#ignea | asks
bxrn-thc-pxgcs · 1 year
Tags: Ignea
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colourofthekites · 1 year
1. the meaning behind my url:
2. a picture of me:
9. tattoos I want
17. a fact about my life:
1. It's a song lyric from my fave song when I made my blog, Meadows of Heaven by Nightwish
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tired from work but repping my Ukrainian metal faves
9. I did want a paw print on my wrist but apparently that's a furry thing so I would like a Manchester bee but I'm worried about pain and regret
17. I once was at a gay bar and there was a drag queen singing opera over the music
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tengomilpalabrasparati · 11 months
Preguntas por chat
Hola! A veces ya no quiero saber más, sólo colgarme y dejar que pase lo que tenga que pasar el activan ayuda pero no es suficiente mis seres queridos me diciendo
Dicen que si lo hag6 de esta manera mi alma estará perdida y nunca me voy a reunir con mi mamá
Sí quiero vivir pero no sé cómo lograrlo
En el fondo busco un pretexto para porfin suicidarme
Esta sería la segunda vez que lo intento, mis familiares han intentado ayudarme, pero en el fondo quiero hacerlo
@tengomilpalabrasparati​ 💚
Hubiese estado bien que me hubieses contado cual es el motivo o razón por el que quieres "marcharte" para yo poder centrarme mejor en el foco de tu problema
Este es el 2º intento y deberías tener un Diagnóstico médico e incluso estar internada en un centro por reincidencia pues ahora mismo no debes de estar sol@
Tu familia no te ayuda diciéndote que tu alma quedará perdida, debe ayudarte acompañándote al médico, a un centro de salud, un psicólogo.
Obtener ayuda y apoyo para la prevención del suicidio
El suicidio, ponerle fin a tu propia vida, es una reacción trágica a situaciones de vida estresantes; más trágica aún porque el suicidio puede prevenirse.
Los pensamientos suicidas pueden tener distintas causas. Con mayor frecuencia, los pensamientos suicidas pueden ser el resultado de sentimientos que no puedes afrontar cuando se presenta una situación abrumadora en tu vida. Si crees que no hay esperanzas en el futuro, puede que pienses, equivocadamente, que el suicidio es una solución. Es posible que experimentes una especie de estrechez de criterio donde, en medio de una crisis, sientas que el suicidio es la única salida.
También puede existir una propensión genética al suicidio. Las personas que cometen suicidio o que tienen pensamientos o conductas suicidas suelen tener antecedentes familiares de suicidio.
Si te atreves y apetece a contarme el MOTIVO quizás pueda ayudarte a entender mejor ciertas situaciones
Todos tenemos razones para vivir, incluso en las situaciones más duras 
Sobre mí y mi situación
Sé que esta situación es dura, pero también pasajera.
No voy a tomar una decisión definitiva para un problema temporal.
Soy suficientemente fuerte para superar esta situación. Puedo con esto.
Sé que con tiempo encontraré la forma de disfrutar de la vida.
Seguro que encontraré otras formas de solucionar todo esto.
Realmente no quiero morir.
Me da miedo la muerte.
Por dolorosas que sean, estas cosas son inherentes a la vida y debemos asumirlas.
Me quiero y valoro lo suficiente como para no acabar conmigo.
Aunque para unos es más fácil que para otros, la vida conlleva dificultades y etapas dolorosas.
Tengo miedo a lo desconocido.
El futuro no tiene por qué ser siempre oscuro.
No creo que fuese a estar mejor.
Ni siquiera es seguro que lo consiga y tengo que pensar en las nefastas consecuencias que eso puede conllevar.
Siempre lo puedo dejar para otro momento.
Va en contra de mis principios ideológicos o religiosos.
Sobre los demás
No puedo hacerles esto a los míos ni quiero hacerles sentir culpables.
Personas a las que quiero no tienen la culpa ni tienen porqué pagarlo con su sufrimiento.
No puedo abandonar mis responsabilidades y dejárselas a otros.
No voy a dar ese gusto a algunos/as…
¿Qué iba a ser de las personas a las que quiero?
Aquí tienes algunas preguntas que plantearte ⤴
Sé que en este momento puedes estar luchando con pensamientos oscuros y abrumadores, pero quiero que sepas que hay esperanza, que la vida puede cambiar y que mereces encontrar la felicidad y la paz que tanto anhelas.
En los momentos más oscuros, puede ser difícil ver una salida, pero quiero recordarte que la vida está llena de altibajos, y aunque ahora parezca que todo está nublado, el sol volverá a brillar. La tristeza y el dolor son emociones válidas, pero también son temporales. No estás solo en esta batalla, hay personas dispuestas a apoyarte y escucharte.
Recuerda que, aunque parezca imposible, hay soluciones para cada problema. Habla con alguien de confianza sobre lo que estás sintiendo, ya seas un amigo, un familiar o un profesional de la salud mental. Compartir tu carga puede aliviar el peso que llevas en el corazón.
La vida es un viaje lleno de oportunidades y experiencias, y aunque ahora parezca un camino oscuro y sin fin, cada paso que des te acercará a la posibilidad de encontrar la luz y la felicidad que mereces. No te rindas, sigue luchando por ti mismo y por el futuro que puedes construir.
Eres valioso, unico y especial. Tienes talentos y habilidades que el mundo necesita, y aunque a veces puedas sentirte insignificante, tu presencia en este mundo marca la diferencia. El mundo sería un lugar menos brillante sin ti.
Busca ayuda, no tengas miedo de pedir apoyo. Hay personas que se preocupan por ti y desean verte bien. Tu vida tiene un propósito, y aunque ahora no puedas verlo claramente, hay una razón por la que estás aquí.
Recuerda que no estás solo, y siempre hay una mano amiga dispuesta a ayudarte a superar los momentos difíciles. La vida puede ser dura, pero también puede ser maravillosa, llena de alegría y amor. No dejes que los pensamientos oscuros te cieguen ante las posibilidades que el futuro tiene reservado para ti.
Eres más fuerte de lo que crees, y mereces vivir una vida plena y significativa. Toma un respiro profundo, mira a tu alrededor y encuentra pequeñas cosas que te hacen sonreír, porque esas pequeñas chispas pueden encender una llama de esperanza en tu corazón.
Toma mi mano virtual, permíteme acompañarte en esta lucha y en la búsqueda de un futuro mejor. Puede que el camino sea dificil, pero juntos podemos recorrerlo, superar obstaculos y encontrar la luz al final del tunel.
Recuerda siempre que mereces ser feliz y que hay amor y comprensión esperándote. Nunca pierdas la esperanza, porque siempre hay una razón para seguir adelante.
con cariño,
Una amiga que se preocupa y que estará aquí para lo que necesites 💗
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tiallussims · 1 year
Music Tag Game
I was tagged by @glammoose, @noeyinthemist and @latteaki
🎶✨ When you get this, you have to write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them. Then send this (ask or tag) to 10 of your favorite followers cool ppl✨🎶
Ignea - I Tokuni
Halestorm - Mayhem
Andy Leech - The Journey
Billy Talent - Hanging Out With All The Wrong People
Madalen Duke - Part Godess Part Gangster
I tag @aleksa-sims @someone-elsa @eslanes @madebycoffee @void-imp @shanisims @rainymoodlet @yooniesim @ravensim @nilonne
As always doing this is voluntary.
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rules: 🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨
Thank you for the tag @owlghuleh~
Zenith - Ghost (of course lol)
Gunman - Orden Ogan
Leviathan - Ignea
Savantgarde - Magna Carta Cartell (MCC)
Going Hunting - Avatar
tagging, uhhh... @belle--ofthebrawl @backwards-blackbird @a-wandering-ghoulette @joeynihil @endopyre @ghoullance and anyone else who would like to
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vspin · 3 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💛
This looks fun...thanks for the tag!
I chose my "Quarantine Metal" playlist that I started in 2020 and have been adding to ever since.
Summernight City - 2001: Therion
Beautiful Emptiness: After Forever
Choke: Bury Tomorrow
Blue Eyes: Within Temptation
Nomad's Luck: Ignea
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highspecs · 6 years
Hello!! I discovered this ship recently, and I must admit they are beautiful together, not only are they very aesthetic, but her grumpy moods goes well with his calm one, such a complete pairing! I just have a question though, would you be able to tell me where does this ship comes from? They don't really interact in the game, she interacts more with Prompto. I'm curious because they work so well together, I want to know how this started, and I put Anon mode because I feel dumb to ask! Thanks ❤️
Hi there! Don’t feel shy or intimidated to ask me anything. I’m always happy to answer any questions. 
Ignis and Aranea do interact in the game, maybe not as much as when Aranea talks with Noct or Prompto (I see her as an older sister figure to him imo) but it’s enough to go on. I remember playing XV and I think it was when Ignis and Aranea were interacting during battle that I started shipping them.
Check this video and you’ll see what I’m talking about. There isn’t a lot of interactions of them so I guess you could say I really like the potential of it. Like there is a little bit of highspecs for me to get the ship sailing. I still classify it as a “rarepair” unless Square Enix starts to acknowledge them as a couple. 
And you’re right! The thing is both of their characters contrast each other and that’s something people find appealing. When Aranea is introduced she is shown to be playful and flirty whereas Ignis is known to be serious and calm, however I’m sure they both have some things in common.
Also, I think it’s different for everyone. I don’t know why other people started shipping highspecs but I’m glad to see I’m not the only one. If anyone wants to add anything, feel free to. I’d love to read what everyone has to say 😸
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quartzalynlove · 2 years
Mi Estrella (pt 2)
Camilo sat on his bed admiring the orchid Ana gave him. It may have only been to show Isabela, but still, she gave it to him. He flushed at the childish meaning he gave the simple flower and laid it in his lap.
Dolores snuck into the frame of Camilo's open door. “Camilo.” her quiet voice startled him.
“Uh- yeah?” he said.
Dolores closed the door behind her and stood with an ominous smile. Camilo couldn’t read her and it freaked him out.
“Do you have a crush on Ana?” She broke the tense silence, leaning forward.
“Huh!” Camilo shouted off guard.
In shock he shifted into Dolores, then Ana, and back to himself. Dolores’ sinister grin grew wider.
“You like Ana!” She pointed.
“No I don’t,” Camilo asserted as he stood in front of his sister, pointing back at her. “What even makes you say that?” He grumbled.
Dolores raised a brow as she looked down at her brother. She stepped slowly towards him as Camilo backed away.
“For the past week all I can hear is ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum,” Dolores started. “Whenever she comes over ba-dum, when you sit together at dinner ba-dum, late at night when you should be asleep, ba-dum. It’s driving me insane!”
Camilo’s freckled cheeks burned as red as Dolores’ skirt at her accusation. She looked at the flower laying on his bed.
“You gonna give her that flower to ask to be her boyfriend?” Dolores smirked.
Camilo pushed his sister’s face away from his, rolling his eyes.
“She gave it to me so I can ask Isabela what it is, which I think I’m gonna do now.” He said.
Camilo grabbed the flower, and stormed out of his room to his cousin’s.
“Hm!” Dolores hummed before heading back to her room.
Camilo knocked on Isabela’s door; soon after vines opened it. Since Isabela found she could grow plants other than roses she had gone a bit overboard with her room redecoration. Vines covered the walls, and trees shot up to the ceiling. Her room was covered in diverse flora; in the middle of it all was her bed surrounded by the jungle she created.
“Who is it?” Isabela’s voice called out
Camilo stood in front of the forest; the brush was too thick to walk through.
With that the plants cleared the way to Isabela, and Casita rolled him down the path. On the floor Isabela grew something even newer than her first cactus. A papaya tree sprouted from the ground. Isabela had never grown fruit before.
“Okay, prima!” Camilo cheered.
“It’s beautiful right,” She smiled at her new creation before turning to her cousin, “What’s up Cami?”
Camilo held up the orange flower, “Ana wanted to know what flower this was.” He said.
Isabela took the orchid and studied it for a moment, humming a few times.
“A masdevallia ignea, it’s beautiful.” She smiled, giving back the orchid.
Before Camilo thought about leaving he remembered what Ana said about the earrings and called for one last favor.
“You think you could make me one more of these?” he asked.
Isabela nodded, and after a few seconds another flower grew from her hair, identical to the first. Camilo thanked her, but just as he turned to leave Isabela spoke again.
“Hey, Dolores and I were talking last night,” Immediately the alarms in Camilo’s head went off.
“She has reason to believe you have a thing for Ana?” Isabela wore the same sinister smile Dolores did minutes ago.
Camilo tried to run through the path but Isabela shut it, trapping him.
“What’s the other flower for?” The question was so innocent, but it felt like an interrogation.
“None of your business, now let me through!” As much as he tried, Camilo couldn’t push through the trees.
Isabela laughed and reopened the path. Camilo thought this was his escape but his cousin chased behind, trying to see what he would use the flowers for. Thankfully, he was quicker and successfully left the room; Mirabel’s two doors down. Camilo needed to see if Mirabel could help him make the earrings; he also knew she wouldn’t harass him about the meaning of anything.
Hearing the chaos outside, Dolores watched as Isabela chased after her brother.
“I just wanna be a good older cousin and help!”
“There is nothing to help with, Isa!”
Camilo acted quickly to enter Mirabel’s room, but, for an unknown reason, Casita locked the door.
“Casita open the door,” He demanded as he frantically tried to turn the knob.
Out of the corners of his eyes Camilo saw Isabela and Dolores slowly approaching either side of him. Terrified of whatever plans they had he yelled.
“Casita, Mirabel, God, somebody open this door!” Camilo banged on his cousin’s door.
The door swung open, and Camilo fell to the nursery floor. Mirabel saw the two eldest daughters and the looks of plotting painted on their faces; she shut the door right in them. Camilo looked up to his savior as he huffed.
“What in the world was that?” Mirabel asked.
“Absolutely nothing,” Camilo insisted, glaring a hole through his cousin’s eyes.
Mirabel threw her hands up in defense.
He held up the two flowers. “Can you make these into earrings?”
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gods-of-fire · 2 years
Ignea's Official Statement on the Current Ukraine Situation
"Today, after a misleading lecture of made-up history, the Russian Federation is trying to bite off another piece of our country. This is not a start to a new war though, because the war was already there for eight years now. This war has been ignored by the West, even by millions of fellow Ukrainians.
Around Ukraine, there are still hundreds of thousands of Russian troops, ready to kick off a military operation and to block most large cities within hours. But we are not afraid, we're not in panic. We have been under this pressure for eight years, and a new wave of this threat doesn't change anything for us at all.
The Ukrainian armed forces are strong as never before, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers who already have battle experience gained in these last eight years. Ukraine is in the spotlight of Western civilization. Half of the Ukrainian people are ready to take arms at an instant. Our nation hasn't been this strong at the moments we have fought for our independence before, under command of Ivan Mazepa, Symon Petliura, and Stepan Bandera, but their cause succeeded. And ours will!
With the absence of any manifestations, protests, or mere expressions in the media, the Russian nation has shown the whole world, that they, small people, agree with the official policy of their government. Not only that, there's a stream of festive videos from Russia showing their people celebrating. The Russians have unanimously demonstrated their hate for everything humane.
Wherever you live, if you care about the values of the civilized Western world, where human life, dignity, and freedom are untouched, it is your choice to continue supporting these values.
❌ Do not support Russian music artists, they endorse war in Europe.
❌ Ignore Western artists who tour in Russia, they are greedy, pathetic, and ignorant.
✅ Ask your government to support Ukraine as it protects Western values.
Try to realize that we, the Ukrainians, are holding the line for all of you, your friends, and your families. If we fall, the Baltics and Poland will follow. If they don't hold, the whole of Europe will suffer.
Сьогодні ми сильні як ніколи. Російська імперія намагається відтяпати шматок нашої землі в істерії, яку стоячи разом ми з цивілізованим світом можемо зробити передсмертною агонією.
Довіряйте Збройним силам України, підтримуйте керівництво нашої країни яке зараз добре тримається і згуртовано відстоює наші з вами цінності, будьте сильними.
Ігноруйте мокшанські концерти, задавайте серйозні питання своїм друзям, які на них ходять, робіть висновки про українських артистів, які їздять на виступи до фашистського режиму.
Так переможемо! Слава Україні! 🇺🇦" (x)
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kanrakixystix · 7 years
Aaah, gotta request some Highspecs as long as I still can! First sentence: "I never took you for the jealous type, four-eyes."
Y’all know how much I love writing jealous Ignis, omg. 
Tagging:  @mikia87, @hello83433, @hyperstorms, @destatree (if you want to be tagged in future Highspecs content from me - or wish to not be tagged from here on out - let me know! XD)
Word count: 776
“Inever took you for the jealous type, four-eyes.” The statement had meantto be in jest, a light tease to ease the tension from Ignis’s eyes. If anything,however, her words only made his jaw clench tighter, and his eyes, harder. True,they hadn’t spent a copious amount of time together, hadn’t known one anotherfor long, but she couldn’t help thinking that this sort of behavior wasn’tnormal for her bespectacled suitor.
So whatif she tossed a few extra smiles at the gentleman manning the produce stand? Ora wink at the weapons dealer? Or did some smooth talking to the store clerk? Asfar as she was concerned, she had perfectly legitimate reasons to make eyes atthem. They stared first. She just let them think they had a chance and used herway with words and alluring lashes to get what she wanted. It was better tohave them succumb to her because of something as shallow as their sexual urgesthan to admit that she was a mercenary for the Empire, right?
Now, asIgnis led her through the streets in uncomfortable silence, Aranea thoughtotherwise. In the past, she would have pushed him away, would have stood herground and put her foot down. She didn’t need permission to talk to anyone –not that he had said anything to her that would give her the notion she neededto – and it was rather rude to interrupt someone in mid-conversation anyway,jealous or not. Why she didn’t with Ignis was unsettling. Maybe she feltguilty. Maybe she didn’t and just didn’t feel like putting up a fight tonight.Either way, it left her with an unpleasant flipping sensation in her stomach.
Ignishad refused to even look at her, though, and outside of the previously mentionedtighter features, made no indication that he had even heard a word she hadsaid. The lack of communication made her feel small, like she had donesomething to deserve his coolness even though she knew in her heart of heartsshe didn’t. …but maybe she did.
It wasn’tuntil they were in an alley, alone and out of earshot from the other nightlurkers that crawled about the Lestallum streets that Ignis stopped. He seemedto relax a little without the hustle and bustle of the city surrounding them,although Aranea thought it had more to do with the lack of people that couldlay eyes on her. She said nothing, and chose not to prod more than she neededto. If there was anything she had learned about Ignis in their short timetogether, it was that he didn’t lose his temper easily, but she didn’t want tobe the one to cause his demeanor to crumble.
“Apologies,”he muttered after a while. His hands slid into hers, and Aranea allowed him tokeep her there. People like Ignis didn’t act this way out of malicious intent.She had no reason to think his intentions were ill. “I absolutely overreacted.I will do my best to conceal and keep my jealousy in check going forward.”
“That’sit?” She tried not to laugh. Really. But the giggled fell from her lips anyway,and she brought one of their clasped hands to her mouth in an attempt to stiflethem. Ignis’s cheeks burned and he adverted his gaze, hanging his head alittle. For such a proper, well-put-together man, he was still so young, if alittle naïve in the department of relationships. In any other circumstance,Aranea wouldn’t have given a man like him the time of day, but she liked Ignis,maybe more than she should.
“Sorry,”she also apologized, and squeezed his hands. “I’m not mad or anything. It’s…cute,if a little on the possessive side.” She watched as his cheeks darkened furtherdespite the traces of a smile that tugged at his lips. “Just remember that Isaid yes to you, Specs. You’ve gotten further with me than most men in the lastten years.”  
At that,Ignis brightened and chuckled softly. Aranea pulled him closer and leaned up,kissing him slowly. She wasn’t a fan of baby-sitting, but she also didn’t mindthat this kind of baby-sitting was necessary to keep what could be the greatestthing to ever happen to her. So what if he needed a little guiding? They couldlearn and grow together.
“I’llconsider myself one of the luckiest men alive,” he replied smoothly before bringingher in for another, longer kiss, and Aranea felt herself melt into him.
Yeah,she would keep this one for as long as she could, she thought.
First Sentence Drabble requests are currently CLOSED. Prompts currently in my box will be filled on or before July 31st.
First Sentence Drabble Master List
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flowers-of-tenebrae · 7 years
It looks like Aranea tried to touch Iggy’s butt and then ran away LOL
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hypergalaxy · 7 years
Would you write Highspecs + tickle fight?
Ah I adore highspecs but this is my first attempt writing them, so I hope I’ve done them some justice! Thank you so much for this prompt, this whole scenario was just really sweet to picture!
Ignis/Aranea, 705w, GThe first time, Ignis barely noticed. Somehow, withsome luck they didn’t often have, it was a quiet night for bothhimself and Aranea. An entire night (or day, it hardly mattered anymore) that they could spend in each other’s company, no interference.They’d already made love, and Ignis almost blushed to think of howparticularly eager he’d been, but then, Aranea was most skilled inrousing him, and always had been. Now, they were enjoying what peacethey could get, curled up together on the couch in their small, sharedapartment, music playing faintly in the background.Aranea wascurled up against Ignis’ side, the perfect spot for her, he oftenthought. His hand rested on her waist, beneath her shirt, his fingersabsently stroking across her side every now and then. Itwasn’t until he felt her skin shake beneath his fingers, heard a softintake of breath, for at least the third time, that Ignis tooknotice.“Are you quite alright?” He asked. Igniscouldn’t see her face, but by Aranea’s flippant tone when shereplied, he could guess she was trying to look nonchalant. It wasalmost a shame for her, that he’d become so familiar with almostevery aspect of her by now.“I’m fine. Why?”“Oh,no reason.”She was going to play it cool, then. Ignisallowed his fingers to brush against her side again, and this timethe reaction was stronger, he felt a most definite squirm againsthim, heard what sounded like a stifled laugh. Interesting. “Areyou ticklish, by any chance?” He enquired casually. He wascertain he could feel Aranea stiffen a little. “Do I seemlike the kind of person who would be ticklish?” Ignis could all buthear the raised eyebrow in her voice, her feigned contempt for the idea. “Oh,anyone can be ticklish, though. Even a commodore.” Ignis tilted his head towardshers, until they were cheek to cheek, and he could feel the warmth ofher skin against his own. He smiled to himself. “And, I do thinkyou might be blushing. Embarrassed that I’ve found out yoursecret?”A scoff, then, as Aranea sat up straighter. “Nota bit.” Now she had shifted positions, Ignis could bringhis other hand around, until both were at her sides, where she seemedto be most sensitive. At least as far as he’d discovered. His mindspun briefly with the possibilities of further discoveries to bemade. “Ignis Scientia, if you dare try what you’rethinking, I swear-”“You’ll do what?” He challenged,voice a teasing lilt, before he struck. His fingers ran over hersides, tickling her properly, and Aranea let out the most delightfulbark of laughter, a stuttered sound, surprised, that Ignis had everheard her make. “I’ll-” she tried again, but anotherlaugh escaped her, and Ignis had her all but squirming between hissearching hands now, trying to find more spots that might producethat wonderful, carefree laughter of hers. He’d never quite heard herlike this before, had no idea that she was even ticklish at all, butall his senses delighted in it, in her. He wished he could have seenthe look on her face to match, but he’d have to settle for trying toimagine instead. Her now half breathless peals of laughter wereenough. He stopped one hand, heard her pulling in breaths ofair at the slight reprieve, but he was merely repositioning himself.“I wonder where else you might be so sensitive?”“Don’tyou dare,” Aranea warned, trying to reach down and swat Ignis’ handaway. He caught her foot before she could, and even through the thinfabric of her sock, she squirmed, her laughter ringing loudly throughtheir tiny apartment. “Ignis!” She said, trying to pushhim away. Not trying very hard, because Ignis knew, if Aranea reallywanted, he’d be at the other end of the couch. So instead heallowed himself this simple pleasure, pulling helpless laugh afterlaugh from Aranea. He would take whatever moments of lightness andjoy that he could find, in this dark world they’d ended up in, andfor a time, Aranea’s bright, unabashed laughter was enough to keepsome of that darkness at bay.
(writing prompt masterpost | send me a prompt!)
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colourofthekites · 3 years
Get to know me
I was tagged by the lovely @vulnerary-prince to do this so thank you!!
Name:  Mark
Gender: Cis Male
Star sign: Scorpio
Height: 5'7"
Birthday: Oct 30th
Favourite bands: Delain, Epica, Ignea, Ghost, Shinedown, Mallory Knox
Favourite solo artists: Lady Gaga, Rina Sawayama, Lana Del Rey (yikes), Myrkur, Carly Rae Jepson
Song stuck in my head: Save A Kiss by Jessie Ware
Last movie: I think it was the Witches 2020 but don't quote me on that
Last show: Drage Race season 13 babeyyyy
When did I make this blog? Like 2016 i think
Last thing I googled: Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers, I was doing research while listening to it for the first time
Other blogs: I had a xxx blog pre-purge but that is gone now
Do I get asks? Sometimes, they've died down now but I love getting asks in any form!
Why I chose this URL:  Line in my fave song at the time, Meadows of Heaven by Nightwish
Following: 535 people, it was higher but i did a lil purge of dead blogs a while back
Average hours of sleep: hahahahaha average hours of sleep that's a good one!
Lucky number: idk... 25 cause i remember seeing someone say it had the same energy as a friday and i can't stop thinking it
Instruments: Nope, wish i could play or sing but i can't. I sound like a dying walrus
What I’m wearing? Black jeans, thermal grey shirt under a waffle-texture blue shirt and rainbow knitted socks!
Dream job: No fucking clue!
Dream trip: I would love to go to northern Ireland one day, or even to Norway and Sweden
Favourite food: Dark Chocolate!!!
Nationality: I have dual nationality of British-Irish
Favourite songs: It changes a lot but consistently they have been; Danse Macabre by Delain, Norman F***ing Rockwell by Lana Del Rey, Beyond The Matrix by Epica, Dynasty by Rina Sawayama, House Carpenter by Myrkur
Last book I read: god it's been so long I cannot remember
Top three fictional world worlds to live:
Mass Effect cause cool stuff
Spiritfarer cause beautiful and kind
His Dark Materials cause Daemons babeyy
I tag @spoopyandgay, @warpedsoulgem, @skiingcows, @sonoferebuss, @catgifsinthesenate and @intentionallylostinspace if they would like to do it! No pressure though 
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tenrose · 4 years
30 questions tag game
i was tagged by @kiraslight​ thank yoyu :D
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name/Nickname: Amanda
Gender: woman apparently
Star sign: gemini
Height: 1.62cm
Time: 22:05
Birthday: june 10th
Favourite bands: way too many, but here we go with a few. Within Temptation, Rammstein, Ad Infinitum, Null Positiv, Jinjer, Ignea, Dreamcatcher, Lacuna Coil, Nightwish... and like 30 more I just forgot about right now.
Favourite solo artists: I don’t listen to a lot of solo artists at the moment but Halsey, Janelle Monae, AleXa,
Song stuck in my head: none at this precise moment
Last movie: currently watching back to the future 2
Last show: His Dark Materials is the only thhing i have the energy to be invested in now.
When did I create thig blog: 2013 but I was regularly coming on tumblr since like 2012
What I post: it varies so much, but His Dark Materials, music, art, nature, Doctor Who, idk???
Last thing googled: Janelle Monae to see where the accent goes on her name cause I always forget but I don’t have it on my yet french keyboard full of accent so i never type it :/
Other blogs: just url i like to keep
Do I get asks: sometimes
Following: 317
Followers:almost 7k but like 60% of them are not active anymore lmao
Average hours of sleep: six and it’s clearly not enough compared to the hours of work (literally we do we spend more time working than sleeping??? ughhh)
Lucky number: not lucky but I like 3, 7 and 10
Instruments: i don’t need an instrument to be loud and annoying already lmao
What am I wearing: star wars jumper, black denim legging, 
Dream trip: a  roadtrip to every castles in Germany & Austria, Iceland, New-Zealand
Favourite food: lasagna
Nationality: french
Favourite song: lately I’d say Scream by Dreamcatcher (legit have an obsession with this song lmao)
Last book read: The Deep by Rivers Solomon
Top three fictional universes: Tolkien’s world, Lyra’s World (I mean is it cheating if I say HDM worlds? Lmao), when Starfleet finally exists.
Tagging @phantomdivine @misfit-on-a-journey @twocandles
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exactlyonebraincell · 3 years
5, 11, 20, and 23 for the music asks :)
5. Already answered but in addition: Alexandria - Ignea
11. Also already answered but in addition: ATARI FRONT PROGRAM - Utsu-P
20: Also also already answered but in addition: Deep Coma - Haruno
23. THIS QUESTION AGAIN OH MY GOD three more additions then:
1. Into the Storm - Gojira
2. Lambi Judai - Reshma
3. Sadda Haq -Mohit Chauhan
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sageblogsthings · 4 years
find the word tag
rules: search your manuscript for the words water, stone, breath. if they exist, post the line/paragraph/scene
thank u for tagging me @pamsdrabbles! ^^
from Mikah
Ugh, get it together. You don’t have time to get all sentimental now. You have a job to do. Shaking himself from his thoughts, he lumbered down the boardwalk to a small inn just off the water. The sign hanging out front read “The Crooked Pillar.” He wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean, but he didn’t particularly care, so with a huff he pushed the door open and stepped inside.
stone - this one might be cheating but idc lol
from Dust, Drams, & Dragonsblades
With a final huff, he stepped onto the lamplit street. Time to go get murdered, he thought with a forced smile, and set off across the cobblestones.
from Silaesan
"Mura ignea abeleth," he muttered under his breath. The flames around him flickered a bit, but then soared to twice what they were before. "Sterca!" he cursed under his breath.
from Silaesan
"There. Don't want you trying to wizard your way out of those, now do we?" with another wave of his hand he turned away, and Silaesan could have sworn he heard him mutter knife-ear under his breath. Silaesan's blood boiled at the slur, making his bindings burn hotter. Trying to resist the urge to scream after Prolixius, he let the guards drag him away to the dungeons.
from Dorian
"You know, if you wanted to take my breath away you could have just asked me out," Dorian grinned as a cutlass was pressed to his throat.
from Tilaraen
As they approached, Tilaraen noticed the inlays slowly moving, seemingly swirling just beneath the surface of the wood, as though the door itself was alive. Holding their breath, they stretched a dahlia-pink hand towards the door, sharp black nails trailing along the snaking lines. The door seemed unaffected by their presence.
from Ari (sorry it’s long i didn’t wanna whack his magical girl sequence in half)
A few breaths later, and the piles of burnt sand erupted into small pillars, twisting and tangling until they formed a spire above the random objects. Ari watched from below, slowly drawing his hands above his head. He inhaled, watching carefully. As he exhaled, he brought his hands back down, palms facing the sand. The spire moved down, down, down, straining against Ari’s magic, and just as it looked as though the spire would win, Ari pushed down with a final thrust, twisting his hands outwards. With a thundering crash, the spire erupted into several pillars of amber, each striking one of the brazen objects. The objects glowed like hot coals, and just as they reached the point of white heat they began to flicker. Satisfied, Ari waved a hand nonchalantly over the objects, cooling them instantly. He bent down, scooping them into his calloused hands, and examined them closely.
from Verena
The Moon’s heart leapt with joy, and now tears of happiness spiraled downwards. She watched as the girl twisted the chains, grabbing one in each hand. She held her breath as the girl tilted her head back, closing her eyes. She awaited eagerly as the girl muttered words she could not hear, hoping that the girl really did understand.
from Lavender & Amethyst
Sheathing my daggers, I looked back up the hill for the guards. Seriously?! I spotted three small dots hurtling down the hill, and I cursed under my breath. Holding my hands over the sigil, I closed my eyes and prepared to cite the teleportation spell.
from Lavender & Amethyst
I stretched my arm out towards it, slowly stepping closer. Fingers reaching, I held my breath, heart hammering raucously in my chest and ears. Well, here goes nothing, and I dipped my fingers into the light.
from Lavender & Amethyst
Looking beneath me, I saw a woman. With skin the color of amethyst, shockingly white hair, and two charcoal horns spiraling from the sides of her head. As my eyes adjusted more, I looked at her face, her eyes still closed and her breath shallow. 
from Lavender & Amethyst
Realizing that I was still laying fully on top of her, I sat up, then swung one leg over her hips so that I was crouched next to her, muttering a "sorry" under my breath. 
from Dust, Drams, & Dragonsblades
A rusty sign dangled by a single chain above the door, the slightest breath of wind threatening to knock it loose. Squinting, Dorian could just make out the lettering on the sign: The Culterus’ Cup. 
from Dust, Drams, & Dragonsblades
“I got kicked out of the Guild, remember? Besides, I don’t want anyone helping me with this. These mercs aren’t likely to forget a face and I’m not putting a target on anyone else’s back.” Dorian’s breath caught and he cast his eyes toward the floor. “I already hate that they know what Tov looks like.”
from Dust, Drams, & Dragonsblades
Dorian continued in a deep, rumbling voice, a rather terrible impersonation of Matthias. “Forged from the last breath and final fart of a dragon, but you don’t get to hear about that now, Dorian,” he scrunched his nose and pushed up an invisible pair of glasses as he finished his speech, giving Matthias the same deflated, exasperated look he often gave Dorian.
i feel like i’m spamming ppl with tags tonight lol so uh do it if ya wanna? also if you’re looking for some new words to use how about blame, horn, and frigid? i just picked the first 3 words i saw in Arnora skskss
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