#if you guys have any ideas for other characters and hermits
determunition · 6 months
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i took the switcheroo week as an excuse to finally try my hand at some scrybeswap designs! got a bit carried away as you can see, i love doing character design so much
decided to keep their species/major design elements fairly consistent (e.g. grimora's makeup, mag being vague and indistinct, leshy having nonhuman legs, p03 only having one arm) while still switching up their aesthetics as needed; super happy with all of these as a result!
design notes for each scrybe under the cut! def open to any further questions or curiosities, i always think way too hard about characters while designing them lmao
scrybe of the dead: i went for a possessed tv vibe; he's still mechanical but those bones do have a living soul trapped in them...also shoutout to @squid-hug for suggesting the x-ray machine, i was very tickled by that lmao
scrybe of beasts: overgrown old bot was kind of a given for this one, but i was also thinking that the plants are part of what's keeping him running somehow
scrybe of magicks: the magic eye is the core powering that top monitor, and the two side monitors display what he's seeing with that eye at any given time
scrybe of beasts: she's a witch! like a chill terry pratchett kind of witch, she works with a lot of herbs and such; also her makeup is meant to mimic blood drops
scrybe of magicks: magick grimora is more of a warlock type, her magic is a lot more sinister and she almost never opens her eyes (whereas her third eye is basically always open)
scrybe of tech: tech grimora is kind of a wacky machinist-flavored dr. frankenstein; she inscribes by writing on circuitboards!
scrybe of the dead: this leshy is a gargoyle/vampire hybrid! i thought a mirror would be fun for him bc you can get two different cultural refs; medusa (bc stone gargoyle), and the idea that vampires don't appear in mirrors!
scrybe of magicks: i decided to make him a bird guy (kinda harpy-esque) bc he's basically a more whimsical baba yaga hermit; the baba yaga thing carries over from slavic folklore obvs. also he has polycoria!
scrybe of tech: tech leshy was super fun, bc he's steampunk! rather than animal legs i gave him digitigrade robot legs, but other than that he's the most like, normal human guy here probably lmao; despite his well-adjusted appearance though i still think he's got a bit of freaky wonk in him
scrybe of the dead: this one was very ring-inspired lol, got those clump of hair you found in the shower drain vibes
scrybe of beasts: bush magnificus real! i think he'd be a bit more quirky trickster fae in this form
scrybe of tech: one of my favorites; tech mag is an emaciated cyborg draped in so many loose cords and wires that you can't tell what he looks like anymore. a lot of those cords are connected to him, and he plugs them in wherever as needed! he also has a drawing stylus, making him just an average art student tbh lmao
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horseshoegirl · 10 months
Damn Those Dog Tags: Part 14 - Sex on Fire
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📓 We have fluff! We have some smut!
This song specifically was one of the big three that inspired this fic! When I saw TGM and the scene at the end when Mav takes Penny up in his plane, this song matched the vibe, and I knew I wanted this for Jake and Liz.
Though I would love for you guys to try and guess which one is the song that inspired the whole story! Cause there is one! 👀
❗️+18, strong language, godmother reader/original female character, Mentions of an original child character, sexual themes (I mean Smut, so get outta here if you ain't +18,), FLUFF, aerophobia, and second dates.
Part 13 | Masterlist | Part 15
(Bradley's Spin-Off one shot here)
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Jake and Sadie were conniving little lunatics. 
Scratch that. Sadie was an annoying insect who knew how to push buttons to get what she wanted. Jake was a gullible poor sod who had the habit of being played by said insect more than once. Because you knew without a doubt, sitting in the front seat of Jake's truck, blindfolded without any idea where you were going, this had her name written all over it.
"Is the blindfold really necessary, Jake?"
"If you knew where I was taking you, you'd jump out of my truck in an instant."
"That's not very reassuring."
Jake chuckled, bringing your hand up to press a kiss to your knuckles. "Sadie would kill me if I didn't follow through on this. After all our hard work."
"So you're doing this more for her than me," you tease. You could hear the smile in his voice when Jake replied, "The ladybug incident didn't scare you enough. Sadie's scary when she wants to be."
You chuckled softly, Jake joining in as you felt his thumb stroke across your knuckles.
Going on a date had been the last thing on your mind.
Tyler was still a major concern. Even with Cyclone keeping a watchful eye on the group of police assigned to Sadie and your case, they still needed actual leads. You hadn't paid much attention to his phone call the other day, explaining the pressure on Tyler's father to drop out of his political race or how Tyler's stupid white car was spotted on the interstate, leaving California altogether.
It should have brought you some comfort, but it didn't. The longer time stretched on, the more anxious you felt, wondering when he would make his next move.
Then there was also the matter of Bradley. Stupid, over-emotional, Bradley.
It had been days since Sadie found you in the bathtub - days since the fight. You hadn't heard from him, nor did you expect to. Maybe a tiny part of you didn't want him to reach out. But any nasty thoughts you harboured for him in the days following only managed to turn themselves into pity.
You knew his story. Mav told it enough times for you to recite it by heart. Bradley had only been two when his father tragically passed away. And Carole, his mom, had been devastated. You couldn't begin to understand the circumstances he had to go through as a kid. Each time Mav told the story, he always stressed that no love could have matched Carole and Goose's.
It's no wonder Bradley felt their loss in the way that he did. And you did feel partially guilty, wondering if talking to him about everything before it had gotten this bad would have made a difference. But it was clear he was internalizing something bigger than just hurt feelings. 
You weren't going to make the first move. That would have to be up to him.
It better be a damn good apology.
The idea of a possible date started when Sadie had called you a panicking-inducing hermit, much to Jake's amusement, scared to do anything remotely fun outside the confines of the house. Honesty? It was more to do with the fact there had been no sign of Tyler, no white car following you or sitting outside your house to encourage your paranoia.
You had gone to bed early after that, Jake and Sadie staying up playing a game of cards. You had no idea what time it was when Jake climbed into your bed, waking you up in the process when he pulled you into his chest. But it was definitely later than it should have been for a game of cards.
Jake had stayed with the two of you. Every morning you got to wake up either next to him or in his arms. The Daggers were still grounded; whether it was repairs or upper politics of the Navy, you weren't sure. But you were utterly grateful for his presence. 
It became evident that it was clearly more than a game of cards the following morning. Because in the hours after breakfast, Sadie made herself scarce. And Jake purposely kept you away from the garage, where he had parked his truck, in case Tyler decided to visit.
Sadie's maniacal laughter was another indication, so loud you could hear it through the garage walls. You were slightly concerned about what Jake was letting her do in there. 
But it all came to a head when Nat and Bob showed up at your door, telling you they were watching Sadie for the night, the Bug in question grinning ear to ear as she joined you at the door. You tried to refuse. You didn't want to leave her alone. In a surprise move, Sadie pouted at you. 
She had never once pouted over anything. No, she pushed, sassed, humoured, and produced receipts when she wanted to get her way.
 It freaked you out, so much so you couldn't bring yourself to say no. Which is how you found yourself in the passenger seat of Jake's truck, Nat and Bob standing with her on your front porch as she shouted for both of you to have a good time as he backed out of your driveway.
This was the worst possible timing. And yet, after everything they did, you felt like you owed it to them to try.
"You deserve this, darlin'." Jake's voice breaks through your thoughts, knowing you feel guilty. You squeeze his hand, dropping your chin to your chest. You have to remind yourself that Sadie is safe at home with Nat and Bob, probably arguing over music or what board game to play. And most importantly, you were allowed to take time to do things like this.
It's a few more minutes before Jake finally parks his truck, letting go of your hand and gently taking hold of your face. "Do you promise to give this a chance?"
"I don't even know what you've gotten me into. What Sadie and you got me into."
You can't see his face, so you can't tell what he's thinking. But you can imagine what he looks like right now as you feel him tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. You bet he's staring at you apprehensively, gritting his jaw, and letting out a tiny huff of breath.
"You trust me, right?"
You turn your head to place a kiss on the palm of his hand. "You know I do, Jake."
"Then trust me when I say you won't regret this." You sucked in a breath before you nodded.
Jake lets go of your face to get out of his truck, walking around to open your door and help you out of your seat. You were instantly met with the smell of gasoline and pavement, the hot waves travelling up the bare skin of your legs, and your dress slightly flowing in the wind. There's a second where you think you heard the rumble of an engine or a zoom of a plane, but Jake doesn't give you much time to think about it as he helps you step down and shuts the door behind him.
Looping your arm through his, he leads you away, walking for a bit until he stops and turns to face you, squeezing your hand.
"Stay here," he says, letting you go. You cross your arms over your chest as you wait for him, hearing the sound of keys rattling together, sliding metal and a chain dragging along the ground. And then that's it. Besides the sound of wind in your ears and a few birds chirping, you don't hear any sign of him, and it makes you wonder if he's left you alone, standing in the middle of nowhere.
Until you feel his hand gently touching your arm, and you jolt slightly. "It's just me, Liz."
He guides you forward, making you stand in one spot, hands steadying you by your elbows. You feel him against your back for a few seconds before he's working at the knot of the blindfold.
"Just remember you promised," he said before taking it off.
You opened your eyes - to Mav's plane staring back at you.
You understood why the blindfold was necessary. You would have jumped out of his truck in an instant.
"I said I would get you into a plane for our second date," he said, proud of himself. You knew where this was leading, what he wanted to do. You subconsciously stepped backwards, the words "absolutely not" escaping your lips.
You didn't get very far. Your back met Jake's chest, and he instantly had his arms around you, trapping your body against his. You turn, burying your face in his chest. "I'm terrified of flying, Jake."
"I'm going to be with you the whole time. I promise Liz, nothing bad is going to happen to you." He has the entire nape of your neck in his hand while this other hand is rubbing down the length of your spine in a comforting manner.
You don't know where your fear of flying came from. You've never been up in a plane before, a fact you certainly wouldn't admit to Jake. You were okay with heights, hikes on mountainside cliffs and long car drives.
Maybe it was the idea of not being in control of your body or being grounded.
"Jake, I don't know about this," you admit into his shirt. He presses his lips into your hair before explaining, "I won't let anything happen to you. We're just going up for a simple flight. The wind is perfect right now. There will be no turbulence. Trust me; I'm not called the best aviator at Top Gun for nothing."
He takes his hand off your neck to lift your chin. "Please," he urged, pressing a kiss to your lips. "Let me share something about my life that I love."
It was then, at that moment, you realized Jake and Sadie had something very much in common.
You could never say no to either of them.
If anyone had told you a week ago you would be sitting in the backseat of a plane, currently taxing down to a runway, you probably would have dropped dead on the spot. Even with your nerves on fire and a strong case of nausea, you let Jake help you up and into the back seat once he pulled the plane out of the hangar with little protest.
He was so excited to share this with you. Whether it was in how he helped buckle you into the seat or when he placed the headset on your head, there was a side to him you hadn't seen before. Almost giddiness, you thought, despite every internal voice you ever had screaming at you to run for the freaking hills. Even then, you were grateful you got to see this side of him.
As Jake speaks with the control tower expertly, you dart your eyes around the cabin. While there wasn't anything in terms of controls in the backseat with you, everything still looked old. The seat felt old. The buckles of the straps tying you down looked old. Even the walls looked old.
You also felt higher than you should, staring down at the plane's wings, eyes scoring the features, the colours, and the bumps. You knew you wouldn't find anything wrong. Jake was extremely thorough in his flight check, and you knew Mav cared for this thing like it was his child. But you were still scared, even believing if Sadie could do this multiple times with Maverick, who without a doubt took her for joyrides, you could handle a simple flight with Jake.
You should have fought harder to say no. You should have fought harder to say no.
Jake turns back slightly, looking at you from the corner of his eye. "I know it might seem scary, Liz. But trust me. I got you. We'll go slow."
Jake flies in an F-18, a machine capable of much more than whatever Mav's hobby plane could do. So his definition of slow is highly relative. It makes you feel nervous, wondering what he had planned for you.
It isn't until Jake pushes the plane forward onto the runway that you realize you have to accept that this is happening. Then he's accelerating forward, and you cannot help but hold your breath.
Adrenaline floods your veins as the plane takes off, gravity attempting to pull you back down in heavy anger. You slam your eyes shut, trying to force air into your lungs. The angle seems wrong, and you have this feeling both of you will crash into something, making you turn your face into your shoulder to hide.
Even when the plane levels out and things seem okay enough, you can't open them. Your heart is in your ears, and you're trying not to hyperventilate or make a noise. You don't want to ruin this for him. Because deep down, you knew, even with all the teasing and assurances, Jake would turn the plane around for you the second he got the slightest indication you were seriously freaked out.
So, for the longest time, you keep them shut, nothing but your heartbeat in your ears and the rumble of the old engine to keep you company. Even with Jake making this ride as smooth as possible, you couldn't help but alternate between gripping the edges of the seat or hugging yourself tight.
Don't open your eyes. Don't look down. Don't open your eyes. Don't look down.
"You alright?" Jake's voice crackled through the headset. First, you nodded with a hard sallow. But then you realize Jake couldn't see you. Your voice trembled as you managed to reply with, "Yes."
He chuckled to himself, the noise warm and full of amusement. He knew. He always did when it came to you.
"Open your eyes, Liz," Jake urged gently, his voice a mix of reassurance and excitement. "I'm not going to murder you if that's what your thinking."
Despite your anxiety, a smile manages to break through at his words. Actually, they are your words from the day of the hike when you took him down that hazardous unpaved road to the thrift shop. That had been so long ago, way before anything to do with Tyler, Bradley, or even before whatever this was with him.
He had given you the benefit of the doubt then. You owed it to do the same for him now. Shuttering a deep breath, you gathered the courage to open your eyes slowly.
At first, you half expected to fixate on the view of the ground underneath the plane's wings or catch a glimpse of the shoreline or ocean. That you'd hyperventilate, witnessing perhaps an engine on fire or a piece of Mav's plane missing, flapping in the wind.
You saw none of those things.
Jake had taken the two of you further North of the airport, towards a group of mountains. You were right in the middle of them, green caps and tall peaks making you forget you were even bound to the seat of the plane.
This wasn't flying.
This felt like soaring.
Jake banked the plane around one particular mountain, a tall one at the very end of the group. It wasn't until he purposely straightened out after circling around it, did the sun fully come into view. It was already beginning its descent toward the horizon, painting the sky with various hues and shades of fiery oranges, soft pinks and yellows.
The view from the Ferris wheel at the Fair had nothing on this.
Humans weren't supposed to witness views like this. They weren't supposed to be up this high, feeling like they could touch the clouds or be this close to the sun. Or see the shine, this bright, off the peaks of mountains or even be this parallel with them.
This was only something anyone could ever dream about seeing
As the plane glided through the sky, you could feel the sun's warmth casting a gentle light on your face. You closed your eyes, not out of fear this time, but contentment, placing your hands on either side of the window and taking a deep breath.
But when you opened your eyes, your eyes began to water, and you found yourself biting your lip as you looked back toward the sun. The words spilled out of you before you knew you had said them, your voice almost sounding broken as a single tear escaped down your cheek.
"Hi, Ridely."
Because there was something about being up here, in the clouds and the surrounding mountains and feeling the sun on your face, that brought you that much closer to her. Some part of you felt guilty for refusing Mav, Nat and even Rooster, to some degree, to take you up and experience this.
She was here with you. And you had never felt more free.
"You ready?" Jake asked you. Unknown to you, he was smiling, having heard your remark. You looked at the back of his head, a grin adding to the happy tears gracing your face. "For what?"
Jake didn't give you a reply. Instead, the plane tilted, and suddenly, the world was turning on its axis. A squeal caught in your throat as you found yourself spinning upside down.
But your voice caught in your throat before you could finish your sentence, Jake laughing at your reaction.
Honestly, it wasn’t as bad as you originally thought. You didn't really know what to think about it, whether gravity would be pulling you out of your seat or seeing the world below would make you pass out.
The small part of you, still holding on to your fear, wanted to be mad at him. But the part of you, the one secretly enjoying the entire experience, won out.
The truth was, you couldn't help the laughter suddenly escaping your mouth. You couldn't help the smile as Jake accelerated the plane. Or when he let the nose dip ever so slightly to let it fall, you couldn't help the shout of exhilaration.
The rules of aviation or flight were beyond you as he controlled the plane through the air, nerves dying out and instead being replaced with pure joy.
You really could have cared less about being mad at him now.
The world below, and every problem in it, disappeared. And you were alright with that.
You didn't want to admit to yourself as Jake finally landed the plane that you never wanted that to end. Even if you should be feeling relief at being on solid ground or when he parked the plane in front of the hanger, you were high on adrenaline and sheer joy. 
You peered up at Jake's hesitant face after he helped you climb out of the plane, standing on wobbly legs. You couldn't do anything but pull him down by the back of his head and kiss him hard. He laughed into the kiss, rubbing his hands up and down your side as he spoke against your lips. "I take it your not afraid of flying anymore?"
You pull away, pressing your forehead to his chin. "Only if you are flying the plane."
It's feeding his ego, you are sure. His chest puffs out under your hands, and that cocky smirk he's known for returns, present in the kisses he's placing on your head.
"So I still have a girlfriend, then?"
You stiffen. Jake would want to put a title on this, even if it was only your 'official' second date. The both of you have done so much of this backwards, way outside the box of how 'normal' relationships were supposed to go. But in a few weeks, Jake and you went from a first date to sleeping in the same bed to him staying over for a week.
When was your and Jake's relationship ever straightforward? And as you told yourself in that bathroom at the fair, there was nothing wrong with being in love with Jake Seresin.
"I didn't know you had one," you say nonchalantly. Jake plays along, hands gripping your hips. 
"Oh, you didn't hear? Big Bad Hangman is suddenly enamoured with this assertive, savvy bartender at the Hard Deck. Turned him down flat on his ass the first time they met. Didn't stop him from wanting to be around her, though." 
"The shameless, cocky flirt who says the wrong thing at the wrong time, humbled by her and her sassy niece." He leans down to whisper in your ear. "Not to mention she's fucking hot."
You hummed, nodding your head and purposely avoiding looking at his face when he pulled back, your cheeks flaring up hard. 
"Will you look at me, Liz?"
"I can't."
Jake laughs at your reply. "You can't? Now why's that?"
"Because you're all ego right now and boastful, and you get that cocky smirk when you do," you mummer, still purposely avoiding his eyes. That cocky smirk grows even wider as Jake tugs your hips into his.
"You mean this cocky smirk?" he teases, pressing his nose to yours, maintaining his smile. You're fighting with yourself not to smile, but it's a battle you've already lost. Jake nuzzles his nose against yours before pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth, still grinning. And then another to your cheek, just below your eye, before he's littering your face with them, and you laugh as you try to escape him.
"But if you really want to know," he says after you give in, smiling at him as he tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. "I think you were mine the second you gave me that clean slate in your kitchen."
 "I was yours?" you press playfully, quirking an eyebrow. Jake pauses for a second, making a show of having to think about his answer. Till his face lights up in recognition, and he says," Oh wait."
He makes a show of standing straighter, dropping his voice lower and making his southern accent purposely thicker. "You've bewitched me body and soul since that night in your kitchen."
"Oh," you laugh wholeheartedly, knowing precisely what he's doing. "You're not trying to, Mr. Darcy, this!?"
He frowns. "I thought you liked Pride and Prejudice."
You grin at him, your hands working through his hair before you kiss his lips, pulling back slightly to mummer against his mouth. "That was before I had a decorated hotshot Navy fighter pilot sleeping in my bed."
Jake growls, and you giggle as he bends you backwards, kissing you again.
Stowing away Mav's plane didn't take very long. The two of you were on the road with daylight still out and Jake telling you the night was far from over. He took you to your favourite takeout place before driving to an Outlook, telling you he'd like to come here to think things through.
You know he intends for the both of you to sit on the flatbed of his truck when he backs it into the parking spot, purposely making it face out towards the water. He presses a button before the two of you get out, making the back cover come off. 
But Sadie's involvement in conspiring to get you into the backseat of Mav's plane clearly didn't end with the blindfold. Because the second two of you walk around and Jake drops the tailgate, Sadie's handiwork glares back at you.
You don't know where to look first. Your air mattress sits in the flatbed with a spare mattress cover. A few pairs of blankets are covering it, and you know she would have needed help to get the two spare pillows sitting at the back, the ones you kept on the top shelf of your linen closet.
Of course, Jake could have managed this all on his own. But the dead giveaway was the lights. It only could have been Sadie who had taken the battery-operated string lights you had on the bookcase in your family room and strung them to the sides of his truck, the electrical tape you knew had been Jake's idea.
When you get over your shock, you turn to Jake, absolutely speechless that he let her do all this. He shrugged like it was no big deal. "What? I have to give her credit. Bug's creative."
He set the bag of food down before placing his hands on your waist, lifting you up to sit on the edge of the tailgate. "Get yourself comfy, darlin'."
You didn't move. For the sole fact you were wearing a knee-high dress, and if you turned to climb on top of the mattress, he'd get a pretty nice view of your ass. He shot you a look once he hopped up, and you shrugged, avoiding his eyes. "You can go first."
He chuckled knowingly. "Nothing I ain't going to see eventually."
It was nice to know Jake's ability to make you bush hadn't waned after recent events.
The two of you settled up against the pillows, takeout containers in both of your laps as you ate, talking about Sadie and what it might look like for her when he had to return to school next week. Then his phone rang. You spied the face-time ID as Jake reached for it on the blanket in front of him.
He looked guilty as he asked, "Do you mind if?"
You shook your head, smiling around the fork in your mouth before managing, "Of course not."
Jake handed you his takeout container, bringing his phone up to answer the call. But instead of his sister's face, he was greeted by the sight of a baby in a blue cap.
"Surprise!" Janet's tired voice rang out through the speaker. "Meet your nephew!"
Jake's eyes glazed over the second he stared down at his phone. His hand holding his phone slightly shook, and he reached out to grip the edge of his truck with a thump. You couldn't help yourself when you dropped the takeout containers onto the blanket in front of you and peered up over his shoulder.
"Oh my god, he's adorable."
Suddenly, the camera flipped on his phone, and Jake's sister was staring back at both of you.
Even in a hospital gown, her exhaustion evident, it was clear Janet was Jake's sister. Her hair was the same colour, her eyes the same shade of green. Her mouth was the same shape, and you were sure if she smiled, you would undoubtedly see Jake's same smile beaming back at you.
"Shit, he wasn't kidding when he said you were gorgeous."
You ducked, hiding your face behind Jake's shoulder, heat rising in your cheeks. Whether it was the quickness of your escape or Janet's revealing words, Jake seemed to snap out of his daze.
"Hey, I gotta embarrass you where I can. Call it payback for all the times you shared my dirty little secrets with Ian."
"Those weren't secrets, Jan. He needed to know what he was getting himself into."
"Bless his heart for it too."
You shook your head, chuckling into the back of Jake's shirt at their banter. Jake looks over his shoulder at you, slightly amused.
"Come out, Liz," Janet called out from the phone. "I don't bite."
"Much," Jake grumbled.
This wasn't exactly how you imagined meeting his sister, one of the few people he actually considered his family. Slowly lifting your head from behind Jake's frame, you managed a hesitant smile, gripping him for dear life. "Congratulations, Janet."
She smiled at you, replying, "Twelve hours of labour, but it was so worth it."
"What did you name him?" you asked, unable to contain the joy in your voice.
"E.J.," she said, looking down at the bundle in her arms before returning to look at the screen, clarifying, "Elijah-Jacob."
Jake drew in a sharp breath, and Janet didn't hesitate when she cried out, "As if I would name him anything else, you idiot."
Resting your chin on Jake's shoulder, you peered up at the side of his face with an affectionate smile. "Your full name's Jacob?"
But he didn't answer you, instead asking his sister, "Now, why on earth would you do something as stupid as that?"
Janet shot him a disappointed look before her eyes tracked over to you. "Liz, will you help me out here?" she said, tilting her head toward Jake.
"Glady," you replied, tapping the back of his head. Jolting under your chin, Jake faced you, slightly shocked. But you only shot him a disapproving glare.
"You're my baby brother. You risk your f-ing life day in and day out every single time you go up in that jet of yours or go out on deployments to make sure everyone else can sleep safely at night. And when you are home? I won't even start on all the shit you stand up against, not with Liz here."
Janet lets out a huge sigh before exclaiming, "So don't question my judgment or my choice. There was no way I was going to name him anything else. Suck it up."
Jake could only shake his head in disbelief, a humbling smile growing with each passing second.
"Now, hand me over to Liz. I wanna talk to her properly."
This is so backwards, you think, as Jake passes his phone over to you with a knowing smile. You are suddenly filled with nervousness you are not used to. This was the one person you knew Jake sought approval from. Everything was riding on this one interaction.
But your nerves settle instantly when she grins at you and casually mentions, "So, he managed to get you up in that death trap."
"It seems everyone knew about this little plan but me, even my niece, dead centre in the middle of it."
Janet grins at the mention of Sadie. "From what Jake has told me about her, she's a girl after my own heart."
"Sassy? Opinionated? Knows how to get her way?"
"Something more like being an insect, but I can see where the similarities lie."
You chuckle softly, feeling Jake rub your side, before you say, "You remind me of her."
"I'd love to meet her one day. And you in person. "
"I'd like that. I'm sure she'd love you."
Jake shook his head violently, and you couldn't help but laugh at him. "My nephew will get all sorts of horrible ideas if he meets Sadie. Don't start him that young!"
You gasp at him. "Are you saying my niece is a troublemaker, Jake Seresin?"
"You know she is."
You shake your head, bumping him with your shoulder.
"Please get my number from my little brother over here. I want somebody to send cute baby pics to," Janet pouts.
"Could you send me embarrassing stories?" you wiggle your eyebrows. Janet smirks, a playful look in her tired eyes. "Oh, you want them. I'll give them to you, no problem."
 Oh boy, did you like her.
"Nope." Jake tries to reach for his phone, but you are quicker, laughing at his attempts as you stretch your hand out of his reach. "You have a ten-year-old in the palm of your hand who has an honesty problem and years of embarrassing stories about me. Let me have my chance!"
"In comparison? Nope. Not even close. Give me my phone." Jake holds out the palm of his hand. And then you get an idea, shooting him a playful stare as you extend your hand farther.
"Come and get it, Cowboy."
Suddenly, Jake lurches forward, almost toppling you over. Jake's efforts to retrieve his phone only cause you to break out in a fit of giggles, your stomach cramping so much you fall over into the air mattress, Jake landing on top of you. Your grip on his phone is still tight.
"If my sister wasn't on the other end..." There is no threat in his words. Jake's smiling with you as you continue to laugh, trying to pry the device out of your hand. Janet's shout through her own laughter interrupts the two of you. "Keep it pg, you two! Literal newborn ears over here!"
Jake manages to swipe his phone back when you laugh even harder at her words. You sit up, wrapping your arms around his as you try to fit yourself into the view of his phone screen when the two of you settle.
Janet looks up at something in her room and frowns. "I gotta go. The nurse will come back any minute and yell at me, I swear."
The both of you say your goodbyes, Janet explaining more than once she was happy Jake found you. But just before he went to end the call, Janet called out his name. 
"Watch out for a package from Texas coming up there."
Jake's smile flees at Janet's words, slowly dissolving into a sombre expression. His body tenses under your touch, and you see the second his eyes darken with a deep-seated seriousness. It's a side to Jake you've only truly ever seen once before - when he found you handcuffed on the floor of the Hard Deck.
Growing up, you and Ridley had all sorts of codewords and phrases for different things. Those were the unfortunate circumstances you had to live with as a kid. So you knew right away Janet didn't mean an actual package. Whatever it was, Jake was clearly not happy about it. It was making you deeply concerned. 
Jake reaches for your thigh, grip tightening when he replies, "Yeah, okay."
He hangs up. And doesn't mention anything else about it.
After finishing your dinner in silence, you sat next to Jake, staring out at the horizon. His arm was wrapped around your shoulders, keeping you tight to his side. At some point, you had placed both of your legs over his lap, wanting to be as close to him as possible.
It was still light out when Jake and you left the tiny airport, and the sky was now turning dark, leaving the small parking lot of Jake's outlook out secluded, the two of you alone and in utter peace. His fingers were absentmindedly stroking your skin as you both took in the last few minutes of the sunset.
"You okay?" you asked him, kissing his shoulder before looking back over the water, suddenly aware of Jake's hand slowly getting closer to the inside of your thigh. He kissed your cheek, replying, "Never better."
You don't buy it.
"You're an uncle now," you wondered aloud. Jake shrugged. "I already was one."
"But it's different. Sadie is..."
"Sadie counts." He quickly corrected you, kissing your forehead before looking back to the water. "She'll always count."
It warms you, his level of affection for her, but you cannot help but detect a sense of finality in his tone. Reaching up, you cradled the side of his jaw, turning his head back to you so you could lean up and kiss him.
Jake presses his lips to yours softly before pulling back to look at you. There's something in his eyes you cannot name.
Then his lips are back on yours, this time steady and encompassing, parting your lips with his tongue. Your grip on his face tightens as you suddenly find yourself being tilted backwards, sliding down the pillows until Jake is half on top of you. Your head is pillowed on his bicep as he kisses you, your hand still cradling his jaw. 
He then goes for your neck in a desperate breath, open-mouth kisses, sucking harder and harder. You're used to this. The two times Jake had you pinned up against him, he had marked up the side of your neck. But his hand, not trapped under your head, is wandering. Groping at your breast, sliding down your stomach to the outside of your thigh, testing his grip. 
He hikes your outside leg up, fingers brushing the sensitive part inside your thigh.
Your breath hitches.
"Is this okay?" he whispered into your ear. You hummed your reply, nodding once. But Jake grazed his nose along your jawbone lightly, fingers delicately sliding up and down the inside of your thigh.
"Words, Elizabeth."
Damn him and his accent, saying your full name.
"Yes," you gasped out, wanting him. "It's absolutely okay."
"My good girl," he says before diving back to your mouth. You know he's teasing you as he strokes your skin, making you quiver with anticipation of what is to come. But then he's reaching for the helm of your dress, lifting and folding it over your stomach, as he releases your lips in a harsh pant. 
The question is there in his eyes as he looks down at you, fingers resting just on the helm of your underwear. You swallow, opening your legs wide. Jake's eyes glaze over, and his arm flexes under your head. You're giving him this—this first experience of letting someone be with you. 
He doesn't hesitate when he starts dragging them down. You eagerly lift your hips to help him take them off. Once he gets them past your ankles, he shoves them into the back pocket of his jeans. 
Jake hisses when he takes you in, so spread out for him. "Can I touch, darlin'? Can I touch what is mine?" 
Fucking hell, Jake. Do you have a consent kink?!
"I'm yours," you gasp into the night air. "Please, Jake, Please."
Jake rests half on top of you, swallowing your whimper as he finally reaches and presses down on your clit, slow, gentle circles that have you closing your legs and sharp breaths racking your chest. Your hand shoots out and grips his wrist, feeling his muscles contract under your hand.  
"Keep them open, Liz," he warns, shifting down slightly so he can turn you and press you back against his chest. Jake slots his leg between yours, expertly thrusting his knee so your leg hooks up over his, never stopping in his efforts.
He rubs at you with ease, carefully watching how each movement makes you react before he switches to his thumb, and a single-finger probes at your entrance. You thrust your hips back into him, a strangled noise crawling out of your throat, and Jake uses it as an opportunity to push his finger inside. 
"That sound, " He breathes against your cheek. "You're driving me goddamn insane."
You used to worry back in university that you'd feel trapped if you ever found someone you trusted enough to do with this. But even with Jake poised at your back, working between your legs, you did not feel as if you weren't in control. Your body is open to the air, and Jake is only holding you down by his hand and the weight of his words. 
You feel safe. 
He adds another finger, curling them inside you, searching for something when you let out a sharp whine. It burns. The stretch. The sensations that were spreading across your groin. 
You felt full with Jake's finger's inside you, squelching sounds accompanying each time pumped them in and out of you.  "You're so tight," he moaned into your neck. "I won't have you here, but fuck Liz, the day I can have you gripping my cock." 
You bury your squeal into the flesh of his arm, your arm not currently gripping Jake's wrist, whipping out to find the side of his truck, making a string of lights fall. 
Not slow. This is not slow. 
"Knowing I'm your first." He bites the soft skin behind your ear. "That your mine." 
Your cry is muffled into this arm, and Jake glides his nose up the back of your neck to your ear. "Don't look away, Liz," he soothes. "Let me see your face."
It's the last thing you want him to see, ironically. The faces you make aren't pretty, and your eyes are slammed shut. And you were sure if you did open your eyes, you'd explode at the slight; you spread out so shamelessly open to the sky. Jake's hand between your legs, working you higher and higher off an unknown edge from the flatbed of his truck. 
But you do manage to turn your head back, Jake immediately catching your mouth with his in a desperate kiss. When he lets your mouth go, you whine out with a pant, "Fuck Jake, I can't." 
"Yes, yes, you can." Your words must have encouraged him because suddenly, his thumb is circling faster, and his fingers are pressing harder, working that spot inside you. Your eyes are screwed shut, tears seeping through as the ball in your abdomen grows tighter and tighter, nails biting into his wrist. 
"Are you going to let go for me, darlin'," he gasps into your open mouth, hovering above you. You wanted to, desperately. "Will you let me have it? 
You drop your head to his arm, the feeling too much to bear. You are on the edge of something, fire radiating from your core and making your thighs shake. Jake pants into your ear, once, twice before he moans, "Will you cum for me?"
His thumb swipes over your clit as he presses hard on that spot inside you. You keen, lights exploding behind your eyes as you arch your hips towards his hand, legs trembling as you clench around Jake's fingers. The cool breeze from the sea or the cool air from the night sky does nothing to the heat flooding your veins.
He's there. Turning your head back, catching your cries into his mouth, and taking the bruises you're pressing into his arm without flinching. In fact, he's smiling ever so slightly, watching you come apart underneath him.
You weakly turn in his hold, whimpering and trying to bury yourself into his chest as every emotion hits you at once. Jake pulls his fingers from you as you do, and you feel embarrassed at the wetness coating your thighs. Gripping the back of your leg, he rolls, taking you with him. Your body crashes limply onto his chest, and the one leg he's holding straddles his waist.
Your trembling, gripping his shirt to ground yourself and will strength back into your body.  There's a hyper-awareness you are not used to dancing across your skin - allowing you to feel the fabric of the blanket underneath you, the chill in the air, Jake's warmth, your release cooling on your thighs and covering his fingers, grasping your bare leg.
Any rational thought has gone out the window. Except for the fact you know Jake could not have gotten off from that.
He's hard against the inside of your thigh, through the denim of his jeans, the rough fabric creating friction against your clit as you rock lightly to the pulses aching in your core. He's groaning with each press, fighting with himself not to cant his hips up into you.
Even as you continue to whimper your aftershocks into his neck, you find yourself trailing your hand down his chest and to his stomach, fingers barely slipping under the waistband of his jeans, just reaching the first few strains of hair.
But Jake grunts, pulling your hand away and shaking his head. He brings it up to his mouth, kissing the palm before stating, "It's not about me right now."
He doesn't give in to the soft pleading of this name. Instead, he grips the roots of your hair at the base of your skull, ensuring there isn't an inch of space between you as he pulls you close. His other hand is gripping the bare skin of your ass, keeping your dress up around your hips and lower half exposed to the cool air.
This time, you do feel trapped.
He's holding you like you'd be carried off by the breeze, ready to disappear at any second. As if faced with another deployment, off to fight a war with the fear of never making it back. The switch in him is so sudden that the aftershocks of your recent orgasm are reduced to cooling embers, and it only adds to your unease when Jake gasps through a sharp breath, "Just let me hold you and forget about everything else."
The concern you felt for him earlier returns with a vengeance.
Jake's anxious about something, and he's not telling you why. Suddenly, the chill in the air is too cold, the blanket is too rough, and Jake's fingers and the insides of your thighs are chalky, rubbing against your skin.
You focus on breathing instead, trying to calm your rapid heart. You weren't going to hold whatever this was against him.
Because despite not knowing what to think about having your real first sexual experience in the flatbed of Jake's truck, you today were the happiest you had felt in a while, even with literal hell overtaking your life. 
But listening to Jake's heartbeat pound under your ear, the paranoia you've ignored so many times before makes a home in your chest, and the allusion that was today dissipates, and everything comes rushing back. Tyler. Bradley. And now, whatever Janet warned Jake about that was making him act this way.
It was all a possibility again.
You couldn't help but feel this silver of happiness wouldn't last that much longer.
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Part 15: Have you ever seen the rain? Coming soon
Wickett ;)
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hey I have a possibly another, better..? idea👀 it's a Slenderbeing reader! but they like to travel the world, a LOT. and usually in their human form. but they are so in depth with their magic's capabilities it's almost near impossible to detect any magic sauce from them, it's like they are truly a regular human being. until they reveal themselves and give everyone a heart attack😂
The slender reader is also like a runt, they hate the height difference compared to average Slenderbeings, but low-key likes the attention :P
Any characters! Have fun n take your time!! :D
Various characters with a slender-being reader!
Again so so so so sorry for taking so long to get to this :(
I've kinda been mostly checked out mentally this week and the past 4 days spiderverse has taken over my brain and
Anyways! Most of these are platonic leaning, but that's mostly because I couldn't think of anything explicitly romantic <\3 these also may be
Short since I'm kinda
Dry brain
No gifs for each character since it lags my phone and I ain't dealing with that rn <\\3
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Head tilt
Of course he knew he and his brothers weren't the only slender-like.. beings in this world
But he didnt expect to see another (that wasnt splendor or trender) enter his woods... that and he also. Never really left his woods save for a few occasions.. never really met another creature like him outside family
Hes curious, of course! He himself can only talk so much about his day to day life, being more or less binded to his forest.. so hes willing to let you talk his non existent ears off
Likes making crafts for you that remind him of your stories
Doesnt particularly favor one form over the other; though with that said he almost offed you when you first waltzed in, disguised as a human
Makes him realize he... doesn't know how to do that..
Oooh how cute! You're so tiny!
On the flip side, hes met dozens of slender-beings, due to him bouncing around just about everywhere
Doesnt make fun of your height, bullying isnt cool!!
You both exchange stories about places you've been and things you've done
Sits down and looks at you with so much interest when its your turn to speak
Finds both of your forms adorable
Laughing Jack
"I didn't even know they made them this size!"
Ljs already a little shit, but hes going to be even more of a little shit around you being a runt
He'll try not to take it too far, but hes definitely got a problem with his filter
Due to him being bound to his box and being passed around Lj only has so much experience with different kinds of people
So even though he'll crack jokes and interrupt, he's willing to listen to a story or two
You can still be taller than him and he'll still tease about your runt status <\3
Eyeless Jack
"Oh.. huh.. you're like.. that one guy,"
In my au he lives in the same woods as slenderman but they hardly interact and when they do it's barely civil
Both are very possessive of their areas so... yeah
Asides slender you're the only slender-being hes met; he wont even know you're a runt unless you bring it up
If you do he'll just
Not care, I mean hes short too so??
Has a weird.. vicarious thing going on with your story
Hes condemned himself to being a hermit due to his curse, so he ends up naturally.. doing that with your stories and makes small suggestions on where you should go next
What having your normal life snatched away does to a mf
Masky & Hoodie
"Mini boss?" "Mini boss"/j
Masky is.. well my take on him hes a little.. funky.. bro is likely watching you from a distance and not really.
Kinda freaks out when you reveal your true form
Hoodie is a little more tame and open than masky, kinda just
Signs and asks questions but he isnt too social
"Why are you so short??"/j
Honestly I feel like these two would take a long time to warm up; they're already distant enough with slender
Idk, I really dont have any ideas for these two 💔😔☝️
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convexheadcanons · 30 days
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Hello all, and welcome all to our silly blog, ran by both of our mods ;
Heart | He•Him [ -🫀] and Wither | He•They [ -🥀]
This blog is pretty self-explanatory, it's full of Convex Headcannons that you guys can send in, we respond to all inboxes and we enjoy all kinds of things to do with the idea of convex - whether it's romantic, QPR or friendly we take any and all headcannons!
Any AU's, oneshots and just silly little thoughts are allowed here and we will be more than happy to read them and give our own thoughts 🩵
It would be preferable if you're a reoccurring asker that you use a sign off [it could be anything!] Or if you give us an AU, it helps both of us mods to filter and tag your asks, but if not that's completely okay and we hope that you enjoy our silly little blog!
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We have boundaries if you are to send in asks or interact with this blog :
- Suggestive content is okay but we do not tolerate flat out NSFW - implied content that isn't specified is okay, if you have any questions about what comes under this our DMs are open! [These will be properly tagged and I suggest any minors block the #suggestive tag that we will use for such posts]
- Please keep all asks mainly Convex, other hermits/characters are allowed but as stated we are a Convex-centric blog!
- Don't be weird about the blog, or purposefully send this to their Content Creators, this is a blog for entertainment and fun, everything here is fan-made and clearly we don't romanticise their actual persons, that's just weird!
- Don't be weird in DMs, only use it for questions about our blog if you don't want to put it in an ask, we will not be reposting anything on this account - [Such as art etc.] and will only be used as intended!
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~ #Convex : For all the posts we make on this blog, this tag will be used!
~ #Convex Headcannons : Headcannons that you guys send in!
~ #Hermitshipping : For all of the romantic / certain QPR relationship asks
~ #Suggestive : [ALL MINORS BLOCK THIS TAG, BOTH OF OUR MODS ARE OVER THE AGE OF 16 - WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING YOU MAY SEE] For any of the saucy asks that we will recieve
~ #[--]AU : Any AU's you guys or we come up with!
~ #[-Sign off] : A certain person's ideas and Headcannons!
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If you've made it this far down, have a gold star! ⭐
~ 🫀 + 🥀
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
If u wanna talk more about the tntduo detective au I am ALL ears 👀👀👀 but also totally understand if u wanna keep it a secret for now hehehe
honestly I have no idea where I'm going with it so I'll throw it to the wind and let you guys chew on it while I let it simmer lol
so basically I started watching true detective: night country the other night with my mom and I immediately got inspired (I have not seen the first season of true detective although I really want to watch it now and hopefully will soon). also, I've always had a fascination with the polar nights phenomena. I've gone on wikipedia binges before reading about Utquiagvik (the Alaskan town I'm fairly sure the town in true detective s4 is based off of) which experiences polar night for roughly two months or so, and I've also gotten a few videos in my Youtube recommended from a youtuber who lives in Svalbard which experiences polar night for nearly three months. so suffice to say the concept of a several month long night has intrigued me for a while, and finding a show literally set during that multi-month nighttime immediately piqued my interest.
and when I watch really fun things I usually get the urge to write something in the same genre. originally I thought about a crimeboys detective duo fic, but then I was like wait has anyone done tntduo as detective partners? because I know there's crimeboys detective fics out there but I don't know if I've seen many of them for tntduo. and I realized that would just be a very fun dynamic for the two of them.
so grizzled small town detective partners tntduo who bicker like an old married couple, seem to have a lot of shit in their past between them, work incredibly well together and bounce off of each other perfectly during investigations, and also have the kind of tension where no one else in the room with them can tell if they want to punch each other or make out just felt like the perfect vibe to dig into. all set against the backdrop of a frigid arctic circle town that's in the midst of a 2 month long night. and then someone gets murdered.
so this post doesn't get too long I'll talk more about the specifics of the au under the cut
so tbh this idea while it is tntduo /r, it wouldn't be that focused on that and more focused on the murder investigation going on. besides our two overly tired small town detectives that definitely aren't repressing any feelings towards each other, we have several other characters going about their lives as well! of course tommy is there. he's a junior officer who only joined the police force a year before the start of the story (also, yes I'm very acab when it comes to real life but I just wanna write one of those stereotypical murder investigation stories man).
anyway, tommy is only 20 and his dad, phil, was part of the force for most of tommy's life. once he turned 18 though phil quit because he'd always hated the institution of police (and government in general) (although like wilbur he was a detective) but wanted to have a stable job to keep his kid supported. phil was... not thrilled in tommy's career choice, but who is he to protest?
phil mentored wilbur during his early years in the force, and in turn wilbur mentors tommy. he's trying to teach him how to think like an investigator, and will often ask him questions to get his brain turning pieces of evidence over and try to get him to look at situations in different ways.
since quitting and getting that sweet sweet government retirement money, phil pretty much spends all his time at his bestie techno's place. techno is the town hermit who lives on the outskirts. he also breeds sled dogs (not formally he just has a lot of dogs since people need them in that kind of weather) and usually has 10 huskies at a time running around his cabin. techno might also be a retired eco-terrorist but wilbur knows not to ask too many questions about that and quackity is scared of techno so he's definitely not gonna bring it up.
niki is a phd student from germany working at the nearby arctic research station for her dissertation. she focuses a lot of her studies on climate change and all that. she and wilbur are best friends and has heard way too many drunken ramblings about quackity.
jack manifold is one of tommy's best friends and works at the oil fields that employ most of the town. he's trying to get placed onto a proper oil rig out in the ocean at some point since those jobs pay really well. he's friends with niki too, although his job and her research certainly cause a bit of contention between them.
tubbo is another best friend of tommy's. he's born and raised in the arctic town but he went off to a prestigious uni down south to get a nuclear engineering degree so he's not really around for the most part
sam oversees and manages all the oil pumps and makes sure things are running smoothly. and in turn, schlatt owns the oil fields. he and quackity have, uh, a history.
and lastly, ranboo is an intern at the research station that niki is doing her dissertation work at. they're also close friends with tommy, although wilbur and quackity both have only met them a few times. the whole story kicks off when they go missing one day, only to be found dead outside in the frigid temperatures within a few hours. that's when the mystery kicks off against the backdrop of a nearly three month long night :)
anyway I do have the overarching mystery figured out, but it's the actual specific plotting bit i'm struggling with. I really don't want to write the entire investigation but also I don't wanna just write a single scene bc theres so much going on in this universe I wanna show arghhhh. and also I love slowburn and I think the really weird tense dynamic tntduo have in this would be so intriguing with that layered on top of it. just arghhhh motivation and time.
hope you enjoyed learning about my brainrot over the past few days lol I already made a playlist for this fic even though I don't think I'm gonna write it it's so joever for me
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fitzs-space · 10 months
I absolutely love ur mer designs for Etho, Grian and our lovely sea monster ofc lol. Do you have any more in depth refs for their designs, id love to see more of how they look if possible! /nf ofc
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only really had the couple rough sketches for their designs unfortunately! given its how I work with most of my stuff with just quick sketches like this. But I'll give the couple details I remember adding into their designs! Main notes will be I spent more time on Etho because I knew they'd be seen the most,, also that this this Is a default of how I've always drawn mermaids, with the whole dark eyes and covered in scales and fins, more siren esk in a sense.
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with Etho the main things I remember adding is chancing the headband and gloves to be more like kelp being wrapped around/ braided, because In general I like drawing mermaid outfits with a more found object type vibe to them. the other main thing was intentionally giving them 9 fins in their design, 6 on the tail, 2 on their fourarms, and the one on the back. Cause I enjoy drawing Etho with the kitsune vibe. even though I;ve only ever drawn them with the full ears n tail like,, once or twice? who knows.
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Also! points points, finally had an excuse to draw their tattoos!
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only notes I really had for Grian was wanting him to have the rounded Fins cause feather vibes. and I never really looked up actual fish or animals when I draw quick designs, so I go off pure vibes and vague memory of what I think the animal looks like,,, and we end up with stuff like this.
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and drew them with the void damage again! thought it would look pretty to have a tail and scales that looked like a void/spacelike. and It wouldn't have been a good colour pallet to have him in just pure red with the poncho and tail bein the same colour. I did also try the white hair too, even just being streaks like my s5 Ex design, but It wasn't really working out.
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I looked at my old design of Xb and went, "what can I do to make this being even prettier." and here we are /hj the full sea monster style Is something only like five of the hermits would have seen, so its not a common thing. I'd like to think Xb also like triples in size when like this, but its hart to show that when its just a single character shot like this. the default Xb design I will use is the "just some guy" kinda thing with only a couple fishy details if you look close enough. the whole a couple scales around the eyes like freckles and a vague impression of gills that are mostly covered up buy the hoodie anyways. the third eye is something Xb always keeps closed, and is normally hidden behind bangs
yada yada, I draw my Xb design as a character who just does everything to act as "Just some guy" and not as a full on monster of the deep sea kind thing only other design notes would be me adding the runes into Xb's horns, cause I've got some random magics lore Ideas, and I've been meaning to also add some to Tango's design as well and I originally had drawn Xb's earrings as a way to match with Hypnos, forgot that I drew this one with just a teardrop,, but I know my Hypno design does have both a eye and a bell on his earrings. Silly reference to a cool fic that was a good chunk of inspiration to how I characterize my Xb
Idk, not as many thoughts behind these designs as I had in the ties comic, but still a couple none the less!
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
OkAy so I just finished gobbling up every last crumb out there for your Hels To Pay au and oh my god it is incredible. like Ahhhhhhhh how do you write so GOOD! (also sorry for bombarding you with likes on like almost eversingle post :D) So i have a question about Hels, cause im pretty sure you mentioned something about it connecting with Welsknight/Helsknight but tbh I dont know any of the lore that goes with that cause i joined the fandom kinda last so he was already not in hermitcraft by then. So like what is the connection cause im pretty sure you guys didn't make up Hels.?
no worries, welcome to the au! 😂 and YAH hels is actually a concept first introduced by welsknight, during season 7. he created the character helsknight, who shows up on hermitcraft after wels uses vintage beef’s cloning machine. helsknight appears to be a darker version of welsknight who speaks with a voice modifier. he traps wels and then rap battles him. i couldn’t make this up if i tried.
anyway during the rap, helsknight drops these lyrics:
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and earlier in the song he described himself as a “knight forged in the nether.” so myself and other ppl in the fandom sorta got this image of a place called hels that strongly resembles the nether and is home to all the helsmits (hermit doppelgängers that “embody all their evil”). i tweaked the idea a little to make it so helsknight came from a gladiator arena, and that’s what he based his description on (so not ALL people in hels live in cages, that’s just helsknight’s personal experience).
so yeah i’m def not the one who first came up w hels, nor am i the first person to use it in a story. but i have come up with my own original lore for what hels actually is and how it was created, and i’ve tried my best to flesh it out in the ‘from eden’ series. more on that to come 👀
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goodmode · 1 year
random hc ask: some ppl think of some of the enemies like pets. ex., hollow getting a pet tiktik (which i happen 2 love). got any sort of bug pet hk headcanon?
my thoughts go to god tamer first! she's like the only example of anyone canonically having a pet that i can think of so i'd springboard off there and say Alright Let's Talk Sapience First
[feel free to skip to the readmore if you already have a solid idea of what's sapient and what's not. i doubt i'm saying anything other people haven't already picked up on]
we know the dream nail picks up thoughts of things like tiktiks and they display as words even if they're not obviously an upright walking talking bug, so i'm voting anything with god tamer's beast's dream nail dialogue set:
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is probably petworthy. as in, not Some Guy. animal tier intelligence i guess.
according to the wiki this exact dialogue set applies to:
Tiktiks, Vengeflies, Crawlids, Gruzzers, Goam, all Aspids, Mosscreeps, Mossflies, Moss Chargers, Squits, Obbles, Durandoo/Duranda, Aluba, Ambloom, Fungling, Fungoon, Pilflips, Belflies, certain Flukes, Crystal Crawlers/Hunters, Glimbacks, Dirtcarvers, Dirtcarver Hatchlings, Garpedes, Corpse Creepers, Deeplings, Deephunters, Lesser Mawleks, Mawlurks, Infected Balloons, Booflies, Primal Aspids, [...]
i can't continue this list it's going to take me all day. you get the gist. there are a Lot of enemies that share the "probably not a sapient person" dreamnail pool. will be leaning heavily on that for What Can Safely Be Written As A Pet Without It Getting Too Weird
we probably can't include Flukes even though they also share the dialogue pool, because they're implied to grow into Flukemon which have separate dialogue and an obviously-sapient NPC (Fluke Hermit) so disregard those. there are also likely other exceptions i haven't covered so please use your head and apply a liberal pinch of salt.
we CAN probably include Vengefly King, Gruz Mother, and Brooding Mawlek since while their DN dialogue is different to their children it still doesn't seem to imply any higher-functioning thought than basic instinct, just a Big Parent Of The Same Thing
ok so individual character/pet ideas behind the cut bc i think this is a rly funny and charming thing to look at
zote. sorry he's first he's the funniest
zote is not one of those guys who would get a Big Dog thinking it makes him look cool and intimidating. he is the guy who puts a collar on a fucking coyote and thinks it makes him look cool and intimidating until it bites him in the dick.
it doesn't happen often, but sometimes he drags something back to Dirtmouth that is foaming at the jaws and insists it's his new faithful pet/steed that obeys his every command and will tear his enemies to pieces. it starts with a vengefly that he boasts about while it is actively chewing on his arm. it escalates from there.
the one thing preventing these beasts from tearing him to pieces is hornet coming in to truss up/confiscate the damn things before they can do any damage to the town
myla is familiar with glimbacks! she's a miner by trade even if she didn't come from hallownest originally, and i think these things are used as pit ponies in a lot of places. they're big sturdy beasts of burden that can be made to drag carts and carry heavy tools and they're described as "docile and slow" - no sudden movements and take well to handling.
she's never owned one but a living post-infection myla could adopt one of the surviving glimbacks from crystal peak and just kind of keep it like one keeps a rescue horse. horsegirl novel starring myla
cornifer & iselda.
they're married and do not currently have any kids for whatever reason - totally valid, this says nothing about them. however i do think it would be cute they get a dog instead and that's their placeholder baby. they get a mossfly and iselda spoils it with treats and it keeps her company while cornifer is gone. cornifer sometimes takes it for LONG WALKS (doesn't come back for 3 days).
sometimes they have that awkward moment where they're walking it in dirtmouth and it pees on something and they just have to smile and wave like "what can you do haha" while elderbug looks in in supreme disapproval because he has never owned a pet in his life and can't they just stop it from peeing there :/
owner of a yappy dog type crawlid, full-on grandma style. it has a solid shell like she does isn't that cute! she babytalks it and calls it sugarplum or whatever and insists it could never do a thing wrong in its life. it will savage your hand if anyone else tries to pet it.
she does not give a shit about anything that she thinks she'll outlast. Which Is Everything. however, millibelle has a crawlid, and boasts about it, and emilitia can't have that. she gets a tiktik in retaliation and it is exactly like a handbag chihuahua. hornet may or may not have to confiscate this one for the tiktik's sake
everything still alive in the kingdom is under her protection, even if it bites. she is ambivalent to their responses to her. (they like her. when she comes back from pharloom playing silk music they like her even more)
anti-pet person. i'm so fucking sorry. you bring a single thing into his shop that could pee or chew or scratch or leave tracks and he is going to kick up such a fuss. that said: he would have liked to feed maskflies in the park like your typical old man feeds pigeons
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wizard-laundry · 2 years
I absolutely ADORE the way your draw gaster he is so fun!! Do you have any personal gaster headcanons?
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he likes fried rice
fr though, my thoughts on his character are kinda scattered (much like his own lmao GOTTEM)
The thing I love about Gaster as a character is—given that we know next to nothing about him via canon—the variety of fan interpretations made available in place of said canon material is absolutely incredible.
Generally I interpret his character as more of a jokester with social anxiety that is too smart for his own good. I don’t really see him as some conniving super-genius devoid of empathy, though I do think that he would conduct ethically gray experiments... but in the kindest way possible (i.e., he won’t be cruel when doing shady shit, but he will absolutely do shady shit to benefit the underground). I’d like to believe that he would work himself into the dirt if it meant that he could help make life more bearable for everyone in the Underground, especially if what he was doing would directly benefit his family.
Speaking of which, I think that he has a familial bond with Sans and Papyrus. My favorite interpretation places Gaster as a third brother (whether he or Sans is older depends on the vibes you want to portray I guess), however I do love a good father/grandfather Gaster narrative as well… really I just enjoy the idea of the three of them being a family.
My other thoughts regarding life in the underground, and his, Sans, and Papyrus’ place in it aren’t fully fleshed out yet. I’m still playing around with the idea of them all working together on the CORE/other projects (as was vaguely suggested in this pic I did of them)... generally speaking though, they are a family of talented individuals whose intellects—when combined—are capable of incredible things.
here are some little selfish hcs tho for (brother) gaster specifically:
loves having competitions between the three of them for the most ridiculous shit
he can only cook eggs well, anything else is a no-go
definitely a romantic guy, but perhaps demisexual/asexual? Loves the theater of romance.
he's very shy around strangers, and a bit of a hermit... though he can fake confidence when absolutely necessary (e.g., giving a presentation on some project he wants funding for, he will need a week to recuperate afterwards).
around the people he's comfortable with however he is an absolute goof. He loves to be dramatic, has a tendency for mischief, but he is ultimately a sweetheart.
he has an enormous collection of mugs. not because he enjoys mugs, but because he will finish his drink and forget to take the mug with him when going to get a new one. instead of trying to be better about remembering to take the thing with him for refills, he buys more mugs. the current record for mugs forgotten and left on his desk is 27. There is an entire hutch dedicated to his mugs.
neurotypical status set to False (prone to bouts of depression/mania when experiencing long-term stress)
this is all i've got rn cause my mind is absolute mush, I haven't slept well for two days lmao (please pardon any typos)
also thank you and i'm glad you like how I draw gaster, I enjoy drawing him in a way that lets his goof shine
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alyjojo · 3 months
Past Life 🪡 Karmic Spread January 2024 - Libra
Gender I’m Picking Up On (in the past life): Male
Who You Were: 9 Cups
What You Did: Page of Swords
How It Ended: 2 Swords & The Hermit
What Karma Was Brought With You: Page of Wands
Who You Brought With You: Knight of Wands rev
Additional energy: 10 Pentacles rev
Character Card (for this life): The Assassin
Past Life Oracle: Greco-Roman & Unicorn (past)
Dreaming Way: Man & Anchor (current) Key (past)
Key 🔑 on Unicorn
Squid 🦑 on Assassin
Butterfly 🦋 on 10 Pentacles rev
Axe 🪓 on Man
TW: abuse, violence, cruelty, disabilities
Need I say more? I was shocked, I was hearing Spirit eagerly with this one, message after message, just shuffling everything before I even pulled any cards. I have a list in my notepad to keep track, it’s like they’re eager to tell this story, but even they said “it’s a dark story” and it is. I was excited and giddy initially, I always am with these readings, and I’m getting that was your energy overall, you were a joy & a light to others - even having gone through extreme cruelty. When I pulled Greco-Roman I heard “Switzerland”, and I keep going back and forth between 1700 and 1800 so probably at the turn of the century over your lifetime, which doesn’t feel very old. Mid to late 30’s max. You were a twin, two boys, you were “the runt”, the weaker of the two, and your brother was a brutish asshole. I’m seeing a big guy, while you were always smaller, weaker, less healthy to an extent, you got sick often. But you were mama’s baby because of that, and though I don’t see her yet I can feel her around you. Still. She’s not here, but she could be one of your guides. A warm motherly presence, I’m getting you can feel her sometimes too but don’t know where it comes from. At some point there was a massive “accident” but I get it was no accident, it was your brother, bullying, and your legs were crushed. I heard paraplegic, waist down. There was no remorse from the brother, only shame he might get caught, but he wasn’t. Jealousy 💯 was very strong in him, because you were the favorite, you got more attention, and later, you were the much smarter as well. Big dumb brute, kinda psycho, that’s his energy. I get you being in the dark about much of this, you were probably much too young to understand what was even going on, 2-5 years old, and to you later - this life was what was always normal.
This reading starts much later, when you’re older. I get you being an absolute joy to be around, someone that loved meeting with and talking with anyone, from anywhere. You loved to tell stories, even other people’s stories (gossiping/conversation), and an excellent listener, you liked to be somewhere there were always people traveling through, I’m seeing a chair outside of your house or something. Maybe it’s a house, could be a business, right by a traveling path of some kind, there were always people on it to chat with. Could be outside a shop, a bar, idk but it’s outside not inside, that’s where you liked to be, and I’m seeing a hat made of straw 👒 but it’s not like any hat I’ve seen before. I get zero mention of parents in this reading, after childhood. I have no idea how you get to the chair every day. 9 Cups describes your spirit, and I get one that’s jovial, kind, always very chatty and in good spirits. Unicorn being here nods to a magical quality about you. You know when you meet someone who is just genuine in every way, and so sweet, that was who you were to a lot of local people, and some just passing through, which I get being a regular thing. A tourist stop maybe. There’s much more space between you and the brother when older, but he can’t stand you, and you assume he’s off doing whatever he does. No judgement at all. You avoided Justice, even knowing the kind of person he was, I get you were mostly unassuming and optimistic, you didn’t delve too deeply into him and just knew him as “troubled”, scary even, and yet you protected him on any occasion he might act out. I keep getting a jail reference, so I asked if he went to jail in the past, and got no, he died. Pissed someone off & it was Justice. He’s who you brought, and I asked if jail applies to this life - it could, but you may have no idea, the two of you are estranged, I don’t get any deep emotional connection there. He’s still male, and still very similar to his past personality. Less physically abusive, still troubled.
In the past, there was a particular person you were madly in love with, they were the most beautiful creature that walked the earth. You spent a long time talking to this person, probably years, and I get a very deep bond with them. Eventually, they met someone, a business owner or someone with a lot of money/status, and this person left you behind, devastated. It was the only time of your life you really hated your circumstances, but you were powerless and hated that feeling most of all. You have two Keys here, one card and the Key charm on the Unicorn which I now notice says “wisdom”, and you were very wise. For not having gone many places or “lived” the way other people do, you were a wonderful confidant, people could trust you with their deepest secrets (although some were fair game to gossip about). Others enjoyed helping you with anything, because somehow you were always helping them with something too. You were searched out by others, sometimes just for directions, sometimes for critical life advice, because you always knew what to do, and you really cared about people’s well-being. Anyone. The end makes me sad, it feels like a heavy weight on my chest. Someone didn’t know you were alone, or no one knew you were alone, this could’ve been a crisis situation, you couldn’t call for help and no one knew you were there or in trouble, wherever that was. You were there for a long time, trapped in, several days, under, behind, something, and you were very sad at the end. I want to cry.
Your energy in this life is divided. You’ve got The Assassin here with Squid, that’s no joke, you aren’t someone anyone is dumb enough to fk with this time around 💯 You’re extremely quiet, vengeful, not afraid of doing what you have to do, even if that would be considered “wrong”. Versatile, changeable, adaptable, quick as hell literally & mentally. Again I keep seeing jail, and one of those teardrop tattoos…which means you’ve killed someone? Idk. There’s an Axe on the Man here too. Whew. I hope not 🙏 This could just be showing me you’re ruthless, Assassin even says ruthless. But inside…you have an exciting, sensual, even romantic spirit, you still crave love, passion, excitement, steamy affairs & adventures. Libras gonna Libra 😍 If you haven’t killed anyone (I hope), lasting love may not be for you. This Man desires what he looks at, which is the Anchor, long term stability, a lasting relationship, true love even, but the Axe indicates you cut it off before it can get there…and you’re focused on the NEW. Ace of Cups. That initial excitement & passion of being obsessed with someone, can’t keep your hands off each other. But long term? You want it but you don’t, in some cases a painful divorce may be attached to this, but probably more painful for the other person. If you’re a felon, then it’s more about money, and the lack of a solid foundation in that sense. You also have a major travel bug, you want to MOVE, which makes sense considering this past life being connected, you couldn’t really. Money may stop you a lot, if you had it your way, you’d probably never stop moving. Cars & transportation may be an area of healthy obsession for you, literally traveling or even working on them, as a job or a hobby.
You’ve brought your twin, I don’t see them being related, at least not as a sibling. Could be a cousin, best friend, neighbor, they have some ties with your family, “a friend of the family” is what I’m hearing. They’re very similar to how they were in the past, but less cruel. Still crazy though 💯 You probably get flack from lovers or family about this person, they’re unreliable and always getting into trouble, a bad influence so to speak, you’re still the more logical. 10 Pentacles rev shows a lack of any solid foundation in your life, love, work, home, any of the stuff most people consider goals, I don’t get that you do. It’s a nice idea, you’re like “maybe someday”. Butterfly here with the clarifiers show you feel like if you could just escape, things would be better for you. There’s a daydreamy energy regarding this - you need some perspective on the long term, I get you don’t really think about long term, just today, tomorrow, the next. Drugs or mind altering substances could keep you distanced from family. Doesn’t have to be you either, could be them. There is a transformative energy here, I am getting this is karmic, but it doesn’t have to be this way. You could end up breaking generational curses, changing your life around, or maybe other people do, there’s a long stagnant energy but it’s for a much deeper divine purpose. If this is a family torn apart by tragedy, murder, whatever crime you may have going on - that could be the thing that has or will change you forever. Substances could be involved in that too. It’s a mix of personal tragedy and rising like a Phoenix from the ashes, something good could come out of something terrible, or it’s meant to make this change happen. Sending you lots of love Libra, this is a tough one, both lives 🩷
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obliqueblade · 4 months
Desert Duo Chapter 3 Sneak peak (+ general update)
--Sneak Peak--
There were very few news outlets in the Upper City that the Hero Association didn’t control, and while Scar tried to appear on those outlets more, there was no avoiding their influence. 
“Well, hybrids are dangerous, so there is no way they would let an actual hybrid in Upper City, let alone what some of those conspiracy theorists were suggesting. That a hybrid is sentient or smart enough to help the Heroes out!”  
Scar let the knife clatter to the counter as he whipped his head around to stare at the TV in horror. That cannot be the narrative they are trying to spin right now. 
“So you’re saying that the Hero Association has advanced enough to makeshift hybrids to save citizens lives” 
Scar’s vision nearly whited out with blind rage. Of course, they would not come out and say they had advanced technology enough to compare to the Old Gods, but they would imply it. People would continue to see hybrids as mindless beasts, and the Hero Association as their sole protectors and providers. That they had the power without coming off as threatening to the public. 
Suddenly, Cute Guy’s words from the day before rang in his ears.
“It’s a mutual thing”
The Hero Association had managed to come up with a way to imply that Cute Guy was nothing more than a pawn in their plan. That all she had done for people was just the Hero Association. 
Completely invalidating her. 
-- Update--
Hello everyone! I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for the kind messages, and general response to my last post. At that point I hadn't even informed my family about what was happening, so I was extremely nervous. I will respond to all the messages when I get a chance, so please stick with me a bit longer!
In other news, Chapter 3 is complete! As always, it will be posted roughly 7 days from now, but I might do it a bit sooner, depending on appointments and such. I have also started on the next few chapters as well, and am hoping, that health and schedule allowing I'll be able to get two chapters out this month!
Also, I wanted to take a moment and address a few things with this fic I've seen pop up a few times. for starters, yes this was MAJORILY inspired by @kitsuneisi and their AMAZING artwork. I'm going to deviate a lot from this point and in the coming chapters, but I wanted to make sure I addressed this. If they are uncomfortable with this I can go back and change things, as I didn't mention I was making this when I started, as I had started with the idea of it being a one-off.
Secondly, I use alternating pronouns for Cute Guy, for she/her they/them, and he/him. There were a few reasons for this, but the main one I can't give away yet as it will have story implications. I'm trying to ensure this fic does the mix-matched pronouns justice, but if people have advice on this I will be grateful. In that same line, Grian does use he/him pronouns as this is based on his MC character where he also uses he/him.
Thirdly, in some of these, it is tagged, as Scarian, which is the ship name between Grian and Scar. Now I'm using it purely in platonic means or in reference to Double Life. It is not my intention for this to be read as anything other than that, and while Cute Guy and Hot Guy flirt with one another, that's to the extent really that aspect of the relationship will take. I don't want this work to offend any of the Hermits, or make them uncomfortable, and the same goes for this fandom as well. While this fic is using the mc characters, there are real people attached to them, and I don't want to give them the ick.
As always, let me know what you guys think, or if you have any questions about anything!
See you in a few days!
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detectivemaker · 10 days
So I've been thinking about a Batman X persona AU
The basic plot is Terry McGinnis and a bunch of  OCS who are basically descendants of Batman villains team up to beat the s*** out of Hugo Strange for trying to summon Barbados who is a twisted God of Justice, he is summoning Barbados by creating more Insanity in the world,   in his mind the existence of evil  creates the call for the great fist  of Justice, therefore the more  crazy evil in the world will make the call for the fist of Barbados  louder, so you know he'll get here faster
So the cutesy mascot and beginner Navigator of the game is a  depowered Michael who's the god of crazy, but like the freedom crazy can bring, he has his character Arc about doubting if his purpose is really helping the world and he ends up becoming a bushoni catboy at the end
The initial party members are Lewis and Lenore who are the emperor and Empress respectively, I can't think of there initial personas but I have an idea of everyone's ultimate personas being trickster related (for example the doctor freeze analog would have the goddess hel as an ultimate, cuz you know she's cold related and also the kid of a trickster God)
The only initial Persona I have a vague idea about is the lenoirs, I'm thinking Marianne (you know the chick book Alice gets mistaken for) and for sure the goddess   Eris as an ultimate,  I guess another child of Nix for Lewis so they can be siblings by Blood and persona
Dorothy will be the Navigator after Michael quits  so he can focus more on his character Arc, she's the hermit Arcana and she has an Eldredge persona, I'm thinking straight up  Nyarlathotep as an ultimate
Obviously the OG Batman villains are the bosses who need to have that crazy  meters crank down from the maximum Hugo bought them to, though only Lenore Lewis and Dorothy confront their projectors
More about the Hugo plan basically he's driving influential people crazy,  so that can Domino into a big outburst of mental breakdowns,   He  starts his planned by mind screwing with some professors  at   Gotham University,  obviously there Jarvis and Jonathan, if you couldn't tell from Lewis and Lenore being the initial party members
There is a joker  analog and he's working for Hugo, he's not  an OC
He's James Gordon Jr,  
and he's the devil Arcana,  
his personas Loki, 
and he hates  that, he hates that so much he wants to stop existing
So if you guys have any ideas about other party members and personas just hit me up I guess
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