#healing journey for black women
inherpower · 24 days
How often do you just stop and reflect on the things that you are grateful for? I know it may seem insignificant to do but there's nothing small about being grateful.
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feminineenergylife · 21 days
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Self Care Tips
Speak kindly to yourself
Journal your feelings
Don't stress about things you cannot control
Don't take things too personally
Practice mindfulness & being present
Take time to do nothing & just BE
Drink plenty of water everyday
Get enough sleep
Never sleep in makeup
Learn your skin type (oily, dry)
Use exfoliation gloves
Moisturize your skin
Do what makes you feel luscious & pampered
Get out in nature
Move your body, take a walk, exercise to release tension in body
Sunlight is your friend
Practice daily gratitude
Practice daily positive affirmations (My feminine affirmations playlist)
Make time for your hobbies & indulge in this you love to do
Pick an uplifting song to listen to in the morning (mine is 'Successful' by Ariana Grande)
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🪞Inner Dialogue Diaries — Part One: Are Your Inner Thoughts Your Biggest Cheerleader or Harshest Critic?
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Hey Besties and Future Besties of B.F.S,
As your accountability partner, I think it's important to highlight all the struggles women face during their feminine journey and give solutions and tools to help you conquer those obstacles.
Our fellow Femininity and Level Up content creators are doing a wonderful job with helping women look and even act like their best selves. We realized that we don't often see the real conversations about the daily mental reprogramming that has to happen in order to let your feminine energy flourish✨
🌟 The P.V.N Method:
There are two ladies that most of us know of, heard of and even embody on a daily basis. I would call them arch enemies but one cares for the other and the other can care less about them. Who am I talking about? The infamous "Positive Polly" and "Negative Nancy" we all have had our moments with both of these ladies both externally and internally.
Who is Positive Polly:
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Miss Positive Polly is very upbeat, encouraging and optimistic. She is always looking on the brighter sides of things and people. She is solution oriented and maintains a hopeful perspective even in challenging times.
She relies on her friends FAITH and CONFIDENCE, together they create a supportive and encouraging environment.
Who is Negative Nancy:
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Unlike Positive Polly, the infamous Negative Nancy isn't so glamorous. She is actually very dull suffers from perceptual blindness which causes her to having to depend on her fake friends “The Debbie Downers” (Scarcity, Fear and The Past)
Together they tend to focus on the on problems, obstacles, and worst-case scenarios. The Debbie Downers are often critical and sees the downsides in situations.
The P.V.N method is the practice of identifying which posse your inner voice is akin to, this is how you will perceive everything you are doing, analyzing and believing about yourself.
Which Posse does your Inner Voice belong to ?
The Daily Reprogramming:
After identifying what side your thoughts are on (positive vs. negative) it's time to download this information into your brain. If you are normally pessimistic, This is a daily ritual, yes daily. Sounds exhausting but all of the greats became great because they had to do this very thing.
What To Reprogram?
Self-Awareness and Reflection: Recognize when your inner dialogue leans toward Negative Nancy or The Debbie Downers. Reflect on how these thoughts are affecting your actions and emotions.
Reframing Thoughts: Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more constructive, Positive Polly-style affirmations. For example, if you think “I always mess up,” reframe it as “I’m learning and improving with each attempt.”
Building Positive Habits: Practice gratitude, celebrate small victories, and set realistic goals to reinforce a positive inner dialogue. This helps shift your overall mindset from self-criticism to self-encouragement. (Click Here For Our Habit Breaking Guide)
Seeking Support: Support is a big part of your femininity journey, commonly as black women we feel like we need to do everything alone bt thats not true! Sometimes external support, such as talking to friends, mentors, or therapists, can help counteract negative inner dialogue and promote a more positive self-view.
🚨 The Good News: There is an ultimate kryptonite to depleting your negative thoughts 💭
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fyi-iyanni · 2 years
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theereina · 5 months
A list of self-help/mental health books and journals I've created:
*thank you for your support 😌
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thebeautyofanoracle · 3 months
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divinexlegend · 3 months
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ilovemyselfluvs · 3 months
What I need will come to me. My efforts , passions, and strengths will not go to waste.
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Not knowing that your traumatic upbringing has affected your outlook on life isn't your fault.
Not wanting to learn how to fix your mindset so you show up as a healed version of yourself is 100% your responsibility.
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inherpower · 2 months
Understanding what your boundaries are and how they can enhance your relationships (most importantly the relationship with yourself) is a key component of self care and self love.
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feminineenergylife · 5 months
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"Never depend on a man" is wounded feminine energy. 💔
Go heal so you can attract your masculine provider. ✨
More on YouTube
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Todays Motivation:
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"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. Embrace it in the gym, and watch yourself transform into the best version of yourself."
Hey besties!
Today, I want to remind you of something important - your summer body depends on the choices you make today. It's not about conforming to society's standards, but about feeling confident and loving yourself in every way possible.
As we step into the month of March, let's make a commitment to ourselves - let's move our bodies and prioritize our health. Remember, it's not just about the physical changes, but also about the mental and emotional benefits that come with it.
Imagine your future self in June, radiating with self-love and pride because of the discipline and dedication you showed towards your well-being. Picture yourself standing tall, feeling strong and empowered in your own skin. That's the person you're working towards becoming.
So, let's make a pact together - let's get our bodies right by June. Let's lace up those sneakers, dance like nobody's watching, or try that new workout class we've been eyeing. Let's fuel our bodies with nourishing food and treat ourselves with kindness and compassion.
It won't always be easy, but remember, we're in this together. We'll cheer each other on, celebrate our victories, and lift each other up during moments of doubt. We have the power to inspire and motivate each other, so let's use that to our advantage.
Believe in yourself, besties. Trust that you have the strength and determination to achieve whatever you set your mind to. Your summer body is not just about appearance, but about the journey of self-discovery and self-love. Embrace it fully, and watch yourself blossom into the best version of you.
Let's do this, besties. Our bodies, our minds, and our souls deserve it. Here's to a summer filled with confidence, radiant energy, and a whole lot of self-love!
With love and support,
The Black Feminine Society 💋
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sixfreshroses · 1 year
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• Healthy luxury life
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astrosouldivinity · 2 months
The foundation of loving yourself is self-acceptance. It is holding space for all aspects of yourself. ❤️🤍❤️
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🕊️ I am valuable
🖤 I am worthy
♥️ I am deserving of love
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theereina · 2 years
Sometimes you have to get dirty to heal.🤣
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mizdelusional · 6 months
I know that we're only three months in but how has everyone's year been so far? Big or small, what are some things that you've accomplished?
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