#if you saw me post this earlier & delete it no u didn't
raiiny-bay · 5 months
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today's drawing efforts
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bajisaiii · 2 months
i've briefly spoken about this girl before but now that everything is coming out about her i figured i'd just share the rest of my experience. (tw: death/necrophilia)
qadence & i became mutuals earlier this year (february 15th), she followed me out of the blue one day & was commenting on my stuff so i followed her back bc why not yk? she started out super nice, complimenting me, starting convos, etc. so fast forward a couple of months, i make a tiktok about my girlfriend who passed a week before my birthday in january (which is still up on my tt). she goes to comment and say "damn she's sexy" which i took that as her not reading the caption because several people said something similar. she deleted her comment after i replied with dots, so she messages me and told me that she didn't know she passed, etc. so i just said okay and moved on.
i never talked to her about anything too personal because you literally never know what she could tell people or wtv but one time we did talk about like her dynamic w the team and she was trash talking them lowkey like saying they'd leave her out of stuff, etc. and it's just like??? BE FUCKING SERIOUS. but about a month after, she started being hella weird towards me over sexualizing my gf & saying how if she wasn't deceased, she'd wanna be with her & be intimate ... but everytime she'd send something like that to me, she'd delete it soon as i saw it because she knew what she said was disgusting. so when all that stuff came out about her liking caroline harvey, i knew people would start to catch onto her true personality or at least people who have common sense.
i commented on a tiktok about her being a terrible person and she blocked me shortly afterwards, she was also so bitter and rude about the whole jersey number thing. like i didn't even KNOW u before uconn and how she thinks nika stole her jersey number (10)..
in conclusion, of cou i'm blocked now but this is only my story and it still affects me deeply because of how everything unfolded. if you're still a supporter of her, i truly hope you come to some kind of sense & realize how vile she is.
& to add on to my post, i believe that lili was WAY too gracious to be #her friend.
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heartless-curr · 3 months
Hey….Feel free to ignore the icon request we sent in earlier btw ,Up to u atp if u wanna do them
there's a lot to say here so i'm going to put most of what i have to say under a cut. this is me kinda trying to clear the air in a way. to reinstate this isn't a friendship ending message unless you decide to stop talking to us. this is really long i'm so sorry i'm just very hyperverbal and want to make sure there is no room for misinterpretation here!! i'm making this public so that other server members can see my clarification on the situation, because your suibait was public, and because you sent me this in an ask format rather than a dm.
hi az!! it's aki. i'm going to try to take over this situation for the rest of the system, and to try to kind of explain things from our point of view to try and get this all sorted out — because we are willing to get this situation sorted out.
but before i do that, i do have to gently ask that before you respond to this ask, you should step back and take a breather. go on a walk. drink some water. take care of yourselves, you know? discussions like this aren't going to be solved if you're driven solely by emotions. that all being said because intentionally or not, this ask is very guilt trippy. you may not have intended it as such, but the phrasing of this ask, followed by the fact that you sent this in after you essentially suibaited us on your blog, isn't an appropriate reaction. it shuts down the conversation.
yes, we did see the vent on your blog, where you did subtly suicide bait us. if we can agree that richie suicide baiting a 17 year old on the internet is bad, it's also bad when you do it. bad things aren't bad solely when done by people we dislike, or people who we think are bad. regardless of your intentions, we, as a minor, did see the ask where someone who is bodily an adult threatened to kill themselves over *us* being upset, and we felt the consequences of that. i need you to do better. i need you to alologize. but that apology can't have self depreciating statements. just a simple "i'm sorry for guilt tripping and suicide baiting you, i will not do it again. it is wrong of me to do" is good. nothing about how you feel horrible. an apology, an acknowledge of what you did wrong, and a promise not to do it again.
though, i'm not going to act like our now deleted post was fair either. if you saw that, we project a lot of our insecurities and feelings of the friendgroup disliking us (which the current hosts assumed was the reasoning behind why they got the backlash they did). that wasn't fair, and ultimately irrelevant to the situation.
i want to take the time to clarify what makoto said again, because, as makoto himself stated, his intentions weren't to call you or anyone else in the server transmisogynists. we ourselves personally excused the misogyny we had faced by said member of the blog until we realized that this was a person who we have personally disliked for. a long time because of the controvery on their other blog. at which point we stopped excusing the transphobia because we had a reason to dislike the bigot. we hated the transphobe more than we loved the trans woman. makoto recognized that based on how oddly the server reacted considering how often we criticize richie for the exact subject, it might be a similar case for the server. makoto didn't mean, and still doesn't mean, any ill will by it. he has this mindset of "i want to improve myself and become a better person, and no offense to my friends but i'm going to make them improve as well regardless of if they want to or not". plus, makoto is transfemme, so this is a topic he feels strongly about.
he wanted to encourage introspection like what we went though, rather than ask for a behavior change, though i'm not sure how well that point got across. he discussed the situation with pallas beforehand, and pallas agreed that it did seem unintentionally transmisogynistic, and proof read the message makoto sent before he sent it to ensure that it was calm and straightforward. makoto wasn't attempting to attack you or anyone else in the server.
our system truthfully isn't that upset over what we initially brought up. we allowed makoto to send that message because we figured that since i personally have called the friend group out for unintentional bigotry before, people would be understanding. we wanted to encourage self improvement, because we figured that if we just sat on it it would build up resentment, or, down the line, someone would go "uh well why didn't you speak up???????", we've been trying to stick more and more to our moral code, and part of that is pointing out whenever we see something that doesn't feel right in both ourselves and others. if that conversation made you feel uncomfortable, that's good. it means that it was something you needed to hear.
however, we are upset about the response that we got. that amount of defensiveness is not good. if you're getting called out for unintentional bigotry and your response is to defend yourself, you need to work on letting that defensiveness down and listening to what is being said.
to be blunt: we are upset about the strawmanning. makoto wasn't telling you to respond to the transmisogyny. makoto wasn't calling everyone out for ignoring the messages. makoto was calling people out for caring about transmisogyny because they hate the transphobe rather than caring about transmisogyny because they care about trans women and think transmisogyny is bad. we don't like people twisting our argument to be something we explicitly stated that it wasn't. this wasn't a cry for attention. whilst the way makoto went about it was debatable, he was ***very*** clear about the fact that it wasn't the lack of response. because you ***did*** respond. arguing with makoto on a point that he didn't make isn't truthful. it's what i'd call a bad faith argument.
all we honestly needed to hear was a "thank you for pointing this out!". we didn't even need an apology. just an acknowledgement that you care about transmisogyny and will be more careful to make sure that transmisogyny isn't only bad when people you dislike do it. though, i don't think we got this point across well enough — and for that, i'm sorry. i don't like the way you and everyone else in that conversation responded to us, but we should have been more clear as well, and for that i'm sorry.
this isn't a friendship ending message, to be clear. we don't want to stop being your friend. even if the topic that was being argued about was serious, i don't think the actual confrontation itself wasn't bad enough to be a frienship ender as long as proper apologies are given, and more people than just the two of us were involved, however, the suicide baiting and guilt tripping is not good. at all. you need to fix that. we're going to work on ourselves as well, to try to become a better person, and we're going to try to become better at conflicts, so we ask that perhaps both of us going forward try to work on our conflict resolution skills. suicide baiting and guilt tripping isn't the proper response, however, we to some degree guilt tripped as well when we made that initial now deleted tumblr post in regards to the situation.
conflicts are a normal part of relationships, and i think as long as both sides can learn not to be defensive enough and listen, most conflicts can be dealt with.
sorry for just. dropping this absolute essay on you i guess i wanted to make everything about the situation and where we stand very clear ???? we're not expecting any sort of response to this aside from an apology for the suicide baiting and guilt tripping. with the discord convo, all we want you to do is think about it. we don't want an apology. but we need an apology for the guilt tripping and suicide baiting. that's all! have a good day / evening /night ! :))
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taegularities · 11 months
i have notifs on for u so i saw ur earlier posts about the selfie. i noticed you deleted them so u dont have to reply to this but i just want you to know i hope ur doing okay. im really fucking sorry that you had to go through something disgusting like that <\3 there are some evil ppl in this world and u didnt deserve that at all. i wish we didnt have to worry about things like thats, esp in a place u thought was safe. <3 sending u all my luv
yeahhh, i deleted the post bc actually naming the issue made me feel so incredibly sick. i am okay with answering your ask since you didn't mention anything explicitly, but if you aren't, lmk and i shall delete <3 i just don't fkn understand people's problem with me, like? i'm just trying to vibe, but the last few months have been absolute hell. i really just. idk. want them to leave me alone.
thank you for being so sweet, i could use that love rn 🤍 giving you all my hugs back 🫂
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luvingshidou · 6 months
I HATE MYSELF RN. I had a request about how bllk boys would react walking in on us like doing ballet stretches or doing ballet and like we haven't told them so they'd be surprised , and I was writing, and by accident I posted it wouldn't let me private it, and I deleted it. CUZ IM SLOW BUT anways here's ur request, anon!!! (I'm acc stupid pls forgive me😞😞💔💔💔💔)
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bllk boy x fem! ballerina! reader
established relationship
probs ooc
characters: rin itoshi, shidou ryusei & michael kaiser.
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Rin was coming back from practice he was earlier than usual. He texted you saying that he was coming home early, but you didn't answer he figured you were just sleeping like you usually were. As soon he got to the house, he walked to the living room to find you mid stretch. Your ballet shoes on the floor beside you. Shit, how were you going to explain this to Rin.
"Rin, look, I'm sorry for not telling you—" You say you felt bad for keeping it a secret from him. Rin didn't say anything back but just stood there in suprise.
"Why??? Why didn't you tell me??? It's not like I was going to hate you for it." Rin finally says, a very, very slight frown on his face.
"Yeah, yeah, I know, I actually haven't told anyone, I was scared people would make fun of me for ballet and doing ballet shows." You say it was true you were scared you get made fun of, so you ultimately kept it a secret.
"That's a stupid fucking reason, why would I make fun of you for ballet???" Rin looked down at you raising an eyebrow. You knew you should have told him sooner, but you were you'd always get nervous and pussy out of saying it to him. H
"I knowwww, I'm sorry." You say, frowning slightly. You felt guilty for not telling him. Really guilty.
"Just next time, let me see one of your ballet shows, alright???" He says, smiling slightly as he looked at you.
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Shidou was currently walking to your house. He was bored and wanted to hang out with you. As he walked to your house, he rang the doorbell but no answer, he rang the doorbell again but you still hadn't answered. Luckily, he may or may not have stolen your spare keys. He opened the door and called out to you.
"BABEEEEEEEE." He called out, but he was met with silence. He walked over to your living room to see you practing your positioning, headphones in which somehow blocked you from hearing him. You nearly felt soul leave your body when you saw him stood there.
"Ryu, what the fuck—" You say, but were immediately met with Shidou wrapping his arms around your waist, spinning you around.
"PRINCESSSS, YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU DID BALLET?!?!?" Shidou says, grinning as he continues to spin you around. He continues spinning you for another couple of second before he stops.
"Ryu— I was planning on telling you sometime, I was." You say, letting out a sigh. "I just didn't know how to tell you."
"Yeah, yeah, doesn't matter now!!! Ya know, you should have told meeee I could have cheered my baby on." He says, still grinning, still hugging your waist.
"You can come to my next competition???" You say, smiling softly at him as he clung to you.
"REALLYYYYYYYY??????" He says as he starts to spin you around again, a wide ass grin still on his face.
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Michael was coming back from a photo shoot, some brand or something. For once, he was actually early coming home to you. He was tired from posing all day, so he couldn't wait to cuddle up with you. As soon as he opened the door, he caught you mid spin. You moved so gracefully that he couldn't help but stare at you he was practically mesmerised by you. As you finished, you saw Michael standing there.
"Micha, why are ya home so early?!?!?" You say, slightly surprised, your cheeks flushed from embarrassment. You haven't told Michael that you do ballet shows sometimes.
"Fucking hell angel, you move so gracefully, I think I might be hypnotised." Michael say, chucking slightly as he walks up to you, smirking to himself.
"Micha, I wanted to tell you I did ballet and ballet shows, but— it could distract you from your football—" You tried to explain yourself as best as you could but Michael cut you off.
"That doesn't matter, love. I want to watch your show, no matter what, you hear me." Michael says, his smirking growing wider. "Can't wait to tell everyone this pretty ballerina is mine."
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morganalatina21 · 2 years
So, it's been a while since I wrote this, and I got the inspiration from a Brazilian Song, which I'll put right here, listen if you want, I love it so much, and it's my first posting a story, so I hope u like it!
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Content Warning: Heavy drinking, drunken calls, alcohol consumption, cursing (I mean it's Bakugou we're talking abt), Angst, Angst with fluff.
A/N: Also, I'm not a native English speaker so I'm sorry if I missed on some expression, word or anything like that.
Bakugou had just entered his house after a long and tiring patrol; it was late at night and he just wanted to order his favorite food while sinking in a relaxing bath just to sleep in the couch watching the recorded basketball game from earlier, he already knew the winner, but it was worth watching to curse at them and almost ruining the tv.
It still made his heart twitch to get home and be received by... nobody.
You two broke up about three months ago, and it still was weird from the explosive boy to miss you, not having you there with him.
During the first weeks after the separation, he made the heroes under his agency power keep an eye on you, but when they started asking questions, he gave up, he didn't wanted to look that desesperate.
Pressed a button to make the answering machine reproduce its voice messages, which there were nine, while he was taking his gloves off.
Four of them were from fangirls that found out his home number and would leave recorded messages that he soon would delete without even remembering their names.
One of them were from his dad, saying Bakugou's grandparents would visit them on the weekend and they'd been planning a family dinner, and that he should bring you with him.
That made his heart miss a beat, he still didn't tell his parents about the painful breakup you two has many weeks ago. Only his close friends knew; part of it was because he was sure he'd get you back.
The other three were from support agencies calling to make offerings, specially an alliance of some kind, which he had previously said no to two of them.
When the last one was about to play, Bakugou was seriously thinking of ripping the telephone from the wires and blast ir, cause its only purpose was to people he didn't liked find out his number and annoy the shit out of him.
But, after the beep, a familiar voice came and echoed through the house.
"Hi Kat... suki" It was your voice, completing his name so you wouldn't sound cute by calling him a nickname, your tone was slow and your tongue was loosen in your mouth while you talked. "To be honessst, i dunno why I even called you" You muffled a laugh. "I think I like the house number better cause I know you in a patrol right now."
The blonde got closer to the machine so he could hear his lover's voice better, the voice he missed oh so much.
"I don't wanna sound like an obsssessed pervet" You started in a snuffle. "I just... saw you earlier with a sidekick..." You sighed. "Holy fuck, why am I doing this? Oh, shit..."
The message ended, leaving a hole in Katsuki's sore heart. It was the first time he'd hear that voice since the breakup.
He smiled joylessly, breathing slowly to stop the tears from falling. Katsuki lifted his hand and was about to press the buttons to play that voice message again and delete the other useless ones, when the screechy sound came.
With hopes it would be from his beloved girl, he retreacted. Knowing that she would probably just want to confess something, that if she really wanted to talk one on one, she'd call his cellphone. She didn't wanted to say it directly to him.
His hearts was almost stopping in his chest from the anxiety when finally the beep for answering machine endend.
"It's so fucked up that..." Your voice was even more groggy, and Katsuki found himself leaning in like a curious child. "You were my life, for so long... And now you're just... memory. My car seat reminds me of you, Katsuki. A fucking car seat!"
The blonde chuckled, how many trips they had in that car, how many adventures, how many heated make-out sessions on that seat because neither of them could spend the entire night with hand to themselves? 
He remembered the specific day they had to change that seat specifically because of the countless sweat marks left.
"It wasn't my intention to drink, but the bottle had a dragon in it..." You sighed, seeming tired. "It reminded me of the dragon on your back... reminded me of you, in ma bed."
Katsuki smiled genuinely with that memory. Took a hand to his right shoulder, where started a red dragon tattoo that extend through his ribs until his hips.
When you two were together, you loved to run the tip of your fingers through it, like redrawing it with love. Even after years together, you'd still do it after a long night, feeling the skin marked with ink under your fingers 'til you'd fall asleep
"I'mma conden myself later for that... But i can't believe it... I lived the biggest love of all time from one end to another." He could hear her smile while she talked. "I knew how to dilate the great Dynamight's pupils, who else could brag about that?"
No one, Katsuki thought.
The irony, right?
The only person capable of dilating his pupils, making his heart race and his palms sweat even more, was extremely far away. Out of his reach. Away from his touch.
Katsuki felt like an idiot. He had the entire world in his own hands, that girl was everything that mattered to him, but he left her get away, and now was deeling the consequences.
"I try to convince our friends I don't love you anymore, because I know they wouldn't leave you alone... I don't even try to convince myself anymore, cause I know I can't." You said even more groggly than before, which made Katsuki wonder if you were bowing your head, like you'd use to do when drunk.
"Oh shit, I should also try to convince you, right?" Laughed lowly and alone. "No, I don't love you, Suki..." You laughed more, because you knew how stupid it sounded. "I swear, I don't love you. I just... drank too much."
You don't need to lie, love. God, Katsuki felt like a kid with his huge smile across his face, content by hearing his princess' voice once again, and specially being called his sweet nickname instead of "Bakugou".
He was basically terrified to hearing his girlfriend call him by anything that wasn't his first name or a cute pet name, and she knew that, that's why you'd call him his last name when you two fought, making the squabble end shortly after it.
"'Oh but then... *hic* Why don't you forget about me?' if that's what you're thinking... It's because trying to forget you, is kinda already remembering us. Ugh! I miss the us. But even if I remember it, just don't answer me... It's betta for you like thiz."
No, he wanted to scream.
It definetly wasn't better for him to stay away from the love of his life...
He could be a tough guy, who curses to anyone and is easy to explode, yes; but he was still like a big child when the subject was you.
When you two lived together, in that same home, he could never fall asleep if he wasn't cuddling his girl, a habit he got after so many times sleeping together hiding in the U.A domrs; he'd also never leave his house withouth the goodbye kiss, and would pout when you'd spend the free time you two had on your phone instead of playing with him.
He missed his favorite girl. His princess. His fiancee.
It was impossible for Katsuki to wear any rings or bracelets due to his quirk, but he was willing to wear a wedding ring with you.
And the night of the breakup, you had tossed the ring he gave you across the room -which he pretended not to care, but freaked out looking for it right after you left, and had to search everywhere in the living room to get it back. He put both rings in a golden necklace and would never take it off.
The chain of the necklace wasn't that longe, and he'd normally put both rings on the back of his head, so he wouldn't lose them that easily.
"And in the end, if I forget you... Who would remember us?"
Ok, that's it!
The blonde grabbed the phone from the hook and presses it so hard against his face it would for sure leave a bruise.
"I would! I'll always remember us, y/n!"
A sharp silence that seemed it would last forever.
"... Katsuki..?"
"Hi, princess" He could hear your little gasp upon hearing the petname.
"Y-you were listing this entire time?" You moaned in frustration when he didn't answered. "I shouldnt've called, sorry."
"Don't be." He said quickly, clenching the phone against his face strongly, as if he could pull you from the line and make you appear in front of him. "You can say you don't love me as much as you want, but I'll always love you, no matter what. Even if you're unreachable to me."
His heart raced so fast he could hear the blood running in his ears, anxious with what would come next.
"I miss you... Suki..." You whispered the nickname, almost unsure if it was okay to say it.
"I miss you too, love." Heard a soft chuckle, making him smile brightly. "You think we can start over? I understand if you don't want to, but... *sigh* please... I just want a second chance. I want to win you again, just like the fisrt time."
"Hm... I dunno." You mumbled, and the blonde could hear a glass hitting the balcony, understanding that you were still drinking. "I don't wanna get in your way, you really think you could get time off of your hero work to date as teenagers all over again?"
You were constantly changing the hand that was holding the phone because of your nervous sweat and you had already spilled some drink here and there.
"Babe... We never had the period of dating like two teenagers and you know that"
You laughed. It was true.
You two started dating as if you already had almost 2 years in the relationship, you got each other's mindset and your dates were married-couple style; which was good because yor Explosion Boy would get very nervous just by hearing the idea of a cheesy and romantic date.
You two only had one old-fashioned date and it was an absolute desaster.
He tried and cozy and simple cafe, small so no one would come and annoy you. We could say it was the worst idea Katsuki ever had in his entire life.
The cafe didn't had anything you'd eat and somehow your drink came watery; and in the middle of the date, the waitress basically shoved you two off without saying the reason why.
And, it gets worse.
There was a hell of a storm in the outside.
You two had to run in the middle of a torrencial amount of rainfall back to the U.A, and both kept sleeping in the small pools across the street, not to count the moment you had to run from an extremely angry dog.
Shortly after both came back, the blonde found out you were sick due to the drink and the rain, missing a couple of school days.
He avoided seeing you in the whole week you were sick, but left a box full of medicines you'd need on your door, and ordered Mina to give you a soup he himself had made when he heard you were getting worse, but threatened her to not speak he was the one that did it.
Poor blonde guy was absolutely sure you were hating him at that time. He had ruined a date by choosing the worst possible place, letting you fall several times and made you get sick, not to mention the amount of classes you had missed and you'd be late compared to the others.
He didn't had the courage to face you, even to apologize. He didn't wanted to hear her saying she hated him.
Until one day he was walking  through the common room, it was a friday night, and you were sitting in one of the sofas with the Bakusquad, Shoji and Momo around you, they were wanting to know if you were feeling better.
He stood around, pretending he wasn't interested.
That's when Katsuki realized you were telling them what happened on the date.
"An then, when we were coming out, there was like, this huge-ass fucking river between the sidewalk and the highest part of the street." You told, moving your hands, having all eyes, including his vermillion, glued to you. "So Katsuki jumped and he reached his hand out to help me, because the water was running like crazy since the street is like this "falling street".
"So far so good." You continued "But then when I went to jump, my foot slipped and I fell like a piece of shit! And what's worse is I took Katsuki with me!"
And for the surprise of your admiror, you were laughing like never before, closing your eyes due to how big your smile was, making every one around you laugh too.
His heart throbbed. You didn't hated him.
When he went to visit you the night after, he found out you had loved that day and would be one hell of a first date story to tell.
Since then he never tried to take her on a "romantic" date. Never had a picnic the old-fashioned way, only went to an amusement park to see who could take more rides at the rollarcosters and who would win more prizes.
"Remember that we celebrated our one year anniversary by climbing a mountain near Sato's house?" You mentioned, remembering how their friends were jaw-dropped when they found out.
Some of them had a belief Katsuki was a true romantic on the inside. And were hoping that you'd say he perhaps made a candle-light dinner with roses and champagne, both dresses like a gala meeting... But you two celebrated on the top of a mound, eating sausages, olives and hard-boiled eggs for being easy to prepare and take with you, and toasting drinking an energy shake from the same bottle he had brought so you two would have strength to go back down.
You didn't cared what other people said, you loved being with Bakugou no matter what.
"Remember our first vacation since we became heroes?" He remembered it with a smile on his face, even after all the struggles they had.
"North pole" You agreed, and Katsuki could hear you smile. "I never thought such an empty place and one-note color could be so beautiful."
You two had learnd how to fish in freezing waters, identify white animals in the middle of the snow, slept in a small cabin in a bunkbed, which you'd always go up to his mattress saying you were freezing.
"I proposed to you under the Northern Lights". He remembered, holding the rings he had on his neck tightly.
"The happiest day of my life." You smiled, eyes watering. "Even though I was freezing and could barely move my hands."
"And we ran back inside because it was two fucking in the morning."
You laughed together, remembering that night.
Katsuki barely cared that he had catch a huge cold on the last day of the trip and had to extend the vacations for almost a week to stay home and recover.
He didn't cared. He had ask you to marry him. And you said yes.
That was all that mattered.
When he remembered those days he couldn't understand how he let himself be so distant with you for so long.
How, when and why he stopped treating you like the love of his life?
Katsuki would always be stressed because of his hero work and said he didn't had time to be the bullshit romantic guy she wanted. But that wasn't it. He never were romantic. And that's not what you wanted.
You wanted the Katsuki you had started dating years ago. 
You wanted that "I love you even though I don't say it that much" Katsuki.
You just wanted him, and he couldn't see it at that time.
But now he had the chance to run after you once more.
"So... You think... We can start over?" He risked, fidgeting his fingers repeatedly due to his nervous self.
You sighed before answering:
"I think we can try" Said calmly, you voice slowly going back to normal. "But if we're starting over, we're gonna do everything again. That means, we have to go on a date super cheesy and romantic that will go super wrong and someone will get sick after that."
"Whatever you want, princess." He replied and right up front an idea popped in his head. "Send me your location. I'll pick you up. See you soon."
He ran to his room to get changed, putting something comfortable but that would still be pretty to go on a date, ending with a loose black jeans and a red and black t-shirt you gave him a while ago.
Threw the first things he saw on the fridge into a bag and left his house with his motorcycle, heading the addres to the bar you'd be. 
It was a kind of pub iluminated by purple led lights and the smell of cheap whisky was proeminent.
You were sitting at the balcony, wearing a leather jacket you had stolen from him on your first weeks together, there was a short round glass in front of you with what was left from your drink, and the bottle of it was right next to you.
He chuckled noticing the dragon printed on the bottle, as you mentioned, it really looked like the one on his backs.
"Miss?" He called, stepping closer, making you look at him and smile small. "What do you think about we having our second first date right now?"
"Is it something really romantic and with huge possibilities of going wrong?" She provoked, looking him sideways.
"Tell me if there's anything more cheesy and dumb than a picnic under the stars in a park that for sure someone's corpse has been found?"
"You're right, it's very dumb". She said smiling, standing up and taking the bottle with them.
Katsuki felt his energy being restored by seeing her smiling.
It was like all of the waiting had been taken from his back at once. He sighed content.
It was so good to have his princess back.
And now, he thought while helping her drunk self put on the helmet, I won't ever let you go away again.
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circular-bircular · 2 years
(This accidentally became a whole rant, you can delete if you want lol)
endo-stance anon, thank you. it just sucks because most blogs are either very pro endo or anti endo. i prefer pro endo spaces because, in my experience, they're a lot kinder (and oddly don't invalidate trauma as often as anti-endos do) and allow for questioning of system origins.
then again, current close friends are either anti-endo or singlets… it sucks. we want to engage in conversation that's pro-endo but we can't outside of reading posts tagged with pro endo.
there's not a lot of DID/OSDD resources that are loudly pro-endo also, or at least pro-endo-safe. there's... one full site that i know of that's good. we saw a few anti-endo posts that were slightly informative. a handful of pro-endo posts that were good. but most "resources" are by singlets going "hey, fellow singlets, isn't it weird that these Systems™ have ALTERS that have ROLES??? and INNER WORLDS?? like wow!! crazy i know!!" and not like.
actual advice on how to construct a good innerworld, how to deal with system feelings on media (especially introjects), what are good apps to talk with your system mate, is [x experience] normal or common at all in systems, etc etc. stuff systems can talk about, engage with and debate about and share experiences.
also, sometimes i DON'T want to talk about trauma shit. sometimes, we just want to be ourselves. defining ourselves as just traumatic split off parts limits ourselves and we'd prefer to be... "normal" people. with everyday problems. to struggle with simple, non trauma things and ask about them. like "we are struggling to decide on who should eat the food" or "how do we decide what our systemsona should look" or whatever.
like. just... so many DID/OSDD specific posts are either like "luv u did/osdd systems! endos / supporters fuck off!!!", or vents like "we dissociated earlier today :( i hate having multiple people in my brain" and very few resources or talk about just. existing. and even being happy about your system
also, we did see a post that validated feelings we got, feelings that we've experienced before but doubted because "only endos and fakers do that, that's a sign of faking". unfortunately the post that validated those feelings was from an anti endo, we talked about not interacting with them, and then got an anon calling us an "endo / singlet". n it sucks.
just... bleh. rant over. - tired traumagenic / adaptive system
I'm glad you got to rant. It's important to get these feelings out. I'm sorry you got the anon invalidating you - that's horrible.
I'm very lucky to have found a discord server of very accepting anti-endos, who are happy for me to exist with them. They gave me a safe place to believe and advocate for endogenics, a place to process my trauma, and a place to rant about my Undertale fanfictions!! It's a great shift from when I first joined the community and from how I was treated by anti-endos back then.
I've joined pro-endo servers before as well, but sadly, I couldn't find a place for my trauma there. They just felt very... stifling, in that regard. I didn't feel like I could be a traumatized system. I could only be a System(tm). If I used parts language for myself, people would shout at me that it was dehumanizing (even though we prefer thinking of ourselves that way). Meanwhile, in the anti-endo server I'm in, you can just. Talk about your system in whatever way is most healing, so long as you aren't spreading hate or misinformation.
My suggestion might be to branch out of tumblr spaces. Discord servers, I've found, have been far more accepting and less hateful.
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yaz-the-spaz · 3 years
hey yaz, miss u!
about your last post, there were Liam update accounts that posted other photos with this same person with higher resolution, i don't think it's walyha (although it looks similar), what do you think?
i also read sth that some people saw someone else in the z's family posting pictures in this same park, but they deleted it (sorry i don't remember who posted it), but definitely the malik family was there (and i hope zayn too 😭)
thanks nonnie! i'm an idiot who let my dumb tinhat brain get the best of me and have since taken that post down (it was indeed a friend of m@ya's and not any relative of z's) but yes none of my earlier idiocy negates the fact that the malik fam were clearly at that amusement park around the same time liam was (and i highly suspect even s@sha's posting of those pics was delayed a bit so ppl wouldn't necessarily immediately make the connection)
Tumblr media
nor does it negate the fact that fans who saw and took pics w/ li at the park said he wasn't with the teenager and was with someone whose privacy they didn't wanna reveal and then proceeded to like some very ziam af things in the days afterward lol
so there's still plenty of circumstantial evidence as far as i'm concerned, i just wish i hadn't wasted like two hours of my time putting together a whole post without enough research and making myself look dumb lmao 🤦🏽‍♀️but what are you gonna do 🤷🏽‍♀️, mistakes happen and i'm human lol, all i can do now is own up to it and hope my wrong ass info doesn't spread too far lol
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doribuki · 7 years
jau, earlier: it's too slippy to climb. the juices are just acidic enough to see to that; mercifully, not acidic enough to harm
me: jau I never want to walk in and read your weird vore fetish thing abt the shit I deliver for a living ever again
me: Delete This Op
[6:46:05 PM] Dieselhands: USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST
[6:46:39 PM] Jau: i know i go overboard with my metaphors but maw egged me on this time
[6:46:40 PM] Fawks: im losin it
me: like its worse because jaus soft almost poetic writing just adds to the experience I didn't want to be a part of
me: taken without context it reads as a tiny man in a giant womans stomach attempting to climb out
[6:47:05 PM] Dieselhands: dsdkfkdsl
[6:47:09 PM] Dieselhands: NOOOO
[6:47:19 PM] Dieselhands: i cant un-read this now dori
[6:47:19 PM] Jau: ah.
[6:47:20 PM] me: suffer, as I have suffered
me: (best read that in the voice of the first demon pig guy from princess mononoke)
[6:47:39 PM] Jau: this is my fucking trivia overload brain coming back to haunt me
[6:48:07 PM] Dieselhands: DDFFDSKF
[6:48:10 PM] Jau: i just think it's a cool fact that pineapple juice is p acidic
[6:48:24 PM] Jau: i saw a neat tumblr post like two months back
[6:48:32 PM] Dieselhands: it eats you back
[6:48:32 PM] { @ꈍꈊꈍ@ } (maw): pls dont bring me into this
[6:48:49 PM] Fawks: dori we didn't really need ...
[6:48:53 PM] Jau: can we just like
[6:48:54 PM] { @ꈍꈊꈍ@ } (maw): thx dori
[6:48:55 PM] Fawks: p-pats u
[6:49:14 PM] { @ꈍꈊꈍ@ } (maw): how to delete someone else's messages on skype
[6:49:20 PM] Dieselhands: xDDDD
me: at least we have confirmed that sinuses can carry a pregnancy
me: this is the size of a fucking zygote
[6:49:29 PM] calliepasta: oh dori…. i love u v much but that was awful
[6:49:27 PM] Dieselhands: i veto dori's giantess fetish
[6:49:48 PM] Dieselhands: xDDD
[6:49:50 PM] { @ꈍꈊꈍ@ }: im vetoing any more description of this booger
[6:49:58 PM] Fawks: what was realy weird wwas the timing of tonni's message
me: okay fair enough
[6:50:07 PM] Dieselhands: dskdjds,d,s
[6:50:14 PM] { @ꈍꈊꈍ@ } (me): yeah dori dont read ur vore fetish into everything
[6:50:20 PM] Fawks: dori talks about her fucking snot tonni: it eats you back OK
[6:50:35 PM] Jau: man
[6:50:36 PM] Dieselhands: xDDDDDD
me: tonni don't bring your vore fetish into my sinuses
[6:50:47 PM] Dieselhands: dont eat ur bogeys theyll eat u bak
[6:50:56 PM] { @ꈍꈊꈍ@ } (maw): i cant believe my friendship w/ literalyl all of u is dead
[6:51:00 PM] Fawks: I'm ognna vom
[6:51:03 PM] { @ꈍꈊꈍ@ } (maw): there it goes
[6:51:13 PM] calliepasta: how to remove self from chat???
[6:51:32 PM] Fawks: everyone of you drop your fucking vore fetish for like 5 minutes so we can SALAVAGE today
me: u can leave the chat callie but u cant leave me
[6:51:44 PM] calliepasta: i know, & i dont want to
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