#if you have a million X chromosomes and one Y chromosome you are a man
anamericangirl · 1 year
So genetics are not what determine sex since those who do not have XX or XY chromosomes are still male and female so how exactly is sex determined? Can't be appearance since that isn't consistent enough nor genitalia for the same reason so what is it behaviour? Well no can't be that you already said trans women aren't women. It seems like sex is a thing that is completely binary and certain but we have no way of figuring it out because its binary and gender and sex are same and you know what sex people are because you know what sex people are because of reasons because you know what sex they are.
If you have a Y you're a guy. End of story.
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drchiraggupta · 2 years
5 Causes of Male Infertility You Need to Know
Many men often find it difficult to believe that they may be infertile. Centuries ago the cause of male infertility was not a popular topic. This is because old beliefs point to a woman as the main culprit when a couple is unable to have children.
 Current studies suggest that both men and women bear the responsibility when it comes to infertility issues. Men may have the same possible suspicion of infertility as women. The cause of male infertility affects 10 million men in the United States.
 Many men are not aware that they are infertile. This is because they do not know and do not understand the causes of individual male infertility.
 Here are five male infertility causes you should know about:
 1. Varicocele - This is a male infertility cause in which the vein in the scrotum becomes swollen and enlarged. This condition can have a radical effect on the quality of the sperm. Sperm count may decrease and their motility may decrease.
 2. Low sperm count - Low sperm count of a man is the most common cause of male infertility. According to the World Health Organization, you should have a normal sperm count of 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen. If test results show that you only have 10 million or fewer spermatozoa, you are more likely to be infertile.
 3. Abnormal shape and motility of the sperm - motility is characterized by the unique ability of the sperm to move and swim towards the waiting egg. There are males born with abnormal shape and motility of sperm. Motility is important because it gives the sperm the strength it needs to survive the long and arduous journey toward the woman's uterus. When these two are not at their best, there are high chances of infertility.
 4. Abnormal testicular development – ​​Another cause of male infertility occurs when a man is born with an abnormality of the testicles. This condition causes the normal X and Y chromosomes to become two X's and one Y. This cause of infertility is one that is present from the day you are born and there is no other reason to expect it to occur that it probably runs in the family. Abnormal development in the testicles can result in low sperm production as well as low testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone secreted in the testes. Urologist Treatment in Jaipur
 5. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) - Some STDs can cause male infertility. They often cause scarring and can block the passage of sperm. When this happens, you cannot release enough sperm into the woman's uterus and conception cannot occur. Some examples of STDs that can cause infertility in men are chlamydia and gonorrhea. There are also some infections like mumps that have a detrimental effect on fertility. It is best to avoid this condition, especially as it is common in children and can be affected at an early age.
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botanyshitposts · 4 years
is that why you think mammals have more than two sexes
idk if this was supposed to be like, a bizarre transphobic jab, but partially, actually. in biology very, very few things actually occur in binary groups; i prefer to imagine biological sex, as well as gender, by imagining two overlapping bell curves. there’s an average that we expect from gender and sex matching up at birth because most people will fall within the first quartile of the curves where all the most average genes were turned on and all the non-genetic factors surrounding that turn out in an average expected way, and there are more people who still are just as male or female but have different genes turned on and off or whatnot and wouldnt check every single box if like, The Chromosome Police showed up and made them do a cheek swab or whatever, and there are people who are intersex, which covers a wide range of different expressions of the genome.
but! we don’t have The Chromosome Police and we don’t need them, because we have gender to do this for us, which is something that has much more to do with a mix of genetic and sociological factors. in my opinion, gender makes it so that even if you’re a cis man who doesnt have like, idk penis gene #435 on the Y chromosome, youre still a man, and even if youre a woman who doesnt have vagina gene #874 turned on, youre still a woman. hell, some people go their entire lives without knowing that they have full extra chromosomes. it just....it just doesnt matter.
to expand on this, my theory is that gender serves the function of convenience more than like, a law or whatever; we have a system where there are usually a small set of things that happen as a result of a wide range of thousands of different things that turn off and on during development, and a lot of different moving parts are going on in that department that help mitigate disaster if one deletes itself or whatever, and not all those things are guaranteed to turn on or off, and as a result we’ve developed a system where regardless of whats in your pants- because anything could be there, honestly, evolution works in systems and as a result doesnt know or care- there’s a social thing that functions differently on another level thats more elastic, so no matter if you’re a woman who was born with one singular penis gene turned on or a woman who had a lot of them turn on, you both can kind of be in the same clump of ‘people who are this’. not ‘people who look like this’ or ‘people who do this thing’ or ‘people who have x combinations of chromosomes’, but ‘people who, for whatever multitude of reasons and results or relationships with themselves, are this way or another way or are existing successfully in some distant combination of ways’, and having those people around- if we follow this theory- apparently was not at all disastrous enough for evolution to pump the breaks and start killing people who never activated Penis And Vagina Gene #1456. in fact, trans people have been around as long as humans have, and that includes nonbinary people, intersex people, and cis people with different gender expressions. ancient societies had us around, there are just as many of us now as there always was, and biology just. it does not care.
think of all the things that go into a person. there is a whole lot of stuff that we do not understand. there are so many things that could change, or differ from individual to individual, and having a lot of moving parts like this with millions of different viable combinations of biological and environmental things works, because it means that the entire system doesnt break like a fucking twig if both a penis and a vagina gene turn on at the same time, or if little grog in the forest grows up hunting mammoths with his 8 moms and no dads in a nomadic tribe in prehistoric france. it also means that even if someone ends up as another combination, they dont immediately collapse into a heap of dust! great system, for the most part.
now, this is all contentious. first of all, this is my own set of theories on why this exists, and second of all i have complex feelings about the science surrounding this itself; as a biologist im fascinated, but as a trans queer person it’s terrifying. the reason this is is because there are two groups of people who want to learn things like this: people who actually want to study the details of human sex and gender, and people who want to find The Ultimate Queer Gene to ‘fix’ us forever, which like. as ive covered before. egregious moral, ethical, and basic human rights reasons aside. not something that actually would improve us as a species even if we did go to the farthest ends of the bell curves i mentioned and manage to transform the entire human race into two massive homogeneous supermale and superfemale groups with only the the most Epic And Extreme big dick and boob genes selected for (or, if were going off TERF logic, femurs of a bizarrely specific length or like, a skull shape or smth, you can see where this goes very quickly).
like. this shit is complicated. it is. sometimes, things in biology- especially when it comes to real people of our own species- are best left as enigmas, you know what im saying. but in the meantime, we can take estimates, we can say ‘we can make an educated guess about the biological sex of a skeleton by looking at their pelvis’, but we cant say ‘all cis women have femurs of exactly x cm, which is absolutely a normal and not creepy thing to obsess over’, and we cant say ‘all human beings are either male or female and that looks one of two ways’, because as we know from intersex people and all the other caveats in this subject, this is not true.
we can say with confidence that most human beings have a gender that matches what is average for their biological sex (which doesnt always define itself as the exact same set of characteristics to begin with) but not always, and most human beings have have a gender which falls vaguely under the umbrella of two vaguely defined existences, but not always, and most women have a femur length between x and x cm long, but women come in all shapes and sizes and therefore it isnt a good way to define what being a living breathing person of a particular circumstance means or looks like, holy shit, etc, and we can use this knowledge to make educated guesses about the world, but we can also use knowledge of what isn’t the majority of people to make educated guesses about what those guesses mean, and what roles they play (and hopefully will get some more rights in the meantime).
so yeah like. most people are one of two biological sexes, but its more complicated than ‘peepis or vagornio’, you feel.
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crossdreamers · 2 years
The anti-transgender gender critical movement has the science all wrong
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One might argue that science is irrelevant to whether people should respect trans people and their gender identity. This is a moral, and therefore a cultural phenomenon. That’s correct, but since “gender critical” transphobes argues that science says that there are only two genders and that they can be reduced to biological sex, trans people have to look at the science as well. 
The fact is that contemporary science is crystal clear: Gender cannot be reduced to biological sex. Biological sex is not binary and immutable. And most biologists who have studied the topic argue that  the development of transgender identities has biological components.
Emma Thorne, transgender activist and YouTube vlogger, has made an excellent video that looks at the science of sex, gender and transgender identities.
She says:
Biologically, there is no simple dichotomy between female and male. Genitals, hormone levels, and chromosomes are not reliable determinants of sex, because, for example, there are people with X-Y chromosomeswho have female characteristics. There are people with ambiguous genitalia. There are women with testosterone outside the typical female range. 
Numerous studies have found that the differences between adult men and women are overhyped and largely influenced by the dynamics of biology and culture. 
This is a simple conclusion from this article that I really like. 
"The data driven bottom line is that man/woman and masculine/feminine are neither biological termsnor rooted exclusively in biology. The lack of an explicit binary is especially evident in humans,given the complex neurobiologies, life histories, and morphological dynamics in our species.There are many successfully biologically diverse ways to be human, and millions of people embody this diversity."
We know that your chromosomes alone do not dictate your biology. You can have X-X chromosomes and present with male genitalia, and vice versa.
Emma also looks at how science is used culturally and politically.
Watch the whole video here!
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kanguin · 2 years
Okay I understand this may ruffle some feathers so I want to get this out as a forefront disclaimer: I am trans, nonbinary, autistic, and have a degree in science and a personal interest in genetics, so this is coming from a place of personal irritation, and not personal prejudice.
But I am really, really tired of seeing the following argument in fandom discussions: “[Male character] was cloned and the clone was a girl, so he must be trans!”  My problem is not the belief or assertion that the male character is trans, in fact headcanoning a character as trans is literally okay in pretty much every situation.  It might be awkward in the like, weird and rare case where his junk/genetics actually come into play in the story, but fandom is a playground for analysis, imagination, and exploration of identity, so even then, there’s no issue with headcanoning a character as trans just because.  You don’t even need proof, you can just say so and run with it.
No, my problem there is a fundamental lack of understanding of genetics when it comes to human sex, gene editing, and genetics, that makes that conclusion work for people.  Sex is a spectrum, and is far more complex than just XY=male and XX=female, but under most circumstances, a human embryo with one X and one Y chromosome will start producing testosterone as the dominant sex hormone, and naturally develop into a sexually functional human child that will be assigned male at birth.  And conversely for two X chromosomes, in most cases the embryo will develop estrogen and progesterone as dominant hormones, and be assigned female at birth.  There are exceptions in the millions of people mind you, because even 1% of 7 billion is 70 million people, but that is how it goes most of the time, and those are the people who usually end up reproducing. So if you are able to believe a setting has unlocked the secret of successful cloning, and that they have gene editing capabilities that can tweak the appearance of the clone (and yes, a genetically modified clone is still a clone, debatably), then it is entirely possible that a female clone of a male individual underwent a Y chromosomal removal and X duplication, Y removal without X duplication (leading to a single-X chromosome situation which has its own issues), Y chromosomal deactivation, the insertion of genetics for androgen insensitivity syndrome, and so many other conditions.  The first would produce an embryo that would develop into what would be considered a cis female, and the others would be considered various sex-linked mutations or intersex traits.
My point is, there are so, so many ways to explain how a male character could have a female clone.  Hell, one I didn’t even mention is maybe the clone is trans herself?  Who knows!  I’ve certainly never seen that take in my time online (not saying it’s not been done, just that I haven’t come across it).  But firmly declaring “clone is girl, male character must be trans, it’s the only way” is repetitive, limiting, and in the strictest sense, just as factually false as someone asserting that it must be the result of gene editing.  The thing that bothers me here isn’t saying he’s trans, but that the way some characters are being declared trans is done in a way that overlooks a LOT of technical information, and call me pedantic but that just bugs the hell out of me!
TL;DR, if you wanna say your blorbo is trans, just say he’s trans!  You don’t gotta provide proof!  And if you really want to dig into that text and build an argument, god do I know that urge, then do your research so you don’t spread misinformation. Also, in case anyone’s wondering who this is about, there’s so many.  Danny Phantom (pissing off Butch Hartman is good though so any queer Danny is blessed), Peter Parker as Spider-man, Sonic the Hedgehog, basically any male protagonist from the 90s and 00s, it’s straight up a common trope and cis writers who presume their characters are cis keep doing it because they learned about chromosomes in science class that one time.  So if you’re worried I’m mad at anyone or targeting any one specific character: no, my autistic butt is just tired of people misunderstanding what they’re talking about and has been for a long time!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Hulu New Releases: September 2021
September usually means the beginning of the traditional fall TV season. As such, Hulu’s list of new releases for September 2021 contains some impressive TV swings.
For starters, all of ABC and Fox’s (both now united under the Disney banner alongside Hulu) fall season offerings will be made available to stream on Hulu the next day. More impressively, however, two FX on Hulu originals make their way to the streaming world this month.
The first is the long-awaited adaptation of the classic comic Y: The Last Man. The story of a virus that destroys every mammal with a Y-chromosome (save for one escape artist and his monkey) is set to premiere on September 13. Shortly after that, the B.J. Novak-produced anthology series The Premise arrives on September 16. Even those who are fatigued from timely anthology concepts will want to check this one out.
Read more
How Y: The Last Man Updates Its Story for the Modern Era
By Alec Bojalad
Nine Perfect Strangers Review: Hulu Series Achieves Wellness
By Erin Qualey
There aren’t any original movies of note coming to Hulu in September but that’s alright as the library titles are uncommonly compelling. Edward Scissorhands, Gattaca, The Interview, Office Space, and Raising Arizona are just some of the library films this month.
Here is everything else coming to Hulu this month.
Hulu New Releases – September 2021
September 1 50/50 (2011) A Fish Called Wanda (1988) Anaconda (1997) Angel Unchained (1970) The Apparition (2012) At the Earth’s Core (1976) Blue City (1986) Bull Durham (1988) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) Cannon For Cordoba (1970) Cellar Dweller (1988) Cold Creek Manor (2003) Count Yorga, Vampire (1970) Crazy Heart (2009) The Dunwich Horror (1970) Edward Scissorhands (1990) El Dorado (1967) Election (1999) Exterminator 2 (1984) Free Willy (1993) Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (1995) Free Willy 3: The Rescue (1997) Free Willy: Escape From Pirate’s Cove (2010) Friday the 13th – Part III (1982) Friday the 13th – Part IV: The Final Chapter (1984) Fright Night (1985) Gattaca (1997) Girls! Girls! Girls! (1962) The Glass House (2001) Grosse Pointe Blank (1997) Hitman: Agent 47 (2015) Hoosiers (1986) I Spit On Your Grave (2010) I Spit On Your Grave 2 (2013) I Spit On Your Grave 3 (2015) Internal Affairs (1990) The Interview (2014) Jacob’s Ladder (1990) Just Between Friends (1986) The Killer Elite (1975) Kiss the Girls (1997) The Last Castle (2001) Magic Mike (2012) The Manchurian Candidate (2004) The Mexican (2001) McLintock! (Producer’s Cut) (1963) Miss You Already (2015) Mommy (2015) Mosquito Squadron (1970) Mr. North (1988) Much Ado About Nothing (2013) New Year’s Eve (2011) Nixon (1995) Office Space (1999) The Omen (1976) The Patsy (1964) Phase IV (1974) The Possession (2012) Priest (2011) Raising Arizona (1987) The Ring (2002) Road to Perdition (2002) Salvador (1986) Secret Admirer (1985) Shaun The Sheep Movie (2015) Slumdog Millionaire (2008) Solace (2016) Stephen King’s It (1990) Sucker Punch (2011) Tears Of The Sun (2003) The Tenant (1976) Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride (2005) Tyler Perry’s The Family That Preys (2008) Under Fire (1983) Vantage Point (2008) Volcano (1997) The Wedding Plan (2016) The Wrestler (2008) The X-Files (1998)
September 2 Trolls: TrollsTopia: Complete Season 4 (Hulu Original) Death in Texas (2021) The Unthinkable (2021)
September 3 The D’Amelio Show: Complete Season 1 (Hulu Original) What We Do in the Shadows: Season 3 Premiere (FX) Bolden (2019) Undine (2021)
September 4 Flower (2017)
September 8       Wu-Tang: An American Saga: Season 2 Premiere (Hulu Original) La La Land (2016)
September 10      The Killing of Two Lovers (2020) Transporter 3 (2008)
September 11       High Ground (2021)
September 13       Y: The Last Man: Three-Episode Series Premiere (FX on Hulu) Colette (2018)
September 15      Dark Side of the Ring: Season 3A (Vice) Joseph: King Of Dreams (2000) Love, Simon (2018) Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018)
September 16       The Premise: Series Premiere (FX on Hulu) Stalker (2021) On Chesil Beach (2018) Riders of Justice (2021)
September 18       Dark Side of Football: Complete Season 1 (Vice)
September 20       Grown Ups (2010)
September 21 9-1-1: Season 5 Premiere (FOX) The Big Leap: Series Premiere (FOX) Dancing with the Stars: Season 20 Premiere (ABC) Ordinary Joe: Series Premiere (NBC) The Voice: Season 21 Premiere (NBC)
September 22 New Amsterdam: Season 4 Premiere (NBC) Our Kind of People: Series Premiere (FOX) The Resident: Season 5 Premiere (FOX)
September 23 A Million Little Things: Season 4 Premiere (ABC) Alter Ego: Series Premiere (FOX) Chicago Fire: Season 10 Premiere (NBC) Chicago Med: Season 7 Premiere (NBC) Chicago P.D.: Season 9 Premiere (NBC) The Conners: Season 4 Premiere (ABC) The Goldbergs: Season 9 Premiere (ABC) Home Economics: Season 2 Premiere (ABC) The Masked Singer: Season 6 Premiere (FOX) The Wonder Years: Series Premiere (ABC) The Eric Andre Show: Complete Season 5 (Turner Networks) Funhouse (2021)
September 24 Law & Order: Organized Crime: Season 2 Premiere (NBC) Law & Order: SVU: Season 23 Premiere (NBC) An American Haunting (2006)
September 25 Gemini (2018)
September 27 Bob’s Burgers: Season 12 Premiere (FOX) Celebrity Wheel of Fortune: Season 2 Premiere (ABC) Family Guy: Season 20 Premiere (FOX) The Great North: Season 2 Premiere (FOX) The Rookie: Season 4 Premiere (ABC) The Simpsons: Season 33 Premiere (FOX) Supermarket Sweep: Season 2 Premiere (ABC)
September 28 The Good Doctor: Season 4 Premiere (ABC) Felix and the Hidden Treasure (2021) Home Run (2013)
September 29 La Brea: Series Premiere (NBC) Minor Premise (2021)
September 30 New Order (2021)
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Leaving Hulu – September 2021
September 1 The Iron Lady (2011) Our Family Wedding (2009) Young Adult (2011)
September 2 Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life (2016)
September 23 An American Haunting (2006)
September 29 Destination Wedding (2018) Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector (2006) Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011) One For The Money (2012)
September 30 2012 (2009) 50/50 (2011) A Fish Called Wanda (1988) A Hard Day (2014) A Perfect Day (2006) The Adventures of Tintin (2011) Anaconda (1997) Anaconda 3: Offspring (2008) Anacondas: Trail Of Blood (2009) Angel Unchained (1970) The Assassin (2015) At the Earth’s Core (1976) Australia (2008) Bad Teacher (2011) Beasts Clawing At Straws (2020) Better Living Through Chemistry (2014) Big Fish (2003) Black And White (2000) BOY (2010) Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992) Breakdown (1997) Bruno (2009) Bull Durham (1988) Burning (2018) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) Caddyshack (1980) Caddyshack II (1988) Cannon For Cordoba (1970) Cellar Dweller (1988) Charles and Diana: 1983 (2020) Charlotte’s Web (1973) The Chumscrubber (2005) The Condemned (2007) Contagion (2011) Count Yorga, Vampire (1970) Coyote Ugly (2000) Dangerous Minds (1995) Daredevil (2003) Desperate Measures (1998) Detective Dee: The Four Heavenly Kings (2018) Don’t Think Twice (2016) Dumb & Dumber (1994) Dumb And Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd (2003) The Dunwich Horror (1970) Eliminators (2016) Exterminator 2 (1984) Fired Up! (2009) Foxfire (1996) Fred Claus (2007) Fright Night (1985) From Paris with Love (2010) Galaxy Quest (1999) Grandma (2015) Grosse Pointe Blank (1997) The Grudge (2004) Gundala (2019) Hard Romanticker (2011) Hideaway (1995) Himalaya (1991) House of the Dead (2003) House of the Dead 2 (2006) Housesitter (1992) I Do…Until I Don’t (2017) I Wish I Knew (2010) Ice Age (2002) In The Cut (2003) Indignation (2016) Intolerable Cruelty (2003) It’s Kind Of A Funny Story (2010) Jacob’s Ladder (1990) Johnny English (2003) Just Between Friends (1986) The Killer Elite (1975) Knowing (2009) Lady Vengeance (2005) Long Day’s Journey Into Night (2018) Lost in Hong Kong (2015) Machines (2016) The Man From Nowhere (2010) Maximum Risk (1996) Mercury Rising (1998) Mosquito Squadron (1970) Mountains May Depart (2015) Mr. North (1988) The Nightingale (2013) Nixon (1995) Old Stone (2016) The Omen (1976) Once Upon a Time in the West (1969) Open Water (2004) Open Water 2: Adrift (2006) Places In The Heart (1984) The Polar Express (2004) Pop Aye (2017) R.L. Stine: Mostly Ghostly (2008) R.L. Stine’s Monsterville: The Cabinet Of Souls (2015) R.L. Stine’s Mostly Ghostly: Have You Met My Ghoulfriend? (2014) R.L. Stine’s Mostly Ghostly: One Night In Doom House (2016) R.L. Stine’s The Haunting Hour: Don’t Think About It (2007) Raising Arizona (1987) Reno 911!: Miami: The Movie (2007) The Ring (2002) Rookie of the Year (1993) Salvador (1986) Scent of Green Papayas (1993) Secret Admirer (1985) Sk8 Dawg (2018) Sleeping With The Enemy (1991) Sleepwalkers (1992) The Soloist (2009) Somewhere (2010) Sorority Row (2009) Space Jam (1996) The Stepfather (2009) Sunshine (2005) Super Troopers (2002) Sweet Bean (2015) Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002) Take Shelter (2011) Taken (2009) This Means War (2010) Thunderheart (1992) Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride (2005) Tokyo Rising (2020) Tooth Fairy (2008) Train to Busan (2016) Tyler Perry’s The Family That Preys (2008) Under Fire (1983) Universal Soldier (1992) Virtuosity (1995) The Wailing (2016) Whip It (2009) Wilde (1998) Wings Of Courage (1995) The Woman Who Left (2016) Young Sherlock Holmes (1985)
The post Hulu New Releases: September 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3zxzW4W
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“Well, I don’t know enough about science to refute the claims that asexual reproduction will lead to us living in some sort of chromosomal game of diminishing returns”. That is probably because it is mostly correct, so you need to know quite a bit of science to untangle the claim. I’ll try to explain as good as I can: The whole thing relies on three biological principles, each of which aggravates the next one:
1. Muller’s ratchet
2. Error catastrophe
3. Mutational meltdown
Muller’s ratchet is named after its discoverer, the geneticist Herman Josef Muller. Imagine you have a small population of 10 bacteria. Its size is constant over time so each generation five bacteria die (get eaten, run out of food, dry out…) and the five remaining divide to spawn five new ones. So lets add mutations to this scenario: If the mutation is very bad, the affected bacterium simply dies and gets replaced. However, if the mutation is only marginally bad, then it may persist for some time as the bacterium can still reproduce a couple of times before being selected out.
And this means that we now have a race condition between the rate of new mutations arising and the selection weeding them out. If the population is to small this race gets tilted in favor of the mutations, and new mutations appear faster than old ones are selected out. So, after some time every bacterium has at least one bad mutation. Now, without recombination it is impossible to get rid of these mutations, so now second mutations start to accumulate in the population, so after some time every bacterium has two mutations. And then the third one appears …
This goes only into the direction of ever more mutations, hence the name “ratchet”.
The error catastrophe relies on the fact that making a correct copy of the genome requires a number of enzymes to fix mistakes. And these enzymes are themselves encoded in the genome. Which is to say that once these correcting enzymes are hit by Muller’s ratchet the amount of mutations increase causing the ratchet to turn faster.
This leads then to the last step, mutational meltdown. Eventually the amount of mutations which are accumulated is so high that the fitness of the organism is so low that the birth rate falls below the death rate (which is higher because so many bacteria suffer from the mutation) leading to the extinction of the species.
The last two effects rapidly lead to the extinction of the species so the chances of observing them in the wild are low. However, they can be induced in the lab by artificially lowering the population size, and there are some drugs against e.g. foot and mouth disease which deliberately increase the mutation rate to push the virus into an error catastrophe curing the animal.
In contrast Muller’s ratchet is observed in several cases where recombination is inhibited. Given that the idiot was going on about the evils of feminism I’ll start with the human Y-chromosome. It occurs only in men so two Y-chromosomes can never meet and recombine. Therefore, mutation on the Y-chromosome accumulate over time and the Y-chromosome is therefore much smaller than the X-chromosome and contains almost no genes – only single gene that make the carrier a man and a bunch of genes required to produce sperms. In some species this effect becomes so pronounced that the Y-chromosome cannot maintain itself anymore so it latches onto one of the “normal” chromosomes (the autosomes). Then the process starts over as the new Y-chromosome starts once again to accumulate mutations. A similar effect can be observed in the genes of mitochondria which are only inherited from the mother. Again, mutation continually accumulate and the genome contains almost no genes. In plants the same thing happens in chloroplasts.
So, what has this to do with sexual reproduction? Well Muller’s ratchet relies on the fact that no recombination happens between the different individuals. At the stage where everyone has one mutation, they are all in different genes, so the first individual has a mutation in gene A while the second one has a muted version of gene B. If they could exchange their genes they would be able to produce an offspring without any mutations. And this is just what sexual reproduction is about. Thus, in such a population Muller’s ratchet must eliminate the gene A in every single individual to win. That is much more difficult, meaning that selection has more time to get rid of the mutations.
Now, you might wonder why there are in fact quite a few asexually reproducing species, such as bacteria, which do fine. The answer is that these have very large populations. And I mean really large. You probably  think that rabbits and rats have a large population, but in your gut there are more bacteria than all the rats and rabbits of the world combined. These large populations mean that it takes longer for everyone to have a negative mutation, so selection has more time to counteract Muller’s ratchet.
Secondly, many bacteria are capable to exchange genes between each other or take them up from the surroundings (called horizontal gene transfer) which allows them to recombine after a fashion. However, in animals and plants the populations are generally too small to allow for asexual reproduction in the long term. Some species mix the two (e.g. strawberries reproduce asexually by runners allowing them to spread rapidly but also sexually by making the eponymous berries) allowing them to kick out mutations. Others simply take advantage of the fact that “long term” means hundred-thousand to millions of years when it comes to evolution.
Of course, sexual reproduction and recombination is no guarantee against Muller’s ratchet. Especially if the population gets to small – such as the Mammut on Wrangel island – mutations accumulate so fast that they still win out. In humans for example we have lost the genes to make vitamin C which most other mammals have (you’ve never heard of ship rats getting scurvy, did you?), and more annoyingly for modern humans also a gene that would protect us from HIV.
So, would asexual reproduction in humans be something bad? If we somehow manage to do, reproduce exclusively by cloning it but forget about the dangers outlined above, then yes. (But keep in mind that it would take hundred thousands of years) However, since we can already today transfer genes from one organism to another, it seems unlikely that we would forget to do so after a breakthrough allowing us to clone humans … In fact, such advances would actually help us as we could fix some existing mistakes. It has been possible to reintroduce Vitamin C synthesis in human cells in the lab.
TL;DR: Asexual reproduction does indeed promote the accumulating deleterious mutations but we already know how to fix this today so if we ever manage to clone humans we could take care of this as an afterthought.
Thank you @uskoral for bringing the science side of Tumblr to me! 
Looks like we can have that hellish dystopian future of feminists asexually reproducing healthy babies after all! 
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newscheckz · 4 years
5 things a man can do for good health
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/5-things-a-man-can-do-for-good-health/
5 things a man can do for good health
A man is an adult male human. Prior to adulthood, a male human is referred to as a boy. Like most other male mammals, a man’s genome inherits an X chromosome from his mother and a Y chromosome from his father.
The male fetus produces larger amounts of androgens and smaller amounts of estrogens than a female fetus.
Many people often define being “a real man” by comparing it to Masculinity which are two different definitions.
Masculinity is often define as “strength and or aggressiveness” while being a Man is defined as “an adult male“; different yet many people put them together as one meaning.
A real man treats a woman as an equal and a partner, rather than as an object. A real man is allowed to feel, to emote, to love, to cry and to have his weak moments. A real man is human, and like all humans he can be both strong as well as vulnerable.
A man wants a woman who is caring because if she is caring it shows that she is a nice person and he could have a happy life with her. He will love it when you ask how he is or how his day at work has gone. He will love it that you care that his friends and family are all ok.
Take charge of your health, gents. The sooner you do it, the better.
It’s not cool for a guy to wait until he’s 50 to see a doctor. Men need to care about their health above the waistline as well as below.
Have regular check-ups
Even if you feel healthy, regular health checks (such as blood pressure, blood sugar levels, prostate checks) are essential to catch any problems early and stay in good health.
Your mental health is just as important, and seeking help for mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, can be critical.
Reduce alcohol use
The harmful use of alcohol killed nearly 3 million people in 2016; 75% of whom were men.
Drinking too much, or too often, increases your immediate risk of injury, road crashes and violence, as well as causing longer-term effects like liver damage, cancer and heart disease.
Harmful use of alcohol can also affect your mental health and has a negative impact on your family and the people around you.
Quit smoking
Tobacco use causes cancer, lung disease, heart disease and stroke, killing more than 8 million people every year.
It also causes impotence. Quitting smoking is one of the best actions you can take for your health – within 2 to 12 weeks, your lung function improves, within a year your risk of heart disease is already half that of a smoker’s.
Eat better
Eating a healthy diet helps prevent diabetes and many other diseases. Try to eat more fruit, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils), nuts and whole grains.
Limit the amount of salt to 1 teaspoon per day, sugar to less than 5% of total energy intake and saturated fats to less than 10% of your energy intake.
Be more active
A young black family with two small children staying fit together. They are power walking along the waterfront of a city on a sunny day, having fun with the 7 year old little girl and her 3 year old brother leading the way.photo/courtesy
1 in 4 people aren’t active enough. Adults should do at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity physical activity a week.
Physical activity helps you maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer and can help beat depression too.
0 notes
bobbystompy · 7 years
My Top 120 Songs Of 2017
Previously: 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
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The one saving grace is we do have 12 fewer than last year.
As always, criteria and info:
This is a list of what I personally like, not ones I’m saying are the “best” from the year; more subjective than objective
No artist is featured more than once
If it comes down to choosing between two songs for an artist, I try to give more weight to a single or featured track; not the ultimate factor, but it typically makes sharing the music easier
Speaking of… each song on the list is linked in the title if you wanna check any or every out for yourself
Oh, also, off the suggestion of Mike Gilkes -- and a few others -- I made this whole thing into a Spotify playlist, which you can peep here (includes 114 of the 120):
Let’s go?
120) Big Sean & Metro Boomin f/ 21 Savage - “Pull Up N Wreck”
Some mediocre, listenable rap made by dudes who know a bit better (well, at least 2/3rds of them).
119) Maroon 5 f/ Future - “Cold”
This song makes me feel mostly nothing... but the first minute of the video does have some solid Adam Levine alone-in-the-car acting.
/oh my god it has 119 million views
This was a lot easier to enjoy when I assumed it went unnoticed. Bonus points for the Wu-Tang shirt at the end.
118) Bleachers - “Hate That You Know Me”
Closed out 2017 undecided as ever on one Jack Antonoff. Should we hate him for dating Lena Dunham? Somehow respect him more? Give him mega credit for his big time pop songwriting collabs? Or is that a ding? Is he a nerd or the coolest guy in the cocktail bar? I do not know the answers to any of these questions, and this song is merely OK.
117) B.o.B f/ T.I. & Ty Dolla $ign - “4 Lit”
Real bad song with a mindless/terrible/misogynistic chorus. Yet... something about professional musicians sitting in a room and coming up with “4 Lit” as some sort of escalated to catchphrase to “lit” is just hilarious.
116) Prophets of Rage - “Unfuck The World”
Sure, this hits a lot of the same beats as Rage Against The Machine’s “Sleep Now In The Fire” from 18 years ago, but in these increasingly polarized, political times, I welcome their voice.
115) Kacy Hill - “Like A Woman”
This song is so chill and ethereal that it seems almost unfeasible for my punk/hip-hop/XX chromosome havin’ ass to completely sync with its wave.
114) The Decemberists - “Ben Franklin’s Song”
What happens when pop indie teams up with the lyrical stylings of Lin-Manuel Miranda? Well, this. I’m not sure if The Decemberists drop f-bombs in any of their other songs, but it pleases me to think it only happened here.
113) Offset & Metro Boomin - “Ric Flair Drip”
Mostly here for the beat.
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112) Hurray For The Riff Raff - “Hungry Ghost”
A cool song that’s hard to put into a box. Indie? Pop? Rock? Forget labels, just enjoy.
(Minus a few points for the low hanging “girl/world” rhyme)
111) Wavves - “Dreams Of Grandeur”
I was pretty let down by the new Wavves LP, but this song sounds enough like the old stuff to be a net positive (despite being, like, 70 seconds too long)
110) Culture Abuse - “So Busted”
Culture Abuse got on my radar with last year’s all-timer, “Dream On”. It was an unrelenting, robotic pulverization. “So Busted” is more of a drug comedown; a ballad, even. While “Dream On” wanted to seek you out and kill you like a terminator; “So Busted” just wants a cuddle.
109) Trey Songz - “#1Fan”
This song is so dumb and funny and pseudo competent. Really not sure how the R&B guys get away with this shit.
108) The Killers - “The Man”
Is this in a movie? It should be in a movie. It’s kind of, like, a better version of what Arcade Fire has been trying to be.
107) New Lenox - “Protest Sweater”
A good song for the ending 2017 -- or any year, really -- and its run time (1:30) would make Joyce Manor proud.
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106) Logic - “Everybody”
This is really good, but it reminds me so much of Kendrick that it becomes distracting.
105) Gorillaz f/ DRAM - “Andromeda”
Didn’t spend enough time listening to the new Gorillaz record, but I actually put the blame on them: it was long, man. So while I woulda loved to pick one of the songs with a cool cameo (hi, Vince Staples!), this is the one I actually had around the most. It’s all we’ve come to expect from this cartoon band -- kinda British, kinda futuristic, very undisturbed. Also, if it gets you back to the album before me, I heard that Damon Albarn told all collaborating artists to record their parts like the world was ending tomorrow.
104) Dropkick Murphys - “Blood”
If you know me at all, you know I historically have not been a fan of this band. But for whatever reason, this one connected -- bagpipes and all.
103) Captain, We’re Sinking - “Books”
CWS was never, ever going to top the falling-apart-desperation of 2013′s “The Future Is Cancelled”, but this song comes pleasantly close.
102) IRONTOM - “Be Bold Like Elijah”
My buddy Crooks rec’d this band, and the guitars give me Queens Of The Stone Age vibes in the best possible way. A bio on lastFM compared them to Arctic Monkeys, and you know what? I agree with that, too.
101) Jidenna - “A Bull’s Tale”
This song feels primed to explode and makes you wanna rip the shirt off your chest; only we don’t know if the bomb’s gonna blow in the middle or at the end.
100) Jeff Tweedy - “I Am Trying To Break Your Heart”
Yeah yeah, the original version of this dropped in 2002, and yes, it’s just a cover by the dude who originally sang it. I... do not care. It made me appreciate the confessional regret all over again.
99) Talib Kweli f/ Yummy Bingham & Jay Electronica - “All Of Us”
It was all bad just a week ago
Kweli and Jay Elect are a collab made in conscious rap heaven, so this song was more than a pleasant surprise.
98) Rise Against - “House On Fire”
This song could have been on “Revolutions Per Minute”. Or maybe I’m just saying that because of the hand grenade lyric in the chorus.
97) HAIM - “Want You Back”
Can’t imagine there being a lamer song on this list. HAIM and Bleachers should get in a wuss rock beef that ends with pistols.
96) The Bigger Empty - “By Its Own (So What)”
My producer plays bass in this band. This song is super solid, and, maybe most importantly in these completely divisive times, unoffensive and approachable. Kinda Hush Sound-y.
95) Little Big Town - “Lost In California” (note: link is to live version)
From the bros and broettes who brought us “Day Drinking” comes this much more subdued track. If you squint, it doesn’t really even seem like country. Granted, if they sang “Alabama” instead of “California”, you could probably call that claim out immediately.
94) Lana Del Rey - “Heroin”
Another beautiful/dreamy song from an artist who’s near-perfected that niche.
93) Wavves & Culture Abuse - “Up And Down”
Wavves and Culture Abuse have already made appearances on this list, and we haven’t even cracked the Top 80. Fortunately, their collaboration scored a little higher than their individual outputs. Shout out to their uplifting outro “I’ll just get high and I’ll die alone”.
92) The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - “Something Just Like This”
This song played at my gym all the time, and I was positive it was Coldplay. Then someone told me it was The Chainsmokers. Then I looked it up on YouTube, and it says “The Chainsmokers & Coldplay”... so what’s the deal, assholes?
91) Lil Peep f/ Lil Tracy - “Awful Things”
I hadn’t heard of Lil Peep when I found out of his passing in 2017. After looking up some pictures, I was nearly 100% positive his music was not for me. This was incorrect. I haven’t really listened to songs that sound like his; it’s kind of like rap that treads this line of being bad while also kinda sounding like alternative rock; destructive love song that doesn’t flinch.
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90) AFI - “Dark Snow”
Nothing new, but Davey Havok can still sing circles around almost anybody.
89) Dashboard Confessional - “Love Yourself” (link is to live, partial version)
Well, Dashboard covered Biebs, and we all lived to tell the tale.
88) Garrett Dale - “2016 Was...”
This song would be a blast as a singalong in a late night hotel room. There’s something calming about celebrating -- or at least acknowledging -- everything sucking.
87) Katy Perry f/ Skip Marley - “Chained To The Rhythm”
Got more than a few issues with this song, but it’s catchy, so they’re mostly forgiven. Even though it’s Katy Perry, I was pretty surprised to see it racked up 444 million views.
And seriously who the hell is Skip Marley?!
86) The Ramblin’ Boys Of Pleasure - “Glug, Glug, Glug”
Now is probably a good time to plug the lead track from my band’s b-sides record that came out this year (ten years in the making, baby!). Mandatory listening if you’ve ever bonged brandy, partied in Champaign, or counted down in a country voice.
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85) Charly Bliss - “Glitter”
It’s been nearly a year, but it’s still somewhat difficult to calibrate this singer’s voice. Is it a little too saccharine, too childlike, or just perfect? You be the judge.
84) Emperor X - “Wasted On The Senate Floor”
This singer is real god damn frenetic.
83) Father John Misty - “Total Entertainment Forever”
/obligatory “yes, this is the one with the Taylor Swift lyric” reference
FJM has such a pro’s pro voice and makes super sound music... but it’s also kinda hard to have an overall opinion. The more 50-50 I get, the more I think it’s not all that great. The video is a microcosm. Like... why is Macaulay Culkin paying Cobain? Is this a commentary on capitalism? Oooh, nah nah nahs are nice! As divided as I still am, I’m pretty positive this song is good-if-not-great.
82) St. Vincent - “New York”
This song is further proof that soft, radio friendly music can still benefit from a well placed “motherfucker”.
81) Andrew McMahon In The Wilderness - “Dead Man’s Dollar”
As long as Andrew McMahon’s project is called “Andrew McMahon In the Wilderness”, I will make fun of him like clockwork.
This song is nice. I sometimes sing “I want Thon Maker” when he says “I want to make a” in the chorus.
80) Kele Okereke - “Streets Been Talkin’”
Kele’s most impressive feat was sneaking “bae” right into the chorus without me noticing until literally right now.
79) Rick Ross - “Summer Seventeen” 
How the hell did this dumbass song get so high up on the list? I have no explanation. Classic Roazy though -- aim high, fake it till you make it. When I started my new job in August, IT reset my password to “summer2017″, and I had this song’s hook in my head nearly every time I typed it in. All told, a pretty hilarious way to start a work day.
78) Michelle Branch - “Best You Ever”
This song sounds so dark and sultry, but I’m not totally sure why. Branch rules.
77) Calvin Harris f/ Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry & Big Sean - “Feels”
The best way to ruin this song for anyone is to point out how much the hook sounds like Katy Perry singing “Don’t be afraid to catch fish”.
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76) Morrissey - “Spent The Day In Bed”
This is a very low maintenance lyric video. So you can either make fun of that or the “I spent the day in bed / I’m not the type, but I love my bed” line.
75) Red City Radio - “If You Want Blood (Be My Guest)”
The “We don’t need a god damn thing from you” chorus is a little punk cliche to win me over, but the Oklahoma City reference (”where our dreams come true and die”) is the line I’ve been waiting for since I found out RCR was from there.
74) Sam Coffey & The Iron Lungs - “Talk 2 Her”
The closest we’ll get to a new Clash song in 2017.
73) Bad Cop/Bad Cop - “Womanarchist”
Factoring in the 2017′s themes (#MeToo, Harvey dead, etc.), this has to be the song title of the year. I smiled ear-to-ear watching this music video.
72) The Movielife - “Mercy Is Asleep At The Wheel”
Hey, The Movielife reunited!
71) The Rocket Summer - “Gone Too Long”
Unlike that lazy ass Morrissey, The Rocket Summer gave us a lyric video that basically passes as a legit music video.
70) Miguel f/ Travis Scott - “Sky Walker”
Me, every time I listen to this song:
“Ooh, beat is pretty solid.”
“Ah yeah, the hook’s good. I thought I really liked this song though...”
/falsetto part
69) Queens Of The Stone Age - “The Way You Used To Do”
Had never known about the Josh Homme/Elvis comparisons, but after hearing this, I totally get it now. Also: god damn it, man.
68) Macklemore f/ Skylar Grey - “Glorious”
What can we do to make Skylar Grey more famous? She Ginger Rogers’d for Em on “SNL” -- seriously, she played piano and sung Dido, Beyoncé, and Rihanna hooks (that’s a solid ass trinity!) -- has unarguably awesome songs, and never takes anything off the table. I honestly don’t care if she has another hit... let’s just, like, all Venmo her five bucks or something.
One of my fav music videos on the list so far. Be as skeptical of Macklemore as you want, but when his grandma offers him a drink (haha) then says she wants to “do it all” with their day together, it warms the hearts.
67) Direct Hit! - “Blood On Your Tongue”
Direct Hit! continues to be the best modern version of Green Day, The Ramones*, and themselves.
(* - without being Ramones-core)
66) Boyd & The Stahfools - “Party Penguin”
I’ve been in the game for a long while, but, for the first time in my career, I finally was part of a music video. If you told me it was a 2Pac parody that advertised craft beer, I’d, well, I’d believe you. We got Dave Hernandez on the hook, Mike Healy as Dr. Dre, and yours truly as Makaveli.
And all jokes aside, “On vacation like Bev D’Angelo” is one of my favorite penned lines.
65) Rancid - “Telegraph Avenue”
I like when Tim sings about grabbing his left-handed guitar.
64) Big Sean f/ Jeremih - “Light”
Sean Don made a forgettable 2017 album with many throwaway tracks -- but “Light” ain’t one of ‘em. I liked this song even before the touching video cemented its power.
63) blink 182 - “Parking Lot”
This is that weird mix of what makes all new blink really good and really eh at the same time -- Skiba involved (for better or worse), inspired Mark (for better or worse), and Travis’ overplaying (for better or worse). It’s for sure easier if you just turn your brain off and go with it.
Why does he reference Chicago in the verse then California in the pre-chorus?
62) New Found Glory - “Your Jokes Aren’t Funny”
This song doesn’t break a ton of new ground, but it’s got this circular, easy chorus that keeps me coming back.
61) Teenage Bottlerocket - “Goin’ Back To Wyo”
Similar to Red City Radio writing about OKC, I can’t get enough of TB writing about their home. Did I blast this song while driving across the entire state alone this summer? Do you know me an ounce?
60) Frank Turner - “The Sand In The Gears”
A little dissatisfied with the current administration? Frank may be from across the pond, but he’s with you on this one, man. One of my favorite parts of this song is when he breaks the rhyme scheme just to angrily say “I thought that we were winning the war against the homophobes and the racists”.
59) Billy Bragg - “Not Everything That Counts Can Be Counted”
Billy Bragg is here for all of us, with perspective, wisdom, and insightful guidance in tow.
58) Dave Hause - “The Flinch”
Send this one to an old flame if you’re hoping, you know, to maybe rekindle.
57) Selena Gomez f/ Gucci Mane - “Fetish”
That’s right -- “Bad Liar” got beat out by this significantly less popular single featuring one of my least favorite rappers.
/looks up play totals
”Fetish”... 130 million
“Bad Liar”... 214 million
Comparably popular, I say! For me, this one is all about the chorus -- and that beat’ll get you swayin’.
56) Jay Electronica - “Letter To Falon”
‘Cause who gon’ save them babies? / And finally put a definite to all those maybes
Death, taxes, maybe death again, and Jay Electronica never releasing a full length album. Our man has been on Roc Nation for nearly ten years. I hate him so much. /anxiously awaits his next move
Jay Electricity in his zone on this one; so comfortable, in full operation within the confines.
55) Laura Jane Grace - “Adore”
I don’t know who Amy Shark is, but LJG covered her song and punted my heart into Lake Michigan.
54) Russian Girlfriends - “Antidote”
Upbeat, direct song that starts kinda Metric-y with the riff but then gets more pop punk as it progresses.
53) Brian Fallon - “If Your Prayers Don’t Get To Heaven”
My fiancee laughed when I looked up how to play this song on the guitar and the guy who tabbed it out wrote “Typical Brian Fallon open chords” in the intro.
52) Cloud Nothings - “Enter Entirely”
If “Womanarchist” is the ‘best’ song title of the year, “Enter Entirely” is certainly the coolest. And please don’t let the very boring music video fool you -- this song gets after it, man. If you are a fan of rock music, it would blow me away if you found this song remotely objectionable.
(After seeing CN open for Japandroids on back-to-back nights this November, it feels criminal to have such a slow song represent the band, as their drummer is the Russell Westbrook of the indie scene. That dude does not tire and comes off as more machine than man.)
51) Conor Oberst - “Napalm”
Oberst released a 10-song album in 2016 that was super brooding and piano-y... then he released another album in 2017 (17 songs) that had every track from his previous record and seven new ones. Kind of a weird move, no? This is one of those seven; suffice to say it’s a little more upbeat.
50) Sorority Noise - “No Halo”
You could tell me this song came out in 2002, 2007, or both -- but not 2017. How is this not a time capsuled rival of Taking Back Sunday or My Chemical Romance? I don’t know, but if you like a lot of death, this one’s for you.
49) N.E.R.D f/ Rihanna - “Lemon”
Let’s lighten the mood back up with some RiRi rap. My buddy Crooks’ take: “That's how every 2017 hip-hop beat should sound.”
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48) Kesha - “Praying”
It’s damn near impossible to talk about this song without talking about The Note. It occurs at 4:21, and it will make you a little faint.
Kesha dusts herself off and gets beyond empowered in this one. This song could legitimately soundtrack the entire #MeToo movement. When the drums kick in halfway through, you’ll be ready to fight back too.
When I’m finished, they won’t even know your name
47) The Smith Street Band - “Laughing (Or Pretending To Laugh)”
This soft, hopeful love song is almost *too* respectful when it comes to interactions with the opposite sex. I’m not sure there’s a more endearing 2017 lyric than “And I don't wanna marry you just yet / But at least let me get you a cider / And I don’t even think I’d have to pay for it / Hopefully there’s a couple left on the rider”.
46) Run The Jewels - “Legend Has It”
Whenever I think of this song, I will always have that image of El-P holding up that gun to the bunny’s head. This song is braggadocious, each line one-upping the previous in perpetuity. Man, they probably rule live.
45) Vic Mensa - “Say I Didn’t”
Vic Mensa's Roc Nation debut (CAN YOU HEAR ME AT ALL, JAY ELECTRONICA?!?!?!?!?!?) was real strong, and this one gives you a good taste of what he’s about. He’s intense but controlled and even gets a little soulful. And depending what sphere you come from, you’ll either be extremely more or extremely less interested after he drops a Weezer reference. If that gives you trepidation, maybe the Nate Dogg namedrop will reel you back in?
44) Kendrick Lamar - “HUMBLE.”
I like Kendrick Lamar and will always recognize his talent, platform, and body of work (there’s a real case to be made that his “Control” verse killed hip-hop, and it’s just been an animated zombie ever since). Having said that...
He doesn’t always make it easy. The all caps song titles, the weird high pitched flow, the massive reliance of “bitch” in his choruses... yet, he’s the same dude who begs for stretch marked butts and body positivity. I don’t know, man. By the time he hits the “I make a play fucking up your whole life” line, I’m nearly all the way back in.
Last complaint: that organ-y keyboard thing could be so much louder. The beat almost feels diet because of that decision.
43) PKEW PKEW PKEW - “Cold Dead Hands”
This song is about how you can’t freeze this band to death, because they’ll party their way out of the situation.
42) Weezer - “Any Friend Of Diane’s”
This song puts me in a trance; they sing the same chorus lyric a million times, and I still almost want more.
41) Taylor Swift - “I Did Something Bad”
If this song isn’t a hit in 2018, then I do not know anything. For as uneven and questionable as her new singles were, this song has none of that. By the time she’s rolling on the tremendously magnetic “over and over and over again” part, you’ll feel like it’s 2009.
Maybe the old Taylor is still alive after all.
40) Best Ex - “Someday”
What’s that, you want your pop with a lot less baggage? This song is currently at 1,042 views, which is further proof of no justice in this world. I remember grocery shopping with this in the headphones, and you woulda thought it was the happiest moment of my life by the expression on my smiling, dumb face.
39) White Reaper - “Judy French”
“There are no good new rock bands wahhhhh”
Nah -- you just suck at finding music when it’s never been easier in human history, I guess?
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38) Anti-Flag - “The Criminals”
This band has always lived in this dramatic life-and-death world, and it’s been going on for so long, that it’s like their vision of what they were always rebelling against was willed into existence.
37) French Montana f/ The Weeknd & Max B - “A Lie”
My dislike of French Montana is so high that I sometimes think about having to answer for saying something heinous about him. Kinda like when Kevin Garnett was accused of calling Charlie Villanueva (who has alopecia) a “cancer patient.”
KG’s all-time response:
“I am aware there was a major miscommunication regarding something I said on the court last night. My comment to Charlie Villanueva was in fact ‘You are cancerous to your team and our league,’" Garnett said in a statement to the media on Wednesday.
French, you are a cancer to hip-hop and our league. His verse even references stupid Karl Malone, because why wouldn’t it? The good news is we have The Weeknd on the hook *and* in the first verse, so you can basically just pretend it’s his solo song with a few regrettable cameos.
36) The Penske File - “Oh Brother”
The Penske File make it look effortless sometimes. After hearing this song and doing a Malört shot with their singer, I have higher hopes than ever for their 2018 full length.
35) The Front Bottoms - “Don’t Fill Up On Chips”
TFB’s new album didn’t give me everything I wanted in terms of uptempo bangers, but the lyrics, sentiment, and craftsmanship are all still very much present.
34) Vince Staples - “Big Fish”
The Juicy J chorus might not win a Pulitzer (”I was up late night ballin’ / Countin’ up hundreds by the thousand”), but Vince is rapping invincible, and by the time the lyrics call back his monster single (“Norf Norf”), you won’t be questioning anything anymore.
33) Julien Baker - “Shadowboxing” (link is to live version)
I know that you don't understand 'Cause you don't believe what you don't see When you watch me throwing punches at the devil It just looks like I'm fighting with me
I swear, Julien Baker might be one of the only people on this planet with the power to shut us all up and listen.
32) Paramore - “Fake Happy”
Paramore is a band that does dumb shit all the time. Infighting, legal drama, horrible makeover after horrible makeover. Seriously, this is real:
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But through it all, there’s that unbreakable Hayley voice, and it’s like everything is gonna be OK again. I mean, no, it’s not -- but let’s still enjoy these fleeting moments, full blown pop transition or not.
31) Nothington - “Cobblestones”
This song briefly sounds like Lucero before turning into no nonsense despair punk.
30) Lorde - “Perfect Places”
Such a phenomenal album closer; great to have her back in the pop music fold. Car, headphones, party, whatever -- this song goes all around you.
29) Remember Sports - “I Liked You Best”
If Kesha’s high note in “Praying” was pop music’s peak vocal moment in 2017, I’d like to nominate the “You made this me-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-hess” (2:37) part as punk’s.
28) Phoenix - “J-Boy”
This band makes such gorgeous music.
27) Drake - “Free Smoke” (no link)
Drake’s full album output, in minutes, for the last four years:
2013: 59 minutes 2014: N/A 2015: 108 minutes 2016: 81 minutes
And this doesn’t include stray singles, diss tracks, or cameos (2014 had “0 To 100″, for example). What I’m saying is, despite high quality material, Aubrey has saturated us with music for nearly half a decade. So even though I dig him lots, it was like “Really?!” when I heard he was releasing 2017′s “More Life” and “WHAT” when I found out it was another 81 minutes (the same length as 2016′s “Views”). Though the record is stylistically very different -- I keep hearing people use the word “grime”, though I have no idea what it means -- it’s still got bars. My favorite stray lines (they add up):
- “More life, more everything” - “I dunk text J-Lo / Old number, so it bounce back” - “Hilton rooms, gotta double up / Writin’ our name on a double cup” - “I fall asleep in sororities / I had some different priorities” - “Women I like was ignorin’ me / Now they like ‘Aren’t you adorable?’ / I know the question rhetorical” - “I make too much these days to ever say ‘Poor me’” - “I wanna move to Dubai / So I don’t never have to kick it with none of you guys”
But, it wouldn’t be Drake without making fun of him some. The song beings with, well, him sampling himself at an award show. The sample: 
And more chune for your headtop So watch how you speak on my name, you know?
Which begs the question: did he do the weird Jamaican accent knowing he was gonna sample it? It treads this weird genius/calculated doofus line. All I know is it makes me laugh.
26) Tigers Jaw - “Favorite” 
This song could make me pensive and unhappy on the sunniest of days.
25) Tee Grizzley - “First Day Out”
Like many, I first heard of Tee Grizzley from a LeBron James Instagram workout video. It was an easy sell: Detroit, ferocious beat, and the dude goes *hard*. I got a little too excited and emailed my hip-hop friends: “What the fuck is this? This is GOOD.”
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This was before I realized he kinda sounds the same in every song. It’s no matter -- we’ll always have “First Day Out”, a brief time in June 2017 where I thought Tee Grizzley could be the next to run the game.
I can’t even be in public with my hoodie on
24) The War On Drugs - “Strangest Thing”
It’s very difficult to write about The War On Drugs without mentioning how transcendent it is to listen to them in the car. Everyone is right about that, but, for me, I also have to mention how much this dude sounds like Dylan. People say Springsteen, but I hear so much Bob. You don’t necessarily have to get “past” it, but you do kinda have to get used to it. Once you do, the lead guitar will carry you into the clouds. This music will make you contemplate and reflect.
23) Foxing - “Night Channels”
Let’s keep the mood contemplative; you almost feel sleepless if not completely locked in to this one.
UPDATE: This dropped in 2015, /sigh
22) Craig Finn - “God In Chicago”
This is more of a movie than a song -- and the visuals agree. Focus in on the lyrics, take in the story, and then do it again soon because you’ll catch new wrinkles each time. One of the year’s best videos, for sure. Punk News phrases it well: “Here he’s made a solo album of losers who have no idea they’ve already lost.”
21) DJ Khaled f/ Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance The Rapper, Lil Wayne - “I’m The One”
No one wanted you to know he had sex in 2017 more than DJ Khaled. He made his infant son Asahd the “Executive Producer” for this video. Why? Because he’s an idiot. Khaled’s still existing fame continues to confound. He’s more faux-platitudes than man at his point. So why do the best artists in the world collaborate with someone so seemingly unintelligent? I don’t know, but this song bangs and was probably my Song of the Summer. We got JB on the hook, a dumb-but-amusing Quavo*, Wayne trying to gain footing, and Chance running across the finish line backward with Best Verse title belt. But Khaled won’t let you forget about him, blaring DJ tag and all. This song suffers for that, and it’s all his fault. 
(* - his ad lib of just repeating everything becomes charming once you start to get Stockholm Syndrome with the song)
20) Ed Sheeran - “The Shape Of You”
What a 2017 for the man behind the year’s best (super successful) pop song.  At the turn of the calendar, I barely knew who he was, but before we all knew it, there was a legitimate public outcry because he was on “Game of Thrones” for, like, two minutes. What a time. Oh, also, the “Come on, be my baby...” bridge gave me some “Real World: New Orleans” acid flashbacks.
Great meme, take us out.
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19) Minus The Bear - “Last Kiss”
If the shattered neon heart didn’t give it away, this is a “the relationship is definitively over” breakup song. Seeing them play it at Riot Fest made me miss my late friend Luke; I wish he could have heard this.
18) Hot Water Music - “Never Going Back”
I’ve always maintained Chuck Ragan plays guitar and sings songs like a running back. Well, this song carpe diem’s me enough to play actual running back*.
(* - jk, would never do this unless it was against very small children)
17) Lucky Boys Confusion - “Good Luck”
My hometown heroes released their comeback album in 2017, and I’m not sure any track sums up the effort better. By the time Adam sings “Burned out, they call us / Screw ‘em, we got endless memories / Punk rock and the polish / I hope it gave you something to believe”, there are no dry eyes left.
(And yes, this could totally be an AM Taxi song, but with Ryan Fergus’ killer-fills-only drumming, I’m glad it wasn’t.)
16) Hodera - “Baltimore”
This song would likely have a Top 5 objective approval rating of any on the list.
...“The Wire” forever.
15) Iron Chic - “A Headache With Pictures”
It ain’t heavy, it ain’t heaven
If Hot Water Music is carpe diem, what is Iron Chic -- seize the life?! My favorite description of the band came from Sam Sutherland, who tweeted: “Whose day has already been derailed by the unavoidably weighty introspection of listening to the new Iron Chic record.”
They are a certified run-through-brick-walls outfit. One of my final 2017 memories of this song was subtweeting “Now I know” the night I got engaged and having my buddy Ricky think she might’ve declined the proposal. May have to include a ring emoji next time.
14) The Flatliners - “Indoors”
Had to listen to this, like, five or six times before its brilliant greatness overtook me like falling into a river. The chorus is so, so heartfelt.
Don’t sleep on the video, either (especially the end).
13) Sylvan Esso - “Die Young”
Though I have tickets to see them for the first time in 2018, I am not mega-versed in the catalogue of Sylvan Esso. But this feels like their best song. Imagine if Romeo and Juliet turned out OK.
12) Oso Oso - “Shoes (The Sneaker Song)”
Jade from Oso Oso would likely want all of the above stylized in lowercase -- but this ain’t Jade’s list. This was my favorite new band of 2017, and I do believe they made the year’s best album. It’s early-2000s emo at times, pop punk at others, and all ear candy.
11) Sincere Engineer - “Corn Dog Sonnet No. 7″
Staying in the new artist lane, I proudly introduce Sincere Engineer. This band sounds like if Modern Baseball had a little sister. By the time singer Deanna Belos sings “I’m still learning how to be”, you want to pat her on the back and give her all your best advice.
Fantastic music video -- and she confirmed to me this past weekend that it’s real mustard, not puffy paint (“I have a towel that is all yellow from cleaning it up”).
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10) new.wav - “Girls”
Alright, so stick with me on this: new.wav is the band, covering The 1975′s song “Girls” in the style of “Enema of the State”-era blink-182. Confused? Yeah, I was too, but check it out. Maybe more impressive than the arrangements/performance is how they were able to match blink’s production style -- no easy task.
9) Jay-Z - “Family Feud” (starts around 5:30; partial version)
Shawn Corey Carter wants to get right with everyone -- America, his peers, and, of course, within his own home. And though I may never understand the “New n****s is the reason I stopped drinkin’ Dos Equis” lyric, I’m on board with about all else. Similar to the Oso Oso record, “4:44″ is such an album that it feels unfair to single out a song to represent all of its parts. Stripped from the LP, the song does not hit as hard, but in the groove of the record, it’s the apex. And despite Hov seemingly desiring peace, the song does have more than a few call outs:
- “My stash can’t fit into Steve Harvey’s suit” - “And old n****s, y’all stop actin’ brand new / Like 2Pac ain’t have a nose ring too” - “Al Sharpton in the mirror takin’ selfies / How is him or Pill Cosby s’posed to help me?”
In the latter stages of his career, it’s hard to call everything Jay does ‘necessary’, but “4:44″ definitely checked that box.
8) Rozwell Kid - “Wendy’s Trash Can”
Vacillated all year between this one and “Michael Keaton” and literally flipped a penny my cousin Maggie loaned me to decide. “Wendy’s Trash Can” was heads.
7) The Weeknd - “Reminder”
This one got backdoored in as a latter single from The Weeknd’s 2016 album. One of my favorite parts about Abel is how little he has had to change to succeed. Sure, it’s silky smooth, but he hasn’t sacrificed the drugs, darkness, or ego that should offend (but doesn’t because it he pulls it off so well). After bragging early in the song about he won a kids award for singing about cocaine, he calls out peers for biting his sound, blings out his entire crew, and, well:
When I travel 'round the globe, make a couple mil' a show And I come back to my city, I fuck every girl I know
/clutches pearls
6) The Bombpops - “Be Sweet”
The guitar riff in this song is why I fell in love with punk music. Also, super cool story behind the lyrics:
“'Be Sweet' is an homage to our dear friend, the late Brandon Carlisle of the band Teenage Bottlerocket," vocalist Jen Razavi told AP. "Back in 2010, we were partying in a hotel room with Brandon and Ray Carlisle. There was a guitar in the room and Brandon was showing us an idea he had for a song. He had written it for his wife, but he told us we should play it and change the lyrics to 'getting rad with my boyfriend.' He wrote down all the lyrics on four sheets of hotel notepad paper. Since then, the melody and the chord progression were forgotten, but I still had the lyrics. So we wrote our own version of the song in the studio and used every single lyric that Brandon had written down.
Did I mention the video has an “In Bloom” feel? Stop reading, go listen.
5) Action Bronson - “Let Me Breathe”
Action Bronson ain’t givin’ nothin’ up. This is my pick for rap song of the year. It’s got TV brags (”I got two shows, I’m about to pitch another”), a tight chorus (”Let me breathe for a minute / White Range Rover blowin’ trees all in it”), and whimsy shit too (“Honey bouncin’ up and down, she nearly broke my dick”). Ghostface’s disciple is having more fun than just about anyone.
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4) Japandroids - “North East South West”
Only a Canadian band could get me to care this much about my own country. The Vancouver duo penned an Americana ode to the road -- but there’s a twist... they talk about their cities too. For every New Orleans, there’s a Toronto. For every California, a Vancouver.
Maybe they’ll be the ones to end all the border wars.
3) Alex Lahey - “Every Day’s The Weekend”
This is the only submission on the list I’d feel comfortable calling a perfect song. Relatable themes, a chorus that’ll tangle you up, f-bombs in all the right places, and every part maximized. She has this way of weaving between cool confidence and youthful insecurity, all in the matter of one verse.
2) Carly Rae Jepsen - “Cut To The Feeling”
When it comes to “Call Me Maybe” and its legacy, I do not fuck around. This song gets really, really, really close. Just watch this dude.
Queen Carly blessed us with another one. The chorus soars, arms go up, and clouds are your closest companions.
1) The Menzingers - “After The Party”
It's the little things my mind commits / To etch behind my eyelids
When this song dropped, my buddy Dave Rokos called it his favorite Menzos song ever. That felt like high praise, but man, he might be dead on. “After The Party” rips me in half with its lyrics of palpable desperation:
Like a kaleidoscope in vibrant hues I navigate around your tattoos Said you got that one on a whim when you were breaking up with him And that Matryoshka Russian doll That lines your shelf from big to small What a way to start anew To shed your skin and find the old you 
If Carly’s chorus flies, this one holds us down like gravity. You feel everything, you feel nothing, you feel full yet voided, but after all of this -- the life, the party, the friends, the bars, the experiences, the nights, the lights, the fights, the city you live in -- it’s still her and you. Or him and you. Or whatever it is you come home to at the end, when it’s finally quiet.
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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She was born on JUNE 6TH, 1992 as KIM HYUNA, but you might know her as CIRCE. This twenty-seven-year-old is a DEPARTMENT STORE SALESPERSON and EXTORTIONIST. Her allegiance lies with CORVUS.
“Ah, ah, ah. I never reveal my secrets.”
Another text sent, another check incoming. Shouldn’t she be numb to the feeling of milking silly rich boys out of their money? One would think so, yet there was a giant smile of satisfaction on her face as she scrolled back through the messages. There was something about having a man with the ability to buy a whole family underneath her thumb that made it so…irresistible.
“please don’t release these pictures. you’ll ruin me. I’ll do anything.”
It seemed like they all rehearsed the same lines in preparation for being exposed some day. Ditsy, useless, rich boys. They were one in a million, yet so damn predictable. This one however, going on foreign vacations with his boyfriend knowing he was betrothed to someone? She wasn’t one to judge, love was love, but at the same time a score was a score.
“I can make these pics vanish as fast as they appeared. Tell me, what’s it worth to you and your boy toy? I will say though, you two do look cute together!”
“Someone of your status should know there’s always someone gunning for you.”
This one was taking longer to negotiate with than she thought. Asking all of these silly questions, as if he wasn’t groomed to be the heir from the beginning. She knew how the game worked, she was one of them before. She could’ve been the silly girl getting extorted for being caught with nose candy in Ibiza if Father dearest hadn’t found a new wife to love on. She couldn’t be mad at the woman though, she played her cards smartly and got herself set for life.
“i’ll lose everything if you do this, please, i’ll pay you anything.”
She had lost everything as well, as soon as the new woman moved in and Hyuna and her mother moved out to Myeongcho. Sure, Father couldn’t just wash his hands clean of an entire previous family so he gave them money to live somewhat comfortably. That is, until he was born. Gone was any chances of Hyuna being heiress to any part of the company, stolen away from her by some half-brat 7 years her junior.
“You’ve wasted my time for quite a while with your groveling, I’m going to need quite a hefty sum.”
There was no amount of money in the world that would give her as much satisfaction as taking down that little half-brat. Her mother, always quite the bitter one, had instilled it in her that he was the one who had stolen her rightful place. Snatched it underneath her like it was nothing. All because he had a Y-chromosome instead of two X’s. Pulling the rug from underneath him, and showing her father who was supposed to be the one in charge, was her life’s goal.
“I’ll give you a small discount, but you have to take advantage of it pronto. Do you know anything interesting about Kim Baekhyun?”
0 notes
benrleeusa · 6 years
[John K. Ross] Short Circuit: A Roundup of Recent Federal Court Decisions
Inoperable fuzes, sweetened sugar beverages, and sexed cow semen.
Please enjoy the latest edition of Short Circuit, a weekly feature from the Institute for Justice.
Friends, the Short Circuit team has just released Episode 3 of Bound By Oath, our podcast on the 14th Amendment. Please do give it a listen. On this episode: the Supreme Court reduces the Privileges or Immunities Clause, the clause meant to do much of the heavy lifting protecting civil rights, to a practical nullity. For shame! Professors Randy Barnett and Chris Green to do the explicating. And Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg makes a surprise appearance, time traveling back to 1873. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts or click here.
Brentwood, N.H. man purchases four military M67 fragmentation grenades with inoperable fuzes from undercover FBI agents. District court: To be a grenade, a device must contain not only explosive material but also a means of detonating that explosive material. Inoperable fuzes mean the man didn't buy grenades. First Circuit: Reversed. The grenades were explosive; they just needed new fuzes. Congress can't have meant for agents only to use fully functioning "weapons of war" in their sting operations.
Nineteen-year-old (or perhaps he's 20) impregnates 14-year-old in 2009, is sentenced to 16 years of probation. He seeks parental visitation rights; she tries to stop that from happening. Suit 1: State court won't stop it. Suit 2: Federal court won't stop it. Suit 3: State court won't stop it; he's been ordered to pay child support, and Massachusetts family courts were (at that time, anyway) authorized to adjudicate the parental rights of a parent convicted of statutory rape. Plus, the kid should be getting financial support from both parents. Suit 4: Federal district court won't stop it. First Circuit: Subject to exceptions that don't apply here, losing parties in state court don't get to re-litigate in federal trial courts.
Hoke County, N.C. officer knocks on door of home, threatens to break it down unless it's opened. It's opened. A voluntary knock-and-talk or a coercive, warrantless entry? Fourth Circuit: Other than threatening to knock down the door, the officer and federal agents were casual and nonhostile. No need to suppress the evidence.
A man is shot dead at a Wilson County, N.C. convenience store in 1976. Three alibis place Charles Ray Finch at a poker game when the shooting occurred, but a witness places Finch at the shooting and picks him out of a lineup. Finch is convicted. Fourth Circuit: We've now learned that the witness had cognitive and short-term-memory problems, that the lineup was unduly suggestive, that another witness was coerced, and that a host of forensic conclusions were wrong, so Finch's habeas claim—ordinarily time-barred—can go forward.
Two people crawl through a Goldsboro, N.C. McDonald's drive-thru window, demand money at gun point, throw cash drawers at employees, hit the manager with the gun, and make off with $1k. One perpetrator pleads guilty to robbery and the additional, distinct crime of using a firearm in connection with a crime of violence. Fourth Circuit (en banc, splitting 8–7): Alas, the statutory definition of "crime of violence" is unconstitutionally vague, given the Supreme Court's treatment of materially identical laws. Dissent: Courts should look to the underlying facts of the crime, rather than just the statutory language in a hypothetical case, to determine whether a crime is one of violence. Pistol whipping during a robbery clearly is. (Circuit-split watch: The Fourth joins the Fifth, Tenth, and D.C. Circuits but departs from the Eleventh Circuit in this holding. Moreover: SCOTUS will hear the Fifth Circuit case.)
Galveston, Tex. police get warrant to search drug suspect's house, seize any "ledgers" they might find. They seize a cell phone. Is a cell phone a ledger? Close enough, says the Fifth Circuit, so no need to suppress evidence from the phone (which helped convict him of pimping minors).
Texas inmate threatens guard, has his stuff taken away, gets put in solitary. Or maybe—as inmate alleges—guard was lying, retaliating against inmate. Inmate brings a hodgepodge of claims (to get out of solitary, over loss of his stuff, and more). Fifth Circuit: Almost none of which can go forward. But if the guard really took away the inmate's Bible (and books by mega-pastors like Joel Osteen), there needed to be a valid reason. The inmate's First Amendment claim should not have been dismissed.
"Sexed cow semen" is bull semen containing only X- or Y-chromosome-bearing sperm. It allows dairy farmers using artificial insemination to ensure they breed only female—and thus milk-bearing—cows. It's valuable stuff, and, until recently, the U.S. market was controlled by a monopolist whose technology worked by identifying sperm cells, electrically charging them, and then sorting them with magnets. But when an upstart hired one of the monopolist's ex-employees, she shared the monopolist's trade secrets. The upstart then began using a different, potentially faster method: individually vaporizing the unwanted sperm cells with a laser millions of times per second. The ensuing antitrust/patent infringement/breach of contract suit, culminating in a two-week trial, gave wins and losses to both sides. On appeal, the Seventh Circuit affirmed some of the monopolist's wins but also—in a complicated discussion of patent law featuring set theory, subscripted variables, and LSAT-esque diagrams—gave the upstart a second chance at invalidating the seminal patent claims.
Federal law prohibits any "unlawful user" of marijuana from possessing a firearm. "Unlawful user" is unconstitutionally vague, says criminal defendant who admits to smoking daily for the past decade. Perhaps in some hypothetical scenarios, says Seventh Circuit, but your conduct "undoubtedly falls within the obvious core" of the statute. As a consolation prize, however, the court "commend[s] everyone involved in the briefing and arguing of this case" (along with the district-court judges) for a job well done.
San Francisco requires that advertisements for "sugar-sweetened beverages" contain a warning, taking up 20 percent of the advertising space, that sugary drinks contribute to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay. Unconstitutional compelled speech? The en banc Ninth Circuit unanimously agrees that it is, though they disagree vociferously as to why.
Pizza chain's website and app are incompatible with screen reading software, so blind man can't order online. A violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act? District court: No, the Act doesn't mention the internet, and the feds have failed to provide formal guidance on how it applies—despite promising to do so. Ninth Circuit: Reversed. The feds have said that websites must comply; there's no need for the gov't to produce a blueprint detailing how to do it.
Douglas County, Colo. officer tases man who has a rifle muzzle in his mouth and his thumb on the trigger. The gun goes off; the man dies. Can the man's parents sue the officer? No, they filed suit 27 days too late, says the Tenth Circuit; the deadline started running on the date they asked the coroner to reconsider her report, not when the amended report was released (over a year later).
There are a number of federal crimes—from fraud to robbery—that apply only to banks that are FDIC insured at the time of the crime. Inexplicably, and despite repeated warnings from federal courts, prosecutors routinely fail to produce direct evidence that a bank was FDIC insured at the time of the crime—the testimony of a single witness would do—and instead rely on circumstantial evidence that it was insured at some point before or after. Is enough finally enough? Eleventh Circuit (over a dissent): Although prosecutors are "cruisin' for a bruisin'," we won't bruise them today.
After seven years' imprisonment for rape, man is released after tests confirm that his DNA was not on the victim. Chatham County, Ga. DA declines to re-prosecute. Trial court dismisses indictment. And state lawmaker introduces bill to compensate the man $1.6 million for the wrongful conviction. But wait! The DA opposes the bill and (allegedly) falsely states that the man remains under indictment. Bill fails; man sues. Eleventh Circuit: The DA's defamation absolutely amounted to unconstitutional retaliation. But even so, qualified immunity. Concurrence: "My only comfort with this result is knowing that if another official in this circuit henceforth engages in conduct similar to [the DA's], he or she will not be entitled to hide behind the doctrine of qualified immunity."
And in en banc news, the Eleventh Circuit will reconsider its holding that an Alabama law enacting a statewide minimum wage of $7.25 that preempts a Birmingham minimum wage of $10.10 might violate equal protection. The now-vacated opinion declared: "Today, racism is no longer pledged from the portico of the capitol or exclaimed from the floor of the constitutional convention; it hides, abashed, cloaked beneath ostensibly neutral laws and legitimate bases, steering government power toward no less invidious ends."
Officials in Yorktown, Indiana want to bulldoze a small neighborhood with many long-time, elderly residents and replace it with: a tech firm, other businesses, and new residences. To bypass the state's eminent domain law, which bars seizing property for private projects, officials have strategically placed some public amenities in the plan. Sneaky! Sharon and Jerry Puckett's home, for instance, is scheduled to be replaced by "courtyard/games" and part of a new restaurant. The kicker: The town already owns enough property to build the development just 500 feet away. IJ has helped gather over 105,000 signatures on a petition opposing the plan, and in January residents presented the Town Council with the petition. But the project is still rolling along, so please do sign the petition if you're of a mind.
0 notes
meganclaudio6-blog · 6 years
PLANT SEED Associated Articles.
If you locate that you have some fee regarding your menstruation (including physical or even emotional ache) this is best certainly not to present the subject to your youngster up until you work through your difficulty and also gain some equilibrium for yourself. A young boy which spent 6 full weeks in Holy place Street Children's Medical facility after brokening coming from the 6th flooring from a lodging has come back to creche for the very first time considering that the terror happening. Merely 22 as well as recipient from the 1986 Nelson Algren Award, Benedict has actually posted tales in the Chicago Tribune and also Ontario Assessment. It takes 2 X chromosomes to generate a child female and also an X and Y chromosome to conceive an infant child. The veteran Captain Clifford Keech, handled his boat to make sure that the workers can pick up the child on the starboard edge. There are actually a fantastic numerous stories available that inform of such inconceivable feats as well as experiences. A lot of these tales usually be set on ranches along with folks who titles are actually four speech sounds long and taken from ancient kings and also laborers that could exemplify Pinckney's very own domestic label, yet there seems to be to be no clear directing themes that openly link these accounts aside from the writer that's generating all of them. The small child represents our team as children of The lord, the buns and also fish exemplify what we offer to The lord, the good thing of the meals represents just how God uses what we provide, and the faulty pieces embody the abundant, spiritual food items He supplies in gain. Although there might be actually a token Roman soldier to embody the political situation, most producers like to always keep the story line in the text a lot extra easy. If you have just about any concerns with regards to wherever in addition to how to work with mountains in scotland beginning with g, http://mente-sana2017.info/chocolate-slim/,, you can call us on our own web page. Warner Bros is actually intending to match the success of the Batman trilogies along with an all brand-new Superman Movie Guy From Steel". Created in 1947, this has to do with Kris Kringle which is actually called crazy for presuming he is Santa clam Claus, when he actually is actually. Nevertheless, after some great acting as well as a fantastic story all is recovered and Christmas may proceed. The electricity from an incredible prayer can easily turbocharge the power from a typical prayer and transform that right into a miracle. Lisa Olson, a Chinese Medication Analyst, Alternative Health and wellness as well as Nutrition Expert, Wellness Specialist and Previous Inability to conceive Sufferer guarantees to teach you (similar to she continues to perform with thousands of mistress all around the globe) the tricks on how you can obtain expecting naturally, how to cope with being actually expecting, suitable health and nutrition while pregnant, required tasks as well as workouts ... how you can provide and have a secure delivery birth to a healthy child young boy or even lady. In the overdue eighties I will learn that a boy wizard in California learnt how to make hydrogen from water efficiently with a twelve volt electric battery as well as conventional automotive power body, during the 1970s. According to the world wide web, a magic may be an occasion that may seems mysterious by procedures associated with nature therefore appears to become supernatural by resource or even an action associated with Lord. In an except off hew new book The Boy In 7 Billion, posted in the Email on Sunday, Callie claimed: 'Our experts took a selection that will horrify several parents reading this - as well as alarmed me, too. Supervisor Jake Mahaffey had an emotional account as well as turned it in to a great short movie. Pass on the very best collection of accounts I have as well as perhaps the best I have actually ever before checked out. He has the footwears to Magic Boy's property and is surprised when Magic Kid shows up at the end from the discolored hallway along with a sluggish internal smile and also phones him into your home. If you are actually wanting to have a child lady (or kid of your option typically), after that applying a couple of straightforward facts and strategies could offer you the most ideal achievable possibilities. But now, while my thoughts backtrack the activities from forty-some years past, I wonder where that little child went - a youngster which did certainly not question, yet understood the energy from the unseen to make a dropped point right. No matter what our financial standing at this specific moment, whether we have fifty pennies to our label or $50 million, every one people is actually an every bit as excellent wonder in the world. A wonder associateded with his intercession took place in 1967, when a lady, Angela Boudreaux, that was identified with an enormous hatred in her liver, was actually cured. Although his close friends receive anatomical punishment for their part in the misuse, Lizard's charge is actually difficult: He is actually brought in to welcome Miracle Boy to his the home of see a film. Neil Shanahan, who merely switched three last week, fell six stories coming from a terrace in the Poem Fiber Accommodation last July. To take your magic directive further: look at the instance of how it changes and also how you can magnify that. His father mentioned on Thursday that in 2013, when Lucas was 5 years of ages, the child dropped 6.5 meters (21 feets) off a home window at the loved ones's home in South america while playing with his infant sis, Eduarda. Around the year 2007, the UK push broadcast tales entailing bogus magic baby creator in the identification of an individual named Diocesan Deya. The young child invested thirteen times on lifestyle support at John Radcliffe Healthcare facility in Oxford. I vow that young boy taught me much more about compassion as well as strength in comparison to some of the greatest educators on this planet. The predicted $5 thousand allocate the film created worldwide profits from $368 thousand, creating it the highest-grossing independent film of perpetuity, as well as the the best making movie certainly never to have actually attacked first at the box workplace. Another procedure of ways to obtain pregnant with a kid is to possess the consumption of proper meals. This affective subject continues to be pressed to the top of the particular press planning with the recent past linked with wonder infants. Sadly, there are actually no routes to magic pregnancy; but there are actually tried and tested and tested all-natural strategies to help you out. That was actually a magic that the man was there, he viewed the kids, that the watercraft was there and also untangled, as well as the rope was in the boat. If you are commemorating a child then there are some factors that cost mentioning as well as if you are actually favoring the lady, there are others that concern your interest. Perhaps our company need to appear past the Garden of Paradise to view just what came down the road after the magic of Adam and Eve. That additionally makes certain that the story is carefully told with the preferred spiritual messages.
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ekimat7 · 7 years
A letter to God
Dear God,
 I know you are very busy: your inbox must be quite full of prayers. Luckily you do the “all knowing”, telepathic thing, so not all people have to write you…because five billion sheets of copy paper; that would form a stack 306 miles high, is a bit tough to get through in any day. Considering there are around two trillion galaxies, each containing several billion stars, presumably almost all containing habitable planets filled with life, I imagine you are a bit overwhelmed answering our requests for personal favours. Overwhelmingly important prayers, like granting favourable weather, tax relief or cures for impotence, might seem a bit mundane for some of our former Gods, but we know you love us so much; these will not seem unreasonable to you. I hope you still have a few minutes left in the day for creation.
On the subject of creation; there is something I really need to understand about that book you wrote.  Referring to the first three lines in Genesis…just how did you create the heavens and the earth first, as you say, without light? I am not saying you are purposely trying to mislead us, or that you lied but, I must say, in the last few hundred years we have learned a great deal about cosmology. We now know that light in the form of hydrogen burning, in the first stars, created all the heavier elements necessary to create the earth. I mean you are God, so maybe you have a few tricks up your tunic, but how did you even create a tunic without primordial suns exploding out the ingredients? It is such a small detail and I will forgive a typo, but if you are trying to teach us, you really need to be more precise: light came first and then you created the earth. It is a mystery I am hoping you deem us worthy to, one day, answer.  Oh, and by the way, I don’t mean to be picky but wind also, being created by the suns convection currents, came after light; not before, as you stated.
While we are on the subject, I really need to point out, what some might consider, minor misconstructions in your narrative…
[1:11] Then God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it." And it was so…
…You might think three billion years of single celled organisms are not worth mentioning; but you forgot that one day we would be able to read those details in places like the Burgess Shale and see that motile organisms preceded flowering plants: animals came before fruit bearing vegetation. I could go on… and will, because metaphors are fine when writing: I will accept that…but…we are no longer the puerile uninformed; so…
[1:24] And God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind." And it was so…
…when you say, “creeping things”; are you referring to the omitted dinosaurs? If you are, you already created birds which evolved from dinosaurs; who lived on earth for 150 million years, give or take a few; it is just a little confusing that you did not know we would, eventually, figure out the order life arose.
The devil is in the details, and maybe we can blame it all on Moses; but how long did you think it would take us to discover that the moon is lit up with reflected sun light? And not…
[1:16] God made the two great lights - the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night - and the stars…
…I do hope you revise Genesis one day to reflect our growing scientific wisdom, granted to us by that spiffy invention of yours called a brain. I realize I am asking a lot from you: 13.7 billion years is a long time for even a God to remember all the sordid details of Humanities creation, and put it in book form. Since this is only your second attempt at communicating with us using the written word, I should probably make allowances. It is surely me being too finicky because, I know quite a few people who think your verses are just glorious the way they are.
However, they may have taken a few of your verses a bit too literally...
[1:28] God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."
…That one, particularly, has bestowed a level of unparalleled abuse and cruelty, upon your lesser creations, by us; so you may want to alter it somewhat… I’m just saying. I realize you already wiped out 99.9% of all life forms, in huge conflagrations of misery, before you got around to creating us. It is nice to know that you think Homo sapiens are so special, but I do not think the Neanderthals are feeling the love. So, you may have created humans in your image but you certainly show your loving kindness in unusual inhuman ways.
You must have a great sense of humour because, that one about the appendix is a doozy. I know; design is a fickle thing. If you don’t get it right the first time; you are God after all: just try again.
By the way…what is it with all the baby killing you do, on a second to second basis? As I wrote that sentence I understand that ten babies met their gruesome fate at your hands through “acts of God”; like natural disasters and disease: popping their heads open by way of crushing them between rocks; smothering them, ever so slowly, under masses of mud; ripping them from their mother’s arms to horribly drown them and their mothers; burning them alive; not to mention a multitude of evil diseases bestowed upon them each second. You really need to have that aspect of your personality analysed. Down here we have words to describe such behavior and “loving kindness” is not among them. I realize you seek only to take them to your bosom, to live happily ever after… but is that any way to start a paternal relationship?
Far be it for me to criticize your paternal relations with your minions, but when you impregnate your virginal daughter, against her will, we also have “God given” words to describe that behavior as well. We humans have developed a moral imperative that finds creeping upon your daughter in the middle of the night and inseminating her (I am assuming here that Jesus had an X and a Y chromosome) is just a little weird and unacceptable to say the least. I am sorry if I sound a little harsh on this point but, you really need to practice what you preach if you seek our unconditional respect and devotion…
And you think Eve is a little shifty and simple? She, at least, could find Adam in your Eden...
[3:9] But the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?"…
…I was led to believe you were an “all seeing God”. If you can not find Adam in your own garden then how will you ever find Satan?
What is it with that Eve debacle anyway? …
[3:3] but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, nor shall you touch it, or you shall die. '" [3:4] But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not die”…
…That my revered, perplexing God is what is known as a “little white lie”, and since lying is sin… and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree… can you really blame her? You must know children sometimes follow their parents example. Also, I simply do not understand why the serpent is punished for telling the truth.
3:14] The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you among all animals and among all wild creatures; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life...
By the way, snakes do actually quite well for themselves on their belly, and do not eat dust…but what did worms do to deserve such a fate? And, did all future Humanity really deserve their cruel fate?
I am sure you can see the inequity here, (as well as the possible accusations of entrapment); where all man-kinds descendants must pay an eternity for an ancestor munching an apple, especially after obviously lying to modestly, naked Eve; woman getting childbearing pain, and being ruled over by her husband, (we call that sexism now); husband getting cursed ground and toil; thorns and thistles; eating field plants??? That’s a little harsh don’t you think? It might be time to let go of a little bit of that pent-up anger your holding on to…after all, in your new book, you did tell James to write...
James [1:5] If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you…
Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds to me that you found fault.
…Thanks for the garments of skins though. Naked and the 45th parallel do not go well together at certain times of the year.
That is all I wanted to query about in the old testament. I will not even ask you about your penchant for genocide and child sex slaves, or your predilection for sacrificing goats. We are going to let that go…because I feel that you have merited some consolations based upon a novel attitude you adopted in your fancy new tome. And just so you know, we have all (mostly) decided that it is ok for our daughters to go “party” and have a drink or two, without stoning them to death when they come home.
Please do not think that I believe your book to be all doom and gloom…I quite like your new book. It certainly makes it evident that you learn from your mistakes. I like the way you rebranded yourself: developing a new, differentiated identity in the minds of Humans was a brilliant strategy…after a certain point it is best to “out” the genocidal Yahweh and “in” the peace-loving Jesus. I guess times change, even for a God. Too bad about all the disagreement amongst your bros though.
It might not even be Mathew’s, Luke’s, John’s or Mark’s fault, that they can not seem to keep the details of the narrative straight: 100 years and 5000 transcriptions are bound to change a word or two. So please do tell; who carried the cross; what hour was the crucifixion; what did that Centurion say; what was the last word spoken on the cross; and what was the colour of the robe; how long does it take to levitate to heaven; and where did the ascension take place; who was it who first visited the tomb; and was the freakin stone there or not? Sorry; I get a little excited. I am just so confused as to why each story is so different.  
Until I hear back from you I will assume that the stories started out the same. I will hold the professional copyist responsible for making such a hash of it…Although…it is believed you were guiding their hand…so…If you could just make the “perfect” word a little more perfect, I would greatly appreciate it. I do not feel I am asking much for you to get your people compatible on this issue…I feel that as you are capable enough to easily alter the Laws of physics, with all that rising from the dead and levitation stuff: you really aught to be able to write a reliable, unfailing account of what was certainly an important time in history.  
Well, I think I have taken enough of your time. If you receive this well, and don’t decide to crush my head in the interim, I should be able to get more into your “new testament” in some future letter. Being that you are omnipotent and above base human deficiencies, I know you will respect my inquiries and protestations without insult.
I would like to offer you my services, perhaps organizing and editing the innumerable fine points in this, or any future editions you feel inspired enough to put your name to.
So… as your unpretentious, bootlicking, meek sycophant; please feel free to throw me a revisional verse, or drop me a burning bush anytime…
Your Humble slave,
Ha, just kidding!!! I mean servant,
P.S. Love you too…
0 notes
ourletterstogod · 7 years
A letter to God
Dear God,
 I know you are very busy: your inbox must be quite full of prayers. Luckily you do the “all knowing”, telepathic thing, so not all people have to write you…because five billion sheets of copy paper; that would form a stack 306 miles high, is a bit tough to get through in any day. Considering there are around two trillion galaxies, each containing several billion stars, presumably almost all containing habitable planets filled with life, I imagine you are a bit overwhelmed answering our requests for personal favours. Overwhelmingly important prayers, like granting favourable weather, tax relief or cures for impotence, might seem a bit mundane for some of our former Gods, but we know you love us so much; these will not seem unreasonable to you. I hope you still have a few minutes left in the day for creation.
On the subject of creation; there is something I really need to understand about that book you wrote.  Referring to the first three lines in Genesis…just how did you create the heavens and the earth first, as you say, without light? I am not saying you are purposely trying to mislead us, or that you lied but, I must say, in the last few hundred years we have learned a great deal about cosmology. We now know that light in the form of hydrogen burning, in the first stars, created all the heavier elements necessary to create the earth. I mean you are God, so maybe you have a few tricks up your tunic, but how did you even create a tunic without primordial suns exploding out the ingredients? It is such a small detail and I will forgive a typo, but if you are trying to teach us, you really need to be more precise: light came first and then you created the earth. It is a mystery I am hoping you deem us worthy to, one day, answer.  Oh, and by the way, I don’t mean to be picky but wind also, being created by the suns convection currents, came after light; not before, as you stated.
While we are on the subject, I really need to point out, what some might consider, minor misconstructions in your narrative…
[1:11] Then God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it." And it was so…
…You might think three billion years of single celled organisms are not worth mentioning; but you forgot that one day we would be able to read those details in places like the Burgess Shale and see that motile organisms preceded flowering plants: animals came before fruit bearing vegetation. I could go on… and will, because metaphors are fine when writing: I will accept that…but…we are no longer the puerile uninformed; so…
[1:24] And God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind." And it was so…
…when you say, “creeping things”; are you referring to the omitted dinosaurs? If you are, you already created birds which evolved from dinosaurs; who lived on earth for 150 million years, give or take a few; it is just a little confusing that you did not know we would, eventually, figure out the order life arose.
The devil is in the details, and maybe we can blame it all on Moses; but how long did you think it would take us to discover that the moon is lit up with reflected sun light? And not…
[1:16] God made the two great lights - the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night - and the stars…
…I do hope you revise Genesis one day to reflect our growing scientific wisdom, granted to us by that spiffy invention of yours called a brain. I realize I am asking a lot from you: 13.7 billion years is a long time for even a God to remember all the sordid details of Humanities creation, and put it in book form. Since this is only your second attempt at communicating with us using the written word, I should probably make allowances. It is surely me being too finicky because, I know quite a few people who think your verses are just glorious the way they are.
However, they may have taken a few of your verses a bit too literally...
[1:28] God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."
…That one, particularly, has bestowed a level of unparalleled abuse and cruelty, upon your lesser creations, by us; so you may want to alter it somewhat… I’m just saying. I realize you already wiped out 99.9% of all life forms, in huge conflagrations of misery, before you got around to creating us. It is nice to know that you think Homo sapiens are so special, but I do not think the Neanderthals are feeling the love. So, you may have created humans in your image but you certainly show your loving kindness in unusual inhuman ways.
You must have a great sense of humour because, that one about the appendix is a doozy. I know; design is a fickle thing. If you don’t get it right the first time; you are God after all: just try again.
By the way…what is it with all the baby killing you do, on a second to second basis? As I wrote that sentence I understand that ten babies met their gruesome fate at your hands through “acts of God”; like natural disasters and disease: popping their heads open by way of crushing them between rocks; smothering them, ever so slowly, under masses of mud; ripping them from their mother’s arms to horribly drown them and their mothers; burning them alive; not to mention a multitude of evil diseases bestowed upon them each second. You really need to have that aspect of your personality analysed. Down here we have words to describe such behavior and “loving kindness” is not among them. I realize you seek only to take them to your bosom, to live happily ever after… but is that any way to start a paternal relationship?
Far be it for me to criticize your paternal relations with your minions, but when you impregnate your virginal daughter, against her will, we also have “God given” words to describe that behavior as well. We humans have developed a moral imperative that finds creeping upon your daughter in the middle of the night and inseminating her (I am assuming here that Jesus had an X and a Y chromosome) is just a little weird and unacceptable to say the least. I am sorry if I sound a little harsh on this point but, you really need to practice what you preach if you seek our unconditional respect and devotion…
And you think Eve is a little shifty and simple? She, at least, could find Adam in your Eden...
[3:9] But the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?"…
…I was led to believe you were an “all seeing God”. If you can not find Adam in your own garden then how will you ever find Satan?
What is it with that Eve debacle anyway? …
[3:3] but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, nor shall you touch it, or you shall die. '" [3:4] But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not die”…
…That my revered, perplexing God is what is known as a “little white lie”, and since lying is sin… and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree… can you really blame her? You must know children sometimes follow their parents example. Also, I simply do not understand why the serpent is punished for telling the truth.
3:14] The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you among all animals and among all wild creatures; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life...
By the way, snakes do actually quite well for themselves on their belly, and do not eat dust…but what did worms do to deserve such a fate? And, did all future Humanity really deserve their cruel fate?
I am sure you can see the inequity here, (as well as the possible accusations of entrapment); where all man-kinds descendants must pay an eternity for an ancestor munching an apple, especially after obviously lying to modestly, naked Eve; woman getting childbearing pain, and being ruled over by her husband, (we call that sexism now); husband getting cursed ground and toil; thorns and thistles; eating field plants??? That’s a little harsh don’t you think? It might be time to let go of a little bit of that pent-up anger your holding on to…after all, in your new book, you did tell James to write...
James [1:5] If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you…
Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds to me that you found fault.
…Thanks for the garments of skins though. Naked and the 45th parallel do not go well together at certain times of the year.
That is all I wanted to query about in the old testament. I will not even ask you about your penchant for genocide and child sex slaves, or your predilection for sacrificing goats. We are going to let that go…because I feel that you have merited some consolations based upon a novel attitude you adopted in your fancy new tome. And just so you know, we have all (mostly) decided that it is ok for our daughters to go “party” and have a drink or two, without stoning them to death when they come home.
Please do not think that I believe your book to be all doom and gloom…I quite like your new book. It certainly makes it evident that you learn from your mistakes. I like the way you rebranded yourself: developing a new, differentiated identity in the minds of Humans was a brilliant strategy…after a certain point it is best to “out” the genocidal Yahweh and “in” the peace-loving Jesus. I guess times change, even for a God. Too bad about all the disagreement amongst your bros though.
It might not even be Mathew’s, Luke’s, John’s or Mark’s fault, that they can not seem to keep the details of the narrative straight: 100 years and 5000 transcriptions are bound to change a word or two. So please do tell; who carried the cross; what hour was the crucifixion; what did that Centurion say; what was the last word spoken on the cross; and what was the colour of the robe; how long does it take to levitate to heaven; and where did the ascension take place; who was it who first visited the tomb; and was the freakin stone there or not? Sorry; I get a little excited. I am just so confused as to why each story is so different.  
Until I hear back from you I will assume that the stories started out the same. I will hold the professional copyist responsible for making such a hash of it…Although…it is believed you were guiding their hand…so…If you could just make the “perfect” word a little more perfect, I would greatly appreciate it. I do not feel I am asking much for you to get your people compatible on this issue…I feel that as you are capable enough to easily alter the Laws of physics, with all that rising from the dead and levitation stuff: you really aught to be able to write a reliable, unfailing account of what was certainly an important time in history.  
Well, I think I have taken enough of your time. If you receive this well, and don’t decide to crush my head in the interim, I should be able to get more into your “new testament” in some future letter. Being that you are omnipotent and above base human deficiencies, I know you will respect my inquiries and protestations without insult.
I would like to offer you my services, perhaps organizing and editing the innumerable fine points in this, or any future editions you feel inspired enough to put your name to.
So… as your unpretentious, bootlicking, meek sycophant; please feel free to throw me a revisional verse, or drop me a burning bush anytime…
Your Humble slave,
Ha, just kidding!!! I mean servant,
P.S. Love you too…
0 notes
elmo08884130-blog · 7 years
When To Beginning Getting Baby Garments And Add-on.
The women egg is actually an X chromosome, the male sperm is either a y or an x chromosome. I vow that young boy educated me extra regarding generosity and also durability than a few of the greatest instructors on this world. The approximated $5 million budget the film produced around the world profits of $368 million, creating this the highest-grossing independent film from all time, and the the greatest earning flick never ever to have hit primary at the box workplace. Utilizing Pregnancy Magic you could get expectant in as low as 3-4 months entirely normally, with no surgical treatment and no medications as well as no damaging negative effects. Calvino's account and the incident from sobbing statuaries remind me from the girl Audrey Marie Santo in my house city from Worcester, MA which resided in a coma for 19 years prior to she passed away. His take in coincided as that which the woman in the 1st wonder ran into. All of us have to begin respecting each other, without that percentage of appreciation, he would certainly certainly never have taken the time to pay attention to me and also without that percentage from regard, our company will certainly never view a wonder occur again. Perceiving a child boy may turn up to be a normal outcome yet there is something that could be carried out to enhance the chance from receiving a boy. Our experts will sing Xmas carols and also papa will read through the Christmas time tale from the Holy Scriptures. A child which spent 6 weeks in Holy place Street Kid's Hospital after falling coming from the 6th floor of a resort has actually returned to creche for the very first time given that the terror case. Only 22 as well as recipient from the 1986 Nelson Algren Award, Benedict has published tales in the Chicago Tribune and also Ontario Review. The tiny child embodies our company as youngsters of God, the loaves and also fish exemplify what we offer to God, the good thing from the food items works with how The lord utilizes exactly what we provide, and also the faulty pieces stand for the bountiful, spiritual food He gives in return. Although there could be actually a token Roman soldier to stand for the political situation, a lot of producers choose to keep the story line in the manuscript a lot more easy. If you have any inquiries relating to where and ways to utilize mountains in scotland skiing (just click the up coming article), you could contact us at our web site. Warner Bros is actually intending to match the results of the Batman triumvirates along with an all new A super hero Motion picture Man From Steel". In recaping the tale from their son's recuperation despite practically specific fatality, João Batista and his partner Lucila Yurie could not keep back tears. This is a story that lights up every thing that is wrong about hate, bias, bigotry, ignorance, stupidity, lack of backbone and also absence from a center. You are applauding for life on its own as this is a miracle that offers you a sense from happiness and chance. A noninclusion in the book is actually that it might have discussed the magic of conception. Even though i heard you say to the Colleague story on phase a couple years ago- i had to go through. Guys would no uncertainty product line up for the wonder elixir if that was very easy to locate as well as cure the wounded child dropped within and also to deal with the rage. There have actually also been actually many urban myths that discuss ways to develop a young boy and a lot of girls will certainly advocate these pointers. So if you like to know effective ways to have a baby young boy it is mostly a concern from consuming meals that will certainly alkalize your body. This theme is fantastic as well as develops a lightweight environment and some really weird names. Lots of results tales have actually been discussed the natural penis development exercises as well as the upcoming magic tale can be yours. Nevertheless, I took the right, after hearing the facts as soon as, to increase and show the tale in my very own fashion. A SEVEN-YEAR-OLD magic kid is readied to return house to Scotland after pioneering treatment in Mexico began to eliminate his tumour. You won't have the ability to accomplish miracle pregnancy after 40 quickly if you do certainly not exercise the most effective opportunity to sleep around. An additional wonder concerns a guard which was out in the rainforest, tending his group. He comes to be immersed along with Miracle Young boy and also along with his aged footwears enduring as well as swaying off the electrical cords up above. I merely don't forget the child-like faith from a little child which strongly believed with his whole center, unable of doubting just what his mommy had actually informed him to carry out. After awhile, my swollen, drenched eyes gazed upwards to observe that occur. Planned months in advance, she specified this time around aside to comply with the wee boy that shook his way right into her center. Utilizing Maternity Magic you could receive expecting in just 3-4 months fully naturally, without any surgery and no drugs and also no dangerous adverse effects. Calvino's tale as well as the event of leaking sculptures advise me from the young women Audrey Marie Santo in my house city from Worcester, MA which resided in a coma for 19 years before she passed away. His take in was the same as that which the girl in the initial miracle encountered. After doing a significant volume from research on effective ways to acquire expectant along with a boy a lot relies on the setting of performing sex posture need to be such that the semen goes straight to the area where it has to be actually, given that an inappropriate placement of the sperm are going to result in the weakening of the sperm, so suggested settings would be back entry postures. In the film, The Hidden," there's a scene where, after envisioning a new bicycle, a younger boy opens the door and, like magic, it is there. Our experts experience a wonderful happiness considering that this is the miracle that results in their canonization, yet especially we really feel the great thing of the relationship of these two children which assisted our kid as well as which now assist our loved ones," Batista claimed. Once our team recognize that the wonderful I am dwells in each physical bodies, we can easily find that this by itself is actually the best wonder. The nonfiction goes to times as hard-edged and also craggy as the West Virginia hills, wh Pinckney Benedict's Magic Young boy and also various other Stories is actually an assortment that is difficult to outline due to its own particular as well as stylistic wide array. Many individuals have resorted to this diet to burn fat as well as to boost their general amount from health and wellness The pH miracle diet regimen is extremely reliable at clearing away extra body weight. In this age of instant gratification, suffering, programs, anger and also brainwashing, the magics occurring around our company are actually out a massive scale, but been available in the form of an innocent six-year-old young boy and nine-year old bag claiming please and thanks to the cashier when they check a thing as well as provide it back to all of them. He after that did work in repertory theater, off-Broadway and also drove 2 from his very own theatre companies, generating lots of tv and also flick credit histories. The tale is from a small gal that heads to a playground as well as makes up a friendship with another tiny female. The adhering to baby labels are actually not merely one-of-a-kind, but they possess unique meanings perfect for your wonder infant. The holy bible is full of recommendations to these sorts of miracles Paul Tillich, a well-known Protestant Theologian claimed:" A genuine magic wases initially of all an occasion which is surprising, unusual, drinking, without contradicting the sensible structure from fact. The boy who gave his lunch from buns and also fishes in our Gospel reading possibly also knew that so as for The lord to feed the crowd mentally, He needed to nourish all of them physically, for without the resource referred to as bodily meals, the crowd might certainly not acquire the metaphysical food items.
0 notes
newscheckz · 4 years
5 things a man can do for good health
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/5-things-a-man-can-do-for-good-health/
5 things a man can do for good health
A man is an adult male human. Prior to adulthood, a male human is referred to as a boy. Like most other male mammals, a man’s genome inherits an X chromosome from his mother and a Y chromosome from his father.
The male fetus produces larger amounts of androgens and smaller amounts of estrogens than a female fetus.
Many people often define being “a real man” by comparing it to Masculinity which are two different definitions.
Masculinity is often define as “strength and or aggressiveness” while being a Man is defined as “an adult male“; different yet many people put them together as one meaning.
A real man treats a woman as an equal and a partner, rather than as an object. A real man is allowed to feel, to emote, to love, to cry and to have his weak moments. A real man is human, and like all humans he can be both strong as well as vulnerable.
A man wants a woman who is caring because if she is caring it shows that she is a nice person and he could have a happy life with her. He will love it when you ask how he is or how his day at work has gone. He will love it that you care that his friends and family are all ok.
Take charge of your health, gents. The sooner you do it, the better.
It’s not cool for a guy to wait until he’s 50 to see a doctor. Men need to care about their health above the waistline as well as below.
Have regular check-ups
Even if you feel healthy, regular health checks (such as blood pressure, blood sugar levels, prostate checks) are essential to catch any problems early and stay in good health.
Your mental health is just as important, and seeking help for mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, can be critical.
Reduce alcohol use
The harmful use of alcohol killed nearly 3 million people in 2016; 75% of whom were men.
Drinking too much, or too often, increases your immediate risk of injury, road crashes and violence, as well as causing longer-term effects like liver damage, cancer and heart disease.
Harmful use of alcohol can also affect your mental health and has a negative impact on your family and the people around you.
Quit smoking
Tobacco use causes cancer, lung disease, heart disease and stroke, killing more than 8 million people every year.
It also causes impotence. Quitting smoking is one of the best actions you can take for your health – within 2 to 12 weeks, your lung function improves, within a year your risk of heart disease is already half that of a smoker’s.
Eat better
Eating a healthy diet helps prevent diabetes and many other diseases. Try to eat more fruit, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils), nuts and whole grains.
Limit the amount of salt to 1 teaspoon per day, sugar to less than 5% of total energy intake and saturated fats to less than 10% of your energy intake.
Be more active
A young black family with two small children staying fit together. They are power walking along the waterfront of a city on a sunny day, having fun with the 7 year old little girl and her 3 year old brother leading the way.photo/courtesy
1 in 4 people aren’t active enough. Adults should do at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity physical activity a week.
Physical activity helps you maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer and can help beat depression too.
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