#ignea | interactions
bxrn-thc-pxgcs · 1 year
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"If you go through your life lookin' for revenge, remember to dig two graves, darlin'."
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lockescoles · 7 years
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A: Are you always this kind to your enemies ? I: No, but I am to my allies.
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quartzalynlove · 3 years
Mi Estrella (pt 4)
Later, Mirabel and Camilo were able to make the flowers into clip-on earrings. Camilo looked in the mirror and smiled, he hoped she would like him wearing them. He hoped she would like another set he made even more. Camilo decided to make a set for Ana: two pale blue stars that would dangle from her ears.
“Time for dinner!” Julieta called from downstairs.
Camilo pocketed his friend’s gift and rushed downstairs for dinner. It was a tense evening between Dolores wanting to gossip and Camilo telepathically telling her to keep her mouth shut. Other than the sly glances Dolores and Isabela gave the younger Madrigal, dinner went as usual.
Mirabel and Luisa shared stories from their day out on the town, Antonio talked about his day with the animals, and Felix cracked jokes. Camilo only half-listened; all that was on his mind was stargazing with Ana. He cleared his plate as fast as he could, not even thinking about trying to sneak seconds and ran out the front door after saying hurried goodbyes.
“Where’s he going in such a hurry?” Pepa asked
Isabela smirked, “Cami’s got a crush.” she sang.
Everyone at the table, except Dolores who spread the word, looked up with wide eyes.
Camilo knocked on the front door of Ana’s house and was greeted by Valentina.
“Oh, hello Camilo, Ana’s up in her room.” She said letting him inside.
Camilo rushed up the wooden stairs that led to Ana’s bedroom door. She let him in. It had been a while since Camilo had been in Ana’s room; her wall of stars had now become the room of stars. He marveled at them, the small room of the heavens was beautiful and dream-like. They both sat in the middle of her room. Ana noticed the orange flowers that dangled from Camilo’s ears and smiled.
“The earrings, they’re so pretty!” Camilo grinned shyly at the compliment.
“Isabela said they’re called masdevallia ignea.” he said.
Remembering the pair he made Ana, Camilo grabbed them from his pocket.
“I made you something, close your eyes.” He instructed.
Camilo put the sparkly star earrings through Ana’s ear lobes and grabbed the hand mirror on her dresser behind him. He held the mirror to her face and told her she could open her eyes.
Ana gasped. “Cami, you made these?” she beamed her beautiful smile.
“With Mirabel’s help.” He said rubbing the nape of his neck.
Ana wrapped her arms around Camilo, “Thank you, Cami, they’re beautiful.” she said softly.
Camilo wasn’t sure what the cause of his sudden warm feeling was: Seeing Ana so happy or feeling her embrace around him. However, both of those paled in comparison to what happened next. Before pulling away completely Ana pecked Camilo’s cheek with a thank you kiss, he couldn’t help the heat that rushed to his face or the butterflies floating in his stomach.
“What’re you so red for, don’t tell me you're falling for me?” She teased, playfully hitting his chest.
Camilo flicked Ana’s forehead making her laugh, the song he never grew tired of.
“Pfft shut up, you’re such a dork!” he snickered.
Ana pushed him back, “So are you, theater kid!”
“Star nerd!”
They both fell into a fit of stomach splitting laughter, wearing smiles so wide their cheeks hurt.
Isabela, Dolores, Mirabel, sat on the grass right outside of Casita. Dolores parroted Ana and Camilo’s interaction down to their movements.
Dolores sucked her teeth, “I don’t like her like that,” she said in a mocking tone. “Yeah right.”
“They’re so cute.” Isabela chuckled.
Mirabel stared at the two disapprovingly and shook her head, “You two need to leave Camilo alone.” she said.
“Oh come on, Mira, it’s harmless; we’re just having fun.” Isabela said.
Mirabel sighed as she got up to go to her room.
“Alright,” she said, “Just don’t let tía Pepa catch you.”
Mirabel shut the door to Casita and the girls’ blood ran cold.
“She’s right, mamá would kill us.” Dolores said.
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m3nacingg · 7 years
for the Salty Ask List: 1, 4, 9, and 20 for FFXV
thanks for the ask!!
1-What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
this is rlly unpopular but I strongly dislike all ships between the chocobros (besides promptis) and all ships that involve them in one way or another (ex: ardyprom, ignea, ardynoct, etc)
4-Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
*breathes* i hope this doesn’t get anyone mad but I really don’t get gladnis??? I can’t see their relationship getting anywhere near romantic idk oh and noctluna is a whole nother story so I’m kinda just neutral
9-Most disliked character(s)? Why?
does cindy’s accent count cause holy fuck
20-What is the purest ship in the fandom?
the chocobros x a happy stable life.but all jokes aside I’d probably say promptis :p (oh and apparently people ship Luna and Cindy??? I’ve never seen them interact in-game but the fanart looked really hecking cute)
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fangirlmiv · 7 years
Head-canons IgnisxAranea
Ship: Ignis x Aranea
Aliases: Ignea, HighSpecs
Status: Rarepair but expanding 😃
Where do they first interact (talk, flirt, smooch, f*ck): Steyliff Grove
Who propositions who: Aranea pops it to Ignis, 'cuz girl knows what she wants
How do their relationship progress: F*cking first and feelings second
Who's the dominant one: Equals, but in bed, Aranea is the queen
Why are they great together: Chemistry! Ignis is all bottled up and Aranea is a bottle opener. Also, they look GREAT together and they are both smart, capable people. Power couple!
Clichés: Aranea seems to end up pregnant A LOT
After the Fall: Aranea trains Ignis, helping him overcoming his blindness
Shout-out to the amazing fandom!
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thechocobros · 7 years
3, 5, and 6!
3 and 5 already answered ;)
6. Characters you wanted to see interact more? 
lmao can we have NOCTIS AND LUNA INTERACT IN THE FIRST PLACE? xD (this is the saddest thing to ask for since they are the main couple but whatever). Then I’ve would liked to see more of Ignis and Aranea (this because I turned out as a Ignea shipper lately). More of Gladio/Iris with Clarus. I would have liked to see more of Noctis and Regis too. And Nyx with the chocobros, especially with Noctis.
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satorisa · 8 years
Ignis/Aranea (ignea) featuring some grade A+ wine. Ending references this fic. 
With the younger men finally asleep in the tent, Ignis stood up from his chair to pour some wine for him and his party’s unexpected guest. He had several different wines he relegated only for cooking, but he brought several bottles straight from the Citadel’s wine rack that he sometimes enjoyed with Gladiolus when Nocis and Prompto had fallen asleep. He supposed she could do as the man’s substitute for today.
Ignis handed her one of the mugs he used for his morning dose of Ebony before settling back down in his seat. “It’s not much of a flute, so do bear with this.”
“Wine is wine; I won’t complain unless it’s shit. Or poisoned, but you’d probably make it so that I wouldn’t know about it until it’s too late.”
“I assure you it’s neither shit nor poisoned.”
She looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Didn’t pin you as the type to curse.”
“As much as ‘mum’ loves her children, even she would like to let loose once in a while.”
She laughed. “And this is your idea of letting loose?”
“Well, as loose as I can be on the road. Can’t wake up hungover and ruin the children’s perfect image of me.” She laughed again, and he noted its uncanny lightness to her usually gruff tone. “Besides, it would do us no good if I were impaired while fighting.”
She nodded, swirling her mug and finally taking a sip. Her eyes widened, and she motioned for Ignis to hand her the bottle. Once in her hands, she examined its label, letting out a whistle after staring at its vintage date.
“Damn, it’s older than me. How’d you get your hands on this?”
“The late king, actually. He recommended I bring some in case an occasion called for it. However…”
He let his words trail off, deciding not to let the heavy truth linger painfully more than this forced silence. The only thing worth celebrating now was each day they were alive and well—the bounty hunts eventually became more of a chore for acquiring money for their expenses—but that wasn’t worth popping a bottle open for.
“Sorry for bringing it up. He must’ve been a good man, huh?”
“I might have been a servant to the royal family, but he was like a father to me. Perhaps he just happened to fill a role in my life that happened to be empty.”
Inside, he mentally berated himself for letting himself slip in front of someone he not only had just met but also was affiliated with the enemy. It was too personal, and it allowed for more leverage on her end to find an opening and break him. Even when she had said that she was merely an ex-mercenary who only followed the orders (and money) given to her, he couldn’t trust those words. Looking down at his faint reflection in the pool of wine below, he steeled himself for the worst.
“Maybe all of us, somewhere deep down inside, are always searching to find someone to fill those voids in our lives.”
Ignis looked to Aranea, who had her head tilted up towards the sky. He couldn’t discern his expression from the meager lighting of the fire and stars above, but he imagined that she wanted to keep it hidden under the guise of the night. He didn’t bother to prod into the deeper meaning of her statement and expression, deciding it best to offer her the same courtesy she did when he had overshared moments ago.
He looked up as well, relishing in the view of the stars that were snuffed out from Insomnia’s light pollution. When this trip started, he didn’t think he would ever find himself interacting personally with important figures from Niflheim, let alone somehow getting along with one of them. Even with his guard down, he felt comfortable in Aranea’s presence. Almost too comfortable for his own liking.
“Hard to see a sight like this back in the city?’ she asked with an oddly soft tone in her voice. Maybe it was the wine or his earlier remark or, just like him, she had her guard down enjoying this odd solace.
“Once of the things I look forward to when camping besides watching everyone’s faces light up when we’re eating. It makes this on-the-road business more bearable.”
Silence settled between them again with only the crackling fire and strange chorus of nocturnal wildlife to fill the void. He returned his attention back to Aranea only to catch her gaze. There wasn’t much to say, especially with someone affiliated with the group’s sworn enemies, yet words and thoughts bubbled inside of him, threatening to leave if he dwelled on them for too long. He wanted to compound on his statement, perhaps even get to know the woman behind the titles and armor, but he couldn’t afford to ruin this quiet; honestly, he was much too terrified to see the places those ideas of his would take him for many different reasons. And somehow, amid all this self-introspection, he had finished all of his wine without savoring it.
“You should go to bed,” she suggested, calmly and softly, with a smile that matched her tone. “Wouldn’t want the children waking up without breakfast.”
He returned the gesture. “Indeed. The last thing I would like to deal with are fussy children trying to wake me up.”
Standing up, he placed his empty mug on the table before heading into the tent. He nearly ducked in, but turned around last minute to see Aranea watching him.
“Where will you be sleeping tonight?”
“Right where I am, I suppose. Don’t want to surprise prince charming first thing in the morning.”
“Sleeping in an upright position isn’t ideal for a restful night.”
She smirked, and Ignis felt relief to see the headstrong woman he clashed with once upon a time, if only to make what happened earlier easier to digest and forget about. “It almost sounds like you want me to sleep with you.”
“Without the sexual connotation, yes, I am. As long as you wake up earlier than the other two, it shouldn’t be a problem. And you’ll be beside me, if that’s any source of comfort.”
“If anyone’s the safest to sleep with, it’s the lively one,” she joked. “In all seriousness though, thanks. I’ll be out here a bit more, so don’t wait up for me.”
He nodded, disappearing into the tent with a ruffle of its flap. The last thing he remembered seeing was her profile, looking up at the stars and hidden in the darkness.
When he awoke the next morning, slightly groggy from an unusual disturbance of hair tickling him, he looked down to see a mop of gray. Coming to, he realized that she had sidled up to him during their sleep. Noctis would sometimes do that when the weather cooled outside or during a terrible bout of nightmares, but the young prince often nestled himself by Ignis’ chest, too low to awaken the older man with an unruly head of hair. 
Brushing stray locks away from him, he caught a glimpse at her face. In the dim lighting of the tent, he noticed the healed nicks and scratches that marred her freckled-skin. It was a shame, he remarked to himself, about ready to brush away the rest of her hair covering her face with a nagging curiosity of how her skin felt, caressing the valleys and ridges of her tangible past when the many, many lessons about courtesy he had hammered into him finally kicked in.
Hesitantly leaving his sandwiched warmth, he headed outside to get started on breakfast. Only minutes later, when Aranea stumbled out looking impossibly alert at such an early time, did he pose an important question:
“How would you like your eggs?”
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bxrn-thc-pxgcs · 1 year
Tags: Ignea
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