#ikemen prince is also one I’m surprised that I like
doctorjotaro · 2 years
I’m so sad there are so many mobile otomes I wish were just purchasable games. I’m invested in the story but five chapters a day breaks my immersion. Ik you can pay to complete quicker or for special events but that’s expensive lmao.
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otomehoneyybearr · 6 days
Ikemen Prince 4th Anniversary
Leon & Rio: The Hidden Agenda
One day, at a tavern—
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Rio: "—I see, so subtlety is key no matter the situation."
Rio: "Honestly, I get so overwhelmed by my feelings for Emma that I tend to go overboard with everything."
Rio: "Use a gradual approach, giving her subtle thrills bit by bit... I'll try that next time!"
Leon: "Yeah, I’m rooting for you."
Leon: "Though, why did you come to me?"
Rio: "What do you mean?"
Leon: "You asked me for tips on ways to get Emma to notice you and invited me for a drink."
Leon: "But wouldn't Jin or Nokto, who are good with women, be more suitable for this stuff?"
Rio: "You’re right, those two are pros at knowing thousands of ways to win over women."
Rio: "I actually went to them before. But the methods they suggested were very intense and nosebleed-inducing,"
Rio: "that it quickly escalated from catching Emma’s attention to leading us straight into the bedroom, so I backed out quickly!"
Rio: "That's why I'm seeking the help from the walking guidebook of romance techniques, Prince Leon..."
Leon: "I'm very curious to know who came up with that title for me,"
Leon: "But for your sake, I'll stick around for as long as you need."
Rio: "Ah... I see. So, the strategy is to subtly convey to the other person that they’re special through casual conversation."
Rio: "It feels like my heart was suddenly ambushed from out of nowhere."
Leon: "I don't really get it, but if that helped you in any way, then I'm glad."
Leon: "So, we'll keep discussing ways to approach Emma—"
Leon: "And get to the real topic afterwards, right?"
Rio: "....."
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Rio: "Ah... you figured it out?"
Leon: "I had a hunch."
Rio: "As expected of you, Prince Leon."
Rio: ".....Emma is so cute that just by existing, she captures the hearts of everyone."
Rio: "So, when I happened to see you and Emma chatting happily today, I got curious,"
Rio: "And I invited you for a drink to make sure you hadn’t stolen her heart!"
Leon: "Was it the same reason for Jin and Nokto too?"
Rio: "Yes!"
Leon: "And, I suppose you've checked with others too?"
Rio: "Please keep this a secret from Emma. She would be surprised."
Rio: "But don't worry, I'm not threatening anyone!"
Rio: "Not yet, at least."
Leon: "You’re more of a worrywart than I thought."
Rio: "Partly, but I also think it's better to identify any threats early on."
Rio: "For me, Emma is my entire world."
Master List
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ceruleanwhore · 7 months
People have talked about how a lot of the Ikemen games give all the suitors pets, so I thought I’d make a post of what pets I think the ikepri guys would have. 
WARNING: there’s a spoiler about Gilbert at the end, but the kind where you’d probably have to look something up to know what it is. Take that as you will.
Jin would absolutely have a small monkey that he’d wear on his shoulder into town as another way to pick up women. I could also see him training said monkey to steal little things from particular people he points out both as a way to get stuff from people for like his job but also as another, more contrived way to get women to talk to him. Think about it: Jin having his pet monkey steal a beautiful woman’s scarf so she has to chase it back to him and then he pretends to be surprised and disappointed that his pet did that and returns the object to its owner who now is falling for his charm and starting to think that maybe the monkey isn’t so bad.
Chevalier would have a cat because, as Sebastian from Black Butler once said, they do not say useless things or do them, plus they tend to be independent, clean, and kill vermin. He’d manage to find a cat that’s pretty much silent and never meows and also is fairly independent so, aside from occasionally curling up on Chev’s lap (silently) while he’s reading, it doesn’t require much from him.
Clavis would get a loud, messy dog like a rat terrier or a hound that he would deliberately not train to get rid of those typically undesirable behaviors because he likes the chaos and it annoys Chev and Sariel.
Leon would have a peregrine falcon. In older times, like the sort of time period ikepri is set in, there was a hierarchy of which birds of prey guys could have depending on what their title was as royalty or nobility, and princes got peregrines, so I think that’s appropriate.
Yves would have some kind of bird, I’m thinking a rosy-faced lovebird. I could see it being a gift one of his brothers brought back for him from another country where they’re native, since it seemed that Yves could use a friend.
Licht would have an Irish wolfhound that he’d take for very long walks every morning at some ungodly hour when normal people are asleep.
Nokto would have a ferret. Being as clever as he is, he’d do well with an equally clever pet, plus he’ll be able to properly care for it and train it. I could see him teaching his ferret a bunch of tricks, including sneaking into locked rooms and unlocking doors from the inside.
Luke would have a fucking badger. Idk it just makes sense to me.
Sariel wouldn’t have a pet of his own but, since the king’s death, he would take over the duties of caring for the late king’s gyrfalcon until a new king is chosen and that bird then goes to whoever Emma picks to be the next king. This is also coming from that bird hierarchy I mentioned with Leon.
Rio would have a bunny because it reminds him of Emma. He is a golden retriever, so it wouldn’t make sense for him to then get a dog, but something that reminds him of his beloved Emma makes sense for him. He’d ‘joke’ about how it’s to keep him company while she’s at work and how he pretends it’s her and they have long conversations or whatever.
Silvio would have something really small and cute like a stoat that’s like the dead opposite of Silvio. He would’ve rescued it somehow and from there he’s just really attached to it and protective of it.
Keith would be really fond of the fish in the pond at the Jade palace and that’s as close as he gets to having a pet because he’s a sad boi who doesn’t trust himself not to hurt the things and people he loves.
Gilbert would have a golden eagle (more of that bird stuff) and he would 1000% keep that secret from anyone outside the Obsidian royal palace, because it’s a giveaway of who he really is. Also, I feel like he would actually have a close relationship with his bird, plus I do think rather than using the bird for hunting like actual royalty did, he would use it to intimidate people and also to send messages occasionally.
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fang-and-feather · 2 months
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Ikemen Prince - Keith x Reader
This is almost too late but was written for @keithsandwich's birthday.
So Happy Birthday!! Here is a small gift for you, dear. If I had more time, I would have tried to include your OC, but this came from a bout of inspiration yesterday and it turned into this. It's my first time writing Keith, so hope I didn't mess them too badly. And hope you enjoy it.
Words: 1143
IkePri Masterlist / General Masterlist
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You were startled out of a sweet dream with your boyfriend, by a mild shake on your shoulders, from what you could only see as a silhouette in the dark.
Your scream was muffled by a large hand covering your mouth, and the person leaned closer so you could see his face better.
You relaxed upon noticing it was just your boyfriend - Alter Keith, given his rougher gestures - who put a finger to his lips, asking for silence, and only when you nodded was that he pulled away.
“Get dressed and come.” He told you, straightening himself.
As your eyes adjusted to the dark, you noticed he was already dressed. Your attention turned to the window, to confirm the sun wasn’t even up yet. What could he want you to be awake at such an hour for?
But there didn’t seem to be any urgency, just a bit of impatience, and you trusted him enough that you didn’t need to ask.
He went to your wardrobe and handed you a dress you didn’t even remember owning. A forest green dress, with details in silvery white, including embroidery of flowers and butterflies. It wasn’t too fancy or too simple. Truly a dress for a variety of occasions. You also thought it had a fairy-like vibe.
“When did you get this?” You asked while changing into it.
Of course, the dress fit you like a glove, which probably meant one of them had personally picked it.
You never felt too shy to change in front of your boyfriend, but the way you could feel his gaze, even turned mostly away from him, made a heat spread up through your body, that you couldn’t say if it was of embarrassment or something else.
“Yesterday, during your lessons.”
“Was that why I was held there a little longer than usual?”
“He also had to pick up something in town, so the trip took longer than I expected.”
So they had gotten separate gifts for you? But why was Alter giving his to you already?
You combed your hair before turning to him.
“Does it look like you expected?”
Now, face-to-face with him looking you over as you waited for a response, it really made you embarrassed, so you gave him a playful twirl, to show off a little while avoiding his gaze.
“Better. Now come. I will let him show you the rest of the surprise. But before that…” He pulled you by the hand, the other hand reaching for your waist when you were close enough, capturing your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. “I will settle for only this for now.”
A shame, but you wouldn’t protest when you were curious about what he meant by ‘the rest of the surprise’.”
With an arm still firmly around your waist, it was still Alter that led you out of the castle, as if trying to make sure you two went unnoticed. Not that it was a difficult task. He seemed to know well what he was doing.
A little farther into the garden was when he let his other self take over. Keith immediately pulled his arm away, only to take your hand instead, as he turned to you with a sheepish smile.
“I’m sorry he had to wake up like that. I told him we should have told you in advance about our plans, but…”
You squeezed his hand and gave him a reassuring smile.
“It’s fine. I was a little surprised, but I’m happy to spend time with you. I don’t mind when you surprise me.”
He smiled at you, relieved.
“I wanted to do this in a better place, but things have been hectic lately, so I am sorry if it is not what you expected.”
“Anything you do or give me will always feel better than I could expect, because you always do it with love. And your love will always be the best gift I could have.”
“But it’s your birthday. Of course you deserve more. And although this is not what I hoped, I hope you will like it.”
He led you further into the garden, towards a more secluded area. This spot almost looked like it was in the middle of a forest, with a few tall trees covered in flowering vines. There was just enough space for you to see paths of the lightening sky beyond.
Keith also looked at the sky, before turning back to you, both of you facing each other.
“I wanted to go somewhere where we could see the sunrise, but I didn’t want for it to be inside. Above all, I wanted to greet this new day with you. The day you were born will always be special to me, because I will always be grateful for you.” Looking a little shy, he gently pulled you closer and kissed the back of your hand. “Happy birthday, my beloved. Thank you for loving me.” His other hand cupped your cheek, and you shared a sweet, lingering kiss. “Also, I have a gift for you. It’s not as…”
You knew what he was thinking before he finished the sentence. So, this time you were the one to kiss him, watching with delight as his cheeks turned pink.
“I won’t have you comparing your gift to his, or apologizing for something you picked with love. I know you both thought a lot about what to get me, and I will be happy just because you picked it for me.”
Keith nodded and picked a small box from his pocket, presenting it to you silently.
Inside the box was a beautiful hair clip. A silver butterfly encrusted with jades.
“This is so lovely! Can you put it on for me?” You turned around for him to do that, shivering when his fingers brushed the back of your neck as he worked on your hair. “So? How does it look?”
“Beautiful.” He whispered.
“And both your gifts match so perfectly, it’s hard to think you picked them separately.”
“Because both of us picked them thinking of you.”
You turned around, now with more light shining on his side, framing him perfectly and really letting you see the softness with which he smiled at you. It was really the perfect spot.
“Thank you! For the gift, and for such a delightful surprise. I love you.”
He kissed you again before replying.
“I love you too, my beautiful princess.”
There was a moment of silence, then you noticed the shift in his expression that told you they had switched.
“We love you. Happy birthday.” You were once again pulled into his arms and into a deep kiss. “We wanted to greet the dawn with you, but dawn means our day is just starting. I hope you’re ready, because we’ll show you how much we love and are grateful for you.”
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Ikemen Prince - Silvio Ricci
I'm not an expert at this, so my translations are gonna be pretty janky. Expect mistakes.
Slightly suggestive.
Translation under the cut.
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Emma visited my room on Valentine's Day night and was dumbfounded by what she saw.
Emma: "Prince Silvio."
Silvio: "Yeah?"
Emma: "What's with all the jewelry and clothes?"
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Benitoite Valentine's Day has the custom of devoting oneself to the person one loves.
(I get that she prefers feelings over stuff, and to be honest, I think I went too far, but一)
Silvio: "Well, today is Valentine's Day."
Silvio: "Still, I tried my best not to overdo it."
In response to my statement, I looked again at the gifts piled up in my room.
I think I deserved some praise for making enough room for two people.
Emma: "Um, I'm surprised at the sheer volume, but I'm happy."
Emma: "Thanks, Prince Silvio."
Silvio: "Well, you deserve this."
Emma: "Do you still think this is not enough?"
Actually, there were more potential gifts than I could fit in the room.
Emma: "Wait, no. Don't tell me."
Emma: "Even if you don't do this, I can still feel your love for me."
(She probably said that on purpose.)
(Also, she doesn't have to tell me that because I can see it every time she gives me a stupidly obvious response.)
(But looking at her, I don't think I'm telling her enough.)
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Silvio: "I don't care what you say. Just accept everything quietly."
I picked out the clothes and jewelry from the pile of gifts that would suit Emma.
(Since I chose it, it will look good on her.)
Silvio: "You're so cute."
Emma: "R-Really? This is a bit embarrassing."
Silvio: "..............."
(Damn, my voice slipped out.)
I coughed to cover it up, but...
Emma: "Can you say that again?"
Silvio: "Don't get carried away."
Emma: "It's Valentine's Day, and I want you to spoil me.”
Silvio: "Fine, if you're going to insist that much, I'll tell you."
Emma: "Whoa!"
I roughly pushed her down on the bed, her eyes sexily shimmering as she looked up at me.
(I always go crazy when I'm with her.)
Silvio: "Everything I saw looks good and cute on you!"
Silvio: "Are you satisfied now? Or do you want me to say it one more time?"
Emma: "Once is enough! And please don't say that while blushing. You're making me even more embarrassed!"
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Silvio: "Shut up! You ask me to do it!"
Emma: "Tyrant!"
Silvio: "So what!?"
As soon as she looked away, I felt my rationality slip away again.
(It's your fault for reacting so cutely.)
Instantly, something snapped inside me.
I kissed her roughly and pushed the tip of my tongue between her lips, causing her to let out a sweet moan.
Emma: "Mnn...ngh...Silvio..."
Silvio: "What? You became much quieter after I kissed you."
Silvio: "What happened to the energy you had just now?"
Emma: "If the person I love does this to me, of course, I'll become quiet!"
Silvio: "I take it back. You're not quiet at all."
(She should know that she only looks cuter when she argues with me like this.)
I quickly blocked her lips with a kiss and started taking her clothes off.
As soon as I stripped her naked, I cupped her breast, and she moaned even louder.
Emma: "I would be more obedient if you were honest with me."
Silvio: "Look who's talking. You're not always honest, you know?"
Emma: "I'm pretty sure I'm always honest."
As I put another mark on her skin, Emma smiled at me.
Emma: "I love you."
Emma: "Even though you're obnoxious, not honest, and a big tyrant, I still love you!"
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Silvio: "What is this all of a sudden?"
Emma: "You said I'm not always honest, so now, I'm being honest."
Emma: "It's Valentine's Day, so love is in the air."
(It really throws me off when she suddenly acts like this.)
(And yet, I don’t hate it.)
I could frustratingly feel the heat gathering on my face as she spoke.
Emma: “Are you embarrassed?”
Silvio: “I’m not embarrassed.”
Emma: “But your face...”
Silvio: “Ah, geez! Shut up! I’m not embarrassed!”
Silvio: “You want me to be honest with you? Fine! Make love to me until I’m satisfied.”
Silvio: “And don't think you'll get away with this.”
Emma: “Ah!”
I clutched her hips and thrust harder as she wrapped her arms around my back, her chest hitting against mine.
(I feel so happy when I’m with her like this.)
(I can’t get enough of her.)
Silvio: “I love you.”
Emma: “Prince...Silvio...”
Silvio: “I ain’t gonna say it twice.”
Emma: “Hehe, Okay. I’m so happy.”
She was breathless, but Emma still smiled softly.
Emma: “My gift is not as many as yours, but I’ll give all my love to you instead.”
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Silvio: “That's a bold thing to say.”
Silvio: "I'm going to hold you so tight you won't even have time to chat, so get ready, Emma."
(I can't say the words easily, but this is my way of loving you.)
On Valentine's Day, many lovers made sweet love to each other.
Emma was smiling so much that I couldn't help but be embarrassed at her clumsy words and touches.
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leonscape · 1 month
What sold you on Leon, like when and how?
I joined ikeprince without a sure pick but in the prologue, the other princes were either disregarding or overwhelming MC and then Leon just goes...
"What do you want?"
Me: "me? What do I want?"
I swear I stared at him like he had saved my life in such a charming way. I was pleasantly surprised by his words and most definitely smitten from then on😌
i was sold from the moment i met him tbh. i folded so fast bro 😔
and this wasn’t my first ikemen game. i started ikevamp first and then i kinda just downloaded the rest of the ikeseries. so i started them pretty much at the same time. leon is the only suitor i really liked from the start across all games.
like bro when he stepped in and helped mc with that drunk guy and then he helped the kid she defended find his mom? he was so cool!! hehe he called him pipsqueak and put him on his shoulders and it was so cute.
but yeah also the fact that he was encouraging and very thoughtful. he understood the importance of emma accepting the position of belle but he also understood the pressure of such situation.
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i just really liked his kindness. one of my favorite parts of his route was when he saved us from that weird duke from the party. and then he told us it was okay to cry and he even got us some shoes and i love him so much i like when guys are kind and i like when their characters are consistent and you don’t have to guess what their real character is like and you don’t have to worry about which side you’re going to get do you know what i mean? ok i’m done yapping thank you
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shytastemakerthing · 3 months
Can I please request a romantic TWST and Ikemen Prince matchup! I am veryyy outgoing. I make friends really easy and overall I’m a people pleaser. I do get very anxious and overwhelmed easily, which can cause panic attacks. I dont like sports, but I do like studying and my grades are something I take pride in. I overwork myself a lot and I make myself crumble. I thrive in environments where I get to help people. I tend to fall for possessive people because it makes me feel like someone actually likes me, even though they’re toxic. I get a long with people pretty easily though a lot of people have taken advantage of me because I’m naive and overly kind and I do anything in my power to make sure that people like me. I crave validation so I love being praised and taken care of, it makes me feel like I’ve done something right. I really enjoy video games and puzzles cause they challenge my brain. Its very easy to get me to do anything- just tell me “if you do _____ then I’ll be so proud of you.” And I’ll do it-. I am a little chubby with stretch marks and surgical scars. I have some sensory issues that can cause panic attacks, like loud places/crowds. I also refuse to eat anything that has even the slightest abnormal texture, like green beans, asparagus, or Brussel sprouts. I love love love sweets, and I almost always have a sweet tooth. Thank you!!!
Hello and thank you so much for your request!! While I work on the remaining requests that I have in my inbox, I'll do the match-up for Twisted Wonderland in this post, and then do the Ikemen Prince match up as soon as I have the rest caught up.
I hope that you enjoy your match-up!
Tw: None
I match you with...........
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Malleus Draconia
I may or may not have been listening to a Malleus Draconia playlist as I was writing this but it went so well and I loved it
By nature, Malleus is a rather possessive fae. I mean come on, the man is a literal dragon and it is well known just how possessive dragons are, especially of those they care a great deal about.
Now, he won't just go and lock you up in a tower to keep you all to himself, he was taught better than that no matter how much his draconic instincts scream at him
But he lets this side of him show in other ways
Holding you closer when anyone seems to get too close
Appearing by your side the literal second that someone seems to be bothering you
The subtle 'they're mine' that sounds more like a growl towards anyone who approaches you with more romantic intentions
When he loves, he loves with all that he is
Not to mention, with how lonely and isolated he grew up, he craves your presence and your touch. It does not take him long to be addicted to it
You have a sweet tooth?
Well, so does he, his favorite is ice cream
Meaning that there are plenty of ice cream dates
And lots of them
Malleus is one to surprise you at your front door, either to escort you to a nice ice cream parlor he heard about, or he already has said dessert and the two of you can go on a walk or just hang at yours or his dorm, he isn't picky
You always know when he is near, those green fireflies are always an indicator as to where he is. Sometimes he likes to lead you with them to wherever he is at.
The longer you are with him, the more he grows attached. Whether it be just be a simple study time at the library, hanging out at his club, or even just sitting on a bench and enjoying each others company, he loves it all, just so long as he gets to be with you.
Overall, Malleus is a protective lover, possessive as well (though he can't exactly help that side of him, but he is not one to cross the line. Sure, he may not always have the best solution to problems, sometimes being worse, but he really is trying to do his best. He loves you, and that is a fact that he will remind you of every single day.
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Thank you so much for your request!!
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archiveikemen · 1 year
'Wicked Love Blooming In The Dark Night' Story Event: Chapter 2
Liam's Route
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
Liam: I could never do that. Because… you thought of me.
Liam pulled me in for a hug—
Liam: I’ll cherish this for the rest of my life. Thanks, Kate. … I’m very happy.
Being enveloped by a sweet vanilla scent and the feeling of Liam’s stronng arms around me made my heart flutter.
(I didn't expect him to be this pleased. … He’s amazing at making people happy.)
Kate: You’re welcome.
When we passed through the market and arrived at the orphanage, the staff welcomed us warmly.
I could tell that they weren't having an easy time running the orphanage. But—
Children: Big brother Liam…!
Liam: Long time no see. Come here.
(The children’s smiles are so bright… that's good.)
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Children: Hey, Liam. Who is this lady?
Liam: This big sister here is my lovely girlfriend.
Kate: …!
(No, no, this is only because of the setting—)
I noticed that the little girl next to Liam was trembling and looked like she was about to cry.
One glance at her face was enough to tell that she was infatuated with Liam.
Kate: He was just joking. I’m Kate, a friend of Liam’s.
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Liam: Huh?
Kate: Right?
Liam: Uhh if you say so… I guess?
Melissa: I see, you're just friends. Hehehe, I'm glad.
(That was close. I almost ruined a little girl’s puppy love…)
Liam: Hey, Melissa. The friend you usually play with isn’t here today?
Melissa: Yeah. You see, they went to a rich person’s house. … I’ll never see them again.
(Does that mean they got adopted and left the orphanage…?)
Liam: … I see.
Liam: Now, shall I use my magic to get rid of the “loneliness” in you?
Melissa: Magic?
Liam: I’ll perform your favourite story for you.
Melissa: “Cinderella”! Liam is a prince!
Liam: You want to see “Cinderella”? Okay. Then—
Liam took off his jacket and hopped onto a chair—
Liam: “Let’s have a party to find a future bride!”
Kate • Melissa: Wow…!
The story being played in front of us instantly captivated our hearts.
I noticed that the orphanage’s staff had also gathered around and were watching Liam enthusiastically.
Liam could always make the atmosphere so fun that it feels like you’ve escaped reality for a moment.
(... He’s like a star. One that everyone wants to see and reach out for.)
Ever since I stepped into Crown’s darkness, I never had a smile naturally form on my face.
But right now, I found myself unknowingly smiling.
The story of “Cinderella” played by Liam came to an end with a round of applause—
Children: I’m hungry—!
Liam: Is it meal time? I’ll go get the teachers.
Kate: I’ll watch the kids in the meantime.
Liam was taking quite a while to return, so I decided to leave the room in search of him.
(He should be somewhere where the staff are gathered. … Where could that be?)
At that moment, I caught a waft of the vanilla scent Liam always had.
I followed the smell and—
I ended up in an empty basement.
Kate: … Liam?
(... He isn’t here?)
Just as I was about to turn around and leave, a stack of papers fell onto the floor out of nowhere.
I was surprised and… Liam suddenly appeared in front of me.
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Liam: What's the matter, Kate?
Kate: I came looking for you because you didn't come back.
Kate: What on earth were you doing here?
(Even went out of your way to use your ability so you won't get noticed…?)
Liam: Hm? I was playing hide-and-seek. The children invited me to play with them.
The unexpected response caught me by surprise, and a smile of relief followed.
(... Oh.)
Kate: I see. But isn't it unfair if you use your ability to make yourself invisible?
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Liam: Ahaha, you’re right. That means I’ve lost the game of hide-and-seek, it seems?
After meal time, it was time for the children to take a nap.
Perhaps it was because the child had gotten comfortable with me, so I laid down while hugging her.
Melissa, the little girl who was infatuated with Liam, rubbed her eyes sleepily in my arms.
Kate: Able to fall asleep…?
Melissa: Mm-hmm… but I’m scared.
Melissa: Sometimes… I dream of scary things. I don't like it.
Kate: …
I don't know what the child had gone through.
But there might've been permanent wounds in that little heart.
Liam gently stroked Melissa’s soft hair.
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Liam: I understand. Sometimes, sleeping can get… scary.
Liam: … It feels like you’re being chased by a shadow that won't go away. And being forced to face something you don't want to.
(... Liam?)
Liam: I can’t really get rid of those things already in your heart. But…
Liam: I think I can help take away the scary things that are going to happen to you.
Liam: You too, Kate.
Kate: Me?
Liam ruffled my hair with his hand.
Liam: I’ll erase all your fears. All of them, every last one, I’ll make them disappear.
Liam: Everything will be alright. … I can do it.
I looked up when I sensed the restlessness in his voice.
But all I saw was his gentle smile, so I brushed the feeling off as a misunderstanding.
(He must've said that to reassure Melissa and I.)
Everyone has to fight their own fears.
There is definitely no such person who can erase every single scary thing.
(But now… I’m happy to receive Liam’s kindness.)
Liam: Mm, alright. Nap time.
Kate: …
— Good night. Into the peaceful land of dreams you go.
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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Surprise! I decided to take requests after all! :) Note that many of the prompts are already taken, by friends of mine. I hope you can help me fill in the gaps with your wonderful ideas! ❤
I'm taking requests for prompts of my Visions of Temptation 2022 Kinktober Content Creation Challenge. Check out the original post for all additional info about the challenge you might need, like explanations of some of the prompts.
This is first batch of requests. You can expect a second batch at a later date. 10 slots available now.
I'm posting the requesting rules + available prompts and characters now, in advance. This is because in previous requests openings, all slots get taken in less than 15 minutes. In order to give you a realistic chance of securing a slot, I'll let you prepare in advance. You can construct your ask now, copy it and paste it into my askbox when the time comes!
all of those are going to be explicit fics. Minors DNI
Once 2 PM UTC comes I’ll make an announcement post featuring the same list of available prompts and characters you’ll see below. Don't send your ask before that.
That announcement post will be updated as fast as possible, with the taken prompts crossed out, as well as the taken characters. Don’t request anything crossed out!
Be sure to refresh the page before sending your request and make sure you’re not looking at a reblog of the announcement post because it won’t show any changes made to it! 
Chose a prompt day - one of the pair, or both, if compatible. For example: ( Day 1 - Oct 1st - Oral sex  |  Sixty-nine ) can be combined so you can ask for both, while ( Day 2 - Oct 2nd - Sexy lingerie  |  Not wearing underwear ) cannot and you gotta ask only for one of the two.
Chose a dialogue prompt too, if you wish. Up to two from the dialogue prompt list. I'm going to repeat using those as many times as they get requested, so don't worry about whether they're available or not.
Chose your pairing. You can ask for Character x MC; Character x Reader(gender neutral or female (if unspecified)); Character x Character (M/M). You can also tell me if you prefer MC to be called her canon name or not.
Threesome is acceptable only for the prompt Day 12 - Oct 12th - Double penetration  |  Spitroasting
Don't hesitate being specific! You see that 'sex in a vehicle' prompt? Tell me where they fuckin! In a carriage? Or are we making this a modern AU?
Keep in mind that these are... a lot... it takes me a long time to complete a kinktober challenge. I hope you don't mind the wait and that it can be worth it! 🥺
Don't worry if your request fails to get in, there will always be a next time! The second batch, or later on. I participate in writing challenges all the time and often take requests.
reblogs are appreciated!
So, the format is: Prompt day (one or both) + dialogue prompt (optional)(1, 2) + pairing
example: Can I ask for Morning sex and dialogue “Come back to bed.” for Chevalier x MC?
- Ikemen Vampire: All characters (+ Charles, Vlad, Faust)
- Ikemen Revolution: All characters (+ Dean, Dalim, Mousse and Levie)
- Ikemen Prince: All characters (+ Gilbert, Keith, Silvio)
- Ikemen Sengoku: Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Masamune, Mitsunari and Shingen only 
NEW: Piofiore: Dante, Nicola, Gilbert, Yang, Yuan, Leo, Oliver only
yeah, if you ask for a Leo or a Gilbert or an Oliver, specify the fandom 😅
Day 2 - Oct 2nd - Sexy lingerie  |  Not wearing underwear
Day 3 - Oct 3rd - Phone sex  |  Wet dreams
Day 4 - Oct 4th - Outdoor sex  |  Sex in a vehicle
Day 5 - Oct 5th -Voyeurism  |  Mirror sex
Day 7 - Oct 7th - Against the wall  |  Desk/table sex
Day 9 - Oct 9th- Striptease  |  Clothed sex
Day 10 - Oct 10th - Morning sex  |  Waking up at night for sex
Day 11 - Oct 11th - Make-up sex   |  Aftercare
Day 12 - Oct 12th - Double penetration  |  Spitroasting
Day 17 - Oct 17th - Discipline and punishment  |  Asphyxiation
dialogue prompt list under the cut.
1. “Let’s just have sex instead.”
2. “This part of you…seems to be very sensitive.”
3. “Prove to me that you deserve this.”
4. “If you give me a hickey, I’ll have to give you one too.”
5. “Ah, I see you have a little problem. I can help.”
6. “I’ve never been into this stuff…until I met you.”
7. “I just like keeping you close. You’re so warm.”
8. “Be quiet. We’re not alone.”
9. “And what if I want you to do that?”
10. “It’s okay, you’re doing great. Keep going.”
11. “Come back to bed.”
12. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”
13. “Can you feel what you’ve done to me?”
14. “Okay, but we have to be quick.”
15. “Fine, I admit, I’ve fantasized about this before.”
16. “I’ll go gentle. Though, we can always change that.”
17. “You shouldn’t have said that. Now I can’t resist you.”
18. “I knew you were secretly a pervert, but this…!”
19. “That’s it, there we go…just like that.”
20. “Are you trying to seduce me? Because it’s working.”
21. “It’s time for payback. Turn around.”
22. “So you do like getting spoiled after all.”
23. “Don’t stop looking at me while you do it.”
24. “You say that, but all I hear is ‘more, more, more’”
25. “I want to love every inch of you tonight.”
26. “Hey, hey, two on one is not fair!”
27. “Enough of that, let me fuck you.”
28. “You can still keep going?! What in the world are you?”
29. “Take your time. The whole night is ahead of us.”
30. “You like the way this fabric feels, don’t you?”
31. “Your face is a mess… a very pretty mess.”
Happy requesting everyone and good luck ❤ See you in my askbox soon!
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ecargmura · 9 months
Paradox Live The Animation Episode 1 Review - Anime Rapping Show
To be honest, I was never a big fan of hip-hop and I’m still not. However, Paradox Live seems different. Also, the reason why I got know this franchise is that I remembered listening to BAE’s song in the past and was surprised with the sudden usage of Korean. However, what got me hooked into ParaLive was the song “Jumping In To My World” which I’ll link below.
Other than that, I’m not too familiar with ParaLive in general, so this anime might be a good opportunity to see if I’ll get into it or not. Right now, I’m a bit interested. I love the character designs and the choice of voice actors!
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So, from what I’ve seen, Paradox Live is about underground rappers who are invited to partake in a tournament in the mysterious Club Paradox, said to have disappeared ten years ago and then reappeared recently with the location and building being the same. Four groups are invited and the anime shows their lives in and out of rapping. Also, what makes this rap show unique is that they use the power of Phantometals. Not sure if they have them right now, but with the way they are described, it sounds like crack but metal.
The main group is called BAE, consisting of Allen Sugasano, Hajun Yeon and Anne Faulkner. They’re all roommates and go to school together. Allen seems to be the leader of the three as he’s the one making music and keeping the team together; he seems to be a music making geek in a way as he’s the one most excited to meet Buraikun. Hajun is the perfect prince—he’s rich, caring towards his friends, a model and tall. I think what makes Hajun super unique is that he’s Korean. Korean characters are rarely featured in anime, so for them to go out of their way to make him Korean and not a bad stereotypical caricature makes me happy. I love that he uses his rich boy privileges to do crazy things like riding in a limo and entering Club Paradox from helicopter. From the research I did on ParaLive before the anime premiere, I am aware that Anne is non-binary, but I’m still gonna call them a queen. I love their design out of the main three. I love that they’re not used as a joke either. I’m surprised Japan is becoming progressive with how they write Hajun and Anne.
There are other rap groups: The Cat’s Whiskers, cozmez, and AKYR. There are so many characters, so for now, I’ll just say my first impression of them. Regarding The Cat’s Whiskers, I was surprised to see a character like Saimon. Usually, I really like ikemen characters, so to see such a refined and elegant gentleman like Saimon made me feel something. Right now, he and Hajun are my favorites but that might change in the future. Other TCW rappers are Yohei, Ryu and Shiki. Right now, I think Ryu stands out the most after Saimon from the sheer fact that he’s a weirdo and voiced by Natsuki Hanae. For AKYR, they’re a big group. I know that the pink haired boy is Reo and he’s voiced by Shougo Yano, who voices Mafuyu from Given. I’m interested to learn more about this group. cozmez is a twin duo group consisting of older brother Kanata and younger brother Nayuta. They both live in the slums and want to compete so that they can live a better life and for Nayuta to get treatment; the younger brother seems to be ill? Anyways, I think their character designs are the best because they’re so unique! This is how you should design twins! Give them two different hair styles instead of having the same hairstyle but in different directions. 
What I like best about this show is that everyone is connected and knows each other’s identities in real life, so it’s not a hush-hush secret life kind of show. BAE are students who attend Saimon’s classes and know that they rap. Shiki seems to know Nayuta. This gives the story opportunities to give each character some spotlight since they’re all interconnected! I just hope that the anime will give me characterization and not just singing/rapping for the next 11-12 episodes.
The voice acting is splendid! They use a plethora of talented voice actors and utaites to make this show work! BAE’s voice actors are Gakuto Kajiwara (Allen), Ayumu Murase (Hajun) and 96Neko (Anne). The fact that they even got utaites for this project really makes it stand out! I can’t wait to hear more from the other characters. Once again, the stand out performance is from Ryu (Natsuki Hanae)’s five second screen time like I mentioned earlier.
The music’s great so far and I can’t wait to hear more! Will they ever perform Jumping In To My World? I want to hear that! The CG’s actually really good! It’s not too stiff and it does feel like the characters are moving flawlessly.
Overall, I’m excited for more! I’m also worried about what Allen’s doing at the end because that does not look pretty at all. I hope he’s alright. What are your thoughts on this anime’s premiere?
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norel-ravenclaw · 2 years
To Catch A Thief
- Part 2 -
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Fandom: Ikemen Prince (otome game)
Featured character: Sariel Noir
Genre: Erotic Romance, Thief x Officer AU
Rating: 18+
Word count: 3900+
Description: Officer!Sariel AU where mc is a master thief that finally, unexpectedly gets caught. He takes her back to the prison and... makes her an offer she can't refuse. It's all very kinky and self-gratifying and eventually turns into filthy smut ✨but with feelings✨ This is absolutely insane and so kinky and I’m awful with characterization but whatever
WARNINGS: | nsfw | bondage | prisoner / kidnapped sort of | dub con | it's kinky, just beware | power play | mild knife play | object insertion | pet names: good girl, pet, master, ect. | fingering | piv | unsafe sex | getting hot and heavy in a prison cell and sex in an office if you must know | mxw |
Available here on tumblr and wattpad. Should I get an ao3? 😅 Post, repost this, I only care whether people can find the other parts lol. I suck at writing so idk what I’m even doing but here we gooo
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Between two fingers, he holds up my old tattered kerchief, embroidered with a phoenix - the only clue to my past. I gasp in surprise, and he chuckles. He was definitely a pickpocket in a past life. "Though if I am completely honest, I also want the chance to discipline and train you. I like your subtle fire, and your trembling. You suit my tastes well~"
A squeak of surprised indignation escapes me as he tucks the handkerchief into my blouse, his fingers brushing the skin of my breast as he does. I stare at him, feeling so very vulnerable.
His lips part, and he leans in close. "So? Will you surrender to me, kitten? Or will you resist?" A wicked laugh makes me shiver. "Although I don't mind if you want both~ I can be as obliging or as evil a master as you wish~"
A strange desire fills me, one that I've been trying to ignore this entire time. Now it screams at me, impossible to silence. Sariel seems to see this. Tracing the collar of my blouse, he pauses by the kerchief. The way his voice shifts even lower, almost a growl, makes me tremble anew. "There is curiosity in your eyes, my lady. Do you want me to make you mine?"
This beautiful devil has such an intensity in his eyes, I cannot look away. My heart pounds. Do I want this? Is it riskier than going to prison? Than going back on the streets and back to a life of stealing and barely getting by? Do I want to subject myself to his whims and desires...?
"W-what will you do with me?" I whisper, fearful as much as hopeful.
The devil smiles and leans in close, his lips nearly brushing mine. "Mm, punishment is still in order. Perhaps the way to strip the pride of the West River thief is... to strip you bare." His hands grip my hips, and I feel the whip press against my thigh. "I will make you scream~"
Oh god... My eyes flick up to his. The look in his eyes let me know - I'm in so much trouble. He chuckles, his lips teasing the corner of my mouth. "Be a good girl for me, and your punishment will be... gentler." I gasp as he nibbles my jaw.
"P-please..." I manage to say. The pressure of his teeth on my skin gives way to a soft kiss, and the hand on my hip loosens its grip.
"Mm. Don't be afraid, my dear." At last, his lips meet mine. His kiss is surprisingly sweet at first, and then increases in force. He nips my lip and groans. The godly sound sends a frisson of pleasure straight to my core.
"You've made the right choice, and I will reward you for it. After I break you~" A whimper escapes my throat as the tip of his whip makes its way to my chest, circling the peak of my sensitive breast. I can't help but freeze, my breath suddenly coming shorter.
His gorgeous eyes meet mine, a somber look within. "You have known unkind touch before, haven't you, kitten? Never fear, when I say my ministrations will be better than theirs, I mean to make it so good that you will forget all that have come before now - before me. This devil will banish every demon for you." Again, his kiss is tender, this one reassuring.
My lips, although untrained, return his kiss. The longer he lingers, the more eagerly I do so. His whip is traded for his hand on my breasts, and I moan as he squeezes. I reflexively arch into the touch and he hums in approval.
"Good girl," he croons, his lips traveling to nibble my ear.
My breath is shaky, and I fully surrender myself to his desires. "Ah...! Sir..."
He stops and pulls back to look me in the eye. "Sariel."
I look back at him, surprised. "Sariel..."
For the second time, he allows me to see that gentle smile, so warm and kind. "That's a good girl." He kisses me again, this time not holding back. I am consumed in the power and heat of his kiss as he thrusts his tongue inside. It's like being devoured by a starving beast. It would seem that I am a reward for him, and strangely, nothing in me resists the idea. Not when there is a whisper of hope for a future for me. Imagine, a future with him...? What kind of dark fairytale is this?
He pushes me back against the cold stone wall, and I whimper into his mouth as his hands grope and map my body's shape. Bringing one to my head, he threads his fingers into my hair to hold me in place, moving me according to his own whims as he ravages my mouth. There is something oddly cathartic to this surrender. His tongue dominates every part of my mouth, training my own. Every sinful sound he makes enslaves my body like bolts of lightning, arching and throbbing in answer to this primal dance. I never knew such wanton, insatiable desire existed within me.
A gasp leaves me as he rips my blouse open, a button falling to the floor. He kneads my breasts beneath his large hands while diving back in to kiss me. My still-shackled hands clench behind my back, and I moan at the sensation. He draws out reactions from my body, manipulating his new toy masterfully.
I open my eyes slightly, which he seems to sense. He opens his eyes, not breaking contact as he sucks on my tongue. The blazing desire and possessive, predatory gleam in his eyes makes me shiver. I'm held captive, literally and figuratively, trembling in my new master's arms as he has his way with me.
He finally pulls away to let me gasp for breath. "S-Sariel..."
Those gorgeous eyes widen, and his own panting for breath leaves his mouth hanging open as he stares at me. "Shit."
Suddenly I'm being pulled away from the wall, and my blouse hastily rearranged to cover my breasts. He shrugs off his jacket and drapes it over my shoulders in an attempt to give me improved modesty. "With me," he orders, huddling me close to him and out of the room.
He marches me quickly back into the prison entryway, around the front desk and towards a staircase in the back leading to the offices upstairs. When the officers give us inquisitive looks, he snaps at them, "As you were. I am not to be disturbed unless the world itself is ending."
The pair instantly cast their eyes down and salute. "Y-yes sir!"
My heart hammers in my chest, my head still hazy with pleasure as I am guided up the carpeted stairs. Once in front of a door at the end of the hall, a metallic clinking automatically makes me step backward. Sariel's eyes flick up to mine. He chuckles knowingly at my reflex and hastily unlocks the door to his... extraordinary office.
Even in the dim moonlight, the opulence and quality of his furnishings and trophies is evident. But he does not give me long to admire the decor, shoving me against the wall the instant the door is locked. I gasp as his mouth crashes into mine once again. My eyes fly open as he grabs my thigh, hitching it around his waist. He sucks at my neck and does the same with the other leg, pushing me up, and allowing me to feel just how hard he is. A sound I've never heard before is jerked out of me as he aggressively grinds against my mound.
He breaks the kiss with a purr and sighs in my ear, hastily hanging up his hat on the stand next to the door. "Naughty thing," he pants. "I've never done something like this in my office. What have you made of me, minx?" All I can do is blink at him, and he laughs, his kiss-drunk smile reminding me of a beast smiling with a mouth of fangs.
I shriek as he easily hoists me up in one arm, carrying me over to the exquisite sofa. He drops me on the cushions and smirks down at me as he loosens his tie and rolls up his sleeves. I squirm against the rich fabric as he straddles me. There is no escaping as he runs a finger down to once again undo the buttons on my blouse. He draws a small dagger from somewhere in his sleeve, making me gasp as he cuts my bandeau bra. Instinctively, I hold my breath as he lets the tip lightly rest on my skin.
"Shall I take you with the cuffs on or off?" Sariel asks. "Will I take you home tonight in your own shirt, or mine?" When I give no answer, he smirks. "Mine it is~"
I watch his hands carefully cut off my blouse, leaving my torso completely naked to him. He pauses to take me in - a sharp breath evidencing what he thinks of me - before wasting no more time in removing the rest of my clothes, then his shirt. Holding his tie, he looks to me as though considering something, and I wonder why until he manhandles me onto my side. He unlocks the cuffs and replaces them with the silk tie. Leaning down, he nibbles the shell of my ear. "Let it not be said that this devil does not take good care of what belongs to him."
He smiles as he drops the cuffs to the floor. I take a steadying breath, lying once again on my back as he makes a show of taking off his boots and trousers, then his glasses. I avert my eyes as he climbs back on top of me, but he grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. "Ah, is my kitten shy? No need to be, darling. This view belongs to you now~"
I swallow hard and allow myself a peek downwards. The sight of his hardness and shock of black hair makes me throb, and the whole effect leaves me flushing from head to toe. Slightly dizzy with arousal and anticipation, I decide that admiring the rest of his muscular form is much safer. I try not to think of his toned thighs as they force mine apart.
The cold air makes me shiver, and he chuckles, leaning down to kiss my chest. "Don't worry, I'll make you plenty warm before we leave, pet." I whimper as his teeth tease the tender skin around my nipples, erect from his ministrations. My thighs clench - around his - as he sucks on the hardened tips. While my hands strain at the silk tie, his run under my waist as I arch into him.
Sariel's lips touch and suck at every inch of skin across my chest and stomach, leaving a garden of blooming roses only to be seen in tomorrow morning's light. I whimper, overwhelmed with arousal and the thrill of helplessness as a hand goes down to massage and knead my thigh. He pauses after sucking on the curve of my breast to remove his glove with his teeth. Tossing it aside, those lithe fingers move to the more sensitive flesh of my inner thigh and upwards.
"Good girl, be still for me," he orders. I gasp and jolt as his chilled finger brushes my most sensitive spot. My wide eyes meet his as he moves in for another kiss. He plays with my damp folds, exploring and rubbing my sex, back to my taint and up again. Just as his lips touch mine, he slowly slips a fingertip inside me. I can't hold back my whimpers as he begins to stimulate my inner walls.
He growls against my mouth, his eyes heavy with lust. "You are so honest with your sounds and body, I love it. Such a good girl." Those beautiful lips quirk in a grin as I mewl, that fingertip finding the perfect spot inside me. His teeth tease my lip between them as he rubs at that spot.
I arch against him and whine. "Sariel...! Mmph!" He kisses and sucks at my neck and collarbone, soon adding a second finger. I moan wantonly, bucking against his hand as he pushes his fingers deeper. The louder I get, the more ragged his breathing becomes. That alone is driving me to distraction.
When he adds a third finger, the wet sound that profanes the beautiful office makes me freeze. He groans out loud and speeds up his hand, not allowing me to be still for long. I bite down on his shoulder to keep from crying out as he roughly coaxes a spiraling pleasure in me. But as soon as I do, he stops.
I whimper pitifully and buck against his hand again, chasing the quickly abating pleasure. Looking up at him, he truly does look like a devil on top of me. His jet black hair sticks to his forehead, his amethyst eyes nearly glowing in the moonlight. He kneels between my legs and removes his hand entirely. "Now now, kitten. Don't you know it's naughty to bite your master? However shall I punish you?"
The sadistic delight in his voice chills me more than the loss of warmth from his body on mine. I look up at him, panting and trembling, hardly able to think let alone answer. He chuckles and reaches over my leg down to the floor. I actively try to ignore the feeling of his hard erection pressing into my leg as he bends down. When I see what he's retrieved, I recoil slightly.
He plays with the whip, bending it lightly between his hands. I've never seen a look like this in his eyes, and I can't help but shiver. His kiss-swollen lips part as he leans forward, running the tip of the handle along my stomach. I can't look away from his face as he rubs it between my breasts, and then downward. My eyes widen in shock as he... continues trailing it lower.
My hips buck as he rubs the round end of the whip against my clit, quickly increasing my pleasure once again. I whine and squirm as he brings it lower, rolling it around my dampened folds, then pressing it to my entrance.
"Ah ah, be a good girl and accept your punishment," he drawls, holding my hips still as he pushes the handle inside me.
I mewl at the intrusion, gasping as my body throbs, trying to repel it before pulling it in deeper. My sensitive nerves are alight with pleasure, but as he slowly starts to thrust it inside me, it suddenly becomes unbearably good. I desperately press my lips to my master's shoulder to muffle my cries.
He purrs and strokes my hip. I'm glad to have my face hidden as the sound of my own wetness fills the room. "That's it, pet, take your punishment~"
It's not long before he has me at the brink of ruin. I finally let my head fall back to the pillow and look up at him, my eyes full of tears. "P-please, it's too much. I can't... I-it's..."
The devil's eyes lose none of their amusement as he smiles down at me. "Don't worry, darling. Let it happen. It's alright." His hand speeds up, and I'm forced to surrender to the feeling. It crashes over me, my whole body convulsing and writhing in euphoric bliss as I come undone. Of course, he shows me no mercy whatsoever, pumping it even harder and faster than before to hold me captive to the waves of unbearable pleasure until they've retreated.
I pant desperately, my hips still bucking against his hand. The sound the whip makes as he slowly pulls it out of me makes me look away in scandalized shame, only to be outdone spectacularly by the sight of him licking my cream off it it. My jaw drops at the utterly unholy sight. His smirk is completely unapologetic as he runs his tongue along the handle, then tosses it aside. I'm suddenly held in his embrace, his strong arm around my waist, hugging my sweat-slicked skin to his.
"Good girl," he croons, kissing up my throat. "How did it feel to come for me, mm?" I gasp and try to look away, blushing more fiercely than I ever have. He chuckles and moves his head to capture my lips. "Rel... I can't wait a second longer..."
I feel his hand reach between our hips, whimpering as he aligns his leaking tip to my entrance. He kisses me deeply as he slowly pushes it inside me as far as he can go. My body arches against him, and I whine into his mouth. He is much larger than the whip... Panting against his lips, my oversensitive walls stretch to accomodate his steel hard length.
"Ahh... fu- mm, so tight," he growls. He is rigid with tension as he stops, as deep inside me as he can be.
We still, breathing hard as we feel each other throb. I mewl helplessly as he begins languidly grinding his hips against mine, my own bucking involuntarily in turn.
"Sariel...! Mmph! I...!"
He moves a hand up to stroke my hair reassuringly. "That's it, kitten, just like that. You're alright. So good for me."
I can't help but melt against him, finally relaxing at the sound of his voice. "Sariel..."
"Yes, ahh... You're mine now. I'm going to take care of you." He kisses my face slowly, almost worshipfully. The act is more intimate than anything I've ever experienced before. It steals my breath away, and another piece of my heart. "Rel... My dear."
Swallowing hard, he moves back to look down at me. Slowly, he pulls out partway, then sinks back into my hot wetness. A tremor runs through him, and he groans. The sight makes me throb around him, and he smirks. "Mm, such a good fucking girl, aren't you? So good for me..."
I moan loudly as he begins thrusting. My legs wrap around his waist, and I'm lost to him completely. I wish I could hold onto him as he rocks into me, but having my hands bound... the helplessness only increases my pleasure. We watch each other's faces for a moment, intoxicated.
He then shifts angles, and I nearly scream as the veins in his cock drag along the perfect spot inside of me. The beast growls and kisses me, tugging my hair and digging his fingers into my hip to hold me still as his thrusts increase in speed and force. I can hardly kiss him back as he ravages me, consumed in him, lost in bliss.
"M-master..." I manage to stutter.
Sariel forces his tongue into my mouth with a moan, pulsing it against my own in time with his thrusts. The effect is so hot that I reach the edge then and there. He feels my body tensing, and fucks his hard length into me faster. I arch against him, my clit rubbing deliciously against his abs with every thrust. When I tip over the edge, I suck on his tongue, hard.
He holds me against him as I come, this time so much more intense as his hot manhood fills me so deeply. And this time, it lasts so much longer. I scream as the euphoria consumes me, nearly making me black out. "Sariel! Sariel, please!"
"Good girl, that's it. Shit, I'm going to come too..." He pants against my neck as he furiously chases his own high, fucking me into overstimulation. My cries and pleas for mercy aren't heard as he pistons into me, never losing his rhythm. When he reaches the edge, his groans in my ear are enough to make me come again. I sob against his hair, gushing around his length as he pours his seed deep inside me. "Rel... Rel, oh my god.. Fuck...!"
My hips buck against his as the rest of my body goes limp from the pleasure. Sariel pumps every drop of his seed into me, drawing out our pleasure as long as he can before finally going still inside me. He pants hard, kissing my neck sloppily. A hand beside my head keeps some of his weight off of me, but he's trembling. "Sariel..."
"Rel. Rel..." My name falls from his lips like a prayer as he nuzzles my jaw, peppering it with kisses. Is this what is's like to be a devil's lover? A devil that was once surely an angel, to have such a sweet side. He surprises me by reaching underneath our bodies to tug on the end of the tie, releasing my hands at last.
I manage to get them out from under me, quickly grabbing his waist as he begins to pull out. "W-wait. I... need to feel you i-inside me still. Please."
His eyes meet mine, slightly clearer from the post-high haze. He looks almost startled by my request. But then his arms are around me, his nose rubbing against my breasts. "You're going to be the death of me, woman," he mutters.
The effect is so bizarrely adorable that I can't help but breathe out a laugh, finally able to run my trembling hands into his silky hair. Feeling emboldened, I whisper into his ear, "I like being your captive, master."
Those devilish eyes rise, his expression dark and full of mischief as he pushes his cock back down the hilt inside of me. I gasp and moan, and he chuckles triumphantly. "Don't tease the devil, kitten. You don't know how insatiable we can be. I'll make you regret this."
"Mm, really?" I tease breathlessly.
He nips my lower lip. That saccharine voice is sin itself as he whispers, "I'll ravage you so many times that my cum will drip out of you until morning, pet~"
The furious blush returns to my... entire body. He wins this one... damn.
Sariel laughs at my silence, the sound morphing into a satisfied groan as I continue to throb around him. "Mm, don't stop," he mutters, and I remember to keep petting his hair. "...good girl."
We fall into a comfortable silence, finally letting our hearts and breath settle.
Outside, the earliest rays of morning light are beginning to end the night. Something is beginning. What, I cannot yet guess. I only hope that there might be more moments like this, with this devil - sweet, safe, almost feeling... loved. Wanted. Very nearly, though perhaps delusionally, hopeful.
Is there a place for a thief in the part of the world that lives in the light? Well, if anyone can find and make a place like that, it's Sariel Noir. If he - a thief and a street rat - could make a life for himself, then at his side, perhaps miracles really can happen.
For this quiet moment, I'll allow myself to dream.
~To be continued?~
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Part 1 - https://www.tumblr.com/norel-ravenclaw/701455046880182272/to-catch-a-thief
Part 2 - https://www.tumblr.com/norel-ravenclaw/701468521534799872/to-catch-a-thief
Part 3 - https://www.tumblr.com/norel-ravenclaw/713648702965923840/to-catch-a-thief
Part 4 - https://www.tumblr.com/norel-ravenclaw/720068739031269376/to-catch-a-thief
Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you have suggestions on how to improve my writing. But pls be nice bc I am a soft sad bean <3
Top image: @_hakkencoser_ instagram
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atopearth · 1 year
Ikemen Prince Part 8 - Clavis Lelouch Route
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I'm so excited for Clavis!! It seems like his route will delve into why he hates Chevalier, which is interesting. On the other hand, I love how he completely ignores what the heroine says and drags her around causing trouble for all the princes, it's just so funny hahaha! I think the funniest was him digging a pit trap in the garden and having Yves and Licht fall into it because they started running away from him the moment they saw him coming hahahaha. Even though I love Clavis, I have to admit that if I was the heroine, I would be so creeped out by him because of how entertaining and "interesting" he views the heroine's reaction to people dying around her, especially since he's forcing her to watch it as a part her duty as Belle. Lolll at Clavis lockpicking to get into her room and seeing how she is, this guy really does whatever he wants haha.
Honestly, it was pretty cute how Clavis cooks terrible food, but seeing how happy and appreciative he was of the heroine actually eating his food instead of outright rejecting it was very sweet. I'm surprised she's the first one to actually eat it though lol! Guess the others have no qualms towards rejecting his suspicious food, which I guess makes sense lol. I like how Clavis helped her think about looking at the history of Belles and seeing what kind of kings they chose to help her think about what else she can take into account when it comes to her decision. Lmao when Clavis was about to stab Chevalier to wake him up, I guess it would be the fastest way. How interesting that Clavis' mother was Chevalier's mother's maid and their family had served as their servants for generations🧐 Lmao at the heroine willing to spoon feed Clavis to try and avoid his nasty looking soup🤣 I can't remember if it was mentioned much in detail before, but knowing that Flandre's hatred for Chevalier came from seeing his family be sacrificed 'for the kingdom' and having to witness his family and probably all his friends and everyone in that village burned to death is definitely understandable. Obsidian are the despicable ones though, so the fact that he 'helps' them in Chevalier's route to get revenge on Chevalier just goes to show how blind he is towards his revenge. Anyway, Silvio isn't my type but Gilbert certainly is🤭 Omggg, a drunk and vulnerable Clavis is the cutest thing ever. Especially when he asked the heroine for a lap pillow haha, that's so adorable. Honestly though, I love how Clavis came to her rescue and carried her back to her room even though he can't take alcohol at all, but his desire to protect her outweighed everything else, my heart melted for that.
Well, Clavis was going to cause real trouble sooner or later so I guess we'll just have to see what comes out of him escaping with an Obsidian spy. On the other hand, it was really nice to see how Clavis really treats everyone the same, including the town he watches over. It was so funny to imagine everyone running away at the sight of him and then talking shit about him in front of his face haha. But it was also really sweet to see him remember these people and try to enrich their lives instead of punishing them if they did something wrong. I assume Clavis' mother's death is the reason why Clavis hates Chevalier. It's actually really cute how all along Clavis never allowed anyone to enter his room because it was filled with books and documents that revealed how diligent he was in his work and studies to the point that he doesn't even have a bed for himself. How unexpectedly sweet. It was also nice to see that little snippet where little Chevalier told the little crybaby Clavis to achieve something that he can't, and then he'll acknowledge him as a prince since Clavis was always sad that everyone praised Chevalier as a prince but never him.
Nice to see the heroine finally figure out why Clavis let the spy go since it was to protect her, and honestly it's pretty cute how despite how crafty Clavis may seem to be, his heart is probably one of the most pure out of all the princes and he genuinely would protect his people over his kingdom no matter the costs and sacrifices to himself. I didn't expect Clavis to have actually been captured on the Bloodstained Rose Day because he didn't want to give up on the prisoners and tried to save them. He really is true to his words, and a very silly but admirable prince. I also didn't expect Cyran to actually be Obsidian and to have been part of the soldiers who burnt those prisoners to their deaths. I can now see why he follows Clavis and follows everything he does. If you told me that Clavis was a loser his whole life before I started this route, I would have laughed and said no way, but seeing Clavis never waver even at moments of life or death, ready to continue to go against Chevalier's rationality and stick to his principles and ideals to save all the people he can save as his meaning to live, he's such a cool loser that can't win against Chevalier, but will always be a winner in many people's hearts haha.
I'm happy for Clavis that he found something he can believe in and worth risking his life for. It's funny how Chevalier is one extreme where he prioritises the kingdom above all else, and it's because Clavis has seen his way of life since they were kids that he decided that he won't live his life like that, and ends up on the other end of the extreme where he prioritises human lives above all else. I really enjoyed the heroine's pep talk of encouragement when Clavis was about to give up when faced with Chevalier. He's always been suppressed by Chevalier's intelligence and failed to see how smart he is as well so I was glad the heroine helped him remember and realise that what's stopping him right now is him giving up at the sight of Chevalier and not because he's giving up knowing that there's no other choices left, since even if there are seemingly no other choices left, Clavis is the type to make one out of something even if it may be futile. I expected him to create a new kingdom to fix all the problems but I didn't expect Chevalier to quite easily allow it, I guess he's soft towards Clavis after all haha. I love much Clavis doesn't care about Clause 99 and just told the heroine that he'll take responsibility for making her fall madly in love with him, and then asked her when does she want to move in with him🤣🤣 I really loved Clavis's  confession, it really showed how much he loved and appreciated the heroine, and I'm glad the heroine also understood that clause 99 isn't something that would stop Clavis when he founded a new kingdom and was ready to die to save people he barely even knew. I love how when Clavis was talking to Gilbert, he said that Chevalier will save the thousands he can't save, and he will save the dozens that Chevalier abandons because I really believe that. It was really nice to see the heroine and Clavis so happily tease each other and spend time together, they're so cute.
Overall, Clavis really lives up to his charm in his route and I loved every bit of it! He probably has the best route tbh because not only did we get to know him on a much deeper level, but he never lost his fun and charm throughout the route. He was always teasing the heroine, always being silly, but he always so kind, so sweet and cool too haha. The fact that he has so many weaknesses and worked hard to keep up with Chevalier and hope to beat him one day made him all the more endearing and I loved how he never gave up on doing what he believed he was right no matter the cost. He wavered at times, but the heroine was there to support him and I love how she always did her best to try and understand him and got to know how hard he worked for his people. As Gilbert noticed, Clavis is an amazing guy that underestimates himself because of his genius brother, but I'm sure the heroine will always be there now to tell him how great he is and support him. I really enjoyed their romance and I really enjoyed unraveling Clavis as a person, definitely not a disappointment and would 10/10 recommend his route!
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camuslittlesister · 11 months
Summer of Smut - 5
Crack the Shutters
Prompt Hot Skin, Cold Substance
Otome Ikemen Prince (Modern AU)
Ship Gilbert x Female OC (technically x Clavis too 🫣)
Warning I’m in a sappy mood, soz. Also blame my friend who pointed out how I have a thing about the gloves for the inspiration 🫶
You cool your bed-warm hands down
On the broken radiator
And when you lay them freezing on me
I mumble, "Can you wake me later?"
But I don't really want you to stop
And you know it so it doesn't stop you
- Snow Patrol
“So, did you have fun with little Evie?” I turned the corner, catching her in the soft glow of the morning light, filtering through the curtains that were swirling in the breeze of the early morning.
“Did you?” she replied, walking past me. As self-righteous as always. She could act all high and mighty all she liked, anyone who was still awake at that time knew what went down.
I went back to my room, sleeping off the rest of the morning before heading out on a ride. I took the backstreets on the way back to Obsidian so I could check if she was at home. She was not in the garden, it was eerily quiet, but her car was parked there. I stopped and walked up to the house: “Is anyone home?”
She shouted: “Back door!” so I went around, finding her searching through the freezer in a short summer dress. She threw something at me, which I caught before realising it was an ice lolly because she was holding one with her teeth. She picked it up to open: “Aren’t you hot dressed like that?”
“Not particularly” I shrugged. I was used to wearing dark clothes and boots even in the summer.”
I followed her back upstairs, and teased her with my still packaged ice lolly when she was above me a few steps.
“That actually feels nice” she said, hers already half-way through. The way her lips looked fuller as a result suited her, it made her face look even more like a beautiful doll.
She sat on her bed and I lied down with my head on her lap, teasing her with the cold treat before finally opening it.
“Are you not going to ask me why I’m here?”
“What’s there to ask? You’re mad that I slept with Yves…a bit rich coming from you, isn’t it?”
I didn’t reply. She wasn’t wrong. I spent the night in Clavis’ room next to theirs, but I was so distracted I’m surprised he didn’t stop and go to sleep.
“You look unfazed…do I really mean that little to you?” I pouted. She sighed.
“Clavis sucking you off is yesterday’s news. I taught him how to…”
I smiled as my mind wandered back to the time at university we had all crashed in the same dorm room after a club night. The details of how we went from squeezing in the same bed to having sex are a bit hazy, but it all started as a dare. I reached my half-melted ice lolly up towards her lips, the juice falling as she bit into it. I loved seeing her lips around something. I could still see the picture vividly in my mind, Clavis lying down next to me, his perfectly coiffed hair messy as I played with it while I looked down at her from my vantage point as she went down on him.
I propped myself up to kiss her, feeling the ice melting between our tongues. I trailed the lolly down her chest, licking the juice off her. It wasn’t cold enough for her to shiver anymore. I got up and went downstairs. We had grown up together and her parents treated me like a son. It was a given in everyone’s minds that we would be married eventually, and maybe we would one day. I couldn’t imagine a version of my future without her in it. I got drinks and a cup of ice. She did not seem surprised to see that.
I smirked: “You look hot, I thought I should help you cool down…”
I was still wearing my gloves so it was easy enough to pick an ice cube and slide it down her deep v-neck, reaching inside to her nipples which had gone instantly hard. She tried not to flinch. She knew that any resistance on her part would turn me on and make me more sadistic, so she never tried to escape my attempts to overcome her. Over the years, I had learnt what things she could tolerate and even maybe enjoy, but temperature play was a new and risky territory.
It was clear she was uncomfortable any time I lingered too long, and I was careful not to burn her beautiful skin.
“Gilbert…” she whispered. I knew it was serious when she used my full name. I let the ice cube melt almost entirely before sucking it off her chest just shy of leaving a mark over her heart. She was looking at me with a thirst in her eyes that was different from how she had looked at Yves the night before. Could it be…love?
I removed her dress and looked down at her half-naked body as I took my shirt off. She reached out for my belt like she had been starved of touch even though it had been mere hours since she slept with Yves.
“You’re worse than a succubus…” I teased her, but rushed to take off my jeans all the same. I leaned back down on top of her, this time kissing her. I could feel myself getting harder as we shifted positions, her hands playing with my hair.
I wish I could tell what she was thinking. If she loved me, she wouldn’t say. I was left wondering if she did just because she stuck around all those years, going along with my challenges. I kissed her deeper, taking off my boxers and her knickers at last.
“I have one new challenge for you: tell me how you really feel” I could see the inner conflict in the back of her eyes. I had finally cornered her like a fearful little bunny. To deny my request was to lose her pride by backing down from a challenge. To lie about having no feelings would amount to that, too. And, yet, to admit she loved me without knowing how I felt was a vulnerability opening her up to more pain that she was able to tolerate.
It was seconds that felt like years. She smirked in an attempt to appear nonchalant: “If you’re asking like that it’s because you know I love you. It’s no big deal, is it?”
“It’s a very big deal” I replied, entering her “because I love you too, and I want to play with you forever…”
In spite of that claim, I had no games left in me for the afternoon, and I began to thrust myself like possessed by a frenzy, the overwhelming feelings pouring out of me every time I heard her moan in response.
CC: @voltage-vixen 🖤 @xxsycamore 🖤
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leonscape · 5 months
it’s been about 2 years since i did the bias sorter
here’s an updated list of my ranking of ikemen suitors (at least for the games i play) + a little analysis
(i used this bias sorter)
ikemen sengoku
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so for some reason shingen is at the top??? i’ve played a lot more routes after i did my first ranking and so my opinion of many characters improved. some rankings that surprised me because it’s such a drastic change is: shingen; ranked 8th previously and now he’s 1st, kennyo; ranked 12th and now he’s 7th, and nobunaga; ranked 11th and now he’s 3rd. overall i seem to be drawn towards flirty, reliable, and stubborn warlords.
ikemen revolution
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to be honest, nothing really changed that much, probably because ikerev has discontinued and i kind of lost interest in completing routes. only small changes here and there with harr taking 1st when he was previously 2nd. fenrir dropped from 4th to 7th, im not sure what happened there. i think maybe his route is to blame? also i decided that dating someone that has a child form is just too weird so thats why oliver ranks last. he’s the most unique suitor though. overall i seem to be drawn towards reliable, shy, and calm suitors.
ikemen vampire
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honestly my ikevamp ranking is like a barnyard explosion like i’m not sure what happened here. it’s always a mess because the game just really isn’t my vibe. ironic since it’s the first game i downloaded and it introduced me to cybird and their world of ikemen. genuinely don’t know what happened to napoleon. he was ranked 2nd and now he’s 7th. it’s like he and theo swapped places. in the bottom ranks, it seems like i have gained more of an appreciation for vlad which is interesting. i have also mayhaps grew a tiny bit respect for shakespeare? overall i seem to be drawn towards dominant, powerful, and intelligent suitors.
ikemen prince
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leon is the only one that has kept his number one spot. he made a home, he lives rent free, in fact he owns the home. in the leon part of my brain there’s just a huge lion sleeping on a tiny couch with his paws in the air and he ain’t moving anytime soon. most improved suitor of all is silvio, coming from the absolute bottom and ranking 5th. gotta give chevalier some praise too because he did manage to improve as well. luke dropped from 5th to 10th and it was mostly because of his route. unfortunately, gilbert and nokto did nothing and stayed at the bottom. overall i seem to be drawn towards flirty, strong, and reliable suitors.
in conclusion, i tend to like suitors that have consistent behavior. it makes them trustworthy and comfortable. they are reliable and intelligent, whether they are good at collecting information to use for battle, well versed in magic knowledge and ability, a jack of all trades (except for dancing), or amazing leadership with social skills that can put anyone at ease.
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sunsethw4 · 2 years
Hello, I'm the anon who asked you about ikemen games!
I chose to play Ikemen Prince, and it's pretty good so far! There are a lot of interesting characters, and based on their descriptions, I think I'm in for a good ride for angst and fluff :')
And the interface is really pretty too! Kind of disappointing that the routes doesn't look like it's fully voiced though. I'm currently in Yves' route! I chose him cause he was the most interesting in my opinion, and most pretty too! I was going to choose Leon since he had a good first impression but chose Yves since his description piqued my interest.
At first I thought the cards are for battling similar to TWST or Obey me, and was surprised that the "battle" system is really different. You don't have to fight a character but earn points in the salon. It's pretty chill. No worries about grinding to level up cards and all, I think. I've seen players mention "battles", so I'm assuming it's the love trials.
I also like that we can dress up our own avatars! It's a really cute function!
I'm still trying to wrap my head on how to catch up in events. I'm still a newbie and I don't have much resources, so it's understandable that I'm having a little difficulty catching up and finishing requirements before the time limit to get the accessories and clothes.
There's the newbie event and the anniversary event, I don't know which to focus on.
I have some questions to ask if you don't mind,
Is it worth it to spend gold or diamonds to buy outfits from the shop, or should I just grind for the ones from events? How do you earn diamonds and what should I spend my diamonds on? Any tips on what I should and should not do in the game?
Sorry if it's too much! I just want to avoid mistakes and make decisions I might regret :')
hewwo anon!
yves is really good pick!! he’s so lovable <333 you’re right the angst is >>>> but don’t worry it also has a lot of fluff heheh
yeah i also thought they were voiced, but only ikevamp has them partly voiced. yep you only need to elevate your salon points for the love trial so i recommend you to do them regularly so you don’t have to stop playing the route to grind points 😭 it happens to me a lot
i also love to dress up the chibi mc and chibi suitor <3
yeah the events are still a little confusing to me but in this one you can read the routes of chevalier’s faction + rio without using chapter tickets buuut you have to play the specific salon of the event, the normal salon doesn’t count so sometimes you’re near an intimacy challenge (specifically after the 20th chapter) but you’re playing an event route and you have to grind like 3k points 😭 so if you’re starting a route i think you’re fine to play the events, i’m also doing it!!
in the avatar challenges there are two options, the normal one (gold) and the premium one (diamonds) you can read a more detailed story with the diamonds one but as a f2p i always choose the gold ones so i can use my diamonds in other things i find more interesting like how i bought clavis epilogue and they gave me a portrait of him and so.
so on the daily bonus if i’m not mistaken they gave you 100 diamonds weekly and if you complete the for beginners mission board they also gave you 100 diamonds, and the special one too!! you can grind the one’s from the events by playing the event routes or the avatar gacha if you want the items!!
that’s all i can think right now hehe and don’t worry i’m more than happy to be of help <3
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archiveikemen · 2 years
Ikemen Live Prologue — Chapter 03
I do not own any of the content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
Haruto: Hey.
Haruto: I want to sing this song.
Eisuke & Ritsu: ... What?
The two exclaimed at the same time.
Haruto: Just like the other day. We can do it.
Eisuke: First of all, what is that?
Ritsu: Is this the song you want to sing?
Ritsu glanced down at the music sheet.
Haruto: That's right. It's a song she wrote.
MC: Huh...! My song!?
Ritsu and Eisuke turned to look at me at the same time.
Eisuke: I see.
Eisuke muttered as he took the music sheet from Ritsu's hand.
Eisuke: What do you think?
Ritsu: Um... I don't have anything to do at the moment.
Eisuke: Sounds like fun.
Eisuke looked at the music sheet and smiled.
His princely expression surprised me.
Eisuke crossed his arms and called out to Haruto.
Eisuke: If you want to do it, go ask the other person too.
Haruto: I know.
Haruto said as he started walking and stopped in front of the room next to the stairs...
Haruto: Gaku? Hey, Gaku.
He knocked on the door in front of him and called out someone's name.
MC: Gaku?
(He's the bassist in 'F'.)
There was no response from inside the room and the hallway was dead silent.
Ritsu: It's not that easy to get him to come outside.
Eisuke: Agreed.
Haruto: ...
Haruto opened the room door without any warning.
(Are you sure we can just barge in...)
That's what I thought, but my curiosity got the better of me and I snuck into the room with Ritsu and Eisuke.
Haruto: Gaku.
Inside the room, a man was seen seated in front of a computer screen with his knees raised on the chair.
After a moment of clattering keyboard noises, he answered languidly.
Gaku: ... What do you want?
Haruto: You should've answered if you're in here.
Gaku: That's too troublesome...
(The impression of him I'm getting right now is so different from the member of 'F', but this is really Gaku in the flesh.)
With his smooth finger movements when strumming the strings of a guitar, he's the prodigious bassist of 'F'.
Haruto: Come on, let's sing.
Gaku: Sing?
Gaku finally turned around in his chair.
He looked down for a while then looked back up at Haru.
Gaku: ... Fine.
After successfully persuading Gaku, all members of 'F' are now standing before me.
Ritsu: I don't mind singing. But both of the soundproof music rooms are currently occupied.
Eisuke: The King is hogging one of the rooms.
(This house has soundproof music rooms?)
(And a King?)
I've long forgotten my anger from having my music sheet stolen and it has now been replaced by feelings of excitement after hearing their conversation.
Haruto: And the other room?
Eisuke: The other room... they should be done by now.
???: ... What's going on?
A man stepped out of one of the soundproof studios.
He had a sharp gaze and an expressionless face.
Another man appeared behind him...
???: Eh? Who is this girl?
???: Is she someone's girlfriend —?
Henri: Nice to meet you, I'm Amamiya Henri. Welcome to the Sakuragi.
Henri: Do you also play an instrument?
Henri: Ah —! I'll guess. You play the piano?
MC: Bingo.
Henri: I got it right! I could just feel it.
Henri: Nice to meet you!
(He's so friendly.)
Henri smiled innocently as he shook my hand.
I heard a sigh.
???: Hey, Henri.
???: Didn't you say you wanted to go outside for some fresh air? Hurry up and go.
Henri: Ah, I did intend to do that. But now there's a change of plans.
Haru: Hey, Kyoichiro. Are you guys done using the music room?
Kyoichiro: I'm afraid not. You'll have to wait a while more if you want to use it.
The moment Kyoichiro answered...
Eisuke: Tsk.
MC: Huh?
I heard a grumpy click of the tongue and looked around.
(Uh oh.)
Eisuke, who had appeared to be a gentle prince until now, was glaring daggers at Kyoichiro.
Eisuke: You should end on time. The time limit is 1 hour, you can't just extend it whenever you want.
Eisuke: I can sue you for going against the contract.
Kyoichiro: It's stated on the first page of the terms and conditions for music room reservation that time extensions of 5 to 10 minutes after the 1 hour limit are acceptable.
Kyoichiro: I'll give you an eye examination if you have bad eyesight.
(It looks like they're about to start fighting, but why isn't anyone trying to stop them!?)
Everyone else was ignoring the conflict as if it's something that happens every day.
Henri: I'll let you know when we're done using the room, so just wait upstairs.
Haruto: Got it.
(... I guess this does happen every day.)
So I went to the living room upstairs and waited together with Haruto.
(Ah —... that was surprising. But Henri said this is a shared house, I wonder if everyone lives here.)
As I was thinking about it, I went up the stairs into the living room.
MC: ...! Wow, this is amazing.
The living room was spacious with a great view of the large garden on the veranda.
In the middle of the garden was a huge cherry blossom tree.
(Did the cherry blossom petals I saw dancing in the wind just now come from that tree?)
(Is that why this place is called the 'Sakuragi'?)
(Hehe... that sounds like a name children would give to their secret hideout.)
I walked towards the window to get a better view of the cherry blossom tree...
???: What's this about?
MC: ... Huh?
I heard an unfamiliar voice and quickly turned around to see a man I haven't met peeking out from the kitchen.
???: Whose guest are you? You don't happen to be in a relationship with one of us, do you?
Gaku: No.
Ritsu: You should ask Haruto.
???: Haruto —? Now that's unexpected.
The man raised an eyebrow suspiciously at me and then smiled with amusement.
???: Would you like some tea?
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