#ikesen motonari fanfiction
ikeromantic · 3 months
Ikesen Boys React to a Tattooed MC pt 5
Thank you again to @otomedad for this fantastic idea ^_^ This one has Kennyo, Motonari, and Kicho! Approx. 2300 words of tattoo and MC appreciation!
Kennyo stops, his mouth opening and then closing again. It isn’t often that you get to see the abbot at a loss for words. You file the expression away to savor later. 
“What is it,” you ask, gentle laughter in your voice. You know what it is, of course. Though you hadn’t expected quite this reaction. It’s really quite precious.
“Is that -” His gravelly voice gives out and he takes a moment to clear his throat. “Is that a buddha?” He gestures to your bare shoulder. 
You glance at the tattoo and suppress a grin. “Oh! No, this is a portrait of my auntie.” 
Kennyo’s eyebrows rise and a small divot forms in between. “Your auntie?”
The image is clearly an Amitābha Buddha surrounded by the petals of a lotus flower. While you aren’t the type to randomly tattoo religious iconography, the buddha always meant something special to you. Seeing your ink brings back memories of copying out sutras and meditating with your grandmother. The peace and serenity, the promise of better things . . . but you can’t help yourself teasing the abbot. 
“Mmm. Did I say auntie? Maybe it’s my uncle. What do you think?” You look back at him, entertained by the series of emotions crossing his face. Some find Kennyo hard to read, but you’ve learned his little quirks. The slight shift of his lips or brows, the depths of his grey eyes. 
Kennyo crosses the distance between you and peers at your tattoo closely. His eyelashes brush your skin just a breath before his lips follow. “I think you’re teasing me. Wicked woman.” The air between you thickens with tension from the intensity of his gaze and the subtle humor in his voice. 
“Wicked?” You turn to face him, your eyes wide and pretending at innocence. 
His eyes crinkle at the corners from the wide smile that lights up his harsh features and turns them soft and kind. “You mock me.”
Your cheeks grow warm under his regard. The gentle admonition of his words leaves you feeling a tiny bit guilty. “Ok, yes. It’s not a family member.” You look away, trying to think of how best to explain the tattoo, what it means to you. Why you got it done. Honest expression is hard, especially with someone like Kennyo. 
His rough thumb brushes your cheek. “You need not explain yourself.” His fingertips drift along the curve of your neck to brush the inked skin of your shoulder. “It is beautiful. Unexpected. Like you.”
You cannot help the shiver of pleasure that runs through you at his touch. He is so decently indecent that it is maddening. “I want you to understand though,” you reply, and pull yourself together. “I got it a few years after my grandmother died. She - she wouldn’t have approved of a tattoo but . . . I wanted something special. A way to remember her, and the things she brought to my life. Faith and peace and . . . just that feeling I would get, at the temple with her.”
Kennyo nods, and presses a kiss to your shoulder. “Admirable intent.” 
“Do you really like it?” You can’t help the way your insecurity infects your words. You don’t often open up to anyone, preferring to deflect and joke. 
“I do. Though I wonder if it is heretical to find you so . . . intoxicating.” 
You glance over your shoulder to meet his gaze. The heat in his eyes sends another shiver through you. “I should probably -” you gesture toward the door and all the work awaiting both of you on the other side.
“Probably,” he agrees, pulling you into his arms.
Your head breaks the surface of the water with a splash. You splutter and gag, spitting out the salty taste of the sea as you try to get your bearings. None of which is helped by the smirking laughter of a certain pirate as he bobs in the water nearby. 
“I really hate you sometimes,” you mutter, glaring at him from under the ruins of your wet hair. The weight of your wet kimono is pulling you down, so you wriggle out of it. 
Motonari grabs your floating clothes. “Don’t much care how you feel right now, princess. We gotta swim to shore.” 
“Obviously,” you huff. “But I’m pretty sure we could have taken one of your little boats. You didn’t have to throw me overboard.”
He chuckles. “‘Course not. That part was for fun.”
You sigh, realizing your glare is getting you nowhere. “Fine.” You start for shore with Motonari at your side. Despite saying he didn’t care, you can feel his gaze on you as he stays by your side until your feet touch the sand. And once you arrive, he guides you over to a shady spot to rest. 
“Have a sip o’ this.” Motonari holds out a flask.
“What is it?” You reach for the proffered drink. “Rum?” Afterall, pirates drink rum, right?
“Aguardente de medronho. Try it.” 
Just as your hand reaches the flask, Motonari grabs your arm, gloved fingers wrapping around your wrist. “What’s that, princess?” 
You instinctively pull back, but he doesn’t let go. Instead, he turns your arm to look at the inner side. You realize he must have noticed your tattoo, small as it is. There at the crook of your elbow is a line in the shape of a wave. Easy to overlook, as you intended. Something for you, not to share. 
“Would you let go?” You pull again, but to no avail.
Motonari squints at the design, leaning close. “Didja steal something and get caught?”
“What? No!” You can’t help the horrified expression on your face. “I’m not a criminal!”
His gloved fingertip traces the delicate lines and whorls of the wave. The sensation is oddly intimate, and you feel a rush of unexpected warmth. “Nothin’ wrong with being a thief. It’s the getting caught part. Disappointin’.”
“Motonari! I didn’t get caught. I paid for that tattoo. On purpose. From an artist!” 
He turns his head to regard your expression, a playful smirk hiding in the corners of his lips. You realize right then that he’s teasing you. “Huh. I’m tempted to believe ya. Your head’s too full of flowers to be a criminal mind.” 
You find yourself pulled into his garnet gaze, unable to look away. He’s so close, and you are suddenly very aware of how little clothing you have on, and how little it conceals when its sopping wet. You are half naked on a beach with a mad pirate that thinks he owns you. And instead of being afraid or angry, you are enjoying the banter. 
“What’s the matter? All them flowers getting in the way of talking?” The smirk breaks free, turning into a broad, carefree smile. 
“N-no!” You take a breath and look away. “Just trying to find the smallest words I can use to explain a tattoo to you.”
Motonari laughs again, the sound a pleasant and low. “I’ve seen plenty of tattoos. Just never one on a woman.”
“Well, where I come from it’s not uncommon.” You glance back at him and realize he hasn’t moved. If anything, he seems even closer now. 
“Huh. So why’d you get one?” 
You nod, trying to gather your thoughts. Motonari is so frustratingly distracting. It isn’t fair that he is so pretty. And to be honest, you’d rather think about that than explain your tattoo. But he asked.
“I . . . umm. I went through some rough times. Me and my dad. There were times after mom died that I - I felt like we would never be happy. That -” You swallow, remembering the feelings of helplessness. The sense that there was no point to anything. Waking up and just wishing you were still asleep because it hurt to be awake. 
Motonari’s thumb strokes the side of your arm, far more gentle a gesture than you would have expected from the brash pirate. 
“A-anyway, I wanted to remind myself that storms come and go. Something small and just for me, that I would always have. So I could look at it when I feel hopeless and just remember that this will pass and things will get better.” You clear your throat, trying to pretend telling him this is no big deal. Hoping the dampness in your eyes doesn’t give you away. 
You catch his gaze again and there is something unexpectedly soft in the scarlet depths of his eyes. The smirk has fallen away, and his lips part as if he is about to speak. Instead, Motonari lets out a slow breath, and then he looks away. For a long moment, neither of you says anything.
There is tension in the silence between you, but also a sense of comfort. A few breaths to give you a chance to get a hold of your emotions. To relax, held closer to the pirate captain than ever before. 
“So . . . anyway, umm, should we keep moving?” You swallow, hoping to move on to a less emotional topic.
He lets go of you and takes a swig from the flask. “To gettin’ through storms.”  He holds it out to you and this time you take it. 
The liquor heats on its way down your throat, the slight bitterness lingering on your tongue. 
“Aaah!” You let out a surprised shout as your door slides open. Your kimono is only half on and it’s still dark outside your shuttered windows. You struggle to pull it on as you turn around to see who invaded your room at this ungodly hour. 
Kicho stands in the doorway, his light green eyes almost glowing in the dim lantern light. His jaw is set in a familiar frown, though you aren’t sure why. 
“Sorry for shouting,” you murmur, trying to quickly tie your kimono shut. 
He ignores your apology. “Is that a tattoo?”
You blink, confused for a moment before you realize he must have spotted the ink on your shoulder blades. “Oh. Umm. I’m not a criminal or anything.” You swallow, feeling the full force of his regard as he crosses the room to close in on you. 
“I did not suggest you were. Yet.” He raises one, perfectly arched brow. “Let me see it.”
You nod, realizing a refusal would not look good about now. “So, if I can ask, why did you come to get me? Do you . . . normally wake the maids?”
His response is a soft, impatient sniff. A dismissal of your question as silly. “Stop delaying.”
With a sigh, you lower the back of your kimono again to show your upper back. Three sunflowers cluster just below the nape of your neck, spreading their bright petals over your shoulder blades. “See? Clearly not irezumi kei.” You start to pull your kimono back up, but his cool hand on your shoulder stops you.
“These are . . . I haven’t seen tattoos like this since -” You feel the brush of his hand along your spine, and the accompanying shiver isn’t from the cold. 
“They are common where I’m from. More or less.” You turn your head to see his expression. Is he suspicious, you wonder. But his gaze is softer than you’ve seen since coming to his manor, his lips curved in a smile more sensual than cynical. 
Kicho’s hand rests between your shoulders as if trying to grasp the inked blossom. “And where is that? There is no village with a horishi so skilled.” His eyes snap to yours, the gentleness gone behind an icy wall. 
You can’t tell him the truth, but a lie might get you in as much trouble. “It’s, umm, I . . .” Panicked, you try to look away to give yourself a moment to think.
His other hand catches your chin, holding your head still. “Where?”
“I - I told you before. A small village. It’s not important. I didn’t get it there. A nanban trader did it for me here, in Sakai. Because I - I saw one like it and I thought it was pretty.” You swallow, unsure if he’ll buy it. 
Kicho’s eyes narrow as he studies your expression. “A nanban trader?”
You realize that you need to say something to derail this line of questioning. Your eyes go wide. “Does it look bad? I was so worried and since it’s on my back . . . but I thought . . .” Your panic helps bring a damp teariness to your eyes and a genuine worry to your voice. 
“It -” He looks down at the tattoo again. “It is very lovely. On you.” His voice carries an unexpected gentleness, and you feel the touch of his finger tracing the line of your jaw. “Lovely.”
The touch and his words bring heat to your face, and you feel your pulse take off at a gallop. You remind yourself again that Kicho is the enemy, but it’s hard to keep that at the forefront of your thoughts in this oddly intimate moment. “Thank you.”
“Why did you get this? Merely for the look of it?”
You didn’t particularly want to have this discussion, but he’s asked and you see no harm in admitting the reason. “Well . . . someone told me this flower means admiration. And that three of them together are a - a confession. Of love.” You can feel the heat in your cheeks as you speak, though you aren’t sure if it’s because of how close he is, or what you’re saying. “The colors and type of sunflowers give them additional layers of meaning but . . . I got them to remind myself I am loved. And that I love myself.” 
“You are . . . a strange woman,” he says after a moment. “And we are late. Finish dressing and meet me at the entrance.” Despite the sharp words, he seems reluctant to let you go, only doing so when you step away. 
“I’ll see you there? It won’t take me a minute.” You hurriedly pull up the kimono and finish tying it off. 
He nods, still focused intently on you. “Don’t dally.” His gaze flits to your now covered ink. “And don’t be ashamed of something you should that has such meaning and beauty.”
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writingwhimsey · 6 months
Hello. For the whimsy event I would like to request Motonari and “I know I should care about the reason why you’re naked in my bed, but I will just enjoy it for a moment" (there was also a prompt of "I want to ruin you" so if that could be used to it'd be great.) The spiciest level of spice please. Thank you so much.
Hello dear anon! And thank you for requesting my number one husband! Oh these were the perfect prompts for this rotten pirate! Got it nice and spicy...but also some plot in here (I can't seem to do porn without plot hehe). So this got a little long (just under 2500 words). Hope you and everyone else enjoys it!
Smut is In The Air Event
Suitor: ikesen Motonari
Prompt(s): "I know I should care about the reason why you're naked in my bed, but I will just enjoy it for a moment." and "I want to ruin you."
NSFW, 18+ content below
Motonari’s crew had spent the evening celebrating on deck. Motonari had just scored a new deal and they’d just loaded up with a new alcohol to bring back home for trade…as well as what Motonari allowed them to keep for themselves. 
None of this was new to Motonari. His crew was always looking for an excuse to celebrate something. Always looking for an excuse to drink. What had surprised him was when his captive princess had joined in on their merry-making. Though she was such a light weight, she didn’t last long.
Motonari had then shooed her off to her cabin, not wanting anyone in his crew to potentially take advantage of her. He’d also made sure they knew to keep away from her or he would kill them. He told himself it was just because no one wanted to pay for a damaged hostage. It had nothing to do with the fact that he didn’t have a problem touching her. It didn’t have anything to do with the way her smile made his heart race or the way she had looked the other day when he’d caught her changing…
After having his fill of dealing with his crew and their drunkness, Motonari decided to retire for the evening. Going by the princess’s cabin to check on her first. He told himself it was just to make sure his hostage was still alive…still useful. It had nothing to do with the ache in his gut and the little voice in the back of his mind telling him she could be hurt.
Motonari opened the door to her cabin and walked in, but there was no sign of the princess. The room showed no signs of being touched. He felt like he was going to be sick as panic shot threw him. His skin prickled in that unpleasant way he usually felt when someone tried to touch him…but even worse.
Motonari bolted from the room and began searching his ship for her. Thinking she had fallen somewhere or gone to the wrong room. He didn’t hear any splashing, so he was sure she hadn’t fallen through an open porthole. He had searched the entire ship before heading to his own room. “Surely she didn’t…” He muttered to himself as he walked to his cabin.
He opened his door and walked in, finding the lantern lit and the princess lying asleep in his bed…her clothes were on the floor. He blinked as he looked at her naked form lying atop his bed. She looked gorgeous in the candlelight. He grinned to himself as he walked towards her, all sorts of thoughts running through his head…but instead of acting on any of those more…steamy thoughts he took the sheet and covered her up. Then he walked over to sit at the table and wait for the princess to wake.
She rested peacefully for the most part. Though she did start mumbling in her sleep at one point. Motonari couldn’t make much of it out until she muttered these words, “Motonari…hmmm… please…I want…you…take me…now…”
Motonari felt every nerve ending in his body come to life in the most pleasant of ways. “That how it is…” He muttered, grinning to himself, even as his pants began to feel even tighter than usual. He just had to wait till she woke up…
The next morning…
I awoke to the pleasant sound of the ocean outside the ship and sunlight streaming in. I wasn’t quite ready to wake up. I had done some drinking last night with Motonari’s crew… it didn’t take me long to get drunk, but thankfully because I didn’t actually drink a lot, I didn’t have such a nasty hangover…but I still wasn’t quite ready to join the waking world. Or at least that was the case until I heard a familiar voice.
“I know I should care about the reason why you’re naked in my bed, but I will just enjoy it for a moment.”
My eyes snapped open and I shot up in bed. I was about to say something that just because I was in a cabin on his ship didn’t mean it was his bed…but that was when I took in my surroundings. I was in Motonari’s room. I then looked down and saw that I was indeed naked.
I quickly picked up the sheet, my face red as I pulled it up to my chest. “What did you…”
“Not a damn thing, flower girl.” Motonari replied before I could finish my question. He was sitting at the table that he kept in his room, just across from the bed.
I started to look around the room and that’s when I noticed my kimono neatly folded and sitting on the table in front of him. “How did…”
“I came in here and ya was passed out naked in my bed.” Motonari answered. “Yer clothes were on the floor. I picked ‘em up ‘cuz I don’t like no mess in my room.”
“Would you mind giving me my clothes?” I asked. “And then at least turning around and letting me get dressed?”
Motonari grinned at me. “Ya really that worried? I already saw everything when I walked in.” He replied. “‘Sides I like my seat right here. Last I checked yer legs ain’t broken. Come get yer clothes yerself.”
I glared at him, but slowly got up from the bed, taking the sheet with me to keep myself covered. I walked over to grab my kimono off the table, and just as I did, Motonari grabbed me. The next thing I knew, I was sitting in his lap, his face mere centimeters from mine…his rather handsome face.
Motonari’s ruby red eyes looked into mine…a burning fire in them as his arms held me fast. “When a man finds a beautiful woman naked in his bed…puts all kind o’ funny thoughts in his head.” He told me.
I felt my heartrate picking up and unable to tear my gaze away from his. I had tried many times to remind myself that this man was the enemy of my friends in the Oda forces…I tried reminding myself of that right now…so that made him my enemy…or at least it should…but I still found myself attracted to him. And then to hear him call me beautiful…
“What…kind of thoughts?” I found myself asking, my voice coming out more breathless than I intended.
Motonari ran a gloved hand up the bare skin of my back, causing me to shiver delightfully. “I want to ruin you.” He answered.
I gulped. Motonari had said many crude things to me before and crowded me. But that had been an act to keep distance between us. Right now…he was completely serious. “Then..ruin me.” I found myself saying.
Motonari grinned and the next thing I knew, we were up and moving…and then I was lying back on the bed. “You ain’t gonna need this anymore then.” Motonari said as he pulled the sheet from my body, his ruby eyes taking in my naked form before his lips were on mine as he climbed atop me. 
I gasped into the kiss when I felt his gloved hands run over my body. Everywhere his hand went, left trails of fire across my skin. I broke the kiss to look up at him.
“What? Ya ain’t changin’ yer mind?” He asked.
I shook my head. “No…I just don’t think it’s fair that I’m the only one getting naked here.” I replied. “I wanna see you, too.”
“I always knew you had a dirty mind, m’lady.” He replied before sitting up, still straddling me. He then removed his shirt before leaning back down over me. “Now, where were we?”
“Hey, I said naked.” I replied, tugging at his pants.
Motonari grinned as he reached his gloved hand up to caress my cheek. “Yer an eager one, aren’t ya.” He teased. “We ain’t there yet.” He was then capturing my lips once again, our kiss quickly growing heated.
His tongue prodded at my lips and I gladly parted them for him. His tongue mapped the inside of my mouth even as I met it with my own. Almost hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around Motonari, pressing myself closer. I felt him shiver, but he continued on. He let out a groan as he ground his hips against mine and I could feel his desire growing.
He broke the kiss to look at me. “Keep…touchin’...” He said. “I like it…when you do.” He took one of my hands in his still gloved hand and brought it to his chest, allowing me to feel the warmth of his skin and the rapid beating of his heart.
I reveled for a moment in the feeling of touching him, of feeling his heart beating so rapidly and because of me. Then I slowly trailed my hand down the front of his body, tracing over every line of his hardened musculature. “You’re even sexier than I imagined.” I said.
Motonari grinned. “So, you been imaginin’ me naked?” He asked.
I felt my cheeks redden at my admission, but nodded. “Like you haven’t been imagining me naked.”
“Just nice ta know it’s mutual.” Motonari replied.
I reached his abs and began to trace over each one with my fingertips before following the V that slowly dipped into his pants. Motonari let out a groan. “Damn…”
“You know…this touching thing is mutual too.” I said. “I like it when you touch me…and I think I’d like it if you REALLY touched me.”
“What’d’ya mean…” He asked, still groaning under my touch, his skin growing flushed and heated.
“Your gloves…take them off and feel me with your hands.” I answered.
Motonari seemed stunned for a moment, but then grinned at me as he lifted his hands to remove his gloves. “Fine by me.” He said, tossing the white gloves aside before bringing his hand to cup my face, his touch so incredibly gentle. “You do feel good.” His lips were on mine once again before trailing down the side of my neck. 
Motonari’s hands began to roam over my body. I let out a moan when his hand reached my breast. I gasped when I felt his thumb begin to rub circles around my nipple before giving it a light pinch…and then moving to the other breast to do the same.
Motonari’s lips soon followed his hands and I was left moaning once again as his warm lips enclosed one of my nipples. He nipped with his teeth and then ran his tongue soothingly over the hardened peak. His hand slipped lower and I soon felt his fingers toying with my sensitive bud.
“Ah…Motonari!” I moaned and bucked my hips, trying to press myself further into his hand.
Motonari pulled his head from my breast to look up at me, a devilish grin on his face. “Ya like that, don’t ya princess?” He was then moving his fingers, sliding two into my slick entrance and he set his thumb against my clit. “Yer so wet and I’ve barely done anything…”
My hips bucked once again. “Ah…yes…yes…” Though it wasn’t quite enough. I wanted more. I ached to be filled in a better way. My hips continued to buck, trying to chase my release, but still not quite reaching it. “Moto…nari…” I was then reaching my own hands forward, palming at the hard lump forming in his pants.
Motonari groaned. “Ya keep that up…and I ain’t gonna be able ta play nice much longer.” He growled.
“I…don’t want…nice.” I said, breathless. “You did say…you wanted to ruin me…ruin me pirate boy.”
Motonari’s eyes widened for a moment but then was removing his hand from me. “If that’s what ya want.” He said, quickly removing his pants and then prying my legs apart, positioning himself between them and looming over me. “Ya better hang on.”
I happily wrapped my arms around his neck and lifted my hips, offering myself to him. “Take me, Motonari.”
Motonari’s lips descended upon mine and his tongue delved into my mouth the same time I felt him enter me in one swift stroke. I moaned into the kiss with how full he made me feel. He soon began powerfully thrusting in and out of me, hitting so deeply.
I broke the kiss to moan. “Oh…Motonari…fuck yes…”
Motonari let out a groan of my name as he continued his thrusts. He couldn’t stop moving his hands and lips over my flesh even as he pounded me into the mattress. I could feel that white hot heat building up inside of me and soon it burst. 
“Motonari!” I cried out as my release barreled through me, my walls clenching tightly around him.
Motonari groaned my name into my ear as my release pulled him into his own and his seed spilled inside me. “Fuck…yer…amazin’...” He told me between panting breaths as we both descended from our pleasure high.
“So…are…you…” I replied.
Motonari kissed me forehead, the tip of my nose, and then my lips, before pulling back to look at me. “Hope ya know, I ain’t done yet.” He was then moving his hips against mine, reminding me that we were still connected…and he was already hard again.
I grinned up at him and bucked my own hips against his. “I think, I can keep up.”
His lips were on mine once again as we gave into our passion once more.
Up on deck…
“Hiroyoshi, I ain’t seen the cap’n all mornin’.” One of the crew members addressed the old man.
“I ain’t seen ‘im since he went down ta his room, last night.” Another crewmate said.
“It’s definitely not usual for him.” Hiroyoshi agreed. Motonari knew his crew was capable, but he still liked to see to everything. “I’ll go check on him.”
“I’ll come with ya.”
Hiroyoshi and one of the crewmates were heading below deck. They started to walk towards the captain’s quarters when they heard a creaking sound coming from inside and a lewd slapping sound. 
“Motonari…harder!” The princess’s voice could be heard.
“Yer…awful demanding, princess…but if that’s what ya want…then here…” There was a grunt and another cry from the princess.
Hiroyoshi and the crewmate looked at each other before doing an about face and heading back up on deck. Hiroyoshi, chuckling to himself as they went.
“Did you find the cap’n?” Another crewmate asked.
“He’s occupied at the moment.” Hiroyoshi answered.
“Yeah with the princess.” The other crewmate said, grinning.
It was then that everyone heard the princess crying out Motonari’s name. They all laughed before returning to their tasks…prepared to give their captain and the princess a hard time later…which would end up being a couple of days later.
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colourless-hydrangeas · 4 months
How The Warlords Would React To Learning That MC Is Not A Human, But A Plant:
Oda Nobunaga:
When you reveal who you are to Nobunaga, he would be surprised, but curious. But he wouldn't stop loving you nonetheless. He would be wondering how a plant eats, walks and talks like a normal human.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi:
What? How is that possible? He'd be beyond concerned. For your safety.
Hideyoshi has never heard of such plants before, so he would truly confused. He might as well try watering you if you feel tired.
He would not believe you at first, but he would slowly come to terms with the fact. Being a plantfolk changes nothing in your relationship. Maybe Kennyo would finally understand why some of the forest animals like to nibble on your hair sometimes, and also the flowers that seem to be glued to your head.
Mouri Motonari:
He would be surprised, but would not admit it. He knew you were a 'plant girl' all along. Flowers really do grow on your head. Motonari would make sure that you're okay at all times, usually on one of the warm sunny days at sea.
Hope he doesn't get poisoned accidentally.
Ishida Mitsunari:
Oh, you're a plant? How come he has never read about plant-people in books? He would want to know more about you. He's very huggable, so please be careful when handling, you wouldn't want to accidentally poison Mitsunari.
Bonus- Plantfolk!MC Hydrangeas:
Not baffled that everyone is curious about her. Contemplating if she should give some of them a minor skin infection to calm them down. She can give them a cure later.
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ikesenfantasy · 2 years
Ikemen Sengoku: What-If Collection Event - Warlord Pets
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(Don't mind the photo) I wrote this fanfiction for fun where the warlords turn into their animal mascots. Since there wasn’t much spotlight for their beloved pets I thought I would write about them in a What-If Collection Event for April Fool’s Day on April 1st. Since the increase of the IkeSen roster I decided to take the time to add the additional six characters. So a total of all seventeen men in the IkeSen roster.
It was a pleasant evening like any other evening. Tomorrow everyone from the Usugi-Takeda forces along with Kennyo, Motonari & Kicho were going to visit Azuchi. Sasuke already visited me two days ago since Kenshin wanted to visit me. I thought we would all try something that will get everyone working together…or at least trying to. I already had some ideas but Sasuke hasn’t visited me to discuss it over with him. Maybe we’ll talk tomorrow.
“Ah the moon is so beautiful this evening; it would be nice to watch it with everyone. Time for bed.”
By the next morning I was the first in the war council room. Usually everyone would be here or I would be informed to show up but no one was here until the sliding door opened. I sat up straight but instead I got pounced.
“Oof! What in the world?”
It was then I felt something wet on my face. When I lifted up whatever was on top of me and tried to see who or what it was.
“You were supposed to be at the manor with Masamune, what in the world are you doing here!? I better return you back to the manor as soon as possible or else Hideyoshi is going to blow a blood vessel.”
But the tiger was not the only animal that was in war council a whole colossal of animals flooded into the room. I didn’t even realize there was a monkey trying to attack the tiger that I was holding.
OH NO! Please no fighting!
I decided to stand up and try to reach for the monkey that was clinging to the back side of my kimono. But then I felt a nudge almost making me fall over. The perpetrator was a deer.
Circling around my ankle was a cat meowing and purring as if the fiasco I was in the middle of didn’t exist.
What is with all these animals? Something really isn’t right. The monkey on my back let out a yelp as it let go of my back who was trying to reach for the tiger. Now the monkey was flicking his tail that was sadly bitten by a fox. When the fox let go the monkey started chasing the fox. I better stop them.
I was so distracted by the chase I tripped over the cat and planted face first on the floor. A heard a soft snort and a boop from my cheek from a pig snout. What a mess. All of the Azuchi warlord pets are running amuck. I wonder why. I then heard the pig squeal as he ran off into a different direction being chased by something.
When I realized what happened I noticed a wolf chasing the poor piggy. On the wolf’s back was a squirrel. And behind them was a bear with a bunny and a hamster on its back chasing the other animals across the room.
Just when the wolf and bear were chasing after the pig and cat they nearly knocked over a jar. The peacock that flashed its feathers blocked their direction to the beautiful jar as if protecting something precious spooking any nearby it away.
I decided to try and chase after the animals stopping them from chasing each other around the room but it only made matters worse as the wolf started to fly into the air by a wallaby. A parrot flying overhead was shaking his head as the wolf collapsed on the ground after being air born by the wallaby’s kick.
The war council was in such disarray as animals were fighting among each other until I heard a loud scream that stopped the infighting and set all the animals on alert. They looked up and saw a hawk that was swarming around a lot more higher then the parrot. The hawk seated itself where Nobunaga would sit. Soon the animals that were most likely warlords from Azuchi began to position themselves in their spots. Now if I didn’t know better these were the warlords. How would they know to position themselves like their owners would sit. The parrot then landed just inches away from the hawk.
“Finally…now that they have settled down we can finally get down to business.” The parrot spoke.
I looked at the parrot who spoke and truly it sounded like Kicho and not Fuka. It was unbelievable. There was no way.
“N-no way…Kicho? Is that you?” I can’t believe I’m speaking to Kicho the parrot. Interesting ring to it if I do say so myself.
“Yes. It seems I’m the only one who can talk. Unlike the others. I don’t know what or how this happened. From the looks of it we all woke up this way.”
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the12thnightproject · 9 months
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Chapter 35: Nest of Snakes: Katsu discovers that Yoshiaki's plot has both unexpected conspirators and an unexpected target.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
Previous Chapter
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
Chapter Excerpt:
Two voices.
One clearly was Motonari's, but what made me feel cold all over was that the other belonged to Iekane. And even though I had expected that I would find him here, now that I faced the cold reality of his presence… I didn’t feel ready. Not here. Not in a room full of people who would be turned against me (and possibly Yoshimoto) at the first word of accusation.
My face stayed pressed to the mat. My brain tumbled into the oh shit zone. That zone was telling me that I might possibly have gotten into something bigger than I could handle. Yoshimoto had said he would protect me… but could he really? The man didn’t even carry a sword.
Into this internal whirlpool of fear I barely heard Yoshiaki introduce Motonari to Yoshimoto.
"Motonari?" Yoshimoto managed to sound puzzled. He was a better actor than I expected. "Not, Shojumaru?"
"Heh. That’s only for Sakai." Motonari’s voice had taken on that roughness again. "Shojumaru is better accepted with the kaigoshu."
"This brute is not the type of man I prefer to have about me, but I cannot be too choosy when it comes to powerful allies." There was that whiny tone again. And did he just diss Motonari?
Did Motonari just stand there and take it? Again…. Dude.
Link to entire chapter here
Full chapter posts on tumbler tomorrow.
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yarnnerdally · 2 years
Aha! A Masterlist!
Hello, my dears! My name is Ally. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m 30 and I work full time. I’m also abhorrently in love with Garrus Vakarian and Hitoya Amaguni. You can find me being infatuated with a number of otome and visual novel characters (forever simping for Theodorus van Gogh, Jin Grandet, and Beelzebub.) Below you will find all the yummy information I know you’re just dying to get to!
Commissions: OPEN (see link here)
Requests: CLOSED
If you enjoy my work and want to buy me a coffee, you can do that here! Thanks for supporting me and all my shenanigans 💕
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Things I write fanfiction for:
Ikemen Games: Sengoku, Vampire, Revolution, and Prince
Hypnosis Microphone
Baldur’s Gate 3
Honkai Star Rail (limited characters, please ask)
Characters I do not write:
(IkeVamp) Vlad, Charles
(IkeSen) Kennyo, Ranmaru, Kichou, Keiji, Kanetsugu, Shingen, Motonari, Yoshimoto
(IkeRev) Dalim, Dean, Mousse, Oliver
(IkePri) Gilbert, Keith, Kagari, Azel
(Obey Me) Thirteen, Mephistopheles, Raphael, Luke
(Baldur’s Gate) Gortash, Orin, Ketheric Thorm, Aylin, Isobel, Raphael, Harleep (there may be a few others, just ask.)
Content I do not write:
Rape/non-con, dubcon, suicide, attempted suicide, murder, inc*st, yandere, p*dophilia, z*ophilia, cheating/NTR, major character death, underage.
Please Keep In Mind!
I will not write any NSFW content for anyone underage. Minors, please do not interact with my NSFW content. I do my best to weed out ageless/underage blogs. You will be blocked.
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Ikemen Vampire Writing
Ikemen Sengoku Writing
Ikemen Revolution Writing
Ikemen Prince Writing
Twisted Wonderland Writing
Shall We Date? Obey Me!! Writing
Hypnosis Microphone Writing
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Current WIP count: :’)
Current Request count: :’)
P.S. The sorting of work into the appropriate posts will happen... eventually. I promise lol
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skampi835 · 3 years
Let’s never speak of this again! (Motonari x reader)
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Let’s celebrate Motonari’s upcoming route with an oneshot! 🥳 Since I hopefully avoided most of the spoilers I didn’t come up with any good idea, but then I found this:
you and your enemy hug each other, it's completely accidental, and neither of you know why it happened, and it's like,,, you glare at each other, with an expression of ''let's never speak of this again'´
Thanks for putting this idea in my mind @screnwriter​!
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Language: english
Starring: Motonari x reader (female)
Genre: Comedy
Warning: besides Motonari’s slanguage surprisingly none... ahaha who am I kidding? It's Motonari 😂
real Warnings: angst, bad language, violence (fighting scene!)
Word Count: 1.810
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“Get her!”
Shoot! How do I always end in situations like this?!
With this thought you’re bolting straight into the next alleyway. You’ve left the busy trading streets of Azuchi a long time ago and unfortunately lost track of your current position due the rising panic inside of you. Honestly, you’ve no idea where the heck you are right now! Though obviously still in Azuchi you’re running hopefully into the right direction towards the fuller marketplace!
Desperate, you’re squeezing your way through a very small gap between two buildings and dash on. Maybe your pursuers can’t follow you through this and it'll buy you some extra time! The shouts from traders and the sounds of frisky chatters are getting louder with every step you’re taking, which means you have to be on the right track!
Determined you’re keeping up the fast pace, praying you’re able to shake off your pursuers completely in the crowds of the busy market, as you round the next corner. But all of a sudden you’re awfully crashing into a wall.
The heavy impact is stealing your air, though obviously not only from you, but also from said wall, which in the hustle and bustle you’re literally falling into his arms eagerly not to fall. Together you’re even staggering sideways for a split second. Stressed and tense you’re spinning your head up with surprise, staring into the startled, wide ruby red eyes of the man. "Wah-…?"
“… You?!”
You didn't even realize how tight you were clutching Motonari when you crashed into him, until he’s violently yanking your arms away. "The hell yer doing? Got a bloody death wish?" He hisses and is glaring at you furiously.
As shocked as Motonari's reaction was, so are you aghast to face him right now. "What, of all people, are you doing here?!" You snap, still completely out of breath.
Quick steps are pulling you back to the current situation you are still in. You were supposed to keep running from your pursuers but simultaneously you’re facing an enemy of the Oda forces. Your situation is definetly growing somewhat hopeless. Nevertheless the sight of Motonari’s anger makes it a lot easier for your decision, to pass him and run away, than to stand rooted on the spot.
Unfortunately Motonari suddenly grabs your wrist roughly when you've just turned away and is pulling you back. "Ack-…! Let me go!" you plead.
"I won't do shit," Motonari growls venomously. "Now that yer recognized me, princess, I’ve gotta improvise something."
The hectic steps from the side street are getting louder with every passing moment, before they’re coming to a sudden stop right next to you. “There’s this witch!” One of the pursuers is shouting. He’s considerably tall with broad shoulders and a massive body. Shortly afterwards another two coarse figures appears behind him. They’re building themselves up with stern grimaces in the narrow alleyway.
Your eyes anxiously widen and your body starts to tremble ever so slightly. But there is no running away again for you, for Motonari’s adamant grip is chaining you.
"Huh, didn't even know yer know so many grim-looking acquaintances, princess." Motonari’s saying coolly, scanning the three men with his steely gaze. Still he doesn't loosen his grip on your wrist instead he’s tightening it.
"I haven't!" You snort, trying to yank your hand free to get away from him - without avail. You don’t know if it's better, getting caught by Motonari or these guys. But you know for shure both scenarios are pretty bad.
"Hey, you there! Plat-head!” One of the scoundrels growls and is glaring at Motonari grimly, whose dryly raising an eyebrow at this denomination. "Give us the little girl. We have business with her."
“That stupid hussy broke my nose!” Another of them shouts indignantly. You’re noticing his swollen red nose and you can't suppress a brief, yet inappropriate, flash of pride in your face.
It was just a few minutes ago, when they stalked you after you’ve exited your favorite shop. Unfortunately this shop is located in the outskirts of the village so there weren’t many people when they confronted you. The guys wanted to ‘talk to you nicely’ and after a few seconds you’ve ‘nicely declined'. Thank goodness you know some techniques of self-defense!
However, even more inappropriate is Motonari's spiteful laughter that he’s suddenly uttering. It’s giving you the creeps! "Seriously?" With a quick sideways glance in your direction with his ruby red orbs, he’s grinning at the fellow with extreme smug. "Tell me, how’d she did it, putz? Did she climb onto yer?"
Good gracious! Wouldn’t you please make him madder than he already is? Pretty please?!
"What did you just call me?" The broad shouldered man’s roaring furiously. Shortening the distance to Motonari, he’s threateningly waving with his massive fist.
Without wanting to, you’re quickly seeking cover behind Motonari, who has finally let go of your wrist. Now with his hands free he’s facing the attacker. With quick reflexes Motonari’s skillfully dodging the scoundrel's punch and draws his sword with a metal 'shink' that’s humming in the air. You’re holding your breath when Motonari’s holding the blade right against the throat of the ruffian, who is instantly not moving a muscle anymore. "Are you out of yer damn mind? You fucking want to take me on unarmed?!"
Motonari’s sounding incredibly unimpressed, for it was him against three rapscallions, but also incredibly pissed. No matter how this will end, you're sure you won't be of any use. So you’re looking around for an escape route. But you are cornered. The only side you could rush to is a dead end.
"The lil’ one’s mine, get it? So piss off, aye? ” Motonari’s growling with a frown and kicks the man roughly in his side. Gruntling the man hits the ground hard.
"You sunova-!" Furiously about the defeat of his crony, another ruffian - not quite as stupid as his predecessor - is trying his luck with a rusty dagger, when he’s running towards Motonari. But after a few seconds it lands on the ground, followed by the guy.
The last of the crew charges in, just to earn a brutal smack with the back of Motonari’s sword in the side of his neck. "Tch! How the hell did ya morons think yer can take me on when a lil’ girly beat you up? Ya wanna make me really mad?”
You’re recognizing the change in the air around Motonari. It’s tense, shifting from the beginning amusement to bloodlust. Motonari’s wielding his sword, but apparently used it just to disarm his opponent. But now it seems that he won’t restrain himself any longer.
"Crap, let's get out of here!" The guy with the lost dagger is yelling towards his pals. Frantically they’re getting up and quickly disappear into the alleys.
You sigh, relieved as the men finally disappear. But just one moment later your heart’s sinking completely into your boots when Motonari turns back to you, though this time with a sword in his hand. "Back to ya, princess."
“I haven't seen or heard anything!” You shout, throwing your arms up in air and backing from him. Now pressed against a real wall on the side of the house, your heart is pounding up to your throat, when you meet Motonari’s sharp gaze. Luckily the bloodlust you’ve seen before has gone, too.
Motonari’s raising an eyebrow, probably irritated by your strange reaction and is fixing you. Then the corner of his mouth curves up to an amusing smirk while he’s withdrawing his sword back to his belt. “Heh, ain’t that a start?” He snickers.
Abruptly he shortens the distance to you, placing one of his white gloved hands right next to your head against the wall behind you. Superior and smugly, Motonari’s looking straight into your eyes, straight into you. The tension’s getting tangible again and your heart’s pounding hard in your chest. "You owe me. I bet you saw nothing, understood?"
Something you least of all wanted, is to owe to some madman like Motunari! His stern expression is sending a shiver through your spine. "I- ... uhm ... thank you?"
"What should I do with yer thanks? Can’t buy anything with ‘em.” Motonari snarls dissatisfied and is slightly narrowing his eyes. "Either you damn shut yer mouth about everything ya saw - hell, just forget I’m even here! Or I'll cut out yer pretty tongue. Ain’t that a deal?"
Automatically you’re pressing your lips together sealing your mouth - and especially your tongue. You’re staring at him in horror with wide eyes. "Let's never talk about this again, aye?"
What joice do you have? Of course you could just agree with Motonari and then tell the warlords about his whereabouts. But you’ve always been a woman which sticks to her word, no matter how bitter this one is. Not entirely sure whether he'll still carry out his threat to cut off your tongue, you're just nodding, while glancing determined up to him.
"Splendid." Motonari’s pushing himself off the wall with a mask of satisfaction on his face, giving you the way free. "Then rush back to yer patrons, ‘lil princess.”
Uncertain you’re blinking towards him. Motonari makes no move to stop you, he’s just waving with his hand in your direction. He really leaves you with just that! Without further thinking, you’re taking to your heels and bolt away. Not that he'll change his mind after all!
After two more alleys, you’re finally reaching the busy and crowded market and try to calm your panicked pounding heart. That was definitely too much excitement for one day! Still, you're grateful for Motonari getting those ruffians off your back. But why does it haf to be Motonari of all people?!
A deal is a deal, you’re thinking to yourself taking one last, deep, nessecary breath. Certainly it won’t mean anything good that Motonari’s currently in Azuchi. You just hope, you won’t regret this deal someday.
With quick steps you’re heading purposefully back to the castle. Even if this idiot surely won’t appreciate it, your silence about that accident was certain to him.
And you are going to take to grave, that you’ve embraced Motonari by that accident, when running into him. Yes, better never even think about this again!
Motonari’s running his white gloved fingers through his hair and grunts in annoyance, after you left. That you’ve recognized him is a great nuisance to him. It’s time to rethink his plans. That would slow things down a lot.
As if he’d actually trust a little princess like you to keep her mouth shut. What stupidity!
Casually he drives his hands on his sides to get rid of the strange feeling from your delicate arms embracing him.
Let's never talk about this again. - Yeah, better let's not.
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janumun · 3 years
Sensibilities (IkeSen Motonari - NSFW)
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Pairing: Motonari/Reader Rated: NSFW/18+ Tags: semi-public sex, dirty talk, mild spanking, squirting, Motonari is in the mood to ruin
Summary: Finding privacy and peace to hook up aboard a ship, among a horde of companions, is never easy. Motonari makes that task for them near impossible.
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Author’s Notes: Hi @ayasenanjo! ♥️ Absolutely. Motonari seems like just the right man to get them into this position, too. 😂♥️
(Requests for this event are now closed, dear readers. Thank you to all those who participated.)
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The pitched warble he knocks out of her with the swift press of his cock into her wetness, drowns his own grunt of pleasure. Teeth sinking into his lower lip, he feels that smile, insistent, tugging the corners of his mouth into an almost smirk. To see her pinch trembling lips into a mute sob as she tries and stoppers her moans, from reaching stray ears. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”
He releases himself, slow, from her clenching walls. So unhurried and deliberate, he makes her feel every bump and ridge across the length of him and she hisses her protest; beautiful, full bottom pressing back against the blunt head of him, “You absolute ass.”
He groans a low sound then, unable to sweep aside thoughts of how incredibly sexy she is when she’s wanting for him.
Grinning as he skids his hands down the curve of soft cheeks before he squeezes her open for him. “Ass is what I got my hands on, flower girl and ain’t it just the prettiest thing in all the lands.” Dealing a quick slap onto her mound in appreciation to watch plump flesh jiggle at the impact.
She squeals then — realizes her error when a particularly rowdy round of filthy laughter drifts in through the wooden doors of their room. Nudging her thumb into her mouth to hold off her sounds. “You’re incorrigible. Don’t spread me—ah, Motonari! N-not like that—” The rest of her protest’s lost to her fingers pressed against her mouth, with the slam of him back into her. Harsh enough her arousal spits back onto his pelvis with the impact. She's so incredibly wet, she starts to seep slick down her thighs and his own.
“Don’t look like torment to me when yer gushing this hard, girlie.” Slipping a gloved index and thumb across her gaping slit to gather and smear her moisture where they join.
“I blame you. O-oh god, you’re going so fast— Motonari, I’ll burst if you don’t slow down!” She's breathing hard through her nose now, drool trekking down the sides of a quivering jaw, useless in helping her stay quiet. Or sane.
He grunts his delighted approval, grabbing her hips to impale her back onto his cock. “Go ‘head, then. My dick’s all yours to cream’ ‘round.”
Flicking gloved digits across her slit to reach for and massage at her clit. “Clench with all yer might now, pretty minx.”
Her next moan of pleasure rolls thick in its high soar as she spills her release. Motonari pulls her jaw tight and to him, pressing down hard against her back. Plunging in deep and slow through the last spurts of his own release. Sucking and lapping her groans right off her tongue, to tamp her down against himself.
His flower girl, the most precious of them all, but even he’s not inclined to share his most private treasures. Her tired garbling and slew of pretty expletives littered in with her love, let him know she shares his exact sentiments.
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End Notes: Thank you for reading!
° View my master list. °
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le-chat-sofi · 2 years
Kennyo: Hello! Today I learned how to use emojis.😊
Ranmaru: Good job, Kennyo-san!!◝(⁰▿⁰)◜
Nobunaga: LOL!! Really!?
Masamune: WTF….. flip phones don’t have emojis…
Kennyo: Would you like to see pictures of my 🍆? It’s approximately 14 inches in length. I grew it with MC!
Ranmaru: What did you say?
Mitsuhide: Haaaaaaaaaay
Ieyasu: Good for you (눈_눈)
Yukimura: *is he serious?* („ಡωಡ„)
Motonari: *using a measure tape * Dawn... ٩(ఠ益ఠ)۶
Shingen: *looking at his wee wee* Should I share one too?
Kanetsugu: UGH *throwing bleach at his eyes!*
Kennyo: Do you guys wanna see?
Mitsunari: Yes, I want to see your 🍆!
All the guys: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT??????
Kennyo: Great! You can come see it! It's in the garden next to the tomatoes!!
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chaotic-emo-child · 3 years
Moonlit Fate
Motonari & Mai (SFW)
TW: Minor mentions of a child starving, blood, and a broken nose.
Minor Spoilers for Motonari's route. If you know anything about his RL history this won't come as a surprise.
Two children five hundred years apart find solace in the moon and her comforting light.
Note: I used Motonari's childhood name for this.
He scrubbed vigorously at his skin, trying in vain to wash away the feel of dirt, grime, and sweat that still lingered no matter how hard he scoured. Chilled fingers scraped at already raw skin, frantic in their goal to relieve himself of that filthy feeling. The bath in the cold river earlier had done little to alleviate the tingling sensation along his skin—pin pricks of nauseating pain dancing along every surface of flesh.
As a young Shojumaru attempted to be rid of the revolting feeling of touch, the faint aroma of fish reached his nostrils. With a glance, blood red eyes took in the small fire, an even smaller fish cooking over it—the first piece of food he had managed to steal in the last few days. A loud rumble from his stomach reminding him of just how long it had been.
Wrapping a semi-clean rag around his hand (anything was better than direct touch), he picked up the small, skewered fish, commanding all of his patience to wait until it had cooled before demolishing the meager meal. Even in his half starved state, he was careful to angle the fish so as to keep the juices from dripping onto him, and to take smaller bites to keep his face as clean as possible. He had managed to feel somewhat clean, he didn’t need anything else to ruin that.
Shojumarui finished the meal, taking care to clean the skewer and place it in a safe place away from the dirt and grime of the world. The tiny fish did little to rid the constant pangs of hunger, but it did help to alleviate it some.
Sighing, he laid down on a tattered blanket, still a little damp from the washing it received earlier. Starlight twinkled through the gaping holes of the rundown shack he called home. Their little diamond shapes played peekaboo through the boards, but they were not what he waited for. No.
Slowly, the night wore on until the soft gleam of moonbeams spilled over those worn out boards and broken tiles. The moon, in her gentle radiance, bathed the young lad in her cool beams of light, washing away the grime of the day from his small body, cleansing the feeling of defilement. It was her silvery light that made the empty nights huddled in the dingy shelter feel not so lonely. Her gentle presence whispered words of cool comfort, shelter, and encouragement to the orphaned child.
Shojumaru didn’t know if he’d survive the next day, muchless the next month or year. However, as long as the moon with her soft rays of silver guarded him, he felt as if he could conquer anything. In her welcoming incandescent beauty, eyes the shade of crimson sunset slowly closed as the Beggar Prince drifted into a fitful sleep, unaware that this selfsame moon stood guard over another lonely child far into the future.
Five Hundred Years Into The Future
Mai hugged her knees closer to her small body as somber eyes roamed over the flashing neon lights of Tokyo. The light pollution coming from the large city blotted out the night sky, making it difficult for the small girl to see the heavenly bodies, even from her apartment roof. Still, the dim glow of the moon and a few stubborn stars shone through, bathing her in a pale, ghostly light.
Sirens wailed in the distance, drawing her attention as fingers rubbed absentmindedly along bandaged knuckles. Her face still smarted, nose throbbing along the bridge where she was certain it was broken. The fight had been a rough one, both individuals ending up in the nurse’s office for various scrapes and bruises, followed by a lecture from the principal.
Her mother hadn’t spoken a word when she saw her daughter, silently retrieving ice from the freezer to help with the swelling, bandaging bloody knuckles with care. Mai knew her mother didn’t like her fighting, but she never scolded the lass for the fights.
It was hard not to step in when hearing one of her classmates being cruelly teased. Her father had taught her to be kind to others, to look out for those in trouble. It was doubtful he would’ve approved of her methods if he were here; but, Mai didn’t know of any other way. Desperate to cling to anything that connected her to an already fading memory of a beloved parent, she lashed out in the only way she knew to keep him close.
A sigh escaped perused lips as wide nutmeg eyes studied the full moon, shrouded in wispy clouds and pollution. Strange how she found comfort in those heavenly beings, so far away, yet so close. There were moments she felt as if she just stretched far enough she could grasp that cool, glowing orb.
Mai didn’t remember when she started to seek solace from the moon and stars, but they had become fast friends. She whispering the worries of her small heart and they listening without judgement. They were a soothing balm to a troubled spirit and she knew that no matter where she went, they would always be there—the one constant she could rely on in a world of chaos.
//If you've read enough of my writings, you'll notice that Mai has always had a thing for stargazing and moon watching. You can imagine my delight when it was revealed that Motonari also took comfort in the moon's presence.
When I learned that, I knew I was going to have to write a little drabble of the two as children with their struggles, unknowingly sharing a common comfort.
This also, includes a few of my personal headcannons on when Motonari would've started to wear gloves (or an equivalent) along with when he'd started learning to cook.
Thank you all for reading! I know I don't say this very often but your hearts, reblogs, and comments do mean the world to me. You all are wonderful! <3
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ikeromantic · 1 year
Motonari, secret, 🥹
Ah how I love this wild pirate man. Approx 1200 words of Motonari and not-so-well-kept secrets.
Motonari paced the deck of his docked ship, trying to work off his irritated mood before the chatelaine returned. Supposedly, she was off doing some sewing commission delivery but that wasn’t true. Or at least, it wasn’t the whole truth. Problem was, he didn’t know what she was hiding. And it was eating at him. 
This was the third time in as many weeks. He’d been tempted to send a crewman to watch her, but there was every chance she’d notice. And then what? She would be angry or sad or maybe both. Motonari didn’t have a great track record with relationships, especially not the romantic kind. He wasn’t sure what you were supposed to do when the person you loved the most started acting strange. Unreliable. 
If it was anyone else, he’d cut ties and leave. But the chatelaine wasn’t like anyone he ever met. She was sweet and kind, with a head full of flowery ideas and pretty words. He loved her so much it made his chest ache. So why this, why now? What was she doing in town that she didn’t want to tell him about? 
Annoyed with her, and annoyed with himself for feeling so helpless, he retreated to his cabin to cook. The familiar routine of chopping vegetables and preparing the fish calmed him down a little. Enough that when she walked in the door a little while later, he was able to smile. “I was wonderin’ if you were gonna make it home today.”
“You know I could never stay away.” She smiled at him as sweetly as ever. So much that he almost doubted what he knew. The chatelaine took a few steps toward him and then wrinkled her nose. “What is that smell?”
“Smell?” Motonari looked around, and realized she must mean dinner. “I was makin’ fresh caught mackerel. Chopped up yer favorite -” He stopped talking as she rushed back up to the deck. 
When he caught up to her, she was taking deep breaths into the sea breeze, and looked a bit green around the gills. “You sick?”
“N-no. I just got queasy all of the sudden. It’s nothing.” She slipped an arm around his waist and leaned into him.
Motonari pulled her close and rested his chin atop her head. She was lying again. He could feel it. But he wasn’t sure what she was lying about. Was she sick and didn’t want to tell him? Images of her wasting away and dying flitted through his mind like a grim portent. No, it was probably something else. Lying did all kinds of things to a person’s health. 
“Sorry I was so late getting back today. My clients always want to talk when I deliver their garments.” She sighed tiredly. 
“Maybe ya should take a break from going in to town. Leave off the work for a bit, savvy?” 
She laughed. “I probably should but I really can���t. Not yet.”
Motonari frowned. “Yet?”
“Well . . . I mean . . . one day I guess? Who knows, right?” She waved her hand as if dismissing it.
“I could make ya take a break. Sail off from the dock and keep ya with me till yer rested.” He meant it as a joke, mostly. Part of him was tempted to do just that though. He’d have her all to himself, and plenty of time to learn her secret too.
She gasped and looked up at him, her expression horrified. “You can’t! I have to go to town!”
“Oh?” He raised a brow. “Why’s that? Yer clients can’t wait a bit for their clothes?”
“Y-yeah. Exactly.” 
Her quick agreement only made him more suspicious. Motonari studied her face intently. He decided he was tired of playing this guessing game, trying to tease out what she hid. “I know yer lying, princess. Now clear the flowers outta yer head and tell me what’s going on? Ya keep visiting town every week, staying til late. Coming back and looking all green at yer gills. Are ya seeing someone? Tell me the truth.” He heard his voice tremble at the end, but he made the words come out anyhow.
“Stop lying to me. I’m the damn Lord of Deceit. Ya think I can’t see right through it?” He took her chin in his hand. “Who is it yer seeing?”
She pulled away from him and turned her gaze to the sea. “I’m seeing a doctor in town.”
“Yer sick?” He took a step closer but she moved back. 
That felt true, so - “Yer . . . dating a doctor?” Motonari felt his heart freeze. The one person he’d believed would never betray him . . . his chest felt too tight, his throat closed to breath. Like he was drowning, crushed by the waves. 
The chatelaine’s eyes went wide. “Dating?” She started to laugh. “Dating? Holy cats! Motonari! No! Oh my god. That’s your - that’s your first thought?” 
“Yeah?” He felt the tension in him release just a hair. “So what then?”
She took a deep breath, looking conflicted. “I - I wasn’t going to say anything yet. I wanted to be sure things were . . . far enough along.” Her gaze found his and held it, her expression so gentle and vulnerable that he could not look away even if he wanted to. 
“Motonari,” she said his name with love and he felt his breath return. “I’m pregnant. We’re pregnant.”
He felt like someone shot him. His chest, tight only a breath ago, was suddenly hollowed out. Her face looked as if she watched him from the top of a deep well, and he was at the bottom, hearing just the echoes of her words.
“Motonari! Oh! Oh no! Are you ok?” 
He realized he’d fallen to his knees and his cheeks were wet. Was it raining? No - no he could see the sunset and the hint of stars in the east. “I’m - I’m gonna be a dad?” Even his own voice sounded far away.
“Yes.” She knelt beside him and wiped at his tears with her sleeve. “Are you even a - a little happy?” 
Motonari’s world snapped into focus with terrifying alacrity. One moment, he was looking at her from a distance and then there she was, a handspan from him and looking so frightened and alone that he couldn’t bear it. “Happy? I’m over the moon, princess! Ya got so many petals in yer eyes that ya can’t see I’m dyin’ of happiness over here?”
He pulled her into a tight hug and pressed kisses to her cheeks. “Can’t believe ya kept it secret! I oughta be mad at ya. Crazy girl.” 
She laughed and clung tightly to him. “At first, I wasn’t sure if I really was. And then . . . you know, I wanted to be sure the baby was ok.”
“Is it? Are you?” Time stopped until she replied. 
“The doctor says we’re fine. And the midwife thinks so too.” She smiled.
Motonari kissed her. “Ya better not keep secrets from me again,” he whispered. “You’ll kill me with surprises like this. Trust me next time?”
She nodded. “I will. I was just afraid you - you might not want to have kids.” “Pffft. O’ course I do.” He squeezed her tighter. It was a little frightening to think about everything that went into becoming a father. Motonari wasn’t at all sure he was up to the task, but he was up to try with her at his side. He wanted to say something romantic and reassuring, but the only words that would come were I love you, said over and over again between kisses.
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writingwhimsey · 8 months
300 Follower Celebration Masterlist
300 follower celebration concluded! Here are all the fics for the event! I hope you all enjoy! I had so much fin writing all of these!
Married for the Night- ikesen Kanetsugu, fake marriage trope, fluff.
The Pirate and The Princess- ikesen Motonari, arranged marriage trop, fluff
I'm You...You're Me? HELP?!- ikepri Clavis, body swap trope, crack and fluff
The Night That Changed Everything- ikesen Shingen, one bed trope, smut fic, 18+ NSFW
Safe and Sound - ikesen Ieyasu, one bed trope, fluff
A Wish Gone Awry - ikesen Hideyoshi & Mitsuhide, body swap trope, crack fic
Ridiculous Man - ikepri Clavis, blind date trope, fluff fic
A Business Trip turns Personal - ikesen Mitsuhide, one bed trop, smut fic 18+ NWFW
A Blind Date Literally - ikepri Clavis, blind date trope, crack fic
Lazy Day - ikesen Kenshin, rainy day cuddles, fluff
Tough Negotiations - ikesen Nobunaga, enemies to lovers trope, smut NSFW 18+
Luckiest Dumbass In the World - iksen Yukimura, arranged marriage trope, fluff
Through the Storm - ikesen Kenshin, one bed, fluff
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krys-loves-otome · 4 years
Warlords + Jealous of the Baby Headcanons
SO, it’s been a bit of a rough time rejoining society after my local shutdown, and I wanted to do something to cheer myself up. And, I found an old masterlist for a fandom I used to be in, and this kind of prompt on it struck me as one that could apply to the warlords as well (though some focus more on the pregnancy side of things, jealousy is the main theme that ties them together.) Some of these could also be interpreted as modern headcanons, but I tried to stick closer to the Sengoku time period (with some minor tweaking, as wetnurses and servants could handle a majority of the childcare for MC and her lord, but where’s the fun in that?)
The original prompt was headcanons about the suitor being jealous of their offspring for taking the attention away of the reader/MC from them, but a lot of them didn’t seem to fit into the jealous archetype, so I made some tweaks to the theme here and there as well. Kennyo and the newer lords are mostly interpretations on my part based on smaller events and fandom headcanons as well because of the lack of material (and I don’t have Kennyo’s bday stories to bounce off of, so he’s gonna be based on fandom interpretations and minor events as well).
So, here’s some headcanons about the warlords being jealous of their spawn.
2nd Person POV, she/her pronouns used for the reader on occasion, they/them used for the spawn. And, also, content warning for pregnancy mentions.
Nobunaga Ruling the world at his side was all well and good, and having heirs is the responsibility of all leaders, so he was proud when you told him you were going to have his child in a few months' time.
What he didn't expect was that the child was more like him even before they were even born. If you weren't scrambling out of bed for the nearest bucket in the morning, you were falling asleep on him while he was highly keen to explore the new surprises your body provided while creating a new life inside of you. And let's not talk about how he lost the territory of your lap as the weeks rolled on. You tried to compromise by leaning further back, thinking it would be cute to let Nobunaga hear and feel the baby moving as he laid in your lap. However, they soon grew too strong and kicked their father in his ear, and he, eyebrows crossed and frown deepening, almost declared war on his unseen enemy. With some pleading from you (after you had stopped laughing first), he finally declared a temporary surrender of your lap to the child instead. He will reclaim what is his after the child's birth and no later after that.
Hideyoshi It's hard to tell who the true mother was in this parent-ship. Outside of feeding (which you had a sneaking suspicion he would do if he had been equipped that way), Hideyoshi was on top of all things new baby. Burping, diaper changing, rocking for naps and bedtime, bath time, if Hideyoshi has the time, he's with his baby. If anyone is getting jealous, it's probably you, lol.
Any jealous feelings quickly dissipate however, whenever he holds the baby and he has the gentlest smile on his face, whispering how happy he is to have the most wonderful family he could ever ask for. Bringing you into his other arm also helped to ease any jealousy you could have felt as he thanked both of you for being in his life.
Masamune Honestly, if he has any jealous tendencies at all, it'll be subconscious. What's there to be jealous of? He has a beautiful wife and a strong, healthy heir, so what does he have to be jealous of? He might sneak up behind you and rest his chin on your shoulder while he pulls you into his lap, watching you feed the baby once in a while.
If anything, he might jokingly ask if the kid would save any of that milk so he might have a taste. Whether you let him is up to you and I'll leave it at that. So, no, no jealous feelings here.
Ieyasu He might get a little huffy if you overly pay attention to your kid more than him, but it's not something that bothers him too often. He might let a grumble slip about letting the kid learn how to self-soothe themselves once in a while and you’d think he was being mean… if you hadn’t caught him up with the baby numerous times late at night, whispering to them to not wake you, to let you sleep for a few more hours if it’s something he can handle on his own.
He'll vehemently deny he does this, however. Have fun watching his ears turn red when/if you call him out on it. 
Mitsuhide Like Masamune, if he has any sort of jealous tendencies towards you and your shared child, it'll be either be subconscious or extremely subtle. This child has taken a piece of his blackened heart, just as you have, so he understands your need to lavish them with all sorts of attention.
He'd be the type to hold the two of you in his arms and rock you back and forth, gently humming a soothing tune between the two of you, watching over his little family as they are his greatest treasures. No jealousy to be found here.
Mitsunari If you can find a jealous bone in this man's body, you might have found a lost treasure. He loves holding you while you hold the baby and watching the two of you, and he understands your need to lavish them with attention. You two had created a life together! How amazing is that?
However, just because it's a buried treasure, never doubt that such a treasure isn't there. The only thing that even registers as jealousy (to him) is taking away his chance to love on the child. His tendency to be clumsy or to zone out whenever he reads disappears whenever he hears those gentle cries for attention and all of his focus zeros in on his child, not unlike when you're near him. But, seeing that someone else has taken his chance to step up and care for his progeny? He can't help that small twinge of jealousy. He can take care of his child as well if he was just given the chance!
Kenshin He's too busy being protective (read: fearful) of you and the soon-to-be-born child to have even a moment to be jealous. Women dying in childbirth is far too common occurrence for his liking (since this is concerning you now, it's his concern now too), so he does everything in his power to make sure you're as happy and healthy you can be. Certain foods made a certain way? On it. Massaging your lower back to make sure you have a good delivery? His fingers wouldn't leave your back if he could help it. Old wives' tales that can help predict what gender the baby was going to be? He'll do any and all of them to ensure you and the baby are healthy no matter the gender outcome.
His overcoddling was definitely worth it in the end, seeing his soft smile while he held the two of you after the delivery, reassured that the two of you were safe and still in his arms.
Yukimura He's surprisingly good with kids, so seeing his face light up when you tell him you two were now expecting a little one of your own, he hugged you and spun you around in his arms, he was that happy. Cue the next few months bouncing between his (mostly harmless, but some days more than others accidentally hurtful) teasing, like how a little overindulgence in the sweets with an already swelling tummy was making you more and more into a boar woman earned him both a punch in his dumb face and a river of tears not even your favorite treats or backrubs could tame.
As far as jealousy is concerned, he's really not. From relaxing rub downs with special attention to the growing swell, to holding both of you for midnight feedings when both of you were ready to just collapse into bed, Yukimura made sure two of his most important people were cared for and loved, with a tired smile on his face as he watched the two of you contently. No jealousy here.  
Shingen "Ah, my goddess is blessing us with an angel of our own!" Shingen sees no reason to be jealous. As he said, his goddess is blessing him with the gift of life. What reason does he have to be jealous against an innocent life that his most important person is gifting him with?
If there's going to be any jealousy present in this relationship, maybe it's stemmed from insecurity on your part, seeing Shingen practically flirting with other, prettier ladies while you felt as big as a barn, doubled with your sore back and various other body parts feeling weird or doing strange things while your 'angel' grew. Shingen was always quick to kiss away your insecurity however. You were more beautiful than ever, he reassured you, and was more than ready to show you just how much more beautiful you were to him. He'll definitely carry that attitude over once your little angel is born, giving both of you kisses and gentle touches to show how much he cares for both of you. If you’re not careful, he might be just as bad as you are about spoiling them. Proceed with caution.
Sasuke Creating life was a mysterious event all on its own, and though he knew the basic mechanics of how it worked, he was still awestruck at seeing that little red, wrinkly face for the first time, finding his and your features blended together so perfectly, it was hard to deny the beauty of science here.
And, being a future person himself, he understands the need to see to your kid's needs first rather than letting a servant handle the baby's needs (though he does the benefits of having a caretaker around whenever they needed one) as was more common for the time period. And, really, who was he to deny the parental bond between mother and child. If there's any jealousy on his part, it's quickly gone when he sees that child smile when they hear him talking, be it about the stars, some abstract scientific fact about human life cycles and milestones he picked up from his seemingly vast knowledge bank, or just how much he treasures them and their mother so much.
Kennyo Like Kenshin, Kennyo would be more worried about you than be jealous of any future additions to your little family. He doesn't live the cushy life of the other warlords, and really, is the forests constantly on the run really the best place to raise a child, let alone having one away from midwives and nursemaids? He's a monk, not a doctor. Sure, he had his fair share of abandoned infants left on his doorstep when he still had a place to call his own, but the actual birthing process? He had no experience in that department.  
Still, he does his best for you throughout the entire process with the resources available to him. Massages to ease any pain you have, wellness prayers for both you and the baby, even helping you to calm yourself once the pains start. He's more glad that the two of you are both alive and well than have any qualms about overindulging on the child.
Ranmaru From the little we've seen of him outside of a romantic relationship, he definitely has some jealous tendencies, so I have no doubts that might carry over once the two of you consummate. And, to most outward appearances, he's proud that you're having his child, always ready at a moment's notice to take care of your every need and want, foot rubs and sweets galore! There are times when you wonder if you're getting bigger because of the baby or because of the number of sweet buns you've had, however (Ran reassures you that it's completely baby, don't worry! Did he tell you how cute your bump looks today? Because your baby bump is super cute, as is you, the soon-to-be mommy⭐!)
But, just like all things Ranmaru, there's a lot more once you start to see things below the surface. Sure, he might get smug if someone offers congratulations to the two of you, but he wasn't ready for ALL of the 'advice' from all sort of corners coming at him about how to be a good father, from Hideyoshi's good-natured advice (albeit delivered in his familiar nagging tone), to Mitsuhide's little on the nose poke at his insecurities about the future. He had literally no experience with children, let alone babies, not to mention he could lose you to complications and that was far scarier than running between two factions in secret. And, once the kid was born, he didn't have the easiest time bonding with the kid (probably the worst of the mentioned warlords thus far), sometimes echoing Ieyasu's 'let the kid learn to self-soothe once in a while'  but there are times when you wonder if he actually means it, even going so far as to hold you tighter in bed if he's really tired or had been away from you for an extended period of time. But he's quick to get over it if you don't give in to his pettiness, maybe a little sulking on his part as he watches you feeding the baby. But, once he sees that pure love you give off as you hold your child, he completely forgets why he was in a bad mood in the first place, apologizes, and gives kisses to both of you, giving one of his more genuine smiles.
Yoshimoto It's a bit harder to get a read on him since he seems flippant about most things, including some matters that involve his clan. Sure, his vassals would be thrilled to bits when news spread about him and his lady friend expecting a child, an heir! The Imagawa line was to continue at long last! But, with Yoshimoto himself… it's hard to say. Sure, being Shingen-kin means he would and sometimes will go for hours about how beautiful you were with soft kisses and touches everywhere, but soft words and gentle caresses don't mean one is ready for parenthood, let alone one that was currently getting by on the generosity of others or one that has poor survival skills, at best.
Clan matters aside, he can't deny the warmth he feels when he sees how happy you are, so he would also become a spoiling parent as well, no jealousy found here. If you don't step up, however, your kid might never hear the word 'no' in their young life and that might turn into something terrible, so you both might need to learn some self-restraint. Any higher beings, please help this child not grow up to be a spoiled brat!
Motonari Another one that's hard to get a complete read on, as he currently lives for the destruction of all things good and orderly, yet gives sound advice (even to his enemies!), so even chaos man has a stable, sensible side. So, going off that, I can see the two of you having a whirlwind romance that leads to a passionate romp (or a few more romps after that one, if that's your cup of tea) which, inevitably, leads to spending a few months at sea with a baby on the way, which doesn't even sound fun, to be honest. Still, Motonari keeps a good ship and makes sure his crewmates are cared for, even 'surprise stowaways' as he called the baby, to both you and his regular crewmates.
As for having any jealous tendencies towards the baby, in the little we've gotten about him thus far, he doesn't seem the jealous type? Honestly, he'd go with whatever decision you want to do about the child, whether to raise them on the sea or to let a nice land family raise them (or you stay on land for them, but where's the fun in that?) If anything, he might joke like Masamune in watching a feeding and commenting about the hungry little sea pup being greedy with their mom's attention while affectionately rubbing their head, wisps of little hairs getting caught against his gloved hand.
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the12thnightproject · 2 years
A Simple Game
Who will win when The God of Deceit, The Tiger of Kai and the Silver Kitsune all have the same goal?
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Requested by @venulus
Prompts: May I, please, request: Mitsuhide, Shingen & Motonari + “I can explain” + Only one bed + SFW
Word Count: 2400+
Warnings: None
Some stories begin with ‘once upon a time,’ and some can only begin with ‘it was a dark and stormy night.’ This story… is the latter, for it was a dark and stormy night, a night when the Gods Raijin and Fujin hurled thunder, lightning, wind, and rain at unlucky travelers. Such a night was not a night to be in the elements, and anyone caught in this sudden cloudburst sought whatever shelter they could find, be it cave, farm, or…
…an ordinary Inn at the edge of an ordinary posting town. Though the Inn wasn’t fancy, it was neat and clean, and more importantly to hapless refugees from the storm, it was warm and dry. Though not famous for its meals or for the prettiness of the tea maids, it was a perfectly acceptable place to spend the night.
And it was on this dark and stormy night, that three men were forced by the elements to take shelter at this very Inn.
This very small Inn.
This very small, crowded Inn.
This very small, crowded Inn with … only one vacancy.
Had the three men been travelling together, or had they been close friends, there might be no story to be told. But these men were not close friends, nor were they close to being friends, and the fact remained that there was only one room, with one bed in it, and three strangers who wished to have that room.
The Innkeeper was a fair woman, and in this situation, would have simply given the room to the first man to arrive. However, she had not been at the entry when the first of the strangers crossed the threshold, and none would admit to having entered after the others. Indeed, it wasn’t clear even to them who had stepped inside the building first, as they had not paid attention to anything but their desire to escape the driving rain.
At a loss, the Innkeeper led the three men to the common room, settled them around the ash pit where a kettle of steaming water was kept hot over coals, and asked if they would be willing to decide between themselves who should be given the room. With the promise of tea and hot soup to warm them up while they talked, the strangers acquiesced to this plan. Relieved, the Innkeeper promised to keep a careful watch over their saddlebags in the meanwhile.
“So, ‘friends,’ how do we go about making this decision?” asked a sun-browned man with white hair. He introduced himself to the others as Shojumaru and revealed that he was a merchant travelling from the port of Sakai. “Trial by combat? Heh heh?” He laughed a little at his own joke, but his black gloved hand stroked the hilt of his sword with an emphasis that suggested he wouldn’t mind being taken seriously.
“Dear me, you are rather bloodthirsty for a merchant, Shojumaru.” With a gleam in his amber-gold eyes, the speaker shifted position, revealing a musket at his side. “Although that certainly would be one way to eliminate the competition for the room would it not?”
The third man, a tall man with smoky eyes and red-brown hair, who had introduced himself as Shin, a pilgrim on his way to the shrine at Togakushi, spoke up. “It also would create quite the mess that this poor maid would have to clean up.” He winked at the young woman who brought their tea, “thank you, Angel,” then returned his attention to the other two. “And it would be an unpleasant death for you…”
He tilted his head toward the man with the musket, who obligingly supplied his name. “Kyubei. And why would that be?”
“In this weather, a matchlock weapon is more than likely too wet to fire. Shojumaru could cut you down before you even lit the fuse.” He took a long sip of tea, calm and ambivalent to the potential death of this Kyubei.
“Heh. And what would stop me from killing you after that, Shin?” Shojumaru seemed half-excited, half-curious about that prospect.
“My sheer force of personality,” Shin replied with a friendly smile. “Besides, we can contest the room without spilling blood. Why not simply challenge each other to a game of riddles?”
Though Shojumaru scoffed at this suggestion, Kyubei’s face held a flicker of interest. “A battle of the minds? Intriguing idea. Yes. I would be pleased to match wits with… you both.”
“If the two of you are content to play children’s games, then I’m more ‘an happy to take advantage of the easy win.” The merchant waved away the maid bearing a plate of fish stew with a grumpy gesture. “I ain’t hungry.”
After a brief consultation, it was decided that each contestant would ask one riddle. Answering the riddle correctly would yield one point, while posing an unanswerable question would net two.
In spite of his initial reluctance, Shojumaru willingly offered the first riddle. “What is the one question that you can never answer yes to?”
“Are you asleep?” Kyubei responded immediately.
“That, is a question I have never needed to ask any of my companions.” Rather than directing his response to the others, Shin slanted a wicked grin to the maid who refilled his tea, and was rewarded with a shy blush.
Kyubei ignored the byplay between Shin and the maid. “Try this one – it involves numbers, Shojumaru, so as a merchant you ought to have no problem.” He cleared his throat, and recited, “Eleven men walking by, eleven pears hanging high. Each man takes a single pear and leaves eleven hanging there. How is this so?”
But it was Shin who answered the so-called mathematical question first. “I can explain that easily. There were twenty-two pears to begin with, hanging in pairs of two. Thank you, Kyubei, I do enjoy word play.” As it was his turn to ask a question, he continued. “When I am soft, I cut through rocks, but when I am hard, you will need no locks.”
His opponents paused so long that it might have been understandable for Shin to consider himself the victor, before Shojumaru slapped his hand on the table hard enough for their cups to vibrate, causing tea to slop over the edges. “A river. The rushing water in spring will cut through the land, and when frozen, there’s no need for a lock to traverse it.”
“Indeed. And with that, my friends, we are tied.” Shin paused to withdraw a hand towel from his kimono to blot up the tea. “Shall we continue through another round?”
“Bah, once was enough for me.” Shojumaru called the maid over and requested that she bring his pack to him. Once reunited with his luggage, he rooted around until he found a deck of karuta. “You gents familiar with the Nanban game ‘Ombre’?”
Neither was, but both were willing enough to learn it, if it meant earning the right to that last bed. Although the rules were somewhat complex, the game itself was a simple enough structure of rounds that included bidding to determine the strongest suit amongst the ‘cups, coins, clubs, and swords,’ followed by highest card takes the hand. The three men each found themselves almost enjoying the bidding rounds, for, as Shin put it, “there is a rather crude strategy in determining your own cards’ strongest points and deciding whether their opposites are contained in your opponents’ hand or in the pile.”
Kyubei gazed at him over his own hand. “You display a rather deep understanding of strategy for a simple pilgrim, Shin.”
“And you’re rather cheeky for a simple courier, Kyubei.” Shin seemed unconcerned by either the implied threat from Kyubei or his own observations. With a smile, he glanced at Shojumaru. “Meanwhile Shojumaru is rather volatile for a merchant. All people are more than what they appear to be – and on a stormy night like tonight, perhaps it would be best for everyone if we take them for what they seem.”
“Are the two of you going to gab, or play the game?” Shojumaru tossed down a card that was overtaken instantly by Kyubei’s higher one.
“I believe that is … what was the term you used? Sacada?” Kyubei raked in the pile of stones the group was using as currency. “I also believe, Shojumaru, that you are out of markers, and therefore have lost.”
With a scowl, Shojumaru gathered up the deck. “In that case, I’ll leave you two to fight over the room.” He called for the maid to find his geta and mino, as he shouldered his pack. “There must be another Inn nearby that will have a room.”
With a mocking bow, he took his leave of them. Once he was safely outdoors, Shojumaru grinned widely and directed a laugh to the skies, for though Shojumaru was indeed a name from his childhood, his true name was Mouri Motonari, the God of Deceit. Motonari was satisfied with the events of the night. He’d tested the skills of two of the era’s most renowned spymasters, obtained insight into how they operated, and escaped without them learning his identity.
Yes, it had been a good night.
Back inside the Inn…
“He lost on purpose,” Shin told Kyubei, for he had kept track of the cards played.
“I figured as much.” Kyubei glanced around the room, nodding to another man, a man with long dark hair. The dark haired man nodded back, then headed out into the storm. “Hm. I wonder if the proprietor keeps a shogi set on hand… unless you’d be willing to give up the room to a simple courier.”
“I would not.” Shin signaled the Innkeeper. “Although playing shogi amounts to much the same, for I am in no way a master of that game.” Even with that disclaimer, he was willing enough to play, and as the Innkeeper did keep a game board on hand, the two moved to a low table to continue their competition.
Kyubei tossed five tokins onto the board – enough landed promotion side up to designate him the first player. As both men stuck to standard moves to open the board, they were able to make idle conversation. “You sent your man out after him?” Shin didn’t identify the ‘him,’ but Kyubei correctly interpreted the question to mean Shojumaru.
“Dear me, who do you take me for? We’ve already established that I’m only a simple courier.” At Shin’s disbelieving look, Kyubei added, “I imagine that someone interested in the activities of this Shojumaru would be extremely incompetent if he did not have the man followed.” Kyubei advanced the silver general. “There could be any number of interested parties out there following him… ninjas… mitsumono…?”
“One could make that assumption.” It would be an incorrect assumption; the mitsumono were actually tailing ‘Kyubei’s’ man. As Shin did not care to continue that line of conversation, he picked up a shogi piece and turned it over and over in his hand. “I find it interesting that the only two characters in shogi who cannot be promoted are the king and the gold general, for the king cannot become a God, and the gold general… cannot become a king.”
“I find it interesting that a man so willing to philosophize about the nature of a wooden tile, is indeed not very good at this game.” Kyubei studied the board. “Unlike Shojumaru, I can tell that you are making a concerted attempt to win here. You are not even close to succeeding.” He shook his head and tsked. “I truly hoped to find a competent opponent in you.”
Unconcerned, Shin attempted to wrest the tide of the game back to himself. “I did tell you that in Shogi, I am no more than an amateur.”
“So you did. I hoped it was a lie to lure me in.” Kyubei’s castle formation closed in on Shin’s king.
“Would I do that?” Shin winced as one of his pawns was taken off the board. “As it happens, I find there are too many other things that need doing ahead of practicing a game, even one that involves complicated strategy.” Shin took another long moment to admire the tea maid – and she took a much longer one to admire him back. “Why play a strategy game, when so much of life… love… war… is already strategic?”
“Because,” Kyubei replied, as he picked up the rook, “it’s never simply a game. One can learn so much about an opponent by facing them across the board. Are they ruthless? Are they focused? Who are they willing to sacrifice to achieve victory? Who do they try to save?” He gestured to the game board, where Shin’s pawns were mostly all still in play, alive, unsacrificed. Then he placed the rook before the king. “Checkmate.”
Without waiting for Shin to confirm, Kyubei stood up. “I believe I have won the right to the room.” He bowed to Shin, then followed the waiting maid up to the second floor, to claim his prize of a room and a bed for the night. As he made himself comfortable on the futon, he smiled to himself. Yes, it had been a profitable evening. One of his spies was making headway on the identity of this Shojumaru, he had bested the Tiger of Kai in a game of shogi, and more importantly, he’d obtained insight into how his opponent thought and operated. With that happy thought, the Silver Kitsune, whose name was not Kyubei, but Mitsuhide, dropped off to sleep.
Ah, but do not worry about the man Mitsuhide called the Tiger of Kai. While Shin had kept the other two men occupied with the games, the Innkeeper, who was one of his mitsumono, had carefully searched their belongings. Nor was he going to be turned away without a soft place to sleep, for the maid invited him to spend the remainder of the night in her bed. Yes, he too was pleased with the evening. Not only did he have a warm bed and an enthusiastic companion, but he’d gained insight into how his opponents thought and operated. With that happy thought, the man, whose name was not Shin, but Shingen, dropped a kiss on the forehead of the well-satisfied maid, cuddled her close, and drifted into sleep.
And so, while the tale of the game between The Silver Kitsune, The Tiger of Kai, and the God of Deceit began ominously, not with a ‘once upon a time,’ but ‘a dark and stormy night,’ it ended happily enough for all involved parties.
…especially the maid.
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[Fic] The Girl who Saved Us All {Part One}
((This fic is based off of a hypothetical idea that I came up with sometime back. In the story, the reader has super strength that she’d somehow acquired due to a malfunction in the wormhole (I think y’all can tell that I love Superstrong!Reader xD), and the Oda and Uesugi-Takeda forces have allied together to defeat Kennyo and Motonari. I’m not sure if they actually do this in the game’s story so please forgive me if there are any accidental spoilers ;; But with that said, enjoy!
✿*゚¨゚・ ✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚・✿.。.:* ✿*゚¨゚・ ✿.。.:*
As you and your warlord companions rode towards Azuchi castle, you couldn’t help but feel your blood boil. You all were so close to defeating Kennyo and Motonari’s forces, but their soldiers only seemed to multiply, and soon your own were outnumbered which left you with no choice but to retreat. Your luck had been tested, and you absolutely hated it.
You grimaced as a bullet of pain shot through your right arm. That gash Motonari had given you made your arm feel like it was only seconds away from falling off, and the violent rain didn’t help either. What made it even worse was that you had several more wounds on your body from the fight. Seriously, how strong were those guys? You’d never encountered anybody with strength like theirs before, despite having superhuman strength yourself.
Hideyoshi saw your reaction to the pain, and was quick to approch you, his horse galloping next to yours.
“Are you alright (Name)?” He asked, concern evident in his voice.
You nodded, smiling at his usual consideration.
“Yes, thank you Lord Hideyoshi,” you replied.
The dirty blonde laughed softly.
“How many times have I asked you to be less formal with me, (Name)?” He said teasingly, making you chuckle.
“Well, it’s not that I can help it, my lord. You are of superior status, after all,” you said, only to be cut off by another sting in your arm.
Hideyoshi’s expression grew concerned once more when you winced.
“Your wound is clearly terrible. Has Ieyasu looked at—”
“I have. I looked at it at our last stop,” Ieyasu cut him off. “And to answer your question, yes it’s getting better. The pain is a sign that the medicine is working.”
Hideyoshi gave a relieved sigh.
“That’s good to hear.”
Before any of you could say more, Nobunaga’s loud voice cut you off.
“Halt now!” He cried, panic evident in his usually carefree voice. “There’s a cliff ahead!”
Shocked gasps and murmurs echoed throughout the armies as you, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu exchanged worried glances. Reluctantly, Hideyoshi shouted his orders at the men behind you.
“You heard my lord! Halt at once!”
At that point, everyone had stopped. The only sound audible through the harsh thunder was the hiss of everybody’s hushed whispers of panic.
While you tried to assess the situation, Sasuke trotted next to you on his own brown horse.
“Hey, (Name),” he whispered.
You turned your head with confusion in your (color) eyes. He leaned in close to your ear, ignoring the warm blush that formed on your cheeks.
“This may sound crazy but I’m pretty certain that this storm is no ordinary one,” he said.
At this point you had to rattle your brain to understand what the hell he was talking about.
“What? What do you mean?”
He gave you a knowing look before leaning back in.
“That’s a wormhole. Such dark clouds and such violent lightning could never be caused by any ordinary storm.”
Suddenly it hit you. The wormhole! How could you forget about that? But it seemed a bit too soon for its arrival, unless you were having so much fun in the Sengoku era that you didn’t even notice the time fly by. However, the sight of the lightning scared the daylights out of you. Was it supposed to be red? And the clouds too. They were almost black. What the hell was going on?!
“Um, Sasuke?” You asked, earning a “hm?” From him. “Is it just me or does the wormhole look a bit… dark?”
The ninja adjusted his glasses before rubbing his chin in thought.
“Actually, you’re right. I never predicted that it would resemble anything this intimidating. Usually wormholes are characterized by purple clouds but this one,” he grimaced slightly at the sight. “Looks almost apocalyptic.”
“What are you two imbeciles rambling about?” Ieyasu piped up.
Sasuke pointed up to the sky.
“That storm. It’s no ordinary one,” he replied.
The blonde’s irritated expression only grew more irritated.
“It obviously isn’t. You speak as if you’ve never even seen a storm before to know if it’s normal or not,” he said, huffing.
You rolled your eyes at him and Sasuke blinked. Hideyoshi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in aggravation.
“Alright, enough of your bickering,” he said. “We must focus on the real issue here. There is a cliff that is keeping us from reaching home safely, along with a very dangerous looking storm that is approaching as we set speak. Now you must promise me that you’ll obey every order that Lord Nobunaga gives you. Understand?”
The three of you nodded in response.
“We understand,” you said in unison, earning a nod of approval from the man.
Suddenly, a bellowing horn rang out behind everyone and stunned all of you. Soon, an Oda soldier cane tumbling forward and hurried towards the confused Nobunaga.
“My lord! This is urgent!” He cried as he bowed in front of the ravenette.
Nobunaga raised an eyebrow.
“What is it?”
The soldier looked up at him with a fearful expression, as if he’d seen the depths of hell himself. “Mouri and Kennyo! They’ve followed us here! They have their troops with them and they don’t look like they’ll back down any time soon!”
A fearful silence filled the crowd of soldiers as Nobunaga stared down at the frantic man in shock. They were back, even after they’d won the battle from earlier? Did they want Nobunaga’ head that badly?
The warlord could feel his blood run a bit cold. What was this feeling? Fear? No, he never felt fear, especially not during a time like this, when the steaks were so thrillingly high. But why could he feel a chill run up his spine? He shook his head before turning back to face everyone else.
“YEAH!!!” The soldiers bellowed back with their fists in the air.
You and the other warlords watched it all happen, hope and courage filling your hearts as all of you turned around, following Nobunaga’s lead.
Your hair flowed through the wind as the ineffable speed created moisture in your eyes. Maybe you could beat them after all. Ignoring the pain that shot through your veins, you looked ahead at the approaching enemy troops in the distance.
Hopefully y’all enjoyed part one of this fic! Part 2 will be coming out soon! ^_^
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skampi835 · 4 years
Hell of the Living
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I just read about the Unloved Characters Month event, hosted by @the-moonlight-dreams a few days ago and I really wanted to give it a try (besides having a good idea which left me giggling). Caution though, my english isn’t the best. You’ve been warned!
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Language: english
Genre: dark
Warning: blood, angst
Prompt: Day 11 - The Tavern
Word Count: 1.150
This turned out way darker than I thought. Maybe it’s not the best example for an unloving character, writing some dark fiction about him, but let’s just say I show my affection for Motonari by appreciating his madness. Don’t we love him, just because of that? No? - Argh damn!
Still I hope you’re enjoying this, because I had so much fun writing something about Motonari (and a hard time with the research and grammar).
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“Yer know, what I mean, aye?”
Toasting to himself, Motonari brings his glass he’s holding to his lips. The liquid burned his throat, drowning down into his stomach and leaves a refreshing warmth. It expelled the weariness that crept in his mind for some time by now. Why was he so tired?
Licking the drops, which had left on his lips, with his tongue away, he silently sat his glass down on the table he’s leaning. The crimson painted sky preludes the end of the day and welcomes the night with its raising shadows which were growing longer. The noises from afar jingles like music in his ears, accomplished to lift his spirits ever so joyfully, while leaving a rarely prickle on his skin.
Motonari weary and lazily searched the inside of the tavern with these unusual magenta coloured eyes of his. The dim lights of candles and lanterns reflected in them, leaving a shimmer, like gleaming rubies. But of course... he was aware since when he took seat on one of the stools at the counter. He knew all along that he was alone in here, besides of the innkeepers company of course.
“Bet ya knew at first sight, that I wasn’t in Sakai for a damn long time, eh?” Motonari asks with a wry smirk, leaning against the wooden table. Resting his head in a palm of his white-gloved hands, his eyes are watching the innkeeper. “Gotta say, a bunch has changed, don’t ya think?” He snickered almost gushing. “Lookin’ pretty vast, if yer ask me.”
The innkeeper doesn’t answer, his stoic expression plastering to the window, as if there was anything special to look at. But there was only the fading crimson light of the night. A soft sigh escapes Motonari’s mouth, ending in a hum. “Say, I’d some time to think.” He mutters, his eyes following the glance of the innkeeper. “Sakai is the front door to the whole country, aye? Like an entranceway.” He explains almost patiently. “Gotta feeling, this’ll be the best place to start, eh?”
Slowly Motonari spins the glass above the table, still leaning on his elbow, which is lazily cupping his cheek. “Better than rotten Aki. But... hell, everywhere’s better than Aki.” His phony laughter fills the air, which is soaked with the smell of iron. “Isn’t it ironic, the place, that’s still mine, I hate the most?” Motonari smirks, inclining his head slightly, facing the innkeeper. “Why, would yer ask? Sorry, but that’s a hell of a story to tell and I’ll not waste my time to some bloody landlubber.”
As fast as the dark clouds rose in Motonari’s mind, he sealed the thoughts of despair and sorrow deep in his heart back again, locking it firmly away. Aki carried a long span of his life, whereas he’d thrown into the depths of hell. The amount of unspoken things he’d done, desperately dragging him out of this hell, just to find himself in an even worse one. It was... anomalous painful. But this feeling lasted not for long, forged into blazing, consuming hatred, as he’d seen the truth on the edge of his own.
Motonari vacantly runs his fingers over his white-gloved hands, like they were armor, realizing a tiny spot of dotted red on the cloth. For a short time, the wounds behind this madman lay open, just beneath the surface. But he was all alone, besides the innkeepers company of course.
Lifting his head, Motonari gazes to the innkeeper. “Ya wanna say something?” He snarls. But the innkeeper remains silent. Suddenly the warlord’s laughing ill, nearly smashing the glass, as he raps one white-gloved hand, formed to a fist on the bar. “This festering cesspit of a world doesn’t deserve peace, aye? It can drown in its own filth.” His frigid magenta eyes were scowling at the innkeeper.
A wicked smile appearing on his face, Motonari slowly lifts his empty glass to the innkeeper. “Pour me another one.” He demands. But like before, the innkeeper remains silent, for he wasn’t the one who had spoken a word at all. His hollow eyes are still staring at the window, wherefrom the orange flicker of fire threw the shadows back.
With a heavy sigh, Motonari rose on his feet, sauntering behind the counter. With one white-gloved hand he takes the opened bottle of sake, pouring the liquor into his glass. “Disappointing.”, he grumbles. “Ya still don’t get it, eh? That might is right and life is war. If yer weak, you’re dirt. And if yer strong, you get to survive by eating the remains of the others. THAT’s the way it is.” Motonari takes a little sip of the glass, gazing resigned over the innkeeper, before filling his glass anew.
Strings of blood leaving the crushed body that lays halfway on the bar with its torso. Its lifeblood’s steadily running over the bar, dripping slowly onto the floor, blending to the amount of puddles and splatters, which had already painted the inside of the tavern red. The flames from the candles, lanterns and from the fire, spreading outside the tavern with cracking noises, are mirroring in the red of the pools, turning the atmosphere gloomy.
The air is thickening with the scent of smoke and iron. The music from afar keeps echoing in Motonari’s ears with the sound of terrified screams and dirty laughers from members of his crew.
After quietly placing the bottle back on its spot, Motonari takes his time, to drink. This is right, wasn’t it? Victory gives control over everything. The lives of the losers, even their deaths, their disgrace, their wealth and their worth...
“I don’t give a damn about it.”, Motonari disgruntled snarls, tossing the glass over his shoulders. With a splintering clang it shatters on the wooden floor, while he’s stepping over a pool of blood, to round the counter. His cloak waves lightly over his shoulder, although soaked with dried splatters of dotted red.
“Told ya.” Motonari draws his sword from its sheath with an metallic sound, looking over his shoulder to the dead bodies he’d leave behind, wearing a sick smirk. “Sakai’s the front door to the whole damn country. I started the party by setting fire in the entranceway for everybody to see.” His vicious smirk creeps among the bloody scene, before he's turning. “If yer all not willed to damn see I simply HAVE to put the hell of a show! And when the blood from your broken bodies turns to froth on the sea and this world shows its glory consumed by an ocean of fire, THEN you just have to realize, that we’re already living in hell!”
As he exits the tavern, Motonari’s maddening laughter echoed hauntingly in the night. It mixes with the raucous sounds of the crackling fire from the burning buildings around and the dreadful, eerie screams in the alleys from the people, while his crew mercilessly ravaged the village. The flickering crimson flaming lights are illuminating the night, while sparks of embers floating up into the dark sky.
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