#if you got any more specific tips you'd like to get. please don't hesitate to ask for them!
themeeplord · 1 year
:V Do you have any tips on how to better draw paws/claws/monster hands?
To me this is a very broad question. I don't understand exactly what you're asking for. So I'm gonna throw some thoughts and hope that at least some of it is useful. X3
(btw I don't want to call this a "better way" to draw, it's just some tips and thoughts. I'm not an expert. :p)
There's no right or wrong way to draw monster hands and anatomy. You can do whatever you want with it, it's wonderful!
But if you want to know how I like to think when drawing and designing, here ya go!
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(The anatomy can of course be completely different, these are just more human like hands as easy examples.)
For me, having an understanding of human hand anatomy along with animal paw anatomy is the key to designing and drawing believable monster/creature hands.
There are so many weird and cool clawed hands/paws out there! Getting inspiration from them and using them as reference is always helpful!
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But remember to have fun! Experiment! Play with the anatomy or throw it all out the window, all approaches are valid as long as you're having fun! :3
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luimagines · 3 years
You give them a kiss!
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Despite the earlier confusion, I’ve got it done! Here you go Anon!
Since there wasn’t any specification, it’s set platonically (but maybe hidden feels) so I hope that’s ok.
Content under the cut!
You hear Wind call your name. It’s loud and joyful and inexplicably full of excitement.
It immediately light your heart and you turn to see where the voice came from. Wind is starting to run in your direction something clenched in his hand. You can see it sway from his grip but he’s moving too fast for you to get a good view of what it is.
He stops in front of you, hiding what he had behind his back with a a wide grin his face. “I’ve got something for you!~”
You smile and drop what you’re doing, giving him your full attention. “What is it Pirate?”
“Close your eyes.”
You raise an eyebrow.
You oblige.
There’s a moment of silence before you feel something being placed on your head. It’s light but it feels oddly familiar and you open your eyes.
Whatever was in Wind’s hands before is gone and he’s staring at you with a pleased look on his face.
You slowly raise your hands to touch what it is and feel yourself smile.
It’s a flower crown.
“I made it myself!” Wind declares proudly. “Hyrule showed me how to make them. It’s not exactly the first one I made... That one didn’t come out as good, I think. But I like this one and thought it would look great on you!”
Your smile widens to a grin and you pull Wind into a hug. Your heart swells in adoration for this boy and you spin him around somewhat. “I love it! Thank you!”
You pull away slightly and give him a kiss on the forehead as thanks. “You’re very sweet.”
There’s a slight blush on his face as he pulls away from you, but his smile never falters. “Well, I’m glad you like it.”
"Hey Twilight!" You skip to his side and place your hands on your hips. "How are you on this beautiful day?"
"I'm doing mighty fine, thank you." Twilight tosses a grin over his shoulder before he goes back to checking through Epona's supplies.
"What-cha doing?"
"Just checking through an old bag of mine. I'm looking for a new shirt."
This piques your interest. "Why?"
"My current one is starting to smell to kingdom come so while it needs to be washed, I need to find my other one."
"Well... I mean it's not that....Yeah..... Wild and I didn't want to say anything, but at least you're aware."
"Ok. Thanks." Twi deadpans. "I can feel your support from miles away. I am so glad that I'm traveling with you lot."
"We like having you around too!" You grin and punch his shoulder lightly. "Enough so that it's easy to tolerate the dog smell."
"You know what-" Twilight takes a swing in your direction but you easily dodge it. He's quick to follow you and take another swing.
You catch it and bring his fist towards your mouth to place a quick kiss on his knuckles.
"Maybe a shower will help too." You grin.
Twilight groans and takes his hand back. "I'll take that into consideration."
He begin to absentmindedly rub his thumb over where you kiss him even as he turns away from you and back to Epona.
"Glad I could help."
"Get out!"
You leave laughing.
"Excuse me, but I need your assistance." Warrior walks up to and puts a gentle hand on your shoulder. "It'll only take a moment."
"Sure thing Capitan." You grin and drop your little project into your pocket. "What do you need?"
"I heard that you have a specific set of skills that I believe would help me greatly in a personal endeavor of mine."
"Drop the fancy talk." You deadpan. "It only makes you look suspicious."
"I want you to teach me about flowers." He admits in a rush.
"...Seeecret." Warrior hisses through his teeth, unwilling to tell you why. "You're good at knowing what plants do what and how they help people. You're the best person to go to."
"It comes with the territory of herbalism." You grin. "But it's not all about flowers. I'd have to know what you're going to do with the plants if you want me to help you."
Warrior pauses and he takes a while to think about your reply. There's a moment where you can see that's he's battling himself about your conditions. Somewhere among the lines he comes a consensus and sighs. "...But it was supposed to be for you."
There's a blush on his face and he begins to scratch the back of his neck. He's not meeting your eyes.
His reveal surprises you and you smile at the soft confession. You stare at him for a little moment longer you snort. "Ok fine. I'll let you keep your secrets. I've been teaching Hyrule about being an herbalist and he's learning at an incredibly fast rate. He's your second best bet at this point."
"The Traveler?" Warrior blinks. "When did you start doing that?"
"A while ago." You shrug and skip in his direction until you're toe to toe.
"Whatever your surprise is I'm sure I'll like it." You say and go up onto your tip toes to place a quick kiss on his cheek. "You're a sweetheart. thank you in advance. I'll be waiting!"
You hear Warrior audibly gulp as you leave. "Ok! I'll- I'll get working on it!"
"Wild! I'm bored!" You cry out and flop onto the ground.
You were placed on Wild babysitting duty, curtesy of Twilight, while the others went to go scope out the nearest village for both supplies and information. But because of Wild stepping out of line and going against orders, he was benched until further notice.
"We're both bored." Wild groans and flops on top of your stomach.
You grunt with the unexpected pressure and force from the hit and drop your arm onto his face. "What can we do!?"
"I don't know!"
"But you always have something on your mind."
"That doesn't mean I can just pop out an idea whenever I want!" He shouts back. "My creative process is an enigma. Not even I can control it or will it into action."
You sigh. "So now what?"
A moment of silence.
"Wanna make out?"
"What?" You sit up, pushing Wild off of you in the process.
"Kidding! Kidding!" Wild laughs and holds his hands up in surrender. "I saw an opportunity and I took it."
"Wild." You deadpan, not elaborating on anything else. You do not continue your sentence.
Wild descends into snorts and giggles at your unamused face and he's completely lost himself in his own head.
In the distance you can hear Legend and Warrior arguing with each other and know that you're time alone with the wild child is up. A wicked streak kicks up inside you and you smirk to yourself.
Before the others can come close enough to see the both of you, you maneuver upwards and into Wild's personal space and place a kiss smackdab on his cheek- stilling him entirely.
"Next time-" You say as you stand. "-Tell me what you want to do before the others can come and interrupt."
You send him a quick wink and leave him to his thoughts. You're quick to greet the others and act as if nothing had happened at all.
Wild is still stunned and red in the face where you left him even as the others come close to the camp.
Twilight goes to question what's wrong with him but from what you can hear, Wild doesn't kiss and tell.
Time calls your name with audible hesitation.
It's unusual to say the least and it's enough for you to drop every you're doing and give him all of your attention. "What's up? Is something wrong?"
Time doesn't say anything nor does he make eye contact, and it's even more concern as the moment passes.
"Are you ok?" You stand and make your way toward him.
Time clears his throat for a hot second and takes a steadying breath to meet your eyes. "Everything is fine, it's just, I wanted to ask for your opinion."
You're confused. "That's it? Time, you freaked me out for a second. Ask away."
"Um..." Time stalls intelligently. "Wind pointed out there's a shore line nearby. I was thinking the boys could use a day off....play in the water or the sand, just a break to-"
"YES! Yes! Yes!" You scream and jump up in excitement. "Really? Are we that close? We can have a beach day? Are you serious? Can we go?"
You can feel yourself beam and if he were to say that everyone was getting ice cream and can sleep in tomorrow then you were sure you'd be vibrating.
He looks at you with mild surprise but a soft smile crosses over his face.
"Link, that's a great idea!" You jump on him, hug him, wrap your arms around his neck and give him a kiss on the cheek. "This is great! When? Today? Tomorrow?"
You drop and jump a bit on your toes still.
He grins. "I wanted to see if we could camp there tonight, and spend the whole day tomorrow just relaxing."
"I can do that! We can do that! This is great! It'll be so much fun! I hope there's waves. I've wanted to teach Wild how to surf and maybe we can get Twilight to join. This is great!" You're too excited to think about where to go but Time points in a direction behind with a wink.
"How about you go help pack up the camp? I'll go collect the boys!"
"Absolutely! You absolute champion!" You run off to go meet up with some of the others and do your given task.
Time chuckles a bit and places his fingertips against where your lips were. It wasn't the reaction he was expecting, but he's not complaining.
"Excuse me Mr. Hero, what do you think you're doing?" You walk up behind Legend and put your hands on your hips.
You had caught him going through your bag. As obvious as it was that he was trying to be stealthy, he wasn't fast enough to get out before you came back.
Legend freezes on the spot and doesn't turn around to look at you.
"Why are you going through my stuff?" You raises an eyebrow and try to not yell. It's a barely restrained rage that flows through your blood as someone goes through your things without your permission. But it's Legend, you trust him and you don't want to take things out of proportion or escalate things higher than they should.
"I... Um..." Legend gulps and stands up, leaving your bag alone. He kicks the flap over, hiding the insides of it from other prying eyes.
You keep your eyebrow raised and watch as he squirms uncomfortably under your stare.
"I was trying to see if you needed anything." He somehow manages to look up and look you in the eye.
"Like?" You press.
"Just stuff." Legend snaps and walks away. "We got back from shopping. I just wanted to know if you needed anything."
"And you didn't think to just ask?"
"It's whatever!" He storms away a little quicker than you think he would normally. He's hiding something.
You quickly make your way to your bag and shuffle through it.
You're not missing anything.
Nothing of yours is gone but there's a new thing you notice.
You see three new healing potions that were decidedly not there before along with four packs of trail mix and food stuffs that look nothing like what you usually pack for yourself.
Understanding cascades over you like a wave and you take a deep breath to calm the last of your budding anger.
You seal your bag and leave it there, quickly following after Legend before he can get too far.
You power walk next to him and stop him with a hand on his shoulder. "Hey."
"I didn't do anything!" Legend pulls himself away from you.
"Doubt it." You lean in and place a quick kiss on his temple before he can get away from you entirely. "Thank you. I saw what you did."
"And what did I do?" He wipes it off aggressively.
"Something very kind."
Legend stills once more and keeps rubbing off your kiss. "...It's nothing."
You snort and begin to walk away from him. "Regardless, thank you."
"...You're welcome."
“Would you believe me if I said that I’ve never seen someone be able to do this before?” You ask Hyrule one day out of the blue.
“Do what exactly?” He pauses the spell, your wound stays only marginally healed because of it.
“Do magic.” You shrug. “It’s... not really a thing where I’m from. We have magician but they’re all for show and it’s mostly illusions. You know, smoke and mirrors and the like. If you can figure out how they do it when it’s pretty simple.”
“That sounds... depressing.” Hyrule twists his face and goes back to healing you. “I can’t imagine what that’s like.”
“It’s not so bad. It’s mostly for fun.” You try to sit up now that the pain isn’t as severe. Hyrule doesn’t let you. “Can’t lose what you never had.”
“But it’s all I’ve ever had.” Hyrule’s eyebrows furrow and you can see the gears turning in his head. 
You let him think in the time it takes for you to get fully healed. Hyrule has always needed a little space to get his thoughts together before he says something. 
You’re fully healed in seconds and Hyrule leans away from you. You get to finally sit up fully and you take his hand in yours. He lets you take it and lets you study his hand with gentle fascination. 
No words are exchanged between the two of you and you pull his hand even closer to you. Before Hyrule can even think of pulling away you place a kiss against his knuckles.
“It’s a gift.” You say. “Don’t take it for granted.”
Hyrule smiles slightly and grips your hand. “Thanks. I think you might have a concussion though.”
“It’s nothing you can prove.” You answer with a loopy smile.
Hyrule snorts and stretches his hand by your head.
“Oh, yeah.” He grins. “That explains it.”
Four calls your name with slight hesitation and you instantly give your attention to him out of concern. 
When you see him, he’s hiding something behind his back, slightly hunched back and has a blush on his face. He doesn’t appear to be injured or in any sort of pain so it can’t so bad.
“Four?” You stand up fully and begin to walk in his direction. “Everything ok? Is something wrong?”
Four shoots up and begins to stammer slightly. “No, I- You see- It’s nothing! Everything’s fine.”
“Nothing’s wrong. It’s just- it’s nothing.” Four laughs unconvincingly and scratches the back of his neck. “Here. I made this for you.”
Four holds out a little package covered in cloth with both of his hands and refuses to make eye contact with you.
Intrigued, you close the distance between you two and reach out to take it. The cloth seems high quality and you wonder how much it must have cost to get even a fraction of the square he’s just given you. The package itself is hefty or at least heavier than you thought it would be. 
Four is still refusing to make eye contact but he stays with the clear intent of watching for your reaction. 
You unfold the cloth over the weight and hold it from under. Repeating a similar action for the other side, you see underneath it two beautifully crafted twin daggers. The hilt is what catches your attention the most. It has red and black accents, each of the colors swirl around each other and mimic the wings of a butterfly when placed side by side. There was a hook at the end of each dagger, expertly hidden and you wouldn’t have found it if it hadn’t nagged your sleeve as you passed your fingers over the blade.
You looked with intrigue and gently picked up the blades out of the cloth. You tossed the cloth onto your shoulder and hooked the blades together out of curiosity. 
They fit together perfectly to create an elongated weapon.
“You made this?” Your breath leaves you in a whisper as you admire the craftmanship. “How? When?”
“It’s a secret.” Four grins softly, not bothering to hide his self satisfied smirk..
“And it’s for me?” You grip it tighter and flip it through your fingers, spinning it slowly. 
You don’t reply, too enraptured in taking it all in. Even as you spin it, it’s astonishingly light for both of them being combined than you feel it should be. 
It must have taken a while to make this.
“Do you like it?” Four returns to be being bashful and kicks the dirt softly.
Your head snaps in his direction and you fling your arms around him. “I love it!”
Four takes a step back from the collision and is too shocked to hug you back.
“Thank you!” You shout and give him the biggest kiss you think you get away with on his cheek.
“I’m totally showing these off!” You bounce off of him. “Wild’s going to be so jealous! Thank you Four!”
You run away to find something to use them against as Four stays behind.
A hand slowly reaches up and touches the cheek where you kissed him. “You’re welcome.”
“SKY!” You shout and take off in a running sprint. You’re by his side in seconds and you’re quick to wrap your arms around him. He wraps his arms around you as well and turns your momentum in a spin.
“Well hello there!” He calls back in return, a grin on his face. “What brings you to my neck of the woods?”
“Would it just be enough to say that I just missed you?” You grin back and get off of his back, keeping your arm wrapped around his shoulders.
"Perhaps, if I didn't know you as well I do." Sky replies with a subtle smirk.
"Am I wrong?" Sky raises a teasing eyebrow.
"That's what you think. I am a ball of mystery." You let him go and step away. "I am in no way predictable. There's no way you can know all my moves."
"I bet that I could."
"I doubt it."
"Try me."
"Alright." You tilt your head up and place a kiss squarely on his cheek.
It stuns him in place and you grin at the result.
"Bet you didn't see that coming."
"Admittedly-" Sky gulps and blushes all the way to his neck. "-I did not."
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ftm-radio · 3 years
hello! do you have any tips on how to deal with hair-related dysphoria when getting a haircut isn’t an option? thank you :)
hey! I don't have any personal experience with this so I can't tell you if any of this stuff has helped me, but I've seen a few tips online that sound good, and my own brain has some thoughts to offer. hope it can help you!
also, to my followers, feel free to add your own tips if I've missed anything!
here's what I've got off the top of my head:
ponytails/braids/buns! if it's not in your face maybe that will help alleviate some dysphoria. (sorry if this is too obvious lol)
shove your unwanted hair up into a cap or beanie! (maybe ponytail/bun first?? idk but you can even arrange your hair to make it look like you've got some bangs/fringe sticking out!)
maybe you could try some headbands to push your hair out of your face? this might be more relevant if you have medium-length hair that's too short for ponytails. (I use headbands to keep my hair out of the way when I wash my face, and I recently got these skinny, neutral-colored ones from the store, so you could probably find some that aren't too feminine if that's a concern!)
If you can't get a haircut idk if you'd be able to dye it, but if you can, dying it a cool funky color that makes you happy could help make the general hair situation a little better?
it's slowly getting chilly in my area, so hoodie season is upon us, and maybe it is for you too! if that's the case, wearing your hood up might help, maybe alone or maybe in tandem with some of the other tips. (You could probably also try and tuck your hair away inside the hood or down the neck hole.)
there are tons of masculine people with gorgeous long hair who are still masc, so maybe looking at pictures of these cool folks could help you feel better about your own hair. (like how I Google short masc celebrities when I get sad about my height. 🥲)
okay.. I am hesitant to include this last one I've seen, but I will because it may help you, and I'm trusting you to think carefully and not rush into anything half-assed.
This is a last-ditch, desperate option. Try the less extreme stuff first, please. Seriously.
Save this last one for if you've tried literally everything else you can think of but your dysphoria is still real bad and hugely impacting you and causing harm.
Again, please think VERY, VERY carefully before you attempt this or even consider trying it.
If you are young and live with your parent(s) (which I suspect you might if you can't just cut your hair) I presume they have made it clear to you that you aren't allowed to do so. maybe you've asked and been shot down repeatedly, or maybe they've just been very clear about their opinions of trans folks or people who appear gender nonconforming.
if you haven't asked them at all and it feels safe to do so, try talking to them first about cutting your hair. even if you can't go as short as you want to, it could still help with your dysphoria.
if they straight up will not allow you to cut your hair even a little bit, you might be able to force them on the issue.. by irreversibly ruining your hair. I remember a tip that specifically mentioned getting gum really stuck up in your hair, stuck so badly that you can't remove it and have to cut it, but you could probably find other ways to damage your hair enough to warrant a haircut.
Ruining your hair is really drastic, but weighing your hair's health vs your mental health and happiness makes it obvious which is more important. but don't rush off and do anything yet!!
I'm very cautious about giving this suggestion not for the sake of your hair, but because I don't know how your parent/guardian may react. I don't know them, I don't know your situation. if there is any chance that doing this could lead to a lot of anger on their part and could put you in any danger of abuse, please, please do not do it.
if you mess up your hair and your p/g suspects that you did it on purpose, they could get very angry with you, and if they're angry enough, they could possibly come to harm or punish you. I cannot put into words how very much do not want that to happen.
if you attempt to ruin your hair but do not succeed, do not try again, as that could tip them off and make them angry. wait a few months or even longer before another attempt.
additionally, whatever methods you may devise to ruin your hair, please be very careful to make sure you don't hurt yourself in the process. all we want gone is your excess hair, not your scalp or your ears or anything else in that area. research, research, research.
come up with a solid, detailed plan before you take any action. figure out what you are going to do, when, and how. try your best to make it look like an accident. pretend to be appropriately upset about it, if you can, and try not to be too thrilled if you do get that haircut, since that could be suspicious and we don't want you in any trouble or danger.
I cannot stress this enough, to anyone who is reading and considering doing this: I do not want you to get hurt, especially because of something I have suggested.
be careful, be thoughtful, be smart. dysphoria sucks ass, i know, but your life and ultimate wellbeing is far more important than having short hair.
all of my warnings and concerns might be a bit much, and honestly I hope that's the case. but being overly cautious is infinitely better than being careless. again, all this down here is a last resort. if you find yourself resorting to this, be as safe and careful as you can, please.
I hope I don't regret this...
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