#spiritual growth for black women
inherpower · 1 month
What they don't tell you about manifesting
A lot of folks talk about manifesting what you want in your life and I think that’s great. But the thing is that rarely are people talking about the truth of what doing that work entails which leads me to believe that they may be missing some key components. Manifestation is great work and it can be a lot of fun, but if you are not doing “the work” then your manifesting will not be successful. In the episode I talk about my journey and what I’ve learned.
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ehyehyhwhh · 5 months
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exquisiteelifee · 9 months
Traits of a high value woman
1. She loves and respects herself
2. She embraces her femininity
3. She knows her worth
4. Shes sexually confident
5. Shes happy on her own
6. She has strong self esteem
7. Shes self sufficient
8. She has her own life
9. She has high standards
10. Shes kind
11. Shes emotionally intelligent and stable
12. Shes committed to personal growth
13. She knows how to set healthy boundaries
14. She's self aware
15. She knows how to keep her expectations in check
16. She takes care of herself
17. She embraces her vulnerability
18. She's comfortable expressing herself
19. She doesn't chase men
20. She understands her purpose in life
21. She dresses well
22. She’s educated
23. She gets money
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ilovemyselfluvs · 4 months
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cocoabuttavasa · 9 months
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Aché! ♾️
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sexy-celestial · 2 years
This is the only way. ❤️‍🔥
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moonhedgegarden · 4 months
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I can grow
I can grow
I can grow
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inherpower · 6 hours
Please forgive me
I’m finding that there are some places in my healing that still feel stuck or that I ‘m having a hard time working through and it dawned on me recently that I haven’t truly embodied forgiveness. Learning how to forgive myself for the ways an times that I betrayed myself is a practice that I want to be comfortable with and know how to do.
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ehyehyhwhh · 6 months
Show up fully, as you are. That is the real work. What resonates, will gravitate.
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exquisiteelifee · 8 months
Ways To Heal Financial Trauma
1. Talk about it.
2. Pray to God for guidance.
3. Write forgiveness letters.
4. Educate Yourself.
5. Write down your financial goals & your money visions (S.M.A.R.T goals)
Also, just remember money is out here, heal the blockages that are causing your ability to receive.
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ilovemyselfluvs · 3 months
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certifiedbitch777 · 4 months
The Concept of Intention
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Entry Date: 2/12/2024 2:52pm
Today is Monday, and I'm supposed to be working right now, but everything in my body was fighting me from doing so. I did what I thought was best and called out, and god, am I glad.
I hate my job. I hate corporate culture, but I'm stuck here since this is the only thing that allows me to pay my bills. I would love to just write for a living. I don't care if it's to be an author, creative writer for a magazine, songwriter, or poet - I want any and all of it. It brings me peace.
These past days of trying to break bad habits and being consistent have made me deeply introspect. All I've been pondering is my purpose and what I want my life to look like, and I just end up back in the same spot. 
I want the freedom to express myself. I want the ability to carve out my own daily schedule and to follow the beat of my own drum. I want to be authentic. I want to be happy.
I just want to be happy.
In the world that we currently live in, it almost seems as if those in power are doing their best to prevent this from happening, but it's all I crave. I do my best to find joy in the little things, but it's just not in my nature to settle for crumbs when I know I can and deserve much more.
Over the past 5 years, what I wanted to do and be in life has changed dramatically. I honestly feel like I choose and hyper-focus on a vocation every 2 to 3 months. If I'm being honest, in each sprint, whichever career path I chose was never due to my genuine interest in them. It was all due to social, family, and financial expectations and pressure. 
My interest in all things linked to healthcare and technology was due to my family saying that it would be a reliable source of income. 'There will always be jobs for nurses or cybersecurity.' 'It would be a steady flow of income.' Obviously, my studying in those things lasted only a short time. My reason for indulging in it wasn't sustainable.
I also majored in Psychology for about 2 semesters in college. I actually really love the concept of psychology. The complexity of the human psyche completely fascinates. As much as I loved taking classes on it, I eventually dropped out of college due to my school requiring my broke ass to pay out of pocket because I failed 1 class :|. I was devastated, but a part of me always knew I wouldn't stick with it for long since school was never for me despite my academic success in my younger years. For background, I dropped out in 10th grade and got my GED shortly after my 18th birthday without studying :).
Between all of this exploring, I worked in various retail and warehouse jobs. Honestly, I quit those jobs at the drop of a hat because the pay would never match the stress. One thing I did enjoy was the amount of free time I had. The schedule was flexible, and I could get a lot done in a day or week since I sometimes did double shifts to have more days off. As much as the scheduling for the job was compatible with my dream life, the pay and terrible benefits nowhere near offset the latter.
Last but not least, I currently work at a top corporate company. I got in due to an apprenticeship, and they offered me a full-time offer. I will forever be grateful for that, as I was sure I would be fucked as both a high school and college dropout. They've provided me with stability I could only dream of, along with excellent benefits. However, what makes me not willing to settle for this is the lack of work-life balance I have. I work at least 6 days a week and over 12 hours most days. I have no life, happiness, or drive for anything anymore. It's as if I had to sell and exchange my soul for this life. And now I live the life of a corporate zombie with my world being filled with black and white instead of vibrant colors.
Why am I giving all this context of all my different career changes? Because I was never genuinely intentional with each path I explored. As a result, nothing worked out the way I thought it would. 
I've been applying to random jobs with mid to high salaries for over 2 years now, and I've gotten a rejection for every single one. Although that could be a result of how terrible the job market is, the way I view it, it didn't work out for a reason. It wasn't meant for me, and I only applied to them for superficial reasons, not because I was genuinely interested in them.
I want to be more intentional in everything I do in this life. Whether it's the food I eat, how I present myself, my morals and values, or even the line of work I want to pursue. I want to be the best version of me and only me. 
This is why I want to write for a living. It's been a common denominator in my life since I was as young as 5. I've always loved writing. Whether it was storytelling, music, or even something as simple as journaling, I felt aligned with what I was supposed to be doing. Even when I am blogging to absolutely nobody, I feel happy. I feel fulfilled spreading my truth no matter how ugly or beautiful.
The concept of intentional living was spoken about long before my mother was born. I thought I was doing so, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I challenge and hope that anyone who comes across this post begins the journey of self that will lead to a life of fulfillment.
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cocoabuttavasa · 8 months
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Aché 🫂
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ebonyseuphoriatarot · 7 months
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