#ii hate my keyboard
aenslem · 9 months
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a very foking detailed GIF tutorial you asked for and how I color my gifs
However, I color them individually, so there will be explanation of tools I choose instead of showing what settings I used for this specific gif in this tutorial.
I will go through entire process of how I create gifs, the process of gifmaking can be different for others and there is no obligation of how to create a gif. Basically, do it however you like and enjoy the process.
this is part I, part II is here\in reblogs.
First, you will need to prepare everything, you choose the moment you want to gif and make screencaps. I use mpv player to create them, here is a great tutorial on how to install it. So I won't go over it, just follow it and or use another player which allows to make screencaps, such as kmplayer.
Once you make screencaps go to photoshop - file - scripts - load files into stack - browse - select screencaps and upload them.
At this point I will also add that I use keyboard shortcuts a lot, you can set them up to your preference, that is much easier for me and might be for you too, and I am so used to them that I forget where are some settings. You can do it from edit - keyboard shortcuts, you may set up anything there.
You will have all screencaps uploaded into one file. Once I have it I change canvas/image size, I also remove 10 pixels from each side, because I hate that some files have that weird black line which looks awful on gifs. But that's up to you. Use proper dimensions for tumblr, that is important since your gifs will look 'not good' when you upload them. I will go with 540x500px this time. (correct dimensions for tumblr are 540px for big gifs, 268px for two gifs along each other and 177-178-177px for the three gifs together)
Go to images - image size (crtl+alt+i) and change the size.
After that I make animation, because without it we would not be able to convert all the screencaps into smart filters. Go to windows - timeline
you will have something like this by default
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click on create frame animation - then on 4 horizontal lines which will open menu - make frames from layers
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click on convert to video timeline (that 3 horizontal lines and 1 vertical line or whatever it is, right under the first layer) you will get something like this.
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now, this will be animated. If you choose convert to video timeline right away it will not be animated.
Now, select all the layers - filters - convert to smart filters
You will have something like this, and if you play it - it will be animated anyway. That way you can edit ALL the screencaps at once.
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I usually start with sharpening, settings may change according to the files I have, for some you will need more sharpening, for some less. I go with filters - sharpen - smart sharpen and usually that's enough
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but I sometimes add more sharpening, just change radius to 0,2. So, repeat the action.
You will have it like this
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and at any point of making gif you will be able to change settings for it, if after coloring it will look not as good as you wanted to.
I will not go into a lot of details about coloring for this gif, because does not matter how good the coloring on this gif will be, it won't work as good on another gif.
There is no right way to start coloring, you may start with curves, levels or selective colors depending on the screencaps you want to edit.
Well, this time I did start with layer - new adjustment layer - curves. (yeah, i guess by the end of the day we all do lmao) (Always use 'layer - new adjustment layer'. That's the only thing I suggest to remember when you color. ) Just to brighten gif a little bit, but you also can change colors with it.
those are not settings I used for this gif!
Curves have option to edit colors, just press RGB and you will see options for RED, GREEN, BLUE. Upper slider adds the said color, the slider at the bottom removes it. That's a great tool if you have a very red\yellow\blue\green scene, with those settings and moving sliders here and there you will be able to add the color you want, for red scene I suggest to use more green and blue, as well as for yellows but with less green. Just move them to see what fits your gif better.
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there are also eyedrop tools which will help you to edit picture, with the first one you need to find the darkest part of your gif and click, it will adjust your picture according to it. If there's too much red, it will make it bluer, etc. The middle one is the one I use the most out of them, cos it changes the midtones, it's great if you have very yellow picture, just press the yellow part and it will make it bluer\greenish, depends on the picture, and then you can adjust it to make it look better. And the last one you can use to lighten picture as well, just find the brightest part of the picture and press it. It will adjust other colors accordingly.
I like to play with settings, I could add more darkness to the gif by levels, by selective colors making dark colors even darker, but sometimes I just use layer - new adjustment layer - black & white. Putting it on soft light blending mode and changing opacity. Idk, I like the effect :D Also, by using these, you will be able to darken part or lighten specific colors
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so yeah, play around and figure out what is the best way for you.
after that I used layer - new adjustment layer - selective colors. I think this is one of my favorite tools out there, I love it, I usually end up with 30 selective color layers if I make a super complex gif :D
You can change colors with it, make them more vibrant, or less.
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for each color you will have 'cyan, magenta, yellow and black' and by dragging sliders you can change colors, make them darker or lighter for the lovers of those paster gifs :D
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But don't worry, that's not where I will go with the gif, so it will look better, i promise.
You know how much I love making blue even more blue. So I go with more selective color layers to enhance it.
You do not have to use just one, and you won't be able to make it with just one sometimes. So add as many as you like to get the result you want.
next is one of my favorites - layers - adjustment layers - levels
with it you can darken colors or lighten them, there's also auto, as well as on curves, which will find the most suitable settings for your picture.
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I hardly ever change the middle slider, cos
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so, we are at this part of the gif by dragging sliders.
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next one I used is layers - adjustment layers - color balance. right now I will stop adding directory, this tutorial is already long enough, so most of the things are there in layers - adjustment layers.
Absolutely love it, most of settings do the same things but a little differently, this one changes colors but also entire picture, not just part of it. You have shadows, midtones and highlights
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Each of them is really great when you have a yellow\red\blue\green picture to edit. And each of them has 3 sliders cyan\magenta\yellow.
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You see, if you drags sliders the other way it will make picture more yellow.
since tumblr
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giddlygoat · 6 months
Do you have any advice on starting? Specific easy songs, techniques to pick up, mistakes to avoid? Maintenance I should be ready for? (I figure this would vary by type, but still.) It's a Hohner Student II, 12 bass piano.
I'm sorry to bring this news knowing you've had to put it to the side for a while, but I hope you can take heart knowing somebody else has seen your passion and that it was reason to take steps forward.
first off, i’m SO excited for you!! the accordion has been such a treat for me and i am bursting with joy knowing you’re picking it up soon! seriously, the thought of me in any way inspiring someone else to learn the instrument is so monumentally amazing that i can’t even process all my excitement!!
secondly, i wanna clarify again that i’m very much a beginner and my overall knowledge about accordions is unfortunately still very baseline. i’m not sure how much our accordions differ because i actually cannot remember the specifics of the accordion i’ve been renting, but i think mine is on the much larger side, older, and definitely not a student accordion. 
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it’s a Lira and that’s all i know. i feel really silly for not retaining any of this information even after all this time, but details slide off my brain way too easily. when i see my teacher tomorrow i will try to ask her again and write it all down.
some general rules of thumb would include:
always keep your accordion in a comfortable temperature. basically, if you’re uncomfy, your accordion is also unhappy. accordions have wax, leather and reed elements that can easily stress in extremes and they will live longest in controlled temps. [direct sunlight is also bad]
keep your accordion covered or in a case while you’re not using it. dust is really bad for the instrument and can clog elements. i’ve left mine not only in the open uncovered, but right under my AC for several weeks on end before [which was extremely careless of me], and it hasn’t been an issue yet but it keeps me up at night. just a blanket over it should be fine. 
never extend or press the bellows without pressing a key or the air button. this can cause compression leaks in areas of the accordion. 
the booklet my teacher prepared for me recommends the instrument be polished once a month with a soft cloth using either accordion polish or a good substitute, like Liquid Gold. this helps fight discoloration and build up the surface to protect against small scratches. i have never once polished my accordion in the many months i’ve rented it so i’m not a good example, but it will help the longevity of the instrument. 
as for common mistakes, all my mistakes are in my technique. for weeks and weeks my teacher had to constantly get on me about the position of my hands. on the left side where your basses are, the accordion is held close to the body, elbow back and pulled nearly flush against your side, heel of palm firm against the edge of the accordion, and fingers curled in an extreme “claw” position. i would ALWAYS fall out of position, flattening my fingers and waving my elbow about, and long term that is awful for your hand. the claw position is very hard to explain so i would recommend watching a demonstration of it, but it will save you a lot of pain in the future. 
on the right side of the accordion, it’s good to hold your elbow out. the hand is supposed to float above the keyboard, fingers curled on the end though not as extreme. if you curl your finger, the playing of the notes is a lot stronger and more precise as opposed to flat fingers slapping around. try it, the difference is striking. 
my teacher has thrown many songs my way, most of which i love. she claims all her students hate them lol but they’re old and sweet sounding and some of them have gotten permanently stuck in my head. my two favorites right now are Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes and In The Good Old Summertime. the former is veeeery good for beginners. it felt like a doozy to me as someone with zero previous music experience, and it was to learn, but once you get it down it’ll be so deeply ingrained in your psyche that you’ll never be able to pry it out. i can play it with my eyes closed [which isn’t saying a lot considering you don’t typically see much of the accordion while playing, but it sounds cool to be able to say]. the latter is a lot more complicated and i’m still kind of grappling with it but i just ADORE the tune. it’s so incredibly satisfying when you get it right. oh, and don’t forget Daisy Bell. simply cannot go wrong with that one. way more difficult, lots of bass changing and skipping around on the keyboard, but it’s so worth it. 
also, i have to wonder; are you getting yours used or new? i’m guessing new but i am obligated to ask because used accordions can be so difficult to find in beginner friendly condition. either way, i am SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! this is a great thing! with your passionate and whimsical soul, i have no doubt you’ll be blasting past me in no time. keep in mind i haven’t been practicing regularly or at all in the last couple months because of the job i just quit so i’ve kind of stagnated for now but tomorrow i’m actually going back to class for the first time in ages so things are looking up! 
the accordion is a really difficult instrument to learn but if my unfocused and impatient adhd self can learn, so can you. i know you got this! and please keep me updated on your journey!! 
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rookflower · 1 year
For the opinion ask challenge How Do you feel about Swiftpaw?
sexuality/gender headcanon: never thought about it before. first thing to pop into my head is transmasc and aro/ace and i like that for him, so uh, that I guess?
rating out of 10: 7/10, there's not that much there but i gotta give it to him the guy makes for some great animations so that definitely factors in
fav thing about them: concise but incredibly impactful character arc for what is basically a background character to whom things happen offscreen. congrats of having one of the coolest deaths in the series, pal
least fav thing about them: i don't think there is anything to Actively Dislike about swiftpaw if i'm being honest, so again probably the fact that he's inherently not a very deep character. not necessarily a fault mind you, just limits my attachment a bit.
when i first started liking them: when he died LOL
favourite moment: i feel like this is self-explanatory
fav ship: n/a, don't think he ever really interacts with any unrelated cats in his age group. besides cloudtail i suppose, but uh, i don't ship them.
fav platonic relationship: brightheart! his apprentice/mentor relationship with longtail is also great, at least fanon-wise.
ship i hate: swiftbright.... they are cousins, sorry. i normally wouldn't feel to mention obviously gross non-canon stuff here but feel like this is a weirdly understated fact considering it's probably the most common instance i see of people accidentally shipping closely related cats.
prefer canon or fanon?: fanon! people have gotten some really cool things out of swiftpaw.
random headcanon: i like to think he grew up very close with his cousins cinderpelt/brackenfur/brightheart/thornclaw, due to being a similar age and not having any littermates of his own besides the deceased and dubiously-canon lynxkit. i also like to think he is named after the bird rather than the adjective, but doesn't tell people that because your prefix being a compliment is cool.
unpopular opinion: he shouldn't "have lived". listen, it feels mean to say that about any character who dies prematurely (just as a young adult in swift's case actually, since his ceremony was overdue), and i've seen swiftpaw lives aus that are really cool, but speaking canon-wise? swiftpaw's death IS swiftpaw's character, and if he'd survived happily he'd most likely be a boring background character who dies between books, or something. swiftpaw died for conflict and tragedy thank u swiftpaw
song i associate with them: neighbourhood ii (laika) by arcade fire
favourite map/amv/pmv: these feel like wildly easy picks and i know everyone's seen them already so im sorry. but come onnnn
my cat walked on my keyboard and added this: ff6666666666666666 , so that's her input
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inkrabbit · 2 years
alright everyone, this post is going to be on Nihil's old ghouls. as I've said, I don't know if they're used anywhere else or by anyone else. this is only going to be my version of them and the names I use for them. I've had a few people ask about Ares and since I am almost done with a fic for all of these boys, I felt like it was appropriate to make a post for them.
this is still pretty much unofficial and will be until I get everything squared away and I'm 100% happy with how they are. when that day comes, I'll make a new official post
each ghoul is defective (save for Astraeus) because Nihil wasn't always in the church and his first summon was a flop. however, he was too attached to his ghouls at this point to send them back and decided to keep them.
Element: Fire
Position: Lead guitar
Personality: A loaded gun, Ares started out as aggressive and hostile, and kept this up until Papa Emeritus II took hold of the band. While he's still short and blunt with everyone he comes in contact with (save for his own pack), he's allowed himself to become more playful and joking.
Relationship to Nihil: His closest matched energy, Ares is everything Nihil actually hates about himself. Normally selfish and self-centered, Ares put himself first above all else when first summoned. The name "Nihil" had originally come from Ares, where he refused to call the man "master" like the others, and instead called him Nihil because, quote: "Nihil translates to nothing, and that's all you are to me."
His toxicity waned after Astraeus had attacked Nihil and Ares defended him. This resulted in Ares having broken horns, two missing claws and multiple scars. After this, however, Ares started to refer to Nihil as "master" and now refuses to use the old nickname he had originally coined.
Defective: Unable to self-regenerate like the other ghouls, Ares is more susceptible to death. Vulnerable during fights because nothing will grow back.
Element: Water
Position: Bass
Personality: This happy-go-lucky water ghoul is normally all smiles and happy chitters. He resembles a giant teddy bear and, standing at 6'9, he normally has to pick everyone up in order to hug them. Physical touch is the best way to get his intentions across, but he does acknowledge that his build can be frightening to some. A selfless ghoul that puts everyone before him, Neptune only wants everyone around him to be just as happy as he is.
Relationship to Nihil: Joy and excitement personified, this lovable giant encompasses all of Nihil's happy emotions. He's the easiest to get along with and will happily welcome attention and affection at any and every turn.
However, in times of immense stress and/or rage, Neptune will dissociate and lash out. His strength is unmatched and only Nihil can pull him out of this haze. It's a rare thing, and Neptune hates letting this happen because he will have no recollection after he snaps out of it. The last time he went into a frenzy, the entire ministry had been flooded, multiple siblings had been killed and injured, and Silvanus had been injured trying to calm him down.
Defective: Being a mute, Neptune relies on vague gestures and physical touch to get his point across. This leaves him unable to call out any important information and has, in the past, gotten his pack injured in fights.
Element: Air
Position: Keyboard
Personality: Shy and reserved, Notus doesn't interact with others too much. He keeps to himself and mainly to his pack and Nihil, never having made a connection with the newer ghouls or Papas. He's easy to frighten and fluster, and he feels like everything he says make him looks stupid. As a result, he normally settles for short answers or just head nods/shakes.
Relationship to Nihil: All of Nihil's shyness and insecurities rolled into one, Notus is the frontman's need to avoid conflict. He bottles up all of his emotions and feelings in order to maintain neutral ground with everyone, even if it's self-destructive. While he has become a bit more open over the years, he's still very shy when meeting new people/ghouls and will revert back to the timid air ghoul he was originally summoned as.
Although, there has been an instance where his emotions got the better of him. In the heat of the moment, Notus had actually snapped the day one of the siblings decided to get in Nihil's face, spewing threats and insults. As a result, the air ghoul got between them and, when he couldn't talk the sibling down, he let his elemental magick take over. The winds he had summoned were enough to break apart the old church, leaving a good portion of it as nothing but rubble. The ministry had to make a new church and, to no one's surprise, Notus hid away and refused to speak to anyone for almost a month.
Defective: Horribly near-sighted, Notus has been deemed "blind". Anything that isn't about 6in in front of his face becomes horribly blurry and all he can make out is various shapes and colors. Because of this, Notus has a hard time differentiating feral ghouls and members of his own pack.
Element: Earth
Position: Drums
Personality: Laid-back and calm, Silvanus tries to not let much bother him. He doesn't seek out attention but also won't turn it away when presented to him. He has a sort of parental figure vibe and will happily listen to any siblings or ghouls that has problems, and even try to offer advice. He keeps an "open door" policy where he'll never turn away anyone, no matter the time of day or if he's busy.
Relationship with Nihil: Silvanus is Nihil's spirituality and loving side come to life. He's the man's voice of reason and tries to talk everyone down when the room is getting too tense. Though he has a more easy-going personality, this earth ghoul has no problem becoming firm and, in times of extreme need, aggressive and even hostile to whoever is causing problems.
In the beginning, Silvanus was very professional and was the one who tried to guide Nihil onto the right paths, though he never pushed too hard. However, as years passed and Papa Emeritus I took over, Silvanus allowed himself to become more free and laid-back, and eventually took on the new role as being everyone's little "safe haven".
Defective: Because his claws won't grow and his teeth aren't sharp like a normal ghoul's should be, Silvanus has to rely on his antlers and fighting techniques, along with being able to evade and his elemental magick.
Element: Quintessence
Original Position: Rhythm guitar
Personality: Paranoid and hostile, it's commonly advised to avoid this ghoul as most encounters have resulted in severe injury or death.
Relationship with Nihil: Originally meant to be his compassion and empathy, Astraeus had been summoned previously by multiple masters, all of them betraying and traumatizing him. This left the ghoul in a paranoid state, refusing to believe that the new leader of a Satanic church would actually treat him well. Because of this, Astraeus was aggressive and oftentimes unapproachable, especially if Nihil was the one who wanted him.
Through it all, Nihil refused to send Astraeus back, insisting, quote: "He's still my ghoul. He's still part of me. I can't leave him." And while Nihil had tried time and time again to gain the ghoul's trust, it never worked. The fateful day Nihil had tried to push through Astraeus' paranoia, the quintessence ghoul attacked him. He also attacked Ares, breaking the fire ghoul's horns and ripping two of his claws off before cutting Ares' lip and chest. However, Astraeus was eventually defeated and retreated into the woods, making his home out of the old church Notus had destroyed.
It's said that he's calmed down after all these years, but Neptune is the only one brave enough to try and spend time with him.
Deemed Feral
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limetimo · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
saw this on @magswrite's blog and really wanted to do it, just pretend I was tagged please xD
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter, but I have a few fics for Marvel too.
4. What are you top 5 fics by kudos?
Teenagers Scare The Living Sh*t Out Of Me - The year is 1995. Regulus Black is BACK, 18 or 33, whichever is more convenient for him at the moment, and he's back with VENGENCE.
Regulus Orange Is The New Black Cat - Regulus is Crookshanks AU
I Pledge My Loyalty - Regulus, Lily and Severus AKA the power trio you didn't know you needed
45 Decibels snippets from Crookshanks!Regulus
Love Poison oh I didn't even notice this one got so high on the list. Oh my heart. My baby. Black Brothers angst with a very hopeful ending.
5. Do you respond comments? Why or why not?
Always! Fandom is about the community. I love seeing/chatting with my regulars :D Like hiii bestie!!
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Lord's Redemption (Friday 30, October 1981) definitely. Or maybe It would eat you like poison If you knew what I knew, though I nearly forgotten I've written this. Has it really only been 2 years?
7. What is a fic your wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhh Regulus Didn't Die For This is an overall very happy fic with a very happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
None that I can remember!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written some, but none of it made it on Ao3 now that I think about it. The closest thing to smut I've got on my profile is Sinking Slowly (wolfstar exploring nonsexual kink)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest you’ve written?
No but I want to :D
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever has a fic translated?
Yes! One reader asked if they could translate 45Decibels to Chineese, and then they did it. (I've been told by a different chineese reader the translation isn't super smooth but hey. Translating is hard.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, Dominoes, as a part of a fest, but we both got busy with life and then kinda forgot it existed...?
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I love writing Bartylus. For reading, there's always some absolute masterpiece with Drarry, and I go back to IronWinter periodically.
15. What’s a wip you what to finish but doubt you ever will?
Capymama II, the sequel to Capymama. I have enough written that I can consider it a WIP and not a plot bunny, but I don't really see myself completing it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've got no shame! I killed the cringe in me!
17. What are you writing weaknesses?
I'm not witty or smart enough for my characters. My boy wants to say a funny thing or be a classical musician or an art restorator or discuss cult indoctrination at length and I'm sitting at the keyboard like. "I don't even have vocabulary for this, much less practical knowledge. Send help"
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Always a difficult problem to solve, how to incorporate translation in a way that doesn't make your or the reader's head hurt. I went with special brackets in Teenagers and yes I question that decision on daily basis
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Marvel. Or, Tony Stark if we want to be exact.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
The Unfroggivable Curse holds a very special place in my heart ♥
no pressure tag for @ncoincidences and anyone who wants to do this too ♥
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cracklins5thfan · 6 months
Hi my name is Jax/cracklins #5 fan!:3 I’m a transmasc pansexual cupioromantic(GASP?!?!)
I’m learning multiple things! Like: how to play the keyboard, and how to speak Russian:3
I have High functioning autism, bpd, and adhd! (Diagnosed from a mental hospital)
I’m in a lot of fandoms! Listed below:3
Helluva boss
Tally hall
DNI if you are…
A pro shipper
A zoophile
A pedophile
A Alfred’s playhouse fan
And if you hate on people for their interests.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
On Broadcast long list of TV Moments of the Year awards                                                a Sky News reporter being shot at while doing frontline reporting in Ukraine,       and BBC‘s Huw Edwards announcing the death of Queen Elizabeth II,                      and a dude who claims to be a woman exposing his penis.
A transgender “comedian” has reportedly been shortlisted for a television award after stripping naked on live television and playing the piano with his penis.
On October 21, trans-identified male comedian Jordan Gray was featured on the Friday Night Live revival event marking Channel 4’s 40th anniversary. During the performance, Gray ripped off his clothing to expose his entire naked body, and attempted to play his keyboard with his penis. This was during Gray’s rendition of his song “Better Than You,” which featured lyrics intended to mock females.
“I’m a perfect woman, my tits will never shrink. I’m guaranteed to squirt, and I do anal by default … I am the lizard king, and I can do anything that any other woman can’t … I used to be a man, now I’m better than you,” Gray sang to an audience of delighted onlookers who cheered as he then tore off his clothes and exposed his naked body.
Mainstream media coverage of Gray’s performance has been overwhelmingly positive. PinkNews, a UK-based outlet, referred to Gray’s song as “rousing” and called the performance “iconic,” and characterized any opposition to the performer’s exposure of his genitals on television as “anti-trans.” The sentiment was shared by some LGBT activists on Twitter. The Daily Mail referred to Gray’s penis using feminine pronouns, sparking widespread mockery of the outlet.
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On December 8, Broadcast published a longlist for the TV Moment of the Year awards, inviting members of the public to vote on their top three favorite moments to make it to the shortlist. 
While the vote still appears to be active and Broadcasthas stated that nominations will not be publicly displayed until the new year, Gray announced on his Twitter that he had already been “shortlisted” for the award. It is unclear whether this is a confusion on Gray’s part or he was informed in advance.
Other moments nominated alongside Gray’s on the longlist included a Sky News reporter being shot at while doing frontline reporting in Ukraine, and BBC‘s Huw Edwards announcing the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
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Following his nudist performance on Channel 4, Gray was removed from a children’s charity where he had been a patron.
On October 26, just days after his appearance, Educate & Celebrate issued a statement announcing Gray’s removal from his role, but claimed that Gray had “never gone into schools” and had limited interaction with children throughout his tenure. That was quickly discovered to be misleading, with internet sleuths unearthing a 2016 interview with Gray for GuysLikeU in which he directly claimed to do just that. 
“Young minds are very accepting,” Gray said to GuysLikeU. “It’s teenagers who are harder to get through to. It’s good to educate these kids when they are young.”
In addition to the interview, a video from two years ago of Gray speaking at Passmores Academy in Essex County, England began to circulate on social media. The discoveries raised questions about Educate & Celebrate’s credibility, as their statement appeared to directly contradict fact.
On Twitter, some users expressed upset at Gray’s announcement, noting that he his performance had been greatly offensive to women.
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“Why? Lots of men hate women, have a small willie and know how to take their clothes off,” user Marilyn Irishtweeted in response to Gray’s announcement. 
“Peaking Moment of the Year. People who saw this could see the woman-hating misogyny if they hadn’t before,” Louise Ashworth added.
Many women pointed out that even aside from Gray’s public nudity, the lyrics to the song he sang at Channel 4‘s event had deeply offensive lyrics in which Gray painted himself as “better” than women due to certain aspects of his sexual reciprocity. 
“So it’s ok for the TV moment of the year to be the most sexist and hold a load of complaints too? Most sexist TV moment of the year,” user Raging Suffragette wrote.
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Following Gray’s Friday Night Live performance, over 1,600 people submitted complaints to the independent regulation body responsible for broadcasting in the United Kingdom, with many expressing concern over being unwittingly subjected to nudity without warning. 
A further 172 complaints were made regarding Gray’s performance one week after the episode aired.
By Jennifer Seiland Jennifer is a founding member of the Reduxx team, writing with a focus on crimes against women and sex-based rights advocacy. She is located in the American south where she is a passionate animal welfare advocate and avid coffee drinker.
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foxymoxyda · 11 days
Hi Foxy,
So this introduction of your DA writing is a whole new world for me. I’m slowly learning what DA is all about. That plus what you’ve shared about it from the Lowlander universe, and Sasha from SS, has sent me poking around the interwebs to read up on the different version of it from over the years. I remember you saying that your career is also based in the game space, so let me ask you: as someone who has literally zero experience gaming (I know, I know, I’m an aberration) but who would be willing to give it a try for DA, where should I start? One thing I read was that for DA, the PC game is the way to go (as opposed to a separate console) - does that sound right? If so, which version/game? Sorry if my terminology is wrong. I literally have no idea what I’m doing here, but I want to be a bit like Sasha and escape in this world and pine for Cullen ;) a little too. Any direction would be appreciated. Also, Thanks for this story. It’s a cool departure from all your other stories (which I am equally obsessed with, don’t worry)
This is so fun!! The beauty of these games is that they're pretty good and easy to pick up. You can even play them on easier difficulty levels to just learn and enjoy, I highly recommend it.
PC is totally fine for these, you can play mouse and keyboard so you don't even need a game controller unless that is more comfortable for you. Reflexes are more important in the third game than the first or second. You can really start wherever you want so I'll give you some pros/cons for where you want to.
Dragon Age: Origins, the first game of this series. If you start here, you'll meet people and make decisions that can impact your world and story in the second and third game. Very story-based, some of the best companions. Generally I'd say this is the place to start so you learn everything from beginning. There's a part you go into the Fade which can be really long and frustrating, I highly recommend using walkthrough instructions online if you get too frustrated :) There are several DLCs you can play too that set up the next games further.
Dragon Age: II. Secretly my favorite of the games, but don't start here lol. I think this should be played after Origins. Fair warning, folks tend to either love or hate this game. I love it.
Dragon Age: Inquisition, the most recent game. It's got a better look and more updated tutorials based on how folks playl games now. It has a little more reflex-dependent gameplay but there are tutorials and easier modes. Its pacing can be faster depending if you want to do all the side quests, it feels more open world and exploring which can be a lot of fun if you're having fun. This is not a bad place to start either if you want to jump right in. You wont' have the backstory yet for some of the characters but you'll figure it out :)
Happy playing, I hope you enjoy yourself!
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pinejay · 5 months
i'm in love with this song (in the upper room: dance ix by philip glass). peak contemporary ballet piece tbh
this past summer, i saw justin peck's nyc ballet the times are racing set to dan deacon's usa ii, iii, and iv, at a free outdoor ballet performance at lincoln center (summer for the stage series). ever since then i've been obsessed with this genre of music composed seemingly specifically for weird contemporary ballet.
(here's the "trailer" version of this dance set to usa iii: rail)
my friend works in the ny times building in manhattan (not for the ny times tho just in the same building), and every time i visit her i wait in the lobby affably listening to the music played from this wall of screens beyond the turnstiles. i asked her abt it once and she couldn't figure out what i was talking abt bc she hates it and i was describing it so lovingly lol.
see there's this hallway filled with small screens in a grid. i can't rly tell what's on them from behind the turnstiles, like it's inaccessible to the general public/waiting visitors like me, i imagine they serve a purpose related to news. but they play these strange electronic keyboard-like tones on a loop. there's silence for a bit then they start playing and increasing in volume for a few min before going back to silence. and to anyone listening it must be analogous to torture. except to me, it's like the call of heaven. it's incomparable art, and it sounds exactly like these 2 pieces of music
edit: so i looked it up and apparently the screens are an art piece called moveable type. i can't tell if the sounds are part of the screens, it seems like it from this video but it's not in the background of other videos of this piece
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atlaswav · 6 months
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⁀ rules ⁀
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🏹. DNI . BYF
DNI; you're any of the DNI criteria (i.e. rude, sexist, homophobic, conservative, etc), if you want to cause drama, if you're here to cause drama, if you are easily offended, and if you're part of the booktok community. kindly take your colleen hoover preaching elsewhere xoxo
BYF; I swear a lot, I keyboard smash, I am sarcastic 99% of the time, I tease/flirt as a joke with my mutuals and friends. I block/unfollow if you make me uncomfortable and I unfollow/block if you spam post too much.
i. I only write sfw (I draw the line at suggestive content tyvm. for now.), I may (probably) write darker content at some later stage, if you ever find any of my content disturbing just block me, don't make it my problem. ii. I update whenever I can, whenever I am able and whenever I want to. I will also be inconsistent because of school and other interruptions because school hates me. If you request, don't expect to have it any time soon, I am a person with a real life outside the internet - I am also not obligated by any means to write your request for you. I also have attachment and commitment issues. iii. don't be rude please I am only human and though I may come across as mean or dry sometimes, it's only because I am socially inept and cannot communicate. I am also tired as fuck while writing this because I just spent 2 hours making the master lists. i run on 60% fear and 40% illness.
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@atlaswav 2023 . banner art credits: huaishen j .
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private-bowling-ball · 6 months
i keep talking about this but the 4kids yugioh dub is so bad and i like the noises that my keyboard makes so im gonna start ranting and blabbing about yugioh gx and stuff, i dont kow what will come of this i cannot forsee it. in the yugioh gx 4kids dub they got rid of a WHOLE ASS SEASON!!! and i was like, "they fucking killed judai? that make no scense?" bc 4kids doesnt kill people i think and also the 4kids on piece dub, im not even going to say anything i hate it way too much i cannot express it in words. and also a little bit gay i think bc yubel is a spirit and therefore has no gender so is gender nutreal or non'binary i dont know muck about the lgbtq community and differences between certain things sorry. but they cut out the entire season 4 wich gives alot more johan who i have a massive cruch on and i bet that whoever is reading this f anyone does than they'll be like wouldnt that make you gay? well im a gay 16 year old male and im actually bi wich means i like both genders and i laugh when i see torture and gory scenes in anime like when kaneki was being tortured by yamori i just thought the concept of a toe bucket was funny bc he was putting kanekis toes in a bucket i really like typing about things on my mind and it feels really good bc i like the keyboard noises and i already said that but no one is gonna read this so aklso hwenebver i watch a anime i set my heart on a ship at the very beginging if their's anything promising and then i see the chareters evolve a nd see if it would still work or work better and i thing that in bl animes should be more direct some times and when the seaon two of yuri on ic ecoems out im gonna fucking die bc the people making it might make ships more cannon and my gay ass gets to see more of pilitski and is it just me or when yuri is wearing his glasses does he look kinga like fiuery from fma and fmag im aware that i spelled his name wrong but i dont know how to spell it so that sucks for me i keep writing about loosely related topiccs and i looked into yugioh gx 4kids dub more and i found out that they were dubbing it wthout paying or without concesnt and then htey got sued by the original company making the yugioh anime so they had to cut off seasson 4 and give i ta shitty ending and i really hate sho hes a stupid asshol and hes stupid and also theirs a guy in beyblade name sho i think and he did a thiing with his hair one time and that made my 9 yer old self feel gay wich i am 16 now i just watched that when i was nine and i was denying tthat i was attracted to a male charecter and i ememebetr when i was twleve i watched death note for the first time and i thought misa was hot and i was thibking that ii wanted to band her so bad, i was a really impure child wich i sitll am a minor but my best frieng jessie s two years older than me so he isnnt and also yknow judai from yugioh gx? well hanako from toilet boung hanako kiuns blue ghosty orby thingy is called haaku-joudai or somehing like that and i fing hanakos mental state very interesting to rad about and im buying the manga nad im so damn exited i read it onling eaarlier on crunchyroll nd i dindnt finish the manda but ive seen he anime three times and i noticed that hanako has the same sub voice actor as izuku midoriya from my hero acedamia and i thought that that was cool and i should stop ive been writing for over tn minutes and i keep a little record of my anime ants and me typing about stuff on my phone wich is difficult to type on bc its an old flip phone wich reminds me of this old show i used to watch aboutdragons that ate flipphoes and i forgot the rest but im using my family's computer rn and im not on my account so i should fuck off by :)
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fr3akinthecorner · 7 months
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Hey have some breakfast tomorrow evil wench! Thast girl is getting bullied my bad... But u say evil wench I bet so do u I do sometimes I really want to smoke a cigarette well don't ask me to join you .. ii would never do that daddy cypress is a genius I was about to start a party at your house .. go smoke girl no one is with you but him I know but what if other men are there? You two share a universe it's impossible it's daddy keeho it's true sweetheart please go smoke and see .. ok daddy cypress I might get up and she won't throw that party not if I can help it she's just looking from a different universe I'm scared to get up it's daddy cypress never be scared sweetheart I love you so ducking much you have the most protection in the entire universe. From me alone thank u daddy it's not just that I'm getting sick of cigarettes well darling that can't be helped keep talking... U go to any school? Nope I'm a working girl I graduated 3 years ago how do u like it? There are too many reasons to quit working that I regret it but I do it anyway that is so fucking sad you will never have to work another day in your life suicidal Ashley you are so lucky I feel blessed it's daddy cypress tell them why you hate buffalo exchange ooh it's bc they are rude snakes that's right!! Down now u need to talk about money. Ok how much money do u get from ur bf? Thousands of dollars a month he takes care of me does it pay for mostly everything? No it doesn't so even after all that money you still have to work? That's wild ok! Your keyboard broke call it a day and get in your laptop it's surf sand daddy cypress
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beansonbread2 · 1 year
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2021 > Self Esteem - ‘Prioritise Pleasure’ (see full list HERE)
2020 > The Flaming Lips - ‘American Head’ (see full list HERE)
2019 > Self Esteem - ‘Compliments Please’ (see full list HERE)
2018 > Kero Kero Bonito - ‘Time ‘n’ Place’ (see full list HERE)
2017 > Richard Dawson - ‘Peasant’ (see full list HERE)
2016 > Blood Orange - ‘Freetown Sound’ (see full list HERE)
2015 > Holly Herndon - ‘Platform’ (see full list HERE)
2014 > FKA Twigs - ‘LP1′ (see full list HERE)
2013 > These New Puritans - ‘Field Of Reeds’ (see full list HERE)
2012 > Django Django - ‘Django Django’ (see full list HERE)
2011 > Shabazz Palaces - ‘Black Up’ (see full list HERE)
2010 > These New Puritans - ‘Hidden’ (see full list HERE)
2009 > Animal Collective - ‘Merriweather Post Pavilion’ (see full list HERE)
2008 > Wild Beasts - ‘Limbo, Panto’ (see full list HERE)
2007 > Animal Collective - ‘Strawberry Jam’ (see full list HERE)
2006 > Safetyword - ‘Man’s Name Is Legion’ (see full list HERE)
2005 > Animal Collective - ‘Feels’ (see full list HERE)
2004 > Devendra Banhart - ‘Rejoicing In The Hands’ / ‘Nino Rojo’
2003 > Dizzee Rascal - ‘Boy In Da Corner’
2002 > The Streets - ‘Original Pirate Material’
2001 > The Beta Band - ‘Hot Shots II’
2000 > Outkast - ‘Stankonia’
1999 > The Beta Band - ‘The Beta Band’
1998 > The Beta Band - ‘The Three EPs’
1997 > Radiohead - ‘OK Computer’
1996 > Beck - ‘Odelay’
THE RULES - No Re-issues, Live Albums, Compilations, or EPs.
SPECIAL MENTIONS for these collections and things that don’t really live on the main lists.
PC Music ‘Volume 3’
PC Music ‘Away From Keyboard [file not found]’
Bulbils no.65 > 70
Avon Terror Corps ‘Avon Attorlaoe’
WORTH A MENTION (in no order) - A bunch of albums i enjoyed but didn’t quite make the final lists and others i just didn’t hear enough to be considered properly.  A list for future me to revisit.
Silvana Estrada / Florist / Lorraine James / SAULT (various) / Cucina Povera & Ben Vince / Klein / Sobs / Gabriels / Sharon Van Etten / Caroline Loveglow / Mount Kimbie / Horace Andy / Daniel Rossen / Huerco S. Plonk / Mitski / Stealing Sheep / Otoboke Beaver / Haru Nemuri / Carly Rae Jepsen / Michael Head & The Red Elastic Band / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Rina Sawayama / Stormzy / The Beths / Palm / Horsegirl / Yaya Bey / Ibeyi / The Cool Greenhouse / Makaya McCraven / Beth Orton / Brian Eno / Dehd / Belle & Sebastian / The Orielles / Ibibio Sound Machine / M.I.A / Beabadoobee / Charles Watson / Gwenno / Playboi Carti / Fell / Let’s Eat Grandma (‘The Bastard Son..’ OST) / Ari Lennox / Kikagaku Moyo / Gently Tender / El Michels Affair / Wasuremono / GAIKA (‘War Island’ OST) / Don Leisure / Yung Lean / More Eaze / Camila Cabello / Koffee / Shamir / Jenny Hval / Sea Power / James Yorkston (‘J Wright Presents’) / A.R. Wilson / Modern Nature / Guerilla Toss / Maranta / Katy J Pearson (‘Waiting For The Day’) / Ravelston / Jilk / Galen Tipton / Elena Isolini & Bianca Scout / Borrowed Atlas / Gupi / Dan Johnson / Iceboy Violet / Phoebe Green / Daniel Avery / Moor Mother / Plastic Mermaids / Kurt Vile / Geoff Barrow & Ben Salisbury (‘Archive 81’ OST) / Melt Yourself Down / Alex Cameron / Yumi Zouma / Jensen McRae / Kai Whiston / Animal Collective (‘The Inspection’ OST) / Susan Bear / Lucky Shivers / Grace Ives / Lizzo / Toro y Moi / Warmduscher / ThisIsDA / Superorganism / The Death Of Pop / Hatchie / The Grand Piano / Obongjayar / The Comet Is Coming / Rico Nasty / Jo Schornikow / Shinichi Atobe / 7FO / Bladee & Ecco2k / Conway The Machine / Deluxe100 / Fievel Is Glauque / Phoenix / Dan Deacon (‘Strawberry Mansion’ OST)
2022 RUNNERS UP (in no order)
700 Bliss ‘Nothing To Declare’
Syd ‘Broken Hearts Club’
Yeule ‘Glitch Princess’ 
Steve Lacy ‘Gemini Rights’
Carla Dal Forno ‘Come Around’
Sasami ‘Squeeze’
Vince Staples ‘Ramona Park Broke My Heart’
The Smile ‘A Light For Attracting Attention’
They Hate Change ‘Finally, New’
Quelle Chris ‘Deathfame’
Delifinger ‘Small Love’
Denzel Curry ‘Melt My Eyez See Your Future’
Marina Herlop ‘Pripyat’
Dick Dent ‘Decadence’
Alexia Avina ‘A Little Older’
Rachika Nayar ‘Heaven Come Crashing’
Savage Mansion ‘Golden Mountain, Here I Come’
Daphni ‘Cherry’
Earl Sweatshirt ‘SICK!’
Special Interest ‘Endure’
Lucrecia Dalt ‘¡Ay!’
Los Bitchos ‘Let The Festivities Begin!’
Death’s Dynamic Shroud ‘The Lunar Curtain’ 
Billy Woods ‘Aethiopes’
Julia Jacklin ‘PRE PLEASURE’
Kelly Lee Owens ‘LP.8’
Digifae, Diana Starshine, Galen Tipton ‘Digifae’
Ben Salisbury & Geoff Barrow ‘Men’ OST
Rachael Dadd ‘Kaleidoscope’
The Big Moon ‘Here Is Everything’
Frankie Cosmos ‘Inner World Peace’
Sorry ‘Anywhere But Here’
Brockhampton ‘The Family’ & ‘TM’
Bill Callahan ‘YTI⅃AƎЯ’ 
James Yorkston ‘The Songs And The Poems Of The Book Of The Gaels’
FLOHIO ‘Out Of Heart’
Michael Abels ‘Nope’ OST
Claire Rousay ‘Everything Perfect Is Already Here’
Matmos ‘Regards/Uktony dla Boguslaw Schaeffer’
Working Men’s Club ‘Fear Fear’
Yama Warashi ‘Crispy Moon’
Little Simz ‘No Thank You’
Batu ‘Opal’
Dana Gavanski ‘When It Comes’
Kelan ‘Downtown’
Blanck Mass ‘GAZZA’ OST 
Blanck Mass ‘Ted K’ OST
Big Thief ‘Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You’
NANORAY ‘Digimaiden’
Tirzah ‘Highgrade’
Franco Franco ‘Solo Fiori’
Hot Chip ‘Freakout / Release’
Hyd ‘Clearing’
Max Tundra ‘Remixtape’
Beach House ‘Once Twice Melody’
Soccer Mommy ‘Sometimes, Forever’
50. Caroline ‘Caroline’
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49. Alvvays ‘Blue Rev’
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48. Claire Rousay & More Eaze ‘Never Stop Texting Me’
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47. The Weeknd ‘Dawn FM’
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46. Lambchop ‘The Bible’
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45. Katy J Pearson ‘Sound Of The Morning’
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44. Scalping ‘Void’
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43. Wesley Gonzalez ‘Wax Limousine’
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42. Perfume Genius ‘Ugly Season’
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41. Group Listening ‘Clarinet & Piano: Selected Works, Vol.2’
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40. Tim Heidecker ‘High School’
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39. Bas Jan ‘Baby U Know’
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38. Crack Cloud ‘Tough Baby’
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37. Saya Gray ‘19 Masters’
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36. Sarahsson ‘The Horgenaith’
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35. SAULT ‘Air’
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34. Nilufer Yanya ‘Painless’
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33. Wet Leg ‘Wet Leg’
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32. Bjork ‘Fossora’
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31. Coby Sey ‘Conduit’
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30. Spiritualized ‘Everything Was Beautiful’
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29. Let’s Eat Grandma ‘Two Ribbons’
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28. Panoram ‘Acrobatic Thoughts’
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27. Wojciech Rusin ‘Syphon’
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26. Aldous Harding ‘Warm Chris’
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25. Alex G ‘God Save The Animals’
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24. Angel Olsen ‘Big Time’
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23. Pictish Trail ‘Island Family’
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22. Pusha T ‘It’s Almost Dry’
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21. Charli XCX ‘Crash’
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20. Hudson Mohawke ‘Cry Sugar’
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19. Sudan Archives ‘Natural Brown Prom Queen’
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18. Rosalia ‘Motomami’
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17. Panda Bear & Sonic Boom ‘Reset’
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16. Cate Le Bon ‘Pompeii’
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15. Shygirl ‘Nymph’
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14. Black Country, New Road ‘Ants From Up There’
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13. Self Esteem ‘Prima Facie’ OST
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12. Animal Collective ‘Time Skiffs’
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11. Kendrick Lamar ‘Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers’
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10.  Arctic Monkeys ‘The Car’
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9. FKA Twigs ‘Caprisongs’ 
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8. Alabaster DePlume ‘GOLD’
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7. Dry Cleaning ‘Stumpwork’
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6. Death’s Dynamic Shroud ‘Darklife’
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5. Weyes Blood ‘And In The Darkness, Hearts Aglow’
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4. Charlotte Adigery & Bolis Pupul ‘Topical Dancer’
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3. Black Midi ‘Hellfire’
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2. Richard Dawson ‘The Ruby Cord’
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1. Jockstrap ‘I Love You Jennifer B’
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greysadv · 2 years
Qq meaning
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There are several differing opinions as to why the lambda was chosen as a gay symbol and what it really means. The lambda symbol seems to be one of the most controversial of symbols in regards to its meaning. What Did We Say before Texting and Social Media?īefore the digital era, we might have said something like "Stop It," "Stop Moaning," or "Question For You" instead of using QQ. It’s a lower case lambda (''), as the upper case looks like an 'A' without the horizontal stroke. Initialisms are different to acronyms, which are spoken like words. Therefore, it is classified as an initialism abbreviation. When used with the meaning "Quick Question," QQ is pronounced using its individual letters (i.e., "Kew Kew"). Emojis are used to add subtle emotional emphasis to sentences. When used to represent "Crying Eyes," QQ is a textual representation of an emoji. Initially, cyber term terms were introduced for brevity, but, particularly with the advent of predictive texting and on-screen keyboards, they are now mostly employed for fun. When used with the meaning "Quit," QQ is a cyber term. Nick: QQ, what time does the match start?.Daryl: I hate my boss! I can't carry on like this.Here are examples of QQ being used in conversations: Youku - A video hosting and streaming service.Baidu - A search engine, online services provider, and IA company.Other popular Chinese social media apps and services include: QQ was originally just a desktop messaging app, similar to Facebook Messenger, but it is now also available as a phone app and offers services such as group and voice chat, games, music, movies, and shopping. In China, QQ (officially "Tencent QQ") is a social media and instant messaging service developed by the Chinese company Tencent, (the same company that owns WeChat). QQ is also used as abbreviation to mean "Quick Question." It is a short form of QQ4U (Quick Question For You). Possibly as a result of its use in online gaming, QQ came to be used more widely as an emoticon meaning "crying eyes." In this context, QQ is often used to denote sadness or sympathy, but it is also used as a form of abuse for anyone deemed to be whinging or moaning. QQ came to be used as an order, to tell unskilled players or those moaning about losing to "quit" the game. Using the keystrokes ALT+Q+Q, players could immediately exit the game. QQ is an emoticon which originated in the online fantasy-themed strategy game Warcraft II. Here is more information about each of these definitions of QQ. So you can use -q to suppress various levels of debug output:-q: hide WARNING messages -qq: hide WARNING and ERROR messages -qqq: hide all messages FYI the option -v is also additive and can be used up to 3 times. QQ means "Quit," "Crying Eyes," and "Quick Question." It is also the name of a Chinese social media and messaging service. This type of option is called 'additive,' meaning you can apply it more than once to tune the app settings.
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aspirationfail · 7 years
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Name: Marshal Taylor Alias’: Mars
Nickname: Mars, Idiot, Asshole, and… Daddy Age: 28 Gender: Male Species: Human
Social Class: High Class Birthdate: May 19, 1989 Time of birth: 2:00 pm Birthplace: Queens, New York
Sun: Gemini
Moon: Pisces
Rising: Virgo
Nationality: African-American Race: Black Occupation: Music Producer Language(s): English, Cajun-French, and a tad bit of Spanish Native tongue: English Religion: Christianity — Education: Master’s degree in Music Weapons/Offensive equipment: None Items/Defensive equipment/Misc: Wallet with a photo of Lei’s ultrasound, a few business cards, and a bunch of cards, headphones, phone, and usually a paper with some girls number written on it. Money/Amount of: -Funds (On person): $89 -Funds (In bank): Over 80k+ Transportation: — Blood type: AB Height: 6’1 Weight: 186 Eye Color: Light brown/Hazel-ish Hair: Buzzcut that’s dyed light pink. Skin: Dark caramel with a slight mix of mocha to it. Figure/build: Very in shape, has a very mainly build.
Voice: here — Distinguishing marks: -Tattoo(s): One face tattoos and about 10 tattoos on his body. -Scars: None -Piercings: Ears & Nipples -Clothing style: His sister, Jett, picks out his clothes so his style is kind of all over the place. It’s nice, though! — Currently lives: Venice, Los Angeles Living Arrangements: He stays in a nice sized penthouse; three bedrooms, 4.5 baths, rooftop access. A perfect living space for a modern-day playboy. Description of daily surroundings: Very quiet, clean area. Sometimes random girls coming over and staying over. — Hobbies: Writing music, singing, making beats for fun. Talents/Skills: Can sing extremely well, plays over 13 instruments, Strengths: Himself, his music, and Weaknesses: Leilani, his mother, cats. — Love interest(s): None. Sexual Orientation: Straight
Are they Sexually Active: …Too sexually active Love or Lust: Lust… love doesn’t sound too bad to him, though. — Left handed or right?: Both
What does their writing look like?:
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Diet: Typical diet, he consumes what you’re normally supposed to eat. Virgin?: LMAOOOO Drinker?: Yea, only when he goes out though. Smoker?: ..weed. Drug user?: He used to do cocaine and LSD when he was with Marcy but got a bad trip once so he stopped doing both about three months later. Other addictions?: None Pet peeves: Nail bitters
Police/Criminal/Legal record: None Personal Hygiene: Super clean dude, he loves smelling good and looking clean. He kind of smells womanly because he uses bath bombs here and there + sometimes fruity soaps, lol. Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
What does your OC choose to do about the, err, hair down there?: He trims it very low, but besides that… nothing. Can they hold their breath for a long time?: Only for a few seconds. 10 songs that are probably on their iPod:
1. Crew REMIX // GoldLink
2. Regulate // Warren G
3. Jus Lyke Compton // DJ Quik
4. A Lie // French Montana
5. Audi // Smokepurpp
6. Walk on Water // A$AP Mob
7. Liife // Desiiger
8. Sauce It Up // Lil Uzi Vert
9. ELEMENT. // Kendrick Lamar
10. Off the Wall // Michael Jackson — Basic description: Personality: Super flity/seducing, blunt but super sweet. Can be rude if it comes to his music, oddly chilled back. Likes: New music, nice beats, thick girls, being a dad. Dislikes: Cats, Toshi, lame rappers. Motivations: His family. Morals: always put in 100%. Fears/Phobias: Losing everyone Favourite quote: “Only you and God will have your back. Everything else is a blessing” Favourite food: Fried fish Favourite drink: Coke Favourite color: Burgundy Favourite song: Crew REMIX // GoldLink Favourite movie: Friday Favourite sport: Basketball Favourite book: The Autobiography of Gucci Mane Other favourites: Himself
Most used word or phrase: “Deadass” “iight” “baby” — Family: -Parents: Kianna Jones & Martin Taylor -Siblings: Marcella Taylor, Jett Taylor -Other close relatives: Artie Franco (cousin), Acel Jones (cousin) Friends: Jiro Adachi, Kalissa North, Leilani Roberts, Nika Romero Partner: None Offspring: Clover Taylor Enemies: Toshi Adachi Pet(s): None Describe their social circle, what is their role within it?: He plays a huge part in his social circle, he knows a bunch of famous music artist and has produced albums/songs for them. He’s also usually the life of the party so everyone invites him to their parties so more people will come. His social circle is huge, it has a lot of famous people, underground artists, and b-list celebrities.   — History: [ok ps before you read i did not take my time with this and actually put effort. i got like 17 more char sheets to finish so im kinda just rushing everything,,,,,, sorry not sorry.] Early Childhood: Marshal’s childhood was very different from others. Since his parents weren’t together he spent most of his time going back and forth during breaks. He grew up in two different households, one being very religious and the other being very unsafe. He knew what it felt to be wealthy and poor at the same time and he experienced a lot of things he didn’t need to if he didn’t live with his mother. Being surrounded by gangs, drugs, and sex but also religion made him very confused on what was right and what was wrong. It was until he hit Seven he found a new love for music. It kept him busy and helped him not to think about his hectic life. His fathered adored how passionate Mars was when it came to music. So, whenever he came over to visit he would heavily invest in lessons and instruments. Once he hit 11 he met his now best-est friend, Leilani, she helped him throughout most of his life. Being the support, he needed and that one person to actually let him have fun as a kid. Adolescence: His teenage years were great. He had to stay with his father once his mother got caught up with the police. Life was pretty much heaven for him after that. His father made sure Mas got the life he really deserved. He tried to give him everything he could and constantly made sure he was okay. Papa Taylor would even pay for Leilani’s trips to New Orleans just so they can see each other again! At the age of 19, Mars and Leilani moved to California together after getting accepted to one of the colleges they applied for, being the start of a great life for both of them. Adulthood: He now lives a life many can only dream of. He adores his life and regrets nothing in his past because he knows it’s what brought him here. He’s now an extremely popular producer living in the Venice area of Los Angeles but working in the Hollywood area. He lives a life of luxury, mainly thanks to his father. He never had a dull moment and personally finds this one of the best eras of his life.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 years
Rose, on twitter: Tell me you’re an engineer without telling me you’re an engineer.
Sollux: ii have 2pent more on my current mou2e, keyboard, chaiir, moniitor, and hiiveframe than ii have on clothe2 over my entiire liife.
Equius: D --> The magic smoke was let out after I attempted STRONG percussive maintenance, causing thermal reconfiguration of the PCB, so I immediately added a high resistance air gap. Then I tried doing it again.
The Psiioniic: Clo2ed (won't fIIx)
Darkleer: D -+> Do you speak of true engineering, or the kind the lowb100d computer people call "engineering".
Mituna: 1'MM4 JU57 K33P 4PPR0X1M471NG UN71L 7H3 4N5W3R M4K35 53N53 70 M3
Horuss: 8=D < We just need to change the entire project to make this change conceptually correct.
Mom Lalonde: when i say "that will take about an hour" the atcual timeframe is somewhere betwen afew minutes and nver
Jade: dont worry, this couldn't possibly go wrong!!
Jake: I make good money but part of me longs to abandon it all and go hide from the world in a cabin in the woods
Grandma English: I hate computers.
Dirk: Look, we have to be very careful about how we use the term  "engineer," because- (1/43)
Lil Hal: Hm. I’m trying to decide if I should respond and be done? Or write a script so I never have to respond again. Give me a minute to automate a reply to you.
Roxy: look no i aint worried that it isnt working cuz it IS working and it shouldn’t be
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