#if you have questions about design reasons for them (or any of my ponies for that matter) just ask i probably have a reason
dispotatorulzz · 3 months
Queen and Laz plus some little pages !!!
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Lazarus looks kinda bald but there is like nothing I can do about it hes just built like that . ALSO !!! Lazarus is a bigger pony Queen is just an alicorn (big)
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I hope we get to see some of grefgore destroying someone with that sword he was given what happened to it even
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theemporium · 7 months
💰 charles finds your olddd Pinterest boards filled with things little you once wanted. so of course, he buys them all for you. one by one each day until you start realising what they are🤣 charles loving & spoiling even little inner child you <3
like… is that a PONY??
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
It was subtle at first.
Charles was a giver in every sense of the word, and that was something you had come to learn and appreciate over the time you knew each other. However, for a relationship that started on the foundation of him buying you gifts, it wasn’t particularly odd for him to splurge some money on you for pointless reasons whenever he felt like it.
You were used to the bouquet of flowers. 
You were used to the small pieces of jewellery. 
You were used to the fancy dinners at high-end restaurants. 
However, when Charles handed you a box with a very old but familiar pair of designer heels you remembered seeing all over the magazine covers when you were in school, it did make you raise your eyebrows a little. 
But Charles kissed away any second thoughts or questions you had before grinning widely, telling you he hoped you would wear them to the restaurant he was taking you to that night. And truthfully, you didn’t think twice about them as you thanked him for the gift. 
Yet, slowly but surely, more of his gifts started making you a little suspicious. 
You loved your boyfriend. You truly did. But he was never the most observant in real life despite his skills in a car, and you highly doubted that he just happened to remember all these random conversations you apparently had months ago. The mere fact he would use that excuse every time you questioned it should have been reason enough for you to know something was up. 
However, the confrontation didn’t happen until Charles had driven you out of Monaco, into some nice countryside in the south of France. 
“You bought me a what?!” 
Charles grinned proudly as he gestured to the building around you, surrounded by large fields that disappeared into the horizon. “A stable!”
“Charles,” you started but the words died in your throat as you tried to take it all in. You could hear the horses inside, neighing and huffing and probably wanting to be let out into the fields rather than the stalls they were currently resting in. Hell, the fact there was more than one was overwhelming.
“I even got your favourite kind of horse!” Charles continued, just making your confusion grow. 
“My favourite kind of horse?” You questioned with your brows furrowed together.
“Yes, it’s all black like the one in—” However, before he could even finish his sentence, he cut himself off. His eyes widened like he realised he said something he shouldn’t have, and that suspicion in you spiked once again.
“Like the one in what?” You questioned, though he remained silent. “Like the one in what, Charles?” 
“Nothing,” he tried to laugh it off.
His cheeks flushed a pretty pink colour as his expression grew sheepish. “I…found one of your old moodboard things. On that app you sometimes use.” 
And your heart melted when you realised what exactly he found. An old Pinterest board you had started in your early teens and added to throughout the years until your early twenties. It was a collection of desires and wishes you had made growing up, a place for you to put the things you always considered unattainable.
And here you had a boyfriend checking everything off the board like it was a list.
“Charles,” you murmured softly as you moved closer, your arms wound around his neck before you placed your lips on his. “You’re so incredibly sweet.”
“I just want to make you happy, mon amour,” he murmured back with a soft smile on his lips.
“You make me happy,” you assured him.
“Then I have done my job well.”
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meetinginsamarra · 8 days
mayprompts2024, #31 pride
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Chapters 1 to 8 here on AO3
If you like the tattoo AU give it some love on my AO3, please. It would mean a lot to me. TYSM!
Just to give you a heads-up, this AU is not finished with today's prompt.
But it will be tomorrow!
I wrote a longer ending and I don't want to cram all of it in here today. Therefore, there will be a "mayprompt 32 determined". 😊
White Pony Tattoo - Part Eleven (pride)
Have I ever wondered about the shop’s name?
John took his time to think about it. Answering Sherlock’s agitated question correctly was of utmost importance. Not trying to guess what Sherlock might like to hear. Sherlock would probably detect any lie in a matter of seconds anyway.
John did not want to jeopardize the trust Sherlock had shown to him so far by opening up about his troubled past. Therefore, he decided to be completely honest.
“Actually, no. I just thought it was a very catchy name and the design of the running pony was beautiful.” John admitted. “Sorry, if that’s disappointing but it’s the plain truth.”
Sherlock laughed but it was a pained and unhappy sound.
“The White Pony is street slang for cocaine, John.” Seeing the involuntary widening of John’s pupils, Sherlock carried on, his voice dripping with self-contempt.
“Yes, I’ve been a junkie. A full-blown cocaine addict at the age of 22 and when I overdosed the third time I died in the ambulance on my way to the hospital.”
Sherlock’s agitation manifested itself in restless pacing around the tattoo parlour while he talked in rapid-fire mode.
“The reason for my phoenix is not as glorious as the one for yours. It’s neither heroic nor is it noble. It’s just pathetic. The tattoo covers all of the damage the needles inflicted onto my veins but the scars are still below the ink for everyone to see if I let them. Which I don’t. My phoenix is reminding me on a daily basis that I’ve been weak and stupid.”
Sherlock stopped in front of the computer, pulling visciously at his curls and staring wildly at John.
John was baffled by the amount of self-loathing Sherlock felt. If all of the caustic derision and acidic hate in Sherlock’s rant had been directed at John, he would have dissolved into a puddle right on the spot.
Carefully, John got out of the recliner chair and walked up to Sherlock.
“How long have you been sober?” He asked calmly.
“Eleven years since my rehab following the reanimation.” Sherlock snorted. “That doesn’t change anything.”
“Sherlock, believe me, I’ve had my fair share of dealing with addiction. Not myself, but my sister has been an alcoholic since her teens.” John spoke slowly and firmly, making sure that every word found its way into Sherlock’s brain.
“She had multiple tries to get sober and been to rehab. But sadly, she never managed to stay that way. The addiction always claimed her back, sometimes it took two years, sometimes it was just two months.”
Sherlock calmed a bit. Curiously he watched John, listening intensely.
“Yes, you are an ex-junkie.” John nodded. “But the emphasis is on the ex and not on the junkie.” John stepped up very close to Sherlock and fixated him with a stern stare to really drive his point home.
It didn’t work.
Sherlock’s face became hard and in a flurry of motion he pulled the black t-shirt over his head and flung it away onto the ground.
On part of Sherlock’s chest and over his right shoulder, John saw a masterfully tattooed realistic head and neck of a pony.
“But that’s exactly it, John! The cocaine will never leave me!” Sherlock exclaimed and slowly turned so that John could see his back. It was covered with the body of a running pony.
“The White Pony is always running behind my back, following me everywhere. It looks over my shoulder, watching and waiting that I’ll cave someday and invite it back into my life.” Sherlock spat furiously.
The total lack of understanding sparked John’s ire. “You totally misunderstood what I’d meant to say. How can you be so fucking thick?”
John’s voice raised in volume. “My sister, Sherlock, she never made it. Nine months after I’ve returned to London, she died of alcohol poisoning and acute liver failure.”
John fought back the stinging sensation in his eyes.
“So don’t you dare,” John poked his index finger right into Sherlock’s chest who immediately flinched over the silent rage in John’s eyes, “to think that you’re weak. Eleven years of sobriety is a fucking long time, Sherlock.”
Another poke.
“You had to be strong to resist the siren call of substance abuse every time when life got difficult again and obstacles have turned up.” John poked the chest once again, forcefully and this time it was intended to hurt.
“You have been strong and you have achieved perfection in what you do!” A vicious double poke followed.
“You should be fucking proud of yourself, God dammit Jesus Christ holy shit!”
tagging some people @totallysilvergirl @peageetibbs  @lisbeth-kk @raina-at @calaisreno
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scarletsinnerz · 2 months
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[I did not draw the background, it's a screen shot from the MLP fim series]
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Howdy guys!
I'm opening a Instagram store for LPS and MLP commissions, adopts, pfps, and more! It's still a wip so nothing is for sale yet. And because I don't have too many MLP drawings to show for example, I thought I would open a few FREE commissions!
Instagram store link here.
[I'd also like to sell LPS clothes, stickers, customs, etc. eventually as well, but it'll be a while before that happens-]
I can draw an original character of yours, whether that be a random MLP OC or I can draw your pony sona/self insert. I can also draw any of the canon/fandom ponies from the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic series.
Or if you'd rather, I can make/design an adopt for you! You can give me some details/ideas you'd like included, or I can make the character from scratch and completely surprise you! I can also make a pony sona for you if you don't have one already. You can give me some details about you (things you like, fave colors, etc). And again, I can surprise you or you can tell me what/how you want to look like and I can draw it for you! (coat color, mane and tail color, length and style, cutie mark, whether you want to be a pegasus, unicorn, or Earth pony).
And if you don't know, I can choose for you on which I think best suits you out of the three! Whichever you'd like. We can go over and discuss more details if you want as well.
Don't be afraid to ask me any questions you may have!
The commission will be done digitally by me on procreate. It'll probably take me a week or a few to complete as I can be busy irl and I'll have multiple comms to do. So I ask you for your patience as I make this for you. Thank you.
I will be taking a total of 3 FREE commissions for now. But I may take more in the future. I'll make an edit on here and on my profile once all of the slots are taken. It is first come first serve, to make it fair.
Now for commission rules:
You can post it anywhere you want, but you MUST give me credit.
You cannot remove or alter my watermark/signature in anyway. This includes if you're using it as a pfp.
You cannot claim the drawing as your own creation, even if it is your OC, as I was the one who created it. Especially because the drawing is free, I think it's only fair that I receive credit in exchange.
I have every right to decline your comm for whatever reason.
I will only draw one character per commission. And it will be with a plain background only, as I don't have the time to draw backgrounds for everyone.
This comm is rather simple it won’t have lots of details and accessories and such. It’s just a single character comm with a plain background.
Please give me everything you have on your character that you want me to have in mind when drawing them.
You can print the artwork, but you cannot claim the drawing itself as your own creation. Again, please give me credit.
I reserve full rights to the image and it's use unless otherwise agreed upon.
I will do everything I can to make my customers happy! If you have a problem with anything, please let me know. I'm sure we can figure it out together.
That is everything for now, sorry for writing so much. ^^
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randybutternubber · 4 months
Heyyyyyyy do you have any funny head canons on the children :-9 if they squabble and stuff in your opinion. Give me the sillies !!!!! (I do too but I wanna hear urs)
I decided to do the ones that get less attention in general, especially since I have the most thoughts on them
HCs under cut because I may have gone overboard with the length
Ghost kid
Best friends with a batmin ball that had a very poorly drawn face on it from the age of six to eight.
Sebbo (spoon girl) buried the batmin ball using a spoon as a shovel after it got neutered by the barber (he thought it was a bug and shat his pants)
Not a native of the nowhere and was taken to the nowhere on Halloween, hence the ghost costume
Lost their arm pretty quickly after being taken to the Nowhere. he’s quite a friendly child and is very compassionate towards animals, but unfortunately, this has its downsides as not all animals in the Nowhere want help.
Friends with Sebbo
Has been squatting in houses since day 1 of living in the Nowhere and has no plans to stop
Would go CRAZY for squishmallows
Doesn’t have well formed empathy/sympathy for humans but is super compassionate towards animals
Zero concept of gender and doesn’t care what you call them, he just want to pet your dog
Nonverbal but has very expressive body language
Spoon girl
Her name is sebbo (based off of game files)
She sneezes like a middle aged divorced golf dad and due to her nose bleed these sneezes are NOT victimless
LEGENDARY rage tantrums
Literally only wants to watch gen 1 my little pony, Formula One, or a very specific documentary about some random Swedish sheep wool factory
If you compare her to pippy longstockings you will end up needing to go to urgent care for a rabies shot
Calls ghost kid Ande (sounds like Andeh) which means spirit in Swedish. (His file name is actually spöke for anyone wondering, which also means ghost/spirit in Swedish. The only reason I’m not giving him the Sebbo naming treatment is that spöke absolutely does not sound like it’s spelled (sounds like Spurkeh) and Ande actually sounds like a name. I’m a quarter swedish and have a very Swedish family on my white side so I got the most incomprehensible Swedish lessons in the car ever, so please don’t roast me in the reblogs if I got this wrong, I remember like five words and this is one of them, same thing with Korean😭
Living embodiment of “ANDE WE’RE 10 NOW, WE SAY CRAP, NOT POOP”
Broke one of her legs at some point in the Nowhere and ended up in the hospital (HC based off of concept art where she was in a wheelchair and using crutches)
Has severe trauma revolving around doctors and medical stuff
Has never seen another ginger in her entire life but will fight to be the alpha
Warrior cats kid
Expert at digging and climbing out of holes, THE CHILDREN YEARN FOR THE MINES!!!
Has a cleft lip
This isn’t a HC but something that not a lot of people realize; he has a lisp
Only reason I’m not drawing him as ginger because of his name is because I also designed Noone as ginger and he lost in a 1v1 to a rabid cabbage patch kid. He’s been through enough
He’s around 14
Very lithe
Despite being a trapeze and tightrope performer, he is TERRIFIED of heights, making his experience at the circus even worse
The dummy has been malding over Rusty for a ridiculously long period of timeand bro had no fucking idea and nobody even knows the reason why 💀
Also a warrior cats kid but kept in on the downlow. Yes he did name himself Rusty after firestar but if you tell anyone he will cry
A nice kid but will deadass ask some of the most insensitive questions and has NO idea. Also verbally cooked a middle aged man and spent like a whole episode sassing him so she can definitely be mean if she wants to
Also has really severe medical trauma along with trauma from being paraded around on TV because she was the first person to be cured of whatever the shit water sickness is
Her real name was Ruth, but once she started forgetting her parents (they basically ditched her anyways 😭) she started just using Noone as her real name
Master of inappropriately prolonged periods of intense eye contact
Really dislikes/is afraid of dolls/dummies because of what happened to Rusty/in JuJubee’s toyshop
Very untrusting of people post Nowhere abduction because of how Otto treated her and because of the ferryman. Plus basically every kid she met in TSON was met with a terrible fate (Goo kid is probably alive but she doesn’t know that)
Autism (all these children got some sort of neurodivergence though, I mean just look at them)
Has a few scars on her face from her right before she had a seizure when getting clockwork oranged. She tried to take the mri suction thingies off her head but she ended up scratching up her face in her panic
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emma-heart-art · 3 days
This is Chimera Country, something I've been working on for the past year. This was originally my final project to get my BFA in animation, but now that I have graduated I'm wondering if I can make this into something more.
More info about it under the cut, but TLDR; Chimera Country is a pitch for a video game about making friends with chimeras and using a "mount system" to deepen exploration and combat.
In Chimera Country, you play as a feral child named "the wildling." She has spent her whole life away from humanity and has thusly learned to bond with nature in ways that most people cant. One day, the wildling comes across an abandoned farm who's owner has, for unknown reasons, turned into a flying talking book. With nothing better to do, the wildling teams up with this book and begins to rebuild the farm. With the book's knowledge of building, and the wildling's ability to bond with wildlife, they set off to find answers. Why did the farmer turn into a book? Why do some chimeras have cybernetic implants? Why are there chimeras here in the first place? All these questions have answers, though they may be hard for our protagonists to swallow.
I have previously described this as a "top-down metroidvania," but a better comparison would be basically a top-down zelda game with resource gathering components and deeper combat. I'm a sucker for games with an in-depth combat system, so I would love to have crazy stuff like frame perfect dodges, parries, counter attacks, and maybe even a few upgrades to your weaponry. This will not be a procedurally generated world, as I already have mapped out the general geography of this "country." I'm taking inspiration from Subnautica's map in the way its designed for exploration and resource gathering, having different biomes with different fauna and flora thought out in detail. I would also like to add puzzle/ parkour areas that can only be accessed using the mount system. And speaking of the mount system...
This is the lifeblood of Chimera Country. Everything from the combat to the map layout will be designed around this system. As of right now, there are only five mounts that are in development. They are as follows:
An elderly Shetland pony who hasn't let her age get to her. She is the only creature in this game that is not a chimera, as she worked on the farm as a work horse during her prime.
Lisa is the first mount obtained in game, being given to the player right after the intro. Her main abilities are running at high speeds and jumping over obstacles. Very basic stuff.
She's also named after and inspired by my mom!
A mix of a peacock and an emu. She is troubled with horrible anxiety, the type of creature jump at every small sound around her.
Her gimmick is that she can run around at road-runner levels of speed, but she is unable to be controlled by the player in that state. She can crash through fragile objects and give the player access to previously hidden away areas.
My fav of the mounts tbh
Not actually a turtle, but a living, moving coral reef that has simply taken the shape of a turtle. They can be found in a above-water coral reef biome that fits they're aesthetic.
They're main ability is that they can bite through almost any material. Weather you need to gather stone for a build or if you need to break into a cave, John has got you covered!
They're a little slow though, so please be patient with them.
A mix of a moose and a mountain goat.
His legs have begun to fail him in his old age, but luckily he has been equipped with cybernetic legs that let him jump higher than any other of his species.
His main use is to traverse the mountains located in the northern most region of the map, but if you backtrack you may find some other areas he can help out in!
Named and designed after my dad!
Apple's segment had to be cut out for time, but she is still vital to the Chimera Country experience. She is a mix of a barn owl and a bat, and is a rare variant of the "owl-bat" enemies that are common in the game world.
Despite being last on this list, she is actually the second mount the player will obtain. Her main ability is her flight, witch can be used as a form of fast travel.
As said before, these are the only mounts in development right now. I doubt there will be more added to the game, thought. You will not be able to tame every chimera you see. I want to preface this now because I would rather have a highly polished experience with only a few mounts than have another "collect them all" type of game. Chimera Country will have some collection elements to it, but that will be limited to the bestiary.
I also want to mention that this is very much so a work in progress. All the abilities I have mentioned above are strictly for exploration. I'm planning on adding the mounts into the combat system, I just simply need to do some experimentation to see what works and what doesn't.
I've said before that this was my final project for art school, so as of right now everything is simply animation. The pixel art sequences were made in a program called Asperite and were sewn together in adobe aftereffects. There is no build of the game as of right now. However, I do know enough about the unity engine to confidently say I can make everything seen here a reality. Other than that, all of my development plans are up in the air. I just graduated, so right now my biggest concern is to just get a survival job so I can stand on my own two feet. Once I'm stable though, I can see myself working on this as a side project, kinda like how Stardew valley was made. Regardless of what happens next, I'm proud of the work I've done thus far and I hope I can continue working on this idea. It would be a dream come true if this became a real game people could play, but for right now it is still just a dream.
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caspersscareschool · 3 months
imagine im sending all the emojis under Character Specific - i love when u talk about the versions of the turtles that exist in ur mind, theyre canon to me (has never watched the show or any movie)
you are the realest one out there I'm so serious. under cut because that's a lot of questions
first of all: she/her leo, he/it raph, he/him donnie, any/all mikey but mostly he/him unless the situation calls for it
🥊 Does Raph have anger issues? If so, how does Raph deal with his anger?
i guess you could say that it does, but its issues have more to do with the guilt and fear associated with feeling or expressing anger on any level. he relies a lot on leo's constant emotional support
🧶 Does Raph knit?
no, but yoshi sews. raph's hobbies include raising butterflies and stag beetles, planting herbs and then forgetting to water them and crying when they die a week later, basketball, and lacrosse (but only with leo). he also has a hamster named daisy whom he would kill himself for without a moment's hesitation
🗣️ Is your Leo the leader? Has he always been?
...there's not really a "leader" since that's not how families work in real life, but she's generally the dubious voice of reason and the one who carries everybody's water bottles and medications and whathaveyou. she resents this position a little but doesn't have the self awareness to confront it
🔥 Is Leo accident prone? Especially in the kitchen?
no ❤️ she's not good at cooking because she is too afraid of failure to put any effort towards building skills that don't come naturally to her, so if it was her job to cook dinner she'd just dump a bunch of hot sauce and tuna and jelly and cheese and gravy in a pot and go heheheyhehheehhehehe Soup👍
🔬 Is Donnie only interested in Tech?
I'm not entirely clear on what this question means. he has other interests outside stem, but in my verse his focus is much more on computer science and mechanical engineering than any other field of science, so he kind of doesn't gaf about biology or anything organic or "squishy." if that was the question. other interests include grindcore music, transformers, my little pony (the toys), swimming, gambling, arguing on forums, sculpting, 3d animation, girls, and other things.
🤖 Does your Donnie have a robot child?
Grins really huge.
🎨 Is Mikey the artist of the family?
yes but he's best at cartoons and graffiti and abstract designs. he also makes his own music (mostly experimental hip-hop). donnie is a far better representational artist, but he doesn't consider his work "art" since he doesn't have mikey's imagination or eye for color and he pays mikey disgusting amounts of dubiously-sourced money to draw his pngtuber rantsona. mikey in turn spends this money on fancy cheese
😈 Is Mikey a little shit?
what more is there to say. Yes
🐀 Was Splinter a human or an animal before he was mutated?
human. but don't worry about it
🧑‍🍼 How does Splinter raise the boys?
Jesus. i really don't know how to get into this without copy/pasting 3 pages of backstory from my notes doc. he did his best that's all i can say
💏 Does/Did Splinter have a significant other?
he had a weird bisexual thing. which is different. i can't disclose more at this time
🎤 Is April a reporter?
april is a first-year undergrad majoring in journalism and minoring in environmental science. she interns at her college newspaper, and lately has been going to dangerous lengths to uncover her "big break" so they'll let her do more than edit the crossword
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Is April considered a sibling?
she's like. okay. april is an integral part of their family, AND. she's also really not a surrogate/adopted/found sister in a literal sense. yoshi isn't her dad, and her relationship with the turtles is quite distinct from their relationship with each other as siblings, but it's still just as important, because she's family. like, found family outside of any traditional nuclear family roles. she's their best friend and they're her home away from home
🏒 Does Casey play hockey?
casey is such a minor character in my verse right now that it's actually kind of hysterical that they'd be on this list. they used to play, yeah.
🦸 Is Casey a vigilante?
they are a serial murderer.
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bronyinabottle · 2 days
Hello! I admit this is very, very, late as it’s been just about exactly half a year since the final chapter of Make Your Mark came out. But let me just say a new commenter got me to think about it again. Although there is a reason why I didn’t write up my thoughts immediately. The short of it being: What Chapter 6 brought to the G4-G5 connection had finally broken what little suspension of disbelief I had.
Granted, it was teetering on that edge ever since the Opaline origin story thing as well. But the one excuse there is G4 itself barely told us anything about Alicorns either. So there was technically nothing substantial to really contradict. …As much as it still makes no sense that Opaline is still around yet Twilight, Celestia, Luna, etc. are all missing for whatever reason. (As even if you don’t see the Alicorns as immortal, Opaline being a filly at the same time as the royal sisters punches a hole in the argument that Celestia and Luna are no longer with them. Which just begs the question then how did the sisters and Twilight let the world just fall like it has)
But before I get to the meat of what caused a… delay in talking about the last chapter of Make Your Mark. Let me at least say some of the good that came from the chapter.
It should be no surprise that the best part of Chapter 6 was easily anything Misty-centric. The 2-3 parter where Misty finds Alphabittle, who turns out to be her long-lost father was especially heartwarming and the episode all about Alphabittle learning how different Misty has become from the girl he knew was an excellent moral lesson for parents and kids alike. It’s also kinda funny how the first four episodes of Chapter 6 were just about entirely Misty centric in some way. If we didn’t know any better, it’s almost like Misty usurped the main character role from Sunny. Maybe it’s more so that Sunny just does not have much character development in this chapter. But in a way it did seem like the show’s more about Misty then Sunny Starscout at the moment.
After the Misty-arc of the Chapter was… a rather gross episode that I’d rather never see again in Mane Smelody and a bit of a fun halloween episode.
However, most of what I have to say in this post relates to the final 3 episodes in a chapter. And let me tell you… it is a doozy
Maybe I should forward this by telling what subject exactly bothered me to the point of going quiet about G5 for a while. While yes, Alicorn lore in G4 is missing a lot of information and/or inconsistent even after 9 seasons of episodes. Do you know what DOES have substantial amount of lore throughout all of G4?
I’ll put the rest of this after the break. So I can get into full detail without bogging up a dashboard. But just like the last one. I’m going to define one of the single biggest issue with Chapter 6 in regards to the connection with G4 with one picture
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…Take it away, one more time R Lee. Ermy
Seriously, look at… Spike. Seriously just look at it
Even just under a DESIGN perspective something is very wrong here. Even if you weren’t a fan of the muscular Spike we got in The Last Problem and prefer the much skinner look. That isn’t the only issue we have here. I think a much larger contradiction with G4 is that all dragons in G5 (Including Spike!) are more quadrupedal than bipedal. 
But the REAL issue with G5 dragons is SIZE! I think we can assume the dragons in G5 are all full grown. Or at they least Spike should certainly be full grown (But the new dragons aren’t that much smaller than Spike) at this point. But do I have to remind anyone how large Dragons could get in G4? Screenshot from both for scale. 
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A full grown dragon’s head alone in G4 was much larger than a pony body. While even with Spike’s “ancient” age and centuries (plural! Spike mentions it in the episode) old Spike is at this point. He’s big but he still pales in comparison to the size of the big red dragon/Basil from Dragonshy. The excuse is probably that the same spell that put them to sleep also prevented the dragons from growing any larger.
But then that begs another question. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DRAGONS THAT WERE ALREADY THAT HUGE?! Did Opaline mass murder most of the dragons? Is this more of how Opaline was so conveniently competently evil offscreen despite how stupid she is shown to be in the actual show. It’d explain why there also seems to be not many dragons left. But if Opaline wasn’t above a genocide of dragons. Why would she stop at perhaps the most significant dragon in Spike to.. you know… get back at Twilight and make her emotionally suffer? If you’re going to make her competently evil entirely off screen at least think of what she probably would do if she had the chance.
And that’s what we get just from the pure design standpoint of G5 dragons. But… it certainly doesn’t stop there. I am going to quote the most relevant parts of Chapter 6 that relates to dragons and point out what that means and how much it lines up with what we know of G4 dragons (Spoiler alert: Probably not much!)
Tumble: Fry my tail. There hasn't been a baby dragon around here in a volcano's age! What?! Leaf: It's like a miracle! A hatchling could restore shimmer to all of Scaly!
Congratulations G5! You found another way to describe a long time without having to say moons again! …Too bad it’s not anymore specific. What is a volcano’s age? The youngest volcano that formed on Earth was as far back as the 1940’s. But the oldest volcano could be over a million. 80 years-Over 1,000,000 is a pretty large gap. Still, it’s very concerning for the dragons that there hasn’t been many baby dragons regardless. This seems to imply the Dragons are an endangered species in G5. If they’re still living they at least live long lives that could potentially replenish the species eventually but endangered nonetheless. Which goes back to what I said earlier. What happened? Did Opaline directly or indirectly cause the decline in Dragon population? How did the big dragons die out. G4 had full on MIGRATIONS of Dragons where hundreds of dragons would fly over Equestrian skies. It just illustrates more of the problems of G5 not acknowledging non-pony species. It was fine to stick to the ponies only first, but overtime you still have to ask what happened to everyone else. And given what we see what’s left of the dragons. It looks quite grim.
Blaize: We must first request approval from our leader, the Dragon Lord, to form a partnership with ponykind. Zipp Storm: Well, where can we find him? We don't have all day!
…Kidding, although that does get into how the dragon lord SHOULD actually be Ember, a female dragon. Although, hey… maybe G5 can get away with it being an Alternate Universe where Spike DID choose to become dragon lord during Gauntlet of Fire instead of giving it to Ember. But it’d be helpful to have that clear if that’s the case
Spike: [yawns] Sunny Starscout: Spike?! Spike: [yawns] Whoa! Heh. Excuse my breath. Just woke up. Sunny Starscout: We are honored to meet such a legend as THE Spike! I-Is it okay if I call you Spike? Spike: It would be weird if you called me Fred or something! Because that's not my name! [guffaws] Sunny Starscout: I just want you to know that I am a big fan! When I was a foal, my father told me stories of you! Of the legends of Equestria's past! Spike: Legend, huh? I don't know about that. Seriously, I don't know about that. My memory is a little foggy after all these centuries of magical hibernation. What moon is this?
I’ll say it now, what they do with Spike is the one thing that probably broke me the most out of anything that has come out officially about the G4-G5 connection. The writers can excuse it that Spike has a fuzzy memory after centuries of sleep all they want but it doesn’t hide many of the problems with this.
How sad is it that the only thing Spike can remember about the past is Twilight and how vaguely he was friends with ponies (Although this seems to be somewhat contradicted later). To be honest in the promotional material for the chapter I hoped that the “Spike” we saw wasn’t actually him. Just a dragon that happened to look like him or be descended from him. In some ways I almost just want to call him Fred instead as he joked in this quotation.
Cause Spike’s inclusion almost basically is now THE example of what G5 does to connections to G4. They bring them back, acknowledge them, but then hollow out or obscure anything that could answer questions surely by contrived writing
Sunny Starscout: We know that she's been trying to take over Equestria since the days of— Zipp Storm: Twilight Sparkle! She protected our lands somehow, keeping her out all this time! Spike: [gasps] Twi?!
Zipp you fool! You just added another name tax for Hasbro! (I don’t even know of that’s entirely accurate but I have heard that G5 has been restrained by Discovery Family about referencing Friendship is Magic characters in the show. Which is just frustrating because then why go through all this effort to connect the generations to begin with)
But it is at least great that Spike still remembers his fondness for Twilight. If you’ve known me a while you know I value that. Although I would have like Spike to have something about others too. Twilight’s special to Spike, but he should have at least had an offhand reference to each and every one of the Mane 6. At the very least Rarity if no one else.
Spike: [sighs] Meeting you takes me back. My best friends were ponies. Sunny Starscout: That's what I've heard. Spike: I haven't thought about it in so long. Mostly because I was sleeping. But I do remember my adventures with them. Ugh, but my mind feels so fuzzy since I went into that magic hibernation. Hitch Trailblazer: When was that? Spike: Hard to say. The spell was so strong.
Or in Writer’s terms. Excuses for never explaining anything…
Sunny Starscout: Hitch, can you believe this?! This is the baby dragon from the stories my dad used to tell me! Spike was there with Twilight when Opaline got banished! Spike: It all feels so foggy. Like a dream. But Twilight knew she had to protect magic from her somehow. Tumble: That's why us dragons have been on the Isle of Scaly magically hibernating for all this time. It was part of the plan.
So Opaline was banished, inside her castle I presume. I’ll at least give G5 this that it did sort of answer why the dragon’s home isn’t the volcanic place it was in G4
Spike: Her plan saved us all. She helped us work together against darkness. See, there were these crystals... Sunny Starscout: The Unity Crystals?! Spike: You know them? Sunny Starscout: Know them?! We are the keepers of the crystals! [phone beeps] Zipp Storm: Sorry to interrupt this, uh, moment, but what is the real story of the crystals and Opaline? Who is she really?
But Zipp, didn’t Spike say he doesn’t remember anythi-
Spike: She's dangerous. She's the reason I had to part ways with my friends. Zipp Storm: Because she wanted the Unity Crystals? Spike: No. She wanted magic. All of it.
…Wait, then why did Spike sound confused by the idea of an evil alicorn earlier?
Spike: [narrating] Twilight's reign was peaceful for many moons until Opaline Arcana appeared. She'd been banished from Skyros. Sunny Starscout: The Alicorn land? Spike: She wanted to rule all ponies. She thought that Alicorns were superior.
Ah, more superiority… but it’s not much different then Cozy Glow’s (And Neighsay even if he turned around eventually). Just more specific to alicorns. If the School of Friendship could punch through the superiority of ponies over non-ponies. It should definitely be able to do the same for alicorns
And why should I even care about Skyros at this point if we’re likely not going to even see that place. The only bad thing about Opaline being defeated is she may have been the only link to at least give us a look at Skyros. As I’m not sure I’m confident in Tell Your Tale providing a satisfactory enough look at Skyros.
And I still have some of the same questions as last time. I think if Skyros had existed in G4 (Especially for how long it’s implied to be with Opaline’s story) Twilight would have been VERY knowledgeable and even mentioned it in Friendship is Magic. I know that’s not fair as obviously Skyros was never a concept during G4 but did for G5. But the more they mention it especially as they tie it to what happened between the two gens the more important it is to actually give us more information about this alicorn land. And… I am completely pessimistic of that ever coming to pass. Skyros clearly holds some of the keys that tie the two gens together as flimsy as it may be at this point… and that may be exactly why we never see it
Spike: [narrating] But my friends were strong. Our friendship had created such powerful magic that Opaline had to resort to dark ways to overthrow Equestria. She even attacked the dragons to transform into a Fire Alicorn! Opaline: [echoing laughter] Sunny Starscout: That's what she's done again! Blaize: That's why she came for Jade and Lava! Tumble: For their fire! Spike: [narrating] The crystals were created to hide the magic of Equestria in them. All of pony magic. And all of dragon magic inside the Dragon Stone. Twilight sent us here to protect us and put a spell around Equestria to hide it from Opaline.
Wait, there’s a dragon stone now? Did Twilight seal magic for other species too then? A griffon… stone? (…Pun not intended), a kirin stone? changeling stone? etc. That just sounds like it made the crystals more complicated then they were already were.
And to be frank I think I may be on the side that sealing the magic in crystals is a terrible idea on Twilight’s part. I don’t understand what was so threatening about Opaline that all of Equestria couldn’t just overwhelm her the same they did to the trio in Season 9. Especially when the population should be bigger and friendship magic still more powerful then anything. Why couldn’t they just zap Opaline with the Elements? What did Opaline have that the terrible trio didn't? (Or what could she even do to weaken it when everyone does have their magic). From my view it sounds like a huge overreaction to seal all that magic away for the sake of one villain. They didn't seal everyone's magic up in Crystals for the one villain in G4 that made sense (Since he absorbs magic) in Tirek. All the Alicorn magic went to Twilight which she used to fight in a stalemate, before having to give it up before Rainbow Power gave her and her friends the power to defeat Tirek.
Maybe if Opaline had an army of evil alicorns also from Skyros with her I could understand. But as is, I think we can presume it was just her. As I don’t think she’s ever mentioned any minions other than Misty. 
Sunny Starscout: The spell was damaged when we brought magic back, when the three pony kinds reunited again after centuries. Spike: You lost magic? All by yourselves? Aww, I'm going back to sleep!
To be frank Spike, I think I’m right there with you!
Sparky Sparkeroni: Woo-hoo! [breathes fire, chomps] Blaize: [gasps] Transformation fire?! Hitch Trailblazer: Sparky! Now is not the time for snacks, buddy! Sparky Sparkeroni: [burps] Fountain: I thought it was just a myth! Blaize: Me, too. Spike: This little one is special. Sparky Sparkeroni: [gurgles]
Another thing I’m admittedly not a fan of in the Chapter 6 finale is how they sort of make Sparky like the Dragon chosen one. It almost reminds me of my fears back in Season 6 that Flurry Heart would be the catalyst for the redemption of Chrysalis in the finale (At least when it became obvious the finale was going to feature her return). We were getting redemptions for a dime a dozen back at that time. So I felt quite grounded in that fear.
Obviously they have to give Sparky some sort of importance. It was fine when he was basically the Pikachu earlier in G5 of Misty (…Not Pokemon Misty though lol) trying to capture him for Opaline ala Team Rocket. But I don’t know how to feel about him being the deus ex machina.
Of course part of that is I’ve never really cared enough about Sparky to begin with. The fatherly relation with Hitch is cute. But Sparky himself never brought anything for me other than the gags his transformation magic causes. (And the less that Tell Your Tale Sparky is mentioned, the better)
All in all, take it away Izzy (From the very same episode no less)
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(Obviously she didn’t say this in this context. But it’s amusing all the same)
Skipping ahead a bit. the finale was fine and all and it was great to see Opaline get her comeuppance (I assume for good. They only have her sealed up which could lead to a potential return, but I’m not sure G5 will go on long enough to set that up. Or at least I’ll never see it for as long as Tell Your Tale is all there is.)
I should go into a bit of Secrets of Starlight. Which I was mostly lukewarm to. It sets up… something I guess. I guess the characters from the special appear in recent Tell your Tale episodes. But the special didn’t leave me intrigued enough to know where they take Comet or the new big cat villain. I actually have more to say about the special’s title then anything else.
…And I’ll begin that the special was total clickbait, wasn’t it? I totally came in expecting that something about the special would relate to a certain other Starlight we know. But it was just the name of location, although it could be argued it’s named after Starlight. 
I thought of maybe two possibilities with the title Secrets of Starlight that they could have went with for the final 3D special of Make Your Mark.
First, the actual finale where Opaline is defeated for good but not before getting into detail how Opaline learned stealing cutie marks was possible. Even if they might have naturally had to do it very vaguely. We could have had a line of Opaline be like:
“I learned of this spell long ago when I overheard some ponies talking about a powerful unicorn that gave Twilight a run for her money in the past. I initially hoped that I could gain a true ally, only to find that Twilight had already corrupted her with friendship. But her spell book still proved fruitful to my plans!”
Then the other possibility I have in mind? Well, what is Starlight Glimmer’s most infamous act outside of taking cutie marks? Time travel. A special where, even if only for a brief time. The G5 Mane 6 talk with the G4 Mane 6 felt like the kind of thing they’d end Make Your Mark with a bang.
Obviously, that was dashed (And not rainbow dashed) since we know of the report that apparently using G4 characters became too expensive. But when you title something Secrets of Starlight and make it the finale of a series. You would expect either/and/or, A. Something in the episode that invokes or honors Starlight, B, Cutie mark stealing, and/or C. Time travel to be involved.
…And G5 chose D. Totally unrelated whatsoever to Starlight Glimmer. Hard to tell if it was intentional bait but it’s disappointing all the same.
And I think that's all I have to say for now. I assume G5 will only be done in Tell Your Tale and the comics (Hell even the comics have switched styles to emulate TYT more too) from now on. And I'll just say: You can count me out of that. Even if TYT might have improved. It's going to take a lot to convince me to keep going. In a way, I might be already saying I'm done with G5. It had promise in areas but I think it's clear it fell short in way too many areas. It's a shame... a part of me does like the new Mane 6, especially Misty.
G4-G5 connection wise though? I'm kinda happy about splitting from that as far as possible. I cannot take references to G4 in G5 seriously after the dragon episode in Chapter 6. Whatever the past was like in G5's events, it just wasn't the G4 we watched for a decade. It can't be. I'm saying this with a risk of being called a G4 purist But I feel strongly more than ever that the G4 references was all an afterthought. It just took until the final chapter of Make Your Mark before something broke it beyond repair. It was slowly leaning that way ever since the Opaline story, but now the dam has completely burst.
For me, the ancient equestrian elephant in the room is no longer there.
Or perhaps I should say, was never truly there to begin with
It's probably at this moment where G5 may actually start delving into the important stuff just as many give up. But even if a batch of Tell Your Tale episode promises to answer anything. It's too little, too late.
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estellardreams · 6 months
Okay so... On the topic of this post, I'm going to provide my reasoning for each pony species and design attribute because I wanna talk about them. If you got any questions, just ask.
For starters, their ears are obviously a blend between their original Mobian ones and the pony ears... But in Rouge's case they're just Bat ears because for whatever reason people forget Bat ponies exist when they turn these characters into ponies!
Anyway, another detail was trying to match pony species to each Mobian's main attribute. And it led to quite a few plot changes and alterations to their designs in general. So let's just start...
Sonic: Pegasus. This one I had directly based off of a legitimate MLP G5 Cover where the artist themselves showed the unshaded version and it was LITERALLY SONIC. So I made it as close as I could but added my own flair to it such as the peach muzzle and a fluffier physique (bc I draw all of my characters like that). If you don't know what I'm referring to for "Pony Sonic" look at these.
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As for lore reasons, I took it as a direct competition with Rainbow Dash, his free lifestyle, and because Pegasi are naturally the fastest pony type.
Now there still might be the question on... Will Sonic become an alicorn if he goes super? My answer: No. I doubt he would, and if anything super forms were traded out for rainbow forms instead since during this timeline the elements of Harmony became the core magic relics, and the crystal heart itself is now the Master Emerald.
Tails/Miles: Pegasus. A bit of a lore explanation on this one, so buckle in. Have you noticed that Tails' wings are more fluffy and round, like Pipp's? Despite that most likely being a design choice, I've decided to twist this attribute into something more like a disability.
Wings that fluffy and not aerodynamic make those having them struggle to fly, as such it's a genetic mutation. See where this is going? Miles was bullied a lot for being unable to fly, just like Fluttershy. Then Sonic came around, got the bullies to back off, and Miles wanted to catch up to Sonic and thank him. And despite the blue blur already being far away, he tried to fly... And managed to! His flying style is actually quite different from the usual pegasus, focusing more on long strides than fast and quick flapping. He also figured out gliding in the air to conserve energy, too!
Knuckles: Earth Pony. Do I need to state the obvious that earth ponies are naturally stronger than the others? Besides, being the sole guardian of a powerful relic and seperated during the three tribe's conflict entirely made him completely unaware of the other races. In a way, his kind is similar to the crystal ponies who are all earth ponies with a special gimmick.
Knuckles did guard the Crystal Heart his entire life, so when the empire itself was about to lose itself to the storm he gave some of the Crystal's energy to create an identical replica to restore it.
However, he's had to repeatedly replace it because once the energy exhausts itself, it just kept shattering and threatening the storms again. Eventually though, pure love from the empire stabilized one of the replicated hearts, leading to them not needing the replacement unless for emergencies.
Amy Rose: Unicorn. So... You know how unicorns are known to be more magically competent? Well, what if I told you I placed certain strengths between the species and enforced Amy's character that way. She was originally seen as weak, but built up her strength and speed to keep up with everyone else. Although she's still a fortune teller at heart, she's incredibly skilled with her hammer and is surprisingly faster and stronger than the average unicorn, who are by comparison the weaker race physically.
Shadow: Alicorn. Now you might be asking... Why an alicorn? Two things: One; Ultimate Lifeform's gotta keep up his title and Two; If they wanted a pony who is both immortal and immune to all diseases besides being a bio-weapon, wouldn't you design them to be the strongest race out there?
The story here is rather simple; Shadow was created in a space colony to help cure his friend/older sister Maria, who had an incurable disease. Eventually, the royal guards caught wind of this and alerted the princesses, who ordered for them to storm the space colony and arrest EVERYONE who was involved. However, because Maria was so weak during the escape she unfortunately died before Shadow and her could've reached the pod together. Shadow was ejected out and sent down to Equestria before he could save her.
Eventually he was imprisoned as well after getting captured and remained locked away for 50 years before eventually getting released, but told to never speak of the incident nor interact with anyone else... Guess what happened afterwards.
Detour real quick because small rant... Why do people make Shadow an earth pony, unicorn, or pegasus but not an alicorn in general?! It's legitimately so fitting and it kinda frustrates me. And also... I understand the appeal of an earth pony Sonic because, well... He runs. He's the fastest thing alive and would make him direct competition with Rainbow because they're both fast. But also... Aren't earth ponies the most physically strong out of everyone? Pegasi are known to be the fastest, and even then this would make him even more tight locked with a Rainbow Dash rivalry. Think about it!
Anyway, back to Shadow. I don't get the earth pony take but I understand why because A. Sonic's rival and B. Being the exact same like Sonic in every way except speed which no it doesn't work like that. If anything, I think Sonic could hold up rather well against Shadow through quick thinking and movement while he relied on pure strength and power. Opposites by design, too. As for the unicorn take... What part of that screams "Ultimate Lifeform"?
Anyway. I rest my case.
Now, back to the other pony designs.
Rouge: Bat pony. Do I even need to explain?
Silver: Unicorn. Similar reason to Amy, except he didn't build up his physical strength or speed that much. He did still come from the future, however occasionally got stuck in the past due to the time travel schenagains. Also he was probably oen of the harder ponies to design because, well... Have you seen how little color his fur is? It's practically all white! I had to compensate by adding more cyan and yellow to make him more recognizeable than just eye color and cutie mark.
Also fluffy hair Silver... I love it when Silver's hair in human versions is soft and fluffy. It's adorable! :D
Now, how would this change the original MLP canon? Not too much, actually. If anything, these stories go on in the background during the Mane 6's adventures. But some things definitely intrude on some seasons and force the six to act and get involved, leading to them to meeting with the Sonic characters. Generally, depends on the threat at hand. Think of Dark Gaia being their first instigator to meeting, then the plunderseeds coming after because Harmony magic accidentally went haywire due to the Dark Gaia incident, leading to the plunderseeds finally being able to sprout, and they snag whoever has a ton of Harmony magic inside of them... Celestia, Luna, Shadow, and Sonic included.
Then Tirek comes around, leading to Sonic's squad to work together to distract him long enough so Twilight and her friends could figure out what to do, get everyone to safety, and avoid capture themselves.
Eventually their group falls, leading to a fight breaking out as Twilight's group goes Rainbow and begins to fight Tirek. But during this, one by one their own power-up disperses until Twilight is left, forced to choose to give up her stored alicorn magic in exchange for rescuing all of her friends, including Sonic's group. Then the final key, magic chest, yadda yadda.
Twilight's castle still has the original seven seats, though. Sonic's group functions more like a support friend group than part of the major group, and after this they went back to their normal adventures on the side.
The War still happened. Along with the Metal Virus. They don't talk about those.
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 2 years
Do you think my little pony every generation is cute? because I love all of them because they are so cute and pretty yes including g3.5 newborn cuties because baby ponies are cute
oh my glitter yes!!💖 anon you get me!!! 😆🥺💖 my brain is just like; criteria for me loving a show:
cute ponies (or other characters) ✅
makes me laugh ✅
pretty colours/designs/backgrounds ✅
songs and or pretty background music or sounds ✅
nothing that makes me feel uncomfortable (like heavy amounts of gross out humor for example, ew) ✅
good voice acting ✅
and there you have it! g5 is soooo cute! it checks all the boxes for me, my only "issue" with it is that I think it's scary how it takes place in the future of g4 other than that awesome! just watching cute ponies hanging out and goofing around and being friends is my favourite thing ever!!
g1: love it!!! first encounter with pastel horses! got a dvd box with the series for christmas one year and I still love them so much!!
g3: love it!! got an advent calendar with some super cute stuff and mini scootaloo, rainbow dash and pinkie pie one year but hadn't watched any of it until last year (NEED to watch more it's just so adorable!! also hope I can watch some of it in swedish one day! that'd be so fun!)
g4: you already know how much I adore twilight & co. that's pretty hard to miss
equestria girls: yes yes yes should've gone on for longer tbh
g4.5: pony life my beloved I will never understand what people have against you lol
g5: cuuuuute! can't wait for the next episodes whenever that is, I think there's going to be a holiday special and I'm so excited!!
the only generations I haven't watched are g2 (or is it g1.5 people call it I never remember) and g3.5 but I have nothing against them! (and I'll also probably watch g3.5 at some point 'cause it seems like I'd love it too!)
I often feel like I'm dumb because I just idk I think simpler(??) than other people, like I guess I'm not as critical but (and even though I'm going to continue thinking this about myself I will now proceed to tell everyone else:) there's nothing wrong with just liking something (*sped up tv commercial voice* as long as you liking that thing isn't hurting you or others in some way) just because you think it's cute, fun or whatever, you don't need to write a 50 page essay on pros and cons and compare it with a bunch of stuff y'know, does anyone know what I'm saying!? 😂 there is no this is bad and this is good stamp on things because everyone enjoys different aspects of different things and have different preferences. I dislike marvel movies and think equestria girls is one of the best things ever, does that make stupid? no! does it make me smarter than people who think the opposite? no! it's simply makes me a person with preferences, different people seek out different things in different media because different things have different meanings to different people, and that's okay! some people love to pick apart and analyze every aspect of a show and look for deeper meanings and lore and while I too can appreciate things like that sometimes my main reason for liking something is does it make me feel happy and do I enjoy looking at it and listening to it? and both of those ways of enjoying something is valid! 🧡
I'm sorry this is long but like you start a conversation or ask me a question about something I like and I never stop talking! 🤣💖 thank you anon for sending me this question, I love talking about ponies of any generation (oooor equestria girls) so feel free to come by and say hi some other time too if you want! 😂💖🦄💖🦄💖
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opinated-user · 2 years
The worst part about Lily's ''reviews'' is how bare-bone they are.
Most of her MLP and Disney reviews are less than 10 minutes long.
Quite a big part of them is just Lily letting the movie play. When she does speak it's usually:
Some random tidbit about her life that gives you a huge whiplash. One moment you're watching ponies or a Disney's classic and in the next, she just drops onto you how she was abused by her ex, family drama, etc. She edits her videos, if not, she should still be aware of what she is uploading. And then she has the audacity to get angry at her viewers when they get concerned, ask her questions, dig deeper and find that she's full of shit. If you don't want people to peer into your privet life, keep it private! Most people just want to watch a video and move on, if she hasn't mentioned those events they wouldn't even know about any of those dramas in the first place.
This is kinda similar. Instead of just a throwaway line, Lily goes for minutes at a time about some political or social issue that has nothing to do with the movie or the episode she's ''reviewing''. You may think it's not a big deal but when the video is only 10 minutes long and 2 of those minutes are spent on stuff like this, that's 20% of the content wasted. If you want to make a political channel and use cartoons as an example then do it right. Like her ''Glass of Water''. Also, those ''takes'' aren't any good. They like overused memes at this point. All Trump-supporters, conservatives, and religious people are evil racist Nazis.
I like this person, they're ''valid''. I don't like this person, they're just like my ex/Josh/a Nazi. At this point being called a Nazi holds as much weight as being called a jerk.
Shipping, ''those two are totally gay for each other'', ''gay princesses'', etc. Maybe it's because I know more about her controversial stuff but it feels almost like a fetish.
Sweet baby, aww, pointing out something is cute.
The good parts and jokes are mostly stolen.
Also, because of her tone, I never know when she is joking or being serious.
Is there anything, in particular, you don't like about those ''reviews''?
to me they're just mostly boring and uninteresting. i always only watched her glass of water videos and skipped everything else, unless she happened to touch something i cared about. i think i said it before but her in a minute series is so dry and LO herself sounds bored while making it that it makes me bored of watching. she can make her voice expressive and have energy when she wants to, but not on those videos for whatever reason. she doesn't sound invested at all with what is happening in front of her. i'm someone who loves animation, character design and hear about the artistic process that went behind the creation of a work so the "reviews" of LO do nothing for me on that aspect. even if someone is not an expert about any of those topics, i love when a critic just start gushing all over a escene or a particular visual aspect of the show they loved enough to bring out because that shows to me the passion they have for the medium, that they thought about it and appreciated it, technical knowledge or not. i never got that from LO, no matter what she's talking about. if i'm not getting any new perspective on the visuals of this movie/show, her jokes are unoriginal or heard better before, her "hot takes" are delivered with the dry tone that with everything else and the only "new" thing she offers are her own creepy/unnecesary comments... what reason is there left for me to watch at all?
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doeblossom · 2 years
well, now that my mlp question has been answered, what was the episode of mlpfim that stuck with you the most? for me it was most of the season openings/finales and then the want it need it have to have it episode or whatever that one was
bestie you know it's definitely not just one. i get why those stuck with you though! those were definitely bonkers episodes
Obviously, the first two episodes. they're the pilot!
look before you sleep, because for some reason i hyperfixated on the sleep song they made for rarity. it was hilarious and i think about it every time i rewatch the episode
sonic rainboom. i think about the guitar riff when rainbow was close to performing the boom quite a lot. i'll rewatch the episode just to hear it again! it's so awesome and good
season 2 openings, because discord is fun. why didn't he just forcefully discord them all. forever. silly discord
luna eclipsed. i wish we saw more of the bat ponies! also luna's redesign was pretty cool, no matter how much i loved the beta design. just assuming that luna's return left her completely powerless, hence the non-flowy hair and small stature. also holiday interpretations are fun!
sweet and elite, just for the iconic rarity song
hurricane fluttershy, because shes relatable! i was always a little self conscious about my own physical abilities but this episode (and joking around about it) made me feel a lot better
canterlot wedding. cadence my beloved. changelings are so very interesting. i also remember waking up on the couch in my mom's office since they put it on the tv, and my mom joked about mlp being the thing that got me to wake up
crystal empire kinda came out of nowhere but i LOOOOVE the magic implications. i wish they did more with sombra because he seems so interesting as a villain. also i remember being very proud of remembering that the square root of 546 is 23.36664289109
too many pinkie pies; i remember watching this episode the day it aired (it was a reupload on youtube) and my sister and i watched it on our old dinosaur computer, loaded up with good ol' windows 7 and internet explorer
magical mystery cure. i also remember watching this one specifically, sitting in my old bunk bed watching it on my pink disney princess tiara tv and crying at twilight becoming an alicorn because i was so very proud of her (and thought the show was ending)
the season 4 opening, very obviously a huge upgrade in animation. i remember watching leaks of luna's transformation into nightmare moon from a convention and being so excited to see it! im just a big fan of history in shows like this. it gives the world such depth
bats. bats. bats. freaked me the heck out
pinkie's pride because i knew weird al before he showed up on mlp (and always flexed it to my friends in elementary school lol) ALSO i really liked pinkie's lament in it
from whom the sweetie belle toils. ah, siblings. my sister and i never had THESE kinds of issues but i always relate to their sisterly dynamic the most
testing testing 123. probably one of my favorite episodes to rewatch. dash is just neurodivergent!!! it also helped me when i was transitioning from elementary school to junior high (i went to that 6 year college prep school) and the learning curve of "not being as gifted anymore." i still struggle with studying and have not found any great learning methods! well, aside from pretending to be interested, for some reason.
twilight's kingdom. first luna song, AND a laser battle, AND super powerful twilight??? it was pretty awesome. i still want the library back tho pl0x thanks
the cutie map. communism, ok thx byeee. also one of the first villains to be a where's waldo! its fun to look back and spot her and know it WASNT a lazy animators choice
do princesses dream of magic sheep becaues it discusses self harm???? to a target audience of young girls entering a period in their lives where self harm is pretty prominent? man.
rarity investigate is a very fun episode. man i like rarity a lot
scare master validating my fears and acknowledging fluttershy's anxiety around the holiday!! it did a decent job at communicating that what may seem trivial to some is a very real issue for others. i love love love how fluttershy is treated in this episode; her boundaries are validated and accommodated for. (i dont like that sometimes they portrayed her as a party pooper. however! this is a very real feeling some people have! and i think it would be worse not to include a little bit of tension surrounding it)
a hearth's warming tale stuck with me well and good since im a huge christmas buff. also, more luna songs. luna songs were always huge in the fandom
all bottled up! starlight glimmer, my beloved. bottling up feelings is a pretty real thing for me, and instead of disregarding my emotions, it taught me that its healthy to vent in a consensual environment and tell people they're bugging you if they are.
parental glideance. actually, any episode introducing parents. omg, theyre (mostly) not orphans!
a royal problem. daybreaker is cool and awesome, and the lroe behind what she COULDVE been is amazing, but i miss the days of nightmare star
once upon a zepplin was so real for me. confounded people pleasing leading to you having an awful time and missing out on everything.
sounds of silence, because kirins are so cool and they were a very cool thought but i would like to see them speak more than in one episode please thanks
the beginning of the end p2 with twilight's super awesome speech while fighting sombra. man shes so cool. the hair flip animation was cool. twilight is so cool.
she talks to angel, because ive always very badly wanted to know what the heck is going on in that little bunny's mind. and it was hilarious
Hurricane Fluttershy, S2
A Canterlot Wedding Part 2, S2
The Crystal Empire Part 2, S3
Sleepless in Ponyville, S3
Magical Mystery Cure, S3
Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 2, S4
Pinkie's Pride, S4
Filli Vanilli, S4
From Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, S4
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3, S4
Twilight's Kingdom Part 1, S4
Twilight's Kingdom Part 2, S4
Amending Fences, S5
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, S5
The Cutie Re-Mark Part 2, S5
Celestial Advice, S7
The Perfect Pear, S7
Once Upon a Zepplin, S7
The Beginning of the End Part 2, S9
Sparkle's Seven, S9
The Last Laugh, S9
The Last Crusade, S9
The Big Mac Question, S9
The Ending of the End Part 1, S9
The Ending of the End Part 2, S9
The Last Problem, S9
if i gave a tally of how many times certain episodes made me cry we would be here all day
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turbobyakuren · 2 years
Is it worth it to get into Arknights as a new player? I usually avoid getting into games like that unless they're new because then you miss out on a ton of limited/event stuff and feel way behind, so I wanna know before I go downloading like 2 gb with my slow as hell phone. I've heard good stuff about it plus the designs are nice and not as fanservice-y as other mobile games
I think someone who has a doctorate in Arknights can answer this question better than me, so this is just going to be my opinion, but frankly? Yes.
I downloaded Arknights since day one but only first played it after the Flamebringer event (which isn't a lot of time between launch and the moment i started, but that does mean i missed one free unit) and even though it is not a lot of time, I do feel you can get a similar experience 2 years in without experiencing Arknights from day one.
I do think the first few months you're gonna play Arknights are gonna be the months where you'll be building up everything. You'll have to build up your knowledge of the game: start small with the first operators you get and understand how the core gameplay functions, build up your operator pool through recruitment and gacha, build your base to get resources consistently and learn how the operator upgrades work. The game holds your hand through it all and with the amount of new content and QoL updates released, i assume it is fairly easy for any new player to enjoy this early game, which i think is the best early game a mobage has to offer. After that, you'll be good to go.
The only downside of being a new player is that the endgame contents (especially Contingency Contract, which is a limited-time hard mode event, as well as the recent events (although they are manageable)) are going to feel unfair to you, because you haven't had a sufficient number of operators raised to get through it. BUT i reassure you: i've been there and it will pass (i literally never finished the Code Of Brawl event stages until its rerun because i had literally only 2 operators raised to Elite 2).
When it comes to limited banners and events:
Limited Operators do exist, but they are not on the same level as, say, FGO (where every new servant is a limited character at this point). While Limited Operators do tend to be gamebreakers, they are not necessary to enjoy the game fully (this applies to literally every 6*) and you can count them on your two hands (7 limited operators so far in the EN server out of the 53 6* operators available).
Events are ALL available after they're concluded. Even the event stages. And the free units for the events that did get their proper rerun. YES you will be able to get your favourite Silly Pony Whislash. Literally.
I'm running out of time (i need to eat) and of things to say. I'm not sure if i wrote convincing arguments. AND If someone has something to add, they are welcome to. BUT the bottom line is: arknights is super fun, is successful for a reason and is VERY VERY VERY VERY beginner friendly AND free-to-play friendly. I do recommend giving it a try so you can see if you like it enough to stick with it or if it's not your cup of tea.
Seize your destiny. Join the Whislash Monastery. Now.
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mx-mind · 1 year
hey sky!! for the OC ask meme you recently rb'd on your other blog, could I ask: 1, 4, 11, 19, 23, 32 (feel free to swap horror out with the like.. yume nikki-esque type of game! i'm curious to know! :D) 40, 44, and 50? :]
it's a lot to ask, so feel free to skip over any if you'd like! and sorry for asking so many! your ocs are very cool and i like learning more about them ^-^/
HI SARAH thank you for all the questions I love OC questions :3 Sorry for taking so long to answer these ^^;
1. Your first OC ever?
Twas a My Little Pony OC named Western Cat (name received from a generator). This was also generated, but she was "a unicorn with flame colored hair, a golden coat, and purple eyes". I interpreted flame colored as red and yellow hair, golden coat as golden yellow, and purple eyes as. Well, purple eyes. I then turned her into a Sonic OC, and years later made a human design based on the Sonic OC and changed their gender to match mine and wait a minute... That's Sky! My OC who acts as a fictional in-story representation of myself! So yeah, my sona is actually my first OC (after dozens of revisions over about 8 years of existing)
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Hasedonia! Mostly because I don't have too much for her and her story yet, but I also tend to talk about H&R! less than R&RWG. She's another person who's been isekaid to Phitania and appears to be half dragon
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Bailey is probably the closest to sunshine? I originally thought "just as a kid though", but she's still optimistic as a teen.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
I don't really talk about these characters too much since I don't really talk about my regular novel stuff, but one of the main characters is a Jewish girl named Talia. She works in a bookstore and the story opens with her... not exactly in the best place. She's been fired from many places, she's a huge people pleaser and ended up getting dumped for that, she's still not over her ex, and she feels like she disappoints everyone she meets. Her arc has her moving on from her ex as she and her old friend Cassie reconnect. Instead of it ending with her and Cassie dating as would be typical of a YA story though, she just stays single. I don't think the story is really YA anymore since she and everyone else have aged up as I've gotten older, but I created her back when I kept missing an old ex-BFF. I also just like that she doesn't end up in a relationship at the end because YA stories I read at the time ALL had romance in them. Before I really started to realize I was arospec I felt like teens should have the opportunity to see characters that stay single and are okay with it in order to send the message that you don't have to date. I don't even know if Talia is arospec or not yet but either way it's important that she has the option to not date and still learn to be happy without one
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
The Sun King is a benevolent ruler who acts as Shiko's guide and confidante in his journey through Phitania, a magical world where Shiko becomes the hero. Hey, I think I should add more to this guy. *Turns around and now he's the main villain and his character and actions are now similar to the likes of King Bradley from FMAB, Kyubey from Madoka Magica, and Belos from Owl House* Oops...
So basically yeah he was supposed to just be a stock king character until I wanted to develop him more. He's still the ruler of Phitania and initially appears to be an ally, like he acts like the perfect dad towards everyone and the country is at peace, and then after Shiko dies he reincarnates him back on Earth and tells him he needs to send people to Phitania and then he can be brought back. Originally there was no real reason except hey we need isekai protags, but uhhh you know how I mentioned Kyubey as being inspiration? Yeah... Turns out everyone in Phitania is someone who had a miserable life who got "sent" there and he gave them happiness but has secretly been draining them of their hope and determination in order to become all powerful! And he was just supposed to be some guy...
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Neil! This can work as both a human and a truck. He has a lot of trauma, and his life is basically a horror game. Even though he can drive himself around as a truck, Shiko can still take control of him at any time and that tends to happen when they have a target they need to run over. Like imagine at any moment your freedom can be taken away and you're forced to run through someone at top speeds in order to kill them. That's so fucked up
For Yume Nikki protag, I'd say Evanthe. Its whole story is it running through various scenarios to decide what to do with its newfound sentience, so the open-ended nature of a YNFG combined with a vague ending would work well with this. God now I wanna make one...
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Jaxon is the first OC I got fanart of from my friends! This is the first attack I got of xim on Artfight, and then here's another drawn by my excellent and talented friend @lab-labrava
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
They all try to fight against their fate and have fun colored hair :3
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Nova Armstrong! Ze's a Batman Rogue OC I recently came up with based on the Rookie from Lego DC Super Villains and the first Planet Master (old Silver Age villain who only appeared once; ze's actually related to him but I dunno how yet). Nova is a henchman for hire and can temporarily steal people's powers and strengths. Ze will also copy other people's personalities, though this is due to an effort to fit and unrelated to hir powers. Ze does this to fit in with any rogue ze wants to get hired to
Hir reasoning for working in the rogue industry is ze's trying to find hir brother, but after ze does find him, ze ends up becoming a solo villain called "The Black Hole". Now ze goes really overboard with the "steal people's powers and strength" shtick and keeps trying to find ways to make it permanent. I haven't designed it yet beyond "this needs a long flowing cloak with a hood" and "stars" but hir whole costume is based on space
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abrahamsenpovlsen40 · 2 years
Hermes Studded Takara Sandals Black
I hope, it will be available in bigger dimension online. Nice various to different H type sandals like Oran,Oasis etc... This collection highlights designs in Denim Canvas, Crystal details, Perforated and light-weight Calfskin and in energetic hues too! These sandals are such a vital piece in each wardrobe. Steve Madden Greece Leather Sandals additionally come in Tan, Black and White colour. They look very similar to the Hermes Sandals except they do not have the distinction stitching. They appear solidly built and like they'll hold up well. The leather-based is thick and easy, has a pleasant scent to it. I even have a question, are they a women’s sandals or men’s? I just asked my SA and she or he stated they solely have it for males. The great quilty additionally comes with a higher value - $220 is unquestionably an funding piece for sandals. But they are still rather more reasonably priced than Hermes Oran Sandals. These shoes look great, but the size forty appears just a hair smaller than I would count on it to be. I received these together with a Chanel dad sandal in a measurement forty, and those seem just barely greater. These are nonetheless snug for me and I can still simply put on them, nevertheless. The insides of the shoes are literally remarkably clean and comfortable, and the tread is sweet and grippy. I’ve solely seen the suede ones in black so was surprised to see them also out there within the easy leather. This season a new fur sandal is being launched in Sheepskin fur albeit this is more of an indoor shoe or shoes which might be for lounging by the pool. Pony hair Orans may even be out there in zebra print along with studded / crystal versions. https://phoenet.tw/hermes-takara-sandal-h191382-black.html The Steve Madden Greece sandals are probably the preferred of the Hermes dupes. While they lack the distinction stitching of the unique version, the H design and heel are very related. The Greece is offered in several colours as properly. I have the Chypre in white, and recently received the black easy leather! Mrs Gary is a pleasure to work with, she answered all of my questions in a timely method and has a great selection of shoes. She does talk in Chinese, so I had to use the WeChat translate feature to grasp what she was saying, however this wasn't that difficult. I felt like the costs she supplied were a particularly good worth and I cannot wait to order extra shoes from her sooner or later. I actually haven't any complaints about these shoes. The Archer has distinction stitching and a heel very comparable to the original Hermes model. And, you probably can snag them for beneath $7 as of the time of writing! I am on the hunt for Chanel gladiator sandals in my size and everyone I’ve contacted is instead like “no dear”. The unfinished leather type makes them look extra casual and masculine. Ok, I truly have by no means seen the auth in real life, but from the pictures on-line they appear equivalent. If the colour is barely different I wouldn't know as it can be really exhausting to inform from online photographs, however the entire tread, brand, etc. appear precisely like they do on pictures of the auth. CCW if somebody has seen the auth shoes and sees something I'm lacking. Another of the extremely reasonably priced Hermes Oran dupes is the Qupid Archer. Check the Sam Edelman web site as nicely as this web site to make certain you’re getting the best deal. We offer complimentary DHL transport for all orders. I want there was a separate "Chypre" topic as they're really pushing this mule/slide version. Hermes Oran Sandals are essentially the most versatile summer season shoe style - they're sleek, easy and also basic, luxurious! This is the style that you’ll find in every fashion addict's closet. Hermes Oran Sandals come in 13 colors and if I even have a vast fund to spend on sandals I will get all 13 of them and slide in a special colour daily. Takara, Ankara & Chypre are unisex however always obtainable every now and then in men’s sizes on Hermes web site. These footwear are meant for long distance walking with consolation & have a durable rubber sole. This is the pair of Hermes Sandal dupe I received - Dune London Loupe Slider Sandal. They come in Black, Tan, White and three other colours. I bought the Tan leather-based ones and I've worn them a few occasions now and they are incredibly soft and easy to walk in. Even although they don't appear to be the most reasonably priced sandals but I suppose they worth every penny. Michael Kors Shelly Slides are the simplest pair that captures the essence of Hermes Sandals - sleek leather sliders. wikipedia hermes takara Desmos Cutout Leather Slides have the identical sleek style but look distinct from Hermes Sandals. The intertwined straps make them unique and trendy. If you may be on the lookout for a pair of sliders inspired by Hermes Oran Sandals but not the exact replica of them, that is the pair for you. If solely the actual factor will do, I really have a number of recommendations on the way to find Hermes Oran sandals on sale. These retail around $100, relying on choices.
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mckinneycraft8 · 2 years
Hermès Black Takara Sandals Size Eu 35 Approx Us Common M, B Listed By Luxe Finds
I hope, will in all probability be obtainable in larger size online. Nice different to different H style sandals like Oran,Oasis etc... This assortment highlights designs in Denim Canvas, Crystal particulars, Perforated and lightweight Calfskin and in lively hues too! These sandals are such a vital piece in every wardrobe. Steve Madden Greece Leather Sandals also are available in Tan, Black and White shade. wikipedia hermes takara They look very similar to the Hermes Sandals besides they do not have the contrast stitching. They seem solidly built and like they'll maintain up well. The leather-based is thick and clean, has a nice smell to it. I even have a question, are they a women’s sandals or men’s? I simply asked my SA and she or he mentioned they only have it for males. The nice quilty also comes with a better worth - $220 is unquestionably an funding piece for sandals. But they are nonetheless much more reasonably priced than Hermes Oran Sandals. These shoes look nice, however the size forty appears only a hair smaller than I would count on it to be. I obtained these along with a Chanel dad sandal in a dimension forty, and people seem simply barely larger. These are nonetheless comfortable for me and I can nonetheless simply wear them, nevertheless. The insides of the shoes are actually remarkably easy and comfy, and the tread is nice and grippy. I’ve solely seen the suede ones in black so was surprised to see them also obtainable in the clean leather. This season a brand new fur sandal is being launched in Sheepskin fur albeit that is extra of an indoor shoe or shoes that are for lounging by the pool. Pony hair Orans may also be available in zebra print together with studded / crystal variations. The Steve Madden Greece sandals are most likely the preferred of the Hermes dupes. While they lack the contrast stitching of the original model, the H design and heel are very similar. The Greece is obtainable in a quantity of colors as nicely. I even have the Chypre in white, and just lately obtained the black easy leather! Mrs Gary is a pleasure to work with, she answered all of my questions in a well timed manner and has an excellent selection of shoes. She does talk in Chinese, so I had to use the WeChat translate function to grasp what she was saying, however this wasn't that difficult. I felt like the costs she provided have been a particularly good worth and I can't wait to order more shoes from her in the future. I actually haven't any complaints about these shoes. The Archer has distinction stitching and a heel very comparable to the original Hermes version. And, you can snag them for beneath $7 as of the time of writing! I am on the hunt for Chanel gladiator sandals in my size and everybody I’ve contacted is instead like “no dear”. The unfinished leather-based type makes them look more casual and masculine. Ok, I even have by no means seen the auth in real life, but from the pictures on-line they give the impression of being similar. If the colour is barely completely different I would not know as it may be actually hard to inform from online photos, however all of the tread, emblem, and so forth. seem precisely like they do on photographs of the auth. CCW if somebody has seen the auth shoes and sees one thing I'm missing. Another of the extremely affordable Hermes Oran dupes is the Qupid Archer. Check the Sam Edelman web site in addition to this site to make sure you’re getting one of the best deal. We offer complimentary DHL shipping for all orders. I wish there was a separate "Chypre" matter as they're actually pushing this mule/slide model. Hermes Oran Sandals are essentially the most versatile summer season shoe fashion - they are sleek, easy and likewise basic, luxurious! https://phoenet.tw/hermes-takara-sandal-h191382-black.html This is the style that you’ll discover in each fashion addict's closet. Hermes Oran Sandals are available 13 colours and if I really have an unlimited fund to spend on sandals I will get all thirteen of them and slide in a different color daily. Takara, Ankara & Chypre are unisex however all the time obtainable every now and then in men’s sizes on Hermes web site. These footwear are meant for lengthy distance walking with consolation & have a sturdy rubber sole. This is the pair of Hermes Sandal dupe I got - Dune London Loupe Slider Sandal. They are available Black, Tan, White and three different colors. I purchased the Tan leather ones and I've worn them a couple of instances now and they're incredibly delicate and simple to stroll in. Even though they are not the most reasonably priced sandals but I suppose they worth every penny. Michael Kors Shelly Slides are the simplest pair that captures the essence of Hermes Sandals - modern leather-based sliders. Desmos Cutout Leather Slides have the identical glossy style yet look distinct from Hermes Sandals. The intertwined straps make them unique and classy. If you might be in search of a pair of sliders inspired by Hermes Oran Sandals but not the precise replica of them, this is the pair for you. If only the actual thing will do, I have a number of tips on tips on how to discover Hermes Oran sandals on sale. These retail round $100, relying on options.
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