#ik there’s a duo name already for them but i don’t ever see people use it + idk why they’re called that and imo it’s a bit wordy
vanivanvanilla · 1 year
i don’t usually try to come up with duo names but thoughts on renegade duo for vortex and parrot?
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izusun · 3 years
Alright so the LOV attack Mamadoriya because they want to get back at Izuku, so they attack on the day that she's visiting the Bakugous. Of course Izuku is contacted immediately and him and Katsuki get over there almost as fast as the police get there. Imagine the surprise when they find the LOV sprawled all over the floor and Inko and Mitsuki laughing about the good ol days
Turns out that back in the day, Inko and Mitsuki were a famous vigilante duo back in the day. Katsuki is on the floor having an existential crisis while Izuku's just glad his mom and Auntie are okay.
- Goblin anon
once again, i love love your au dumps <3
and since you set up the ground frame for the plot bunny, i’d like to dabble on inko and mitsuki’s past vigilantism.
inko’s quirk doesn’t have an official name but it’s basically attraction of small objects, as such we saw her quirk at work when she pulled izuku’s figurine from the floor. but without disclosure of how small she can attract, i’d love to think that she can attract even smaller materials. materials like atoms, compounds—matter.
or, even at a frightening scale, cells.
not that she’s purposefully pull at someone’s cell/s to reshape or disturb the flow of the body. also i’m not a science major and i don’t have much interest in science so idk how accurate this is BUT pushing past irl semantics, imagine:
inko’s quirk is more than a surface-level quirk; it can fix or ruin an object’s construction, often by remodelling its foundation. it used to fuck with villains (and heroes pursuing her alike) back in the day because no one knows how her quirk works, and so they don’t know how to fight her back. next thing they know is that the gun in their hands is falling apart, or their car is swivelling off the road.
outside of her quirk, i see inko mastering judo. idk much about martial arts but my friend (who studies them) basically described judo as a martial arts that uses the opponent's strength against the artist. it teaches ground work and prioritizes drilling techniques. in judo, striking hard is not a necessity. and it fits inko! because her quirk is very versatile, she doesn’t need much physical prowess to win, often utilizing techniques with her quirk.
she was dangerous so no wonder the heroes wanted to apprehend her because if she slips into the dark side, they’re in trouble.
of course she didn’t, but the heroes never caught her too. just one day, she retired and no one knew where she went. there were talks in the underground saying that she settled and had a kid, but how real are underground talks?
mitsuki’s quirk is glycerin which basically gives her the ability to secrete glycerin from her skin. tbh we had a hard time brainstorming about mitsuki but alas we persevered because bamf mitsuki is something we all need.
because glycerin contains antimicrobial and antiviral properties (which approved it to treat burn and wound injuries), it usually helped mitsuki heal and treat her burns because she often found herself getting exploded at whenever she was out fighting villains.
and since she can’t fight with her quirk, best believed she’s heavily armed and trained with multiple martial arts. mitsuki has greater connections than inko (really because of her job which gives her more flexibility in meeting these people), and basically has a trusted small team where she can get her armoury.
my friend imagined mitsuki taking more than one martial arts (i.e. taekwondo and jiujutsu) because her tenacity relied on the punches she could give. as much as she is armed, she’s more in-tuned with her body, thus combat fighting with the mix of martial arts make her very dangerous.
the heroes thought she was quirkless so they were never able to create an accurate profile of her. it fucked with heroes a lot because they don’t know how to approach her. she was quiet, strong, quick, and efficient, thus the heroes sent to apprehend her always lost her trail.
she was very different from inko. wherein inko was feared but loved by the underground, mitsuki was a friend of the police and even daylight heroes. not that mitsuki ever really teamed up with hero agencies in times of dire, but there wasn’t the presence of uncertainty in terms of her moral stance that many had with inko.
which was why it was fitting that when mitsuki officially retired, she sent a telegram to the closest police station she knows and they never got to hear from her after.
imagine seeing your mom and your boyfriend’s mom just battling it out against the most dangerous villains and winning?
izuku probably would’ve asked for tips, especially from mitsuki because mitsuki basically fought quirkless.
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anunvalidcritic · 4 years
Justice League: Snyder Cut
Oh, the time has come my friends! Now, I originally did a review on Batman V.S. Superman and I didn’t care for it, so I deleted it. But before I start, I would like y’all to read this statement made by @verified-villain-fxcker - You can click HERE to read it. As I stated in my repost, I couldn’t have said it better. May Autumn Snyder continue to rest in peace. Let’s get started!
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It’s been so long since I’ve made a post I can’t even remember how I do this LOL.
CLARK is outta there to say the least...
WONDER WOMAN and LOIS look flabbergasted, as they should... BRUCE as well.
Talk about a shock-wave scream 
All jokes aside, the hate that LEX has towards SUPERMAN is just to much energy to be giving to another person..
why are they letting a minority approach the fucking the cube?!?!
*insert travel montage scene here*
                      Part 1 - “Don’t count on it, Batman.”
BRUCE knows damn well he’s talking to AQUAMAN. Let’s move this shit along lol
“Oh Gotham? How’s that shit hole?” - AQUAMAN
Ik these bitchies aren’t singing rofl
I’d sniff anything wore by Jason Momoa too.
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“Maybe a man who broods in a cave isn’t cut out to be a recruiter.” - ALFRED
AMY ADAMS can literally take my heart, step on it, throw it in a river and I still wouldn’t be mad. 
Here comes the lovely WONDER WOMAN!
broooo her hands were moving like Donnie Yen in Ip Man!
Fucked that entire ceiling up
Ofc the one who tried to touch it would make the stupid statement. 
STEPPENWOLF is really wildin’ out
Don’t look back! I hate it when they look back!!
These are some strong as women!
                             PART 2 - “The Age of Heroes”
“It’s toxic, that’s good.” - STEPPENWOLF
I can only imagine that this is how toxic people think. 
this dude really just threw that lil demon fella like it was nothin’ lmao
You know you're working at a job for too long when you say this is the first time in a while that they're going home early smdh
Now that shit was pretty lit....
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SILAS thinkin’ shit I better check on my son. 
“You know a lot about monsters, don’t you? Especially how to make them.” - CYBORG
If that isn’t teen angst, then I don’t know wtf is lmao
Seeing Gal in this tomb makes me want to re-watch Wonder Woman 1 all over again!
DARKSEID ol’ trifflin’ ass
plopped him down like he was dirty laundry
God bless Willem Dafoe, this man is a fuckin’ legend!
“This world is divided. They’re a primitive species. Unevolved and at war with one another. Too separate to be one.” - STEPPENWOLF
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DeSaad kinda looks like Doctor Doom in the Fantasic Four reboot lmao
GREEN LATERNS!!!!!!!!!!!! OH SHIT!!!!!!!!
we really need a Green Lantern Corps moving...
ZEUS + ARES = A Dynamic Duo When They Aren’t Being Dicks To Each Other
You know I feel bad for man because all they did was bury that shit in the ground rofl
                  Part 3 - “Beloved Mother, Beloved Son”
BARRY + IRIS = Love at First Sight 
The burger can’t be that good like damn. 
Bro the detail on his fucking shoes and the glass!!
damn did the car really need to explode...
lol BARRY must really need the job lol
... I would’ve just played dead after he threw me against that rock...
Man of Steel probably has one of the best soundtracks not just for a superhero movie but just in general
Americans love their football!
I have this love-hate relationship with CYBORG being in the JL and not with the TITANS you know since he’s a kid, but he’s a college student in this one. 
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Thank God DIANA spoke with VICTOR instead of BRUCE because I honestly don’t think he would’ve gotten him on board.
Everyone can literally zigzag zoom across this planet at undeniable speed except for BATMAN lol
Come on, VIC, help the lady out.
You know honestly, BARRY has a pretty cool pad for someone who's trying to get by paying for a Criminal Justice Degree. 
“A very attractive Jewish boy. Who drinks milk, I don’t drink milk.” - BARRY
“Fuck the World.” - CYBORG
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dang Ik DIANA has every right to grieve over STEVE, but damn that man has her whipped!
“You’re looking at the hottest thing on Earth. The exact same thing I said to my prom date. She dumped me anyway.” - RYAN CHOI
Why does MERA have an accent in this but not in AQUAMAN?? (ik the answer)
                               PART 4 - “Change Machine”
CYBORG just glided over silently
Seeing BARRY move like that to stop the debris and to ping DIANA’S sword really is amazing..
But he should not be screaming like that LOL
How do you not remember the planet that’s habitants almost killed you?? Because if that was me, I wouldn’t have forgotten that shit at all!
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 Would've held a big ass grudge until I could go back. 
“I know we’re all thinking the same thing right now. Who’s gonna say it? I’m not gonna say it.” - BARRY
WOOOAAHHH J’ONN JONES?! (forgot about that)
 “There are six, not five. There is no us without him.” - BRUCE
Damn, no faith at all 
                         PART 5 - “ALL The King’s Horses”
BARRY - “Wonder Woman. What do you think, man? You think she’d go for a younger guy?”
VICTOR - “She’s 5,000 years old, Barry. Every guy is a younger guy.”
I would’ve kept swippin’ that ID like a cashier at Wal-Mart swippin’ a debit card.
They're movin’ a little too slow for me. Ik they’ve never been on the ship before, but I would’ve been zoomin’ through that entire ship just to hurry and get the job done. 
Damn, they couldn’t have at least picked up the photo??
The foreshadowing was spectacular! It will always amaze me. 
I’m sure Allstate will cover that person’s car...
Just when LOIS was about to move on. 
CLARK grabbed DIANA like miss me with that Rafiki shit.
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I would’ve come back to my senses too after looking at Amy Adams. 
DR. SILAS takin’ one for the team
                              PART 6 - “Something Darker”
As crazy as radiation is, it’s quite an amazing spectacle.
I wish this Justice League movie could’ve held off until we got some other heroes such as the Green Lanterns, Hawkgirl, and many others. 
Our generation was truly blessed to have an incredible actor as SUPERMAN, and we are not putting him to use!
JONATHAN sounds like President Biden lol
Alright, team?! Break!
AQUAMAN is totally enjoying this fight. He rode that Parademon like a surfboard.
I swear every scene that WONDER WOMAN enters into does not fail to include the “Ancient Lamentation Music”. 
VICTOR hurry up and say “one” god damnnit!!
Somebody needs to put this fight on WorldStar
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The Unity  = The Three Bitchies
I bet DARKSEID will remember that shit now
                        EPILOGUE - “A Father Twice Over”
VICTOR = A Final Requiem
LOL VULKO and MERA look stressed tf out!
“Uh, I have too much to live for. And more important things to do.” - LEX
A cocky motherfucker LMAO
Alright, we’re back in this type of dream sequence. 
“Who have you ever loved?” - MERA
Uh, bitch his parents, Robin tf?!
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Thank you, JOKER, for stating the facts for Ms. Fish-stick
 Oh shit, they let LOIS die, goddamn it!
Well, the dream is over once again...
I just don’t see how people can live with all those fuckin’ windows. 
“Oh, and some have called me The Martian Manhunter.” - J’ONN
Yes, the movie was long but what needed to be expressed was. As we already the Snyder Cut wasn’t supposed to be seen because a father simply wanted to grieve the death of his child. I’ll once again reiterate what @verified-villain-fxcker you don't have to like the film but at least give it the benefit of the doubt from its predecessor. For me, I did enjoy watching his version, but let’s be honest what he who shall not be named did was just fucked up. 
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eclecticwordblender · 4 years
Since @the-rambling-maiden gave me the kind of validation that makes one cry with joy. I couldn’t wait to publish part 2 of Mahabharata High School AU. Ik it’s too long I’m sorry 🥺.
Senior students in the limelight:
The headboy.
Tries really hard to excell, still is barely above average.
Is driven by the idea that everyone likes him while most of his classmates find him plain annoying. Some of the teachers too.
Is the headboy because for some unknown reason Bheeshma likes him and no one likes to disagree with the principal. Dhritrashtra tried opposing but no one really listens to him.
this kid, Krishna ran a campaign that convinced everyone that Yudhishthir is the best headboy they could have. Without that he had no chance.
Everyone else just accepted and now listens to him because that’s what Krishna wants.
“Okay I’ll give a very interesting lecture in Moral science class.”
- everyone, even the teacher struggles to stay awake.
Head girl.
Has witty comebacks to everything.
An all rounder.
Looking at her, everyone wonders why someone as under achieving as Yudhishthir gets to be the other school captain.
Changed her name to Panchaali. But everyone still calls her Draupadi. Doesn’t like it, but has made her peace with it.
Is already done with the world’s patriarchal ways which are the basis of the school’s sexist rule book.
Once, some juniors went to the principal’s office and saw a picture of the first headmistress. They were all admiring her beauty while Draupadi walked in. And suddenly all the admiration shifted to her.
An iconic friendship quadrent of Arjuna, Satyabhama, Krishna and Draupadi exists right since they joined school.
Had a beef with the Geography teacher, Kunti because had a thing going with Arjuna for a while.
“🧚🏻‍♀️🥰 How are we ignoring our beloved head boy today?🥰🧚🏻‍♀️”
Heart eyes uwu.
Soccer team captain.
Is some sort of a ladies man. However, always prioritises his ECAs and Krishna.
All rounder. Had the achievements to be head boy, definitely not the time.
Girls are always crushing on him.
Dated Draupadi in the freshman year, it didn’t work out. Is still best friends with her though.
Currently in a relationship with Subhadra, she’s two years younger, but our boi doesn’t really care because he’s so smitten by her. Bestfs still above her though.
Is Kunti’s favourite kid. Kunti is an actual sweetheart exclusively to him.
Everyone loves him.
Sometimes sick of all the attention he gets.
Major enimity with the soccer team’s vice captain, Karna.
Really tall, really husky, Fitness freak.
Still loves food more than right about anything.
There’s only one person he’d choose over food. The head girl. Some say he has had a crush on her since junior school. Draupadi values him a lot but doesn’t seem to reciprocate the attention he gives her.
Is stupid, but it’s okay because he’s also the good-est boy in town.
Not very bright academically.
Doesn’t get the recognition he deserves.
Literally the BEST basketball player, but all everyone in school seems to care about is soccer and track events :/.
Has anger management issues which land him into trouble very often.
“Panchaali! You should be proud of me, I prevented a murder today, BY CONTROLLING MY ANGER.”
Is a year younger to everyone in his class.
Really cute, really handsome. Is also well aware about this.
Is not much of a ladies man but SO MANY PEOPLE have crushes on him.
Is practically never seen without his guitar and bestf, Sahadev, who is the only one who shares his birth year.
Can be found giving out personalised skin care routines for fun. And Sahadev, being the brains of the duo, charges in cash, that is how both of them get their pocket money.
Goes to the restroom after every period to make sure his hair are still on point.
Has a successful band. Obviously he’s the lead.
“Wow! Who is this beauty!? Oh my God! This is why I use mirrors as mood boosters.”
Smartest kid in the school. School topper.
Can talk about random trivia for hours, and people like listening to him.
Is either in the library or hanging out with Nakul.
Hates school A LOT.
Sahadev doesn’t attend a lot of classes because he knows teachers aren’t of any help to him.
Always attends maths class, even though he doesn’t like Sir Shakuni. Prolly because he wanted to be Shakuni’s fav but Shakuni only likes the bad boys. Sigh.
Is a walking human encyclopaedia.
“Why is everyone so stupid!? I WANNA GO HOME! I HATE YOU ALL! (Except my boi Nakul).”
(Ik everyone in the fandom loves him v much. Please don’t hate me for this.)
Manipulative to a point its very toxic.
Doesn’t like taking responsibilities and being held accountable
so just tricks people who take up responsibility into listening to him.
The OG heart eyes in the campus.
Still ships Draupadi and Arjuna for some reason. Even though he treats Arjuna’s girlfriend as his younger sister.
So stubborn.
Is good at everything but doesn’t like the lime light.
A Krishna-Shakuni Feud is the best source of entertainment.
Krishna seems to think that every body who disagrees with him is absolutely wrong and would go any length to make a point. Is also sort of disrespectful to the teachers he doesn’t like.
However, has a very captivating charm that makes him most people’s favourite. Shakuni sees through his well planned schemes because he has fully functional brain cells.
Loves his friendship quadrant and a girl from some other school who visits often, a lot.
A feminist. Hates the school’s rule book in a positive manner.
“🧚🏻‍♀️🥰 What mischief should I do today? And how do I trick someone into thinking it was their idea, not mine?🥰🧚🏻‍♀️”
Soccer team vice captain.
Here on a scholarship.
Every girl with daddy issues is head over heels for him.
Uses Hating Arjuna as a personality trait.
Also uses his love for Duryodhana as another personality trait.
Has lots of rumours about him. He doesn’t care because all he cares about is defeating Arjuna.
A lot of students ship Draupadi with him. It’s just stupid. Both of them dislike each other, but are too evolved to care about stupid rumours.
Is extremely generous.
Since the owner’s kid, who is RICH is his bestf, he never misses a chance to slide a meal from the overpriced canteen to any one who forgot lunch.
Suffers from classism and tries very hard to fight the inferiority complex he gets because most kids around are super rich.
Dronacharya dislikes him, he dislikes him back, however, still tries to win him.
Has abandonment issues.
Some say he looks upto Ma’am Kunti for validation.
The cricket coach, Pashuram, likes this kid though.
“Are you challenging me Arjuna!?”
Thinks too highly of himself.
Being the owner’s kid makes up for half his personality. The other half is his devotion towards his beloved Karna.
Is probably bi and Has a not so subtle crush on his bestf.
Has another personality that is devoted to trying to convince everyone he should be head boy.
He once started an intervention demanding “Duryodhana should be headbody” and he was also the leader on the intervention. Karna was unwillingly in his support.
Is Sir Shakuni’s favourite bratty kid.
Only listens to Shakuni or Karna.
Comes up with evil and downright mean mischiefs but always fails.
He once tried to full on flirt with Draupadi but got his a*s whooped.
Tried to sabotage Yudhishthir’s reputation but Krishna’s interference led him to fail.
“Where’s Mitr Karna!?!? I get anxiety when I don’t have him or Sir Shakuni around for long!”
“I should be headboy! No head girl. Karna should be headboy 2.”
Befriended Duryodhana first year of school.
Looks up to Duryodhana. Only imitates his bad qualities. That’s it, that’s his entire personality.
Even Shakuni who loves bratty kids, dislikes this one.
Has more haters than the headboy. Except people hate on him openly.
Total failure.
A bully.
Dushasana can be found in the last room on the third floor of the oldest block very often. That’s the detention room.
Tries to flirt with every girl around, and girls just ew this creep AS THEY SHOULD.
Doesn’t have a personality of his own.
Gender fluid and ready to teach a lesson to anyone who invalidates her.
Strong and independent.
Important member of the soccer as well as the cricket team.
Also, a star athelete.
Has a very strong bonding with Ma’am Amba because VERY similar.
Sikhandi/Sikhandni can be seen gossiping with Amba on the stair case a lot, some claim to have heard them trash talk Bheeshma.
Bold and not afraid to stand for what they believes in without caring about the consequences.
Once they gave herself a third ear piercing, using a compass when Kunti told her a double piercing was a distraction after Yudhishthir complained about it.
Emerges as a parent figure to juniors who are bullied for being different.
“As long as you have the right intentions you’re valid okay?”
Minds his own business.
Manages good grades and a spot in the sports squad.
He found out he shared his birthday with the Draupadi in second grade. Loves her like a sister since then.
The basketball coach sees some spark in him that no one else does.
Is liked by all but doesn’t get the attention he deserves.
Is pretty content with life in General.
Soccer coach’s kid.
Is self aware.
Realistic and practical.
Suffers from major attention deprivation.
Duryodhan lent him a pencil case in second standard. Asshwatthama tries so hard to become his favourite ever since.
The Iconic Karna Dury duo however, ignore almost always.
Expanded the “Duryodhana should be headboy” intervention but his efforts weren’t recognised.
Closeted gay.
Respects superiors while disliking them.
Quite bitter.
“Will this win me Duryodhan’s love?”
Eyes like forest pools.
Looks up to Draupadi as a role model.
Arjuna is her weakness even though she’s dating him.
Kunti likes her. Doesn’t mind if she’s dating Arjuna.
There’s this brilliant student in the junior section, Abhimanyu. Subhadra and Arjuna spend a lot of time with him together. They sort of look like a very happy family.
Always tops English and History class.
Gossip queen xoxo.
“Draupadi Didi and Krishna bhaiya said so, Arjuna you know I cannot say no to them.”
Is the sweetest person around.
Believes there is some good in every person.
Even hangs out with Duryodhana and squad thinking they’ll change some day.
Karna and Dushala often discuss how to mend this group’s ways, assisted by Dury’s girlfriend, Bhanumati.
Is stuck in a relationship with a jerk but doesn’t have the heart to break up with him.
Is literally kindness personified.
Dushala’s favourite teacher is Gandhaari. Probably because no one else gives the teacher validation and Dushala doesn’t like when someone is sad.
Terrible person.
Only the size of a grain of sand better than Dushasana.
Started Dating Dushala Sophomore year.
Dushala really wants to break up with this jerk but she’s too sweet to hurt someone even as terrible as him so she just avoids him.
Once Draupadi slapped him in public. Dushala cheered the loudest.
Is only relevant because of his girlfriend.
Says Duryodhana is an excellent boyfriend.
Corrects her man when he’s wrong.
Is also close friends with Karna.
Led the intervention against the “Duryodhana should be headboy intervention.”
It hurt Dury but it’s okay because Bhanumati has her own thoughts and he respects that. Guess he is actually a good boyfriend.
Is very lovable.
Boy has no hater.
Somehow was befriended by Duryodhan in junior school.
Feels stuck in the Dury gang ever since.
Secretly, very strongly admires Yudhishthir, Arjuna, Draupadi and of course, KRISHNA.
Is everything you’d wanna fix in Yudhishthir.
Yuyutsu, Dushala and Vikarna trio is bff goals.
“Is there any way I can change my friend group? Face palms”
Counsels Duryodhana on Yuyutsu’s advise.
There isn’t much to say about him. Dude’s a good guy with humanly flaws.
Feels stuck in Dury gang but has made his peace with their ways.
Dushala, Yuyutsu and Vikarna are often found gossiping with Ma’am Gandhaari, she often warns them about how their other friends are bad kids and they should not get influenced.
“Why!? Because yuyutsu says so that’s why!”
Here on scholarship.
This poor kid was bullied so much initially when he joined school because of his economic status.
Coach Drona wouldn’t let him into the soccer team because he’s afraid someone might out shine his favourite.
Stays away from the dirty politics in school.
Became a star athelete despite all the odds he faced.
Eklavya was once locked in the washroom before a 100m race on the sports day. No one knows who did that for sure. Although some people claim to know it was Coach Drona.
President of the theatre club.
Crushes on Krishna for an unknown duration.
Krishna does give her attention because EXCUSE ME, she is impossible to ignore.
Rukmini befriended Nakul in the corridors as they bumped into each other after every period, while going to/coming from the washroom to check their respective hairdos.
Is Draupadi’s psychological twin.
President of the debating society.
Another one of Krishna’s closest friends.
The school is full of Satyabhama-Krishna shippers. But their friendship quadrant knows Krishna is smitten by this girl from some other school.
The girl from some other school.
Probably goes to an all girls convent school.
Is shy but can be seen having a a gala time with Krishna after school. Friends w Subhadra too.
Nobody in school knows much about her but it’s evident Krishna and her are 11/10 soulmates uwu.
Rukmini’s twin brother.
Is overly protective of his sister.
Thinks he’s well sorted but almost always creates a mess.
Has some sort of minor feud with Krishna.
Is neck deep in a very toxic friendship with Shishupal.
Rebel without a cause.
A headache.
Wants to fight Krishna but is scared of him.
Wants to join the Dury gang but no on lets him in.
Shishupal is known to spread the most problematic rumours in school.
Stays occupied in her small social circle of not so popular kids.
She’s famous, though doesn’t talk to many people.
Proposed to Bheem in middle school.
Bheem gently turned her down because he was already mad about Draupadi. Hidimba moved on with life without sulking about it. Probably still likes him though.
Also, really close to this Ghatotkutch person who is in fifth grade.
Ulupi and Chitrangada:
Dated Arjuna for a few weeks each.
Then bonded over how he’s not a good boyfriend and not as perfect as everyone thinks he is. they do have a point though.
Are now bestfs and don’t like anyone else in school.
Since, I’m an attention wh*re tagging: @bigheadedgirlwithbigdreams @soniaoutloud @supermeh-krishnafan @incorrectmahabharatquotes @chaanv @hoeticulture @lemponkoira @1nsaankahanhai-bkr
Also, link to part 1: https://eclecticwordblender.tumblr.com/post/625462681921568768/foundation
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variabels · 6 years
My shit fanfiction to celebrate SSBU
I’m back with a crackfic. It involves Marth getting angry at Roy for not sucking in Ultimate. Also, subscribe to Pewdiepie.
When Marth first joined Smash Bros back in the good old Melee days, he didn't really think much of it at all. He thought it would just be tournaments and boring shit. But it ended up being pretty fun and he made lots of friends. He became BFFs with Roy since they were the only ones capable of speaking Japanese which was pretty shocking to them seeing as how Fox, Falco and Ness had pretty thick Japanese accents.
The duo eventually learned how to speak English but Master Hand said they weren't allowed to speak English during matches. No one knew why Master Hand decided that but most people assumed it was because he was too lazy to explain why they weren't speaking Japanese anymore. Marth and Roy didn't seem to mind that much since it let them beat opposing teams with ease.
Marth would spend most of his time hanging out with Roy and Link who were way shorter than him. He had never been a tall person, but hanging out with shorter people that weren't girls felt pretty satisfying. It was so satisfying that Marth ended up developing a huge ego because of it.
People say that Smash Bros can heavily alter your personality for some unknown reason. The fighters always insist that's not the case. But Marth's living proof of how bad it can affect you.
Despite becoming a huge asshole, Marth still managed to remain best friends with an overly energetic pyromaniac redhead and a blond idiot who enjoyed talking too much outside of matches. The trio had stupid adventures together, they managed to blow up the kitchen, they traumatized Young Link… They basically had a shit ton of fun together.
However, everything changed once Master Hand decided to make a new tournament called Brawl. Because of the size of the mansion, he had to kick out some fighters (all though rumor has it Pichu evolved and killed Pikachu).
Roy had to leave to go to war or something. His dad was sick and his mom had gotten hired as an assist trophy for Brawl, so this only left Roy to lead the army.
Link had to go save Hyrule and was replaced by another Link that was living proof he had gotten laid. The new Link was slightly shorter and more sarcastic than the old one. He was also hotter and there were rumors about him secretly being a furry.
Marth got to stay much to his disappointment and noticed some changes within himself. Of course, he was completely oblivious to the fact that his personality had completely changed. The biggest change he noticed was that he looked prettier. That was only natural of course, he was Marth Lowell, he was prettier and hotter than everyone else.
Marth managed to become friends with the new Link despite the fact that they hated each other and argued all the time. New Link also introduced Marth to his new friends, Pit and Ike. Marth would have introduced himself normally but Master Hand insisted that Marth had to speak Japanese as to not confuse the newcomers.
That didn't quite work out because new Link didn't understand Japanese so he couldn't explain why Pit and Ike got kicked in the face when they called Marth "Miss". Nevertheless, the four men ended up hanging out the whole time. Marth even managed to become best friends with Ike, but that's 'cause they never talked to each other, so they never got pissed off at each other. But to be honest, anything was better than being Link or Pit's best friends. Those midgets were completely insane.
When the new tournament that Master Hand lazily named 4 was about to start, Marth noticed he had changed. The climate had changed his hair color and it was now a different shade of blue. Not that it mattered because he looked prettier.
Among Marth's small group of best friends, Ike was the only one to go through any big changes. The guy had gotten really buff and made his friends look like midgets. Marth thought he looked like one of those ugly bara guys from yaoi manga, not that he had ever read a yaoi manga. He just knew that because of memes.
It was in this new tournament that Marth learned that he had descendants. He was pretty sure those descendants were descendants of another Marth in another universe because there was no way he'd ever leave Smash Bros. He did not want to return to a world where iPhones and showers didn't exist. He also didn't want to live in Altea knowing that there would be no technological advances in the future. He was used to dealing with bullshit, he hung out with Link after all, but that was way too much for even him to handle.
The tournament was being pretty normal like always until the hands decided to announce that more people were going to be joining. Marth honestly couldn't care less about the newcomers but because of his position as a veteran, he was obliged to greet them.
He unenthusiastically greeted Mewtwo, Lucas and Ryu and was about to leave until Link told him he hadn't greeted someone. Marth reluctantly followed Link towards where the last newcomer was. Marth saw a redhead speaking with some other people and was in complete disbelief. There was no way he was back, right? It was all just a dream.
The redhead turned around and smiled when he saw Marth. Marth smiled back and ran towards him. He jumped into the slightly shorter redhead's arms and hugged him as he cried with tears of joy.
"I missed you so much, Roy," the prince sobbed not caring that everyone else was staring, "I'm so glad you're back… Please don't leave me again."
"I won't leave ever again," Roy said as he hugged Marth.
The two BFFs were finally reunited.
Except that's not what actually happened. That was just Roy's fantasy.
The redhead turned around and smiled when he saw Marth. Marth smiled back and ran towards him. Roy also ran and the two separated friends hugged each other.
"What did I miss?" the short redhead asked.
"Not much," Marth replied.
"Did you prank Master Hand and Crazy Hand?"
"Well, someone had to keep your legacy going. Of course, I was the only one qualified to do that."
"Guess it's time to prepare the best one ever."
"Like in the old days?"
"Like in the old days!"
The two BFFs were finally reunited.
Except that didn't happen either. That was just Marth's fantasy.
The redhead turned around and smiled when he saw Marth. Marth smiled back and ran towards him. He was about to jump into Roy's arms but he noticed something wrong. Something very wrong. Something so wrong it made Marth question if going through depression after losing his BFF was really worth it.
"Roy, are you taller than me?"
It took Marth about an hour and lots of yelling to accept the fact that Roy was now the taller one. Neither he nor Roy had ever expected this to happen. Roy had always looked up to Marth and always expected him to be taller than him, and Marth had forgotten that growing up was a thing.
But now, Marth was faced with a new problem. During Roy's absence, he had become best friends with Ike out of convenience more than anything. He didn't expect Roy to ever return and so he hadn't planned on how to explain anything to his two friends.
He was sure the two would hate each other. They didn't have anything in common besides having headbands, a growth spurt and finding mages cool. Marth was having a mental breakdown thinking about what would happen if the two ever met.
Everyone stared at the prince but didn't think anything, Marth having mental breakdowns was something normal in the Smash Mansion. Master Hand had even made it mandatory for veterans to explain to newcomers that Marth having a mental breakdown was nothing to be worried about.
One mental breakdown later, Marth had a plan. Now that Roy was back, he wasn't the best planner of his friend group anymore, but that didn't matter, because unlike Link, Pit and Ike, he could at least plan shit. Emphasis on the shit.
He was about to set his plan in motion when he saw Roy and Ike speaking. Marth was mentally screaming, his plan had been ruined before it even started.
He calmed himself down and walked towards his two friends. He attempted to hide his death glare but to no avail. His two friends didn't know what was pissing Marth off and were getting worried.
"Marth, are you alright?" Ike asked.
"If it's about the height thing, I'll apologize again," Roy added.
"Did the height thing really piss him off?"
"Yeah… We ended up arguing for an hour. Felt like the good old days."
"And here, I thought Marth and Link were bad… Those two argue at least for half an hour every day."
"Really? I guess Marth needed to make up for all the arguing he was missing."
"Well, it only started getting that bad at the start of this tournament. He seemed depressed during Brawl."
"Poor Marth, he must miss his home. That must be why he wears his tiara all the time!"
"I thought he was just girly."
"That too."
Marth stared at his two friends with shock. They hadn't even known each other for a day and they were already getting along like they were best friends. Heck, they were already shitting on him. This pissed off Marth even more, they were supposed to be his best friends, not each other's.
Marth ended up having to go to Mewtwo's anger management class after threatening to set Roy and Ike on fire. No one was allowed to question why Mewtwo was in charge of that class, all the fighters knew was that Crazy Hand had come up with the idea and the class somehow worked. Most people assumed the classes were just brainwashing sessions since everyone who attended reported being bored or asleep during the whole class.
By the time the Ultimate tournament had finished being planned, the stupid friendship problems had been solved.
Marth happily walked down the hallway with a paper in his hand. He was really excited to show the paper to Roy. The redhead might now be taller and hotter than him, but at least he didn't have the right to speak English during-
"No, way!" Roy smiled as he ran towards his best friend with a paper in his hand, "You're allowed to speak English too? This is awesome! Now we can finally team up with more people than just Cloud!"
"Oh, is that so?"
"Yeah! All though, poor Cloud… Master Hand won't let him speak English despite him being completely fluent in it."
"Is that all you want to tell me?"
"No, there's more. You know how Master Hand is letting us be the personal trainers of certain fighters?"
"Yeah, like me training Lucina. What about it?"
"Master Hand made me Chrom's personal trainer! Ike also helps out from time to time."
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Marth shouted instantly ruining all of his anger management class's progress.
Roy didn't know why Marth was so angry. Maybe he hated Chrom? Maybe he was tired of having to deal with his ancestors? Maybe he didn't like the idea of having to see Chrom and Robin make out all the time? Roy had absolutely no idea what was pissing off the blue-haired prince.
Marth excused himself to go to the bathroom. He locked the door and looked at himself in the mirror. He was the most beautiful he had ever been. That was the problem, he was getting girlier with age. Roy had gotten buffer and stronger. While he wasn't the best fighter of the lot, he kept improving with all his training. Marth, on the other hand, was doing worse with every tournament. He had been among the top 3 during Melee, he was always among the top 10 in Brawl, but in 4, he only managed to be in the top 10 once.
He couldn't stay angry at Roy forever. He needed to do something about this. So, swallowing all of his pride, he asked Roy a question he had never wanted to ask.
"C-can I train with you?"
"Like a training match?"
"N-no… Actual training, like working out and stuff."
If Roy hadn't been so used to Marth always being weird, he would have called Mewtwo or a psychologist. Heck, he might have even warned everyone about an upcoming apocalypse.
Marth and Roy went to the training room where they met up with Ike. They worked hard to come up with a plan. After an hour of planning, Roy managed to create a training schedule that worked for everyone.
The trio decided to not waste any time and they got down to business. The first thing to do was warm-ups. This meant a hundred push-ups, something that should be easy for well-trained men.
Ike had no trouble finishing his push-ups since he was basically a walking pile of muscle. Roy finished soon after. Marth was the only one left. He never did push-ups, why would he need to do them?
Marth was about to rant but decided against it when he noticed he was being glared at. He did his best to do more push-ups and after complaining and suffering for what appeared to be an eternity, he had finished.
Marth collapsed and sighed in relief, he was finally done with the stupid push-ups. The next warm-up exercise was a hundred sit-ups. Marth had always found sit-ups to be pretty easy despite not having done any for over a year.
The prince learned the hard way that slacking off on sit-ups was a pretty bad idea. He had done about ten before realizing he was doing the exercise wrong and hurting his neck. Marth couldn't remember how he was supposed to do sit-ups and he couldn't look at what Roy and Ike were doing because they had already finished. Marth was left with no option but to continue the exercise even though he wasn't even doing it correctly.
Luckily for Marth's neck, his friends noticed he was doing the exercise wrong and showed him how to do it right. However, there a new problem arose: doing sit-ups quickly really hurts, like a lot. So after another eternity of pain, Marth collapsed.
After a morning filled with Marth suffering and his friends doing practically nothing, it was Ike's favorite time of the day, lunchtime.
The cafeteria was pretty empty since some of the fighters had left for a quick vacation.
After getting their food, the trio sat at their unusually empty table. Ike devoured his meat without a care in the world. Why he didn't have an ending with meat in Radiant Dawn was beyond anyone.
"Marth, don't you ever grow tired of eating salad every day?" Ike asked.
"Don't you ever grow tired of eating meat every day? It's not even that good for you."
"Well, unless I won the genetic lottery, I'm proof that it's better than salad."
"I think we're going to have to work on your diet," Roy told Marth, "You barely eat anything, that's not good for you. And whenever you eat, it's something that's mostly water with little to no nutritional value."
"What are you talking about!?" Marth snapped, "Salad's good for you!"
"So, how come you're completely out of shape now?"
"What!? I'm perfectly healthy! I'm just rusty."
"Marth, you're at your absolute worst right now. You used to be a complete badass back in Melee. Now you're all insane and girly."
"Speaking of Melee, you're making me miss your old-self. He didn't act like he was the voice of reason in every argument."
"You're the one starting all of our arguments!"
"And I wouldn't start them if you didn't make me start them!"
Ike quietly took his food and walked towards Kirby's table. He had no interest in having his meal ruined by Marth and Roy's obligatory daily argument. Ike ate with Kirby and the two happily ignored the smell of smoke as they ate their food.
The mercenary noticed he didn't have any sauce left and got up ready to get more. He didn't get far because the cafeteria was on fire. Ike went back to the table, sat down feeling grumpy and waited for somebody to come and save him.
'Kirby must be so lucky having sane friends,' Ike thought as he looked at the pink puff.
'I wish I had cool insane friends,' Kirby thought as he stared at the fire with fascination.
It took thirty minutes for somebody to come and save them because Crazy Hand had turned off all the fire alarms because he was tired of hearing the ringing sound every day.
Kirby was taking a nap on Ike's lap as the blue-haired teenager tried to sleep through a bunch of arguments. Seriously, why did he have to attend the hands' meeting with his crazy friends? He wasn't the one who set the cafeteria on fire.
"We've had enough of your petty arguments," Master Hand groaned, "We've let them slide for way too long."
"Actually, I find them to be pretty cute," Crazy Hand admitted, "You don't get many people who regularly set the mansion on fire for stupid reasons."
"Crazy! Don't you know how much money we've lost because of their fights!? We won't be able to afford reconstructions with over 70 fighters to take care of!"
"We can make a reality show to make more money! Or we could organize promotional mini-tournaments!"
"Good idea!" Master Hand paused to think for a moment, "Who should we choose for the tournaments?"
"Roy, I want you to participate in the tournaments."
"Me?" the redhead gasped, "Why?"
"I've got a good feeling about you participating."
Roy and some other fighters ended up leaving for a week to compete in promotional tournaments. Roy being absent from the mansion meant that Marth didn't have to train because Ike was not going through the horror that is training Marth by himself and to be honest he really didn't care about Marth's training. Link had offered to help, but everyone was sure he just wanted to blackmail Marth. Link never helped Marth out of the kindness of his heart unless it was something really really really serious.
The week at the mansion was really uneventful. It didn't help that Kirby was in charge and all he cared about was getting food. He had even turned off the WiFi so that people wouldn't get distracted. This meant that no one could watch the tournaments because the 3G and 4G were absolute shit in the area.
Marth was hanging out in the entrance hall with Link, Ike and Pit playing a boring game of UNO. He was about to win but a gust of wind had blown his good cards away which got mixed up with Pit's bad cards. They randomly chose cards and Pit ended up getting the best ones thus leading him to victory.
The Altean was pretty pissed off by his loss, he was about to storm out of the mansion but the door was slammed into him. He ended up falling on top of Link who had been planning on pushing Marth.
"We're back!" Crazy Hand announced full of glee as all the other fighters made their way in.
"Hey, guys!" Roy greeted his friends on the floor, "What did I miss?"
"Me winning at UNO!" Pit cheered.
"Not having WiFi," Link answered.
"So, how did the tournament go?" Marth asked, "We didn't get to see it."
"It went..." Roy started as he took out two objects from his suitcase, "Great!"
Marth stared at the two gold trophies with disbelief. They both had a red ribbon with "Winner" written on it. Marth had to be dreaming, there was no way Roy would win a tournament, let alone two. Roy, win and tournament did not belong in the same sentence.
"Are you done staring at your reflection?" Roy asked his best friend.
Marth rushed to the toilets and his friends just stared blankly at the space where Marth once stood.
"He's so proud of you that he's gone to cry in the bathroom," Ike told Roy, "He must be too embarrassed to tell you."
"W-what!? That doesn't sound like Marth at all! He never thinks anything nice about me."
It took all of Marth's will for him to not punch the mirror. He was completely pissed off, he wanted to beat someone up to get rid of his anger. This was the last straw. Roy was tall, cool, smart… And now he was a great fighter. He was everything Marth used to be back in the Melee days.
This made Marth feel like he had been betrayed, he always thought he'd be the best fighter of the two, but Roy was catching up just like he always did. Marth would never admit it, but he was envious of the redhead, everything seemed to be going in his favor.
The prince wanted to cry in frustration. He stared at his face on the mirror and remembered what he used to look like when he was younger. Those were the good old days…
Marth could have stayed in the bathroom reminiscing about the past, but he couldn't just sit around doing nothing. He might not be able to grow taller or get smarter, but he could still be a better fighter. It wasn't as though Roy was a better fighter than him, they hadn't fought for quite a while. But if Marth continued slacking off, there was no doubt that Roy would end up way better.
"And then my mom was all like "Eliwood! Don't call our son Ike, let Mark na-" Roy said before feeling someone pull his arm.
"We're going to go train," Marth announced as he dragged the redhead behind him.
"Sorry, I'll finish telling you guys the story later," Roy apologized.
The two swordsmen left leaving their friends in an awkward silence.
"Wow, Marth really wants Roy to be the best he's ever been," Ike noted only for Link to tell him that was definitely not the case.
Marth and Roy were standing in front of the training room trying to come up with an excuse for why they couldn't train Lucina and Chrom. They knew the two were waiting inside for a training session that would never come. But if Master Hand heard about Marth and Roy skipping a training session, he'd be furious and he was already on to them.
Luckily, Ike happened to walk by. He wanted to check on his friends to see what they were doing. In hindsight, it turned out to be a horrible idea.
The two shorter swordsmen had somehow convinced him into helping them train Chrom and Lucina. When they all entered the training room, Marth announced that Chrom and Lucina would be fighting against him and Roy in a few days and to make the training match more challenging, Chrom and Lucina would be training with Ike. Now Ike was stuck training Chrom and Lucina for the rest of the day. He really needed to get better friends to fight for.
Somehow, the excuse worked so well that when Master Hand heard about it, he thought it was a great idea and decided that Ike would train Chrom and Lucina for a week. This meant that Marth had one week to get back into shape and reclaim his position as the best swordsman in Smash Bros (which would now be even easier because Cloud had been banned from the training room by Crazy Hand).
Marth and Roy found an old empty training room and decided to train there. They spent their whole time practicing, working out and making sure to play FEH every thirty minutes. They trained so much that they accidentally skipped lunch (not that was abnormal for Marth).
By the end of the day, the two swordsmen were exhausted and lying on the floor taking a rest. They hadn't worked out so much in ages yet it felt like they had only trained for an hour. Time really did fly when you were busy.
"You think we'll be able to beat them next week?" Roy asked Marth.
"We will win. We've gotta show them we're the best."
"I guess, there's no way we'll lose with you on the team."
"Hey, did we eat lunch?"
"Shit, we skipped it! What time is it?"
"N-nine pm… The cafeteria closes in half an hour."
"If we save our showers for after dinner, we'll be able to get something to eat."
The two friends rushed to the cafeteria where they saw Ike eating a huge bowl full of meat. He seemed pretty pissed off so Marth and Roy decided to avoid him. They went to get their food which they only got after Marth yelled at Mario to give him exactly the same meal as Roy.
After dinner, the two argued for an hour over who got to take a shower first. By that time, Ike had already taken his and prepared himself to go to bed. Since he was not going to deal with his roommates' stupid arguing, he decided to stuff his ears with toilet paper. If there was one thing Ike loved almost as much as food, it was sleeping. Maybe he should tell Lucina and Chrom that napping was an effective way to train? They believed him when he said that if they ate his vegetables and gave him their meat, they'd get stronger.
The week continued that way. Marth and Roy would train the whole day, accidentally skipping lunch, while Ike contemplated his sanity the whole time. Master Hand was extremely satisfied with how things were going. It was the most peaceful week there had been in ages. Last time it was this peaceful was when he forced everyone to take vacations back in the first tournament.
Right before the epic fight, Marth and Roy were preparing their battle plan which consisted of tricking Chrom into running into a fully charged flare blade. That trick always worked on newcomers and people who didn't know Roy. But Chrom knew Roy since the redhead had trained him. However, Chrom wasn't known for his brains, so there was a pretty big chance he'd fall for that trick. Lucina had already fallen for it once, but she didn't inherit her mom's brain, so yeah. The plan was foolproof.
"You know, there's only one thing that could make this battle even cooler," Marth told his best friend.
Roy wasn't sure what Marth was talking about. How could there be anything cooler than a one-hit KO within the first few seconds of the match?
"Last Surprise from Persona 5 playing once Chrom gets knocked out!"
"But would we even be allowed to play Persona 5 music?"
"If the knockout happens, I'll gladly play it," a familiar voice said from behind.
"I-it's the announcer!" Marth gasped as he turned around to see the announcer, "What are you doing here? I thought you never showed yourself. And… Why are you hiding behind a cloak that conveniently makes your face pitch black?"
"I guess I can tell you since my true identity will soon be known to all."
The announcer took off the cloak and revealed his true form. He was a teenager with black hair and gray eyes that turned red for epic moments.
"You're Joker from Persona 5!" Marth yelled, "That's so cool!"
"N-no way!" Roy stuttered, "Joker has been the announcer all this time!"
"I'm also you in Japanese."
"No, I'm you in Japanese."
"Guys, the match is about to start!" Marth alerted his friends, "We've got to hurry! Joker, make sure Last Surprise plays no matter what!"
Marth and Roy headed to stage. Since they wanted an epic and fair battle against Chrom and Lucina, they had chosen to fight on final destination with no items (sadly no Fox, so they went with one stock only). Chrom and Lucina were really excited for their battle against their trainers who they didn't know were excited to beat the shit out of them.
When the match started, Roy immediately started charging the Binding Blade while Marth kept Lucina away. Chrom was going to attack Roy but then he saw Lucina being attacked by Marth and his dad instincts popped out.
Chrom tried attacking Marth, but Marth was two steps ahead and managed to dodge every attack. Marth knew it wouldn't be long until Roy had finished charging his attack. So, he grabbed Lucina and threw her in Roy's direction making sure that she went right above him.
Chrom's dad instincts meant he had to make sure Lucina didn't hurt herself, so he ran in Roy's direction. He was so focused on his daughter that he didn't notice that he was running straight into a trap.
By the time Chrom had noticed the trap, he was already flying through the air with lots of burns while Last Surprise played in the background. Now that he thought about it, the music really fit the situation. Not bad, he thought.
Lucina wasn't having nice thoughts though. She hadn't noticed it before, but Ike had been sitting holding a large panel with Link and Pit that said: "Go Marth and Roy!". She didn't know whether to think Ike was a dick or whether to think he was a nice guy for supporting his friends. But none of that matter, she was completely screwed.
The last thing she remembered from the match was seeing sadistic smiles on her two opponents. The Hero-King and his best friend really were huge assholes sometimes.
"We won!" Marth smiled, "We didn't even get any damage!"
"We've got to celebrate this! We should go eat in town with all our friends."
"Yeah! But before that… I want to tell you something..."
All right, this was it. Marth had to say one of the most embarrassing things he could say. Roy would probably lose all respect for him, but that didn't matter.
"T-thanks for helping me."
"Y-you're thanking me?"
"Y-yeah, you helped me see the light. I probably would have ended up sucking ass if you hadn't let me train with you."
"What!? Marth, you're one of the best fighters I know. I'm sure you would have managed to become great again regardless of my help. I'm nothing compared to you."
"Roy, you've improved so much since Melee. You aren't nothing compared to me."
"Yes, I am!"
"No, you're not!"
The duo ended up arguing for an hour like always. If you asked Master Hand, he'd tell you that they should just settle their differences with a fight on final destination. That was the whole point of the tournament, fighting.
Marth, Roy and their whole group of friends decided to have dinner at the best restaurant in town which had been recommended by Kirby. Everyone was chatting, having fun and enjoying the delicious food. The food was so good it made Pit cry.
"You know, I think I learned something today," Marth told Roy, "Me being jealous of you was pretty stupid."
"You, being jealous of me?" Roy smiled as he tried hiding his laughter, "I can see why it was stupid. I'm pretty shit."
"What!? That's not true! Why would I be jealous of shit? Anyways, I've thought about it. You're taller now and I guess that won't be changing."
"You were upset because I was taller than you?"
"Shut up! Now, where was I… Right! I have no reason being upset at you for being taller because in the end, there will always be someone shorter than me."
"Oh, I see where you're getting at. No matter what happens, Link will always be there to be shorter than us!"
Link glared at the two FE lords he called his friends. Oh, well… At least, Pit was there to be shorter than him.
Everyone walked home. Some were in a rush to get back home, weirdly Marth wasn't among them for once. He was enjoying a walk with his four closest friends despite the cold temperature outside.
"Do you guys think we'll always be best friends?" the blue-haired prince asked.
"Seeing as how we argue over everything, do the stupidest shit together and are all still friends, I think the answer is yes," Link answered.
"You don't think something will ever ruin our friendship?"
"Nothing could ruin us!" Pit cheered, "We're best friends till the end!"
"I can think of one thing," Ike admitted.
"Ike's right!" Roy agreed, "Only one thing could ruin our friendship. Is anyone here subscribed to T-Series?"
Complete silence.
"Good! We're all nine-year-olds with bonus years, right?"
"Of course, we are!" Marth yelled, "We watch Pewdiepie every day and do our part by threatening to kill random strangers if they don't subscribe to Pewdiepie!"
"So, there's nothing to be worried about. I guess you were wrong, Ike."
"Whatever," the mercenary, "Let's just go listen to Bitch Lasagna for an hour while eating dessert."
In the end, the five friends ended up doing just as Ike said. Although, Crazy Hand did join the group for an hour before being kicked out when Pit noticed there was a lasagna in the room.
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presumenothing · 7 years
superhero confidential [#1]
[ marvel au ]
A rose, by any other name Eighteen hours with some of our mightiest heroes
THE FIRST MEMBER OF the Avengers I speak to is Toyama Kazuha, better known as the Black Widow.
"I don't know if we're still really the Avengers, officially, what with the Accords being up in the air and all," Toyama-san says thoughtfully as she helps me through the many non-disclosure agreements and liability waivers required for this interview. "This here's the last one, I swear – it's just in case, so much weird stuff happens when both Heiji and Shinichi-kun are around that our insurance stopped covering it."
If there's a way to respond to that statement, I don't know it.
"Like, alien weird, but also normal weird." She shakes her head as she files the papers away in their respective folders. "Trust me, you don't want ta know."
I do, actually – what could possibly constitute 'weird' around this group of people? – but she hurries me out of the room, and off to meet the rest of the maybe-not-officially-Avengers.
LIKE MOST CELEBRITIES, POLITICIANS, and other public figures, the basic facts of the various Avengers' lives are common knowledge, though some more by force than by choice.
Toyama-san, for example, has not been shy about acknowledging her roots, ever since her identity was fully confirmed in her massive online leak of SHIELD data. Fans and martial arts enthusiasts alike often frequent local dojos in hopes of seeing her drop by to give impromptu lessons on practical fighting for self-defence.
Her fellow Osakan – Hattori Heiji, aka the Falcon – has been much more vocal about promoting his hometown. It's often joked that he skywrites tourism advertisements on his days off, but meeting him in person actually lends plausibility to this notion.
The duo make up half of the current four-man team, at least on paper.
"Budget cuts, y'know, we're runnin' on a skeleton crew," Hattori-san says laconically when he meets us at the door of the conference room we're using. "Can't be helped."
"You either want us to play nice with the Accords committee or you don't, Hattori, stop complaining. And for the record, I am so blaming you if a skeleton horde actually appears later."
That's said by Kudo Shinichi, whose story – contradictory versions of it, even – has been chronicled in every historical account of the WWII period and the past decade. He has famously refused to comment on the details of his past, except to (just as famously) confirm that he has never held any form of American citizenship, nor does he have any plans to.
The last member of the quartet arrives two minutes later, trailed by a robot bearing a sizeable tray.
"Now that you've jinxed it, Kudo-kun, I'll make sure to update the emergency protocols accordingly." Miyano Shiho, formerly known as CEO of Miyano Industries but now as the Iron Lady, steps aside for the robot to roll up to us and place its tray on the table.
Toyama-san promptly ditches me to get a better look at what turns out to be an assortment of snacks. "Ooh, the good stuff! You're the best robot overlord, Shiho-chan."
"Yes, well." Miyano-san produces a holographic display out of nowhere and taps it deftly several times (raising the question of whether the Avengers Tower does, indeed, have contingencies for skeleton invasions) before dismissing it with a wave. "I do have Kudo-kun's metabolism thoroughly documented, though serum effects certainly don't account for Hattori-kun's appetite."
"Nothing accounts for his appetite," says Kudo-san in chorus with Toyama-san.
"It's the only 'enhanced' thing about Heiji, really," the latter adds. "Don't think that was what the Accords meant, though."
Hattori-san doesn't even try to deny either part, though he does look a little abashed when he turns to me. "Anyway – since we're all here, do you want ta start with your first question?"
Watching them interact like this – that is to say, without any active threat to our continued existence – is engaging enough in itself, but I gladly take the opportunity to broach the topic that's already been mentioned three times: the Sokovia Accords.
As often happens in cases where the evidence mostly amounts to opaquely-worded press releases and supposedly credible inside sources, speculation about the Accords has run rampant, drawing conspiracy theorists out of the global woodwork. In this case, though, the truth seems rather more mundane than fiction, if more convoluted at turns.
For starters, they're now known as the United Peace Accords, dropping all references to the Sokovia disaster and other past incidents.
"We wanted a name that reflected the actual goal of this agreement – or our goals, at least," Kudo-san explains with a slight frown. "Not something seemingly guaranteed to incite reaction with everyone involved."
Does the change reflect a similarly major shift in the Accords' content?
This gets several wry smiles around the table.
"There was a little... difference in opinion, let's just say," ventures Toyama-san, to a badly-concealed snort from Hattori-san.
"Suffice to say, some parts of the regulations were more controversial than others." It's Miyano-san who takes up the narrative – perhaps surprisingly, for those who have heard rumours of her staunch support for the Accords. "Which our two – gentlemen – here took upon themselves to bend and break entirely, until they uncovered a plot to attack the UN ratification summit in Vienna. Fortunately, this gave us enough leverage to push for major changes to the Accords, and a much longer grace period."
"Kudo and I are really good detectives, what can I say." Hattori-san grins fiercely. "Just as well, too, the nonsense they were proposing wasn't ever gonna work with us. They're actually letting us talk about this now?"
"Within reasonable bounds, yes." Miyano-san shrugs. "Nothing specific, and nothing that might interfere with the ongoing investigation. I believe they've realised the extent to which no press is, in fact, bad press."
"Took quite a lot of diplomacy to do it, though, which is why you weren't invited," Toyama-san quips. It's intriguing to watch her expression flip from the neutral one that's made her the public face of the Avengers to pulling a face at Hattori-san and back again.
It's also a much-needed reminder that superheroes don't stop being people, even when they're on the job.
Kudo-san rolls his eyes at their antics and looks over at me. "And they call this a team. Next question?"
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(references this part)
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Stan:Hey wastelanders! So,we don’t have a picture for this post yet…
Max:The nerd running the blog is too tired to stay up until 1 AM to finish a picture again so no picture..
Stan:But,we wanted to share just some randomass facts about our little crossover-alternate universe since there aren’t any questions to answer at this point…
Max:Well,there is one,but it’s for this person named Wendy who Stan knows,but I don’t.This Wendy isn’t open for questions yet,as stated it’s only me ‘n Stan,so yeah,no questions.
Stan:And we’re bored.
Max:Sheila has a four-drinks-per-customer thing so we don’t even have alcohol or anything.
Stan:Thus,have some boring pointless facts.These are about all the characters,some locations,some shenanigans we get up to later down the line.This doesn’t mean the characters are open for questions yet,you’ll have to be patient for that.
In this universe,a lot of characters that have died in the show or have little screen time make appearences,like Chef,Christophe,Gregory,Damien and Pip.
Kenny is still immortal
Will we have giant guinea pig like creatures and robots attacking? Yes
So,some time after the gang meets the Freeside and Vegas dwellers,Stripe and Sparky get kidnapped {petnapped?} by some Freeside thugs/raiders.Max,along with Craig,Kenny and Scott {weird choice I know} go on a mission to track them down and save the animals.Originally Max wanted to go on his own.He didn’t mention it to anyone else.When everyone was asleep,he snuck out to go get the animals back.To his surprise he found Craig sneaking out on the same mission.”Are you fucking kidding me?” is all Craig could say when the duo stumble into Scott,who was just patrolling the area before heading to bed and Kenny,who was smoking outside {and checking out the Vegas ladies}.They couldn’t lie,and so the four went on the mission.It was a good thing Scott was with them,because with his tracking skills,he tracked the raiders to a building on the outskirts of Westside.They took the truck just because there were some Vegas brats trying to graffiti it,and to ram into the door if it was needed.Long story short,they find out it’s an underground dog fighting ring,with one or two animals mixed in between.They saved Sparky and Stripe,met Hunter and found Rex,Clyde’s dog who has been lost for a few months.They got most of the dogs on the truck and took them to a sanctuary outside Novac,which took the whole night.Tired,Max decided that the whole crew has an off day,where everyone can go do what they want to,whether it be giving the truck a new paint job and fixing it up or getting some treats for the pets.{One can expect a oneshot of this in the future}
I find it funny that Gregory was given the role of Daniel and Christophe the role of Joshua {Honest hearts},since Christophe has a huge thing against God,while Joshua is pretty religious.
It’s still not decided who shot Max
Which South Park characters will/will possibly take on the roles of faction leaders?
NCR - Mayor McDaniels
Legion - Mr. Garrison {Just so we can rid the world of him} 
Brotherhood of Steel - Stephen Stotch {Butters’ dad}
Followers of the Apocalypse - Possibly PC Principal
The Boomers - Gerald Broflovski {Kyle’s dad - just because of that ‘ultimate’/attack in TFBW}
Vegas {Mr.House} - ?? {Maybe Randy? That wouldn’t make sense tho…unless Mr.House died to Randy and Randy just took over,pretending to be the legend for a year or two,eventually believing he is him,and continuing with his goals to take over the Mojave.}
Independant Vegas - Max {with the help of Yes Man}
Great Khans - ??
The Kings - The King {obviously.Not sure who’d take on that role.Mr Mackey?}
Carnies - ?? {Maybe one of the vamp kids?}
Cartman is still called Fatass by the others
Max knows a few swear words in other languages.
Eventually there’ll be a poll or something to determine which other ships will be in the AU,and who Max’s love interest’s gonna be {If he’s gonna have one}
With the boys being a lot older,their personalities changed a little,but not much.Cartman’s still an asshole,Craig still doesn’t care,etc
There are a lot more casinos ‘n shit than there is ingame.Chef owns a casino,Mr.Kim has one,Mr.Slave ‘n Al have one,who ever shot Max has one
We’re going Mad Max on this one in saying that there are cars,trucks,busses,motorcycles and four wheelers that are drivable.Raiderified/raider proof,but drivable.Just because it’s strange how these wastelanders have actual flying helicopers {vertibirds},managed to get a plane that was at the bottom of a lake for 200 years to fly, and a giant ass robot that talks,but don’t know how to fix up old cars.
Independant Vegas here we come
Stan and Wendy were together for a good 3 or 4 years before making the decision to remain best friends.There’s a whole story behind that,but,that’s for another time.These two would literally die for each other.
Some religions managed to stay alive for 200 years.There are new ones too…some are just really weird,like for example,the Children of Atom.
Can you believe Kyle’s mom sent her kids off to boot camp and became the leader and bartender in a little ghost town?
Will Craig ‘n Tweek eventually have their wedding? Absolutely
Max has amnesia from the shots to the head,but,as his journey continues,he starts remembering more,like his past.Why his parents sent away to be a courier,why they didn’t even bother to go look for him,why the Divide got blown to bits.
It’s not clear what Terrance and Phillip’s roles are gonna be.Maybe they should lead the Khans.
Kenny and Stan have a drinking contest while in Jacobstown and Stan manages it better than Kenny.The townspeople asked the crew to remove Kenny from the town.
Wendy has in fact,beaten up a deathclaw.
The siblings of the characters also make their appearances,all in different locations.Ike almost always follows after Kyle,so he’s part of the crew {the main crew,who travels the wastes with Max}.
Ike tried to help Christophe get over his fear of dogs.It was partially successful.
Another Ike one - Ike has a penpal.He writes letters to this penpal when he’s not training.Little does he know,it’s Firkle.He discovers this while the crew’s in Jacobstown.
Some alternate outfits for the crew have parts from their superhero/humans ‘n elves costumes.
Max:A’right,that’s enough facts and rambling.While I don’t expect this to be of use to anybody,it’s at least more fun than sitting here staring at this blue eyed companion of mine.
Stan:Maybe we should post some story stuff tomrrow,like how we met? 
Max:That could be a fun experience.Maybe we should also see if we can get a better profile pic up.Maybe one of you,me and the dog?
Stan:Max,it’s already a pain in the ass to draw us.How the hell is she gonna draw Sparky?
Stan:That could work.
Max:Honestly,there are a ton more,cooler AUs out there.Why do we exist?
Stan:I think you should get some rest.Sheila gave us the keys so we can stay here.Just have to lock up.
Max:But I don’t want to sleep.I’ve been out cold for a few days.The dirt nap was good enough.
Stan:You have to get some rest,Max.Whether it’s sleeping on the table,on one of the seats,or on the bar itself,or on the floor if you really want to.I’ll even put out my sleeping bag for ya.
Max:What about right here,next to you?
Stan:I wouldn’t advise that.People might start shipping us…or worse…they might attack you.We’ve got a lot of Style and Stendy shippers,and some others like Stutters and Staig.
Max:Why do people always assume two people are dating when they’re just in the same place?
Stan:That’s this hellsite in a nutshell…so..just get some rest or whatever.I’ll answer any questions,if there are any,after this.I’ve seen a lot in my life time,so I don’t get intimidated.
Stan’s up for questions,and Max’ll also give some sleepy answers
So many tags to do but I can’t write em all,I apologise.
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