#ignis araneae yo-yo
bjdavis5 · 6 months
Bayonetta 3 demons
Gomorrah devoured of the divine
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Sin Gomorrah font of devastation / G-pillar
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Phantasmaraneae spinner of flame / ignis araneae yo-yo
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Wartrain gouon charger of the crimson rim / dead end express
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Baal empress of the fathoms / Ribbit Libido BZ55
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Baal zebul siren of creeping plague
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redrocketpanda · 2 years
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WAaaAAHHhhh. I just finished playing all the boys DLC's and HOLY CRAP?! What a time????!!
I have soooooooooo many feelings (esp about episode Ignis which everyone in the tags of my other post was encouraging me to play) so I'm going to do a breakdown post for each of the boys' episodes but DANG. Here are some initial thoughts:
They absolutely did my man Gladio dirty with that episode?? I personally got a lot of mileage out of the amount of innuendos from it (daddy swinging his big column around anyone?) and I will not turn my nose up at any Gladio content but damn. Comparatively to how long and story rich the other 2 episodes were... could've done him so much better :'(
My sweet cinnamon boy Prompto's episode... When he fell off the train I was like oh, he'll be okay and then his episode came along and slapped the hell out of me for my naivety. Love getting all the different glimpses into his back story and I know he would've been living for the times Aranea climbed up behind him on that snowmobile. But oof, my little fragile heart and love for our baby boy
And ofc absolutely no competition for whose episode was the ABSOLUTE BEST. YO. YOOOOO. Ignis is the character who I connected with the least in the main game so I appreciated getting a chance to play from his perspective, using his sick as FUCK fighting skills, and experiencing his absolute unfailing love for Noct. And then that alternate ending absolutely sent me. That is the true ending in my mind, the one I want to live by, with and in. Cue me being a sobbing wreck at the end of it again.
FFXV has just been an absolute gift to me at the end of an otherwise shitty year and I just have so, so, so much love for it, for these boys, that I cannot even do it justice with words. It is just a powerful feeling that has absolutely seized my body, mind and soul in its grasp and I imagine will never let me go.
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 7 months
Ok ok I have decided to open back up my requests to do Final Fantasy requests due to Rebirth coming out recently. I will open up to other fandoms but most likely just a few (don't wanna overwhelm myself again)
I will have rules for this bc I don't like doing REALLY nasty stuff. I see enough as is... besides it's fun seeing wholesome lovey dovey bs or a good fight every once in a while.
Below will be the rules and fandoms and feel free to give me prompts/ prompt ideas as long as they're not complicated. I also do headcanons. I also listed my Original story characters below and what race they are. I'd be SO HAPPY if you guys would get excited for em.
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Be nice and don't come after me if your prompt/request is not finished within the timeframe you thought it'll be done. Just be patient.
No nasty prompts! Keep it to very minimum. I will do blood, weapons, fights etc etc. no gore unless it's like a severed arm in a fight or something idk. I will do just about any gender/sexuality (within reason, no complicated ones)
Keep your requests to one or two at a time. Don't spam me with a lot of ideas. I know you're excited but also tell me WHO you want so it's also easier.
I'll do characters as long as it's APPROPRIATE. Some of these characters are/maybe are under age/close to 18 yo. Only wholesome like for them (no nasty, fights/sparring are an exception.) Under age/close to 18 and questionable characters that I've listed are marked by this color
I will do request for my own OCs too. Either with other characters or a headcanon to get to know them better. I'll put the people in mostly ship them with in the list to give a jump off. OCs are this color
I'm giving a small list BUT I have a link to my introduction post so you know what fandoms I'm mostly into/I know if you have a different request.
Below are the Request characters I can do. Feel free to ask about my ocs/original stories if you want. I also linked my introduction post. Please Like and Share!
Final Fantasy
FF7 (ages as of remake/rebirth)
Red 13
Andrea Rhodea (yas queen)
Madam M
Chocobo Sam
Kait Sith
Raven Fujiwara (around age 30 as of FF7 RM/RB)
Seraphina (Seri) (younger sister to Sephiroth by blood relation, above age 21 as of FF7 RM/RB) (Is 7 years younger than Sephiroth)
(I don't necessarily have a lot of specific OCS for FFXV but I mostly use my common OCS)
Weiss (Ardyn's daughter I made, is over 21 yo, this version is if she was freed before Noctis' birth/around when Ardyn was freed)
Kingdom Hearts
(most of these characters are canonically under aged/below 18 so this area is a bit iffy) (mostly basing age off as of KH3)
Riku (he is 18 as of KH3 from my research)
Org 13 (Xion and Roxas)
Luxu (within the game he is in he seems to be around 18 ish but eh idk)
Foretellers (in the same boat as Luxu, idk going off looks)
Ansem SOD
Ansem the Wise
Xehanort (depends on which)
Eraqus (depends on which)
Below are characters in Golden Hearts and Silver Stars Story
Katherine Hearts (is 18 as of KH3, is a guardian Keyblade wielder) (Braig/Xigbar is her dad)
Ayla Hearts (is the mother of Katherine and Neon Hearts) (is from the age of fairytales, same boat as Luxu but not the body stealing part) (from a different world)
Neon Hearts (is 25+ like Isa and Lea) (is a Keyblade wielder and is a special case)
The Guiding Stars (most are of age but I'll list names and mark accordingly) (Mystral, Sten, Zolt, Eira, Nina)
Below is the OCs for the story KH: Rewritten
Venus (is not a part of the Hearts' story) (is from the age of Fairytales) (Keyblade Wielder and knows potion making) (was a part of the Unicornis Union and liked Luxu, she soon time traveled to Radiant Gardens where she met Braig) (Chosen Dandelion)
Poppy (Venus' BFF) (A part of Vulpes Union, a Keyblade Wielder) (also got time traveled to Scala Ad Caelum, met Eraqus and Xehanort, now resides with Eraqus as his partner) (Dandelion)
Juno (is a boy) (Venus and Poppy's friend) (Anguis union member, Keyblade wielder) (got time traveled to the time before Xehanort's birth/when Scala ad Caelum was new???) (maybe he's Xehanort's father who knows~) (Not a Dandelion)
Last Pegasus (My Comic)
This is mostly OC territory BUT I am making a comic for them. It should be out by summer (I hope...) (I also use these guys as my normal OCs bc I love them so much.) Feel free to ask about the races too. I'd be happy to explain. I'm also happy to explain Guardians too.
I have listed who is under age but mostly everyone is over 20+ unless otherwise. Not all are listed bc they're either OCs I need to work on OR don't have names but have ideas for em.
Races: Yoitzens, Scavens, Al'bineans, Sirens, Drakens
Katerina Wolfe (middle child, Twin of Flash) (next in line to be the Guardian of Freedom)
Flash Wolfe (aka Felix) (we all know this MF hehehe) (next in line for Guardian of Power) (shape shifts)
Terri Wolfe (engaged) (2nd oldest) (next in line for Guardian of Bravery)
Ally Wolfe-Cornelius (is married) (first born) (next in line for Guardian of Protection)
Ava Wolfe (youngest, has no tattoo) (unknown future)
Gavin Pravus (adopted brother to Wolfe fam) (3rd oldest) (next in line for Guardian of Balance but since is Uncle is Banished he has to figure out on his own)
Daphnes Wolfe (husband to Marina, father of Wolfe fam) (King of Yoitz)
Marina Wolfe (wife to Daphnes, mother of Wolfe fam) (Queen of Yoitz)
Laurence Wolfe (uncle, brother of Daphnes) (Guardian of Freedom, Leader)
Viktor Cornelius (Ally's husband)
Atla (Laurence's wife) (Guardian of Bravery)
Julius (Guardian of Protection and a Military officer of his country)
Ma'ato (Guardian of Power and protector of dragons)
Athena (Guardian of Knowledge, deceased)
Leonardo Pravus (Guardian of Balance, The Beast, Uncle to Gavin, Banished)
Scarlett Harrison (Flash's BFF, is a sky draken from the southern island of Furor) (she also has a family of brothers with her mom and dad) (she middle child)
Reynard (6 tailed Fox, Messenger God, Husband to Azura) (was once mortal) (acts like an uncle to the Wolfe fam)
Celene (Terri's fiance)
Forrest, Du'Fous(Doofus), and Roc (Flash's Friends and members of the Black Fangs)
Azura (Goddess of Memories, loves to rhyme) (lives near the Tree of Songs) (Guardian goddess of the Tree of Songs)
Morgana (Goddess of Dark Magic, whereabouts unknown)
Titania (Fae mother, Goddess of Light magic) (whereabouts unknown)
Modig the Gryffin (Guardian Deity of the Amber of Bravery, Golden Gryffin)
Cordelia the Siren Mother (Guardian Deity of the Sapphire of Protection)
Zergos the Elder Dragon (Guardian Deity of the Ruby of Power, in deep slumber)
Pharos the Great Phoenix Mage (Guardian Deity of the Emerald of Knowledge)
Unera the Great Mother (Goddess of Magic and Unity, asleep in the Tree of Songs in the Oasis)
Byrus the Great Beast (God of Creation and Destruction, asleep as a Statue in the Beast's Grotto, location unknown)
Faaldir the Wandering Wolf (the Wanderer God) (Grandfather of Urion and Faafnir) (Giant Grey wolf)
Urion (Wolf partner of Kat, Twin of Faafnir) (Grandson of Faaldir) (large Snowy Grey wolf)
Faafnir (walf partner of Flash, Twin of Urion) (Grandson of Faaldir) (reddish black wolf)
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pixie-mask · 2 years
I had so much fun with Bayonetta 3.
Now does it have its flaws? Yes. Do I wish more was addressed in story and not simply in collectable notes? Yes.
However I’m thrilled with what was delivered and as a BayoLuka fan I was ecstatic.
Also Viola was an absolute treat. She stayed away from very annoyingly done tropes. She’s not as experienced a fighter, but she is still capable and she doesn’t get in the way of anything that would foil a plan or anything. She’s fantastically silly in a way that’s absolutely adorable and I love her attitude. 
I had a lot of fun with the gameplay as well...for the most part. I hated the Egypt and France sections for the most part. Mostly the Egypt part. France wasn’t that bad, but by then I was coasting off the anger of the previous universe. If there was something I truly hated it was anytime. Any and every time the game play involved riding a demon I just couldn’t. It was such an unpleasant experience.
I do however love the Masquerade gimmick of this game as well as the Demon Slave summoning.
So some extra:
Favorite Sequence: Baal Zebul
Favorite Weapon: Ignis Araneae Yo-Yo
Favorite Masquerade: Malphas
Favorite Alternate Bayonetta: The Street Smart Witch -β1 (Beta 1)
Also thoroughly loved the ending song and Bayonetta’s accompanying dance
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shayminlucario07 · 1 year
Post-clearing Bayonetta 3 thoughts
Obligatory (And obvious) spoiler warning!
So... people really didn’t like this game? Like, actually? Why?
Is it because of “Straight Bayonetta”? If so, I have news for you: Bayonetta’s relationship with Jeanne has always been deliberately ambiguous, just as much so as her relationship with Luka was in the previous two games, so like. Read it however you want- if you want Cereza and Jeanne to be a thing, they can be! Bisexuals do in fact exist!
Is it because people didn’t like Viola? Because... I mean, fair, I guess, since the narrative didn’t exactly do her justice, but she’s also the Cerezita/Loki of this game, which means she was never going to be as fleshed out as the other characters. And, frankly, if there’s going to be a Bayonetta 4, she’ll pretty obviously be the main character- which I’m totally here for, to be clear- and that’ll actually give her the chance to DO something.
Is it because of the Homunculi/Singularity plot being underdeveloped? Because... that’s kind of the case with every Bayonetta antagonist. The only reason Balder works as well as he does is because of the retroactive adjustments in Bayonetta 2, since he was... not exactly three-dimensional in Bayonetta 1. And the only reason Aesir worked is because of Loki, you know. BEING half of Aesir.
Is it because of how little focus the alternate Bayonettas got? Because... yeah, I agree, they deserved more emphasis than they had, but the thing you have to remember is- regardless of what the narrative in Bayonetta 3 implies, there’s no way to be sure that ANYONE is actually gone- Bayonetta 2′s storyline was literally about Cereza trying to bring Jeanne back from the dead, so like. As far as I’m concerned, resurrection has already been established. Also, when your story goes to multiverse level storytelling, all rules are out the window- not that there ever were any, since it’s Bayonetta, and rule of cool dominates everything, spectacle above all is the entire concept of the series.
Ultimately, my thoughts are thus:
It sucks that we have more limited weapon kits, but the weapons we did get are awesome in their own right and frankly, the acquisition of them is much more narratively effective than every other Bayonetta weapon except the guns and maybe Alruna, since. They actually HAVE A ROLE in the narrative. Also, the concepts were pretty great overall- though I could’ve done without having like, four separate slow weapons, but hey, we got Ignis Araneae Yo-Yo and Simoon and there’s a weapon named Ribbit-Libido BZ55, so, who actually gives a shit.
Some of the demon designs were... weird (Looking at you, Gouon and Clock Tower) but the returning demons were a delight to see reimagined (BAAL ZEBUL MY BELOVED YOU ARE THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE ENTIRE GAME) and while I’m kind of mad we didn’t get to see Sheba or Omne again, I also didn’t really expect it in the first place. At least we didn’t get a repeat of Khepri using Butterfly’s body model.
Demon Slave was a fantastic concept- in my opinion, a total step up from Umbran Climax, even if it did mean having to give up meaningful torture attacks- and I especially loved Wink Slave, because like. It’s like a Wicked Weave but EVEN BIGGER and AFTER A WICKED WEAVE. They took the best part of Umbran Climax and made it a normal gameplay move! Fantastic!
Viola’s combat was... weird. Not being able to move and shoot took an adjustment, and I don’t think I’ll ever know how to use the block properly for Witch Time, but it was at least successful in making her feel distinct from Bayonetta, which they never quite nailed with Jeanne and Rosa. She definitely could’ve used more polish in the gameplay department, though.
Speaking of Viola... she suffered from Luca syndrome (Admittedly, rather fitting) in that she was played for comic relief a bit too much to work as well as she needed to. I love the idea of her inheriting the name Bayonetta, but... she doesn’t quite feel like she’s actually THERE yet. She doesn’t have the badass level yet. Also, Cheshire should’ve had actual story in 3, and not just had it be locked behind Cereza and the Lost Demon.
Jeanne was neglected in a frankly depressing manner. Her missions were... fun at first, but overstayed their welcome, and honestly, the most memorable Jeanne moment was Jeanne Beta-Three/Egyptian Jeanne. She deserved better and she CERTAINLY deserved to live- she should’ve been alive to be Viola’s mentor in whatever the next story is.
Ah, Cereza... While I’m sad to see her die, frankly, they could bring her back in the next game and I wouldn’t be bothered in the slightest. It’s Bayonetta, who cares, there are no rules- just look cool and it’ll do everything it needs to. Make Bayonetta 4 be about Viola going to Inferno to bring Cereza and Luka back to the human world, and have her beat the shit out of Queen Sheba to do it. Full circle to the fullest, this time instead of killing God at the end of the game, we’re killing Satan. I’m 1000% in. Also, there’s no way that she’s supposed to be the alternate universe Cereza from the Records of Time in Bayonetta 2- They literally reference the Aesir storyline directly and how the Eyes of the World no longer exist, which is why the Multiverse fracturing happens and why the entirety of Bayonetta 3 happens at all.
Luka was... kind of weird, but not in the way people seem to think based on everything I’ve seen. First and foremost, the idea that the Bayonetta-Luka relationship came out of nowhere is simply untrue- she was always flirting with him. She put Rosemary in her perfume at the end of the first game SPECIFICALLY because of what he said- that’s what that meant! People were just blinded by the concept of Witch Lesbians, which is fair! (Let Bayonetta have both, y’all. Let her have her cringefail ambiguously-part-faerie boyfriend and her badass motorcycle-riding, literally-Joan-of-Arc immortal-ish witch wife. She deserves that.) The whole Lukaon thing was... not well developed, but frankly, I think that’s mostly because of how much the game tried to do. And really, none of the alternate universe things were that well developed, so if you’re going to criticize aspect of that, criticize them all.
Speaking of the alternate universe things- I loved all of them. Tokyo Street-Witch Bayonetta was perfect and I absolutely used that outfit the entire game, because hello, Chinese Warlord Bayonetta was awesome and it was super fun to see her lead an entire army, Egyptian Princess Bayonetta was super cool and it was amazing to see how she actually managed to have a full character arc, going from bonding with her first Infernal Demon to sacrificing herself to save Bayonetta Prime by the end, and French Thief-Magician Bayonetta- Masque*DeMasque Bayonetta, if you will (Hehe Ace Attorney reference I make myself laugh)- was an utter delight, even if she had the most tragic death. And she allowed us to see Rosa again! And she was the only Bayonetta to be blonde! Where did those genetics come from? No clue! Egyptian Bayonetta seemingly inherited Balder’s silver hair, so no clue where French Bayonetta’s blonde came from, but at least we know how/why Viola was blonde. (Also, we deserved to see a variant of Balder. Just one. It’s not fair that we got to see Rosa again but not him. Anti-feminist, dads and moms should be equally important (THAT’S A JOKE DON’T GET MAD AT ME)) I’d love to see more from any of those Bayonettas.
Sigurd was... not good, but he wasn’t really any worse than Aesir or Bayo-1-Balder would be without other characters to make them work better, and frankly, it’s probably a good thing there wasn’t an attempt at making Sigurd more well-developed, because the game was already pretty over-saturated. Singularity as a final boss was underwhelming compared to Jubileus and Aesir, but that’s honestly probably just because there was no summoning of Queen Sheba/Omne and no Infiniton Climax (Bring back the Big Bang Bonus!).
The setpiece segments of Bayonetta 3 were better than 1 and 2 by a landslide- at least, in my opinion. Even if you just focus on the setpieces from the Deadly Sin Ritual Summonings, they surpass the first two on theatrics alone- ESPECIALLY Baal Zebul. Bayonetta just randomly breaking out into a rhythm minigame with an opera-singing frog-princess-demon? PERFECT. But also... Mega-Godzilla-Sin Gomorrah rock-paper-scissors boss fight? Shockingly fun! Phantasmaraneae being upgraded to The Phantom (Devil May Cry reference! FUCK YEAH! Just make them the same universe PLEASE) and... low-key being implied to represent the Big Bang explosion? And the fight where you’re switching between him and Malphas? Fantastic. AND DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON QUEEN BUTTERFLY. Madama Butterfly was badass enough on her own, but MEGA MADAMA BUTTERFLY USING THE CLOUDS AS A BATHTUB FOR A BOSS FIGHT? Immaculate. How does she relate to Queen Sheba, though? I wonder... (More Inferno lore Platinum please and thank you it’s the least developed of the trinity of realities)
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mooglecharm · 4 years
if gladio and ignis were in their late 20s/early 30s...
I need to procrastinate, so here's blabla that nobody wants or needs 😃
I have no real complaints about the characters' canon ages, but I keep thinking I would also have liked it if Iggy and Gladio were older. This draws from a Twitter discussion I recently read that said they were originally planned to be 10 years older anyway.
A few reasons:
1. It would have been nice for Noct and Prompto to have significantly older comrades looking out for them. I think this might even have enhanced the dynamic, with the age gap making for more multi-layered bonding experiences.
2. It would conform to most traditional security protocols - that is, I would personally entrust the safety of my young son, on whom the fate of the world relies, to seasoned generals. Not to youngsters almost his own age, no matter how promising. But that's just me. Regis must have taken a lot of other things I couldn't see into consideration.
3. Life experience, yo, there's nothing like it. Although it's not like you CAN'T be wise and skilled at 22/23, but you get to make more mistakes and learn from them. There’s a bigger playground for character development.
In short, I selfishly want a LOT more backstory behind Gladio and Ignis - at least 10 years' worth.
4. It would make them closer to my age, which is always awesome 😆 PEOPLE WHO MANAGED TO MAKE IT TO MIDDLE AGE WITH CONSIDERABLE HELP FROM JRPGs, REPRESENT.
5. It would make them closer in age to other people I ship them with, eg Ravus, Cor, Nyx, Aranea and sometimes Regis 😆 Not that I have a problem with age gaps in general, but a narrower age gap in canon should make for other interesting interactions.
6. Ignis being employed BECAUSE he's 10 years older than Noctis makes a bit more sense? Like if Noctis were 6, and Ignis were 16, the latter would have a greater capacity for caregiving.
Ignis being hired at age 6 or so to take care of/act as a companion to a child 2 years younger is cute and all...but it keeps making me ask why.
7. They already LOOK and ACT 30-ish. The way they regard Noctis and Prompto, and how they behave around each other, strike me as traits exhibited by two people who have VASTLY more life experience than their wards. The “mom” and “dad” game is strong. Even if they occasionally act like early 20-somethings, there's still some suspension of disbelief for me.
8. A ten-year timeskip to when they're 40-ish would be AWESOME. It sends a clear message that being around 40 can still make you a hot, relatable adventure hero (Cor Leonis was already a good 40-ish AND THEN 50-ISH protagonist during the actual storyline, but having regular playable characters of that age would be even better).
In that vein, I would REALLY have wanted to see Aranea at age 40, which is her canon age after the timeskip. The /Dawn of the Future/ predicts that she never really stops being badass.
No spoilers. Just me being bitter about Aranea in general. I feel it would have been awesome to play as her character at age 30, too (Episode Aranea, I will forever mourn your non-existence).
9. I feel that an additional 10 years more experience would make them more capable leaders of the post-Dawn world. Not that they won't be capable at 30-something, but it's nice to think of them having more experience (together and apart) to draw on when it's time for them to lead in peacetime, when (arguably) youth and physical adeptness aren’t as essential.
10. And last but certainly not the least...
Gladio and Ignis still being OVERTLY unmarried to other people at age 40 leaves a LOT of beautiful room for speculation 😆
May edit/add more to this list, depending on how badly I want to waste time 😺
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Book Three: Pestilence (Ignis x Reader) Chapter Twenty-Four
After the events following Ardyn's deception, Noctis promptly called Ignis after regaining consciousness and told him how he was tricked by the man. He told him how he shoved Prompto off the roof of the train, believing it had been Ardyn. The advisor calmed him down, telling him what they had to do first and to rendezvous with him and Gladio.
Before Noctis could tell Ignis about finding (Y/n)'s staff, the train entered a tunnel and the call suddenly dropped. Looking up at the ceiling and sides of the tunnel, he saw myriads of daemons crawling around. The sheer number of them caused him to gape in shock. Tightening his grip on Pestilence's staff, he glared at the horde of enemies. "And things just got worse."
Daemons leapt off the ceiling and walls of the tunnel, landing on the train. Noctis watched the assailants for a few seconds before a faint glow caught his attention. Looking down, he saw (Y/n)'s staff was glowing faintly. The moment he lifted it up, lightning struck the daemons and killed them instantly. The boy gaped in awe when seeing his path was cleared and glanced at the staff once more before proceeding to regroup with Ignis and Gladio.
Noctis used his own magic and grinned when seeing how enhanced it was due to wielding the Horseman's staff. Once defeating another group of daemons, he chuckled. "I gotta get me one of these." He continues to fight through daemon after daemon as he makes his way toward the front car of the train. With every passing wave of enemies, he was becoming irritated and exhausted. "Where do they keep coming from?"
What felt like an eternal struggle, Noctis reaches the front car and realizes it's no longer broad daylight when looking toward the end of the tunnel. Night has begun to fall, which wasn't a good sign. He couldn't believe how quick the sun was setting. "What?! No light at the end of the tunnel?!" Then, he takes notice of many large spider-like daemons hanging from the ceiling ahead of the train. "What in the world...?"
The daemons drop onto the train, which emerges into the rapidly disappearing daylight. The train becomes swarmed as it reaches Tenebrae. Noctis looks toward the distance and stares with wide eyes at Fenestala Manor. His attention was soon redirected to the horde of daemons stalking toward him.
All of a sudden, Leviathan emerges from the valley below and begins unleashing waterspouts at the daemons, knocking them loose and shattering the train's windows. The Tidemother creates another water cyclone, which sucks in the daemons as they are knocked off the train.
Once all the daemons were gone, the Astral vanished. With the assailants gone, Noctis looks back at Fenestala Manor and realized it's burning. He kept his gaze focused on the blazing building until tearing his eyes away. He added (Y/n)'s staff to his arsenal and headed back inside the train.
Arriving in Tenebrae, Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis climb off the train once it rested idly in the station. The raven-haired boy kept glancing at his advisor, wondering when to tell him about Pestilence's staff.
Ignis could sense the boy's jitteriness and looked up at him. While he could still only see shapes and colors, he knew exactly who he was looking at. "Noct, what seems to be the issue?"
"Yeah," Gladio spoke up. "What's the deal?"
A heavy sigh came from Noctis as he held out his hand and conjured (Y/n)'s staff. "I found this in one of the cars." He handed it to Ignis, who used his hands to identify the object when he wasn't familiar with the blurry shape.
The strategist's gloved hands traced the tip of the staff, eyes widening when he finally recognized it. "This is..." His hands gravitated back toward the middle of the weapon.
"Okay, so you found (Y/n)'s staff," Gladio stated. "But where's (Y/n)?"
"How should I know?" Noctis groaned. He pulled out the vial in his pocket and showed it to his shield. "Last time we talked, she gave me this before disappearing. It sounded like she was gonna leave. Maybe she left."
"She would never leave behind her staff," Ignis retorts. "You saw the chancellor, correct?"
"Yeah. Why?"
Ignis wrapped both hands around the staff, grasping it tightly. "I deduce the chancellor's involvement aboard the train is linked to (Y/n)'s disappearance."
Gladio folded his arms across his chest. "And why's that?"
"Upon the altar the day of the rite, he spoke of manipulating her. I fear his plans are coming to fruition." He hung his head, gritting his teeth in frustration. "I've failed in more ways than one..."
"Hold on, Specs," Noctis said. "You're really blaming yourself for all this? Because that's just ridiculous."
"If that bastard has (Y/n), then we're gonna find her. We're already heading to Gralea to find the Crystal and I bet that's where he took her." The raven-haired boy combed a hand through his unkempt locks. "I hope we find Prompto before we get there, though."
"So we've got the Crystal, a chocobo, and Iggy's girlfriend to find," Gladio said with a brief chortle. "What a list."
Inside one of the labs located in Zegnautus Keep, (Y/n) placed her hands against the glass tube she found herself sealed in. Glancing at one of the computers along the back wall, she noticed the time and realized she'd been trapped for a few days. She pressed her forehead against the frigid glass, praying to the Six the others were safe. Closing her eyes, she listened to the faint beeping of the machines and computers inside the lab.
Suddenly, (Y/n)'s eyes flew open as they traveled over to the mechanical door. It slid open, Ardyn sauntering through with his usual wicked smile plastered on his face. She spotted a few MTs following him, but they waited outside the door. She thought she saw another person among them, but the door closed before she could get a better look.
"Ah, you're awake." The chancellor waltzed over to the console in front of the glass tube. "Welcome to Gralea. Morosely, I will be incapable of giving you the grand tour."
"What possibly could you accomplish by bringing me here?" (Y/n) inquired.
As Ardyn held out his hand and clenched it into a fist, a surge of pain resonated from her chest. She fell to her knees and screamed at the top of her lungs. She tried to fight against it, but she felt her body growing weak and wasn't able to push herself up. It was even difficult for her to raise her head when she heard a small 'click' from the console. "Wh-What...?"
"Now, now. There's no need to fret." Ardyn lifted his hand up from the button he pushed. "This process will be rather equivalent to your time upon the seafloor. In the matter of days, your body and mind shall be mine to command as I see fit." He lowered his hand, the pain vanishing from the girl's chest.
When (Y/n) thought her suffering had ended and she could finally stand back up, another scream erupted from her throat as several needles attached to thick wires plunged into her back. Before she could yank at the wires in an attempt to remove the needles, metallic claw-like clamps pierced her skin to secure them in place. She leaned her body against the glass, glaring at the man on the other side. Her eyes darted down to the console when she saw his hand gravitate toward another button.
Ardyn's hand hovered over it just as they heard a struggle from the other side of the door. He hummed in curiosity as he turned his head before beckoning the MTs to enter the lab. The machines obeyed their master and entered the room, dragging someone along with them.
(Y/n) lifted her gaze from the console and glanced at the magiteks. Her eyes widened when she realized who was reluctantly following them. "Prompto?"
The blonde, who was being restrained by both MTs, looked toward the Horseman imprisoned in the glass tube with wide eyes. "(Y-Y/n)?"
The girl noticed the multiple scratches and bruises across his body. She could tell they were all fresh wounds and desperately wanted to heal him. She placed her hands against the glass, wondering why he was here and not with the others.
Unfortunately, she wouldn't be receiving any answers as she felt the needles in her back begin to inject a substance in her body. She wondered what it was, but it only took mere seconds for her entire body to become paralyzed and for her to receive her answer. Her body collapsed inside the tube.
Pestilence tried moving her fingers, but they didn't budge an inch. She tried to speak and found she could no longer talk. Seeing this, Prompto struggled against the machines restraining him. "Stop!" He bellowed, trying to kick and punch the machines. His eyes narrowed with a sharp glare as he looked at Ardyn. "Let her go!"
The chancellor chuckled at the boy's futile scuffle. "Apologies, dear boy, for I must refuse such a ludicrous declaration." He pressed the button his hand had been hovering over and turned to look back at the Pestilence as water began to fill the tube. "Ta-ta for now, my dear. When you awaken, the final pawn shall be in play."
Due to the paralysis, (Y/n) was helpless. Her body was lifted off the bottom of the tube as the water rose. When it reached the top, her mind relapsed as she remembered the ocean's cold embrace and the endless loop of death. Like before, she could feel the water filtering into her lungs. The last thing she heard before drowning was Prompto's angry and desperate wails as he was dragged out of the lab.
Inside the dining car, Noctis, Ignis, and Gladio are at one of the booths. After their encounter with Aranea in Tenebrae, she entrusted the train to Biggs and Wedge, who promised to deliver the three safely to Gralea.
Noctis stared out the window, his thoughts filled with his recent encounter with Ardyn and Gentiana. Now he knew for certain where (Y/n) and Prompto were. Looking toward Ignis, he noticed he no longer wore the protective visor and the scars, even the minor ones, were vanishing. He also no longer carried his cane around and now wore his normal glasses. "How're your eyes, Specs?"
"The right eye has mended. Eyesight has returned. Though I cannot say the same for the left," he replied. "While the scarred tissue is gradually receding, visibility is poor."
"Still can see shapes and colors with your right eye though, right?" Gladio asked.
"Yes." He crosses his arms, glancing down at the table. "(Y/n) informed me of the extent of damages to my left eye. It will take more time to mend."
Noctis pulled out the empty vial. "Hope you won't be needing another treatment. We're out."
"What truly matters is I am no longer in need of guidance."
"You sure you don't need the cane?" The brute questioned.
"Yes, Gladio." Ignis looked out the window, admiring the passing scenery with his newly healed right eye. While the blurriness of his left eye disrupted his right eye, he could still see what was what and who was who. Once he tore his gaze from the window, he looked back at his companions. "We should be drawing close to Gralea."
Noctis nodded. "Yeah."
"I can't imagine what it'll be like," Gladio commented.
"Swarming with daemons, but you knew that," the boy scoffed.
"Don't remind me."
"Once we arrive, we'll make for the Keep," the strategist informed the others.
"The Keep?" Noctis parroted.
"Zegnautus. An imperial megafortress said to be impregnable."
"With Prompto, (Y/n), and the Crystal inside it," he added.
"What goes in, must come out," the shield stated. The group fell silent for a brief moment before Gladio shattered it with his deep, gruff voice. "So, are we buying this story that the Crystal can purge daemons?"
"The proof is in the purging, but it does stand to reason," Ignis replied. "We've observed that as the nights have grown longer, the daemon hordes have grown stronger. If they are in fact averse to the Crystal's light, it could save not only Lucis, but the world."
"We'll find out once we take it back," Noctis said.
Suddenly, the train comes screeching to a halt. The group braces themselves to avoid any injuries from the unexpected stop. Gladio's brows furrowed in confusion as to why the train was no longer in motion. "The hell?"
"What is it?" The advisor asked.
"My guess? Something to sidetrack us."
The trio get up and move into the cabin car. As they walk past a series of large windows, the glass begins cracking and the train shakes violently.
"What now?" The brute hissed.
The group's attention was drawn to the train's loudspeaker as Biggs used it to contact them. "City's trying to keep us out...with the daemons." Small imp-like daemons, known as snagas, begin swarming across the windows. The trio saw the cracks beginning to spread as the daemons attacked the glass. They backed away from the windows as Biggs addresses the boys again. "Gotta run! Don't worry about us."
One of the daemons busts through the glass and lands in front of Noctis and the others. He holds out his hand to tell Gladiolus to move back, then attempts to conjure a weapon into his hand. "Let's get to work." When his sword didn't materialize, he looked down at his hand in confusion.
"What's wrong?" Gladio asked, noticing the boy's bewilderment.
"The weapons...they're stuck!"
The shield went I question him further but stopped when he noticed the snaga's movement. "Get back!" He suddenly shouted, pulling Noctis away from the enemy charging at him and kicks it in the face.
"Run!" Ignis bellowed, retreating away from the daemon.
Gladio pats Noctis' shoulder. "C'mon, move it!"
As the three make their way through the train and to the freight car, they were pursued by the daemons. "Only a matter of time before we run out of room to run!" The advisor hollered.
"Got a better idea?" Noctis asked.
"We trade the train for the Regalia!"
"C'mon!" The brute growled when noticing Noctis' slower pace.
"On my way!" The raven-haired boy yelled.
Eventually, the trio make it to the freight car and hop into the Regalia. Noctis gets behind the wheel while Gladio gets in the passenger's seat and Ignis climbs into the backseat. "Strap in," the ravenette said as he started the car's engine.
"Gun it!" Gladio shouted. Noctis drives the Regalia out of the freight car and onto the train tracks.
An electronical voice grabbed their attention. "Threat upgraded. Activating level 4 security measures. Sealing all gates."
The Regalia sped down the train tracks toward the entrance to Gralea. The daemons chased after the group as they tried to make it to the gate before it sealed and locked them out of the city. Noctis drives the car through a tunnel and across a bridge as an artillery shell suddenly strikes near the car, causing a small explosion. Ignis cursed from the backseat as Noctis swerved to avoid another shell.
"One clean hit and it's over," Gladio said.
"It'll take a bit more than that to stop His Majesty's trusty steed," Ignis stated.
The artillery strikes begin hitting their mark. An imperial drop ship can then be seen falling out of the sky. Gladio watched the aircraft as it fell. "Dodging one thing to run into another."
"The Regalia can take the punishment. Just focus on your driving," Ignis said to Noctis.
More artillery strikes the Regalia. Noctis was unable to dodge all the shells and soon the vehicle was on fire. He stared at the flames, clutching the steering wheel tightly. "You can do it, girl. You can get through this."
As the Regalia closes in on the gate, several more strikes land directly on the car. Gladio saw their entrance to Gralea was shrinking by the second. "It's closing! Floor it!"
"C'mon, old girl..."
Just as the Regalia makes it through the rapidly closing gate, another strike lands square on the royal contraption, briefly engulfing it in flame. Noctis brings the car to a screeching halt on the other side of the gate near the debris of a train car that stretches across the width of the bridge, one end propped up above the tracks. The Regalia now sits sizzling on the tracks, all its windows shattered.
"That's all she's got," Gladio said.
"It'll do," Noctis claimed.
The trio get out of the car and begin to walk away. Noctis turns to look back at the car with a somber expression, recalling a memory from childhood of his father stepping out of the car and embracing him. "Dad... Thanks for everything."
After a moment, Gladio speaks up. "Are we seriously marching into the capital empty-handed?"
"And with no assurances the Crystal can beat back the daemon hordes," Ignis added.
"Guess we'll find out the hard way. No turning back now, right?"
Noctis stared at the destroyed train. "No way in hell we're turning back. Let's go."
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ezra-blue · 5 years
yo! for the character ask would u be ok with doing ardyn and shiva/gentiana? and/or anyone else you wanna talk about that hasn't been sent yet :3
Sure! If I’m doing three, I think I’ll go a little less hardcore, haha…
favorite thing about them - I give the guy credit for determination and persistence. 2,000 years of holding a grudge and he got what he wanted.
least favorite thing about them - Dude you had years, you couldn’t have found a better way?
favorite line - This one’s another conversation:
Lunafreya: When the prophecy is fulfilled, all in thrall to darkness shall know peace.
Ardyn: How sweet… But please, Lady Lunafreya, you first.
brOTP - Verstael
OTP - … not actually sold on shipping him with anyone.
random headcanon - He actually kind of hates what he’s doing.
unpopular opinion - He deserved better.
song i associate with them - Mostly because of a fic I’m working on, but…
favorite picture of them 
favorite thing about them - She’s a woman of few words, but what few she speaks are important.
least favorite thing about them - Not enough of her.
favorite line - “ Let it now be done…as promised to the Oracle.” she really did care about Lunafreya…
brOTP - Ramuh. Those two are totally chill.
OTP - Lunafreya or Ifrit
nOTP - Not sure I have any. 
random headcanon - Shiva wanted to become a messenger, not only for the sake of rejoining the human world and for her love of humans, but for Lunafreya especially. She let her divine form fall so she’d have the opportunity.
unpopular opinion - I’m not sure I have one.
song i associate with them - Within Temptation, “Frozen”
favorite picture of them - SHE PHOTOBOMBED ME IN GAME. If I could upload it, I so would.
favorite thing about them - His big heart. He sucks at emotions but he’s so good deep down. He just doesn’t want anyone to get hurt.
least favorite thing about them - His temper scares me.
favorite line - all of his dorky little comebacks against the others when they’re being whiny. “Man, it’s hot.” “Lose the jacket.” 
brOTP - Ignis, Noctis, and Sania. He digs smart chicks.
OTP - 
Gladnoct. It started as a pair-the-spares ship, and now I’m into it.
Promptio - because tol/smol ships are cute
Gladio/Aranea - LET ME HAVE MY CRACK. She’d keep his ass in line anyway
nOTP - I’ve never seen him shipped with Ardyn but don’t. 
random headcanon - He got into romance novels all on his own. 
unpopular opinion - He’s a cuddly teddy bear who’s just bad with his emotions and he deserves a lot more credit and love
song i associate with them -  Styx, “Fooling Yourself”
favorite picture of them - None specifically, but I love the way beanclam draws him https://beanclam.tumblr.com/post/166820738301/playing-inktober-catch-up-in-between-work
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
SHIPPING INFO !! Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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WHAT IS YOUR OTP FOR YOUR CHARACTER?: It’s more of an ot4, but I think polyship roadtrip/chocobrot4 is both my favorite and also inherent to how I play my character & how I see their dynamics. Regardless of who in particular I’m playing with or who I ship Noct with, I write him as having had some degree of feelings for all three of his friends (and Luna, tbh). Polyamory doesn’t always work/happen and because I don’t have a lot of shared verses yet on this blog, most of my threads that are headed in a ship direction/are shippy are for 1x1 pairs- but I still see Noctis as having or having had feelings for all of them, and (in non-ot4 situations) putting them aside to try and focus on making one partner happy. (Or, as it sometimes is in the case of Promptis- Gladio and Ignis already being in a relationship, and Noctis not wanting to disrupt/intrude on their feelings for each other, so sharing his romantic partnership with Prompto and simply admiring Gladio & Ignis/their happiness with each other from afar) I just feel like he loves them all so much! Who he is as a person is shaped by how deeply he loves all three of them, and while I adore the individual ships I think the concept of Noctis being able to pick a favorite/romantically loving one but not the others just isn’t plausible to him. It’s just whether the relationship works out or whether he’s willing to act on those feelings that changes verse to verse.
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO WRITE WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: A pretty broad range of stuff. While I adore a good, healthy, loving ship, I’m also both willing and interested in exploring the unhealthy, the messy, the unrequited, etc. I- so far- have mostly focused on small-scale mess on this blog- mutual feelings that are unable to be acted upon for propriety’s sake, leftover feelings that are unresolved between two trauma survivors who never expected to live this long, the uncomfortable question of consent and power dynamic in a situation where a lover is appointed by one’s birthright, etc. But I’m also perfectly willing to work with downright unhealthy ships, manipulation, gaslighting, abuse, you name it. It requires a little more trust between partners, but ultimately I like exploring every aspect of relationships, good and bad. I actually tend to prefer a little drama to pure, happy fluff! I think the ideal state of a thread for me is bittersweet- they’re in love, but ___.  That being said, I have some boundaries! My rules page covers most of them, but they’re mostly common squicks/triggers- I also generally discuss what I am and am not willing to do with partners OOC before we get into any ship situation, so I’m always willing to have someone approach and ask, so that at the very least I can give an honest yes or no!
two thousand years is still within range so Honestly, it’s character dependent. There are some characters well within Noct’s age range I’m uncomfortable shipping him with, and some outside of it that I am. In general, I’m completely uninterested in shipping him with anyone in his father’s retinue- so Weskham, Clarus, Cor, etc, but this is more about history and his view on them than about age gap. On the other hand, Ardyn is still on the table for sheer interest in the chaotic, messy, awful dynamic there. In the other direction, I won’t ship him (at his canon age of 20) with anyone younger than 18-19. 20 is not terribly much older than an 18 year old, but I’m still more inclined to ship him with characters who are 19+. While I do like post-canon Noct/Iris, it’s a hell of a lot different for a 25 year old and a 30 yo than it is a 15 and 20 yo. But in AUs where he is younger- pre-canon, or (for example) the Hero Academia AU, I’m willing to ship him with classmates or peers the same age as him.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: Absolutely, but I’m highly selective when roleplaying, too. Overall I need a good OOC and IC dynamic before I ship, because... well, first and foremost because I want someone who it’s fun to discuss (read: scream about) our ship with. I’m also a slow burn bitch, so I prefer a nice buildup or at least a good amount of IC exchanges/asks & ooc talk before we ship.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY ARE CONSIDERED NS/FW?: Honestly I would say the moment a character makes any mention of/reference to being turned on. I’m pretty cautious with my NSFW tagging, so once things look vaguely heavy, I’ll at least stick a “mild nsfw” tag on there. 
WHO ARE THE OTHER CHARACTERS YOU SHIP YOUR CHARACTER WITH?: I have a pretty broad range of them, but the main ones are: Prompto, Ignis, Gladio, Luna, (25 y/o) Iris. I can also be persuaded to like him with Cindy or Aranea, depending on the interaction and buildup.  Aside from that, it’s all based on interaction! I can like him with anyone, including OCs and/or crossover ships, if we have a good dynamic!
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: Definitely. It’s absolutely fine to have characters flirt or make advances and/or send in romantic memes without asking- but before presuming romantic reciprocation or relationship I definitely like to talk OOC about it. All the ships I have going/building right now came from talking OOC about them! It’s a great way to figure out what you want out of the ship and how to build it.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: Despite Noctis’s feelings for the others being a central component to his character, I think I prefere a good exploration over pure fluff/pure shippy stuff. Almost all the ship threads I have/ships I have on this blog focus on exploring both characters rather than focusing on the happy or sexy aspects of a relationship. It’s super fun writing some kinds of fluff, but I get a little worn out if it’s more than a little kissing/cuddling/sweetly making macaroni together or whatever. Gotta have conflict, internal or external!
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: Definitely. Well, first and foremost I play Noctis as poly, so IC he’s comfortable with the idea of multiple partners, and OOC I like lots of different ships and dynamics! I am a little hesitant about shipping with multiple iterations of the same character- not because I don’t like shipping with multiples, but because it can be kind of hard to come up with multiple unique scenarios for them to interact/get together/etc and I worry about ideas from different threads bleeding into each other. But if I think the dynamic is right and if they mesh well, I’m down for that too!
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: I gotta say chocobrot4 again!! I just want all of them to be happy. Together. And kiss. Because they all love each other.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: 1.) begin playing with me (send meme/approach on messenger/starter call/etc) 2.) have characters interact 3.) ask if i am interested in shipping 4.) ????? 5.) profit
Tagged by: @lustralium  Tagging: @bestchocobro @floweringeclipse @edenslostwallflower @descientia @silenceisgoaded @ravusnightblossom @oraculideluna and uhhhh thats all that tumblr auto suggested i tag so im gonna also say anyone else who sees this and wants to tag me!
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dustofwarfare · 6 years
ficlet-y thing prompt requests HIT ME UP pls i need some practice writing shorter things lmao
today i want to try and write like...shortish things? (I KNOW, OKAY) but i want to TRY AND WRITE A FEW THINGS that are between 1500-2500 words (which is short for me) and maybe even some PWP things to work on better sex scenes that aren’t just, um, dialogue and people breathing hard *coughs* also like, sometimes i 
anyway i am going to either come up with some prompts but if anyone has one, hit me up? i def don’t mind requests (though i do tend to have fave pairings which are ardynoct, promptis, promdyn, ardyn/ravus and ravus/aranea though i have yet to write it, and am thinking about ardyn/ignis and ravus/ignis a bit, and maybe Gladnoct?? idk) so if anyone has some reply to this or leave a message or smthg? today’s goal is to write snippety things under 1K and ficlety things between 1-2K, to practice so! You got anything you want, no promises obvs because i’m a distracted bunny all the time but? :D? 
also if no one wants anything i’m just going to find random prompts and make them up and post them here and then maybe an AO3 ficlet collection thing so SRY FOR ANY SPAM. 
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descientia · 6 years
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FULL NAME: Ignis Stupeo Scientia
PRONUNCIATION: IG-niss stoo-PAY-oh see-EN-tee-ah* ( *I don’t care if this is canon or not and that will continue to be a trend here so bear with me. this is what flies for my muse. )
NAME MEANS: “I stun with fiery knowledge” or some such. *cracks knuckles* HEADCANON TIME.
So, relevant headcanon #1: All these Latin names are “Old Lucian.” It’s the language they used to speak in Lucis before Niflheim’s globalization efforts made their native language the dominant one worldwide ( which I call “Common” or “the Common Tongue,” but a.k.a. English ). It’s a dead language, now only studied by the Insomnian educated and elite ( à la actual Latin ). Lucians outside the Wall don’t speak it and that’s why even Insomnia came to start using Common, only teaching and clinging to Old Lucian as a formality and matter of custom, really. The common class in Insomnia also don’t have much use for it, except doctors, lawyers, and such. The only people who actually speak it fluently are pretentious shits like Ignis and his tutors ( or other rich kids who just really, really paid attention to their fancy elite educations ).
Relevant headcanon #2: The last names of noble families were either chosen to embody qualities that they wish, as a house, to champion, or else they gained these surnames descriptively ( like IRL surnames such as “Thatcher”— someone in your ancestry probably thatched roofs ) and came to adopt them due to pride in whatever they were espousing. The Amicitias were always friends to the King, the Scientias pride knowledge, etc. ( I have headcanons for a few other noble surnames too, like Lucre, who were probably bankers. )
Relevant headcanon #3: The custom among the noble class is to name their children something in Old Lucian that embodies qualities that you wish them to have. ( See below. )
So, given all that, Lord and Lady Scientia didn’t sit down and go, “Hmm, what kind of complete sentence can we build around the exact word ‘scientia’ that will spell out something grammatically coherent?” The last name was already there and they really only chose the first and middle names. Furthermore, his middle name was given to him more in honor of his paternal grandfather than because they were like “he should stun people,” but even then, grandaddy Stupeo Scientia was given that name probably more with the idea of it meaning “stunning” or the idea of stupefying others or besting them in some way, not the super literal, conjugated translation of “I stun.” They’re not concerning themselves with declensions and conjugations here, or complete sentences. Just ideas. ( —Mostly, though you do have those parents who will try to be “clever” by giving their children first and middle names that compose a complete phrase. )
WAS NAMED BECAUSE: “Ignis” because they wanted him to embody qualities of fire: passionate, transformative, powerful, etc. “Stupeo” after his grandfather, although in doing so they also wished to pass on those qualities as well. If Grandpa Scientia was named something they didn’t want to pass on to their son, they wouldn’t have.
BONUS: His father’s name is Veritas Invictus Scientia ( veritas = truth, invictus = undefeated ). His mother’s name is Lauretia Honneur Scientia ( lauretia tweaked slightly from laurea or laureata, meaning a literal laurel leaf or being designated as an accomplished and noble person with one; Honneur is her maiden name, meaning “honor” in “Tenebraen,” which is where her ancestry is from. ) I’ll stop at regaling you with his children’s names ( again ) but yo I’m so ready to talk about it.
NICKNAME(S) AND WHY HE HAS THEM: Iggy = bestowed upon him by 4-year-old Noctis, and it stuck. Specs = bestowed upon him by a teenage Noctis who was too cool for “Iggy,” and it stuck. Iggs, Iggster, Specky, etc. = endless variations of the previous two. He accepts them, though may raise a brow at some of the more creative ones. Mom = bestowed by the gang on the road trip probably. He appreciates that they think of him fondly as a sort of parental figure but is not a huge fan of feminizing nicknames tbh. Doesn’t see why he should be “mom” instead of “dad” just because he does the cooking and cleaning when he is, in fact, a male. Four-Eyes = Aranea. Not wholly different from “Specs,” he supposes, but feels a little more pejorative. May take some getting used to ( although I imagine she must go with a different nickname after he loses some eyes, seems gauche ).
Other titles and honorifics: Lord Scientia, Advisor, Royal Advisor, Hand of the King
BIRTHDATE & STAR SIGN: February 7, M.E. 734. Aquarius.
Tagged by:  @nigralucis​ Tagging:  @totustuumegosum​  @somnusvincitomnia​  @gaudiacertaminis​  @cookignis​  @commodorearaneahighwind​  @khresme  @eigeru  @aegisregalis  @marie-dufresne
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bjdavis5 · 6 months
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Bayonetta 3 - weapons
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bleucommelhiver · 7 years
ffxv favs.
Tagged by @glaive-eve & @singlebecauseofthechocobros. Finally doing it cause whooo snow day also, I am apparently longwinded as hell.
Favorite Chocobro: 
Nyx. Wait, what do you mean Nyx doesn’t count? Noctis, since the VERSUS XIII days. Yes, I am one of them.
Favorite Guest Party Member (including Ravus and Libertus from DLC): 
LIBERTUS!!! This guy honestly deserves more love, but Aranea isn’t far behind.
Favorite Minor Character(s):
Too many list, to be honest. I have this stupid propensity to fall in love with minor characters; I mean what are main characters even? But uh, Crowe, Regis, Shiva/Gentiana, Ifrit, to name a few.
Favorite Villain:
Kenny mother-fucking Crow. CAWWW. Titus Drautos. Ardyn is great and all, but he’s really just a psycho with a vendetta against a dumb rock. Drautos though, he must’ve gone through some fucked up shit to foster so much animosity towards Regis that he devoted his life/career to playing double agent so he could have the satisfaction of running a sword through his “King.”
Favorite Kingsglaive Character: 
NYX. I MEAN, who’s even posting this? The ultimate Nyx hoe. 😂 Honestly, I went into Kingsglaive having the lowest of all expectations and if anything I was slightly salty the MC for the movie wasn’t Noctis, but lo and behold, after a few hours with him, I was enamored. Honestly, have never loved a character as much as I do Nyx and I could go on and on and on about how he’s such a nuanced and interesting person but...that’s a whole other post.
Favorite Astral/Divine Being:
GRAMPA RAMUH! Cause this motherfucker is the only one that consistently saves my ass. Also how cute is it that he picks Noctis up to keep him from harm during the attack?
Favorite Character Overall:
Nyx. See above.
Favorite Weapon: 
Ulric’s Kukris - seriously don’t expect too much from me. Joking aside, I’ve always been most fond of daggers and polearms.
Favorite Location:
GALAHD. Does it count since we never get to see it/it’s only spoken about? No? Uhhhh...Cape Caem. It reminds me so much of day trips I’d take to New England to harvest oysters.
Favorite Quest/Questline/Hunt:
THE ONE WHERE YOU UNLOCK NYX AS A PLAYABLE CHARACTER. No? Uh. Idk, *squints* I’m going to be completely honest with you, I hated the sidequests in XV and the hunts were a bore, so favorite mainline quest aka story segment would be Zegnautus Keep - yes, you heard me, pre-patch too.
Favorite Boss: 
Ardyn in Ep. Ignis. Let’s not go into how stupidly easy and anti-climatic the bosses in the main game where. Fix this SE.
Favorite Monster/Monster Family/etc: 
Favorite Song: 
Somnus. DEEEEEUUUUS DORMIT ET LIBERIIIII IGNEM *flashback to edgelord-trashbag-Noctis-aka-my-favorite-Noct*
Favorite Boss Theme: 
Magna Insomnia. Totally not because Somnus is in it too.
Favorite Non-Episode DLC/Update/Event: 
UNH, UNH, PUT YO HANDS YO HANDS YO HANDS UP. That stupid fishing one that unecessarily reintroduced Afrojack to my life.
Favorite Episode DLC: 
Comrades if Nyx finds his way into it. Or Episode Nyx. Episode Ignis for story, Episode Prompto for game play (yeah, I liked the stupid MGS feel and snowmobile).
Other Favorites of Note: 
Nyx kicking Drautos’ ass.
Old Wall coming to life.
The stupid fucking Audi R8.
Shirtless Nyx...whattt?
Bahamut being the ultimate big-bad but still getting revered, what a BAMF. 
I love-hated the ending, it was a terrible ending, but man, the emotions helped recement Noctis as a favorite, if not all time favorite FF protagonist.
I’m like 99.9% sure everyone I know has done this/been tagged already cause I’m such a slow ass, but just in case you guys haven’t & want to do it, tagging: @mp938368 @notsoartistic @hanalwayssolo @singergurl91 @inconsistencys @spectreblanc AND everyone else who wants to do it!
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ffxvhoe · 7 years
as promised here’s my incoherent yelling about both the alternate ending and the bad ending lmao enjoy *bows*
spoilers below if you didn’t catch that
Bad ending
the music is unnecessarily pretty whY GODDAMNIT
ardyn get your grimy little hands off of my boy ignis
...."i don't want to die without him" uM EXCUSE ME HOW ABOUT WE DON'T GO THERE
Alt ending
the crystal is honestly so pretty tho 
ardyn swaggerin in like he's fucking drunk lmao
he looks like a clown when he's his demon form like...ardyn buddy i can't take you seriously
lmao "well then off with your head" 
again Ignis's collarbones and necklace cAN WE JUST
why does ardyn always throw away his hat like hunny
also ardyn's armiger color is v pretty and v ardyn idk man idk
so ardyn wishes to punish the crystal but while the crystal is sentient to a certain extent i don't see how it would actually have feelings so????? i feel like that logic is a bit flawed ardyn me boy
"but i refuse to let noct sacrifice his life to save ours" I'M FINE THIS IS FINE
"I won't let you take him away even if it costs my own life to save him" I SWEAR THESE AREN'T TEARS OR ANYTHING IT'S JUST A LITTLE MUGGY IN HERE
lmao...it's lit
noct's cry for ignis have you ever felt such pain :))))))
wait so noct goes into the crystal in turn for ignis having his life saved? did i understand all that correctly? 
yo i honestly love regis so much like fucking hell yeah and his voice is so nice
the boyfriends takin care of their boyfriend bless
so i'm just slightly confused as to what the heck is going on now is this like showing the start of the ten years of darkness? i think it is idk
ardyn needs to like...do something about all that *gestures at his face*
AH THE OLDER BROS wow prom is short
i like this ending a lot more i'm gonna declare its the new canon ending thanx
oh ra-
why bearded ravus look lowkey like regis?
the bro head nod between iggy and ravus lmao
the citadel is so pretty honestly
oh there's more
*bites fist* IGNIS LOOKS SO GOOD
also noct now has his father's knee brace too lmao wow what a hand-me-down
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stephicness · 7 years
Fashion Fantasy XV -- FFXV x Fashion Industry Headcanons (Part 2)
Because why not have some more self-indulgent Fashion Industry AU headcanons? C: Especially after talking with @birdsandivory about the universe more and shaping it up. Aaaaah~ I really love this AU, yo.
Cor Leonis
A fashion legend known as Cor the Immortal.
He’s been modeling for InsomniaC for who knows how long?
Trained under alot of people, but their careers are unfortunately dead. The only one with his career left is him.
Probably because he was modeling around the time the famous model, Gilgamesh, was during his reign on stage.
You think that Cor’s called the Immortal because he’s been doing his job for thirty years, right?
Not really.
He’s called the Immortal because this nerd keeps falling off the goddamn stage.
Does he not look where he’s going? Are the heels he keeps insisting on wearing on his shoes too much? Nobody knows.
So he’s called the Immortal because he once fell off a ten foot stage and was totally okay afterwards.
Has a self-proclaimed rival in the industry, but his rival’s just a peanut, so Cor doesn’t worry much about him.
Aranea Highwind
You figured she’d be a model, but bitch, she knows she’s model material. She just doesn’t have the patience to deal with people telling her what to do.
Decide that she’d rather do people’s hair instead of model for them.
Will style you hair however the hell she damn-well pleases to. You get no say.
If she thinks that curls will look cute, you’re getting curls. If you’d look better with blond-hair? Guess what, you’re a blond now.
Almost as scary as the editor, Ardyn, perhaps even scarier because even Ardyn won’t tell her no.
So poor Gladiolus once ended up with bows in his hair for a military clothing photoshoot, just because Aranea thought it’d be fun that day.
It was a remarkably successful shoot, with the campaign for the line being that ‘anyone can look tough.’
Gladiolus got alot of shit for it, but he had to admit, the barrettes kept the hair out of his eyes.
See? She knows what she’s doing!
Works closely with Hammerhead Studios and their make-up artist, mostly because they pay her well and she thinks the artist is really cute.
Cindy Aurum
The best make-up artist as Hammerhead Studios, often contracted by InsomaniC to come do the models’ make-up.
She actually is a monster movie make-up artist and specializes in fabrication and building crazy make-up prosthetics, but she’s really good at doing beauty make-up too.
Can look at you and immediately know how to make you look beautiful.
And feel beautiful too. She’ll shower the models with compliments left and right.
Will always end up with make-up and stuff on her face too. How? No idea.
Will always show up to work wearing brightly colored pantsuits.
Because the first time she showed up, she was in a crop-top and booty shorts, and everyone was getting on her case about it.
Pantsuits are okay though, even if she still wears just her bra underneath her coat.
Her boobs will be in your face as she’s doing your make-up.
Not that anyone really complains though.
Dino Ghiranze
A writer for InsomaniC, and probably the one who hates his job the most.
He’d rather be designing his own line of accessories, but noooooo.
He’s gotta write if he wants to pay his bills. And mostly because the editor’s too scary to give his two-weeks notice to.
Last time he tries to, the editor burned it in front of Dino and told him to get back to work.
Is that even legal???
He also likes to hit on people more than he likes to work.
Will probably hit on anything that moves: guys, girls, one time called Ravus’s dog a beauty.
But all dogs are beautiful, so that didn’t count.
Has a very well-known hand fetish.
He creeps Ravus out in particular because of that prosthetic hand of his. Please stay away from it, Dino.
Nyx Ulric
Is a model, but only really models because it pays the bills.
Started as a bodyguard for the company before being asked specifically by the CEO to model for a shoot.
He wasn’t really too happy about it, but he got to keep the clothes he modeled in.
He cried a bit to himself because holy shit, he could actually get nice clothing now. 
Literally lives in a box full of beer bottles and dust. So modeling gives him nice things for the box.
Comes close with Gladiolus as the sexiest man in the industry. But since he’s a newbie at modeling, he’s not acknowledged much.
That’s okay though. He’d rather just stick to being a bodyguard.
Especially since the stalking issue happened with Ignis.
He does model from time to time, but only for his friend’s line of clothing.
Because he knows they’ll be comfortable, and he won’t have to wear another suit with pants that ride-up his butt.
One of the Six people known as InsomniaC’s Old Fashion Dynasty. One of two still active in terms of modeling too.
She’s an older woman, but she doesn’t look a day over thirty.
Ardyn’s jealous of it and makes it his point to always point out just how old she is.
She ignores him though because he wishes he looked as good as she did.
Trained in France initially, and uses her first name only as her stage-name. Screw the last name.
Will whoo all of the ladies with her Frenchiana skills.
Especially Lunafreya, even if it always goes over her head.
Takes Lunafreya out on ‘dates’ alot, but Luna only sees it as friendly outings.
Gentiana cries a little inside.
Is in a relationship with a guy named Indra Agni Ifrit. Mostly to hide the fact that both of them are pretty gay.
Indra Agni Ifrit
Another one of people from the Old Fashion Dynasty. He’s the only other person who still models actively with Gentiana.
He does alot of model work with Gentiana, especially for those fancy perfume commercials.
Is flaming gay. (Aaaaaye!)
He supposedly hides it in the public eye, mostly so the advertisements he models for isn’t as weird, but he’s pretty open about it to others in the company.
Ardyn has a serious thing for Ifrit, and so the two have flings alot, but Ifrit only does it so he won’t lose his job or his reputation.
Often has shoots oriented around the themes of fire and flame, which got him the reputation as Ifrit, the Fire God.
Is temperamental as hell, and is often seen screaming to his manager, Ramuh, about the dumbest things.
Is really shorter than he looks in his pictures, mostly because he’s standing on boxes or has lifts in his shoes.
“That just means I’m closer to hell, where I belong~”
Has an unrequited love for E.J. Bahamut, so much so that he even became Bahamut’s model exclusively until Ardyn butt into his business.
Eleazar James Bahamut
A retired model from the Old Fashion Dynasty, and one of the most successful models in InsomniaC’s history.
Was the reigning champion for the title of the industry’s Sexiest Man.
He had to let go of the title because he was okay with winning it for five years running.
After his retirement, he began to dedicate himself to designing clothing.
Would rather admire those in his works than to actually model them himself.
A goddamn behemoth of a man, almost as tall as Gladio and as skinny as Ravus.
Is in a grudge war with Ardyn, because it was Ardyn who was supposed to be InsomniaC’s best model, not Bahamut.
Is never seen wearing something that isn’t a suit. Even when he’s trying to be casual.
Very rarely models anymore, but sometimes makes a comeback when modeling to promote his Astral line of clothing.
Has an unrequited love for Ifrit, but refused to tell him even after having had a one-night stand with him. He’s too busy for love, unfortunately.
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losebetter · 7 years
fic: don’t look at the road (6,600 words, gladio/ignis)
i realized that i desperately wanted fic about whoever looked at older!ignis' hair and turned him into the beautiful queer biker punk he was always meant to be, so this is a fic about aranea being that person! because i wanted to write a silly fic where they were gay best pals. also it became six thousand words and a trauma study, because i’m utterly impossible. honestly.
(this was a present for @socialdegenerate! MWAH.)
tagged: recovery, friendship, haircuts, world of ruin, canon disabled character, ignis and aranea as ride-or-die gay best friends
He and Aranea are frequently in and out on hunts that rarely match up, but after six years of pilfering furniture - and especially now that Ignis has taken to the kitchen again in earnest - they’ve turned a dim, unfortunate-smelling slum apartment into something resembling domestic.
“Yo,” Ignis hears - he sits up, head tilted to face the entry. “Can you at least tell me if this is beer-serious before I sit down?”
(read on ao3!)
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