#ig they only had the budget for one clip of them
sluttywonwoo · 5 months
i don't even go to mingyuland but i audibly said WHAT THE FUCK when this shot of him shirtless in the water appeared like....fuck you guys jesus is real
IT CAME OUT OF NOWHERE TOO??? all the other scenes had multiple shots but the producer just said "google show me this guys tits"
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g-xix · 1 year
Pub golf Forfeit // ArthurTV
🙏 xLoving mr ATV eternally 🙏 Content: kinda fluffy ig, extra-long 5k+ wordcount CWs: Alcohol
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‼️READ THIS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT PUB GOLF IS‼️ (if you do, skip this bold writing and move onto the main story)
Pub golf is a game where you visit a set amount of pubs and get different drinks at each one- and you need to try and finish these drinks without having to lower it, as many times as possible. 
TheBurntChip has used this concept with Harry W2S, ReevHD, Theo Baker, ArthurTV, ChrisMD, George Clarkey, and more- and that is what this oneshot is based around.
KEY TERMS: "Hole" -> the name of the pub. e.g. Hole 3 is the third pub that's been visited "Par" -> Number of sips/gulps it took to finish the drink Forfeit -> self explanatory but whenever the rules are breached/smth bad happens, a forfeit card is pulled and needs to be done. 
Reminder to always drink responsibly as per usual, only drink when you're legally allowed to do so and stay safe when going drinking.
"ArthurTV and Maddie!"
I turned to look across the line, my eyes meeting Arthur's.
It was my first time doing a pub golf on the TheBurntChip channel and I was somewhat terrified. Sure, I'd known all the other boys ranging from years to just a few months- but I'd grown just as close with George Clarkey, who I had only met a few months ago, to Harry, who I'd known for years, having first met him when big brother Chris and Harry filmed their football videos together.
But one thing that all of the boys knew for certain, was that I had developed a little online crush on ArthurTV. Of all of Chris' friends, I'd never had the pleasure of meeting Mr TV in real life until that moment, when Harry had let it slip to Freezy who'd let it slip to Chip that I liked Arthur... thus Chip DMed an invite to for a pub golf video alongside Harry, Reev, Chris, George Clarkey, Theo Baker, and of course, Arthur.
Oh and as if it wasn't bad enough, Chris, my very own half-brother, knew I had a crush on Arthur.
"That's quite a interesting pairing isn't it, Maddie?" Chris snickered from the side with a grin I knew meant that he was going to have the time of his life teasing me for the next few hours. 
"Bit of a coincidence if you ask me, Chrissy." Harry sneered from besides Chris, making my insides churn.
I wasn't so much a YouTuber as the rest of the boys- I was originally Chris's one and only member of the camera crew and production. In that small bedroom in Jersey, Chris and I would sit together on a desk and make lists of ideas for football challenges, ways to execute them, different shots to make the video dramatic... Then, we would hit the pitches and try to film without the older boys telling us to bugger off so they could play on the pitches.
Then, people started noticing the voice behind the camera, leading to me making a BROTHER VS SISTER  video for the channel, which was only the start of coming in front of the camera more. As Chris hired professional camera men and got set production budgets from serious producers, I was pushed more in front of the camera, making videos with Harry and Chris before lurching into the British YouTube scene, initially gravitating towards the e-boys content, before relocating moreso to reaction content with George Clarkey and Cam Kirkham. 
And we don't talk about that Stephen Tries sketch I attempted.
The fans were pleased with my occasional cameos in videos on the British YouTube channels, always finding new ship names for whoever I collaborated with, or new clips to edit, or rumours to spread... but overall, I couldn't be happier with where I've ended up. 
Well, not where I'd ended up whilst filmed pub golf- right in the middle of Chris and Harry's teasing. 
"How's it a coincidence?" Arthur asked, wide brown eyes swivelling between Harry, Chris and I like a deer caught in headlights.
"Oh, just because I said I uhm..." I started. Shit, quickly Maddie, think of something quickly... My thoughts began racing. Of course Chris would begin hinting towards the fact I had a crush on Arthur not even five minutes into the recording."Chris pointed out on the way here that us two were the only ones that have never collaborated together before... Like, you know... on a video..."
Yes he knows you meant on a video, genius. Great, you sound as thick as a brick now. 
"Oh yeah, that is true actually," Arthur realised, his face lighting up as the thought seemed to land in his head. He was so expressive with his voice- like an animated Pixar character, seemingly straight out of the movie. His voice was so calm, and slightly husky, and somehow matched his face perfectly. "You should come onto the channel if you like watching those 90 day fiancée type of programmes-"
"Arthur's playing the 9 minute fiancée game right now, by the looks of it-" George giggled, nudging me from behind which only made my cheeks burn red, Arthur simply laughing it off before responding.
"Is it working though, Maddie?" Arthur flashed a grin with a quick wink, myself pretending to fall into George's arms and fan myself with my hands, jokefully pretending I was falling for it. 
The real joke was that I wasn't just pretending to fall for it.
Arthur's biggest asset were those fucking eyes. They had me melting with how wide and doe-like they were- his eyes seeming to light up whenever he started a topic that interested him. 
"You're not chatting her up are you, Arthur?" Reev raised his brow and crossed his arms to ask. Out of all of the boys, Reev was the most like a brother in the fact he was so protective- always trying to make sure I was safe. The others were more like brothers in the fact they'd just tease me and get under my skin at every opportunity. 
I watched as Arthur's eyes widened, as he assumed Reev was trying to intimidate him.
"Give him a break, Reev, he's just having a laugh," I defended Arthur, not letting him respond to the allegation in fear that Arthur would shake his head or say that he really wasn't interested in me. That could wait until a few more holes, when I was too peppered to care.
"Well, listen to this you two, for your couples outfit, you two will be going as... The prisoner and the policeman...! or woman!" Chip exclaimed, throwing the outfits to us. 
I looked a the policewoman outfit he had handed to me- the costume coming with a short skirt, unscrupulous tie and lopsided police hat.
This was gonna be a long video...
"Hole one, the rule on his hole is that you must drink it with your left hand!"
Hole one was easy. Arthur sent his pint down in one and after Harry and Reev, it was my turn to have my pint of lager. 
"You want me to hold your hair back?" He offered. I searched for a band on my wrist and almost facepalmed as I realised I hadn't thought to bring one.
"Yes please, I completely forgot to get a hairband... Just come up behind me and grab my hair, while I do it" I said, scrunching my face up with realisation of what I'd said only once it had come out of my mouth.
"What was that?" Harry asked, bursting into laughter.
"Get in, Mr TV-"
"Please, not at that at the drinking table-"
"Not on the Chippo YouTube channel, you won't, but I can think of another site where you could-"
"Shut up I didn't mean it like that..." I groaned and put my head in my hands. "Look, I'm just going to send off the pint-"
Arthur's hand wrapped around my hair, the other one on my shoulder, rubbing it and giving soft words of encouragement. I let the drink tip down my throat easily as I felt the face heat up, his words landing hot on the back of my neck and making me want to shiver, despite the fact I was holding the drink. I could feel my face burning when I dropped the glass back down, grinning with the fact I had done it in one...
"That was really good- I didn't think you could finish it in two." Harry commented, nodding his head in surprise.
"I did it in one though?"
"Counted as two points though- you drank it with your right hand." Chip explained with a devious grin. 
Of course I had been stupid enough as to forget the rule- too fixated on gorgeous bloody Arthur instead of what I was actually meant to be doing. Drinking.
"That one's Arthur's fault- Maddie was too distracted by waiting for you to come up behind her-"
"SHUT UP, GEORGE!" Arthur's face went into his hands this time, both of us clearly a blushing mess from all the comments the boys were making. 
"What does your forfeit card say?" Arthur asked as we travelled to the next hole, not downcast despite my mess-ups, as we were still in joint second. 
"Sing a song with your partner at one of the holes." I read it off. "Sorry for getting you roped into it..."
"No, no, that's actually one of the only one's I'd happily be roped into," Arthur shook his head. "I suppose we just need to think of a song to sing... You a fan of Harry Potter?"
"Am I?!" I repeated enthusiastically. "You have no idea how much I used to love those books, movies... Even the Cursed Child I went and saw."
"Seriously? I just get called a nerd whenever I say I like Harry Potter," Arthur gawked. "Do you have a wand?"
"Yep, Ginny's wand- black and fourteen inches." I proudly nodded. "You could see those fourteen inches later ya know..."
"Only if you're trying to see a rather bendy, sixteen inch one with waterproofing." Arthur retaliated with confidence. 
"You got Hagrid's wand?"
"Duh, it came with an umbrella."
"Of course that's why you'd get it."
"This is hole two to the left, here!" Chip bellowed from behind. I lagged behind slightly to walk with Chris and Harry- catch up with them for a moment.
"You and Arthur getting cozy, eh?" Chris wiggled his brows, looking forwards to Arthur who was petting a dog with Reev- the both of them looking completely out of place, dressed in a bright orange prisoner jumpsuit and Reev as ketchup bottle (with a hat for a lid)- though the dog seemed pleased nonetheless. 
"Just don't let me catch you two snogging after a few more drinks." Harry put bluntly, making my eyes go wide.
"Just because you guys know I like him doesn't mean he likes me back, unfortunately." I reminded them, though I could feel my heart melting as Arthur scratched the back of the dog's ear and tickled his chin, the dog happily wagging his tail with his tongue lolling out as Arthur pet him. 
"Seems to like you enough." Harry shrugged. "Like you enough to come up behind you and-"
"Seriously shut up... Did I sound that stupid when I said that?"
Chris and Harry responded simultaneously.
"Okay you sounded a little flustered when you said it, but then Arthur was blushing and looked shy as well- and everyone knows he's a bit awkward around women he likes," Harry pat my back comfortingly. "If anything he looked like more of a tit than you."
"Great, thanks Harry." I responded, somewhat flatly and yet somewhat happily. 
"Maddie, your team's getting another forfeit because Arthur scared the dog away." Chip addressed me as we neared the bar.
"Like hell he did, that dog loved him!" I exclaimed, head swivelling to find Arthur guiltily wavering his eye contact.
"Theo tried to take the dog away from me by offering it something so I tried to bash him with his wheelchair but the dog got scared and ran off." Arthur explained, kicking at a pebble on the ground. 
"Did you hit Theo?"
"Well then... At least you hit him."
"What the fuck, Maddie." Theo deadpanned. 
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"Don't try steal Arthur's bitches I guess." I shrugged, watching as Arthur withdrew a forfeit card, his face dropping as he read it. 
"What does it say?" I asked, leaning over to try and read it. He smacked it against his chest before shoving it into a pocket, eyes wide as they met my own.
"Uhh- nothing." Arthur spluttered. "We can sort it out when we get to hole five when forfeits are actually activated... What did you say the rule for this hole was, Chip?"
"Drink with your partner holding the glass." Chip responded. 
I looked at Arthur.
"You're quite a bit taller- you're gonna have to crouch down for me to hold it." I realised, picking up the bloody mary and wrinkling my nose. "They really couldn't have picked a worse drink."
"They're foul aren't they." Arthur gave a dirty look to the glass. 
Each pair began seeing their drinks off, using a variety of methods to check whether it was too much or they needed a break.
"Do we need to do the hand-squeeze method to indicate whether it's too much?" Arthur asked, looking distastefully as Reev squeezed Harry's hand, signalling for Harry to tilt more. 
"I'm thinking we just raw-dog it." I shrugged, looking up for Arthur's reaction. He nodded in tasteful agreement.
"That's how I usually do it, anyways."
He picked one glass up. "You first," He stated instead of asking. "And open wide."
Reev gave him a neck-slap and a "Watch it, Arthur..." before I opened my mouth and tilted my head back, finishing it in one. 
"Alright, sit down so you're lower down, Arthur." I spoke through a shudder, the bitterness of the bloody mary giving me a whole-body shiver. 
Picking up a glass, I stood to the side of Arthur and held it up to his face, leaning over slightly due to the awkward angle I stood at. 
"Just come 'ere-" He reached out, steadfastly placing his hands on my hips and manspreading- pulling me between his legs so that I was closer and presumably so that he had a better angle to drink from. I felt my body react to his touch, cheeks warming and knees feeling a bit wobbly as he held his hands there for a moment longer, his grip firm but not forceful. I tried to maintain composure and stop myself from running my hands through his fluffy hair and kissing him right then and there.
"You watch your bloody hands, Arthur." Chris warned, causing Arthur to hold them up by his head as if pleading innocence. As he finally released his hold, I couldn't help but notice how the closeness between us left a lingering sensation, like an electric current still pulsating through my skin. His presence was intoxicating, and I struggled to steadily hold the glass for Arthur to down. I turned to death-glare Chris as I placed the glass back onto the table once Arthur had finished it. 
"Why would anyone voluntarily order that, that's awful... I feel like I've lost my soul after drinking that..." Arthur shivered at the bitterness. "Who knew dementors could be put in drinks..."
Laughing, I sat down besides him and leaned my head against his shoulder as if it were second nature. It felt so natural and cosy against the crook of his neck, and I felt warmed even more as he put his arm around my shoulders, watching in a comfortable silence as Chip choked on his drink from across the table. 
"You're so cute..." I murmured, and only once the words had been said did I regret them slightly. I facepalmed internally as Arthur struggled to reply for a moment, myself wondering why I had to be such a lightweight; only 2 drinks down and already I was making careless comments.
"Am I really cute?" Arthur asked after a moment, and I pulled away from his shoulder to dopily smile at him. 
"Of course you are, you have a cute little smile." I grinned, causing his lips to stretch out into a smile as he laughed slightly, eyes curving into happy little crescents as he did. "See? Cutest smile I've even seen." I giggled, and Arthur looked down with such domestic happiness in his glowing chocolate eyes I felt as though my heart were melting, simply so infatuated with him.
"Hope I'm not interrupting anything here-" Harry planted himself between Arthur and I on the bench, forcing Arthur's arm away and my head from his neck. Arthur cleared his throat and looked at the ground whilst Harry looked between Arthur and I. "What, something wrong?" Harry responded to my blank face, before grinning and giving a wink which Arthur couldn't see. 
"Prick," I hissed as I passed Harry on the walk to the third hole, causing Harry to burst into laughs and start explaining to Chris what he's done- only making Chris laugh alongside him. 
Hole three was easy- just a glass of wine and pub quiz Arthur and I managed to lose a point at for winning the quiz. 
As the smallest person there, I was also the least able to handle large amounts of alcoholic units- and it had begun showing, from the moment I went to stand up and almost fell back down. 
Arthur had to walk with his arm around me to the next pub, though I wasn't complaining- instead holding his hand and making him skip with me to hole four. 
"Long Island iced teas on this one," Chip explained. "And the rule here is that one member of the team must drink it blindfolded."
"I think I'm more sober than you at the minute," Arthur stated the obvious, as if I hadn't just made him skip to this hole. "I'll wear the blindfold for this one."
"You sure? I'm not completely gone right now, just a bit...Well..." It was a pointless proposition from myself. Arthur just shook his head, handing me the blindfold.
I slipped the material over his eyes, placing the drink on a separate table to that the boys wouldn't dump ice into his drink (which had just happened to Theo's drink), and directing him to the glass- though Chip had better ideas. 
"Maddie, could you please regulated the hand-" Arthur spoke waveringly, and I noticed that Chip had a hand on Arthur's arse.
"Oi, chip-" I reached over for the space hopper which was besides the bag, whacking Chip with it before being hit in the face with it myself.
"Fuck!" We both exclaimed. Arthur had found his glass and drank it in one towards the side, meanwhile Chip found Theo's wheelchair and he began fighting against me and my space hopper. "Chip, I don't think you're gonna win this one," I huffed as the space hopper bounced off of his side, making him stumble slightly. 
"Like shit won't I win- I've been going gym you know-" I cut off his rambles by throwing the hopper at him, causing him to stumble back and trip slightly over the curb so that he was sat on the pavement- allowing me to put my arm around his neck, squeezing only slightly.
"Tap out already, Chip..." I groaned whilst Chip shook his head whilst struggling.
"Chip isn't used to tapping out, he usually passes out before he gets the chance." Theo sneered from the side. That seemed to be enough to make Chip tap out. 
We finished our drinks after that before agreeing on a short grace period, where we sat around and chattered for a few minutes.
"The blindfold makes you feel like, ten times more drunk than you actually are." George said, the other who had worn the blindfold agreeing. 
"You should try it, Maddie- you're by far the most off your head right now- it'll be funny to see how you react to it."
That's how I ended up on the pavement, blindfold on and hands outstretched as Arthur directed me, his fingers occasionally brushing against mine as he'd insisted on walking beside me to make sure I didn't get a concussion from falling over anything.
"Watch the curb here, it's quite difficult navigating- WHOA" As soon as Arthur had said that, I stumbled, almost falling but Arthur held me up from behind whilst the others laughed from the table at my stagger. "You sure you wanna continue? I don't think it's safe, Maddie..."
"It'll be okay, I'm just gonna get back to the table and pull it off..."
I took a few more staggered steps, Arthur holding my hand to guide me whilst I was blinded, his hand warm and reassuring, and I felt confident with Arthur's unwavering presence by my side. His touch sent a gentle electrical ripples down my spine, igniting a spark that brought butterflies to life in my stomach as I focussed less on walking and more on Arthur.
But then I felt a blow to my head- not painful- but extremely forceful.
Some voices screamed "CHIP!" whilst another shouted "Maddie!" as I staggered, waiting to fall- before feeling hands on my back and the crook of my knees, gravity seeming to turn upside down for a moment, before the blindfold was ripped off. 
Arthur's face was above my own, looking forwards as he walked- his two strong arms holding me flush to his body as he carried me in what I assumed was bridal style- having prevented my fall. He looked gorgeous from this angle- his chiselled features accentuated by the soft glow of the sunshine through the dull English clouds- and his eyes, like pools of warm honey, never not making me melt.
"You okay, Maddie?" He looked down and questioned, eyes full of concern and yet also alighting sparks within me as they met my own.
"What? Of course I am... What even happened?" I asked in confusion as I looked back and saw the boys with open mouths looking between myself and Chip, who had a look of upmost guilt on his face. Arthur sat down on one of the seats surrounding the table and lowering me onto that same seat before replying. Nevermind- I was actually sat on his lap, and was NOT going to complain about it.
Chris was going to instead.
"She can sit on her own seat, Arthur-"
"She's almost been bloody ran over, she's sticking with me for now." Arthur huffed resolutely, wrapping his arms around my waist as he spoke to make his point. I felt my head go fuzzy from the touch, leaning back into his touch and resting my head onto his shoulder where it felt like it belonged... Before pulling it back off quickly as I digested his words again.
"Hang on, almost ran over? What the Hell just happened?"
"Chip thought it'd be a good idea to whack you with the space hopper whilst you were blindfolded and he knocked you off balance- you would've fallen into the road if Arthur hadn't got you." Harry explained, a small smile playing on his face. 
"Good man, Arthur." Reev nodded his head approvingly before turning to Chip. "And you, you're no better at handling your drink than her- what if she had gotten run over?"
"Good riddance, in that case." Chip sipped his water calmly, making me throw an ice cube at him.
In the end, Chip made a formal apology (which was of course easily accepted), and drew another forfeit card, having to take 3 shots to make up for almost brutally murdering me- which I thought was very fair. 
Hole five happened so quickly I didn't even register it- though that may have been also due to the knock to the head Chip had delivered. 
However on the walk between hole five to hole six, the alcohol began taking its effect on more people. 
Namely, Chris and Chip.
Chip had found the space hopper once more and began hammering Chris with it whilst Chris balled up onto the ground. "YOU STUPID BOY-" Chip was yelling between blows, Harry and Reev slapping each other between laughs. 
Then, Harry set off on his bike to the next hole as Chip let Chris get up- before we all slung our arms over each other and began the journey to hole 6, singing Backstreet Boys all the way there. 
Arthur lagged behind slightly, and though I was busy singing with Chris and Chip, I did notice they were having quite a hushed conversation, and looking our way every so often.
"Hole six- forfeits are now activated!"
"Can I know your forfeit yet?" I whispered to Arthur, and he simply shook his head with a small smile. 
"I know what it is, Maddie," Reev giggled to the side, rubbing his hands together with a look of glee on his face. 
"Is that what you two were talking about whilst we walked here?" I gasped at the realisation, looking between the two as they shrugged with all-knowing smiles on their faces. 
Hole six was easy- sambuca shots with no hands. I managed mine, though I almost choked it and chipped it when it clattered onto the table- whereas Arthur was found out for trying to dilute his drink, and was made to do two shots instead. 
Still, he didn't seem to be off his head at all.
"Arthurrr," I sang I skipped up to him, on the journey to hole seven.
"Madelyn." He nodded cordially, saying my full name before smirking as he saw my face wrinkle in disgust. "Not a fan of your full name?"
"Not when it's bloody Madelyn, I'm not," I responded, shuddering at the thought.
"Maddie sounds like you're mad," Arthur pondered. "You should just go with... Lyn."
"...Lyn." I repeated, trying to hold a laugh.
"Yeah, it's cute- just like you." Arthur grinned down, making me turn away so he wouldn't see the stupid blush that began spreading across my cheeks.
"Suddenly I quite like that name." I smiled bashfully back, and Arthur just laughed, sliding an arm around me casually and allowing me to rest my head against his shoulder as we walked in a comfortable silence.
"You're so fine, Arthur." I said after a while. "You know I like you?"
"I like you too, Lyn." He patted my head and pulled his arm away, instead slipping his hand into mine as we walked. I didn't feel satisfied with his reaction. Did he not realise I meant that I liked him romantically?
"No, I meant that like- I really like-"
Trust Chip to ruin a romantic moment. 
just an fyi im swapping the order of the holes- everything that happened in the vid at hole 8 is now assumed to have happened at hole 7, and vice versa
"Lyn I don't think I an do another pint," Arthur put down two drinks onto the table before sitting on my lap instead of the bench, allowing me to plop my policeman hat onto his head and hug him from behind, shaking my head.
"I've been finished since hole three, Arthur- I don't care what happens now, you can just sip the whole thing and I'll be fine with that." I groaned. "I'm definitely doing this in at least three different pars..."
I did exactly that. Arthur managed his in five, alongside my words of encouragement which made Chip awhhh.
"I love how everyone hates each other and is beating each other with the space hopper between holes whilst Arthur and Maddie are too busy holding hands and being wholesome with each other, walking alone to each hole." Chip said with a disoriented smile at one of the cameras, louder than he thought he was being as both myself and Arthur watched him say it to the camera.
"Bit early to be holding hands isn't it?" Chris asked, dopily swinging his head back to Arthur and I, only just registering Arthur was also sat on my lap. "Naughty, don't be sitting on each others laps like I have no idea what's going in where when someone sits on someone's lap-"
"That's enough from you, Chris." I shushed my brother, pressing a hand to his mouth which weakly attempted to paw away from his mouth.
"On to hole eight, final hole?" Chip proposed and everyone nodded in agreement- all too ready to get this over and done with.
"I don't think I've ever been this drunk before." I admitted to Arthur as we exited the pub, hands clasped together and swinging joyfully back and forth as we walked, as though we were kids. "I feel like I'm not even walking."
"And now you really aren't even walking," Arthur said as he placed his arms on my legs and back, scooping me back into his arms, carrying me as though I were nothing. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared up at his face I'd grown so fond of over these past few hours. 
"What song d'you wanna sing for my forfeit at the next hole?" I questioned, myself also wondering what we could sing. 
"Oh it'll come to us when we get there..." Arthur spoke lazily, jumping me up to readjust my grip causing me to let out a squeak before relaxing against his body. Did he have abs under that shirt? It felt like it. He is so fine. 
My thoughts died out as I realised this was the final hole and after this it would be all over. Thank God. 
We all clinked our jaeger bombs together, the lightweight drink easily going down in one for everyone before Chip reminded Arthur and I that we still had forfeits we had to complete.
"What is your forfeit Arthur?" Harry asked inquisitively- somehow looking as though he hadn't had a single drink, although he had in fact had the most, having ordered an extra pint for good measure.
"That's what I'm asking- he still hasn't told me, either!" I exclaimed, looking for Arthur to give his game up and show the card. "C'mon, surely you can reveal it now that it's the last hole-"
"Not before you do your forfeit-song to the bar- look- they have a karaoke machine nobody's using there, go use it before someone else takes it!" Arthur rushed, pointing at the TV screen connected to a microphone and speakers. The other boys began clamouring their agreement before pushing me up to the stage, a bundle of nerves as I stumbled up the stairs, slotting a coin into the machine and waiting for the next song to come on. 
"ArthurTV this is a GROUP FORFEIT- GET UP ONTO THE STAGE!" I shouted and held a hand out to Arthur, causing him to take my hand and get onto the stage with the help of the boys, as they cheered upon hearing the first few chords of the infamous song we were only singing a few hours ago.
I Want it That Way, by the Backstreet Boys. Of course. 
I held the mic out for Arthur to hold with me as we sang the first line.
You are... My fi-ire, the one... desi-ire
I opened my eyes and faced Arthur, the look of joy melted into his caramel eyes and making me feel soft and gentle hearted as we went to sing the next line.
Believe... When I say... THAT I WANT IT THAT WAY
I looked out to the crowd and saw that some tables had turned to face us, singing alongside the tune- and all the other boys had huddled together, arms around each other and swaying back and forth as they joined us for the chorus. 
Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Arthur closed his eyes as he virtually shouted the lyrics into the microphone, getting so into the song I had to pause to laugh before continuing
Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a mistake Tell me why I never wanna hear you say
Arthur and I leaned it to sing the final bit of the song, heartily enjoying as the rest of the bar joined us to finish it.
I want it that way
I looked at Arthur, his own eyes meeting me own- full of a tender sort of love I had only ever seen in the movies...
Cause I want it that way...
The song ended with whistles and claps from the rest of the bar, before I dropped the microphone to the ground, wheeling around to face Arthur with a squeal and outstretched arms, as my arms wrapped around his neck, his arms found my waist, pulling me right off of the floor as he hugged me, spinning me around once before I pulled my head off of his chest and looked up at his glowing face.
My eyes only flickered down to his lips for a milisecond before I felt his on top of my own, a billion tiny fireflies lighting up and racing around my stomach as I closed my eyes, relaxing into his hands which were positioned lazily around my waist, holding me lovingly as his lips caressed my own, tuning out the world around us as I focussed on just him and I- together - his lips perfectly top of mine.
"What was your forfeit in the end, Arthur?" I asked, eyebrows scrunched as I sat on his lap at the table- arms around his neck and my police hat and tie around Arthur's neck. 
Theo was close to nodding off whilst Chip besides him already had. Chris had taken to the stage, wowing the bar with his drunk dancing and (not) killer vocals. Harry, George and Reev still seemed alright however, and were sat making warm conversation around the table, laughing and joking like there was nothing wrong. And truly- there was nothing wrong.
Arthur smiled slightly at my question before tugging at his pocket and pulling out the card, sharpie pen scrawled across it saying:
Give a kiss to the fittest person in the group xoxo (Doesn't have to be on the lips, Chip- we know you will anyways, but everyone else- just know you don't need to go that deep)
I laughed at the bracketed side-note before looking up to Arthur who smiled goofily down at me, looking so pleased- as though he wouldn't rather have anyone else in his arms.
My hand found the side of his face, thumb tracing his jawline and running up his cheeks before padding at his lips. Closing my eyes, I leaned it, finding his lips as we kissed once more, still with the afterglow of embers burning in my heart as I realised I couldn't be happier in anyone else's arms. 
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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ratfreecog · 10 months
How was newsies vibrates excitedly
This school has such a big budget drama program it’s insane good on them for actually valuing the arts. The theater was huge it felt like walking into a professional venue in my city not a high school. I wish my old school cared that much our drama teacher got fired for embezzling our club’s funds. Jack, Davey, Katherine, and Crutchie were all so good it was insane. Also, girl Crutchie!! Hell yeah!!
Predictably, a vast majority of the newsies were girls, but instead of trying to hide it and making them dress and act like boys, they just made them girl newsies and used some of the names from Newsies Jr and the Brooklyn girlsies instead. The only exception to this was Albert, who was played by a very femme person with long hair and a skirt, but was still called Albert, which I think is hilarious and I’m hoping that was the actor’s choice.
They also actually had adults play the adult characters which was interesting?? For a highschool production but good for them ig
My favorite moment was in the last Pulitzer’s office scene when Davey goes “since the strike, your circulation’s been down 70%” and Jack, who was currently laying down across the arms of two chairs, did a sit up and whispered “70%” and then laid back down
Also during the Snyder chase scene at the start they had Jack run up one of these scaffolding buildings that were part of the set, realize it was a dead end at the top, turn around and be cornered by Snyder, and then dived between his legs and ran back down to the floor again. Wonderful choreography 10/10.
Speaking of choreography, they actually tap dance during KONY! Holy shit! Was not expecting that! And it was good! Like really good! Hell yeah. All the dancing was really good actually very similar to the Broadway production but like they did a great job at it.
Crutchie also broke my fucking heart during LFTR she actually started crying on the “your sister, Crutchie” line and so did I in the audience
Jack fucking killed Santa Fe he was awesome. Just always he was awesome but Santa Fe was really fucking good
For the seize the day reprise where they’re singing it while Jack Davey and Spot are going to Pultizer’s office, for some reason (I’m guessing running out of time in rehearsal) instead of having the kids sing they played an audio clip from the proshot and it caught me so offguard and im definitely the only person who noticed because I know every single line in this show and have performed the entire thing by myself in box at my haunt to keep myself entertained in between customers.
Overall it was awesome! I do know this show so well that it haunts me and literally every other line an alarm would go off in my brain for whatever they did and how it compared to other versions of the show and what it might mean for their characters so I could probably go a lot more in depth but these were my main thoughts coming out of it. They did a fantastic job!
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theoutcastedartist · 4 years
I see you like animaniacs so I wonder if maybe you have any headcannons ya wanna share?
Oh definitely! The reboot pretty solidified some of the headcannons I already had, especially for Yakko SO I'm probably only gonna mention him for now. These are basically me just kinda self projecting onto yakko if anything lmao
But first I wanna talk about the way I see the 2020 Reboot vs. The original 90's show in terms of the Warner Segments specifically:
Even though I have not seen the entire original show outside of a few clips, the reboot definetly has a different feel to it. Just from comparing one clip from the 90's show to one clip of the reboot, you can tell it is different, but not TOTALLY 100% different either, almost like a shift in focus it seems. Whereas the original show seemed more educational focused and had more of an "On Stage" feeling, the reboot strikes me as having more of an "Off Stage" focused kinda feeling. Yakko is especially different, he seems to get agitated much easier and is more quick to anger compared to the other two. The Warners seem much more emotional and expressive here in the reboot. Their personalities are added on to, make them stand out a bit more from each other outside of Yakko is the level headed, know it all sorta leader, Wakko eats, and Dot is cute. I think that's a very neat, and refreshing change. Tbh I think that if the three of them were exactly like how they were in the 90's, people would get bored of the Reboot series really quick after maybe three episodes.
Anywho, enough of my little rant lmao now let's move onto some of my Yakko headcannons:
So uh screenshots/spoilers from animaniacs reboot up ahead, you have been warned I guess
I have a hc where Yakko cant stand loud sounds/noises (well more specifically my hc is that he's gets very overwhelmed by it, but with these sorts things you kinda have to reach)
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In the episode "Who Donut?" , we see Yakko immediately go to pulling and tugging at his own ears when Wakko starts crying(?) Screaming(?) (I'm not entirely sure how to describe it.)
He looks way more distressed about it too compared to Dot, who's just kinda cringing at the noise if anything.
And in episode 7, "Warner She Wrote", Yakko literally screams because of the noise
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Wakko and Dot aren't bothered by the noise (but then again, they are already asleep and are partly the cause of said noise lol)
I sometimes do the same thing at home when I'm feeling overwhelmed by the ruckus, whether I mean to do it or not. I will try to be the loudest person, by a significant margin, in the room in order to get everyone else to stop what they're doing and shut up.
And then my other HC of Yakko being insecure in at least one aspect of himself (his sense of humor in this case) and not liking being all alone/without his siblings.
In the Halloween special episode, Yakko loses his cool when there's no laughing, comment, or any reaction in general (but that literally because there is no one but him in the building other than him and low-budget pennywise; and the latter doesnt react to anything Yakko says either.)
Just that whole
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Then when his siblings arrive (who basically save him in the nick of time),
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He literally turns to them and asks if they think he's funny (of course they reassure him and say yes)
Honestly I felt that whole segment proved that Yakko has a massive dislike of being byhimself, especially without his siblings, in most circumstances and is insecure in at least one aspect of himself.
So uh basically some of my headcannons for Yakko are:
He gets overwhelmed by loud noises much easier than Wakko or Dot
He is insecure in at least one aspect of himself
He hates being alone/ constantly needs someone around to talk to, because otherwise he doesnt know what to do with himself.
Jesus, season one of the 2020 Animaniacs reboot has not been kind to Yakko lmaoo
Anywho those are some of my personal headcannons for yakko ig
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
The skam culture is so "incapable of relating to some characters" that i can not conceive a way that for druck to give more rep without suffering a staggering loss in views. This so sad. They would have to triple their effort to cover all of the new obstacles and retain the interest and the empathy of the viewers it would be a gargantuan task and an impossible one if they don't have the right kind of rep in the writers room also
Hi anon 🍒 Even if they did have the right kind of writers, the writers are also just one part of the whole machine, you know? 
Like take eskam, for instance. The writers had their right intentions in choosing not to make Jorgeva endgame, but what good does that do if the showrunner and actors overrule them? 
Obviously, a diverse writer’s room is better than a white cishet abled writer’s room. But then there are the directors, the showrunners, and most importantly the network. If the network doesn’t want to pay for 10 episodes of Amira (either Amira), but would pay for mixed POV, how far can one of the cogs in the wheel push for what they want? Assuming they believe in the characters enough to push. 
And showbiz is huge and makes tons of money in the US, but it’s a much, much smaller affair in Europe. There aren’t as many jobs, what jobs there are are paid much less, and often productions depend on local governments’ grants. 
The Skams (aside from Austin, and look at how far that got them) are already made on a budget of a shoestring and a bunch of paper clips. You can assume that no one is paid that well, and esp not the actors, because they are unknowns with no negotiating power. These shows are basically a labor of love, by people who invest a lot of their time and energy in them. For instance, Druck’s head writer Alex Lindh stepped away from his family’s NYE celebrations in 2018/19 in order to post social media content to the girls’ ig accs after midnight. The head writer! And I’d be really surprised if the social media managers are paid better if they have to post outside “office hours” (9 to 17).  
Like yes, there is always something else that can be done. Lukas is young and mixed, but maybe they should’ve hired a black writer in addition to Lukas. Maybe Jünglinge should’ve written s5 as well. Maybe there was a more diverse writer’s collective out there instead of Jünglinge, or in addition to Jünglinge. There’s always something that can be done better. And we should always demand better from creative teams. 
But also, at some point I think we must accept that Skam became popular because of two white straight actors acting out a mlm relationship, written by a straight white woman*, and ultimately a large part of that original audience that tuned in for evak is just not going to be interested in Nora or Ava or Fatou or Josh or Mailin and maybe not even Ismail, because that’s not what drew them to Skam in the first place. They are going to like elu or sobbe or vds because that’s what they signed up for. 
[* And I am in no way diminishing Julie Andem’s or Tarjei Sandvik Moe’s or Henrik Holm’s work. To this day, I believe Julie Andem’s writing kicks the asses of most if not all the remake writers, she is a much better director than most if not all the remake directors, and Tarjei and Henrik delivered performances than a lot of the Isak and Even actors only wish they could achieve in their lifetime. I am talking in terms of ticking diversity boxes, and how fandom didn’t care back then that they ticked basically no box. And let’s face it, a good amount of fandom doesn’t care how many boxes their fav evak ticks either.] 
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someoldfires · 6 years
so in I Hate Men news something thats been on my mind lately is how insensitively men treat women in relationships and how so many grown men are incapable of understanding how something can have emotional value and be a sensitive matter to women (read: people that have emotional intelligence). Like they will joke away important things, miss important anniversaries, buy gifts the day before a special occasion, etc. i follow this great account on swedish ig that talks about man babies and their inability to take responsibility for anything and there was a discussion the other day about how bad men are at giving gifts. And how it’s not just a cute little quirk like “oh my husbands so hopeless at gift giving lol!” but how it actually takes a toll on women who have to deal with these men. And every woman in the comment had so many stories, ranging from the boyfriends who just don’t know them and give them CDs of bands they hate, a pack of tea lights (this was a christmas present from a serious boyfriend), any given item bought at a hardware store, or something else stupid like that, to men who think it’s hilarious to give a purposely shitty gift, a humiliating gift, or a mean gift. To, like, their girlfriends and female relatives. Like what the fuck? One woman actually said her husband’s brother gave her a DVD of super graphic hardcore porn as a Hilarious gift one christmas. Meanwhile women are taking responsibility not only for their own loved ones’ gifts, but for their husband’s relatives, friends etc. And of course they are buying their husband or boyfriend big, expensive, thought-out gifts and getting shit in return. The same train of thought continued when I watched some youtube clips from the show Don’t Tell The Bride. And yes I know it’s reality TV and british reality TV at that so like grain of salt etc but i feel like it does point to real issues. So the idea of the show is that the groom in an engaged couple gets to plan their whole wedding alone in like 3 weeks time. And all these clips on youtube have titles like “ENRAGED bride REFUSES to get married! TOP 5 BRIDE BREAKDOWNS! BRIDEZILLA is NOT PLEASED!” but what they actually show is like.. men that, given this TV budget and opportunity to surprise their future spouse with a beautiful wedding, instead get their fiancees unflattering wedding dresses that they have outright said they don’t like (if only men listened to women), book a shitty venue, come up with a THEME for their wedding like it’s a prom (???), spend most of the money on their stag night, and in the mean time fuck up everything from the cake to transportation to bridesmaids dresses. And they try to make it all reality TV dramatic and of course it’s played up and they want these women to cry and break down (which, gross) but what it really plays like is just a super sad look at what most men are actually like. Just completely clueless, self-centered, have no idea what their girlfriend likes and enjoys and what she doesn’t like, doesn’t care enough about her to find out or to remember. Don’t care about anniversaries, don’t care about important family events, don’t care about giving thoughtful gifts, and meanwhile women care so much and they have to take on all this extra emotional work because men just completely fuck off when it comes to being serious and actually working on relationships with people
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kosegruppaa · 6 years
it just hit me sigrid that we might have a few months without the remakes tg! but then in the fall there might be six of them at the same time instead... lord help us all!
halla anon! yeah, that’s going to be nice isn’t it! and in the fall the spanish one starts and i’m excited for that cause i wanna try to use if for teaching purposes. 
but tbh most of the remakes i don’t notice that much, cause i have them all blacklisted! which is recommended, hehe. right now i have way to much remake talk on here, and my inbox is full of it. and i know i’ve kinda invited this by answering asks and stuff, but i think i wanna try to just get all of these asks out of my inbox, so i’ll put the rest of remake related tags under the cut: 
anon: what is it about marketing teams thinking it's better and gains viewers in going on hiatus without telling anyone when they'll be back? Austin seems to have done it aswell and the last episode have less than 500k after the weekend so this decline is jeeeeshh. I've almost seen everything but I honestly think it's boring, it doesn't have that spark, but I'm dying for bts budget knowledge. I also saw Italy changed a character trait so time for all the og shade again, Vilde has it the worst.
yeah, that seems very frustrating. if the hiatus of skam hadn’t had a definitive end, i wouldn’t have survived, especially not season 3. like i really thought i wouldn’t survive the night after the last ep5 five clip, and then the teaser dropped. counting down those days with everyone is what kept me sane lol. vilde hate based on the remakes makes me so sad though :( 
anon: lmao I'm a horrible perosn! 😝 i just saw on the main tag that one of the usa actresses had posted a ig photo at a house that looks very expensive and she wasn't in noora character that's for sure but my first thought was "now I see why Jules hired this girl who can barely act" damn that house looks nice
ehh im not sure what your implying here, anon?? that the actress got hired because she is rich or lives in a nice house? why though? so julie can hang out at her place, or what?? i don’t understand lol
anon: i'm not surprised at the white casting of sana after all we've heard italiens say while defending the decision. skam is about showing and helping teenagers but they cast 20+ actors so they can show explicit sex with the male gaze and multiple times calls the muslim character sana bin laden for giggles. instead of stepping their foot down and say it's wrong they say nothing. but when they'll have that theme as focus they'll have a whitewashed nonmuslim play the part. they copied most y not sana?
i’m not sure i’ve heard many of those arguments? i’ve seen some discussions about “white muslims exist too” and yeah, that is true, but sana wasn’t. and the  character in skam italy isn’t supposed to be either?? and sana was the only poc in the girl squad to begin with, so i also think it wouldn’t be good to replace her with a white character. and all of this is going to really make a s4 remake pretty .. questionable imo. 
and Wow do they actually say that??? i mean, i don’t have anything against characters being offensive if it actually serves a purpose, so hopefully it leads somewhere! and lol i thought they just looked old, but they’re all over 20? i know the guy who plays martino is only like 20 (or 19?) but to me he looks way older. 
anon: as a lesbian i'm happy julie is finally giving me a lesbian but i'm also angry the only way was to get a copied season of a gay guy and also that vilde didn't get a season as a lesbian. 💔
yeah, i do hope i’ll be able to enjoy a shay season if it happens, but i have no idea if i will be! but i’m very happy that she is writing a lesbian/wlw character though, it is needed! and yeah, forever sad about vilde :/
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ykmv · 7 years
Your First Fountain Pen
For a beginner, and a student beginner especially, the largest consideration is price. I have had all the pens mentioned as good starter pens (except the Al-Star and the Loom, but have borrowed both multiple times from friends) and they are all good pens. Even the Petit1 is a good pen!
For "credentials", I have convinced more than two dozen people the past year to buy their first fountain pen. As far as I know they all still use the pens. Hashtag penvangelism.
My default answer to people who want to buy their first pen is the Pilot Metropolitan. Why? A lot of people (especially at my age; '90s kid) are used to ballpoints and gel pens. I know exactly one person in my life who uses a rollerball pen. This means most people are used to thin line widths which, in my experience, only the Pilot Metropolitan <F> can offer. I've used the EF nib of Lamy and TWSBI and both are demonstrably thicker than a Pilot Fine.
The logic behind suggesting a pen within the prospective convert's comfort zone is that you don't just want to suggest a good pen to someone, you want the person to keep using that pen and abandoning the use of non-fountain pens. Easing them into it helps.
Back to price. In my country, a Safari is three times more expensive than a Metro. The Safari does not come with a converter. Even if you want to switch to a Con-50 or Con-40, the Safari is still more than twice as expensive—I hate it). In my country as well, the Eco (about $40.00 here) is two dollars away from being four times as expensive as a Metro. This is a huge difference because even if we "sell" fountain pens as being built to last, most first-time buyers are perfectly fine using a $1 Pilot G-tec. They absolutely love the G-tec. A Metropolitan is fifteen G-tecs. To stretch the comparison a bit, a Porsche 911 Carrera S is just five Toyota Corollas.
A super budget pen would be a Preppy, a Petit1, or a V-Pen. The cap of the Preppy breaks with regular cautious use and a Petit1's clip will break-off. A V-Pen is too cumbersome to refill unless you have one where the feed can be pulled-off (mine can't, even with pliers). A Plaisir might be nice but that terrible looking nib and the local price have stopped me from trying. It is pretty cheap in China though (about $12) so..
I do like Chinese pens because they're so cheap. Definitely good writers when you find them (I have bought probably 30+ already this year, some for myself, most to be PIF-ed or sold and get people into Chinese pens). There are a few concerns for me if it's someone getting their first few pens. First, there will be lemons even if you buy from the "reputable sellers" we often hear. Even if they all write and are in good condition, some write better than others. I once bought a lot of 10 pens. 7 wrote well but 3 wrote incredibly incredibly well. Returning them or contacting the vendor will be a pain. The wait is also excruciatingly long and the pen might not arrive at all.
Another thing is consistency. eBay sellers would actually indicate if a Chinese pen was "M" and in some cases even put nib width "0.5" which is what I think a lot of pen users here (me included) wished pen manufacturers would do to standardize how thick pens are. But these listings aren't always true. A "0.5" actually doesn't mean "0.5". In fact I found a listing last night in Taobao where the seller had a table that "0.38" is actually 0.38 to 0.6 and "0.5" is actually 0.4-0.8 or something like that.  
Now, why would you not buy a Pilot Metropolitan? Besides an uncommon problem of some people reporting that it ejects ink into the cap for no reason, the most obvious are the large step and the design. For quite some time, I didn't get a Metropolitan because the design didn't speak to me. They wrote well enough but not well enough for me to get over the weird middle band. I just couldn't understand why the background of the middle band was different in shade to the the rest of the pen (in MR1), and later on the animal bands just horrified me (in MR2). Eventually I got used to the design and I have three of them right now (I've owned five in total). Then there's the step. From all the pens mentioned this has the largest step. I understand why the step is there but I still prefer a pen that is streamline uncapped versus a pen that is streamline while capped. I look at pens when they are ready to use, not when they are to be kept in storage. I have since been able to modify my grip when using this and similar pens such that they are no more uncomfortable than other pens (my fingers sort of cling to the ledge of the step). You could also get a Kakuno instead! It is being introduced to more markets and it’s a good writer in fun colours. Somehow, my Kakuno felt sharper than my equivalent Metropolitan though.
That said, Pilot Metropolitan <M> sometimes have a tendency to skip when you first write with them. The problem miraculously goes away after a short while. I don't know if it is baby's bottom because I haven't gotten around to getting a loupe. I have bought and handled a few used Metropolitans and none have skipped. Now, why would you get a Safari instead? While the nib width and quality control is a bit of a lottery and the inner cap does tend to break down, both problems are easily dealt with. The biggest draws for me is the easy exchange-ability of nibs matched only by Kaweco among current pens. Of course, depending on the market a Lamy nib costs more than a Metro... The section/grip of the Safari is also talked about a lot. It really depends on your grip and it's important that you be able to borrow a pen first before you buy it. There are also people who buy the pen after trying it in the store and then sell it a week later because it's too big or too heavy but these are unusual people. For me, the Safari is easier to hold than a Metro even if I don't hold pens the way Lamy wants me too (only one of my fingers is "where it's supposed to be").
Why don't you get an Eco? The grip is the easiest to use and the capacity will not leave you wanting. To me, the largest barrier is again the price. You must be a great fan of the demonstrator look and the piston capacity if you want this pen where I live. In the US it is the same price as a Safari so that might not be a consideration for others, of course. I do like the screw cap (I wish all pens were screw caps) but if you post your pens this has the worst posting experience among all of the pens mentioned. I'm sure it's secure but it doesn't inspire you about its security. I also think it looks the worse among all the pens. I actually like how the Preppy looks more than an Eco. The all clear version looks really great though, up until you fill it and ink inevitable gets on and behind the inner cap...
The Eco performs at a comparable rate to the Safari (again, I think they all write well albeit slightly differently) and it may come down to personal preferences. Do you value nib-swapping more than a piston's capacity? Do you prefer a screw cap to a snap cap? If you want to experiment with unusual inks you may be better off staying away from the Eco. There's too much worrying involved in keeping the barrel pristine.
Is anyone still reading?
Alright, a Kaweco Sport is alright and I really like the look. Besides the possibility of a poor nib (happens to all manufacturers anyway), you have to be open to dealing with unavoidable barrel wear. Unavoidable! You also need to post the pen to write with it. Another thing is that if you want to use cartridges on a transparent Kaweco you should know beforehand that it looks pretty lame. A lot of people complain about proprietary cartridges and there was a recent post here about someone making a permanent international cartridge; Kaweco needs to make a proprietary cartridge that fills the length of the Kaweco barrel. Short international cartridges look terrible!
A Loom is great and I really want to buy one save for two worries. First, the cap looks really bad and there is something off in the way it clicks shut. It also has a terrible looking clip. It is the pit of cap-shutting feel, at the opposite end of the Prera. Another is that it there is a risk of parts incompatibility. It's standard international but not all cartridges and converters work on it. A friend bought a Faber-Castell converter from the same store and it didn't fit..
The Prera is great (I really want a slate grey one) but do you want to pay that much more for the same writing end as a Metropolitan? Locally, it is about thrice as expensive as a Metropolitan. I’m not going to buy one brand new. On the secondhand market? The going rate is about five times. Again, a Porsche 911 Carrera S is just five Toyota Corollas. It face the same problem of Lamy system pens. You really need to want the different, more expensive body because it’s the only thing you’re paying a premium for. You also need to post the Prera to be able to write with it. If you're Kawhi Leonard don't even consider it.
For the less mentioned pens a Parker IM I think is the most expensive mentioned here. I have one. The clear coat has come off in spots and it's very ugly because of it. I think it's a good review pen because it's so easy to clean even if you can't remove the nib or the section. I would not recommend it. It's a $10 value to me. I also have a Parker 45 and it's good, smooth, and easy to disassemble. I think it's also the one with the most "character" among all the pens. I would caution everyone as to nib width though. I bought an NOS "45" that had a “fine nib” and wrote as thick as my Medium Safari. Very smooth writer, sure, but it needs an IG ink to be at a width I can work with. Otherwise I can only use it to underline my readings and that would be pretty sad for your first and only (so far) pen.
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