#200 follower event :)
ax-y10 · 6 months
mopey and majestic
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in which; wilbur has plans for the night you come home sad and upset
requested by 🎧 anon; wilbur x reader go on a romantic picnic wilbur set up at your favourite field after you were upset (not the full request) linked with; picnicking together in a spot where couples usually picnic together. “we’re defying the norms,” character a says while being all snuggled up in character b’s comforting embrace
about; reader is upset, physical touch, 'killed' is mentioned once - i didn't do field because i had an idea for the beach but i hope this is still alright.
word count; 813
celebrate here;
wil <3
4:18 pm hey sweetheart, i'm starting dinner now. see you soon
5:42 pm dinner's ready. be safe on your way home for me. i love you
6:57 pm darling, how long will you be? your dinner is in the microwave staying warm. let me know when you'll be home
7:25 pm work finished at 5:30, what's happened?
he knew something was up when you wouldn't respond to his messages. he could understand that you wouldn't reply to his first message because you hadn't finished work, but he was weirded out by the fact that you hadn't responded to any after his second message.
the dots suddenly started forming a coherent reason. you were upset. you needed comfort as soon as you got home, and you were probably walking around the seaside to calm yourself down.
grabbing your dinner from the microwave and putting it in an air-tight container, he made his way up to your shared bedroom. he grabbed a comfy sweater of his and a beanie, alongside a small backpack and shoved the items in.
he grabbed your dinner and pretzels for himself, also stuffing them in his backpack, and called you.
after a few seconds of waiting, you picked up, sniffles sounding through the call.
"hey sweetheart, where are you right now?" he quietly closed the door and started walking towards the beach.
"um, i think i'm near that one cafe on the beach. why? do i need to be home? i can go hom-" he cut you off and shushed your rambling.
"no no no, don't worry. can you go to that one spot on the beach we went yesterday with tommy?" he panted a little, quickening his pace.
"uh yeah. it's hard to see but i'll go there," right now, it was best that you ignored your worries and got there on the beach safely.
"okay, thankyou," he went quiet and created a soft environment on the other end of the call.
quick footsteps were approaching you, and you panicked, until you saw his dark figure sitting down next to you.
the light of the moon and the street lights illuminated his face perfectly, outlining every dimple and curve on his face with a golden glow, a halo where his hair was poofed up, and his smile was highlighted by the soft glow of the moon. he looked ethereal. he calmed down your entire being from just standing there, and he may have noticed.
"hello" his gentle voice filled your ears, accompanied with a small smile. he looked absolutely beautiful and you couldn't get enough of it. it was not the right time to try for a kiss. he was here to hopefully comfort you and calm you down.
"come here" he leaned closer to you and stretched out his arms, inviting you into a warm hug.
"thankyou. for being here," only now did you have the chance to check his messages.
you had headphones in, and your phone was on silent. you were still in your scratchy work uniform, and all you needed was to keep your head warm, a headache creeping into your skull. but as you looked at the messages, everything else was forgotten. you probably stressed him out so much, and your dinner was probably cold, and he probably thought you got killed.
"give me a second" he reached into his backpack and pulled out his sweater and beanie, laying the items on your lap. he helped you pull the sweater on and pulled the beanie over your eyes, causing you to erupt into a small fit of giggles.
he then pulled out his bag of pretzels and your dinner, still tightly sealed in the container.
you almost cried when he pulled out your dinner, you having not had a chance to eat all day, and being caught off guard from a warm dinner presented to you, having not been eaten for almost two hours at this point.
still being rested and warm in wilbur's arms, you had started eating dinner, listening to the waves crashing against the shore and wilbur's obnoxiously loud chewing. everything was so much better now that you had wilbur right next to you and being wrapped up in his comfy clothes.
you were snuggled up into his side, your shoes inside his backpack, and his head rested on yours. his arm was wrapped around your middle, tracing soft circles into the soft skin of your waist. his free hand was fidgeting with the hair tie on your wrist, being careful to not accidentally snap it against your wrist.
"we're defying the norms" he spoke into the blue, not expecting an answer. he just wanted to let his thoughts out to someone, and that someone was you. but he got a whole hearted laugh from you, and you both packed up and headed home, opting to fall asleep in a bed and not on rocks.
taglist; @phxntomsdusk (ask to be added)
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flames-tstuff · 11 months
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the gay space rocks <3 another lovely request from my follower milestone event! thanks again for the suggestions! 💕
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rendy-a · 1 year
Leona, bedroom, romantic, married anniversary fluff (PS, a personal HC of mine: I think Leona would do more on holidays and valentines after getting married, or just graduating and moving in together. he knows his S/O wouldn't ask him to do anything anyway and his big-cat brain wants to do that anyways now?? a case of lowkey cat-brain He'd just be more affectionate in general after graduation i think; simply because all he really cares to give a fuck about is his S/O and himself, and that's easier to express with no extra factors )
I think you are right!  Leona, when motivated, is a force of nature.  I think, when he wants to, he can really go all out for romance.  Hope you enjoy your Valentine story.  Thanks for requesting!
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BEEP BEEP BEEP! The shrill alarm wakes you from a peaceful slumber.  You roll to set your feet on the floor but instead fall from bed, tangled in the bed sheets.  A muffled laugh comes from the other side of the bed.  You stand and look over at your ‘sleeping’ spouse.  His eyes are shut but he hasn’t bothered to suppress his amused grin.  “I’m so glad I could entertain you this morning,” you say to him.  He cracks one eye and replies, “You are entertaining every morning, Herbivore.”  You roll your eyes and scoff before heading over to your closet to grab an outfit for the day.
“Wear the red one,” Leona comments from the bed.  You look over at him, “Why do you care?  I’m only going to work.”  He huffs, amused at your comeback.  “Where’s your holiday spirit, Sweetheart?  It’s Valentine’s Day.”  In you sleep-fogged state, you had forgotten.  You smile and reach deeper into the closet for your prepared gift, tossing it to your sleepy spouse.  “Happy Valentine’s Day, babe,” you say with a smile.  Leona sits up, motivated by your surprise and carefully unwraps the gift; it’s a set of lotions from Sunset Savannah.  You’d asked your sister-in-law what he’d liked to use back home.  “Bet you weren’t suspecting that, huh?  Sometimes you just have to put in a little planning to make the day special, dear,” you say with a satisfied smile. 
Leona smirks and looks at you for an uncomfortable amount of time.  Finally, you raise an eyebrow and set about donning your festively red outfit.  You swing it on when you notice a lump in the pocket.  Reaching in, you extract a small box; inside is a watch, sure to look great on your wrist with this outfit.  “Alright, fine.  You win the prize for best gift,” you say with a beaming smile, “but what’s with this message?”  On the inside of the box is written a few words, not even a full sentence.
“That’s all?” you ask your spouse, “Did you fall asleep in the middle of writing it?”  Leona smirks at you, “It’s Valentine’s DAY not Valentine’s morning.  You are going to have to wait for the whole thing.  You can be patient, can’t you Herbivore?”  You pout a little but resolve to not give him the satisfaction of begging for it.  He wanted you to wait, so you’d wait.
That didn’t mean you wouldn’t wonder.  Over breakfast, on your commute to work and sitting at your desk; your mysterious Valentine was on your mind.  Perhaps that was part of the plan all along, it would be very like your cleaver husband to find a way to occupy your thoughts while you were apart.  You’d just about gotten over your preoccupation with the mystery when a coworker arrives at your desk bearing a large bouquet of flowers. 
You jump up and grab them, rifling through the blossoms for a card.  Success!  Your coworkers gather around to smile at you and coo over the gift as you open the card for another line to your Valentine. Again, it appears to be only a single line and not a full Valentine’s poem.  The short line fails to impress the curious office gossips, but the flowers were enough to let your poor spouse off the hook. The gaggle of busy-body ladies declare Leona sufficiently romantic to warrant a pass for the year.   Although one feisty office auntie exclaims, he better try harder to write a whole Valentine next year!  You send them off with a laugh and remain at your desk alone, admiring your flowers and dreaming of what might be in store for you next.
At the end of the workday, you dashed out of the office, eager to return to your spouse for the rest of your Valentine’s Day surprise.  You wouldn’t have long to wait, as Leona was out front, “About time Sweetheart.  I was afraid dinner would run off if I had to stand around too much longer.”  You rolled your eyes at him before giving him an enthusiastic embrace as way of greeting.  “So, where are we going?”
Leona takes you to pick up a meal he has arranged from the same restaurant you go to on your anniversary.  Then, it is off an overlook with picturesque views to have a romantic picnic dinner.  The sun sets as you lean your head on your husband’s shoulder.  When the last rays of light are fading, he leans over and whispers another line of your Valentine into your ear.  You cuddle into his side, “The sun has set and that sounds like the end of my poem, so I guess Valentine’s day is over, huh?”  Leona gives you a satisfied hum, please with himself.  “Not quite, Sweetheart, we haven’t had dessert yet.”  You smile and hold out your hand for whatever treat he has prepared but instead he grabs your hand and tugs you to your feet.  “Not here.  Don’t rush it.” 
You shake off a feeling of disappointing when he only takes you back home.  You try make the best of it with a little joke, “Are you sure we can get in, looks like a fancy place.”  Your spouse jokes back, “Don’t worry, I know a guy.  He says we can have the best spot in the joint.”  You give him a playful swat and head inside. 
You take off your shoes as Leona disappears into the kitchen and returns with a box.  “Happy Valentines Day, Sweetheart.  I hope you like your treat.”  Your mood picks up considerably as you grab the box and rip it open to find a canister of whipped cream.  “That’s it?  Not much of a treat, is it?”  You look up to see a wild grin spreading on your spouse’s face.  That is all the warning you have before he picks you up and tosses you over his shoulder.  He carries you off to bed, whipped cream and all.  Your day ends the same way it began, in a tangle of bed sheets with your spouse. 
It’s not until the next morning that you see the final line of your Valentine, scrawled on the discarded box.   Finally completing both your Valentine and perfect day. 
There was a time before I knew you, when I wondered if anything could grow in my barren heart.  Now, your love sustains me like a feast.  And your passion warms my frozen heart, Valentine.
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whatever-fanfics · 5 months
Hiiii! Congrats on 200 followers! 🥳
I'd like to request! Hopefully I'm doing it right hihi
I want 1 (fluffy) with 16 (doing work together) from part 1. And from part 2 I'll let you be creative. I'd like with Isaac or Mozart (Ikevamp). Whichever is easier for you (:
Thank you for requesting, don't worry it did everything right! 😊 I'm really excited you're my first request 🥰
P.S. I made the reader gender neutral, I hope that's alright.
Request: Fluff, with 16 "doing work together" (part 1), with 12 "Can you help me with my hair" (part 2). {Isaac Newton} {IKEMEN VAMPIRE}
Foolish Genius
Ikemen vampire x reader
Isaac newton x gn! Reader
TW: None
You sighed in annoyance aggressively shaking your head upwards in an attempt to wrestle with the mane on your head causing you endless frustration. You were elbow deep in old books covered in grime, dust, and god knows what else in the library. Some not having seen the light of day for a year of more. If the opening of the library door didn't catch your attention the small sneeze did.
You and Isaac had a rare day off, so he shyly asked, well it's more like he told you, you offered, and he shyly accepted, in your assistance in gathering information for his research.
"Bless you" you turned to face Isaac, even bothered by all the dust he looked so cute. Sniffling a 'thank you' he turned to you, a bit surprised to see you vigorously shaking your head.
"Are you okay?"
"Hair" you said with one last shake, noticing that Isaac's hands were freshly washed you asked "can you help me with my hair?" His eyebrows raised to his hairline, blush coating his cheeks as he awkwardly scratched one and avoided eye contact with you. He grumbled out an unintelligible response. Afraid you'd made him uncomfortable you quickly added "it's alright if you don't want to"
"NO!" he interjected
"I just..." he trailed off, embarrassed. "Isaac, it's alright" you reassured, "No, I want to, I just...don't..know how" his blush more apparent than ever. "Oh..." you cooed, enamored with how sincere yet adorably embarrassed he looked. "Well here I have a hair tie on my wrist, but my hands are dirty. It's not that hard I'll show you" you put the books down on the table and showed him your wrist. He cleared his throat and made his way over to you, his blush dying down as he did so.
With unsure movements he gently takes the tie off your wrist. Immediately entranced by its material and elasticity, sensing his intrigue you started "it's an elastic hair tie, there's a rubber band on the inside. I have some more in my room if you'd like" at your offer he brightened up a bit, but ultimately focused on his next task. You wanted to laugh but held off on it, looking at his intimidated face.
Isaac breathed through his nose, determinedly, and prayed that his blush wasn't as noticeable as he knew it was before. Besides, it's just tying hair, how hard could it be?
Isaac breathed through his nose in exasperation as he tried to gently shake the hair tie from your hair, you hope he didn't notice the way your face scrunched up when he shook your hair, getting a little tangled form his efforts.
"Are you sure you don't want me to do it, I could just-" "No, it's fine I just-tell me again" he urged you, "okay first put your hand in the band and then grab my hair with the same hand, got it?" you paused, not wanting to overload him with information like before, he started once more. After his countless fruitless past attempts, he was able to pull all your hair through and twist the band "Ah!" his surprise caught your attention. Excited for him, partially because you'd been sitting there longer than you'd been searching. "You did it!?!" while you were happy for him and excited, you tried your best not to move so as to not undue his work. "What next" a bit distracted because of his feat, you quickly answered "right, take the hair through the loop again and twist the hair tie" hearing him swallow thickly practically seeing the sweat drop down his forehead in concentration, it made you happy to know he was taking this so seriously. "Okay, what next" he spoke so thickly, you almost wanted to tell him to relax, "don't worry we're almost done" you eased him. Isaac nodded trying to ease his deep concentration "last step, take the hair through the loop one last time and let the hair tie go" you're hopeful it wasn't as bad as your first time tying your hair.
"Okay" he said carefully letting go, easing his hands down to his side as if he were scared his hard work would fall apart if he let go to quickly.
Raising a hand to lightly feel your hair, you felt more bumps and noticed there were a few strands out of the ponytail rather than in. A strained smile made its way to your face, you hoped he didn't notice, he did. "It's good" a bead of sweat formed on his face as he sensed the falsity of your statement.
Seeing the melancholy look overtake his face you said "believe it or not, for your first time. You did really well" well he did feel a little better after hearing you. Looking back up, fully taking in your appearance, a small laugh escaped his throat. Which in turn escaped yours.
A small hum escaped the young girls mouth as she shifted her weight, waiting for her father to finish her hair.
"Keep still" he mumbled out deep in concentration. She mumbled in response ready for this to be over. She had to get out early in order to talk with the girls about why-"all done" her dad said leaning down to kiss her cheek. He'd gotten better with affection since it was the main way his daughter knew how to show affection.
"Papa" she turned around to see him standing up to button his collar. As he mumbled out a response in acknowledgement she asked "where did you learn to do hair?" He turned to her, surprised, as she felt the braids in her hair. He cleared his throat as a blush took over his features "your-your mother taught me", though some things never change, he answered in a small voice. Clearing his throat once more he asked her why, "cause all the other girls at school don't believe me when I say my mom and dad do my hair, they say dad's can't do hair." She paused for a moment, then continued "I think..it makes you...better..than the other dads." She turned around so he wouldn't see her blush. He knew his smile was evident yet he couldn't bring himself to care. Nothing would beat the happiness he felt from hearing her say that.
First one down 😚
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 7 months
Would you guys be okay if I did my own song ideas for the 200 follower event? I'd still be taking requests from you guys, but I just wanna add some of my favorite songs too!
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tarrenterror25 · 2 months
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"It would be a tragedy to love you quietly..."
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊ Spring is in the Air ₊⁺⋆☾⋆.˚₊✩
Hey friends! I recently hit 200 followers and wanted to do a little event here. Just a small fun thing, nothing ambitious since I'm writing so much other stuff! Thank you to those that follow me for your support! It means a lot!
I'll be doing mini playlists and questions!
Playlists: - 3 to 5 songs to fit your spring mood/vibe/activity, can be with or without a blorbo, your choice! - Ideas: picnic, walk in the garden, flower picking, dancing in the rain, first date, music festival, etc.
Asks: - ask me things about fandoms here or spring here!
🌸 Asks for this close on April 20th! 🌸
some np tags: @tarabyte3 @celestianstars @eupheme @karasong @thegreatwicked
@callsigncrash @communism-bitches @csboz @somniari-94 @daenerys-skywalker
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Chance: So, you may be wondering, “How on earth are you gonna show a death battle? Is that not too gruesome for TV?” And I say don’t you all worry your pretty little heads. This battle royal is simulated, meaning the contestants will not feel a thing. As it’s styled like The Hunger Games, the aim of the game is to be the last one to survive! The last contestant remaining will get the Victorious Ones trophy from yours truly!
We’ve sent everyone down into their districts. Before I give the signal for everyone to begin, let’s have a listen in to some contestants thoughts through our live video screen!
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Chance: Oh ho! A bit of smack talk from one of the contestants! This will be exciting! I wonder if the other contestants are feeling as confident or whether their nerves are getting the best of them!
(The 200 follower event is a go! Each week, I will post what the simulator mentions on it and add some drawings about what’s happened. As I said, I’m not gonna make them gruesome or serious. It will be in a comedic tone with slapstick-styled “deaths”.
Now that you know the very first pairings, feel free to draw your character either talking smack to the other character in your district or perhaps some other form of dialogue. This is not mandatory in any way! This is solely for a bit of fun before I get to drawing the events that are taking place! If you do draw any art for this event, please tag me or use the #200followerhungergamessim tag.
I wonder who’s gonna kill Destino lol
Tagging those in this so you know who’s joined:
Deca and Conductor - @spikyegg
Rimi - @ask-the-shiny-pokemons
Marley, Viola and Chomps - @asktherandomfam
Capital - @askcapital
Armando and Blair - @asklivingwasteland
Nix - @ask-anxious-sylveon
Mothball - @mysteriousmothball
X - @mod-checker
Suicune - @ask-suicune
Prince - @askpsychicarcanine
Shadow - @pokege-ne-project
Acacia - @phantomguild
Ziska - @askforestoddities
Wimmy - @askanotslownotking
Romeo - @ask-guardian-gallade
Altan - @asksolgaleo
Snow - @ask-a-learning-ai
Amy - @deep-digged-pokemon-burrow
Ultraviolet and Sugar - @distortionmewtwo
Sabre - @askleaderscrest
Lucario - @ask-lu-two-and-mew
Ryan and Rudy - @nobetternamethanthat2
Esmeralda and Arthur - @the-shinentist
Magby - @breed-station
Gizmo - @ask-gizmo-and-vigil
Inari - @inaris-pokemon-world
Vekpa - @askvekpa
Chime - @askchimeknight
Lunar - @saguaropokevariants
Peri - @ask-team-spectrum
Hiro, Genji and Ginjiro - @symphonies-of-silver
Chippy - @mew-sanctuary
Lumi and Kyandoru - @minish-mews-and-twos
Mase - @masetheumbreon
Dravol - @asksavel
Spirit - @askadelcatty
Harumi - @life-of-kalos
I’ll look forward to drawing each and every one of your characters!)
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interstellarz · 9 months
Event Winners!!
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thank you so much for 250 followers, and here's the winners for my event!
1st Place!
@w-eons : your moodboard was so good! the green was subtle but still featured in every photo! excellent!
2nd Place!
@bellesmb : this one is SOO good!! i love the red and black, and i luv wonyoung, too!!
3rd Place!
@nwtzy : very nice! i liked the shade of green you chose! my step-dad had a hard time placing you in 3rd!
Honorable Mentions!
@softkiseu : for always participating and putting out good work!
@winteryeoni : for slaying with ur moodboard
@lovveons : for having such a cute moodboard with it's adorable pastel!
all winners, please dm me for your prizes! all honorary winners will get 2 rbs to their entries!
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watatsumiis · 1 year
helloo!! I'm entering for your 200 followers event. Congrats on that, by the way!
Could you do a Zhongli x reader with the number 43?
I hope I did this right 😭
Thank you !!
I can do that, certainly! And you did do it right :>
I've got a feeling this is going to be some angsty stuff, so sorry in advance -
Content: gender neutral reader x Zhongli (in a timeline where canon events haven't happen and he still retains his gnosis and archon status) (romantic), mentions of death (not of either main character), some unhealthy obsessive/messed up behaviour from Zhongli that stems from his grief. A little bit dark maybe, if you're unsure feel free to DM me and I'll give you a proper rundown (I just don't want to spoil it all right here)
Word count: ~690
They say that dragons hoard what is most precious to them, building up piles upon piles of treasures that they then protect with their lives. 
Though not a full-blooded dragon, Zhongli still retains some of the instincts of his ancestry, no matter how long he spends compressed into his 'human' form. 
The treasures he decides to collect, however, are anything but traditional. 
Despite his status as the God of Mora, there is something that Rex Lapis himself values more than gold, more than all the shining gemstones hiding beneath the planet's outer crust. 
Zhongli has never been one to forget a face, nor to let a good story go to waste. He always takes special care to make sure rumours and tales reach the right people so that they can live onwards and travel to the far reaches of Teyvat, even if their protagonists couldn't. 
As the years wear on, everything and everyone has its allotted time to go, Zhongli came to accept this many centuries ago now. Stories are forgotten, once-important traditions drift off into obsolescence, people pass on. 
But in recent years, he's grown restless. So many of his loved ones are slipping from his grasp, like fine sand cascading out into the endless dark of the abyss, where he is unable to follow. 
Even stone wears down eventually, and Zhongli is finding that as his hard outer shell thins, thinking of every loss pains him more, like touching an exposed nerve. 
As always, he surrounds himself with those he cares for, those who make him happy, but lately, he can't seem to shake the looming truth that they'll all one day disappear like dust in the wind. Life is unpredictable, inconsistent, he begins to dread every day, knowing that it could be someone's last.
"Hah, if only all of us could be immortal and all-knowing." You'd said it as a joke, a throw away line directed towards Zhongli after he'd corrected you on something unimportant. 
At the time, Zhongli had seemingly taken it in stride, reacting with a tight-lipped smile and a gentle chuckle. Little did you know, that was the beginning of something darker, much more… sinister than you'd ever know. 
Zhongli considered himself happy with the way things were right now - modern day Liyue was gorgeous, its citizens in good spirit and health, and free from strife, though rumours of trouble brewing in their neighbouring country of Inazuma were often circulated. Something about their Archon clinging to the ideal of eternity.
Eternity. Zhongli tucked this knowledge away too, adding it to his quickly growing hoard of thoughts to muse on when he had a spare moment. 
Why couldn't everything be the same? Not for an eternity, of course, but just… just for a little while. He's been working so hard for so long, Zhongli firmly believes he deserves a break. 
He spends a lot of time thinking about you specifically. Of course, his other friends and companions occupy his thoughts too, but there's something particular about you and the nature of your relationship that he especially cherishes, despite the fact that when it's all in perspective, you're barely a blip on his millenia-spanning timeline.
Zhongli doesn't mean to hide himself away, he's simply… thinking. Thinking of ways to share his power, his burden, just for a little while, to ease the waters flow on the paths of sorrow that have worn their way deep into his heart. Surely that isn't selfish, right? 
Given the opportunity, he'd share his backhanded gift of immortality with all of his loved ones, but you're at the top of his list, the crown jewel of his collection. 
One day, he thinks to himself as he pores over a heavy old tome. 
I know that you will be there. 
He knows it in his heart, you'll be accompanying him to the ends of the earth if it's the last thing he does. 
One day, I'll focus on the future, maybe. 
Once he's sure you're safe and secure, he'll turn to the horizon and think about what comes next. 
One day, 
If you say no? 
Oh baby, isn't life so fucking inconsistent?
He'll find a way. 
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites (without credit + permission).
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ax-y10 · 6 months
irritating interests
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in which; a rivalry becomes a romance
requested by @phxntomsdusk; wilbur x reader, enemies to lovers, highschool tropes. wilbur slowly falling for reader and becoming worried when they don’t show up to school until he finally confesses?? (not the full request)
about; explicit language, silent pining, rivalry, enemies to lovers, nervousness, a few kisses, rude behaviour, competitiveness, yelling, purposefully lowercase, use of y/n
word count; i wrote this on mobile and don't wanna try to find the word count. probably 1k, around there
celebrate here;
all you wanted to do was get through this last lesson of the day and go home, and try at a somewhat peaceful day, but wilbur clearly didn't know 'leaving someone alone' meant. he was watching your every move with caution, more or less, adoration.
"wilbur! please! i've had enough of your bullshit!" you yelled in the hallway, attracting the attention of other students. he'd walked out of class a few minutes after you and approached you, waving his test paper in your face, a clear '100%' written in red pen in the corner.
he knew something was finally wrong when a tear slipped down your face after your exclamation, and he chased after you down the hallway, tripping over his shoelaces.
"y/n! y/n, wait! listen to me!" his voice was desperate now. you had never heard that tone in his voice, and you felt bad. you really did. but you'd rather not give him an ounce more of your attention. your last class wasn't with him, thankfully, but he wasn't letting down the fact that he's made you upset.
you get to the bathrooms and lock yourself in a stall, hoping that he'll give up and leave you alone. you heard footsteps approaching the bathroom, but you never heard footsteps leaving.
'but he can't skip geography. he loves geography.'
and you can't skip your class. your parents will kill you if they find out.
opting to leave the bathrooms, you speed walk to your class, dodging anything wilbur had to say with a "wilbur, i'm gonna be late!" or a "shut up!". reaching your classroom, you place your bag on the floor and rest your face in your hands.
class came and went like a breeze, and you were now sitting in your bedroom, scanning through piles of homework and eating a snack. your last class had sent you home with a fuck-ton of homework, all due by halfway through the next week.
11pm rolled around, and you were utterly exhausted, and having a shower in the morning sounded way easier than now. wrapped up in your blankets, you drifted into a comfortable sleep.
you woke up needing to vomit, but not from sickness, but more so nervousness. wilbur's episode yesterday had shaken you around a little bit, and you did not like the thought of dealing with him on a friday.
you open your phone, remembering you had wilbur's number, for some reason. you were about to open his contact and tell him to leave you alone but you were interrupted by a text from him.
'hey y/n. i'm sorry for yesterday. meet me after school at the park down the road, if you can. again, sorry.'
'wilbur. can we do it tomorrow. i don't want to deal with anything today'
he read your message and you assumed he left for school.
he stood around all day, hoping to see your face pop up at least once but it never did. he had resorted to constantly checking his phone and ripping pieces of paper from his books, scribbling little messages on them, and shoving them in his pants pocket.
he was a mess, to say the least.
he was worried about someone he knew didn't care about him when they didn't show up to school. how pathetic can he get? he was never worried when you stayed home sick or when you went on a holiday, but this. this was different.
this was now. this is when he has finally gained feelings. this was the present time.
you ran down to the park, having completely forgotten that wilbur had messaged you yesterday after school saying he was happy to meet up today. you were struggling against the wind, your hair in your face and your loose band tee stuck to your body.
wilbur wasn't much better than you. he was picking at his fingernails, chewing on his fingers and flipping his phone around on his hands. he was a mess, yet again.
you spotted him sitting on a bench under a tree. he looked just as bad as you. well, a little bit better. he had actually put thought into his appearance. you showed up expecting to be able to leave within five minutes.
however, you couldn't have been further from the truth. two hours have passed since you sat down next to him, and majority of that time was spent with wilbur muttering short, breathless apologies to you. you'd said a few things, but now you were stuck with a prominent blush staining your face.
it fell silent over the both of you, staring out into the small pond, smiling at the ducks chewing at a few bread crumbs.
before he spoke up.
"i like you." he avoided your gaze.
"wilbur, what?"
"i like you. maybe that's why I find it hard to talk to you in any other way than pointless jokes. i didn't realise i was hurting you because i was so worried that my feelings would somehow get out to you." he admitted, an identical blush coating his face, making you lightly laugh at him.
"you pissed me off a lot though. and you thought i was stupid. and that i wasn't as smart as you. did you mean any of that?" you were worrying now.
"no, no no, no. i never meant that. again, i was too worried about my feelings for you that i completely disregarded how you felt." he quickly said, shutting his mouth as fast as he could.
this time, however. you didn't laugh. you didn't snicker. you didn't tease him.
you learnt over and rested on his shoulder, pressing a small kiss to his cheek. you press the same kiss to his nose, and then finally to his lips. he looked funny, lipgloss slightly smudged on his face, but at least he wasn't an ass about it.
he pressed more kisses to your lips, and sealing your fates with a long, warm kiss.
he wouldn't be teasing you anytime soon.
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flames-tstuff · 10 months
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they have been afflicted with silly girl syndrome
(inspo/reference under the cut)
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rendy-a · 1 year
Hello! I'd like to request for your 200 follower event with Riddle, romantic, Heartslabyul's rose garden. But the reader is the one offering him a card, strawberry tart, and asking him to be their Valentine please. Thank you!
I got writer's block on my bigger piece, so I thought I'd flip over to finishing up this event. Only one more piece to go! I hope you enjoy my take on this confession Valentine!
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I think we make the perfect pair, Valentine.  Won’t you be the King to my Queen? 
Red, white and black.  These were the colors of Heartslabyul and those that reminded you most of the Dorm Leader who resides there.  You smile fondly at the bright red strawberry tart as you pull if from the oven, it looks to be a great success.  Trey pats you on the back and says, “Don’t get too comfortable, there is still the decorating to go.”  You grab the bag of whipped white frosting and hold it up, “Yes, Sir!” Your enthusiasm amuses the senior and he chuckles at you.
You’d asked Trey if he would help you make a tart.  Not just any tart but his recipe for strawberry tarts.  You told him it was because they were the best you’ve tasted and, while true, that wasn’t the real reason.  No, it was because you knew Trey’s strawberry tarts were HIS favorite. 
Riddle had helped you catch up in your history of magic class.  It was a challenge for you, coming from a different world, to learn not just the freshman curriculum but also so much of the general world history that other students had learned ages ago.  Riddle had taken on the task with his usual grace.  He patiently reviewed practice tests with you and gave you flashcards to practice with; both tools made by the dorm leader himself.   You saw sides of Riddle you hadn’t seen before; the eager side when he got to share new knowledge, the pleased smile when you score a perfect mark on his practice test and the gentle side when he shakes you awake when you nod off and softly suggests you head off to bed.
When the semester ended, you took your final exam to show your strict tutor.  When you arrive at the library table you typically share, he takes the exam from your hand.  “A score of 86%.  You have room to improve, Prefect.” Riddle states sternly.  You grip your books tightly, afraid of what he might say next.  Have you disappointed him?  You feel his hand land on your shoulder and look up to see him giving you a beaming smile.  “All and all, it was well done.  I’m proud of your progress.”  He’d given you a small amount of praise and it made your heart beat faster.   
As the winter months passed, you only felt closer to the Rose Tyrant.  You were opposites in many ways and yet, you felt that you complemented each other well.  Like the white and black accents in a deck of playing cards, your differences combined to make a striking pair; at least in your mind they did.  Study sessions sometimes turned into informal chats and you enjoyed the easy rapport you’d built.  That time in the library, sitting side by side, you found yourself wishing it wouldn’t end.  That brought you to today and your confession.  You’d pictured yourself telling Riddle how you felt many times and hoped that, when you finally gave him your tart and confession, he’d respond in the way you’d imagined him doing so often.  Sweetly, with that small gentle smile you’d seen him give his favorite hedgehogs.  And then…
“Woah!” Trey swoops in and pulls the bag of cream from your hand as you squeeze a fountain of frosting over the tart.  “I got distracted!” you exclaim in dismay, shaking the daydream from your mind.  Trey clucks at you and pushes you aside.  “Can you fix it?” you ask nervously.  He gives a harumph.  “Who do you think you are talking to?”  You stand and watch over his shoulder as he expertly removes the mess of frosting and covers the mistake in an artful swirl of piped frosting.  You sigh in relief to see your special tart saved.  Then you added the dark chocolate decorations.  Finished.  The dark chocolate, white frosting and red strawberries; it was perfect.
You packed the tart in a small box and put it in the basket you had waiting.  “There!” you say, satisfied with the overall look.  “Don’t forget the card.” Trey says with a mischievous smile.  “Gah!” you exclaim.  “Wha…wh…whatever do you mean?” you ask him in a fluster.  He smiles at you knowingly, “Oh nothing, I guess I just imagined it.”  You think you must look quite amusing from the glint in Trey’s eyes.  He hands you tableware for two, “But in case I didn’t imagine it, Riddle is feeding the flamingos today.”   You manage to get out a ‘thank you’ before darting out of the kitchen with your basket.
You find Riddle at the flamingo pen.  He smiles so sweetly at the birds as he admonishes them for being greedy with their dinner.  “No pushing! Line up and wait your turn.”  The words are strict, but the tone betrays the softness of the red-haired boy.  You stand in the shadows of the maze, watching and waiting for his chores to finish.  When he finally latches the fence, you dart out and exclaim, “Oh!  Riddle!  Why, what a coincidence.  I was just wondering if you’d like to join me for a snack.” 
He jumps a little, your voice surprising him.  He turns to look at you, a slight flush on his cheeks.  You assume he is embarrassed for jumping.  “Its late for snacks,” he says cautiously.  You hold out the basket, “I am learning to make tarts from Trey.”  The combination of Trey and tarts does the trick.  Riddle raises his chin slightly and you can see the debate in his mind.  When he asks, “What sort of tart?” you know you have him. 
You let Riddle lead you to a secluded table in the rose maze.  There are so many hidden places like this buried deep within the maze and, you suppose, Riddle must know them all.  “Wow, this feels like the perfect place for something like a confession.” You say with a forced laugh.  Riddle turns bright red, “N..nonsense!  It’s a perfectly normal place for two f..friends to have a tart.”  An uncomfortable silence settles between you.  Finally Riddle breaks it, “That is if you’d still like to join me, as f..friends?” 
You felt nervous by this turn of events but still press on.  You knew the risks when you decided to confess.  You set the basket down and cut two slices of tart.  You hand Riddle the first slice and slide your Valentine’s card under his napkin before placing it at his side.  Then, you take the second slice and sit across from him to eat and wait. 
Riddle attempts some conversation but you are too nervous to carry it long.  Finally, he finishes his slice of tart and moves to lift his napkin.  He has seen the card and you feel you heart jump into your throat.  “What’s this?” he asks puzzled.  “Its for you,” you begin nervously, “Please read it.”  Then he does and you watch his face take on an expression you’ve never seen him make before; his eyes widen and his mouth parts into a gentle O of shock.  It’s a short poem, so you know he must have long since finished reading it, but he remains frozen, just staring at the card. 
Finally, he looks up at you with wide hopeful eyes.  “Is this true?  I feel as though this can’t be reality.  Do you truly feel this way about…me?”  You smile at him softly, “I do, I have for a while now.  You’ve become really special to me and…I just hope that I’m special to you too.” 
He looks at you with a wavering smile and a small tear slips from his eye.  He heaves a nervous chuckle and wipes it from his eye.  “As if you even need to question it.”  Then, he reaches into his jacket and pulls out an envelope with your name penned in his perfect handwriting.  Now it is your turn to have your expression morph into one of shock.  “I didn’t know if I’d have the courage to give this to you but, considering the circumstances, I think it only fair.”  You read his Valentine confession and know you must be smiling like a fool now too.
You often thought that you and Riddle were like black and white; two opposite colors that somehow just went together.  But now your focus is red.  Red is the color of his blush when as you circle around the table and draw close.  It’s the color of the lock of hair you push from his anxious face.  And the color of his lips when you finally share your first kiss in the rose maze as Valentines.  Black, white and red; like the uniform of Heartslabyul or a sweet love that blooms deep within a rose maze.
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Good job on reaching 200 followers! X3
for the event thing can you do my OC, Miyu?
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Thank you! :3
Of course! I will get started ASAP!
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 7 months
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.·:🎼¨༺ Songs from the heart ༻¨🎼:·. | 200 followers event
So I just hit 200 followers and had this idea for an event! Here's how it works!
Description: You are playing Genshin Impact or Twisted Wonderland as you listen to music. Three of the characters, however, are curious about the song you're listening too. How will they react to the lyrics?
What to do: 1.) Pick a song 2.) Pick 3 characters (either from genshin or twisted) 3.) Choose either normal or Yandere 4.) Pick angst or fluff
Restrictions: I will not do any song that has slurs in it, I won't do any problimatic artists, I won't do any song that has a problimatic meaning. I AM ALLOWED TO TURN DOWN ANY REQUEST AT ANY TIME.
Status: Closed ❌
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tarrenterror25 · 2 months
tarren congrats on your follower celebration!! 🎉💖 that is so awesome and so well-deserved - I adore your headcanons and fics so much! you always have the best ideas! I am such a fan of you & your work, my friend!
if I am not too late, could I please request a playlist about going on a little farmers market date with Alfred? 🌷💖 and sneaking in a spring question for you: Picnic - describe your ideal spring afternoon.
Hey Jess!! Thank you so much and thank you for being such an incredible friend! You are one of the kindest people I've met! 💕
Picnic - describe your ideal spring afternoon.
My ideal spring afternoon would be just doing anything outside whether it be grabbing a treat and sitting at a cafe, shopping at an outdoor mall, going to the park, farmer's market, local carnival, arboretum, or even just sitting in my front lawn reading a book. As long as I am outside feeling the sun, I am okey dokey!
I love this idea! I just imagine Alfred not being familiar with going to a farmer's market and being a little confused as to why you picked there as a date and you having to explain that it's full of all kinds of experiences and will be fun! (Insert grumpy old man Alfred).
I imagined a romantic stroll past the vendors, the two of you linked arm in arm, the way Alfred watches you from afar just admiring you. The two of you picking out fresh fruit, produce, flowers, trying some of the food the vendors have to offer, some great and some not, and finding other cool niche things! Sitting in the shade to enjoy some lunch and exploring what else the market has to offer or venturing off to the nearby shops to check those out!
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I'll Be the Sea Honey...You'll Be the Tide
Roses Are Falling by Orville Peck
Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer
There She Goes by The La's
The Tide by Pale Waves
Pool by Paramore
I hope you like it! 💕🌸
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🎉🎉🎉 200 follower hunger games simulator oc challenge! 🎉🎉🎉
It’s been decided that the hunger games simulator is going ahead! Very much looking forward to it!
First, the participants! I can have a maximum of 48 ocs join this challenge and a minimum of 24 challengers (If it turns out more people want to join, I’d happily increase the number). If you have multiple ocs, feel free to submit them for the challenge. However, I’m going to focus on having it be fair for everyone so your other ocs will only join if there’s space by the time I start the simulator.
Leave a comment with who you’d like to join and I’ll update this post with who’s joining. I mean, Destino will also be joining too, for a bit of fun.
Make sure I can also find the reference of your character in an easy place as the sim also comes with a add a photo button and I think that’d be fun.
Each week, I’m going to post an update with how your ocs are getting on with some art to go along with it. Any “deaths” will be drawn in a comedic way (I definitely don’t want to drawn any of them seriously hurt). Feel free to also draw some moments from this too if there’s any I haven’t drawn. The OC that wins the hunger games simulator challenge will have a drawing of their victory!
I will be starting this on Saturday 29th April.
Good luck competitors!
1. Destino the Absol
2. Deca the Missingno
3. Rimi the Lycanroc
4. Marley
5. Capital
6. Armando
7. Nix
8. Mothball
9. X
10. Suicune
11. Prince
12. Shadow
13. Acacia
14. Ziska
15. Wimmy
16. Romeo
17. Altan
18. Snow
19. Ultraviolet
20. Sabre
21. Lucario
22. Ryan
23. Esmeralda
24. Magby
25. Gizmo
26. Inari
27. Conductor
28. Viola
29. Chomps
30. Blair
31. Rudy
32. Arthur
33. Chime
34. Lunar
35. Peri
36. Hiro
37. Vekpa
38. Ginjiro
39. Genji
40. Sugar
41. Chippy
42. Lumi
43. Amy
44. Mase
45. Kyandoru
46. Dravol
47. Spirit
48. Harumi
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