’m doing better mentally now, i can’t risk opening myself back up just yet. i barely have the energy to maintain my in-person friendships lol. so i hope you can understand why dms are closed
i want to finish up with two messages
1. to all my lovely mutuals— i appreciate you so much. i appreciate you for understanding my fragility and for never pushing my boundaries. and i’m truly sorry that i barely reach out. but it genuinely makes me so happy when you guys continue to reach out to me 🫶🏼
2. to all the lovely people that would like to be mutuals— i appreciate you too. and i’m sorry i don’t have the room in my life right now to make space for new people. but it genuinely makes me so happy that you enjoy my blog and want to get to know me better 🥺
okayyyy i think that’s all for now. thank you for all the love y’all. i truly don’t deserve it, but i appreciate it so so much 💕
xx Kat
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tightjeansjavi · 9 days
The post you made about Joel being an ally comes off as super performative LOL
Hey non, this isn’t the gotcha moment that you think it is.
All I’ve done is highlight just SOME of the things Joel does as an ally and I genuinely don’t think there is anything wrong with that.
We can always have a conversation about this as my DM’s are open :)
what else do you expect him to do? He ACTIVELY supports Tommy, baby love, Ellie and every other member of the queer community. He wants people to feel safe, supported and loved?? Gee, what a terrible thing for him to do!
He uses his platform and privilege to do GOOD.
With peace and love,
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burrowbabe · 1 year
Give and Take - Chapter 6
Joe tossed and turned all night wondering how to approach you the next day. He felt some sort of responsibility to cheer you up to ensure you knew he was genuine.
Joe could barely count on one hand how many days he had known you, and yet, he was captivated. He feared wasting the time he had here at your house, sleeping next door, seeing you every day by pussyfooting around the obvious - he was attracted.
Joe reaches under the pillow behind his head to grab his phone. Opening Instagram, he sees that you had just shared something to your story. A simple screenshot of a quote reading,
"I wonder what I look like in your eyes."
Hovering his thumb over the heart reaction button on his phone, he quickly hit it, locking his phone. Leaving him in the darkness with his heart racing, he felt like a middle-schooler.
He knew that instantly you were notified of his interaction with your story, but how would you take it?
Little did he know, you were pleasantly surprised as a DM appeared in your inbox. You wondered, too, why Joe was still awake, clutching your phone to your chest. You didn't even realize that he followed you, let alone curious enough to look at your posts.
Joe decides to grab a glass of water before he choked on his own saliva with anxiety.
Not bothering to put on a shirt, he merely slips on a pair of shorts before heading towards the kitchen.
The house is eerily quiet in comparison to the usual loud banter amongst friends. At this point in time, he wished Ja'Marr was awake so he had someone to talk to. But deep down, he knew he wouldn't be taken seriously, nor did he want to stir up anything before he even knew what he wanted out of this budding relationship with Anna.
He didn't realize he was caught in his own thoughts again until water spilled over the edge of the glass he was filling, splattering all over the floor and his feet.
"Shit." he curses at himself, placing the glass quietly on the counter before grabbing some paper towels to clean up.
With his back turned, bent over, sopping up the water, he didn't even hear you enter the room.
Joe jumps slightly, whipping his head around to see you standing in the kitchen in an oversized t-shirt and socks.
Quickly standing up and throwing the paper towels in the trash, Joe is lost for words.
"Y-You scared me. I didn't think anyone else was awake." he says sheepishly.
"Same idea as me." you say, gesturing to the overly filled glass of water on the counter.
Silence fills the room for a moment while you fill up your own cup of water. Joe leans his back against the kitchen island, looking you up and down while your back is facing him.
He noted how sexy your legs were. He thought about what it would be like to grab you under the thighs and take you on this counter right now, smothering your moans with his hand cupped over your mouth.
With the head of his cock twitching, he internally criticized himself for objectifying you, but he couldn't help it. The last thing he wanted was to have a conversation with you with a noticeable hard-on.
Friends first. He reminded himself.
You sip on your glass of water, leaning against the counter opposite of Joe. Noticing his discomfort you ask,
"What's keeping you up tonight?"
Joe sighs and shakes his head.
"Nothing in particular."
Another moment of silence goes by. God, why did this have to be so awkward?
"Thanks for ... chatting with me earlier." you say, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "I'm sorry my old drama ruined dinner."
Furrowing his brow, Joe shakes his head vigorously.
"You didn't ruin anything, trust me."
You searched his eyes for some sort of indication that he was lying, but found nothing but pure softness behind his lashes.
"Still ... not how I anticipated starting off our friendship - bombarding you on day 3 with my issues." you half-laugh, rolling your eyes.
"It's not stupid." he says seriously. "You can talk to me about whatever."
Taking a deep breath, you set your glass down. In an effort to "clear the air" you think back to everything that was posted in the tabloids.
'Travis seen in hotel in Vegas with another girl!'
'Anna Carter crying leaving the Ritz Carlton!'
'Travis on bail for assault charges!'
'Where is Anna Carter??'
"What do you know already?" You finally ask.
Joe's mind races with what Tana had told him earlier.
"Nothing really ... I don't believe what they put in the media." he says, swallowing hard.
You swallow hard too, hoping this is the last time you have to think about Travis for a long time. But, for the sake of transparency and context, you felt Joe needed to know.
"Well ... let's just say that my ex is the type of emotionally unavailable guy to physically and emotionally abuse you, use you, and cheat on you, and expect you to be OK with it because he's the man and you're the woman. Stay in your place and shut up."
You feel your eyes well up with tears but shake your head to rid the sensation. No more tears for that man.
With a deep breath, you cross your arms over your chest instinctually for security.
"I found out he had been cheating on me the entire relationship, whilst draining my bank account and using my name and resources to launch his career." you say, biting the inside of your cheek. "When I confronted him about it all, he assaulted me."
Joe shakes his head in disbelief, reigniting the anger he had earlier.
"I will never let a man raise his hand to me twice. That was a wake up call." you continue. "As shattered as I was, what hurt more was the fact the he assumed I had such little respect for myself, that I would never walk away."
You bite your lower lip fighting back the tears. Now was not the time to get angry again.
"I'm so sorry." Joe whispers, shaking his head.
"It's in the past." you shrug. "I'm breaking the habit, focusing on myself, and hoping to find someone way out of my comfort zone ... a nice guy." you laugh.
"And you will." Joe insists, nodding towards you encouragingly.
Meeting his eyes with a small smile, you quickly wipe a tear that you hadn't realized had begun to fall. Compose yourself, you think.
"Welp, that's the gist." you laugh defeatedly. Humor was a coping mechanism, but at this point in your life it had come second nature.
"Anything else that comes to mind, I'm sure you'll find it on TMZ first." you laugh, again.
Idiot. You think to yourself.
You hated downplaying everything but in an effort to move on, it felt like it was the only way. You had a type, that's for sure. With your daddy issues, thug-ish, confident assholes were your go-to. Did it ever end up well? No. Did it fill the void? Yes.
You had begun seeing a therapist shortly after the breakup that encouraged you to actively change your ways. You knew what you were seeking was bad for you, it was just a matter of not doing it anymore.
"So anyway, I'm sure you're done hearing about my relationship issues. What about you? Any girls in your life?" you ask, hoping to divert the conversation in a more positive direction. You still didn't have confirmation whether or not Joe was seeing anyone, despite continuously digging online.
He shakes his head, pursing his lips. "No, no one."
"What? C'mon. You're a celebrity, you must have girls falling from trees for you!" you laugh in disbelief.
"I'm not saying I don't have people approach me ... just none that I'm interested in." he shrugs.
"I find it hard to believe you don't hook up on the road." you raise your brows, waiting for his response.
"... Maybe a couple times." he shyly admits.
"I knew it!" you both laugh and he blushes in embarrassment. You loved how coy he was.
It was true, he fucked around with a few girls here and there. Although no girls were allowed in the hotel rooms during the season, he was Joe Burrow.
Sure, it was satisfying in the moment, but he woke up every time feeling gross for some reason. He couldn't understand why, but he thought that maybe he was actually seeking something deeper.
His DM's were flooded with messages from social media influencers, other sports players' girlfriends and wives, and fans whom he'd occasionally pursue if he was in their city. But a cheap fuck was all it felt like.
"Sex is sex." He shrugs. "But it's more enjoyable with someone you actually care about."
"I wouldn't know." you say, rolling your eyes.
Joe looks at you in confusion.
"I don't think I've experienced anything close to 'caring'." you explain. "Sex is easy for guys ... straightforward. So if you don't give a shit about your girlfriend, it's quick and simple."
Joe raises his eyebrows in surprise, "So ... you're saying it's never been enjoyable for you?"
"Not usually, no. Maybe I'm just broken." you shrug.
With a beat, you laugh, covering your face. "I'm so sorry, how the hell did we end up at this conversation?"
You felt the blush creeping up on your cheeks as you met his amused expression.
"I don't know, but it seems like you've been with selfish douchebags." he says.
"I don't know what it's like not to be." you reply, looking down at your feet.
A flicker of light above both of your heads startles you before the kitchen goes dark.
"Oh shit, I think I need to change the lightbulb." you say, moving to grab a spare from under the kitchen sink.
"Do you mind boosting me up?" you ask.
You move towards Joe thinking he was just going to link his hands together for you to step on, but instead, he grabs you under your thighs and lifts you above his head.
Quickly replacing the bulb, you give Joe the OK before he slowly loosens his grip on you, allowing you to slide down the front of his body.
His hands snake up the back of your shirt as you come down, him admiring your soft skin in his head.
With your hands on his shoulders holding steady, you meet each others eyes for a second, both second guessing the situation.
Eyes flicking down to his lips, and his eyes to yours, silence engulfs the room.
His shirtless body is warm, muscular ... inviting. If you didn't know any better you'd think the bulge in his shorts was merely caused by something in his pocket being this close to one another.
With a short, stuttered breath, you slowly lean closer to his face before a voice interrupts you causing you both to jump away from one another.
"Why is everyone up right now?" your brother AJ asks groggily.
You and Joe look between one another and AJ before stuttering for a reply.
"J-Just thirsty ... talking ... can't sleep." you say.
AJ clearly must've not seen the position the two of you were in previously, with his eyes squinted shut from the dim kitchen light, scratching his bed head.
Pouring himself a glass of water and grabbing a snack from the cabinet, you and Joe awkwardly avoid eye contact.
You hadn't realized sweat building and the anxiety tightening your chest.
Mouth agape, looking for the right words to say, "Well ... goodnight." you spit out.
"See you in the morning." he replies.
You turn and scurry out of the kitchen before your brother noticed you were just in your panties under that big shirt.
** Sorry again for the short hiatus. I am now fully recovered, and back on my bullshit. As much as I wanted to write smut in this chapter, it's just not in the cards for Joe and Anna right now. So, I leave you with this cliff hanger for now to get a new chapter out.
I've already begun writing chapter 7 and hope to get it out this weekend!
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