inherpower · 24 days
How often do you just stop and reflect on the things that you are grateful for? I know it may seem insignificant to do but there's nothing small about being grateful.
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inherpower · 2 months
Understanding what your boundaries are and how they can enhance your relationships (most importantly the relationship with yourself) is a key component of self care and self love.
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inherpower · 2 months
Divine Feminine
I'm learning about this energy for myself. How are the ways that I embody feminine energy and what does that energy feel like in my body? Is it an external thing? What does femininity mean to me?
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inherpower · 3 months
Please forgive me
I’m finding that there are some places in my healing that still feel stuck or that I ‘m having a hard time working through and it dawned on me recently that I haven’t truly embodied forgiveness. Learning how to forgive myself for the ways an times that I betrayed myself is a practice that I want to be comfortable with and know how to do.
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inherpower · 5 months
What they don't tell you about manifesting
A lot of folks talk about manifesting what you want in your life and I think that’s great. But the thing is that rarely are people talking about the truth of what doing that work entails which leads me to believe that they may be missing some key components. Manifestation is great work and it can be a lot of fun, but if you are not doing “the work” then your manifesting will not be successful. In the episode I talk about my journey and what I’ve learned.
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inherpower · 1 month
Who's talking?
Learning to discern between your ego and God/Spirit can be tricky. But through regular communication and meditation you can begin to hear what is for you and follow the path that has been laid out for you.
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inherpower · 1 month
Soul Tribe
I recently realized how important it is to have folks in your life who are spiritual and are doing some type of spiritual work for themselves. Now this can look a myriad of different ways but the point is to find people who are in alignment with some of the things that you believe and subscribe to. Otherwise… it gets sticky.
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inherpower · 3 months
How do I shift?
Moving from one spiritual practice to another can feel daunting, but you may find that there are common threads that you can align yourself with. Ultimately the goal is to be able to have a personal relationship with God/Spirit and if that means you have to craft something that is specific to you, then by all means do that.
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inherpower · 4 months
Can you hear me?
Are you listening? Tell me am I getting through to you?
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inherpower · 4 months
Mirror, mirror on the wall
How you looking when you're in relationships with folks? A great teacher once told me that relationships are mirrors and through this healing/liberation work I can say without a doubt that those words are so true. When you see you reflected back in someone it creates an opportunity for growth. That is, if you want to do that work.
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inherpower · 4 months
I gotta have faith
In this episode I talk about faith and what that means when it comes to moving into something in my healing/liberation journey. There are no guarantees when it comes to seeking external validation and confirmation, the trust and confidence has to come from within. Leaning on Spirit, or any higher power than my human self, means that I must walk with assuredness and know that no matter what, Spirit has my back. No more hyper vigilance.
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inherpower · 2 years
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New moon ~ Rebirth
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inherpower · 3 years
MER-KA-BADid you know that you have a merkaba? We all do! In fact everything thing on this planet and in the Universe has a merkaba. So what is it? In a nutshell your merkaba an energy field that we sit in and it surrounds us. When the merkaba is two dimensional it looks like the Star of David.
In this video I talk about what our merkaba is used for and how (through learning about it and studying your own) you can use this energy field to help you to ascend and connect with Source/Spirit/God/All-That-Is. 
This video is an introduction to another video that will be coming up where I talk about sacred geometry and how you can use this knowledge to master the laws of the Universe. To watch the latest video about eh merkaba, click the link and check it out.
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inherpower · 3 years
The most powerful force in the Universe and yet we limit it to such a small speck. Love is expansive and love is abundant. And if those statements make you chuckle cause you disagree, then maybe that is an invitation to go deeper and be curious about why you think that.
We continue with the chakras and now explore the heart or Anahata as it is known in Sanskrit. This energy center is so much more than our intimate, romantic partners.
Click the link to watch the latest video and share with me your thoughts about love.
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inherpower · 3 years
Crystals are are great for healing work and as we move through each chakra I get more and more excited about the crystals that I have used for my own healing.
The heart is the anchor and the gatekeeper to a more vibrant and abundant life. Healing our hearts is not easy work and having tools that can help us make the work not as challenging.
These are three crystals that are excellent heart healers. In my latest video I share what these crystals can do and how they can be used in healing the heart chakra.
Click the link to watch the newest video and please share your thoughts and experiences with crystal healing.
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inherpower · 3 years
Third Eye or Ajna Chakra
The Third Eye or Ajna chakra is the place of spiritual awakening and illumination. Opening ourselves up to Spirit/God/Universe allows us to see the connectivity in everything.
This chakra opens when we have moved through the five previous chakras. When we remain grounded with love and tap into our creative energy, we open more and more to Universal energy.
This work of healing, compassion and grace is not easy and it’s not anything to play around with. Being able to connect with your purpose, extend grace, be aware all while living everyday takes patience.
Watch the latest YouTube video on this chakra and learn more about how this energy can serve you.
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